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02/28/18 Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis ENGM030 | University of Surrey - Reading


Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis View Online


37 items

Required Purchase (1 items)

Students are expected to purchase this text for sustained use through the module.

None specified.

Essential Reading (5 items)

Students are expected to read this material to gain essential understanding of the module

BD 37 Loads for highway bridges Design Manual for Roads and Bridges - 2001
Webpage | Essential Reading

BS 5400 (2006), “Steel, concrete and composite bridges. Part 2: Specification for Loads"
Webpage | Essential Reading | Follow the link and search for the standard on the British
Standards Website

BS EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures

Webpage | Essential Reading | Follow the link and search for the standard on the British
Standards Website

BS EN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of structural Design

Webpage | Essential Reading | Follow the link and search for the standard on the British
Standards Website

HA Official Documents
Webpage | Essential Reading

Recommended Reading (10 items)

Range of recommended materials provided to extend understanding of the module

Bridge engineering handbook - Chen, Wai-Fah, Duan, Lian, c2000

Book | Recommended Reading

Seismic Design and Assessment of Bridges

Webpage | Recommended Reading

Research perspectives: traffic loading on highway bridges - Dawe, Peter, 2003

Book | Recommended Reading

02/28/18 Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis ENGM030 | University of Surrey - Reading

Bridge loads: an international perspective - O'Connor, Colin, Shaw, Peter A., 2000
Book | Recommended Reading

Bridge deck behaviour - Hambly, E. C., 1991

Book | Recommended Reading

The Manual of bridge engineering - Ryall, M. J., Parke, G. A. R., Harding, J. E., 2000
Book | Recommended Reading

Bridge analysis simplified - Bakht, Baidar, Jaeger, L. G., c1985

Book | Recommended Reading

Bridge deck analysis - O’Brien, Eugene J., Keogh, Damien L., Lehane, Barry M., 1999
Book | Recommended Reading

Wind loads on structures - Dyrbye, Claes, Hansen, Svend Ole, 1997

Book | Recommended Reading

AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, with 2012
Interim Revisions
Book | Recommended Reading

Background Reading (18 items)

Further reading identified as relevant to the module content.

Standard specifications for highway bridges - American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, c2002
Book | Background Reading

Considering actual traffic during bridge evaluation

Webpage | Background Reading

Probability-based load models of Highway Bridges - 1991

Article | Background Reading

BS 153-3A:1972 Specification for steel girder bridges. Loads

Webpage | Background Reading | Follow the link and search for the standard on the
British Standards Website

BE 1/77 (1961), “Technical Memorandum (Bridges):

Webpage | Recommended Reading | Follow the link and search for the standard on the
British Standards Website

Highway Bridge Loading - Cambridge, April 7-10th 1975

Article | Background Reading

Safety of bridges - Das, Parag C., Institution of Civil Engineers, Great Britain, International
Symposium on the Safety of Bridges, 1997
Book | Background Reading | Cooper, D I “Development of short span bridge-specific
assessment live loading”, pp64-89

02/28/18 Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis ENGM030 | University of Surrey - Reading


Article | Background Reading


Article | Background Reading

Ontario highway bridge design code (OHBDC) - Ministry of Transportation and

Communications, 1983
Article | Background Reading

Bridge Design and Construction – Loading MOT Memo No.577 - 1931

Article | Background Reading

Safety of bridges - Das, Parag C., Institution of Civil Engineers, Great Britain, International
Symposium on the Safety of Bridges, 1997
Book | Background Reading | Page J (1997), “Traffic data for highway bridge loading

Traffic Loads on Bridges - A. C. W. M. Vrouwenvelder, P. H. Waarts, 1993-08-01

Article | Background Reading

Public roads of the past: 3500 B.C. to 1800 A.D. - Rose, Albert C., c1952
Book | Background Reading

Structural analysis: a unified classical and matrix approach - Ghali, A., Neville, Adam M.,
Brown, T. G., 2009
Book | Background Reading

Structural analysis - Coates, R. C., Coutie, M. G., Kong, F. K., 1988

Book | Background Reading

Concrete bridge design to BS 5400 - Clark, L. A., 1983

Book | Background Reading

The use of a grillage analogy for the analysis of slab and pseudo-slab bridge decks - West,
R., 1973
Book | Background Reading

Library and Learning Support (1 items)

Follow this link for further information about library resources and services in your subject.

Civil Engineering - University of Surrey - Guildford

Webpage | Recommended Reading

AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, with 2012
Interim Revisions
Book | Recommended Reading

AASHTO Bookstore - Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition

Webpage | Recommended Reading | US code of practice for the design of bridges.


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