Hazbin Hotel OC Frank (Update)

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Hazbin hotel OC

Frank ( Update)
Name:Frank García

Nationality: Spanish (formerly)

Age of death: 26 (suicide)

Likes: read, movies, nerd culture his girlfriend and his family, sweet food

Dislikes: using his powers, rude guests, alcohol, drugs, being remembered his past life
and mistakes.

Physical description: Frank looks like a mix between a slim humanoid and a putrid
tree, instead of skin he has brown bark with moss and fungi, his head is a crude sphere
with two big holes serving as eyes where a black oily substance pours, instead of a
mouth an enough deep cut serves the same purpose.

When at work he uses his bellboy uniform, on free time he uses whatever casual
clothes he can get.

Personality: Frank preffers to do his duties as a bellboy seriously carrying the luggage,
and personal items of the guests with diligency and politeness, he doesn´t talk more
than the necessary to them, and tends to spend his free time alone or with his

He is a recovering depressed soul trying to regain hope and leave his pessimism
behind motivated by the visit of his recently deceased mother (now in heaven) also
he is Kind and calmed is also extremely loyal to his friends specially with Charlie who
he sees as a sister and his girlfriend Akiko (a demon Lolita), he is quite afraid of Alastor
though due his powers and tries to get away from him as much as possible, as with
Vaggie sometimes they have long and friendly chats in Spanish, he dislikes Husk due
his alcoholic and rude behavior, and avoids Dust due an Arachnophobia problem, with
the rest he just has a professional relationship.

With his girlfriend Akiko he is very loving and patient helping her with her recovery
and rehab process dancing with her on the hall or just chilling out.

Recently he discovered his demon powers but tries to not use them very much, only in
self defense and if he is forced to.

Powers: he can turn people sad until the point they stop doing at the moment and
start crying also by letting himself being dominated by his sadness and depression he
transforms into a big rotten tree that creates an aura of sadness so powerful that
anyone without a strong willpower will kill herself immediately.

Recent history: Frank remain hidden long time after his arrival on hell scavenging for
food or supplies and after hearing the project of Charlie he decided to just ask for a
job instead of redemption, Charlie decided to make him a bellboy and he proved to be
quite efficient. One day the princess of Hell managed to discover why he arrived on
hell, turns out he committed suicide after a rough time.

Months later he received the visit of his mother who died of sadness due the suicide of
her son, she encouraged him to not give up again and work hard towards redemption,
since then he started to embrace a more positive and hopeful attitude one step at a

He fell in love with Akiko after her arrival on the hotel and she got interested on him
due his out of the mold” personality, and started to knew each other it was him who
encouraged her to rehab, and she in exchange served as a confident and helped him
to survive outside the hotel, slowly they began to develop a loving relationship…

He discovered his demon power during a walk outside the Hotel, a group of goons
surrounded him and beat him until the sense of impotence and defenseless turned to
bitter sadness he suffered his transformation and almost made the attackers killed
themselves, it took a lot of his willpower to avoid that.

After telling Charlie and Akiko he is know trying to control his newfound abilities

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