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Lighting Res. Technol. 35,2 (2003) pp.


A review of the development of daylighting in

Wei Wu BArch MSc(Building) PhD and Edward Ng BA(Hons) BArch(Dist) MBA(Dist) PhD(Cantab) RIBA
Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Presented at the National University of Singapore 29 January 2002

This paper reviews the progress of daylighting in school buildings. It examines

the publications that discuss daylighting design for school buildings in early 1874.
It also traces the developments of the open-air school movement from 1900 up
to the 1930s and describes research at the present day in the context of an empha-
sis on environmental factors deŽ ning healthy and comfortable buildings for edu-
cation. The regulations and standards of lighting in schools in the different periods
in Britain are summarized. The review reveals that there is a need to examine
the relationships between the responses of school occupants and the quantity of
daylighting. The conclusion of the paper gives an overall summary of daylighting
in schools and identiŽ es gaps in current knowledge. In addition, it provides the
authors’ opinions for future lighting research in schools.

1. Introduction 2.1 Developments during the nineteenth

The study of lighting in school buildings has The single-room house was perhaps the typi-
been a subject of interest for many years, and cal school classroom in the eighteenth century
rightly so. Good daylight has shown to be in western societies. As the in uences of urban-
closely associated with improvement in student ization and industrialization spread, this led to
performance and promotion of better health. It the pursuit of educational provision for the
also contributes signiŽ cantly to the aesthetics industrial classes from the beginning of the nine-
and physical character of the learning space.1–3 teenth century. As a result, the schools often
over owed into the church or the institutional
2. The development of daylighting in workhouse during their early development. The
schools single classroom style had to be used for the
instruction of the whole school simultaneously
Throughout history daylighting has been con- (Figure 1).5 The style of these school buildings
sidered as a crucial factor in the design of spread quickly but disappeared almost instantly
schools, more, perhaps, than in the design of any since the school population in the UK rose which
other building types.4 The following sections resulted in the provision of separate classrooms
describe in chronological order the development for children of different abilities and age. More-
of daylighting together with school design from over, the poor standard of health and safety for
the early nineteenth century to the present day. the children at that time attracted much concern
from the welfare societies.
A book by Robson published in 1874 under
Address for correspondence: Dr Wu Wei, Department of Architec-
ture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. E- the title School architecture: being practical
mail: remarks on the planning, designing, building
Ó The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2003 10.1191/1477153503li072oa
112 Development of daylighting in schools

Figure 1 An interior view of a class at Southwark Central School, early nineteenth century (from the British and
Foreign School Society manual of the system of primary instruction, 1831, by permission of the Society)

and furnishing of school houses, made sugges- north light. Glare from south or west-facing win-
tions about the layout of schools, and the plan- dows was avoided.
ning of classrooms and the interior environ-
ment.6 The book set out a view that the 2.2 Open-air school movement
classroom design should take into consideration From 1900 up to the 1930s, an open-air school
health, comfort, and effective teaching of chil- movement was the dominant idea.7 This move-
dren. Robson believed that the daylighting of ment stressed aspects of health and welfare in
classrooms was important. He urged that the school buildings and placed emphasis on better
main lighting of the schoolroom should never be ventilation and increased daylight. It strove to
from the south or south-west, though some improve upon the stuffy, often gloomy,
sunny windows should always be provided. He classrooms of the typical school plan of the late-
suggested that the coolest and steadiest light nineteenth century.
from the north was the best light source for the An open-air school requires a garden site and
classroom, as he found that too much sunlight classrooms that could be opened completely on
produced painful glare in hot summer weather one side. To achieve cross-ventilation and
both to the teachers and the pupils. Also, Robson increase the window area, a more open form of
clearly advised the other school designers at the planning with corridors and verandas separating
time in this publication: ‘A classroom is only classrooms appeared. The bilateral lit classroom
well lighted when it has 30 square inches then became a standard form.8 Since the impor-
[19 300 mm2] of glass to every square foot tance of facilitating sunlight penetration into the
[92 900 mm2] of  oor plan.’6 This is equivalent classroom was restated, the school buildings
to about 20% glazing area to  oor area in the were oriented in a southern direction and
classroom. employed folding or sliding windows; therefore,
Robson’s recommendations for daylighting in teaching areas were exposed to fresh air and
schools was widely implemented in the UK and direct sunlight for at least some hours during the
in the west. During the nineteenth century and day.9 Figure 2 illustrates the exterior view of a
up until the turn of the century, schools were typical open-air school.
predominantly designed to take advantage of In 1913, PJ Waldram published a paper which
W Wu and E Ng 113

example, what is adequate natural illuminance

for a schoolroom.
In addition, some doubts were expressed
about using bilateral lighting in the classroom in
the open-air school movement.8,11 For example,
there were a few recommendations that the direct
light and the light re ected by the ceilings and
walls was so diffused that shadows were scarcely
noticeable. As a result, a rule-of-thumb method
was used to determine the window height in a
side-lit room: the window area should be one-
Ž fth of the  oor area. Because of the problems
of high contrast from roof lights and undesirable
overheating in summer-time, the Board of Edu-
cation reluctantly requested that direct sunlight
should not be allowed to penetrate into the class-
room. As a result, some school buildings began
to use a dormer window above the access ver-
andas on the south side.12
Just before and immediately after the Ž rst
Figure 2 A 1930s open-air school with windows which world war, light and air were still seen as being
fold back.9 Reproduced with permission of Her Majesty’s very important, because of the persistent in u-
Stationery OfŽ ce, London, UK
ence of the open-air school movement. In
addition, innovations of construction technology
such as the use of steel framing made possible
reviewed the history of daylighting in schools the use of maximum glazing area in schools.
from 1866 and placed an emphasis on the effects Many schools retained the open-air feel with
of the open-air movement.10 Besides listing the windows and door partitions that could be
available rules and data for daylighting in opened fully. This set the pattern for a large pro-
schools at that time, Waldram discussed the portion of the new schools commissioned after
main problems for designing the daylit class- the second world war. Following the publication
room. 1) What is a suitable and practical method of the post-war building study ‘The lighting of
of measuring and predicting daylighting in the buildings’13 and the subsequent school building
classroom? 2) What is the minimum natural regulations, it was regarded that daylight was the
illumination required in a classroom for general principal source of illumination in schools. This
teaching purposes? 3) Is it desirable to rec- regulation also recommended a minimum 2%
ommend the minimum re ectance of the walls daylight ‘sky factor’ (then called the daylight
and ceilings in a classroom? An announcement factor) in 1945, and its memorandum suggested
was then resumed based on discussion of Wald- 5% daylight factor where possible.14
ram’s paper in a meeting held by the Illuminat- To achieve even the lower daylight factor of
ing Engineering Society in the UK. At that meet- 2%, windows had to be made as large as possible
ing, there was general agreement that high in most school buildings.15 However, large win-
re ectance walls and ceilings could improve dows caused many drawbacks, such as glare, and
daylighting and roof lighting, which was the uncomfortable overheating in the summer. These
optimum sources of illumination for reading and drawbacks led to the reassessment of the use of
writing in classrooms. However, there was no daylighting in school design. After 1954, the
recognized agreement on the other problems, for ability to take account of the internally re ected
114 Development of daylighting in schools

light into calculation of daylight factor had a model is based on the research results of investi-
considerable effect on the design of school gations into the responses of the occupants of
buildings.16 Concurrently, the concept of ‘per- Ž ve school buildings.26–28
manent supplementary artiŽ cial lighting of The school buildings belonging to the ‘exclus-
interiors’ (PSALI) was introduced in school ive’ model, in particular the windowless designs,
design.17 Later, new attitudes in education represented a departure from the conventional
brought radical changes in the way of using daylit, and naturally ventilated schools.
school space. In particular, it was no longer Although the interior environment of the
necessary for pupils to sit in rows of desks facing classrooms could be controlled automatically
a blackboard, so lighting from one side no longer and be relatively constant and comfortable
needed be a dominant design factor.18 More throughout the year, researchers considered that
compact plans of school buildings with smaller it might be harmful psychologically for school
windows appeared. children to be enclosed for long hours in a pre-
dominantly artiŽ cial environment, particularly in
2.3 Energy efŽ cient schools – exclusive ‘windowless boxes’.29 In early 1965, Karmel
model assessed the psychological effects of windowless
Unfortunately, reducing window size in classrooms by asking more than 1000 secondary
school buildings went somewhat too far, school students aged 14–15 years old to draw a
especially in the USA when  uorescent lighting picture of their school.30 This study revealed that
became prevalent. Starting in the late 1960s, the students in the windowless schools drew win-
design of daylit classrooms was opposed for a dows signiŽ cantly more frequently than those in
number of reasons such as the need for reduction the windowed schools. Also, some evidence of
of excessive glare. When air-conditioning was hostility and psychopathology were found in the
used in schools, engineers suggested that the drawings of the students from the windowless
smaller windows could improve energy schools. In the 1970s, Tikkanen investigated the
efŽ ciency.19,20 Moreover, educational theorists reactions of over 3000 students in eight schools
complained that windows distract students’ in California, USA.31 He found that 94% of the
attention.21,22 As a result, many newly built students in windowed schools preferred
classrooms had little daylight. Since the oil crisis classrooms with windows while only 4% pre-
in the 1970s, numerous windowless schools ferred windowless classrooms. The students of
appeared.22,23 In fact, at one point in Florida, the windowless schools were evenly divided in
USA, legislature even passed a law requiring all their desire for windows. Concurrently, Tognoli
schools to be air-conditioned and windowless! examined the effect of environmental embel-
Graves shows an example of the interior view lishment (e.g., windows) on attitudes towards the
of a windowless school built in the 1960s in experimental setting and on short-term retention
the USA.24 of verbal material. He found that subjects rated
The term ‘exclusive’ has been applied to the presence of a window as substantially more
buildings which strive to exclude the effects of pleasant than its absence.32
the environment.25 These buildings are distinct Other researchers also investigated students’
from ‘selective’ buildings, which seek to maxim- performance and responses in the windowless
ize the use of ambient energy in the form of solar classrooms. In the late1960s, Demos et al. exam-
gains and daylighting, etc. The basic character- ined the scholastic performance and attitudes of
istic of the school buildings of the ‘exclusive’ 10-year-old students in a windowless classroom
model is their compact shape. The windows are and in a classroom with windows in a 2-year
generally restricted in size and their orientations study in California, USA.33 Although it was
are relatively unimportant. It is worth men- found that most children disliked their win-
tioning here that the deŽ nition of this conceptual dowless classroom intensely after one year,
W Wu and E Ng 115

Demos et al. claimed that there were no signiŽ - schools.41 He found that in the northern class-
cant differences in the achievements, personality room environment of mixed electric light and
tests or health records for the children who used daylight, the reported incidence of eye fatigue
these two classes. However, the teachers who was signiŽ cantly higher in the classroom with
were interviewed stated that the students in the only skylight as compared with the classroom
windowless classroom were simultaneously with the regular side-view window at eye-level
more timid and more likely to complain. In at the sitting position. Two years later, Stewart
1975, Larson studied students in a primary studied the behaviour and attitudes of the school
school over a 3-year period.34 In the Ž rst and students towards daylight and fenestration in 350
third years windows were present in the school primary schools in UK.42 Social factors, person-
but in the second year the windows were ality characters of the students and the varying
removed. Removal of the windows did not visual characters of the building including
change scholastic performance but there was a photometric were studied. Stewart found that a
signiŽ cant tendency for the younger students to signiŽ cant proportion of the students chose to
be absent more frequently. In addition, Larson sit or work near windows, the chief determining
found that older students expressed a desire for factor being the amount of daylight. Moreover,
the windows. it was found that view content and visual and
As an extension of the summary of NBS thermal comfort were important in deciding the
Building Science series publication 70 on the favourite window place of the children.
psychological reaction to environments with and
without windows, Collins claimed that the 2.4 Energy efŽ cient schools—selective model
absence of the windows neither improved nor With few exceptions, sunlight was not
impaired the performance of the students.35 allowed to penetrate into the classroom.43 Unlike
However, this author also suggested that win- other building types, school students spent most
dowless schools should be used with caution, of their time in Ž xed positions and viewing
particularly since the long-term effects were not directions. Therefore, thermal, and even more
known.36 A similar conclusion was later arrived often, visual discomfort might be caused by
at by Boyce.37 direct exposure to sunlight. Ne’eman found that
The results of clinical research make it neces- 52% of the school occupants considered sun-
sary to reconsider the above conclusions. In shine to be a nuisance, in comparison with only
1972, Wilson conducted a study that evaluated 4% of the occupants of residential dwellings.44,45
the physical and psychological beneŽ ts of win- Since the oil crisis in the 1970s, the passive-
dows to patients in a hospital.38 This study fol- solar school design, a kind of ‘selective’ model
lowed the responses of 100 patients in an inten- of environmental buildings which permits direct
sive care unit, and found a compelling link sunlight penetration into the classrooms with
between daylighting and physiological health. careful controls has been used.9,46 As previously
As many as three times the number of cases of alluded to, educational theories of the traditional
organic delirium occurred in patients in a ward whole-class teaching before 1970 moved
without a window as occurred in one provided towards individual and small group teaching
with natural light. This conclusion gained further methods in western countries, also made this
support by Keep et al.39 and Ulrich40 in the design strategy more practicable.
1980s. Although these studies were conducted Since the early 1980s, a number of schools
on adult hospital patients, the results may be of with passive-solar features have been built in
the utmost relevance to the study of the long- Europe and the United States. Practical design
term impact of the school environment. guidance and examples of these schools are
In early 1979, Tikkanen examined 400 stu- quoted in the literature.9,47–50 The general fea-
dents averaging 16 years in age in Ž ve Swedish tures of a passive-solar building are a spread out
116 Development of daylighting in schools

of the brave experimental attempts at providing a

thermally comfortable classroom by means of
solar gain, occupancy gain and interior artiŽ cial
lighting. Therefore, the research of thermal per-
formance in St Mary’s school was a major con-
sideration and daylighting was largely ignored at
the beginning.18,52,53 Researchers then began to
concentrate on the lighting and visual perform-
ance in the passive solar buildings.54 In the
1980s, Carter and Mckennan conducted a com-
Figure 3 The concept of ‘selective model’ school.9 Repro- prehensive photometric survey and a users’ atti-
duced with permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery OfŽ ce, tude study in St Mary’s school.55,56 Their studies
London, UK
suggest that the visual aspects of glazing could
shape with careful choices about location and not be ignored and that designers of passive-
orientation. Large windows were used on the solar buildings should be at least as concerned
southern façade for maximizing solar gain for with the interior visual consequences of glazing
heating. As they also provide lighting, the need as with the interior thermal effects.
and provision of additional windows, on the The studies of visual effects in the passive-
northern façade, is diminished. In contrast to the solar buildings are, with few exceptions, con-
‘exclusive’ school model, a passive-solar design cerned with what the occupants think and not
would therefore make more effective the use of with what they do. Consequently, there is a clear
ambient daylight.51 Crisp et al. suggested that need to study the effect of the visual environ-
the school buildings with passive-solar features ment on people’s behaviour. Furthermore, there
required the designers to weigh the aesthetic and is evidence that energy savings by using day-
visual advantages of daylight and sunlight lighting are little related to occupancy costs even
against the implications for both the thermal bal- under the most optimistic assumptions.57 As a
ance of windows and the other consequences result, people began to consider that the most
such as glare. The concept of the ‘selective mod- important beneŽ ts of daylighting in non-
el’ school is illustrated in Figure 3. domestic buildings like schools and ofŽ ces were
The ‘selective’ model of environment was a not governed by energy conservation, but by the
relatively new concept for school designers in increase of occupants’ satisfaction and perform-
the 1980s. The Ž rst passive solar school, St ance.
Mary’s (formerly St George’s School) in Walla- Since the 1990s, a couple of studies have been
sey, UK, was built in 1961 and is still in continu- conducted. They supported the premise that
ous use today (Figure 4). St Mary’s school is one good daylight in the schools is positively related

Figure 4 St Mary’s School, Wallasey, UK, 1961.9 Reproduced with permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery OfŽ ce,
London, UK
W Wu and E Ng 117

to students’ health and achievement. In 1992, a proliferation of such technologies, some interest-
group of Swedish researchers monitored the ing questions arise. Is it necessary to provide
health, behaviour, and hormone levels of 8-year- daylighting in a hi-tech classroom? How should
old students in four classrooms over 1 year in good daylighting be provided in such
Sweden.2 They found signiŽ cant correlation classrooms? If VDT has to be used in a tra-
between patterns of daylight level, hormone ditional classroom, how can the new require-
level, and student behaviour. The authors con- ments of daylighting be met through upgrading
cluded, ‘work in classrooms without daylight and renewal?
may upset the basic hormone pattern, and this
in turn may in uence the children’s ability to 2.5.2 School hours
concentrate or co-operate, and also eventually There is a worldwide move from the tra-
have an impact on annual body growth and ditional 9:00 am to 3:00 pm school hours
sick leave.’ towards a longer school day. Schools in some
In 1999 a survey, perhaps one of the largest countries are, and more will be, opened earlier
ever done on daylighting in schools, was con- in the day and later in the evening to serve adults
ducted by the Heschong Mahone Group.3 The as well as children. Similarly, more schools are
researchers analysed test score results for over expected to open 7 days a week and 12 months
21 000 elementary students from three districts a year to serve different purposes of the neigh-
in the USA and looked for a correlation with the bourhood community. The challenges generated
daylighting conditions of the classrooms. Their by extending opening hours concern, solving
results revealed that children learned faster and overheating by sunlight and the integration of
did better on American standardized tests in the electrical lighting and daylighting.
classrooms with good daylighting. Unfortu-
nately, this study places an emphasis on skylight 2.5.3 Energy conservation and environmental
and ignores many important factors of day- consciousness
lighting such as the view out, etc. Energy conservation is one of the major con-
cerns for school design since the oil crises and
2.5 Recent trends of daylighting in schools continues to in uence school planning and
A ‘quality leap’ in school design took place design. Today, environmental consciousness,
after late 1980s, as architects and educators which includes much more than energy con-
responded to the changing needs and philo- siderations, has imbued the designers of schools.
sophies in education. Consequently, this ‘quality For example, the concept of ‘green schools’ has
leap’ explored the needs for daylighting with the appeared. School designers are placing emphasis
changes in school design throughout the past on environmentally sound schools, which should
decade. result not only in a satisfactory level of comfort
Some of the emerging trends that will shape but also psychological health. The evidence for
the future of daylighting in school buildings are this is that attention is being paid to a burgeoning
now discussed. variety of daylighting techniques and methods in
the USA.
2.5.1 Information technology The above trends show that daylighting will
As William 58 shows new teaching and learn- continually play an important role in school
ing technologies, such as computers, video-dis- buildings in the future. Flexibility will be a key
play terminals, and television were already in in uencing daylighting design in schools.
changing the ways of teaching children as well Nowadays, for the beneŽ t of people, designers
as the needs of daylighting in a classroom in the are expected to consult the occupants and satisfy
recent years. These new teaching and learning their perceptions and needs. From the point of
technologies will continue to evolve. With the view of environmental psychology, the effects
118 Development of daylighting in schools

on the behaviour of the occupants in schools working plan should be 300 lux.63 The Education
would be better woven into the more practical (School Premises) Regulations 1981 speciŽ ed
aspects of school design. In the near future, that the educational buildings should be lit by
hopefully, a holistic approach, which incorpor- daylight whenever possible.64 Its requirement for
ates health, comfort, satisfaction, and aesthetic the minimum illuminance on the working plane
pleasure within the environment as an essential was 300 lux if  uorescent lamps were the light-
part of daylighting quality, will be developed for ing sources. Where lighting of a space was achi-
daylighting design in schools. eved by a combination of daylight and artiŽ cial
light, the Code insisted on a minimum illumin-
3. Standards of daylighting in schools ance of 350 lux. However, the requirement for
a minimum daylight factor across the appropriate
In his 1913 paper, PJ Waldram stated, ‘the mini- working plane no longer existed in the 1981
mum requirements of the London Building Act,59 Regulations. The Code for Environmental
viz.: a glass area of one-tenth of the  oor area Design and Fuel Conservation in Educational
for vertical lights and one-twelfth for skylights, Buildings (DES Design Note 17)65 as well as the
are frequently adopted as maxima and the now CIBSE Code For Interior Lighting, 1984 contain
discarded rule for schools of a glass area of one- the requirements of the Education (School
Ž fth the  oor space for vertical lights is equally Premises) Regulations 1981.66
respected.’10 In 1945, the British Standards Code CIBSE Code For Interior Lighting, 1994 did
of Practice recommended a minimal amount of not make any change to the Education (School
sunlight over at least 10 months of the year and Premises) Regulations 1981 but mentioned that
a minimum 2% ‘sky factor’ in classrooms.14 DES Design Note 1765 was currently under
However, JB Collins thought that these rec- review.67 In 1997, the constructional standards
ommendations were somewhat arbitrary and of Building Bulletin 8768 recommended that a
were based on the conclusions of a survey space is likely to be considered well lit if there
reported in 1944.13,60 was an average daylight factor of 4–5%. It also
The legal requirements for schools set out in suggests that teaching spaces should have a view
the 1954 regulations stipulated that, ‘In all out and a minimum glazed area of 20% of the
teaching accommodation and kitchens the level internal elevation of the exterior wall to give an
of maintained illuminance and the daylighting adequate view out. Table 1 summarizes the regu-
factor on the appropriate plane in the area of lations and standards for schools in the different
normal use, should be not less than 10 lumens periods in Britain. As can be seen, there is a
per square foot (100 lux) and 2 per cent respect- trend for recommending higher illuminances
ively’.61 The Code of the Illuminating Engineer- with the passage of time. Also, more qualitative
ing Society issued in 1955 provided design guid- data are required as a result.
ance for the illuminance of the visual task, which In comparison, the lighting regulations for
was more onerous than that for normal use.62 schools in the USA require higher illuminances
The regulations in 1954 also attempted to control in the teaching space.69,70 The Illumination
glare in schools by limiting the brightness of Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
‘lighting units’ within the normal Ž eld of view recommends 50 footcandles (538 lux) for regular
of the building occupants to a maximum of 5000 class work and 100 footcandles (1076 lux) for
cd/m2. The revised 1954 regulation, however, instruction at a chalkboard in the 1980s. Also,
permitted less daylight if lighting standards were IESNA suggests that an instructional space
adequately met by supplementing the day- should provide a minimum of one window for
lighting with artiŽ cial light. an educational environment to be of adequate
In 1977, the CIBS Lighting Code rec- quality. The new, 9th Edition, of the IESNA
ommended that the minimum illuminance on the Lighting Handbook still suggests that daylight is
W Wu and E Ng 119
Table 1 A summary of the regulations and standards in the different periods in Britain

Code Recommended daylighting in classrooms

The London Building Acts 18945 9 One-Ž fth the  oor space for vertical lights in classrooms. Recommended
illuminances in classroom is 9 footcandles (91 lux)
British Standards Codes of Practice, A minimum 2% daylight ‘sky factor’ in classrooms, and 5% sky factor where
19451 4 possible in the classroom
IES lighting code, 19556 2 The level of maintained illuminance and the daylighting factor in classrooms
should be not less than 10 lumens per square foot (100 lux) and 2%, respect-
CIBS lighting code, 19776 3 The minimum illuminance on working plane should be not less than 300 lux
The Education (School Premises) For the daylight illuminance to be adequate for the task, it is necessary to
Regulations 19816 4 achieve a level of not less than 300 lux. When the lighting of a space is
achieved by a combination of daylight and artiŽ cial light, the regulations
insist on a minimum illuminance of 350 lux.
CIBSE code for interior lighting, Same as the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1981. Recommended
19846 6 illuminances in classroom is 300 lux.
CIBSE code for interior lighting, Same as the Education (School Premises) Regulations 1981. Recommended
19946 7 illuminances in classroom is 300 lux.
Guidelines for environmental design The school premises: recommended illuminances in classroom shall be not
in school, 19976 8 less than 300 lux on the working plan.
Recommended constructional standards: whenever possible, a daylit space
should have an average daylight factor of 4–5%.

a primary consideration in schools.71 With the 4.1 The major factors in uencing
movement from quantity to quality in the light- daylighting in schools
ing professionals, this edition of the handbook Based on the review above, three major fac-
does not recommend light levels for special tors that affect the development of daylighting
applications or visual tasks. As a substitute, the in schools are evident.
handbook only lists the important factors that First, improvement of technology acts an
might affect quality of lighting in school build- important role in the progress of the use of day-
ings. lighting in schools. This can be seen to have fol-
lowed a series of logical steps in line with devel-
opment of building science. For instance, the use
4. Discussion and conclusion
of steel framing, which allows the area of glaz-
ing to be maximized led to the open-air school
It is obvious that daylight has been the favoured movement in the early twentieth century. In
light source in school buildings up to the present recent years, advanced design and measuring
day. This is probably because the design of tools for daylight has involved photometrical
school buildings is relatively free from commer- technology and computer simulation, etc. These
cial in uences in comparison with the design of technologies could improve the understanding of
the other building types. In addition, the vari- the interior daylit condition as well as allowing
ation of daylighting within a day, the view out the distribution of daylight to be precisely pre-
giving visual relief, and contact with the con- dicted. The use of information and communi-
stantly changing outdoor scene are all good cation technology may also fundamentally
reasons to keep daylighting in schools.12 change the classroom environment, building
120 Development of daylighting in schools

ecology and other areas of school design and qualitative and psychological effects of lighting
building. have been sporadic and lack a shared agenda to
Second, the need for daylighting often emerge guide investigators.72
with social, political and economic transform-
ation forces. For example, unhealthy living con- 4.2 The future of school daylighting—
ditions caused by industrialization and urbaniz- lighting quality
ation of the nineteenth and early twentieth A few studies have been made on daylighting
century were responsible for the open-air school quality in schools. In early 1976, Tikkanen con-
movement. The oil crisis in the 1970s made ducted Ž eld research to study emotional reac-
people realize the importance of energy conser- tions to light and colour in a classroom environ-
vation. As a result, the windowless schools and ment under different window conditions at
the passive solar schools appeared. Today, the different seasons in Ž ve Swedish secondary
radical green thinking related to school buildings schools.73 The study found that the observed
places an emphasis on natural and environmen- sensation of colour changed with quality and
tal criteria. quantity of light, and a relationship was found
Third, a parallel can be drawn between the between the quality of light and the pleasantness
development of daylighting in schools and the of the observed environment. In the 1990s, Iwata
progression of educational theories in the twenti- et al. conducted a pilot experiment to examine
eth century. For example, during the 1940s and the relationship between daylighting and visual
1950s the notion of progressive education comfort in a daylit classroom.74 The researchers
seemed to Ž t in well with the modern movement reported that one of the key factors to designing
of architecture with its emphasis on prefabri- a comfortable lighting environment in a room
cation and  exibility which allows the area of was to eliminate the darkness or the excess
glazing in classrooms to be as large as possible. brightness that occupants found on the desk, and
When the twenty-Ž rst century was reached, the both horizontal illuminance and vertical illumin-
needs for quality education demanded a multi- ance at the eye predicted comfort judgement.
functioning school environment of the highest In addition to the above research work, Build-
quality. ing Bulletin 33 discussed the issue of daylighting
The development of daylighting in schools quality in schools.43 It states that good design
can be visualized as a pendulum swinging back for daylighting not only provided a sufŽ cient
and forth—from small windows to a demand quantity of illumination but also gave the interior
that window area be as big as possible, from a character appropriate to its use. Moreover,
windowless classrooms to passive-solar schools. three main recommendations of good quality for
This review shows that the above three factors daylighting were listed:
have shaped the progress of daylighting in
1) a satisfactory balance of brightness through-
schools and it is believed that they will affect
out the room
the future of daylighting in schools. Equally, the
2) the right proportion of direct and indirect
authors would like to believe that architects have
learned from previous mistakes and that certain
3) the absence of glare from the sky or sun.
changes in philosophy and advances in tech-
nology represent a permanent improvement in Unfortunately, there is little research evidence to
daylighting development, and not just cyclical support these recommendations.
adjustment to the current condition. In addition, The ninth edition of the IESNA Lighting
it can be noted that more daylight research has Handbook gives formalized recommendations of
moved from performing speciŽ c visual tasks to lighting quality in schools instead of rec-
understanding qualitative aspects of lighting in ommended quantity of light for speciŽ c appli-
recent years, though previous studies on the cations or visual tasks as in previous editions.71
W Wu and E Ng 121

This Handbook describes lighting quality as the daylighting. These are the two areas that require
integration of human needs, architecture, and further research.
economics and the environment. In the section
on educational buildings, it suggests that the Acknowledgements
most important factors contributing to lighting
quality in schools should include: daylighting The authors would like to thank Peter Tregenza,
integration and control, direct and re ected Guy Newsham and David L. Loe for reviewing
glare,  icker (and strobe), light distribution on the earlier draft and giving their invaluable com-
surfaces, light distribution on task plane ments.
On the whole, there is a scarcity of research 5. References
on lighting quality in schools, especially in the
daylighting area, although renewed interest in 1 Dunn R, Krimsky JS, Murray JB, Quinn PJ.
lighting quality has emerged since the 1990s. In Light up their lives: a research on the effects of
addition, the absence of a common deŽ nition of lighting on children’s achievement and
daylighting quality is still a problem for lighting behaviour. The Reading Teacher 1985; 38: 863–
research as well as in practice. As it is well 2 Küller R, Lindsten C. Health and behaviour of
known, the study of lighting quality is a subjec- children in classroom with and without
tive topic that focuses on the human reaction to windows. J. Env. Psychol. 1992; 12: 305–17.
lighting. Therefore, it is questionable whether 3 Heschong L, Write LR, Okura S. Daylighting
the Ž nding regarding natural illumination, win- impacts on human performance in school. J.
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apply to students in different countries, of dif- 4 Manning P ed. The primary school: an
fering cultures and in climates, which may be environment for education. Liverpool,
University of Liverpool: Pilkington Research
temperate or tropical, because most daylight Unit, Department of Building Science, 1967.
research has taken place in Europe and North 5 Seaborne M. The English school: its
America. It can be expected that a sounder basis architecture and organization 1370–1870.
for the provision of good daylighting quality Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971: 8.
may be made. 6 Robson ER. School architecture: being practical
Lastly, by recalling the progress of day- remarks on the planning, designing, building
lighting in schools in the nineteenth and the and furnishing of school-houses. London: John
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7 Dudek M. Architecture of schools: the new
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economic contribute signiŽ cantly to the develop- 9 Great Britain, Department for Education,
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changes in the future. The changing in the regu- 79. London: HMSO 1994.
lations and standards in recent years illustrates 10 Waldram PJ. Some problems in daylight
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the movements from quantity to quality of light- planning. The Illuminating Engineer 1914; 7:
ing both in research and practice. In general, we 15–27.
have a poor understanding of daylighting quality 11 Gruber M. The daylight illumination of
in schools, and a poor understanding of the schoolrooms. An Abstract published in The
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W Wu and E Ng 123

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43 Great Britain, Dept. of Education and Science. 58 William BC. Planning and designing schools.
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209–15. 73 Tikkanen KT. A study of emotional reaction to
56 Mckennan GT. St. George’s School Wallasey, light and colour in a school environment.
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57 Daryanani S. Design consideration for the Visual comfort in the daylight luminous
124 Development of daylighting in schools

environment: Structural model for evaluation. something to do. The cynic would continue by
Lighting Res. Technol. 1994; 26: 91–97. arguing that, given this situation, further study of
75 Seaborne M, Lowe R. The English school: its daylighting in schools is unnecessary. It is well
architectural and organization 1870–1970. established that people in general, both adults
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977 (2nd
and children, like spaces to be illuminated by
daylight when available, with a nice view out,
provided that good visibility can be maintained
Discussion and visual and thermal discomfort are avoided.
Any competent architect or lighting designer
Comment on ‘A review of the should be able to achieve these conditions, given
development of daylighting in schools’ an understanding of the climate, and a willing-
by W Wu and E Ng ness to consider all the requirements of the
PR Boyce (Lighting Research Center, people using the space.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New An alternative belief would be that there is
York, USA) something about daylight that makes it more
effective than electric lighting in schools for
A review paper is always interesting because it both scholastic performance and children’s well-
provides the authors with an opportunity to con- being. The authors refer to a number of papers
sider where an area of study has been, where it relevant to this belief, but there is no consistency
is going, and where it should go. This paper in the conclusions reached, some showing no
takes two of these opportunities. It provides an impact and others a positive impact of day-
extensive review of daylighting practice in lighting. Nonetheless, the validity of this belief
schools and, in so doing, demonstrates that, as is a critical question and one worth pursuing
in so many other aspects of education, practice until a conclusive answer is achieved. The future
has been in uenced by different theories at dif- of daylighting in schools should be based on the
ferent times. The only weakness of this part of demonstrated effects of daylighting on scholastic
the review is that it takes examples of day- achievement and children’s well-being, and a
lighting practice from various parts of the world clear understanding of why those effects occur,
and ignores the differences in climate, differ- not on the pursuit of the will-o’-the wisp called
ences that can have a major impact on attitudes daylighting quality.
to daylight exposure. As for where daylighting
in school is currently headed, the paper reveals Authors’ response to PR Boyce
that it is towards ‘green’ schools. It will be inter- W Wu and E Ng
esting to see what excesses are perpetrated on
the occupants of schools by the zealots of this We greatly appreciate the valuable comments
cause. made by Dr Boyce. The review merely states our
Where this review fails is in suggesting where current state of knowledge. It relates some of the
the study of daylighting in schools ought to go. previous research efforts to changes in teaching
The direction suggested by the authors is to try philosophy and it points out the need for further
to achieve a better understanding of daylighting research, especially for more contextually
quality. This parallels the movement towards a based data.
better understanding of lighting quality for elec- We agree with Dr Boyce that differences in
tric lighting. A cynic might argue that, having climate have a major impact on attitude to day-
made it easy to provide all the light necessary light exposure in school. The review actually
for visibility, without visual discomfort, the con- highlights a lack of knowledge in this respect.
cept of lighting quality has been invented to pro- Since most previous research work has taken
vide lighting researchers and designers with place in Europe and in North America, the

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