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Oral surgery

MID EXAM 2016/2017

1_ Radiographic examination in the oral surgery

A_aids in the diagnosis of bony lesion
B_for post_operative follow up of surgically treated cases
C_Reconstructive planning
D_All of above✔✔

2_ The true following statements related to aspiration in oral surgery exept:

a- to do suggested diagnosis
b- to know nature of the lesion and aid in diagnosis of the lesion
c- a sort of histological and haematological examination
d- part of clinical examination method

3_ .the method of clinical examination in sequence

1- percussion, probing, auscultation, inspection
2- inspection, auscultation, probing, percussion
3- inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation✔✔
4-non of the above

4_ Yellow discoloration ?
1_ sign✔✔
2_ symptom
3_ sign and symptom
4_none all of the above

5_ Lymph node enlargement indicate :

1- acute infection
2- acute&chronic infection
3- malignancy
4- all the above

6_ painless enlargement of lymph node in cervicofacial is indicate

a_ lymphoadenitis
b_ lymphadenopathy✔✔
c_palpable tender
d_ all of the above

7_ Referred pain:
A_localized pain at the jaw
B_localized pain around the teeth.
C_ unlocalized sever pain .
D_unlocalized pain in the areas away from the causative factor.✔✔
E_none of the above

8_ Vitality of teeth are checked by many methods except :

a)change in colour of teeth✔✔
b)hot application
c)pulp tester
d) ethyl chloride application

9_ Ausculation method of clinical examination :

A, always use
B,sweling in tempromidibler joint
C, some time use
D, B&C✔

10_ differential diagnosis means

A-final diagnosis
B-suggested diagnosis
C-histopathological diagnosis
D- all of the above

11_ Basic instruments that are used in clinical examination in oral surgery
a. Dental mirror , dental probe , tweezers✔✔
b. Dental mirror , dental probe , tweezers , kidney dish
c. Dental mirror , dental probe , tweezers , kidney dish , cotton

12_ Intra oral examination includes all except:

B-ulcers in the mouth
C-examination of teeth, soft tissue and bones of the jaw
D-all of the above

13_ All the statements related to the tooth in the line of fracture except
1- relatively indicated for extraction
2- absolutely indicated for extracting
3- May lead to infection
4-may interfere with reduction of fracture

14_ The most common cause of extraction of the teeth

A_periapical pathology
B_ periodentitis
C_advanced caries

15_The following statements related to advanced chronic periodontitis except one..

a. Radiographic examination for bone lose
b. Clinical examination for bone lose
c. Hypermobility of the tooth
d. the utmost common cause for extraction of teeth
e. Paradontal abscess

16_ Extraction of tooth for patient with history of recent radiotherapy in maxillofacial region:
a)Breakdown of soft tissue and delay of the wound healing
b)may end with osteoradionecrosis
c)postoperative infection
d)all of the above

17_ Sound tooth may be extracted :

1-befor radiotheropy
2-for orthodontic treatment
3-for esthetic and prothodontic
4- all of above✔✔

18_ All the following characteristics of investigation exepte one

A_ allways for diagnosis
B_ sometimes for diagnosis

19_ The following statment are related to the surjical extraction all correct exept
A_trans alveolar surhical extaction
B_always done with generlized anesthesia✔✔
C_elvation of flap
D_done section to the tooth and tissue
E_done with sedation

20_ Sign of chronic advanced periodentitis include the following except:-

A-mobility of the teeth
C-gum recession
D-bone loss

21_ impacted tooth should be extracted in the following cases exept :

a_ Priodontal problem of the adjoining teeth
b_Ambiguos pain
c_Focus of infection ✔✔
d_ Associated systic lesion

22_ The supernumerary teeth

a_ impacted
b_ single or multiple
c_ esthetic problems
d_ all of the above✔✔

23_managment term in diagnostic mean the following except:

1-)clinical examination and treatment and postoperative following up
2-)diagnosis and treatment✔✔
3-)history and investigation
4-)surgical and medecine(drug)
24_The following statement are related to periapical pathology except one
1-periapical abscess
2-periapical granuloma
3- cyst
4- pulplitis

25_ Chief complaint :

b_described by the exact patient words✔✔
d_achieved from the medical history

Past dental histototy of patient have hemorrhage when tooth extraction indicate
A. Have bone and soft tissue truma
B.patient on medically anti_coagulating druge
C. Unabile tolerance to post operative instruction
D. All the above

27_ In history present illness onset is mean

the duration of illines
frequency of illiness
severity of illiness
the time which the illiness is started ✔✔

29_Extraction under general anasthesia in the followng condetion except:

A. extensive\difficult
B. very apprehensive
C. mentaly retarded
D. extraction of impacted third molars✔✔

30_Past dental histototy of patient have hemorrhage when tooth extraction indicate
A. Have bone and soft tissue truma
B.patient on medically anti_coagulating druge
C. Unabile tolerance to post operative instruction
D. All the above

31_ A medically fit patient (with negative medical history ) best describes as :
A- normal
B- no any sign or symptom of systemic disease
C - healthy patient
D- no history of chronic systemic disease✔✔

32_ Scalpel blade no.12 used

A)mucogingival ✔✔
B)skin incision
C)stap incision
D)most incision intra oral
33_ The instrument used in the elevating of the muco-periostium
a) Scalpel handel no.3.
b) Hemostat.
c) tooth-tissue forceps.
d) Molt no.9.✔✔

34_ Howarth periosteal elevator moved in :

A) pull stroke only
B) push stroke only
C) push and pull✔✔

35_ All of the following are part of forceps exept :

locking ratchet

36_Giant axon

37_ All are advantage of local anesthetic agent except :

A- no risk of respiratory obstruction
B- the patient need no after care
C- no special preparation need for patient
D- expensive✔✔

38_Hiltion method is done with:

1. hemostat ✔✔
2. Howarth
3. Malet
4. Aillis forcep

39_ Duration of action of medium-acting local anesthetic agents is:

•about 45 to 75 min
•90 to 100 min
•all of the above
•none of the above✔✔

40_ repolarization process takes

a-0.9 ms
b-0.3 ms
c-0.6 ms
d-non all of the above✔✔

ester is metabolized in
D- Bloodstream✔✔
E-non ‫ لو‬all of the above

42_ Analgesia is lose of

Pain ✔✔
Pain and sensation

43_ the maximum recommonded dose of lidocaine :

a- 6.6 mg/kg body wight
b- 4.4✔✔
c- 3.5
d- 2.3

44_ Impulses initiated in nerve by

D-all of above✔✔

45_ Duration of local anesthesia is increased in :

a- area increase vascularity
b-area decrease vascularity✔✔
c-area of all body
d-non above

46_ When the stimuli effect on the nerve influx of Na to interior of nerve through :

47_ The advantages of vasoconstriction agent a-decreased blood flowb-dcrease risk of local anstasia c-
increase durationd-all the above

48_ The main function of nerve cell is

a_ transmitted message between CNS and all parts of the body✔✔
b_ transmitted message from CNS and heart
c_ all of the above
d_ non

49_ All of them are is ideal properties of lacal anaesthetic agent except :
Rapidity of onset
50_Which is the most potent anesthetic agent:
a_ mepivacaine
b_ bupivacaine ✔✔
c_ prilocaine
d_ ligocaine

51_Dilution of vasoconstrictor referred to as

a_ ratio✔✔
b_ percentage
c_ volume

52_Local anesthetic drugs listed by their :

a_ ratio
b_ percentage ✔✔
c_ volume
d_ all

53_Vasoconstriction according into:

a_ direct, indirect ✔✔
b_ mixing
c_ both
d_ non

54_Adrenalin cause dilation for smooth muscle of :

Bronchiol ✔✔
Non of above
All of above

55_the lipophilic is…

a-the greater part✔✔
b-the smallest part
c-all of above
d-non on above

56_The following theories explain the action of local anesthesia except :-

A- membrane expansion theory.
B- conduction theory. ✔✔
C- special receptor theory.
D- non of the above.

57_Vasoconstrictor add to local anesthesia to :

a-increase duration
b-decrease blood flow

58_The movement of NA ions to the inside of nerve during depolarization and the movement of K ion
out of the nerve during re-polarization are:
A-passive process ✔✔
B-active process

59_The local anesthesia could be used in :

A. Dignosis
B . Preoperative use
C. Therapeutic
D.All of the above✔✔

60_Patient with thyrotoxicosis used with?

A. Should use adrenaline local anesthesia
B. Shouldn't use adrenaline local anesthesia
C. Plane local anesthesia should be use✔✔
D. Should use nor-adrenaline local anesthesia

61_Adrenaline is available in
a. 1:50:000
b. 1:80:000
c. 1:100:000
d. all of the above✔✔

62_All the following have an effect on the heart except

a. Adrenaline
b. Noradrenaline
c. Filpressine✔✔
d. Ephidrine

63_the factor that affect on the local anesthetic except:

1_lipid solibilty
2_protein binding
3_PH value

64_Local anesthetic agents classified according to occurrence in nature

A- short&long acting
B-naturally occurring & synthetic compound ✔✔
C- organic & inorganic
D-ester & amide
65_esters and amide classified according to :

66_All are local anesthetic agent expect :

A) ligocaine
C) flypressin✔✔
D) prilocaine

67_Local anesthesia are Excretion mainly by


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