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Baking Powder 15g

Molasses 90g

Ginger 8g

Cinnamon 8g

Eggs 360g

Egg Whites 45g

Cake Flour 1575g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to it the sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, ginger, and cinnamon.

2. Cream well and scrape. Add the molasses, then the eggs, and egg whites.

3. Add the cake flour in batches, scraping after each addition.

4. Press the dough into sheet pans lightly sprayed and lined with acetate, cover with acetate.

5. Label with the date, the product name, and your initials, store in the proper spot in the cooler

Gingerbread House

Butter 430g

Sugar 430g

Corn Syrup 510g

Milk 180g

Bread Flour 1400g

Baking Soda 12g

Cinnamon 20g

Cloves 12g

Ginger 12g


1. Heat butter, sugar, corn syrup, and milk in a saucepan. Stir constatly until the mix is smooth and the
sugar is melted.

2. Sift together the dry ingredients.

3. Put butter mix in a bowl. Using the paddle, mix in the dry ingredients. Mix very well.

4. Place on floured sheet pans, refrigerate.


Brown Sugar g 4500g

Sugar g 6350g

Honey g 1200g

Salt g 115g

Baking Soda g 115g

Butter g 3600g

Cake Flour g 11800g

AP Flour g 3600g

Cinnamon g 60g

Ginger g 60g

H2O g 1000g

Eggs ml 1000g

Molasses ml 1000g


Creaming method

Lemon Tea Cookie

Butter 1125g

Powdered Sugar 600g

Egg White x6

AP Flour 1050g

Cornstarch 300g

Lemon Zest 20g

1. Soften butter in mixer (very soft).

2. Add powdered sugar and lemon zest, mix until smooth (do not beat in air).

3. Add egg whites slowly, remember to scrape the bowl.

4. Sift together flour and cornstarch, add in and mix just until combined.

Linzer Tea Cookie

Source: The Empress Pastry 176

Sugar 170g

Butter 225g

Yolk 60g

Bread Flour 225g

Cinnamon 3g

Ground Cloves 1g

Ground Hazelnut 15g7

Orange Zest (pre made) 25g


Please do not overmix. 2 trays dough.

Chocolate Macaroons Mix

powdered sugar 450g

almond flour 250g

egg whites 200g

granulated sugar 50g

cocoa powder 10g

cream of tartar 1.5g

Follow regular procedure for macarons.

Chocolate Macaroons

Almond Flour 250g

Powder Sugar 220g

Cocoa Powder 30g

Egg Whites #1 80g

Sugar 225g

Water 60g

Egg Whites #2 80g


1.Place all the dry ingredients in a small mixer with the paddle attachment, add 1st part of the egg
whites and mix to a paste.

2.Cook the sugar to 118C.

3.Make an italian meringue with the second part of the egg whites and fold into the almond paste while
still warm.

4.Pipe the mix with a plain nozzle #7 or #8 on silpat and bake on double sheet pan for 325F for 8-10

Chocolate Macaroons - Modern Baking

(October 2006)

Almond Flour 570g

Confectioners Sugar 1020g

Cocoa Powder 105g

Egg Whites 450g

Sugar (sucrose) 135g

Egg White Powder 21g

1.Sift the almond flour, confectioners sugar, and cocoa powder, and mix well.

2.Whisk the egg whites, sugar, and egg white powder until firm.

3.Fold the dry mix, into the egg whites until mixture becomes shiny and and somewhat loose, but not

4.Pour into a piping bag and pipe quarter size bulbs onto a slicone baking mat. Let rest for 30 minutes.

5.Bake at 315°F (157°C) for 5 minutes with the vent closed and 6-7 minutes with the vent open. Let cool
and freeze immediately.

Yield: 120 cookies.

Chocolate Passion Fruit Macaroons

almond flour 250g

icing sugar 400g

egg whites 10g

egg whites (whipped) 200g

granulated sugar 80g

cocoa powder 15g


passion fruit puree 350g

milk chocolate “40%” 725g

inverted sugar 50g

butter (plugra) 130g


Sift the almond flour, the powdered sugar and the cocoa powder together. Whip the egg whites and the
granulated sugar (French meringue)

Fold until mix gets shiny.

Boil the passion fruit puree and the inverted sugar.

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut Desicated 900g

Sugar 900g

Egg White 350g


1. Mix ingredients together.

2. Scoop and shape, bake at 350F for about 12 minutes.

3. If tips get too dark, cover with foil until center is cooked.

4. be sure to check cookies for doneness as different sizes take more or less time!!

French Macaroons (Anil)

Powder Sugar 760g

Almond Flour 800g

Egg Whites 600g

Sugar 600g

Egg White Powder 25g


1. Mix together the sifted powder sugar and almond flour.

2. Make a soft peak meringue with the egg white, sugar and egg white powder

3. Add in any color or flavoring just at the end of mixing.

4. Pipe with a small plain nozzle onto parchment that is on wet tray.

5. Let rest 2 hours to form a crust, bake at 350F then reduce temperature until finished.

French Macaroons (Tiptur)

Almond Flour
Icing Sugar

Egg White 1

Egg White 2


Total Weight


1.Whip the egg whites with the sugar until stiff.

2.Sift the almond flour with the powder sugar.

3.Fold together the meringue and AF mixture.

4.Mix in the remaining egg whites if needed to loosen the mix.

5.Rest the macaroons for 2 hours before baking to form a skin.

6.Pipe with a #8 nozzle on silpat and bake double panned at 325F for 8-10 mins.

French Macaroons

Almmond Flour 250g

Powder Sugar 250g

Egg Whites 187g

Sugar 250g


1) Robocoup the flour and powder sugar together and pass throw a sifter

2) Cook the sugar to soft ball (120C)

3) Make an Italian Meringue with soft ball sugar and whites

4) Fold in flour sugar mix into the meringue

5) Bake at 325F


Water 120g

Sugar 480g
Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. 1000g

Whites 170g

Color tt


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Bake at 320 F

T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

French Macaroons (Tiptur)

Almond Flour 250g

Icing Sugar 400g

Egg White 1 10g

Egg White 2 200g

Sugar 80g


1.Whip the egg whites with the sugar until stiff.

2.Sift the almond flour with the powder sugar.

3.Fold together the meringue and AF mixture.

4.Mix in the remaining egg whites if needed to loosen the mix.

5.Rest the macaroons for 2 hours before baking to form a skin.

6.Pipe with a #8 nozzle on silpat and bake double panned at 325F for 8-10 mins.

Macaroon (AUI)
Granulated Sugar 300g

Water 100g

Egg Whites 110g

Granulated Sugar 30g

Almond Flour 300g

Powder Sugar 300g

Egg Whites 110g


1. Robo coupe the Almond flour and powder sugar.

2.Cook the first portion of sugar and water to 110C and make italian meringue (use the second portion
of sugar in the whites)

3. When the meringue is cool, add the second portion of egg white to the TPT

4. Fold in the meringue into the TPT, egg white mixture

5. bake at 300F for 8-10 minutes

Hazelnut Macaroons

hazelnut flour (toasted) 200g

granulated sugar 100g

A.P. flour 20g

egg whites 250g

granulated sugar 200g

chopped skinless chopped hazelnuts) tt


Combine the 3 first ingredients.

Whip egg whites and granulated sugar as a “French” Meringue.

Sprinkle with chopped skinless hazelnuts and dust with powdered sugar.

Lemon Macaroons
Water 120g

Sugar 480g

Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. **** 1000g

Whites 170g

Yellow Color 25 drops

Lemon Oil 2 Caps

Poppy Seeds tt


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Pipe small discs onto a nonstick silpat.

6) Sprinkle with poppy seeds.

7) Let rest 1 hour at room temperature, uncovered.

8) Bake at 320 F

9). Make sandwich cookies using lemon curd or lemon buttercream.

****T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

Mint Macaroons

Water 120g

Sugar 480g

Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. 1000g

Whites 170g

Blue Color 25 drops

Mint Oil 1 caps


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Bake at 320 F

T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

Orange Macaroons

Water 120g

Sugar 480g

Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. 1000g

Whites 170g

Orange Color 40 drops

Orange Oil 2 Caps


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Bake at 320 F

T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

Pistachio Macaroons

Water 120g

Sugar 480g

Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. 1000g

Whites 170g

Color 25 drops

Pistachio Paste 100g


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Bake at 320 F

T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

Raspberry Macaroon

Water 120g

Sugar 480g

Whites 200g

Egg White Powder 3g

T.P.T. 1000g

Whites 170g

Red Color 25 drops

Raspberry Powder 20g


1) Cook sugar and water to 118 C

2) At 112 C start wipping your whites and powder

3) Add the sugar to the whites and make a meringue

4) Add alternating the TPT, the whites and the color to the meringue

5) Bake at 320 F

T.P.T = 1/2 Almond Flour, 1/2 Powder Sugar

chocolate macaroon

cocoa powder 31g

powdered sugar 1 400g

almond powder325g

egg whites 275g

powder sugar 2 200g


combine the first 3 ingredients and pass in the vertical slicer or robot coup

combine the egg white and the sugar and whip until medium peaks

fold the dry into the meringue and as for a biscuit

pipe out for biscuit or macarons and bake

bake at 300F

Lemon Macaroon Biscuit

Source: Des Alpes Culinary School

Egg Whites 250g

Sugar 200g

Almond Flour 150g

Sugar 200g
AP Flour 75g

Lemon Rappe (Zest) 10g


1.Make a meringue with the egg whites and the first measure of sugar.

2.Sift together the ap flour, sugar, and almond flour.

3.Fold the meringue into the flour mixture.

*If possible, put the zest with the dry ingredients and rest overnight to impart flavor. Note: Almond
flour (204162)

Bailey's Macaroons

Macaroons mix

almond flour 250g

icing sugar 400g

egg whites 10g

egg whites (whipped) 200g

granulated sugar 80g

Bailey's filling:

heavy cream 35%fat 125g

bailey’s Irish cream 125g

white chocolate300g

butter 100g

gelatin powder 6g


Sift the almond flour, the powdered sugar together.

Whip the egg whites and the granulated sugar (French meringue)

Fold until mix gets shiny.


Boil the cream; add gelatin powder (soak with 35 g of cold water).

Mexican Wedding Cookie

Butter 906g

Salt 10g

Powder Sugar 906g

Vanilla 20g

Pecans, Chopped 1814g

AP Flour 1814g

cinnamon, to taste tt


1. Mix butter, sugar, salt and vanilla.

2.Add flour, cinnamon and pecans

Oat Meal Cookies

Butter 1362g

Shortening 1100g

Sugar 1180g

Brown Sugar 3178g

Vanilla Extract 80 ml

Eggs x22

AP Flour 2100g

Oats 2300g

Baking Soda 1Tbsp

Salt 1Tbsp

Cinnamon 2Tbsp

Raisins 1800g

Creaming Method

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Brown Sugar 1010g

Sugar 1010g

Butter 1010g

Eggs 450g

Vanilla 15g

Salt 26g

A.P. Flour 1185g

Baking Powder 20g

Quick Cook Oats 900g

Raisins (Dark) 565g


1.Begin creaming the butter, add to this the brown sugar, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

2. Cream well and scrape. Add to this the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Add the flour in 3 batches and scrape after each addition.

4. Add the raisins and the oats, mix well to combine.

5. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, the product name, and your initials. Bag, and store in the proper spot in the

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Brown Sugar 1010g

Sugar 1010g

Butter 1010g

Eggs 450g
Vanilla 15g

Salt 26g

A.P. Flour 1185g

Baking Powder 20g

Quick Cook Oats 900g

Raisins (Dark) 565g


1.Begin creaming the butter, add to this the brown sugar, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

2. Cream well and scrape. Add to this the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Add the flour in 3 batches and scrape after each addition.

4. Add the raisins and the oats, mix well to combine.

5. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, the product name, and your initials. Bag, and store in the proper spot in the

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 2 Source: NL

Ingredients Unit 1x

Butter # 9

Sugar # 9

Brown Sugar # 9

Eggs # 3.375

Vanilla oz 3

Bread Flour # 11.5

Oatmeal # 11.25

Salt oz 5

Baking Soda oz 2

Raisins # 7.5
Total Weight 71


1.Cream butter and sugar.

2.Add eggs, vanilla, salt, and baking soda.

3.Add flour and raisins

4.Refrigerate for 3 hours then portion.

5.Bake at 350°F for 15-20 minutes.

Note: Eggs = 3.375# = 3# 6oz

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 2 Source: NL

Ingredients Unit 1x

Butter grams 4100

Sugar grams 4100

Brown Sugar grams 4100

Eggs grams 1537

Vanilla grams 85

Bread Flour grams 5238

Oatmeal grams 5125

Salt grams 142

Baking Soda grams 57

Raisins grams 3416

Total Weight 27,900


1. Cream butter and sugar.

2. Add eggs, vanilla, salt, and baking soda.

3. Add flour and raisins

4. Refrigerate for 3 hours then portion.

5. Bake at 350°F for 15-20 minutes.

Note: Eggs = 3.375# = 3# 6oz


Ingredients Unit 1x

Almond Flour g 750

Sugar g 750

Cake Flour g 120

Egg White ea 24

Sliced Almond to decorate

Total Weight 1,644


1. Mix all dry ingredients.

2. Whip egg white to medium peak.

3. Fold dry ingredients into meringue.

Bake at 380f 10mins

Pecan Caramel Kisses Sweet Craving

Ingredients Unit 1x

Egg Whites each 6

Cream of Tartar tsp 0.25

Maple flavouring ml 3

Confectioners Sugar oz 17.5

Whole Pecans oz 3.25


Caramel grams
Total Weight 30


Toast and chop pecans. Let cool.

Beat egg whites , cream of tartar and flavouring in medium bowl on medium speed until stiff peaks
form. Beat in icing sugar 2 tablespoons at a time until very glossy and stiff.

Fold in pecans.

Drop tablespoonuls at a time about 2 inches apart onto greased cookie sheets. Bake at 140°C for 30
minutes or until dry and edges are golden.

Make caramel and drizzle over cookies.

olive rosemary biscotti

eggs 1800g

sugar 1500g

butter 1362g

olive 250g

rosemary 17g

bread flour 5400g

baking powder 70g

salt 60g


cream the butter, sugar and then add the eggs

Add the dry

add the olives and rosemary

scale into 500g pieces and roll into a log

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Brown Sugar 1010g

Sugar 1010g

Butter 1010g

Eggs 450g

Vanilla 15g

Salt 26g

A.P. Flour 1185g

Baking Powder 20g

Quick Cook Oats 900g

Raisins (Dark) 565g


1.Begin creaming the butter, add to this the brown sugar, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

2. Cream well and scrape. Add to this the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Add the flour in 3 batches and scrape after each addition.

4. Add the raisins and the oats, mix well to combine.

5. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, the product name, and your initials. Bag, and store in the proper spot in the

Sesame Cookie

Sugar 300g

Pectin 16g

Butter 150g


Sesame Seeds 300g


1.Melt the butter and gluose.

2.Stir in the sugar and pectin and stir constantly.

3.Turn off the stove and add the sesame.

4.Bake in silpat at 375 for 16mins.


butter gram 400g

brown sugar gram 400g

sugar gram 120g

cinnamon powder gram 20g

salt gram 8g

eggs gram 100g

milk gram 30g

flour gram 800g

baking powder gram 12g


cream the butter and the sugars, then add the cinnamon and salt

add the eggs and the milk,

finish by adding the sifted flour and baking powder

roll out and cut with a star cutter-brush water and sprinkle with crystal sugar

bake at 350


Glucoseg 230

Sugar g 230

Cream (Hot) g 620

Salt g 5

Gelatin Powder g 8

Cold Water g 48

Butter g 190

Total Weight 1,331

Cook the sugar and the glucose to the 1st smoke. Deglaze with cream and cook at 224*F adds salt. Allow
to cool to 95*F and add butter with bur mixer.

Sugar Cookies

Sugar 1350g

Butter 1010g

Honey 75g

Eggs 225g

Vanilla 15g

Cake Flour 1125g

Bread Flour 565g

Salt 20g

Baking Soda 22g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to this the sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Scrape well.

2. After this has been creamed well, add the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Combine the two flours and add to the mixer in three batches, scraping after each addition.
4. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

5. Label with the date, the product name and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

6. Before baking, press the top of the cookie into grain sugar.

triple chocolate cookies

unsweetened chocolate gram 1871g

milk chocolate gram 2722g

dark chocolate gram 1814g

gianduja gram 907g

butter gram 2722g

eggs each 66g

sugar gram 5443g

vanilla gram 170g

coffee extract gram 57g

a.p. flour gram 1360g

baking powder gram 28g

pecan pieces gram 3742g

walnut pieces gram 1871g

salt gram 57g


melt all chocolate and butter together

whip sugar and eggs until ribbon using the whip attachment

add vanilla and salt and coffee extract

add melted chocolate and butte mixture

add dry ingredients

chill and scoop

Sugar Cookies

Sugar 1350g

Butter 1010g

Honey 75g

Eggs 225g

Vanilla 15g

Cake Flour 1125g

Bread Flour 565g

Salt 20g

Baking Soda 22g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to this the sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Scrape well.

3. Combine the two flours and add to the mixer in three batches, scraping after each addition.

4. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

5. Label with the date, the product name and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

6. Before baking, press the top of the cookie into grain sugar.

Sugar Cookies

Sugar 1350g

Butter 1010g

Honey 75g

Eggs 225g

Vanilla 15g

Cake Flour 1125g

Bread Flour 565g

Salt 20g

Baking Soda 22g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to this the sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Scrape well.

2. After this has been creamed well, add the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Combine the two flours and add to the mixer in three batches, scraping after each addition.

4. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

5. Label with the date, the product name and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

6. Before baking, press the top of the cookie into grain sugar.

tropical angel bars

graham cracker crust 1500g

chopped dried pineapples 600g

chopped dried mangos 600g

chopped macadamia nuts 600g

coconut shredded 300g

condensed milk 2000g


layer the ingredients in order- drizzle top with the condensed milk and bake at 350F for about 20
minutes or until set

Vanilla Diamant Cookie

Source: OGL

Butter 2000g

Icing Sugar 800g

Salt 10g

Yolks 200g

Vanilla Beans x5

Flour 2250g

1. Creaming method.

2. Ice box cookie.


powder sugar 500g

toasted hazelnuts 500g

cocoa powder 40g

egg whites 150g


toast and hand shop the hazelnuts

sift the dry ingredients together and combine with the hazelnuts, then add the

egg whites and heat slightly in a heavy bottomed pot just until glossy looking

place small spoonfuls onto a silpat and let rest for 30 minutes

back at 300 f for 20 -30 minutes

these cookies spread quite aq bit so there should be adequete space between cookies

white chocolate blueberry or cranberry cookies

sugar 2722g

butter 2041g

honey 142g

eggs 454g

vanilla 28g

cake flour 2268g

bread flour 1134g

salt 70g

baking soda 43g

white chocolate chunks 1814g

dried blueberries 1134g


creaming method

White Chocolate Macademia Cookie

Butter lb 6

Sugar lb 7

Brown Sugar lb 7

Eggs ea 32

Vanilla Extract oz 1

AP Flour lb 12

Baking Soda tsp 8

Salt tsp 8

White Chocolate lb 8

Macademian Nuts lb 4


Creaming Method

White Chocolate Lace

White Fondant grams 160g

Glucose Syrup grams 60g

White Couverture (chopped) grams 60g

Lemon Zest (grated) Tbsp 1Tbsp


1.Cook fondant and glucose to 160°C. Remove from heat.

2.Add chocolate and zest.

3.Break into small pieces and sprinkle onto silpat and bake at 350°F.

4.Cool to crystallize and shape as needed.

Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Sugar grams 450g

Brown Sugar grams 900g

Butter grams 1015g

Honey grams 75g

Eggs grams 225g

Vanilla grams 15g

Cake Flour grams 1125g

Bread Flour grams 565g

Salt grams 30g

Baking Soda grams 22g

Chocolate Chunks grams 1500g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to it the sugar, brown sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Cream well.

2. Add the eggs and vanilla scrape well.

3. Combine the 2 flours and add them to the mixer in 3 batches scraping after each addition.

4. Add the chocolate chips and mix to combine thoroughly.

5. Scoop the cookies onto acetate line sheet pans with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, product name, and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Brown Sugar 1010g

Sugar 1010g

Butter 1010g

Eggs 450g

Vanilla 15g
Salt 26g

A.P. Flour 1185g

Baking Powder 20g

Quick Cook Oats 900g

Raisins (Dark) 565g


1.Begin creaming the butter, add to this the brown sugar, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

2. Cream well and scrape. Add to this the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Add the flour in 3 batches and scrape after each addition.

4. Add the raisins and the oats, mix well to combine.

5. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, the product name, and your initials. Bag, and store in the proper spot in the

Oreo Cookie Cookies

Sugar grams 450g

Brown Sugar grams 900g

Butter grams 1015g

Honey grams 75g

Eggs grams 225g

Vanilla grams 15g

Cake Flour grams 1125g

Bread Flour grams 565g

Salt grams 30g

Baking Soda grams 22g

Oreo Cookie Chunks grams 1500g

1. Begin creaming the butter, add to it the sugar, brown sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Cream well.

2. Add the eggs and vanilla scrape well.

3. Combine the 2 flours and add them to the mixer in 3 batches scraping after each addition.

4. Add the chocolate chips and mix to combine thoroughly.

5. Scoop the cookies onto acetate line sheet pans with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

6. Label with the date, product name, and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

Spiced Pecan and Dried Peach

sugar 2722g

butter 2041g

honey 142g

eggs 454g

vanilla 28g

cake flour 2268g

bread flour 1134g

salt 70g

baking soda 43g

Spiced Pecans 1814g

Dried Peaches 1134g


creaming method

Peanut Butter Cookies

Brown Sugar 840g

Sugar 840g

Butter 900g
Peanut Butter 1350g

Eggs 400g

Vanilla 30g

Baking Soda 22g

Baking Powder 22g

A.P. Flour 1690g


1. In the mixer bowl begin creaming the butter, add to it the sugar, brown sugar, salt, baking soda,
baking powder.

2. Cream well, and scrape. Add the peanut butter, scrape well.

3. Add the eggs and vanilla, scrape well.

4. Add the flour in 3 batches scraping after each addition.

5. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate lined sheet pan with the yellow scoop.

6. Cover with another sheet of acetate, label with the date, the product name, and your initials.

7. Store the dough in the proper spot in the cooler.

Chocolate Salted Cookie

Chocolate 70% 150g

Cake Flour 175g

Cocoa powder 30g

Baking Soda 5g

Butter 150g

Raw Sugar 120g

Sugar 50g

Vanilla Extract 2g

Fleur de Sel 3g


1.Cream butter, sugars, vanilla and salt

2.Add dry

3.Roll into logs (how about scooping)??

4.Bake at 350

Sugar Cookies

Sugar 1350g

Butter 1010g

Honey 75g

Eggs 225g

Vanilla 15g

Cake Flour 1125g

Bread Flour 565g

Salt 20g

Baking Soda 22g


1. Begin creaming the butter, add to this the sugar, honey, salt, and baking soda. Scrape well.

2. After this has been creamed well, add the eggs and the vanilla. Scrape well.

3. Combine the two flours and add to the mixer in three batches, scraping after each addition.

4. Scoop the cookies onto an acetate line sheet pan with the yellow scoop. Cover with another piece of

5. Label with the date, the product name and your initials. Bag, store in the proper spot in the cooler.

6. Before baking, press the top of the cookie into grain sugar.

triple chocolate cookies

unsweetened chocolate 1871g

milk chocolate 2722g

dark chocolate 1814g

gianduja 907g

butter 2722g

eggs x66

sugar 5443g

vanilla 170g

coffee extract 57g

a.p. flour 1360g

baking powder 28g

pecan pieces 3742g

walnut pieces 1871g

salt 57g


melt all chocolate and butter together

whip sugar and eggs until ribbon using the whip attachment

add vanilla and salt and coffee extract

add melted chocolate and butte mixture

add dry ingredients

chill and scoop

white chocolate blueberry or cranberry cookies

sugar 2722g

butter 2041g

honey 142g

eggs 454g

vanilla 28g

cake flour 2268g

bread flour 1134g

salt 70g

baking soda 43g

white chocolate chunks 1814g

dried blueberries 1134g


creaming method

sugar cookies cookies american

granulated sugar 2724g

butter 2042g

honey 141g

eggs 454g

vanilla 28g

cake flour 2270g

bread flour 1135g

salt 35g

baking soda 45g

white chocolate chunks 1816g

dried blueberries 113g


creaming method

chocolate chunk cookies american cookies

granulated sugar 89g

brown sugar 179g

butter 201g

honey 14g

eggs 44g
vanilla 2g

cake flour 224g

bread flour 112g

salt 3g

baking soda 4g

chocolate chunks 179g

white chocolate chunks 112g


peanut butter cookies american cookies

brown sugar 170g

granulated sugar 170g

butter 181g

peanut butter 272g

eggs 80g

vanilla 5g

baking soda 4g

baking powder 4g

all purpose flour 340g


triple chocolate cookies american cookies

unsweetened chocolate 184g

milk chocolate pistoles 268g

dark chocolate 179g

gianduja 89g

butter 268g

eggs 330g

sugar 537g

vanilla 16g

coffee extract 5g

all purpose flour 134g

baking powder 2g

pecan pieces 369g

walnut pieces 184g

salt 5g


melt all chocolate and butter together whip sugar and eggs until ribbon

add vanilla and salt and coffee extract add melted chocolate and butter mixture

add dry ingredients chill and scoop

oatmeal raisin cookies

brown sugar 72g

sugar 72g

butter 72g

eggs 32g

vanilla 1g

salt 1g

all purpose flour 84g

baking powder 1g

instant oats 64g

golden raisins 32g


chocolate chunk cookies #2

brown sugar 363g

butter 227g

eggs 100g

vanilla 5g

all purpose flour 334g

salt 5g


chocolate chunks 363g


cake brownie

sweetex 181g

butter 272g

sugar 817g

eggs 295g

corn sirop 295g

vanilla 11g

cake flour 567g

cocoa powder 181

salt 11g

water 90g



butter 153g

eggs 136g

sugar 136g

vanilla liquid 5g

allpurpose flour 454g

baking powder 17g

salt 1g


granny's bars

all purpose flour 68g

brown sugar 522g

butter 45g

eggs 20g

baking powder 1g

chocolate chunks 68g




- swiss style milanese holiday cookies

flour 1000g

butter 500g

sugar 500g

egg 200g

vanilla 1ea

five spice 5g

lemon zest 1ea


creaming method

cut into shapes and brush with egg and let dry bake off

Swabian cookies

flour 1000g

butter 500g

tpt use brownsugar 1000g

yolks 150g

cinnamon 15

white pepper 2g


creamimg method

cut into various shapes

thickness 4- egg wash let dry and bake off

cinnamon leaves

flour 100g
butter 60g

10xx sugar 60g

roasted ground hazelnuts 60g

egg 25g

cinnamon 2g


creaming method

roll out and cut in leaf shape

little dead legs

flour 100g

butter 40g

sugar 70g

raw whole almonds 40g

roast whole hazelnuts 40g

egg 25g


creaming add nuts whole and roll into logs

flatten and let set slice thinly and bake

almond bread

flour 100g

butter 60g

sugar in the raw 80g

sliced almonds 40g

yolks 20g

cinnamon 2g

creaming method sheet out 3.5cm thick

cut into strips 3.5 cm thick

cut into 2or3mm slices and bake crisply

special cookie dough

flour 100g

butter 80g

10xx sugar 40g

yolk 10g

lemon zest x1

vanilla 10g


creaming method

can be cut into various shapes


butter 200g

sugar 150g

hazelnut flour 150g

egg white 25g

flour 200g

vanilla 10g


creaming method

pipe into crescents and bake

while hot dust with powdered sugar

sandwich together with jam

almond shortbreads

almond paste 150g

sugar 75g

salt 2g

egg whites 15g

soft butter 225g

vanilla liquid 3g

egg whites 80g

cake flour 350g


work the first four ingredients using paddle until smooth dough then add soft butter vanilla and
remaing egg whites add flour

pipe, egg wash and bake

brownie new wave

unsweetened chocolate 187g

milk chocolate pistoles 272g

dark chocolate 181g

gianduja 90g

butter 272g

eggs 330g

sugar 544g

vanilla 17g

coffee extract 5g
A.P. flour 136g

B.P. 2g

pecan pieces 187g

walnut pieces 93g

salt 5g


melt all chocolate and butter together

whip sugar and eggs until ribbon

add vanilla and salt and coffee extract add melted chocolate and butter mixture add dry ingredients

place on 6 1/2 sheet pans bake 350 F 15mn

cherry blossom cookies

butter 270g

sugar 165g

brown sugar 140g

eggs 120g

vanilla 9g

flour 307g

baking powder 11g

salt 5g

cinnamon 3g

oats 200g


chocolate chunks 328g

dried cherries 212g


cream butter and sugars

add vanilla and eggs slowly

add flour,salt and baking powder

add oats then walnuts, cherries, and chocolate chunks scoop with black scoop

Graham Cracker Crust EGG WHITES

gram cracker crumbs 113g

sugar 22g

eggwhite 11g

melted butter 22g


Ginger bread for men and houses

brown sugar 196g

sugar 308g

butter 168g

baking powder 7g

molasses 42g

ginger 3g

cinnamon 3g

eggs 168g

egg whites 21g

cake flour 784g



chocolate souffle cookies- Chocolate Meringue petit fours

sugar 400g

water 150g
egg whites 180g

sugar 50g

pate de cacao 80g


make an italian meringue with the 1st sugar and water while meringue is warm fold in melted pate de
cacao pipe out and bake in 200F oven

langue de chat - Toung Shaped Cookies

Butter, room temp 250g

Icing Sugar 325g

whites 175g

egg 60g

vanilla sugar 20g

all purpose flour 250g


combine butter Icing Sugar add egg and whites

add egg whites, flour, vanilla sugar

add rest of flour


Makes 12

50g dark chocolate,

10g raspberries, plus extra for garnishing (optional)

5g shelled hazelnuts

110g butter
x2 eggs

250g light brown soft sugar

75g self-raising flour, sifted


Toast the hazelnuts in the oven for 4-5 minutes, watching carefully to make sure they don’t burn. Melt
the chocolate and butter in a heavy saucepan set over a low to moderate heat, then remove from the

Beat the eggs and sugar until combined and slightly frothy, then stir in the butter and chocolate. Tip in
the flour and fold it in gently with a large metal spoon. Briefly fold in the raspberries and hazelnuts.

Scoop the mixture into the cake tin with a rubber spatula and bake in the centre of the oven for 30-40
minutes. To check if the brownies are done, insert a metal skewer into the centre of the cake. It should
come out with just a little cake sticking to it – remember, this is a very moist and sticky cake.

Leave to cool completely before slicing. Serve garnished with the extra raspberries, if using.


750 g flour

450 g butter

250 g sugar

250 g raw ground almonds

100 g egg yolk

tt cinnamon

tt ground cloves

tt lemon zest


1 000 g flour

500g butter

500g sugar

500g raw ground almonds

500g sponge crumble moistened with milk

150g egg

85g milk

10g ammonium bicarbonate

tt cinnamon

tt ground cloves


Linzer paste

Raspberry jam

Pin out the paste 4 mm thick, cut 8 cm wide strips and place on a sheet.

Spread the jam down the middle. Brush the edges with egg and place paste strips crossways over the
jam. A paste roll down each long edge and pinch.

Brush with egg and bake between bars (210 to 220 C)


Linzer paste

Almond mixture 1:1

Pin out the paste 3 to 4 mm thick and put out in bar moulds (approx. 3 cm high)
Thin the almond mixture with vanilla-crème to a spreading consistency and add a little lemon zest.

Fill in, spread level and cover with paste. Pinch the edge, brush with egg, mark with a fork and docker.
Then bake (210 to 220C)


Frame 30 x 30 will yield 30 pieces at 5 x 6 cm


150 g weggli rolls

200 g milk

Soften together

80 g sugar

120 g ground hazelnuts

40 g melted butter

80 g egg yolk

Added and mixed in

120 g egg white

400 g sugar

Whipped to a snow and folded in

900 g damson plum

Placed on top

Pin out sweet paste to 3.5 mm thick, place on a sheet and docker.

Spread with up to 150 g damson jam. Enclose in a frame, fill in the mixture, cover with the damsons and
bake (200 to 210 C)

Finally glaze and cut into pieces.

Cherry slices

Mix in 800 g stoned cherries instead of using damsons.



800g Flour

400g Butter

200g Sugar

3 Lemons, zested


Rub the flour, butter and sugar with the lime zest until it comes together

Chill for 1 hour, roll out 1\2-cm thick and cut with a 2-cm ring

Bake at 180C until golden



16 Egg whites

480g Sugar

16 Egg yolks

480g Flour


Whisk the whites and sugar to a stiff meringue

Quickly add the egg yolks making a yellow meringue

Fold in the sifted flour and pipe

Bake at 180\200C


550g Apricots (dried)

550g Butter

375g Demerara Sugar

50g Honey

500g Flour
50g Baking powder

550g Oats

Pinch of Salt

Topping: 100g Pecan nuts, toasted and chopped

240g Apricots, chopped


Chop the fruit

Melt the butter, sugar and honey and add to the oats, flour, baking powder and the chopped apricots

Bring together to a dough with a little water if the mix is too dry

Roll individual Balls the size of a walnut

Press gently to flatten 2-inch (6-cm) on to a baking sheet

Scatter the chopped topping of pecan nuts and apricots and lightly press into the dough

Bake at 170C for 15 minutes


Royal Icing: 2 Egg whites

Icing sugar to consistency

Puff Pastry

Evenly and thinly spread the royale icing onto the chilled puff pastry

Using the scissor wheels cut the pastry 1-inch x 2-inch

Freeze well and place onto a baking tray as they are easy to handle this way

Bake at 220C\230C for 12 to 15 minutes


2.8 kg Flour

800g Sugar

1 kg Ground Almonds

20 Egg yolks

2.2 kg Butter (cold)


Crumb flour, sugar, butter and ground almonds

Bring together with yolks

Do not overwork


580 g butter

400 g icing sugar

100 g egg white

750 g flour

Vanilla essence


Cream butter and sugar until white.

Add egg white.

Sieve flour, warm in oven then fold into mix.

Pipe immediately.

Cook at 200C for approx. 5 minutes.


Makes 12

50g deluxe Belgian continental dark chocolate, broken into small pieces

10g raspberries, plus extra for garnishing (optional)

5g shelled hazelnuts

110g butter

2 medium eggs

250g light brown soft sugar

75g self-raising flour, sifted


Toast the hazelnuts in the oven for 4-5 minutes, watching carefully to make sure they don’t burn. Melt
the chocolate and butter in a heavy saucepan set over a low to moderate heat, then remove from the

Beat the eggs and sugar until combined and slightly frothy, then stir in the butter and chocolate. Tip in
the flour and fold it in gently with a large metal spoon. Briefly fold in the raspberries and hazelnuts.

Scoop the mixture into the cake tin with a rubber spatula and bake in the centre of the oven for 30-40
minutes. To check if the brownies are done, insert a metal skewer into the centre of the cake. It should
come out with just a little cake sticking to it – remember, this is a very moist and sticky cake.

Leave to cool completely before slicing. Serve garnished with the extra raspberries, if using.



1000 g flour

500g butter

500g sugar

500g raw ground almonds

250g egg


lemon zest

Apricot jam

White piping glaze


Pin out two similar rectangles 4 mm thick and place on a sheet.

Mark one of three bases into squares and decorate with piping glaze to a diamond pattern.

Bake (210 to 220 C) and while still hot sandwich with jam.

Cut through and dust with icing sugar.


750 g flour

450 g butter

250 g sugar

250 g raw ground almonds

100 g egg yolk


ground cloves

lemon zest

1 000 g flour

500g butter

500g sugar

500g raw ground almonds

500g sponge crumble moistened with milk

150g egg

85g milk

10g ammonium



ground cloves


Linzer paste

Raspberry jam

Pin out the paste 4 mm thick, cut 8 cm wide strips and place on a sheet.

Spread the jam down the middle. Brush the edges with egg and place paste strips crossways over the
jam. A paste roll down each long edge and pinch.

Brush with egg and bake between bars (210 to 220 C)


Linzer paste

Almond mixture 1:1

Pin out the paste 3 to 4 mm thick and put out in bar moulds (approx. 3 cm high)

Thin the almond mixture with vanilla-crème to a spreading consistency and add a little lemon zest.

Fill in, spread level and cover with paste. Pinch the edge, brush with egg, mark with a fork and docker.
Then bake (210 to 220C)


Frame 30 x 30 cm will yield 30 pieces at 5 x 6 cm


70 g butter

100 g sugar

60 g almond mixture

lemon zest


creamed together

50 g egg


200 g flour

7 g baking powder

150 g milk
Mixed through

100 g sultanas


800 g apple, sliced

Placed on top


Pin out sweet paste 3.5 mm thick, place on a sheet and docker.

Spread with 150 g apple or apricot jam.

Enclose wit a frame, fill with the mixture and spread level. Cover wit apple slices and bake (approx. 200

Finally apricot, glaze and cut into pieces.


Frame 30 x 30 cm will yield 30 pieces at 5 x 6 cm


400 g milk

50 g butter
75 g sugar

Boiled together

60 g corn flour

100 g egg yolk

100 g milk

Added and just brought to boiling point

250 g skimmed quark


150 g egg white

75 g sugar

Whipped to a snow and folded in while still on the heat

700 g apricot

Cut into large pieces and sprinkled all over.


Pin out sweet paste 3.5 mm thick, place on a sheet, docker and lightly bake

Enclose wit a frame and fill in the quark-mixture.

Sprinkle the chopped apricots on top and bake (approx. 220C)

Allow to cool fully, remove the frame, glaze and cut into pieces.


Frame 30 x 30 will yield 30 pieces at 5 x 6 cm

150 g weggli rolls

200 g milk

Soften together

80 g sugar

120 g ground hazelnuts

40 g melted butter

80 g egg yolk

Added and mixed in

120 g egg white

400 g sugar

Whipped to a snow and folded in

900 g damsons

Placed on top


Pin out sweet paste to 3.5 mm thick, place on a sheet and docker.

Spread with up to 150 g damson jam. Enclose in a frame, fill in the mixture, cover with the damsons and
bake (200 to 210 C)

Finally glaze and cut into pieces.

Cherry slices

Mix in 800 g stoned cherries instead of using damsons.


4 tortes at 26 cm diameter in sloping pans


600 g egg yolk

400 g sugar

Whip together

750 g raw ground hazelnuts

750 g roast ground hazelnuts

300 g glucose

600 g water

Lightly warmed, mixed with the hazelnuts and then added to the egg yolk.

600 g egg white

400 g sugar

Whipped to a snow

400 g flour

Folded in


Grease and flour the pans.

Fill with the mixture and bake (approx. 200C

After baking thinly coat with the couverture while still slightly warm.

When cold cover again with couverture.

Décor: chocolate piping glaze, half roast hazelnuts.


800g Flour

400g Butter

200g Sugar

3 Lemons, zested


Rub the flour, butter and sugar with the lime zest until it comes together

Chill for 1 hour, roll out 1\2-cm thick and cut with a 2-cm ring

Bake at 180C until golden

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