Questions For Midterm

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Midterm questions for Stomatology faculty

13. Targets of CNS drug action, sites and mechanisms of drug action. Sedative-hypnotics: 2
benzodiazepines, barbiturates, miscellaneous agents.

14 General anesthetics: inhaled and intravenous. Local anesthetics: esters and amide agents. 2

15. Opioids: agonists, mixed agonist-antagonists and antagonist drugs. Drugs of abuse 2

16. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, disease modifying antirheumatic drugs, nonopioid 2

analgesics and drugs used in gout.

17. Adrenocorticosteroids: naturally occurring glucocorticoids and their synthetic analogs. 2

18. Pharmacology of histamine and histamine receptor antagonists. drugs used for allergic rhinitis 2
and cough.

1. Systemic effects of histamine and serotonin;

2. Prototypes of first and second generation antihistamines, their therapeutic
and side effects;
3. Mechanism of action of sumatriptan and clinical uses;
4. Indications of the most important serotonin 5-HT2 and one 5-HT3
receptor agonists and antagonists;
5. Autonomic effects of antihistamines;
6. Agents for Anaphylaxis and their pharmacology;
7. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, non-selective Cox-1 and Cox-2 and Cox-
2 selective inhibitors, their therapeutic and side effects;
8. Mechanism of action of aspirin, its therapeutic and side effects;
9. Pharmacology of acetaminophen (mechanism of action, therapeutic and side
10.Pharmacology of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticoids)
(mechanism of action, therapeutic and side effects);
11.Prototypes of bronchodilators, their therapeutic and side effects;
Psycho-sedative, hypnotic agents pharmacological groups, their prototypes,
amechanisms of action, therapeutic and side effects;

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