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Effectiveness of Multimedia in Learning & Teaching

Data Structures Online

S. Junaidu (
Information & Computer Science Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Dhahran, 31261, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract Online electronic education is now being widespread as courses in other disciplines in higher
widely accepted as a major viable component of higher education. The reasons for this are that, sci-
education. This is fuelled by the emergence of world- ence and engineering education has, traditionally,
wide information and computer communications tech- been content-centered, design-oriented, and is per-
nologies. However, online education is not as widely meated by the development of problem-solving
adopted in science and engineering subjects as it is in skills[5]. It is further argued that some of the
other fields because of the idiosyncrasies of some science special needs of undergraduate science and engi-
and engineering-based courses. For online engineering neering education have not been well served by
education to be broadly accepted and utilized, the quality methods of online education. Specifically, labo-
of online courses must, amongst other things, be com- ratories are a mainstay of engineering education,
parable to or better than those of traditional face-to-face as are mathematical foundations and design tools.
classroom education. This paper explores and reports on Laboratories[12, 24] are notably difficult to provide
the importance of creating multimedia-rich courseware online because of the traditional desire for the di-
and the important role that animations can play in cre- rect operation of instruments. Similarly, course ma-
ating a successful online learning experience. Results of terials that require significant use of mathematics
our study on an online data structures course over five have not been as easy to implement as topics that
years offerings show that students consistently perform require only text-based discussion[5].
much better in questions requiring application of ma- For online science and engineering education to
terial taught in carefully animated algorithms. These be broadly accepted and utilized, (1) the quality
results should carry over to other educational environ- of online courses must be comparable to or better
ments. than the traditional classroom, (2) courses should
be available when needed and accessible from any-
Keywords: Multimedia, e-Learning, Data Structures where by any number of learners, and (3) topics
across the broad spectrum of engineering disciplines
should be available. One way of meeting the first
1 Introduction requirement is through the use of multimedia in
creating interactive courseware that gives learner
The acceptance of online electronic education in control leading to potentially better learning expe-
colleges, universities and corporate organizations is riences.
now pervasive. This is made possible largely by the The potential of multimedia in education does
emergence and rapid development in worldwide in- have a theoretical foundation. Bagui[3] and
formation and computer communications technolo- Daniels[8] summarized the theory of multi-channel
gies. The initial skepticism with which online elec- communication in support of the potential for mul-
tronic education was greeted is now waning away. timedia. According to this theory, humans have
We are now witnessing not only the offering of a several channels by which data is communicated.
course or two online in traditional universities but If information is presented via two or more of these
the establishment of full-fledged degree programs channels, there will be additional reinforcement
online and online universities[25, 6, 7]. and, consequently, greater retention, thereby im-
Even with these developments, online electronic proving learning[10].
courses in science and engineering are not as Further support for the potential benefits of mul-
timedia is offered by research in learning styles. the requirement for learners to be able to choose
McCarthy[21] explored learning styles and identi- the appropriate data structure for modeling a given
fied four distinct approaches to learning: the feeler, problem.
the analyzer, the doer, and the creator. A multime- For the purpose of the study in this paper, the
dia approach presents the potential to address these aspect of learning under consideration is learners’
different approaches to learning, as was suggested ability to quickly acquire information and to ap-
by the research of[26]. ply the newly acquired information to solve prob-
This paper explores the effectiveness of multi- lems. We measure this learning quantitatively
media in helping students learn in an online under- through performance in examination and qualita-
graduate data structures course at our university. tively through focus interviews and learners’ writ-
By the time of this study, the course has been of- ten responses from our survey.
fered completely online for four years. I make use Data structures is an introductory foundation
of Ellis’s model for testing the effectiveness of mul- course and is typically taken early in the curriculum
timedia in this study. Ellis’s model is discussed in to give students sufficient grounding required in in-
the next section. The rest of the paper details the termediate and higher level courses. The student
purpose of the study, the algorithms selected for population for this study consists of BS students of
the study, the student population, data collection Computer Science and Computer Engineering pro-
and analysis, and conclusions of the study. grams at our university. Our data structures course
was designed around and meets fully the CC2001
curricular requirements[1].
2 Ellis’s Model for Multime- Multimedia elements in our courseware include
images, linear and non-linear animations and Java
dia Effectiveness applets, voice narration, an arrow indicator high-
Our work follows the model of[10] for establish- lighting current focus point, and well-placed inter-
ing precisely the value of multimedia in enhanc- active self-check exercises. Specifically, our study
ing learning. According to this model, any study focuses on the use of interactive animations to raise
of the effectiveness of multimedia as a tool to en- learners’ interest level, enhance understanding and
hance learning must specify: (a)learning in a man- increase memorability. We use Macromedia’s appli-
ner that is consistent with accepted learning theory, cations suite to animate, at the lowest granularity
(b) the student population under consideration, (c) level, complex algorithms that are otherwise cum-
the subject matter being studied, and (d) the media bersome to teach in the face-to-face style.
elements being studied, at what level of interactiv-
ity, and toward what end.
A typical data structures course like ours nor-
3 The Study
mally covers level 2 (comprehension), level 3 (ap-
3.1 Rationale of animations use
plication), level 4 (analysis) and level 5 (synthe-
sis) competency levels of the Bloom’s taxonomy[4]. Learning theorists state that to reach an objective
Level 2 competency is covered in the requirement or to acquire a skill, the learner must be actively in-
for learners to be able to describe common applica- volved through practice to cognitively incorporate
tions for each data structure, describe how the data it into long-term memory. The interaction or “do-
structures are allocated and used in memory, and ing the objective” helps the learner reach the ob-
explain the use of big-O to describe the amount of jective and recall the information, skill, or behav-
work done by an algorithm. Level 3 competency is ior that was learned[9]. Furthermore, Wolfgram[?]
covered in the requirement for learners to be able to states, “People only remember 15 percent of what
perform tasks illustrated in our animations. They they hear and 25 percent of what they see, but
should also be able to write programs that use ar- they remember 60 percent of what they interact
rays, strings, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash ta- with”. The aim of our study is to investigate the
bles, trees, and graphs. Level 4 competency is cov- effectiveness of a multimedia-rich data Structures
ered in the requirement for learners to be able to courseware in enhancing students learning. The
compare alternative implementations of data struc- multimedia elements in our courseware include im-
tures with respect to performance and also learn- ages, linear and non-linear animations and Java ap-
ers’ ability to compare and contrast the costs and plets, voice narration, an arrow indicator highlight-
benefits of dynamic and static data structures im- ing current focus point, and well-placed interactive
plementations. Level 5 competency is covered in self-check exercises.
Several dozen studies indicate that computer- tency, application of data structures knowledge to
based multimedia can improve learning and reten- solve problems in this case.
tion of material presented during a class session According to Michigan[22], the instruction
or individual study period, as compared to “tradi- needed to effectively deliver the knowledge con-
tional” lectures or study materials that do not use cerned with ability to perform tasks requires that
multimedia[3, 11, 16, 18]. Furthermore, a number the task be described to the learner, in terms of
of studies have suggested that student satisfaction what the end result will be, the steps involved to
and motivation is higher in courses that use mul- produce the results, and the order in which the
timedia materials[2, 28]. Multimedia draws upon steps must be performed. Traditionally, data struc-
more than one of the five human senses, utilizing tures and algorithms , like the ones highlighted
the two fundamental senses vital for information above, are typically taught by the instructor having
reception - sight and sound. Due to motion and to illustrate them with drawings on the chalkboard.
sound, it can also spark attention, interest and mo- Some of these algorithms can be cumbersome to
tivation in the process[23]. Rich multimedia com- teach this way even for the seasoned instructor.
bined with planned interactions that give control Furthermore, the instructor’s productivity within
to the user, as are salient in our courseware, are a single class time will be minimized and that such
expected to yield good pedagogical dividends. We drawings will have to be repeated in other classes.
set out to study and quantify these dividends in To overcome these limitations and to increase the
this research. Before proceeding, we first outline potential for learnability of the course material, we
the algorithms that we focus on in our studies and developed and animated carefully selected exam-
the aspect of learning we intend to measure. ples to teach data structures and algorithms.
The next section outlines the design and imple-
mentation of our animations. The animation devel-
3.2 Algorithms studied opment process and the tools used.
The objective of a data structures course, in gen-
eral, is to enhance students’ algorithm design,
analysis, application, and implementation skills 4 Developing the Animations
through the coverage of linear and non-linear data
structures. These skills are fundamental to a suc- An important issue in designing and developing
cessful career and advanced studies in computer- rich-media animations is the selection of an appro-
related fields. The study in this paper focuses on priate authoring system. Based on our experience,
four aspects: trees, graphs, hashing and applica- an authoring system must be characterized by the
tions. The competency targeted in our study is following elements for it to be effective: (a) Usabil-
students’ ability to demonstrate learning by apply- ity, (b) Foreign file import, (c) Granularity, and (d)
ing the concepts learned as exhibited in their ability Streaming capability.
to perform specific tasks. An authoring system should be user-friendly and
In addition to recognizing the suitability of B- should support a rich collection of functions that
trees as storage structures, in contrast to data give as much control to the user. A good author-
structures like the AVL trees, students should be ing system should be compatible with and support
able to perform the basic operations of insertion importing images and graphics created using other
and deletion in various kinds of trees including B- applications. It should enable the user to develop
trees. A major learning outcome in teaching graphs animations at the lowest level of granularity. It
is that students should be able to apply knowledge should support a streaming capability that enables
of graph traversals to solve a wide-range of graph a developed animation to be compiled and broken
algorithms. While understanding the trade-offs be- down into smaller units for easier deployment over
tween hashing and retrieval operations in other the network.
data structures, the students should be able to ap- Our investigations in[13], found that Macrome-
ply basic number-theoretic knowledge in building dia’s applications bundle provides a convenient and
and implementing hash tables. In the Applications effective environment for animations development.
part of our course, we use animations as pedagogic Our animations are developed using the applica-
tools to teach data compression, memory manage- tions in this bundle. Selection and design of ani-
ment and some recursive algorithms. We measure mation elements in our course were done collabora-
learning in this paper based on students’ ability tively among the course development team during
to effectively demonstrate Bloom’s Level 3 compe- the detailed design phase of the course[13].
Our animations on trees carefully and systemat- 4.1 Sample Population
ically exemplified all traversals, insertion and dele-
We now describe the student population under
tion cases. In the case of B-trees the associated
splitting and merging of nodes, where applicable, consideration in our study. The population con-
sists of young adult undergraduate students of BS
are shown clearly. The animations proceed gently
computer science and computer engineering. The
with indicators showing nodes underflow and nodes
course is core for all the students so the relevance
overflow before proceeding to carry out the merg-
of the course material is well recognized by the stu-
ing and splitting processes, respectively. The ani-
dents. However, the relevance of the course being
mation took about 30 hours to design and develop.
online has not been as clear in the minds of the
This includes the time to develop a voice narra-
students over the semesters. All students were re-
tion that explains the animations and to synchro-
nize the animation movements with the voice nar- quired to take the course online with no face-to-
face option. Furthermore, a greater majority of
ration. The animation runs to completion within
the students are not as matured as online learn-
about 15 minutes without user interaction. It can
ing requires. That is, the students are largely in-
take less time to preview if the user disables the
structor dependent who saw little or no need to
voice narration as is typical during revision.
have full control over the educational process. The
For graph algorithms, we animated the Dijk-
students are generally from above-average families
stra’s single-source shortest path algorithm, the
with many of them having their jobs already se-
Prim’s and Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree al-
cured. We should also mention that the data struc-
gorithms and others. The Dijkstra’s algorithm we
tures course was the only course taken online by the
animated, in particular, carries out the computa-
students in our on-campus university.
tions in phases while maintaining a tabular record
of the current shortest distances from the origin
vertex, the vertices inspected so far, the current 5 Data Collection & Analysis
vertex to be selected etc. This algorithm is highly
cumbersome to teach by drawing these elements on Data is collected from major examinations, final ex-
the board. This animation took about 40 hours to aminations and homework assignments for all stu-
design and implement. Students can conveniently dents’ who took the course from the 2001/2002 aca-
preview this animation within 11 minutes with high demic year to the 2005/2006 academic year. There
potential for raising interest level and increased were two major examinations and a final examina-
memorability. tion in each year. There were at least five assign-
Our animations on hashing carefully exemplify ments in each year. The first major examination
and graphically illustrate the concept of collision is mostly programming-based covering material on
and collision resolution in open addressing showing object-oriented design patterns, linear data struc-
how hash table locations are probed systematically tures, analysis of linear data structures and recur-
using the standard collision resolution schemes. Ci- sion. The second major examination is based on
chelli’s algorithm for building minimal perfect hash tree and graph algorithms with extensive algorith-
tables, by performing exhaustive searches, is also mic animations. The final examination is compre-
carefully animated showing and indicating, step-by- hensive covering material on hashing and applica-
step, the concept of backtracking that is otherwise tions of data structures in addition to the material
difficult to grasp. in the major examinations.
In the applications part of the course, we devel- The data collected is used to compare the rel-
oped animations illustrating data compression and ative performance, of the same students’ group in
decompression using Huffman coding, the LZ77, each semester, in different portions of the same on-
LZ78 and LZW of the Lempel-Ziv family of en- line course. The course portions are divided into
coding algorithms. There are also animations on two main parts; those with extensive algorithmic
memory management interactively showing the ac- animations and those with mere voice narration and
quire and release operations of the memory man- simple animations explaining concepts or program
ager while highlighting internal and external frag- segments.
mentation of memory storage. As in the other al- Assessment of the major learning outcome in this
gorithms, there is a significant time investment in study, to apply learned concepts to solve problems,
the design and development of the animations while was conducted using students’ examinations and
students’ preview times for the different algorithms assignments results. Performances were compared
range between 4 to 8 minutes. at various levels in each semester. Comparisons
were made first at the level of the examinations clude illustrations on linked list operations in addi-
(among the majors and the final) and at the level of tion to an arrow indicator and textbox highlighter
the assignments. At the second level, performance that compliment the voice explanations. Students’
comparisons were made at topics level and, at the mean performances in these assignments are com-
third level, performance comparisons were made on paratively lower than those in Assignments 3, 4 and
the kind of questions asked on the individual topics. 5 even though the programming material is sup-
On graph traversals, for example, students could be ported by extensive practice in the instructor-led
asked to analyze a given algorithm, to implement a laboratory component of the course.
certain algorithm or to apply a specified algorithm
on a given graph. Our questions typically cover Assignment 3 covers material on trees involving
all these aspects and students’ performances vary many elaborate animations like those illustrating
significantly in these. tree traversals, AVL rotations and B-Tree opera-
tions. Except for simple programming questions,
Assignment 4 typically requires students to per-
6 Results form tasks that involve ‘executing’ the Dijkstra’s,
Prim’s, Kruskal’s and other graph algorithms that
Standard statistical analysis procedures were used
have been carefully animated. Assignment 5 is on
to compare the performance of the students on the
building hash tables and data compression, algo-
course material that was intensive in animating
rithms that have, again, substantial investment on
algorithms and the material that did not involve
animations. Major examination 2 is based on mate-
much animation. Table 1 shows the descriptive
rial on trees and graphs while the final examination
statistics for the cumulative mean performances for
is comprehensive covering all material in the course
about 700 students for the five year period under
with more emphasis on hashing, data compression
study. Results for the individual students’ groups
and memory management. Results of major exam-
are similar except for the occasional showing of out-
ination 2 usually average higher than that of the
liers, among performances in assignments or exam-
final examination which, in turn, averages higher
inations, over the semesters.
than that of major examination 1. The only plau-
Table 1 shows results for five assignments and
sible explanation for this is the effectiveness of the
three examinations. Assessment material for As-
animations as the students’ themselves attest.
signments 1 and 2, and Major 1 were unclassified
because there were no significant algorithmic ani-
mations there. These were included to provide for Based on the summarized data in Table 1, we
top-level comparisons and for completeness. Mate- performed a t-test for the comparison of means of
the students’ performances in questions with elab-
Asses. element Material Mean C. Mean StdDev orate animations and in those without or with very
Assignment 1 unclassified 65.64 - 32.38 light animations. Paired samples t tests indicated
Assignment 2 unclassified 59.29 - 28.08
Assignment 3 animated 73.59 88 10.33 that the difference in performance between the cat-
other material 73.59 58 22.27 egorized questions in the course material is sig-
Assignment 4 animated
other material
13.53 nificant (p < 0.05, t = −13.828). In our study
Assignment 5 animated 74.5 90 6.37 in[15] on the usability and appropriateness of our
other material 74.5 61 19.93
Exam 1 unclassified 60.71 - 15.97
animations in three online courses, there was an
Exam 2 animated 68.98 79.8 9.19 overwhelming response in support of the utility of
other material 68.98 57.6 17.58 the animations, especially by the students of the
Final animated 65.06 75 7.06
other material 65.06 55 11.81 data structures course. Face-to-face discussion with
selected students, mostly who have already com-
Table 1: Assessment Results Summary. pleted the course, confirmed those results. Com-
mon observations were that the course material was
rial for Assignment 1 is purely programming-based too much, that the algorithm course should be can-
on object-oriented design patterns where students celed (since most of it has already been covered
implement visitors and enumerators over contain- in the data structures course, according to some
ers. Similarly, Assignment 2 is programming-based students), that the voice explanations of some of
covering material on linked lists, stacks, queues the units should be re-recorded to remove back-
with some analytic questions on algorithm analy- ground noise. Apart from these issues, the utility
sis. Major examination 1 is based on Assignments of the animations recorded an excellent rating by
1 and 2 material. Animations on this material in- the students[15, 14].
7 Summary & Conclusions portant to keep in mind that a poorly developed
and/or executed use of multimedia can do more
Online science and engineering education does not harm than good[17]. Superfluous use of multime-
enjoy as wide acceptability as other academic fields. dia may induce disorientation and cognitive over-
This paper reviewed arguments proposing solutions load that could interfere with learning rather than
to wide acceptability of online science and engineer- enhance learning[20].
ing education including the need to develop online
courseware with comparable or higher quality than
those of traditional classroom. After a brief re- 8 Acknowledgement
view of the theoretical foundation of the potential
of multimedia for enhancing instruction, this paper This paper would not have been possible without
conducted a study on the effectiveness of multime- the support of our university. I extend my grati-
dia in learning and teaching an undergraduate data tude to my colleagues with whom we designed, de-
structures course. veloped and facilitated the delivery of this course
Following Ellis’s model, we conducted a study on online. I acknowledge the support of my colleagues
how effective media-rich animations are in helping who read drafts of this document and provided con-
students learn and apply various algorithms in an structive suggestions for improvement. Lastly, I’m
online data structures course. Our media elements deeply indebted ICS 202 students over the years
include text, graphics, voice narrations, interactive especially those with whom I conducted several
self-check quizzes requiring significant learners’ ac- friendly chat sessions regarding pedagogic, manage-
tive participation in the learning process. Our stu- ment and students issues related to the success of
dents’ population in the study was a group of junior the online course.
undergraduate students and the assessment instru-
ments in the study were students’ performance in
assignments and examinations. References
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