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Is currently promoting an opportunity to create value by investing in a Colombian oil operator, in order
to develop mature oil fields that will be available at year’s end in a bidding process promoted by ANH
and Ecopetrol.

1) First stage investment is estimated in USD 3,5 million, in order to acquire at least 65% equity in a Panama
company that owns the Colombian oil operator “Operator ”, as well as to obtain the bidding process
information packages and other initial expenses.
2) The company currently has an interest in a non-producing block.
3) We’re currently reaching an agreement with the ANH, the Colombian national authority regarding
hydrocarbons, to obtain a “block swap” that is possible under current regulations.
4) Current options involve blocks with target 4.000.000 barrels of recoverable reserves, with production,
infrastructure and stalled development.
5) Operator’s current value is in the USD 4 million neighborhood, mainly due to the oil operating license,
as well as USD 3,5 mn in tax credits. Value will increase tenfold after swap process is completed

BTEG-Colombia FUND provides a smart investment and credit solution, offering

excellent returns for investors.

6) Additional funds will be needed to further develop the field and grow production. This will be
done by issuing equity and debt instruments, such as entering a volumetric production payment
7) Our group possesses relevant information in order to bid for interest in attractive blocks at year’s
end in the ANH-Ecopetrol process.
8) Attractive blocks that Ecopetrol will spin-off include producing blocks with 1.500-3.000 BOD that can
be grown to double production.
9) Blocks awarded will be developed issuing additional equity-debt instruments.
10) After oilfields are developed, early exit strategies are available, such as selling the equity or floating
the company in a developed exchange.

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