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2012 International Conference on Education Technology and Management Engineering

Lecture Notes in Information Technology, Vols.16-17

Research of Data Structure Teaching Based on Internet Network

Gelan Yang 1, a, Huixia Jin 1,b

Department of Computer Science, Hunan City University, Yiyang, 413000, China

Keywords: data structure, teaching methods, teaching network

Abstract. Data structure is the type of information professionals an important foundation for the
professional course with a certain degree of difficulty and abstraction, so that e-learning courses in
the mode of teaching methods is an issue worth exploring. The article on the network to develop
educational software, on-line teaching and the experimental design were made in-depth analysis to
students in programming and the ability to solve practical problems.

With the expanding of network teaching, more and more college students begin to addict to the
internet, so the design of more scientific network teaching environment is given more attention
nowadays. In network teaching, not only the teaching content should be emphasized, but also a safe
network teaching environment should be provided. This paper investigates the relationship between
the network teaching environment and internet addiction and a model of network teaching
environment is designed to enhance the environment and improve the effectiveness of the network
teaching. With the extensive application of computer, more and more people learning computer
courses. "Data structure" is one of the core curriculum in the Computer Course, and other
non-computer professional elective course, is the essential basis of professional staff engaged in the
development and application of computer software. The learning process of the data structures course,
is a complex procedure designed training process. Years of teaching process, students generally
reflect the course more difficult to learn of some abstract concept, the algorithm is difficult to
understand and master how to improve the teaching effectiveness of this course in a network
environment, is a question worth exploring.
The traditional education is made in classrooms where the teacher presents the learning material to
a group of students. The educational technology depends mainly of teacher and the students must
physically participate in the learning process. Regardless of obvious advantages as a direct contact
between a teacher and students and immediate feedback the traditional classroom education has many
disadvantages. For example if the student has no ability to take part in some lesson he or she will miss
the training material. These disadvantages lead to search for new and more effective educational
methods. The rapid growth of information and communication technologies and rising computer
knowledge of the students make possible appearance of these new educational forms. If 15 years ago
the main accent have been on Computer Based Training which used primary CD and local area
networks as information medium, 5 years ago the accent is moved to use of Internet and Learning
Management Systems. The e-Learning as new term is appeared.
Network education in the education modernization plays a more and more important role. Through
the network teaching, using digital learning environment, can promote education concept, teaching
content and method reform, improve the quality and efficiency of teaching, to improve the students'
learning ability and in the information society of the survival and development of the ability. How to
978-1-61275-016-3/10/$25.00 ©2012 IERI ETME2012
the data structure course of network teaching, improve teaching quality is worthy of discussion. In the
following sections, combined with our development of the data structure of network teaching
courseware to talk about network teaching principle, the interactive teaching network, network
courseware development, etc.

The network teaching should adhere to the principles

The network teaching should establish the modern education: "with the teacher as the main body", "to
the course as the center" the traditional education into "to the students as the main body", "to the
students as the center" the new education, from "to impart knowledge primarily" for change in
training students' independent obtain knowledge, found that the ability of knowledge innovation is
given priority to, the development of students' innovation ability in an important position.
Online teaching by teaching contents primarily: "content primarily" this words suitable for books
and is more suitable for the pages on the site, its teaching content can be anything, such as text,
pictures, images, sounds, etc, but must be as the teaching website will provide the student information
have relations.
Comprehensive use of various technical means: the network teaching should avoid single
electronic document type of reading teaching, the integrated use of electronic board, online video,
audio, animation and so on many kinds of remote technical means for the students to create a good
learning environment. Not only different from the traditional classroom teaching, yet Teaching lively.
Diversity of teaching method: choose the right of the text, graphics, audio and video and other
multimedia display form, and strive to content efficiently, beautiful and concise. For the data
structure course, more should make full use of multimedia technology with visual for features, to
make the abstract algorithm process show to the students through the simple, intuitive form image.

Interactive network teaching

Interactive network teaching exceeded the boundaries of different areas, so that teaching extends
from curricular to extracurricular. It features:
First, the teaching methods breakthroughs in space and time constraints of traditional classroom
teaching. Traditional teaching methods, teacher-led, student-centered classroom teaching more
content is not easy to consult the student's ability to accept and teaching effectiveness. Interactive
network teaching mode, students feedback the question timely to the Web by the networks. One hand,
can get the related classmate online response, even if not timely online response, but the long-term
results of accumulation of online resources, can be in the problem of online resource center through
the key word inquires the way find similar topics and its corresponding solutions, on the other hand,
the teacher can regularly collect and analysis the corresponding problems, and to make the guidance,
and greatly improve the classroom teaching feedback effect.
Second, it broke through the limitations of educational objects. All different regions, people of
different age, race and skin color can receive equally interactive education by the network. The
number of online learning also broke a limited number of classroom space, the process of teaching
from the classroom extends to society as a whole, thus contributing to build a complete sense of
lifelong education system.
Third, this interactive network teaching is the breadth and depth of knowledge to further
expansion, can be applied to the improvement of quality education. Based on the above factors, the
students at home, in extra-curricular can also accept online teaching. Can not only supplement the
master in the classroom, can also further expand the students 'extra-curricular knowledge through
online teaching resources, which requires the construction of online learning resources to pay
attention to strengthening the construction of extra-curricular knowledge and material, enrich
students' extracurricular knowledge, and the students can also through the search engine functions
find online knowledge of web resources, further expand the knowledge base, be conducive to the

development of quality education.
Again, the interactive network teaching can play the enthusiasm for independent study, to enhance
students' creativity and inner potential. In the design of network teaching process, we should note that
to play the principal role of students, cteating teaching atmosphere to stimulate learning interest.
To try to exert students' main initiative, and we have to pay attention to the teaching of the
interaction. The conventional education, sometimes make a lot of our students are in a passive state,
in this case, go against the main body active understanding, The Internet age, the open education put
forward, which is beneficial to the old teaching reform; At the same time requirements we use various
of teaching methods to carry on the teaching, including making multimedia teaching, streaming
media synchronization teaching, advanced electronic teaching, and exploring teaching online
interactive teaching to improve our teaching method, make the students happy to learn, ready to ask,
are willing to study diligently, and under the guidance of teachers understand their own point of view
and find solutions to problems.

The development of data structure network courseware

The network courseware development should be done in the clear goal, In the teaching content
requirements organization reasonable, to solve important difficulties. On strategy, require the use of a
variety of teaching and learning methods, students can actively participate in the study, provide study
evaluation. Multimedia courseware, requiring pictures, image-rich, audio-visual media for artistic
expression, controlled media, high quality, use of effective animation, interactive and diverse
feedback, easy to operate. In the system artistry reasonable interface layout, color harmony, unity of
style operation.
The script writing is a critical step in courseware development, the script is good or bad often
determines the extent of the courseware architecture and interactive, so we should ask those who have
rich experience writing experts or scholars to write the script, Or choose a practical teaching
examination materials as the script for courseware development.
Learning content organization: Network courseware according to three aspects of the logical
structure of the data structure, storage structure and data operations to establish the linear tables,
stacks, queues, strings, arrays, generalized tables, tree diagrams and documents, etc.
The teaching content of the fine row and optimization: For some main algorithm first introduce
algorithm thought, and then describe the algorithm process, from shallow to deep, from easy to
difficult, layered refinement, to develop. Visualization software and using Flash to display algorithm
to implement a process; This can help students to understand more easily , animation vivid, can
attract the attention of students. After class, the students can use visualization software to explore the
execution of the algorithm process, more help students' understanding.
Organization of the exercise: the selection of exercises and self-test questions with appropriate
depth and breadth is an important part of network courseware individualized instruction. The choice
of exercises must be the breadth and degree of difficulty into account, To cover the learned content, to
the problem in textbook sets choose the essence, try to choose inspiring of exercises.
Organization of the database: the network courseware need to design various testing types, such as
false questions, multiple choice and essay questions, etc, and on every subject to level Numbers. Free
to choose the kinds of questions, test content, degree of difficulty to complete the automatic
generation of.
System composition:computer courseware includes some of the features of the course content, the
algorithm demonstrates, online testing, online discussion and resource center. Online test provided
the questions of the online examination; Online discussion to provide online q & a, counseling
function, and is easy to realize teachers and students, between students and students exchange the
new ideas and solve the problems encountered in the study; Resource center to providecorresponding
reference material download, including learning materials, calendar year examination papers and the
simulated test questions, software download, and all kinds of network resources.
Courseware development based on the above principles can not only attract students' interest, but
also can greatly stimulate their imagination and creativity, making teachers and students to facilitate
the integration of courseware, Students can individual learning in the family, may also enter the
"virtual classroom" in discussions with teachers, so as to achieve the best teaching effect..

In summary, the age of the Internet network-based teaching mode have the advantage of
human-computer interaction, teacher-student interaction, people-oriented characteristics of
independent learning, to break through the boundaries of time and space, and extension of classroom
space, expand ways of thinking, Conducive to cultivate good thinking, high-quality personnel;Adapt
to the requirements of the educational development of the information age, the interactive network
teaching is becoming a new teaching methods, the majority of educators are looking forward to
exploration, development and innovation.

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