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EENET Scoping of the inclusive education situation in Uganda

Questionnaire for parents/care-givers and other stakeholders in the

local community

Thank you for contributing to our programme by completing this survey of inclusive
education in Uganda’s schools.

1. Please answer the survey questions as clearly and legibly as possible.

2. The questionnaire may be printed on both sides of the page so please check that
you have answered all the questions that apply.
1. If you require any assistance with the completion of this form please contact
CEFORD MOYO OFFICE Please fill in the details below before starting the survey
over the page.
2. Once completed, please return this questionnaire to CEFORD MOYO OFFICE.
Your name

Your contact details

(incl. Tel. and Email address)

Name of your
Type of school
ECD …………………………… ☐
(please tick √appropriate
boxes) Primary …………………………… ☐
Secondary …………………………… ☐
Tertiary …………………………… ☐
Mainstream school …………………………… ☐
Mainstream school (with special educational needs

(SEN) annex/unit) ……......................................… ☐

Special School …………………………….. ☐
Urban ……………………………… ☐
Peri-urban …………………………… ☐
Rural ……………………………… ☐
Now please complete the following questions over the page. If you do not
know the answer, or if the information requested does not relate to your
school, please leave blank.

1. What do you most like about the school?

2. Is your child/children happy at school? Please explain your answer; e.g. Do

they look forward to each school day? Have they got friends? Do they find
the work interesting and challenging? Do they like and respect the
teachers? Is the school kind to them?

3. Please tell us how involved you are in your child’s/ children’s/local school.
Please explain in as much detail as you can; e.g. Do you help with
schoolwork? Do you meet the teachers? If so, when do you meet them? Do
you meet with other parents/care-givers? Are you involved in a parent-
teacher association (PTA) or the school governing body? Do you volunteer
to help the school in any other way?

4. Please explain what inclusive education means to you?

5. How inclusive is your child’s/children’s/the local school? How do you

know? Please tell us if your child/children or you yourself have a disability.

6. What do you think are the main barriers/obstacles to building inclusive
education in the school; e.g. what makes it difficult for the school to be

7. Have you had any difficulty either getting your child/children into school, or
keeping them at school? If so, please explain why; e.g. problems paying
school fees, or the school say they can’t teach him/her (because of a
disability or behaviour or learning difficulty), or lack of specialised
equipment/assistive devices your child/children need?

8. How do you overcome any difficulties you have with your child’s/children’s
schooling? Who helps you overcome those difficulties, or has helped you
in the past? How do they help? Are you aware of any local groups who help
parents/care-givers with school-related issues?

9. Are you aware of school-age children in your neighbourhood who don’t

attend any school? If so, please explain why you think they are out of

10. Are you aware of any services that provide teaching/tuition for out of
school children? Have you used them? If so, please explain.

11. Which of the following groups of learners do you think are most likely to be
unable to attend your child’s/children’s/ the local school (please tick
√appropriate boxes)?

a) Learners with disabilities ……………………………………………………….. ☐

b) Learners from poor families ……………………………………………………… ☐
c) Learners with SEN …...............................……………. ………………….…….. ☐
d) Learners who live far from any school ………………………………………….. ☐
e) Learners with long-term health problems …………………………………….…. ☐
f) Girls or boys performing gender specific roles at home (e.g. boys herding livestock or

girls performing domestic or child-care duties……................................…………
g) Learners who have not passed selection requirements …………………..….. ☐
(e.g. they are of a different faith to the school, or they fail a national/school admission
h) Other ………………………………………………………………………. ☐
Please explain ‘other’:

12. Which of the following groups of learners do you think are most likely to
drop out from attending your child’s/children’s/ the local school after they
have been on roll (please tick √appropriate boxes)?

a) Learners with disabilities ……………………………………………………….. ☐

b) Learners from poor families ……………………………………………………… ☐
c) Learners with SEN …...............................……………. ………………….…….. ☐
d) Learners who live far from any school ………………………………………….. ☐
e) Learners with long-term health problems …………………………………….…. ☐
f) Girls or boys performing gender specific roles at home (e.g. boys herding livestock or

girls performing domestic or child-care duties……………...............................…
g) Learners who have not passed selection requirements …………………..….. ☐
(e.g. they are of a different faith to the school, or they fail a national/school admission
h) Other ………………………………………………………………………. ☐
Please explain ‘other’:

13. How do you feel about your child’s/children’s/the local school enrolling
more learners with disabilities and/or SEN into the school? Please explain.

14. Are you aware of your child’s/children’s right to a good education, and that

it is the responsibility of the school to make sure she/he achieves even if
she/he has a disability or any other special education needs?

15. Have you had any information from your child’s/children’s/the local school
or from any other organisation about inclusive education? If yes, please

16. If you were the headteacher and were able to improve things at the school,
how would you make the school more inclusive? Please give examples.

17. Would you like to be involved more in your child’s/children’s education, or

in the local school? Can you suggest how the school could involve you
more? Please give examples. If you yourself have a disability, please
suggest ways the school can enable you to access school activities that
involve parents/care-givers and the local community.


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