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Republic of the Philippines


Lagangilang, Abra


The premier higher education institution of science and technology in the Cordillera Administrative Region.


The College primarily provides technological, professional, technical education and shall inspire leaderships in the field of Agriculture, Forestry, Home technology,
Agricultural education and Industry, through scientific research and extension.


N obility - Learned an educated

E ntrepreneuship - Productivity and self-reliance
W isdom - Love of God
A ction - Performance-focused
S incerity - High commitment to duty
I ntegrity - Personal transformation
S ervice - Client-oriented
T eamwork - Coordinated group work
1. To produce quality graduates who are locally and globally completive.
2. To develop/generate new knowledge and verify client-oriented technologies and other solutions to development problems.
3. To disseminate and showcase client-responsive technologies and other solutions to development problems towards an improved welfare of local communities.
4. To engage in viable Income-Generating Projects (IGP’s) to augment the finances of the College.
5. To realize ASIST as a dynamic and responsive, learning and performing organization, efficiently and effectively managing its resources.
Program Objectives:
1. To develop students become highly competent teachers for the elementary level, equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and values in teaching
the different subject areas.
2. To develop research, production, and service-oriented teachers.
3. To develop socially conscious and environment-friendly teachers.
1. To develop students become highly competent teachers for the secondary level, equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and values in teaching the
different subject areas.
2. To develop research, production, and service-oriented teachers.
3. To develop socially conscious and environment-friendly teachers.


Teacher education department

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan

Course Title Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Course Code TTL2
Course Units 3 Course Pre/Co-requisites TTL1
Course Description The TTL2 is a 3-unit course which will focus on the application, design, production, utilization and evaluation of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) materials for teaching and learning in Secondary Language(English and Filipino) Education
Programs. The major Requirement for this is an ICT –Integrated and Project-based Learning Plan aligned to the K-12 Curriculum.
All the learning activities and course requiremnts will revolve arounf the student-teacher developed Learning Plan
Course Intended Learning After completing this course, STUDENTS MUSH HAVE:
Outcomes (ILO)
1. Discuss the role of technology in education or learning.
2. Describe alternative learning environments (student-centered learning, multi-sensory stimulation, multi-media, and
information exchange, etc.).
3. Examine advantages and disadvantages of computer-based instruction.
4. Create online bulletin boards using Visual Principles.
5. Design instructional-media-enhanced lesson designs, particularly online lessons housed in a course management
6. Appreciatethe value of media in learning.


1. Discuss the role of technology in education or learning. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, Parts 1, 2, 4
2. Describe alternative learning environments (student-centered learning, multi-sensory stimulation, 2, 9 Parts 2, 3
multi-media, and information exchange, etc.).
3. Examine advantages and disadvantages of computer-based instruction. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11 Part 5
4. Create online bulletin boards using Visual Principles.
5. Design instructional-media-enhanced lesson designs, particularly online lessons housed in a
course management system. 
6. Appreciate the value of media in learning. 5, 10, 11 Part 1-5

Part 4-6
e C
Part I. Speech: Its nature and importance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part II. Speech and communication process 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part III. Mechanics of Speech 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part IV. Selecting and and narrowing Speech Topic 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part V. Introduction to Stage Arts 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part VI. Play Production 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part VII. Stage preparation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part VIII. Stage Play 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Codes: 3=To a large Extent 2= To some Extent 1= To a Little Extent
Legend: Cre-Creativity M-Media Literacy PS- Problem solving ICT- Info. & Comm’n. Tech
Com-Communication PS- Problem Solving Cit- Citizenship LC-Life & Career
IL- Information Literacy Col- Collaboration CT- Critical thinking DML- Decision Making & Learning
PSR- Personal & Social

Liminal Period (MIDTERM) Part I Introduction

Essential Learning
Week Content Declarative Knowledge Functional Intended Learning Suggested Assessment tasks (ATs)
standards knowledge Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning
Activities (TLAs)
1 Assess learning summarize learning A Review  of fill-in the graphic
from Edtech 1 outcomes derived from Educational organizer to summarize
Educational Technology Technology 1 learning outcomes
1 derived from Educational
An Overview: Technology 1
Present Formulate their personal Educational Discuss the role of
anticipation on what Technology 2 technology in Students make a
introduction on Reflection, Making
they can learn/achieve education or ladderized diagram (Like 2 Connection
from the course. learning. a stairway) with
summary words of the
learning objectives of
educational technology 2
2-3 traced the development Educational discuss the strategy Groups are separately Reflection, Making
of education with the Technology in the and goals of other assigned to access IT Connection
use of technology Asia Pacific Region country ICT. master plans of each
state/city and to make a
report to the class on the
most remarkable IT
Basics Concepts on features in the plan
differentiate technology- Integrating create a grid to
integrated instruction Technology in differentiate
from the traditional Instruction technology-
instruction process. integrated
instruction from the
instruction process.

4-5 study the systematic State-of –the-Art ET fill-in what are

instructional planning Application Practices needed in the
process following classroom
situation given by
the teacher.

discuss the conceptual IT Enters a New

model of learning and Learning Environment
dimension of meaningful
&discovery Learning

showcase creative skills IT for Higher Thinking

in designing Skills And Creativity

6-7 share their ideas about Higher Thinking Skills discuss and report
the element of a Through IT-Based the general flow of
constructivist approach Projects events in resource-
to instruction. based projects:
8 examine the Computers as discuss the
programs(capabilities) Information and capabilities of the
normally installed in an Community PC outside of
ordinary modern PC Technology education


9-11 undergo the experience The Computer as a  list internet sites
of CAI Tutor which contains
programs that
learning of a
chosen subject

12-13 explains the computer’s The Computer as the report experience to

capabilities Teacher’s Tool the class in
collecting, trading
and creating
interactive dioramas
in a given History
City site
14-17 Brainstorming on ideas, Information prepare a student-
problems and project Technology in centered
plans Support of  Student- microLESSON plan
Centered Learning which contains 2
learning objectives
and instructional
Cooperative Learning
with the Computer
Learning with the
The Software as an
18 Understanding

The Internet and

Technology 2


Course Assessment Class Standing 35% Class Standing includes: Final Grade will come from:
Portfolio/Project 20%
Examination 40%  Recitation & Participation  Midterm Grade 33.3%
Attendance 5%  Quizzes  Final term Grade 66.7%
__________  Assignments  Final Grade 100%
TOTAL 100%

Course Policies Language of Instruction: The Language of Instruction is English. In the teaching and learning presentation, however, the Ilocano
dialect may be used in the group work, collaboration and discussion so as to express deeply the things needed to obtain an output
among the students.
Attendance: The college rule on a 54-hour attendance applies: 20% absence is considered or dropped, as the case may be.
There will be no make-up arrangements for oral presentations, hence, the instructor/professor lecture in the absent of the discussant
Those who cannot come on the examination day are advised to take the test on the day prior to the schedule.

Homework, Written reports and reaction Papers: Course requirement must be turned in following the scheduled due dates. If you
cannot make it class on time, give your assessment items to a classmate to submit for you. Failure to submit requirements shall
merit a reduction of score.

Portfolio: The Portfolio is a form of an assessment for this class. Each of you is expected to purchase as 40 or 60 leaf folders to use
your portfolio. All form of in-class outputs, homework, worksheet, readings, and other items are to be placed in the portfolio for
assessment at the end of the semester. Prepare the Title page and following it is the Table Contents. Bring your portfolio on a
schedule assigned by the instructor.

Honor, Dress and Grooming Code: You are enjoined to wear the prescribed uniform of the college with your ID worn at all times.
Respect to administrators, faculty and staff of the university as well as to your classmates and other students shall be observed. You
are mandated to follow all school policies and regulations.

Deficiencies: Incomplete grades have to be attended to within a year.

Faculty Member: MA. LOURDES Q. BEJARIN

E-mail Address:
Consultation Hours: From Monday to Friday
Time and Venue: Every 10:00 to 12 NN/ Teacher Ed Faculty Room

Course Title AY/Term of Effectivity Prepared by: Recommending Approval Pages

EL 109 Speech and Stage Art AY 2020-2021 MAE AMALIA B. PILARTA, Ed.D.
Second Semester MA. LOURDES Q. BEJARIN Chairman
Course Instructor 8



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