Port and Cigars

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Atkins Wargames
Port and Cigars

Brown Bess
In the days of lace-ruffles, perukes and brocade
Brown Bess was a partner whom none could despise--
An out-spoken, flinty-lipped, brazen-faced jade,
With a habit of looking men straight in the eyes--
At Blenheim and Ramillies fops would confess
They were pierced to the heart by the charms of Brown Bess.

Though her sight was not long and her weight was not small,
Yet her actions were winning, her language was clear;
And everyone bowed as she opened the ball
On the arm of some high-gaitered, grim grenadier.
Half Europe admitted the striking success
Of the dances and routs that were given by Bess.

When ruffles were turned into stiff leather stocks,

And people wore pigtails instead of perukes,
Brown Bess never altered her iron-grey locks.
She knew she was valued for more than her looks.
"Oh, powder and patches was always my dress,
And I think am killing enough," said Brown Bess.

So she followed her red-coats, whatever they did,

From the heights of Quebec to the plains of Assaye,
From Gibraltar to Acre, Cape Town and Madrid,
And nothing about her was changed on the way;
(But most of the Empire which now we possess
Was won through those years by old-fashioned Brown Bess.)

In stubborn retreat or in stately advance,

From the Portugal coast to the cork-woods of Spain,
She had puzzled some excellent Marshals of France
Till none of them wanted to meet her again:
But later, near Brussels, Napoleon--no less--
Arranged for a Waterloo ball with Brown Bess.

She had danced till the dawn of that terrible day--

She danced till the dusk of more terrible night,
And before her linked squares his battalions gave way,
And her long fierce quadrilles put his lancers to flight:
And when his gilt carriage drove off in the press,
"I have danced my last dance for the world!" said Brown Bess.

If you go to Museums--there's one in Whitehall--

Where old weapons are shown with their names writ beneath,
You will find her, upstanding, her back to the wall,
As stiff as a ramrod, the flint in her teeth.
And if ever we English had reason to bless
Any arm save our mothers', that arm is Brown Bess
R Kipling

Port and Cigars


Page the fourth: Introduction

Page the fifth: Scales, Equipment and Units
Page the sixth: Units: Foot
Page the seventh: Units: Horse
Page the eighth: Evading
Page the ninth: Units Artillery
Page the tenth: Quality
Page the eleventh: Commanders
Page the twelfth: Formations
Page the sixteenth: Setting up a game
Page the seventeenth: Sequence of Play: The discipline test
Page the Eighteenth: Rally and Morale
Page the Twenty and second: Mufketry
Page Third and Twenty: Melee
Page Four and Twenty: Command phase
Page Six and Twenty: Movement
Page Seven and Twenty Reserving fire
Page the Twenty-eighth : Army muster sheet
Page the Twenty-ninth: Commanders joining units
Page Thricescore (that’s probably not a number) Unit Charactersistics
Page Thricescore and one (seriously: am I going with this?) Scenarios
Page Thricescore and three( So it would appear) Designers Notes

Port and Cigars


Of being a way of introduction to the rules

“By Gad Sir! You Dare enter the Mess without an Introduction?

I am Archibald Winthrop-Howarde, General of His Majesty King George III’s Army of

the Peninsular and I will suffer no ungentlemanly conduct in the 8th Division.
Yes, the 8th exists only on paper, but we still managed to lose Brigadier Cranston-
Fynes last week in a fierce battle with his own obesity. You Sir are his replacement.
Since The Staff College at High Wycombe only teaches foxhunting and dancing I
suppose it is down to me to teach you. Take you under my wing, what-what?
The First thing we need to do is take supper, you have had a long ride no doubt?
Drink? We rescued a cellar full of Frog Brandy last night and I think we have some
left. Take a seat Brigadier and let me tell you a little about your role here.

Port & Cigars is a set of war game rules for the Marlborough / Napoleonic / Crimea
It was a refined age, where lace and powdered wigs were the height of masculinity.
Battalions of 700 men stood through storms of shot and shell, shoulder to shoulder,
colours blazing like the sun, facing death and conquering all.

Using the Rules the Period 1700 to 1850 can be handily covered and certain era
specific rules may prevent terrible faux-pas such as Louis François, duc de Bouffler’s
Infantry forming a four rank square. Simple additions take the game forwards to as
late as the 1880’s

No rules however that we can devise could ever safeguard against the reckless gamer
who paints the turn-back piping of his Voltigeur in the wrong shade of cream.
Men have been flogged red for less heinous crimes.

There are, it is oft said, more Napoleonic Rule sets on the market than there were
French casualties in 1812. Why would the world need another?
The answer is a-priori: The others are incorrect, produced by simpering dandies deep
in their cups.
Port and Cigars offers, clarity, speed, flexibility, “realism” a minimum of
bookkeeping, a wide range of historical coverage, and the chance for glory.

Port and Cigars

Well as much glory as someone can achieve pushing small lumps of white metal
around a 6x4 table of MDF.

Port and Cigars is suitable for any scale troops as it uses “inches” as a measurement
unit. An Inch in game roughly equates to the following ballpark guidelines, if you
squint at them: An in-game “Inch” is about 100 feet in real life. Thus when a unit
opens fire at 4 Inches it is shooting at a target 400 feet away
A Column of Horses charges the enemy. They thunder 600 foot or 6 Inches across the

Scale of Model “Inch”

54mm 2”
28mm 1”
15mm 1”
6mm 1 CM

Thus in 6mm scale infantry in line move 3 CM and 54mm troops would have an 8
inch musket range.

By accounting for such necessities players shalt need for execution of the game.
Required equipment for play is not burdensome to the treasury. The itinerary is as

 D6: A die for each player numbered 1 through 6

 Rules: (The papery thing that you have just downloaded )
 Tape measure for Inches or CM
 Little toy soldiers, some in Red some in Blue firmly mounted to a base in a
manner and style to suit the players collection. The sole requisite being that
both sides have base widths and depths that are identical
 Small Beer (or French Wine at a pinch)
 Markers to mark a units status (Shaken/disorder/withdrawing/square etc.)

Units in Port & Cigars are Unit formations of soldiers mounted on 4 stands.
Multiple units constitute an Army
Nominally the basic unit for infantry is the Battalion, for Cavalry it is the
Regiment and Artillery it is the ttery. Each stand of foot and horse is a company
There are three basic unit types in Port & Cigars.
Foot, Horse & Artillery.

Port and Cigars


Foot are infantry units who march or fight on foot. The dispensing of the Pike and
Linear tactics in the 1700’s along with the adoption of Flintlock Muskets which could
be operated by the common peasantry changed the face of warfare. Infantry were the
means of taking and holding ground and with the latest invention the Plug or Socket
Bayonet each man had a spear for defence against cavalry.

Foot are rated as Line or Light also Melee also Grenadier

Line: These are the core of infantry units. They operate in extended lines for
volume of fire or close packed columns for manoeuvring on the field or delivering
a shocking charge. Drilled, punished, beaten and abused a Line battalion is 700
men standing shoulder to shoulder in the teeth of shot, shell and musket ball
delivering the firepower that wins battles

Light: A development in the mid 1700’s from the irregular warfare carried out in
the colonies. Light Troops sometimes eschewed the ridged formations to adopt
skirmishing tactics. In this role they would harass and threaten the enemy’s
advance or screen and protect their own Line troops. Sometimes armed with rifled
muskets, light troops could also fight in the Line of Battle

Melee: This category covers all troops that were armed with melee weapons and
their primary battlefield role was to use that weapon. This may include troops
armed with muskets, pistols or bows but who rarely or ineffectively used them.
For example Scottish Schiltrons armed with axe spear and claidmorgh.

Grenadier: This category both covers the actual Grenadiers, the right flank
companies who contained the biggest and strongest men, but also troops renown
the world over for their ferocity in hand to hand combat. Grenadiers in game
terms have an advantage in melee combat and they also are much more likely to
be able to overcome emplacements and fortifications. Examples might be Old
Guard Grenadiers or Polish Zouaves of Death.

Port and Cigars


Horse covers all Cavalry units from Chasseur d’Cheval to Cossacks. The unit
fights and marches from horseback. Dragoons in the early part of this period are
able to dismount and fight on foot. Cavalry was used for a variety of roles
throughout the age. Their main roles were scouting, anti-partisan, foraging,
raiding and, in a pitched battle, to threaten flanks, see off enemy cavalry or chase
down the enemy as they routed. It was not uncommon that they would charge the
enemy infantry or artillery either, however to be successful in this enterprise
required a goodly dose of pluck and dash and often ended bloodily and badly.
Horse are Classed furthermore as Light Medium or Heavy. They may also be
rated as, Carabineer, Cossack, Cuirassier, Dragoon or Lancer.
Horse fight in Echelon (Line) or Column
If charged by Foot or Heavier Horse they may make an Evade move.

Light Horse These include Hussars, Cossack and Light Dragoons. Their roles are
mainly scouting and they do not hit quite as hard in the charge as their heavy
Medium Horse: Medium Horse are no different really in role than Light. They
just think they are and this gives them a minor edge in close combat

Heavy Horse: Large men on Large Horses who carry large swords and often
metal chest plates. They are terrifying in a charge and don’t like scouting or
foraging. They still have to do it when other troops are short however!

Carabineers: This category includes all troops who fight mainly with melee
weapons but are known to actually use missile weapons as something other than
to hunt sheep with or as a decorative ornament. They have a limited capability to
produce fire from horseback without dismounting. If in Echelon and within 4” of a
formed enemy they may fire their carbines requiring a 6 with no modifiers.
Success will disorder the enemy. They may receive a charge with such fire but are
not affected by troops coming within 4” of them

Cossack: These Light Horse can fight (uniquely for Cavalry) in Skirmish or fight
in column. They may not form echelon

Port and Cigars

Cuirassiers: The Cuirassier is an armoured behemoth and this category covers all
such troops who had a reputation for hitting exceptionally hard on the charge.
They are always heavy horse

Dragoon: Note these chaps are different from Carbineers who will fire mounted.
Dragoons will ride to a position, all dismount and then a proportion will head off
to hold the horses whilst the bulk form an Infantry Line and fight as regular
infantry. To dismount Dragoons simply at the end of their move remove a stand
from the table as Horse Holders. Form the remaining stands into an infantry line.
To remount, simply at the start of the movement phase replace the removed horse
holders alongside the line or column.
Note that many dragoon units 3 stands strong will be 2 stands strong when
dismounted. It still counts as a cavalry unit for “shattered” purposes and thus will
not shatter itself merely by dismounting!
Note many dragoons later in this period were dragoons in name only. This rating
of dragoon here refers to the ability to mount and dismount. Example British
Heavy Dragoons would be Horse: Heavy Cuirassier Elite rather than “Dragoon”

Beware lest you get dragged away by the Dragoons…..which is not a pretty sight.

Lancer: Lances, once out of fashion, returned in a limited way to provide an

answer to infantry squares and their walls of bayonets. In practice lancers fared no
better against a steady square unless the squares powder was wet. They did
however gain a reputation for vigorous pursuits, pig-sticking the routing enemy as
they fled the field.

Certain units such as Horse and Skirmishers may under some conditions make an
evade move. This move is declared immediately upon the enemy making a
declaration of a charge against them. An Evade marker is placed next to the unit.
Directly before the charging unit is moved, the evading unit makes a discipline
test and if it succeeds it may move in a direct line away from the chargers its full
charge distance even if not in formation for such a move. If it fails it receives the
charge as normal.
It will end this evade move in disorder.
If this move takes them into difficult terrain they will also gain a shaken marker.
If it carries them into friendly troops then both units are disordered and shaken.
If the evade move would leave them part way through their friends then the
evading unit will pass through the friendly unit and be arranged directly on the
other side of it.
If an evading unit contacts an enemy during their evade then they immediately
disperse and are removed. Something has gone drastically wrong and the troopers
are having no more of such blundering generals, not whilst a tavern is a few miles
A unit with an evade marker may not move in its command phase.
Remove all evade markers at the end of their next turns command phase.
The Charging unit may now Pursue and contact any unit still directly in their
path, That unit may NOT receive and fire due to the surprise of the charge. Note
also that pursuers will receive a bonus in melee for pursuing

Port and Cigars


Artillery is the undisputed Queen of the battlefield. It fires enormously powerful

Roundshot that can cut through a column, canister shot that can rip a line to red
ruin and grapeshot that can stop the most determined charge of heavy horse in a
shower of death.
Napoleon, an ex-artillery officer, massed his batteries and developed the tactics of
the arm to create a battle winning weapon. Artillery is rated Light or Heavy and
Foot or Horse Artillery.
Artillery is always counted as a skirmish target when deployed and a column
target when limbered

Light: Light artillery is 9 pounders and below. Horse Artillery is always light.

Heavy: Heavy artillery is 12 pounders and above

Foot Artillery: Foot artillery is pulled by oxen or horse into position and the crew
walk alongside. Mean spirited butchers the lot of them. Do not trust them.

Horse Artillery: The “Arse Hortillery” gallop into action behind thundering
hooves, light guns swaying and the dashing crews clinging to the caissons that
they sit upon! Huzzah!

Artillery fire the following ammunition types

Name Range Effect
Roundshot 12”Light No additional effect.
or Fire capped at effective
Canister 4” Forces Morale check when targeting even if fire is
not effective and may cause withering fire
Grapeshot 1” Positive modifier to musketry and may cause
withering fire

Port and Cigars

Units regardless of type are also are further rated for


Poor: Poor troops are often badly trained, unmotivated and reluctant to obey orders.
They may be the last to move but the first to flee. Be cautious when assigning this
quality to troops for it does indeed denote a Marie-Louise or a Spanish regular
battalion level of poor materiel

Average: The average soldiers; unhappy, but doing their duty and serving their
particular despot.

Elite: Either well trained, experienced or at the very least troops with an inflated
sense of self importance. They can be relied on to fight hard and well.


L’Ecoute d’mussilin: These troops have terrible fire discipline. They shoot their
ramrods, fire half cocked, forget to load the ball and sound like a Muslin cloth being
ripped lengthways rather than a thunderous clap of a controlled volley. Their fire oft
causes little harm.

Average shots: The bulk of trained troops putting out 2 round a minute and scoring
4% hits at 100 yards

Disciplined Fire: Blank faced automons; drilled endlessly and at the point of the
lash to be able to put out 3 well aimed and well tamped shots every minute in all
weathers. But can they stand?

From these criteria any unit may be defined. For example:

Austrian Jaegers would be Foot, Light, and Average.

British Grenadiers are Foot, Average, Grenadiers, and Disciplined Fire
Polish Lancers are Horse Elite Light and Lancers.
Imperial Old Guard Grenadiers Foot, Elite, Grenadiers, and Disciplined

Shattered Units
A shattered unit has dozens of dead within it, many more dozens are wounded. Perhaps 20% of its
fighting strength has been lost through death, wounds, shock or desertion. It is barely capable of
fighting. No matter the bravado of the men remaining; they are on the verge of collapse.

A unit is shattered if it is an infantry unit reduced to 2 stands or a cavalry unit is reduced to 1

stand. Artillery cannot be shattered. Some infantry units with the Over-strength trait are only
shattered when 1 stand strong. Shattered units suffer effects to their mufketry and their morale
A Shattered unit is removed if it loses another stand.

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Port and Cigars

Commander units represent the Officers commanding the Army the Brigade and the unit, also their
aide d’camps, batmen and concubines. These are represented on the field by single models on a round
base. The model is a marker not a unit. It cannot be targeted and it may at the end of all other
movement in the command phase move up to 24” on the tabletop ignoring all other models and all
terrain even impassable terrain.
They exert a command radius around them from their centre dependent on the skill, reputation and
quality of the commander. They can of course order troops outside this area that belong to their brigade
or army, however the distances involved may affect the quality of the command.

General: The player. The commander of the whole army. Represented by a

Brigadier: The commander of a group of units. Represented by a model
Major or Colonel. The commander of a unit. Assumed to be part of the unit

Commander table
Commander Command Command modifier
Blundering 4” -1 All tests for command must be made whilst the commander is
simpleton alive for the brigade he commands using this -1 modifier. If the
General commanding is a Blundering Simpleton then the results
apply to the whole army, however the Brigade commanders may use
any positive modifier they have to mitigate the effect!
Ineffectual Fop 4” +0
A Regular Sort 6” +0
A Capital 6” +1
Commander Command Command modifier
An Excellent 8” +1 Creuford and Ney. Excellent commanders with fine reputations
The very 8” +2 Blucher and Wellington’s level of ability. This should only
model of a represent a handful of exceptional officers
modern Major
Napoleon 12” +2 (Note this is the values for the man himself only. No other
Bonaparte commander can muster these values)

+1” basic command range if player is wearing a Tricorned or Bicorned Hat

The command modifier is decreased by 1 point for each multiple of the command radius to the unit
receiving the order past the first radius.
In other words an Ineffectual Fop ordering a unit 9” away has a -2 command modifier and a Capital
Fellow ordering a unit at 8” range is at -0 command modifier

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An account of the disposition of forces upon the tabletop

So y’ve met the men eh? Capital! Capital! They will stand well for you no doubt.
Now the best way of using them is the Bayonet d’y’see? The Firelock is a woman’s tool, the
bayonet is the weapon of a virile man, and a Briton at that.
His Lordship keeps saying I need to do my equality and diversity training again whenever I
say that but I am a man of one book; The book of the bayonet. HMMMPH!
Column d’Assault is the formation you need at all times and all weathers. Yes, yes, it is
vulnerable to the crapauds fire but can they shoot worth a damn anyway? Heh! Column will
take you quickly towards the enemy so that you can be at them with the Bayonet!
Admittedly you might have to order Square if cavalry are about. Ahh yes, a glorious last
stand , back to back isn’t it? One for the morning papers, hmmm? “the Gatling’s jammed and
the colonels dead…”, have Gatling’s been invented yet? No? Pity…where was I ? Ahh yes!
The Thin Red Line ‘o hero’s! Line Formation. That’s something you should adopt if the
enemy are in strength and you want to shoot them down as they advance….but really….just
form column and give them a cheer and a charge! With the BAYONET! For Good King
George lads!
Ahh..yes, the Bayonet! The Bayyyy-Oh-Net. Capital, Capital…………..capital……..

Foot Battalions are 4 stands strong. Loosely you may call each stand a
“company” for want of a better word. They must adopt one of the following
formations at the start of battle. The formations may be changed in the command
phase by issuing orders

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Port and Cigars

Line of battle (Line)

Line of battle is a formation that has flanks projecting 45 Degrees to the side. The 90
degree area to the front is the Firing Arc and,
rather remarkably the 90 degree area to the
rear is the Rear Arc. Line of battle gives a
bonus modifier to mufketry. It is the primary
formation for infantry units wishing to give
fire to their enemies. Line is especially in
danger when challenged to its flanks. It also
has limited mobility

Column d’Assault: (Column)

Column d’Assault is so called because it
sounds better in French. The size of the
column varied but they were always compact
and deep formations used to maneuver on the
battlefield and to advance on and bayonet the
A Column cannot fire.
It has no Flank arc for the
purposes of shooting at it. The 90 degree area to the rear however is still
indeed a Rear arc for this purpose. There are reasons for this, but I’m not
explaining them now, just live with it.
Columns are a fine target for mufketry but give a better shock of
impact when charging to contact, kettle drums hammering!

Square: (Square)

Square formation has an all-round firing arc and

no flanks or rear. Notably used for defence
verses cavalry a square cannot move. A square
in addition gives a morale bonus as long as it
remains ordered.

Skirmish order: (Skirmish)

Skirmish order has an all-round fire arc and no flank or rears. Skirmishers are more mobile in difficult
terrain and act as a screen to disorder and disrupt enemy infantry. They are vulnerable to cavalry and in
Only Light Foot troops and Cossacks may adopt skirmish order.
Stands of a skirmishing battalion may adopt any facing they like individually but must remain within
2” of all other stands in the unit

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Flank Companies
Many Nations adopted the use of Flank companies which included Light infantry and
Grenadier Companies on the strength of the battalion.
If a unit is so organised, and at more than one stand strength in the case of over-
strength units then it may represent flank companies with the following rules.


At the start of a command phase a full strength battalion

who are not in melee, can push out its skirmishers by
placing the leftmost or forward most company (Stand)
half an inch ahead of the formation. If there is no room,
the skirmishers may not advance.
This company remains part of the battalion for all
morale purposes and cannot move more than 2” away
from its parent unit. Whilst this is the case the battalion
is classed as skirmishers advanced.
The battalion moves as normal in the command phase
but the skirmisher stand remains floating within 2” of
its front. The parent battalion may not charge whilst
skirmishers are advanced
The parent unit may not fire whilst skirmishers are out through the screened arc.
The skirmishers may be fired at separately by enemy units. This fire is of course at -1 (as the target is
skirmishers), but if a stand loss does occur then it is on the skirmishers, the stand is removed and the
battalion is no longer skirmishers advanced and can no longer advance skirmishers

Light companies evading will re-join their parent Battalion and are no longer
skirmishers advanced. They will not disrupt their own parent battalion when they


At the start of a command phase a full strength Battalion not in melee who are in column may advance
its Grenadier Company. Whilst in this state is is classed as Grenadier to the Front!
Such a battalion will take its first stand loss from the grenadier company and lose its Grenadier to the
Front status.
It will on drawing a melee combat count instead as having won that combat by 1. If it loses the status
and takes a morale test, it will test morale at -1
Grenadiers to the front Units have a bonus on attacking fortifications in melee.

Horse regiments are 3 stands strong. Each stand you might refer to as a squadron for narrative
purposes, but don’t get too caught up in the terminology. They must adopt one of the following
formations at the start of battle. They may change formation in the command phase.

Echelon: a formation that has flanks projecting 45 Degrees to the side. The 90 degree area to the
front is the Firing Arc and, rather remarkably the 90 degree area to the rear is the Rear Arc. Echelon
gives a bonus modifier to mufketry for the few occasions where Horse are musfket armed. It is the
primary formation for Cavalry units wishing to maneuver or charge their enemies. Line is especially in
danger when challenged to its flanks. Echelon also has a psychological effect on advancing on the
enemy causing a discipline test when coming into range of foot.

Column: A Column of Horse cannot fire, even if carabineer, and like an infantry column it has no
flank arc for purposes of shooting. The 90 degree area to the rear is a Rear arc. The close column has

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less of a psychological effect with Horse than Echelon does, but if it manages to hit home it hits home
hard with a +1 modifier

Skirmish: Certain Horse units may adopt skirmish. The rules for them are the same as for infantry

Skirmishers are light troops used to screen and harass the foe. Each regular Line battalion has a light
company and whole battalions of light troops may skirmish. Skirmishers operate under several extra
rules as below.

Skirmish order may evade chargers.

Skirmishers may make normal (Non Forced and Non-evade) movement
freely in any direction, as long as their total move allowance is not
exceeded by any part of their bases.
They may freely interpenetrate friendly units without disorder to either.
Skirmisher companies wholly within 2” of a formed unit’s front or flank or
rear screen that unit. The screened unit can be targeted then anywhere
through the relevant arc but only at a -1 from mufketry fire (artillery is not
affected by a skirmish screen).
A skirmish stand may at the start of a turn make a free move to re-join the
screened unit which means they are no longer skirmishers advanced
Skirmishers firing do not cause stands to be removed, instead they force
a morale check when targeting non skirmishing enemy

Artillery units are always classed as skirmish formation when deployed
(unlimbered). When limbered they are treated as a column for targeting.
When targeted by artillery (counterbattery), artillery deployed counts as
shooting at a line.

Note artillery cannot ever charge any unit themselves, nor can they move any
faster so being in column grants them nothing other than being a denser target!

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Setting up a game
Phone a wargaming mate, and ask them if they want a battle. If you are unsure which
of your mates are wargamers compare their picture to the following.

Wargamer Computer Nerd Port & Cigars player

The Easy Way

Decide upon a scenario, arrange scenery, build forces out of a agreed points limit, etc etc. lets skip past
all that stuff and assume that , between the two of you there are two forces set up on a table. A good
distance to set apart is about 16”.Add scenery to taste.

The Refined Way

Create a scenario from painstaking research and diligent enquiry. Craft a battlefield of jaw dropping
aesthetic pleasure that mirrors the real field of the time replete with undulations and the location of
significant cows. This could be a fun club project.
Just be aware that it will never get off the ground and everyone will have moved on like bees round the
next scale or period after hours of wasted time and hundreds of wasted pounds leaving you with a mass
of chaos black sprayed metal that , at some point you will put on Ebay. Probably next week.
Armies may also be created using the army muster sheets in the appendix to correlate to the order of

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The game is played in a my-turn your-turn fashion. Player 1 completing all actions then Player 2 taking
his turn. The player who’s turn it is is called the ACTIVE player
I was struggling for a while working out if I should say “his or her” turn, but come now! The amount
of girls insane enough to play a Napoleonic wargame must globally be a half dozen at most. To them I

Decide on the first player by scissors/ paper/stone, rolling a dice or duelling with swords or
Conduct on the Battlefield

It is well that you have me here to keep you in hand. I do not consider an unwashed black T
Shirt with “COLOURS 1996” emblazoned on it suitable mess dress.
It would be remiss if I did not remind you of your duty.

Any man who pilfers is awarded 60 lashes,

Any man who Blasphemes the name of the Lord : 100 lashes
Any man who picks up his dice, claiming a six was rolled before the foe can
confirm it: 24 lashes. An extra 10 for the man who takes too long shaking his dice in
the superstition that it affects the result. It does not! It merely antagonises your
opponent and delays the after-game repairing to a tavern.
Any man quibbling over a few millimetres of fire arc or clipping of a base with
another: 80 Lashes and deduct 6 days’ pay
Any man sliding his unit moving them faster than they are allowed: To Run
The Gauntlet and 10 days’ pay
Any officer who loses his composure in front of the enemy: Death By Hanging

Sequence of play
By now the players should be ready to begin with armies drawn up on the tabletop
facing each other and a plentiful supply of bullets dice and cheese ‘n onion crisps

The Discipline Test

A Discipline Test is a roll made in various situations which represents how well the
men are kept in hand. The result of success or failure depends on why the test was

To take a discipline test Roll D6. A score of 1 is a fail.

Poor troops and Jittery Troops deduct 1 from the roll.

Elite Troops add 1
A Brigade commander within his basic command range unit adds 1
Ordered Cavalry in echelon cause a -1 to the opponents roll for “After You”
tests (see page 27)

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Phase 1:Rally Attempts

The Turn opens with any Rally attempt being conducted. All units of any player
Active or inactive who are shaken withdrawing or disordered may attempt to gather
themselves and recover their composure. The Sergeants bellow orders, the Corporals
close the files “Steady Lads” and the Colonel trots along the front of the unit giving
wise and sage advice such as “Firm now my boys! Recollect that you are Englishmen.
Would you disgrace yourself in front of the Crapauds?”

Steady Lads
All tests for removing disorder are conducted prior to any rally attempts. This test is
known as a Steady Lads
To perform a Steady Lads test, roll 1D6. A score of 3 or below the unit simply fails
the “Steady Lads” and remains in disorder. A score of 4 or more remove the disorder.
ACTIVE Players may now rally a unit which is withdrawing or shaken as long as it
does not have a morale marker
To attempt a Rally the player simply makes a short but rousing speech to his
disgruntled and nervous command then tests the unit’s morale as described in Phase 2
applying the effect immediately. A player may test his units in any order it pleases

Phase 2: Morale
Once all Steady Lads checks are completed the acting player now makes morale tests
for any units with a Morale markers. He may place a morale marker on a unit which
lacks one if he pleases. A Morale test represents the psychological shock of the
battlefield. It is the panic that spreads through a unit from losing its officers, taking
canister fire, a squadron of cavalry thundering towards its flanks….

Note a Morale test is not in itself a Rally attempt. The commander may not add his +1
steadying words apart from in the Rally Phase as above.

A unit which is Disordered and charged successfully by an enemy unit is

given a morale marker
A unit which is successfully charged in the flank or rear gains a morale marker
at the end of the enemies movement phase
Unit’s in cover under artillery fire last turn gain a morale marker in the Morale
Units under canister fire gain a morale marker at the end of the fire phase
Units which take effective fire gain a morale marker at the end of the fire
Units which lost a melee gain a morale marker at the end of the melee

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What? The South Rutland’s are wavering? Damn it to blazes! I shall have to give
them a few sage words.
“AHEM! Lads of the 136th! I am desirous to say a few words unto you as you stand
here shaken under the terrible effective fire of your Elite enemy the un-
vanquishable French, who have killed dozens upon dozens of you. Bloodily and
horribly, leaving you only two stands strong. (shattered -1)
Recollect, my barely trained conscripts (being what I would generously call a -1
poor unit,) that your Sovereign, King George the Mad demands your blood.
Know that I myself, Archie “The Black Hearted Butcher “ Howarde stand alongside
you for as long as this speech may take and I trust my command of 0 will steady you
from your current shamble of -1 disorder.
As will this +1 speech
So a Cheer my boys! A Cheer! A roll of 2 on a D6 and apply that -2 total modifier….
For England! To certain death!....Lads…Lads??

Where are you going??? COME BACK!!!

To test morale:
The unit rolls D6.
Add or deduct relevant modifiers from the morale table
Apply result to the Pluck Table
Apply result to the unit.
Remove the morale marker

Table 1 MORALE
Situation Modifier
Charged to Rear arc -2
Charged to Flank arc -1
Rally attempt and all enemy greater than mufket shot away +1
In Disorder -1
General Dead -1
Poor unit -1
Elite unit +1
In Steady Square +2
General within basic command range of unit +command
Rally Attempt and the player makes a short inspiring speech +1
Lost melee this turn -1
Shattered unit -1

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Table 2 PLUCK
Score Result
4 or more Steady: Unit carries out orders. If it was shaken it removes the shaken marker. If it
was withdrawing, it removes its shaken marker and reforms to face the enemy without
rolling for the reform.

3 Shaken: unit receives a Shaken marker. Unit May not whilst shaken charge or pursue
enemy. If the unit is charging then the unit halts at 1” from enemy in disorder.

1 or 2 Withdraw: As for shaken, but must immediately pull back half a move retaining
facing and in disorder.
Enemy Units in contact when a unit withdraws may conform to their front.

0 Routing: unit reverses facing away from the nearest enemy for free and moves 1 full
move directly away from enemy in disorder. They may wheel to avoid enemy units
only, but will interpenetrate friends. They receive a rout marker. Routed units must
rout off the nearest table edge avoiding enemy units and they may not be rallied.

Notes on the Pluck table results

A Unit in Square that withdraws or routs will lose square formation and become line.
Foot Artillery withdrawing is dispersed and removed. Horse Artillery conduct a discipline
test. If successful they may withdraw like infantry otherwise they are dispersed and removed
Units withdrawing/ routing through friends will disorder both units, unless either unit is
A unit that cannot withdraw is destroyed. Remove all stands.

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Phase 3: Mufketry
That’s not a typo; it’s what they call musketry in the period. Honest.

Mufkets have a range of 4”and an arc of fire out to 45 degrees of the front if in line or echelon. Square
and Skirmish formation naturally has all round fire arcs and Columns have no fire arc at all
Artillery has the same arc forward when deployed but a range of 14 inches for heavy guns and 12” for
Light guns.
They have no fire arc when limbered. The fact that I have to write this down disturbs me. Really this
sort of thing should be obvious to all but the most inbred fop.

To Give Fire
Foot or Artillery unit that is within arc of fire and range may now give fire upon the enemy! It is at
the Generals pleasure which units fire and in which order and at which target if there be a choice.

It is sufficient that any part of the target is within the arc or range of any part of the firer. Bear in
mind screening skirmishers and terrain blocking the line of sight, also if over a quarter of a
friendly units ranks or files are blocking line of sight or a friendly unit is engaged in melee with
the target then the firer cannot fire at that target

Roll D6 and add and subtract modifiers on the Mufketry table.

Apply total on the Effect of Fire table to determine if fire is Desultory, Effective, Withering or

Remove the relevant number of Stands from the unit starting with the furthest one from the
firing unit.

Add a morale marker for unit’s receiving effective fire or worse.

Add a Morale Marker for units receiving fire from Skirmishers or canister


+3 +2 +1 -1 -2
Artillery Firing @ charge Target Horse Target is skirmishers or firing Roundshot vs.
Enfilading fire to contact through a skirmish screen* Non artillery
Enfilade fire* Target Column Firer is L’ecoute d’mussilin Artillery vs.
Grapeshot Disciplined Fire Firer is a Shattered unit
Self in Line Target in Cover*
Artillery Firer Disordered
targeting a

* Artillery ignores these modifiers.

Enfilading fire is fire directed at a unit by a unit not in the enfiladed unit’s fire arc

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Unit/ Desultory Effective Withering Shattering
Foot 5 or less 6+ 8+ 10+
Artillery 5 or less 6+ 8+(when allowed) Not available
Desultory fire Has no effect.
Effective fire removes one stand.
Withering fire removes two stands.
Shattering fire removes three stands.
Artillery firing Roundshot is capped at effective fire.
Squares firing are capped at effective fire
Carbineers are capped at effective fire

No….No.. That WILL NOT DO! That will not do at all, D’y’hear?
You have rolled a 2. By God this is dammed poor rolling. Were you never trained in
Even when I add in the bonus for you being a seasoned British unit who hath disciplined fire,
that brings it to a 3!
I have flogged you red that you might stand together in line shoulder to shoulder so
bringing the total to 4
The enemy were rattling forwards in their high step gait, their drums a-tapping their death
knell. They were in Freaking Column which brought your fire to a 5!
This was desultory fire! You killed a handful and wounded some more. Some Frenchies
skulked away in fear and yet what did your fire do to stop them? NOTHING!
Sgt Major Grubswille: Take Their Names.
Mark their names well.

Phase 4: Melee


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Phase 4: Melee
Thank god I am out of cartridges- now I shall be at them with the bayonette!

Melee represents the events when sabres clashes with bayonet, sabre and handspike. Although the
lines are drawn up, it is meet that the player imagines a swirling mass of men, usually mixed
together or in the case of squares a mob of milling horse swirling about the squares faces
To fight melee
The active player chooses an enemy unit that they are in contact with. If
they are in contact with several then this matters not. They fight against
one enemy unit and one only. A unit gets the outnumbering bonus if it is in
melee but is not the target of a melee attack
Roll D6: Add and deduct Modifiers from the Cold Steel Table
Apply results to the Effects of Melee Table to determine if the combat is
Uncertain, Decisive, Overwhelming or Irresistible
Remove the relevant stands from the target unit’s
Check Morale for the unit which lost.
Winners may pursue withdrawing or routed unit’s if able


+3 +2 +1 -1 -2
Lancers charging or Non-Lancer Horse charging Charging Disordered Horse vs. Steady
pursuing targets in or pursuing targets in Square
skirmish or disorder skirmish or disorder
Contact to the rear Contact to the Flank Heavy vs. light Shaken Target in
withdrawing or Fortifications
Spear Points Gleaming( Horse vs. Foot Poor
See Unit traits)
Target Disordered Skirmishers
In Column Shattered unit
Height advantage
Grenadier vs. cover


Unit/ Result Uncertain Decisive Overwhelming Irresistible
Foot 5 or less 6+ 8+ Not available
Horse 5 or less 6+ 8+ 9+
Artillery 5 or less 6+ Not available Not available

 Uncertain: remove no Stands

 Decisive: Remove one stand
 Overwhelming: Remove 2 Stands
 Irresistible: Remove 3 stands

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The loser of a melee is the unit which lost the most stands. If both unit’s lost the same
then the winner is the unit which had the higher modifiers in the combat. If both units
had the same modifiers the result is a draw and no morale checks are taken. The
combat will continue next turn. Note Grenadiers and commanders who have joined
the unit affect drawn results. Once in melee a unit may not voluntarily withdraw from
it. The fight is to the death!

A Unit who completely destroys all their opponents in melee may make a discipline
test. If they succeed then they may make a follow up pursuit move up to their full
move distance within their charge arc or attempt a reform. If this pursuit move takes
them into an enemy unit then that enemy may not fire at them even if the
consolidating unit approached from a valid fire arc, such is the surprise and confusion
caused by the assault.

Stands are removed in melee by the victor who chooses which stands to remove. If the
result is a draw then each player removes his own stands

Phase 5 Command Phase

BY THE CENTRE! MARCH! In the command phase units are given
orders and carry out movement and manoeuvre.
Commanders of a Brigade may give orders to members of their brigade
and the Army commander may give orders to any unit in the army.

To issue a command simply state which unit you are ordering and
describe what you wish to happen.
An example would be “The 40th will march to their front and halt then
deploy into line alongside the 35th in order to form a continuous line” or
“9th Hussars! Threes about! About Turn!” or some such twaddle.
Pick up the dice and boldly roll them. Add the modifiers for
tactical factors and if the total equals or exceeds the
minimum score required then the unit carries out your command. If they fail any part of their
order then they are in confusion about what is required. Perhaps the Aide d’camp scribbled his note
incorrectly? Perhaps the Colonel of the Battery was away for a short time with his hounds and the
Captain lacked confidence to realign the guns? Perhaps a stray musket ball ate the order and you will
get the order tomorrow? We shall perhaps never know.
The crucial point is the unit is order-less and, in this age where Initiative was rewarded with demotion,
the unit cannot act this turn. This may cause the gentle General consternation as his line of infantry is
about to be run down by a mass of cavalry. Rest assured that many such generals felt your frustration.
Once an order is failed the unit cannot take another order this turn unless the General will see them
hanged as below.

A unit which passes an order may be given one (or for Horse artillery two) more orders
Only one of the orders given in any turn may be for movement. The other(s) must be formation
Note then that Horse artillery may successfully limber, successfully move and then successfully
unlimber again, whilst Foot may form line and then march by wheel or form column and march inside
their charge arc by wheel for example and that foot artillery may move and unlimber or limber and
Unlimbered Artillery may also with no need for orders reform for free and without orders, known as
traversing the guns

When a unit has finished its movement and all its orders then the player may move to the next unit till
he hath completed all such commands that he desires.

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Units without orders

A unit may be order less as the Brigadier or General may have moved to personally command a unit.
Other occasions may be that the roll needed for the unit to move may be impossible to achieve on a D6.
The player may then rely on the Major commanding the battalion, battery or regiment to _shock
horror_ use their own initiative and give ONE order. The Major may only order his own unit and will
require a 6 to succeed.

I’ll see you hanged!

Once per command phase a General may issue a
further single command to a unit which has
received an order and failed it by riding up to the
unit and , purple with rage, screaming his
instructions in such a manner that they are carried
out forthwith in some haste and fear, if in a rather
panicked way!
The unit must be within his command range. The
player moves the general’s model alongside the
unfortunate unit and states he will see the unit
hanged. The unit then passes the order he gives it
but ends the phase in disorder.

Order Minimum
To Move a unit up to their maximum allowance. 1
To Move by wheeling a unit outside their charge arc 2
To Form Line or Column or Skirmish 2
To Limber or Unlimber Artillery 2
To Form a Foot unit into Square 3

To Reform unit around its centre rotating it as desired and 4

ending in a formation of the Genr’ls desire
Tactical factors Modifier
Ordering a Poor unit -1
Per CR range from General to unit being ordered over the -1
first CR
Disordered -1
Ordering an Elite unit +1
Generals command modifier +/-x

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Of the art of positioning forces upon the field of battle

Right then Brigadier, Time to get to work.

An arduous time is ahead for us all. Myself, you and these gallant boys here about to march
up that 30degree incline carrying 80 pounds of kit. and our well-fed horses that carry us.
A short lesson in drilling the men;
The rules are simple. Roll the dice add the modifiers, beat the minimum score needed and do
not spare the lash.
I knew a Colonel once who was light with the lash and he came down with the gout. Let that
be a warning to ye lest y’suffer the same fate.
There, a six on a D6. Nothing to it, eh? What-what?
I believe dinner must be ready by now…care to join me?

Units may move up to their allowance as listed in the March table

Units may Charge enemy within their fire arc if the enemy was in the
charge arc at the start of the turn. Note that if a charge does not connect with
the target then the unit must take a discipline test lest it becomes disordered
Units may wheel freely during their movement any number of times.
Artillery pivot without a test and do not count as moving.
Units in square cannot move
Interpenetrating units which at the end of the movement are
overlapping simply move to the other side of the interpenetrated units
formation and halt.
Formed (non-skirmish) unit’s interpenetrating formed unit’s disorder
both unit’s.
Units in melee may not move other than to Pursue withdraw or rout.
Foot artillery may not limber and unlimber in the same turn. Horse
artillery may
Moving up a steep hill lowers move at one rate lower than normal. For
example Horse in column and moving uphill move at Horse in echelon rate.
Foot in line uphill move 1”

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Difficult terrain is impassable for artillery

Moving through difficult terrain causes disorder unless unit is
Units in disorder move at one rate lower than normal. For example
Horse in column and disordered move at Horse in echelon rate. Foot in line
who are disordered move 1”

“After You”! Reserving Fire

When any unit moves within musket range and fire arc for the first time of a Mufket
armed foot unit of the enemy, the enemy unit must IMMEDIATELY take a discipline
Ordered Cavalry in echelon cause a -1 to the opponents roll
A Jittery unit also suffers a -1
A Score of 1 or less means the unit makes a hasty volley. It fires a ragged volley
that has no effect and it loses its next Mufketry phase

March Table
Unit Maximum Move Rate
Foot in line in difficult terrain 2
Foot in line and foot artillery 3
Foot in column and units of 4
skirmishing foot
Horse in echelon 5
Limbered horse artillery and 6
Horse in column
Skirmishing cavalry 7

Sequence of movement
1. Give orders. Place evade markers
2. Roll for success of orders
3. Move enemy evaders.
4. Move units
5. Carry out any discipline tests for foot units with enemy coming within
musket shot range
6. Remove any evade counters from your units

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Army Muster Sheet

A Decent sized force will be around 100 points.

Name Description Point Cost

Foot 5
Horse 12
Artillery 15
Grenadiers +1 in melee vs. fortifications 7
Light Foot May skirmish 7
Guards +1 Morale Foot 7
Lancers 16
Cuirassiers Heavy Horse 20
Horse Artillery 20
Gribeauval All Roundshot has canister +5
Blundering simpleton 0
Ineffectual Fop 5
A Regular Sort 10
A Capital Fellow 14
An Excellent Chap 19
A Hero of the Empire 25
Fire Discipline +3
Elite +5
Melee Sword or spear armed only -1
Poor -2
L’ecoute d’mussilin -1

Players may construct a force to an agreed points limit. The force must have a
general commanding and 4 units.
Regular foot units have the abilities Skirmishers to the front and Grenadiers fix

Commanders in Units
T’were never “go, lads go” it was always “follow me!”

Commanders may at the start of a players turn join a unit. They remain with that
unit till the start of their next turn when they may detach. Place a marker with the
unit and remove the commanders figure.

The Commander when with a unit may ONLY command that unit and units
within 4”. He may give no orders to other units.

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Whilst with the unit if the unit takes a stand loss or loses a melee immediately roll
a D6. On a 6 the commander is killed. The Brigade is leaderless. It may still
receive orders from the General commanding the army, but of course note that this
will severely affect the whole army’s cohesion. The general cannot be everywhere
at once! Recollect that the Major may show some initiative for that unit.

If by some mishap it is your General that has been so reckless as to get himself
shot, any Brigade commanders step up to the mark and act as the general for better
or worse. However until after the command phase following his death, this
reshuffling of power freezes the army and units can only move by each Majors
own initiative.

If perchance all your Brigadiers and Generals have paid the ultimate price then
you really are stuffed. The army will act only on its individual Majors initiatives.
Good luck with that!

Whilst with a unit then that unit gains a +1 to discipline tests and on drawing a
melee combat they will win the combat instead with a margin of 1 point. If
grenadiers or enemy commanders are involved then the combat is instead drawn

Unit Character
Units have a wide range of variety from the Grim Russian peasant who stands despite
his appalling losses to the Élan of the British Heavy Horse and their reckless charges.
In addition to the mandatory troop classifications already mentioned, here lies a list of
useful traits to measure the cut of your mens jib by.

Trait Effect
Berserk Charge Add 1” to the charge movement on declaring a charge and unit
gains Grenadier for this turn
BL Artillery 60” range artillery +1 firing modifier
Cautious Discipline test to charge
Cowardly Successful (4+) Morale test to charge
Exhausted Certain troops after a long campaign are ragged, shoeless and half
starved. They suffer a -1 to all rolls. Yes ALL rolls. Use with
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Gribeauval System Artillery fire not capped at 6
Gardener Gun A 24” range artillery piece that is not capped for effective fire.
Roll 1D6 before firing. On a 1 it jams this turn and may not fire
Gatling Gun Fires as a Gardener Gun with a +1 firing modifier and 36” range.
Grim Defenders If receiving a morale test to rout they may reroll that test
High Explosive and +1 firing modifier at ranges over 6”
Shrapnel shells
Jittery Such troops have a -1 on Discipline tests to reserve fire when
troops move within 4”
Linear tactics May not form square. Initial setup must be with all Infantry in the
centre and Horse on their flanks
Over strength Unit only becomes Shattered when 1 stand strong
Open Order Tactics Only available post 1876. -1 when firing at OOT +1 when in
melee against them. Otherwise setup and move as Line
Reckless If within 8” of an enemy not formed in square the cavalry must
take a discipline test not to charge towards the enemy in their turn
Rifled muskets 6” range
Rifled Breech Loading 12” range +1 firing modifier
RML artillery 60” range artillery
Spear Points Gleaming These troops are trained for only one form of combat. Fighting up
close with club, spear, Claidmorg or repeating pistols. Use with
Terrifying Causes morale test on charging from any flank or front.
Use with Caution. Perhaps such as Zulu impi’s or Troops unused
to Cuirassiers facing them for the first time
Top of His Class The units Major may use his initiative on a 4+
Vacillating Coward The units Major cannot use his initiative at all. Unordered, the
unit will simply stand around helpless whilst the Major dithers
and stammers.

The Lines of Torres Vedras
June 1810.
Wellingtons army hides behind strong fortifications in southern Portugal.
Masséna Dithers on the plains waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Masséna in this fictional Battle redeploys to the north, however one Brigade is left several hours behind by a blocked road. Mgr. Gen Aylmer
seeing an opportunity petitions Sir Arthur to let him attack. Lord Wellington throws a half-eaten chicken leg over his shoulder and exclaims “BY
GOD! I Think we have him!” and unleashes Lord Aylmers troops who rush down the foothills towards the sweating French.

Aylmer's Brigade: Major General Lord Aylmer (A Regular Sort)

1/37th Foot (Hampshire) Map 60”x 48

Foot} Line}Average}Disciplined Fire
2/62nd Foot (Wiltshire) 37 RA 62 77
Foot} Line}Average}Disciplined Fire

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77th Foot (East Middlesex)

Foot} Line}Average}Disciplined Fire

85th Foot (Shropshire) 8

Foot} Line}Average}Disciplined Fire} Cautious 5

Battery Royal Artillery 31 32 26 66

Artillery}Foot} Average

9th Brigade: Major General Deepe 82 Lm Hl

(An Ineffectual Fop)

31st Léger (3rd battalion)

Foot} Light}Average
The French set up as above in the right lower quarter
facing east in columns the British set up in the left upper
32nd Léger (3rd battalion)
Foot} Light}Average
quarter facing south apart in Columns excepting the 85th
who set up central on the western edge facing east in
26th of the Line (3rd battalion) Line . All artillery begins limbered
Foot} Line}Average} Cautious }Jittery The French mission is to exit off the western or northern
edge of the map, the British to destroy as many French
66th of the Line (3rd battalion)
Foot} Line}Average} before they do so.
Each French unit exiting the map by the W or N edge
82nd of the Line (3rd battalion) gains 5 Victory Points for the French(VP)
Foot} Light}Average
Each British unit destroyed gains 1VP for the French
Légion de Midi (1st battalion Each French Unit destroyed gains 2 VP for the British
Foot} Light}Poor} Cautious The Game is 15 turns long
Hanoverain Legion
Foot} Line Poor}Jittery

Foot Artillery
Artillery} Foot} Elite } Gribeauval

The Bridges of Gunzberg

September 1805
Napoleon marches .into Germany to encircle the unhappy Austrian General Mack. Mack attempts escape but his route requires he hold the
Bridges of Gunzberg. Mahler on orders from the Emperor has other ideas

Mahler s Brigade: (A Capital Fellow)

9me Light Infantry Regiment, two battalions: Foot} Line}Average; one battalion Foot} Grenadier} Elite

32me Line Infantry Regiment, one battalions Foot} Light} Elite two battalions: Foot} Line} Elite one battalion Foot}
Grenadier} Elite

96me Line Infantry Regiment, four battalions: Foot} Line}Average

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2eCuirassiers one regiment, Horse, Heavy , Cuirassier, terrifying

9th Brigade: Major General Werneck

(An Ineffectual Fop)

Wurttemberg IR38 (3 battalions s); Foot}Line}Poor} Jittery

Tyrolian Jager 1 battalion Foot}Light}Average

Hohenzollern Kur KR8 1 regiment Horse, Heavy, Average, Reckless

; Rosenberg ChL 1 regiment Horse, Heavy, Average

; Schwarzenberg Uhlans 1 regiment Horse }Light}Cossack}Elite

Heavy Artillery Reg: Artillery Foot Heavy, Poor

Map 72”x 48
The French enter from the north edge and
have the first turn.
The French mission is to have units cross
the bridges and be south of the bridges by
end of game, the Austrians to prevent the
French Crossing

Each French unit south of the bridge at

the end of turn 8 equals 5 Victory Points KR TJ IR38 CL
for the French(VP) 8 HA
Each Austrian unit destroyed gains 1VP SU
for the French
Each French Unit destroyed gains 2 VP
for the Austrians
The Game is 8 turns long

Designer Notes

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Port & Cigars first emerged in 1997 from a once page ruleset called Marlborough Lights. Over the past
17 years it has evolved and emerged as the game it is today. The first thing I wanted was simplicity.
Then I wanted a game that was fun. Then I wanted a game that can be played to conclusion in a hour
thus leaving time for the after game drinks.

It has grown in complexity without a doubt, but is still simple at the heart of it. Shoot by rolling a dice
and removing a stand if necessary, usually don’t bother with orders unless the unit is trying something
tricky or far from its commander. Once a few games are under your belt then the system is
exceptionally easy to use. I almost never need the firing charts as they are pretty simple to remember.

But Napoleonic wargaming often loses its FUN! And that is WRONG! You are a shambolic
commander with a paunch and gout, drunk to blazes and wearing silk tights. You should as this
commander be able to engage with your troops. Shout at them, Rally them, Scream fire orders, and
compliment them well. Just if they start answering back then see a psychiatrist.
Such was the Rallying rule and the I’ll see you hanged rule. Its why you get a bonus commanding if
you wear the top hat or the bicorne

Despite this I have balanced the effects of the mechanics to reflect historical reality. You CAN break a
steady British Square with Cuirassiers, but you are taking a damn risky move . You CAN break
through the enemy’s artillery with your Light Brigade down a valley of death, but again…are you that
sort of butcherer of models?
Your Thin Red Line may Die Hard when outnumbered three to one, but it’s the exception not the rule.

You have flexibility within the rules to create Heroes and Villains, doddering cowards and raging bulls.
Legends will be made, cigars smoked, Port quaffed.

Advance my lads. TO GLORY


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I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,

The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,

They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,

But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!
R Kipling

Unit/ Result Uncertain Decisive Overwhelming Irresistible

Foot 5 or less 6+ 8+ Not available

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Port and Cigars

Horse 5 or less 6+ 8+ 9+

Artillery 5 or less 6+ Not available Not available

Cold Steel
+3 +2 +1 +1 -1 -2
Lancers Non-Lancer Horse Charging Horse vs. Foot Disordered Horse vs.
charging charging or pursuing Steady Square
or pursuing targets in targets in skirmish or
skirmish or disorder disorder
Contact to Contact to the Flank Heavy vs. light Target Disordered Shaken Target in
the rear withdrawing or Fortifications
Spear Points Elite In Column Poor
Gleaming Grenadier vs. cover Height advantage Skirmishers
Outnumbering Shattered unit

Order Minimum Score

To Move a unit 1 Unit Maximum Move Rate
To Move by wheeling >45deg 2 Foot in line in difficult terrain 2
To Form Line or Column or Skirmish 2 Foot in line and foot artillery 3
To Limber or Unlimber Artillery 2 Foot in column and units of 4
skirmishing foot
To Form a Foot unit into Square 3 Horse in echelon 5

To Reform unit 4 Limbered horse artillery and 6

Horse in column
Skirmishing cavalry 7
Tactical factors Modifier
Ordering a Poor unit -1 Unit/ Effective Withering Shattering
Per CR range -1 Result
Disordered -1 Foot 6+ 8+ 10+
Ordering an Elite unit +1 Artillery 6+ Not Not
Generals command modifier +/-x available available

+3 +2 +1 -1 -2
Artillery Firing @ charge Target Horse Target is (non- Roundshot vs.
Enfilading fire to contact artillery) skirmishers Non artillery
or firing through a Skirmishers
skirmish screen*
Enfilade fire* Target Column L’ecoute d’mussilin Artillery vs.
Grapeshot Disciplined Fire Shattered unit
Self in Line Target in Cover*
Square targeted by Disordered


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Port and Cigars

Port and Cigars

Hi Guys. James Abecrombie here.

You may remember me from such battles as charging Fort Ticonderoga frontally until even the Black Watch had had enough?

Well today I ‘m here to tell you about Port and Cigars.

Port and Cigars (apart from being something I like after Breakfast, Tiffin, Mid Tiffin, Late Tiffin and dinner) is a set of Napoleonic
wargame rules that bring honour and glory to the tabletop.

They are usable in all scales and all base sizes; by God I don’t care a Damn if you use cardboard chits.

They draw upon decades of research and literally hours of watching” Sharpe”.

With these rules you can follow Wolfe to Quebec , Wellesley to Assay. , Stand in line as your Prussians deliver their automated volleys or
lead the charge of your Cuirassiers as they punch a hole in anything in their path.

Port & Cigars is playable in a hour. Time for glory on the tabletop and enough to repair down the tavern; (with a few bottles of wine,) to
celebrate your victory.

It uses a single D6. No modern twenty sided or D percent here thank you! If the D6 has served us for a hundred years it shall serve a
hundred more!

Here you can finally use all those armies you bought but are about to E-Bay because all other rules systems suck. Two plastic box sets
and your army is ready. No quibbling over vague rules anymore as quibblers are flogged senseless the moment they start.

And they are Free of course which helps when you have pursers as corrupt as mine.

But enough waffle, enjoy the rules and please excuse me . I have to do and throw good soldiers’ lives away in pointless attacks.

I wish you Joy of The Day

Jim Abercrombie

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