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=, BBY, moins, TT newer Sheet 39 Ey) } Sig. of Candidat Sig. of Invigilator. COMPUTER SCIEMCE SSC-I SECTION — A (Marks 12) Time allowed: 20 Minutes NOTE:- Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section ae to be answered on the question paper itsolf. lt should be completed In the first 20 minutes @ad handed over to the Contre Superintendent. Deletingioverwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead-genci!. Q.1 Circle the correct option A/B/C 1D. Each part cagsies one mark. () Which command in excel restricts user from entering wrong data in cells of a worksheet? A Data validation 8. —_Data fitering ©. Conditional formatting D. Data manipulation (il) Which of the following is open source operating system? A UNIX 8B Linux c pos D. Novell's Network (ji) By default, how many tabs are there in MS-Word 2010 Ribbon? A 7 B 8 c 9 Dp 10 {iv)__ In which of the following transmission, the time interval between the characters is always the same? A Synchronous transmission 8. Asynchronous transmission C. Satelite transmission D. Microwave transmission (Vv) Which of the following malware displays advertisement on the screen? A Virus 8. Worm Cc. Adware D. Trojan (vi) Who invented logarithm? A Blaise Pascal B. John Napeir C. Charles Babbage D. Herman Hollerith (vi) The process of converting digital signals into analeg signals is called: ‘A Modulation 8 Switching C. —Telecommunication D. —_Demodulation (vil) A network that places all nodes on a single cable is called: ‘A. Startopology 68. Ring topology C. Band topology D. Bus topology (ix) MS-Word saves file with which of the following fle extension? A txt B wp C. doc D. bak (%) Which of following is a non-impact printer? A Dotmatix 8 ~—Daisy-wheel C. Line printer. © -D. Laser (xi) Which of the following is NOT included in guided media? A. Coaxial cables 8. Infrared C. Fibre Optic cable D. Twisted cable (ii) The bar which contains the name of active application is known as: A. Task bar B. Menubar = C._—s‘Titlebar D. Toolbar Marks Obtained: 1801811 — Rall No [ Sig. of Candidate: og bt OR Feige Hg onal mal gutttlau 3 gage” Answer Sheet No, Sig, of Invigitator 1249) dito 220 ws LLP LVL ALIVE wrt HILL ee nye gol ye silie AMO ALO 1D SLM EI le IIS Cone d Seusidata wh zWorksheet / User Excel: (Command) sexe ctiou” Novell's Network 10 Data fitering Data manipulation a Dos ~ 9 oe Data validation 3! 2 Condtional formating -& ‘e-open source operating systemL et utiow : Linux UNIX wi Suptabs atk < det MS-Word 2010 Ribbon oy 8 na 7 ow te trsuLE Time interval Ua Characterstu™ Vie kubiow Asynchronous transmission Trojan Bus topology bak Laser Tool bar Microwave transmission Adware John Napeir Herman Hollerith Switching Demodulation ~» Band topology 1 Line printer Infrared ‘Twisted cables pelle Title bar — Synchronous transmission 3! 2 Satelite transmission -& te rfecrenielges Aimaiware) Ae ttiguc ~ Worm owe Views te eS logaritam Blaise Pascal -Wi ” Charles Babbage sur bat il PU = Modulation 3! : Telecommunication st GEILE SLi Anetwork Lif nodes 7 -& Ringtopology ~~ Star topology -4 save tL fle extension ttin.2A Ji EMS-Word & Wp oe at {e-nomimpact printer ut <% Daioy-whee! Dot matrix Seutitutguided media ewe tbioue S Coaxial cables i ” Fibre Optic cable -& ‘edur¥ active application (bar), we euine -& © Menubar Task bar Zz] rsa 011 “ i Ww “ wi) wil) iwi (oo 9 (s) iy feu Dee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee Time allowed: NOTE:- Answer any nine parts from Section ‘ COMPUTER SG@IENCE SSC-I 38 Total Marks Sections B and C: 43 ‘and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e. Sheet-& If required. Write your answors neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION — B (iigeks 27) Answer any NINE parts from the following. All queeiions carry equal marks. () Describe briefly PAN networking. (ii) List the advantages of ring topology. (ii) Give any three common symptoms of infected computers by malware attacks. (iv) Why is operating system important software for a computer? Give any three reasons. (v) Define Real Time System. (vi) What is meant by CDMA? (93527) (vil) State any three problems which may occur if peer-to-peer network is used for a large number of users ina large organization, (vill) Compare Macintosh OS and Linux OS. (ix) Write down a brief note on Asynchronous transmission (*) Briefly describe the page orientation in MS-Word program. (xi) What is Inpage Urdu editor? (xi) Differentiate between attenuation and amplification. (xi) What is network architecture? Name its different types. SECTION - ¢ @iierks 16) Attempt any TWO questions. All questions cay equal marks. Discuss any four output devices. Write a note on the following: () Router (i) Hypertink (il) Bluetooth =v) ISDN. (2x8=16) (2+2+202) (2+2+242) Define computer ethics and write down some important moral guidelines for ethical use of computer technology. 18a 1011 — (246) Hecon ual Gaal Gutttla Aya pri edt L240 BLAU 2 Meher ot 1208) I & pn Lg YG hr teoeLewL iy” ups" ed Aye nErtdtocgnr L Ale pSlezd Abishectayeci-£i + | 21D) prio | (ex3=27) AE ROE LIZ 09) She tibiae LAIN GiePAN (i) ASEsing topology i) Ect E MW Sied te malware attacks (iil) -Eoaprt fie software fuel operating system LL xf i) -gfe>linf Real Time System —_(v) SealYeCDMA (vi) | Livdentne LIP rec peerto-peer Up iund At users eid 2 Ula torganizationsn” (vl) atta if -Z ile Linux OS ¢ Macintosh OS (vill) ! ~utLiALLiAsynchronous transmission (ix) | Gets AS page orientation tp4zMS-Word (x) i SEW inpage Urdu editor (xi) 1 -fokSiey»Lamplicationsiattenuation (xi) AL BILE network architecture (xi 164P) praio {{(2x8=16) Cumed Lump i eur » dS 2124242) wp fatgdevicessiestnsht rly 4 parva) wtihioe tAlr | Hyperlink (il) Router (i) ISON (iv) Bluetooth dil) 2) LW PALEL Aj etbicallys (technology Sa Cedel obeinduifid us / aA Computer ethies :3Ui- | sae — 4 i g Ben 6 Oe eee ee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee eee eee yy cots = (eee elem) Anawor SheotNo SF if) Sig. of Candidate. Sig. of invigilator. J COMPUTER SCIENGE SSCH SECTION — A (Magis 12) Id Syllaby Time allowed: 20 Minutes (Old Syllabus) NOTE:- Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section asp to be answered on the question paper itself. lt should be completed in the first 20 minutes an handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead papell. Q.1 Circle the correct option A/B/C/D. Each part carte one mark. (@) An Assembier is aan: A Lowdevel language B. System Software C. Application Software D. Translating Machine (i) Transistor was invented in A 198AD «B.S 1947AD—G.—1950AD 1952 AD (ii) RAM of a computer is A Permanent storage B. Secondary Memory ©. Primary storage D. —_Non-Volatile Memory (iv) Which of the following is NOT a semiconductor memory? A ROM BRAM Cc. PROM D. Secondary Memory (¥) Space bar on a keyboard is a part of the: ‘A Alpha Numeric Keypad 8, Numeric Keypad C. Function Keys editing keys D. _ Screen Navigation and editing keys (vi) The numbers of tracks in one cylinder of hard disk with two platters is: A 4 16 c 8 DB 32 (vi) Which of the following is NOT an executable command? A cs B. REM Cc REN D. copy (vill) Which of the following is DOS intemal command? A ERASE 8 EDIT C. DELTREE =D. sys (ix) The command is NOT present on edit menu of MS-Word: A Font 8. GoTo Cc. Find Dd. CHr+z (x) Atextbox is a type of: A Command box B. Menubox —C,—_List box D. Dialog box (x) By default, MS Word automatically saves your document after every: A Sminutes B10 minutes. C.-—1S minutes. «=D. 30 minutes (xi) Pressing Ctrl+ Shift + A causes: A. To select whole document B. To highlight the selected text C. To capitalize the selected text D. Office assistance to appear For Examiner's use only: ‘Total Marks: 12 | Maree Obtained: d — 18a 1011 — Roll No. ‘Answer Sheet No. Sig of Candidate 89 of Ivigiator bt onal add Gattle | ya” (Old Syllabus) (124A) Jitaco 20 sh 7 OF Wig oF iS vin LL ALG ALKs ot Ki Lt oa elo et) A LWLO Ay SLaNesrne E31 Glog II wiles Yr enw Assembler () ‘System Software Low-level language -2h Translating Machine =) Application Software =< Anil. Transistor (ii) (il) 1982 1980 -& 11987 11948 sh ~~. RAM tf (i) OxSit = Barta, tb Geb oe or ae tect? semiconductor memonsoietutionr — (w) Secondary Memory ” PROM a RAM ~ ROM ih Sewn Space bar (Vv) AS Numetic 4gS Alpha Numeric -h Hf Screen Navigation and editing -» EL Punction — -& pA Stracks gi fithard disks platters » (vi) 32 - t 16 Cees eu executable commandsutttin (vil) COPY ” REN -& REM. CLS -wH ‘¢AUDOS intemalio¥e tol (vil) SYS» —_DELTREE EDIT ERASE 3) Sedu edit SMs-Wordsvrwe tition — () cWl+Z Find -& GoTo Font -t eS. Textboxfi (x) Aes Ww Ne ww ah etl savewtL, rf documents#:9MS Wordzahile (xi) 30 15 wo wo te L42Ctd + Shift +A (xii) etbstHighlighte-£ (Text) qtn(Select)FDocumentiy tI qth 7 (Office Assistant Co] Aw 2] At flu a= SAAB BE RRB RE R RRR ERR EER RRR RRR eee eee COMPUTER SGHENCE SSC-I te (Old syllabus) Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 43 NOTE:- Answer any nine parts from Section ‘B’ and any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary anewer sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. 27) @.2 Answer any NINE parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4 lines. (9x3=27) () Differentiate between System Software and Application Software, (ii) What is the difference between Computer Hardware and Software? (ii) Whatis Port? Differentiate between Serial Port and Parallel Port. (iv) What are Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar? (v) What is DOS External Command? Give any two examples. (vi) Write briefly about the following DOS Internal Commands: a cD pb. DEL e OR (vi) In what ways RAM and ROM differ? (vil) Describe the basic difference between an Analog and a Digital computer (%) Define a Scanner and name its types. (%) Why Machine and Assembly languages are called ‘Low Level Languages’? (x) Define CD writer. (xi) What features are available in Print Preview? (xii) What are the different Paragraph Alignment options? ‘SECTION — C (tna 16) Note: ‘Attempt any TWO questions. All questions cary equal marks. (2x8=16) @.3 a Whatis CPU? Desoribe its different units. (01+03) b. Whats System Bus? Differentiate between Data bus and Address bus? (01403) Q.4 a. Whatare the steps required to Shutting Down and Restarting Windows? (04) b. _ Whatare benefits of using an Anti-virus programm? (04) @.5 a. _ Describe the functions of Input Devices in a computer. Briefly write about keyboard La What is the significance of Bytes? Explain the relation of other Memory Units with Bytes. (02+0: —1sa te —

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