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Rezhin jamil jubrail

Soran University
Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Department

Final assessment
(English )

Prepared By :-Rezhin Jamil Jubrail

Supervisor:- Dr. Haydar

Rezhin jamil jubrail

Question 1

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True

Multiple choice
1. C
2. B
3. C

1. Assassinated
2. Successors
3. Architects
4. Immortal
5. Intruders
6. Sarcophagus

Rezhin jamil jubrail

                                                      The life in college 

University life is an unforgettable year and it is completely different from the school we
are experiencing unprecedented experiences. And the friends we meet often keep our
friends forever. My university is in the city where I live, which is good. I do not have to
go and come  or live in the college's inner section, as is the case for many students.
And also for many professors who come to teach us.

The department I study is chemical engineering that I entered with my desire, which is a
difficult department, but my college teachers are very good and they explain to us in
very good ways and they always help us and the students also help each others
At the university, I got to know a lot of friends from different places and I wouldn't be
able to recognize them if it was the university. We spent beautiful times together ,It is
true that university life and studying are difficult, but at the same time they are
beautiful and we have learned many lessons and experiences from them.

We have one year left to graduate and everyone goes his way and establishes himself.
So I hope we go to university last year, that education will not be electronic and we will
see each other because I will miss this university life.

Rezhin jamil jubrail

Question 3/

1. I’ve been able to save enough money to buy a house

2. I managed to get the job I wanted
3. I haven’t been able to finish my college
4. I didn’t Manage to learn Spanish last year
5. I have managed to exercise every day in this week
6. Last summer I was able to visit five Europe countries
7. I have learned how to design a website

Question 4/

1- Can I park here?

Only for half an hour.

2- What color will you paint the children's bedroom?

We can't decide.

3- I can't understand this email.

Would you like some help?

4- I'd like two tickets for tomorrow night.

I'll just check for you.

5- Could you tell me your surname?

Would you like me to spell it?

Rezhin jamil jubrail

6- This plant looks dead.

It only needs some water.

7- I hope it doesn't rain.

So do I.

8- Who gave you this book, Lucy?

I bought it.

9- Do you mind if I come too?

That's fine!

10- How much butter do I need for this cake?

I'm not sure.

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