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Different Types of Feminism

Conservative Feminism

Conservative feminism criticizes the feminism which "adopts a male model of careerism and public
achievement as female goals, thereby denying women's need for intimacy, family, and children." They
fear that "equality means death to the family." They often reject the popular feminist epigram, "the
personal is political."

Liberal Feminism

Liberal feminism sees all people as equal, therefore there should be equality for all. They see sexism as
dysfunctional because it deprives society of one-half of its creative work force. Oppression exists
because of our socialization process.

Radical Feminism

Radical Feminism sees the oppression of women as fundamental and the most basic form of oppression.
All other forms of oppression stem from male dominance. The purpose of this oppression is to obtain
psychological ego satisfaction, and strength and self-esteem.

Socialist Feminism

Socialist Feminism links women's oppression to the class structure. Sexism is a way of rewarding the
working class male; it gives them control over women. Women's work is less valued because it does not
produce exchangeable goods.

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