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Title no. 81-31

Bond and Anchorage of Reinforcing Bars Under Cyclic Loading

by Egor P. Popov

The paper emphasizes the importance of reinforcing bar bond and bond stress-slip relationship is then described, and a
anchorage problems in inelastic seismic analysis of reinforced con- solution procedure for solving for the deteriorating be-
crete structures. The basic nature of the bond and anchorage prob-
lems is pointed out and relevant experiments carried out at the Uni- havior of joints is outlined. Numerous references to
versity of California, Berkeley, are described. The newly developed Berkeley work are given throughout the text so that an
local bond stress-slip relationship (law) is commented on, and an an- interested reader could look further into the details of
alytical approach for the analysis of the deteriorating cyclic behavior this research.
of beam-column joints based on this law is discussed.

Keywords: anchorage (structural); beams (supports); bond (concrete to rein-
forcement); bond stress; columns (supports); cyclic loads; earthquake resistant This study summarizes experimental and analytical
structures; hysteresis; joints Uunctions); mathematical models; reinforced con- results on the anchorage and bond behavior of rein-
crete; slippage.
forcing bars under generalized excitations simulating
the conditions occurring during severe earthquakes,
It is an accepted design philosophy to permit struc- based principally on the research done at Berkeley. A
tures to respond inelastically during a severe or maxi- plausible rule for local bond stress-slip behavior suit-
mum credible earthquake. In such an event, some able for computer implementation is indicated and ref-
structural damage is anticipated. However, it is imper- erenced. An approach for analytically studying the
ative to prevent collapse. Such a collapse may occur if general contact problem at cracks in beams and at
the lateral resistance of a structure under cyclic loading joints is described.
is severely deteriorated. In reinforced concrete con-
struction, this can be due to the main reinforcing bars
pulling out from the mating members, or alternatively,
by beam bars cyclically pulling through the columns of
interior joints. Elastic analyses of such situations are
In the conventional analysis of structures, joints are
unrealistic, and one must resort to inelastic nonlinear
assumed to be rigid and the interfaces between any two
analyses based on carefully gathered experimental evi-
adjoining members are assumed to develop no separa-
tion. The latter assumption implies, for example, that
In this paper, the bond and anchorage problems for
at a joint there is no fixed-end rotation of a beam rela-
cyclic loading are reviewed from the historical perspec-
tive to a column axis. However, in the inelastic range,
tive of the experiments carried out at the University of
and particularly under cyclic loading, there is a pro-
California, Berkeley. First, some examples are given
gressive loss of bond between the reinforcing bars and
indicating the great importance of the bond and an-
the concrete. Moreover, the bars stretch significantly at
chorage problems for structures subjected to severe
yield. These effects give rise to the development of
cyclic loading. Then the basic nature of the bond prob-
beam cracks. Such cracks, together with a major one at
lem is examined, and two kinds of bond tests carried
the beam-column interface, can cause a large fixed-end
out at Berkeley are discussed. In one series of experi-
ments, the bars were embedded in concrete stubs of a
depth comparable to that of the columns; in the other, This paper is based largely on a conference paper presented to the Struc-
tural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) in Sacramento, California,
short bars were used to determine the local bond stress- on Oct. I, 1982. and is reproduced with their permission.
slip law. In both of these studies, the main effort was Received May 23, 1983, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
Copyright © 1984, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
directed to studying the behavior of bars in well-con- the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright propri-
etors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the May-June 1985 ACI JOUR-
fined concrete. An approach for formulating the local NAL if received by Feb. I, 1985.

340 ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984

J:gor P. Popov, FACI, is a professor of civil engineering at the University of
California, Berkeley. He has contributed numerous papers in the areas of Me-
chanics and Earthquake Engineering. He is a member of ACI-ASCE Commit-
tee 334, Concrete Shell Design and Construction.



old•2 7~


Fig. !-Surface deformations and cracks of a well-anchored rectangular beam (R-

5) in advanced stages of cyclic loading. Crack widths and deformations are shown
jive times larger than linear dimensions of the beam. 1 1 in. = 25.4 mm

rotation of the beam relative to a column axis. It is this ERROR 6 MISSING DATA

aspect of the problem that is discussed in this paper. LP 50 __ ___j_

Other possible deformations at the joints, such as those
due to shear, are not considered. z
An illustration of the extent of possible major crack- z
ing of a beam in the inelastic range resulting in a fixed- Q_
end rotation is shown in Fig. 1. 1 The contributions of 0
different sources of deformation to the tip deflection f-
for this short cantilever [38.5 in. (0.98 m) long, having z
w ~--I-
9 x 16 in. (230 x 410 mm) gross cross section with w 8
four #6 bars top and bottom] are presented in Fig. 2,1
It is important to note the very large contribution made Q_
(f) -t- 8
to the tip deflection by the fixed-end rotation of the 0 ~:::::_..J.=:=±::r:==~_j__ _L___j___J _t- SHEAR

beam caused by a pullout of the bars both from the an- 4 5

choring block and the beam's end. Basically, the same
phenomenon is also evident for longer beams. The case
illustrated is relevant for coupling beams in shearwalls
and for beams at end columns of frames, and certainly Fig. 2-Contributions of different sources of deforma-
cannot be neglected in calculations. tion to cantilever tip deflection for a short beam (R-6)
A somewhat analogous problem occurs at an interior showing variations of these quantities with increasing
ductility ratios. 1 1 in. = 25.4 mm
beam-column joint. Initially, the relative fixed-end
beam rotations can be ascribed to the development of
major cracks between the beams and the column faces
just as for an end beam, Fig. 3. 2-4 However, in the more
advanced stages of loading, as the size of the cracks in-
creases, beam bars become simultaneously pulled from
one side and pushed from the other. Stresses inferred
from the ACI code5 indicated in Fig. 4(a) 6 for calculat-
ing the forces acting on a bar are unconservative. If,
during a cyclic loading, large cracks form through the
beams on both sides of a column, some bars embedded
in a column may be subjected to forces of the same
sense on both sides of the bar, acting at yield stress of
the material [see bottom bar in Fig. 4(b)]. This gives
rise to particularly high bond stresses within a joint,
tending to destroy the anchorage of a bar. If the bond
within a joint is broken, the loosened bar can move
back and forth within the column core with ease. This Fig. 3(a)-An example of crack formation at a beam-
hazardous condition was isolated for an extensive study column interface of an interior joint3
ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984 341
Fig. 4-Joint free-bodies for determining bar anchor-
age forces and joint shear (a) inferred from AC/ 318-
77, and (b) recognizing formation of cracks at column
Fig. 3(b)-Schematic diagram showing formation of faces during inelastic cycling6
beam-column interface cracks in advanced stages of in-
elastic cyclic /oadin!t
KIPS 0.025 IN




Fig. 6-Hysteretic loops due to shear transfer through

dowel action for various crack widths. 9 1 kip-force
4.45 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm

5 6 1
Basic nature of the bond
Fig. 5-Hysteretic behavior of normal weight and The transfer of a force from a reinforcing bar to
lightweight beam-column subassemblages during in- concrete is a very complex phenomenon and is strongly
elastic cycling. Severe pinching of the loops due to influenced by the loading history. In the past, most of
bond deterioration of beam bars is particularly evident the research in this area was devoted to the study of
for lightweight specimens. 8 1 kip-force = 4.45 kN monotonically applied forces. It has been conclusively
shown 10 that adhesion and friction between the rough
bar surface and concrete contribute little to the bond
of the bond and anchorage problems 2 •4 •7 and will be dis- resistance. The mechanical interlocking between lugs
cussed further in another section of this paper. and concrete is principally responsible for developing
The behavior described is largely responsible for the bar anchorage. As this action develops, Goto 11 has
cyclic deterioration of the lateral resistance of moment- shown experimentally that inclined axisymmetric ring
resisting subassemblages, 2· 3 ·8 such as shown in Fig. 5. 8 cracks of the type indicated in Fig. 7(a) 12 are observed.
Note particularly the strongly pinched appearance of It is plausible to conclude that for a subsequent appli-
the hysteretic loops for lightweight specimens. A frame cation of a force in a reverse direction, the cracking
moves easily through a large displacement at a small pattern will be that as shown in Fig. 7(b). 12 The corre-
lateral force as the beam bars slip through the joint. An sponding highly nonlinear bond stress-slip relationship
analogous but somewhat milder phenomenon is ob- for a cycle of a load application generally resembles
served in subassemblages of normal weight concrete. that shown in Fig. 7(c).
In passing, it is appropriate to note that if a large The sketch shown in Fig. 7(a) corresponds to the case
crack develops through a whole beam at a column face, of applying the half-cycle ABCD detailed in Fig. 7(c);
the shear is transferred through dowel action until a the bar is in an unloaded condition. Note that a gap ~Av
crack begins to close. This aspect of the problem is il- remains behind the lugs, and residual stresses develop
lustrated in Fig. 6, 9 and its importance may be seen both in the bar and in the surrounding concrete. When
from Fig. 2. However, this topic will not be pursued a reverse force is applied to the bar, as indicated in Fig.
here. 7(b), the gap ~An closes and a new one ~DI is formed by
342 ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984


r /I


(a) -- -----------. (c) (a) TEEL

Fig. 8-(a) Elastic finite element analysis of an embed-
ded bar showing the axisymmetric principal stresses at
0.45 in. radius caused by subjecting the bar to an ap-
plied displacement of 0.00005 in. on the right, (b) in-
clined ring cracks occurring normal to the tensile
stresses, and (c) splitting cracks due to normal pressure
developed at the bar.' 1 psi = 6.89 kPa; 1 in. = 25.4
Fig. 7-Mechanism of force transfer from a deformed mm
reinforcing bar to concrete at two stages of cyclic load-
ing: (a) unloaded bar after an inelastic half-cycle, (b)
closure of initial cracks and development of new cracks studied using subassemblages of a structure. Such stud-
on loading the bar in the opposite direction, and (c) ies are essential for determining the global response of
hysteretic loop associated with the illustrated cycling a frame. However, the required models are expensive
process ' 2 and the experimental data reduction is very complex.
Alternatively, for specifically studying the bond and
crushing the concrete ahead of the lugs. As is known anchorage of reinforcing bars, it is possible to isolate
from experiments, on repeated application of cyclic the problem and devise simpler experiments. Two kinds
loading, a bar begins to move back and forth through of such experiments were used in the Berkeley bond
a small distance rather freely. tests. The type employing reinforcing bars with long
A partial explanation for this behavior can be sub- embedment lengths is described in this section of the
stantiated analytically. This is illustrated in Fig. 8, paper; the second type is discussed in the following sec-
where the results of an elastic finite element analysis are tion.
given and interpreted.' The axisymmetrical principal A typical column stub with the test bar simulating
stresses in concrete at a radius of 0.45 in. (II mm) are one of the main beam bars for performing bond exper-
shown in Fig. 8(a). These stresses were calculated for an iments on long bars is shown in Fig. 9.' 2 In the three se-
arbitrary displacement of the bar at the right end of ries of tests, the depth of the column stub was varied.
0.00005 in. (1.3 x I0- 3 mm). For the purposes of this Some were 15 in. (380 mm) deep, others were 20 in.
discussion, it is convenient to concentrate attention on (51 0 mm), and some were 25 in. (635 mm) deep, as
the principal stresses near the right end of this bar, that shown in the figure. In each case a stub was reinforced
is, on the stresses of 166 psi (1.14 MPa) and 21 psi (0.14 like a column, providing well-confined concrete for the
MPa). Since this is a solution for a linear elastic prob- major part of the bar embedment length. On attaching
lem, all stresses may be scaled upward by a direct ratio the column stub to a support frame, the test bar ~:auld
to any desired magnitude. Therefore, inclined ring be subjected to monotonic or cyclic forces applied at
cracks of the kind shown in Fig. 8(b) would occur per- either or both ends simultaneously.
pendicularly to the large tensile principal stresses when Each test bar was instrumented with strain gages
the tensile strength of the concrete is attained. Further, along its length, as shown in Fig. 10. 4 • 12 Some typical
the presence of a radial stress component, in effect, de- results from one of the experiments are shown in Fig.
velops a bursting pressure on the surrounding concrete. 11. ' 2 In this case, the test bar in a 25 in. (635 mm) deep
As a result, longitudinal splitting cracks such as shown block was pulled monotonically from one side only.
in Fig. 8(c) can develop. These cracks are repeatedly Knowing the mechanical properties of the bar, the
observed in experiments. In well-confined concrete, the measured strains shown in Fig. ll(a) enable one to de-
crack growth is inhibited although it cannot be pre- termine the stresses along the bar, Fig. ll(b). Such ax-
vented entirely. Since in seismic design provisions for ial stresses provide sufficient information for calculat-
confining concrete are adhered to, the experiments de- ing the bond stresses at different locations of the bar.
scribed in the next two sections of this paper are con- Further, from the external measurements of bar end
cerned primarily with well-confined concrete. displacements and bar strains, the internal displace-
ments at any point along the bar can be found. In this
Bond tests with long bars manner, the local bond stress-slip relationship can be
In an earlier section of this paper, it was indicated determined.
(Fig. 5) that bond deterioration of main beam bars in Experimental results for cyclically applied end forces
moment-resisting frames under cyclic loading can be is shown in Fig. 12. 12 This case simulates the worst case
ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984 343
which can be encountered in beam-column joints, that In spite of the fact that the above series of ex-
is, equal forces acting in the same direction are cycli- periments2·4·7 provide very useful information, there
cally applied at both ends of the bar. With consider- are two essential difficulties which forced redirecting
ably more effort, the data from such an experiment can the studies along the lines discussed in the next section
provide information for generating a cyclic local bond of this paper. One of the problems is due to the fact
stress-slip relationship along a bar.
The experiments with long embedded bars also pro-
vided some qualitative results which can be idealized
for the purposes of analysis, as shown in Fig. 13. 12 On 50000~----------------------------------.
the tension side of a bar in the unconfined region of the
concrete stub at high stresses, large conically shaped
pieces of concrete tend to separate from the main body
of the specimen. This phenomenon is in full accord
with the earlier noted experimental and analytical re- 30000
L_:__:_ 8,
sults (see Fig. 7 and 8). This observation must be prop-
erly included in the analysis. 20000


1- 25"-

r~ Fig. 11 (a)-Strain distribution diagram for #8 bar sub-

4" jected to monotonically applied tensile force at one
end. 12 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.89 MPa



4 1/2.

05 81

I 40

. ~>'I/ ·. :: J.
l [ :.
I l .' .
~.~ C$1• • ...: ~ ... ~ >i ~ . .l
0 o~-L--4~~~8~~~1~2--~~16~~~~~~~~

Fig. 11(b)-Stress distribution diagram for #8 bar sub-

Fig. 9 -Typical cvlumn stub for studying bar anchor- jected to monotonically applied tensile furce at one
age with a large embedment length. 12 1 in. = 25.4 mm end. 12 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.89 MPa




.. ----+---l.-
8@ I" :

(a) (b)

Fig. 10-(a) Typical section of instrumented grooved bar and (b) typical layout of
strain gages along grooved bar. 4 • 12 1 in. = 25.4 mm
344 ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984


m\ -~



- Pz

~ 3" ,.._ -1 3" : -

: - - - - - - - - 2 5 " ---- - ----~

Fig. 12-Cyclic experiment with #10 bar. Equal forces
are applied simultaneously at both ends of the bar. o1
measures the total bar displacement at one end. 12 1 ksi
= 6.89MPa


REGION ~ T REGION Fig. 14-A model for determining bar displacements by

I II I ~45o_l
...,__ ... N...-------1 --:~-1 ~------- vr. ._ - s SLIP [mm]
-~Yr~-=-==-~-1~-~-=-~,r=--=-=--=--~Ny-t------r -0.5 0 0.5

I II I t
rr---· .J..

;;; 0
Fig. 13-/dentijication of anchorage regions in a rein- 0 .!..
z 0 0 0
forced concrete block 12 0 z
CD 0

that it is very difficult to generalize the results so that
they are applicable to members of any size. It is more
advantageous to study a problem in the manner shown -2
111 hg. 14. By assigning a local bond stress-slip law for
-0.02 0 0.02
the various points along a bar, any member with any
set of boundary conditions can be studied analytically. SLIP (in]
This poses, however, the second fundamental problem
using the described approach. Since the bond stress is Fig. 15-Cyclic local bond stress-slip response at 6 in.
detenumed by taking the difference of axial stresses at from an end, #8 bar 25 in. (635 mm) embedment
the adjoining points, the results are very sensitive to the
length. Least squares method smoothing 4
obtat11ed strain readings, which tend to be somewhat er-
rati~:. Unless the data are smoothed by a procedure such size of the opening in the plastic sheet. By varying the
a~ the least ~quares method, the resulting hysteretic width of the opening in this sheet, simulation of differ-
luop~ can be chaotic Such an approach can be used as ent bar spacing is achieved. As the overall size of the
exemplified by Fig. 15, 4 but is extremely time consum- specimen is large in comparison with the critical split-
ing, and it i~ more advantageous to study the local ting area of concrete, as well as the use of stirrups and
boud stre~s-slip relationships in a different manner. vertical bars, the concrete surrounding the test bar is
well confined. Further, since the bar is short, the cal-
Bond test with short bars culated average bond stress may be considered as rep-
!he basi.: design of a specimen for testing bond of resentative of a local bond stress. A similar specimen
short bar~ 1s shown in Fig. 16. 13 • 14 The bonded length of for studying the anchorage provided by a hook is
the bar i~ limited to 5 bar diameters, as the outer shown in Fig. 17. 15
leugth~ of the test bar are covered by mastic and are in- One hundred twenty-five specimens, mainly of the
serted into tubes. The horizontal concrete splitting area type shown in Fig. 16, were tested in this program. The
as~o.:iated with the embedded bar is controlled by the actual experiments were performed in an MTS testing
ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984 345
l r---5 5db--i .... _ - AFTER ONE CYCLE

i~===~I~ l oo


15 2
: L-PLASTIC SHEET ! or---------------T==r==r-------------------
f.. !


L95- t5db-1-5db_l-5db+65J
db 15


Fig. 18-Typical experimentally determined cyclic local

bond stress-slip response using test specimen shown in
Fig. 16. Illustrated curves are for #8 bar. 13 1 MPa =
SHEET 145 psi; 1 mm = 3.94 x 10-z in.
machine which permitted the application of monotonic
Fig. 16- Test specimen for determining local bond and cyclic loads. In addition to monitoring the applied
stress-slip response in confined concrete. Dimensions force, the end slip of the bar was also continuously
are in mm. 11 1 mm = 3.94 x 10-z in. measured.
Because of the relative simplicity of the specimens, it
was possible to study the effect of many parameters on
the local bond stress-slip relationship. Among these, the
effects of the following variables were studied.
I. Monotonic versus cyclic loading
r-- TUBES, _ 2. Tensile versus compressive loading
r•8 TEST BAR 3. Amount of confinement reinforcement

4. Bar diameter size (#6, #8, #I 0)
5. Concrete strength
6. Bar spacing
7. Transverse pressure (such as column load)
8. Rate of pullout

H- ---
--- :~ / These topics are briefly discussed in References 13, 15,
I6, and I 7 and are reported in detail in References I4

t and 18. *
A representative diagram of calculated average local
bond stress versus slip for a straight bar (Fig. I 6) is
shown in Fig. I 8.ll It is interesting to note several as-
pects which can be observed from this diagram. First,
the monotonic loading curve in tension and compres-
sion can be approximated by similar shapes. Second, in
1----------15':..' -------.1 this particular experiment of rather severe cyclic load-
ing of ± 0.65 in. ( 1.65 mm), significant deterioration in

r "'8 TEST BAR capacity takes place even during the first load reversal.
Third, after one full cycle, the bar bond capacity does
not reach the monotonic loading curve. Bond damage
- -
/ • continues under further application of cyclic loading.
-- - • t' Fourth, for very large slip, the average bond stress
•I I
reaches approximately a constant value which can be
associated with an internal frictional force.
:__7"- ~ The essential aspects of the observations noted above
for many different levels of cyclic loading have been
captured by a local bond stress-slip law described in
References 13, 15, 16, and 17. More details are given in
Fig. 17- Test specimen for determining the effect of
hooks on anchorage of bars in confined concrete. 15 1 in. • Another detailed report by the same authors on behavior of hooked bars is
= 25.4 mm in preparation.

346 ACl JOURNAL I July-August 1984

T IN/mmZ) N ( kNI

,.. .... .... --------
200 t -25do

~/s:=E=~ I

-CYCLIC TEST ( s • :1: 1.65 mm)


0 4 8 12 16 20 22
s 1 (mm)
0 4 6 8 10
1 (mm)

Fig. 20-Comparison of experimental and analytical

Fig. 19-Comparison of experimental and proposed results of pullout for a #8 bar embedded in a 25 in. (635
analytical model for local bond stress-slip response. 16 • 17 mm) wide reinforced concrete block. 17 1 kN = 225 lb-
1 MPa = 145 psi; 1 mm = 3.94 x J0- 2 in. force; 1 mm = 3.94 X J0- 2 in.


-0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 I
S1 [mm]

Fig. 21-Comparison of a typical experimental and an- Fig. 22-lnterior beam-column joint with discretiza-
tion along bars for analysis of the contact problem 19
alytical force-end displacement hysteretic loops for a #8
bar embedded in a 25 in. (635 mm) wide reinforced
concrete block subjected simultaneously to equal force ANALYSIS OF DETERIORATING CYCLIC
at both endsY 1 kN = 225 lb-jorce; 1 mm = 3.94 x
If an acceptable local bond stress-slip law is formu-
lated and the behavior of a long reinforcing bar can be
Reference 14. The rules for defining the unloading and idealized in the manner shown in Fig. 14, either mono-
reloading branches of the curves as well as the reduced tonic or cyclic response of reinforced concrete joints
envelopes are rather complex and strongly depend on can be analyzed. Work completed so far shows that this
the damage parameter, which, in turn, is a function of can be done at the research level. A brief outline of the
loading history. The simplifications made to obtain a successful approach used 19 •20 follows. The developed
set of viable rules for the local bond stress-slip law may solution is applicable to monotonically as well as cycli-
be surmised from Fig. 19. 14• 16• 17 For further details refer cally applied loads. An earlier attempt in solving this
to the cited references. problem is given in Reference 21.
The accuracy of the local bond stress-slip law has Having been reassured that the proposed local bond
been checked by applying the approach exemplified in stress-slip law 15 •16 gives satisfactory results in predicting
Fig. 14 to some bond tests with long bars described in the behavior of long embedded bars (Fig. 20 and 21),
the previous section of this paper. One such analytical the procedure has been generalized for a more complex
comparison for a monotonically loaded bar is shown in loading condition. 19 •20 As an example, an interior beam-
Fig. 20. 17 The calculated results for the end displace- column joint such as shown in Fig. 22 20 was consid-
ment of a bar of 0.87 in. (22 mm) out of the anchoring ered. Analogous to the approach shown in Fig. 14, here
block are in excellent agreement with the experimental the bars were discretized within the joint as well as in
results. A similar comparison for a complete cycle hav- abutting beams (not shown). The slippage of the main
ing an overall displacement of 0.09 in. (2.3 mm) is reinforcing bars with respect to the surrounding con-
shown in Fig. 21. 17 Again, the agreement between the crete is taken into account, giving rise to concentrated
experimental and the analytical results is seen to be sat- fixed-end rotations at the beam-column interface. The
isfactory. hysteretic behavior of cracked reinforced concrete sec-
ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984 347


>-- 0 >-- 0
z z
w w
::;; ::;;

0 0
::;; ::;;
-200 f-8/' -200 -·-·ANALYTICAL (BILINEAR

5 -20 0 20
ENDSLJP, u (mm] 3

Fig. 23-Beam end moment versus pullout of bottom Fig. 24-Beam end moment versus fixed-end rotation
bars. Comparison of experimental and analytical re- caused by pullout of bars from column. Comparison of
sults. 19 1 kN • m = 8.85 kip-in.; 1 mm = 3.94 x J0- 2 experimental and analytical results. 19 1 kN · m = 8.85
in. kip-in.; 1 mm = 3.94 x J0- 2 in.

tions satisfying the equilibrium of forces at both inter- follow. Using a particular formulation of this rule, with
face cracks and taking into account the contact prob- the aid of a computer program, it is now possible to
lem under cyclic action has been formulated."1 Without study analytically the general contact problem at rein-
going into the details of the devised computer pro- forced concrete cracks, such as occur in beams and at
gram, only some of the end results are indicated here. joints. At the research level this permits deeper insight
The devised iterative solution assures that both the into the nature and behavior of the reinforcing bars in
equilibrium of the joint as well as the equilibrium of bond, both for monotonic as well as cyclic loadings.
each reinforcing bar layer under the local bond stress- For direct practical applications, some simplifications
slip law is satisfied simultaneously. As an example, the of the algorithms appear to be necesssary.
calculated pullout of the bottom beam bars is com-
pared with the experimental result for one of the beam- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The author sincerely thanks his colleague, Professor Vitelmo V.
column subassemblages in Fig. 23. 19 Similar results have
Bertero, for continuous collaboration on the projects described, as
been obtained for the top beam bars (not shown). Hav- well as other associates and graduate students recognized in the ref-
ing information on the pullout of the top and bottom erence listing. Filip Filippou was very helpful with the final prepara-
bars enables one to calculate the beam fixed-end rota- tion of the paper. The author is most grateful to NSF (current Grant
tion. Such results are given in Fig. 24, 19 where again a CEE 81-07217) for maintaining the support of the bond project over
a considerable period of time, which made this work possible. Any
comparison between the calculated and experimental
opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this
results is made. Based on such studies, it is believed paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views
that the developed solution is sufficiently accurate for of the National Science Foundation.
analyzing the bond and the ultimate anchorage prob-
lems. The latter problem corresponds to a condition REFERENCES
when a bar begins to slide out or though a joint. I. Ma, S. M.; Bertero, V. V.; and Popov, E. P., "Experimental
Since the developed iterative solution is very general, and Analytical Studies on the Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced
Concrete Rectangular and T-Beams," Report No. EERC 76-2, Earth-
it can be applied to numerous problems, including that quake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berke-
of coupling beams in shearwalls, exterior joints, and ley, May 1976, 254 pp.
wall anchorage to footings. However, a search for a 2. Viwathanetepa, S.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Seismic
simplified solution method continues so that it would Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Interior Beam-Column Subassem-
be possible to economically analyze large practical blages," Report No. UCB/EERC-79/14, Earthquake Engineering
Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, June 1979, 184
structural systems. pp.
3. Soleimani, David; Popov, Egor P.; and Bertero, Vitelmo V.,
CONCLUDING REMARKS "Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subas-
A review of the bond and anchorage problem for semblages," ACl JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 76, No. 11, Nov. 1979,
reinforcing bars under generalized excitations simulat- pp. 1179-1195.
4. Cowell, A. D.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Effects of
ing the conditions occurring during severe earthquakes Concrete Types and Loading Conditions on Local Bond-Slip Rela-
has been emphasized in this paper based principally on tionship," Report No. UCB/EERC-82/17, Earthquake Engineering
the research done at Berkeley. Together with support- Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Sept. 1982, 62
ing evidence from other sources, the basic phenomeno- pp.
logical features of local bond stress-slip behavior have 5. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
forced Concrete (ACI 318-77}," American Concrete Institute, De-
been identified. A plausible rule suitable for computer troit, 1977, 102 pp.
implementation of this behavior has been proposed. 6. Popov, E. P., and Bertero, V. V., "On Seismic Behavior of Two
Refinements in the computer algorithms are likely to R/C Structural Systems for Tall Buildings," Structural and Geo-

348 ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984

technical Mechanics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1977, pp. 83/23, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of Cali-
117-140. fornia, Berkeley, Oct. 1983, 170 pp.
7. Cobb, J., "The Influence of Shock Landing and Axial 15. Eligehausen, R.; Bertero, V. V.; and Popov, E. P., "Hyster-
Compression Upon Bond Deterioration Under Cyclic Loading," etic Behavior of Reinforcing Deformed Hooked Bars in R/C Joints,"
M.Eng. thesis, University of California, Berkeley, June 1977, 103 pp. Proceedings, 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
8. Forzani, B.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Hysteretic Be- Athens, Sept. 1982, V. 4, pp. 171-178.
havior of Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subas- 16. Ciampi, V.; Eligehausen, R.; Bertero, V.; and Popov, E.,
semblages," Report No. UCB/EERC-79/01, Earthquake Engineer- "Analytical Model for Deformed Bar Bond Under Generalized Ex-
ing Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Apr. 1979, citations," IABSE Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics of Rein-
94 pp. forced Concrete (Delft, 1981 ), International Association for Bridge
9. Mattock, Alan H., "The Shear Transfer Behavior of Cracked and Structural Engineering, Ziirich, V. 32, 1981, pp. 53-67.
Monolithic Concrete Subjected to Cyclically Reversing Shear," 17. Ciampi, V.; Eligehausen, R.; Bertero, V. V.; and Popov, E. P.,
Structures and Mechanics Report No. SM 74-4, University of Wash- "Hysteretic Behavior of Deformed Reinforcing Bars Under Seismic
ington, Seattle, Nov. 1974, 95 pp. Excitations," Proceedings, 7th European Conference on Earthquake
10. Rehm, G., "The Basic Principles of the Bond Between Steel Engineering, Athens, Sept. 1982, V. 4, pp. 179-187.
and Concrete," C&CA Library Translation No. 134, Cement and 18. Ciampi, V.; Eligehausen, R.; Bertero, V. V.; and Popov, E. P.,
Concrete Association, London, 1968, 66 pp. "Hysteretic Behavior of Deformed Reinforcing Bars Under Seismic
II. Goto, Yukimosa, "Cracks Formed in Concrete Around De- Excitations," Report No. UCB/EERC-82/23, Earthquake Engineer-
formed Tension Bars," ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 68, No. 4, ing Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 1982,
Apr. 1971, pp. 244-251. Ill pp.
12. Viawathanatepa, S.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Ef- 19. Filippou, F. C.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Effects of
fects of Generalized Loadings on Bond of Reinforcing Bars Embed- Bond Deterioration on Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete
ded in Confined Concrete Blocks," Report No. UCB/EERC-79/22, Joints," Report No. UCB/EERC-83-19, Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Aug. 1983, 184
Berkeley, Aug. 1979, 304 pp. pp.
13. Eligehausen, R.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Local 20. Filippou, Filip C.; Popov, Egor P.; and Bertero, Vitelmo V.,
Bond Stress-Slip Relationships of Deformed Bars Under Generalized "Modeling of R/C Joints Under Cyclic Excitations," Journal of
Excitations," Proceedings, 7th European Conference on Earthquake Structural Engineering, ASCE, V. 109, No. II, Nov. 1983, pp. 2666-
Engineering, Athens, Sept. 1982, V. 5, pp. 69-80. 2684.
14. Eligehausen, R.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Local 21. Soleimani, D.; Popov, E. P.; and Bertero, V. V., "Nonlinear
Bond Stress-Slip Relationships of Deformed Bars Under Generalized Beam Model for R/C Analysis," Electronic Computation, American
Excitations, Tests and Analytical Model," Report No. UCB/EERC- Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1979, pp. 483-509.

ACI JOURNAL I July-August 1984 349

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