Prediction of Fatigue Life of Welded Beam-to-Column Connections Under Earthquake Loading

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Prediction of Fatigue Life of Welded Beam-to-Column

Connections under Earthquake Loading

Jun Iyama1 and James M. Ricles, M.ASCE2
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Abstract: A building may suffer damage during an earthquake as a result of inelastic deformations developed in the members or
connections. It is important that the structural integrity of the building be assessed to ensure the safety of the occupants. This assessment
includes evaluating the ability of the structure to resist the demand from subsequent aftershocks and a major earthquake. In this paper a
practical methodology to determine the low-cycle fatigue life of welded structural steel connections subject to inelastic cyclic loading is
presented. The methodology is based on concepts of low-cycle fatigue and micromechanics, where an accumulated crack length based on
a time history of strain and the corresponding triaxiality stress condition that develops in the structural component is calculated and used
to establish the fatigue life. The methodology was used to predict the fatigue life of welded beam-to-column connection test specimens
subjected to inelastic loading. A comparison with test results indicates that the methodology predicts reasonably well the relationship
between number of cycles to fracture and the plastic rotation range observed in the test specimens.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2009兲135:12共1472兲
CE Database subject headings: Predictions; Fatigue; Welds; Beam columns; Connections; Earthquake loads.

Introduction 共1% storey drift兲, where the seismic hazard is below the design
earthquake. Cracks can cause a low-cycle fatigue failure, where
In the design of special moment resistant frames 共SMRFs兲, a damage accumulated during an aftershock or the next large earth-
weak beam-strong column design philosophy is used. Plastic quake can lead to larger cracks and a fracture in the connection.
hinges are expected to form in the beams under the design earth- Welded beam-to-column connections in practice, if inspected,
quake. Recent experimental research on welded beam-to-column are typically visually inspected following an earthquake 共FEMA
connections in SMRFs has shown that plastic hinges can develop 1995; FEMA 2000b兲. Inspection requires exposing the steel frame
if proper weld and connection details are used. Some examples by removing the fire proofing. The detection of small cracks using
include welded unreinforced flange and web, beam-to-column visual inspection evaluation methods may not be suitable because
connections 共Ricles et al. 2002; Stojadinovic et al. 2000兲, reduced 共1兲 the method can be expensive to conduct when a large number
beam section connections 共Jones et al. 2002; Ricles et al. 2004; of connections are involved; 共2兲 small cracks may not be found;
Zhang and Ricles 2006兲, and free-flange connections 共Choi et al. and 共3兲 the methods do not consider the accumulation of damage.
2003兲. The test specimens in this research were fabricated using Based on these considerations and the need to establish the safety
notch-tough electrodes and details specified in accordance with of a structure following an earthquake, an analytical prediction of
FEMA 共2000a兲. the accumulated damage that can occur in structural elements
During numerous tests performed on welded beam-to-column subjected to inelastic deformations was developed. The method-
connections, researchers noted that cracks developed in the speci- ology uses concepts from low-cycle fatigue and micromechanics,
mens 共Ricles et al. 2002; Ricles et al. 2004; Zhang and Ricles where an accumulated crack length based on a time history of
2006; Stojadinovic et al. 2000兲. These cracks typically occurred at strain and the corresponding triaxiality stress condition in a con-
either the heat affected zone or at the toe of the weld access hole nection that develops a plastic hinge is calculated and used to
in the beam flange. The cracks were stable and would grow in estimate its fatigue life. This paper describes the formulation and
size as the test progressed. In some cases 共Ricles et al. 2002; presents the results of a validation study involving the prediction
Stojadinovic et al. 2000兲, the crack growth led to a low-cycle of the low-cycle fatigue strength of connection specimens tested
fatigue failure of the connection during the test. Some of the in the laboratory under inelastic loading.
cracks were observed to initiate under a moderate drift demand

Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture, Graduate School of En- Prior Relevant Research
gineering, Univ. of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656,
Japan 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: There have been numerous studies to investigate the remaining
Bruce G. Johnson Professor of Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil strength of damaged structural elements subject to inelastic cyclic
and Environmental Engineering, ATLSS Center, Lehigh Univ., 117 loading. These studies have involved different approaches. Man-
ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015.
son 共1953兲 and Coffin 共1954兲 used a strain-life 共low-cyclic fa-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 12, 2007; approved
on May 11, 2009; published online on November 13, 2009. Discussion tigue兲 approach to show that there is a linear relationship on log-
period open until May 1, 2010; separate discussions must be submitted log scale between plastic strain range ⌬␧ p and number of cycles
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural to fracture N f of a metallic material subject to thermal cyclic
Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 12, December 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733- stress. This relationship is known as the Manson-Coffin relation-
9445/2009/12-1472–1480/$25.00. ship and represented as


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

⌬␧ p = bNcf 共1兲 In the VGM, SMCS, CVGM, and DSPS models, the initiation
of a ductile fracture is triggered when the length of the microf-
where b and c = material property parameters. This relationship racture reaches a characteristic length l* 共Kanvinde and Deilerlein
was established for constant amplitude cyclic loading, but can be 2006兲. These models require determining the microcrack length
utilized for variable amplitude cyclic loading by applying the lin- using a finite-element analysis, and therefore the mesh of the
ear damage rule known as Miner’s rule 共Palmgren 1924; Miner finite-element model 共FEM兲 must be appreciably smaller than l*.
1945兲. Numerous researchers 共Ballio and Castiglioni 1994a; However, since l* is in the order of 0.1 mm 共Kanvinde and Deier-
Krawinkler and Zhorei 1983; Kasai and Xu 2003兲 have applied lein 2006; Chi et al. 2006兲, the application of these microme-
this relationship using member plastic deformation response 共e.g., chanical models to a connection which has a complex geometry,
plastic deformation displacement ⌬␦ p, rotation ⌬␪ p, and energy and therefore a complex stress-strain distribution 共Mao et al.
⌬E p兲 in lieu of ⌬␧ p. Design procedures based on low-cycle fa-
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2001兲, requires a fine mesh and large computational power.

tigue strength were developed by Ballio and Castiglioni 共1994b兲 Some researchers have succeeded to simulate the path of crack
that use relationships expressed in terms of member plastic defor- extension using finite-element analysis with automatic mesh re-
mation range. The parameters b and c for these relationships are generation techniques which can handle crack extension 共Kamin-
determined experimentally. ishi et al. 1999兲. Some commercial multipurpose finite-element
Based on the theory of fracture mechanics, crack growth oc- analysis programs, e.g., ABAQUS 共2007兲, can handle crack ex-
curs from an existing microcrack or discontinuity, and a fracture tension with some limitations, for example, that crack locations
occurs when the crack size reaches a critical length. Solomon should be designated in advance. Modeling of the crack distribu-
共1972兲 and Krawinkler and Zohrei 共1983兲 used experimental re- tion and extension of cracking in three dimensions can be difficult
sults to show an empirical relationship between the rate of crack and requires an enormous amount of computational effort and
extension 共da / dN兲 and the plastic strain range, where time. It is difficult and impractical for structural designers and
engineers to make use of such techniques to estimate the remain-
da ing life and performance of a real structure which often have
= ␣a共⌬␧ p兲␤ 共2兲
dN connection components with a complicated geometry. This paper
proposes a methodology to predict crack extension, which can be
In Eq. 共2兲, a represents the measured crack length and ⌬␧ p rep-
applied to the practical design and evaluation of structures, utiliz-
resents the plastic strain range measured at a distance from the
ing a continuum finite-element analysis which is widely available
crack location. ␣ and ␤ are coefficients that are determined ex-
for structural designers.
perimentally. ␣ depends on the shape of specimen and the physi-
cal relationship between the crack location and measuring
location where the strain is based. It can be shown 共Ricles et al.
2000兲 that Eq. 共2兲 is similar to Eq. 共1兲 by assuming an initial Proposed Methodology for Determination of
crack length a0 and final crack length a f , where ␤ is equal to −1 / c Low-Cycle Fatigue Life
and ␣ is equal to b−␤ ln共a f / a0兲.
As an alternative, a micromechanical approach based on the In the proposed method, crack length is used as a damage index.
theory for a ductile fracture mechanism has been proposed to A component is considered to have failed when the crack length
estimate the low-cycle fatigue strength of structures subjected to reaches a critical length. Eq. 共2兲 is used to calculate the growth in
seismic loading. Ductile fracture can be explained from the ex- crack length during each loading cycle. The parameters ␣ and ␤
tension and coalescence of a microvoid. Rice and Tracey 共1969兲 are dependent on the properties of the material, and as noted
and Chi et al. 共2006兲 showed that the extension rate of void previously, their values are determined by cyclic material tests.
growth size is dependent on the triaxiality ratio and plastic strain The effect of triaxiality needs to be considered since it has a
rate of the material. This model is known as the void growth significant effect on the critical strain at fracture ␧critical
p , as indi-
model 共VGM兲 共Kanvinde and Deierlein 2004, 2006兲. Based on cated in Eq. 共3兲. Upon integrating Eq. 共2兲 from the state of an
the VGM model, Kanvinde and Deierlein 共2004, 2006兲 developed initial crack size a0 to the final crack size a f , it can be shown that
the stress modified critical strain 共SMCS兲 model, where a ductile
ln共a f /a0兲
fracture occurs where the plastic strain exceeds the critical plastic ␣= 共4兲
strain at fracture, ␧critical, represented as follows 共Hancock and ⌬␧␤p N f
McKenzie 1976兲: where N f = number of cycles associated with developing a f . Con-
sidering the case of monotonic loading, ⌬␧ p is proportional to
p 冉
= A exp − 1.5
冊 共3兲 ␧critical
p in Eq. 共3兲. From Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲, the ratio between the ␣’s
under the two general triaxiality ratio values of TR and 1 / 3 can
therefore be expressed as 共Ricles et al. 2000兲
In Eq. 共3兲, A, ␴m, and ␴e represent a material constant, the hydro-
static stress, and the effective stress, respectively. The ratio of ␴m ␣ TR 共兩⌬␧ p兩TR=1/3兲␤ 共兩␧critical兩TR=1/3兲␤
p exp共− 0.5␤兲
to ␴e is known as the triaxiality ratio 共TR兲, representing the tri- = = =
axial stress condition. Kanvinde and Deierlein 共2004兲 extended ␣TR=1/3 共兩⌬␧ p兩TR兲␤ 共兩␧critical
p 兩 TR兲 ␤ exp共− 1.5TR␤兲
the VGM and SMCS models to cyclic loading conditions, devel-
= exp关␤共1.5TR − 0.5兲兴 共5兲
oping the cyclic void growth model 共CVGM兲 and degraded sig-
nificant plastic strain 共DSPS兲 model. These models have been The value of 1 / 3 for the triaxiality ratio corresponds to the con-
applied to accurately predict the ductile fracture of monotonically dition for a tensile coupon material test using round specimens
loaded tensile specimens with holes 共Kanvinde and Deierlein with a smooth surface. Hence, from Eq. 共5兲 the material coeffi-
2007兲 and ductile fracture of a plate specimen with holes sub- cient ␣ for any value of triaxiality ratio TR can be related to the
jected to two loading cycles with a small amplitude 共Kanvinde value of ␣ established from a tension test using a 13-mm diameter
and Deierlein 2004兲. round tensile specimen 共ASTM 2008兲, where


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

Fig. 1. Estimated crack length at fracture
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␣TR = ␣ exp关␤共1.5TR − 0.5兲兴 共6兲

In the tests by Ricles et al. 共2002兲, Zhang and Ricles 共2006兲,
and Stojadinovic et al. 共2000兲, where low-cycle fatigue led to a
fracture, the fracture occurred in the beam flange of the specimen.
On that basis, in the methodology developed in this paper to
predict the low-cycle fatigue life of connections that develop plas-
Fig. 2. Experimental setup 共Kuwamura and Suzuki 1992兲. 共Reprinted
tic hinges, the crack length to cause fracture is established by
with permission, Architectural Institute of Japan.兲
considering a beam flange to be modeled as a plate subject to a

再 冎
tension force, where the plate has a width b, thickness t, and a
crack of length a f as shown in Fig. 1. Currently there is a lack of 0 when TR共t兲 ⬎ 0
experimental data for crack length at fracture to determine the f c共t兲 = 共9兲
exact critical crack length a f when the section fractures, and ␧PEEQ共t兲 when TR共t兲 艋 0
therefore in this paper a hypothesis 共Ricles et al. 2000兲 that the 3. Count cycles and calculate the effective plastic strain range:
plate will fail when the applied force P exceeds the remaining the rain flow counting method 共Downing and Socie 1982兲 is
strength of the plate is used. By defining the maximum force as applied to ␧*共t兲 to define the beginning and the end of each
Pmax = bt␴u, and the force at fracture as P f = b共t − a f 兲␴u, a f can be cycle and to determine the associated significant effective
represented as plastic strain range ⌬␧i* for each cycle.

冉 冊 冉 冊
4. Calculate the average triaxiality ratio per cycle: a value for
Pf ␴f the triaxiality ratio for each cycle from the rain flow count is
af = t 1 − =t 1− 共7兲
Pmax ␴u required for the fatigue life estimation. The average value of
the positive 共tensile兲 triaxiality 关i.e., when TR共t兲 ⬎ 0兴 in each
where ␴u = tensile strength and ␴ f = nominal stress at fracture 共i.e., cycle is used in the calculation.
␴ f = P f / bt兲. The procedure for estimating fatigue life can be easily 5. Crack length calculation: from the significant effective plas-
modified by replacing Eq. 共7兲 with another expression that may be tic strain range ⌬␧i* of each cycle, the crack extension is
deemed to be more appropriate by the analyst. calculated by integrating Eq. 共2兲 over each cycle, whereby
The steps in the methodology to determine the low-cycle fa- for cycle i + 1
tigue life are given below.
1. Obtain time history of effective plastic strain ␧PEEQ共t兲 ai+1 = ai exp关␣TRi共⌬␧i*兲␤兴 共10兲
共ABAQUS 2007兲 and the triaxiality ratio TR共t兲 at the surface
at various locations in the connection: The strain and stress where ai and ai+1 = crack length at the i and i + 1 cycles and
histories on the surface are obtained by nonlinear finite- ⌬␧i* is used in lieu of ⌬␧ p in Eq. 共2兲. The coefficient ␣TR in
element analysis of the structural component subjected to a Eq. 共10兲 is based on Eq. 共6兲, using the average triaxiality
prescribed loading history representing a seismic event, fo- ratio for cycle i from Step 4.
cusing at locations where the fatigue strength of the connec- 6. Determination of failure: a failure occurs when the crack
tion is to be established. The seismic event is that for which length ai+1 reaches the critical length a f from Eq. 共7兲.
the low-cycle fatigue damage is to be determined. Effective
strain and the triaxiality ratio are required because of the
multiaxis state of stress and strain in the connection. Experimental Validation
2. Calculate time history of significant strain: the time history
of significant effective plastic strain ␧*共t兲 per Kanvinde and Overview of Experiments
Deierlein 共2004兲 is used to determine the effective plastic
strain range below in Step 3. The significant effective plastic The proposed methodology was used to predict the low-cycle
strain ␧*共t兲 is defined as follows: fatigue life of welded beam-to-column connection specimens re-
ported by Iyama et al. 共1998兲. The test setup is shown in Fig. 2

冕 冕
t t and is the same as that used by Kuwamura and Suzuki 共1992兲.
␧*共t兲 = f t共t兲dt − f c共t兲dt 共8兲 The specimens each consisted of a built-up welded H-shaped
0 0 beam section, which was welded to an end plate, as shown in Fig.
3. The section for the test specimens was fabricated from SM490
steel 共formerly known as SM50兲 plate, which is a common mild

再 冎
steel used in Japan with a nominal yield and tensile strength of
␧PEEQ共t兲 when TR共t兲 ⬎ 0 325 and 490 MPa, respectively. Material properties for the base
f t共t兲 =
0 when TR共t兲 艋 0 metal were obtained from material tensile coupon tests performed


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

The weld details shown in Fig. 3 for the beam-to-column con-
nection consisted of a complete joint penetration 共CJP兲 groove
weld on the outside face of the beam flange with a reinforcement
fillet weld on the inside face 共see Fig. 4兲. The beam web was fillet
welded to the end plate, and the end plate was connected to the
column using high strength bolts. Specimens were fabricated with
and without a weld access hole, as noted in Fig. 3. The weld metal
was a YFW-C50DR electrode 共compatible to E71T-1C兲, and the
welding was performed using the gas metal arc welding proce-
dure. No material tests were performed on the weld metal, and
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therefore the material properties of the weld metal for the current
Fig. 3. Beam section and end plate welding detail study were estimated using the Vickers hardness. Kuwamura
共2002兲 and Inoue 共2003兲 recommended that there is a linear rela-
on flat coupon specimens with a 50-mm gauge length using the tionship that exists between the Vickers hardness Hv and tensile
procedure recommended by JIS Z2201 共JIS 1998兲. The values are strength ␴u of a metallic material. According to the material hard-
given in Table 1 共Iyama et al. 1998兲, where ␴y, ␴u, ␧u, ␧EL, and ness tests performed on the test specimens reported by Iyama et
YR are equal to the yield strength, tensile strength, strain corre- al. 共1998兲, the average Hv values for the base metal and weld
sponding to the tensile strength, elongation at fracture, and the metal are 154.1 and 188.2, respectively. The stress-strain curve
yield-to-tensile stress ratio, respectively. for the weld metal was established by scaling the base metal
stress by the ratio 共188.2/ 154.1兲 for a given strain. The estimated
yield strength and tensile strength for the weld metal are given in
Table 1. Specimen Material Properties
Table 1.
␴ya ␴ ua The test matrix is given in Table 2 and consisted of two series
Material 共N / mm2兲 共N / mm2兲 ⑀ ua ⑀EL YR of specimens 共NS and SC兲, with three specimens in each series.
SM50 334.4 521.7 0.17 0.395 0.64 The NS specimens had no weld access holes, while the SC speci-
Weld metal 408.0 526.4 0.17 0.395 0.64 mens had weld access holes with a 25-mm radius, as shown in
Engineering stress and strain quantities. Fig. 3. Using an actuator attached to the end of the beam, each
specimen was subjected to a series of predefined cyclic displace-
ments of constant amplitude. The amplitude was proportional to
the calculated elastic displacement ␦ p at the end of the beam
corresponding to the condition of reaching the plastic moment
capacity M p of the beam at the beam-to-column connection. As
indicated in Table 2, the displacement amplitudes for the speci-
mens included 3␦ p, 5␦ p, 7␦ p, and 9␦ p. The test results are also
summarized in Table 2 and include for each specimen the follow-
ing: maximum load achieved Pmax, maximum load during the
final cycle P f , the plastic deformation range ⌬␦ p, the plastic ro-
tation range ⌬␪ p, number of cycles to fracture, and location of
fracture in the test specimen. ⌬␦ p is calculated as the displace-
ment between zero crossings within a cycle of displacement in the
load-deformation relationship of the test specimen. ⌬␪ p is calcu-
lated as ⌬␦ p / L, where L is the length of the beam.

Fig. 4. FEA model 共SC specimen series兲

Table 2. Test Matrix and Test Results

Plastic Plastic
Maximum Load at the displacement rotation Cycles to
load final cycle range range fracturea
Specimen Amplitude Pmax 共kN兲 P f 共kN兲 ⌬␦ p 共mm兲 ⌬␪ p 共rad兲 Nf Location of fracture
NS-9F 9␦ p 110.4 90.6 132.3 0.1093 6− Edge of flange, with imminent local buckling
NS-7F 7␦ p 104.0 83.8 97.5 0.0806 16+ Edge of flange, with imminent local buckling
NS-5F 5␦ p 102.9 80.8 70.1 0.0580 22− Edge of flange
SC-7F 7␦ p 99.8 99.8 100.7 0.0832 2− Toe of access hole
SC-5F 5␦ p 94.7 89.8 62.8 0.0512 4+ Toe of access hole
SC-3F 3␦ p 87.3 66.1 26.8 0.0222 26− Toe of access hole
共Crack at flange edge also observed兲
+=same direction as the first loading and −=opposite direction as the first loading.


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

Table 3. Values for Fatigue Model Parameter
Case number c ␣ ␤
1 −0.5 13.7 2.00
2 −0.6 12.7 1.67
3 −0.7 12.0 1.43

Parameter Determination
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Initial Crack Length a0 and Final Crack Length at Fracture

The initial crack size a0 should be determined from the experi-
mental data of the material for the test specimens. However, the
initial crack size of the steel material in the specimens reported by
Iyama et al. 共1998兲 is not known. For a similar steel material, Fig. 5. Detail of welding
Krawinkler and Zohrei 共1983兲 reported that the mean value of
initial crack size a0 was 0.041 mm 共0.0016 in.兲, and the standard
deviation was 0.030 mm 共0.0012 in.兲 for their test specimens. In Finite-Element Analysis of Test Specimens
this paper, a0 was assumed to be 0.041 mm. This assumption can
be verified by having more experimental data in the future. Three-dimensional 共3D兲 FEMs of the test specimens were devel-
a f for the NS and SC series of specimens was established oped using the general-purpose nonlinear finite-element analysis
using Eq. 共7兲. For this calculation, ␴ f is based on Eq. 共11兲, which program ABAQUS 共2007兲. The FEM for one of the SC series of
assumes that the section of the specimen is almost fully plastified, test specimens is shown in Fig. 4 and consists of four-node 3D
even during the last cycle just prior to fracture tetrahedral elements that use standard integration. The minimum
mesh size is approximately 2 mm. The column in the test setup
was modeled by a rotational stiffness, where the stiffness was
M f PfL
␴f = = 共11兲 determined so that the initial stiffness of the model matched that
Z Z from the experimental results. The rotational stiffness was devel-
In Eq. 共11兲, M f is the beam moment at the column face at fracture, oped in the FEM using a pinned ended beam element of length
Z is the plastic section modulus, P f is the maximum load at the Lb, where the rotation stiffness is 3EI / Lb, and EI is the section
end of the beam at the final cycle before fracture, and L is the stiffness of the element. The FEM includes the weld geometry, as
length of the beam in the test setup 共i.e., 1,210 mm, see Fig. 2兲. shown in Fig. 5. The analysis involved subjecting the test speci-
In this study, P f was obtained from the experiments to estimate men displacement history used in the experiments to the top of
a f . In the general case when experimental results for P f are not the beam in the model, at the location shown in Fig. 4. The model
available, the maximum moment capacity M u can be used. Basing had lateral bracing at the point of load application. The classical
P f on M u in lieu of M f results in a conservative value for a f . metal plasticity model in the ABAQUS material library based on
the von Mises yield criterion with combined isotropic and kine-
Parameters ␣ and ␤ matic strain hardening was used to account for material nonlin-
As mentioned before, ␣ and ␤ in Eq. 共2兲 should be determined by earities in the members and welds. The parameters for the
cyclic tests. However, because material cyclic tests were not con- plasticity model were based on the monotonic stress-strain data,
ducted in conjunction with the experiments reported by Iyama et with the saturated cyclic hardening condition resulting in a maxi-
al. 共1998兲, ␣ and ␤ had to be established by another means. mum stress that is equivalent to the ultimate stress from the ma-
Krawinkler and Zhorei 共1983兲 pointed out that ␤ is insensitive to terial tests. Geometric nonlinearities are accounted for through a
member geometry. As mentioned above, ␤ is equal to −1 / c, finite-strain large-displacement formulation. The monotonic
where the value for c ranges from −0.5 to −0.7, with an average stress-strain curves for the materials for the FEMs are shown in
value of −0.6 共Bannantine et al. 1990兲. Therefore, for the experi-
mental validation study reported in this paper, cases with values
of c equal to −0.5, 0.6, and −0.7 were considered, which corre-
spond to values of 2.0, 1.67, and 1.43 for ␤, respectively.
The parameter ␣ was estimated from the material tests that
were performed on the base metal under monotonic loading using
Eq. 共4兲. Values of 2␧EL = 0.790 and 1 / 4 were substituted for ⌬␧ p
and N f , respectively, based on the recommendations by Nakajima
and Yamada 共2000兲, who found that monotonic test results have a
better agreement with the Coffin-Manson relationship 关Eq. 共1兲兴
and Eq. 共2兲 when values of ⌬␧ p = 2␧EL and N f = 1 / 4 are used. The
final crack length a f at the coupon test was found to be equal to
0.3474 mm using Eq. 共7兲, with the maximum stress ␴u 共equal to
521.7 MPa, see Table 1兲 and the final stress at fracture ␴ f 共equal
to 500.7 MPa兲 obtained from the material test, and assuming a0 to
be equal to 0.041 mm. The calculated values for ␣ and ␤ are
summarized in Table 3. Fig. 6. Stress-strain curve used in FEM


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

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Fig. 7. Load-displacement response

Fig. 6. The stress-strain curve for the weld metal has a similar
shape of that of the base metal, having the estimated yield
strength and tensile strength shown in Table 1. The largest mag- Fig. 9. Crack length distribution
nitudes of plastic strain observed in the FEM models for the series
of NS and SC specimens were 7 and 10%, respectively, which are
considered to be within the acceptable range of accuracy for a The distribution of crack length across the width of the beam
finite-strain analysis. Elastic and inelastic convergence studies flange at the fusion line of Specimen NS-7F and at the toe and
were conducted to evaluate and arrive at the final mesh for the beneath the across hole of Specimen SC-5F in each cycle of load-
FEMs. Crack opening and growth were not explicitly incorpo- ing are shown in Fig. 9.
rated into the model, rather considered in the proposed low-cycle The results shown in Figs. 8共b兲 and 9共b兲 indicate that on the
fatigue procedure described previously through Eq. 共10兲. outside face of the beam flange, a crack is predicted to occur
The load-displacement curves from the finite-element analysis along the fusion line in Specimen NS-7F. Some damage is also
and the tests of Specimens NS-7F and SC-5F are shown in Fig. 7. observed at the edge of the inside surface of the flange of Speci-
Good agreement between the analysis and tests results exists. The men NS-7F, see Figs. 8共a兲 and 9共a兲. In the experiments, Specimen
agreement between analysis and test results of the other speci- NS-7F developed a fracture across the beam flange near the fu-
mens was similar to that shown in Fig. 7. sion line at the interface of the base metal and CJP weld metal,
and therefore agrees with the predicted crack growth.
Predicted Crack Length Results For Specimen SC-5F, the predicted crack growth is shown in
Figs. 8共c and d兲 as well as in Figs. 9共c and d兲 to be concentrated
Distribution of Crack Length at the toe of the access hole on the inside surface of the beam
The distribution of predicted crack length through the thickness of flange and beneath the toe of the access hole on the outside sur-
the beam bottom flange of Specimens NS-7F and SC-5F are face of the beam flange. This prediction agrees well with the
shown in Fig. 8 at the end of Cycles 16 and 4, respectively. The x observed behavior of Specimen SC-5F, where cracks were ob-
coordinate in this figure is associated with the direction across the served to originate from the toe of the access hole. This crack
beam flange, while the y coordinate is the distance from the col- eventually extended through the thickness of the flange, leading
umn face. The fusion line for the CJP groove welds and toe of the to the fracture of the beam flange and failure of the specimen
fillet welds are identified in Fig. 8. The darker areas in Fig. 8 are during the test.
associated with a larger predicted crack length through the thick- Based on the results shown in Figs. 8 and 9, the critical loca-
ness of the beam flange, as noted in the legend provided in Fig. 8. tions where fracture is predicted to occur are identified in Fig. 5
as susceptible location of crack, and located where a crack is
predicted to extend from the fusion line of the CJP groove weld
on the beam outside flange surface of Specimens NS-7F and SC-
5F. A second critical location was assumed to exist at the toe of
the weld access hole in Specimen SC-5F and at the fusion line of
the CJP on the inside face of the flange of Specimen NS-7F. The
above predicted results for Specimens NS-7F and SC-5F are rep-
resentative of specimens in the NS and SC series, respectively.

Time History of Crack Extension

The time histories of the predicted growth in crack length through
the thickness of the beam bottom flanges of all six test specimens
in the test matrix are shown in Fig. 10. The time history was
obtained by plotting the predicted crack length ai+1 from Eq. 共10兲
against the cycle number. The predicted crack length shown in the
figure is the average of those along a line across the beam flange
identified previously in Fig. 5 as susceptible location of crack.
The three thick lines in Fig. 10 represent the predicted crack
lengths from the outside surface of the beam flange, while the
Fig. 8. Distribution of predicted crack length three thin lines represent those from the inside surface of the


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

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Fig. 11. Predicted ⌬␪ p-N j curves

value of c = −0.6 is used in the prediction for crack growth, e.g., in

Specimen NS-9F the beam flange is predicted to fracture at the
sixth cycle, where the crack extension reaches the crucial value a f
关see Fig. 10共a兲兴. A summary of the values for ␴ f , a f , predicted N f ,
and N f in the experiments is given in Table 4 for each test speci-
For the series of SC specimens, Figs. 10共d–f兲 show that the
estimated crack lengths from the inside flange surface at the toe of
the weld access hole are predicted to grow at a faster rate in the
earlier cycles and become longer than those from the outside
surface. This implies that the crack might initiate at the toe of the
access hole on the inside surface of the beam flange and agrees
with the experimental results where all of the fractures in the SC
test specimens initiated at the toe of the access hole. However, for
Fig. 10. Time history of crack extension Specimen SC-3F, Fig. 10共f兲 shows that the estimated crack length
from the outside surface of the flange beneath the toe of the weld
access hole first reached the critical crack length a f in Cycle 20
flange. As noted in the legend for Fig. 10, the three lines corre- based on c = −0.6. This prediction would imply that the specimen
spond to values of c = −0.5, c = −0.6, and c = −0.7, respectively. fractures due to the crack that originates beneath the weld access
The value of the estimated crack length at fracture of the beam hole from the outside surface of the flange. This was however not
flange, a f , for each specimen based on Eq. 共7兲 is indicated in Fig. observed in Specimen SC-3F, as noted above, and Specimen
10. The location where the predicted crack length time history SC-3F also failed in the 26th cycle. For the other SC specimens,
reaches a f corresponds to the predicted number of cycles to frac- the predicted fatigue life is shown to be slightly less than that
ture on the horizontal axis in Fig. 10. Also indicated in Fig. 10 is observed in Specimen SC-7F 关Fig. 10共d兲 and Table 4兴 and in
when the fracture was observed to occur in the experiments. For Specimen SC-5F 关Fig. 10共e兲 and Table 4兴 by 1 cycle. The greater
Specimen NS-9F 关Fig. 10共a兲兴, the predicted crack extension with discrepancy for the SC specimens is due to the larger concentra-
c = −0.5 and c = −0.7 reach a f on the outside face of the flange at tion of plastic strain that develops in a local region at the toe of
Cycles 8.5 and 4.5, respectively. Therefore this specimen is esti- the access hole, as shown in Fig. 9共c兲. The predicted crack length
mated to fracture between Cycles 4 and 9. During the experiment, significantly extends beyond the thickness of the flange, causing
Specimen NS-9F developed a fracture in Cycle 6 共i.e., N f = 6兲, the predicted value of a f based on Eq. 共7兲 to become inaccurate
which resides between the fourth and ninth cycles. This trend is 共the predicted crack length was limited to the flange thickness in
common in all three specimens in the NS series that are shown in the low-cycle fatigue calculations兲. A correction factor can be
Figs. 10共a–c兲. It appears that the most consistent accurate predic- used in Eq. 共7兲 to adjust for the correct value for a f and will be
tion for fracture is achieved for the NS series of specimens if a discussed later.

Table 4. Stress Coefficient and Estimated Crack Length at Fracture

Predicted N f
␴f af Actual Predicted
Specimen 共N / mm2兲 共mm2兲 c = −0.5 c = −0.6 c = −0.7 Nf Ncorr

NS-9F 466.6 0.91 8.5 6 4.5 6 —

NS-7F 431.2 1.49 24 12.5 8.5 16 —
NS-5F 415.9 1.74 65 21.5 12.5 22 —
SC-7F 514.0 0.13 ⬍1 ⬍1 ⬍1 2 1.5
SC-5F 462.5 0.97 3 2.5 ⬍1 4 3.6
SC-3F 340.3 2.99 32 20 10 26 29


J. Struct. Eng. 2009.135:1472-1480.

Estimated ⌬␪p-Nf Relationship of Test Specimens results. However, the accuracy for the series of specimens with
access holes was less than that for the specimens without access
Fig. 11 shows the plastic rotation range-cycle to failure 共⌬␪ p-N f 兲 holes. This is because the finite-element analysis does not con-
relationships from the experiments. The predicted results are in- sider crack extension in the FEM, which appears to change more
cluded in Fig. 11. ⌬␪ p is the plastic rotation range of the connec- significantly the stress-strain state redistribution in a connection
tion that is calculated by ⌬␪ p = ⌬␦ p / L, where ⌬␦ p is the plastic with weld access holes. For connections with weld access holes, a
displacement from the experimental P-␦ relationships as de- factor was introduced to correct for the critical crack length at
scribed before and L is the length of the beam in the test setup fracture in order to increase the accuracy of the predicted fatigue
共1,210 mm兲. The values for ⌬␦ p and ⌬␪ p from the experiments life of the connection.
are given in Table 2. For the predicted results, ⌬␪ p was based on In summary, the method to predict the fatigue life of structural
the analytical results for the P-␦ relationships and N f from Fig. 10
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elements subject to cyclic plastic deformations shows a reason-

and Table 4. As indicated in the legend of Fig. 11, the solid data able good accuracy, considering the simplicity of the finite-
symbols represent the experimental results while the white- element analysis by not explicitly including crack extension in the
colored data symbols represent the predicted results. The regres- FEM and the use of the stress and strain information only on the
sion curves for the experimental results for ⌬␪ p-N f are included in flange surface.
Fig. 11.
For the NS specimens, the predicted ⌬␪ p-N f results based on
c = −0.6 agree well with the experimental results. As for the SC Acknowledgments
specimens, the predicted numbers of cycles to fracture is conser-
vative and not as accurate as for the NS specimens. However, the The analytical research reported in this paper was conducted at
slopes in the predicted ⌬␪ p-N f relationship are fairly close to the Lehigh University and financially supported by the Japan Society
experimental results. for the Promotion of Science. The experimental data used in this
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