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Taller de compresión de lectura

Activity AP04-EV04

Taller de compresión de lectura

Isabel Cristina Torres Morera

National Learning Service

Markets management file 2010654

Teacher Adriana Vargas

Bogotá 2020
Taller de compresión de lectura

Lea con atención el texto “Supply and Demand”, que se encuentra en el objeto de

aprendizaje de la Actividad de Proyecto 4, y conteste:

1. Match the Word with the corresponding meaning:

a. Supply __C__Expensive

b. Demand __B__Desire to buy any producto

c. High Price __D__All people

d. Mass market __E__The lifetimeof godos and services

e. Life cycle __A__Disposition to offer products

2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to determine the


According to the reading, what should be taken into account to determine the demand is

to carry out an investigation where you can determine the tastes or preferences, number

of consumers, income, consumer expectations and the prices of related goods.

3. Write F for false or T for true

a. Production cost depends on Technology

F ( ) V (X)
Taller de compresión de lectura

b. As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from the companies.

F (X) V ( )

c. One of the four Ps of marketing mix is Package

F (X) V ( )

d. Price is the amount a customer pays for the product

F ( ) V (X)

e. Planning is to transform and develop marketing objectives to marketing strategies

F ( ) V (X)

4. Answer the following questions

a. What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is the process where the performance of a company's products or

services is measured and thus knowing who is the best, also measures the companies

recognized as the best in their class.

b. what is the process of benchmarking?

The processes that must be taken into account in the benchmarking are: planning,

analysis, integration and action.

Taller de compresión de lectura

c. number the aspects to be taken into account in benchmarking

The aspects that must be taken into account in the benchmarking are the following:

1. product

2. Price

3. Sales systems

4. Payment systems

5. Advertising

6. Promotion

7. Location

8. Organization

9. Planimetry

5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the reading, and make a Glossary:

Organize the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of each


Advertising: It is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience

to continue or take some new action.

Companies: Entity in which capital and labor intervene as factors of production of

Taller de compresión de lectura
industrial or mercantile activities or for the provision of services.

Consumer: is a person or organization that demands goods or services for a change of

money provided by the producer or supplier of goods or services

Costs: Amount of money that a thing costs.

Demand: it refers to the desire, ability, and disposition o f consumers to buy any


Marketing: Set of techniques and studies that aim to improve the marketing of a


Market equilibrium: occurs in those markets in which the quantity demanded by

consumers equals the quantity supplied by companies

Organization It is a social unit of people systematically structured and managed to

meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis.

Passion: Emotion, feelings. The emotions as distinguished from reason, a strong taste

or devotion for some activity.

Taller de compresión de lectura
People: A product focusing on a specific target market based on demographic,

geographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics. Once the target market is

chosen, the company can develop its marketing strategies to target this market.

Place: It represents the location where a product or service can be purchased and the

distribution channel. coverage, assortments, locations, inventory and transportation of

the product or service.

Planimetry: It is the measurement of plane surfaces; for example, the determination

of, angles, horizontal distances and areas on a map.

Preferences: Circumstance of preferring or being preferred by someone to a person or

thing over other people or things.

Price: It´s is the amount a customer pays for the product. it includes Retail

price/wholesale, discounts, quantity discounts, credit terms, sales and payment periods.

Product: It is the tangible object or service that can be offered.

to an acquisition, use or consumption market that

It could satisfy a desire or a need.

Promotion It refers to the communications with the public in an attempt to influence

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them toward buying your products and/ or services.

quantity Aspect or characteristic of the things by virtue of which these are countable

or measurable.

Supply: it is related to the ability and disposition of producers to offer products for


supply curve: The firm's supply curve shows the quantity that a producer is willing to

sell of a good, at a given price, keeping constant the other factors that may affect the

quantity supplied.

The demand curve: is the graphic representation of the mathematical relationship

between the maximum quantity of a certain good or services that an established

consumer to buy and its Price.

6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity.

In reading, we find about supply and demand, which are two very important concepts

in the economy, are related to each other.

Demand: refers to the desire, capacity and willingness of consumers to buy any


supply: relates to the ability and willingness of producers to offer products for sale.
Taller de compresión de lectura
We also find the factors that determine them, a variety of tools are used to achieve the

objectives of a company by performing a combination called marketing mix that refers

to the types of marketing variables.

The 4 P's of the marketing mix are: price, promotion, place, product.

Benchmarking is also defined as the procedure to determine who is the best.

is a quantity of the quality of the company's products, policies, programs,

tactics etc.

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