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Rack Optimizer I


A+W Production

In this part of the documentation you can find editorial notices.

Revision Overview
Packing Optimization
Version / Date

1.00 / 03-2007 Original Version.

1.01 / 07-2013 Layout adapted to CI 2013.

1.02 / 01-2017 Product and company names adjusted.

The editorial contains the following themes:
• Notes on this document
• Copyrights
• Trademarks
• Contact

Notes on this document

This document is intended only for end users of A+W Production.
The documentation and software described are licenses that must be used or
copied only in accordance with the conditions of our license agreement. The
contents of the documentation are only informative and is subject to changes
without prior notice. The text and illustrations were compiled with the utmost
care. Still, errors cannot be totally excluded. A+W Software GmbH cannot be
held liable for errors or inaccuracies, unless they can be attributed to wilful or
grossly negligent action.
The descriptions in this document are based on the full installation of A+W

© 2017, Product and company names adjusted., any right, also the right of re-
print, the production of copies and of the translation, is reserved. The docu-
mentation must be copied, completely or in part, saved, or transferred only in
accordance with our license agreement. Transmission of the documentation is
not allowed, neither electronically, nor mechanically, nor by recording or in any
other way, without Product and company names adjusted. prior approval in
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-3


Any designation of hardware and software being mentioned in the documen-
tation can also be registered trademarks or other commercial rights of third
parties being protected by law. Rights of third parties being protected by law
are to be observed insofar.

A+W Software GmbH

Am Pfahlgraben

D-35415 Pohlheim

+49 6404 2051 0

+49 6404 2051 877
1.02 / 01-2017

I-4 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung


Revision Overview ................................................................................................ I-3
Editorial ................................................................................................................ I-3

Functional Principle I-7

The Basic Idea ......................................................................................................... I-9
General .................................................................................................................. I-10
Master Data ........................................................................................................... I-13
Optimization Rules (*.RUL file) ........................................................................... I-13
Settings (*.VAL file) ............................................................................................ I-13
Parameters ..................................................................................................... I-14
Views ..................................................................................................................... I-19
Packing Group View ........................................................................................... I-19
Restrictions ..................................................................................................... I-20
View Optimization .................................................................................................. I-21
Views .................................................................................................................. I-22
3D view ........................................................................................................... I-22
Top View ......................................................................................................... I-23
Detailed View .................................................................................................. I-24
Modes ................................................................................................................. I-29
Full Screen Mode ............................................................................................ I-29
Editing Mode ................................................................................................... I-30
Expert Mode .................................................................................................... I-31
Clip List ............................................................................................................... I-33
List of Dialogs ........................................................................................................ I-35

Operation I-37
Overview ................................................................................................................ I-39
Packing Groups .................................................................................................. I-39
PackView ............................................................................................................ I-41

Software Reference I-65

Menus .................................................................................................................... I-67
Rules .................................................................................................................. I-69
Values ................................................................................................................ I-71
Packing Groups .................................................................................................. I-74
Packing Group View ........................................................................................... I-76
Totals .............................................................................................................. I-77
Filter function .................................................................................................. I-77
Hotkeys ........................................................................................................... I-77
Context Menu for Tagged Entries ................................................................... I-78
PackView ............................................................................................................ I-80
Menu Line ........................................................................................................... I-81
Icons ................................................................................................................... I-85
Views .................................................................................................................. I-88
Change Rack Description ................................................................................... I-88
New Rack Properties .......................................................................................... I-89
Change Box Properties ...................................................................................... I-91
Unit Properties .................................................................................................... I-92
Info Line at the Bottom of the Screen ................................................................. I-93
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Section Index I-95

Index Packing Optimization ................................................................................... I-97

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-5

1.02 / 01-2017

I-6 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Packing Optimization I

Functional Principle

A+W Production
Functional Principle The Basic Idea

The Basic Idea

Packing optimization saves tedious resorting as well as the temporary stock.
It adapts the entire production process to Direct packing and to the optimum
use of the racks and boxes.
In a production without packing optimization (PMO), all units produced are put
into a temporary stock. After that, the units have to be packed onto transport
racks which requires time-consuming sorting. Mostly, the units in the tempo-
rary stock are not available in the sequence required for the transport rack. It
may also be the case that the transport rack has to be loaded according to the
customer's instructions, or you have to stick to a certain route or unloading se-
The task of the packing optimization is to distribute the corresponding order
items onto racks, taking into account all defined conditions, that as little trans-
port space as possible is needed and the customer's requirements regarding
the rack load are fulfilled. The scheduling strategy is defined by the packing
rules. Apart from information on the physical properties such as height, width,
and weight, these include customized parameters for the racks to be used
such as the number of stacks that can be loaded next to or on top of each oth-
Packing optimization splits orders into groups that are going to be packed to-
gether (packing groups), e.g. same delivery date, same route, same shipping
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-9

General Functional Principle

This chapter describes the structure of the packing optimization (PMO) and
how it basically works. The master data of the packing optimization are com-
plex and its proper implementation requires specialist knowledge.
Packing optimization includes two definition areas which have to be handled
• The physical conditions (rules), that must be kept at dispatch (weight, ar-
rangement of stacks, distances, etc.)
• Order treatment (grouping, sorting, loaded on special racks, etc.) required
by the customer.
For the customer, the focus mostly lies on the unloading sequence of the
transport racks. The more rigid the restrictions for this sequence, the less free-
dom is left for the packing optimization when planning the racks. The planning
density is apt to become worse as a result.
A frequent requirement is to unload units together. All units of the same order
shall be unloaded together for example. Or all units of an item shall be unload-
ed in a row. It is not even sure that units to be unloaded together are even
close to another on the racks. It may well be that the units have been put into
different stacks or even different racks. The optimization always makes sure
that no other units have to be unloaded before you get at the units that shall
be unloaded together. The more freedom is given to the optimization, the bet-
ter the planning density on the racks, and the less racks will be needed.
A packing group can be split into sets (corresponding to the orders). This
means that the items of a set can be unloaded without having to unload other
items first. The set may be distributed to different stacks or racks. The unload-
ing sequence of the sets can be defined by the packing optimization, or can be
set. You can also plan the sets so that the unloading sequence is random.
Stacks on the rack have to have a tree structure, e.g. starting with a big stack,
followed by maximally two stacks in front of which can, again, be maximally
two stacks. From the top, this looks like that (the back of the rack is shown in

Back of the rack

Fig. I-1 Rack load, top view

1.02 / 01-2017

Another option is to structure individual stacks by means of matrices. In a ma-

trix structure, several units can be set next to another and on top of each other.
You need to consider the following properties:

I-10 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle General

• All units of a row, except of the top row, must have identical height.
• All units of a row must have identical thickness.
• The total thickness of every row must fall below or must equal the total
width of the bottom row.
• The thickness of every row must fall below or must equal the width of the
bottom row.
• Every row is centred on top of the bottom row.
This is why units can be set next to another and on top of each other in one
stack. The units can belong to one or several order items. From the front, a
single stack may look like this:

(1/2) (2/2)

(1/1) (2/1) (3/1)

Fig. I-2 Matrix load, stack seen from the front

The top stacks are always put in the middle of the stacks below.
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A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-11

General Functional Principle

With matrices, you can put a bigger stack in front of two smaller ones (no tree

Back of the rack

Fig. I-3 Matrix load, top view

Units of an item are basically kept together if possible. If an item does not fit
onto one rack because of the maximum weight or rack depth, it will be split.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-12 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle Master Data

Master Data
The user will see two types of master data when working with the packing op-
• Optimization Rules (*.RUL file): *.RUL files contain general settings, infor-
mation concerning physical racks and corresponding loading rules. These
can be defined by customer or order.
• Settings (*.VAL file): *.VAL files allow customer specific settings for the op-
timization rules.
*.RUL- and *.VAL files can be selected. Slight modifications such as the
maximum rack load can be performed by the user for a certain packing group.

Other Master Data

Apart from that, there are rack rules, loading rules, and rule allocations. The
rules are defined by A+W Software GmbH together with the user. If you
want to change your packing optimization, please contact A+W Software
GmbH to avoid undesired results!

Optimization Rules (*.RUL file)

*.RUL files contain the rack rules. The rack rules describe the maximum load
a rack can take, and the loading conditions. This applies to racks (A rack, L
rack) as well as to boxes (standard or individual sizes).
 Software Reference, “Rules” on page I-69

Settings (*.VAL file)

*.VAL files include the allocations of customized packing parameters (*.VAL
files) and rack rules. Theoretically, every *.RUL file can have its own *.VAL file;
please remember that this will increase the maintenance work.
 Software Reference, “Values” on page I-71
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-13

Master Data Functional Principle

Packing optimization uses different parameters for defining the rack loads. Be-
low please find descriptions of the most frequently used parameters. The pa-
rameters you are using may differ from those due to your individual

Parameter name: Compile sets in stacks.

Description: Defines how sets shall be compiled in stacks (e.g. orders).
Valid entries:
• 0-No, free optimization
• 1-Mono,
• 2-Multi,
• 3-Peripheral
The mono mode means that each set can be unloaded without having to move
units of another set. All sets can be unloaded in any sequence. This is why
each stack includes just one set.

Set 2 Set 1

Set 1 Set 2

Fig. I-4 Rack 1

Set 2 Set 3

Set 3 Set 3

Fig. I-5 Rack 2

1.02 / 01-2017

I-14 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle Master Data

The multi mode is similar to the mono mode but each set can be mixed with
other sets on maximally one stack. In a mixed stack, every set forms a block
(separated from the other sets).

Set 2 Set 1

Set 1 Set 2

Fig. I-6 Rack 1

Set 2 Set 3

Set 3 Set 3

Fig. I-7 Rack 2

In peripheral mode, you can unload each set without moving units from other
sets. The unloading sequence is fixed however (either by PMO or by the user).
This is why there may be more than one set per stack.

Set 1
Set 2

Set 2
Set 1

Fig. I-8 Rack 1

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A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-15

Master Data Functional Principle

Set 2 Set 2

Set 3
Set 3

Set 2

Fig. I-9 Rack 2

In the free mode, sets and items cannot be unloaded together. The orders are
mixed to gain the highest packing density.

Set 1
Set 2

Set 2
Set 1

Fig. I-10 Rack 1

Set 2
Set 2

Set 3
Set 3

Set 2

Fig. I-11 Rack 2

1.02 / 01-2017

I-16 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle Master Data

Parameter name: Sets consist of.

Description: This entry defines how the sets are formed. Sets can be formed
by order, by reference, or by route.
Valid entries:
• 1=Order,
• 2=Reference,
• 3=Route

Parameter name: Keep sets together on the racks?

Description: This entry defines if and if so, how the sets shall be kept together
on the racks. 0 means that the sets will not be kept together on the racks. 1
says that the sets are kept together in a rack and 2, that they can be put onto
maximally two racks.
Valid entries:
• 0=no,
• 1=one rack,
• 2=two racks

Parameter name: Sorted unloading of sets?

Description: Defines if and if so, how the sets shall be unloaded. The default
setting is 0, i.e. the sets will not be sorted.
Valid entries:
• 0=no,
• 1=Sets ascend. ++,
• 2=Set descend. --

Parameter name: Maximum weight for all rack types

Description: This entry defines the maximum weight of all rack types of this
packing group in kg.

Parameter name: Maximum number of stacks on top of each other

Defines how many stacks can be put on top of each other. The default setting
is 1 which means that no stack can be put on top of another. The highest pos-
sible number of stacks that can be put on top of each other is 5.

Parameter name: Maximum offset left/right (default: 100 mm)

Description: This entry marks the maximum rack offset. This entry applies to
both sides. The default setting is 100. This means that the offset on the right
and on the left is 100 mm. The highest possible entry is 1000 (1000 mm).
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-17

Master Data Functional Principle

Parameter name: Maximum aspect ratio for vertical lites (de-

Description: Defines the minimum relation of long/short side starting from
which the lites have to be stacked horizontally. Example: Entry 2 means that
the lite 2500/1000 will be stacked horizontally and the lite 1500/1000 vertically.
The default setting is 3. The highest possible entry is 5. 1 means that all lites
have to be turned onto their longer side.

Parameter name: Max. aspect ratio for stacking vertical lites (de-
Description: This is the maximum aspect ratio for stacking a unit, i.e. for setting
one unit on top of another. This parameter is only effective if it is smaller than
the parameter Maximum aspect ratio for vertical lites.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-18 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle Views

The packing optimization has its own view which shows the packing groups
you have created.

Packing Group View

You can open the Packing Group View via menu View > Packing Group View
or by using the icon.

Fig. I-12 Packing view icon


A Tab D Hot keys
B Column E Totals
C Table header F Filter function
Fig. I-13 Packing Group View

The Packing Group View shows the existing packing groups. Packing groups
can be created in the context menu of the following views:
• Orders
• Processings
• Details
The Tabs allow to roughly organize the Packing group view. The Tabs are split
1.02 / 01-2017

into Table columns. You can also define Filters to restrict the view in certain
cases. Example: The column Rack allows to filter by individual rack groups. A
variety of filter functions allows to adapt the view to your requirements.

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-19

Views Functional Principle

For information on the filters and the total, please refer to section Rough
The hot keys can vary from view to view. They depend on the functions avail-
able in the individual view. Buttons are activated by tagging an entry. For one
or more tagged entries, the Packing Group View gives quick access to:
• Create Batch: Opens the dialog Create Batch
• Glass Types: Opens the dialog Glass Type Display
• Details: Opens the dialog Detailed Display

The context menu of the packing group view allows to edit packing groups, i.e.
you can move, delete, or change the packing groups. The individual functions
depend on the status of the packing group however. It is therefore impossible
to delete a packing group after detailed scheduling because detailed schedul-
ing is based on the results of the packing group.
The following table shows which packing groups can be edited, and in which

Status Explanation Change Move PG Delete Optimize View Reset

PG PG optimization optimization

50 Released for Yes / No1) Yes / No1) Yes / No1) Yes No Yes

75 is currently optimized No No No No No No
in background

80 Optimization failed Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

100 optimized Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes Yes Yes

>100 Detailed scheduled No No No No Yes No

Tab. I-1 Packing group status

Fields reading yes/no have either been released for optimization or have
been optimized already. The user will be asked if he wants to change anything.

More information on the packing group view

 Software Reference, “Packing Group View” on page I-76
1.02 / 01-2017

I-20 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

View Optimization
After running the packing optimization, you can display the results in a three-
dimensional view. Results in this case means: Where will the units be posi-
tioned on the transport rack? You can also repack the optimized racks by
means of just a few mouse clicks. The software for visualizing the packing re-
sult is called PackView.


A Menu line D Top view G Total weight in kg (front and back)
B Icons E Detailed unit view H Extension of total load on the current rack
C 3D view F Distribution of weight on the left side: Width , Height , Depth 
and right rack side I Expert mode, Setting wheels for close-up
Fig. I-14 PackView

PackView automatically starts after an optimization has been run successfully.

1.02 / 01-2017

More information on visualization

 Software Reference, “PackView” on page I-80

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-21

View Optimization Functional Principle

PackView offers the following views:
• 3D view
• Top view
• Detailed view
The view you are currently in will be edged in yellow. Individual units can be
selected by means of the mouse. When you select a unit from the 3D view, it
will be shown in red in both the top and detailed view. No matter what view you
are in, the selected unit will be marked red in all other views as well.

3D view

A Current side of rack C Bottom left corner (reference point for

B Selected unit the back)

Fig. I-15 3D view

The 3D view gives a three-dimensional view of both sides of the rack. The red
number in the top left corner shows which rack side is being displayed.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-22 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

You can change the rack side in the following ways:

• In menu View open Switch side view.
• Use the <space bar> on the keyboard.
• Use the icon.

Fig. I-16 Change rack side

You can display a rack from several angles. PackView calls these angles Cam-
era positions. The above illustration (Functional Principle, “3D view” on
page I-22) shows the so-called Camera start position. The 3D view will be
opened from this camera position as a standard. You can use one of the fol-
lowing options to go to the next camera position:
• In menu View open Next camera position or Previous camera position.
• Enable the number block by pressing the key <Num> on the keyboard.
Press the key <+> or <->.
• Use the icon.

Next camera position.

Previous camera position.

Fig. I-17 Change camera position

The 3D view allows to move units by means of the Copy function. This means:
tag a unit, copy it, move it to the required position and insert it. Units can be
turned on the spot after copying.

Top View

A Bottom left corner (reference point) B Selected unit

1.02 / 01-2017

Fig. I-18 Top view

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-23

View Optimization Functional Principle

The top view shows the rack from above. The red unit is the currently selected
In the top view and in the 3D view, units can be moved or turned by means of
the Copy function.

Detailed View
The detailed offers a table showing how the order items are positioned on the
racks. The first unit on the list is the one that stands at the back of the rack.
The last unit on the list comes first on the rack, i.e. the table is sorted in loading


A Table header B Column

Fig. I-19 Detailed view
1.02 / 01-2017

I-24 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

The table header offers the columns:

• Rack#, consists of
– Side
– Stack
• Rack description, consists of
– Quantity
– Row
• Rack ID, consists of
– Surface [sqm]
– Vert. stacks
• Type, consists of
– Weight [kg]
– Quantity
• Group, consists of
– Order No.
• Size [mm], consists of
– Item No.
– Size [mm]
– Weight [kg]
– Production line

Description of table header and columns

Rack# Shows the actual rack for packing optimization and all racks for the
packing optimization. Example: 1/3 means that the packing group consists of
three racks of this rack type the first of which is displayed. The actual rack#/
total number appears at the top of the window header.

Side Shows the currently displayed rack side. Valid options:

• 1: The following units are placed on the 1. rack side
• 2: The following units are placed on the 2. rack side

Stack This field is directly related to the field Side and shows the stack that
contains the unit displayed in this line. If the field reads 1, the unit is in the first
stack on this side of the rack. If the field reads 2, the unit is in the second stack
on this side of the rack. The number of stacks depends on the rack size and
unit size. A rack can hold more stacks if the units are very small and less
stacks if the units are large.
This side of the rack holds two stacks.
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-25

View Optimization Functional Principle

The tagged unit is the first row (at the back of the rack) of the first (seen from
the reference point!) stack:

Fig. I-20 1st stack, 1st row

The next picture shows the first row (at the back of the rack) of the second
(seen from the reference point!) stack:

Fig. I-21 2nd stack, 1st row

1.02 / 01-2017

In front of the second stack there are other rows. The next picture shows the
second row of the first stack:

I-26 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

Fig. I-22 1st stack, 2nd row

The next picture shows a unit in the second row of the second stack:

Fig. I-23 2nd stack, 2nd row

Rack description The contents of this field is loaded from PMO master data
and shows the rack name defined there.
1.02 / 01-2017

 Software Reference, “Packing Main Group” on page I-74

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-27

View Optimization Functional Principle

Quantity This field shows how many individual units this side of the rack
holds at present.
 Functional Principle, “Side” on page I-25

Row This field shows the number of stacks in front of each other. At the back
of the rack for example, there is a big stack followed by two smaller stacks.

Rack ID Shows the ID of the rack that is currently displayed. This number
matches the number left of the slash in field Rack#.
 Functional Principle, “Rack#” on page I-25

Surface [sqm] Shows the total square metres of the units this side of the rack
 Functional Principle, “Side” on page I-25

Vert. stacks Shows the number of stacks set on top each other.

Type Shows the rack type. Valid options:

• A = A Rack
• L = L Rack
• Box = Case

Weight [kg] This field shows the total glass weight (in kilogramme) on this
side of the rack.
 Functional Principle, “Side” on page I-25

Quantity This field shows the number of units this item consists, and the ac-
tual unit. Example: 1/2 means that the item consists of two units one of which
is shown in this line.

P group Shows the main packing group and the packing group. The contents
of this field are loaded from dialog Packing groups, fields Main packing group
and Packing group.
 Software Reference, “Packing Main Group” on page I-74
 Software Reference, “Packing Group” on page I-75

Order No. Shows the customer's order number imported from the order pro-
cessing system.

Item No. This field refers to field Order no. and shows the corresponding item
number for this order number.

Size [mm] Shows the size of the current item in mm.

Weight [kg] Shows the weight of the current item in kg.

Production line Defines the production line on which the corresponding item
shall be produced. The data are loaded from machinery allocation.
1.02 / 01-2017

 Software Reference, “Work Process” on page D-106

I-28 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

For special requirements, you can configure the number and contents of the
columns displayed. For more information, please contact A+W Software

PackView offers three different modes. The available tools depend on the ac-
tual mode.
• Full Screen Mode
• Editing Mode
• Expert Mode

Full Screen Mode

PackView starts out in full screen mode. You can tag a lite by clicking on a unit
in the 3D view or in the top view, or by selecting an item from the detailed view.
The selected unit is shown in red in both the 3D view and in the top view. In
the detailed view, the selected unit is edged in red.

Fig. I-24 Full screen mode

The full screen mode gives access to the various camera positions. Press the
corresponding button to move the rack by 45° in the defined in the 3D view.
This allows you to look at the rack from various angles, e.g. to be able to as-
sess the free space left on the rack.

The mode you are currently in (full screen/edit) appears at the end of the
header in square brackets. Example: [Full screen].
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-29

View Optimization Functional Principle

Editing Mode
PackView start in full screen mode. The editing mode is accessible via menu
Edit > Edit,
or by hard key <F3>
or by means of the icon

Fig. I-25 Icon 'editing on/off'

You can tag a lite by clicking on a unit in the 3D view or in the top view, or by
selecting an item from the detailed view. The selected unit is shown in green
in both the 3D view and the top view. In the detailed view, it is edged in green.
PackView automatically selects partial stacks that can actually be moved. If
you select a unit in the middle of a stack, PackView automatically tags all units
in front of it.

Fig. I-26 Editing mode

The editing mode gives access to the various camera positions. Press the cor-
responding button to move the rack 45° in the defined direction in the 3D view.
This allows you to look at the rack from different angles, e.g. to assess the free
space left on the rack. Apart from that, you can move individual units or entire
stacks on the rack, or align them with the left or right edge.

The mode you are currently in is shown at the end of the header in square
brackets. Example: [Edit].
1.02 / 01-2017

I-30 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

Expert Mode
PackView starts in normal mode. The expert mode is accessible via menu
View > Expert mode on/off,
or by the icon

Fig. I-27 Icon Expert mode on/off

You can switch on the expert mode in both the full screen and editing mode.

Fig. I-28 Expert mode

Apart from the functions described in connection with the full screen and edit-
ing mode, the expert mode allows to zoom the rack or rotate it around the X or
Y axis.
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-31

View Optimization Functional Principle

To zoom, place the cursor on the

middle of the wheel, press the left
mouse key, and keep pressing it. By
moving the wheel to the top, you can
reduce the rack. By moving the wheel
to the bottom, you can enlarge the
To rotate around the Y axis, place the
cursor on the middle of the wheel,
press the left mouse key, and keep
pressing it. By moving the wheel to the
right, you can turn the rack to the right.
By moving the wheel to the left, you
can turn the rack to the left.
To rotate around the X axis, place the
cursor on the middle of the wheel,
press the left mouse key, and keep
pressing it. By moving the wheel to the
top, you can tilt the rack upwards. By
moving the wheel to the bottom, you
can tilt the rack downwards.
Fig. I-29

The expert mode also allows to rotate the rack freely. Free rotation is enabled
in menu
View > Free rotation
or by the icon

Fig. I-30 Icon free rotation

The cursor changes in the following way:

Fig. I-31 Cursor for free rotation

Position the cursor on the rack, press the left mouse key, and keep pressing
it. You can now turn the rack to the left or to the right, or tilt it upwards or down-
wards. Press the mouse wheel to move the rack to the left or to the right.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-32 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle View Optimization

Clip List
If you cut out one or more units, these will be automatically transferred to the
clip list.
Example: Tag a unit in the editing mode.

Fig. I-32 Clip List

Now press the button for cutting the unit

Fig. I-33 Button for cutting the unit

PackView shows the rack without the unit as you have cut it out. The detailed
view shows the contents of the clip list; in this case, the cut unit:
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-33

View Optimization Functional Principle

Fig. I-34 Clip list

Use the button Clip list to switch between clip list and rack load in the detailed
You can change the sorting of the fields marked by a - in the detailed view. If
you point the cursor on such a field and press the left mouse key, the symbol
will change from - to . This means that this field is sorted in ascending order.
Press the left mouse key again to change the symbol from  to . This means
that the field is sorted in descending order. Press the right mouse key to switch
off the sorting.
You can click on several columns. These will be sorted acc. to the column you
have clicked on first, then by the next, etc. The number shows this hierarchy.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-34 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Functional Principle List of Dialogs

List of Dialogs
This list shows all dialogs you need to use the packing optimization properly.
The references lead to chapter Software Reference in the master data section.
You will find detailed information on the dialogs, fields and buttons.

Master Data Menu

Menu Entry Sub-menu Dialog/Function

PMO Rules  Software Reference,

“Packing Groups” on
page I-74

Values  Software Reference,

“Values” on page I-71

Views Packing group view  Software Reference,

“Packing Group View”
on page I-76

Tab. I-2 List of dialogs

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A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-35

List of Dialogs Functional Principle
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I-36 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Packing Optimization I


A+W Production
Operation Overview

Chapter Operation explains how to use the rack optimization.
There are instructions on the following subjects:
• Packing Groups
• PackView

Packing Groups
This chapter explains how to use Packing Groups.
There are the following instructions on the subject of Packing Groups:

Subject Instruction

Packing Groups  “How to create packing groups” on page I-39

 “How to optimize a packing group” on page I-40
 “How to change the parameters of an existing pack-
ing group” on page I-40

 How to create packing groups

Packing groups are created in just the same way in all views (orders, process-
ing, etc.). This is why we are going to describe the procedure just once, in con-
nection with the view Orders.
1 Open the view Orders either by means of menu View > Orders or with the
corresponding icon.
2 Choose the order(s) that shall form a packing group.
3 Open the context menu and select Form packing group
4 The dialog Packing groups appears.
5 Enter the name of the main packing group in field Main packing group.
 Software Reference, “Packing Main Group” on page I-74
6 Enter the name of the packing group in field Packing group.
 Software Reference, “Packing Group” on page I-75
7 Select the required rule from combo box Packing rule.
 Software Reference, “Packing Mean Rule” on page I-75
8 Enter another name for the packing group in field Description.
 Software Reference, “Description” on page I-75
9 Enable or disable the checkbox Exclude items from optimization.
 Software Reference, “Exclude items from optimization” on page I-75
1.02 / 01-2017

10 Enable or disable the checkbox Combine several production lines.

 Software Reference, “Pack multiple production lines together” on page I-75

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-39

Overview Operation

11 Change the VAL settings if required.

12 Press [Ok].
13 The selected order(s) will be removed from the Orders view. You will find it/
them in the just created main packing group in view Rack.

 How to optimize a packing group

1 Open the Rack via either via menu View > Rack or by the corresponding
2 Choose the packing group(s) you want to optimize.
3 Open the context menu and select Optimize PG.
4 Optimization starts.

 How to change the parameters of an existing packing group

1 Open the Rack via either via menu View > Rack or by the corresponding
2 Choose the packing group(s) you want to change.
3 Open the context menu and select PG management > Change parameters.
4 This opens the dialog Packing groups. Your changes will affect the fields
• Packing rules
• Description
• Exclude items from optimization
• Pack several production lines together
• VAL.
5 Select the required rule from combo box Packing rule.
 Software Reference, “Packing Mean Rule” on page I-75

More information on packing groups

 Functional Principle, “Packing Group View” on page I-19
 Software Reference, “Packing Groups” on page I-74
1.02 / 01-2017

I-40 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

This chapter explains how to use PackView.
There are the following instructions on the subject of PackView:

Subject Instruction

PackView  “How to select the next/previous rack for display” on

page I-41
 “How to select any rack for display” on page I-41
 “How to move one or a couple of units” on page I-41
 “How to move a whole stack” on page I-44
 “How to use the clip list” on page I-46
 “How to deal with several stacks in the clip list” on
page I-52

 How to select the next/previous rack for display

Packing optimization will usually load several racks. When the optimization
has been successful, PackView automatically starts with the first rack. To dis-
play the other racks, proceed as follows:
1 Select menu View > Show next rack, use the corresponding icon or the
keys <PgUp> or <PgDn>.
 Software Reference, “Show Next Rack” on page I-84
 Software Reference, “Show Previous Rack” on page I-84
This way, you can display rack after rack.

 How to select any rack for display

Packing optimization usually loads several racks. After successful optimiza-
tion, PackView automatically starts with the first rack. To display another rack,
proceed as follows:
1 Select menu View > Select rack for display …, use the corresponding icon
or the keys <PgUp> or <PgDn>.
 Software Reference, “Select Rack for View …” on page I-84
2 The Input dialog appears. Field Enter rack ID allows to enter the rack num-
3 Press [OK] to display the corresponding rack.

 How to move one or a couple of units

1 Enable the processing mode in menu Edit > Edit via hard key <F3> or by
using the icon.
 Software Reference, “Toggle edition on/off” on page I-85
1.02 / 01-2017

2 Tag the unit(s) you want to move. The unit(s) is/are edged in green. Other
units which will have to be moved as well will also be edged in green. You
select add more units or deselect them by mouse-clicks.

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-41

Overview Operation

Fig. I-35 Tag unit

3 Copy the unit(s) either in menu Edit > Copy, via the icon or by means of the
keyboard (<Ctrl>+<C>).
 Software Reference, “Copy” on page I-85
1.02 / 01-2017

I-42 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

The entire unit is shown in green.

Fig. I-36 Copy unit

4 Move the unit to the required place using the arrow key, or by means of the
 Software Reference, “Move to the left” on page I-86
 Software Reference, “Move to the right” on page I-86

Fig. I-37 Move unit

5 When you have positioned the unit, fix it either using menu Edit > Insert or
1.02 / 01-2017

by means of the icon.

 Software Reference, “Paste” on page I-85

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-43

Overview Operation

Fig. I-38 Insert unit

 How to move a whole stack

1 Enable the processing mode in menu Edit > Edit, via hard key <F3> or by
means of the icon
 Software Reference, “Toggle edition on/off” on page I-85
2 Tag the unit in the stack is closest to the back of the rack, which you want
to move. The unit and all units in front of it will be edged in green.
You can deselect units by just another click.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-44 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

Click next to the rack to deselect all tagged units.

Fig. I-39 Tag stack

3 Copy the stack either in menu Edit > Copy or by means of the icon
 Software Reference, “Copy” on page I-85
The whole stack is shown in green. All tagged units will be removed from
the detailed view.

Fig. I-40 Copy stack

4 Move the stack to the desired position using the arrow keys or the icon
1.02 / 01-2017

 Software Reference, “Move to the left” on page I-86

 Software Reference, “Move to the right” on page I-86

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-45

Overview Operation

Fig. I-41 Move stack

5 When the stack has reached its new position, you can insert it either using
menu Edit > Insert or by means of the icon.
 Software Reference, “Paste” on page I-85

Fig. I-42 Insert stack

 How to use the clip list

If you want to position many units, e.g. from different stacks, on the other
side of the rack or even on another rack, the clip list might come in handy.
You can even sort the sequence of units by size, order number, etc. to set
up the new stack according to your requirements.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-46 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

1 Enable the processing mode in menu Edit > Edit via hard key <F3> or by
using the icon.
 Software Reference, “Toggle edition on/off” on page I-85
2 Tag the unit(s) you want to move. The unit(s) will be edged in green.

Fig. I-43 Tag unit

1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-47

Overview Operation

3 Cut out the unit(s)/stacks either using menu Edit > Cut or by means of the
 Software Reference, “Cut” on page I-85

Fig. I-44 Cut unit

The unit(s)/stack will be removed from both the 3D view and the top view.
The detailed view automatically shows the contents of the clip list. Use
menu View > show clip list or click on the corresponding icon to switch from
detailed view to clip list and back. You can cut out more units to fill the clip

Fig. I-45 Show/hide clip list

1.02 / 01-2017

4 Go to the required rack side or rack.

I-48 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

Fig. I-46 Other rack side or other rack

5 Use menu View > Show clip list or the corresponding icon to display the
contents of the clip list. If there are several units in the clip list, you can sort
them by various criteria. For more information, please see
 Functional Principle, “Clip List” on page I-33

Fig. I-47 Show clip list

6 Now click on the icon [Insert]

 Software Reference, “Paste” on page I-85
The cursor changes into crosshairs
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-49

Overview Operation

Fig. I-48 Insert unit

7 Move the crosshairs to the place where the unit(s)/stack shall be inserted.

Fig. I-49 Position crosshairs

8 Press the left mouse key. The unit(s)/stack will be inserted if possible. If
there are several units/stacks in the temporary stacker, you can put them
onto a stack by pressing <Ctrl>+<C> several times.
If the unit(s)/stack cannot be inserted in the required position, this will look
as follows:
1.02 / 01-2017

I-50 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

Fig. I-50 Position crosshairs

This means that the unit(s)/stack appears in the required place for a short
time - in orange - before it vanishes again. Reasons for non-positioning can
be: The unit(s)/stack is too thick and would fall off the rack, or the centre of
gravity is too far right and the unit(s)/stack would fall off the rack, etc.
If it is possible to insert the unit(s)/stack in the required position, this will be
done when you press the left mouse key.
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-51

Overview Operation

The clip list in the detailed view will be emptied at the same time, i.e. there
are no unit(s)/stack left in the clip list.

Fig. I-51 Insert unit

 How to deal with several stacks in the clip list

You can use the clip list if you want to move several stacks to the other side
of the rack or onto another rack altogether. You can sort the sequence of
units by size, order number etc. In the following example, we are going to
move three stacks from different rack sides to the clip list and reposition
them on an empty side of the rack.
1 Enable the processing mode in menu Edit > Edit via hard key <F3> or by
using the icon.
 Software Reference, “Toggle edition on/off” on page I-85
1.02 / 01-2017

I-52 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

2 Tag the last unit (seen from the front) of the first stack you want to move.
All units in front of the tagged one will be edged in green.

Fig. I-52 Tag stack

3 Cut out the stack either using menu Edit > Cut, or by means of the icon.
 Software Reference, “Cut” on page I-85

Fig. I-53 Cut stack

The stack will vanish from both the 3D view and the top view. The detailed
1.02 / 01-2017

view automatically shows the contents of the clip list. You can use menu
View > Show clip list or click on the corresponding icon to switch between
detailed view and clip list.

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-53

Overview Operation

Go to the next rack to tag the second stack.

Fig. I-54 Tag stack

1.02 / 01-2017

I-54 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

4 Now move the stack to the clip list.

Fig. I-55 Cut stack

The units of the stack that were the last to be added to the clip list are high-
lighted in blue. Moreover, the packing optimization suggests the new sort-
ing of units.
5 Go to the next rack to tag further stacks.

Fig. I-56 Tag stack

1.02 / 01-2017

6 Now move the stacks to the clip list.

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-55

Overview Operation

Fig. I-57 Cut stack

7 Go to the required rack side or rack on which the stacks from the clip list
shall be positioned.

Fig. I-58 Other rack side or other rack

The icon () in section Height shows that the units are currently sorted by
1.02 / 01-2017

height, in descending order. For more information on sorting, please see

 Functional Principle, “Clip List” on page I-33

I-56 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

8 As you want to sort the units by Width, we need to change the sorting first.
Position the cursor on the icon () in section Height and press the right
mouse key. The icon will change to -. Now click the left mouse key on - in
section Width. 1 appears and the sorting changes.

Fig. I-59 Change sorting

9 Insert the two widest units first. The red frame shows the unit you have se-
lected for inserting. Now click on the icon [Insert]
 Software Reference, “Paste” on page I-85
The cursor changes into crosshairs. Move the crosshairs to the place
where you want to insert the unit and press the left mouse key. The unit is
inserted and will be removed from the temporary stacker.
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-57

Overview Operation

At the same time, the next unit from the clip list is marked for positioning
(red frame).

Fig. I-60 Insert unit

You can use the arrow keys to align the unit. Click on the icon [Copy]; the
color of the unit will change to green.

Fig. I-61 Copy unit

1.02 / 01-2017

Now use the icon [Move to left] to move the unit to the left side of the rack.
When the unit has reached its destination, click on the icon [Insert] to posi-
tion it.

I-58 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

Fig. I-62 Copy unit

Position the next unit in the same way. First press the icon [Copy] to change
the cursor into crosshairs. As the unit has the same size as the one you
have moved before, the packing optimization will put this unit right in front
of the other, i.e. moving it will not be necessary.

<Ctrl>+<V> inserts the next unit from the clip list in front of the one you
have inserted before.
1.02 / 01-2017

Fig. I-63 Insert unit

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-59

Overview Operation

10 Now change the sorting from width to height, in descending order.

Fig. I-64 Sort by height, descending

1.02 / 01-2017

I-60 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

11 Now insert the unit that is now the top one. Click on the button [Insert] to
position the unit in the middle.

Fig. I-65 Insert unit

Use the icons [Copy], [Move to left]/[Align left] and [Insert] to move the unit
to the left edge.

Fig. I-66 Move unit to the left

1.02 / 01-2017

12 When you press the icon [Insert] to insert the next unit, the crosshairs will
appear again. This is because the packing optimization does not know
whether you want to insert the unit in front of 1 or 2.

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-61

Overview Operation

1 2

Fig. I-67 Move unit to the left

13 Insert the unit in front of 1.

Fig. I-68 Insert unit

14 As you can see, the unit is edged in green in Abb. I-68 on page I-62. It is
therefore still active. Use the icon [Insert] or <Ctrl>+<V> to position the next
unit in front of it. This way, you can position the units until there is no space
left on the rack. The unit that would practically fall off the rack, is briefly
1.02 / 01-2017

shown in orange color on the rack, but will not be positioned on it.

I-62 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Operation Overview

Fig. I-69 Insert unit

15 If you press the icon [Insert], the cursor changes into crosshairs and you
can start to search a place for the next unit. You can proceed in this way
until all units from the clip list have been put into the rack.

More information on PackView

 Functional Principle, “View Optimization” on page I-21
 Software Reference, “PackView” on page I-80
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-63

Overview Operation
1.02 / 01-2017

I-64 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Packing Optimization I

Software Reference

A+W Production
Software Reference Menus

The following table shows the dialogs and functions available in menu Master

Menu Entry Dialog/Function

PMO Rules  Chapter “Rules”on page I-69

Values  Chapter “Values”on page I-71

Tab. I-3 Dialogs in menu Maser data

The following table shows the dialogs and functions offered by the context
menu of the views Orders, Processing, and Details.

Menu Entry Dialog/Function

Context menu Create packing group  Chapter “Packing Groups”on page I-74

Tab. I-4 List of dialogs accessible through the context menu

The following table shows the dialogs and functions in the context menu of the
view Packing group.

Menu Entry Dialog/Function

Context menu Move packing group  Chapter “Move Packing Group”on page I-78

Optimize packing  Chapter “Optimize Packing Group”on page I-78


Optimize packing  Chapter “Optimize Packing Group in Back-

group in background ground”on page I-79

Packing group man-  Chapter “Packing Group Management”on

agement page I-79

Display packing group  Software Reference, “PackView” on page I-80

Tab. I-5 List of dialogs accessible through the context menu

1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-67

Menus Software Reference

The table below shows the dialogs and functions in menu View.

Menu Entry Dialog/Function

Packing group  Chapter “Packing Group View”on page I-76


Tab. I-6 List of dialogs in menu View

Instructions on how to open individual dialogs are provided again in the follow-
ing dialog descriptions. If there are several ways of opening a dialog, these are
specified as well.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-68 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Master Data > PMO > Rules

Fig. I-70 PMO, Rules

This dialog serves to enter new optimization rules or change existing ones.
Technical info: Database table: PMO_MASTER_RULES

Description of Button

Load .RUL files Press this button to load the *.RUL files from the corre-
sponding directory. If *.RUL files are already displayed, the system will remind
you that all current records will be lost. This is the right procedure for enabling
*.RUL files.

Description of Columns

.RUL file This column shows the name of the currently loaded *.RUL files.

Name Shows the name of the *.RUL file.

VAL_FILE This column shows the allocation of *.VAL and *.RUL files, i.e. the
value file belonging to the rule file.

Description of Fields

.RUL file Enter the name of the .RUL file. Button […] opens the dialog Open
where you can select a .RUL if you do not know its name.
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 9-digit, database field: FILE
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-69

Menus Software Reference

Name Enter the name of the *.RUL file.

Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 40-digit, database field:

Description Enter a description of the *.RUL file.

Technical info: Input optional, alpha-numeric, 160-digit, database field: DE-

.VAL file Shows the .VAL file belonging to the .RUL file. Button […] opens the
dialog Open where you can select a .VAL file if you do not know its name or if
you want to assign another .VAL file to a .RUL file.
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, database field: VAL_FILE

More information on rules

 Functional Principle, “Optimization Rules (*.RUL file)” on page I-13
1.02 / 01-2017

I-70 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Master Data > PMO > Values

Fig. I-71 PMO, Values

Enter the customized values or change existing entries.

Technical info: Database table: PMO_MASTER_VALUES

Description of Buttons

Load .VAL Files Use this button to load the *.VAL files (rule) from the corre-
sponding directory. If *.VAL files are already displayed, the system will remind
you that all currently displayed records will be lost. This is the right procedure
for enabling *.VAL files.

Description of Columns

.VAL File This column shows the name of the currently loaded *.VAL files.

Parameter This column shows the packing parameter of the *.VAL file. This
value stems from the field Packing mean parameter ID.
 Software Reference, “Packing Mean Parameter ID” on page I-72

Description Shows the name of the *.VAL file. This value stems from the field
 Software Reference, “Name” on page I-72

Minimum Value Shows the minimum value for this parameter. This value
1.02 / 01-2017

comes from field Minimum value.

 Software Reference, “Minimum Value” on page I-73

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-71

Menus Software Reference

Maximum Value Shows the maximum value for this parameter. This value is
taken from field Maximum value.
 Software Reference, “Maximum Value” on page I-73

Value Type Shows the value type of this parameter. This value comes from
field Value type.
 Software Reference, “Maximum Value” on page I-73

Description of Fields

.VAL File This field shows the *.VAL file. Button […] opens the dialog Open
where you can select a *.VAL file if you do not know its name or if you want to
change a .VAL file.
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, database field: FILE

Packing Mean Parameter ID Enter e.g. the number of the parameter the val-
ue of which you want to enter or change. There are nine packing parameters:
Packing parameter 1: Keep sets together in stacks (0-no, 1-mono, 2-multi, 3-
peripheral). For details, please refer to Functional Principles.
 Functional Principle, “Parameters” on page I-14
Packing parameter 2: Sets consist of (1-order, 2-reference, 3-route).
Packing parameter 3: Keep sets together on racks? (0-no, 1-one rack, 2-two
Packing parameter 4: Sorted unloading of sets? =0-no, 1-in ascending order
++, 2-in descending order --)
Packing parameter 5: Maximum weight for all rack types.
Packing parameter 6: Maximum number of stacks on top of another (de-
Packing parameter 7: Maximum offset left/right (default: 100 mm)
Packing parameter 8: Maximum aspect ratio for vertical lites (default=3.0)
Packing parameter 9: Max. aspect ratio for vertical lites at stacking (de-
For details, please refer to Functional Principles.

Name Enter the name of the *.VAL file.

Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 40-digit, database field:

Description Enter a description of the *.VAL file.

Technical info: Input optional, alpha-numeric, 160-digit, database field: DE-
1.02 / 01-2017

I-72 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Minimum Value Enter the minimum value for the current parameter.
Technical info: Compulsory field, numerical, 50-digit, database field:

Maximum Value Enter the maximum value for this parameter.

Technical info: Compulsory field, numerical, 50-digit, database field:

More information on settings

 Functional Principle, “Settings (*.VAL file)” on page I-13
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-73

Menus Software Reference

Packing Groups
Orders > Context menu > Packing groups
Processing view > Context menu > Form packing groups
Detailed view > Context menu > Form packing groups
Packing group view > Context menu > Manage PG > Change parameters

Fig. I-72 Packing groups

This dialog is used to define the settings for forming the packing group. You
can also change the settings for existing packing groups. Settings can be
changed until the packing group is optimised.
Technical info: Database table: PMO_GROUPS

Description of Fields and Buttons

Packing Main Group You can select an existing main packing group from
the combo box (e.g. to add details) or enter a new one. To enter a new packing
group, fill in the corresponding text. A main packing group can be e.g. a pro-
duction shift or a day's production. If you load the dialog for an existing packing
group, you will not be able to change the entries in this field.
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 20-digit, database field:
1.02 / 01-2017

I-74 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Packing Group This field is a packing group within the main packing group.
You can select an existing packing group from the combo box, or enter a new
one. To enter a new packing group, fill in the field. A packing group within the
production shift could be a production step or within a day's production, a cer-
tain route number. If you have loaded the dialog for an existing packing group,
you cannot change the entries in this field.
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 20-digit, database field:

Packing Mean Rule When you create a new packing group, this field is pre-
set with not selected at first. Open the combo box and assign the required
packing rule to the packing group. If you access an existing packing group, this
field shows the packing rule assigned to the main packing group. Packing
rules are defined in dialog Rules.
 Software Reference, “Rules” on page I-69
Technical info: Compulsory field, alpha-numeric, 20-digit, database field:

Description Allows to enter a description of the packing group.

Technical info: Input optional, alpha-numeric, 80-digit, database field:

Exclude items from optimization If you enable this checkbox, the items se-
lected in the rack group view will not be optimised for racks. They will go to the
green box. This makes sense e.g. if you know already prior to packing optimi-
zation that the lites of an item are too big to fit on any rack.
Technical info: Input optional, database field: KEEP_SET_TOGETHER

Pack multiple production lines together If you have got several production
lines, you can use this checkbox to compile packing groups without consider-
ing the production lines. PMO usually plans the racks so that the units can be
loaded irrespective of the individual production lines.
Technical info: Input optional, database field: LINE_PACK_TOGETHER

Description of Columns

Value In this column you can change the values from the VAL file once (for
this optimization). Double-click on the field to open and edit it or press [F2]. En-
ter the required value and leave the field using the <Return> key. You can
change the values of all lines of the table.
 Software Reference, “Minimum Value” on page I-73

Description This column shows the name of the *.VAL file. This value comes
from the field Name.
 Software Reference, “Description” on page I-72

Value Type Shows the value type of this parameter. This value comes from
field Value type.
1.02 / 01-2017

 Software Reference, “Maximum Value” on page I-73

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-75

Menus Software Reference

More information on packing groups

 Functional Principle, “Optimization Rules (*.RUL file)” on page I-13
 Functional Principle, “Settings (*.VAL file)” on page I-13

Packing Group View

You can open the Packing group view via menu View > Packing group view or
by using the icon.

Fig. I-73 Packing view icon


A Tab D Totals
B Column E Filter function
C Table header
Fig. I-74 Rack Group View

The Packing group view shows the existing packing groups. Packing groups
can be created in the context menu of the following views:
• Orders
• Processings
• Details
1.02 / 01-2017

I-76 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Contents and sorting of the Packing group view are defined in the context
menus. The Packing group view offers three different context menus. The po-
sition of the cursor defines the context menu to be opened:
• Move the cursor to Tabs and open the context menu to configure the tabs.
• Move the cursor to the table header to open the context menu to configure
the table header.
• Tab an entry in the Packing group view to open the context menu for editing
the tagged entry.
 Software Reference, “Context Menu for Tagged Entries” on page I-78

You can use the totals line to get an idea of the number of tagged entries. Like
in Tabs and the Table header, the total can be configured individually. For de-
tails, please refer to section Rough scheduling.

Filter function
The filter function serves to filter the current view by individual criteria such as
customer name, production date, or product type. For details, please refer to
section Rough scheduling.

The bottom right section of the Packing group view offers the hotkeys de-
scribed below. These give quick access to the corresponding functions.
Please note that you have to tag one or more records to execute this function.
The buttons are inactive if no record is tagged! You can also access the indi-
vidual functions by menu entries.

Fig. I-75 Create batch button (F6)

If you have tagged a record in the Packing group view and press this button,
the Job creation dialog appears.

Fig. I-76 Glass types button (F7)

Tag a record in the Packing group view and press this button to open the Glass
type view for the corresponding record.
1.02 / 01-2017

Fig. I-77 Details button (F8)

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-77

Menus Software Reference

Tag a record in the Packing group view and press this button to open the De-
tailed view for the corresponding record.

More information on the pack group view

 Software Reference, “Packing Group View” on page I-76
 Operation, “Packing Groups” on page I-39

Context Menu for Tagged Entries

View > Packing groups > Tag record > right mouse key > Context menu

Fig. I-78 Context menu for tagged records

The context menu for a tagged record offers the following options:
• “Move Packing Group” on page I-78
• “Optimize Packing Group” on page I-78
• “Optimize Packing Group in Background” on page I-79
• “Packing Group Management” on page I-79
– “Change Parameter” on page I-79
– “Reset Optimization” on page I-79
– “Delete Packing Group” on page I-79
• “View Packing Group” on page I-79
• “Items” on page I-79
• “Parts” on page I-79
• “Glass Types” on page I-79
• “Processings” on page I-79
• “Details” on page I-79
• “Search Order” on page I-79
Menu Items

Move Packing Group This menu item serves to open for a tagged record the
view Packing groups. This allows to move one or more selected packing
 Software Reference, “Packing Groups” on page I-74

Optimize Packing Group Use this menu item to start the optimization for the
1.02 / 01-2017

selected packing group(s).

I-78 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Optimize Packing Group in Background Use this menu item to start opti-
mization in the background. If AlcimServer is installed, the optimization can
also be run on the server. If you do not use this menu to start the optimization,
it will run as a so-called foreground process on your terminal.

Packing Group Management This menu item has three sub-menus:

• Change parameter
“Change Parameter” on page I-79
• Reset optimization
“Reset Optimization” on page I-79
• Delete packing group
“Delete Packing Group” on page I-79.

Change Parameter Use this menu to open for a tagged record the view
Packing groups. There you can assign another packing rule to the selected
packing group and change the name of the packing group. The fields Main
packing group and Packing group can no longer be changed.
 Software Reference, “Packing Mean Rule” on page I-75

Reset Optimization You can use this menu item to reset an existing optimi-
zation. This function cannot be used for all packing groups however; it de-
pends on the status of the corresponding packing group. Deletion will cause
the resolution of this PG, i.e. orders will not be deleted.
 Functional Principle, “Restrictions” on page I-20

Delete Packing Group This menu item serves to delete the selected packing
group(s). This function cannot be used for all packing groups however; it de-
pends on the status of the corresponding packing group. Order items will not
be deleted; only the packing group allocation.
 Functional Principle, “Restrictions” on page I-20

View Packing Group If you open this menu item for a tagged record, you can
view the suggested packing of the transport rack in PackView.
 Functional Principle, “View Optimization” on page I-21

Items Use this menu item to open - for a tagged record - the view Items.

Parts Use this menu to open the Element view for a tagged record.

Glass Types Use this menu to open the Glass type view for a tagged record.

Processings This menu item opens - for a tagged record - the view Process-

Details This menu opens the Detailed view for the tagged record.

Search Order Use this menu item to open the dialog Search orders.
1.02 / 01-2017

More information on the pack group view

 Functional Principle, “Packing Group View” on page I-19
 Operation, “Packing Groups” on page I-39

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-79

Menus Software Reference

PackView automatically starts after an optimization has been run successfully.



A Menu line D Top view G Weight distribution in kg (front and

B Icons E Detailed unit view back)
C 3D view F Weight distribution in % H Extension of total load on the
current rack side: Width , Height
, Depth 
I Expert mode, Setting wheels for
close-up view
Fig. I-79 PackView

PackView shows the results of packing optimization. Various tools (camera po-
sitions, views, etc.) allow to display racks in various ways. You will find more
details below.
1.02 / 01-2017

The program consists of:

• Menu Line (A)

I-80 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

• Icons (B)
• Views (C, D, E)
• Info Line at the Bottom of the Screen (F, G, H)

Menu Line

Fig. I-80 Menu line

Menu File offers the sub-menus:

• Open
• Close
• AutoSave
• Print Setup
• Print Preview
• Print …
• Exit
For details please refer to the table below. The functions of most of the menus
can also be executed via icons. To avoid double descriptions, the functions will
be explained in the section dealing with icons. Whenever this is the case, the
table will mention a reference in field Description.

Icon Menu Entry Description

Open This menu is used to open saved or exported

files. Such files have the extension out and the
files are saved in directory PackView.

Close This menu is used to close the current view.

Then, the view is empty. PackView remains

AutoSave This menu is used to save an intermediate

result. This way it is always possible to return or
to load a saved intermediate result. The files are
saved under the name AutoSave.out. To save
several intermediate results, it is necessary to
rename the files.

Print Setup This menu is used to open the dialog Print

setup. Here you configure the printout.

Print Preview This menu is used to display a print preview,

before you start the pint.

Print … This menu is used to start the printout directly.

1.02 / 01-2017

Exit This menu is used to close the program


Tab. I-7 File menu

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-81

Menus Software Reference

If you have been editing racks, PackView allows to save the result. You have
to confirm (sticking to the suggested file name) this if you want to use the
amended rack load.

Menu Edit offers the sub-menus:

• Editing F3
• Edit Rack Description …
• Insert New Rack …
• Change Box Properties …
• Undo
• Repeat
• Copy
• Cut
• Paste
• Move to the Green-box
• Rotate Unit CW
• Rotate Unit CCW
• Move Unit to the Right
• Move Unit to the Left
• Precise Movement
• Align
For details please refer to the table below. The functions of most of the menus
can also be executed via icons. To avoid double descriptions, the functions will
be explained in the section dealing with icons. Whenever this is the case, the
table will mention a reference in field Description.

Icon Menu Entry Explanation

Editing F3 Use this menu to enable or disable Editing. You

can also use the respective icon.
 Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Edit Rack Description … Use this menu to open the dialog Change Rack
 Software Reference, “Change Rack Descrip-
tion” on page I-88

Insert New Rack … Use this menu to open the dialog New Rack
 Software Reference, “New Rack Properties”
on page I-89

Change Box Properties … Use this menu to open the dialog Change box
properties …
 Software Reference, “Change Box Proper-
ties” on page I-91
1.02 / 01-2017

Tab. I-8 Menu Edit

I-82 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Icon Menu Entry Explanation

Undo  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Repeat  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Copy  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Cut  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Paste  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Move to the Green-box  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Rotate Unit CW  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Rotate Unit CCW  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Move Unit to the Right  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Move Unit to the Left  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Precise Movement Use this menu to move the unit on the rack by
1,0 mm into the desired direction.

Align  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Tab. I-8 Menu Edit

Menu View offers the sub-menus:

• 3D View
• Top View
• Detail View
• View Clip List
• Show Next Rack
• Show Previous Rack
• Select Rack for View …
• Next Camera Position
• Previous Camera Position
• Home Camera Position
1.02 / 01-2017

• Switch Side View

• Enable Expert Mode
• Free Rotation

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-83

Menus Software Reference

• Show No-move Reason

• Measuring Tool
• Unit Properties
For details please refer to the table below. The functions of most of the menus
can also be executed via icons. To avoid double descriptions, the functions will
be explained in the section dealing with icons. Whenever this is the case, the
table will mention a reference in field Description.

Icon Menu Entry Explanation

3D View  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Top View  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Detail View  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

View Clip List  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Show Next Rack  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Show Previous Rack  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Select Rack for View …  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Next Camera Position  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Previous Camera Position  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Home Camera Position  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Switch Side View  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Enable Expert Mode  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Free Rotation  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Show No-move Reason  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Measuring Tool  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Unit Properties  Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Tab. I-9 Menu Edit

1.02 / 01-2017

I-84 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus


Fig. I-81 Icons

The table below describes the icons. The functions of most of the icons can
also be executed through menu entries.
 Software Reference, “Menu Line” on page I-81

Description of Icons

Open source file Use this icon to open a packing optimization.

Select rack for view Use this icon to open the dialog Input.

Switch side view Use this icon to display the different side views.
This icon can only be used in the 3D view.
Show previous rack If the packing group includes several racks, you
can use this icon to display the previous rack.
Show next rack If the packing group includes several racks, you
can use this icon to display the next rack.
Home camera position The home camera position is the default setting of
the camera.
Previous camera Use this icon the move the rack by 45° in counter-
position clockwise direction. After rotating the rack
completely, the rack side changes.
Next camera position Use this icon the move the rack by 45° in
clockwise direction. After rotating the rack
completely, the rack side changes
Toggle edition on/off Use this icon to toggle edition on/off. This is e. g.
necessary to change the rack description.
Undo Undo the last action. Can be used repeatedly to
undo earlier actions.
Redo Redo the last undone action. Can be used
repeatedly to redo previous actions.
Copy Tag the selected unit.

Cut Remove the selected unit and transfer it to the clip

Paste Insert the content of clip list.

Move to the green-box Remove the selected unit and transfer it to the
Precise movement on/offThis icon is only active if a unit has been selected.
Then, you can move the selected unit to the left or
to the right desired position. Afterwards click on
the icon Paste to insert the unit at this position.
1.02 / 01-2017

Fig. I-82 Icons

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-85

Menus Software Reference

Move to the left This icon is only active if you are in the expert
mode and a unit has been selected. Then, you
can move the selected unit to the left or to the
right desired position. Afterwards click on the icon
Paste to insert the unit at this position. To move
the unit use either the arrow keys or the mouse. If
you use the arrow keys the unit is moved to the
left side by 10mm per click.
Move to the right This icon is only active if you are in the expert
mode and a unit has been selected. Then, you
can move the selected unit to the left or to the
right desired position. Afterwards click on the icon
Paste to insert the unit at this position. To move
the unit use either the arrow keys or the mouse. If
you use the arrow keys the unit is moved to the
right side by 10mm per click.
Rotate unit in clockwise This icon is only active if you are in the expert
direction mode and a unit has been selected. Then, it is
possible to rotate a selected unit by 90 degrees in
clockwise direction. Afterwards click on the icon
Paste to insert the unit at this position.
Rotate unit in counter- This icon is only active if you are in the expert
clockwise direction mode and a unit has been selected. Then, it is
possible to rotate a selected unit by 90 degrees in
counter-clockwise direction. Afterwards click on
the icon Paste to insert the unit at this position.
Align to the left This icon is only active if you are in the expert
mode and a unit has been selected. Then, it is
possible to align the selected unit to the left.
Afterwards click on the icon Paste to insert the
unit at this position.
Align to the center This icon is only active if you are in the expert
mode and a unit has been selected. Then, it is
possible to align the selected unit to the center.
Afterwards click on the icon Paste to insert the
unit at this position
Align to the right This icon is only active if you are in the expert
mode and a unit has been selected. Then, it is
possible to align the selected unit to the right.
Afterwards click on the icon Paste to insert the
unit at this position
Expert mode Toggles the expert mode on/off.

Free rotation Toggles the free rotation on/off. This icon is

directly connected to the icon for the expert mode.
It is only active if the expert mode is on. After
pressing the icon the mouse pointer changes and
you can rotate the rack freely. If the free rotation is
enabled, the icon is highlighted grey and the
mouse pointer changes to:
. With a push you can put the rack into a
continuous rotation. To stop the rotation click on
1.02 / 01-2017

Fig. I-82 Icons

I-86 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Dimension tool Toggle the dimension tool on/off. After pressing

the icon the mouse pointer changes and you can
measure different distances. The results are
displayed at the bottom of the screen. If the
dimension tool is enabled, the icon is highlighted
grey and the mouse pointer changes to:

Unit properties Show or hide the unit properties. Use this icon to
open the dialog Unit Properties.
 Software Reference, “Unit Properties” on
page I-92
3D view Toggle the 3D view on/off. Use this icon to enable
or disable the 3D view. If the 3D view is enabled,
the icon is highlighted grey.
Top view Toggle the top view on/off. Use this icon to enable
or disable the top view. If the top view is enabled,
the icon is highlighted grey.
Detail view Toggle the detail view on/off. Use this icon to
enable or disable the detail view. If the detail view
is enabled, the icon is highlighted grey.
Clip list Switch the detail view between rack load and clip
list. After copying units to the clip list, you can
display the clip list content.
Fig. I-82 Icons
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-87

Menus Software Reference

PackView offers the following views:
• 3D view
• Top view
• Detail view
For details on views, please refer to Functional Principles.
 Functional Principle, “Views” on page I-22

Change Rack Description

PackView > Editing on > Menu Edit > Change rack description …

Fig. I-83 Change rack description

This dialog is used to change the rack name. You can use only the fields that
are necessary for changing the rack name. You cannot access any other fields
at that point.
Technical info: Database table: PMO_RACKS

Description of Fields

Group The combo box is preset with the entry -Current- and cannot be
changed. The combo box below shows the rack name. You can click on this
field to override the name. When you leave the dialog by [OK], the name will
be changed in the table.

Customized settings
Depending on the installation (settings for your company) the combo box
Group allows to choose the required rack group and within this group, the
corresponding rack. This is always the case if you have a large number of
racks or boxes to choose from. This behavior will be configured by A+W
Software GmbH.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-88 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

New Rack Properties

PackView > Editing on > Menu Edit > Add new rack …

Fig. I-84 New rack properties

You can use this dialog to add a new rack.

Technical info: Database table: PMO_RACKS
Description of Fields in Section Sizes

Width Enter the width (in mm) of the rack you want to add.
Technical info: Compulsory field, numeric, database field: WIDTH

Height Enter the height (in mm) of the rack you want to add.
Technical info: Compulsory input, numeric, database field: HEIGHT

Depth Enter the depth (in mm) of the rack you want to add.
Technical info: Compulsory field, numerical, database field: DEPTH
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-89

Menus Software Reference

Description of the Field in Section Add Before Rackl#

Combo box The combo box shows the number of racks in the corresponding
packing group. This means that if a packing group consists of five racks, the
combo box shows the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This way you can define in
front of which of these five racks you want to add the new rack.
Description of Fields in Section Type

1 side (type L) Enable this radio button if the rack to be added is an L rack.

2 sides (type A) Enable this radio button if you want to add an A rack.

Box Enable this radio button if the rack you want to add is a tailored-to-size

Description of Fields in Section Description ID

Group The combo box is preset with the entry -Current- and cannot be
changed. The combo box below shows the rack name. You can click on this
field to override the name. When you leave the dialog by [OK], the name will
be changed in the table.

Customized settings
Depending on the installation (settings made for your company) you can
choose the required rack group from combo box Group and within the
group, the corresponding rack. This makes sense if you have a large num-
ber of racks or boxes to choose from. This behavior will be configured by
A+W Software GmbH.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-90 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Change Box Properties

PackView > Editing on > Menu Edit > Change box properties …

Fig. I-85 New rack properties

Menu Change box properties … is active only if the selected rack is a box. You
can change the properties of the box in this case.
Technical info: Database table: PMO_RACKS
Description of Fields in Section Oversize Dimensions

Width Oversize Enter the width (in mm) by which the box shall exceed the
load. This leaves space for fillers to secure the box load.

Height Oversize Enter the height (in mm) by which the box shall exceed the
load. This leaves space for fillers to secure the box load.

Depth Oversize Enter the depth (in mm) by which the box shall exceed the
load. This leaves space for fillers to secure the box load.

Description of Fields in Section Description ID

Group The combo box is preset with the entry -Current- and cannot be
changed. The combo box below shows the rack name. You can click on this
field to override the name. When you leave the dialog by [OK], the name will
be changed in the table.

Customized settings
Depending on the installation (settings made for your company) you can
choose the required rack group from combo box Group and within the
group, the corresponding rack. This makes sense if you have a large num-
ber of racks or boxes to choose from. This behavior will be configured by
A+W Software GmbH.
1.02 / 01-2017

More information on Change box properties

 Functional Principle, “View Optimization” on page I-21

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-91

Menus Software Reference

Unit Properties
PackView > Menu View > Unit properties

Fig. I-86 Properties of reference units

This dialog offers information on the selected lite. The following values will be
• Batch/Sequence: Shows the determined lot number after detailed schedul-
ing as well as the sequence of the unit within the lot.
• Order/Item: Shows the order and item number of the order. Example:
639478/20 means: Order-No.: 639478 and Line Item No.: 20.
• Width x Height x Depth: Shows the width, the height, and the thickness of
the unit in mm.
• Weight: Shows the weight of the unit in kg.
• Position (X, Y, Z): Shows the position of the unit on the rack.

Fig. I-87 Dialog: SQL analysis

The coordinates of the tagged unit are: 822.00, 51.00, 471.00. This means
that its position on the X axis is 822 mm (from the reference point), 51 mm
from the back of the rack, 471 mm high.
1.02 / 01-2017

I-92 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Software Reference Menus

Info Line at the Bottom of the Screen


Fig. I-88 Info line at the bottom of the screen

The info line at the bottom of the screen provides information on the sizes and
weight of the corresponding rack side. The info line keeps you posted regard-
ing sizes and weight of the currently displayed rack side. The display will
change if you go to the other side of the rack.
The info line is split into three sections:
• Section A
• Section B
• Section C

Section A
Section A shows the spread of the units per rack side.

Fig. I-89 Spread

For the image above, this means: The rack is loaded with units up to a length
of 1136 mm, a height of 1270 mm, and a depth of 168 mm.

The spread is the total spread per rack side, i.e. even gaps and fillers will
be included and displayed.

This section shows values only if the dimensioning tool is inactive. If the di-
mensioning tool is active, this section remains empty until the measuring result
There are three ways of enabling the dimensioning tool:

• Via menu: View > Measuring tool.

• By pressing the function key F4.

• By using the icon.

 Software Reference, “Icons” on page I-85

Tab. I-10
1.02 / 01-2017

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-93

Menus Software Reference

Section B
Section B shows the weight distribution in kg, per rack and per side.

Fig. I-90 Weight in kg

For the image above, this means: The total rack weight is 383 kg. The values
in brackets show the weight per rack side, i.e. 183 kg for side 1 and 200 kg for
side 2.

Section C
Section C shows the load distribution in % for the right and left side of the rack.

Fig. I-91 Weight in %

For the image above, this means: 51 % of the load are on the left and 49 % on
the right. The percentage also considers the weight of units on the outside as
compared with units on the inside. This may result in distinctive differences in
the load distribution (such as 30 % vs. 70 %).
1.02 / 01-2017

I-94 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

Packing Optimization I

Section Index

A+W Production
Section Index Index Packing Optimization

Index Packing Optimization

Add box Icon
– Added depth I-91 – Pool view I-19, I-76
– Added height I-91 Icons
– Added width I-91 – PackView I-85
Add rack Item no.
– Depth I-89 – Detailed view I-28
– Height I-89
– Width I-89, I-90 M
Added depth Main packing group I-74
– Add box I-91
Added height
– Add box I-91 O
Added width Order no.
– Add box I-91 – Detailed view I-28

Change rack name P group
– PackView I-88, I-90, I-91 – Detailed view I-28
Packing group I-75
Packing groups
D – Description I-75
Depth – Exclude items from optimisation I-75
– Add rack I-89 – Main packing group I-74
Detailed view – Pack production lines together I-75
– Item no. I-28 – Packing group I-75
– Order no. I-28 – Packing rule I-75
– P group I-28 Packing rule I-75
– Production line I-28 PackView
– Quantity I-28 – AutoSave I-81
– Rack ID I-28 – Change rack name I-88, I-90, I-91
– Rack name I-27 – Close file I-81
– Rack# I-25 – Exit I-81
– Row I-28 – Icons I-85
– Side I-25 – Menu I-81, I-93
– Size I-28 – Open file I-81
– Stack I-25 – Print I-81
– Surface I-28 – Print preview I-81
– Type I-28 – Printer setup I-81
– Vert. stack I-28 Pool view
– Weight I-28 – Filter function I-77
– Hotkey I-77
F – Total I-77
Filter function Production line
– Pool view I-77 – Detailed view I-28
1.02 / 01-2017

Height Quantity
– Add rack I-89 – Detailed view I-28

A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung I-97

Index Packing Optimization Section Index

Rack ID
– Detailed view I-28
Rack name
– Detailed view I-27
– Detailed view I-25
– Detailed view I-28
– .Load .RUL file I-69
– .Name of .RUL file I-70
– .RUL file I-69
– Description of the .RUL file I-70

– Detailed view I-25
– Detailed view I-28
– Detailed view I-25
– Detailed view I-28

– Pool view I-77
– Detailed view I-28

Values I-71
– .VAL file I-72
– Description of the .VAL file I-72
– Load .VAL file I-71
– Maximum value of .VAL file I-73
– Minimum value of .VAL file I-73
– Name of .VAL file I-72
– Packing parameter number I-72
Vert. stack
– Detailed view I-28
– Context menu for tagged entries I-78

– Detailed view I-28
1.02 / 01-2017

– Add rack I-89, I-90

I-98 A+W Production Packmitteloptimierung

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