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Vincoli, Jeffrey W. "Frontmatter"
Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000

The occupational and environmental safety and health professions have been on merging paths for several
years now. Corporate "down-sizing" or "right-sizing" has resulted in a more streamlined approach to these
once very diverse and quite separate disciplines. Although they both may now be practiced in tandem,
often by the same individuals, each has evolved and developed as a separate area of study. As such, there
are literally thousands of words, terms, and phrases that have specific meanings within their respective
disciplines that may not always be clear and simple.

The practicing professional who has responsibilities in both occupational and environmental safety and
health must be familiar with the "language of the profession" to successfully maneuver through the maze
of compliance, regulatory, management, administrative, legal, technical, scientific, and even industry-
specific slang terminology that are encountered every working day.

The Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health is the most comprehensive
reference source of its kind available to today's diversified professional. Words, terms, and phrases from
the following specific areas have been included in this publication. In total, there are approximately
25,000 definitions from the various listed areas of study.

Anatomy and Anthropometrics Industrial Security

Accident Investigation and Prevention Industrial Toxicology
Aviation and Aerospace Safety Inspections and Audits
Biological and Medical Waste Management Insurance and Loss Control
Biology and Microbiology Internet
Biostatistics Law and Litigation
Chemistry Manufacturing
Clean Air Act National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Clean Water Act Occupational Medicine
Collective Bargaining and Union Agreements Occupational Safety and Health Act
Computing and Computer Science Occupational Safety and Health Administration Terms
Ecology Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Emergency/Disaster Preparedness and Response Pollution Prevention Act
Epidemiology Product Liability
Environmental Compliance Public Health
Environmental Protection Agency Terms Regulations and Standards
Environmental Sanitation and Pollution Control Risk Management
Ergonomics Robotics
Expert Witnessing Safety and Health Training
Fire Protection and Prevention Safety Engineering
Fire Science and Fire Engineering Safety Management and Administration
Geology and Hydrogeology Site Assessments and Audits
Hazardous Waste Management Superfund (CERCLA)
Healthcare System Safety Engineering
Health Physics (Radiation) Transportation (Air, Road, Rail, Water)
Human Resources and Labor Management Wet Lands Management
Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health Workers' Compensation

Occupational and environmental safety and health disciplines are, indeed, separate functions. However,
changes in the way corporate America does business has forced a continued divergence of the two profes-
sions. Those stuck in the middle, the practicing safety and environmental professionals, are forced to
contend with an increasing number of responsibilities in areas where they may only possess cursory
knowledge. This development has created a drastic need for new, quick-reference sources of knowledge
and information. The more complete and comprehensive the source, the more beneficial it will be to the

This Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health is an attempt to fill this need
and provide the professional with the single-source of reference for defining the thousands of words,
terms, and phrases they are faced with literally every working day.

Jeffrey W. Vincoli

Jeffrey W. Vincoli, CSP, CHCM has worked in the field of occupa-

tional safety and environmental health for more than eighteen years.
This experience has included the development, implementation, ad-
ministration, and management of occupational and environmental
safety and health programs for a number of Fortune 500 companies.
Currently, Mr. Vincoli is President and Principal Consultant of J.W.
Vincoli & Associates specializing in providing occupational safety and
environmental training and consulting services to a number of domestic
and international clients.

Mr. Vincoli has provided safety, health, and environmental training and management consulting services for
literally thousands of professionals across the United States and in more than 15 countries. He also specializes
in providing expert testimony on matters of fact pertaining to occupational safety, health, and the environment.
His consulting practice has extended across a wide range of industries including aerospace and aviation, mili-
tary, mass transit, nuclear, chemical, manufacturing, and many others. This experience has led to an apprecia-
tion for the specialized terminology that seems to be somewhat unique to the various industries. This apprecia-
tion has subsequently resulted in the compilation of the Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental
Safety and Health.

Prior to beginning his own consulting practice, Mr. Vincoli spent 14 years working in our nation's missile,
space, and strategic defense programs. With more than 10 years working for the former McDonnell Douglas
Corporation (now Boeing), he worked first as a Safety Engineer and then as Manager of occupational safety and
health, system safety engineering, industrial hygiene, hazardous waste management, and environmental compli-
ance programs. Mr. Vincoli has worked on such programs as the Space Shuttle, Space Station, unmanned
launch vehicle operations, Tomahawk Cruise Missile, and other specialized weapon systems for the United
States and allied governments. Mr. Vincoli also worked for companies such as EG&G, Inc., and United Tech-
nologies Corporation, always with a focus on ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for several thou-
sand employees.

Mr. Vincoli received his undergraduate degrees from the Florida Institute of Technology and completed his
Master of Science and Master of Business Administration from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is a
Certified Safety Professional, a Certified Hazard Control Manager, and a Registered Environmental Profes-

Mr. Vincoli is a member of many recognized organizations, including the American Society of Safety Engi-
neers, the System Safety Society, the National Environmental Health Association, and the Veterans of Safety.
He has published more than two dozen articles in professional trade journals such as Professional Safety, Occu-
pational Health and Safety, Hazard Prevention, Green Cross (Hong Kong), and Notícias de Seguridad (Mex-
ico). The Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health, his second work for Lewis
Publishers, is his seventh published text in the field of safety, health, and the environment. He has served on the
Editorial Board for Occupational Hazards magazine (1995-1998) and on the Advisory Committee for the Bu-
reau of Business Practice (1995-1997).

Mr. Vincoli is an active member of the American Society of Safety Engineers. He has held office on the Chap-
ter level, including President, and has served on numerous Regional and National Committees and Special Task
Force assignments focusing on the Society's service to its members and to the safety profession. He has re-
ceived numerous awards from professional societies, including the System Safety Society's Manager of the
Year (1994) and the American Society of Safety Engineer's Regional Safety Professional of the Year (1987 and
1993). In 1998, he received the Charles V. Culbertson Outstanding Volunteer Service Award from the Ameri-
can Society of Safety Engineers for his contributions to the Society and its members.

Mr. Vincoli is a noted speaker, lecturer, trainer, and published author on subjects that extend across the broad
scope of the occupational safety, health, and environmental industries.

This work was developed with the help of a number of organizations, contributors, and specialists repre-
senting the various areas of study that are of interest to the practicing safety and environmental profes-
sional. Specifically, I am particularly grateful to the following individuals/organizations and/or quoted
sources for their contributions without which this publication would not have been possible:

American Association of Railroads

American Medical Association
American National Standards Institute
American Public Transit Association
Black's Law Dictionary (6th Edition)
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Railroad Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard
United States Department of Labor
United States Department of Transportation

Thomas M. Pankratz
James H. Stramler, Jr.
John Voorhees
Anton Cammarota
Bob Woellner
Benjamin F. Miller, M.D.
Claire Brackman Keane, R.N., B.S.

Finally, I would like to thank the many professionals at Lewis Publishers who have made the publication
of this text as painless as possible. Specifically, I am grateful to Kenneth P. McCombs, Bob Hauserman,
Suzanne Lassandro, and Mimi Williams for their efforts in making this publication a reality.
It is appropriate that I dedicate this "book of terms" to the two people who taught me the meaning of some of
the most important things in life long before I could even read.
To my mother, Carmela Vincoli,
whose courageous battle against cancer is an inspiration to all who know her.
To my father, Joseph Vincoli,
a lifelong example of dependability and support, always putting the interests of others before his own.
Vincoli, Jeffrey W. "A-D"
Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
A See atomic absorption spectroscopy.
See American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
A1 carcinogen
A confirmed human carcinogen as classified abs
by the ACGIH TLV Committee. Substances Absolute.
associated with industrial processes, recog- A-scale sound pressure level
nized to have carcinogenic potential. A measurement of sound approximating the
A2 carcinogen sensitivity of the human ear, used to note the
A suspected human carcinogen as classified intensity or annoyance of sounds.
by the ACGIH TLV Committee. Chemical A-shift
substances, or substances associated with in- See first shift.
dustrial processes, which are suspect of in-
A-weighted network
ducing cancer, based on either limited epide-
Weighing network that is present on sound
miological evidence or demonstration of car-
level meters and octave band analyzers which
cinogenesis on one or more animal species by
mimics the human ear's response to sound.
appropriate methods.
Represented as dB(A).
"A" basis allowables
The minimum mechanical strength values
A point beyond the midpoint of a ship's
guaranteed by the material producers or sup-
pliers such that at least 99 percent of the ma-
terial they produce or supply will meet or ex- abandon
ceed the specified values with a 95 percent Law. To desert, surrender, forsake, or cede.
confidence level. To relinquish or give up with intent of never
resuming one's right or interest. To cease to
use. To give up absolutely; to forsake en-
American Academy of Environmental Engi-
tirely; to renounce utterly; to relinquish all
connection with or concern in; to desert. It
AAI includes the intention, and also the external
See arrival aircraft interval. act by which it is carried into effect.
AAIH abandoned property
See American Academy of Industrial Hy- Law. Property over which the owner has
giene. given up dominion and control with no inten-
AALACS tion of recovering it. See also abandonment.
See ambient aquatic life advisory concentra- abandoned runway
tions. An airstrip that is intact but not maintained or
AAOHN intended for use as a runway.
See American Association of Occupational abandoned well
Health Nurses. A well whose use has been permanently dis-
AAOO continued or which is in a state of disrepair
American Academy of Ophthalmology and such that it cannot be used for its intended
Otolaryngology. purpose.
AAP abandonee
See acoustical assurance period. Law. A party to whom a right or property is
abandoned or relinquished by another. Term
AAQS is applied to the insurers of vessels and car-
Ambient air quality standards. goes.
See airport acceptance rate.

©2000 CRC Press LLC
abandonment session of an estate of freehold, to the preju-
Law. The surrender, relinquishment, dis- dice of the heir or divisee, before the latter
claimer, or cession of property or of rights. can enter, after the ancestor's death. (2) In the
Voluntary relinquishment of all right, title, law of torts, one who abates, prostrates, or de-
claim, and possession, with the intention of stroys a nuisance.
not reclaiming it. Time is not an essential abbreviated injury scale (AIS)
element of act, although the lapse of time may An integer scale developed by the Association
be evidence of an intention to abandon, and for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
where it is accompanied by acts manifesting to rate the severity of individual injuries. A
such an intention, it may be considered in de- numerical rating system used in an attempt to
termining whether there has been an aban- quantify an automobile accident victim's se-
donment. Abandonment differs from surren- verity of injuries, as follows:
der in that the latter requires an agreement,
and also from forfeiture in that forfeiture may Rating Severity
be against the intention of the party alleged to 1 minor
have forfeited.
2 moderate
ab assuetis non fit injuria
3 serious
Law (Latin). From things to which one is ac-
customed (or in which there has been long ac- 4 severe
quiescence) no legal injury or wrong arises. 5 critical (survival uncertain)
In other words, if a person neglects to insist
6 maximum (virtually unsurvivable)
on his/her right, he/she is deemed to have
abandoned it. 9 unknown
abatable nuisance abbreviated instrument flight rules (IFR)
Law. A nuisance which is practically suscep- flight plans
tible of being suppressed, or extinguished, or Federal Aviation Administration. An authori-
rendered harmless, and whose continued ex- zation by Air Traffic Control (ATC) requiring
istence is not authorized under the law. pilots to submit only that information needed
for the purpose of ATC. It includes only a
small portion of the usual Instrument Flight
Law. To throw down, to beat down, destroy,
Rules (IFR) flight plan information. In certain
quash. To do away with, nullify, lessen, or
instances, this may be only aircraft identifica-
tion, location, and pilot request. Other infor-
abatement mation may be requested if needed by ATC
(1) Air Pollution. The reduction in the inten- for separation/control purposes. It is fre-
sity or concentration of an ambient air pollut- quently used by aircraft which are airborne
ant. (2) Asbestos. Control of the release of and desire an instrument approach or by air-
fibers from a source of asbestos-containing craft which are on the ground and desire a
materials during removal, enclosure, or en- climb to Visual Flight Rule (VFR)-on-top.
capsulation. (3) General. The removal or
ABC test
elimination of a nuisance; the actions taken to
Unemployment compensation law exclusion
effect same; reducing the degree or intensity
tests providing that employer is not covered if
of, or eliminating, pollution. (4) Law. A re-
individuals he/she employs are free from
duction, a decrease, or a diminution. The
his/her control, the services are performed
suspension or cessation, in whole or in part, of
outside employer's places of business, and
a continuing charge, such as rent.
employees are customarily engaged in inde-
abatement in action pendently established trades or professions.
Law. An entire overthrow or destruction of
ABC transaction
the suit so that it is quashed and ended.
In mining and oil drilling operations, a trans-
abator fer by which A, the owner, conveys the
Law. (1) In real property law, a stranger who, working interest to B, the operator and devel-
having no right of entry, contrives to get pos- oper for cash consideration, reserving a pro-

©2000 CRC Press LLC
duction payment usually larger than the cash against the wall with minimal buttock com-
consideration paid by B. Later, A sells the re- pression.
served production payment to C for cash. The abdominal skinfold
tax advantages of this type of transaction were The thickness of a horizontal skinfold cen-
eliminated by the Tax Reform Act of 1969. tered at 3 cm lateral from 1 cm inferior to the
abdication umbilicus. Measured with the person stand-
Renunciation of the privileges and preroga- ing comfortably erect, the body weight
tives of an office. It differs from resignation, equally distributed to both feet, and the ab-
in that resignation is made by one who has re- dominal muscles relaxed.
ceived his/her office from another and re- abdominal wall
stores it into his/her hands, as an inferior into The covering of the abdominal cavity, con-
the hands of a superior. Abdication is the re- sisting of fibrous and fatty tissue, muscles,
linquishment of an office which has devolved and skin.
by act of law.
abdomen Examination, especially by means of an in-
That part of the human body which lies be- strument, of the abdomen or its contents.
tween the thorax and the pelvis, containing
the stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys,
The sixth cranial nerve, which supplies the
bladder, and intestines.
external rectus muscle of the eye.
abdominal cavity abducent muscles
That cavity within the abdomen which con- Muscles that pull back certain parts of the
tains such organs as the intestines, liver, and body from the mesial line.
abdominal circumference
To draw away from the main axis of the body
The surface distance measure of the lower
or from a part of the body.
torso at the level of the maximum anterior
protrusion of the abdomen. It is measured abduction angle
with the individual sitting erect. That angle through which a joint is abducted
abdominal depth, standing from a specified reference position. Also re-
The horizontal linear distance from the back ferred to as the angle of abduction.
to the front of the abdomen, at the level of the abductor
maximum anterior protrusion. Measured with A muscle that moves certain parts from the
the individual standing erect; note the level at axis of the body.
which the measurement is taken.
abdominal extension circumference Federal Aviation Administration. An aircraft
See abdominal circumference. is "abeam" a fix, point, or object when that
abdominal extension depth fix, point, or object is approximately 90 de-
See abdominal depth. grees to the right or left of the aircraft track.
Abeam indicates a general position rather than
abdominal extension height a precise point.
The vertical distance from the floor or other
reference surface to the level of the maximum Abel Test
anterior protrusion of the abdomen in the A colorimetric test that involves the use of
midsagittal plane. Measurement is taken with moist potassium iodide paper which turns
the person standing. violet in the presence of gasses evolved from
nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, and nitroglycol.
abdominal extension level
See abdominal extension height. aberration
abdominal extension to wall (1) The failure of light rays to converge at a
The horizontal distance from the most laterally focal point in an optical system, resulting in
protruding point of the abdomen to a wall. blur. See also spherical aberration, chro-
matic aberration. (2) Deviation from the
Measured with the individual standing erect

©2000 CRC Press LLC
right course. (3) Deviation of refracted light ship of the case, and the inconvenience or dis-
rays. (4) A mental disorder. astrous consequences to which a different
aberrant course of reasoning would lead.
(1) Straying from the usual or normal method ab initio
or course of action. (2) An aberrant structure, (Latin) Law. From the beginning; from the
especially in regard to variable chromosome first act; from the inception. An agreement is
numbers. said to be "void ab initio" if it has at no time
abet had any legal validity.
Law. (1) To encourage, incite, or set another abiotic
on to commit a crime. This word is usually Indicating the absence of life; non-biological.
applied to aiding in the commission of a ablate
crime. To abet another to commit a crime is To remove surgically.
to command, procure, counsel, encourage, in-
duce, or assist. (2) To facilitate the commis- able-bodied
sion of a crime, promote its accomplishment, Not having a physical handicap.
or help in advancing or bringing it about. In ABLEDATA
relation to charge of aiding and abetting, term A computerized database containing con-
includes knowledge of the perpetrator's sumer product information on devices for dis-
wrongful purpose, and encouragement, pro- abled individuals. Available from the Na-
motion, or counsel of another in the commis- tional Clearinghouse on Technology and Ag-
sion of the criminal offense. ing.
abettor able to earn
Law. An instigator, or setter on; one who Law. Ability to obtain and hold employment
promotes or procures a crime to be commit- means that the person referred to is either able
ted. A person who, being present, incites an- or unable to perform the usual duties of what-
other to commit a crime, and thus becomes a ever employment may be under consideration,
principal. in the manner that such duties are customarily
abeyance performed by the average person engaged in
Law. Lapse in succession during which there such employment.
is no person in whom title is vested. In the abnormal reading
law of estates, the condition of a freehold See abnormal time.
when there is no person in whom it is vested.
abnormal time
abide An observed elemental time value which is
To accept the consequences of; to rest satis- beyond typical statistical or policy limits.
fied with; to wait for. With reference to an Also referred to as abnormal reading.
order, judgment, or decree of a court, to per-
form or execute. ABO
See aviator's breathing oxygen.
abiding conviction
Law. (1) A definite conviction of guilt de- abode
rived from a thorough examination of the One's home; habitation; place of dwelling; or
whole case. Used commonly to instruct juries residence. Ordinarily means domicile.
on the frame of mind required for guilt proved ABOHN
beyond a reasonable doubt. (2) A settled or American Board of Occupational Health
fixed conviction. Nurses, Incorporated.
ability abort
Having the physical and/or mental capacity to (1) General. Terminate some ongoing proc-
perform a given task effectively. ess or activity prior to its scheduled or ex-
ab inconvenienti pected completion. (2) Federal Aviation Ad-
(Latin) Law. From hardship, or inconven- ministration. To terminate a preplanned air-
ience. An argument founded upon the hard- craft maneuver (e.g., an aborted takeoff).

©2000 CRC Press LLC
above elbow (AE) with the intent to avoid legal process. Post-
Pertaining to an amputation at some level of poning limitations.
the upper arm or a prosthesis which is fitted absconding debtor
over the upper arm. Law. One who absconds from his/her credi-
above knee (AK) tors to avoid payment of debts. A debtor who
Pertaining to an amputation at some level of has intentionally and purposely concealed
the thigh or a prosthesis which is fitted over himself/herself from his/her creditors, or
the thigh. withdrawn from the reach of their suits, with
abrade intent to frustrate their just demands.
To rub or wear down skin, primarily through absent
friction. Not present at some location when one is
abrasion normally expected to be there.
(1) The act of abrading. (2) An injury of the absentee
skin by abrading the outer layer. (3) Any An individual who is not present at his/her
scrapped area. workplace when he/she is supposed to be
abrasive there.
A collection of discrete, solid particles that, absolute
when impinged on a surface, cleans, removes (1) General. Perfect or pure, as absolute alco-
surface coatings, or improves the quality of, hol (ethyl alcohol containing not more than
or otherwise prepares to modify the charac- one percent by weight of water). (2) Law.
teristics of that surface, either by impact or Free from conditions, limitations, or qualifi-
friction. cations; not dependent, modified, or affected
abrasive blasting by circumstances; that is, without any condi-
See abrasive cleaning. tion or restrictive provisions.

abrasive cleaning absolute block

Process of cleaning surfaces by use of materi- Railroads. A block in which no train is per-
als such as sand, alumina, steel shot, walnut mitted to enter while it is occupied by another
shells, etc. in a stream of high pressure air or train.
water. absolute deed
Law. A document of conveyance without re-
ABS striction or defeasance; generally used in
(1) Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, a black contradistinction to mortgaged deed.
plastic material used in the manufacture of
pipes and other components. (2) Alkyl- absolute humidity
benzene-sulfonate, a surfactant formerly used The weight of water vapor per unit volume of
in synthetic detergents that resisted biological air (e.g., pounds per cubic foot or milligrams
breakdown. per cubic meter).

abscess absolute law

A collection of purulent matter in the tissue of Law. The true and proper law of nature, im-
a body organ or part, with pain, heat, and mutable in the abstract or principal, in theory,
swelling. but not in application; very often the object,
the reason, the situation, and other circum-
abscissa stances, may vary its exercise and obligation.
The horizontal or independent axis on a two- See also natural law.
dimensional graph.
absolute liability
abscond Law. Responsibility without fault or negli-
Law. To go in a clandestine manner out of gence.
the jurisdiction of the courts, or to remain
concealed, in order to avoid their process. To absolute maximum
hide, conceal, or absent oneself clandestinely, The highest value anywhere on the total ex-
tent of a curve. See also relative minimum.

©2000 CRC Press LLC
absolute pitch absolutely unstable air
A skill or ability of a person to identify the An atmospheric condition that exists when the
pitch of a pure tone without the use of any environmental lapse rate is greater than the
external reference. dry adiabatic rate. Also referred to simply as
absolute pressure unstable air.
Pressure measured with respect to zero pres- absorb
sure or a vacuum. It is equal to the sum of a The penetration of a substance into the body
pressure gauge reading and the atmospheric of another.
pressure at the measurement location. absorbance
absolute purity water Logarithm to the base 10 of the transmittance.
Water with a specific resistance of 18.3 me- absorbed dose
gohms cm at 25°C. For any ionizing radiation, the energy im-
absolute scale parted to matter by ionizing particles per unit
A temperature scale based on absolute zero. mass of irradiated materials at the point of ex-
See also Kelvin scale. posure. See also RAD.
absolute temperature absorbent
Temperature based on an absolute scale ex- A substance that takes in and absorbs other
pressed in either degrees Kelvin or degrees materials; a substance applied to a wound to
Rankine corresponding, respectively, to the stanch or arrest the flow of blood.
centigrade or Fahrenheit scales. Degrees Kel- absorbent gas mask
vin are obtained by adding 273 to the centi- Any respirator which includes a container
grade temperature or subtracting the centi- having some type of material to absorb toxic
grade temperature from 273 if below zero C. substance.
Degrees Rankine are obtained by algebrai-
cally adding the Fahrenheit reading to 460. absorber
Zero degrees K is equal to -273°C and zero R (1) Any material which is capable of taking
up chemicals or radiation. (2) Any device
is equal to -459.69°F.
which is capable of taking up chemicals or ra-
absolute threshold diation.
That minimum stimulus intensity which rep- absorption
resents the transition between a response and (1) Toxicological. The ability of a substance
no response from an observer attending to a to penetrate the body of another; the move-
particular sensory/perceptual task under speci- ment of a chemical from the site of exposure
fied conditions. Also referred to as lower (oral, dermal, respiratory) across a biologic
threshold. See also threshold, and threshold barrier and into the bloodstream or lymphatic
of audibility. system. (2) Chemistry. The process by which
absolute vorticity one material is pulled into and retains another
See vorticity. to form a blended or homogeneous solution.
(3) Physiology. The process by which porous
absolute zero tissues such as the skin and intestine walls
The minimum point in the thermodynamic permit passage of liquids and gases into the
temperature scale, expressed as zero degrees bloodstream. (4) Radiation. The process
Kelvin, -273.16 degrees centigrade, -459.69 whereby the number of particles or quanta in
degrees Fahrenheit, or zero Rankine. This is a a beam of radiation is reduced or degraded in
hypothetical temperature at which there is a energy as it passes through some medium.
total absence of heat. The absorbed radiation may be transformed
absolutely stable air into mass, other radiation, or energy by inter-
An atmospheric condition that exists when the action with the electrons or nuclei of the at-
environmental lapse rate is less than the moist oms on which it impinges. (5) Acoustics.
adiabatic rate. The conversion of acoustical energy to heat or
another form of energy within the medium of

©2000 CRC Press LLC
the sound-absorbing material. (6) Environ- acariasis
mental. The adhesion of molecules of gas, A skin disease caused by mites. See also sca-
liquid, or dissolved solids to a surface. Used bies.
as an advanced method of treating in which acaricide
activated carbon removes organic matter from Chemical used to kill ticks and mites.
wastewater. (7) Law. Act or process of ab-
sorbing. Term used in collective bargaining ACBM
agreements to provide seniority for union Asbestos-containing building material.
members if employer's business is merged ACCC
with another. See area control computer complex.
absorption coefficient accelerate stop distance available
In acoustics, the fraction of incident sound ab- Federal Aviation Administration. The runway
sorbed or otherwise not reflected by a surface. plus stopway length declared available and
absorptive muffler suitable for the acceleration and deceleration
A type of acoustic muffler that is designed to of an airplane aborting a takeoff.
absorb sound energy as sound waves pass acceleration
through it. A vector representing the rate of change of
abstention doctrine velocity with time.
Law. Permits a federal court, in the exercise of acceleration illusion
its discretion, to relinquish jurisdiction where Any perception of apparent motion or change
necessary to avoid needless conflict with the in motion resulting from acceleration-induced
administration by a state of its own affairs. stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, the
abstract of record visual system, or other mechanoreceptors.
Law. A complete history in short, abbreviated acceleration loss
form of the case as found in the record, com- In ventilation, the energy required to acceler-
plete enough to show the appellate court that ate air to a higher velocity.
the questions presented for review have been
properly reserved. An abbreviated, accurate, acceleration power
and authentic history of proceedings. Measured in kilowatts. Pulse power obtain-
able from a battery used to accelerate a vehi-
cle. This is based on a constant current pulse
To reach; to touch. To touch at the end; be
for 30 seconds at no less than 2/3 of the
contiguous; join at a border or boundary; ter-
maximum open-circuit voltage, at 80% depth-
minate on; end at; border on; reach or touch
of-discharge relative to the battery's rated ca-
with an end. The term abutting implies a
pacity and at 20 degrees Celsius ambient tem-
closer proximity than the term adjacent. No
intervening land.
acceleration syndrome
abutting owner
An owner of land which abuts or adjoins. The Any change in physiological and/or perceptual-
term usually implies that the relative parts motor-cognitive function due to the forces im-
posed on the body by changes in velocity. Also
actually adjoin, but is sometimes loosely used
without implying more than close proximity. known as g-force syndrome. See also positive g,
negative g, and transverse g.
Alternating current. accelerator
A device for imparting kinetic energy to elec-
AC trically charged particles such as electrons,
See alcohol concentration. protons, helium ions and other ions of ele-
ACAIS ments of interest. Common types of accel-
See Air Carrier Activity Information System. erators include the Van der Graaf, Cockcroft-
Walton, cyclotrons, betatrons, linear accel-
erators, and others.
The spine; one of the acute processes of the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

accelerometer value for use in evaluating potential non-
A force transducer used in measuring accel- carcinogenic health effects resulting from ex-
eration. Also referred to as acceleration posure to a chemical.
transducer and acceleration pickup. acceptable lift
accelerometry Ninety pounds multiplied by a series of fac-
The quantitative measurement of accelera- tors related to the location of the object to be
tions of a structure or its components. lifted, its distance from a specific position,
and the lift frequency.
accent lighting
Any form of directional or other unique illu- acceptable quality level (AQL)
mination emphasis as an attempt to bring at- The maximum allowable average percentage
tention to a segment of the field of view or of vehicles or exhaust systems that can fail
some object within the environment. sampling inspection under a Selective En-
forcement Audit under Chapter I, (Environ-
mental Protection Agency), Subchapter G
With regard to the use of instruments, the
(Noise Abatement Programs) of Title 40
willingness of personnel to use an instrument
(Protection of Environment) of the Code of
when considering its characteristics, such as
Federal Regulations.
weight, noise, response time, drift, portability,
reliability, interference effects, etc. acceptable risk
(1) That degree of risk which society is will-
acceptable daily intake (ADI)
ing to take after societal, economic, and po-
An estimate similar in concept to the RfDs;
litical factors are considered. (2) The residual
however, derived using a less rigorously de-
risk that remains after all possible control
fined methodology. RfDs have replaced the
measures have been implemented that is
ADI as the EPA's preferred value for use in
deemed acceptable by the party or parties that
evaluating potential non-carcinogenic health
are exposed to the risk (e.g., management,
effects resulting from exposure to a chemical.
employees, the public, the government, etc.).
acceptable entry conditions
As pertains to confined space entry, the con-
With regard to electrical installations, ac-
ditions that must exist in a permit space to
cepted means it has been inspected and found
allow entry and to ensure that employees in-
by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
volved with a permit-required confined space
to conform to specified plans or to procedures
entry can safely enter into and work within
of applicable codes.
the space.
access, easement of
acceptable indoor air quality
Law. An easement of access is the right
Indoor air in which there are no known con-
which an abutting owner has of ingress to and
taminants at harmful levels and air with which
egress from his/her premises, in addition to
80% of the occupants of the indoor environ-
the public easement in the street.
ment are satisfied with its quality.
access restrictions road gate
acceptable intake for chronic exposure (AICs)
Constraints on use of a road.
An estimate similar in concept to the RfDs;
however, derived using a less rigorously de- access rights
fined methodology. RfDs have replaced AICs This element identifies who has acquired legal
as the EPA's preferred value for use in evalu- access rights over a road segment.
ating potential non-carcinogenic health effects access time
resulting from exposure to a chemical. That temporal interval required to gain an
acceptable intake for subchronic exposure opening to or achieve a certain position within
(AIS) a given structure.
An estimate similar in concept to a subchronic access to counsel
RfDs; however, derived using a less rigor- Law. Right of one to consult with his/her at-
ously defined methodology. Subchronic RfDs torney as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment
have replaced AICs as the EPA's preferred of the U.S. Constitution.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

accessibility crime. See also abet, aid, accessory after the
A measure of the ease with which a location fact, accessory before the fact, and accessory
may be reached, entered, or viewed. during the fact.
accessibility score accessory after the fact
A rating based on the cross-sectional area of Law. Any person who, knowing a felony to
the access path available for an individual or have been committed by another, receives,
body part to reach the desired point. relieves, comforts, or assists the felon, in or-
accessible der to enable him/her to escape from punish-
(1) Equipment. Admitting close approach. ment, or the like.
Not guarded by locked doors, elevation, or accessory before the fact
other effective means. See also readily acces- Law. One who orders, counsels, encourages,
sible. (2) Wiring Methods. Capable of being or otherwise aids and abets another to commit
removed or exposed without damaging the a felony and who is not present at the com-
building structure or finish, or not perma- mission of the offense. The primary distinc-
nently closed in by the structure or finish of tion between the accessory before the fact and
the building. See also concealed and ex- the principle in the second degree is presence.
posed. accessory during the fact
accessible environment Law. A person who stands by without inter-
The atmosphere, land surfaces, surface wa- fering or giving such help as may be in his/her
ters, oceans and all of the lithosphere that is power to prevent the commission of a crimi-
beyond the controlled area, according to nal offense.
Chapter I, (Environmental Protection accessory movement
Agency), Subchapter F (Radiation Protection See synkinesia.
Programs) of Title 40 (Protection of Envi-
ronment) of the Code of Federal Regulations. accessory or auxiliary equipment
A particular item of equipment added to a
accessible stations vehicle to aid or contribute to the vehicle's
A public transportation passenger facility operation and/or mission.
which provides ready access, is useable, and
does not have physical barriers that prohibit accident
and/or restrict access by individuals with dis- (1) General. An unplanned, unforeseen, and
abilities, including individuals who use therefore unwanted or undesired event that
wheelchairs. may or may not result in physical harm and/or
property damage; any unplanned event that
accessible vehicles interrupts or interferes with the orderly pro-
Public transportation revenue vehicles which gress of a production activity or process. (2)
do not restrict access, are usable, and provide System Safety. An unwanted event resulting
allocated space and/or priority seating for in- from the occurrence of one or more fault inci-
dividuals who use wheelchairs. dents that have a negative impact on a system,
accessory product, equipment, or personnel. (3) Worker's
Criminal Law. (1) Contributing to or aiding Compensation Law. Any unforeseen, unto-
in the commission of a crime. One who, ward happening which was not to be reasona-
without being present at the commission of a bly anticipated. An unlooked for and unto-
felonious offense, becomes guilty of such of- ward event which is not expected or designed
fense, not as a chief actor, but as a participa- by injured employee; a result produced by a
tor, as by command, advice, instigation, or fortuitous cause. (4) Insurance. Includes
concealment; either before or after the fact or continuous or repeated exposure to the same
commission. (2) One who is not the chief conditions resulting in public liability which
actor in the offense, nor present at its per- the insured neither expected nor intended. (5)
formance, but is in some way concerned Department of Transportation. An occurrence
therein, either before or after the act commit- involving a commercial motor vehicle oper-
ted. (3) One who aids, abets, commands, or ating on a public road which results in one of
counsels another in the commission of a the following: a fatality; bodily injury to a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

person, who as a result of the injury, immedi- employees that requires medical treatment or
ately receives medical treatment away from results in restriction of work or motion for one
the scene of the accident; or one or more mo- or more days, one or more lost work days,
tor vehicles incurring disabling damage as a transfer to another job, termination of em-
result of the accident, requiring the vehicle to ployment, or loss of consciousness; or iv) Oc-
be transported away from the scene by a tow cupational illness of a railroad employee as
truck or other vehicle. It does not include an diagnosed by a physician. (10) Aviation. An
occurrence involving only boarding and aircraft accident is defined by the National
alighting from a stationary motor vehicle; an Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) as an
occurrence involving only the loading or un- occurrence associated with the operation of an
loading of cargo; or an occurrence in the aircraft which takes place between the time
course of the operation of a passenger car or a any person boards the aircraft with the inten-
multipurpose passenger vehicle, as defined in tion of flight until all such persons have dis-
49 CFR 571.3, by a motor carrier and is not embarked, and in which any person suffers
transporting passengers for hire or hazardous death or serious injury as a result of being in
materials of a type and quantity that require or upon the aircraft or by direct contact with
the motor vehicle to be marked or placarded the aircraft or anything attached thereto, or in
in accordance with 49 CFR 177.823. (6) which the aircraft receives substantial dam-
American Gas Association. (a) An event that age.
involves the release of gas from a pipeline or accident analysis
of liquefied natural gas or gas from an LNG A concerted, organized, methodical, planned
facility resulting in a death, or personal injury process of examination and evaluation of all
necessitating in-patient hospitalization; or es- evidence and records identified during inves-
timated property damage, including cost of tigation of accidents.
gas lost, of the operator or others, or both, of
$50,000 or more; (b) An event that results in accident classes
an emergency shutdown of an LNG facility; Transportation. Term used to categorize
(c) An event that is significant, in the judg- commercial vehicle accidents according to ac-
ment of the operator, even though it did not cident severity (i.e., fatal accidents, injury ac-
meet the criteria of (a) or (b). (7) Federal cidents, and property damage accidents).
Transit Association. An incident involving a
moving vehicle. Includes collisions with a ve- accident consequences
hicle, object, or person (except suicides) and Transportation. The physical results of motor
derailment/left roadway. (8) National Safety vehicle accidents. Consequences include fa-
Council. Occurrence in a sequence of events talities, injuries, and property damage.
that produces unintended injury, death, or accident frequency rate
property damage. Accident refers to the event, An older term for the number of lost time ac-
not the result of the event. (9) Railroad Acci- cidents per 1,000,000 man-hours worked.
dent/Incident. (a) Any impact between rail- Also known as frequency rate, it is repre-
road on-track equipment and an automobile, sented by the following formula:
bus, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, farm vehicle,
or pedestrian at a rail-highway grade crossing; number of lost-time accidents
(b) Any collision, derailment, fire, explosion, 1,000,000 man-hours worked
act of God, or other event involving operation
of railroad on-track equipment (standing or accident insurance
moving) that results in more than $6,300 in Form of insurance which undertakes to in-
damages to railroad on-track equipment, sig- demnify the insured against expenses, loss of
nals, track, track structures, and road-bed; (c) time, and suffering resulting from accidents
Any event arising from the operation of a rail- causing him/her physical injury, usually by
road which results in: i) Death of one or more payment at a fixed rate per month while the
persons; ii) Injury to one or more persons, consequent disability lasts, and sometimes in-
other than railroad employees, that requires cluding the payment of a fixed sum to his/her
medical treatment; iii) Injury to one or more heirs in case of death by accident within the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

term of the policy. See also insurance and accident risk assessment
casualty insurance. A written evaluation of those hazards associ-
accident investigation ated with the operation of a given facility, in-
A detailed and methodical effort to collect and cluding any equipment or hardware used in
interpret facts related to an individual acci- the facility. A determination of the accident
dent, conducted to identify the causes and de- potential and an explanation of control meas-
velop control measures to prevent recurrence; ures are also provided.
a systematic look at the nature and extent of accident risk factor
the accident, the risks taken, and loss(es) in- A dangerous element of a system, event,
volved; an inquiry as to how and why the ac- process, or activity, including causal factors
cident event occurred. such as design or programming deficiency,
accident phases component malfunction, human error, or envi-
In an accident investigation, when evaluating ronment, which can propagate a hazard into
the sequence of events that resulted in an ac- an accident if adequate controls are not effec-
cident, the events are divided into three tively applied (MIL-STD-1574A).
phases or categories: pre-contact (before the accident severity rate
accident), contact (the accident), and post- An older term for the number of lost work-
contact (after the accident). Analysis of the days per 1,000,000 man-hours worked. Also
events occurring in each phase facilitates the known as severity rate, it is represented by the
identification of loss-inducing activities and following formula:
conditions. Also referred to as the three
number of lost workdays
stages of loss control. ASR =
1,000,000 man-hours worked
accident potential
A situation comprised of human behaviors accident site
and/or physical conditions having a probabil- The location of an unexpected occurrence,
ity of resulting in an accident. failure, or loss, either at a plant or along a
accident prevention transportation route, resulting in a release of
(1) Efforts or countermeasures that are taken hazardous materials, property damage, per-
to reduce the number and severity of acci- sonnel injury or death, or some other combi-
dents. (2) The design or application of coun- nation of loss events.
termeasures in an environment to reduce acci- accident sources
dents or the accident potential. Accidents generally involve one or all of five
accident proneness elements: people, equipment, material, proce-
A non-scientific determination or belief that a dures, and the work environment, each of which
particular person may have a tendency toward must interact for successful business operations.
being involved in or contributing to accidents. However, when something unplanned and unde-
sired occurs within either of these elements,
accident rate
there is usually some adverse effect on any one
The accident experience relative to a base unit or all of the other elements, which if allowed to
of measure (e.g., the number of disabling inju- continue uncorrected, could lead to an incident
ries per 1,000,000 person-hours worked). See
or accident and subsequent loss.
also accident frequency rate.
accident type
accident repeater Federal Highway Association. An accident
A person who has been principally involved,
type is classified as either "collision" or "non-
regardless of cause, in more than one accident
within a predetermined and specified period
of time, for example, one year. accidental death
A death causally related to some accident.
accident risk
A measure of vulnerability to loss, damage, or accidental impact
injury caused by a dangerous element or fac- An undesired, other than functional impact.
tor (MIL-STD-1574A). Also referred to as a nuisance impact.

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accidental release to an assigned function or task. Responsibil-
The unanticipated emission of a regulated ity assigned by management to an individual
substance or other extremely hazardous sub- to carry out an assignment.
stance into ambient air from a stationary accounting changes income (loss)
source. The difference between the amount of re-
acclimatization tained earnings at the beginning of the period
An adaptive process which results in a reduc- in which a change in accounting has occurred
tion of the physiological response produced as and the amount of retained earnings that
a result of the application of a constant envi- would have been reported, net of applicable
ronmental stress, such as heat, on the body; taxes, at that date if the new accounting had
the process of becoming accustomed to new been applied retroactively for all applicable
conditions; the physiological and behavioral periods.
adjustments of an organism to changes in its accounts receivable insurance
environment. Insurance coverage designed to protect against
accommodation inability to collect because of damage to records
(1) Physiology. The ability of the eye to focus which support the accounts.
for varying distances; the adjustment of the accredited laboratory
eye lens whereby it is able to focus a clear Certification awarded to an analytical labora-
image onto the retina. (2) Law. An arrange- tory that has successfully participated in a
ment or engagement made as a favor to an- proficiency testing program, such as that of
other, not upon a consideration received. the American Industrial Hygiene Association
Something done to oblige, usually spoken of a (AIHA).
loan of money or commercial paper, also a
friendly agreement or composition of differ- accretion
ences. The word implies no consideration. The growth of a precipitation particle by the
collision of an ice crystal or snowflake with a
accommodation of workers super-cooled liquid droplet that freezes upon
See worker accommodation. impact. Also referred to as riming.
accomplice accumulation start date
Law. One who knowingly, voluntarily, and That date when the first drop or piece of waste
without common intent unites with the princi- has been put into the container.
pal offender in the commission of a crime.
One who aids and assists, or is an accessory. accumulative timing
One is liable as an accomplice to the crime of A time-study technique in which multiple
another if he/she gave assistance or encour- timers are used with electrical or mechanical
agement or failed to perform a legal duty to linkage to obtain task or work cycle times.
prevent it with the intent thereby to promote Also referred to as multiple watch timing.
or facilitate commission of the crime. accumulator
accomplice liability A tank installed in a circulating water system
Law. Criminal responsibility of one who acts to allow for fluctuations in flow, temperature,
with another before, during, or after the per- pressure, or other variation in operation.
petration of a crime. accuracy
accord The degree of agreement between a measured
An agreement between two persons, one of value and the accepted reference value, or the
whom has a right of action against the other, agreement of an instrument reading or ana-
to settle the dispute. lytical result to the true value. When referring
to an instrument's accuracy it represents the
accouchement ability of the device to indicate the true value
Confinement; childbirth. of the measured quantity. For instruments, it
accountable is often expressed as a percentage of the full-
To be called upon to account for the accom- scale range of the instrument.
plishments or non-accomplishments relative

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ACD that compliance must be achievable within the
Allergic contact dermatitis. feasible bounds of economics and technology.
acetabulum Achilles heel
The cavity that receives the head of the thigh Generally refers to the point of weakness that
bone. is most vulnerable or susceptible.
acetic Achilles tendon
Having the properties of vinegar. The tendon that joins the heel bone and the
acetic acid muscles of the calf.
An acid, often prepared by the oxidation of achondroplasia
alcohol, and with water forming the chief in- Defective development of cartilage causing
gredient of vinegar. Acetic acid is used as a dwarfism.
reagent and is sometimes taken internally. ac/hr
acetone Air changes per hour. The movement of a
(1). Chemistry. A chemical compound, volume of air in a given time; if a room has
CH3COCH3, with solvent properties and char- one air change per hour, it means that all of
acteristic odor, obtained by fermentation or the air in the room will be replaced in a one-
produced synthetically; it is a byproduct of hour period.
acetoacetic acid. It can be produced syntheti- achromatic
cally. (2). Physiology. A colorless liquid Without hue (color, chroma); appearing white,
found in minute amounts in the body and in black, or gray.
larger amounts in the blood and urine in dia-
betes, faulty metabolism, and after lengthy achromatic lens
fasting. A lens corrected to have the same focal length
for two or more specified wavelengths.
A substance in the human body having im- achromatic point
portant neurotransmitter effects on various An equal energy white point on the CIE
internal systems; often used as a bronchocon- chromatic diagram with coordinates of x = y =
strictor. 0.33. Also known as white point.
acetylsalicylic acid achromatin
See aspirin. That portion of the nucleus of a cell which is
not stainable.
See area control facility. achromatopsia
Complete color blindness.
Actual cubic feet per minute. achromatous
Having no color; of a lighter color than is
ACGIH usual or normal.
See American Conference of Government
Industrial Hygienists. ACI
American Concrete Institute.
Failure of the sphincter or other muscular acid
valves to relax normally and allow the gas- A compound consisting of hydrogen plus one
trointestinal contents to pass. or more other elements and which, in the
presence of certain solvents or water, reacts
AChe enzyme with the production of hydrogen ions; a com-
Acetylcholinesterase enzyme. pound with pH between zero and seven. As
achievable duty pH decreases from seven to zero, acidity in-
A term used to describe OSHA’s approach to creases. An acid reacts with an alkali to form
employer compliance with safety and health a salt and water; it turns litmus paper red.
regulations and standards. The contention is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

acid-ash diet fur, or nitrogen compounds in the air, and
A special diet prescribed for the purpose of their subsequent absorption into the precipita-
lowering the urinary pH so that alkaline salts tion, thereby making it acidic.
will remain in solution. The diet may be acidity
given to aid in the elimination of fluid in cer- The capacity of an aqueous solution to neu-
tain kinds of edema, in the treatment of some tralize a base.
types of urinary tract infection, and to inhibit
the formation of alkaline urinary calculi. acidophile
Meat, fish, eggs, and cereals are emphasized; A tissue, organism, cell, or substance that shows
fruits, vegetables, and milk may be forbidden an affinity toward an acidic environment.
or restricted. acidophillic
acid-base balance (1) Having the quality of being easy to stain
The maintenance of a normal balance between with acid. (2) Thriving or flourishing in an
the acidity and alkalinity of the body fluids acid environment.
located within the extracellular and intracel- acidosis
lular compartments. Since most of the normal A pathologic condition resulting from the ac-
metabolic processes of the body produce acids cumulation of acid or depletion of the alkaline
as their end products, the body must work reserve (bicarbonate content) in the blood and
continuously to maintain this delicate balance. body tissues, and characterized by an increase
Chemical buffers, principally bicarbonates, in hydrogen ion concentration (decrease in
phosphates, and salts of proteins, help in the pH). The normal pH of the blood is approxi-
neutralization process. The kidneys and lungs mately 7.4 (slightly alkaline) and is main-
also participate in this mechanism because of tained at that level by chemical buffers and
their control of the availability of the electro- normal functioning of the kidneys and lungs.
lytes that are essential to proper functioning of The opposite of acidosis is alkalosis.
the buffer system.
acknowledging device
acid deposition Railroad. A manually operated electric
A complex chemical and atmospheric phe- switch or pneumatic valve by means of which,
nomenon that occurs when emissions of sulfur on a locomotive equipped with an automatic
and nitrogen compounds and other substances train stop or train control device, an automatic
are transformed by chemical processes in the brake application can be forestalled, or by
atmosphere, often far from the original means of which, on a locomotive equipped
sources, and then deposited on earth in either with an automatic cab signal device, the
a wet or dry form. The wet forms, popularly sounding of the cab indicator can be silenced.
called "acid rain," can fall as rain, snow, or
fog. The dry forms are acidic gases or par- acknowledging time
ticulates. See also acid rain. Railroad. As applied to an intermittent auto-
matic train stop system, a predetermined time
acid-fast within which an automatic brake application
Not easily decolorized by acids when stained, may be forestalled by means of the acknowl-
as the tubercule bacillus. edging device.
acid gas acknowledgment circuit
A gas that forms an acid when mixed with Railroad. A circuit consisting of wire or other
water. conducting material installed between the track
acid mantle rails at each signal in the territory where an
The lipid (oily) outside layer of the skin automatic train stop system or cab signal system
structure, composed of oil and sweat, easily of the continuous inductive type with 2 indica-
removed by washing. The acid mantle nor- tion cab signals is in service, to enforce ac-
mally has a pH less than seven. knowledgment by the engineer at each signal
displaying an aspect requiring a stop.
acid rain
The acidity in rain or snow (pH less than 5.6) ACLT
that results from the oxidation of carbon, sul- See actual calculated landing time.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

acne acoustic stimulus
(1) An eruption of hard, inflamed tubercles or Any varying pressure from air or other fluid
pimples on the face, especially during adoles- having sufficient intensity within the trans-
cence but also resulting from exposure (for ducing frequency range of the object or or-
some individuals) to certain chemical sub- ganism. See also auditory stimulus.
stances. (2) An inflammatory disease of the acoustic trauma
skin, arising from the obstruction of the seba- A temporary or permanent hearing loss in one
ceous glands. or both ears as a result of a sudden loud noise
acoustic or blow to the head which caused injury or
(1) The study of sound, including its genera- damage to the ear(s).
tion, transmission, and effects. (2) The cause, acoustical assurance period (AAP)
nature, and phenomena of the vibrations of A specified period of time or miles driven
elastic bodies that affect the organ of hearing. after sale to the ultimate purchaser during
(3) The properties determining audibility or which a newly manufactured vehicle or ex-
fidelity of sound in an auditorium. haust system, properly used and maintained,
acoustic absorption coefficient (m) must continue in compliance with the federal
The ratio of energy absorbed by a material to standard; reference Chapter I (Environmental
the energy incident to it. Protection Agency), Subchapter G (Noise
acoustic descriptor Abatement Programs) of Title 40 (Protection
The numeric, symbolic, or narrative informa- of Environment) of the Code of Federal
tion describing a product's acoustic properties Regulations.
as they are determined according to the EPA acoustical insulation
test methodology as per Chapter I (Environ- Material designed to absorb noise energy that
mental Protection Agency), Subchapter G is incident upon it.
(Noise Abatement Programs) of Title 40 acoustical treatment
(Protection of Environment) of the Code of The use of acoustical (sound) absorbents,
Federal Regulations. acoustical isolation, or other changes or addi-
acoustic flanking tions to a noise source to improve the acousti-
The structural transmission of vibrations to cal environment.
elements which re-radiate the sound in the acquired character
acoustic range. A biological change that results from use or
acoustic intensity environment rather than from heredity.
Represented as "I" it is the rate of flow of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
acoustic energy per specified cross-sectional A severe (life-threatening) disease that repre-
area, as follows:
sents the late clinical stage of infection with
dW the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
dA The HIV most often results in progressive
damage to the immune system and various
acoustic nerve organ systems, especially the central nervous
See auditory nerve. system. Body fluid-to-body fluid contact with
acoustic pressure an infected HIV carrier is required for trans-
See sound pressure. mission. HIV has been recovered from body
fluids other than blood, such as tears, saliva,
acoustic reflex urine, bronchial secretions, spinal fluid, feces,
The contraction of the tensor tympani and vomitus, and others.
stapedius muscles attached to the conducting
middle ear bones to increase acoustic imped- acquisition
ance in response to a high intensity sound. Law. The act of becoming the owner of cer-
tain property; the act by which one acquires or
acoustic scattering procures the property.
The irregular reflection, refraction, and/or
diffraction of sound in many directions.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

acquisitive offense fingertip length. Measured with the individ-
Law. A generic term to describe all forms of ual standing erect with the arms hanging natu-
larceny and offenses against the title or pos- rally at the sides.
session of property.
acromial height, sitting
acquit The vertical distance from the upper seat sur-
Law. To set free, release, or discharge as face to acromial. Measured with the individ-
from an obligation, burden, or accusation. To ual sitting erect and his arms hanging natu-
absolve one from an obligation or a liability; rally at his sides.
or to legally certify the innocence of one
acromial height, standing
charged with a crime.
The vertical distance from the floor or other
acre reference surface to the acromial. Measure
A quantity of land containing 160 square rods, with the individual standing erect with the
4,840 square yards, or 43,560 square feet of arms hanging naturally at the sides, and
land, in whatever shape. his/her weight equally distributed on both
acre-foot feet.
The volume of water that would cover a 1- acromial-radial length
acre area 1 foot deep. Equivalent to 1233.6 The vertical distance from acromial to radial.
cubic meters or 325,850 gallons. Also referred to as acromion-radial length.
acrid Measured with the individual standing erect
Sharp or biting to the taste or smell. and the arms hanging naturally at the sides.
acrobatic flight acromion
An intentional maneuver involving an abrupt (1) The flattened, expanded bony process at
change in an aircraft's attitude, an abnormal the lateral end of the spine of the scapula used
attitude, or abnormal acceleration not neces- as an anthropometric landmark. (2) The out-
sary for normal flight. ward end of the spine of the scapula or shoul-
der blade.
An aldehyde compound used as a microbio- acroosteolysis
cide and in the manufacture of organic chemi- A condition reported in workers exposed to
cals. vinyl chloride and manifested by ulcerating
lesions on the hands and feet.
A rare glandular disease associated with the acrophase
overgrowth of bone, especially in the jaws, The peak value in a biological rhythm cycle.
hands, and feet. acropodium
acromial The most posterior fleshy point on the heel.
Pertaining to the acromion. The most lat- act
eral/superior point of the acromion. (1) General. Denotes external manifestation
acromial-biceps circumference-level length of a person's will; expression of will or pur-
The surface distance along the outer edge of pose; carrying of an idea into action. (2)
the arm from acromial to the level at which Criminal Law. External manifestation of
the relaxed biceps circumference measure is one's will which is prerequisite to criminal re-
taken. Also called the acromion-biceps cir- sponsibility. There can be no crime without
cumference-level length. Measured with the some act, affirmative or negative. An omis-
individual standing erect with arms hanging sion or failure to act may constitute an act for
naturally at the sides and the hands and fin- purpose of criminal law. (3) Legislation. An
gers extended. alternative name for statutory law. A bill
which has been enacted by legislature into
acromial-dactylion length law, as the Occupational Safety and Health
The vertical distance from the acromial to the Act of 1970. When introduced into the first
tip of the middle finger. Also called ac- house of the legislature, a piece of proposed
romion-dactylion length and shoulder- legislation is known as a bill. When passed to

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the next house, it may then be referred to as ally set at 50% of the permissible exposure limit
an act. After enactment the terms law and act (PEL) as specified by the applicable Occupa-
may be used interchangeably. An act has the tional Safety and Health Administration
same legislative force as a joint resolution but (OSHA) Standard. Exposures exceeding the
is technically distinguishable, being of a dif- action level typically require implementation of
ferent form and introduced with the words certain actions, such as medical surveillance,
"Be it enacted" instead of "Be it resolved." training, and monitoring programs, but not nec-
act of God essarily further controls (e.g., engineering con-
An act occasioned by an unanticipated grave trols) aimed at reducing exposures.
natural disaster or other natural phenomenon action limit
of exceptional, inevitable, and irresistible Ergonomics. A NIOSH guideline for the
character the effects of which could not have maximum load which should be lifted manu-
been prevented or avoided by the exercise of ally by a healthy person under given condi-
due care or foresight. tions to maintain acceptable injury incidence
actin and severity rates.
A protein important in the contraction of action limit ratio
muscles. A globular protein involved in mus- The ratio of average lift weight to the calcu-
cle contraction. See also actomyosin. lated action limit. See also action limit.
actinic action potential
Pertaining to that range of ultraviolet wave- A rapid change in electrical potential via the
lengths within the electromagnetic spectrum exchange of ions across the cell membrane in
which is capable of causing chemical changes, nerve and muscle tissues due to an initial de-
generally below about 315 nm. polarization beyond the threshold potential,
actinic keratoconjunctivitis followed by a return to the resting potential.
An inflammatory condition of the corneal Also referred to as nerve impulse and spike.
and/or conjunctival epithelium of the eye due action spectrum
to exposure to intense ultraviolet lights. See The spectral sensitivity curve for a given type
also welder's flash burn. of retinal photosensitive cell.
actinodermatitis actionable fraud
See sunburn. Law. Deception practiced to induce another to
actinomycin part with property or surrender some legal
One of the yellow-red or red polypeptide anti- right. A false representation made with an in-
biotics separated from soil bacteria. tention to deceive.

actinomycosis actionable misrepresentation

A fungous disease in animals that is some- Law. A false statement respecting a fact mate-
times communicated to man. It most often rial to the contract and which is influential in
invades the jaw. procuring it.

action level actionable negligence

(1) Pesticides. Regulatory levels recommended Law. The breach or nonperformance of a legal
by the EPA for enforcement by the FDA and the duty, through neglect or carelessness, result-
USDA when pesticide residues occur in food or ing in damage or injury to another. It is fail-
feed commodities for reasons other than the di- ure of duty, omission of something which
rect application of the pesticide. (2) Environ- ought to have been done, or doing of some-
mental. In the Superfund Program, the existence thing which ought not to have been done. Es-
of a contaminant concentration in the environ- sential elements are failure to exercise due
ment high enough to warrant action or trigger a care, injury, or damage, and proximate cause.
response under SARA and the National Oil and actionable nuisance
Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan. The Law. Anything wrongfully done or permitted
term can be used similarly in other regulatory which injures or annoys another in the enjoy-
programs. (3) Safety. An exposure limit usu- ment of his/her legal rights.

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activated alumina active ingredient
A partially dehydrated form of aluminum ox- Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
ide frequently used as an adsorbent, Chemi- Rodenticide Act (FIFRA): (1) In the case of a
cal formula is Al2O3. pesticide other than a plant regulator, defoli-
ant, or desiccant, an ingredient which will
activated biofilter prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest.
Fixed-film biological wastewater treatment (2) In the case of a plant regulator, an ingredi-
process with recycle of return sludge to reac- ent which, through physiological action, will
tor influent. accelerate or retard the rate of growth or rate
activated carbon (charcoal) of maturation or otherwise alter the behavior
A highly adsorbent form of carbon used to of ornamental or crop plants or the product
remove odors and toxic substances from liq- thereof. (3) In the case of a defoliant, an in-
uid or gaseous emissions. In waste treatment gredient which will cause the leaves or foliage
it is used to remove dissolved organic matter to drop from a plant. (4) In the case of a des-
from wastewater. It is also used in motor ve- iccant, an ingredient which will produce or
hicle evaporative control systems. artificially accelerate the drying of plant tis-
activated sludge
A material that results when primary effluent active institutional control
is mixed with bacteria-laden sludge and then Under Chapter I (Environmental Protection
agitated and aerated to promote biological Agency), Subchapter F (Radiation Protection
treatment. This speeds breakdown of organic Programs) of Title 40 (Protection of Envi-
matter in raw sewage undergoing secondary ronment) of the Code of Federal Regulations:
waste treatment. Controlling access to a disposal site by any
means other than passive institutional con-
activated sludge process trols; performing maintenance operations or
A biological wastewater treatment process in remedial actions at a site; controlling or
which a mixture of wastewater and biologi- cleaning up releases from a site; or monitor-
cally enriched sludge is mixed and aerated to ing parameters related to disposal system per-
facilitate aerobic decomposition by microbes. formance.
activation active isolation
In ionizing radiation, refers to the process of The energy attenuation or conversion to an-
making a material radioactive by bombard- other form through the use of a system re-
ment with neutrons, protons, or other nuclear quiring its own energy to operate and acting
radiation or simply the process of inducing near or within another system which is gener-
radioactivity by irradiation. ating some undesired energy output.
activation analysis active life
A method of chemical analysis, especially for Environmental. The period of operation of a
small traces of material, based on the detec- facility that begins with initial receipt of a
tion of characteristic radionuclides. solid waste and ends at completion of closure
activation energy activities.
The energy required to initiate a process or active movement
reaction. The process of moving a limb or other body
active part by an individual under one's own control.
Resulting from internal causes and/or pur- Also known as volitional movement.
poseful effort by an entity. active negligence
active aircraft Law. A term of extensive meaning embracing
All legally registered civil aircraft which flew many occurrences that would fall short of
one or more hours. willful wrongdoing, or of crass negligence,
for example, all inadvertent acts causing in-
jury to others, resulting from failure to exer-

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cise ordinary care; likewise, all acts the ef- activities of daily living
fects of which are misjudged or unforeseen, Those functions normally performed on a
through want of proper attention, or reflec- daily or near daily basis that are involved in
tion, and hence the term covers the acts of sustenance of the individual (e.g., eating,
willful wrongdoing and also those which are grooming, dressing, bathing, urination, defe-
not of that character. cation, etc.). See also daily living tasks.
active portion activity
Any area of a facility where treatment, stor- In ionizing radiation, the rate of decay of ra-
age, or disposal operations continue to be dioactive material expressed as the number of
conducted. nuclear disintegrations per second; the num-
active restraint ber of nuclear transformations occurring in a
A restraining device which has a positive given quantity of material per unit time. The
locking feature and requires no action by an units of activity are the curie (Ci) and the bec-
individual to be held in place. An example querel (Bq). See also curie and becquerel.
would be a seat belt system in an automobile activity analysis
at the time of collision. A study of the following set and any interre-
active safety measure lationships within the set: a) involved indi-
Any means of implementing safety precau- viduals, b) the environment, c) the facilities or
tions which requires an individual to take equipment present or available, and d) the ac-
some action, such as reading or comprehend- tions required to perform the particular activ-
ing. An example would be a warning sign in- ity under study.
dicating an unsafe or hazardous condition. activity sampling
active sampling A sampling technique using many instantane-
An air sampling method in which air is drawn ous observations of equipment or workers in-
into the sampler where it is exposed to a sen- volved in an ongoing process to rate them as
sor which measures the concentration of the either functioning or non-functioning on each
contaminant in the sampled air, or is ab- sample. Used for estimating the amount of
sorbed/adsorbed by a sorbent for later analy- time a machine or worker spends performing
sis. Also referred to as a pumped sample. See some function. Also referred to as work sam-
also sample draw. pling, snap reading technique, snap reading
method, and random observation method. See
active vehicle also work measurement.
American Public Transit Association. Transit
passenger vehicles licensed, where required, actomyosin
and maintained for regular use, including A combination of actin and myosin which is
spares and vehicles out of service for mainte- involved in muscle contraction.
nance purposes, but excluding vehicles in actual 1985 emission rate
"dead" storage, leased to other operators, in Under the Clean Air Act (CAA): For electric
energy contingency reserve status, perma- utility units it means the annual sulfur dioxide
nently not usable for transit service, and new or nitrogen oxides emission rate in pounds per
vehicles not yet outfitted for active service. million Btu as reported in the NAPAP Emis-
active vehicles in fleet sions Inventory, Version 2, National Utility
Federal Transit Association. The vehicles in Reference File. For non-utility units, the term
the year-end fleet that are available to operate “actual 1985 emission rate” means the annual
in revenue service, including vehicles tempo- sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides emission
rarily out of service for routine maintenance rate in pounds per million Btu as reported in
and minor repairs. the NAPAP Emission Inventory, Version 2.
See utility unit and non-utility unit.
active window
That view on a display with which the user is actual calculated landing time (ACLT)
currently interacting. A flight's frozen calculated landing time. An
actual time determined at freeze calculated
landing time (FCLT) or meter list display in-

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terval (MLDI) for the adapted vertex for each actuation torque
arrival aircraft based upon runway configura- That force directed at some distance from the
tion, airport acceptance rate, airport arrival center of rotation which is required to over-
delay period, and other metered arrival air- come static friction and begin rotation of a
craft. This time is either the vertex time of ar- control or other mechanical device.
rival (VTA) of the aircraft or the tentative cal- acuity
culated landing time (TCLT)/actual calculated Of or pertaining to the sensitivity of receptors
landing time (ACLT) of the previous aircraft used in hearing and vision; acuteness, or
plus the arrival aircraft interval (AAI), which- sharpness of the senses. See also visual acu-
ever is later. This time will not be updated in ity, vernier acuity, Snellen acuity, stereo-
response to the aircraft's progress. scopic acuity, and resolution acuity.
actual coverage acupuncture
See standard coverage. An ancient Chinese technique of puncturing
actual damages certain points in the body with long thin nee-
Real, substantial, and just damages, or the dles to treat painful conditions and to produce
amount awarded to a complainant in compensa- local anesthesia.
tion for his/her actual and real loss or injury, as
opposed on the one hand to nominal damages
and on the other to exemplary or punitive dam-
ages. Synonymous with compensatory damages
and general damages. See also damages.
actual service
Federal Transit Association. Total service
operated during each time period. Actual
service excludes missed trips and service in-
terruptions (such as strikes, emergency shut-
downs), but also includes deadheading. Ac-
tual service is measured by vehicles in serv- Acupuncture needle (at arrow) applied just under patient's eye
ice, in miles and/or hours.
actual severity acute
United States Coast Guard. On scene evalua- Having a sudden onset and reaching a crisis
tion of the degree of danger that existed. An rapidly. Effects are observed in a short period
"after-the-fact" evaluation by the reporting unit. of time following exposure to an acute toxi-
actual time
See observed time. acute dermal LD50
The single dermal dose of a substance, ex-
actual vapor pressure pressed as milligrams per kilogram of body
See vapor pressure. weight, that is lethal to 50% of the test popu-
actual vehicle miles/hours lation of animals under specified test condi-
The miles/hours a vehicle travels while in reve- tions.
nue service (actual vehicle revenue miles/hours)
acute effect
plus deadhead miles/hours. For rail vehicles,
An effect that results following a brief expo-
vehicle miles/hours refer to passenger car
sure to a chemical, biological, or physical
miles/hours. Actual vehicle miles/hours exclude
agent. For example, severe skin irritation and
miles and hours for charter services, school bus
even corrosive damage can occur after brief
service, operator training, and maintenance
exposure to acids or bases, depending upon
the strength of the chemical, the duration of
actuation force contact, and the size of the exposure area.
That force required to overcome static friction
acute exposure
and begin the movement of a control or other
(1) Chemical. A sudden, short, rapid associa-
mechanical device.
tion with a chemical compound. (2) Radia-

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tion. Exposure of short duration, generally Adam's apple
taken to be the total dose absorbed within 24 The prominence of the thyroid cartilage on the
hours. (3) Biologic. A brief encounter with a fore part of throat, predominantly in men.
pathogenic or nonpathogenic microorganism. adaptation
acute LC50 (1) A change in an organism's structure or
A concentration of a substance, expressed as habit that helps it to adjust to its surroundings.
parts per million parts of medium (e.g., air, (2) A self-generated adjustment in a system in
water, etc.), that is lethal to 50% of the test response to changes in the environment as an
population of animals under specified test attempt to maintain functionality. Also re-
conditions. ferred to as adaptive response. See also sen-
acute oral LD50 sory adaptation and perceptual adaptation.
A single orally administered dose of a sub- adaptive control
stance, expressed as milligrams per kilogram A form of automated control equipped with a
of body weight, that is lethal to 50% of the self-contained decision-making capability for
test population of animals under specified test modifying its own operation based on previ-
conditions. ous experience.
acute oxygen toxicity adaptive equipment
A central nervous system disorder due to Any type of equipment which enables a dis-
breathing pure oxygen at higher than normal abled or other individual to operate a machine
pressures for several minutes to a few hours, or system.
depending on the pressure, and characterized adaptive response
by a range of symptoms from muscle twitch- See adaptation.
ing to convulsions. See also chronic oxygen
toxicity. adaptometer
An instrument designed to determine the de-
acute radiation effects gree of retinal adaptation or the time course
Any of one or more types of illnesses or other over which adaptation occurs by measuring
bodily disorders that follow exposure to rela- changes in an observer's threshold for light
tively high doses of ionizing radiation result- detection.
ing in deaths of significant numbers of cells.
add on control device
acute radiation syndrome An air pollution control device such as a car-
A medical term for radiation sickness. See bon absorber or incinerator which reduces the
also acute radiation effects. pollution in an exhaust gas. The control de-
acute reaction vice usually does not affect the process being
A sudden physiologic response as a result of controlled and thus is "add on" technology, as
an exposure to a hazard (i.e., chemical, physi- opposed to a scheme to control pollution
cal, biological, ergonomic, etc.). through making some alteration to the basic
acute toxicity process.
The ability of a substance to cause poisonous addict
effects resulting in severe biological harm or One who is addicted to a practice or a habit,
death soon after a single exposure or dose. especially to narcotics.
Also, any severe poisonous effect resulting addiction
from a single short-term exposure to a toxic The state of being addicted; habitual, compul-
substance. sive use of narcotics.
ACV addictive
See aquatic chronic value. Causing addiction; one of a class of drugs that
adactylia are habit-forming in nature.
Absence of fingers or toes, or both, from Addison's disease
birth. A disease characterized by asthenia, digestive
disturbances, and usually a brownish colora-

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tion of the skin caused by disturbance of expand on an existing program of a partici-
function of the adrenal glands. pating agency.
additional capital invested additional work allowance
The difference between the price at which See excess work allowance.
capital stock is sold and the par or stated value additive
of the stock, gains or losses arising from the A substance added in small amounts to an-
reacquisition and the resale or retirement of other for improvement, as a drug added to a
each class and series of capital stock, dona- medicine.
tions, the excess of retained earnings capital-
ized over par or stated value of capital stock additive color mixing
issued, adjustments in capital resulting from The addition of colored lights to an already
reorganization or recapitalization, proceeds illuminated surface or region, resulting in a
attributable to detachable stock purchase war- change of apparent color. Also known as
rants related to debt issues, and contributions light mixing.
to the business enterprise by individual pro- additivity
prietors or partners. Interaction of a mixture of substances in
additional insured which exposure results in a response equal to
A person, other than the named insured, such the sum of the responses expected from each
as the insured person's spouse, who is pro- component of the mixture.
tected under the terms of the contract. See adduct
also insurance. (1) Chemistry. An un-bonded association of
additional services two molecules, in which a molecule of one
Advisory information provided by Air Traffic component is either wholly or partly locked
Control (ATC) which includes but is not lim- within the crystal lattice of the other. (2)
ited to the following: 1) Traffic advisories. 2) Physiology. To draw (one's limb) toward the
Vectors, when requested by the pilot, to assist body's main axis.
aircraft receiving traffic advisories to avoid adduction
observed traffic. 3) Altitude deviation infor- The action by which a part of the body is
mation of 300 feet or more from an assigned drawn toward the body's axis.
altitude as observed on a verified (reading
correctly) automatic altitude readout (Mode adductor
C). 4) Advisories that traffic is no longer a In physiology, the muscle that draws toward
factor. 5) Weather and chaff information. 6) the mesial line of the body.
Weather assistance. 7) Bird activity informa- adenalgia
tion. 8) Holding pattern surveillance. Addi- A glandular pain.
tional services are provided to the extent pos-
sible contingent only upon the controller's ca-
Inflammation of gland or lymph nodes.
pability to fit them into the performance of
higher priority duties and on the basis of adenocarcinoma
limitations of the radar, volume of traffic, fre- A malignant tumor that appears in glandular
quency congestion, and controller workload. epithelium.
The controller has complete discretion for adenofibroma
determining if he is able to provide or con- A benign tumor of connective tissue fre-
tinue to provide a service in a particular case. quently found in the uterus.
The controller's reason not to provide or con-
tinue to provide a service in a particular case adenoid
is not subject to question by the pilot and need An enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the
not be made known to him/her. upper pharynx that hinders nasal breathing.
additional vehicle adenoma
Government Services Administration. A ve- A benign epithelial tumor in which the cells
hicle added to the inventory of a Fleet Man- form recognizable glandular structures or in
agement Center to fill a new program or to

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which the cells are clearly derived from glan- adjudicative facts
dular epithelium. Factual matters concerning the parties to an
adenomatosis administrative proceeding as contrasted with
The condition of multiple glandular enlarge- legislative facts which are general and usually
ment. do not touch individual questions of particular
parties to a proceeding.
adenosine (ATP)
adjudicatory proceedings
A crystalline nucleoside, derived from the
A legal proceeding in a government agency
nucleic acid of yeast, which upon undergoing
wherein the rights and duties of specifically
hydrolysis yields adenine and ribose.
named parties are decided by applying law
ADF and policy to facts. Also known as a Trial
See automatic direction finder. Type proceeding. This usually carries with it
adhesion a right to appeal to a higher level within the
(1) General. Molecular attraction that holds agency or court.
surfaces of two substances in contact. (2) adjustable speed drives
Physiology. A growth of scar tissue resulting Drives that save energy by ensuring the mo-
from an incision; the abnormal union of adja- tor's speed is properly matched to the load
cent tissues resulting from inflammation. placed on the motor. Terms used to describe
adhesive dirt this category include polyphase motors, motor
oversizing, and motor rewinding.
Any form of dirt which tends to remain at-
tached to a surface through an inherent sticki- adjutant general
ness. See also dirt. An officer in charge of the National Guard of
one of the States. The administrative head of
a military unit having a general staff.
Refers to a reaction that occurs without a gain
or loss (or transfer) of heat between the sys- Adler's theory
tem (such as an air parcel) and its surround- An approach to psychology based on the hy-
ings. In an adiabatic process, compression pothesis that behavior is governed by an effort
always results in warming and expansion re- to compensate for inferiority or deficiency.
sults in cooling. administrative agency
adiabatic lapse rate A governmental body charged with adminis-
The constant rate at which temperatures de- tering and implementing particular legislation,
crease as altitude increases. In a dry atmos- such as the Occupational Safety and Health
phere the dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is Administration (OSHA) that is charged with
approximately -1.00°C per 100 meter rise. the administration of the Occupational Safety
and Health Act.
adipose tissue
That tissue composed primarily of fat cells administrative authority
with connective tissue for support. The power of an agency or its head (the ad-
ministrator) to carry out the terms of law cre-
ADIZ ating that agency as well as to make regula-
See Air Defense Identification Zone. tions for the conduct of business before that
adjudicate agency; distinguishable from legislative au-
To settle in the exercise of judicial authority. thority to make laws.
adjudicated rights administrative class V road
Rights which have been recognized in a judi- An administrative access road which consists
cial or administrative proceeding. of all public roads intended for access to ad-
ministrative developments or structures such
adjudication as offices, employee quarters, or utility areas.
To hear and decide a case. Refers to the
judge’s decision. The legal right to resolve a administrative class VI road
dispute. A restricted road normally closed to the pub-
lic, including patrol roads, truck trails, and
other similar roads.

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administrative control administrative procedure
A measure initiated to reduce worker expo- Methods and processes before administrative
sure to various stresses in the work environ- agencies as distinguished from judicial proce-
ment. An example is limiting the amount of dure which applies to courts. Procedural rules
time an employee can work around health and regulations of most federal agencies are
hazards. set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations.
administrative law See also Administrative Procedure Act.
Refers to that body of law that governs the Administrative Procedures Act
methods by which administrative agencies A federal law enacted in 1946 (60 Stat. 237, 5
make and implement decisions. Federal ad- U.S.C.A) that provides procedures and re-
ministrative law is based primarily on specific quirements related to the promulgation of
provisions of the U.S. Constitution, as well as regulations by federal agencies, such as the
various other federally mandated statutes. It EPA and OSHA. Individual states have also
is within this regulatory framework of ad- enacted variations of the federal act.
ministrative law that the basis for occupa- administrative process
tional safety and health legislation obtains the In general, the procedure used before admin-
force of law. istrative agencies; in particular, the means of
administrative law judge summoning witnesses before such agencies
One who presides at an administrative hear- (e.g., the subpoena).
ing, with power to administer oaths, take tes- administrative record
timony, rule on questions of evidence, regu- The compilation of documents and exhibits by
late course of proceedings, and make agency an agency to support or explain a decision.
determinations of fact. Often used to describe the written basis of a
administrative office of the United States courts regulatory decision by EPA or a state envi-
Created by the Administrative Office Act of ronmental agency to promulgate a regulation
1939, it is responsible for administration of or issue or deny a permit or license.
the federal court system, as a whole, including administrative review
collection of statistics on court business, su- Generally refers to judicial review of admin-
pervision of administrative personnel in the istrative proceedings; may also embrace ap-
courts, and conducting of financial and man- pellate review within the administrative
agement audits of the courts. agency itself.
administrative officer administrative road
Politically, and as used in constitutional law, Consists of all public and non-public roads
an officer of the executive department of gov- intended to be used principally for adminis-
ernment, and generally one of inferior rank; trative purposes. It includes roads servicing
legally, a ministerial or executive officer, as employee residential areas, maintenance areas
distinguished from a judicial officer. and other administrative developments, as
administrative order well as restricted patrol roads, truck trails, and
The final disposition of a matter before an similar service roads.
administrative agency, such as the Environ- administrative rule
mental Protection Agency (EPA), directing an A regulation which implements a law. Since
individual, business, or other entity to take the implementation of a law often requires
corrective action or refrain from an activity. technical experience and familiarity with the
It describes the violations and actions to be area being regulated, the legislature often
taken, and can be enforced in court. Such or- grants a state agency the authority to write
ders may be issued, for example, as a result of rules. Before these rules are enforceable, the
an administrative complaint whereby the re- Administrative Procedures Act (1969, PA
spondent is ordered to pay a penalty for vio- 306, as amended) requires that public hearings
lations of a statute. be conducted on the rules and approval is
granted by the Legislative Service Bureau, the
Attorney General, the Joint Committee on

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Administrative Rules, and the agency which adulterants
prepared the rules. The rules are then filed Chemical impurities or substances that by law
with the Secretary of State, after which they do not belong in a food or in a pesticide.
become enforceable. adulterated pesticide
administrative rule-making Applies to any pesticide if its strength or pu-
Power of an administrative agency to make rity falls below the professed standard of
rules and regulations for proceedings before quality as expressed on the labeling under
it. which it is sold; any substance has been sub-
administrative tribunal stituted wholly or in part for the pesticide; or
A particular administrative agency before any valuable constituent of the pesticide has
which a matter may be heard or tried as dis- been wholly or in part abstracted.
tinguished from a judicial forum. ad valorem
admission (1) A charge levied on persons or organiza-
A granting of truth or a conceding of truth tions based on the value of a transaction. It is
from the courts. normally a given percentage of the price at the
retail or manufacturing stage and is a common
admixture form of sales tax, e.g., federal excise tax on
(1) A material or substance added in mixing. new trucks and trailers. (2) A freight rate set
(2) A substance other than cement, aggregate, at a certain percentage of the value of an arti-
or water that is mixed with concrete. cle. 3) A set percentage of the value of tax-
ad nauseam able goods determined by the price at the port
To the point of being sickening. of shipment and calculated for duty assess-
adolescent growth spurt
A phase in the maturing individual near pu- Advanced Dynamic Anthropometric Manne-
berty at which peak height and weight veloci- quin (ADAM)
ties occur, along with changes in body com- An anthropometric dummy developed by the
position. United States Air Force to represent human
anthropometry and vertical dynamic response
adrenal gland for ejection seat testing.
In mammals, a gland adjacent to the kidney
that produces the hormone adrenaline, or epi- advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
nephrine. The hormone influences the heart- Processes using a combination of disinfec-
beat rate, dilates blood vessels, increases tants, such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide,
blood sugar, and plays a major role in other to mineralize toxic organic compounds to
physiological activities of mammals. nontoxic form.
adrenaline Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule-making
See epinephrine. (ANPRM)
A notice appearing in the Federal Register
adsorb indicating the intention of a government
The condensation of a gas, liquid, or dis- agency to develop a regulation on the issue
solved substance on the surface of a solid. indicated in the notification.
adsorbate advanced secondary treatment (AST)
A material adsorbed on the surface of another. Secondary wastewater treatment with en-
adsorption hanced solids separation.
(1) Condensation of gases, liquids. or dis- advanced wastewater treatment (AWT)
solved substances on the surface of solids. (2) Any treatment of sewage that goes beyond the
The attraction and retention of atoms, mole- secondary or biological water treatment stage
cules, or ions on the surface of a solid. and includes the removal of nutrients such as
adult chorea phosphorus or nitrogen and a high percentage
See Huntington's chorea. of suspended solids.

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advection advise intentions
Movement caused by the motion of heat, air, A spoken term, usually by an air traffic con-
water, or another fluid. It specifically refers troller to a pilot or, sometimes, vice versa,
to the horizontal movement by wind currents meaning: "Tell me what you plan to do."
of chemical pollutants or heat. advising bank
advection fog A domestic bank which handles letters of
Occurs when warm, moist air moves over a cold credit for a foreign bank by notifying the ex-
surface and the air cools to below its dew point. porter that the credit has been opened in his
advection frost favor, fully informing him/her of the condi-
See freeze. tions and terms without responsibility on the
part of the bank.
adversary system
The jurisprudential network of laws, rules, advisory
and procedures characterized by opposing (1) A non-regulatory document that commu-
parties who contend against each other for a nicates risk information to persons who may
result favorable to themselves. In such sys- have to make risk management decisions. (2)
tem, the judge acts as an independent magis- Counseling, suggesting, or advising, but not
trate rather than a prosecutor; distinguished imperative or conclusive.
from inquisitorial system. advisory committees
adverse effect Groups of experts used by regulatory agencies
An effect which results in an impairment of the such as OSHA to study and advise on certain
functioning of an organism or which reduces an regulatory issues. The committees consist of
organism's ability to respond to insult. persons from outside the agency who may
have certain expertise in a given area. These
adverse environmental effect committees do not supersede the agency's
Any significant and widespread adverse ef- regulatory powers or responsibilities. They
fect, which may reasonably be anticipated, to only provide input on specific technical
wildlife, aquatic life, or other natural re- and/or policy issues that arise in the course of
sources, including adverse impacts on popu- agency activities.
lations of endangered or threatened species or
significant degradation of environmental advisory counsel
quality over broad areas. Attorney retained to give advice as contrasted
with trial counsel.
adverse weather
The weather conditions considered by the advisory frequency
operator in identifying the response systems Federal Aviation Administration. The appro-
and equipment to be deployed in accordance priate frequency to be used for Airport Advi-
with a response plan, including wave height, sory Service.
ice, temperature, visibility, and currents advisory light
within the inland or Coastal Response Zone A visual indicator which provides information
(defined in the National Contingency Plan (40 on the operation of essential equipment. See
CFR 300)) in which those systems or equip- also advisory signal.
ment are intended to function. advisory opinion
adverse witness Such may be rendered by a court at the re-
A witness who gives evidence on a material quest of the government or an interested party
that is prejudicial or unfavorable to the party indicating how the court would rule on a
that original called the witness. matter should adversary litigation develop.
advice of counsel An advisory opinion is thus an interpretation
A defense used in actions for malicious prose- of the law without binding effect.
cution which requires a finding that the de- advisory service
fendant presented all facts to his/her counsel Federal Aviation Administration. Advice and
and the he/she honestly followed counsel's information provided by a facility to assist

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pilots in the safe conduct of flight and aircraft pensing any substance for plant nourishment,
movement. soil treatment, propagation of plant life, pest
advisory signal control, or fire control, including flying to and
Any type of signal which indicates the condi- from the application site.
tion of equipment or operations. See also ad- aerial observation
visory light. Federal Aviation Administration. Any use of
advocacy an aircraft for aerial mapping and photogra-
The act of pleading for, supporting, or rec- phy, survey, patrol, fish spotting, search and
ommending active espousal. rescue, hunting, highway traffic advisory, or
sightseeing; not included under FAR Part 135.
One who assists, defends, or pleads for an- aerial refueling
other. One who renders legal advice and aid Federal Aviation Administration. A proce-
and pleads the cause of another before a court dure used by the military to transfer fuel from
or a tribunal; a counselor. A person learned in one aircraft to another during flight.
the law, and duly admitted to practice, who aerial tramway
assists his/her client with advice, and pleads (1) American Public Transit Association. An
for him/her in open court. electric system of aerial cables with sus-
AEC pended unpowered passenger vehicles. The
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (the former vehicles are propelled by separate cables at-
name of the present Nuclear Regulatory tached to the vehicle suspension system and
Commission). powered by engines or motors at a central lo-
cation not on board the vehicle. (2) Federal
aeolian deposit Transit Association. Unpowered passenger
Soil deposited by the wind. vehicles suspended from a system of aerial
aeration cables and propelled by separate cables at-
A process which promotes biological degra- tached to the vehicle suspension system. The
dation of organic water. The process may be cable system is powered by engines or motors
passive (as when waste is exposed to air) or at a central location not on board the vehicle.
active (as when a mixing or bubbling device aeroallergen
introduces the air). Airborne material, such as particulates, pol-
aeration tank len, dusts, and dander, that may precipitate an
A chamber used to inject air into water. allergic response in susceptible persons.
aerator aerobe
A device used to introduce air or oxygen into A microorganism whose existence requires
water or wastewater. the presence of air or free oxygen, as opposed
to anaerobe.
The presence of air in the blood. aerobic
Describes an environment with molecular oxy-
aerial application gen present; organisms that live or grow in the
Federal Aviation Administration. Any use of presence of molecular oxygen; reactions that oc-
an aircraft for work purposes which concerns cur in the presence of molecular oxygen.
the production of foods, fibers, and health
control in which the aircraft is used in lieu of aerobic bacteria
farm implements or ground vehicles for the Bacteria that require free oxygen to sustain
particular task accomplished. This includes their life processes.
fire fighting operations, the distribution of aerobic capacity
chemicals or seeds in agriculture, reforesta- See maximal aerobic capacity.
tion, or insect control.
aerobic digestion
aerial application flying Sludge stabilization process in which aerobic
National Transportation Safety Board. The biological reactions destroy biologically de-
operation of aircraft for the purpose of dis- graded organic components of sludge.

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aerobic endurance capacity aeromedicine
See maximal aerobic capacity. That branch of medicine concerned with dis-
aerobic energy orders that result from or occur during flying.
That energy which can be derived from food- aeronautical beacon
stuffs by aerobic metabolism. A visual Navigation Aid (NAVAID) display-
aerobic metabolism ing flashes of white and/or colored light to in-
The normally complete physiological oxida- dicate the location of an airport, a heliport, a
tion of glucose or other bodily fuels in the landmark, a certain point of a federal airway
in mountainous terrain, or an obstruction.
presence of adequate oxygen to water and
carbon dioxide. aeronautical chart
A map used in air navigation containing all or
aerobic treatment
part of the following topographic features:
Process by which microbes decompose com-
hazards and obstructions, navigation aids,
plex organic compounds in the presence of
navigation routes, designated airspace, and
oxygen and use the liberated energy for re-
production and growth. Types of aerobic
processes include extended aeration, trickling Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
filtration, and rotating biological contactors. A primary Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) publication whose purpose is to in-
aerobic work capacity struct airmen about operating in the National
See maximal aerobic capacity. Airspace System of the U.S. It provides basic
aerodrome flight information, Air Traffic Control (ATC)
A defined area on land or water (including procedures, and general instructional infor-
any buildings, installations, and equipment) mation concerning health, medical facts, fac-
intended to be used either wholly or in part tors affecting flight safety, accident and haz-
for the arrival, departure, and movement of ard reporting, and types of aeronautical charts
aircraft. Aerodromes may include airports, and their use. Also referred to as Airmen's
heliports, and other landing areas. See also Information Manual.
airport and heliport. aeronautics
aerodrome beacon Science that focuses on the operation of air-
Aeronautical beacon used to indicate the lo- craft; also the art or science of operating air-
cation of an aerodrome from the air. craft.
aerodrome control tower aeroneurosis
A unit established to provide air traffic control A psychoneurotic condition occurring in air-
service to aerodrome traffic. men and aviators resulting from nervous ten-
sion, worry, or fatigue, characterized by mild
aerodrome elevation
depression, abdominal pain, insomnia, and
The elevation of the highest point of the
nervous irritability.
landing area.
aerodrome traffic circuit (1) A dispersion of solid or liquid particles of
The specified path to be flown by aircraft op-
microscopic size in a gaseous medium.
erating in the vicinity of an aerodrome.
Smokes, fogs, fibers, dusts, and mists are ex-
aerodynamic coefficient amples of common aerosols. (2) Atomized
Non-dimensional coefficients for aerody- particles ejected into the air from a pressur-
namic forces and moments. ized can. (3) A solution of bactericidal sub-
aerodynamic diameter stances that are atomized to sterilize the air of
The diameter of a unit density sphere having a room.
the same settling velocity as the particle in aerosol photometer
question of whatever shape and density. It is An instrument used for detecting aerosols
also referred to as equivalent diameter. (i.e., dusts, mists, fumes, etc.) by exposing
them to a source of illumination, typically a
beam of light, as they are drawn through an

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enclosed volume and measuring the scattered claim. (2) OSHA. A category of defending
light created by the aerosol as it passes against an OSHA citation which basically
through the light beam. holds that the employer is not specifically ar-
aerospace guing the fact that the cited condition(s) ex-
Pertaining to equipment, vehicles, or activities isted. The defense is really to the contrary.
in either or both a planetary atmosphere and By not disputing the cite itself, the employer
space. actually affirms the allegation of non-
compliance but offers substantial proof to
aerovane justify reasons for not complying with the
A wind instrument that indicates or records cited standard(s).
both wind speed and wind direction.
Aesculapian The type of sound produced on complete clo-
(1) Of or pertaining to Aesculapius, the sure of the vocal tract followed by a constric-
Greco-Roman god of healing. (2) Referring tion.
to the art of healing.
aesthenic Air fail open.
See asthenic.
AFARMRL Anthropometric Data Bank American Forest and Paper Association.
A computerized database of several anthro-
pometric surveys, consisting of both Ameri- afterburner
can and foreign subjects. In incinerator technology, a burner located so
that the combustion gases are made to pass
AFC through its flame in order to remove smoke
See automatic fare collection system. and odors. It may be attached to or be sepa-
affect rated from the incinerator proper.
To act upon; influence; change; enlarge or aftercondenser
abridge; often used in the sense of acting inju- A condenser installed as the last stage of an
riously upon persons and things. evaporator venting system to minimize at-
afferent mospheric steam discharge.
Conducting a signal, information, or a sub- after-flame
stance toward a central point, usually referring The time a test specimen continues to flame
to neural structures. after the flame source has been removed.
afferent nerve afterimage
A nerve which conducts sensory information An aftersensation in the visual system. See
from a receptor toward the spinal cord and/or also aftersensation, positive afterimage and
the brain. Also referred to as a sensory nerve. negative afterimage.
AFFF aftersensation
See aqueous film forming foam. A sensory impression in any modality which
affirmative action program persists after cessation of the causing stimu-
Employment programs required by federal lus, but which may have different characteris-
statutes and regulations designed to remedy tics from the original stimulus.
discriminatory practices in hiring minority aftershock
group members. Factors considered are race, Any earthquake which occurs after a larger
color, sex, creed, and age. earthquake (a mainshock) within one rupture-
affirmative defense length of the original fault rupture before the
(1) General Law. In pleading, matter asserted seismicity rate in that area has returned to the
by defendant which, assuming the complaint background (pre-mainshock) level is gener-
to be true, constitutes a defense to it. A re- ally considered an aftershock. For some
sponse to a plaintiff's legal right to bring an earthquakes, a specific aftershock zone may
action, as opposed to attacking the truth of

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be defined, in lieu of the one-rupture-length abused, can expose the organization to crimi-
given above. nal liability.
afterslip agent orange
A seismic slip, very similar to creep, that oc- A toxic herbicide and defoliant which was
curs along a fault ruptured by a large earth- used in the Vietnam conflict. It contains
quake in the months following that event. See 2,4,5-T) trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)
also creep. and 2-4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
after the fact with trace amounts of dioxin.
Subsequent to an event from which time is agent-specific disease
reckoned, e.g., accessory after the fact is one A disease known to be caused only by one
who harbors, conceals, or aids in the con- factor.
cealment of the principal felon after the felony ageusia
has been committed. An impairment in or loss of the sense of taste;
against public interest taste blindness. Also referred to as ageustia.
An agreement or act which is or has been de- AGGIE
clared to be adverse to the general good or A general purpose, 3-D nonlinear finite ele-
public welfare such that a judge may, on ment structures numerical modeling program.
his/her own, declare it void.
agar The process by which precipitation particles
A gelatinous substance extracted from a red grow larger by collision or contact with cloud
algae, commonly used as a medium for labo- particles or other precipitation particles.
ratory cultivation of bacteria.
agar plate The process of uniting solid particles coated
A circular glass plate, containing a nutrient, with a thin layer of adhesive material or of ar-
used to culture microorganisms. resting solid particles by impact on a surface
agency coated with an adhesive.
(1) A relationship between two persons, by aggravating factors
agreement or otherwise, where one (the agent) An increase in the amount of damages or pen-
may act on behalf of the other (the principal) alties. Under the Federal Sentencing Guide-
and bind the principal by words and actions. lines (FSGs) for Organizations, factors con-
(2) The relation created by express or implied sidered in sentencing for an organization to
contract or law whereby one party delegates receive increased penalties are (1) manage-
the transaction of some lawful business with ment involvement in or tolerance of criminal
more or less discretionary power to another activities; (2) the organization’s prior crimi-
who undertakes to manage the affair and ren- nal, civil, and administrative history; (3) vio-
der an account thereof. (3) The location or lations of a court order or probation; and (4)
place at which business of a company, organi- obstruction of justice. See also FSGs.
zation, or individual is transacted by an agent.
(4) A department, division, or administration aggregate
within the federal government (e.g., OSHA, (1) General. The entire number, sum, mass, or
EPA) quantity of something; total amount; complete
whole. (2) Ergonomics. The combination of
agent the tool being manipulated or mass being
(1). Science. A biological, physical, or chemi- lifted/carried with those primary body parts
cal entity capable of causing disease. (2) affected or used in the operation.
Law. A person authorized by another (the
principal) to act for or in place of him/her. aggregate ratio
For example, an individual who, while not an See estimate ratio, mean and ratio estimate.
employee, is authorized to act on behalf of the aggressive sampling
organization in activities or practices which, if A sampling procedure employed following
asbestos removal activities to demonstrate

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that the area is not contaminated with materi- vesting sites to a processing plant or storage
als which contain asbestos fibers. It typically location, as evidenced by skeletal construction
involves stirring up the air in the abated area that accommodates harvest containers, a
to produce worst-case conditions, collecting maximum length of 28 feet, and an arrange-
air samples during this procedure, and ana- ment of air control lines and reservoirs that
lyzing the samples to determine the airborne minimizes damage in field operations.
level of asbestos fibers as structures per cubic agricultural labor
centimeter. Services performed on a farm, for or on behalf
aggrieved party of the owner or tenant.
One whose legal right is invaded by an act agricultural pollution
complained of, or whose pecuniary interest is The liquid and solid wastes from farming,
directly and adversely affected by a decree or including runoff and leaching of pesticides
judgment. and fertilizers; erosion and dust from plowing;
agitator body animal manure and carcasses; crop residues;
Truck body designed and equipped to mix and debris.
concrete in transit. agricultural solid waste
agnosia Solid waste generated by the rearing of ani-
Inability to comprehend a sensory perception, mals, and the producing and harvesting of
although the sensory sphere is intact. Agnosia crops or trees.
results from disorders of the brain or nervous agriculture
system. The science or art of cultivating the soil, har-
agonist vesting crops, and raising livestock; also as
See prime mover. the science or art of the production of plants
agranulocyte and animals useful to man and in varying de-
A leukocyte that does not have cytoplasmic grees the preparation of such products for
man's use and their disposal.
Branch of agriculture that deals with the rais-
A serious, destructive blood disease distin-
ing of crops and the care of the soil.
guished by a decrease of the leukocytes.
agravic illusion Ampere-hour.
See oculoagravic illusion.
Agreement State Asbestos Hazards and Emergency Response
In ionizing radiation, a State that has signed Act.
an agreement with the U.S. Nuclear Regula-
tory Commission allowing the State to regu- A-horizon
late certain activities for the use of radioactive Topsoil, or the uppermost layer of soil con-
materials not normally regulated by the State. taining the highest accumulation of mineral
and organic matter.
Any inorganic, artificial, or manufactured AHP
Air horsepower.
chemical substances used in agricultural proc-
esses, usually as fertilizers, herbicides, and AHS
pesticides. Air handling system; aquatic humic sub-
Pertaining to, or dealing with, agriculture; AHU
also, characterized by or engaged in farming See air-handling unit.
as the leading pursuit. AIA
agricultural commodity trailer Asbestos Information Association.
A trailer that is designed to transport bulk AICHE
agricultural commodities from off-road har- American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

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aid by air conduction and bone audiometric test-
To support, help, assist, or strengthen. To act ing.
in cooperation with; supplement the efforts of air-bound
others. Obstruction of water flow in a pipeline or
aid and abet pump due to the entrapment of air.
To help, assist, or facilitate the commission of air brake
a crime, promote the accomplishment thereof, A brake in which the mechanism is actuated
help in advancing or bringing it about, or en- by manipulation of air pressure. The term is
courage, counsel, or incite as to its commis- often used to describe brakes that employ air
sion. It includes all assistance rendered by under pressure above atmospheric, in contrast
words, acts, encouragement, support, or pres- to vacuum brakes, which employ pressure
ence. actual or constructive, to render assis- below atmospheric.
tance if necessary.
air cargo
AIDS Cargo is freight and mail, loaded and un-
See acquired immune deficiency syndrome. loaded (arriving and departing) at the airport.
AIG It is the total volume of freight, mail, and ex-
See Airbus Industries Group. press traffic transported by air and includes
AIHA the following: Freight and Express commodi-
See American Industrial Hygiene Associa- ties of all kinds, including small package
tion. counter services, express services, and priority
reserved freight; U.S. Mail in all classes of
AIHA accredited laboratory mail transported for the U.S. Postal Service.
A certification given by the AIHA to an ana- Freight is any property carried on an aircraft
lytical laboratory that has met specific re- other than mail, stores, and baggage. Mail
quirements and successfully participated in comprises closed bags handed over by the
the "proficiency Analytical Testing" program postal service, whatever their contents may be
for quality control as established by the Na- and does not include passenger baggage and
tional Institute for Occupational Safety and trucked freight.
air carrier
AIHC (1) A person who undertakes directly by
(1) American Industrial Health Council. (2) lease, or other arrangement, to engage in air
American Industrial Health Conference. transportation. (2) Commercial system of air
AIM transportation, consisting of domestic and in-
See Aeronautical Information Manual. ternational scheduled and charter service. (3)
Commercial system of air transportation con-
AIP sisting of certificated air carriers, air taxis (in-
See airport improvement program. cluding commuters), supplemental air carri-
AIPE ers, commercial operators of large aircraft,
American Institute of Plant Engineers. and air travel clubs. (4) As defined in the
Federal Aviation Act of 1958, any citizen of
the United States who undertakes, whether di-
The mixture of gases that surrounds the earth.
rectly or indirectly, or by lease or any other
The major constituents of air are nitrogen
arrangement, to engage in air transportation.
(78.08%), oxygen (20.95%), argon (0.93%),
(5) An air carrier holding a Certificate of
and carbon dioxide (0.03%).
Public Convenience and Necessity issued by
air-blower noise the Department of Transportation to conduct
See air-handler noise. scheduled services over specified routes and a
air bone gap limited amount of nonscheduled operations.
The decibel difference in the hearing ability (6) Any air operator operating under Federal
level at a particular frequency as determined Aviation Regulation (FAR) Parts 121, 127, or

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Air Carrier Activity Information System ters, parcels, and packages (generally under
(ACAIS) 100 pounds), except by the U.S. Postal serv-
Database of revenue passenger enplanement ice. While these establishments deliver let-
and all-cargo landing data used in the distri- ters, parcels, and packages by air, the initial
bution of AIP (Airport Improvement Pro- pick-up and the final delivery are often made
gram) entitlement funds. by other modes of transportation, such as by
air carrier operations truck, bicycle, or motorcycle. Separate estab-
Arrivals and departures of air carriers certifi- lishments of air courier companies engaged in
cated in accordance with Federal Aviation providing pick-up and delivery only, drop-off
Regulations (FAR) Parts 121 and 127. points; or distribution centers are all classified
in this industry.
air cleaner
A device designed to remove airborne con- air curtain
taminants such as dusts, fumes, vapors, gases, A method of containing oil spills. Air bub-
etc. from the air. bling through a spill causes an upward water
flow that slows the spread of oil. It can also
air cleaning be used to stop fish from entering polluted
An Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) control strategy perforated pipe water.
to remove various airborne particulates and/or
gases from the air. The three types of air Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)
cleaning most commonly used are particulate The area of airspace over land or water, ex-
filtration, electrostatic precipitation, and gas tending upward from the surface, within
sorption. which the ready identification, location, and
control of aircraft are required in the interest
air commerce of national security. Air Defense Identifica-
Interstate, overseas, or foreign air commerce tion Zone (ADIZ) locations and operating and
or the transportation of mail by aircraft or any flight plan requirements for civil aircraft op-
operation or navigation of aircraft within the erations are specified in Federal Aviation
limits of any federal airway or any operation Regulation (FAR) Part 99.
or navigation of aircraft which directly af-
fects, or which may endanger safety in, inter- air density
state, overseas, or foreign air commerce. The weight of air in pounds per cubic foot.
Dry standard air at T (temperature) = 70°F
air conditioning
and BP (barometric pressure) = 29.92 inch Hg
A process of treating air to control factors
(mercury) has a weight density of 0.075
such as temperature, humidity, and cleanli-
lbs./cu.ft (pounds per cubic foot). Also re-
ness, and to distribute the air throughout a
ferred to as weight density.
space to meet the requirements of personal
protective equipment. air diffuser
A device designed to transfer atmospheric
air conduction
oxygen into a liquid.
With regard to acoustics, the process by
which sound is conducted through the air to air dose
the inner ear, with the outer ear canal serving In radiation, a dose of x-rays or gamma rays
as part of the pathway. expressed in roentgens, delivered at a point in
air contaminant free air. In radiological practice, it consists of
the radiation of the primary beam and that
Any particulate matter, gas, or combination
thereof, other than water vapor or natural air. scattered from surrounding air.

air contamination air drying

Introduction of a foreign substance into the air A process to significantly reduce pathogens in
to make the air impure. See also air con- solid waste by allowing liquid sludge to drain
taminant. and/or dry on under-drained sand beds, or
paved or unpaved basins in which the sludge
air courier service is at a depth of nine inches. A minimum of
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- three months is needed, two months of which
ing air delivery of individually addressed let-

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temperatures average on a daily basis above air-line respirator
zero C. A respiratory protective device that is sup-
air embolism plied breathing air through a hose line.
A form of decompression sickness in which air lock
an air bubble blocks blood flow in a blood A system of enclosures or doors which pre-
vessel. vent the transfer of air between one area and
air exchange rate an adjacent one.
(1) The number of times that the outdoor air air, makeup
replaces the volume of air in a building per Air that replaces other air exhausted from a
unit time, typically expressed as air changes space. Insufficient makeup air is one possible
per hour. (2) The number of times that the cause of insufficient exhaust airflow.
ventilation system replaces the air within a air mass
room or area within the building. A widespread body of air that gains certain
air express (reserved priority air freight) meteorological or polluted characteristics,
Freight shipments which are shipped on a such as a heat inversion or smog while set in
guaranteed served flight basis at a premium one location. The characteristics can change
rate, not to be confused with small package as it moves away.
service which is restricted to shipments of 50 air mass thunderstorm
pounds or less. A thunderstorm produced by local convection
air filter within an unstable air mass.
A device for removing particulate matter from air mass weather
air. A persistent type of weather that may last for
Air Force pediscope several days (up to a week or more). It occurs
A system consisting of a pressure-transducing when an area comes under the influence of a
blanket and readout for measuring seat pres- particular air mass.
sure on the ischial tuberosities. air mode
air glow See aviation mode.
A faint glow of light emitted by exited gases air monitoring
in the upper atmosphere. Air glow is much The sampling for, and measuring of, contami-
fainter than the aurora. nants in the air. A form of environmental
air-handler noise monitoring in which one or more quantities of
That acoustic noise output from heating, ven- environmental gases are taken and a determi-
tilation, or air-conditioning fans and ducts. nation of contents and proportions made. See
Also known as air-blower noise. also air sampling.
air-handling unit (AHU) Air Movement and Control Association
Refers to the ventilation equipment in heating, (AMCA)
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) An association which establishes performance
systems. classes for various types of fans.
air horsepower air mover
The theoretical horsepower required to drive a Any type of device that is used to transfer air
fan if there were no losses in the fan's effi- from one space/area to another.
ciency (i.e., the fan is operating at 100% effi- air navigation facility
ciency). Any facility used in, available for use in, or
air infiltration designed for use in aid of air navigation, in-
The uncontrolled leakage of air into a building cluding landing areas, lights, any apparatus or
through cracks, open windows, holes, etc. equipment for disseminating weather infor-
when the building is under negative pressure mation, for signaling, for radio-directional
and/or as a result of the influence of wind or finding, or for radio or other electrical com-
temperature differences. munication, and any other structure or mecha-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nism having a similar purpose for guiding or which the term “air pollutant” is used. (2)
controlling flight in the air or the landing and Any substance in air which could, if in high
takeoff of aircraft. See also navigational aid. enough concentration, harm man, other ani-
mals, vegetation, or material. Pollutants may
include almost any natural or artificial com-
position of matter capable of being airborne.
They may be in the form of solid particles,
liquid droplets, gases, or in combinations of
these forms. Generally, they fall into two
main groups: those emitted directly from
identifiable sources, and those produced in the
air by interaction between two or more pri-
mary pollutants, or by reaction with normal
atmospheric constituents, with or without
photoactivation. Exclusive of pollen, fog, and
dust, which are of natural origin, about 100
contaminants have been identified and fall
into these categories: solids, sulfur com-
pounds, volatile organic chemicals, nitrogen
compounds, oxygen compounds, halogen
compounds, radioactive compounds, and
odors. (3) Any substance in air that could, in
high concentration, harm people, animals, or
vegetation, or damage non-living material.
Although a U.S. Landmark, the Arch in St. Louis is considered a Such pollutants may be from solid particles,
hazard to air navigation liquid droplets, gases, or any combination of
air navigation hazard these. (4) Dust, fume, mist, smoke or other
An object which, as a result of an aeronautical aerosol, gas, odorous substance, or any com-
study, the Federal Aviation Administration bination of these which is emitted into the air
(FAA) determines will have an adverse effect or otherwise enters the ambient air.
upon the safe and efficient use of navigable air pollution
airspace by aircraft, operation of air naviga- (1) Any undesirable substance mixed with
tion facilities, or existing or potential airport open air. (2) The presence of contaminant or
capacity. pollutant substances in the air that do not dis-
air operator perse properly and interfere with human
A person or organization authorized to oper- health or welfare, or produce other harmful
ate aircraft or aviation facilities under Federal environmental effects (EPA). (4) The pres-
Aviation Regulation (FAR) Parts 91, 121, ence of an unwanted material in the air, such
125, 127, 129, 133, 135, or 137. as dusts, vapors, smoke, etc., in sufficient
concentration to affect the comfort, health, or
air parcel
welfare of residents or damage property ex-
See parcel of air.
posed to the contaminated air. The deteriora-
air pollutant tion of the quality of the air that results from
(1) Any air pollution agent or combination of the addition of impurities.
such agents, including any physical, chemical,
Air Pollution Control Agency
biological, radioactive (including source ma-
Under the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA). (1)
terial, special nuclear material, and byproduct
A single state agency designated by the Gov-
material) substance or matter which is emitted
ernor of that state as the official state air pol-
into or otherwise enters the ambient air. Such
lution control agency for the purposes of the
term includes any precursors to the formation
CAA. (2) An agency established by two or
of any air pollutant, to the extent the EPA
more States and having substantial powers or
Administrator has identified such precursor or
duties pertaining to the prevention and control
precursors for the particular purpose for

©2000 CRC Press LLC

of air pollution. (3) A city, county, or other able state. Also known as chemical cartridge
local government health authority, or in the respirators, this type of respirator relies on
case of any city, county, or other local gov- the person's own breathing force to draw air
ernment in which there is an agency other through the filter medium, or it may utilize a
than the health authority charged with respon- powered blower to provide breathing air (i.e.,
sibility for enforcing ordinances or laws re- a powered air-purifying respirator or PAPR).
lating to the prevention and control of air When external air is the only source of
pollution. (4) An agency of two or more mu- breathing air (i.e., no powered air supply is
nicipalities located in the same state or in differ- used), then this type of respiratory protection
ent states and having substantial powers or du- cannot be used in oxygen deficient atmos-
ties pertaining to the prevention and control of pheres. It is a filter only, and subsequently,
air pollution. (5) An agency of an Indian tribe. the air being filtered must have an oxygen
air pollution episode content of at least 19.5%.
A period of abnormally high concentration of air quality control region (AQCR)
air pollutants, often due to low winds and An area designated by the federal government
temperature inversion, that can cause illness in which communities share a common air
and/or death. pollution problem (sometimes several states
air pressure are involved).
See atmospheric pressure. air quality criteria
air-purifying canister The levels of pollution and lengths of expo-
An air-tight module containing absorptive sure above which adverse health and welfare
and/or adsorptive substances for use in an air effects may occur.
purifier. air quality-related value (AQRV)
A value referring to the reduction in the visi-
bility that may be caused by a new air emis-
air quality standards
The level of pollutants prescribed by regula-
tions that may not be exceeded during a speci-
fied time in a defined area.
air rights
The right to use all or a portion of the air
space above real estate. Such right is vested
by grant (e.g., fee simple, lease, or other con-
veyance). While commercial airlines have a
right to fly over one's land, if such "flight
paths" interfere with the owner's use of such
land, the owner is entitled to recover the ex-
tent of actual damage suffered by him/her.
On the other hand, the owner of the land is
precluded by state and federal laws from pol-
luting the air.
air route surveillance radar (ARSR)
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
radar used primarily to detect and display an
aircraft's position while en route between ter-
Typical air-purifying respirator with cartridges installed minal areas. The ARSR enables controllers to
provide radar air traffic control service when
air-purifying respirator aircraft are within the ARSR coverage. In
A device worn by an individual that filters the some instances, ARSR may enable an Air
air to be breathed and returns it to an accept- Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) to

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provide terminal radar services similar to but 7,500). (2) Used to describe a helicop-
usually more limited than those provided by a ter/Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) air-
radar approach control. craft movement conducted above the surface
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) but normally not above 100 feet above ground
A facility established to provide air traffic level. The aircraft may proceed either via
control service to aircraft operating on an In- hover taxi or fly at speeds of more than 20
strument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan within knots. The pilot is solely responsible for se-
controlled airspace and principally during the lecting a safe airspeed/altitude for the opera-
en route phase of flight. When equipment ca- tion being conducted. (3) A classification of
pabilities and controller workload permit, air carriers which directly engages in the air
certain advisory and assistance services may transportation of persons, property, mail, or in
be provided to Visual Flight Rules (VFR) air- any combination of such transportation and
craft. which do not directly or indirectly use large
aircraft (over 30 seats or a maximum payload
air sampling capacity of more than 7,500 pounds) and do
The collection of samples of air to determine not hold a Certificate of Public Convenience
the presence of and the concentration of a and Necessity or economic authority issued
contaminant, such as a chemical, aerosol, ra- by the Department of Transportation. (4) An
dioactive material, airborne microorganism, air taxi operator that a) performs at least five
or other substance by analyzing the collected round trips per week between two or more
sample to determine the amount present and points and publishes flight schedules which
calculating the concentration based on the specify the times, days of the week and places
sample volume. between which such flights are performed; or
air scour b) transports mail by air pursuant to a current
The agitation of granular filter media with air contract with the U.S. Postal Service. (5) An
during the filter backwash cycle. air carrier certificated in accordance with
FAR Part 135 and authorized to provide, on
air, standard demand, public transportation of persons and
Dry air at 70°F (21°C) and 29.92 inches of property by aircraft. Generally operates small
mercury barometric pressure. It is equivalent aircraft "for hire" for specific trips.
to 0.075 pounds per cubic foot.
air taxi/commercial operator (ATCO)
air stripper Commercial air carrier operating on-demand
The process of removing volatile and semi- air taxi services on aircraft. Certificated in ac-
volatile contaminants from liquid; air and liq- cordance with Federal Aviation Regulation
uid are passed simultaneously through a Part 135.
packed tower.
air taxi survey
air-supplied respirator Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) form
A respiratory protective device that provides a 1800-31, sent to carriers for reporting of air
supply of breathable air from a source outside taxi/commercial operator (ATCO) activity.
the contaminated work area. Includes airline
air titration
respirators and self-contained respirators.
A field analytical method involving the use of
air-supply device an impinger or bubble to draw air through a
A hand- or motor-operated blower for a hose- liquid reagent that changes color in direct
mask type respirator, or a compressor or other proportion to the concentration of the con-
source of respirable air (e.g., breathing air taminant in the air. Not as precise as labora-
cylinder) for the air-line respirator. tory methods.
air taxi air-to-cloth ratio
(1) A classification of air carriers, which The ratio of the volumetric flow rate of a gas
transports, in accordance with Federal Avia- to be filtered to the fabric area of the filter.
tion Regulations (FAR) Part 135, persons, air toxins
property, and mail using small aircraft (under Chemical compounds that have been estab-
30 seats or a maximum payload capacity of lished as hazardous to human health. Also re-

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ferred to as hazardous volatile organic com- air traffic control facility
pounds, including hydrocarbons such as ben- A facility which provides air traffic control
zene, halohydrocarbons such as carbon tetra- services located in the U.S., its possessions
chloride, nitrogen compounds such as amines, and territories, and in foreign countries espe-
oxygen compounds such as ethylene oxide, cially established by international agreement.
and others.
air traffic control service
air traffic A service provided for the purpose of 1) Pre-
Aircraft operating in the air or on an airport venting collisions between aircraft and on the
surface, exclusive of loading ramps and maneuvering area between aircraft and ob-
parking areas. Also referred to as airport structions, and 2) Expediting and maintaining
traffic. an orderly flow of air traffic.
air traffic clearance air traffic controller
An authorization by air traffic control, for the (1) A certified individual responsible for
purpose of preventing collision between regulating aircraft traffic within a specified
known aircraft, for an aircraft to proceed un- region. (2) A person authorized to provide air
der specified traffic conditions within con- traffic control service. Also referred to as air
trolled airspace. traffic control specialist, controller, and final
air traffic command and control center (ATCCC) controller.
An Air Traffic Operations service facility air traffic hub
consisting of four operational units: 1) Cen- Air traffic hubs are not airports; they are the
tral Flow Control Function (CFCF). Respon- cities and Standard Metropolitan Statistical
sible for coordination and approval of all Areas requiring aviation services. The hubs
major inter-center flow control restrictions on fall into four classes as determined by each
a system basis in order to obtain maximum community's percentage of the total enplaned
utilization of the airspace. 2) Altitude Reser- passengers, all services, and all operations of
vation Concept. Responsible for coordinat- U.S. certificated air carriers in the 50 states,
ing, planning, and approving special user re- the District of Columbia, and other U.S. areas
quirements. 3) Airport Reservation Office designated by the Federal Aviation Admini-
(ARO). Responsible for approving Instrument stration. Large: a community enplaning
Flight Rules (IFR) flights at designated high- 1.00% or more of the total enplaned passen-
density traffic airports (John F. Kennedy, gers; Medium: 0.25% to 0.99%; Small: 0.05%
LaGuardia, O'Hare and Washington National) to 0.24%; Nonhub: Less than 0.05%.
during specified hours. 4) Air Traffic Control
(ATC) Contingency Command Post. A facility air traffic liabilities
that enables the Federal Aviation Administra- The value of transportation sold, but not used
tion (FAA) to manage the ATC system when or refunded (i.e., liabilities to passengers or li-
a significant portion of the system's capabili- abilities to others. These include payables to
ties has been lost or threatened. other airlines for portions of interline passen-
ger trip amounts the ticketing carrier owes the
air traffic control (ATC) performing carrier. Also included are
(1) Service operated by an appropriate amounts the ticketing carrier owes to passen-
authority to promote the safe, orderly, and ex- gers prior to flights, which remain unearned
peditious flow of air traffic. (2) The safety revenue until air transportation is provided).
separation process to prevent collisions be-
tween aircraft and collisions with obstructions air traffic management (ATM)
while expediting and maintaining an orderly The process used to ensure the safe, efficient,
flow of air traffic; an element of the air traffic and expeditious movement of aircraft during
management process. all phases of operations. Air traffic manage-
ment consists of air traffic control and traffic
air traffic control clearance flow management.
Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under
conditions specified by an air traffic control air traffic service
unit. A generic term meaning: 1) Flight Informa-
tion Service; 2) Alerting Service; 3) Air Traf-

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fic Advisory Service; 4) Air Traffic Control airborne particulates
Service, Area Control Service, Approach Total suspended particulate matter found in
Control Service, or Airport Control Service. the atmosphere as solid particles or liquid
air transport movements droplets. The chemical composition of par-
Landing and takeoff of an aircraft operating a ticulates varies widely, depending on location
scheduled or non-scheduled service. and time of year. Airborne particulates in-
clude windblown dust, emissions from indus-
air transportation trial process, smoke from burning of wood
(1) Interstate, overseas, or foreign air trans- and coal, and exhaust of motor vehicles.
portation or the transportation of mail by air-
craft. (2) Includes establishments that provide airborne pathogen
domestic and international passenger and A disease-causing microorganism which is
freight services, and establishments that oper- transported through the ambient air or on par-
ate airports and provide terminal facilities. ticles present in the air.
Also included are flying services such as crop airborne radioactive material
dusting and aerial photography. Radioactive material dispersed in the air in the
air travel club form of a dust, fume, mist, vapor, gas, or
An operator certificated in accordance with other form.
Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 123 airborne release
to engage in the carriage of members who The release of any chemical into the air.
qualify for that carriage by payment of an as- Airbus Industries Group (AIG)
sessment, dues, membership fees, or other A supernational management organization
similar remittance. responsible for design, development, manu-
air travel insurance facture, marketing, sales and support of se-
A form of life insurance which may be pur- lected commercial aircraft.
chased by air travelers according to the terms aircraft
of which the face value of the policy is paid to (1) All airborne vehicles supported either by
the named beneficiary in the event of death buoyancy or by dynamic action. Used in a re-
resulting from a particular flight. See also in- stricted sense to mean an airplane, any winged
surance. aircraft, including helicopters but excluding
air waybill gliders and guided missiles. (2) Device(s)
A bill of lading which covers both domestic that are used or intended to be used for flight
and international flights transporting goods to in the air. When used in air traffic control
a specified destination. Technically, it is a terminology may include the flight crew. See
non-negotiable instrument of air transport also airframe, airplane, and airship.
which serves as a receipt for the shipper, indi- aircraft accident
cating that the carrier has accepted the goods Occurrence incident to flight in which, as a
listed therein and obligates itself to carry the result of the operation of an aircraft, any per-
consignment to the airport of destination ac- son (occupant or non-occupant) receives fatal
cording to specified conditions. or serious injury or any aircraft receives sub-
airbag stantial damage. Substantial damage means:
A device which is pressurized to inflate on a) damage or failure which adversely affects
impact to protect the occupant in a vehicle. the structural strength, performance, or flight
airborne asbestos sample characteristics of the aircraft, and would nor-
A sample that has been collected in a pre- mally require major repair or replacement of
scribed manner for determining the concen- the affected component; b) engine failure,
tration of asbestos fibers or structures in the damage limited to an engine, bent fairings or
air by a specific analytical method. cowling, dented skin, small punctured holes in
the skin or fabric, ground damage to rotor or
airborne dust propeller blades. Damage to landing gear,
Airborne particulates, including the total dust wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories, brakes,
and the respirable dust, present in the air.

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or wing tips is not considered "substantial dam- aircraft departure
age." See also accident. An aircraft takeoff made at an airport.
aircraft accident incident rate (AIR) aircraft engine
A measure of the safety of flying, represented An engine that is used or intended to be used
by the formula for propelling aircraft. It includes turbo-
number aircraft accidents x 100,000 superchargers, appurtenances, and accessories
AIR = necessary for its functioning, but does not in-
number of flight hours
clude propellers.
aircraft agreement (Agreement On Trade In aircraft facility
Civil Aircraft) An area where aircraft can takeoff and land,
Negotiated in the Tokyo Round of the Multi- usually equipped with associated buildings
lateral Trade Negotiations, and implemented and facilities. See also airport and heliport.
January 1, 1980, providing for elimination of aircraft incident
tariff and non-tariff trade barriers in the civil An occurrence, other than an accident, associ-
aircraft sector. ated with the operation of an aircraft that af-
aircraft and traffic servicing expenses fects or could affect the safety of operations
Compensation of ground personnel, in-flight and that is investigated and reported on FAA
expenses for handling and protecting all non- Form 8020-5.
passenger traffic including passenger bag- aircraft industry
gage, and other expenses incurred on the Industry primarily engaged in the manufacture
ground to a) protect and control the in-flight of aircraft, aircraft engines, and parts includ-
movement of aircraft, b) schedule and prepare ing propellers and auxiliary equipment.
aircraft operational crews for flight assign-
ment, c) handle and service aircraft while in aircraft miles
line operation, and d) service and handle traf- The distance flown by aircraft in terms of
fic on the ground after issuance of documents great circle airport-to-airport distances meas-
establishing the air carrier's responsibility to ured in statute miles.
provide air transportation. aircraft miles scheduled
aircraft approach category The sum of the airport-to-airport distances of
A grouping of aircraft based on 1.3 times their all flights scheduled, excluding those operated
stall speed in landing configuration at maxi- only as extra sections to accommodate traffic
mum certified landing weight, as follows: overflow.
Category A: Speed less than 91 knots. aircraft operations
Category B: Speed 91 knots or more but less The airborne movement of aircraft in con-
than 121 knots. trolled or non-controlled airport terminal ar-
eas, and counts at en route fixes or other
Category C: Speed 121 knots or more but less points where counts can be made.
than 141 knots.
aircraft revenue departures performed
Category D: Speed 141 knots or more but less The number of aircraft takeoffs actually per-
than 166 knots. formed in scheduled passenger/cargo and all-
Category E: Speed 166 knots or more. cargo services.
aircraft contact aircraft revenue hours
Aircraft with which the Flight Service Sta- The airborne hours in revenue service, com-
tions (FSS) have established radio communi- puted from the moment an aircraft leaves the
cations contact. One count is made for each ground until it touches the ground again.
en route, landing, or departing aircraft con-
aircraft revenue mile
tacted by an FSS regardless of the number of
The miles (computed in airport-to-airport
contacts made with an individual aircraft
distances) for each inter-airport hop actually
during the same flight. A flight contacting
completed in revenue service, whether or not
five FSSs would be counted as five aircraft
performed in accordance with the scheduled

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pattern. For this purpose, operation to a flag airman certificate
stop is a hop completed even though a landing A document issued by the Administrator of
is not actually made. In cases where the inter- the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
airport distances are inapplicable, aircraft certifying that the holder complies with the
miles flown are determined by multiplying the regulations governing the capacity in which
normal cruising speed for the aircraft type by the certificate authorizes the holder to act as
the airborne hours. an airman in connection with aircraft. See
aircraft type also airman.
(1) A term used in a number of Federal Avia- Airman's Information Manual
tion Administration (FAA) publications in See Aeronautical Information Manual.
grouping aircraft by basic configuration: Airman's Meteorological Information (AIR-
fixed-wing, rotorcraft, glider, dirigible, and MET)
balloon. (2) A distinctive model of an aircraft In-flight weather advisories issued only to
as designated by the manufacturer. amend the area forecast concerning weather
airflow phenomena which are of operational interest
The volumetric rate at which air flows to all aircraft and potentially hazardous to air-
through a space, usually measured in cubic craft having limited capability because of lack
feet per minute (CFM) or cubic meters per of equipment, instrumentation, or pilot quali-
second (CMS). Also, the speed at which air fications. AIRMETs concern weather of less
moves through a space, usually measured in severity than that covered by Significant Me-
feet per minute or meters per second. teorological Convective Information's (SIG-
airfoil sill/jamb MET) or Convective SIGMETs. AIRMETs
Tapered openings on the bottom (sill) and cover moderate icing, moderate turbulence,
sides (jamb) of laboratory type hoods. sustained winds of 30 knots or more at the
surface, widespread areas of ceilings less than
airframe 1,000 feet and/or visibility less than 3 miles,
(1) The fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, and extensive mountain obstructions.
fairings, airfoil surfaces (including rotors but
excluding propellers and rotating airfoils of AIRMET
engines), and landing gear of an aircraft and See Airman's Meteorological Information.
their accessories and controls. (2) Structural airplane
components of an airplane, such as fuselage, An engine-driven fixed-wing aircraft heavier
empennage, wings, landing gear, and engine than air, that is supported in flight by the dy-
mounts, but excluding such items as engines, namic reaction of the air against its wings.
accessories, electronics, and other parts that See also aircraft, airframe, and airship.
may be replaced from time to time. See also airplane design group
aircraft, airplane, and airship. A grouping of airplanes based on wingspan as
airlift follows:
A device for pumping liquid by injecting air Design Group I: A wingspan up to but not
at the bottom of a riser pipe submerged in the including 49 feet (15m).
liquid to be pumped.
Design Group II: A wingspan 49 feet (15m)
airline transport pilot up to but not including 79 feet (24m).
An individual who has been trained and has
demonstrated proficiency in the operation of Design Group III: A wingspan 79 feet (24m)
aircraft of a specific category and classifica- up to but not including 118 feet (36m).
tion. An airline transport pilot may act as a Design Group IV: A wingspan 118 feet
pilot-in-command of an aircraft engaged in air (36m) up to but not including 171 feet
carrier service. (52m).
airman Design Group V: A wingspan 171 feet (52m)
A pilot, mechanic or other licensed aviation up to but not including 214 feet (65m).

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Design Group VI: A wingspan 214 feet airport elevation
(65m) up to but not including 262 feet The highest point on an airport's usable run-
(80m). ways, expressed in feet above mean sea level.
airport airport/facility directory
(1) An area of land or water that is used or A publication designed primarily as a pilot's
intended to be used for the landing and take- operational manual containing all airports,
off of aircraft, and includes its buildings and seaplane bases, and heliports open to the pub-
facilities, if any. (2) Facility used primarily lic including communications data, naviga-
by conventional, fixed-wing aircraft. (3) A tional facilities, and certain special notices
facility, either on land or water, where aircraft and procedures. This publication is issued in
can take off and land. Usually consists of seven volumes, according to geographical
hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, area.
hangars and accommodations for passengers airport improvement program (AIP)
and cargo. (4) A landing area regularly used Provides funding from the Airport and Air-
by aircraft for receiving discharging passen- way Trust Fund for airport development, air-
gers or cargo. See also aerodrome, aircraft port planning, noise compatibility planning,
facility, and heliport. and to carry out noise compatibility programs.
airport acceptance rate (AAR) See also airport and airway trust fund.
A dynamic input parameter specifying the airport information desk
number of arriving aircraft which an airport or An airport unmanned facility designed for
airspace can accept from the Air Route Traffic pilot self-service briefing, flight planning, and
Control Center per hour. The AAR is used to filing of flight plans.
calculate the desired interval between succes-
sive arrival aircraft. airport layout plan (ALP)
The plan of an airport showing the layout of
airport advisory area existing and proposed airport facilities.
The area within ten miles of an airport with-
out a control tower or where the tower is not airport lighting
in operation, and on which a Flight Service (1) General. Various lighting aids that may
Station is located. be installed on an airport. (2) Runway
Lights/Runway Edge Lights. Lights having a
airport advisory service prescribed angle of emission used to define
A service provided by flight service stations the lateral limits of a runway. Runway lights
at airports not served by a control tower. This are uniformly spaced at intervals of approxi-
service consists of providing information to mately 200 feet, and the intensity may be
arriving and departing aircraft concerning controlled or preset.
wind direction/speed-favored runway, al-
timeter setting, pertinent known traffic/field airport marking aids
conditions, airport taxi routes/traffic patterns, Markings used on runway and taxiway sur-
and authorized instrument approach proce- faces to identify a specific runway, a runway
dures. This information is advisory in nature threshold, a centerline, a hold line, etc. A
and does not constitute an Air Traffic Control runway should be marked in accordance with
(ATC) clearance. its present usage such as a) visual, b) non-
precision instrument, or c) precision instru-
airport and airways trust fund ment.
Mechanism for funding capital improvements
for the nation's air traffic control system and airport noise
airports. The fund is supported by taxes con- That environmental noise in the vicinity of an
tributed by users of the aviation system, in- airport due primarily to engine noise from ap-
cluding an 10 percent tax of airline passengers proaching and departing aircraft.
and a tax on aviation fuel. Established by the airport operations
Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970. The number of arrivals and departures from
the airport at which the airport traffic control

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tower is located. There are two types of op- airport touchdown zone lighting
erations: local and itinerant. Two rows of transverse light bars located
airport reference point (ARP) symmetrically about the runway centerline
The latitude and longitude of the approximate normally at 100 foot intervals. The basic
center of the airport. system extends 3,000 feet along the runway.

airport reservation office (ARO) airport traffic

Office responsible for monitoring the opera- Aircraft operating in the air or on an airport
tion of the high density rule. Receives and surface exclusive of loading ramps and park-
processes requests for Instrument Flight Rules ing areas. See also air traffic.
(IFR) operations at high density traffic air- airport traffic control service
ports. Air traffic control service provided by an air-
airport runway centerline lighting port traffic control tower for aircraft operating
Flush centerline lights spaced at 60-foot inter- on the movement area and in the vicinity of an
vals beginning 76 feet from the landing airport.
threshold and extending to within 75 feet of airport traffic control tower (ATCT)
the opposite end of the runway. (1) A central operations facility in the terminal
airport runway end identifier lighting (REIL) air traffic control system, which consists of a
Two synchronized flashing lights, one on tower cab structure, including an associated
each side of the runway threshold, which pro- IFR room if radar equipped, and uses
vide rapid and positive identification of the air/ground communications, radar, visual sig-
approach end of a particular runway. naling, and other services to provide safe and
expeditious movement of terminal air traffic.
airport surface detection equipment (ASDE) (2) A terminal facility that uses air-ground ra-
Radar equipment specifically designed to de- dio communications, visual signaling, and
tect all principal features on the surface of an other devices to provide air traffic control
airport, including aircraft and vehicular traf- (ATC) services to aircraft operating in the vi-
fic, and to present the entire image on a radar cinity of an airport or on the movement area.
indicator console in the control tower. Used Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the
to augment visual observation by tower per- airport controlled by the tower or to transit the
sonnel of aircraft and/or vehicular movements airport traffic area regardless of flight plan or
on runways and taxiways. weather conditions (instrument flight rules
airport surveillance radar (ASR) [IFR] or visual flight rules [VFR]). A tower
Approach control radar used to detect and may also provide approach control services.
display an aircraft's position in the terminal airport visual approach slope indicator light-
area. ASR provides range and azimuth in- ing (VASI)
formation but does not provide elevation data. An airport lighting facility providing vertical
Coverage of the ASR can extend up to 60 visual approach slope guidance to aircraft
miles. See also ground controlled approach during approach to landing by radiating a di-
and precision approach radar. rectional pattern of high intensity red and
airport taxi charts white focused light beams which indicate to
Designed to expedite the efficient and safe the pilot that he is "on path" if he sees
flow of ground traffic at an airport. These are red/white, "above path" if white/white, and
identified by the official airport name (e.g., "below path " if red/red. Some airports serv-
Orlando International Airport). ing large aircraft have three-bar VASI which
provide two visual glide paths to the same
airport threshold lighting runway.
Fixed green lights arranged symmetrically left
and right of the runway centerline, identifying airports, flying fields, and airport terminal
the runway threshold. services
Establishments primarily engaged in operat-
ing and maintaining airports and flying fields;
in servicing, repairing (except on a factory ba-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sis), maintaining and storing aircraft; and in airway
furnishing coordinated handling services for (1) Anatomy. The pathway through which air
airfreight or passengers at airports. This in- and other respiratory gases pass between the
dustry also includes private establishments mouth or nostrils and the lung alveoli. (2)
primarily engaged in air traffic control opera- Aviation. A Class E airspace area established
tions. in the form of a corridor, the centerline of
Airports Grants In Aid Program which is defined by radio navigational aids.
A grant of funds by the Secretary of Trans- airway beacon
portation under the Airport & Airway Im- Aviation. Used to mark airway segments in
provement Act of 1982 to a sponsor for the remote mountain areas. The light flashes
accomplishment of one or more projects. Morse Code to identify the beacon site.
airports of entry airway resistance
Aircraft may land at these airports without That resistance which must be overcome for
prior permission to land from U.S. Customs. air to flow through the airway.
airship AISC
An engine-driven lighter-than-air aircraft that American Institute of Steel Construction.
can be steered. See also aircraft, airframe,
and airplane. AISI
American Iron and Steel Institute.
airspace hierarchy
Within the airspace classes, there is a hierar- aitken nuclei
chy and, in the event of an overlap of air- See condensation nuclei.
space: Class A preempts Class B, Class B akimbo span
preempts Class C, Class C preempts Class D, See span akimbo.
Class D preempts Class E, and Class E pre-
empts Class G. akinesia
A movement disorder in which the person
airspeed executes no voluntary movements or exhibits
The speed of an aircraft relative to its sur- a pause prior to initiation of a movement.
rounding air mass. The unqualified term "air-
speed", means one of the following: (1) Indi- AL
cated airspeed. The speed shown on the air- Action level.
craft airspeed indicator. This is the speed used alabaster
in pilot/controller communications under the A compact, fine-grained gypsum material.
general term "airspeed." (2) True airspeed.
The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undis- Alachlor
turbed air. Used primarily in flight planning A herbicide, marketed under the trade name
and en route portion of flight. When used in Lasso, used mainly to control weeds in corn
pilot/controller communications, it is referred and soybean fields.
to as "true airspeed" and not shortened to "air- Alar
speed." Trade name for daminozide, a pesticide that
airspeed indicator makes apples redder, firmer, and less likely to
An aircraft display showing velocity relative drop off trees before growers are ready to pick
to the surrounding air. them. It is also used to a lesser extent on pea-
nuts, tart cherries, concord grapes, and other
airspeed/mach indicator (AMI)
See airspeed indicator and mach indicator. fruits.

airstart ALARA
The starting of an aircraft engine while the See as low as reasonably achievable.
aircraft is airborne, preceded by engine shut- alarm
down during training flights or by actual en- An indicator that some condition exists which
gine failure. may or will require human action to correct in

©2000 CRC Press LLC

order to prevent loss of life, property, or aldehyde
equipment. A class of organic compounds containing a
alarm set point CHO group, including formaldehyde and ac-
The selected concentration at which an in- etaldehyde.
strument is set to alarm. alderman
albedo Municipal officer; member of the legislative
The percent of radiation returning from a sur- body of a municipality. Often called coun-
face compared to that which strikes it. cilman.

albumin Aldicarb
A member of a class of water-soluble proteins An insecticide sold under the trade name
that are found in the juices and tissues of ani- Temik. It is made from ethyl isocyanate.
mals, in the white or clear part of eggs, and in alert notice
vegetables, and that contain sulfur, oxygen, Aviation. A request originated by a Flight
hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. Service Station (FSS) or an air route traffic
albuminuria control center (ARTCC) for an extensive
Presence of serum albumin in the urine. communication search for overdue, unre-
ported, or missing aircraft. Also known as al-
alcohol not.
An organic compound synthesized from pe-
troleum or natural products or derived from a alerting service
fermentation process. Widely used as a sol- Aviation. A service provided to notify appro-
vent and for chemical syntheses. priate organizations regarding aircraft in need
of search and rescue aid, and assist such orga-
alcohol concentration (AC) nizations as required.
The concentration of alcohol in a person's
blood or breath. When expressed as a percent- Aleutian low
age it means grams of alcohol per 100 milli- The subpolar low-pressure area that is cen-
liters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 li- tered near the Aleutian Islands on charts that
ters of breath. show mean sea-level pressure.

alcohol involvement algae

A fatality or fatal crash as alcohol-related or Simple rootless plants that grow in sunlit wa-
alcohol involved if (1) Either a driver or a ters in relative proportion to the amounts of
non-motorist (usually a pedestrian) had a nutrients available. They can affect water
measurable or estimated blood alcohol con- quality adversely by lowering the dissolved
centration (BAC) of 0.01 grams per deciliter oxygen in the water. They are food for fish
(g/dl) or above. Probabilities of alcohol in- and small aquatic animals.
volvement are now calculated for each driver, algae blooms
pedestrian, or crash. (2) Coded by police Sudden spurts of algae growth, which can
when evidence of alcohol is present. This affect water quality adversely and indicate
code does not necessarily mean that a driver, potentially hazardous changes in local water
passenger or non-occupant was tested for al- chemistry.
cohol. algaecide
alcoholic Any substance used to kill algae. Also
Containing or pertaining to alcohol; a person spelled algicide.
addicted to alcohol. algorithm
alcoholism An accepted procedure that has been devel-
Drunkenness, or long-continued, excessive oped for the purpose of solving a specific
consumption of alcohol. Generally refers to problem.
chronic alcoholism. alimentary canal
All the organs making up the route taken by
food as it passes through the body from the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mouth to the anus. Also called the digestive and caffeine. The term is also applied to
tract. synthetic substances that have structures
aliphatic hydrocarbon similar to plant alkaloids, such as procaine.
One of the major groups of organic com- alkalosis
pounds characterized by a straight- or A pathologic condition resulting from accu-
branched-chain arrangement of carbon atoms. mulation of base or loss of acid without com-
This group in composed of three subgroups: parable loss of base in the body, and charac-
alkanes (paraffins), which are saturated and terized by a decrease in hydrogen ion concen-
relatively unreactive; alkenes, which contain tration (increase in pH). Although the normal
double bonds and are reactive; and, alkynes pH of the blood is slightly alkaline at 7.4, a
(acetylenes), which contain triple bonds and drastic shift of the acid-base balance toward
are highly reactive. alkalinity can produce serious symptoms, in-
aliquot cluding shallow or irregular respiration,
A part which is a definite fraction of the prickling or burning sensation in the fingers,
whole, such as an aliquot of a sample for toes or lips, muscle cramps and, in severe
analysis. cases, convulsions. The opposite of alkalosis
is acidosis.
A compound that has the ability to neutralize alkylating agent
an acid and form a salt. Any substance which A synthetic compound containing two or
in water solution is bitter, more or less irri- more end (alkyl) groups that combine readily
tating or caustic to the skin, turns litmus blue, with other molecules. Their action seems to
and has a pH value greater than 7. See also be chiefly on the deoxyribonucleic acid
base. (DNA) in the nucleus of the cell. They are
used in chemotherapy of cancer although they
alkali-ash diet do not damage malignant cells selectively, but
A therapeutic diet prescribed to dissolve uric also have a toxic action on normal cells. Lo-
acid and cystine urinary calculi. This type of cally, they cause blistering of the skin and
diet changes the urinary pH so that certain damage to the eyes and respiratory tract.
salts are kept in solution and excreted in the Systemic toxic effects are nausea and vomit-
urine. Emphasis is placed on fruits, vegeta- ing, reduction in both leukocytes and erythro-
bles, and milk. Meat, eggs, bread, and cereals cytes, and hemorrhagic tendencies.
are restricted.
all-cargo and mail aircraft
alkali metals Movement by aircraft and helicopters operated
The elements lithium, sodium, potassium, for commercial transport operations involving
rubidium, and cesium. freight and/or mail, but not passengers.
alkaline all-cargo carrier
Water containing sufficient amounts of alka- (1) One of a class of a carriers holding an All-
linity to raise the pH above 7.0 Cargo Air Service Certificate issued under
alkaline soil Section 418 of the Federal Aviation Act and
Soil with a pH greater than 7.0. certificated in accordance with Federal Avia-
tion Regulations Part 121 to provide domestic
alkalinity air transportation of cargo. (2) An air carrier
The ability of a water to neutralize an acid due certificated in accordance with Federal Avia-
to the presence of carbonate, bicarbonate, and tion Regulations (FAR) Part 121 to provide
hydroxide ions. scheduled air freight, express, and mail trans-
alkaloid portation over specified routes, as well as to
One of a large group of organic, basic sub- conduct nonscheduled operations that may in-
stances found in plants. They are usually bit- clude passengers.
ter in taste and are characterized by powerful all clear
physiological activity. Examples are mor- (1) Emergency Response. Term used to indi-
phine, cocaine, atropine, quinine, nicotine, cate the emergency area is secured and it is

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safe to reenter the area. (2) Marine Safety. to tissue surfaces, where they remain in re-
Term used in boating to mean a) that a tow serve, ready to be called into action if the
boat is ready to leave barge, or b) is clear of same substance should enter the body again.
an obstruction. Should the substance do so, the antibodies
all-fire level again enter into the immune reaction which is
The minimum direct current or radio fre- part of the body's valuable natural defense
quency energy that causes initiation of an against invading disease germs. Also referred
electroexplosive initiator with a reliability of to as sensitizers.
0.999 at a confidence level of 95 percent, as allergic contact dermatitis
determined by a Bruceton test. recommended Initial exposure of an individual to a chemical
operating level is all-fire current, as deter- may not cause a problem but will result in the
mined by test, at ambient temperature plus formation of antigens. In some cases, subse-
150 percent of the minimum all-fire current. quent exposure of the individual to the mate-
See also Bruceton test. rial results in an inflammatory response, with
all-or-none resulting erythema and edema, which is re-
Denoting either a complete response to a ferred to as an allergic contact dermatitis.
stimulus by a nerve or muscle, or none at all. allergic reaction
all-pass Abnormal response following exposure to a
Pertaining to a condition or piece of equip- substance by an individual who is hypersensi-
ment in which all frequencies of a signal are tive to that substance as a result of a previous
processed equivalently without attenuation; exposure.
also all pass and allpass. allergy
all-risk insurance (1) An unusual or exaggerated response to a
Type of insurance policy which ordinarily particular substance in a person sensitive to
covers every loss that may happen, except by that substance. (2) The acquired hypersensi-
fraudulent acts of the insured. A type of pol- tivity of an individual to a particular sub-
icy which protects against all risks and perils stance. (3) A hypersensitive or pathological
except those specifically enumerated. reaction by a person to environmental factors
or substances, such as pollens, foods, dust, or
all services microorganisms, in amounts that do not affect
Transportation. The total of scheduled and most people. (4) An abnormal response of a
nonscheduled transport services. hypersensitive person to a chemical or physi-
allergen cal stimulus.
Any of a wide variety of substances or envi- allesthesia
ronmental conditions which may provoke an The perception of a given peripheral tactile
allergic reaction. Almost any substance in the stimulus as occurring at a point different from
environment can become an allergen. The list the actual point of stimulation.
of known allergens (i.e., substances to which
individuals have become sensitive) includes allopathy
plant and tree pollens, spores of mold, animal A method of treating disease by the use of
hairs, dust, foods, feathers, dyes, soaps, deter- agents producing effects different from those
gents, cosmetics, plastics, some valuable of the disease treated; opposite of homeopa-
medicines, including penicillin, and even thy.
sunlight. Allergens can enter the body by Allotment Management Plan
being inhaled, swallowed, touched, or in- Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage-
jected. The allergen is not directly responsi- ment Act of 1976: A document prepared in
ble for the allergic reaction, but sets off the consultation with the lessees or permittees in-
chain of events that brings it about. When a volved, which applies to livestock operations
foreign substance enters the body, the system on the public lands or on lands within Na-
reacts by producing antibodies that attack the tional Forests in the eleven contiguous West-
substance and render it harmless. When their ern States and which prescribes the manner in,
work is done, the antibodies attach themselves and extent to, which livestock operations will

©2000 CRC Press LLC

be conducted in order to meet the multiple- place or occupy interstitial positions between
use, sustained yield, economic and other the atoms of the other metal.
needs and objectives as determined by the alluvial soil
Secretary concerned. It also describes the Soil formed of material that was carried by
type, location, ownership, and general specifi- flowing water before being deposited. See
cations for the range improvements to be in- also alluvial stream.
stalled and maintained on the lands to meet
the livestock grazing and other objectives of alluvial stream
land management. It contains such other pro- Any stream whose banks are subject to attack,
visions relating to livestock grazing and other allowing channel meander. The stream has
objectives found by the Secretary of the Inte- the property of depositing material such as
rior to be consistent with the Federal Land soil, sand, or gravel and building up land in
Policy and Management Act of 1976 and ap- one area while washing it away in another.
plicable law. See also alluvial soil.
allotropism alluvium
A condition in which an element is present in Loose materials (clay, silt, sand, gravel, and
two or more distinct forms with unlike prop- larger rocks) washed down from hills and
erties. mountains and deposited in low areas.
allowable level alnot
As used in Rule 57 (pursuant to Act 245 of See alert notice.
1929), a discharge level which is acceptable aloe
once the discharge has mixed with a specified Medicinal plant that yields a purgative drug,
volume of receiving water (e.g., river or aloin.
allowable load
The side of the ship. Goods to be delivered
See load limit.
"alongside" are to be placed on the dock or
allowance lighter within reach of the ship's tackle so that
(1) That specified minimal clearance between they can be loaded aboard the ship.
two parts which are to be assembled. (2)
Some time value or factor by which the nor-
mal time required to complete a task is in- Partial or total loss of hair from natural or
abnormal causes.
creased to allow for such things as delays,
policy, fatigue, or personal needs. Also ALP
known as allowed time and time allowance. See airport layout plan.
allowance for depreciation alpha
Asset valuation account which includes the The probability of making a Type I error, rep-
balance of the offsetting credit to be a capi- resented by the symbol α. See also beta.
talized asset value to represent the loss and
deterioration in the value of the asset over alpha emitter
time, so that the asset is amortized over its A radioactive substance which gives off alpha
useful life, and provisions are made for re- particles during the decay process. Also re-
placement of the asset at the end of its pro- ferred to as alpha decay.
ductive life. alpha factor
allowance for uncollectable accounts The ratio of oxygen transfer coefficients for
Accruals for estimated losses from uncollect- water and wastewater at the same temperature
able accounts. and pressure; used in the sizing of aeration
allowed time
See allowance. alphanumeric
alloy Any letter of the alphabet, numeral, punctua-
A combination of two or more metals to form tion mark, or other symbolic character.
an alloy in which the atoms of one metal re-

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alphanumeric display alternating current (AC)
Letters and numerals used to show identifica- An electrical current flow which alternates in
tion (ID), altitude, beacon code, and other in- amplitude about a baseline.
formation concerning a target on a radar dis- alternative dispute resolution
play. Term refers to procedures for settling disputes
alpha particle by means other than litigation such as arbitra-
A specific particle, consisting of two protons tion, mediation, or mini-trials. Such proce-
and two neutrons (a helium nucleus) ejected dures, which are usually less costly and more
spontaneously from the nuclei of some radio- expeditious, are increasingly being used in
active elements. It has low penetrating power commercial and labor disputes, divorce ac-
and short range. Even the most energetic al- tions, in resolving motor vehicle and medical
pha particles will generally fail to penetrate malpractice tort claims, and in other disputes
unbroken skin. The danger arises when mat- that would likely otherwise involve court liti-
ter containing alpha-emitting isotopes is in- gation.
troduced into the lungs or intestinal tract. alternative energy
alpha radiation Energy obtained from sources other than tra-
A stream of alpha particles. ditional fossil fuels or nuclear energy, and
alpha ray which are usually renewable and nonpollut-
A strongly ionizing and weakly penetrating ing. Alternative energy sources include solar
radiation stream of fast-moving helium nuclei. energy, wave power, geothermal power, and
biomass fuels.
alpha rhythm
A band of the EEG spectrum consisting of alternative fuel
frequencies from about 8 Hz to 13 Hz. See alternative energy.

alpha testing alternative fuel capacity

The preliminary testing phase of a new soft- The on-site availability of apparatus to burn
ware product outside the facility or company fuels other than natural gas.
in which it was developed. See also beta alternative input device
testing. See alternative pointing device.
alpine tundra alternative or innovative treatment technolo-
See tundra. gies
Alquist-Priolo Act Under the Comprehensive Environmental
Zoning act passed in 1972 in response to the Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
1971 San Fernando earthquake to prevent (CERCLA) of 1980: Those technologies, in-
building across the traces of active faults. cluding proprietary or patented methods,
which permanently alter the composition of
ALS hazardous waste through chemical, biological,
See approach light system. or physical means so as to significantly re-
alternate airport duce the toxicity, mobility, or volume (or any
An airport at which an aircraft may land if a combination thereof) of the hazardous waste
landing at the intended airport becomes inad- or contaminated materials being treated. The
visable. term also includes technologies that charac-
terize or assess the extent of contamination,
alternate method the chemical and physical character of the
Any method of sampling and analyzing for an contaminants, and the stresses imposed by the
air pollutant which is not a reference or contaminants on complex ecosystems at sites.
equivalent method but which has been dem-
onstrated in specific cases to the EPA's satis- alternative pointing device
faction to produce results adequate for com- A device used to assist in a disabled individ-
pliance. ual's interaction with a computer. Also
known as alternative input device.

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alternative work schedule altitude restriction
Any work schedule other than standard work An altitude or altitudes, stated in the order
week. flown, which are to be maintained until
altimeter reaching a specific point or time. Altitude re-
An instrument that indicates the altitude of an strictions may be issued by Air Traffic Con-
object above a fixed level (for example, an trol (ATC) due to traffic, terrain, or other air-
aircraft above sea level). Pressure altimeters space considerations.
use an aneroid barometer with a scale gradu- altitude restrictions are canceled
ated in altitude instead of pressure. Adherence to previously imposed altitude
altimeter setting restrictions is no longer required during a
The barometric pressure reading used to ad- climb or descent.
just a pressure altimeter for variations in ex- altitude sickness
isting atmospheric pressure or to the standard A syndrome caused by exposure to altitude
altimeter setting (29.92). high enough to cause significant hypoxia, or
altitude lack of oxygen. At high altitudes, the atmos-
The vertical distance of a level, a point, or an pheric pressure is decreased and consequently
object considered as a point measured in feet arterial oxygen content is also lowered. Acute
above ground level (AGL) or from mean sea altitude sickness may occur after a few hours'
level (MSL). 1) MSL altitude. Altitude ex- exposure to a high altitude. Mental function
pressed in feet measured from mean sea level. may be affected, and there may be lighthead-
2) AGL altitude. Altitude expressed in feet edness and breathlessness. Eventually head-
measured above ground level. 3) Indicated ache and prostration may occur. Older per-
altitude. The altitude as shown by an altime- sons and those with pulmonary or cardiovas-
ter. On a pressure or barometric altimeter it is cular disease are most likely to be affected.
altitude as shown uncorrected for instrument After a few hours or days of acclimation, the
error and uncompensated for variation from symptoms will subside. Chronic altitude
standard atmospheric conditions. sickness (sometimes referred to as Monge's
disease or Andes disease) occurs in those in
altitude encoding the high Andes above 15,000 feet. It resem-
An aircraft altitude transmitted via the Mode bles polycythemia, but is completely relieved
C transponder feature that is visually dis- if the patient is moved to sea level.
played in 100 feet increments on a ground ra-
dar scope having readout capability. altocumulus
A middle cloud, usually white or gray. Often
altitude engine occurs in layers or patches with wavy,
A reciprocating aircraft engine having a rated rounded masses or rolls.
takeoff power that is producible from sea
level to an established higher altitude. altocumulus castellanus
An altocumulus showing vertical develop-
altitude readout ment. Individual cloud elements have tower-
An aircraft's altitude, transmitted via the like tops, often in the shape of tiny castles
Mode C transponder feature, that is visually (hence the name).
displayed in 100-foot increments on a radar
scope having readout capability. altostratus
A middle cloud composed of gray or bluish
altitude reservation (ALTRV) sheets or layers of uniform appearance. In the
Airspace utilization under prescribed condi- thinner regions, the sun or moon usually ap-
tions normally employed for the mass move- pears dimly visible.
ment of aircraft or other special requirements
which cannot otherwise be accomplished. ALTRV
ALTRVs are approved by the appropriate See altitude reservation.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) facil-
ity. See also formation flight.

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(1) A substance used, in the form of colorless cavities or sockets of either jaw in which the
crystals or white powder, as a styptic or he- roots of the teeth are embedded.
mostatic because of its astringent action. It A/m
also may be given by mouth to induce vomit- Amperes per meter.
ing. Large doses may cause gastrointestinal
disturbances. (2) Common name for alumi- A.M. peak period
num sulfate [Al2 (SO4)3•14H2O], frequently Federal Transit Association. The period in the
used as a coagulant in water and wastewater morning when additional services are pro-
treatment. vided to handle higher passenger volumes.
The period begins when normal, scheduled
alum sludge headways are reduced and ends when head-
Sludge resulting from treatment processes ways return to normal. See also P.M. peak
where alum is used as a coagulant. period.
alumina AMA
A form of aluminum oxide; chemical formula See American Medical Association.
is AL2O3.
aluminosis Any mixture or alloy of mercury combined
A pneumoconiosis that results from the inha- with other metals, such as zinc, gold, silver, or
lation of aluminum-bearing dusts. alloys.
aluminum amalgamation
A lightweight, nonferrous metal with good (1) Metallurgy. The alloying of metals with
corrosion resistance and electrical and thermal mercury. (2) Law. Union of different races,
conductivity. or diverse elements, societies, unions, asso-
aluminum silicates ciations, or corporations, so as to form a ho-
Compounds containing aluminum, silica, and mogeneous whole or new body; interfusion;
oxygen as main constituents. intermarriage; consolidation; merger or coa-
alveolar gas exchange lescence.
That gaseous exchange through the thin walls amaurosis
of the alveoli and the capillaries, normally Partial or complete loss of sight from loss of
such that oxygen is absorbed by the blood and power in the optic nerve or retina, without any
carbon dioxide is released into the alveolus. visible defect in the eye except an immovable
alveolar pressure septum.
That combined air and water vapor pressure ambassador
within an alveolus of the lung. A public officer clothed with high diplomatic
alveolar ventilation powers, commissioned by a government to
The replenishment of alveolar gases by at- transact the international business of his/her
mospheric air. government with a foreign government.

alveoli ambidextrous
Plural of alveolus. (1) Numerous small, ter- Having the faculty of using both hands with
minal air sacs in the lungs where pulmonary equal ease and facility.
capillary blood is in close juxtaposition to the ambient
alveolar gas, permitting the rapid exchange of The surroundings or the area encircled.
carbon dioxide and oxygen in the lungs. ambient air
There are approximately 300 million alveoli (1) Any unconfined portion of the atmosphere
situated at the ends of small air passageways (open air, surrounding air). (2) The sur-
in the lungs. Alveoli are the main deposition rounding air or atmosphere in a given area
site of respirable dust particles (1-10 microns under normal conditions. (3) The part of the
in diameter) or respirable fibers (e.g., asbes- atmosphere that is external to structures and to
tos) that can result in various respiratory dis- which the public has access.
eases such as silicosis and asbestosis. (2) The

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ambient air quality
A general term used to describe the quality of parasitic in the human body and cause dis-
the open or ambient air. ease.
Ambient Air Quality Standards
See Criteria Pollutants and National Ambi- amebic dysentery
ent Air Quality Standards. A form of dysentery caused by a protozoan
ambient aquatic life advisory concentrations parasite, usually resulting from poor sanitary
(AALACs) conditions and transmitted by contaminated
The Environmental Protection Agency's advi- food or water. Also referred to as amoebic
sory concentration limit for acute or chronic dysentery.
toxicity to aquatic organisms. amelioration
ambient noise Improvement of conditions immediately after
The noise associated with a given environ- an accident; the immediate treatment of inju-
ment and composed of the sounds from many ries and conditions which endanger people
sources. It is the total noise energy, or the and/or property.
composite of sounds from many sources in an amend
environment. To improve. To change for the better by
ambient temperature moving defects of faults. To change, correct,
The temperature of the medium which sur- revise.
rounds an object. amended water
ambient water quality criteria (AWQS) Water to which a wetting agent has been
The Environmental Protection Agency's added to improve its ability to wet a material.
maximum acute or chronic toxicity concen- amendment
trations for protection of aquatic life and its (1) General. Change for the better; a removal
uses. of faults, or a correction. (2) L a w . The
ambivert statement of a change, such as a law, bill, or
A person possessing characteristics of both motion. (3) Environmental. Organic material,
the introvert and the extrovert. such as wood chips or sawdust, added to
ambiyopia sludge in a composting operation to promote
Dullness or dimness of eyesight without any uniform air flow.
apparent defect in the organs; the first stage of amentia
amaurosis. See also amaurosis. Imbecility, idiocy, or dotage; deficiency of
ambulance or rescue service mental capacity.
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- American Academy of Industrial Hygiene
ing ambulances or rescue services, except by (AAIH)
air, where such operations are primarily A professional society of board-certified in-
within a single municipality, contiguous mu- dustrial hygienists.
nicipalities, or a single municipality and its American Arbitration Association
suburban areas. A national organization of arbitrators from
ambulant whose panel arbitrators are selected for labor
Able to move from place to place; not con- and commercial disputes. The Association
fined to a bed. has produced a Code of Ethics and Procedural
ambulatory Standards for use and guidance of arbitrators.
Pertaining to an illness or condition that can American Association of Occupational Health
be treated while the patient is able to walk Nurses (AAOHN)
about and is not confined to bed. An organization dedicated to promoting the
ameba field of occupational health nursing, formerly
A member of a genus of protozoa, a one- named the American Association of Industrial
celled semi-fluid animal. Some species are Nurses. It has numerous chapters at the state
level throughout the United States. It pro-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

American Occupational Medical Association
vides board certification in the specialty of Professional society of medical directors and
occupational health nurses. plant physicians, specializing in occupational
medicine and surgery. The organization was
established to encourage the study of prob-
American Bar Foundation lems peculiar to the practice of industrial
An outgrowth of the American Bar Associa- medicine and to develop methods to conserve
tion involved with sponsoring and funding the health of workers and develop an under-
projects in legal research, education, and so- standing of medical care needs of workers.
cial studies.
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ASTM)
(ABIH) Members are from business, the scientific
Specialty board whose objective is to improve community, government agencies, educational
the practice and educational standards of the institutions, laboratories, etc., and establish
profession of industrial hygiene, and that is voluntary consensus standards for materials,
authorized to certify qualified practitioners in products, systems, and services.
the discipline of industrial hygiene.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
American Conference of Governmental Indus- Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
trial Hygienists (ACGIH) A professional society of heating, ventilating,
A professional, non-governmental organiza- refrigeration, and air conditioning engineers
tion founded in 1938, composed of industrial that carries out research programs and devel-
hygienists employed in the government and ops recommended practices/guidance in these
academia. The ACGIH establishes threshold areas. It is the primary association involved
limit values (TLV) for certain chemicals, and in filtration and comfort ventilation as well as
co-sponsors (with the American Industrial indoor air quality (IAQ).
Hygiene Association) the annual American
Industrial Hygiene Conference. Their pri- American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
mary function is to encourage the exchange of An international, multi-disciplinary, not-for-
experiences among governmental industrial profit, professional organization with more
hygienists, and to collect and make available than 34,000 members consisting primarily of
information of value to their members. individual safety professionals dedicated to
the advancement of occupational safety,
American Industrial Hygiene Association health, and environmental professions. Orga-
(AIHA) nized in 1911 as the United Association of
An association of professional industrial hy- Casualty Inspectors and incorporated in 1915,
gienists trained in the anticipation, recogni- ASSE is one of the oldest sustaining profes-
tion, evaluation, and control of health hazards, sional membership societies based in the
and the prevention of adverse health effects United States.
among personnel in the workplace.
American Standard Code for Information In-
American Medical Association (AMA) terchange (ASCII)
Professional association of persons holding a The most common convention for represent-
medical degree or an unrestricted license to ing alphanumeric data for transmission or
practice medicine with the purpose of pro- storage.
moting the science of medicine and the bet-
terment of public health. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
A law passed by Congress with the intent of
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) aiding those with physical and mental dis-
A voluntary organization made up of mem- abilities by preventing employment discrimi-
bers that coordinate, develop, and publish nation, providing for public access to public
consensus standards for a wide variety of transportation, and providing for the use of
conditions, procedures, and devices. other facilities and services used by the public
at large.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Ames test
A test used to determine the carcinogenicity aminopyrine
of chemicals. It is often referred to as the A drug used as a fever preventive and pain
Salmonella test. In the test, mutant strains of reliever.
Salmonella typhimurium are cultured on a aminosis
medium deficient in histidine while being ex- Excessive formation of amino acids in the
posed at the same time to a potential carcino- body.
gen and liver extracts. Mutagenic bacteria
will back-mutate to contain a functional his- aminuria
tidine gene, permitting bacterial growth. The The presence of amines in the urine.
level of mutagenicity can be determined by amitosis
the number of colonies that develop. The direct method of cell division, character-
ametropia ized by simple cleavage of the nucleus, with-
An abnormal condition of the eye with respect out formation of chromosomes.
to refraction of light, as in myopia. AML
AMI Acute myelogenous leukemia.
See Available Motions Inventory. ammeter
amicus curiae An instrument for measuring in amperes the
A Latin term meaning "friend of the court," strength of a current flowing in a circuit.
referring to a party authorized by a court to ammoaciduria
submit a legal brief (but generally not oral ar- The presence of ammonia and amino acids in
gument or evidence) to assist the court in re- the urine.
solving the litigation. The term does not con-
note a full party in the litigation for purposes ammonia
of making motions, conducting discovery, A colorless alkaline gas, NH3, with a pungent
participating at trial, or appealing to a higher odor and acrid taste, and soluble in water.
court. That would require intervention. ammonia nitrogen
amino The quantity of elemental nitrogen present in
The monovalent radical NH2, when not united the form of ammonia.
with an acid radical. ammoniated mercury
amino acid A compound used as an antiseptic skin and
An organic acid that is one of the building ophthalmic ointment. It should be applied
blocks in the formation of proteins. More with caution as excessive use may irritate the
than 20 different amino acids are commonly skin and cause a dermatitis.
found in proteins. Some of them can be pro- ammoniemia
duced within the body, but there are eight that The presence of ammonia or its compounds in
the human organism cannot manufacture; the blood.
these essential amino acids are isoleucine,
leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, ammonification
threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Histidine Bacterial decomposition of organic nitrogen
and arginine, which may be manufactured in to ammonia.
the body under certain circumstances, are ammonium
sometimes considered essential. Protein A hypothetical radical, NH4, forming salts
foods that provide large amounts of essential analogous to those of the alkaline metals.
amino acids are known as complete proteins
and include proteins from animal sources such ammoniuria
as meat, eggs, fish, and milk. Proteins that Excess of ammonia in the urine.
cannot supply the body with all essential amnesia
amino acids are known as incomplete pro- Pathologic impairment of memory usually the
teins; these are the vegetable proteins most result of physical damage to areas of the brain
abundantly found in peas, beans, and certain from injury, disease, or alcoholism. It may
forms of wheat. also be caused by a decreased supply of blood

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to the brain, a condition that may accompany amperometric titrator
senility. Another cause is psychological. A Titration device containing an internal indi-
shocking or unacceptable situation may be too cator or electrometric device to show when
painful to remember, and the situation is then the reactions are complete.
retained only in the subconscious mind. The amphetamine
technical term for this is repression. Rarely is A white crystalline powder used as a central
the memory completely obliterated. Amnesia nervous system stimulant. It is odorless and
takes different forms depending upon the area has a slightly bitter taste. Amphetamine has
of the brain affected and how extensive the the temporary effect of increasing energy and
damage is. In auditory amnesia, or "word apparent mental alertness. It is used in some
deafness," the patient is unable to interpret cases of mental depression and alcoholism, in
spoken language. In visual amnesia, or "word the chronic rigidity following encephalitis, in
blindness," the written language is forgotten. attacks of narcolepsy, and to control the ap-
Tactile amnesia is the inability to recognize petite of obese people. It is also used to over-
once familiar objects by the sense of touch. come the depressant effects of barbiturates.
amoebic dysentery Caution is warranted when using ampheta-
See amebic dysentery. mine in persons hypersensitive to stimulants,
amorphous those suffering from coronary or cardiovas-
Non-crystalline and without definite shape or cular disease or hypertension, or women in
form. the early stages of pregnancy.

amortization, capital leases Amphibia

Charges applicable to assets recorded under A class of animals living both on land and in
capital leases. water.

amortization of developmental and preop- amphibole

erating expenses, etc. One of two major groups of minerals.
Charges to expense for the 1) amortization of amphibole asbestos
capitalized developmental and preoperating Fibrous silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium,
costs and other intangible assets; and 2) ob- and sodium that are generally brittle. This
solescence and deterioration of flight equip- form of asbestos is more resistant to heat than
ment spare parts (included under depreciation the serpentine (chrysotile) type.
and amortization). ampholyte
amosite asbestos An organic or inorganic substance capable of
An asbestiform mineral of the amphibole acting as either an acid or a base.
group made up of straight brittle fibers which amphoteric
are light gray to pale brown in color. Often Material having the capacity of behaving as
referred to as brown asbestos. an acid or a base.
amp amphotericity
See ampere. The power to unite with either positively or
ampacity negatively charged ions, or with either basic
Current-carrying capacity of electric conduc- or acid substances.
tors expressed in amperes. ampicillin
ampere (A) A broad-spectrum penicillin of synthetic ori-
A unit of electrical current; that amount of gin, used in treatment of a number of infec-
constant electrical current which, if main- tions, and available in oral preparations as
tained in two straight, infinitely long, parallel well as ampules for intramuscular injections.
conductors having negligible cross-sectional It is active against many of the gram-negative
area and separated by 1 meter in a vacuum, pathogens, in addition to the usual gram-
would produce a force of 2 x 10-7 newtons per positive ones that are affected by penicillin.
meter of conductor.

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(1) General. To make larger, as in the in- President Nixon in 1970, and was given the
crease of an auditory or visual stimulus, as a responsibility for the operation of intercity, as
means of improving its perception. (2) R a- distinct from suburban, passenger trains be-
diation. As related to radiation detection in- tween points designated by the Secretary of
struments, the process (either gas, electronic, Transportation.
or both) by which ionization effects are mag- amu
nified to a degree suitable for their measure- Atomic mass unit.
(1) The instantaneous deviation or displace- AMVER
ment from some baseline. (2) The peak-to- See automated mutual assistance vessel res-
peak difference, maximum value, or averaged cue system.
value of a signal. amyl nitrate
amplitude modulation A vasodilator often used in the treatment of
The multiplication of an approximately con- angina pectoris because of its quick relief of
stant higher frequency carrier signal by a sec- pain. Presumably it relaxes the smooth mus-
ond signal, usually of a much lower fre- cles of the coronary arteries, causing dilation
quency. of these blood vessels. The drugs are dis-
pensed in pearls that are crushed and inhaled.
ampoule It acts very quickly and its effects are brief.
See ampule. These effects include decreased blood pres-
ampule sure, irregular pulse, headache, and dizziness.
A small, hermetically sealed glass flask which amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
may contain medicine or some other chemical A type of motor disorder of the nervous sys-
compound in a pre-measured dose for admini- tem in which there is destruction of the ante-
stration by a third party (e.g., parental admini- rior horn cells and pyramidal tract. The cause
stration of a medicine to a child). Also known is unknown. Early symptoms include weak-
as ampoule. ness of the hands and arms, difficulty in
ampulla swallowing and talking, and weakness and
The enlarged portion of a semicircular canal spasticity of the legs. As the disorder pro-
in the inner ear which contains the crista. gresses there is increased spasticity and atro-
amputation phy of the muscles, with loss of motor control
The removal of a limb or other appendage or and over-activity of the reflexes. There is no
outgrowth of the body. Amputation is some- known specific or effective treatment. Al-
times necessary in cases of cancer, infection, though there may be periods of remission, the
and gangrene. It may be necessary after ir- disease usually progresses rapidly with death
reparable traumatic injury to a limb. Blood occurring in 2 to 5 years in most cases.
vessel disorders such as arteriosclerosis, often an easy distance off
secondary to diabetes mellitus, account for the Marine Safety. A reasonably close (comfort-
greatest percentage of non-injury-induced leg able) distance off the bank, allowing ample
amputations. room for maneuverability. This is a relative
AMSA term depending upon size of stream and size
Association of Metropolitan Sewage Agen- of tow. The term "easy" pertains more to ease
cies. of mind than to closeness of distance and in-
dicates that this portion of the river has no
amt. tight spots.
anabatic wind
Amtrak A localized wind that flows up valley or
American Track operated by the National mountainous slopes, usually in the afternoon,
Railroad Passenger Corporation of Washing- caused by the replacement of cool valley air
ton, DC. This rail system was created by with the warmer air above it.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

anabolism analog-to-digital conversion
The synthesis of more complex living struc- The process of sampling the amplitude of a
tures from simpler materials. continuously varying signal at specified inter-
anadromous vals and presenting a digital value to a resolu-
Fish that spend their adult life in the sea but tion of some number of bits, typically carried
swim upriver to fresh water spawning grounds out by an analog-to-digital converter.
to reproduce.

anaerobe analogue method of forecasting

Organisms unable to multiply in any envi- A forecast made by comparison of past large-
ronment that contains oxygen. Anaerobic mi- scale synoptic weather patterns that resemble
croorganisms have oxygen-sensitive enzymes a given (usually current) situation in its es-
and cannot function in the presence of mo- sential characteristics.
lecular oxygen. Some may be more air toler- analysis
ant than others. Those severely affected by (1) General. A study or evaluation, usually
the presence of oxygen are called strict an- performed to determine the current status of a
aerobes or obligate anaerobes. given system or process. It will often utilize
anaerobic established standards or operating criteria as a
Meaning without oxygen. Also refers to cells baseline for comparison. (2) Weather fore-
or organisms that can live without oxygen or casting. The drawing and interpretation of the
processes that occur in the absence of oxygen. patterns of various weather elements on a sur-
anaerobic bacteria face or upper air chart.
Bacteria that do not require free oxygen to analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
live, or are not destroyed by its absence. A modified analysis of variance involving
anaerobic digestion compensation for covariates when random
Sludge stabilization process where the organic groups cannot be selected.
material in biological sludge is converted to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
methane and carbon dioxide in an airtight re- Any of a series of statistical tests in which
actor. The process is conducted in the ab- variances are compared across two or more
sence of air at residence times ranging from groups to make a determination as to whether
60 days at 20°C to 15 days at 35 to 55°C, with the means of the groups are likely to be sig-
a volatile solids reduction of at least 38 per- nificantly different from one another.
cent. analyte
anaerobic energy The substance or contaminant being analyzed
That energy derived from anaerobic metabo- for in an analytical procedure.
lism. analytical blank
anaerobic metabolism Sampling media which has been set aside for
The partial physiological oxidation of glucose analysis but which was not taken into the
or other bodily fuels in tissues without ade- field.
quate oxygen, forming lactic acid with the analytical estimating
release of energy. It can provide a brief re- A technique in work measurement in which
serve of energy under physical workloads. element times are estimated from previous
anakusis experience and knowledge of the concerned
Complete deafness. elements.

analog analytical standard data

A system, such as the output of a meter, A set of time values represented in the form of
where numerical data are represented by or computed by a mathematical model. See
analogous physical magnitudes or electrical also standard data.
signals that vary continuously.

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analytical workplace design anatomy
The process of using established human fac- The study of the geometrical and topographi-
tors' concepts to design a workplace suitable cal features of all body structures and of the
for human interaction. body as a whole.
analyzer anchorage
In acoustical science, a combination of filters An area where a vessel anchors or may an-
and a system for indicating the relative energy chor, either because of suitability or designa-
that is passed through the filter system. The tion.
measurement is usually interpreted as giving anchor it
the distribution of energy of the applied signal Apply brakes for an emergency stop.
as a function of frequency.
ancillary input
anaphylactic shock Under ISO 14000, material input that is used
A serious and profound state of shock brought by the unit process producing the product, but
about by hypersensitivity (see anaphylaxis) to is not used directly as a part of the product.
an allergen, such as a drug, foreign protein, or
toxin. Insect bites and stings in hypersensi- Andes disease
tive persons may produce anaphylactic shock. See altitude sickness.
Early symptoms are typical of an allergic re- androgen
action such as sneezing and edema or itching Any substance that stimulates male charac-
at the site of injection or sting. The symptoms teristics. The two male androgens are an-
increase in severity very rapidly and progress drosterone and testosterone. The androgenic
to dypsnea, cyanosis, and shock. The blood hormones are internal endocrine secretions
pressure drops rapidly, the pulse becomes circulating in the bloodstream and manufac-
weak and faint, and convulsions and loss of tured mainly by the testes under stimulation
consciousness may occur. Severe anaphylac- from the pituitary gland. To a lesser extent,
tic shock can be fatal if immediate emergency androgens are produced in the adrenal glands
measures are not taken. in both sexes, as well as by the ovaries in
anaphylaxis women. Thus, women normally have a small
An unusual or exaggerated allergic reaction of percentage of male hormones, in the same
an organism to a foreign protein or other sub- way that men's bodies contain some female
stance following previous contact with that sex hormones, the estrogens. The androgens
material. are responsible for the secondary sex charac-
teristics, such as the beard and the deepening
anaplasia of the voice at puberty. They also stimulate
An irreversible alteration in adult cells toward the growth of muscle and bones throughout
more primitive or reversed development. the body and thus account in the part for the
anatomic greater strength and size of men as compared
(1) Of or pertaining to human anatomy or any to women.
of its various components. (2) Relating to the anechoic
science of the morphology or structure of or- The lack of significant reflected energy
ganisms. waves, usually with reference to sounds;
anatomical position having no echo.
A standard posture for defining certain as- anechoic chamber
pects of the human body: the body is standing See anechoic room.
erect with the arms hanging at the sides and
the wrists supinated such that the palms face anechoic room
forward/anterior. A room whose boundaries (e.g., walls, ceil-
ing, etc.) effectively absorb all the sound that
anatomical reference point is incident on their surface, thereby creating
See landmark. essentially a free-field condition. Also re-
ferred to as a free-field room.

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A condition in which different image sizes are when the blood vessel wall becomes weak-
experienced in the two eyes. ened by either physical injury to the vessel, a
anemia congenital defect, or a disease. They may oc-
(1) A disorder of the blood as a whole; a defi- cur in any vein or artery, but are most com-
ciency in the number of red corpuscles or of monly found in the abdomen or chest. Cer-
hemoglobin. (2) A pathological deficiency of tain infections may attack and weaken the tis-
the oxygen-carrying material of the blood, sues of the blood vessels; however, athero-
measured in unit volume concentrations of sclerosis is a common cause. A less common
hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, and red cause is syphilis. A person may have a small
blood cell number. aneurysm for years without being aware of it;
such aneurysms are often identified only acci-
anemometer dentally, on x-ray examination for another
An instrument used to measure the motion of purpose. An aneurysm may form a pulsating
wind or air that employs a pitot tube directed tumor which can be painful to the sufferer,
by a vane or rotor, or a pressure plate de- especially if it is large enough to press against
flected against a spring or gravity. some other organ in the body. Aneurysms
aneroid barometer tend to increase in size, and there is a risk of
A barometer which measure atmospheric rupture. If rupture occurs in the heart or brain
pressure using one or more aneroid capsules or any other vital organ of the body, the re-
in series. sults can be very serious.
aneroid capsule angina
A thin metal disc partially evacuated of air Any disease marked by spasmodic suffocative
and used to measure atmospheric pressure by attacks, especially angina pectoris.
measuring the expansion or contraction of the angina pectoris
capsule as the pressure changes. Acute pain in the chest caused by interference
anesthesia with the supply of oxygen to the heart. Most
Loss of feeling or sensation. Artificial anes- sufferers from angina pectoris can readily
thesia may be produced by a number of agents distinguish it from other pains in the chest,
capable of bringing about partial or complete such as might be caused by indigestion or
loss of sensation. See also anesthetic. coronary thrombosis, for the pain is usually of
an unmistakable nature. It is generally de-
anesthetic scribed as a feeling of tightness, strangling,
(1) A chemical that has a depressant effect on heaviness, or suffocation. The pain is usually
the central nervous system, particularly the just under the sternum and sometimes radiates
brain, and which induces insensibility to pain. down the neck, throat, lower jaw, left arm,
(2) Lacking feeling or sensation. and, more rarely, to the stomach, back, or
anesthetic effect across to the right side of the chest.
A loss of the ability to perceive sensory angiosarcoma
stimulation that can be brought about by ex- A malignant growth on the inner linings of
posure to certain chemical substances either blood vessels, typically found in areas of high
by inhalation, ingestion, injection, or dermal blood vessel concentration, such as the liver.
absorption. Vinyl chloride monomer is known to cause
aneurysm angiosarcoma of the liver.
A sac formed by dilation of the walls of a angiospasm
blood vessel, usually an artery, and filled with The spasmodic contraction of blood vessels.
blood. There are two types of aneurysms:
true aneurysm, in which the wall of the sac angle
consists of one or more of the layers that The space or figure formed by two diverging
make up the wall of the blood vessel, and lines, measured as the number of degrees one
false aneurysm, in which all the layers of the would have to be moved to coincide with the
vessel are ruptured and the blood is retained other.
by surrounding tissues. Aneurysms occur

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angle collision angular momentum (L)
Collisions which are not head on, rear end, A vector representing the rotational momen-
rear to rear, or sideswipe. tum of an object about an axis.
angle diagram angular motion
A graphical plot of the angular relationship The movement of a structure about its own
over time between two joints as the joints local center of rotation.
move in some specified way. angular velocity
angle of abduction The rate of change of angular displacement
See abduction angle. about some axis of rotation with time. Also
referred to as rotational velocity.

angle of incidence
That angle from the perpendicular to the sur- anhydride
face of an object at which a light ray or other A chemical compound derived by the elimi-
entity strikes the surface of that object. nation of water.
angle of repose anhydrous
The maximum angle that the inclined surface A compound that does not contain water.
of a loosely divided material can make with animal
the horizontal. All vertebrate and invertebrate species, in-
angle of resolution cluding but not limited to man and other
See minimum resolution angle. mammals, birds, fish, and shellfish.
angle-torque curve animal feed
Any graphical relationship in which the Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
maximum isometric force exerted at a given Act: An article which is intended for use as
angle is plotted against that angle for the food for animals other than man and which is
range of motion. intended for use as a substantial source of nu-
angstrom trients in the diet of the animal, and is not
A unit of length used chiefly in expressing limited to a mixture intended to be the sole
short wavelengths. It is equal to 10-10 meter ration of the animal.
or 10-8 centimeter. It is typically represented animal starch
in formula or by reference with the symbol Å. See glycogen.
angular acceleration (α anion
The rate of change of angular velocity with A negatively charged ion that migrates to the
time. Also referred to as rotational accelera- anode when an electrical potential is applied
tion. Represented by the formula: to a solution.
anionic polymer

α = A polyelectrolyte with a net negative electri-
dt cal charge.
angular deviation anisomelia
That angle between the incident and trans- Inequality of length, as of a limb.
mitted light rays in a prism. anistropic
angular displacement Having physical properties which vary in dif-
A vector representing the change in angle by ferent spatial directions.
rotation about some origin. ankle
angular frequency The joint formed by the junction of the distal
The oscillation frequency in an oscillating ends of the fibula and the tibia with the talus,
system multiplied by 2. including all the surrounding soft tissues.
ankle bone
See talus.

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annuity insurance
ankle breadth An insurance contract calling for periodic
See bimalleolar breadth. payments to the insured or annuitant for a
ankle height stated period or for life. See also insurance.
The vertical distance from the floor or other annulus
reference surface to the level of the ankle cir- The fiber and cartilage structure surrounding
cumference measure. Measured with the in- the nucleus pulposus in an intervertebral disk.
dividual standing erect. Also referred to as annulus fibrosus.
annihilation radiation anode
Photons produced when an electron and a Positive electrode. The electrode to which
positron unit cease to exist. The annihilation negative ions are attracted.
of a positron-electron pair results in the pro- anorexia
duction of two photons, each of which has at The lack of, or loss of, appetite for food.
least 0.511 MeV energy.
annoyance The absence of the sense of smell.
A condition or stimulus which causes one to
be disturbed, irritated, or troubled. anoxemia
The reduction of the oxygen content of the
annual aggregate financial ability (accidental blood to below physiologic levels.
The amount of money that would be required anoxia
to pay for accidental releases that may occur The absence of, or a diminished amount of,
within 12 months. oxygen in the blood, tissue, or a body of wa-
ter. The deficiency of oxygen in organisms
annual committed effective dose often results in an increased rate of breathing.
According to Chapter I (Environmental Pro- Anoxia in humans is often accompanied by
tection Agency), Subchapter F (Radiation dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and headache. It
Protection Programs) of Title 40 (Protection can result in death.
of Environment) of the Code of Federal
Regulations: The committed effective dose anoxic
resulting from one-year intake of radionu- A condition characterized by the absence of
clides released plus the annual effective dose free oxygen.
subject to the Environmental Standards for ANPRM
Groundwater Protection under Subchapter F. See Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule
annual injury incidence Making.
An OSHA formula used for determining the ANSI
injury rate for comparison with other compa- See American National Standards Institute.
nies or industries, expressed as:
number of OSHA form 200 recordable (1) General. The competitive interaction or
injuries x 200,000 opposition of two or more agents to control or
number hours worked by lessen the effect of an agent's individual ef-
company employee fect(s). (2) Chemistry. The interaction of two
chemicals having an opposing, or neutraliz-
annual operating factor ing, effect on each other, or given some spe-
The annual fuel consumption divided by the cific biological effect, a chemical interaction
product of design firing rate and hours of op- that appears to have an opposing or neutral-
eration per year. izing effect over what might otherwise be ex-
annual range of temperature
The difference between the warmest and antagonist
coldest months at any given location. An entity which opposes or competes with the
action of another entity. It may be a person,
group, muscle, or drug.

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antagonistic (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and others) or
A substance that tends to nullify the action of, contaminated hair, wool, or hides.
or acts against, another. Opposition in the ac- anthro-
tion between similar things, as between medi- Prefix; like or pertaining to man.
cines, chemicals, muscles, etc.
anthropogenic compound
Antarctica mineral resource activity A compound created by human beings, often
Under the Federal Antarctic Protection Act of relatively resistant to biodegradation.
1990: Prospecting, exploration, or develop-
ment in Antarctica of mineral resources, but anthropology
does not include scientific research within the The science of man and mankind, including
meaning of Article III of the Antarctic treaty, the study of the physical and mental constitu-
done at Washington, DC on December 1, tion of man, his cultural development, and so-
1959. cial conditions, as exhibited both in the pre-
sent and in the past.
Antarctic "ozone hole"
Refers to the seasonal depletion of ozone in a Anthropology Research Project (ARP)
large area over Antarctica. A Department of Defense (DOD)-sponsored
project to provide anthropometric surveys for
antenna USAF flying personnel.
A metallic apparatus for sending and receiv-
ing electromagnetic waves. anthropometer
A device for measuring linear dimensions of
antenna array the body.
A group of directional antennas.
anterior Relating to human body measurements and
Pertaining to the front portion of the body or modes of action to determine their influence
toward the front of the body. on the safe and efficient operation of equip-
anterior neck length ment.
The surface distance from suprasternale to the anthropometric evaluation
junction of the posterior lower jaw and the A study of body size and actions with the ob-
neck in the midsagittal plane. It is measured jective of improving the design of machines
with the individual standing erect and looking and tools to enable more effective use of them
straight ahead. by humans.
anterior waist length anthropometric measurement
The surface distance from the most anterior Any physical measurement derived from the
point of the lower neck to the waist. Meas- body or its various parts.
ured with the individual standing erect.
anthracosilicosis One who is qualified by education, training,
A complex, chronic pneumoconiosis that is a and experience to practice anthropometry.
combination of anthracosis and silicosis.
anthracosis The measurement of the human body, in-
Also known as Collier's disease, Shaver's dis- cluding body dimensions, range of motion of
ease, miner's lung, and black lung; a usually body members, and strength (including both
asymptomatic pneumoconiosis resulting from static and dynamic measurements). The
the accumulation of carbon from inhaled branch of anthropology that deals with the
smoke or coal dust in the lungs. comparative measurements of the human
anthrax body. See also ergonomics.
An acute, highly infectious, bacterial disease anthropomorphic
usually affecting the skin. Also known as Having a form like a human or human parts.
wool sorter's disease, rag picker's disease, or
malignant edema, this disease is transmitted
by contact with tissues of infected animals

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anthropophobia antidegradation clause
A pathological fear of human companionship Part of federal air quality and water quality
or of society in general. requirements prohibiting deterioration where
antibiosis pollution levels are above the legal limit.
A relationship between two organisms that is antidote
harmful to one, as parasitism. A remedy to counteract the effects of a toxic
antibiotic substance.
A chemical substance produced by living or- anti-exposure suit
ganisms that inhibits the growth of or kills Any form of outer clothing to protect an indi-
other organisms. vidual from the elements, especially wind and
antibody cold temperatures.
A globulin found in tissue fluids and blood antifoam agent
serum that is produced in response to the A surface active agent used to reduce or pre-
stimulus of a specific antigen, and is capable vent foaming.
of combining with that antigen to neutralize
or destroy it. Also referred to as immune sub-
stances. antifoulant
An additive or dispersant that prevents fouling
anticipated cost of removal and/or the formation of scale.
Under the Federal Forest and Range Land
Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974: antifouling paint
The projected cost of removal of wood resi- Under the Federal Organotin Antifouling
dues from timber sales areas to points of pro- Paint Control Act of 1988: A coating, paint,
spective use, as determined by the Secretary or treatment that is applied to a vessel to con-
of Agriculture at the time of advertisement of trol fresh water or marine fouling organisms.
the timber sales contract in accordance with anti-g straining maneuver (AGSM)
appropriate appraisal and sale procedures. Any internally generated technique for tempo-
anticipated value rarily increasing blood pressure in an attempt
Under the Federal Forest and Range Land to withstand high positive g stresses in high
Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974: performance aircraft and/or spacecraft. See
The projected value of wood residues as fuel M-1 maneuver and L-1 maneuver.
or other merchantable wood products, as de- anti-g suit
termined by the Secretary of Agriculture at A special garment designed to apply counter
the time of advertisement of the timber sales pressure to the lower body during high posi-
contract in accordance with appropriate ap- tive g forces as an aid in preventing blackout
praisal and sale procedures. of the wearer.
anticipation error antigen
An error produced due to an expectation of a That portion or product of a biologic agent
change. capable of stimulating the formation of spe-
anticoagulant cific antibodies.
Any substance that inhibits the blood clotting anti-glare filter
mechanism. A transparent device for reducing glare.
anticonvulsant antihistamine
Inhibiting convulsions; an agent that sup- A drug that counteracts the effects of hista-
presses convulsions. mine, a normal body chemical that is believed
anticyclone to cause the symptoms of persons who are
An area of high pressure around which the hypersensitive to various allergens. Antihis-
wind blows clockwise in the Northern Hemi- tamines are used to relieve the symptoms of
sphere and counterclockwise in the Southern allergic reactions, especially hay fever and
Hemisphere. other allergic disorders of the nasal passages.
Some antihistamines have an antinauseant ac-
tion that is useful in the relief of motion sick-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ness while others have a sedative and hyp- form of infection control. See also disinfec-
notic action and may be used as tranquilizers. tant.
anti-inflammatory antitoxin
Counteracting or suppressing inflammation. An antibody to the toxin of a microorganism,
antiknock additive usually a bacterial exotoxin. Antitoxins com-
A compound, usually tetraethyl lead, added to bine with a specific toxin, in vivo or in vitro,
gasoline to minimize engine pre-ignition and with the consequent neutralization of toxicity.
its accompanying knocking and pinging. antitrope
Pollution from the release of such compounds One of two structures that are similar but re-
in auto emissions led to the introduction of verse oriented, like a right and left glove.
unleaded gasoline. antivenin
antilogarithm A material used to neutralize the venom of a
A number whose logarithm returns original poisonous animal.
antimetabolite anuria
A substance exerting its desired effect perhaps The absence of the excretion of urine from the
by replacing or interfering with the utilization body.
of an essential metabolite.
antimicrobial A feeling of uneasiness, apprehension, or
Agent that kills microbial growth. See also dread.
disinfectant, sanitizer, and sterilizer.
antimony American Optometric Association.
A chemical element, atomic number 51,
atomic weight 121.75, symbol Sb. Antimony AOC
compounds are used in medicine as anti- See assimilable organic carbon.
infective agents in the treatment of tropical AOMA
diseases, especially those of protozoan origin. See American Occupational Medical Asso-
All antimony compounds are potentially poi- ciation.
sonous and must be used with caution.
antimorphic See advanced oxidation processes.
In genetics, antagonizing or inhibiting normal
activity (as in an antimorphic mutant gene). aorta
The great artery arising from the left ventricle.
antioxidant See also circulatory system.
A chemical compound added to a substance to
reduce deterioration from oxidation; a pre- aortoclasia
servative. Rupture of the aorta.

antipole apathy
A point on the skull opposite to the point of Reactive absence of emotions.
impact in an accident. APCA
antiscalant Air Pollution Control Association.
An additive that prevents the formation of apepsia
inorganic scale. Cessation or failure of digestive function.
antiseptic APF
Chemical compounds that are capable of re- See assigned protection factor.
ducing the number of microorganisms on
body surfaces. Used primarily on humans and
American Public Health Association.
animals, in contrast to disinfectants, which are
used primarily on non-living surfaces as a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Loss of the power of swallowing and subse- tions into the brain (cerebral apoplexy) after
quent failure to eat, which can result in illness rupture of an intracranial blood vessel; stroke.
or death. apparent color
aphakic The color in water caused by the presence of
Pertaining to an individual with the lens re- suspended solids.
moved from one or more eyes. apparent motion
API An illusion of motion, regardless of the cause,
American Petroleum Institute. whether by certain patterns of non-moving
API gravity stimuli, by certain conditions under which
An index inversely related to specific gravity non-moving stimuli are observed, or by
used to identify liquid hydrocarbons. stimulation of sensory receptors or the nerv-
ous system.
API separator
Rectangular basin in which wastewater flows appeal
horizontally while free oil rises and is A legal term referring to carrying a matter to a
skimmed from the surface. higher tribunal, as from agency staff to a
hearing officer, or a hearing officer to re-
aplasia viewing board, or reviewing board to court, or
Absence of an organ due to failure of devel- trial court to appellate court. The Supreme
opment of the embryonic primordium. Court is the highest appeal court of a state.
aplastic The United States Supreme Court is the high-
Pertaining to or characterized by aplasia; having est appeal court in the federal judiciary.
no tendency to develop into new tissue. appellate
aplastic anemia Pertaining to or having cognizance of appeals
A condition in which the bone marrow fails to and other proceedings for the judicial review
produce an adequate supply of red blood cells. of adjudications. The term has a general
meaning, and it has a specific meaning indi-
apnea cating the distinction between original and ju-
The temporary cessation of breathing. risdiction and appellate jurisdiction.
apneumia appellate court
A developmental anomaly with the absence of A court having jurisdiction of appeal and re-
the lungs. view; a court to which causes are removable
apocrine by appeal, certiorari, error, or report.
Denoting that type of glandular secretion in appendicitis
which the secretory products become concen- Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
trated at the free end of the secreting cell and Appendicitis is a serious disease, usually re-
are thrown off, along with the portion of the quiring surgery.
cell where they have accumulated, as in the
mammary gland. See also eccrine gland. appetite
The desire for food. It is stimulated by the
aponeurosis sight, smell, or thought of food and accompa-
An expansion of a muscle tendon which nied by the flow of saliva in the mouth and
serves to attach a muscle to bone at an origin gastric juice in the stomach. The stomach
or insertion, or to enclose a group of muscles. wall also receives an extra blood supply in
apophysis preparation for digestive activity. Appetite is
Any outgrowth or swelling, especially a bony psychological, depending on memory and as-
outgrowth that has never been entirely sepa- sociations, as compared with hunger, which is
rated from the bone of which it forms a part, physiologically aroused by the body's need for
such as a process, tubercle, or tuberosity. food. Appetite can be discouraged by unat-
tractive food, surroundings, or company, and
by emotional states such as anxiety, irritation,
Copious extravasation of blood into an organ;
anger, and fear. Certain drugs may also affect
often used alone to designate such extravasa-

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approach control facility
appetite. Chronic loss of appetite is known as A terminal air traffic control facility providing
anorexia. approach control service.
appliance approach control service
(1) General. Utilization equipment, generally Air traffic control service provided by an ap-
other than industrial, normally built to perform proach control facility for arriving and de-
one or more functions such as clothes washing, parting Visual Flight Rules (VFR)/Instrument
air conditioning, food mixing, deep frying, etc. Flight Rule (IFR) aircraft and, on occasion, en
(2) Aviation. Any instrument, mechanism, route aircraft. At some airports not served by
equipment, part, apparatus, appurtenance or ac- an approach control facility, the Air Route
cessory, including communications equipment, Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) provides
that is used or intended to be used in operating limited approach control service.
or controlling an aircraft in flight, is installed in approach gate
or attached to the aircraft, and is not part of an An imaginary point used within Air Traffic
airframe, engine, or propeller. Control (ATC) as a basis for vectoring aircraft
applicant to the final approach course. The gate will be
Transportation. A governmental entity, a established along the final approach course 1
nonprofit public-purpose organization, or any mile from the outer marker (or the fix used in
responsible person having the legal, financial, lieu of the outer marker) on the side away
and technical capacity to implement an inter- from the airport for precision approaches and
modal passenger terminal project under 49 1 mile from the final approach fix on the side
CFR 256. The applicant must have legal away from the airport for non-precision ap-
authority to receive and expend federal funds. proaches. In either case, when measured
application along the final approach course, the gate will
A software package for performing a specific be no closer than 6 miles from the landing
type of task other than direct system support threshold.
or system utilities. approach light system (ALS)
applied load An airport lighting facility which provides
The actual load (or stress) imposed on a visual guidance to landing aircraft by radiat-
structure in the service environment ing light beams in a directional pattern by
which the pilot aligns the aircraft with the
applied sciences extended centerline of the runway on his final
Those disciplines involved in the use of in- approach for landing. Condenser-Discharge
formation gathered by the basic sciences. Sequential Flashing Lights/Sequenced Flash-
apportionment ing Lights may be installed in conjunction
(1) Government. The process by which leg- with the Approach Lighting System (ALS) at
islative seats are distributed among units enti- some airports. Types of approach light sys-
tled to representation. (2) Aviation. Distribu- tems are 1) ALSF-1: Approach Light System
tion of Airport Improvement Plan (AIP) funds with Sequenced Flashing Lights in Instrument
from the Airport & Airways Trust Fund to Landing System (ILS) Cat-I configuration. 2)
airport sponsors based on enplanements or ALSF-2: Approach Light System with Se-
cargo landed weights. Also referred to as en- quenced Flashing Lights in ILS Cat-II con-
titlement. See also passenger facility charge. figuration. The ALSF-2 may operate as a
Simplified Short Approach Light System with
approach clearance Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (SSALR)
Authorization by Air Traffic Control (ATC) when weather conditions permit. 3) SSALF:
for a pilot to conduct an instrument approach. Simplified Short Approach Light System with
The type of instrument approach for which Sequenced Flashing Lights. 4) SSALR: Sim-
clearance and other pertinent information are plified Short Approach Light System with
provided in the approach clearance when re- Runway Alignment Indicator Lights. 5)
quired. MALSF: Medium Intensity Approach Light
System with Sequenced Flashing Lights. 6)
MALSR: Medium Intensity Approach Light

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System with Runway Alignment Indicator different segments of an approach as well as
Lights. 7) LDIN: Lead-in-light system: Con- for aircraft weight and configuration.
sists of one or more series of flashing lights approach velocity
installed at or near ground level that provide The average water velocity of fluid in a chan-
positive visual guidance along an approach nel upstream of a screen or other obstruction.
path, either curving or straight, where special
problems exist with hazardous terrain, ob- approachway
structions, or noise abatement procedures. 8) The airspace through which aircraft approach
RAIL: Runway Alignment Indicator Lights or leave a landing area.
(Sequenced Flashing Lights which are in- appropriate air traffic service (ATS) authority
stalled only in combination with other light The relevant authority designated by the state
systems). 9) ODALS: Omnidirectional Ap- responsible for providing air traffic services
proach Lighting System consists of seven (ATS) in the airspace concerned. In the
omnidirectional flashing lights located in the United States, the "appropriate ATS author-
approach area of a nonprecision runway. Five ity" is the Director, Office of Air Traffic Sys-
lights are located on the runway centerline tem Management, ATM-1.
with the first light located 300 feet from the
threshold and extending at equal intervals up appropriate authority
to 1,500 feet from the threshold. The other (1) Regarding flight over the high seas, the
two lights are located, one on each side of the relevant authority is the State of Registry. (2)
runway threshold, at a lateral distance of 40 Regarding flight over other than the high seas,
feet from the runway edge, or 75 feet from the the relevant authority is the state having sov-
runway edge when installed on a runway ereignty over the territory being overflown.
equipped with a Visual Approach Slope Indi- approved
cator (VASI). (1) Product Safety. Item that has been tested
approach locking and found to be acceptable by a recognized
Electric locking effective while a train is ap- authority and approved for use under speci-
proaching, within a specified distance. A sig- fied conditions. Testing agencies include the
nal displaying an aspect to proceed, and U.S. Bureau of Mines, Factory Mutual (FM),
which prevents, until after the expiration of a Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the U.S. De-
predetermined time interval after such signal partment of Agriculture, and others. (2) Ma-
has been caused to display its most restrictive rine Safety. A term used to indicate Coast
aspect, the movement of any interlocked or Guard approval of a specific item among the
electrically locked switch, movable-point limited number that the Coast Guard has been
frog, or derail in the route governed by the directed by law to test and "approve." Some
signal, and which prevents an aspect to pro- of these items are personal flotation devices,
ceed from being displayed for any conflicting fire extinguishers, carburetor backfire flame
route. arresters, distress signals, and certain types of
life rafts. The standards program has not re-
approach sequence quired "approval" of any boat or item of asso-
The order in which aircraft are positioned ciated equipment.
while on approach or awaiting approach
clearance. approved equipment
Equipment that has been designed, tested,
approach signal found to be acceptable, and approved by an
A roadway signal used to govern the approach appropriate authority as safe for use in a
to another signal and, if operative, so con- specified hazardous location or atmosphere.
trolled that its indication furnishes advance in-
formation of the indication of the next signal. approved for the purpose
Approved for a specific use, purpose, envi-
approach speed ronment, or application as described in a par-
The recommended speed contained in aircraft ticular standard requirement. Suitability of
manuals used by pilots when making an ap- equipment, or materials for a specific purpose,
proach to landing. This speed will vary for environment or application may be deter-

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mined by a nationally recognized testing labo- APWA
ratory, inspection agency, or other organiza- American Public Works Association.
tion concerned with product evaluation as part AQCR
of its listing and labeling program. See Air Quality Control Region.
approved landfill aquatic chronic value (ACV)
Site that has been approved by a government As used in Rule 57 (pursuant to Act 245 of
environmental protection authority (federal or 1929), a value used to represent the higher
state) for the disposal of hazardous wastes. concentration of a substance which does not
approved refrigerant recycling equipment cause an adverse effect to important aquatic
Under the Clean Air Act (CAA): Equipment species when exposure occurs continuously
certified by the EPA Administrator (or an in- over the lifetime of the organism.
dependent standards testing organization ap- aquatic nuisance species
proved by the Administrator) to meet the Under the Federal Non-indigenous Aquatic
standards established by the Administrator Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990:
and applicable to equipment for the extraction A non-indigenous species that threatens the
and reclamation of refrigerant from motor ve- diversity or abundance of native species or the
hicle air conditioners. Such standards shall, at ecological stability of infested waters, or
a minimum, be at least as stringent as the commercial, agricultural, or recreational ac-
standards of the Society of Automotive Engi- tivities dependent on such waters.
neers (SAE) in effect as of November 15,
1990 and applicable to such equipment (SAE aqueduct
Standard J-1990). A structure designed to transport domestic or
industrial water from a supply source to a
apocrine distribution point, often by gravity. See also
Sweat glands that open into hair follicles. canal/ditch.
Apocrine sweat glands are limited to a few
regions of the body, notably the underarm and aqueous
genital areas. Of, relating to, or resembling water; made
from, with or by water.
Impairment of the ability to use objects cor- aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)
rectly. A fluorinated surfactant with a foam stabilizer
which is diluted with water to act as a tempo-
apron rary barrier to exclude air from mixing with
(1) A floor or lining of resistant material at the the fuel vapor by developing an aqueous film
toe of a dam or bottom of a spillway to pre- on the fuel surface of some hydrocarbons
vent erosion from turbulent water flow. (2) which is capable of suppressing the genera-
That portion of a pier and wharf measured tion of fuel vapors.
between the outer edges of the water-facing
side and the transit shed or other inshore aqueous humor
structure. (3) That portion of an airport run- The fluid in the anterior (front) chamber of
way area used for final aircraft checklist com- the eye.
pletion prior to departure. It is not intended aquifer
for use in any actual aircraft landing or take- An underground geological formation, or
off activity. group of formations, containing usable
aptitude amounts of groundwater that can supply wells
An innate ability for acquiring a particular and springs.
skill or knowledge. aquifuge
aptitude test An underground layer of impermeable rock
Any system or device for determining that will not allow the free passage of
whether an individual is likely to be success- groundwater.
ful in an activity for which he/she has not yet arable
been trained. Land capable of being farmed.

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arachnoid layer with body weight equally divided between
A nonvascular membrane between the dura both feet.
mater and pia mater surrounding the brain and Archimedes' principle
spinal cord. The principle of buoyancy that states the force
ARAR on a submerged body acts vertically upward
(1). System Safety. Acronym for "accident risk through the center of gravity of the displaced
assessment report." A detailed analysis of a fluid and is equal to the weight of the fluid
facility and its operating system(s) to deter- displaced.
mine hazardous conditions and risk abatement Archimedes' screw
measures. (2) Environmental. Acronym for See screw pump.
"applicable or relevant and appropriate re-
quirements." Cleanup standards, control stan- arctic tundra
dards, and other substantive environmental See tundra.
protection requirements, criteria, and limita- arcus cloud
tions promulgated under federal, state, and lo- See roll cloud.
cal laws.
arbitrary delay The measure of the size or extent of a surface.
An unscheduled interruption of work which is Its dimensions are
unrelated to the task or job being performed.
A process for the resolution of disputes. De- In the MKS System, area is measured in me-
cisions are made by an impartial arbitrator ters2. In the CGS System, area is measured in
selected by the parties involved. These deci- centimeters2. In the English System, area is
sions are usually legally binding. See also measured in feet2 or, frequently, inches2.
mediation. Area, A
arc The cross-sectional area through which air
An anthropometric measurement following an moves. The area could be the cross-sectional
open curved path, where the curve makes up area of a duct, a lab fume hood, a door, or any
the majority of the measurement value. Also space through which air moves. Measured in
referred to as curvature. See also circumfer- square feet.
ence. area affected by Outer Continental Shelf ac-
arc lamp tivities
An illumination source which operates using Under the Federal Outer Continental Shelf
the principles of discharge of low cathode Lands Act Amendments of 1978: Any geo-
voltages and high currents. graphic area which is under oil or gas lease on
the Outer Continental Shelf; where Outer
arc-welder's disease Continental Shelf exploration, development,
A pneumoconiosis resulting from the inhala- or production activities have been permitted,
tion of iron particles. May also be referred to except geophysical activities; where pipeline
as siderosis. rights-of-way have been granted; or otherwise
arch impacted by such activities including but not
(1) General. A curved structure that supports limited to expired lease areas, relinquished
the weight of material over an open space. (2) rights-of-way and easements, Outer Conti-
Anatomy. The curvature on the inferior sur- nental Shelf supply vessel routes, or other ar-
face of the foot. eas as determined by the Secretary of the
arch height
The maximum vertical distance from the floor area control center
or other reference surface on which a person An ICAO (International Civil Aviation Orga-
stands to the bottom of the foot tissue between nization) term for an air traffic control facility
the anterior and posterior support points. primarily responsible for Air Traffic Control
Measured with the individual standing erect, (ATC) services being provided to Instrument

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Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft during the en route CAN navigational facility (VORTAC) refer-
phase of flight. The U.S. equivalent facility is enced or Course Line Computer (CLC) sys-
an air route traffic control center. tems, which account for the greatest number
area control computer complex (ACCC) of Radio Navigation (RNAV) units in use. To
The common automation system equipment function, the CLC must be within the service
and software that support control of aircraft in range of a VORTAC. 2) OMEGA/VLF. Al-
a specific area, and which are located within though two separate systems, can be consid-
each area control facility. The ACCC is one ered as one operationally. A long-range navi-
portion of the AAS (Advanced Automation gation system based upon Very Low Fre-
System). quency (VLF) radio signals transmitted from
a total of 17 stations worldwide. 3) Inertial
area control facility (ACF) navigation systems (INS), which are totally
As of 1992, the planned 23 facilities that re- self-contained and require no information
sult from consolidation of existing Air Route from external references. They provide air-
Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) and Terminal craft position and navigation information in
Radar Approach Control (TRACON)/Terminal response to signals resulting from inertial ef-
Radar Approach Control in Tower Cab fects on components within the system. 4)
(TRACAB) facilities. An Area Control Fa- Microwave Landing System (MLS) Area
cility (ACF) may be formed from an existing Navigation (MLS/RNAV), which provides
ARTCC or may be created in a new building. area navigation with reference to an MLS
The number, location, and implementation ground facility. 5) LORAN-C is a long-range
dates of ACFs are in accordance with the Na- radio navigation system that uses ground
tional Airspace System Plan. There will be waves transmitted at low frequency to provide
20 Continental U.S. (CONUS) ACFs con- user position information at ranges of up to
verted from ARTCCs plus Honolulu, Anchor- 600 to 1,200 nautical miles at both en route
age, and the New York TRACON. Each can and approach altitudes. The usable signal
accomplish either an en route or an ap- coverage areas are determined by the signal-
proach/departure control. to-noise ratio, the envelope-to-cycle differ-
Area Director ence, and the geometric relationship between
The employee or officer regularly or tempo- the positions of the user and the transmitting
rarily in charge of an Area Office of the Oc- stations.
cupational Safety and Health Administration, area of critical environmental concern
U.S. Department of Labor, or any other per- Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage-
son or persons who are authorized to act for ment Act of 1976: Areas within the public
such employee or officer. The term also in- lands where special management attention is
cludes any employee or officer exercising su- required (when such areas are developed or
pervisory responsibilities over an Area Di- used or where no development is required) to
rector. A supervisory employee or officer is protect and prevent irreparable damage to im-
considered to exercise concurrent authority portant historic, cultural, or scenic values, fish
with the Area Director. and wildlife resources or other natural sys-
area navigation (RNAV) tems or processes, or to protect life and safety
A method of navigation that permits aircraft from natural hazards.
operation on any desired course within the area of review
coverage of station-referenced navigation sig- The area surrounding an injection well that is
nals or within the limits of a self-contained reviewed during the permitting process to de-
system capability. Random area navigation termine whether the injection operation will
routes are direct routes, based on area naviga- induce flow between aquifers.
tion capability, between waypoints defined in
terms of latitude/longitude coordinates, de- area sample
gree/distance fixes, or offsets from published An environmental sample obtained at a fixed
or established routes/airways at a specified point in the workplace. Used to measure
distance and direction. The major types of properties of the workplace itself, which may
equipment are 1) Combined VOR and TA-

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or may not correlate with personal results of Involving both the arm and the hand, gener-
individual worker samples. ally referring to internally generated or motor
area source activities. See also hand-arm.
Any small source of non-natural air pollution arm-hand steadiness
that is released over a relatively small area but A measure of the ability to keep both the hand
which cannot be classified as a point source. and arm steady, whether stationary or moving.
Such sources include vehicles and other small See also hand steadiness.
fuel combustion engines. arm-hand-tool aggregate
area to be submerged The combination of the hand/arm and tool
The known extent of the intended lake that acting as a biomechanical unit.
will be created behind a dam under construc- arm reach from wall
tion. The horizontal distance from the wall to the
area wide template tip of the longest finger. Measured with the
Transportation. A computerized format rear of both the individual's shoulders against
(spreadsheet) for data entry of system length, the wall, and with both hands and arms ex-
vehicle travel, population, net land area, fatal tended forward parallel to the floor for sym-
and injury accidents, and percent of travel by metry.
vehicle type. arm work
That physical work which uses the arm(s),
argyria with essentially no or minimal trunk or leg in-
Poisoning by silver or a silver salt. A promi- volvement.
nent symptom is a permanent gray discolora- Armed Forces
tion of the skin, conjunctiva, and internal or- The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,
gans. and Coast Guard, including their regular and
arising from the operation of a railroad reserve components and members serving
Includes all activities of a railroad that are without component status.
related to the performance of its rail transpor- arming plug
tation business. A removable device that provides electrical
arithmetic mean continuity when inserted in a firing circuit.
The sum of values divided by the number of armored cable
values. Type AC armored cable is a fabricated as-
arm sembly of insulated conductors in a flexible
One of the pair of upper extremities, consist- metallic enclosure.
ing of the humerus, radial, and ulnar bones, armpit
and other associated soft tissues. See axilla.
arm circumference Armstrong starter
See forearm circumference, upper arm cir- Old-fashioned hand crank (usually for auto-
cumference, and axillary arm circumference. mobiles, but generally used for any type of
arm/disarm device engine).
An electrically or mechanically actuated Army Aviation Flight Information Bulletin
switch that can make or break one or more A bulletin that provides air operation data
electroexplosive firing circuits. It operates in covering Army, National Guard, and Army
a manner similar to a safe and arm (S&A) de- Reserve aviation activities.
vice, except they do not physically interrupt ARO
the explosive train. See also safe and arm See airport reservation office.
aromatic hydrocarbon
A major group of unsaturated cyclic hydro-
carbons containing one or more rings made up

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of 6 carbon atoms. This group, most notably See cardiac arrhythmia.
benzene, is chiefly derived from petroleum arrival aircraft interval (AAI)
and coal tar. The name is due to the strong An internally generated program in hun-
and often pleasant odor characteristic of sub- dredths of minutes based upon the Airport
stances within this group. Acceptance Rate. Arrival airport interval is
aromatic process oils the desired optimum interval between succes-
See high boiling aromatic oils. sive arrival aircraft over the vertex.
arousal arrival center
The degree of awareness of the environment. The air route traffic control center having ju-
ARP risdiction for the impacted airport.
See airport reference point. arrival delay
arraignment A parameter which specifies a period of time
The stage of a criminal prosecution where the in which no aircraft will be metered for arrival
defendant pleads guilty, not guilty, or nolo at the specified airport.
contendere (no contest). arrival post
arrangement of passenger transportation A signboard placed approximately 1/2 mile
Includes establishments engaged in providing below the lock on the upstream and the down-
travel information and acting as agents in ar- stream side to inform the pilot of the towboat
ranging tours, transportation, car rentals, and that he has arrived at the lock and his prefer-
lodging for travelers. ence is rated upon his first arrival either below
or above. This term is falling into disuse
arrangement of passenger transportation not since the advent of radio communications
elsewhere classified between towboats and the lock.
Establishments primarily engaged in arrang-
ing passenger transportation (other than travel arrival program sequencing
agencies and tour operators), such as ticket of- The automated program designed to assist in
fices (not operated by transportation compa- sequencing aircraft destined for the same air-
nies) for railroads, buses, ships, and airlines. port.

arrangement of workplace principals arrival sector

See workplace layout principals. An operational control sector containing one
or more meter fixes.
A group of solar collection devices arranged arrival time
in a suitable pattern to efficiently collect solar The time an aircraft touches down on arrival.
energy. arroyo
arrestance A stream or watercourse that is often dry.
Refers to the ability of a filter to remove arsenic
coarse particulate matter from air passed A chemical element, atomic number 33,
through it. atomic weight 74.92, symbol As. Arsenic
arresting system compounds have been widely used in medi-
Aviation. A safety device consisting of two cine; however, they have been replaced for
major components, namely, engaging or the most part by antibiotics, which are less
catching devices and energy absorption de- toxic and equally effective. Some arsenic
vices for the purpose of arresting both tail- compounds are used for infectious disease,
hook and/or nontailhook-equipped aircraft. It especially those caused by protozoa. Since
is used to prevent aircraft from overrunning arsenic is highly toxic, it must be adminis-
runways when the aircraft cannot be stopped tered with caution. The antidote for arsenic
after landing or during aborted takeoff. Ar- poisoning is dimercaprol.
resting systems have various names (e.g., ar- arson
resting gear, hook device, wire barrier cable). In common law, the malicious burning of the
premises of another. More broadly, any act

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by a person with the specific intent of using arteriovenous oxygen difference
fire to destroy a building or occupied structure The difference in oxygen content between the
of another, or causing the destruction or dam- blood entering and leaving the pulmonary
age of any property, regardless of the owner, capillaries.
for the purpose of collecting insurance for the artery
loss. A blood vessel that conveys blood from the
arson clause heart to any part of the body.
A clause in insurance policies voiding cover- artesian water
age if a fire is set under the direction of or by Bottled water from a well that taps a confined
the insured. aquifer located above the normal water table.
arsphenamine artesian well
A light yellow powder containing 30 to 32 A well with sufficient pressure to produce
percent of arsenic; used intravenously in water without pumping.
syphilis, yaws, and other protozoan infections.
ARSR Pain in a joint.
See air route surveillance radar.
ARTCC Inflammation of a joint. The term covers more
See Air Route Traffic Control Center. than 100 different types of joint diseases, the
arterenol most common types being rheumatoid arthritis
See norepinephrine. and osteoarthritis. Arthritis may also arise as a
arterial highway side effect of a number of diseases, including
Arterial highways serve major traffic move- tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and viral dis-
ments or major traffic corridors. While they eases such as measles and influenza. Rheuma-
may provide access to abutting land, their tism is a general term for arthritis and is often
primary function is to serve traffic moving applied to almost any pain in the joints or mus-
through the area. See also freeway, minor cles. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are
arterial, and principal arterial. usually mild with a gradual onset. Os-
teoarthritis is most likely to occur in the large
arterial street and weight-bearing joints. It is a degenerative
A major thoroughfare, used primarily for disorder that is commonly secondary to other
through traffic rather than for access to adja- joint diseases. Another common form of os-
cent land, that is characterized by high ve- teoarthritis affects the joints of the fingers; this
hicular capacity and continuity of movement. form usually occurs in women. Osteoarthritis
arteriosclerosis is much less crippling than severe rheumatoid
Thickening and loss of the elasticity of the arthritis because it does not cause the two bone
coats of the arteries, with inflammatory surfaces to fuse and immobilize the joint.
changes; popularly known as hardening of the arthroscope
arteries. There are two main types: arterio- An instrument having a small diameter tube
sclerosis proper, in which the hardening is the used for visualizing the interior of some body
result of fibrous and mineral deposits in the part.
middle layer of the artery wall; and athero-
sclerosis, in which fatty and other substances article
collect in the inner lining of the arteries to Under the Toxic Substances Control Act
form what are known as atheromatous (TSCA), a manufactured item which is
plaques. These plaques encroach upon the formed to a specific size and shape during
passageway and gradually obstruct the flow of manufacture whose end use function is de-
blood. Of the two types, atherosclerosis is by pendent in whole or in part on that specific
far the more common and more serious con- size and shape.
dition. Atherosclerosis is one of the major articular
killers in the United States today. Pertaining to one or more joints.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

articulate See automated radar terminal system.
Produce speech sounds easily recognizable by arytenoid
another individual fluent in a given language. A skeletal muscle of the larynx which is in-
articulated bus volved in controlling pitch by regulating the
A bus usually 55 feet or more in length with length of the vibrating segment of the vocal
two connected passenger compartments that cord.
bend at the connecting point when the bus as-built plan
turns a corner. A drawing which covers property boundaries,
articulated motor buses streets bordering the site and building layout,
Extra-long (54 ft. to 60 ft.) motor buses with and provides accurate scale and a north arrow.
the rear body section connected to the main asbestiform mineral
body by a joint mechanism. The joint mecha- (1) Minerals which, due to their crystalline
nism allows the vehicles to bend when in op- structure and chemical composition, tend to
eration for sharp turns and curves, and yet be separated into fibers and can be classed as
have a continuous interior. a form of asbestos. (2) The EPA defines as-
articulated total body model (ATB) bestiform as a specific type of mineral fibros-
A computerized model developed for exam- ity in which the fibers and fibrils possess high
ining the biodynamic effects of ejection from tensile strength and flexibility.
high-performance aircraft on the various body asbestos
segments. A generic term used to describe a number of
articulation index (AI) naturally occurring fibrous, hydrated mineral
See speech articulation index. silicates differing in chemical composition.
They are white, gray, green, or brown. As-
artificial bestos fibers are characterized by high tensile
(1) A replacement for a natural limb. (2) A strength, flexibility, heat and chemical resis-
mechanical device that can substitute tempo- tance, and good frictional properties.
rarily or permanently for a body organ. Chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite,
artificial gravity and actinolite are all forms of asbestos. Expo-
That relative downward acceleration experi- sure to asbestos fibers is known to cause a va-
enced by an individual or object on the inte- riety of diseases, including asbestosis (a dif-
rior of a larger, rotating object as a result of fuse, interstitial non-malignant scarring of the
centrifugal force. lung tissues), bronchogenic carcinoma (a lung
cancer), mesothelioma (a tumor of the lining of
artificial horizon
the chest cavity or lining of the abdomen), and
A graphic or pictorial flight instrument dis-
cancer of the stomach, colon, and rectum.
play for providing the pilot with information
about the orientation of the aircraft with re- asbestos abatement
spect to the ground. Procedures to control the release of asbestos
fibers from asbestos-containing materials.
artificial pupil
A small aperture in a manufactured or cul- asbestos bodies
tured disk or diaphragm used to restrict the Dumbbell-shaped bodies that may appear in
amount of light entering the eye. the lungs and sputum of persons who have
been exposed to asbestos. These are also
artificial radioactivity
called ferruginous bodies.
(1) Radioactivity produced by the bombard-
ment of a target element with nuclear parti- asbestos cement pipe
cles. (2) The output from radioactive sub- Pipe manufactured of a mixture of asbestos
stances or from high energy electromagnetic fiber and Portland cement.
wave production in instrumentation. asbestos-containing materials (ACM)
artificial reality Any material which contains more than 1 per-
See virtual environment. cent asbestos by weight which can be released

©2000 CRC Press LLC

upon destruction or disturbance of the struc- Free from infection; sterile.
tural integrity of the material. aseptic bone necrosis
asbestos fiber See dysbaric osteonecrosis.
An asbestos fiber that is greater than 5 mi- aseptic technique
crometers in length, with a length to width ra- Procedures designed to exclude infectious
tio equal to or greater than 3 to 1. agents; laboratory or clinical techniques that
asbestos standard do not result in the transfer of disease-
Regulations promulgated by the federal Oc- producing microorganisms from one surface
cupation Safety and Health Administration in to another.
1986 that require major reductions in the level ash
of airborne asbestos fibers in workplaces and The mineral content of a product remaining
that also prescribe a system of engineering after complete combustion.
controls and work practices related to asbes-
tos. It is actually two standards, one for gen- ASHARA
eral industry and one for the construction in- Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reau-
dustry, with somewhat different requirements. thorization Act.
asbestosis ashing
A disease associated with chronic exposure to The decomposition, prior to analysis, of the
and inhalation of asbestos fibers. The disease organic matrix constituents of a sampling me-
makes breathing progressively more difficult dia.
and can lead to death. ASHRAE
ASCE See American Society of Heating, Refriger-
American Society of Civil Engineers. ating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
ASCII asiderosis
See American Standard Code for Informa- Deficiency in the iron reserve of the body.
tion Interchange. askarel
ascorbic acid Generic term for a group of nonflammable
Vitamin C, also called cevitamic acid; a sub- synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbons that have
stance found in fruits and vegetables, espe- been used as electrical insulating material.
cially citrus fruits (oranges and lemons) and These are also referred to as polychlorinated
tomatoes. Ascorbic acid is an essential ele- biphenyls.
ment of the diet. Lack of vitamin C can lead as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
to scurvy or to less severe conditions, such as A basic concept of radiation protection that
delayed healing of wounds. Solutions of vi- specifies that radioactive discharges from nu-
tamin C deteriorate very rapidly and the vita- clear plants and exposure of personnel to ion-
min is not stored in the body to any extent. izing radiation be kept as far below regulatory
Large doses of commercial preparations of limits as is reasonably achievable.
ascorbic acid may cause gastrointestinal irri-
tation. There is no general agreement as to ASM
the normal and therapeutic daily requirements See available seat mile.
for vitamin C intake. ASME
ASDE American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
See airport surface detection equipment. Asmussen dynamometer
asemasia A device using a piston drive for measuring
Inability to make or comprehend signs or to- strength, in either a push or pull mode.
kens of communication. aspect
asepsis The appearance of a roadway signal convey-
Clean and free of microorganisms. ing an indication as viewed from the direction
of an approaching train; the appearance of a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cab signal conveying an indication as viewed (e.g., nitrogen). Chemical asphyxiants render
by an observer in the cab. the body incapable of utilizing an adequate
aspect ratio supply of oxygen (e.g., carbon monoxide).
(1) With regard to asbestos fibers, the ratio of Both types of anoxia can potentially result in
fiber length to fiber width. (2) EPA. The ratio insufficient oxygen to sustain life.
of the length to width of a particle. The as- asphyxiation
pect ratio for counting structures, as defined (1). The depravation of oxygen caused by
in the transmission electron microscope chemical or physical means. Chemical as-
(TEM) method of asbestos sample assess- phyxiants prevent oxygen transfer from the
ment, is equal to or greater than 5 to 1. (3) blood to the body cells. Physical asphyxiants
OSHA. To be counted as a fiber by the phase prevent oxygen from reaching the blood. (2)
contrast microscopy (PCM) method of analy- That point where oxygen content is no longer
sis, the fiber must be at least 5 micrometers in at a level capable of supporting life; a cause
length and have a length to width ratio of at of death resulting from a lack of sufficient
least 3 to 1. oxygen; suffocation.
aspergillosis aspirate
An infectious disease of the skin, lungs, and (1) To remove (by suction) a gas or body fluid
other parts of the body caused by certain fungi from a body cavity, from an unusual accu-
of the genus Aspergillus. mulation, or from a container. (2) The acci-
Aspergillus fumigatus dental passage of a liquid or solid substance
Airborne fungi that may result from com- into the lungs following attempted ingestion
posting operations and may cause human ear, or during a vomiting sequence.
lung, and sinus infections. aspirating aerator
Aeration device that uses a motor-driven pro-
peller to draw atmospheric air into the turbu-
asphalt lence caused by the propeller to form small
A dark brown-to-black cement-like material bubbles.
containing bitumens as the predominant con-
stituents obtained by petroleum processing. aspiration
The definition includes crude asphalt as well A hazard to the lungs following the ingestion
as the following finished products: cements, (accidental or on purpose) of a material, such
fluxes, the asphalt content of emulsions (ex- as a solvent or solvent-containing product,
clusive of water), and petroleum distillates when a small amount of the material is taken
blended with asphalt to make cutback as- into or is aspirated into the lungs in liquid
phalts. form. Aspiration can occur during ingestion,
or if and when the material is later vomited.
A mixture of ground rubber and bituminous aspirator
concrete used as a pavement interlayer to re- A hydraulic device that creates a negative
duce stress and prevent cracking. pressure by forcing liquid through a restric-
tion and increasing the velocity head.
(1) The state of respiratory distress or suffo- aspirin
cation due to the lack of respirable oxygen. Acetylsalicylic acid, a common drug gener-
(2) A condition due to lack of oxygen in in- ally used to relieve pain and reduce fever, and
spired air, resulting in loss of consciousness specifically prescribed for rheumatic and ar-
or actual cessation of life. thritic disorders. Indiscriminate use of the
drug may lead to toxic symptoms such as
asphyxiant gastrointestinal disorders, ringing in the ears,
Any commodity capable of reducing or de- headache, and, in severe toxicity, depression
pleting the oxygen content of a space to the of heart rate.
point of asphyxiation. Asphyxiants may be
simple or chemical. Simple asphyxiants are ASQC
materials that can displace oxygen in the air American Society for Quality Control.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ASR assimilation
See airport surveillance radar. The ability of a body of water to purify itself
of pollutants. See also color assimilation.
See American Society of Safety Engineers. assimilative capacity
The ability of a water body to receive waste-
water and toxic materials without deleterious
(1) General. The concourse or meeting to-
effects on aquatic life or the humans who con-
gether of a considerable number of persons at
sume the water.
the same place; also, the persons so gathered.
The process of putting together individual Assistant Regional Director
pieces or components to make a whole or The employee or officer regularly or tempo-
complete item. (2) System Safety. A combi- rarily in charge of a Region of the Occupa-
nation of multiple components or parts tional Safety and Health Administration, U.S.
grouped together to perform a single function Department of Labor, or any other person or
or a specific set of functions within a system persons who are specifically designated to act
or subsystem. for such employee or officer in his/her ab-
sence. The term also includes any employee
assembly line
or officer in the Occupational Safety and
A work arrangement in which the product
Health Administration exercising supervisory
being assembled is delivered to each person
responsibilities over the Assistant Regional
who then performs a somewhat specialized
task or job at a specific work site.
assessment assistive device
An evaluation or examination of a specific Any tool which either enables or enhances
area of concern, such as a program, policy, or human-machine interaction for an individual
procedural assessment. with a physical handicap.

assessor's map associated corpuscular emission

A map which covers property boundaries and The full complement of secondary charged
gives the location of properties bordering the particles (usually limited to electrons) associ-
subject site. ated with an x-ray or gamma-ray beam in its
passage through air.
assignable cause
Any identifiable source of deviation from the associated equipment
normal in some process or system. Marine Safety. Any system, part, or compo-
nent of a boat as originally manufactured or
assigned protection factor (APF) any similar part or component manufactured
A numerical indicator of how well a respirator or sold for replacement, repair, or improve-
can protect its wearer under optimal condi-
ment of such system, part, or component; any
tions of use. The numerical value, or assigned accessory or equipment for, or appurtenance
protection factor, is the ratio of the air con- to, a boat; and any marine safety article, ac-
tamination concentration outside a respirator
cessory, or equipment intended for use by a
to that inside the respirator. For example, an person on board a boat; but excluding radio
assigned protection factor of 10 means that equipment, as designated by the Secretary of
1/10th the workspace exposure concentration Transportation under 46 U.S.C. 2101.
is that which is inhaled by the wearer.
assigned vehicle
Law. (Latin) A promise or engagement by
A vehicle provided to an organizational ele-
which one person assumes or undertakes to do
ment of a government agency or contractor by
some act or pay something to another. It may
General Services Administration's (GSA) In-
be either oral or in writing, but is not under
teragency Fleet Management System for a pe-
seal. It is express if the promisor puts his en-
riod of more than 30 days.
gagement in the distinct and definite lan-
assimilable organic carbon (AOC) guage; it is implied where the law infers a
The portion of dissolved organic carbon that promise (though no formal one has passed)
is easily used by microbes as a carbon source.

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from the conduct of the party or the circum- dyspnea, wheezing, and a sense of constric-
stances of the case. tion in the chest.
assumption astigmatism
The act of conceding or taking for granted. An error of refraction in which parallel light
Laying claim to or taking possession of. rays fail to come to focus on the retina, owing
assumption of liability to differences in curvature in various meridi-
As applied to the waste business, assumption ans of the refractive surfaces (cornea and lens)
of liability occurs when a licensed transporter of the eye. The exact cause of astigmatism is
facility automatically assumes responsibility not known.
and, accordingly, risk and liability for a gen- ASTM
erator's waste when the waste is accepted for See American Society for Testing and Materials.
transportation, storage, treatment, or other astringent
handling. This assumption does not, how- (1) Causing contraction and arresting dis-
ever, reduce or remove the generator's liabil- charges. (2) An agent that arrests discharges.
ity for responsibility. Astringents act as protein precipitants; they
assumption of risk arrest discharge by causing shrinkage of tis-
Law. The doctrine of assumption of risk, also sue.
known as volenti non fit injuria, means legally astronautics
that a plaintiff may not recover for an injury The art and science of designing, building,
to which he/she assents, i.e., that a person and operating manned or unmanned space
may not recover for an injury received when objects.
he/she voluntarily exposes himself to a known
and appreciated danger. The requirements for astrosphere
the defense of assumption of risk are that a) a A structure made up of a group of radiating
condition of risk must exist, b) he/she knows fibrils that converge toward the centrosome
the condition is dangerous, c) he/she appreci- and continue in the centrosphere of a cell.
ates the nature or extent of the danger, and d) asymbolia
he/she voluntarily exposes himself/herself to Loss of ability to understand symbols, as
the danger. words, figures, gestures, and signs.
AST asymmetric lift
Aboveground storage tank. A manual lifting task in which the load is not
astern equally shared by paired limbs.
(1) Behind a vessel. (2) Move in a reverse asymmetric membrane
direction. Membranes that are not reversible and can
asthenia only desalinate efficiently in one direction.
Lack or loss of strength or energy. asymmetry
asthenic A lack of structural correspondence between
A Kretschmer somatotype characterized by a two sides of a normally or especially symmet-
slender, feeble build. Also referred to as ric structure, especially pertaining to paired
aesthenic. See also Kretschmer somatotype. members.
asthenopia asymptomatic
Impairment of vision, with pain in the eyes, The lack of identifiable signs or symptoms;
back of the head, and the neck. without symptoms.
asthma asymptote
A disease of the bronchi, technically know as That value represented by approximately a
bronchial asthma. Constriction of the bron- horizontal straight line which a curve ap-
chial tube muscles, in response to irritation, proaches as the axis approaches infinity.
allergy, or other stimulus. Symptoms include

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at anchor
Held in place in the water by an anchor. In- atherosclerosis
cludes "moored" to a buoy or anchored vessel A condition characterized by degeneration
and "dragging anchor." and hardening of the walls of the arteries and
at grade sometimes the valves of the heart, related es-
See grade crossings and highway-rail cross- pecially to thickening of the intimal layer.
See also arteriosclerosis.
at grade, exclusive right-of-way
A movement disorder characterized by almost
Railway right-of-way from which all other
continuous involuntary slow, sinuous move-
traffic, mixed and cross, is excluded. Median
strip right-of-way is included provided all
crossings of the right-of-way pass over or un- athlete's foot
der the median. A fungus infection of the skin of the foot; also
called tinea pedis. Athlete's foot causes itch-
at grade, mixed and cross traffic
ing and often blisters and cracks, usually be-
Railway right-of-way over which other traffic
tween the toes. Causative agents are Candida
moving in the same direction or the cross di-
albicans, Epidermophyton floccosum and spe-
rections may pass. City street right-of-way is
cies of Trichophyton, which thrive on warmth
and dampness. If not arrested, athlete's foot
at grade, with cross traffic can cause a rash and itching in other parts of
Railway right-of-way over which no other the body as well. It is likely to be recurrent,
traffic may pass, except to cross at grade-level since the fungus survives under the toenails
crossings. A median strip right-of-way with and reappears when conditions are favorable.
grade-level crossings at intersecting streets is Although athlete's foot is usually little more
included. than an uncomfortable nuisance, the open
ATAD sores it causes provide excellent sites for more
See autothermal thermophilic aerobic diges- serious infections. See dermatophytoses.
tion process.
ataxia athletic
A failure, or lack of muscular coordination. A Kretschmer somatotype having a stocky,
ATB muscular build with little body fat. See also
See articulated total body model. Kretschmer somatotype.

ATC atlanto-occipital joint

See air traffic control. The junction of the atlas with the occipital
bone of the skull.
See air traffic command and control center. atlas
Anatomy. The first cervical vertebra.
See air taxi/commercial operator. atm
See airport traffic control tower. ATM
atelectasis See air traffic management.
A collapsed or airless state of the lung, which atmometer
may be acute or chronic, and may involve all An instrument used to measure the evapora-
or part of the lung. The primary cause of tive capacity of the air.
atelectasis is obstruction of the bronchus atmosphere
serving the affected area. Symptoms include (1) A standard unit of pressure representing
sudden obstruction of the bronchus, pain in the pressure exerted by a 29.92-inch column
the affected side, dyspnea and cyanosis, ele- of mercury at sea level at 45° latitude and
vation of temperature, and a drop in blood equal to 1000 grams per square centimeter.
pressure or shock.
(2) The whole mass of air surrounding the

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earth, composed largely of oxygen and nitro- course of nuclear fission or nucleus transfor-
gen and extending to an altitude of 10 miles. mation.
atmosphere-supplying respirator atomic energy defense activity
A respiratory protective device which is de- Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act
signed to supply breathing air to the wearer. of 1982: Any activity of the Secretary of En-
This type of respirator does not rely on the ergy performed in whole or in part in carrying
use of air from the work environment. The air out any of the following functions: naval re-
is obtained from an independent source. Res- actors development; weapons activities in-
pirators of this type are classified as a sup- cluding defense inertial confinement fusion;
plied-air respirator or self-contained breathing verification and control technology; defense
apparatus. nuclear materials production; defense nuclear
atmospheric corrosion waste and materials byproducts s manage-
Corrosion that results from exposure to the ment; defense nuclear materials security and
atmosphere. safeguards and security investigations; and
defense research and development.
atmospheric effect
See greenhouse effect. atomic fission
See fission.
atmospheric pressure
The pressure exerted by the weight of the at- atomic mass
mosphere, equivalent to 14.7 pounds per The mass of a neutral atom of a nuclide, usu-
square inch at sea level. Also equivalent to ally expressed in terms of atomic mass units.
the pressure exerted by a column of mercury atomic mass unit
760 mm high or a column of water 406.9 One-twelfth the mass of one neutral carbon-
inches high. 12 atom equivalent to 1.6604 E-24 grams.
atmospheric stagnation atomic number
A condition of light winds and poor vertical The number of protons in the nucleus of an
mixing that can lead to a high concentration atom.
of pollutants. Air stagnation is most often as-
sociated with fair weather, an inversion, and
the sinking air of a high-pressure area. atomic power
The production of electricity through the use
atmospheric window of a nuclear reactor.
The wavelength range between 8 and 11 m in
which little absorption of infrared radiation atomic weapon
takes place. Under the Federal Atomic Energy Act of
1954: Any device utilizing atomic energy,
at. no. exclusive of the means for transporting or
Atomic number. propelling the device (where such means is a
atom separable and divisible part of the device), the
The smallest particle of an element which can principal purpose of which is for use as, or for
not be divided or broken by chemical means. development of, a weapon, a weapon proto-
It consists of a central core called the nucleus, type, or a weapon test device.
which contains protons and neutrons. Elec- atomic weight
trons move in orbital fashion in the region Approximately the sum of the number of
surrounding the nucleus. protons and the number of neutrons found in
atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) the nucleus of an atom, also known as the
A method commonly used for the analysis of mass number.
heavy metals in water. atomize
atomic energy To divide a liquid into extremely minute par-
Under the Federal Atomic Energy Act of ticles, either by impact with a jet of steam or
1954: All forms of energy released in the compressed air, or by passage through some
mechanical device.

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atomizer authorized entrants within the space, keeping
An instrument through which a liquid is in constant, though not necessarily continuous
sprayed to produce a fine mist. communication with them, so the attendant
atrial fibrillation can immediately call rescue services if
A cardiac arrhythmia characterized by ex- needed. (2) Law. One who owes a duty or
tremely rapid, irregular atrial impulses, inef- service to another, or in some way depends
fectual atrial contractions, and irregular, rapid upon him or her. One who follows and waits
ventricular beats. Also known as auricular upon another.
fibrillation. See also fibrillation. attended operation
atrophy An operation which is attended at all times by
Wasting away or diminution in the size of a a person who is sufficiently knowledgeable to
cell, tissue, organ, or part, from defect, failure act should the need arise.
of nutrition, or lack of use. attention
atropine The general, but not highly directed, alloca-
A poisonous parasympatholytic alkaloid of tion of sensory-perceptual functions, possibly
belladonna, used in a variety of conditions. involving motor functions as well, to a subset
Actions include decrease of secretions, in- of the possible inputs. See also selective at-
creased heart rate and rate of respiration, and tention and divided attention.
relaxation of smooth muscle tissue. It may be attention span
used to dilate pupils, for general cerebral That length of time or number of items or
stimulation, for relief of gastrointestinal tasks to which an individual can respond be-
cramps and hypermotility, and locally to re- fore performance deteriorates.
lieve pain. In various combinations with attenuate
other drugs, atropine may be administered To reduce in amount, concentration, intensity,
orally or intramuscularly, or applied topically. strength, force, or amplitude some entity over
Atropine methylnitrate and atropine sulfate a period of time or space.
are soluble compounds of atropine, with
similar uses.
ATSDR attenuation
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease (1) General. The process by which a com-
Registry. pound is reduced in concentration over time,
through adsorption, degradation, dilution,
attached growth process and/or transformation. (2) Acoustics. The re-
See fixed film process. duction, expressed in decibels, of the sound
attachment plug intensity at a designated position as compared
A device which, by insertion in a receptacle, to the sound intensity at a second position
establishes connection between the conduc- acoustically further from the source, or as a
tors of the attached flexible cord and the con- result of an intervening material. (3) Ionizing
ductors connected permanently to the recepta- Radiation. The process by which a beam of
cle. ionizing radiation is reduced in intensity when
attainment area passing through a material.
An area considered to have air quality as good attitude
as or better than the National Ambient Air (1) See posture. (2) The forward orientation
Quality Standards (NAAQS) as defined in the of a vehicle which is capable of motion in all
Clean Air Act. An area may be an attainment three spatial dimensions, especially an aircraft
area for one pollutant and a non-attainment or spacecraft. (3) An individual's feeling or
area for others. opinion about some issue or expected event
attendant which will shape his/her response.
(1) Safety. With regard to confined space en- atto
try, a trained individual who remains outside a Prefix designating 1 E-18, (a).
confined space and acts as an observer of the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

attractive dirt
attorney Any form of dirt which tends to remain at-
In the most general sense, this term denotes tached to a surface through electrostatic
an agent or substitute, or one who is ap- forces.
pointed and authorized to act in the place or attractive nuisance
stead of another. An agent, or one acting on An insurance term applicable to any existing
behalf of another. In its most common usage, or visible condition that may attract attention
however, unless a contrary meaning is clearly and the desire to inspect the condition or cir-
intended, this term means "attorney at law, cumstance. An example would be a con-
"lawyer," or "counselor at law." struction site containing interesting or unusual
attorney at law machinery or devices that might attract chil-
Person admitted to practice law in his/her re- dren or others for closer investigation, thereby
spective state and authorized to perform both risking harm or damage to person or property.
civil and criminal legal functions for clients, Fencing and/or other security may be ways to
including drafting of legal documents, giving control an attractive nuisance, although they
of legal advice, and representing such before may not be sufficient.
courts, administrative agencies, boards, etc. attributable risk
attorney-client privilege A measure of the occurrence of a specific dis-
In law of evidence, the client's privilege to ease or injury in those exposed to a particular
refuse to disclose and to prevent any other situation or causal agent.
person from disclosing confidential commu- attribute
nications between the client and his/her attor- Some characteristic of an element or condi-
ney. Such privilege protects communications tion.
between the attorney and the client made for
the purpose of furnishing or obtaining profes- attrition
sional legal advice or assistance. That privi- Wearing or grinding down of a substance by
lege also permits an attorney to refuse to tes- friction. A contributing factor in air pollution,
tify as to communications between the client as with dust.
and the attorney. It is important to note that
the privilege belongs to the client, not to the
attorney, and hence the client may waive it. at-will employee
Unless waived, the privilege protects a com- An employee who works for a company under
munication between privileged persons in an at-will employment agreement.
confidence for the purpose of obtaining or at-will employment
providing legal assistance for the client. An agreement or understanding, either written
Attorney General or verbal, between an employer and employee
Head of the U.S. Department of Justice and that the employer may terminate an employee
chief law officer of the Federal Government, at any time, with or without good reason or
represents the United States in legal matters notice, and with no legal liability of the em-
generally and gives advice and opinions to the ployer. Also referred to as employment-at-
President and to the heads of the executive will.
departments of the Government when so re- at. wt.
quested. In each State, there is also an Attor- Atomic weight.
ney General, who is the chief law officer of
audible frequency range
the state.
See audible sound.
audible sound
A chemical or agent that lures insects or other
Sound containing frequency components be-
pests by stimulating their sense of smell.
tween approximately 16-20 and 20,000 Hz.
attraction Also referred to as audible frequency range,
The force of influence by which one object is audible range, and audio frequency range.
drawn toward another.
audible range
See audible sound.

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audio frequency range A detailed and systematic inspection or re-
See audible sound. view of an occupational health and safety
audio frequency spectrum program, environmental program, financial
See spectra (1). operating program, or some other program, to
determine compliance with company policies,
audiogenic practices, and procedures, as well as the
Resulting from sound. regulations that are applicable to the opera-
audiogenic seizure tions and work being performed.
A reflex convulsion caused by exposure to an audit conclusion
intense or sudden noise. Under ISO 14000, professional judgment of
audiogram opinion expressed by an auditor about the
A graphic or tabular record of hearing level subject matter of the audit, based on and lim-
measured at different sound frequencies pro- ited to reasoning the auditor has applied to
duced by an audiometer in a control setting. audit findings.
Audiograms are used in the diagnosis and audit criteria
treatment of hearing loss. See also audiome- Under ISO 14000, policies, practices, proce-
ter. dures, or requirements against which the
audiologist auditor compares collected audit evidence
A professional, specializing in the study and about the subject matter.
rehabilitation of hearing, who is certified by audit evidence
the American Speech-Language-Hearing As- Under ISO 14000, verifiable information, re-
sociation or licensed by a state board of ex- cords, or statements of fact.
audit findings
audiometer Under ISO 14000, results of the evaluation of
A frequency-controlled audio signal generator the collected audit evidence compared against
that produces pure tones at various frequen- the agreed-upon criteria.
cies and intensities and that is used to measure
hearing sensitivity or acuity. Measurement of audit team
hearing threshold results in an audiogram, Group of auditors, or a single auditor, desig-
measured in decibels at selected frequencies. nated to perform a given audit; the audit team
See also audiogram. may also include technical experts and audi-
audiometric reference level
The sound pressure level and specification to auditing procedures
which an audiometer has been calibrated. Compliance procedures, which include em-
ployee training in the company’s mandatory
audiometric technician standards and procedures as well as regular
An individual who is trained to perform audi- and unannounced audits, conducted under the
ometry. direction of counsel and the corporate compli-
audiometric testing room ance officer to ensure compliance. See also
A specialized chamber insulated for sound monitoring procedures.
and equipped for hearing acuity measurement. auditor
audiometric zero One who checks the accuracy, fairness, and
The threshold of hearing, which is equivalent general acceptability of business operations in
to a sound pressure of 2 E-4 microbars. general, and operating plans and procedures in
specific. One who conducts an audit. See
audiometry also audit, independent audit, and internal
The testing of the sense of hearing. audit.
audiovisual auditory
The simultaneous stimulation of both the Pertaining to the sense of hearing.
sense of hearing and the sense of sight.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

auditory absolute threshold aural insert protectors
See threshold of audibility. A form of hearing protector commonly known
auditory aftereffect as earplugs. They are available in numerous
A phenomenon is which familiar sounds ap- configurations as foam, plastic, fine glass fi-
pear modulated for a period of time after lis- ber, and wax-impregnated cotton. The three
tening to rapid, high-intensity impulses. types are formable, custom-molded, and pre-
auditory attention
The ability to focus on a single auditory auricle
source in the presence of distracting auditory (1) The part of the ear that projects from the
stimuli. head. Also called the pinna. (2) One of the
two upper chambers of the heart.
auditory canal
See Eustachian tube. auricular fibrillation
See atrial fibrillation.
auditory fatigue
A temporary increase in auditory threshold auricular point
due to prolonged intense noise or a previous That location on the longitudinal axis of the
auditory stimulus. external auditory canal at which it passes to
the exterior.
auditory lateralization
The determination by a person that apparent aurora
direction of a sound is either to the left or Glowing light display in the night time sky
right of the midsagittal plane of the head caused by excited gases in the upper atmos-
when wearing earphones. phere giving off light. In the Northern Hemi-
sphere, it is called the aurora borealis (north-
auditory localization ern lights; in the Southern Hemisphere, the
The process of determining the apparent di- aurora australis (southern lights).
rection and/or distance of an external sound
source. authentication
In the law of evidence, the act or mode of
giving authority or legal authenticity to a stat-
auditory nerve ute, record, or other written instrument, or a
That portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve certified copy thereof, so as to render it le-
which carries auditory information from the gally admissible in evidence.
inner ear to the brain. May be referred to as authority
acoustic nerve. Permission. Right to exercise powers; to im-
auditory ossicle plement and enforce laws; to exact obedience; to
Any of the three small bones in the middle ear command; to judge. Control over; jurisdiction.
used for hearing: the malleus (hammer), incus Often synonymous with power. The delegated
(anvil), and stapes (stirrup). power by one person to another. The lawful
delegation of power by one person to another.
auditory sound Power of agent to affect legal relations of prin-
See background noise. cipal by acts done in accordance with principal's
auditory stimulus manifestations of consent to agent.
Any stimulus which excites the cochlea to authority having jurisdiction
convey signals indicating sound perception to The organization, office, agency, or individual
the brain. responsible for approving equipment and in-
auditory system stallation, or a procedure.
The combined structures of the external, mid- authorized altitude
dle, and inner ear which are involved in the A published altitude representing the maxi-
function of hearing, and the acoustic nerve. mum usable altitude or flight level for an air-
aural space structure or route segment. It is the
Pertaining to the ear or hearing. highest altitude on a federal airway, jet route,
area navigation low or high route, or other di-
rect route for which a Minimum En Route In-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

strument Flight Rules (IFR) Altitude (MEA) autoignition temperature
is designated in Part 95 at which adequate re- The lowest temperature at which a flammable
ception of navigation aid signals is assured. gas-air or vapor-air mixture ignites from its
authorized entrant own heat source or a contacted hot surface but
(1) As pertains to confined spaces, an employee without the presence of a spark or flame.
who is authorized by the employer to enter a autokinesis
permit space. (2) In confined spaces, an em- Voluntary movement.
ployee who is authorized by the employer or its autokinetic illusion
designee to enter a confined space. An effect in which a stationary point light
auto restricted zone source in a dark background or with no visual
An area in which normal automobile traffic is reference frame appears to move. Also re-
prohibited or limited to certain times, and ve- ferred to as autokinetic phenomenon.
hicular traffic is restricted to public transit, autokinetic phenomenon
emergency vehicles, taxicabs and, in some See autokinetic illusion.
cases, delivery of goods.
autoland approach
Aviation. A precision instrument approach to
See automotive billing module.
touchdown and, in some cases, through the
autoclave landing rollout. An autoland approach is per-
A self-locking apparatus used for the sterili- formed by the aircraft autopilot which is re-
zation of materials by steam under pressure. ceiving position information and/or steering
The autoclave allows steam to flow around commands from onboard navigation equip-
each article placed in the chamber. The vapor ment. See also coupled approach.
penetrates cloth or paper used to package the
articles being sterilized. Autoclaving is one automated control
of the most effective and proven methods for The use of feedback in a continuously moni-
destruction of all types of microorganisms. tored, computerized system to self-correct any
The amount of time and degree of temperature output deviations.
necessary for sterilization depend on the arti- automated flight service station
cles to be sterilized and whether they are A station that provides interactive alphanu-
wrapped or left directly exposed to the steam. meric and graphic workstations for the flight
autoexec.bat service specialist.
Computing. A text file that contains a list of automated guideway
commands that a computer executes every (1) An electric railway operating without ve-
time it is started (booted) or restarted (re- hicle operators or other crew on board the ve-
booted). hicle. (2) One or more automatically con-
autogenous combustion trolled vehicles operating over an exclusive
Burning that occurs when the heat of com- guideway.
bustion of a wet organic material or sludge is automated guideway transit
sufficient to vaporize the water and maintain Guided transit vehicles operating singly or in
combustion without auxiliary fuel. multi-car trains with a fully automated system
autogenous temperature (no crew on transit units). Service may be on
Equilibrium temperature in sludge combus- a fixed schedule or in response to a passenger-
tion where heat input from the fuel equals the activated call button. Automated guideway
heat loss and combustion is self-supporting. transit includes personal rapid transit, group
rapid transit, and people mover systems.
automated guideway transit system
The ignition of a combustible material with-
out initiation by a spark or flame; when the Fixed guideway transit system which operates
temperature of a material has been raised to a with automated (driverless) individual vehi-
level at which self-sustaining combustion oc- cles or multi-car trains. Service may be on a

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fixed schedule or in response to a passenger- as, for example, a change in current strength,
activated call button. pressure, temperature, or mechanical configu-
automated guideway vehicles ration.
Guided transit passenger vehicles operating automatic altitude reporting
under a fully automated system (no crew on That function of a transponder which re-
transit units). sponds to Mode C interrogations by transmit-
automated mutual assistance vessel rescue ting the aircraft's altitude in 100-foot incre-
system (AMVER) ments.
A facility which can deliver, in a matter of automatic block sign system
minutes, a Surface Picture (SURPIC) of ves- T ransportation . A block signal system
sels in the area of a potential or actual search wherein the use of each block is governed by
and rescue incident, including their predicted an automatic block signal, cab signal, or both.
positions and their characteristics. automatic carrier landing system
automated radar terminal system (ARTS) U.S. Navy final approach equipment consist-
The generic term for the ultimate in functional ing of precision tracking radar coupled to a
capability afforded by several automation computer data link to provide continuous in-
systems. Each differs in functional capabili- formation to the aircraft, monitoring capabil-
ties and equipment. Automated Radar Termi- ity to the pilot, and a backup approach system.
nal System (ARTS) plus a suffix roman nu- automatic direction finder (ADF)
meral denotes a specific system. A following An aircraft radio navigation system which
letter indicates a major modification to that senses and indicates the direction to a
system. In general, an ARTS displays for the Low/Medium Frequency (L/MF) nondirec-
terminal controller aircraft identification, tional radio beacon (NDB) ground transmitter.
flight plan data, and other flight associated in- Direction is indicated to the pilot as a mag-
formation, e.g., altitude, speed, and aircraft netic bearing or as a relative bearing to the
position symbols in conjunction with the radar longitudinal axis of the aircraft depending on
presentation. Normal radar co-exists with the the type of indicator installed in the aircraft.
alphanumeric display. In addition to enhanc- In certain applications, such as military, ADF
ing visualization of the air traffic situation, operations may be based on airborne and
ARTS facilitates intra/inter-facility transfer ground transmitters in the VHF/UHF fre-
and coordination of flight information. These quency spectrum.
capabilities are enabled by specially designed
computers and subsystems tailored to the ra- automatic fare collection (AFC) system
dar and communications equipment and op- The controls and equipment that automatically
erational requirements of each automated fa- admit passengers on insertion of the correct
cility. Modular design permits adoption of fare in an acceptable form, which may be
improvements in computer software and elec- coins, tokens, tickets, or farecards (stored
tronic technologies as they become available value farecards must be inserted again on exit,
while retaining the characteristics unique to at which point an additional fare may be re-
each system. quired).
automated transfer information automatic fire detection device
Aviation. A pre-coordinated process, specifi- A device designed to automatically detect the
cally defined in facility directives, during presence of fire by heat, flame, light, smoke,
which a transfer of altitude control and/or ra- or other products of combustion.
dar identification is accomplished without automatic interlocking
verbal coordination between controllers using Transportation-Rail. An arrangement of sig-
information communicated in a full data nals, with or without other signal appliances,
block. which functions through the exercise of inher-
automatic ent powers as distinguished from those whose
Self-acting, operating by its own mechanism functions are controlled manually, and which
when actuated by some impersonal influence, are so interconnected by means of electric cir-

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cuits that their movements must succeed each facility, locating the vehicle and providing
other in proper sequence; train movements other information about its operations or
over all routes being governed by signal indi- about its mechanical condition.
cation. automation
automatic pilot The increased use of mechanization and/or
Aviation. The roll, pitch, and yaw axis of an computerization.
aircraft can be controlled by use of an auto- automatism
matic pilot. Information from very high fre- A movement disorder in which non-reflex
quency omni-directional radio range (VOR), motor actions occur during abnormal states of
instrument landing systems (ILS), microwave consciousness.
landing systems (MLS), and other navigation
aids can be coupled to the automatic pilot for automobile
en route and approach flights. (1) Any 4-wheeled vehicle propelled by fuel
which is manufactured primarily for use on
automatic restraint system public streets, roads, and highways (except
Any restraint system that requires no action any vehicle operated exclusively on a rail or
on the part of the driver or passengers to be rails), and that either a) is rated at 6,000
effective in providing occupant crash protec- pounds gross vehicle weight or less; or b)
tion (e.g., air bags or passive belts). which i) is rated more than 6,000 pound gross
automatic terminal information service vehicle weight, but less than 10,000 pounds
The continuous broadcast of recorded non- gross vehicle weight; ii) is a type of vehicle
control information in selected terminal areas. for which the National Highway Traffic
Its purpose is to improve controller effective- Safety Administration (NHTSA) Adminis-
ness and to relieve frequency congestion by trator determines, under paragraph b) of 49
automating the repetitive transmission of es- CFR 523, average fuel economy standards are
sential but routine information. feasible; and iii) is a type of vehicle for which
automatic train control system the Administrator determines, under para-
A system so arranged that its operation will graph b) of 49 CFR 523, average fuel econ-
automatically result in the following: 1) A omy standards will result in significant energy
full service application of the brakes which conservation, or is a type of vehicle which the
will continue either until the train is brought Administrator determines, under paragraph b)
to a stop, or, under control of the engineman, of 49 CFR 523, is substantially used for the
its speed is reduced to a predetermined rate; same purposes as vehicles described in a)
2) When operating under a speed restriction, above. (2) A privately owned and/or operated
an application of the brakes when the speed of licensed motorized vehicle including cars,
the train exceeds the predetermined rate and jeeps, and station wagons. Leased and rented
which will continue until the speed is reduced cars are included if they are privately operated
to that rate. and not used for picking up passengers in return
for fare. (3) Passenger cars, up to and including
automatic train stop system station wagons in size. See also bus, car, mini-
A system so arranged that its operation will van, motor vehicle, taxi, and vehicle.
automatically result in the application of the
brakes until the train has been brought to a automobile insurance
stop. (1) General. Insurance against the loss of or
damage to a motor vehicle caused by fire,
automatic vehicle location system windstorm, theft, collision, or other insurable
A system that senses, at intervals, the location hazards, and also against legal liability from
of vehicles carrying special electronic equip- the operation of the vehicle. (2) A policy of
ment that communicates a signal back to a indemnity to protect the operator and owner
central control facility. of a vehicle from liability to third persons as a
automatic vehicle monitoring system result of the operation of the automobile. See
A system in which electronic equipment on a also insurance, collision insurance, and no-
vehicle sends signals back to a central control fault insurance.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

automobile size classification The sensation of abnormal loudness of one's
Automobile size classifications as established by own voice.
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as autopsy
follows: Minicompact – less than 85 cubic feet The detailed examination of the body follow-
of passenger and luggage volume; Subcompact ing death to determine the actual cause of
– between 85 to 100 cubic feet of passenger and death. An autopsy is ordered by the coroner
luggage volume; Compact-between 100 to 110 or medical examiner when the cause of death
cubic feet of passenger and luggage volume; is unknown or the death occurred under sus-
Midsize – between 110 to 120 cubic feet of pas- picious circumstances.
senger and luggage volume; Large – more than
120 cubic feet of passenger and luggage vol- autorotation
ume; Two seat – automobiles designed primar- Aviation. A rotorcraft flight condition in
ily to seat only two adults. Station wagons are which the lifting rotor is driven entirely by
included with the size class for the sedan of the action of the air when the rotorcraft is in mo-
same name. tion. 1) Autorotative landing/touchdown
autorotation. Used by a pilot to indicate that
automobile transporter body he will be landing without applying power to
Truck body designed for the transportation of the rotor. 2) Low level autorotation. Com-
other vehicles. mences at an altitude well below the traffic pat-
automotive billing module (AutoBill) tern, usually below 100 feet AGL and is used
This module creates non-GSA customer billing primarily for tactical military training. 3) 180
tapes and General Services Administration degrees autorotation. Initiated from a downwind
(GSA) interfund transactions from billing re- heading and is commenced well inside the nor-
cords generated in the Transportation Inter- mal traffic pattern. "Go around" may not be
face and Reporting System (TIRES) and gen- possible during the latter part of this maneuver.
erates monthly accounting transaction infor- autospectral density
mation to send to the NEAR (National Elec- See power spectral density.
tronic Accounting and Reporting) system.
autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion
automotive payment module (AutoPay) A biological digestion system that converts
This module processes all maintenance and ex- soluble organics to lower-energy forms
tended warranty vendor invoices entered into through anaerobic, fermentative, and aerobic
the Fleet Service Station (FSS) Fleet Manage- processes at thermophilic temperatures.
ment System by the Maintenance Control Cen-
ters and processes the rental authorization re- autothermic combustion
cords for commercial rent-a-car rentals from the See autogenous combustion.
Fleet Management Center. autotrophic
autonomic An organism that produces food from inor-
Not subject to voluntary control, as the auto- ganic substances.
nomic nervous system. autism
autonomic nervous system (ANS) Morbid self-absorption with extreme with-
A generally efferent subdivision of the pe- drawal and failure to relate to other persons.
ripheral nervous system which is distributed autumnal equinox
to and directs the function of smooth muscle The equinox at which the sun approaches the
and glands throughout the body, normally at a Southern Hemisphere and passes directly over
subconscious level. See also parasympathetic the equator. Occurs around September 23.
and sympathetic.
auxiliary lock
auto-oxidation With respect to rail operations, a smaller sec-
A self-induced oxidation process. ondary lock adjacent to the main lock.
AutoPay auxiliary rotor
See automotive payment module. A rotor that serves either to counteract the
effect of the main rotor torque on a rotorcraft

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or to maneuver the rotorcraft about one or available tons per aircraft mile
more of its three principal axes. The average total passenger/cargo carrying
availability capacity (tons) offered for sale per aircraft per
A measure of the likelihood of having a sys- aircraft mile, derived by dividing the overall
tem in working order at any given time. Also available ton miles by the total aircraft miles
referred to as measure of availability. Ex- flown in revenue service.
pressed in the formula: avascular necrosis
See osteonecrosis.
Availability = average
uptime + maintenance time
An arithmetic term indicating the value ar-
available flight stage length rived at by finding the sum of a number of
The average distance covered per aircraft hop values and dividing the sum by the number of
in revenue services, from takeoff to landing. values.
Derived by dividing the total aircraft miles average acceleration
flown in revenue service by the number of The results of the total change in velocity in a
aircraft revenue departures performed. period of time divided by that time.
available for work average fare per unlinked passenger trip
To be considered "available" for purposes of Passenger revenue divided by unlinked pas-
eligibility for unemployment compensation, senger trips.
claimant must be ready, willing, and able to
accept either temporary or permanent suitable average fleet age
employment at any time by another employer The cumulative years active revenue vehicles
and be actually and currently attached to the are in service divided by the sum of all active
labor force. revenue vehicles.

available machine time average flight stage length

That portion of the time during a task cycle in The average distance covered per aircraft hop
which a machine could be producing useful in revenue services, from takeoff to landing.
work but is not. Derived by dividing the total aircraft miles
flown in revenue service by the number of
Available Motions Inventory (AMI) aircraft revenue departures performed.
A series of tests using equipment developed at
Wichita State University with the Cerebral average length of haul
Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas to make The average distance in miles one ton is car-
objective determinations of the physical capa- ried. Computed by dividing total ton miles by
bilities of handicapped persons. tons of freight originated. See also ton mile.

available process time average lifetime mileage per active vehicle

That portion of the time during a processing The cumulative mileage for each active vehi-
cycle in which a worker or system could be cle from the date of manufacture through the
performing useful work, but is not. end of the fiscal year divided by the number
of active vehicles.
available seat mile (ASM)
(1) One seat transported one mile. (2) The average man concept
aircraft miles flown in each inter-airport hop The idea that using the average measurement
multiplied by the number of seats available on on a human dimension is adequate for de-
that hop for revenue passenger use. scribing a population. It is not generally con-
sidered valid, but can be useful as a guideline.
available ton mile
(1) One ton of capacity (passengers and average number of available seats per aircraft
cargo) transported one mile. (2) The aircraft Available seat-miles divided by the number of
miles flown in each inter-airport hop multi- aircraft revenue miles in passenger service.
plied by the capacity available (in tons) for
that hop.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

average power
The total amount of physical work done, in- are to be marketed straight or in blends as avia-
volving moving objects, divided by the period tion gasoline without further processing (any re-
of time during which it is accomplished. finery operation except mechanical blending).
average road width Also included are finished components in the
The average width of the travelway. gasoline range which will be used for blending
or compounding into aviation gasoline.
average vehicle fuel consumption
A ratio estimate defined as total gallons of aviation gasoline blending components
fuel consumed by all vehicles, divided by the Naphthas that are used for blending or com-
total number of vehicles (for average fuel pounding into finished aviation gasoline (e.g.,
consumption per vehicle) or the total number straight-run gasoline, alkylate, and reformate).
of households (for average fuel consumption Excludes oxygenates (alcohols and ethers),
per household). butane, and pentanes plus.

average vehicle miles traveled aviation mode

A ratio estimate defined as total miles traveled Consists of airways and airports; airplanes,
by all vehicles, divided by the total number of helicopters, and other flying craft for carrying
vehicles (for average miles traveled per vehi- passengers and cargo.
cle), or the total number of households (for aviation weather service
average miles traveled per household). A service provided by the National Weather
average velocity Service (NWS) and Federal Aviation Admini-
The total distance traveled in a period of time stration (FAA) which collects and dissemi-
divided by that time value. nates pertinent weather information for pilots,
aircraft operators, and Air Traffic Control
average weekday (ATC). Available aviation weather reports
Transportation. A representative weekday in and forecasts are displayed at each NWS of-
the operation of the transit system computed fice and FAA Flight Service Station (FSS).
as the mathematical average of several typical
weekdays selected at random throughout the aviator's breathing oxygen (ABO)
year. A typical weekday is one where there A grade of commercial oxygen for high-
are no anomalies such as high ridership due to altitude flying which has no water content.
extra service added for a convention, or low
ridership due to a snowstorm. Average Satur- aviator's vertigo
day and Sunday data, including holiday serv- A disturbance in the pilot's orientation with
ice, are determined the same way. respect to the earth caused by a conflict be-
averaging time tween gravitational and visual cues.
The time period over which a function is avionics
measured, yielding a time-weighted average. Communications, navigation, flight controls,
avg. and displays.
Average. Avogadro's law
Aviation Act Equal volumes of perfect gases at the same
Federal law that created the Federal Aviation temperature and pressure contain the same
Administration (FAA) which is responsible number of molecules. See also Avogadro's
for the regulation of aviation including air- number.
craft safety, aircraft marking, etc. See also Avogadro's number
Federal Aviation Administration. One of the fundamental physical constants. It
aviation gasoline is expressed as 6.022 x 1023 atoms per gram-
All special grades of gasoline for use in avia- atomic weight (or molecules per gram-atomic
tion reciprocating engines, as given in the weight). It is an expression of the number of
American Society of Testing and Materials atoms in a gram-atomic weight of any ele-
(ASTM) Specification D910. Includes all re- ment. See also Avogadro's law and mole.
finery products within the gasoline range that

©2000 CRC Press LLC

avoidable accident
Any accident which can be or could have The surface distance around the arm at level
been prevented by the implementation of ap- of the axillary fold. Measured with the indi-
propriate controls/hardware, environmental vidual standing erect and the arms hanging
conditions, or behaviors. naturally at the sides.
avoidable consequences doctrine axillary fold
Law. Imposes duty on a person injured to The junction of the torso skin and the arm
minimize damages. The general rule relating skin beneath the shoulder at the axilla.
to duty of a party who has been wronged by axis
breach of contract to mitigate damages (i.e., (1) The second cervical vertebra. (2) A
not sit idly by and allow damages to accumu- graphical or imaginary line representing one
late). This doctrine basically provides that of the dimensions in a coordinate system, at
one injured by the tort of another is not enti- which the value of all other dimensions is
tled to recover damages for any harm that zero.
he/she could have avoided by the use of rea-
sonable effort. axon
The long outgrowth of the body of a nerve
avoidable delay cell which conducts impulses from the body
A work element involving a pause or inter- toward the next neuron; sometimes spelled
ruption which is unnecessary, due to factors axone. See also neuron.
under worker control, and which is not calcu-
lated for in standard time figures. Ayerza's disease
A form of erythremia marked by chronic cya-
avoirdupois nosis, chronic dyspnea, chronic bronchitis,
A common system of weight used in English- bronchiectasis, hepatosplenomegaly and hy-
speaking countries for all commodities except perplasia of bone marrow, and associated with
drugs, precious stones, and precious metals. sclerosis of the pulmonary artery.
avulsion azeotrope
The tearing away of a body part. A liquid mixture that has a constant boiling
A-weighted sound level point different from that of its constituents
The sound level determined by employing the and that distills without change of composi-
A scale of a sound level meter, or other noise tion.
survey meter equipped with this weighting azimuth
network, and expressed as dBA. A magnetic bearing extending from a micro-
AWQC wave landing system navigation facility.
See ambient water quality criteria. azotemia
AWS An excess of urea or other nitrogenous bodies
American Welding Society. in the blood.
axial flow
The flow of fluid in the same direction as the
axis of symmetry of a tank or basin.
axial flow pump
A type of centrifugal pump in which fluid
flow remains parallel to the flow path and de-
velops most of its head by the lifting action of
the vanes.
The somewhat hollow region beneath the
junction of the shoulder and trunk. Also re-
ferred to as the armpit.
axillary arm circumference

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B Biologically active carbon. See also Blood
Alcohol Concentration.
B-10 life Pertaining to bacilli or to rod-like structures.
The rated life defining the number of revolu-
tions that 90 percent of a group of identical bacillemia
bearings will complete before first evidence The presence of bacilli in the blood.
of failure develops. bacillicide
"B" basis allowables An agent that destroys bacilli.
The mechanical strength values specified by bacilluria
material producers and/or suppliers such that The presence of bacilli in the urine.
at least 90 percent of the materials they pro-
duce or supply will meet or exceed the speci-
The shape of a bacteria cell, also commonly
fied values with a 95 percent confidence level.
referred to as a rod. Bacilli (plural) are gen-
B display erally shaped like a cylinder. They may also
A sound display in which the data are pre- be curved, spiral, or helical shaped. Bacilli
sented on a rectangular coordinate system that are curved are designated as vibrios, spi-
with range and azimuth comprising the axes. ral rods are designated as spirilla, and helical
Also referred to as range-bearing display. rods are designated spirochetes.
B-horizon back
The intermediate soil layer, usually having a (1) Anatomy. The posterior aspects of the ribs,
high clay content, where minerals and other muscles, and all other tissues associated with
particles washed down from the A-horizon the posterior trunk/torso from the thoracic
accumulate. vertebrae to the base of the spine. (2) Law.
B scale To endorse; to sign on the back; to sign gen-
A sound weighing system which approxi- erally by way of acceptance or approval; to
mates the response characteristics of the hu- substantiate; to countersign; to assume finan-
man ear in the 40- to 70-phon equal loudness cial responsibility for.
contour range. back chute
B shift An old channel no longer used that may be
See second shift. located behind an island adjacent to the pre-
sent navigable channel. It is sometimes used
B-weighted sound pressure level during high water stages to navigate without
That sound pressure level measured using the having to buck the strong currents in the main
B scale. Represented as dB(B). See also A- channel.
weighted sound pressure level.
back curvature
Babes-Ernst granules The surface distance across the back as meas-
Metachromatic granules present in many ured from the right midaxillary line at the
bacterial cells. posterior axillary fold level to the corre-
Babinski reflex sponding point on the left. Measured with the
A reflex action of the toes, indicative of ab- individual standing erect and the arms hang-
normalities in the motor control pathways ing naturally at the sides.
leading from the cerebral cortex and widely back door cold front
used as a diagnostic aid in disorders of the A cold front moving south or southwest along
central nervous system. It is elicited by a firm the Atlantic seaboard of the United States.
stimulus (usually scraping) on the sole of the
foot, which results in dorsiflexion of the great back 'er down
toe and fanning of the smaller toes. Normally To stop headway of a tow.
such a stimulus causes all the toes to bend
downward. Also called Babinski's sign.

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back injury backflow
Any injury involving the spine, the spinal (1) Flow reversal in a water distribution sys-
cord, the nerves exiting from the spinal cord tem that may result in contamination due to a
through the spine, a rib-vertebral junction, cross-connection. (2) Abnormal backward
and/or the muscles of the back. flow of fluids; regurgitation.
back pressure backflow prevention device
Pressure due to a force operating in a direc- A device used to prevent cross-connection or
tion opposite to that required. backflow of non-potable water into a potable
water system. See also backflow.
back siphonage
A backflow of water of questionable quality background concentration
that results from a negative pressure within See background level.
the water distribution system. background contamination
back to work agreement (1) Contamination introduced accidentally
An agreement between union and employer into dilution waters, reagents, rinse water, or
covering terms and conditions upon which solvents that can be confused with constitu-
employees will return to work following set- ents in the sample being analyzed. (2) Sub-
tlement of a strike. stance in the air that is typically present from
sources other than those from which one is
back up trying to assess an exposure.
To kill headway; to flank or twist tow at foot
of crossing or head of bend. background level
(1) In air pollution control, the concentration of
backache air pollutants in a definite area during a fixed
Any pain in the back, usually the lower part. time prior to the starting up or on the stoppage
The pain is often dull and continuous, but of a source of emission under control. Also re-
sometimes sharp and throbbing. Backache, or ferred to as background concentration. (2) In
lumbago, is one of the most commonly en- toxic substances monitoring, the average pres-
countered ailments and can be caused by a ence in the environment, originally referring to
wide variety of disorders, some serious and naturally occurring phenomena.
some not. Occasionally, backache is a symp-
tom of spinal arthritis, peptic ulcer, enlarge- background luminance
ment of the pancreas, sciatica, diseases of the The luminous intensity of a region within
which a target is to be viewed or detected.
kidney, or other serious disorders, but usually
backache is caused simply by strain of the back background noise
in such a way that the bones, ligaments, nerves, Noise which is coming from sources other
and muscles of the spine are compressed or than that which is being measured. The total
stretched. A sudden action, using muscles that of all sources of interference in a system,
are already fatigued or out of condition, is par- apart from the signal. Simply referred to as
ticularly likely to cause acute strain. A sharp noise. Also known as auditory ground.
and persistent pain, following the use of un- background processing
usual force against something could indicate a The data processing or transmission which is
slipped disk or sacroiliac strain. performed secondary to a primary operation
backbone or higher priority operations.
See spine. background radiation
backdating That which arises from radioactive material,
Predating a document or instrument prior to other than that which is being measured.
the date it was actually drawn. The negotia- Background radiation due to cosmic rays and
bility of an instrument is not affected by the natural radioactivity is always present.
fact that has been backdated. background soil pH
backfill The pH of the soil prior to the addition of sub-
The material used to refill a ditch or excava- stances that alter the hydrogen ion concentra-
tion, or the process of refilling. tion.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

backhaul backwash
In freight transportation, to carry a shipment A high-rate reversal of flow for the purpose of
back over a segment of a route already cov- cleaning or removing solids from a filter bed
ered. or screening medium.
backing line backwash rate
A line used on a tow to keep barges from run- The flow rate used during filter backwash,
ning ahead. when the direction of flow through the filter is
backing rudders reversed for cleaning.
See flanking rudder. backwater
backing wind (1) Water in a stream which, in consequence
A wind that changes direction in a counter- of some dam or obstruction below, is detained
clockwise sense (e.g., north to northwest to or checked in its course, or flows back. (2)
west). Water backed up by a tributary stream. (3)
An area of calm water unaffected by the cur-
backlands rent of a stream.
A term of no very definite import, but gener-
ally signifying lands lying back from (not backwater curve
contiguous to) a highway or water course. The term applied to the profile of the water
surface above a dam or other obstruction in a
backlash channel. This may also be stated as the effect
A control system response in which the direc- on the natural water surface profile of either
tion of movement is momentarily reversed of two confluent streams upstream from their
when the movement of a control is stopped. confluence due to flow conditions in the other
backlight stream.
The use of a lighting source behind an object backyard boatbuilder
to separate that object or region from the Person who builds a boat for his own use and
background. not for the purposes of sale. A backyard boat-
backrest builder may subcontract all work.
Any structure which is capable of supporting Bacon-Davis Act
the back. Federal law (1931) granting the Secretary of
backrest reference plane Labor power to set wage rates on public con-
The plane established by a backrest. struction work to meet wages in the private
sector (40 U.S.C.A. § 276a).
backrest-to-seat angle
See seatback angle. BACT
See best available control technology.
A copy of a file on a computer hard drive, bacteria
diskette, or Zip disk, that is kept in case the (1) Nonspore-forming or non-motile microor-
original is lost or damaged. It is a good prac- ganism. Term is applied loosely to any mi-
tice to keep backup copies of all important croorganism of the order Eubacteriales and
files. popularly called germ. Bacteria are one-
celled organisms visible only through a mi-
backward chaining croscope. There are many varieties, only
A reasoning or control strategy in which the some of which cause disease. Most are non-
beginning point is the final or desired state pathogenic, and many are useful. Bacteria are
with the process extending backward to a forms of plant life, and are found almost eve-
known point. Synonymous with goal- rywhere. They reproduce about every 20
oriented problem solving. minutes. Their population remains in check,
backward masking however, since many bacteria feed on each
A type of masking in which the masking other. Bacteria are classified into three basic
stimulus occurs following the test stimulus. groups according to their shape. The rod-
shaped bacteria are called bacilli, the spiral-

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shaped bacteria are named spirilla, and dot- infection, and capable of destroying the bacte-
shaped bacteria are referred to as cocci. The ria causing the infection.
latter may appear in pairs (diplococci), in bacteriophage
chains like strings of beads (streptococci) or A virus that destroys bacteria. Several varie-
in clusters that resemble a bunch of grapes ties exist, and usually each attacks only one
(staphylococci). Helpful bacteria existing in kind of bacteria. Certain types of bacterio-
the human intestine feed on other microscopic phages attach themselves to the cell mem-
organisms that might be harmful. They also brane of the bacterium and instill a charge of
produce some vitamins, including the vitamin DNA into the cytoplasm. DNA carries the
B complex and vitamins C and K. Most genetic code of the virus, so that rapid multi-
pathogenic bacteria that invade the body pro- plication of the virus can and does take place
duce toxins. The body's defenses fight back inside the bacterium. The growing viruses act
against the invader by rushing leukocytes as parasites, using the metabolism of the bac-
(white blood cells) and antitoxins to the area terial cell for growth and development.
of infection; some of the leukocytes engulf Eventually the bacterial cell bursts, releasing
the bacteria while the antitoxins neutralize the many more viruses capable of destroying
poisons. The extra blood supply contributes similar bacteria.
to the inflammatory process. The resulting
fever and pain also help by enforcing rest and bacteriosis
thus conserving the body's energies to fight Pertains to any disease or abnormal condition
off the invader. (2) Microscopic living or- caused by a bacterium.
ganisms which can aid in pollution control by bacteriostat
consuming or breaking down organic matter A substance that inhibits or retards the growth
in sewage, or by similarly acting on oil spills of bacteria but does not necessarily kill them.
or other water pollutants. Bacteria in soil, Also known as bacteriostatic agent.
water, or air can also cause human, animal,
and plant health problems. The singular form bacteriostatic agent
of bacteria is bacterium. See bacteriostat.

bactericidal effectiveness bacterium

A measure of the ability of various regions of See bacteria.
the ultraviolet spectrum to kill bacteria. May bad character
also be referred to as germicidal effectiveness. Absence of moral virtue; the predominance of
bactericidal lamp evil habits in a person. In law of evidence,
A light source outputting a high level of ultra- such character may be shown to affect credi-
violet-C radiation. Also known as germicidal bility of a witness by introduction of records
lamp. of convictions for crimes or by reputation.

bactericide bad faith

Any substance that kills bacteria. (1) General Law. The opposite of "good
faith," generally implying or involving actual
bacterid or constructive fraud, or a design to mislead
A skin condition due to hypersensitivity to a or deceive another, or neglect or refusal to
bacterial infection. fulfill some duty or some contractual obliga-
bacteriocidin tion, not prompted by an honest mistake as to
A bactericidal substance present in the blood. one's rights or duties, but by some interested
or sinister motive. The term "bad faith" is not
bacterioclasis simply bad judgment or negligence, but rather
The breaking up of bacteria into fragments. it implies the conscious doing of a wrong be-
bacteriologist cause of dishonest purpose or moral obliquity.
An expert in the study of bacteria. It is different from the negative idea of negli-
bacteriolysin gence in that it contemplates a state of mind
A substance formed in the blood as a result of affirmatively operating with furtive design or
ill will. (2) Insurance. Bad faith on the part

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of the insurer is any frivolous or unfounded (greater than 20 microns in diameter) parti-
refusal to pay proceeds of a policy; it is not cles. This device operates in a way similar to
necessary that such refusal be fraudulent. For the bag of an electric vacuum cleaner, passing
purposes of an action against an insurer for the air and smaller particulate matter, while
failure to pay a claim, such conduct imports a entrapping the larger particulates.
dishonest purpose and means a breach of a bakeout
known duty (i.e., good faith and fair dealing), The procedure of overheating a new building
through some motive of self-interest or ill or space for several days before occupancy
will; mere negligence or bad judgment is not and then flushing it out with 100% outside air
bad faith. to remove contaminants that may contribute
bad motive to poor indoor air quality.
Intentionally doing a wrongful act knowing at balance
the time that it is wrongful. See also bad faith. (1) A condition in which working times,
bad title tasks, activities, and output are coordinated
One which conveys no property to the pur- between the hands of an individual worker,
chaser of the estate. One which is so radically between workers, or between groups so that
defective that it is not marketable, and hence an operation proceeds smoothly without
such that a purchaser cannot be legally com- building excessive inventory or wasting time.
pelled to accept it. See also marketable title. (2) A condition of stable posture in which
badger muscle forces exactly counteract the gravita-
To harass, pester, or bedevil persistently, es- tional or other forces imposed on the body.
pecially in a manner likely or designed to con- (3) A condition in which the outputs from all
fuse, annoy, or wear down. speakers in an audio system provide the same
output intensity. (4) The difference between
baffle the sum of debit entries minus the sum of
(1) A plate used to provide even distribution, credit entries in an account. If positive, the
or to prevent short-circuiting or vortexing of difference is called debit balance; if negative,
flow entering a tank or vessel. (2) A partition a credit balance.
used to shield/absorb sound or light energy
transmission. (3) To confound or confuse. balance of trade
The difference between a country's total im-
baffle chamber ports and exports; if the exports exceed the
In incinerator design, a chamber designed to imports, a "favorable" balance of trade exists.
promote the settling of fly ash and coarse par-
ticulate matter by changing the direction and/or balanced motion pattern
reducing the velocity of the gases produced by A sequence or succession of movements using
the combustion of the refuse or sludge. both the right and left hands/arms which en-
ables the worker to establish and maintain co-
bagasse ordination and an efficient rhythm.
Crushed sugar cane or sugar beet refuse from
sugar making. balanced transportation
See intermodalism.
A lung disease, or pneumoconiosis, produced balancing by dampers
as a result of the inhalation of the dust of ba- Method for designing a local exhaust system
gasse, the waste of sugar cane after the sugar and its ductwork using adjustable dampers to
has been extracted. Bagasse itself, which is distribute airflow after system installation.
moist and recently ground, is not believed to balancing by static pressure
cause this disease. It is similar to farmer's Method for designing a local exhaust system
lung disease. See also farmer's lung disease and its ductwork by selecting the duct diame-
and bagasse. ters that generate the static pressure to distrib-
baghouse filter ute the desired airflow throughout the system
Large fabric bag, usually made of glass fibers, without the use of dampers.
used to eliminate intermediate and large

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balancing delay (BD) ball valve
The waiting or non-productive time of one A valve utilizing a rotating ball with a hole
hand/arm of a single worker or of another through it that allows straight-through flow in
worker or group in an operation due to a lack the open position.
of balance. ballast
balancing of equities (1) An electrical transformer for producing
See equity. the required current, voltage, and wave form
balancing test to operate certain types of luminaries. (2)
A constitutional doctrine in which the court Any heavy substance, as sand, stone, etc., laid
weighs the right of an individual to certain in the hold of a vessel to steady it. (3) Gravel
rights guaranteed by the Constitution with the or broken stone laid down as a stabilizer for a
rights of a state to protect its citizens from the rail bed. (4) Material place on a track bed to
invasion of their rights; used in cases involv- hold the track in line and elevation and to
ing freedom of speech and equal protection. distribute its load. Suitable material consists
of hard particles (e.g., crushed rock, slag,
Balantidium gravel) that are stable, easily tamped, perme-
A genus of ciliated protozoa, including many able, and resistant to plant growth.
species found in the intestine in vertebrates
and invertebrates. ballast water
Any water and associated sediments used to
Baldrige Award manipulate the trim and stability of a vessel.
See Malcolm Baldrige National Quality It usually must be treated as an oily
Award. wastewater.
balefill ballism
A land disposal site where solid waste mate- A movement disorder characterized by
rial is compacted and baled prior to disposal. flinging movements of the limbs. Also called
baler ballismus.
A machine used to compress and bind solid ballismus
recyclable materials such as cardboard or pa- See ballism.
baling The science of gun examination frequently
Compacting solid waste into blocks to reduce used in criminal cases, especially cases of
volume and simplify handling. homicide, to determine the firing capacity of a
balk weapon, its ability to fire, and whether a given
That customer or user behavior of not partici- bullet was fired from a particular gun.
pating in an activity or entering a line because ballistic lift
of some real or perceived objectionable qual- A ballistic movement in which an object is
ity associated with that activity or line, such being lifted, with the momentum resulting
as its length or waiting period. from the initial motion moving the object
Balkan frame through much of the terminal portion of the
An apparatus for continuous extension in trajectory.
treatment of fractures of the femur, consisting ballistic motion
of an overhead bar, with pulleys attached, by See ballistic movement.
which the leg is supported in a sling.
ballistic movement
ball-of-foot circumference A rapid, gross, relatively smooth change in
The maximum surface distance measured position of a bodily extremity which is
around the distal ends of the protuberances of initiated by one or more protagonist muscles
the metatarsal bones of the foot. Measured which are active only during the initial phase
with the individual standing erect, with both of the motion. May also be referred to as
feet on the floor, and the body weight equally ballistic motion and/or p r e p r o g r a m m e d
distributed on both feet. movement.

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ballistic separator Bandages may be used to stop the flow of
A machine that sorts organic from inorganic blood, to provide a safeguard against con-
matter for composting. tamination, or to hold a medicated dressing in
ballistocardiography place. They may also be used to hold a splint
Graphic recording of forces imparted to the in position or otherwise immobilize an injured
body by cardiac ejection of blood. part of the body to prevent further injury and
to facilitate healing.
A morbid dread or fear of missiles. bandscreen
See traveling water screen.
A lighter-than-air aircraft that is not engine bandstop
driven. Pertaining to a limited range of frequencies
which are not allowed to pass through a sys-
balloon freight tem, or which pass at a much lower intensity
Lightweight freight. than the higher and lower frequencies. Syn-
balm onymous with band rejection.
(1) See balsam. (2) A soothing or healing bandwidth
medicine. (1) That range of continuous frequencies ca-
balsam pable of being processed or output by a sys-
A semi-fluid, fragrant, resinous vegetable tem. (2) That maximum rate at which infor-
juice. It is used in various preparations to mation can be transferred over a channel,
treat irritated or denuded areas of the skin and typically with units in some multiple of bits
mucous membranes. per second.
Ban-Lon bang-bang control
A fabric made from a combination of nylon, A type of discrete system control using relays
polyester, and other fiber blends. to control input and in which the operator
moves a control from essentially maximum
band deflection in one direction to essentially
(1) General. A strip that constricts or binds a maximum deflection in another direction.
part. (2) Acoustics. A segment of the fre-
quency spectrum of noise. bank
(1) That excess amount or material or num-
band application bers of product which are allowed to accu-
In pesticides, the spreading of chemicals over, mulate at some point in a production line or
or next to, each row of plants in a field. See operation without being currently worked to
also emissions trading. provide for reasonable fluctuations in flow.
band-pass (2) The elevation of the outer margin relative
Pertaining to a limited range of frequencies to the inner margin of the curves on a road-
which are transmitted or allowed beyond a way. (3) To roll an aircraft about its longitu-
certain point within a system. dinal axis. (4) A place of storage for such
materials as blood (blood bank), or for other
band-pass filter
human tissue (bone bank, eye bank, skin
A filter with a single transmission band extend-
bank, etc.) to be used in reparative surgery.
ing from lower to upper cutoff frequencies.
(5) An institution, usually incorporated,
band pressure level whose business it is to receive money on de-
The sound pressure level within a specified posit, cash checks or drafts, discount com-
frequency bandwidth. mercial paper, make loans, and issue promis-
band rejection sory notes payable to bearer, known as bank
See bandstop. notes.

bandage bank sand

A strip or piece of gauze or other fabric for Sand excavated from a natural deposit, usu-
wrapping or covering any part of the body. ally not suitable for use in filter processing or

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banking barbiturate
A system of recording qualified air emission One of a group of organic compounds derived
reductions for later use in bubble, offset, or from barbituric acid, and commonly described
netting transactions. as sleeping pills.
bar barbituric acid
(1) Shortened for barometer. (2) A unit or A compound C4H4N2O3, the parent substance
pressure equal to 0.9869 atmospheres, 106 of barbiturates.
dyn/cm2, and 14.5 lb/in2. (3) A structure that bare conductor
hinders or impedes. (4) The court, in its See conductor.
strictest sense, sitting in full term; the pres-
ence, actual or constructive, of the court. (5) bareback
A submerged or emerged mound, ridge, or Tractor without its semitrailer.
succession of ridges of sand or other material barf bag
extending across the bottom and which may Common slang for a plastic disposable bag
obstruct navigation. used for collecting or capturing expelled
bar association vomitus during motion sickness.
An association of members of the legal pro- bargaining unit
fession. Labor union or group of jobs authorized to
bar chart carry on collective bargaining on behalf of
See bar graph, Gantt chart. employees. A particular group of employees
with a similar community of interest appro-
bar code priate for bargaining.
A set of parallel lines of differing widths
which contain coded information. barge
(1) A non-powered, flat bottom, shallow draft
bar code reader vessel including river barges, scows, car
See bar code scanner. floats, and lighters. The term does not typi-
bar code scanner cally include ship-shaped or deep draft barges.
A laser-based device which views a bar code (2) Shallow, non-self-propelled vessels used
and transmits the information to a computer, to carry bulk commodities on rivers and the
Also referred to as bar code reader. Great Lakes. (3) A non-self-propelled vessel.
bar graph See also boat and tanker.
A graphical representation of the frequency of barge carriers
occurrence within a set of discrete groupings Ships designed to carry barges. Some are fit-
or values in which the length of the bar is ted to act as full container ships and can carry
proportional to frequency. See also Gantt a varying number of barges and containers at
chart. the same time.
bar screen baritosis
(1) In wastewater treatment, a device used to A form of pneumoconiosis resulting from the
remove large solids. (2) A screening device inhalation of barium sulfate or other barium
that utilizes mechanically operated rakes to compounds.
remove solids retained on a stationary bar barium
rack. A chemical element, atomic number 56,
Bárány chair atomic weight 137.34, symbol Ba.
A rotating chair used for vestibular or nys- barium sulfate
tagmus experimentation. A fine, white, bulky powder, used as an
barbituism opaque medium for x-ray examination of the
A toxic condition produced by use of barbital digestive tract.
and its derivatives. barium test
X-ray examination using a barium mixture to
help locate disorders in the esophagus, stom-

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ach, duodenum, and the small and large intes- barometric pressure
tines. Ambient or local pressure surrounding a
bark pocket gauge, evaporator shell, vent pipe, etc.
See pitch and bark pocket. barometric tendency
barnacles See pressure tendency.
A marine crustacean with a calcareous shell barosinusitis
that attaches itself to submerged objects. Pain in the sinus due to rapid changes in at-
barn door mospheric air pressure.
One of a set of adjustable light shields which barotalgia
may be used in conjunction with a luminaire That sensation of pressure or ear pain due to
to partially direct and control the luminance an inequality of air pressure between the mid-
emitted from the luminaire. dle ear and the environment. May be referred
baroclinic to as ear squeeze.
The state of the atmosphere where surfaces of barotitis media
constant pressure intersect surfaces of con- Barotrauma to the middle ear.
stant density. On an isobaric chart, isotherms barotrauma
cross the contour lines and temperature ad- Any injury resulting from expansion or con-
vection exists. traction of gases in closed spaces within cer-
baroclinic instability tain structures of the body due to pressure
A type of instability arising from a meridional changes in the ambient environment.
(north to south) temperature gradient, a strong barotropic
vertical wind speed shear, temperature advec- A condition in the atmosphere where surfaces
tion, and divergence in the flow aloft. Many of constant density parallel surfaces of con-
mid-latitude cyclones develop as a result of stant pressure.
this instability.
barrel (bbl)
barodontalgia According to the Federal Oil Pollution Act of
A form of decompression sickness resulting in 1990, a measure equal to forty-two United
tooth pain from the expansion of trapped air States gallons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
within a tooth or between a filling and the
tooth material. barrier
(1) A control (device, mechanism, structure,
barograph sign, etc.) intended to prevent the transfer of
A continuous recording barometer. energy from one element of a system to an-
barometer other. (2) Any object, individual, or structure
An instrument used to measure atmospheric which impeded progress toward a goal or
pressure. which prevents entry to a region for safety
barometric condenser reasons.
A condenser in which vapor is condensed by barrier landscape water renovation system
direct contact with water. (BLWRS)
barometric damper A wastewater treatment and denitrification
A pivoting plate used to regulate the amount system where wastewater is applied to the top
of air entering a duct or flue to maintain a of a mound of soil overlaying a water barrier
constant draft within an incinerator. and microbes oxidize soluble organics as the
water percolates through the soil.
barometric leg
(1) A condensate discharge line submerged barrier coating(s)
below the liquid level of an atmospheric tank. A layer of a material that acts to obstruct or
(2) A gravity tailpipe from a vacuum baro- prevent passage of something through a sur-
metric condenser. face that is to be protected, e.g., grout, caulk,
or various sealing compounds. Sometimes
used with polyurethane membranes to prevent

©2000 CRC Press LLC

corrosion or oxidation of metal surfaces, basal conditions
chemical impacts on various materials, or, for Those conditions under which the basal
example, to prevent soil-gas-borne radon from metabolic rate measures are taken: (a) fast for
moving through walls, cracks, or joints in a at least 12 hours, (b) following a night of
house. restful sleep, (c) no strenuous exercise since
barrier cream sleep, and (d) comfortable, relaxed conditions
A protective viscous substance that may be with the air temperature about 70-75°F,
used for preventing skin contact with harmful depending on clothing.
agents and/or percutaneous absorption of basal metabolic rate (BMR)
toxic materials. Used as a supplement (not a (1) Rate of heat production by the human
replacement) to personal protective equip- body under neutral conditions. (2) That en-
ment. ergy expenditure per unit time by the body
barrier equivalent velocity (BEV) while an individual is awake, but at rest under
The effective velocity at which a vehicle im- basal conditions.
pacts a barrier in crash testing. basal metabolism
barrier free That minimal metabolism required to main-
An ideal condition in which handicapped in- tain cellular function.
dividuals have full and equal access to all fa- basal temperature
cilities accessible to able-bodied individuals. The normal body temperature of a healthy
barrier guard individual following sleep in the morning.
Any protective device designed to prevent base
access to hazardous areas, or to prevent inad- (1) The lower part of an object, or the
vertent operation of controls or equipment. broadest part of the conical or pyramidal
barrier remediation structure. (2) The main ingredient of a
Exhaust radon from the enclosure. compound. (3) A compound that reacts with
an acid to form a salt; another term for alkali.
BARS It turns litmus paper blue.
See behavior-anchored rating scale.
base period
Barthel Index (BI) (1) General. The reference period of time
A numerical score based on 10 items of a (year, month, etc.) against which some current
physically disabled individual's ability to care period is judged. (2) Transit. The time of day
for himself or herself by performing some of during which vehicle requirements and
the activities of daily living. schedules are not influenced by peak-period
barylalia passenger volume demands (e.g., between
Indistinct, thick speech, resulting from a morning and afternoon peak periods). At this
lesion of the central nervous system. time, transit riding is fairly constant and
usually low to moderate in volume when
basal compared with peak-period travel. Also
(1) Pertaining to a base; fundamental. (2) In referred to as off-peak period.
physiology, pertaining to the lowest possible
level, resting level. base time
See normal time.
basal application
In pesticides, the application of a chemical on base wage rate
plant stems or tree trunks just above the soil The hourly monetary compensation paid to a
line. normal operator working at a standard pace
on a specified task.
basal cell carcinoma
A cutaneous cancer of relatively low-grade baseline
malignancy, arising from the basal layers of (1) A sample used as a comparative reference
the epidermis. See also carcinoma. point when conducting further tests or
calculations. (2) According to the Clean Air
Act of 1990: The annual quantity of fossil fuel

©2000 CRC Press LLC

consumed by an affected unit, measured in baseline audiogram
millions of British Thermal Units (mmBtus), The audiogram against which all future
calculated as follows: audiograms are compared. See also audio-
a) For each utility unit that was in commercial gram.
operation prior to January 1, 1985, the baseline concentration
baseline shall be the annual average quantity Under the Clean Air Act of 1990: With respect
of mmBtus consumed in fuel during calendar to a pollutant, the ambient concentration levels
years 1985, 1986, and 1987, as recorded by which exist at the time of the first application for
the Department of Energy pursuant to Form a permit in an area subject to the CAA, based on
767. For any utility unit for which such form air quality data available in the EPA or a state
was not filed, the baseline shall be the level air pollution control agency on such monitoring
specified for such unit in the 1985 National data as the permit applicant is required to
Acid Precipitation Assessment Program submit. Such ambient concentration levels shall
(NAPAP) Emissions Inventory, Version 2, take into account all projected emissions in, or
National Utility Reference File (NURF) or in which may affect, such area from any major
a corrected data base as established by the emitting facility on which construction
EPA Administrator pursuant to paragraph (3). commenced prior to January 6, 1975, but which
For nonutility units, the baseline is the has not begun operation by the date of the
NAPAP Emissions Inventory, Version 2. The baseline air quality concentration determination.
Administrator, in the Administrator’s sole Emissions of sulfur oxides and particulate
discretion, may exclude periods during which matter from any major emitting facility on
a unit is shutdown for a continuous period of which construction commenced after January 6,
four calendar months or longer, and make 1975, shall not be included in the baseline and
appropriate adjustments under this paragraph. shall be counted against the maximum
Under petition of the owner or operator of any allowable increases in pollutant concentrations
unit, the Administrator may make appropriate established under the CAA.
baseline adjustments for accidents that caused baseline data
prolonged outages. Data that describe the magnitude and range of
b) For any other nonutility unit that is not exposures for a homogeneous exposure group
included in the NAPAP Emissions Inventory, and stressor (e.g., an airborne contaminant,
Version 2, or a corrected data base as physical agent, etc.).
established by the Administrator pursuant to basic division of accomplishment
paragraph (3), the baseline shall be the annual See therblig.
average quantity, in mmBtu consumed in fuel
by that unit, as calculated pursuant to a basic division of work
method which the Administrator shall See therblig.
prescribe by regulation to be promulgated not basic element
later than eighteen months after enactment of See therblig.
the CAA Amendments of 1990.
basic elements of performance
c) The Administrator shall, upon application A quantitative technique for measuring the
or on his own motion, by December 31, 1991, residual capabilities of disabled individuals.
supplement data needed in support of this
subchapter and correct any factual errors in basic event
data from which affected Phase II units’ As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
baselines or actual 1985 emission rates have the management oversight and risk tree
been calculated. Corrected data shall be used (MORT), a root fault event, or the first in the
for purposes of issuing allowances under the process to have occurred that requires no fur-
subchapter. Such corrections shall not be ther development or analysis. Represented
subject to judicial review, nor shall the failure graphically as a circle.
of the Administrator to correct an alleged basic grant
factual error in such reports be subject to The funds available to a state for carrying out
judicial review. an approved State Enforcement Plan (SEP),

©2000 CRC Press LLC

which include, but are not limited to: 1) re- basic units
cruiting and training of personnel, payment of There are seven basic or fundamental units of
salaries and fringe benefits, the acquisition measure in use throughout the world. The
and maintenance of equipment except those at most widely recognized set of these units,
fixed weigh scales for the purposes of weight known as the International System of Units
enforcement, and reasonable overhead costs (SI), was initially adopted in 1960 and is re-
needed to operate the program; 2) com- viewed and amended, as required, at one of
mencement and conduct of expanded systems the General Conferences on Weights and
of enforcement; 3) establishment of an effec- Measures, an international meeting that con-
tive out-of-service and compliance enforce- venes periodically. In addition, there are two
ment system; and 4) retraining and replacing common "metric" systems, often referred to
staff and equipment. as the MKS System (meters, kilometers, and
basic input output system (BIOS) seconds) and the CGS System (centimeters,
A process that allows one computer to "speak grams, and seconds). Also, there is the Eng-
the same language" as every other computer. lish System (obsolete almost every on earth
except for the Untied States).
basic measurement cycle
Any of four basic scales used for classifying basic utility stage I airport
data in statistical analyses. See also nominal T h i s t y p e of a i r p o r t s e r v e s 75 pe r c e n t of
scale, ordinal scale, equal-interval scale, and th e si n g le -en g in e an d smal l tw in -e n g in e
ratio scale. ai rp la n es used fo r per so n a l an d bu sin e ss
p u rp o s es. Prec isio n ap p ro a ch o p era tio n s
basic motion ar e no t us u all y an tici p ate d . Th is air p o rt is
Any fundamental, complete motion using the d e sig n ed fo r small air p lan es in Ai rp o r t
primary physiological and/or biomechanical R e f e r e n c e C o d e B- I .
performance capabilities of the body or its
member parts, as determined by motion basic utility stage II airport
analysis studies. See therblig. Th is ty p e of airp o rt serv e s al l th e ai rp la n es
o f sta g e I plu s so me small bu s in es s an d ai r
Basic Motion Time Study (BMTS) ta x i-t y p e twin -en g in e airp lan e s. Preci sio n
A predetermined motion time system. ap p ro a ch o p era tio n s ar e no t us u all y an tici-
basic research p a ted . Th is airp o rt is al so d esig n ed fo r
That fundamental research performed to ac- sm all airp lan e s in Air craf t Re fere n ce Co d e
quire scientific knowledge, without concern B - I.
for immediate practical application. Also re- basicity factor
ferred to as pure research. Factor used to determine neutralization capa-
basic sciences bilities of alkaline reagents used to treat acidic
Those disciplines involving the study of wastes.
mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, and basilar membrane
psychology. That membrane in the cochlea to which the
Basic T organ of Corti is attached.
A reference to the arrangement of four basic basin
flight instruments in a standard pattern, with (1) When speaking of a large river, ordinarily
the airspeed and attitude indicators and al- means or includes the entire area drained by
timeter in a horizontal line across the top, and the main stream and its tributaries. (2) Any
the heading indicator centered below. bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the
basic time land or ocean floor. See also inundation
That time allowed or required for performing area.
a work element at a standard rate. Repre- basin and range
sented in the formula: An are a of th e so u th we ster n Un ited Sta tes
observed time x observed rating
ch arac teri zed by ro u g h ly p aral lel mo u n tain
BT = ra n g es an d val ley s , fo rmed by a se ries of
standard rating
ti lted fau lt b lo ck s, an d b ro u g h t ab o u t by

©2000 CRC Press LLC

te cto n ic ex ten sio n of th e reg i o n . As is tru e
o f an y reg io n ex p e rien cin g cru stal ex t en -
Run-in Phase Wear-out Phase
s i o n , n o r m a l f a u l t i n g is c o m m o n h e r e .
Th is n ame can ap p l y ge n era lly to an y zo n e RATE
o f s i m i l a r la n d f o r m s a n d t e c t o n i c s .
basket centrifuge
Useful Life Phase
B a tch - ty p e cen trif u g e wh er e sl u d g e is in -
tr o d u c ed in to a ve rtic ally mo u n ted sp i n - TIME
n i n g b ask e t an d se p ara tio n occ u rs as cen -
tr ifu g al fo rce dri v es th e so li d s to th e wa ll Typical bathtub curve
o f th e b a s k e t .
basket guard A condition in which the heart is positioned
See cage. abnormally low in the thorax.
bass batt
Those sound frequencies in the lower portion A section of insulting material.
of the audio range, generally below about 250
(1) General. Any unit, apparatus, or grouping
bastard tow in which a series or set of parts or components
A tow made up of uneven or dissimilar is assembled to serve a common end. (2)
barges. Law. Intentional and wrongful physical con-
BAT tact with a person without his or her consent
See best available technology. that entails some injury or offensive touching.
(3) Electrical. One or more cells operating
batch process together as a single source of direct current.
A non-continuous treatment process in which (4) Military. An artillery unit equivalent to an
a discrete quantity or batch of liquid is treated infantry company; a group of guns, rockets, or
or produced at one time. related equipment forming an artillery unit.
batch reactor battery life
A reactor where the contents are completely With instrumentation, the time period over
mixed and flow neither enters nor leaves the which the battery of an instrument will pro-
reactor vessel. vide sufficient power for uninterrupted opera-
batching tion of the device.
The process of scheduling work in small in- battery limit
crements. Synonymous with short-interval The boundary limits of equipment, or a proc-
scheduling. ess unit that defines interconnecting points for
BATEA electrical piping or wiring.
Acronym for best available technology eco- battle of the forms
nomically available. In commercial law, term used to describe the
bathophobia effect of a multitude of forms used by buyers
Morbid dread of depths or looking down from and sellers to accept and to confirm terms ex-
high places, with fear of falling. pressed in other forms.
bathtub curve batture
A graphic representation of the life cycle of A marine term, used to denote a bottom of
products, systems, or individual components sand, stone, or rock, mixed together, and ris-
in terms of frequency of failures relative to ing towards the surface of the water; as a
periods of usefulness. In system safety, it is technical word and also in common parlance,
also known as a reliability curve. See also an elevation of the bed of a river, under the
life cycle characteristic curve. surface of the water. The term is, however,
sometimes used to denote the same elevation
of the bank, when it has risen above the sur-

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face of the water, or is as high as the land on beacon
the outside of the bank. A fixed signal, mark, or light and associated
baud facilities erected for the guidance of mariners
A unit of serial transmission speed, usually or airplane pilots.
equivalent to bits per second. If each signal beam
event is represented by one bit, baud is (1) Illumination. A concentrated emission of
equivalent to bits per second. light energy along a definite projection in a
bauxite single direction. (2) Material Handling. The
Ore containing alumina monohydrate or alu- horizontal support member of a lifting mecha-
mina trihydrate, which is the principal raw nism. (3) Longshoring. A portable transverse
material for alumina production. or longitudinal beam which is placed across a
hatchway and acts as a bearer to support the
bauxite fume pneumoconiosis hatch covers. Also referred to as strongback.
A pulmonary fibrosis due to the inhalation of (4) Boating. The width of a ship.
aluminum ore or processing dust fumes. Also
referred to as Shaver's disease. beam angle
A measure of light beam spread; the angle
bay/inlet between diametrically opposed edges of a
A water area that is an opening of the projected light beam at which the luminous
sea/ocean into the land, or of an estuary, lake, intensity is some stated percentage of the
or river into its shore. maximum along the beam axis, with all meas-
baygall ures taken in a wavefront equidistant from the
A low-lying wet land matter with vegetable source. See also beam axis.
fibers and often with gallberry and other beam axis
thick-growing bushes. (1) An imaginary straight line representing the
Bayle's disease direction along which a light beam is pro-
Progressive general paralysis. jected. (2) A line from the source through the
centers of the x-ray fields.
Bazin's disease
Tuberculosis indurativa, chronic tuberculosis of beam element
the skin, characterized by indurated nodules. A modeling structure which is capable of
bending, torsion, and axial stiffness.
See barrel. beam spread
The lateral distribution of a projected light
BBL beam from the beam axis. See also beam
Burst before leak. axis.
bcf bean hauler
Billion cubic feet. A driver who transports fruits and vegetables.
BCF bear trap
See bioconcentration factor. A section of movable dam with concrete piers
BCS in either side (generally about 100 feet wide)
See border cargo selectivity. and provided with a gate which may be raised
or lowered by compressed air. The bear trap
serves as a type of safety valve. When the
See Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
pool level maintained at the dam becomes too
BDAT high, the bear trap is lowered to permit the
See best demonstrated available technology. excess water to run out. This pool control
BDOC feature of movable wicket-type dams is found
See biodegradable dissolved organic carbon. on the Ohio and Illinois rivers. The bear trap
will always be located on the opposite side of
beachwell the river from the lock and is very dangerous
A shallow intake well making use of beach to approach when open.
sand and structure as a filter medium.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

bearer bedbug
In scaffolding construction, a horizontal A bug of the genus Cimex. A flattened, oval,
member of a scaffold upon which the plat- reddish insect that inhabits houses, furniture,
form rests and which may be supported by and neglected beds, and feeds on man, usually
ledgers. at night.
bearing bedrock
Navigation. The horizontal direction to or Solid rock encountered below the mantle of
from any point, usually measured clockwise loose rock and soil on the earth's surface.
from true north, magnetic north, or some Beer-Lambert law
other reference point, through 360 degrees. Holds that the absorptive characteristics of a
See also course and flight path. substance is a constant with respect to changes
beat in concentration.
A periodic variation in the intensity of sound beggiatoa
generated from the combination of two simple Filamentous microbe, commonly associated
tones of slightly different frequencies having with sludge bulking, that results from low dis-
approximately the same orders of magnitude. solved oxygen levels and/or high sulfide levels.
beat elbow beginning milepost
Bursitis of the elbow joint that can result from The continuous milepost notation to the near-
the use of heavy vibrating tools. est 0.01 mile that marks the beginning of any
beat frequency road or trail segment.
The number of occasions per unit time at beginning spurt
which a beat occurs. A briefly higher than normal level of activity
beat knee at the beginning of the work period or by an
A bursitis in the knee joint due to prolonged employee new to the job.
vibration, pressure, or repeated friction. behavior
Beaufort scale Any and all responses of an individual, group,
A numerical scale of wind force on which a or system.
Beaufort force 0 wind is calm and a force 12 behavior-anchored rating scale (BARS)
wind indicates hurricane force with winds in Any rating scale developed to evaluate indi-
excess of 120 km/hr (75 mph). vidual behavior patterns.
becquerel behavioral competence
A unit expressing the rate of radioactive dis- Having the ability to integrate those psycho-
integration. One becquerel is equal to one ra- and sensorimotor patterns required to com-
dioactive disintegration per second. There are plete one or more specified tasks.
3.7 E+10 becquerels per curie of radioactivity, behavioral dynamics
(Bq). The behavioral operating characteristics of
bed depth individuals and groups as they are conditioned
The depth of filter media or ion exchange by the external working environment and/or
resin contained in a vessel. individual and group interactions.
bed-load movement behavioral resistance
Solids which are transported along the river- An opposition to carrying out an order, direc-
bed as a semi-suspended sediment. tive, or someone's expressed desire.
bed rest behavioral rigidity
The maintaining of an individual in bed, ei- An inability to effectively deal with new
ther for therapy or experimental purposes. situations.
Bedaux plan behavioral toxicology
A wage incentive plan in which performance The study and assessment of neural impair-
above the rated standard 60 B units per hour ment due to toxic chemical exposure through
would result in merit bonuses. the use of psychological methods.

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behaviorism Bell's palsy
A theory of psychology based upon a purely Neuropathy of the facial nerve, resulting in
objective observation and analysis of human paralysis of the muscles of the face, usually
and animal behavior without reference to the on one side. Victims usually are unable to
complexities and nuances of psychoanalytic close their mouths, so that they drool and
depth psychology. cannot whistle. If they are unable to close the
Behring's law eye on the affected side, it may become tear-
Blood and serum of an immunized person, ful and inflamed. Facial palsy is often no
when transformed to another subject, will more than a temporary condition lasting a few
render the latter immune. days of weeks. Occasionally, the paralysis re-
sults from a tumor pressing on the nerve, or
BEI from physical trauma to the nerve. More of-
See biological exposure index. ten, however, the cause is unknown. In many
BEIR Committee cases, the deformity may be reduced by plas-
Biological Effects of Radiation Committee of tic surgery.
the National Academy of Sciences. Reports belly
on the health effects of ionizing radiation. (1) The fleshy central portion of a muscle
Békésy audiometry along its longitudinal axis. (2) Slang term for
An auditory threshold determination proce- the stomach-abdominal region of the frontal
dure involving observer control in which an portion of the torso.
individual alternately, over several cycles, belly button rule
presses a switch to reduce signal level when A task design guideline stating that the hands
the sound is heard and releases it when the should remain close to the abdominal region
sound becomes inaudible. Also referred to as when lifting or handling items.
Békésy tracking procedure.
below knee (BK)
Békésy tracking procedure Pertaining to a prosthesis for or an ampu-
See Békésy audiometry. tee/amputation for which some part of the
bel (B) lower leg, and all of the ankle and foot, are
A non-dimensional measure of the intensity of missing/taken.
some energy, corresponding to the ratio of below minimums
two intensity or power levels. See also deci- Weather conditions below the minimums pre-
bel. scribed by regulation for the particular action
Belding-Hatch heat stress index involved (e.g., landing minimums, takeoff
An estimate for body heat stress based on the minimums).
ratio of actual evaporative heat loss to the belt conveyor
maximum possible evaporative heat loss for A device used to transport material, consisting
the given environment, which may be deter- of an endless belt that revolves around head
mined by temperature, humidity, air velocity, and tail pulleys.
workload, clothing, and their interactions.
Commonly referred to simply as heat stress belt filter press
index. See belt press.

belief-action distinction belt press

The distinction noted in analysis of cases un- A sludge dehydration device utilizing two
der the First Amendment, U.S. Constitution fabric belts revolving over a series of rollers
(freedom of speech and religion) to the effect to squeeze water from the sludge. May be re-
that one is guaranteed the right to any belief ferred to as a belt filter press.
he/she chooses, but when that belief is trans- belt thickener
lated into action, the state also has rights un- Mechanical sludge processing device that
der its police power to protect others from uses a revolving horizontal filter belt to pre-
such actions. thicken sludge prior to dehydration and/or

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Benadryl from a high pressure to a relatively lower
Trademark for diphenhydramine, an antihis- pressure. A form of altitude sickness suffered
tamine. See also antihistamine. by aviators who ascend too rapidly to high al-
bench titudes is similar to the bends. Bends may
A seat of judgment or tribunal for the admini- also be a complication in a type of oxygen
stration of justice. The seat occupied by therapy called hyperbaric oxygenation in
judges in courts. Also, the court itself, or the which the person is placed in a high-pressure
aggregate of the judges composing a court it- chamber to increase the oxygen content of the
self, as in the phrase "before the full bench." blood. The phenomenon of bends is ex-
See also bar. plained in terms of a law of physics: The
greater the atmospheric pressure, the greater
bench conference the amount of gas that can be dissolved in a
A meeting at the judge's bench prior to, dur- liquid. The gas involved in bends is the air
ing, or after a trial, or hearing between coun- we breathe, composed chiefly of nitrogen and
sel and the judge to discuss a matter pertain- oxygen. Under normal atmospheric pressure
ing to such proceeding. Commonly called to (about 15 lb. per square inch), nitrogen is pre-
discuss questions of evidence out of hearing sent in the blood in dissolved form. If the at-
of jury; it may or may not be made part of the mospheric pressure is substantially increased,
written record of the proceeding. a proportionately greater amount of nitrogen
bench test will be dissolved in the blood. The same is
A small-scale test or study used to determine true of oxygen, and this is the basis for hyper-
whether a technology is suitable for a par- baric oxygenation in the treatment of oxygen
ticular application. deficiency. The increase in pressure causes
no ill effects. Nor will there be any ill effects
bench warrant if the pressure is gradually brought back to
Process issued by the court itself, or "from the normal. When the decrease in pressure is
bench," for the attachment or arrest of a per- slow, the nitrogen escapes safely from the
son in case of contempt, or where an indict- blood as it passes through the lungs to be ex-
ment has been found, or to bring a witness haled. If the pressure drops abruptly back to
who fails to obey a subpoena. normal, the nitrogen is suddenly released
benchmark from its state of solution in the blood and
A thoroughly documented reference value or forms bubbles. Although the body is now un-
standard or measurement against which per- der normal air pressure, expanding bubbles of
formance, response, or other characteristics nitrogen are present in the circulation and
may be compared with confidence. force their way into the capillaries, blocking
the normal passage of the blood. This block-
benchmark job
age (or embolism) starves cells dependent on
A job or task having enough common char-
a constant supply of oxygen and other blood
acteristics with one or more other jobs such
nutrients. Some of these cells may be nerve
that it may be used as a predictor for those
cells located in the limbs or in the spinal cord.
jobs in such aspects as evaluations of worker
When they are deprived of blood, an attack of
output and time standards.
the bends occurs. The oxygen in the blood
bend reacts similarly when abnormal pressure is
Curve in the river, analogous to a curve in a abruptly relieved. But because oxygen is dis-
highway. solved more easily than nitrogen, and because
bends some of the oxygen combines chemically with
A form of decompression sickness in which hemoglobin, the oxygen released in decom-
pain occurs in joints, muscles, and/or bones. pression forms fewer bubbles, and is therefore
The condition results from a too rapid de- less troublesome.
crease in atmospheric pressure (as with deep beneficial impact
sea divers). The term is derived from the A purposeful impact, as in performing some
bodily contortions its victims undergo when task. Also referred to as functional impact.
atmospheric pressure is abruptly changed

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beneficial organism bentonite
A pollinating insect, pest predator, parasite, Colloidal clay-like mineral that can be used as
pathogen, or other biological control agent a coagulant aid in water treatment systems.
that functions naturally or as part of an inte- Also used as a landfill liner because of its
grated pest management program to control limited permeability.
another pest. benzene
benefit An aromatic hydrocarbon used as a solvent; it
Advantage; profit; fruit; privilege; gain; inter- has carcinogenic properties and is often char-
est. The receiving, as the exchange for prom- acterized by its ring structure. Chemical for-
ise, some performance or forbearance which mula is C6H6, represented by the structure:
the promisor was not previously entitled to
receive. CH
benefit-of-the bargain damages HC CH
The difference between the value received
and the value of the fraudulent party's per-
formance as represented.
Pertaining to the mild character of an illness CH
or the non-malignant character of a neoplasm.
bent A disease caused by vitamin B (thiamin) defi-
Deformed in a shape deviation from the origi- ciency common among populations that sur-
nal line or plane; creased, kinked, or folded. vive on polished rice. It is characterized by
bent torso breadth loss of muscle power, emaciation, and ex-
The horizontal linear distance across the haustion.
shoulders with the individual in the bent torso berm
position. See also bent torso position. A horizontal, earthen ridge or bank. The
bent torso height sharp definitive edge of a dredged channel
The vertical linear distance from the floor or such as in a rock cut.
other reference surface to the highest point on Bermuda high
the head in the bent torso position. See also See subtropical high.
bent torso position.
Bernoulli's equation
bent torso position Energy equation commonly used to calculate
A posture with the individual standing with head pressure; it considers velocity head,
feet separated by 18 inches, leaning forward static head, and elevation.
with hands on knees, and looking straight
ahead. berth
A specific segment of wharfage where a ship
benthal oxygen demand ties up alongside at a pier, quay, wharf, or
The oxygen demand exerted by the organic other structure that provides a breasting sur-
mud and sludge deposits on the bottom of a face for the vessel. Typically, this structure is
river or stream. a stationary extension of an improved shore
benthic and intended to facilitate the transfer of cargo
Relating to the bottom environment of a water or passengers. See also wharfage.
body. beryl
benthic organism A silicate of beryllium and aluminum that is
Benthos. A form of aquatic plant or animal considered a carcinogen.
life that is found on or near the bottom of a berylliosis
stream, lake, or ocean. Chronic poisoning caused by exposure to the
benthic region dust or fume of beryllium metal, beryllium
The bottom layer of a body of water. oxide, or soluble beryllium compounds.

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Symptoms include a loss of appetite and of a system's response bias in signal detection
weight, weakness, cough, extreme difficulty theory, represented by the ratio at the criterion
in breathing, cyanosis, and cardiac failure. level of the height of the signal + noise distri-
The disease may appear 5-20 years after ex- bution to the height of the noise distribution
posure has ceased. It is commonly progres- alone.
sive in severity, will cause fibrous growth in beta coefficient
the lungs, can create kidney stones, and can The weighting factor preceding a variable in a
be accompanied by enlargement of the heart, regression equation.
liver, and spleen.
beta decay
beryllium Radioactive change by emission of a beta
(1) A chemical element, atomic number 4, particle. In beta decay, a neutron decays into
atomic weight 9.012, symbol Be. (2) An air- a proton, with the emission of an electron (or
borne metal that can be hazardous to human beta particle); or, a proton transforms into a
health when inhaled. It is discharged by ma- neutron and emits a positron. In both cases,
chine shops, ceramic and propellant plants, the charge of the nucleus is changed without
and foundries. changing the number of nucleons.
best available control technology (BACT) beta particle
An emission limitation based on the maxi- A small particle ejected spontaneously from
mum degree of emission reduction (consid- the nucleus of a radioactive element. It has
ering energy, environmental, and economic the mass of the electron, has a charge of either
impacts and other costs) achievable through -1 or +1, and has a mass of 1/1840 that of a
application of production processes and avail- proton or neutron. It has low penetrating
able methods, systems, and techniques. In no power and short range. The most energetic of
event does BACT permit emissions in excess beta particles can penetrate the skin (causing a
of those allowed under any applicable Clean skin burn effect) and other tissues.
Air Act provisions. Use of the BACT concept
is allowable on a case by case basis for major beta radiation
new or modified emissions sources in Attain- See beta particle.
ment Areas and applies to each regulated beta ray
pollutant. A stream of beta particles of nuclear origin
best available technology (BAT) more penetrating but less ionizing than alpha
The best technology, treatment techniques, or rays per unit length of travel; a stream of beta
other means available after considering field, particles emitted in certain radioactive disin-
rather than solely laboratory, conditions. tegrations.
best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) beta ray irradiation
A technology demonstrated in full-scale A process to reduce pathogens in solid waste
commercial operation to have statistically by irradiating sludge with beta rays from an
better performance than other technologies. accelerator at dosages of a least 1.0 megarad
at room temperature.
best evidence rule
Rule which requires that the best evidence beta rhythm
available be presented in lieu of less satisfac- An EEG frequency band consisting of fre-
tory evidence. quencies greater than 13 Hz.
best management practice (BMP) beta testing
The schedules of activities, methods, meas- The second release phase of software evalua-
ures, and other management practices to pre- tion, just prior to release in the commercial
vent pollution of waters and facilitate compli- market. See also alpha testing.
ance with applicable regulations. Betadine
beta Trademark for preparations of providone-
(1) The probability of making a Type II error. iodine, which have a longer antiseptic action
Represented by the symbol β. (2). A measure than most iodine solutions.

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betatron bhp
A circular electron accelerator providing a See brake horsepower.
pulsed beam of high-energy electrons or x- bi-
rays by magnetic induction. A prefix denoting a relationship to two sym-
BeV metrical or approximately symmetrical parts.
Billion electron volts, 1 E+9 eV. BIA
BEV See bioelectrical impedance analysis.
See barrier equivalent velocity. biacromial breadth
beverage semitrailer The horizontal distance across the shoulders
A van-type, drop-frame semitrailer designed from right to left acromion. Measured with the
and used specifically for the transport and de- individual standing erect, and the shoulders
livery of bottled or canned beverages that has straight. Also referred to as shoulder breadth.
side-only access for loading and unloading bias
this commodity. (1) An individual preference or prejudgment on
beyond a reasonable doubt an issue. (2) A systematic error represented by
In evidence, means fully satisfied, entirely the difference between the mean of repeated
convinced, satisfied to a moral certainty; the measurements and the true value; a tendency to
phrase is the equivalent of the words clear, over- or underestimate the true/actual value. (3)
precise, and indubitable. A relatively constant voltage offset from zero.
beyond compliance biauricular breadth
A regulatory trend becoming increasingly The horizontal linear distance from the most
more prevalent as a voluntary alternative to lateral point of the right ear to the same point
existing statutes. Companies performing in of the left ear. Measured without auricular
this mode would perform beyond what is ex- compression.
pected by existing laws or regulations, estab- bicanthic diameter
lished performance limitations and technical See ectocanthic breadth.
requirements. The trend may promote in-
creased operational flexibility and more open bicarbonate
community reporting, and is used in many Any chemical compound containing a HCO3
EPA incentive programs for industry. group.
bezel bicarbonate alkalinity
A rim for holding a piece of transparent glass Alkalinity caused by bicarbonate ions.
or plastic for a display on a meter or other in-
Bezold spreading effect
See color assimilation. Also known as as-
similation and similitude effects.
Bezold-Brücke effect
See Bezold-Brücke phenomenon.
Bezold-Brücke hue shift
See Bezold-Brücke phenomenon.
Bezold-Brücke phenomenon
A change in the apparent color of a visual
stimulus with a change in stimulus intensity
or illumination. Also referred to as Bezold-
Brücke effect and Bezold-Brücke hue shift.
Black globe temperature. See also black The arrow indicates the position of the biceps brachii
globe thermometer.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

biceps brachii way or within an independent right-of-way.
The large, two-headed muscle in the anterior Also referred to as bike path.
upper arm.
bicycle route
biceps circumference, flexed A segment of a system of bikeways desig-
The maximum surface distance around the nated by the jurisdiction having authority with
biceps brachii. Measured with both the appropriate directional and information mark-
shoulder and elbow flexed 90 degrees, such ers, with or without a specific bicycle route
that the upper arm is horizontal, and the hand number. Also referred to as bike route.
clenched into a fist.
biceps circumference, relaxed Includes bicycles of all speeds and sizes that
The maximum surface around the upper arm at do not have a motor.
the level of the biceps brachii belly. Meas-
bideltoid breadth
ured with the arm hanging relaxed at the indi-
The horizontal linear distance across the
vidual's side.
maximum lateral protrusions of the right and
biceps femoris left deltoid muscles. Measured with the indi-
A large, two-headed muscle in the posterior vidual standing erect with the arms hanging
thigh; one of the hamstring muscles. naturally at the sides. See also biachromial
biceps muscle breadth.
See biceps brachii, and biceps femoris. biflow filter
biceps skin fold Granular media filter characterized by water
The thickness of a vertical skin fold on the flow from both top and bottom to a collector
anterior midline of the upper arm over the located in the center of the filter bed.
belly of the biceps brachii muscle at the level bifocals
of the upper arm circumference measure. A pair of lenses in glasses having two correc-
Measured with the individual standing erect tion portions, one for distance vision, the
and the arms hanging naturally at the sides. other for near vision.
bicipital big hat
Pertaining to a muscle having two heads, of- (slang). State Trooper.
ten specifically to the biceps brachii and bi-
big rigger
ceps femoris muscles.
Trucking (slang). An arrogant driver, or one
bicristale breadth who will drive only long trailers.
See biiliocristale breadth.
bight of a bend
bicycle Deepest portion of a bend (not in depth of
A vehicle having two tandem wheels, pro- water); sharpest part of a curve.
pelled solely by human power, upon which
bigonial breadth
any person or persons may ride.
The horizontal linear distance across the go-
bicycle ergometer nial angles of the jaw. Measured with the jaw
A stationary cycle (typically with only one muscles relaxed and the individual sitting or
wheel) used to measure or work against a standing erect.
fixed or adjustable force.
biiliac breadth
bicycle lane See biiliocristale breadth.
A portion of a roadway which has been desig-
biiliocristale breadth
nated by striping, signing and pavement
The horizontal linear distance across the torso
markings for the preferential or exclusive use
measured between the superior points of the
of bicyclists. Also referred to as bike lane.
iliac crests. Measured with the individual
bicycle path standing erect, with weight equally balanced
A bikeway physically separated from motor- on both feet. Also known as biiliac breadth,
ized vehicular traffic by an open space or bar- transverse pelvic breadth, pelvic breadth, and
rier and either within the highway right-of- bicristale breadth.

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bike lane bilharziasis
See bicycle lane. See schistosomiasis.
bike path bilingual
See bicycle path. Capable of speaking, writing, and under-
bike route standing two languages.
See bicycle route. bilirubin
bikeway An orange bile pigment produced by the
Any road, path, or way which in some manner breakdown of hemoglobin and excreted by the
is specifically designated as being open to bi- liver cells. Failure of the liver cells to excrete
cycle travel, regardless of whether such fa- bile, or obstruction of the bile ducts, can cause
cilities are designated for the exclusive use of an increased amount of bilirubin in the body
bicycles or are to be shared with other trans- fluids and thus lead to obstructive jaundice.
portation modes. Normally, the body produces a total of ap-
proximately 260 mg of bilirubin per day.
bilabial height Almost 99% is excreted in the feces; the re-
The vertical linear distance between the most maining 1% is excreted in the urine (as uro-
superior point on the upper lip and the most bilinogen). A test for bilirubin in the blood is
inferior point on the lower lip. called the van den Bergh test. Normal range
bilateral for this test is 0.0 to 0.1 mg/100 mL of serum
Pertaining to similar structures present on for direct bilirubin, and 0.2 to 1.4 mg/100 mL
both sides of a symmetric or approximately of serum for total bilirubin.
symmetric body. Bill of Lading
bilateral contract A document that establishes the terms of a
A term, used originally in civil law but now contract between a shipper and a transporta-
generally adopted, denoting a contract in tion company. It serves as a document of title,
which both the contracting parties are bound a contract of carriage, and a receipt for goods.
to fulfill obligations reciprocally toward each Bill of Rights
other; as a contract of sale where one becomes The first ten Amendments to the U.S. Con-
bound to deliver the thing sold, and the other stitution providing for individual rights, free-
to pay the price of it. doms, and protections.
bilateral teleoperator billing
A teleoperator system in which force and mo- A transaction conducted by a carrier involving
tion can be transmitted in both directions the determination of the proper rate and total
(from the operator to teleoperator and vice charges for a shipment and the issuance of a
versa). freight bill.
bilateral trade agreement billow clouds
Commerce between two countries based on a Broad, nearly parallel lines of clouds oriented
reciprocal trade agreement which specifies the at right angles to the wind.
quantity of goods to be traded, the time limit
of the agreement, and that the balances due be bimalleolar breadth
remitted directly between the countries. The horizontal linear distance across the pro-
trusions of the medial and lateral ankle bones.
bile Measured with the individual standing erect
The yellowish-brown or green fluid secreted and the body weight distributed evenly on
by the liver and discharged into the small in- both feet. Also referred to as ankle breadth.
testine where it aids in the emulsification of
fats, increases peristalsis, and retards putre- bimanual
faction. Performed with both hands.

bilharzia bimetallic thermometer

Waterborne disease also known as schis- A thermometer which consists of two differ-
tosomiasis. See schistosomiasis. ent metal strips that are brazed together and

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the differences of expansion of the metal binocular accommodation
strips, due to a temperature change, are used The process of both eyes accommodating si-
to provide an indication of temperature. multaneously.
bimodal binocular disparity
(1) Pertaining to or affecting two sensory mo- The difference in visual images on the right
dalities simultaneously. (2) A statistical dis- and left retinas resulting from the lateral sepa-
tribution having two modal values. ration of the eyes. May also be referred to as
binary digit lateral retinal image disparity or binocular
See bit. parallax.

binary fission binocular fusion

Asexual reproduction in some microbes where The merging of images from the two eyes into
the parent organism splits into two independ- a single perception. May sometimes be re-
ent organisms. ferred to more simply as fusion.

binaural binocular parallax

Having input to both ears simultaneously. See binocular disparity.

binaural hearing binocular portion of the visual field

The perception of sound by both ears. See binocular visual field.

bind binocular rivalry

To obligate; to bring or place under definite A phenomenon in which an alternation of
duties or legal obligations, particularly by a partial or entire images is perceived when the
bond or covenant. To affect one in a con- two eyes are stimulated simultaneously with
straining or compulsory manner with a con- different images. Also known as retinal ri-
tract or a judgment. valry.

binders binocular suppression

Brakes. A loss of all or some portion of one eye's vis-
ual field resulting from conflicting informa-
binding tion being presented to the fusion region of
Restricted in movement or a tightening or the outer eye's visual field.
sticking condition resulting from high or low
temperatures, foreign materials in the mecha- binocular vision
nism, surface friction, etc. The quality of vision existing by virtue of
having two eyes in which the visual fields of
binding agreement the two eyes overlap. More technically re-
A contract which is enforceable such as an ferred to as stereopsis.
offer to buy or sell when a person to whom it
is made accepts it and communicates his/her binocular visual field
acceptance. The portion of the visual field where the mo-
nocular visual fields of the two eyes overlap.
binding energy See also monocular visual field.
The energy represented by the difference in
mass between the sum of the component parts binomial distribution
of a nucleus and the actual mass of the nu- A distribution of data or results describing
cleus. It is the energy that holds the neutrons probabilities of the outcome of trials that can
and protons together and, subsequently, it is have one or two mutually exclusive results
the amount of energy required to separate the (e.g., exposure above or below a PEL). This
individual nucleons. theoretical discrete probability distribution for
a binomial random variable is represented as:
Pertaining to the use of or input to both eyes P = n/r pn (1 - p)n-r
n = total number of outcomes
r = number of successful outcomes

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(n/r) = number of combinations of n out- biochemistry
comes, taken r at a time. The study of chemical reactions occurring in
Used to approximate the normal distribution living organisms.
for large sample sizes. biocidal
bio- Causing the death of living organisms.
Prefix. Pertaining to living systems or those biocide
components which may be or have been a part A chemical used to inhibit or control the
of a living system. population of troublesome microbes.
bioaccumulative bioclimatology
Substances that increase in concentration in Scientific study of effects on living organisms
living organisms (that are very slowly me- of conditions of natural environment (rainfall,
tabolized or excreted) as they breathe con- daylight, temperature, etc.) prevailing in spe-
taminated air, drink contaminated water, or cific regions of the earth.
eat contaminated food.
bioacoustic The net increase in concentration of a chemi-
Pertaining to the effect of sound on the body. cal and its metabolites in an organism relative
bioacoustics to the concentration of the chemical of con-
The study or use of the relationships between cern in the ambient water or air.
sound and living organisms. bioconcentration factor (BCF)
bioaerosol The accumulation of chemicals that live in
Any aerosol consisting primarily of biological contaminated environments equal to the quo-
entities such as microbes; the presence of tient of the concentration of a substance in
biological entities in aerosol form. aquatic organisms divided by the concentra-
bioassay tion in the water during the same time period.
Use of living organisms to measure the effect biocontactor
of a substance, factor, or condition by com- A unit process such as an aeration basin,
paring pre- and post-exposure data. trickling filter, rotating biological contactor,
bioastronautics or digester where microbes degrade/transform
The study of medicine, biology, and physiol- organic matter.
ogy of one or more substances. biocontainment
bioavailability Any technique used to achieve bioisolation of
The amount of a chemical that becomes avail- one or more substances.
able to the target organ/tissue after the mate- bioconversion
rial has entered the body. The conversion of organic waste products into
biobrick an energy resource through the action of mi-
A building brick made of kiln-dried municipal crobes.
wastewater sludge. biocular breadth
biochemical See ectocanthic breadth.
Describes the event or action involving biocycle
chemistry of living organisms and the chemi- The sequence of certain rhythmically repeated
cal changes occurring therein. phenomena observed in living organisms.
biochemical oxidation biodegradable
Oxidative reactions caused by biological activ- The ability to break down or decompose rap-
ity which result in chemical combination of idly under natural conditions and processes.
oxygen with organic matter. See also biologi- biodeg ra da ble disso lved orga nic ca rbo n
cal oxidation. (BDOC)
biochemical oxygen demand The portion of total organic carbon that is
See biological oxygen demand (BOD). easily degraded by microbes.

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biodegradable material biogas
Organic waste material that can be broken The gases produced by the anaerobic decom-
down into basic elements by the action of mi- position of organic matter.
croorganisms. biogenesis
biodegradation The theory that living organisms arise only
Chemical reaction of a substance induced by from other living organisms.
enzymatic activity of microorganisms. biogeography
biodiversity The scientific study of the geographic distri-
An environment where multiple organisms bution of living organisms.
coexist. biogravics
biodynamicist A branch of science, developed since the start
One who works in the field of biodynamics. of space flight, that studies the effects of
biodynamics weightlessness and excessive gravitational
That field concerned with the effects of exter- force on living organisms.
nal forces or dynamic conditions on biological biohazard
systems. Also known as impact biodynamics. (1) Term applied to organisms or products of
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) organisms that present a health risk to hu-
A technique for estimating/measuring total mans. (2) It is also used to identify human
body fat/lean body mass by observing the im- blood, bloodborne products, or other forms of
pedance of electricity passed through a part of human wastes that may contain human bodily
the body. fluids which may present a health hazard to
anyone who may come into unprotected con-
bioelectricity tact with these materials. Derived from a
Electrical phenomena apparent in living cells. combination of the words biological and haz-
bioengineering ard.
The integration and application of knowledge biohazard area
in the fields of human biology, medicine, and Any area in which work has been or is being
engineering. performed with biohazardous agents or mate-
biofeasibility rials. The area is usually identified using the
A bioremediation feasibility study done to biohazard sign and/or symbol.
determine the applicability and potential suc-
cess of a bioremediation technique or proce-
dure for a given site.
The use of instrumentation to provide infor-
mation to an organism which enables that or-
ganism to alter its behavior accordingly.
An accumulation of microbial growth.
See biological filter.
A generic term for a group of compounds
widely distributed in plants and concerned
with maintenance of a normal state of the
walls of small blood vessels.
Presence and growth of organic matter in a Biohazard warning sign and symbol
water system.

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bioisolation biological filter
A condition in which biological systems are A bed of sand, stone, or other media through
effectively separated from each other using which wastewater flows that depends on bio-
any one or more of physical, chemical, or logical action for its effectiveness. Some-
biological methods. times referred to as biotower.
biokinetics biological half-life
The branch of science that pertains to the The time required for the body to eliminate
study of living organisms. one-half of an administered dose of any sub-
biologic agents stance by regular process of elimination. This
Biologic organisms which cause infections or time is approximately the same for both stable
a disease, such as the spores that cause an- and radioactive isotopes of a particular ele-
thrax, which can be considered an occupa-
tional disease under certain circumstances. biological hazard
See biohazard.
biologic test
A measurement taken from biological media biological magnification
to determine the presence of a specific mate- Refers to the process whereby certain sub-
rial or metabolite, or some other measurable stances such as pesticides or heavy metals
effect on a worker which is a result of an ex- move up the food chain, work their way into a
posure to a specific substance. river or lake, and are eaten by aquatic organ-
isms such as fish, which in turn are eaten by
biological clock
large birds, animals, or humans. The sub-
Any hypothesized internal mechanism re- stances become concentrated in tissues or in-
sponsible for maintaining one or more bio- ternal organs as they move up the chain. See
logical rhythms. Sometimes referred to as also bioaccumulative.
body clock.
biological monitoring
biological contaminants (1) Periodic examination of blood, urine, or
Agents derived from or that are living organisms any other body substance to determine the
(e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi, mammal and bird
extent of body absorption and retention of
antigens) that can be inhaled and can cause toxic materials. (2) The determination of the
many types of health effects including allergic effects on life, including the accumulation of
reactions, respiratory disorders, hypersensitivity
pollutants in tissue, due to the discharge of
diseases, and infectious diseases. Also referred pollutants by techniques and procedures. This
to as microbiologicals or microbials. includes sampling of organisms representative
biological control of appropriate levels of the food chain and the
In pest control, the use of animals and organ- volume and the physical, chemical, and bio-
isms that eat or otherwise kill or out-compete logical characteristics of the effluent. Appro-
pests. priate frequencies and locations are also con-
biological electricity sidered.
The electricity created by living beings and biological needs
cells. The basic physiological needs for a living
biological exposure index (BEI) entity to function, including air (oxygen),
Set of reference values established by the water, and food.
American Conference of Government Indus- biological oxidation
trial Hygienists as guidelines for the evalua- The way bacteria and microorganisms feed on
tion of potential health hazards in biological and decompose complex organic materials.
specimens collected from a healthy worker Used in self-purification of water bodies and
who has been exposed to chemicals to the in activated sludge wastewater treatment.
same extent as a worker with inhalation expo- biological oxygen demand (BOD)
sure to the threshold limit value. The values
A measure of the amount of oxygen con-
apply to 8-hour exposures, 5 days per week. sumed in the biological processes that break

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down organic matter in water. The greater the biometrics
BOD, the greater the degree of pollution. See biometry.
biological rhythm biometry
A self-maintained, cyclic variation within a The measurement of biological parameters
relatively fixed period in a living organism. and the use of simple descriptive statistics for
See also circadian rhythm, infradian rhythm, the data obtained. Also referred to as biomet-
ultradian rhythm, and circannual rhythm. rics. See also biostatistics.
biological treatment biomonitoring
The treatment technology that utilizes bacteria The use of living organisms to test water
to consume waste. This treatment breaks quality at a site further downstream.
down organic materials. bion
biolysis An individual living organisms.
Decomposition of organic matter by living bionics
organisms. The study of biological systems to derive
biomarker knowledge for use in the design, modeling,
A measurable biologic characteristic which development, and/or implementation of artifi-
has a definable relation to prior exposure to a cial systems.
substance. bio-oxidation
biomass See biochemical oxidation.
All of the living material in a given area; of- biophysics
ten refers to vegetation. Also called biota. Science dealing with the application of physi-
biome cal methods and theories to biological prob-
A biological community or ecosystem char- lems/effects, such as the interaction of radio
acterized by a specific habitat and climate frequency energies with living systems.
such as a tropical rain forest or a desert. biopsy
biomechanical profile The removal and examination of tissue from
Any combined set of biomechanical, electro- living mammals.
myographic, motion, and other data recorded biopure water
simultaneously during some activity. Water that is sterile, pyrogen free, and has a
biomechanics total solids content of less than 1 mg/L.
The study of the human body acting as a sys- bioremediation
tem under the laws of Newtonian mechanics Application of the natural ability of microbes
and the biological laws of life. to use waste materials in their metabolic proc-
biomedicine esses and convert them into harmless end
A field of medical science concerned with the products.
ability of a human being to live and function BIOS
in abnormal environments. See basic input output system.
biometeorology biosafety cabinet
Scientific study of effects on living organisms A hood to control the dissemination of viable
of the extra-organic aspects (temperature, or non-viable particles of biological origin,
humidity, barometric pressure, rate of air microorganisms, and their decay products.
flow, and air ionization) of the physical envi-
ronment, whether natural or artificially cre- biosampling
ated, and also their effects in closed ecologi- The collection of samples (e.g., air, surface
cal systems, as in satellites or submarines. wipes, settling plates, etc.) to identify and
quantify the presence of bioaerosols in the
biometer work environment.
An instrument for measuring carbon dioxide
given off by living tissue. biosensor
Any sensor in biotechnology which is com-

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posed of living tissue, biological materials, or biotoxicology
fabricated from basic biological materials. The scientific study of toxins produced by
biosolids organisms, their effects, and the treatment of
Primarily organic sludge or byproducts of conditions they produce.
wastewater treatment that can be beneficially bioturbation
recycled. The net effect of the activity of benthic or-
biosorption process ganisms at wastewater treatment plant dis-
See contact stabilization process. charges, which may aid in the dispersion of
contaminants and increase the exchange of
biospheres oxygen and nutrients between the sediment
The mass of living organisms found in a thin and water.
belt at the Earth's surface.
biostabilizer (1) Having two poles. (2) Pertaining to both
A machine that converts solid waste into poles.
compost by grinding and aeration.
bipolar disorder
biostatistics A psychosis characterized by abrupt or subtle
The use of statistical methodology to describe behavioral manifestations of opposite ex-
biological data or draw inferences from those tremes, such as manic-depressive disorder.
bird fancier's disease
biosynthesis Extrinsic allergic alveolitis observed in some
The synthesis of a chemical within and by a individuals who have been exposed to birds.
living organism. The condition is accompanied by breathless-
biota ness or tightness of the chest, coughing, and
All living organisms within a system. See wheezing. Extensive fibrosis can be seen in
also biomass. the chronic form.
biotechnology birdyback
Techniques that use living organisms or parts Intermodal transportation system using high-
of organisms to produce a variety of products way freight containers carried by aircraft.
(from medicines to industrial enzymes) to im- birth rate
prove plants or animals or to develop micro- The ratio of live births per some unit of ex-
organisms for specific uses such as removing isting population within a given period of
toxics from bodies of water, or as pesticides. time.
biotherapy birth-death process
Treatment by means of living organisms and A queuing system in which units to be served
their products, including vaccines, immune or worked on arrive and depart in a random
serum, and blood transfusions. fashion.
biotic biserial correlation
Of or pertaining to life. That correlation existing between two con-
biotic agent tinuously distributed variables, but in which
Microorganisms and parasites which act on one of the variables has been scored as a di-
the skin and body to produce disease. chotomous variable.
biotic community bispinous breadth
A naturally occurring assemblage of plants The transverse distance between the centers of
and animals that live in the same environment the anterior superior iliac spines. Measured
and are mutually sustaining and interdepend- with the individual standing erect with weight
ent. evenly distributed on both feet.
biotower BIT
See biological filter. See Built-in Test.

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bit bitragion-submandibular arc
(1) A numerical value in the binary scale, ei- The surface distance from right tragion, under
ther zero (0) or one (1). The basic unit in a the gonial angles of the jaw, to left tragion.
digital electronic system; contraction of bi- Measured with the individual sitting or
nary digit. (2) That amount of information standing erect with the jaws closed and the
obtained when one of two equally likely al- scalp and facial muscles relaxed.
ternatives is given or specified; the basic unit bitragion-subnasale arc
of information. See also information theory. The surface from right tragion, across subna-
BITE sale to left tragion. Measured with the indi-
See Built-in Test Equipment. vidual sitting or standing erect and the scalp
bitmap and facial muscles relaxed.
Computing. A graphic made up of a collec- bitrochanteric breadth
tion of colored dots. The computer stores the The horizontal linear distance between the
graphic as one or more bits of information for most lateral projections of the right and left
each dot (hence the name bitmap). Some greater trochanters. Measured with the flesh
filename extensions for graphic files that are compressed and the individual standing erect
bitmaps include .PCX, .TIFF, .BMP, and with weight distributed equally on both feet.
.GIF. Also referred to as bitrochanteric width.
bitragion breadth bituminous coal
The transverse width of the head as measured A coal high in carbonaceous matter that yields
from right to left tragion. Measured with the a considerable amount of volatile waste mat-
individual sitting or standing erect with the ter when burned.
scalp muscles relaxed. bivalent
bitragion-crinion arc Having a valence of two.
The surface distance from right tragion, over bivariate regression
the anterior hairline, to the left tragion. A special case of multiple regression in which
Measured with the individual sitting or the number of predictor variables is two.
standing erect with the scalp muscles relaxed.
bizygomatic breadth
bitragion-inion arc The transverse width of the face across the
The surface distance from right tragion, over most lateral protrusions of the zygomatic
inion (including the hair), to left tragion. arches. Also referred to as face breadth.
Measured with the individual sitting or
standing erect with the scalp muscles relaxed. black
Having the property of absorbing all or most
bitragion-menton arc of the incident visible light.
The surface distance from right tragion, under
the anterior/inferior tip of the chin, to the left black body
tragion. Measured with the individual sitting A hypothetical ideal body which absorbs all
or standing erect with the jaws closed and the incident radiation, independent of wavelength
facial muscles relaxed. and direction.
bitragion-minimum frontal arc Black Death
The surface distance from right tragion, over The bubonic plague, which first occurred in
the forehead just above the brow, to left Europe in epidemic form during the four-
tragion. Measured with the scalp and facial teenth century; characterized by black spots
muscles relaxed. on the skin.
bitragion-posterior arc black eye
The surface distance from right tragion, A bruise of the tissue around the eye marked
across the base of the skull, to left tragion. by discoloration, swelling, and pain.
Measured with the individual sitting or black globe thermometer
standing erect with the scalp muscles relaxed. Typically a 6-inch hollow, thin-wall, copper
sphere painted flat black with an ordinary

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thermometer placed into the globe at the cen- blackmail
ter. The unlawful demand of money or property
black light under threat to do bodily harm, to injure prop-
The region of the electromagnetic spectrum erty, to accuse of crime, or to expose dis-
between 300 nm and 400 nm in the ultra- graceful defects. This crime is commonly in-
violet (UV) region. It is the region responsi- cluded under extortion or criminal coercion
ble for the added pigmentation of the skin statutes. See also extortion.
(burning and tanning) following exposure to blackout
UV light. A temporary loss of vision, regardless of the
black liquor cause. See also grayout and gravity-induced
Strong organic waste generated during kraft loss of consciousness.
pulping process. blackwater
Black Lung Benefits Act Water that contains animal, human, or food
Federal statute benefiting coal miners who are wastes.
stricken with pneumoconiosis, a chronic dust blackwater fever
disease of the lung. Benefits under the Act An acute form of malaria occurring in tropical
are administered by the Department of Labor. and semitropical regions, characterized by
See also black lung disease. febrile paroxysms and bloody urine.
black lung disease bland
A disease contracted by coal miners and Not having a stimulating taste characteristic.
marked by varying degrees of pulmonary im- blank QA (spiked) sample
pairment, including x-ray abnormalities, Sampling media spiked by quality assurance
cough, breathlessness, massive progressive fi- personnel with selected compounds at known
brosis, formation of nodules and scar tissue in amounts for submitting to the analytical labo-
the lungs. Also known as coal miner's pneu- ratory along with regular samples to deter-
moconiosis, Collier's disease, and Shaver's mine analyte recovery effectiveness, possible
disease. effects of sample storage/shipment/etc.
black sand blank sample
Discoloration of filter sand resulting from A non-contaminated or otherwise clean sam-
manganese deposits. ple medium sent along to a testing laboratory
blackbody along with actual sample results that is used to
A surface which, ideally, absorbs all incident help determine sample inaccuracies or other
visible light energy and emits radiant energy compromising conditions. See also field
with a spectral distribution varying according blank sample.
to the absolute temperature of the surface. blanket certificate (authority)
Synonyms include ideal blackbody, black- Permission granted by the Federal Energy
body source, Planckian radiator, blackbody Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a certifi-
radiator, full radiator, standard radiator, cate holder to engage in an activity (such as
ideal radiator, and complete radiator. transportation service or sales) on a self im-
blackbody locus plementing or prior notice basis, as appropri-
A set of points representing the chromaticities ate, without case-by-case approval from
of a potential set of blackbodies with various FERC.
color temperatures on a chromaticity diagram. blanking
Also referred to as Planckian locus. The absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by
blackbody radiator the fastening of a solid plate (such as a spec-
See blackbody. tacle blind or skillet blind) that completely
blackbody source covers the bore and that is capable of with-
See blackbody. standing the maximum pressure of the pipe,
line, or duct with no leakage beyond the plate.
Also called blinding.

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blast furnace Snellen acquity and Snellen test. (3) Per-
Furnace used in the iron-making process in taining to a ship or other military vehicle
which hot blast air flows upward through the which has lost its radar or other sensing capa-
raw materials and exits at the furnace top. bilities. (4) Typically, a metal plate that
blast gate serves as an absolute means to seal off a pipe,
A device that regulates airflow in duct work, line, or duct from another section of the proc-
similar to a damper, but usually operated by ess. It completely covers the bore of the pipe,
positioning a sliding metal plate across a duct. line, or duct and is capable of withstanding
the maximum pressure present with no leak-
blasting agent age beyond the plate.
Any material or mixture consisting of fuel and
oxidizer intended for blasting, not otherwise blind flange
classified as an explosive and in which none A pipe flange with a blind end used to close
of the ingredients is classified as an explosive, the end of a pipeline.
provided that the finished product as mixed blind positioning
and packaged for use or shipment cannot be A movement which requires the placement of
detonated by means of a number 8 blasting one or more objects at some orientation or
cap when confined. point in space without visual cues.
blastomycosis blind sample
Term for any infection caused by a yeast-like A sample medium sent along to a testing labo-
organism. ratory that has been pre-conditioned at the sam-
bleach ple site with known contaminant levels that are
Oxidizing compound, usually containing not reported to the laboratory and is used to de-
chlorine combined with calcium or sodium. termine the accuracy of a laboratory analysis.

bleed blind side

To draw accumulated liquid or gas from a line Right side of truck and trailer.
or container. blind speed
bleeder The rate of departure or closing of a target
(1) The popular term for a person who bleeds relative to the radar antenna at which cancel-
freely, especially one suffering from a condi- lation of the primary radar target by moving
tion in which the blood fails to clot properly. target indicator (MTI) circuits in the radar
See hemophilia. (2) A large blood vessel di- equipment causes a reduction or complete loss
vided during surgery. (3) In pressure systems, of signal.
a faulty valve or pressure relief device that is blind spot
releasing gaseous materials unexpectedly or at (1) Physiology. Normal defect of vision
an inappropriate time. caused by the position of the optic nerve at
bleeding the point where it enters the eye; that region
(1) The escape of blood, as from an injured of the posterior eyeball where no photore-
vessel. (2) Purposeful withdrawal of blood ceptors are located due to the optic neural fi-
from a vessel of the body. (3) Intentional re- bers exiting the eyeball. (2) Transit. Any re-
lease of gaseous of liquid commodities from a gion on or around a vehicle at which another
pressure system for the purpose of reducing object may not be readily seen due to lack of
system pressures. mirror coverage or inability to view directly.
(3) Communication. An area from which ra-
BLEVE dio transmissions and/or radar echoes cannot
See boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion. be received. The term is also used to describe
blind portions of the airport not visible from the
(1) Not having certain information regarding control tower. Also referred to as blind zone.
ongoing activities in an experiment. See also blind thrust fault
double blind. (2) Having no visual capability, Seismology. A shallow-dipping reverse fault
or having a Snellen visual acuity less than which terminates before it reaches the surface.
20/200 even using corrective lenses. See also

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When it breaks, therefore, it may produce up- block
lift, but never any clear surface rupture. Rail. A length of track of defined limits, the
Many still-unknown blind thrust faults may use of which by trains is governed by block
exist in southern California. Two examples of signals, cab signals, or both.
known blind thrust faults are the Elysian Park block and tackle
Thrust, which runs underneath downtown Los A combination of a rope or other line material
Angeles and the Northridge Thrust Fault, and an independent pulley. Used to increase
which ruptured in the 1994 Northridge quake. mechanical efficiency.
blind velocity block signal
The radial velocity of a moving target such A roadway signal operated either automati-
that the target is not seen on primary radar cally or manually at the entrance to a block.
fitted with certain forms of fixed echo sup-
pression. block signal system
A method of governing the movement of
blind zone trains into or within one or more blocks by
See blind spot. block signals or cab signals.
blinding block to block time
The reduction or cessation of flow through a See flight time.
filter resulting from solids restricting the filter
openings. See also blanking. blocked
Communication. Phraseology used to indicate
blinding glare that a radio transmission has been distorted or
Any extremely intense glare which interferes interrupted due to multiple simultaneous radio
with vision for a significant period of time transmissions.
after removal of the glare source.
blink The viscous red bodily fluid, consisting of
(1) A unit of time equal to 0.864 seconds or plasma and the formed elements, which car-
10-5 day. (2) Turn quickly on and then off at ries nutrients, waste products, and body de-
approximately regular intervals. (3) See eye fensive mechanisms through the cardiovas-
blink. cular system.
blink coding Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
The use of a blinking stimulus as a highlight- Measured as a percentage by weight of alco-
ing or attention-getting technique. hol in the blood (grams/deciliter). A positive
blink rate BAC level (0.01 g/dl and higher) indicates
(1) That number of occasions which a light or that alcohol was consumed by the person
segment of a display turns on and off within a tested. A BAC level of 0.10 g/dl or more in-
specified interval. (2) See eye blink rate. dicates that the person was intoxicated.
blip blood alcohol count
A brief visual signal of higher intensity or Refers to the standard measure for legal in-
different quality from the background, which toxication under state DWI laws. In most
may enable or enhance detection. states, a person can be charged with "driving
blizzard while intoxicated" with a blood alcohol level
A severe weather condition characterized by of .10 percent or higher. See also driving
low temperatures and strong winds (greater while intoxicated, blood alcohol concentra-
than 32 mph) bearing a great amount of snow. tion, and breathalyzer test.
When these conditions continue after falling blood count
snow has ended, it is termed a ground bliz- The number of erythrocytes or white blood
zard. cells in a cubic millimeter of blood.
BLM blood dyscrasia
See Bureau of Land Management. Any persistent change from normal of one or
more components of blood.

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blood-forming organs (BFO) blood test evidence
The red bone marrow tissue and the spleen. Blood may be extracted against the will of a
blood level person without offense to Fifth Amendment
The concentration of a material, such as lead, rights (U.S. Constitution) when arrested for
in the blood. Typically reported as micro- driving while intoxicated. See also blood al-
grams per 100 grams of blood or micrograms cohol count and DNA identification.
per 100 mL (i.e., deciliter) of blood). blood type
blood plasma The phenotype of erythrocytes defined by one
The clear, almost colorless fluid of the blood or more antigenic determinants. Under the
when separated from blood corpuscles by usual system of blood typing, there are four
centrifuging; used in blood transfusions, since main blood types of blood groups: A, B, O,
it clots as easily as whole blood. and AB. The ABO blood typing system was
first introduced in 1900 by Karl Landersteiner
blood platelet and is still generally used today as the basis
A minute circular or oval body found in for transfusing whole blood. It is now known,
blood, necessary for blood clotting. however, that many different antigens exist in
blood poisoning the red blood cells, and that as many as 11 or
See toxemia. more different antigenic systems of grouping
blood can be recognized. Even within the
blood pressure ABO system, numerous subgroups of the
That force exerted on the internal heart and main groups exist.
vessel walls of the circulatory system by the
blood. See also systolic blood pressure and blood worm
diastolic blood pressure. The larval stage of the midge fly.
blood priority bloodborne pathogens
Figurative reference to management's ap- Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in
proach to accident investigation, in the early human blood and can cause disease in hu-
years during and following the industrial mans. These pathogens include, but are not
revolution (United States). Very simply, if limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the
there was no blood spilled, then there was no human immune deficiency virus (HIV).
real priority for any action (or budget), and blow down
even less management interest. A discharge from a recirculating system de-
blood products signed to prevent a buildup of some material.
Any product derived from blood, including blow him down
but not limited to blood plasma, platelets, red Boating Safety. To sound the danger signal in
and white blood corpuscles, and other derived case of misunderstood passing signals, when
licensed products such as interferon. the pilot on the other boat refuses to obey sig-
blood serum nals, or when just desiring to pass information.
The yellowish, clear liquid remaining after all blower
solid constituents of the blood have been re- Air-conveying equipment that generates pres-
moved. sures up to 103 kPa (15 pounds per square
blood sugar inch), commonly used for wastewater aeration
Glucose, supplied by the liver, circulating in systems.
the blood. blowout
blood test An uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other well
The test of a blood sample to determine such fluids into the atmosphere.
qualities as blood type, or such quantities as BLS
sugar content. Also used to determine if a Bureau of Labor Statistics.
person has ingested quantities of substances
beyond a legally established limit (e.g., alco- blue
hol, drugs). A primary color, corresponding to that hue

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apparent to the normal eye when stimulated BLWRS
only with electromagnetic radiation approxi- See barrier landscape water renovation sys-
mately between wavelengths from 455 nm to tem.
490 nm. BMI
blue asbestos See body mass index.
See crocidolite asbestos BMP
blue baby syndrome See best management practices.
See methemoglobinemia. BMR
blue blindness See basal metabolic rate.
See tritanopia. BNR
blue collar Biological nutrient removal.
Pertaining to those workers typically doing Board
production work, as opposed to management (1) An official or representative body orga-
personnel strictly doing administrative work. nized to perform a trust or to execute official
blue signal or representative functions of having the man-
Railroad Safety. A clearly distinguishable agement of a public office or department ex-
blue flag or blue light by day and a blue light ercising administrative or governmental func-
at night. When attached to the operating con- tions. (2) Lodging, food, and entertainment,
trols of a locomotive, it need not be lighted if furnished to a guest at an inn or boarding
the inside of the cab area of the locomotive is house.
sufficiently lighted so as to make the blue sig- Board of Adjustment
nal clearly distinguishable. Public and quasijudicial agency charged with
the duty to hear and determine zoning ap-
peals. Also called Board of Zoning Appeals
in certain cities.
Board of Aldermen
The governing body of a municipal corpora-
tion. See also alderman.
Board of Appeals
A non-judicial, administrative tribunal which
reviews the decision made by the hearing of-
ficer or by the head of the agency.
Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP)
Typical blue signals. Arrows indicate a blue flag (on right) and The BCSP was originally organized as a peer
a blue light (on left, not activated during daylight hours) certification board in 1969 with the purpose
of certifying those who practice in the safety
blue vitrol
profession. The specific functions of the
Common name for copper sulfate, used to
BCSP, as outlined in its charter, are to evalu-
control algae. See copper sulfate.
ate the academic and professional experience
blue-yellow blindness qualifications of safety professionals, to ad-
A rare form of color blindness in which the minister examinations, and issue certifications
individual cannot differentiate between blue to those professionals with demonstrated
and yellow. qualifications who have met the BCSP criteria
bluff bar and successfully passed its examinations.
A sandbar having a sharp drop-off into deep Board of Commissioners
water. Also called a bluff reef. A legal body of 3 to 9 individuals having
blur broad administrative authority over a river
A condition in which an image is not well port's operation. This board is primarily con-

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cerned with the development and determina- boat
tion of policies of the port authority. See barge, general cargo ship, motorboat,
Board of Directors towboat, tugboat, and vessel.
The governing body of a corporation elected boat trailer
by the stockholders; usually made up of offi- A trailer designed with cradle-type mountings
cers of the corporation and outside (non- to transport a boat and configured to permit
company) directors. The board is empowered launching of the boat from the rear of the
to elect and appoint officers and agents to act trailer.
on behalf of the corporation, declare divi- boat transporters
dends, and act on other major matters affect- Any vehicle combination designed and used
ing the corporation. specifically to transport assembled boats and
Board of Fire Underwriters boat hulls. Boats may be partially disassem-
An unincorporated voluntary association bled to facilitate transporting.
composed exclusively of persons engaged in Boating Safety Circular (BSC)
the business of fire insurance, for consolida- Published by COMDT (G-NAB) for free dis-
tion and cooperation in matters affecting the tribution to boat and equipment manufactur-
business. ers, dealers, marinas, yacht clubs, OCMI per-
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve sonnel, and other boating organizations. In-
System formation in the BSC concerns boating stan-
Seven-member board, with fourteen-year dards and boating safety in general.
terms, which governs the twelve Federal Re- boatswain
serve Banks and branches. The Board of A seaman who superintends the work of the
Governors determines general monetary, crew. The foreman of sailors.
credit, and operating policies for the System
as a whole and formulates the rules and regu- boatswain's chair
lations necessary to carry out the purposes of A seat, suspended from a higher level by
the Federal Reserve Act. The Board's princi- slings attached to a rope, that allows the oc-
pal duties consist of exerting an influence cupant to safely perform work at heights
over credit conditions and supervising the above the ground level but below the chair's
Federal Reserve Banks and member banks. suspension point. It has provisions for proper
occupant securing and protection.
Board of Health
A municipal or state board or commission
with certain powers and duties relative to the
preservation and improvement of the public
Board of Pardons
State board, of which the governor is usually
a member, authorized to review and grant
pardons and clemency to convicted prisoners.
Board of Review
Board authorized to review administrative
agency decisions and rulings. Body author-
ized to review alleged improper valuation and Worker seated in boatswain's chair
assessment of property. In some cities, a
board charged with responsibility to review BOCA
alleged police brutality or excessive force. Building Officials and Code Administrators
Board of Zoning Appeals BOD
See Board of Adjustment. See biological oxygen demand.

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BOD5 accuracy and future reference, specify exactly
Five-day carbonaceous or nitrification- where the measurement is taken.
inhibited biological oxygen demand. See also body envelope
biological oxygen demand. That volume which includes the body and any
BODu protective clothing or other items required
See ultimate BOD. during performance of a specific task.
bodily injury body fat
(1) Any injury to an individual from mechani- That portion of body composition which is
cal or physical processes. (2) Injury to the composed of adipose tissue
body, sickness, or disease including death re- body feed
sulting from any of these. Coating material added to the influent of pre-
body coat filters during filtration cycle.
(1) Anatomy. The human frame, including all body fluids
its organs, tissues, and other normal materials. Liquid emanating or derived from humans
(2) Automotive. Semitrailer. See also chassis. including blood, dialysis, amniotic, cerebro-
body breadth, maximum spinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, and peri-
The maximum linear horizontal distance cardial fluids, as well as semen and vaginal
across the body, including the arms. Measured secretions.
with the individual standing erect and the body heat content (Hb)
arms hanging naturally at the sides; for accu- The mathematical product of the body's heat
racy and future reference, specify the level at capacity and the mean temperature of body
which the measure is taken. tissues.
body burden, maximum permissible body height
(1) Radiation. An amount of radioactive ma- See stature.
terial in a critical organ such that the whole-
body dose is 0.3 rem per week or less; in case body mass
of an alpha or beta emitter that is deposited in The total mass of the body.
the bone, body burden is derived from the body mass index (BMI)
long-established maximum permissible body A guideline for estimating the percentage of
burden of radium (0.1 microcurie) adjusted body fat and nutritional status of the body.
for possible less uniform deposition. (2) Represented as
Biological. The total amount of a substance
stored in the body following exposure. The weight
body burden of a particular substance is a (stature) 2
function of its biological half-life and its bio-
chemical uptake and elimination rate. body motion
The movement of one or more body parts
body clock which involves a mass redistribution within
See biological clock. some coordinate system.
body composition body of the crime
The proportions of tissue makeup in the body, See body of the offense.
generally classified by two primary categories
as a function of body mass: lean body mass body of the offense
and body fat. When applied to any particular offense,
means that the particular crime charged has
body depth, maximum actually been committed by someone. Also
The maximum horizontal distance between referred to as body of the crime.
two vertical planes which represent the most
anterior and posterior aspects of the torso. body position
Measured with the individual standing erect See posture.
and arms hanging naturally at the sides; for

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body proportionality bilities in cockpits and other aircraft worksta-
The distribution of an individual's circumfer- tions.
ence measurements. bog
body segment Poorly drained land filled with decayed or-
Any portion of the body located between two ganic matter that is wet and spongy and un-
joints, or the terminal portion of a body part able to support any appreciable weight.
from a joint, which has a relatively constant bogey
geometry when moved. Automotive. An assembly of two or more
body surface axles.
Any part or all of the total surface area of the bogie
body. (1) Automotive. A set of wheels built specifi-
body surface area cally as rear wheels under the container. (2)
The total surface area of the body. Aviation (slang). Term used to describe an
body temperature and pressure, saturated unidentified "target" sited by the pilot of an
conditions (BTPS) aircraft. Usually a military term.
The air mixture saturated with water vapor at BOHS
ambient body temperature, as found in the British Occupational Health Society.
lung alveoli or exhaled air. boil
body type (1) Physiology. A local infection of the skin
Automotive. Refers to the individual classifi- containing pus and showing on the surface as
cations of motor vehicles by their design a reddened, tender swelling; a type of skin ab-
structure based on definitions developed by scess. Also called furuncle. (2) Hydrology.
the Society of Automotive Engineers, such as Turbulence in the water caused by deep holes,
1) the appearance of the vehicle, and 2) de- ends of dikes, channel changes, or other such
tailed type of motor vehicle within a vehicle submerged obstructions. Indicates a changing
type. channel condition. A boil is easily detected
body typology by electronic depth sounders by rapidly
Any of various attempts to ascribe behaviors changing depths appearing as waves on the
and personality characteristics to the shape or tracing paper.
composition of an individual's body. See also boil out
somatotype. An evaporator-cleaning process where wash
body versus machine rule water is boiled in an evaporator to remove
A task design guideline that the machine scale deposits.
should not be capable of injuring the worker boiler
during any phase of a task. A pressure vessel in which water is continu-
body volume ously vaporized into steam by the application
The total volume occupied by the body. of heat.

body weight boiler deck

The nude weight of an individual. Measured See cabin deck.
under standard conditions. boiler feed water
body-load aggregate Water that, in the best practice, is softened
The combined effect of the weight being ma- and/or demineralized and heated to nearly
nipulated and the weight of those parts of the boiling temperature and deaerated before be-
body involved in a materials handling or lift- ing pumped into a steam boiler.
ing task. boilermaker's deafness
BOEMAN A form of hearing impairment in which an
A computerized, human modeling package for individual hears better under noisy conditions
aiding design and evaluation of reach capa- than in quiet. Caused by working for long pe-
riods around loud noises.

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boilerplate bolt lock
(1) Language which is used commonly in With respect to rail operations, a mechanical
documents having a definite meaning in the lock so arranged that if a switch, derail or
same context without variation. (2) Used to movable-point frog is not in the proper posi-
describe standard language in a legal docu- tion for a train movement, the signal govern-
ment that is identical in instruments of a like ing that movement cannot display an aspect to
nature. proceed; and that will prevent a movement of
bo iling liquid ex pa nding vapo r explo sion the switch, derail or movable-point frog un-
( B LE V E ) less the signal displays its most restrictive as-
A violent rupture of a pressure vessel con- pect.
taining saturated liquid/vapor at a temperature bolus
well above its normal boiling point. A A cohesive mass, either of food material for
BLEVE often occurs when a fire adjacent to a swallowing or of fecal material following
tank holding a volatile flammable commodity defecation.
causes the commodity's temperature to in- BOM
crease thereby causing a subsequent increase See Bureau of Mines.
in the pressure inside the tank. As the liquid
reaches its boiling point, the pressure be- bomb calorimeter
comes too great for the tank to contain. The An instrument used to determine the heat
resulting explosion is violent and, once the content of sludge or other material.
contained liquid ignites (either as a result of bona fide
the explosion or upon contact with the fire In or with good faith; honestly, openly, and
outside), the resulting deflagration can be sincerely; without deceit or fraud.
boiling point (1) A form of monetary security given to se-
The temperature at which a liquid's vapor cure the performance of some act or to pro-
pressure equals the pressure acting on the liq- vide funds if some problem arises. (2) An
uid. equalization of electrical potential between
boiling point elevation (BPE) objects. (3) The linkage between atoms or
The difference between the boiling point of a radicals of a chemical compound, or the sym-
solution and the boiling point of pure water at bol representing this linkage and indicating
the same pressure. the valance of the atoms or radicals.
bold reef bonded petroleum imports
A bluff reef which acts like a weir and is Petroleum imported and entered into Customs
plainly visible for quite some distance. bonded storage. These imports are not in-
cluded in the import statistics until they are
bold right-hand reef 1) withdrawn from storage free of duty for use
A sandbar or group of rocks which can be as fuel for vessels and aircraft engaged in in-
seen or detected by water turbulence, located ternational trade, or 2) withdrawn from stor-
on the right bank of the channel. age with duty paid for domestic use.
boll weevil bonding
(1) Agriculture. A pest (beetle) that typically (1) An electrical conductor, or the act of at-
infests and destroys cotton bolls. (2) Transit taching such conductor, to eliminate a differ-
(trucking slang). A novice truck driver. ence in electrical or electrostatic potential that
bolometer would cause a spark to occur between objects.
An instrument which measures radiant heat by (2) The permanent joining of metallic parts to
correlating the radiation-induced change in form an electrically conductive path which
electrical resistance of a blackened metal foil will assure electrical continuity and the ca-
with the amount of radiation absorbed. pacity to safely conduct any current likely to
be imposed.

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bonding jumper boosted fire
A reliable conductor to assure the required A fire wherein some inflammable substance,
electrical conductivity between metal parts other than that which the building was con-
required to be electrically connected. structed or which it contained, contributed to
bone it burning. See also arson.
The skeletal tissue of vertebrates consisting of booster pump
cells arranged in a matrix of collagen fibers A pump used to raise the pressure of the fluid
and cells containing calcium and phosphate. on its discharge side.
bone conduction boot
The passage of sound waves to the inner ear (1) A covering for the foot. (2) The act of
via the bones of the skull. restarting computer hardware, usually so that
bone conduction test newly installed software and/or peripherals
A hearing test in which the audiometer oscil- can be properly sequenced into the system's
lator or tuning fork is placed against the mas- startup configuration process. As opposed to
toid process of the temporal bone. a warm boot, this process usually requires
turning the computer off and then back on
bone marrow again. See also warm boot.
Soft material that fills the cavity in most
bones. It manufactures most of the formed BOOT
elements of the blood. Acronym for build, own, operate, transfer.

bone seeker borborygmus

Any compound or ion in the body that mi- The involuntary rumbling sound caused by
grates preferentially to the bone. the movement of gas or fluid in the large in-
Acronym for build, own, operate. border cargo selectivity (BCS)
An automated cargo selectivity system based
booking on historical and other information. The sys-
Arrangements with steamship companies for tem is designed to facilitate cargo processing
the acceptance and carriage of freight. and to improve Customs enforcement capa-
boom bilities by providing targeting information to
(1) A floating barrier used to contain oil on a border locations. The system is used for the
body of water. (2). In rigging, a boom is a land-border environment.
timber or metal section or strut, pivoted or borderline between comfort and discomfort
hinged at the heel (lower end) at a location See comfort-discomfort boundary.
fixed in height on a frame or mast or vertical
member, and with its point (upper end) sup- bore hole
ported by chains, ropes, or rods to the upper A manmade hole in a geological formation.
end of the frame, mast, or vertical member. boreal forest
boom harness See taiga.
The block and sheave arrangement on the boredom
boom point to which the topping lift cable is A form of mental fatigue generally due to lack
reeved for lowering and raising the boom. of stimulation, lack of interest in the ongoing
See also boom (2). activity, isolation, performance of a monoto-
boom it down nous task, other similar situations, or some
Tighten chains around freight. combination of these situations.

boom point Borg scale

The outward of the top section of the boom. See rating of perceived effort scale.

boomers boric acid

Binder devices used to tighten chains around A crystalline powder, formerly used as a
cargo on flatbed trailers. household antiseptic for treating minor irrita-
tions of the skin and eyes. Because the pow-

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der is highly poisonous when taken internally, bottom
and since other antiseptics are more effective, The portion of the ground surface which lies
boric acid is no longer recommended. Boric below water.
acid ointment (for external use only) is occa- bottom ash
sionally helpful in cases of mild skin irrita- The noncombustible particles that fall to the
tions or in keeping a gauze dressing from bottom of a boiler furnace.
sticking to a wound.
bottom dumps
boron Trailer that unloads through bottom gates.
A chemical element, atomic number 5, atomic
weight 10.811, symbol B. bottom land hardwoods
Forested freshwater wetlands adjacent to riv-
borrowed employee ers in the southeastern United States. They
An employee of one employer who provides are especially valuable for wildlife breeding
services to another, under an agreement be- and nesting and habitat areas.
tween the two employers. Before a person
may be considered an borrowed employee, bottom shell
his/her services must be loaned with his ac- That portion of a tank car tank surface, ex-
quiescence or consent and he/she must be- cluding the head ends of the tank car tank,
come wholly subject to control and direction that lies within two feet, measured circumfer-
of the second employer, and free during the entially, of the bottom longitudinal centerline
temporary period from the control of the of the tank car tank.
original employer. Under the borrowed em- bottom time
ployee doctrine, if one to whom an employee That length of time a diver has been at depth
is lent is the "master of the servant" at the in an underwater dive or at maximum pres-
very time a negligent act occurs, it is upon the sure in a hyperbaric chamber for treatment of
master, as a special employer, that liability decompression sickness.
rests. But if the one lending the employee is
considered the master at the very time of in- botulin
jury, then he/she, as general employer, incurs A toxin sometimes found in imperfectly pre-
liability. served or canned meats and vegetables.

botanical insecticide botulism

A pesticide whose active ingredient is a plant- A severe illness resulting from ingestion of
produced chemical such as nicotine or strych- the toxin from the strictly anaerobic bacillus
nine. Clostridium botulinium. The illness may
cause blurred vision, sore throat, or other
Botsball symptoms of a nervous system disorder.
A small copper sphere, painted black and Since these toxins generally disrupt nerve im-
covered with a sized black mesh wetted fab- pulse transmission, they are referred to as
ric, which contains a thermometer for esti- neurotoxins. Vomiting, diarrhea, or constipa-
mating heat stress. See also wet globe tem- tion may also occur. If death occurs, it is usu-
perature. ally the result of respiratory paralysis.
Bottle Bill Boulder winds
Term applied to proposed or enacted legisla- Fast-flowing, local downslope winds that may
tion which requires a returnable deposit on attain speeds of 100 knots or more. They are
beer or soda containers and provides for retail especially strong along the eastern foothills of
store or other redemption centers. Such leg- the Rocky Mountains near Boulder, Colorado
islation is designed to discourage the use of (hence the name).
throwaway containers.
bound water
bottlers body Water held on the surface or interior of col-
Truck body designed for hauling cased, bot- loidal particles.
tled beverages.
(1) Every separation, natural or artificial,

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which marks the confines or line of division sions or to express displeasure with certain
of two contiguous properties. (2) A non- acts or practices of the person or business.
physical line indicating the limit or extent of Boyle's law
an area or territory. The volume of a mass of gas is inversely pro-
boundary representation portional to the pressure, provided the tem-
A technique used in solid computer modeling perature remains the same.
where the geometry is defined in terms of its bp
edges and surfaces. See boiling point.
bounty BPE
A gratuity, or an unusual or additional benefit See boiling point elevation.
conferred upon, or compensation paid to, a
class of persons. BPR
(1) Biological phosphorus removal. (2)
bounty hunter provision Boiling point rise.
Under the Clean Air Act of 1990, a provision
which authorizes EPA to pay a bounty of up Bq
to $10,000.00 to anyone who provides infor- See becquerel.
mation that leads to a civil penalty or criminal brace
conviction. This provision applies to current In scaffolding construction, a tie that holds
as well as past employees. one scaffold member in a fixed position with
Bourdon tube respect to another member.
A closed, curved, flexible tube of elliptical brachium
cross-section which responds to changes in The upper arm.
barometric pressure and provides a measure-
ment of that parameter. brackish water
Water containing a low concentration of solu-
bovine ble salts, usually between 1000 and 10,000
Pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived mg/L.
from the ox (cattle).
bow See bradylalia.
(1) Structural dynamics. The deflection of a
portion of structure caused by a pressure dif- bradycardia
ferential on the two sides. (2) Boating. The A lower than normal heart rate, usually less
front of a vessel. than 60 beats per minute. The condition may
occur following an infectious or febrile dis-
Bowen's disease ease or it may be a symptom of a disorder of
A pre-cancerous condition characterized by the conduction system of the heart. It some-
scaly skin lesions resembling psoriasis and times occurs with increased intracranial pres-
showing microscopic changes in the epider- sure, obstructive jaundice, and myxedema. It
mal cells. should be noted that a heart rate and pulse of
bowleg less than 60 beats per minute can occur in
A deformity in which the space between the normal persons, particularly during sleep.
knees is abnormally large. Trained athletes usually have a slow heart and
pulse rate; opposite of tachycardia.
Transit. (1) A semitrailer. (2) The transmis- bradykinesia
sion part of the tractor. Any movement disorder in which body
movements are slowed.
A closed rail freight car. bradylalia
A very slow articulation in speaking due to
boycott central nervous system lesion.
Concerted refusal to do business with a par-
ticular person or business to obtain conces- bradylexia
An abnormal slowness in reading.

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Braille sion of air under pressure to charge and actu-
A communication system for the blind which ate the automatic brake equipment and charge
uses tactile characters. the reservoirs of the electro-pneumatic brake
brain equipment on each vehicle of the train.
The mass of soft, spongy, pink-gray nerve tis- brake shoe
sue occupying the cranial cavity, consisting of The non-rotating portion of a tread or disc
the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, and medulla brake assembly. The shoe is pressed against
oblongata, and connecting at its base with the the tread, disc, or drum when the brake is ap-
spinal cord. The human brain weighs about 3 plied.
pounds. The brain consists of billions of nerve brake tubing/hose
cells, intricately connected with each other. It Metallic brake tubing, nonmetallic brake tub-
contains centers (groups of neurons and their ing and brake hose are conduits or lines used
connections) which control many involuntary in a brake system to transmit or contain the
functions, such as circulation, temperature medium (fluid or vacuum) used to apply the
regulation, and respiration, and interpret sen- motor vehicle's brakes.
sory impressions received from the eyes, ears,
and other sense organs. Consciousness, emo- braking action
tion, thought, and reasoning are functions of Aviation. A report of conditions on the air-
the brain. It also contains centers or areas for port movement area providing a pilot with a
associative memory which allow for recording, degree/quality of braking that he/she might
recalling, and making use of past experiences. expect. Braking action is reported in terms of
good, fair, poor, or nil.
brain potential
Any recordable electrical difference between Braking Action Advisories
two or more locations on the scalp or brain. Aviation. When tower controllers have re-
See also electroencephalogram and evoked ceived runway braking action reports which
potential. include the terms "poor" or "nil," or whenever
weather conditions are conducive to deterio-
brain stem rating or rapidly changing runway braking
That portion of the brain which is continuous conditions, the tower will include on the
with the spinal cord and lies beneath the cere- Automated Terminal Information Service
bellum and cerebral hemispheres, containing (ATIS) broadcast the statement, "BRAKING
neurons governing many of the body's vital ACTION ADVISORIES ARE IN EFFECT."
functions. During the time Braking Action Advisories
brain wave are in effect, Air Traffic Control (ATC) will
The recorded or observed varying electrical issue the latest braking action report for the
potentials from the brain. See also electroen- runway in use to each arriving and departing
cephalogram and evoked potential. aircraft. Pilots should be prepared for deterio-
brainstorm rating braking conditions and should request
Propose and discuss ideas, freely and without current runway condition information if not
criticism, in an attempt to discover all possi- volunteered by controllers. Pilots should also
ble approaches to a situation. be prepared to provide a descriptive runway
condition report to controllers after landing.
An energy conversion mechanism used to braking distance
stop, or hold a vehicle stationary. Total distance required to stop a motor vehi-
cle from the time the driver recognizes the
brake horsepower (bhp) need to stop until the vehicle is standing still.
The power developed by an engine as meas- Influencing factors include the speed of the
ured by a dynamometer applied to the shaft or vehicle, the weather, the road conditions, the
flywheel. vehicle's tires and condition of its brakes, etc.
brake pipe Sometimes referred to as stopping distance.
A pipe running from the engineman's brake
valve through the train, used for the transmis-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

branch breach of duty
In ventilation, a duct or pipe connecting an In a general sense, any violation or omission
exhaust hood to a main or sub-main. of a legal or moral duty. More particularly,
branch circuit the neglect or failure to fulfill, in a just and
The circuit conductors between the final over- proper manner, the duties of an office or fidu-
current device protecting the circuit and the ciary employment.
outlet(s). breach of warranty
branch duct entry (1) In real property law and the law of insur-
The point in a ventilation system where a ance, the failure or falsehood of an affirmative
branch or secondary duct joins a main duct. promise or statement, or the nonperformance
of an executory stipulation. (2) As used in the
branch of greater resistance law of sales, breach of warranty, unlike fraud,
The path from a hood or duct opening to the does not involve guilty knowledge, and rests
fan and exhaust stack in a ventilation system on contract. (3) Under the Uniform Commer-
which causes the most pressure loss. cial Code, consists of a violation of either an
branch railroad express or implied warranty relating to title,
A lateral extension of a main line; a road con- quality, content, or condition of goods sold
nected with or issuing from a main line. for which an action in contract will lie.
branch sewer breadth
A sewer that receives wastewater from a Width; a straight-line horizontal measurement
small area and discharges into a main sewer having only lateral extent, from one side of
serving more than one area. the body or a body segment to the other.
brass break
A copper alloy containing up to 40% zinc. (1) General-Structure Mechanics. A fracture
resulting in complete separation into parts.
brass-founders ague (2) Hydrology. A surface disturbance of the
Metal fume fever that may occur in workers water similar to a boil, caused by an under-
in brass foundries. water obstruction. See also boil.
brattice break-bulk
Partitions that are placed throughout under- Packages of hazardous materials that are han-
ground mines to control the flow of ventila- dled individually, palletized, or unitized for
tion. These are often made of heavy cloth purposes of transportation as opposed to bulk
such as canvas, or of plywood. and containerized freight.
Brayfield-Rothe Scale of Job Satisfaction break-even analysis
A commercially available standardized ques- An quantitative technique used to determine
tionnaire for surveying job satisfaction among the sales necessary to achieve the break-even
employees. point. See also break-even point.
breach break-even chart
(1) The breaking or violating of a law, right, A graphical representation of the relationships
obligation, engagement, or duty, either by between income and costs, usually based on
commission or omission. Exists where one different levels of volume for production and
party to a contract fails to carry out term, sales.
promise, or condition of the contract. (2) By-
pass, avoid, or dismantle a safety or security break-even point
mechanism. That economic level at which total operating
costs equal total income, and the company
breach of contract neither makes a profit nor has a loss.
(1) Failure, without legal excuse, to perform
any promise which forms the whole or part of break the unit
a contract. (2) Unequivocal, distinct, and ab- To uncouple the tractor from the trailer.
solute refusal to perform an agreement.

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break time turbidity begins to increase because the filter
See rest period. bed is full and no longer able to retain solids.
break up tow breakwater
To disassemble the tow either at the end of An offshore barrier, often connected to shore,
the voyage or inadvertently on a sandbar. that breaks the force of waves and provides
breakbone fever shelter from wave action.
See dengue. breast
breakbulk cargo (1) The anterior thorax, especially in the re-
Packaged products that can be palletized into gion of the nipple. (2) The human female
larger parcels and assembled together, for ex- mammary gland.
ample, on pallet boards bound by wire, or breast line
gathered up in rope cargo slings as a means of Any line that leads straight in or square.
lifting on and off a vessel. Keeps a barge from moving out from its
breakdown mooring facilities.
(1) A decomposition of some process or ac- breastbone
tivity into its component parts. (2) The ceas- See sternum.
ing of operation of a system, subsystem, or breathalyzer test
component due to some fault or failure. Test to determine content of alcohol in a per-
breakdown bar son arrested for operating a motor vehicle
A length of pipe used to increase the leverage while under the influence of liquor. The re-
in setting up ratchets when connecting tow sults of such test, if properly administered, are
rigging. Also called cheater bar. admissible evidence.
breakdown maintenance breathe
See corrective maintenance. To alternately inhale and exhale air from the
breaking strength lungs.
That stress level at which a material fails. breathing air
breakout tank Air that equals or exceeds Grade D specifica-
A tank used to 1) relieve surges in an oil or tions for gaseous air in accordance with
hazardous liquid pipeline system, or 2) re- ANSI/CGA G-7.1-73, and that does not pre-
ceive and store oil or hazardous liquid trans- sent a health hazard to anyone breathing the
ported by a pipeline for reinjection and con- air.
tinued transportation by pipeline. breathing zone
breakpoint (1). Usually the air within a 12 to 24 inch ra-
That readily distinguishable point in time dius surrounding a person's head. (2) Area of
which represents a boundary between two a room in which occupants breathe as they
task elements, at which one element is com- stand, sit or lie down.
pleted and the other is begun. Also referred to breathing zone sample
as reading point and endpoint. An air sample collected in the breathing area
breakpoint chlorination of a worker to assess exposure to an airborne
Addition of chlorine until the chlorine de- contaminant.
mand has been satisfied. Further addition will bremsstrahlung
result in a chlorine residual so that disinfec- Radiation. A German word meaning "braking
tion can be assured. radiation," it is the secondary x-radiation
breakthrough (ionizing photon radiation) that is produced
(1) NIOSH. The presence of 25% or more of a when a beta particle is slowed down or
contaminant in the rear portion of a sorbent stopped by a high-density surface.
tube. (2) Water Treatment. That point in the BRI
granular media filter cycle when the filtrate Building-related illness.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

bricklayer's square scaffold containing material or other product, to pre-
A scaffold composed of framed wood squares vent the release of fibers.
which support a platform limited to light and bridle line
medium duty. The wire cable used to connect a barge in
bridge trailing fashion behind the towboat.
A structure including supports erected over a bright
depression or an obstruction, such as water, A highlighting technique in which one or
highway, or railway, and having a track or more portions of a display appear brighter
passageway for carrying traffic or other than the remainder.
moving loads, and having an opening meas-
ured along the center of the roadway of more brightener
than 20 feet between undercopings of abut- Any colorless, fluorescent dye which causes
ments or spring lines of arches, or extreme washed clothing to appear brighter under cer-
ends of openings for multiple boxes; it may tain lighting conditions by converting ultra-
also include multiple pipes, where the clear violet light into visible light, normally at the
distance between openings is less than half of blue end of the spectrum. Also referred to as
the smaller contiguous opening. whitener, whitening agent, and optical bright-
bridge foundation bearing material
The type of material supporting the substruc- brightness
ture of a bridge. Code as follows: GW, well- A subjective judgment of the relative amount
graded gravel; GP, poorly graded gravel; GM, of light projected or reflected from a surface
silty gravel; GC, clay gravel; SW, well-graded or object, ranging from brilliant to dark. See
sand; SP, poorly graded sand; SM, silty sand; also luminance.
SC, clay sand; RK, bedrock; UK, unknown; brightness contrast
O, other. The subjective difference between the bright-
bridge number ness of an object and the background against
The number of the installation, consisting of which that object is located. See also lumi-
the full route number (including segment and nance contrast.
spur) plus the milepost location of the bridge brightness control
to the nearest one hundredth of a mile. A potentiometer or other adjustment device
bridge posted load restrictions for varying the luminance on a display. Also
Load restrictions posted at a bridge structure. known as brilliance control.
Entry order: single axle, dual axle, load type brightness enhancement
3, load type 3S2, load type 3-3, and Special. The use of a flashing light within a certain
bridge posted speed restrictions flashing frequency range (about 2-20 Hz) to
A speed limit posted at a bridge structure, in make a light appear brighter than if the same
miles per hour. average light intensity were used from a
steady light.
bridge structure
A two-character code for recording the type bril
of bridge structure. Code as follows: SS, sim- A subjective scale for judging brightness.
ple span; CS, continuous span; SC, combina- brilliance
tion simple and cantilever; CC, combination See brightness.
continuous and cantilever; O, other.
brilliance control
bridge superstructure See brightness control.
Those elements of the bridge structure which
are above the uppermost deck. brine
Water saturated with, or containing a high
bridging encapsulant concentration of, salts, usually in excess of
A material, generally in a liquid form, that is 36,000 mg/L.
employed to seal the surface of an asbestos-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

brine concentrator formation for which an acknowledgment is
A vertical tube falling film evaporator em- not expected.
ploying special scale control techniques to broadcast application
maximize concentration of dissolve solids. In pesticide application, the spreading of
brine heater chemicals over an entire area.
The heat input section of a multistage flash broke
evaporator where feed water is heated to the Paper waste generated prior to completion of
process' top temperature. the paper-making process.
brine staging broken shift
See reject staging. See split shift.
brinelled broken train collision
Defaced or distorted surfaces typically caused A collision in which a moving train breaks
by shock of impact between surfaces. into parts and an impact occurs between these
British Thermal Unit (BTU) parts, or when a portion of the broken train
The amount of energy required to raise the collides with another consist.
temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree broker
Fahrenheit (F) at or near 39.2 degrees F and 1 A person who arranges for transportation of
atmosphere of pressure. One British Thermal loads for a percentage of the revenue from the
Unit (BTU) is about equal to the heat given load. See also customs house broker and
off by a blue-tip match. freight forwarder.
brittle fracture brokerage
(1) A type of failure mode in structural mate- Freight forwarder/broker compensation as
rials that usually occurs without prior plastic specified by ocean tariff.
deformation and at extremely high speed. (2)
A type of failure mode such that burst of the bromine
vessel is possible during cycling. Normally (1) A chemical element, atomic number 35,
this mode of failure is a concern when cycling atomic weight 79.909, symbol Br. (2) A
to the maximum expected operating pressure halogen used as a water disinfectant in com-
(MEOP) or when the vessel is under sustained bination with chlorine and as a chlorine-
load at MEOP. (3) A type of fracture that is bromide mixture.
characterized by a flat fracture surface with bronchial tubes
little or no shear lips (slant fracture surface) Branches or subdivisions of the trachea
and at average stress levels below those of (windpipe). A bronchiole (the narrowest of
general yielding. the tubes which carry air into and out of the
Brl lungs) is a branch of the bronchus which is a
See building restriction line. branch of the trachea. Also referred to simply
as bronchi.
broad-crested weir
A weir having a substantial crest width in the bronchiectasis
direction parallel to the direction of water Chronic dilation of the bronchi with spas-
flowing over it. modic coughing and production of phlegm.
broadband bronchioles
Containing many frequencies. See bronchial tubes.
broadband noise bronchitis
Noise with components extending over a wide An inflammation of the bronchi or bronchial
frequency range. See also white noise. tubes. It can be either acute or chronic; an
acute case occasionally develops into a
broadcast chronic one. If the inflammation reaches the
(1) A message sent to all stations connected to bronchioles and the alveoli, the condition is
a computer network. (2) Transmission of in- bronchopneumonia.

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bronchogenic carcinoma Mortality is possible but rare. Contact with
A carcinoma of the lung. infectious materials such as animal blood is
bronchopneumonia an important mode of infection for livestock
Term indicating inflammation of the lungs, growers, veterinarians, and processing plant
usually beginning in the terminal bronchioles, workers. Intact skin is an effective barrier,
followed by their becoming clogged. but cuts and abrasions provide a direct route
of exposure. Inhalation and ingestion are also
bronze potential routes of infection. See also undu-
A copper-tin alloy, or any other copper alloy lant fever.
that does not contain zinc or nickel as the
principal alloying element. Bruceton test method
A statistical method for determining the all-
brow fire and no-fire characteristics of an electro-
See forehead and eyebrow. explosive device using a small sample size,
brow ridges but with high reliability.
The bony ridges of the forehead that lie above bruise
the orbits of the eyes. An injury characterized by capillary or venous
brown asbestos hemorrhaging beneath an unbroken skin. See
See amosite asbestos. also hematoma.
brown coal brush aerator
A common term for lignite. Mechanical aeration device most frequently
used in oxidation ditch wastewater treatment
brown lung plants, consisting of a horizontal shaft with
See byssinosis. protruding paddles that are rapidly rotated at
Brownfield the water surface. Also called a rotor.
(1) A contaminated property, either aban- brush out
doned or underutilized because the perceived To clear out the brush or vegetation around a
cost of remediation exceeds the perceived light or day mark so that the structure is visi-
value. Often located in urban and economi- ble to navigation in all necessary directions.
cally distressed areas. (2) Former industrial An aid should be cleared or brushed out so as
sites that, either because of actual or per- to be completely visible to navigation from
ceived contamination, lie idle or underutilized the beginning of its use in a set of marks until
because of fear of hazardous waste liability it is no longer being used in that or another set
attached to their ownership or operation. of marks. See also landscaping.
Brownfield Initiative bruxism
An EPA program begun in 1985 to fund pilot Grinding of the teeth.
projects with investors, businesses, and de-
velopers to redevelop selected Brownfield BRYNTRN
sites. The initiative eliminated 25,000 +/- A computer model for determining the effects
sites from the National Priority List. of nucleons on target materials.
Brownian motion BSC
Erratic movement of colloidal particles that See Boating Safety Circular.
results from the impact of molecules and ions BS&W
dissolved in the solution. Bottom sediments & water.
brownie BTPS conditions
Automotive. An auxiliary transmission. See body temperature and pressure, satu-
brucellosis rated conditions.
An illness caused by the bacterium of the Ge- BTS
nus Brucella. Symptoms include fever, chills, See Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
headache, muscle aches, malaise, weakness,
loss of appetite and subsequent loss of weight. BTU
See British Thermal Unit.

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bubble endless chain or belt to which buckets are at-
(1) A system under which existing emissions tached.
sources can propose alternate means to com- buddy-breathing device
ply with a set of emissions limitations. Under An accessory to self-contained breathing ap-
the bubble concept, sources can implement paratus which permits a second person to
more than the required controls at one emis- share the same air supply as that of the wearer
sion point where control costs are relatively of the apparatus.
low in return for a comparable relaxation of
controls at a second emission point where buddy system
costs are higher. (2) A trapped volume of air A system organizing employees into work
or other gas(es) within a more viscous fluid or groups in such a manner that each employee
solid. of a work group is designated to be observed
by another person in the work group.
bubble meter
A burette, or other similar volumetric device, Buerger's disease
that can be used with a soap solution to form a A disease affecting the medium-sized blood
bubble for calibrating a sampling device, such vessels, particularly the arteries of the legs,
as a pump, by timing the period it takes for which can cause severe pain and in serious
the bubble to traverse a specific volume and cases, lead to gangrene. Also called throm-
using this data to calculate its flow rate. This boangitis obliterans, a term that refers to the
method is considered a primary calibration clotting, pain, and inflammation occurring in
method. Also referred to as a soap-film or this disease and to the fact that it can obliter-
soap-bubble flow meter. ate, or destroy, blood vessels. The cause of
this violent reaction has been thought to be
bubble policy excessive use of tobacco over a long period of
See emissions trading. time. The number of cases has diminished
bubble tube strikingly in recent years. The intense pain
A simple device used to calibrate air-sampling that is a symptom of the disease is caused by
pumps. the formation of blood clots, or thrombosis, in
bubbler the lining of the arterial blood vessels. When
A device used to collect air contaminants by the clots grow larger, the blood slows and
bubbling sampled air through a liquid medium may stop entirely. Since every part of the
(e.g., absorbent) contained in the bubbler. body depends on the continuous flow of
The sampling tube of the bubbler typically blood, affected areas such as fingers and toes,
has a glass frit at the end which is immersed soon begin to atrophy or develop ulcers. If
in the collecting solution or sampling me- the causes of the disease are not completely
dium. arrested, amputation may be necessary.

bubbler system buffer

Common terminology for a pneumatic-type (1) A substance that stabilizes the pH value of
differential level controller. solutions. (2) A region separating one area
from another for safety, habitability, or other
bubonic plague reasons. (3) A temporary computer storage
An acute infectious disease usually transmit- location in which data may be kept while
ted from infected animals to humans by the awaiting transfer to another, more permanent
bite of a rat flea. location.
buchner funnel buffer strips
A laboratory funnel with a perforated bottom Strips of grass or other erosion-resisting
that utilizes a disposable filter paper to evalu- vegetation between or below cultivated strips
ate wastewater and sludge dehydration. or fields.
bucket elevator buffering capacity
A conveying device consisting of a head and The capacity of a solution to resist a change in
foot assembly that supports and drives an composition, especially changes in pH.

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bug it bulb
Transit. To carry freight from the front to the The primary source of light in an electrically
back of a truck. powered lamp.
builder bulk arrival
(1) Any chemical used in the laundry process The arrival of several customers or users at a
which acts to soften water for improved de- location at one time or as part of a single
tergent activity. (2) One whose occupation is event.
the building or erection of structures, the con- bulk cargo
trolling and directing of construction, or the (1) Cargo not packaged or broken into smaller
planning, constructing, remodeling and units. Bulk cargo is either dry (grain) or liq-
adapting to particular uses buildings and other uid (petroleum) and cannot be counted. (2)
structures. The tonnes of bulk cargo assessed at the Bulk
building block rate of tolls as defined in the St. Lawrence
One of a fixed group of elements or modules Seaway Tariff of Tolls. (3) Cargo that is un-
which may be joined to form a system or bound as loaded and carried aboard ship; it is
complete some activity. without mark or count, in a loose unpackaged
building code form, and has homogeneous characteristics.
(1) A set of regulations that provides stan- bulk cargo spout
dards to which structures must be built. A spout, which may or may not be telescopic
These may be issued by local, county, state, and may or may not have removable sections,
regional, or national agencies. (2) Laws, or- but is suspended over the vessel from some
dinances, or government regulations con- overhead structure by wire rope or other
cerning fitness for habitation setting forth means. Such a spout is often used with a
standards and requirements for the construc- thrower or trimming machine. A grain load-
tion, maintenance, operation, occupancy, uses ing spout is an example of spouts covered by
or appearance of buildings, premises, and this definition.
dwelling units. See also code. bulk cargo sucker
building envelope A pneumatic conveyor which utilizes a spout-
Elements of the building, including all exter- like device, which may be adjustable verti-
nal building materials, windows, and walls, cally and/or laterally, and which is suspended
that enclose the internal space. over a vessel from some overhead structure
building-related illness by wire rope or other means. An example of
A diagnosable illness whose symptoms can be an installation of this nature is the grain
identified and whose cause can be directly at- sucker used to discharge grain from barges.
tributed to airborne building pollutants (e.g., bulk carriers
Legionnaire's Disease, hypersensitivity pneu- All vessels designed to carry bulk cargo such
monitis). as grain, fertilizers, ore, and oil.
building restriction line (Brl) bulk density
A line which identifies suitable building area The density/volume ratio for a solid including
locations on airports. the voids contained in the bulk material.
Built-in Test (BIT) bulk materials
A circuit or other equipment located within a Any powdery, granular, or lumpy substance in
system which automatically or on direction by loose form.
an operator verifies system function. bulk packaging
Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) A packaging, other than a vessel or a barge,
That circuitry or other hardware incorporated including a transport vehicle or freight con-
into a system for monitoring that system's tainer, in which hazardous materials are
function and analyzing faults when they oc- loaded with no intermediate form of contain-
cur. ment and which has: 1) a maximum capacity
greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a recepta-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cle for a liquid; 2) a maximum net mass bullae
greater than 400 kg (882 pounds) and a Bladder or sac containing liquid, such as oc-
maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 curs when lungs become emphysematous.
gallons) as a receptacle for a solid; or 3) a bulletin board
water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000 (1) General. A posting board usually located
pounds) as a receptacle for a gas as defined in in a common area of access used to post in-
49 CFR 173.115. formation of general or specific interest. (2)
bulk sample Marine Safety. A board located at each dam
(1) As related to asbestos, a small portion of upon which is displayed information con-
suspect building materials that are collected cerning the navigability of the dam, such as
and sent to a laboratory for analysis by polar- indicating when movable dams are down and
ized light microscopy coupled with dispersion open river conditions exist. Also located
staining, or by electron microscopy for verifi- elsewhere such as at gauges to publish gauge
cation. readings and river level trend.
bulk terminal bulling
(1) A facility used primarily for the storage The horizontal dragging of cargo across a
and/or marketing of petroleum products, which surface with none of the weight of the cargo
has a total bulk storage capacity of 50,000 bar- supported by the fall.
rels or more and/or receives petroleum prod- bullnose
ucts by tanker, barge, or pipeline. (2) A pur- A slanted riverward end of the intermediate
pose-designed berth or mooring for handling lock wall.
liquid or dry commodities, in unpackaged bulk
form, such as oil, grain, ore, and coal. Bulk bump
terminals typically are installed with special- (1) General. a) A rise (or dip) or slight ele-
ized cargo-handling equipment such as pipe- vation (or depression) above (or below) nor-
lines, conveyors, pneumatic evacuators, cranes mal grade. b) A minor (negligible) collision
with clamshell grabs, and rail lines to accom- or contact between two or more bodies. (2)
modate cargo-handling operations with ships Marine Navigation. Usually used in the
or barges. Commodity-specific storage facili- phrase "watch the bump," a term used on
ties such as grain silos, petroleum storage board tows when one or more barges are
tanks, and coal stock yards are also located at likely to make contact. May also mean a
these terminals. momentary grounding, usually due to excess
speed in shallow water.
(1) A partition of wood, rock, concrete, or bumpers
steel used for protection from water, or to seg- (1) Fenders. (2) Pads made out of Styrofoam,
regate sections of tanks or vessels. (2) A par- old ropes, old tires, or similar material, which
tition separating one part of a ship, freight car, are hung over the side of a water vessel to
aircraft, or truck from another part. prevent damage to the vessel when berthing
or locking through dams.
bulking sludge
A poorly settling activated sludge that results bundle
from the predominance of filamentous organ- Asbestos (EPA). A structure composed of
isms. three or more fibers in a parallel arrangement
with each fiber closer than one fiber diameter.
bulky waste
Large items of solid waste such as household bunker
appliances, furniture, large auto parts, trees, A storage tank.
branches, stumps, or other oversize wastes bunker C/Number 6 fuel oil
whose large size precludes or complicates A high viscosity oil used mostly by ships,
their handling by normal solid wastes collec- industry, and large-scale heating installations.
tion, processing, or disposal methods. This heavy fuel requires preheating in the
bull hauler storage tank to permit pumping and additional
One who hauls livestock. preheating to permit atomizing at the burners.

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bunkering fuels Bureau of Land Management
Fuels stored in ship bunkers. Established July 16, 1946 by the consolida-
bunkers tion of the General Land Office (created in
Fuels supplied to ships and aircraft in interna- 1812) and the Grazing Service (formed in
tional transportation, irrespective of the flag 1934). The Bureau manages the national re-
of the carrier, consisting primarily of residual, source lands (some 450 million acres) and
distillate, and jet fuel oils. their resources. It also administers the min-
eral resources connected with acquired lands
buoy and the submerged lands of the Outer Conti-
A float moored or anchored in water. nental Shelf (OCS). It is within the U.S. De-
buoy line partment of the Interior.
A line formed by two or more buoys marking Bureau of Mines (BOM)
a contour edge of a channel. A research and fact-finding agency in the U.S.
buoy range markers Department of the Interior with the goal of
Painted stakes set up on shore so placed as to stimulating private industry to produce the
form a range through the exact location of a country's mineral needs in ways that protect
buoy. Used only on the Tennessee River to workers and the public interest.
mark buoys in dredged cuts. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
buoyancy The Bureau was organized pursuant to section
The tendency of a body to rise or float in a 6006 of the Intermodal Surface Transporta-
liquid. tion Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 (49
U.S.C. 111), and was formally established by
burden the Secretary of Transportation on December
Capacity for carrying cargo. Something that 16, 1992. BTS has an intermodal transporta-
is carried. Something oppressive or worri- tion focus whose missions are to compile,
some. analyze, and make accessible information on
burden of persuasion the nation's transportation systems; to collect
The onus on the party with the burden of information on intermodal transportation and
proof to convince the trier of fact of all ele- other areas; and to enhance the quality and ef-
ments of his/her case. fectiveness of DOT's statistical programs
through research, the development of guide-
burden of producing evidence
lines, and the promotion of improvements in
The obligation of a party to introduce evi-
data acquisition and use. The programs of
dence sufficient to avoid a ruling against
BTS are organized in six functional areas and
him/her on the issue.
are mandated by ISTEA to: 1) compile, ana-
burden of proof lyze, and publish statistics; 2) develop a long-
In the law of evidence, the necessity or duty term data collection program; 3) develop
of affirmatively proving a fact or facts in dis- guidelines to improve the credibility and effec-
pute on an issue raised between the parties in tiveness of the Department's statistics; 4) rep-
a cause. The obligation of a party to establish resent transportation interests in the statistical
by evidence a requisite degree of belief con- community; 5) make statistics accessible and
cerning a fact in the mind of the trier of fact understandable; and 6) identify data needs.
or the court.
bureau U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
(1) An office for the transaction of business.
(2) A name given to the several departments
A glass tube with fine gradations and bottom
of the executive or administrative branch of
stopcock used to accurately dispense fluids.
government, or their divisions. (3) A spe-
cialized administrative unit. (4) Business es- burial ground
tablishment for exchanging information, A disposal site for radioactive waste materials
making contacts, coordinating activities, etc. that uses earth or water as a shield. Also re-
ferred to as graveyard.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

burn tain the design burst pressure. Synonymous
Injury caused by contact with dry heat (fire), with ultimate pressure factor.
moist heat (steam or liquid), chemicals, elec- burst lung
tricity, lightning, or ultraviolet rays of the sun. See pulmonary hyperinflation syndrome.
Burns are classified according to degree.
• A first degree burn involves a reddening of (1) Any of several types of self-propelled ve-
the skin area; hicles, generally rubber-tired, intended for use
• A second degree burn causes the skin to on city streets, highways, and busways, in-
blister; cluding but not limited to minibuses, forty-
and thirty-foot buses, articulated buses, dou-
• A third degree burn is the most serious, ble-deck buses, and electrically powered trol-
involving damage to the deeper layers of ley buses, used by public entities to provide
the skin. In some cases, the growth cells designated public transportation service and
of the tissues in the affected area may be by private entities to provide transportation
destroyed. service including, but not limited to, specified
burn-in test public transportation services. Self-propelled,
A period of time in which a completed system rubber-tired vehicles designed to look like
or set of subsystems is observed under ex- antique or vintage trolleys are considered
pected operating or more extreme conditions buses. (2) Any motor vehicle designed, con-
to determine if any of the components will fail structed, and or used for the transportation of
prematurely. Synonymous with debug. passengers, including taxicabs. (3) A vehicle
designed to carry more than 15 passengers,
burning rate
including the driver. (4) Large motor vehicles
The rate at which solid waste is incinerated or
used to carry more than ten passengers, in-
heat is released during incineration.
cluding school buses, intercity buses, and
burnishing transit buses. (5) Includes intercity buses,
A surface-finishing process in which surface mass transit systems, and shuttle buses that
irregularities are displaced rather than re- are available to the general public. Also in-
moved. cludes Dial-A-Bus and Senior Citizen buses
burr that are available to the public. See also
A ragged edge or sharp point on a surface, automobile, minivan, motor vehicle, and ve-
possibly as a result of some faulty machining hicle.
process or as a natural characteristic of the bus charter service
material. (Except Local) Establishments primarily en-
bursa gaged in furnishing passenger transportation
A fluid-filled, sac-like structure having a slip- charter service where such operations are
pery surface and located at joints or other tis- principally outside a single municipality, out-
sues to reduce friction in movement. side one group of contiguous municipalities,
or outside a single municipality and its subur-
bursitis ban areas.
An inflammation of the joints of the body,
occasionally with calcium deposit develop- bus lane
ment. See also cumulative trauma disorder. A street or highway lane intended primarily
for buses, either all day or during specified
burst periods, but sometimes also used by carpools
A rapid decrease in pressure within a con- meeting requirements set out in traffic laws.
tainer of specified volume as it ruptures under
pressure and the contents spread rapidly to the bushing
external environment. (1) A short threaded tube that screws into a
pipe fitting to reduce its size. (2) The bearing
burst factor surface for pin rotation when a chain revolves
A multiplying factor applied to the maximum around a sprocket.
expected operating pressure (MEOP) to ob-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

business bust point - bust point breadth
(1) Employment, occupation, profession, or The horizontal distance between bust points.
commercial activity engaged in for gain or Measured with the individual standing erect;
livelihood. (2) Activity or enterprise for gain, for females only.
benefit, advantage, or livelihood. (3) An en- bust point height
terprise in which a person engaged shows The vertical distance from the floor or other
willingness to invest time and capital on fu- reference surface to the bust point. Measured
ture outcome. with the individual standing erect and the
business district weight distributed evenly on both feet; for
The territory contiguous to and including a females only. Also known as chest height.
highway when within any 600 feet along such busway
highway there are buildings in use for busi- (1) Exclusive freeway lane for buses and car-
ness or industrial purposes, including but not pools. (2) A roadway reserved for buses only.
limited to hotels, banks, or office buildings It may be a grade-separated or controlled ac-
which occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on cess roadway.
one side or 300 feet collectively on both sides
of the highway. but for rule
See cause in fact.
business flying
The use of aircraft by pilots (not receiving butterfly valve
direct salary or compensation for piloting) in A valve equipped with a stem-operated disk that
connection with their occupation or in the is rotated parallel to the liquid flow when
furtherance of a private business. opened and perpendicular to the flow when
business insurance
A type of insurance which protects a business buttock
on the disability or death of a key employee. The mass of fleshy tissue posterior to the hip,
See also insurance. consisting largely of the gluteus maximus and
other muscles.
business interruption insurance
A type of insurance which protects a business buttock circumference
from losses due to an inability to operate be- The surface distance around the body without
cause of fire or other hazards. See also insur- tissue compression at the level of the maxi-
ance. mum posterior protuberance of the buttocks.
Measured with the individual standing erect
business tort
and the weight balanced evenly on both feet.
A noncontractual breach of a legal duty by a
Also referred to as hip circumference, standing.
business directly resulting in damages or in-
jury to another. buttock circumference, sitting
The surface distance around the buttocks and
business transportation
Use of an aircraft not for compensation or hire diagonally across the lap. Measured with the
by individuals for the purpose of transporta- individual sitting erect. Also referred to as
hip circumference, sitting.
tion required by businesses in which they are
engaged. buttock depth
bust depth The horizontal linear distance from the maxi-
The horizontal linear distance from the most mum posterior protrusion of the buttocks to
posterior protrusion at the bra tip level of an the most anterior portion of the torso at that
individual's back to the bust point. Measured level. Measured with the individual standing
erect with the hip and thigh muscles relaxed.
with the individual standing erect; for females
only. buttock - heel length
See buttock - leg length.
bust point
The most anterior external protrusion of the buttock height
bra pocket (for females only). The vertical distance from the floor to the
maximum posterior protrusion of the buttock.

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Measured with the individual standing erect and provide rules for routine matters such as
and the weight balanced evenly on both feet. calling meetings and the like.
buttock - knee length bypass
The horizontal distance from the rearmost (1) A channel or pipe arranged to divert flow
point of the buttocks to the front of the knee- around a tank, treatment process, or control
caps. Measured with the individual sitting device. (2) A surgical procedure where a
erect, the knees flexed 90°, feet flat on the critical vessel that has been blocked (due to
floor, and the upper leg parallel to the floor. plaque) or otherwise damaged and is not able
buttock - leg length to properly function, is clamped and re-routed
The horizontal distance from the wall or the or replaced by an vessel segment obtained
most posterior point of the buttocks to the un- from another part of the body (e.g., femoral
derside of the heel. Measured with the indi- artery) to ensure proper and continuous flow
vidual sitting erect on the floor or other flat of blood to a critical area (such as the heart).
surface (possibly against a wall but with no bypass fume hood
tissue compression), the knee fully extended, A laboratory fume hood constructed such that,
and the long longitudinal axis of the foot per- as the sash is closed, air bypasses the hood face
pendicular to the leg. Also referred to as via an opening that is typically located above
buttock - heel length. the sash, thereby providing a reasonably con-
stant velocity of air entering the hood face.
buttock - popliteal length
The horizontal distance from the rearmost byproduct
surface of the buttock to the back of the lower (1) Under the Federal Geothermal Energy Re-
leg. Measured with the individual sitting search, Development, and Demonstration Act
erect, knees flexed 90°, the feet flat on the of 1974: Any mineral or minerals which are
floor, and the upper leg parallel to the floor. found in solution or in association with geo-
buttock protrusion thermal resources and which have a value of
The point of maximum posterior protrusion of less than 75 percent of the value of the geo-
the buttock. thermal steam and associated geothermal re-
sources or are not, because of quantity, quality,
button or technical difficulties in extraction and pro-
(1) A fastening device, usually used in gar- duction, of sufficient value to warrant extrac-
ments. (2) A heavy steel casting found tion and production by themselves. (2) A ma-
mostly on lock walls, designed to hold the eye terial or substance that is not a primary product
of a line or wire. It is also used as deck fit- of a process and is not separately produced.
tings on towboats and on barges. (3) A short
mushroom-shaped bit or a short timberhead. byproduct material
Under the Federal Atomic Energy Act of
button her up 1954: Any radioactive material (except spe-
Tie down the load on a truck or trailer. cial nuclear material) produced in or made ra-
Buys-Ballot's Law dioactive by exposure to the radiation incident
Describes the relationship between the wind to the process of producing or utilizing special
direction and the pressure distribution. In the nuclear material. Also the tailings or wastes
Northern Hemisphere, if you stand with your produced by the extraction or concentration of
back to the wind, lower pressure will be to your uranium or thorium from any ore processed
left. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is reversed. primarily for its source material content.
BWI byssinosis
British drinking Water Inspectorate. A disease of the lungs caused by chronic ex-
posure to cotton and/or linen fibers and dusts.
Regulations, ordinances, rules, or laws adopted byte
by an association or corporation or the like for A group of bits which may be treated as a
its internal governance. Bylaws define the single unit in a digital computer. The number
rights and obligations of various officers, per- depends on the type of hardware, but there are
sons, or groups within the corporate structure typically 8 bits to a byte.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cab signal
C Rail Transportation. A signal located in the
engineman's compartment or cab, indicating a
condition affecting the movement of a train
C-scale and used in conjunction with interlocking sig-
A sound weighting system having flat re- nals and in conjunction with or in lieu of
sponse characteristics for high sound pressure block signals.
levels up to about 8 kHz. cab-to-axle dimension (CA)
C-shift The distance from the back of a truck cab to
See third shift. the centerline of the rear axle. For trucks with
tandem rear axles, the CA dimension is given
C-weighted sound level (dBC)
midway between the two rear axles.
The sound level as determined on the C-scale
of a sound level meter or other noise survey cabin
meter with the weighting network. See also The occupied portion of the interior of a pas-
C-scale. sage vehicle.
C&W cabin deck
See caution and warning. The second deck on most river steamboats. It
CA was lined with staterooms surrounding the
See cab-to-axle dimension. main cabin. It was also called the boiler deck
even though the boilers were on the cargo
CAA deck below.
See Clean Air Act.
cabin motorboat
Motorboats with a cabin which can be com-
See Clean Air Act Amendments.
pletely closed by means of doors or hatches.
CAB Large motorboats with cabins, even though
See Civil Aeronautics Board. referred to as yachts, are considered to be
cab cabin motorboats.
(1) That portion of the superstructure de- cabin pressure
signed to be occupied by the crew operating a The atmospheric pressure within a cabin.
locomotive. (2) The compartment of a loco-
motive from which the propelling power and cabin temperature
power brakes of the train are manually con- The dry-bulb temperature within a cabin.
trolled. (3) Portion of truck where the driver cabinet
sits; tractor. The passenger compartment of a (1) An independent structure containing
vehicle. drawers and/or shelves. (2) An enclosure de-
cab beside engine signed either for surface or flush mounting,
The cab is located to left or right side of the and provided with a frame, mat, or trim in
engine. which a swinging door or doors are or may be
cab forward of the engine
The engine is directly behind the cab. cable car
An electric railway operating in mixed street
cab over
traffic with unpowered, individually controlled
A vehicle with a substantial part of its engine
transit vehicles propelled by moving cables lo-
located under the cab. Also known as snub-
cated below the street surface and powered by
engines or motors at a central location not on
cab-over-engine (COE) board the vehicle.
A truck or truck-tractor, having all, or the
front portion, of the engine under the cab. cable cars
Streetcar type of passenger vehicles operating
cab-over-engine (COE) high profile by means of an attachment to a moving cable
A COE having the door sill step above the located below the street surface and powered
height of the front tires.

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by engines or motors at a central location not cadmium sulfide
on board the vehicles. A li g h t y e l l o w o r p o s s i b l y o r a n g e p o w d e r
cable tray system u s e d , in a 1 p e r c e n t s u s p e n s i o n , in t r e a t -
A unit or assembly of units or sections, and m e n t o f se b o r r h e i c d e r m a t i t i s o f t h e s c a l p
associated fittings, made of metal or other (d a n d r u ff) .
noncombustible materials forming a rigid caduceus
structural system used to support cables. Ca- The wand of Hermes or Mercury; used as a
ble tray systems include ladders, troughs, symbol of the medical profession and as the
channels, solid bottom trays, and other similar emblem of the Medical Corps of the U.S.
structures. Army.
An approved assembly of insulated conduc-
tors with fittings and conductor termination in
a completely enclosed, ventilated, protective
metal housing.
A conveyor system in which carrier units run
on wire cables strung between supports.
A car in a freight train intended to provide
transportation for crew members.
A law which requires coastal and intercoastal
traffic to be carried by vessels belonging to
the country owning the coast.
Disordered sensibility.
cache Caduceus
Computing. A pool of memory set aside to
store items from a slower device, such as a CAE
hard disk. By using a cache, the computer can See cost of accidents per employee.
retrieve often-used information much faster
than if it were required to find it on the hard CAFÉ
disk each time. See corporate average fuel economy stan-
dard. See also fuel economy standard.
A state of malnutrition, emaciation, and de- cafeteria benefit plan
bility, usually in the course of a chronic ill- See cafeteria plan.
ness. cafeteria plan
cackle crate A means of handling fringe benefits in which
Truck that hauls live poultry. the employer allocates a certain amount of
money to each employee for such benefits,
and the employee is able to select the distri-
Computer-aided design.
bution of those benefits to his/her own best
cadaver advantage. Also referred to as cafeteria
The body of a deceased human. benefit plan.
cadmium caffeine
A chemical element, atomic number 48, A white powder, slightly soluble in water and
atomic weight 112.40, symbol Cd. having a bitter taste, found in coffee and tea.

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It is an alkaloid and acts as a central nervous calamity
system stimulant and a mild diuretic. A state of extreme distress or misfortune, pro-
cage duced by some adverse circumstance or event.
An enclosure that is fastened to the side rails Any great misfortune or cause of loss or mis-
of a fixed ladder or to the ladder's supporting ery, often caused by natural forces (e.g., hur-
structure to encircle the climbing space of the ricane, flood, or the like). See also act of
ladder for the safety of the person who must God.
climb the ladder. May also be referred to as a calandria
basket guard or cage guard. The heating element in an evaporator con-
cage guard sisting of vertical tubes that act as the heating
See cage. surface.

CAI calcaneus
See computer-aided instruction. The heel bone.

caisson calcareous
Watertight structure used for underwater Composed of or containing calcium com-
work. pounds, particularly calcium carbonate.

caisson disease calcicosis

Decompression sickness, a condition suffered A lung disease due to the inhalation of marble
by underwater workers and caused by a too dusts.
rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure. The calcification
condition is named after the pressurized, wa- The deposit of calcium salts in a tissue. The
tertight compartments (caissons) in which un- normal absorption of calcium is facilitated by
derwater construction personnel work. The parathyroid hormone and by vitamin D.
main symptoms are dizziness, staggering, When there are increased amounts of parathy-
muscle spasms, difficulty in breathing, ab- roid hormone in the blood (as in hyperpara-
dominal pain, and partial paralysis. Caisson thyroidism), there is deposition of calcium in
disease is a form of the bends. the alveoli of the lungs, the renal tubules, the
cake thyroid gland, the gastric mucosa, and the ar-
Dehydrated sludge with a solids concentration terial walls. Normally calcium is deposited in
sufficient to allow handling as a solid mate- the bone matrix to ensure stability and
rial. strength of the bone. In osteomalcia, there is
decalcification of bone because of a failure of
cake filtration calcium and phosphorus to be deposited in the
Filtration classification for filters where solids bone matrix.
are removed on the entering face of the
granular media. calcify
To become stone-like or chalky due to depo-
cal sition of calcium salts.
See calorie.
Cal A device in which the moisture and organic
See Calorie. matter in phosphate rock is reduced in a com-
CAL-3D crash victim simulator (CAL-3D- bustion chamber.
CVS) calcining
A computer modeling program for simulating Exposure of an inorganic compound to a high
the biomechanical responses of an individual temperature to alter its form and drive off a
in a vehicular crash. substance that was originally part of the com-
calamine pound.
A mixture of zinc and ferric oxides, used calciokinesis
topically in lotions and ointments. Mobilization of calcium stored in the body.

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calcium calf
A chemical element, atomic number 20, The fleshy part of the posterior lower leg,
atomic weight 40.08, symbol Ca. Calcium is consisting largely of the gastrocnemius mus-
the most abundant mineral in the body. In cle.
combination with phosphorus, it forms cal- calf circumference
cium phosphate, the dense, hard material of The surface distance around the lower leg in a
the bones and teeth. horizontal plane at the vertical level which
calcium carbonate gives the greatest value. Measured with the
A white, chalky substance that is the principal individual standing erect, with weight equally
hardness- and scale-causing compound in distributed on both feet.
water. Chemical formula is CaCO3. calf circumference, recumbent
calcium carbonate equivalent (mg/L as CaCO3) The calf circumference of a reclining individ-
A convenient unit of exchange for expressing ual. Measured with the individual supine, the
all ions in water by comparing them to cal- knee and hip both flexed 90°, and the longitu-
cium carbonate, which has a molecular weight dinal axis of the foot perpendicular to that of
of 100 and an equivalent weight of 50. the leg.
calcium hypochlorite calf depth
A chlorine compound frequently used as a The linear horizontal distance from the poste-
water or wastewater disinfectant. The chemi- rior surface to the anterior surface on the
cal formula is Ca(OCl). lower leg at the level of the calf circumfer-
calcium sulfate ence. Measured with the individual standing
A white solid known as the mineral "anhy- erect and weight equally distributed on both
drite" with the chemical formula CaSO4 and feet.
gypsum, which has the chemical formula calf length
CaSO4 ·H2O. The linear distance parallel to the longitudinal
calculated axis of the lower leg between the knee joint
Adopted by calculation, forethought, or con- level and the medial malleolus.
trivance to accomplish a purpose; likely to calibrate
produce a certain effect. Instrument. The adjustment or standardiza-
calculated landing time tion of a measuring instrument. To adjust the
Aviation. A term that may be used in place of span or gain of an instrument so that it indi-
tentative or actual calculated landing time, cates the actual concentration of a specific
whichever applies. substance or mixture which is present at the
Caldwell regimen
A procedure for static strength assessment, calibrated airspeed
involving providing to the subject the details The indicated airspeed of an aircraft, cor-
of the experiment and the necessary instruc- rected for position and instrument error.
tions, noting the posture and muscles in- Calibrated airspeed is equal to true airspeed in
volved, and having the subject maintain a standard atmosphere at sea level.
four-second hold on the measuring device. calibration
calendar year Determination of variation from standard, or
The period of time between January 1 and accuracy, of measuring instruments to ascer-
December 31 of any given year. tain necessary correction factors.

calender calibration gas

A machine which passes some pliable mate- A gas of accurately known concentration
rial between rollers or plates to make a rela- which is used as a comparative standard in
tively smooth, continuous or long sheet. determining instrument performance and to
Normally, this machine presents a clear nip adjust the instrument to indicate the true con-
point safety hazard. centration.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

California current calumny
The ocean current that flows southward along Defamation; slander; false accusation of a
the west coast of the United States from about crime or offense.
Washington to Baja California. CAM
California norther See continuous air monitor.
A strong, dry, northerly wind that blows in camel back body
late spring, summer, and early fall in northern Truck body with floor curving downward at
and central California. Its warmth and dry- the rear.
ness are due to downslope compression heat-
ing. camera ready
The detailed preparation of data (e.g., writing,
caliper drawings, figures, photographs, etc.) in a
A device for obtaining accurate measurements manner and format that is ready for immedi-
of relatively short linear measures. ate reproduction in printed form. This means
calisthenics that the materials to be printed must be abso-
A form of exercise performed to improve lutely error-free since there will be no oppor-
strength, endurance, and/or grace. tunity for corrective action once they are
call for release printed.
Wherein the overlying Air Route Traffic camera study
Control Center (ARTCC) requires a terminal See memomotion study.
facility to initiate verbal coordination to se- CAMP
cure Air Route Traffic Control Center Continuous air monitoring program.
(ARTCC) approval for release of a departure
into the en route environment. camp car
Any on-track vehicle, including outfit, camp,
call out or bunk cars or modular homes mounted on
A vocal method for presenting information to flat cars used to house rail employees. It does
be heard by an individual. See also read-out. not include wreck trains.
call up campaign
Initial voice contact between a facility and an Maritime. A Defect/Noncompliance Cam-
aircraft, using the identification of the unit paign Program carried out by the manufac-
being called and the unit initiating the call. turer and initiated under 46 U.S.C. 4310.
calorie (cal) Starts as a case. A campaign may involve
The amount of heat required to raise the tem- only one boat.
perature of one gram of water by one degree Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance
Celsius. The calorie used in nutrition and Specification Airspace
metabolism is spelled with a capital "c" as That portion of Canadian domestic airspace
Calorie. See also Calorie. within which Minimum Performance Specifi-
Calorie (Cal) cations Airspace (MNPSA) separation may be
The unit for heat (energy) production in body applied.
nutrition and metabolism; equal to 1 Kcal. canal caps
Also may be referred to as kilocalorie or large A type of personal hearing protection which
calorie. See also calorie. blocks noise from entering the external ear
CALSPAN canal by placing a tight fitting cap over them.
A computer modeling program for simulating canal/ditch
crash victim dynamics. Artificial waterway used for navigation,
calumniator drainage, or irrigation of land. An artificial
In the civil law, one who accused another of a open waterway constructed to transport water,
crime without cause; one who brought a false to irrigate or drain land, to connect two or
accusation. more bodies of water, or to serve as a water-
way for watercraft. See also aqueduct.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

canard cell growth is unregulated. The cells continue
The forward wing of a canard configuration to reproduce until they form a mass of tissue
that may be a fixed, movable, or variable ge- known as a tumor. Not all tumors are malig-
ometry surface, with or without control sur- nant; those which are non-cancerous are re-
faces. ferred to as benign tumors. Benign tumors
canard configuration vary in size, and may grow so large that they
A configuration in which the span of the for- obstruct organs or cause ulceration and
ward wing is substantially less than that of the bleeding. They are encapsulated, do not me-
main wing. tastasize, and usually can be removed by sur-
gery without difficulty. Malignant tumors
cancellation grow in a disorganized fashion, interrupting
(1) General. To destroy the force, effective- body functions and robbing normal cells of
ness, or validity of. To annul, abrogate, or their food and blood supply. The malignant
terminate. Words of revocation written across cells may spread to other parts of the body by
an instrument. (2) FIFRA. Under the Federal a) direct extension into adjacent tissue, b)
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act: permeation along lymphatic vessels, c) trav-
The authorization to cancel a pesticide regis- eling in the lymph stream to the lymph nodes,
tration if unreasonable adverse effects to the d) entering the blood circulation, and/or e)
environment and public health develop when invasion of a body cavity by diffusion.
a product is used according to widespread and
commonly recognized practice, or if its la- cancer potency factor
beling or other material required to be sub- See cancer slope factor.
mitted does not comply with FIFRA provi- cancer slope factors (CSF)
sions. Used in assessing toxicity in the risk assess-
cancellation clause ment process. These factors are estimates of
A provision in a contract or lease which per- risk of developing cancer per unit of exposure
mits the parties to cancel or discharge their and have units of 1/(mg/kg/d).
obligations thereunder. candela (cd)
cancellation of insurance A unit of luminous intensity equivalent to one
The withdrawal of insurance coverage by ei- lumen per square foot. Formerly called the
ther the insurer or the insured. candle. It is equal to the intensity of 555 nm
(5.40 x 1014 Hz) point source radiating 1.464
cancellation test x 10-3 watts per steradian. Also called new
A clerical aptitude test for speed and accuracy candle.
in crossing letters or numbers in a sequence.
cancellous bone An outdated term. A unit of luminous inten-
That interior portion of some bones which sity equal to the intensity of light from a 7/8-
contains a criss-crossed matrix of calcified inch sperm candle burning at the rate of 120
bone tissue with the remaining volume filled grains an hour.
with marrow. Also called spongy bone.
cancer A luminous intensity expressed in candelas; a
A malignant neoplasm. Cancer is a neoplastic candle one inch in diameter produces one
disease in which there is new growth of ab- candela in a horizontal direction.
normal cells. Normally, the cells that com-
pose body tissues grow in response to a nor- canister
mal stimulus. Worn-out body cells are regu- A container filled with a sorbent and possibly
larly replaced by new cell growth which stops catalysts, for removing contaminants (gases or
when the cells are replaced; new cells form to vapors) from air being inspired through the
repair tissue damage and stop forming when device.
healing is complete. Why they stop is un- cannabis
known, but clearly the body in its normal Commonly referred to as marihuana, cannabis
processes regulates cell growth. In cancer, sativa L embraces all marihuana-producing

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cannabis. All parts of the plant cannabis sa- capable
tiva L, whether growing or not; the seeds Susceptible, competent; qualified; fitting;
thereof; the resin extracted from any part of possessing legal power or capacity.
such plant; and every compound, manufac- capacitance (C)
ture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation The value of the ratio between the absolute
of such plant, its seeds or resin, are included charge of two equal but opposite charged
in the term "marihuana." See also controlled conductors to the potential difference between
substance and marihuana. them.
canopy capacitive touchscreen
(1) The large fabric part of a parachute which A video display having a thin layer of mate-
fills with air to slow the fall of an individual rial over its front which uses a change in ca-
or object. (2) The transparent cover for the pacitance to indicate a touch location.
cockpit of an aircraft.
canopy hood (1) The upper limit of an individual's ability to
A one- or two-sided exhaust hood designed to learn, understand, or perform through inherent
capture contaminants or heated air rising from ability, training, practice, and any other
an open tank, placed some distance from the means. (2) See endurance.
capacity defense
cant Generic term to describe lack of fundamental
In the civil law, a method of dividing property ability to be accountable for actions, as one
held in common by two or more joint owners. under duress lacks the capacity to contract,
It may be avoided by the consent of all of and hence when sued on such contract he/she
those who are interested, in the same manner interposes defense of lack of capacity.
that any other contract or agreement may be
avoided. capacity factor
The ratio between the actual electric output
canthus from a unit and the potential electric output
The corner or angle formed by the junction of from that unit.
the eyelids. See also endocanthus and ecto-
canthus. capacity per aircraft mile
The average total passenger/cargo carrying
cap capacity (tons) offered for sale per aircraft in
(1) A soft type of head wear which is pre- revenue services, derived by dividing the
formed and sized. (2) A covering for a jar, overall available ton miles by the total aircraft
bottle, or other rigid structure to contain the miles flown in revenue services.
enclosed items or to prevent access by mois-
ture, children, mold, or other entities. (3) A CAPE
layer of clay, or other highly impermeable See Computerized Accommodated Percentage
material, installed over the top of a closed Evaluation.
landfill to prevent entry of rainwater and cape
minimize production of leachate. A relatively extensive land area jutting into a
CAP water body, which prominently marks a
Chemical accident prevention. See also change in or notably interrupts the coastal
Control Assessment Protocol. trend of that water body.
cap cloud capillarity
See pileus cloud. The ability of a soil to retain a film of water
around soil particles and in pores through the
cap lamp action of surface tension.
A lamp worn by miners or others working in
dark areas which is attached to a safety cap or capillary
helmet. A small, thin-walled blood vessel connecting
an artery with a vein.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

capillary action capitate bone
The action or movement of surface water, or One bone of the distal group of bones in the
water in very small interstices, due to the wrist.
relative attraction of molecules of a liquid for capitulum
each other and for those of a solid. A smooth hemispherical protuberance at the
capillary fringe anterior distal end of the humerus which
The zone of porous material above the zone of forms part of the joint with the radius head.
saturation that may contain water due to cap- capricious disregard
illarity. A willful and deliberate disregard of compe-
capital case (or crime) tent testimony and relevant evidence which
One in or for which the death penalty may, one of ordinary intelligence could not possi-
but need not necessarily, be imposed. bly have avoided in reaching the result.
capital employee capsizing
Transportation. An employee involved with Overturning of a vessel. The bottom must be
construction or capital procurement and who uppermost, except on the case of a sailboat,
has no involvement with operation of the which lies on its side.
transit system. captain of the port (COTP)
capital gains or losses, operating property The officer of the Coast Guard, under the
Gains or losses on retirements of operating command of a District Commander, desig-
property and equipment, equipment expend- nated by the Commandant for the purpose of
able parts or miscellaneous materials and sup- giving immediate direction to Coast Guard
plies when sold or otherwise retired in con- law enforcement activities within an assigned
nection with a general retirement program as area. The term captain of the port includes an
opposed to incidental sales performed as a authorized representative of the captain of the
service to others. port.
capital gains or losses, other captive imports
Gains or losses on no operating assets, in- Products produced overseas specifically for
vestments in other than marketable equity se- domestic manufacturers.
curities, and troubled debt restructuring. capture efficiency
capital program funds The fraction of all organic vapors generated
Transportation. Financial assistance from the by a process that are directed to an abatement
Capital Program of 49 U.S.C. (formerly Sec- or recovery device.
tion 3). This program enables the Secretary capture gamma ray
of Transportation to make discretionary capi- A high energy gamma ray that is emitted
tal grants and loans to finance public trans- when the nucleus of an atom captures a neu-
portation projects divided among fixed tron and becomes intensely excited.
guideway (rail) modernization; construction
of new fixed guideway systems and exten- capture velocity
sions to fixed guideway systems; and re- The air velocity at any point in front of a hood
placement, rehabilitation, and purchase of or at the hood opening necessary to overcome
buses and rented equipment, and construction opposing or ambient air currents and to cap-
of bus-related facilities. ture air contaminants at that point by causing
them to flow into the hood. Also referred to
capitalized interest as control velocity.
Adjustment to income for interest capitalized
on funds actually committed as equipment capturing hood
purchase deposits or actually used to finance A hood with sufficient airflow to reach out-
the construction or acquisition of operating side the hood and draw in contaminants.
property. CAR
See Computer Assessment of Reach.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

car carbon
(1) Common term for an automobile. (2) Any A chemical element, atomic number 6, atomic
unit of on-track equipment designed to be weight 12.011, symbol C. An element present
hauled by locomotives. (3) Any unit of on- in all materials of biological origin.
track work equipment such as a track motor- carbon-14
car, highway-rail vehicle, push car, crane, A naturally occurring radioactive isotope of
ballast tamping machine, etc. (4) A railway carbon that emits beta particles when it un-
car designed to carry freight, railroad person- dergoes radioactive decay.
nel, or passengers. This includes boxcars,
covered hopper cars, flatcars, refrigerator carbon adsorber
cars, gondola cars, hopper cars, tank cars, ca- An add-on device that uses activated carbon
booses, stock cars, ventilation cars, and spe- to adsorb volatile organic compounds from a
cial cars. It also includes on-track mainte- gas stream. These compounds can later be re-
nance equipment. See also automobile, mini- covered from the carbon for analysis.
van, motor vehicle, taxi, and vehicle. carbon arc lamp
car capacity An arc lamp using carbon rods.
Load limitation of a freight car in terms of carbon black
volume or weight. An additive that prevents degradation of
car-mile thermoplastics by ultraviolet light.
The movement of a car a distance of one mile. carbon cycle
car shop repair track area A graphical presentation of the movement
One or more tracks within an area in which among living and nonliving matter.
the testing, servicing, repair, inspection, or re- carbon dioxide (CO2)
building of railroad rolling equipment is under
(1) A minor component of air representing
the exclusive control of mechanical depart-
about 0.4% of the atmosphere that is released
ment personnel.
by respiration and removed from the atmos-
car sickness phere by photosynthesis. It is a non-
That motion sickness due to travel in a road combustible gas. (2) A fluid consisting of
vehicle. See also motion sickness. more than 90 percent carbon dioxide mole-
CARB cules compressed to a supercritical state.
California Air Resources Board. carbon dioxide production rate (Vco2)
carbohydrate That rate at which carbon dioxide is exhaled
A compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxy- from the lungs.
gen, the latter two in the proportions of water, carbon fixation
synthesized by green plants. Carbohydrates A process occurring in photosynthesis where
in food are an important and immediate atmospheric carbon dioxide gas is combined
source of energy for the body. One gram of with hydrogen obtained from water mole-
carbohydrate yields 4 calories. They are pre- cules.
sent, at least in small quantities, in most
carbon monoxide (CO)
foods, but the chief sources are the sugars and
A colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas formed
starches. Carbohydrates may be stored in the
as a product of the incomplete combustion of
body as glycogen for future use. If they are
organic materials. This gas has an affinity for
eaten in excessive amounts, however, the
red blood cells approximately 220 times that
body changes them to fats and stores them in
of oxygen which causes a decrease in pulmo-
that form.
nary and cardiac function upon exposure. It is
carbohydrate loading lethal to humans at concentrations exceeding
The purposeful intake of large amounts of 5000mg/L. An EPA-listed criterion pollutant.
carbohydrates prior to a long-duration, physi-
carbon steel
cally fatiguing event in an attempt to generate
A general-purpose steel whose major proper-
additional glycogen reserves.
ties depend on its 0.1 to 2% carbon content

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without substantial amounts of other alloying ering it to the intake manifold of an internal
elements. combustion engine. Gasoline is gravity fed
carbon tetrachloride from a reservoir bowl into a throttle bore,
A clear, colorless, mobile liquid (formula where it is allowed to evaporate into the
CCl4) once used widely as a solvent and in in- stream of air being inducted by the engine.
secticides. It is highly toxic and even car- The fuel efficiency of carburetors is more
cinogenic to the liver, kidney, and heart when temperature dependent than fuel injection
persons are exposed to high concentrations. It systems. See also diesel fuel system and fuel
is represented by the following structure:
Cl A substance known to cause cancer in humans
and animals representing a broad range of or-
Cl C Cl ganic and inorganic chemicals, hormones,
immuno-suppresants, and solid-state materi-
carcinogen risk assessment verification en-
carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand deavor (CRAVE) work group
(CBOD) An EPA work group formed to validate
The portion of biochemical oxygen demand Agency carcinogen risk assessments and re-
where oxygen consumption is due to oxida- solve conflicting potency values among vari-
tion of carbon, usually measured after a sam- ous program offices.
ple has been incubated for 5 days. Also called
first stage BOD. The beginning or origin of a cancer.
carbonate carcinogenic
A compound containing the anion radical of Describes agents known to induce cancers.
carbonic acid CO3.
carbonate alkalinity Malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial
Alkalinity caused by carbonate ions. cells, regardless of the derivation. A form of
carbonate hardness cancer, carcinoma makes up the majority of
The hardness in water caused by bicarbonates the cases of malignancy of the breast, uterus,
and the carbonates of calcium and magne- intestinal tract, skin, and tongue.
sium. carcinosis
carbonation Widespread dissemination of cancer through-
The diffusion of carbon dioxide gas through a out the body.
liquid. cardholder
carbonator Refers to a member of a group such as a union
A device used to carbonate or re-carbonate wherein the card is the symbol and identifica-
water. tion of membership.

carbonemia cardia
An excess of carbon dioxide in the blood. That region of the superior stomach which
contains the esophageal sphincter.
carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO)
Hemoglobin in which the iron is associated
Relating to the heart.
with carbon monoxide (CO).
cardiac arrhythmia
An abnormality of the heart rhythm. Also
A large container used to store or transport
commonly referred to as arrhythmia and heart
liquid chemicals or water samples. arrhythmia.
carburetor cardiac index
A fuel delivery device for producing a proper The cardiac output per square meter of body
mixture of gasoline vapor and air, and deliv- surface area.

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cardiac muscle cardiovascular system
That branched, somewhat striated muscle The system of the human body, including the
comprising the wall of the heart which is in- heart, vessels, and veins, associated with
volved in heart contractions. blood distribution and transmission of cellular
cardiac output nutrients.
The volume of blood pumped by the left ven- care
tricle of the heart in a given period of time. Law. Watchful attention; concern; custody;
Usually expressed in liters per minute. diligence; discretion; caution; prudence; re-
cardiac pacemaker gard; preservation; security; support; vigi-
An electronic device which may be implanted lance. Opposite of negligence or carelessness.
in the body to provide regular stimulation to To be concerned with, and to attend to, the
the heart. needs of oneself or another. In the law of
negligence, the amount of care demanded by
cardiac reserve the standard of reasonable conduct must be in
That ability of the heart to increase its output proportion to the apparent risk. As the danger
above normal to meet an increased workload. becomes greater, the actor is required to exer-
cardinal altitude cise caution (care) commensurate with it.
"Odd" or "even" thousand-foot altitudes or There are three degrees of care which are fre-
flight levels, e.g., 5,000, 6,000, 7,000, FL 250, quently recognized, corresponding (inversely)
FL 260, FL 270. See also flight level. to the three degrees of negligence: slight
care, ordinary care, and great care. There is
cardinal planes also the concept of reasonable care. See also
The three standard planes used for describing slight care, ordinary care, great care, and
the human body in the anatomical position: reasonable care.
sagittal, coronal/frontal, and transverse/hori-
zontal. careless
Absence of care; negligence; reckless.
A record produced by cardiography. carelessness
That behavior or mental functioning which
cardiograph does not exhibit adequate attention or concern
An instrument for recording the movements for the task being performed.
of the heart.
cardiography (1) A vessel that operates on a short run on
The graphic recording of a physical or func- an irregular basis and serves one or more
tional aspect of the heart, e.g., electrocardiogra- points in a port area as an extension of a rail
phy, kinetocardiography, phoncardiography, vi- line or highway over water, and does not op-
brocardiography. erate in ocean, coastwise, or ferry service. (2)
cardiomyopathy A barge equipped with tracks on which up to
A sub-acute or chronic disorder of the heart about 12 railroad cars are moved in harbors or
muscle, often with involvement of the endo- inland waterways.
cardium and sometimes of the pericardium. cargo
cardiopulmonary (1) The load (i.e., freight) of a vessel, train,
Pertaining to the heart and lungs. truck, airplane, or other carrier. (2) Freight
carried by a barge. (3) Property, mail and ex-
press; other than passengers transported. See
Pertaining to the heart, blood, or blood-
also commodity, freight, goods, and product.
carrying vessels.
cargo aircraft
cardiovascular shock
An aircraft that is used to transport cargo and
Any condition exemplified by a sudden fall in
is not engaged in carrying passengers. The
blood pressure following an injury, operation,
terms cargo aircraft only, cargo-only aircraft,
loss of blood, or administration of anesthesia.
and cargo aircraft have the same meaning.
Often referred to simply as shock.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cargo-carrying unit of a change of character certificate issued by a
Any portion of a commercial motor vehicle Coast Guard Officer-in-Charge, Marine In-
(CMV) combination (other than a truck trac- spection.
tor) used for the carrying of cargo, including a carload
trailer, semitrailer, or the cargo-carrying sec- (1) The quantity usually contained in an ordi-
tion of a single-unit truck. nary freight car used for transporting the par-
cargo crane ticular commodity involved. A commercial
A crane especially adapted to the transferring unit which, by commercial usage, is a single
of cargo between a vessel's hold and a wharf. whole for purposes of sale and division. (2)
cargo insurance Shipment of freight required to fill a rail car.
Insures risk that cargo will not be delivered in (3) A shipment of not less than 10,000 pounds
the same condition in which it was initially of one commodity from one consignor to one
shipped. See also insurance. consignee.

cargo insurance and freight (CIF) Carmack Act

Refers to car-go for which the seller pays for Amendment to the Interstate Commerce Act
the transportation and insurance up to the port prescribing liability of carrier for loss, dam-
of destination. age, or injury to property carried in interstate
cargo tank
A bulk packaging which a) is a tank intended carpal
primarily for the carriage of liquids or gases Pertaining to the carpus, or wrist.
and includes appurtenances, reinforcements, carpal tunnel
fittings, and closures; b) is permanently at- An internal passage in the wrist between the
tached to or forms a part of a motor vehicle, extensor retinaculum and the carpal bones
or is not permanently attached to a motor ve- through which the median nerve, finger flexor
hicle but which, by reason of its size, con- tendons, and blood vessels pass from the arm
struction, or attachment to a motor vehicle is to the hand.
loaded or unloaded without being removed carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
from the motor vehicle; and c) is not fabri- A cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) often
cated under a specification for cylinders, port- associated with activities involving flexing or
able tanks, tank cars, or multi-unit tank car extending the wrists, or repeated force on the
tanks. base of the palm and wrist. The carpal tunnel
cargo tank motor vehicle is an opening in the wrist under the carpal
A motor vehicle with one or more cargo tanks ligament on the palmar side of the carpal
permanently attached to or forming an inte- bones in the wrist. The median nerve, the
gral part of the motor vehicle. finger flexor tendons, and blood vessels all
cargo ton miles pass through this tunnel. Overuse of the ten-
One ton of cargo transported one mile. dons can cause them to become inflamed and
swollen, creating pressure against the adjacent
cargo tonnes median nerve and resulting in CST. Symp-
The tonnes of cargo carried by a vessel on toms include tingling, pain, or numbness in
each or any transit. the thumb and first three fingers. See also re-
cargo transfer system petitive motion injury.
A component, or system of components func- carpenter's bracket scaffold
tioning as a unit, used exclusively for transfer- A scaffold consisting of wood or metal brack-
ring hazardous fluids in bulk between a tank ets supporting a platform.
car, tank truck, or marine vessel and a storage
tank. carpenter's elbow
A type of cumulative trauma disorder (CTD)
cargo vessel associated with repeatedly pushing the palm
(1) Any vessel other than a passenger vessel. downward in such a way that a deviation of
(2) Any ferry being operated under authority

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the ulnar nerve occurs. Symptoms include with 60 or less seats or maximum payload ca-
pain in the elbow, foreman, and hand. pacity of 18,000 lbs.
carpool carrier liability
An arrangement where two or more people A common carrier is liable for all loss, dam-
share the use and cost of privately owned age, and delay with the exception of an act of
automobiles in traveling to and from pre- God, act of a public enemy, act of a public
arranged destinations together. authority, act of the shipper, and the inherent
carpus nature of the goods. Carrier liability is speci-
The eight bones composing the articulation fied in the terms of the bill of lading.
between the hand and the forearm; the wrist. carrier's lien
carriage The right to hold the consignee's cargo until
Transportation of goods, freight, or passen- payment is made for the work of transporting
gers. it.

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Carroll doctrine

Federal act governing the most important of Rule of law to the effect that an existing li-
the rights, responsibilities, liabilities, and im- censee has standing to contest the grant of a
munities arising out of the relation of the is- competitive licensee because of economic
suer to the holder of the ocean bill of lading, injury to an existing station becomes impor-
with respect to loss or damage of goods. tant when, on the facts, it spells diminution or
destruction of service.
carried carload
Any carload which travels on a particular rail- carrot and stick approach
road. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSGs)
for organizations address business conduct
carrier through this approach. The "stick" is a man-
(1) An agent by which something is carried, datory schedule of stiff fines, which can in-
especially an individual harboring pathogenic crease with the severity of the violation and
microorganisms and capable of transmitting can reach hundreds of millions of dollars.
them to others. (2) Individual or organization The "carrot" lies in the prospect of mitigation
engaged in transporting passengers of goods credit if, before an offense occurs, a company
for hire. (3) Any person engaged in the trans- has instituted an effective program to prevent
portation of passengers or property by land, as and detect violations of law. See also positive
a common, contract, or private carrier, or a incentives, interactive corporate compliance,
freight forwarder, as those terms are used in effective compliance program.
the Interstate Commerce Act (as amended),
and officers, agents, and employees of such carry costs
carriers. See also common carrier, contract A verdict is said to carry costs when the party
carrier, and private carrier. for whom the verdict is given becomes enti-
tled to the payment of his/her costs incurred
carrier gas as a result of or as incident to such verdict.
Gases such as nitrogen, helium, argon, and
hydrogen that are used in gas chromatography carrying capacity
or other laboratory procedures to sweep (or (1) Recreation Management. The amount of
"carry") another gas or vapor through a sys- use a recreation area can sustain without dete-
tem. rioration of its quality. (2) Wildlife Manage-
ment. The maximum number of animals an
carrier group area can support during a given period of the
A grouping of certificated air carriers deter- year.
mined by annual operating revenues as fol-
lows: majors, >$1 billion; nationals, $100 carryout collection
million to $1 billion; large regionals, $20 The collection of solid waste from a storage
million to $99.9 million; medium regionals, area proximate to the dwelling unit(s) or es-
$0 to $19.9 million or that operate aircraft tablishment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cartage case
Usually refers to intra-city hauling on drays or (1) Law. A general term for an action, cause,
trucks. suit, or controversy, at law or in equity; a
Cartesian coordinate system question contested before a court of justice;
See rectangular coordinate system. an aggregate of facts which furnishes occa-
sion for the exercise of the jurisdiction of a
cartilage court of justice. A judicial proceeding for the
A tough, fibrous, non-vascular connective determination of a controversy between par-
tissue frequently found at the articulating ends ties wherein rights are enforced or protected,
of bones or as a forming material in tubular or wrongs are prevented or redressed; any
structures in the body. Also referred to as proceeding judicial in its nature. (2) Medical.
gristle. A particular instance of disease, as a case of
cartridge filter leukemia; sometimes used incorrectly to des-
(1) Filter unit with cylindrical replaceable ignate the patient with the disease. (3) Mari-
elements or cartridges. (2) A small canister time. a) An investigation of a particular
that is employed to remove contaminants boating problem or incident to determine if
from inspired air. there is a substantial risk to the public or vio-
lation of the regulations. A case may become
Carver-Greenfield process a campaign. b) A single incident of distress to
A multiple effect evaporation process to ex- which one or more Coast Guard units re-
tract water from sludge. spond.
CAS case control study
See Chemical Abstracts System. An epidemiology study which starts with the
CAS number identification of individuals with a disease or
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry number adverse health effect of interest and a suitable
which is a unique identification number that is control group without the disease.
assigned to each chemical. The Chemical case in chief
Abstract Service is a division of the American That part of a trial in which the party with the
Chemical Society. initial burden of proof presents his/her evi-
cascade impactor dence, after which he/she rests.
A device used to measure the size range of case law
airborne particles based on the principle that a The aggregate of reported cases as forming a
high velocity air stream striking a flat surface body of jurisprudence, or the law of a par-
at a 90° angle will cause a sudden change in ticular subject as evidenced or formed by the
air direction and momentum. This will also adjudged cases, in distinction to statutes and
cause the dust in the air to be deposited on a other sources of law. It includes the aggre-
plate and to be separated from the air stream. gate of reported cases that interpret statutes,
A series of plates are used to capture differ- regulations, and constitutional provisions.
ent-sized particles, which can then be ana-
lyzed for total weight, particle count, and
A pipe or tube placed in a bore hole to support
chemical composition.
the sides of the hole and to prevent other flu-
cascade method ids from entering or leaving the hole.
An experimental technique for determining
visual stimuli relationships in which an ob-
A thick-walled container (usually lead) used
server sequentially adjusts the wavelength of
to transport radioactive material. Also called
one of a pair of visual stimuli until a minimal
a coffin.
difference exists.
cascading failure
A light-proof housing for x-ray film, con-
Any secondary or other failure which results
taining front and back intensifying screens,
from the failure of another system or compo-
between which the film is placed.

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cassette loop analysis casualty loss
The selection of some videotaped task or op- A casualty loss is defined for tax purposes as
eration with cutting and splicing or copying to the complete or partial destruction of property
form a continuous loop for repeated viewing. resulting from an identifiable event of a sud-
See also film loop analysis. den, unexpected, or unusual nature (e.g.,
cast iron floods, storms, fires, auto accidents). Indi-
A general description for a group of iron- viduals may deduct business casualty losses in
carbon-silicon metallic products obtained by full. Losses include those in a trade or busi-
reducing iron ore with carbon at temperatures ness or incurred in a transaction entered into
high enough to render the metal fluid and cast for a profit. Personal or non-business casualty
it in a mold. losses are deductible by individuals as item-
ized deductions.
A small, either fixed or swiveling, wheel at- casus fortuitus
tached to the base of an object for ease of Latin. An inevitable accident, a chance occur-
movement across a surface. rence, or fortuitous event. A loss happening
in spite of all human effort and sagacity.
casual employment
Employment at uncertain or irregular times. CAT
Employment for a short time and limited, See computerized axial tomography. See
temporary purpose. Occasional, irregular or also clear air turbulence.
incidental employment. Such employee does cat-scratch disease
not normally receive seniority rights nor, if An infection most frequently acquired
hours worked are below a certain number through the scratch of a cat. It is actually
each week, fringe benefits. By statute in sterile regional lymphadenitis. The disease is
many states, such employment may or may probably caused by a virus that is found be-
not be subject to workers' compensation at the tween the claws of cats and kittens. Here, the
election of the employer. The test is the na- virus usually does no harm to the cat, and the
ture of the work or the scope of the contract of animal appears healthy. But a scratch may
employment or the continuity of employment. transfer the virus to a human being. In ap-
casualty proximately half the cases, after several days
(1) General. A serious or fatal accident. A there is a persistent sore at the site of the
person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed. A scratch, and fever and other symptoms of in-
disastrous occurrence due to sudden, unex- fection may develop. There is also swelling
pected, or unusual cause. Accident, misfor- of the lymph nodes draining the infected part.
tune or mishap; that which comes by chance In milder cases, the symptoms soon disappear,
or without design. A loss from such an event with no aftereffects. Sometimes the attack is
or cause; as by fire, shipwreck, lightning, etc. more serious and the glands may require sur-
(2) Federal Railroad Administration. a) A gical incision and drainage. This disease is
fatality, a nonfatal injury, or an occupational generally mild and lasts for about 2 weeks. In
illness resulting from railroad operations. b) rare cases, it may persist for a period of up to
A reportable death, injury, or illness arising 2 years.
from the operation of a railroad. Casualties catabolism
may be classified as either fatal or nonfatal. Destructive metabolism; the process by which
See also accident, loss, and unavoidable an organism reconverts living, organized sub-
casualty. stances into simpler compounds, with release
casualty insurance of energy for its use.
That type of insurance that is primarily con- catalepsy
cerned with losses caused by injuries to per- A movement disorder in which the body ex-
sons and legal liability imposed upon the in- periences a loss of voluntary motion and a ri-
sured for such injury or for damages to the gidity of passively moved parts for prolonged
property of others. See also insurance. periods of time.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

catalyst tion. Often also considered relative to the
A substance which can alter the speed of a scope of activities (i.e., at an individual or
chemical reaction without being chemically system level). See also casualty.
altered itself by the reaction. catastrophic
catalytic converter A loss of extraordinary magnitude in physical
An air pollution abatement device that re- harm to people or damage and destruction of
moves pollutants from motor vehicle exhaust, property.
either by oxidizing them into carbon dioxide catastrophic event
and water or reducing them to nitrogen and System Safety. An occurrence, subsequent to
oxygen. the introduction of a hazard or set of hazards
catalytic incinerator into a system, that results in a level of injury,
A control device which oxidizes volatile or- damage, or loss of such severe magnitude that
ganic compounds by using a catalyst to pro- quick or total recovery would be highly im-
mote the combustion process. Catalytic in- probable (e.g., death, crippling injuries, total
cinerators require lower temperatures than system loss, irreplaceable property or equip-
conventional thermal incinerators, with re- ment loss or damage, etc.). The parameters
sultant fuel and cost savings. for this categorization are usually established
catalytic sensor by management in the System Safety Program
Instruments. A sensor with heated active and Plan, or other policy-making documentation.
reference elements (i.e., each a platinum catastrophic release
wire). The heat of combustion of the con- According to OSHA, a major uncontrolled
taminant on the active element produces an emission, fire, or explosion, involving one or
imbalance in a bridge circuit such that the more highly hazardous chemicals, that pre-
amount of imbalance is proportional to the sents serious danger to employees in the
concentration of the contaminant in the sam- workplace.
pled air. This type detector can detect and catatonia
measure the concentration of combustible A form of schizophrenia marked by conspicu-
gases or vapors well below their lower flam- ous motor disturbances (retardation and stu-
mable/combustible limit. por, or excessive activity and excitement).
catanadramous catch basin
Fish that swim downstream to spawn. A well or reservoir for storm water runoff
cataplexy which can be located in paved areas, unpaved
A movement disorder characterized by rapid locations such as near roof drains, or in
onset of partial or complete loss of muscle draining areas.
tone as a result of extremely intense emotion. catchment
cataract A barrel, cistern, or other container used to
A clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. catch water.
The clouding obstructs the passage of light. catchment area
Cataracts are caused by free-radical damage The area of land bounded by watersheds
that clouds the eye's lens (which inhibits its draining into a river, lake, or reservoir.
ability to focus light) and reduces or scatters
light entering the eye. Depending on their catch-up growth
size and location, cataracts can reduce vision A period of rapid growth following a growth
slightly or cause blindness. retarding event, such as a severe illness or
A notable disaster; a more serious calamity catecholamine
than might ordinarily be understood from the Any of a group of chemical substances
term casualty. An utter or complete failure. consisting of a benzene ring with adjacent
An event resulting in injury, death, and dam- hydroxyl groups and an amine group on a
age or destruction of relatively great propor- carbon chain which may serve as a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

neurotransmitter and/or a hormone. See also category III operations
epinephrine and norepinephrine. Aviation. With respect to the operation of
categorical exclusion aircraft, means an Instrument Landing System
A class of actions which either individually or (ILS) approach to, and landing on, the runway
cumulatively would not have a significant of an airport using a Category III ILS
effect on the human environment and instrument approach procedure issued by the
therefore would not require preparation of an Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
environmental assessment or environmental Administrator or other appropriate authority.
impact statement under the National En- category A
vironmental Policy Act (NEPA). Aviation. With respect to transport category
categorical pretreatment standard rotorcraft, means multi-engine rotorcraft
A technology-based effluent limitation for an designed with engine and system isolation
industrial facility which discharges into a features specified in 14 CFR Part 29 and
municipal sewer system. Analogous in utilizing scheduled takeoff and landing
stringency to Best Available Technology operations under a critical engine failure
(BAT) for direct discharges. concept which assures adequate designated
surface area and adequate performance
category capability for continued safe flight in the
Aviation. (1) As used with respect to the event of engine failure.
certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations
of airmen, means a broad classification of category A EED/ordnance
aircraft. Examples include airplane, rotorcraft An electroexplosive device (EED) or other
glider, and lighter-than-air. (2) As used with such ordnance that, by the expenditure of their
respect to the certification of aircraft, means a own energy or because they initiate a chain of
grouping of aircraft based upon intended use events, may cause serious injury or death to
or operating limitations. Examples include personnel and/or damage to property.
transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, category B
restricted, and provisional. Aviation. With respect to transport category
category I contaminant rotorcraft, means single-engine or multi-
U.S. EPA contaminant category indicating engine rotorcraft which do not fully meet all
that sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity via Category A standards. Category B rotorcraft
ingestion in humans or animals exists to have no guaranteed stay-up ability in the
warrant classification as "known or probable event of engine failure and unscheduled
human carcinogens via ingestion." landing is assumed.

category II contaminant category B EED/ordnance

U.S. EPA contaminant category for which An electroexplosive device or other such
limited evidence of carcinogenicity via ordnance that, by the expenditure of their own
ingestion exists to warrant classification as energy or because they initiate a chain of
"possible human carcinogens via ingestion." events, will not cause serious injury or death
to personnel and/or damage to property.
category II operations
Aviation. With respect to the operation of catenary bar screen
aircraft, means a straight-in Instrument Mechanical screening device using revolving
Landing System (ILS) approach to the runway chain-mounted rakes to clean a stationary bar
of an airport under a Category II ILS rack.
instrument approach procedure issued by the catheter
Federal Av iation Ad min istratio n (FAA) A tubular instrument of rubber, plastic, metal,
Administrator or other appropriate authority. or other material, used for draining or
category III contaminant injecting fluids through a body passage.
U.S. EPA contaminant category of substances catheterization
for which insufficient or no evidence of Passage of a catheter into a body channel or
carcinogenicity via ingestion exists. cavity. The most common usage of the term

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is in reference to the introduction of a catheter drome may be aggravated by the slightest
via the urethra into the urinary bladder. stimulus or it may be intensified by emotions.
cathode Causalgia usually begins several weeks after
The negative electrode where the current the initial injury and the pain is described as
leaves an electrolytic solution. intense.

cathode ray tube (CRT) causation

A vacuum tube in which an electron beam is The fact of being the cause of something pro-
directed at a phosphor-coated screen. The duced or of happening. The act by which an
component of a video display terminal that effect is produced. An important doctrine in
generates the display. the fields of negligence and criminal law.
Sometimes referred to as proximate cause.
cathodic protection
A technique to prevent corrosion of a metal causator
surface by making that surface the cathode of A litigant; one who takes the part of the
an electrochemical cell. plaintiff or defendant in an action.

cation cause
A positively charged ion that migrates to the (1) General (verb). To be the cause or occa-
cathode when an electrical potential is applied sion of; to effect as an agent; to bring about;
to a solution. to bring into existence; to make to induce; to
compel. (2) Safety (noun). An event, situa-
cationic detergent tion, or condition which results, or could re-
Any of a group of detergents having a quater- sult (potential cause), directly or indirectly, in
nary ammonium salt cation with a hydrocar- an accident or incident. Each separate ante-
bon chain. cedent of an event. Something that proceeds
cationic polymer and brings about an effect or result. (3) Law
A polyelectrolyte with a net positive electrical (noun). A suit, litigation, or action. Any
charge. question, civil or criminal, litigated or con-
tested before a court of justice.
cauliflower ear
A thickened and deformed ear caused by the cause-effect diagram
accumulation of fluid and blood clots in the A graphic display of the causes linked to an
tissue following repeated injury. It is most effect.
commonly seen in boxers, for whom it is al- cause in fact
most considered an occupational hazard. A That particular cause which produces an event
cauliflower ear will not recover its normal and without which the event would not have
shape but it can be restored to normal by occurred. Courts express this form of a rule
means of plastic surgery. commonly referred to as the "but for" rule:
causal association the injury to an individual would not have
Having a demonstrable connection between happened but for the conduct of the wrong-
the occurrence of some factor and an incident, doer. See also proximate cause.
where the presence of that factor will increase cause of action
the probability and the absence of that factor The claim or theory invoked by a plaintiff in a
will decrease the probability of that incident. court case.
causal factors cause of injury
A combination of simultaneous or sequential That which actually produces it.
circumstances which contribute directly or in-
directly to an accident, occupational disease, causeway
or other effect. A raised roadbed through low lands or across
wet ground or water.
Persistent, diffuse, and burning pain associ- caustic
ated with tropic skin changes in the hand or (1) Any substance that strongly irritates,
foot following injury of the part. The syn- burns, corrodes, or destroys living tissue. (2)

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A class of substances, also known as bases or caving bank
alkalis, with high pH. Strong caustics are cor- A bank which is eroding because of swift
rosive. running currents along the shore or because of
caustic soda eddies below bends or along the shoreline
Common term for sodium hydroxide. Chemi- whether on right- or left-handed drafts. More
cal formula is NaOH. prevalent on rivers with unstable channels and
during periods of high water; very common
caution occurrence on the Lower Mississippi River.
To warn, exhort, to take heed, or give notice
of danger. See also caution signal. cavitation
(1) A selective corrosion that results from the
caution and warning (C&W) collapse of air or vapor bubbles with sufficient
A system of classification for providing in- force to cause metal loss or pitting. (2) The
formation to the operator or crew of a vehicle action of a pump attempting to discharge
that some life- or vehicle-threatening hazard- more water than suction can provide.
ous situation exists. Vibration, noise, and/or physical damage to
caution signal equipment can result.
A signal provided for or presented to the op- CBA
erator or crew of a vehicle that some hazard- See cost-benefit analysis.
ous condition exists or will soon exist, and
that action will be required to correct the CBC
situation. See also caution. See complete blood count.

cautionary instruction CBD

Law. That part of a judge's charge to a jury in See Central Business District.
which he/she instructs them to consider cer- CBOD
tain evidence only for a specific purpose, e.g., See carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
evidence that a criminal defendant committed demand.
crimes other than the crime for which he/she CCB
is on trial may be admitted to prove a scheme Coal combustion byproducts.
or to show intent as to this crime, but not to
prove that he/she committed this particular CCL
crime and such evidence requires cautionary See convective condensation level.
instructions. Also, instructions by a judge to a CDC
jury to not be influenced by extraneous mat- See Centers for Disease Control.
ters on outside forces, or to talk about cases to
anyone outside of trial. CDL
See commercial driver's license.
See kevel. CDLIS
See commercial driver's license information
caveat system.
Latin. Meaning "let him beware." A warning
to one to be careful. A formal notice or cd/m2
warning given by an interested party to a Candela per square meter.
court, judge, or ministerial officer against the CDT programs
performance of certain acts within his/her See controlled departure time programs.
power and jurisdiction.
caveat emptor See coefficient of entry.
Meaning "let the buyer beware," without a
warranty the buyer takes the risk of quality
To stop; to become extinct; to pass away; to
upon himself/herself.
suspend, or to forfeit.
caveat venditor
Meaning "let the seller beware."

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cease and desist order ceilometer
An order issued by an administrative agency An instrument that automatically records
or court prohibiting a person or business firm cloud height.
from continuing a particular course of CEL
conduct. See ceiling exposure limit.
CEEL cell
Community emergency exposure limit. (1) The fundamental unit of structure and
CEF function in organisms. Although cells may be
Cellulose ester filter. highly differentiated and highly specialized in
ceiling their function, they all have the same basic
(1) The upper limit of performance measured structure; that is, they have an outer covering
by a test. (2) The upper interior surface of a called the membrane, a main substance called
large enclosed volume, such as a room. (3) the cytoplasm, and a control center called the
The height of the lowest layer of clouds when nucleus. The cytoplasm and the substance of
the weather reports describe the sky as broken the nucleus (nucleoplasm or karyoplasm) are
or overcast, or, the height above the earth's collectively referred to as protoplasm. Cell
surface of the lowest layer of clouds or membranes are capable of selection in the
obscuring phenomena that is reported as passage of substances into and out of the cell.
"broken", "overcast", or "obscured", and not Cells in the body are organized into tissue and
classified as "thin" or "partial." The height tissues into organs. The fluid within the cell
above the ground or water of the base of the (60 to 90 percent of the protoplasm is water)
lowest layer of the cloud below 6,000 meters is called intracellular fluid. The fluid sur-
(20,000 feet) covering more than half the sky. rounding the cell and within the tissues is
called interstitial fluid or tissue fluid. The
ceiling area lighting molecules and ions in these fluids are essen-
A form of general illumination in which the tial to the life of the cell. (2) In solid waste
ceiling area comprises essentially one large disposal, cells are holes where waste is
luminaire. dumped, compacted, and covered with layers
ceiling balloon of dirt on a daily basis. (3) A place of con-
A small balloon used to determine the height finement, as a prison cell.
of the cloud base. The height is computed cell life
from the balloon's ascent rate and the time Instrument. The period over which an in-
required for its disappearance into the cloud. strument detector can reasonably be expected
ceiling exposure limit (CEL) to meet the performance specifications for the
(1) The absolute concentration of a chemical device.
to which workers should never be exposed, cellular refractory period
even instantaneously, during any part of a That time following an action potential in a
working day. (2) An OSHA standard setting neuron or muscle cell during which the cell
the maximum concentration of a contaminant has reduced excitability or is incapable of
to which a worker may be exposed. (3) The normal excitation. Also referred to simply as
ACGIH has established ceiling limits for the refractory period.
some substances as part of its threshold limit
value table (TLV-C). cellulitis
An inflammation of tissues that produces
ceiling plenum pain, edema, swelling, and functional diffi-
Space below the flooring and above a culties. It may be caused by streptococcal,
suspended ceiling that accommodates the staphylococcal, or other organisms. It usually
mechanical and electrical equipment and that occurs in the loose tissues beneath the skin,
is used as part of the air distribution system. but may also occur in tissues beneath mucous
The space is kept under negative pressure. membranes or around muscle bundles or sur-
rounding organs.

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cellulose censure
The structural form of polysaccharides in The formal resolution of a legislative, admin-
plants, acting as a support for plant tissues. istrative, or other body reprimanding a person,
Celsius degree (°C) normally one of its own members, for speci-
A division of the Celsius temperature scale fied conduct. An official reprimand or con-
which divides the range between the freezing demnation.
and boiling points of water into 100 equal in- census
tervals. Synonymous with Centigrade de- The complete enumeration of a population or
gree. groups at a point in time with respect to well-
Celsius thermometer defined characteristics. For example, popula-
Centigrade thermometer on which the ice tion, production, and/or traffic on particular
point is at 0 and the normal boiling point of roads. In some connection the term is associ-
water is at 100 degrees (100°C), with the in- ated with the data collected rather than the
terval between these two established points extent of the collection so that the term sam-
divided into 100 equal units. The abbrevia- ple census has a distinct meaning. The partial
tion 100°C should be read "one hundred de- enumeration resulting from a failure to cover
grees Celsius." It relates to the absolute (Kel- the whole population, as distinct from a de-
vin) scale by TC = TK - 273.15. signed sample inquiry, may be referred to as
an "incomplete census."
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Asso- census division
ciation. A geographic area consisting of several states
defined by the U.S. Department of Com-
cement merce, Bureau of the Census. The states are
A powder that, mixed with water, binds a grouped into nine divisions and four regions.
stone and sand mixture into strong concrete
when dry. center area
Aviation. The specified airspace within which
cement dermatitis an Air Route Traffic Control Center
An inflammation of the skin's surface result- (ARTCC) provides air traffic control and ad-
ing from an allergic reaction on exposure to visory service.
cement or cement mixing products. See also
industrial dermatitis. center frequency
The geometric mean of a frequency band.
cement kiln dust
Alkaline material produced during the manu- center of gravity
facture of cement that may be used to stabilize A point representing a body or system at
sludge. which the force due to a uniform gravitational
attraction acts. With regard to human factors,
cement mixer the center of mass and center of gravity can
Transportation (slang). A truck with a noisy normally be assumed to be the same point.
engine or transmission. See also center of mass.
cementing center of mass
The process of pumping a cement slurry into a That point of an object or system which may
drilled hole and/or forced behind the casing. be treated as if the entire mass of the object or
cementitious material system were concentrated at that point, and
Asbestos-containing materials that are densely any external translational forces appear to act
packed and are non-friable. through that point. With regard to human
factors, the center of mass and the center of
CEMS gravity can normally be assumed to be the
See continuous emission monitoring system. same point. See also center of gravity.
censored data center of rotation
Monitoring results that are non-quantified That point about which a rotational movement
because they are less than the limit of detec- occurs.

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center pivot irrigation machine centipoise (cp)
A center pivot irrigation machine is a multi- (1) One one-hundredth of a poise. The poise
motored irrigation machine which revolves is the metric system unit of viscosity. See
around a center pivot point and employs also poise. (2) A unit of the dynamic viscos-
alignment switches or similar devices to con- ity of a liquid. The dynamic viscosity of wa-
trol individual motors. ter at 20°C is 1 centipoise.
Center Radar Approach Control (CERAP) centistoke (cSt)
A combined Air Route Traffic Control Center One one-hundredth of a stoke, the kinematic
(ARTCC) and a Terminal Radar Approach unit of viscosity. It is equal to the viscosity in
Control facility (TRACON). poise divided by the density of the fluid in
center weather advisory (CWA) grams per cubic centimeter, both measured at
An unscheduled weather advisory issued by the same temperature.
Center Weather Service Unit meteorologists central blindness
for Air Traffic Control (ATC) use to alert pi- The lack of visual function due to optic nerve
lots of existing or anticipated adverse weather or visual cortex damage. See also foveal
conditions within the next 2 hours. A CWA blindness.
may modify or redefine a SIGMET. Central Business District (CBD)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) The downtown retail trade and commercial
A U.S. Department of Health agency respon- area of a city or an area of very high land
sible for surveillance of disease patterns, de- valuation, traffic flow, and concentration of
veloping disease control and prevention pro- retail business offices, theaters, hotels, and
cedures, and public health education. services.
centi- central city
A prefix; one one-hundredth or 10-2 of a base Usually one or more legally incorporated cit-
unit. ies within the metropolitan statistical area
(MSA) that is significantly large by itself or
centigrade large relative to the largest city in the MSA.
Having 100 gradations (steps or degrees), as
Additional criteria for being classified as a
in the Celsius temperature scale (thermome- "central city" include having at least 75 jobs
ter). See also Celsius thermometer. for each 100 employed residents and having
centigrade degree at least 40 percent of the resident workers
See Celsius degree. employed within the city limits. Every MSA
centile point has at least one central city, usually the largest
A point within a centile scale. See also cen- city. Central cities are commonly regarded as
tile scale. relatively large communities with a denser
population and a higher concentration of eco-
centile rank nomic activities than the outlying or suburban
That position or score based on a centile areas of the MSA. "Outside central city" are
scale. See also percentile. those parts of the MSA not designated as
centile scale central city. See also metropolitan statistical
A dispersion scale having a range of 100 in area (MSA), and standard metropolitan sta-
which each point represents one percent of the tistical area.
population along some dimension. central deafness
centimeter See central hearing loss.
One-hundredth of a meter, abbreviated cm. Central East Pacific
centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system Aviation. An organized route system between
A coherent system of units for mechanics, the U.S. West Coast and Hawaii.
electricity, and magnetism, in which the basic central hearing loss
units of length, mass, and time are the centi- A hearing impairment of deafness due to
meter, gram, and second. Sometimes referred auditory nerve or auditory cortex damage.
to as the CGS System. See also basic units. Synonymous with central deafness.

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Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) centrifugation
An agency of the federal government charged The use of centrifugal force to separate solids
with the responsibility of coordinating all in- from liquids based on density differences.
formation relating to security of the country. centrifuge
All such intelligence information, recommen- A laboratory device used to subject sub-
dations, etc. are reported to the National Secu- stances in solution to centrifugal forces 20,00-
rity Council, to whom the CIA is responsible 25,000 times gravity.
and under the direction of.
centripetal acceleration
central nervous system (CNS) The inward-directed acceleration on a particle
The portion of the human control and sensory moving in a curved path.
feedback system consisting of the brain, spi-
nal cord, and tributary nerve endings. centripetal force
That radial force directed toward the center of
central tendency rotation of an object which keeps an object
Having a typical, average, or expected value moving in a circular path. Opposite of cen-
within a frequency distribution. A finer char- trifugal force.
acterization of data beyond the distribution.
central vision Abbreviation for Chief Executive Officer of a
See foveal vision. corporation.
central visual field CEQ
That portion of the visual field which falls on See Council on Environmental Quality.
the foveal or macula lutea portion of the ret-
ina. Opposite of peripheral visual field. CEQ regulations
Under the National Environmental Policy Act
central visual field blindness (NEPA), the regulations called for federal
See foveal blindness. agencies to integrate NEPA requirements to
centralization ensure that plans and decisions reflect envi-
Concentration of power and authority in a ronmental values, avoid delays later in the
central organization or government. For ex- process, and head off potential conflicts. See
ample, power and authority over national and also Council on Environmental Quality.
international matters are centralized in the CERAP
federal government. See Center Radar Approach Control.
centrate CERCLA
Dilute stream remaining in a centrifuge after See Comprehensive Environmental Re-
solids are removed. sponse, Compensation, and Liabilities Act.
centrifugal CERCLIS
Moving away from a center. A database maintained by the EPA and the
centrifugal collector states which lists sites where releases of con-
A mechanical system using centrifugal force tamination either have been addressed or need
to remove aerosols from a gas stream. to be addressed.
centrifugal force cerebellum
That outwardly directed radial force in a ro- That part of the hind-brain lying dorsal to the
tating reference frame. Opposite of centripe- pons and medulla oblongata, comprising a
tal force. median portion (the vermis) and a cerebellar
centrifugal pump hemisphere on each side; the cerebellum is
A pump with a high-speed impeller that relies concerned with coordination of movements.
on centrifugal force to throw incoming liquid cerebral
to the periphery of the impeller housing where Pertaining to the cerebrum.
velocity is converted to head pressure.

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cerebral cortex and designed as a notice of things done
The outer layer of gray matter of the brain, therein, or as a warrant or authority, to some
which governs thought, reasoning, memory, other court, judge, or officer. A statement of
sensation, and voluntary movement. some fact in a writing signed by the party
cerebral palsy certifying.
Any impairment of motor, perceptual, or be- certificate of destruction
havioral function dating from birth or infancy See certificate of disposal.
without worsening of symptoms. certificate of disposal (COD)
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) A document that verifies destruction, the
The fluid in the subarachnoid spaces sur- receipt of destruction, or successful delivery of
rounding the brain and spinal cord, and in the waste to an ultimate or intermediary location
ventricles of the brain. The fluid is formed prior to destruction. While these documents
continuously by the choroid plexus in the ven- are considered by some transporters and
tricles, and, so that there will not be an abnor- generators as legal proof of the end of their
mal increase in the amount and pressure, it is liability for contamination, they may only
reabsorbed into the blood by the arachnoid villi serve to prove responsibility for contribution to
at approximately the same rate at which it is a site that is later identified by the EPA as a
produced. The fluid aids in the protection of Superfund site. Also referred to as certificate
the brain, spinal cord, and meninges by acting of destruction.
as a watery cushion surrounding them to ab- certificate of inspection
sorb the shocks to which they are exposed. A document certifying that merchandise (such
There is a blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier that as perishable goods) was in good condition
prevents harmful substances, such as metal immediately prior to shipment. Pre-shipment
poisons, some pathogenic organisms, and cer- inspection is a requirement for importation of
tain drugs from passing from the capillaries goods into many developing countries.
into the cerebrospinal fluid.
certificate of origin
cerebrum A form showing the country of production of
The main portion of the brain occupying the export shipment, frequently required by
upper part of the cranium; the two cerebral customs officials of an importing country.
hemispheres, united by the corpus callosum, The certificate enables customs officials to
form the largest part of the central nervous determine which goods being imported are
system in humans. entitled to preferential tariff treatment. It is
CERES usually endorsed by a consular official of the
See Coalition for Environmentally Responsi- country of destination at the port of shipment.
ble Economies. Certificate of Public Convenience and Neces-
cerium sity
A chemical element, atomic number 58, (1) Aviation. A ce rtif icat e is su ed to an air
atomic weight 140.12, symbol Ce. c a r r i e r u n d e r Se c t i o n 4 0 1 o f t h e F e d e r a l
CERMS Av iati o n Act b y th e U. S. Dep ar tmen t of
Continuous emissions rate monitoring system. Tr an sp o rta tio n (DOT) authorizing the carrier
to engage in air transportation. (2) Maritime.
certainty The grant of operating authority (issued by
Absence of doubt; accuracy; precision; defi- the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
nite. The quality of being specific, accurate, and the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
and distinct. that is given to common carriers. A carrier
certificate must prove that a public need exists and that
A written assurance, or official representation, the carrier is fit, willing, and able to provide
that some act has or has not been done, or the needed service. The certificate may
some event occurred, or with which some le- specify the commodities to be hauled, the area
gal formality has been compiled. A written to be served, and the routes to be used.
assurance made or issuing from some court,

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certificated certified
Holding a currently valid Certificate of Public (1) Equipment. Equipment is considered
Convenience and Necessity. "certified" if it a) has been tested and found
certificated air carrier by a nationally recognized testing laboratory
An air carrier holding a Certificate of Public to meet nationally recognized standards or to
Convenience and Necessity issued by DOT to be safe for use in a specified manner, or b) is
conduct scheduled services interstate. Non- of a kind whose production is periodically
scheduled or charter operations may also be inspected by a nationally recognized testing
conducted by these carriers. These carriers laboratory, and c) it bears a label, tag, or other
operate large aircraft (30 seats or more or a record of certification. (2) Personnel. Persons
maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds who have met a professional evaluation
or more) in accordance with Federal Aviation process or standard (e.g., by examination,
Regulations (FAR) Part 121. experience, education, etc.) of a specific
certification agency or authority to receive the
certificated airport designation of "certified."
An airport operating under Federal Aviation
Regulations (FAR) Part 139. The Federal certified capacity
Aviation Administration (FAA) issues airport The capability of a pipeline project to move
operating certificates to all airports serving gas volumes on a given day, based on a
scheduled air carrier aircraft designed for more specific set of flowing parameters (operating
than 30 passenger seats. Certificated airports pressures, temperature, efficiency, and fluid
must meet minimum safety standards in properties) for the pipeline system as stated in
accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations the dockets filed (and subsequently certified)
(FAR) Part 139. in the application for the Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity at the Federal
certification Energy Regulatory Commission. Generally,
(1) Granted by some states to certain the certificated capacity represents a level of
laboratories; ensures that laboratories meet service that can be maintained over an
certain minimum standards. (2) A manu- extended period of time and may not
facturer's statement that the boat they represent the maximum throughput capability
manufacture is subject to the Federal of the system on any given day. See also
regulations indicated in the certification design capacity.
statement and has been designed and
constructed to comply with those regulations. certified carriers
Carriers using highways of a state to whom
certification of labor union certificates of public convenience and
Declaration by a labor board (such as the necessity have been issued.
National Labor Relations Board) that a union
is the bargaining agent for a group of certified gas-free
employees. When a tank, compartment, or container on a
vessel is certified gas-free it means that it has
certification of public road mileage been tested using an approved testing
An annual document (certification) that must instrument, and proved to be sufficiently free,
be furnished by each state to the Federal at the time of the test, of toxic or explosive
Highway Administration (FHWA) certifying gases for a specified purpose, such as hot
the total public road mileage (kilometers) in work, by an authorized person and that a
the state as of December 31 of the preceding certificate to this effect has been issued.
certified glazing
certification to federal court Railroad. A glazing material applied to
Method of taking a case from the U.S. Court railroad passenger car windows that has been
of Appeals to the Supreme Court in which the certified by the manufacturer as having met
former court may certify any question of law the testing requirements set forth in Appendix
in any civil or criminal case as to which A of 49 CFR 223 and that has been installed
instructions are requested. in such a manner that it will perform its
intended function.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Certified Health Physicist (CHP) CET
An individual who has been certified in this Certified Environmental Trainer. See also
discipline by the American Board of Health corrected effective temperature.
Physicists. CFB
Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) Circulating fluidized bed.
An industrial hygienist who has met the CFC
education, experience, and examination re- See chlorofluorocarbon.
quirements of the American Board of
Industrial Hygiene and possess current ABIH cfm
certification as an industrial hygienist (i.e., See cubic feet per minute.
has been certified as competent in one or cfm/sq ft
more aspects of this discipline by the Cubic feet per minute per square foot.
American Board of Industrial Hygiene).
Certified Safety Professional (CSP) See Code of Federal Regulations.
A professional safety practitioner who has
been certified in one or more aspects of this cfs
discipline by the Board of Certified Safety Cubic feet per second.
Professionals. CFU
cerumen See colony-forming units.
A waxy secretion of the glands of the external CFU/m3
acoustic meatus; ear wax. Colony-forming units per cubic meter.
cervical CGA
Pertaining to the neck or to the cervix. See Compressed Gas Association.
cervical spine CGI
That portion of the spinal column consisting See combustible gas indicator.
of the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck.
cervicale Current good manufacturing practice.
The protruding tip of the 7th cervical
CGS System
vertebrae at the base of the neck. Also known
See centimeter-gram-second system. See
as the nuchale tubercle.
also basic units.
cervicale height
The vertical linear distance from the upper
To irritate the skin through friction.
sitting surface to cervicale. Measured with
the individual sitting erect. See also chafed
cervicale. Wear damage resulting from friction between
two parts rubbed together with limited and
usually repeated motion.
A constricted structure in the body, typically
referring to the neck or the narrow part of the chaff
uterus. Aviation. Thin, narrow metallic reflectors of
various lengths and frequency responses, used
to reflect radar energy. These reflectors,
A chemical element, atomic number 55,
when dropped from aircraft and allowed to
atomic weight 132.905, symbol Cs.
drift downward, result in large targets on the
cesspool radar display.
A covered tank with open joints constructed
in permeable soil to receive raw domestic
Irritation of the skin by friction, usually from
wastewater and allow partially treated effluent
clothing or the rubbing together of body sur-
to seep into the surrounding soil, while solids
face, such as the thighs, when they are damp
are contained and undergo digestion.
with perspiration.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

chain and flight collector chalazion
A sludge collector mechanism utilized in rec- A cyst or tumor on the eyelid caused by an
tangular sedimentation basins or clarifiers. infection of a sebaceous (oil) gland. A cha-
chain of custody lazion can sometimes be treated at home with
In legal terms, regulatory agencies as well as the application of hot compresses, but while
employers must be able to verify the chain of this method is usually successful with a sty, a
possession and custody of any physical sam- similar infection that has not yet formed a
ples (air, water, soil, biological, etc.) that may cyst, chalazion often requires incision and
be used to support litigation. Procedures to drainage be performed by a physician. Also
ensure this chain-of-custody include written called meibomian cysts.
records that can be used to trace possession challenge
and handling of the sample from its point of To object or take exception to; to proffer ob-
origin through analysis and its introduction as jections to a person, right, or instrument; to
evidence. Without a continuous record of question formerly the legality or legal qualifi-
chain-of-custody, the validity of any sample cations of; to invite into competition; to for-
or the results of any tests/analyses may be merly call into question the capability of a
questioned. person for a particular function, or the exis-
chain of custody form tence of a right claimed, or the sufficiency of
A form used for tracking samples from the validity of an instrument; to call or put in
time the samples are obtained, through their question; to put into dispute; to render doubt-
transportation, receipt at the laboratory, and ful.
analysis. chamfer
chain of infection The bevel at the end of an object.
A series of related factors or events that must chance
occur before an infection will occur. These The absence of explainable or controllable
factors can be identified as host, agent, causation; accident; fortuity; hazard; result or
source, and transmission factors. issue of uncertain and unknown conditions or
chain of title forces; risk; unexpected, unforeseen, or unin-
Record of successive conveyances, or other tended consequences of an act.
forms of documentation, affecting a particular chance variable
parcel of land, arranged consecutively, from See random variable.
the government or original source of title change of grade
down to the present holder. Usually understood as an elevation or depres-
chain reaction sion of the surface of a street, or a change of
(1) In chemical or nuclear processes, the en- the natural contour of its face so as to facili-
ergy or byproducts released cause a continua- tate travel over it.
tion of the process. (2) In the analysis of ac- change of venue
cident cause, the sequence of events that re- The removal of a suit begun in one county or
sulted in the accident. See also domino ef- district to another county or district for trial,
fect. though the term is also sometimes applied to
chains and links the removal of a suit from one court to an-
As used in real estate measurement, chain is other court of the same county or district. In
equal to 66 feet long or 100 links. criminal cases, a change of venue will be
chair permitted if, for example, the court feels that
(1) General. A place for sitting. (2) Admini- the defendant cannot receive a fair trial in a
stration. The person designated as "in given venue because of prejudice.
charge" or responsible for the actions and changeover
output of a committee or group. (3) Trans- The process of modifying or replacing an ex-
portation. See sidecar. isting workstation, workplace, or other facil-
ity, including the setup and tear-down.

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changeover allowance reduction or marsh-drainage tactic that can
A special time allowance given a worker to interfere with waste assimilation capacity and
compensate for the changeover time. See also disturb fish and wildlife habitats.
setup allowance and tear-down allowance. channoine weir
changeover time A section of a dam, built in the form of a
That temporal period required to affect a spillway, lying between the anchor weir
changeover. proper on the land side of a lock wall and the
channel bear trap which is adjacent to the navigable
The bed in which the main stream of a river path.
flows, rather than the deep water of the stream character
as followed in navigation. The deeper part of (1) The aggregate of the moral qualities which
a river, harbor, or strait. It may also be used belong to and distinguish an individual per-
as a generic term applicable to any water son; the general result of one's distinguishing
course, whether a river, creek, or canal. The attributes. (2) An image of a letter or symbol
channel of a river is to be distinguished from appearing on a video display terminal or in
a branch. printed media.
channel bottom character evidence
Project depth or grade elevation. Evidence of an individual's moral standing in
channel capacity a community based upon reputation.
The maximum rate at which information can character height
be received, transmitted, or processed at a The vertical distance assigned to or occupied
given point, for either the human or instru- by a character on a display.
mentation. character of vessel
channel gradient The type of service in which the vessel is en-
The slope of the water surface of a stream gaged at the time of carriage of a hazardous
channel through the bridge site to the nearest material.
one tenth of a percent. character width
channel meander The horizontal distance on a line of text from
An unstable river channel that changes its one point of one character to a corresponding
location after high water periods. point of the next character.
channel report characteristic hazardous waste
A report of channel conditions, soundings, Any one of four categories used in defining
etc. found by an aids-to-navigation tender on hazardous waste: ignitability, corrosivity, re-
routine patrol; includes report of courses activity, and toxicity.
steered. The channel report is issued only for characteristics of easy movement
open rivers and is written in pilots' jargon. See motion efficiency principals.
channel width charcoal tube (CT)
The upstream channel width (bank to bank A glass tube of specified dimensions and as-
dimensions of the defined channel, not the sembly, containing 100 mg of 20/40 mesh ac-
flood plain) at a bridge site; to the nearest tivated coconut shell charcoal in a front sec-
foot. tion and 50 mg in a backup section. Larger
channeling tubes are available.
A condition that occurs in a filter or other charge density
packed bed when water finds furrows or In a polyelectrolyte, the mole ratio of the
channels through which it can flow without charged monomers to non-charged monomers.
effective contact with the bed.
charge it
channelization Transportation (slang). To let brake air flow
The process of straightening and deepening into semitrailer lines.
streams so water will move faster. A flood-

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Charles's law ter contract normally commits the carrier to
The volume of a mass of gas is directly pro- furnish the agreed to transportation service at
portional to the absolute temperature, pro- a specified time between designated locations.
vided the pressure remains the same. (2) A vehicle hired for exclusive use that does
charley horse not operate over a regular route, on a regular
A minor muscle disorder resulting from the schedule and is not available to the general
violent use of a muscle or group of muscles in public.
strenuous work or play. It usually occurs charter service hours
when muscles that have not been conditioned The total hours traveled/operated by a revenue
for hard use are put under a strain, with the vehicle while in charter service. Charter
result that some of the muscle fibers are service hours include hours traveled/operated
strained or may actually tear. It is character- while carrying passengers for hire, plus asso-
ized by soreness, stiffness, and pain which ciated deadhead hours.
often comes on very suddenly. charter transportation of passengers
chart Transportation, using a bus, of a group of per-
Any form of graphical or tabular data which sons who pursuant to a common purpose, un-
provides information about one or more vari- der a single contract, at a fixed charge for the
ables or activities. vehicle, have acquired the exclusive use of the
chart recorder vehicle to travel together under an itinerary
See oscillograph, kymograph, and polygraph. either specified in advance or modified after
having left the place of origin.
charted visual flight procedure approach
An approach wherein a radar-controlled air- chase
craft on an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Aviation. An aircraft flown in proximity to
Flight plan, operating in Visual Flight Rules another aircraft normally to observe its per-
(VFR) conditions and having an Air Traffic formance during training or testing.
Control (ATC) authorization, may proceed to chassis
the airport of intended landing via visual (1) The load-supporting frame in a truck or
landmarks and altitudes depicted on a charted trailer, exclusive of any appurtenances which
visual flight procedure. might be added to accommodate cargo. (2) A
charted visual flight rules (VFR) flyways frame with wheels and container locking de-
Flight paths recommended for use to bypass vices in order to secure the container for
movement. See also body.
areas heavily traversed by large turbine-
powered aircraft. Pilot compliance with rec- chassis cab
ommended flyways and associated altitudes is An incomplete vehicle consisting of a cab on
strictly voluntary. Visual Flight Rules (VFR) a bare frame rail chassis, needing a body or
flyway planning charts are published on the load platform in order to become complete.
back of existing VFR terminal area charts. cheater bar
charter bus See breakdown bar.
A bus transporting a group of persons who check
pursuant to a common purpose, and under a (1) A mental skill involving the comparison
single contract at a fixed price, have acquired of a finished product with what was planned
the exclusive use of a bus to travel together to verify if the goals were met or standards
under an itinerary. achieved. (2) A written promise from one
charter party party to another ensuring financial reim-
Contract between the owner of a vessel and a bursement to the second party.
shipper for letting of the vessel or a part check line
thereof. Maritime. A line used to help check a boat's
charter service headway when landing or entering a lock.
(1) A commercial passenger vehicle trip not check post
scheduled, but specially arranged. The char- Maritime. A mooring bit on a lock wall.

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check study chemical agent
A timing review of a job to evaluate the ap- A hazardous substance, chemical compound,
propriateness of the standard time for that job. or mixture of these.
check time chemical analysis
The time period between the start time of a Any form of examination through the use of
time study and the beginning of the first work chemicals, as in blood tests to determine a
element observed or between the completion person's sobriety, the presence of drugs, etc.
of the last element and the stop time of the chemical asphyxiant
study. A substance that chemically interferes with
check valve the respiratory process. There may be suffi-
A valve that opens in the direction of normal cient atmospheric oxygen present, but the
flow and closes with flow reversal. body is unable to utilize it because the
checked baggage physiological mechanism for use and trans-
Baggage accepted by the air carrier for trans- port of oxygen is blocked (such is the case
portation in the hold of the aircraft. with carbon monoxide).

checkoff chemical burn

The withholding of union dues from a The tissue damage or destruction occurring as
worker's paycheck by agreement. a direct result of chemical exposure.

cheek chemical cartridge respirator

(1) The tissue comprising the side of the face An air-purifying respirator capable of filtering
from the zygomatic bone to the mandible. (2) out chemical contaminants from the air that is
Slang term commonly used for a buttock. breathed. It usually acts through the use of
chemical sorbant pads encased in cartridges
cheekbone that are attached to the respirator facepiece.
See zygomatic bone.
chemical compound
cheilion A substance composed of two or more ele-
The lateral corner of the mouth opening ments combined in a fixed and definite pro-
formed by the junction of the lips. portion by weight.
chelate chemical dosimeter
A chemical compound in which a metallic ion A self-indicating device for determining total
is combined with a molecule with multiple (or accumulated) radiation exposure dose
chemical bonds. based on color change accompanying chemi-
chelating agent cal reactions induced by the radiation.
A type of organic sequestering agent that re- chemical element
duces water hardness and inactivates certain The smallest substance into which some
metal ions in water. Sometimes used in de- physical or chemical entity can be chemically
tergent formulations to reduce the effects of divided and still retain its chemical properties.
metals in water.
chemical emergency
chelation An occurrence, such as a transportation acci-
A treatment that removes harmful substances dent, equipment failure, container rupture, or
from the body. The chelating agent bonds to control equipment failure, that results in an
the contaminant which, due to the resulting uncontrollable release of a hazardous chemi-
poor absorption, is excreted from the body. cal into the environment or work place.
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) chemical feeder
A numerical index listing chemical com- A device used to dispense chemicals at a pre-
pounds and substances, each with its own dis- determined rate.
tinct CAS identification number.
chemical fixation
The transformation of a chemical compound
to a new, nontoxic form.

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Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) information upon request to control an
Part of a laboratory safety plan which must be emergency.
established by laboratories handling hazard- chemical treatment
ous chemicals due to a set of requirements Any one of a variety of technologies that use
mandated by OSHA. chemicals or a variety of chemical processes
chemical manufacturer to treat waste.
A person or business who imports, produces, chemical waste
or manufacturers a chemical substance. The waste generated by chemical, petro-
Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) chemical, plastic, pharmaceutical, biochemi-
An Association of chemical product manu- cal, or microbiological manufacturing proc-
facturers that disseminates information on the esses.
safe handling, transportation, and use of chemicals of potential concern
chemicals. In addition, it develops labeling Chemicals that are potentially site related and
guidelines and provides medical advice on the whose data are of sufficient quality for use in
prevention and treatment of chemical injuries. the quantitative risk assessment of that site.
chemical oxygen demand (COD) chemiluminescence
A measure of the oxygen required to oxidize The emission of absorbed energy as light, due
all compounds in water, both organic and in- to a chemical reaction of the compounds of
organic. the system. This principle is employed in
chemical pneumonitis some instruments for determining the airborne
Pneumonitis or inflammation of the lung pa- concentration of some substances (e.g.,
renchyma as a result of the aspiration of a hy- ozone).
drocarbon solvent which spreads rapidly as a chemiluminescence detector
film over the lung's surfaces. The inhalation A detector that is designed to detect light pro-
of beryllium of cadmium fumes or dust can duced in chemical reactions, such as that be-
cause an acute pneumonitis. tween ozone and ethylene or nitric oxide.
chemical protective clothing This phenomenon is employed in determining
Clothes made from various materials that ex- ambient levels of ozone and oxides of nitro-
hibit chemical-resistant properties to an of- gen.
fending agent. chemisorption
chemical reaction The formation of an irreversible chemical
A change in the arrangement of atoms or bond between the sorbate molecule and the
molecules to yield substances of different surface of the adsorbent.
composition and properties. chemistry
chemical sludge The area of science that deals with the ele-
Sludge resulting from chemical treatment ments and atomic structure of matter and the
processes of inorganic wastes that are not compounds of the elements.
biologically active. chemoreceptor
chemical substance A portion of a large protein or other cellular
Any organic or inorganic substance of a molecule which has the three-dimensional ca-
particular molecular identity, including any pacity for accepting and/or binding to a spe-
combination of such substances occurring in cific chemical substance.
whole or in part as a result of a chemical chemosterilant
reaction or occurring in nature; and any A chemical that controls pests by preventing
element or uncombined radical. reproduction.
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center chemosurgery
(CHEMTREC) The destruction of tissue by chemical agents;
A section of the Chemical Manufacturers originally applied to chemical fixation of ma-
Association that provides emergency response lignant, gangrenous, or infected tissue, with

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use of frozen sections to facilitate systematic chest circumference below bust
microscopic control of its excision. Term applies to females only. The surface
chemotaxis distance around the chest just below the cups
The response of an individual toward a of the bra. Measured with the individual
chemical stimulus. standing erect and breathing normally.

chemotherapy chest depth

The treatment of illness by chemical means; The anterior-posterior horizontal linear depth
that is, by medication. The term was first ap- of the torso measured at the nipple level
plied to the treatment of infectious diseases, (males) and above the breasts at the level
but it now is used to include treatment of where the fourth rib joins the sternum (fe-
mental illness and cancer with drugs. males). Measured with the individual stand-
ing erect, the arms hanging naturally at the
chemotrophs sides, and breathing normally. Also know as
Organisms that extract energy from organic the chest/bust depth.
and inorganic oxidation/reduction reactions.
chest depth at scye
CHEMTREC The anterior-to-posterior horizontal linear
See Chemical Transportation Emergency depth of the torso measured at the scye level.
Center. Measured with the individual standing erect
chest and breathing normally.
The thorax. chest depth below bust
chest breadth The transverse depth of the chest at the level
The horizontal linear width of the torso with- of the inferior margin of the xiphoid process.
out tissue compression at the nipple level Measured with the individual standing erect
(males) and at the level where the fourth rib and breathing normally.
meets the sternum (females). Measured with chest height
the individual standing erect with the arms The vertical distance from the floor to the
hanging naturally at the sides, and breathing center of the nipples (males) or point of the
normally. bra (females). Measured with the individual
chest breadth to bone standing erect and his/her weight balanced on
The horizontal linear width of the torso at the both feet. See also bust point height.
nipple level with tissue compression. Meas- chest skinfold
ured with the individual standing erect, and See pectoral skinfold.
breathing normally.
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
chest/bust circumference A form of respiration in which the individual
See chest circumference. appears to have stopped breathing for 40 to 50
chest/bust depth seconds, then breathing starts again with in-
See chest depth. creasing intensity, then stops as before, and
then repeats the previous breathing rhythm.
chest circumference
The surface distance around the torso at the CHI
nipple level. Measured with the individual See Comfort-Health Index and computer-
standing erect, breathing normally, and with human interface.
arms slightly abducted. Also referred to as chi square (X2)
chest/bust circumference. A statistical test using differences in fre-
chest circumference at scye quency data, especially for small samples,
The surface distance around the torso at the based on obtained vs. theoretical/expected
level of the axillary folds. Measured with the frequency counts, to determine significance.
individual standing erect. Also referred to as chi square test. Repre-
sented by the formula:

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be confused with frostbite, another type of
n ( fo - f t )2
X2 = skin damage caused by exposure to cold.
where: An individual younger than the age of pu-
fo = observed frequency berty.
ft = theoretical or expected frequency chill
n = sample size A feeling of cold, with convulsive shaking of
chi square distribution the body. A true chill, or rigor, results from
A mathematical or graphical function for chi an increase in chemical activity within the
square, having the probability distribution body and usually ushers in a considerable rise
function in body temperature. The pallor and coldness
of a chill, and the goose flesh that often ac-
(v-2) x2 companies it, are caused by constriction of the
f (X2 ) = Gv (X2) 2
e 2
peripheral blood vessels. Chills are sympto-
matic of a wide variety of diseases. They
where: usually do not accompany well-localized in-
v = degrees of freedom fections.
Gv = a constant for a given v
Note: The shape of the distribution varies chilling effect
with degrees of freedom, approaches the nor- The lowering of the Earth's temperature be-
mal distribution as degrees of freedom in- cause of an increased level of particles in the
crease. air blocking the sun's rays. See also green-
house effect.
chi square test
See chi square. chime
The act of turning a cylindrical container on
Chicago grips the edge of its base to assist in moving it from
A colloquial term used for a wire come-along one location to another.
used in hoisting wire rope.
chimney effect
chicane The tendency of air or gas in a vertical pas-
A plow or other obstacle used on a belt thick- sage to rise when it is heated because its den-
ener or belt press to mix or turn sludge to fa- sity is lower than the surrounding air or gas.
cilitate sludge dehydration.
chicken board The anterior lower part of the jaw, including
See crawling board. the anterior lower portion of the mandible and
chief hood lifter all surrounding tissues.
Transit (slang). Garage superintendent. chin prominence to wall
chigger The horizontal distance from the wall to the
The so-called red-bug or larva of the mite most anterior protrusion of the chin. Meas-
family Trombiculidae whose bite produces a ured with the individual standing erect with
welt with itching and dermatitis. his back and head against the wall, facing
chilblain straight ahead.
A localized painful erythema of the fingers, chin strap
toes, or ears produced by excessive exposure Any thin, flexible, strong material or device
to cold. The basic cause of chilblain is sensi- which is attached to headgear and can be
tivity to cold, sometimes resulting from cir- passed underneath the chin for aiding in
culatory disturbances, which may be corrected headgear retention.
in part by exercise and proper diet; severe Chinese restaurant disease
cases require medical attention. Extreme heat Often called the Chinese restaurant illness or
or cold applications should not be applied di- syndrome, this condition is due to the inges-
rectly to chilblains. This condition should not tion of large amounts of food containing
monosodium glutamate (MSG), a flavoring

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additive. Symptoms include headaches, chlorinated hydrocarbons
tightness in the face, and lightheadedness. These include a class of persistent, broad-
Chinese wall spectrum insecticides that linger in the envi-
A fictional device used as a screening proce- ronment and accumulate in the food chain.
dure which permits an attorney involved in an Among them are DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, hepta-
earlier adverse role to be screened from other chlor, chlordane, lindane, endrin, mirex, hex-
attorneys in the firm so as to prevent disquali- chloride, and toxaphene.
fication of the entire law firm simply because chlorinated solvent
one member of the firm previously repre- An organic solvent containing chlorine atoms
sented a client who is now an adversary of the such as methylene chloride and trichloro-
client currently represented by the firm. methane.
Chinook chlorination
A warm, dry wind on the eastern side of the The application of chlorine to drinking water,
Rocky Mountains. In the Alps, this wind is sewage, or industrial waste to disinfect or to
called a Foehn. oxidize undesirable compounds. Liquid chlo-
Chinook wall cloud rine has been found to be the most effective
A bank of clouds over the Rocky Mountains water disinfectant, and is almost invariably
that signifies the approach of a Chinook. used in the United States for the purification
of both public water supplies and swimming
chiropractic pools. This addition of chlorine is harmless,
A method of detecting and correcting by since enough chlorine to affect the health of
manual or mechanical means structural im- those using the chlorinated water would also
balance, distortion, or subluxations in the hu- make the water too unpalatable to drink.
man body to remove nerve interference where
such is the result of or related to distortion, chlorinator
misalignment, or subluxations of or in the A metering device used to add chlorine to
vertebral column. A system of therapeutic water or wastewater.
treatment, through adjusting of articulations chlorine
of the human body, particularly those of the A gaseous chemical element, atomic number
spine. The specific science that removes 17, atomic weight 35.453, symbol Cl. It is a
pressure on the nerves by the adjustment of disinfectant, bleaching agent, and irritant poi-
the spinal vertebrae. son. It is used for disinfecting, fumigating,
chloracne and bleaching, either in an aqueous solution
A disfiguring skin condition noted among or in the form of chlorinated lime.
workers who have had significant contact chlorine contact chamber
with certain chemicals such as chlorinated A detention chamber to diffuse chlorine
diphenyls, chlorinated dioxins, and chlor- through water or wastewater while providing
naphthalenes. adequate contact time for disinfection.
chloramines chlorine demand
Disinfecting compounds of organic or inor- The difference in the amount of chlorine
ganic nitrogen and chlorine. added to a water or wastewater and the
chloride amount of residual chlorine remaining after a
A salt of hydrochloric acid; any binary com- specific contact duration, usually 15 minutes.
pound of chlorine in which the latter carries a chlorine residual
negative charge of electricity. The amount of chlorine remaining in water
chlorinated after application at some prior time. See also
(1) The condition of water or wastewater that free chlorine residual.
has been treated with chlorine. (2) A descrip- chlorine tablets
tion of an organic compound to which chlo- Common term for pellets of solidified chlo-
rine atoms have been added. rine compounds such as calcium hypochlorite
used for water disinfection.

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chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) cholalic acid
A family of inert, nontoxic, and easily lique- An acid formed in the liver from cholesterol
fied chemicals used in refrigeration, air con- that plays, with other bile acids, an important
ditioning, packaging, insulation, or as solvents role in digestion.
and aerosol propellants. Because CFCs are cholecystic
not destroyed in the lower atmosphere, they Pertaining to the gallbladder.
drift into the upper atmosphere where their
chlorine components destroy the ozone. cholera
Highly infectious disease of the gastrointesti-
chloroform nal tract caused by waterborne bacteria.
A colorless, mobile, highly reactive, volatile
liquid with a characteristic sweet odor and cholesterol
taste. It is used in industry as a solvent, as a The principal animal sterol, occurring in
cleansing agent, in the manufacture of refrig- faintly yellow, pearly leaflets or granules in
erant, and in fire extinguishers. It is also used all animal tissues. Research has suggested the
in the manufacture of fluorocarbon plastics, in possibility that eating foods high in choles-
analytical chemistry, as a fumigant, and an in- terol may be a contributing factor in heart and
secticide, In the past, it was used extensively circulatory disease, particularly in the forma-
as an anesthetic. However, due to its toxic ef- tion of fatty deposits in the arteries (athero-
fects, this use has been abandoned. It is rep- sclerosis).
resented by the formula CHCl3 and the struc- cholinesterase
ture: (1) An enzyme that hydrolyzes acetylcholine
within the central nervous system. This en-
Cl zyme can be depressed following exposure to
organophosphate pesticide compounds. Work-
H C Cl ers using organophosphate pesticides should be
routinely monitored for cholinesterase levels.
(2) An enzyme that splits acetylcholine into
Cl acetic acid and choline. This enzyme is pre-
sent throughout the body, but is particularly
chlorophyll important at the myoneural junction where the
The green photosynthetic pigment contained nerve fibers terminate and become embedded
in many vegetable organisms. in muscle fibers. Acetylcholine, which is
formed when a nerve impulse reaches a myo-
chloropsia neural junction, acts as a stimulant to the
A defect of vision in which objects appear muscle fibers, causing them to contract. Im-
green. mediately after acetylcholine has sparked a
chlorosis contraction it must be removed so that the
Discoloration of normally green plant parts muscle fiber will repolarize, or recharge itself;
that can be caused by disease, lack of nutri- otherwise, it would not be ready to contract
ents, or various air pollutants. the next time it is stimulated. Cholinesterase
performs this service by splitting acetylcho-
choice reaction time (CRT)
line into its components, thus rendering it in-
That temporal interval measured for an indi-
vidual or group after the presentation onset of
one or a group of stimuli to decide which of cholinesterase inhibition
more than one possible responses is appropri- The loss or decrease of enzymatic activity of
ate and initiate that response. Generally rep- cholinesterase caused by binding of the en-
resents an average time over several trials. zyme with another chemical.
chokes chorea
A form of decompression sickness in which a A movement disorder in which a series of
choking sensation, difficult breathing, and/or complex, involuntary writhing movements are
substernal pain are experienced due to air made, generally involving distal extremities
bubbles in the lungs. and/or the face, tongue, and swallowing mus-

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cles. See also Huntington's chorea, Syden- chromatic vision
ham's chorea. See photopic vision.
choreologist chromaticity
One who has been trained and is competent to A measure of the quality of colored light, de-
record human movement in some system of fined either by its chromaticity coordinates or
notation. by its dominant wavelength and excitation pu-
CHP rity. Luminance or brightness is not involved.
See Certified Health Physicist and/or Chemi- chromaticity coordinate
cal Hygiene Plan. Any of a set of numbers representing the pro-
CHRIS portions of two of the three normalized pri-
Chemical Hazard Response Information Sys- mary colors, usually x and y, required to pro-
tem. duce a given color, with the brightness vari-
able eliminated. Synonymous with trichro-
chroma matic coefficients and CIE chromaticity coor-
That apparent degree to which a color com- dinates. See also CIE color system. Repre-
pares to a similarly illuminated white or sented by the formula (represented by x, y, z
achromatic reference. See also Munsell in the CIE system):
chromate x = y = z =
X+Y+Z X +Y+Z X +Y+Z
A salt of chromium trioxide (chromic acid).
chromaticity diagram
A planar diagram based on the CIE color
Having a hue; colored; pertaining to any color
system and produced by using two of the
except white, black, or gray.
chromaticity coordinates as axes in a rectan-
chromatic aberration gular coordinate system. Also referred to as
An image containing colored fringes around chromatic diagram.
the border, resulting from unequal refraction
of light of different wavelengths causing fo-
A visual attribute in which a perceived color
cusing at different points in an optical lens
appears more or less chromatic.
chromatic adaptation
The more readily stainable portion of a cell
That modification of the color sensory prop-
erties of the visual system by observing col-
ored stimuli. chromatism
Sensing an image of color when stimulated by
chromatic audition
a sensory modality other than vision. Syn-
See chromatism.
onymous with chromatic audition. See also
chromatic contrast synesthesia.
That apparent contrast due to the presence of
differing adjacent hues or colors. Synony-
For the differentiating type detector, which is
mous with color contrast, hue contrast, and
the most common type in a gas chromato-
simultaneous color contrast. See also lumi-
graph instrument, the chromatogram is a
nance contrast.
graphical presentation corresponding to the
chromatic contrast threshold components present in the sample introduced
That minimal difference in the combined as- into the instrument. The elapsed time from
pects of luminance and chromaticity which is sample injection to each peak is a means to
detectable for a given pair of adjacent stimuli. identify the components in the sample. The
Also referred to as color contrast threshold. area under each peak is proportional to the
chromatic diagram total mass of that component in the sample.
See chromaticity diagram. The chromatogram for the integrating type
detector is a series of plateaus with each pla-

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teau proportional to the total mass of the chronic disease
component in the eluted zone. Long-lasting, persistent, prolonged, repeated,
chromatographic detector or frequently recurring over a long period.
There are two types of chromatographic de- chronic effect
tectors: the differentiating type and the inte- An effect which is the result of exposure to a
grating type. The integrating type detector toxic substance over a long period. The daily
gives a response proportional to the total mass dose is insufficient to elicit an acute response,
of the component in the eluted zone. The but it may have a cumulative effect over a pe-
differentiating type gives a response propor- riod of time. Oftentimes, the rate of absorp-
tional to the concentration or mass flow rate tion of the toxic agent exceeds the rate of
of the eluted component. elimination, thereby resulting in a buildup of
chromatography the substance in the body.
A practical analytical methodology involving chronic exposure
the separation of complex mixtures and the (1) Chemical. Continual exposure to low lev-
detection of each component of the mixture. els of a chemical over a long period of time
chrominance (usually 3 years or more), which can produce
The coloring power of a stimulus. symptoms and disease. (2) Radiation. Expo-
sure to radiation for long duration by frac-
chromium tionation or protraction. Generally, any dos-
A chemical element, atomic number 24, age absorbed over a 24-hour period or longer.
atomic weight 51.996, symbol Cr.
chronic oxygen poisoning
chromosome See chronic oxygen toxicity.
One of the thread-like bodies (normally 46 in
humans) of chromatin that are found in the chronic oxygen toxicity
nucleus and that are the bearers of genes. A lung disorder due to breathing higher than
normal oxygen partial pressures at normal
chromosphere barometric pressure for 24 hours or more and
The sun's atmosphere just above the photo- characterized by chest pain, pulmonary
sphere. edema, and possibly damage to the alveoli
chromostereopsis and bronchi. Also known as chronic oxygen
See color pseudo-stereopsis. poisoning. See also acute oxygen toxicity.
chronic chronic RfDs
With reference to disease, of long duration, or An estimate (with uncertainty spanning per-
characterized by slowly progressive symp- haps an order of magnitude or greater) of a
toms. Deep-seated or obstinate, or threatening lifetime daily exposure level for the human
a long continuance. population, including sensitive subpopula-
tions, that is likely to be without an apprecia-
chronic alcoholism ble risk of deleterious effects. Chronic RfDs
A medically diagnosable disease character- are specifically developed to be protective for
ized by chronic, habitual, or periodic con- long-term exposure to a compound (7 years to
sumption of alcoholic beverages resulting in lifetime).
substantial interference with an individual's
social or economic functions in the commu- chronic toxicity
nity, and/or the loss of self-control with re- The capacity of a substance to cause long-
spect to the use of such beverages. term poisonous human health effects.
chronic carrier chronic toxicity test
A person who continues to harbor an infec- Test method used to determine the concentra-
tious agent without showing symptoms of the tion of a substance that produces an adverse
disease. Chronic carriers are possible in many effect on a test organism over an extended pe-
illnesses. Salmonellosis is an example. riod of time.

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chronobiology increases, often navigable from bank to bank.
The study of the effects of time on varying (2) A narrow sloping passage by which water
biological systems, including psychobiologi- falls or flows to a lower level (between an is-
cal rhythms. land and a bank).
chronocyclegram chyle
See chronocyclegraph. May also be known The product of intestinal digestion absorbed
as chronocyclogram. into the lymphatic system through the lacteals
chronocyclegraph and conveyed through the thoracic duct to
The single negative or photograph from a empty into the venous system at the root of
chronocyclegraphic measurement; also chro- the neck.
nocyclograph. chyme
chronocyclegraphy The semi-liquid mass into which food is con-
The use of a motion tracking system com- verted by the action of gastric secretions dur-
prised of (a) one or more small electric light ing the digestive process.
bulbs which flash at known, regular intervals CIA
and are attached to the fingers or other body See Central Intelligence Agency.
part and (b) a still camera, ideally using a cicatrix
stereoscopic camera to obtain three-dimen- The mark left in the flesh or skin after healing
sional data, for recording motions on a single of a wound and having the appearance of a
negative or print to determine velocities and seam or of a ridge of flesh.
accelerations of the body parts. Typically the
subject is in a darkened area; the exposure CID
time is greater than or equal to one motion See cubic inch displacement.
cycle. Also referred to as chronocyclography. CIE
See also cyclegraphy. Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage.
chronograph See CIE color system.
A constant-speed recording device which CIE color rendering index (CRI)
marks a paper or tape at known intervals so A measure of the amount of color shift which
that timing during an ongoing process can be an object appears to present when illuminated
determined. Also referred to as marstochron by one source compared to that of a reference
and marstograph. source having similar color temperature.
chronological age CIE color system
The age as of the previous birthday or the age A standard color reference system established
as of the previous birthday plus 0.5 years. See in 1931 by the Commission Internationale de
also developmental age and mental age. l'Eclairage (CIE) based on the technique of
chronological study flicker photometry and using a chromaticity
The observation and recording of events or data diagram to specify color coordinates. Gener-
in the order in which they occur over time. ally considered the world standard.
chrysotile asbestos CIE Standard Observer
Asbestiform mineral in the serpentine group A table representing an observer having nor-
that has been used as an insulation material in mal color vision which is developed from ex-
buildings. It is referred to as white asbestos perimental data in color-matching using the
and is the type that has been the most widely primary colors with a 2° field of view. Also
used in the U.S. referred to as standard observer and 2° ob-
server. See also CIE Supplemental Standard
chunk Observer.
Differential housing on powered axles.
CIE Standard Observer response curve
chute See spectral luminous efficiency function.
(1) Section of a river that is narrower than
ordinary and through which the river current

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CIE Supplementary Standard Observer circle to land maneuver
A variant of the CIE Standard Observer adopted Aviation. A maneuver initiated by the pilot to
in 1964 which accommodates a 10° field of align the aircraft with a runway for landing
view and permits better judgment of color when a straight-in landing from an instrument
matching in the shorter wavelengths (blue, vio- approach is not possible or is not desirable.
let). Also referred to as 10° observer. This maneuver is made only after Air Traffic
CIF Control (ATC) authorization has been ob-
See cargo insurance and freight. See also tained and the pilot has established required
Cost, Insurance, Freight. visual reference to the airport.

CIH circle to runway (runway number) maneuver

See Certified Industrial Hygienist. Aviation. Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC)
to inform the pilot that he must circle to land
CIIT because the runway in use is other than the
Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology. runway aligned with the instrument approach
cilia procedure. When the direction of the circling
Short, tiny, hair-like processes on the surface maneuver in relation to the airport/runway is
of protozoan or certain metazoan cells that, by required, the controller will state the direction
their constant motion, accomplish locomotion (eight cardinal compass points) and specify a
or produce a water current. Examples are left or right downwind or base leg as appro-
found in the bronchi and respiratory tract priate (e.g., "Cleared Very High Frequency
where they aid in the removal of dusts. Omni-Directional Radio Range (VOR) Run-
way Three Six Approach circle to Runway
ciliary muscle Two," or "Circle northwest of the airport for a
An intrinsic smooth muscle of the eye, which right downwind to Runway Two.").
is involved in lens accommodation.
circling approach
CIM See circle to land maneuver.
See computer-integrated manufacturing.
cinema verité A conductor or a system of conductors
The use of only naturally available, not addi- through which electric current flows.
tional photographic, lighting for photography
or videography. circuit breaker
(1) 600 Volts Nominal, or Less. A device de-
cinematography signed to open and close a circuit by non-
Motion picture photography. automatic means and to open the circuit
CIR automatically on a predetermined overcurrent
See Crash Injury Research project. without damage to itself when properly ap-
plied within its rating. (2) Over 600 volts,
nominal. A switching device capable of
Having a period of approximately 24 hours.
making, carrying, and breaking currents under
circadian pacemaker normal circuit conditions, and also making,
An internal timing mechanism which main- carrying for a specified time, and breaking
tains circadian rhythms. See also internal currents under specified abnormal circuit con-
clock and biological rhythm. ditions, such as those of short circuit.
circadian rhythm circuit controller
A biological activity that recurs in periods of A device for opening and closing electric cir-
24 hours under natural environmental condi- cuits.
tions. Sleep patterns in mammals and leaf
circuit courts
movements in some plants are examples of
Courts whose jurisdiction extends over sev-
circadian rhythms.
eral counties or districts, and of which terms
circannual rhythm are held in the various counties or districts to
A biological rhythm with a period of about which their jurisdiction extends.
one year.

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circuit courts of appeals movement in which the proximal end of a
The former name for federal intermediate ap- bone in its socket provides the apex of a cone
pellate courts, changed in 1948 to the present and the distal end of that bone moves in a cir-
designation of United States Courts of Ap- cular pattern, sweeping out a conical volume.
peals. circumference
circuit-mile (1) A curved, closed, anthropometric meas-
The total length in miles of separate circuits urement that follows a body contour. It need
regardless of the number of conductors used not be circular. See also arc. (2) The length
per circuit. comprising the perimeter of a circle.
circulation circumoral paresthesia
(1) The movement of blood through the cir- A burning sensation around or near the
culatory system. (2) The movement of peo- mouth.
ple, information, supplies, equipment, or other circumstances
items within a building or other structure Attendant or accompanying facts, events, or
where work is being accomplished. conditions. Subordinate or accessory facts
circulator bus (e.g., evidence that indicates the probability or
A bus serving an area confined to a specific improbability of an event).
locale, such as a downtown area or suburban circumstantial evidence
neighborhood with connections to major traf- Testimony not based on actual personal
fic corridors. knowledge or observation of the facts in con-
circulatory system troversy, but of other facts from which de-
The major system concerned with the move- ductions are drawn, showing indirectly the
ment of blood and lymph; it consists of the facts sought to be proved.
heart, blood vessels, and lymph vessels. The circus wagon
circulatory system transports to the tissues Transportation (slang). Low-sided trailer
and organs of the body the oxygen, nutritive with high bow tarp.
substances, immune substances, hormones,
and chemicals necessary for normal function cirrhosis
and activities of the organs; it also carries Interstitial inflammation of an organ, particu-
away waste products and carbon dioxide. It larly the liver. Cirrhosis is marked by degen-
equalizes body temperature and helps main- eration of the liver cells and thickening of the
tain normal water and electrolyte balance. An surrounding tissue.
adult male has an average of 5 quarts of blood cirrocumulus
in his body; the circulatory system carries this A high cloud that appears as a white patch of
entire quantity on one complete circuit cloud without shadows. It consists of very small
through the body every minute. In the course elements in the form of grains or ripples.
of 24 hours, 7200 quarts of blood pass
through the heart. The rate of blood flow cirrostratus
through the vessels depends upon several A high cloud appearing as a whitish veil that
may totally cover the sky. Often produces
factors: force of the heartbeat, rate of the
halo phenomena.
heartbeat, venous return, and control of the
arterioles and capillaries by chemical, neural cirrus
and thermal stimuli. A high cloud composed of ice crystals in the
form of thin, white, feather-like clouds in
circumaural protector
patches, filaments, or narrow bands.
A form of hearing protector commonly known
as the earmuff, consisting of two cup-shaped cistern
devices that fit over the entire external ear and A small covered tank for storing water, usu-
are sealed against the side of the head. ally placed underground.
circumduction citation
A basic type of joint motion occurring in (1) A writ issued out of a court of competent
those joints capable of three-dimensional jurisdiction, commanding a person therein

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named to appear on a day named and do cludes all actions, or, in other phraseology,
something therein mentioned, or show cause both suits in equity and actions, at law.
why he/she should not. (2) A written notice Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB)
from a regulatory agency alleging an em- A defunct organization. Originally, an inde-
ployer's non-compliance with a specific stan- pendent regulatory commission that was es-
dard or regulation, or group of standards or tablished under the Civil Aeronautics Act of
regulations, or the General Duty Clause of the 1938. Its functions were terminated or trans-
OSHAct of 1970. ferred to other agencies beginning in 1966,
citizen suit with all remaining functions transferred to the
(1) General. A type of legal action in court U.S. Secretary of Transportation by 1985.
brought by persons (or organizations on be- civil aircraft
half of members) to enforce laws against vio- Aircraft other than public aircraft.
lators, usually invoking a statutory right to sue
without showing traditional standing. (2) civil death
CERCLA. A provision under CERCLA which The state of a person who, though possessing
permits any person to initiate a civil action natural life, has lost all civil rights and as to
against any other person, including the United them is considered civilly dead.
States, for violations of any standard, regula- civil jury trial
tion, condition, requirement, or order effective Trial of civil action before a jury rather than
under CERCLA, and against any officer of before a judge. In suits at common law in
the United States for failure to perform a non- federal court where the value in controversy
discretionary act under CERCLA. exceeds $20.00, there is a constitutional right
citric acid to a jury trial.
A crystalline acid present in citrus fruits. civil law
Chemical formula is C6H8O7·H2O. That body of law which every particular na-
city flyer tion, commonwealth, or city has established
Transportation (slang). Short, low trailer peculiarly for itself; more properly called
with high bow tarp. "municipal" law, to distinguish it from the
"law of nature," and from international law.
city gate These laws are concerned with civil or private
A point or measuring station at which a distri- rights and remedies, as contrasted with crimi-
bution gas utility receives gas from a natural nal laws.
gas pipeline company or transmission system.
civil liberties
City Solicitor Personal, natural rights guaranteed and pro-
See Town Counsel. tected by the Constitution. Examples are
city trip freedom of speech, press, freedom from dis-
A commercial vehicle trip within a single city, crimination, etc. The body of law dealing
town, county, or other geographic jurisdiction. with natural liberties, shorn of excesses which
civil invade equal rights of others. Constitution-
An area of the law where matters are decided ally, they are restraints on government.
with no criminal consequences, as in con- civil nuisance
tracts, torts, eminent domain, licensing, At common law, anything done to hurt or an-
grants, Civil Penalties, and most administra- noyance of lands, tenements, or hereditaments
tive enforcement. Contrasted with investiga- of another.
tions and criminal prosecutions carried out civil obligation
following Criminal Procedure rather than One which binds in law, and may be enforced
Civil Procedure. in a court of justice.
civil action civil offense
Action brought to enforce, redress, or protect Term used to describe violations of statutes
private rights. In general, all types of actions making the act a public nuisance.
other than criminal proceedings. The term in-

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civil penalties clarification
Represents punishment for specific activities, Clearing action that occurs during wastewater
e.g., violation of antitrust or securities laws, treatment when solids settle out. This is often
usually in the form of fines or money dam- aided by centrifugal action and chemically in-
ages. duced coagulation in wastewater.
civil procedure clarifier
Body of law concerned with methods, proce- A quiescent tank used to remove suspended
dures, and practices used in civil litigation. solids by gravity settling. Also called sedi-
Civil Rights Act mentation or settling basins, they are usually
An act designed to prohibit public accommo- equipped with a motor-driven rake mecha-
dations and employment discrimination due to nism to collect settled sludge and move it to a
a person's color, race, religion, sex, or na- central discharge point.
tional origin. clarifying agent
claim Any substance used to remove turbidity from
(1) To demand as one's own or as one's own drinks.
right; to assert; to urge; to insist. A cause of clarifying lotion
action. Means by or through which a claim- A substance for removing oil and grease from
ant obtains possession or enjoyment of a the face.
privilege or thing. Demand for money or clash point
property as a right (e.g., an insurance claim). A point at which the human body or its reach
claim adjuster envelope, whether physically or in computer
An independent agent or employee of an in- modeling, intersects some equipment, instru-
surance company who negotiates and settles mentation, or workspace boundaries in a
claims against the insurer. workplace.
claimant class
One who claims or asserts a right, demand, or (1) With respect to the certification, ratings,
claim. privileges, and limitations of airmen, means a
Claims Court, U.S. classification of aircraft within a category
This federal court was established in 1982 and having similar operating characteristics. Ex-
succeeds to all the original jurisdiction for- amples include single engine, multiengine,
merly exercised by the Court of Claims. The land, water, gyroplane, helicopter, airship, and
court has jurisdiction to render money judg- free balloon. (2) With respect to the certifica-
ments upon any claim against the United tion of aircraft, means a broad grouping of
States founded under either (a) upon the Con- aircraft having similar characteristics of pro-
stitution, or (b) any act of Congress or any pulsion, flight, or landing. Examples include
regulation of an executive department, or (c) airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon, land
upon any express or implied in fact contract plane, and seaplane.
with the United States, or (d) for liquidated or Class I biological safety cabinet
unliquidated damages in cases not sounding in An open-front, negative pressure, ventilated
tort. Judgments of the Court are final and cabinet with a minimum inward face velocity
conclusive on both the claimant and the at the work opening of at least 75 feet per
United States subject to an appeal as of right minute with the exhaust air filtered through a
to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal HEPA filter.
Circuit. Authority also rests with the court to Class II biological safety cabinet-laminar flow
furnish reports on any bill that may be re- An open-front, ventilated cabinet with an av-
ferred by either House of Congress. Jurisdic- erage inward face velocity at the work open-
tion of the Court is nationwide, and jurisdic- ing of at least 75 feet per minute and provid-
tion over the parties is obtained when suit is ing HEPA-filtered recirculated airflow in the
filed and process is served on the United cabinet workspace and exhaust air passed
States through the Attorney General. through a HEPA filter.

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Class III biological safety cabinet Class II Motor Carrier
A totally enclosed cabinet of gas-tight con- Motor carrier with annual revenues between
struction, such as a glove-box. The exhaust $3 and $10 million. Prior to January 1, 1994,
fan for this cabinet is a dedicated unit with the revenue classification level was between
exhaust air discharged directly to the out- $1 and $5 million.
doors. Air entering the cabinet is passed Class III-A laser
through a HEPA filter, with operations con- A visible laser which can cause injury to the
ducted in the enclosure using glove ports. In eyes. Class III laser devices are classed as
use, the cabinet is maintained at 0.5 inches medium-power laser devices.
water gauge negative pressure.
Class III-B laser
Class 100 Clean Room Can cause injury to the eye as a result of
An area or room in which the particle count in viewing the direct or reflected beam. Class III
the air does not exceed 100 particles per cubic laser devices are classed as medium-power la-
foot in the size range of 0.5 micrometers and ser devices.
Class III Motor Carrier
Class 10,000 Clean Room Motor carrier with annual revenues over $1
An area or room in which the particle count in million and less than $3 million. Prior to
the air does not exceed 10,000 particles per January 1, 1994, the revenue classification
cubic foot larger than 0.5 micrometers or 65 level was under $1 million.
particles per cubic foot larger than 5 mi-
crometers in size. Class IV laser
These are high-powered laser systems that
Class 100,000 Clean Room require extensive exposure controls for pre-
An area or room in which the particle count in venting eye and skin exposure to both the di-
the air does not exceed 100,000 particles per rect and reflected laser beam.
cubic foot larger than 0.5 micrometers or 700
particles per cubic foot larger than 5 mi- Class V laser
crometers. Includes any Class II, III, or IV laser device
which, by virtue of appropriate design or en-
Class I Freight Railroad gineering controls, cannot directly irradiate
Defined by the Interstate Commerce Commis- the eye at levels in excess of established ex-
sion each year based on annual operating posure limits.
revenue. For 1988, the threshold for Class I
railroads was $87.9 million. A railroad is Class I Location
dropped from the Class I list if it fails to meet Those in which flammable gases or vapors are
the annual earnings threshold for three con- or may be present in the air in quantities suffi-
secutive years. cient to produce explosive or ignitable mix-
tures. Class I locations include
Class I laser
Referred to as an exempt laser. Under normal Class I, Division 1. A location in which a)
conditions, these do not emit a hazardous hazardous concentrations of flammable gases
level of optical radiation. or vapors may exist under normal operating
conditions, or b) hazardous concentrations of
Class I Motor Carrier such gases or vapors may exist frequently be-
Motor carrier with annual revenues greater than cause of repair or maintenance operations or
$10 million. Prior to January 1, 1994, the reve- because of leakage, or c) breakdown or faulty
nue classification level was $5 million. operation of equipment or processes might
Class I Railroad release hazardous concentrations of flamma-
A railroad with an annual gross operating ble gases or vapors, and might also cause si-
revenue in excess of $250 million based on multaneous failure of electric equipment.
1991 dollars. This classification usually includes locations
Class II laser where volatile flammable liquids or liquefied
A low-power laser which may cause retinal flammable gases are transferred from one
injury if viewed for long periods of time. container to another; interiors of spray booths

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and areas in the vicinity of spraying and termining the classification and extent of each
painting operations where volatile flammable location. Piping without valves, checks, me-
solvents are used; locations containing open ters, and similar devices would not ordinarily
tanks or vats of volatile flammable liquids; introduce a hazardous condition even though
drying rooms or compartments for the evapo- used for flammable liquids or gases. Loca-
ration of flammable solvents; locations con- tions used for the storage of flammable liq-
taining fat and oil extraction equipment using uids or liquefied or compressed gases in
volatile flammable solvents; portions of sealed containers would not normally be con-
cleaning and dying plants where flammable sidered hazardous unless also subject to other
liquids are used; gas generator rooms and hazardous conditions. Electrical conduits and
other portions of gas manufacturing plants their associated enclosures separated from
where flammable gas may escape; inade- process fluids by a single seal or barrier are
quately ventilated pump rooms for flammable classed as a Division 2 location if the outside
gas or for volatile flammable liquids; the inte- of the conduit and enclosure is a nonhazard-
riors of refrigerators and freezers in which ous location.
volatile flammable materials are stored in Class II Location
open, lightly stopped, or easily ruptured con- Those that are hazardous because of the pres-
tainers; and all other locations where ignitable ence of combustible dust. Class II locations
concentrations of flammable vapors or gases include the following:
are likely to occur in the course of normal op-
erations. Class II, Division 1. A location in which
a) combustible dust is or may be in suspen-
Class I, Division 2. A location in which a) sion in the air under normal operating condi-
volatile flammable liquids or flammable gases tions, in quantities sufficient to produce ex-
are handled, processed, or used, but in which plosive or ignitable mixtures, or b) where me-
the hazardous liquids, vapors, or gases will chanical failure or abnormal operation of ma-
normally be confined within closed containers chinery or equipment might cause such explo-
or closed systems from which they can escape sive or ignitable mixtures to be produced, and
only in the case of accidental rupture or might also provide a source of ignition
breakdown of such containers or systems, or through simultaneous failure of electric
in the case of abnormal operation of equip- equipment, operation of protection devices, or
ment, or b) hazardous concentrations of gases from other causes, or c) in which combustible
or vapors are normally prevented by positive dusts of an electrically conductive nature may
mechanical ventilation, and which might be- be present. This classification may include
come hazardous through failure or abnormal areas of grain handling and processing plants,
operations of the ventilating equipment, or c) starch plants, sugar-pulverizing plants, malt-
that is adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 loca- ing plants, hay-grinding plants, coal pulver-
tion, and to which hazardous concentrations izing plants, areas where metal dusts and
of gases or vapors might occasionally be powders are produced or processed, and other
communicated unless such communication is similar locations which contain dust produc-
prevented by adequate positive-pressure ven- ing machinery and equipment (except where
tilation from a source of clean air, and effec- the equipment is dust-tight or vented to the
tive safeguards against ventilation failure are outside). These areas would have combusti-
provided. This classification usually includes ble dust in the air, under normal operating
locations where volatile flammable liquids or conditions, in quantities sufficient to produce
flammable gases or vapors are used, but explosive or ignitable mixtures. Combustible
which would become hazardous only in case dusts which are electrically nonconductive in-
of an accident or of some unusual operating clude dusts produced in the handling and
condition. The quantity of flammable mate- processing of grain products, pulverized sugar
rial that might escape in case of accident, the and coca, dried egg and milk powders, pul-
adequacy of ventilating equipment, the total verized spices, starch and pastes, potato and
area involved, and the record of the industry wood flour, oil meal and beans and seed,
or business with respect to explosions fires dried hay, and other organic materials which
are all factors that merit consideration in de-

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may produce combustible dusts when proc- baled waste kapok, Spanish moss, excelsior,
essed or handled. Dusts containing magne- and other materials of similar nature.
sium or aluminum are particularly hazardous Class III, Division 2. A location in which
and the use of extreme caution is necessary to easily ignitable fibers are stored or handled,
avoid ignition and explosion. except in the process of manufacturing.
Class II, Division 2. A location in which Class 1 Road
a) combustible dust will not normally be in Hard surface highways including interstate
suspension in the air in quantities sufficient to and U.S. numbered highways (including al-
produce explosive or ignitable mixtures, and ternates), primary state routes, and all con-
dust accumulations are normally insufficient trolled access highways.
to interfere with the normal operation of elec-
trical equipment or other apparatus, or b) dust Class 2 Road
may be in suspension in the air as a result of Hard surface highways including secondary
infrequent malfunctioning of handling or state routes, primary county routes, and other
processing equipment, and dust accumula- highways that connect principal cities and
tions resulting therefrom may be ignitable by towns, and link these places with the primary
abnormal operation or failure of electrical highway system.
equipment or other apparatus. This classifi- Class 3 Road
cation includes locations where dangerous Hard surface roads not included in a higher
concentrations of suspended dust would not class and improved, loose surface roads pass-
be likely but where dust accumulations might able in all kinds of weather. These roads are
form on or in the vicinity of electric equip- adjuncts to the primary and secondary high-
ment. These areas may contain equipment way systems. Also included are important
from which appreciable quantities of dust private roads such as main logging or indus-
would escape under abnormal operating con- trial roads which serve as connecting links to
ditions or be adjacent to a Class II, Division 1 the regular road network.
location, as described above, into which an
explosive or ignitable concentration of dust Class 4 Road
may be put into suspension under abnormal Unimproved roads which are generally pass-
operating conditions. able only in fair weather and used mostly for
local traffic. Also included are driveways, re-
Class III Location gardless of construction.
Those locations that are hazardous because of
the presence of easily ignitable fibers or flying Class 5 Road
but in which such fibers or flyings are not Unimproved roads passable only with 4-
likely to be in suspension in the air in quanti- wheel drive vehicles.
ties sufficient to produce ignitable mixtures. Class A Explosive
Class III locations include the following: Possessing detonating or otherwise maximum
Class III, Division 1. A location is a loca- hazard, such as dynamite, nitroglycerin, picric
tion in which easily ignitable fibers or materi- acid, lead azide, fulminate of mercury, black
als producing combustible flyings are han- powder, blasting caps, and detonating primers.
dled, manufactured, or used. Such locations Class A and B Explosives In Bulk
usually include some parts of rayon, cotton, The transportation, as cargo, of any Class A
and other textile mills; combustible fiber or B explosive(s) in any quantity.
manufacturing and processing plants; cotton
Class A by Inland and Coastal Waterways
gins and cotton-seed mills; flax-processing
plants; clothing manufacturing plants; wood-
A class A carrier by water is one with an av-
working plants, and establishment; and in-
erage annual operation revenue that exceeds
dustries involving similar hazardous processes
or conditions. Easily ignitable fibers and fly-
ings include rayon, cotton (including cotton Class A Fire
linters and cotton waste), sisal or henequen, A fire involving ordinary combustible materi-
istle, jute, hemp, tow, cocoa fiber, oakum, als such as paper, wood, cloth, and some rub-

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ber and plastic materials. See also fire classi- and substantial, and the other secondary, sig-
fication. nifying an arrangement or enumeration
Class B by Inland and Coastal Waterways adopted for convenience only.
Carrier classification of risks
A class B carrier by water is one with an av- Term used in fire insurance to designate the
erage annual operating revenue greater than nature and situation of the articles insured,
$100,000 but less than $500,000. and in accident insurance to the occupation of
Class B Explosive the applicant.
Possessing flammable hazard, such as pro- classified waste
pellant explosives (including some smokeless Waste material that has been given security
propellants), photographic flash powders, and classification in accordance with the U.S.
some special fireworks. Code and Executive Order.
Class B Fire classifier
A fire involving flammable or combustible A device used to separate constituents ac-
liquids, flammable gases, greases, and similar cording to relative sizes or densities.
materials, and some rubber and plastic materi- clastogenic
als. See also fire classification. Substance that damages chromosomes.
Class C Explosive clathrate
Includes certain types of manufactured arti- A compound formed by the inclusion of mole-
cles which contain Class A or Class B explo- cules in cavities formed by crystal lattices.
sives, or both, as components but in restricted
quantities. claused bill of lading
A bill of lading which has exceptions to the
Class C Fire receipt of merchandise in "apparent good or-
A fire involving energized electrical equip- der" noted.
ment where the safety to firefighter requires
the use of electrically non-conductive extin- clavicle
guishing media. See also fire classification. The bone which connects the sternum and the
scapula. Synonymous with collarbone.
Class D Fire
A fire involving combustible metals such as clay
magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, A fine-grained earthy material that is plastic
lithium, and potassium. See also fire classifi- when wet, rigid when dried, and vitrified
cation. when fired to high temperatures.
classical anthropometry clay liner
The measurement of various static body girths A layer of clay soil added to the bottom and
and lengths with measurement devices such as sides of an earthen basin for use as a disposal
a simple tape measure, anthropometer, and site of potentially hazardous wastes.
calipers. Synonymous with conventional an- clean
thropometry and traditional anthropometry. (1) To remove dirt, impurities, or other unde-
classical conditioning sired entities. (2) Pertaining to a condition in
A type of learning in which an initially neutral which specified or implied standards are met
stimulus is paired with a natural stimulus and for cleanliness.
response such that after some number of trials clean air
the neutral stimulus will elicit the natural re- Air that is free of any substance that will ad-
sponse. versely affect the operation or cause a re-
classification sponse of an instrument.
Arrangement into groups or categories on the Clean Air Act (CAA)
basis of established criteria. The word may 1970 U.S. federal law requiring air pollutant
have two meanings, one primarily signifying emission standards; reauthorized in 1977 and
a division required by statutes, fundamental again in 1990.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) clean-fuel vehicle standards applicable under
Amendments issued in 1990 to expand the the CAA for that model year to clean-fuel
EPA's enforcement powers and place restric- vehicles in that class or category.
tions on air emissions. clean room
clean alternative fuel A specially constructed area or space that is
Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), any fuel, carefully controlled for airborne aerosols, tem-
including methanol, ethanol, or other alcohols perature, humidity, air flow, and, in some cases,
(including any mixture thereof containing 85 air pressure. Personnel who enter or work in
percent or more by volume of such alcohol such a space must follow very strict protocols
with gasoline or other fuels, reformulated with regard to clothing and other coverings
gasoline, diesel, natural gas, liquefied petro- (e.g., hair, face, etc.) to ensure the integrity of
leum gas, and hydrogen) or power source the clean room environment. Periodic meas-
(including electricity) used in a clean-fuel urements are taken inside the room to deter-
vehicle that complies with the standards and mine the level of contaminants present. The
requirements applicable to such vehicle under level of these protocols is usually dependent
CAA when using such fuel or power source. upon the class of clean room. See also Class
In the case of any flexible fuel vehicle or dual- 100/10,000/100,000 Clean Room.
fuel vehicle, the term “clean alternative fuel”
means only a fuel with respect to which such
vehicle was certified as a clean-fuel vehicle
meeting the standards applicable to clean-fuel
vehicles under the CAA when operating on
clean alternative fuel (or any California Air
Research Board standards which replace such
standards pursuant to the CAA).
clean area
In asbestos abatement, a controlled environment
which is maintained and monitored to assure a
low probability of asbestos contamination in
that space.
clean bill of lading
A bill of lading which covers goods received
in apparent good order and condition and
without qualification.
clean bore
A single tank without compartments inside.
clean coal technology
Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), any
technology, including technologies applied at
the pre-combustion, combustion, or post-
combustion stage, at a new or existing facility
which will achieve a significant reduction in Personnel who work in a clean room environment are required
to take specific precautions and wear special clothing that
air emissions of sulfur dioxide or oxides of ensure the preservation of clean room integrity.
nitrogen associated with the utilization of coal
in the generation of electricity, process steam, Clean Water Act (CWA)
or industrial products, which was not in 1972 U.S. federal law regulating surface wa-
widespread use as of November 15, 1990. ter discharges; updated in 1987.

clean-fuel vehicle cleaning allowance

Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), a vehicle in That paid time given an employee for per-
a class or category of vehicles which has been sonal hygiene required due to the working en-
certified to meet, for any model year, the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

vironment and for workspace and tool clean- clear ice
ing. Also referred to as cleanup time. A layer of ice that appears transparent be-
cleanup cause of its homogeneous structure and small
Actions taken to deal with the release or threat number and size of air pockets.
of release of a hazardous substance that could clear of the runway
affect humans and/or the environment. The (1) A taxiing aircraft, which is approaching a
term "cleanup" is sometimes used inter- runway, is clear of the runway when all parts
changeably with the terms remedial action, of the aircraft are held short of the applicable
removal action, response action, or corrective holding position marking. (2) A pilot or con-
action. troller may consider an aircraft, which is ex-
cleanup time iting or crossing a runway, to be clear of the
See cleaning allowance. runway when all parts of the aircraft are be-
yond the runway edge and there is no Air
clear Traffic Control (ATC) Federal Aviation Ad-
(1) A function which removes the current se- ministration (FAA) Glossary C 2 restriction to
lection from the display. (2) To remove any its continued movement beyond the applica-
turbidity from a fluid. (3) Without conflict or ble holding position marking. (3) Pilots and
confusion in understanding or action. controllers shall exercise good judgment to
clear air turbulence (CAT) ensure that adequate separation exists be-
Turbulence encountered by aircraft flying tween all aircraft on runways and taxiways at
through cloudless skies. Thermals, wind airports with inadequate runway edge lines or
shear, and jet streams can each be a factor in holding position markings.
producing this phenomenon. clearance lamp
clear and convincing proof A lamp used on the front and the rear of a
That proof which results in reasonable cer- motor vehicle to indicate its overall width and
tainty of the truth of the ultimate fact in a height.
controversy. This is proof which requires clearance limit
more than a preponderance of evidence, but The fix, point, or location to which an aircraft
less than proof beyond a reasonable doubt. is cleared when issued an air traffic clearance.
clear and present danger clearance sampling
Doctrine in constitutional law providing that A sampling procedure carried out at the end
governmental restrictions on First Amend- of an asbestos abatement activity to determine
ment freedoms of speech and press will be whether the asbestos abatement has been ef-
upheld if necessary to prevent grave and im- fective and the fiber concentration is accept-
mediate danger to those interests which the able. Typically, the acceptable concentration
government may lawfully protect. Speech is the background level, or that which has
which incites to unlawful action falls outside been specified in the abatement contract.
the protection of the First Amendment where
there is a direct connection between the clearance traffic control
speech and violation of the law (this is the Authorization for an aircraft to proceed under
"clear and present danger test"). conditions specified by an air traffic control
clear cutting
The practice of completely felling a stand of clearance void if not off by time
trees, usually followed by the replanting of a Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to advise
single species. an aircraft that the departure clearance is
automatically canceled if takeoff is not made
clear evidence or proof prior to a specified time. The pilot must ob-
Evidence which is positive, precise, and ex- tain a new clearance or cancel his Instrument
plicit, which tends directly to establish the Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan if not off by the
point which is adduced and is sufficient to specified time.
establish a prima facie case. It necessarily
means a clear preponderance of proof.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

clearance void time above which no object nor any terrain pro-
A time specified by an air traffic control unit trudes. However, threshold lights may pro-
at which a clearance ceases to be valid unless trude above the plane if their height above the
the aircraft concerned has already taken action end of the runway is 26 inches or less and if
to comply therewith. they are located to each side of the runway.
cleared approach (2) For turbine engine powered airplanes cer-
Air Traffic Controller (ATC) authorization for tificated after September 30, 1958, but before
an aircraft to execute any standard or special August 30, 1959, an area beyond the takeoff
instrument approach procedure for that air- runway extending no less than 300 feet on
port. Normally, an aircraft will be cleared for either side of the extended centerline of the
a specific instrument approach procedure. runway, at an elevation no higher than the
elevation of the end of the runway, clear of all
cleared as filed fixed obstacles, and under the control of the
Means the aircraft is cleared to proceed in airport authorities.
accordance with the route of flight filed in the
flight plan. This clearance does not include clearwell
the altitude, standard instrument departure A tank or reservoir of filtered water used to
(SID), or SID transition. backwash a filter.

cleared for takeoff cleats

Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorization for With regard to ladders, cross-pieces of rec-
an aircraft to depart. It is predicated on tangular cross-section placed on edge which a
known traffic and known physical airport person may step in, ascending or descending.
conditions. cleavage line
cleared for the option Any line of tension in the skin along which a
Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorization for an tear will tend to occur from a penetrating ob-
aircraft to make a touch-and-go, low ap- ject, producing a slit rather than a rounded
proach, missed approach, stop-and-go, or full- opening. Also referred to as Langer's line.
stop landing at the discretion of the pilot. It is Clerical Task Inventory (CTI)
normally used in training so that an instructor A compilation of over 100 clerical or office-
can evaluate a student's performance under type tasks for job evaluation or wage determi-
changing situations. Also known as option nation purpose.
approach. click
cleared through Press and release a button on an input device
Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorization for such as a mouse or track ball to provide a
an aircraft to make intermediate stops at command or other input to a computer.
specified airports without refiling a flight plan client
while enroute to the clearance limit. An individual, corporation, trust, or estate that
cleared to land employs a professional to advise or assist it in
Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorization for the professional's line of work. Professionals
an aircraft to land. It is predicated on known include but are not limited to safety and health
traffic and known physical airport conditions. professionals, industrial hygienists, environ-
clearway mental personnel, attorneys, accountants, ar-
Aviation. (1) For turbine engine powered air- chitects, etc.
planes certificated after August 29, 1959, an client's privilege
area beyond the runway, not less than 500 feet The right of a client to require an attorney not
wide, centrally located about the extended to disclose confidential communications made
centerline of the runway, and under the con- to him/her in the attorney-client relationship,
trol of the airport authorities. The clearway is including disclosure on the witness stand.
expressed in terms of a clearway plane, ex- climate
tending from the end of the runway with an The accumulation of daily and seasonal
upward slope not exceeding 1.25 percent, weather events over a long period of time.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

climatic optimum for heat loss via the respiratory system and
A period in geological history (approximately passive diffusion through the skin; that
7000 to 5000 years ago) when temperatures amount of insulation needed in a sitting and
were warmer than at present. resting average individual to be thermally
climatological forecast comfortable in a normally ventilated room
A weather forecast, usually a month or more (approximately 10 cm/sec air velocity, 21°C
temperature, and 50% relative humidity).
in the future, which is based upon the climate
of a region rather than upon current weather clockwise rotating shift
conditions. Pertaining to a rotating shift work schedule in
which the shift worked is periodically delayed
climb to VFR
by increments (i.e., from the first shift to the
Air Traffic Control (ATC) authorization for
second, or from the second to the third).
an aircraft to climb to Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) conditions within clause B, C, D, and cloning
E surface areas when the only weather limita- In biotechnology, obtaining a group of geneti-
tion is restricted visibility. The aircraft must cally identical cells from a single cell. This
remain clear of clouds while climbing to Vis- term has assumed a more general meaning
ual Flight Rules (VFR). that includes making copies of a gene.
climbout close-coupled pump
That portion of flight operation between take- A pump coupled directly to a motor without
off and the initial cruising altitude. gearing or belting.
climbout speed close the gates
With respect to rotorcraft, means a referenced Transportation (slang). To close the rear
airspeed which results in a flight path clear of doors of a trailer.
the height-velocity envelope during initial Close View
climbout. A feature which permits enlargement of the
clinical laboratory display characters for easier reading by visu-
A workplace where diagnostic or other ally impaired individuals.
screening procedures are performed on blood closed-circuit SCBA
or other potentially infectious materials. A self-contained respiratory protective device
clinical tests in which the breathing air is recirculated and
Tests involving direct observation of the pa- rebreathed after carbon dioxide has been re-
tient, including laboratory and diagnostic ex- moved to maintain the quality of the breathing
aminations. air.
clinker closed-cycle cooling system
A fused byproduct of the combustion of coal A cooling water system in which heat is trans-
or other solid fuels. ferred by recirculating water contained within
the system, producing a relatively small blow
downstream of concentrated solids.
See clinoptilolite.
clinoptilolite closed insurance policy
A naturally occurring clay that can be used in an Insurance contract, the terms and rates of
ion exchange process for ammonia removal. which cannot be changed.

clipboard closed-loop recycling

A temporary computer-editing buffer which is Reclaiming or reusing wastewater for non-
independent of, but able to interface with, potable purposes in an enclosed process.
other system applications. Also referred to as closed-loop system
temporary editing buffer. Any type of system in which the output or
clo some derivative of the output from the system
A unit for the thermal insulation provided by is directed back into the system itself. Syn-
clothing, not counting the approximately 25% onymous with feedback control loop.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

closed respiration system closure
A breathing gas system that is self-contained Occurs when a series of pattern elements are
and provides a continuing and proper oxy- perceived as a single unit, rather than unre-
gen/nitrogen supply ratio and pressure for its lated parts.
personnel, with removal of carbon dioxide closure plan
and excess water vapor. Written plan to decommission and secure a
closed runway hazardous waste management facility.
A runway that is unusable for aircraft opera- clothes changing allowance
tions. Only the airport management/military Any work time for which an employee is paid
operations office can close a runway. due to a requirement for removing one cloth-
closed shop ing assembly and donning another. Also
Exists where workers must be members of a called clothes changing time.
union as a condition of their employment. clothes changing time
This practice was made unlawful by the Taft- See clothes changing allowance.
Hartley Act.
closed shop contract Any tailored or processed material or combi-
A contract requiring an employer to hire only nation of materials which may be used to
union members and to discharge nonunion cover the body or its parts, for whatever pur-
members and requiring that employees, as a poses.
condition of employment, remain union
members. A "closed shop" provision in a clothing area factor (fcl)
collective bargaining agreement requires That portion of increased surface area over
membership in the contracting union before a the nude body which is added by clothing.
job applicant can be employed and for the du- Represented by the formula:
ration of his/her employment.
clothed body surface area
closed traffic fcl =
nude body surface area
Successive operations involving takeoffs and
landings or low approaches where the aircraft clothing assembly
does not exit the traffic pattern. See clothing system.
closed union clothing ensemble
A labor union whose membership rolls have See clothing system.
closed. See also closed shop. clothing fastener
closed window Any device, mechanism, or system for at-
A display window not accessible to the user taching different articles of clothing or por-
without taking some specific action to gain tions of a single piece of clothing together.
access. clothing insulation value
closing argument See thermal insulation value of clothing.
The final statements by an attorney to the jury clothing system
or the court summarizing the evidence that The combination of garments and their ar-
they think they have established and the evi- rangement being worn on the body at any one
dence that they think the other side has failed time. Also referred to as clothing assembly
to establish. The argument does not constitute and clothing ensemble.
evidence and may be limited in time by rule
of the court. clotting
The formation of a jelly-like substance over
closing dam the ends or within the walls of a blood vessel,
An earthen, sand, rock, or rock and brush with resultant stoppage of the blood flow. A
structure built across sloughs or back channels natural defense mechanism of the body. A
to stop current flow at water stages below the clot usually forms within 5 minutes after a
crest elevation of the structure. Low flows blood vessel wall has been damaged.
are thus diverted to the main channel.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cloud cm
A mass of small water droplets in the atmos- Centimeter.
phere that are not of sufficient size to fall to CMA
the earth. See Chemical Manufacturers Association.
cloud chamber CMOS
A device for observing the paths of ionizing Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor
particles, based on the principle that super- sensor.
saturated vapor condenses more readily on
ions than on neutral molecules. CMSA
See consolidated metropolitan statistical
cloud seeding area.
The introduction of artificial substances such
as silver iodide or dry ice into clouds to in- CMV
duce rain. See commercial motor vehicle.
cloud streets CNG
Term used to describe lines or rows of cu- See compressed natural gas.
muliform clouds. CNS
cloud-to-ground lightning See central nervous system.
See lightning. CNS effect
cloudburst An effect which occurs to the central nervous
Any sudden and heavy rain shower. system, including drowsiness, dizziness, loss
of coherence, and reasoning, as well as other
CLP effects.
See Contract Laboratory Program.
coach passenger revenue
cluster Revenues from the air transportation of pas-
(1) Epidemiology. An increased incidence or sengers moving at fares reduced from the first
suspected excess occurrence of a disease in class or premium fares which are predicated
time, location, area, occupation, etc. (2) Fi- upon both the operation of specifically desig-
bers. A structure with fibers in a random ar- nated aircraft space and a reduction in the
rangement such that all fibers are intermixed quality of service regularly and ordinarily
and no single fiber is isolated from the group, provided.
with the groupings having more than two in-
tersections. coach service
Transport service established for the carriage
cluster workstation of passengers at special reduced passenger
A multi-person workstation built around a fares that are predicated on both the operation
central core to provide some separation from of specifically designed aircraft space and a
co-workers. reduction in the quality of service regularly
cluster zoning and ordinarily provided.
Such zoning modifies lot size and frontage co-administrator
requirements on certain conditions involving One who is a joint administrator with one or
setting aside of land by the developer for more others.
parks, schools, or other public needs.
clutter The destabilization and initial aggregation of
In radar operations, clutter refers to the recep- finely divided suspended solids by the addi-
tion and visual display of radar returns caused tion of a polyelectrolyte or a biological proc-
by precipitation, chaff, terrain, numerous air- ess.
craft targets, or other phenomena. Such re-
turns may limit or preclude Air Traffic Con- coagulin
trol (ATC) from providing services based on An antibody (precipitin) that coagulates its
radar. antigen.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

coal Co a lit io n fo r Env i ro nm enta lly Resp o nsi ble
A black or brownish-black solid, combustible Economies (CERES)
substance formed by the partial decomposi- Ten environmentally responsible principles
tion of vegetable matter without access to air. originally known as the "Valdez Principles"
The rank of coal, which includes anthracite, with which a company voluntarily complies
bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, and initially and in subsequent years. Some of the
lignite, is based on fixed carbon, volatile benefits to the company are positive publicity,
matter, and heating value. Coal rank indicates lowering costs, and increasing revenues by
the progressive alteration, or coalification, recycling activities, and strengthening its en-
from lignite to anthracite. Lignite contains vironmental standards to avoid disasters.
approximately 9 to 17 million British Thermal Coanda effect
Unit (BTU) per ton. The heat contents of sub- The tendency of a liquid coming out of a noz-
bituminous and bituminous coal range from zle or orifice to travel close to the wall con-
16 to 24 million BTU per ton, and from 19 to tour even if the wall curves away from the
30 million BTU per ton, respectively. An- jet's axis.
thracite contains approximately 22 to 28 mil-
lion BTU per ton. coarse-bubble aeration
An aeration system that utilizes submerged
coal gasification
diffusers which release relatively large bub-
The conversion of solid coal to a gas mixture
to be used as a fuel.
coarse sand
coal miner's pneumoconiosis
Sand particles, usually larger than 0.5 mm.
A pneumoconiosis resulting from the deposi-
tion of coal dust in the lungs. Characterized coarse screen
by emphysema. Also referred to as black lung A screening device usually having openings
disease and coal worker's pneumoconiosis greater than 25 mm (1").
(CWP). coast
coal pile runoff (1) General. To continue moving without the
Rainfall runoff from or through a coal storage additional application of mechanical or physi-
pile. cal power, as in coasting in a motor vehicle,
on a bicycle, or other type of vehicle. (2)
coal slurry
Ecology. The edge or margin of a country
Finely crushed coal mixed with sufficient
bounding on the sea. The term includes small
water to form a fluid.
islands and reefs naturally connected with the
coal tar adjacent land, and rising above the surface of
A black viscous liquid with a naphthalene-like the water. This word is particularly appropri-
odor that is obtained by the destructive distil- ate to the edge of the sea, while "shore" may
lation of bituminous coal and used as a raw be used to describe the margins of inland wa-
material for dyes, solvents, and many other ters. In precise modern usage, the term
products. Coal tar is known to contain many "shore" denotes a line of low-water mark
carcinogens and, thus, its use has been ex- along a mainland, while the term "coast" de-
tremely curtailed. notes a line of shore plus the line where in-
coal worker's pneumoconiosis land waters meet the open sea.
See coal miner's pneumoconiosis. Coast Guard
coalesce The Coast Guard is responsible for enforcing
The merging of two droplets to form a single, federal laws on the high seas and navigable
larger droplet. waters of the United States and its posses-
sions. Navigation and vessel inspection laws
coalescence are specific responsibilities. Under the provi-
The merging of cloud droplets into a single sions of the Federal Boating Act of 1958,
larger droplet. Coast Guard boarding teams inspect small
boats to insure compliance with required
safety measures. The Coast Guard cooperates

©2000 CRC Press LLC

with other agencies in their law enforcement coastal water quality monitoring (national
responsibilities, including enforcement of coastal monitoring)
drug, conservation, and marine environmental A continuing program of measurement,
laws. analysis, and synthesis to identify and quantify
coast waters coastal water quality conditions and trends to
Tide waters navigable from the ocean by sea- provide a technical basis for decision making.
going craft, the term embracing all waters coastal waters (United States)
opening directly or indirectly into the ocean Waters of the Great Lakes, including their
and navigable by ships coming in from the connecting waters and those portions of
ocean as great as that of the larger ships rivers, streams, and other bodies of water
which traverse the open seas. having unimpaired connection with the open
coastal sea up to the head of tidal influence, including
Means transits to or from the Maritimes and wetlands, intertidal areas, bays, harbors, and
U.S. Atlantic Ports. lagoons, including waters of the territorial sea
of the United States and the contiguous zone.
Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone
An Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project
over the coastal waters of the United States. Un der th e Fed eral Co astal Wetlan ds
Plan n in g , Pro tectio n an d Resto ratio n Act,
coastal ecosystem th e ob tain in g of a real prop erty in terest in
A system of interacting biological, chemical, co astal lan d s or waters, if th e ob tain in g of
and physical components throughout the su ch in terest is su b ject to terms an d
water column, water surface, and benthic co nd itio ns th at will en su re th at th e real
environment of coastal waters. p rop erty will be ad min istered fo r th e lo n g -
coastal fix term co n serv atio n of su ch lan d s an d waters
A navigation aid or intersection where an an d th e hy d ro log y , water quality , an d fish
aircraft transitions between the domestic route an d wild life dep en d ent th ereo n ; an d th e
structure and the oceanic route structure. resto ratio n , man ag emen t, or en h ancemen t
o f co astal wetlan d s eco sy stems if su ch res-
coastal reclamation to ratio n , arrang emen t, or en h an cemen t is
Reclaiming land from shallow coastal areas of co nd u cted on coastal lan d s an d waters th at
the sea by dumping rubble and refuse, or by are ad ministered fo r th e lon g -term co n ser-
constructing breakwaters and sea walls and v atio n of su ch lan d s an d waters an d th e hy -
drainage of the enclosed area. d rolo g y , water qu ality , an d fish an d wild life
coastal state d epen d en t th ereo n .
A state of the United States in, or bordering Coastal Wetlands Restoration Project
on, the Atlantic, Pacific, or Arctic Oceans, the Under the Federal Coastal Wetlands Planning,
Gulf of Mexico, Long Island Sound, or one or Protection and Restoration Act, any technically
more of the Great Lakes. Under the Federal feasible activity to create, restore, protect, or
Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and enhance coastal wetlands through sediment and
Restoration Act, the term may also include freshwater diversion, water management, or
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the other measures that the Task Force (Louisiana
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restor-
Islands, and the Trust Territories of the ation Task Force) consisting of the Secretary of
Pacific Islands and American Samoa. the Army, who shall serve as chairman, the
coastal water quality (national coastal monitor- EPA Administrator, the Governor of Lou-
ing) isiana, the Secretary of the Interior, the Sec-
The physical, chemical and biological para- retary of Agriculture and the Secretary of
meters that relate to the health and integrity of Commerce, finds will significantly contribute
coastal ecosystems. to the long-term restoration or protection of
the physical, chemical and biological integrity
of coastal wetlands in the State of Louisiana,
and includes any such activity authorized

©2000 CRC Press LLC

under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Pro- su rface or lan d su b strate, gro u n dwaters, an d
tection and Restoration Act or under any other ambien t air prox imal to th ose waters. Th e
provision of law, including, but not limited to, term "co astal zo n e" delin eates an area of
new projects, completion or expansion of federal resp o n sib ility fo r resp o nse actio n .
existing or on-going projects, individual Precise bo u n d aries are determin ed by
phases, portions, or components of projects ag reemen ts between the En v iro n mental
and operation, maintenance and rehabilitation Protection Ag ency (EPA) an d th e U.S.
of completed projects. The primary purpose C o ast Gu ard (USC G), an d are id en tified in
of a “coastal wetlands restoration project” Federal Reg io n al Co n tin g en cy Plans an d
shall not be to provide navigation, irrigation Area Co n tin g en cy Plans.
or flood control benefits. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
coastal zone An Act req u iring all fed eral ag encies an d
(1 ) Lan d s an d waters ad jacen t to th e coast p ermittees wh o co n d u ct activ ities affectin g
th at ex ert an in flu ence on th e uses of th e sea a state's co astal zo ne to co mp ly with an
an d its eco lo g y, or, in v ersely , wh o se uses ap pro v ed state co astal zo n e man agemen t
an d eco log y are affected by th e sea. (2) In p r og r a m.
th e Un ited States th e co astal waters coastwise traffic
(inclu d ing th e lan d s th erein an d th ereun d er) Do mestic traffic wh ich mo v es ov er th e
an d th e ad jacent sh o re lan ds (in clu d in g th e o cean , or th e Gu lf of Mex ico , e.g., between
waters therein an d thereu n der), stro n g ly New Orlean s an d Baltimo re, New York an d
in flu en ced by each oth er and in pro x imity Pu erto Rico , San Francisco an d Hawaii,
to th e sho relines of th e sev eral co astal Pu erto Rico an d Hawaii. Traffic between
states, an d in clu d e islan d s, transitio nal an d Great Lakes po rts an d seacoast ports, wh en
in tertid al areas, salt marsh es, wetlan ds, an d h avin g a carriag e ov er th e ocean , is also
b each es. Th e zo n e exten d s, in Great Lak es d eemed to be coastwise. The Ch esap eak e
waters, to th e in ternatio n al bo u nd ary B ay an d Pu g et So u n d are co nsid ered
b etween th e Un ited States an d Canad a and , in tern al bo d ies of water rath er th an arms of
in oth er areas, seaward to th e outer limit of th e ocean; traffic con fin ed to these areas is
State title an d own ersh ip un d er th e Federal d eemed to be "in tern al" rath er than
Su bmerg ed Lan d s Act, th e Act of March 2, co astwise.
1 9 17 , th e Co v enan t to Establish a Co mmon -
wealth of th e No rth ern Marian a Islan d s in cobalt
Po litical Un io n with th e United States of A ch emical elemen t, ato mic nu mb er 27 ,
America, as ap pro v ed by th e Act of March atomic weig h t 58 .9 3 3 , sy mb ol Co . Rad -
2 4 , 19 7 6 , or the Act of No vemb er 20 , 196 3 , io iso to p es of co b alt are used fo r im-
as ap p licab le. Th e zo n e exten d s in lan d p lan tation in th e treatmen t of vario u s fo rms
from th e sh o relin es on ly to th e ex ten t o f malig nan cy an d also serve as th e radio -
n ecessary to con tro l sh o re lan d s, th e uses of activ e sou rce in teleth erapy machin es.
wh ich have a direct an d sign ifican t impact COC
o n th e coastal waters, an d to co ntro l th o se See cycles of concentration.
g eog rap h ical areas which are lik ely to be
affected by or vu ln erab le to sea lev el rise. cocaine
Ex clu d ed fro m th e co astal zo n e are lan ds A white crystalline narcotic alkaloid extracted
th e use of wh ich is by law su b ject so lely to from coca leaves. Used as a local anesthetic.
th e discretio n of or wh ich is held in tru st by A "controlled substance" as included in
th e Fed eral Go vern ment, its officers, or narcotic laws.
ag en ts. Th e term "co astal zo ne" refers to all co-carcinogen
Un ited States waters su b ject to th e tide, A substance that works symbiotically with a
waters of th e Great Lak es an d Lake carcinogen in the development of cancer.
C h amp lain, sp ecified po rts an d harb o rs on
in lan d riv ers, waters of the co n tig u o u s zo n e,
See desert fever.
o ther waters of th e hig h seas su bject to th e
Natio n al Co n ting en cy Plan , an d the lan d

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Spherical bacteria cells. Cocci (plural) may
appear singly, in pairs called diplococci, in
chains, or in grape-like clusters.
A triangular-shaped bone at the base of the
spine formed by the fusion of the lowest four
(sometimes five or three) vertebrae, and
forming the caudal extremity of the vertebral
A sp iral cavity of th e inn er ear, shap ed like a
sn ail shell, that con tains the organ of hear-
in g. The coch lea is filled with fluid and is
co nn ected with the midd le ear by two mem-
bran e-cov ered op en ing s, th e ov al windo w
(fen estra vestib uli) an d the roun d win do w
(fen estra coch leae). Inside the co chlea is the
organ of Co rti, a structure of high ly sp ecial-
ized cells that translate so un d vib ratio ns in to
nerv e imp ulses. The cells of th is organ hav e
tiny hair-like strand s (cilia) th at protru de in to
th e fluid of the coch lea. Sou nd vibration s
are relay ed from the ty mpanic membrane
(eardrum) to the bones of hearing in the
The cockpit (or cabin) of an aircraft with the pilot in command
midd le ear to th e oval win do w of th e coch- seated on the left and the co-pilot seated on the right
lea, where they set up corresp ond in g vib ra-
tion s in th e flu id of the co ch lea. Th ese vi- COD
bratio ns mo ve th e cilia of the organ of Co rti, See certificate of disposal. Also, acronym for
wh ich then sen ds nerv e imp ulses to the chemical oxygen demand.
cochlear duct (1) To translate information or data from one
A tu be-sh ap ed stru ctu re with in th e cochlea form or symbol to another form or symbol
wh ich is filled with en dolymph an d con tain s which has a meaning in its own context. (2)
th e organ of Corti an d the tectorial mem- A set of mandatory standards or regulations
bran e. adopted by a local, regional, national, or in-
ternational governmental agency which has
the force and/or effect of law; a set of recom-
Inflammation of the cochlea.
mended rules or guidelines within an industry.
cochleovestibular (3) A sequence of steps in some process, such
Pertaining to the cochlea and vestibule of the as a computer program or task. (4) A system
ear. of symbols which can be used to organize
and/or communicate information about con-
ditions, processes, or entities. (5) The number
The location within a vehicle from which
assigned to a particular multiple pulse reply
control of the vehicle and observation of the
signal transmitted by a transponder.
external environment and events may occur.
Usually refers to the operating/control area of Code of Federal Regulations
an aircraft. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the
annual accumulation of executive agency
regulations published in the daily Federal
Register (FR), combined with regulations is-

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sued previously that are still in effect. Di- consists of three civilian judges. Automatic
vided into 50 titles, each representing a broad review before the Court is provided for all
subject area, individual volumes of the Code cases in which the sentence, as affirmed by a
of Federal Regulations are revised at least Court of Military Review, affects a general or
once each calendar year and issued on a stag- flag officer or extends to death. In addition,
gered quarterly basis. The CFR contains the the Judge Advocate General of each service
general body of regulatory laws governing may direct that a case be reviewed by the
practice and procedure before federal admin- Court. An accused may petition the Court for
istrative agencies. The CFR title for Labor, review.
which includes occupational safety and health coded track circuit
regulations, is number 29. Environmental A track circuit in which the energy is varied
regulatory requirements can be found in Title or interrupted periodically.
40 and Transportation regulations are con-
tained in Title 49. codeine
An alkaloid obtained from opium or prepared
Code of Hammurabi from morphine by methylation.
Prescribed indemnification for major injuries
or death in circa 1792-1750 B.C. Required codification
the punishment for causing the injury or death The process of collecting and arranging sys-
of another person to match the loss incurred, tematically, usually by subject, the laws of a
literally an eye for an eye. The Code's pri- state or country, or the rules and regulations
mary purpose was to assess blame and pro- covering a particular area or subject of law or
vide indemnification (or revenge), rather than practice. Examples include the United States
to determine the cause of the accident itself. Code, the Code of Military Justice, the Code
These set of laws were once considered the of Federal Regulations, and the California
oldest promulgation of laws in human history Evidence Code. The end product may be
prepared by a Babylonian king. called a code, revised code, or revised statutes.
Code of Military Justice codisposal
This code, which is uniformly applicable in A method of sludge disposal where the di-
all its parts to the Army, the Navy (including gested sludge is mixed with sorted refuse and
the Marines), the Air Force, and the Coast incinerated, composted, or treated by pyroly-
Guard, covers both the substantive and the sis prior to final disposal.
procedural law governing military justice and COE
its administration in all of the armed forces of See cab-over-engine.
the United States. The Code established a
system of military courts, defines offenses, coefficient
authorizes punishment, provides broad proce- A number by which one value is to be multi-
dural guidance, and statutory protection which plied in order to give another value, or a num-
conform to the due process safeguards pre- ber that indicates the range of an effect pro-
served and established by the Constitution. duced under certain conditions.
As an additional safeguard for an accused coefficient alpha
person, the Code also provides for a system of A measure of the internal consistency and/or
automatic appellate review. A Court of Mili- reliability of a scale.
tary Review is established within each service
coefficient of alienation (k)
to review all court-martial cases where the
A measure of the lack of relationship between
sentence includes death, punitive discharge,
two variables
or confinement for one year or more. Appel-
late review in this court is automatic. No ap- k = 1 r2
proved sentence of a court-martial may be
executed unless such findings and sentence where:
are affirmed by a Court of Military Appeals, r = correlation coefficient
which was established to review certain cases coefficient of concordance
from all the Armed Forces. The latter Court See Kendall's coefficient of concordance.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

coefficient of correlation coefficient of static friction (µ)
See correlation coefficient. The ratio of the magnitude of the static force
coefficient of determination (r2, d) to the magnitude of the perpendicular force
The proportion of the variance accounted for between two objects/surfaces.
by the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of utilization (CU)
coefficient; equal to the Pearson product- The value of the ratio of the luminous flux
moment correlation coefficient squared. Syn- reaching the workplace to the total luminous
onymous with generality. See also Pearson flux emitted from a lighting source, as in the
product-moment correlation coefficient. formula:
coefficient of entry (Ce) lumens reaching work surface
The actual rate of flow caused by a given CU =
lumens emitted by lamp
hood static pressure compared to the theoreti-
cal flow which would result if the static pres- coefficient of variation (Cv)
sure could be converted to velocity pressure A statistical parameter equal to the standard
with 100% efficiency. deviation of the sample data divided by the
coefficient of evaporative heat transfer mean of the data. It is often expressed as the
See evaporative heat transfer coefficient. percent coefficient of variation. Another term
for it is the relative standard deviation.
coefficient of friction (µ)
See coefficient of rolling friction, coefficient coerce
of sliding friction, coefficient of static fric- Compelled to compliance; constrained to
tion. Synonymous with friction coefficient. obedience, or submission in a vigorous or
forcible manner.
coefficient of kinetic friction
See coefficient of rolling friction, coefficient COFC
of sliding friction. See container on flatcar.
coefficient of haze (COH) coffee break
A measure of air visibility determined by the See rest period.
darkness of the stain remaining on white pa- cofferdam
per after it has been used to filter air. A temporary dam, usually of sheet piling,
coefficient of multiple correlation built to provide access to an area that is nor-
See multiple correlation coefficient. mally submerged.
coefficient of non-determination (k2) coffin
That proportion of the variance between two (1) A box or container used to contain the
variables not accounted for by the coefficient remains of a deceased animal, most typically
of determination. humans, in perpetuity. (2) See cask.
coefficient of reflection coffin-box
See reflection coefficient. Transportation (slang). Sleeper compartment
independent of truck cab.
coefficient of reliability
See reliability coefficient. cogeneration
A power system that simultaneously produces
coefficient of rolling friction both electrical and thermal energy from the
The ratio of the magnitude of the rolling force same source.
to the magnitude of the perpendicular force
between two objects/surfaces at the point cognition
where their surfaces are parallel. Those higher mental activities or intellectual
coefficient of sliding friction (µ)
The ratio of the magnitude of the sliding force cognitive disability
to the magnitude of the perpendicular force Any disability involving literacy, mental ca-
between two objects/surfaces. pacity, learning, non-motor speech processes,
or perceptual processes.

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cognitive dissonance cohort study
A discrepancy which exists between a per- An epidemiological study where population
son's attitudes or statements and behaviors. subgroups with a common exposure to a sus-
cognitive reaction time pected disease-causing agent are studied over
That temporal interval between the receipt of time to determine the risk of developing dis-
a stimulus and the initiation of a response in a ease.
task which requires some type of choice and coincidental peak-day flow
which is presumed to involve cognitive proc- The volume of gas that moves through a
essing. Also referred to as decision time. pipeline or section thereof or is delivered to a
cognitive restructuring customer on the day of the year when the
A mental exercise in which attempts are made pipeline system handles the largest volume of
by an individual to change certain personal gas.
beliefs. coinsurance
cognizance A relative division of risk between the insurer
Jurisdiction, or the exercise of jurisdiction, or and the insured, dependent upon the relative
power to try and determine causes. Judicial amount of the policy and the actual value of
examination of a matter, or power and the property insured, and taking effect only
authority to make it. when the actual loss is partial and less than
the amount of the policy; the insurer being li-
Cognizant Officer in Charge of Marine In- able to the extent of the policy for a loss equal
spection (OCMI) to or in excess of that amount. Insurance
The Officer in Charge Marine Inspection in policies that protect against hazards such as
which the manufacturer responsible for defect fire or water damage often specify that the
notification (or other corrective action) is lo- owner of the property may not collect the full
cated. Commandant (G-MVI) directs specific amount of insurance for a loss unless the in-
actions for OCMIs to take in cases where a surance policy covers at least some specified
single cognizant OCMI cannot be identified. percentage, usually 80 percent, of the re-
COH placement cost of the property. See also in-
See coefficient of haze. surance.
COHb coinsurance clause
See carboxyhemoglobin. Provision in insurance policy requiring a
property owner to carry insurance up to an
coherence amount determined in accordance with the
A measure of the correlation at each fre- provisions of the policy.
quency, or within each frequency band, be-
tween two time series signals. coke
The solid carbon residue resulting from the
coherent distillation of coal or petroleum.
A light beam is coherent when its waves have
a continuous relationship among phases. coke tray aerator
An aerator where water is sprayed or flows
cohort over coke-filled trays.
A group of individuals selected for scientific
study in toxicology, epidemiology, or some cold
other study focus. (1) An acute and highly contagious virus in-
fection of the upper respiratory tract. See also
cohort analysis common cold. (2) A relatively low tempera-
A method used in employment discrimination ture as compared with the normal tempera-
suits to test for race discrimination whereby ture; the lack of heat. A total absence of heat
all employees who start together at the same is absolute zero, at which all molecular mo-
level are surveyed over the course of an ob- tion ceases. A body temperature below 94°F
servation period and their comparative pro- results in impairment of the heat-regulating
gress in salary and promotion is evaluated. center in the hypothalamus. As the tempera-
ture drops, sleepiness and coma develop, and

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as a result the central nervous system heat- collagen diseases
control mechanism is depressed and shivering A group of poorly understood diseases that
(a means of heat production) is prevented. cause deterioration of the connective tissues.
cold clouds Their cause is unknown, and the relationships
See supercooled cloud. among them are unclear. Apparently they are
not infectious. Widely varying symptoms
cold fog often make early diagnosis difficult. The four
See supercooled cloud. major forms of collagen diseases include sys-
cold front temic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis no-
A transition zone where a cold air mass ad- dosa, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis. In
vances and replaces a warm air mass. addition to these four diseases, rheumatoid
arthritis and rheumatic fever are frequently
cold lime-soda softening held to belong to the group.
Lime-soda softening process of water treat-
ment at ambient temperatures. collapse
(1) To break down or flatten. (2) A state of
cold occlusion extreme prostration.
See occluded front.
collar cloud
cold start fluorescent lamp See wall cloud.
See instant start fluorescent lamp.
cold stress See clavicle.
A form of environmental/thermal stress in
which too much body heat is lost to a cold en- collateral source rule
vironment. Under this rule, if an injured person receives
compensation for his/her injuries from a
cold wave source wholly independent of the tort-feasor,
A rapid fall in temperature within 24 hours the payment should not be deducted from the
that often requires increased protection for ag- damages which he/she would otherwise col-
riculture, industry, commerce, and human ac- lect from the tort-feasor. In other words, a de-
tivities. fendant tort-feasor may not benefit from the
cold work fact that the plaintiff has received money from
Mechanical or other type of work of a non- other sources as a result of the defendant's tort
sparking nature that presents no risk of fire or (e.g., sickness and health insurance).
explosion. collection
colic In solid waste management, the act of re-
A severe cramping in the abdomen. moving solid waste (or materials which have
been separated for the purpose of recycling)
coliform bacteria
from a central storage point.
Rod-shaped bacteria living in the intestines of
humans and other warm-blooded animals. collection efficiency
A measure of sampler performance as deter-
coliform index
mined from the ratio of the material collected
A rating of the purity of water based on the
to the amount present in the sampled air.
count of fecal bacteria present in it.
Typically expressed as a percentage.
coliform organism
collection main
Microorganisms found in the intestinal tract
The public sewer to which a building service
of humans and animals. Their presence in
or individual system is connected.
water indicates potentially dangerous bacterial
contamination. collective bargaining
(1) As contemplated by National Labor Rela-
tions Act (N.L.R.A), a procedure looking to-
A scleroprotein present in connective tissue of
ward the making of collective agreements
the body.
between an employer and accredited repre-
sentatives of union employees concerning

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wages, hours, and other conditions of em- neighborhoods as well as direct access to arte-
ployment, and requires that both parties deal rials.
with each other with open and fair minds and Collier's disease
sincerely endeavor to overcome obstacles ex- See black lung disease.
isting between them to the end that employ-
ment relations may be stabilized and obstruc- collimate
tion to the free flow of commerce prevented. Make parallel to a certain path.
(2) Negotiation between an employer and or- collimated beam
ganized employees as distinguished from in- A beam of light or electromagnetic radiation
dividuals, for the purpose of determining by with parallel waves.
joint agreement the conditions of employ-
ment. collimating optics
Those optical components, such as lenses,
collective bargaining agreement used to produce parallel rays of light.
An agreement between an employer and a
labor union which regulates terms and condi- collimation
tions of employment. The joint and several The confining of a beam of particles or rays to
contract of members of a union made by offi- a defined cross-section.
cers of the union as their agents establishing, collimator
in a general way, the reciprocal rights and re- A device for confining a beam, such as radia-
sponsibilities of employer, employees collec- tion, within a solid angle.
tively, and the union. Such is enforceable by
and against the union in matters which affect
(1) General. Striking together of two objects,
all members, particularly those who are em-
one of which may be stationary. Act or in-
ployees of the other party to contract.
stance of colliding; state of having collided.
collective bargaining unit The term implies an impact or sudden contact
All of the employees of a single employer, of a moving body with an obstruction in its
unless the employees of a particular depart- line of motion, whether both bodies are in
ment or division have voted otherwise. motion or one stationary and the other, no
collective labor agreement matter which, is in motion. (2) Railroad. An
Also called "trade agreement." Bargaining impact between on-track equipment consists
agreement as to wages and conditions of work while both are on rails and where one of the
entered into by groups of employees, usually consists is operating under train movement
organized into a brotherhood or union on one rules or is subject to the protection afforded to
side and groups of employers or corporations trains. This includes instances where a por-
on the other side. tion of a consist occupying a siding is fouling
the main line and is struck by an approaching
collector chain train. It does not include impacts occurring
Chain used to convey sludge scraper in a rec- while switching within yards, as in making up
tangular sludge collector. or breaking up trains, shifting or setting out
collector highway cars, etc.
Collector highways are those highways which collision accident
link local highways to arterial highways. An accident involving a collision between a
collector ring commercial motor vehicle and another object.
An assembly of slip rings for transferring Collision objects include trains, other motor
electrical energy from a stationary to a rotat- vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, animals, and
ing member. fixed objects.
collectors collision between aircraft
Transportation. In rural areas, routes serving Is so classified only when both aircraft are
intra-county, rather than statewide travel. In occupied. This includes collisions wherein
urban areas, streets providing direct access to both aircraft are airborne (midair); both on the
ground or where one is airborne and the other

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on the ground. A collision with a parked un- attempts. Reports are made if the incident re-
occupied aircraft is classified under the broad sults in death, injury, or property damage over
category of collision with objects. $1,000.
collision insurance collision with vehicle
A form of automobile insurance that covers An incident in which a transit vehicle strikes
loss to the insured vehicle from its collision or is struck by another vehicle. Reports are
with another vehicle or object, but not cover- made if the accident results in death, injury, or
ing bodily injury or liability also arising out of property damage over $1,000.
the collision. A type of coverage which pro- colloid
tects the insured for damages to his/her own Suspended solid with a diameter less than one
property in an accident as contrasted with li- micron that cannot be removed by sedimenta-
ability insurance which protects him/her in an tion alone.
action or claim for loss to another person's
property. See also insurance and convertible collusion
collision insurance. The behavior in which one person acts on
behalf or to the benefit of himself/herself plus
collision with another vessel one or more others.
Any striking together of two or more vessels,
regardless of operation at time of the accident, colony-forming units (CFU)
is a collision. (Also includes colliding with The number of bacteria present in a sample as
the tow of another vessel, regardless of the determined in a laboratory plate count test
nature of the tow, i.e., surfboard, ski ropes, where the number of visible bacteria colony
tow line, etc.) units present is counted.
collision with fixed object colophony
The striking of any fixed object, above or be- Rosin, such as that used in rosin core solder.
low the surface of the water. color
collision with floating object (1) A property of a surface or substance due
Collision with any waterborne object above or to absorption of certain light rays and reflec-
below the surface that is free to move with the tion of others within the range of wavelengths
tide, current, or wind, except another vessel. (roughly 370 to 760 mµ) adequate to excite
the retinal receptors. (2) Radiant energy
collision with object within the range of adequate chromatic stim-
(1) Transportation. An incident in which a uli of the retina, i.e., between the infrared and
transit vehicle strikes an obstacle other than a ultraviolet. (3) A sensory impression of one
vehicle or person (e.g., building, utility pole). of the rainbow hues. (4) Water condition re-
Reports are made if the accident results in a sulting from presence of colloidal material
death, injury, or property damage over (see apparent color) or organic matter (see
$1,000. (2) Aviation. Where an occupied air- true color), measured by visual comparison
craft collides with a parked unoccupied air- with lab prepared standards. (5) That aspect
craft or some other object. of visual perception due solely to stimulation
collision with other vehicles of the retinal cones by different wavelengths
An incident involving one or more transit of electromagnetic radiation within the visible
agency vehicles and any other vehicle. Re- spectrum, and neglecting such aspects of a
port collisions between rail cars from cou- stimulus such as structure, size, and pattern.
pling operations. Report fatalities or injuries color additive
that occur inside the transit vehicle as well as Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
fatalities or injuries that occur inside other in- Act, a material which (a) is a dye, pigment,
volved vehicles. or other substance made by a process of
collision with people synthesis or similar artifice, or extracted,
An incident in which a transit vehicle strikes a isolated, or otherwise derived, with or without
person. Except where specifically indicated, intermediate or final change of identity, from
collisions with people do not include suicide a vegetable, animal, mineral, or other source;

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and (b) when added or applied to a food, color discrimination
drug, or cosmetic, or to the human body or The ability to perceive visual matches or note
any part thereof, is capable (alone or through differences between hue, saturation, and
reaction with other substance) of imparting brightness of two or more colored stimuli.
color thereto. Synonymous with visual color discrimination.
color assimilation color formulation
A type of chromatic induction in which the The use of any one or combination of meth-
difference or contrast between adjacent, dif- ods for making a desired color, including
ferently colored fields diminishes. Also mathematical models, materials, colorants,
known as Bezold spreading effect. particle sizes, absorption coefficients, and
color blindness scattering coefficients.
Inability to distinguish between certain colors. color grade
Genuine color blindness, a complete inability A measure of the color appearance of a prod-
to see colors, is quite rare, affecting only one uct, which may be used to determine price or
person in 300,000. Generally, the term de- quality.
scribes some form of deficiency of color vi- Color index
sion. The most common form is red-green A publication by the American Association of
confusion, which affects approximately 8 Textile Chemists and Colorists which provides a
million people in the United States. There is large number of reference dyes and pigments.
no known cure for color deficiency. Color vi-
sion is a function of the cones in the retina of color match
the eye, which are stimulated by light and (1) A condition in which two colored stimuli
transmit impulses to the brain. It is now appear identical. (2) Make one variable color
thought that there are three types of cones, stimulus appear the same as a reference
each type stimulated by one of the primary stimulus.
colors in light (red, green, and violet). Most color matching function
cases of color deficiency affect either the red See tristimulus value.
or green receptors, so that the two colors do
not appear distinct from each other. See also color mixing
monochromasia, protanopia, deuteranopia, The bending of colored lights or materials to
trianopia, monochromat, and color vision alter an existing color. See also additive color
deficiency. mixing and subtractive color mixing.

color coding color ordering system

The use of multiple colors for easier, more Any method for the unambiguous interpola-
rapid visual identification, access, and/or tion between closely related colors within a
processing of groups of organized materials. large set of colors. Also referred to as CIE
color system, Munsell color system, Federal
color constancy Standard 595a, coloroid color system, Inter-
The phenomenon in which an object appears Society Color Council - National Bureau
to have approximately the same color under Color System.
different lighting conditions.
color pseudo-stereopsis
color contrast The visual perception of depth or of structure
See chromatic contrast. being out of the background plane from ob-
color contrast threshold jects emitting or reflecting different dominant
See chromatic contrast threshold. frequencies or wavelengths (especially blues
and reds) within a dark background. Also re-
color correction ferred to as chromostereopsis.
An adjustment made for the presentation of
color image, usually to make perceived colors color rendering
appear more natural. That effect which a light source other than a
standard illuminant has on the apparent color
color deficiency of an object.
See color vision deficiency.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

color rendering index colorimetry
See CIE color rendering index. An analytical method in which color is devel-
color saturation oped in a reaction between the sorbent and a
A perceptual attribute pertaining to the contaminant with the resulting color intensity
strength or vividness of a particular hue. measured photometrically for determining
contaminant concentration. See also pho-
color system tometry.
See color ordering system.
coloring agent
color temperature (Tc) See colorant.
The temperature (in Kelvin) of a radiating
blackbody having the same chromaticity or colorless
spectral distribution as a given color light Having no chromatic color; achromatic.
source. coloroid color system
color temperature scale A color ordering system which attempts to
A scale by which the color of light emitted provide equal aesthetic spacing between col-
from an incandescent source is related to tem- ors and is based on specifications of hue (A),
perature, normally corresponding to the Kel- chromatic content (T), and lightness (V). See
vin scale. Also referred to as temperature also color ordering system.
color scale. column
color vision A vertical arrangement of numbers, text, or
See photopic vision. other information in a matrix or table.

color vision deficiency coma

Having some form of reduced color sensation A state of unconsciousness from which the
ability. See also protanomaly, deuteranom- person cannot be aroused by physical stimu-
aly, tritanomaly, color blindness. lation. See also unconsciousness.

color wheel COMBIMAN

A disk consisting of multiple colored and ap- See Computer Biomechanical Man.
propriately interleaved radial segments, each combination chain
segment being a single color, for providing a Chain used in conveyor applications, having
desired perceptual color mixture when spun cast block links with steel pins and connecting
rapidly. bars.
colorant combination export manager
Any substance added to a product to provide a A firm which acts as an export sales agent for
different color. Also referred to as coloring two or more U.S. manufacturers, all of which
agent. are noncompetitive with the others.
Colorcurve® combination packaging
A color ordering system based on the physical A combination of packaging, for transport
brightness of gray levels. purposes, consisting of one or more inner
colorfulness packagings secured in a non-bulk outer pack-
That attribute of a visual sensation which ap- aging. It does not include a composite pack-
pears to exhibit more or less of its hue. aging.

colorimeter combination passenger and cargo ships

A photoelectric instrument used to measure Ships with a capacity for 13 or more passen-
the amount of light of a specific wavelength gers.
absorbed by a solution. combination tone
colorimetric tube An apparent secondary tone heard when two
See detector tube. pure primary tones having widely separated
frequencies are presented simultaneously.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

combination trailer so great as to cause overflows. When this oc-
A trailer used to handle freight in the trans- curs, untreated mixtures of storm water and
portation of goods for others; excludes house sewage may flow into receiving waters.
trailers, light farm trailers, and car trailers. Stormwater runoff may also carry toxic
combination truck chemicals from industrial areas or streets into
(1) Consists of a power unit (a truck tractor) the sewer system.
and one or more trailing units (a semitrailer or combined work
trailer). The most frequently used combina- A job or task involving any combination of
tion is popularly referred to as a "tractor- two or more workers or workers and multiple
semitrailer" or "tractor trailer." (2) A tractor machines.
not pulling a trailer; a tractor pulling at least combustible
one full or semitrailer, or a single-unit truck Capable of being ignited with resultant burn-
pulling at least one trailer. ing or explosion.
combined available chlorine combustible dust
The concentration of chlorine combined with A dust that is capable of undergoing combus-
ammonia as chloramine and still available to tion or of burning when subjected to a source
oxidize organic matter. of ignition.
combined center combustible gas indicator (CGI)
An air traffic facility which combines the An instrument for determining the presence
functions of an air route traffic control center and concentration of a combustible and/or
and a radar approach control facility. flammable hydrocarbon vapor/gas-air mixture
combined household energy expenditures relative to the lower explosive limit of the
(1) The total amount of funds spent for energy substance. Essentially all combustible or
consumed in, or delivered to, a housing unit flammable vapors or gases can be detected
during a given period of time and for fuel with this type of device, but their concentra-
used to operate the motor vehicles that are tion cannot be determined accurately unless
owned or used on a regular basis by the the instrument has been calibrated for the spe-
household. (2) The total dollar amount for cific substance or mixture. It is essential that
energy consumed in a housing unit includes adequate oxygen be present (i.e., above ap-
state and local taxes but excludes merchandise proximately 12%) for the proper operation of
repairs or special service charges. Electricity this type of detector.
and natural gas expenditures are for the combustible gases
amount of those energy sources consumed. The mixture of gases and vapors produced by
Fuel oil, kerosene, and LPG expenditures are burning.
for the amount of fuel purchased, which may
differ from the amount of fuel consumed. (3) combustible liquid
The total dollar amount of fuel spent for vehi- Any liquid that has a flash point at or above
cles is the product of fuel consumption and 100 degrees Fahrenheit and below 200
price. degrees Fahrenheit.
combined motions combustibles
Two or more parallel elemental movements Refers to materials that can be ignited at a
performed by a given body segment. specific temperature in the presence of air to
release heat.
combined sewer overflow (CSO)
Wastewater flow that consists of storm water combustion
and sanitary sewage. A chemical process that involves oxidation
sufficient to produce light or heat. Also
combined sewers referred to as fire.
A sewer system that carriers both sewage and
stormwater runoff. Normally, its entire flow combustion product
goes to a waste treatment plant, but during a Substance produced during burning or
heavy storm, the stormwater volume may be oxidation of a material.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

comfort command error
(1) A state of subjective well-being in relation An inappropriate or incorrect command en-
to one's external environment. (2) The tered into a computer.
absence of significant or excessive physical command input
and/or mental stressors. The entering of a command to a system.
comfort-discomfort boundary command language
That threshold luminance in a glare condition A clearly defined specific set of terms for di-
at which visual discomfort becomes apparent. recting control of a computer.
Synonymous with borderline between comfort
and discomfort. command line
A command area composed of a single line on
Comfort-Health Index (CHI) a text display which is reserved for user-
A table based on a computed effective tem- entered commands.
perature, assuming a 50% relative humidity,
for determining expected thermal sensations. command post
Facility located at a safe distance upwind
comfort rating from an accident site, where the on-scene co-
An expressed measure of the level of satisfac- ordinator, responders, and technical repre-
tion with one or more aspects of an individ- sentatives can make response decisions, de-
ual's current environment. ploy manpower and equipment, maintain liai-
comfort rating scale son with the news media, and handle commu-
Any of a number of ranking techniques for nications.
rating comfort. comment period
comfort ventilation Time provided for the public to review and
Airflow intended to remove heat, odors, comment on a proposed EPA action or rule-
smoke, etc. from an inside location and pro- making after it is published in the Federal
vide a comfortable environment for occu- Register.
pants. commerce
comfort zone (1) The exchange of goods, productions, or
The range of effective temperatures, as identi- property of any kind; the buying, selling, and
fied by ASHRAE, over which the majority exchanging of articles. Also, the transporta-
(50% or more) of adults feel comfortable. tion of persons and property by land, water,
ASHRAE has identified combinations of dry- and/or air. (2) Under the Toxic Substances
and wet-bulb temperatures and air movement Control Act (TSCA), the term means trade,
for summer and winter conditions that provide traffic, transportation, or other commerce
comfort for room occupants. between a place in a state and any other place
comfortable reach outside a state or actions which might affect
That range through which an individual can such trade, traffic, or commerce. (3) Any
reach without straining excessively against trade, traffic or transportation within the ju-
gravity or a restraint. risdiction of the United States between a place
in a state and a place outside of such state, in-
comma cloud cluding a place outside of the United States
A band of organized cumuliform clouds that and trade, traffic, and transportation in the
looks like a comma on a satellite photograph. United States which affects any trade, traffic,
command and transportation described in the first part of
Any statement which may potentially be input this definition.
to a computer system and which calls for one commerce clause
or more specific actions. A provision in the U.S. Constitution (Art. I, §
command area 8, cl. 3) granting Congress the power to
A region within a display in which user input authorize administrative agencies such as
commands are presented for viewing. OSHA to act. Specifically, the commerce

©2000 CRC Press LLC

clause grants Congress the power "to regulate authorizes the individual to operate a class of
commerce ...among the States." a commercial motor vehicle.
Commerce Department commercial driver's license information sys-
Part of the executive branch of the federal tem (CDLIS)
government headed by a cabinet member A database containing information on CDLs
(Secretary of Commerce) which is concerned issued in the United States. Established by
with the promotion of domestic and interna- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
tional business and commerce. It may also be pursuant to section 12007 of the Commercial
a department of a state government with Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986.
similar functions. commercial insurance
commerce power Indemnity agreements, in the form of insur-
See police power. ance bonds and policies, whereby parties to
commercial commercial contracts are, to a designated ex-
Relates to or is connected with trade and traf- tent, guaranteed against loss by reason of a
fic or commerce in general; is occupied with breach of contractual obligations on the part
business and commerce. of the other contracting party. To this class
belong policies of contract and title insurance.
commercial activity See also insurance.
Term includes any type of business or activity
which is carried on for a profit. commercial invoice
A document of the transaction between a
commercial air carrier buyer and a seller.
An air carrier certificated in accordance with
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 121 commercial law
or 127 to conduct scheduled services on A phrase used to designate the whole body of
specified routes. These air carriers may also substantive jurisprudence (e.g., Uniform
provide non-scheduled or charter services as a Commercial Code; Truth in Lending Act) ap-
secondary operation. Four carrier groupings plicable to the rights, intercourse, and rela-
have been designated for statistical and finan- tions of persons engaged in commerce, trade,
cial data aggregation and analysis: Majors or mercantile pursuits.
(annual operating revenues greater than $1 commercial motor vehicle (CMV)
billion), Nationals (annual operating revenues (1) Under 49 CFR 383. A motor vehicle or
between $100 million and $1 billion), Large combination of motor vehicles used in com-
Regionals (annual operating revenues be- merce to transport passengers or property if
tween $10 million and $99,999,999), Medium the motor vehicle: a) has a gross combination
Regionals (annual operating revenues less weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds inclu-
than $10 million). sive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle
commercial airport weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds; or
A public airport which is determined to en- b) has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001
plane annually 2,500 or more passengers and or more pounds; or c) is designed to transport
receive scheduled passenger service of air- 16 or more passengers, including the driver;
craft. See also commercial service airport. or d) is of any size and is used in the trans-
portation of materials found to be hazardous
commercial body for the purposes of the Hazardous Materials
Transportation. A body type not normally Transportation Act and which require the
furnished by the original equipment manu- motor vehicle to be placarded under the Haz-
facturer as a standard option but available ardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 172,
from other manufacturers (e.g., dump, com- subpart F). (2) Under 49 CFR 350 and 49
pactor tank, and utility). CFR 390. Any self-propelled or towed vehi-
commercial driver's license (CDL) cle used on public highways in interstate
A license issued by a state or other jurisdic- commerce to transport passengers or property
tion, in accordance with the standards con- when: a) the vehicle has a gross vehicle
tained in 49 CFR 383 to an individual, which weight rating or gross combination weight

©2000 CRC Press LLC

rating of 10,001 or more pounds; or b) the lishment operating them is considered com-
vehicle is designed to transport more than 15 mercial.
passengers, including the driver; or c) the ve- commercial service airport
hicle is used in the transportation of hazard- A public airport that is determined by the Sec-
ous materials in a quantity requiring plac- retary [of Transportation] to enplane annually
arding under regulations issued by the Secre- 2,500 or more passengers and receive sched-
tary of Transportation under the Hazardous uled passenger service of aircraft. The com-
Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. App. mercial service airports are further catego-
1801-1813). rized as primary and non-primary. See also
commercial motor vehicle traffic violation commercial airport.
See serious traffic violation. commercial service non-primary airport
commercial operator A commercial service airport which is deter-
A person who, for compensation or hire, en- mined by the Secretary [of Transportation] to
gages in the carriage by aircraft in air com- enplane between 2,500 and 10,000 passengers
merce of persons or property, other than as an annually.
air carrier or foreign air carrier or under the commercial service primary airport
authority of Part 375 of this title. Where it is A commercial service airport which is deter-
doubtful that an operation is for compensation mined by the Secretary [of Transportation] to
or hire, the test applied is whether the car- have more than 10,000 passengers enplaned
riage by air is merely incidental to the per- annually. A primary airport can be further
son's other business or is, in itself, a major classified as a large, medium, small, or non-
enterprise for profit. hub.
commercial passengers commercial use
Number of revenue and nonrevenue passen- Use in commercial enterprise providing sal-
gers arriving or departing via commercial air- able goods or services.
craft and helicopters on a scheduled or non-
scheduled flight. commercial waste
Solid waste from nonmanufacturing estab-
commercial pilot lishments such as office buildings, markets,
A commercial pilot may act as pilot-in- restaurants, and stores.
command of an aircraft carrying passengers
for compensation or hire and act as pilot-in- comminuted
command in an aircraft that is being operated Broken into small pieces, as a type of bone
for compensation or hire. fracture. See also comminutor.
commercial rental motor vehicle comminution
A motor vehicle obtained from a commercial Mechanical shredding or pulverizing of waste.
source such as the Military Traffic Manage- Used in both solid waste management and
ment Command (MTMC) rental car agree- wastewater treatment.
ments for a period of 60 days or less. comminutor
commercial sector A circular screen with cutters that grinds large
As defined economically, consists of business sewage solids into smaller, settling particles.
establishments that are not engaged in trans- commission
portation or in manufacturing or other types (1) A warrant or authority, issuing from the
of industrial activity (agriculture, mining, or government, or one of its departments, or a
construction). Commercial establishments in- court, empowering a person or persons named
clude hotels, motels, restaurants, wholesale to do certain acts, or to exercise the authority
businesses, retail stores, laundries, and other of an office. An example would be the Occu-
service enterprises; religious and nonprofit pational Safety and Health Review Commis-
organizations (health, social, and educational sion (OSHRC). (2) An incentive plan which
institutions); and federal, state, and local gov- represents an award to the employee of some
ernments. Street lights, pumps, bridges, and
public services are also included if the estab-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

specified portion of the selling price of some common authority
service or product. Refers to that entity at a multi-employer
commission to examine witnesses worksite (usually the general contractor or
A commission issued out of the court in owner) who has the authority to permit entry
which an action is pending, to direct the tak- of an OSHA representative to conduct an in-
ing of the depositions of witnesses who are spection thereby waiving any right or expec-
beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the court. tation of privacy that other contractors work-
ing on the property may have.
commissioned agent
An agent who wholesales or retails a refined common carrier
petroleum product under a commission ar- Those that hold themselves out or undertake
rangement. The agent does not take title to the to carry persons or goods of all persons indif-
product or establish the selling price, but re- ferently, or of all who choose to employ it. A
ceives a percentage of fixed fee for serving as for-hire carrier that holds itself out to serve
an agent. the general public at reasonable rates and
without discrimination. The carrier must se-
commissioner cure (from ICC and FMC) a certificate of
A person to whom a commission is directed public convenience and necessity to operate.
by the government or a court. A person with
a commission. An officer who is charged common cause failure analysis
with the administration of laws relating to A system safety analytical technique (also
some particular subject matter, or the man- known as common cause analysis) used pri-
agement of some bureau or agency of the marily in the evaluation of multiple failures
government. Member of a commission or that have the occurrence of a single event as a
board. A specially appointed officer of court. common causal factor.

commissioning common cold

The initial acceptance process in which the An acute and highly contagious virus infec-
performance of equipment/system is evalu- tion of the upper respiratory tract, also called
ated, verified, and documented to assure its acute rhinitis. At least 20 identifiable viruses
proper operation in accordance with codes, have been found to cause colds, and they may
standards, design, specifications, etc. attack anyone with lowered resistance. Cold
viruses are resistant to present antibiotics, and
committee there is no really effective preventive vaccine
(1) A person, or an assembly or board of per- as yet that will work against them in all situa-
sons, to whom the consideration, determination, tions for all people.
or management of any matter is committed or
referred, as by a court or legislature. (2) An in- common instrument flight rules room
dividual or body to whom others have delegated A highly automated terminal radar control
or committed a particular duty, or who have facility. It provides terminal radar service in
taken on themselves to perform it in the expec- an area encompassing more than one major
tation of their act being confirmed by the body airport that accommodates instrument flight
they profess to represent or act for. rule (IFR) operations.

commodity common knowledge

(1) General. Something bought and sold. Refers to what the court may declare applica-
Anything of use or profit. (2) Transportation. ble to action without necessity of proof. It is
The classification of commodities is based on knowledge that every intelligent person has,
that prescribed by the Canadian Transport and includes matters of learning, experience,
Commission and the Interstate Commerce history, and facts of which judicial notice may
Commission of the U.S. be taken.

commodity classes common laboratory contaminants

The primary commodities involved in water- Certain organic chemicals (considered by EPA
ways transportation are fuels, chemicals, to be acetone, 2-butanone, methylene chloride,
grains, and metals. toluene, and phthalate esters) that are com-
monly used in the laboratory and thus may be

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introduced into the sample from a laboratory communicable
cross-contamination, not from the site. As applied to disease, it is one that results
common law from the spread or transmission of an infec-
As distinguished from statutory law created tious agent. The causative agent of the dis-
by the enactment of legislatures, the common ease can be transmitted from one infected in-
law comprises the body of law that develops dividual to another. Some diseases of animals
and derives through judicial decisions, as dis- are transmissible to man and are thus consid-
tinguished from legislative enactment. It con- ered communicable diseases.
sists of those principles, usage, and rules of communicable disease
action applicable to government and security A disease spread by direct contact with the
of persons and property which do not rest for infectious agents causing it. Modes of trans-
their authority upon any express and positive mission include a) direct contact with body
declaration of the will of the legislature. excreta or discharges from an ulcer, open
common nuisance sore, etc.; b) indirect contact with inanimate
A nuisance is a common nuisance or a public objects such as drinking glasses, toys, tools,
nuisance, the terms being synonymous, where clothing, etc.; c) by vectors (flies, mosqui-
it affects the rights enjoyed by citizens as part toes, or other insects capable of spreading the
of the public, that is, the rights to which every disease).
citizen is entitled. communication
common point The meaningful interchange using some form
Aviation. A significant point over which two of language or other set of signals between
or more aircraft will report passing or have re- individuals, groups, or instrumentation.
ported passing before proceeding on the same community
or diverging tracks. To establish/maintain lon- Aviation. A city, group of cities, or a Stan-
gitudinal separation, a controller may deter- dard Metropolitan Statistical Area receiving
mine a common point not originally in the air- scheduled air service by a certificated route
craft's flight plan and then clear the aircraft to air carrier.
fly over the point. community relations
common return circuit The EPA effort to establish two-way commu-
A term applied where one wire is used for the nication with the public to create understand-
return of more than one electric circuit. ing of EPA programs and related actions, to
common route assure public input into decision-making
Aviation. That segment of a North American processes related to affected communities,
route between the inland navigation facility and to make certain that the Agency is aware
and the coastal fix. of and responsive to public concerns. Spe-
cific community relations activities are re-
common sense initiative quired in relation to Superfund remedial ac-
An EPA incentive program initiated in 1994 tions.
to bring together all levels of government of-
ficials, environmentalists, and industry leaders Community Right-to-Know
to create strategies that work cleaner, cheaper, Shortened name for the Emergency Planning
and smarter to protect the health of the U.S. and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986,
population and its natural resources. also known as Title III of the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986
common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) (SARA). Covers facilities that keep specified
A frequency designed for the purpose of car- quantities of extremely hazardous chemicals
rying out airport advisory practices while op- and contains reporting and emergency planning
erating to or from an airport without an oper- requirements.
ating control tower. The CTAF may be a
UNICOM, Multicom, F99, or I tower fre- community water system
quency and is identified in appropriate aero- A public water system which serves at least
nautical publications. fifteen service connections used by year-

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round residents or regularly serves at least created by one or more such agencies for the
twenty-five year-round residents. purpose of operating, or contracting for the
commutation ticket operation of, commuter rail transportation.
In rail systems, a ticket sold at a reduced rate commuter bus service
for a fixed or unlimited number of trips in a Fixed route bus service, characterized by
designated area during a specified time pe- service predominantly in one direction during
riod. peak periods, limited stops, use of multi-ride
commute tickets, and routes of extended length, usually
Regular travel between home and a fixed lo- between the central business district and out-
cation (e.g., work, school). lying suburbs. Commuter bus service may
also include other service, characterized by a
commuter limited route structure, limited stops, and a
General. A person who travels regularly be- coordinated relationship to another mode of
tween home and work or school. transportation.
commuter air carrier commuter lane
(1) FAA1 and FAA14. A Federal Aviation See high-occupancy vehicle lane.
Regulation (FAR) Part 135 operator who car-
ries passengers in an aircraft with a maximum commuter rail
of 60 seats, on at least five round trips per (1) Long-haul passenger service operating
week or at least one route between two more between metropolitan and suburban areas,
points, or that carries mail according to its whether within or across the geographical
published flight schedule that specifies the boundaries of a state, usually characterized by
times, days of the week, and places between reduced fares for multiple rides, and commu-
which those flights are performed. (2) tation tickets for regular, recurring riders. (2)
FAA11. An air carrier that operates aircraft Urban passenger train service for short dis-
with 30 seats or less and a maximum payload tance travel between a central city and adja-
capacity of 7,500 pounds or less and performs cent suburbs. Does not include heavy rail or
at least five round trips per week between two light rail service. (3) Railroad local and re-
or more points and publishes a flight sched- gional passenger train operations between a
ule. (3) FAA2 and FAA9. An air taxi that per- central city, its suburbs, and/or another central
forms at least five scheduled round trips per city. It may be either locomotive-hauled or
week between two or more points or carries self-propelled, and is characterized by multi-
mail. (4) FAA6. An air taxi operator which trip tickets, specific station-to-station fares,
performs at least five round trips per week railroad employment practices, and usually
between two or more points and publishes only one or two stations in the central busi-
flight schedules which specify the times, days ness district. Also known as suburban rail.
of the weeks, and plans between which such commuter rail car
flights are performed. A rail passenger car obtained by a commuter
commuter authority authority for use in commuter rail transporta-
Railroad. Any state, local, regional authority, tion.
corporation, or other entity established for commuter rail locomotives
purposes of providing commuter rail trans- Commuter rail vehicles used to pull or push
portation (including, but not necessarily lim- commuter rail passenger coaches. Locomo-
ited to, the New York Metropolitan Trans- tives do not carry passengers themselves.
portation Authority, the Connecticut Depart- commuter rail passenger coaches
ment of Transportation, the Maryland De- Commuter rail passenger vehicles not inde-
partment of Transportation, the Southeastern pendently propelled and requiring one or
Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, the more locomotives for propulsion.
New Jersey Transit Corporation, the Massa-
chusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the commuter rail self-propelled passenger cars
Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation, Commuter rail passenger vehicles not requir-
and any successor agencies) and any entity ing a separate locomotive for propulsion.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

commuter rail transportation A lessee dealer typically has a supply agree-
Short-haul rail passenger service operating in ment with a refiner or a distributor and pur-
metropolitan and suburban areas, whether chases products at dealer tank wagon prices.
within or across the geographical boundaries The term "lessee dealer" is limited to those
of a state, usually characterized by reduced dealers who are supplied directly by a refiner
fare, multiple ride, and commutation tickets or any affiliate or subsidiary company of a re-
and by morning and evening peak period op- finer. "Direct supply" includes use of com-
erations. This term does not include light or mission agent common carrier delivery. 3)
rapid rail transportation. Open. An independent marketer who owns or
commuter railroad leases (from a third party who is not a refiner)
Those portions of mainline railroad (not elec- the station or land of a retail outlet and has
tric railway) transportation operations which use of tanks, pumps, signs, etc. An open
encompass urban passenger train service for dealer typically has a supply agreement with a
local travel between a central city and adja- refiner or a distributor and purchases products
cent suburbs. Commuter railroad service us- at or below dealer tank wagon prices.
ing both locomotive hauled and self-propelled company outlet
railroad passenger cars is characterized by Any retail outlet (e.g., service station) selling
multi-trip tickets, specific station-to-station gasoline or diesel fuel that has the ability to
fares, and usually only one or two stations in set the retail product price and directly collect
the central business district. Also known as all or part of the retail margin. This category
suburban railroad. includes retail outlets being operated by sala-
commuter train ried employees of the company and/or its sub-
A short-haul passenger train operating on sidiaries and affiliates, and/or involving per-
track which is part of the general railroad sonnel services contracted by the company.
system of transportation, within an urban, comparative negligence
suburban, or metropolitan area. It includes a Under comparative negligence statutes or doc-
passenger train provided by an instrumentality trines, negligence is measured in terms of per-
of a state or political subdivision thereof. In- centage, and any damages allowed shall be
cludes commuter trains and passenger trains diminished in proportion to the amount of
other than elevated trains and subways. In- negligence attributable to the person for
cludes local and commuter train service. whose injury, damage, or death recovery is
Does not include intercity service by Amtrak. sought.
compact bone comparison group
The dense outer tissue portion of a bone. See control group.
compaction comparison stimulus
Reduction of the bulk of solid waste by roll- Any variable stimulus which is presented in
ing and tamping. addition to a reference stimulus in certain ex-
compactor collection vehicle perimental designs for determining differ-
A vehicle with an enclosed body containing ences in thresholds.
mechanical devices that convey solid waste compass
into the main compartment of the body and (1) A sliding caliper. (2) A magnetic sensing
compress it into a smaller volume of greater device used in navigation for determining
density. one's heading relative to magnetic north.
company automotive outlet compass calibration pad
Any retail outlet selling motor fuel under a An airport facility used for calibrating an air-
reporting company brand name. 1) Company craft compass.
operated. A company retail outlet which is compass locator
operated by salaried or commissioned person- Aviation. A low power, low or medium fre-
nel paid by the reporting company. 2) Lessee. quency (L/MF) radio beacon installed at the
An independent marketer who leases the sta- site of the outer or middle marker of an in-
tion and land and has use of tanks, signs, etc.

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strument landing system (ILS). It can be used compensation
for navigation at distances of approximately (1) Indemnification; payment of damages;
16 miles or as authorized in the approach pro- making amends; making whole; giving an
cedure. See also middle marker and outer equivalent or substitute of equal value. That
marker. which is necessary to restore an injured party
compass rose to his/her former position. (2) Remuneration
Aviation. A circle, graduated in degrees, for services rendered, whether in salary, fees,
printed on some charts or marked on the or commissions. (3) A movement of a part of
ground at an airport. It is used as a reference the body to restore or maintain equilibrium as
to either true or magnetic direction. another body part moves. (4) Any behavior
which attempts to minimize the effect of a
compatibility weakness in one process by relying on an-
(1) A measure of how well spatial movements other, stronger process or improving another
of controls, display behavior, or conceptual process.
relationships meet human expectations. (2)
That combination of characteristics and at- compensation plan
tributes which permit two or more individu- That rule or set of rules which an organization
als, groups, or systems to work together with- follows in setting payment rates for jobs or
out significant interference of conflict. (3) type of work done.
The ability of two or more materials or sub- compensatory
stances to come in contact without altering Pertaining to the use of error information only
their structure or causing an unwanted reac- in generating control inputs.
tion in terms such as permeability, flamma- compensatory damages
bility, ignition, combustion, functional or That monetary value awarded a victim by a
material degradation, contamination, toxicity, court to pay for his/her injuries or losses.
pressure, temperature, shock, oxidation, or Damages awarded a person as compensation,
corrosion. indemnity, or restitution for harm sustained
compatibility group letter by him/her. Compensatory or actual damages
A designated alphabetical letter used to cate- consist of both general and special damages.
gorize different types of explosive substances General damages are the natural, necessary,
and articles for purposes of stowage and seg- and usual result of the wrongful act or occur-
regation. rence in question. Special damages are those
compatible or compatibility which are the natural, but not the necessary
In relation to state laws and regulations per- and inevitable result of the wrongful act. See
taining to commercial motor vehicle safety, also damages, general damages, special
having the same effect as the Federal Motor damages, and punitive damages.
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) or Federal competency
Hazardous Materials Regulations (FHMR) in In the law of evidence, the presence of those
that those state rules are either identical or fall characteristics, or the absence of those dis-
within the tolerance guidelines in appendix C, abilities, which render a witness legally fit
49 CFR 350. and qualified to give testimony in a court of
compensable death justice; applied, in the same sense, to docu-
Within workers' compensation acts, is one ments or other written evidence. Competency
which happens to an employee from injury by differs from credibility. The former denotes
an accident arising out of and in the course of the personal qualification of the witness; the
employment. latter his/her veracity. A witness may be
competent, and yet give incredible testimony;
compensable injury he/she may be incompetent, and yet his/her
Such an injury, within workers' compensation evidence, if received, may be perfectly credi-
acts, is one caused by an accident arising out ble. Competency is for the court, credibility
of and in the course of the employment and is for the jury. See also credibility.
for which the injured employee is entitled to
receive compensation under such law.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

competent complementary wavelength ( c)
Duly qualified; answering all requirements; The wavelength designated on the spectrum
having sufficient capacity, ability, or author- locus of a chromaticity diagram by an exten-
ity; possessing the requisite physical, mental, sion of the line determining the dominant
natural, or legal qualifications; able; adequate; wavelength in the opposite direction from the
suitable; sufficient; capable; legally fit. achromatic point. See also complementary
competent authority
Transportation. A national agency responsi- complete blood count (CBC)
ble under its national law for the control or A measure of the hemoglobin concentration,
regulation of a particular aspect of the trans- and the number of red blood cells, white
portation of hazardous materials (dangerous blood cells, and platelets in one cubic milli-
goods). The term appropriate authority, as meter of blood. In addition, the proportion of
used in the International Civil Aviation Orga- various white blood cells is determined and
nization (ICAO) Technical Instructions, has the the appearance of red and white cells is noted.
same meaning as Competent Authority. The complete carcinogen
Associate Administrator [of the Research and A carcinogen which produces cancer without
Special Programs Administration (RSPA)] for subsequent exposure to any other substance.
Hazardous Materials Safety is the competent
authority for the United States. complete diffusion
A condition in which a diffusing medium so
competent witness scatters the incident flux that no image can be
One who is legally qualified to be heard to formed from the transmitted flux.
testify in a case. A witness may not testify to
complete menu hierarchy
a matter unless evidence is introduced suffi-
A menu hierarchy having the same number of
cient to support a finding that the witness has
menus along each branch from top to bottom.
personal knowledge of the matter.
complete radiator
competition See blackbody.
That condition in which more than one person
or group vies against each other for a limited completion
number of prizes, positions, market share, or Refining. The installation of permanent
other reward. equipment for the production of oil or gas. If
a well is equipped to produce only oil or gas
compilation from one zone or reservoir, the definition of a
The development of higher order skills from well (classified as an oil well or gas well) and
lower level processes. the definition of a completion are identical.
complainant However, if a well is equipped to produce oil
One who applies to the courts for legal redress and/or gas separately from more than one
by filing a complaint (i.e., the plaintiff). Also, reservoir, a well is not synonymous with a
one who instigates prosecution or who prof- completion.
fers accusation against a suspected person. complex carbohydrates
complaint Carbohydrates with a relatively complex
The original or initial pleading by which an molecular structure. Known also as
action is commenced under codes or the Rules polysaccharides. Bread, rice, and pasta are
of Civil Procedure. The pleading which sets primarily complex carbohydrates.
forth a claim for relief. complex projects
complementary color Those projects requiring the coordination of
That perceptual color on the opposite side of numerous tasks and personnel or those that
the achromatic point in the chromaticity dia- involve unusual logistics to complete the work.
gram from a given color, which, when mixed complex reaction time
in proper proportions, will produce a gray or The temporal interval required to react to a
white. See also complementary wavelength. stimulus situation when a choice or discrim-
ination needs to be made before responding.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

complex sound
Any sound composed of a large number of rials. Often includes a management policy
multiple sinusoidal components and their stating the organization's intentions to comply
harmonics/overtones. with the law, areas of the law related to the
complex spectrum organization's operations, and a statement of
Those coefficients resulting from a Fourier or employees' and agents' requirements to follow
other transform of a time series signal which this policy. May also include detailed oper-
contain both real and complex values. ating procedures to instruct the employees or
agents within particular areas of the organiza-
complex tone tion.
An auditory signal composed of multiple
simple sinusoidal components with different compliance program
frequencies. A tool for achieving an objective which is the
responsibility of management: the proper
complexion control of the organization, its employees, and
The color and overall appearance of facial its assets. The creation of a system of internal
skin. controls to safeguard the interests of the orga-
compliance nization, its investors, and the public’s image
(1) To comply with both laws and general of the corporation. An effectively adminis-
organizational requirements. See also com- tered program will deter illegal activity by
pliance program. (2) A measure of the soft- employees, provide an effective mechanism
ness of a system or structure, represented by and establish procedures for dealing with mis-
the reciprocal of the stiffness. conduct, generally resulting in more favorable
treatment for the organization by enforcement
compliance coating authorities if illegal conduct is discovered and
A coating whose volatile organic compound reported, and make it more likely that the dis-
content does not exceed that allowed by closure of illegal activity need not result in a
regulation. finding that the corporation is "presently re-
compliance monitoring sponsible." See also effective compliance
A strategy or technique to determine compli- program, compliance plan, and compliance
ance with a government standard. One com- program inventory.
pliance monitoring method is to identify the compliance program inventory
maximally exposed worker and, if that expo- A liability and risk-assessment inventory of
sure is less than the standard, then all worker an organization which includes the legal re-
exposures are assumed to be below the expo- quirements and areas which a company may
sure limit. want to consider for its compliance program.
compliance plan Legal risk areas include, among many,
(1) OSHA. A documented approach to OSHA OSHA, RCRA, and CAA. See also compli-
compliance required by some specific stan- ance program.
dards, such as Hazard Communication, which Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO)
essentially establishes the employer's intended A person authorized by the Occupational
methods of achieving compliance. (2) EPA- Safety and Health Administration, U.S. De-
CAA. Either a statement that the source will partment of Labor, to conduct inspections.
comply with all applicable requirements un-
der CAA; or where applicable, a schedule and compliance schedule
description of the method or methods for A negotiated agreement between a pollution
compliance and certification by the owner or source and a government agency that specifies
operator that the source is in compliance with dates and procedures by which a source will
the requirements of CAA. reduce emissions and, thereby, comply with a
compliance procedures manual
A manual used by the corporate compliance compliance strategy
officer and other compliance managers to Method an employer will develop and imple-
monitor and audit compliance with the corpo- ment to achieve and maintain compliance
rate code and supplemental compliance mate- with a regulation. It may include engineering

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and administrative controls, adherence to es- posite. Normally, the constituents can be
tablished procedures and work practices, the physically identified, and there is an interface
use of personal protective equipment, as well between them.
as training of personnel regarding hazards, composite packaging
and making available hazard information (i.e., A packaging consisting of an outer packaging
signs, materials safety data sheets, hazard and an inner receptacle, so constructed that
communication training, etc.) to personnel. the inner receptacle and the outer packaging
compliance training form an integral packaging. Once assembled
Training to educate senior management re- it remains thereafter an integrated single unit;
garding the organization's mandatory stan- it is filled, stored, shipped, and emptied as
dards and procedures and overall compliance such.
program, as well as employees or agents on composite route system
the Code of Conduct and other issues or pro- Aviation. An organized oceanic route struc-
cedures. Also includes detailed training tai- ture, incorporating reduced lateral spacing
lored to each employee's job. between routes, in which composite separa-
complimentary metal oxide semiconductor tion is authorized. See also composite sepa-
A type of detector used in the detection of ration.
gases or vapors. composite sample
component A water or wastewater sample made up of a
(1) Systems Engineering. A functional part of number of samples taken at regular intervals
a subsystem or equipment which is essential over a 24-hour period.
to operational completeness of the subsystem composite separation
or equipment and which may consist of a Aviation. A method of separating aircraft in a
combination of parts, assemblies, accessories, composite route system where, by manage-
and attachments. (2) Hazardous Materials ment of route and altitude assignments, a
Management. Any part, or system of parts combination of half the lateral minimum
functioning as a unit, including, but not lim- specified for the area concerned and half the
ited to, piping, processing equipment, con- vertical minimum is applied. See also com-
tainers, control devices, impounding systems, posite route system.
lighting, security devices, fire control equip-
ment, and communication equipment, whose compost
integrity or reliability is necessary to maintain The end product of composting; a mixture of
safety in controlling, processing, or contain- garbage and degradable trash with soil in
ing a hazardous fluid. (3) Hydraulics. Any which certain bacteria in the soil break down
part of a pipeline which may be subjected to the garbage and trash into organic fertilizer.
pump pressure including, but not limited to, composting
pipe, valves, elbows, tees, flanges, and clo- (1) Sludge stabilization process relying on
sures. aerobic decomposition of organic matter in
composite flight plan sludge by bacteria and fungi. (2) The natural
A flight plan which specifies Visual Flight biological decomposition of organic material
Rules (VFR) operation for one portion of in the presence of air to form a humus-like
flight and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) for material. Controlled methods of composting
another portion. It is used primarily in mili- include mechanical mixing and aerating, ven-
tary operations. tilating the materials by dropping them
through a vertical series of aerated chambers,
composite maintenance or placing the compost in piles out in the open
The integration or simultaneous use of several air and mixing or turning it periodically. See
types of maintenance. also compost.
composite material compound
The combinations of materials differing in (1) Chemical combination of two or more
composition or form on a macroscale. The elements in a fixed and definite proportion by
constituents retain their identities in the com-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

weight. (2) A substance composed of atoms Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
or ions of two or more elements in chemical A professional association of gas producers,
combination. The constituents are bound by suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
bonds or valence forces. representatives from related industries that
compound fracture develops safety standards, makes recom-
A broken bone in which at least one of the mendations to improve methods of handling,
ends protrudes through the skin surface. Also transporting, storing of compressed gases, and
referred to as open fracture. advising regulatory agencies concerned with
the safe handling of compressed gases.
Comprehensive Environmental Response Com-
compressed natural gas (CNG)
pensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of
Natural gas which is comprised primarily of
methane, compressed to a pressure at or above
Generally referred to as Superfund, CERCLA
2,400 pounds per square inch (psi), and stored
establishes a tax on certain chemical feed-
in special high-pressure containers. It is used
stocks used to fund the clean up of abandoned
as a fuel for natural gas-powered vehicles.
hazardous waste sites. Superfund was design-
See also compressed gas.
ated to provide immediate remedial action for
highly contaminated areas. The federal gov- compressed seat height
ernment can then seek to recover these costs The height of a cushioned chair seat pan from
through negotiation or legal action against the the floor or other reference surface when an
contributor or sources of pollution. individual is seated in it.
comprehensive insurance compressed spectral array (CSA)
See all-risk insurance. A three-dimensional display or hard copy of a
sequential series of spectra as a function of
comprehensive transportation
time, with time being the depth axis.
See intermodalism (3).
comprehensive zoning plan compressed workweek
A general plan to control and direct the use A work schedule in which employees provide
and development of property in a municipality approximately 40 hours of work in less than
or in a large part thereof by dividing it into five days.
districts according to the present and potential compressibility
use of the properties. That property of a tissue or other soft material
compress to be locally depressed or of a gas to be
Reduce the volume of a substance or material, reduced in volume when external pressure is
or the duration of some event. applied.
compressed drive compression
Computing. A drive has had its data com- Internal stress created in a material by forces
pressed to take up less space. Special soft- acting inward, in opposite directions, in a
ware must be running in the system to read manner which decreases the size of the mate-
from and write to a drive that is set up this rial by closing or tightening its molecular
way. structure.
compressed gas compression failure
Any material or mixture having in the container In wood, a deformation (buckling) of the fi-
an absolute pressure exceeding 40 psi at 70 bers due to excessive compression along the
degrees Fahrenheit or having an absolute grain.
pressure exceeding 104 psi at 13 degrees compression ratio
Fahrenheit or any liquid flammable material The volume of the combustion chamber and
having a vapor pressure exceeding 40 psi cylinder when the piston is at the bottom of its
absolute at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, according to stroke, divided by the volume of the combus-
the laws of chemical combination. Each tion chamber when the piston is at the top of
compound has it own characteristic properties its stroke.
different from those of its constituent elements.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

compression settling Computer Assessment of Reach (CAR)
Phenomenon referring to sedimentation of A crew station modeling program which at-
particles in a concentrated suspension where tempts to determine what percentage of the air
further settling can occur only by compression crew will be able to function in a given de-
of the existing structure of settled particles. sign.
compression wood computer-assisted instruction
An aberrant (abnormal) and highly variable See computer-aided instruction.
type of wood structure occurring in softwood computer-assisted tomography (CAT)
species. The wood commonly has density See computerized axial tomography.
somewhat higher than does normal wood, but
somewhat lower stiffness and tensile strength Computer Biomechanical Man (COMBIMAN)
for its weight in addition to high longitudinal A three-dimensional, interactive computer
shrinkage. graphics modeling software package which
can be used in the physical evaluation of pi-
compressor lots and other air crew members for crew sta-
A mechanical device used to increase the tion design, including sizing, reach, strength,
pressure of a gas or vapor. and visual field.
Compton effect computer enhancement
The glancing collision of a gamma-ray with (1) The use of computer technology (hard-
an electron wherein the gamma-ray gives up ware/software) to enhance or make better use
part of its energy to the electron. Also re- of a particular task or process, such as com-
ferred to as Compton scattering. puter-enhanced photography. (2) In weather
compulsory reporting points forecasting, a process in which the tempera-
Aviation. Reporting points which must be tures of radiating surfaces are assigned differ-
reported to Air Traffic Control (ATC). They ent shades of gray on an infrared picture.
are designated on aeronautical charts by solid This allows special features to be more clearly
triangles or filed in a flight plan as fixes se- delineated.
lected to define direct routes. These points computer graphics
are geographical locations which are defined The input, processing, or output of any picto-
by navigation aids/fixes. Pilots should dis- rial or graphical data displayed on a computer
continue position reporting over compulsory monitor or hard copy.
reporting points when informed by (ATC) that
their aircraft is in "radar contact." computer-human interface (CHI)
See human-computer interface.
computer-aided instruction (CAI)
The use of computers and displays for pre- computer input device
senting information to be learned. Also re- Any type of hardware tool which can be used
ferred to as computer-assisted instruction. by an individual to get text, graphics, com-
mands, or data into a computer.
computer-aided manufacturing
See computer-integrated manufacturing. computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
The use of computers in the actual manufac-
computer anxiety turing process.
A state of apprehension or fear when required
to interact with a computer, which is out of computer model
proportion to any reasonable danger posed by Any numerical or graphical representation of
the computer. objects, systems, or processes using a com-
computer anxiety scale
A survey consisting of 10 test items dealing computer vision
with feelings about computers, on which an The integration of one or more video cameras
individual judges a rank for each item ac- with appropriate software into a computer
cording to a Likert scale. Synonymous with processing system for any purpose, such as
Raub scale. electronic scene comparison, to simulate hu-
man vision for mobile robots, or other uses.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Computerized Accommodated Percentage concealed
Evaluation (CAPE) Rendered inaccessible by the structure or fin-
A modeling tool for determining what per- ish of a building. Wires in concealed race-
centage of the air crew population could ways are considered concealed, even though
function satisfactorily in a given crew station they may become accessible by withdrawing
design. (An old model, no longer used.) them. See also accessible (2).
(1) The amount of a substance dissolved or
suspended in a unit volume of solution. (2)
The process of increasing the amount of a
substance per unit volume of solution. (3) In-
crease in strength by evaporation. (4) Medi-
cine that has been strengthened by evapora-
tion of its nonactive parts. (5) The relative
content of a contained or dissolved substance
in a solution.
concentration polarization
A phenomenon in which solutes form a dense,
Patient undergoing a CAT Scan polarized layer next to a membrane surface,
computerized axial tomography (CAT) which eventually restricts flow through the
The use of computers for control, acquisition, membrane.
storage, processing, and display of a series of concentration ratio
single planes of x-ray images along the lon- The ratio of the concentration of solids in a
gitudinal axis of the body or other x-ray water system to those of the dilute makeup
transparent objects. Also referred to as com- water added to the system.
puter-assisted tomography.
concentric action
Computerized Relationship Layout Planning A dynamic muscle action which involves ac-
(CORELAP) tive muscle shortening against a resistance.
A computer model for developing a plant lay- Also referred to as concentric contraction and
out based on relationships when large num- concentric muscle contraction.
bers of groups are involved.
concentric contraction
Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities See concentric action.
Technique (CRAFT)
concentric muscle contraction
A computer model for improving a plant lay-
See concentric action.
out, with the priority of minimizing transpor-
tation costs. concept
A abstract idea or notion which enables an
individual to generalize from known specific
Pertaining to the basic strivings of a person,
examples not previously encountered.
as expressed in his/her behavior and actions.
concept hierarchy
An organization in which the most general
Rounded and somewhat depressed or hol-
aspects of a concept are located at the top,
lowed out.
with subsidiary aspects branching beneath.
concave function
concept hierarchy analysis
A mathematical relationship or graph which
The examination of a concept hierarchy to
has a negative second derivative during the
determine if a better arrangement can be made
interval of interest, resulting in an inverted U-
or to compare with related structures.
shaped curve.
concept phase
That portion of a system's, product's, or other
Conservation of Clean Air and Water in
yet to be developed program's life cycle dur-

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ing which ideas are first conceptualized; pre- as an alteration in consciousness or distur-
cedes the design phase. bances of vision, equilibrium, and/or reflexes.

concept trainer condensate

A training aid used when the principles to be Water obtained by evaporation and subse-
learned are too complex to be easily under- quent condensation.
stood from verbal descriptions or when simu- condensate polishing
lation with actual physical objects appears to Treatment of condensate water to achieve
be the optimum method. required purity.
concordance coefficient condensation
See Kendall's coefficient of concordance. (1) The change in state from vapor to liquid;
concrete opposite that of evaporation. (2) The act of
A mixture of water, sand, stone, and a binder rendering, or the process of becoming, more
that hardens to a stone-like mass. compact. (3) Pathologic hardening of a part.
concurrent causes (4) The unconscious union of concepts to
Causes acting contemporaneously and to- produce a new idea or mental picture.
gether causing injury, which would not have condensation nuclei
resulted in the absence of either. Two distinct Small particles on which water vapor con-
causes operating at the same time to produce a denses. In the development of precipitation,
given result, which might produced by either, if enough vapors are present in the atmos-
are considered concurrent causes. However, phere, the nuclei eventually become large
two distinct causes, successive and unrelated enough and heavy enough to fall to the earth
in an operation, cannot be concurring, and one as precipitation (rain, snow, hail, etc.) or re-
will be regarded as the proximate and effi- main suspended (fog, clouds, etc.). Small nu-
cient and responsible cause, and the other will clei less than 0.2 m radius are called aitken
be regarded as the remote cause. See also nuclei. Those with radii between 0.2 and 1 m
cause, proximate cause, and efficient cause. are large nuclei, while giant nuclei have radii
concurrent insurance larger than 1 m.
Insurance coverage under two or more similar condensation trail
policies of varying dates and amounts. See See contrail.
also insurance. condenser
concurrent loading (1) A vessel or apparatus for condensing
A test or working condition in which an indi- gases or vapors. (2) A device for illuminating
vidual is required to perform both a fatiguing microscopic objects. (3) An apparatus for
exercise and a criterion task simultaneously. concentrating energy or matter.
concurrent negligence condiment
Consists of the negligence of two or more Any flavoring added to food to improve taste
persons concurring, not necessarily in point of or increase stimulation of the taste buds (such
time, but not in point of consequence, in pro- as spice, salt, etc.), or an item having such ef-
ducing a single indivisible injury. fect (such as gum or mint).
concurrent validity conditional cues
Having a high correlation between job incum- Any displayed information which provides
bent test scores and performance on the job. the user with a brief indicator of the current
concussion operating rules or conditions.
A violent jar or shock, or the condition that conditional event
results from such an injury. A clinical condi- As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
tion caused by a sudden, strong, mechanical the Management Oversight and Risk Tree
force applied to the head and characterized by (MORT), an occurrence that, based upon its
temporary impairment of neural function such own unique characteristics, imposes condi-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tions or exclusions on the occurrence of other Physiology. Any physical (or mental) activity
events in the fault path. Represented graphi- or training which prepares an individual for a
cally as an oval. See also exclusive event. given task.
conditional reflex conductance
A learned response to a stimulus which did The ability to conduct or transmit, as electric-
not originally cause that response. ity or other energy or materials. A measure of
conditional registration a solution's electrical conductivity that is
Under special circumstances, the Federal In- equal to the reciprocal of the resistance.
secticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act conduction
(FIFRA) permits registration of pesticide (1) The transfer of heat by direct contact from
products that is "conditional" upon submis- one body to another. (2) The transfer of heat
sion of additional data. These special circum- by molecular activity from one substance to
stances include a finding by the EPA Admin- another, or through a substance. This transfer
istrator that a new product or use of an exist- is always from warmer to colder regions.
ing pesticide will not significantly increase conduction deafness
the risk of unreasonable adverse effects. A See conductive hearing loss.
product containing a new (previously unreg-
istered) active ingredient may be condition- conductive hearing loss
ally registered only if the Administrator finds (1) A type of hearing loss that is not caused
that such conditional registration is in the by noise, but is due to any disorder that pre-
public interest, that a reasonable time for con- vents sound from reaching the inner ear. It is
ducting the additional studies has not elapsed, a hearing loss that is due to poor transmission
and the use of the pesticide for the period of of sound from the outer ear to the cochlea.
conditional registration will not present an un- (2) A physical defect or condition of the outer
reasonable risk. or middle ear that interferes with the passage
of sound. This can be the end result of physi-
conditionally exempt cal obstruction within the outer or middle ear,
An exemption applied to those small quantity a birth defect, the aging process, or disease,
generators that generate less than 100 kilo- all of which can affect conversion of sound
grams of hazardous waste during any month. energy into mechanical energy. This type of
conditionally unstable air hearing loss involves a reduction in the per-
An atmospheric condition that exists when the ception of loudness and not in clarity.
environmental lapse rate is less than the dry conductive heat loss
adiabatic rate but greater than the moist adia- That amount of heat eliminated from the body
batic rate. Also called conditional instability. via heat conduction, indicated by an equation
conditioned air of the form:
Air that has been heated, cooled, humidified, ∆T
or dehumidified to maintain an interior space H = kA
within the comfort zone. Sometimes referred
to as tempered air. See also comfort zone. where:
H = heat loss
conditioned reflex
k = thermal conductivity coefficient
A reflex that does not occur naturally in the A = body surface area in contact with
animal but that may be developed by regular
another object
association of some physiologic function with
∆T/∆x = temperature gradient
an unrelated outside event, such as ringing a
bell or flashing of a light. conductivity
conditioning The ability of a substance to conduct electric-
(1) Environmental. Pretreatment of a waste- ity; directly related to the mineral content of
water or sludge, usually by means of chemi- water.
cals, to facilitate removal of water in a subse-
quent thickening or dehydration process. (2)

©2000 CRC Press LLC

conductivity detector
A detection method based on the absorption A measure of a material's ability to conduct
of a gas by an aqueous solution with the for- electrons.
mation of electrolytes, thereby producing a
change in the electrical conductivity of the
solution, which can be measured by this type confidence interval
detector and equated to gas concentration. A range, or interval, that has a specified prob-
ability of including the true value of a pa-
conductor rameter of a distribution.
(1) Bare Conductor. A conductor having no
covering or electrical insulation whatsoever. confidence limits
(2) Covered Conductor. A conductor encased Confidence limits are mathematically deter-
within material of a composition and thick- mined intervals, defined as upper and lower
ness that is not recognized as electrical insu- limits, for which one is confident (e.g., 90%,
lation. (3) Insulated Conductor. A conductor 95%, etc.) that the true value is greater than,
encased within material of a composition and less than, or between.
thickness that is recognized as electrical in- config.sys
sulation. Computing. A text file that contains a list of
conduit body commands that MS-DOS executes every time
A separate portion of a conduit or tubing sys- a computer is started (booted) or restarted (re-
tem that provides access through a removable booted). The config.sys file contains MS-
cover(s) to the interior of the system at a DOS settings and drives that run operations
junction of two or more sections of the system such as those pertaining to a network and/or
or at a terminal point of the system. Boxes devices such as a CD-ROM drive.
such as FS and FD or larger cast or sheet configuration control
metal boxes are not classified as conduit A design or procedure for the controlled de-
bodies. velopment, operation, and maintenance of a
condyle system or process.
A rounded projection on a bone surface, often confined aquifer
associated with a joint. An aquifer in which groundwater is confined
cone under pressure that is significantly greater
A solid figure or body having a circular base than atmospheric pressure.
and tapering to a point, especially one of the
structures of the retina, which, with the rods,
form the light-sensitive elements of the retina.
The cones make possible the perception of
color. See also color blindness.
cone monochromatism
A condition in which an individual has only a
single type of retinal cone, thus seeing only
one color, while having normal color bright-
ness discrimination.
(1) General. A discussion or consultation on
some important matter; also, a formal meeting
for this. A league or association, as of athletic
teams, schools, churches, specific profession-
als, etc. (2) Maritime. An association of ship
owners operating in the same trade route who
operate under collective conditions and agree
on tariff rates.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

A fire extending over a considerable area and
engulfing a considerable amount of property.
A state resulting from an individual having
incompatible desires or two or more individu-
als or groups having different goals or means
to achieve a goal.
conflict alert
Aviation. A function of certain air traffic
control automated systems designed to alert
radar controllers to existing or pending situa-
tions between tracked targets that require im-
mediate attention/action. See also mode C
intruder alert.
conflict of interest
Term used in connection with public officials
and fiduciaries and their relationship to mat-
ters of private interest or gain to them.
conflict resolution
Aviation. The resolution of potential conflicts
between aircraft that are radar identified and
in communication with Air Traffic Control
(ATC) by ensuring that radar targets do not
A worker prepares to enter a permit-required confined space
touch. Pertinent traffic advisories shall be is-
confined space sued when this procedure is applied. Note:
Any space not designed or intended for con- This procedure shall not be provided utilizing
tinuous occupancy that has a limited or re- mosaic radar systems.
stricted means of entry or exit, and that is
conflicting evidence
subject to the accumulation of toxic or flam-
Evidence offered by the plaintiff and defen-
mable contaminants or has an oxygen-
dant, or prosecutor and defendant which is in-
deficient atmosphere. Confined spaces must
consistent and cannot be reconciled.
be large enough for an employee to enter and
perform assigned work. Where confined conflicting movement
spaces are categorized, there are two levels of Aviation. Movements over conflicting routes.
classification: permit-required confined space See also conflicting routes.
and low-hazard permit space. conflicting routes
confined space entry Aviation. Two or more routes, opposing, con-
The entry of personnel (one or more) into a verging or intersecting, over which movements
confined space. See also confined space and cannot be made simultaneously without possi-
confined space, permit required. bility of collision.
confined space, permit required confluence
According to OSHA, a confined space that The point where the flows of streams or rivers
contains or has the potential to contain a haz- meet.
ardous atmosphere, a material with the poten- confounding variable
tial to engulf an entrant, is configured such A variable which is uncontrolled and which
that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxi- has, or is likely to have, some effect in an ex-
ated, or contains any other recognized health periment.
or safety hazard.
conflagration To thicken, jell, or solidify, usually by cooling
or freezing.

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congenital conjunctiva
Refers to certain mental or physical traits, The delicate membrane lining the eyelids and
abnormalities, malformations, or diseases that covering the eyeball.
may be either inherited or due to an influence conjunctivitis
that occurred between conception and birth.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin
congenital abnormality membrane that covers the eyeball and lines
Any defect in the structure or function of an the eyelid. This disorder may be caused by
individual existing before or at birth. More bacteria or a virus, or by allergic, chemical, or
commonly referred to as congenital defect. physical factors. Its infectious form (of bacte-
congenital defect rial or viral origin) is highly contagious. The
See congenital abnormality. type of conjunctivitis known as pinkeye is an
example of a highly contagious conjunctivitis
congestive hypoxia and must be handled with extreme care to
A form of hypokinetic hypoxia in which ve- prevent its spread.
nous blood flow is reduced.
connate water
Water trapped in sedimentary rocks during
Formal meeting of delegates or representatives.
their formation. Also known as fossil water.
The Congress of the United States was created
by Article I, Section 1, of the Constitution, connected word recognition
adopted by the Constitutional Convention on A capability in which a phrase or a sequence
September 17, 1787, providing that "All legis- of a few meaningfully connected words may
lative Powers herein granted shall be vested in be understood by an artificial system.
a Congress of the United States, which shall connecting carrier
consist of a Senate and House of Representa- One of several common carriers whose united
tives." The first Congress under the Constitu- lines or parts constitute the route over which a
tion met on March 4, 1789, in the Federal Hall shipment is to pass, and which participates in
in New York City. The membership then con- transportation of such shipment as a common
sisted of 20 Senators and 59 Representatives. carrier furnishing a necessary link in trans-
Congressional committee portation. See also common carrier.
A committee of the House of Representatives connective tissue
or of the Senate or a joint committee formed A fibrous type of body tissue with varied
for some particular purpose. functions. The connective tissue system sup-
Congressional district ports and connects internal organs, forms
A geographical unit of a state from which one bones and walls of blood vessels, attaches
member of the House of Representatives is muscles to bones, and replaces tissues of other
elected. types following injury. Connective tissue
consists mainly of long fibers embedded in
Congressional immunity non-cellular matter, the ground substance.
See legislative immunity.
The density of these fibers and the presence or
Congressional powers absence of certain chemicals make some con-
The authority vested in the Senate and House nective tissues soft and rubbery and others
of Representatives to enact laws, etc. as pro- hard and rigid. Compared to most other kinds
vided in the U.S. Constitution. of tissue, connective tissue has few cells. The
conjugate fibers contain a protein called collagen, and
Seismology. Describes a pair of intersecting the tissue for that reason is often called colla-
(or nearly intersection) faults, the slip motions gen tissue. Collagen tissue can develop in
of which are opposite (e.g., right-lateral and any part of the body, and the body uses the
left-lateral), so as to accommodate the rota- ability to help repair or replace damaged ar-
tion of the block they bound. Conjugate eas. Scar tissue is the most common form of
faults will sometimes slip roughly simultane- this substitute.
ously (within hours of each other), causing
pairs of earthquakes.

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connector consequation
Computing. An electrical connection that Any aspect of the environment which changes
allows the computer to send and receive data the behavior of an individual encountering it.
to and from other devices and/or computers. consequential damages
Standard connectors on a computer include Such damage, loss, or injury as does not flow
the serial and parallel connectors, which allow directly and immediately from the act of the
users to send information from their computer party, but only from some of the conse-
to a printer, for example. quences or results of such act. Damages
consciousness which arise from intervention of special cir-
An awareness of one's external environment. cumstances not ordinarily predictable. Those
consensual standard losses or injuries which are a result of an act
See consensus standard. but are not direct and immediate.

consensus standard conservation

A standard of approach developed through a (1) The act of conserving, or the actions taken
consensus process of agreement among repre- in the interests of conserving, environmental
sentatives of interested or affected industries, resources and/or ecosystems, wildlife, or any
organizations, or individual members of a na- other interests of focus or concern. The pro-
tionally recognized standards producing orga- tection, improvement, and use of natural re-
nization. A standard of conduct that has been sources according to principles that will as-
developed by a nationally recognized organi- sure their highest economic or social benefits.
zation having understood expertise in a given (2) Avoiding waste of, and renewing when
field (such as the American National Stan- possible, human and natural resources. See
dards Institute and the National Fire Protec- also conserve.
tion Association). Such standards carry no
force of law unless adopted and implemented
by a regulatory agency, such as OSHA. Also
referred to as consensual standard. conservation group
Any concerted gathering of two or more per-
consent decree sons dedicated in principle and practice to the
(1) General. Under the Federal Sentencing protection and preservation of certain re-
Guidelines (FSGs), an agreement between a sources or attributes normally associated with
party charged with a regulatory violation and the natural environment, including wildlife, or
a regulatory agency whereby the party other such areas of common interest.
charged agrees to accept a penalty specified
by the agency without admitting a violation. conservation management
Consent decrees under the FSGs may impose Under the Federal Marine Mammal Protection
a comprehensive compliance program or en- Act of 1972, the collection and application of
hancements to the organization's existing pro- biological information for the purpose of
gram. (2) EPA-Specific. A legal document, increasing and maintaining the number of
approved by a judge, that formalizes an animals within species and populations of
agreement reached between the EPA and po- marine mammals at their optimum sustainable
tentially responsible parties (PRPs) through population. Such terms include the entire
which the PRPs will conduct all or part of a scope of activities that constitute a modern
cleanup action at a Superfund site; cease or scientific resource program, including, but not
correct actions or processes that are polluting limited to research, census, law enforcement,
the environment; or otherwise comply with and habitat acquisition and improvement.
regulations where the PRP's failure to comply Also included within these terms, when and
caused the EPA to initiate regulatory en- where appropriate, is the periodic or total
forcement actions. The consent decree de- protection of species or populations as well as
scribes the actions PRPs will take and may be the regulated taking of such.
subject to a public comment period. See also
potentially responsible party.

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conservation of angular momentum consignment
The principle that the angular momentum of The physical transfer of goods from a seller
an object will remain unchanged unless the (the consignor), who retains title, to the
object is acted upon by a net force. consignee, who acts as selling agent by selling
conservation of linear momentum the goods for commission, remitting the net
The principle that the linear momentum of an proceeds to the consignor.
object will remain unchanged unless the ob- consignor
ject is acted on by a net force. A person or company shown on the bill of
conservation of momentum lading as the shipper.
See conservation of angular momentum and consist
conservation of linear momentum. Railroad. On-track railroad equipment such
conserve as a train, locomotive, group of railcars, or a
Under the Federal Endangered Species Act of single railcar not coupled to another car or to
1973, to use, and the use of, all methods and a locomotive.
procedures which are necessary to bring any consist responsibility
endangered species or threatened species to The railroad employing the crew members
the point at which the measures provided operating the consist at the time of the
pursuant to the Act are no longer necessary. accident determines the consist owner for
Such methods and procedures include, but are reporting purposes only.
not limited to, all activities associated with consistency
scientific resources management such as A level of performance which repeatedly falls
research, census, law enforcement, habitat within certain specified limits.
acquisition and maintenance, propagation,
live trapping, and transplantation, and in the consolan
extraordinary case where population pressures Aviation. A low frequency, long-distance
within a given ecosystem cannot be otherwise navigational aid (NAVAID) used principally
relieved, may include regulated taking. for transoceanic navigation.
c o n s o l i d a t e d m e t r o p o l i t a n st a t i s t i c a l a r e a
(C M S A )
consideration A metropolitan complex of 1 million or more
The inducement to a contract. The cause, population, containing two or more compo-
motive, price, or impelling influence which nent parts designated as primary metropolitan
induces a contracting party to enter into a statistical areas (PMSAs).
contract. The reason or material cause of a
contract. Some right, interest, profit or consolidated vehicle
benefit accruing to one party, or some A vehicle transferred, with or without reim-
forbearance, detriment, loss, or responsibility, bursement, to General Services Administra-
given, suffered, or undertaken by another. It tion (GSA) by another government agency for
is a basic, necessary element for the existence participating in the Introductory Fleet Man-
of a valid contract that is legally binding on agement System (IFMS).
the parties. constant
consignee (1) Persistent and continuous; unrelenting.
A person or company to whom commodities (2) A fixed numerical value, or a symbol rep-
are shipped. Officially, the legal owner of the resenting such a value.
cargo. constant air volume system
consignee mark An air handling system that provides a constant
A symbol placed on packages for export air flow while varying the temperature to meet
identification purposes; generally consisting heating and cooling needs.
of a triangle, square, circle, diamond, or cross, constant dollars
with letters and/or numbers as well as port of (1) A dollar value adjusted for changes in the
discharge. average price level. A constant dollar is
derived by dividing a current dollar amount

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by a price index. The resulting constant ment. The Daily Digest of the Congressional
dollar value is that which would exist if prices Record, printed in the back of each issue of
had remained at the same average level as in the Record, summarizes the proceedings of
the base period. (2) A series of figures is that day in each House and before each of
expressed in constant dollars when the effect their committees and subcommittees, respec-
of change in the purchasing power of the tively. The Digest also presents the legisla-
dollar has been removed. Usually the data are tive program for each day, and at the end of
expressed in terms of dollars of a selected the week, gives the program for the following
year or the average of a set of years. week. Its publication began on March 17,
constant element 1947. Members of Congress are allowed to
A job or task in which a worker exhibits con- edit their speeches before printing and may
sistency of performance time, even if minor insert material never actually spoken by se-
changes in processing or product dimensions curing from their respective houses permis-
are made. sion to print or to extend their remarks.

constant error constraint

The difference between the point of subjective A restriction affecting the degree of freedom
equality and the known standard value in psy- to act or move; a boundary or condition which
chophysical testing. may dictate performance in other than the de-
sired or intended manner.
constant-height chart
In meteorology, a chart (also referred to as a constrictor
constant-level chart) showing variables, such A muscle which contracts to close or reduce
as pressure, temperature, and wind, at a spe- the cross-section of an opening.
cific altitude above sea level. Variation in construct
horizontal pressure is depicted by isobars. (1) To build or erect. (2) A postulated attribute
The most common constant-height chart is the of an individual assumed to be reflected in
surface chart, which is also called the sea observable behaviors.
level chart. construct validity
constant pressure chart The extent of the relationship between what a
In meteorology, a chart (also referred to as an test measures and how test scores are re-
isobaric chart) showing variables such as flected in behavior or performance.
temperature and wind, on a constant pressure constructed solid geometry (CSG)
surface. Variations in height are usually A technique in solid modeling where primi-
shown by lines of equal height (see contour tive solids are generated and combined to
lines). produce more complex forms.
constant-rate filtration constructed wetlands
Filter operation where flow through the filter A wastewater treatment system using the
is maintained at a constant rate by an aquatic root system of cattails, reeds, and
adjustable effluent control valve. similar plants to treat wastewater applied ei-
constipation ther above or below the soil level.
A condition in which the waste matter in the construction and demolition waste
bowels is too hard to pass easily, or in which Waste consisting of building materials, pack-
bowel movements are so infrequent that dis- aging, and rubble resulting from construction,
comfort or uncomfortable symptoms result. remodeling, repair, and demolition operations
Constitutional Record on pavements, houses, commercial buildings,
Proceedings of Congress are published in the and other structures.
Congressional Record, which is issued daily construction/maintenance zone
when Congress is in session. Publication of An area, usually marked by signs, barricades,
the Record began March 4, 1873; it was the or other devices indicating that highway con-
first series officially reported, printed, and struction or highway maintenance activities
published directly by the Federal Govern- are ongoing.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

consumer product
construction pipeline A product intended for final use primarily by
Nuclear. The various stages involved in the the general public, as opposed to industrial
acquisition of a nuclear reactor by a utility. use.
The events that define these stages are the or- Consumer Product Safety Act
dering of a reactor, the licensing process, and Established the Consumer Product Safety
the physical construction of the nuclear gen- Commission. Definition of consumer product
erating unit. A reactor is said to be "in the does not include boats which are covered un-
pipeline" when the reactor is ordered and "out der the statutes.
of the pipeline" when it completes low-power
testing and begins operation toward full Consumer Product Safety Commission
power. An independent federal regulatory agency
established by act of 27 October 1972 (86
consular invoice Stat. 1207) to administer and implement the
An invoice covering a shipment of export Consumer Product Safety Act. The Commis-
goods certified by a consular official of the sion has primary responsibility for establish-
country of destination. The invoice shows the ing mandatory product safety standards,
value of the shipment in the currency of the where appropriate, to reduce the unreasonable
country of export. It is used by customs offi- risk of injury to consumers from consumer
cials of the country of entry to verify the products. In addition, it has authority to ban
value, quantity, and nature of the shipment. hazardous consumer products. The Consumer
consultant Product Safety Act also authorizes the Com-
An individual or group who is uniquely quali- mission to conduct extensive research on con-
fied or has claimed expertise in a particular sumer and industry information and education
field and may be called upon to perform some programs, and establish a comprehensive In-
specialized technical function on a one-time jury Information Clearinghouse.
or an occasional basis. consumption
consumer (1) General. The act or process of
One who purchases goods or services for final consuming; waste, decay, destruction. Using
use, not having the intent to reprocess or re- up of anything, as food, natural resources,
package for resale. heat, or time. (2) Environmental. With respect
consumer commodity to any substance, the amount of that substance
A material that is packaged and distributed in produced in the United States, plus the
a form intended or suitable for sale through amount imported, minus the amount exported
retail sales agencies or instrumentalities for to Parties to the Montreal Protocol. Such
consumption by individuals for purposes of term shall be construed in a manner consistent
personal care or household use. This term with the Montreal Protocol. (3) Medical. A
also includes drugs and medicines. wasting away of the body, applied especially
to pulmonary tuberculosis.
consumer complaint
Oral or written communication from a con- consumption unit value
sumer indicating a possible problem with a Total price per specified unit, including all
product. taxes, at the point of consumption.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) consumptive waste

An index issued by the U.S. Department of Water that returns to the atmosphere without
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI is beneficial use.
designed to measure changes in the prices of contact
goods and services bought by wage earners (1) To establish communication with
and clerical workers in urban areas. It repre- (followed by the name of the facility and, if
sents the cost of a typical consumption bundle appropriate, the frequency to be used). (2) A
at current prices as a ratio to its cost at a base flight condition wherein the pilot ascertains
year. the attitude of his/her aircraft and navigates
by visual reference to the surface.

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contact pesticide
contact approach A chemical that kills pests when it touches
Aviation. An approach wherein an aircraft on them, rather than by being eaten (stomach
an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan, poison). Also, soil that contains the minute
having an air traffic control authorization, skeletons of certain algae that scratch and de-
operating clear of clouds with at least 1 mile hydrate waxy-coated insects.
flight visibility and a reasonable expectation of contact process
continuing to the destination airport in those Wastewater treatment process where diffused
conditions, may deviate from the instrument air is bubbled over fixed media surfaces.
approach procedure and proceed to the des-
tination airport by visual reference to the contact rate
surface. This approach will only be authorized Amount of medium (e.g., groundwater, soil)
when requested by the pilot and the reported contacted per unit time or event (e.g., liters of
ground visibility at the destination airport is at water ingested per day).
least 1 statute mile. contact stabilization process
contact condenser Modification of the activated sludge process
A device in which steam is condensed where raw wastewater is aerated with
through direct contact with a cooling liquid. activated sludge for a short time prior to
solids removal and continued aeration in a
contact dermatitis stabilization tank. Also called biosorption
Inflammation of dermal tissue that is caused process.
by contact with a primary irritant. A delayed
type of induced sensitivity of the skin contagion
resulting from cutaneous contact with a Literally the transmission of infection by
specific allergen. direct contact.
contact irritants contained-in principal
Chemicals that produce visible signs of skin Under RCRA, the EPA view that soil,
and eye irritation upon contact. Rubber, plas- groundwater, surface water, and debris that
tics, resins, glues, cement, oil, and organic are contaminated with a listed hazardous
solvents are examples of contact irritants. waste must be regulated.
contact lens container
A thin, curved shell of glass or plastic that is (1) General. Something that contains, such as
applied directly to the cornea to correct re- a box, can, drum, etc. (2) Shipping. A large
fractive errors. They do not actually touch the standard size metal box into which cargo is
surface of the eye, but float on a thin layer of packed for shipment aboard specially
the fluid that naturally moistens the eyeball. configured oceangoing containerships and
See also lens. designed to be moved with common handling
equipment enabling high-speed intermodal
transfers in economically large units between
ships, railcars, truck chassis, and barges using
a minimum of labor. The container, therefore,
serves as the transfer unit rather than the
cargo contained therein. (3) Hazardous
Materials Management. A component other
than piping that contains a hazardous fluid.
container cargo
The tonnes of containerized cargo assessed at
the container rate of tools as defined in the St.
Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.
A "soft" contact lens
container chassis
Transportation. A semitrailer of skeleton
construction limited to a bottom frame, one or
more axles, specially built and fitted with

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locking devices for the transport of cargo accidental loss. Commonly used in fire con-
containers, so that when the chassis and trol and hazardous chemical spills.
container are assembled, the units serve the containment level
same function as an over-the-road trailer. That degree of independence or separation in
container load containment provided by a specified system.
A load sufficient in size to fill a container containment system
either by cubic measurement or by weight. The system, including the structure, ventil-
container on flatcar (COFC) ation method, entry and/or egress routes,
This is accomplished with containers resting contaminant collection equipment, etc., that
on railway flatcars. will be utilized to prevent the spread of
container terminal contamination from a work site into the
An area designated for the stowage of cargoes surroundings.
in container; usually accessible by truck, contaminant
railroad, and marine transportation. Here cont- Any foreign material not normally found in a
ainers are picked up, dropped off, maintained, substance. Also, any physical, chemical,
and housed. biological, or radiological substance or matter
containerization that has a diverse effect on air, soil, or water.
Stowage of general or special cargoes in a contaminate
container for transport in the various modes. The placement of one or more contaminants
containerize in a location where they may degrade the en-
To place a material into a container. vironment.

containerized cargo
(1) Cargo shipped or stored in containers. (2) contaminated sharps
Cargo which is practical to transport in a Any contaminated objects that can penetrate
container, and results in a more economical the skin including, but not limited to, needles,
shipment than could be affected by shipping scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes,
the cargo in some other form of unitization. and exposed ends of dental wire. In this con-
containership text, the "contaminant" is normally considered
A cargo vessel designed and constructed to to be blood, blood byproducts, or other infec-
transport, within specifically designed cells, tious materials.
portable tanks and freight containers which are contamination
lifted on and off with their contents intact. The degradation of natural water, air, or soil
There are two types of containerships: full and quality resulting from human activity.
partial. Full containerships are equipped with contempt
permanent container cells with little or no space (1) A willful or intentional disregard or
for other types of cargo. Partial containerships disobedience of a public authority. (2) The
are considered multi-purpose container vessels, stage in civil litigation where it is alleged that
where one or more but not all compartments are a party has violated an injunction, with the
fitted with permanent container cells, and the consequences that the court can order an
remaining compartments are used for other appropriate remedy to cure the contempt.
types of cargo. This category also includes Also, in any court proceeding, civil or criminal,
container/car carriers, container/rail car carriers, where a person before the court engages in
and container/roll-on/roll-off vessels. disrespectful or disruptive behavior.
containment contempt of Congress
(1) A process, structure, or system within a Deliberate interference with the duties and the
specified area or volume for preventing an powers of Congress. Both houses of Congress
entity from spreading and/or interacting with may cite an individual for such contempt.
other materials or another environment. (2)
Control of the expansion or propagation of

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contempt of court
Any act which is calculated to embarrass, defined events should occur during the normal
hinder, or obstruct the court in the admin- course of business operations. It usually refers
istration of justice, or which is calculated to to unwanted events or occurrences, such as
lessen its authority or its dignity. Committed disasters (floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.)
by a person who does any act in willful or other emergency situations (bomb threats,
contravention of the authority or dignity of hazardous materials spill, fire, etc.) and
the court, or tending to impede or frustrate the generally includes the assignment of specific
administration of justice, or by one who, responsibilities to persons within the organ-
being under the court's authority as a party to ization and may also include information on
a proceeding therein, willfully disobeys its recovery or post-event activities that will be
lawful orders or fails to comply with an taken to return to normal operation once the
undertaking which he/she has given. situation has been corrected. (2) A document
content validity setting out an organized, planned, and co-
The extent to which a test samples a domain ordinated course of action to be followed in
of important job behaviors. case of a fire, explosion, or other accident that
releases toxic chemicals, hazardous wastes, or
conterminous U.S. radioactive materials which threaten human
The 48 adjoining States and the District of health or the environment.
contingent valuation survey (CVM)
contiguous zone A survey technique for assigning value to
The entire zone established or to be injured natural resources based on respon-
established by the United States under the dents' willingness to support various resources
Convention of the Territorial Sea and the in monetary terms.
Contiguous Zone.

One of the large, unbroken masses of land continual improvement
into which the Earth's surface is divided. Under ISO 14000, the process of enhancing
the environmental management system to
continental drift achieve improvements in overall environ-
See plate tectonics. mental performance in line with the organiza-
contingency tion's environmental policy.
A possible situation or event, usually referring continuance
to an undesirable or abnormal situation or The adjournment or postponement of a ses-
occurrence. sion, hearing, trial, or other proceeding to a
contingency allowance subsequent day or time; usually on the request
A small time allowance included within the or motion of one of the parties.
standard time to cover for legitimate, continuing damages
expected additional work and delays. Usually Those that accrue from the same injury, or
not measured precisely because of its from the repetition of similar acts, between
infrequent occurrence. two specified periods of time.
contingency analysis continuous air monitor (CAM)
An analysis performed to identify what An instrument which is typically located in a
abnormal situations, errors, or malfunctions a potentially contaminated location to detect a
system may develop or encounter to improve specific contaminant, such as flammable or
system performance or establish what special toxic gas or vapor, and which will alarm if a
human responses may be required under those preset concentration is exceeded. It can be a
circumstances. passive type sampler or an active type sample.
contingency plan continuous discharge capacity
(1) A written plan describing in detail the Measured as percent of rated energy capacity.
actions that will be taken in the event certain Energy delivered in a constant power dis-

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continuous spectrum
charge required by an electric vehicle for hill (1) General. A range of frequencies within
climbing and/or high-speed cruise, specified which all frequencies are present. (2) Acous-
as the percent of its rated energy capacity de- tics. A spectrum which is continuous in the
livered in a one-hour constant-power dis- frequency domain.
charge. continuous speech recognition
continuous emissions monitoring See speech recognition.
The continuous measurement of pollutants continuous timing
emitted into the atmosphere from combustion See cumulative timing.
or industrial processes.
continuous timing method
continuous emission monitoring system See cumulative timing.
The equipment as required by the Clean Air continuous variable
Act (CAA), used to sample, analyze, measure, A variable which may take any value within a
and provide on a continuous basis a specified range of values.
permanent record of emissions and flow continuous wave (CW)
(expressed in pounds per million British A laser system which provides a constant,
thermal units (lbs./m Btu), pounds per hour steady-state delivery of laser power.
(lbs./hr) or such other form as the EPA
Administrator may prescribe by regulations continuous work
under the CAA. A sustained workload without any rest period.

continuous exposure contour line

Exposure to a health hazard throughout the A line that connects points of equal elevation
workday. above a reference level, most often sea level.

continuous forms contour plowing

Having each individual form or sheet attached Farming methods that break ground following
to the next, usually with guides for a printer, the shape of the land in a way that discour-
and which necessitates separation after print- ages erosion.
ing. contract
continuous function An enforceable agreement, written or oral,
Any mathematical function which has no between two or more persons which creates
breaks or gaps in its extent. an obligation to do or not to do a particular
continuous monitoring
Usually refers to air sampling or radiation contract carrier
monitoring conducted at locations where (1) A carrier which furnishes transportation
leaks may occur, or where hazardous materi- service to meet the special needs of shippers
als are handled in high quantities. who cannot be adequately served by common
carriers. A transportation company that carri-
continuous noise ers, for pay, the goods of certain customers
(1) That noise which is persistent over long only as contrasted to a common carrier that
periods of time. (2) According to OSHA, carries the goods of the public in general. See
variations in noise level involving maxima at also carrier and common carrier. (2) For-
intervals of 1 second or less. hire interstate operators [which] offer trans-
continuous passive motion machine portation services to certain shippers under
A device which repeatedly cycles automati- contracts.
cally to passively flex and extend one or more contract demand
joints through their ranges of motion. Refining. The level of service in terms of the
continuous reading method maximum daily and/or annual volumes of
See cumulative timing. natural gas sold and/or moved by the pipeline
company to the customer holding the contract.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Failure of a pipeline company to provide contractor
service at the level of the contract demand One who contracts to do work for another.
specified in the contract can result in a liabil- This term is strictly applicable to any person
ity for the pipeline company. who enters into a contract, but is commonly
contract laboratory program (CLP) reserved to designate one who, for a fixed
Analytical program developed for Superfund price, undertakes to procure the performance
waste site samples to fill the need for legally of works or services on a large scale, or the
defensible analytical results supported by a furnishing of goods in large quantities,
high level of quality assurance and documen- whether for the public or a company or indi-
tation. vidual. Such are typically classified as gen-
eral contractors (responsible for entire job)
contract labs and subcontractors (responsible for only a
Laboratories under contract to EPA, which portion of the job). A contractor is a person
analyze samples taken from wastes, soil, air, who, in pursuit of any independent business,
and water, or carry out research. undertakes to do a specific piece of work for
contract operations another or other persons, using his/her own
Private operation of municipal facilities, such means and methods without submitting to
as water and wastewater treatment plants. their control in respect to all its details, and
who renders service in the course of an inde-
contract-required detection limit (CRDL) pendent occupation representing the will of
A term that is equivalent to contract-required his/her employer only as to the result of the
quantitation limit, but used primarily for inor- work and not as to the means by which it is
ganic substances. See also contract-required accomplished.
quantitation limit.
contractor employee
Railroad. A person employed by a contractor
contract-required quantitation limit (CRQL) hired by a railroad to perform normal mainte-
Substance-specific level that a contract labo- nance work to railroad rolling stock, track
ratory program (CLP) laboratory must be able structure, bridges, buildings, etc.
to routinely and reliably detect in specific contractory tissue
sample matrices. It is not the lowest detect- Any tissue which is capable of shortening in
able level achievable, but rather the level that response to stimulation.
a CLP laboratory should reasonably quantify.
The CRQL may or may not be equal to the contractual relationship
quantitation limit of a given substance in a Under the Comprehensive Environmental
given sample. For hazardous Ranking System Response, Compensation, and Liabilities Act
purposes, the term CRQL refers to both the (CERCLA), includes, but is not limited to,
contract-required quantitation limit and the land contracts, deeds or other instruments
contract-required detection limit. See also transferring title or possession, unless the real
contract laboratory program and hazardous property on which the facility concerned is
ranking system. located was acquired by the defendant after
the disposal or placement of the hazardous
contracted gas substance on, in, or at the facility, and one or
Any gas for which Interstate Pipeline has a more of the circumstances described in the list
contract to purchase from any domestic or below is also established by the defendant by
foreign source that cannot be identified to a a preponderance of the evidence:
specific field or group. This includes tailgate
plant purchases, single meter point purchases, 1. At the time the defendant acquired the
pipeline purchases, natural gas imports, SNG facility the defendant did not know and
purchases, and LNG purchases. had no reason to know that any hazard-
ous substance which is the subject of
contraction the release or threatened release was
A shortening or reduction in some dimension disposed of on, in, or at the facility.
of a structure.

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contrast detection
2. The defendant is a government entity A basic visual task in which the visual system
which acquired the facility by escheat, perceives a difference in luminance, creating
or through any other involuntary trans- an object and a background.
fer or acquisition or through the exer- contrast ratio
cise of eminent domain authority by A mathematical relationship involving some
purchase of condemnation. form of a ratio between figure luminance or
3. The defendant acquired the facility by reflectance and background luminance or re-
inheritance or bequest. flectance. See also luminance contrast.
contracture contrast sensitivity
Abnormal shortening of muscle tissue, ren- A measure of the ability to perceive a visual
dering the muscle highly resistant to stretch- contrast between two regions; the reciprocal
ing. A contracture can lead to permanent dis- of the contrast threshold.
ability. It can be caused by fibrosis of the tis- contrast threshold
sues supporting the muscle or the joint, or by The smallest difference between two visual
disorders of the muscle fibers themselves. stimuli which is perceptible to the human eye
contraflow lane under specified conditions of adaptation, lu-
Reserved lane for buses on which the direc- minance, and visual angle on a certain pro-
tion of bus traffic is opposite to the flow of portion of a set of trials. Also referred to as
traffic on the other lanes. liminal contrast, liminal contrast threshold,
and threshold contrast.
Long, narrow clouds caused when high-flying contribution
jet aircraft disturb the atmosphere. Best An area of the law dealing with seeking reim-
formed in clear, cold, humid air. Also re- bursement from other responsible parties for
ferred to more accurately but less commonly an appropriate share of damages or expenses
as condensation trail. which must be paid.

contributory event
As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
the management oversight and risk tree
(MORT), an event that significantly influ-
ences the outcome of the top or primary
event. Represented graphically as a rectangle
and may also be referred to as a main event or
secondary event.
contributory negligence
The act or omission amounting to want of
ordinary care on the part of the complaining
Contrails created by a high-performance jet aircraft party which, occurring with the defendant's
negligence, is a proximate cause of the injury.
The proving of contributory negligence can
Located on or pertaining to the opposite side
significantly decrease or possibly eliminate
of the body.
any subsequent recovery on the part of the
contrast plaintiff(s).
See chromatic contrast and luminous con-
(1) Epidemiology/Toxicology. The nature,
contrast attenuation number, and reproducibility of the controls
A decrease in the amount of contrast over a (unexposed or unaffected) to determine the
space or time. accuracy and significance of the conclusions
from the experimental (exposed) cohort re-
sults. A most important factor in any study of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

humans, animals, or biological organisms. play. Synonymous with control-response ra-
See also cohort study. (2) Industrial Hygiene. tio.
Measures, including engineering and admin- control efficiency
istrative means, as well as the use of personal The ratio of the amount of pollutant removed
protective equipment, that are implemented to from a source of release or emission by a
reduce, minimize, or otherwise reduce expo- control device, to the total amount of pollutant
sure to a health hazard. (3) Radiation Protec- before control, and expressed as a percentage.
tion. Any action to stabilize, inhibit future
misuse of, or reduce emissions or effluents control force
from uranium byproduct materials. That amount of force required to operate a
control. See also control torque and actua-
control area tion force.
(1) Interstate Highway System. A metropoli-
tan area, city or industrial center, a topog- control group
raphic feature such as a major mountain pass, A group of individuals or items selected from
a favorable location for a major river crossing, what is believed to be the same population as
a road hub which would result in material an experimental group, but which is not ex-
traffic increments on the interstate route, a posed to the experimental treatment(s) under
place on the boundary between two states consideration. Synonymous with comparison
agreed to by the states concerned, or other group.
similar point of significance. (2) Aviation. A control layout
controlled airspace extending upward from a The grouping of manual controls within a
specified limit above the earth. location at a workplace. Also referred to as
control arrangement control arrangement. See also control loca-
See control layout. tion and display-control layout.
control limit
That boundary value which a measurement on
some aspect or dimension of a product or
Control Assessment Protocol (CAP) system must not exceed.
A systematic procedure for clinicians to fol- control location
low in the evaluation of disabled individuals The general placement of controls for use by
for assistive devices. an operator. See also control layout.
control cab locomotive control machine
A locomotive without propelling motors but An assemblage of manually operated devices
with one or more control stands. for controlling the functions of a traffic con-
control circuit trol system; it may include a track diagram
An electrical circuit between a source of with indication lights.
electric energy and a device which it operates. control operator
control coding An employee assigned to operate the control
The use of any of a variety of coding methods machine of a traffic control system.
for labeling a control. See color coding, control placement
shape coding, size coding, label coding, and See control location.
location coding.
control precision
control device A psychomotor ability involving the posi-
See direct manipulation device. tioning of larger muscle groups to make rapid,
control display layout repeated adjustments to one or more controls.
See display-control layout. control-response ratio
control-display ratio See control-display ratio.
The ratio of movement of a control to the
movement or change of an indicator on a dis-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

control rod
A rod used to control the nuclear power of a regulate that set in some specified manner or
nuclear reactor. The reactor functions through to propose new regulations. (2) A compo-
the fission of nuclear fuel by neutrons. The nent, or system of components functioning as
control rod absorbs neutrons that would nor- a unit, including control valves and sensing,
mally produce fission in the atoms of the fuel. warning, relief, shutdown, and other control
Pushing the rod into the reactor reduces the devices, which is activated either manually or
release of nuclear power and pulling the rod automatically to establish or maintain the per-
out increases the rate. formance of another component.
control sector control technique guidelines (CTG)
Aviation. An airspace area of defined hori- A series of EPA documents designed to assist
zontal and vertical dimensions for which a states in defining reasonable available control
controller or group of controllers has air traf- technologies (RACT) for major sources of
fic control responsibility, normally within an volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
air route traffic control center or an approach control torque
control facility. Sectors are established based That amount of torque required to operate a
on predominant traffic flows, altitude strata, rotary control. See also control force and
and controller workload. Pilot communica- actuation force.
tions during operations within a sector are
normally maintained on discrete frequencies control velocity
assigned to the sector. See capture velocity.
control sensitivity controllable emergency
The ratio between the amount of movement or An emergency where reasonable and prudent
change on a display and the control move- action can prevent harm to people or property.
ment. controlled access rights-of-way
control slash Lanes restricted for at least a portion of the
Aviation. A radar beacon slash representing day for use by transit vehicles and other high
the actual position of the associated aircraft. occupancy vehicles (HOVs). Use of con-
Normally, the control slash is the one closest trolled access lanes may also be permitted for
to the interrogating radar beacon site. When vehicles preparing to turn. The restriction
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) must be sufficiently enforced so that 95 per-
radar is operating in narrow band (digitized) cent of the vehicles using the lanes during the
mode, the control slash is converted to a tar- restricted period are authorized to use them.
get symbol. See also right-of-way.
control spacing controlled airspace
That distance between the human-operated An airspace of defined dimensions within
mechanism for two or more control devices. which air traffic control service is provided to
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flights and to
control station Visual Flight Rules (VFR) flights in classifi-
The place where the control machine of a traf- cation.
fic control system is located. See also control
machine. controlled area
(1) General. Specific area designated for the
control stick performance of certain work, usually work
The primary control device on many types of that is hazardous or sensitive in nature, where
aircraft, generally consisting of a rod-shaped control measures have been implemented to
structure extending from the floor in front of prevent the unauthorized access of personnel
the pilot's seat with aircraft handling and other into the area while the work is being per-
controls. formed. Control measures may include
control system physical barriers, warning signs and signals,
(1) A system whose primary function is the personnel monitoring, or any combination of
monitoring of outputs from a given set of these and/or other measures. (2) Radiation. A
functions and using that data or information to defined area in which the occupational expo-

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sure of personnel to radiation or radioactive classification, sale, and use of drugs. The
material is under the supervision of an indi- majority of the states have such acts.
vidual responsible for radiation protection. controlled time
controlled departure time programs (CDT That elemental time which is governed solely
programs) by some external process.
These programs are the flow control process controlled time of arrival
whereby aircraft are held on the ground at the The original estimated time of arrival adjusted
departure airport when delays are projected to by the ATCSCC ground delay factor.
occur in either the en route system or the ter-
minal of intended landing. The purpose of controller
these programs is to reduce congestion in the (1) Any device used for operating and/or
air traffic system or to limit the duration of regulating a system. (2) A device or group of
airborne holding in the arrival center or ter- devices that serves to govern, in some prede-
minal area. A CDT is a specific departure slot termined manner, the electric power delivered
shown on the flight plan as an expected de- to the apparatus to which it is connected. (3)
parture clearance time (EDCT). A person authorized to provide air traffic
control services. See air traffic controller.
controlled experiment
An experimental investigation in which the controlling depth
relevant independent variables are directly The least available water in a navigable chan-
and systematically manipulated and/or con- nel which limits the amount of cargo that may
trolled and the effects of such manipulation be carried by the vessel.
are measured. Also referred to as a controlled controlling locomotive
study. A locomotive arranged as having the only
controlled motion controls over all electrical, mechanical and
See controlled movement. pneumatic functions for one or more locomo-
tives, including controls transmitted by radio
controlled movement signals if so equipped. It does not include two
Any controlled bodily movement in which or more locomotives coupled in multiple
prime mover and antagonist muscles are inte- which can be moved from more than one set
grated using muscle contraction throughout of locomotive controls.
the range of the motion to generate a desired
force and/or velocity. Also referred to as non- contusion
ballistic movement and tension movement. Injury to tissues without breakage of the skin;
a bruise. In a contusion, blood from the bro-
controlled point ken vessels accumulates in surrounding tis-
Aviation. A location where signals and/or sues, producing pain, swelling, and tender-
other functions of a traffic control system are ness. A discoloration appears as a result of
controlled from the control machine. See also blood seepage under the surface of the skin.
control machine and control operator. Serious complications may develop in some
controlled study cases of contusion. Normally, blood is drawn
See controlled experiment. off from the bruised area in a few days. But
controlled substance there is a possibility that blood clotted in the
Any drug so designated by law whose avail- area will form a cyst or calcify and require
ability is restricted, i.e., so designated by fed- surgical treatment. The contusion may also
eral or state Controlled Substances Acts. In- be complicated by infection.
cluded in such classification are narcotics, convection
stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and The transfer of heat from one place to another
marihuana. by moving fluid (a gas or a liquid). Natural
Controlled Substances Acts convection results from differences in tempera-
Federal and state acts (the latter modeled on ture. The rising of heated surface air and the
the Uniform Controlled Substances Act) the sinking of cooler air aloft is often called free
purpose of which is to control the distribution, convection (as opposed to forced convection).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

conventional pollutants
convection heat load Statutory listed pollutants the nature of which
The amount of heat energy transferred be- is understood well by the scientific commu-
tween the skin and the air. Human skin is nity. These may be in the form of organic
normally 95°F (35°C). Air in excess of that waste, sediment, acid, bacteria and viruses, oil
temperature will warm the body, whereas air and grease, or heat.
below that temperature will cool the body. conventional systems
convective condensation level (CCL) Systems that have been traditionally used to
The level above the surface marking the base collect municipal wastewater in gravity sew-
of a cumuliform cloud that is forming due to ers and convey it to a central primary or sec-
surface heating and rising thermals. ondary treatment plant prior to discharge to
surface waters.
convective heat loss
That amount of heat eliminated from the body convergence
via convection, indicated by an equation of (1) General. A coordinated inward rotation of
the form: the eyes about their vertical axis to fixate on a
point near the observer to obtain fusion. (2)
H = hcA (Ts − Ta ) Meteorology. An atmospheric condition that
exists when the winds cause a horizontal net
inflow of air into a specified region.
H = convective heat loss
hc = convective heat transfer coefficient convergence angle
A = body surface area That angle formed by the intersection of the
Ts = weighted mean skin temperature line of sight of each eye when both eyes are
Ta = air temperature fixated at a single point.
convergence point
convective heat transfer coefficient (hc)
That location on a curve at which a worker's
A number which includes factors for clothing
learning curve achieves standard perform-
thermal characteristics and environmental

convective instability
Instability arising in the atmosphere when a convergent phoria
column of air exhibits warm, moist, nearly A tendency for an observer to fixate in front
saturated air near the surface and cold, dry air of a stationary target.
aloft. When the lower part of the layer is conversion
lifted and saturation occurs, it becomes unsta- (1) The act of changing into something of
ble. different form or properties. (2) The trans-
conventional anthropometry formation of emotions into physical manifes-
See classical anthropometry. tations.
conventional cab conversion factor
A cab design in which the engine is located A number that translates units of one system
ahead, or mostly ahead, of the cowl. into corresponding values of another system.
Conversion factors can be used to translate
conventional memory
physical units of measure for various fuels
Computing. The base RAM on a computer,
into British Thermal Unit (BTU) equivalents.
typically the first 640 kilobytes. Conven-
See also British Thermal Unit.
tional memory is the only kind of RAM that
MS-DOS-based applications can use, unless converter dolly
an expanded memory manager (EMM) is A motor vehicle consisting of a chassis
used. See also extended memory and ex- equipped with one or more axles, a fifth
panded memory. wheel and/or equivalent mechanism, and
drawbar, the attachment of which converts a
semitrailer to a full trailer.

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convertible heating elements, internal wiring, and built-in
A truck or trailer that can be used either as a or separately mountable controls.
flatbed or open-top by removing side panels. cool color
convertible collision insurance A blue or green color, or a color which ap-
Type of collision coverage generally carrying pears less bright than another for a given in-
lower premium but requiring higher premium tensity.
after the first loss or claim (an alternative coolant
form of deductible collision coverage). See A liquid or gas used to reduce the heat gener-
also insurance. ated by power production in nuclear reactors,
convertible insurance electric generators, various industrial and me-
A policy that may be changed to another form chanical processes, and automobile engines.
by contractual provision and without evidence cooling degree day
of insurability. Usually used to refer to term A form of degree-day used in estimating the
life insurance convertible to permanent insur- amount of energy necessary to reduce the ef-
ance. See also insurance. fective temperature of warm air. A cooling
convertible life insurance degree-day is a day on which the average
Generally a form of term life insurance which temperature is one degree above a desired
gives the insured the right to change the pol- base temperature.
icy to permanent life insurance without re- cooling pond
quiring a medical examination of the insured A pond where water is cooled by contact with
party. See also insurance. air prior to reuse or discharge.
convex function cooling tower
A mathematical relationship or graph having An open water recirculating device that uses
positive second derivative over a specified fans or natural draft to draw or force ambient
interval of interest, resulting in a U-shaped air through the device to cool warm water by
curve. direct contact.
cooling tower blowdown
A side-stream of water discharged from a
conveyance cooling tower recirculation system to prevent
In its most common usage, the transfer of title scaling or precipitation of saturated salts or
to land from one person, or class of persons, minerals.
to another by deed. cooling water
conviction Water used, usually in a condenser, to reduce
The end of a criminal legal proceeding by a the temperature of liquids or gases.
determination of guilt. Cooper Scale
convulsion A no longer used rating scale with a range of
Involuntary spasm or contraction of muscles. 1 (excellent) through 10 (fatal) which was de-
In general, there are three types of convul- veloped in an attempt to have pilots provide
sions: clonic, in which opposing muscles more objective evaluations of aircraft han-
contract and relax alternately producing dling qualities. Also referred to as the Cooper
rhythmic movements; tonic, in which all the Rating Scale.
muscles tighten until the victim becomes Cooper-Harper scale
rigid; and those that occur in Jacksonian epi- An ordinal rating procedure using a decision
lepsy, in which the muscular twitching begins tree on a scale of 1 (excellent) through 10
in one area and spread to another. (major deficiencies) for task difficulty. De-
cooking unit, counter-mounted signed originally for use by test pilots for
A cooking appliance designed for mounting in evaluating aircraft handling, but has been
or on a counter and consisting of one or more used in other physical workload situations as

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well. Also referred to as Cooper-Harper air- copper
craft handling characteristics scale. A chemical element, atomic number 29,
Cooper-Harper Scale, modified atomic weight 63.54, symbol Cu. It is neces-
An ordinal rating procedure using a decision sary for bone formation and for the formation
tree on a scale of task difficulty ranging from of blood because it acts as a catalyst in the
1 (very easy) through 10 (impossible) for transformation of inorganic iron into hemo-
mental workload determinations. globin. There is little danger of deficiency in
ordinary diets because of relatively abundant
cooperation clause supply and minute daily requirements.
That provision in insurance policies which
requires the insured to cooperate with the in- copper-nickel
surer in defense of a claim. A copper alloy containing 10-30% nickel to
increase resistance to corrosion and stress cor-
coordinate rosion cracking. Also called cupronickel.
(1) A position in space, time, amplitude, or
some other dimension. (2) To cause separate copper sulfate
entities to act together harmoniously toward a Chemical used for algae control, also called
final goal. blue vitriol. Chemical formula is CuSO4.

coordinate system copperas

A spatial reference system with a defined ori- Common name for ferrous sulfate heptahy-
gin and rules for defining locations within that drate, a common coagulant. Chemical for-
system. See also rectangular coordinate mula is FeSO4·7H2O.
system. coproporphyrin
coordinate transformation A porphyrin that is formed in the blood-
Any mathematical or graphical process for forming organs and found in the urine and fe-
modifying or shifting a coordinate system. ces.

coordinates copter
The intersection of lines of reference, usually See helicopter.
expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds of lati- copy
tude and longitude, used to determine position A computer operation system function which
or location. duplicates a file or segment in another loca-
tion while leaving the original file or segment
coordination fix
The fix in relation to which facilities will copyright
handoff, transfer control of an aircraft, or co- The right of literary property as recognized
ordinate flight progress data. For terminal fa- and sanctioned by positive law. An intangi-
cilities, it may also serve as a clearance for ar- ble, incorporeal right granted by statute to the
riving aircraft. author or originator of certain literary or ar-
tistic productions, whereby he/she is invested,
co-partnership incentive plan for a specified period, with the sole and ex-
An incentive plan in which workers have the clusive privilege of multiplying copies of the
opportunity to own a share of the business same and publishing and selling them.
enterprise, thus obtaining some portion of the
profits resulting from that ownership. cordelle
A hawser; a towline such as those used to pull
coping keelboats in the French-speaking parts of
The top or covering of an exterior masonry North America.
copolymer The heart of the nuclear reactor where the
A long-chain molecule resulting from the re- nuclei of the fuel undergo fission (spilt) and
action of more than one monomer species release energy. The core is usually sur-
with another.

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rounded by a reflecting material that bounces fection is essential to avoid ulceration and
stray neutrons back to the fuel. loss of vision.
core temperature corneal reflex
The temperature in the central part of the A reflex action of the eye resulting in auto-
body. Rectal temperature is considered a matic closing of the eyelid when the cornea is
measure of core temperature. stimulated. The corneal reflex can be elicited
CORELAP in a normal person by gently touching the
See Computerized Relationship Layout cornea with a wisp of cotton. Absence of the
Planning. corneal reflex indicates deep coma or injury
of one of the nerves carrying the reflex action.
core-shell model
A simple thermodynamic concept in which corneo-retinal potential (CRP)
the human is treated as having a heat- The bioelectric potential between the anterior
producing core and a surrounding shell, with and posterior eyeball.
heat exchange occurring through the shell to corner sweep
the environment. Scraper used to remove sludge from the cor-
Coriolis acceleration ner of a square clarifier.
That acceleration generated by the simultane- corona
ous exposure to rotational motion about two (1) General. A crown-like structure or part,
axes in an internal reference frame. as the top of the head or the upper part of a
Coriolis effect tooth. (2) Astronomy. A luminous circle
The misperception of body orientation, com- around one of the heavenly bodies, as when
monly accompanied by nausea and vertigo on seen through cloud or mist. (3) Astrophysics.
exposure to Coriolis acceleration. The luminous envelope of ionized gases visi-
ble during a total eclipse of the sun. (4)
Coriolis force Electricity. The luminous discharge appear-
An apparent force observed on any free- ing at the surface or between the terminals of
moving object in a rotating system. On the an electrical conductor under high voltage.
earth, this deflective force results from the
earth's rotation and causes moving particles coronal plane
(including the wind) to deflect to the right in See frontal plane. (Note: The term is often
the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the used instead of frontal plane in conjunction
Southern Hemisphere. with the brain.)
Pertaining to blood vessels or nerves which
corium encircle an organ or other structure, especially
The fibrous inner layer of the skin, derived the heart.
from the embryonic mesoderm, varying from
1/50 to 1/8 inch in thickness, well supplied coronary occlusion
with nerves and blood vessels and containing The blockage of an artery supplying blood to
hair roots and sebaceous and sweat glands; on the muscle tissue of the heart.
the palms and soles it bears ridges whose ar- coronoid process
rangement in whorls and loops is peculiar to A projection from the proximal end of the
the individual (fingerprints and footprints). ulna which fits into the coronoid fossa on
cornea flexion of the elbow.
The clear, transparent anterior covering of the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) stan-
eye. The cornea is subject to injury by for- dards
eign bodies in the eye, bacterial infection, and CAFE standards were originally established by
viral infection, especially by the herpes sim- Congress for new automobiles, and later for
plex virus. The herpes zoster virus, which light trucks, in Title V of the Motor Vehicle In-
causes "shingles," can also infect the cornea. formation and Cost Savings Act (15 U.S.C.
Prompt treatment of any corneal injury or in- 1901, et seq.) with subsequent amendments.

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Under CAFE, automobile manufacturers are A blood cell.
required by law to produce vehicle fleets with a corrected effective temperature (CET)
composite sales-weighted fuel economy which A measure of environmental heat stress which
cannot be lower than the CAFE standards in a includes average radiant temperature and
given year, or for every vehicle which does not globe temperature effects.
meet the standard, a fine of $5.00 is paid for
every one-tenth of a mpg below the standard. correction
Aviation (communication) An error has been
corporate code of conduct made in the transmission and the correct ver-
A statement of the corporation’s ethical stan- sion follows.
dards and special goals, which is clearly
stated and widely publicized. Includes stan- corrective action
dards of business conduct related to both legal See cleanup.
compliance and general organizational re- corrective lens
quirements and legal responsibilities to not An eyeglass lens that has been ground to the
engage in conduct that would otherwise result wearer's individual prescription to enable
in legal liability. normal visual acuity.
corporate compliance officer corrective maintenance
A high-level employee with a substantial role A form of maintenance which is intended to
in the making of policy within an organization return a system or piece of equipment to
to create and monitor the compliance program proper operating status after it has failed.
oversight and enforcement. The individual Also referred to as breakdown maintenance,
should be of the highest integrity and be unscheduled maintenance, and remedial
knowledgeable of every function of the orga- maintenance.
nization’s business. The individual should
also have sufficient command authority so his correlated color temperature
or her decisions will not be easily counter- That temperature of a Planckian radiator
manded. whose perceived color most closely resembles
that of a given stimulus source when viewed
corporate/executive flying at the same brightness and under specified
The use of aircraft owned or leased, and oper- viewing conditions.
ated by a corporate or business firm for the
transportation of personnel or cargo in fur- correlated work crew
therance of the corporation's or firm's busi- A group of workers who interact with each
ness, and which are flown by pilots working other or work together on a task, such that
for compensation. each individual's work is not independent.

corporate probation correlation

Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines The degree of association between variables.
(FSGs), an appropriate sentence for an orga- The simultaneous increase or decrease in the
nization under the FSGs when needed to en- value of two random variables (positive cor-
sure that another sanction will be fully im- relation), or the simultaneous increase in the
plemented, or to ensure that steps will be value of one and decrease in the value of the
taken within the organization to reduce the other (negative correlation).
likelihood of future criminal conduct. Often correlation coefficient
mandated under the FSGs for an organization A number between 1.0 and -1.0 which repre-
with 50 or more employees without an effec- sents the degree and direction of correlation
tive compliance program. Conditions of pro- between two variables.
bation can include requiring the organization
correlative kinesiology
to publicize the nature of the offense or to de-
See electromyographic kinesiology.
velop a compliance program satisfactory to
the court. See also effective compliance pro- corridor
gram. Transportation. A broad geographical band
that follows a general directional flow con-
necting major sources of trips that may con-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tain a number of streets, highways, and transit A trigonometric function; the value of the
route alignments. ratio of the adjacent side of an acute angle to
corrode the hypotenuse in a right triangle.
The gradual breaking down, wearing away, or cosine law of illumination
alteration of a structure due to the action of A rule that the illumination on any surface
air, moisture, or a chemical. changes according to the cosine of the inci-
corrosion dent light angle from perpendicular to the sur-
Physical damage, usually in the form of dete- face. Represented as:
rioration or destruction caused by chemical or I cos Θ
electrochemical action as contrasted with ero- E =
sion caused by mechanical reaction.
corrosive where:
A chemical agent that reacts with the surface E = illumination level
of a material (including skin) causing it to I = intensity of light source
deteriorate or wear away. Θ = the angle of incidence of the light
from perpendicular
corrosive waste
d = the distance from the light source
Waste having the ability to corrode standard
containers or to dissolve toxic components or cosmetic
other waste. Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act, articles intended to be rubbed, poured,
sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or
The ability of a substance to produce corro-
otherwise applied to the human body or any
part thereof or cleansing, beautifying, pro-
corrugated plate interceptor (CPI) moting attractiveness, or altering the appear-
Oil separation device utilizing inclined corru- ance; and articles intended for use as a com-
gated plates to separate free non-emulsified ponent of any such articles; except that such
oil and water based on their density differ- term shall not include soap.
cosmic radiation
cortex Penetrating ionizing radiation, both particu-
The outer portion of an organ or structure, late and electromagnetic, originating in outer
usually referring to the brain, adrenal gland, space. Secondary cosmic rays, formed by in-
or bone. teractions in the earth's atmosphere, add to the
general background radiation.

cortical bone
The compact bone tissue next to the surface of cosmic ray
a bone. See cosmic radiation.
corticospinal system cost
See pyramidal system. Those expenses incurred in producing a prod-
corticosteroid uct, delivering goods, or providing a service,
Any of the hormones elaborated by the cortex whether financial, human, or metabolic.
of the adrenal gland. cost-benefit analysis
corundum (1) General. The determination or estimation
Natural aluminum oxide material that may and evaluation of the weighted relative finan-
contain traces of iron, magnesium, and silica. cial, social, and/or other costs to the same or
other categories of rewards or compensation.
coryza It should be performed prior to undertaking
An acute inflammation of the nasal mucous the endeavor being considered. (2) System
membrane, with profuse discharge. Safety. A system safety analytical technique
used to evaluate various possible courses of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

action with respect to the costs that are in- coulomb
curred compared to the benefit of the results. A quantity of electric charge equal to one am-
cost-effective alternative pere second.
An alternative control or corrective regulatory coulomb friction
or compliance method identified by the EPA That friction from movement between dry
after analysis as being the best available in surfaces.
terms of reliability, performance, and eco- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)
nomic considerations (i.e., when selecting a An agency created under Section 202 of the
method for cleaning up a site on the Super- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
fund National Priorities List, the EPA bal- in January of 1970. Before its abolishment by
ances costs with the long-term effectiveness President Clinton on 8 February 1993, the
of the various methods proposed). CEQ consisted of three members, appointed
cost-effectiveness by the President, with advice and consent
The relative financial or other benefits ob- from the Senate. Under NEPA, the CEQ pro-
tained compared to the cost of alternatives. vided advice to the President on federal pro-
Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF) grams and policies affecting the environment
A type of sale in which the buyer of the prod- and also prepared an annual Environmental
uct agrees to pay a unit price that includes the Quality Report (EQR) for Congress that de-
f.o.b. value of the product at the point of ori- scribed the state of the environment in the
gin plus all costs of insurance and transporta- United States and reported the status of spe-
tion. This type of transaction differs from a cific initiatives during the previous year.
delivered purchase in that the buyer accepts Prior to 1978, the CEQ only issued guide-
the quantity as determined at the loading port lines, which were merely advisory and had no
(as certified by the Bill of Lading and Quality force of law behind them. Federal agencies
Report) rather than pay on the basis of the could either follow these recommendations or
quantity and quality ascertained at the un- pursue an alternate course of action. But in
loading port. It is similar to the terms of an 1978, as a result of an Executive Order, CEQ
f.o.b. sale, except that the seller, as a service issued regulations that required all federal
for which he/she is compensated, arranges for agencies to implement NEPA. Upon its
transportation and insurance. abolishment, President Clinton created a new
office called the Office of Environmental
cost of accidents per employee (CAE) Policy (OEP). See also Office of Environ-
The cost of the accidents incurred per year mental Policy.
spread across the average number of employ-
ees, as in the following formula: councilman
See alderman.
total accident costs count
average number of employees The external indication of a device designed
to enumerate ionizing events. It may refer to
cost recovery
a single detected event or the total measured
A legal process by which potentially respon-
in a given time period.
sible parties (PRPs) who contributed to the
contamination at a Superfund site can be re- counter
quired to reimburse the Trust Fund for money (1) The top flat surface of a work space. (2)
spent during any cleanup actions by the fed- A device for counting nuclear disintegrations
eral government. used to measure radioactivity. (3) Any device
or system which keeps track of incrementing
costal cartilage
or decrementing numbers of objects or events.
That segment of cartilage which attaches a rib
to the sternum or, in some cases, to adjacent counterfeit drug
ribs. Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Act, a drug which, or the container or labeling
of which, without authorization, bears the
See captain of the port.
trademark, trade name, or other identifying

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mark, imprint, or device, or any likeness coupon test
thereof, of a drug manufacturer, processor, A method of determining the rate of corrosion
packer, or distributor other than the person or or scale formation by placing metal strips, or
persons who in fact manufactured, processed, coupons, of a known weight in a tank or pipe.
packed, or distributed such drug and which courier services (except by air)
thereby falsely purports or is represented to be Establishments primarily engaged in the
the product of, or to have been packed or delivery of individually addressed letters,
distributed by, such other drug manufacturer, parcels, and packages (generally under 100
processor, packer, or distributor. pounds), except by means of air transportation
countermeasure or by the U.S. Postal Service.
An action taken in opposition to another. course
country breeze (1) The intended direction of flight in the
A light breeze that blows into a city from horizontal plane measured in degrees from
surrounding countryside. It is best observed north. (2) The Instrument Landing System
on clear nights when the urban heat island is (ILS) localizer signal pattern usually specified
most pronounced. See also urban heat as the front course or the back course. (3)
island. The intended track along a straight, curved, or
county attorney segmented Microwave Landing System
See district attorney. (MLS) path. See also bearing and flight
coupled approach
Aviation. A coupled approach is an instrument course of employment
approach performed by the aircraft autopilot These words, as applied to compensation for
which is receiving position information and/or injuries within the purview of workers'
steering commands from onboard navigation compensation acts, refer to the time, place,
equipment. In general, coupled non-precision and circumstances under which the accident
approaches must be discontinued and flown takes place. A worker is in the course of
manually at altitudes lower than 50 feet below employment when, within the time covered
the minimum descent altitude, and coupled by employment, he/she is doing something
precision approaches must be flown manually which he/she might reasonably do while so
below 50 feet ALG. Note: Coupled and employed at a proper place.
autoland approaches are flown in Visual courseware
Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight That application or system software and the
Rules (IFR). It is common for carriers to programmed/coded information base which
require their crews to fly coupled approaches are used to provide the information and
and autoland approaches (if certified) when interactions in a computer-based instruction
the weather conditions are less than system.
approximately 4,000 Runway Visual Range Court of Appeals
(RVR). See also autoland approach. In those states with courts of appeals, such
coupler courts are usually intermediate appellate
A device for locking together the component courts (with the highest appellate court being
parts of a tubular metal scaffold. The material the state Supreme Court).
used for the couplers shall be of a structure covariate
type, such as a drop-forged steel, malleable A variable which is related to and varies as
iron, or structural grade aluminum. The use the predictor and outcome variables do.
of gray cast iron is prohibited.
coupling One of a number of enforceable promises
Any of a variety of possible interfaces which can govern the use of land. Others are
between the hand or robotic grapple fixture called restriction, easement, and equitable
and another objects for purposes of gripping servitude.
or touching.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Vegetation or other material providing of a load other than the body parts them-
protection as ground cover. selves.
cover material cowboy
Soil or other suitable material used to cover Transportation (slang). Reckless driver.
compacted solid waste in a sanitary or secure cowl
landfill. The front part of a cab or body directly below
coverage the base of the windshield, between fire wall
The number of jobs or the number of and instrument panel, and usually including
personnel whose jobs have been assigned the hood.
standards during a particular period. coxal bone
coverage ratios A bone consisting of the fused ileum, pubis,
Transportation. The ratio used to measure the and ischium making up part of the pelvic
degree to which expenditures are funded or girdle. Commonly referred to as hip bone,
"covered" by the various types of revenues. pelvic bone, and also known as innominate
This ratio indicates the percent of bone.
expenditures that is funded by identifiable CPI
transportation-related tax receipts, fees, etc. See corrugated plate interceptor. See also
covered fleet Consumer Price Index. Also, an acronym for
Under the provisions of the Clean Air Act chemical process industry.
(CAA), 10 or more motor vehicles that are cpm
owned or operated by a single person. In Counts per minute.
determining the number of vehicles owned or
operated by a single person for purposes of CPM
the CAA, all motor vehicles owned or See Critical Path Method.
operated, leased, or otherwise controlled by cps
such person, by any person who controls such Cycles per second.
person, by any person controlled by such
person, and by any person under common CPSC
control with such person shall be treated as Consumer Product Safety Commission
owned by such person. (United States).

covered fleet vehicle CPVC

Under the provisions of the Clean Air Act Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. A chlorinated
(CAA), only a motor vehicle which is in a form of PVC that provides increased heat
vehicle class for which standards are resistance.
applicable under the CAA and in a covered crack
fleet which is centrally fueled (or capable of (1) General An illicit drug of abuse derived
being centrally fueled). No vehicle which primarily from cocaine but also may contain a
under normal operations is garaged at a variety of fillers and/or other materials that may
personal residence at night shall be considered or may not be considered "drugs." (2)
to be a vehicle which is capable of being Structural Dynamics. A fracture without
centrally fueled within the meaning of the complete separation into parts, except that
CAA. castings with shrinkage cracks or hot tears that
covert behavior do not significantly diminish the strength of the
Any behavior consisting of actions not member are not considered to be cracked.
directly viewable by an external observer. cradle-to-grave
covert lifting task Under RCRA, the common term used to em-
An operation in which body parts are moved, phasize the extent of hazardous waste man-
thus involving biomechanical aspects of the agement responsibilities. Basically, hazard-
body, but which doesn't involve the handling ous wastes must be properly managed and
those who participate in that management are
held responsible from the moment it is gener-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ated (i.e., its creation) up to the time it is ei- An event that produces injury and/or damage,
ther neutralized, destroyed, or otherwise dis- involves a motor vehicle in transport, and oc-
posed of properly. curs on a traffic way or while the vehicle is
CRAFT still in motion after running off the traffic
See Computerized Relative Allocation of Fa- way. See also accident, casualty, collision,
cilities Technique. derailment, fatality, event, hit and run, inci-
dent, injury, vehicle maneuver, and vehicle
cramps role.
Common term for sudden, involuntary mus-
cular contractions which cause severe pain. Crash Injury Research (CIR) project
Painful muscle spasms in the extremities, A U.S. government-sponsored project in-
back, or abdomen, as a result of, or due in part tended to determine the causes of aircraft ac-
to excessive loss of salt during sweating. cidents and record the injuries sustained in
each accident. (Note: An older program; now
crane referred to as Aviation Safety Engineering
A mechanical device intended for lifting or and Research.)
lowering a load and moving it horizontally, in
which the hoisting mechanism is an integral crash safety
part of the machine. A crane may be a fixed A measure of a vehicle's ability for the occu-
or mobile machine. pant(s) to survive an impact and evacuate the
vehicle following impact.
Pertaining to the cranium. crash severity
The most severe injury sustained in the crash as
cranial length recorded on the police accident report: Property
The linear distance from glabella to Damage Only (no injuries), Minor or Moderate
opisthocranion. (Evident, but not incapacitating; complaint of
cranial nerves injury; or injured, severity unknown), Severe or
Nerves that are attached to the brain and pass Fatal (killed or incapacitating).
through the openings of the skull. There are Crash Survival Design Guide (CSDG)
12 pairs of cranial nerves, symmetrically ar- A multiple volume document providing in-
ranged so that they are distributed mainly to formation on various aspects of aircraft design
the structures of the head and neck. The one criteria which enhance crew and passenger
exception, the vagus nerve, extends beyond survival during and following a crash.
the head and carries among its fibers the mo-
tor fibers that go to the bronchi, stomach, crash type
gallbladder, small intestine, and part of the Single vehicle or multiple vehicle crash.
large intestine. It also carries the fibers that
control the release of secretions of the gastric crash worthiness
glands and the pancreas, and inhibitory fibers A measure of the capability of a vehicle to act
to the heart. as a protective container and energy absorber
cranial suture during impact.
A suture between two bones enclosing the CRAVE
brain. See carcinogen risk assessment verification
craniosacral endeavor work group.
See parasympathetic. crawl
craniostat A type of locomotion which involves moving
A device for measuring the facial angle. in approximately a prone position, using the
hands/elbows and knees for support and
The skeleton of the head, exclusive of the
mandible and facial bones. crawl space
A region of low height, generally under a
large structure of some type, through which a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

worker may access certain utilities connec- crevasse
tions or other equipment. A deep fissure in snow or ice.
crawling board crevasse field
A plank with cleats spaced and secured at An area of deep fissures in the surface of an
equal intervals, for use by a worker on roofs, ice mass caused by breaking or parting.
not designed to carry any material. Also re- crevice corrosion
ferred to as a chicken ladder. Localized corrosion in narrow crevices filled
creativity with liquid.
The ability to generate ideas for novel ap- CREW CHIEF
proaches, devices, or artistic works through A computerized, 3-dimensional human mod-
imagination, thinking, or considering a situa- eling program for simulating an aircraft
tion from a different perspective. maintenance person with respect to accessi-
credibility bility of components for maintenance and ul-
Worthiness of belief; that quality in a witness timately to the incorporation of such data into
which renders his/her evidence worthy of belief. aircraft design.
After the competence of a witness is allowed, crew-induced load
the consideration of his/her credibility arises, The reaction forces exerted by an individual
and not before. As to the distinction between on a structure as a result of that individual ex-
competency and credibility, see competency. erting effort with or reacting to external forces
credible failure caused by another object on another portion
Any failure that can physically occur without of the body.
violating any scientific law. crew load
creep The number of personnel used to perform
(1) Work Mechanics. A change in a work work on a certain product or component.
method within a task by a worker occurring crew member
over an extended period of time. (2) Seismol- (1) Aviation. A person assigned to perform
ogy. Relatively slow, quiet movement along a duty in an aircraft during flight time. (2)
fault. It is sometimes called seismic creep to Railroad. A person, other than a passenger,
distinguish it from the slumping of rock or who is assigned to perform either a) on-board
soil on slopes (which is also known as creep), functions connected with the movement of the
and sometimes called aseismic creep since it train (i.e., an employee of a railroad, who is
does not trigger events greater than m i- assigned to perform service subject to the fed-
croearthquakes. eral hours of service laws during a tour of
duty) or, b) on-board functions in a sleeping
creeper gear car or coach assigned to intercity service,
Lowest gear or combination of gears used for other than food, beverage, or security service.
extra power. Also known as grandma. crew station
crenothrix Any workstation or work site within a vehicle
See iron bacteria. intended for use during vehicular operation by
one or more members of the crew of that ve-
crepuscular rays hicle.
Alternating light and dark bands of light that
appear to fan out from the sun's position, usu- CRI
ally at twilight. See CIE color rendering index.

crest factor crib

The ratio of the peak value of a vibratory mo- Maritime. A crate-like construction of logs or
tion to the root mean square value of that mo- beams, usually filled with stones, placed in
tion over a specified time interval. water as a free-standing mooring device or as
the foundation of a pier or wharf.
crest of flood
Rise in river has reached its peak.

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crib area
Containing one or more cribs, (frames of logs crista
or beams filled with heavy material that are The sensory structure within the ampulla of a
sunk and used as foundations or retaining semicircular canal, which detects motion of
walls for docks, piers or similar structures, or the head; composed primarily of the cupula
as supports for pipelines). and sensory hair cells.
cricoarytenoid cristobalite
See posterior cricoarytenoid and lateral cri- A crystalline form of silica.
coarytenoid. critale
cricoid cartilage See iliac crest.
A ring-shape piece of cartilaginous tissue en- criteria
circling the airway passage in the larynx. (1) Exposure values or concentrations based
cricothyroid on scientific information and used in the
A skeletal muscle in the larynx involved in regulation of substances. (2) Descriptive
producing tension and elongation of the vocal factors taken into account by EPA in setting
cords. standards for various pollutants. These fac-
criminal tors are used to determine limits on allowable
The term applied to any proceeding the reso- concentration levels and to limit the number
lution of which can result in incarceration of violations per year. When issued by EPA,
and/or monetary fines. Most alleged crimes the criteria provide guidance to the states on
are either misdemeanors or felonies. how to establish their standards.

criminal damage criteria pollutants

(1) Willfully injuring, damaging, mutilating, The 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act
defacing, destroying, or substantially impair- required the EPA to set National Ambient Air
ing the use of any property in which another Quality Standards (NAAQS) for certain pol-
has an interest without the consent of such lutants known to be hazardous to human
other person. (2) Injuring, damaging, muti- health. The term "criteria pollutants" derives
lating, defacing, destroying, or substantially from the requirements that the EPA must de-
impairing the use of any property with intent scribe the characteristics and potential health
to injure or defraud an insurer or lien holder. and welfare effects of these pollutants. It is
Note: Criminal damage to property is by on the basis of these criteria that standards are
means other than fire or explosive. set or revised. These pollutants include car-
bon monoxide, hydrocarbons, lead, nitrogen
crinion dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and suspended
The point in the midsagittal plane where the particulates.
hairline meets the forehead. In a balding or
hairless individual, estimate where the hair criterion
growth line would be if he had normal hair. A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment
or decision can be based.
crisis management team
Corporate executives or key officers and advi- criterion-related validity
sors of an organization who would form the The usefulness of some test as a predictor in
organization’s nerve center in a crisis situa- job performance.
tion. This group, usually headed by the orga- criterion sound level
nization’s chief executive officer, would re- A sound level of 90 decibels (OSHA).
ceive information about a crisis directly and criterion variable
would formulate the organization’s responses. The variable consisting of the observed result
The team should be trained and warned of the in a correlation or regression study. Analo-
types of crises to be expected. They should gous to the dependent variable in experi-
monitor relevant legal trends and conduct ments.
mock exercises. The team may also decide
upon whether to self-report a violation of the
law to a regulatory agency.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Pertaining to an aspect of such importance equipment damage, etc.). The parameters for
that an operation cannot proceed without it or this categorization are usually established by
a situation may become life-threatening. management in the System Safety Program
critical altitude Plan, or other policy-making documentation.
The maximum altitude at which, in standard critical flaw
atmosphere, it is possible to maintain, a speci- A specific shape of flaw with sufficient size
fied power or a specified manifold pressure at that unstable growth will occur under the spe-
a specified rotational speed. Unless otherwise cific operating load and environment.
stated, the critical altitude is the maximum al- critical flicker frequency (cff)
titude at which it is possible to maintain, at See flicker fusion frequency.
the maximum continuous rotational speed,
one of the following: a) the maximum con- critical flow
tinuous power, in the case of engines for The rate of flow of a fluid equal to the speed
which this power rating is the same at sea of sound in that fluid.
level and at the rated altitude; b) the maxi- critical flow orifice
mum continuous rated manifold pressure, in A device used for determining volumetric
the case of engines, the maximum continuous flow rate with an accuracy of plus or minus
power of which is governed by a constant 10% if made to standardized dimensions.
manifold pressure.
critical function
critical condition An activity or operation which can have a
The most severe environmental condition in major impact on system performance or can
terms of loads, pressures, and temperatures, or endanger workers or the project if it fails.
combinations thereof. Imposed on structures,
systems, subsystems, and components during critical fusion frequency (cff)
service life. See flicker fusion frequency.

critical damping critical habitat

The minimum viscous damping that will al- Under the Federal Threatened Species Act of
low a displaced system to return to its initial 1973, the specific areas occupied by the
position without oscillation. species, at the time it is listed in accordance
with the provisions of the Act on which are
critical engine found those physical or biological features
The engine whose failure would most ad- essential to the conservation of the species
versely affect the performance or handling and which may require special management
qualities of an aircraft. considerations or protection; and specific
areas outside the geographical area occupied
by the species at the time it is listed in
accordance with the provisions of the Act,
critical equipment upon a determination of the Secretary of the
Equipment that is likely to result in a major Interior that such areas are essential for the
problem or loss if damaged, operates improp- conservation of the species.
erly, or ceases to operate for whatever cause, critical incident method
and is therefore considered vital to the contin- A performance appraisal technique for either
ued effective safe operation of the system or a system or employee. For a system: the
process. process of gathering data by asking the users
critical event of that system to describe significant inci-
System Safety. An occurrence, subsequent to dents, according to some established criteria.
the introduction of a hazard or set of hazards For an employee: the maintenance of a log
into a system, that results in a level of injury, documenting both favorable and unfavorable
damage, or loss of a magnitude for which behaviors exhibited during an evaluation pe-
quick or total recovery would be possible, al- riod. Synonymous with critical incident
though extremely difficult (e.g., personnel technique.
injuries, partial system loss, property or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

critical stress intensity factor
critical job The stress intensity factor at which an unsta-
A job task within an occupation that has been ble fracture occurs.
associated with major loss more frequently than critical temperature
others. It could also be a job where an error has The temperature above which a gas cannot be
the potential for resulting in a major loss. liquefied by pressure alone. See also critical
critical load pressure.
A load consisting of critical hardware and/or critical value
any load that includes personnel. That value which lies on a boundary for re-
critical organ jection or acceptance of a hypothesis.
(1) Ionizing Radiation. The body organ re- criticality
ceiving the radionuclides that results in the A scale or ranking of the possible types of
greatest overall damage to the body. Usually, failures in a system as to the importance of
but not necessarily, it is the organ receiving continued functioning of that system.
the greatest concentration. (2) Toxicology.
crocidolite asbestos
The organ in the body which receives the
An amphibole variety of asbestos containing
greatest damage as a result of exposure to a
approximately 50% combined silica and
health hazard.
nearly 40% combined iron (valence 2/3).
critical path analysis This type of asbestos fiber has been consid-
See Critical Path Method. ered the most toxic form of asbestos by some
Critical Path Method (CPM) health professionals and regulatory agencies.
The development and use of a networked Often referred to as blue asbestos.
model containing the times required for dif- Crohn's disease
ferent phases of a job, from which the critical Inflammation of the terminal portion of the
path is determined and a decision made as to ileum; also called regional enteritis and re-
how the job will be carried out. gional ileitis.
critical pitting temperature cross-auditing
A value used to compare a material's resis- Audits conducted within a facility but for a
tance to pitting corrosion. different work unit or facility.
critical point cross-boundary interaction analysis
The combination of pressure and temperature A study of the work-related interactions be-
at which point a gas and liquid become indis- tween workers on different tasks to determine
tinguishable. the interdependence between tasks.
critical pressure cross-collector
The pressure required to liquefy a gas at the A mechanical sludge collector mechanism,
critical temperature. See also critical tem- extending the width of one or more longitudi-
perature. nal sedimentation basins, used to consolidate
and convey accumulated sludge to a final re-
critical ratio moval point.
The value of the ratio of a deviation from a
mean to the standard deviation for that distri- cross-connection
bution. A physical connection in a plumbing system
through which a potable water supply could
critical score be contaminated.
That score which appears to separate those
most likely to be successful from the most cross-coupling
likely to fail. A situation in which an event occurring in one
aspect affects or causes an event to occur in
critical speed
another aspect.
Any rotating speed which is associated with
high vibration amplitude.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cross (fix) at (altitude)
Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) when a matched to the intensity of stimulation in an-
specific altitude restriction at a specified fix is other modality. Synonymous with cross-
required. modality matching.
cross (fix) at or above (altitude) cross-sequential design
Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) when an A research methodology in which independ-
altitude restriction at a specified fix is re- ent groups of individuals from the same birth
quired. It does not prohibit the aircraft from cohort are measured at different times or ages.
crossing the fix at a higher altitude than speci- cross-servicing
fied; however, the higher altitude may not be Petroleum products, repairs, supplies, and
one that will violate a succeeding altitude re- services provided to General Services Ad-
striction or altitude assignment. ministration (GSA) by other federal agencies,
cross (fix) at or below (altitude) or vice versa. Cross-servicing may also refer
Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) when a to commercial firms where GSA or other fed-
maximum crossing altitude at a specific fix is eral agencies have agreements with these
required. It does not prohibit the aircraft from firms to supply services, repairs, or fuel.
crossing the fix at a lower altitude; however, cross training
it must be at or above the minimum Instru- A technique in which a worker may be trained
ment Flight Rules (IFR) altitude. on the job of one or more co-workers, usually
cross grain with the co-workers being likewise trained.
A deviation of the fiber direction in a piece of crossboard
wood from a line parallel to the sides of the Maritime Navigation. A simple type of day-
piece. Also referred to as slope of grain. mark in the shape of a "X" formerly used ex-
cross light tensively on the Missouri River only.
Provide equivalent illumination on a subject crosscurrent
using a pair of luminaries arranged at equal Stream flow across navigable portion of river.
angles from the plan generated by the subject
and the viewing axis of the viewer or camera. crossed eyes
An eye condition in which both eyes cannot
cross-modality matching be focused on the same object at the same
A research technique. See cross-sensory time; the result is that one eye focuses on the
matching. object, while the other eye is turned away
cross protection from it. Also called strabismus.
An arrangement to prevent the improper op- crossflow filtration
eration of a signal, switch, movable-point Method of filtration where the feed water
frog, or derail as the result of a cross in elec- flows parallel to the surface of the filter me-
trical circuits. dium.
cross-sectional area crossing
Exposed area when an object or image is cut A place where a channel moves from along
perpendicular on its longitudinal axis and one bank of the river over to the other bank of
viewed along the longitudinal axis. the river.

cross-sectional design crossing daymark

A research methodology in which all samples A diamond-shaped daymark erected at the
are taken at approximately the same point in head and foot of crossings and used by pilots
time. to steer.
cross-sectional study crossing light
A study using a cross-sectional design. A light located at the head and foot of cross-
cross-sensory matching ings used by pilots to steer; may be equipped
A research technique in which the intensity of with an additional high intensity directional
stimulation on one modality is compared or light.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

crown-rump length, reclining
crosslinkage The linear horizontal distance from the top of
The degree of bonding of a monomer or set of the head to the bottom of the buttocks. Meas-
monomers to form an insoluble, three- ured with the individual supine on a recum-
dimensional resin matrix. bent length table, the hips flexed 90°, and the
crossmatching head oriented so the Frankfort plane is per-
A procedure vital in blood transfusions, test- pendicular to the board surface.
ing for agglutination of donor erythrocytes by CRP
recipient's serum, and of recipient's red cells See corneo-retinal potential.
by donor serum.
crossover analysis See cathode ray tube or choice reaction time.
An evaluation for costing purposes of what
alternative work methodologies should be crude oil
used for different production levels. (1) Unrefined petroleum as produced from
underground formations. (2) A mixture of
crosstalk hydrocarbons that exists in the liquid phase in
A signal which is communicated to another natural underground reservoirs and remains
channel in a system where it is not desired. liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing
crosstie through surface-separating facilities.
Railroad. The transverse member of the track crude oil imports
structure to which the rails are fastened. Its The volume of crude oil imported into the 50
function is to provide proper gauge and to states and the District of Columbia, including
cushion, distribute, and transmit the stresses imports from U.S. territories, but excluding
of traffic through the ballast to the roadbed. imports of crude oil into the Hawaiian For-
crosstown eign Trade Zone.
Non-radial bus or rail service which does not crude oil petroleum
enter the Central Business District (CBD). A naturally occurring, oily, flammable liquid
crosswind composed principally of hydrocarbons. Crude
Aviation. (1) When used concerning the traf- oil is occasionally found in springs or pools
fic pattern, the word means crosswind leg. (2) but usually is drilled from wells beneath the
When used concerning wind conditions, the earth's surface.
word means a wind not parallel to the runway crude oil production
or the path of an aircraft. The volume of crude oil produced from oil
crosswind component reservoirs during given periods of time. The
The wind component measured in knots at 90 amount of such production for a given period
degrees to the longitudinal axis of the runway. is measured as volumes delivered from lease
storage tanks (i.e., the point of custody trans-
fer) to pipelines, trucks, or other media for
A location between two structures which
transport to refineries or terminals with ad-
emanate from adjacent points and are inter-
justments for a) net differences between
connected by some tissue or other material.
opening and closing lease inventories, and b)
basic sediment and water (BS&W).
A condition resulting from acute obstruction
of the larynx caused by allergy, foreign body,
Used in an Air Traffic Control (ATC) clear-
infection, or new growth, occurring chiefly in
ance to authorize a pilot to conduct flight at
infants and children.
any altitude from the minimum Instrument
crown Flight Rules (IFR) altitude up to and includ-
See vertex. ing the altitude specified in the clearance.
The pilot may level off at any intermediate
altitude within this block of airspace.
Climb/descent within the block is to be made

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at the discretion of the pilot. However, once crush injury
the pilot starts descent and verbally reports Any injury in which bodily tissues are se-
leaving an altitude in the block, he may not verely compressed and possibly torn due to
return to that altitude without additional ATC mechanical forces.
clearance. Further, it is approval for the pilot cryesthesia
to proceed to and make an approach at desti- Abnormal sensitiveness to cold.
nation airport and can be used in conjunction
with a) an airport clearance limit at locations cryogenic
with a standard special instrument approach Producing low temperatures.
procedure. The Federal Aviation Regulations cryogenic gas
(FAR) require that if an instrument letdown to A liquefied gas that exists in its containers at
an airport is necessary, the pilot shall make temperatures far below normal atmospheric
the letdown in accordance with a stan- temperatures.
dard/special instrument approach procedure
for that airport, or b) an airport clearance limit cryogenic liquid
at locations that are within/below/outside A refrigerated liquid gas with a boiling point
controlled airspace and without a standard or below -130°F (-90°C).
special instrument approach procedure. Such cryogenics
a clearance is NOT AUTHORIZATION for The field of science dealing with the behavior
the pilot to descend under Instrument Flight of matter at very low temperatures.
Rules (IFR) conditions below the applicable
minimum IFR altitude nor does it imply that cryosurgery
ATC is exercising control over aircraft in The destruction of tissue by application of
Class G airspace; however, it provides a extreme cold, as in the destruction of lesions
means for the aircraft to proceed to destina- in the thalamus for the treatment of Parkin-
tion airport, descend, and land in accordance son's disease and the treatment of certain ma-
with applicable FAR's governing Visual lignant lesions of the skin and mucous mem-
Flight Rules (VFR) flight operations. Also, branes. The method has also been used suc-
this provides search and rescue protection un- cessfully in some types of surgery of the eye,
til such time as the IFR flight plan is closed. for example, in the removal of cataracts and
See also instrument approach procedure. the repair of retinal detachment.
cruise climb cryptosporidiosis
A climb technique employed by aircraft, usu- Gastrointestinal disease caused by the inges-
ally at a constant power setting, resulting in tion of waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum,
an increase of altitude as the aircraft weight often resulting from drinking water contami-
decreases. nated by runoff from pastures or farmland.
cruising cryptosporidium
Proceeding normally, unrestricted, with an A protozoan parasite that can live in the in-
absence of drastic rudder or engine changes. testines of humans and animals.
cruising altitude Cryptosporidium parvum
An altitude or right level maintained during A species of Cryptosporidium known to be
en route level flight. This is a constant alti- infective in humans.
tude and should not be confused with a cruise cryptotoxic
clearance. Having hidden toxic properties.
cruising level crystal
A level maintained during a significant por- A homogenous chemical substance that has a
tion of a flight. definite geometric shape, with fixed angles
crumb rubber between its faces and distinct edges of faces.
Ground or shredded rubber produced by crystalline
shredding used automobile tires. It can be re- Having a regular molecular structure evi-
cycled in asphalt-rubber or other products. denced by crystals.

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cubic meter (m3)
crystallization A volume measurement equal to 1000 L or
The process of forming crystals. 264.2 gallons. One cubic meter of water
crystallizer weighs approximately 1 metric ton.
Common term for a forced circulation evapo- cuboid bone
rator. One of the foot tarsus bones, lying between
CSA the calcaneus and the lateral two metatarsals.
Canadian Standards Association. See also Also referred to as os cuboideum.
compressed spectral array. cue
CSDG A stimulus which is a signal to respond.
See Crash Survival Design Guide. cul-de-sac
CSF The round or circular section of the end of a
See cerebrospinal fluid. See also cancer dead-end street.
slope factors. culm
CSG Coal dust or anthracite tailings.
See constructed solid geometry. cultivation
CSHO The propagation of living organisms, applied
See Compliance Safety and Health Officer. especially to the growth of microorganisms or
CSO other cells in artificial media.
See combined sewer overflow. cultural eutrophication
CSP Increasing rate at which water bodies "die" by
See Certified Safety Professional. pollution from human activities.
CSTR culture
Completely stirred tank reactor. (1) The propagation of microorganisms or of
living tissue cells in special media conducive
to their growth. (2) A growth of microorgan-
See charcoal tube.
isms propagated on or in the medium. (3) The
CTAF social heritage. The totality of behaviors,
See common traffic advisory frequency. values, attitudes, and customs shared by a
CTD group.
See cumulative trauma disorder. culvert
CTG An enclosed channel serving as a continuation
See control technique guidelines. of an open stream where a stream meets a
roadway or other barrier.
See Clerical Task Inventory. cu. m.
CTS Cubic meter, m3.
See carpal tunnel syndrome. cumulative distribution function
cubic feet per minute (cfm) See cumulative probability distribution.
A measure of the volume of a substance cumulative dose
flowing within a fixed period of time. Radiation. The total dose resulting from re-
cu. ft peated exposures to radiation of the same re-
Cubic foot or cubic feet, ft3 . Conversion gion or of the whole body.
equivalents: 1,728 cubic inches, 60 pints, 8/10 cumulative error
bushel, 0.028 cubic meter, 28.32 liters. An error whose sum dose not converge to
cubic inch displacement (CID) zero as the number of samples increases.
A measure of the physical size of the engine. cumulative exposure
A weighted sum intended to represent an in-
dividual's effective exposure to some envi-
ronmental condition over a period of time

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when the levels or intensity of that condition tive or forced motions which may occur in
vary throughout the period of interest. Repre- many differed occupational activities. Also
sented by the formula referred to as repetitive motion disorder.
n cumulative working level months (CWLM)
Ec = Σ LT
i i
The sum of lifetime exposure to radon work-
ing levels expressed in total working level
Li = level of exposure (intensity, con- cumulonimbus
centration, etc.) An exceptionally dense and vertically devel-
Ti = length of time at exposure level i oped cloud, often with a top in the shape of an
n = number of exposure intervals used anvil. The cloud is frequently accompanied
by heavy rain showers, lightning, thunder, and
cumulative frequency distribution sometimes hail. It is also known as a thun-
A graphical or tabular representation of an derstorm cloud or a thunder head.
ever increasing curve corresponding to the
summation of all scores of a dataset such that
for each point on the distribution, the ordinate
value represents the sum of all scores less
than the corresponding point on the abscissa.
See also cumulative probability distribution.
cumulative pathogenesis
The development of some type of trauma
through continued stress on one or more parts
of the body.
cumulative probability distribution
A graphical, mathematical, or tabular repre-
sentation of the integration or summation of
some probability distribution function, yield-
ing the cumulative probability of all events
occurring in that set. See also cumulative
frequency distribution.
cumulative sum chart
A statistical quality control chart where the
sum of product deviations is plotted against
time. Also referred to as cusum chart.
cumulative timing A developing cumulonimbus cloud
A work timing technique in which the timing
device is permitted to run continuously across cumulus
all elements of the task being measured. Also A cloud in the form of individual, detached
referred to as continuous timing, continuous domes or towers that are usually dense and
timing method, cycle timing, and continuous well defined. It has a flat base with a bulging
reading method. upper part that often resembles cauliflower.
Cumulus clouds of fair weather are called
cumulus humilis. Those that exhibit much
cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) vertical growth are called cumulus congestus
A collective term used to describe syndromes or towering cumulus.
characterized by discomfort, impairment, dis- cumulus stage
ability, or persistent pain in the joints, mus- The initial stage in the development of an air
cles, tendons, and other soft tissues, with or mass thunderstorm in which rising, warm,
without physical manifestations. It is often humid air develops into a cumulus cloud.
caused, precipitated, or aggravated by repeti-

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cup screen current flight plan
A single-entry, double-exit drum screen. The flight plan, including changes, if any,
cupric brought about by subsequent clearances.
Of or containing copper. current liabilities
cupronickel Aviation. Current portion of long-term debt
See copper-nickel. and of capital leases, air travel liabilities, and
other short-term trade accounts payable.
A gelatinous mass enclosing the sensory hair current of traffic
cells of a crista for detecting motion within The movement of trains on a specified track
the semicircular ducts. in a designated direction.

curb cut cursor

A section of curb at which a ramp has been A movable symbol, icon, or other element on
laid, usually at an intersection, from the side- a display to indicate position or pointing. See
walk to the street for the passage of wheeled also pointing cursor and place-holding cur-
vehicles or handicapped individuals. sor.

curb weight cursor control device

The weight of a motor vehicle with standard See direct manipulation device.
equipment, maximum capacity of fuel, oil, curtain wall
and coolant: and, if so equipped, air condi- An external wall that is not load bearing.
tioning and additional weight of optional en- Usually refers to a wall that extends down
gine. Curb weight does not include the driver. below the surface of the water to prevent
curie floating objects from entering a screened area.
A unit of measure formally defined as a curvature
quantity of any radioactive nuclide producing See arc.
3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second. Now curvature effect
the curie (Ci) is officially a unit of activity In cloud physics, as cloud droplets decrease in
rather than a quantity (i.e., a unit of radioac- size, they exhibit a greater surface curvature
tivity which is a measure of the rate at which that causes a more rapid rate of evaporation.
a radioactive material emits particles). The
new definition is 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 disintegra- curve
tions x s-1. The higher the rate of disintegra- A line that is not straight, or that describes
tion, the greater the hazard. part of a circle, especially a line representing
varying values in a graph.
(1) The flow of electrons through a conductor. curve fitting
(2) See drift. The process of determining which particular
curve/line or function best fits the known data
current assets points.
Cash and cash equivalents, as well as current
receivables and short-term investments, de- curvilinear
posits and inventories. Pertaining to one or more lines which are not
current dollars
(1) The dollar value of a good or service in curvilinear correlation
terms of prices current at the time the good or See nonlinear correlation.
service is sold. This contrasts with the value curvilinear regression
of the good or service measured in constant See nonlinear regression.
dollars. (2) Represents dollars current at the
time designated or at the time of the transac- Cushing's syndrome
tion. In most contexts, the same meaning A group of serious symptoms caused by over-
would be conveyed by the use of the term activity of the cortices of the adrenal gland.
"dollars." Symptoms include painful, fatty swellings on
the body, moonlike fullness of the face, dis-

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tention of the abdomen, impairment of sexual cut set
function, high blood pressure, and general As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
weakness. There may also be unusual growth the Management Oversight and Risk Tree
of body hair (hirsutism) and streaked purple (MORT), a defined set of events, under the
markings on the body. top event, that can be isolated from the re-
cushion mainder of the fault tree and examined as
Any form of soft material which acts to in- contributory to the occurrence of the top or
crease body tactile comfort. primary event.

custom house cutaneous

The government office where duties and/or Of or relating to the skin, its sensory recep-
tolls are placed on imports or exports and are tors, or to the sensations produced by those
paid on vehicles or vessels entered or cleared. receptors.

customs cutaneous lip

Duties, tolls, or taxes imposed by a govern- The area between the upper lip and the nose.
ment on commodities imported into or ex- cuticle
ported from that country. See eponychium.
customs house broker cutie pie
A person licensed by the Treasury Depart- A portable instrument used to determine the
ment to transact business at a custom house level of ionizing radiation.
on behalf of other persons. See also broker cutoff
and freight forwarder. A cut made by dredging that eliminates a
customs tariff bend in the river or curve. Usually refers to a
A schedule of charges assessed by the federal new channel made by entering at the head of a
government on imported and/or exported bend, passing through the cut, and emerging
goods. at the end of the bend on the downstream side.
cusum chart cutoff frequency
See cumulative sum chart. That frequency at which an electrical filter
begins to attenuate a signal. The direction of
cut the attenuation depends on the type of filter.
(1) Editing. The removal of a selected block
of text, data, or graphics from the display for cutoff low
storage in a temporary buffer, for possible re- A cold upper-level low that has become dis-
call and placement in another location. (2) placed out of the basic westerly flow and lies
Medical. A tissue injury of varying depth but to the south of this flow.
with much greater length than width. (3) cutout
Construction. An excavation of the Earth's As pertains to systems of over 600 volts
surface to provide passage for a road, railway, (nominal), an assembly of a fuse support with
canal, etc. either a fuse holder, fuse carrier, or discon-
cut her loose necting blade. The fuse holder or fuse carrier
Maritime (slang). To untie all lines. may include a conducting element (fuse link),
or may act as the disconnecting blade by the
cut-in circuit inclusion of a non-fusible member.
Railroad. A roadway circuit at the entrance to
automatic train stop, train control or cab sig-
nal territory by means of which locomotive cutout box
equipment of the continuous inductive type is An enclosure designed for surface mounting
actuated so as to be in operative condition. and having swinging doors or covers secured
directly to, and telescoping with, the walls of
the box proper.
Railroad. A location other than a signal loca-
tion where two adjoining track circuits end
within a block.

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cutting fluid
An oil-water emulsion that is used for cooling Cyanides are also used in pesticides. Most
and lubricating the tool and the work in ma- cyanide compounds are deadly poisons.
chining and grinding operations. cyanmethemoglobin
cutting oil A crystalline, colored substance formed by
An oil that is used for cooling and lubricating the action of hydrocyanic acid on oxyhemo-
the tool and the work in machining and globin at body temperature; used in measuring
grinding operations. hemoglobin in the blood.
cutting plane cyanoderma
An imaginary surface along which a computer Blueness of the skin.
model is "sliced" to yield a cross-section. cyanosis
Cv A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous
See coefficient of variation. membranes due to excessive concentration of
CVM reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
See contingent valuation survey. cybernation
CW The use of computers in automating industry.
See continuous wave. cybernetics
CW laser The study of communication and automated
Continuous wave laser as opposed to a pulsed feedback control functions between living or-
type laser. ganisms and machined systems with an em-
phasis on gaining an understanding of living
CWA organisms by using machine analogies.
See Clean Water Act. See also center
weather advisory. cyberspace
An abstract version of a virtual environment
CWLM which extends beyond three dimensions.
See cumulative working level months.
Cybex dynamometer
CWP A commercial dynamometer which can meas-
See coal miners' pneumoconiosis. ure static or dynamic isokinetic strength.
cyanate cycle
A salt of cyanic acid that contains the radical A succession or recurring series of events. A
CNO. complete sequence of elements or events
cyanazine making up a unit process or activity in a re-
A common, and potentially carcinogenic, her- petitive, periodic operation.
bicide sometimes found in drinking water. cycle life
cyanhemoglobin The number of times a material can be
A compound formed by the action of hydro- stressed at a given level before it fails or is
cyanic acid on hemoglobin, which gives the expected to fail. See also fatigue life.
bright red color to blood. cycle per second (cps)
cyanic acid See Hertz. (Note: cps is an outdated term.)
A highly irritant compound, HOCN.
cycle time
cyanide That time required or used, whether by man
A binary compound of cyanogen. Some inor- or machine, to perform all the elements in a
ganic compounds, such cyanide salts, potas- complete work cycle.
sium cyanide, and sodium cyanide, are im-
portant in industry for extracting gold and sil-
ver from their ores and in electroplating. cycle timing
Other cyanide compounds are used in the See cumulative timing.
manufacture of synthetic rubber and textiles.
See cyclegraph.

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cyclegraph le cted on a fi lter po s itio n ed do wn stre am
A photographic record of the motion obtained fr o m t h e c y c l o n e .
in cyclegraphy. cyclonic scale
cyclegraph technique See synoptic scale.
See cyclegraphy. cyclotron
cyclegraphy A particle accelerator which uses a magnetic
The process of making a single photograph field to confine a positive ion beam while an
using one or more small light bulbs which are alternating electric field accelerates the ions in
on at all times during the process for tracking a spiral path.
the body or its parts with an exposure time on cylinder
the same negative of at least one cycle of a (1) A pressure vessel designed for pressures
repetitive motion. Typically the subject is in higher than 40 psi and having a circular cross-
a darkened area. Synonymous with cycle- section. It does not include a portable tank,
graph technique. See also chronocyclegra- multi-unit car tank, cargo tank, or tank car.
phy. (2) In a reciprocating engine, a cylinder is the
cycles of concentration (COC) chamber in which combustion of fuel occurs
The ratio of the total dissolved solids concen- and the piston moves, ultimately delivering
tration in a recirculating water system to the power to the wheels. Common engine con-
total dissolved solids concentration of the figurations include 4, 6, and 8 cylinders.
makeup water. Generally, the more cylinders a vehicle has,
the greater the amount of engine power it has.
cyclic However, more cylinders often result in less
Pertaining to a periodic event. fuel efficiency. See also engine displacement
cyclic element and engine size.
An element of some operation or process cylindrical grip
which occurs at least once in every period of A type of grip in which the flexed fingers and
that operation or process. the palm are used as if to hold an object of
cyclic timing constant diameter with an extended length,
See cumulative timing. where the degree of flexion of each finger
joint is similar for each finger.
The development or strengthening of ex- cyst
tratropical cyclones. (1) A sac or capsule containing a liquid or
semisolid substance. Most cysts are harmless.
cyclograph Nevertheless they should be removed when
See cyclegraph. possible because they occasionally may
cyclone change into malignant growths, become in-
An area of low pressure around which the fected, or obstruct a gland. There are four
winds blow counterclockwise in the Northern main types of cysts: retention cysts, exudation
Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern cysts, embryonic cysts, and parasitic cysts.
Hemisphere. Often considered synonymous Removal is usually performed by surgical in-
with tornado, however a tornado is a more cision, typically preceded by a biopsy to ver-
compact and generally more destructive phe- ify the nature and the composition of the cyst
nomenon. (e.g., cancerous, malignant, benign, etc.). (2)
A resting stage formed by some bacteria and
cyclone collector
protozoa in which the whole cell is sur-
A size sel ecti v e d ev ic e wh ich is d esig n ed rounded by a protective layer.
to sep arat e co arse par ticu late s fr o m fin er
p a rtic les. In in d u str ial hy g i en e samp lin g , a cystitis
cy clo n e is use d to sep arat e th e re sp ir ab le Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
fr acti o n o f pa rtic u lat es in th e sa mp le d ai r
f r o m t h e t o t a l p a r t i c u l a t e s d r a w n in t o th e
cy clo n e. Th e resp irab le p arti cles are co l-

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T h e b r a n c h o f g e n e t i c s d e v o t e d t o th e
st u d y of th e cellu lar co n s titu en ts co n cern ed
in her ed it y , th at is, ch ro mo so mes. Th e
sc ien t ific stu d y o f th e re lati o n sh ip b etwe en
ch ro mo so ma l ab erra tio n s an d pa th o l o g ic al
co n d iti o n s .
c y to l o g i s t
A med i cal pro f essi o n al wh o lim its his/ h er
p r acti ce to cy to lo g y .
Study of the function and structure of living
A deficiency in the cellular elements of the
The protoplasm of a cell exclusive of the nu-
Disruption of cells, resulting in the destruc-
tion and breakdown of the cell membrane.
(1 ) An to x ic ag en t th a t br in g s ab o u t d e-
st ru ct iv e acti o n o n ce rtai n ce lls. (2 ) A
t o x i n o r a n t i b o d y th a t h a s a s p e c i f i c to x i c
ac tio n up o n ce lls of sp eci al o rg an s. Fo r
ex amp l e, a nep h ro t o x in wo u ld b e a to x i n
th at h as a sp e cifi c de stru ctiv e ef fect on
k i d n ey cel ls.
Presence of cells in the urine.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

section of pipe by 365 days. Volumes are ex-
D pressed in million cubic feet per day measured
at a pressure of 14.73 psia and a temperature
of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. For pipes that oper-
d' ate with bi-directional flow, the volume used
A statistical index of an individual's sensitiv- in computing the average daily flow rate is the
ity in estimating the distance between the volume associated with the direction of flow-
mean of a noise distribution alone to the mean ing gas on the peak day.
of the signal plus noise distribution. The units daily cover
are expressed in standard deviations. Also re- Cover material spread and compacted on the
ferred to as d prime. See also signal detection top and side slopes of compacted solid waste
theory. at the end of each day to control fire, mois-
D-weighted noise level ture, and erosion, and to ensure an aesthetic
Weighting level on some sound level meters appearance.
for determining the offensiveness of aircraft daily living tasks
noise. Those necessary tasks for normal housekeep-
dacryagogue ing, cleanliness around the home. See also
(1) Causing a flow of tears. (2) An agent that activities of daily living and instrumental ac-
provokes a flow of tears. tivities of daily living.
dacryoadenalgia daily range of temperature
Pain in a lachrymal gland. The difference between the maximum and
minimum temperatures for any given day.
Inflammation of a lachrymal gland. daily vehicle travel
Is the amount of vehicle travel (in thousands)
accumulated over a 24-hour day, midnight to
Excessive flow of tears.
midnight, traversed along a "public road" by
dactylion motorized vehicles, excluding construction
(1) Webbing of the fingers or toes. (2) The equipment or farm tractors. Vehicle travel not
most distal point of the fleshy part of the mid- occurring on public roads, such as that occur-
dle finger, excluding the nail. ring on private land roads (private roads in
dactylion height parking lots, shopping centers, etc.) must also
The vertical distance from the floor to the tip be excluded.
of the middle finger. Measured with the indi- DAIR
vidual standing erect and the arm, hand, and See direct altitude and identity readout sys-
fingers extended downward at the side. tem.
dactylography Dakin's solution
The scientific study of fingerprints as a means An aqueous solution of chlorine compounds
of identification. of sodium used primarily as a germicide.
dactyloscopy DALR
Examination of fingerprints for the purpose of Dry adiabatic lapse rate. See adiabatic lapse
identification. rate.
DAF dalton
See dissolved air flotation. A nominal unit of weight equal to that of a
DAFT single hydrogen atom; 1 x 10-24 grams.
Dissolved air flotation thickener. Dalton's law
daily average flow The pressure exerted by a mixture of non-
The volume of gas that moves through a sec- reacting gases is equal to the sum of the par-
tion of pipe determined by dividing the total tial pressures of the separate compounds.
annual volume of gas that moves through a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

daltonism omission be intentional or negligent. "Dam-
Red-green color blindness. ages" and "injury" are commonly used inter-
dam changeably, but they are different to the ex-
(1) General. A naturally occurring or, more tent that injury is what is actually suffered
typically, a manmade structure erected in the while damage is the measure of compensation
flow of a waterway to act as a barrier for the for such suffering.
purpose of water-retention, flow control, flow damage to property
restriction, or a combination of these factors Injury to property and generally does not in-
(note: certain animals, such as the beaver, are clude conversion of such property or taking of
also known to erect dams in the path of wa- such property by public authority (i.e., emi-
terways). (2) Medical/Dental. A sheet of la- nent domain).
tex rubber used to isolate teeth from fluids of damage tolerance
the mouth during dental treatments; used also A measure of the ability of structures to retain
in surgical procedures to isolate certain tissues their load-carrying capability after exposure to
or structures. sudden loads (for example, ballistic impact).
dam bulletin board damages
A bulletin board located at certain dams to A pecuniary compensation or indemnity,
give stage readings and indicate whether to which may be recovered in the courts by any
use the lock or go over the dam. "N.P." person who has suffered loss, detriment, or
means use the lock. "P" means go over the injury, whether to his/her person, property, or
dam. Largely obsolete in use since the advent rights, through the unlawful act or omission or
of radio communications. negligence of another. A sum of money
dam open awarded to a person injured by the tort of an-
The situation when the gates are open so as to other person. Money compensation sought or
pass water unimpeded. awarded as a remedy for a breach of contract
dam warning buoys or for tortious acts. Damages may be com-
Buoys placed above the face of a dam to warn pensatory or punitive depending on whether
traffic of danger. These buoys may be of pe- they are awarded as the measure of actual loss
culiar shape and generally have the word suffered or as punishment for outrageous con-
"danger" posted on them. duct and to deter future transgressions.
Nominal damages are awarded for the vindi-
dam/weir cation of a right where no real loss or injury
A barrier constructed to control the flow or can be proved. Generally, punitive or exem-
raise the level of water. plary damages are awarded only if compen-
damage satory or actual damages have been sustained.
(1) General. Any loss of material value or See also actual damages, benefit-of-the bar-
usefulness. (2) Law. Loss, injury, or deterio- gain damages, compensatory damages, con-
ration, caused by the negligence, design, or sequential damages, continuing damages,
accident of one person to another, with re- criminal damage, damages ultra, direct
spect to the latter's person or property. The damages, excessive damages, excess liability
word is to be distinguished from its plural damages, exemplary (or punitive) damages,
damages, which means a compensation in expectancy damages, fee damages, foresee-
money for a loss or damage. (3) System able damages, general damages, hedonic
Safety. The partial or total loss of hardware damages, inadequate damages, incidental
caused by component failure; exposure to damages, irreparable damages, land dam-
heat, fire, or other environments; human er- ages, limitation of damages, liquidated dam-
rors; or other inadvertent events or conditions. ages and penalties, mitigation of damages,
necessary damages, nominal damages, pe-
damage to person cuniary damages, presumptive damages,
The measure of injury (physical, mental, and prospective damages, proximate damages,
emotional) resulting from another person's remote damages, rescissory damages, sever-
action or omission, whether such action or ance damages, special damages, speculative

©2000 CRC Press LLC

damages, statutory damages, substantial ears, nose, and neck, causing a reddening of
damages, temporary damages, treble dam- the skin in those areas. Also known as sebor-
ages, unliquidated damages, and vindictive rheic dermatitis.
damages. danger
damages ultra Term of warning applied to an condition, op-
Additional damages claimed by a plaintiff not eration, or situation that has the potential for
satisfied with those paid into the court by the physical harm to personnel and/or damage to
defendant. See also damages. property.
damnify danger area
To cause damage or injurious loss to a person (1) General. An area or space, either well
or put him/her in a position where he/she must defined or not, within the boundaries of which
sustain it. A surety is "damnified" when a there exists some degree of danger to person,
judgment has been obtained against him/her, property, or both. The danger, or dangerous
damnum absque injuria conditions, within the area may be due to the
Latin. Loss, hurt, or harm without injury in presence of known (e.g., recognized) or un-
the legal sense; that is, without such breach of known (e.g., unrecognized) hazards. Danger
duty as is redressible by a legal action. A loss areas are typically posted as such and entry is
or injury which does not give rise to an action usually controlled or prohibited.
for damages against the person causing it.
A noxious gas in a mine. A gaseous mixture
formed in a mine by the gradual absorption of
the oxygen and the giving-off of carbon di-
oxide by coal.
damp location
See location.
A device used to regulate airflow in ducts,
often used to balance airflow in branch ducts.
A damper position may be immovable, manu- Sample DANGER sign posted to control area access
ally adjustable, or part of an automated con-
trol system. (2) Aviation. An airspace of defined dimen-
sions within which activities dangerous to the
damping flight of aircraft may exist at specified times.
Steady diminution of the amplitude of succes- Note: The term "Danger Area" is not used in
sive vibrations of electric wave or current or reference to areas within the United States or
sound wave. The dissipation of energy within any of its possessions or territories.
a dynamic system over time for whatever rea-
son. danger invites rescue
Term used in law of torts and, in a limited
damping factor manner, in law of crimes to describe where li-
The ratio of actual system damping to critical ability is borne by one who creates a danger-
damping for a system. ous condition for one person when another
dander person comes to his/her rescue and is injured.
Scales, dust, and dirt from the fur or feathers The liability to the second person is founded
of animals that may cause allergic reactions in on this maxim.
susceptible persons. danger signal
dandruff Maritime Safety. Four or more short blasts of
A scaly material from or on top of the scalp. the boat's or lockmaster's whistle to indicate
The condition may spread unless checked and, danger or the need for special caution.
in rare cases, may extend to the eyebrows,

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danger zone dangerous weapon
A physical location in which some type of One dangerous to life; one by the use of
hazard exists. which a serious or fatal wound or injury may
dangerous probably or possibly be inflicted. In the con-
Attended with risk; perilous; hazardous; un- text of criminal possession of a weapon, it can
safe. be any article which in circumstances in
which it is used, attempted to be used, or
dangerous condition threatened to be used, is readily capable of
One in which there exists a substantial and causing death or other serious physical injury.
probable risk of injury and/or property dam- What constitutes a "dangerous weapon" de-
age. The risk may be imminent or merely pends not on the nature of the object itself but
possible when such a condition exists. on its capacity, given manner of its use, to en-
dangerous criminal danger life or inflict great bodily harm. As
One convicted of a particularly heinous crime the manner of use enters into the considera-
or one who has escaped or tried to escape tion as well as other circumstances, the ques-
from penal confinement by use of force of an tion is often one of fact for the jury, but not
aggravated character. An armed criminal. infrequently one of law for the court.
Such criminals may be segregated from others dangers of navigation
in a prison. See dangers of the river and dangers of the
dangerous instrumentality sea.
Anything which has the inherent capacity to dangers of the river
place people in peril, either in itself (e.g., dy- This phrase, as used in bills of lading, means
namite), or by a careless use of it (e.g., a only the natural accidents that are incident to
boat). Due care must be exercised in use to river navigation, and does not embrace such
avoid injury to those reasonably expected to as may be avoided by the exercise of that
be in proximity. In certain cases, absolute li- skill, judgment, or foresight which are de-
ability may be imposed. manded from persons in a particular occupa-
dangerous machine tion. It includes dangers arising from un-
A machine is considered "dangerous" in such known reefs which have suddenly formed in
sense that the employer is required to guard it the channel, and are not discoverable by care
if, in the ordinary course of human affairs, and skill.
danger may be reasonably anticipated from its dangers of the sea
use unless proper protection is provided. Refers to those accidents that are peculiar to
dangerous occupation navigation that are of an extraordinary nature,
Term used to describe hazardous work for or arise from irresistible force or overwhelm-
purposes of worker's compensation laws, as ing power, which cannot be guarded against
well as in wage and hour determinations, and by the ordinarily exertions of human skill and
child labor laws. prudence.
dangerous per se darcy
A thing that may inflict injury without the A unit of measure used to indicate permeabil-
immediate application of human aid or in- ity, standardized by the American Petroleum
strumentality. Institute.
dangerous place dark
One where there is considerable risk, or dan- (1) Having little or less reflected light, as in a
ger, or peril; one where accidents or injuries dark color. (2) A severely reduced light level
are very apt to occur. in the visual environment, as in a dark room.
dangerous-tendency test dark adaptation
Propensity of a person or animal to inflict The process of undergoing neurochemical
injury; used in dog bite cases to describe the changes in the eye after being placed in dark-
vicious habits of dogs. ness or low light levels, during which the vis-

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ual system becomes more sensitive to light. date of injury
Also referred to as scotopic adaptation. Means the inception date of the injury and is
dashpot regarded as coincident with the date of occur-
A symbol for a viscous damper for mechani- rence or happening of the accident which
caused the injury.
cal modeling, representing a vane placed
within a viscous fluid. datum
Reference point for elevations of structures
and water level.
See Differential Aptitude Test.
daughter products
data Isotopes formed by the radioactive decay of
A formalized representation of numbers or some other isotope.
characters which have meaning for communi-
cation, interpretation, or processing purposes. Davis-Bacon Act
Federal law which deals with rate of pay for
data bank laborers and mechanics on public buildings
Any location, but typically in a computer and public works (40 U.S.C.A § 256a).
system, where large amounts of a specific
type of data are stored for retrieval by users. day in court
The right and opportunity afforded a person to
data call-in litigate his/her claims, seek relief, or defend
A part of the Office of Pesticide Programs, his/her rights in a competent judicial tribunal.
(OPP) process of developing key required test
data, especially on the long-term, chronic ef- day-night sound level
fects of existing pesticides, in advance of The 24-hour time of day weighted equivalent
scheduled Registration Standard reviews. sound level, in decibels, for any continuous
Data call-in is an adjunct of the Registration 24-hour period, obtained after addition of ten
Standards program intended to expedite re- decibels to sound levels produced in the hours
registration and involves the "calling in" of from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. It is abbreviated
as Ldn.
data from manufacturers.
day shift
data category
See first shift.
Under ISO 14000, classificatory division of
the input and output flows from a unit process day tank
or product system. A tank used to store chemicals or diluted
polymer solution for 24 hours or less.
data display code
A graphical symbol representing a data point daylight
on some type of graphic output. That light present during the daytime hours
from the sun, or the corresponding artificial
data entry illumination in terms of spectrum and inten-
The process of inputting data into a computer sity.
using a pre-established format, regardless of
the technique used. daylight availability
That amount of sunlight received from the sun
data inquiry with reference to certain conditions, such as
The process of requesting and retrieving in- location, intervening substances, date, and
formation from a computer and viewing it on time.
a display or on a hard copy.
daylight lamp
data quality Any artificial light source with an output
Under ISO 14000, the nature or characteristic having a spectrum similar to that of a certain
of collected or integrated data. type of daylight. See also standard illumi-
database nant.
A file of records, or a collection of data con- daymark
taining comparable information on different Maritime Safety. An unlighted shore aid to
items and which provides a means for orga- navigation, either diamond, square, or triangle
nized information retrieval. shaped.

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daywork DC
That work for which compensation is based Abbreviation for direct current. See direct
on time present, not output. current.
daywork drilling contract DCS
A drilling contract under which the drilling See distributed control system.
contractor is compensated on the basis of the DDT
amount of time spent in drilling operations. The first chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide
Essentially, the lease owner hires the drilling (chemical name: dichloro-diphsdyl-trichloro-
rig and its staff to work under his direction. methane). It has a half-life of fifteen years
Broad discretion is given to the contracting and can collect in the fatty tissue of certain
party to give instructions to the drilling con- animals. The EPA banned registration and
tractor as to how to conduct drilling opera- the interstate sale of DDT for virtually all but
tions. The courts impose broad liability upon emergency uses in the United States in 1972
the contracting party as a result of his/her because of its persistence in the environment
broad discretion. and accumulation in the food chain.
dazzle dead axle
Experiencing a condition of extreme bright- Non-powered rear axle on tandem truck or
ness due to reflected and scattered light from tractor.
particles in the atmosphere, resulting in
viewing difficulties. dead band
See dead zone.
See decibel. dead freight
The amount paid by a charterer for that part of
dBA the vessel's capacity which he/she does not
Refers to decibels measured on the A scale occupy although he/she has contracted for it.
which is a frequency weighting network that
approximates the response of the human ear. dead front
Without live parts exposed to a person on the
DBA operating side of the equipment.
Abbreviation for Doing Business As.
dead hands
dBB See Raynaud's syndrome.
Sound level in decibels as determined on the
B scale of a sound-level meter. dead heading
Running empty.
Sound level in decibels as determined on the dead locomotive
C scale of a sound-level meter. The dBC A locomotive other than a control cab loco-
value approximates the overall noise level. motive that does not have any traction device
supplying traction power; or a control cab lo-
DBP comotive that has a locked and unoccupied
See disinfection byproducts. cab.
D/DBP dead man control
Disinfectants, disinfection byproducts. A device requiring a constant force of a
D/DBP Rule minimum magnitude applied to the device for
A U.S. EPA rule to limit the maximum con- operating a piece of equipment, and having a
taminated level of trihalomethanes. default mode which turns off or stops the
DBRITE equipment if that force is not applied.
See digital brite radar indicator tower dead reckoning
equipment. As applied to flying, the navigation of an air-
DBT plane solely by means of computations based
See dry-bulb temperature. on airspeed, course, heading, wind direction,
speed, groundspeed, and elapsed time.

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dead room applied. Force likely or intended to be used is
A room that is characterized by an unusually known to be capable of producing death or
large amount of sound absorption. great bodily harm.
dead section deadly weapon
Railroad. A section of track, either within a Any firearm, or other weapon, device, instru-
track circuit or between two track circuits, the ment, material, or substance, whether animate
rails of which are not part of a track circuit. or inanimate, which in the manner it is used or
dead time is intended to be used is known to be capable
(1) Instrumentation. The interval of time of producing death or serious bodily injury.
between the instant of introducing a sample Such weapons or instruments are made and
into the instrument to the first indication of designed for offensive or defensive purpose,
response. Also referred to as lag time. (2) or for the destruction of life or the infliction of
Radiation. The time during which a Geiger- injury.
Mueller detector is insensitive to incoming deadman control
radiation. Railroad. A pedal, handle, or other form of
dead zone switch, or combination thereof, that the op-
That region, usually around the neutral posi- erator must keep in a depressed or twisted po-
tion of a knob, hand controller, or lever, sition while a rail vehicle (or train) is moving.
where there is no output from a device, even If the control is released, the power is cut off
though an input may be provided. and the brakes are applied.

deadhead deadweight tons

(1) Transportation. Miles and hours that a The lifting capacity of a ship expressed in
vehicle travels when out of revenue service. long tons (2,240 lbs.), including cargo, com-
This includes leaving and returning to the ga- modities, and crew.
rage, changing routes, etc., and when there is deaerator
no reasonable expectation of carrying revenue A device used to remove dissolved gases from
passengers. However, it does not include solution.
charter service, school bus service, operator deaf
training, maintenance training, etc. For non- The inability to hear any airborne or bone-
scheduled, non-fixed-route service (demand conducted sounds due to some defect or dam-
responsive), deadhead mileage also includes age in the auditory system or the brain.
the travel between the dispatching point and (Note: Many terms that use "deafness" are in
passenger pickup or drop-off. (2) Maritime. reality only hearing reductions.)
Any water-soaked wooden pile, tree, or log
that is floating just awash in a nearly vertical deaf-mute
position. A menace to small boats and to the A person unable to speak or hear.
propellers of vessels. Also, a tow returning deaf person
from a trip without barges or with empty Any person whose hearing is totally impaired
barges. (3) Rail Operations. Refers to a lone or whose hearing is so seriously impaired as
locomotive traveling back to a terminal or to prohibit the person from understanding oral
yard. See also deadhead transportation. communications when spoken in a normal
deadhead transportation conversational tone.
Railroad. Occurs when an employee is trav- deafened
eling at the direction or authorization of the Having a loss of hearing ability after normal
carrier to or from an assignment, or the em- speech and hearing patterns had been estab-
ployee is involved with a means of convey- lished.
ance furnished by the carrier or compensated
for by the carrier. deafness
Impairment of hearing. Total deafness is
deadly force quite rare, but partial deafness is common; an
The degree of force that may result in the estimated 15 million Americans suffer from
death of the person against whom the force is

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some degree of deafness, and of these, per- deashing
haps 2.5 million are children whose defective See demineralizing.
hearing either is congenital (from birth) or de- death
veloped before the age of five. The two major The apparent extinction of life, as manifested
types of deafness are conductive deafness and by the absence of heartbeat and respiration.
sensorineural (nerve) d e a f n e s s . In some
cases, both types may be present; this is called death benefits
mixed deafness. In conductive deafness, Amount paid under insurance policy on the
sound vibrations are interrupted in the outer death of the insured. A payment made by an
or middle ear before they reach the nerve employer to the beneficiary or beneficiaries of
endings of the inner ear. In the outer ear, a a deceased employee on account of the death
foreign body or an accumulation of cerumen of the employee. A death benefit is also pro-
(earwax) may block the external acoustic vided for under the Social Security Act.
meatus. These cases generally can be cured death rate
by removal of the obstruction. In the middle See mortality rate.
ear, infections, often entering through a perfo-
rated tympanic membrane (eardrum) of the death trap
Eustachian tube, may fill the chamber with A structure or situation involving imminent
fluid, hampering the passage of vibrations. risk of death or a place apparently safe but
The small bones of the middle ear (ossicles) actually very dangerous to life.
may be damaged by injury or fixed in place debarment
by otosclerosis. In sensorineural deafness, the To bar, exclude, or preclude from having or
outer and middle ear function normally, but doing something. Exclusion from govern-
damage to the nerve endings of the inner ear, ment contracting and subcontracting.
the cochlear portion of the vestibulocochlear
(eight cranial) nerve or the hearing center in
See burn-in test.
the brain causes either interruption or confu-
sion of the sound messages. This damage debridement
may be caused by disease, head injury, tumor, Removal of all foreign material and aseptic
excessively loud and sudden noise, or a con- excision of all contaminated and devitalized
tinuous loud noise. A great many cases of tissues.
congenital deafness are caused by infectious debris
diseases, especially viral infections, con- Includes any abandoned or dilapidated struc-
tracted by the mother during pregnancy. Of ture or any sunken vessel or other object that
these, rubella (German measles) is the most can reasonably be expected to collapse or oth-
common. erwise enter the navigable waters as drift
dealkalization within a reasonable period.
Any process that removes or reduces alkalin- decacurie
ity of water. A unit of radioactivity, being 10 curies.
dealkalizer decalcification
Ion exchange unit with a strong anion bed (1) Removal of calcerous matter from tissues.
used to reduce bicarbonate alkalinity. (2) The loss of calcium salts from bone or
deamidization teeth.
The liberation of ammonia from an amide. decant
deaminase Separation of a liquid from settled solids by
A enzyme that promotes the removal of an pouring or drawing off the upper layer of liq-
amino group from a compound. uid after the solids have settled.
dearterialization decarbonator
(1) Conversion of arterial blood into venous A device used to remove alkalinity from so-
blood. (2) Interruption of the supply of arte- lution by conversion to CO2 prior to air strip-
rial (oxygenated) blood to an organ or part. ping.

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decarboxylation intentionally remove a professional certifica-
The removal of the carboxyl group from a tion designation from one of its charges for a
compound. temporary or permanent period of time. Such
decay action may be a form of disciplinary action
(1) The gradual decomposition of dead or- resulting from the some breach of conduct or
ganic matter. (2) The process or stage of de- a delinquency in dues payment on the part of
cline; old age and its effects on the mind and the professional who is subject to the decerti-
body. (3) In radiation, the gradual degrada- fication.
tion of a radioisotope. (4) The disintegration dechlorination
of wood substance due to action of wood- Removal of chlorine from a substance by
destroying fungi. It is also known as dote and chemically replacing it with hydrogen or hy-
rot. droxide ions in order to detoxify the sub-
decay constant stances involved.
The fraction of the number of radioisotope deci-
atoms that decay in a unit of time. The decay Prefix. One-tenth of a base unit.
constant is 0.693/T, where T is the half-life. decibel (dB)
decay curve (1) One tenth of a bel. A non-dimensional
A graph showing the decreasing radioactivity logarithmic ratio of the measured quantity and
of a radioactive source as time passes. a reference quantity for expressing power,
decay product pressure, or amplitude. The most common
A nuclide resulting from the radioactive dis- unit of sound or other signal intensity. (2) A
integration of radionuclide or series of radi- means for expressing the logarithmic level of
onuclides. A decay product may be stable or sound intensity, sound power, or sound pres-
radioactive. sure above an arbitrary reference value of 20
micropascals in air. See also dBA.
decay, radioactive
The decrease in activity of any radioactive decide
material with the passage of time, due to the To arrive at a determination. To "decide"
spontaneous emission from the atomic nuclei includes the power and right to deliberate, to
of either alpha or beta particles, sometimes weigh the reasons for and against, to see
accompanied by gamma radiation. which preponderate, and to be governed by
that preponderance.
Acceleration in the direction opposite to that decigram
of the velocity vector to affect a slowing of One-tenth of a gram; 1.54 grains.
motion. Also referred to as negative accel- deciliter
eration. One-tenth of a liter; 3.38 fluid ounces.
deception decimeter
The act of deceiving; intentional misleading One-tenth of a meter; 3.9 inches.
by falsehood spoken or acted. Synonymous decipol
with fraud. Knowingly and willfully making A unit for judging the perceived quality of
a false statement or representation, express or outdoor air.
implied, pertaining to a present or past exist-
ing fact. decision
A determination arrived at after consideration
decertification of facts and, in a legal context, law. A popu-
(1) Process through which a group of employ- lar rather than technical or legal word; a com-
ees decides it no longer wants a union to be its prehensive term having no fixed, legal mean-
bargaining unit. The process involves an ing. It may be used as referring to ministerial
election conducted by the National Labor acts as well as to those that are judicial or of a
Relations Board. (2) An action conducted by judicial character.
a professional certification board, such as the
Board of Certified Safety Professionals, to

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decision delay sions in regard to what the law is in relation to
See cognitive reaction time. Also referred to a particular matter.
as decision time. declination
decision height (DH) A document filed in court by a fiduciary who
With respect to the operation of aircraft, chooses not to serve in his/her named capac-
means the height at which a decision must be ity. At common law, a plea to the courts' ju-
made, during an Instrument Landing System risdiction on the ground that the judge is per-
(ILS) or Precision Approach Radar (PAR) in- sonally interested in the suit.
strument approach, to either continue the ap- declining-rate filtration
proach or to execute a missed approach. Filter operation where the rate of flow through
decision making the filter declines and the level of the liquid
The process of evaluating information which above the filter bed rises throughout the
results in the selection of a course of action. length of the filter run.
decision time decoder
See cognitive reaction time. Also referred to The device used to decipher signals received
as decision delay. from Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Sys-
deck plate tem (ATCRBS) transponders to affect their
A horizontal surface designed to provide a display as select codes. See also code (5) and
person with stable footing for the performance discrete code.
of work such as the connection and discon- decollement
nection of air and electrical lines, gaining ac- Seismology. A detachment fault; a fault
cess to permanently mounted equipment or where crustal deformation causes separation
machinery or for similar needs. along a boundary of rock types, typically be-
Decker test tween so-called crystalline "basement" rock
Under the Decker test, an employee of a cor- and overlying sedimentary rocks.
poration, though not a member of its control decompensation
group, is sufficiently identified with the cor- The inability of the heart to maintain adequate
poration so that his/her communication to the circulation; it is marked by dyspnea, venous
corporation's lawyer is privileged if the em- engorgement, cyanosis, and edema.
ployee made the communication at the direc- decomposition
tion of his/her supervisors and the subject The breakdown of dead organic material into
matter pertained to the performance of the smaller or simpler parts that are then recircu-
employee's normal employment duties. lated. Bacteria, fungi, heterotrophic protists,
declaration and saprophagous insects are important in the
In common-law pleading, the first of the process of decomposition.
pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an ac- decompression
tion at law, being a formal and methodical The return to normal environmental pressure
specification of the facts and circumstances after exposure to greatly increased pressure.
constituting his/her cause of action.
decompression sickness
declaratory judgment Illness or injury associated with exposure to
Statutory remedy for the determination of a high-pressure atmospheres followed by rapid
justifiable controversy where the plaintiff is in exposure to normal pressure. Also known as
doubt as to his/her legal rights. A binding the bends and caisson disease.
adjudication of the rights and status of liti-
gants even though no consequential relief is decongestant
awarded. Such judgment is conclusive in any (1) Tending to reduce congestion or swelling.
subsequent action between the parties. (2) An agent that reduces congestion or swel-
ling, usually of the nasal membranes. Decon-
declaratory statute gestants may be inhaled, taken as a spray or
One enacted for the purpose of removing nose drops, or used orally in liquid or tablet
doubts or putting an end to conflicting deci-

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form. The medication acts by reducing swel- picking up or dropping off other barges. Of-
ling of the nasal passages. Among the leading ten used in the movement of grain, coal, and
medications used as decongestants are epi- bulk liquid.
nephrine, ephedrine, and phenylephrine. An- dedifferentiation
tihistamines alone or in combination with de- Regression from a more specialized or com-
congestants may also be effective. A decon- plex form to a simpler state.
gestant must be used several times a day to be
helpful; but excessive use may cause head- deductive reasoning
aches, dizziness, or other disorders and some- The ability to apply general rules to specific
times the medicine itself may cause reactive problems and arrive at a logical conclusion.
nasal swelling. deep bed filter
decontaminate Granular media filter with a sand or anthracite
To render safe or harmless by the removal or filter bed up to 1.8 meters (6 feet) deep.
elimination of poisonous, noxious, or other- deep pocket
wise harmful agents. A person or corporation of substantial wealth
decontamination and resources from which a claim or judgment
The freeing of a person or an object of some may be made.
contaminating substance such as radioactive deep sea domestic transportation of freight
material, chemical compounds, etc. Establishments primarily engaged in operat-
decree ing vessels for transportation of freight on the
The judgment of a court of equity or chan- deep seas between ports of the United States,
cery, answering for most purposes to the the Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, and
judgment of a court of law. United States island possessions or protector-
(1) A deterioration in some performance deep sea transportation of passengers
measure, see also performance decrement. Establishments primarily engaged in operat-
(2) A decrease of a counter value in comput- ing vessels for the transportation of passen-
ing. gers on the deep seas except by ferry.
decriminalization deep well injection
An official act generally accomplished by Disposal technique where raw or treated
legislation, in which an act or omission, for- wastes are discharged through a properly de-
merly criminal, is made non-criminal and signed well into a geological stratum.
without punitive sanctions. deerfly
decussation A member of the genus Chrysops, an impor-
The position of one part crossing another, tant vector of various organisms. Its bite can
similar part. The point of crossing. cause a large, inflamed, welt-like pump to ap-
pear on the surface of the skin. In most cases,
dedicated this pump may not appear for several hours
With regard to systems design, a feature that after the bite. Even in mildly sensitive indi-
serves a single function (such as a power viduals, there can be intense itching, swelling,
source serving a single load). and redness around the area of the bite. The
dedicated funds bite mark can remain clearly definable on the
Transportation. Any funds raised specifically surface of the skin for three or more weeks,
for transit purposes and which are dedicated at long after the itching sensation has subsided.
their source (e.g., sales taxes, gasoline taxes, defamation
and property taxes), rather than through an An intentional false communication, either
allocation from the pool of general funds. published or publicly spoken, that injures an-
dedicated tow other person's reputation or good name. Sub-
A single commodity moved from origin to jecting a person to ridicule, scorn, or contempt
destination by the same towboat without in a respectable and considerable part of the

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community; may be criminal as well as civil. gerous merely because it is possible to be in-
Includes both libel and slander. jured while using it.
defat defend
To deprive of fat, as when a solvent contacts To prohibit or forbid. To deny. To contest
the surface of the skin and removes the natu- and endeavor to defeat a claim or demand
ral protective oily barrier and renders the skin made against one in a court of justice. To op-
more susceptible to infection. pose, repel, or resist.
default defendant
A value, condition, or state which is auto- The person defending or denying; the party
matically selected by a computer or other against whom relief or recovery is sought in
system unless overridden by an operator or an action or suit or the accused in a criminal
program. case.
default judgment defense
A judgment entered against a party who has (1) General. Resistance to or protection from
failed to defend against a claim that has been attack. (2) Law. That which is offered and
brought by another party. Under the Rules of alleged by the party proceeded against in an
Civil Procedure, when a party against whom a action or suit, as a reason in law or fact why
judgment for affirmative relief is sought has the plaintiff should not recover or establish
failed to plead (i.e., answer) or otherwise de- what he/she seeks. That which is put forward
fend, he/she is in default and a judgment by to diminish a plaintiff's cause of action or de-
default may be entered either by the clerk or feat recovery. Evidence offered by the ac-
the court. cused to defeat a criminal charge.
defecation defense attorney
The elimination of wastes and undigested A lawyer who files an appearance on behalf
food, as feces, from the rectum. of a defendant and represents such in a civil or
defect criminal case.
Substandard physical condition, either inher- defense mechanism
ent in the material or created through another A psychologic reaction or technique for pro-
action or event. tection against a stressful environmental
defect notification system situation or against anxiety.
A computerized system that enables the Coast defense visual flight rules (DVFR)
Guard to monitor the efforts of boat and Rules applicable to flights within an Air De-
equipment manufacturers in complying with fense Identification Zone (ADIZ) conducted
46 U.S.C. 4310. under the visual flight rules in Federal Avia-
defective tion Regulation, Part 91.
(1) Imperfect, or lacking in some specified defensive response
area or some prescribed attribute. (2) A per- See startle response.
son lacking some physical, mental, or moral defer
quality. To delay, put off, remand, or otherwise post-
defective condition pone to a future time. The term does not,
In product liability law, a product is in a de- however, have the same meaning as abolish or
fective condition and considered unreasonably omit.
dangerous to the user when it has a propensity deferent
for causing physical harm beyond that which Conducting or progressing away from a center
would be contemplated by the ordinary user or specific site of reference.
or consumer who purchases it, with the ordi-
nary knowledge common to the foreseeable deferred credits
class of users as to its characteristics. A Items for which additional information or
product is not defective or unreasonably dan- events are required to determine their ultimate
disposition and accounting classification, in-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cluding deferred taxes, deferred investment defluxion
tax credits, and other suspense items. A copious discharge or loss of any kind.
deferred income taxes defoliant
Tax effects which are deferred for allocation Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
to income tax expense of future periods. Rodenticide Act: Any substance or mixture of
deferred investment tax credits substances intended for causing the leaves or
Investment tax credits deferred for amortiza- foliage to drop from a plant, with or without
tion over the service life of the related equip- causing abscission.
ment. deforestation
defervescence The permanent clearing of forest land and its
The decline of high temperature (fever) to conversion to non-forest uses.
normal. deformable element
defibrillation Any structure, whether physical or modeled,
The stoppage of fibrillation of the heart. See which is no rigid.
also fibrillation. deformity
defibrillator A deformed or misshapen condition; an un-
An apparatus that counteracts fibrillation by natural growth, or a distorted or misshapen
applying electric impulses to the heart and is part or member; disfigurement, as a bodily de-
used successfully in many cases of cardiac re- formity.
suscitation. defraud
deficiency To make a misrepresentation of an existing
A lack or shortage; a condition characterized material fact, knowing it to be false or making
by the presence of less than the normal or it recklessly without regard to whether it is
necessary supply or competence. true or false. Such statements are made with
the specific intent to mislead another person
deficiency disease to the point that such misleading is to the ad-
Avitaminosis, or other condition produced by vantage of the person making the false state-
dietary or metabolic deficiency; the term in- ments.
cludes beriberi, scurvy, pellagra, etc.
defined mandatory use service area A device used to remove dissolved gases from
Transportation. That listed in the determina- a solution, usually by means of an air strip-
tion of each Fleet Management Center or ping column.
Fleet Management Subcenter.
definite sentence The release of gases dissolved in hot, molten
A sentence calling for imprisonment for a rock.
specified number of years, as contrasted with
an indeterminate sentence which leaves the degenerate
duration to the prison authorities (e.g., parole (1) To change from a higher to a lower form.
board) and allows for the consideration of the (2) Characterized by degeneration. (3) A per-
good behavior of the prisoner. son whose moral or physical state is below the
The thermal decomposition that proceeds at degradation
less than sonic velocity and may or may not (1) The process by which a chemical is re-
develop hazardous pressures. duced to a less complex form. Conversion of
a chemical compound to one less complex by
deflection splitting off one or more groups of atoms. (2)
A turning aside. In psychoanalysis, an uncon- A deprivation of dignity; dismissal from rank
scious diversion of ideas from conscious at- or office; act or process of degrading. Moral
tention. In the electrocardiogram, a deviation or intellectual decadence; degeneration; dete-
of the curve from the isoelectric baseline, that rioration.
is, any wave or complex.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

degreaser a reasonable doubt, whereas in most civil
A chemical agent, usually a solvent, that is cases, such proof is by a fair preponderance of
used to remove grease and oil from machin- evidence.
ery. Because these chemicals will also re- degrees of negligence
move the protective layer of oil on human The different grades of negligence which
skin, their use without protection can result in govern the liability of persons (e.g., ordinary
dermatitis. negligence as contrasted with gross negli-
degree gence).
(1) The extent, measure, or scope of an action, dehumidifier
condition, or relation. (2) The legal extent of A device for lowering the moisture content of
guilt or negligence. (3) A title conferred on air.
graduates of school, college, or university.
(4) The state of civil condition of a person. dehydration
(5) A unit of angular displacement; 1° = 1/360 Removal of water from the body, a tissue, or
of a circle. (6) A unit of temperature, either any material or compound that naturally con-
Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin/Absolute. tains some degree of water; or, the condition
that results from undue loss of water. Severe
degree day dehydration is a serious condition that may
A unit used to estimate heating and cooling lead to fatal shock, acidosis, and the accumu-
costs. For example, on a day when the mean lation of waste products in the body (a condi-
temperature is less than 65°F, there is the tion known as uremia). Water accounts for
same number of degree days as if the mean more than half the body weight. Under nor-
temperature of the day is below 65°F. mal conditions, a certain amount of fluid is
degree of freedom lost daily. About 1.5 liters is removed by uri-
(1) The minimum number of independent nation, and another 90 ml is lost from the di-
generalized coordinates required to com- gestive tract in the feces. Through vaporiza-
pletely define the positions of all parts of a tion, another liter is given off through the skin
system at any given time. (2) The number of and lungs. To make up for these losses, about
values which are free to vary within a sample, 2.5 liters of fluid must be taken into the body
given specified sampling constraints and ex- in food and fluids, and the cells contribute to
perimental design. another 250 ml through chemical activities.
degree of hazard (critical) When the fluid intake is insufficient or the
Aviation. A situation in which collision output is excessive, dehydration occurs.
avoidance was due to chance rather than an dehydrogenase
act on the part of the pilot. Less than 100 feet An enzyme that catalyzes the transference of
of aircraft separation would be considered hydrogen ions.
"critical." dehydrogenate
degree of hazard (no hazard) (1) To remove hydrogen from. (2) A com-
Aviation. A situation in which direction and pound from which hydrogen has been re-
altitude would have made a midair collision moved.
improbable regardless of evasive action taken. deinking
degree of hazard (potential) The process of removing ink from secondary
Aviation. An incident which would have re- fibers.
sulted in a collision if no action had been deionization
taken by either pilot. Closest proximity of The removal of ions from a compound.
less than 500 feet would usually be required
in this case. déjà vu
French. An illusion that a new situation is a
degree of proof repetition of a previous experience.
That measure of cogency required to prove a
case depending upon the nature of the case. delacrimation
In a criminal case, such proof may be beyond An excessive flow of tears.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

delamination delead
The separation of one layer of a material from To remove lead from the tissues by use of a
another. chelating agent which is then excreted in the
delay urine. Also, the term applies to the removal
(1) General. One of a set of basic work ele- of lead-based paint in dwelling units.
ments which involves some pause or inter- delegate
ruption in an ongoing process or activity. (2) A person who is appointed, authorized, dele-
Aviation. Delays are incurred when any ac- gated, or commissioned to act in the stead of
tion is taken by a controller that prevents an another. The transfer of authority from one to
aircraft from proceeding normally to its desti- another. A person to whom affairs are com-
nation for an interval of 15 minutes or more. mitted by another.
This includes actions to delay departing, en- delegated state
route, or arriving aircraft as well as actions A state (or other governmental entity) which
taken to delay aircraft at departing airports has applied for, and received, authority to ad-
due to conditions en route or at destination minister, within its territory, its state regula-
airports. tory program as the federal program required
delay allowance under a particular federal statute.
(1) A credit of time or money given the op- delegation doctrine
erator to compensate for incentive on a spe- A principle of constitutional law based upon
cific delay incident not covered by the piece the classic understanding that Congress, as the
rate or standard. (2) A period of time which is duly elected representative of the people, is
added to the normal time to compensate for the repository of all legislative power. Only
contingencies and minor delays beyond the the people can grant this power to the Con-
control of the operator. Also referred to as gress. According to the delegation doctrine,
unavoidable delay allowance. Congress cannot, in turn, delegate this legis-
delay indefinite (reason if known) expect fur- lative power to another party, such as an ad-
ther clearance (time) ministrative agency, because the agency has
Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to inform not been elected by the people. Under strict
a pilot when an accurate estimate of the delay application of this doctrine, Congress is re-
time and the reason for the delay cannot im- quired to provide reasonably clear and spe-
mediately be determined (e.g., a disabled air- cific statutory standards to guide agency deci-
craft on the runway, terminal or center area sion making.
saturation, weather below landing minimums, delegation of powers
etc). The transfer of authority by one branch of
delay time government in which such authority is vested
(1) Industrial Operations. Any temporal in- to some other branch or administrative
terval during which a worker is idle due to agency. The U.S. Constitution delegates dif-
any cause beyond the worker's control, such ferent powers to the executive, legislative, and
as a equipment breakdown, a lack of tools or judicial branches of government. Exercise by
parts, or a shortage of materials. May also be the executive branch of the powers delegated
referred to as waiting time or inherent delay. to the executive branch offends this separation
See also idle time. (2) Railroad. As applied and the delegation of powers and hence is un-
to an automatic train stop or train control constitutional. Certain powers may not be
system, the time which elapses after the on- delegated from one branch of the government
board apparatus detects a more restrictive in- to another, such as the judicial powers or such
dication until the brakes start to apply. (3) congressional powers as the power to declare
Aviation. The amount of time that the arrival war, impeach, or admit new states.
must lose to cross the meter fix at the as- deleterious
signed meter fix time. This is the difference Refers to an agent (physical, chemical, or mi-
between Actual Calculated Landing Time crobial) that is injurious or capable of causing
(ACLT) and Vertex Time of Arrival (VTA). harm.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

deliberate delivered
To weigh, ponder, discuss, regard upon, con- Refining. The physical transfer of natural,
sider. To examine and consult in order to synthetic, and/or supplemental gas from facili-
form an opinion. To weigh in the mind; to ties operated by the responding company to fa-
consider the reasons for and against; to con- cilities operated by others or to consumers.
sider maturely; reflect upon, as to deliberate a delivered energy
question; to weigh the arguments for an The amount of energy delivered to the site
against a proposed course of action. (building); no adjustment is made for the fuels
delinquent consumed to produce electricity or district
(1) Lacking in some respect; characterized by sources. This is also referred to as net energy.
antisocial, illegal, or criminal behavior. (2) A DeLorme boot
person whose conduct is antisocial, illegal, or A special boot used to exercise the quadriceps
criminal; applied to a minor exhibiting such muscles.
conduct (juvenile delinquent).
DeLorme exercises
deliquescence See progressive resistance exercises.
The process of becoming liquid by absorption
of water from the air. Delphi method
See Delphi technique.
A disordered mental state with excitement and Delphi technique
illusions. Almost any acute illness accompa- A process designed to obtain a consensus of
nied by very high fever can bring on delirium. experts by successive iterations of questioning
Other causes are physical and mental shock, interspersed with feedback on others' opinions
exhaustion, fear and anxiety, alcoholism, drug and supporting reasons. Also referred to as
overdose, and insulin shock. Delphi method.
delirium tremens (DTs) delta
Delirium from the excessive, chronic use of (1) The flat alluvial area at the mouth of some
alcoholic beverages. It may also occur in rivers where an accumulation of river sedi-
cases of addiction to narcotics. Delirium tre- ment is deposited in the sea or a lake. (2)
mens is a serious mental illness that is char- Term used to describe the change, or differ-
acterized by illusions and vivid hallucinations, ential, that may be inflicted upon a single
extreme restlessness, agitation, uncontrollable variable following the action by some other
shacking and, in general, an increased body influencing factor(s).
metabolism. The victim is usually extremely delta P
fearful and apprehensive because the illusions Differential pressure.
and hallucinations are very real in his/her
mind. delta ray
The track of electrons recoiling from ionizing
delist or atomic reactions in tissue.
Use of the petition process to have a facility's
toxic designation rescinded. delta rhythm
An EEG frequency band consisting of fre-
deliverability quencies less than 4 Hz.
Refining. Represents the number of future
delta T
years during which a pipeline company can
meet its annual requirements for its presently Differential temperature.
certificated delivery capacity from presently deltoid arc
committed sources of supply. The availability The surface distance from acromiale to the
of gas from these sources of supply shall be point where the deltoid muscle disappears
governed by the physical capabilities of these from view.
sources to deliver gas by the terms of existing deltoid muscle
gas purchase contracts, and by limitations im- The large skeletal muscle extending over the
posed by state or federal regulatory agencies. superior and lateral part of the shoulder.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

deluge shower demand responsive system
A shower unit which enables the user to have Any system of transporting individuals, in-
water cascading over the entire body. A cluding the provision of designated public
minimum flow rate of water and time of use transportation service by public entities and
are recommended for effective contaminant the provision of transportation service by pri-
removal. See also emergency shower. vate entities, including but not limited to
delusion specified public transportation service, which
A false belief inconsistent with an individual's is not a fixed route system.
own knowledge and experience. demand variability
demand A change in the desire to purchase a product
The assertion of a legal right; a legal obliga- over time.
tion asserted in the courts. An imperative re- demanded motions inventory
quest preferred by one person to another, un- The various motions which are required to
der a claim of right, requiring the latter to do perform a given task.
or yield something or to abstain from some demeanor
act. With regard to a witness or other person, re-
demand air taxi lates to physical appearance, outward bearing,
Use of an aircraft operating under Federal or behavior. It embraces such facts as the
Aviation Regulations, Part 135, passenger and tone of voice in which a witness's statement is
cargo operations, including charter and ex- made, the hesitation or readiness with which
cluding commuter air carrier. his/her answers are given, the look of the wit-
demand airline device ness, his/her carriage, any evidence of sur-
Respirator in which air enters the facepiece prise, gestures, zeal, bearing, expression, the
only when the wearer inhales. use of his/her eyes, any yawning, the pitch of
voice, any embarrassment, candor, or seeming
demand respirator levity.
See demand airline device.
demand response Progressive mental deterioration due to or-
Transportation. (1) Non-fixed-route service ganic disease of the brain. A disorder in
utilizing vans or buses with passengers which cognitive and intellectual functions of
boarding and alighting at pre-arranged times the mind are prominently affected. Impair-
at any location within the system's service ment of memory is an early sign and total re-
area. Also called dial-a-ride. (2) Passenger covery is not possible since organic cerebral
cars, vans, or Class C motor buses operating disease is involved.
in response to calls from passengers or their
agents to the transit operator, who then dis- demineralizing
patches a vehicle to pick the passengers up The process of removing minerals from water,
and transport them to their destinations. A most commonly through an ion exchange
demand response operation is characterized
by the following: a) the vehicles do not oper- de minimis doctrine
ate over a fixed route or on a fixed schedule See de minimis non curat lex.
except, perhaps, on a temporary basis to sat- de minimis no curat lex
isfy a special need; and b) typically, the vehi- Latin. The law does not care for, or take no-
cle may be dispatched to pick up several pas- tice of, very small or trifling matters. The law
sengers at different pick-up points before does not concern itself about trifles. Provi-
taking them to their respective destinations sion is made under certain criminal statutes
and may even be interrupted en route to these for dismissing offenses which are de minimis.
destinations to pick up other passengers. (3)
Personal transit service operated on roadways de minimis settlements
to provide service on demand. Vehicles are Under CERCLA, a final settlement between
normally dispatched and used exclusively for EPA and a company which disposed of rela-
this service. tively small quantities of hazardous substances.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

de minimis violation dendron
As defined in the Occupational Safety and One of the branching processes of a nerve cell
Health Act of 1970, a violation which has no or neuron that conveys impulse. See dendrite.
direct or immediate relationship to safety or dengue
health. A viral disease carried by the Aedes mosquito.
demographics Also known a breakbone fever because of the
The gathering, analysis, and/or use of infor- intense joint pain associated with it.
mation such as occupation, income, educa- denial
tion, family size, and ethnic background from A traverse in the pleading of one party of an
those populating a certain region. allegation of fact asserted by the other; a de-
demography fense. A response by the defendant to mat-
The science dealing with social statistics, in- ter(s) alleged by the plaintiff in the complaint.
cluding questions of health, disease, births, Under the Rules of Civil Procedure, denials
and mortality. must be specific and directed at the particular
demonstrative evidence allegations controverted. Denials may be
That evidence addressed directly to the sense made in part (a specific denial) or in whole (a
without intervention of testimony. Such evi- general denial), but in the main should be
dence is concerned with real objects which specific and fairly meet the substance of the
illustrate some verbal testimony and has no averments denied.
probative value in itself. denitrification
demulsify The anaerobic biological reduction of nitrate
To resolve or break an emulsion, such as wa- nitrogen to nitrogen gas.
ter and oil, into its components. denitrogenation
demurrage Remove nitrogen from a system, in particular
In domestic U.S. transportation, a penalty the body, by breathing a nitrogen-free gas
charge against shippers or consignees for de- mixture.
laying the carrier's equipment beyond the al- dense nonaqueous-phase liquids (DNAPL)
lowed free time provision of the tariff at the Liquids that are not miscible in and denser
rail ramp; in international transportation, a than water.
storage charge to shippers which starts ac- densimeter
cruing after a container is discharged from a An apparatus for determining density or spe-
vessel. The charge varies according to rules cific gravity.
of the appropriate tariff.
de Musset's sign Determination of variations in density by
Rhythmic oscillation of the head caused by comparison with that of another material or
pulsation of the carotid arteries; a sign of aor- with a certain standard.
tic insufficiency.
demyelination The ratio of the mass of a material to its vol-
The destruction of the myelin sheath of a ume expressed as g/cm3, lb/ft3, etc.
nerve or nerves.
density current
dendrite A flow of water through a larger body of wa-
A long, branching protoplasmic process, such ter that retains its unmixed identity due to a
as the branches conducting impulses toward difference in density.
the body of a nerve cell.
dendrochronology The measurement of the contrast densities in a
The analysis of the annual growth rings of roentgen negative.
trees as a means of interpreting past climatic
conditions. dentifrice
A preparation for cleaning and polishing the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dentistry Department of Energy (DOE)
(1) That branch of the healing arts concerned United States federal agency responsible for
with the teeth and associated structures of the research and development of energy technol-
oral cavity. (2) The work done by dentists, ogy. The DOE provides the framework for a
e.g., the creation of restorations, crowns and comprehensive and balanced national energy
bridges, and surgical procedures performed in plan through the coordination and administra-
and about the oral cavity. (3) The practice of tion of the energy functions of the federal
the dental profession collectively. government. The Department is responsible
denture for the research, development, and demon-
A complement of teeth, either natural or arti- stration of energy technology; the marketing
ficial; ordinarily used to designate an artificial of federal power; energy conservation; the
replacement for the natural teeth and adjacent nuclear weapons program; regulation of en-
tissues. ergy production and use; pricing and alloca-
tion, and a central energy data collection and
denuder analysis program.
A device used to remove a gaseous contami-
nant from sampled air when monitoring for a Department of Transportation (DOT)
substance(s) with which the denuded material Establishes the nation's overall transportation
would interface. policy. Under its umbrella there are ten ad-
ministrations whose jurisdictions include
deoxidation highway planning, development and con-
The process by which oxygen is removed struction; urban mass transit; railroads; avia-
from a chemical compound. tion; and the safety of waterways, ports,
deoxycholic acid highways, and oil and gas pipelines. The
One of the bile acids, capable of forming DOT was established by Act of October 15,
soluble, diffusible complexes with fatty acids, 1966, as amended (49 U.S.C. 102 and 102
and thereby allowing for their absorption in note) "to assure the coordinated, effective
the small intestine. administration of the transportation programs
of the Federal Government" and to develop
"national transportation policies and programs
conducive to the provision of fast, safe, effi-
cient, and convenient transportation at the
lowest cost consistent therewith."
departure angle
Transit. The smallest angle, in a plane side
view of an automobile, formed by the level
surface on which the automobile is standing
and a line tangent to the rear tire static-loaded
radius arc and touching the underside of the
automobile rearward of the rear tire.
A model of a strand of DNA departure center
The air route traffic control center having ju-
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) risdiction for the airspace that generates a
The type of nucleic acid that contains deoxy- flight to the impacted airport.
ribose sugar and is found mainly in the chro-
departure control
mosomes of animal and vegetable cells. DNA
A function of an approach control facility
is considered to be the repository of hereditary
providing air traffic control service for de-
characteristics and the auto-reproducing con-
parting Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and,
stituent of chromosomes and many viruses.
under certain conditions, Visual Flight Rules
Department of Defense Standard (MIL-STD) (VFR) aircraft.
A U.S. Department of Defense Standard
departure time
which uses metric values. See also Military
The time an aircraft becomes airborne.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dependence deposition
The total psychophysical state of an addict in (1) Law. The testimony of a witness taken
which the usual or increasing doses of the upon oral questions or written interrogatories.
drug are required to prevent the onset of ab- Depositions are not taken in open court, but in
stinence symptoms. response to an order to take testimony issued
dependent variable by a court, or under a general law or court rule
A response variable whose value is deter- on the subject, and reduced to writing. Depo-
mined, wholly or in part, by one or more in- sitions must be duly authenticated and are in-
dependent variables within an experimental tended to be used in preparation and upon the
situation. trial of a civil action or a criminal prosecution.
(2) Meteorology. A process that occurs in
depersonalization subfreezing air when water vapor changes di-
A feeling of unreality or strangeness, related rectly to ice without becoming a liquid first.
to oneself or to the external environment. Also referred to as sublimation.
depilatory deposition nuclei
Chemical having the ability to remove or de- Tiny particles (ice nuclei) upon which an ice
stroy hair.
crystal may grow by the process of deposi-
depleted uranium tion. Also called sublimation nuclei.
Uranium having a smaller percentage of ur-
depraved mind
naium-235 than that found in uranium as it
An inherent deficiency of moral sense and
occurs naturally.
rectitude, equivalent to the statutory phrase
depletion curve "depravity of heart" defined as the highest
In hydraulics, a graphical representation of grade of malice. A corrupt, perverted, or im-
water depletion from storage-stream channels, moral state of mind.
surface soil, and groundwater. A depletion
curve can be drawn for base flow, direct run- depreciate
off, or total flow. To spread the cost of a system, piece of
equipment, structure, or facility over time,
deployment usually for tax or accounting purposes, to al-
The distribution of workers to specific work low for its reduction in value.
depolarization (1) Depressing or retarding. (2) An agent that
The abolition or disappearance of a difference retards any function, especially a drug that
in electrical charge. slows a function of the body or calms and qui-
depolarize ets nervous excitement; a sedative. Among the
Reduce the amount of electrical charge across best-known depressants are barbiturates. Al-
some structure, usually with reference to a cohol is also a depressant, although its first ef-
neuronal or muscle cell membrane. fect is sometimes stimulating.
depolymerization depression
The breakdown of an organic compound into (1) A hollow or fossa. (2) Reduction of vital
two or more less complex molecules. functional activity; in psychiatry, a morbid
depose sadness or melancholy, distinguished from
To make a deposition; to give evidence in the grief, which is realistic and proportionate to a
shape of a deposition; to make statements personal loss. Depression may be sympto-
which are written down and sworn to; to give matic of a psychiatric disorder or it may con-
testimony which is reduced to writing by a stitute the principal manifestation of a neuro-
duly qualified officer and sworn to by the de- sis or psychosis. (3) A period of economic
ponent. stress; usually accompanied by poor business
conditions and high unemployment.
(1) Sediment or dregs. (2) Extraneous inor- depressive reaction
ganic matter collected in the tissues or in an A mental or emotional condition, precipitated
organ of the body. by some external factor and manifested by

©2000 CRC Press LLC

guilt, self-depreciation, psychomotor retarda- The inflammation of the synovial lining is
tion, defection, and/or a sense of inadequacy. often pronounced under conditions of highly
It is generally considered to be a neurosis. repetitive hand usage or is due to poor design
of the workplace or tools. See also cumulative
depressor trauma disorder.
(1) Any muscle producing a downward
movement. (2) Any device effecting a derailment
downward movement of some structure. A derailment occurs when one or more than
one unit of rolling stock equipment leaves the
depressurization rails during train operations for a cause other
A condition that occurs when the air pressure than collision, explosion, or fire.
inside a structure is lower than the air pressure
outside. Depressurization can occur when derailment/bus going off road
household appliances, such as fireplaces or A non-collision incident which occurs as a
furnaces, consume or exhaust house air and result of rolling equipment leaving the rail, or
are not supplied with enough makeup air. buses leaving the roadway, and for rollovers.
Radon-containing soil gas may be drawn into derailment/left roadway
a house more rapidly under depressurization A non-collision incident in which a transit
conditions. vehicle leaves the rails or road on which it
travels. This also includes rollovers.
A straight-line measurement with anterior to deregulation
posterior extent in any sagittal plane and per- Revisions or complete elimination of eco-
pendicular to the frontal plane of the body. nomic regulations controlling transportation.
For example, the Motor Carrier Act of 1980
depth cueing and the Staggers Act of 1980 revised the eco-
The process of making a complicated image nomic controls over motor carriers and rail-
more readily understandable by distinguishing roads, respectively.
between elements in the foreground and
background. derepression
In psychiatry, the coming back of ideas or
depth filtration impulses into conscious awareness that were
Filtration classification for filters where solids earlier pushed from such awareness into the
are removed within the granular media. unconscious because they were personally
depth of field intolerable.
The distance from the lens of a camera to the derivative
farthest subject (infinity) in which the image A chemical substance derived from another
will appear sharp. "Shallow" depth of field is substance either directly or by modification or
a result of larger apertures; greater depth of partial substitution.
field is achieved when smaller aperture derived from rule
openings are used. Under RCRA, this special rule stipulates that
depth perception waste generated from the treatment, storage,
The ability to distinguish relative distances of or disposal of hazardous waste is itself a haz-
two or more objects or the distance of a single ardous waste, unless it does not exhibit any of
object from the observer. the hazardous characteristics or it is not a
listed waste.
A substitute; a person duly authorized by an derived requirement
officer to exercise some or all of the functions A requirement not imposed by some original
pertaining to the office, in the place and stead or high-level document or management, but
of the latter. which is imposed by secondary documents or
lower levels of management.
DeQuervain's disease
A type of tenosynovitis of the exterior ten-
dons of the wrist or abductors of the thumb.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dermabrasion dermatophytoses
Removal, by sandpaper or high-speed brush, A group of diseases caused by fungi and often
of acne scars or nevi. found among farmers, animals handlers, pet
dermal and hide handlers, wool sorters, cattle ranch-
Relating to the skin. ers, athletes. lifeguards, gymnasium employ-
ees, and animal laboratory workers. Ring-
dermal toxicity worm of the hands and feet is the most com-
The ability of a pesticide or toxic chemical to mon form and is usually prevented by recog-
poison people or animals by contact with the nition of the disease in animals, sterilization
skin. See also contact pesticide. and proper laundering of towels, general
dermatitis cleanliness of showering facilities, and proper
Any inflammation of the skin surface from personal hygiene.
any cause. A skin abnormality resulting from dermatosis
an occupational exposure. Dermatitis can re- Generic term for skin disorders, particularly
sult from various animal, vegetable, and those not involving inflammation.
chemical substances, from heat or cold, from
mechanical irritation, from certain forms of dermis
malnutrition, or from infectious disease. In See corium.
some cases, dermatitis may have a psy- dermographic pencil
chologic rather than a physical cause. The An instrument for marking landmarks or point
symptoms may include itching, redness, marks on skin for taking anthropometric
crustiness, blisters, watery discharges, fis- measurements.
sures, or other changes in the normal condi- derrick
tion of the skin. May also be referred to as A mechanical device intended for lifting, with
industrial dermatitis, occupational contact or without a boom supported at its head by a
dermatitis, professional eczema, cement der- topping lift from a mast, fixed A frame, or
matitis, chrome ulcers, oil acne, rubber itch, similar structure. The mast or equivalent
or tar warts. member may or may not be supported by guys
dermatology or braces. The boom, where fitted, may or
That branch of medicine dealing with diseases may not be controlled in the horizontal plane
of the skin. by guys (vangs). The term also includes shear
dermatome legs.
That region of the skin innervated with sen- DES
sory fibers from a single spinal nerve. Diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, is
dermatome chart used as a growth stimulant in food animals.
A graphic or visual display of the regions of Residues in meat are thought to be carcino-
the body surface innervated by specific spinal genic.
nerves. desalinization
dermatomyositis Removing salt from ocean or brackish water.
An acute, subacute, or chronic disease in- Descemet's membrane
volving constant inflammation of the skin and The posterior lining membrane of the cornea.
muscles, leading to muscular decomposition descent speed adjustments
and atrophy. It is included among the group Aviation. Speed deceleration calculations
of illnesses known as collagen diseases. made to determine an accurate vertex time of
Among the variety of symptoms that point to arrival (VTA). These calculations start at the
the onset of the disease are fever, loss of transition point and use arrival speed seg-
weight, skin lesions, and aching muscles. As ments to the vertex.
the disease progresses, there may be loss of
the use of the arms and legs. Complications describing function
such as hardening may occur, similar to the Any mathematical model or representation of
changes seen in scleroderma. a time-varying system involving humans,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

generally consisting of some transfer function must withstand without rupture and/or burst to
plus remnants. demonstrate design adequacy in a qualifica-
descriptive statistics tion test. The actual burst pressure for a
The collection, tabulation, and analysis of tested component must demonstrate, during
data in such a manner as to yield measures, qualification testing, that the design burst
(i.e., mean, variance, standard deviation, etc.) pressure is less than the actual burst pressure.
that describe the population, group, or sample Safety factors are based on design burst pres-
data. sure not actual burst pressure of a particular
The abolition of sensitivity to a particular an- design capacity
tigen. Pipeline. The capacity associated with the
direction of the flow observed on the peak
desensitize day. See also certified capacity.
To render less sensitive.
design driver
desert A requirement which causes a system to be
A region characterized by a climatic pattern designed in a specific way.
where evaporation exceeds precipitation.
design eye point
desert fever A fixed point providing a line of sight within
A fungal disease usually affecting the respi- which all controls and displays at a worksta-
ratory tract and lungs, although it may involve tion should be located. This point is only rec-
any or all of the body's organs; also called San ommended for use when the head position of
Joaquin Valley fever, desert rheumatism and the operator is severely constrained during the
coccidioidomycosis. task or job. See also design eye volume.
desert pavement design eye position
An arrangement of pebbles and large stones See design eye volume.
that remains behind as finer dust and sand
particles are blown away by the wind. design eye volume
That region within which an operator's head is
desert rheumatism free to move and provide appropriate lines of
See desert fever. sight at a workstation.
desertification design for maintenance
The process where the biological productivity A design priority concept which emphasizes
of land is reduced, resulting in desert-like the future maintenance aspects of a product's
conditions. structure. Also referred to as design for
desiccant maintainability.
(1) General. Chemicals, such as silica gel, design for manufacturing
that absorb moisture and are typically used to A design priority concept which emphasizes
promote or ensure dryness. (2) Under the the assembly aspects of manufacturing in
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti- structural design.
cide Act: Any substance or mixture of sub-
stances intended for artificially accelerating design for reliability
the drying of plant tissue. A design priority which emphasizes mini-
mizing the chances of failure and/or maxi-
design mizing the mean time between failures.
The process of developing the requirements,
structure, dimensions, tolerances, and materi- design for use
als to be used for an entity. A design priority which emphasizes the ease
of use of a product.
design burst pressure
The calculated pressure (the analytical value design head
that was calculated using an acceptable in- Hydroelectric Engineering. The achieved
dustry and/or government practice to deter- river, pond, or reservoir surface height (fore-
mine its design pressure) that components bay elevation) that provides the water level to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

produce the full flow at the gate of the turbine designated public transportation
in order to attain the manufacturer's installed Transportation provided by a public entity
nameplate rating for generation capacity. (other than public school transportation) by
design live road bus, rail, or other conveyance (other than
Transit. The live road that the structure was transportation by aircraft or intercity or com-
designed to carry (85 psf, H-10, H-15, and muter rail transportation) that provides the
HS-20). general public with general or special service,
including charter service, on a regular and
design load continuing basis.
The weight which can be safety supported by
a structure, as specified in its design criteria. designated representative
Any person or party acting on behalf of an
design safety factor employee with the full permission of that em-
A factor used to account for uncertainties in ployee. Can include labor unions, relatives,
material properties and analysis procedures. and attorneys. Under certain circumstances,
It is often referred to as design factor of designated representatives may have access to
safety, or simply safety factor. employee exposure and medical records.
design solution designated seating capacity
An engineering design which meets or ex- Transportation. The number of designated
ceeds a set of requirements. seating positions provided.
design speed designated seating position
(1) General. That rate at which a mechani- Any plan view location capable of accommo-
cally driven operation is intended to occur or dating a person at least as large as a 5th per-
at which a piece of equipment is intended to centile adult female, if the overall seat con-
move or rotate. (2) Transit. Design speed figuration and design and vehicle design are
determines the maximum degree of road cur- such that the position is likely to be used as a
vature and minimum safe stopping, meeting, seating position while the vehicle is in mo-
passing, or intersection sight distance. tion, except for auxiliary seating accommoda-
designated associated equipment tions such as temporary or folding jump seats.
Maritime. Inboard engine, outboard engine, Any bench or split-bench seat in a passenger
and stern drive unit. Specific equipment, in car, truck, or multipurpose passenger vehicle
addition to completed boats, which has been with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
designated in 33 (CFR) 179.03 as being sub- less than 10,000 pounds, having greater than
ject to the requirements of 46 (U.S.C.) 4310. 50 inches of hip room (measured in accor-
Other items of associated equipment may be dance with Society of Automotive Engineers
the cause for recall of boats, but the manu- (SAE) Standard J1100a) shall have not less
facturers of those items of associated equip- than three designated seating positions, unless
ment are not subject to the requirement for re- the seat design or vehicle design is such that
call. the center position cannot be used for seating.
designated facility designated service
A hazardous waste treatment, storage, or dis- Railroad. Exclusive operation of a locomo-
posal facility that has been designated on the tive under the following conditions: a) the lo-
manifest by the generator. comotive is not used as an independent unit or
the controlling unit is a consist of locomotives
designated pollutant except when moving for the purpose of serv-
An air pollutant which is neither a criteria nor icing or repair within a single yard area; b) the
hazardous pollutant, as described in the Clean locomotive is not occupied by operating or
Air Act, but for which new source perform- deadhead crews outside a single yard area;
ance standards exist. The Clean Air Act does and c) the locomotive is stenciled "Designated
require states to control these pollutants, Service-DO NOT OCCUPY."
which include acid mists, total reduced sulfur
(TRS), and fluorides.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

designated uses desynchronize
Those water uses identified in state water (1) Change the electroencephalogram from a
quality standards which must be achieved and low frequency, high amplitude rhythm to a
maintained as required under the Clean Water higher frequency, lower amplitude rhythm.
Act. Uses can include cold water fisheries, (2) Change a biological rhythm from a normal
public water supply, agriculture, etc. or typical phase relationship to another.
designer bugs desynchronosis
Popular term for microbes developed through See jet lag.
biotechnology that can degrade specific toxic detachment of the retina
chemicals at their source in toxic waste dumps Separation of the inner layers of the retina
or in groundwater. from the pigment layer, which remains at-
desmalgia tached to the choroid. The onset of symptoms
Pain in a ligament. may be gradual or sudden, depending on the
desorption cause, size, and location of the area involved.
The process of removing an adsorbed material The victim may see flashes of light and then
from the solid in which it is adsorbed and re- days or weeks later notice cloudy vision or the
tained. loss of central vision, Another common
symptom is the sensation of spots or moving
desorption efficiency particles in the field of vision. In severe reti-
The fraction of a known quantity of analyte nal detachment, there may be complete loss of
that is recovered from a spiked solid sorbent vision.
media blank.
desquamation One or more qualities of a signal, display, or
The sloughing off of the epidermal layer of other stimulus which affect its probability of
the skin. being perceived, either in isolation or against
destabilizing pressure a background.
A pressure that produces comprehensive detection limit
stresses in a pressurized structure or pressure The lowest amount that can be distinguished
component. from the normal electronic noise of an ana-
destination lytical instrument. For Hazardous Ranking
(1) For travel period trips, the destination is System purposes, the detection limit used is
the farthest point of travel from the point of the method detection limit (MDL) or, for real-
origin of a trip of 75 miles or more one way. time field instruments, the detection limit of
For travel day trips, the destination is the the instrument as used in the field.
point at which there is a break in travel. (2) detection threshold
The place/location in which the cargo was See threshold.
unloaded and/or the transit terminated.
destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) (1) General. The portion of an instrument
An expression of hazardous waste incinerator that is responsive to the material being meas-
efficiency stated as the percentage of incom- ured. (2) Radiation. A device which converts
ing principal organic hazardous components ionizing radiation energy to a form more
destroyed during incineration. amenable to measurement. For example, an
destructive test ionization detector, scintillation detector, etc.
A procedure in testing product quality in detector tube
which the material or product being tested is An air sampling device used to measure the
either partially or totally destroyed. concentration of various air contaminants.
desulfurization Consists of a glass tube filled with a solid
Removal of sulfur from fossil fuels to reduce chemical that changes color when it reacts
pollution. with the air contaminant being sampled in
combination with a hand-held pump device to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

draw air through the tube at a measured rate. detonation
Also known as colorimetric tube. An exothermic chemical reaction that propa-
detent gates with such rapidity that the rate of ad-
A releasable element used to restrain a part vance of the reaction zone into the unreacted
before or after its motion; detents are common material exceeds the velocity of sound. The
arming mechanisms. For example, safe and rate of advance of the reaction zone is termed
arm (S&A) device safing pins use a spring- detonation velocity. When this rate of ad-
loaded detent to secure the pin in the device. vance attains such a value that it will continue
without diminution through the unreacted
detention time material, it is termed the stable detonation
The period of time that a volume of liquid velocity. When the detonation velocity is
remains in a tank. equal to or greater than the stable detonation
detergent velocity of the explosive, the reaction is
Synthetic washing agent that helps to remove termed a high-order detonation; when it is
dirt and oil. Some contain compounds which lower, the reaction is termed a low-order
kill useful bacteria and encourage algae detonation.
growth when they are in wastewater that detonation velocity
reaches receiving waters. See detonation.
deterioration detonator
(1) The process or state of growing worse. (2) An explosive device (usually an electroexplo-
Disintegration or wearing away. (3) With re- sive device) that is the first device in the ex-
gard to a commodity, consists of a constitu- plosive train and is designed to transform an
tional hurt or impairment, involving some de- input (usually electrical) into an explosive re-
generation in the substance of the thing, such action.
as that arising from decay, corrosion, or dis-
integration. With respect to values or prices, detoxification
a decline. The destruction of toxic properties of a sub-
stance, a major function of the liver.
determinate errors
Errors which occur that are correctable if their detresfa
cause can be determined. Distress Phase. The code word used to desig-
nate an emergency phase wherein there is rea-
determination sonable certainty that an aircraft and its occu-
Transit. A document signed by the Adminis- pants are threatened by grave and imminent
trator of the General Services Administration, danger or require immediate assistance.
setting forth the decision to establish an Inter-
agency Fleet Management Center at a specific detrimental deformation
location. Term used to indicate a type of deformation
including all structural deformations, deflec-
determinism tions, or displacements that prevent any por-
The doctrine that the will is not free but is tion of the structure from performing its in-
absolutely determined by psychic and physi- tended function or that reduce the probability
cal conditions. of successful completion of the mission.
deterministic detritus
Pertaining to those data which can be ex- (1) Decaying organic matter such as root
plained or predicted with reasonable accuracy hairs, stems, and leaves usually found on the
via some explicit solvable mathematical rela- bottom of a water body. (2) Grit or fragments
tionship. of rock or minerals.
detonating cord detritus tank
A flexible fabric tube containing a filler of Square tank grit chamber incorporating a re-
high explosive material intended to be initi- volving rake to scrape settled grit to a sump
ated by an electroexplosive device; often used for removal.
in destruction and separation functions.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

deutan developmental age
A person with anomalous color vision, An index of growth using an age equivalent
marked by derangement or loss of the red- determined by standardized observations.
green sensory mechanism. May include body measures, mental, emo-
deuteranomaly tional, social, and mental observations. See
A color vision deficiency involving a reduced also chronological age and mental age.
ability to discriminate green in colors. developmental anthropometry
deuteranopia The study of growth in size and/or propor-
A form of color blindness involving an in- tions of the human body.
ability to discriminate the green content of developmental quotient
colors. Also referred to as green-blindness. The value of the ratio of the developmental
deuterium age and the chronological age.
The mass two isotope of hydrogen, symbol 2H developmental RfD
or D; it is available as a gas or heavy water An estimate (with uncertainty spanning per-
(deuterium oxide) and is used as a tracer or haps an order of magnitude or greater) of an
indicator in studying fat and amino acid me- exposure level for the human population, in-
tabolism. cluding sensitive subpopulations, that is likely
deuteron to be without an appreciable risk of develop-
The nucleus of a deuterium atom. mental effects. Developmental RfDs are used
to evaluate the effects of a single event (gen-
devanning erally one day) exposure.
The unloading of a container or cargo van.
developmental toxic effect
developer Harmful effect to the embryo, or fetus, such
A person, government unit, or company that as embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, or terato-
proposes to build a hazardous waste treat- genicity.
ment, storage, or disposal facility.
development (1) Varying from a determinable standard. (2)
(1) General. Gradual growth or expansion, A person with characteristics varying from
especially from a lower to a higher stage of what is considered standard or normal.
complexity. (2) Under the Federal Antarctic
Protection Act of 1990: Any activity, in- deviation
cluding logistic support, which takes place (1) An alternate method of compliance with
following exploration, the purpose of which is the intent of specific requirements. A depar-
the exploitation of specific mineral resource ture from established or usual conduct or ide-
deposits, including processing, storage, and ology. (2) The amount by which a score or
transport activities. other measure differs from the mean, or other
descriptive statistic. (3) Aviation. a) A de-
development test parture from a current clearance, such as an
A test to provide design information that may off-course maneuver to avoid weather or tur-
be used to check the validity of analytic tech- bulence. b) Where specifically authorized in
nique and assumed design parameters, to un- the FARs and requested by the pilot, Air Traf-
cover unexpected system response character- fic Control (ATC) may permit pilots to devi-
istics, to evaluate design changes, to deter- ate from certain regulations.
mine interface compatibility, to prove qualifi-
cation and acceptance procedures and tech- device
niques, or to establish acceptance and rejec- (1) According to the Federal Food, Drug, and
tion criteria. Cosmetic Act, an instrument, apparatus, im-
plement, machine, contrivance, implant, in
development time vitro reagent, or other similar or related arti-
The temporal period required to design, engi- cle, including any component, part or acces-
neer, and prepare the manufacturing docu- sory, which is a) recognized in the official
mentation for some device. National Formulary, or the United States

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Pharmacopoeia, or any supplement to them; When the blood sugar drops below normal,
b) intended for use in the diagnosis of disease there is increased production of epinephrine,
or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, which causes glycogen to be changed back
treatment or prevention of disease, in man or into glucose and used for the production of
other animals; or c) intended to affect the energy.
structure of any function of the body of man DF
or other animals and which does not achieve See direction finder.
its primary intended purposes through chemi-
cal action within or on the body of man or DFT
other animals and which is not dependent See dry film thickness.
upon being metabolized for the achievement DH
of its primary intended purposes. (2) A unit See decision height.
of an electrical system which is intended to
carry but not utilize electric energy. DHEW
Department of Health, Education, and Wel-
device driver fare (United States).
See driver.
device-independent Inordinate and persistent increase in the uri-
An operation or procedure which has similar nary secretions, especially diabetes mellitus.
functions may be executed or performed on a
variety of pieces of equipment which may dif- diabetes insipidus
fer in structure, method of operation, and/or A metabolic disorder resulting from decreased
appearance. activity of the posterior lobe of the pituitary
gland. Re-absorption of water from the renal
dew tubules is promoted by vasopressin, or antidi-
Water droplets that form on cool surfaces uretic hormone, a hormone from the posterior
following condensation of atmospheric water pituitary lobe. A deficiency of this hormone
vapor. leads to the symptoms of diabetes insipidus
dew point which include excessive thirst and the passage
The temperature at which air at a constant of large amounts of urine with no excess of
pressure and constant water-vapor content sugar.
will be saturated. Cooling below the dew diabetes mellitus
point usually results in frost or dew. When A disorder of carbohydrate metabolism in
this temperature is below 0°C, it is sometimes which the ability to oxidize and utilize carbo-
called the frost point. hydrates is lost as a result of disturbances in
the normal insulin mechanism. A serious dis-
ruption of carbohydrate metabolism leads to
The degree of manipulative ability via per-
abnormalities of protein and fat metabolism.
ceptual-motor coordination.
The oxidation of fat is accelerated in diabetes,
dextrality and thus there is an accumulation of the end
Preferring the right-hand over the left. products of fat metabolism in the blood and
dextrose the development of the symptoms of ketosis,
A sugar, also called glucose or grape sugar, acidosis, and coma. Factors leading to distur-
containing six carbon atoms. Dextrose is con- bances in the normal insulin mechanism and
sidered one of the most important carbohy- the onset of diabetes mellitus include insuffi-
drates because it makes up 80% of all simple cient production of insulin from the beta cells
sugar absorbed into the blood. It is present in of the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas,
the juice of many sweet fruits and in the blood an increase in the insulin requirement by the
of all animals. Through the process of me- tissue cells, or a decrease in the effectiveness
tabolism, dextrose is used by the body to pro- of insulin due to one or more insulin antago-
vide energy or, in excess, it is converted to nists which can deactivate insulin. Any of
fat. The liver cells convert glucose to glyco- these factors can produce the symptoms of
gen, so that it can be stored until needed. diabetes mellitus. Because diabetics are un-

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able to utilize the carbohydrates in their dial up access terminal (DUAT)
blood, they are improperly nourished no mat- The capability for direct user access terminals
ter how much food they consume. The accu- to file flight plans into the National Airspace
mulation of unused glucose leads to weak- System (NAS) and access weather informa-
ness, fatigue, and a spilling over of sugar into tion from the National Graphic Weather Dis-
the urine. The high levels of sugar in the play System.
blood make the diabetic particularly suscep- dialogue
tible to infection. In a prolonged severe dia- The content of a structured sequence of steps
betic condition, the raised fat and glucose in an interaction between a user and a com-
level of the blood may cause damage to blood puter.
vessels and to tissues and organs containing
blood vessels. The resulting poor circulation dialogue box
may be a factor leading to other complications A pop-up display window which requests user
such as gangrene of the hands or feet. Also, input regarding some computer system func-
the heart and kidneys may suffer damage, tion.
there can be difficulty with vision (up to and dialysis
including total blindness), or the nervous The passage of solute molecules through a
system may be affected. See also insulin. semipermeable membrane from higher con-
diagnose centration to a solution of lower concentra-
To isolate or recognize a disease or the cause tion.
of an illness. diameter
diagnosis The length of a straight line passing through
The art or method of identifying or recogniz- the center of a circle and connecting the oppo-
ing a disease. A medical term, meaning the site points on its circumference; hence the
discovery of the source of a patient's illness or distance between two specified opposite
the determination of the nature of his/her dis- points on the periphery of a structure.
ease from a study of its symptoms. diamide
Diagnostic Rhyme Test A double amide
A forced-choice test in which an individual is diamine
required to select the word he/she believes A double amine.
was spoken from two rhyming options.
diagnostic study (1) In anatomy, the musculomembranous par-
A preliminary investigation or study of some tition separating the abdominal and thoracic
operation, process, individual, or group in an cavities that plays an important role in the
attempt to learn the causes of problems. May respiration process. (2) A thin septum divid-
also be referred to as a diagnostic survey. ing a cavity. (3) A disk with a fixed or flexi-
diagnostic survey ble opening, mounted in relation to a lens, by
See diagnostic study. which part of the light may be excluded from
the area.
A geometric drawing used to explain a fact, a diaphysis
process, the sequence of an activity, or the The shaft or central portion of a long bone.
composition of an element as associated with diarrhea
an accident or incident. Fecal discharge of an abnormal frequency and
dial caliper liquidity. A condition often associated with
A caliper which uses a rotary dial to indicate foodborne illnesses and one of the most
the distance between two points. common symptoms of the gastroenteritis syn-
See demand response. diastolic blood pressure
The minimum arterial blood pressure occur-
ring during that portion of the cardiac cycle

©2000 CRC Press LLC

when the heart relaxes and the ventricle fills diesel-electric plant
with blood. A generating station that uses diesel engines
diatom to drive its electric generators.
A unicellular algae with a yellowish brown diesel fuel
color and siliceous shell. A fuel composed of distillates obtained in a
diatomaceous earth petroleum refining operation or blends of such
Also known as diatomite, a chalk-like material distillates with residual oil used in motor ve-
(fossilized diatoms) used to filter out solid waste hicles. The boiling point and specific gravity
in wastewater treatment plants, also used as an are higher for diesel fuels than for gasoline.
active ingredient in some powdered pesticides See also diesel fuel system.
and in swimming pool filtration systems. diesel fuel, No. 1
diatomaceous earth filter A volatile distillate fuel oil with a boiling
Water treatment filter that uses a layer of range between 300 and 575 degrees Fahren-
diatomaceous earth as the filter medium. heit and used in high-speed diesel engines
generally operated under wide variations in
diatomite speed and load. Includes type C-B diesel fuel
See diatomaceous earth. used for city buses and similar operations.
diazinon Properties are defined in American Society
An insecticide. In 1986, EPA banned its use for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specifica-
on open areas such as sod farms and golf tion D 975.
courses because it posed a danger to migra- diesel fuel, No. 2
tory birds who gathered on them in large A gas-oil type distillate of lower volatility
numbers. The ban did not apply to its use in with distillation temperatures at the 90 percent
agriculture, or on lawns of homes and com- point between 540 and 640 degrees Fahren-
mercial establishments. heit for use in high-speed diesel engines gen-
dichoptic erally operated under uniform speed and load
Pertaining to viewing conditions in which the conditions. Includes Type R-R diesel fuel
visual display to each of the two eyes differs used for railroad locomotive engines, and
with respect to some property of the stimulus. Type T-T for diesel engine trucks. Properties
are defined in American Society for Testing
dichotic and Materials (ASTM) Specification D 975.
Pertaining to listening conditions in which
differential stimulation of the two ears occurs diesel fuel system
according to some definable physical property Diesel engines are internal combustion en-
of the stimulus such as duration, frequency, gines that burn diesel oil rather than gasoline.
phase, intensity, or bandwidth. Injectors are used to spray droplets of diesel
oil into the combustion chambers, at or near
dichromat the top of the compression stroke. Ignition
One who has dichromatopsia. follows due to the very high temperature of
dichromatopsia the compressed intake air, or to the use of
A form of color blindness involving an in- "glow plugs," which retain heat from previous
ability to discriminate one of the three pri- ignitions (spark plugs are not used). Diesel
mary colors: red, green, or blue (in other engines are generally more fuel efficient than
words, the person is capable of seeing two of gasoline engines, but must be stronger and
the three colors). See also deuteranopia and heavier due to high compression ratios. See
protanopia. also carburetor, diesel fuel, and fuel injec-
A pesticide used on citrus fruits. diet
(1) The total food consumed by an individual.
dielectric heating
(2) A prescription of food required or permit-
The heating of a nominally insulating material
ted to be eaten by a patient. Also called
due to its own dielectric losses when the ma-
therapeutic diet.
terial is placed in a varying electric field.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dietary supplement differential absorption ratio
Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic The ratio of concentration of an isotope in a
Act: A product (other than tobacco) intended given organ or tissue to the concentration that
to supplement the diet that bears or contains would be obtained if the same administered
one or more of the following dietary ingredi- quantity of this isotope were uniformly dis-
ents: 1) a vitamin; 2) a mineral; 3) an herb or tributed throughout the body.
other botanical; 4) an amino acid; 5) a die- Differential Aptitude Test (DAT)
tary substance for use by man to supplement A commonly used test for determining verbal,
the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; abstract, and mechanical reasoning ability,
6) a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, ex- spatial relations, clerical speed and accuracy,
tract, or combination of any ingredient de- and grammatical/spelling skills.
scribed in 1), 2), 3), 4), or 5). A dietary
supplement is also a product that is 1) in- differential equation
tended for ingestion in a form described in the Any equation containing one or more deriva-
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; 2) is tives of a mathematical function.
not represented for use as a conventional food differential piecework
or as a sole item of a meal or the diet; and 3) That form of compensation in which the piece
is labeled as a dietary supplement. It does in- rate is variable, and based on the total number
clude an article that is approved as a new drug of pieces produced during a specified period.
under the Act, certified as an antibiotic under
the Act, or licensed as a biologic under the differential pressure
CAA, and was, prior to such approval, certifi- The difference in the static pressure between
cation, or license, marketed as a dietary sup- two locations.
plement or as a food unless the Secretary of differential threshold
Health and Human Services has issued a See difference threshold.
regulation, after notice and comment, finding
differential timing
that the article, when used as or in a dietary
The use of subtraction or simultaneous equa-
supplement under the conditions of use and
tions for obtaining the time value of an ex-
dosages set forth in the labeling for such die-
tremely short duration work element in a time
tary supplement, is unlawful under the Act.
study by combining the time values of ele-
difference limen ments preceding and following the element in
See difference threshold. successive cycles.
difference spectrum differentiate
That spectrum which is obtained by the sub- (1) Distinguish between one or more condi-
traction of one spectrum from another. tions. (2) Mathematically determine the ratio
difference threshold of a small change in a dependent variable as a
The degree or intensity by which two su- function of change in the independent vari-
prathreshold stimuli must differ if a difference able.
is to be noted on a specified percentage of the differentiation
trials. Also referred to as differential thresh- The process by which single cells grow into
old and difference limen. See also just no- particular forms of specialized tissue (e.g.,
ticeable difference. root, stem, leaf).
differential diffraction
(1) An amount added or deducted from base The bending or breaking of a ray of light into
rate to make a rate to or from some other its individual parts.
point or via another route. (2) Standard type.
The gear assembly on the drive axle that per-
Re-direct or scatter energy transmission in
mits the wheels to turn at different speeds; no-
multiple directions over a region.
slip or limited-slip type: a gear assembly on
the drive axle that will not permit one wheel diffuse lighting
to spin while the other is motionless. That light which is not incident from any par-
ticular direction and is of approximately the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

same intensity within the volume of consid- energy to move about. Molecules of a solu-
eration. tion of higher concentration move less rapidly
diffuse reflectance toward those of lesser concentration. In other
The value of the ratio of diffused flux leaving words, the rate of movement from higher to
a surface to the incident flux. lower concentration is greater than the move-
ment in the opposite direction.
diffuse reflection
The distribution of an incident energy flux in diffusion detector
many directions from a surface on which it is A passive type detection device which utilizes
incident. the principle of diffusion as the means to
transport airborne contaminants to the detec-
diffuse sound field tor. No mechanical means is employed to
A sound field in which the sound energy will transport the sampled air from the surround-
flow in all directions with equal probability. ings to the detector. This is often referred to
This type of noise environment exists in a re- as a passive sampler or passive sampling.
verberation room and can be used to test
sound absorption materials. diffusion rate
The rate at which a gas or vapor disperses into
diffuse transmission or mixes with another vapor. A measure of
The passage of an incident energy flux the tendency of a gas or vapor to disperse into
through a material with a wide distribution or mix with another gas or vapor.
either internally or on emergence from that
material. diffusive sampling
See passive sampling.
diffuse transmittance
The value of the ratio of the flux passed as dig
diffused to the incident flux. A bubble defect which lies on the surface of a
transparent material or window.
diffused air
A type of aeration that forces oxygen into digester
sewage by pumping air through perforated In wastewater treatment, a closed tank; in
pipes inside a holding tank and bubbling it solid waste conversion, a unit in which bacte-
through the sewage. rial action is induced and accelerated to break
down organic matter and establish the proper
diffusers and grilles carbon to nitrogen ratio.
Components of the ventilation system that
distribute and diffuse air to promote air cir- digestion
culation in the occupied space. Diffusers (1) The biochemical decomposition of organic
supply air and grilles return air. matter, resulting in partial gasification, lique-
facation, and mineralization of pollutants. (2)
diffusing medium The conversion of materials into simpler
See diffusers and grilles. compounds, physically or chemically, espe-
diffusion cially the breaking down of food into sub-
The continual movement and intermingling of stances that can be absorbed into the blood
molecules in liquids and gases. These move- and utilized by the body tissues. Digestion is
ments are random and are caused by thermal accomplished by physically breaking down,
agitation. In the body fluids, the molecules of churning, diluting, and dissolving the food
water, gases, and the ions of substances in substances, and also by splitting them chemi-
solution are in constant motion. As each cally into simpler compounds. Carbohydrates
molecule moves about, it bounces off other are broken down to monosaccharides (simple
molecules and loses some of its energy to sugars); proteins are broken down into amino
each molecule it hits, but at the same time, it acids; and fats are absorbed as fatty acids and
gains energy from the molecules that collide glycerol (glycerin). The digestive process
with it. The rate of diffusion is influenced by takes place in the alimentary canal. The sali-
the size of the molecules; larger molecules vary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
move less rapidly because they require more are located outside the alimentary canal, but
they are considered accessory organs of di-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gestion because their secretions provide es- dike light
sential enzymes. A light installed on the end of a dike, nor-
mally a portable, 90-mm, battery-operated,
digestive tract
See alimentary canal.
digit Property of a liquid whose viscosity increases
(1) Any of the fingers or toes. A convention as agitation is increased.
is to number the digits with Roman numerals,
beginning with the thumb and big toe, for ex- dilation
ample, the thumb is digit I, index finger is The process of expanding or enlarging.
digit II, etc. (2) A numerical symbol, having diligence
a potential range of the integers from 0 (1) Vigilant activity; attentiveness; or care, of
through 9. The actual range may vary with which there are infinite shades, from the
the number base being used. slightest momentary thought to the most
digital brite radar indicator tower equipment vigilant anxiety. Attentive and persistent in
(DBRITE) doing a thing; steadily applied; active. (2)
Alphanumeric display systems for control The attention and care required of a person in
towers using digital scan converter systems in a given situation and is the opposite of negli-
a radar scope-type presentation. gence. See also due diligence.

digital dermatoglyph diluent

See fingerprint. Material used to reduce the concentration of
an active material to achieve a desirable ef-
digital display fect.
See numerical display.
diluent gas narcosis
digital-to-analog conversion See inert gas narcosis and nitrogen narcosis.
The process of changing numerical data from
a sequence of bits to a continuous graphical
To reduce the concentration of a material in
curve. Typically done with time series data.
the air or in a liquid.
digital-to-analog converter dilution
That electrical or electromechanical equip- The process of increasing the proportion of
ment used for digital-to-analog conversion. the solvent or diluent in a mixture.
Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) dilution factor
Resembles a standard compact disc (CD), but The volumetric ratio of solvent to solute.
has much higher capacity. Also called Digital
Video Disc. dilution ratio
The relationship between the volume of water
dihedral angle in a stream and the volume of incoming water.
That angle between two planes. It affects the ability of the stream to assimilate
dike waste.
(1) A low wall that can act as a barrier to pre- dilution ventilation system
vent a spill from spreading. (2) A construc- A system of airspace ventilation that relies on
tion, usually of piling or stone and usually at the mixing of contaminated air with uncon-
right angles to the current, for the purpose of taminated air for the purpose of controlling
diverting the river current away from the potential air borne health hazards. Also re-
banks and toward the channel. A dike serves ferred to as general exhaust ventilation.
the same purpose as a wingdam. Dike pilings
are usually visible at normal water stages but dilution weight
are often submerged in high water and con- Parameter in the Hazardous Ranking System
stitute a navigational hazard. See also hurdle. surface water migration pathway that reduces
the point value assigned to targets as the flow
or depth of the relevant surface water body

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dim toxicity and their ability to contaminant com-
To reduce the light intensity from a source. mercial products have been the cause of some
dimension concern in recent years. Laboratory tests on
(1) Any orthogonal spatial axis, typically rep- animals indicate that it is one of the more
resenting length, width, or depth. (2) An as- toxic manmade compounds.
pect of a picture, concept, or other entity for dip
consideration. Seismology. The angle between a geologic
dimmability surface (for example, a fault plane) and the
Having the capability of reducing light inten- horizontal. The direction of dip can be
sity without turning off one or more sources. thought of as the direction a ball, if placed
upon the tilted surface, would roll. Thus, a
dimmer ball placed on a north-dipping fault plane
Any device whose purpose is to cause dim- would roll northward. The dip of a surface is
ming. always perpendicular to the strike of that sur-
DIN color system face. See also strike.
A color ordering system based on the relative dip slip
importance of hue (T), saturation (S), and Seismology. Fault movement (slip) that is
darkness (D) using a standard daylight (D65) parallel to the dip of the fault. This can de-
and CIE tristimulus values. scribe both normal slip and reverse slip.
dinner bucket boat diphtheria
A boat operating without benefit of a cook An acute, contagious disease in children that
house. normally affects the membranes of the throat.
dinocap The causative agent Corynebacterium diph-
A fungicide used primarily by apple growers theriae is spread from the nose, mouth, and
to control summer diseases. In 1986, EPA throat of infected persons.
proposed restrictions on its use when labora- diplacusis binauralis
tory tests found it caused birth defects in rab- A condition in which a single tone, presented
bits. to both ears, is perceived as having a different
dinoseb pitch in each ear.
A herbicide that is also used as a fungicide diplegia
and insecticide. It was banned by EPA in Paralysis of like parts on either side of the
1986 because it posed the risk of birth defects body.
and sterility.
dioctyl phthalate The spongy bone between the inner and outer
A colorless liquid that can be used to generate layers of the flat skull bones.
particles of uniform size (0.3 micrometers di-
ameter) for use in testing the efficiency of diplopia
filter media. An eyesight defect in which an object appears
double. Commonly referred to as double vi-
diopters sion.
A measure of the power of a lens, equal to the
reciprocal of the focal length in meters. dipsomania
A mental disease characterized by an uncon-
diotic trollable desire for intoxicating drinks. An ir-
Pertaining to listening conditions in which resistible impulse to indulge in intoxication,
both ears are stimulated by identical stimuli. either by alcohol or other drugs.
dioxide dipthong
An oxide with two oxygen atoms. A vowel sound which involves some articu-
dioxin lator movement.
Any of a family of compounds known chemi- direct
cally as dibenzo-p-dioxins. Their potential Aviation. Straight-line flight between two

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navigational aids, fixes, points, or any combi- narily from breach of contract. They are
nation thereof. When used by pilots in de- damages which, in the ordinary course of hu-
scribing off-airway routes, points defining di- man experience, can be expected to result
rect route segments become compulsory re- from a breach.
porting points unless the aircraft is under ra- direct discharger
dar contact.
A municipal or industrial facility which intro-
direct altitude and identity readout (DAIR) duces pollution through a defined conveyance
system or system; a point source.
The DAIR system is a modification to the
direct filtration
AN/TPX42 Interrogator System. The Navy
Filtration process that does not include floc-
has two adaptations of the DAIR System-
culation or sedimentation pretreatment.
Carrier Air Traffic Control Direct Altitude
and Identification Readout System for Air- direct glare
craft Carriers and Radar Air Traffic Control A type of glare experienced when a bright
Facility Direct Altitude and Identity Readout light source is within an individual's field of
System for land-based terminal operations. view.
The DAIR detects, tracks, and predicts secon- direct injury
dary radar aircraft targets. Targets are dis- A wrong which directly results in the viola-
played by means of computer-generated sym- tion of a legal right and which must exist to
bols and alphanumeric characters depicting permit a court to determine the constitutional-
flight identification, altitude, ground speed, ity of an act of Congress.
and Right plan data. The DAIR System is ca-
pable of interfacing with ARTCCs. direct labor
(1) That effort expended on a product or
direct anthropometric measurement service which advances that product or serv-
The measurement of some anthropometric ice toward its specifications of completion.
dimension using one or more tools in physical Also referred to as productive labor. (2) Any
or near physical contact with the body.
effort which is readily identified with and
direct assistance chargeable to a specific product or project.
Transportation and other relief services pro-
direct lighting
vided by a motor carrier or its driver(s) inci-
That illumination environment in which ap-
dent to the immediate restoration of essential
proximately 90% or more of the luminous
services (such as electricity, medical care,
flux is directed onto a work or other surface.
sewer, water, telecommunications, and tele-
communication transmissions) or essential direct loss
supplies (such as food and fuel). It does not One which results immediately and proxi-
include transportation related to long-term re- mately from an occurrence and not remotely
habilitation of damaged physical infrastruc- from some of the consequences of effects
ture or routine commercial deliveries after the thereof.
initial threat to life and property has passed. direct manipulation
direct component A user-computer interface in which the entity
That portion of an energy flux which arrives being worked is continuously displayed, the
at a given location on a path from the source, communication involves button clicks and
without reflection. movements instead of text-like commands,
direct cost and changes are quickly represented and re-
A cost due to or for supporting direct labor. versible.
direct current (DC) direct manipulation control
A non-oscillating current flow, traveling only Having command of an object or cursor via
in one direction. the use of a direct manipulation device.
direct damages direct manipulation device
Those that follow immediately upon the act Any device intended for use in controlling a
done. Damages which arise naturally or ordi- cursor or other responding object on a display.

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Also referred to as cursor control device or obtain a "fix" on a pilot requesting orientation
simply control device. assistance or to locate downed aircraft. A lo-
direct manipulation dialogue cation "fix" is established by the intersection
The manipulation of symbols in display via a of two or more bearing lines plotted on a
cursor. navigational chart using either two separately
located Direction Finders to obtain a fix on an
direct radiation effect aircraft or by a pilot plotting the bearing indi-
Any of those cellular effects in which radia- cations of his Direction Finder (DF) on two
tion damage is caused by ionization of the separately located ground-based transmitters
DNA molecules without an intermediate step. both of which can be identified on his chart.
direct ratio direction finder (DF) approach procedure
The value of the ratio of the luminous flux Used under emergency conditions where an-
actually reaching a given surface to the lumi- other instrument approach procedure cannot
nous flux emitted from a luminaire. be executed. Direction finder (DF) guidance
direct-reading instrument for an instrument approach is given by Air
An apparatus providing a direct readout of the Traffic Control (ATC) facilities with DF ca-
contaminant level without further off-site pability.
laboratory analysis. direction finder (DF) fix
direct transit passengers The geographical location of an aircraft ob-
Passengers stopping temporarily at a desig- tained by one or more direction finders.
nated airport and departing on an aircraft with direction finder (DF) guidance
the same flight number. They are counted Headings provided to aircraft by facilities
only once. equipped with direction finding equipment.
direct user access terminal system (DUATS) These headings, if followed, will lead the air-
An automated pilot self-briefing and flight craft to a predetermined point such as the di-
plan filing system. For pilots with access to a rection finder (DF) station or an airport. DF
computer, modem, and touch telephone, the guidance is given to aircraft in distress or to
system provides direct access to a national other aircraft which request the service.
weather database and the ability to file flight Practice DF guidance is provided when
plans without contact with a flight service workload permits.
station. directional lighting
direct viewing That lighting exposing an object or surface
Having an object, especially one being ma- primarily from a given direction.
nipulated, within sight of the unaided eye. directional microphone
Synonymous with direct vision. A microphone whose response/sensitivity
direct worker varies significantly by design with the direc-
An employee involved in direct labor. tion of incident sound.
directed verdict directional response
In a case in which the party with the burden of A usually graphical description of a trans-
proof has filed to present a prima facie case ducer response as a function of the direction
for jury consideration, the trial judge may or- of the emitted/incident energy in a specified
der the entry of a verdict without allowing the plane and/or at a specified frequency.
jury to consider it because, as a matter of law, directional route miles
there can be only one such verdict. The mileage in each direction over which
direction finder (DF) public transportation vehicles travel while in
A radio receiver equipped with a directional revenue service. It is computed with regard to
sensing antenna used to take bearings on a ra- direction but without regard to the number of
dio transmitter. Specialized radio direction traffic lanes or rail tracks existing in the
finders are used in aircraft as air navigation ROW.
aids. Others are ground-based, primarily to

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director's and officer's (D&O) liability insur- from work, e.g., social security or workers'
ance compensation disability benefits.
Insures corporate directors and officers disability glare
against claims based on negligence, failure to A viewing condition in which glare interferes
disclose, and to a limited extent, other defal- with visual clarity, thus reducing visual per-
cations. Such insurance provides coverage formance.
against expenses and to a limited extent fines,
judgments, and amounts paid in settlement. disability insurance
See also insurance. Insurance coverage purchased to protect the
insured financially during periods of incapac-
dirt ity from working. Often purchased by profes-
Any material or substance which causes an sionals.
unclean condition. See also adhesive dirt,
attractive dirt, and inert dirt. disable
Ordinarily, to take away the ability of, to ren-
dirt depreciation der incapable of proper and effective action.
A reduction in light transmission or reflection
due to dirt accumulation. See also luminaire disabled person
dirt depreciation and room surface dirt de- A person who lacks the legal capacity to act
preciation. or one who is mentally or physically disabled
from acting in his/her own behalf or from pur-
disability suing any occupation.
An impairment or defect of one or more or-
gans or body members. In more general disabling damage
terms, the want of legal capability to perform Damage which precludes departure of a motor
an act. The term is more typically used to in- vehicle from the scene of the accident in its
dicate an incapacity for the full enjoyment of usual manner in daylight after simple repairs.
ordinary legal rights. For workers' compen- disabling injury
sation purposes, the following categories are Bodily harm resulting in death, permanent
generally used to determine the level of bene- disability, or any degree of temporary total
fit to be awarded: (1) Permanent partial. A disability. It is an injury which prevents a
permanent physical impairment (loss of an person from performing a regular established
eye, hand, etc.) that restricts the ability of the job for at least one full day beyond the day the
worker to perform certain jobs. Benefits are injury occurred.
normally based upon the percentage of dis-
ability incurred. (2) Permanent total. A dis- disabling injury frequency rate
ability that is so extensive it prevents the The total number of days lost per million em-
worker from obtaining or competing for a job. ployee-hours of exposure. More commonly
(3) Temporary partial. A condition that referred to as lost-time injury rate.
leaves the employee capable of performing disaster
some work and will probably improve to pre- A subjective term used to describe a loss, or
injury or illness status over time and with the degree of loss, resulting from a given
treatment. (4) Temporary total. A disability event or occurrence. It may include the loss
that renders the worker incapable of working, of life, or serious (life-threatening) injuries, or
but from which he or she is expected to re- property loss, or any combination of these or
cover fully. other resultant losses.
disability clause disbarment
A provision in an insurance policy calling for Act of a court in suspending an attorney's li-
the waiver of premiums during a period of cense to practice law. A disbarment pro-
disability. ceeding is neither a civil nor criminal action.
disability compensation It is a special proceeding peculiar to itself,
Payments from public or private funds to one disciplinary in nature, and of summary char-
during a period of disability and incapacity acter resulting from inherent power of courts
over their officers.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

disc brake Complete title is Factors in Decisions on
(1) A car friction braking system that forces a Criminal Prosecutions for Environmental
pad against a metal disc attached to the wheel Violations in the Context of Significant Volun-
or axle to produce a retarding force. (2) A tary Compliance or Disclosure Efforts by the
brake used primarily on rail passenger cars Violator. See also federal sentencing guide-
that uses brake shoes clamped by calipers lines for organizations.
against flat steel discs. discometry
disc screen The study or process of measuring the pres-
A screening device consisting of a circular sure in the nucleus pulposus of an interverte-
disc fitted with wire mesh that rotates on a bral disk.
horizontal axis. discomfort
discharge A state other than well-being due to the pres-
(1) In general, a setting free, or liberation. A ence of one or more undesirable environ-
material or force set free, as electric energy, mental stressors.
or an excretion or substance evacuated. (2) discomfort glare
According to the Federal Water Pollution A viewing condition in which glare from one
Control Act: Includes, but is not limited to, or more high-intensity sources within the field
any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, of view causes an observer to experience vis-
emitting, emptying, or dumping. (3) Under ual pain or annoyance.
the Federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Any
emission (other than natural seepage), inten- discomfort index
tional or unintentional, and includes, but is A method for estimating effective temperature
not limited to, any spilling, leaking, pumping, as a heat stress measure.
pouring, emitting, emptying or dumping. discomfort threshold
discharge incidental to the normal operation That stimulus intensity at which, in a speci-
of a vessel fied proportion of the trials and/or in a speci-
Under the Federal Water Pollution Control fied proportions of individuals, will suffi-
Act: 1) A discharge, including graywater, ciently activate a sensory system to cause a
bilge water, cooling water, weather deck run- reported change from a typical sensation for a
off, ballast water, oil water separator effluent, given modality to a sensation of being uncom-
and any other pollutant discharge from the fortable. Sometimes referred to as threshold
operation of a marine propulsion system, of discomfort.
shipboard maneuvering system, crew habita- disconnecting means
bility system, or installed major equipment, A device, or group of devices, or other means
such as an aircraft carrier elevator or a cata- by which the conductors of a circuit can be
pult, or from a protective, preservative, or ab- disconnected from their source of supply.
sorptive application to the hull of the vessel.
2) A discharge in connection with the testing, disconnecting switch
maintenance, and repair of a system described As pertains to systems over 600 volts (nomi-
above whenever the vessel is waterborne. nal) a mechanical switching device used for
isolating a circuit or equipment from a source
discipline of power.
A branch of knowledge or learning, such as
physics, chemistry, industrial hygiene, safety discontinued operations income (loss)
engineering, etc. Transit. Gain or loss from disposal of investor
controlled companies or nontransport ven-
disclosure guidelines tures. Does not include earnings or losses
As pertains to corporate environmental viola- from discontinued transport or transport-
tions: Guidelines issued in 1991 by the related operations.
United States Department of Justice which are
designed to encourage companies to engage in discontinuous timing
self-auditing, self-policing, and voluntary dis- See repetitive timing.
closure of regulatory violations by employees.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

discover discrete particle settling
To uncover that which was hidden, concealed, Phenomenon referring to sedimentation of
or unknown from every one. To get first sight particles in a suspension of low solids con-
or knowledge of; to get knowledge of what centration.
has existed but has not previously been discrete spectrum
known to the discoverer. A presentation of the amount of energy in a
discovery complex waveform at each frequency present
(1) General. Ascertaining that which was in the waveform.
previously unknown; the disclosure or coming discrete variable
to light that which was previously hidden. (2) A variable which can assume only a specified,
Trial Practice. The pre-trial devices that can finite number of values.
be used by one party to obtain facts and in-
formation about the case from the other party discrete word recognition
in order to assist the party's preparation for See word recognition.
trial. Under the Federal Rules of Civil Proce- discretion
dure (and in states which have adopted rules Having the freedom to make decisions.
patterned on such), tools of discovery include discriminate
depositions upon oral or written questions, (1) Distinguish reliability between conditions,
written interrogatories, production of docu- stimuli, or divisions on a measurement scale.
ments or things, permission to enter upon land (2) Treat differently based on some attribute
or other property, physical and mental exami- of a person.
nations, and requests for admission.
discrimination reaction time
discrete The temporal interval required to discriminate
Having separate, clearly distinguishable com- between two or more stimuli and decide if a
ponents. response is appropriate.
discrete code disease
Aviation. As used in the Air Traffic Control A deviation from normal health status associ-
Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS), any one of ated with a characteristic sequence of signs
the 4096 selectable Mode 3/A aircraft trans- and symptoms and caused by a specific etio-
ponder codes except those ending in zero. logic agent.
(e.g., discrete codes: 0010, 1201, 2317, 7777;
nondiscrete codes: 0100, 1200, 7700). Non- disequilibrium
A loss of balance accompanied by swaying of
discrete codes are normally reserved for radar
facilities that are not equipped with discrete the body and tremors sometimes experienced
decoding capability and for other purposes by workers exposed to whole body vibrations
above 2 Hz.
such as emergencies (7700), visual flight rules
(VFR) aircraft (1200), etc. See also code and disfigurement
decoder. That which impairs or injures the beauty,
symmetry, or appearance of a person or thing;
discrete frequency
that which renders unsightly, misshapen, or
Aviation. A separate radio frequency for use
imperfect, or deforms in some manner.
in direct pilot-controller communications in
air traffic control which reduces frequency disinfect
congestion by controlling the number of air- Destroy most or all disease-causing microor-
craft operating on a particular frequency at ganisms, except viruses.
one time. Discrete frequencies are normally disinfectant
designated for each control sector in en (1) Chemicals used to reduce or kill microor-
route/terminal Air Traffic Control (ATC) fa- ganisms present on inanimate objects or sur-
cilities. Discrete frequencies are listed in the faces. (2) One of three groups of antimicrobi-
Airport/Facility Directory and the Department als registered by EPA for public health uses.
of Defense (DOD) FLIP Instrument Flight The EPA considers an antimicrobial to be a
Rules (IFR) En Route Supplement. disinfectant when it destroys or irreversibly

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inactivates infectious or other undesirable or- dislocation
ganisms, but not necessarily their spores. The Displacement of a bone from a joint. The
EPA registers three types of disinfectant most common dislocations are those involv-
products based upon submitted efficacy data: ing a finger, thumb, or shoulder. Less com-
limited, general or broad spectrum, and hos- mon are those of the mandible, elbow, knee,
pital disinfectant. (3) A chemical or physical or hip. Symptoms include loss of motion,
process that kills pathogenic organisms in temporary paralysis of the involved joint, pain
water. Chlorine is often used to disinfect and swelling, and sometimes shock. A dislo-
sewage treatment plant effluent, water sup- cation is usually caused by a blow or fall, al-
plies, wells, and swimming pools. though unusual physical effort may lead to
disinfection this condition. Some dislocations, especially
The act or process of destroying organisms of the hip, are congenital, usually resulting
that may cause disease. from a faulty construction of the joint.

disinfection byproduct (DBP) dismantling allowance

Byproducts that occur or are anticipated to See tear-down allowance.
occur, from the addition of commonly used dismemberment
water treatment disinfectants, including chlo- Amputation of an extremity, usually desig-
rine, chloramine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. nating separation other than through a joint.
disintegrated disorientation
Excessive degree of separation or decomposi- The loss of the normal recognition of time,
tion into fragments with complete loss of the place, or persons.
original form of the material. dispatch point
disintegration A location where arrangements may be made
In radiation, the process of spontaneous for the short-term or trip rental use of an In-
breakdown of a nucleus of an atom resulting teragency Fleet Management System (IFMS)
in the emission of a particle and/or photon. vehicle.
disintegration constant dispensary
See decay constant. A place for the dispensation of free or low-
disinterested cost medical treatment. It is also the name
Not concerned, with respect to possible gain typically given to an on-site medical and/or
or loss, in the result of the pending proceed- first aid facility located at remote worksites
ings or transactions. Not having any interest and usually offering no-cost treatment to em-
in the matter referred to or in controversy; ployees who have suffered occupational inju-
free from prejudice or partiality; impartial or ries or illnesses.
fair method; without pecuniary interest. dispersant
disinterested witness A chemical agent that is used to break up or
One who has no interest in the cause or matter disperse concentrations of a material, such as
in issue, and who is lawfully competent to an oil spill in water.
testify. dispersion
disk (1) The mixing and movement of contami-
(1) A round, flat magnetic or optical medium nants in their surroundings (e.g., air) with the
for storage of digital data. (2) See interverte- resultant effect of diluting the contaminant.
bral disk. (2) The spread of scores or other quantitative
results in a given sample or frequency distri-
disk memory bution. See also measure of dispersion and
See virtual memory. variability. (3) An indication of the rate of
dislocated shoulder change of the refraction index on the various
An injury in which the head or the humerus wavelengths of energy passing through a
has been forced out of the glenoid cavity of transparent medium; the spread of white light
the scapula. into its different component wavelengths.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dispersion rate disposable
A diffusion parameter of gas plumes or stack An item which is intended for use only once.
effluents. disposable income
dispersion staining Personal income less personal tax and non-tax
A particle identification technique in which payments.
the material of interest is immersed in a liquid disposal
media, such as an oil of specific index of re- (1) Final placement or destruction of toxic,
fraction, and examined microscopically (e.g., radioactive, or other wastes; surplus or banned
by polarized light microscopy) for identifica- pesticides or other chemicals; polluted soils;
tion. and drums containing hazardous materials
displaced threshold from removal actions or accidental releases.
Aviation. A threshold located at a point on Disposal may be accomplished through use of
the runway other than at the beginning of the approved secure landfills, surface impound-
usable runway pavement. The displaced area ments, land farming, deep well injection,
is available for takeoff. ocean dumping, or incineration. (2) Under the
displacement Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: The dis-
(1) General. Removal to an abnormal loca- charge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling,
tion or position. (2) Psychology. Unconscious leaking, or placing of any solid waste or haz-
transference of an emotion from its original ardous waste into or on any land or water so
object onto a more acceptable substitute. (3) that such solid waste or hazardous waste or
Vibration. The change in distance or position any constituent thereof may enter the envi-
of an object relative to a reference point. (4) ronment or be emitted into the air or dis-
Maritime. The weight, in tons of 2,240 charged into any waters, including ground-
pounds, of the vessel and its contents. Cal- waters.
culated by dividing the volume of water dis- disposal date
placed in cubic feet by 35, the average density Transit. The date a vehicle is disposed of and
of sea water. no longer included in the inventory.
displacement joystick disposal package
See isotonic joystick. According to the Federal Nuclear Waste Pol-
display icy Act of 1982: The emplacement in a re-
The presentation of data and/or graphics from pository of high-level radioactive waste, spent
a system or device in a format designed for nuclear fuel, or other highly radioactive mate-
human perception through one or more of the rial with no foreseeable intent of recovery,
senses. whether or not such emplacement permits the
recovery of such waste.
display-control layout
An aspect of workstation design involving disposal site
both the location and grouping of an inte- With regard to ocean dumping of wastes, an
grated layout involving both controls and dis- interim or finally approved and precise geo-
plays for the human operator. Also referred to graphical area within which ocean dumping of
as control-display layout. wastes is permitted under conditions specified
in permits issued under the Marine Protection,
display density Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Such
The proportion of the total screen area which sites are identified by boundaries established
is used to present information or data. by either coordinates of latitude and longitude
display format for each corner, or by coordinates of latitude
That arrangement of the data, command areas, and longitude for the center point and a radius
messages, and other features on a display. in nautical miles from that point. Boundary
and coordinates shall be identified as pre-
display layout cisely as is warranted by the accuracy with
The grouping of displays at a workplace. See which the site can be located with existing
also display-control layout. navigational aids or by the implementation of

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transponders, buoys, or other means of mark- dissolved air flotation (DAF)
ing the site. The clarification of flocculated material by
disposal storage contact with minute bubbles of air causing the
Transit. An inventory accountability category air/floc mass to be buoyed to the surface,
of vehicles not in use and scheduled for dis- leaving behind a clarified water.
posal. dissolved nitrogen flotation (DNF)
disposal storage date The clarification of flocculated material by
Transit. The date a vehicle is taken out of contact with minute bubbles of nitrogen
service and placed in disposal storage. causing the air/floc mass to be buoyed to the
surface, leaving behind a clarified water.
disposal system
With regard to radiation protection, any com- dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
bination of engineered and natural barriers The fraction of total organic carbon that is
that isolate spent nuclear fuel or radioactive dissolved in a water sample.
waste after disposal. dissolved oxygen
disqualification The oxygen freely available in water. Dis-
(1) The suspension, revocation, cancellation, solved oxygen is vital to fish and other
or any other withdrawal by a state of a per- aquatic life and for the prevention of odors.
son's privileges to drive a commercial motor Traditionally, the level of dissolved oxygen
vehicle. (2) A determination by the Federal has been accepted as the single most impor-
Highway Administration (FHWA), under the tant indicator of a water body's ability to sup-
rules of practice for motor carrier safety con- port desirable aquatic life. Secondary and ad-
tained in 49 CFR 386, that a person is no vanced waste treatment are generally designed
longer qualified to operate a commercial mo- to protect dissolved oxygen in waste-
tor vehicle under 49 CFR 391. (3) The loss of receiving waters.
qualification which automatically follows dissolved solids
conviction of an offense listed in 49 CFR Disintegrated organic and inorganic material
383.51. contained in water. Excessive amounts render
dissipating stage water unsafe to drink or use in industrial
The final stage in the development of an air processes.
mass thunderstorm when downdrafts exist distal
throughout the cumulonimbus cloud. Remote; a point or region which is farther
dissipative muffler from the trunk or point of attachment than
A type of acoustic muffler that is typically some reference point.
used for reducing noise emissions from a distance
source, such as large engines. The muffler Expression of the linear measurement of
housing is lined with a sound-absorbing mate- space separating two specified points.
rial. distance measuring equipment (DME)
dissociation Airborne and ground equipment used to
(1) General. Separation into parts or ele- measure, in nautical miles, the slant range
ments. (2) Psychology. A mental disorder in distance of an aircraft from the distance
which ideas are split off from the personality measuring equipment (DME) navigational
and are buried in the unconscious. (3) Chem- aid.
istry. The separation of a molecule into two distance measuring equipment (DME) fix
or more constituents as a result of added en- A geographical position determined by refer-
ergy (e.g., heat) or the effect of a solvent on a ence to a navigational aid which provides
dissolved polar compound. distance and azimuth information. It is de-
dissolve fined by a specific distance in nautical miles
To liquefy by means of a solvent. and a radial, azimuth, or course (i.e.,
localizer) in degrees magnetic from that aid.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

distance measuring equipment (DME) separa- distract
tion Divert attention from, prevent concentration
Spacing of aircraft in terms of distances (nau- on, or inhibit a timely or correct response on
tical miles) determined by reference to dis- some task.
tance measuring equipment. distractor
distance weight Any environmental feature which distracts.
Parameter in the Hazardous Ranking System distress
air migration, groundwater migration, and soil (1) A condition of being threatened by serious
exposure pathways that reduces the point and/or imminent danger and of requiring im-
value assigned to targets as their distance in- mediate assistance. (2) The state of being in
creases from the site. peril, to any degree, for a person and/or prop-
distillate erty.
A liquid product condensed from vapor dur- distressed unit
ing distillation. A person and/or property in peril to any de-
distillate fuel oil gree.
A general classification for one of the petro- distributary
leum fractions produced in conventional dis- A branch of a river that flows away from the
tillation operations. It is used primarily for main stream and does not return to it.
space heating, on and off highway diesel en-
gine fuel (including railroad engine fuel and distributed control
fuel for agricultural machinery), and electric Having controlling mechanisms or subsys-
power generation. Included are products tems at other than a central location.
known as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils and distributed control system (DCS)
No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 diesel fuels. No. 1 A collection of modules, each having a spe-
distillate is a petroleum distillate which meets cific function, interconnected to carry out an
the specifications for No. 1 heating or fuel oil integrated data acquisition and control opera-
as defined in American Society for Testing tion.
and Materials (ASTM) D 396 and/or the
specifications for No. 1 diesel fuel as defined distributed practice
in ASTM Specification D 975. No. 2 distil- A training or experimental procedure in which
late is a petroleum distillate which meets the practice periods are separated by rest periods
specifications for No. 2 heating oil or fuel oil or periods of different activity. Synonymous
as defined in ASTM D 396 and/or the specifi- with spaced practice.
cations for No. 2 diesel fuel as defined in distribution
ASTM Specification D 975. The movement of a chemical substance or
distillation foreign material from entry site and through-
The act of purifying liquids through boiling so out the body.
that the steam condenses to a pure liquid and distribution coefficient (Kd)
the pollutants remain in a concentrated resi- Measure of the extent of partitioning of a sub-
due. stance between geologic materials (e.g., soil,
distilled water sediment, rock) and water. The distribution
Water which has been heated to its boiling coefficient is used in the Hazardous Ranking
point or above to form steam, then condensed System to evaluate the mobility of a substance
with cooling, the process intending to remove for the groundwater migration pathway. It is
minerals and other materials. measure as ml/g. Also referred to as partition
Cause a (usually undesirable) change in the distribution into commerce
natural shape or form of a physical entity, im- According to the Federal Toxic Substances
age, information, or energy waveform. Control Act (TSCA), either the introduction,
holding, or selling of a chemical substance,
mixture, or article into commerce.

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distribution main observer. (2) Meteorology. An atmospheric
Generally, mains, services, and equipment condition that exists when the winds cause a
that carry or control the supply of gas from horizontal net outflow of air from a specific
the point of local supply to and including the region.
sales meters.
divergent phoria
distribution temperature (Td) A tendency for an observer to fixate behind a
That temperature of a blackbody radiator stationary target.
whose relative spectral power distribution is
diverse vector area
essentially the same as that of the radiation
Aviation Safety. In a radar environment, that
source being considered.
area in which a prescribed departure route is
distributor not required as the only suitable route to avoid
A company primarily engaged in the sale and obstacles. The area in which random radar
delivery of natural and/or supplemental gas vectors below the Minimum Vectoring Alti-
directly to consumers through a system of tude/Minimum Instrument Flight Rules Alti-
mains. tude (MVA/MIA), established in accordance
district attorney with the Terminal Instrument Procedures cri-
The law enforcement lawyer, usually a prose- teria for diverse departures obstacles and ter-
cutor, for a region of a state such as a county. rain avoidance, may be issued to departing
Also known as county attorney or a state's aircraft.
attorney. diversion chamber
district commander A chamber used to divert all or part of a flow
The district commander of the Coast Guard or to various outlets.
his authorized representative, who has juris- diversity index
diction in the particular geographical area. A mathematical expression that depicts the
disturbance input diversity of a species in quantitative terms.
An undesired input affecting the value of an diverticulitis
output signal for which control is being at- Inflammation of the diverticula, small blind
pouches that form in the lining of the colon.
disuse osteoporosis Weakness of the muscles of the colon, some-
An osteoporotic condition induced by lack of times produced by chronic constipation, leads
use rather than a metabolic dysfunction. to the formation of diverticula. Inflammation
disversant may occur as a result of collections of bacteria
A chemical agent used to break up concentra- or other irritating agents trapped in the
tions of organic material, such as spilled oil. pouches. Symptoms include muscle spasms
and cramp-like pains in the abdomen, espe-
ditch light cially in the lower left quadrant. Diagnosis is
Spotlight aimed at the right side of a road.
confirmed by barium enema in which the di-
diuresis verticula are clearly shown.
Secretion of urine; often used to indicate in-
divided attention
creased function of the kidney.
That form of attention in which an individual
diuretic must perform two or more separate tasks con-
(1) Causing diuresis. (2) A substance that currently, all of which require attention. Also
stimulates the flow of urine. Certain common referred to as division of work. See also at-
substances such as tea, coffee, and water act tention.
as diuretics.
divided highway
diurnal A multi-lane facility with a curbed or positive
Occurring during a 24-hour period. barrier median, or a median that is 4 feet (1.2
divergence meters) or wider.
(1) Anatomy. An outward rotation of both division
eyes to focus on a point further away from the Separation into parts.

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division of labor do (DO)
The separation of a job into smaller tasks. A physical basic work element in which a
Also referred to as division of work or divided worker performs some operation which re-
attention. sults in a change in the form, physical condi-
division of work tion, or chemical composition of a product.
See divided attention. DOC
divulsor See dissolved organic carbon.
An instrument for forcible dilation or separa- dock
tion of body parts. (1) Transportation. Move a vehicle adjacent
DM respirator to another compatible vehicle or a compatible
Dust and mist respirator. facility and join the two. (2) Maritime. For
ships, a cargo handling area parallel to the
DME shoreline; for land transportation, a loading or
See distance measuring equipment. unloading platform at an industrial location or
DMF respirator carrier terminal.
Dust, mist, and fume respirator. dock receipt
DNA (1) Written acknowledgment showing that
See deoxyribonucleic acid. goods have been delivered and received at a
DNA hybridization dock or warehouse or ocean liner. (2) A re-
Use of a segment of DNA, called a DNA ceipt used to transfer accountability when the
probe, to identify its complementary DNA; export item is moved by the domestic carrier
used to detect specific genes. This process to the port of embarkation and left with the
takes advantage of the ability of a single international carrier for export.
strand of DNA to combine with a comple- dock walloper
mentary strand. One who loads and unloads vehicles and han-
DNA identification dles freight on the dock.
DNA profiling or fingerprinting is an analysis dockage
of deoxyribonucleic acid resulting in the Charge assessed against a vessel for berthing
identification of an individual's patterned at a wharf, pier, bulkhead structure, or bank or
chemical structure of genetic information. A for mooring to a vessel so berthed.
method of determining distinctive patterns in
genetic material in order to identify the source docket
of a biological specimen, such as blood, tis- A minute, abstract, or brief entry, or the book
sue, or hair. containing such entries. A formal record, en-
tered in brief, of the proceedings in a court of
doctor blade
A scraping device used to remove or regulate
the amount of material on a belt, roller, or
other moving or rotating surface.
document retention
See records retention policy.
documented yacht
A vessel of five or more net tons owned by a
citizen of the United States and used exclu-
sively for pleasure with a valid marine docu-
A model of a DNA segment ment issued by the Coast Guard. Documented
DNF vessels are not numbered.
See dissolved nitrogen flotation.

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An isolated cluster of piles used as a support
for mooring devices or marker lights. See
also mooring cell.
(1) General. Produced in the United States,
including the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
(2) Transportation. Traffic (passengers and
freight) performed between airports located
within the same country or territory.
Domestic Air Defense Identification Zone
A "documented yacht" according tithe U.S. Coast Guard An Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)
within the United States along an international
documents against acceptance boundary of the United States.
Instructions given by a shipper to a bank indi-
domestic air operator
cating that documents transferring title to
Aviation. Commercial air transportation
goods should be delivered to the buyer (or
within and between the 50 United States and
drawee) only upon the buyer's payment of the
the District of Columbia. Includes operations
attached draft.
of certificated route air carriers, Pan Ameri-
DOE can, local service, helicopter, intra-Alaska,
Department of Energy (United States). intra-Hawaii, all-cargo carriers, and other car-
dog riers. Also included are trans-border opera-
Transit (slang). A truck with little power. tions conducted on the domestic route seg-
ments of U.S. air carriers. Domestic operators
dog chart are classified based on their operating revenue
Railroad. With respect to rail operations, a as follows: Major (over $1 billion); National
diagrammatic representation of the mechani- ($100-1,000 million); Large Regional ($10-
cal locking of an interlocking machine, used 99.9 million); Medium Regional ($0-9.99
as a working plan in making up, assembling million).
and fitting the locking. See also locking dog.
domestic airspace
dog tracks Airspace which overlies the continental land
Transit (slang). Unit or straight truck that mass of the United States plus Hawaii and
runs out of line. U.S. possessions. Domestic airspace extends
DOL to 12 miles offshore.
Department of Labor (United States). domestic fleet
doldrums All reportable agency-owned motor vehicles,
The region near the equator that is character- operated in any State, Commonwealth, Terri-
ized by low pressure and very light, shifting tory or possession of the United States.
winds. domestic freight
dolly All waterborne commercial movements be-
Transit (trucking). An auxiliary axle assem- tween points in the United States, Puerto
bly having a fifth wheel used for purpose of Rico, and the Virgin Islands, excluding traffic
converting a semitrailer to a full trailer. with the Panama Canal Zone. Cargo moved
for the military in commercial vessels is re-
ported as ordinary commercial cargo; military
A natural mineral consisting of calcium car-
cargo moved in military vessels is omitted.
bonate and magnesium carbonate. The
chemical formula is CaMg(CO3)2. domestic intercity trucking
Trucking operations within the territory of the
dolomite lime
United States, including intra-Hawaiian and
Lime containing 35-40% magnesium oxide.

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intra-Alaskan, which carry freight beyond the is capable of performing the activities of daily
local areas and commercial zones. living, of caring for himself, and of mobility.
domestic operation donut area
In general, operations within and between the The area outside of the Federal Highway Ad-
50 States of the United States, the District of ministration (FHWA) approved adjusted
Columbia, American Samoa, Caroline Is- boundary of one or more urbanized areas but
lands, Guam Island, Johnston Island, within the boundary of a National Ambient
Marianna Islands, Midway Island, Puerto Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) non-
Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Wake Island. attainment area.
domestic operations doodle bug
All air carrier operations having destinations A small tractor used to pull two axle dollies in
within the 50 United States, the District of a warehouse.
Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin door
Islands. A structure commonly having a thickness
domestic passenger much less than its length and width, and
Any person traveling on a public conveyance which is attached on one side by hinges for
by water between points in the United States, use in closing off one volume from another.
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. door sill step
domestic transportation On trucks, any step normally protected from
Transportation between places within the the elements by the cab door when closed.
United States other than through a foreign doorway
country. A short passageway surrounded by a frame, in
domestic wastewater which a door may be mounted.
Wastewater originating from sanitary conven- Doppler effect
iences in residential dwellings, office build- An observed change in pitch or frequency due
ings, and institutions. Also called sanitary to a difference in relative velocity between an
wastewater. energy source and a receiver. Also referred to
dominant eye as the Doppler shift.
The preference for the use of one eye over the Doppler radar
other when given a choice (may be subcon- A radar that determines the velocity of falling
scious). precipitation either toward or away from the
dominant wavelength (d) radar unit using the Doppler shift or Doppler
The visual wavelength represented on a effect.
chromaticity diagram by the point of intersec- Doppler shift
tion with the spectrum locus of an extended See Doppler effect.
straight line from a sample chromaticity
through the achromatic point. dorsal
Directed toward or situated on the back sur-
domino effect face; opposite of ventral.
The descriptive term used to illustrate the
cause and effect relationship one event may dorsal flexor
have to another. As the term implies, one See dorsiflexor.
failure event may result in a sequence of ad- dorsal hand skinfold
ditional failure events unless other forces The thickness of a skinfold at the middle of
(such as barriers) are in place to prevent or the back of the hand and parallel to the long
interfere with this process. axis of the hand.
Donaldson scale dorsiflexion
A scoring system based on a large number of A motion involving raising the toes and upper
variables for judging how well an individual part of the foot.

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dorsiflexor dose-response assessment
Any muscle which raises the toes and upper The determination of the relation between the
foot about the ankle joint. magnitude of the exposure and the probability
DOS of the occurrence of an adverse health effect.
Disk operating system. The basic program- dose-response curve
ming required to operate a personal computer A graphical representation of the response of
system. an animal or individual to increasing doses of
dosage a substance.
A specific quantity of a substance applied to a dose-response relationship
unit quantity of liquid to obtain a desired ef- The relationship between dose administered
fect. and resulting response. Simplistically, an in-
dose crease in the dose results in an increase in the
(1) General. The amount of a substance to response. It is actually a complex relationship
which an organism is exposed. (2) Radiation. dependent upon many factors.
A quantity (total or accumulated) of ionizing
(or nuclear) radiation. Exposure dose, ex-
pressed in roentgens, is a measure of the total
amount of ionization that a quantity of radia-
tion could produce in air. Absorbed dose, ex-
pressed in reps or rads, represents the energy
absorbed from the radiation per gram of body
tissue. Biological dose, expressed in Rems, is
a measure of the biological effectiveness of
the radiation exposure. (2) Toxicology. The
total amount of a toxicant, drug, or other
chemical administered to the organism.
A type of dosimeter, a multi-gas detector used for monitoring
dose-effect relationship combustible gases, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and
The relationship between the dose given and decreases in oxygen (by MSA, Pittsburgh, PA)
the occurrence and severity of the effect pro- dosimeter
duced. An instrument or device used to determine the
dose equivalent amount of exposure to an agent or toxic
In radiation protection, the product of ab- chemical, usually over a period of time.
sorbed dose and appropriate factors to account Typically used to measure exposures to noise,
for differences in biological effectiveness due radiation, and chemicals.
to the quality of radiation and its spatial dis- dosing siphon
tribution in the body. A siphon that automatically discharges liquid
dose limit onto a trickling filter bed or other wastewater
See maximum permissible dose. treatment device.

dose rate dosing tank

(1) Industrial Hygiene. The dose of a hazard- A tank into which raw or partly treated waste-
ous agent (chemical, physical, biological) de- water is accumulated and held for subsequent
livered or taken into the body per unit time. discharge and treatment at a constant rate.
(2) Radiation. The amount of ionizing radia- DOT
tion to which an individual would be exposed See Department of Transportation.
to that he or she would receive per unit of
See decay (4).
dose ratemeter
An instrument which measures ionizing ra-
(1) Transit. A combination of two trailers
diation dose rate.
pulled by a power unit. Usually refers to a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

power unit pulling two 28-foot trailers. See
also Rocky Mountain double and turnpike
d o u b l e . (2) M a r i t i m e . The maneuver
whereby a towboat with barges in tow must
break the tow and push half of it into the lock
chamber, lock that part through, and then en-
ter the remaining barges with the towboat. In
other words, two distinct lockages must be
made to pass the entire tow of barges and
towboat. Also called double lockage.
An experimental condition in which neither
the administrator nor the subject knows the
true experimental treatment on a given trial.
double block and bleed
A method to isolate a piece of equipment,
vessel, confined space, etc. from a line, duct,
or pipe by locking or tagging closed two
valves in series with each other in the line,
duct, or pipe, and locking or tagging open to
the outside atmosphere a bleed in the line
between the two closed valves.
double bottom Typical double decked bus
Transit. A truck unit consisting of a tractor,
semitrailer, and full trailer. Also called twin double indemnity
trailers and doubles. Payment of twice the basic benefit in the
double click event of a loss resulting from specified causes
Press a button on a computer input device, or under specified circumstances. A provision
such as a mouse, two times within a specified in life insurance contracts requiring payment
brief time period to command two operations of twice the face amount of the policy by the
at once, such as specify and open a file. See insurer in the event of death by accidental
also click. means.

double clutching double jeopardy

Shifting the gears of a truck transmission A Fifth Amendment guarantee, enforceable
without clashing them. against the states through the Fourth Amend-
ment, which protects against a second prose-
double deck bus cution for the same offense after acquittal or
A bus with two separate passenger compart- conviction, and against multiple punishments
ments, one above the other. for the same offense. The "evil" sought to be
double-decked buses avoided is double trial and double conviction,
High-capacity buses having two levels of not necessarily double punishment.
seating, one over the other, connected by one double lockage
or more stairways. Total bus height is usually See double.
13 to 14.5 feet, and typical passenger seating
capacity ranges from 40 to 80 people. double pole scaffold
A scaffold supported from the base by a dou-
double heading cock ble row of uprights, independent of support
Railroad. A manually operated valve by from the walls and constructed of uprights,
means of which the control of brake operation ledgers, horizontal platform bearers, and di-
is transferred to the leading locomotive. agonal bracing. Sometimes referred to as in-
dependent pole scaffold.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

double shift ity, scope, degree of difficulty, or wage cate-
The working of two shifts during a 24-hour gory.
period. download
double suction pump To receive a file from another computer via
A centrifugal pump with suction pipes con- modem or network interface card.
nected to the casing from both sides. downtime
double trip (1) The time during which an operation can-
The maneuver necessary when a towboat has not proceed or a piece of equipment or in-
more barges in tow than the power of the boat strumentation cannot be used productively
can handle in certain areas of swift current or due to maintenance, breakdown, lack of mate-
conditions at the lock will permit. A tow will rials, or other causes. (2) The amount of time
tie off below the swift water a portion of his a vehicle or equipment is out of service for
tow, push the others above the questionable repair.
area, tie them off to the bank, and go back for downtown people mover
the remainder of the tow. This is also at times A type of automated guideway transit vehicle
a necessary maneuver in ice. operating on a loop or shuttle route within the
double underline central business district of a city.
A highlighting technique in which two hori- DOX
zontal lines are drawn below a line of text or Dissolved organic halogen.
used as a graphic.
double vision Disintegrations per minute.
See diplopia.
Draeger tube
down shape of (revetment, shore, etc.) See detector tube.
Running the shape of the shore, staying ap-
proximately the same distance off the shore at draft
all times. (1) General. A first version of a document of
product not intended for final release or sale.
Down's syndrome (2) Ventilation. The movement of air in a
A congenital condition characterized by manner which results in discomfort to persons
physical malformations and some degree of exposed to it due to its velocity, temperature,
mental retardation. The disorder is also or other cause. It also refers to the difference
known as mongolism because the person's fa- in pressure between the inside and outside of
cial characteristics resemble those persons of a structure due to a combustion process (e.g.,
the Mongolian race, and trisomy 21 because furnace, boiler, etc.). The draft causes the
the disorder is concerned with a defect in the products of combustion to flow from the
twenty-first chromosome. combustion process to the outside atmos-
downburst phere. A back draft can result if there is in-
A weather phenomenon described as a severe sufficient air to sustain the combustion proc-
localized downdraft that can be experienced ess. (3) Marine Navigation. Cross-current
beneath a severe thunderstorm. tows will drift to the right or left depending
downcomer on the draft (usually qualified as out draft, or
A pipe directed downward. left- or right-handed draft). Also, the depth of
water a vessel draws, loaded or unloaded.
The natural tendency for the river current to draft tube
pull objects downstream. A centrally located vertical tube used to pro-
mote mixing in a sludge digester or aeration
downgrade basin.
(1) A dilution or reduction of the skill level
required for a task or job. (2) The lowering of drag
a particular job in such aspects as responsibil- (1) General. To draw across a surface. (2)
Computers. To move a computer input device

©2000 CRC Press LLC

such as a mouse such that a screen element or Draize Test
cursor moves across a display; a direct ma- An animal test procedure for assessing the
nipulation operation. potential irritation or corrosive effect of a
drag down material on the skin or eyes.
In a manual transmission vehicle, the act of draw back
shifting too slowly to lower gears. Repayment in whole or in part of duties or
drag tank taxes paid on imported merchandise that is re-
A rectangular sedimentation basin that uses a exported.
chain and flight collector mechanism to re- draw down
move dense solids. The procedure of spilling water through one
drain dam prior to the arrival of excessive water
(1) Noun. A trench or ditch to convey water from the upper reaches of the river. This ma-
from wet land; a channel through which water neuver is used when flash floods are expected
may flow off. The word has no technical legal or have occurred or where tributary streams
meaning. Any hollow space in the ground, are emptying excessive amounts of water into
natural or artificial, where water is collected the main streams.
and passed off is considered a ditch or drain. draw span
(2) Verb. To conduct water from one place to The movable portion of a bridge deck.
another, for the purpose of drying the former. drawbridge
To make dry; to draw off water; to rid the land A bridge that pivots or lifts so as to let a boat
of its superfluous moisture by adapting or im- through.
proving natural water courses and supple-
menting them when necessary by artificial drawer
ditches. See also public drainage system. A structure which is usually open on one side
and closed on all other sides and the bottom
drain tile and which is designed to slide into and out of
Short lengths of pipes laid in underground a cabinet, rack, or other housing.
trenches to collect and carry away excess
groundwater, or to discharge wastewater into drayage
the ground. Charge made for local hauling by dray or
drainage basin
The land drained by a river system. DRE
See destruction and removal efficiency.
drainage district
A political subdivision of the state, created for dredge
the purpose of draining and reclaiming wet To remove sediment or sludge from rivers or
and overflowed land, as well as to preserve estuaries to maintain navigation channels.
the public health and convenience. dredge material
drainage rights Under the Federal Marine Protection, Re-
A landowner may not obstruct or divert the search, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972: Any
natural flow of a watercourse or natural drain- material excavated or dredged from the navi-
age course to the injury of another. In urban gable waters of the United States.
areas, "natural drainage course" is narrowly dredged cut
interpreted to include only streams with well- (1) One pass made by a dredge in a channel
defined channels and banks. In rural areas, within the confines of the riverbed for the
the term is more broadly construed, appar- purpose of maintaining the proper depth of
ently including the flow and direction of dif- water. (2) A dredged channel.
fused surface waters.
dredged shipping lane
drainage water Lane that has been dug out to provide an ade-
Ground-, surface-, or stormwater collected by quate depth of water for navigation.
a drainage system and discharged into a natu-
ral waterway.

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dredging drinking water cooler
Removal of mud from the bottom of water Under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act:
bodies using a scooping machine. This proc- Any mechanical device affixed to drinking
ess disturbs the ecosystem and causes silting water supply plumbing which actively cools
that can kill aquatic life. Dredging of con- water for human consumption.
taminated mud can expose aquatic life to drinking water equivalent level (DWEL)
heavy metals and other toxics. Dredging ac- The lifetime exposure level at which adverse
tivities may be subject to regulation under health effects are not anticipated to occur, as-
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. suming 100% exposure from drinking water.
dredging spoil Drinking Water Priority List (DWPL)
The discharge from a dredge. A 1988 list of drinking water contaminants
drift that may pose a health risk and warrant regu-
(1) General. Includes any buoyant material lation.
that, when floating in navigable waters, may drinking water supply
cause damage to a commercial or recreational Under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act:
vessel. (2) Instrumentation. The gradual and Any raw or finished water source that is or
unintentional deviation of a given variable. It may be used as public water or as drinking
is the gradual change in readout due to com- water by one or more individuals.
ponent aging, variation in power supply, char-
acteristics of the detector, temperature effect drip irrigation
on the detection system, etc. (3) Maritime. A micro-irrigation water management tech-
The motion of a boat floating with no me- nique used primarily for landscaping in which
chanical aid. Also, colloquially used as a drips of water are emitted near the base of the
synonym for currents. Also referred to as plant either continuously (in especially dry
current, set, or draft. climates) or on a programmed schedule.
drift barrier drip proof
An artificial barrier designed to catch drift- Designation for a motor enclosure with ven-
wood or other floating material. tilating openings constructed so that drops of
liquids or solids falling on the motor will not
drift test enter the unit directly or by running along an
A part of the emissions certification process inwardly inclined surface.
in which the continuous emissions monitoring
system must operate unattended for some pe- drive
riod of time without the analyzers drifting out (1) To maneuver or control a vehicle designed
of calibration. for essentially 2-dimensional travel, as on the
ground or a relatively hard, fixed surface. (2)
drifting The motivation required to complete a proc-
Marine Navigation. Underway, but proceed- ess, task, or ambition. (3) Computing. The
ing over the bottom without use of engines, mechanism (peripheral device) that allows
oars or sails; being carried along only by the computer users to access stored or important
tide, current, or wind. information.
drilling mud driveaway-towaway
A fluid, often containing bentonite, used to Refers to a carrier operation, such as a fleet of
cool and lubricate a drilling bit and to remove tow trucks, used to transport other vehicles,
cuttings from the bit and carry them to the when some or all wheels of the vehicles being
well's surface. transported touch the road surface.
drinking water driveaway-towaway operation
Water safe for human consumption, or for the Any operation in which a motor vehicle con-
use in the preparation of food or beverages, or stitutes the commodity being transported and
for cleaning articles used in the preparation of one or more set of wheels of the vehicle being
food or beverages. transported are on the surface of the roadway
during transportation.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

driver the influence of intoxicating liquor. See also
(1) Computing. In a Windows environment, it blood alcohol count, blood test evidence, and
is software that Windows loads at startup. breathalyzer test.
Drivers give Windows specific instructions drizzle
about your video card and printer that Win- Small drops between 0.2 and 0.5 mm in di-
dows and Windows-based applications use to ameter that fall slowly and reduce visibility
display information on the screen and to print more than light rain.
information on your printer. (2) Transit. A
person who operates a motorized vehicle. If drop delivery
more than one person drives on a single trip, The simple release of an object after being
the person who drives the most miles is classi- transported to some location where it is to be
fied as the principal driver. Also, an occupant transported further, stored, disposed of, or
of a vehicle who is in physical control of a processed.
motor vehicle in transport or, for an out-of- drop it on the nose
control vehicle, an occupant who was in con- (slang). Uncoupling a tractor from a semi-
trol until control was lost. trailer without lowering the landing gear to
driver applicant support the trailer's front end.
An individual who applies to a state to obtain, drop the body
transfer, upgrade, or renew a commercial Unhook and drive a tractor away from a
driver's license (CDL). parked semi.
driver's license dropping out line
A license issued by a state or other jurisdic- A line used in dropping a barge out of a tow.
tion to an individual which authorizes the in-
dividual to operate a motor vehicle on the droplet
highways. Liquid particle suspended in air, and which
settles out quite rapidly.
driving a commercial motor vehicle while un-
der the influence of alcohol drought
Committing any one or more of the following An extended period of dry weather which, as
acts in a commercial motor vehicle (CMV): a minimum, can result in a partial crop failure
driving a CMV while the person's alcohol or an inability to meet normal water demands.
concentration is 0.04 percent or more; driving drug
under the influence of alcohol, as prescribed According to the Federal Food, Drug, and
by state law; or refusal to undergo such test- Cosmetic Act: 1) articles recognized in the
ing as is required by any state or jurisdiction official United States Pharmacopoeia, official
in the enforcement of 49 CFR 383.51b)2)(i)a) Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United
or b), or 49 CFR 392.5a)2). States, or official National Formulary, or any
driving piece supplement to any of them; and 2) articles
A crank secured to a locking shaft by means intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, miti-
of which horizontal movement is imparted to gation, treatment, or prevention of disease in
a longitudinal locking bar. man or other animals; and 3) articles (other
than food) intended to affect the structure or
driving under the influence (DUI) any function of the body of man or other ani-
The driving or operating of any vehicle or mals; and 4) articles intended for use as a
common carrier while drunk or under the in- component of any article specified in 1), 2), or
fluence of liquor or narcotics. 3) above.
driving while intoxicated (DWI) drug abuse
An offense committed by one who operates a Legally defined as a state of chronic or peri-
motor vehicle while under the influence of odic intoxication detrimental to the individual
intoxicating liquor or drugs. A showing of and to society, produced by the repeated con-
complete intoxication is not required. State sumption of a drug, natural or synthetic.
statutes specify levels of blood alcohol con-
tent at which a person is presumed to be under

©2000 CRC Press LLC

drug dependence dry chemical
Habituation to, abuse of, and/or addiction to a An extinguishing agent composed of very
chemical substance. small particles of chemicals such as, but not
drug tolerance limited to, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bi-
The progressive decrease in susceptibility of carbonate, urea-based potassium bicarbonate,
the body to a drug's effects resulting from re- potassium chloride, or monoammonium phos-
peated administrations or addiction. phate supplemented by special treatment to
provide resistance to packing and moisture
drum absorption (caking) as well as to provide
A flat-ended or convex-ended cylindrical proper flow capabilities. Dry chemical does
packaging made of metal, fiberboard, plastic, not include dry powders.
plywood, or other suitable materials. This
definition also includes packaging of other dry cleaning wastes
shapes made of metal or plastic (e.g., round Wastewater from laundry cleaning operations
taper-necked packaging or pail-shaped pack- that use non-aqueous chemical solvents to
aging) but does not include cylinders, jerri- clean fabrics.
cans, wooden barrels, or bulk packaging. dry film thickness (DFT)
drum pulverizer Thickness of a dried paint or coating, usually
A rotating cylinder used to shred solid waste expressed in mils.
by the intermingling action of internal baffles dry gas
acting on the wetted solid waste. Natural gas from which the entrained liquids
drum screen and nonhydrocarbon gases have been re-
A cylindrical screening device used to remove moved by lease facilities and/or plant proc-
floating and suspended solids from water or essing. This is the gas that the interstate
wastewater. pipeline purchased, or expects to purchase, to
serve its annual requirements.
dry adiabatic rate
The rate of change of temperature in a rising dry-gas meter
or descending unsaturated air parcel. The rate A secondary air flow calibration device,
similar to a domestic gas meter, that can be
of adiabatic cooling or warming is 10°C per
used for determining the flow rate of air sam-
1000 meters (5.5°F per 1000 feet). pling pumps.
dry-bulb temperature (DBT) dry hole
The temperature derived from a thermal sen- An exploratory or development well found to
sor or a thermometer that is shielded from di- be incapable of producing either oil or gas in
rect radiant energy. It is used for estimating sufficient quantities to justify completion as
comfort conditions and is also one of three an oil or gas well.
ambient indices used for heat-stress analysis.

Dry Ice
dry bulk cargo A trademark for solid carbon dioxide. It is
Cargo which may be loose, granular, free- frequently used as a refrigerant that vaporizes
flowing or solid, such as grain, coal, and ore, without passing through a liquid state.
and is shipped in bulk rather than in package
form. Dry bulk cargo is usually handled by dry line
specialized mechanical handling equipment at A boundary that separates warm, dry air from
specially designed dry-bulk terminals. warm, moist air. It usually represents a zone
of instability along which thunderstorms
dry-bulk container form.
A container constructed to carry grain, powder
and other free-flowing solids in bulk. Used in dry location
conjunction with a tilt chassis or platform. See location.

dry cargo dry powder

Cargo that does not require temperature con- A compound used to extinguish class D fires.
trol. See also class D fire.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dry run duals
A trial run without the use of hazardous mate- (slang). A pair of tires mounted together.
rials, or the operation of a process at less than DUAT
design, in order to identify problems, verify See dial up access terminal.
operating characteristics/parameters, test pro-
cedures, etc. DUATS
See direct user access terminal system.
dry weather flow (DWF)
The flow of wastewater in a sanitary sewer duck water
during dry weather. The sum of wastewater Slack water. Smooth water generally found
and dry weather infiltration. on the inside shore of a river bend, under a
point, under a bar, etc.
dry well
(1) A dry compartment in a pumping station duckweed
where pumps are located. (2) A well that See Lemnaceae.
produces no water. duct
drydock A conduit used for conveying air at low pres-
An artificial basin fitted with gate or caisson sure.
into which a vessel may be floated and from duct velocity
which the water may be pumped out to expose (1) The air velocity within a duct carrying that
the bottom of the vessel. air to some location. (2) The air velocity
drydock gate through a duct cross-section.
Gate at the entrance to a drydock. ductile fracture
dual capacity doctrine A type of failure mode in structural materials
If an employer acts in a capacity other than generally preceded by large amounts of plas-
that strictly of employer in a “dual capacity tic deformation and in which the fracture sur-
State” and an employee is injured, then the face is inclined to the direction of the applied
employer may be sued for negligence arising stress.
out of its dual capacity role. ductless fume hood
dual drive A hood which returns filtered air to the area
Also referred to as tandem drive. Box axles where it is located. This type hood is to be
have drive mechanisms and are connected to used only with nontoxic chemicals. Also re-
engine power output. There are two common ferred to as a ductless lab hood.
types: a) pusher tandem: only the rearmost ductless lab hood
axle is driving type and the forward unit is See ductless fume hood.
free rolling, also called "dead axle;" b) tag
axle: forward unit of tandem is driving type dudding
while rear unit is free rolling. The process of permanently degrading an
electroexplosive initiator to a state where it
dual flow screen cannot perform its designed function.
A traveling water screen arranged in a channel
so that water enters through both the ascend- due care
ing and descending wire mesh panels and ex- Just, proper, and sufficient care, so far as cir-
its through the center of the screen. cumstances demand; the absence of negli-
gence. That degree of care that a reasonable
dual media filter person can be expected to exercise to avoid
Granular media filter utilizing two types of harm reasonably foreseeable if such care is
filter media, usually silica sand and anthracite. not taken. See also ordinary care and rea-
dual shift sonable care.
An operating mode in which workers are due compensation
working two shifts, usually with the employ- Term used in eminent domain and refers to
ees divided into two teams. the value of land taken and the damages, if
any, which result to the owner as a conse-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

quence of the taking without considering ei- dumping
ther general benefits or injuries. See also just A disposition of material.
compensation. Dunn cell
due diligence A glass device formerly used to contain an
Such a measure or prudence, activity, or assi- aliquot of the dust collecting media in which
duity, as is properly to be expected from, and the airborne dust sample was collected and
ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and pru- which enabled counting of the dust so that a
dent person under the particular circum- determination of its concentration could be
stances; not measured by any absolute stan- made.
dard, but depending on the relative facts of the dunnage
special case. Pieces of wood placed against the sides and
due diligence steps bottom of the hold of a vessel, to preserve the
Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines cargo from the effect of leakage, according to
(FSGs): Good faith efforts to prevent statu- its nature and quality.
tory violations. The seven steps or elements duplex pump
of an effective compliance program under the A reciprocating pump having two side-by-
FSGs are considered due diligence steps. side cylinders and connected to the same suc-
due process of law tion and discharge lines.
Law in it regular course of administration duplex stainless steel
through the courts of justice. A high-strength stainless steel containing two
due process rights forms of iron, typically austenite and ferrite.
All rights which are of such fundamental im- duplicate samples
portance as to require compliance with due Provide information about the precision of a
process standards of fairness and justice. laboratory's results by providing a check to
DUI determine if the correct sampling technique or
The crime of driving under the influence of method was used; may be a mandatory re-
alcohol or drugs. See driving while intoxi- quirement of some regulatory agencies. Du-
cated. plicate samples should be collected at loca-
dumb barge tions where suspected contaminant levels are
believed to be at their highest concentrations.
Slang term for a barge that does not have its
own power. dura matter
The tough, outermost membrane which covers
dumb terminal
the surface of the brain and spinal cord.
A CRT and keyboard having no local proc-
essing capability other than simple in- duration of exposure
put/output. The period of time during which exposure to a
hazardous substance or physical agent occurs,
dummy or how long a time one works with a sub-
See mannequin. stance or in the environment where the agent
dummy variable is used.
A discrete variable in regression analysis dust
which is not continuously distributed and has Small airborne or settled solid particles usu-
at least two distinct values. ally formed by abrasion or arising from soil,
dump bedding, or from surfaces such as floors and
A site used to dispose of solid wastes without walls.
environmental controls. dust collector
dump body An air-cleaning device for removing particu-
Truck body of any type which can be tilted to lates from air being discharged to the envi-
discharge its load. ronment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dust devil Dvorak keyboard
Common term used to describe a whirlwind See QWERTY keyboard.
which is a small but rapidly rotating wind DWEL
made visible by dust, sand, and debris it picks See drinking water equivalent level.
up from the surface. It develops on clear, dry,
hot afternoons. dwell time
(1) That length of time for which the eye is
dust explosion
fixated on a given point or within a specified
A dust combustion process so confined as to
region. (2) That period of time which an air-
result in an appreciable rise in pressure.
craft of other vehicle is capable of staying at
dust mask or over its destination/target before having to
A semipermeable facial mask used to protect return.
the wearer from respirable dust particles that
are airborne in the work environment. There DWF
See dry weather flow.
are many types; most are disposable and
should be replaced once breathing becomes DWI
difficult due to the saturation of the mask See driving while intoxicated.
material by dust particulates. DWPL
See Drinking Water Priority List.
Deadweight tons.
Involving motion or progress; not static.
dynamic action
Any muscle contraction or elongation. See
also isotonic action, isoinertial action, isoki-
netic action, eccentric action, and concentric
Typical disposable dust mask
dynamic anthropometry
dustfall jar Study and/or measurement of the changes in
An open container used to collect large parti- body dimensions during motion. Also called
cles from the air for measurement and analy- functional anthropometry.
dynamic display
dusting Any display containing one or more screen
Transit (slang). Driving with wheels on road structures which are updated at or near real time.
shoulder, thereby causing a cloud of dust.
dynamic equilibrium
dustproof The ability to maintain and control body po-
Constructed such that dust will not interfere sition while in motion through the integrated
with its operation. involvement of the cristae in the semicircular
duty ducts, vision, and the cerebellum and muscle
(1) Law. A human action which is exactly activity. See also static equilibrium.
conformable to the laws which require us to dynamic flexibility
obey them. Legal or moral obligation. An The ability to perform extension flexibility
obligation that one has by law or contract. (2) rapidly and repetitively.
Immigration. A tax imposed by a government
dynamic loss
on imports
See turbulence loss.
DVD dynamic measurement
See Digital Versatile Disc. An aspect of anthropometry involving the
DVFR correct location of controls, tools, and other
See defense visual flight rules. items requiring worker manipulation.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dynamic modulus dyne
The ratio of stress to strain under vibro- The unit of force that, when acting upon a
acoustic conditions. mass of 1 gram, will produce an acceleration
dynamic moment of 1 centimeter per second per second.
See angular acceleration. dysarthria
dynamic muscle work Imperfect articulation of speech due to distur-
See dynamic work. bances of muscular control which result from
damage to the central nervous system or pe-
dynamic response index model (DRI) ripheral nervous system.
A model representing the human torso as a
single-degree-of-freedom system for predict- dysbaric osteonecrosis
ing probability of spinal injury for a given +gz A form of decompression sickness resulting in
acceleration time history, assuming a re- bone lesions, especially near joints. Probably
strained seated crew member in an ejection due to air embolism. Also known as aseptic
seat. bone necrosis.

dynamic routing dysbarism

In demand-response transportation systems, Chemical effects resulting from exposure to
the process of constantly modifying vehicle an atmospheric pressure different from that of
routes to accommodate service requests re- the total gas pressure within the body.
ceived after the vehicle began operations, as dyscrasia
distinguished from predetermined routes as- A morbid condition caused by poisons in the
signed to a vehicle. blood.
dynamic strength dysentery
A measure of the ability to apply force A lower intestinal infection caused by bacte-
through a range of motion. ria, protozoa, or virus, and associated with di-
dynamic vision arrhea and cramps. Dysentery is less preva-
The ability to interpret moving visual stimuli. lent today than in years past because of im-
proved sanitary facilities throughout the
dynamic visual acuity world; it was formerly a common occurrence
A measure of the ability to resolve detail in a is crowded parts of the world and it particu-
changing or moving stimulus. See also visual larly plagued army camps. In dysentery, there
acuity. is an unusually fluid discharge of stool from
dynamic work the bowels, as well as fever, stomach cramps,
The work performed when one or more mus- and spasms of involuntary straining to evacu-
cle lengths change, producing external mo- ate, with passage of little feces. The stool is
tion. Also referred to as dynamic muscle often mixed with pus and mucus and may be
work. streaked with blood.
dynamics dysfunction
The study of the body in motion, whether due Any impaired function of some body part or
to internal generation or external forces. of the body as a whole.
dynamite the brakes dyskinesia
Transit (slang). An emergency stop using Any of a variety of abnormal involuntary
every brake on the unit. movements, generally due to some pathology
in the extrapyramidal system. See also
dynamograph tremor, athetosis, chorea, ballism, and
See oscillograph, kymograph, and polygraph. movement disorder.
dynamometer dyslalia
A device for measuring external force or Any speech impairment due to some defect in
torque, especially that generated by human the speech-generating structures, especially
muscular contraction. See also Asmussen the tongue.
dynamometer and Cybex dynamometer.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

A difficulty in reading, or an inability to learn
how to read.
Painful menstruation, characterized by cramp-
like pains in the lower abdomen, and some-
times accompanied by headache, irritability,
mental depression, malaise, and fatigue.
An inability to perform accurate control of
range of voluntary movement, especially of
the hand.
Impairment of the function of digestion.
Difficulty in swallowing.
Impairment of ability to understand and use
the symbols of language, both spoken and
A body type which cannot be readily classi-
fied as any of Kretschmers' standard athletic,
asthenic, or pyknic somatotypes; misshapen.
See also Kretschmer somatotype.
Shortness of breath, or the sensation of it, due
to labored breathing.
A movement disorder involving lack of nor-
mal muscle tone.
dystrophic lakes
Shallow bodies of water with a high humus
and/or organic matter content, that contain
many plants but few fish and are highly
Any disorder caused by defective nutrition.
Painful or difficult urination.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Vincoli, Jeffrey W. "E-H"
Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
ear clearing
E The process of equalizing pressure between
the middle ear and the external environment.
Commonly accomplished by holding one's
ear mouth closed, pinching the nostrils closed,
A structure within and external to the side of and gently blowing through the nose until the
the head consisting of three major aspects pressure is equalized.
(external ear, middle ear, and inner ear),
which is used for hearing and equilibrium.
The outer ear consists of the auricle, or pinna,
and the external acoustic meatus. The auricle
collects sound waves and directs them to the
external acoustic meatus which conducts them
to the tympanum (the cavity of the middle
ear). The tympanic membrane (eardrum)
separates the outer ear from the middle ear.
In the middle ear are the three ossicles: the
malleus (referred to as the "hammer" because
of its shape), the incus (or "anvil") and the
stapes (or "stirrup"). These three small bones
form a chain across the middle ear from the
tympanum to the oval window in the mem-
brane separating the middle ear from the inner The human ear and surrounding components
ear. The middle ear is connected to the naso-
pharynx by the Eustachian tube, through ear defender
which the air pressure on the inner side of the Outdated term for devices, such as earplugs,
eardrum is equalized with the air pressure on earmuffs, canal caps, etc., that are used by in-
its outside surface. The middle ear is also dividuals to provide personal hearing protec-
connected with the cells in the mastoid bone tion from noise.
just behind the outer ear. Two muscles at-
ear insert
tached to the ossicles contract when loud
A hearing protective device that is designed to
noises strike the tympanic membrane, limiting be inserted into the ear canal in order to re-
its vibration and thus protecting it and the in-
duce the level of noise reaching the hearing
ner ear from damage. In the inner ear (or
sensitive part of the ear.
labyrinth) is the cochlea, containing the
nerves that transmit sound to the brain. The ear length
inner ear also contains the semicircular canals, The vertical distance between the highest
which are essential to the sense of balance. point of the upper rim and the most inferior
When sound strikes the ear, it causes the tym- point of the ear lobe of the external ear.
panic membrane to vibrate. The ossicles Measured with the head level and the scalp
function as levers, amplifying the motion of and facial muscles relaxed.
the tympanic membrane, and passing the vi- ear length above tragion
brations on to the cochlea. From there, the The vertical distance along the axis of the
vestibulocochlear (eighth cranial) nerve auricle from tragion to the level of the upper
transmits the vibrations, translated into nerve rim.
impulses, to the auditory center in the brain.
See also external ear, middle ear, and inner ear mark
ear. A mark put upon a thing to distinguish it from
another. Originally, and literally, a mark upon
ear breadth the ear; a mode of marking sheep and other
The horizontal linear distance from the most animals.
anterior point to the most posterior point of
the external ear. Measured with the head
level and the scalp and facial muscles relaxed.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ear mark rule earlobe
Through the process of commingling money The fleshy tissue at the base of the auricle.
or deposits with funds already in a bank, the earmuffs
money or deposits lose their "identity," with Devices worn to protect against hearing loss
the resultant effect of defeating the right of in high-noise environments or to protect
preference over general creditors. against exposure to cold. See also cir-
ear protector cumaural protectors.
Any device designed to reduce the level of earn
noise passing through a person's auditory To acquire by labor, service, or performance.
system (ear muffs, ear plugs, etc.). To merit or deserve, as for labor or service.
ear protrusion earned income
The horizontal distance from the bony emi- Income from services (e.g., salaries, wages, or
nence directly behind the auricle to the most fees); distinguished from passive, portfolio,
lateral protrusion of the auricle. Measured and other unearned income.
with the head level and the scalp and facial
muscles relaxed. earned income credit
A refundable tax credit on earned income up
ear squeeze to a certain amount for low income workers
See barotalgia. who maintain a household for dependent chil-
ear witness dren. The amount of the credit is reduced
In the law of evidence, one who attests or can dollar for dollar if earned income (or adjusted
attest anything as heard by himself/herself. gross income) is greater than a specified
earache amount.
Pain in the ear. Medically referred to as otal- earned premium
gia. In insurance, that portion of the premium
earblock properly allocable to a policy which has ex-
The failure of the middle ear to equalize pres- pired. An "earned premium" is the difference
sure with the external environment due to between the premium paid by the insured and
blockage of the Eustachian tube. the portion returnable to him/her by the insur-
ance company on cancellation of the policy
earcon during its term.
The auditory counterpart of the visual icon.
earned surplus
earcup Retained earnings. That species of surplus
The cavity on the lateral interior structure of a which has been generated from profits as
helmet, headphone, or other headgear, into contrasted with paid-in surplus. The term re-
which the pinna is expected to fit when the lates to the net accumulation of profits. It is a
headgear is worn. part of the surplus that represents net earn-
eardrum ings, gains or profits, after deduction of all
The tympanic membrane that separates the losses, but has not been distributed as divi-
outer ear from the middle ear. dends, or transferred to stated capital or capi-
tal surplus, or applied to other purposes per-
earflap mitted by law.
Any piece of cloth, fur, or other soft material
designed into headwear for protecting the earned time
auricle from cold, sun, or other environmental The standard time, in a specified time unit
stressors. (usually hours), which is credited to one or a
group of personnel on completion of one or
earlier maturity rule more jobs.
The rule under which bonds maturing first are
entitled to priority when the sale of a security earnest money
is not sufficient to satisfy all obligations. A sum of money paid by a buyer at the time
of entering a contract to indicate the intention
and ability of the buyer to carry out the con-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tract. Normally, such earnest money is ap- deceased would have been expected to accu-
plied against the purchase price. Often, the mulate had the fatality never occurred.
contract provides for forfeiture of this sum if earphone
the buyer defaults. An electro-acoustic transducer intended to be
earning capacity closely coupled acoustically to the ear.
Refers to the capability of a worker to sell earplugs
his/her labor or services in any market rea- Any device which fits into the external audi-
sonably accessible to him/her, taking into tory canal for the purpose of reducing the
consideration his/her general physical func- acoustic intensity reaching the eardrum. Usu-
tional impairment resulting from his/her acci- ally constructed of a soft, sponge-like material
dent, any previous disability, his/her occupa- allowing for "one-size-fits-all." See also
tion, age at the time of injury, nature of the aural insert protectors and ear protector.
injury, and his/her wages prior to and after the
injury. The term does not necessarily mean earring
the actual earnings that one who suffers an A piece of jewelry worn on or about the ear-
injury was making at the time the injuries lobe. It can be fastened by a mechanical clip
were sustained, but refers to that which, by or pierced directly through the lobe or other
virtue of the training, the experience, and the portion of the external ear.
business acumen possessed, an individual is earth surface
capable of earning. The outermost surface of the land and waters
earnings of the planet.
Income. That which is earned (i.e., money earthquake
earned from the performance of labor, serv- See plate tectonics.
ices, sale of goods, etc.). Gross earnings.
Total income from all sources without consid- earwax
ering deductions, personal exemptions, or Cerumen.
other reductions of income in order to arrive EAS
at taxable income. Net earnings. The excess See Employee Aptitude Survey.
of gross income over expenses incurred in
connection with the production of such in-
To provide or obtain comfort, consolation,
contentment, enjoyment, happiness, pleasure,
earnings and profits satisfaction.
A tax concept peculiar to corporate taxpayers
which measures the economic capacity to
A right of use over the property of another.
make a distribution to shareholders that is not
Traditionally the permitted kinds of uses were
a return of capital. Such a distribution will re-
limited, the most important being rights of
sult in dividend income to the shareholders to
way and rights concerning flowing waters.
the extent of the corporation's current and ac-
The easement was normally for the benefit of
cumulated earnings and profits.
adjoining lands, no matter who the owner was
earnings per share (an easement appurtenant), rather than for the
One common measure of the value of com- benefit of a specific individual (easement in
mon stock. The figure is computed by divid- gross). The land having the dominant tene-
ing the net earnings for the year (after interest ment and the land which is subject to the
and prior dividends) by the number of shares easement is known as the servient tenement.
of common stock outstanding.
easterly wave
earnings profile A migratory wavelike disturbance in the
An individual's anticipated future annual in- tropical easterlies. Easterly waves occasion-
come from employment. Use often during ally intensify into tropical cyclones.
litigation proceedings of wrongful death
Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ)
claims to determine the lifetime earnings the
A region of increased seismic activity which
stretches from the San Andreas fault near In-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

dio, north-northwest across the Mojave and concentration for 50 percent of exposed or-
northward into Owens Valley. It may ac- ganisms is usually reported along with the du-
commodate as much as 10 to 20 percent of the ration of exposure (e.g., 96 hours EC50).
relative motion between the North American eccentric action
and Pacific Plates. A dynamic muscle action which involves
EAT muscle lengthening with an increase in mus-
Earnings after taxes. cle tension. Also referred to as eccentric
eat inde sine die contraction and eccentric muscle contraction.
Law (Latin). Words used on the acquittal of a eccentric contraction
defendant, or when a prisoner is to be dis- See eccentric action.
charged, that he may go thence without a day, eccentric muscle contraction
(i.e., be dismissed without any further con- See eccentric action.
tinuance or adjournment).
eaves-drip Personal or individual peculiarities of mind
The drip or dropping of water from the eaves and disposition which markedly distinguish
of a house on the land of an adjacent owner; the subject from the ordinary, normal, or av-
the easement of having the water so drip, or erage types of men/women, but do not amount
the servitude of submitting to such drip. to mental unsoundness or insanity.
eavesdropping ecchymosis
Knowingly and without lawful authority: a) A small hemorrhagic spot in the skin or mu-
entering into a private place with intent to cous membrane forming a non-elevated blue
listen surreptitiously to private conversations or purplish spot.
or to observe the personal conduct of any
other person or persons therein; or b) install- eccrine gland
ing or using outside a private place any device A sweat gland whose ducts terminate on the
for hearing, recording, amplifying, or broad- free skin surface. See also apocrine gland.
casting sounds originating in such place, ECD
which sounds would not ordinarily be audible Electron capture detector. Used in gas chro-
or comprehensible outside, without the con- matography primarily to analyze halogenated
sent of the person or persons entitled to pri- organics.
vacy therein; or c) installing or using any de-
vice or equipment for the interception of any ECG
telephone, telegraph, or other wire communi- See electrocardiogram.
cation without the consent of the person in echo
possession or control of the facilities for such (1) To display on a computer screen the char-
wire communication. Such activities are acter or other symbol typed on a keyboard.
regulated by state and federal statutes, and (2) An acoustic or electromagnetic reflected
commonly require a court order. energy signal which has sufficient magnitude
ebonation and delay to be distinguishable from the
The removal of loose pieces of bone from a original emitted signal.
wound. echoacousia
ebriety The subjective hearing of repetition of sound
Drunkenness; alcoholic intoxication. after the stimuli producing it have ceased.

Ebstein's anomaly echocardiogram

A malformation of the tricuspid valve, usually The record produced by echocardiography.
associated with an atrial septal defect. echocardiography
EC50 The recording of the position and motion of
Concentration in which a given effect (e.g., the heart borders and valves by reflected ech-
death, incoordination) is observed in 50 per- oes of ultrasonic waves transmitted through
cent of exposed organisms. The effective the chest wall.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

echoencephalogram mates the magnitude and distribution of the
The record produced by echoencephalogra- financial burden but does not assess whether
phy. or not the rule or policy is nonetheless worth-
The mapping of intracranial structures by economic life
means of reflected echoes of ultrasound That period of time which either minimizes an
transmitted through the skull. asset's total equivalent annual cost or maxi-
mizes an asset's equivalent annual net income.
Also referred to as minimum cost life and op-
See sonography.
timum replacement interval.
echoic memory economic loss
A sensory memory associated with the audi- In a products' liability action, recovery of
tory system. damages for "economic loss" includes recov-
echovirus ery for costs of repair and replacement of de-
A group of viruses, the name of which was fective property which is the subject of the
derived from the first letters of the description transaction, as well as commercial loss for in-
"enteric cytopathogenic human orphan." At adequate value and consequent loss of profits
the time of the isolation of the viruses, the or use.
diseases they caused were not known, hence economic obsolescence
the term "orphan." But it is now known that Loss of desirability and useful life of property
these viruses produce many different types of due to economic developments (e.g., deterio-
diseases, including forms of meningitis, diar- ration of neighborhood or zoning change)
rhea, and various respiratory diseases. rather than deterioration (functional obsoles-
ecological impact cence).
The effect that a manmade or natural activity economic poisons
has on living organisms and their non-living Chemicals used to control pests and to defoli-
(abiotic) environment. ate cash crops such as cotton.
ecological stress vector economic strike
See environmental stressor. Refusal to work because of a dispute over
ecology wages, hours or working conditions, or other
The relationship of living things to one an- conditions of employment. An economic
other and their environment, or the study of strike is one neither prohibited by law nor by
such relationships. collective bargaining agreement nor caused
by employer unfair labor practices, but is
economic discrimination typically for the purpose of enforcing em-
Any form of discrimination within the field of ployer compliance with union collective bar-
commerce such as a boycott of a particular gaining demands, and economic strikers pos-
product or price fixing. sess more limited reinstatement rights than
economic duress unfair labor practice strikers.
A legal defense of "economic duress," or economic waste
business compulsion, arises where one indi- An overproduction or excessive drilling of oil
vidual, acting upon another's fear of impend- or gas.
ing financial injury, unlawfully coerces the
latter to perform an act in circumstances economies of scale
which prevent his/her exercise of free will. Cost reductions or productivity efficiencies
achieved through size-optimization in relation
economic impact analysis to operational circumstances. For example,
A corporate analysis which assesses direct commodity freight rates usually decline as the
and indirect costs of a rule or policy and ex- volume of cargo tonnage shipped increases.
amines how it will affect the local, regional,
and national economies and what economic
(1). General. Frugal management of money,
sectors will bear the burden of costs. It esti-
materials, resources, and the like. Also, the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

practical administration of the material re- ectocanthus to wall
sources of a country, community, or estab- The horizontal distance from ectocanthus to a
lishment. (2) Transportation. Transport reference wall. Measured with the individual
service established for the carriage of passen- standing erect with his/her back and head
gers at fares and quality of service below that against the wall, looking straight ahead, and
of coach service. the facial musculature relaxed. Equivalent to
economy of scale factor ectocanthus to back of head.
The ratio of the change in investment cost to ectoderm
the change in capacity. The outermost of the three primitive germ
ecosphere layers of the embryo; from it are derived the
The "bio-bubble" that contains life on earth, epidermis and epidermic tissues, such as the
in surface waters, and in the air. nails, hair, and glands of the skin, the nervous
system, external sense organs (eye, ear, etc.),
ecosystem and mucous membrane of the mouth and
The interacting system of a biological com- anus.
munity and its non-living environmental sur-
roundings. ectomorph
A Sheldon somatotype having characteristics
ECSZ of a thin, frail-appearing body build with little
See Eastern California Shear Zone. fat or muscle, small bones, and thin chest.
ectocanthic breadth ecuresis
The horizontal linear distance from the ecto- Production of absolute dehydration of the
canthus of the right eye to the ectocanthus of body by excessive urinary excretion in rela-
the left eye. Measured with the individual tion to the intake of water.
sitting or standing erect, and the facial mus-
culature relaxed. May also be referred to as ECW
biocular breadth or bicanthic diameter. See extracellular water.

ectocanthus eczema
The junction of the most lateral parts of the Generalized term for an inflammatory process
upper and lower eyelids, with the eyelids open involving the epidermis and marked by itch-
normally. May also be referred to as the ex- ing, weeping, and crusting.
ternal canthus or lateral canthus. ED
ectocanthus to back of head See effective dose.
The horizontal linear distance from ectocan- ED10
thus to the back of the head. Measured with Ten percent effective dose. Estimated dose
the individual standing or sitting erect and associated with a 10% increase in response
looking straight ahead, and the facial muscu- over control groups. For Hazard Ranking
lature relaxed. Equivalent to ectocanthus to System purposes, the response considered is
wall. cancer. It is measured as milligrams of toxi-
ectocanthus to otobasion cant per kilogram body weight per day
The horizontal linear distance from ectocan- (mg/kg-day).
thus to otobasion superior. Measured with the ED50
individual sitting or standing erect, with the Dose in which a given effect (e.g., death, in-
facial musculature relaxed. coordination) is observed in 50 percent of ex-
ectocanthus to top of head posed organisms. The effective dose for 50
The vertical linear distance from ectocanthus percent of the exposed organisms is usually
to the vertex level of the head. Measured with reported along with the duration of exposure
the individual standing or sitting erect, with (e.g., 80 hours ED50).
the facial musculature relaxed. EDB
See ethylene dibromide.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

See expected departure clearance time. Environmental Defense Fund.
EDD edge lease
See enforcement decision document. One located on the edge of an oil-bearing
eddy structure.
(1) A small volume of air (or any fluid) that edit
behaves differently from the larger flow in To manually change the data or information in
which it exists. (2) A current running con- a file, document, or other form of textual or
trary to the main current, causing water tur- graphic material.
bulence, e.g., below the bridge pier where a eductor
swift current is passing through, or below a See ejector.
bar or point.
eddy above and below European Economic Community.
Maritime. Channel report term meaning that
eddies should be expected both above and EEG
below the object mentioned in the marks, such See electroencephalograph and electroen-
as dikes, top and bottom of crossings, sunken cephalogram.
obstructions, etc.; tricky water. EEL
eddy extends way out See emergency exposure limit.
Maritime. Term meaning that an eddy ex- EEO
tends from the shore or the dike into or across See Equal Employment Opportunity.
the range formed by this set of marks, or ex-
tends one-third or more across the river. effect
That which is produced by an agent or cause;
eddy makes out from right (left) shore result; outcome; consequence.
Maritime. Term indicating that one should
watch for eddy along the shore designated in effective assistance of counsel
this set of marks. The conscientious, meaningful representation
wherein the accused is advised of his/her
eddy viscosity rights and honest, learned, and able counsel is
The internal friction produced by turbulent given a reasonable opportunity to perform the
flow. See also molecular viscosity. task assigned to him/her.
edema effective compliance program
A condition in which body tissues contain an Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
excessive amount of fluid. Edema can be (FSGs), an organization may take advantage
caused by a variety of factors, including hy- of mitigating factors if it has an effective pro-
poproteinemia in which a lowered concentra- gram to prevent and detect violations of law.
tion of plasma proteins decreases the osmotic An effective program includes a minimum of
pressure, thereby permitting passage of ab- seven due diligence steps which the organiza-
normal amounts of fluid out of the blood ves- tion must have in place to receive reduced
sels and into the tissue spaces. Some other fines at the time of an offense. The organiza-
causes are poor lymphatic drainage, increased tion must generally:
capillary permeability (as in inflammation),
and congestive heart failure. Local edema 1. have established compliance standards
due to inflammation or poor drainage through and procedures,
the lymph vessels may be relieved by eleva- 2. have a specific individual within high
tion of the part and application of cold to the level personnel of the organization to
area. Generalized edema is treated by the oversee compliance with such standards
administration of diuretics, which increase the and procedures,
loss of certain salts and thereby increase re- 3. use due care not to delegate substantial
moval of tissue fluids, which are eliminated as discretionary authority to individuals
urine. who had a propensity to engage in ille-
gal activities,

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4. take steps to communicate the above to effective temperature index
all employees and agents, An arbitrary index which combines into a
5. take reasonable steps to achieve com- single value the effect of temperature, humid-
pliance with its standards, ity, and air movement on the sensation of
6. consistently enforce standards through warmth or cold felt by the human body. A
disciplinary mechanisms, and sensory index, developed by ASHRAE, of the
7. respond appropriately to the offense degree of warmth that a person, stripped to
and prevent further similar offenses. the waist and engaged in light activity, would
The size of the organization, the likelihood experience upon exposure to different combi-
that certain offenses may occur because of the nations of air temperature, humidity, and air
nature of its business, and the prior history of movement. This index is applicable to work
the organization are relevant factors to be situations where light activity is performed
considered. See also Federal Sentencing over a several-hour period. A revised effec-
Guidelines. tive temperature chart has been developed for
sedentary type work situations, as well as one
effective dose (ED) where radiant heat is a concern.
The amount of a toxicant (or drug) required to
bring about a given functional change in an effective thermal insulation value of clothing
intact organism, at a biochemical site, or in an See total thermal insulation value of cloth-
isolated tissue. Expressed in a proportion to ing.
the population affected (ED50, for example). effectively grounded
effective intensity As pertains to systems over 600 volts (nomi-
That intensity of a light in candela as defined nal), permanently connected to earth through
by the Illuminating Engineering Society's a ground connection of sufficiently low im-
Guide for Calculating the Effective Intensity pedance and having sufficient ampacity that
of Flashing Signal Lights, November, 1964. ground fault current which may occur cannot
build up to voltages dangerous to personnel.
effective locking device
Railroad. A manually operated switch or de- effectiveness
rail which is a) vandal resistant; b) tamper re- The ability to produce a specific result or to
sistant; and c) capable of being locked and exert a specific measurable influence.
unlocked only by the class, craft, or group of effectus sequitur causam
employees for whom the protection is being Law (Latin). The effect follows the cause.
provided. efferent
effective stack height Conveying information away from a central
The sum of the actual stack height and the rise point, pertaining especially to neural signals.
of the plume after emission from the stack. efferent nerve
effective sound pressure A collection of one or more axons which con-
The root mean square value of the pressure ducts signals primarily from the central nerv-
exerted at a given location by an acoustical ous system to the periphery.
waveform over a complete cycle. Also re- efficacy
ferred to as root mean square sound pressure, The capacity or ability to produce the desired
or, simply, sound pressure. effect.
effective temperature efficiency
The combination of the dry-bulb and wet-bulb The effectiveness of some process, usually
temperature of slowly moving air which pro- measured with respect to the amount of output
duces immediate sensations of warmth and compared to energy, cost, or other measure
coolness. The combinations of dry-bulb and input.
wet-bulb temperature and air movement are
located on an effective temperature chart from efficient cause
which the effective temperature can be read. The working cause; that cause which pro-
duces effects or results. An intervening

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cause, which produces results which would egestion
not have come to pass except for its interposi- The elimination from the body of waste prod-
tion, and for which, therefore, the person who ucts and residue of ingested nutrients.
set in motion the original chain of causes is EGG
not responsible. That cause of an injury to See electrogoniogram and electrogoniogra-
which legal liability is attached. phy.
efficient intervening cause ego
An intervening efficient cause is a new and In psychoanalytic theory, one of the three
independent force, which breaks the causal major parts of the personality, the others be-
connection between the original wrong and ing the id and the superego.
the injury, and is the proximate and immedi-
ate cause of the injury. This means that the egregious policy
original negligent actor is not liable for an OSHA’s fining strategy implemented in 1990
injury that could not have been foreseen or which allowed the agency to fine employers
reasonably anticipated as the probable conse- for multiple violations of the same standard as
quence of his/her negligent act, and would not if each were a separate and distinct violation.
have resulted from it had not the intervening This allowed the assessment of huge fines
efficient cause interrupted the natural se- against employers found to be in violation of
quence of events, turned aside their own the same requirement in several different in-
course, and produced the injury. stances (or at several different company loca-
tions) during an OSHA inspection.
A rash or eruption. Any skin lesion. egress
To exit from a region or space. The path or
effluent opening by which a person goes out; exit.
Wastewater, treated or untreated, that flows The means or act of going out.
out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial
outfall. Generally refers to wastes discharged EHF
into surface waters. See extremely high frequency.
effluent limitation EH&S
Restrictions established by a state or the EPA Environmental Health and Safety.
on quantities, rates, and concentrations in EHS
wastewater discharges. Extremely hazardous substance.
effort EIA
(1) That point of force application on a lever. See environmental impact assessment. See
(2) The expenditure of physical and/or men- also Energy Information Administration.
tal energy in the performance of some task.
Eiband tolerance curve
effort arm A graph developed from both human and
That portion of a lever arm from the fulcrum animal data illustrating the likelihood and se-
to the point at which an effort is applied. verity of injuries based on uniform accelera-
Also referred to as force arm. tion of short duration (an older concept).
effort-controlled cycle eidoptometry
See self-paced work. A measurement of the acuteness of visual
effort rating perception.
See performance rating. eight hour laws
effort time Statutes which establish eight hours as the
That part of the cycle time during which an length of a day's work, prohibited work be-
employee is required to use his/her skill and yond this period, and required payment of
effort. overtime for work in excess of this period.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Eighteenth Amendment century when Peruvian sailors noticed that
The amendment to the U.S. Constitution every few years around Christmas, coastal
added in 1919 which prohibited the manu- waters warmed up and the current shifted
facture, sale, transportation, and exportation southward. El Niño occurs when weather
of intoxicating liquors in all the States and patterns in the tropical Pacific shift violently.
Territories of the United States and which was Normally, strong, westward-blowing trade
repealed in 1933 by the Twenty-first Amend- winds of South America push surface water
ment. toward Asia. These trade winds almost liter-
Eighth Amendment ally "pile" warm water against the coastlines
The amendment to the U.S. Constitution of Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
added in 1791 which prohibits excessive bail, Above the warm water, moist air rises, low-
excessive fines, and cruel and unusual pun- ering atmospheric pressure and triggering the
ishment. tropical downpours that nourish the rain for-
ests of Asia. Meanwhile, high-altitude winds
einsteinium travel back toward South America. There, the
A chemical element, atomic number 99, now cooled air sinks, raising atmospheric
atomic weight 254, symbol Es. pressure and suppressing rain along most of
EIS the Pacific coast, making it one of the driest
See environmental impact statement. regions in the world. When El Niño strikes,
ejection this pattern reverses. Atmospheric pressure in
Refers to occupants being totally or partially the western Pacific rises, setting the stage for
thrown from a vehicle as a result of an impact drought from Australia to India. The trade
or rollover. winds decrease, or in extreme years, reverse
to blow eastward. With no wind to push it
ejection seat toward Asia, some of the huge mass of warm
A seat structure which uses rockets or explo- water flows back toward South America,
sive devices to propel a crew member from a spawning storms from Chile to California.
high performance aircraft in a life-threatening, Meanwhile over the Pacific, towering ten-
emergency situation. mile high thunderheads further heat the at-
ejector mosphere, fueling a stronger-than-normal jet
An air-moving device employing compressed stream, which often splits into two. One
air to create a vacuum as it is passed through a branch veers north, warming the Pacific
venturi or straight pipe, which then induces Northwest, central Canada, and Alaska. An-
air to flow. Often used when contaminant air other branch surges south, producing heavy
could corrode a fan if it were passed through rains in the U.S. gulf states and southwest.
it. Ejectors are not very efficient air-moving elapsed time
devices but do have application in special The temporal interval from the beginning
situations. Sometimes referred to as eductors. point of some activity to a specified or current
Ekman spiral point of that activity.
An idealized description of the way the wind- elastic
driven ocean currents vary with depth. In the Susceptible of being stretched, compressed, or
atmosphere, it represents the way the winds distorted, and then tending to assume its
vary from the surface up through the friction original shape.
elastic limit
El Niño The level of physical deformation beyond
A condition that generally develops about which damage to a structure occurs and/or the
every eight years or so just before Christmas structure will not return to its original condi-
off the coast of Peru when the ocean water tion.
turns warm as upwelling diminishes. El Niño
means "little boy" in Spanish; when capital- elasticity
ized, it refers to the Christ child. This inno- The property of a material to return to its
cent-sounding name originated in the 19th original shape after being distorted by the ap-
plication of an external force.

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elastomer elbow breadth
A rubber or rubber-like materials, for exam- The horizontal linear distance between the
ple, a synthetic polymer with rubber-like medial and lateral epicondyles of the hume-
characteristics. rus. Also referred to as humeral breadth.
elation Measured with the flesh compressed, the in-
Emotional excitement marked by the accel- dividual standing erect, and the arms hanging
eration of mental and bodily activity. naturally at the sides in the anatomical posi-
(1) The joint between the upper arm and the elbow circumference, flexed
forearm. It joins the large bone of the upper The surface distance around the flexed elbow
arm, or humerus, with the two smaller bones over the olecranon prominence and through
of the lower arm, the radius and ulna. The el- the elbow crease. Measured with the elbow
bow is one of the body's most versatile joints, flexed 90°, the shoulder flexed 90° laterally
with a combined hinge and rotating action such that the upper arm is horizontal, and the
allowing the arm to bend and the hand to hand clenched into a fist.
make a half turn. The flexibility of the elbow elbow circumference, fully bent
and shoulder joints together permits a nearly The surface distance around the olecranon
infinite variety of hand movements. The ac- prominence and the crease of the elbow.
tion of the elbow is controlled primarily by Measured with the elbow maximally flexed
the biceps and the triceps muscles. When the and the fingers extended touching the shoul-
biceps contracts, the arm bends at the elbow. der.
When the triceps contracts, the arm straight- elbow - elbow breadth
ens. In each action, the opposite muscle ex- The horizontal distance across the body from
erts a degree of opposing tension, moderating the lateral surface of the left elbow to the lat-
the movement so that it is smooth and even eral surface of the right elbow. Also called
instead of sudden and jerky. The funny bone elbow-to-elbow breadth. Measured with the
is not a bone but the ulnar nerve, a vulnerable individual sitting erect, the elbows flexed 90°,
and sensitive nerve that lies close to the sur- and resting lightly against the body.
face near the point of the elbow. Hitting
causes a tingling pain or sensation that may be elbow - fingertip breadth
felt all the way to the fingers. (2) That joint in See forearm - hand length.
a robotic arm capable of planar motion and elbow - grip length
corresponding by analogy to the human elbow The horizontal distance from the posterior tip
in function. of the elbow to the center of the clenched fist.
Measured with the elbow flexed 90°.
Humerus elbow height
Elbow Joint The vertical distance from the floor or other
reference surface to the height of radiale.
Also called radiale height. Measured with the
Trochlea Radius individual standing erect and the arms hang-
ing naturally at the sides.
Ulna elbow rest height, sitting
The vertical distance from the sitting surface
to the bottom tip of the elbow. Also called
elbow rest height. Measured with the indi-
vidual sitting erect, the upper arm resting ver-
tically at his/her side, and the elbow flexed
elbow - wrist length
The horizontal linear distance from the poste-
The human elbow and its components rior tip of the elbow flexed 90° to the tip of

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the styloid process of the radius. Measured electric utility steam generating unit
with the individual sitting or standing erect, Under the Clean Air Act: (1) Any fossil fuel-
the upper arm vertical, and the palm facing fired combustion unit of more than 25 mega-
medially. watts that serves a generator that produces
electoral college electricity for sale. (2) A unit that cogener-
The college or body of electors of a State cho- ates steam and electricity and supplies more
sen to elect the president and vice-president; than one-third of its potential electric output
also, the whole body of such electors, com- capacity and more than 25 megawatts electri-
posed of the electoral colleges of the several cal output to any utility power distribution
states. system for sale shall be considered an electric
utility steam-generating unit.
electric arc
The visible effect of an undesired electrical electrical component
discharge between two electrical connections; A component such as a switch, fuse, resistor,
produces burned spots or fused metal. wire, capacitor, or diode in an electrical sys-
electric discharge lamp
A source of radiant electromagnetic energy electrical current
within or near the visible spectrum resulting In all Systems of Units, the basic unit of elec-
from the passage of electrical current through trical current is the ampere, which has been
one or more materials in the gaseous state. defined to be that constant flow of electricity
which, if maintained in two straight parallel
electric lock conductors of infinite length, each having
Rail Operations. A device to prevent or re- negligible circular cross-section, and placed
strict the movement of a lever, a switch or a 1.0 meter apart in a vacuum, would produce-
movable bridge, unless the locking member is between these conductors and normal to the
withdrawn by an electrical device such as an direction in which these conductors are posi-
electromagnet, solenoid, or motor. tioned, a repulsive force equal to 2 x 10-7
electric locking newtons per meter of conductor length.
Rail Operations. The combination of one or electrical ground
more electric locks and controlling circuits by An electrical reference point or return path for
means of which levers of an interlocking ma- current flow. Also referred to simply as
chine, or switches or other units operated in ground.
connection with signaling and interlocking,
are secured against operation under certain electrical hygrometer
conditions. See hygrometer.

electric shock electrical impedance (Z)

Effect caused by electric current passing The total opposition to an alternating current
through the body. The longer the contact with in an electrical circuit. Also called imped-
electricity, the smaller the chance of survival. ance.
The victim's breathing may stop, and his/her electrical muscle stimulation (EMS)
body may appear stiff. The stimulation of muscles or muscle tissue
electric sign with electrical current/voltage.
A fixed, stationary, or portable self-contained, electrical resistance (R)
electrically illuminated utilization equipment A measure of the opposition to electric cur-
with words or symbols designed to convey in- rent flow. Also called resistance. See also
formation or attract attention. electrical impedance.
electric system electrical resistance thermometer
Physically connected generation, transmis- Thermometer that uses electrical conducting
sion, and distribution facilities operated as an wires (or thermistors) whose electrical resis-
integrated unit under one central management tance changes with the temperature. It is used
or operating supervision. in radiosondes.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

electrical shock
The passage of electrical current/voltage
through the body, resulting in the abnormal
stimulation of muscles and nerves.
electrical skin resistance (ESR)
See skin resistance response.
electrical stimulation
Any form of artificial activation of nerves,
muscles, or other materials by the application
of electrical current/voltage.
A form of energy generated by friction, in-
duction, or chemical change that is caused by
the presence and motion of elementary
charged particles of which matter consists.
See also gigawatt, kilowatt, and megawatt.
electro-pneumatic switch
A switch operated by an electro-pneumatic
switch-and-lock movement.
Patient undergoing an electrocardiogram test
electro-pneumatic valve
A valve electrically operated which, when electrocardiography
operated, will permit or prevent passage of The study, measurement, recording, analysis,
air. and/or interpretation of the electrical activity
electro-silence of the heart.
The absence of measurable electrical poten- electrochemical detector
tials in biological tissues. A detector that operates on the principle of
electroaffinity electrochemical oxidation or reduction of a
The tenacity with which the ions of an ele- specific chemical in an electrolyte or galvanic
ment hold their charges. cell. The electrons produced in the chemical
reaction are proportional to the contaminant
electroanalysis concentration.
Chemical analysis by means of electric cur-
rent. electrochemistry
The science that deals with the use of electri-
electrobiology cal energy to bring about a chemical reaction
The science of the relationship between elec- or with the generation of electrical energy by
tricity and living organisms. means of chemical action.
electrocardiogram (ECG) electrode
A graphical record or other visual display of Any electrically conductive device used for
the electrical activity of the heart as recorded sensing or applying electrical current/voltage.
from various points on the body surface, usu-
ally consisting of a P wave, a QRS wave electrodialysis
complex, and a T wave, depending on the re- A process that uses electrical current applied
cording locations. Often referred to as EKG. to permeable membranes to remove minerals
from water. Often used to desalinize salty or
electrocardiograph brackish water.
The instrumentation used to obtain a graphical
recording of heart electrical activity. electroencephalogram (EEG)
A graphical recording or other visual display
of the electrical potentials generated by the
brain and measured by electrodes attached to
the scalp or implanted within the brain itself.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

electroencephalograph (EEG) electromagnetic spectrum
The instrumentation used to obtain a graphical The range of frequencies and wavelengths
recording or the graphical recording itself of emitted by atomic systems. The spectrum in-
brain electrical activity. cludes radiowaves as well as the short cosmic
electroencephalography rays.
The study, measurement, recording, analysis, electromagnetic susceptibility
and/or interpretation of electrical activity from Degraded performance of an instrument
the brain. caused by an electromagnetic field.
electrogoniogram (EGG) electromagnetic waves
The electronic display or hardcopy record of See radiant energy.
changes in a joint angle using a potentiome- electromyogram (EMG)
ter-equipped or other type of electrical go- A graphical recording or other visual display
niometer. of the electrical potentials generated by a
electrogoniography (EGG) muscle, muscle group, or a large segment of
The measurement, study, or analysis of muscle tissue and measured by electrodes
changes in joint angles using potentiometer- placed in or over the tissues involved.
equipped or other type of electrical goniome- electromyographic kinesiology
ters. The use of electromyography in the analysis
electrogoniometer of human motion. Also referred to as cor-
An electromechanical goniometer, normally relative kinesiology.
using changes in electrical resistance across a electromyography (EMG)
potentiometer to indicate the joint angle. The study, measurement, recording, analysis,
electroluminescence and/or interpretation of the electrical activity
The emission of light due to the application of of muscles. Also referred to as myography.
an electromagnetic field to certain materials, electron
and which is not due to heating effects alone. A negatively charged particle that is a funda-
electrolyte mental constituent of all atoms. A unit of
A chemical substance that breaks down into negatively charged electricity found in orbit
electrically charged particles (ions) when dis- around the nucleus of the atom. It has a
solved or melted. negative electric charge of 1.60210 E-19
electromagnetic field (EMF) coulombs, and can exist as a constituent of an
Any combination of an electric field and a atom or in the free state (e.g., a beta particle).
magnetic field which occur as a result of natu- electron capture
ral or artificially generated electromagnetic As pertains to ionizing radiation, a mode of
radiation. radioactive decay in which an orbital electron
electromagnetic interference (EMI) merges with a proton in the nucleus. The
A disturbance of some system due to the pres- process is followed by emission of an electron
ence of electromagnetic fields. or photon.

electromagnetic radiation electron capture detector

A traveling wave motion resulting from A type of detector employed in gas chroma-
changing electric or magnetic fields. The tography.
length of these waves can be relatively short electron microscopy
(x-rays and gamma rays) or relatively long An analytical method which utilizes a beam of
(ultra-violet, visible, and infrared through to electrons for the analysis of materials. This
radar and radiowaves). All electromagnetic methodology is used for the identification of
radiation travels with the speed of light in a asbestos and other materials.
vacuum. Generally speaking, the shorter the electron volt
wavelength, the more penetrating the radia- A unit of energy equivalent to that gained by
tion. an electron in passing through a potential dif-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ference of 1 volt. Often expressed in large electrotherapy
units such as keV (thousand electron volts), The use of various aspects of non-ionizing
MeV (million electron volts), BeV (billion electromagnetic radiation or conduction in an
electron volts. attempt to heal, reduce pain, or create other
electronystagmogram (ENG) beneficial effects.
A graphical recording or other visual display element
of the electrooculogram during nystagmus. (1) A pure substance that cannot be broken
See also electrooculogram. down into a simpler substance by chemical
electrooculogram (EOG) change but whose atoms will disintegrate in
A graphical display or recording of eye simpler particles through physical decompo-
movements as detected by surface electrodes sition when exposed to drastic bombardment
positioned on the skin around the eye socket, with high-energy particles. (2) A basic divi-
which is due to the relative orientations be- sion of work, whether for man or machine,
tween the eyeball (corneo-retinal potential) consisting of one or more basic, describable,
and the electrodes. and quantifiable motions or processes.

electrooculography element breakdown

The study, measurement, recording, analysis, A descriptive listing of work elements, with
and/or interpretation of the electrical activity or without certain parameters for each.
associated with eye movements. element time
electrophoresis That period of time required or allowed to
The movement of charged particles suspended perform a specified work element or other
in a liquid on various media (e.g., paper, portion of a process or task.
starch, agar), under the influence of an ap- elemental motion
plied electric field. The method is used to See therblig.
analyze the plasma protein content in order to elements
diagnose certain diseases. The forces of nature. Violent or severe
electrophysiological kinesiology weather. The ultimate undecomposable parts
The use of electrophysiological techniques in which unite to form anything. Popularly: fire,
biomechanical and kinesiological research air, earth, and water.
and training. elements of crime
electrophysiology Those constituent parts of a crime which must
The study of any form of electrical activity of be proved by the prosecution to sustain a con-
the body, either associated with natural proc- viction.
esses or due to external stimulation. elephantiasis
electroretinography (ERG) Massive subcutaneous edema, with accompa-
The study, measurement, recording, analysis, nying thickening of the skin, the result of
and/or interpretation of the electrical poten- lymphatic obstruction. The disease derives its
tials from the retina. name from the symptoms, particularly swel-
electrostatic discharge ling of the legs which makes them look like
A spontaneous or enticed release of static those of an elephant. The condition is usually
electricity. caused by a slender, threadlike parasite, the
filarial worm which enters the lymphatic sys-
electrostatic precipitator (ESP) tem, causing an obstruction to drainage. The
An air pollution control device that removes disease is transmitted by mosquitoes or flies
particles from a gas stream (smoke) after which carry blood infected with filaria larva.
combustion occurs. The ESP imparts an The first visible signs are inflammation of the
electrical charge to the particles causing them lymph nodes, with temporary swelling in the
to adhere to metal plates inside the precipita- affected area, red streaks along the leg or arm,
tor. Rapping on the plates causes these parti- pain, and tenderness.
cles to fall into a hopper for disposal.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

elevated on fill (1) The removal of a chemical substance from
Rail Operations. Rail transit way above the the body by metabolism or excretion. Also,
surface level fill. Transition segments above the removal of health or physical hazard risk
surface level on fill are included. through control, substitution, or some other
elevated on structure means. (2) Defecation or urination. (3) The
Rail Operations. Rail transit way above sur- reduction in the use or importance of an im-
face level on structure. Transition segments paired process as proficiency in an alternate
above surface level on structures are included. process is developed.

elevated rail subway Elkins Act

Includes elevated and subway trains in a city. Federal Act (1903) which strengthened the
Interstate Commerce Act by prohibiting re-
elevated temperature material bates and other forms of preferential treatment
Transit. A material which, when offered for to large shippers.
transportation or transported in a bulk pack-
aging is a) in a liquid phase and at a tempera- ELP
See Environmental Leadership Program.
ture at or above 100°C (212°F); b) in a liquid
phase with a flash point at or above 37.8°C elutriation
Purification of a substance by dissolving it in
(100°F) that is intentionally heated and of- a solvent and pouring off the solution, thus
fered for transportation or transported at or separating it from the undissolved foreign
above its flash point; or c) in a solid phase material.
and at a temperature at or above 240°C elutriator
(464°F). An air-sampling device that uses gravitational
force to remove non-respirable dust from the
eleven contiguous western states
air sample. It separates particles according to
According to the Federal Land Policy and
mass and aerodynamic size by maintaining
Management Act of 1976: Arizona, Califor-
laminar flow through it, thereby permitting
nia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New
particles of greater mass to settle out rapidly
Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and
with the smaller particles depositing at greater
distances from the entry point of the elutria-
Eleventh Amendment tor.
The Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
added in 1798, which provides that the judi-
The movement of soil caused by excessive
cial power of the U.S. shall not extend to any
water in the soil.
suit in law or equity, commenced or prose-
cuted against one of the United States by citi- ELT
zens of another State, or by citizens of any See emergency locator transmitter.
foreign state. emaciation
ELF A wasted, lean appearance due to extreme
Extremely low frequency range of rf radiation weight loss.
(3 to 3,000 Hz). S e e extremely low fre- embankment
quency. A raised structure of earth, ground, etc.
ELF EM field embedded measure
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic A hidden process, operation, or test which an
field. individual completes as a subset of a regular
eligible costs job or task, and which is intended to provide
The construction costs for wastewater treat- another individual or group with information
ment works upon which EPA grants are about that person's performance.
based. embezzlement
elimination (1) The fraudulent appropriation of property
by one lawfully entrusted with its possession.

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(2) To "embezzle" means willfully to take, or vided such hurricane, tornado, or other event
convert to one's own use, another's money or results in: a) a declaration of an emergency
property, of which the wrongdoer acquired by the President of the United States, the
possession lawfully, by reason of some office Governor of a State, or their authorized repre-
or employment or position or trust. sentatives having authority to declare emer-
embolism gencies; by the Regional Director of Motor
A blockage of a blood vessel by some sub- Carriers for the region in which the occur-
stance. rence happens; or by other Federal, State or
local government officials having authority to
embolus declare emergencies, or b) a request by a po-
A mass of undissolved material, usually part lice officer for tow trucks to move wrecked or
or all of a thrombus, carried in the blood disabled vehicles. (3) Chemical. A situation
stream and frequently causing obstruction of a created by an accidental release or spill of
vessel (i.e., an embolism). hazardous chemicals which poses a threat to
embracery the safety of workers, residents, the environ-
The crime of attempting to influence a jury ment, or property. (4) Confined Spaces. Any
corruptly to one side or the other, by prom- occurrence (including any failure of hazard
ises, persuasions, entreaties, entertainment, control or monitoring equipment) or event
and the like. The person guilty of this offense internal or external to the permit space that
if called an "embraceor." This is both a state could endanger entrants. (5) Law. A sudden
and federal crime, and is commonly included unexpected happening; an unforeseen occur-
under the offense of "obstructing justice." rence or condition; perplexing contingency or
complication of circumstances; a sudden un-
embryo expected occasion for action; exigency;
(1) Anatomy. An organism in an early stage pressing necessity.
of development. (2) Meteorology. In cloud
physics, a tiny ice crystal that grows in size emergency action plan
and becomes an ice nucleus. A plan for a workplace, or parts thereof, de-
scribing what procedures the employer and
embryotoxicity employees must take to ensure employee
The toxic effect of a substance on the embryo. safety from fire or other emergencies.
embryotoxin emergency brake
A material that is harmful to the developing A mechanism designed to stop a motor vehi-
embryo. Substances that act during preg- cle after a failure of the service brake system.
nancy to cause adverse effects on the fetus.
emergency brake system
emergency A mechanism designed to stop a vehicle after
(1) General. A deviation from normal opera- a single failure occurs in the service brake
tion, a structural failure, or severe environ- system of a part designed to contain com-
mental conditions that probably would cause pressed air or brake fluid or vacuum (except
harm to people or property. (2) Department failure of a common valve, manifold brake
of Transportation. Any hurricane, tornado, fluid housing, or brake chamber housing).
storm (e.g., thunderstorm, snowstorm, ice emergency button
storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc.), high water,
A type of emergency stop consisting of a
wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami,
pushbutton installed on or near a piece of
earthquake, volcanic eruption, mud slide, equipment which is capable of quickly shut-
drought, forest fire, explosion, blackout or ting off electricity to that equipment.
other occurrence, natural or manmade which
interrupts the delivery of essential services emergency contingency vehicles
(such as, electricity, medical care, sewer, wa- Revenue vehicles placed in an inactive con-
ter, telecommunications, and telecommunica- tingency fleet for energy or other local emer-
tion transmissions) or essential supplies (such gencies after the revenue vehicles have
as, food and fuel) or otherwise immediately reached the end of their normal minimum use-
threatens human life or public welfare, pro- ful life. The vehicles must be properly stored
and maintained, and the Emergency Contin-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gency Plan must be approved by FTA. Sub- essarily without experiencing temporary dis-
stantial changes to the plan (10% change in comfort or other evidence of irritation or in-
fleet) require re-approval by FTA. toxication.
Emergency Court of Appeals emergency lighting
Court created during World War II to review A system for providing adequate illumination
orders of the Price Control Administrator. It automatically in the event of interruption of
was abolished in 1953 but reestablished in the normal lighting system. The emergency
1970 under Section 211 of the Economic Sta- lighting should provide, throughout a means
bilization Act to handle primarily wage and of egress, not less than one foot-candle of il-
price control matters. lumination for a period of one and one-half
emergency doctrine hours.
Under the doctrine variously referred to as the emergency locator transmitter (ELT)
"emergency," "imminent peril," or "sudden A radio transmitter attached to the aircraft
peril" doctrine, when one is confronted with a structure which operates from its own power
sudden peril requiring instinctive action, source on 121.5 mHz and 243.0 mHz. It aids
he/she is not, in determining a course of ac- in locating downed aircraft by radiating a
tion, held to the exercise of the same degree downward sweeping audio tone, 2-4 times per
of care as when he/she had time for reflection, second. It is designed to function without
and in the event that a driver of a motor vehi- human action after an accident.
cle suddenly meets with an emergency which emergency mover
naturally would overpower the judgement of a A skeletal muscle which may be used to assist
reasonably prudent and careful driver, so that a prime mover when a very high force level is
momentarily he/she is thereby rendered inca- required.
pable of deliberate and intelligent action, and
as a result injures a third person, he/she is not emergency opening window
negligent, provided he/she has used due care Rail. That segment of a side-facing glazing
to avoid meeting such an emergency and, af- location which has been designed to permit
ter it arises, exercises such care as a reasona- rapid and easy removal during a crisis situa-
bly prudent and capable driver would use un- tion.
der the unusual circumstances. In an emer- emergency procedure
gency situation when medical service is re- An action plan to be implemented in the event
quired for an adult who by virtue of his/her of an emergency. It typically describes, as a
physical condition is incapable of giving con- minimum, roles and responsibilities, types of
sent, or with respect to a child, whose parent emergency situations to be expected, emer-
or other guardian is absent, and thus incapable gency notification and/or communication pro-
of giving consent, the law implies the consent cedures, public relations procedures during an
required to administer emergency medical emergency, and any other contingency plans
services. This is a good defense to an action applicable to the facility and its processes.
of tort for an alleged battery.
emergency relief
emergency episode Transit. An operation in which a motor car-
See air pollution episode. rier or driver of a commercial motor vehicle is
emergency escape route providing direct assistance to supplement
The route that employees are directed to fol- state and local efforts and capabilities to save
low in the event they are required to evacuate lives or property or to protect public health
the workplace or seek a designated refuge and safety as a result of an emergency.
area. emergency respirator use
emergency exposure limit (EEL) The use of a respirator when a hazardous at-
The concentration of an air contaminant to mosphere develops suddenly and requires its
which, it is believed, an individual can be ex- immediate use for escape or for responding to
posed in an emergency without experiencing the emergency in locations, areas, or opera-
permanent adverse health effects but not nec-

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tions where the hazardous situation may exist which is capable of quickly cutting power to
or arise. that equipment in an emergency. (2) A rapid
Emergency Response Planning Guides (ERPG) cessation of the forward motion of a vehicle
Concentration ranges, developed by the to avoid undesirable consequences.
American Industrial Hygiene Association emergency switch
(AIHA) committee, above which adverse A type of emergency stop consisting of a
health effects could reasonably be expected to switch located in some readily accessible po-
occur if exposures exceed the time limit es- sition for quickly shutting down a system in
tablished for the guides. Different effects are an emergency.
identified for exposure periods of one hour in emergency temporary standard (ETS)
ERPG-1, ERPG-2, and ERPG-3. See Section 6 (c) standard.
An agent that induces or causes vomiting.
(1) Electromotive force. (2) Electromagnetic
force. (3) See electromagnetic field. (4)
electric and magnetic field.
See electromyogram and electromyography.
See electromagnetic interference.
eminent domain
Government taking or forced acquisition of
private land for public use, with compensation
paid to the landowner. The power to take pri-
vate property for public use by the state, mu-
nicipalities, and private persons or corpora-
tions authorized to exercise functions of pub-
lic character. In the United States, the power
of eminent domain is founded in both federal
(Fifth Amendment) and state constitutions.
The Constitution limits the power to taking
for a public purpose and prohibits the exercise
of the power of eminent domain without just
compensation to the owners of the property
which is taken. The process of exercising the
power of eminent domain is commonly re-
Emergency Shower (Drench Shower, Haws Corp., Berkeley, CA)
ferred to as "condemnation," or "expropria-
emergency shower tion."
A water shower designed and located for use
if an employee or other individual contacts a
Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from
material that must be removed promptly in
smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of
order to prevent an adverse health effect.
commercial or industrial facilities; from resi-
Typically, it is recommended that such show-
dential chimneys, and from motor vehicle, lo-
ers be capable of providing a continuous flow
comotive, or aircraft exhausts.
of deluge water for a period of not less than
15 minutes. emission factor
The relationship between the amount of pol-
emergency stop
lution produced and the amount of raw mate-
(1) A pushbutton, switch, or other control de-
rial processed. For example, an emission
vice installed in or on a piece of equipment

©2000 CRC Press LLC

emotional insanity
factor for a blast furnace making iron would The species of mental aberration produced by
be the number of pounds of particulates per a violent excitement of the emotions or pas-
ton of raw materials. sions, though the reasoning faculties may re-
emission inventory main unimpaired. A passion, effecting for a
A listing, by source, of the amount of air pol- space of time, complete derangement of a per-
lutants discharged into the atmosphere of a son's intellect, or an impulse, which his/her
community. It is used to establish emission mind is not able to resist, to do an act.
standards. empathy
emission standard Intellectual understanding of something in
(1) Standards for the levels of pollutants another person which is foreign to oneself.
emitted from automobiles and trucks. Con- emphasizing facts
gress established the first standards in the A jury instruction is said to emphasize facts
Clean Air Act of 1963. Currently, standards which may contain sufficient facts to author-
are set for four vehicle classes: automobiles, ize a verdict, but nevertheless some fact or
light trucks, heavy duty gasoline trucks, and facts are selected from the evidence and men-
heavy-duty diesel trucks. (2) The maximum tioned in such a way as to indicate to the jury
amount of air polluting discharge legally al- that they have especial importance when that
lowed from a single source, mobile or station- is not justified.
ary. emphysema
emissions trading Overdistention of the alveolar sacs of the
EPA policy that allows a plant complex with lungs. A condition of the lungs in which there
several facilities to decrease pollution from is dilation of the air sacs, resulting in labored
some facilities while increasing it from others, breathing and increased susceptibility to in-
so long as total results are equal to or better fection.
than previous limits. Facilities where this is empiric
done are treated as if they exist in a bubble in A practitioner in medicine or surgery, who
which total emissions are averaged out. proceeds on experience only, without science
Complexes that reduce emissions substan- or legal qualification; a quack.
tially may "bank" their "credits" or sell them
to other industries. Also referred to as bubble empirical
policy. Derived from practical experience or relying
on observations or experimental results as op-
emissivity posed to theory.
The ratio of the radiation intensity from a sur-
face to the radiation intensity of the same empirical distribution
wavelength from a black body at the same A distribution of sampled events or data.
temperature. The emissivity of a perfect empirical probability
black body is 1. When many possible outcomes can result,
emmetrope including a desired outcome, the probability
One who has normal refractive vision. of occurrence of such outcomes is referred to
as empirical and requires statistical evaluation
emmetropia to determine the likelihood of expected results
A condition of normal optical vision in which based upon past performance.
parallel light rays are brought to an accurate
focus on the retina without the need for ac- empirical workplace design
commodation. The evolutionary design of the working envi-
ronment based on a combination of human
emotion factors engineering and experience.
A feeling or state of mental excitement that is
usually accompanied by physical changes in emplead
the body. To indict; to prefer a charge against; to ac-

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To engage in one's service; to hire; to use as hours. (2) Transit. The number of hours
an agent or substitute in transacting business; worked by all employees of the railroad dur-
to commission and entrust with the perform- ing the previous calendar year.
ance of certain acts or functions or with the employee human factor
management of one's affairs; and, when used Railroad. Includes any of the accident causes
with respect to a servant or hired laborer, the signified by the rail equipment acci-
term is equivalent to hiring, which implies a dent/incident cause codes listed under "Train
request and a contract for compensation. Operation-Human Factors" in the current
employed "Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
(1) Performing work under an employer- Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Re-
employee relationship. The term signifies ports," except for Cause Code 506. See also
both the act of doing a thing and the being human factor.
under contract or orders to do it. (2) To give employee not on duty
employment to or to have employment. Railroad. A railroad employee who is on
employee railroad property for a purpose connected with
(1) General. The person taking the direction his or her employment or with other railroad
from the employer. An individual who has an permission, but who is not en_____d in rail
agreement to work for an employer and is operations for financial or other compensa-
compensated by that employer for his/her tion. Two classifications or categories are
time and/or effort. (2) Transit. a) A driver of used: a) Employee on duty (Class A): Those
a commercial motor vehicle (including an in- persons who are en_____d in the operation of
dependent contractor while in the course of a railroad. Ordinarily the fact that the em-
operating a commercial motor vehicle); b) a ployee is or is not under pay will determine
mechanic; c) a freight handler; d) any indi- whether he or she is "on duty." However,
vidual who is employed by an employer and employees on railroad property while on rest
who in the course of his or her employment or meal periods, "training time," or doing
directly affects commercial motor vehicle work which they are expected to do, but actu-
safety, but such term does not include an em- ally perform before pay starts, must be con-
ployee of the United States, any State, any sidered as "employees on duty." b) Employee
political subdivision of a State, or any agency on duty (Class B): Those employees who are
established under a compact between States on railroad property for purposes connected
and approved by the Congress of the United with their employment or with other railroad
States who is acting within the course of such permission, but who are not "on-duty" as de-
employment; e) an individual who is com- fined above.
pensated by the transit agency and whose ex- employee participation team
pense is reported in object class 501 labor. See quality circles.
(3) Law. A person in the service of another
under any contract of hire, express or implied, Employee Retirement Income Security Act
oral or written, where the employer has the (ERISA)
power or right to control and direct the em- A government regulation with the intent of
ployee in the material details of how the work guaranteeing employees' pensions if they
is to be performed. leave a company before retirement age and
that sufficient funds will exist to pay pensions
Employee Aptitude Survey (EAS) when due.
A commonly used test for determining sym-
bolic, verbal, and numeric reasoning abilities, Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
word fluency and comprehension, spatial A type of qualified profit sharing plan that
visualization, visual pursuit, speed and accu- invests in securities of the employer. Such
racy abilities, and manual speed and accuracy. plans acquire shares of the employer corpora-
tion for the benefit of employees, usually
employee hours through contributions of the employer to the
(1) General. The total number of hours plan. In a contributory ESOP, the employer
worked by all employees in a facility or com- usually contributes its shares to a trust and re-
pany. May also be referred to as exposure

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ceives a deduction for the fair market value of employment
such stock. Generally, the employee recog- The act of employing or the state of being
nizes no income until the stock is sold after its employed. That which engages or occupies;
distribution to him/her upon retirement or that which consumes time and attention; also
other separation from service. Special tax an occupation, profession, trade, post, or
benefits are provided to companies with such business.
benefits. employment agency
employer A business operated by a person, firm, or cor-
(1) General. The person who has the author- poration engaged in procuring, for a fee, em-
ity to direct and control the activities of an- ployment for others and employees for em-
other. Also, the person who supervises the ployers. The fee may be paid by either the
employee on a day to day basis is usually employer or the employee, depending upon
considered the employer. This means that the terms of the agreement.
temporary and part-time workers may be con- employment at will
sidered "employees." (2) Transit. Any person This doctrine provides that, absent the express
engaged in a business affecting interstate agreement to the contrary, either the employer
commerce who owns or leases a commercial of the employee may terminate their relation-
motor vehicle in connection with that busi- ship at any time, for any reason. Such em-
ness, or assigns employees to operate it, but ployment relationship is one which has no
such terms do not include the United States, specific duration, and such a relationship may
any State, any political subdivision of a State, be terminated at will by either the employer or
or an agency established under a compact the employee, for or without cause. See also
between States approved by the Congress of at-will employment.
the United States. (3) Law. One who em-
ploys the services of others; one for whom employment contract
employees work and who pays their wages or An agreement or contract between employer
salaries. The correlative of "employee." and employee in which the terms and condi-
tions of one's employment are provided.
employers' liability acts
Statutes, such as the Federal Employer's Li- emporiatrics
ability Act and Workers' Compensation Acts, That branch of medicine particularly con-
defining or limiting the occasions and the ex- cerned with the health problems of travelers
tent to which public and private employers about the world.
shall be liable in damages (compensation) for empower
injuries to their employees occurring in the (1) To give an individual the challenge or op-
course of their employment, and particularly portunity to show creativity, demonstrate per-
abolishing the common-law rule that the em- sonal responsibility, and provide quality
ployer is not liable if the injury is caused by work. (2) A grant of authority rather than a
fault or negligence of a fellow servant, and command of its exercise.
also the defenses of contributory negligence
and assumption of risk. emptor
Law (Latin). A buyer or purchaser. Used in
employers' liability insurance the maxim "caveat emptor," meaning let the
In this form of insurance, the risk insured buyer beware (i.e., the buyer of an article
against is the liability of the insured to make must be on guard and take the risks of his/her
compensation of pay damages for an accident, purchase). See also caveat emptor.
injury, or death occurring to a servant or other
employee in the course of his/her employ- empty car mile
ment, either at common law or under statutes Rail Operations. A mile run by a freight car
imposing such liability on employers. It is without a load. In the case of intermodal
coverage which protects the employer as to movements, the car miles generated will be
claims not covered under workers' compensa- loaded or empty depending on whether the
tion insurance. See also insurance. trailers/containers are moved with or without
a waybill, respectively.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

empty chair doctrine en route facility activity
Under this doctrine, a trial justice may charge Total Instrument Flight Rules aircraft han-
a jury that it may infer from the litigant's un- dled; (2 x departures) + Domestic and Oce-
explained failure to produce an available wit- anic overflights.
ness who would be expected to give material en route high altitude charts
testimony in the litigant's behalf that the wit- Provide aeronautical information for en route
ness, had he/she occupied the empty chair, instrument navigation (IFR) in the high alti-
would have testified adversely to the litigant. tude stratum. Information includes the por-
empty field myopia trayal of jet routes, identification and frequen-
The condition of eye accommodation for near, cies of radio aids, selected airports, distances,
as opposed to far, vision when viewing a ho- time zones, special uses airspaces, and related
mogeneous field. information.
empyema en route low altitude charts
The presence of pus in a body cavity, par- Provide aeronautical information for en route
ticularly the presence of a purulent exudate instrument navigation (IFR) in the low alti-
within the pleural cavity (pyothorax). It oc- tude stratum. Information includes the por-
curs as an occasional complication of pleurisy trayal of airways, limits of controlled air-
or some other respiratory disease. Symptoms space, position identification and frequencies
include dyspnea, coughing, chest pain on one of radio aids, selected airports, minimum en
side, malaise, and fever. route and minimum obstruction clearance al-
EMS titudes, airway distances, reporting points, re-
See electrical muscle stimulation. stricted areas, and related data. Area charts,
which are a part of this series, furnish terminal
EMU data at a larger scale in congested areas.
See extravehicular mobility unit.
en route minimum safe altitude warning
emulsifier A function of the National Airspace System
A surface-active agent that promotes the dis- (NAS) Stage A en route computer that aids
persion of one liquid in another, such as small the controller by alerting him when a tracked
fat globules in water. aircraft is below or predicted by the computer
en route to go below a predetermined minimum In-
Aviation. One of three phases of flight serv- strument Flight Rules (IFR) altitude (MIA).
ices (terminal, en route, oceanic). En route en route spacing program
service is provided outside of terminal air- A program designed to assist the exit sector in
space and is exclusive of oceanic control. achieving the required in trail spacing.
en route air traffic control service enable
Air traffic control service provided for aircraft To give power to do something; to make able.
on Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plans, In the case of a person under a disability as to
generally by Air Route Traffic Control Center dealing with another, "enable" has the primary
(ARTCC), when these aircraft are operating meaning of removing that disability; not of
between departure and destination terminal giving a compulsory power that can be used
areas. When equipment capabilities and con- against another person.
troller workload permit, certain advisory or
assistance services may be provided to Visual Enabling Act
Flight Rules (VFR) aircraft. A term referring to the foundation statute cre-
ating an agency and giving it jurisdiction and
en route center authority, usually also establishing some stan-
An Air Route Traffic Control Center. dards and procedures for it to follow. See
en route descent also enabling statute.
Descent from the en route cruising altitude enabling clause
which takes place along the route of flight. That portion of a statute or constitution which
gives to governmental offices the power and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

authority to put it into effect and to enforce encephalopathy
such. Any degenerative disease of the brain.
enabling statute enclosed
Term applied to any statute enabling persons Surrounded by a case, housing, fence, or walls
or corporations, or agencies to do what before which will prevent persons from accidentally
they could not. It is applied to statutes which contacting energized parts.
confer new powers. See also Enabling Act enclosed structure
and enabling clause. A structure with a roof or ceiling and at least
enact two walls which may present fire hazards to
To establish by law; to perform or effect; to employees, such as accumulations of smoke,
decree. The common introductory formula in toxic gases and heat, similar to those found in
making statutory laws is "Be it enacted." buildings.
enacting clause enclosing hood
A clause at the beginning of a statute which A hood that encloses the source of contami-
states the authority by which it is made. That nation.
part of a statute which declares its enactment enclosure
and serves to identify it as an act of legislation (1) General. The case or housing of an appa-
proceeding from the proper legislative ratus, or the fence or walls surrounding an in-
authority. stallation, to prevent personnel from acciden-
enactment tally contacting energized parts, or to protect
The method or process by which a bill in the the equipment from physical damage. (2) As-
legislature becomes a law. bestos. A tight structure around an area of as-
enamel bestos-containing material to prevent the re-
The calcified tissue of ectodermal origin cov- lease of fibers into the surrounding area.
ering the crown of a tooth. encoder
encapsulant Any device for coding one or more values for
A material that can be applied to a solid or use by another device or computer.
semisolid material to prevent the release of a encourage
component(s), such as fibers from an ACM. Law. In criminal law, to instigate; to incite to
encapsulation action; to give courage to; to inspirit; to em-
Th e process of coatin g an asbesto s- bolden; to raise confidence; to make confi-
co ntainin g material, manmade mineral fib er, dent; to help; to forward; to advise.
lead -containin g or other material from which encroach
release of a con tamin an t is to be contro lled To enter by gradual steps or stealth into the
by the en capsu lating material. An examp le possessions or rights of another; to trespass or
is the coating of asbestos-containing material intrude. To gain or intrude unlawfully upon
with a bonding or sealing agent to prevent the the lands, property, or authority of another.
release of fibers. encroachment
encephalitis An illegal intrusion in a highway or navigable
Inflammation of the brain and the coverings river, with or without obstruction. An en-
(the meninges) producing persistent drowsi- croachment upon a street or highway is a fix-
ness, delirium, and rarely, coma. There are ture, such as a wall or fence, which illegally
several different forms, a few of which are intrudes into or invades the highway or en-
occasionally epidemic in limited areas of the closes a portion of it, diminishing its width or
United States. The epidemic forms are caused area, but without closing it to public travel.
by a virus transmitted to man by the bite of encumbrance
mosquitoes and ticks. The condition can also Any right to, or interest in, land which may
occur as a rare complication of some other vi- subsist in another to diminution of its value,
rus disease, and it is occasionally produced by but consistent with the passing of the fee by
contact with a toxic substance, such as lead.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

conveyance. A claim, lien, charge, or liability use sectors (residential, commercial, industrial,
attached to and binding real property (e.g., a and transportation) plus electric utility sales to
mortgage, judgement lien; mechanics' lien; those sectors and generation of hydroelectric
lease; security interest; easement or right of power by non-electric utilities. Net end-use
way; accrued and unpaid taxes). If the liabil- energy consumption excludes electrical system
ity relates to a particular asset, the asset is en- energy losses. Total end-use energy consump-
cumbered. While encumbrances usually re- tion includes electrical system energy losses.
late to real property, a purchaser of personal end-use sectors
property is provided with a warranty of title The residential, commercial, industrial, and
against unknown encumbrances. transportation sectors of the economy.
end effector endangered assessment
A remote mechanical latching device for A study conducted to determine the nature
gripping, holding, and/or performing work. and extent of contamination at a site on the
end facing glazing location National Priorities List and the risk posed to
Railroads. With regard to safety glazing on public health or the environment. EPA or the
rail car windows: Any location where a line state conduct the study when a legal action is
perpendicular to the plane of the glazing ma- to be taken to direct potentially responsible
terial makes a horizontal angle of 50 degrees parties to clean up a site or pay for the
or less with the centerline of the locomotive, cleanup. An endangered assessment supple-
caboose, or passenger car. Any location ments a remedial investigation.
which, due to curvature of the glazing mate- endangered species
rial, can meet the criteria for either a front Under the Federal Endangered Species Act of
facing location or a side facing location shall 1973: Any species which is in danger of ex-
be considered a front facing location. tinction throughout all or a significant portion
end item of its range other than a species of the Class
The final manufactured product, typically Insecta determined by the Secretary of the
built to certain requirements or specifications. Interior or the Secretary of Commerce to con-
stitute a pest whose protection under the pro-
end plate visions of the Federal Endangered Species
(1) A specialized region of muscle cell mem- Act of 1973 would present an overwhelming
brane in which an axon terminates with exten- and overriding risk to man.
sive branching. Also referred to as motor end
plate. (2) A layer of cartilage at the top and endarteritis
bottom of each intervertebral disk. Inflammation of the innermost coat of an ar-
end-plate potential (EPP)
A prolonged potential change from the resting endeavor
potential across the membrane of a muscle To exert physical and intellectual strength
cell which may or may not result in a muscle toward the attainment of an object. A sys-
tematic or continuous effort.
action potential.
end-use energy consumption
Refers to diseases or infectious agents in the
DOE. (1) Primary end-use energy consump-
human population within a given geographic
tion is the sum of fossil fuel consumption by
area that are constantly present or usually
the four end-use sectors (residential, commer-
cial, industrial, and transportation) and genera-
tion of hydroelectric power by non-electric ending milepost
utilities. Net end-use energy consumption in- Transit. The continuous milepost notation, to
cludes electric utility sales to those sectors but the nearest 0.01 mile that marks the end of
excludes electrical system energy losses. Total any road or trail segment.
end-use energy consumption includes both endocanthic breadth
electric utility sales to the four end-use sectors The horizontal linear distance between the
and electrical system energy losses. (2) The right and left endocanthi. Also referred to as
sum of fossil fuel consumption by the four end- interocular breadth.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

endocanthus endomorph
The junction of the most medial parts of the A Sheldon somatotype characterized gener-
upper and lower eyelids, with the eyelids open ally by a soft, rounded body, with greater
normally. May be referred to as internal amounts of fatty tissue, little muscle, and an
canthus or medial canthus. abdominal protrusion.
endocarditis endorsement
An inflammation of the inner lining mem- (1) Insurance. An amendment to an insurance
brane of the heart, usually involving the heart policy. (2) Transit. An authorization to an
valves. Bacterial endocarditis is an acute or individual's commercial driver's license
subacute, febrile, systemic disease character- (CDL) required to permit the individual to
ized by bacterial infection of the heart valves operate certain types of commercial motor
or irregular areas on the endocardium, with vehicles.
the formation of bacteria-laden vegetation on endoscope
these areas. An instrument used for direct visual inspec-
endocardium tion of hollow organs or body cavities.
The membrane lining the chambers of the endoskeleton
heart and covering the cusps of the various The framework of hard structures, embedded
valves. in and supporting the soft tissues of the body
endocrine of higher animals, derived principally from
(1) Secreting internally. (2) Pertaining to in- the mesoderm.
ternal secretion. endospore
endocrine gland A thick-walled structure formed within the
Gland that regulates body activity by special cells of certain bacteria that allows the organ-
secretions, the hormones, which are delivered ism to withstand adverse environmental con-
directly into the blood. Each of the glands ditions, such as drying.
within the endocrine system has one or more endothermic
specific functions, but they are all dependent Refers to a reaction in which the products
upon other glands in the system for mainte- contain more energy than the reacting materi-
nance of a normal hormonal balance in the als, causing the absorption of energy as heat.
endocrinology Within the thorax; situated internal to the ribs.
The study of the glands of internal secretions.
endogenous A heat-stable toxin that is present in the bacte-
Originating within an organ or part. rial cell but not in cell-free filtrates of cultures
endolymph of intact bacteria.
The fluid within the semicircular ducts, the endpoint
utricle, saccule, and cochlear duct of the inner See breakpoint.
endometriosis A measure of the ability to maintain some
A condition in which tissue, more or less per- specific level of effort, usually represented in
fectly resembling the uterine mucous mem- units of time. May be referred to as capacity.
brane, occurs aberrantly in various locations
in the pelvic cavity. The condition may be enema
characterized by pelvic pain, abnormal uterine (1) The introduction of fluid into the rectum.
or rectal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, and symp- (2) A solution introduced into the rectum to
toms of pressure within the pelvic cavity. promote evacuation of feces or as a means of
Sterility and dyspareunia also may be present. administering nutrient or medicinal sub-
stances, anesthetics, or opaque material in
endometrium roentgen examination of the lower intestinal
The mucous membrane lining the uterus. tract.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

energy energy expenditure
(1) General. The capacity for doing work or See metabolic rate.
the amount of work done. The product of energy facilities
power (watts) and time duration (seconds) Under the Federal Coastal Zone Management
where one watt-second equals one joule. Act of 1972: Any equipment or facility which
Forms of energy include chemical, nuclear, is or will be used primarily in the exploration
kinetic, and others. (2) DOE. The capacity for, or the development, production, conver-
for doing work as measured by the capability sion, storage, transfer, processing, or trans-
of doing work (potential energy) or the con- portation of any energy resource; or for the
version of this capability to motion (kinetic manufacture, production, or assembly of
energy). Energy has several forms, some of equipment, machinery, products, or devices
which are easily convertible and can be which are involved in any such activity. The
changed to another form useful for work. term includes, but is not limited to electric
Most of the world's convertible energy comes generating plants; petroleum refineries and
from fossil fuels that are burned to produce associated facilities; gasification plants; fa-
heat that is then used as a transfer medium to cilities used for the transportation, conversion,
mechanical or other means to accomplish treatment, transfer, or storage of liquefied
tasks. Electrical energy is usually measured natural gas; uranium enrichment or nuclear
in kilowatt hours, while heat energy is usually fuel processing facilities; oil and gas facilities,
measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). including platforms, assembly plants, storage
energy average level depots, tank farms, crew and supply bases,
A quantity calculated by taking ten times the and refining complexes; facilities including
common logarithm of the arithmetic average deepwater ports, for the transfer of petroleum;
of the antilogs of one-tenth of each of the lev- pipelines and transmission facilities; and ter-
els being averaged. The levels may be of any minals which are associated with any of the
consistent type, such as maximum sound lev- foregoing.
els, sound exposure levels, and day-night energy flow
sound levels. Under ISO 14000, input flow to or output
energy capacity flow from a unit process or product system
Measured in kilowatt hours. The energy de- measured in units of energy.
livered by the battery, when tested at C/3 dis- Energy Information Administration (EIA)
charge rate, up to termination of discharge An independent agency within the U.S. De-
specified by the battery manufacturer. The partment of Energy that develops surveys,
required acceleration power must be delivered collects energy data, and analyzes and models
by the battery at any point up to 80% of the energy issues. The Agency must meet the re-
battery's energy capacity rating. quests of Congress, other elements within the
energy consumption Department of Energy, Federal Energy Reg-
The use of energy as a source of heat or ulatory Commission, the Executive Branch,
power or as an input in the manufacturing its own independent needs, and assist the gen-
process. eral public, or other interest groups, without
energy efficiency taking a policy position.
In reference to transportation, the inverse of energy intensity
energy intensiveness. The ratio of outputs In reference to transportation, the ratio of en-
from a process to the energy inputs, for exam- ergy inputs to a process to the useful outputs
ple, miles traveled per gallon of fuel (mpg). form that process; for example, gallons of fuel
energy efficient motors per passenger-mile or BTU per ton mile.
Are also known as "high-efficiency motors" energy management
and "premium motors." They are virtually The allocation or use of energy.
interchangeable with standard motors, but dif-
ferences in construction make them more en-
ergy efficient.

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Energy Research and Development Admini- enforcement powers
stration (ERDA) The 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and
The part of the now defunct Atomic Energy 26th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution;
Commission (AEC) that became the reactor each contains clauses granting to Congress the
development section and was subsequently power to enforce by appropriate legislation
incorporated into the Department of Energy. the provisions of such Amendments.
energy source ENG
A substance, such as petroleum, natural gas, See electronystagmogram.
or coal, that supplies heat or power. In Energy engage
Information Administration reports, electricity To employ or involve oneself; to take part in;
and renewable forms of energy, such as bio- to embark on.
mass, geothermal, wind, and solar, are con-
sidered to be energy sources. engaged in commerce
To be "engaged in commerce" for purposes of
energy summation of levels Fair Labor Standards Act and Federal Em-
A quantity calculated by taking ten times the ployers' Liability Act, an employee must be
common logarithm of the sum of the antilogs actually engaged in the movement of com-
of one-tenth of each of the levels being merce or the services he/she performs must
summed. The levels may be of any consistent be so closely related thereto as to be for all
type, such as day-night sound level or practical purposes an essential part thereof,
equivalent sound level. rather than an isolated local activity.
energy trace and barrier analysis (ETBA) engaged in employment
A system safety analytical technique used to To be rendering service for an employer under
evaluate the flow of energy through a system the terms of employment, and is more than
and analyze the effectiveness of existing bar- being merely hired to commence work.
riers within the system which are intended to
prevent unwanted transfers of that energy engine
flow. A locomotive propelled by any form of en-
ergy and used by a railroad.
The use of volumes surrounding body seg- engine classification
ments or links in human computer modeling A 2-digit numeric code identifying vehicle
to stimulate the presence of body tissues. engines by the number of cylinders.
enforcement engine displacement
(1) Law. The act of putting something such as The volume in inches, through which the head
a law into effect; the execution of a law; the of the piston moves, multiplied by the number
carrying out of a mandate or command. (2) of cylinders in the engine. Also known as cu-
Environmental. EPA, state, or local actions to bic inch displacement (CID), may also be
obtain compliance with environmental laws, measured in liters. See also cylinder and en-
rules, regulations, or agreements and/or obtain gine size.
penalties or criminal sanctions for violations. engine retarder
Enforcement procedures may vary, depending Electronic equipment which governs engine
on the specific requirements of different envi- speed control.
ronmental laws and related implementing
regulatory requirements. engine size
The total volume within all cylinders of an
enforcement decision document (EDD) engine, when pistons are at their lowest posi-
A document that provides an explanation to tions. The engine is usually measured in "li-
the public of EPA's selection of the cleanup ters" or "cubic inches of displacement (CID)."
alternatives at enforcement sites on the Na- Generally, larger engines result in greater en-
tional Priorities List. Similar to a record of gine power, but less fuel efficiency. There are
decision. 61.024 cubic inches in a liter. See also cylin-
der and engine displacement.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

engineer units are essentially "non-metric" in nature
(1) An individual qualified by education, (e.g., feet, inches, yards, miles, gallons, etc.).
training, and/or experience to practice in one See also basic units and English Units.
or more fields of engineering. (2) A person English Units
responsible for operating and maintaining the The term "English" refers to the United States
power system on a vessel. legislative interpretation of the units as de-
engineered barriers fined in a document prepared by the National
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
of 1982: Manmade components of the dis- U.S. Department of Commerce, Special Pub-
posal system designed to prevent the release lication 330. Commonly used English units in
of radionuclides into the geologic medium in- Highway Performance Monitoring System
volved. The term includes the high-level ra- (HPMS) are miles, feet, and inches. See also
dioactive waste form, high-level radioactive English System and base units.
waste canisters, and other materials placed engram
over and around such canisters. A postulated neural pathway representing the
engineered performance standard trace of a memory in the brain.
See standard time. engulfment
engineering As pertains to confined spaces, the surround-
A discipline in which knowledge of the ing and effective capture of a person by a liq-
mathematical and natural sciences, gained by uid or finely divided solid substance that can
some combination of education, training, and be aspirated to cause death by filling or plug-
practical experience, is integrated with vari- ging the respiratory system or that can exert
ous natural materials and forces to shape the enough force on the body to cause death by
environment. strangulation, constriction, or crushing.
engineering anthropometry enhancement coding
The application of anthropometric data for Any technique for increasing the chances that
designing products to be used by humans. a particular item will stand out against a
See also human factors engineering. background. Examples include color coding,
engineering controls blinking, and bolding.
Measures taken to prevent or minimize hazard enjoin
exposure through the application of controls To require; command; positively direct. To
such as improved ventilation, noise reduction require a person, by writ of injunction, to per-
techniques, chemical substitution, equipment form, or to abstain or desist from, some act.
and facility modifications, etc. enplaned passenger
engineering model The total number of revenue passengers
A full-size structural model which is func- boarding aircraft.
tionally identical to and dimensionally corre- enplaned revenue tons of freight and mail
sponds with the intended or actual final pro- The number of revenue tons of freight and
duction item. mail loaded on an aircraft including originat-
engineering psychology ing and transfer tons.
See human factors engineering. enplanement
engineering tolerance Domestic, territorial, and international reve-
The maximum degree of variation permitted nue passengers who board an aircraft in the
or allowed on a given specification, drawing, states in scheduled and non-scheduled service
or part. Also referred to as tolerance, toler- of aircraft in intrastate, interstate, and foreign
ance specification, and tolerance limits. commerce and includes intransit passengers
English System (passengers on board international flights that
A nearly obsolete system of measurement, transit an airport in the US for non-traffic
used only in the United States, whose primary purposes).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

enrichment tine. (3) An exotoxin that is protein in nature
The addition of nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, and relatively heat-stable, produced by
phosphorus, carbon compounds) from sewage staphylococci and causing food poisoning.
effluent or agricultural runoff to surface wa- enterprise
ter. This process greatly increases the growth A business venture or undertaking.
potential for algae and aquatic plants.
enterprise liability
enrolled bill Imposition of liability upon each member in
The final copy of a bill or joint resolution industry who manufactures or produces a
which has passed both houses of a legislature product which causes injury or harm to a con-
and is ready for signature. In legislative prac- sumer and apportions liability of each mem-
tice, a bill which has been duly introduced, fi- ber of industry by reference to that member's
nally passed by both houses, signed by the share of the market for the product.
proper officers of each, approved by the gov-
ernor (or president) and filed by the secretary enthalpy
of state. Heat function at constant pressure. Enthalpy
is sometimes also called the heat content of
enter the system.
A user operation which signifies the end of a
sequence of keystrokes or other operations entire loss of sight
and directs the computer to take action based In legal terms, with respect to one eye or both,
on the content of that sequence. means substantial blindness, not necessarily
Pertaining to the intestines. entitlement
See apportionment.
entering judgements
The formal entry of the judgement on the rolls entity
or records (e.g., civil docket) of the court, (1) One of the more basic graphical elements,
which is necessary before bringing an appeal such as a line, arc, or circle. (2) An individ-
or an action on the judgement. The entering ual, organism, or other object having exis-
of judgement is a ministerial act performed by tence.
the clerk of court by means of which perma- entraining agent
nent evidence of a judicial act in rendering Any event, signal, or cue which is a driver for
judgement is made a record of the court. maintaining periodicity in biological rhythms.
enteritis Also referred to as Zeitgeber and synchro-
An inflammation of some portion of the in- nizer.
testines. A general condition that can be pro- entrainment
duced by a variety of causes. Bacteria and The mixing of environmental air into a pre-
certain viruses may irritate the intestinal tract existing air current or cloud so that the envi-
and produce symptoms of abdominal pain, ronmental air becomes part of the current or
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Similar ef- cloud.
fects may result from poisonous foods such as
mushrooms and berries, or from a harmful entrant
chemical present in food or drink. Enteritis A person who has been authorized by their
may also be the consequence of overeating, employer to enter a permit-required confined
alcoholic excesses, or emotional tension. space.

enterocolitis entrapment
Inflammation of the small intestine and colon. (1) Law. The act of officers or agents of the
government in inducing a person to commit a
enteromegaly crime not contemplated by him/her, for the
Enlargement of the intestines. purpose of instituting a criminal prosecution
enterotoxin against him/her. (2) Vehicle Safety. Refers
(1) A toxin specific for the cells of the intes- to persons being partially or completely in the
tinal mucosa. (2) A toxin arising in the intes- vehicle and mechanically restrained by a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

damaged vehicle component. Jammed doors entry point
and immobilizing injuries, by themselves, do The point at which an aircraft transitions from
not constitute entrapment. Occupants pinned an offshore control area to oceanic airspace.
by cargo shift are not considered to be en- entry supervisor
trapped. Occupants who are completely or As pertains to confined spaces, the person
partially ejected and subsequently become (such as the employer, foreman, or crew
pinned by their own vehicle and any surface chief) responsible for determining if accept-
other than their own vehicle are not consid- able entry conditions are present at a permit
ered entrapped. An occupant whose seat belt space where entry is planned, for authorizing
buckle release mechanism is jammed as a re- entry and overseeing entry operations, and for
sult of a crash is not considered entrapped. terminating entry. An entry supervisor may
entrepreneur also serve as an attendant or as an authorized
One who, on his/her own, initiates and as- entrant, as long as that person is trained and
sumes the financial risks of a new enterprise equipped as required by OSHA for each role
and who undertakes its management. he or she fills. Also, the duties of entry su-
entropy pervisor may be passed from one individual to
A measure of the degree of disorder in a sys- another during the course of any operation.
tem, wherein every change that occurs and re- enumerated
sults in an increase of disorder is said to be a This term is often used in law as equivalent to
positive change in entropy. All spontaneous "mentioned specifically," "designated," or
processes are accompanied by an increase in "expressly named or granted," as in speaking
entropy. The internal energy of a substance of "enumerated" governmental powers, items
that is attributed to the internal motion of the of property, or articles in a tariff schedule.
molecules. enumerated powers
entrust The powers specifically delegated by the
To give something over to another after a re- Constitution to some branch or authority of
lation of confidence has been established. the national government, and which are not
entry denied to that government or reserved to the
(1) Law. The act of making or entering a re- States or to the people. The powers specifi-
cord; a setting down in writing of particulars; cally given to Congress are enumerated in
or that which is entered; an item. (2) Con- Article I of the U.S. Constitution.
fined Spaces. The act of passing through an envelope
opening into a confined space and the ensuing A specified volume as determined by some
work in the space. An entry occurs when any methodology or required function.
part of the body breaks the plane of an open- environment
ing of what is classified as a confined space. The sum of all external conditions affecting
An alternate definition is any action resulting the life, development, and survival of an or-
in any part of the face of the employee ganism. Includes water, air, land, and all
breaking the plane of any opening of a con- plants and man and other animals living
fined space as well as any ensuring work in- therein, and the interrelationships which exist
side the space. among these.
entry loss environmental anthropometry
Loss in pressure caused by air flowing into a The measurement or study of changes in an
duct or hood opening. individual's anthropometry due to his/her
entry permit physical environment.
The written authorization of the employer for environmental aspect
entry into a confined space under defined Under ISO 14000, the element of an organi-
conditions for a stated purpose during a speci- zation's activities, products, or services that
fied time. can interact with the environment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

environmental assessment Environmental Guidelines for Sentencing Or-
A written environmental analysis which is ganizations (Draft)
prepared pursuant to the National Environ- A proposed Chapter 9 of the Federal Sen-
mental Policy Act to determine whether a tencing Guidelines (FSGs) for the sentencing
federal action would significantly affect the of organizations for environmental crimes de-
environment and thus require preparation of a veloped by the Advisory Working Group on
more detailed environmental impact state- Environmental Sanctions (March 3, 1993).
ment. Also referred to as environmental im- Not yet adopted by the Federal Sentencing
pact assessment (EIA). Commission.
environmental audit environmental health
(1) An independent assessment of the current (1) The body of knowledge concerned with
status of a party's compliance with applicable the prevention of disease through the control
environmental requirements. (2) An inde- of biological, chemical, or physical agents in
pendent evaluation of a party's environmental air, water, and food. Also concerned with the
compliance policies, practices, and controls. control of environmental factors that may
(3) Auditing an organization’s policies and have an impact on the well-being of people.
procedures to bring industrial operations and (2) The activities necessary to ensure that the
practices into compliance with environmental health of employees, customers, and the pub-
laws and regulations, its permits, and any lic is adequately protected from any health
agreements with government agencies before hazards associated with a company's opera-
they trigger enforcement action. tions.
environmental audit privilege statutes environmental impact
State legislation enacted by many states which Under ISO 14000, any change to the envi-
insulates companies from abuse of their self- ronment, whether adverse or beneficial,
policing efforts. Although the statutes of the wholly or partially resulting from an organi-
individual states do vary, generally the ele- zation's activities, products, or services.
ments include a) documentation using Envi- environmental impact assessment (EIA)
ronmental Audit Report, b) immunity or re- A report prepared by an applicant for a dis-
duction in penalties for voluntary disclosure, charge permit which identifies and analyzes
c) waiver of privilege, d) loss of privilege in the impact of a new source of emission to the
certain cases, and e) a burden of proof in environment and discusses possible alterna-
proving the privilege and due diligence to- tives.
ward compliance. See also State Audit Im-
munity Statutes. environmental impact statement (EIS)
A document required of federal agencies by
environmental control the National Environmental Policy Act for
The regulation or alteration of the environ- major projects or legislative proposals signifi-
ment to maintain certain conditions. cantly affecting the environment. A tool for
environmental due diligence decision making, it describes the positive and
The process used to investigate a commercial or negative effects of the undertaking and lists
industrial property (usually prior to completion alternative actions.
of a real estate transaction) for contamination by environmental impairment liability
hazardous wastes or hazardous substances. A type of insurance coverage carried by haz-
environmental factors ardous waste generators and others involved
Conditions other than indoor air contaminants in hazardous waste handling and disposal.
that cause stress, comfort and/or health The coverage typically provides funds for
problems (e.g., humidity extremes, drafts, lack remediating environmental impairment or
of air circulation, noise, and overcrowding). paying for damages resulting from the im-
environmental fate pairment. Not all such insurance polices in-
Term used to describe the transport and clude the same types of coverage; however,
transformation processes which occur to a some have specific exclusion for certain types
chemical in the environment. of occurrences or releases.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

environmental inputs ronmental aspects, based on its environmental
The economic, social, psychological, manage- policy, objectives, and targets.
rial, mechanical, and climatic variables which environmental policy
cause an individual to respond, either physio- Under ISO 14000, a statement by an organi-
logically or behaviorally. zation of its intentions and principles in rela-
environmental labeling or declaration tion to its overall environmental performance
A tool of environmental management which is which provides a framework for action and
a claim indicating the environmental aspects for setting of its environmental objectives and
of a product or service that may take the form targets.
of statements, symbols, or graphics on prod- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
uct or package labels, product literature, tech- Established in 1970 by Presidential Executive
nical bulletins, advertising, publicity, etc. An Order (President Nixon), the EPA is the pri-
element of ISO 14000. mary federal agency charged with ensuring
environmental lapse rate the protection and preservation of environ-
The distribution of the temperature vertically. mental resources in the United States. It is re-
It is most often measured with a radiosonde. sponsible for pollution control and abatement,
Also called the lapse rate. including programs for air, water, pollution,
environmental leadership program (ELP) solid and toxic waste, pesticide, control, noise
An EPA positive incentives program which abatement, and other pollution sources and
earns a company a degree of trust by that concerns.
agency and public recognition once the com- Environmental Protection Agency Certifica-
pany has met the very highest standards of tion Files
compliance. Applicant companies must be Computer files produced by Environmental
held to a high standard of performance at the Protection Agency (EPA) for analysis pur-
time of entry into the program and must have poses. For each vehicle make, model and
addressed any outstanding problems with ei- year, the files contain the EPA test Miles Per
ther state or federal officials. The company’s Gallon (MPG) (city, highway, and 55/45
own internal self-evaluation system would composite). These MPGs are associated with
serve as evidence of its continuous compli- various combinations of engine and drive-
ance. See also carrot and stick approach and train technologies (e.g., number of cylinders,
positive incentives. engine size, gasoline or diesel fuel, and auto-
environmental monitoring matic or manual transmission). These files
The systematic collection, analysis, and also contain information similar to that in the
evaluation of environmental samples, such as Department of Energy (DOE)/EPA Gas Mile-
from air, to determine the contaminant levels age Guide, although the MPGs in that publi-
to which workers are exposed. cation are adjusted for shortfall.

environmental noise Environmental Protection Agency Composite

Under the Federal Noise Control Act of 1972, Mile Per Gallon (MPG)
the intensity, duration, and the character of The harmonic mean of the Environmental
sounds from all sources. Protection Agency (EPA) city and highway
MPG, weighted under the assumption of 55
environmental objective percent city driving and 45 percent highway
Under ISO 14000, the overall environmental driving.
goal, arising from the environmental policy,
that an organization sets itself to achieve, and environmental response team
which is quantified where practicable. EPA experts located in Edison, New Jersey
and Cincinnati, Ohio who can provide
environmental performance around-the-clock technical assistance to EPA
Under ISO 14000, the measurable results of regional offices and states during all types of
the environmental management system, re- emergencies involving hazardous waste sites
lated to an organization's control of its envi- and spills of hazardous substances.

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environmental restoration EPA
Restitution for the loss, damage, or destruc- See Environmental Protection Agency.
tion of natural resources arising out of the ac- EPCRA
cidental discharge, dispersal, release, or es- Emergency Planning and Community Right-
cape into or upon the land, atmosphere, wa- to-Know Act of 1986 (Federal). It is Title III
tercourse, or body of water of any commodity of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthor-
transported by a motor carrier. This shall in- ization Act (SARA) of 1986.
clude the cost of removal and the cost of nec-
essary measures taken to minimize or mitigate ephedrine
damage to human health, the natural envi- An alkaloid obtained from the shrub Ephedra
ronment, fish, shellfish, and wildlife. equisetina or produced synthetically; used, in
the form of ephedrine hydrochloride or ephed-
environmental risk rine sulfate, as a sympathomimetic, as a pres-
The probability of a human health effect re- sor substance, to relieve bronchial spasm and
sulting from some environmental state or cir- as a central nervous system stimulant. It may
cumstance. be administered orally, topically, intramuscu-
environmental sampling larly, or intravenously.
The taking of samples from the environment epicardia
for analysis. Also called sampling. See also The lower portion of the esophagus, extend-
environmental monitoring. ing from the esophageal hiatus to the cardia,
environmental stressor the upper orifice of the stomach.
Any condition in the environment which pro- epicardium
duces stress in an organism, whether clima- The layer of the pericardium that is in contact
tological, biological, chemical, mechanical, or with the heart.
particulate. Also referred to as ecological
stress vector. epicenter
The point on the earth's surface directly above
environmental target the (subterranean) point of origin (the
Under ISO 14000, the detailed performance hypocenter) of an earthquake. Only two
requirement, quantified where practicable, measurements, latitude and longitude, are
applicable to the organization or parts thereof, need to locate it.
that arises from the environmental objectives
and that needs to be set and met to achieve epicondyle
those objectives. A bony protrusion at the distal end of bones
such as the humerus, radius, and femur.
environmentally sensitive area
An area of environmental importance which is epicondylitis
in or adjacent to navigable waters. A cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) charac-
terized by inflammation or infection in the
enzyme general area of the elbow, such as tennis el-
An organic compound, frequently a protein, bow.
that accelerates (catalyzes) specific transfor-
mations of material, as in the digestion of epidemic
foods. The occurrence of cases that are of similar
nature in human populations in a particular
EOG geographic area and that are clearly in excess
See electrooculogram. of the usual incidence.
E. P. Tox epidemiologist
EP Toxicity or Extraction Procedure Toxicity; A person who applies epidemiological princi-
an analytical laboratory characterization using ples and methods to the prevention and con-
extraction procedures for determining primar- trol of diseases.
ily toxic metal concentrations and/or leaching
potential. Recently updated as a series of epidemiology
combined tests now called TCLP or toxicity The study of the distribution and determinants
characterization leaching procedure. of disease causation in human populations.

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Examines the frequency of occurrence and epiphysis
distribution of a disease throughout a popula- The region at the end of a long bone having
tion, often with the purpose of determining an expanded cross-section.
the cause. To the industrial hygienist, it is the episode
determination of statistically significant rela- (1) Epilepsy. With regard to grand mal epi-
tionships of specific diseases of specific or- lepsy, a seizure event. (2) Air Pollution. An
gans of the human body in selected organs of incident within a given region as a result of a
the human body in selected occupational significant concentration of an air pollutant
groups (cohorts) in comparison with selected with meteorological conditions such that the
controls. concentration may persist and possibly in-
epidermis crease with the likelihood that there will be a
The outer, non-vascular, non-sensitive layer significant increase in illnesses and possibly
of the skin that covers the true skin. deaths, particularly among those who have a
epiglottis preexisting condition that may be aggravated
A large piece of cartilage at the top of the lar- by the pollutant.
ynx which closes the tracheal entrance when epistaxis
swallowing to prevent food from entering. Hemorrhage from the nose; a nosebleed.
epilation epithelial
The removal of hair by the roots. Loss of Pertaining to or comprised of epithelium.
body hair. epithelioma
epilepsy Tumor derived from epithelium.
A disruption of the normal rhythm of the epithelium
brain. An occasional, periodic, excessive and Refers to cells that line all canals and surfaces
disorderly discharge of nerve cells in the that have contact with external air, and also
brain. The discharge is chemical-electrical in cells that are specialized for secretion in cer-
nature. While the discharge itself is hidden, it tain organs such as the liver and kidneys.
manifests itself in various forms of visible ac-
tivity called seizures. The type of seizures eponychium
will vary according to the location of the dis- The thin layer of tissue which overlaps the
charge in the brain, and the spread of the lunula at the base of a fingernail or toenail.
charges from cell to cell. In many cases, sei- EPP
zures are so mild (a brief twitch, a momentary See end-plate potential.
attention loss) that they are not recognized.
Even when they are, they have a minimal ef- EPRI
fect. A major convulsion which the public Electric Power Research Institute.
tends to associate immediately with epilepsy EP toxic waste
is only one of a number of seizure types. A waste with certain toxic substances present
epinephrine at levels greater than limits specified by
A catecholamine which may act as a neuro- regulation.
transmitter or hormone, depending on the lo- Equal Access to Justice Act
cation and source. More commonly referred This 1980 Act entitles certain prevailing par-
to as adrenaline. ties to recover attorney and expert witness
epiphyseal separation fees, and other expenses, in actions involving
Not a bone fracture in true sense, but a sepa- the United States, unless the government ac-
ration of the fibers and cartilaginous tissues tion was substantially justified.
which attach the epiphysis to the femur. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
epiphyseitis A series of government regulations intended
Inflammation of an epiphysis (a process of to prevent discrimination in hiring, firing, and
bone attached for a time to another bone by promotion of minorities and women.

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission equalizing reservoir
(EEOC) Rail. An air reservoir connected with and
The EEOC was created by Title VII of the adding volume to the top portion of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 241; 42 equalizing piston chamber of the automatic
U.S.C.A. § 2000a), and became operational brake valve, to provide uniform service re-
July 2, 1965. The purposes of the Commis- ductions in brake pipe pressure regardless of
sion are to end discrimination based on race, the length of the train.
color, religion, age, sex, or national origin in equilibrium
hiring, promotion, firing, wages, testing, (1) Physiology. A state in which the body
training, apprenticeship, and all other condi- maintains desired posture or retains control in
tions of employment; and to promote volun- body movement through continuous sensory
tary action programs by employers, unions, monitoring and the balancing of muscle ten-
and community organizations to put equal sions. See also static equilibrium and d y-
employment opportunity into actual opera- namic equilibrium. (2) Radiation. The state
tion. at which the radioactivity of consecutive ele-
equal-energy white point ments within a radioactive series is neither in-
See achromatic point. creasing nor decreasing.
equal-interval scale equilibrium vapor pressure
A measurement scale which meets the criteria The necessary vapor pressure around liquid
for an ordinal scale and which items can be water that allows the water to remain in equi-
classified by value on a linear magnitude librium with its environment. Also called
measure, with equal distances between meas- saturation vapor pressure.
ures, but providing no information as to the equinoxes
absoluteness of the magnitudes. May be re- The two periods of the year (vernal equinox
ferred to as interval scale. about March 21st, and the autumnal equinox
Equal Pay Act about September 22nd) when the time from
Federal law which mandates the same pay for the rising of the sun to its setting is equal to
all persons who do the same work without re- the time from its setting to its rising.
gard to sex, age, etc. For work to be "equal" equinus
within the meaning of the Act, it is not neces- A deformity where the foot is continuously
sary that the jobs be identical but only that plantar-flexed.
they be substantially equal.
equal protection clause A general term including material, fittings,
That provision in the 14th Amendment to the devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and
U.S. Constitution which prohibits a state from the like, used as a part of, or in connection
denying to any person within its jurisdiction with, an electrical installation.
the equal protection of the laws. This clause
requires that persons under like circumstances equipment code
be given equal protection in the enjoyment of Transit. A six-digit numeric code used to
personal rights and the prevention and redress classify equipment by its usage characteristics
of wrongs. (passenger carrying, cargo hauling, etc.),
gross weight rating, and equipment configu-
equal protection of the law ration (panel truck, pick-up, stake body, dump
The constitutional guarantee of "equal protec- etc.).
tion of the laws" means that no person or class
of persons shall be denied the same protection equipment consist
of the laws which is enjoyed by other persons Rail. An equipment consist is a train, loco-
or other classes in like circumstances in their motive(s), cut of cars, or a single car not cou-
lives, liberty, property, and in their pursuit of pled to another car or locomotive.
happiness. equipment damage
Rail. All costs, including labor and material,
associated with the repair or replacement-in-

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kind of on-track rail equipment. Trailers equivalent weight
and/or container on flat cars are considered to The weight of an element that combines
be lading and damage to these is not to be in- chemically with 8 grams of oxygen or its
cluded in on-track equipment damage. Dam- equivalent.
age to a flat car carrying a trailer/container is erbium
to be included in reportable damage. A chemical element, atomic number 68,
equipment-type flow process chart atomic weight 167.26, symbol Er.
A flow process chart which provides a plan or ERDA
usage record for equipment. See Energy Research and Development Ad-
equity ministration.
A legal doctrine which emphasizes fairness as erect
opposed to law in resolving disputes. Some- Pertaining to a standing posture in which the
times referred to as balancing of equities; for individual's shoulders are back and the neck is
instance, when a court decides whether or not fully extended.
to issue an injunction.
equivalent airspeed A unit of work equal to the force of one dyne
The calibrated airspeed of an aircraft cor- acting through a distance of one centimeter.
rected for adiabatic compressible flow for the
particular altitude. Equivalent airspeed is ERG
equal to calibrated airspeed in standard at- See electroretinography.
mosphere at sea level. ergograph (Kelso-Hellebrandt)
equivalent diameter A device used for measuring muscle work
See aerodynamic diameter. output in a series of repetitive movements.
equivalent form ergometer
Any of two or more forms of some test which Any device which permits some determina-
are very similar in content and difficulty and tion of the work performed by an individual
which are expected to yield similar means and over a period of time.
variability for a given group. ergonometrics
equivalent groups method See physiological work measurement.
See matched groups design. ergonomic analysis
equivalent mean luminance See human factors analysis.
The transformed luminance output by a flick- ergonomic design of jobs
ering light compared to an equivalent steady See job design.
ergonomic job analysis
equivalent method See human factors analysis.
Any method of sampling or analyzing for air
pollution which has been demonstrated to the ergonomic lifting calculator
EPA Administrator's satisfaction to be, under A sliding rule device distributed by the Na-
specific conditons, an acceptable alternative tional Safety Council for determining whether
to the normally used reference methods. or not a lifting task is acceptable.

equivalent sound level ergonomics

The level, in decibels, of the mean-square A- A multi-disciplinary activity that concentrates
weighted sound pressure during a stated time on the interactions between the human and
period, with reference to the square of the their total working environment with consid-
standard reference sound pressure of 20 mi- eration for the stressors that may be present in
cropascals. It is the level of the sound expo- that environment such as atmospheric heat,
sure divided by the time period and is abbre- illumination, and sound as well as all the tools
viated as Leq. and equipment used in the work place. Also
referred to as human factors and human fac-
tors engineering.

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ergonomist a false or mistaken conception or application
An individual trained in health, behavioral, of the law.
and technological sciences and who is com- error in exercise of jurisdiction
petent to apply those fields to the industrial Error in determination of questions of law or
environment to reduce stress on personnel and fact on which the court's jurisdiction in a par-
thereby prevent work strain from developing ticular case depends.
to pathological levels or producing fatigue,
careless workmanship, or high employee error in fact
turnover. Error in fact occurs when, by reason of some
fact which is unknown to the court and not
ERISA apparent on the record (e.g., infancy, or death
See Employee Retirement Income Security of one of the parties), it renders a judgement
Act. void. Such occurs when some fact which
Erlanger-Gasser classification really exists is unknown, or some fact is sup-
A method for classifying motor neurons, posed to exist which really does not.
based on conduction velocity, into three pri- error in law
mary groups: A, B, and C, with the A group An error of the court in applying the law to
being further divided into four subgroups: α, the case on trial (e.g., in ruling on the admis-
β, γ, and δ. sion of evidence, or in charging the jury.
ERMAC error rate
Electromagnetic Radiation Management Ad- The number of errors per division, in which
visory Council. the division may be time, number of products
output, motions, or other quantifiable vari-
erosion able.
The wearing away of land surface by wind or
water. Erosion occurs naturally from weather errors and omissions (O&E) insurance
or runoff but can be intensified by land- A type of insurance that indemnifies the in-
clearing practices related to farming, residen- sured for any loss sustained because of an er-
tial or industrial development, road building, ror or oversight on his/her part. See also in-
or timber-cutting. surance.
See Emergency Response Planning Guides. See expiratory reserve volume.
erroneous erysipelas
Involving error; deviating from the law. This An inflammation of the skin marked by red
term is not generally used as designating a patches with sharp border lines, usually due to
corrupt or evil act. Group A hemolytic streptococci. The visible
symptoms or erysipelas, a form of cellulitis,
erroneous judgement are round or oval patches on the skin that
One rendered according to course and practice promptly enlarge and spread, becoming
of court, but contrary to law, upon mistaken swollen, tender, and red. The affected skin is
view of law, or upon erroneous application of hot to the touch, and, occasionally, the adja-
legal principles. cent skin blisters. Headache, vomiting, fever,
error and sometimes complete prostration can oc-
(1) The difference between the true or actual cur.
value to be measured and the value to be erythema
measured and the value indicated by the A abnormal redness of the skin, due to dis-
measuring system. Any deviation of an ob- tention of the capillaries with the blood. It
served value from the true value. (2) An in- can be caused by a various agents such as
appropriate response by a system, whether of heat, certain drugs, ultraviolet rays, and ion-
commission, omission, inadequacy, or timing. izing radiation.
(3) A mistaken judgment or incorrect belief as
to the existence or effect of matters of fact, or

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erythemal region lower part of the pharynx to the stomach. The
The electromagnetic spectrum in the ultra- hollow muscular tube extending from the
violet region from 2800 angstroms to 3200 pharynx to the stomach, consisting of an outer
angstroms. fibrous coat, a muscular layer, a submucous
erythemal threshold layer and an inner mucous membrane. The
That level at which erythema becomes appar- junction between the stomach and esophagus
ent. Also referred to as minimal perceptible is closed by a muscular ring known as the
erythema. cardiac sphincter, which opens to allow the
passage of food into the stomach. In an adult
erythrasma the esophagus is usually 10 to 12 inches long.
A chronic infection of the skin, marked by the
development of red or brownish patches on esophoria
the inner side of the thigh, on the scrotum, A condition in which the eyes tend to turn
and in the axilla. inward, preventing binocular vision.

erythroblastemia ESP
The presence in the peripheral blood of ab- See electrostatic precipitator.
normally large numbers of nucleated red cells. ESR
erythrocyte Electrical skin resistance. See skin resistance
A red blood cell which contains hemoglobin response.
and transports oxygen to body tissues. EST
erythromycin See ex-ship's tackle.
An antibiotic obtained from Streptomyces establishment
erythreus. It is effective against a wide vari- (1) According to OSHA: a) A single physical
ety of organisms, including gram-negative location where business is conducted or where
and gram-positive bacteria and many rick- services or industrial operations are per-
ettsial and viral infectious agents. It may be formed. Examples include a factory, mill,
administered orally or parenterally. store, hotel, restaurant, movie theater, farm,
escalator clause ranch, bank, sales office, warehouse, or cen-
(1) In union contracts, a provision that wages tral administrative office. When distinctly
will rise or fall depending on some standard separate activities are performed at a single
like the cost of living index. (2) In a lease, a physical location (such as contract construc-
provision that rent may be increased to reflect tion activities operated from the same physi-
an increase in real estate taxes, operating cal location as a lumbar yard, each activity
costs, and even increases in Consumer Price shall be treated as a separate establishment.
Index. (3) In construction contracts, a clause b) For firms engaged in activities such as ag-
authorizing a contractor to increase his/her riculture, construction, transportation, com-
contract price should costs of labor or materi- munications, and electric, gas, and sanitary
als increase. services, which may be physically dispersed,
records may be maintained at a place to which
escape clause
employees report each day. c) Records of
A provision in a contract, insurance policy, or
personnel who do not primarily report or
other legal document permitting a party or
work at a single establishment, and who are
parties to avoid liability or performance under
generally not supervised in their daily work,
certain conditions.
such as traveling sales personnel, technicians,
eschar and engineers, shall be maintained at the lo-
Damage created to the skin and underlying cation from which they are paid or the base
tissue from a burn or as a result of contact from which personnel operate to carry our
with a corrosive material. their activities. (2) According to FRA: A sin-
gle physical location where business is con-
ducted or where services or industrial opera-
That portion of the digestive system com-
tions are performed. Examples of railroad
posed of the passageway extending from the
establishments include, but are not limited to

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an operating division, general office, and a related and are usually referred to collectively
major installation such as a locomotive or car as estrogen.
repair or construction facility. For employees estuarine sanctuary
who are engaged in dispersed operations, such A research area which may include any part
as track maintenance workers, the "establish- or all of an estuary and any island, transitional
ment" is the location where these employees area, and upland in, adjoining, or adjacent to
report for work assignments. (3) Law. An in- such estuary, and which constitutes to the ex-
stitution or place of business, with its fixtures tent feasible a natural unit, set aside to pro-
and organized staff. vide scientists and students the opportunity to
establishment list examine over a period of time the ecological
A list that contains the names of particular relationships within the area.
plants located within the territorial jurisdic- estuary
tion of the local OSHA Area Office that are of (1) That part of a river or stream or other body
the types of industries that have been noted on of water having unimpaired connection with
the industry rank report. See also industry the open sea, where the sea water is measura-
rank report. bly diluted with fresh water derived from land
esthesiometer drainage. The term includes estuary-type ar-
An instrument for measuring touch sensitiv- eas of the Great Lakes and the Chesapeake
ity. Bay. (2) Associated aquatic ecosystems and
those portions of tributaries draining into the
esthetic estuary up to the historic height of migration
Pertaining to the senses, especially when of anadromous fish or the historic head of
pleasuring to the senses. tidal influence, whichever is higher.
estimate ratio ET
The ratio of two population aggregates (to- Effective temperature.
tals). For example, "average miles traveled
per vehicle" is the ratio of total miles driven ETA
by all vehicles, over the total number of vehi- See explosive transfer assembly. Also, an
cles, within any subgroup. There are two acronym for estimated time of arrival.
types of ratio estimates; those computed using ETBA
aggregates for vehicles and those computed See energy trace and barrier analysis.
using aggregates for households. Also re-
ferred to as aggregate ratio. See also mean
Otherwise known as ethyl alcohol, alcohol, or
and ratio estimate.
grain-spirit. A clear, colorless, flammable
estimated arrival time oxygenated hydrocarbon with a boiling point
The time the flight is estimated to arrive at the of 78.5°C in the anhydrous state. In trans-
gate (scheduled operators) or the actual run- portation, ethanol is used as a vehicle fuel by
way on times for nonscheduled operators. itself (E100), blended with gasoline (E85), or
estimated elapsed time as a gasoline octane enhancer and oxygenate
The estimated time required to proceed from (10% concentration).
one significant point to another. Ethernet
estimated en route time Computing. A software protocol for building
Aviation. The estimated flying time from de- networks.
parture point to destination liftoff to touch- ethics
down). That moral code practiced by an individual or
estrogen groups, typically referring to a moral code in-
(1) An estrus-producing substance. (2) A volving honesty, integrity, and other qualities
general name for the principal female sex generally judged to be good.
hormones. These hormones are manufac- ethmocarditis
tured in the ovaries and, though each has a Inflammation of the connective tissue of the
slightly different function, they are closely heart.

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ethmoid bone increased amounts of nutritive compounds
A relatively complex, irregularly shaped bone such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Human ac-
within the anterior medial region of the skull tivities can accelerate the process.
behind the nose. EVA
ethnic group See extravehicular activity.
A group of people who either maintains af- evaporation
filiation due to strong racial and/or cultural The change of a substance from the solid or
ties or is descended from a certain race or liquid phase to the gaseous or vapor phase.
evaporation fog
ethylene dibromide (EDB) Fog produced when sufficient water vapor is
A chemical used as an agricultural fumigant added to the air by evaporation. The two
and in certain industrial processes. Extremely common types are steam fog, which forms
toxic and found to be a carcinogen in labora- when cold air moves over warm water, and
tory animals, EDB has been banned for most frontal fog, which forms as warm raindrops
agricultural uses in the United States. evaporate in a cool air mass.
ethylenediamine evaporation ponds
A volatile, colorless liquid with an ammonia Areas where sewer sludge is dumped and al-
odor that is used as a solvent and in organic lowed to dry out.
evaporation rate
etiologic agents The rate at which a material will vaporize
Infectious microorganisms, viruses, or para- (evaporate) as compared to the known rate of
sitic agents capable of producing infection a standard material (such as normal-butyl
and/or disease in a susceptible host. acetate). It is the ratio of the time required to
etiology evaporate a measured amount of a liquid to
The study or theory of the causation of dis- the time required to evaporate the same
ease; the sum of knowledge regarding disease amount of a reference liquid under ideal test
causes. condition. Normal-butyl acetate has typically
ETS been used as the reference standard.
Emergency temporary standard. See Section evaporative heat loss
6(c) standard. The dissipation of body heat through perspi-
euphoria ration, indicated by an equation of the form:
The absence of pain or distress. An exagger- H = kA(Ps – Pa)
ated sense of well-being. where:
eustachian tube H = evaporative heat loss
A hollow, tubular structure connecting the k = evaporative coefficient
middle ear with the nasal/oral cavity. A = body surface area
eutrophic lakes Ps = saturated vapor pressure of water at
Shallow, murky bodies of water that have skin temperature
excessive concentrations of plant nutrients Pa = ambient water vapor pressure
causing excessive algae production. An in- evaporative heat transfer coefficient
crease in mineral and organic nutrients re- The value of the ratio of the permeability in-
duces the dissolved oxygen, producing an en- dex to the total thermal insulation value of
vironment that favors plant over animal life. clothing. Also referred to as coefficient of
eutrophication evaporative heat transfer and evaporative
The slow aging process during which a lake, transmissibility.
estuary, or bay evolves into a bog or marsh evapotranspiration
and eventually disappears. During the later The loss of water from the soil both by evapo-
stages of eutrophication, the water body is ration and by transpiration from the plants
choked by abundant plant life as the result of growing in the soil.

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evasé eversion
A gradual enlargement at the outlet of an ex- A turning of the bottom of the foot outward
haust system to reduce the air discharge ve- such that the more sagittal portions are also
locity efficiently so that velocity pressure can elevated slightly.
be regained instead of being wasted as occurs evertor
when air is discharged directly from a fan Any muscle which is involved in eversion of
housing. the foot.
evasive answer evidence
One which consists of refusing either to admit Any species of proof, or probative matter,
or to deny a matter in a direct, straight- legally presented at the trial of an issue, by the
forward manner as to which the person is nec- act of the parties and through the media of
essarily presumed to have knowledge. An witnesses, records, documents, exhibits, con-
evasive answer is considered and treated as a crete objects, etc. for the purpose of inducing
failure to answer, for which a party may on belief in the minds of the court or jury as to
motion seek a court compelling answers to their contention.
discovery questions.
evidence by inspection
evening person Such evidence as is addressed directly to the
Slang term for an individual who generally senses without intervention of testimony.
likes to go to sleep late at night, likes to sleep Tangible, physical evidence.
late, and has trouble waking early in the
morning. evidence codes
Statutory provisions governing admissibility
evening shift of evidence and burden of proof at hearings
See second shift. and trials.
event evidence rules
(1) A collection of one or more sample points. Rules which govern the admissibility of evi-
(2) The consequence of anything; the issue or dence at hearing and trials (e.g., Federal Rules
outcome of an action as finally determined. of Evidence, Uniform Rules of Evidence).
event recorder evoked potential (EP)
Rail Operations. A device, designed to resist An electrophysiological response recorded
tampering, that monitors and records data on from the brain or scalp which is time-linked to
train speed, direction of motion, time, dis- peripheral sensory stimulation. Synonymous
tance, throttle position, brake applications and with evoked response.
operations (including train brake, independent
brake, and, if so equipped, dynamic brake ap- evoked response
plications and operations) and, where the lo- See evoked potential.
comotive is so equipped, cab signal aspect(s), ex quay
over the most recent 48 hours of operation of Maritime. The seller makes the goods avail-
the electrical system of the locomotive on able to the buyer on the quay (wharf) at the
which it is installed. destination named in the sales contract. The
event tree seller has to bear the full cost and risk in-
A graphic depiction of system or operational volved in bringing the goods there.
events as they are related to the top event or ex ship
failure condition. Maritime. The seller will make the goods
event tree analysis available to the buyer on board the ship at the
A system safety analysis method, similar to destination named in the sales contract. The
fault tree analysis, used to examine different seller bears all costs and risks involved in
system or operational responses to various bringing the goods to the destination.
positive or negative conditions which occur ex ship's tackle (EST)
during system operation. Maritime. Similar to Cost, Insurance and
Freight, but seller is responsible for loss and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

damage until goods are delivered on dock at excessive damages
port of destination. Seller has to insure goods Those damages awarded by a jury which are
up to this point. Also called ex ship. grossly in excess of the amount warranted by
ex warehouse law on the facts and circumstances of the
Buyer is responsible for all charges to desti- case; unreasonable or outrageous damages.
nation and has to arrange insurance to cover exchange rate
the goods from the time they leave the ware- A tradeoff for an increased sound pressure
house at the place of shipment until their arri- level above recommended limits for a propor-
val at final destination. Also called ex works. tionately reduced period of time.
ex works excitation
See ex warehouse. The addition of energy to a system, thereby
exa transferring it from its ground state to an ex-
Prefix indicating 1 E+18. cited state.

examine (E) excitation purity (pe)

A mental basic work element involving ex- The distance between a color sample and
amination of a part or product. neutral white in the 1931 CIE chromaticity
diagram relative to the distance between neu-
exceedance tral white and the spectrum locus or the purple
Violation of environmental protection stan- boundary in the same direction.
dards by exceeding allowable limits or con-
centration levels. excited state
An atom with an electron at a higher energy
excess level than it normally occupies. This princi-
Any property under the control of a federal pal is employed in the use of thermolumines-
Agency which that agency determines is not cent dosimeters (TLDs) for determining expo-
required for its needs or for the discharge of sure to ionizing radiation with this type de-
its responsibilities. vice.
excess air exclusion zone
A quantity of air in excess of the theoretical An area surrounding a Liquefied Natural Gas
amount required to completely combust a (LNG) facility in which an operator or gov-
material, such as a fuel, waste, etc. Also re- ernment agency legally controls all activities
ferred to as excess combustion air and is ex- in accordance with 49 CFR 193.2057 and 49
pressed as a percentage (e.g., 20% excess air). CFR 193.2059 for as long as the facility is in
excess baggage revenue operation.
Revenues from the transportation by air of exclusionary
passenger baggage in excess of the free al- Any form of zoning ordinance that tends to
lowance. exclude specific classes of persons or busi-
excess liability damages nesses from a particular district or area.
A cause of action in tort by an insured against exclusive event
his/her liability carrier for the negligent han- As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
dling of settlement negotiations which result the Management Oversight and Risk Tree
in a judgment against the insured in excess of (MORT), a conditional event which places
his/her policy limits. specific restrictions upon the occurrence of
excess work allowance other events. Represented graphically as an
A special time allowance given a worker for oval. See also conditional event.
additional work required beyond that speci- exclusive right-of-way
fied in his normal task or job or due to some A highway or other facility that can only be
alteration from usual working conditions. used by buses or other transit vehicles. See
Also referred to as additional work allow- also controlled access rights-of-way.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

exclusive rights-of-way are exempt from federal regulation, could also
Roadways or other right-of-way reserved at operate within exempt commercial zones.
all times for transit use and/or other high oc- exempt intracity zone
cupancy vehicles. The restriction must be The geographic area of a municipality or the
sufficiently enforced so that 95 percent of ve- commercial zone of that municipality de-
hicles using the right-of-way are authorized to scribed by the Interstate Commerce Commis-
use it. sion (ICC) in 49 CFR 1048, revised as of
Excobedo Rule October 1, 1975. The descriptions are printed
Under this rule, when police investigation in Appendix F to Subchapter B of 49 CFR,
begins to focus on a particular suspect, the Chapter III. The term "exempt intracity zone"
suspect is in custody, the suspect requests and does not include any municipality or commer-
is denied counsel, and the police have not cial zone in the State of Hawaii. For the pur-
warned him/her of his/her right to remain si- poses of 49 CFR 390.3(g), a driver may be
lent, the accused will be considered to have considered to operate a vehicle wholly within
been denied assistance of counsel and no an exempt intracity zone notwithstanding any
statement elicited during such interrogation common control, management, or arrange-
may be used in a criminal trial. ment for a continuous carriage or shipment to
or from a point without such zone.
The removal of a substance or its metabolites exempt motor carrier
from the body in urine, feces, or expired air. A person engaged in transportation exempt
from economic regulation by the Interstate
Commerce Commission (ICC) under 49
A movement or deviation from the norm. In
U.S.C. 10526. Exempt motor carriers are
industrial hygiene, it is the deviation above
subject to the safety regulations set forth in 49
the norm that is of concern.
CFR, Chapter III, Subchapter B.
excursion limit
exempt solvent
The amount by which an exposure limit can
Specific organic compounds that are not sub-
be exceeded, and the number of times in an
ject to requirements of regulation because
exposure period it can be exceeded without
they have been deemed by the EPA to be of
causing an adverse health effect, narcosis,
negligible photochemical reactivity.
discomfort, impairment of self rescue, or re-
ducing work efficiency. exempted aquifer
Underground bodies of water defined in the
Executive Order
Underground Injection Control program as
A document promulgated by the President of
aquifers that are sources of drinking water
the United States or the Governor of a state
(although they are not being used as such) and
binding federal or state agencies, usually in-
that are exempted from regulations barring
structing them how to carry out or coordinate
underground injection activities.
policies or programs. There are federal Ex-
ecutive Orders on flood plains and wetlands, exemption
for example. A temporary or permanent grant, license, or
form of legal permission given by an agency
executive transportation
to deviate from a regulation or provision of
Any use of an aircraft by a corporation, com-
law administered by that agency. Issued in
pany, or other organization for the purposes of
response to a petition for relief submitted by
transporting its employees and/or property not
an individual or company.
for compensation or hire, and employing pro-
fessional pilots for the operation of the air- executive branch of government
craft. That branch of government consisting of the
chief executive (i.e., the President), and those
exempt carrier
offices and positions held under its control.
A for-hire interstate operator which transports
commodities or provides types of services that

©2000 CRC Press LLC

executive privilege respiratory, neuromuscular, and cardiovascu-
This privilege, based on constitutional doc- lar mechanisms.
trine of separation of powers, exempts the ex- exfiltration
ecutive from disclosure requirements applica- The flow of air from inside a building to the
ble to the ordinary citizen or organization outside due to the existence of negative pres-
where such exemption is necessary to the dis- sure outside the building surface.
charge of highly important executive respon-
sibilities involved in maintaining govern- exfoliation
mental operations, and extends not only to The peeling or flaking off of the skin.
military and diplomatic secrets but also to exhalation
documents integral to an appropriate exercise (1) The expulsion of air or other vapor from
of the executive's domestic decision and pol- the lungs. (2) Escape in the form of vapor.
icy making functions, that is, those documents (3) Vapor escaping from a body or substance.
reflecting the frank expression necessary in exhaust air
intragovernmental advisory and deliberative That air rejected to the outside from a ventila-
communications. tion system.
exemplary damages exhaust grill
Damages on an increased scale, awarded to Fixture in the wall, floor, or ceiling through
the plaintiff over and above what will barely which air is exhausted from a space.
compensate for his/her property loss, where
the wrong done to him/her was aggravated by exhaust hood
A structure to enclose or partially enclose a
circumstances of violence, oppression, mal-
contaminant-producing operation or process,
ice, fraud, or wanton and wicked conduct on
the part of the defendant, and are intended to or to guide air flow in an advantageous man-
ner to capture a contaminant and is connected
solace the plaintiff for mental anguish, lac-
to a duct/pipe or channel for removing the
eration of his/her feelings, shame, degrada-
contaminant from the hood.
tion, or other aggravations of the original
wrong, or else to punish the defendant for exhaust rate
his/her evil behavior or to make an example The volumetric flow rate at which air is re-
of him/her, for which reason they are also moved by a ventilation system.
called punitive or punitory damages or vin- exhaust system
dictive damages. Unlike compensatory or (1) The combination of components which
actual damages, exemplary or punitive dam- provides for the enclosed flow of exhaust gas
ages are based upon an entirely different pub- from the engine exhaust port to the atmos-
lic policy consideration: that of punishing the phere. (2) Any constituent components of the
defendant or of setting an example for similar combination that conducts exhaust gases and
wrongdoers. In cases in which it is proved which are sold as separate products. (3) A
that a defendant has acted willfully, mali- system for removing contaminated air from a
ciously, or fraudulently, a plaintiff may be space, comprising one or more of the ele-
awarded exemplary damages in addition to ments including an exhaust hood, duct work,
compensatory or actual damages. air-cleaning equipment, exhauster, and stack.
exemption exhaust ventilation
Freedom from a general duty or service; im- Mechanical removal of air from a portion of a
munity from a general burden, tax, or charge. building (e.g., piece of equipment, room or
exercise general area).
The use of muscular exertion to maintain exhausting work
conditioning, train for an athletic event, or in That level of work activity which has a gross
an attempt to maintain health. metabolic cost of over 380 calories per square
exercise physiology meter of skin surface per hour in young men.
The study of the metabolic activities and exhaustion of administrative remedies
changes ongoing during exercise, including A legal doctrine stipulating the need for a
the aerobic and anaerobic mechanisms, and party to pursue all available, possibly fruitful

©2000 CRC Press LLC

appeals within an agency before challenging altitude to be used in the event of two-way
that agency in court. communications failure. It also provides al-
existing source titude information to assist the pilot in plan-
Under the Clean Air Act, any stationary ning.
source other than a new source. expect further clearance
exit Air traffic control terminology. Used to in-
That portion of a means of egress which is form a pilot of the routing he can expect if
separated from all other spaces of the building any part of the route beyond a short range
or structure by construction or equipment to clearance limit differs from that filed.
provide a protected way of travel to the exit expectancy damages
discharge. See also means of egress and exit As awarded in actions for nonperformance of
discharge. contract, such damages are calculable by sub-
exit access tracting the injured party's actual dollar posi-
That portion of a means of egress which leads tion as a result of the breach from that party's
to an entrance to an exit. See also means of projected dollar position had performance oc-
egress. curred. The goal is to ascertain the dollar
amount necessary to ensure that the aggrieved
exit discharge party's position after the award will be the
That portion of a means of egress between the same (to the extent money can achieve this
termination of an exit and a public way. See identity as if the other party had performed as
also means of egress. expected).
exogenous expectation
Derived or developed from external causes. A mental set in which an individual antici-
exophoria pates a certain outcome in a given situation.
A condition in which the eyes tend to turn expected attainment
outward, preventing binocular vision. See fair day's work.
exoskeleton expected departure clearance time (EDCT)
An external hard framework that supports and Air traffic control terminology. The runway
protects the soft tissues of lower animals, de- release time assigned to an aircraft in a con-
rived from the ectoderm. In vertebrates, the trolled departure time program and shown on
term is sometimes applied to structures pro- the flight progress strip as an EDCT.
duced by the epidermis, as hair, nails, hoofs,
teeth, etc. expected work pace
The rate of work output required to achieve a
exosphere certain level of earnings or production stan-
The outermost portion of the atmosphere. dards.
exothermic expectorate
When applied to reactions, describes those To cough up and eject from the mouth by
that produce substances that have less energy spitting.
than the reaction materials resulting in a re-
lease of energy as heat. expedite
Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) when
exotoxin prompt compliance is required to avoid the
A microbial toxin (i.e., a toxin excreted by a development of an imminent situation.
microorganism into a surrounding medium).
expandable All amounts of money paid out by a govern-
Flatbed trailer which can be expanded beyond ment, net of recoveries and other correcting
its regular length to carry larger shipments. transactions, other than retirement of debt, in-
expect altitude at time or fix vestment in securities, extension of credit, or
Air traffic control terminology. Used under agency transactions. Federal expenditures are
certain conditions to provide a pilot with an also referred to as outlays.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

expenditures expert
Funds spent for energy purchased and paid for An individual who (a) possesses certain
or delivered to a manufacturer during a calen- knowledge, wisdom, and/or skills in a par-
dar year. The expenditure dollar includes ticular subject not likely to be possessed by
state and local taxes and delivery charges. ordinary persons, (b) acquired such knowl-
experience edge, wisdom, and/or skills by study, investi-
The verifiable, objective history of one's work gation, and/or experience, (c) is capable of
performance. reasoning, inference, and drawing conclusions
based on hypothetical facts relating to that
experience curve subject, and (d) can offer reasonable opinions
A graphical plot of a worker's performance regarding one or more situations dealing with
over time, especially in the learning phase of that particular subject.
a job.
expert evidence
experience rating Any testimony given by an expert witness
A method for adjusting workers' compensa- based on objective data or information, or in-
tion rates using a three-year history of the formation derived directly from such objec-
employer's claim experience. See also merit tive data or information. See also expert tes-
rating (2). timony.
experimental aircraft expert opinion
An aircraft which does not have a type design A statement of belief by an expert witness,
or does not meet other certification standards. based on a given situation.
The "experimental" designation is one of sev-
eral "Special Airworthiness Certificates" which expert system
allows the aircraft to operate in U.S. airspace. A decision-making job aid, generally devel-
None may be used for commercial purposes. oped in consultation with experts in a given
Experimental aircraft are divided into three field and which typically contains a computer-
groups: a) Amateur Built: an aircraft, built by based model and database generated from that
one or more persons who undertake the effort human expertise.
for the purpose of recreation and education; d) expert testimony
Exhibition: a unique (one-of-a-kind) aircraft, a The opinion of a person skilled in a particular
replica, a foreign or U.S. military surplus air- art, science, or profession, having demon-
craft which may be used for exhibition pur- strated special knowledge through experience
poses, movie and television productions, or and education, beyond that which is normally
sanctioned, organized events where the unique considered common for that art, science, or
or unusual characteristics of the aircraft can be profession. See also expert, expert evidence,
displayed; c) Other: includes experimental air- and expert witness.
craft that are not amateur or exhibition. This expert witness
includes aircraft involved in research and de- (1) General. A witness qualified as a subject
velopment, crew training, market surveys, air expert based upon their knowledge, skill, ex-
racing, those used to show compliance with perience, training, or education. Unlike other
regulations, and the like. witnesses, an expert's testimony may be in the
experimental variable form of an opinion. See also expert testi-
See independent variable and dependent mony. (2) Law. One who by reason of edu-
variable. cation or specialized experience possesses su-
experimenter perior knowledge with respect to a subject
One who designs, supervises, and/or conducts about which persons having no particular
research. training are incapable of forming an accurate
opinion or deducing correct conclusions.
experimenter error
Any error resulting from an experimenter's expiration
inappropriate action or inaction, regardless of (1) Exhaling of the lungs caused by the re-
its nature. laxation of the diaphragm and rib muscles
which causes decreased chest cavity space,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

thus forcing air out through the trachea. (2) explosion-proof apparatus
Cessation; termination from mere lapse of An apparatus enclosed in a case that is capa-
time, as the expiration date of a lease, insur- ble of withstanding an explosion of a speci-
ance policy, statute, and the like. Coming to a fied gas or vapor which may occur within it
close; termination or end. and of preventing the ignition of a specified
expiratory flow rate gas or vapor surrounding the enclosure by
The maximum rate at which air can be ex- sparks, flashes, or explosion of the gas or va-
pelled from the lungs. por within, and which operates at such exter-
nal temperature that it will not ignite a sur-
expiratory reserve volume (ERV) rounding flammable atmosphere.
The maximum amount of air that can be
forcibly expired after a normal expiration. explosive
Any chemical compound, mixture, or device,
exploration the primary or common purpose of which is to
Under the Federal Antarctic Protection Act of function by explosion (i.e., with substantially
1990: Any activity, including logistic sup- instantaneous release of gas and heat), unless
port, the purpose of which is the identification such compound, mixture, or device is other-
or evaluation of specific mineral resource de- wise specifically classified by a governing
posits. The term includes exploratory drilling, authority, such as the U.S. Department of
dredging, and other surface or sub-surface ex- Transportation (DOT). The term "explosive"
cavations required to determine the nature and shall include all material which is classified as
size of mineral resource deposits and the fea- Class A, Class B, and Class C by the DOT
sibility of their development. and includes, but is not limited to, dynamite,
explosimeter black powder, pellet powders, initiating ex-
A device for detecting the presence of, and plosives, blasting caps, electric blasting caps,
measuring the concentration of, gases or va- safety fuse, fuse lighters, fuse ignitors, squibs,
pors that can reach explosive concentrations. cordeau detonate fuse, instantaneous fuse, ig-
nitor cord, ignitors, small arms ammunition,
explosion small arms ammunition primers, smokeless
A rapid build-up and release of pressure propellant, cartridges for propellant-actuated
caused by chemical reaction or by an over- power devices, and cartridges for industrial
pressurization within a confined space leading guns. Commercial explosives are those ex-
to a massive rupture of the pressurized con- plosives which are intended to be used in
tainer. commercial industrial operations.
explosion/detonation explosive-actuated power devices
Railroad Operations. An accident/incident Any tool or special mechanized but not in-
caused by the detonation of material carried cluding propellant-actuated power devices.
by or transported by rail. A detonation occurs Examples of explosive-actuated power de-
when a shock wave exceeds the speed of vices are jet tappers and jet perforators.
sound. Explosions/detonations resulting from
mishaps during loading or unloading opera- explosive atmosphere
tions, and those caused by fire aboard on- An atmosphere containing a mixture of vapors
track equipment are included in this defini- or gases which is within the explosive or
tion. flammable range. Also referred to as an ex-
plosive mixture.
The design of a device or equipment to elimi- explosive decompression
nate the possibility of its igniting volatile A rapid and significant decrease in barometric
materials. A type of construction that is de- pressure.
signed to contain an explosion and prevent its explosive limit
propagation to the atmosphere outside the de- See lower flammable limit and upper flam-
vice/equipment. mable limit. Also referred to as explosive

©2000 CRC Press LLC

explosive mixture exposed
See explosive atmosphere. (1) General. Having come into close contact
explosive quantity distance site plan with something that may cause adverse physi-
A formal plan for explosives facilities and cal or mental effects. (2) Wiring Methods.
areas detailing the quantity of explosives, op- Where the circuit is in such a position that in
erating and storage limits and restrictions, and case of failure of supports or insulation, con-
resultant distance clearance requirements. tact with another circuit may result. Also,
wires installed on or attached to the surface or
explosive range behind panels designed to allow access.
See flammability range.
exposed pipeline
explosive strength A pipeline where the top of the pipe is pro-
That force expended in a very short burst of truding above the seabed in water less than 15
intense muscular activity. feet deep, as measured from the mean low
explosive train water.
See explosive transfer assembly. exposure
explosive transfer assembly (ETA) (1) General. a) A measure representing some
An arrangement of explosive or combustible combination of the amount of time an indi-
elements used to perform or transfer energy to vidual or object has been located in some en-
an end function. Also referred to as explosive vironment and the severity of that environ-
train. ment. b) The amount of radiation or pollutant
present in an environment which represents a
exponent potential health threat to the living organisms
A number conventionally placed to the right in that environment; the amount of biological,
and above a base number, representing the physical, or chemical agent that reaches a tar-
power to which the base number is raised for get population. c) The proximity to a condi-
evaluation. tion that may produce injury or damage. (2)
exponential decay Physiology. Contact of an organism with a
As pertains to ionizing radiation, a mathe- chemical, biological, or physical agent. Ex-
matical expression describing the rate at posure is quantified as the amount of the
which radioactive materials decay. agent available at the exchange boundaries of
the organism (skin, lungs, etc.) and available
exponential distribution
for absorption; also, the route by which an or-
A distribution having the probability distribu-
ganism comes in contact with a toxicant (in-
tion function of
halation, ingestion, dermal absorption, injec-
f(x) = ae-ax tion).
where: exposure assessment
a = 1/mean, and a > 0 for x > 0 (1) The defining of exposure pathways and the
f(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0 calculation of the potential magnitude of
exposure. (2) The determination or estimation
export license (qualitative or quantitative) of the magnitude,
A government document permitting desig- frequency, duration, and route of exposure. (3)
nated goods to be shipped out of the country Estimation of the amount of chemicals that
as specified. may be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through
exports the skin by people living, working, or
(1) Outbound international freight, including recreating in areas where air, water, soil, etc.
re-export of foreign merchandise. (2) Ship- may be contaminated.
ments of goods from the 50 States and the exposure dose
District of Columbia to foreign countries and A measure of the x-radiation or gamma radia-
to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other tion at a certain place, based upon the ability
U.S. possessions and territories. of the radiation to produce ionization. The
unit of measure is the roentgen (R).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

exposure dose rate extend
The radiation exposure dose per unit time ex- Move adjacent body segments connected by a
pressed as R/unit time. common joint such that the angle between the
exposure event segments increases in the direction opposite to
An incident of contact with a chemical or that of maximum flexion.
physical agent. An exposure event can be de- extended duty hours
fined by time (e.g., day, hour) or by the inci- See extended work hours.
dent (e.g., eating a single meal of contami- extended functional reach
nated fish). See thumb-tip reach, extended.
exposure hours extended hours
See employee hours. See extended work hours.
exposure limit extended over-water operations
A somewhat outdated term for the maximum (1) With respect to aircraft other than heli-
vibration acceleration as a function of fre- copters, an operation over water at a horizon-
quency and duration. tal distance of more than 50 nautical miles
exposure pathway from the nearest shoreline. (2) With respect
The course a chemical or physical agent takes to helicopters, an operation over water at a
from the source to the exposed organism. An horizontal distance of more than 50 nautical
exposure pathway describes a unique mecha- miles from the nearest shoreline and more
nism by which an individual or population is than 50 nautical miles from an off-shore heli-
exposed to chemicals or physical agents at or port structure.
originating from the site. Each exposure extended source
pathway includes a source or release from a Any energy source whose dimensions are sig-
source, an exposure point, and an exposure nificant relative to the distance between the
route. If the exposure point differs from the source and the point of observation. (Note:
source, a transport/exposure medium (e.g., "significant" usually refers to greater than
air) or media (in cases of intermedia transfer) about 10' of arc for visual work).
also is included.
extended work hours
exposure point That working time beyond the normal work-
A point of potential contact between an or- day hours. Also referred to as extended duty
ganism and a chemical or physical agent. hours or extended hours.
exposure point concentration extension ladder
The concentration of a chemical at the expo- A non-self-supporting portable ladder adjust-
sure point. able in length. It consists of two or more sec-
exposure route tions traveling in guides or brackets so ar-
The way a chemical or physical agent comes ranged as to permit length adjustment. Its
in contact with an organism (i.e., by ingestion, size is designated by the sum of the lengths of
inhalation, injection, or dermal contact). the section measured along the side rails.
express body extension trestle ladder
Open box truck body. A self-supporting portable ladder, adjustable
express bus in length, consisting of a trestle ladder base
A bus that operates a portion of the route and a vertically adjustable single ladder, with
without stops or with a limited number of suitable means for locking the ladders to-
stops. gether. The size is designated by the length of
the trestle ladder base.
A divided highway for through traffic with extensor
full or partial access control and including Any muscle whose contraction normally
grade separations at all or most major inter- causes joint extension.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

extensor retinaculum external mechanical environment
A membranous band of fibers in the posterior The manmade physical environment, con-
hand/wrist which forms the carpal tunnel sisting of tools, equipment, etc.
through which the finger extensor tendons external naris
pass. Also referred to as transverse dorsal The entrance from the exterior to the air pas-
ligament. sageway of the nose. Also referred to more
extent flexibility commonly as nostril.
The ability to twist, stretch, bend, or reach out external occipital protuberance
with one or more parts of the body on a one- See inion.
time basis.
external pacing
external Pertaining to externally paced work.
Beyond the outer or surface portion of the
body or a body segment. external radiation
Ionizing radiation in which the source is lo-
external auditory canal cated outside the body and the radiation
The tubular structure leading from the exter- penetrates into deeper tissues.
nal environment to the tympanic membrane.
Also referred to as the external auditory external time
meatus. That amount of time required to perform
manual work elements when a machine is not
external auditory meatus in operation.
See external auditory canal.
external viewing
external canthus Having the capability for seeing outside a ve-
See ectocanthus. hicle, either to view the vehicle itself or the
external combustion engine surrounding environment.
An engine in which fuel combustion takes external work
place outside the cylinder, turbine, or the like Any work element or combination of work
and in which energy is turned into mechanical elements in a process or operation which is
force; for example, a steam engine. performed by the operator outside the ma-
external ear chine- or process-controlled time. Also re-
The visible, most lateral aspects of the ear, ferred to as outside work. See also external
including the auricle, external auditory canal, element.
and the tympanic membrane. Sometimes re- externally operable
ferred to as the outer ear. Capable of being operated without exposing
external element the operator to contact with live parts.
Any work element in a progress or operation externally paced element
which is performed by the operator outside A work element whose completion is beyond a
the machine- or process-controlled time. See worker's control. Also referred to as restrict-
also external work. ed element.
external load externally paced work
Aviation. A load that is carried, or extends, Any manual or human/machine work in
outside of the aircraft fuselage. which the work pace and/or output is at least
external load attaching in part beyond a worker's control. Also called
The structural components used to attach an restricted work.
external load to an aircraft, including exter- exteroceptor
nally loaded containers, the backup structure Any sensory receptor at the body surface
at the attachment points, and any quick- which receives information about the external
release device used to jettison the external environment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

extinguisher classification extrafusal fiber
The letter classification given an extinguisher The contractile fiber of muscle tissue which is
to designate the class or classes of fire on capable of generating motion or tension. See
which an extinguisher will be effective. also intrafusal fiber.
extinguisher rating extraocular muscle
The numerical rating given to an extinguisher Any of the six voluntary muscles which are
which indicates the extinguishing potential of capable of positioning the eyeball within the
the unit based on standardized tests developed orbit.
by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. extraordinary flood
extinguishing agent A flood whose unexplained occurrence is not
Any substance capable of performing a fire foreshadowed by the usual course of nature,
extinguishing function. and whose magnitude and destructiveness
extorsion could not have been anticipated or provided
A rotation of one or both eyes about their against by the exercise of ordinary foresight.
vertical axes away from the midline (opposite One such unusual occurrence is that it could
of intorsion). not have been foreseen by men of ordinary
experience and prudence.
The obtaining of property from another in- extraordinary grand jury
duced by wrongful use of actual or threatened Such a jury is limited in the scope of its in-
forces, violence, or fear, or under control of vestigation and may not go beyond terms of
an official right. A person is guilty of theft by executive proclamation, and examination of
extortion if he/she purposely obtains property witness must be confined within those terms,
of another by threatening to: a) inflict bodily and must not be used as a means of disclosing
injury on anyone or commit any other crimi- or intermeddling with extraneous matters.
nal offense; or, b) accuse anyone of a crimi- extraordinary hazards
nal offense; or c) expose any secret tending to One not commonly associated with a job or
subject any person to hatred, contempt, ridi- undertaking. If hazards are increased by what
cule, or to impair his/her credit or business other employees do, and an injured employee
repute; or d) take or withhold action as an of- has no part in increasing them, they are con-
ficial, or cause an official to take or withhold sidered to be "extraordinary."
action; or e) bring about or continue to strike, extraordinary items income (loss)
boycott, or other collective unofficial action, Income or loss which can be characterized as
if the property is not demanded or received material, unusual, and of infrequent occur-
for the benefit of the group in whose interest rence.
the actor purports to act; or f) testify or pro-
vide information or withhold testimony or in- extraordinary nuclear occurrence
formation with respect to another person's le- Under the Federal Atomic Energy Act of
gal claim or defense; or g) inflict any other 1954: Any event causing a discharge or dis-
harm which would not benefit the actor. See persal of source, special nuclear, or byproduct
also blackmail. material from its intended place of confine-
ment in amounts off site, or causing radiation
extra allowance levels off site, which the Nuclear Regulatory
That additional time allowed for the comple- Commission or the Secretary of Energy, as
tion of work which is not specified in the appropriate, determines to be substantial, and
standard allowance. which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or
extracanthic diameter the Secretary of Energy, as appropriate, de-
The horizontal linear distance between endo- termines has resulted or will probably result
canthus and ectocanthus of one eye. in substantial damages to persons off site or
extracellular water (ECW) property off site. Any determination by the
That bodily water external to the cells. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission or the Sec-
also total body water. retary of Energy, as appropriate, that such an
event has, or has not, occurred shall be final

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and conclusive, and no other official or any
court shall have power or jurisdiction to re-
view any such determination. The Nuclear
Regulatory Commission or the Secretary of
Energy, as appropriate, shall establish criteria
in writing setting forth the basis upon which
such determination shall be made.
extraordinary risk
A risk lying outside of the sphere of the nor-
mal, arising out of conditions not usual in the
business. It is one which is not normally and
necessarily incident to the employment, and is
one which may be obviated by the exercise of
reasonable care by the employer.
To estimate a value beyond current knowl-
edge by using known current values and a
Using known data to predict or estimate un-
known outcomes. A calculation, based on
limited data from natural or experimental ob-
servation of humans or other organisms ex- Astronaut performing an EVA wearing an EMU
posed to a substance, that aims to estimate the
dose-effect relationship outside the range of extreme value projection
the available data. In system safety, a risk projection technique
used to provide information about potential
extrapyramidal system losses (i.e., in the future) that are more severe
A collection of subcortical neural structures than those occurring in the past.
involved in skeletal muscle activities which
generally have more central integration, are extremely hazardous substances
slower than and supportive of pyramidal sys- Any of 406 chemicals identified by the EPA
tem motor function, and have involvement on the basis of toxicity, and listed under
with postural motions. SARA Title III. The list is subject to revision.
extrasystole extremely high frequency (EHF)
A premature heartbeat. That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
consisting of radiation frequencies between 30
extratropical cyclone GHz and 300 GHz.
A cyclonic storm that most often forms along
a front in middle and high latitudes. It is not a extremely low frequency (ELF)
tropical storm or hurricane. That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
consisting of radiation frequencies below 300
extravehicular activity (EVA)
That activity outside a support or transport
vehicle, especially referring to space flight extremely low frequency magnetic field
which requires a space suit. A magnetic field with a frequency in the
range of 0 to 3000 hertz that results from cur-
extravehicular mobility unit (EMU)
rent flowing in electrical conductors.
An enclosed and self-contained clothing set
for protecting the occupant outside a protec- extremity
tive vehicle in a hazardous environment. Term referring to either an upper limb (arms)
or a lower limb (legs).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Pertaining to a structure or mechanism which
originates outside the structure on which it
(1) Anatomy. The organ of vision. The total
of all structures and tissues enclosing and en-
closed within the eyeball. (2) Meteorology.
A region in the center of a hurricane (tropical
storm) where the winds are light and skies are Typical eye protector meeting ANSI Z-87 specifications
clear to partly cloudy.
eye blink eye scan
A brief closure and re-opening of both eye- To scan the visual field by eye movement
lids. Also referred to simply as blink. alone, not allowing or using any head move-
eye blink rate
The number of occasions within a specified eye sensitivity curve
temporal interval that an individual executes See spectral luminous efficiency function.
an eye blink. eye wall
eye dominance A wall of dense thunderstorms that surrounds
See ocular dominance. the eye of a hurricane.

eye height, sitting

The vertical distance from the upper seat sur-
face to endocanthus. Measured with the indi-
vidual seated erect and looking straight ahead.
eye height, standing
The vertical distance from the floor or other
reference surface to endocanthus. Measured
with the individual standing erect, looking
straight ahead, and his/her weight balanced
evenly on both feet.
eye movement
Any active or passive, conscious or uncon-
scious movement of the eyeball relative to the
The human eyeball and surrounding components
eye protector
A device worn by a person or affixed to eyeball
equipment to deter harmful substances from The approximately spherical portion of the
contact with the human eye. The use of safety eye, including the sclera, cornea, pupil/iris,
glasses, splash goggles, or other protective retina, intraocular fluids, lens, and blood ves-
eye wear that will reduce the potential for eye sels. The cornea is the clear transparent layer
contact with a hazardous material being used, on the front of the eyeball. It is a continuation
handled, or processed is required under of the sclera (the white of the eye), the tough
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132. Such eyewear outer coat that helps protect the delicate
must meet or exceed the specification of the mechanism of the eye. The choroid is the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI middle layer and contains blood vessels. The
Z-87). Normally, eye protection is provided third layer, the retina, contains rods and
at no cost to the worker when it is determined cones, which are specialized cells that are
that such protection is required in a particular sensitive to light. Behind the cornea and in
work environment. front of the lens is the iris, the circular pig-
mented band around the pupil. The iris works

©2000 CRC Press LLC

much like the diaphragm in a camera, widen- eyewitness
ing or narrowing the pupil to adjust to differ- A person who can testify as to what he/she
ent light conditions. has seen from personal observation. One who
eyebrow saw the act, fact, or transaction to which
The supraorbital ridge with its associated he/she testifies. Distinguished from ear-
overlying tissues and hairs. witness.

A small vessel for the application of cleansing
or medical solution to the exposed area of the
The process of rinsing fluid over the conjunc-
tiva and anterior eyeball with water or eye-
The fundus of the eye.
A short, curved hair embedded in the free
edges of the eyelids, usually in two or three
separate rows.
A thin, soft, movable structure which overlies
the anterior portion of the eyeball, is capable
of closure to protect the eyeball from certain
stimuli, is lined on its posterior surface by the
conjunctiva, and contains various glands, a
muscle, and the eyelashes.
The lens or system of lenses of a microscope
nearest the eye of the observer when the in-
strument is in use.
A visuo-motor fatigue resulting from a pro-
longed period of muscle tension to focus to
overcome glare or any other vision-interfering
conditions. Also referred to as visual strain.
A solution for flushing the eyes.
eyewash fountain
A device used to irrigate and flush the eyes in
the event of eye contact with a hazardous sub-
stance. Generally speaking, water deluge
from the fountain must be capable of provid-
ing a continuous flow for a period of not less
than 15 minutes.
Any type of eye covering, whether for eye
protection or for improving vision. See also
eye protector.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and artificial, or it may consist of so warping
F and distorting real facts as to create an erro-
neous impression in the minds of those who
observe them and then presenting such im-
F pression as true and genuine.
A variable obtained from computing the F fabricated fact
ratio and used in tests of statistical signifi- In the law of evidence, a fact existing only in
cance. statement, without any foundation in truth.
°F An actual or genuine fact to which a false ap-
Degrees Fahrenheit. See Fahrenheit tem- pearance has been given by design; a physical
perature scale. object placed in a false connection with an-
other, or with a person on whom it is designed
F distribution to cast suspicion.
That frequency distribution obtained by tak-
ing repeated random pairs of independent Fabry's syndrome
samples and calculating the F ratio. A genetically transmitted disorder character-
ized by remittent attacks of fever, lightning
F ratio pains and burning dysesthesia of the extremi-
The ratio of two chi squares divided by their ties, proteinuria and hematuria, and cutaneous
respective degrees of freedom. lesions.
F test face
The use of an obtained F value with the de- (1) The anterior portion of the head, from
grees of freedom for each of the mean squares crinion to menton, and from right otobasion to
in an F distribution to indicate the probability left otobasion. (2) The surface of anything,
that the samples are from the same popula- especially the front, upper, or outer part or
tion. Also referred to as variance ratio test. surface. That which particularly offers itself
FAA to the view of a spectator. The words of a
See Federal Aviation Administration. Also, written paper in their apparent or obvious
in maritime insurance means "Free of all av- meaning, as, the face of a note, bill, bond,
erage," denoting that the insurance is against check, draft, judgment record, or contract.
total loss only. The face of a judgment for which it was ren-
dered exclusive of interest.
fabric filter
A cloth device that catches dust particles from face amount
industrial emissions. The amount of an instrument is that shown by
the mere language employed, and excludes
fabric softener any accrued interest.
Any of a class of cationic amine compounds
of substituted fatty acids which act to reduce face breadth
wrinkling and increase fluffiness while re- See bizygomatic breadth.
taining moisture to reduce static electric- face line
ity/cling. Also called textile softener. A line used from head of boat to the tow.
fabricated evidence face shield
(1) Evidence manufactured or arranged after A protective device designed to prevent haz-
the fact, and either wholly false or else ardous materials, dusts, sharp objects, and
warped and discolored by artifice and contriv- other materials from contacting the face. A
ance with a deceitful intent. To fabricate evi- device worn in front of the eyes and a portion
dence is to arrange or manufacture circum- of, or all of, the face. It supplements the eye
stances or indicia (after the fact committed) protection afforded by a primary protective
with the purpose of using them as evidence, device, such as safety glasses.
and of deceitfully making them appear as if ac- face up
cidental or undesigned. (2) To devise falsely To make-up the towboat to the tow (i.e., ma-
or contrive by artifice with the intention to de- neuver barges into position and secure for
ceive. Such evidence may be wholly forged towing).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

face validity facial index
Having apparently relevant or appropriate The ratio of the facial length to the face
measure, statement, or data. breadth.
face velocity facial length
The average air velocity in the plane of an See facial height and facial height, total.
opening into an enclosure, such as a hood, facial nerve
through which air moves, usually expressed in A cranial nerve having both motor and sen-
feet per minute or meters per second. sory aspects, and which is involved in facial
face wires expressions, cutaneous sensations, and taste.
Heavy cables securing boat to tow (i.e., facies
pusher to barge). The front aspect of the head.
facepiece facility
That part of a respirator which covers the (1) General. Any building, plant, factory,
wearer's nose, mouth, and in a full facepiece, office complex, or other structure where work
the eyes. or other designated activity or activities occur
facet on a regularly scheduled or unscheduled basis.
A smooth, generally flat surface on a bone. Also, all or any portion of buildings, struc-
facial angle tures, sites, complexes, equipment, roads,
That angle formed by the intersection of a line walks, passageways, parking lots, or other
connecting nasion and gnathion with the real or personal property, including the site
Frankfort plane of the head. where the building, property, structure, or
equipment is located. (2) CERCLA. Broadly
facial breadth defined under Superfund to include any
See bizygomatic breadth. structure, installation, equipment, landfill im-
facial disfigurement poundment, storage vessel, vehicle, or any
That which impairs or injures the beauty, site or area where hazardous substances have
symmetry, or appearance of a person. That been deposited or otherwise have come to be
which renders unsightly, misshapen, or imper- located. (3) OSHA. The buildings, contain-
fect, or deforms in some manner. ers, or equipment which contain a process.
facial hair policy Facility Index System (FINDS)
Respirators are not to be worn when condi- An informational database that provides the
tions prevent a good facial seal. Such condi- EPA with an inventory of almost 500,000 fa-
tions may include the presence of a beard, cilities. FINDS contains both facility infor-
long sideburns, mustache, or other facial hair mation and pointers to other sources of infor-
growth. A facial hair policy is one which mation that contain more detailed information
does not permit the presence of facial hair that about the facility.
could prevent a good respirator-to-face seal facing movement
on personnel who may be required to wear Rail. The movement of a train over the points
such devices. Some facilities do not permit of a switch which face in a direction opposite
such facial hair on anyone who comes on the to that in which the train is moving.
facing point lock plunger
facial height Rail. That part of a facing point lock which
The vertical linear distance between crinion secures the lock rod to the plunger stand when
and menton in the midsagittal plane. Also re- the switch is locked.
ferred to as facial length. See also facial
height, total. facing point switch
Rail. A switch, the points of which face traf-
facial height, total fic approaching in the direction for which the
The sellion-menton length. See also facial track is signaled.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

fact factory acts
A thing done; an action performed or an inci- Laws enacted for the purpose of regulating the
dent transpiring; an event or circumstance; an hours of work, and the health and safety con-
actual occurrence; an actual happening in time ditions.
or space or an event mental or physical; that factory investigative audit
which has taken place. Maritime. The presence of the Officer in
fact question Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI) and
Those issues in a trial or hearing which con- other Coast Guard personnel at a manufac-
cern facts or events and whether such oc- turing facility to gather information and evi-
curred and how they occurred as contrasted dence to prove or disprove violations of the
with issues and questions of law. Fact ques- statutes, or to investigate potential defects
tions are for the jury, unless the issues are which may present substantial risks of per-
presented at a bench trial, while law questions sonal injury.
are decided by the judge. Fact questions and Factory Mutual Association
their findings are generally not appealable An industrial fire protection, engineering, and
though rulings of law are subject to appeal. inspection bureau established and maintained
factor by mutual insurance companies. The Factory
(1) A set of related variables as determined Mutual laboratories test and list fire protection
by factor analysis. (2) An agent or element equipment for approval, assist in the devel-
that contributes to the production of a result. opment of standards, and conduct research in
(3) See variable. fire protection. Approvals by the Factory
factor analysis Mutual Association carry the designation FM.
A statistical data treatment in which variable facts in issue
scores are analyzed and rotated to obtain or- Those matters of fact on which the plaintiff
thogonality and achieve a summary in terms proceeds by his/her action, and which the de-
of a minimum number of factors. fendant controverts in his/her defense. Under
factor loading civil rule practice in the federal courts, and in
A calculated measure of the degree of gener- most state courts, the facts alleged in the ini-
alization between variables and factors in a tial complaint are usually quite brief, with the
factor analysis. development of additional facts being left to
discovery and pretrial conference.
factor of safety
(1) Ultimate. The ratio of the ultimate stress factum probandum
to the maximum calculated stress based on (Latin) In the law of evidence, the fact to be
limit loads, as follows: proved; a fact which is at issue, and to which
evidence is to be directed.
Ultimate Strength
Ultimate Factor of Safety = facultative
Limit Load Stress
Capable of adaptation to different conditions.
(2) Yield. The ratio of the yield stress to the facultative anaerobe
maximum calculated stress based on limit Microorganisms that can multiply either in the
loads, as follows: presence or in the absence of oxygen. They
Yield Strength
can obtain energy either by respiration or by
Yield Factor of Safety = fermentation and do not require oxygen for
Limit Load Stress
factorial design facultative saprophytes
A type of experimental design in which two Organisms which can only survive on dead
or more independent variables are examined organic matter.
as part of the same process to permit the study
of both their independent and interaction ef- faculty
fects on a dependent variable. (1) A normal power or function, especially of
the mind. (2) The teaching staff of an educa-
tional institution or organization.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

FAF failure mechanism
See final approach fix. See fault.
Fahrenheit temperature scale failure mode
The scale of temperature in which 212 de- The status in which or process during which a
grees is the boiling point of water at 760 mm piece of equipment failed.
mercury pressure and 32 degrees is the freez- failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
ing point. Abbreviated °F. An in-depth analysis of possible failures and
fail their resulting effects related to system func-
Fault, negligence, or refusal. To fall short; be tion and performance (functional FMEA) or
unsuccessful or deficient. Also, fading health. system hardware and components (hardware
fail operational FMEA).
A design characteristic which allows contin- failure of consideration
ued operation of a system or subsystem de- As applied to notes, contracts, conveyances,
spite a discrete failure. etc., this term does not necessarily mean a
fail operational, fail safe want of consideration, but implies that a con-
A fail operational design which also remains sideration, originally existing and good, has
acceptably safe. See also fail operational and since become worthless or has ceased to exist
fail safe. or been extinguished, partially or entirely.

fail passive failure of proof

A system or component design feature that, Inability or failure to prove the cause of action
under failure conditions, will have no effect or defense in its entire scope and meaning.
on the operation of the overall system. failure to state cause of action
fail safe Failure of the plaintiff to allege sufficient
A system or component design feature that, facts in the complaint to maintain action. In
under failure conditions, will permit the failed other words, even if the plaintiff proved all
component or system to revert to a safe mode the facts alleged in the complaint, the facts
and not present an unacceptable hazard risk or would not establish a cause of action entitling
flow of energy due to the failure condition. the plaintiff to recover against the defendant.
The motion to dismiss for failure to state a
failure cause of action is sometimes referred to as a)
The inability of a component or system to a demurrer or b) a failure to state a claim
perform its designed function within specified upon which relief can be granted.
failure to testify
failure analysis In a criminal trial, defendant is not required to
See failure mode and effect analysis. testify and such failure may not be com-
failure assessment mented on by judge or prosecution because of
The process in which the cause, effect, re- protection under the Fifth Amendment of the
sponsibility, and cost of a failure are deter- U.S. Constitution.
mined and reported. failure tolerance
failure condition The ability of a system to experience one or
As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or more failures and still maintain some func-
the Management Oversight and Risk Tree tional capability.
(MORT), the top event, or that primary event faint
subject to a failure analysis through an event The temporary loss of consciousness as a re-
tree. sult of a reduced supply of blood to the brain.
failure management Also referred to as syncope. See also uncon-
The planning, decision-making, and policy
implementation which attempt to identify and fair
eliminate potential failures or apply corrective (1) Having the qualities of impartiality and
policies/procedures after a failure occurrence. honesty; free from prejudice, favoritism, and

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self-interest. (2) A gathering of buyers and This term is not a technical term, but simply
sellers for the purpose of exhibiting and sale means that the evidence outweighs that which
of goods; usually accompanied by amuse- is offered to oppose it, and does not necessar-
ments, contests, entertainment, and the like. ily mean the greater number of witnesses.
fair and impartial jury fair representation
Jury chosen to hear evidence and render ver- Refers to the duty of a union to represent
dict without any prior fixed opinion concern- fairly all its members, both in the conduct of
ing the guilt, innocence, or liability of defen- collective bargaining and in the enforcement
dant. Means that every member of the jury of the resulting agreement, and to serve the
must be a fair and impartial juror. interests of all members without hostility or
fair and impartial trial discrimination toward any and to exercise its
A hearing by an impartial and disinterested discretion with complete good faith and hon-
tribunal; a proceeding which hears before it esty and to avoid arbitrary conduct.
condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry, and fairly close
renders judgment only after consideration of Maritime. As close to the shore, dike, or light
evidence and facts as a whole. A basic con- as practicable (approximately 150 feet off).
stitutional guarantee contained implicitly in FAK
the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth See freight all kinds.
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
fall streaks
fair comment Falling ice crystals that evaporate before
A form of qualified privilege applied to news reaching the ground. They appear as streaks
media publications relating to discussion of of grayish blue in the sky. See also virga.
matters which are of legitimate concern to the
community as a whole, because they materi- fall time
ally affect the interests of all the community. The time interval between an initial response
in an instrument and a specified percent de-
fair day's work crease (e.g., 90%) after a decrease in the inlet
A concept of the amount of daily work output concentration.
expected by management from qualified em-
ployee(s), assuming no processing limitations. fall wind
Also referred to as expected attainment. A strong, cold wind that blows downslope off
snow-covered plateaus.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
A comprehensive federal employment regula- fallen skier
tion providing employer requirements such as Coast Guard. A person who has fallen off
equal pay, overtime, minimum wage, employ- their water skies.
ment of minors, and recordkeeping. Some- falling river
times referred to as Wage and Hour Law. The river condition when gauge readings are
fair market value decreasing day by day.
Automotive Industry. The value of a vehicle Fallot's tetralogy
as stated by the National Automotive Dealers A combination of congenital cardiac defects,
Association (NADA) or other sale publica- namely, pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal
tion. For vehicles under the 3-year replace- defects, dextroposition of the aorta, so that
ment cycle, fair market value is the average such combination overrides the interventricu-
loan indicated in the appropriate NADA pub- lar septum and receives venous as well as ar-
lication. terial blood, and right ventricular hypertrophy.
fair preponderance of evidence fallout
Evidence sufficient to create in the minds of Radioactive debris from a nuclear detonation
the triers of fact the conviction that the party which becomes airborne, or has deposited on
upon whom is the burden of proof has estab- the earth. It is the dust and other particulate
lished its case. The greater and weightier the material which contain radioactive fission
evidence, the more convincing the evidence. products from a nuclear explosion.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

false alarm fan, forward curved blade
An indication of a problem when no opera- A centrifugal fan with blades inclined in the
tional problem exists other than in the sensing direction of fan rotation.
mechanism. See also type I error. fan laws
false chokes Statements and equations that describe the
A choking sensation or cough due to breath- relationship between fan volume, pressure,
ing 100% oxygen for an extended period of brake horsepower, size, and any other changes
time, which results in dry lung tissues. made in fan operation. For example, volume
false statement varies directly as fan speed and horsepower
Statement knowingly false, or made reck- varies as the cube of the fan speed.
lessly without honest belief in its truth, and fan, paddle wheel
with purpose to mislead or deceive. The fed- A centrifugal fan with radial blades.
eral criminal stature governing false state- fan, propeller
ments applies to three distinct offenses: falsi- An axial fan employing a propeller to move
fying, concealing, or covering up a material air.
fact by any trick, scheme, or device; making
false, fictitious, or fraudulent false documents fan, radial blade
or writing. A centrifugal fan with radial blades extending
out radially from the fan wheel shaft.
falsifying a record
It is a crime, under state and federal statutes, fan rating table
for a person, knowing that he/she has no Tables published by fan manufacturers pre-
privilege to do so, to falsify or otherwise tam- senting the range of capacities of a particular
per with public records with the purpose of fan model along with the static pressure de-
deceiving or injuring anyone or concealing veloped and the fan speed within the limits of
any wrongdoing. the fan's construction.
falx fan, squirrel cage
A sickle-shaped structure. A centrifugal blower with forward curved
A mechanical device which physically moves fan static pressure
air and creates static pressure. The static pressure added to that of the venti-
lation system due to the presence of the fan.
fan, airfoil It equals the sum of pressure losses in the
A type of backward inclined blade fan with system minus the velocity pressure in the air
blades that have an airfoil cross-section. at the fan inlet.
fan, axial fan, tube axial
A fan in which airflow is parallel to the fan An axial fan mounted in a duct section.
shaft and air movement is induced by a screw-
like action of the fan blade. fan, vane axial
An axial flow fan mounted in a duct section
fan, backward inclined blade with vanes to straighten the airflow and in-
A centrifugal fan with blades inclined oppo- crease static pressure.
site to fan rotation.
fan, centrifugal See final approach point.
A fan in which the air leaves the fan in a di-
rection perpendicular to the direction of entry. FAR
See Federal Aviation Regulation.
fan curve
A curve relating the pressure versus volume far field
flow rate of a given fan at a fixed fan speed In acoustics, the uniform sound field which is
(rpm). free and undisturbed by bounding surfaces
and other sources of sound and in which the
sound pressure level obeys the inverse-square

©2000 CRC Press LLC

law relationship and decreases 6 dB for each or farm machinery, farm supplies, or both, to
doubling of distance from the source. Also or from a farm; c) not being used in the op-
referred to as a free sound field. eration of a for-hire motor carrier; c) not car-
far infrared rying hazardous materials of a type or quan-
That portion of the infrared radiation spec- tity that requires the vehicle to be placarded in
trum with wavelengths ranging from about accordance with 49 CFR 177.823, and d)
5000 nm to 1 mm. Also referred to as long being used within 150 air-miles of the
wavelength infrared. farmer's farm.

far ultraviolet farmer's lung disease

That portion of the ultraviolet radiation spec- A syndrome that consists initially of chills
trum consisting of wavelengths from about and fever, followed by impairment of lung
100 to 200 nm. function. It is normally caused by chronic
exposure to moldy hay or other moldy organic
far vision material. It is also known as thresher's lung.
The ability to see the distant physical envi-
ronment. farmer's skin
See sailor's skin.
farad (F)
A unit of capacitance; that amount of capaci- farsightedness
tance between two conductors separated by a See hyperopia.
dielectric with a potential difference of one FAS
volt and charged by one coulomb. See free alongside ship.
fare fast file
The required payment for a ride on a public Aviation. A system whereby a pilot files a
transportation vehicle. It may be paid by any flight plan via telephone that is tape recorded
acceptable means, for example, cash, token, and then transcribed for transmission to the
ticket, transfer, fare card, voucher, or pass or appropriate air traffic facility. Locations
user fee. having a fast file capability are contained in
fare evasion the Airport/Facility Directory.
The unlawful use of transit facilities by riding fast meter response
without paying the applicable fare. The "fast" response of the sound level meter
fare recovery ratio shall be used. The fast dynamic response
The ratio of fare revenue to operating ex- shall comply with the meter dynamic charac-
penses. teristics in the American National Standard
Institute (ANSI) specification for Sound
farm-to-market agricultural transportation Level Meters.
The operation of a motor vehicle controlled
and operated by a farmer who: a) is a private fast twitch muscle
motor carrier of property; b) is using the ve- See white muscle.
hicle to transport agricultural products from a fastenings
farm owned by the farmer, or to transport With regard to ladders, a device to attach a
farm machinery or farm supplies to or from a ladder to a structure, building, or equipment.
farm owned by the farmer; and c) is not using fat
the vehicle to transport hazardous materials of (1) The adipose or fatty tissue of the body.
a type or quantity that requires the vehicle to (2) An oily substance consisting of glycerin (a
be placarded in accordance with 49 CFR form of alcohol called glycerol) and a group
177.823. of fatty acids, chiefly palmitic, stearic and
farm vehicle driver oleic acids, combined as glycerin esters. Fats
A person who drives only a motor vehicle that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in
is a) controlled and operated by a farmer as a most foods, especially in meats and dairy
private motor carrier of property; b) being products. Fats may be solid, such as butter, or
used to transport either agricultural products, liquid such as olive oil.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

fat body mass injuries preventing the insured from per-
That portion of the body mass which is due to forming the work in which he/she is usually
fat. employed, but not resulting in death. (2) Any
fat-free body injury which results in death within 7 days of
A physical/metabolic state in which an indi- the accident. (3) National Transportation
vidual has only the minimal amount of fat Safety Board. Any injury which results in
stored in his/her body. death within 30 days of the accident.

fat-free mass fatal plus nonfatal injury accidents

See lean body mass. The sum of all fatal accidents and nonfatal-
injury accidents.
fat-free weight
See lean body weight. fatality
(1) General. A death due to any cause. (2)
fat patterning American Gas Association. Death resulting
The distribution of subcutaneous fat through- from the failure or escape of gas. (3) High-
out the body. way Transit. Those deaths a) which result
fatal accident from motor vehicle accidents that occurred
(1) General. An accident causing the death of during the relevant calendar year, and b)
one or more persons in or as a direct result of those in which the injured person(s) died
that accident. (2) National Safety Council. within 30 days of the accident. Also, a tran-
An accident that results in one or more deaths sit-caused death confirmed within 30 days of
within one year. (3) Transportation. a) A a transit incident. Also, a death as the result
motor vehicle traffic accident resulting in one of a crash that involves a motor vehicle in
or more fatal injuries. b) An accident for transport on a traffic-way and in which at
which at least one fatality was reported. c) least one person dies within 30 days of the
Statistics reported to the Federal Highway crash. For purposes of statistical reporting on
Administration (FHWA) shall conform to the transportation safety, fatality shall be consid-
30-day rule, i.e., a fatality resulting from a ered a death due to injuries in a transportation
highway vehicular accident is to be counted accident or incident that occurs within 30 days
only if death occurs within 30 days of the ac- of that accident or incident. (4) Rail Opera-
cident. tions. The death of a person resulting from an
injury incurred during railroad operations or
fatal accident rate resulting from an occupational illness, if death
Transportation. The fatal accident rate is the occurs within 365 days of initial diagnosis.
number of fatal accidents per 100 million ve- Also, a death confirmed within 30 days after
hicle miles of travel. an incident which occurs under the collision,
fatal alcohol involvement crash derailment, personal casualty, or fire catego-
A fatal crash is alcohol related or alcohol in- ries.
volved if either a driver or a non-motorist fatality/injury
(usually a pedestrian) had a measurable or es- Refers to the average number of fatalities and
timated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of injuries which occurred per one hundred acci-
0.01 grams per deciliter (g/dl) or above. dents. Frequently used as an index of acci-
fatal crash dent severity.
Transit. A police-reported crash involving a fatality rate
motor vehicle in transport on a traffic-way in Transit. (1) The average number of fatalities
which at least one person dies within 30 days which occurred per accident or per one hun-
of the crash. dred accidents. (2) The fatality rate is the
fatal injury number of fatalities per 100 million vehicle
(1) Law-Insurance. A term embracing inju- miles of travel.
ries resulting in death, which, as used in acci- fatfold
dent and disability insurance policies is dis- See skinfold.
tinguished from "disability," which embraces

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fatigue analysis, that evaluates the overall effect of
(1) Physiological. The condition of being functional failures on other subsystems or the
extremely tired as a result of some physical overall system itself. Synonymous with func-
and/or mental exertion. A state characterized tional hazard analysis.
by lack of motivation, interest, and/or an in- fault of operator
ability to maintain normal, consistent produc- Coast Guard. Speeding; overloading; im-
tivity and quality due to recent physical or proper loading, not properly seating occupants
mental exertion. (2) Structural. The progres- of a boat; no longer lookout; carelessness;
sive localized permanent structural change failure to heed weather warnings; operating in
that occurs in a material subjected to constant a congested area; not observing the Rules of
or variable amplitude loads at stresses having the Road; unsafe fueling practices; lack of ex-
a maximum value less than the ultimate perience; ignorance of aids to navigation; lack
strength of the material. of caution in an unfamiliar area of operation;
fatigue allowance improper installation or maintenance of hull,
That additional time which is added to the machinery, or equipment; poor judgment;
normal time to permit a worker to rest. recklessness; overpowering the boat; panic;
fatigue-decreased proficiency proceeding in an unseaworthy craft; operating
A decrease in performance due to prolonged a motorboat near persons in the water; starting
whole-body vibration exposure (an older engine with clutch engaged or throttle ad-
term). vanced; irresponsible boat handling such as
quick, sharp turns.
fatigue-decreased proficiency boundary
Those limits of human whole-body vibration fault stand
exposure for certain time durations at speci- In seismology, an individual fault of a set of
fied frequencies which are intended to main- closely spaced parallel or sub-parallel faults
tain a basic performance level (an older term). of a fault system.

fatigue life fault tolerance

The number of cycles of stress or strain of a The built-in ability of a system to provide
specified character that a given material sus- continued correct operation in the presence of
tains before failure of a specified nature oc- a specified number of faults or failures.
curs. Also referred to as cycle life. fault tree analysis (FTA)
fauces A system safety analysis technique used as an
The opening between the posterior mouth and inductive method (top down, from the known
the oropharynx. to the unknown) to evaluate fault or failure
events in a system or process.
(1) General. A manifestation of an error. FBI
Any condition which may or will cause a See Federal Bureau of Investigation.
system to fail. (2) Seismology. A fracture or FBSA
zone of fractures along which there has been See Federal Boating Safety Act.
displacement of the sides relative to one an- FBT
other, parallel to the fracture. (3) Law. Neg- See full berth terms.
ligence; an error or defect of judgement or of
conduct; any deviation from prudence, duty, fc
or rectitude; any shortcoming, or neglect of See foot-candle.
care or performance resulting from inatten- FCC
tion, incapacity, or perversity; a wrong ten- See Federal Communications Commission.
dency, course, or act; bad faith or misman-
agement; neglect of duty. FCDC
Flexible, confined detonating cord.
fault hazard analysis (FHA)
A system safety analysis method, usually an FCLT
extension of the failure mode and effect See freeze calculated landing time.

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FDA fecal coliform bacteria
See Food and Drug Administration. Bacteria found in the intestinal tracts of
FDAAL mammals. Their presence in water or sludge
See Food and Drug Administration Action is an indicator of pollution and possible con-
Level. tamination by pathogens.

feasibility study feces

(1) OSHA. A study performed by OSHA to The collective excretions normally passing
determine if a proposed standard is practical through the anus, including undigested and
unabsorbed food and intestinal secretions.
for the exposure under consideration as well
as from an implementation perspective. (2) Fechner's Law
EPA. An analysis of the practicability of a A proposed logarithmic relationship between
proposal; e.g., a description and analysis of stimulus intensity and sensory strength, hav-
the potential cleanup alternatives for a site or ing the form
alternatives for a site on the National Priori- S = k log Is
ties List. The feasibility study usually rec-
ommends selection of a cost-effective alter- where:
native. It usually starts in tandem with the S = sensory strength
Remedial Investigation (RI). Performed to- k = constant depending on the units of
gether, the process is commonly referred to as measurement and modality
the RI/FS. The term can apply to a variety of Is = stimulus intensity
proposed corrective or regulatory actions. fecundity
feasible The physiological ability to reproduce.
A measure that is practical and capable of federal
being accomplished or brought about. Belonging to the general government or union
feasor of the states. Founded on or organized under
The doer or maker. Also used in the com- the Constitution of the United States. Of or
pound term "tort-feasor," meaning one who constituting a government in which power is
commits or is guilty of a tort. distributed between a central authority (i.e.,
federal government) and a number of con-
featherbedding stituent territorial units (i.e., states).
The name given to employee practices which
federal agency
create or spread employment by unnecessarily
Any executive department, military depart-
maintaining or increasing the number of em-
ment, government corporation, government-
ployees used, or the amount of time con-
controlled corporation or other establishment
sumed, to work on a particular job. Most of
in the executive branch of government in-
these practices stem from a desire on the part
cluding the Executive Office of the President
of employees for job security in the face of
or any independent regulatory agency.
technological improvements.
federal-aid highways
feathered propeller Those highways eligible for assistance under
Aviation. A propeller whose blades have been Title 23 U.S.C. except those functionally clas-
rotated so that the leading and trailing edges sified as local or rural minor collectors.
are nearly parallel with the aircraft flight path
to stop or minimize drag and engine rotation. Federal-Aid Primary Highway System
Normally used to indicate shutdown of a re- The Federal-Aid Highway System of rural ar-
ciprocating or turboprop engine due to mal- terials and their extensions into or through ur-
function. ban areas in existence on June 1, 1991, as de-
scribed in 23 U.S.C. 103(b) in effect at that
febella time.
A sesamoid fibrocartilage in the gastrocne-
mius muscle. Federal Aid Secondary Highway System
This existed prior to the ISTEA [Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act] of
1991 and included rural collector routes.

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Federal Aid Urban Highway System fuel taxes, for state recreational boating safety
This existed prior to the ISTEA [Intermodal programs. Now re-codified as Chapter 43 of
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act] of Title 46, United States Code.
1991 and included urban arterial and collector Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
routes, exclusive of urban extensions of the The FBI (established in 1908) is charged with
Federal-Aid Primary system. investigating all violations of federal laws with
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) the exception of those which have been as-
Formerly the Federal Aviation Agency, the signed by legislative enactment or otherwise to
Federal Aviation Administration was estab- some other federal agency. The FBI's jurisdic-
lished by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 tion includes a wide range of responsibilities in
(49 U.S.C. 106) and became a component of the criminal, civil, and security fields. Among
the Department of Transportation in 1967 these are espionage, sabotage, and other sub-
pursuant to the Department of Transportation versive activities; kidnapping; extortion; bank
Act (49 U.S.C. app. 1651 note). The Admini- robbery; interstate transportation of stolen
stration is charged with a) regulating air property; civil rights matters; interstate gam-
commerce in ways that best promote its de- bling violations; fraud against the Government;
velopment and safety and fulfill the require- and assault or killing the President or a Federal
ments of national defense; b) controlling the officer. Cooperative services of the FBI for
use of navigable airspace of the United States other duly authorized law enforcement agen-
and regulating both civil and military opera- cies include fingerprint identification, labora-
tions in such airspace in the interest of safety tory services, police training, and the National
and efficiency; c) promoting, encouraging, Crime Information Center.
and developing civil aeronautics; d) consoli- Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
dating research and development with respect The FCC was created by the Communications
to air navigation facilities; e) installing and Act of 1934 to regulate interstate and foreign
operating air navigation facilities; f) devel- communications by wire and radio in the
oping and operating a common system of air public interest. It was assigned additional
traffic control and navigation for both civil regulatory jurisdiction under the provisions of
and military aircraft; and g) developing and the Communications Satellite Act of 1962.
implementing programs and regulations to The scope of its regulatory powers includes
control aircraft noise, sonic boom, and other radio and television broadcasting, telephone,
environmental effects of civil aviation. telegraph, and cable television operation; two-
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) way radio and radio operators; and satellite
The set of regulatory obligations contained in communication.
Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations federal crimes
which FAA is charged to enforce in order to Those acts which have been made criminal by
promote the safety of civil aviation both do- federal law. There are no federal common-
mestically and internationally. law crimes though many federal statutes have
Federal Boating Safety Act (FBSA) incorporated the elements of common-law
Enacted by Congress on 10 August 1971, it crimes. Most federal crimes are codified in
gave the Coast Guard the authority to estab- Title 18 of the United States Code; though
lish comprehensive boating safety programs, other Code Titles also include specific crimes.
authorized the establishment of national con- Federa l Emerg ency Ma na g ement Ag ency
struction and performance standards for boats ( F EM A )
and associated equipment and created a more An independent agency that advises the Presi-
flexible regulatory authority concerning the dent on meeting civil emergencies and pro-
use of boats and associated equipment. vides assistance to individuals and public en-
Amended by the Recreational Boating Safety tities that suffered property damage in emer-
and Facilities Improvement Act of 1980, also gencies and disasters when recommended by
known as The Recreational Boating Fund Act the President.
of 1980 (The Biaggi Act) which provided fi-
nancial assistance, in part through motorboat

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Federal Employees' Compensation Act is authorized to establish and maintain a na-
Type of workers' compensation plan for fed- tional network for trucks; administers a coor-
eral employees by which payments are made dinated federal lands program; coordinates
for death or disability sustained in perform- varied research, development and technology
ance of duties of employment. transfer activities; supports and participates in
Federal Employer's Liability Act efforts to fund research and technology
Federal workers' compensation law which abroad; plus a few additional programs.
protects employees of railroads engaged in Federal Implementation Plan (FIP)
interstate and foreign commerce. Payments Implemented by the EPA when a state fails to
are made for death or disability sustained in implement their own plan for the establish-
performance of duties of employment. ment, regulation, and enforcement of air pol-
Federa l Energ y Reg ulato ry Co mmissio n lution standards.
( F ER C ) Federal Maritime Commission
The federal agency with jurisdiction over in- Regulates the waterborne foreign and domes-
terstate electricity sales, wholesale electric tic offshore commerce of the United States,
rates, hydroelectric licensing, natural gas assures that United States international trade
pricing, oil pipeline rates, and gas pipeline is open to all nations on fair and equitable
certification. Federal Energy Regulatory terms, and guards against unauthorized mo-
Commission (FERC) is an independent regu- nopoly in the waterborne commerce of the
latory agency within the Department of En- United States. This is accomplished through
ergy and is the successor to the Federal Power maintaining surveillance over steamship con-
Commission. ferences and common carriers by water; as-
Federal Facility Compliance Act (FFCA) of suring that only the rates on file with the
1992 Commission are charged; approving agree-
Amendment to the Resource Conservation ments between persons subject to the Ship-
and Recovery Act (RCRA). Ensures that ping Act; guaranteeing equal treatment to
there is a complete and unambiguous waiver shippers and carriers by terminal operators,
of sovereign immunity with regard to fines freight forwarders, and other persons subject
and penalties against Federal Facilities. Act to the shipping statutes; and ensuring that
allows State environmental agencies and the adequate levels of financial responsibility are
EPA to impose civil penalties and administra- maintained for indemnification of passengers
tive fines on Federal Facilities under RCRA or oil spill cleanup.
for violations of federal, state, and local solid Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
and hazardous waste laws. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Service helps prevent disruptions in the flow
Became a component of the Department of of interstate commerce caused by disputes
Transportation in 1967 pursuant to the De- between labor and management by providing
partment of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. mediators to assist disputing parties in the
app. 1651 note). It administers the highway resolution of their differences. The Service
transportation programs of the Department of can intervene on its own motion or by invita-
Transportation under pertinent legislation and tion of either side in a dispute. Mediators
the provisions of law cited in section 6a) of have no law enforcement authority and rely
the act (49 U.S.C. 104). The Administration wholly on persuasive techniques. The Service
encompasses highway transportation in its also helps provide qualified third-party neu-
broadest scope seeking to coordinate high- trals as fact finders or arbitrators.
ways with other modes of transportation to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
achieve the most effective balance of trans- (FMCSR)
portation systems and facilities under cohe- The regulations are contained in the Code of
sive federal transportation policies pursuant to Federal Regulations, Title 49, Chapter III,
the act. The Administration administers the Subchapter B.
Federal-Aid Highway Program; is responsible
for several highway-related safety programs;

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Federal Power Act in the bankruptcy courts; and Supplemental
Enacted in 1920, amended in 1935, the Act Rules, in addition to main body of rules, gov-
consists of three parts. The first part incorpo- ern admiralty and maritime actions.
rated the Federal Water Power Act adminis- Federal Rules of Evidence
tered by the former Federal Power Commis- Rules which govern the admissibility of evi-
sion, whose activities were confined almost dence at trials in the Federal District Courts
entirely to licensing non-Federal hydroelectric and before U.S. Magistrates. Many states
projects. Parts II and III were added with the have adopted Evidence Rules patterned on
passage of the Public Utility Act. These parts these federal rules.
extended the Act's jurisdiction to include
regulating the interstate transmission of elec- Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organiza-
trical energy and rates for its sale, at whole- tions (Section 8)
sale rates, in interstate commerce. The Fed- Guidelines that went into effect on November
eral Energy Regulatory Commission is now 1, 1991 designed to promote uniformity of
charged with the administration of this law. sentencing for corporations convicted in fed-
eral cases, such as violations of securities or
federal preemption antitrust laws, kickbacks, or bribery. Miti-
The U.S. Constitution and acts of Congress gating factors lessen penalties if an organiza-
have given to the federal government exclu- tion has an Effective Compliance Program.
sive power over certain matters such as inter- Guidelines do not apply to environmental of-
state commerce. Sedition, to the exclusion of fenses. See also effective compliance pro-
state jurisdiction, is also given to federal gram and Environmental Guidelines for
courts. When such preemptions are invoked, Sentencing Organizations.
they are commonly described as involving a
"federal question." Federal Standard 595a
A color ordering system developed by the
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) U.S. Government for standardizing colors
The FRA was created pursuant to section used by federal agencies according to a 5-
3(e)(1) of the Department of Transportation digit code and a gloss/luster criterion. See
Act of 1966 (49 U.S.C. app. 1652). The pur- also color ordering system.
pose of the Federal Railroad Administration is
to promulgate and enforce rail safety regula- Federal Tort Claims Act
tions, administer railroad financial assistance The government of the United States may not
programs, conduct research and development be sued in tort without its consent. That con-
in support of improved railroad safety and sent was given in the Federal Tort Claims Act
national rail transportation policy, provide for (1946), which largely abrogated the federal
the rehabilitation of Northeast Corridor government's immunity from tort liability and
(NEC) rail passenger service, and consolidate established the conditions for suits and claims
government support of rail transportation ac- against the federal government. The Act (28
tivities. U.S.C.A §§ 1346(b), 2674) preserves gov-
ernmental immunity with respect to the tradi-
Federal Register (FR) tional categories of intentional torts, and with
The official daily publication of the United respect to acts or omissions which fall within
States government that provides a uniform the "discretionary function or duty" of any
system for publishing Presidential and federal federal agency or employee.
agency documents.
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Agency of the federal government created in
Body of procedural rules which governs all 1914. The Commission's principal functions
civil actions in the U.S. District Courts and are to promote free and fair competition in
after which most states have modeled their interstate commerce through the prevention of
own rules of civil procedure. These rules general trade restraints such as price-fixing
were promulgated by the U.S. Supreme Court agreements, false advertising, boycotts, illegal
in 1938 under power granted by Congress, combinations of competitors and other unfair
and have since been frequently amended. methods of competition.
Such rules also govern adversary proceedings

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Federal Transit Administration (FTA) feedback
Formerly the Urban Mass Transportation The return of meaningful information within a
Administration, it operates under the authority closed-loop system so that system perform-
of the Federal Transit Act, as amended (49 ance can be appropriately modified. Also re-
U.S.C. app. 1601 et seq.). The Federal Tran- ferred to as knowledge of results.
sit Act was repealed on July 5, 1994, and the feedback control system
Federal transit laws were codified and re- See closed-loop system.
enacted as Chapter 53 of Title 49, United
States Code. The Federal Transit Admini- feedback mechanism
stration was established as a component of the A process whereby an initial change in an
Department of Transportation by section 3 of atmospheric process will tend to either rein-
Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1968 (5 U.S.C. force the process (positive feedback) or
app.), effective July 1, 1968. The missions of weaken the process (negative feedback).
the Administration are a) to assist in the de- feeder
velopment of improved mass transportation All circuit conductors between the service
facilities, equipment, techniques, and meth- equipment, or the generator switchboard of an
ods, with the cooperation of mass transporta- isolated plant, and the final mechanical rather
tion companies both public and private; b) to than electrical function.
encourage the planning and establishment of
area-wide urban mass transportation systems feeder bus
needed for economical and desirable urban A bus service that picks up and delivers pas-
development, with the cooperation of mass sengers to a rail rapid transit station or express
transportation companies both public and pri- bus stop or terminal.
vate; c) to provide assistance to state and local feeder fix
governments and their instrumentalities in fi- Aviation. The fix depicted on Instrument Ap-
nancing such systems, to be operated by pub- proach Procedure Charts which establishes
lic or private mass transportation companies the starting point of the feeder route.
as determined by local needs; and d) to pro-
feeder route
vide financial assistance to state and local
Aviation. A route depicted on instrument ap-
governments to help implement national goals
proach procedure charts to designate routes
relating to mobility for elderly persons, per-
for aircraft to proceed from the en route
sons with disabilities, and economically dis-
structure to the initial approach fix (IAF).
advantaged persons.
feeder vessel
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
A vessel which transfers containers to a
"mother ship" for an ocean voyage.
Law passed in 1970 and amended in 1972
giving the Coast Guard a mandate to develop, feedlot
among other things, marine sanitation device A relatively small, confined area for the con-
regulations. trolled feeding of animals that tends to con-
centrate large amounts of animal wastes that
fee damages
cannot be absorbed by the soil and, hence,
Damages sustained by and awarded to an
may be carried to nearby streams or lakes by
abutting owner of real property occasioned by
rainfall runoff.
the construction and operation of an elevated
railroad in a city street, are so called because feedstock energy
compensation is made to the owner for the Under ISO 14000, the gross combustion heat
injury to, or deprivation of, his/her easements of raw material inputs, which are not used as
of light, air, and access, and these are parts of energy sources, to a byproduct system.
the fee. fellow servant
feed One who works for and is controlled by the
A mechanism which introduces material to a same employer; a co-worker. Employees who
machine for processing. derive authority and compensation from the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

same employer, and are engaged in the same in calcium and magnesium. See also wet-
general business. lands.
fellow servant rule FERC
A common-law doctrine, now generally abro- See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
gated by workers' compensation acts and Fed- Feret's diameter
eral Employers' Liability Act, that in an action The distance between the extreme boundaries
for damages brought against an employer by of a particle.
an injured employee the employer may allege
that the negligence of another fellow em- fermentation
ployee was partly or wholly responsible for The breakdown of organic substance by mi-
the accident resulting in the injury, and thus croorganisms with a resulting release of en-
reducing or extinguishing his/her own liabil- ergy.
ity. ferrel cell
felon The name given to the middle latitude cell in
A person who commits or has committed a the 3-cell model for general circulation.
felony. ferries
felony Establishments primarily engaged in operat-
A crime of a graver or more serious nature ing ferries for the transportation of passengers
than those designated as misdemeanors. For or vehicles.
example, an aggravated assault (a felony) is ferruginous bodies
contrasted with simple assault (a misde- Bodies formed by fibers that have entered the
meanor). Under many state statutes, any of- lungs. These bodies can be formed by any
fense punishable by death or imprisonment kind of durable fiber including asbestos, fi-
for a term exceeding one year. The federal berglass, and vegetable fibers of siliceous ori-
and many state criminal codes define felony gin.
status crimes, and in turn also have various
classes of felonies (e.g., Class A, B, C, etc.) or ferry boat
degrees (e.g., first, second, third) with varying A boat providing fixed-route service across a
sentences for each class. body of water.

Fels index ferry crossing

An estimate for the percentage of body fat and Route used to transport traffic between two
nutritional status of the body. points separated by water.

FEMA ferry flight

See Federal Emergency Management Asso- Aviation. A flight for the purpose of a) re-
ciation. turning an aircraft to base, b) delivering an
aircraft from one location to another, or c)
femoral breadth moving an aircraft to and from a maintenance
See knee breadth. base. Ferry flights, under certain conditions,
femur may be conducted under terms of a special
The long bone in the thigh extending from the flight permit.
pelvis to the knee. It is the longest and ferry vessel
straightest bone in the body. Its proximal end A vessel which is limited in its use to the car-
articulates with the acetabulum, a cup-like riage of deck passengers or vehicles or both,
cavity in the pelvic girdle. The greater and operates on a short run on a frequent schedule
lesser trochanters are the two processes between two points over the most direct water
(prominences) at the proximal end of the fe- route, other than in ocean or coastwise serv-
mur. ice, and is offered as a public service of a type
fen normally attributed to a bridge or tunnel.
A type of wetland that accumulates peat de- ferryboats
posits. Fens are less acidic than bogs, deriv- Vessels for carrying passengers and/or vehi-
ing most of their water from groundwater rich cles over a body of water. The vessels are

©2000 CRC Press LLC

generally steam- or diesel-powered conven- 5 to 1, or greater, and having substantially
tional ferry vessels. They may also be hover- parallel sides.
craft, hydrofoil and other high speed vessels. fiber optics
fertility toxin A system of flexible quartz or glass fibers
A substance which reduces male or female with internal reflective surfaces that can
fertility. transmit light.
Materials such as nitrogen and phosphorous
that provide nutrients for plants. Commer-
cially sold as fertilizers and may contain other
chemicals or may be in the form of processed
sewage sludge.
Harmful effects exhibited by a fetus, due to
exposure to a toxic substance, that may result
in death, reduced birth weight, or impairment
of growth and physiological dysfunction.
A substance which is toxic to the fetus.
Later stage of development in unborn organ-
isms, following the embryonic stage.
Forced expiratory volume.
See forced expiratory volume-one second.
A condition in which the body temperature is
above normal.
A fiber optic lead
See Federal Facility Compliance Act of
A commercial, nonflammable fiber that is
made from spun glass primarily used for in-
FFDCA sulation. Fibers of this material can penetrate
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. the skin causing dermatitis in some people
FHA and, when airborne, can affect the lungs of
See fault hazard analysis. some people. Fiberglass is resistant to most
chemicals and solvents.
See Federal Highway Administration. fiberglass (plastic) hull
Hulls of fiber reinforced plastic. The laminate
fiber consists of two basic components, the rein-
(1) General. A particle having a length to forcing material (glass filaments) and the
diameter/width ratio of greater than 3 to 1. plastic or resin in which it is embedded.
(2) PCM Method. Particulate at least 5 mi-
crometers in length with an aspect ratio fiberscope
(length to width ratio) of at least 3 to 1. A A flexible instrument for direct visual exami-
rod-like structure having a length at least nation of the interior of hollow organs or body
three times its diameter. (3) EPA-TEM cavities, constructed of fibers having special
Method. Structure greater than or equal to 0.5 optical properties.
micrometers in length with an aspect ratio of

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fibrillation field and gathering pipelines
(1) A transitory muscular contraction result- A network of pipelines (mains) transporting
ing from spontaneous activation of single natural gas from the individual wells to a
muscle cells or fibers. (2) Rapid and uncoor- compressor station, processing point, or main
dinated contractions of the heart. (3) The trunk pipeline.
quality of being made up of fibers. field area
fibrinogen Energy. A geographic area encompassing
A blood protein which precipitates out to two or more pools that have a common gath-
form fibers during the clotting process. ering and metering system, the reserves of
which are reported as a single unit. This con-
cept applies primarily to the Appalachian re-
Connective tissue cell.
gion. See also pool.
fibroma field blank sample
A tumor composed mainly of fibrous or fully Sampling media, such as a charcoal tube, fil-
developed connective tissue. ter cassette, or other device, which is handled
fibrosis in the field in the same manner as are other
The formation and accumulation of fibrous sampling media of the same type but through
tissue, especially in the lungs. Also the which no air is sampled. These are used in
chronic collagenous degeneration of the pul- sampling and analysis procedures to deter-
monary parenchyma. mine the contribution to the analytical result
fibrosis producing dust from the media plus any contamination which
A dust which, when inhaled, deposited, and may have occurred during handling in the
retained in the lungs, can produce fibrotic field, shipping, and storage before analysis.
Often referred to as a blank sample.
growth that may result in pulmonary disease.
field-constructed tanks
Vertical cylinders with a capacity of greater
A material which contains fibers.
than 50,000 gallons.
fibula field duplicate
The smaller, more lateral bone of the lower
A sample that is collected concurrently with
another sample of the same type, and in the
fibular height same location for the same duration. It is an
The vertical distance from the floor or other extra field sample that helps to ensure quality
reference surface to the superior tip of the fib- control.
ula. Measured with the individual standing field of view
erect and the weight distributed evenly on The solid angle within the visual field for
both feet. which the eye or other optical sensor provides
FID useful data.
See flame ionization detector. field sampling plan
fidelity Provides guidance for all fieldwork by defin-
(1) The degree to which a system's input is ing in detail the sampling and data-gathering
reflected in its output. (2) The degree of re- methods to be used on a project.
alism in a simulation. field separation facility
field A surface installation designed to recover
(1) That portion of the interlaced display lease condensate from a produced natural gas
which is represented by every other horizontal stream usually originating from more than one
scan line. Two fields make a frame on an in- lease and managed by the operator of one or
terlaced video display. (2) A limited area, more of these leases.
such as the area of a slide visible through the field study
lens system of a microscope. An investigation in which subjects are ob-
served or measured in their natural environ-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

FIFRA which do not raise any constitutional prob-
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti- lems, including the lewd and obscene, the
cide Act. profane, the libelous, and the insulting or
Fifteenth Amendment "fighting words" which by their very utter-
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified ance inflict injury or tend to incite an immedi-
by the States in 1870, guaranteeing all citizens ate breach of the peace.
the right to vote regardless of race, color, or figure
previous condition of servitude. Congress Any drawing, graphical display, photograph,
was given the power to enforce such rights by or similar entity composed of more than just
appropriate legislation. text in a document.
Fifth Amendment Filar micrometer
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provid- A microscopic attachment used for determin-
ing that no person shall be required to answer ing the size of particles.
for a capital or otherwise infamous offense file
unless on indictment or presentment of a A collection of information or data which is
grand jury in military cases; that no person stored as a single unit or within a specified re-
will suffer double jeopardy; that no person stricted location (can be electronic, paper, or
will be compelled to be a witness against him- other type of media).
self/herself; that no person shall be deprived
of life, liberty, or property without due proc- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
ess of law and that private property will not A type of Internet site for file downloads.
be taken for public use without just compen- filed
sation. Aviation. Normally used in conjunction with
fifth wheel flight plans, meaning a flight plan has been
(1) A device mounted on a truck tractor or submitted to Air Traffic Control.
similar towing vehicle (e.g., converter dolly) filed en route delay
which interfaces with and couples to the up- Aviation. Any of the following preplanned
per coupler assembly of a semitrailer. (2) delays at points/areas along the route of flight
Load-supporting plate mounted to frame of which require special flight plan filing and
vehicle. Pivot mounted, it contains provisions handling techniques: a) Terminal Area Delay.
for accepting and holding the kingpin of a A delay within a terminal area for touch and
semitrailer, providing a flexible connection go, low approach, or other terminal area ac-
between the tractor and the trailer. tivity. b) Special Use Airspace Delay. A de-
fighting words doctrine lay within a Military Operating Area, Re-
The First Amendment doctrine that holds that stricted Area, Warning Area, or Air Traffic
certain utterances are not constitutionally Control (ATC) Assigned Airspace. c) Aerial
protected as "free speech" if they are inher- Refueling Delay. A delay within an Aerial
ently likely to provoke a violent response Refueling Track or Anchor.
from the audience. Words which by their fill material
very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite Any material used for the primary purpose of
an immediate breach of the peace, having di- replacing an aquatic area with dry land or of
rect tendency to cause acts of violence by the changing the bottom elevation of a body of
persons to whom, individually, the remark is water.
addressed. The test is what persons of com-
mon intelligence would understand to be fill up work
words likely to cause an average addressee to See internal work.
fight. Certain racial slurs may fall into this filling
category. The "freedom of speech" protected Depositing dirt and mud or other materials
by the Constitution is not absolute at all times into aquatic areas to create more dry land,
and under all circumstances and there are usually for agriculture or commercial devel-
well-defined and narrowly limited classes of
speech, the prevention and punishment of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

opment. Such activities often damage the brane filter), polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, poly-
ecology of the area. styrene, or other material.
film filter efficiency
(1) A thin layer or coating. (2) A thin sheet of The efficiency of a filter media expressed as
material (e.g., gelatin, cellulose acetate) spe- collection efficiency (percentage of total par-
cially treated for use in photography or radio- ticles collected), or as penetration (percent of
graphy; also used to designate the sheet after particles that pass through the filter).
exposure to the energy to which it is sensitive. filtration
film analysis (1) Wastewater Treatment. A treatment proc-
A systematic frame-by-frame study of an ac- ess, under the control of qualified operators,
tivity from motion picture film. for removing solid (particulate) matter from
film analysis chart water by passing the water through porous
See film analysis record. media such as sand or manmade filters. The
process is often used to remove particles that
film analysis record contain pathogenic organisms. (2) Sampling.
A record generated from a film analysis, con- The process of collecting a contaminant on an
taining sequential elemental motions or op- appropriate filter media for determining its
erations, the beginning and ending clock composition and concentration in the sampled
times, and some type of descriptive symbol. air, as well as determining if the exposure
Also referred to as film analysis chart. level is acceptable or whether exposure con-
film badge trols must be developed and implemented. (3)
A pack of photographic film used for ap- Respiratory Protection. The process of re-
proximate measurement of radiation exposure moving a contaminant from air being inhaled.
for personnel monitoring purposes. Also final
called a film dosimeter. Aviation. Commonly used to mean that an
film dosimeter aircraft is on the final approach course or is
See film badge. aligned with a landing area.
film loop analysis final approach
A film analysis with a cut and spliced seg- Aviation. That part of an instrument approach
ment of film to form a contiguous loop for re- procedure which commences at the specified
peated viewing. See also cassette loop analy- final approach fix or point, or where such a
sis. fix or point is not specified: a) at the end of
the last procedure turn, base turn or inbound
film ring turn of a racetrack procedure, if specified; or
A film ring badge in the form of a finger ring b) at the point of interception of the last track
that is typically worn by personnel whose specified in the approach procedure, and ends
hands may be exposed to ionizing radiation at a point in the vicinity of an aerodrome from
during use of a radiation source, (e.g., opera- which a landing can be made, or a missed ap-
tion of an x-ray diffraction unit). proach procedure is initiated.
filter final approach course
(1) General. Any device which removes un- Aviation. A published Microwave Landing
desired materials, noise, signal, or informa- System (MLS) course, a straight line exten-
tion. (2) Respirator. The media component sion of a localizer, a final approach ra-
of a respirator which removes particulate ma- dial/bearing, or a runway centerline all with-
terials, such as dusts, fumes, fibers, and/or out regard to distance.
mists from inspired air. (3) Sample. Sam-
pling media for collection of airborne par- final approach fix (FAF)
ticulate contaminants in order to determine Aviation. The fix from which the final ap-
the concentration of the material in the air. proach Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) to an air-
Filter media may be made of cellulose fibers, port is executed and which identifies the be-
glass fibers, mixed cellulose esters (mem- ginning of the final approach segment. It is
designated on government charts by the Mal-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tese Cross symbol for non-precision ap- fine
proaches and the lightning bolt symbol for pre- A money sanction ordered by a government
cision approaches; or when Air Traffic Control agency or court, sometimes loosely used to
directs a lower-than-published glideslope/path include civil penalties but more properly ap-
Intercept Altitude, it is the resultant actual plied only to criminal fines.
point of the glideslope/path intercept. finger
final approach point (FAP) Any of the structures on the hand composed
Aviation. The point, applicable only to a non- of three phalanges and the surrounding tissues
precision approach with no depicted final ap- of a digit.
proach fix (FAF) (such as an on-airport finger dexterity
VOR), where the aircraft is established in- The ability to make rapid, coordinated finger
bound on the final approach course from the movements using one or both hands to ma-
procedure turn and where the final approach nipulate small objects.
descent may be commenced. The final ap-
proach point (FAP) serves as the FAF and finger diameter
identifies the beginning of the final approach The maximum medial-lateral cross-sectional
segment. diameter of a finger. Measured by a determi-
nation of the smallest diameter hole into
final approach segment which the finger can be inserted (specifying
Aviation. That segment of an instrument ap- the digit involved).
proach procedure in which alignment and de-
scent for landing are accomplished. finger-shaping
Providing the alternating troughs and ridges
final controller on a handle or gripping structure to accom-
See air traffic controller. modate the fingers and the gaps between
final monitor aid them.
Aviation. A high resolution color display that fingernail
is equipped with the controller alert system The harder elastic tissue covering the dorsal
hardware/software which is used in the preci- portion of the terminal phalanges of the hand.
sion runway monitor (PRM) system. The dis-
play includes alert algorithms providing the fingerprint
target predictors, a color change alert when a The pattern of unique whorls and ridges on
target penetrates or is predicted to penetrate the pad of the distal phalanx of each finger.
the no transgression zone (NTZ), a color Also known as digital dermatoglyph.
change alert if the aircraft transponder be- fingertip height
comes inoperative, synthesized voice alerts, See dactylion height.
digital mapping, and like features contained in
the PRM system. finished aviation gasoline
All special grades of gasoline for use in avia-
final product tion reciprocating engines, as given in Ameri-
Under ISO 14000, a product which requires can Society for Testing and Materials
no additional transformation prior to its use. (ASTM) Specification D910 and Military
finding of no significant impact (FNSI) Specification MIL-G-5572. Excludes blend-
A document prepared by a federal agency that ing components that will be used for blending
presents the reasons why a proposed action or compounding into finished aviation gaso-
would not have a significant impact on the line. See also gasoline.
environment and thus would not require finished gasohol motor gasoline
preparation of an Environmental Impact A blend of finished motor gasoline (leaded or
Statement. An FNSI is based on the results of unleaded) and alcohol (generally ethanol, but
an environmental assessment. Also referred sometimes methanol) in which 10 percent or
to as FONSI. more of the product is alcohol. See also
FINDS gasohol and gasoline.
See Facility Index System.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

finished leaded gasoline finished unleaded midgrade motor gasoline
Contains more than 0.05 gram of lead per Motor gasoline having an antiknock index,
gallon or more than 0.005 gram of phosphorus calculated as (R+M)/2, greater than or equal
per gallon. Premium and regular grades are to 88 and less than or equal to 90 and con-
included, depending on the octane rating. In- taining not more than 0.05 gram of phospho-
cludes leaded gasohol. Blend-stock is ex- rus per gallon.
cluded until blending has been completed. finished unleaded premium motor gasoline
Alcohol that is to be used in the blending of Motor gasoline having an antiknock index,
gasohol is also excluded. calculated as (R+M)/2, greater than 90 and
finished leaded premium motor gasoline containing not more than 0.05 gram of lead or
Motor gasoline having an antiknock index, 0.005 gram of phosphorus per gallon.
calculated as (R+M)/2, greater than 90 and finished unleaded regular motor gasoline
containing more than 0.05 gram of lead per Motor gasoline having an antiknock index,
gallon or more than 0.005 gram of phosphorus calculated as (R+M)/2, of 87 containing not
per gallon. more than 0.05 gram of lead per gallon and
finished leaded regular motor gasoline not more than 0.005 gram of phosphorus per
Motor gasoline having an antiknock index, gallon.
calculated as (R+M)/2, greater than or equal finite element
to 87 and less than or equal to 90 and con- A small segment of a large object obtained by
taining more than 0.05 gram of lead or 0.005 some standard division process.
gram of phosphorus per gallon.
finite element analysis
finished motor gasoline The use of finite elements to model force
(1) A complex mixture of relatively volatile components on a large object or complex
hydrocarbons, with or without small quanti- structure and draw conclusions about that ob-
ties of additives, blended to form a fuel suit- ject or structure as a whole.
able for use in spark-ignition engines. Speci-
fication for motor gasoline, as given in FIP
American Society for Testing and Materials See Federal Implementation Plan.
(ASTM) Specification D439-88 or Federal FIR
Specification VV-G-1690B, include a boiling See flight information region.
range of 122 degrees to 158 degrees Fahren-
heit at the 10 percent point to 365 degrees to fire
374 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90 percent point (1) Uncontrolled combustion by flame or
and a Reid vapor pressure range from 9 to 15 smoke resulting in evidence of charring,
psi. "Motor gasoline" includes finished leaded melting, or other evidence of ignition. (2)
gasoline, finished unleaded gasoline, and The process of rapid oxidation that generally
gasohol. Blendstock is excluded until blend- produces both heat and light. May also be re-
ing has been completed. Alcohol that is to be ferred to generally as combustion.
used in the blending of gasohol is also ex- fire alarm
cluded. (2) Motor gasoline that is not in- Any fire protection device or system which
cluded in the reformulated or oxygenated indicates the presence of a fire.
fire brigade
finished unleaded gasoline An organized group of employees who are
Contains not more than 0.05 gram of lead per knowledgeable, trained, and skilled in at least
gallon and not more than 0.005 gram of phos- basic fire fighting operations. May also be re-
phorus per gallon. Premium and regular ferred to as a private fire department or an in-
grades are included, depending on the octane dustrial fire department.
rating. Includes unleaded gasohol. Blend-
fire classification
stock is excluded until blending has been
A division of fires by the types of materials
completed. Alcohol that is to be used in the
being burned. Briefly: Class A – Ordinary
blending of gasohol is also excluded.
combustible materials (e.g., wood, paper);

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Class B – Flammable liquid or gas (e.g., oil, fire protection
paint, grease); Class C – Energized electrical The implementation of measures for prevent-
circuits (e.g., electrical wiring, equipment); ing, detecting, controlling, and extinguishing
Class D – Combustible metals (e.g., magne- fire to protect life and property.
sium, sodium, lithium). Portable fire extin-
fire resistant
guishers are also based on these fire classifi-
(1) Pertaining to a normally non-combustible
cations (i.e., they are classed for the type of
material which will withstand the effects of a
fire they are capable of extinguishing). See
fire. (2) With respect to sheet or structural
also Class A Fire, Class B Fire, Class C
members, it means the capacity to withstand
Fire, and Class D Fire.
the heat associated with fire at least as well as
fire detection aluminum alloy in dimensions appropriate for
The use of any fire protection device or sys- the purpose for which they are used. (3) With
tem intended to determine that a fire is pre- respect to fluid-carrying lines, fluid system
sent. Usually sensitive to heat, smoke, or parts, wiring, air ducts, fittings, and power-
flame. plant controls, it means the capacity to per-
fire door form the intended functions under the heat
Any door which has been designed, tested, and other conditions likely to occur when
and rated for preventing the spread of fire. there is a fire at the place concerned.

fire/explosion, fuel fire resistive

Accidental combustion of vessel fuel, liquids, The ability of a structure or material to pro-
including their vapors, or other substances, vide a predetermined degree of fire resistance,
such as wood or coal. usually rated in hours.
fire/explosion, other fire retardant
Accidental burning or explosion of any mate- Any material or substance which slows the pro-
rial on board except vessel fuels or their va- gress of a fire through reduced combustibility.
pors. fire triangle
fire insurance The recognition that three elements must be
A contract of insurance by which the under- present in the right proportion for a fire to
writer, in consideration of the premium, un- exist. These are oxygen (or an oxidizing
dertakes to indemnify the insured against all agent), fuel (or a reducing agent), and heat.
losses in his/her houses, buildings, furniture, Keeping the three elements of the fire triangle
ships in port, or merchandise by means of ac- apart is the key to preventing fires, and re-
cidental fire happening within a prescribed moving one or more of these elements is the
period. See also insurance. key to extinguishing fires that do start.
fire or violent rupture
Rail. An accident or incident caused by com-
bustion or violent release of material carried
by or transported by rail. Examples of this

type include fuel and electrical equipment


fires, crankcase explosions, and violent re-


lease of liquefied petroleum or anhydrous

fire point
The minimum temperature to which a mate- fire
rial must be heated to sustain combustion af-
ter ignition by an external source. OXIDIZER
Fire triangle concept
fire prevention (remove any one leg and a fire cannot start or an existing fire
The study and/or implementation of measures will go out)
specifically designed to control ignition and
fuel sources.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

fire wall scratches, cuts, burns, splinters, and so forth,
Any self-supporting vertical structure de- which do not ordinarily require medical care.
signed to resist the horizontal spread of a fire Such one-time treatment, and follow-up visit
from one enclosed region to another. for the purpose of observation, are considered
firefighting vehicle first aid even though they may be provided by
A vehicle designed exclusively for the pur- a physician or registered professional person-
pose of fighting fires. nel.

Fireman's Rule first aid injury

Doctrine which holds that professionals, Any injury requiring first aid treatment only;
whose occupations by nature expose them to considered by OSHA to be non-recordable for
particular risks, may not hold another negli- recordkeeping purposes. See also first aid.
gent for creating the situation to which they First Amendment
respond in their professional capacity. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaran-
fireproof teeing basic freedoms of speech, religion,
According to commonly accepted terminol- press, and assembly and the right to petition
ogy, the word "fireproof" is technically not an the government for redress of grievances.
accurate term since few materials are actually The various freedoms and rights protected by
incapable of "total" resistance to flame or fire. the First Amendment have been held applica-
However, as defined in 14 CFR 1, the term ble to the states through the due process
"fireproof" means: (1) with respect to materi- clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. See
als and parts used to confine fire in a desig- also fighting words doctrine.
nated fire zone, the capacity to withstand at first-class lever
least as well as steel in dimensions appropri- A lever in which the fulcrum is located be-
ate for the purpose for which they are used, tween the effort and resistance.
the heat produced when there is a severe fire first-class passenger revenue
of extended duration in that zone; and (2) with Aviation. Revenues from the air transporta-
respect to other materials and parts, the ca- tion of passengers moving at either standard
pacity to withstand the heat associated with fares, premium fares, or at reduced fares not
fire at least as well as steel in dimensions ap- predicated upon the use of aircraft space spe-
propriate for the purpose for which they are cifically separated from first class, and for
used. whom standard or premium quality services
fireworks are provided.
See pyrotechnics. first-class service
firing circuit Aviation. Transport service established for
The current path between the power source the carriage of passengers moving at either
and the initiating device. standard fares or premium fares, or at reduced
firmware fares not predicated upon the operation of
Computer programs and data loaded in a class specifically allocated aircraft space, and for
of memory that cannot be dynamically modi- whom standard or premium quality services
fied by the computer during processing. For are provided.
System Safety purposes, firmware is to be first degree murder
treated as software. A murder committed with deliberately pre-
first aid meditated malice aforethought, or with ex-
(1) Any emergency care provided to an ill or treme atrocity or cruelty, or in the commission
injured person in order to relieve pain, coun- or attempted commission of a crime punish-
teract shock, or prevent death or further injury able with death or imprisonment for life, is
until better medical care becomes available. murder in the first degree.
(2) Under OSHA 29 CFR 1904.12(e), any first draw
one-time treatment, and any follow-up visit The water that immediately comes out when a
for the purpose of observation, of minor tap is first opened. This water is likely to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

have the highest level of lead contamination energy. Also referred to as atomic fission and
from plumbing materials. nuclear fission.
first harmful event fission products
Highway Transit. (1) A first harmful event is The products produced as a result of the split-
the first event during a traffic accident that ting (fission) of a substance.
causes an injury (fatal or nonfatal) or property fissionable material
damage. (2) The first event during a crash A material that can be split (fission) into other
that caused injury or property damage. nuclei by any process. See also fission.
first phalanx length fissure
The linear distance of the most proximal seg- A narrow slit or cleft.
ment of a finger. Measured across the sur-
faces from the distal tip of the third metacar- fist
pal to the proximal tip of the second phalanx A hand posture consisting of a maximal flex-
while the hand is held in a fist (while speci- ion of the hand in which the phalanges of
fying the digit involved). digits II – V (the fingers) are tightly collapsed
into the palm with the metacarpals and pha-
first piece time langes of digit I (the thumb) flexed to overlie
The time permitted or required for the pro- the fingers.
duction of the first complete item in the start-
ing sequence of several complete items. fist circumference
The surface distance around the fist over the
first-order content thumb and the knuckles. Measured with the
See rate control. thumb lying across the end of the fist.
first shift
A day work shift of about 8 hours' duration,
approximately between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M.
Also called day shift or A-shift.
first tier center
Aviation. The air route traffic control center
immediately adjacent to the impacted center.
According to the Federal Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978: Fin
fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and all other
forms of marine animal and plant life other
than marine mammals, birds, and highly mi-
gratory species.
Fishberg concentration test
A laboratory test used to determine the ability
of the kidneys to concentrate urine. Samples
of urine are collected and tested for specific
fishy back
Transportation (slang). The movement of
loaded truck trailers by barge or ferry.
A type of nuclear reaction occurring in very
heavy atoms in which the nucleus, following The human hand, in fist orientation
bombardment by neutrons or other atomic fistula
particles, splits into two nuclei of nearly com- Any abnormal, tubelike passage within body
parable mass, accompanied by the release of tissue.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

fit val fixes reducing delays and controller
(1) The adequacy, suitability, and/or appropri- workload.
ateness of some individual, equipment, object, fixation
or structure with consideration of size, shape, (1) The focusing and convergence of the eyes
conditioning, or other aspects to perform on some point or object at a distance. (2)
some function or fulfil a need or use. (2) A Having a particular attachment for one tech-
sudden, brief exhibition of emotion or motor nique for performing some task.
fixation disparity
fit check A condition in which the visual axes intersect
See fit test. at some point other than in the desired fixa-
fit factor tion plane.
The value of the ratio of the outside concen- fixation distance
tration of a substance to the concentration of That distance at which the visual axes inter-
that substance inside a respirator/face mask sect.
during a fit test.
fixation muscle
fit test See fixator.
The testing of a prototype item on either a
sample or potentially the population as a fixation plane
whole to verify that a design is acceptable, That fixation surface which is at such a dis-
appropriate, or the best option for the envi- tance from the observer that the arc may be
ronment. The term usually refers to clothing assumed for practical purposes to be planar.
or personal protective equipment. Also re- See also fixation surface.
ferred to as fit check. fixation point
fitting That location in a normal individual's line of
An accessory such as a lock nut, bushing, or sight at which the eyes' visual axes intersect.
other part of a wiring system that is intended Also referred to as point of fixation.
primarily to perform a mechanical rather than fixation reflex
an electrical function. An ocular reflex mechanism which tends to
Fitts' Law orient the eyes toward a stationary light or
A rule for movement time prediction, in object or to keep the eyes oriented toward a
which the average movement time in a re- light or object which is in motion relative to
sponse is a function of the target separation the observer.
distance and the width of the target. See also fixation surface
index of difficulty. Expressed as That curved surface which is perpendicular to
MT = a + b log2 ( 2A ) the observer's line of sight and which contains
W the fixation point of the eyes. See also fixa-
where: tion plane.
MT = movement time
A = distance to target fixative
W = width of target A chemical, such as alcohol or formaldehyde,
used for the preservation of biological materi-
fix als.
Aviation. A geographical position determined
by visual reference to the surface, by refer- fixator
ence to one or more radio navigational aids A muscle which undergoes an isometric con-
(NAVAIDs), by celestial plotting, or by an- traction to steady a body part or segment
other navigational device. against some other muscle contraction or
against an external force. Also referred to as
fix balancing fixation muscle and stabilizer.
Aviation. A process whereby aircraft are
evenly distributed over several available arri- fixed collision barrier
A flat, vertical, unyielding surface with the
following characteristics: 1) The surface is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sufficiently large that when struck by a tested independent of the amount of use of the car,
vehicle, no portion of the vehicle projects or such as insurance costs, fees for license and
passes beyond the surface; 2) The approach is registration, depreciation and finance charges.
a horizontal surface that is large enough for fixed route
the vehicle to attain a stable attitude during its Service provided on a repetitive, fixed-
approach to the barrier, and that does not re- schedule basis along a specific route with ve-
strict vehicle motion during impact; 3) When hicles stopping to pick up and deliver passen-
struck by a vehicle, the surface and its sup- gers to specific locations; each fixed-route trip
porting structure absorb no significant portion serves the same origins and destinations, un-
of the vehicle's kinetic energy, so that a per- like demand response and taxicabs.
formance requirement described in terms of
impact with a fixed collision barrier must be fixed route system
met no matter how small an amount of energy A system of transporting individuals (other
is absorbed by the barrier. than by aircraft), including the provision of
designated public transportation service by
fixed crane public entities and the provision of transpor-
A crane whose principal structure is mounted tation service by private entities, including,
on a permanent or semipermanent foundation. but not limited to, specified public transporta-
fixed dam tion service, on which a vehicle is operated
A dam which does not permit the passage of along a prescribed route according to a fixed
marine traffic and requires the use of a lock in schedule.
contrast to movable dams which, during peri- fixed shift
ods of high water, are lowered to allow traffic A work shift in which the working hours re-
to pass directly over the dam. Also, any dam main the same over time.
that has a fixed height without adjustment
such as a concrete spillway throughout the fixture
length of the dam exclusive of the lock cham- (1) Any device at a workplace used for posi-
ber. tioning or holding materials being assembled,
worked on, or used. (2) See lighting fixture.
fixed extinguishing system
A permanently installed system that either fixture hand
extinguishes or controls a fire at the location That hand being used to hold an object while
of the system. the other hand performs some work on the
fixed function key
A keyboard key which directs a computer to
See footlambert.
perform some unchangeable, specific function
when pressed. flag
Aviation. A warning device incorporated in
fixed guideway system
certain airborne navigation and flight instru-
A system of vehicles that can operate only on
ments indicating that a) instruments are inop-
its own guideway constructed for that purpose
erative or otherwise not operating satisfacto-
(e.g., rapid rail, light rail). Federal usage in
rily, or b) signal strength or quality of the re-
funding legislation also includes exclusive
ceived signal falls below acceptable values.
right-of-way bus operations, trolley coaches
and ferryboats as "fixed guideway" transit. flag drop charge
The charge for an initial distance (usually
fixed linkage mechanism specified by regulation) for taxi service. It is
See link. actually the minimum fare.
fixed object flame
Stationary structures or substantial vegetation The electromagnetic radiation from a fire,
attached to the terrain. typically referring to the visible range.
fixed operating cost flame arrester
Transit. In reference to passenger car operat- Device used in gas vent lines, and other simi-
ing cost, refers to those expenditures that are lar locations, to arrest or prevent the passage

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of flame into an enclosed space, such as a flammable limits
container or flammable liquid storage cabinet. The percent by volume limits (i.e., upper and
flame ionization detector (FID) lower flammable limits) of the concentration
A carbon detector which relies on the detec- of a flammable gas at normal temperature and
tion of ions formed when carbon-containing pressure in air above and below at which
material, such as a volatile or gaseous hydro- flame propagation does not occur on contact
carbon, is burned in a hydrogen-rich flame. with a source of ignition. See also flamma-
This detector is commonly used in a gas bility range, lower flammable limit, and up-
chromatograph to detect and quantify organic per flammable limit.
compounds. It is also employed in some flammable liquid
portable instruments. (1) Class I flammable liquid. Any liquid
flame photometric detector having a flash point below 100ºF (37.8ºC).
A detection system based on the luminescent (2) Class II flammable liquids. Any liquid
emissions between 300 and 425 nanometers having a flash point above 100ºF (37.8ºC) but
when sulfur compounds are introduced into a below 140ºF (60ºC).
hydrogen-rich flame. An optical filter system flammable mixture
is used to differentiate the sulfur compounds Any combination of flammable vapor or gas
present from other materials. This detector and an appropriate oxidizing agent within the
finds application in gas chromatography. flammable range.
flame propagation flammable solid
The spread of a flame throughout an entire A solid material that is easily ignited and that
volume of a vapor-air mixture from a single burns rapidly.
source of ignition.
flanged hood
flame resistant A barrier placed around the periphery of a
(1) Not susceptible to combustion to the point chemical hood to reduce air turbulence and
of propagating a flame, beyond safe limits, hood entry pressure loss by keeping the hood
after the ignition source is removed. (2) The from drawing air from behind the hood face.
property of materials, or combinations of
component materials, to retard ignition and flanking buoy
restrict the spread of flame. Buoy tied to the corner of a tow so pilot can
tell when tow has been checked.
Unintended loss of combustion in turbine en- flanking maneuver
gines resulting in the loss of engine power. Maritime. Maneuvering action of a tow (when
down-bound) approaching at an angle (usu-
flammability range ally 30 to 45 degrees) at bridges or locks or in
The difference between the lower and upper sharp bends. Only the current is utilized for
flammable limits, expressed in terms of per- headway, and the engines and rudders are
centage of a vapor or gas in air or oxygen by used to maintain the angle until just before the
volume. See also flammable range and up- lead barges reach the bridge span, at which
per flammability limit (UFL). time the engines are backed and the head of
flammable the tow is swung gently in line with the
(1) Any substance that is easily ignited and opening. Then full power is applied to drive
burns, or has a rapid rate of flame spread. (2) through the opening. This is the safest way
Capable of being ignited and burning. (3) that a heavy tow can make tight passages.
With respect to a fluid or gas, means suscep- flanking rudder
tible to igniting readily or to exploding. Maritime. A rudder installed forward of the
flammable atmosphere screw, used for maneuvering when the pro-
A surrounding gaseous environment which pellers are turning a stem regardless of the di-
contains a mixture of gases or vapors within rection of actual movement of the towboat.
their flammable range(s). Also called backing rudders.

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flap extended speed flash rate
Aviation. The highest speed permissible with The number of times a highlighted portion of
wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. a display increases in brightness within a
specified temporal interval.
(1) A sudden, great increase in brightness for flash resistant
a short period of time. (2) A highlighting Not susceptible to burning violently when
technique in which a selected portion of a dis- ignited.
play momentarily increases in brightness. flashback arrester
flash blindness A mechanical device utilized on a vent of a
A temporary inability to see detail of objects flammable liquid or gas storage container to
having poor illumination following a brief ex- prevent flashback into the container, when a
posure to very intense light. flammable or explosive mixture ignites out-
side the container.
flash burn
(1) An inflammation of the lens of the eye due flasher
to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, In rail systems, the flashing light at railroad
usually from a welding arc. (2) Any injury to grade crossings that warns motorists, bicy-
tissue from sudden intense heat radiation. clists, and pedestrians of approaching trains.
(1) General. A smooth, level surface. (2)
Having little or no gloss. (3) Maritime-
General. A small barge with flat top used for
transporting fuel or other miscellaneous
cargo. (4) Maritime-Navigation. A place
covered with water too shallow for navigation
with vessels ordinarily used for commercial
purposes. The space between high and low
water marks along the edge of an arm of the
sea, bay, tidal river, etc.
flat car
A rail car without a roof and walls.
flat face
Cab over engine configuration.
flat pool
The normal stage of water in the area between
two dams that is to be maintained by design
when little or no water is flowing; hence the
pool flattens out.
flat rate manual
A manual published by an equipment manu-
Direct (unprotected) exposure of the eye to a welding arc or facturer or an independent publisher that indi-
other ultraviolet light source is the most common cause of flash cates the length of time required for perform-
burn injuries
ing specific mechanical tasks such as install-
flash point ing a clutch. Normally, the costs of parts re-
(1) The lowest temperature of a liquid at quired for a specific job are also listed.
which there are sufficient vapors given off to flatbed
form a combustible mixture in the air near the A truck or trailer without sides and top.
surface of the liquid. (2) That temperature at flatboat
which a material, liquid or solid, will provide A rectangular, flat-bottomed boat used on the
a sufficient quantity of vapors to ignite in the western rivers during the 18th and 19th centu-
presence of an ignition source. ries.

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flatulence number of vessels that constitute a fleet (i.e., 4
Having gas in the gastrointestinal tract. or 10). (2) Government fleet vehicles: in-
flatus cludes vehicles owned by all federal (GSA)
Gas or air expelled from the gastrointestinal state, county, city, and metro units of gov-
tract. ernment, including toll road operations.

flaw fleeting
An imperfection or unintentional discontinu- Storing of barges (loaded or unloaded) until
ity that is detectable by nondestructive exami- they can be moved to the unloading area or
nation. until the owner can pick them up.

fleet flex
The vehicles in a transit system. Usually, To move adjacent body segments connected
"fleet" refers to highway vehicles and "rolling by a common joint so that the angle formed
stock" to rail vehicles. by the joint and the two segments is de-
fleet management center (FMC)
A formally approved element of the Inter- flexibility
agency Fleet Management System (IFMS) re- (1) The capability for adjusting to varying
sponsible for the administrative control of In- conditions. (2) A measure of the mobility of a
teragency Fleet Management System (IFMS) joint or a series of joints. Quantified as the
vehicles in a specified geographic area as de- range of motion, reach.
fined in the determination that is approved by flexibility of closure
the Administrator of General Services. The ability to discover a known pattern
fleet management subcenter masked by the background material.
A formally approved element of the Inter- flexible work schedule
agency Fleet Management System (IFMS) the See flextime.
Fleet Management Center is physically de- flexion
tached from the central or main Fleet Man- Movement in which the angle between two
agement Center. bones connecting to a common joint is re-
fleet management system (FMS) duced.
The automated inventory and control system flexor
used by the Interagency Fleet Management Any muscle which causes joint flexion.
System (IFMS) to track vehicle assignments,
vehicle utilization, and provide direct input to flexor muscles
the Finance Division to bill customer agencies Muscles which when contracted, decrease the
for the use of IFMS vehicles. angle between limb segments.
fleet policy insurance flexor retinaculum
Type of blanket insurance covering a number The ligament which forms the carpal tunnel in
of vehicles of the same insured (e.g., covers the wrist through which the finger flexor ten-
pool or fleet vehicles owned by a business). dons and the median nerve pass.
See also insurance. flextime
fleet vehicles A work schedule in which an employee has
(1) Private fleet vehicles: ideally, a vehicle the freedom within certain limits to choose his
could be classified as a member of a fleet if it work starting and stopping times, but which
is operated in mass by a corporation or insti- usually includes a period of time within a
tution, operated under unified control, or used given shift during which the employee must
for non-personal activities; however, the defi- be present. Also referred to as flextime and
nition of a fleet is not consistent throughout flexible work schedule.
the fleet industry. Some companies make a flicker
distinction between cars that were bought in A perceptible temporal variation of brightness
bulk rather than singularly, or whether they or movements occurring several times per
are operated in bulk, as well as the minimum

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second in a display or other source within the flight equipment
visual field. The total cost of property and equipment of
flicker-free display all types used in the in-flight operations of
A visual display unit with a refresh rate aircraft and construction work in progress.
greater than 60 Hz. flight information region (FIR)
flicker fusion An airspace of defined dimensions within
The perception of a regular, intermittent vis- which Flight Information Service and Alert-
ual stimulus as continuous or steady by the ing Service are provided.
eye or video sensor. May be referred to more flight information service
commonly as fusion. A service provided for the purpose of giving
flicker fusion frequency (fff) advice and information useful for the safe and
The frequency at which flicker fusion occurs. efficient conduct of flights.
Also referred to as critical flicker frequency, flight inspection
critical fusion frequency, and critical fusion In-flight investigation and evaluation of a
frequency. navigational aid to determine whether it meets
flicker photometry established tolerances. See also flight check.
The use of a single field of view and rapidly flight level
alternating light sources of different colors to A level of constant atmospheric pressure re-
determine equal-appearing intensity. lated to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of
flight advisory service mercury. Each is stated in three digits that
A service specifically designed to provide, represent hundreds of feet. For example,
upon pilot request, timely weather informa- flight level 250 represents a barometric al-
tion pertinent to his type of flight, intended timeter indication of 25,000 feet; flight level
route of flight, and altitude. The flight service 255, an indication of 25,500 feet. See also
stations providing this service are listed in the cardinal altitude.
Airport/Facility Directory. See also flight flight line
watch. A term used to describe the precise movement
flight check of a civil photogrammetric aircraft along a
A call-sign prefix used by Federal Aviation predetermined course(s) at a predetermined
Administration (FAA) aircraft engaged in altitude during the actual photographic run.
flight inspection/certification of navigational Flight Management System
aids and flight procedures. The word "re- A computer system that uses a large database
corded" may be added as a suffix; (e.g., to allow routes to be preprogrammed and fed
"flight check 320 recorded" to indicate that an into the system by means of a data loader.
automated flight inspection is in progress in The system is constantly updated with respect
terminal areas). See also flight inspection. to position accuracy by reference to conven-
flight crew member tional navigation aids. The sophisticated pro-
A pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator gram and its associated database ensures that
assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight the most appropriate aids are automatically
time. selected during the information update cycle.

flight deck Flight Management System Procedure

(1) That region of an aircraft or spacecraft in An arrival, departure, or approach procedure
which the flight controls and instrumentation, developed for use by aircraft with a slant (/G)
the pilot, and others involved in operating the equipment suffix.
vehicle are based. (2) That region of an air- flight path
craft-carrying ship on which air-support A line, course, or track along which an air-
and/or ground-support operations, including craft is flying or intending to be flown. See
launching and landing, take place. also bearing, course.

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flight plan Flight Standards District Office
Specified information, relating to the intended A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) field
flight of an aircraft, that is filed orally or in office serving an assigned geographical area
writing with air traffic control. and staffed with Flight Standards personnel
flight plan area who serve the aviation industry and the gen-
The geographical area assigned by regional eral public on matters relating to the certifica-
air traffic divisions to a flight service station tion and operation of air carrier and general
for the purpose of search and rescue for Vis- aviation aircraft. Activities include general
ual Flight Rule (VFR) aircraft, issuance of surveillance of operational safety, certification
NOTAMs, pilot briefing, in-flight services, of airmen and aircraft, accident prevention,
broadcast, emergency services, flight data investigation, enforcement, etc.
processing, international operations, and flight test
aviation weather services. Three letter identi- A flight for the purpose of a) investigating the
fiers are assigned to every flight service sta- operation/flight characteristics of an aircraft
tion and are annotated in AFDs and Order or aircraft component, and/or b) evaluating
7350.6 as tie-in-facilities. an applicant for a pilot certificate or rating.
flight recorder flight time
A general term applied to any instrument or The time from the moment the aircraft first
device that records information about the per- moves under its own power for the purpose of
formance of an aircraft in flight or about con- flight until the moment it comes to rest at the
ditions encountered in flight. Flight recorders next point of landing. Also known as block to
may make records of airspeed, outside air block time.
temperature, vertical acceleration, engine flight trainer
RPM, manifold pressure, and other pertinent A ground-based pilot training device con-
variables for a given flight. taining a representation of an aircraft cockpit
Flight Service Station (FSS) for familiarization and basic training pur-
Air traffic facilities offering pilot briefings, en poses.
route communications, and VFR search and flight visibility
rescue services. Additionally, the FSS assists The average forward horizontal distance, from
lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situa- the cockpit of an aircraft in flight, at which
tions; relay ATC clearances; originate Notices prominent unlighted objects may be seen and
to Airmen; broadcast aviation weather and identified by day and prominent lighted ob-
NAS information; receive and process IFR jects may be seen and identified by night.
flight plans; monitor radio Navigation Aids
(NAVAIDS). Also, at selected locations, flight watch
FSSs take weather observations, issue airport A shortened term for use in air-ground con-
advisories, and advise Customs and Immigra- tacts to identify the flight service station pro-
tion of transborder flight. viding En Route Flight Advisory Service
(e.g., "Oakland Flight Watch"). See also
flight services flight advisory service.
The sum of flight plans originated and pilot
briefs, multiplied by two, plus the number of float
aircraft contacted. (1) General. To refrain from or prevent
sinking. (2) Transit. A flatbed semitrailer.
flight simulator (3) Computing. The amount of slack in a
A flight trainer with computer-driven func- network. (4) See bank.
tional displays and controls, possibly includ-
ing motion. float light
A 10-foot wooden platform mounted on pon-
flight stage toons supporting a battery-operated light.
The operation of an aircraft from takeoff to Used exclusively on the Upper Mississippi
landing. River in a certain area.

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float scaffold flood
A scaffold hung from overhead supports by (1) General. An uncontrolled overrun of a
means of ropes and consisting of a substantial liquid (usually water) into an area where it is
platform having diagonal bracing underneath, not normally expected to be in such great
resting upon and securely fastened to two par- quantities. (2) Computing. To send multiple
allel plank bearers at right angles to the span. messages to the viewing screen, with clearing
Also called ship scaffold. or scrolling of the screen before all can be
floater read.
Transit (slang). A driver without a steady flood insurance
job. Insurance indemnifying against loss by flood
floater insurance damage. Required by lenders in areas desig-
A form of insurance that applies to movable nated as potential flood areas. The insurance
property whatever its location, if within the is privately issued but federally subsidized.
territorial limits imposed by the contract. See See also insurance.
also insurance. flood plain
floating crane An area which is subject to periodic flooding.
A crane mounted on a barge or pontoon which See also floodplain.
can be towed or self-propelled from place to flood stage
place. Condition of the river when it rises above a
floating kidney stage predetermined by the Corps of Engi-
A condition in which the kidney does not re- neers to be designated as flood stage. Also,
main fixed in its normal position. Nephropto- the stage at which some part of the main bank
sis refers to a dropping of the kidney from its may be overflowed, but not necessarily all of
normal position. Surgical correction, by it.
nephropexy, is necessary when the condition floodgate
interferes with normal kidney function. Gate placed across/along a channel to control
floating pin floodwater or a gate across a roadway in
A mooring pin or timber head attached to a levee. See also gate and tidegate.
floating tank in a lock chamber set in a guided flooding
recess in the lock walls, for mooring tows Filling with water, regardless of method of
within the lock chamber whereby a short ingress, but retaining sufficient buoyancy to
mooring line suffices without an attendant. remain on the surface.
floating the gears floodplain
Transportation (slang). Shifting gears with- Land adjacent to rivers which, because of its
out using the clutch. level topography, floods when a river over-
floats flows. See also flood plain.
Large single tires, instead of dual tires. floodwater
floc Waters which escape from a stream or other
A dump of solids formed in sewage by bio- body of water and overflow adjacent territory,
logical or chemical action. under conditions which do not usually occur.
flocculate floor hole
See agglomeration. An opening measuring less than 12 inches but
flocculation more than 1 inch in its least dimension, in any
The process by which clumps of solids in floor, platform, pavement, or yard, through
water or sewage are made to increase in size which materials but not persons may fall;
by biological or chemical action so that they such as a belt hole, pipe opening, or slot
can be separated from the water. opening.

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floor opening flow path
An opening measuring 12 inches or more in The route(s) taken by personnel, equipment,
its least dimension, in any floor, platform, and materials involved in production as the
pavement, or yard, through which persons manufacturing process continues. Also called
may fall; such as a hatchway, stair or ladder flow line or line of flow.
opening, pit, or large manhole. Floor open- flow process chart
ings occupied by elevators, dumb waiters, A graphic/symbolic representation using stan-
conveyors, machinery, or containers are ex- dardized symbols for the manipulations in-
cluded from this definition (OSHA 29 CFR volved for an item through each of the various
1910.21(a)(2). steps required. See also process chart, proc-
floor reference plane ess chart symbol, worker-type flow process
(1) That plane through the floor reference chart, material-type flow process chart, and
point and perpendicular to the local vertical equipment-type flow process chart.
axis. (2) That point on a floor or other base flow rate
surface which provides an origin for repre- The volume per time unit (e.g., liters per min-
senting all other coordinates within the vol- ute, etc.) given to the flow of air or other fluid
ume of interest. by the action of a pump, fan, etc.
floor sweep flowchart
A vapor collection system designed to capture A diagram consisting of standardized symbols
vapors which are heavier than air and which which enclose text and/or other symbols and
collect along the floor. are governed by specific layout rules for de-
floppy disk scribing the steps involved in a given opera-
A flexible plastic disk used as a common form tion.
of external storage for information in a micro- FLSA
computer system. See Fair Labor Standards Act.
flow analysis FLSC
An examination of the progressive sequence Flexible linear-shaped charge.
of activities and locations of personnel,
equipment, and materials involved in the per- flue
formance of a particular task or operation. A pipe or other channel through which com-
bustion air, smoke, steam, or other material is
flow control vented to the atmosphere.
Aviation. Measures designed to adjust the
flow of traffic into a given airspace, along a flue gas
given route, or bound for a given aerodrome The air coming out of a chimney after com-
(airport) so as to ensure the most effective bustion in the burner it is venting. It can in-
utilization of the airspace. clude nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, water
vapor, sulfur oxides, particles, and many
flow diagram chemical pollutants.
A scaled graphic/pictorial representation of
the layout and locations of activities or opera- flue gas desulfurization
tions and the flow paths of materials between A technology which uses a sorbent, usually
activities in a process. lime or limestone, to remove sulfur dioxide
from the gases produced by burning fossil fu-
flow line els. Flue gas desulfurization is currently the
See flow path. state-of-the-art technology in use by major
flow meter sulfur dioxide emitters, such as power plants.
A gauge that shows the speed of wastewater fluence
moving through a treatment plant. Also used The number of particles or photons passing
to measure the speed of liquids moving per unit area, usually square centimeter. Also
through various industrial processes. referred to as radiation fluence.

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fluid fluorine
(1) A material that flows readily in the natural A chemical element, atomic number 9, atomic
state; a liquid or gas. (2) Composed of ele- weight 18.998, symbol F.
ments that yield to pressure without disruption fluorocarbon
of the mass. (3) One of the ultimate states of Any of a number of organic compounds
matter, being composed of molecules that can analogous to hydrocarbons in which one or
move about within limits, permitting change more hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluo-
in the shape of the mass without disruption of rine.
the substance.
fluid balance A screen mounted in front of an x-ray tube
A physiological state in which water intake used for indirect visualization of internal body
equals water loss. Also referred to as water organs or internal structures of inanimate ob-
balance. jects.
flume fluorosis
A natural or manmade channel that diverts An abnormal condition caused by excessive
water. intake of fluorine, characterized chiefly by
fluorence mottling of the teeth.
A hue similar to fluorescent materials. flush
fluorescence (1) To open a cold water tap to clear out all
Phenomenon involving the absorption of radi- the water which may have been sitting for a
ant energy by a substance (usually a crystal) long time in the pipes. In new homes, to flush
and its re-emission as visible or near-visible a system means to send large volumes of wa-
light. ter gushing through the unused pipes to re-
fluorescent lamp move loose particles of solder and flux. (2)
A light source which operated by passing an To force large amounts of water through liq-
electrical current through a closed tube con- uid to clean out piping or tubing, storage or
taining mercury vapor and one or more suit- process tanks.
able fluorescing powders coating the interior flush-mounted
surface of the tube. Pertaining to any piece of equipment which is
fluorescent screen embedded within a structure such that the ex-
A sheet of material coated with a substance posed surface of the equipment is level with
(usually calcium tungstate or zinc sulfide) that the structure surface.
will emit light when irradiated with ionizing flutter
radiation. (1) Any deviation in frequency of the repro-
fluoridation duced sound from the original sound. (2) Any
The addition of a fluoride, a chemical salt low-frequency vibration of an object capable
containing fluorine, to drinking water. This of such vibration. (3) A tremulous, generally
has been found to reduce the occurrence of ineffective movement.
dental caries in children by one-half. Minute flux
traces of fluoride are found in almost all food, (1) Electromagnetic Radiation. The number
but the quantity apparently is too small to of visible-light photons, gamma-ray photons,
meet the requirements of the body in building neutrons, particles, or energy crossing a unit
tooth enamel that resists cavities. surface area per unit time. The units of flux
fluorides are the number of particles (or energy, etc.)
Gaseous, solid, or dissolved compounds con- per square centimeter per second. (2) Sol-
taining fluorine that result from industrial dering. A substance used to clean the surface
processes. Excessive amounts in food can and promote fusion in a soldering procedure.
lead to fluorosis. fly
(1) To control an aircraft or spacecraft in
flight, generally including takeoff and land-

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ing. (2) A two-winged insect that is often the FMC
vector of organisms causing disease. See fleet management center.
fly ash FMCSR
Noncombustible residual particles from the See Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regula-
combustion process, carried by flue gas. tions.
fly-by-wire FMEA
A technique for controlling aircraft in which a See failure mode and effect analysis.
digital signal carried by wire to hydraulic ac- FMS
tuators in the wings and tail which move the See fleet management system.
flight control surfaces.
fly-fix-fly See finding of no significant impact. Also
A description of the early approach to system referred to as FONSI.
safety, with reference to the aviation industry,
that focused upon an after-the-fact method of FO
designing safe systems. See free out.
fly heading (degrees) foam
Aviation. Informs the pilot of the heading he (1) A fluid mixture of bubbles which floats on
should fly. The pilot may have to turn to, or or flows over a surface. (2) A stable aggrega-
continue on, a specific compass direction in tion of small bubbles which flow freely over a
order to comply with the instructions. The burning liquid surface and form a coherent
pilot is expected to turn in the shorter direc- blanket which seals combustible vapors and
tion to the heading unless otherwise instructed thereby extinguishes the fire.
by ATC. foamed buoy
flyaway value A buoy whose interior is filled with styrofoam
Aviation. Includes the cost of the airframe, for the purpose of improving flotation when
engines, electronics, communications, arma- in a damaged condition.
ment, and other installed equipment. FOB
flyback method See free on board.
See repetitive timing. focal mechanism
flybar In seismology, the direction and sense of slip
A system which provides airspeed, turn, and on a fault plane at the point of origin (see
bank indications via auditory signals, instead hypocenter) of an earthquake, as inferred from
of the conventional visual flight instruments. the first seismic waves which arrive at various
locations. Often, they are drawn on maps
flyer with a "baseball-like" symbol. The dark areas
Transit (slang). A run in which the driver denote compression, the white areas denote
takes a trailer to a distant terminal, leaves it dilation. The fault plane which moved is par-
there and immediately pulls another trailer allel to one of the two planes dividing the
back to his home terminal. sphere in half.
flying operations expenses focus
Aviation. Expenses incurred directly in the (1) The point of convergence of light rays or
in-flight operation of aircraft and expenses sound waves. (2) See hypocenter.
related to the holding of aircraft and aircraft
operational personnel in readiness for assign- focused attention
ment for an in-flight status. See selective attention.
flying orders Foehn
Transit. Trip instructions issued to a driver See Chinook.
by his/her dispatcher. fog
FM A term loosely applied to visible aerosols, less
See Factory Mutual Association. than 40 microns in diameter, that are liquid;

©2000 CRC Press LLC

formation by condensation is sometimes im- intended for any such use), if such substance is
plied. Basically, fog is a cloud with its base at not generally recognized among experts qual-
the earth's surface. It reduces visibility to ified by scientific training and experience to
below 1 kilometer. evaluate its safety as having been adequately
fog lamps shown through scientific procedures (or, in the
Car lamps, installed just above the front case of a substance used in food prior to January
bumper, designed to give better lighting dur- 1, 1958, through either scientific procedures or
ing foggy weather. experience based on common use in food) to be
safe under the conditions of its intended use.
Applying a pesticide by rapidly heating the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
liquid chemical so that it forms very fine Agency within the Department of Heath and
droplets that resemble smoke or fog. It may Human Services established to set safety and
be used to destroy mosquitoes, black flies, quality standards for foods, drugs, cosmetics,
and similar pests. and other household substances sold as
consumer products. Among the basic tasks of
FOIA the FDA are research, inspection, and licensing
See Freedom of Information Act. of drugs for manufacturing and distribution.
folliculitis This agency is in charge of administering the
The inflammation of follicles, particularly Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
hair follicles. Food and Drug Administration Action Level
follower (FDAAL)
Any selected object on a display which is Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
moved by manipulation of a control. Act, as amended, concentration of a poisonous
or deleterious substance in human food or
fomites animal feed at or above which FDA will take
Intimate personal articles, such as clothing, a legal action to remove adulterated products
drinking glass, a handkerchief, etc. from the market. Only FDAALs established
font for fish and shellfish apply in the Hazard
The size and style of written type. Ranking System.
font change food chain
A highlighting technique in which a different A sequence of organisms, each of which uses
font, different pitch, point size, or representa- the next, lower member of the sequence as a
tion of the same font, or some other alteration food source.
is used. Food, Drug Cosmetic Act
food Federal Act of 1938 prohibiting the transpor-
According to the Federal Food, Drug, and tation in interstate commerce of adulterated or
Cosmetic Act: (1) articles used for food or misbranded food, drugs, and cosmetics. The
drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing Act is administered by the Food and Drug
gum, and (3) articles used for components of Administration.
any such article. food engineering
food additive The implementation of food science and tech-
According to the Federal Food, Drug, and nology in the manufacturing, processing, and
Cosmetic Act: Any substance the intended packaging of food items.
use of which results or may reasonably be food poisoning
expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its A broad term including foodborne illnesses
becoming a component or otherwise affecting caused by the ingestion of foods containing
the characteristics of any food (including any microbial toxins or chemical poisons. See
substance intended for use in producing, also foodborne disease.
manufacturing, packing, processing, preparing,
treating, packaging, transporting, or holding
food; and including any source of radiation

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food waste foot restraint
The organic residues generated by the han- A platform structure which serves to immobi-
dling, storage, sale, preparation, cooking, and lize one or both feet to hold an individual in
serving of foods. Commonly called garbage. position for performing a task.
foodborne disease footbar
Any disease that is transmitted through food A rod or molded tube which serves as a foot-
contaminated with bacteria, viruses, fungi, rest for a chair when the seat pan of the chair
parasites, or even some toxic chemicals. is too high for the feet to reach the floor or
another surface.
(1) Anatomy. That bodily structure composed footfall
of the phalanges, metatarsal, cuneiform, navi- The striking of the bottom of the foot or foot-
cular, cuboid, talus, and calcaneus bones with wear on a surface in human gait.
their associated, surrounding tissues. (2) footlambert (fl)
Measurement. A unit of length in the English A unit of luminous intensity; the luminance of
system; equal to 12 inches. a surface which receives 1.0 lumen per square
foot acre foot (an outdated measure).
One acre of coal one foot thick. footprints
foot breadth In the law of evidence, impressions made
The maximum width of the foot measured upon the earth, snow, or other surface by the
perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Meas- feet of persons, or by their shoes, boots, or
ured with the individual standing and his/her other foot coverings.
weight distributed evenly on both feet. footrest
foot-candle (fc) Any structure on which the foot may rest,
The illumination resulting from the uniform usually when seated.
distribution of a flux of one lumen (lm) on a footrest angle
surface area of one square foot. Hence, one The angle between a footrest having a flat
foot candle equals one lumen per square foot. surface and the lower leg link.
foot control footring
Any control device intended for normal op- A tube or rod attached in a circular pattern
eration using a foot. about the legs of a stool or chair as a footrest
foot lambert when the seat pan is too high for the feet to
The unit of photometric brightness equal to reach the floor or other base surface.
the uniform brightness of a perfectly diffusing footstool
surface emitting or reflecting one lumen per A short structure which is easily portable and
square foot. may be stood upon to improve one's vertical
foot-leg reach.
Involving both the foot and the leg, generally footswitch
pertaining to sensory or other external influ- Any type of switch which closes when the
ences on both the foot and the leg. foot or some portion of the foot makes contact
foot length with the floor or ground.
The maximum length of the foot measured footwall
parallel to its long axis, from the back of the Seismology. Of the two sides of a non-
heel to pternion. Measured without tissue vertical fault, the side below the fault plane.
compression, with the individual standing It is called the footwall because where faults
erect and his/her weight evenly distributed on have been "filled in" with mineral deposits
both feet. and then mined, this is the side on which min-
foot-pound ers walk. See also hanging wall.
An English system measure of torque; equal footwear
to one pound of force acting at a distance of Any type of material or covering worn over
one foot from the fulcrum. the foot.

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for hire force plate
Refers to a vehicle operated on behalf of or by A system consisting of a cover plate and one
a company that provides transport services to or more transducers for measuring the forces
its customers. or accelerations of an object either positioned
for-hire carriage on the cover or as the object strikes the cover
Transportation of property by motor vehicle plate. Also referred to as force platform and
except when a) the property is transported by reactance platform.
a person engaged in a business other than force reflection
transportation; and b) the transportation is Providing an operator or system with tactile
within the scope of, and furthers a primary information about the forces/torques experi-
business (other than transportation) of, the enced by a remote device.
person. force-velocity curve
for-hire motor carrier A graphical plot showing a characteristic of
A person engaged in the transportation of concentric muscular contractions in which the
goods or passengers for compensation. velocity of a muscular contraction is inversely
foramen related to the force of the contraction. May
A natural opening or passage; used as a gen- also be referred to as force-velocity relation-
eral term in anatomic nomenclature to desig- ship.
nate such a passage, especially on or into a forced choice
bone. An experimental methodology in which a
forbidden or not acceptable explosives subject must make a selection from one of the
Any explosives which are forbidden or not available choices.
acceptable for transportation by common car- forced convection
riers by rail freight, rail express, highway, or On a small scale, a form of mechanical stir-
water in accordance with the regulations of ring taking place when twisting eddies of air
the U.S. Department of Transportation. are able to mix hot surface air with the cooler
force air above. On a larger scale, it can be induced
(1) The push or pull that tends to impart mo- by the lifting of warm air along a front (fron-
tion to a body at rest, or to increase or dimin- tal uplift) or along a topographic barrier (oro-
ish speed, or to change the direction of a body graphic uplift). See also convection.
already in motion. (2) A physical influence forced draft
exerted on an object which tends to cause a The positive pressure created by air being
change in velocity. blown into a furnace or other combustion
force arm equipment by a fan or blower.
See effort arm. forced expiratory volume-one second (FEV-1)
force feedback The maximum volume of air that can be
Any means of providing information to an forced from an individual's fully inflated
operator about the forces involved on a re- lungs in one second.
mote or teleoperated end effector. forced grasping
force joystick A movement disorder in the adult in which
See isometric joystick. the victim grasps any object which touches
his/her hand, frequently with great strength.
force majeure (Note: Different from the normal grasp re-
The title of a standard clause found in marine flex.)
contracts exempting the parties for non-
fulfillment of their obligations by reasons of forced vital capacity (FVC)
occurrences beyond their control, such as The volume of air that can be forcibly ex-
earthquakes, floods, or war. pelled from the lungs after a full inspiration of

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ford individual seated erect, the upper arm vertical
The shallow part of a river which can be eas- at the side, the forearm and hand horizontal,
ily crossed. and the fingers maximally extended.
Fordyce's disease forearm length
A congenital condition characterized by min- See radiale – stylion length.
ute yellowish white papules on the oral mu- forearm skinfold
cosa. The thickness of a vertical skinfold on the
fore and aft posterior midline of the forearm at the level of
The direction on a vessel parallel to the cen- the forearm circumference. Measured with
terline the individual standing erect and the arms re-
fore and aft line laxed naturally at the sides.
A line used to secure two barges end to end. forefinger
fore bay See index finger.
An enclosure of the river, usually above a forefinger length
dam. See index finger length.
forearm forefoot
The radius, ulna, and all other organized tis- The anterior portion of the foot, including the
sues comprising that part of the arm from the phalanges, metatarsals, cuneiform, and cuboi-
elbow to the wrist. dal bones and the soft tissues surrounding
forearm circumference them.
The surface distance around the forearm at the forehead
level at which the maximum value is ob- That superior portion of the face from the su-
tained. Measured with the individual standing praorbital ridges upward and between the
erect, the shoulder slightly abducted, and the maximum lateral bulges of the brow ridges
hand relaxed with the fingers extended. May near the ends of the eyebrow. May be re-
be referred to as arm circumference. ferred to as brow or frons. See also eyebrow.
forearm circumference, elbow flexed forehead breadth
The maximum surface distance around the fore- See frontal breadth (maximum), and frontal
arm with the elbow flexed 90 degrees. Meas- breadth (minimum).
ured with the shoulder flexed 90 degrees lat- foreign
erally (so that the upper arm is horizontal), With regard to commerce, refers to outside
and the fist clenched. the fifty United States and the District of Co-
forearm circumference, relaxed lumbia.
The maximum surface distance around the foreign air carrier
forearm. Measured with the elbow flexed 90 Any person other than a citizen of the United
degrees and the hand relaxed. States, who undertakes directly, by lease or
forearm – forearm breadth, sitting other arrangement, to engage in air transpor-
The horizontal linear distance from the most tation. See also foreign flag air carrier.
lateral point on the right forearm, across the foreign air commerce
body to the most lateral point on the left fore- The carriage by aircraft of persons or property
arm. Measured without tissue compression, for compensation or hire, or the carriage of
with the individual seated erect, the upper mail by aircraft, or the operation or navigation
arms hanging naturally at the sides, and the of aircraft in the conduct or furtherance of a
elbows flexed 90 degrees while resting lightly business or vocation, in commerce between a
against the torso place in the United States and any place out-
forearm – hand length side thereof; whether such commerce moves
The distance from the posterior elbow to the wholly by aircraft or partially by aircraft and
tip of the longest finger. Also referred to as partially by other forms of transportation.
elbow – fingertip length. Measured with the

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foreign air transportation and foreign countries is excluded. Traffic to
The carriage by aircraft of persons or property or from the Panama Canal Zone is included.
as a common carrier for compensation or hire, foreign freight forwarder
or the carriage of mail by aircraft, in com- An independent business which makes ship-
merce between a place in the United States ments for exporters for a fee.
and any place outside of the United States,
whether that commerce moves wholly by air- foreign mail
craft or partially by aircraft and partially by Mail transported outside the United States by
other forms of transportation. U.S. flag carriers on behalf of any foreign
foreign body
Usually refers to any material that has entered foreign trade
and/or become imbedded in a body part (such The exchange of waterborne commodity
as the eye). Examples of foreign bodies can movements (imports and exports) between the
include splinters, slivers, dirt, etc. United States and its territories, and foreign
foreign current
A term applied to stray electric currents which foreign trade zone
may affect a signaling system, but which are An isolated area, attached to a port, where
not a part of the system. facilities for dockage and unloading are pro-
vided, and where foreign merchandise may be
foreign element stored or manipulated pending sale or reship-
A work element which is not normally part of ment without limitation as to time and without
the work cycle and provides an interruption to compliance with the customs laws and regu-
it, usually with a random/unpredictable fre- lations relating to the entry of merchandise.
quency of occurrence. Most such privileges are equally available at
foreign exchange gains and losses other regular ports of entry by arrangement
Gains or losses resulting from nonroutine ab- with U.S. Customs Bureau.
normal changes in the rates of foreign ex- forensic
change. Belonging to the courts of justice.
foreign flag air carrier forensic engineering
(1) An air carrier other than a United States The application of the principles and practices
flag air carrier in international air transporta- of engineering to the elucidation of questions
tion. "Foreign air carrier" is a more inclusive before courts of law. Practiced by legally
term than "foreign flag air carrier," including qualified professional engineers who are ex-
those non-U.S. air carriers operating solely perts in their field, by both education and ex-
within their own domestic boundaries. In perience, and who have experience in the
practice, the two terms are used interchangea- courts and an understanding of jurisprudence.
bly. (2) An air carrier other than a United A forensic engineering engagement may re-
States flag air carrier providing international quire investigation, studies, evaluations, ad-
air transportation. Certificated in accordance vice to counsels, reports, advisory opinions,
with Federal Aviation Regulations Part 129. depositions and/or testimony to assist in the
See also foreign air carrier. resolution of disputes relating to life or prop-
foreign fleet erty in cases before courts, or other lawful tri-
All reportable agency-owned motor vehicles, bunals.
operated outside any State, Commonwealth, forensic medicine
Territory or possession of the United States. That science which teaches the application of
foreign freight every branch of medical knowledge to the
Movements between the United States and purposes of the law. Hence its limits are, on
foreign countries and between Puerto Rico, the one hand, the requirements of the law,
the Virgin Islands, and foreign countries. and, on the other hand, the whole range of
Trade between U.S. territories and posses- medicine. Anatomy, physiology, medicine,
sions (e.g., Guam, Wake, American Samoa) surgery, chemistry, physics, and botany lend

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their aid as necessity arises; and in some cases form process chart
all these branches of science are required to A flow process chart for one or more paper-
enable a court of law to arrive at a proper work forms. Also referred to as information
conclusion on a contested question affecting process analysis, functional form analysis,
life or property. form analysis chart, paperwork flow chart,
forensic pathology and procedure flow chart.
That branch of medicine dealing with diseases formal rulemaking
and disorders of the body in relation to legal The process of promulgating rules based upon
principles and cases. the formal procedures established in the Ad-
forensic psychiatry ministrative Procedures Act (APA) of 1946
That branch of medicine dealing with disor- requiring (most notably) hearings, substantia-
ders of the mind in relation to legal principles tion of evidence, and the cross-examination of
and cases. witnesses.

foreseeability formaldehyde
A concept in which an individual may be held A colorless, pungent, irritating gas (CH2O)
liable for actions resulting in injury or damage used chiefly as a disinfectant and preservative
only if he/she could be reasonably expected to and in synthesizing other compounds and
foresee the risk or danger. resins.

foreseeable damages formant

Loss that the party in breach had reason to A resonance which is associated with vocal
know of when the contract was made. tract reflections in the production of sound.

foreshock formation flight

Any earthquake which is followed, within a More than one aircraft which, by prior ar-
short time span, by a larger earthquake in the rangement between the pilots, operate as a
exact same location can be labeled a "fore- single aircraft with regard to navigation and
shock." (In the case of an earthquake swarm, position reporting.
this terminology is not generally applied.) Separation between aircraft within the
formation is the responsibility of the flight
foreshore leader and the pilots of the other aircraft in the
The part of a seashore between high-water flight. This includes transition periods when
and low-water marks. aircraft within the formation are maneuvering
forestall to attain separation from each other to effect
As applied to an automatic train stop or train individual control and during join-up and
control device, to prevent an automatic brake breakaway.
application by operation of an acknowledging A standard formation is one in which a
device or by manual control of the speed of proximity of no more than 1 mile laterally or
the train. longitudinally and within 100 feet vertically
from the flight leader is maintained by each
forklift truck wingman.
A high-powered vehicle equipped with hy- Nonstandard formations are those operat-
draulic-driven protruding metal blades, that is ing under any of the following conditions: a)
used to raise and lower unitized freight and/or when the flight leader has requested and Air
handle other material(s). Traffic Control (ATC) has approved other
form than standard formation dimensions; b) when
A display or hardcopy with organized catego- operating within an authorized altitude reser-
ries for the user or operator to fill in. vation (ALTRV) or under the provisions of a
letter of agreement; c) when the operations
form analysis chart
are conducted in airspace specifically de-
See form process chart.
signed for a special activity. See also altitude

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forward wing
Aviation. A forward-lifting surface of a ca-
nard configuration or tandem-wing configu-
ration airplane. The surface may be a fixed,
movable, or variable geometric surface, with
or without control surfaces.
A depression in the surface of a bone.
fossil fuel
(1) Fuel, such as natural gas, petroleum, coal,
etc., that originated from the remains of plant,
F-18 Hornets flying in formation flight
animal, and sea life of previous geological
eras. (2) Any naturally occurring organic
formed elements fuel, such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
The enclosed structures within the blood, con-
sisting of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. fossil water
See connate water.
Any substance that may harbor or transmit foul bill of lading
pathogenic organisms. A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an
indication that the goods were damaged when
formulation received.
The substance or mixture of substances which
is comprised of all active and inert ingredients foul ground
in a pesticide. An area identified as a danger to maritime
navigation where the holding qualities for an
formulation time anchor are poor, or where danger exists of
The temporal period required for the end-user striking or fouling the ground or other ob-
and manufacturer to determine what charac- structions.
teristics a desired system should have.
fouling section
Fortran Rail Operations. The section of track between
A high-level computer language designed for the switch points and the clearance point in a
scientific and mathematical use with the name turnout.
of Formula Translator and the acronym, Fortran.
forward chaining A structural, knowledge, or economic base
A reasoning or control strategy in which the which enables further growth or development.
starting point is selected and all possible re-
sulting states are derived from that point. foundation garment
Underwear (an older term).
forward control
Transportation. (1) A configuration in which four banger
more than half of the engine length is rear- Transit (slang). Term used to describe a four-
ward of the foremost point of the windshield cylinder engine.
base and the steering wheel hub is in the for- four by four
ward quarter of the vehicle length. (2) Vehi- Four-speed transmission and 4-speed auxil-
cle with driver controls (pedals, steering iary transmission.
wheel, instruments) located as far forward as
possible. Supplied with or without body, the four ps
controls are stationary mounted as opposed to In evidence collection following an accident,
the special mountings of tilt cabs. the phrase given to the four common catego-
ries of people, parts, papers, and positions.
forward masking
A form of temporal masking in which the Fourier analysis
masking stimulus just precedes the test The mathematical decomposition of a com-
stimulus. plex periodic waveform into its sinusoidal

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components. Often used with non-periodic by twisting due to muscle spasm or indirect
waveforms to get frequency components. loss of leverage, or by disease that results in
Fourteenth Amendment decalcification of the bone.
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified fracture control
in 1868, creates or at least recognizes for the The application of design philosophy, analysis
first time a citizenship of the United States, as method, manufacturing technology, quality
distinct from that of the states; forbids the assurance, and operating procedures to pre-
making or enforcement by any state of any vent premature structural failure due to the
laws abridging the privileges and immunities propagation of cracks or crack-like flaws
of citizens of the United States; and secures all during fabrication, testing, transportation and
"persons" against any state action which results handling, and service.
in either deprivation of life, liberty, or property fracture mechanics
without due process of law, or, in denial of An engineering concept used to predict flaw
equal protection of the laws. This Amendment growth of materials and structures containing
also contains provisions concerning the appor- cracks or crack-like flaws; an essential part of
tionment of representatives in Congress. a fracture control plan to prevent structure
Fourth Amendment failure due to flaw propagation.
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guaran- fracture toughness
teeing people the right to be secure in their A generic term for measures of resistance to
homes and protect their property against un- extension of a crack.
reasonable searches and seizures and provid-
ing that no warrants shall issue except upon frame
probable cause and then only as to specific One complete scan or image on a CRT,
places to be searched and persons and things videotape, motion picture film, or other type
to be seized. of display.
fovea frame counter
A depressed region within the macula lutea of Any electrical, mechanical, or electrome-
the posterior retina at which cone density is chanical device which is used to determine
highest and the greatest visual acuity occurs. and/or display a count of the number of
Also referred to as fovea centralis. frames displayed on a film or video medium.
foveal blindness frame rate
The lack of visual capability in the center of The number of frames recorded or displayed
the visual field, due to damage or other prob- per unit time.
lem with the fovea or macula lutea. Also re- frangible navigational aid
ferred to as central visual field blindness. Aviation. A navigational aid whose properties
foveal vision allow it to fail at a specified impact load.
That photopic sensory stimulation mediated Frankfort plane
by the fovea. An imaginary plane through the head, used
FR for head orientation purposes, established by
See Federal Register. the lateral extensions of a line between tragion
and the lowest point of the orbit. Also re-
FRA ferred to as Frankfort horizontal plane.
See Federal Railroad Administration.
fractionation (1) An intentional perversion of truth for the
Any of several processes, apart from radioac- purpose of inducing another in reliance upon
tive decay, that result in change in the compo- it to part with some valuable thing belonging
sition of radioactive debris. to him/her or to surrender a legal right. (2) A
fracture false representation of a matter of fact,
A sudden break or crack in a bone or other whether by words or by conduct, by false or
solid material. It may be caused by trauma, misleading allegations, or by concealment of

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that which should have been disclosed, which free of particular average
deceives and is intended to deceive another so A marine insurance term meaning that insurer
that he/she shall act upon it to his/her legal will not allow payment for partial loss or
injury. (3) Anything calculated to deceive, damage to a foreign shipment.
whether by a single act or a combination, or free on board (FOB)
by suppression of the truth, or suggestion of (1) A price quotation under which the ex-
what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood porter quotes a price that includes delivery of
or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of the goods on board the vessel. Subsequent
mouth, or look or gesture. risks and expenses are for the account of the
free alongside ship (FAS) buyer. (2) A transaction whereby the seller
Maritime. A price quotation under which the makes the product available within an agreed-
exporter quotes a price that includes delivery upon period at a given port at a given price. It
of the goods to the vessel's side and within is the responsibility of the buyer to arrange for
reach of its loading tackle. Subsequent risks the transportation and insurance.
and expenses are for the account of the buyer. free on board (FOB) airport
free alongside ship (FAS) value FOB airport is based on the same principle as
Maritime. The value of a commodity at the the ordinary FOB term. The seller's obliga-
port of exportation, generally including the tion includes delivering the goods to the air
purchase price plus all charges incurred in carrier at the airport of departure. The risk of
placing the commodity alongside the carrier at loss or damage to the goods is transferred
the port of exportation in the country of ex- from the seller to the buyer when the goods
portation. have been so delivered. See also free on
free chlorine residual board.
Portion of the total residual chlorine remain- free out (FO)
ing at the end of a specific contact time which Terms under which the owner of goods is re-
will react as hypochlorous acid or hypochlo- sponsible for discharging costs.
rite ion. free port
free convection A restricted area at a seaport for the handling
See convection. of duty-exempted import goods.
free field free radical
See free sound field. An atom or a chemically combined group of
free-field room atoms which have a free electron and are very
An enclosed volume which provides essen- chemically reactive.
tially a free sound field. See also anechoic free-running rhythm
room. A biological rhythm without the use of en-
free float trainment cues, often resulting in a slight
That calculated additional time available for change of period.
an activity from the earliest possible comple- free silica
tion time of that activity and the earliest pos- Silica in the form of cristobalite, tridymite, or
sible beginning of the next activity linked to it alpha quartz.
in a network. free sound field
free in A sound field in which the boundary effects
Maritime. A pricing term indicating that the are negligible over the frequencies of interest.
party who charters a vessel is responsible for See also far field.
the cost of loading goods onto the vessel. free time
free in and out The amount of time that a carrier's equipment
Maritime. Terms under which cost of loading may be used without incurring additional
and discharging cargo is borne by parties charges.
other than the vessel owner or operator.

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free trade zone frozen meter fix crossing time (MFT) is as-
A port designated by the government of a signed.
country for duty-free entry of any non- freeze protected deluge shower
prohibited goods. Merchandise may be stored, A deluge shower that is designed to operate at
displayed, used for manufacturing, etc. within temperatures which would normally freeze
the zone and re-exported without duties. water in the system.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) freeze trap
Allows all U.S. citizens and residents to re- A method to collect gases/vapors by cooling
quest any records in possession of the execu- the sampled air to a temperature at which the
tive branch of the federal government. The substance(s) of interest condense, and thus
term "records" includes documents, papers, collect.
reports, letters, films, photographs, sound re-
cordings, computer tapes and disks. An ob- freezing drizzle
ject that cannot be reproduced is not consid- See freezing rain.
ered a record in this case. The federal Free- freezing nuclei
dom of Information Act (FOIA) covers the Any particle that has a shape similar to that of
President's cabinet agencies, independent an ice crystal and allows rapid freezing of su-
agencies, regulatory commissions, and gov- percooled water. Such particles include cer-
ernment-owned corporations. Congress is ex- tain clay minerals, meteoric dust, and ice
empt, as are federal courts and state and local crystals themselves.
governments. Some states and municipalities
have laws modeled after the federal FOIA. freezing rain
The federal act includes nine exemptions that Rain or drizzle that falls in liquid form and
agencies may claim as a basis for withholding then freezes upon striking a cold object or the
information. An administrative appeal can be ground. Both can produce a coating of ice on
filed that argues for disclosure based on bene- objects, which is called glaze.
fits to the public vs. privacy. If a good argu- freight
ment is made, appellate reviewers may waive (1) Property (other than express and passenger
an exemption. baggage) transported by air, rail, truck, sea-
freeway faring vessel, or other commercial transport
An expressway with full control of access. means. (2) Any commodity being trans-
A condition occurring over a widespread area freight agent
when the surface air temperature remains be- An establishment that arranges the transporta-
low freezing for a sufficient time to damage tion of freight and cargo for a fee. Revenue
certain agricultural and ornamental crops. A for freight agents (also known as shipping
freeze most often occurs as cold air is ad- agents or brokers) represents commissions of
vected into a region, causing freezing condi- fees and not the gross charges for transporting
tions to exist in a deep layer of surface air. goods.
Also called advection frost. freight all kinds (FAK)
freeze calculated landing time (FCLT) Goods classified FAK are usually charged
Aviation. A dynamic parameter number of higher rates than those marked with a specific
minutes prior to the meter fix calculated time classification and are frequently in a container
of arrival for each aircraft when the tentative which includes various classes of cargo.
calculated landing time (TCLT) is frozen and freight and other transportation services
becomes an actual calculated landing time Forwarding: Includes establishments that pro-
(ACLT) i.e., the vertex time of arrival (VTA) vide forwarding, packing, and other services
is updated and consequently the TCLT is incidental to transportation. Also included are
modified as appropriate until freeze calculated horse-drawn cabs and carriages for hire.
landing time (FCLT) minutes prior to meter
fix calculated time of arrival, at which time
updating is suspended and an ACLT and a

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freight container services and facilities in connection with the
A reusable container having a volume of 64 transportation of freight.
cubic feet or more, designed and constructed frequency
to permit being lifted with its contents intact The number of cycles, revolutions, or vibra-
and intended primarily for containment of tions completed per unit of time. In sound,
packages (in unit form) during transportation. for example, the frequency describes the rate
freight forwarder at which complete cycles of high- and low-
(1) An individual or company that accepts pressure peaks are produced. The unit of
less-than-truckload (TLT) or less-than-carload measurement is cycles per second or hertz
(LCL) shipments from shippers and combines (Hz). The normal human ear has a frequency
them into carload or truckload lots. Desig- range of 20 to 20,000 Hz at moderate sound
nated as a common carrier under the Interstate pressure levels.
Commerce Act. (2) A broker that functions as frequency distribution
an intermediary between shippers (consign- The tabulation of data from the lowest to the
ors/consignees) and carriers. Functions per- highest, or highest to the lowest, along with
formed by a freight forwarder may include re- the number of times each of the values was
ceiving small shipments (e.g., less than con- observed or occurred in the distribution.
tainer load) from consignors, consolidating
them into larger lots, contracting with carriers frequency domain
for transport between ports of embarkation The expression of a function in terms of fre-
and debarkation, conducting documentation quency.
transactions, and arranging delivery of ship- frequency function
ments to the consignees. See frequency distribution.
freight forwarding frequency masking
Establishments primarily engaged in under- See simultaneous masking.
taking the transportation of goods from ship-
pers to receivers for a charge covering the en- frequency of exposure
tire transportation, and in turn making use of The number of times per shift, day, year, etc.
the services of various freight carriers in ef- that an individual is exposed to a harmful sub-
fecting delivery. Establishment pays trans- stance or physical agent.
portation charges as part of its costs of doing frequency of lift
business and assumes responsibility for deliv- The number of times a specified mass is
ery of the goods. There are no direct relations raised and/or lowered within a unit time.
between shippers and the various freight car- (Note: The most common time interval is one
riers performing the movement. minute.)
freight revenue frequency of use principle
Revenues from the transportation by air of A rule that states the most frequently used
property other than passenger baggage. controls and displays should be placed in op-
freight service operating expenses timal locations.
The sum of operating expenses directly assig- frequency polygon
nable to freight service and an apportionment A graphical representation in which the ordi-
of expenses common to both freight and pas- nal values corresponding to abscissa values
senger service. are plotted in a coordinate system and con-
freight service revenue nected by straight lines.
Revenue from the transportation of freight, frequency rate
switching of freight train cars, water transfers Relates the injuries that occur to the hours
of freight, vehicles and livestock, movement worked during the period and expresses them
of freight trains at a rate per train mile or for a in terms of a million man-hour unit.
lump sum, storage of freight, demurrage,
grain elevators, stockyards, and miscellaneous

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frequency response where the wind is influenced by friction of the
That range of frequencies which a system is earth's surface and objects on it.
capable of producing or a sensor is capable of friction loss
detecting. The pressure loss in a ventilation system due
frequency response curve to friction of the moving air on the ductwork.
A graph of the input frequency spectrum vs. Friedman two-way analysis of variance
output frequency spectrum for a system. A non-parametric statistical test using
frequency spectrum matched sample rank data to test the null hy-
A description of the frequency components pothesis.
and associated amplitudes of a time series fringe benefit
waveform. That compensation to an employee which is
frequency-time spectrum not in the form of wages, salary, or bonuses.
See compressed spectral array. fringe parking
frequent An area for parking usually located outside
In terms of probability of hazard or mishap the Central Business District (CBD) and most
occurrence, a hazard or event likely to occur often used by suburban residents who work or
numerous times during the life of an item. shop downtown.
fresh water frit
Water that generally contains less than 1,000 The porous section at the end of a glass tube
milligrams per liter of dissolved solids. which is employed in a glass flask to breakup
friable an air stream into small bubbles, thereby im-
Refers to materials that have a tendency to proving the absorption of air contaminants by
crumble easily. Most often used to describe the sorbent as air is sampled through it. Often
the condition that exists when asbestos fibers referred to as a glass frit.
can potentially be released and become air- fritted bubbler
borne presenting a respiratory hazard. A glass frit. See frit.
friable asbestos-containing material frivolous
Any asbestos-containing material applied on Pertaining to a lawsuit with no basis in fact,
ceilings, walls, structural members, piping, and which is based on nonsensical legal the-
duct work, or any other part of a building ory or intended to harass the defendant or
which when dry may be crumbled, pulverized, grandstand in court.
or reduced to powder by hand pressure. The frog
term includes non-friable asbestos-containing Rail Operations. A track component used at
material after such previously non-friable the intersection of two running rails to pro-
material becomes damaged to the extent that vide support and guidance for the wheels. It
when dry it may be crumbled, pulverized, or allows wheels on each rail to cross the other
reduced by hand pressure. rail.
fricative from
A consonant produced by the steady frictional A shipping term under which price quoted
or turbulent passage of air through a narrow- applies only at the point of origin, such as ex-
ing of a segment within the vocal tract. Also mill, ex-rail car, ex-barge, and the seller
called spirant. agrees to place the goods at the disposal of the
friction buyer at the agreed place within a fixed period
A force which opposes the motion of a body of time.
or tends to hold a stationary body in place. from a little open
See also static friction and kinetic friction. Transit (slang). An expression meaning to
friction layer depart on a new course from a point 50 yards
The atmospheric layer near the surface usu- or less from a defined object.
ally extending up to about 1 km (3300 feet)

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from foot of dike frontal thunderstorms
From the end of the dike where it is attached Thunderstorms that form in response to forced
to the shore. convection (forced lifting) along a front.
from (lower) end of dike Most go through a cycle similar to those of air
From the outward or channel end of a dike. mass thunderstorms.

frons frontal wave

See forehead. A wavelike deformation along a front in the
lower levels of the atmosphere. Those that
front develop into storms are termed unstable
The transition zone between two distinct air waves, while those that do not are called sta-
masses. ble waves.
front-end analysis frontogenesis
The process of determining whether or not a A meteorological term for the formation,
problem exists. Also referred to as needs as- strengthening, or regeneration of a front.
sessment and discrepancy analysis.
frontal A meteorological term for the weakening or
Pertaining to the anterior portion of the body dissipation of a front.
or of a body part, or the frontal plane.
frontal arc, minimum A covering of ice produced by deposition
The minimum surface distance across the (sublimation) on exposed surfaces when the
forehead to the temporal crests at their points air temperature falls below the frost point (the
of maximum indentation. Measured with the dew point is below freezing). Also called
individual sitting or standing erect and the fa- hoarfrost.
cial muscles relaxed.
frost point
frontal bone See dew point.
The flat bone making up the forehead and
superior frontal portion of the skull. frostbite
The destruction of tissue resulting from expo-
frontal breadth, maximum sure to extreme cold or contact with extremely
The horizontal linear distance between the cold objects.
maximum lateral bugles of the brow ridges
near the ends of the eyebrow. Also referred to frozen dew
as forehead breadth. The transformation of liquid dew into tiny
beads of ice when the air temperature drops
frontal breadth, minimum below freezing.
The horizontal linear distance across the fore-
head from the points of greatest indentation of frozen section
the temporal crests. A specimen of tissue that has been quick-
frozen, cut by microtome, and stained imme-
frontal fog diately for rapid diagnosis of possible malig-
See evaporation fog. nant lesions. A specimen processed in this
frontal lobe manner is not satisfactory for detailed study
The most anterior portion of the cerebral of the cells, but it is valuable because it is
hemisphere, extending from the frontal pole to quick and gives the surgeon immediate infor-
the central sulcus. mation regarding the malignancy of a piece of
frontal plane
Any vertical plane at right angle to the mid- fructose
sagittal and horizontal planes which divides A colorless or white crystalline sugar; also
the body into anterior and posterior portions. called levulose and fruit sugar. It is used in
Often referred to as coronal plane. solution as a fluid and nutrient replenisher.
See Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

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FSS that, at the appropriate times, open to allow
See Flight Service Station. fuel to be sprayed or atomized into a throttle
FTA bore or into the intake manifold ports. The
See fault tree analysis. See also Federal fuel injectors are usually solenoid-operated
Transit Administration. valves under the control of the vehicle's on-
board computer (thus the term "electronic fuel
FTP injection"). The fuel efficiency of fuel injec-
See File Transfer Protocol. tion systems is less temperature-dependent
fuel than carburetor systems. Diesel engines al-
The primary fuel or energy source delivered ways use injectors. See also carburetor and
to a residential site. It may be converted to diesel fuel system.
some other form of energy at the site. Elec- fuel oil
tricity is included as a fuel. Other primary fu- A liquid petroleum product less volatile than
els are coal, fuel oil, kerosene, liquefied pe- gasoline, used as an energy source. Fuel oil
troleum gas (LPG), natural gas, wood, and includes distillate fuel oil (No. 1, No. 2, and
solar. No. 4), residual fuel oil (No. 5 and No. 6), and
fuel cell kerosene.
(1) A device for converting chemical energy fuel oil, No. 1
into electrical energy. (2) A device that pro- A light distillate fuel oil intended for use in
duces electrical energy directly from the con- vaporizing pot-type burners. ASTM Specifi-
trolled electrochemical oxidation of the fuel. cation D 396 specifies for this grade maxi-
It does not contain an intermediate heat cycle, mum distillation temperature of 400 degrees
as do most other electrical generation tech- Fahrenheit at the 10 percent point and 550 de-
niques. grees Fahrenheit at the 90 percent point, and
fuel code kinematic viscosity between 1.4 and 2.2 cen-
A 2-digit numeric code that identifies the type tistoke at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
of fuel used. The code identifies regular fuel oil, No. 2
(gasoline and diesel) fuels, alternative fuels A distillate fuel oil for use in atomizing type
such as natural gas and methanol, and vehi- burners for domestic heating or for moderate
cles able to operate on a combination of these capacity commercial/industrial burner units.
fuels (regular and alternative). ASTM Specification D 396 specifies for this
fuel dumping grade distillation temperature at the 90 per-
Aviation. Airborne release of usable fuel. cent point between 540 and 640 degrees Fahr-
This does not include the dropping of fuel enheit, and kinematic viscosity between 2.0
tanks. See also jettisoning of external stores. and 3.6 centistoke at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
fuel economy standard fuel oil, No. 4
The Corporate Average Fuel Economy Stan- A fuel oil for commercial burner installations
dard (CAFE) which went into effect in 1978. not equipped for preheating facilities. It is
It was meant to enhance the national fuel con- used extensively in industrial plants. This
servation effort by slowing fuel consumption grade is a blend of distillate fuel oil and resid-
through a miles-per-gallon requirement for ual fuel oil stocks that conform to ASTM
motor vehicles. Specification D 396 or Federal Specification
VV-F-815C; its kinematic viscosity is be-
fuel fire/explosion tween 5.8 and 26.4 centistoke at 100 degrees
Accidental combustion of vessel fuel, liquids, Fahrenheit. Also included is No. 4-D, a fuel
including their vapors, or other substance oil for lower and medium speed diesel en-
such as wood or coal. gines that conforms to ASTM Specification D
fuel injection 975.
A fuel delivery system whereby gasoline is
pumped to one or more fuel injectors under
high pressure. The fuel injectors are valves

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fuel remaining fulcrum
Aviation. A phrase used by either pilots or A fixed point representing the axis about
controllers when relating to the fuel remaining which a lever may operate.
on board until actual fuel exhaustion. When full berth terms (FBT)
transmitting such information in response to Maritime. Terms under which cost of loading
either a controller question or pilot-initiated and discharge is included in the steamship rate
cautionary advisory to air traffic control, pi- quoted. Ship owner pays loading and dis-
lots will state the appropriate number of min- charge costs.
utes the flight can continue with the fuel re-
maining. All reserve fuel should be included full double
in the time stated, as should an allowance for Maritime. The maximum tow that can be
established fuel gauge system error. See also locked.
minimum fuel. full facepiece respirator
fuel siphoning A respirator which covers the wearer's entire
The unintentional release of fuel caused by face from the hairline to the chin.
overflow, puncture, loose cap, etc. full hearing
fuel tank Embraces not only the right to present evi-
A tank other than a cargo tank, used to trans- dence, but also a reasonable opportunity to
port flammable or combustible liquid, or know the claims of the opposing party, and to
compressed gas for the purpose of supplying meet them.
fuel for propulsion of the transport vehicle to full radiator
which it is attached, or for the operation of See blackbody.
other equipment on the transport vehicle.
full scale
fuel tank fitting The maximum measurement value or maxi-
Any removable device affixed to an opening mum limit for a given range on an instrument.
in the fuel tank with the exception of the filler
cap. full shift
The regularly scheduled work period, typi-
fueling cally of 8 hours duration.
Any stage of the fueling operation; primarily
concerned with introduction of explosive or full-time employment
combustible vapors or liquids on board. Having a job consisting of about 35 or more
hours per week on a regular basis.
fugitive emissions
Emissions that are not caught by a capture full trailer
system. The release of airborne contaminants (1) Any motor vehicle other than a pole trailer
into the surrounding air other than through a which is designed to be drawn by another
stack, such as the sealing mechanisms of motor vehicle and so constructed that no part
sources including pumps, compressors, of its weight, except for the towing device,
flanges, valves, and other type seals. Thus, rests upon the self-propelled towing unit. A
fugitive emissions result from an equipment semitrailer equipped with an auxiliary front
leak and are characterized by a diffuse release axle (converter dolly) shall be considered a
of materials such as VOCs, hydrocarbons, etc. full trailer. (2) A truck-trailer with front and
into the atmosphere. The EPA defines fugi- rear axles. The load weight is distributed over
tive emissions as those emissions that do not both the front axle(s) and rear axle(s).
occur as part of the normal operation of the fullmount
plant. A smaller vehicle mounted completely on the
fugitive releases frame of either the first or last vehicle in a
Under ISO 14000 criteria, emissions to air, saddlemount combination.
water, or land that are not controlled. fumble
An unintentional sensory-motor error.

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fume functional deafness
Small solid particles generated following the See psychogenic deafness.
volatilization of a metal or plastic when their functional electrical stimulation
gaseous state condenses quickly upon contact See electrical stimulation.
with cooler air. Welding, for example, causes
the volatilization of metals into a gas followed functional equivalent
by condensation upon contact with cooler air. Term used to describe EPA's decision-making
This creates welding fumes typically on the process and its relationship to the environ-
order of 0.1-1 micrometer in diameter. In mental review conducted under the National
popular usage, the word fume is often incor- Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A review
rectly used to describe virtually any type of is considered functionally equivalent when it
air contaminant. addresses the substantive components of a
NEPA review.
fume cupboard
British term for laboratory fume hood. functional flow logic diagram
A technique for determining what operations
fume fever or processes are necessary to achieve certain
See metal fume fever. objectives from a system.
fumigant functional form analysis
A pesticide that is vaporized to kill pests. See form process chart.
Used in buildings and greenhouses.
functional hazard analysis
function See fault hazard analysis.
(1) General. That activity which a product or
system is to carry out. (2) Computing. A functional impact
software-supported capability to aid the user A purposeful impact in fulfilling a useful task.
in performing a task or operation. See also beneficial impact.
function area functional impairment
Computing. A portion of a screen display A reduced ability to perform certain functions.
reserved by a given application for a specific May also be called functional limitation.
purpose. functional injury
function key A form of trauma not readily detectable by
A key which directs the computer to perform visual examination, but which is indicated by
some specific function when pressed. See one or more variables measuring a functional
also fixed function key. limitation.
Functional Analysis System Technique (FAST) functional leg length
A diagramming process which permits a hier- The linear distance from the back at waist
archy of two-word function definitions de- level to the heel, measured along the longitu-
rived from a product's consequences and dinal axis of the leg. Measured with the indi-
cause. vidual sitting erect on the edge of a chair and
the knee fully extended.
functional anatomy
The study of the body and its component functional limitation
parts, relating them to biomechanical and/or See functional impairment.
physiological function. functional principle
functional anthropometry See functionality principle.
See dynamic anthropometry. functional reach
functional capacity level rating scale See thumb-tip reach.
A seven-point classification for grouping indi- functional residual capacity (FRC)
viduals, especially the elderly, according to That volume of air which remains in the lungs
their ability to perform the activities of daily after a normal exhalation.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

functional vibration
An intentional vibration generated to accom- furniture van body
plish some end. Truck body designed for the transportation of
functionality principle household goods; usually a van of drop-frame
A rule stating that displays and controls which construction.
have related functions should be grouped to- further clearance time
gether. Aviation. The time a pilot can expect to re-
fundamental frequency ceive clearance beyond a clearance limit.
In the study of acoustics, the lowest periodic furuncle
frequency component present in a complex A focal, suppurative inflammation of the skin
spectrum. and subcutaneous tissue, enclosing a central
fundamental motion slough or "core." See also boil.
See therblig. fuscin
fundus A brown pigment of the retinal epithelium.
The bottom or base of anything; used in anat- fuse
omic nomenclature as a general term to desig- (1) Electrical. Pertaining to systems over 600
nate the bottom or base of an organ, or the volts (nominal), an overcurrent protective de-
part of a hollow organ farthest from its mouth. vice with a circuit-opening fusible part that is
fungi heated and severed by the passage of overcur-
See fungus. rent through it. A fuse comprises all the parts
fungicide that form a unit capable of performing the
Pesticides which are used to control, prevent, prescribed functions. It may or may not be
or destroy fungi. the complete device necessary to connect it
into an electrical circuit. (2) Explosives. A
fungus system used to initiate an explosive train.
A general term used to describe the diverse
morphological forms of yeast, rust, mildew, fusiform neuron
and mold. Any non-chlorophyll-bearing See gamma motor neuron.
thallophyte (that is, any non-chlorophyll- fusion
bearing plant of a lower order than mosses (1) Nuclear Energy. A nuclear reaction char-
and liverworts). Fungi (plural) are het- acterized by the joining together of light nu-
erotrophs and obtain nourishment by absorp- clei to form heavier nuclei. See also nuclear
tion usually from dead or decaying organic fusion, binocular fusion, and flicker fusion.
matter. Some fungi are beneficial in foods (2) Anatomy. The combining or blending of
and pharmaceutical development while other distinct bodies into one, such as the fusion
can cause pulmonary diseases. Fungi are into a single image of the separate impres-
found in soil, water, and air. Also referred to sions received by the two eyes, or the surgical
as mold. process of making a formerly movable struc-
funnel chest ture (joint) immovable.
A deformity of the front of the chest wall, fusus
characterized by a funnel-shaped depression (1) A spindle-shaped structure. (2) A minute
with its apex over the lower end of the ster- air vesicle in a hair shaft.
num. Also called pectus excavatum. future damages
funnel cloud Those sums awarded to an injured party for,
A rotating cone-like cloud that extends among other things, residuals or future effects
downward from the base of a thunderstorm. of an injury which have reduced the capability
When it reaches the surface it is called a tor- of an individual to function as a whole person,
nado. If it touches a body of water (lake, future pain and suffering, loss or impairment
pond, ocean, etc.) it is referred to as a water- of earning capacity, and future medical ex-
spout. penses.

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fuzzy logic
The use of approximations in reasoning rather
than exact, discrete points or information.
See forced vital capacity.
See Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

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G (1) In instrumentation, the ratio of the signal
output to input. Gain is frequently referred to
as span. (2) The constant multiplier in the
g numerator of a transfer function.
Abbreviation for gram(s). gain sharing
g force Any means through which an employee re-
That force experienced on the body due to ceives benefit in wages from his greater than
acceleration(s) from vehicular or other mo- standard production rates.
tion. Usually expressed as some multiple or gainful employment
fraction of g. In general, any calling, occupation, profession
g force syndrome or work which one may or is able to profita-
See acceleration syndrome (an older term). bly pursue. Within a disability clause of an
insurance policy, the term means ordinary
g-induced loss of consciousness
employment of the particular insured, or such
See gravity-induced loss of consciousness.
other employment, if any, as the insured may
g-load fairly be expected to follow.
That loading imposed on the body due to
gravity of other accelerations.
The mobility style using an individual's or
g-tolerance robotic legs. Many clinical types of gaits
A measure of the ability to withstand positive have been identified. See also walk, run, jog,
acceleration(s) without a system failure or and limp.
gait analysis
GAC The study of gait. Usually with the intent to
See granular activated carbon treatment. determine mechanisms or quantify disorders.
GADO gal
See General Aviation District Office. Common abbreviation for gallon(s).
gadolinium galactic cosmic radiation
A chemical element, atomic number 64, That cosmic background radiation, consisting
atomic weight 157.25, symbol Gd. of extremely high energy particles, which
gag comes from outside the solar system.
(1) A surgical device for holding the mouth galactose
open. (2) To retch, or strive to vomit. (3) A monosaccharide derived from lactose.
Something placed in or around the mouth
with the specific intent of preventing speech
A small sac-like organ located below the
(usually placed against a person's will).
liver. It serves as a storage place for bile.
gag order The gallbladder may be subject to such disor-
An unruly defendant at trial may be constitu- ders as inflammation and the formation of
tionally bound and gagged to prevent further gallstones. Acute inflammation of the gall-
interruptions in the trial. The term may also bladder causes severe pain and tenderness in
refer to an order by the court, in a trial with a the right upper abdomen, accompanied by fe-
great deal of notoriety, directed to attorneys ver, nausea, prostration, and sometimes jaun-
and witnesses, to not discuss the case with re- dice. If the inflammation does not subside
porters (such an order being felt necessary to quickly, the gallbladder must be removed be-
assure the defendant of a fair trial). Term also fore it becomes gangrenous and ruptures.
refers to order of the court directed to report- Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder may
ers to not report court proceedings, or certain cause habitual indigestion, accompanied by
aspects thereof. flatulence, and nausea. The indigestion is
most evident after heavy meals or meals of
fatty foods. There may also be repeated at-

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tacks of pain in the right upper abdomen. galvanic current
These may be very brief or may last as long as Direct current from an electricity source, usu-
several hours. Gallstones are often present. ally a battery (an outdated term).
The condition may respond to conservative galvanic skin reflex
treatment with diet and medications or it may See skin resistance response
require surgical removal of the gallbladder,
especially if there are gallstones. galvanic skin response
See skin resistance response.
That location on certain ships in which food is galvanometer
prepared for consumption. See also kitchen. An electrical instrument for measuring small
electric currents.
A volumetric measure equal to 4 quarts (231 galvo
cubic inches) used to measure fuel oil. One See metal fume fever.
barrel equals 42 gallons. See also barrel. game fish
gallstone Species like trout, salmon, or bass, caught for
A stone-like mass, called a calculus, that sport. Many of them show more sensitivity to
forms in the gallbladder. The presence of environmental change than "rough" fish.
gallstones is known medically as cholelithia- gamma
sis. Their cause is unknown, although there is A unit of magnetic field strength.
evidence of a connection between gallstones
and obesity. They are most common in gamma angle
women after pregnancy and in men and The angle formed by the intersection of the
women after the age of 35. Gallstones may be optical axis and the visual axis (line of sight),
present for years without causing trouble. usually about 4º.
The usual symptoms, however, are vague dis- gamma efferent
comfort and pain in the upper abdomen. See gamma motor neuron.
There may be indigestion and nausea, espe-
gamma globulin
cially after eating fatty foods. Either directly
A plasma protein developed in the lymphoid
or by use of a dye introduced into the gall-
tissues and reticuloendothelial system in re-
bladder, x-rays will generally reveal the pres-
sponse to invasion by harmful agents such as
ence of gallstones. The most common com-
bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
plication of gallstones occurs when one of the
stones escapes from the gallbladder and trav- gamma motor neuron
els along the common bile duct, where it may An A-class motor neuron in the Erlanger-
lodge, blocking the flow of bile to the intes- Gasse classification system having a medium
tine and causing obstructive jaundice. This conduction velocity which innervates muscle
condition must be corrected by surgery before spindle intrafusal fibers and is involved in
liver damage occurs. When a gallstone trav- regulating muscle activity. Also referred to as
els through or obstructs a bile duct it can gamma efferent and fusiform neuron.
cause severe biliary colic, probably the most gamma ray
severe pain that can be experienced. The pain Electromagnetic radiation of high energy
is located in the upper right quadrant of the originating in atomic nuclei and accompany-
abdomen and radiates through to the scapula. ing many nuclear reactions (fission, radioac-
galoshes tivity, and neutron capture). Physically,
A type of waterproof footwear worn external gamma rays are identical to x-rays of high en-
to the shoes. ergy; however, x-rays do not originate from
atomic nuclei. Gamma rays are true rays of
galvanic cell
energy in contrast to alpha and beta radiation.
An electrolytic cell brought about by the dif-
The properties are similar to x-rays and other
ference in electrical potential between two
electromagnetic waves. They are the most
dissimilar metals.
penetrating waves of radiant nuclear energy

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but can be blocked by dense materials such as Gantt chart
lead. See also x-ray. A two-dimensional graphical representation
gamma ray irradiation of the planned activities and the dates/times at
A process to reduce pathogens in solid waste which each of those activities should be com-
by irradiating sludge with gamma rays from pleted over the duration of a project or other
certain isotopes. activity.

gang chart Gantt task and bonus plan

A multiple activity process chart used for co- A wage incentive plan in which employees
ordinating work crews. are rewarded with a percentage bonus for
higher than normal performance.
ganged controls
A set of controls which are grouped or ganzfeld
stacked on a single axis, usually having a dif- A homogeneous, uniformly illuminated,
ferent outside diameter. formless visual field.

ganglion GAO
(1) A mass of human or animal tissue- See General Accounting Office.
containing nerve cells (neurons). (2) A knot gap
or knot-like mass; used in anatomic nomen- Low point or opening between hills or moun-
clature as a general term to designate a group tains or in a ridge or mountain range.
of nerve cell bodies located outside the central gaps analysis
nervous system. (3) A form of cystic tumor An assessment of an organization's current
occurring on an aponeurosis or tendon, as in management methods, techniques, and sys-
the wrist. tems to determine its conformance to stan-
gangrene dards and other requirements, such as ISO
(1) An infection caused by an anaerobic bac- 14000.
teria resulting in the destruction of body tis- garage
sue. (2) The death and putrefaction of body A space large enough to accommodate a car,
tissue, caused by the stoppage of circulation with a door opening at least six feet wide and
to an area, often caused by infection or injury. seven feet high. "Attached" means it is under
There are three types of gangrene: moist, dry, part or all of the house or it shares part of a
and gas gangrene. Moist and dry gangrene re- wall in common with the house. Not included
sult from loss of blood circulation due to vari- are carports, barns, or buildings (not con-
ous causes; gas gangrene occurs in wounds nected to the house) or storage space for golf
infected by species of Clostridium that break carts or motorcycles.
down tissue by gas production and by toxins.
gangway See food waste.
Any ramp-like or stair-like means of access
provided to enable personnel to board or leave garbage and trash collection
a vessel, including accommodation ladders, Establishments that are primarily engaged in
gangplanks, and brows. collecting and transporting garbage, trash, and
refuse, within a city, town, or other local area,
gantry including adjoining towns and suburban areas.
A frame structure raised on side supports so
as to span over or around something. garbage in/garbage out (GIGO)
Computing. A phrase indicating that if errors
gantry crane are made in computer input, errors will be
A crane-hoisting machine mounted on a frame present in the output, even if the programming
or structure spanning an intervening space. and logic are correct.
Used primarily in modern container-handling
ports. garment
Any piece of clothing intended for wear over
one or more body parts.

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garment design gas discharge lamp
The development of a garment, ideally with A lamp which produces light at specific
consideration given to size, style, color, pat- wavelengths of the spectrum by electrical ex-
terns, fabric types, layering, and insulation citation of the gas within the lamp. Also
value. called gaseous discharge lamp.
gas gas distribution company
(1) A thin fluid, like air, capable of indefinite Company which obtains the major portion of
expansion but convertible by compression and its gas operating revenues from the operation
cooling into a liquid and eventually a solid. of a retail gas distribution system, and which
Gases may be either elements (such as argon) operates no transmission system other than
or compounds (such as carbon dioxide). (2) incidental connections within its own system
A state of matter in which the material has or to the system of another company.
very low density and viscosity, and can ex-
pand and contract greatly in response to gas exchange
changes in temperature and pressure. A gas The diffusion of gases through a membrane or
easily diffuses into other gases, readily and other porous material.
uniformly distributing itself throughout any gas-forming bacteria
container. (3) Except when designated as in- Organisms that ferment lactose in foods or
ert, natural gas, other flammable gas, or gas other carbohydrates producing both acid and
which is toxic or corrosive. (4) A non-solid, gas, which may render a food product as un-
non-liquid combustible energy source that in- acceptable.
cludes natural gas, coke-oven gas, blast-
furnace gas, and refinery gas. gas free
A tank, compartment, or other type contain-
gas amplification
ment or area is considered to be gas free when
As applied to gas-ionization radiation-
it has been tested, using appropriate instru-
detection instruments, the ratio of the charge
ments, and found to be sufficiently free, at the
collected to the charge produced by the initial
time of the test, of toxic or explosive gases or
ionizing event.
vapors for a specified purpose.
gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
Refers to both an analytical method, as well gas frit
as the apparatus used in the analysis. The gas A sintered or fritted glass surface which is
chromatograph serves to separate the compo- designed to break up an air stream into small
nents of the sample and the mass spectrometer bubbles in order to increase the contact of the
serves to identify then by exposing the eluted air with a liquid sorbent, thereby improving
components to a beam of electrons which the absorption of specific gaseous contami-
causes ionization to occur. The ions produced nants present in the air. See also frit.
are accelerated by an electric impulse, passed gas guzzler tax
through a magnetic field, separated, and iden- Originates from the 1978 Energy Tax Act
tified on their mass. Often referred to simply (Public Law 95418). A new car purchaser is
as GC-MS or GC-Mass Spec. required to pay the tax if the car purchased
gas chromatography (GC) has a combined city/highway fuel economy
An analytical chemical procedure involving rating that is below the standard for that year.
passing a sample through a column of specific For model years 1986 and later, the standard
make-up to separate the components of the is 22.5 mpg.
sample, enabling them to elute, or pass out of gas laser
the column separately and be detected and A type of laser in which the laser action takes
quantified by one or more detectors such as a place in a gas medium, such as carbon diox-
flame ionization detector, thermal conductiv- ide.
ity detector, electron capture detector, etc.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gas law finished leaded and unleaded motor gasoline.
The thermodynamic law applied to a perfect See also fuel and gasoline.
gas that relates the pressure of the gas to its gasoline
density and absolute temperature. (1) A blend of light hydrocarbon fractions of
gas mask relatively high antiknock value, with proper
A full-face respirator equipped with an air- volatility, clean burning characteristics, addi-
purifying cartridge or canister that removes tives to prevent rust and oxidation, and suffi-
contaminants and renders air breathable to the ciently high octane rating to prevent knock-
user. (Not for use in oxygen deficient atmos- ing. Gasoline typically contains some ben-
pheres.) zene. (2) A complex mixture of relatively
gas pressure volatile hydrocarbons, with or without small
The force, generally designated in pounds per quantities of additives, obtained by blending
square inch (psi), that is exerted by a gas on appropriate refinery streams to form a fuel
its surroundings. suitable for use in spark ignition engines.
Motor gasoline includes both leaded or un-
gas sorption leaded grades of finished motor gasoline,
Devices used to reduce levels of airborne blending components, and gasohol. See also
gaseous compounds by passing air through fuel, gasohol, and kerosene.
materials that extract gases. The performance
of a solid sorbent is dependent on the airflow gasoline aviation/gasoline blending compo-
rate, concentration of the pollutants, presence nents
of other gases or vapors, and other factors. Naphthas that will be used for blending or
compounding into finished aviation gasoline
gas tension (e.g., straight-run gasoline, alkylate, refor-
The partial pressure of a gas. mate, benzene, toluene, and xylene). Ex-
gas test cludes oxygenates (alcohols, ethers), butane,
An analysis of the air to detect unsafe con- and pentanes plus. Oxygenates are reported
centrations of toxic or explosive gases and/or as other hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and oxy-
vapors. genates.
gas/vapor detection instrument gastric
An assembly of electrical, mechanical, and Pertaining to the stomach.
often chemical components that senses and gastritis
responds to the presence of a gas/vapor in air Chronic or acute inflammation of the stom-
mixtures. ach.
gaseous agent gastrocolitis
A fire extinguishing agent which is in the Inflammation of the stomach and colon.
gaseous state at normal room temperature and
pressure. It has low viscosity, can expand or gastrocnemius muscle
contract with changes in pressure and tem- The large voluntary skeletal muscle in the
perature, and has the ability to diffuse readily posterior lower leg which forms a majority of
and to distribute itself uniformly throughout the calf.
an enclosure. gastroenteritis
gasification Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the
Conversion of solid material such as coal into stomach and intestines that may be caused by
a gas for use as a fuel. various bacteria or viruses. Symptoms may
include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea,
gasohol vomiting, fever, malaise, muscle ache, and
A blend of finished motor gasoline (leaded or fatigue.
unleaded) and alcohol (generally ethanol but
sometimes methanol) limited to 10 percent by gastrointestinal tract
volume of alcohol. Gasohol is included in The system consisting of the stomach, intes-
tines, and related organs. Commonly referred
to as the GI tract.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gastroscope Maxwell per square centimeter (an older
An endoscope especially designed for passage term). Also referred to as abtesla. See also
into the stomach to permit examination of its Maxwell.
interior. Gaussian distribution
GATB Pertaining to or having the appearance of a
See general aptitude test battery. normal distribution. See normal distribution.
gate Gaussian noise
A structure that may be swung, drawn, or See white noise.
lowered to block an entrance or passageway. gavage
gate dam Dosing an animal by introducing a test mate-
A type of opening in a dam whereby the water rial through a tube into the stomach.
passes over the top. GAWR
gate hold procedure See gross axle weight rating.
Procedures at selected airports to hold aircraft gaze
at the gate or other ground location whenever To look in one direction for an extended pe-
departure delays exceed or are anticipated to riod of time.
exceed 16 minutes. The sequence for depar-
ture will be maintained in accordance with GB
initial call-up unless modified by flow control Gigabyte – approximately one billion bytes.
restrictions. Pilots should monitor the ground GC
control and clearance delivery frequency for See gas chromatography. Also abbreviation
engine start/taxi advisories or new proposed for gas chromatograph.
start/taxi time if the delay changes.
gateway See ground controlled approach.
In the context of travel activities, gateway
refers to a major airport or seaport. Interna- GC-ECD
tionally, gateway can also mean the port Gas chromatography-electron capture detec-
where customs clearance takes place. tor.

gathering line GC-FID

A pipeline 219.1 mm (8 5/8 inches) or less Gas chromatography-flame ionization detec-
nominal diameter that transports petroleum tor.
from a production facility. GC-FPD
gauge Gas chromatography-flame photometric de-
Marine Navigation. A scale graduated in tector.
tenths of a foot which indicates the water GC-MS
level or river stage. See gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer.
gauge pressure GC-PID
(1) The pressure with respect to atmospheric Gas chromatography-photoionization detec-
pressure, or above atmospheric pressure as in- tor.
dicated on the appropriate pressure gauge. (2)
The difference between two absolute pres-
Gas chromatography-thermal conductivity
sures, one of which is usually atmospheric
gauging station
See gross combination weight.
A structure used to measure the characteristics
of a hydrographic feature. GCWR
See gross combination weight rating.
The centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic GDP
unit of magnetic flux density, equal to one See gross domestic product.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gear banger carry out their legislative and oversight re-
Transit (slang). Driver who grinds gears sponsibilities, consistent with its role as an in-
when shifting. dependent nonpolitical agency in the legisla-
gear jammer tive branch; carry out legal, accounting,
Transit (slang). One who constantly clashes auditing, and claims settlement functions with
the gears. respect to federal government programs and
operations as assigned by the Congress; and
gear ratio make recommendations designed to make
The number of revolutions a driving gear re- government operations more efficient and ef-
quires to turn a driven gear one revolution. fective. The GAO is under the control and di-
For a pair of gears, the ratio is found by di- rection of the Comptroller General of the
viding the number of teeth on the driven gear United States and the Deputy Comptroller
by the number of teeth on the driving gear. General of the United States, appointed by the
Geiger counter President with the advice and consent of the
An electrical device that detects the presence Senate for a term of 15 years.
of certain types of radioactivity. It consists of general administration
a needle-like electrode inside a hollow metal- Transit. All activities associated with the
lic cylinder filled with gas which, when ion- general administration of the transit system,
ized, sets up a current in an electrical field. including transit system development, injuries
Geiger-Mueller counter and damages, safety, personnel administra-
A refined version of the Geiger counter that tion, legal services, insurance, data process-
has an amplifying system and is used for de- ing, finance and accounting, purchasing and
tecting and measuring radioactivity. stores, engineering, real estate management,
office management and services, customer
GEMI services, promotion, market research, and
See Global Environmental Management In- planning.
General and Administrative (G&A) expenses
gender Those expenses of a general corporate nature
(1) Referring to feminine, masculine, or neu- and expenses incurred in performing activities
ter terms in a language. (2) A classification which contribute to more than a single oper-
for the male or female of the species. Pre- ating function such as general financial ac-
ferred by some to the term sex when referring counting activities, purchasing activities, rep-
to the male and female. See also sex. resentation at law, and other general opera-
gene tional administration not directly applicable to
(1) A functional unit of heredity that occupies a particular function. In the Transportation
a specific location on a chromosome that is Industry, for example, passenger service, air-
capable of producing itself exactly at each cell craft and traffic servicing, and promotion and
division, and can direct the formation of an sales expenses are included for certain small
enzyme or other protein. (2) A length of air carriers.
DNA that directs the synthesis of a protein. general aptitude test battery (GATB)
gene library A commonly used test for determining gen-
A collection of DNA fragments from cells or eral intelligence, numerical, verbal, and spa-
organisms. So far, no simple way of sorting tial skills, motor coordination, finger and
the contents of gene libraries has been de- manual dexterity, and clerical perception.
vised. However, DNA pieces can be moved general average
into bacterial cells where sorting according to A general loss voluntarily incurred to save all
gene function becomes feasible. interest involved in a common maritime ad-
General Accounting Office (GAO) venture from an impending peril including
The GAO of the federal government has the hull, cargo, and freight at risk.
following basic purposes: Assist the Con-
gress, its committees, and its members to

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general aviation general cargo ship
(1) Movements of aircraft and helicopters A ship configured to accommodate general,
belonging to companies with an air taxi or air break-bulk, and containerized cargoes. Cargo
work license; an individual, a flying club or a handling operations are labor intensive and
company whose main objective is not to pro- conducted with either ship's cranes or jib
vide revenue passenger transport. (2) All civil cranes onshore. These ships traditionally
flying except that of air carriers. (3) That have numerous holds located on several
portion of civil aviation which encompasses decks, have smaller hatches than bulk carriers
all facets of aviation except air carriers. (4) or containerships, and are usually equipped
All civil aviation activity except that of air with a boom or crane positioned at each hatch
carriers certificated in accordance with Fed- cover.
eral Aviation Regulations (FAR) Parts 121, general circulation of the atmosphere
123, 127, and 135. The types of aircraft used Large-scale atmospheric motions over the
in general aviation activities cover a wide entire earth.
spectrum from corporate multi-engine jet air-
craft piloted by professional crews to ama- general contractor
teur-built single engine piston acrobatic One who contracts for the construction of an
planes, balloons, and dirigibles. entire building or project, rather than for a
portion of the work. The general contractor
general aviation airport hires subcontractors (e.g., plumbing, electri-
Any airport which is used or to be used for cal, carpentry, etc.), coordinates all the work,
public purposes, under the control of a public and is responsible for ensuring payment to the
agency, the landing area of which is publicly subcontractors. Also called prime contractor.
owned. See also contractor.
General Aviation Crashworthiness Project general damages
An effort sponsored by the National Trans- Damages that are the immediate, direct, and
portation Safety Board which was intended to proximate result of the wrongful act that is
improve the crashworthiness of small air- subject to a complaint.
General Duty Clause
General Aviation District Office (GADO) Refers to Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational
A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Safety and Health Act of 1970, which states:
field office serving a designated geographical "Each employer shall furnish to each of his
area and staffed with Flight Standards person- employees employment and a place of em-
nel who have the responsibility for serving the ployment which are free from recognized haz-
aviation industry and the general public on all ards that are causing or are likely to cause
matters relating to the certification and opera- death or serious physical harm to his employ-
tion of general aviation aircraft. ees, and shall comply with the occupational
general aviation operations safety and health standards promulgated un-
Takeoffs and landings of all civil aircraft, ex- der this Act." It is often cited by OSHA to
cept those classified as air carriers or air taxis. cover hazards for which a specific Standard or
See also general aviation. Regulation does not yet exist.
general cargo general duty clause violation
(1) General cargo consists of those products Under the Occupational Safety and Health
or commodities such as timber, structural Act, a violation of the general duty clause ex-
steel, rolled newsprint, concrete forms, agri- ists when OSHA can show that the hazard is a
cultural equipment that are not conducive to recognized hazard, the employer failed to ren-
packaging or unitization. Break-bulk cargo der its workplace free from the recognized
(e.g., packaged products such as lubricants hazard, the occurrence of an accident or ad-
and cereal) are often regarded as a subdivision verse health effect was reasonably foresee-
of general cargo. (2) The tonnes of cargo as- able, the likely consequence of the incident
sessed at the general rate of tolls as defined in (accident or adverse effect) was death or a
the St. Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

form of serious physical harm, and there ex- general lighting
ists feasible means to correct the hazard. The approximately uniform background illu-
general environment mination within a specific area or volume.
With regard to ionizing radiation, the total general permit
terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic environ- A permit applicable to a class or category of
ment outside sites within which any activity, dischargers.
operation, or process authorized by a general general-use snap switch
or special license is performed. See switch (2).
general exhaust ventilation general-use switch
A mechanical system for exhausting air from See switch (1).
a work area thereby reducing the contaminant
concentration by dilution. See also dilution general utility, stage I airport
ventilation system. This type of airport serves all small airplanes.
Precision approach operations are not usually
general export license anticipated. This airport is designed for air-
Authorization to export without specific planes in Airport Reference Code B-II.
documentary approval.
general utility, stage II airport
general freight carrier This type of airport serves large airplanes in
(1) A carrier which handles a wide variety of Aircraft Approach Categories A and B and
commodities. (2) Trucking company engaged usually has the capability for precision ap-
in shipping packaged, boxed, and palletized proach operations. This airport is normally
goods that can be transported in standard, en- designed for Airport Reference Code B-III.
closed tractor-trailers, generally 40 to 48 feet
in length. general ventilation
This term is used synonymously with dilution
general hearing ventilation. General ventilation is used typi-
The ability to detect sound and/or discrimi- cally for the control of temperature, humidity,
nate between sounds over a wide range of or odors.
pitch and loudness (an older term).
general warehousing and storage
General Industry Standard (GIS) Those establishments primarily engaged in
See OSHA General Industry Standard. the warehousing and storage of a general line
general law of goods.
A law that affects the community at large. A generality
general law, as distinguished from one that is See coefficient of determination.
special or local, is a law that embraces a class
of subjects or places, and does not omit any generation
subject or place naturally belonging to such (1) The process of begetting offspring. (2) A
class. successive step or degree in natural descent,
or, the average period between any two such
general license successive steps (about thirty years for human
As pertains to ionizing radiation, a license beings). (3) Any group of individuals born at
issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis- or about the same time. (4) The act or process
sion (NRC), or an Agreement State, for the of producing solid waste.
possession and use of certain radioactive ma-
terials, often for small quantities, for which a generator
specific license is not required. Individuals A individual, facility, or mobile source that
are automatically licensed when they buy or emits or causes or contributes to the emission
obtain a radioactive material from a vendor of pollutants into the air or releases hazardous
who has a license from the NRC to sell prod- wastes into the water or soil.
ucts containing small amounts of some radio- generic name
active materials. A nonproprietary name, such as the chemical
identity of a material or product rather than
identification by a registered trade name.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

genetic geodesic line
See gene. The shortest line which connects two points
genetic defect on a curved surface.
A defect in a living organism as a result of a Geographical Information System (GIS)
deficiency in the genes of the original repro- A system of hardware, software, and data for
ductive cells from which the organism was collecting, storing, analyzing, and dissemi-
conceived. nating information about areas of the Earth.
genetic effects For Highway Performance Monitoring Sys-
Inheritable changes, chiefly mutations, pro- tem (HPMS) purposes, Geographical Infor-
duced by the absorption of ionizing radiation, mation System (GIS) is defined as a highway
exposure to certain chemicals, ingestion of network (spatial data which graphically repre-
some medications, and from other causes. sent the geometry of the highways, an elec-
tronic map) and its geographically referenced
genetic engineering component attributes (HPMS section data,
A process of inserting new genetic informa- bridge data, and other data including socio-
tion into existing cells to modify any organ- economic data) that are integrated through
ism for the purpose of changing one of its GIS technology to perform analyses. From
characteristics. this, GIS can display attributes and analyze
genetic mutation results electronically in map form.
A change in a gene which is reflected in body geomedicine
structure and/or function. The branch of medicine dealing with the in-
genetics fluence of climatic and environmental condi-
Inheritable changes, chiefly mutations, pro- tions on health.
duced by the absorption of ionizing radiation, geometric mean
exposure to certain chemicals, ingestion of The median in a lognormal distribution. Ex-
some medications, and from other causes. pressed as the nth root of a product of n num-
genome bers:
A total set of chromosomes derived from one n
parent. GM = x1 • x2 • …. • xn
(1) Refers to the ability of a chemical to ad- geometric progression
versely affect the genome of living cells, such A sequence of values corresponding to the
that upon duplication, a mutagenic or car- form, a, ar1, ar2, ar3, … .
cinogenic event is expressed due to the al- geometric series
teration of the genome molecular structure. An infinite series having the form a + ar1 + ar2
(2) Chemical or radioactive substance known + ar3 + … .
to cause or suspected of causing damage to geometrical access
the DNA in individual cells, thus causing See optical axis.
mutations or cancer.
genotoxic teratogen The study of size and shape.
A substance which includes malformations in
a developing embryo via genetic damage (i.e., geophysical techniques tests
mutations). Used to locate buried metallic objects, such as
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), and to
genotoxin map groundwater pathways. Testing method-
A substance that is toxic to genetic material. ologies include magnetometer, surveys, ground
geo map penetrating radar, electrical resistance, and
Aviation. The digitized map markings associ- seismic refraction.
ated with the Airport Surveillance Radar
(ASR-9) System.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

geostationary satellite gerontology
A satellite that orbits the earth at the same rate The study of aging processes and their associ-
that the earth rotates and thus remains over a ated problems.
fixed place above the equator. get
geostrophic wind To pick up and acquire control of an object
The horizontal wind blowing in a straight (may include several therbligs).
path, parallel to the isobars or contours, at a GFCI
constant speed. The geostrophic wind results See ground-fault circuit-interrupter.
when the Coriolis force exactly balances the
horizontal pressure gradient force. GFF
Glass fiber filter.
geothermal resources
Under the Federal Geothermal Energy Re- GFI
search, Development, and Demonstration Act Ground fault interrupter. See ground-fault
of 1974: (1) all products of geothermal proc- circuit interrupter.
esses, embracing indigenous steam, hot water, GHG
and brines; (2) steam and other gases, hot Greenhouse gas.
water and hot brines, resulting from water,
gas, or other fluids artificially introduced into GHz
geothermal formations; and (3) any byproduct Gigahertz, 1 E+9 Hz.
derived from them. GI tract
GERDDA See gastrointestinal tract.
Geothermal Energy Research, Development, giant nuclei
and Demonstration Act of 1974 (federal). See condensation nuclei.
geriatrics giga–
The study of aging and any diseases associ- (prefix) 109 or 1 billion times the base unit.
ated with aging.
gigabyte (GB)
germ Approximately one billion bytes.
A general term for a microorganism.
gigawatt (GW)
germ cell One billion watts or one thousand megawatts.
The cells of an organism whose function it is See also electricity, kilowatt, and megawatt.
to reproduce the kind (i.e., an ovum or sper-
gigawatt electric (GWE)
matozoon). The cells of an organism whose
One billion watts of electric capacity.
function is reproduction.
gigawatt hour (GWH)
German measles
One billion watt-hours.
A contagious virus disease, most common in
children between the ages of 3 and 12 years. GIGO
Also called rubella, or 3-day measles. See garbage in/garbage out.
germanium Gilbreth basic element
A chemical element, atomic number 32, See therblig.
atomic weight 72.59, symbol Ge. gimbal
germicidal effectiveness A device with two mutually perpendicular and
See bactericidal effectiveness. intersecting axes of rotation which permits
orientation or motion in two directions.
germicidal lamp
See bactericidal lamp. gingiva
The mucous membrane and other fibrous tis-
sue covering the upper and lower jaws and
(1) Any compound that kills disease-causing
bases of the teeth within the mouth.
microorganisms. (2) Any substance that kills
microbes, or an agent that destroys pathogenic

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gingival septum gland
That portion of the gingiva which lies be- A structure, ranging from a cell to an organ in
tween two teeth. size, which manufactures, stores, and/or se-
gingival sulcus cretes one or more substances for bodily use.
The groove between the gingiva and the tooth glare
surface. Also called gingival crevice. The sensation produced by luminance within
gingivitis the visual field that are sufficiently greater
Inflammation of the gums of the mouth. than the luminance to which the eyes are
Bleeding is the primary symptom. Other adapted. This causes annoyance, discomfort,
symptoms include swelling, redness, pain, and or loss of visual performance and acuity, a
difficulty in chewing. concern especially for individuals using video
display terminals for extended periods.
The distance around an approximately circular glare sensitivity
object or cross-section of a structure. The ability to see objects despite the presence
of glare or strong ambient lighting.
See Geographical Information System. See glare shield
also OSHA General Industry Standard. Any transparent structure which can be used
to reduce glare.
The most anterior point of the forehead be- glass blower's cataract
tween the brow ridges in the midsagittal An opacity of the rear surface of the lens in
plane. the eye caused by excessive exposure of the
eyes to luminous radiation, primarily visible
glabella – inion length and infrared. Found in those occupationally
The horizontal linear distance from glabella to exposed to furnaces or other hot devices for
inion in the midsagittal plane. Measured with extended periods of time.
the individual standing erect and looking
straight ahead. glass cockpit
Aviation (slang). An aircraft cockpit in which
glabella to back of head the use of multifunctional and computerized
See glabella – inion length. displays replaces many of the dedicated gages
glabella to top of head and instruments.
The vertical distance from the most anterior glass frit
point of the forehead between the brow ridges See frit.
to the level of the top of the head. Measured
with the individual standing erect. glaucoma
An abnormally high pressure in the eyeball.
glabella to wall It is caused by an increase in fluid pressure in-
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to side the eye, somewhat like an overfilled wa-
the most anterior point of the forehead be- ter balloon. Most cases result from the in-
tween the brow ridges. Measured with the in- ability of the eye fluid to drain.
dividual standing erect with his/her back and
head against the wall and looking straight glaze
ahead. The coating of ice that forms on cold objects
that have been exposed to rain or drizzle. See
glaciated cloud also freezing rain.
A cloud or portion of a cloud where only ice
crystals exist. GLC
Ground level concentration.
glad hands
Transit (slang). Air hose brake system con- glenoid cavity
nections between tractor and trailer. The depression in the scapula inferior to ac-
romion which articulates with the head of the
humerus to comprise the shoulder joint.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

glide highly accurate position and velocity infor-
A speech sound generally considered as being mation, and precise time, on a continuous
between a vowel and a consonant, and which global basis, to an unlimited number of prop-
is produced by movement or gliding from an erly equipped users. The system will be unaf-
articulatory position to an adjacent sound. fected by weather, and will provide a world-
glidepath wide common grid reference system. The
A descent profile determined for vertical Global Positioning System (GPS) concept is
guidance during a final approach. predicated upon accurate and continuous
knowledge of the spatial position of each sat-
glider ellite in the system with respect to time and
A heavier-than-air aircraft, that is supported in distance from a transmitting satellite to the
flight by the dynamic reaction of the air user. The GPS receiver automatically selects
against its lifting surfaces and whose free appropriate signals from the satellites in view
flight does not depend principally on an en- and translates these into a three-dimensional
gine. position, velocity, and time. Predictable sys-
glideslope tem accuracy for civil users is projected to be
Provides vertical guidance for aircraft during 100 meters horizontally. Performance stan-
approach and landing. The glideslope or dards and certification criteria have not yet
"glidepath" is based on the following: a) been established.
electronic components emitting signals which global scale
provide vertical guidance by reference to air- See planetary scale.
borne instruments during instrument ap-
proaches such as Instrument Landing System global warming
(ILS)/Microwave Landing System (MLS); or See greenhouse effect.
b) visual ground aids, such as Visual Ap- globe temperature
proach Slope Indicator (VASI), which provide A thermal value representing the composite of
vertical guidance for a Visual Flight Rules the dry-bulb temperature, radiation heating,
(VFR) approach or for the visual portion of an and convection/wind effects. Measured with
instrument approach and landing; or c) used the thermometer in the center of a 6" sphere
by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to inform an which is assumed to be a blackbody radiator
aircraft making a Precision Approach Radar or represents the material being tested. See
(PAR) approach of its vertical position (ele- globe thermometer.
vation) relative to the descent profile. See globe thermometer
also instrument landing system, intercept A dry-bulb thermometer suspended in the
glideslope altitude, localizer, middle marker, center of a sphere that has been painted flat
and outer marker. black and is used to measure radiant heat.
Global Environmental Management Institute globulin
(GEMI) Any of a group of proteins found in animal
Established by some major U.S. companies to and vegetable tissues that can be precipitated
provide leadership to other companies in de- from serum or plasma.
veloping tools and strategies to help business
achieve environmental, health, and safety ex- gloss
cellence and economic success. An attribute of a surface which results in a
shiny appearance.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
A space-based radio positioning, navigation, gloss trap
and time transfer system being developed by A cavity or other structure designed to absorb
the Department of Defense. The first satellite specular reflections from incident light.
in the system was launched from Cape Ca- glossal
naveral Air Station (CCAS) in Florida on Pertaining to the tongue.
February 14, 1989 aboard a Delta-II expend-
able launch vehicle (ELV). When fully de- glossitis
ployed, the system is intended to provide Inflammation of the tongue.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

glossmeter glovebag
A photometer for measuring the gloss of a A plastic bag which is placed around a pipe or
material in the general direction of specular other structure from which the removal of a
reflection. material, such as asbestos, is to be carried out
glossopharyngeal nerve without its release to the atmosphere.
A nerve having both motor and sensory com- GLP
ponents, and generally involved in salivation, Good laboratory practice.
muscular control of the pharynx, and taste. glucose
May also be called the ninth cranial nerve. A 6-carbon monosaccharide (blood sugar).
glossy The most common type of sugar and the pri-
Word (adjective) used to describe a polished mary metabolic energy sources. It forms the
surface with a mirror-like finish. basis for the glycemic index. All carbohy-
glottis drates are eventually converted to glucose by
The opening between the vocal cords. the body.

glove glutamine
An article of clothing which has separate ap- A nitrogen compound occurring in body tis-
pendages for covering the digits and the re- sues and having a part in the production of
mainder of the hand, as well as possibly cov- ammonia by the kidney.
ering the wrist and some portion of the distal glutaraldehyde
forearm. Although there are some social uses A compound used as a disinfectant and as a
that are nothing more than cosmetic, the gen- tissue fixative for light and electron micros-
eral intent is to protect tissue from some un- copy because of its preservation of fine
desirable or hazardous environment. structural detail and localization of enzyme
gluteal arc
That portion of the posterior body surface
represented primarily by the curvature of the
gluteal arc length
The surface distance over the buttock from the
gluteal furrow to the posterior waist level.
Measured with the individual standing erect
and the back/hip/leg muscles relaxed except
as necessary to maintain posture.
gluteal furrow
Gloves, as hand protection, are available in a variety of materi- The crease at the inferior junction of the but-
als to ensure protection against skin exposure to virtually any tock and superior portion of the posterior
type of chemical or physical substance
glove box laboratory hood gluteal furrow height
An enclosed, six-sided hood with arm-length The vertical distance from the floor or other
gloves provided at the front or side of the reference surface to the gluteal furrow.
hood for access. An air-lock pass-through Measured with the individual standing erect
port is often provided to insert and remove and the back/hip/leg muscles relaxed except
materials from the hood. as necessary to maintain posture.
glove controller glycemic index
A lightweight glove-like device which is A measure of the speed at which a carbohy-
equipped with transducers and can transmit drate is assimilated. The rapidness of assimi-
information about arm, hand, and finger posi- lation is determined by the structure of the
tion to a computer for controlling another de- carbohydrate as well as its fiber content.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

glycerin go well over
A clear, colorless, syrupy liquid, used as an Maritime Navigation. A term applied in
emollient and as a solvent for drugs; a prod- making a crossing meaning to go well over
uct, along with fatty acids, of the hydrolysis near the shore on the opposite side before
of ingested fats. turning out to either shape the shore or pass
glycogen an easy distance off before coming up on the
A polysaccharide (i.e., carbohydrate) mole- next set of marks.
cule, containing glucose and water, which is goal
stored in various body tissues as a quick re- An objective for which some activity is initi-
serve source of sugar/energy. It is converted ated and sustained.
to glucose when additional energy is required. goal gradient
Glycogen is the primary way that carbohy- The influence of the nearness to reaching a
drates are stored in skeletal muscle and the goal on the energy expended toward achiev-
liver. Also referred to as animal starch. ing that goal.
glycolysis goal-oriented problem solving
The breakdown of carbohydrates in bodily See backward chaining.
goals, operators, methods, and selection rules
See Greenwich Mean Time. A method for analyzing and/or modeling the
GNP knowledge required for interface use.
See Gross National Product. goat 'n' shoat man
go ahead Transit (slang). Driver of a livestock carrier.
Aviation. Aircraft-to-tower communication goggle
protocol meaning proceed with your message. A tight-fitting device worn over the eyes to
The term cannot be used for any other pur- provide splash and/or impact protection.
going rate curve
go around A relationship between the evaluation of jobs
Aviation. Instructions for a pilot to abandon and their rates of pay in the labor market.
his approach to landing. Additional instruc-
tions may follow. Unless otherwise advised goiter
by Air Traffic Control (ATC), a Visual Flight Enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a
Rules (VFR) aircraft or an aircraft conducting swelling in the front part of the neck.
visual approach should overfly the runway gold
while climbing to traffic pattern altitude and A chemical element, atomic number 79,
enter the traffic pattern via the crosswind leg. atomic weight 196.967. symbol Au.
A pilot on an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
flight plan making an instrument approach Gold Book
should execute the published missed approach Common name for an EPA publication known
procedure or proceed as instructed by ATC. as the Quality Criteria for Water which was
See also missed approach. developed as a means of ensuring some level
of minimum consistency between the states.
go/no-go display The EPA has established minimum criteria for
(slang). A display which provides information 137 specific pollutants based upon identifi-
from which the user can make only one of two able effects of each pollutant on the public
opposing responses. health and welfare, aquatic life, and recrea-
go/no-go reaction tion.
(slang). One of a set of responses open to an Golgi tendon organ
individual in which he/she either responds A stretch receptor located primarily near the
(go) or withholds (no-go) depending on a tendon-muscle junction which measures mus-
stimulus, display, or other input. cle tension and provides feedback to the nerv-

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ous system. Also called neurotendinous spin- rashly made. Under this doctrine, negligence
dle. of a volunteer rescuer must worsen the posi-
GOMS tion of the person in distress before liability
See goals, operators, methods, and selection will be imposed. The protection from liability
rules. is provided by statute in most states.

gonad goodness of fit

A primary sex gland, consisting of an ovary in A measure of how well a sample or model
the female or testis in the male. approximates a prescribed curve.

gonial angle goose pimples

The point on the lower jaw at which the pos- Also known as "goose flesh," a skin condi-
terior lower portion of the ramus and lower tions marked by numerous small elevations
body of the mandible meet. around the hair follicles caused by the action
of the arrectores pilorium ("raisers of hair")
goniometer muscles.
An apparatus for measuring the limits of
flexion (bending) and extension of the joints gout
of the fingers. The goniometer arms are nor- A disease in which uric acid appears in exces-
mally aligned with the bones of adjacent body sive quantities in the blood and may be de-
segments, and the angle read from the pivot posited in the joints and other tissues. During
point. an acute gout attack, there is swelling, in-
flammation and extreme pain in a joint, fre-
goniophotometer quently the big toe. After several years of at-
An instrument for measuring the quantity of tacks, the chronic form of the disease may set
light emitted/reflected in various directions to in, permanently damaging and deforming
determine the spatial distribution of light. joints and destroying cells of the kidney.
goniophotometric curve About 95% of all cases occur in men and the
A graph or function showing the light emit- first attack rarely occurs before the age of 30.
ted/reflected from an object at varying angles The causes of gout are not fully understood.
of view with a fixed angle of incidence. It is a disorder of the metabolism of purines.
These nitrogenous substances are found in
good condition classification high-protein foods and the net product of their
No corrective maintenance is needed at time metabolism is uric acid. For unknown rea-
of an inspection. The facility is serving the sons, the uric acid, normally expelled in the
purpose for which it was constructed. urine, is retained in the blood in excess
good faith amounts. Uric acid crystals are deposited in
An intangible and abstract quality with no the joints and in cartilage, where they form
technical meaning or statutory definition, and lumps called tophi. The uric acid crystals also
it encompasses, among other things, an honest predispose to the formation of calculi in the
belief, the absence of malice, and the absence kidney (kidney stones) and lead to permanent
of design to defraud or to seek an unconscion- damage of the kidney cells.
able advantage, and an individual's personal governing element
good faith is a concept of his/her own mind A work element which requires a longer time
and inner spirit and, therefore, may not con- than any other element being performed con-
clusively be determined by his/her protesta- currently in a work cycle.
tions alone.
government aid cargo
Good Samaritan doctrine The tonnes of cargo assessed at the govern-
One who sees a person in imminent and seri- ment aid rate of tolls as defined in the St.
ous peril through negligence of another can- Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls.
not be charged with contributory negligence,
as a matter of law, in risking his/her own life government fleet vehicle
or serious injury in attempting to effect a res- Includes vehicles owned by all federal Gen-
cue, provided the attempt is not recklessly or eral Services Administration (GSA), state,

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county, city, and metro units of government, gpm
including toll road operations. Gallons per minute.
government leased vehicle GPS
A vehicle obtained by an executive agency by See Global Positioning System.
contract or other source for a period of 60 grab bar
continuous days or more. With regard to ladders, individual handholds
government light placed adjacent to or as an extension above
A colloquial term applied to an aid to naviga- ladders for the purpose of providing access
tion maintained by the Coast Guard. beyond the limits of the ladder.
government-owned contractor-operated vehi- grab one
cle Transit (slang). To shift into a lower gear as
A vehicle that is owned or leased by the fed- a means of gaining power when driving up-
eral government but used by a contractor un- hill.
der a cost reimbursement contract with a fed- grab sample
eral agency. (1) To collect an air sample for a short period
government owned vehicle of time to test for the presence of contami-
A vehicle that is owned by the federal gov- nants in a work or other environment. (2) In
ernment. industrial hygiene application, a type of air
government tort sample in which the air is admitted into a bag,
A wrong perpetrated by the government vessel, or instrument instantaneously for sub-
through an employee or agent or instrumen- sequent analysis.
tality under its control which may or may not graben
be actionable depending upon whether there is An elongated part of the Earth's crust bounded
governmental tort immunity. Tort actions by faults on its long sides and relatively
against the federal government are governed down-dropped compared to or relative to its
by the Federal Tort Claims Act. surroundings.
government transportation expenditures gradability
Those expenditures that are the final actual The ability of a vehicle to negotiate a given
costs for capital goods and operating services grade at a specified Gross Combination
covered by the government transportation Weight Rating (GCWR) or Gross Vehicle
program. Weight Rating (GVWR). It is the measure of
government transportation revenue the starting and grade climbing ability of a
The transportation revenue estimates con- vehicle, and is expressed in percent grade (1
tained in this report consist of those funds percent is a rise of 1 foot in a horizontal dis-
identified as government transportation- tance of 100 feet).
related user charges, taxes, or fees in the vari- grade
ous data sources. Therefore, general revenue (1) One level in a series of defined sequential
is not included. levels according to a set of criteria. (2) The
governor angle of an incline, either up or down from
(1) General. One who governs. The elected horizontal. (3) To segregate a quantity of
chief executive of any State in the United some product by quality.
States. An official appointed to administer a grade crossings
province, territory, etc. (2) Automotive Me- An intersection of highway roads, railroad
chanics. A device which limits the speed of tracks, or dedicated transit rail tracks that run
an engine. A governor is also a part on an either parallel or across mixed traffic situa-
automatic transmission which signals internal tions with motor vehicles, light rail, commuter
transmission components to shift to a higher rail, heavy rail, trolley bus, or pedestrian traf-
gear. fic. Collisions at grade crossings involving
transit vehicles apply only to light rail, com-
muter rail, heavy rail, or trolley bus. See also

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at grade, highway-rail crossing, and rail- gram
highway grade crossing. The basic unit of mass in the metric system.
Grade D breathing air One gram is equal to 15.432 grains.
Breathing air which meets the specifications gram-atomic weight
of the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) A mass in grams numerically equal to the
Commodity Specification for Grade D air. It atomic weight of the element.
must have between 19.5 and 23% oxygen gram mole
content and must contain maximums of 5 See gram molecular weight.
mg/m3 condensed hydrocarbons, 20 ppm car-
bon monoxide, and 1000 ppm carbon dioxide; gram-molecular weight
and it must have no pronounced odor. Mass in grams numerically equal to the mo-
lecular weight of a substance.
The rate of increase or decrease in magnitude Gram's stain
of a variable or response. A stain for bacteria, used as one means of
identifying unknown bacterial organisms.
gradient wind
A wind that blows parallel to curved isobars Grand Jury
or contours. A tribunal which is part of a criminal proce-
dure to which the prosecutor submits evidence
gradually pull down from investigations and which determines
Marine Navigation. To swing slowly to a whether or not there is probable cause to be-
new course on a mark further downstream. lieve a crime was committed and by whom. If
gradually pull down shape of bend so, next follows an indictment.
Marine Navigation. Term used in crossings grand mal
meaning to keep well out until tow is well A major epileptic seizure attended by the loss
down, then alter course to follow the shore of consciousness and convulsive movements,
shape of the bend. as distinguished from petit mal, a minor sei-
gradually pull down shore zure.
Marine Navigation. Term used in crossings grandfather clause
meaning, when well over, to gradually swing Provision in a new law or regulation exempt-
the vessel's head downstream along the shore. ing those already in or a part of the existing
Graham's law system which is being regulated.
The rate of diffusion of a gas through porous Grandfathering Provision
membranes varies inversely with the square Under the Clean Water Act, any new source
root of its density. which has been constructed to meet current
grain BADT standards will not be subjected to any
(1) A unit of weight equal to 64.8 milligrams. additional more stringent standards of perform-
(2) The seed of cereal plants. ance for as much as 10 years into the future.
grain body grants
Low side, open top truck body designed to A federal financial assistance award making
transport dry fluid commodities. payment in cash or in kind for a specified
grain cargo purpose. The federal government is not ex-
The tonnes of cargo assessed at the Food or pected to have substantial involvement with
Feed Grains rate of tolls as defined in the St. the state or local government or other recipi-
Lawrence Seaway Tariff of Tolls. ent while the contemplated activity is being
performed. The term "grants-in-aid" is com-
grain loading monly restricted to grants to states and local
The rate at which particles are emitted from a governments.
pollution source. Measurement is made by
the number of grains per cubic foot of gas granular activated carbon treatment (GAC)
emitted. A filtering system often used in small water
systems and individual homes to remove or-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ganics. GAC can be highly effective in re- graveyard
moving elevated levels of radon from water. See burial ground.
granulocytes graveyard shift
Any cell containing granules, especially a See third shift.
leukocyte containing neutrophil, basophil, or gravimetric method
eosinophil granules in its cytoplasm. An analytical method for determining the
granulocytosis concentration of a substance based on deter-
An abnormally large number of granulocytes mination of the weight of the material col-
in the blood. lected on a filter, absorbed in a sorbent, or
granuloma formed in a subsequent analytical procedure.
A tumorlike mass or nodule of vascular tissue gravitational field
due to a chronic inflammation process associ- That vector field due to gravity extending
ated with an infectious disease. through space which would cause the source
Granz rays and any object entering that field to be mutu-
X-rays produced at voltages of 5 to 20 kilo- ally attracted to each other. One of the basic
voltage peak (KVP). fields in nature.
graph gravitational force
A plot of some function or distribution using a See gravity.
coordinate system. gravitational physiology
graphic The study of the effects of different gravity
A pictorial hardcopy or display representing levels on the body's structure and function.
an object or a dataset which involves more gravity
than simple straight or curved lines. A force which causes objects to attract each
graphic display other as a function of their masses and the
A graphic presented on a CRT, flat panel, or distance between them.
other graphics-capable monitor.
gravity feed
Graphical User Interface (GUI) The process of using gravitational force to
The use of direct manipulation and icons or pass materials from one location to another,
other graphical symbols on a display to inter- lower location.
act with a computer.
gravity-induced loss of consciousness (g-LOC)
grapple That loss of consciousness due to high posi-
To close a device on the end effector of a ro- tive g-force maneuvers with the resulting re-
botic or teleoperated arm to gain control of an duction in cranial blood supply in high per-
object. formance aircraft. See also grayout and
grasp blackout.
(1) To position the required number of digits gray
and/or the palm to enable an individual to (1) General. An achromatic color between
move, pick up, or hold an object. (2) A total white and total black. (2) The unit of ab-
therblig; to flex the hand and fingers around sorbed radiation dose. One gray is equal to
an object to gain control of that object. one joule per kilogram.
grasp reflex gray scale
A grasping motion which occurs on stimula- A series of achromatic shades with varying
tion of the palm or sole of the foot. proportions of white and black, to give the
graticule full range between total whiteness and total
See reticle. blackness.
graupel gray water
See snow pellets. The term given to domestic wastewater com-
posed of washwater from sinks, kitchen sinks,
bathroom sinks and tubs, and laundry tubs.

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graying of vision greater hazard defense
See grayout. A well-established Occupational Safety and
grayout Health Review Commission (OSHRC) doc-
A condition in which the visual field begins to trine that, on some occasions, allows employ-
narrow and decrease in brightness. Also re- ers to escape sanctions for violations of oth-
ferred to as graying of vision. See also grav- erwise applicable safety regulations because
ity-induced loss of consciousness and black- the act of abating the violation would itself
out. pose an even greater threat to the safety and
health of their employees.
grazing permit and lease
Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage- greater multiangular bone
ment Act of 1976: Any document authorizing See trapezium.
use of public lands or lands in National For- greater trochanter
ests in the eleven contiguous western states A large lateral projection of the proximal fe-
for the purpose of grazing domestic livestock. mur.
great bodily injury green
Bodily injury which involves a substantial A primary color, corresponding to that hue
risk of death, serious permanent disfigure- apparent to the normal eye when stimulated
ment, or protracted loss or impairment of only with electromagnetic radiation approxi-
function of any part of an organ of the body. mately between 495 to 575 nm wavelength.
great care green blindness
Law. Great care is such as persons of ordi- See deuteranopia.
nary prudence usually exercise about affairs green development
of their own which are of great importance; or An emerging practice in real estate develop-
it is that degree of care usually bestowed upon ment which emphasizes research and incorpo-
the matter in hand by the most competent, ration of environmentally and economically
prudent, and careful persons having to do with sound measures into real estate projects.
the particular subject. Highest degree of care
and utmost care have substantially the same green flash
meaning. "Highest degree of care" only re- A small, green color that occasionally appears
quires the care and skill exacted of persons on the upper part of the sun as it rises or sets.
engaged in the same or similar business. It Greenburg-Smith impinger
means the highest degree required by law A relatively large impinger that has been em-
where human safety is at stake, and the high- ployed for the collection of airborne dust
est degree known to the usage and practice of samples. Requires a sample rate of 1 cubic
very careful, skillful, and diligent persons en- foot per minute.
gaged in the same business by similar means
or agencies. greenhouse effect
The warming of the earth's atmosphere caused
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Freight by a build-up of carbon dioxide or other trace
Transportation gases; it is believed by many scientists that
Establishments primarily engaged in the this build-up allows light from the sun's rays
transportation of freight on the Great Lakes to heat the earth but prevents a counterbal-
and St. Lawrence Seaway, either between ancing loss of heat. Also known as global
U.S. ports or between U.S. and Canadian warming or, simply atmospheric effect.
Great River Environmental Action Team Incorporating environmental performance and
A multi-agency planning group organized to sustainability into overall corporate strategies
develop a resource management plan for the and environments.
Upper Mississippi River. Operates under the
auspices of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Commission. A world time standard; the mean solar time at
the Greenwich (England) Meridian.

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grid grip diameter, outside
A flat section of a region which is subdivided The linear distance between the joint of the
into smaller, usually square, sections. 1st and 2nd phalanges of the thumb and the
grievance metacarpal-phalangeal joint of the middle fin-
Any dissatisfaction with working conditions ger (digit III). Measured with the hand held
or pay which is expressed by one or more around a cone at the widest level at which the
employees to management. Such employees thumb and middle finger (digit (III) can still
are typically, but not necessarily, represented touch.
by a collective bargaining agreement. grip strength
grievance committee The amount of force which may be applied
A group of workers, usually in a union shop, when grasping or squeezing an object under
who have been chosen by their fellow work- specified conditions.
ers (of the same union) to represent employ- gristle
ees to management during grievance pro- See cartilage.
ceedings. grit
grievance procedures Coarse nuisance dust particles that are larger
Any sequence of steps which should be fol- than 75 microns in diameter.
lowed in pursuing an employee's grievance groin
through an organization in an attempt to ob- That region between the thighs at the apex of
tain resolution. the pubic crotch.
grille grooving
Component of a ventilation system through The practice of designing a tool with grooves
which air is returned to the system from the to accommodate the user's fingers.
space to which it was supplied.
gross adjustment
grind See primary positioning movement.
A process using an abrasive disk rotating at
high speed. gross alpha particle activity
The total activity, commonly measured in
grinder pump picocuries, due to emission of alpha particles.
A mechanical device which shreds solids and Generally used as a screening measurement
raises the fluid to a higher elevation through for naturally occurring radionuclides.
pressure sewers.
gross anatomy
grinder's asthma That portion of anatomy which involves the
Asthmatic symptoms related to the inhalation bodily features apparent to the naked eye.
of fine particles generated in the grinding of
metals. Also called grinder's rot. gross axle weight rating (GAWR)
Value specified by the vehicle manufacturer
grip as the load carrying capacity of a single axle
(1) To hold firmly; see also grasp. (2) That system, as measured at the tire-to-ground in-
portion of a tool or other device which is terfaces.
normally held by the operator for carrying or
operating the tool. The grip design typically gross beta particle activity
attempts to conform to the shape of the hand The total activity, commonly measured in
and fingers. picocuries, due to emission of beta particles.
Used as a screening measurement for human-
grip diameter, inside made radionuclides.
The diameter of the widest level of a cone
which an individual can grasp with his/her gross body coordination
thumb and middle finger (digit III) touching. The ability to integrate motion of the body
Measured at the level of the thumb crotch. segments while the entire body is in motion.

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gross body equilibrium tional Product is the broadest available meas-
A measure of the ability to retain or acquire ure of the level of economic activity.
one's balance, regardless of bodily position or gross registered tonnage (GRT)
motion. (1) The capacity of a vessel in cubic feet of
gross combination weight (GCW) the spaces within the hull and of the enclosed
The maximum allowable fully laden weight of spaces above the main deck available for
a tractor and its trailer(s). cargo, stores, and crew, divided by 100. (2)
gross combination weight rating (GCWR) The gross registered tonnage of a vessel ac-
The value specified by the manufacturer as cording to the country of registry.
the loaded weight of a combination (articu- gross ton mile
lated) vehicle. In the absence of a value The number of tons behind the locomotive
specified by the manufacturer, GCWR will be (cars and contents, company service equip-
determined by adding the Gross Vehicle ment, and cabooses) times the distance moved
Weight Rating (GVWR) of the power unit in road freight trains.
and the total weight of the towed unit and any gross tonnage
load thereon. The gross tonnage of a vessel is the internal
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) cubic capacity of all spaces in and on the ves-
The total value of goods and services pro- sel which is permanently enclosed, with the
duced by labor and property located in the exception of certain permissible exemptions.
United States. As long as the labor and prop- It is expressed in tons of 100 cubic feet.
erty are located in the United States, the sup- gross vehicle weight (GVW)
plier (that is, the workers and, for property, (1) The maximum allowable weight in pounds
the owners) may be either U.S. residents or or tons that a truck is designed to carry. (2)
residents of foreign countries. The weight of the empty vehicle plus the
gross head maximum anticipated load weight.
A dam's maximum allowed vertical distance gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR)
between the upstream's surface water (head- (1) The maximum loaded weight in pounds of
water) forebay elevation and the down- a single vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers spec-
stream's surface water (tailwater) elevation at ify the maximum gross vehicle weight rating
the tail-race for reaction wheel dams or the (GVWR) on the vehicle certification label.
elevation of the jet at impulse wheel dams (2) The maximum rated capacity of a vehicle,
during specified operation and water condi- including the weight of the base vehicle, all
tions. added equipment, driver and passengers, and
gross horsepower all cargo loaded into or on the vehicle. Actual
The power of a basis engine at a specified weight may be less than or greater than
revolution per mile without alternator, water GVWR.
pumps, fan, etc. Gross horsepower is the fig- gross weight
ure commonly given as the horsepower rating (1) Entire weight of goods, packing, and con-
of an engine. tainer ready for shipment. (2) The weight of a
gross metabolic cost packaging plus the weight of its contents. See
The total amount of energy expended to per- also net weight.
form some specific activity. See also net ground
metabolic cost. (1) General. The surroundings of a figure or
Gross National Product (GNP) object which are perceived as behind or not
A measure of monetary value of the goods belonging directly to the figure or object of
and services becoming available to the nation interest. Also, the surface of the earth. (2)
from economic activity. Total value at market Electricity. A conducting connection, whether
prices of all goods and services produced by intentional or accidental, between an electrical
the nation's economy. Calculated quarterly by circuit or equipment and the earth, or to some
the Department of Commerce, the Gross Na- conducting body that serves in place of the

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earth. See also electrical ground. (3) To re- ground stop
strict from certain activities, especially flying. Aviation. Normally, the last initiative to be
ground blizzard utilized; this method mandates that the termi-
See blizzard. nal facility will not allow any departures to
enter the Air Route Traffic Control Center
ground controlled approach (GCA) (ARTCC) airspace until further notified.
Aviation. A radar approach system operated
from the ground by air traffic control person- ground state
nel transmitting instructions to the pilot by ra- The lowest energy level of an atom.
dio. The approach may be conducted with ground surface
airport surveillance radar (ASR) only or with The land surface of the earth, both exposed
both surveillance and precision approach ra- and underwater.
dar (PAR). Usage of the term "GCA" by pi- ground visibility
lots is discouraged except when referring to a Prevailing horizontal visibility near the earth's
Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) facility. surface as reported by the United States Na-
Pilots should specifically request a "PAR" ap- tional Weather Service or an accredited ob-
proach when a precision radar approach is de- server.
sired or request an "ASR" or "surveillance"
approach when a non-precision radar ap- grounded conductor
proach is desired. See also airport surveil- A system or circuit conductor that is inten-
lance radar and precision approach radar. tionally grounded.
ground cover grounded, effectively
Plants grown to keep soil from eroding. See effectively grounded.
ground current grounding
Any current passing to or through the earth (1) Electronics. The practice of eliminating
from electrical equipment. the difference in voltage potential between an
object and ground. Procedure involves con-
ground delay necting the object to an effective ground
The amount of delay attributed to Air Traffic (metal to metal) by an appropriate wire. (2)
Control (ATC), encountered prior to depar- Maritime Navigation. Running aground of a
ture, usually associated with a Controlled De- vessel, striking or pounding on rocks, reefs, or
parture Time (CDT) program. shoals; stranding.
ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) grounding conductor
A device whose function is to interrupt the A conductor used to connect equipment or the
electric circuit to the load when a fault current grounded circuit of a wiring system to a
to ground exceeds some predetermined value grounding electrode or electrodes.
that is less than that required to operate the
overcurrent protective device of the supply grounding conductor, equipment
circuit. The conductor used to connect the non-current-
carrying parts of equipment, raceways, and
ground-fault interrupter (GFI) other enclosures to the system grounded con-
See ground-fault circuit interrupter. ductor and/or the grounding electrode conduc-
ground fog tor at the service equipment or at the source of
See radiation fog. a separately derived system. See also
ground potential grounding electrode conductor.
See electrical ground. grounding electrode conductor
ground property, equipment and other The conductor used to connect the grounding
The total cost of ground property and equip- electrode to the equipment grounding con-
ment and land. ductor and/or to the grounded conductor of
the circuit at the service equipment or at the
ground speed source of a separately derived system.
The speed of an aircraft relative to the surface
of the earth.

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groundwater with a source of energy between people,
The supply of fresh water found beneath the equipment, materials, and the environment.
Earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which is (3) Any structure designed to restrict or limit
often used for supplying wells and springs. entry into some hazardous region of a piece of
Because groundwater is a major source of equipment for preventing injuries.
drinking water, there is a growing concern guard rail
over areas where leaching agricultural or in- Transit. A strong fence or barrier to prevent
dustrial pollutants or substances from leaking vehicles from leaving the roadway, or for
underground storage tanks are contaminating people's safety. See also guardrail.
guard wall
group The river wall of a lock which prevents boats
Two or more persons having some common from being drawn into the dam.
relationship or interest.
group II railroad Covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or oth-
Railroads, excluding Class I, with an annual erwise protected by means of suitable covers,
accumulation of over 400,000 employee hours casings, barriers, rails, screens, mats, or plat-
worked. forms to remove the likelihood of approach to
group dynamics a point of danger or contact by persons or
The interactions between the members of a objects.
group or their functioning as a unit. guardrail
group incentive plan A rail secured to uprights and erected along
An incentive plan under which a number of the exposed sides and ends of platforms to
workers are collectively rewarded based on protect persons from otherwise exposed
the results of the entire group's behavior. openings through which they may fall.
group technology GUI
A concept which holds that the similarities of See Graphical User Interface.
part geometric shapes or processes can be guide wall
grouped to reduce manufacturing costs. The extension of the inner lock wall on the
growing degree-day upper and lower side of the lock chamber to
A form of the degree-day used as a guide for assist navigators in guiding vessels or tows
crop planting and for estimating crop maturity into the lock chamber. It is usually 600 feet
dates. in length, although some are now 1,200 feet
growth long.
(1) An increase in the number of cells and/or guideline
cell size. (2) An expansion in consciousness A recommended practice or other non-binding
or value. suggestion issued by an agency, without the
growth curve force of law. Contrasted to a regulation.
A graphic representation of the pattern of in- guideway
crease in some measure. In transit systems, a track or other riding sur-
growth rate face (including supporting structure) that sup-
A measure of the rapidity in some aspect of ports and physically guides transit vehicles
individual or entity growth. specifically designed to travel exclusively on
See gross registered tonnage. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
The system of that name extending from St.
guard Marks, Florida to Brownsville and Harlingen,
(1) A person whose primary function is to Texas and including the Pearl River, Tombig-
restrict entry to a certain facility and observe bee River, Apalachicola River, Flint River,
that facility for hazards or violations. (2) A
physical device to prevent undesired contact

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and such other navigable tributaries to which gyrodyne
barge operations extend. A rotorcraft whose rotors are normally engine
Gulf of Mexico and its inlets driven for takeoff, hovering, and landing, and
The waters from the mean high water mark of for forward flight through part of its speed
the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets range, and whose means of propulsion, con-
open to the sea (excluding rivers, tidal sisting usually of conventional propellers, is
marshes, lakes, and canals) seaward to include independent of the rotor system.
the territorial sea and Outer Continental Shelf gyroplane
(OCS) to a depth of 15 feet, as measured from A rotorcraft whose rotors are not engine
the mean low water. driven, except for initial starting, but are made
Gulf Stream to rotate by action of the air when the rotor-
A warm, swift, narrow ocean current flowing craft is moving; and whose means of propul-
along the east coast of the United States. sion, consisting usually of conventional pro-
pellers, is independent of the rotor system.
gum See also helicopter.
See gingiva.
gum ball machine
Transit (slang). The rotating warning light on
top of an emergency vehicle.
gust front
A boundary that separates a cold downdraft of
a thunderstorm from warm, humid surface air.
On the surface its passage resembles that of a
cold front.
The sense of taste.
The intestines.
See gross vehicle weight.
See gross vehicle weight rating.
See gigawatt.
See gigawatt electric.
See gigawatt hour.
Transit (slang). (1) An independent truck
operator who drives his own truck and secures
freight wherever he can. (2) One who trip-
leases to authorized carriers.
A large, circular, surface ocean current pat-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ony convictions. The criminal history of a de-
H fendant is an important factor in imposing
sentence under federal sentencing guidelines.
H point A decline in response or conscious sensitivity
The mechanically hinged hip point of a mani- to repeated or maintained exposure to one or
kin which simulates the actual pivot center of more environmental stimuli.
the human torso and thigh, described in Soci-
ety of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Recom- habituation error
mended Practice J826, "Manikins for Use in The tendency to keep making the same re-
Defining Vehicle Seating Accommodations," sponse, even if the stimulus or conditions
November 1962. change.
habeas corpus haboob
(Latin). Meaning "you have the body." A dust or sandstorm that forms as cold down-
drafts from a thunderstorm turbulently lift
Haber's Rule dust and sand into the air.
States that a toxic effect is dependent upon the
product of exposure time and the contaminant habutai
concentration. Thus, exposure at a higher A soft, lightweight, plain weave silk.
concentration for a short period would be hacking
equivalent to exposure at a lower concentra- A massaging technique in which the medial
tion for a longer period in direct proportion to edge of the open hand is brought repeatedly
the product of exposure concentration and against the body surface.
time. This reportedly, however, holds only
Hadley cell
for short exposure periods. Also referred to as
A thermal circulation pattern first proposed by
Haber's Law.
George Hadley to explain the movement of
habilitate the trade winds. It consists of rising air near
Bring to an initial state of fitness or capabil- the equator and sinking air near 30° latitude.
ity, as in overcoming a congenital handicap.
See also rehabilitate.
A chemical element, atomic number 72,
habit atomic weight 178.49, symbol Hf.
An acquired, well-practiced behavior pattern
which is carried out with minimal or no con-
A chemical element, atomic number 105,
scious direction.
atomic weight 260, symbol Ha.
A measure of the interaction quality of an
Transparent or partially opaque particles of
individual or group with their physical, social,
ice that range in size from that of a pea to that
and psychological environment to produce
of golf balls. Some may even reach larger
certain working and living conditions.
proportions, such as that of a softball, but
habitable volume such development is very uncommon.
That volume which is suitable for living,
containing breathable air and necessary or
(1) The collective hair shafts growing in vari-
reasonable accommodations.
ous portions of the body, such as the scalp,
habitat face, or pubic region. (2) A single keratinized
The place where population (e.g., human, shaft growing from a hair root within the skin.
animal, plant, microorganism) lives and its (3) A threadlike structure, especially the spe-
surroundings, both living and non-living. cialized epidermal structure developing from
habitual criminal a papilla sunk in the corium, produced only
A legal category created by statute in many by mammals and characteristic of that group
states by which more severe penalties can be of animals.
imposed on offenders who have multiple fel-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hair esthesiometer halide meter
A device developed by von Frey to determine An instrument used for the direct measure-
skin touch sensitivity, consisting of a filament ment of halogenated hydrocarbons.
attached to some type of holder. See also von halitosis
Frey filament. A condition in which one's breath is offensive
hair follicle to others.
That structure surrounding the root of a hair in hallucination
the skin. An apparently real sensory perception (audi-
hair hygrometer tory or visual) without any real external stim-
See hygrometer. uli to cause it; commonly experienced by psy-
hairball chotics.
A concentration of hair sometimes found in hallucinogen
the stomach or intestines of man or other ani- A psychedelic agent; a compound that pro-
mals. duces changes in perception, thought, or
HAL mood without causing major disturbances in
See height above landing. the nervous system (autonomic). An example
is LSD.
(1) Biological. The time required for the halo
body to eliminate, by natural biological A ring or arc that appears to encircle the sun
means, half of the material taken into it. (2) or moon when seen through an ice crystal
Effective. The time in which the quantity of a cloud or a sky filled with falling ice crystals.
radioactive isotope in the body will decrease Halos are produced by refraction of light.
to half as a result of both radioactive decay halo effect
and biological elimination. (3) Radioactive. A tendency for an evaluator to be overly in-
The time for the activity of a given radioac- fluenced by an individual's ratings on one trait
tive isotope to decrease to half of its initial or due to some past outstanding achievement.
value, due to radioactive decay. The half-life halogen
is a characteristic property of each radioactive Any of a group of five chemically related
isotope and is independent of its amount or nonmetallic elements that includes bromine,
condition. fluorine, chlorine, iodine, and astatine.
half-mask respirator halogenation
Respirator which covers half the face, from The process whereby halogens are used for
the bridge of the nose to below the chin. disinfecting purposes.
half-thickness Halon 1211
See half-value layer. A colorless, faintly sweet smelling, electri-
half-value layer (HVL) cally nonconductive liquefied gas, chemical
The thickness of a specified material which, formula CBrC1F(2), which is a medium for
when introduced into the path of a given beam extinguishing fires by inhibiting the chemical
of ionizing radiation, reduces the exposure chain reaction of fuel and oxygen. It is also
rate by one-half. Also referred to as the half- known as bromochlorodifluoromethane.
thickness. Halon 1301
halfway-to-hip circumference A colorless, odorless, electrically nonconduc-
The surface distance around the torso at a tive gas, chemical formula CBrF(3), which is
level midway between the waist height and a medium for extinguishing fires by inhibiting
the trochanteric height levels. Measured with the chemical chain reaction of fuel and oxy-
minimal tissue compression. gen. It is also known as bromotrifluoro-
halide methane.
A compound of a halogen with an element or

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Bromine-containing compounds, normally
used in firefighting methodologies, with long
atmospheric lifetimes whose breakdown in
the stratosphere is thought to cause ozone de-
A colorless, mobile, non-flammable, heavy
liquid used by inhalation to produce anesthe-
Arthritis of all the joints.
hamate bone
One of the distal group of bones on the wrist.
Hamman's disease
Spontaneous interstitial emphysema of the
Hamman-Rich syndrome
Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.
Human hand/wrist showing phalangeal and metacarpal bones
hammer provision
Common term for the automatic promulgation hand breadth, metacarpal
of required standards by Congress, usually in- The maximum linear width of the hand across
voked when a regulatory agency such as the the distal ends of the metacarpal bones.
EPA fails to promulgate the required standard Measured with the fingers extended and ad-
by an established deadline. ducted.
hammermill hand breadth, thumb
A high-speed machine that hammers and cut- The maximum width of the hand at the level
ters use to crush, grind, chip, or shred solid of the distal end of the first metacarpale of the
wastes. thumb. Measured with the fingers extended
hamstring and adducted, and the thumb adducted to the
The tendon for the hamstring muscles. side of the plan.
hamstring muscles hand circumference
A group of muscles in the posterior thigh, The surface distance around digits II – V at
consisting of the biceps femoris, semitendino- the metacarpal-phalangeal level. Measured
sus, and semimembranosus muscles. Some- with the hand flat and the fingers extended.
times simply referred to as hamstrings. hand circumference, overthumb
hand The surface distance around the hand, in a plane
(1) Measurement. A measure of length equal at right angles to the long axis of the hand,
to four inches, usually used in measuring the passing over the metacarpals and the metacar-
height of horses. (2) Anatomy. The metacar- pal-phalangeal joint of the thumb; also hand
pal and phalangeal bones and other associated circumference including thumb. Measured
tissues normally existing distal to the wrist. with the hand flat, the fingers extended, and
See also metacarpal bone. the thumb aligned with the index finger.
hand-arm hand control
Involving both the hand and the arm, gener- Any control on a panel or other structure
ally pertaining to sensory or other external in- which is used for controlling some process
fluences on both the hand and the arm. See and is normally designed for positioning by
also arm-hand. the hand.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hand feed handcontroller
That portion of a machine at which the mate- A small device, usually grasped by or fitting
rials or operating portion are fed for process- the hand, which responds to axial and/or rota-
ing at a pace determined by the worker. tional movements for allowing an operator to
hand-held drench shower control a larger/stronger/ remote system.
A flexible hose connected to a water supply handedness
and used to irrigate and flush eyes, face, and A preference for using one arm-hand or the
body areas in the event of contact with a haz- other, or a combination of the two.
ardous material that is corrosive, irritating, handhold
absorbed through the skin, etc. A structure consisting of a segment which
hand hole normally is an elliptical- or rod-shaped cross-
A slot in the side or end of a container used section and of suitable outside perimeter and
for carrying items. length to permit a hand to grasp it for carry-
hand length ing, for assistance in remaining in a desired
The linear distance from the plane where the position, or for mobility.
base of the hand/thumb joins the wrist in the handicap
fleshy tip of the middle finger (digit III) par- (1) A compensating factor which attempts to
allel to the longitudinal axis of the hand. equalize performance levels on one or more
Measured with the fingers extended and ad- aspects in some activity. (2) A physical or
ducted, the wrist rotated/supinated into the mental condition which prevents an individual
anatomical position. from functioning at a normal performance
hand-operated switch level, especially referring to those functions
A non-interlocked switch which can only be such as activities of daily living.
operated manually. handle
hand protection (1) A structure designed for gripping an ob-
Gloves, or other type hand protection which ject. (2) To move an object or material from
will prevent the harmful exposure of the one location to another, via a suitable combi-
wearer to hazardous materials. nation of motions.

hand rail handling

A single bar or pipe supported on brackets Physically moving cargo between point-of-
from a wall or partition, as on a stairway or rest and any place on the terminal facility,
ramp, to furnish persons with a handhold in other than the end of ship's tackle.
case of tripping. handling aid
hand steadiness See job aid.
A measure of the ability to sustain a fixed handling structures
position of the hand and/or finger with mini- Structures such as beams, plates, channels,
mal tremor. Also referred to as manual angles, and rods assembled with bolts, pins,
steadiness. See also arm-hand steadiness. and/or welds. Includes lifting, supporting,
hand thickness, metacarpale III and manipulating equipment such as lifting
The thickness of the metacarpo-phalangeal beams, support stands, spin tables, rotating
joint of the middle finger (digit III). Meas- devices, and fixed and portable launch support
ured with the hand flat, fingers extended and frames.
adducted. handling time
hand tool The period of time required to move parts or
Any small tool capable of being held and used materials to or from a work area or operation.
easily by one or both hands for manufactur- handoff
ing, servicing, or other activities. Aviation. A Controller action taken to trans-
fer the radar identification of an aircraft from
one Controller to another if the aircraft will

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enter the receiving Controller's airspace and but not limited to, migration, breathing, nurs-
radio communications with the aircraft will be ing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering.
transferred. harbor
handwear An area of water where ships, planes, or other
Any form of clothing worn over the hand. watercraft can anchor or dock. See also port.
handwheel harbor line
A large control device intended for rotation See permit line.
when a mechanism requires a greater amount harbor master
of torque than can be applied by a knob. Maritime Safety. An officer who attends to
handy line the berthing, etc. of ships in a harbor.
A small line used to throw between separated hard hat
barges or boat and shore, (i.e., heaving line). A safety helmet maintained in position on the
hanging wall head by straps, for protecting the wearer from
Of the two sides of a fault, the side above the being injured by falling objects.
fault plane. It is called the hanging wall be-
cause where faults have been "filled in" with
mineral deposits and then mined, this is the
side on which miners can hang their lanterns.
See also footwall.
A shred of epidermis at one side of a nail.
Hangnail is prevented by gently pushing the
cuticle instead of cutting it, and it is treated by
clipping off the shred of skin and applying
antiseptic to the area to prevent infection.
Typical hard hat (or "safety helmet")
See Head And Neck Support.
hard light
happiness sheet A light source which causes objects to cast
(slang) A written survey obtained from stu- well-defined shadows.
dents at the end of a course or training session
to provide feedback to the instructor regarding hard palate
various aspects of the training. The anterior portion of the roof of the mouth,
backed by the maxilla and palatine bones and
HAPS covered by mucous membranes. See also soft
Hazardous air pollutants. palate.
haptic hard soap
Pertaining to the sensation of pressure. Any soap made with sodium hydroxide and
haptophore packaged in bar form.
Anatomy. The specific group of atoms in a hard water
toxin molecule by which it attaches itself to Alkaline water containing dissolved salts that
another molecule. It is capable of neutralizing interfere with some industrial processes and
antitoxin and of acting as an antigen to prevent soap from lathering.
stimulate specific antitoxin production by
body cells. hardcopy
A paper or other sheeted material display.
harassment of wildlife
Any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance hardware
which has the potential to injure wildlife or Computers. The physical equipment used in
has the potential to disturb wildlife by causing processing. The equipment or components
disruption of behavioral patterns, including, made of physical materials, often referring to

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electronics and structural portion of a com- Harmonized System of Codes
puter. An international goods classification system
hardwired for describing cargo in international trade un-
A system in which there is a direct connection der a single commodity coding scheme. This
of components by electrical wires or cables. code is a hierarchically structured product
nomenclature containing approximately 5,000
harelip headings and subheadings.
Congenitally cleft lip.
harmful Any combination of straps intended to hold an
Term indicating the potential for an agent or occupant of a vehicle in his/her seat, espe-
condition to produce injury or an adverse cially those straps holding the torso against
health effect. the seatback.
harmful quantities of oil discharge Harrison Antinarcotic Act
Any discharge that violates a water quality A federal law, enacted March 1, 1915, that
standard or causes a film or sheen upon the regulates the possession, sale, purchase, and
surface of the water. prescription of opium and cocoa and all their
harmful quantity preparations, natural and synthetic deriva-
With regard to oil and hazardous substances, tives, and salts. These include the drugs co-
those which may be harmful to the public caine, morphine, codeine, and papaverine.
health or welfare and includes harm to fish, Laws patterned after the Harrison Antinar-
shellfish, wildlife, and public and private cotic Act in some states prohibit the posses-
property, shorelines, and beaches. EPA fur- sion or sale of derivatives of barbituric acid
ther defines a hazardous quantity of oil as an except under proper licenses, so that they may
amount which either violates applicable water not be dispensed without a prescription.
quality standards, or causes a surface film or Hashimoto's disease
sheen, or a discoloration of the water or ad- A progressive disease of the thyroid gland
joining shoreline. with degeneration of its epithelial elements
harmless error doctrine and replacement by lymphoid and fibrous tis-
The doctrine that minor or harmless errors sue. Also called struma lymphomatosis.
during a trial do not require reversal of the hashish
judgement by an appellate court. An error The stalks and leaves of the hemp plant, can-
which is trivial or formal or merely academic nabis, with narcotic properties similar to those
and was not prejudicial to the substantial of marijuana.
rights of the party assigning it, and in no way
affected the final outcome of the case. hat
Any head covering made largely of soft mate-
harmonic rials, but having a rigid shape.
In acoustics, a tone in the harmonic series of
overtones that are produced by the funda- HAT
mental tone. A frequency component at a See height above touchdown.
frequency that is an integer multiple of the hatch
fundamental frequency. See also harmonic A full-body or materials passageway through
series. some solid structure which may be sealed to
harmonic motion separate different fluids or pressures.
See simple harmonic motion. haulage cost
harmonic series Cost of loading ore at a mine site and trans-
A set of overtones whose frequencies are porting it to a processing plant.
separated by integral multiples of the funda- hauling post holes
mental frequency. Transit (slang). Driving an empty truck or
harmonic vibration trailer.
See simple harmonic motion.

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have numbers exposure of individuals to unnecessary physi-
Aviation. Communication protocol. Term cal or health risks. Hazards can be biological,
used by pilots to inform Air Traffic Control chemical, physical, mechanical, human-made,
(ATC) that they have received runway, wind, or naturally occurring. (2) Safety. A danger-
and altimeter information only. ous condition, potential or inherent, that can
HAVS interrupt or interfere with the expected orderly
Hand arm vibration syndrome. progress of an activity. It is any real or po-
tential condition which either has previously
hawser caused or could reasonably be expected to
A tow line. cause personal injury or property damage. (3)
Hawthorne effect System Safety. A condition or situation that
A phenomenon in which employee-perceived exists within the working environment capa-
interest by the employer proved to be a factor ble of causing an unwanted release of energy
in productivity and employee moral. Specifi- resulting in physical harm, property damage,
cally, intentional variations in physical work or both. (4) Toxicology. Potential for harm to
environment variables (such as lighting, ven- humans or what they value. For toxic sub-
tilation, noise, etc.) were examined in an ex- stances, hazard refers to the probability that
periment and resulted in conclusions that were injury will occur under stated sets of exposure
opposite to those expected (i.e., employees conditions. (5) Industrial Hygiene. A mate-
worked harder when environmental condi- rial poses a hazard if it is likely that an indi-
tions were made worse) thereby confounding vidual will encounter a harmful exposure to it.
the experiment. Apparently, it did not matter Hazard is the estimated potential of a chemi-
what the employer did to affect the environ- cal, physical agent, ergonomic stress, or bio-
mental conditions. The employees viewed logic organism to cause harm based on the
these variations in environmental conditions likelihood of exposure, the magnitude of ex-
as interest by the employer in their work. posure, and the toxicity or effect. (6) Law. A
They therefore worked harder to impress their risk or peril, assumed or involved, whether in
employers. This phenomenon is based on a connection with contract relation, employ-
study conducted at the Western Electric Com- ment, personal relation, sport, or gambling. A
pany Hawthorne Works plant in Chicago, Illi- danger or risk lurking in a situation which by
nois. It is often generalized to apply to con- change or fortuity develops into an active
founded results from unconsidered variables agency of harm. Exposure to the chance of
in experiments. loss or injury. (7) Insurance. The risk, dan-
ger, or probability that the event insured
hay fever against may happen, varying with the circum-
An allergy characterized by sneezing, itchy stances of the particular case.
and watery eyes, running nose, and burning
palate and throat. Like all allergies, hay fever hazard analysis
is caused by sensitivity to certain sub- The analysis of systems, processes, and/or
stances—most commonly pollens and the procedures to determine potential hazards and
spores of molds. Pollen is the fertilizing ele- recommended actions to eliminate or control
ment of flowering plants. It is a fine dust, those hazards.
easily airborne, that enters the body by inha- hazard and operability study (HAZOP)
lation. Hay fever deserves to be recognized A formal, structured investigative system for
as more than a mere nuisance. By causing examining potential deviations of operations
lack of sleep and loss of appetite, it can lower from design conditions that could create proc-
the body's resistance to disease. It can cause ess-operating problems and hazards.
inflammation of the ears, sinuses, throat, and
bronchi. A number of hay fever sufferers de- hazard classification
velop asthma. Designation of relative accident potential
based on the likelihood that an accident will
hazard occur.
(1) General. A risky, perilous, or dangerous
condition or situation that could result in the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Hazard Communication Standard hazard risk index
A regulatory requirement, as promulgated by See risk assessment code.
OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1200) that establishes hazard severity
requirements for the evaluation of the hazards A categorical description of hazard level or
of chemicals used in industry, labeling of degree, based upon real or perceived potential
chemical containers, preparation of material for resulting in harm, injury, and/or damage
safety data sheets (MSDS), training of em- caused by a given hazard condition.
ployees and the provisions of employee ac-
cess to information about the potential haz- hazard to navigation
ards of chemicals they handle. Also known as Marine Safety. For the purpose of 49 CFR
"Right to Know" or "Worker Right to Know." 195, a pipeline where the top of the pipe is
less than 12 inches below the seabed in water
hazard correction less than 15 feet deep, as measured from the
The elimination or control of a workplace mean low water.
hazard in accord with the requirements of ap-
plicable federal or state statutes, regulations, hazard warning signal
or standards. Transit. Lamps that flash simultaneously to
the front and rear, on both the right and left
hazard elimination sides of a commercial motor vehicle, to indi-
The removal of a known, already existing cate to an approaching driver the presence of
hazard. a vehicular hazard.
hazard identification hazard zone
See hazardous identification. (1) DOT. One of four levels of hazard (Haz-
hazard pay ard Zones A through D) assigned to gases, as
See hazardous duty pay. specified in 49 CFR 173.116(a), and one of
hazard probability two levels of hazards (Hazard Zones A and B)
A measure of the likelihood that a condition assigned to liquids that are poisonous by in-
or set of conditions will exist or occur in a halation, as specified in 49 CFR 173.133(a).
given situation or operating environment. A hazard zone is based on the LC50 value for
acute inhalation toxicity of gases and vapors,
hazard proof as specified in 49 CFR 173.133(a). (2) Mari-
A method of making electrical equipment safe time Navigation. An area identified as a dan-
for use in hazardous locations; these methods ger to maritime navigation.
include explosion proofing, intrinsically safe,
purged, pressurized, and nonincendiary, and hazardous
must be rated for the degree of hazard present. Exposed to or involving danger; perilous;
risky; involving risk of loss.
hazard quotient
The ratio of a single substance exposure level hazardous air pollutants
over a specified period of time (e.g., chronic) Air pollutants which are not covered by ambi-
to a reference dose for that substance derived ent air quality standards but which, as defined
from a similar exposure period. in the Clean Air Act, may reasonably be ex-
pected to cause or contribute to irreversible
hazard ranking system illness or death. Such pollutants include as-
See hazardous ranking system. bestos, beryllium, mercury, benzene, coke
hazard recognition oven emissions, radionuclides, and vinyl chlo-
In terms of OSHA compliance, a concept ride.
based upon the premise that hazardous condi- Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of
tions cannot be eliminated or controlled until 1984 (HSWA)
they are first recognized as such by the em- A set of statutory amendments that expanded
ployer. An important concept since employ- and strengthened the Resource Conservation
ers cannot be held in violation of a require- and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976.
ment if they did not recognize that the haz-
ardous condition existed.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hazardous area reporting service jury, or acute illness due to its health ef-
Flight monitoring for Visual Flight Rules fects is not covered by this provision.
(VFR) aircraft crossing large bodies of water, (5) Any other atmospheric condition that is
swamps, and mountains. This service is pro- immediately dangerous to life or health.
vided for the purpose of expeditiously alerting For air contaminants for which OSHA
Search and Rescue (SAR) facilities when re- has determined a dose or permissible ex-
quired. Radio contacts are desired at least posure limit, other sources of information,
every 10 minutes. If contact is lost for more such as material safety data sheets that
than 15 minutes, SAR will be alerted. comply with the hazard communication
hazardous assessment standard (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200),
Help to define the potential adverse health or published information, and internal
environmental effects associated with chemi- documents can provide guidance in es-
cals on site, the potential magnitude to expo- tablishing acceptable atmospheric condi-
sure, and the frequency of exposure. tions.
hazardous atmosphere hazardous chemical
(1) General. Any atmosphere which is oxygen According to OSHA (29 CFR 1910.1200),
deficient or contains toxic or other types of any chemical that is a health or physical haz-
health hazards at concentrations exceeding ard and for which there is statistically signifi-
established exposure limits. It is also consid- cant evidence that acute or chronic health ef-
ered to be an atmosphere that may expose fects may occur in exposed individuals.
personnel to the risk of death, incapacitation, hazardous condition
or impairment of one's ability for self-rescue, Circumstances which are causally related to
injury, or illness. (2) As pertains to confined an exposure to a hazardous material.
spaces, an atmosphere that may expose em-
ployees to the risk of death, incapacitation, hazardous employment
impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, High risk and extra perilous work. When
escape unaided from a permit space), injury, used in the context of workers' compensation,
or acute illness from one or more of the fol- it refers to employment which requires the
lowing causes: employer to carry workers' compensation
coverage or its equivalent regardless of the
(1) Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in excess number of employees.
of 10 percent of its lower flammable limit
(LFL). hazardous duty pay
The additional monetary compensation given to
(2) Airborne combustible dust at a concentra- workers performing dangerous tasks.
tion that meets or exceeds it LFL. This
concentration may be approximated as a hazardous goods
condition in which the dust obscures vi- The categories of hazardous goods carried by
sion at a distance of 5 feet (1.52 m) or less. inland waterways are those defined by the
European Provisions concerning the Interna-
(3) Atmospheric oxygen concentration below tional Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland
19.5% or above 23.5%. Waterways.
(4) Atmospheric concentration of any sub- hazardous identification
stance for which a dose or a permissible (1) The identification of those chemicals that
exposure limit is published in Subpart G, may pose a threat to human health or the envi-
Occupational Health and Environmental ronment. (2) An initial evaluation of media
Control, or in Subpart Z, Toxic and Haz- (air, water, soil, etc.) that may be contami-
ardous Substances, of OSHA 29 CFR nated and the chemicals that are most likely to
1910 and which could result in employee present a public health threat.
exposure in excess of its dose or permis-
sible exposure limit. An atmospheric Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Serv-
concentration of any substance that is not ice (HIWAS)
capable of causing death, incapacitation, Continuous recorded hazardous in-flight
impairment of ability to self-rescue, in- weather forecasts broadcasted to airborne pi-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lots over selected very high frequency omni- ardous materials; c) prepares hazardous mate-
directional (VOR) outlets defined as an HI- rials for transportation; d) is responsible for
WAS BROADCAST AREA. safety of transporting hazardous materials; or
hazardous insurance e) operates a vehicle used to transport hazard-
Insurance effected on property which is in ous materials.
unusual or peculiar danger of destruction by hazardous material employer
fire, or on the life of a person whose occupa- A person who uses one or more of its em-
tion exposes him/her to special or unusual ployees in connection with transporting haz-
perils. ardous materials in commerce; causing haz-
hazardous LBB ardous materials to be transported or shipped
A pressure vessel that exhibits a leak before in commerce; or representing, marking, certi-
burst, or LBB, failure mode and contains a fying, selling, offering, reconditioning, test-
hazardous material. ing, repairing, or modifying containers,
drums, or packaging as qualified for use in the
hazardous liquid transportation of hazardous materials. This
DOT. (1) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or a term includes an owner-operator of a motor
liquid that is flammable or toxic. (2) Petro- vehicle which transports hazardous materials
leum, petroleum products, or anhydrous am- in commerce. This term also includes any
monia. department, agency, or instrumentality of the
hazardous material (HAZMAT) United States, a State, a political subdivision
(1) General. Any substance or compound that of a State, or an Indian tribe engaged in an
has the ability to produce an adverse health activity described in the first sentence of this
effect in a worker. (2) DOT. A substance or definition.
material which has been determined by the hazardous material residue
Secretary of Transportation to be capable of The hazardous material remaining in a pack-
posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, aging, including a tank car, after its contents
and property when transported in commerce, have been unloaded to the maximum extent
and which has been so designated. The term practicable and before the packaging is either
includes hazardous substances, hazardous refilled or cleaned of hazardous material and
wastes, marine pollutants, and elevated tem- purged to remove any hazardous vapors.
perature materials as defined in this section,
materials designated as hazardous under the Hazardous Material Transportation Act of
provisions of 49 CFR 172.101 and 172.102, 1974 (HMTA)
and materials that meet the defining criteria This statute provides the United States De-
for hazard classes and divisions in 49 CFR partment of Transportation with the authority
173. See also highly volatile liquid and ma- to issue and enforce requirements for the
rine pollutant. packaging, labeling, and transporting of all
hazardous materials including wastes. These
hazardous material employee requirements cover transportation by air, wa-
A person who is employed by a HAZMAT ter, rail, or highway.
employer and who in the course of employ-
ment directly affects hazardous materials hazardous materials
transportation safety. This term includes an (1) General. Liquids, gases, or solids that
owner-operator of a motor vehicle which may be toxic, reactive, or flammable or that
transports hazardous materials in commerce. may cause oxygen deficiency either by them-
This term includes an individual, including a selves or in combination with other materials.
self-employed individual, employed by a (2) DOT. Any toxic substance, explosive,
HAZMAT employer who, during the course corrosive material, combustible material, poi-
of employment: a) loads, unloads, or handles son, or radioactive material that poses a risk
hazardous materials; b) tests, reconditions, to the public's health, safety, or property when
repairs, modifies, marks, or otherwise repre- transported in commerce.
sents containers, drums, or packaging as
qualified for use in the transportation of haz-

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Hazardous Materials Incident Report System sludges, byproductss, commercial chemical
HMIRS products, and scrap metals.
HMIRS contains hazardous material spill in- hazardous substance
cidents reported to the Department of Trans- (1) General. Any material that poses a threat
portation. to human health and/or the environment.
hazardous pressure systems Typical hazardous substances are toxic, corro-
Systems used to store and transfer hazardous sive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reac-
fluids such as cryogens, flammables, com- tive. (2) EPA. Any substance designated by
bustibles, hypergols, etc. the EPA to be reported if a designated quan-
hazardous ranking system (HRS) tity of the substance is spilled in the waters of
The principle screening tool used by the EPA the United States or if otherwise emitted to
to evaluate risks to public health and the envi- the environment. (3) DOT. A material, and its
ronment associated with abandoned or un- mixtures or solutions, that a) is identified in
controlled hazardous wastes sites. The HRS the appendix to 49 CFR 172.101; b) is in a
calculates a score based on the potential of quantity, in one package, which equals or ex-
hazardous substances spreading from the site ceeds the reportable quantity (RQ) listed in
through the air, surface water, or groundwater Appendix A to 49 CFR 172.101; and c) when
and on other factors such as nearby popula- in a mixture or solution which, for radionu-
tions. This score is the primary factor in de- clides, conforms to paragraph 6 of Appendix
ciding if the site should be on the National A, or, for other than radionuclides, is in a
Priorities List and, if so, what ranking it concentration by weight which equals or ex-
should have compared to other sites. ceeds the concentration corresponding to the
Reportable Quantity (RQ) of the material, as
hazardous ranking system factor shown in the table appearing in 49 CFR
Primary rating elements internal to the haz- 171.8. This definition does not apply to pe-
ardous ranking system (HRS). See also haz- troleum products that are lubricants or fuels.
ardous ranking system.
hazardous waste
hazardous ranking system factor category (1) Byproducts of society that can pose a sub-
Set of HRS factors, such as likelihood of re- stantial or potential hazard to human health or
lease (or exposure), waste characteristics, tar- the environment when improperly managed.
gets. See also hazardous ranking system. Possesses at least one of four characteristics
hazardous ranking system migration path- (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxic-
ways ity), or appears on any special EPA list. (2) A
HRS groundwater, surface water, and air mi- hazardous material generated as the result of
gration pathways. See also hazardous rank- an industrial, research, commercial, domestic,
ing system. or institutional process for which no intended
further use or reuse is anticipated. (3) A solid
hazardous ranking system pathway waste or a combination of solid wastes which,
Set of HRS factor categories combined to because of its quantity, concentration, or
produce a score to measure relative risks physical, chemical, or infectious characteris-
posed by a site in one of four environmental tics may cause, or significantly contribute to
pathways (i.e., groundwater, surface water, an increase in mortality or an increase in or
soil, and air). See also hazardous ranking pose a substantial present or potential hazard
system. to human health or the environment when
hazardous ranking system site score properly treated, stored, transported, or dis-
A composite of the four HRS pathway scores. posed of, or otherwise managed. (4) Any
See also hazardous ranking system and haz- material that is subject to the hazardous waste
ardous ranking system pathway. manifest requirements of the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) specified in 40 CFR
hazardous secondary materials
262 or would be subject to these requirements
As defined by the Resource Conservation and
absent an interim authorization to a State un-
Recovery Act (RCRA), any spent materials,
der 40 CFR 123, subpart F.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hazardous waste management Hb
According to the Federal Solid Waste Dis- See hemoglobin.
posal Act: The systematic control of the col- HBAO
lection, source separation, storage, transpor- See high boiling aromatic oils.
tation, processing, treatment, recovery, and
disposal of hazardous wastes. HbCO
See carboxyhemoglobin.
hazardous waste stream
Material containing hazardous substances, as HbO2
defined by CERCLA, that are deposited, See oxyhemoglobin.
stored, disposed, or placed in, or that other- HBV
wise migrated to, a source. See Hepatitis B Virus.
hazards analysis Hc
The procedure involved in identifying poten- See hue composition.
tial sources of release of hazardous materials
from fixed facilities or transportation acci- HCI
dents; determining the vulnerability of a geo- See human-computer interface.
logical area to a release of hazardous materi- HCP
als; and comparing hazards to determine Hearing conservation program. See hearing
which present greater or lesser risks to a conservation.
hazards identification See high density lipoprotein.
(1) Providing information on which facilities
have extremely hazardous substances, what
See high-definition television.
those chemicals are, and how much there is at
each facility. The process also provides in- head
formation on how the chemicals are stored (1) Pressure Systems. Term used for indicat-
and whether they are used at high tempera- ing pressure such as a head of one inch water
tures. (2) The process of determining whether gauge. (2) Hydrology. The product of the
or not exposure to an agent can cause an in- water's weight and a usable difference in ele-
crease in the incidence of a particular adverse vation gives a measurement of the potential
health effect (e.g., cancer, birth defect) and energy possessed by water. (3) Military. Ma-
whether the adverse health effect is likely to rine restroom facility. (4) Anatomy. That part
occur in humans. See also hazardous identi- of the human body superior to the neck when
fication. standing erect, including the skull and facial
bones, skin, brain, and other associated tis-
sues. Also, a point of origin, as in a muscle.
A procedure or set of procedures developed
for systematically performing simple, on-site Head And Neck Support (HANS )
analytical tests for determining the chemical A head, neck, and upper torso restraint modeling
nature (generically) of unknown, potentially system, consisting of a helmet and tethers, for
hazardous materials. minimizing neck injuries in a vehicular crash.
haze head breadth
(1) Fine dry or wet dust or salt particles dis- The maximum linear side-to-side width of the
persed through a portion of the atmosphere. head superior to the auricles. Measured at
Individually these are not visible but cumula- whatever level provides the maximum, with
tively they can diminish visibility. (2) A minimal tissue compression.
cloudiness in a surface or coating.
head circumference
HAZMAT The maximum surface distance around the
See hazardous material. head, including the hair, at a level just above,
HAZOP but not including, the brow ridges. Measured
See hazard and operability study.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

head lamps
with hair compression. Also referred to as Lamps used to provide general illumination
occipitofrontal circumference. ahead of a motor vehicle.
head diagonal, inion to pronasale
The linear distance from inion to provasale. head length
Measured with the face and scalp muscles re- See glabella – inion length.
laxed, without tissue compression.
head length, maximum
head diagonal, maximum, menton to occiput The horizontal linear distance between prona-
The maximum linear distance from menton to sale and inion in the midsagittal plane.
occiput. Measured with the face and scalp
muscles relaxed, without tissue compression. head log
Maritime. The heavily reinforced section at
head diagonal maximum, nuchale to pronasale each end of the barges and at the bow of the
The maximum linear distance from nuchale to towboat to take the pressure of pushing the
pronasale. Measured with the face and scalp entire tow.
muscles relaxed, without tissue compression.
head-mounted display (HMD)
head-down display Any system which can be attached to the
A display, generally located on a control head, neck, and/or shoulders for enabling
panel, which requires the operator to lower presentation of a head-up display.
his/her normal line of sight to obtain the de-
sired information. head movement
Any motion of the head as a unit, relative to
head height the torso.
The vertical distance between tragion or the
lowest point on the inferior orbit and the hori- head of bend
zontal plane which intersects the vertex in the Maritime. The top or upstream beginning of a
midsagittal plane. This uses a restricted defi- bend.
nition of "head." head of navigation
head impact area The furthest (upriver) location on a river deep
Automotive Safety Design. All nonglazed enough for navigation.
surfaces of the interior of a vehicle that are head of passes
statically contactable by a 6.5-inch diameter A point near the mouth of the Mississippi
spherical head form of a measuring device River where the three principal distributary
having a pivot point to "top-of-head" dimen- passes diverge. It is the point from which
sion infinitely adjustable from 29 to 33 inches river distances are measured.
in accordance with the procedure explained in
49 CFR 390.5. head-on collision
(1) General Transit. Refers to a collision
Head Injury Criterion (HIC) where the front end of one vehicle collides
A measure for determining the tolerance to with the front-end of another vehicle while the
concussion in a head impact, based on the du- two vehicles are traveling in opposite direc-
ration and acceleration involved. An HIC tions. (2) Rail Operations. A collision in
value of 1000 with a duration of less than 15 which the trains or locomotives involved are
msec is an acceptable tolerance. traveling in opposite directions on the same
1 t2 2.5
HIC = [t2 - t1] a(t)dt) head on landing
t2 - t 1 t1
Maritime. Landing in which the bow of the
where: boat only is made fast.
t1 = start time of impact head scan
t2 = end time of impact Scan through the visual environment using
a(t) = acceleration function (in g units) head movements, allowing for accompanying
eye movements.

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head-up display (HUD)
A display in which information is presented headroom
on a nearby transparent surface such that the That distance available to accommodate an
operator is capable of viewing both the infor- individual's head, generally referring to that
mation and the external world with his/her distance between the vertex of an individual's
normal line of sight. head and a roof, passageway, or other limiting
headache environmental feature when standing, sitting,
A pain or ache in the head. One of the most walking, or other motion/posture as the situa-
common ailments of man, it is a symptom tion requires.
rather than a disorder in itself. It accompanies headset
many diseases and conditions, including A device having one or a pair of transducers
emotional distress. Although recurring head- for converting electrical energy to sound and
ache may be an early sign of serious organic having a spring mechanism or other device
disease, relatively few headaches are caused over the head, under the jaw, or around the
by disease-induced structural changes. Most neck to hold it/them in place.
result from vasodilation of blood vessels in headwaters
tissues surrounding the brain, or from tension The upper part of a river system, denoting the
in the neck and scalp muscles. upper basin and source streams of a river.
headache rack headwear
Transit (slang). Heavy bulkhead that extends Any form of clothing worn only on or around
over cab from trailers, usually made of pipe the head, such as a hat, cap, or helmet.
and used in steel hauling.
header bar The time interval between transit revenue ve-
The rear cross piece on open top trailer. hicles passing a specified location.
header board healing
A protective shield at the front end of a flat- The restoration of structure and function of
bottom trailer to prevent freight from shifting injured or diseased tissues. The healing proc-
forward. esses include blood clotting, tissue mending,
headform scarring, and bone healing.
An object whose shape resembles that of the health
human head for sizing, modeling, or simula- A state in which an individual's and/or popu-
tion purpose. lation's mental, physical, physiological, and
headgear social conditions are within normal limits.
Any protective structure worn on the head to See also mental health and physical health.
protect the individual from possible injury due health and safety study
to hazards, usually from impacts. As defined by TSCA, any study of any effect
headgear retention of a chemical substance or mixture on health
A measure of the ability of a piece of head- and/or the environment, including underlying
gear to remain in place during an impact and epidemiological studies, studies of occupa-
any post-impact events. tional exposure, toxicological, clinical, and
headgear retention assembly ecological studies of a chemical substance or
Any combination of chinstraps, internal form mixture.
fitting, or other techniques to aid in headgear health assessments
retention. Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act:
headline Includes preliminary assessments of the
A mooring line used in combination to hold a potential risk to human health posed by
fleet or barge "in." individual sites and facilities subject to the
Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, based on
headrest such factors as the nature and extent of
Any padded structure which provides support contamination, the existence of a potential for
to the head when sitting or reclining. pathways of human exposure (e.g., ground or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

health physicist
surface water contamination, air emissions, An individual trained in radiation (ionizing)
and food chain contamination), the size and physics, its associated health hazards, the
potential susceptibility of the community means to control exposures to this physical
within the likely pathways of exposure, the hazard, and in establishing procedures for
comparison of expected human exposure work in radiation areas.
levels to the short-term and long-term health health physics (HP)
effects associated with identified contaminants The branch of radiological science dealing
and any available recommended exposure or with the protection of personnel from harmful
tolerance limits for such contaminants, and effects of ionizing radiation.
the comparison of existing morbidity and
mortality data on diseases that may be Health Physics Society (HPS)
associated with the observed levels of Professional society of persons active in the
exposure. The assessment includes evaluation field of health physics, the profession devoted
of the risks to the potentially affected to the protection of people and their environ-
population from all sources of such ment from radiation hazards.
contaminants, including known point or non- health standard
point sources other than the site or facility in Those standards that generally prescribe re-
question. A purpose of such preliminary quirements for worker exposure to hazards
assessments shall be to help determine presented by toxic substances. Such hazards
whether full-scale health or epidemiological usually involve the potential for long-term
studies and medical evaluations of exposed adverse health effects (such as those posed by
populations shall be taken. exposure to lead, noise, asbestos, silica, ra-
health care facilities diation, vibration, etc.).
Buildings or protons of buildings and mobile healthy worker effect
homes that contain, but are not limited to, A phenomenon observed in studies of occu-
hospitals, nursing homes, extended care fa- pational diseases in which workers exhibit
cilities, clinics, and medical and dental of- lower death rates than the general population
fices, whether fixed or mobile. because hospitalized, severely ill, and many
health hazard disabled persons have been excluded from
A property of a chemical, mixture of chemi- employment and those that are employed are
cals, physical stress, pathogen, or ergonomic generally healthy.
factor for which there is statistically signifi- hearing
cant evidence, based on at least one test or (1) Anatomy. The physiological process of
study conducted in accordance with estab- sound perception. That specialized sense
lished scientific principles, that acute or through which sound is perceived, by conver-
chronic adverse health effects may occur sion of sound waves into nerves impulses,
among workers exposed to the agent. which are then interpreted by the brain. (2)
health index Legal. A legal proceeding convened at an an-
Any qualitative or quantitative measure for nounced time and place for a governmental
describing the relative or absolute health of an purpose; for instance, to entertain new legis-
individual or a population. lation, consider promulgating new regula-
tions, hear an applicant for a permit or license,
health insurance consider revoking or amending such an ap-
A program which includes come percentage proval, present evidence, hear motions by
of payment or reimbursement for medical, parties, or announce decisions. Some hear-
dental, vision, counseling, and/or other care ings are public hearings required by law to be
beyond a specified deductible limit. Often a conducted with an opportunity for the public
fringe benefit paid at least in part by employ- to attend. Others are adjudicatory hearings
ers and generally used to provide financial where only the interested parties and their rep-
protection in the event of a major family resentatives and witnesses attend. A public
health problem. meeting at which a board or other tribunal de-
liberates is not necessarily a public hearing.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hearing protective device (HPD)
Any device or material, capable of being worn
on the head or in the ear canal, that is sold
hearing aid wholly or in part on the basis of its ability to
A device which amplifies sound intensity or reduce the level of sound entering the ear.
filters noise, typically for use by persons with This includes devices of which hearing pro-
hearing impairments. tection may not be the primary function, but
hearing conservation which are nonetheless advertised as providing
The prevention or minimizing of occupational hearing protection to the user.
noise-induced hearing defects through the
combined use of hearing protectors, training, hearing scotoma
the use of engineering and administrative See tonal gap.
control measures, annual audiometric testing, hearing test
and the establishment of a written program. Any method of evaluating hearing capabili-
The written program is referred to as a hear- ties. See also audiometry and tuning fork
ing conservation program (HCP). test.
hearing impaired hearing threshold
A person with a hearing loss sufficient to af- The weakest or minimally perceived sound, in
fect their efficiency in the course of everyday decibels, that an individual can detect during
living. an audiometric test at a particular time.
hearing impairment hearsay
(1) Loss of the ability to hear, either partially A term applied to that species of testimony
or completely. (2) The deviation of an indi- given by a witness who relates, not what
vidual's absolute auditory threshold in deci- he/she knows personally, but what others
bels using a calibrated audiometer or by com- have told him/her, or what he/she has heard
parison to the absolute auditory threshold of a said by others.
person with normal hearing. Also called heart
hearing loss. The multi-chambered muscular organ within
hearing level the thorax which pumps blood through the
The deviation, in decibels, of an individual's circulatory system.
hearing threshold at various test frequencies Aorta
as determined by an audiometric test based on Pulmonary
an accepted standard reference level. See also
hearing threshold.
hearing loss
See hearing impairment.
hearing protection
See hearing protective device.




Cross-section of the human heart, showing its four chambers

Common earplugs, a type of hearing protective device

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heart block heat capacity
A condition in which the atria and ventricles That heat energy absorbed by an object under
of the heart contract independently, causing given conditions for each degree rise in tem-
interference in the rate or regularity of the perature. See also specific heat.
heart failure heat collapse
Inability of the heart to perform its proper See heat exhaustion.
function of expelling blood from the ventri-
cles. heat conduction
Heat transfer from one entity to another via
heart-lung machine direct contact.
A mechanical device that temporarily takes
over the functions of the heart and lungs. It is heat conservation
used as an aid during surgery. Any mechanism such as peripheral vasocon-
striction, piloerection, or reduction in sweat-
heart murmur ing which may be used to retain heat within
Any sound in the heart region other than nor- the body. Also referred to simply as heat re-
mal heart sounds. A murmur may be caused tention.
by several different factors, including changes
in the valves of the heart or blood leaking heat convection
through a disease-scarred valve that does not Heat transfer from one entity to another or
close properly. within an entity via a fluid capable of storing
heat, such as air.
heart rate
The number of complete heart contraction heat cramps
cycles per minute. Synonymous with pulse A condition related to work and/or exercise in
rate. hot environments that causes painful muscle
spasms due to heavy swelling and the con-
heartbeat sumption of large amounts of water without
The cycle of contraction of the heart muscle, adequate salt intake and adequate exercise-
during which the chambers of the heart con- rest balance.
tract. The beat begins with a rhythmic im-
pulse in the sinoatrial node, which serves as a heat disorder
pacemaker for the heart. Any condition resulting from exposure to heat
or hot work environments that results in an
heartburn adverse effect on the health of the exposed in-
(slang) A burning sensation in the esophagus, dividual. Such disorders include heat cramps,
or below the sternum in the region of the heat exhaustion, heat stress, and heat stroke.
heart. It is one of the common symptoms of Also may be referred to as heat stress.
indigestion. See also reflux esophagitis.
heat drying
heat A process to reduce pathogens in solid waste
The energy associated with a mass because of by drying dehydrated sludge cake by direct or
random motions of its molecules. It is a form indirect contact with hot gases, and reducing
of energy that is transferred between systems moisture content to ten percent or lower.
by virtue of their individual temperature dif-
ferences. heat exchanger
Device for transferring heat from one fluid or
heat acclimatization body to another for the purpose of heating or
A physiological adjustment to living or cooling.
working at higher external temperatures
and/or humidity. heat exhaustion
A potentially dangerous condition caused by
heat balance work and exertion in high-temperature envi-
The difference between the heat produced by ronments marked by mild elevation in body
the body and that which is given off to the en- temperature, weak pulse, pale complexion,
vironment. dizziness, fainting, profuse sweating, head-
ache, low blood pressure, and cool, moist

©2000 CRC Press LLC

skin. Synonymous with heat collapse and heat stress index (HSI)
heat prostration. Any number of estimators for body heat stress
heat index which may be based on temperature, humid-
See heat stress index. ity, air velocity, workload, clothing, and their
interactions. See also Belding-Hatch heat
heat island effect stress index.
A "dome" of elevated temperatures over an
urban area caused by structural and pavement heat stroke
heat fluxes, and pollutant emissions from the A serious, potentially life-threatening condi-
area below the dome. tion marked by a rapid rise in body tempera-
ture, hot dry skin, mental confusion, loss of
heat lightning consciousness, convulsions, coma, and the ab-
Distant lightning that illuminates the sky but sence of sweating. The condition is caused by
is too far away for its thunder to be heard. excessive physical exertion in hot environ-
heat loss ments by unacclimatized individuals and de-
The release of heat from the body to the envi- hydration. Recent intake of alcohol may ex-
ronment via conduction, convection, radia- pedite the onset of the condition.
tion, or evaporation. heat syncope
heat of fusion A condition marked by fainting while stand-
The heat released by a liquid freezing to a ing erect and immobile in hot environments
solid, or that gained by a solid melting to a caused by the pooling of blood in dilated ves-
liquid without a change in temperature. sels of the skin and lower part of the body.
heat prostration heated wire anemometer
See heat exhaustion. See thermoanemometer.
heat pyrexia heater
See heat stroke. Any device or assembly of devices or appli-
ances used to heat the interior of any motor
heat radiation vehicle. This includes a catalytic heater
The transfer of heat via electromagnetic ra- which must meet the requirements of 49 CFR
diation. Also called thermal radiation. 177.834(1) when flammable liquid or gas is
heat rash transported.
See miliaria. Heath-Carter somatotype
heat ray cataract A body type classification system which uses
An opacity in the lens of the eye which occurs a combination of anthropometric measures
in occupations requiring long exposures to (such as stature, weight, skinfolds, girths, and
high temperatures and glare. See also glass breadths) for determining or modifying the
blower's cataract. basic classifications.
heat regulation heating degree-day
See thermoregulation. A form of the degree-day used as an index for
fuel consumption.
heat retention
See heat conservation. heating equipment
According to OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.306(g),
heat strain predictive system
the term includes equipment used for heating
A method for predicting heat stress based on
purposes if heat is generated by induction or
variable clothing effect.
dielectric methods.
heat stress
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Thermal stress upon the body from the sur-
(HVAC) system
rounding environment, including heat stroke,
The system that is in place to provide ventila-
heat cramps, and heat exhaustion, caused by
tion, heating, cooling, dehumidification, hu-
the body's inability to rid itself of excessive
midification, control of odors, and cleaning of
heat. See also heat disorder.
the air for maintaining comfort, safety, and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

heavy rail passenger cars
health of the occupants of a building, work- Rail cars with motive capability, driven by
place, etc. electric power taken from overhead lines or
third rails, configured for passenger traffic
and usually operated on exclusive rights-of-
heavy duty scaffold way.
A scaffold designed and constructed to carry a
working load not to exceed 75 pounds per heavy rail (rapid rail)
square foot. Transit service using rail cars powered by
electricity which is usually drawn from a third
heavy duty truck rail and usually operated on exclusive rights-
Truck with a gross vehicle weight generally in of-way. It generally uses longer trains and
excess of 19,500 pounds (class 6-8). Other has longer spacing between stations than light
minimum weights are used by various law or rail.
government agencies.
heavy work
heavy hauler trailer That level of work activity which involves the
A trailer with one or more of the following entire body and has a gross metabolic cost of
characteristics: a) its brake lines are designed 280 – 380 calories per square meter of skin
to adapt to separation or extension of the ve- surface per hour.
hicle frame; or b) its body consists only of a
platform whose primary cargo carrying sur- hedonic damages
face is not more than 40 inches above the Damages awarded in some jurisdictions for
ground in an unloaded condition, except that the loss of enjoyment of life, or for the value
it may include sides that are designed to be of life itself, as measured separately from the
easily removable and a permanent "front-end economic productive value that an injured or
structure" as that term is used in 49 CFR deceased person would have had. It should be
393.106. noted that many courts hold that such loss is
included in damages for disability and pain
heavy ion and suffering.
An ion having a normal atomic mass equal to
or greater than that of carbon. heel
The calcaneus and surrounding soft tissue of
heavy lifts the inferior and posterior portion of the foot.
Maritime. Freight too heavy to be handled by
regular ship's tackle. heel – ankle circumference
The surface distance around the foot under the
heavy metal tip of the heel and over the instep at the junc-
Metals such as arsenic, barium, cadmium, tion of the foot and anterior lower leg. Meas-
chromium, lead, mercury, and silver that do ured with minimal tissue compression, mini-
not rapidly break down in the body or the en- mal weight on the foot being measured, and
vironment and thus can exert toxic effects be- the foot muscles relaxed.
cause of their cumulative or residual proper-
ties. heel breadth
The maximum medial to lateral linear width
heavy rail of the heel behind the vertical projection
(1) An electric railway with the capacity for a downward from the ankle bones. Measured
"heavy volume" of traffic and characterized with the individual's weight equally distrib-
by exclusive rights-of-way, multi-car trains, uted on both feet and with minimal tissue
high speed and rapid acceleration, sophisti- compression.
cated signaling, and high platform loading.
(2) High-speed, passenger rail cars operating HEG
singly or in trains of two or more cars on See homogeneous exposure group.
fixed rails in separate rights-of-way from height
which all other vehicular and foot traffic is The straight-line vertical distance from the
excluded. See also heavy rail (rapid rail). floor or other reference surface to the level of
the referenced body part or the top of an ob-

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A small, designated area, usually with a pre-
pared surface, on a heliport, airport, land-
height above airport ing/takeoff area, apron/ramp, or movement
The height of the Minimum Descent Altitude area used for takeoff, landing, or parking of
above the published airport elevation. This is helicopters.
published in conjunction with circling mini-
mums. See also minimum descent altitude. heliport
(1) An area of land, water, or structure used or
height above landing (HAL) intended to be used for the landing and take-
The height above a designated helicopter off of helicopters and includes its buildings
landing area used for helicopter instrument and facilities if any. (2) An area, either at
approach procedures. ground level or elevated on a structure, that is
height above touchdown (HAT) used for the landing and takeoff of helicopters
The height of the Decision Height or Mini- and includes some or all of the various facili-
mum Descent Altitude above the highest run- ties useful to helicopter operations such as
way elevation in the touchdown zone (first helicopter parking, hangar, waiting room, fu-
3,000 feet of the runway). Height above eling, and maintenance equipment. See also
touchdown (HAT) is published on instrument aerodrome, aircraft facility, and airport.
approach charts in conjunction with all helistop
straight in minimums. A minimum facility heliport, either at ground
height/decision altitude level or elevated on a structure for the landing
A specified altitude or height (A/H) in the and takeoff of helicopters, but without such
precision approach at which a missed ap- auxiliary facilities as waiting room, hangar
proach must be initiated if the required visual parking, etc.
reference to continue the approach has not helium
been established. Note 1: Decision altitude is A chemical element, atomic number 2, atomic
referenced to mean sea level and decision weight 4.003, symbol He.
height is referenced to the threshold elevation.
Note 2: The required visual reference means helix
that section of the visual aids or of the ap- (1) Anatomy. The rolled outer portion of the
proach area which should have been in view auricle. (2) Geometry. A spiraling geometri-
for sufficient time for the pilot to have made cal pattern.
an assessment of the aircraft position and rate helmet
of change of position, in relation to the de- (1) A piece of headgear with a hard exterior
sired flight path. covering and internal cushioning designed to
height velocity fit over the top of or enclose the entire head to
The rate at which stature increases during protect the head from impacts or other haz-
physical maturation. ards. (2) A head protective device consisting
of a rigid shell, energy absorption system, and
helicopter chin strap intended to be worn to provide
(1) A rotorcraft that, for its horizontal motion, protection for the head or portions thereof,
depends principally on its engine-driven ro- against impact, flying or falling objects, elec-
tors. (2) A rotary-wing aircraft which de- tric shock, penetration, heat and flame.
pends principally for its support and motion in
the air upon the lift generated by one or more helmet-mounted display (HMD)
power-driven rotors, rotating on substantially A display projected within or on the visor of a
vertical axes. A helicopter is a V/STOL (ver- user's helmet such that both the information
tical/short takeoff and landing) aircraft. (3) A presented and the external environment are
heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight simultaneously within the line of sight.
chiefly by the reactions of the air on one or
more power-driven rotors on substantially
vertical axes. See also gyroplane.

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Helmholtz resonator hematoma
A passive acoustical filter consisting of a cav- (1) An enclosed volume of blood in tissue
ity with a narrow neck and an enlarged inte- external to the circulatory system, from what-
rior. ever cause. (2) A tumor-like mass produced
by coagulation of extravasated blood in a tis-
sue or cavity. Contusions (bruises) and black
Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect eyes are familiar forms of hematoma that are
A tendency for apparent brightness to increase seldom serious. Hematomas can occur almost
as color saturation increases. anywhere on the body; they are almost always
help present with a fracture and are especially seri-
An online software user assistance feature. ous when they occur inside the skull, where
they may produce local pressure on the brain.
hemangioma In minor injuries the blood is absorbed unless
A benign tumor made up of newly formed infection develops. See also bruise.
blood vessels, clustered together. Heman-
gioma may be present at birth in various parts hematopoietic
of the body, including the liver and bones. In Pertaining to or affecting the formation of
the majority of cases, however, it appears as a blood cells.
network of small blood-filled capillaries near hematopoietic changes
the surface of the skin, forming a reddish or Changes in the formation of blood cells.
purplish birthmark. These marks are not ma-
lignant. hematotoxicity
The toxic effects of various substances and
hematemesis physical agents in blood and blood-forming
The vomiting of blood. The appearance of the organs.
vomitus depends on the amount and character
of the gastric contents at the time blood is hematuria
vomited and on the length of time blood has Appearance of blood in the urine.
been in the stomach. Gastric acids change the heme
bright red blood to a brownish color and the The non-protein, iron-containing part of the
vomitus is often described as "coffee-ground" hemoglobin molecule that carries oxygen and
color. Bright red blood in the vomitus indi- accounts for the color of blood.
cates a fresh hemorrhage and little contact of hemi-
the blood with gastric juices. The most com- (prefix) Meaning half; pertaining to one side
mon causes are peptic ulcer, gastritis, eso- of the body.
phageal lesions or varices, and cancer of the
stomach. Benign tumors, traumatic postop- hemianopsia
erative bleeding and swallowed blood from A unilateral or bilateral blindness in one half
points in the nose, mouth, and throat can also of the visual field.
produce hematemesis. hemiballismus
hematocrit A unilateral form of ballismus.
The percent by volume of erythrocytes in hemiplegia
whole blood. A condition in which one side of the body
hematologist (especially both limbs) is affected by paraly-
An individual trained in the science encom- sis. Usually caused by a brain lesion, such as
passing the generation, anatomy, physiology, a tumor, or by a cerebral vascular accident.
pathology, and therapeutics of blood. The paralysis occurs on the side opposite the
brain disorder.
The branch of medical science concerned with hemisphere
the generation, anatomy, physiology, and Half of a spherical or roughly spherical
therapeutics of blood. The study of the form structure or organ.
and structure of blood-forming organs. hemochromatosis
A disorder of iron metabolism with excess
deposition of iron in the tissues, skin pig-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mentation, cirrhosis of the liver, and de- attributable to the absence of different factors
creased carbohydrate tolerance. from the blood are now recognized.
Expectoration of blood or of blood-stained
The study of the physical principles of blood hemorrhage
and its circulation. The loss of blood from blood vessels and/or
hemoglobin (Hb)
The red pigment protein matter in the red hemorrhoid
blood corpuscles that carries oxygen from the An enlarged blood vessel in the anal or rectal
lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from wall that causes pain, itching, discomfort, and
the tissue to the lungs. Hemoglobin is a bleeding.
chromoprotein, that is, a protein combined hemostasis
with a colored pigment. The protein is glo- The stoppage of blood flow or loss.
bin; the pigment is heme, which is red. When hemothorax
erythrocytes are broken down, degradation of A collection of blood in the pleural cavity.
hemoglobin releases the pigment bilirubin
which is converted into pigments responsible hemotoxin
for the characteristic color of bile. Heme is a Any substance that causes destruction of red
complex molecule containing iron. Hemo- blood cells.
globin has the property of combining chemi- henry (H)
cally with certain gases to form various sub- The inductance of a closed circuit in which a
stances. One of the most important is oxyhe- potential of one volt is produced when the
moglobin, formed by the combination of oxy- electric current in the circuit is uniform at one
gen and hemoglobin. This function of hemo- ampere per second.
globin is important in respiration because it
provides a means of transporting oxygen from Henry's Law Constant
the lungs to the tissues. The oxygen com- Measure of the volatility of a substance in a
bined with hemoglobin in arterial blood is re- dilute solution of water at equilibrium. It is
sponsible for its bright red color; venous the ratio of the vapor pressure exerted by a
blood is a darker color because of its lower substance in the gas phase over a dilute aque-
oxygen content. It is important to note that ous solution of that substance to its concen-
hemoglobin has an affinity towards carbon tration in the solution at a given temperature.
monoxide approximately 200 times greater For hazardous ranking system (HRS) pur-
than that for oxygen. This explains why car- poses, use the value reported at or near 25°C
bon monoxide poisoning can occur so [atmospheric-cubic meters per mol (atm-
quickly. m3/mol)].

hemoglobinuria HEP
Excretion of hemoglobin in the urine. See human error probability.

hemolysis HEPA
Breakdown of red blood cells or erythrocytes See high-efficiency particulate air filter.
with the release of hemoglobin into the blood Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
plasma. This results in hemoglobinuria. A virus that causes inflammation of the liver.
hemophilia Can also occasionally be caused by toxic
A condition characterized by impaired co- agents other than viral.
agulation capability of the blood, and a strong hepatotoxic
tendency to bleed. The classic disease is he- Refers to an agent that produces damage to
reditary, and limited to males, being trans- the liver.
mitted always through the female to the sec-
ond generation, but many similar conditions

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An insecticide that was banned in some food for its unlawful manufacture, distribution,
products in 1975 and all of them in 1978. It sale, or possession is severe.
was allowed for use in seed treatment until Hertz (Hz)
1983. More recently it was found in milk and (1) A measure of frequency in cycles per sec-
other dairy products in Arkansas and Mis- ond (cps). (2) The standard radio equivalent
souri, as a result of illegally feeding treated of frequency in cycles per second of an elec-
seed to dairy cattle. tromagnetic wave. Kilohertz (kHz) is a fre-
herb quency of one thousand cycles per second.
A plant which may be used as food flavoring Megahertz (mHz) is a frequency of one mil-
or for medicinal purposes. lion cycles per second.
herbicide hetero-
A chemical pesticide designed to control or (prefix) Relating to combinations of different
destroy plants, weeds, or grasses. entities.
herbivore heterochromatic
An animal that feeds on plants. Combining or pertaining to two or more dif-
here she comes ferent colors.
Term used when another boat appears around heterochromatic flicker photometry
a bend. A technique used for measuring an observer's
hereditary mutagenicity relative sensitivity to light of different wave-
The ability of a chemical to cause an inherit- lengths by comparing a fixed-luminance ref-
able change in the genetic material (i.e., erence light alternating with a light of a dif-
DNA) or organisms. ferent wavelength to minimize the sensation
of flicker.
The transmission of characteristics from par- heteromodal
ent to offspring. See multisensory.

Hering opponent process theory heterophoria

See opponent process theory. A tendency to position the eyes such that bin-
ocular vision cannot be used.
hermetically sealed
Closed by fusion, gasketing, crimping, or heterosphere
equivalent means so that no gas or vapor can The region of the atmosphere above about 85
enter or escape. km where the composition of the air varies
with height.
A failure/rupture or weakness in the wall of a heterotroph
bodily structure, usually a rupture of the ab- An organism that must obtain food energy by
dominal wall or an intervertebral disk which ingesting other organic material.
results in the protrusion of part of an organ or heuristic
tissue through the failure. Pertaining to a learning or problem-solving
herniate technique which uses certain empirical rules
The creation of a hernia. or guidelines to ultimately reach a solution.

herniated disk heuristic program

A protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of an A set of instructions which directs a computer
intervertebral disk into or through the annu- to use a heuristic approach to problem solv-
lus. Commonly referred to as a slipped disk. ing.

heroin hexadecimal
Narcotic drug which is a derivative of opium Pertaining to a numbering system based on
and whose technical name is diacetyl- 16, using the alphanumerics zero through nine
morphine. It is classified as a Class A sub- and A through F.
stance for criminal purposes and the penalty

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HHC high
See highly hazardous chemical. (1) A general feeling of euphoria produced
HIC most commonly by artificial means, such as
See Head Injury Criterion. with drugs or other influencing substances.
However, certain naturally occurring influ-
hiccough encing factors, such as exercise and laughter,
Spasmodic involuntary contraction of the dia- have also been reported to produce a similar
phragm that results in uncontrolled breathing feeling presumably due to a release of endor-
in of air. The peculiar noise of hiccoughs is phins. (2) A meteorological phenomenon.
produced by the attempt to inhale while the See anticyclone.
air passages are partially closed. Also called
singultus and hiccup. high blood pressure
A disorder of the circulatory system marked
Hick-Hyman Law by excessive pressure of the blood against the
A rule that the choice reaction time is linearly walls of the arteries. See also hypertension.
related to the logarithmic transformation of
the amount of stimulus information presented. high boiling aromatic oils (HBAO)
Represented as follows: These are high boiling components produced
during catalytic cracking and thermal cracking
CRT = d + tbH of petroleum streams, and also during the ex-
where: traction of lube base stocks. They contain
CRT = average choice reaction time complex mixtures of hydrocarbons in the
d = summed time required for all non- boiling range of 500-1000°F and have demon-
decision-making activities, e.g., strated carcinogenic potential in animal test-
stimulus transmission time plus ing. These are also referred to as aromatic
motor response time, assumed to be process oils.
a constant high-definition television (HDTV)
tb = time required to process one bit of A video medium with a resolution of ap-
information, assumed to be a con- proximately 1200 lines.
H = amount of information in bits high degree of care
(=log2N), often taken as the num- See reasonable care.
ber of available choices. high density lipoprotein (HDL)
hidden digit test A substance present in blood which functions
See Stilling test. to return cholesterol to the liver for reproc-
essing and elimination. Often referred to as
hidden line the "good cholesterol" because of its ability to
A graphic line not displayed on a model, es- reduce overall cholesterol levels of the blood.
pecially a wire-frame model, which would not It is assumed that the higher the HDL level,
be visible from a particular view if the model the healthier the outlook.
were solid.
high-density polyethylene
hidden window A material that produces toxic fumes when
A display window partially or completely burned. Used to make plastic bottles and
covered by another. other products.
hierarchical decomposition high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
The breakdown of a high-level task into A filter capable of removing 99.97% of all
smaller, lower level steps. particles with a mean aerodynamic diameter
hierarchical menu of 0.3 micron. Often used to filter air in air-
A menu structure or format in which each purifying respirators, vacuum systems, ex-
item on a given menu has another menu con- haust systems, and fans.
sisting of a subset of additional selections un- high-energy heavy ion (HZE)
til the lowest level menu is reached. A high-velocity particle consisting of an ionized
heavy atom.

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high occupancy vehicle (HOV)
high fidelity Vehicles that can carry two or more persons.
Pertaining to an audio or graphic (including Examples of high occupancy vehicles are
photographic) reproduction which is compa- buses, vanpools, and carpools.
rable with the original. high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane
high frequency An exclusive road or traffic lane limited to
The frequency band between 3 and 30 mHz. buses, vanpools, carpools, and emergency ve-

high frequency communications high-order detonation

High radio frequencies (HF) between 3 and See detonation.
30 mHz used for air-to-ground voice commu- high-speed cinematography
nication in overseas operations. The sampling of activities using motion pic-
high frequency loss ture film with a frame rate much higher than
In acoustics, refers to the hearing loss in fre- the normal projection rate.
quency bands of 2000 Hz and above. Also re- high-speed rail
ferred to as high frequency hearing loss. (1) A rail service having the characteristics of
high-hazard contents intercity rail service which operates primarily
Those contents which are liable to burn with on a dedicated guideway or track not used, for
extreme rapidity or from which poisonous the most part, by freight, including, but not
fumes or explosions are to be feared in the limited to, trains on welded rail, magnetically
event of fire. levitated (MAGLEV) vehicles on a special
guideway, or other advanced technology ve-
high inversion fog hicles designed to travel at speeds in excess of
A fog that lifts above the surface but does not those possible on other types of railroads. (2)
completely dissipate because of a strong in- A rail transportation system with exclusive
version (usually subsidence) that exists above right-of-way which serves densely traveled
the fog layer. corridors at speeds of 124 miles per hour and
high-level oversight structure greater.
With regard to regulatory compliance, full high-speed taxiway
support by a company’s board of directors A long radius taxiway designed and provided
and senior management of the company’s with lighting or marking to define the path of
compliance program. aircraft, traveling at high speed (up to 60
high-level radioactive waste (HLW) knots), from the runway center to a point on
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy of the center of a taxiway. Also referred to as
1982: The aqueous waste resulting from the long radius exit or turn-off taxiway. The high
operation of the first cycle solvent extraction speed taxiway is designed to expedite aircraft
system, or equivalent, and the concentrated turning off the runway after landing, thus re-
waste from subsequent extraction cycles, or ducing runway occupancy time.
equivalent, in a facility for reprocessing irra- high task
diated reactor fuels, or irradiated fuel from See incentive pace.
nuclear power reactors. Includes liquid waste
produced directly in reprocessing and any high type road surface
solid material derived from such liquid waste Highly flexible, composite, rigid, etc. (Sur-
that contains fission products in sufficient face/Pavement Type Codes 61, 62, 71-76 and
concentrations. 80).

high-mileage households high volume air sampler

Households with estimated aggregate annual Sampling device used for the collection of
vehicle mileage that exceeds 12,500 miles. particulates in the ambient air. One type is
employed for collecting PM 10 (particulate
materials equal to or less than 10 micrometers
in diameter), and another for collecting all

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suspended particulates to determine the total quencies lower than the cutoff frequency is
suspended particulate concentration. attenuated.
high volume area highway
Maritime Emergency Response. Area where (1) Any public street, public alley, or public
an oil pipeline having a nominal outside di- road. (2) Any road, street, parkway, or free-
ameter of 20 inches or more crosses a major way/expressway that includes rights-of-way,
river or other navigable waters which, because bridges, railroad-highway crossings, tunnels,
of the velocity of the river flow and vessel drainage structures, signs, guardrail, and pro-
traffic on the river, would require a more tective structures in connection with high-
rapid response in case of a worst case dis- ways. The highway further includes that por-
charge or substantial threat of such a dis- tion of any interstate or international bridge or
charge from the oil pipelione. tunnel and the approaches thereto (23 U.S.C.
high water buoy 101a).
Small unlighted buoys permanently secured to highway capacity manual
the end of dikes, lock walls, bear traps, and A publication of the Institute of Transporta-
other river front structures such as mooring tion Engineers defining level of service crite-
cells for the purpose of marking them during ria to determine peak hour traffic congestion.
high water when they are submerged. highway construction project
high water station A project financed in whole or in part with
The location to which lights or buoys are federal-aid or federal funds for the construc-
moved when a river is at or near its flood tion, reconstruction or improvement of a
stage, the purpose being a) to guide naviga- highway or portions thereof, including bridges
tion in the high water and b) to locate the and tunnels.
light in a position of security against loss. highway mode
highest degree of care Consists of public roads and streets, automo-
That degree of care that a very careful and biles, vans, trucks, motorcycles, and buses
prudent person would use under the same or (except local transit buses) operated by trans-
similar circumstances. See also great care portation companies, other businesses, gov-
and care. ernments, and households, garages, truck ter-
highlight minals, and other facilities for motor vehicles.
Use some feature different from the back- Highway Performance Monitoring System
ground to attract a user's attention to some (HPMS)
portion of a display. The state/federal system used by the FHWA
highly hazardous chemical to provide information on the extent and
Chemicals listed in Appendix A of the OSHA physical condition of the nation's highway
standard related to process safety management system, its use, performance, and needs. The
of highly hazardous chemicals (OSHA 29 system includes an inventory of the nation's
CFR 1910.119). They are substances pos- highways including traffic volumes.
sessing toxic, reactive, flammable, or explo- highway-rail crossing
sive properties. A location where one or more railroad tracks
highly volatile liquid intersect a public or private thoroughfare, a
A hazardous liquid which will form a vapor sidewalk, or a pathway. See also at grade
cloud when released to the atmosphere and and grade crossings.
which has a vapor pressure exceeding 276 kPa highway-rail crossing accident/incident
(40 psia) at 37.8ºC (100ºF). See also hazard- An impact between on-track railroad equip-
ous material. ment and a highway user (e.g., an automobile,
highpass filter bus, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, farm vehicle,
A device which allows frequencies higher pedestrian, or other highway user) at a desig-
than the cutoff frequency to exit from the de- nated crossing site. Sidewalks, pathways,
vice unattenuated, while the intensity of fre- shoulders, and ditches associated with the

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crossing are considered to be part of the feet together, and his/her weight distributed
crossing site. The term "highway user" in- evenly on both feet.
cludes pedestrians, cyclists, and all other hip circumference at trochanterion
modes of surface transportation. The surface distance around the hip at the
Highway Research Information Service trochanteric height. Measured with the indi-
(HRIS) vidual standing erect and his/her weight
A computer-based information storage and equally distributed on both feet.
retrieval system developed by the Transporta- hip circumference, sitting
tion Research Board with financial support See buttock circumference, sitting.
from the state highway and transportation de-
partments and the Federal Highway Admini-
stration. It consists of summaries of research hip circumference, standing
projects in progress and abstracts of published See buttock circumference.
hip joint
highway trust fund The joint composed of the junction of the fe-
The federal account established by law to hold mur head and the coxal bone.
receipts collected by the government and
earmarked for highway programs and a por- Hippocrates
tion of the federal mass transit program. It is The late 5th century B.C. "Father of Medi-
supported by the federal gasoline tax and cine." The son of a priest-physician, he was
other user taxes. born on the island of Cos. By stressing that
there is a natural cause for disease, he did
highway user fee or tax much to dissociate the care of the sick from
A charge levied on persons or organizations the influence of magic and superstition. His
based on the use of public roads. Funds col- carefully kept records of treatment and so-
lected are usually applied toward highway licitous observation of the ill provided a foun-
construction, reconstruction, and mainte- dation for clinical medicine in the case report;
nance. Examples include vehicle registration and by also reporting unsuccessful methods of
fees, fuel taxes, and weight-distance taxes. treatment, he anticipated the modern scientific
hinge joint attitude. A moral code for medicine has been
The type of joint which permits only a single established by his ideals of ethical conduct
degree of freedom, as rotation about a pivot and practice as embodied in the Hippocratic
point within a plane. In anatomy, the elbow Oath.
and knee are examples of a hinge joint. hiring at will
hip A general or indefinite hiring with the right to
The coxal bone, its joints with the sacrum and terminate such at the will of the employer.
femurs, and all the associated surrounding tis- histamine
sues. A substance produced by the breakdown of
hip bone histidine, a common amino acid derived from
See coxal bone. protein that occurs naturally in the body.
Histamine is found in all tissues of the body.
hip breadth, sitting Although histamine was discovered in 1909,
The maximum horizontal linear distance its role is still not fully understood. Hista-
across the widest portion of the hips. Meas- mine normally functions as a stimulant to the
ured with the individual sitting erect, knees production of gastric juice. It also dilates the
flexed at 90°, knees and thighs together, and small blood vessels, as part of the regular ad-
feet flat on the floor. aptation of the body to changing inner and
hip breadth, standing exterior conditions. An excess of histamine
The maximum horizontal linear distance can dilate blood vessels to the extent that ex-
across the lower torso in the hip region. travasation occurs. This appears as the red-
Measured with the individual standing erect, dening and swelling known as inflammation.
Continued extravasation causes edema.

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histidine whether the hit-and-run vehicle was striking
A naturally occurring amino acid, essential for or struck. See also crash.
optimal growth of infants. HIV
histogram See human immune deficiency virus. Also
A graphical representation of two or more called human immunodeficiency virus.
amplitude measures using rectangular shapes HIWAS
along either a discrete or continuous dimen- See Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory
sion. More commonly referred to as a bar Service.
graph or bar chart.
See human life cycle safe concentration.
The study of the structure of tissues.
histolysis See high-level radioactive waste.
Process whereby tissue is broken down.
histopathology See head-mounted display and/or helmet-
Pathologic histology or the change in the mounted display.
function of tissues as a result of a disease.
histoplasmosis See human-machine interface.
Bacterial infection resulting from the inhala-
tion of the spores of Histoplasma Capsula- HMTA
tum. Occupations at risk are those associated See Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
with the raising and processing of fowl. of 1974.
historic site hoarfrost
Any building, structure, area, or property that See frost.
is significant in the history, architecture, ar- hobo
cheology or culture of a state, its communi- Transit (slang). A tractor that is shifted from
ties, or the nation and has been so designated terminal to terminal.
pursuant to a statute. Such structures or prop-
erties are commonly statutorily protected and Hodgkin's disease
cannot be altered without permission of the A painless, progressive, and fatal condition
appropriate authorities. characterized by pruritus and enlargement of
the lymph nodes, spleens, and lymphoid tissue
historical data generally, which often begins in the neck and
That data which have been previously col- spreads through the body. Although Hodg-
lected in a given work situation and serve as a kin's disease can occur at any age, it affects
standard reference for performance. Typi- primarily those between the ages of 20 and 40
cally refers to historical time, but not neces- and is almost twice as frequent among men as
sarily restricted to that. among women. The first sign of the disease is
histotoxic hypoxia often swelling of the lymph nodes, usually
An inability of the tissues to use oxygen, even those of the neck, armpit, or groin, but some-
though it is present in amounts equal to or times those lying deep within the chest or ab-
greater than normal. domen. Severe itching is often an early sign
of the disorder. As the disease progresses, it
hit and run is usually marked by sweating, weakness, fe-
A hit-and-run occurs when a motor vehicle in ver, and loss of weight and appetite. It
transport, or its driver, departs from the scene spreads through the lymphatic system, in-
after being involved in a crash prior to police volving other lymph nodes elsewhere in the
arriving on the scene. Fleeing pedestrians and body as well as the spleen, liver, and bone
motor vehicles not in transport are excluded marrow. The lymph nodes and the spleen and
from the definition. It does not matter liver may swell, and by obstructing other or-
gans may cause coughing, breathlessness, or

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holding mark
enlargement of the abdomen. The patient of- Maritime Navigation. An object, usually an
ten becomes anemic, and because of blood aid to navigation, on which the pilot of a tow
changes the body becomes less able to combat will steer.
infections. Also called malignant granuloma holding on
and lymphogranuloma. Steering steadily on a mark or object.
hoist angle holding pond
An angle at which the load line is pulled dur- A pond or reservoir, usually made of earth,
ing a hoisting operation. built to store polluted runoff.
hoistway Holocene
Any shaftway, hatchway, well hole, or other The most recent geologic era; from approxi-
vertical opening or space in which an elevator mately 10,000 years ago to the present. The
or dumbwaiter is designed to operate. Holocene is the latest epoch of the Quater-
hold nary period.
A therblig; a work element in which an object homatropine
is held in a fixed orientation and location by A chemical which dilates the pupil and para-
the hand or other body member. lyzes accommodation when applied to the eye
hold for release surface. Usually applied during an eye ex-
Aviation. Communication Protocol. Used by amination to permit viewing of the eyeball
Air Traffic Control (ATC) to delay an aircraft interior.
for traffic management reasons, i.e., weather, home base
traffic volume, etc. Hold for release instruc- The location where a vehicle is usually parked
tions (including departure delay information) when not in use or on the road.
are used to inform a pilot or a controller (ei-
ther directly or through an authorized relay) home row
that an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) depar- The row of letters in a typewriter or computer
ture clearance is not valid until a release time keyboard on which the fingertips normally
or additional instructions have been received. rest when typing in a standard mode.
hold harmless agreement home rule
A contractual arrangement whereby one party A legal doctrine (usually found in a state con-
assumes the liability inherent in a situation, stitution) whereby municipalities such as cit-
thereby relieving the other party of responsi- ies and towns are authorized to enact legisla-
bility. See also indemnification agreement. tion in the form of bylaws or ordinances on
certain subjects which the state legislation
hold open could authorize them to do, without the need
Maritime Navigation. To hold below or to wait for an Enabling Act or other state ap-
above an object (i.e., wide of the mark) being proval. In some states, municipalities have
steered on, depending on direction. Upstream been granted home rule authority to varying
tows normally hold above, downstream tows degrees over financial affairs, taxation, and
below, the object. exercise of the police power.
holdfire home signal
An interruption of the ignition circuit of a A roadway signal at the entrance to a route or
launch vehicle. block to govern trains in entering and using
holding agency that route or block.
A federal agency having accountability for homeostasis
motor vehicles owned by the government. A state of physiologic equilibrium within the
This term applies when a federal agency has body.
authority to take possession of, assign, or re-
assign motor vehicles regardless of which homeothermy
agency is using the motor vehicles. The ability of some species to regulate body
temperature within narrow limits, despite
large temperature fluctuations in the environ-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ment. Commonly referred to as w a r m - A condition in which each distribution has the
blooded. same variance.
homesickness homosphere
A strong desire to be home such that one be- The region of the atmosphere below about 85
comes sluggish and performance is affected, km where the composition of the air remains
with possible psychosomatic or other symp- fairly constant.
toms if prolonged. homunculus
homicide A representation of the human body mapped
The killing of one human being by the act, onto the surface of the brain cortex. See also
procurement, or omission of another. A per- sensory homunculus and motor homuncu-
son is guilty of criminal homicide if he/she lus.
purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negli- HON
gently causes the death of another human be- Hazardous Organic NESHAP. See also NE-
ing. SHAPS.
homing hood
The procedure of using the direction finding A shaped inlet designed to capture contami-
equipment of one radio station with the emis- nated air and conduct it into an exhaust duct
sion of another radio station, where at least and/or exhaust fan.
one of the stations is mobile, and whereby the
mobile station proceeds continuously toward hood capture efficiency
the other station. The emissions from a process which are cap-
tured by a hood and directed into the control
homogeneous exposure group (HEG) device, expressed as a percent of all emis-
A group of employees who experience expo- sions.
sures similar enough so that monitoring the
exposure of any of the group will provide ex- hood entry loss
posure data that are useful for predicting the The pressure loss from turbulence and friction
exposures of the remainder of the group. as air enters a ventilation system hood.
homogeneous menu hierarchy hood lifter
A menu hierarchy having the same number of Transit (slang). A garage mechanic.
options in each menu. hood static pressure
homogeneous radiation The static pressure near a hood in the duct
A beam or flux consisting of radiation of the serving the hood; measured static pressure
same kind and energy. about 2-5 duct diameters downstream in the
duct near a hood. It represents the suction
homogeneous reactor that is available to draw air into the hood.
A nuclear reactor in which the fissionable
material and the moderator (if used) are com- hook
bined in a mixture such that an effectively A point within software at which additional
homogeneous medium is presented to the steps or code can be easily added at a later
neutron. time.
homograph hook grip
A word which is spelled the same as another, A type of grip where only the fingers flex
but which has a different origin, pronuncia- around an object, with the thumb not being
tion, and/or meaning. used.
homologous hookworm
Having the same structural relationship. A parasitic worm that infests people and
causes debilitation. Major infestations can
homologous motion cause anemia and retardation of mental and
A movement which can be achieved in more physical development. Adult hookworms
than one way. feed on blood and tissue from the wall of the
intestine. Eggs pass out in the feces, undergo

©2000 CRC Press LLC

horizontal fault
a period of development in soil, and the larvae Seismology. A fault with no dip. Still theo-
enter a new host by burrowing through the retical, this sort of fault should only exist
skin, usually through the sole of the foot. The within a region of strong compression or ex-
first sign of the disease may appear on the tension where the tectonic forces required for
skin as small eruptions that develop into pus- such movement could be present.
filled blisters; this condition is sometimes horizontal job enlargement
called ground itch. Meanwhile, the hook- See job enlargement.
worms enter blood vessels and are carried by
the blood into the lungs. They leave the horizontal leg room
lungs, propel themselves up the trachea, are See knee well width and knee well depth.
swallowed and washed through the stomach horizontal plane
and end up in the intestines. Here, if left Any plane parallel to the floor, ground, or
alone, they will make a permanent home, us- other reference surface.
ing their host's body as a source of nourish-
ment. By the time they reach the intestines, horizontal scroll
about 6 weeks after they enter the body as lar- Move the cursor sufficiently to the left or
vae, the worms are full-grown adults. Each right under operator control such that the dis-
worm now attaches itself by its host's blood play changes to present information not visi-
by contraction and expansion of its gullet. If ble before.
large number of worms are present, they can horizontal standard
cause considerable loss of blood and severe An OSHA standard that essentially has appli-
anemia. The symptoms include pallor and cation across a number of different industries,
loss of energy while the appetite may in- such as the Hazard Communication Standard
crease. The thousands of eggs laid every day and other General Industry Standards.
by each female worm pass out of the body in
the stool, in which they can easily be seen. If
A chemical substance found in one organ or
the stool is not properly disposed of, the lar-
part of the body and carried in the blood to
vae that hatch from the eggs may infect other
another part. Hormones can alter the function
and sometimes the structure of one or more
hopper organs. Hormones act as chemical messen-
A top-loading, funnel-shaped structure for gers to body organs, stimulating certain life
temporary storage of loose materials, which processes and retarding others. Growth, re-
will be dispensed from the bottom. production, sexual attributes, and even mental
hopper barge conditions and personality traits are dependent
An open-compartment barge used for dry bulk on hormones. Hormones are produced by
cargo that does not require protection from the various organs and body tissues, but mainly
weather. by the endocrine glands (such as the pituitary
and gonads).
hopper body
Truck body capable of discharging its load Horner's syndrome
through a bottom opening without tilting. Sinking in of the eyeball, ptosis of the upper
eyelid, slight elevation of the lower lid, con-
horizon striction of the pupil, narrowing of the palpe-
The apparent boundary line between the bral fissure and anhidrosis caused by paralysis
earth's surface and the sky. of the cervical sympathetic nerve supply.
horizontal axis of Helmholtz horology
The horizontal axis connecting the centers of The study of time measurement, including the
rotation of the two eyes. principles and technologies involved in the
horizontal disparity time-measuring devices.
See binocular disparity. horopter
The locus of points in space which produce
images falling on the corresponding points of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

both eyes with a constant amount of conver- cedure, the households or vehicles are sorted
gence such that a single image is seen. by variables related to the missing item.
horse Thus, a series of "sort categories" are formed,
Transit (slang). A tractor or power unit. which are internally homogeneous with re-
spect to the sort variables. Within each cate-
horse latitudes gory, households or vehicles for which the
The belt of latitude at about 30° to 35° where questionnaire item is not missing are ran-
winds are predominantly light and weather is domly selected to serve as "donors" to supply
hot and dry. values for the missing item of "recipient"
horse light households or vehicles.
Spotlight mounted on cab to reveal open- hot flow
range livestock. A flow of a hazardous commodity in a newly
assembled system to normally passivate sys-
tem walls and components and to remove re-
horse scaffold sidual, nonactive contaminants or flushing
A scaffold for light or medium duty, com- fluid. The hot flow is not intended for leak
posed of wooden or metal horses supporting a checks because of the potential hazards due to
work platform. leaks.
horse van body hot lines
Truck designed for the transportation of valu- A confidential telephone service used by em-
able horses (livestock). ployees or agents of an organization for inter-
horsepower (hp) nal or external reporting of law or corporate
(1) A unit of measure of work done by a ma- policy. It may be in-house or an outside
chine equal to 745.7 watts or 33,000 foot- service. See self-reporting system.
pounds per minute. (2) The amount of work hot load
that an engine can perform within a given Transit (slang). A rush shipment of cargo.
hot-wire anemometer
hose mask A device, also known as a thermal anemome-
Respiratory protective device that supplies air ter, used to measure air velocity by the cool-
to the wearer from an uncontaminated source ing effect of moving air over a heated ele-
through a hose that is connected to the ment.
(1) In genetics, an organism, simple or com-
plex and including humans, that is capable of
being infected by a specific agent. (2) In
medicine, an animal infected by another or-
host factors
The personal characteristics of individuals
who harbor or nourish a parasite.
An outwardly directed expression of anger,
animosity, or antagonism toward another en-
hot-deck imputation
A statistical procedure for deriving a probable
response to a questionnaire item concerning a
household or vehicle, where no response was
given during the survey. To perform the pro-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

more persons living together, none of whom
are related).
household trip
One or more household members traveling
household vehicle
A motorized vehicle that is owned, leased,
rented or company owned and available to be
used regularly by household members during
the travel period. Includes vehicles used
solely for business purposes or business-
owned vehicles if kept at home and used for
the home to work trip (e.g., taxicabs, police
cars, etc.) which may be owned by, or as-
signed to, household members for their regu-
lar use. Includes all vehicles that were owned
or available for use by members of the house-
hold during the travel period even though a
vehicle may have been sold before the inter-
view. Excludes vehicles that were not work-
Welding is just one example of "hot work" ing and not expected to be working within 60
hot work days, and vehicles that were purchased or re-
Mechanical or other work that involves a ceived after the designated travel day.
source of heat, sparks, or other source of igni- housekeeping
tion that is sufficient to cause ignition of a The maintenance of the orderliness and
flammable material. Work involving sources cleanliness of an area or facility.
of ignition or temperatures high enough to
cause the ignition of a flammable mixture. housing unit
Examples include welding, burning, solder- A house, apartment, a group of rooms, or a
ing, use of power tools, operating engines, single room occupied or intended for occu-
sandblasting, electric hot plates, explosives, pancy as separate living quarters. Separate
open fires, portable electrical equipment living quarters are those in which the occu-
which has not been tested and classified as pants do not live and eat with any other per-
intrinsically safe, and other sources of igni- sons in the structure and which have either a)
tion. direct access from the outside of the building
or through a common hallway intended to be
hot work permit used by the occupants of another unit or by
The employer's written authorization to per- the general public, or b) complete kitchen fa-
form operations (for example, riveting, weld- cilities for the exclusive use of the occupants.
ing, cutting, burning, and heating) capable of The occupants may be a single family, one
providing a source of ignition. person living alone, two or more families liv-
hour ing together, or any other group of related or
A unit of time, corresponding to 1/24 of the unrelated persons who share living arrange-
time required for the earth to rotate about its ments.
axis. HOV
household See high occupancy vehicle.
A group of persons whose usual place of resi- hover check
dence is a specific housing unit; these persons Used to describe when a helicopter/vertical
may or may not be related to each other. The takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft requires
total of all U.S. households represents the to- a stabilized hover to conduct a perform-
tal civilian noninstitutionalized population. ance/power check prior to hover taxi, air taxi,
Does not include group quarters (i.e., 10 or

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or takeoff. Altitude of the hover will vary http
based on the purpose of the check. Computing. Acronym for hypertext transfer
hover taxi protocol.
Used to describe a helicopter/vertical takeoff HUD
and landing (VTOL) aircraft movement con- (1) Department of Housing and Urban Devel-
ducted above the surface and in ground effect opment (United States). (2) See head-up dis-
at airspeeds less than approximately 20 knots. play.
The actual height may vary, and some heli- hue
copters may require hover taxi more than 26 A perceptual attribute of color determined
feet above ground level (AGL) to reduce primarily by the wavelength of the light en-
ground effect turbulence or provide clearance tering the eye.
for cargo slingloads.
hue composition (Hc)
how do you hear me? An expression of hue as percentages of the
Aviation. Communication Protocol. A ques- components.
tion relating to the quality of the transmission
or to determine how well the transmission is hue contrast
being received. See chromatic contrast.
hp hull inspector
See horsepower. Maritime Navigation (slang). Colloquial river
term for any large piece of drift or submerged
HP piling, log, rock, etc.
See health physics.
human-computer dialogue
HPD The interchange of data, commands, or infor-
See hearing protective device. mation in those activities between a human
HPLC and computer.
High performance liquid chromatography. human-computer interaction
HPMS The total of the relationship and activities oc-
See Highway Performance Monitoring Sys- curring between a human operator and a com-
tem. puter or terminal.
HPS human-computer interface (HCI)
See Health Physics Society. The total of the relationship and activities oc-
curring between a human operator and a com-
puter or terminal. Also referred to as man-
HRI computer interface, user-computer interface,
Hazard risk index. See risk assessment code. computer-human interface (CHI).
HRIS human describing function
See Highway Research Information Service. See human transfer function.
HRS human ecology
See hazardous ranking system. The study of the relationships of individuals
HS with each other and with their community's
See hydrogen sulfide. environment.
HSI human engineering
Heat stress index. See Belding-Hatch heat See human factors engineering.
stress index. human-environment interface
HSWA Any region of contact between man and his
See Hazardous and Solid Waste Amend- surroundings.
ments of 1984. human error
html The end result of multiple factors which influ-
Computing. See hypertext markup language. ence human performance in a given situation.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

human life cycle safe con centra tion (HLSC)
An often overused causal factor finding The highest concentration of a substance
which, by itself, is not entirely descriptive of a which will not cause an adverse effect when
true accident cause. Human error is consid- humans are exposed continuously over their
ered more a symptom than a cause. See also life times.
human factor. human-machine interface (HMI)
human error probability (HEP) Any region or point at which a person inter-
A measure of the likelihood of occurrence of acts with a machine.
a human error under special conditions: human-machine system
HEP = error count/number of possibilities A system in which the functions of both man
and machine are interrelated, both being nec-
human factor essary for proper system operation.
Any one of a number of underlying circum-
stances or conditions which directly or indi- human modeling
rectly affect human performance. These in- The use of any system which is capable of
clude physical as well as psychological fac- modeling one or more human structures or
tors that can potentially lead a person to make other characteristics for education, research,
an error in judgment or action (human error) or engineering purposes.
resulting in an accident. See also ergonom- human operator
ics. An individual who is involved in the routine
human factors analysis control, function, or support of a system or
A systematic study of those elements involv- subsystem, but is specifically not involved in
ing a human-machine interface or other situa- any maintenance on that system.
tion with the intent of improving working human performance
conditions, operations, or an individual's well- (1) The degree to which an individual's skill
being. Also referred to as ergonomic analy- or ability is implemented in a specific task.
sis. (2) Any result from the measurement of hu-
human factors engineer man activity under specified conditions.
One who has the appropriate education, human performance technology
training, and experience to be capable of The use of people, systems, and/or programs
properly performing human factors engineer- to influence behavior and accomplishment.
ing activities.

human factors engineering human reliability

The use of information derived from human The probability that an individual or group
factors research, theory, and modeling for the will adequately perform a given task at the
specification, design, development, testing, appropriate time.
analysis, and evaluation of products or sys-
tems for human use. See also ergonomics. human resources engineering
The process of using human skill resources as
human factors specialist factors in design tradeoffs.
An individual who has the necessary educa-
tional, training, and experimental background human tolerance
to have a working understanding of human The ability of the human body and/or psyche
factors principles and is capable of research or to withstand physical and/or mental stresses
other work toward achieving human factors without permanent injury or damage.
goals. human transfer function
human immune deficiency virus (HIV) A mathematical description of what output(s)
Also called the human "immunodeficiency" the human operator would produce as a func-
virus, HIV is the virus that causes acquired tion of specific input(s).
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Under the Federal Mammal Protection Act of make up a train. The cars move by gravity
1972: In the context of taking a marine from an incline or "hump" onto the appropri-
mammal, means that method of taking which ate track.
involves the least possible degree of pain and humus
suffering practicable to the mammal involved. Decomposed organic material.
Humanscale hunchback
A manual modeling system for estimating A rounded deformity, or hump, of the back, or
body link, strength, postures, and other as- a person with such a deformity. The condi-
pects for use in human factors engineering. tion is also called kyphosis and is the result of
humectant an abnormal backward curvature of the spine.
Any chemical which absorbs and helps retain hunger
moisture. The feeling of a need for food to satisfy an
humeral breadth empty feeling in the stomach.
See elbow breadth. Hunter Lab color system
humerus A color ordering system which is defined
The bone in the upper arm, extending from from a simple relationship to the CIE X, Y,
shoulder to elbow. It consists of a shaft and and Z tristimulus values and is specified by
two enlarged extremities. The proximal end lightness (L), redness or greenness (a), and
has a smooth round head that articulates with yellowness or blueness (b).
the scapula to form the shoulder joint. Just Huntington's chorea
below the head are two rounded processes A hereditary type of chorea which develops in
called the greater and lesser tubercles. Just adults and is accompanied by mental deterio-
below the tubercles is the surgical neck, so ration. Also referred to as adult chorea. See
named because of its liability to fracture. The also Sydenham's chorea.
distal end of the humerus has two articulating
surfaces: the trochlea, which articulates with hurdle
the ulna, and the capitulum, which articulates A colloquial term for a dike. See also dike.
with the radius. hurricane
humidify A severe tropical cyclone having winds in
Increase the water vapor content of the at- excess of 64 knots (74 mph). Such storms
mosphere. originate in warm tropical waters of the At-
lantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of
Mexico and have circulation about their cen-
ters. According to the Saffir/Simpson Scale,
humidistat there are five Categories of hurricanes which
A device for measuring and/or controlling are dictated by sustained wind speeds, as fol-
humidity levels. lows:


The amount of moistness or dampness in the I 74 – 95
air. See also relative humidity. storm surge 4-5 feet
above normal
humiture II 96 – 110
An index that relates air temperature and storm surge 6-8 feet
relative humidity to how hot it feels. above normal
humor III 110 – 130
Any fluid or semifluid in the body. storm surge 9-12
feet above normal
humping IV 131 – 155
Rail Operations. The process of connecting a storm surge 13-18
moving rail car with a motionless rail car feet above normal
within a rail classification yard in order to

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V 156+ Hydraset
storm surge greater The trade name for a closed circuit hydrauli-
than 18 feet above cally operated instrument installed between a
normal crane hook and load that allows precise con-
trol of lifting operations and provides an indi-
cation of applied load; a precision load posi-
tioning device.
The process of absorbing or combining with
water; the chemical addition of water to a
Operated by water or any other liquid under
pressure, including all hazardous fluids as
well as typical hydraulic fluids that are nor-
The tremendous power of a hurricane as seen from space mally petroleum based.
hydraulic head
HVAC The distance between the respective eleva-
An air handling system designed primarily for tions of the upstream water surface (headwa-
temperature, humidity, odor control, and air ter) above and the downstream surface water
quality. See heating, ventilation and air (tailwater) below a hydroelectric power plant.
conditioning system.
HVL A compound composed solely of the two
See half-value layer. elements hydrogen and carbon. The simplest
hybrid and lightest forms of hydrocarbon are gase-
A cell or organism resulting from a cross be- ous. With greater molecular weights, they are
tween two unlike plant or animal cells or or- liquid, while the heaviest are solids.
ganisms. hydrochloric acid (HCL)
HYBRID A normal constituent of gastric juice in man
One of a series of anthropomorphic dummies and other animals. The absence of free hy-
developed for use in automotive and aircraft drochloric acid in the stomach, called
crash testing. achlorhydria, may be found with chronic gas-
tritis, gastric carcinoma, pernicious anemia,
pellagra, and alcoholism. This condition is
An instrumented anthropomorphic dummy
also referred to as gastric anacidity.
used in automobile head-on collision research.
An instrumented anthropomorphic dummy hydrodynamic element
used in automobile head-on collision research. A modeling fluid which is governed by pres-
Also referred to as Part 572 dummy. sure and volume laws.
hybrid rulemaking hydrogen
A process of rulemaking that has elements of A chemical element, atomic number 1, atomic
both formal and informal rulemaking proce- weight 1.00797, symbol H.
dures. hydrogen embrittlement
hybridoma A mechanical environmental failure process
A hybrid cell that produces monoclonal anti- that results from the initial presence or ab-
bodies in large quantities. sorption of excessive amounts of hydrogen in
metals, usually in combination with residual
or applied tensile stresses.
Chronic mercury poisoning.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hydrogen sulfide (HS) hygiene
Gas emitted during organic decomposition. Refers to the science of health and the preser-
Also a byproduct of oil refining and burning. vation of well-being (named for the Greek
In heavy concentrations, HS can cause illness. God Hygeia).
hydrogenation hygrometer
The addition of hydrogen to a gaseous sub- An instrument used for the detection of at-
stance by the use of gaseous hydrogen com- mospheric moisture. The sensing part of the
bined with a catalyst. instrument can be hair (hair hygrometer), a
hydrogeology plate coated with carbon (electrical hy-
The geology of groundwater, with particular grometer), or an infrared sensor (infrared hy-
emphasis on the chemistry and movement of grometer).
water. hygrometry
hydrologic cycle The determination of the water vapor content
A model that illustrates the movement and of the air.
exchange of water among the earth, atmos- hygroscopic
phere, and oceans. Refers to substances that absorb water from
hydrology the atmosphere. Usually used to describe
The study of the distribution and movement "water-seeking" condensation nuclei.
of water. hygrothermograph
hydrolysis A recording instrument which provides a si-
The formation of an acid and a base from a multaneous reading of ambient temperature
salt by the ionic dissociation of water. and humidity.

hydrometer hyoid bone

An instrument used for determining the spe- A U-shaped bone in the neck which is con-
cific gravity of liquids. nected by ligaments to the temporal bone and
which supports the tongue. Unique in that it
hydrophobic does not articulate directly with any other
The ability to resist the condensation of water bone.
vapor. Usually used to describe "water-
repelling" condensation nuclei. hyper-
(prefix) Greater than normal, excessive.
Materials that absorb water which results in hyperabduct
their swelling and forming reversible gels. To abduct a joint beyond the normal joint
range of motion limits, with or without injury.
hydrostatic equilibrium
The state of the atmosphere when there is a hyperactivity
balance between the vertical pressure gradient A disorder characterized by prolonged gener-
force and the downward pull of gravity. ally excessive movement, but which may be
voluntarily controlled. Also referred to as hy-
hydrostatic pressure perkinesis, hyperkinesia, and hyperkinetic
Pressure created by water at rest equally at syndrome.
any point within a confined area.
hydrostatic weighing Air pressure in excess of that at sea level.
A part of one technique for estimating body
composition by weighing an individual com- hyperbaric oxygen therapy
pletely submerged under water to determine A treatment using pure oxygen at greater than
body volume. atmospheric pressures in a pressure chamber
to treat decompression sickness, lesions or
hydrothermal sores that resist healing, and other patholo-
The generic term that refers to any geologic gies.
process involving heated or superheated wa-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hyperbarism hyperplasia
A condition resulting from exposure to at- The abnormal multiplication or increase in the
mospheric pressure that exceeds the pressure number of normal cells in normal arrange-
within the body. ment in tissue.
hypercapnia hyperpnea
An excessive amount of CO2 in the blood. An increased depth and rate of respiration.
hyperemia hypersensitivity
An excess of blood in tissue, organ, or other A state of altered reactivity in which the body
part of the body. reacts to a foreign agent more strongly than
hyperextend normal; anaphylaxis and allergy are forms of
To extend a joint beyond its normal range of hypersensitivity.
motion or comfortable working limits, with or hypersensitivity diseases
without injury. Diseases characterized by allergic responses
hyperflex to animal antigens. The hypersensitivity dis-
To flex a joint beyond its normal range of eases most clearly associated with indoor air
motion or comfortable working limits, with or quality are asthma, rhinitis, and hypersensi-
without injury. tivity pneumonitis. Hypersensitivity pneu-
monitis is a rare but serious disease that in-
hypergolic volves progressive lung damage as long as
Ignites spontaneously upon contact, such as there is exposure to the causative agent.
certain rocket fuels and oxidizers.
hypersensitivity pneumonitis
hyperkeratosis See building-related illness.
Hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin.
hyperkinesis Traveling at or pertaining to a velocity equal
See hyperactivity. to or greater than five times the velocity of
hyperkinetic syndrome sound.
See hyperactivity. hypertension
hypermetropia (1) A state in which an individual chronically
See hyperopia. maintains an arterial blood pressure higher
than optimal levels, generally ≥90 mm Hg
A refraction disorder in the eye in which the diastolic and/or ≥140 mm Hg systolic. (2) A
focal point of the parallel light rays from the state in which a muscle is overly tensed.
distant object come to a focus posterior to the
retina under relaxed accommodation. Com-
(1) Characterized by or causing increased ten-
monly referred to as farsightedness.
sion or pressure, as abnormally high blood
hyperoxia pressure. (2) A person with abnormally high
A condition in which the partial pressure of blood pressure.
oxygen is greater than that found in a standard
hypertext markup language (html)
A standard language for creating documents
hyperparathyroidism on the World Wide Web.
Abnormally increased activity of the parathy-
roid glands, causing loss of calcium from the
A marked sustained increase in body tem-
bones and excessive secretion of calcium and
perature due to the inability of the body to
phosphorus by the kidney. Among the
dissipate excessive heat generated through
symptoms are kidney stones, back pain, joint
metabolic activity that can result in severe
pains, thirst, nausea, and vomiting. The con-
cellular damage and death if not treated
ditions also makes bones more susceptible to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Excessive functional activity of the thyroid driasis is a type of neurosis caused by an un-
gland. The condition is called also thyrotoxi- resolved conflict in the person's unconscious
cosis, and is often accompanied by goiter. mind.
Symptoms include profuse sweating, dislike hypochondrium
of heat, palpitation, insomnia, nervousness, The abdominal region on either side, just be-
and excitability. The basal metabolic rate is low the thorax.
increased. Sometimes there is diarrhea.
There may also be bulging of the eyes, in hypodynamia
which case the condition may be referred to as The lack of gravitational loading on the
exophthalmic goiter, or Grave's disease. skeleton.
hypertonia hypoglossal nerve
Having an above normal muscle tension. A cranial nerve which regulates part of the
motor activity of the tongue.
Abnormally prolonged, rapid, and deep hypoglycemia
breathing. This results in reduced carbon di- An abnormally low level of sugar (glucose) in
oxide in the blood (acapnia) and consequent the blood. The condition may result from an
apnea (intermittent cessation of breathing). excessive rate of removal of glucose from the
Symptoms include faintness (or impaired con- blood or from decreased secretion of glucose
sciousness without actual loss of conscious- into the blood. Overproduction of insulin
ness). from the islands of Langerhans in the pan-
creas or an overdose of exogenous insulin can
hyphenated point lead to increased utilization of glucose, so that
Transportation. Basically, two or more glucose is removed from the blood at an ac-
neighboring communities which, in terms of celerated rate.
authorization shown in a carrier's Certificate
of Public Convenience and Necessity, are hypogravity
treated as a single community. A state in which a significantly reduced
gravitational force is experienced, generally
hypnotic with reference to the accepted standard
Substance that induces sleep or sleepiness. gravitational force of the earth at its surface.
hypo- hypokinesia
(prefix) Less than normal. An abnormally reduced capacity for voluntary
hypoallergenic muscular movement while having full, normal
Having a low probability of stimulating aller- consciousness.
gic reactions. hypokinetic hypoxia
hypobaric A hypoxic condition due to the reduced flow
Air pressure below that which exists at sea of blood.
level. hypoparathyroidism
hypocenter A disorder caused by underproduction of the
The point of origin of an earthquake. It can parathyroid hormone. It most often occurs as
be expressed with no fewer than three meas- a result of accidental removal of, or damage
urements: latitude, longitude, and depth. to, one or all of the parathyroids during thy-
Also known as the focus. roid surgery. Insufficiency of parathyroid
hypochondriac hormone causes lowering of the calcium con-
(1) Pertaining to the hypochondrium. (2) A tent of the blood and may result in the cal-
person affected with hypochondriasis. cium content of the blood and may result in
tetany, of which most obvious sign is spasm
hypochondriasis of the muscles, especially those of the fingers
An abnormal concern about one's health. The and toes.
hypochondriac exaggerates trivial symptoms
and often believes that he/she is suffering
from some serious ailment. True hypochon-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hypoplasia hypothetical question
The incomplete development of an organ so A form of question framed in such a manner
that it fails to reach adult size. as to call for an opinion from an expert based
hyposensitivity on a series of assumptions claimed to have
(1) Abnormally decreased sensitivity. (2) The been established as fact by the evidence, and a
specific or general ability to react to a specific ground for inferring guilt of innocence, as the
allergen reduced by repeated and gradually case may be, or as indicating a probable or
increasing doses of the offending substance. possible motive for the crime.

hypotension hypothyroidism
Diminished tension; lowered blood pressure. Deficiency of thyroid gland activity, with un-
A consistently low blood pressure with a derproduction of thyroxine, or the condition
systolic pressure less than 100 mm of mercury resulting from it.
is no cause for concern. In fact, low blood hypotonia
pressure is associated with long life and an A condition involving decreased muscle tone.
old age free of illness. An extremely low hypotonic
blood pressure is occasionally a symptom of a (1) Having an abnormally reduced tonicity or
serious condition. Hypotension may be asso- tension. (2) Having an osmotic pressure
ciated with Addison's disease and inadequate lower than that of the solution with which it is
thyroid function, but in both cases the primary compared.
disease produces so many other symptoms
that the hypotension is considered compara- hypoventilation
tively unimportant. Decrease of air in the lungs below the normal
Condition in which there is a lack of oxygen hypoxemia
supply to the tissues. Deficient oxygenation of the blood.
hypothalamus hypoxia
The portion of the brain that controls body A condition experienced by humans when the
temperature and produces hormones that af- brain does not receive sufficient oxygen.
fect the pituitary gland. Anemic hypoxia is the reduction of the oxy-
gen-carrying capacity of the blood as a result
hypothenar of a decrease in the total hemoglobin or as the
Pertaining to the fleshy mass on the me- result of an alteration of the hemoglobin con-
dial/ulnar side of the palm. stituents.
hypothenar eminence hypsokinesis
The fleshy protrusion on the medial ulnar side A backward swaying or falling in erect pos-
of the palm. ture, seen in paralysis agitans and other neu-
hypothermia rologic disorders.
Loss of body heat and decreased temperature hysteresis
due to extensive exposure to cold. The maximum difference in output for any
hypothesis given input when the value is approached first
An assumption which may be accepted or with increasing input signal then with de-
rejected, based on experimental findings, such creasing input signal. The nonuniqueness in
as by statistical tests of significance. the relationship between two variables as a
parameter increase or decrease.

hypothesis testing
The conducting of a properly controlled ex- hysteresis error
periment, including any supporting statistical The difference in response output when in-
analyses, to determine the likelihood of a hy- creasing a variable as opposed to decreasing
pothesis being true. that variable.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

hysteretic damping
Damping due to the internal mechanical prop-
erties of materials.
A highly emotional state. A form of psycho-
neurosis in which the individual converts
anxiety created by emotional conflict into
physical symptoms that have no organic basis.
An unstable, triatomic form of hydrogen, H3.
See Hertz.
See high-energy heavy ion.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Vincoli, Jeffrey W. "I-P"
Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
clause establishes rights and obligations of
I both vessel owner and charterer if these
events occur.
ice crystal process
I say again A process that produces precipitation. The
Aviation. Communication Protocol. The process involves tiny ice crystals in a super-
message will be repeated. cooled cloud growing larger at the expense of
IADL the surrounding liquid droplets. Also called
See instrumental activities of daily living. the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process.
IAEA ice fog
International Atomic Energy Agency. A type of fog composed of tiny suspended ice
particles that forms at very low temperatures.
See intra-abdominal pressure. ice gorge
A conglomeration of ice solidly packed from
bank to bank which is obstructing the flow of
See indoor air quality.
the river and marine traffic.
ice nuclei
International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Particles that act as nuclei for the formation of
IATA ice crystals in the atmosphere.
See International Air Transportation Asso-
ice pellets
See sleet.
ice pier
Integrated circuit. Also ion chromatography.
A heavily constructed cluster of piling or con-
See also inspiratory capacity.
crete behind which towboats moor or shelter
ICAO from running ice.
See International Civil Aviation Organiza-
ice shelf
Seaward extension of an ice sheet, floating
ICAO word list but attached to the land on at least one side
A standard word list in which the first letter of and bounded on the seaward side by a steep
each word represents the corresponding se- cliff rising 2 to 50 m or more above sea level.
quence of letters in the alphabet (e.g., alpha,
bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, gulf, hotel,
A large mass of detached land ice in the sea or
india, juliet, kilo, lima, etc.)
stranded in shallow water.
Icelandic low
Interstate Commerce Commission (United
The subpolar low-pressure area that is cen-
tered near Iceland on charts that show mean
ice action on bridge piers sea level pressure.
The force required to break ice, transmitted to
bridge piers and other structures in the river.
See International Cargo Handling Coordi-
Such a force could damage the structures.
nation Association.
Ice Age
See Pleistocene epoch.
Disease caused by eating rancid fish or poi-
ice clause sonous fish.
Maritime Law. A standard clause in the
chartering of ocean vessels. It dictates the
Dryness, roughness, and scaliness of the skin,
course a vessel master may take if the ship is
resulting from the failure of shedding of the
prevented from entering the loading or dis-
keratin produced by the skin cells.
charging port because of ice, or if the vessel is
threatened by ice while in the port. The

©2000 CRC Press LLC

icon ideation
(1) A graphical, nonlinguistic representation The mental process(es) through which ideas
of an object or action. (2) A small picture that are formed.
represents a function, file, or program. In ideational fluency
Windows, for example, users can run pro- The ability to generate a number of ideas on a
grams by choosing icons rather than having to given topic.
remember the program name and type a
command. ident
Aviation. Communication Protocol. A re-
iconic memory quest for a pilot to activate the aircraft trans-
A sensory memory associated with the visual ponder identification feature. This will help
system. the controller to confirm an aircraft identity or
ICPES to identify an aircraft.
See inductively coupled plasma emission ident feature
spectroscopy. A special feature in the Air Traffic Control
ICRP Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS) equipment.
International Commission on Radiological It is used to immediately distinguish one dis-
Protection. played beacon target from other beacon tar-
icterus gets.
Jaundice due to the deposition of bile pigment identification
in the skin and mucous membranes with a re- (1) A mental mechanism by which an indi-
sulting yellow appearance of the individual. vidual unconsciously takes as his or her own
ICW characteristics, postures, achievements, or
See intracellular water. other identifying traits of other persons or
groups. (2) The official legends "For Official
i.d. Use Only" and "U.S. Government," and other
Inside diameter. legends showing either the full name of the
id department, establishment, corporation, or
(1) A Freudian term used to describe that part agency by which it is used, if such title readily
of the personality which harbors the uncon- identifies the department, establishment, cor-
scious, instinctive impulses that lead to im- poration, or agency concerned.
mediate gratification of primitive needs such identification lamps
as hunger, the need for air, the need to move Lamps used to identify certain types of com-
about and relieve body tension, and the need mercial motor vehicles.
to eliminate. Id impulses are physiological
and body processes, as opposed to the ego and identified
superego, which are psychological and social As used in reference to a conductor or its ter-
processes. The id is dominated by the pleas- minal, means that such conductor or terminal
ure principle and some gratification of the id can be readily recognized as grounded.
impulses is necessary for survival of a per- idiopathic
son's personality. (2) A skin eruption occur- A disease of unknown origin or cause.
ring as an allergic reaction to an agent causing idiosyncratic error
primary lesions elsewhere. A type of human error due to peculiarities of
ideal blackbody an individual's characteristics, such as atti-
See blackbody. tudes, social problems, or emotional state.
ideal radiator idle thrust
See blackbody. The jet thrust obtained with the engine power
ideal spectrum control level set at the stop for the least thrust
A frequency distribution in which a pure tone position at which it can be placed.
appears as a vertical line due to perfectly
sharp filtering.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

idle time black powder, used to amplify the initiation of
A temporal interval, excluding standby time, a primer.
during which a worker, a piece of equipment, IH
or a system is at the workplace, but not pro- Industrial hygienist or industrial hygiene.
ducing output, regardless of the cause. See
also delay time. ileitis
Inflammation of the ileum, or lower portion of
IDLH the small intestine. It may result from infec-
See immediately dangerous to life and tion, obstruction, severe irritation, or faulty
health. absorption of material through the intestinal
IEEE walls. A specific type of inflammation of un-
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi- known cause involving the small and large
neers. intestines is known as regional ileitis, regional
IEMG enteritis, or Crohn's disease. The advanced
See integrated electromyogram. stage is marked by hardening, thickening, and
ulceration of parts of the bowel lining. An
IES obstruction may cause the development of a
Illuminating Engineering Society. fistula. A common symptom of ileitis is pain
IF in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen or
See intermediate fix. around the umbilicus. Other symptoms in-
clude loss of appetite, loss of weight, anemia,
if no transmission received for (time) and diarrhea, which may alternate with peri-
Aviation. Communication Protocol. Used by ods of constipation.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) in radar ap-
proaches to prefix procedures which should ileus
be followed by the pilot in the event of lost Intestinal obstruction, especially failure of
communications. peristalsis. The condition frequently accom-
panies peritonitis and usually results from
IFR disturbances in neural stimulation of the
See instrument flight rules. bowel.
IFS iliac crest
See in-flight survey. The lateral, superior rim of the coxal bone.
ignitable iliac spine
Capable of burning or causing fire. A projection from the coxal bone at the ante-
ignitable waste rior portion of the iliac crest.
A waste that poses a fire hazard during rou- iliocristale height
tine storage, handling, or disposal. The vertical distance from the floor or other
ignition reference surface to the highest point of the
The introduction of some external spark, iliac crest in the midaxillary plane. Measured
flame, or glowing object that initiates self- with the individual standing erect and his/her
sustained combustion. weight equally balanced on both feet.
ignition temperature iliospinale
(1) The lowest temperature that will cause a The most anterior point on the iliac spine.
gas/vapor to ignite and burn independent of iliospinale height
the heating source. (2) The lowest tempera- The vertical distance from the floor or other
ture at which sustained combustion for a reference surface to iliospinale. Measured
volatile substance will occur when heated in with the individual standing erect and his/her
air or another specified oxidizing environ- weight evenly distributed between both feet.
illegally obtained evidence
ignitor Evidence which is obtained in violation of a
A device containing a specifically arranged defendant's rights because officers had no
charge of ready burning composition, usually

©2000 CRC Press LLC

warrant and no probable cause to arrest or be- illuminant C
cause the warrant was defective and no valid A standard CIE illuminant corresponding to
grounds existed for seizure without a warrant. average daylight.
illiteracy illuminant D
Having no ability to read and write. A series of standard CIE illuminants corre-
illness sponding to a daylight which measures be-
(1) A condition or pronounced deviation from yond the normal visible spectrum.
the normal health state; sickness. Illness can illuminate
be the result of disease or injury. (2) Sick- To distribute or provide light to an area or
ness, disease, or disorder of body or mind. region.
illness incident rate illumination
The number of annual occupational illnesses The density of light flux incident upon a sur-
experienced by a company in one year, based face.
on 100 full-time employees. Expressed as: illusion
A perceptual misinterpretation of a stimulus.
No. of illnesses x 200,000
No. of man-hours worked
International Labor Organization (of the
United Nations).
The amount of light falling on a surface. Il- IM
luminance is expressed in units of foot- See inner marker.
candles or lux. image
illuminance category (1) The sum of the perceptions by an individ-
An alphabetic character, ranging from A ual, group, or population about itself or an-
through H, representing illumination ranges other entity. (2) An electronic or photo-
for various types of work such that the further graphic representation of one or more entities.
the letter is from A, the brighter the light. (3) A subjective sensory experience, espe-
cially in the visual modality.
illuminance meter
A device, composed of a photodetector, filter, image analysis
and electronic circuitry, for measuring the lu- Any computer or other electronic processing
minous flux incident on a plane. to quantify an image, usually with the intent
of deriving some statistically based conclu-
illuminance threshold sions.
That lowest luminance level which the eye or
other image sensor is capable of detecting, image enhancement
given a specified luminance contrast, position That electronic or other processing to improve
within the field of view, dark adaptation, the resolution, features, or other quality of an
flicker rate, source dimensions, and color. electronic or photographic image.

illuminant image processing

Any light source or combination of flight Any type of computer-based alteration of the
sources. data representing an image, including en-
hancement, analysis, and reconstruction.
illuminant A
A standard CIE illuminant corresponding to a image reconstruction
typical tungsten filament incandescent lamp. The process of re-working data for image en-
illuminant B
A standard CIE illuminant corresponding to IMC
direct sunlight. See instrument meteorological conditions.
immaterial evidence
Evidence which lacks probative weight and is
unlikely to influence the tribunal in resolving

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the issue before it. Such evidence is com- tim "feels normal" after recovery from tran-
monly objected to by opposing counsel, and sient effects until collapse. Such materials in
disallowed by the court. hazardous quantities are considered to be
immaterial facts "immediately" dangerous to life or health.
Those which are not essential to the right of immersion foot
action or defense. That damage to the skin, blood, vessels, and
immaterial issue nerves of the feet resulting from prolonged
In pleading, an issue taken on an immaterial exposure to water at temperatures between
point; that is, a point not proper to decide the freezing and approximately 60°F.
action. imminent danger
immediate cause Any conditions or practices in a place of em-
The last of a series or chain of causes tending ployment which are such that danger exists
to a given result, and which, of itself, and which could reasonably be expected to cause
without the intervention of any further cause, death or serious physical harm immediately or
directly produces the result or event. A cause before the imminence of such danger can be
may be immediate in this sense, and yet not eliminated.
"proximate," and, conversely, the proximate imminent hazard
cause (that which directly and efficiently (1) General. A hazardous situation, condition,
brings about the result) may not be immedi- or circumstance the nature of which poses a
ate. The familiar illustration is that of a serious and imminent threat to human health
drunken man falling into the water and or the environment. If actions are not taken to
drowning. His intoxication is considered the immediately correct or stop the hazard cause,
proximate cause of his death, if it can be said the results could be catastrophic. (2) Federal
that he would not have fallen into the water Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.
when sober; but the immediate cause of death A situation which exists when the continued
is suffocation by drowning. See also proxi- use of a pesticide during the time required for
mate cause. cancellation proceedings would be likely to
immediate danger result in unreasonable adverse effects on the
The definition of "immediate danger" as part environment or will involve unreasonable
of the humanitarian doctrine contemplates that hazard to the survival of a species declared
there be some inexorable circumstance, situa- endangered or threatened by the Secretary of
tion, or agency bearing down on the plaintiff Agriculture pursuant to the Endangered Spe-
with reasonable probability of danger prior to cies Act of 1973.
the negligent act of the defendant. imminently hazardous chemical substance or
immediately mixture
Aviation. Communication Protocol. Used by A chemical substance or mixture which pre-
Air Traffic Control (ATC) when such action sents an imminent and unreasonable risk of
compliance is required to avoid an imminent serious or widespread injury to health or to
situation. the environment. Such a risk to health or the
environment shall be considered imminent if
immediately dangerous to life and health
it is shown that the manufacture, processing,
distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of
The maximum level to which a healthy indi-
the chemical substance or mixture, or that any
vidual can be exposed to a chemical for thirty
combination of such activities, is likely to re-
minutes and escape without suffering irre-
sult in such injury to health or the environ-
versible health effects or impairing symptoms.
For example, some materials such as hydro-
gen fluoride gas and cadmium vapor may immiscible
produce immediate transient effects that, even Not capable of being uniformly mixed or
if severe, may pass without medical attention, blended.
but are followed by sudden, possibly fatal
collapse 12-72 hours after exposure. The vic-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

immune impact load
Not affected or responsive. Not susceptible to A force implemented by a rapid blow.
a particular disease. impact noise
immunity Variations in the noise level such that the
Not susceptible. Biologically, immunity is maximum noise level occurs at intervals of
usually to a specific infectious agent and is greater than one second.
one result of infection. The quality or condi- impact strength
tion of being immune. An inherited, acquired, The impulse energy required to fracture a
or induced condition to a specific pathogen. material.
The power of the body to successfully resist
infection and the effects of toxins. impact velocity
The velocity at which one object strikes an-
immunoassay other.
The measurement of an antigen-antibody in-
teraction. impaction
The forcible contact of particles with a sur-
immunodeficient face. The cascade impactor is a device that
Lacking in the ability to produce antibodies in operates on this principle.
response to an antigen.
immunoglobulin An object which makes contact with another
Serum globulin having antibody activity. body or structure.
Most of the antibody activity apparently re-
sides in the gamma fraction of globulin. impairment
Any dysfunction in which one or more body
immunotoxin systems or subsystems are not capable of
An antibody to the toxin of a microorganism, functioning to the degree considered normal.
zootoxin (spider or bee toxin), or phytotoxin
(toxin from a plant) which combines specifi- impartial expert
cally with the toxin, resulting in the neutrali- A witness appointed by tribunal for an unbi-
zation of its toxicity. ased opinion on a matter addressed to the court.
IMO impedance
See International Maritime Organization. Obstruction or opposition to passage or flow,
as of an electric current or other form of en-
impact ergy. See also electrical impedance.
A rapid transmission of physical momentum
from one object to another in a mechanical imperial gallon
system. A British gallon, slightly larger than the U.S.
gallon (an older term).
impact acceleration
An acceleration lasting less than one second. impermeable
Not capable of being permeated or not allow-
impact acceleration profile ing substances to pass through the openings or
A graphical display or plot of the deceleration interstices of the material.
sequence experienced by a vehicle in a crash.
impact analysis A skin disease characterized by pustules and
A subjective technique for attempting to caused by streptococci, often in association
quantify the positive and negative aspects of a with staphylococci. The disease occurs most
system or plan. frequently in children, especially in very
impact attenuation young infants because of their low resistance.
The reduction in impulsive forces due to It is spread by direct contact with the moist
cushioning or other means of spreading out discharges of the lesions.
the forces in space or time. impingement
impact biodynamics The process by which particulate material in
See biodynamics. air is collected by passing the air through a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nozzle or jet and impinging the air-particle of time, and which are attributed to measure-
mixture onto a surface that is immersed in a ment process only.
liquid, such as water. The particles are re- impression
tained in the liquid. The midget and Green- (1) An indentation or dent. (2) A negative
burg-Smith impingers are examples of in- copy or counterpart of some object made by
struments using this principle of dust collec- bringing into contact with the object, with
tion. varying degrees of pressure, some plastic
impinger material that later becomes solidified. (3) An
A sampling device used to collect airborne effect on the mind or senses produced by ex-
particulates. The midget impinger and the ternal objects.
Greenburg-Smith impinger were widely used improbable
types. In terms of probability of hazard or mishap
implementation allowance occurrence, a hazard or event whose occur-
That time allowance provided for workers in rence is so unlikely during the life of an item
beginning new techniques or changing to a or system, it can be assumed that the hazard
different method to prevent them from losing will not occur.
income during the change. improper loading
implosion Maritime Safety. Loading, including weight
A violent inward collapse of an item, such as shifting, of a vessel causing instability, lim-
an evacuated glass vessel. ited maneuverability, or dangerously reduced
importance freeboard.
A subjective rating of greater worth, neces- improper lookout
sity, or regard relative to other items or func- Maritime Safety. No proper watch; the failure
tions. of the operator to perceive danger because no
importance principle one was serving as lookout, or the person so
A rule stating that displays and controls with serving failed in that regard.
the greatest operational importance should be impulse
placed in optimum locations with regard to (1) A human urge based more on emotional
convenient access and visibility. than cognitive factors and without significant
imports consideration of possible consequences. (2)
Receipts of goods into the 50 states and the The area under the curve of a force for the
District of Columbia from foreign countries brief time duration of the force application.
and from Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and impulsive force
other U.S. possessions and territories. See impact.
impounding space impulsive noise
A volume of space formed by dikes and floors An acoustic event characterized by very short
which is designed to confine a spill of hazard- rise time and duration.
ous liquid. impurity
impounding system Chemicals. (1) A chemical that remains in a
Includes an impounding space, including product that is distributed in commerce. (2) A
dikes and floors for conducting the flow of chemical substance which is unintentionally
spilled hazardous liquids to an impounding present in another chemical substance.
space. imputed negligence
impoundment The negligence of one person may be charge-
A body of water or sludge confined by a dam, able to another depending upon the relation-
dike, floodgate, or other barrier. ship of the parties. For example, the negli-
imprecision gence of an agent acting within the scope of
That variance due to measurement error from his/her employment is chargeable to the prin-
repeated measurements within a short period cipal.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

in other laboratory equipment, or an artificial
Inch. environment.
in2 in vivo
Square inch or square inches. In the living body of a plant or animal, in vivo
in3 tests are those laboratory experiments carried
Cubic inch or cubic inches. out on whole animals or human volunteers.

in bulk inaccessible
The transportation, as cargo, of property, ex- Incapable of being reached or entered by a
cept Class A and B explosives and poison human, a human body part, a remotely oper-
gases, in containment systems with capacities ated system, or a tool for retrieval or repair of
in excess of 3,500 water gallons. a system or subsystem.

in draft inactive aircraft

Maritime Navigation. Current moving across All legally registered civil aircraft which flew
the lock entrance toward the shore. zero hours.

in-out racks inactive window

Maritime. Dry land boat storage on a vertical In computing, an open, perceptually and
rack system. functionally available window which must be
activated before the user may work within it.
in phase
Pertaining to waveforms having the same fre- inadequate damages
quency and which are at the same point in Damages are referred to as "inadequate"
their respective cycles at the same time. (within the rule that an injunction will not be
granted where adequate damages at law could
in shape be recovered for the injury sought) when such
Maritime Navigation. Term used when a tow a recovery at law would not compensate the
is properly aligned for entering a lock or parties and place them in the position in
passing through a narrow channel or opening which they formerly stood.
between bridge piers.
inapparent infection
in situ Infection without recognizable clinical signs
In its original place. or symptoms.
in-stream use inboard-outboard
Water use taking place within a stream chan- U.S. Coast Guard. Regarded as inboard be-
nel, e.g., hydroelectric power generation, cause the power unit is located inside the boat.
navigation, water quality. Also referred to as inboard/outdrive.
in the marks incandescence
Maritime Navigation. Proceeding along the The emission of light and other forms of
channel line as described in the channel re- electromagnetic energy due solely to heating a
port. Well on the line (imaginary) running source material.
from one mark to the other or from one light
to the other. incandescent lamp
A light source derived from incandescence,
in-use mile per gallon (mpg) usually from electrical heating of a filament
A miles per gallon (mpg) that was adjusted within a sealed bulb.
for seasonal fluctuations and annual miles
traveled. incapacitated person
Any person who is impaired by reason of
in vitro mental illness, mental deficiency, physical ill-
(1) "In glass" (a test-tube culture). (2) Any ness or disability, advanced age, chronic use
laboratory test using living cells taken from of drugs, chronic intoxication, or other cause
an organism. Refers to an experiment or pro- (except minority) to the extent that he/she
cedure that is observable with a test tube, lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

make or communicate responsible decisions incident
concerning his/her person. (1) General. An occurrence, happening, or
incendiary energy transfer that results from either posi-
A material that is primarily used to start fires. tive or negative influencing events and may
be classified as an accident, mishap, near-
incendive spark miss, or none of them, depending on the level
A spark of sufficient temperature and energy and degree of the negative or positive out-
to ignite a flammable vapor/gas. come. (2) Transportation. Collisions, derail-
incentive ments, personal casualties, fires, and property
Any condition which motivates behavior to damage in excess of $1000, associated with
obtain a reward or avoid punishment. transit agency revenue vehicles; all other fa-
cilities on the transit property; and service ve-
incentive operators hicles, maintenance areas, and rights-of-way.
Those employees whose wages are deter-
mined either entirely or in part by the quality incident reporting thresholds
and/or quantity of their output. Transit. For an incident to be reportable, it
must involve a transit vehicle or occur on
incentive pace transit property, and result in death, injury, or
The performance level of a worker under in- property damage in excess of $1,000.
centive conditions and without excess fatigue.
incidental damages
incentive plan Any commercially reasonable charges, ex-
Any procedure by which an organization at- penses, or commissions incurred as a result of
tempts to promote increased productivity. the stopping of a delivery; in the transporta-
incerfa (uncertainty phase) tion, care and custody of goods after the
Aviation. A situation wherein uncertainty buyer's breach; in connection with the return
exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its oc- or resale of the goods; or otherwise resulting
cupants. from the breach. Also, such damages, result-
ing from a seller's breach of contract, include
expenses reasonably incurred in inspection,
A unit of length in the English system, equal
receipt, transportation, and care and custody
to 2.54 cm in the metric system.
of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially
inch of mercury reasonable charges, expenses, or commissions
A unit used in measuring or expressing pres- in connection with effecting cover and any
sure. One inch of mercury pressure is other reasonable expense incident to the delay
equivalent to 0.491 pounds per square inch. or other breach.
inches of water incidental element
A pressure term. One inch of water is equal See irregular element.
to 0.0735 inches of mercury, or 0.036 pounds
incidental learning
per square inch (psi). Atmospheric pressure
The acquisition of information or skills as a
at standard conditions is 407 inches water
byproduct of one's simple presence or through
gauge (w.g.).
other, unrelated activities.
incidental vibration
Number of new cases of diseases within a
Any unintended vibration (an older term).
specified period of time.
incidence (or incident) rate
(1) Burning of certain types of solid, liquid, or
For OSHA recordkeeping purposes, the num-
gaseous materials. (2) A treatment technol-
ber of injuries, illnesses, or lost workdays re-
ogy destruction of waste by controlled burn-
lated to a common exposure base of 100 full-
ing at high temperatures, e.g., burning sludge
time workers (working 40 hours per week, 50
to remove the water and reduce the remaining
weeks per year).
residues to a safe, nonflammable ash which
can be disposed of safely on land, in some
waters, or in underground locations.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

incineration at sea incombustible
Disposal of waste by burning at sea on espe- Incapable of burning.
cially designed incinerator ships. incompatible
incineration vessel (1) Describes materials that may cause
According to CERCLA: Any vessel which dangerous, violent, or lethal reactions when
carries hazardous substances for the purpose coming into direct contact with each other.
of incineration of such substances, so long as (2) Not suited for harmonious coexistence or
such substances or the residues of such simultaneous administration; not to be
substances are on board. combined in the same preparation or taken
incinerator concomitantly.
A furnace for burning wastes under controlled incompetence
conditions. An inadequacy for performing a certain
incipient fire stage function, regardless of cause.
A fire which is in the initial or beginning inconsistent
stage and which can be controlled or Mutually repugnant or contradictory. Con-
extinguished by portable fire extinguishers, trary, the one to the other, so that both cannot
Class II type standpipe, or small hose systems stand, but the acceptance or establishment of
without the need for protective clothing or the one implies the abrogation or abandonment
breathing apparatus. of the other.
incisor incontinence
Any one of the four front teeth of either jaw. An inability to control the elimination of feces
inclination and/or urine.
A sloping or leaning; the angle of deviation incorporation by reference
from a particular line or plane of reference. The inclusion of specifications, requirements,
incline railway regulations, or other information into a given
Rail Operations. A railway used to traverse document simply by referring to a second
steep slopes. document which already contains the desired
inclined manometer
A manometer, used in pressure measurement, incremental threshold
that amplifies the vertical movement of the See difference threshold.
water column through the use of an inclined incubate
leg. (1) To provide proper conditions for growth
inclined plane and development, as to maintain optimal
Rail Operations. Railway operating over an temperature for the growth of bacteria. (2)
exclusive right-of-way on steep grades with Material that has been incubated.
unpowered vehicles propelled by moving
cables attached to the vehicles and powered
by engines or motors at a central location not
on board the vehicle.
inclined plane vehicles
Rail Operations. Special type of passenger
vehicles operating up and down slopes on
rails via a cable mechanism.
(1) Any unintended or undesirable foreign
particle in a finished object. (2) Enclosure
within something else. (3) Anything that is One of the more common uses of incubation, a premature infant
enclosed. in an incubator is provided the care it will need to survive

©2000 CRC Press LLC

incubation incurable disease
The growth and development of microorgan- (1) Any disease which has reached an incur-
isms. able stage in the patient afflicted therewith,
incubation period according to general state of knowledge of the
The time interval between effective exposure medical profession. (2) A disease for which
of a susceptible host to an agent (infection) there is no known cure.
and onset of clinical signs and symptoms of incurred risk
disease in that host. Incubation periods of A defense to a claim of negligence, separate
some common communicable diseases are and distinct from a defense of contributory
noted in the table below. negligence. It contemplates acceptance of a
Incubation specific risk of which the plaintiff has actual
Disease Name Period* knowledge.
Average Range
Amoebic dysentery 21 – 21 8 – 90 incus
Anthrax 1–4 1–7 The middle bone of the auditory ossicles in
Bacillary dysentery 2–4 1–7 the middle ear.
Brucellosis 14 6 – 30+
Chancroid 3 –5 1 – 12 indemnification agreement
Chickenpox 14 12 – 21 A written promise by one party that it will not
Cholera 3 1–5
Dengue 5–6 3 – 15
hold another party liable. Also called a hold
Diphtheria 2–5 2–5 harmless clause.
Erysipelas 0–2 0–2
Food Poisoning: To restore the victim of a loss, in whole or in
Staphylococcus 2 – 4 hr. 1 – 6 hr.
Salmonella 12 hr. 6 – 48 hr. part, by payment, repair, or replacement.
Botulinus 18 – 24 hr 2 – 48 hr
indemnity insurance
German measles 16 – 18 10 – 21 Insurance which provides indemnity against
Gonorrhea 3–5 1 – 14
Hepatitis, infectious 25 15 – 35 loss, in contrast to contracts which provide for
Hepatitis, serum 80 – 100 60 – 180 indemnity against liability. The latter are
Impetigo contagiosa 5 5 known as liability contracts or policies, and
Infectious keratoconjunctivitis 5–7 5–7 the former as indemnity contracts or policies.
Influenza 1–3 1–3
Malaria 10 – 17 up to 35+ See also insurance.
Measles 9 – 14 9 – 14 independent
Meningitis, meningococci 7 2 – 10
Mumps 18 12 – 26 Not capable of being influenced by other sys-
Paratyphoid 1 – 10 1 – 10 tems.
Pertussis 5–9 2 – 21
Plague 3–6 3–6 independent audit
Pneumonia, bacterial 1–3 1–3 One conducted by an outside person or firm
Puerperal infection 1–3 1–3 not connected in any way with the company
Rabies 14 – 42 10 - 180 or person being audited. See also audit.
Relapsing fever (tick) 3–6 2 – 12
Relapsing fever (louse) 7 5 – 12 independent contractor
Rocky Mountain spotted fever 3 – 10 3 – 10 Generally, one who, in the exercise of an in-
Scabies 1–2 1–2
Scarlet fever 2–5 2–5 dependent employment, contracts to do a
Smallpox 12 7 – 21 piece of work according to his/her own meth-
Syphilis 21 10 – 90 ods and is subject to his/her employer's con-
Tetanus 4 – 21 4 – 21 trol only as to the end product or final result
Tuberculosis variable variable
Tularemia 3 1 – 10
of his/her work.
Typhoid fever 7 – 14 3 – 38 independent pole scaffold
Yellow Fever 3–6 3–6
* "Average" and "Range" are in DAYS unless otherwise noted See double pole scaffold.
Independent Private Sector Inspector General
(1) A nightmare. (2) A heavy mental burden.
Legal auditor or investigator who reviews the
risk management factors in a company. This

©2000 CRC Press LLC

may include attesting to the adequacy of a index of physiological effects
compliance program, independent audits, and A measure of heat stress.
hot line operation. index of refraction
independent psychomotor abilities The value of the ratio of the velocity of elec-
A set of movement capabilities reportedly tromagnetic radiation in one medium relative
determined by factor analysis to be independ- to another medium. A constant for a given
ent of one another and which may be used for pair of media and a given wavelength.
task and job analyses, performance measure- index of relative strain
ment, etc. A measure of heat stress based on clothing
independent surveillance insulation and clothing effects on evaporation.
Aviation. A system which requires no air- index of thermal stress
borne compatible equipment. An indicator of the degree of heat stress
independent variable which predicts the sweating rate required to
A variable which can be either set to a desired cool the body based on the heat load com-
value or controlled by the experimenter, or bined with the effects of clothing and humid-
matched or observed as it occurs naturally. ity levels.
indeterminate errors Indian reservation
Errors that occur randomly and whose cause A part of public domain set aside by proper
is not determinable and thereby cannot be cor- authority for use and occupation of a tribe or
rected. tribes of Indians, and under superintendence
index finger of the government which retains title to the
The three phalanges and surrounding tissues land.
of digit II of the hand. Indian summer
index finger length An unreasonably warm spell of weather with
The linear distance from the thumb crotch to clear skies near the middle of autumn. Usu-
the tip of the index finger. Measured with the ally follows a substantial period of cool
index finger fully extended. This definition is weather.
not consistent with other finger or finger seg- indicated airspeed
ment lengths, since it includes a portion of the The speed of an aircraft as shown on its pitot
metacarpal length. static airspeed indicator calibrated to reflect
index of difficulty standard atmosphere adiabatic compressible
An indication of the amount of information flow at sea level uncorrected for airspeed
required to generate a movement. See also system errors. See also airspeed.
Fitts' law. indicating thermometer
A non-recording thermometer that allows the
ID = log2 ( 2A ) user to measure the temperature, generally on
the Fahrenheit scale.
where: indication
A = distance to the target (1) The response or evidence from the appli-
W = width of the target cation of a nondestructive examination, in-
index of forecasting efficiency cluding visual inspection. (2) The informa-
That reduction in prediction error obtained by tion conveyed by the aspect of a signal.
using the correlation between two variable. indication locking
Rail Operations. Electric locking which pre-
E = 1- 1 - r2 vents manipulation of levers that would result
in an unsafe condition for a train movement if
where: a signal, switch, or other operative unit fails to
r = the correlation between the variables make a movement corresponding to that of its
controlling lever, or which directly prevents

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the operation of a signal, switch, or other op- indirect employment
erative unit, in case another unit which should In respect to waterways industry, not neces-
operate first fails to make the required move- sarily engaged directly in river activities, but
ment. dependent upon the river.
indicator indirect labor
(1) Instrumentation. Any device for display- That work which is a part of indirect opera-
ing information. (2) Biology. An organism, tions.
species, or community whose characteristics indirect lighting
show the presence of specific environmental That illuminated environment in which ap-
conditions. proximately 90% or more of the luminous
indicator compounds flux is directed toward a continuous solid
Chemical compounds, such as carbon dioxide, structure away from a task.
whose presence at certain concentrations may indirect material
be used to estimate certain building conditions Any of the materials not used in direct opera-
(e.g., airflow, presence of sources). tions.
indictment indirect operations
A formal written accusation originating with a Those administrative, management, or other
prosecutor and issued by a grand jury against functions within an organization necessary to
a party charged with a crime. support the manufacture or output of a prod-
indigestion uct but which are not directly involved in pro-
Failure of the digestive function; dyspepsia. ducing a product or service for sale in the
Among the symptoms of indigestion are marketplace and which do not add value to
heartburn, nausea, flatulence, cramps, a dis- that product.
agreeable taste in the mouth, belching, and indirect point source discharges
sometimes vomiting or diarrhea. Ordinary Discharge by industries of pollutants indi-
indigestion can result from eating too much or rectly into U.S. waters through publicly
too fast; from eating when tense, tired, or owned treatment works (POTW).
emotionally upset; from food that is too fatty
or spicy; and from heavy fried food or food indirect radiation effect
that has been badly cooked or processed. In- Any of those cellular effects causing damage
digestion and its symptoms may also accom- to DNA by first creating radicals in other
pany other disorders such as allergy, mi- bodies or cellular materials, which in turn af-
graine, influenza, typhoid fever, food poison- fect the DNA.
ing, peptic ulcer, inflammation of the gall- indirect source
bladder (chronic cholecystitis), appendicitis, Under the Clean Air Act, any facility, build-
and coronary occlusion (heart attack). ing, structure, installation, real property, road,
indirect anthropometric measurement or highway which attracts, or may attract,
A bodily measurement obtained by remote or mobile sources of pollution.
noncontact techniques, such as stereometric indirect viewing
anthropometry. The use of video or other aids to view a scene
indirect cause or object being manipulated when direct
A contributing causal factor other than direct viewing is not practical or possible.
cause associated with an incident. indirect vision
indirect discharge Peripheral vision.
Introduction of pollutants from a nondomestic indirect worker
source into a publicly owned waste treatment An employee involved in indirect operations.
system. Indirect dischargers can be commer-
cial or industrial facilities whose wastes go indium
into the local sewers. A chemical element, atomic number 49,
atomic weight 114.82, symbol In.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

individual incentive plan inductive reasoning
An incentive plan in which each worker is The ability to integrate specific, diverse bits
rewarded based on his/her own efforts. of information to arrive at a general conclu-
individual-rung ladder sion.
A fixed ladder, each rung of which is indi- inductively coupled plasma emission spectros-
vidually attached to a structure, building, or copy (ICPES)
equipment. A method typically used for the simultaneous
indolent analysis of many heavy metals.
A person who is not inclined to work. An inductor
habitually lazy person. Rail Operations. A track element consisting
indoor air of a mass of iron, with or without a winding,
The breathing air inside a habitable structure that stimulates the train control, train stop, or
or conveyance. cab signal mechanisms on the rail vehicle.

indoor air pollution industrial anthropometry

The presence of chemical, physical, or bio- The use of anthropometry for designing and
logical contaminants in indoor air in concen- constructing equipment for human use in the
trations that could have an adverse effect on industrial environment. See also human
human health. factors.

indoor air quality (IAQ) industrial dermatitis

General term that applies to the assurance or An inflammation of the skin surface caused
the evaluation and assessment of indoor air by contact with industrial compounds and a
pollution to determine if contaminant levels subsequent allergic reaction. See also derma-
exceed established standards for a particular titis.
pollutant or set of pollutants. industrial disease
indoor climate See occupational illness.
Temperature, humidity, lighting, and noise industrial engineer
levels in a habitable structure or conveyance. One who is qualified by education, training,
Indoor climate can affect indoor air pollution. and experience to practice the discipline of
indoors work industrial engineering.
See inside work (1). industrial engineering
induced draft That engineering discipline concerned with
Negative pressure created by the action of a the design, development, installation, and im-
fan or ejector located between a combustion provement of integrated systems of people,
chamber and a stack/exhaust vent. materials, equipment, and energy in the in-
dustrial environment.
induced environment
That environment imposed upon an object or industrial ergonomics
system from manmade conditions. Human factors applied to an industrial setting.

induced radioactivity industrial hygiene (IH)

Radioactivity produced in certain materials as The art and science of anticipating, recogniz-
a result of nuclear reactions that involve the ing, evaluating, and controlling occupational
formation of unstable nuclei. and environmental health hazards in the work
place and the surrounding community.
(1) The generation of an electrical current by industrial hygienist
a change in magnetic flux in a conductor. (2) An individual who possess a degree from an
The alteration of a perception by indirect accredited university in industrial hygiene,
stimulation. (3) The process or act of induc- chemistry, physics, medicine, or other physi-
ing, or causing to occur. (4) See inductive cal or biological science, and who, by virtue
reasoning. of specialized studies and training, has ac-
quired competence in industrial hygiene.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

industrial medicine industry rank report
See occupational medicine. A report from OSHA's National Office in
industrial psychology Washington, DC supplied to each local Area
That field of study and practice involving the Office that ranks industries (such as automo-
testing, development of criteria and predictors tive, petroleum refining, transportation, etc.)
for personnel selection and human perform- according to their lost workday injury
ance in the workplace. (LWDI) rate. See also establishment list.

industrial radiography industry standards

The examination of the macroscopic structure With regard to issues of compliance: Organi-
of materials by nondestructive methods using zations must know what the relevant industry
sources of ionizing radiation. and regulatory standards are and make sure
their own programs’ features meet those stan-
industrial robot dards. See also effective compliance pro-
A programmable manipulator for moving or gram.
operating on materials, components, products,
or other objects in the industrial environment. industry track
Rail Operations. A switching track, or series
industrial safety of tracks, serving the needs of a commercial
See occupational safety. industry other than a railroad.
industrial solid waste ineffective time
The solid waste generated by industrial proc- That part of the elapsed time spent on any
esses and manufacturing. activity which is not a specified part of the
industrial special task or job, excluding check time.
Aviation. Any use of an aircraft for special- inert
ized work allied with industrial activity, ex- Not chemically reactive at normal temperature
cluding transportation and aerial application, and pressures.
e.g., pipeline patrol, survey, advertising,
photography, helicopter hoist, etc. inert atmosphere
The atmosphere of a confined space that has
industrial ventilation (IV) been made non-flammable, non-explosive, or
The equipment or operation associated with otherwise chemically non-reactive and, there-
the supply or exhaust of air, by natural or me- fore, also generally incapable of supporting or
chanical means, to control airborne hazards in sustaining human life.
the industrial setting.
inert condition
industrial sector A tank or other enclosure is in an inert condi-
Construction, manufacturing, agricultural, and tion when the oxygen content of the atmos-
mining establishments. phere throughout the enclosed space has been
industrial terminal reduced to 8% or less by volume through the
A specialized terminal whose primary purpose addition of an inert gas.
is manufacturing, not transportation services. inert dirt
industrial track Any form of dirt which has no inherent at-
Rail Operations. A switching track serving traction to any surface except through gravi-
industries, such as mines, mills, smelters, and tation.
factories. inert dust
industry briefing Dusts which have a long history of little or no
Maritime. The appearance of Coast Guard adverse effect on lungs and do not produce
Standards-trained personnel before a gather- significant organic disease or toxic effect
ing of boat and/or associated equipment when enclosures are kept under reasonable
manufacturers and/or dealers. control. Such dusts are often called biologi-
cally inert dusts. See also nuisance dust.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

inert gas bound to have sufficient power to avoid it or
A non-reactive gas such as argon, helium, prevent its injuring another person.
neon, or krypton. These are gases that will inexcusable neglect
not burn or support combustion, and are not Such neglect which will preclude the setting
toxic. Nitrogen is often used as an inert gas in aside of default judgement and implies
process operations for reducing the risk of fire something more than the unintentional inad-
and/or explosion. vertence or neglect common to all who share
inert gas narcosis the ordinary frailties of mankind.
A toxic effect of the diluting or carrier gas in infant
a breathing mixture at increased pressures, A child less than two years of chronological
characterized by euphoria, diminished cogni- age.
tive function, and impaired coordination.
Also referred to as diluent gas narcosis. See infant formula
also nitrogen narcosis. Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Act: A food which purports to be or is repre-
inert ingredient sented for special dietary use solely as a food
An ingredient which is not active. for infants by reason of its simulation of hu-
inertia man milk or its suitability as a complete or
The tendency of a body at rest to remain at partial substitute for human milk.
rest or a body in motion to stay in motion in a infant mortality
straight line unless distributed by an external (1) General. The death of an infant. (2) Pro-
force. duction. The failure of a system in the early
inertial frame portion of its projected useful life.
A reference frame to which the law of inertia infant mortality rate
applies. The reported death rate for infants under one
inertial navigation system year of age per 1000 reported live births in a
Aviation. An Area Navigation (RNAV) sys- calendar year for a specified region.
tem which is a form of self-contained naviga- infarct
tion. A localized area of ischemic necrosis pro-
inertial separator duced by occlusion of the arterial supply or
A device that uses centrifugal force to sepa- the venous drainage of the part.
rate waste particles. infarction
inerting The development or presence of an infarct.
The displacement of the atmosphere in a per- infected person
mit space by a noncombustible gas (such as A person who harbors an infectious agent,
nitrogen) to such an extent that the resulting whether or not the infection is accompanied
atmosphere is noncombustible. This produces by disease.
an oxygen-deficient atmosphere that is imme-
diately dangerous to life and health. infection
The entry and multiplication of an infectious
inevitable accident agent that occurs in the body tissues of a hu-
Law. An unavoidable accident. One pro- man or animal and that results in cellular in-
duced by an irresistible physical cause. An jury. Several factors are necessary for the de-
accident which cannot be prevented by human velopment of an infection. The microorgan-
skill or foresight, but results from natural isms must enter the body in sufficient number
causes, such as lightning or storms, perils of and they must be virulent, or capable of de-
the sea, inundation or earthquake, or sudden stroying healthy tissues. The host must be
death or illness. In legal terms, an accident is susceptible to the disease. If the host has de-
termed "inevitable" so as to preclude recovery veloped immunity to the disease, either by
on the grounds of negligence, if the person by having had the disease or by having under-
whom it occurs neither has nor is legally gone immunization, he/she will not be af-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

fected by the microorganisms. Some persons inferential statistics
have greater natural resistance to infections A technique for inferring something and
than others. Finally, the disease must be drawing conclusions from data or information
transmitted through the proper route. Infec- obtained from a representative sample taken
tion may be transmitted by direct contact, by from a population. It provides a means of
indirect contact, or by vectors. Direct contact drawing conclusions about a larger body or
may be with body excreta such as urine, feces, population based on sample data from that
or mucous, or with drainage from an open population.
sore, ulcer, or wound. Indirect contact refers inferior
to transmission via inanimate objects such as (1) Of less than acceptable quality or per-
bed linens, doorknobs, drinking glasses, or formance. (2) Lower than or beneath some
eating utensils. Vectors are flies, mosquitoes, reference structure in position.
or other insects capable of harboring and
spreading the infectious agent. Synonymous inferior angle of scapula
with the term infectious disease. The thick lowermost portion of the scapula.
infectious inferior mirage
Capable of invading a susceptible host, repli- See mirage.
cating, and causing an altered host reaction, inferior nasal concha
such as disease. A bone forming part of the lateral wall of the
infectious agent nasal cavity.
An organism, usually a microorganism, that is inferior oblique muscle
capable of producing infection or infectious A voluntary extraocular muscle extending
disease. beneath the eyeball. Principally for rotation
infectious disease of the upper part of the eye laterally about the
A disease of humans or animals resulting optical axis.
from the invasion of the body by pathogenic inferior rectus muscle
agents and the reaction of the tissue to these A voluntary extraocular muscle parallel to the
agents and/or the toxins they may produce. optical axis beneath the eyeball. Involved in
See infection. the anterior downward pitch/rotation of the
infectious waste eye.
(1) Equipment, instruments, utensils, and infestation
formites of a disposable nature from the The lodgment, development, and reproduction
rooms of patients who are suspected to have of anthropods such as mites, ticks, or fleas on
or have been diagnosed as having a commu- the surface of the body, in clothing, or in
nicable disease and must, therefore, be iso- dwellings.
lated as required by public health agencies.
(2) Laboratory wastes, such as pathological infiltration
specimens (e.g., all tissues, specimens of (1) The penetration of water through the
blood elements, excreta, and secretions ob- ground surface into subsurface soil or the
tained from patients or laboratory animals) penetration of water from the soil into sewer
and disposable formite (any substance that or other pipes through defective joints, con-
may harbor or transmit pathogenic organisms) nections, or manhole walls. (2) A land appli-
attendant thereto, and similar disposable ma- cation technique where large volumes of
terials from outpatient areas and emergency wastewater are applied to land, allowed to
rooms. penetrate the surface and percolate through
the underlying soil. See also percolation. (3)
inference Air leakage into a space through cracks and
The conclusion resulting from the inductive interstices, and through ceilings, floors, and
reasoning process.
inference space
Those limits within which the results of an
See flammable.
experiment may be applied.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

inflammation tion needs. The IFS covers about 70% of U.S.
Normal tissue response to cellular injury or carriers and 35% of foreign carriers who vol-
foreign material invasion, characterized by untarily choose to participate.
dilation of small blood vessels (capillaries) inflow
and mobilization of defense cells. The injury Entry of extraneous rain water into a sewer
may be caused by a physical blow, or by ex- system from sources other than infiltration,
posure to an excessive amount of radiation such as basement drains, manholes, storm
from sunlight, x-rays, or an ultraviolet lamp; drains, and street washing.
or it may be caused by corrosive chemicals,
burns, extreme heat or cold, or foreign ob- influent
jects. Inflammation is also the usual response Water, wastewater, or other liquid flowing
to a bacterial infection. The physiological into a reservoir, basin, or treatment plant.
changes that take place during the inflamma- influenza
tory process include vascular dilation, leuko- An acute infectious epidemic disease caused
cytosis, and fluid exudation. The vascular by a filterable virus. Four main types of the
changes occur at the site of the injury to the virus have been recognized, arbitrarily labeled
tissues. There is automatic dilation of the by researchers as types A, B, C, and D, and
capillaries and arterioles so that a greater sup- sometimes subdivided into A1 and A2. The
ply of blood is brought to the area. The speed A2 virus is a comparatively new strain that
of circulation is decreased with the result that first emerged in 1957. The disease it pro-
leukocytes leave the blood vessels and enter duces is often called the Asian flu. Influenza
the tissues spaces. The vascular changes are has a brief incubation period. The symptoms
responsible for the redness that accompanies appear suddenly and though the virus enters
inflammation. The injured tissues release the respiratory tract it soon affects the entire
chemicals that attract the leukocytes to the site body. The symptoms include fever, chills,
of the injury. There, they ingest or surround headache, sore throat, cough, gastrointestinal
and destroy the cause of the inflammation. disturbances, muscular pain, and neuralgia.
Body fluids also collect at the site. This in-
crease of fluids is called exudation. The exu- informal contract
date brings immune bodies (antibodies) and A contract that does not require a specified
special enzymes, and also helps in the re- form or formality for its validity. Generally
moval of dead bacteria, destroyed tissue cells, refers to an oral contract as contrasted with a
and blood cells. The four classic symptoms written contract or specialty instrument.
of inflammation are redness (rubor), swelling informal factory visit
(tumor), heat (calor), and pain (dolor), Loss A visit by Coast Guard personnel to a manu-
of function of the affected part may also oc- facturing facility to acquaint the manufacturer
cur. with the existence of the law, regulations,
inflection point general administrative requirements affecting
A point on a curve such that the following are him/her, and possible penalties for violations.
true: (a) the curve changes from concave to informal rulemaking
convex, (b) the mathematical derivative of the Also known as notice and comment rulemak-
curve is increasing on one side of the point ing, requires OSHA provide "interested par-
and decreasing on the other side, and (c) the ties an opportunity to participate in the rule-
second derivative changes sign. making through submission of written data,
in-flight survey (IFS) views, or arguments with or without opportu-
The in-flight survey is administered to United nity for oral presentation." It does not require
States (U.S.) and foreign travelers departing a hearing, although OSHA may hold one if it
the U.S. as a means of providing data on so desires. It allows the agency to look be-
visitor characteristics, travel patterns and yond any hearing records in making rules.
spending habits, and for supplying data on the Also, when courts review OSHA’s actions
U.S. international travel dollar accounts as under informal rulemaking, OSHA is not held
well as to meet balance of payments estima- to the "substantial evidence" test required un-
der formal proceedings. Rather, the agency

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must only prove that their decisions and de- infradian rhythm
terminations are not "arbitrary" or "capri- A biological rhythm having less than one cy-
cious." cle per day, or a period longer than one day.
information infrared
(1) A meaningful collection of facts, figures, Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength be-
and/or data. (2) That which reduces uncer- tween the longest visible red (7000 Ang-
tainty; typical unit is the bit. stroms or 7 x 10-4 millimeter) and about 1
information aid millimeter.
Any work aid which provides the worker with infrared detector
text, numbers, figures, or other details appro- A measurement technique in which infrared
priate for performing in the working environ- radiation is passed through a cell containing
ment. the sampled material. The absorption of the
information area IR energy at a wavelength which coincides
Any region of a display containing useful with the absorption band of the analyte (con-
general-purpose information. taminant) and it's proportional to the amount
of contaminant present. This principle can
information file also be applied to the determination of materi-
In the Superfund program, a file that contains als present in air drawn through a cell through
accurate, up-to-date documents on a Super- which a beam of IR radiation is passed.
fund site. The file is usually located in a pub-
lic building such as a school, library, or city infrared gas analyzer
hall that is convenient for local residents. A real-time air sampling device that measures
the absorbency of inorganic and organic gases
information ordering and vapors.
The ability to correctly follow a set of rules in
arranging items. infrared hygrometer
See hygrometer.
information process analysis
infrared lamp
See form process chart.
A lamp which emits its primary radiation in
information request the infrared portion of the electromagnetic
Aviation. A request originated by an Flight spectrum, and any radiation in the visible
Service Station (FSS) for information con- portion of the spectrum is not normally of in-
cerning an overdue Visual Flight Rules (VFR) terest.
infrared radiation
information theory Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths
That aspect of communications dealing with between about 0.7 and 1000 µm. This radia-
the coding of messages and with the content tion is longer than visible radiation but shorter
and amount of information conveyed. See than microwave radiation.
also information and bit. infrared radiometer
informed consent An instrument designed to measure the inten-
A person's agreement to allow something to sity of infrared radiation emitted by an object.
happen (such as surgery) that is based on a Also called infrared sensor.
full disclosure of the facts needed to make the infrared sensor
decision intelligently. See also voluntary in- See infrared radiometer.
formed consent.
infrared touchscreen
informer's privilege A display having a frame with embedded in-
The government's privilege to withhold from frared transmitters and receivers which uses
disclosure the identity of persons who furnish blockage of the infrared beam to indicate a
information on violations of the law to offi- touch location.
cers charged with the enforcement of that law.
infra- At a frequency below the audio frequency
(prefix) Under, below, or less than. range. Also called subsonic.

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infrasound ingrown nail
A mechanical vibration at frequencies below An overlapping of the anterior corners of a
those normally heard by the human ear, gen- nail by the flesh of the digit, causing pain, in-
erally below about 16 to 20 Hz. See also in- flammation, and possible infection. The con-
frasonic. dition occurs most frequently in the great toe,
infrastructure and is often caused by pressure from tight-
(1) In transit systems, all the fixed compo- fitting shoes. Another common cause is im-
nents of the transit system, such as rights-of- proper cutting of the toenails, which should be
way, tracks, signal equipment, stations, park- cut straight across or with a curved toenail
and-ride lots, bus stops, maintenance facili- scissors so that the sides are a little longer
ties. (2) In transportation planning, all the than the middle.
relevant elements of the environment in which inguinal
a transportation system operates. Pertaining to the groin.
infusion inguinal crease
(1) Steeping of a substance in water to obtain The groove at the junction of the anterior-
its soluble principles. (2) A solution obtained medial thigh and the torso.
by steeping a substance in water. (3) The in- inguinal hernia
troduction of a solution into a vein by gravity. Hernia occurring in the groin; protrusion of
(Note: an infusion flows by gravity, an injec- intestine or omentum, or both, either directly
tion is forced in by a syringe, an instillation is through a weak point in the abdominal wall
dropped in, an insufflation is blown in, and an (direct inguinal hernia) or downward into the
infection slips in unnoticed.) inguinal banal (indirect inguinal hernia).
Ingersoll glarimeter inhalable dust
An early instrument for measuring gloss using See respirable dust.
polarized light.
inhalable fraction
ingestant The mass fraction of total airborne particu-
A substance capable of entering the body lates that is inhaled through the nose and
through the mouth or digestive system. mouth.
ingestion inhalant
(1) The process of taking substances into the (1) A substance which is inhaled. (2) A gase-
body by mouth. (2) The taking in of sub- ous substance that is or may be taken into the
stances, especially via the mouth. body by way of the nose and trachea (through
the respiratory system).
ingredient statement
Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and inhalation
Rodenticide Act: A statement which contains The breathing in of a substance, such as air or
a) the name and percentage of each active in- a contaminant in the atmosphere.
gredient, and the total percentage of all inert inherent defect
ingredients, in the pesticide; and b) if the pes- Fault or deficiency in a thing, no matter the
ticide contains arsenic in any form, a state- use made of such, which is not easily discov-
ment of the percentages of total and water- erable and which is fixed in the object itself
soluble arsenic, calculated as elementary ar- and not from without.
inherent delay
ingress See delay time.
To enter a region or space. The right or act of
entering. inherent right
One which abides in a person and is not given
ingress point from something or someone outside itself. A
The location for entering a region or space. right which a person has because he/she is a

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inhibit initiator
An independent and verifiable mechanical Includes low voltage electroexplosive devices
and/or electrical device that prevents a haz- and high voltage exploding bridge wire de-
ardous event from occurring. The device has vices.
direct control and is not the monitor of such a injection
device. (1) Introduction of a fluid substance into the
inhibitor body, usually by means of a syringe or other
An agent that arrests or slows chemical action device connected to a hollow needle. (2) The
or a material used to prevent or retard rust or solution so administered.
corrosion. injection well
inion A well into which fluids are injected for pur-
The most posterior protuberance of the oc- poses such as waste disposal, improving the
cipital bone. Also referred to as external oc- recovery of crude oil, or solution mining.
cipital protuberance. injection zone
initial approach fix A geological formation, group of formations,
Aviation. The fixes depicted on instrument or part of a formation receiving fluids through
approach procedure charts that identify the a well.
beginning of the initial approach segment(s). injunction
initial approach segment A type of court order compelling a party in
Aviation. That segment of an instrument ap- civil litigation to do something or not to do
proach procedure between the initial approach something. Thus, injunctions are usually
fix and the intermediate approach fix or, mandatory or prohibitory, or a combination of
where applicable, the final approach fix or both. There are three types of injunctions:
point. the temporary restraining order, the prelimi-
initial crack size nary injunction, and the permanent injunc-
A crack dimension determined by nonde- tion.
structive examination methods or proof test injure
logic. (1) To violate the legal right of another or
initial flaw inflict an actionable wrong. (2) To do harm,
A flaw in a structural material before the ap- damage, or impair. (3) To hurt or wound, as
plication of load and/or environmental stres- the person; to impair the soundness of, as
sors. health.

initial impact point injurious exposure

Transit. The first impact point that produced Such an exposure as will render the employer
property damage or personal injury, regard- liable for occupational disease of the em-
less of "first" or "most harmful event." ployee. For example, a concentration of a
toxic material which would be sufficient to
initial luminance cause disease in the event of prolonged expo-
That luminance reaching the work surface sure to such concentration regardless of the
from a given luminaire when new. length of exposure required to actually cause
initial terminal the disease.
Rail Operations. The starting point of a lo- injury
comotive for a trip. (1) Physical harm or damage to a person. (2)
initiate An incident involving lost time or other than
To begin something. Also, a mental activity on-site medical treatment. (3) Bodily injury
preceding a psychomotor task. resulting from a motor vehicle accident. To
initiation qualify as an "injury," the injured person must
An irreversible genetic change in the cell, require and receive medical treatment away
which is believed to be the first stage in the from the accident scene. (4) Harm to a person
development of cancer. resulting from a single event, activity, occur-

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rence, or exposure of short duration. (5) Any injury severity
physical damage or harm to a person requiring Transportation. The police-reported injury se-
medical treatment, or any physical damage or verity of the occupant, pedestrian, or pedal-
harm to a person reported at the time and cyclist (e.g., severe or fatal; killed or inca-
place of occurrence. For employees, an injury pacitating; minor or moderate; evident, but
includes incidents resulting in time lost from not incapacitating; complaint of injury; in-
duty or any definition consistent with a transit jured, severity unknown; no injury).
agency's current employee injury reporting inland
practice. (6) Physical harm or damage to the Means transit to and from inland ports con-
body resulting from an exchange, usually nected by water routes made navigable by one
acute, of mechanical, chemical, thermal, or or more lock structures.
other environmental energy that exceeds the
body's tolerance. (7) Any physical distur- inland and coastal channels and waterways
bance to, damage to, or destruction of one or These terms include the Atlantic Coast Wa-
more body structures which prevents/impairs terways, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway,
normal functioning or appearance. (8) Any the New York State Barge Canal System, the
wrong or damage done to another, either in Gulf Coast Waterways, the Gulf Intracoastal
his/her person, rights, reputation, or property. Waterway, the, Mississippi River System (in-
The invasion of any legally protected interest cluding the Illinois Waterway), Pacific Coast
of another. (9) A specific impairment of body Waterways, the Great Lakes, and all other
structure or function caused by an outside channels (waterways) of the United States,
agent or force, which may be physical, chemi- exclusive of Alaska, that are usable for com-
cal, or psychic. mercial navigation.
injury accident inland area
An accident for which at least one injury, but The area shoreward of the boundary lines de-
no fatalities, were reported. fined in 46 CFR 7, except that in the Gulf of
Mexico, it means the area shoreward of the
injury crash lines of demarcation (COLREG lines) defined
A police-reported crash that involves a motor in 33 CFR 80.740-80.850. The inland area
vehicle in transport on a traffic-way in which does not include the Great Lakes.
no one died but at least one person was re-
ported to have a) an incapacitating injury; b) inland bill of lading
a visible but not incapacitating injury; c) a A bill of lading used in transporting goods
possible, not visible injury; or d) an injury of overland to the exporter's international carrier.
unknown severity. Although a through bill of lading can some-
times be used, it is usually necessary to pre-
injury incident rate pare both an inland bill of lading and an ocean
The number of injuries experienced by a bill of lading for export shipments.
company based on a year's work for 100 full-
time employees inland carrier
A transportation line that hauls export or im-
injury index port traffic between ports and inland points.
NTSB. Refers to the highest degree of per-
sonal injury sustained as a result of the acci- inland marine insurance
dent. Originally, a form of insurance protection for
goods transported other than on the ocean.
injury potential Now, the term applies to a variety of coverage
A potential difference across a membrane, on floating personal property and to general
generally of about 30-40 mv, between regions liability as a bailee. See also insurance.
of normal and injured tissue.
inland navigation facility
injury rate Aviation. A navigation aid on a North Ameri-
The average number of nonfatal injuries per can Route at which the common route and/or
accident or per one hundred accidents. the non-common route begins or ends.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

inland waters of the United States inland waterways passenger transport link
Those waters of the United States lying inside The combination of the place of embarkment
the baseline from which the territorial sea is and the place of disembarking of the passen-
measured and those waters outside such ger conveyed by inland waterways whichever
baseline which are a part of the Gulf Intra- itinerary is followed.
coastal Waterway. See also inland waterway inland waterways traffic
of the United States. Any movement on an inland waterways trans-
inland waterway convoy port (IWT) vessel on a given network.
One or more non-powered inland waterways inland waterways transit
transport (IWT) vessels which are towed or Inland waterways transport (IWT) through a
pushed by one or more powered IWT vessels. country between two places (a place of load-
inland waterway journey ing and a place of unloading) both located in
Any movement of an inland waterways trans- another country or in other countries provided
port (IWT) vessel from a specified point of the total journey within the country is by an
origin to a specified point of destination. IWT vessel and that there is no loading and
inland waterway of the United States unloading in that country.
Any improved waterway, the improvements inland waterways transport (IWT) enterprise
to which are primarily for the use of vessels An enterprise carrying out in one or more
other than ocean going vessels. See also in- places activities for the production of IWT
land waters of the United States. services using IWT vessels and whose main
inland waterway transport (IWT) activities according to the value added are in-
Any movement of goods and/or passengers land waterway transport and services allied to
using an IWT vessel on a given inland water- inland waterway transport.
ways network. inland waterways transport (IWT) freight ves-
inland waterways cabotage transport sel
National inland waterways transport (IWT) A vessel with a carrying capacity of not less
performed by an IWT vessel registered in an- than 20 tons designed for the carriage of
other country. freight by navigable inland waterways.

inland waterways fleet inland waterways transport (IWT) passenger

Number of inland waterways transport (IWT) vessel
vessels registered at a given date in a country Vessel designed exclusively or primarily for
and authorized to use inland waterways open the public carriage or passengers by navigable
for public navigation. inland waterways.

inland waterways on national territory traffic inland waterways transport (IWT) vessel
Any movement of an inland waterways trans- A floating craft designed for the carriage of
port (IWT) vessel within a national territory goods or public transport of passengers by
irrespective of the country in which the vessel navigable inland waterways.
is registered. inland zone
inland waterways passenger The environment inland of the coastal zone
Any person who makes a journey on board of excluding the Great Lakes, Lake Champlain,
an inland waterways transport (IWT) vessel. and specified ports and harbors on inland riv-
Service staff assigned to IWT vessels are not ers. The term inland zone delineates an area
regarded as passengers. of federal responsibilities for response ac-
tions. Precise boundaries are determined by
inland waterways passenger-kilometer agreements between the Environmental Pro-
Unit of measure representing the transport of tection Agency (EPA) and the United States
one passenger by inland waterway over one Coast Guard (USCG) and are identified in
kilometer. Federal Regional Contingency Plans.

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inlet designated decision height (DH), normally
An opening of the sea into the land or of a 100 feet above the touchdown zone elevation,
lake into its shore. on the ILS CAT II approach. It also marks
INM progress during a CAT III approach. See also
See Integrated Noise Model. outer marker.

INMARSAT inner packaging

See International Maritime Satellite Organi- DOT. A packaging for which an outer
zation. packaging is required for transport. It does
not include the inner receptacle of a
innage composite packaging.
The height of a liquid in a tank from the
bottom datum plate of the tank to the liquid inner receptacle
surface. DOT. A receptacle which requires an outer
packaging in order to perform its containment
innate function. The inner receptacle may be an
Due to one's genetic make-up. inner packaging of a combination packaging
innavigable or the inner receptacle of a composite
(1) As applied to streams, not capable of or packaging.
suitable for navigation; impassable by ships or inner-transitional obstacle free zone
vessels. (2) As applied to vessels in the law Aviation. The inner transitional surface
of maritime insurance, it means unfit for obstacle free zone (OFZ) is a defined volume
navigation; so damaged by misadventures at of airspace along the sides of the runway and
sea as to be no longer capable of making a inner-approach OFZ and applies only to
voyage. precision instrument runways. The inner-
inner-approach obstacle free zone transitional surface OFZ slopes 3 (horizontal)
Aviation. The inner-approach obstacle free to 1 (vertical) out from the edges of the
zone (OFZ) is a defined volume of airspace runway OFZ and inner-approach OFZ to a
centered on the approach area. The inner- height of 150 feet above the established
approach OFZ applies only to runways with airport elevation. See also obstacle free zone.
an approach lighting system. The inner- innervation
approach OFZ begins 200 feet from the The distribution of nerves or neurons to all or
runway threshold at the same elevation as the some portion of the body.
runway threshold and extends 200 feet
beyond the last light unit in the approach innocent
lighting system. The width of the inner The term applied to a defendant in a criminal
approach OFZ is the same as the runway OFZ prosecution who is determined to be not
and rises at a slope of 50 (horizontal) to 1 guilty. More loosely applied to persons who
(vertical) from the beginning. See also did not know or have reason to know about a
obstacle free zone. violation or problem, such as an innocent
landowner ignorant of real estate contam-
inner ear ination.
That portion of the ear embedded in the
temporal bone and consisting of the vestibule, innocent purchaser
cochlea, and semicircular canals. Also One who, by an honest contract or agreement,
referred to as the internal ear or the labyrinth. purchases property or acquires an interest
therein, without knowledge, or means of
inner marker (IM) knowledge sufficient to charge him/her in law
Aviation. A marker beacon used with an with knowledge, of any infirmity in the title
Instrument Landing System (ILS) (CAT II) of the seller.
precision approach located between the
middle marker and the end of the ILS runway, innocuous
transmitting a radiation pattern keyed at six Harmless, or having no adverse effects.
dots per second and indicating to the pilot, innominate bone
both aurally and visually, that he is at the See coxal bone.

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inoculation insanity
(1) Introduction of pathogenic microorgan- Severe mental disorder that may make a per-
isms into the body to stimulate the production son irresponsible, unreasonable, and unable
of antibodies and immunity. (2) Introduction to function normally in society. His/her
of infectious material into culture medium in thoughts and actions are distinctly different
an effort to produce growth of the causative from accepted patterns of behavior. The term
organism. is a legal rather than a medical one, and in-
inoculum cludes different kinds of mental illness. A
(1) Bacterium placed in compost to start bio- person who is judged to be insane by a court
logical action. (2) A medium containing or- is not held legally responsible for his/her ac-
ganisms which is introduced into cultures of tions and may have to be institutionalized.
living organisms. insect
inorganic Any of the numerous small invertebrate ani-
(1) Having no organs. (2) Not of organic ori- mals generally having the body more or less
gin. obviously segmented, for the most part be-
longing to the class insecta, comprising six-
inorganic chemicals legged, usually winged forms, as for example,
Chemical substances of mineral origin, not beetles, bugs, bees, flies, and other allied
basically of carbon structure. classes of anthropods whose members are
inorganic compound wingless and usually have more than six legs,
Chemical compounds of mineral origin, not of as for example, spiders, mites, ticks, centi-
basically carbon structure. pedes, and wood lice.
input insecticide
That information, signal, or form of energy A pesticide compound specifically used to kill
which enters a system. or control the growth of insects.
input device insert
Any piece of equipment or instrumentation To place one object inside another.
used to provide the human with an interface insertion mode
for providing input to a system. A data entry mode in which text or informa-
input/output (I/O) tion entered by the user is placed in front of
Any activity which inputs to or receives out- any existing text or information, shifting that
put from a computer. existing text.
input point inshore traffic zone
The physical location at which some informa- A designated area between the landward
tion or signal can enter some system. boundary of a traffic separation scheme and
the adjacent coast, intended for local traffic.
input storage
The temporary placement of data in a com- inside-out display
puter file until time for processing. Any display which uses a vehicle as the frame
of reference such that the display reflects the
inquest way the operator would see the external envi-
The inquiry by a medical examiner or coro- ronment from inside.
ner, sometimes with the aid of a jury, into the
manner of the death of any one who has been inside work
killed, or has died suddenly under unusual or (1) That work performed inside some struc-
suspicious circumstances, or by violence, or ture which shields the worker at least in part
while in prison. from the atmosphere elements. Also referred
to as indoor work. (2) See internal work.
inrolling nip point
A system in which two or more rollers rotate insidious
parallel to each other, but in opposite direc- Spreading in a subtle manner.
tions, and which can grab and pull on such
items as loose clothing, and ties.

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insolation pollutants, particularly automobile emissions
The incoming solar radiation that reaches the controls. (2) Also applies to wastewater
earth and the atmosphere. treatments plants and other anti-pollution fa-
insoluble cilities and processes.
Incapable of being dissolved. inspection and weighing services for motor
insoluble wastes vehicle transport facility
Solid wastes consisting of inert natural miner- Establishments primarily engaged in the op-
als or inert synthetic materials. eration of fixed facilities for motor vehicle
transportation, such as toll roads, highway
insomnia bridges, and other fixed facilities, except ter-
An extended period in which sleep is dis- minals.
turbed, not resulting from immediate external
stimuli. The causes of insomnia may be inspection error
physical or psychological or, most often, a Any incorrect reading, action, or other error of
combination of both. Some persons are more either omission or commission in the inspec-
sensitive to conditions around them than oth- tion process.
ers, and may be kept awake by slight noises, Inspection Register
light, or the sharing of their bed. Beverages A registration containing the name of each
that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and establishment scheduled for inspection and
cola drinks, keep people awake. A heavy the order in which these establishments will
meal shortly before bedtime may prevent be inspected. Compiled from the establish-
sleep. Drinking large quantities of fluids may ment list and the industry rank report. See
cause an uncomfortable feeling of distention also establishment list and industry rank re-
of the bladder. port.
insorption inspection searches
Movement of a substance into the blood, es- Administrative searches conducted by local or
pecially from the gastrointestinal tract into the state authorities for health or building law en-
circulating blood. forcement must be based on a warrant issued
inspect on probable cause. A warrant is likewise re-
To verify quality, integrity, and/or safety quired for inspection of business premises by
through testing, observation, or other proc- OSHA inspectors. An exception to the war-
esses. rant requirement is in cases involving closely
regulated industries where the commercial
inspection operator's privacy interest is adequately pro-
(2) General. Visual examination for detection tected by detailed regulatory schemes author-
of features or qualities perceptible to the eye. izing inspections without warrants.
(2) OSHA. Any investigation of an em-
ployer's factory, plant, establishment, con- Inspirable Particulate Mass
struction site, or other area, workplace, or en- Particulates that are hazardous when depos-
ited anywhere in the respiratory tract.
vironment where work is performed by an
employee of an employer, and includes re- Inspirable Particulate Mass TLVs (IPM-
inspection, follow-up inspection, accident in- TLVs)
vestigation, or other inspection conducted un- Exposure limits that are applied to those ma-
der Section 8(a) of the Occupational Safety terials that are hazardous when deposited
and Health Act. (3) Law. To examine; scru- anywhere in the respiratory tract.
tinize; investigate; look into; check over; or inspiration
view for the purpose of ascertaining the qual- The process of drawing air into the lungs.
ity, authenticity, or conditions of an item,
product, document, residence, business, etc. inspiratory capacity (IC)
The maximum volume of air which can be
inspection and maintenance inhaled after a normal expiration.
(1) Activities to assure proper emissions-
related operation of mobile sources of air

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inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
The maximum volume of air that can be instructional flying
forcibly expired following a normal inspira- (1) FAA. Any use of an aircraft for the pur-
pose of formal instruction with the flying in-
inspire structor aboard, or with the maneuvers on the
Breathe or take air into the lungs, using one's particular flight(s) specified by the flight in-
own resources. structor; excludes proficiency flying. (2)
instant start fluorescent lamp NTSB. Flying accompanied in supervised
A fluorescent lamp which does not require training under the direction of an accredited
preheating of the electrodes. Also referred to instructor.
as cold start fluorescent lamp. instrument
instantaneous acceleration (1) General. Any device for measuring, re-
The rate of velocity change with time at any cording, and/or controlling the value of one or
instant. more variables. (2) Aviation. A device using
an internal mechanism to show visually or
instantaneous velocity aurally the attitude, altitude, or operation of
The rate of change of displacement with time an aircraft or aircraft part. It includes elec-
at any instant. tronic devices for automatically controlling an
instep aircraft in flight. (3) Law. A formal or legal
The arch on the medial side of the foot. document in writing, such as a contract, deed,
will, bond, or lease.
instep circumstance
The surface distance around the foot in a cor- instrument approach
onal/frontal plane at the anterior junction of Aviation. (1) An approach to an airport, with
the leg and foot. Measured with the individ- intent to land, by an aircraft flying in accor-
ual standing erect, having his weight distrib- dance with an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
uted equally on both feet on the floor, and flight plan, when the visibility is less than 3
without any unnecessary leg or foot muscle miles and/or when the ceiling is at or below
tension. the minimum initial altitude. (2) A series of
predetermined maneuvers for the orderly
instep length
transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight
The linear distance from the plane of the most
conditions from the beginning of the initial
posterior aspect of the heel to the point of
approach to a landing, or to a point from
maximum medial protuberance of the foot.
which a landing may be made visually. An
Measured with the individual standing erect
instrument approach is prescribed and ap-
and the body weight equally distributed be-
proved for a specific airport by competent
tween both feet on the floor.
authority Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR)
instinct Part 91.
A genetically based or natural motivation or
instrument approach procedure
A series of predetermined maneuvers by ref-
institutional solid waste erence to flight instruments with specified
Solid waste generated by educational, health protection from obstacles from the initial ap-
care, correctional, and other institutional fa- proach fix, or where applicable, from the be-
cilities. ginning of a defined arrival route to a point
instruction from which a landing can be completed and
One item of a set of procedures, standard thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a
practices, or steps for accomplishing a given position at which holding or en route obstacle
task or job. clearance criteria apply.

instruction aid instrument approach procedures charts

A job aid containing written instructions on a Portrays the aeronautical data which are re-
card or sheet of paper. quired to execute an instrument approach to
an airport. These charts depict the proce-

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dures, including all related data, and the air- maintain "visual flight rules (VFR) condi-
port diagram. Each procedure is designated tions" or "VFR conditions on top."
for use with a specific type of electronic navi- instrument flight rules (IFR) takeoff minimums
gation system including nondirectional bea- and departure procedure
con (NDB), tactical aircraft control and navi- Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 91, pre-
gation (TACAN), very high frequency omni- scribes standard takeoff rules for certain civil
directional range (VOR), instrument landing users. At some airports, obstructions or other
system/microwave landing system (ILS/MLS), factors require the establishment of nonstan-
and area navigation (RNAV). These charts dard takeoff minimums, departure procedures,
are identified by the type of navigational or both to assist pilots in avoiding obstacles
aid(s) which provide final approach guidance. during climb to the minimum en route alti-
instrument error tude. Those airports are listed in National
Any error made by an instrument. Such er- Airspace System (NAS) Department of De-
rors, if not discovered, can foul an experiment fense (DOD) Instrument Approach Plate
or test. (IAP) Charts (Ws) under a section entitled
instrument flight rules (IFR) "IFR Takeoff Minimums and Departure Pro-
Rules governing the procedures for conduct- cedures." The IAP chart legend illustrates the
ing instrument flight. Also a term used by symbol used to alert the pilot to nonstandard
pilots and controllers to indicate type of flight takeoff minimums and departure procedures.
plan. When departing Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) from such airports or from any airports
instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft where there are no departure procedures,
An aircraft conducting flight in accordance standard instrument departures (SIDs), or Air
with instrument flight rules (IFR). Traffic Control (ATC) facilities available, pi-
instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft handled lots should advise ATC of any departure
The number of instrument flight rules (IFR) limitations. Controllers may query a pilot to
departures multiplied by two plus the number determine acceptable departure directions,
of IFR overs. This definition assumes that the turns, or headings after takeoff. Pilots should
number of departures (acceptances, exten- be familiar with the departure procedures and
sions, and originations of IFR flight plans) is must assure that their aircraft can meet or ex-
equal to the number of landings (IFR flight ceed any specified climb gradients.
plans closed). Instrument Flight Service Station (IFSS)
instrument flight rules (IFR) conditions A central operations facility in the flight advi-
Weather conditions below the minimum for sory system, staffed and equipped to control
flight under visual flight rules (VFR). aeronautical point-to-point telecommunica-
tions, and air-ground telecommunications
instrument flight rules (IFR) departure with pilots operating over international terri-
An instrument flight rules (IFR) departure tory or waters, which provides flight plan
includes IFR flights originating in the center's following, weather information, search and
area, accepted by the center under SOLE EN rescue action, and other flight assistance op-
ROUTE clearance procedures, and extended erations.
by the center.
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
instrument flight rules (IFR) over A precision instrument approach system
An instrument flight rules (IFR) flight that which normally consists of the following
originates outside the Air Route Traffic Con- electronic and visual aids a) localizer pro-
trol Center (ARTCC) area and passes through vides course guidance to the runway; b) glide
the area without landing. slope provides vertical guidance during ap-
instrument flight rules (IFR) over-the-top proach; c) marker beacon provides aural
With respect to the operation of aircraft, and/or visual identification of a specific posi-
means the operation of an aircraft over-the- tion along an instrument approach landing.
top on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight
plan when cleared by air traffic control to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

instrument landing system category
ILS Category I. An ILS approach procedure instrument runway
which provides for approach to a height above A runway equipped with electronic and visual
touchdown of not less than 200 feet and with navigation aids for which a precision or non-
runway visual range of not less than 1,800 precision approach procedure having straight-
feet. ILS Category II. An ILS approach pro- in landing minimums has been approved.
cedure which provides for approach to a instrument shelter
height above touchdown of not less than 100 A box-like wooden structure designed to pro-
feet and with runway visual range of not less tect weather instruments from direct sunshine
than 1,200 feet. ILS Category III. a) IIIA: An and precipitation.
ILS approach procedure which provides for
approach without a decision height minimum Instrument Society of America (ISA)
and with runway visual range of not less than A group that sets standards of performance for
700 feet. b) IIIB: An ILS approach procedure instruments made and used in the United
which provides for approach without a deci- States.
sion height minimum and with runway visual instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)
range of not less than 150 feet. c) IIIC: An Those functions likely to be carried out on a
ILS approach procedure which provides for daily basis which involve the use of equip-
approach without a decision height minimum ment or instrumentation for sustenance of the
and without runway visual range minimum. individual or a normally habitable environ-
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) ment. See also activities of daily living and
Meteorological conditions expressed in terms daily living tasks.
of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling instruments of international traffic
less than the minima specified for visual me- Lift vans, cargo vans, shipping tanks, skids,
teorological conditions. pallets, caul boards, and cores for textile fab-
instrument operation rics, arriving (whether loaded or empty) in use
Arrivals or departures of an aircraft in accor- or to be used in the shipment of merchandise
dance with an instrument flight rules (IFR) in international traffic.
flight plan or special visual flight rules (SVFR) insubordination
procedures or an operation where IFR separa- The state of being insubordinate; disobedience
tion between aircraft is provided by a terminal to constituted authority. Refusal to obey
control facility. There are three kinds of in- some order which a superior officer is entitled
strument operations: a) Primary Instrument to give and have obeyed. The term implies
Operations. Arrivals and departures at the willful or intentional disregard of the lawful
primary airport which is normally the airport at and reasonable instructions of an employer.
which the approach control facility is located.
b) Secondary Instrument Operations. Arrivals insulated body
and departures at all the secondary airports Transit. Truck or trailer designed for trans-
combined. c) Overflights. Operations in which portation of commodities at controlled tem-
an aircraft transits the area without intent to peratures. It may be equipped for refrigera-
land. tion or heating.

instrument operations insulated conductor

Arrivals or departures of an aircraft in accor- See conductor.
dance with an IFR flight plan or special VFR insulated rail joint
procedures or an operation where IFR separa- Rail Operations. A joint in which electrical
tion between aircraft is provided by a terminal insulation is provided between adjoining rails.
control facility.
insulation value of clothing
instrument practice approach See thermal insulation value of clothing.
An instrument approach procedure conducted
by a visual flight rules (VFR) or an instrument
A sulfur-containing hormone produced by the
flight rules (IFR) aircraft for the purpose of
pancreas of vertebrates. This hormone
pilot training or proficiency demonstrations.
stimulates the conversion of glucose to glyco-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

gen and fat. An insulin deficiency results in intangible risk
excess blood sugar and causes the condition A risk involving unwanted consequences
diabetes mellitus. Various preparations of in- which are primarily nonphysical, such as
sulin are used in the treatment of this illness. public opinion, employee morale, etc., but
Types of insulin vary in the rapidity of action may still have adverse effects.
and the duration of effectiveness. Regular in- integral absorbed dose
sulin is effective almost immediately after in- The energy imparted to matter by ionizing
jection and reaches its peak of action within 2 particles. The unit of measure is the gram-rad
hours. It is used most often in diabetic emer- and is equal to 100 ergs.
gencies and in regulating dosage for a patient
when diabetes is first diagnosed. Crystalline integral mode controller
insulin is made of zinc-insulin crystals and is A type of controller whose output signal is pro-
usually given to patients who are allergic to portional to the integral of the error signal.
regular insulin. Other types of insulin contain integrate
substances that prolong the action of insulin. (1) To compute the area under a curve. (2) To
Protamine zinc insulin (PZI), isophane insulin combine activities, information, or objects in
(NPH), globin zinc insulin, and insulin lente a meaningful way for some purpose.
are examples of long-acting preparations of
insulin. integrated carriers
Carriers that have both air and ground fleets;
insurance or other combinations, such as sea, rail, and
(1) A contract whereby, for a stipulated con- truck. Since they usually handle thousands of
sideration, one party undertakes to compen- small parcels an hour, they are less expensive
sate the other for loss on a specified subject and offer more diverse services than regular
by specified perils. The party agreeing to carriers.
make the compensation is usually called the
insurer or underwriter; the other, the insured integrated circuit
or assured; the agreed consideration is the A small chip of silicon on which miniaturized
premium; the written contract, a policy; the circuits have been etched.
events insured against, risks or perils; and the integrated controller
subject, right, or interest to be protected, the A device which coordinates the control of
insurable interest. (2) A contract whereby more than one aspect of some operation.
one undertakes to indemnify another against
integrated electromyogram (IEMG)
loss, damage, or liability arising from an un-
The computed area under the curve of an
known or contingent event and is applicable
electromyographic signal.
only to some contingency or act to occur in
the future. (3) An agreement by which one integrated error
party for a consideration promises to pay The sum of the errors accumulated over a
money or its equivalent or to do an act valu- given task.
able to another party upon destruction, loss, or integrated gas company
injury of something in which the other party A company that obtains a significant portion
has an interest. of its gas operating revenues from the opera-
insured and principal tions of both a retail gas distribution system
Transportation. The motor carrier named in and gas transmission system. An integrated
the policy of insurance, surety bond, en- company obtains less than 90 percent but
dorsement, or notice of cancellation, and also more than 10 percent of its gas operating
the fiduciary of such motor carrier. revenues from either its retail or transmission
operations or does not meet the classification
of mains established for distribution.
A measure of exposure expressed as the mass
of substance in contact with the exchange Integrated Noise Model (INM)
boundary per unity body weight per unit time Aviation. A computer modeling system used
(e.g., mg/kg-day). Also referred to as the by the Federal Aviation Administration
normalized exposure rate.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

(FAA) to develop noise contours for airports by 100. (Generally of limited value.) Ex-
and surrounding areas. pressed as:
mental age
IQ = x 100
integrated pest management (IPM) chronological age
A mixture of pesticide and non-pesticide
methods to control pests. intelligence test
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Any of a set of standardized tests which pur-
An EPA database containing verified RfDs, port to measure an individual's intelligence.
slope factors, health risks, and EPA regulatory Intelligent Vehicle Highway System
information for numerous chemicals. IRIS is A planned passenger car highway system in
EPA's preferred source for toxicity informa- which the routine driving, safety, and naviga-
tion for Superfund. tion functions are assumed by integrated
integrated tow computer systems.
Barges designed to fit together so the under- intensity
water configuration is the equivalent of a sin- (1) General. A measure of the strength or
gle hull of a motorized vessel. This elimi- amount of some entity or sensation. (2) Ra-
nates water turbulence and increases effi- diation. The energy of any radiation incident
ciency. upon (or flowing through) a unit area, perpen-
integrated transportation dicular to the radiation beam, in a unit of time.
See intermodalism (3). (3) Seismology. A measure of the effects at a
particular place by shaking during an earth-
intellect quake (not to be confused with magnitude). It
The capacity for understanding and reasoning. is a measure of the "strength" of shaking ex-
intelligence perienced in an earthquake. The Modified
The ability to recognize, learn, understand, Mercalli Scale represents the local effect or
reason, create, and react appropriately to a damage caused by an earthquake; the "inten-
given set of living conditions. It is a general sity" reported at different points generally de-
term for the practical functioning of the mind. creases away from the earthquake epicenter.
It is basically a combination of reasoning, The intensity range, from I to XII, is ex-
memory, imagination, and judgement. Each pressed in Roman numerals. For example, an
of these faculties relies upon the others. The earthquake of intensity II barely would be felt
brain may store up many memories, but they by people favorably situated, while intensity
are useful only when brought to surface con- X would produce heavy damage, especially to
sciousness at the right time and in the right unreinforced masonry. Local geological con-
connection. Imagination is the faculty of as- ditions strongly influence the intensity of an
sociating several memories (e.g., facts, im- earthquake. Commonly, sites on soft ground
ages, sensations, etc.) to produce another fact or alluvium have intensities 2 to 3 units higher
or image. In general, the more efficiently the than sites on bedrock. See also magnitude.
brain combines memories in an orderly fash- intentionally
ion, the greater the intelligence. Imagination, To do something purposely, and not acciden-
however, must be governed by reason and tally.
judgement. Reason is the ability to draw
logical conclusions by relating memories and interaction
observations. Judgement relies on experience The result from a particular combination of
to choose between different forms of reason- events, due solely to the combination and not
ing. All these factors are controlled by the any particular individual event.
cerebral cortex. interaction effect
intelligence quotient (IQ) That experimental or statistical result attribut-
A numerical score attributed to be one's intel- able solely to a particular combination of
ligence level, typically the value of the ratio variables and beyond that which can be pre-
of mental age to chronological age, multiplied dicted from the variables independently.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

An area designated to provide traffic access
between roadways of differing levels.
Having the capability for one or more cycles intercity and rural bus transportation
of human input with rapid display feedback. Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
ing bus transportation, over regular routes and
interactive corporate compliance on regular schedules, the operations of which
The theory that self-regulation can supple- are principally outside a single municipality
ment, and even replace some of the command and its suburban areas.
and control style of corporate regulation by
government. Involves using the competitive intercity bus
forces of the economy to produce a set of co- (1) A bus with front doors only, high-backed
operative policies which can produce accept- seats, separate luggage compartments, and
able forms of business self-regulation to pre- usually with restroom facilities for use in
vent industrial abuses before they require high-speed long-distance service. (2) A stan-
control by the government. See also positive dard size bus equipped with front doors only,
incentives, carrot and stick approach and high-backed seats, luggage compartments
environmental leadership program. separate from the passenger compartment and
usually with rest room facilities, for high-
interactive window speed long distance service.
An active window which is receptive to user
input. intercity passenger mile
The distance generated by moving one pas-
Interagency Fleet Management System (IFMS) senger one mile on a trip between two cities.
The organizational title assigned to the Gen-
eral Services Administrations (GSA) inter- intercity rail passenger
agency fleet operation which encompasses the A rail car, intended for use by revenue pas-
Central Office, Regional Offices, and all Fleet sengers, obtained by the National Railroad
Management Centers and Fleet Management Passenger Corporation (currently Amtrak®)
Subcenters. for use in intercity rail transportation.

interaural phase intercity rail transportation

The apparent relative phase difference of a Transportation provided by Amtrak®.
tone between the left and right ears. intercity transportation
intercept glideslope altitude (1) Transportation between cities. (2) Trans-
The minimum altitude to intercept the glideslope portation service provided between cities by
or path on a precision approach. The intersec- certified carriers, usually on a fixed route with
tion of the published intercept altitude with a fixed schedule.
the glideslope/path, designated on Govern- intercity trucking
ment charts by the lightning bolt symbol, is Trucking operations which carry freight be-
the precision final approach fix (FAF). How- yond the local areas and commercial zones.
ever, when Air Traffic Control (ATC) directs intercostal
a lower altitude, the resultant lower intercept Between the ribs.
position is then the FAF. See also glideslope.
interdigital crotch
interceptor sewer That region of soft tissue between each pair of
Large sewer lines that, in a combined system, digits on the hand or foot. The pair of digits
control the flow of the sewage to the treat- being referred to should be specified when
ment plant. In a storm, they allow some of using this term.
the sewage to flow directly into a receiving
stream, thus preventing an overload by a sud- interest, long-term debt and capital leases
den surge of water into the sewers. They are Interest on all classes of debt, both short-term
also used in separate systems to collect the and long-term, as well as the amortization of
flows from main and trunk sewers and carry premium, discount and expense connected
them to treatment points.

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with the issuance of such debt and interest ex- infection of healthy cells and suppress viral
pense on capital leases. multiplication in cells already infected.
interested party interflection
For the purposes of administrative hearings, The multiple reflections of light from an en-
those who have a legally recognized private closed volume other than the luminaire prior
interest, and not simply a possible pecuniary to reaching the surface of interest.
benefit. Interglacial period
interface A time interval of relatively mild climate
A common boundary or point of connection during the Ice Age when continental ice
between two or more parts of a system or sheets were absent or limited in extent to
between systems, whether physical or per- Greenland and the Antarctic.
ceptual. intergovernmental revenue
interfacility Amounts received from other governments as
Aviation. Between adjacent facilities; be- fiscal aid in the form of shared revenues and
tween Air Control Facility (ACF) and ACF, grants-in-aid, as reimbursements for perform-
or between ACF and Air Traffic Control ance of general government functions and
Tower (ATCT), as contrasted with intrafacil- specific services for the paying government,
ity. or in lieu of taxes. This revenue excludes
interference amounts received from other governments for
An undesired positive or negative response sale of property, commodities, and utility
caused by a substance other than the one be- services.
ing monitored. Substances that may be pre- interim (permit) status
sent in the atmosphere along with the con- Period during which treatment, storage, and
taminant of interest, which, when sampled, af- disposal facilities coming under RCRA in
fect the reading of an instrument, detector 1980 are temporarily permitted to operate
tube, or in the analysis of the sample. Inter- while awaiting denial or issuance of a perma-
ference can be positive or negative, signifi- nent permit. Permits issued under these cir-
cant or insignificant, accounted for or unac- cumstances are usually called Part A or Part B
counted for, and generally must be considered permits.
when assessing an exposure situation. inter-individual variation
interference allowance The differences between individuals on the
That time compensation given a worker for same or equivalent aspect or variable.
lost production due to interference time. interior compartment door
interference equivalent Any door in the interior of the vehicle in-
Mass or concentration of an interfering sub- stalled by the manufacturer as a cover for
stance which gives the same measurement storage space normally used for personal ef-
reading as a unit mass or concentration of the fects.
substance being measured. interior hung scaffold
interference time A work scaffold suspended from the ceiling
(1) That machine idle time which results from or roof structure.
an operator's inability to service one or more interior structural fire fighting
machines due to other assignments. (2) That The physical activity of fire suppression, res-
worker idle time when working as a member cue, or both inside of buildings or enclosed
of a team in which one or more members of structures which are involved in a fire situa-
the team are required to wait while some task tion beyond the incipient stage.
is carried out by another member.
interferon Scan across a display screen or other medium
Low-molecular-weight protein produced by such that the distance from line to line in a
cells infected with viruses. It will block viral

©2000 CRC Press LLC

field is approximately twice the line width, intermediate fix (IF)
and adjacent lines belong to different fields. Aviation. The fix that identifies the beginning
interlaced display of the intermediate approach segment of an
A display which uses an interlaced scanning instrument approach procedure. The fix is not
format such that two fields must be written to normally identified on the instrument ap-
completely update the display. proach chart as an IF.

interlock intermediate grade gasoline

An electrical or mechanical device for pre- An increasingly common grade of unleaded
venting the continued operation of an instru- gasoline with an octane rating intermediate
ment if the interlock is not working, or the in- between "regular" and "premium." Octane
activation of an instrument/appliance, until a boosters are added to gasoline to control en-
condition has been corrected to enable its safe gine pre-ignition or "knocking" by slowing
operation. combustion rates.

interlocked route intermediate infrared

DOT. A route within interlocking limits. That portion of the infrared spectrum from
about 1400 to 5000 nm.
interlocked switch
A switch within the interlocking limits the intermediate landing
control of which is interlocked with other Aviation. On the rare occasion that this op-
functions of the interlocking. tion is requested, it should be approved. The
departure center, however, must advise the
interlocking limits Air Traffic Control Command Center
The tracks between the opposing home sig- (ATCCC) so that the appropriate delay is car-
nals of an interlocking. ried over and assigned at the intermediate air-
interlocking machine port. An intermediate landing airport within the
An assemblage of manually operated levers or arrival center will not be accepted without coor-
other devices for the control of signals, dination with and the approval of the ATCCC.
switches, or other units. intermediate product
interlocking signal Under ISO 14000, input or output from a unit
A roadway signal which governs movements process which requires further transformation.
into or within interlocking limits. intermediate type road surface
intermediary Mixed bituminous and bituminous penetration
An arbitrator or mediator. A broker; one who (Surface/Pavement Type Codes 52 and 53).
is employed to negotiate a matter between intermittent, casual, or occasional driver
two parties, and who for that purpose may be A driver who in any period of 7 consecutive
an agent of both. days is employed or used as a driver by more
intermediate than a single motor carrier. The qualification
A chemical formed as a middle step in a se- of such a driver shall be determined and re-
ries of chemical reactions, especially in the corded in accordance with the provisions of
formation of organic compounds. 49 CFR 391.63 or 391.65 as applicable.
intermediate approach segment intermittent noise
Aviation. That segment of an instrument ap- Noise which occurs intermittently or falls be-
proach procedure between either the interme- low the audible or measurable level one or
diate approach fix and the final approach fix more times over a given period.
or point, or between the end of a reversal, race intermittent stream
track, or dead reckoning track procedure and A stream, the flow of which in the state of
the final approach fix or point, as appropriate. nature is interrupted either from time to time
intermediate cuneiform bone during the year or at various places along its
One of the distal group of foot bones in the course, or both.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

intermittent work as adequate highways to ports or bus feeder
That work, often physically demanding, services to rail transit. c) In its broadest inter-
which is performed only at certain points in pretation, intermodalism refers to a holistic
time, not on a continuous basis. view of transportation in which individual
intermodal modes work together or within their own
Used to denote movements of cargo contain- niches to provide the user with the best
ers interchangeably between transport modes, choices of service, and in which the conse-
i.e., motor, water, and air carriers, and where quences on all modes of policies for a single
the equipment is compatible within the multi- mode are considered. This view has been
ple systems. called balanced, integrated, or comprehensive
transportation in the past.
intermodal container
A freight container designed and constructed internal
to permit it to be used interchangeably in two (1) Within or beneath the surface of a body
or more modes of transport. part or other structure. (2) See medial.

intermodal passenger terminal internal audit

An existing railroad passenger terminal which Audit performed by personnel of the company
has been or may be modified as necessary to being audited to assure that internal proce-
accommodate several modes of transporta- dures, operations, and accounting practices
tion, including intercity rail service and some are in proper order, in contrast to an audit by
or all of the following: intercity bus, com- outside, independent agencies.
muter rail, intracity rail transit and bus trans- internal biomechanical environment
portation, airport limousine service and airline The mechanical forces to which bodily tissues,
ticket offices, rent-a-car facilities, taxis, pri- particularly the musculoskeletal system, are
vate parking, and other transportation serv- subjected when executing motions or being
ices. acted upon by outside forces.
intermodal portable tank internal canthus
A specific class of portable tanks designed See endocanthus.
primarily for international intermodal use. internal clock
intermodal transport A hypothetical internal bodily mechanism re-
Enables cargo to be consolidated into eco- sponsible for maintaining biological rhythms.
nomically large units (e.g., containers, bulk See also circadian pacemaker.
grain railcars) optimizing use of specialized internal combustion engine
intermodal handling equipment to effect high- An engine in which the power is developed
speed cargo transfer between ships, barges, through the expansive force of fuel that is
railcars, and truck chassis using a minimum of fired or discharged within a closed chamber
labor to increase logistic flexibility, reduce or cylinder.
consignment delivery times, and minimize
operating costs. internal consistency
Having data within an experiment, analysis,
intermodal transportation or test which are repeatable across subjects or
Use of more than one type of transportation; which have logical relationships within a
e.g., transporting a commodity by barge to an subject.
intermediate point and by truck to destination.
internal contamination
intermodalism As pertains to ionizing radiation, radioactive
Typically used in three contexts: a) Most nar- contamination within a person's body as a re-
rowly, it refers to containerization, piggyback sult of inhaling, swallowing, or skin puncture
service, or other technologies that provide the by radioactive materials.
seamless movement of goods and people by
internal conversion
more than one mode of transport. b) More
broadly, intermodalism refers to the provision A mechanism of radioactive decay in which
of connections between different modes, such transition energy is transferred to an orbital
electron, causing its ejection from the atom.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

internal desynchronization international air operator
The loss of normal phase relationships between Commercial air transportation outside the ter-
biological rhythms within a single entity. ritory of the United States, including opera-
internal ear tions between the U.S. and foreign countries
See inner ear. and between the U.S. and its territories and
internal injury
Any injury to organs lying within the thoracic International Air Transportation Association
or abdominal cavities. (IATA)
Established in 1945, a trade association serv-
internal naris ing airlines, passengers, shippers, travel
The junction of the posterior nasal cavity with agents, and governments. The association
the nasopharynx. promotes safety, standardization in forms
internal pacing (baggage checks, tickets, weight bills), and
Pertaining to self-paced work. aids in establishing international airfares.
IATA headquarters are in Geneva, Switzer-
internal radiation land.
Nuclear radiation (alpha and beta particles
and gamma radiation) resulting from radioac- international airport
tive substances inside the body. Important (1) Any airport designated by the Contracting
sources are iodine-131 in the thyroid gland, State in whose territory it is situated as an air-
and strontium-90 and plutonium-239 in bone. port of entry and departure for international
air traffic. (2) An airport of entry which has
internal reporting been designated by the Secretary of Treasury
Reporting of a violation of a law or corporate or Commissioner of Customs as an interna-
policy to upper-level management within an tional airport for customs service. (3) A
organization. Part of a Self-Reporting or landing rights airport at which specific per-
Violation-Reporting System under the Federal mission to land must be obtained from cus-
Sentencing Guidelines. toms authorities in advance of contemplated
internal traffic use. (4) Airport designated under the Con-
See internal water transportation. vention on International Civil Aviation as an
airport for use by international commercial air
internal water transportation
transport and/or international general aviation.
Includes all local (intraport) traffic and traffic
between ports or landings wherein the entire international and territorial operations
movement takes place on inland waterways. Aviation. The operation of aircraft flying
Also termed internal are movements involv- between the 50 United States and foreign
ing carriage on both inland waterways and the points, between the 50 United States and U.S.
water of the Great Lakes, and inland move- possessions and territories, and between two
ments that cross short stretches of open water foreign points. Includes both the combination
that link inland systems. passenger/cargo and the all-cargo carriers en-
gaged in international and territorial opera-
internal work
That manual work done by an operator during
the operation of a machine or process he/she international bunkers
is supervising. Also referred to as fill up work Storage compartments on vessels and aircraft
and inside work. engaged in international commerce, where
fuel to be used by the vessel or aircraft is
internally paced work
See self-paced work.
International Cargo Handling Coordination
Association (ICHCA)
Air Commerce. Traffic (passengers and
a) Collects, edits, and disseminates technical
freight) performed between the designated
information relating to cargo handling by all
airport and an airport in another country or
modes of transport. b) Maintains consultative
status with the International Standards Orga-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nization for the development of standards re- International Flight Service Station (IFSS)
lating to cargo handling equipment (such as A central operations facility in the flight advi-
hooks, containers, wire slings, spreaders, and sory system, manned and equipped to control
pallets). c) Maintains a library for members' aeronautical point-to-point telecommunica-
use. d) Represents members' interests on an tions, and air/ground telecommunications
international basis. with pilots operating over international terri-
International Civil Aviation Organization tory or waters, providing flight plan filing,
(ICAO) weather information, search and rescue ac-
A specialized agency of the United Nations tion, and other flight assistance operations.
whose objective is to develop the principles and international freight forwarder
techniques of international air navigation and to A person, duly registered with the Federal
foster planning and development of international Maritime Board, engaged in the business of
civil air transport. ICAO Regions include (AFI) dispatching shipments on behalf of other per-
African Indian Ocean Region, (CAR) Caribbean sons, for a consideration, by ocean going ves-
Region, (EUR) European Region, (MID/ASIA) sels in commerce from the United States, its
Middle East/Asia Region, (NAM) North territories, or possessions, and handling the
American Region, (NAT) North Atlantic Re- formalities incident to such shipments.
gion, (PAC) Pacific Region, (SAM) South international inland waterways transport
American Region. Inland waterways transport between two
International Civil Aviation Organization places (a place of loading/embarkment and a
Broadcast place of unloading/disembarking) located in
A transmission of information relating to air two different countries. It may involve transit
navigation that is not addressed to a specific through one or more additional countries.
station or stations. international jurisdiction
International Committee on Radiation Protec- Power of a court or other organization to hear
tion (ICRP) and determine matters between different
An international group of scientists that de- countries or persons of different countries or
velops recommendations on ionizing radiation foreign states.
dose limits and other radiation protection international law
measures. Those laws governing the legal relations be-
International Court of Justice tween nations.
The judicial arm of the United Nations. It has International Maritime Organization (IMO)
jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on Established as a specialized agency of the
matters of law and treaty construction when United Nations in 1948. The International
requested by the General Assembly, Security Maritime Organization facilitates cooperation
Council, or any other international agency on technical matters affecting merchant ship-
authorized by the General Assembly to peti- ping and traffic, including improved maritime
tion for such opinion. It also has jurisdiction safety and prevention of marine pollution.
to settle legal disputes between nations when Headquarters are in London, England.
voluntarily submitted to it. Its judgements
may be enforced by the Security Council, Its International Maritime Satellite Organization
jurisdiction and powers are defined by statute, (INMARSAT)
to which all member states of the U.N. are An international partnership of signatories
parties. Judges of this Court are elected by from 67 nations. The partnership provides
the General Assembly and Security Council mobile satellite capacity to its signatories,
of the U.N. who, in turn, use the capacity to provide
worldwide mobile satellite services to their
international flight information manual maritime, aeronautical, and land-mobile cus-
A publication designed primarily as a pilot's tomers including shipping, cruise, fishing, re-
preflight planning guide for flights into for- search and offshore exploration industries,
eign airspace and for flights returning to the and airlines. INMARSAT began service in
U.S. from foreign locations. 1976.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

international operations within a range of known values using some
In general, operations outside the territory of predictor.
the U.S., including operations between the interpupillary
U.S. and foreign countries, and the U.S. and Pertaining to the region between the eye pu-
its territories or possessions. Includes both pils.
the combination passenger/cargo carrier and
the all-cargo carriers engaged in international interpupillary breadth
and territorial operations. The horizontal linear distance between the
centers of the pupils of the eyes. Measured
International Organization for Standardiza- with the individual's scalp muscles relaxed,
tion (ISO) the eyes open, and looking straight ahead.
Founded as a worldwide federation to pro-
mote the development of international manu- interrogator
facturing, trade, and communication stan- Aviation. The ground-based surveillance radar
dards, thereby facilitating the international beacon transmitter-receiver, which normally
exchange of goods and services. ISO has scans in synchronism with a primary radar,
promulgated more than 8,000 international transmitting discrete radio signals which repeti-
standards. tiously request all transponders on the mote be-
ing used to reply. The replies received are
international passenger mixed with the primary radar returns and dis-
Any person traveling on any type of public played on the same plan position indicator (ra-
conveyance (e.g., waterborne, airborne, etc.) dar scope). Also, applied to the airborne ele-
between the United States and foreign coun- ment of the TACAN/DME system.
tries and between Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands and foreign countries. interrogatories
Part of the pre-trial discovery process. A
International System of Units (SI) formal set of questions, usually written, spe-
See basic units. cific to the case, that must be answered by the
international transportation party served, usually in writing and before the
Transportation between any place in the trial date.
United States and any place in a foreign interrupter
country; between places in the United States A mechanical barrier in a fuse that prevents
through a foreign country; or between places transmission of an explosive effect to some
in one or more foreign countries through the elements beyond the interrupter.
United States.
interrupter switch
Internet As pertains to systems over 600 volts (nomi-
A network of computers. nal), a switch capable of making, carrying,
Internet Service Provider (ISP) and interrupting specified currents.
Provides Internet access to people or corpora- interscapulae
tions. Pertaining to the region of the back between
interoceptor the two scapular bones.
Any sensory receptor sensitive to changes interscye, bent torso
within the viscera and blood vessels The surface distance across the back between
interocular breadth the scye points. Measured with the individual
See endocanthic breadth. standing, the torso bent forward from the
interocular distance waist at an angle of about 90°, and the arms
See interpupillary breadth. hanging relaxed.
interphalangeal interscye, seated forward reach
Between the phalanges of the hand or foot. The surface distance across the back between
the scye points. Measured with the individual
sitting erect with his/her arms extended for-
To estimate one or more unknown values
ward horizontally.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

interscye, seated leaning states, or an air pollution control agency of
The surface distance across the back between two or more municipalities located in differ-
the posterior axillary folds at the lower level ent states.
of the armpits. Measured with the individual interstate air transportation
seated and leaning forward with his/her hands The carriage by aircraft of persons or property
on his/her knees. as a common carrier for compensation or hire,
interscye, standing erect or the carriage of mail by aircraft in com-
The surface distance across the back between merce: a) between a place in a State or the
the posterior axillary folds at the lower level District of Columbia and another place in an-
of the armpits. Measured with the individual other state or the District of Columbia; b)
standing erect and his/her body weight dis- between places in the same state through the
tributed equally between the two feet. airspace over any place outside that state; or
c) between places in the same possession of
intersecting runway
the United States; whether that commerce
Two or more runways which cross or meet
moves wholly by aircraft or partly by aircraft
within their lengths.
and partly by other forms of transportation.
interstate carrier water supply
Aviation. (1) A point defined by any combi- A source of water for drinking and sanitary
nation of courses, radials, or bearings of two use on planes, buses, trains, and ships operat-
or more navigational aids. (2) Used to de- ing in more than one state. These sources are
scribe the point where two runways, a runway federally regulated.
and a taxiway, or two taxiways cross or meet.
interstate commerce
intersection departure Trade, traffic, or transportation in the United
Aviation. A departure from any runway inter- States which is between a place in a state and
section except the end of the runway. a place outside of such state (including a place
Inter-Society Color Council - National Bureau outside of the United States) or is between
of Standards color system two places in a state through another state or a
See color ordering system. place outside of the United States.
interstate Interstate Commerce Act
(1) Limited access divided facility of at least The act of Congress of February 4, 1887 (49
four lanes designated by the Federal Highway U.S.C.A. § 10101 et seq.), designed to regulate
Administration as part of the Interstate Sys- commerce between the states, and particularly
tem. (2) Meaning between states or involving the transportation of persons and property, by
more than one state. carriers, between interstate points.
interstate air commerce Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
The carriage by aircraft of persons or property The federal body charged with enforcing Acts
for compensation or hire, or the carriage of of Congress affecting interstate commerce.
mail by aircraft, or the operation or navigation Interstate Commerce Commission authorized
of aircraft in the conduct or furtherance of a carrier
business or vocation, in commerce between a A for-hire motor carrier engaged in interstate
place in any State of the United States, or the or foreign commerce, subject to economic
District of Columbia, and a place in any other regulation by the ICC.
State of the United States, or the District of Interstate Commerce Commission exempt
Columbia; or between places in the same carrier
State of the United States through the airspace
A for-hire motor carrier transporting com-
over any place outside thereof; or between modities or conducting operations not subject
places in the same territory or possession of to economic regulation by the ICC.
the United States, or the District of Columbia.
interstate highway (freeway or expressway)
Interstate Air Pollution Control Agency A divided arterial highway for through traffic
Under the Clean Air Act: An air pollution with full or partial control of access and grade
control agency established by two or more separations at major intersections.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

interstate highway system intestine
This system is part of the Federal Aid Primary The membranous tube extending from the
system. It is a system of freeways connecting pylorus of the stomach to the anus, consisting
and serving the principal cities of the conti- of the small intestine and the large intestine.
nental United States. intort
interstate pipeline To rotate a structure toward the midline, espe-
(1) A pipeline or that part of a pipeline that is cially the eye.
used in the transportation of hazardous liquids intorter
or carbon dioxide in interstate or foreign A muscle which intorts.
commerce. (2) A natural gas pipeline com-
pany that is engaged in the transportation, by intoxication
pipeline, of natural gas across state bounda- (1) A state of having been poisoned by any
ries, and is subject to the jurisdiction of the toxic substance, whether unknowingly or due
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to one's own voluntary actions. Intoxication
(FERC) under the Natural Gas Act. See also in the sense of poisoning can be caused by
intrastate pipeline. carbon monoxide, lead, or other toxic agents.
Some medications can be poisonous in exces-
interstate waters sive doses. Intoxication can also occur in per-
Waters that flow across or form part of state sons who have an allergy to medications such
or international boundaries, e.g., the Great as penicillin, to various serums, and to other
Lakes, the Mississippi River, or coastal wa- substances. Any type of drug addiction is
ters. medically recognized as a state of intoxica-
interstimulus-onset interval tion. In addition to those mentioned, there are
The length of time between the onset of one the commonly recognized types of poisoning
stimulus and the onset of a second stimulus. such as those caused by chemicals and food
interstitial contaminants. Acid intoxication and alkaline
The space between cellular components or intoxication are acidosis and alkalosis, re-
parts of a structure or organ. spectively, of a severe grade. Intoxication in
the sense of drunkenness occurs when the
interstitial monitoring concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches
A technique for monitoring the integrity of about one-tenth of 1 percent. (2) A state of
the area between the primary and secondary intense mental or emotional excitement.
containment systems of underground storage
tanks (USTs). intra-abdominal pressure (IAP)
That pressure exerted on the internal walls by
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) gravity, the abdominal viscera, arterial supply,
The boundary zone separating the northeast and the musculature.
trade winds of the Northern Hemisphere from
the southeast trade winds of the Southern intra-cellular water
Hemisphere. That water contained within the cells of the
body. One of two components of total body
interval scale water.
See equal-interval scale.
intervertebral disk Aviation. Within a single facility; for exam-
A circular mass of fibrous cartilage located ple, between two sectors within the same Area
between adjacent vertebrae in the spine. Control Facility (ACF), as contrasted with
interview interfacility.
A spontaneous or organized sequence of intrafusal fiber
questions and discussion to exchange infor- The small muscles fibers within a muscle
mation relevant to a particular situation be- spindle that are involved in sensing length
tween two or more individuals. changes. See also extrafusal fiber.
Occurring between vowels.

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intra-individual variation intrastate pipeline
That variation which occurs within a single (1) A pipeline or that part of a pipeline to
person over time on the same or similar test- which 49 CFR 195.2 applies that is not an in-
ing or observation. terstate pipeline. (2) A natural gas pipeline
intransit deliveries company engaged in the transportation, by
Redeliveries to a foreign country of foreign pipeline, of natural gas not subject to the ju-
gas received for transportation across U.S. ter- risdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory
ritory, and deliveries of U.S. gas to a foreign Commission (FERC) under the Natural Gas
country for transportation across its territory Act. See also interstate pipeline.
and redelivery to the United States. intraterritorial traffic
intransit passengers Traffic between ports in Puerto Rico and the
Aviation. Revenue passengers onboard inter- Virgin Islands, which are considered as a sin-
national flights that transit an airport for non- gle unit.
traffic purposes in the 50 states. intratracheal
intransit receipts Endotracheal or within or throughout the tra-
Receipts of foreign gas for transportation chea.
across United States (U.S.) territory and rede- intravehicular activity (IVA)
livery to a foreign country, and redeliveries to Any activity occurring within a vehicle, espe-
the U.S. of U.S. gas transported across foreign cially referring to a space vehicle.
territory. intravenous
intra-ocular muscle Within a vein.
An involuntary, intrinsic, smooth muscle intravenous infusion
within the eye, specifically the ciliary and pu- Administration of fluids through a vein. Also
pillary muscles. referred to as venoclysis and intravenous
intra-ocular pressure feeding. This method of feeding is used most
That fluid pressure within the eyeball. often when a patient is suffering from severe
intraperitoneal dehydration and is unable to drink fluids be-
Within the abdominal/pelvic cavity. cause he/she is unconscious, recovering from
an operation, unable to swallow normally, or
intrapleural vomiting persistently.
Within the chest cavity.
intrasensory matching Pertaining to a structure or mechanism which
A procedure in which a subject matches the originates within a structure and acts on itself.
magnitude of a stimulus in a sensory modality
with the magnitude of another stimulus using intrinsic muscle
the same modality. Any muscle having both its origin and inser-
tion located within a given structure and
intrastate which is involved in the function of that
Travel or movement or events occurring structure.
within the same state.
intrinsically safe
intrastate air transportation Incapable or producing sufficient energy to
The carriage of persons or property as a ignite an explosive atmosphere and two-fault
common carrier for compensation or hire, by tolerant against failure with single fault toler-
turbojet powered aircraft capable of carrying ance at 1.5 times the maximum voltage or en-
thirty or more persons, wholly within the ergy.
same state of the United States.
intrastate commerce Insertion of a tube. The purpose varies with
Any trade, traffic, or transportation in any the location and type of tube inserted; gener-
state which is not described in the term "inter- ally the procedure is done to allow for drain-
state commerce." age, to maintain an open airway or for the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

administration of anesthetics or oxygen. In- invertebrate
tubation in the stomach or intestine is done to (1) Having no vertebral column. (2) An ani-
remove gastric or intestinal contents for the mal organism that has no vertebral column.
relief or prevention of distention, or to obtain inverted image
a specimen for analysis. A tube may be in- An image which has been rotated within its
serted in the common bile duct to allow for
plane by 180°.
drainage of bile from the ducts that drain the
liver after surgery on the gallbladder or the inverted U function
common bile duct. Tracheal intubation can be See concave function.
achieved by the insertion of an endotracheal
tube into the trachea via the nose or mouth.
Any muscle which turns the sole of the foot
inundation area inward.
An area of land subject to flooding.
investigation parameters
invasive As defined by management, the specific con-
Pertaining to a procedure which requires siderations which must be evaluated to deter-
breaking the skin, insertion of any object into mine the focus of the accident investigation
any body cavity except the mouth, or which process. Examples include such aspects as
causes extreme discomfort. the types of occurrences that will require re-
inventory porting and investigating, the elements of a
(1) General. Materials on hand, or, a physical business operation or function to be investi-
count of the materials on hand. (2) TSCA. An gated and to what extent, how accidents and
inventory of chemicals produced pursuant to incidents shall be formally reported, and what
Section 8(b) of the Toxic Substances Control use shall be made of the information reported.
Act. investigatory interrogation
inventory management An investigatory interrogation outside the
Those techniques involved in maintaining the scope of the Miranda Rule is the questioning
desired inventory levels, including planning, of persons by law enforcement officers in a
tracking, distribution, providing storage, and routine manner in an investigation which has
purchasing. not reached an accusatory stage and where
such persons are not in legal custody or de-
inverse power function prived of their freedom of action in any sig-
An exponential mathematical relationship in- nificant way.
volving a negative exponent or where the
variable would be represented in the denomi- investments and special funds
nator with a positive exponent. Investments and advances to investor-
controlled and other associated companies,
inverse square law notes and receivables not due within one year,
Doubling the distance from a source of light, investment in securities issued by others, al-
noise, ionizing radiation, etc. reduces the in- lowance for unrealized gain or loss on non-
tensity of the exposure to the source at that current marketable equity securities, funds not
point by one-fourth (i.e., the intensity varies available for current operations, investments
inversely with the square of the distance from in leveraged leases, and net investments in di-
the source). rect financing and sales-type leases which are
inversion not reasonably expected to be amortized
An atmospheric condition caused by a layer of within one year.
warm air preventing the rise of cooling air involuntary muscle
trapped beneath it. This condition prevents Those muscles not normally under conscious
the rise of pollutants that might otherwise be control, such as the smooth muscles.
dispersed and can result in an air pollution
episode. involution
The process of decline or decay in human
invert processes later in life.
To turn inward.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

iodine rectly) leaving a positively charged ion. The
A chemical element, atomic number 53, separated electron and ion are then referred to
atomic weight 126.904, symbol I. Salts of io- as an ion pair. See also ionizing radiation.
dine and tincture of iodine were once used as ionization chamber
antiseptics. Iodine is a strong poison, how- A device consisting of two electrically op-
ever, and has largely been replaced by other posed, charged plates used to measure radio-
antiseptics that are less irritating to the tissues activity.
and equally effective. Since iodine salts are
opaque to x-rays, they can be combined with ionization density
other compounds and used as contrast media Number of ion pairs per unit volume.
in diagnostic x-ray examinations of the gall- ionization track
bladder and kidneys. The detectable path of an ionizing photon or
IOHA particle following passage through tissue or
International Occupational Health Associa- another substance.
tion. ionizing radiation
ion Electromagnetic radiation (x-ray or gamma
An atom or chemical radical (group of chemi- ray photons or quanta) or corpuscular radia-
cally combine atoms) bearing a positive or tion (alpha or beta particles, electrons, posi-
negative electrical charge caused by a defi- trons protons, neutrons, or heavy particles)
ciency or excess of electrons. capable of producing ions by direct or secon-
dary processes as it passes through matter.
ion exchange
The reversible interchange of ions of like ionometer
charge between an insoluble solid and a sur- An instrument for measuring the intensity or
rounding liquid phase in which there is no quantity of x-rays.
permanent change in the structure of the solid. ionosphere
ion exchange resin An electrified region of the upper atmosphere
Synthetic resins which contain active groups where fairly large concentrations of ions and
enabling the resin to combine with, or ex- free electrons exist.
change ions between it and those in another iontophoresis
substance. The process of transferring ions across some
ion exchange treatment barrier with direct current.
A common water softening method often IPM
found on a large scale at water purification See integrated pest management. See also
plants that removes some organics and radium Inspirable Particulate Mass.
by adding calcium oxide or calcium hydrox-
ide to increase the pH to a level where the IPM-TLVs
metals will precipitate out. See Inspirable Particulate Mass TLVs.

ion pair IQ
Two particles of opposite charge. One See intelligence quotient.
method by which ionizing radiation gives up IR
its energy is by the production of ion pairs. Infrared.
See also ionization.
ionization Pertaining to the optical interference effects in
The separation of a normally electrically neu- thin films or of reflected diffracted light from
tral atom or molecule into electrically charged ribbed surfaces.
components. The term may also be used to
iridescent clouds
describe the degree or extent to which this
Clouds that exhibit brilliant spots or borders
separation occurs. Ionization is the removal
of colors, most often red and green. Observed
of a negatively charged electron from the
up to about 30° from the sun.
atom or molecule (either directly or indi-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

IRIS The administration of alkalis hampers iron ab-
See Integrated Risk Information System. sorption. The amount of new iron needed
iris every day by the adult is approximately 15
(1) The colored circular structure in the aque- mg. (3) Transit (slang). An old model truck.
ous humor of the eye which encircles the pu- iron bacteria
pil between the cornea and the lens and regu- Bacteria capable of metabolizing reduced
lates the amount of light reaching the retina. iron. Also called crenothrix.
(2) An arrangement of flat leaf-like structures iron lunger
which provides an approximately circular Transit (slang). The conventional 220 or 250
opening on retraction. horsepower engine.
iris reflex IRPA
The adjustment of muscle fiber length in the International Radiation Protection Associa-
iris to accommodate light levels to which the tion.
eye is exposed.
iritis The density of radiant flux per unit area on a
Inflammation of the iris. The condition may specified surface.
be acute, occurring suddenly with pronounced
symptoms, or chronic, with less severe but irradiate
longer-lasting symptoms. The cause is often To expose to some form of directed energy.
obscure. Frequently, the condition is associ- irradiated food
ated with rheumatic diseases, particularly Food that has been subject to brief radioactiv-
rheumatoid arthritis, and with diabetes melli- ity, usually by gamma rays, to kill insects,
tus, syphilis, diseased teeth, tonsillitis, and bacteria, and mold, and preserve it without re-
other infections. It may also be caused by frigeration or freezing.
injury. Iritis is characterized by severe pain,
usually radiating to the forehead and becom- irradiation
ing worse at night. The eye is usually red and Exposure to radiation of wavelengths shorter
the pupil contracts and may be irregular in than those of visible light (gamma, x-ray, or
shape. There is extreme sensitivity to light, ultraviolet) for medical purposes, the destruc-
together with blurring of vision and tender- tion of bacteria in milk or other foodstuffs, or
ness of the eyeball. The iris becomes swollen for inducing polymerization of monomers or
and discolored. If not treated promptly, iritis vulcanization of rubber.
can be dangerous because of scarring and ad- irregular element
hesions that may cause impaired vision and A work element occurring at other than regu-
possibly blindness. lar intervals, but which may be statistically
iron predicted.
(1) General. A chemical element, atomic irregular shift
number 26, atomic weight 55.847, symbol Fe. A variable work schedule, set by the employer
(2) Human Physiology. Iron is chiefly im- for his/her convenience, usually to accommo-
portant to the human body because it is the date anticipated workloads.
main constituent of hemoglobin, and a con-
irreparable damages
stant although small intake of iron in food is
In the law pertaining to injunctions, damages
needed to replace erythrocytes that are de-
for which no certain pecuniary standard exists
stroyed in the body's processes. Most iron
for measurement. Damages not easily ascer-
reaches the body in food, where it occurs
tainable at law. With reference to public nui-
naturally in the form of iron compounds.
sances which a private party may enjoin, the
These are converted for use in the body by the
term includes wrongs of a repeated and con-
action of the hydrochloric acid produced in
tinuing character, or which occasion damages
the stomach. This acid separates the iron
estimatable only by conjecture, and not by
from the food and combines with it in a form
any accurate standard.
that is readily assimilated by the body. Vita-
min C enhances the absorption of food iron.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

irrespirable ischemia
Unfit for breathing. A condition in which there is an insufficient
irreversible effect amount of blood to a part of the body, due to a
An effect that is not reversible once the expo- functional constriction or blockage of a blood
sure has terminated. vessel, that can result in damage to the af-
fected area.
irreversible injury
An injury that is neither repairable nor can be ischemic hypoxia
expected to heal. A form of hypokinetic hypoxia in which arte-
rial blood flow is reduced.
(1) Washing a body cavity or wound by a ischial tuberosity
stream of water or other fluid. (2) Technique A projection at the base of the ischium which
for applying water or wastewater to land areas can become a pressure point when sitting on a
to supply the water and nutrient needs of hard surface.
plants. ischium
irrigation machine The inferior and posterior portion of each
An electrically driven or controlled machine, coxal bone.
with one or more motors, not hand portable, Ishihara test
and used primarily to transport and distribute A commonly used color deficiency test using
water for agricultural purposes. plates on which numbers of a given color are
irritability embedded in a variety of hues. One number
(1) Ability of an organism or a specific tissue is seen by those with normal vision, another
to react to the environment. (2) The state of number by those with a color vision defi-
being abnormally responsive to slight stimuli ciency or color blindness.
or unduly sensitive. ISO
irritant See International Organization for Stan-
Substance that induces local inflammation of dardization.
normal tissues on immediate, prolonged, or ISO 14000
repeated contact. Established in 1996 by the International Or-
irritant smoke ganization for Standardization, a worldwide
A smoke-like material that is used in deter- federation funded to promote international
mining whether a mechanical air-purifying standards in many areas. It is a set of volun-
respirator wearer achieves a good fit in a tary standards in the area of environmental
qualitative fit test. Stannic oxychloride or ti- management, auditing, performance evalua-
tanium tetrachloride are used as the source of tion, and life cycle analysis. The standards
irritant smoke. This smoke is also used in consist of guidelines or principles, systems,
ventilation system evaluations (i.e., smoke and supporting techniques with two primary
tubes). components: establishment of an environ-
mental management system, and development
irritation of the practice of environmental auditing.
A reaction of tissues to an injury that results Certification often qualifies companies for a
in an inflammation; the response or reaction decrease in insurance premium levels and an
by tissues to the application of a stimulus. acknowledgment worldwide of their commit-
IRV ment to maintaining and improving the envi-
See inspiratory reserve volume. ronment.
ISA ISO 14010
See Instrument Society of America. International Standard under ISO 14000
which includes general principles of environ-
isallobar mental auditing.
A line of equal change in atmospheric pres-
sure during a specified time interval.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ISO 14011/1 isoinertial concentration
International Standard under ISO 14000 See isoinertial action.
which includes auditing of environmental isokinetic
management systems. Pertaining to movement at a constant velocity.
ISO 14012 isokinetic action
International Standard under ISO 14000 A dynamic muscle action in which muscle
which includes qualification criteria for envi- contraction occurs at a constant velocity and
ronmental auditors. maximal tension is maintained during the en-
ISO 14040 tire movement sequence. Also referred to as
International Standard under ISO 14000 to isokinetic contraction.
address the life cycle assessment of products. isokinetic contraction
isoacceleration See isokinetic action.
Having a constant acceleration. isokinetic sampling
isobar An air sampling technique used to measure
(1) One of several nuclides having the same particulates and other contaminants in exhaust
number of nucleons, but different combina- stacks.
tions of protons and neutrons (i.e., the same isolated
mass number, but different atomic numbers). Not readily accessible to persons unless spe-
(2) A line connecting points of equal pressure. cial means for access are used.
A series of points on a map or chart that when
connected depicts a line of constant atmos- isolated power system
pheric pressure. A system comprising an isolating transformer
or its equivalent, a line isolation monitor, and
isobaric chart its ungrounded circuit conductors.
See constant pressure chart.
isolated word recognition
isobaric surface See word recognition.
A surface along which the atmospheric pres-
sure is equal everywhere. See also constant isolating switch
pressure chart. See disconnecting switch and switch (3).
isocandela diagram isolation
A set of plotted isocandela lines on a coordi- (1) General. Any spatial or physical separa-
nate system to show lighting intensity spatial tion from other humans or certain individuals.
relationships. (2) Power Systems. The process by which a
permit space is removed from service and
isocandela line completely protected against the release of
A contour line representing an area of equal energy and material into the space by such
lighting intensity. means as blanking or binding; misaligning or
isocyanate asthma removing sections of lines, pipes, or ducts; a
Bronchial asthma as a result of an allergy to double block and bleed system; lockout or
toluene diisocyanate and similar cyanate tagout of all sources of energy; or blocking or
compounds. disconnecting all mechanical linkages. (3)
Acoustics. The use of materials or construc-
tion around a noise source to limit the trans-
See isotonic.
mission of sound from that source.
isoinertial isomer
Pertaining to the force applied to a constant,
Chemical substances with the same number of
moving mass. characteristic atoms which are electronically
isoinertial action arranged differently producing compounds
That dynamic muscle action involved in with distinguishable physical and chemical
moving a constant mass. Also referred to as properties.
isoinertial concentration.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

isomerization isotonic
The process whereby any isomer is converted Having uniform tension or force. Also known
into another, usually requiring special condi- as isoforce.
tions of temperature, pressure, or catalysts.
isotonic action
isometric A dynamic muscle action in which the muscle
Having or maintaining the same dimension. length of one or more muscles shortens and
May refer to either a muscle length or an en- movement of one or more body links occurs,
gineering display/drawing. with constant muscle tension throughout the
isometric action
A muscular process in which tension in- isotonic contraction
creases in one or more muscles, but the mus- See isotonic action.
cles retain approximately the same length and
isotonic hypoxemia
essentially no movement of the body link(s)
A hypoxemic condition with a normal partial
occurs for prolonged periods of time. Also
pressure of oxygen, generally due to de-
referred to as isometric contraction.
creased hemoglobin or toxin/drug effects.
isometric joystick
isotonic joystick
A non-moving joystick which provides a di-
A joystick whose output is proportional to and
rectional output proportional to the force ap-
in the same direction as the displacement of
plied by the user. Also referred to as force
the joystick from its null point. Sometimes
joystick and pressure joystick.
referred to as displacement joystick.
isometric strength test
A test to determine the safe static load han-
Forms of the same element having nearly
dling capabilities for workers.
identical chemical properties but differing in
isometric view their atomic masses (due to different numbers
A three-dimensional appearing view of an of neutrons in their respective nuclei) and in
object on a display or drawing that has been nuclear properties such as radioactivity or fis-
constructed so that perspective has been ig- sion.
isopleth Having an equal spatial distribution or growth
See sound level contour. in all directions.
isoseismal lines ISP
Seismology. A line connecting points of See Internet Service Provider.
identified intensity for a given earthquake.
Itai Itai disease
Also referred to as isoseisms.
Name given to a disease that was considered
isoseismal map to be a result of eating rice that had been
Seismology. A map showing the distribution contaminated with cadmium from industrial
of intensity across a region for a particular emissions.
earthquake using isoseismal lines to connect
points of equal intensity.
(1) Any skin disease attended by itching. (2)
isoseisms Scabies.
See isoseismal lines.
isotach See Intertropical Convergence Zone.
A line connecting points of equal wind speed.
isotherm To calculate desired result using repeated op-
A line connecting points of equal temperature. erations.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

itinerant aircraft operations
All aircraft operations other than local opera-
See intravehicular activity.
See inland waterway transport.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and the pulling vehicle rotate with respect to
J each other. See also accident and rollover.
jacksonian epilepsy
A progression of involuntary clonic move-
J route ment or sensation, with retention of con-
See jet route. sciousness.
jack staff jacob's ladder
A vertical pole erected on the lead barge of a A rope ladder suspended from the side of a
tow used by the pilot for aligning the heading vessel and used for boarding.
of the tow.
jacket Aviation. Electronic or mechanical interfer-
(1) A short, lightweight coat. (2) A thermal ence which may disrupt the display of aircraft
blanket or insulating material placed around on radar or the transmission/reception of radio
certain pipes or piping systems to ensure pro- communications/navigation.
tection from ambient temperatures that may
fall below the freezing point. jaundice
An abnormal physical condition caused by bile
jackhammer pigments in the blood and characterized by
A hand-controlled chisel device operated by yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eye and
compressed air. by lassitude and loss of appetite. It is usually
first noticeable in the eyes, although it may
come on so gradually that it is not immedi-
ately noticed by those in daily contact with
the jaundiced person. Jaundice is not a dis-
ease. It is a symptom of one of a number of
different diseases and disorders of the liver,
gallbladder, and blood. One such disorder is
the presence of a gallstone in the common bile
duct, which carries bile from the liver to the
intestine. This may obstruct the flow of bile,
causing it to accumulate and enter the blood-
stream. The obstruction of bile flow may
cause bile to enter the urine, making it dark in
color, and also decrease the bile in the stool,
making it light and clay-colored. This condi-
tion requires surgery to remove the gallstone
before it causes serious liver injury. Jaundice
may also be a symptom of infectious hepatitis.
This very infectious disease may result in
damage to the liver if not treated. Certain dis-
eases of the blood, such as hemolytic anemia,
increase the amount of yellow pigment in the
bile, causing jaundice. The pigment that
Workers using a jackhammer to break rock at a demolition site causes jaundice is called bilirubin. It is de-
rived from hemoglobin that is released when
jacking it around
erythrocytes are hemolyzed and therefore is
Transit (slang). Backing a semitrailer around
constantly being formed and introduced into
a very sharp curve.
the blood as worn-out or defective erythro-
jackknife cytes are destroyed by the body. Normally
Transit (trucking). A jackknife can occur at the liver cells absorb the bilirubin and secrete
any time during a crash sequence. Jackknif- it along with other bile constituents. If the
ing is usually restricted to truck tractors pull- liver is diseased, or if the flow of bile is ob-
ing a trailing unit in which the trailing unit structed, or if destruction of erythrocytes is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

excessive, the bilirubin accumulates in the jet route
blood and eventually will produce jaundice. A route designed to serve aircraft operations
A diagnostic test for determination of the from 18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) up to
level of bilirubin in the blood (called the van and including flight level 450. The routes are
den Bergh test) is of value in detecting ele- referred to as "J" routes with numbering to
vated bilirubin levels at the earliest stages be- identify the designated route, e.g., J105.
fore jaundice appears, when liver disease or jet stream
hemolytic anemia is suspected. (1) Relatively strong winds concentrated
jaw within a narrow band in the atmosphere. (2)
The two bones forming the skeletal frame- A migrating stream of high-speed winds pre-
work for the mouth, the maxilla for the upper sent at high altitudes.
jaw bone, the mandible for the lower. jettisoning of external stores
Airborne release of external stores, e.g., tip
tanks, ordnance. See also fuel dumping.
See Job Hazard Analysis.
maxilla Any precision mechanical device used to sup-
port or hold parts in position or act as a guide.
(1) Privately owned, small or medium-sized
mandible vehicle usually operated on a fixed route but
not on a fixed schedule. (2) Passenger cars or
The human skull showing the bones of the jaw vans operating on fixed routes (sometimes
with minor deviations) as demand warrants
jerk without fixed schedules or fixed stops.
(1) The rate of change of acceleration with
time. (2) A sudden, spasmodic or reflex body
movement. A periodic jumping of a target or small struc-
ture on a display.
jet blast
Jet engine exhaust (thrust stream turbulence).
See just noticeable difference.
jet down
To sink an object, generally a buoy sinker, job
(1) The sum of all the tasks and duties as-
deep into the mud below the river bottom by
signed to and carried out by one or more
the use of high pressure water jet.
workers toward the completion of some goal.
jet fuel (2) That work specified in a contract work or-
The term includes kerosene-type jet fuel and der, usually to be performed by several peo-
naphtha-type jet fuel. Kerosene-type jet fuel ple.
is a kerosene quality product used primarily
for commercial turbojet and turboprop aircraft job aid
See work aid.
engines. Naphtha-type jet fuel is a fuel in the
heavy naphtha boiling range used primarily job analysis
for military turbojet and turboprop aircraft An evaluation of job requirements through an
engines. evaluation of the duties and tasks, facilities
and working conditions, and worker qualifi-
jet lag
cations and responsibilities necessary to per-
A slang term describing the state of general
form a job.
discomfort from crossing one or more time
zones rapidly, due to circadian rhythm desyn- job breakdown
chronization. Also referred to as desynchro- A division of a job into its elements; a listing
nosis. of the elements comprising a job.

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job class range for the job, as well as the selection and
A job classification level in which jobs in- training of workers.
volve similar types of work, difficulty, and/or job hazard analysis (JHA)
pay. See job safety analysis.
job classification job modification
The arrangement of jobs by job class. A minor change to a job. See also job redes-
job content ign.
The total makeup of a job, including the job plan
physical tasks and the psychological factors of An organized approach or document by man-
challenge, variety, and feeling of worth. agement showing detailed procedures for each
job costing job.
A cost determination in which manufacturing job redesign
costs are attributed to individual items. A significant, intentional change in job de-
job demand sign.
The combined physiological, sensory-percep- job restriction
tual, and psychological requirements for or A condition in which an individual returning
loads experienced by a worker performing a to the workforce following an illness or occu-
particular job. pational injury is not permitted to perform
job description certain tasks which might aggravate that ill-
A written general statement of the scope, du- ness or injury.
ties, and responsibilities of a particular job. job rotation
job design The assignment to or performance of different
The process of determining what the job con- activities by a group of workers on a periodic
tent should be for a set of tasks, how the tasks basis.
should be organized, and what linkage should job safety analysis (JSA)
exist between jobs. See also work design. A generalized examination of the tasks asso-
job dimension ciated with the performance of a given job
Any of the primary quantifiable aspects of a and an evaluation of the individual hazards
job for evaluation purposes. associated with each step required to properly
job element complete the job. The JSA also considers the
Some distinct portion of a specified job. adequacy of the controls used to prevent or
reduce exposure to those hazards. Usually
job enlargement performed by the responsible supervisor for
An increase in job scope with the intent to that job and used primarily to train new em-
make jobs more interesting, through the addi- ployees, the JSA is also an excellent source of
tion of more tasks of a similar nature to the paper evidence during an accident investiga-
duties or tasks currently being performed tion. Also known as job hazard analysis.
job enrichment job satisfaction
An increase in the scope of a worker's job, The degree to which the work environment
with the intent of increasing variety and sig- provides such qualities as variety, comfort,
nificance by adding additional duties such as compensation, and social expression to make
planning, greater control over operations, and a job meaningful in meeting an individual's
more interaction with others. goals.
job evaluation Job Severity Index (JSI)
The process of determining the relative worth A guideline for matching job design and em-
or utility of a job. ployee placement such that an acceptable risk
job factor of injury potential is present.
An essential element of a job which gives
management some basis for setting a wage

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job sharing brous tissue that encloses the ends of the
A work schedule in which two part-time bones); the synovial membrane (lines the cap-
workers perform the duties which would nor- sule and secretes lubricating fluid, or syno-
mally be assigned to one full-time person. via); and some times bursae (fluid-filled sacs
job shop that cushion the movements of muscles and
A company whose primary function is to pro- tendons). Joints are classified by variations in
duce small quantities of specialized parts or structure that make different kinds of move-
components for customers who will integrate ment possible. The movable joints are usually
them into larger products. subdivided into hinge (e.g., elbow joint), pivot
(e.g., cervical vertebrae joint); gliding (e.g.,
job skill intervertebral joints), ball-and-socket (e.g.,
The combination of physical and mental shoulder joint), condyloid (e.g., wrist joint),
abilities, experience, and training which en- and saddle (e.g., base of the thumb). (2) Per-
able a worker to perform a given task. taining to a coordinated action between two or
job standardization more groups. (3) Slang term for a cigarette
Having or implementing a standard practice filled with marijuana instead of tobacco.
or method for some job.
Ball-and-Socket Saddle
jockey line
Maritime. Lashing used to prevent lateral
movement between barges connected in tan- Gliding
That customer or user behavior in which Condyloid

he/she has the option of using several queues

or lines, possibly even changing lines while
waiting. Hinge

An intermediate gait between walking and Types of anatomical joints
running, or an alternating combination of
walking and running which is used as a form joint action
of exercise. An action brought by two or more as plaintiffs
or against two or more as defendants.
A flat-bottomed skiff type boat with a square joint and several contracts
bow and stern. Contracts in which the parties bind them-
selves both individually and as a unit (jointly).
(1) Articulation between two bones that may joint and several liability
permit motion and flexibility in one or more A legal doctrine holding the parties involved
planes. They may become sites of concern equally responsible, each of which is 100% li-
with certain cumulative trauma disorders. able. Imposed in cases where the harm
Some joints are actually immovable, such as caused is indivisible (i.e., where individual or
certain fixed joints where segments of bone joint parties are potentially responsible for the
are fused together in the skull. Other joints, harm but it cannot be determined with any
such as those between the vertebrae, have ex- degree of certainty which parties or defen-
tremely limited motion. However, most joints dants are responsible for which aspect of the
allow considerable motion. Many joints have damage). Parties can be held responsible in-
an extremely complex internal structure. dependently or mutually.
They are not only composed of the ends of joint capsule
bones but also of ligaments (tough whitish fi- The connective tissue and membrane sur-
bers binding the bones together); cartilage rounding a synovial joint cavity.
(connective tissue covering and cushioning
the bone ends); the articulating capsule (a fi-

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joint operations JSA
Rail Operations. Operations conducted on a See Job Safety Analysis.
track used jointly or in common by two or JSI
more railroads subject to 49 CFR 225 or op- See Job Severity Index.
eration of a train, locomotive, car, or other on-
track equipment by one railroad over the track judge
of another railroad. An officer so named in his/her commission,
who presides in some court. A public officer,
joint range of motion appointed to preside and to administer the law
The angle through which a single joint can be in a court of justice.
flexed, extended, rotated, or otherwise nor-
mally moved without discomfort, pain, or in- judicial branch of government
jury. That branch of government which consists of
the nation’s court system, from the Supreme
joint stability Court down.
A measure of the rigidity of a joint.
judicial district
joint-use airport One of the circuits or precincts into which a
A military installation at which the Depart- state is commonly divided for judicial pur-
ment of Defense permits some degree of civil poses.
aviation use. Degrees of civil aviation use in-
clude a) open to all civil aviation under a judicial review
joint-use agreement; b) joint-use agreement A type of civil litigation challenging a gov-
for limited use. Strictly military airports do ernment decision, usually the propriety of
not qualify for primary or commercial service some regulatory decision such as promulga-
status. tion, interpretation, or application of regula-
joint venture
A legal entity in the nature of a partnership jugular
engaged in the joint undertaking of a particu- Pertaining to the neck.
lar transaction for mutual profit. jugular vein
Jones Act Large veins that return blood to the heart from
Federal statute passed in 1920 which provides the head and neck. Each side of the neck has
that a seaman injured in the course of his em- two sets of jugular veins, external and inter-
ployment by the negligence of the owner, nal. The external jugular carries blood from
master, or fellow crew members can recover the face, neck, and scalp and has two
damages for his injuries. Similar remedies are branches, posterior and anterior. The internal
available under the Act to personal represen- jugular vein receives blood from the brain, the
tatives of a seaman killed in the course of his deeper tissues of the neck, and the interior of
employment. the skull. The external jugular vein empties
into the subclavian vein, and the internal
joule jugular vein joins it to form the brachio-
The amount of energy provided by one watt cephalic vein, which carries the blood to the
flowing for one second. superior vena cava, where it connects to the
journaling heart.
The recording and storage within a computer Julian date
of the keystrokes input by a user. A number representing the current day within
joystick a given year. The range is from 1 through
A lever control or computer input device 365 (366 in a leap year).
having at least 2 degrees of freedom and with jumbo barge
which an operator may control an electrome- A barge 35 feet wide by 195 or 200 feet long
chanical system or a cursor or other activity that may be either a hopper or cover-type
on a display. barge.

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jumped the pin just in time
Transit (slang). Missing the fifth wheel pin Warehousing Industry. In this method of in-
on the trailer when coupling tractor to trailer. ventory control, warehousing is minimal or
jumper's knee nonexistent; the container is the movable
Pain at proximal end of the patellar tendon. warehouse and must arrive "just in time," that
is not too early or too late.
Area formed by the connection of two road- just noticeable difference (JND)
ways, including intersections, interchange ar- The smallest amount of change from a reference
eas, and entrance/exit ramps. stimulus which an observer will report as a
difference on a given trial.
Generally, the authority of the court to hear just tolerable limit
and decide a case; or, the authority of a gov- The maximal level of short-term exposure to
erning or responsible body or agency to cre- an agent which will prevent the average indi-
ate, decide, interpret, and implement policies vidual from developing either acute or chronic
as in "the authority having jurisdiction." symptoms caused by that agent.

jury Justice Department

A certain number of men and women selected One of the executive departments of the fed-
according to law, and sworn to inquire of eral government, headed by the Attorney
certain matters of fact, and declare the truth General. The chief purposes of the Depart-
upon evidence to be laid before them. ment of Justice are to enforce the federal laws,
to furnish legal counsel in federal cases, and
jury instructions to construe the laws under which other de-
A direction given by the judge to the jury partments act. It conducts all suits in the Su-
concerning the law of the case. A statement preme Court in which the United States is
made by the judge to the jury informing them concerned, supervises the federal penal insti-
of the law applicable to the case in general or tutions, and investigates and detects violations
some aspect of it. against federal laws. It represents the gov-
just cause ernment in legal matters generally rendering
(1) A cause outside the legal cause, which legal advice and opinions, upon request, to the
must be based on reasonable grounds, and President and to the heads of the executive
there must be a fair and honest cause or rea- departments. The Attorney General super-
son, regulated by good faith. As used in the vises and directs the activities of the U.S. at-
statutory sense, it is that which, to an ordinary torneys and marshals in the various judicial
intelligent person, is justifiable reason for districts.
doing or not doing a particular act. (2) Hav- justifiable cause
ing good and fair reason(s) for taking disci- Justifiable cause for prosecution is the well-
plinary action. founded belief of a person of ordinary cau-
just compensation tion, prudence, and judgement in the existence
Compensation which is fair to both the owner of facts essential to prosecution.
and the public when property is taken for justifiable homicide
public use through condemnation (eminent The killing of another person in self-defense
domain). Consideration is taken for such cri- when the danger of death or serious bodily
teria as the cost of reproducing the property, injury exists. Such a homicide generally con-
its market value, and the resulting damage to notes only the use of force which is necessary
the remaining property of the owner. The to resist the other party's misconduct, and use
Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution of excessive force destroys the jurisdiction.
provides that no private property shall be
taken for public use without "just compensa- justify
tion." (1) To defend or vindicate. (2) To arrange
text, graphics, or other material to be format-
ted such that it is aligned along the left and/or
right margins of the page.

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juxta nipple skinfold
The thickness of skinfold just superior to the
nipple and parallel to the lateral margin of the
pectoral muscle.
A placing or being placed in nearness or con-
tiguity (side by side).

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solubility in natural waters. The majority of
K karst occurs in limestone, but karst may also
form in dolomite, gypsum, and salt deposits.
Features associated with karst terrain typically
K include irregular topography, sinkholes, verti-
See Kelvin scale. cal shafts, abrupt ridges, caverns, abundant
springs, and/or disappearing streams. Karst
Kahler's disease
aquifers are associated with karst terrain.
Multiple myeloma.
The chromosomal elements typical of a cell,
The excretion of foul-smelling perspiration.
arranged according to the Denver classifica-
kala-azar tion and drawn in their true proportions, based
A fatal epidemic fever of tropical Asia, re- on the average of measurements determined
sembling malaria, caused by Leishmania in a number of cells.
donovani, a protozoan parasite. The sand fly
Kata thermometer
is the vector for this disease. Symptoms are
An alcohol-based thermometer used for de-
usually vague, resembling those of incipient
termining low air currents/velocities, in which
pulmonary tuberculosis. The disease is often
the time required to cool from 100ºF to 95ºF
confused with malaria. There may be fever,
corresponds to air velocity at that location.
chills, malaise, cough, anorexia, and loss of
weight. The Leishmania organisms multiply katabatic wind
in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, Any wind blowing downslope, usually a cold
eventually causing hyperplasia of the cells, wind.
especially those of the liver and spleen. Di- kb
agnosis is confirmed by demonstration of the Kilobyte(s). Approximately one thousand
parasite. bytes.
Kanawha River ratchet kcal
Maritime Safety. A term for the placing of a Kilocalorie(s).
"toothpick" or bar between a doubled-up line
of barges to bring two barges together by kCi
twisting the bar around and around. A very Kilocurie(s).
dangerous practice. keelboat
Kan-sei engineering A long, flat-bottomed boat with a keel used to
A system for developing consumer products haul freight and passengers before the appear-
in which the product is designed to have sen- ance of steamboats on the western rivers.
sory and emotional appeal. Kefauver-Cellar Act
kaolinosis Federal anti-merger statute enacted in 1950
A pneumoconiosis resulting from the inhala- prohibiting the acquisition of assets of one
tion of kaolin clay dust. company by another (generally in the same
line of business) when the effect is to lessen
Kaposi's disease competition.
(1) Xeroderma pigmentosum. (2) Kaposi's
varicelliform eruption. (3) See Kaposi's sar- K-electron capture
coma. The process wherein the electron in the K
shell of an atom is captured by the nucleus
Kaposi's sarcoma during a nuclear reaction. In this process, a
An opportunistic neoplasm associated with characteristic x-ray is emitted.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS). keloid
(1) A mass of fibrous connective tissue, usu-
karst ally at the location of a scar. (2) A scar-like
Terrain with the characteristics of relief and growth that rises above the skin surface, and
drainage arising from a high degree of rock is rounded, hard, shiny, and white, or some-

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times pink. A keloid is a benign tumor that only one eye. A bacterial form, acute serpigi-
has its origin usually in a scar from surgery or nous keratitis, may result from infection by
a burn or other injury. Keloids are generally pneumococci, streptococci, or staphylococci.
considered harmless and non-cancerous al- Some kinds of keratitis (e.g., dendritic kerati-
though they may produce contractures. Or- tis) may follow symptoms of upper respira-
dinarily they cause no trouble beyond an oc- tory tract infection, such as fever. Burns of
casional itching sensation. Surgical removal the cornea, such as those produced by chemi-
is not usually effective because it results in a cals, or ultraviolet rays, also give rise to a
high rate of recurrence. However, radium and form of keratitis. In trachoma, a contagious
x-ray therapy often are of substantial help, disease of the conjunctiva, the eyes become
provided care is taken not to destroy the sur- inflamed, and small, gritty particles develop
rounding healthy tissue. on the cornea. Herpetic keratitis may accom-
Kelvin scale pany herpes zoster. Interstitial keratitis is of-
A temperature scale with zero degrees equal ten caused by congenital syphilis, although
to the theoretical temperature at which all occasionally, it may also result from acquired
molecular motion ceases. Also called the ab- syphilis. When caused by congenital syphilis,
solute scale. the disease usually appears when the child is
between the ages of 5 and 15. In rare cases,
Kendall's coefficient of concordance (W) interstitial keratitis may also stem from tuber-
A measure of the degree of similarity in the culosis or rheumatic infection in other parts of
rankings of a set of entities across two or the body. Symptoms vary somewhat among
more independent rank orderings of that set. the different forms of keratitis, but pain,
Also referred to as coefficient of concordance. which may be severe, and inability to tolerate
Keogh Plan light (photophobia) are usual. There may be
A designation for retirement plans available to considerable effusion of tears and conjuncti-
self-employed taxpayers (also referred to as val discharge.
H.R.10 plans). Such plans extend to the self- keratoprotein
employed tax benefits similar to those avail- The protein of the horny tissues of the body,
able to employees under qualified pension and such as the hair, nails, and epidermis.
profit sharing plans. Yearly contributions to
the plan (up to a certain amount) are tax de- keratosis
ductible. Any horny growth on the skin, such as a wart.

keratin kerogen
Tough, fibrous protein containing sulfur and The organic component of oil shale.
forming the outer layer of epidermal struc- kerosene
tures, such as hair, nails, etc. A petroleum distillate that boils at a tempera-
keratitis ture between 300 and 550 degrees Fahrenheit,
Inflammation of the cornea. Keratitis may be that has a flash point higher than 100 degrees
deep, when the infection causing it is carried Fahrenheit by ASTM Method D 56, that has a
in the blood or spreads to the cornea from gravity range from 40 to 46 degrees API, and
other parts of the eye, or superficial, caused that has a burning point in the range of 150
by bacteria or virus infection or by allergic re- degrees to 175 degrees Fahrenheit. Kerosene
action. Microorganisms causing the inflam- is used in space heaters, cook stoves, and wa-
mation can be introduced into the cornea ter heaters and is suitable for use as an illumi-
during the removal of foreign bodies from the nate when burned in wick lamps. See also
eye. All infections of the eye are potentially fuel and gasoline.
serious because opaque fibrous tissue or scar kerosene-type jet fuel
tissue may form on the cornea during the A quality kerosene product with an average
healing process and cause partial or total loss gravity of 40.7 degrees API, and a 10 percent
of vision. There are several kinds of keratitis. distillation temperature of 400 degrees Fahr-
Dendritic keratitis is a viral form caused by enheit. It is covered by American Society of
the herpes simplex virus; it usually affects Testing Materials (ASTM) Specification

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D1655 and Military Specification MIL-T- a depletion of the alkaline part of the body's
5624L (Grades JP-5 and JP-8). A relatively buffer system, so that the acid-base balance is
low-freezing point distillate of the kerosene upset in favor of acidosis. Ketosis occurs in
type; it is used primarily for commercial tur- uncontrolled diabetes mellitus because carbo-
bojet and turboprop aircraft engines. hydrates are not properly utilized, and in star-
ketone vation because carbohydrates simply are not
(1) A class of liquid organic compounds that available for utilization. Ketosis is sometimes
is derived by the oxidation of secondary alco- produced intentionally in the treatment of
hols. They are used as solvents in paints and epilepsy by means of the ketogenic diet,
explosives. (2) A chemical compound char- which contains large amounts of fat and little
acterized by the presence of the bivalent car- carbohydrate or protein.
bonyl group (>C:O). keV
ketone bodies An abbreviation for kilo-electron volt and
Substances synthesized by the liver as a step equal to 1000 electron volts.
in the combustion of fats; they are betaoxy- kevel
butyric acid, acetoacetic acid, and acetone. Colloquial term used for a large steel cleat
Initially, the combustion of fatty acids pro- secured to the deck of a boat or a barge, used
duces ketones, which eventually are broken for securing, mooring, and towing lines. It is
down into carbon dioxide and water by the provided with two prongs called "horn." Also
liver and other tissues of the body. Under ab- spelled "cavil," "cavel," "caval."
normal conditions, such as uncontrolled dia-
betes mellitus, starvation, or the intake of a key click
diet composed almost entirely of fat, the An audible click which is presented whenever
breakdown of fatty acids may be halted at the a keystroke is performed on a keyboard or
ketone stage, causing increasing levels of ke- keypad. Provides feedback to the user that a
tone bodies in the blood. This condition is keystroke was made.
called ketosis and is directly related to im-
key event
proper utilization or inadequate supplies of
One incident which is primarily responsible
carbohydrates, which are necessary for proper
for the time, place, and severity of an accident
combustion of fats.
or other significant happening.
The accumulation of large quantities of ke- key job
tone bodies in the body tissues and fluids. A job which has been evaluated itself and
Ketosis is the result of incomplete combustion may be used as a benchmark for evaluating
of fatty acids, which in turn is the result of other similar, non-key jobs or work classes for
improper utilization of, or lack of availability evaluation, classification, and/or wage estab-
of, carbohydrates. When carbohydrates can- lishment purposes in the same company or in-
not be used as the source of energy, the body dustry.
draws on its supply of fats. Deficiency of key repeat rate
carbohydrates triggers several hormonal re- The repeat rate with a keyboard key when
sponses and greatly increases the removal of continuously depressed, providing the number
fatty acids from fatty tissues. As a result, of characters input per second.
large quantities of fatty acids must be oxi-
dized, more in fact than the body cells can keyboard
handle; thus their oxidation is incomplete and A computer input device or typewriter keying
ketones accumulate in the blood and tissues. mechanism consisting of a panel containing
Ketosis may lead to severe acidosis because alphanumeric, grammatical, function, and/or
the ketone bodies beta-oxybutyric acid and other keys for typing information/data entry to
acetoacetic acid decrease the blood pH and, a computer or onto hardcopy.
more importantly, because when the ketone
acids are excreted in the urine they take with
them large quantities of sodium. The result is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Any vertical structure or covering device on
or near the floor which protects the surface it
covers from impact or which prevents acci-
dental entry of the shoe/toes into a region
which might be hazardous.
One of two glandular organs, almost bean-
shaped located in the lumbar region, that se-
crete urine. Their function is to regulate the
content of water and other substances in the
blood, and to remove from the blood various
The standard computer keyboard
wastes. In an average adult, each kidney is
keypad about 4 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 1 inch
A data entry pad consisting of the numeric thick, and weighs 4 to 6 ounces. In this small
keys 0-9, simple arithmetic function keys, a area, the kidney contains over a million mi-
decimal key, and an enter key. croscopic filtering units (called nephrons).
Blood arrives at the kidney by way of the re-
nal artery, and is distributed through arterioles
An electromechanical device with a keyboard
into many millions of capillaries which lead
which punches holes in a car or onto tape (an
to the nephrons. Fluids and dissolved salts in
older term).
the blood pass through the walls of the capil-
keystroke laries, and are collected within the central
The depression of a key on a keyboard with a capsule of each nephron, the malpighian cap-
force greater than the actuation force for that sule. The glomerulus, a tuft of capillaries
key. within the capsule, acts as a semipermeable
kg membrane permitting a protein-free ultrafil-
1 kilogram (1000 g or 1,000,000 mg). trate of plasma to pass through. This filtrate
is forced into hairpin-shaped collecting chan-
kgf nels in the nephrons, called tubules. Capil-
See kilogram force. laries in the walls of the tubules reabsorb the
kick down water and the salts required by the body and
Transit (slang). Shift down to lower gear. deliver them to a system in the kidney veins
which, in turn, carry them into the renal veins
kick line and return them to the general circulation.
Maritime. A line used to hold a towboat Excess water and other waste materials re-
while the stern is being backed in so that the main in the tubules as urine. The urine con-
head will swing out into the stream. tains, besides water, a quantity of urea, uric
kick the donuts acid, yellow pigments, amino acids, and trace
Transit (slang). To check the tires of a truck metals. The urine moves through a system of
or other vehicle for proper inflation. ducts into a collecting funnel (renal pelvis) in
each kidney, where it is then lead into the two
ureters. About 1.5 quarts (1500 cc) of urine
(1) The reaction of a piece of material back
are excreted daily by the average adult. The
toward the operator as it is being fed into a
urine efficiency of the normal kidney is one of
mechanical processing device and meets the
the most remarkable aspects of the body. It
cutting or processing tool. A serious and po-
has a filtering capacity of a quart of blood per
tentially dangerous phenomenon. (2) The
unlawful receipt of funds or other items of minute (or 15 gallons per hour, or 360 gallons
per day). Ordinarily, it draws off from the
value as a type of payment or reward for work
blood about 180 quarts of fluid daily, and re-
turns usually 98 to 99 percent of the water
plus the useful dissolved salts, according to
the body's changing needs.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

A unit of pressure equal to one thousand pas-
cals. One pound per square inch (psi) of pres-
sure is equivalent to 6.894757 kilopascals.
kilovolt (kV)
The unit of electrical potential equal to 1000
kilowatt (kW)
One thousand watts.
kilowatt electric
One thousand watts of electric capacity.
kilowatt hour
One thousand watt/hours.
The study of human nutrition, growth, devel-
opment, maturation, size, shape, proportion,
body function, and body composition to un-
derstand and improve upon health and per-
(1) An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a
high-energy group of donors to an acceptor.
Cross section of the human kidney (2) An enzyme that activates a zymogen.
kidney buster kinematic chain
Transit (slang). A hard riding truck. An open series of links or body segments,
where the dimensions of each link are deter-
mined by the linear distance from one joint
(prefix) One thousand or 103 times a base
axis of rotation to another, with muscle mass
and the type of articulation generally ignored.
kilo electron volt
One thousand electron volts (KeV).
(1) The study of the geometry of motion
kilocalorie (kcal) without consideration of causal factors. (2) A
See Calorie. technique which allows a computer graphics
kilogram system to stimulate the movement of part or
(1) One thousand grams. (2) An international all of an image.
standard unit of mass in the SI/MKS system, kinesimeter
corresponding to a specific platinum-iridium A device which makes it possible to obtain
alloy mass. quantitative measures of body motion, in-
kilogram force (kgf) cluding displacement, velocity, and accelera-
A force equivalent to that which the earth's tion.
gravity exerts on a one kilogram mass at the kinesiology
earth's surface. The study of movement of the human mus-
kilogram-meter culature.
A unit of work, representing the energy re- kinesis
quired to raise 1 kg. of weight 1 meter verti- Objective physical body movement.
cally against gravitational force.
kiloliter That sense which originates in the stimulation
One thousand liters (264 gallons). of mechanoreceptors in joints, muscles, and/or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tendons and leads to awareness of position, king-pin saddle-mount
movement, weight, and/or resistance of the Transportation. That device which is used to
limbs or other body parts. connect the "upper-half" to the "lower-half"
kinesthesiometer [of a "saddle-mount"] in such manner as to
A device for measuring an individual's ability permit relative movement in a horizontal
to sense body part position or movement. plane between the towed and towing vehicles.

kinetic Kirschner wire

Pertaining to movement or motion. A steel wire for skeletal transfixion of frac-
tured bones and for obtaining skeletal traction
kinetic art in fractures. It is inserted through the soft
The use of objects in motion as an expression parts and the bone and held tight in a clamp.
of creativity.
kiss and ride
kinetic energy Transit (slang). A place where commuters
(1) The energy that a body possesses by virtue are driven and dropped off at a station to
of its mass and velocity, or the energy of mo- board a public transportation vehicle.
tion. (2) That portion of the energy of an ob-
ject resulting from its motion. Expressed as: kitchen
A location in restaurants, homes, and some
mv2 vehicles in which food is prepared for con-
KE =
2 sumption. See also galley.

where: knee
m = mass The junction of the femur, tibia, fibula, and
v = velocity patella, including all surrounding tissues. The
knee is a complex hinge joint, one of the larg-
kinetic friction est in the body, and one that sustains great
That friction between two surfaces in contact pressure.
where there is relative motion between them.
knee breadth
kinetic rate coefficient The horizontal linear distance between the
A number that describes the rate at which a most medial and lateral projections of the
water constituent, such as a biochemical oxy- femoral epicondyles. Measured using firm
gen demand or dissolved oxygen, increases or pressure with the individual standing erect
decreases. and with no excessive leg muscle tension.
kinetics Also referred to as femoral breadth.
The study or use of the effects of mechanical knee cap
forces and moments on material objects or to See patella.
produce motion, especially of the human
body. knee circumference, fully bent
The distance around the maximum knee
kinetosphere prominence and through the crease behind the
A reach envelope for the hand/arm combina- knee. Measured with the individual in a
tion or the leg/foot combination in which only squatting position with the knee joint maxi-
translational motion of the limb is permitted, mally flexed.
with the terminal segment (hand or foot) held
in a constant position. knee circumference, sitting
The maximum surface distance around the
kingdom knee, under the popliteal area and over the
One of the three major categories into which kneecap at an angle of 45° to the floor.
natural objects are usually classified: the
Measured with the individual sitting erect, the
animal (including all animals), the plant (in-
upper leg horizontal, the lower leg vertical,
cluding all plants) and the mineral (including
and the foot flat on the floor.
all substances and objects without life).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

knee circumference, standing knee well width
The surface distance around the knee meas- The horizontal distance from one side of a
ured at the level of the midpoint of the patella. knee well to the other.
Measured with the individual standing erect knob
and his/her weight evenly distributed on both A cover for placement on a rotational device
or mechanism which normally protrudes from
knee height, recumbent a surface for easier gripping and turning.
The horizontal linear distance from the base
knocked down
of the heel to the anterior surface of the thigh
(slang). Unassembled freight or merchandise.
at the femoral condyle. Measured with the
knee flexed 90° and the longitudinal axis of knockout
the foot perpendicular to the longitudinal axis Maritime (slang). To release a towboat from
of the lower leg. tow.

knee height, sitting knockout single

The vertical distance from the floor or other Maritime (slang). To uncouple the towboat
reference surface to the most superior part of and lay alongside the barges for single lock-
the quadriceps musculature above the knee. age. Also called single set over.
Measured with the individual sitting, the knee knot
flexed 90°, the foot flat on the floor/reference (1) A unit of speed equal to 1 natural mile per
surface, and the lower leg vertical. hour, or 6,080.20 feet per hour or 1.85 kilo-
meters per hour. 1 knot equals 1.15 mph. (2)
knee – knee breadth, sitting
A branch or limb, imbedded in a tree and cut
The maximum horizontal linear distance be-
through in the process of lumber manufacture,
tween the lateral surface from one knee to the
classified according to size, quality, and oc-
lateral surface of the other knee. Measured
currence. The size of the knot is determined
with the individual sitting erect, the knees
as the average diameter on the surface of the
flexed at right angles, and both knees touching
piece of wood.
but without significant tissue compression.
knowing endangerment
knee pad
Knowing that one is placing another person in
A cushion for placement over the patella, usu-
imminent danger of death or serious bodily
ally having a strap or other attachment device
around the knee, to protect against injury from
kneeling or impacts between the anterior knee knowledge-based behavior
and other objects. A cognitive operating mode in which the in-
knee switch dividual attempts to achieve a goal in a situa-
An uniaxial control device which is operated tion with no clearly pre-established rules.
by a lateral movement of the knee. knowledge engineering
knee well The process of identifying what information
That region from the edge and extending un- must be gathered, obtaining that information
der a table, desk, or other seated workstation from one or more recognized experts, and or-
which accommodates the legs in a seated ganizing it into a rule structure to be used in
posture, usually with the knees flexed. decision-making for a specific problem.
knee well depth knuckle
The horizontal distance from the user's edge The protuberance of the heads of the metacar-
of a table, desk, or other seated workstation pals when the hand is clenched into a fist, or
platform to a terminus against a wall or verti- the protuberance at the interphalangeal joints
cal panel on the opposite side. when the fingers are flexed.
knee well height knuckle height
The vertical height from the floor or other The vertical distance from the floor to the
reference level to the underside or lower sur- point of maximum protrusion of the metacar-
face of the structure forming a knee well. pal III knuckle. Measured with the individual

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standing erect, the arm adducted to the side of Kraepelin's classification
the body, the palm flat against the side of the A classification of the manic-depressive and
thigh, and the fingers extended. schizophrenic groups of mental disease.
knurled krebiozen
Pertaining to a surface texture with small A substance alleged to be capable of curing
ridges, generally for providing a more firm cancer.
grip. Kretschmer somatotype
Koch's law A body structure classification system devel-
For a given organism to be established as the oped by Ernst Kretschmer, supposedly to rep-
cause of a given disease, the following condi- resent human character traits, in which men
tions must be fulfilled: a) the microorganism are divided into three basic groups; pyknic,
is present in every case of the disease; b) it is athletic, and asthenic. An old system, no
to be cultivated in pure culture; c) inoculation longer in use. See also asthenic, pyknic, and
of such culture must produce the disease in athletic.
susceptible animals; d) it must be obtained krypton
from such animals, and again grown in a pure A chemical element, atomic number 36,
culture. atomic weight 83.80, symbol Kr.
Koehler illumination Kümmel's disease
A type of illumination used in microscopy in A form of spondylitis of unknown origin or
which the light source is imaged in the aper- occurring at a great interval after the injury
ture of the system and the lamp condenser is causing it, with collapse of the vertebra and
imaged in the specimen plane in order to ob- thinning of the intervertebral disks.
tain even brightness in the field of view and
optimum resolving power of the microscope kurtosis
system. A measure of the peak of a distribution, based
on the fourth moment about the mean.
Kolmer test
A complement-fixation technique used in the kuru
diagnosis of syphilis or other infections. Disease in humans caused by a virus that af-
fects the central nervous system and can be
konimeter transmitted to subhuman primates.
A device for sampling airborne dust.
Kussmaul disease
Korsakoff's syndrome An inflammatory disease of the coatings of
A mental disorder associated with chronic the small and medium-sized arteries of the
alcoholism and caused in part by vitamin B1 body with inflammatory changes around the
(thiamine) deficiency. Characteristics include vessels and marked symptoms of systemic in-
disturbances of orientation, memory defect, fection.
susceptibility to external stimulation and sug-
gestion and hallucinations. There is irreversi- kV
ble brain damage; confinement to an institu- Kilovolt(s).
tion is a frequent outcome of the condition. kVp
kort nozzles Kilovolt peak.
Cylindrical devices which surround the tow- kW
boat propellers to increase the maneuverabil- Kilowatt(s).
ity and efficiency of the towboat.
kPa An electromechanical device consisting of a
Kilopascal(s). rotating smoked drum or paper-covered cylin-
kPa abs der with one or more styli for recording time-
Absolute pressure in kilopascals. based events.

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Backward and lateral curvature of the spine,
such as that seen in vertebral osteochondritis
(Scheuermann's disease).
A posture of the lumbar spine caused by
bending forward, such as over a work bench
or poorly positioned computer terminal, and
involving reverse curvature of the spine.
Having a vertebral column in which the lum-
bar curvature is anteriorly convex.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

with nationally recognized standards or tests
L to determine safe use in a specified manner.
labeled molecule
A molecule containing one or more atoms
L distinguished by non-natural isotopic compo-
Liter(s). Also, see lambert. sition (with radioactive or stable isotopes).
L-1 maneuver labeling
An anti-g straining maneuver for preventing Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
gravity-induced loss of consciousness during Rodenticide Act: All labels and all other
high positive acceleration forces in high per- written, printed, or graphic matter accompa-
formance spacecraft, in which the crew mem- nying the pesticide or device at any time; or to
ber strains his skeletal body muscles and which reference is made on the label in lit-
closes the glottis for a few seconds, then in- erature accompanying the pesticide or device
hales and exhales rapidly before repeating the except to current official publications of the
process. Also know as the Leverett technique. EPA, the United States Departments of Agri-
See also anti-g straining maneuver. culture and Interior, the Department of Health
LAA and Human Services, state experiment sta-
See local airport advisory. tions, state agricultural colleges, and other
similar federal or state institutions or agencies
authorized by law to conduct research in the
See low altitude airway structure. See also
field of pesticides.
low altitude alert system.
Laban notation
Pertaining to a lip, or labium.
A systematic method for describing body po-
sition in the field of dance. labialism
Defective speech with the use of labial sound.
(1) A descriptor of the contents of some labile
container, which may include such information (1) Gliding; moving from point to point over
as the product name, manufacturer, amount the surface; unstable. (2) Chemically unsta-
present, instructions, and any warning(s). (2) ble.
Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic lability
Act: The written, printed, or graphic matter The quality of being labile. In psychiatry,
upon the immediate container or wrappers of emotional instability; a tendency to show al-
any article or accompanying such article. (3) ternating states of happiness and somberness.
Under noise abatement program requirements,
that item which is inscribed on, affixed to, or labiodental
appended to a product, its packaging, or both Articulated with the lower lip touching the
for the purpose of giving noise reduction upper central incisors.
effectiveness information appropriate to the labium
product. (4) A descriptor which helps to A lip or lip-shaped structure.
identify displayed screen or control structures.
label coding (1) The process of doing work, especially that
The use of text, numerals, symbols, or other involving physical effort. (2) A group of in-
means to identify a control, device, or system. dividuals consisting of or representing those
labeled working for hourly wages. (3) Work; toil;
Equipment is considered "labeled" if there is service; mental or physical exertion. (4) The
attached to it a label, symbol, or other identi- function of the female organism by which the
fying mark of a nationally recognized testing product of conception is expelled from the
laboratory which a) makes periodic inspec- uterus through the vagina to the outside
tions of the production of such equipment, world.
and b) whose labeling indicates compliance

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labor a jury terms or conditions of employment, and any
To tamper with a jury; to endeavor to influ- conference, general committee, joint system
ence them in their verdict, or their verdict board, or joint council so engaged which is
generally (jury tampering is a crime under 18 subordinate to a national or international labor
U.S.C.A. §§ 1503, 1504). organization, other than a state or local central
labor agreement body.
See labor contract. labor picketing
labor contract The act of patrolling in motion at or near the
A contract between employer and employees employer or customer entrance; usually car-
(i.e., union) which governs working condi- rying placards with a terse legend or message
tions, wages, fringe benefits, and grievances. communicating the basic gist of the union's
claims. Certain forms are prohibited.
labor cost
The portion of an employer's total cost of do- labor relations acts
ing business which is attributable to wages State and federal laws that regulate relations
and salaries, benefits, and other aspects of between employers and employees.
employment practices. labor turnover
labor dispute A measure of how many employees enter and
Term generally includes any controversy be- leave a particular workplace within a speci-
tween employers and employees concerning fied interval.
terms, tenure, hours, wages, fringe benefits, or labor union
conditions of employment, or concerning the A combination or association of workers or-
association or representation of persons in ne- ganized for the purpose of securing favorable
gotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing, or wages, improved labor conditions, better
seeking to arrange terms or conditions of em- hours of labor, etc., and righting grievances
ployment. However, it should be noted that against employers. Such unions normally
not every activity of a labor organization and represent trades, crafts, and other skilled
not even every controversy in which it may workers (e.g., machinists, electricians, etc.).
become involved are considered a "labor dis- laboratory
pute" within the National Labor Relations A place for making tests or doing experimen-
Act. tal work.
labor-management relations laboratory blank
General term to describe the broad spectrum Reagent laboratory grade water which is ana-
of activities which concern the relationship of lyzed in the same way as field samples.
employees to employers, both union and non-
union laboratory duplicates
Unmarked samples whose results help to en-
Labor-Management Relations Act sure quality control.
Federal statute (formally: Taft-Hartley Act)
which regulates certain union activities, per- laboratory hood
mits suits against unions for proscribed acts, A ventilated enclosure designed to capture,
prohibits certain strikes and boycotts, and contain, control, and remove gases, vapors,
provides machinery for settling strikes which and particles generated within the enclosure.
involve national emergencies. laboratory study
labor organization An experimental study conducted in an envi-
An organization of any kind, or any agency or ronment in which the experimenter(s) have
employee representation committee, group, some degree of control over the variables in-
association, or plan so engaged in which em- volved in the phenomenon of interest.
ployees participate and which exists for the laboratory ventilation
purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with Air-moving systems and equipment which
employers concerning grievances, labor dis- serve laboratories.
putes, wages, rates of pay, hours, or other

©2000 CRC Press LLC

laborer lacrimation
The word ordinarily denotes one who subsists The excessive secretion and discharge of
by physical labor. One who, as a means of tears. Also spelled lachrymation.
livelihood, performs work and labor for an- lacrimator
other. Any person who follows any legitimate A substance, such as a gas, that increases the
employment or discharges the duties of any flow of tears.
laboring An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of
Maritime. The effect of shallow water on the lactose into glucose and galactose.
sound or performance of the boat's engine.
lactic acid
labyrinth A three-carbon organic acid product of an-
(1) A complicate maze. (2) See inner ear. aerobic metabolism in tissue, especially mus-
labyrinthine nystagmus cle tissue.
See vestibular nystagmus. ladder
laceration An appliance usually consisting of two side
A wound caused by the tearing of body tis- rails joined at regular intervals by cross-pieces
sues, as distinguished from a cut or incision. called steps, rungs, or cleats, on which a per-
External lacerations may be small or large and son may step in ascending or descending.
may be caused in many ways. Some common ladder jack scaffold
causes of lacerations are a blow from a blunt A light duty scaffold supported by brackets
instrument, a fall against a rough surface, and attached to ladders.
an accident with machinery. A laceration
may be a ragged tear with many tag ends of ladder safety device
skin or a torn flap of skin and flesh. Although Any device, other than a cage or well, de-
the bleeding may be less than that caused by a signed to eliminate or reduce the possibility of
cut, the danger of infection may be greater. In accidental falls and which may incorporate
a laceration there is likely to be more damage such features as life belts, friction brakes, and
to surrounding tissue, with a greater area ex- sliding attachments. See also cage and well.
posed. Because of the danger of infection, laden in bulk
cleaning the laceration is the first and most A term of maritime law, applied to a vessel
important step in treatment. Lacerations which is freighted with a cargo which is nei-
within the body occur when an organ is com- ther in casks, boxes, bales, nor cases, but lies
pressed or moved out of place by an external loose in the hold, being defended from wet or
or internal force. This kind of laceration may moisture by a number of mats and a quantity
result from a blow that does not penetrate the of dunnage. Cargoes of corn, salt, etc. are
skin. Surgical repair is usually necessary for usually shipped in this manner.
internal lacerations.
lachrymation Refers to the freight shipped; the contents of a
See lacrimation. shipment.
lack of jurisdiction lag
The phrase may mean a lack of power of a (1) The period of time by which a second
court to act in a particular manner or to give event trails the leading event. (2) That dis-
certain kinds of relief. tance at which a second moving object trails a
lacrimal leading object.
Pertaining to tears. lag time
lacrimal bone See dead time.
A small bone making up part of the medial lagging
orbit of the skull. An acoustical treatment involving the encap-
sulation of vibrating structures or ducts con-

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taining fluid-borne noise in order to reduce lambert surface
radiated noise. A reflecting or emitting surface whose bright-
lagoon ness appears to be the same regardless of the
(1) A shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial angle of observation.
action, and oxygen work to purify wastewater; Lambert's cosine law
also used for the storage of wastewater or A law providing that the luminous intensity
spent nuclear fuel rods. (2) Shallow body of from a perfectly diffusing surface varies with
water, often separated from the sea by coral the cosine of the angle between the perpen-
reefs or sandbars. The sheet of water between dicular and the direction of interest.
an offshore reef, especially of coral, and the lame duck
mainland. The sheet of water within a ring or (1) An elected officeholder who is to be suc-
horseshoe-shaped atoll. ceeded by another, between the time of the
lake election and the date that his/her successor is
(1) Any standing body of inland water. (2) A to take office. (2) A speculator in stock who
considerable body of standing water in a de- has overbought and cannot meet his/her
pression of land or expanded part of a river. commitments.
(3) An inland body of water or naturally en- Lame Duck Amendment
closed basin serving to drain the surrounding Popular name for the Twentieth Amendment
land; or a body of water of considerable size to the U.S. Constitution, abolishing the short
surrounded by land; a widened portion of a congressional term.
river or a lagoon. (4) A body of water, more
or less stagnant, in which the water is sup- lame duck session
plied from drainage. (5) An inland body of Legislative session conducted after election of
water of considerable size occupying a natural new members but before they are installed,
basin or depression in the earth's surface be- and hence one in which some participants are
low the ordinary drainage level of the region. voting for the last time as elected officials be-
cause of their failure to become reelected or
lake breeze due to voluntary retirement.
A wind blowing onshore from the surface of a
lake. laminar flow
Ideally, air flow in which air molecules travel
lake-effect snow parallel to all other molecules; flow charac-
Localized snowstorm that forms on the terized by the absence of turbulence. Also
downward side of a lake. Such storms are known as streamline flow.
common in late fall and early winter near the
Great Lakes as cold, dry air picks up moisture laminar flow clean room
and warmth from the unfrozen bodies of wa- A room with laminar air flow and Class
ter. 10,000 Clean Room or better.
lake/pond laminectomy
A standing body of water with a predomi- Surgical excision of the posterior arch of a
nantly natural shoreline surrounded by land. vertebra. The procedure is most often per-
formed to relieve the symptoms of a ruptured
lakewise or Great Lakes intervertebral disk (slipped disk). When sev-
These terms apply to traffic between U.S. eral disks are involved, spinal fusion may be
ports of the Great Lakes system. The Great performed so that the vertebrae in the affected
Lakes system is treated as a separate system area will remain in a fixed position. Bone
rather than as a part of the inland system. grafts, usually taken from the iliac crest, are
lambert (L) applied to fuse the affected vertebrae perma-
A unit of luminance; equals 1/π candela per nently, resulting in limitation of movement of
cm2 (an older term). this portion of the spine. Laminectomy is also
performed for the removal of an intervertebral
or spinal cord tumor.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lamp land disposal
A device used to produce artificial heat or According to the Federal Solid Waste Dis-
light. posal Act, the term includes, but is not limited
lamp burnout (LBO) to, any placement of hazardous waste in a
The cessation of light output from an artificial landfill, surface impoundment, waste pile, in-
source. A recoverable light loss factor. jection well, land treatment facility, salt dome
formation, salt bed formation, or underground
lamp burnout factor mine or cave. See also landfills.
The proportional loss of illuminance from the
non-replacement of burned out lamps. land farming
With regard to waste, a disposal process in
LAN which hazardous waste deposited on or in the
See Local Area Network. soil is naturally degraded by microbes.
land land use
(1) General. Any ground, soil, or earth what- (1) Under the Federal Coastal Zone Manage-
soever; including fields, meadows, pastures, ment Act of 1972: Activities which are con-
woods, moors, waters, marshes, and rock. (2) ducted in or on the shore lands within the
Maritime. To moor or bring a boat to the riv- coastal zone. (2) Designates whether the gen-
erbank. eral area in which a vehicle crash occurred is
land application urban or rural, based on 1990 Census Data.
Discharge of wastewater onto the ground for land wall
treatment or reuse. See also irrigation. The concrete wall that forms part of the lock
land area and is nearest to the land on the shore on
Based on the U.S. Bureau of the Census defi- which a lock chamber is constructed.
nition, this includes dry land and land tempo- landbridge
rarily or partially covered by water, such as An intermodal connection between two ocean
marshlands, swamps, and river flood plains, carriers separated by a land mass, linked to-
systems, sloughs, estuaries and canals less gether in a seamless transaction by a land car-
than 1/8 of a statute mile (0.2 kilometers) in rier. See also intermodal and minibridge.
width and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds less
than 1/16 square mile (0.16 square kilome- landed cost
ters) in area. [For Alaska, 1/2 mile (0.8 kilo- The dollar per barrel price of crude oil at the
meters) and 1 square mile (2.60 square kilo- port of discharge. Included are the charges
meters) are substituted for these values]. The associated with the purchase, transporting,
net land area excludes areas of oceans, bays, and insuring of a cargo from the purchase
sounds, etc. lying within the 3-mile (4.8 kilo- point to the port of discharge. Not included
meters) U.S. jurisdiction as well as inland are charges incurred at the discharge port
water areas larger than indicated above. (e.g., import tariffs or fees, wharfage charges,
and demurrage charges).
Under RCRA, the mandated phasing out of landed weight
land disposal of untreated hazardous waste. The weight of an aircraft providing scheduled
and non-scheduled service of only property
land breeze (including mail) in intrastate, interstate, and
A coastal breeze that blows from land to sea, foreign air transportation.
usually at night.
land damages (1) Sanitary landfills are land disposal sites
A term sometimes applied to the amount of for nonhazardous solid wastes at which the
compensation to be paid for land taken under waste is spread in layers, compacted to the
the power of eminent domain or for injury to, smallest practical volume, and cover material
or depreciation of, land adjoining that taken. is applied at the end of each operating day.
(2) Secure chemical landfills are disposal sites
for hazardous waste. They are selected and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

designed to minimize the chance of release of ment of MDA and visibility required for the
hazardous substances into the environment. circle-to-land maneuver. Descent below the
landing established MDA or DH is not authorized
The level region at the bottom of a stair. during an approach unless the aircraft is in a
position from which a normal approach to the
landing area runway of intended landing can be made and
(1) Any locality either on land, water, or struc- adequate visual reference to required visual
tures, including airports/heliports and intermedi- cues is maintained.
ate landing fields, which is used, or intended to
be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft landing place
whether or not facilities are provided for the Maritime. A place for loading and unloading
shelter, servicing, or for receiving or dis- passengers or cargo to and from water vessels.
charging passengers or cargo. (2) That part of landing rights airports
a movement area intended for the landing or Any aircraft may land at one of these airports
takeoff of aircraft. after securing prior permission to land from
landing direction indicator U.S. Customs.
A device installed on the airport property landing roll
which visually indicates the direction in The distance from the point of touchdown to
which landings and takeoffs should be made the point where the aircraft can be brought to
(e.g., wind sock). a stop or exit the runway.
landing distance available (LDA) landing sequence
The runway length declared available for The order in which aircraft are positioned for
landing an airplane. landing.
landing gear landing signal
(1) Trucking. Device that supports the front Maritime. A prearranged signal which the
end of semitrailer when not attached to a towboats of some companies sound when ap-
tractor. (2) Aviation. The wheels that support proaching their dock.
the aircraft during landing and while moving landmark
on the ground. The term generally includes (1) General. A fixed object serving as a
all the components that support the wheel boundary mark to a tract of land, as a guide to
structures, not just the wheels themselves. travelers, etc. A prominent object in the land-
landing gear extended speed scape. (2) Ergonomics. An easily located po-
The maximum speed at which an aircraft can sition on or near the body surface. Also
be safely flown with the landing gear ex- known as anatomical reference point.
tended. Landolt C
landing gear operating speed See Landolt ring.
The maximum speed at which the landing Landolt ring
gear can be safely extended or retracted. A ring having a small gap at some orientation,
landing minimums both the width of the gap and the ring thick-
Aviation. The minimum visibility prescribed ness being one-fifth the outer diameter of the
for landing a civil aircraft while using an in- ring. For use in vision testing, in which the
strument approach procedure. The minimum observer is expected to report the orientation
applies with other limitations set forth in Fed- of the gap.
eral Aviation Regulation Part 91 with respect Landrum-Griffin Act
to the Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Federal statute enacted in 1959, known as the
Decision Height (DH) prescribed in the in- Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure
strument approach procedures as follows: a) Act, designed to curb corruption in union
Straight-in landing minimums. A statement of leadership and undemocratic conduct of inter-
MDA and visibility, or DH and visibility, re- nal union affairs as well as to outlaw certain
quired for a straight-in landing on a specified types of secondary boycotts and "hot cargo"
runway; or b) Circling minimums. A state-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

provisions in collective bargaining agree- lap
ments. That region formed by the upper thighs to the
landscaping junction of the lower abdomen with the body
Colloquial term meaning to clear shore struc- in an erect sitting posture.
ture of brush and vegetation in order to obtain lap belt
optimum range of visibility. See also brush See seat belt.
out. lapse rate
Landsteiner's classification The rate at which an atmospheric variable,
A classification of blood types in which they usually temperature, decreases with height.
are designated O, A, B, and AB, depending on See also environmental lapse rate.
the presence or absence of agglutinogens A large air carrier
and B in the erythrocytes. Also called inter- Scheduled and nonscheduled aircraft operat-
national classification. ing under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR)
lane Parts 121 or 127. Note: Part 129 operations
(1) A prescribed course for ships or aircraft, (foreign air carriers) are not included in the
or a strip delineated on a road to accommo- National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
date a single line of automobiles; not to be accident database, nor are hour and departure
confused with the road itself. (2) A portion of data available for these air carriers.
a street or highway, usually indicated by large air traffic hub
pavement markings, that is intended for one A community enplaning 1.00 percent or more
line of vehicles. of the total enplaned passengers in all services
Langerhans' islands and all operations for all communities within
Masses in the pancreas composed of cells the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and
smaller than the ordinary cells; they produced other U.S. areas designated by the Federal
the hormone insulin and their degeneration is Aviation Administration.
one of the causes of diabetes mellitus. large aircraft
Langer's line Aircraft of more than 12,500 pounds, maxi-
See cleavage line. mum certificated takeoff weight.
LANL large aircraft commercial operator
Los Alamos National Laboratory (previously Commercial operator operating aircraft with
referred to a Los Alamos Scientific Labora- 30 seats or more or a maximum payload ca-
tory or LASL). pacity of 7,500 pounds or more. Also, a
lanolin commercial operator aircraft of more than
Wool fat or wool grease that is refined and 12,500 pounds maximum certificated takeoff
incorporated into many commercial prepara- weight.
tions. Lanolin is a byproduct of the process large calorie
that accompanies the removal of sheep's wool See Calorie.
from the pelt. In its crude form, it is a greasy large certificated air carrier
yellow wax of unpleasant odor. This odor An air carrier holding a Certificate of Public
disappears when the lanolin is emulsified and Convenience and Necessity that a) operates
made into salves, creams, ointments, and aircraft designed to have a maximum passen-
cosmetics. Although lanolin is slightly anti- ger seating capacity of more than 60 seats, or
septic, it has no other medicinal benefits and b) maximum payload capacity of more than
is valuable principally because of the ease 18,000 pounds.
with which it penetrates the skin, and because
it does not turn rancid. large fleet
A fleet of 2,000 or more reportable vehicles,
lanthanum domestic or foreign, for which accountability
A chemical element, atomic number 57, is held by a department, independent estab-
atomic weight 138.91, symbol La. lishment, bureau, or a comparable organiza-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tional unit of that department or independent pors, or by a chronic nasal or sinus disorder.
establishment. Often, the moist mucous membrane lining the
large nuclei larynx becomes granulated. The granulation
See condensation nuclei. can proceed to thickening and hardening of
the mucous membrane, which changes the
large quantity generator voice or makes it hoarse. There is little or no
Generators producing more than 1000 kilo- pain, though there may be tickling in the
grams per month of hazardous real estate. throat and a slight cough. Chronic laryngitis
large regional carrier group that has persisted for a number of years may
Air carrier groups with operating revenues result in chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, a
between $20,000,000 and $99,000,000. condition in which there is a permanent
change in the voice because of hypertrophy of
large truck the membrane lining the larynx.
Trucks over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle
weight rating, including single unit trucks and laryngopharynx
truck tractors. The lowest portion of the pharynx which ex-
tends from the level of the hyoid bone to the
larva junction of the esophagus and larynx.
The first or worm-like stage of an insect on
issuing from the egg. laryngoscopy
Direct visual examination of the larynx with a
laryngectomy laryngoscope.
Partial or total removal of the larynx by sur-
gery. It is usually performed as treatment for larynx
cancer of the larynx. The person learns after- The essential sphincter guarding the entrance
ward to speak without his/her voice box. into the trachea and functioning secondarily
as the organ of voice. The anterior protruding
laryngitis part forms the Adam's Apple. The larynx is a
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the muscular and cartilaginous structure, lined
larynx affecting the voice and breathing. Lar- with mucous membrane, situated at the top of
yngitis may be acute or chronic, or may occur the trachea and below the root of the tongue
in other forms. Acute laryngitis may be and the hyoid bone. The larynx contains the
caused by overuse of the voice, allergies, irri- vocal cords, and is the source of the sound
tating dust or smoke, hot or corrosive liquids, heard in speech (for this reason, it is also
or even violent weeping. It also occurs in vi- called the voice box). It is part of the respi-
ral or bacterial infections, and is frequently ratory system, and air passes through the lar-
associated with other diseases of the respira- ynx as it travels from the pharynx to the tra-
tory tract. In adults, a mild case of acute lar- chea and back again on its way to and from
yngitis begins with a dry, tickling sensation in the lungs.
the larynx, followed quickly by partial or
complete loss of the voice. There may be a larynx to wall
slight fever, minor discomfort, and poor ap- The horizontal linear distance from the wall to
petite, with recovery after a few days. Other the most anterior portion of the tissue overly-
and more uncomfortable symptoms can in- ing the thyroid cartilage. Measured with the
clude a feeling of heat and pain in the throat, individual standing erect, and with buttocks,
difficulty in swallowing, and dry cough fol- shoulders, and occiput against the wall.
lowed by expectoration; the voice may be ei- laser
ther painful to use or absent. Swelling of the Acronym for "light amplification by stimu-
larynx and epiglottis may impair breathing. lated emission of radiation." Lasers are de-
Increasing difficulty in breathing may be a vices which convert electromagnetic radiation
sign of edematous laryngitis, or croup. After of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete
repeated attacks of acute laryngitis, chronic frequencies of highly amplified and coherent
laryngitis may develop. This is caused mostly visible radiation.
by continual irritation from overuse of the
voice, tobacco smoke, dust, or chemical va- LASH
See lighter-aboard-ship.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lashing Late Quaternary
Maritime. A comparatively short manila line See Quaternary.
with an eye spliced in one end, used to moor late radiation effects
barges and tows when passing through locks. Those ionizing radiation effects which have a
Its average length is about 60 feet with sizes long latency.
varying from 1 3/4 to 3 inches in circumfer-
ence. The line is thrown somewhat in the latency period
manner of a lasso (hence the eye spliced) to The time interval between exposure to toxic
catch a wall pin or bollard so as to snub the chemical agents and the onset of signs and
movement of barges and then moor them in symptoms of illness.
the lock chamber. Also, any short length of latent
line used to secure two barges end to end or Present or potential, but not manifest.
side by side.
latent defect
lasing medium A hidden or concealed defect. One which
With regard to lasers, the material which ab- could not be discovered by reasonable and
sorbs and emits laser radiation. Lasers can be customary observation or inspection; one not
classified according to the state of their lasing apparent on the face of goods, products,
media (e.g., gas, liquid, solid, and semicon- documents, etc.
latent heat of fusion
LASL The amount of heat required to convert a unit
See LANL. mass of solid to liquid at the melting point.
lassitude latent heat of vaporization
Weakness or exhaustion. The amount of heat required to convert a unit
last assigned altitude mass of substance from a liquid to a gas at a
The last altitude/flight level assigned by Air certain temperature.
Traffic Control (ATC) and acknowledged by latent period
the pilot. The period of time between exposure to an
last clear chance doctrine injurious agent (chemical, physical, or bio-
This doctrine permits a plaintiff in a negli- logical) and the observation of an effect. It is
gence action to recover, notwithstanding the incubation period of an infectious disease.
his/her own negligence, on showing that the Also referred to as the latency period of a dis-
defendant had the last chance to avoid the ac- ease.
cident. The doctrine imposes upon a person lateral
the duty to exercise ordinary care to avoid (1) Pertaining to, near, or toward the sides of
injury to another who has negligently put the body or a symmetrical structure. (2) A
himself/herself in a position of peril, and who consonant produced by closing off the midline
he/she can reasonably assume is unconscious of the mouth with the tongue, but allowing
of or inattentive to peril or unable to avoid passage of air around one or both sides.
imminent harm.
lateral bending moment
latch block Those torques acting on the spine which result
Transit. The lower extremity of a latch rod from sideways motion.
which engages with a square shoulder of the
segment or quadrant to hold the lever in posi- lateral canthus
tion. See ectocanthus.

latch shoe lateral cricoarytenoid

Transit. The casting by means of which the A skeletal muscle in the larynx which, on
latch rod and the latch block are held to a contraction, causes the glottis to close.
lever of a mechanical interlocking machine. lateral cuneiform bone
One of the distal group of foot bones making
up the tarsus.

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lateral dam along the lateral eyeball for rotating the ante-
Usually a rock and brush structure constructed rior portion of the eyeball to the side.
parallel to normal stream flow to train or con- lateral retinal image disparity
fine the current to a definite channel. See binocular disparity.
lateral disparity lateral separation
See binocular disparity. Aviation. The lateral spacing of aircraft at the
lateral displacement same altitude by requiring operation on dif-
See abduct. ferent routes or in different geographical lo-
lateral exhaust hood cations.
A slot hood typically used to exhaust air con- lateral sewers
taminants from an open surface tank, and re- Pipes that run under city streets and receive
quiring full access to the top of the tank. The the sewage from homes and businesses.
slots are narrow rectangular openings, usually
lateral transfer
located in a plenum at the rear of the tank
A personnel reassignment to another position
opening. Also known simply as a slot hood.
at the same or approximately the same level
lateral fault of salary or responsibility.
A fault that slips in such a way that the two
sides move with a predominantly lateral mo-
tion (with respect to each other). There are A concept that different functions and modes
two kinds of lateral slip: right-lateral and left- of operation are allocated to different sides of
lateral. They can be distinguished by standing the brain.
on one side of the fault, facing the fault (and, lateralization
of course, the other side), and noting which The localization of a dichotically presented
way the objects across the fault have moved sound via earphones in apparent space along
with respect to you. If they have moved to an imaginary line connecting the two ears.
your right, the fault is right-lateral. If the launch vehicle
motion is to the left, then the fault is left- A vehicle that carries and/or delivers a pay-
load to a desired location. This is the generic
lateral inhibition term. It includes, but is not limited to, air-
A phenomenon in which neurons in the vicin- planes, all types of space launch vehicles,
ity of a stimulation point, especially in sen- manned launch vehicles, missiles and rockets
sory pathways, show reduced reactivity com- and their stages, probes, aerostats and bal-
pared to those at the stimulation point. loons, drones, remotely piloted vehicles, pro-
lateral malleolus jectiles, torpedoes, and air-dropped bodies.
The lateral protrusion of the fibula at the an- launching ramp
kle. A transportation structure used for launching
lateral malleolus height boats.
The vertical linear distance from the floor or laundry booster
other reference surface to the most lateral Any substance or combination of substances
point of the lateral malleolus. Measured with intended to aid detergents in the removal of
the individual standing erect and his/her certain stains from fabrics.
weight distributed equally on both feet.
lateral railroad Irrigation or washing out an organ or cavity,
A lateral road is one which proceeds from especially the stomach or intestine. Gastric
some point on the main trunk between its ter- lavage, or irrigation of the stomach, is usually
minal. An offshoot from the main line of the done to remove ingested poisons. It also may
railroad. be employed as an emergency operation if
lateral rectus muscle there is danger of vomiting and aspiration
A voluntary extraocular muscle with an ante- during anesthesia, or in cases of persistent
rior-posterior extent parallel to the optical axis vomiting.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

law known as an aperient; one with a strong effect
That which is laid down, ordained, or estab- is referred to as a cathartic or a purgative.
lished. Law, in its generic sense, is a body of lay on the air
rules of action or conduct prescribed by a Transit (slang). Apply brakes.
controlling authority, and having binding le-
gal force. lay witness
A person called to give testimony who does
law of inertia not possess any expertise in the matters about
See Newton's first law of motion. which he/she testifies.
law of reflection layer
A physical law that an energy wave is re- A cross-section through a three-dimensional
flected from a surface at an equal angle from object or computer model.
the perpendicular as the incident wave, and
both are in the same plane. layering
The use of multiple display windows, allow-
lawful arrest ing them to overlap and partially or com-
The taking of a person into legal custody ei- pletely hide the contents of the covered win-
ther under a valid warrant or on probable dows.
cause, believing that he/she has committed a
crime, or under civil process which permits layoff
his/her arrest. A termination of employment at the will of
the employer. Layoffs can be temporary or
lawful authorities permanent.
Those persons who have the right to exercise
public power, to require obedience to their layover
lawful commands, to command or act in the Eight hours or more rest before continuing a
public name. trip or any off-duty period away from home.
lawful cause lazy foot rule
Legitimate reason for acting, based on the law A workplace design guideline that guards and
or on the evidence in a particular case as con- lock out switches should be easily removable
trasted with acting on a whim or out of preju- and replaceable so that workers will replace
dice, or for a reason not recognized by the them.
law. lb
lawrencium Pound(s).
A chemical element, atomic number 103, lb/ft3
atomic weight 257, symbol Lw. Pounds per cubic foot.
laws LBB
Rules promulgated by the government as a See leak before burst.
means to an orderly society.
lawsuit See lamp burnout.
A vernacular term for a suit, action, or cause
instituted or pending between two private per- LBP
sons in the courts of law. See also suit. See lead-based paint.

lawyer LC
A person learned in the law; as an attorney, (1) Lethal concentration. (2) Liquid chroma-
counsel, or solicitor; a person licensed to tography.
practice law. LC50
laxative A standard measure of acute toxicity, nor-
A medicine that loosens the bowel contents mally applied to inhalation hazards but may
and encourages evacuation. A laxative with a also be applied in some cases to concentra-
mild or gentle effect on the bowels is also tions in water (or solution), designating the
median lethal concentration of a chemical

©2000 CRC Press LLC

that is estimated to kill 50% of the exposed leaching
organisms in a specific period of time and un- The process by which soluble constituents are
der a specific set of conditions. It is typically dissolved and carried down through the soil
represented as micrograms per cubic meter by a percolating fluid. See also leachate.
(µg/m3). LC50 is used in the Hazard Ranking lead
System in assessing acute toxicity. (1) A chemical element, atomic weight num-
LCG ber 82, atomic weight 207.19, symbol Pb. (2)
See liquefied compressed gas. A heavy metal that is hazardous to health if
LCL breathed or swallowed. Its use in paints,
See lifting condensation level. gasoline, and plumbing compounds has been
sharply restricted or eliminated by federal
LD laws and regulations. See also heavy metal.
(1) Lethal dose. (2) Legionnaire's disease.
lead angle
LDA An angle in which the load line is pulled dur-
See landing distance available. ing hoisting. Commonly used to refer to an
LDAR angle in line with grooves in the drum or
Leak detection and repair program for fugitive sheaves.
emission sources. lead barge
Ldn The head, or first, barge of a tow generally
Average day-night sound level. with a rake.
LD 0 lead-based paint (LBP)
The highest concentration and dosage of a A paint or other surface-coating product
toxic substance that kills test organisms. which has a lead content of 0.06% by weight
in the total nonvolatile content of the paint, or
LD50 by weight in the dried paint film. Also re-
A standard measure of acute toxicity, nor- ferred to as lead-containing paint.
mally applied to ingestion and/or absorption
hazards, designating the median lethal dose of lead free
radiation or chemical applied directly to ex- According to the Federal Public Health
perimental organisms that will kill 50% of the Service Act: With respect to a drinking water
exposed population within a specific period of cooler, that each part or component of the
time and conditions. cooler which may come in contact with
drinking water contains not more than 8
LD LO percent lead, except that no drinking water
The lowest concentration and dosage of a cooler which contains any solder, flux, or
toxic substance that kills test organisms. storage tank interior surface which may come
LDL in contact with drinking water shall be
See lower detectable limit. Also, low density considered lead free if the solder, flux, or
lipoprotein. storage tank interior surface contains more
than 0.2 percent lead. The EPA Admin-
istrator may establish more stringent require-
A liquid that results from water collecting
ments for treating any part or component of a
contaminants as it trickles through wastes, ag-
drinking water cooler as lead free for pur-
ricultural pesticides, or fertilizers. Leaching
poses of this part whenever he determines that
may occur in farming areas, feedlots, and
any such part may constitute an important
landfills, and may result in hazardous sub-
source of lead in drinking water.
stances entering surface water, groundwater,
or soil. lead intoxication
Exhibiting of any neural, anemic, or colic
leachate collection system
symptoms resulting from lead absorption into
A system that gathers leachate and pumps it to
body tissues.
the surface for treatment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lead line leading question
A symptom of lead poisoning. A blue line on One which instructs a witness how to answer,
the gums as a result of excessive exposure to or "puts words into his/her mouth" to be
lead. echoed back. Leading questions are usually
lead poisoning deemed improper on direct examination during
A form of poisoning caused by the presence litigation (except as may be necessary to
of lead or lead salts in the body. Lead develop the witnesses' testimony. Ordinarily,
poisoning affects the brain, nervous system, leading questions are permitted on cross-
blood, and digestive system. It can be either examination. However, it should be noted that,
chronic or acute. Chronic lead poisoning in some cases, leading questions may be
(plumbism) was once fairly common among permitted on direct examination (e.g., if the
painters, and was called "painter's colic." It witness is very young, mentally disabled, or
became less frequent as paints composed of unfamiliar with the language spoken).
other chemicals were substituted for lead- leak before burst (LBB)
based paints and as plastic toys replaced lead A failure mode in which it can be shown that
ones. Symptoms include weight loss, anemia, any initial flaw will grow through the wall of
stomach cramp (lead colic), a bluish black a pressure vessel or pressurized structure and
line in the gums, and constipation. Other cause leakage rather than brittle fracture/burst
symptoms may be mental depression and, in before leak. Normally determined at or below
children, irritability and convulsions. In the maximum expected operating pressure
addition to poisoning, the anemia and weight (MEOP).
loss must also be treated, usually by providing leak test
an adequate diet. Acute lead poisoning, As pertains to ionizing radiation, a type of test
which is rare, can be caused in two ways. for determining if a radioactive material is
Lead may accumulate in the bones, liver, effectively contained or has escaped or leaked
kidneys, brain, and muscles and then be from a sealed source. It involves wiping
released suddenly to produce an acute surfaces on which the material would collect
condition; or large amounts of lead may be if it was released from the sealed source.
inhaled or ingested at one time. Symptoms
are metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, leakage
bloody or black diarrhea, and muscle cramps. (1) General. The waste or diminution of all
Diagnosis is made by examination of the liquid caused by its leaking from a cask,
blood and urine. barrel, or other vessel in which it was placed.
(2) Radiation. Ionizing radiation, other than
lead wall the useful beam, that is emitted from radiation
The long wall of a lock, also known as a producing equipment. Leakage from a sealed
"guided wall," outside the confines of the lock source of ionizing radiation (e.g., radioisotope)
chamber, usually the land wall in the case of is the radioactive contamination that results
older locks. See also guide wall. outside the sealed source if the integrity of the
leaded gasoline seal fails to contain the material.
Gasoline to which lead has been added to lean body mass
raise the octane level. Contains more than That mass of the body, including bones,
0.05 grams of lead per gallon or more than muscles, and other tissues except for body fat.
0.005 grams of phosphorus per gallon. The Also referred to as fat-free mass.
actual lead content of any given gallon may
vary. Premium and regular grades are lean body weight
included, and depending on the octane rating, The lean body mass acted on by the
also leaded gasohol. Blendstock is excluded acceleration due to gravitational or other
from the definition until blending has been forces according to Newton's second law.
completed. Alcohol that is to be used in the Also referred to as fat-free weight.
blending of gasohol is also excluded. See
also gasoline.

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leaning the lessor, including any profit thereon, equals
Pertaining to a posture in which the body or exceeds 90 percent of the excess of the fair
longitudinal axis is away from vertical. value of the lease property to the lessor at the
learn inception of the lease over any related
Change behavior as a result of formal investment tax credit retained by the lessor
education, training, practice, or experience. and expected to be realized by him/her.

learning allowance leasor

That time allowance given to a trainee or new A person or firm that grants a lease.
worker while their skills are developed on a least squares method
new job or task. A mathematical technique for fitting a straight
learning control line or curve to a set of data points where the
Having a control system with adequate sum of the squares of the perpendicular
memory and computing power to be able to distances from each data point to the line or
modify its own operation in concert with curve is minimized.
newly acquired knowledge. leave of absence
learning curve A temporary absence from employment or
A concept, mathematical function, or graph- duty with the intention to return during which
ical representation of performance versus time time remuneration and seniority are not
in which performance improves with time as a normally affected.
result of learning/feedback. LED
learning hierarchy See light-emitting diode.
A set of behavioral objectives, concepts, and ledger
principles arranged in the order in which they A horizontal scaffold member which extends
should be learned for optimum performance. from post to post and which supports the put-
learning hierarchy analysis logs or bearer forming a tie between the posts.
A determination of the order in which the Sometimes called a stringer.
learning hierarchy should be taught. leeside low
lease Storm systems (extratropical cyclones) that
(1) A type of contract between parties form on the downward (lee) side of a moun-
(landlord and tenant) dealing with the use and tain chain. In the United States, for example,
occupancy of real estate or the use of property leeside lows frequently form on the eastern
(e.g., automobile, office equipment, etc.). (2) side of the Rocky and Sierra Nevada moun-
Acquisition of a vehicle by an agency from a tain ranges.
commercial firm, in lieu of government leeward side
ownership, for a period of 60 continuous days The side of an object away from the direction
or more. in which the wind is blowing.
leased property LEF
Under Capital Leases: The total cost for all See lighting effectiveness factor.
property obtained under leases that meet one left bank
or more of the following criteria: a) the lease The left descending bank of a river. The side
transfers ownership of the property to the of the river marked by red buoys, white or red
lessee by the end of the lease term; b) the lights, and red reflective material. See also
lease contains a bargain purchase option; c) right bank.
the lease term is equal to 75 percent or more
of the estimated economic life of the leased left-hand draft
property; or d) the present value at the Current which pulls tow to the left.
beginning of the lease term of the minimum left-hand draft in this set of marks
lease payments, excluding the portion of the Maritime. Communication Protocol. Channel
payments representing executory costs such as report term meaning that one should expect
insurance, maintenance, and taxes to be paid by

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the tow to drift to the left while running this legal weight
course. The weight of the goods plus any immediate
left-hand reef makes well in toward channel wrappings which are sold along with the
Maritime. Communication Protocol. Term in- goods, e.g., the weight of a tin can as well as
dicating that an underwater sandbar is build- its contents.
ing in toward the channel. A condition re- legal willfulness
quiring extra caution on the part of the pilot Intentional disregard of a known duty neces-
and possibly the need for a flanking maneuver sary to ensure the safety of persons or the
if the channel is considerably constricted. property of another and the entire absence of
leg care for life, persons, or the property of oth-
(1) Anatomy. The femur, tibia, fibula, and ers.
their surrounding associated and supporting legally liable
soft tissues. (2) Aviation. Any portion of a Liable under the law as interpreted by the
flight plan from one point to another. courts.
leg clearance legend
See knee well height. An explanatory symbol on a display or con-
leg-foot trol, or on a drawing or blueprint.
Involving both the leg and the foot, generally legend switch
referring to internally generated or motor ac- A labeled switch.
tivities. See also foot-leg. Legionnaire's Disease (LD)
leg inseam Pneumonia caused by a bacterium, Legionella
The inside length of a trouser leg from the pneumophila. It has occurred among occu-
pubic crotch to approximately the dor- pants of buildings in which this organism is
sal/superior surface of the foot. present in the air at high concentrations. See
leg room also building-related illness.
A measure of that usable volume beneath Legionella
some table, platform, or other structure which The bacterium that is the causative agent of
the legs would normally occupy when in a Legionnaire's disease and Pontiac fever.
seated posture. legionellosis
legal auditing Diseases caused by Legionella bacteria.
An in-depth review of all phases of a com- legislate
pany’s operations to determine whether the To enact laws or pass resolutions via legisla-
company is fulfilling its obligations to laws tion, in contrast to court-made law.
and regulations, its permits, and any agree-
ments with government agencies. An audit legislation
often includes an assessment of the com- The act of giving or enacting laws; the power
pany’s management systems in order to iden- to make laws; the act of legislating; prepara-
tify ways in which the company might alter its tion and enactment of laws; the making of
existing structure or procedures to foster laws via legislation, in contrast to court-made
compliance. laws.
legal cause legislative
Proximate cause. Substantial factor in bring- Making or giving laws. Pertaining to the
ing about harm. In conflicts, denotes fact that function of law-making or the process of en-
the manner in which the actor's tortious con- actment of laws.
duct resulted in another's injury is such that legislative act
the law holds the actor responsible unless The enactment of laws. Law passed by legis-
there is some defense to liability. lature in contrast to court-made law. One
which prescribes what the law shall be in fu-
ture cases arising under its provision.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

legislative branch of government light in a vacuum during a time interval of
That branch of government which consists of 1/299,792,458,458 of a second. In the MKS
this nation’s law-making bodies, primarily the System, the basic unit of length is the meter.
houses of Congress. In the CGS System, the basic unit of length is
legislative immunity the centimeter. In the English System, the ba-
The Constitution grants two immunities to sic units of length can be either the foot, the
members of Congress. First, that except for inch, or the yard. (2) An open anthropometric
treason, felony, and a breach of the peace, measurement from one point on the body to
they are "privileged from Arrest during their another which contains as a major portion a
Attendance" at sessions of their legislative relatively straight line, but may also contain
body. Second, that "for any Speech or Debate some brief curvature, such as a round a flexed
in either House, they shall not be questioned joint.
in any other Place." The first immunity is of length-tension curve
little practical value, for its exceptions with- An inverted-U-shaped function which indicates
draw all criminal offenses and arrests there- that muscle tension capability falls off to ei-
fore from the privilege, and it does not apply ther side of an optimum length.
to the service of any process in a civil or lens
criminal matter. The second immunity is lib- (1) A transparent device for refracting or oth-
erally construed and includes not only opin- erwise directing electromagnetic radiation.
ion, speeches, debates, or other oral matter, (2) A glass for converging or scattering rays
but also voting, making a written report, or of light. (3) The crystalline lens, a transparent
presenting a resolution, and in general to organ lying behind the pupil and iris and in
whatever member of Congress feels necessary front of the large vitreous-filled cavity of the
to transact the legislative functions and busi- eye. The crystalline lens refracts (bends) light
ness. Even a claim of a bad motive does not rays so that they are focused on the retina.
destroy the immunity, for it is the public good For the eye to see objects close at hand, light
which is thereby served. rays from the objects must be bent more
legislature sharply to bring them to focus on the retina;
The department, assembly, or body or persons light rays from distinct objects require much
that makes statutory laws for a state or nation. less refraction. It is the function of the lens to
At the federal level, and in most states, the accommodate or make some adjustment for
legislature is bicameral in structure, usually viewing near objects and objects at a distance.
consisting of two branches (upper house or To accomplish this, the lens must be highly
Senate and the lower house or House of Rep- elastic so that its shape can be changed and
resentatives). Legislative bodies at the local made more or less convex. The more convex
levels are variously called city councils, the lens, the greater the refraction. Small cil-
boards of aldermen, etc. iary muscles create tension on the lens, mak-
LEL ing it less convex; as the tension is relaxed,
See lower explosive limit. the lens becomes more spherical in shape and
hence more convex. With increasing age, the
Lemnaceae lenses lose their elasticity. Thus, their ability
Floating aquatic plants that provide a habitat to focus light rays in the retina becomes im-
for aquatic organisms capable of metabolizing paired. This condition is referred to as pres-
wastewater organics. Also commonly re- byopia. In farsightedness (hyperopia), the
ferred to as duckweed. image is focused behind the retina because the
length refractive power of the lens is too weak, or the
(1) The extent or distance from one end of an eyeball axis is too short. Nearsightedness
object to the other, or a distance in space from (myopia) occurs when the refractive power of
one clearly identified point to any other such the lens is too strong or the eyeball is too
point. In the International System of Units, long, so that the image is focused in front of
the basic unit of length is the meter, which has the retina. See also contact lens.
been defined as the length of path traveled by

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lenticular which should or should not be allowed to oc-
(1) Pertaining to or shaped like a lens. (2) cur during any subsequent performance of
Pertaining to the crystalline lens. (3) Per- like or similar tasks. (2) Accident Investiga-
taining to the lenticular nucleus. tion. A formal, documented account or report
lenticular cloud of both the positive and negative aspects of
A cloud in the shape of a lens. the operation or task involved in the accident.
Intended for use as a tool for the prevention of
LEPC accident recurrence.
See Local Emergency Planning Committee.
lessor trochanter
leprosy A rounded projection on the medial proximal
A chronic communicable disease character- femur.
ized by the production of granulomatous le-
sions of the skin, upper respiratory and ocular LET
mucous membranes, peripheral nerves, and See linear energy transfer.
the testes; also called Hansen's disease. Not lethal
really contagious, it often results in severe Sufficient to cause, or capable of causing
disability but is rarely fatal. The cause of lep- death.
rosy is believed to be a species of bacteria, lethal concentration (LC)
mycobacterium leprae or Hansen's bacillus, That quantity of an agent which is sufficient
which usually attacks the skin and nerves, but to cause death. The term "concentration"
not the brain. Although it is not inherited, the generally refers to a substance inhaled.
actual means of transmission is not fully un-
derstood. lethal concentration median (LC50)
That which causes death of 50 percent of the
leptokurtic test population within 24 hours of exposure.
Pertaining to a highly peaked normal distri-
bution. lethal dose (LD)
That quantity of an agent which is sufficient
leptospirosis to cause death. The term "dose" generally re-
An infection transmitted to man by dogs, fers to a substance ingested.
swine, and rodents or by contact with con-
taminated water. lethal dose median (LD50)
That which causes death of 50 percent of the
lesion test population within 24 hours of exposure.
An abnormal localized change in the structure
of an organ or tissue resulting from disease or letter of intent
injury. Lesion is a broad term, including A written promise to carry out a specified
wounds, sores, ulcers, tumors, cataracts, and action at some point in the future
any other tissue damage. Lesions range from leucine
skin sores associated with eczema to the A naturally occurring amino acid, one of
changes in lung tissue that occur in tuberculo- those essential for human metabolism.
less than truckload (LTL) A disease of unknown specific cause charac-
Transit. A quantity of freight less than that terized by an overproduction of leukocytes
required for the application of a truckload and their precursors, and enlargement of the
rate. Usually less than 10,000 pounds and spleen. The disease is variable, at times run-
generally involves the use of terminal facili- ning a more chronic course in adults than in
ties to break and consolidate shipments. children. Exposure to low intensities of ion-
lessons learned izing radiation is thought to be one possible
(1) General. A formal, documented account cause. Leukemia is classified clinically on the
or report of both the positive and negative as- basis of 1) the duration and character of the
pects of operational or task experience which disease – acute or chronic; 2) the type of cell
is compiled after the conclusion of the task. involved – myeloid (myelogenous), lymphoid
Used generally to highlight those actions (lymphogenous), or monocytic; and 3) in-

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crease or no increase in the number of abnor- environments or contaminated sites where the
mal cells in the blood – leukemic or aleuke- potential for serious adverse occupational
mic (subleukemic). In acute leukemia, the health effects are present. This includes sites
white cells resemble precursor, or immature, contaminated with unknown materials or sites
cells. They are larger than normal cells, and or areas where materials are known to exist
they accumulate much more rapidly than in that could cause both respiratory and dermal
chronic leukemia. They are incapable of per- exposure effects. Level A protective equip-
forming their normal function of combating ment includes supplied-air positive pressure
infection. In chronic leukemia, the white cells respirator and does not require skin pro-
are more mature, resembling normal cells and tection.
having some limited capacity to oppose in- level B
vading organisms. See also leukocyte. The level of protection described by the EPA
leukemogenic that includes the maximum degree of
A substance that can cause leukemia. Also respiratory protection but a lesser degree of
referred to as a leukomogen. full body and skin protection. Examples
leukocyte include airborne respirable contaminants that
A white (colorless) blood corpuscle in the are very toxic but not toxic through skin
blood, lymph, or tissues that plays a major absorption.
role in the body's defense against disease. level C
There are five types: lymphocytes, mono- The protection level described and required
cytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils; by the EPA where known concentrations of
the last three are often referred to as granulo- airborne contaminants exist but are suitably
cytes. The leukocytes act by moving through protected against by air-purifying respirators
blood vessel walls to reach a site of injury. and do not require skin protection.
Foreign particles such as bacteria may be en- level D
gulfed or phagocytosed by the leukocytes, es- The protection level required and described
pecially the neutrophils and monocytes. It is by the EPA where nuisance respiratory expo-
this process that causes the increase in the sures and non-absorbing skin contaminants
number of leukocytes in the blood during in- exist. Respirators would be required only
fection, and one of the laboratory determina- when air sampling and monitoring determine
tions to diagnose infectious states is based on that hazards exist above the nuisance level.
it. The leukocytes also play some role in the
repair of injured tissue, though their function level of concern (LOC)
here is not clear. The concentration in air of an extremely haz-
ardous substance above which there may be
leukocytosis serious immediate health effects to anyone
A transient increase in the number of white exposed to it for short periods of time.
cells in the blood as a result of fever, infec-
tion, inflammation, etc. level of effort
(1) A type of contract or agreement in which a
leukopenia certain number of people are supported to per-
A reduction, to below the normal level, of the form specified tasks. (2) The amount of
number of white cells in the blood. physical or mental activity exerted or required
levator to perform at a certain level.
Any muscle producing an upward movement. level of service
levee Transportation. (1) A set of characteristics
A built-up embankment on or back from the that indicate the quality and quantity of trans-
riverbank for the purpose of containing portation service provided, including charac-
floodwater. teristics that are quantifiable and those that are
level A difficult to quantify. (2) For highway sys-
The level of protection the EPA considers tems, a qualitative rating of the effectiveness
necessary for work in or entry into hazardous of a highway or highway facility in serving
traffic, in terms of operating conditions. (3)

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For paratransit, a variety of measures meant to juries to the person or property of another. It
denote the quality of service provided, gener- is distinguished from indemnity insurance and
ally in terms of total travel time or a specific may be issued to cover the liability of, for ex-
component of total travel time. (4) For pe- ample, carriers, contractors, employers, land-
destrians, sets of area occupancy classifica- lords, manufacturers, and drivers. See also
tions to connect the design of pedestrian fa- insurance and indemnity insurance.
cilities with levels of service. liable
leveled time Bound or obligated in law or equity. Respon-
See normal time. sible, chargeable, answerable, and/or com-
leveling pelled to make satisfaction, compensation, or
A performance rating method in which an restitution. The condition of being bound to
observer adjusts a worker's time to compare respond because a wrong has occurred.
with normal time. See also performance liable parties
rating. Under the Comprehensive Emergency Re-
lever sponse, Compensation, and Liabilities Act
A rigid linear structure which is capable of (CERCLA), any person who by contract,
movement and exerting force about a fulcrum. agreement, or otherwise, arranged for disposal
or treatment of hazardous substances owned
lever arm or processed by such person.
(1) The distance from a joint axis to the point
of a muscle attachment. (2) The distance libel
from the fulcrum to the point of effort or re- A method of defamation expressed by print,
sistance on a lever. writing, pictures, or signs. In its most general
sense, any publication that is injurious to the
lever switch reputation of another. A false and unprivi-
A type of toggle switch in which the activat- leged (i.e., without legal precedence) publica-
ing mechanism is a manually operated lever. tion in writing of defamatory material.
leverage license
That mechanical advantage achieved by using (1) General. An authorization granted by a
a lever. government agency to conduct an activity un-
Leverett technique der the conditions specified in the license. (2)
See L-1 maneuver. Radiation. The company or person author-
ized to use a radioactive material obtained un-
lexical decision task der a license issued by the NRC or an Agree-
The process in which a judgement is made as ment State.
to whether or not a letter string is a word.
license plate lamp
LFL A lamp used to illuminate the license plate on
See lower flammable limit. the rear of a motor vehicle.
LIA licensed driver
Laser Institute of America. Any person who holds a valid driver's license
liability from any state.
Being bound or obligated by law to do, pay, licensed material
or make good something. Radiation. Source material, special nuclear
liability insurance material or byproduct material that is re-
Insurance that covers suits against the insured ceived, possessed, used, or transferred under a
for such damages as injury or death to other special license issued by the licensing agency
drivers or passengers, property damage, and (e.g., NRC, Energy Research and Develop-
the like. It is insurance for those damages for ment Administration, or an Agreement State).
which the driver can be held liable. Liability lichen
insurance is that form of insurance which in- (1) A name applied to many different kinds of
demnifies against liabilities on account of in- papular skin diseases. (2) Any species or

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plant of a group believed to be composed of mean length of life of persons of a similar
symbiotic algae and fungi. age.
lidar life jacket
An instrument that uses a laser to generate A personal flotation device worn about the
intense pulses that are reflected from atmos- torso and normally secured with straps across
pheric particles of dust and smoke. Lidars the torso and through the pelvic crotch. U.S.
have been used to determine the amount of Coast Guard requires a life jacket for each oc-
particles in the atmosphere as well as particle cupant of a floating craft. Normally, children
movement that has been converted into wind should be wearing theirs at all times while in
speed. Lidar means light detection and rang- a floating craft (in actual practice, however,
ing. this is rarely seen).
lie sheet
Transit (slang). A driver's log book.
A legal restriction imposed on a piece of
equipment or real estate, usually by permis-
sion of a court, to secure the payment of
money under a contract or if damages are
awarded in litigation.
life cycle
(1) System Safety. A phased concept to ex-
plain the various stages of product or system
progression consisting of the concept phase,
design phase, production phase, operational
phase, and disposal phase. In system safety,
the product or system life cycle is often used
to indicate the timing of certain types of ana-
lytical evaluations. (2) Environmental. Con-
secutive and interlinked stages of a product or
service system, from the production and de-
livery of raw material or the generation of
natural resources to the final disposal.
life cycle characteristic curve
A graph curve used to describe the expected
phases over the lifetime of a machine or elec- Life jackets are required for all occupants of a floating craft
tromechanical system or process. It consists
life performance curve
of a steeply declining initial segment (run-in,
A functional relationship between some par-
or infant mortality phase), a relatively flat
ticular characteristic of a lamp and its age.
middle segment (the useful phase), and a
moderately increasing terminal segment (the life support
wear-out or disposal phase). Synonymous That function which addresses the sustenance,
with bathtub curve. health promotion, and protection of personnel
under all reasonably expected conditions for a
life cycle cost
specified activity.
The total cost of an item over its useful life,
including purchase, maintenance, and opera- life support system
tions. Any system which provides life support.
life expectancy lifeline
The number of years a person may be ex- A rope or other type of cable intended to save
pected to live from a given age, based on the an individual's life should an accident occur
under hazardous working conditions. May

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function to break fall before striking an ob- light adaptation
ject, to keep from drifting off, to keep from An adjustment within the visual system mak-
being washed overboard, etc. ing it more or less sensitive to light by ad-
lift justing the threshold.
In a sanitary landfill, a compacted layer of light boat
solid waste and the top layer of cover mate- A towboat without a tow.
rial. light density railroad
lift vessel Railroads with 1200 or less train-miles per
A vessel designed to be loaded or unloaded by road mile.
moving the containers with a heavy crane. light duty
lifting condensation level (LCL) A work classification in which an individual
The level or altitude at which a parcel of air, is not permitted to do heavy lifting for health
when lifted dry adiabatically, would become or other reasons.
saturated. light duty scaffold
lifting station A scaffold designed and constructed to carry a
See pumping station. working load not to exceed 25 pounds per
lifting task square foot.
Any task which involves manually changing light duty vehicle
the location of an object without external me- Automobiles and light trucks combined.
chanical assistance and applies a force and/or light effort
torque to the vertebral column. The level of physical work which can be
lifting technique maintained for a work shift without undue fa-
A procedure recommended or used by an in- tigue.
dividual to perform a particular lifting task. light-emitting diode (LED)
lifting torque Any semiconductor diode which emits light
The product of the load and distance of the when current is applied.
load from a fulcrum in the vertebral column light-emitting diode display
which is created by a lifting task. Any display using light-emitting diodes as a
ligament radiant source.
A band of dense fibrous connective tissue light field microscopy
which interconnects the articular aspects of Microscopic technique that relies on the am-
bones. plitude modulation of light to make specimens
ligature visible. Different portions of the specimen
A thread or wire used in surgery to tie off absorb light to a differing degree, thereby
blood vessels to prevent bleeding, or to treat providing specimen details as differences in
abnormalities in other parts of the body by the intensity of light reaching the eye.
constricting the tissues. light gun
light Aviation. A handheld directional light sig-
(1) Radiation from a region of the electro- naling device which emits a brilliant narrow
magnetic spectrum of which an organism be- beam of white, green, or red light as selected
comes aware through stimulation of the retina by the tower controller. The color and type of
or other visual receptor; that stimulation light transmitted can be used to approve or
which excites visual receptors. (2) Not heavy. disapprove anticipated pilot actions where ra-
light activity dio communication is not available. The light
That level of physical activity which re- gun is used for controlling traffic operating in
quires/consumes 60 – 100 calories per square the vicinity of the airport and on the airport
meter of skin surface per hour, including the movement area.
basal metabolic rate.

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light loss factor (LLF) light rail vehicles (streetcars)
Any of a set of possible variables which may Rail cars with motive capability, usually
contribute to a decrease in available lumi- driven by electric power taken from overhead
nance for a given location. lines, configured for passenger traffic and
light mixing usually operating on non-exclusive right-of-
See additive color mixing. way.
light pen light scatter fraction
A pen-shaped interactive device which emits The ratio of scattered light to specularly re-
a light beam for striking a certain region of a flected light.
display to initiate a certain system action. light stand
light quantity Maritime Navigation. Colloquial term
A measure of the amount of light used, equal meaning the position or location of a shore-
to the product of the luminous flux and the lighted aid to navigation.
time duration for which it is sustained. light truck
light rail (1) An automobile other than a passenger
(1) DOT. A streetcar type vehicle operated on automobile which is either designed for off-
city streets, semi-exclusive rights-of-way, or highway operation or designed to perform at
exclusive rights-of-way. Service may be pro- least one of the following functions: a) trans-
vided by step entry vehicles or by level port more than 10 persons; b) provide tempo-
boarding. (2) APTA. An electric railway with rary living quarters; c) transport property on
a "light volume" traffic capacity compared to an open bed; d) provide greater cargo-
"heavy rail." Light rail may use shared or ex- carrying than passenger-carrying volume; or
clusive rights-of-way, high or low platform e) permit expanded use of the automobile for
loading, and multi-car trains or single cars. cargo-carrying purposes or other nonpassen-
(3) FTA. Lightweight passenger rail cars op- ger-carrying purposes through the removal of
erating singly (or in short, usually two-car, seats by means installed for that purpose by
trains) on fixed rails in a right-of-way that is the automobile's manufacturer or with simple
not separated from other traffic for much of tools, such as a screwdriver and wrenches, so
the way. Light rail vehicles are driven elec- as to create a flat, floor level, surface extend-
trically with power being drawn from an ing from the forward most point of installa-
overhead electric line via a trolley or a panto- tion of those seats to the rear of the automo-
graph. Also known as streetcar, troller car, bile's interior. An automobile capable of off-
and tramway. highway operation is an automobile a) that
light rail (streetcar) has 4-wheel drive, or is rated at more than
Urban transit which uses predominantly re- 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight; and b)
served but not always grade-separated rights- that has at least four of the following charac-
of-way. Electrically powered rail vehicles teristics calculated when the automobile is at
operate alone or in trains. curb weight, on a level surface, with the front
wheels parallel to the automobile's longitudi-
nal centerline, and the tires inflated to the
manufacturer's recommended pressure: (i) ap-
proach angle of not less than 28 degrees; (ii)
break over angle of not less than 14 degrees;
(iii) departure angle of not less than 20 de-
grees; (iv) running clearance of not less than
20 centimeters; (v) front and rear axle clear-
ances of not less than 18 centimeters each.
(2) Trucks of 10,000 pounds gross vehicle
weight rating or less, including pickups, vans,
truck-based station wagons, and utility vehi-
Street cars are used extensively throughout Europe as well as in cles. (3) Two-axle, four-tire trucks.
many cities in the United States

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lighted airport lightness
An airport where runway and obstruction (1) A judgement as to the weight of an object,
lighting are available. on a scale from light to heavy. (2) That ap-
lighter parent degree to which something is judged as
A barge used in off-loading an oceangoing lighter or darker compared to a similarly re-
vessel. flecting or transmitting white or achromatic
lighter-aboard-ship (LASH)
A type of barge-carrying vessel equipped with lightning
an overhead crane capable of lifting barges of A visible electrical discharge produced by
a common size and stowing them into cellular thunderstorms. It may take place within a
slots in a thwart ship position. Lighter-aboard cloud, from one cloud to another, from a
ship is an all-water technology analogous to cloud to the surrounding air, or from a cloud
containerization. to the ground. For lightning to occur, separate
regions containing opposite electrical charges
lighter-than-air aircraft must exist within a cumulonimbus cloud. Ex-
Aircraft that can rise and remain suspended by actly how this charge separation comes about
using contained gas weighing less than the air is not totally understood. However, it is be-
that is displaced by the gas. lieved that, because unlike charges attract one
another, the negative charge at the bottom of
the cloud causes a region of the ground be-
neath it to become positively charged. As the
thunderstorm moves along, this region of
positive charge follows the cloud like a
shadow. The positive charge is most dense on
protruding objects, such as trees, poles, and
buildings. The difference in charges causes
an electrical potential between the cloud and
ground, which may be 10,000 volts per meter.
In dry air, however, a flow of current does not
occur because the air is a good electrical in-
sulator. Gradually, the electrical potential
builds and when the electrical field associated
with it exceeds about 3 million volts per me-
The zeppelin is the best example of a lighter-than-air aircraft. ter, the insulating properties of the air break
The modern-day blimp is in this category of aircraft.
down, a current flows, and lighting occurs.
lighting Cloud-to-ground lightning begins as a flow of
The collective sensation or description of the electrons from the middle of the cloud rushes
light being input to the visual environment. toward the base. This discharge of electrons
lighting effectiveness factor (LEF) proceeds toward the ground in a series of
The ratio of equivalent sphere illumination to steps. Each discharge covers approximately
calculated illumination or illumination meas- 50 meters, then stops for about 50 millionths
ured with a meter. of a second, then occurs again over another 50
meters. This stepped leader is very faint and
lighting fixture is usually invisible to the human eye. As the
Any structure designed and built specifically top of the stepped leader approaches the
for the installation of light-producing devices ground, a current of positive charge starts up-
and to direct illumination. ward from the ground to meet it. After they
lighting outlet meet, large numbers of electrons flow to the
An outlet intended for the direct connection of ground and a much larger, brighter return
a lamp holder, a lighting fixture, or a pendant stroke surges upward to the cloud along the
cord terminating in a lamp holder. path followed by the stepped leader. Even
though the bright return stroke travels from
the ground upward to the cloud, it happens so

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quickly (in 1/10,000 of a second) that the hu- limb
man eye cannot resolve the motion and we see (1) An arm or leg, including all its component
what appears to be a continuous bright flash parts. (2) A structure or part resembling an
of light. Sometimes there is only one light- arm or leg.
ning stroke, but more often each flash is actu- limb coordination
ally a series of very rapid strokes that travel A measure of the degree of integrated func-
between the cloud and ground. A lightning tioning of the limbs in performing some ac-
flash consisting of many strokes usually lasts tivity.
less than a second. During this short period of
time the human eye may not be able to per- limb-load aggregate
ceive the individual strokes and the flash ap- The combined mass/torque from the working
pears to flicker. The lightning stroke can heat load plus the mass/torque from the limb(s) in-
the air through which it travels to an incredi- volved in a lifting or movement task.
ble 30,000°C (54,000°F), which is approxi- limb movement velocity
mately five times the temperature of the sun's The rate at which a single movement of a limb
surface. This extreme heating causes the air can be accomplished, without regard for accu-
to expand explosively, thus initiating a racy or coordination.
booming sound wave called thunder that trav-
els outward in all directions from the flash. limestone scrubbing
Because light travels so fast, it reaches the eye Process in which sulfur gases moving toward
nearly instantly. But the sound, traveling at a smokestack are passed through a limestone
only 330 meters/second (1100 feet/second), and water solution to remove sulfur before it
takes much longer to reach the ear. Hence, by reaches the atmosphere.
counting the seconds from the moment the liminal contrast
lightning is seen until the thunder is heard, See contrast threshold.
one can approximate their distance from the
liminal contrast threshold
lightning stroke. Because it takes sound about
See contrast threshold.
3 seconds to travel one kilometer (5 seconds
for each mile), thunder that is heard 15 sec- limit load
onds after the lighting was seen is approxi- The maximum load, or combination of loads,
mately 5 km (3 miles) away. a part or structure is expected to experience at
any time during its intended operation and
expected environment, as follows:
limit load = (load factor) x (rated load)
limit of detection (LOD)
The smallest amount of an analyte that can be
distinguished from background or the lowest
concentration that can be determined to be
statistically different from a blank. Typically,
it is that amount of analyte which is three
standard deviations above the background re-
sponse. See also lower detectable limit and
detection limit.
Lightning burst, a violent display of nature's power
limit of quantitation (LOQ)
Likert scale The amount of analyte above which quantita-
A technique for rating surveys on a discrete, tive results may be reported with a specific
integer-based scale having an odd number of degree of confidence. Typically, this value is
discrete options and consisting of a range, 10 times the standard deviation of concentra-
generally from 1 to 5, from strongly disagree tions very near the limit of detection. See also
to strongly agree, respectively. (May occa- limit of detection.
sionally see scales to 7 or 9 options).

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limit stop for passenger or goods transport, or both.
Any device or mechanism which prevents Where a section of network comprises two or
further movement of a control, door, drawer, more lines running alongside one another,
or other object at a certain point when motion there are as many lines as routes to which
beyond that point might have undesirable tracks are allotted exclusively.
consequences. May be accomplished by line and staff organization
audible click or tactile sensation. In the structure of an organization, those
limit switch members who are directly accountable and re-
An electrical switch which is capable of cut- sponsible for the daily operations of the en-
ting the power supply if the device being terprise are considered line management with
monitored goes beyond a specified range. the authority to implement or change com-
limitation of damages pany policy and operating procedures. Those
Provision in a contract or agreement by which who serve as advisors to the line and can only
parties agree in advance as to the amount or recommend changes are considered staff man-
limit of damages for breach. agement.

limited radar airport traffic control tower line breaking

Airport traffic control tower at which air traf- The intentional opening of a pipe, line, or duct
fic control specialists are permitted to provide that is or has been carrying flammable, corro-
radar approach control service that requires sive, or toxic material, an inert gas, or any
only limited vectoring, as well as to handle fluid at a volume, pressure, or temperature ca-
takeoffs and landings. pable of causing injury.

limiting factor line-clearance tree trimming

A condition, whose absence or excessive con- The pruning, removing, trimming, maintain-
centration, is incompatible with the needs or ing, repairing, or clearing of trees or cutting of
tolerance of a species or population and which brush that is within 10 feet (305 cm) of elec-
may have a negative influence on their ability tric supply line or equipment.
to grow or even survive. line-haul
limnology Rail Operations. Transportation from one
The study of the physical, chemical, mete- city to another as differentiated from local
orological, and biological aspects of fresh switching service. See also linehaul.
water. line-haul operation railroads
limousine or auto rental with driver Establishments primarily engaged in line-haul
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- railroad passenger and freight operations.
ing limousines or auto rentals with drivers, line miles
where such operations are principally within a The sum of the actual physical length (meas-
single municipality, contiguous municipali- ured in only one direction) of all streets,
ties, or a municipality and its suburban areas highways, or rights-of-way traversed by a
e.g., automobile rental with driver, limousine transportation system (including exclusive
rental with driver, hearse rental with driver, rights-of-way and specially controlled facili-
passenger automobile rental with driver. ties) regardless of the number of routes or ve-
hicles that pass over any of the sections.
(1) A type of gait in which steps are halting line of flow
and the time spent on one leg is shorter than See flow path.
the other. See also gait. (2) Flaccid; having line of sight (LOS)
less than normal tonicity. That path from the lateral and vertical center
line of the eye pupil to an object being fixated or
Rail Operations. One or more running tracks, direction being viewed.
each kilometer of line counting as one, how- line section
ever many tracks there may be. The total A continuous run of pipe that is contained
length of line operated is the length operated between adjacent pressure pump stations,

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between a pressure pump station and a termi- linear energy transfer (LET)
nal or breakout tank, between a pressure The linear rate of energy loss locally absorbed
pump station and a block valve, or between by an ionizing radiation particle passing
adjacent block valves. through a material medium.
line spar linear equation
Maritime. Line used to secure spar to deck. See linear function.
line spectrum linear function
A frequency spectrum in which the compo- A mathematical function which may be repre-
nents are shown as lines at discrete frequen- sented by a straight line, having an equation
cies. of the form below.
line through y = mx + b
Maritime. To pull a boat through a swift linear momentum
shallow channel by means of lines placed on The tendency for an object to continue mov-
the bank. A term seldom used today. ing in a straight line.
line width linear movement control
The width of a line on a display or hardcopy. A control device which moves in a straight
line worker line when force is applied.
A worker employed by a utility company linear programming
(e.g., electrical, telephone, etc.) who performs A technique for determining a solution to a
the majority of his/her assigned duties out "on problem using the assumptions a) that the
the line," that is, working on the electrical function is linear and b) that the process in-
lines or telephone lines, to ensure uninter- volved can be represented as a set of linear
rupted service and/or to make improvements equations or inequalities.
to existing service.
linear range
Instruments. The ratio of the largest concen-
tration to the smallest concentration within
which the detector response is linear. It is
also expressed as the range (i.e., lower value
to upper value) over which the detector re-
sponse is linear.
linear referencing system (LRS)
The total set of procedures for determining
and retaining a record of specific points along
a highway. Typical systems used are mile
point, milepost, reference point, and link-
Line workers are exposed to a number of hazards on a daily node.
basis such as working at heights and around high voltage
linear service
linear International water carriers that ply fixed
(1) Pertaining to a linear function. (2) Meas- routes on published schedules.
ured in a straight line.
linear system
linear algebra A system in which output varies according to
The study and/or use of simultaneous linear some proportionality constant and the input.
equations, as used in vectors and linear trans-
formations. linearity
(1) The straightness of a line, or column, or
linear correlation row on a display. (2) That property between
A relationship between two variables which two variables in which a change in one vari-
may be represented graphically by a straight able results in a directly proportional change
line or by a linear function. in the other.

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linehaul terminating at pivot points on the body. (3)
Rail Operations. The movement of trains Any interface, interaction, or bond between
between terminals and stations on the main or individuals. Also referred to as linkage.
branch lines of the road, exclusive of switch- link analysis
ing movements. See also line-haul. (1) An examination and study of the biome-
liner chanical link actions or positions of the body.
(1) A relatively impermeable barrier designed (2) An identification and examination of the
to prevent leachate from leaking out of a land- sensorimotor and mechanical and/or electrical
fill. Liner materials include plastic and dense interfaces between individuals, machines, or
clay. (2) An insert or sleeve for sewer pipes human and machine in a system.
to prevent leakage or infiltration. (3) A word linkage
derived from the term "line traffic," which (1) Chemistry. The connection between dif-
denotes operation along definite routes on the ferent atoms in a chemical compound, or the
basis of definite, fixed schedules; a "line" thus symbol representing it in structural formulae.
is a vessel that engages in this kind of trans- (2) Genetics. The tendency for a group of
portation, which generally involves the haul- genes in a chromosome to remain in continu-
age of general cargo as distinct from bulk ous association from generation to generation.
cargo. (4) A vessel sailing between specified (3) Psychology. The connection between a
ports on a regular basis. stimulus and its response. (4) See link (3).
liner terms linked passenger trip
An expression covering assessment of ocean A trip from origin to destination on the transit
freight rates generally implying that loading system. Even if a passenger must make sev-
and discharging expenses will be for the ship eral transfers during a journey, the trip is
owner's account, and usually apply from the counted as one linked trip on the system.
end of ship's tackle in port of loading to the
end of ship's tackle in port of discharge. lip breadth
The maximum horizontal linear distance be-
lines tween the most lateral point of the junction of
Maritime. The various types used with regard the upper and lower lips on each side of the
to towing: back line, backing line, breast line, mouth opening. Measured with the facial
check line, dropping out line, face line, fore muscles relaxed.
and aft lines, handy line, head line, jockey
line, lashing, lead line, lock line, monkey line, lip breadth, smiling
quarter line, side line, spar line, stem line, tow The maximum horizontal linear distance be-
line, spring line, peg line. tween the corners of the mouth opening.
Measured with the individual smiling broadly.
Articulated with the tip of the tongue placed lip – lip length
on the upper front teeth. The vertical distance, in the midsagittal plane,
from the lower margin of the lower lip to the
liniment upper margin of the upper lip. Measured with
An oily, soapy, or alcoholic preparation to be the facial muscle relaxed and the lips together.
rubbed on the skin.
lip protrusion
lining The most anterior point of either the upper or
A material permanently attached to the inside lower lip, whichever is more anterior. Must
of the outer shell of a garment for the pur- specify which lip, if different.
poses of thermal protection and padding.
lip protrusion to wall
link The horizontal linear distance from a wall to
(1) Any interface between the human operator the most anterior point of the lips. Measured
and a machine, at which movement in one with the individual standing or sitting erect
produces movement in the other. May be re- with the back of the head against the wall.
ferred to as fixed linkage mechanism. (2) A
straight line representing a body segment,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lip-reading liquefied compressed gas (LCG)
Perception of speech through the sense of A compressed gas which is partially liquid at
sight, by recognition of the words formed the cylinder pressure and a temperature of
from movement of the lips. 70ºF (21ºC).
lipid solubility liquefied natural gas (LNG)
The maximum concentration of a chemical (1) Natural gas or synthetic gas having meth-
that will dissolve in fatty substances; lipid ane as its major constituent and which has
soluble substances are insoluble in water. If a been changed to a liquid or semisolid. (2)
substance is lipid soluble it will very selec- Natural gas (primarily methane) that has been
tively disperse through the environment via liquefied by reducing its temperature to -
living tissue. 260ºF at atmospheric pressure.
lipids liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility
A comprehensive term for fats and fat-derived A pipeline facility that is used for liquefying
materials that denotes substances extracted or solidifying natural gas or synthetic gas or
from animal or vegetable cells by non-polar or transferring, storing, or vaporizing liquefied
fat-soluble solvents. Lipids are among the natural gas.
chief structural components of living cells. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
lipochrome Ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, normal
Any one of a group of fat-soluble hydrocar- butane, butylene, and isobutane produced at
bon pigments, such as lutein, chromophane, refineries or natural gas processing plants, in-
and the natural yellow coloring material of cluding plants that fractionate new natural gas
butter, egg yolk, and yellow corn. They are plant liquids.
also known as carotenoids. liquid
lipoprotein A material that has a vertical flow of over 2
A combination of lipid and protein, having the inches (50 mm) within a three minute period,
general properties (e.g., solubility) of pro- or a material having one gram or more liquid
teins. Practically all of the lipids of the separation, when determined in accordance
plasma and lipoprotein complexes (alpha- and with the procedures specified in American
beta-lipoproteins) can be distinguished by Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
electrophoresis. Elevated levels of low den- specification D4359-84, "Standard Test
sity lipoprotein (LDL) are generally consid- Method for Determining whether a Material is
ered harmful and may be a major contributory a Liquid or Solid," 1984 edition.
factor in arterial sclerosis and other heart- liquid phase
related diseases. Whereas, elevated levels of DOT. A material that meets the definition of
high density lipoprotein (HDL) are generally liquid when evaluated at the higher of the
considered beneficial in the overall prevention temperature at which it is offered for trans-
of heart disease and related ailments. portation or at which it is transported, not at
liposome the 37.8ºC (100ºF) temperature specified in
One of the particles of lipoid matter held American Society for Testing and Materials
emulsified in the tissues in the form of invisi- (ASTM) specification D4359-84.
ble fat. liquid spiking
lipotropism Introducing a solvent-containing analyte of
Affinity for fat or fatty tissue, especially that interest directly onto a sorbent media. Subse-
of certain agents that are capable of decreas- quent desorption and analysis of the liquid
ing the deposits of fat in the liver. Also called spike should have a recovery of greater than
lipotropy. or equal to 75%.
liquefaction liquidated damages and penalties
Changing a solid into a liquid. The term is applicable when the amount of the
damages has been ascertained by the judg-
ment in the action, or when a specific sum of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

money has been expressly stipulated by the lithosphere
parties to a bond or other contract as the The solid part of the Earth below the surface,
amount of damages to be recovered by either including any groundwater contained within it.
party for a breach of the agreement by the litigant
other. The purpose of a penalty is to secure A party to a lawsuit (i.e., plaintiff or defen-
performance, while the purpose of stipulating dant); one engaged in litigation; usually spo-
damages is to fix the amount to be paid in lieu ken of active parties, not of nominal ones.
of performance. Liquidated damages is the
sum which a party to a contract agrees to pay litigate
if he/she breaks some promise and, which To dispute or contend in form of law; to settle
having been arrived at by a good faith effort a dispute or seek relief in a court of law; to
to estimate actual damage that will probably carry on a lawsuit.
ensue from a breach, is recoverable as agreed litigation
damages if a breach does in fact occur. A lawsuit. Legal action, including all pro-
ceedings therein.
See low impact resistant supports. litigious
That which is the subject of a lawsuit or ac-
tion; that which is contested in a court of law.
Shorthand term for the EPA list of violating
facilities, or lists of firms debarred from ob- litmus
taining government contracts because they A blue stain prepared by enzymatic fermenta-
violated certain sections of the Clean Air Act tion of coarsely powdered lichens.
or Clean Water Act. The list is maintained by litmus paper
the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Absorbent paper impregnated with a solution
Monitoring. of litmus, dried and cut into strips. It is used
listed to indicate the acidity or alkalinity of solu-
With regard to equipment, it is considered tions. If dipped into alkaline solution, it re-
"listed" if it is of a kind mentioned in a list mains blue; acid solution turns it red.
which a) is published by a nationally recog- Little Ice Age
nized laboratory which makes periodic in- The period from about 1550 to 1850 when
spections of the production of such equip- average global temperatures were about 1.5°C
ment, and b) states such equipment meets na- cooler, and alpine glaciers increased in size
tionally recognized standards or has been and advanced down mountain canyons.
tested and found safe for use in a specified little league elbow
manner. An overuse injury caused by stress on the
listed waste muscles, tendons, epiphyses, and articular sur-
Wastes listed as hazardous under RCRA but face of the elbow joint.
which have not been subjected to the Toxic little league shoulder
Characteristics Listing Process because the A condition of tendonitis or metaphysical
dangers they present are considered self- fracture causing pain from excessive internal
evident. and rotational stresses around the shoulder.
lite locomotive live room
A locomotive or a consist of locomotives not A room characterized by a small amount of
attached to any piece of equipment or attached sound absorption. See also reverberation.
only to a caboose.
liter A large gland of red color located in the upper
In the metric system, a unit of measurements right portion of the abdomen. It has many
equivalent to 1.0567 quarts. functions concerned with the process of di-
lithium gestion and with the development of the
A chemical element, atomic number 3, atomic erythrocytes. It produces bile, helps detoxify
weight 6.939, symbol Li. harmful substances in the blood, and stores
food. It is the largest internal organ. The

©2000 CRC Press LLC

liver can store up to 20 percent of its weight lives lost
in glycogen and up to 40 percent of its weight U.S. Coast Guard. Those persons who per-
in fats. The basic fuel of the body is a simple ished as a direct result of the distress incident
form of sugar called glucose. This comes to to which the Coast Guard was responding.
the liver as one of the products of digestion, Lives lost before refers to those persons who
and is converted into glycogen for storage. It were considered lost prior to Coast Guard no-
is reconverted to glucose, when necessary, to tification. Lives lost after refers to those per-
keep up a steady level of sugar in the blood. sons who were alive at the time of Coast
This is normally a slow, continuous process, Guard notification, but who subsequently
but in emergency conditions, the liver, re- died.
sponding to epinephrine in the blood, releases lives saved
large quantities of this fuel into the blood for U.S. Coast Guard. Those persons who would
use by the muscles. As the chief supplier of have been lost without Coast Guard assis-
glucose in the body, the liver is sometimes tance.
called upon to convert other substances into
sugar. The liver cells can make glucose out of livestock body
protein and fat. This may also work in re- Truck or trailer designed for the transportation
verse: the liver cells can convert excess sugar of farm animals.
into fat and send it for storage to other parts of LLF
the body. In addition to these functions, the See light loss factor.
liver builds many essential proteins and stores
up certain necessary vitamins until they are LLNL
needed by other organs in the body. The liver Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
disposes of worn-out blood cells by breaking ln
them down into their different elements, Natural logarithm.
storing some, and sending others to the kid-
neys for disposal in the urine. It filters and
See liquefied natural gas.
destroys bacteria and also neutralizes poisons.
The liver also helps to maintain the balance of load
sex hormones in the body. A certain amount The performance demands required from a
of female hormone is normally produced in system or individual at any given time.
males, and male hormone in females. When load cell
the level of this opposite sex hormone rises A strain gauge-based device for measuring the
above a certain point, the liver takes up the amount of force applied to an object.
excess and disposes of it. Finally, the liver
polices the proteins that have been passed load-endurance curve
through the digestive system. Some of the A graphical curve illustrating the relationship
amino acids derived from protein metabolism between the percentage of maximum load and
cannot be used by the body: the liver rejects the length of time which that load will be vol-
and neutralizes these acids and sends them to untarily held.
the kidneys for disposal. load factor
(1) General. A factor that accounts for un-
avoidable deviations of the actual load from
the nominal value. Examples of load factors
include wind, shock, seismic, and dynamic
load factors. (2) Aviation. The ratio of a
Diaphragm specified load to the total weight of the air-
Liver craft. The specified load is expressed in terms
Bile Duct of any of the following: aerodynamic forces,
inertia forces, or ground or water reactions.
(3) Transportation. The percentage of seating
The liver, gallbladder, bile duct (which leads to the small intes-
or freight capacity which is utilized. Also, a
tine), and their relative position under the diaphragm term relating the potential capacity of a sys-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tem relative to its actual performance. It is pose of loading buoys and other equipment
often calculated as total passenger miles di- aboard a tender.
vided by total vehicle miles. (4) Perform- LOAEL
ance. That proportion of the work cycle time See lowest observable adverse effect level.
required for a worker to perform the necessary
work at standard performance during a ma- loaned employee
chine-paced cycle. Loaned servant is an employee who is loaned
or hired out to another employer for some
load limit specific service or particular transaction and
The maximum weight or stress which an indi- who is under exclusive control of that em-
vidual, floor, vehicle, or other structure can ployer who may then be held vicariously li-
safely support. Also referred to as allowable able for acts of the employee under ordinary
load. principles of respondeat superior.
load ratio loaned servant doctrine
Transportation (Trucking). The ratio of When one employer lends an employee to an-
loaded miles to empty miles per tractor. other for a particular employment, the em-
load stress ployee, for anything done in that employment,
That type of sensory overload caused by hav- must be dealt with as an employee of the one
ing too many channels of information to proc- to whom he/she has been lent.
ess effectively. lobe
load weight A more or less well-defined portion of an or-
The maximum weight which a vehicle can gan or gland.
safely carry. lobectomy
loaded car mile Excision of a lobe, as of the lung, brain, or
Transportation. A loaded car mile is a mile liver.
run by a freight car with a load. In the case of lobotomy
intermodal movements, the car miles gener- The cutting of nerve fibers connecting a lobe
ated will be loaded or empty depending on of the brain with the thalamus. In most cases
whether the trailers/containers are moved with the effected parts are the prefrontal or frontal
or without a waybill, respectively. lobes, the areas of the brain involved with
loading island emotion; thus, the operation is referred to as
Transit. (1) A pedestrian refuge within the prefrontal or frontal lobotomy. A lobotomy is
right-of-way and traffic lanes of a highway or a form of psychosurgery, a field in which the
street. It is provided at designated transit purpose of an operation is not to remove a
stops for the protection of passengers from growth or repair an injury to the body but to
traffic while they wait for and board or alight change the patient's mental and emotional
from transit vehicles. (2) A protected spot for state. In modern medical practice, physicians
the loading and unloading of passengers. usually regard lobotomy as a last resort. The
operation is rarely performed anymore (except
loading secondary task in extremely violent cases when all other
A secondary task which must be constantly treatments and modalities fail. Certain drugs
attended to. have been developed to treat mental illnesses
loading spectrum which have all but eliminated the potential for
A representation of the cumulative loading lobotomy in most cases.
anticipated for the structure under all expected local aircraft operations
operating environments; significant transpor- Performed by aircraft that a) operate in the
tation and handling loads are included.
local traffic pattern or within sight of the air-
loading tramway port; b) are known to be departing for, or ar-
Maritime. A pair of rails running down the riving from flight in local practice areas lo-
riverbank upon which a cart rides for the pur- cated within a 20-mile radius of the airport;

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c) execute simulated instrument approaches or local bus charter service
low passes at the airport. Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
local airport advisory (LAA) ing local bus charter service where such op-
A service provided by flight service stations erations are principally within a single mu-
or the military at airports not serviced by an nicipality, contiguous municipalities, or a
municipality and its suburban areas.
operating control tower. This service consists
of providing information to arriving and de- local courier service
parting aircraft concerning wind direction and Establishments primarily engaged in the de-
speed, favored runway, altimeter setting, per- livery of individually addressed letters, par-
tinent known traffic, pertinent known field cels, or packages (generally under 100
conditions, airport taxi routes and traffic pat- pounds), except by means of air transportation
terns, and authorized instrument approach or by the United States Postal Service. Deliv-
procedures. This information is advisory in ery is usually made by street or highway
nature and does not constitute an Air Traffic within a local area or between cities.
Control (ATC) clearance. local courts
local and suburban and interurban passenger Courts whose jurisdiction is limited to a par-
transportation transit ticular territory or district. The term usually
Includes establishments that provide local and refers to the courts of the state, as opposed to
suburban passenger transportation, such as the United States courts, or to municipal or
those providing passenger transportation county courts in contrast to courts with state-
within a single municipality, contiguous mu- wide jurisdiction.
nicipalities, or a municipality and its suburban local definition
areas by bus, rail, car subway, either sepa- An elaboration on a more generic definition
rately or in combination. Also included are by providing additional details to suit the pur-
sightseeing, charter, intercity passenger op- pose of a specialized condition or location.
erations, and establishments providing pas-
senger terminal and maintenance facilities. local effect
An effect which occurs to a localized part of
local and suburban transit the body, such as irritation of the respiratory
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- tract or eyes.
ing local and suburban mass passenger trans-
portation over regular routes and on regular Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
schedules, with operations confined princi- A committee appointed by the state emer-
pally to a municipality, contiguous munici- gency response commission, as required by
palities, or a municipality and its suburban ar- SARA, Title III to formulate a comprehensive
eas. Also included in this industry are estab- emergency plan for its jurisdiction.
lishments primarily engaged in furnishing local exhaust system
passenger transportation by automobile, bus, A system composed of an exhaust opening,
or rail to, from, or between airports or rail such as a hood, ductwork to transport ex-
terminals over regular routes and those pro- hausted air to a source of suction (fan, educ-
viding bus and rail commuter services. tor, etc.), and frequently, an air cleaner to re-
local application system move contaminants from the exhaust air be-
A fixed fire suppression system which has a fore discharge to the environment. The air
cleaner is typically positioned before the fan
supply of extinguishing agent, with nozzles
arranged to automatically discharge the extin- in the system to prevent fan wear.
guishing agent directly on the burning mate- local exhaust ventilation system
rial to extinguish or control a fire. An air-handling system designed to capture and
Local Area Network (LAN) remove process emissions before they can es-
A communication link over which computers cape into the workplace or the environment,
and peripherals may be connected within a generally consisting of a hood, conveying
limited geographical region. ductwork, an air-handling device, a fan, and
an exhaust stack.

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local freight local roads
Maritime. Freight movements within the con- Those roads and streets whose principal func-
fines of a port, whether the port has only one tion is to provide direct access to abutting
or several arms or channels (except car ferry land.
and general ferry). The term is also applied to local streets and roads
marine products, sand, and gravel taken di- Streets whose primary purpose is feeding
rectly from the Great Lakes. higher order systems, providing direct access
local government with little or no through traffic.
City, county, or other governing body at a local toxic effect
level smaller than a state. Local government An effect that is observed at the site of con-
has the greatest control over real property, tact. For example, a skin burn from a corro-
zoning, and other local matters. sive substance.
local horizontal local traffic
Pertaining to a region within a larger coordi- Aviation. (1) Aircraft operating in the traffic
nate system in which a secondary, smaller co- pattern or within sight of the tower. (2) Air-
ordinate system defines a horizontal axis or craft known to be departing or arriving from
plane. flight in local practice areas. (3) Aircraft exe-
local lighting cuting practice instrument approaches at the
That lighting intended to provide illumination airport.
only for a small region. local trip
local magnitude (ML) An intracity or short mileage trip by a com-
A measure of the strain energy released by an mercial motor vehicle.
earthquake within 100 kilometers of its epi- local trucking (with storage)
center. Strictly defined by Charles Richter as Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
the base-10 logarithm of the amplitude, in mi- ing both trucking and storage services, in-
crons, of the largest trace deflection that cluding household goods, within a single mu-
would be observed on a standard torsion nicipality, contiguous municipalities, or a
seismograph at a distance of 100 km from the municipality and its suburban areas.
epicenter. See also surface-wave magnitude,
moment magnitude, and Richter scale. local trucking (without storage)
Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing
local minimum trucking or transfer services without storage
The smallest value within a restricted range of for freight generally weighing more than 100
values. pounds, in a single municipality, contiguous
local operations municipalities, or a municipality and its sub-
Aviation. Performed by aircraft which: a) urban areas.
operate in the local traffic pattern or within local vertical
sight of the airport; b) are known to be de- Pertaining to a region within a larger coordi-
parting for, or arriving from, flight in local nate system in which a secondary, smaller co-
practice areas within a 20 mile radius of the ordinate system defines a vertical axis.
airport; c) execute simulated instrument ap-
proaches or low passes at the airport. Itiner- local winds
ant operations are all airport operations other Winds that tend to blow over a relatively
than local operations. small area. Often due to regional effects, such
as mountain barriers, large bodies of water,
local passenger (not elsewhere classified) local pressure differences, and other influ-
transportation ences.
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
ing miscellaneous passenger transportation, localize
where such operations are principally within a Determine the source of a stimulus or signal
single municipality, contiguous municipali- in space and/or time.
ties, or a municipality and its suburban areas.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

localizer to final approach. Note: A locator usually has
Aviation. The component of an instrument an average radius of rated coverage of be-
landing system (ILS) which provides the air- tween 18.6 and 46.3 miles (10 and 26 NM).
craft with course guidance to the runway. See LOCID
also glideslope, instrument landing system, See location identifier.
middle marker, and outer marker.
localizer course (1) General. A security device used to pre-
Aviation. The locus of points, in any given vent access or secure property from theft
horizontal plane, at which the difference in and/or unauthorized use. (2) Maritime. An
depth of modulation (DDM) is zero. enclosure in a water body with gates at each
localizer type directional aid end to raise or lower water vessels as they
Aviation. A Navigational Aid (NAVAID) pass from one level to another.
used for nonprecision instrument approaches lock cell
with utility and accuracy comparable to a Maritime. The chamber of a lock.
localizer but which is not a part of a complete
instrument landing system and is not aligned lock gate
with the runway. A movable, structural barrier to hold back the
water in a lock chamber.
localizer usable distance
Aviation. The maximum distance from the lock line
localizer transmitter at a specified altitude, as A long line leading from the bow and the
verified by flight inspection, at which reliable stern of the tow to the lock wall.
course information is continuously received. lock rod
location Rail Operations. A rod, attached to the front
(1) Damp Location. Partially protected loca- rod or lug of a switch, movable-point frog or
tions under canopies, marquees, roofed open derail, through which a locking plunger may
porches, and like locations, and interior loca- extend when the switch points or derail are in
tions subject to moderate degrees of moisture, the normal or reverse position.
such as some basements, some barns, and lock traffic lights
some cold-storage warehouses. (2) Dry Lo- Maritime. Red, yellow, and green lights dis-
cation. A location not normally subject to played at the entrances of the lock, both up
dampness or wetness. A location classified as bound and down bound, for the purpose of
dry may be temporarily subject to dampness controlling traffic.
or wetness, as in the case of a building under
construction. (3) Wet Location. Installations locking bar
underground or in concrete slabs or masonry Rail Operations. A bar in an interlocking
in direct contact with the earth, and locations machine to which the locking dogs are at-
subject to saturation with water or other liq- tached.
uids, such as vehicle-washing areas, and loca- locking bed
tions exposed to weather or otherwise unpro- Rail Operations. That part of an interlocking
tected. machine that contains or holds the tappets,
location coding locking bars, cross-locking, dogs, and other
The identification of controls, devices, or apparatus used to interlock the levers.
systems through their placement on some locking dog
panel or other structure. Rail Operations. A steel block attached to a
location identifier (LOCID) locking bar or tappet of an interlocking ma-
Aviation. A unique code which is assigned by chine, by means of which locking between
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to levers is accomplished. See also dog chart.
identify each airport. locking face
locator Rail Operations. The locking surface of a
Aviation. A low/medium frequency (LM/MF) locking dog, tappet, or cross-locking of an
nondirectional beacon (NDB) used as an aid interlocking machine.

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locking sheet passenger traffic or both; or c) without pro-
Rail Operations. A description in tabular pelling motors but with one or more control
form of the locking operations in an inter- stands. (4) A self-propelled unit of equipment
locking machine. which can be used in train service.
locking time locomotive cab
Maritime. The total time required for a tow to That portion of the superstructure designed to
pass through a locking procedure. This in- be occupied by the crew while operating the
cludes approach time, chamber time, and time locomotive.
to clear the lock. locomotive mile
lockjaw The movement of a locomotive under its own
See tetanus. power the distance of one mile.
lockout device locomotive unit mile
A device that uses a lock and key to hold an The movement of a locomotive unit one mile
energy-isolating device in the safe position for under its own power. Miles of locomotives in
the purpose of protecting personnel. helper service are computed on the basis of
lockout/tagout actual distance run in such service. Locomo-
A formal procedure for isolating equipment, tive unit miles in road service are based on the
machinery, or a process to prevent uninten- actual distance run between terminals and/or
tional operation during maintenance, servic- stations. Train switching locomotive unit
ing, or for other reasons. The energized miles are computed at the rate of six miles per
equipment, machinery, etc. is first put into an hour for the time actually engaged in such
energy-isolated state and each individual who service.
will work on the device places his/her lock locomotor system
and/or tag on the electrical switch or other The various bodily systems, structures, and
startup means to keep it in a zero-energy state tissues used in locomotion.
until the work is completed by each individual LOD
who has affixed a lock and/or tag to it. The See limit of detection.
policy and procedure related to this practice
are to clearly and specifically outline the pur- loft
pose, responsibility, scope, authorization, The trapped air in clothing.
rules, definitions, and measures to enforce log
compliance. Abbreviation for logarithm.
locomotion log10
The active movement of the body from one Logarithm to the base 10.
place to another.
log body
locomotive Truck or trailer designed for the transportation
(1) A self-propelled unit of equipment de- of logs or other loads which may be boomed
signed for moving other railroad rolling or chained in place.
equipment in revenue service including a self-
propelled unit designed to carry freight or logarithm
passenger traffic, or both, and may consist of A function represented by the real-valued ex-
one or more units operated from a single con- ponent of some base number.
trol. (2) A self-propelled unit of equipment logarithmic interval scale
designed primarily for moving other equip- An alternative to the basic measurement
ment. It does not include self-propelled pas- scales in which the magnitudes corresponding
senger cars. (3) A piece of on-track equip- to points are given by:
ment other than hi-rail, specialized mainte- log xn – log xn+1 – log xn+2, etc.
nance, or other similar equipment: a) with
one or more propelling motors designed for logic gate
moving other equipment; b) with one or more As pertains to the system safety applications
propelling motors designed to carry freight or of fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or the man-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

agement oversight and risk tree (MORT), a the Interstate System at a gross vehicle weight
symbol used to identify the association be- greater than 80,000 pounds.
tween events on a logic tree.
log-normal distribution Transit. Parallel to the longitudinal centerline
The distribution of the logarithms of a random of the vehicle.
variable that has the property that the loga-
longitudinal axis
rithms are normally distributed.
An approximate centerline of a body segment
log-normally distributed variable which is parallel to the length dimension of
A variable is considered to be log-normally that segment.
distributed if the logarithms of the variable are
longitudinal design
normally distributed.
Any research methodology in which data are
long bone collected from the same individual(s) over a
Any bone whose length greatly exceeds its long period of time.
longitudinal separation
long range navigation (LRNAV) Aviation. The longitudinal spacing of aircraft
Aviation. A method of navigation that per- at the same altitude by a minimum distance
mits navigation over long distances. This is expressed in units of time or miles.
in contrast to the relatively short range navi-
gation provided by the Very high frequency longitudinal study
Omni-directional Range (VOR) radio system. An experiment or observation using a longi-
tudinal design.
long term
longitudinal wave
Pertaining to events or conditions which de-
velop or are maintained for an extended pe- A waveform in which the direction of propa-
riod of time, typically on the order of years. gation and displacement is the same.

long-term exposure Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensa-

Continuous or repeated exposure of an indi- tion Act
vidual to a substance or agent over a period of Federal Act (33 U.S.C.A § 901 et seq.) de-
several years or working lifetime. signed to provide workers' compensation
benefits to employees, other than seamen, or
long-term memory private employers any of whose employees
A coded form of memory which apparently work in maritime employment upon the navi-
exists indefinitely. gable waters of the United States (including
long ton any adjoining pier, wharf, dry dock, terminal,
A unit of mass in the English system equal to building way, marine railway, or other ad-
2,240 pounds. joining area customarily used by an employer
in loading, unloading, repairing, or building a
long-waisted vessel). The primary occupations subject to
(slang) Having a longer than normal trunk for the Act are stevedoring and ship service op-
the total stature. erations. The Act is administered by the Of-
long wavelength infrared fice of Workers' Compensation Programs.
See far infrared. longshoreman
long waves in the westerlies A maritime laborer, such as a stevedore or
A wave in the major belt of westerlies char- loader, who works about wharves of a port. A
acterized by a long length (thousands of kilo- person who loads and unloads ships.
meters) and significant amplitude. Also longshoring operations
called Rossby waves. The loading, unloading, moving, or handling
longer combination vehicles of cargo, ship's stores, gear, etc. into, in, on,
Any combination of truck tractor and two or or out of any vessel on the navigable waters of
more trailers or semitrailers which operates on the United States.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

longwave radiation which downgrade performance, negatively
A term most often used to describe the infra- impact productivity, or otherwise result in a
red energy emitted by the earth and the at- loss of some nature and degree.
mosphere. loss ratio
LOQ Term used in the insurance industry. A ratio
See limit of quantitation. calculated by dividing the amount of loss(es)
Loran by the amount of premium(s). Normally ex-
An electronic navigational system by which pressed as a percentage of the premiums.
hyperbolic lines of position are determined by lost communications
measuring the difference in the time of recep- Aviation. Loss of the ability to communicate
tion of synchronized pulse signals from two by radio. Aircraft are sometimes referred to
fixed transmitters. Loran A operates in the as NORDO (No Radio). Standard pilot pro-
1750-1950 kHz frequency band. Loran C and cedures are specified in Federal Aviation
D operate in the 100-110 kHz frequency band. Regulation (FAR) Part 91. Radar controllers
lordosis issue procedures for pilots to follow in the
A curving of the cervical-lumbar regions of event of lost communications during a radar
the spine in the sagittal plane to yield an ante- approach when weather reports indicate that
rior convexity. an aircraft will likely encounter instrument
flight rules (IFR) weather conditions during
LOS the approach.
See line of sight.
lost time
loss (1) That time which an individual would nor-
(1) General. A generic and relative term that mally be at his/her workplace but is not due to
signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is an occupational illness or injury. (2) See de-
not a word of limited, hard, and fast meaning lay time.
and has been held synonymous with, or
lost time accident
equivalent to, damage, damages, deprivation,
An accident which results in a significant pe-
detriment, injury, and privation. (2) Finance.
riod of time away from the job.
Expenses exceeding costs, or, actual losses.
Bad and uncollectable accounts, damage; a lost time illness
decrease in value of resources or an increase An occupational illness which results in more
in liabilities; depletion or depreciation or de- than one day off from work, usually referring
struction of value. (3) Insurance. A state of to something more serious than a minor ill-
fact of being lost or destroyed; ruin, or de- ness.
struction. (4) System Safety. Anything that lost-time injury
increases costs or reduces productivity and A work injury resulting in death or disability
has any adverse effect on the organization or and in which the injured person is not able to
society resulting from either normal opera- work the next regularly scheduled shift.
tions or unplanned events. (5) Ventilation.
lost workdays
Usually refers to the conversion of static pres-
(1) General. Under OSHA 29 CFR
sure to heat, noise, or vibration in components
1904.12(f), the number of days (consecutive
of the ventilation system (e.g., the hood entry
or not) after, but not including, the day of in-
loss). (6) Law. Loss is a generic and relative
jury or illness during which the employee
term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing
would have worked but could not do so; that
lost. It is not a word of limited, hard and fast
is, could not perform all or any part of his/her
meaning and has been held synonymous with,
normal assignment during all or any part of
or equivalent to damage, deprivation, detri-
the workday or shift, because of the occupa-
ment, injury, and privation.
tional injury or illness. (2) Lost Workday -
loss control Away from Work. A day on which the em-
The overall objective of accident investiga- ployee would have worked but could not be-
tion. A management responsibility to prevent cause of occupational injury or illness. This
or control the occurrence of those events does NOT include the day of the injury or on-

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set of illness or any days on which the em- low
ployee would not have worked anyway (such See extratropical cyclone.
as a weekend or holiday). (3) Lost Workday - low altitude airway structure (LAAS)
Restricted Work Activity. A day on which, The network of airways serving aircraft op-
because of injury or illness, the employee was erations up to but not including 18,000 feet
assigned to another job on a temporary basis; mean sea level (MSL).
or, worked at a permanent job less than full
time; or worked at a permanently assigned job low altitude alert system (LAAS)
but could not perform all duties normally An automated function of the TPX42 that
connected with that job. This does not in- alerts the controller when a Mode C trans-
clude the day of the injury or onset of illness ponder-equipped aircraft on an instrument
or any days on which the employee would not flight rules (IFR) flight plan is below a pre-
have worked anyway (such as a weekend or determined minimum safe altitude. If re-
holiday). (4) Rail Operations. Any full day quested by the pilot, low altitude alert system
or part of a day (consecutive or not) other monitoring is also available to visual flight
than the day of injury, that a railroad em- rules (VFR) Mode C transponder-equipped
ployee is away from work because of injury aircraft.
or occupational illness. low approach
loudness An approach over an airport or runway fol-
An observer's impression of a sound's ampli- lowing an instrument approach or a visual
tude; a purely subjective assessment. The in- flight rules (VFR) approach including the go-
tensive attribute of an auditory sensation, in around maneuver where the pilot intentionally
terms of which sounds may be arranged on a does not make contact with the runway.
scale extending from soft to loud. It depends low boy
primarily on the sound pressure of the stimu- A low trailer for hauling heavy machinery.
lus, as well as on its frequency and wave
form. low density lipoprotein (LDL)
A substance present in the blood which carries
loudness contour high levels of cholesterol, occasionally de-
A curve of sound pressure level values plotted positing it on arterial walls as plaque. See
against frequency which are required to pro- also high density lipoprotein and lipoprotein.
duce a given loudness sensation for a normal
listener. low density wood
That wood which is exceptionally light in
loudness level weight and usually deficient in strength prop-
The loudness level of a sound, in phons, is erties for the species.
numerically equal to the median sound pres-
sure level, in decibels, relative to 2 E-4 mi- low emission vehicle
crobar, of a free progressive wave of 1000 A clean fuel vehicle meeting the low-emission
hertz presented to listeners facing the source, vehicle standards.
which in a number of trials, is judged by the low frequency
listeners to be equally loud. The frequency band between 30 and 300 kHz.
louse low-hazard contents
(plural is lice) A general name for various Those contents of such low combustibility
parasitic insects. The true lice, which infest that no self-propagating fire therein can occur
mammals, belong to the suborder Anoplura. and that consequently the only probable dan-
They are grayish, wingless insects that vary in ger requiring the use of emergency exits will
length from on-sixth to one-sixteenth of an be from panic, fumes, or smoke, or fire from
inch. some external source.
louver low-hazard permit space
Panels used in hoods for distributing airflow A confined space in which there is an ex-
at the hood face. tremely low likelihood that an immediately
dangerous to life and health (IDLH) or en-

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gulfment hazard could be present and in lower explosive limit (LEL)
which all other potentially serious hazards The concentration of a compound in air below
have been controlled. which a flame will not propagate if the mix-
low head ture is ignited. Also referred to as lower
Vertical difference of 100 feet or less in the flammable limit.
upstream surface water elevation (headwater) lower flammable limit (LFL)
and the downstream surface water elevation Often referred to as the Lower Explosive
(tailwater) at a dam. Limit (LEL), it is the lowest concentration of
low impact resistant supports (LIRS) gas or vapor in the air that will propagate a
Aviation. Supports designed to resist opera- flame if a spark or heat source is present. See
tional and environmental static loads and fail also lower explosive limit.
when subjected to a shock load such as that lower gauge
from a colliding aircraft. A gauge located in the tailwater of a dam
low-level jet stream (downstream side); colloquially called tail-
Jet streams that typically form near the earth's gate.
surface below an altitude of about 2 km and lower-half of saddle-mount
usually attain speeds of less than 60 knots. Transit. That part of the device which is se-
low-level radioactive waste curely attached to the towing vehicle and
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act maintains a fixed position relative thereto but
of 1982: Radioactive material that is not does not include the "king-pin."
high-level radioactive waste, spent nuclear lowest achievable emission rate
fuel, transuranic waste, or byproduct material. According to the Clean Air Act, this is the
low-noise emission product determination rate of emissions which reflects either the
An EPA determination of whether or not a most stringent emission limitation which is
product, for which a properly filed application contained in the implementation plan of any
has been received, meets the low-noise emis- state for such source (unless the owner or op-
sion product criterion. erator of the proposed source demonstrates
such limitations are not achievable), or the
low-order detonation most stringent emissions limitation achieved
See detonation. in practice, whichever is more stringent. Ap-
low type road surface plication of this term does not permit a pro-
Bituminous surface-treated Surface/Pavement posed new or modified source to emit pollut-
Type Code 51. ants in excess of existing new source stan-
low water dam
(1) A low-level dam designed to hold back a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL)
head of water so as to maintain project depth In dose-response experiments, the experi-
in a certain area. The dam may be visible at mental exposure level representing the lowest
the low water stage. (2) A dam that is more tested at which adverse effects were demon-
effective at low water; at high water the dam strated.
becomes a weir. See also weir. lowpast filter
low water datum A device which allows frequencies lower than
A term used by the Army Corps of Engineers the cutoff frequency to exit from the device
to define their originating point of elevation in unattenuated, while the intensity of frequen-
determining stages of water when erecting cies higher than the cutoff frequency is at-
various gauges along a river. tenuated.
lower detectable limit (LDL) LPG
Instruments. The smallest concentration of See liquid petroleum gas.
the substance of interest that produces an out- LPM
put change in a reading of at least twice the Liter(s) per minute.
noise level.

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LRNAV lumen-second (lm-sec)
See long range navigation. See talbot.
LRS luminaire
See linear referencing system. A complete light fixture including the lamp,
LSD parts to distribute the light, position the fix-
See lysergic acid diethylamide. ture, and connect the lamp to the power sup-
Laser safety officer. luminaire dirt depreciation
The loss of luminous flux from lighting due to
LTL dirt collection on the luminaire or particulates
See less than truckload. in the atmosphere. A recoverable lighting
lubricating oil loss factor.
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: luminaire surface depreciation
The fraction of crude oil which is sold for Any reduction in luminous output due to
purposes of reducing friction in any industrial physical or chemical changes in materials as-
or mechanical device. Such term includes re- sociated with a luminaire, such as transmit-
refined oil. tance through or reflections from enclosing
lumbago materials. A non-recoverable light loss factor.
A low level of pain in the lumbar region of luminance
the back. A physical measure of the luminous flux per
lumbar unit solid angle incident on a surface. An
Refers to the five vertebrae of the lower back older term. Synonymous with photometric
between the thorax and the pelvis. brightness. See also brightness.
lumbar disk luminance contrast
An intervertebral disk separating the lumbar A measure of the physical relationship in lu-
vertebrae in the spine. minance between two adjacent, non-specular
surfaces under the same general illumination
lumbar vertebra and immediate surroundings, generally de-
Any of the vertebral bones in the lumbar fined by an equation similar to the form be-
spine, L1–L5. low. See also brightness contrast.
lumber body
Platform truck or trailer body with traverse ∆L
CL =
rollers designed for the transportation of L
sawed lumber.
lumbosacral angle luminance ratio
The angle between the posterior of the lumbar The value of the ratio between the luminance
spine and the sacrum. of any two surfaces or objects in the visual
(1) Used to represent total light output; the luminescence
unit of luminous flux emitted through a unit The emitting of light due to some mechanism
solid angle from a uniform point source of other than high temperatures.
one candela. (2) A hole or passage in a tube- luminosity
like structure within the body. A measure of the relative efficiency of vari-
lumen depreciation ous wavelengths of visible light for exciting
That decrease in luminous flux emitted by the retina.
certain types of light sources over time. luminosity function
lumen-hour (lm-hr) See spectral luminous efficiency function.
A unit for that amount of light delivered by a
luminous flux in one hour.

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luminous efficacy, flux
The value of the ratio of the total luminous
flux to the total radiant flux encompassing all
luminous efficacy, source
The value of the ratio of the total luminous
flux emitted by a lamp to the total electrical
power input.
luminous efficiency function
See spectral luminous efficiency function.
luminous environment
That portion of the visual environment gener-
ated by the luminaire type, luminous intensity, The human lungs and trachea
direction, and hues.
lung expiratory reserve volume
luminous flux (ΦΦ) See expiratory reserve volume.
The rate of visible light energy emitted from a lung function test
source over time. A test, usually employing a spirometer, that
luminous intensity measures an individual's breathing capacity
A measure of the power of a light source in and, indirectly, their ability to wear a respira-
terms of luminous flux per unit solid angle. tor.
lunate bone lung functional residual capacity
One of the proximal bones of the wrist. See functional residual capacity.
lung lung inspiratory capacity
One of the asymmetrical bilateral organs See inspiratory capacity.
within the chest which is involved in gaseous lung vital capacity
respiration. The lungs supply the blood with See vital capacity.
oxygen inhaled from the outside air, and they
dispose of waste carbon dioxide in the exhaled lung volume
air, as part of the respiration process. The The volume of measurable gas in the lungs
lungs are made of elastic tissue filled with under specified conditions.
interlacing networks of tubes and sacs carrying lunula
air, and with blood vessels carrying blood. The The lighter-colored portion of the nail body
bronchi, which bring air to the lungs, branch near the nail root of the hand or foot.
out within the lungs into many smaller tubes,
the bronchioles, which culminate in clusters of
Tuberculosis of the skin marked by the for-
tiny air sacs called alveoli, whose total runs
mation of brownish nodules on the corium,
into the millions. The aveoli are surrounded by
called lupus vulgaris.
a network of capillaries. Through the thin
membranes of the capillaries, the air and blood lupus erythematosus
make their exchange of oxygen and carbon An inflammatory disease that takes two
dioxide. The lungs are divided into lobes, the forms. One, the systemic or disseminated
left lung having two lobes and the right lung form, causes deterioration of the connective
having three. The lungs are inflated and tissues in various parts of the body. This dis-
deflated via the action of the diaphragm and ease may attack the soft internal organs as
the intercostal muscles. well as the bones and muscles, and is often
fatal. In its other form, the discoid type, it is a
lung diffusing capacity
fairly mild skin disorder. Symptoms of the
A measure of the amount of gas at standard
more serious form vary widely, but may in-
temperature and pressure (STP) which dif-
clude fever, abdominal pains, and pains in the
fuses across the pulmonary membrane in the
muscles and joints. Often the symptoms

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come and go over a long period of time. Di- main kinds of fluid: blood, tissue fluid, and
agnosis of the disease is difficult. The cause lymph. The blood consists of the blood cells
is unknown, but the disease is believed not to and platelets, the plasma, or fluid portion, and
be infectious and possibly to be related to al- a variety of chemical substances dissolved in
lergies. Lupus erythematosus is one of a the plasma. When the plasma, without its
group of similar disorders known as the colla- solid particles and some of its dissolved sub-
gen diseases. There is no specific treatment, stances, seeps through the capillary walls and
though corticosteriods may be used to control circulates among the body tissues, it is known
symptoms. as tissue fluid. When this fluid is drained
LUST from the tissues and collected by the lym-
Leaking underground storage tank. phatic system, it is called lymph. The lym-
phatic system eventually returns the lymph to
lustermeter the blood, where it again becomes plasma.
A device developed by Hunter to measure
contrast gloss and compute luster. lymph gland
See lymph node.
lux (lx)
Metric unit of illuminance equal to one lumen lymph node
per square meter. One foot-candle is equal to An ovoid-shaped structure occurring in lymph
10.76 lux. Dividing the lux value by 10 pro- vessels which serves as a collection and fil-
vides the approximate equivalent foot-candle tration point for lymph in fighting infection.
value. Lymph nodes filter and destroy invading
bacteria and are the site of production of lym-
LV% phocytes and certain antibodies. The main
Liquid volume percent. lymph nodes are in the neck, axillae, and
lx groin. Sometimes called, incorrectly, lymph
See lux. gland.
lying lymph vessel
Pertaining to a posture in which an individ- Any of a range of diameters of tubular struc-
ual's torso is horizontal to a reference surface, tures from capillary size to those resembling
but not prone, with possible flexion of the moderate-sized veins in the cardiovascular
hips and knees. system which carry lymph.
Lyme disease lymphatic
A bacterial disease transmitted to man by a Pertaining to lymph, lymph vessels, or lymph
tick bite. Symptoms of Lyme disease, in- nodes.
cluding rash, headache, fever, tiredness, lymphatic ducts
numbness, and others, mimic those of many The two larger vessels into which all lym-
other diseases and, therefore, Lyme disease phatic vessels converge. The right lymphatic
may often be initially misdiagnosed. It was duct joins the venous system at the junction of
first identified in the community of Lyme, the right internal jugular and subclavian veins
Connecticut and, hence, the name. and carries lymph from the upper right side of
lymph the body. The left lymphatic dust, or thoracic
The water and various dissolved substances duct, enters the circulatory system at the
and particulates which enter the lymphatic junction of the left internal jugular and sub-
system from the interstitial fluid. It is a col- clavian veins; it returns lymph from the upper
orless, odorless fluid, slightly alkaline, and left side of the body and from below the dia-
has a salty taste. Lymph is approximately phragm.
95% water; the remainder consists of plasma lymphatic system
proteins and other chemical substances con- The fluid and the various structures involved
tained in the blood plasma, but in a slightly in collecting interstitial fluid, removing for-
smaller percentage than in plasma. In addi- eign particles, and returning the fluid ulti-
tion, the lymph contains a high concentration mately to the cardiovascular system.
of lymphocytes. The body contains three

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lymphocyte lysine
A white blood cell found in lymphatic tissues A naturally occurring amino acid, one of
(e.g., lymph nodes, spleen, thymus) that is those essential for human metabolism.
immunologically important and attacks in- lysis
vading pathogens. (1) Destruction or decomposition, as of a cell
lymphocytopenia or other substance, under the influence of a
Reduction in the number of lymphocytes in specific agent. (2) Solution or separation, as
the blood. of adhesions binding different anatomic
lymphogranuloma structures. (3) Gradual abatement of the
See Hodgkin's disease. symptoms of a disease.

lymphoma lysoenzyme
(1) A primary tumor of lymphoid tissue. (2) A crystalline, basic protein, which is present
Any one of various conditions of unknown in saliva, tears, egg white, and many animal
etiology chiefly affecting lymph nodes, con- fluids and which functions as an antibacterial
sidered to be neoplastic. (3) Various abnor- enzyme.
mally proliferative diseases of the lymphoid lysosome
tissue of the lymphatic system. A tumor of A minute body occurring in a cell and con-
lymphoid tissue.Also called malignant lym- taining various enzymes, mainly hydrolytic.
phoma. lysotype
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (1) The type of microorganism as determined
A hallucinogenic compound chemically related by its reactions to specific bacteriophages. (2)
to ergot, having consciousness-expanding ef- A taxonomic subdivision of bacteria based on
fects and capable of producing a state of mind their reactions to specific bacteriophages, or a
in which there is false sense perception (hal- formula expressing the reactions on which
lucination). The perceptual changes brought such a subdivision is based.
about by LSD in normal persons are ex-
tremely variable and depend on factors such
as age, personality, education, physical make-
up, and state of health. The danger of the
drug lies in the fact that it loosens control
over impulsive behavior and may lead to a
full-blown psychosis or less serious mental
disorder in persons with latent mental illness.
LSD was first developed in 1938 and was be-
lieved to be potentially useful in the treatment
of mental illness. This theory was based on
the belief that the drug could produce a
schizophrenic syndrome and that psychiatrists
and other persons concerned with mental ill-
ness could observe the manifestations of a
psychosis under controlled conditions. How-
ever, competent investigators have shown that
the effect of LSD is more closely related to a
toxic psychosis such as that produced by fe-
ver, stress, or drugs of many kinds and is of
doubtful use in understanding the mechanism
of true psychosis resulting from severe mental
A substance that causes lysis; an antibody that
causes dissolution of cells or other material.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

moving parts and having one or more specific
M functions.
machine ancillary time
That time during which a machine is unavail-
M able for use due to calibration, changeover,
Molar (solution). cleaning, or other related causes.
M-1 maneuver machine assignment
A technique for air crew personnel to prevent That function or operator to which a machine
gravity-induced loss of consciousness due to is assigned.
high positive acceleration maneuvers in air-
craft, in which the crew member generally machine attention time
grunts with the glottis partially closed to in- That time during which an operator must ob-
crease intrathoracic pressure, thereby in- serve a machine's operations in the event in-
creasing blood pressure and blood flow to the tervention or servicing is required. Does not
brain. See also anti-g straining maneuver. involve actually operating for production or
servicing the machine.
Cubic meter (1000 liters (L) or 1.000,000 machine available time
milliliters. That time during which a machine is per-
forming or could perform work.
Milliamp. machine capacity
Some measure of the normally expected out-
maceration put from a machine.
The softening of a solid by soaking; wasting
away, softening and fraying, as if by action of machine-controlled time
soaking. That time in a given work cycle which a ma-
chine requires to perform its portion of a task
mach or process, independent of an operator.
A unit representing the velocity of sound,
usually in air. machine-controlled time allowance
The expected or scheduled time given a
mach indicator worker for a machine to perform its portion of
An aircraft or spacecraft display which pro- a given task.
vides the vehicle's velocity as a ratio to veloc-
ity of sound. machine cycle time
That time required for a machine to perform
mach number one complete cycle of a process.
The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of
sound. machine downtime
That amount of time during which a machine
mach technique is not able to perform its designated function
Aviation. Describes a control technique used due to a breakdown, routine servicing, or a
by air traffic control whereby turbojet aircraft materials shortage.
operating successively along suitable routes
are cleared to maintain appropriate mach machine effective utilization index (MEUI)
numbers for a relevant portion of the en route The value of the ratio of the time which a ma-
phase of flight. The principal objective is to chine is running under standard conditions
achieve improved utilization of the airspace compared to the time which the machine is
and to ensure that separation between succes- available.
sive aircraft does not decrease below the es- machine efficiency index (MEI)
tablished minima. The value of the ratio of the machine standard
machine running time to the machine running time.
A mechanically or electromechanically pow- machine element
ered device consisting of both fixed and A work element performed entirely by a ma-

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machine guard macro-command
Any piece of equipment or device on a ma- That command which initiates a macro-
chine intended to reduce or eliminate the execution.
chance of injury through the use of that ma- macrobiota
chine. The macroscopic living organisms of a re-
machine hour gion.
A unit of measure for the utilization of ma- macroblast
chines, corresponding to one machine work- An abnormally large, nucleated erythrocyte.
ing for one hour.
machine idle time Chemistry in which the reactions may be seen
The amount of time a machine is available but with the naked eye.
not productive due to the operator performing
other work, due to a shortage of materials, etc. macroclimate
The general climate of a large area, such as a
machine interference country.
A situation in which a demand for simultane-
ous operator attention by two or more ma- macrocrania
chines results in machine idle time. Abnormal increase in the size of the skull in
relation to the face.
machine load
The proportion or percentage of scheduled or macroelement
actual usage of machine available time during A work element which is of sufficiently long
a given time interval. duration to permit observation and timing
with a manually operated stopwatch or stop-
machine maximum time clock.
The total time in a day, week, or other time
period during which one or more machines macrometeorology
could work. Meteorological characteristics of a regional
area, such as part of a province, region, state,
machine-paced work or of a larger area.
That restricted or externally paced work in
which machinery controls the rate at which macrophage
the work cycle progresses. A typically large and long-lived cell originat-
ing in the bone marrow and distributed
machine running time throughout the body that plays an important
The actual operating, productive time by a role in immunity by either engulfing invading
machine. microorganisms, through the production of
machine standard running time antibodies, or by presenting antigens to lym-
That time at which a machine operates at op- phocytes for destruction.
timum capacity. macroscale
machine utilization index The normal meteorological synoptic scale for
The value of the ratio of the amount of time a obtaining weather information. It can cover
machine is running compared to the time it is an area ranging from the size of a continent to
available. the entire globe.
Mackinaw boat macroscopic
A crudely built flatboat used on the Ohio and Visible to the eye without the aid of a micro-
Upper Mississippi Rivers during the 18th scope.
century. macroskelic
macro- Having long legs relative to the torso length.
(1) Prefix. Large, large-scale, or long-length. MACT
(2) Computing. A set of keystrokes or com- See maximum achievable control technology.
puter instructions which may be executed
with a single command.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

macula an electric field via current condition or elec-
(1) The area of the eye that is most responsive tromagnetic radiation.
for color vision. Also, an opacity of the cor- magnetic levitation (MAGLEV)
nea. (2) A stain or spot, especially a discol- A rail transportation system with exclusive
ored spot on the skin that is not elevated right-of-way which is propelled along a fixed
above the surface. guideway system by the attraction or repul-
macula lutea sion of magnets on the rails and under the rail
The yellow-colored central region of the fo- cars.
vea, at which visual acuity is greatest. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
macular degeneration The use of a combined static and radio fre-
A disease of the macula, the center of the ret- quency electromagnetic field to measure en-
ina, which is responsible for detailed vision. ergy absorption by certain atoms, which can
The most common form is characterized by be processed and presented as an image cross-
the thinning of the yellowish macular pig- section of the body, a body segment, or any
ment, scarring, and accumulation of oxidized other object transparent to the electromagnetic
fats called lipofuscin or drusen. field.
MADD magnetic storm
Mothers Against Drunk Driving. A worldwide disturbance of the earth's mag-
maduromycosis netic field caused by solar disturbances.
A chronic fungus affecting various body tis- magnetosphere
sues, including the hands, legs, and feet. The The region around the earth in which the
most common form affects the foot (Madura earth's magnetic field plays a dominant part in
foot) and is characterized by sinus formation, controlling the physical processes that take
necrosis, and swelling. Also called myce- place.
toma. magnetotherapy
magazine Treatment of disease by the use of magnetic
Any building or structure, other than an ex- currents.
plosives manufacturing building, used for the magnitude
storage of explosives. (1) General. The numerical absolute value of
magazine vessel a vector. (2) Seismology. A general term for
A vessel used for the receiving, storing, or a measure of the strength or energy of an
dispensing of explosives. earthquake as determined from seismographic
maggot information. More specifically, it is a meas-
The soft-bodied larva of an insect, especially ure of the size of an earthquake. The Richter
one living in decaying flesh. Scale, named after Charles F. Richter of the
California Institute of Technology, is the best
magma known scale for the measuring of magnitude
(1) A suspension of finely divided material in (M) of earthquakes. The scale is logarithmic;
a small amount of water. (2) A thin, paste- a recording of 7, for example, signifies a dis-
like substance composed of organic material. turbance with ground motion 10 times as
magnesium large as a recording of 6. The energy released
A chemical element, atomic number 12, by an earthquake of M 7, however, is ap-
atomic weight 24.312, symbol Mg. proximately 30 times that released by an
earthquake of M 6; an earthquake of M 8 re-
magnet leases 900 times (30x30) the energy of an
An object having polarity and capable of at- earthquake of M 6. An earthquake of magni-
tracting iron. tude 2 is the smallest earthquake normally felt
magnetic field by humans. Earthquakes with a Richter value
That vector field generated by a magnetic of 5 or higher are potentially damaging.
substance or which exists in conjunction with Some of the world's largest recorded earth-
quakes include one on January 31, 1906, off

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the coast of Colombia and Ecuador, and on mainshock
March 2, 1933, off the east coast of Honshu, Seismology. The largest earthquake in any
Japan, had magnitudes of 8.9 on this scale, series of earthquakes. To be definitively
which is open ended. As the Richter scale called a mainshock, it should generally be at
does not adequately differentiate between the least half a magnitude unit larger than the next
largest earthquakes, a new "moment magni- largest quake in the series. Otherwise, the se-
tude" scale is being used by seismologists to ries of quakes may more accurately fit the
provide a better measure. On the moment definition of a swarm. See also swarm.
magnitude scale, the San Francisco earth- maintain
quake is estimated at magnitude 7.7 compared Aviation. (1) Concerning altitude flight level,
to an estimated Richter magnitude of 8.3. the term means to remain at the altitude flight
mail revenue level specified. The phrase "climb and" or
Revenues from the carriage of mail bearing "descend and" normally precedes "maintain"
postage for air transportation. Both U.S. and and the altitude assignment, e.g., "descend
foreign mail that go by air on priority and and maintain 5,000." (2) Concerning other
nonpriority bases. Air Traffic Control (ATC) instructions, the
main term is used in its literal sense, e.g., maintain
(1) General. The primary thing of considera- visual flight rules (VFR).
tion. (2) Ventilation. A duct or pipe con- maintainability
necting two or more branches of an exhaust An expression of the ability of a given prod-
system to the exhauster or air-cleaning uct or system to be maintained (with mini-
equipment. (3) Gas Industry. A distribution mum maintenance and repair) and remain in
line that serves as a common source of supply intended service throughout the operational
for more than one gas service line. phase of the product life cycle.
main deck maintained illuminance
Maritime. The lowest deck on a river steam- That proportion of initial illuminance which a
boat. The main deck supports the vessel's en- light or luminaire retains over some specified
gines and boilers and has space for fuel and period of time.
cargo. maintenance
main event (1) The performance of those functions neces-
See contributory event. sary to keep a machine, process, or system in
main heating fuel or return it to a proper state of repair for safe
Fuel that powers the main heating equipment. and/or efficient operation. (2) Inspection,
overhaul, repair, preservation, and the re-
main menu placement of parts, but excludes preventive
The top-level menu within a software pack- maintenance. (3) All expenses, both direct
age. and indirect, specifically identifiable with the
main rotor repair and upkeep of property and equipment.
The rotor that supplies the principal lift to a (4) The performance of services on fire pro-
rotorcraft. tection equipment and systems to assure that
they will perform as expected in the event of a
main stem fire. Maintenance differs from inspection in
The main portion of navigable channel of a that maintenance requires the checking of in-
river where more than one channel exists. ternal fittings, devices, and agent supplies.
main track See also preventive maintenance.
A track, other than an auxiliary track, ex- maintenance control center (MCC)
tending through yards or between stations, U.S. Government. Responsible for the over-
upon which trains are operated by timetable or sight of authorization for vehicle repair and
train order or both, or the use of which is gov- authorization and certification of maintenance
erned by a signal system. and repair invoices for Interagency Fleet
Management System (IFMS) vehicles within

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the specified region(s). The MCC also con- of charging more than fifty tons of refuse per
tacts vendors to schedule vehicle services. day; hydrofluoric; sulfuric; and nitric acid
See also preventive maintenance. plants; petroleum refineries; lime plants;
maintenance management phosphate rock processing plants; coke oven
The process of deciding what type of mainte- batteries; sulfur recovery plants; carbon black
nance will be used for systems under an indi- plants (furnace process); primary lead smelt-
vidual's or organization's control, which may ers; fuel conversion plants; sintering plants;
include a) the conducting of tradeoff studies, secondary metal production facilities; chemi-
b) a decision as to what risks are acceptable cal process plants; fossil-fuel boilers of more
and what are not, c) the scheduling and im- than two hundred and fifty million British
plementation of maintenance, and d) the de- thermal units per hour heat input; petroleum
velopment of maintenance procedures. storage and transfer facilities with a capacity
exceeding three hundred thousand barrels;
maintenance time taconite ore processing facilities; glass fiber
That time estimated, allowed, used, or re- processing plants; charcoal production facili-
quired to perform some act of maintenance on ties. Such term also includes any other source
a system. with the potential to emit two hundred and
major alteration fifty tons or more per year of any air pollut-
Aviation. An alteration not listed in the air- ant. This term shall not include new or modi-
craft, aircraft engine, or propeller specifica- fied facilities which are nonprofit health or
tions that a) might appreciably affect weight, education institutions which have been ex-
balance, structural strength, performance, empted by the state.
powerplant operation, flight characteristics, or major fuel
other qualities affecting airworthiness; or b) Fuels or energy sources such as electricity,
might be done according to accepted practices fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gases, natural
cannot be done by elementary operations. gas, district steam, district hot water, and dis-
major axis trict chilled water.
The longer axis in defining an ellipse. major injury
major carrier group An occupational or other injury which results
Air carrier groups with annual operating revenues in a loss of time to the injured person and a
exceeding $1,000,000,000. medical expense.
major crimes major interstate pipeline company
A loose classification of serious crimes such A company whose combined sales for resale,
as murder, rape, armed robbery, etc. including gas transported interstate or stored
for a fee, exceeded 50 million thousand cubic
major defect feet in the previous year.
A defect which results in a serious malfunc-
tion of a product. major mishap
An event or incident that has the potential of
major emitting facility resulting in a fatality or major damages, such
Under the Federal Clean Air Act, any of the as the loss of a facility.
following stationary sources of air pollutants
which emit, or have the potential to emit, one major modification
hundred tons per year or more of any air pol- This term is used to define modifications with
lutant from the following types of stationary respect to prevention of significant deteriora-
sources: fossil-fuel fired steam electric plants tion (PSD) and new source review under the
of more than two hundred and fifty million Clean Air Act and refers to modifications to
British thermal units per hour heat input; coal major stationary sources of emissions and
cleaning plants (thermal dryers); kraft pulp provides significant pollutant increase levels
mills; Portland Cement plants; primary zinc below which a modification is not considered
smelters, iron and steel mill plants; primary major. See also prevention of significant
aluminum ore reduction plants; primary cop- deterioration, new source, and major sta-
per smelters; municipal incinerators capable tionary source.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

major repair major stationary sources
Aviation. A repair that, if improperly done, Term used to determine the applicability of
might appreciably affect weight, balance, prevention of significant deterioration (PSD)
structural strength, performance, powerplant and new source regulations. In a nonattain-
operation, flight characteristics, or other ment area, any stationary pollutant source that
qualities affecting airworthiness; or that is not has a potential to emit more than 100 tons per
done according to accepted practices or can- year is considered a major source. In PSD ar-
not be done by elementary operations. eas, the cutoff level may be either 100 or 250
major river tons, depending upon the type of source. See
A river that, because of its velocity and vessel also prevention of significant deterioration.
traffic, would require a more rapid response in make-or-buy analysis
case of a worst case discharge. A study to determine whether it is more ad-
major source vantageous to develop and produce an item
According to the Federal Clean Air Act: Any in-house or purchase the item from outside
stationary source or group of stationary sources.
sources located within a contiguous area and make-ready allowance
under common control that emits or has the See setup allowance.
potential to emit, in the aggregate, 10 tons per make short approach
year or more of any hazardous air pollutant or Aviation. Communication Protocol. Used by
25 tons per year or more of any combination Air Traffic Control (ATC) to inform a pilot to
of hazardous air pollutants. The EPA Ad- alter his/her traffic pattern 80 degrees to make
ministrator may establish a lesser quantity, or a short final approach.
in the case of radionuclides different criteria,
for a major source than that specified in the make-up air
previous sentence, on the basis of the potency Air brought into a building from outdoors
of the air pollutant, persistence, potential for through the ventilation system and that has
bioaccumulation, other characteristics of the not been previously circulated through the
air pollutant, or other relevant factors. system. See also replacement air (the two
terms are synonymous).
make up tow
To assemble barges into a tow.
A general feeling of fatigue or exhaustion; a
lack of energy and/or desire to do anything;
can appear as a symptom of disease and ill-
A serious infectious illness characterized by
periodic chills and high fever. It responds
well to modern drugs but can be chronic.
Malaria is primarily found in tropical and
subtropical climates. Malaria is caused by a
protozoan parasite, the Plasmodium, which is
carried by the Anopheles mosquito. When the
mosquito bites an infected person, it sucks in
the parasites, which reside in the blood. In
the mosquito, the plasmodia multiply and
travel to the salivary glands from which they
are transmitted to the human bloodstream by
the mosquito bite. Inside the human host,
Major stationary sources are very closely regulated they penetrate the erythrocytes where they

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mature, reproduce, and at complete maturity, malignancy
burst out of the blood cell. The life cycle Cells having the ability to invade surrounding
varies according to the species of Plasmo- tissue and spread to distant sites (i.e., cancer-
dium. There are usually no symptoms until ous).
several cycles have been completed. Then malignant
there is a simultaneous rupturing of cells by Pertaining to continuing abnormal tissue
the entire blood supply, causing the charac- growth, possibly with eventual metastasis,
teristic chills followed in a few hours by fe- culminating in death unless successfully
ver. The temperature may rise to 104°or treated.
105°F. As it subsides, there is profuse per-
malignant granuloma
spiring. Other symptoms are headache, nau- See Hodgkin's disease.
sea, body pains and, after the attack, exhaus-
tion. The symptoms last from 4 to 6 hours malignant tumor
and recur at regular intervals, depending upon A tumor capable of metastasizing or spread-
the parasitic species and its cycle. If the at- ing cancerous cells from one part of the body
tack occurs every other day, the disease is to another.
called tertian malaria; if it occurs at three-day malingerer
intervals, it is quartan malaria. As the disease An individual who feigns illness or another
progresses, the attacks occur less frequently. problem to get out of work or responsibility.
Bouts of malaria last from 1 to 4 weeks but
usually about 2 weeks. Relapses are com-
A rounded bony projection at the ankle.
mon, with attacks ceasing and recurring at ir-
regular intervals for several years, especially malnutrition
if untreated. Malaria is not usually fatal; A condition in which there is an inadequate
when it is, it is almost always caused by the nutritional intake or an inability to utilize in-
falciparum species. gested nutrients. Extreme malnutrition may
lead to starvation.
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
A nationally based award which is presented malodorant
annually to an organization judged best in Any odorant having a strong or offensive
several categories such as human resource odor.
utilization, quality assurance, and leadership. malpractice
malfeasance Misconduct or lack of proper professional
Evil doing, ill conduct, or the commission of skill on the part of a professionally trained
some act which is positively unlawful. The person, such as an engineer, physician, den-
doing of an act which is wholly unlawful and tist, attorney, or other professional in doing
wrong. his or her work.
malic acid malpractice insurance
A crystalline acid from juices of many fruits Type of liability insurance which protects
and plants, and an intermediary product of professional people (e.g., lawyers, doctors,
carbohydrate metabolism in the body. accountants) against claims of negligence
brought against them. See also insurance.
The intentional doing of a wrongful act with- maltodextrin
out just cause or excuse, with an intent to in- A complex carbohydrate that is commercially
flict an injury or under circumstances that the manufactured by the enzymatic treatment of
law will imply as evil intent. corn.
malicious injury maltreatment
An injury committed against a person at the In reference to the treatment of a patient by a
prompting of malice or hatred toward that surgeon, this term signifies improper or un-
person, or done spitefully or wantonly. skillful treatment. It may result either from
ignorance, neglect, or willfulness, but the
word does not necessarily imply that the con-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

duct of the surgeon is either willfully or manage
grossly careless. To organize and direct human, economic, and
mammalian diving response material resources toward developing and ac-
A physiological response to high environ- complishing one or more specified objectives.
mental pressure in which the peripheral arter- management
ies contract and the heart rate slows due to the The group of people within an organization
body's attempt to preserve oxygen flow to the who manage.
brain and other vital organs.
management buy-in
mammatus clouds With regard to compliance, a declaration (of-
Clouds that look like pouches hanging from ten in the Compliance Procedures Manual) of
the underside of a cloud. the organization’s commitment and support to
mammography the compliance program, both in words and
Roentgenography of the breast with or with- resources, by those who control the organiza-
out injection of an opaque substance into its tion. That support includes the implementa-
ducts. Simple mammography, without the use tion of a process to achieve compliance.
of a contrast medium, is sometimes used in management of migration
the diagnosis of cancer and other disorders of Actions that are taken to minimize and miti-
the breast. gate the migration of hazardous substances or
man-amplifier pollutants or contaminants and the effects of
The concept of a human using an exoskeleton such migration. Measures may include, but
or other device which enables him/her to per- are not limited to, management of a plume of
form feats requiring much greater strength or contamination, restoration of a drinking water
other capabilities than would be normally aquifer, or surface water restoration.
humanly possible without such a device. mandamus
man-computer dialogue A court order compelling a government
See human-computer dialogue. agency to do a duty expressly provided in
man-computer interaction some statute or regulation. Also, the civil
See human-computer interaction. cause of action against an agency to seek to
compel compliance, as in filing a complaint in
man-computer interface the nature of mandamus.
See human-computer interface.
man-hour A command, order, or direction, written or
An industrial unit of production reflecting oral, which a court (or other regulatory body)
paid labor hours.
is authorized to give and a person is bound to
man-machine chart obey.
A multiple activity process chart in which
mandatory altitude
both personnel and machines are used.
An altitude depicted on an instrument ap-
man-minute proach procedure chart requiring the aircraft
A unit of measure of work equivalent to the to maintain altitude at the depicted value.
utilization, scheduling, or availability of one
person working for one minute. mandatory standard
A procedural, performance, or other type of
man-multiplier standard which is regulated by law via one or
A concept in which one person controls many more governmental agencies.
machines, all performing the same tasks.
mandatory statutes
man-paced work Generic term describing statutes which re-
See self-paced work. quire and not merely permit a course of ac-
man-tool interface tion. They are characterized by such direc-
Any portion of a tool where a person might tives as "shall" and not "should."
grasp, carry, and/or hold a tool for performing
manipulations on other objects.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mandatory use seat belt law by the generator. Proper DOT shipping names,
A law requiring some adult occupants of EPA waste codes and other specific information
some traffic vehicles to use available restraint are required. The manifest certifies everything
systems. See also manual restraint system, has been done within the generators power to
restraint usage. reduce the volume and/or toxicity of its
mandible hazardous wastes. (4) Law. In evidence, that
The lower, horseshoe-shaped jawbone of the which is clear and requires no proof.
skull. It consists of a central portion, which manifold pressure
forms the chin and supports the lower teeth, Absolute pressure as measured at the
and two perpendicular portions, or rami, appropriate point in the induction system and
which point upward from the back of the chin usually expressed in inches of mercury.
on either side. See also jaw and jaw bone. manipulate
maneuver boat To handle, move, or operate on one or more
Boat used by the Corps of Engineers in rais- objects or controls using the hands or other
ing and lowering movable wickets of dams on dexterous controlling device(s) in conjunction
the Ohio River. with a vision or other sensory system.
maneuvering manipulation
Maritime Navigation. Changing course, Skillful or dexterous treatment by the hands.
speed, or similar boat handling action during In physical therapy, the forceful passive
which a high degree of alertness is required or movement of a joint beyond its active limit of
the boat is imperiled because of the operation, motion.
i.e., docking, mooring, undocking, etc. manipulative dexterity
manganese A measure of the skill which an individual or
A chemical element, atomic number 25, robotic device possesses for the coordinated
atomic weight 54.938, symbol Mn. use of fingers/hands/wrists or their robotic
analogies for fine tasks.
A disordered mental state of extreme excite- manipulator
ment. Any non-mobile mechanical device for hand-
ling, moving, or controlling operations at a
manic-depressive distance.
A psychosis marked by alternating periods of
elation and depression. manmade air pollution
Air pollution which results directly or
manifest indirectly from human activities.
(1) Human Perception. Something that
manmade fiber
becomes evident to the senses, especially to
Any textile fiber made from synthetic or
sight. Obvious to the understanding, evident
natural chemical substances.
to the mind, not obscure or hidden, and is
synonymous with open, clear, and self- manmade ionizing radiation
evident. (2) Shipping-General. A document Ionizing radiation produced by a manmade
used in shipping and warehousing containing source, such as an x-ray machine.
a list of the contents, value, origin, carrier, manmade mineral fiber (MMMF)
and destination of the goods to be shipped or A fibrous material that is manmade as opposed
warehoused. (3) Shipping-EPA. The uniform to a naturally occurring fibrous material like
shipping document required by the EPA and asbestos. Manmade mineral fibers are used as
established as a tracking mechanism by the substitutes for asbestos-containing materials.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act They include fibrous glass, mineral wool,
(RCRA). This tracking document follows the refractory ceramic fibers, etc.
hazardous waste from point of generation to
manmade noise
its final destination. Copies are maintained by
Any electrical or acoustic noise having a hu-
the state where the wastes are generated, the
man source or resulting from manmade
destination state, the transporting company, and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

manmade vitreous fiber (MMVF) manual
Fibrous, amorphous, inorganic substances that (1) Pertaining to an operation or set of opera-
are made primarily from rock, clay, slag, or tions performed solely by humans, rather than
sand. They include fibrous glass, mineral by machines or with machine assistance. (2)
wood (rock and slag), and refractory ceramic A document which provides instructions or
fibers. other information for operation of some
Mann-Whitney U test equipment.
A nonparametric statistical test using rank- manual control
ordered data for comparing two independent (1) Any control mechanism intended for ma-
groups. nipulation by humans. The individual is the
mannequin feedback element. (2) A discipline which
An anthropomorphic figure which has joints studies and incorporates the human operator
or other superficial human physical charac- as a feedback element within a closed-loop
teristics and which is used in modeling, system.
clothing, display, training, or art. manual dexterity
manner of collision A measure of the ability to make rapid, coor-
A classification for crashes in which the first dinated, fine, or gross movements of the fin-
harmful event was a collision between two gers, hand(s), and/or arm(s) for handling in-
motor vehicles in transport. dependent objects.

manometer manual element

Instrument for measuring the pressure of any A work element performed by a worker using
fluid or the difference in the pressure between no more than simple tools, and not involving
fluids, whether liquid or gas. machines.

manoptoscope manual input

A device for determining which eye is domi- The use of a human operator to input data to a
nant. computer via some computer input device.

MANOVA manual interlocking

See multivariate analysis of variance. Rail Operations. An arrangement of signals
and signal appliances operated from an inter-
Manpower and Personnel Integration (MAN- locking machine and so interconnected by
PRINT) means of mechanical and/or electric locking
A U.S. Army management and technical hu- that their movements must succeed each other
man factors program for improving weapon- in proper sequential, train movements over all
soldier system performance. routes being governed by signal indication.
manslaughter manual labor
The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional Literally, work done with the hands. Gener-
killing of a human being without deliberation, ally, it refers to labor performed by hand or by
premeditation, and malice. Criminal homi- the exercise of physical force, with or without
cide constitutes manslaughter when a) it is the aid of tools, machinery, or equipment, but
committed recklessly, or b) a homicide which depending for its effectiveness chiefly upon
would otherwise be murder is committed un- personal muscular exertion rather than upon
der the influence of extreme mental or emo- skill, intelligence, or adroitness.
tional disturbance for which there is reason-
able explanation or excuse. manual materials handling (MMH)
The non-equipment-aided human act of relo-
Mansonia cating an object, consisting of approximately
A genus of mosquitoes comprising some 55 the following stages: approach, grasp, pickup,
species, distributed primarily in tropical re- move or carry, putdown, adjust.
gions, important as vectors of microfilariae
and viruses. manual rating insurance
Type of insurance in which the premium is set
from a manual classifying types of risk on a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

general basis such as a particular industry manufacturer identification code (MIC)
without reference to the individual case. See U.S. Coast Guard. Three-character identifier
also insurance. assigned by Coast Guard Headquarters on re-
manual restraint system quest to those manufacturers and importers
Occupant restraints that require some action, defined under 33 CFR 181.31.
usually buckling, before they are effective. manufacturer's formulation
They include shoulder belt, lap belt, lap and A list of substances or component parts as
shoulder belt, infant carrier, or child safety described by the maker of a coating or pesti-
seat. See also mandatory use seat belt law, cide.
restraint usage. Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP)
manual steadiness A set of communication standards for use in
See hand steadiness. automated manufacturing.
manual time manufacturing cost
The amount of time required to execute a The total cost of manufacturing an item, in-
manual element. cluding materials, direct labor, overhead, and
manually propelled mobile scaffold depreciation.
A portable rolling scaffold support by casters. manufacturing engineering
manubrium That field of engineering specializing in the
The triangular-shaped superior segment of the research, planning, design, integration, and
sternum. development of the methods, facilities, tools,
and processes involved in the production of
manufacture goods.
(1) General. The process of making products
by hand, machinery, or other automated manufacturing progress function
means. (2) TSCA. To import into the customs The improvement in production efficiency
territory of the United States or to produce or with time.
manufacture chemical substances. (3) EP- manuometer
CRA. To produce, prepare, import, or com- A spring device for measuring static strength
pound a toxic chemical. Manufacture also of the finger flexor muscles.
applies to a toxic chemical that is produced map
coincidentally during the manufacture, proc- A drawing used to illustrate the physical rela-
essing, use, or disposal of another chemical or tionships between the elements of people,
mixture of chemicals, including a toxic equipment, materials, and environmental
chemical that is separated from that other structures associated with an accident or inci-
chemical or mixture of chemicals as a by- dent.
product, and a toxic chemical that remains in
that other chemical or mixture of chemicals as MAP
an impurity. See Model Accreditation Plan. See also
Manufacturing Automation Protocol. S e e
manufacturer also Michigan Anthropometric Processor.
(1) General. One who by labor, art, or skill
transforms raw material into some kind of a MARAD
finished product or article of trade. (2) U.S. See Maritime Administration.
Coast Guard. a) Any person engaged in the margin
manufacture, construction, or assembly of (1) A distance, setting, or other limit which
boats or associated equipment. b) The manu- should not be exceeded under normal circum-
facture or construction of components for stances. (2) That region, typically without
boats and associated equipment. c) Equip- printing, which separates printed text and/or
ment to be sold for subsequent assembly. d) graphics from the paper or other material edge
The importation into the United States for sale on a hardcopy.
of boats, associated equipment, or compo-
nents thereof.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

margin of safety seeds, or its resin. It does not include the
The percentage by which the allowable load mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced
(stress) exceeds the limit load (stress) for spe- from the stalks, oil, or cake made from the
cific design conditions, represented as fol- seeds of the plant, any other compound,
lows: manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or
preparation of the mature stalks (except the
Margin of Safety =
resin extracted therefrom), or sterilized seed
[( Yield Strength
Limit Load Stress ) (x Yield Factor of Safety
)] -1 of the plant which is incapable of germina-
tion. Marihuana is also commonly referred to
as pot, grass, tea, weed, or Mary-Jane; and in
cigarette form as a joint or reefer.
Ultimate Margin of Safety =
Establishments primarily engaged in operat-
[( Ultimate Strength
Limit Load Strength ) (
x Ultimate Factor of Safety
)] -1 ing marinas. These establishments rent boat
slips and store boats, and generally perform a
range of other services including cleaning and
marginal cost
incidental boat repair. They frequently sell
That cost incurred for an additional unit of
food, fuel, and fishing supplies, and may sell
boats. See also dock, pier, harbor, a n d
marginal event wharf.
An occurrence, subsequent to the introduction
marine cargo handling
of a hazard or set of hazards into a system,
Establishments primarily engaged in activities
that results in a level of injury, damage, or
directly related to marine cargo handling from
loss of minimal consequences. Quick recov-
the time cargo, for or from a vessel, arrives at
ery would be possible and probable. The pa-
ship side, dock, pier, terminal, staging area, or
rameters for this categorization are usually
in-transit area until cargo loading or unload-
established by management in the System
ing operations are completed. Included in this
Safety Program Plan, or other policy-making
industry are establishments primarily engaged
in the transfer of cargo between ships and
marginal product barges, trucks, trains, pipelines, and wharves.
That additional unit of output which is ob- Cargo handling operations carried on by
tained by adding an extra unit of some factor. transportation companies and separately re-
marginal revenue ported are classified here. This industry in-
That additional income realized by selling one cludes the operation and maintenance of piers,
additional product unit. docks, and associated buildings and facilities.

Marie-Tooth disease marine insurance

Progressive neuropathic (peroneal) muscular A contract whereby one party, for a stipulated
atrophy. premium, undertakes to indemnify the other
against certain perils or sea risks to which
marihuana his/her ship, freight, and cargo, or some of
An annual herb, cannabis sativa, having an- them, may be exposed during a certain voy-
gular rough stem and deeply lobed leaves. age, or a fixed period of time. An insurance
The bast fibers of cannabis are the hemp of against risks connected with navigation, to
commerce. A drug prepared from cannabis which a ship, cargo, freightage, profits, or
sativa, designated in technical dictionaries as other insurable interest in movable property
cannabis and commonly known as marijuana, may be exposed during a certain voyage or a
marajuana, or maraguana. Marihuana means fixed period of time. See also insurance.
all parts of the plant cannabis sativa L,
whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, the marine mammal
resin extracted from any part of the plant; and According to the Federal Marine Mammal
every compound, manufacture, salt, deriva- Protection Act of 1972: Any mammal which
tive, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its is morphologically adapted to the marine en-
vironment (including sea otters and members

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of the orders Sirenia, Pinnipedia and Ceta- Act of 1981 (46 U.S.C. 1601) transferred the
cea), or primarily inhabits the marine envi- Maritime Administration to the Department of
ronment (such as a polar bear). Transportation, effective August 6, 1981. The
marine mammal product Administration administers programs to aid in
According to the Federal Marine Mammal the development, promotion, and operation of
Protection Act of 1972: Any item of mer- the U.S. Merchant Marine. It is also charged
chandise which consists, or is composed in with organizing and directing emergency
whole or in part, of any marine mammal. merchant ship operations. It administers sub-
sidy programs, provides financing guarantees
marine pollutant for the construction, reconstruction, and re-
A hazardous material which is listed in Ap- conditioning of ships; and enters into capital
pendix B to CFR 172.101 and, when in a so- construction fund agreements that grant tax
lution or mixture of one or more marine pol- deferrals on monies to be used for the acqui-
lutants, is packaged in a concentration which sition, construction, or reconstruction of ships.
equals or exceeds a) ten percent by weight of The Administration constructs or supervises
the solution or mixture for materials listed in the construction of merchant type ships for
the appendix; or b) one percent by weight of the Federal Government, helps industry gen-
the solution or mixture for materials that are erate increased business for U.S. ships, and
identified as severe marine pollutants in the conducts programs to develop ports, facilities,
appendix. See also hazardous material. and intermodal transport, and to promote do-
marine sanitation device mestic shipping. The Administration con-
Any equipment or device installed on board a ducts program and technical studies and ad-
vessel to receive, retain, treat, or discharge ministers a War Risk Insurance Program, and
sewage and any process to treat such sewage. under emergency conditions the Maritime
Administration charters government-owned
marine terminal ships to U.S. operators, requisitions or pro-
A designated area of a port, which includes cures ships owned by U.S. citizens, and allo-
but is not limited to wharves, warehouses, cates them to meet defense needs. It main-
covered and/or open storage spaces, cold stor- tains a National Defense Reserve Fleet of
age plants, grain elevators and/or bulk cargo government-owned ships, regulates sales to
loading and/or unloading structures, landings, aliens and transfers to foreign registry of ships
and receiving stations, used for the transmis- that are fully or partially owned by U.S. citi-
sion, care, and convenience of cargo and/or zens. It also operates the U.S. Merchant Ma-
passengers in the interchange of same be- rine Academy, Kings Point.
tween land and water carriers or between two
water carriers. maritime air
Moist air whose characteristics were devel-
marine terminal operator oped over an extensive body of water.
Person or entity that operates the various ma-
rine terminals at ports, usually under long- maritime carrier
term lease agreements with local or state gov- Carriers which operate on the open sea, i.e.,
ernments or port authorities. The marine ter- their operations must include a foreign or in-
minal operator provides receiving and deliv- ternational component and may include a do-
ery, and other terminal services for the car- mestic component.
goes moving through these facilities. Maritime Commission
maritime The Federal Maritime Commission regulates
Business pertaining to commerce or naviga- the waterborne foreign and domestic offshore
tion transacted upon the sea or in seaports in commerce of the United States, assures that
such matters as the court of admiralty has ju- the United States international trade is open to
risdiction. all nations on fair and equitable terms, and
Maritime Administration (MARAD) guards against unauthorized monopolies in
The Maritime Administration was established by the waterborne commerce of the United
Reorganization Plan No. 21 of 1950 (5 U.S.C. States. This is accomplished through main-
app.) effective May 24, 1950. The Maritime taining surveillance over steamship confer-

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ences and common carriers by water; assuring bearings, and ready and willing to perform
that only the rates on file with the Commis- his/her contract, would be willing to accept in
sion are charged; approving agreements be- exercise of ordinary business prudence.
tween persons subject to the Shipping Acts of marketed production
1916 and 1984; guaranteeing equal treatment Gross withdrawals less gas used for repres-
to shippers and carriers by terminal operators, surization, quantities vented and flared, and
freight forwarders, and other persons subject nonhydrocarbon gases removed in treating or
to the shipping statutes; and ensuring that processing operations. Includes all quantities
adequate levels of financial responsibility are of gas used in field and processing operations.
maintained for the indemnification of passen-
gers or oil spill cleanup. marketing policy
That guideline which determines what prod-
maritime revenue ucts will be offered, what types of markets
Revenue received for operations in interna- will be approached, what selling and promo-
tional or foreign shipping. tional techniques will be used, what process
maritime tort will be charged, etc.
Civil wrongs committed on navigable water. marking
Mark Twain A descriptive name, identification number,
Maritime Navigation (slang). Colloquial term instruction, caution, weight, specification, or
for 12-foot depth or mark 2 on the lead line. combinations thereof, on outer packagings of
marked channel hazardous materials.
A channel marked by buoys. marrow
marker A soft tissue material in the interior of many
To monitor for a unique component of a bones. Bone marrow is a network of blood
mixture and use its result as an indicator of vessels and special connective tissue fibers
the presence of the mixture. that hold together a composite of fat and
blood-producing cells. The chief function of
marker beacon marrow is to manufacture erythrocytes, leu-
Aviation. An electronic navigation facility kocytes, and platelets. These blood cells
transmitting a 76-mHz vertical fan or bone- normally do not enter the bloodstream until
shaped radiation pattern. Marker beacons are they are fully developed, so that the marrow
identified by their modulation frequency and contains cells in all stages of growth. If the
keying code, and when received by compati- body's demand for white blood cells is in-
ble airborne equipment, indicate to the pilot, creased because of infection, the marrow re-
both aurally and visually, that he is passing sponds immediately by stepping up produc-
over the facility. tion. The same is true if more red blood cells
market analysis are needed, as in hemorrhage or some other
A study involving the collection of data to types of anemia. There are two types of mar-
determine information for a product or service row: red and yellow. Red marrow produces
such as the identification of potential custom- blood cells while yellow marrow, which is
ers, trends in the marketplace, why a con- mainly composed of fatty tissue, normally has
sumer might purchase it, etc. no blood-producing function. During infancy
and early childhood, most bone marrow is
market research red. But gradually, as one gets older and less
The process of gathering and analyzing data blood-cell production is needed, the fat con-
regarding the potential sale of goods or serv- tent of the marrow increases to turn some of
ices to a consumer. the marrow from red to yellow. Red marrow
marketable title continues to be present in adulthood only in
A title which is free from encumbrances and the flat bones of the skull, the sternum, ribs,
any reasonable doubt as to its validity, and vertebral column, clavicle, humerus, and part
such as a reasonably intelligent person, who is of the femur. However, under certain condi-
well-informed as to the facts and their legal tions, as after hemorrhage, yellow marrow in
other bones may again be converted to red

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and resume its cell-producing functions. The of audibility for one sound is raised by the
marrow is occasionally subject to disease, as presence of another (masking) sound.
in aplastic anemia, which may be caused by masking level
destruction of the marrow by chemical agents The difference in original stimulus intensity
or excessive x-ray exposure. Other diseases required to reach a reported threshold due to a
that affect the bone marrow are leukemia, masking stimulus.
pernicious anemia, myeloma, and metastatic
tumors. mason's adjustable multiple-point suspension
marsh A scaffold having a continuous platform sup-
A type of wetland that does not accumulate ported by bearers suspended by wire rope
appreciable peat deposits and is dominated by from overhead supports, so arranged and op-
herbaceous vegetation. Marshes may be ei- erated as to permit the raising or lowering of
ther fresh or saltwater and tidal or non-tidal. the platform to desired working positions.
See also wetlands.
marshal (1) General. The fundamental measure of the
The President is required to appoint a U.S. quantity of matter. Mass is different from
marshal to each judicial district. It is the re- weight in that it does not depend upon gravi-
sponsibility of U.S. marshals to execute all tational force. (2) Physics. The measure of a
lawful writs, processes and orders issued un- body's resistance to acceleration. The mass of
der authority of the United States. In execut- any object is different than, but proportional
ing the laws of the United States within a to, its weight which is the force of attraction
state, the marshal may exercise the same that exists between the object being consid-
powers which a sheriff of the state may exer- ered and any other proximate massive object
cise in executing the laws thereof. (i.e., the earth). In the International System of
marstochron Units, the basic unit of mass is the kilogram,
See chronograph. which has been defined as being equal to the
mass of the international prototype of the
marstograph kilogram. In the MKS System, the basic unit
See chronograph. of mass is the kilogram. In the CGS System,
Martin's diameter the basic unit of mass is the gram. In the
Length of the line which divides a particle English System, the basic unit of mass is the
into two equal areas. slug. (3) A lump or collection of cohering
Acronym for microwave amplification by mass flow meter
stimulated emission of radiation. A device An electrically heated tube and an arrange-
that produces an extremely intense, small, and ment of thermocouples to measure the differ-
nearly nondivergent beam of monochromatic ential cooling caused by a gas (e.g., air)
radiation in the microwave region, with all the passing through the tube. The thermoelectric
waves in phase. elements generate a voltage proportional to
the rate of gas flow through the tube.
(1) To cover or conceal. (2) In audiometry, to mass media
obscure or diminish a sound by the presence Those forms of the media which typically
of another sound of different frequency. (3) reach large numbers of people, especially
An appliance for shading, protecting, or newspapers, television, and radio.
medicating the face. (4) To increase the mass median aerodynamic diameter (mmad)
threshold level of a stimulus or condition by The mass median diameter of spherical parti-
presenting a second (masking) stimulus si- cles of unit density which have the same fall-
multaneously or in close time or space prox- ing velocity in air as the particle in question.
mass median size
masking The mass median size of a particle in a distri-
In acoustics, a process by which the threshold bution of particles such that the mass of all

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particles larger than the median is equal to the and for other diseases of the breast, such as
mass of all smaller particles. chronic cystic mastitis. See also mastitis.
mass number master agreement
The number of protons and neutrons in the The omnibus labor agreement reached be-
nucleus of an atom. See also atomic weight. tween a union and the leaders of the industry
mass psychogenic illness (MPI) or trade association. It becomes the pattern
Term used in describing illnesses experienced for labor agreements between the union and
by workers and for which no definitive individual employers.
cause/source can be identified. Often, it is master plan
more commonly referred to as the "I'm sick, Term used in land use control law, zoning,
you're sick syndrome." and urban redevelopment to describe the om-
mass spectrography nibus plan of a city or town for housing, in-
An instrumental analytical method for identi- dustry, recreational facilities, and their impact
fying substances from their mass spectra. on environmental factors.

mass spectrometer master-servant rule

An electronic instrument used for the separa- Under this rule of law, the master (employer)
tion of electrically charged particles by mass. is liable for the conduct of the servant (em-
ployee) which occurs while the servant is
mass transit acting within the scope of his/her employment
Another name for public transportation. or within the scope of his/her authority.
mass transportation master-slave manipulator
Another name for public transportation. Pertaining to any device in which the remote
Mass Transportation Agency operator is intended to follow either exactly or
An agency authorized to transport people by proportionately the motions and forces of the
bus, rail, or other conveyance, either publicly input controller.
or privately owned, and providing to the pub- Master Standard Data (MSD)
lic general or special service (but not includ- A universal predetermined motion time sys-
ing school, charter, or sightseeing service) on tem.
a regular basis.
Master's two-step test
massage The simple exercise of repeatedly ascending
To rub, stroke, knead, or impact the superfi- over two nine-inch steps to test cardiovascular
cial muscles of the body, either by hand or function.
with some instrument for therapeutic or other
purposes. mastitis
Inflammation of the breast, occurring in a va-
massed practice riety of forms and in varying degrees of se-
Continuous, repeated, or extended training, verity. Chronic cystic mastitis is the most
without time for rest periods. common disorder of the breast resulting from
masseter muscle hormonal imbalance. This condition gener-
The muscle that closes the jaws. ally occurs in women between the ages of 30
and 50. It is probably related to the activity of
mast cell the ovaries and is rare after menopause. The
A connective tissue cell whose specific disease is characterized by the formation of
physiological function is unknown. It elabo- cysts which give a lumpy appearance to the
rates granules that contain histamine, heparin, breast. Symptoms may include pain and ten-
and, in the rat and mouse, serotonin. derness, which are usually aggravated before
mastectomy the menstrual period, at which time the cysts
Surgical removal of breast tissue. Mastec- tend to enlarge. There may also be discharge
tomy is usually performed to treat malignant from the nipple. Periodic change in the size
breast tumors, although rarely it may be ad- of a lump or its rapid appearance and disap-
visable to use the procedure for benign tumors pearance is common in cystic mastitis. Since

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there are times when it is difficult to distin- material evidence
guish this condition from cancer of the breast, That quality of evidence which tends to influ-
biopsy may be necessary. Treatment may in- ence the trier of fact because of its logical
volve removing fluid from the cysts. connection with the issue.
mastoid material handling
(1) Nipple shaped. (2) The portion of the Short-distance movement of goods within a
temporal bone lying behind the meatus of the storage area.
ear (pars mastoidea), or more specifically, the material handling equipment (MHE)
conical projection from it (mastoid process). A broad term used to delineate any equipment
See also mastoid process. used to handle, lift, support, or manipulate
mastoid process hardware, materials, or other such equipment.
The bony projection on the inferior lateral MHE includes, but is not limited to, cranes,
surface of the temporal bone. hoists, sling assemblies, load cells, forklifts,
mastoiditis handling structures, and personnel work plat-
Inflammation of the mastoid antrum and cells, forms.
usually the result of an infection of the middle material requirements planning (MRP)
ear with which the mastoid cells communi- The process of reducing each final product to
cate. Mastoiditis most commonly follows its elementary parts, forecasting the product
sore throat and respiratory infection, but it can output required, and coordinating the produc-
also be caused by such diseases as diphtheria, tion quantities of elementary parts.
measles, and scarlet fever. Symptoms include material safety data sheet (MSDS)
earache and a ringing in the ears. The mas- A compilation of data required under OSHA's
toid process may become painful and swollen. Hazard Communication Standard on the
MATC identity of hazardous chemicals, their health
See maximum acceptable toxicant concen- and physical hazards, exposure limits, and
tration. precautions. Section 311 of SARA requires
matched groups design facilities covered by the OSHA standard to
An experimental design in which group se- submit MSDSs under certain circumstances.
lection is made by matching individuals material-type flow process chart
across those groups based on one or more A flow process chart which indicates material
variables which are to be manipulated or con- usage.
trolled during the experiment. Also referred material witness
to as equivalent groups method. A person who can give testimony relating to a
matched pairs design particular matter no one else, or at least very
An experimental methodology in which as- few, can give. In an important criminal case,
signment to groups is not strictly random, but a material witness may sometimes be held by
based on one or more pairing criteria on the government against his or her will. This
which individuals are paired. witness may be the victim or an eyewitness.
matching maternity leave
Comparison for the purpose of selecting ob- That leave of absence, granted either with or
jects having similar or identical characteris- without pay, for a female employee to give
tics. birth to a child and recover before returning to
matching individual work.
An individual acting as a control for another mathematical reasoning
individual in a matched pair. The ability to understand and organize a
material damping mathematical problem, then select a method
Sound attenuation due to energy loss in the to find a solution to the problem. Excludes
substance through which the energy is being the actual numerical manipulation.

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matrix cavities, and the floor of the orbits. See also
(1) A rectangular array of numbers with a jaw.
designated rows-by-columns structure. (2) A maximal aerobic capacity
generative, or basic, structure from which a The level at which oxygen uptake during per-
tissue or organ develops, such as the organs formance of a task reaches a steady state and
from which the hair and nail grow. no additional oxygen can be used by the mus-
matrix spikes cles involved in the task. Also referred to as
Duplicate field samples that are spiked in the aerobic capacity, aerobic endurance capacity,
laboratory with measured quantities of con- aerobic work capacity, maximal oxygen up-
taminant; the volume of contamination in a take/consumption, maximal aerobic power,
matrix spike can be subtracted from the over- maximum aerobic work capacity, and maxi-
all quantity of contaminant in the pure sample mum oxygen uptake.
to determine the contamination level in the maximal aerobic power
original soil sample. See maximal aerobic capacity.
matte maximal isometric force
Having or pertaining to a surface with a dull The maximum force generated during an iso-
appearance, exhibiting primarily or only dif- metric contraction for a specified muscle or
fuse reflections. muscle group.
matter maximal oxygen uptake/consumption
(1) Anything that has mass or occupies space. See maximal aerobic capacity.
(2) Physical material having form and weight
under ordinary conditions of gravity. maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
The greatest force which a muscle or muscle
matter of law groups involved can develop under voluntary
Whatsoever is to be ascertained or decided by control when contracting against a resistance
the application of statutory rules or the princi- under specified conditions.
ples and determinations of the law, as distin-
guished from the investigation of particular maximally exposed individual
facts. The individual with the highest exposure in a
given population.
mature thunderstorm
The second stage in the three-stage cycle of maximum
an air mass thunderstorm. This stage is char- The largest measured, existing, or permissible
acterized by heavy showers, lightning, thun- value of a set.
der, and violent vertical motions inside cu- maximum a c cept a ble to x ica n t co ncen tra t io n
mulonimbus clouds. (MATC)
MAWP The geometric mean of the highest tested con-
Maximum allowable working pressure. centration which did not cause the occurrence
of a specified adverse effect and the lowest
maxi-cube vehicle concentration which did cause the specified
A combination vehicle consisting of a power adverse effect.
unit and a trailing unit, both of which are de-
signed to carry cargo. The power unit is a maximum achievable control technology
non-articulated truck with one or more drive (MACT)
axles that carries either a detachable or a per- The level of air pollution control technology
manently attached cargo box. The trailing required by the Clean Air Act.
unit is a trailer or semitrailer with a cargo box maximum aerobic work capacity
so designed that the power unit may be loaded See maximal aerobic capacity.
and unloaded through the trailing unit.
maximum allowable flight duty period
maxilla The greatest number of hours an air crew can
A bilaterally fused bone making up much of fly in an aircraft in any 24-hour period.
the anterior portion of the face, including the
upper part of the mouth/jaw, part of the nasal

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maximum allowable slope bility and the shoreline protection and cleanup
That ratio of the horizontal distance from the capability to conduct response activities for a
edge of an excavation to the depth which must worst case discharge from a pipeline in ad-
be provided for the existing soil or rock con- verse weather.
ditions. maximum high water elevation
maximum breathing capacity The highest water level reached during the
See maximum voluntary ventilation. past 200 years of recordkeeping.
maximum contaminant level (MCL) maximum intended load
The maximum permissible level of a contami- In scaffolding, the total of all loads including
nant in water delivered to any user of a public the working load, the weight of the scaffold,
water system. MCLs are enforceable stan- and such other loads as may be reasonably
dards. anticipated.
maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) maximum metabolic rate
Under the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, The highest metabolic rate consistent with
as amended, a non-enforceable concentration sustained aerobic metabolism.
for a substance in drinking water that is pro- maximum operating pressure (MOP)
tective of adverse human health effects and The maximum operating pressure a system
allows for an adequate margin of safety. will be subjected to during planned static and
maximum design pressure (MDP) dynamic conditions. See also maximum ex-
See maximum expected operating pressure pected operating pressure (MEOP).
(MEOP). maximum oxygen uptake
maximum detection limit (MDL) See maximal aerobic capacity.
The lowest concentration of analyte that a maximum performance
method can detect reliably in either a sample The performance level which results in the
or a blank. highest possible production.
maximum evaporative capacity maximum permissible concentration (MPC)
The maximum amount of sweat that can be The amount of radioactive material that can
evaporated from the body's surface under the be tolerated in the environment or in the body
environmental conditions that exist. The without producing a significant injury. It is
evaporation of sweat is limited by the mois- the recommended maximum average concen-
ture content of the air. tration of radionuclides in air or water to
which a person (radiation worker or member
maximum expected operating pressure
of the general public) may be exposed, as-
suming 40 hours per week exposure for the
The highest pressure that a pressure vessel,
worker and 168 hours per week for the public.
pressurized structure, or pressure component
It is the amount of radiation per unit volume
is expected to experience during its service
of air or water which, if inhaled or ingested
life and retain its functionality, in association
over a period of time, would result in a body
with its applicable operating environments. It
burden that is believed will not produce sig-
includes the effect of temperature, pressure
nificant injury.
transients and oscillations, vehicle quasi-
steady and dynamic accelerations and relief maximum permissible dose (MPD)
valve operating variability. Synonymous with That amount of ionizing radiation which can
maximum operating pressure (MOP) or be absorbed per unit mass of irradiated mate-
maximum design pressure (MDP). rial at a specific location without being ex-
pected to cause radiation injury to a person
maximum extent practicable
during one's lifetime.
The limits of available technology and the
practical and technical limits on a pipeline op- maximum permissible exposure (MPE)
erator in planning the response resources re- See maximum permissible dose and radiation
quired to provide the on-water recovery capa- protection guide.

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maximum permissible lift (MPL) imminent and grave danger and that immedi-
Three times the acceptable lift in kilograms or ate assistance is requested. See also Pan Pan.
pounds. Maynard Operation Sequence Technique
maximum permissible limit (MPL) (MOST)
A NIOSH guideline for manual lifting under A predetermined motion time system.
specified conditions, above which muscu- Mb
loskeletal injury is a high probability. Megabyte, or one million bytes.
maximum sound level MBO
The greatest A-weighted sound level in deci- Management by Objective. An approach to
bels measured during the designated time in- organizational management characterized by
terval or during the event, with either fast the establishment of specific objectives or
meter response or slow meter response. It is goals and requirements for every element of
abbreviated as Lmax. the organizational structure to work toward
maximum use concentration (MUC) the achievement of that goal(s). While each
In radiation protection, the maximum con- element cannot possibly be responsible for the
centration that can exist for which a specific accomplishment of these objectives individu-
type of respiratory protection can be used. It ally, it is their collective contributions that
is equal to the permissible exposure limit for allow the organization to achieve its goals.
the substance to which exposure occurs times MCA
the assigned protection factor. Manufacturing Chemists Association.
maximum voluntary ventilation MCC
The volume of air breathed with maximum See maintenance control center.
voluntary effort by an individual for a given
period of time, usually 10-15 seconds, cor- MCH
rected to one minute. Also known as maxi- See mean corpuscular hemoglobin.
mum breathing capacity. MCHC
maximum working area See mean corpuscular hemoglobin concen-
That portion of the working surface which is tration.
easily accessible to the operator's hands with mCi
the elbow and shoulder fully extended in the Millicurie(s).
normal working posture.
maximum working volume See maximum containment level. See also
That maximal region within which an opera- middle compass locator.
tor can be expected to reach via any combina-
tion of shoulder, elbow, and wrist motions. MCLG
See maximum contaminant level goal.
A unit of magnetic flux in the meter- MCS
kilogram-second electromagnetic system. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

may MCV
If a discretionary right, privilege, or power is (1) See mean corpuscular volume. (2) See
abridged or if an obligation to abstain from mean clinical value.
acting is imposed, the word "may" is used MDA
with a restrictive "no," "not," or "only" (for See minimum descent altitude.
example, no employer may…; an employer
may not…; only qualified persons may…).
Mild detonating cord.
May Day
The international radiotelephony distress sig-
Mild detonating fuse.
nal. When repeated three times, it indicates
See maximum detection limit.

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MDP 10 and dividing by the number of erythrocytes
Maximum design pressure. See maximum (in millions).
expected operating pressure (MEOP). mean deviation
MEA The average of the absolute deviations of val-
See minimum en route altitude. ues in a distribution from the mean.
meal break mean radiant temperature
That segment of the work shift, typically The temperature of a black body which would
about mid-shift, which an employee is allotted exchange the same amount of radiant heat as a
for eating a meal. May be compensable or worker would at the same location in a hot
not, depending on whether primarily for the environment.
benefit of the employer or the employee. mean skin temperature
mean A measure intended to represent the average
In statistical analysis, the arithmetic average temperature of the skin over its total body sur-
derived from the addition of all value points face.
in the sample, divided by the total number of mean time between failures (MTBF)
points in the sample. See also estimate ratio The average time expected between failures
and ratio estimate. of a system or piece of equipment.
mean annual temperature mean time to failure (MTTF)
The average temperature at any given location The average time to the first failure of a com-
for the entire year. ponent or system.
mean body temperature means of egress
An estimated value of the average body tem- A continuous and unobstructed way of exit
perature based on skin and core temperature travel from any point in a building or structure
measurements, usually as a function of the to a public way and consisting of three sepa-
weighted mean skin temperature and the rec- rate and distinct parts: the way of exit access,
tal temperature. the exit, and the way of exit discharge. A
mean clinical value (MCV) means of egress comprises the vertical and
Obtained by assigning a numerical value to horizontal ways of travel and shall include
the response noted in a number of patients re- intervening room spaces, doorways, hallways,
ceiving a specific treatment, adding these corridors, passageways, balconies, ramps,
numbers, and dividing by the number of pa- stairs, enclosures, lobbies, escalators, hori-
tients treated. zontal exits, courts, and yards.
mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) means of transportation
An expression of the average hemoglobin A mode used for going from one place (ori-
content of a single cell in micromicrograms, gin) to another (destination). Includes private
obtained by multiplying the hemoglobin in and public modes, as well as walking. For all
grams by 10 and dividing by the number of travel day trips, each change of mode consti-
erythrocytes (in millions). tutes a separate trip. See also mode.
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration measles
(MCHC) Also called rubeola (differentiated from ru-
An expression of the average hemoglobin bella, or German measles). A highly conta-
concentration in percent, obtained by multi- gious illness caused by a virus. Measles is a
plying the hemoglobin in grams by 100 and childhood disease but it can be contracted at
dividing by the hematocrit determination. any age. Epidemics of measles usually recur
mean corpuscular volume (MCV) every 2 or 3 years and are most common in
An expression of the average volume of indi- the winter and spring. The virus that causes
vidual cells in cubic microns, obtained by measles is spread by droplet infection. The
multiplying the hematocrit determination by virus can also be picked up by touching an
article, such as a handkerchief, that an in-
fected person has recently used. The incuba-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tion period is usually 11 days, although it may measured daywork
be as few as 9 or as many as 14. The infected That work performed at standard levels for an
person can transmit the disease from 3 or 4 established hourly, nonincentive wage.
days before the rash appears until the rash be- measured work
gins to fade, a total of about 7 or 8 days. One That work for which performance standards
attack of the measles usually provides a life- have been set using some form of work meas-
time of immunity to rubeola, but not to Ger- urement technique.
man measles (rubella), which is somewhat
similar to ordinary measles. Symptoms gen- measurement
erally appear in two stages. In the first stage The taking of data or the data resulting from a
the patient feels tired and uncomfortable, and measure.
may have a running nose, a cough, a slight fe- measurement error
ver, and pains in the head and back. The eyes The difference between the true value and the
may become reddened and sensitive to light. value initially obtained by the measuring de-
The fever rises a little each day. The second vice.
stage begins at the end of the third or begin-
ning of the fourth day. The person's tem- measurement erro r standa rd dev ia tio n
perature is generally between 103° and 104°F. Th e sq u are ro o t of the within-subject vari-
ance when a group of individuals has each
Koplik's spots, small white dots like grains of been measured more than once.
salt surrounded by inflamed areas, can often
be seen on the gums and the inside of the measurement ton
cheeks. A rash appears starting at the hairline 40 cubic feet.
and behind the ears and spreading downward, measuring and monitoring
covering the body in about 36 hours. At first With regard to environmental performance, a
the rash appears as separate pink spots, about system in place within an organization to
a quarter of an inch in diameter, but later measure and monitor actual performance
some of these spots may run together, giving against the organization's environmental ob-
the person a blotchy look. The fever usually jectives and targets in the areas of manage-
subsides after the rash has spread. The rash ment systems and operational processes. This
turns brown in color and fades after 3 or 4 includes evaluation of compliance with rele-
days. vant environmental legislation and regula-
measure tions. The results should be analyzed and
(1) To read or otherwise obtain one or more used to determine areas of success and to
numerical values from observations for analy- identify activities requiring corrective action
sis according to certain rules. (2) An aspect and improvement.
or dimension. meat wrapper's asthma
measure of availability The respiratory response that may occur
See availability. among meat-packaging personnel as a result
of their exposure to contaminants emitted
measure of central tendency during the cutting and heat-sealing of the
Any variable or value which is used to repre- polyvinyl chloride plastic wrap used to pack-
sent the central tendency of a distribution, age meat products.
such as the mean, mode, or median.
mechanical advantage
measure of dispersion The value of the ratio of force output by a
Any value which is an indicator of the spread mechanical device to the force applied to it.
of a distribution, such as the range, variance,
or standard deviation. Also known as meas- mechanical aeration
ure of variability and dispersion. Use of mechanical energy to inject air into
water to cause a waste stream to absorb oxy-
measure of variability gen.
See measure of dispersion.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mechanical efficiency mechanoreceptor
The value of the ratio of external work per- Any sensory receptor which is stimulated by a
formed to physiological energy production. local change in mechanical pressure, force, or
mechanical filter respirator tension due to some type of movement.
A respiratory protective device which pro- MED
vides protection from airborne particulates, Minimal erythermal dose.
such as dusts, mists, fumes, fibers, and other media
particulate type contamination. (1) The news press; those individuals repre-
mechanical hazard senting public and/or private news gathering
Any unsafe situation due to machinery, and reporting organizations. (2) Specific en-
equipment, tools, and/or physical structures. vironments, such as air, water and soil, which
mechanical impedance (Zm) are the subject of regulatory concern and ac-
The complex ratio of force to velocity during tivities. (3) General term referring to the sub-
simple harmonic motion. stance or material on or in which a contami-
nant is collected. The media can be a liquid
mechanical noise absorbent, solid adsorbent, filter, or other
Noise due to impact, friction, or vibration. material. Typically referred to as the sam-
mechanical ohm pling media.
A unit for mechanical resistance, reactance, medial
and impedance. Lying near or toward the midsagittal plane of
mechanical reactance (Xm) the body or other approximately symmetrical
The imaginary portion of mechanical imped- structure.
ance. medial calf skinfold
mechanical resistance (Rm) The thickness of a vertical skinfold on the
(1) The real portion of the mechanical imped- medial surface of the calf at the level of the
ance; the opposition of a structure or object to calf circumference point midway along the
a mechanical force either to change or to de- antero-posterior direction. Measured with the
form the structure. (2) A qualitative indica- individual standing, the knee flexed 90° and
tion of the mechanical forces which must be the foot resting flat on an elevated platform.
overcome to move an object, control, or other
medial canthus
See endocanthus.
mechanical shock
medial cuneiform bone
A relatively rapid transmission of mechanical
One of the distal group of foot bones of the
energy into or out of a system.
mechanical turbulence
medial malleolus height
Random irregularities of fluid motion in air
The vertical distance from the floor or other
caused by buildings or non-thermal mechani-
reference surface to the most medially pro-
cal processes.
jecting point of the medial ankle bone. Meas-
mechanical ventilation ured with the individual standing erect and
Air movement caused by a fan or other type his/her weight evenly distributed on both feet.
of air moving device.
medial rectus muscle
mechanics A voluntary extraocular muscle located par-
That field which studies the mechanical envi- allel to the optical axis along the medial side
ronmental effects on physical systems. of the eyeball. Involved in rotating the ante-
mechanize rior portion of the eyeball toward the body
To introduce machinery to carry out certain midline.
functions previously performed by humans. median
(1) In statistical analysis, that value point
which is precisely in the center (i.e., half the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

value points fall below the median and half lie mediation
above the median). (2) Situated in the mid- A proceeding involving a disinterested party
line, or in the median plane, of a body or who hears a dispute and recommends a reso-
structure. lution. If all interested parties agree to abide
median category by these recommendations, then the dispute
Transit. Inclusion of a median within a single will be considered resolved without having
instance of the road. had to go before the courts.

median included medical

Transit. Median is included within the in- Pertaining, relating, or belonging to the study
stance of the road. and practice of medicine, or the science and
art of the investigation, prevention, cure, and
median lethal concentration alleviation of diseases.
The concentration of a substance in air which
is lethal to 50% or more of those exposed to medical evidence
it. See also LC50. Evidence furnished by doctors, nurses, and
other medical personnel testifying in their
median lethal dose professional capacity as experts, or by stan-
The dose of a material/agent necessary to kill dard treatises on medicine or surgery.
50% of those receiving it. See also LD50.
medical examiner
median lethal time Public officer charged with the responsibility
That time required for 50% of the organisms of investigating all sudden, unexplained, un-
to die following a given dose of a drug, radia- natural, or suspicious deaths reported to
tion, biological agent, or other agent. him/her, including the performance of autop-
median nerve sies and assisting the state in criminal homi-
A major nerve that controls the flexor muscles cide cases.
of the wrist and hand. Its location in the car- medical expert
pal tunnel of the wrist makes it susceptible to Any licensed physician found qualified to
injury or trauma as a result of overuse of ten- give testimony as an expert witness by a
dons that pass through the same area. When court.
the tendons swell, the nerve may be pinched
causing severe pain in an illness known as medical jurisprudence
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The science which applies the principles and
practice of the different branches of medicine
median not included to the elucidation of doubtful questions in a
Transit. Median is not included because there court of law.
is no median or the median is wide enough to
cause separate instances of road. medical pathology
A disorder or disease.
median particle diameter
The particle size, in micrometers, about which medical radiation
an equal number of particles are smaller or Any ultrasound, electromagnetic, or particu-
larger in size. See also median particle size. late radiation emitted by or received from di-
agnostic or therapeutic radiological proce-
median particle size dures.
The median size of a particle in a distribution
of particles by their size in microns. See also medical surveillance program
median particle diameter. A medical program that calls for detailed
physical examinations for a specific or pur-
mediastinum pose.
(1) A medium septum or partition. (2) The
mass of tissues and organs separating the medical treatment
sternum in front and the vertebral column be- According to OSHA 29 CFR 1904.12(d), in-
hind, commonly considered to have three di- cludes treatment administered by a physician
visions (anterior, middle, and superior). or by registered professional personnel under
the standing orders of a physician. Medical

©2000 CRC Press LLC

treatment does not include first aid treatment (buses, motor homes, and farm and construc-
even though provided by a physician or reg- tion equipment other than trucks are ex-
istered professional personnel. cluded).
medical waste medium regional carrier group
(1) Isolation wastes, infectious agents, human Carrier groups with annual operating revenues
blood and blood products, pathological wastes; less than $19,999,999 or that operate only air-
sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, craft with 60 seats or less (or 18,000 lbs.
surgical wastes and potentially contaminated maximum payload).
laboratory wastes, dialysis wastes, and such medium size bus
additional medical items as the EPA A bus from 29 to 34 feet in length.
Administrator shall prescribe by regulation
(Federal Marine Protection, Research and medium speed
Sanctuaries Act of 1972, Federal Water A speed not exceeding 40 miles per hour.
Pollution Control Act). (2) Any solid waste medium voltage (MV) cable
which is generated in the diagnosis, treatment, Type MV medium voltage cable is a single-
or immunization of human beings or animals, or multi-conductor solid dielectric insulated
in research pertaining thereto, or in the cable rated 2000 volts or higher.
production or testing of biologicals (Federal
Solid Waste Disposal Act). Also referred to as medulla
medically contaminated waste. The central or inner portion of an organ.

medically contaminated waste medulla oblongata

See medical waste. That part of the hind brain lying between the
pons above and the spinal cord below. It
medicine houses nerve centers for both motor and sen-
(1) A drug or remedy. (2) The art or practice sory nerves, where such functions as breath-
of healing. ing and the beating of the heart are controlled.
medium meets intent certification
(1) An agent by which something is A certification used to indicate an equivalent
accomplished or impulse is transmitted. (2) A level of safety is maintained despite not
substance providing the proper nutritional meeting the exact requirements stated in the
environment for the growth of micro- document.
medium air traffic hub Prefix indicating 1 E+6.
Aviation. A community enplaning from 0.25
to 0.99 percent of the total enplaned megacurie
passengers in all services and all operations One million curies.
for all communities within the 50 States, the megahertz (mHz)
District of Columbia, and other U.S. areas One million hertz.
designated by the Federal Aviation Admin-
megawatt electric (MWE)
One million watts of electric capacity.
medium duty scaffold
A scaffold designed and constructed to carry a
A high voltage resistance meter.
working load not to exceed 50 pounds per
square foot. MEI
See machine efficiency index.
medium frequency
That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum meibomian cyst
consisting of radiation frequencies between See chalazion.
300 kHz and 3 mHz. mel
medium or heavy trucks A 1,000 hertz tone, 40 decibels above a lis-
A motor vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight tener's threshold, produces a pitch of 1,000
Rating (GVWR) greater than 10,000 pounds mels.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

melanin learning. Although the exact way in which
Dark, sulfur-containing pigment normally the brain remembers is not completely under-
found in the skin, ciliary body, choroid of the stood, it is believed that a portion of the tem-
eye, pigment layer of the retina, certain nerve poral lobe of the brain, lying in part under the
cells, and hair. It occurs abnormally in certain temples, acts as a kind of memory center,
tumors, known as melanomas, and is some- drawing on memories stored in other parts of
times excreted in the urine when such tumors the brain. (2) Any of several types of storage
are present. means for bits in a computer.
melanoma menarche
A malignant tumor containing dark pigment. That phase in a female's life when menstrua-
melatonin tion begins.
A hormone produced in the pineal gland with Menière's disease
a circadian cycle, and believed to have a rela- A disorder of the labyrinth of the inner ear. It
tionship to circadian rhythms. is believed to result from dilation of the lym-
melting point (mp) phatic channels in the cochlea. In about 90
The temperature at which a solid changes to a percent of cases, only one ear is affected. The
liquid phase. usual symptoms are tinnitus, heightened sen-
sitivity to loud sounds, progressive loss of
membrane potential hearing, headache, and dizziness. In the acute
That voltage difference measured across the stage there may be severe nausea with vomit-
membrane between the interior and exterior of ing, profuse sweating, disabling dizziness, and
a cell or across an artificial membrane. nystagmus. Some attacks last only minutes,
membranous labyrinth and others continue for hours; they may occur
A collection of soft-tissue ducts containing frequently or only several weeks apart. The
endolymph within the osseous labyrinth of the disease usually lasts a few years, with pro-
inner ear comprising the semicircular ducts, gressive loss of hearing in the affected ear.
the cochlear duct, saccule, and utricle. Sometimes the symptoms subside before all
hearing is lost. If loss of hearing in the af-
memomotion fected ear does become complete, nausea
A method of visually sampling work activities symptoms are likely to disappear. The dis-
at specified periods of time using time-lapse ease sometimes develops after an injury to the
photography or videography. head or an infection of the middle ear. Many
memomotion study cases, however, have no apparent cause. The
The use of memomotion for the analysis of disorder is most common among men be-
long-duration events or processes. Also re- tween the ages of 40 and 60.
ferred to as camera study. meninges
memorandum of understanding (MOU) See meninx.
An agreement in the nature of a contract be- meningitis
tween government agencies about how to in- Inflammation of the meninges, the mem-
terpret laws or regulations or implement poli- branes that cover the brain and spinal cord.
cies or programs. Sometimes called a memo- There are several varieties of meningitis. The
randum of agreement (MOA). two most important are meningococcal men-
memorize ingitis (the most common) and tuberculous
To absorb information with perfect recall, meningitis. Others include aseptic meningitis
usually in text, numeric, or pictorial form. and viral meningitis. Meningococcal menin-
gitis is caused by meningococci. It is gener-
ally the epidemic type and is very contagious
(1) The capacity for mental storage of feel-
because the bacteria are present in the throat
ings, sensations, information, movement pat-
as well as in the cerebrospinal fluid. It is
terns, and events. The ability of the brain to
transmitted by contact and by droplet infec-
retain and to use knowledge gained from past
tion. The incubation period for epidemic
experience is essential to the process of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

meningitis is 2 to 10 days. Also called cere- mental retardation
brospinal meningitis. A mental handicap in which less than normal
meninx intellectual functioning is exhibited.
A layer of tissue which covers the brain and mental work
spinal cord (plural is meninges). Any work done by an individual primarily
meniscus using perceptual and cognitive abilities, espe-
Something of crescent shape, as the concave cially those involving such activities as cal-
or convex surface of a column of liquid in a culating, reasoning, monitoring, decision-
pipette or burette, or a crescent-shaped fibro- making, and verbal/image processing.
cartilage (semi-lunar cartilage) in the knee mental workload
joint. Any measure of the amount of mental effort
menopause required to perform a task.
That phase of a women's life at which the menthol
menstrual cycle terminates. An alcohol from various mint oils or pro-
menses duced synthetically, used locally to relieve
The time of menstruation. itching.

menstrual cycle menton

The hormonally regulated period of approxi- The point at the tip of the chin in the midsag-
mately 28 days during which a woman nor- ittal plane. Typically represented by the most
mally undergoes ovulation and menses. anterior point in anterior-posterior measures,
by the most inferior point in vertical meas-
menstruate ures.
To pass blood and other tissues from the
uterus via the vaginal orifice during part of menton – crinion length
the menstrual cycle. The vertical distance from the bottom surface
of the tip of the chin to the hairline in the
mental midsagittal plane. Measured with the indi-
Of or pertaining to the mind or intellec- vidual standing or sitting erect, looking
tual/cognitive activities or functions. straight ahead with the facial muscles relaxed
mental age (not applicable on bald or balding persons).
The mental competence of an individual rela- menton projection
tive to the chronological age of an average in- The horizontal linear distance in the midsag-
dividual with equivalent mental competence. ittal plane from the most anterior point of the
See also chronological age and d e v e l o p- chin to the junction of the neck and the bot-
mental age. tom of the jaw. Measured with the facial
mental basic element musculature relaxed.
Any work element which involves some form menton – sellion length
of mental activity. The vertical linear distance from the inferior
mental health tip of the chin to the deepest point of the nasal
A state in which an individual or population root depression. Measured with the individ-
has accomplished a high degree of self- ual sitting or standing erect, looking straight
realization and integrated its own desires ahead with the facial muscles relaxed.
while successfully adapting to its environ- menton – subnasale length
ment. The vertical linear distance between the junc-
mental hygiene tion of the base of the nasal septum and the
That field of study and practice for the devel- superior philtrum to the base of the chin in the
opment and/or preservation of mental and midsagittal plane. Measured with the indi-
emotional health. vidual sitting or standing erect, looking
straight ahead with the facial muscles relaxed.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

menton to back of head mercury lamp
The horizontal linear distance from inion to An illumination source which operates by
the most anterior portion of the chin. Meas- passing an electrical current between two
ured with the individual standing erect and electrodes in an ionized mercury vapor at-
looking straight ahead. mosphere, giving off a bluish-green light with
menton to vertex a significant amount of ultraviolet light.
The vertical linear distance from the inferior meridian
tip of the chin to the vertex plane level. An imaginary line on the surface of a globe or
Measured with the individual standing erect sphere, connecting the opposite ends of its
and looking straight ahead with the facial axis.
muscles relaxed. meridional flow
menton to wall A type of atmosphere circulation pattern in
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to which the north-south component of the wind
the most anterior portion of the chin. Meas- is pronounced.
ured with the individual standing erect with merit rating
his/her back and head against the wall. (1) The process of assessing, or the result of
menu an assessment of, performance regarding an
A display of the possible options available to employee in a job, usually according to some
the user from a given command location in a periodic interval and some specified group of
software package. factors such as dependability and work quality
menu bar or quantity. (2) The process of determining or
A function area within a screen display which the resulting determination of tax or insurance
contains a menu. premium rates based on an employer's record
for disabling injuries and layoffs. Also re-
menu hierarchy ferred to as experience rating.
The structure with which a menu is organized,
generally with higher level menus providing mescaline
access to other comparable level menus as A poisonous alkaloid derived from a Mexican
well as lower level menus under a given level. cactus, which produces hallucinations of
sound and color.
See maximum expected operating pressure. mesh
That latticework in computer modeling which
meq divides a large object into finite elements.
mercers A vertical column of cyclonically rotating air
Pertaining to mercury in its lower valence; within a severe thunderstorm.
containing monovalent mercury.
mercury A Sheldon somatotype denoted by prominent
A chemical element, atomic number 80, muscular tissue, heavy bones, broad shoul-
atomic weight 200.59, symbol Hg. A heavy ders, and a flat abdomen.
metal, existing in liquid state under standard
conditions, that can accumulate in the envi- meson
ronment and is highly toxic if breathed or A short-lived unstable particle with or without
swallowed. See also heavy metal. electric charge which generally weighs less
than a proton and more than an electron.
mercury-fluorescent lamp
A relatively high-intensity discharge lamp mesopic vision
using high pressure mercury enclosed within a That vision using both the rods and cones at
tube whose interior is coated with phosphorus moderate luminous intensities; an intermedi-
to convert the ultraviolet light into visible ary between photopic and scotopic vision.
light. mesoscale
The scale of meteorological phenomena that

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ranges in size from a few kilometers to about metabolic reaction
100 kilometers. It includes local winds, thun- These include hydrolysis, oxidation, reduc-
derstorms, and tornadoes. tion, and conjugation (alkylation, esterifica-
mesosphere tion, and acylation).
The atmospheric layer between the strato- metabolic reserves
sphere and the thermosphere. Located at an The potential chemical energy source, stored
average elevation between 50 and 80 kilome- primarily as glycogen, which can be rapidly
ters above the earth's surface. mobilized for use by the body, especially for
mesothelioma muscular activity involving effort beyond
A rare neoplasm that grows as a thick sheet in one's normal level of activity.
the pleura of the lungs and in the peritoneum. metabolism
This condition has been demonstrated in (1) The set of biochemical transformations
workers who have had extensive exposures to that a chemical undergoes in the body by
asbestos. See also asbestos. which energy is made available for use by the
mesothelium organism. (2) The sum total of the physical
A layer of flat cells, derived from the meso- and chemical processes and reactions taking
derm, that lines the coelom of the body cavity place among the ions, atoms, and molecules
of the embryo. In the adult it forms the sim- of the body. Essentially these processes are
ple squamous-celled layer of the epithelium concerned with the disposition of the nutrients
that covers the surface of all true serous absorbed into the blood following digestion.
membranes (peritoneum, pericardium, and There are two phases of metabolism: the ana-
pleura). bolic and catabolic. The anabolic, or con-
structive, phase is concerned with the conver-
message area sion of simpler compounds derived from nu-
A function area for the system or other users trients into living, organized substances that
to communicate with a user. the body cells can use. In the catabolic, or de-
message line structive, phase these organized substances
A single line within a message area. are reconverted into simpler compounds, with
the release of energy necessary for the proper
met functioning of the body cells. The rate of
A unit of physiological workload; the meta- metabolism can be increased by exercise, by
bolic thermal output of an average, sitting, elevated body temperature (as in high fever,
resting individual under conditions of thermal which can more than double the metabolic
comfort. rate), by hormonal activity (such as that pro-
metabolic gradient duced by thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine),
A difference in degree of metabolic activity and by specific dynamic action that occurs
from one region of the body to another. following the ingestion of a meal. The basal
metabolic rate refers to the lowest rate ob-
metabolic heat production
tained while an individual is at complete
The transformation of chemical energy into
physical and mental rest. This rate is fre-
heat energy by the body.
quently used in the diagnosis of various dis-
metabolic rate eases, especially in malfunctioning of the thy-
The calories (or BTUs) required by the body roid gland.
to sustain vital functions, such as the action of
the heart and breathing. The rate depends on
Any product (foodstuff, intermediate, waste
the physical activity of the individual and
product) of metabolism.
physiological factors. Also referred to as en-
ergy expenditure. See also basal metabolic metacarpal bone
rate. One of the bones in the hand between the
wrist bones and the phalanges which make the
rigid structure of the palm and back of the
hand. See also hand.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

der one given type of illumination, but which
has a different spectral composition and may
be distinguishable under another type of illu-
metameric pair
Two colored visual stimuli which appear
identical to the eye, but which consist of dif-
ferent spectral compositions.
A condition in which two colored stimuli ap-
pear the same under one illuminant but differ-
ent under another illuminant.
The region of bone growth near the ends of a
long bone.
Metacarpal bones and their relationship to the phalanges metastasis
(1) Transmission of disease from the original
metal-clad (MC) cable site to one or more other sites elsewhere in the
Type MC cable is a factory assembly of one body. (2) Spread by malignancy from the site
or more conductors, each individually insu- of primary cancer to a secondary site by trans-
lated and enclosed in a metallic sheath of in- fer through the lymphatic or blood system.
terlocking tape, or a smooth or corrugated (3) The transfer of disease from one organ or
tube. part to another not connected with it. Metas-
metal fume fever tasis may be due to the transfer of pathogenic
An acute condition, usually of short duration, microorganisms or to the transfer of cells, as
caused by the inhalation of finely divided occurs in malignant tumors. (4) The transfer
fumes of zinc, magnesium, copper, or their of malignant neoplastic cells from the original
oxides, and possible others produced during or parent site to a more distant one, with the
hot work (such as welding). Symptoms can resultant appearance of a neoplasm.
appear 4 to 12 hours after exposure and con- metastasize
sist of fever and chills. Most cases are the re- To be transferred, transmitted, or transformed
sult of inhalation of zinc oxide from the by metastasis. See also metastasis.
welding of galvanized steel. metatarsal bone
metal halide lamp One of the bones of the foot anterior to the
A high-intensity discharge lamp in which the tarsus.
primary light is produced from metal halide metencephalon
radiation and its dissociation products. (1) The part of the central nervous system
metalizing comprising the pons and cerebellum. (2) The
An industrial process involving the coating of anterior of two brain vesicles formed by spe-
parts with molten metal, usually aluminum, cialization of the rhombencephalon in the de-
by means of vacuum deposition. The process veloping embryo.
often presents occupational health hazards Meteorological Impact Statement
from metal fumes, dust, heat, and non- An unscheduled planning forecast describing
ionizing radiation. conditions expected to begin within 4 to 12
metallic hours which may impact the flow of air traffic
Possessing a brilliant luster, characteristic of in a specific Air Route Traffic Control Cen-
most metals. ter's (ARTCC) area.
metamer meteorology
A visual stimulus which is perceptually indis- The study of the atmosphere and atmospheric
tinguishable from another visual stimulus un- phenomenon as well as the atmosphere's in-

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teraction with the earth's surface, oceans, and methamphetamine
life in general. An adrenergic, central nervous system stimu-
meter (m) lant used in the treatment of narcolepsy,
An SI/MKS unit of length; a distance equal to chronic fatigue states, alcoholism, and depres-
1,650,763.73 wavelengths of the radiation sion. Since it depresses the appetite, it is also
emitted corresponding to the Krypton-86 used in the control of obesity. Its actions are
atom transition between levels 2p10 and 5d5 in similar to those of amphetamine and so it may
vacuum. produce insomnia, excitement, and elevation
of blood pressure. Prolonged use can lead to
meter-angle dependence.
The amount of eye convergence when the
visual axis of each eye is centered on an ob- methane
ject one meter distant from the cornea of each A colorless, nonpoisonous, flammable gas
eye. created by anaerobic decomposition of or-
ganic compounds.
meter fix/slot time
Aviation. A calculated time to depart the methanol
meter fix to cross the vertex at the Actual (1) A light, volatile alcohol (CH3OH) eligible
Calculated Landing Time (ACLT). This time for motor gasoline blending. (2) A colorless
reflects descent speed adjustment and any ap- poisonous liquid with essentially no odor and
plicable time that must be absorbed prior to very little taste. It is the simplest alcohol and
crossing the meter fix. boils at 64.7 degrees Celsius. In transporta-
tion, methanol is used as a vehicle fuel by it-
metered data self (M100), or blended with gasoline (M85).
End-use data obtained through the direct
measurement of the total energy consumed for methemoglobin
specific uses within the individual household. (1) An oxidized form of hemoglobin contain-
Individual appliances can be sub-metered by ing iron in the ferric state. (2) A compound
connecting the recording meters directly to formed with hemoglobin as a result of the
individual appliances. oxidation of iron present in hemoglobin, from
the ferrous to ferric state. This form of hemo-
metering globin does not combine with and transport
Aviation. A method of time regulating arrival oxygen to tissues.
traffic flow into a terminal area so as not to ex-
ceed a predetermined terminal acceptance rate. methemoglobinemia
A blood disease caused by the accumulation
metering airports of excessive methemoglobin in the blood,
Airports adapted for metering and for which usually due to toxic action of drugs or other
optimum flight paths are defined. A maxi- agents, or to the hemolytic process. In in-
mum of 16 airports may be adapted. fants, it may be caused by the ingestion of
metering fix water high in nitrates and may also be referred
Aviation. A fix along an established route to as blue baby syndrome since the excessive
from over which aircraft will be metered prior concentration of reduced hemoglobin in the
to entering terminal airspace. Normally, this blood causes the surface of the skin to appear
fix should be established at a distance from the as a tinted blue, especially the fingers, hands,
airport which will facilitate a profile descent feet, lips, and ears. See also cyanosis.
10,000 feet above airport elevation or above. method
meters, kilograms, and seconds (MKS) system A technique, orderly sequence of steps, or set
A metric system of measurement. See also of operations used to perform some given
basic units. task.
methadone method 18
A synthetic compound with pharmacological An EPA test method which uses gas chroma-
properties qualitatively similar to those of tographic techniques to measure the concen-
morphine. tration of individual volatile organic com-
pounds in a gas stream.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

method 24 method of rank order
An EPA reference method to determine den- An ordinal-level psychophysical methodology
sity, water content, and total volatile content in which stimuli are presented to a subject for
(water and VOC) of coatings. ranking along a specified dimension.
method 25 method of ratio estimation
An EPA reference method to determine the A psychophysical methodology in which a sub-
VOC concentration in gas stream. ject is instructed to adjust or rate a stimulus
method blank along some dimension such that it is a speci-
Used to calibrate the instrument chosen to test fied ratio of a reference stimulus.
a sample. methodology
method of adjustment The standard technique used to accomplish
A psychophysical methodology in which the different tasks.
subject actively varies some aspect of a methods design
stimulus until the variable stimulus appears The process of developing improved work
either to match or be just noticeably different methods to improve job performance.
from a fixed reference stimulus, as specified methods engineering
for the test. The analysis, design, and implementation of
method of constant stimuli improved work methods and systems where
A psychophysical methodology in which human effort is used.
stimuli are presented to the subject who is to methods of self-reporting
make judgements about how they differ from Reporting of suspected violations of the law
a standard stimulus, whether greater or lesser or corporate policy vary according to the size
along some dimension. of the organization. They may include direct
method of equal-appearing intervals communication with a supervisor, suggestion
A psychophysical methodology in which the boxes, toll-free numbers or hotlines. Such
subject adjusts a set of stimuli until the ele- systems allow reports to be made without fear
ments of the set appear equidistant from each of retribution and maximum confidentiality.
other along some dimension in an attempt to See also Self-Reporting System.
establish interval level data. methods study
method of limits A systematic examination of the techniques,
A psychophysical methodology in which factors, and resources involved in the compo-
some dimension of a stimulus is changed in nent parts of one or more operations. With
small increments in an ascending/descending the intent of improving techniques and pro-
manner until the subject either ceases re- ductivity, while reducing costs.
sponding or changes his/her response. Methods Time Measurement (MTM)
method of loci A predetermined motion time system (exists
A visualization type of mnemonic in which a in several versions).
sequence of locations is used to remember a methylate
sequence of events. A compound of methyl alcohol and a base.
method of magnitude estimation metric
A psychophysical methodology in which a Refers to the modernized metric system
subject assigns relative quantitative values to known as the International System.
stimuli based on their intensity compared to a
reference value. metric system
International decimal system of weights and
method of paired comparisons measures based on the meter and kilogram.
A psychophysical methodology in which all
possible pairs of stimuli are presented to a metric ton (MT)
subject for comparison along one or more di- (1) A unit of weight equal to 2,204.6 pounds.
mensions. (2) 1000 kilograms; equal to 2204.6 pounds
avoirdupois or 2679.23 pounds troy.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

metrocyte Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or out-
(1 ) A mother cell. (2) A larg e uninu clear side a MSA.
cell containin g hemog lo bin ; su ppo sed to be
th e mo ther cell of th e red corpuscles of the
See machine effective utilization index.
bl oo d.
Metropolitan Planning Area
Mega electron volts or million electron volts.
The geographic area in which the metropoli-
A unit of energy commonly used in nuclear
tan transportation planning process required
physics equivalent to 1.6 x 10-6 ergs. Ap-
by 23 U.S.C. 134 and section 8 of the Federal
proximately 200 MeV are produced for every
Transit Act (49 U.S.C. app. 1607) must be
nucleus that undergoes fission.
carried out.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
See million fibers per cubic foot. The former
Th e fo rum for co op erative tran spo rtation
method to express airborne asbestos fiber
decision makin g fo r a metrop olitan plann in g
area. Fo rmed in coop eration with the state,
develo ps transpo rtation plan s and prog rams mg
fo r th e metrop olitan area. Fo r each urb an- Milligram (0.001 gram (g) or 1000 micro-
ized area, a Metro politan Plan nin g Org an i- grams (L)].
zation (MPO) must be desig nated by agree-
ment between the Govern or an d local un its
of gov ern ment representing 75% of the af-
fected po pu latio n (in the metropo litan area), mg/kg
in clud ing the central cities or cities as de- Milligrams per kilogram.
fined by th e Bureau of the Cen sus, or in ac-
co rd an ce with procedu res estab lished by ap-
Milligram(s) per cubic meter.
plicab le State or local law (2 3 U.S.C.
13 4(b)(1) of the Federal Transit Act of 19 91, mgd
Sec. 8(b)(1 )). See million gallons per day.
metropolitan railway mGy
Another name for "heavy rail." Milligray(s).
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) mho
Areas defined by the U.S. Office of Manage- A unit of conductance equal to the reciprocal
ment and Budget. A Metropolitan Statistical of the ohm.
Area (MSA) is a) a county or a group of con- mHz
tiguous counties that contains at least one city See megahertz.
of 50,000 inhabitants or more; or b) an ur-
banized area of at least 50,000 inhabitants and MIC
a total MSA population of at least 100,000 See manufacturer identification code.
(75,000 in New England). The contiguous mica pneumoconiosis
counties are included in an MSA if, according A disease of the lung caused by excessive
to certain criteria, they are essentially metro- inhalation of mica dust usually over a period
politan in character and are socially and eco- of many years.
nomically integrated with the central city. In
New England, MSAs consist of towns and Michigan Anthropometric Processor (MAP)
cities rather than counties. See also central A software program developed by the Univer-
c i t y and standard metropolitan statistical sity of Michigan for analog-to-digital acquisi-
area. tion and real-time checking of anthropometric
metropolitan status
A building classification referring to the loca- micro-
tion of the building either located within a Prefix indicating one-millionth.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

microaerophilic microcurie
Refers to organisms that are aerobic but re- One-millionth of a curie.
quire reduced concentrations of oxygen (pres- microearthquake
sures lower than 0.2 atmosphere) and elevated A term used to describe earthquakes under
levels of carbon dioxide to grow. Richter magnitude 2, and occasionally, slight-
microbar ly larger quakes, especially those not felt by
A unit of pressure commonly used in acous- people nearby.
tics and equal to one dyne per square centi- microelement
meter. An element of work which occurs in an inter-
microbes val of time too short to allow it to be ade-
Microscopic organisms, such as algae, vi- quately observed with the unassisted capacity
ruses, rickettsia, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, of the human eye/perceptual system.
some of which cause disease in humans, microgravity
plants, and/or animals. Any environment in which objects of signifi-
microbial cant size and mass appear to remain sus-
See biological contaminants. pended indefinitely, usually due to hy-
microbial growth inhibition pogravitational conditions on the order of 10-6
Control of growth of microorganisms by vari- g. Commonly referred to as zero gravity.
ous methods (such as heat, dehydration, re- microgravity growth factor
frigeration, chemicals, etc.), that can also be That proportional increase in body height,
used to destroy them in some cases. primarily within the torso due to release from
microbial pesticide intervertebral disk compression, which an in-
A microorganism that is used to control a dividual experiences when exposed to micro-
pest. They are of low toxicity to man. gravity conditions. Generally about 3%.

microbiologicals Micro-Matic Methods and Measurement

See biological contaminants. A computerized predetermined motion time
The science concerned with the study of mi- micrometeorology
croscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms The meteorological characteristics of a local
(protistology). area that is usually small in size (e.g., acres or
several square miles) and is often limited to a
microbridge shallow layer of the atmosphere near the
A cargo movement in which the water carrier ground.
provides a through service between an inland
point and the port of load/discharge. micrometer (µm)
A unit of length equal to one-millionth of a
microburst meter.
A small downburst with outbursts of damag-
ing winds extending 2.5 miles or less. In spite micromicrocurie
of its small horizontal scale, an intense micro- One-trillionth of a curie.
burst could induce wind speeds as high as 150 micromicrogram
knots. One-millionth (10-6) microgram, or 10-12 gram.
microchronometer micromole
A large-faced electric clock with marked time One millionth of a mole.
units in decimal minutes with rapidly moving micromotion data
hands used for noting the time in micromotion See simultaneous motion chart.
micromotion study
microclimate The use of normal or high-speed photographic
The climate structure of the airspace near the or videographic frame rates for the frame-by-
surface of the earth. frame analysis of events or processes which

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occur too rapidly for adequate real-time ob- microwave dosimetry
servation by the eye. The study or measurement of the amount of
micron microwave energy to which a system is ex-
A one-millionth part of a meter (i.e., 10-6 me- posed.
ter or 10-4 centimeter). It is roughly four one- microwave hearing effect
hundred thousandth (4 x 10-5) of an inch. An auditory sensation apparent as a clicking
microorganism or buzzing sound in humans exposed to
Any microscopic of submicroscopic organ- pulsed microwave energy.
ism, especially any of the viruses, rickettsia, microwave landing system (MLS)
bacteria, or protozoa. (1) An instrument landing system operating in
microphone the microwave spectrum which provides lat-
An electroacoustic transducer that responds to eral and vertical guidance to aircraft having
sound waves and delivers essentially equiva- compatible avionics equipment. (2) A preci-
lent electric waves. A conduit for producing sion instrument approach system operating in
amplified sound. the microwave spectrum which normally con-
sists of the following components: a) azimuth
micropredator station, b) elevation station, c) precision dis-
An organism that derives elements for its ex- tance measuring equipment.
istence from other species of organisms larger
than itself, without destroying them. microwave nonthermal effects
The presumed non-heating effects from expo-
microreciprocal Kelvin (mirek) sure to low power microwave energy.
A unit of reciprocal color temperature equal
to 10-6/Tk. microwave oven
Oven which is designed to heat, cook, or dry
microscope food through the application of electromag-
An instrument used to obtain an enlarged im- netic energy, and which is designed to operate
age of small objects and reveal details of at a frequency of 916 megahertz (mHz) or
structure not otherwise distinguishable. 2.45 gigahertz (GHz).
microscopy microwave radiation
By use of a microscope; investigation by Electromagnetic radiation in the frequency
means of a microscope. range from 30 mHz to 300 GHz.
microsleep microwave thermal effects
A very brief sleep period, usually on the order An alteration in biological systems due to the
of a few seconds to minutes, in an individual heat produced by absorbed microwave en-
who is not permitted to go to sleep but is too ergy.
fatigued to remain awake.
microspectrophotometer The process of urine secretion.
A device for measuring the wavelength and
intensity of light absorbed as it passes through mid-
a transparent substance. Located at approximately the axial center of
some entity.
Nonionizing electromagnetic radiation that midaxillary line
has a wavelength of 3 meters to 3 millimeters An imaginary or marked vertical line passing
(a frequency of 30 mHz to 300 GHz), often through the antero-posterior center of the ax-
used in cooking, radar, communications, and illa and down the side of the trunk.
dosimetry. midaxillary line at umbilicus level skinfold
microwave cataract The thickness of a skinfold at the umbilicus
A partial or complete opacity of the eye lens level in the midaxillary line. Measured with
due to microwave radiation exposure. the individual standing comfortably erect and
arms hanging naturally at the sides.

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midaxillary plane midget impinger
A vertical plane extending through the centers A sampling device which can be used to col-
of the armpits which divides the body into lect dusts for concentration determinations by
anterior and posterior segments. the light field microscopic technique or to
midbrain collect materials (gases, mists, or vapors) by
The short part of the brain stem just above the absorption in a liquid absorbent material. The
pons. It contains the nerve pathways between sampling rate for dusts by this method is 0.1
the cerebral hemisphere and the medulla ob- cubic feet per minute and the result is ex-
longata, and also contains nuclei (relay sta- pressed as millions of particles per cubic foot
tions or centers) of the third and fourth cranial of air.
nerves. The center for visual reflexes, such as midgrade unleaded gasoline
moving the head and eyes, is located in the Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2)
midbrain. greater than or equal to 88, or less than or
midday period equal to 90, and containing not more than
The period between the end of the A.M. peak 0.05 grams of lead or 0.005 grams of phos-
and the beginning of the P.M. peak. phorus per gallon. See also fuel, gasohol,
gasoline, and kerosene.
middle bar
A bar in the middle of a river. midi
See musical instrument digital interface.
middle compass locator (MCL)
Aviation. A compass locator installed at the site midline
of the middle marker of an instrument landing An imaginary line or plane which divides a
system. structure into two approximately symmetrical
middle ear
That portion of the ear within the temporal midpatella
bone in which the auditory ossicles are lo- A point on the patella which is midway be-
cated, between the tympanic membrane and tween the superior and the inferior margins of
the oval and round windows. the patella.

middle latitude cyclone midpatella height

See extratropical cyclone. The vertical distance from the floor or other
reference surface to midpatella. Measured
middle marker (MM) with the individual standing erect, but with
Aviation. A marker beacon that defines a relaxed leg musculature, and his/her weight
point along the glideslope of an instrument evenly distributed between both feet.
landing system (ILS) normally located at or
near the point of decision height (ILS Cate- mid-rail
gory I). It is keyed to transmit alternate dots A rail approximately midway between a
and dashes, with the alternate dots and dashes guardrail and a platform, used when required,
keyed at the rate of 95 dot/dash combinations and secured to the uprights erected along the
per minute on a 1300 Hz tone, which is re- exposed sides and ends of platforms.
ceived aurally and visually by compatible air- midsagittal
borne equipment. See also compass locator, Pertaining to the midsagittal plane or a point
glideslope, instrument landing system, on it.
localizer, and outer marker. midsagittal plane
middle ultraviolet The imaginary plane which divides the body
That portion of the ultraviolet radiation spec- or other (approximately) symmetrical struc-
trum from about 200 to 300 nm. ture into right and left sections.
midget midshoulder
A normal dwarf. An individual who is under- A point half way between the neck-shoulder
sized but perfectly proportioned. junction and acromion.

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midshoulder height, sitting in the skin. Also called prickly heat or heat
The vertical distance from the seat upper sur- rash.
face to midshoulder. Measured with the indi- mile
vidual sitting erect, with the head and back A statute mile (5,280 feet). Most mileage
against a wall. computations are based on statute miles.
midthigh mile board
A position midway between the inguinal A 12 by 36 inch board mounted horizontally
crease and superior aspect of the patella along above a shore to aid in navigation and labeled
the midline of the leg as described in the thigh with the river mileage at that point.
length measure.
mile marker
MIG welding A point on a feature indicating the distance, in
Metal inert gas welding. miles, measured along the course or path of
migraine the feature from an established origin point on
A headache, usually severe, often limited to the feature.
one side of the head, and sometimes accom- mileage death rate
panied by nausea and vomiting. Although the See motor vehicle incidence rate.
cause is not completely understood, migraine
is thought to be associated with constriction miles in trail
and then dilation of the cerebral arteries. It is A specified distance between aircraft, nor-
also thought to have a psychological aspect, mally in the same stratum associated with the
since it occurs most often in persons with same destination or route of flight.
particular types of personalities and often miles of road operated
follows emotional disturbances. Migraine The single or first main track, measured by
tends to run in families. In women, the head- the distance between terminals, over which
aches often occur during menstrual periods. railway transportation service is conducted.
The symptoms of migraine vary greatly not
only from person to person but also from time miles of track
to time in the same person. The headaches The number of tracks per one mile segment of
are usually intense and they frequently occur right-of-way. Miles of track are measured
on one or the other side of the head. They are without regard to whether or not rail traffic
often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. can flow in only one direction on the track.
A typical migraine attack begins with changes All track is counted, including yard track.
in vision, such as a flickering before the eyes, miles of track operated
flashes of light, or a blacking out of part of Total track mileage consisting of first, second,
the sight. and other main tracks, and of yard tracks and
migration sidings over which railway transportation
In air sampling, the undesired transfer of an service is conducted. See also track mile.
absorbed material from the front section of a miles per gallon (MPG)
solid sorbent tube to the back-up section. A measure of vehicle fuel efficiency. Miles
mil per gallon (MPG) represents "fleet miles per
Unit of length equal to one-thousandth of an gallon." For each subgroup or "table cell,"
inch. Also, one-thousandth of a radian. MPG is computed as the ratio of the total
number of miles traveled by all vehicles in the
Milankovitch theory subgroup to the total number of gallons con-
A theory proposed by Milutin Milankovitch in sumed. MPGs are assigned to each vehicle
the 1930s suggesting that changes in the using the Environmental Protection Agency
earth's orbit were responsible for climatic (EPA) certification files and adjusted for on-
changes and the ice ages. road driving.
miliaria miles per gallon (MPG) shortfall
A cutaneous condition with retention of The difference between actual on-road miles
sweat, which is extravasated at different levels per gallon (MPG) and Environmental Protec-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tion Agency (EPA) laboratory test MPG. intermediate fix (IF) traffic and to identify for
Miles per gallon (MPG) shortfall is expressed visual flight rules (VFR) traffic where these
as gallons per mile ratio (GPMR). activities are conducted.
milieu Military Standard (MIL-STD)
Environment or surroundings. A mandatory standard issued by the U.S. De-
milinch partment of Defense for use by contractors or
One-thousandth of an inch. others in manufacturing items for DOD use.
See also Department of Defense Standard.
military approach controls
Aviation. Military approach control facilities in- military training route
clude Army Radar Approach Controls Aviation. Airspace of defined vertical and
(ARACs), Radar Air Traffic Control Facilities lateral dimensions established for the conduct
(RATCFs), and Radar Approach Controls of military flight training at airspeeds in ex-
(RAPCONs). cess of 250 knots IAS.

military authority assumes responsibility for milk run

aircraft separation Transit (slang). An easy trip.
A condition whereby the military services mill capital
involved assume responsibility for separation Cost for transportation and equipping a plant
between participating military aircraft in the for processing ore or other feed materials.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. It is used milli-
only for required instrument flight rules (IFR) Prefix indicating one-thousandth or 10-3 of the
operations which are specified in letters of basic unit.
agreement or other appropriate Force Module
(FM) or military documents. milliampere
One-thousandth of an ampere.
military base
An area owned and operated by the govern- millibar
ment in which various military activities take One-thousandth of the standard barometric
place. pressure, 1 E+2 newtons per square meter, or
9.87 E-4 bar.
military fuel
Kerosene-type jet fuel intended for military millicurie
use. One-thousandth of a curie.
military instrument flight rules (IFR) training millicurie-of-intensity-hour
route See sievert.
Routes used by the Department of Defense milliequivalent
and associated Reserve and Air Guard units One-thousandth of an equivalent weight of a
for the purpose of conducting low altitude substance.
navigation and tactical training in both in-
strument flight rules (IFR) and visual flight milligram
rules (VFR) weather conditions below 10,000 One-thousandth of a gram.
feet mean sea level (MSL) at airspeeds in ex- milligram-hour
cess of 250 knots indicated airspeed (IAS). A unit of radiation dose, equivalent to 1 milli-
military operations gram of radium for one hour.
(1) General. Refers to all classes of military milliliter
operations. (2) Aviation. Arrivals and de- One-thousandth of a liter.
partures of aircraft not classified as civil.
military operations area (MOA) One-thousandth of a meter.
Aviation. An airspace assignment of defined
millimeter of mercury (mm Hg)
vertical and lateral dimensions established
A unit of pressure equal to that exerted by a
outside positive control areas to sepa-
column of liquid mercury one millimeter high
rate/segregate certain military activities from
at standard temperature.

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millimicron mineral resources
Unit of length equal to one-thousandth of a All nonliving, natural, nonrenewable re-
micron. sources, including fossil fuels, minerals,
millimole whether metallic or nonmetallic, but not in-
One-thousandth of a mole. cluding ice, water, or snow.

million-gallons per day (mgd) mineral wood

A measure of water flow. A manmade mineral fiber material that is
made from various types of silicate rock.
millions of fibers per cubic foot of air (mfpcf) Also referred to as rock wool or slag wool,
Former unit of expressing the airborne con- depending upon the source.
centration of asbestos fibers in air.
miner's asthma
millions of particles per cubic foot of air Asthma associated with anthracosis.
Former unit for expressing the airborne con- miner's cramp
centration of dusts, such as coal dust. See heat cramps.

millirem miner's helmet

One-thousandth of a rem. See also rem. A safety helmet with an attached lamp.

milliroentgen mini-Gym
One-thousandth of a roentgen. See also See MK-1, II.
roentgen. mini landbridge
Minamata disease Transportation. An intermodal system for
A neurological disorder caused by alkyl mer- transporting containers first by ocean and then
cury poisoning, typically characterized by pe- by rail or motor to a port for additional trans-
ripheral and circumoral parasthesia, ataxia, port over water.
dysarthria, and loss of peripheral vision and mini service
leading to permanent neurological and mental Service station attendants pump vehicle fuel
disability or death. but do not provide other services, such as
Mine Safety and Health Administration checking oil and tire pressure or washing
(MSHA) windshields.
A United States federal agency which regu- miniature railway
lates matters pertaining to health and safety Small-scale railway used for amusement.
issues regarding mining operations and the minibridge
mineral industry. It carries out inspections, A joint water, rail, or truck container move on
investigations, enforces regulations, provides a single Bill of Lading for a through route
technical support, develops relevant training from a foreign port to a U.S. port destination
programs, and assesses penalties for viola- through an intermediate U.S. port or the re-
tions of regulations. verse. See also intermodal and landbridge.
mineral minimal passageway
A naturally occurring inorganic homogeneous That minimal height and width of a corridor
substance. There are 19 or more minerals which allows an individual clothed for speci-
forming the mineral composition of the hu- fied working conditions to pass without con-
man body, at least 13 are essential to health. flict with boundaries or other persons.
mineral-insulated (MI) metal-sheathed cable minimal perceptible erythema
Type MI metal-sheathed cable is a factory See erythemal threshold.
assembly of one or more conductors insulated
with a highly compressed refractory mineral minimal weight
insulation and enclosed in a liquid-tight and The least amount a person can weigh without
gas-tight continuous copper sheath. endangering lean body mass and essential fat

©2000 CRC Press LLC

minimum minimum detection limit
The lowest active, existing, or permissible The lowest concentration or weight of a sub-
value. stance which an instrument can reliably quan-
minimum altitude tify.
Minimum altitudes for instrument flight rules minimum dose
(IFR) operations as prescribed in Federal The smallest quantity of an agent which will
Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 91. These al- produce a physiological effect.
titudes are published on aeronautical charts and minimum en route instrument flight rules
prescribed in FAR Part 96 for airways and (IFR) altitude (MEA)
routes, and in FAR Part 97 for standard instru- The lowest published altitude between radio
ment approach procedures. If no applicable fixes which assures acceptable navigational
minimum altitude is prescribed in FAR Part 96 signal coverage and meets obstacle clearance
or FAR Part 97, the following minimum IFR requirements between those fixes. The mini-
altitude applies: a) in designated mountainous mum en route altitude (MEA) prescribed for a
areas, 2,000 feet above the highest obstacle federal airway, or segment thereof, area navi-
within a horizontal distance of 4 nautical miles gation low or high route, or other direct route
from the course to be flown; b) other than applies to the entire width of the airway, seg-
mountainous areas, 1,000 feet above the high- ment, or route between the radio fixes defin-
est obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 ing the airway, segment, or route.
nautical miles from the course to be flown; or
c) as otherwise authorized by the [Federal minimum erythemal dose
Aviation Administration (FAA)] Administrator (1) The amount of energy (usually ultra-
or assigned by Air Traffic Control (ATC). violet) expressed in microwatt-seconds per
square centimeter of skin to which skin can be
minimum angle of resolution safely exposed. (2) The smallest radiant ex-
See minimum resolution angle. posure (e.g., UV radiation) that produces a
minimum cost life barely perceptible reddening of the skin that
See economic life. disappears after 24 hours. Also referred to as
minimum crossing altitude minimal erythemal dose.
The lowest altitude at certain fixes at which minimum fuel
an aircraft must cross when proceeding in the Aviation. Indicates that an aircraft's fuel sup-
direction of a higher minimum en route in- ply has reached a state where, upon reaching
strument flight rules (IFR) altitude (MEA). the destination, it can accept little or no delay.
minimum descent altitude (MDA) This is not an emergency situation but merely
The lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean indicates an emergency situation is possible
sea level, to which descent is authorized on fi- should any undue delay occur. See also fuel
nal approach or during circle-to-land maneu- remaining.
vering in execution of a standard instrument minimum holding altitude
approach procedure where no electronic glide The lowest altitude prescribed for a holding
slope is provided. See also height above air- pattern which assures navigational signal cov-
port. erage, communications, and meets obstacle
minimum design duct velocity clearance requirements.
See transport velocity. minimum instrument flight rule (IFR) altitude
minimum detectable quantity (MIA)
In instrumentation, the amount of material Minimum altitudes for Instrument Flight
(e.g., micrograms) which gives a response Rules (IFR) operations as prescribed in Fed-
equal to twice the detector noise level. eral Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 91.

minimum detectable sensitivity minimum lethal dose (MLD)

In instrumentation, the smallest amount of The smallest dose which kills one of a group
input concentration that can be detected as the of test animals (an older term no longer used).
concentration approaches zero.

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minimum/minimal separable acuity surance that the stock size is equal to or
See minimum resolution angle. greater than the estimate.
minimum navigation performance specifica- minimum resolution angle
tions (MNPS) The smallest angular or linear separation at
A set of standards which requires aircraft to which an individual can resolve two visual
have a minimum navigation performance ca- objects as separate under a specified set of
pability in order to operate in MNPS- conditions. Also referred to as angle of reso-
designated airspace. In addition, aircraft must lution, minimum angle of resolution, resolu-
be certified by their State of Registry for tion angle, and minimum/minimal separable
MNPS operation. acuity.
minimum navigation performance specifica- minimum safe altitude (MSA)
tions airspace (MNPSA) Aviation. (1) The minimum altitude specified
Designated airspace in which minimum navi- in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 91
gation performance specifications (MNPS) for various aircraft operations. (2) Altitudes
procedures are applied between MNPS certi- depicted on approach charts which provide at
fied and equipped aircraft. Under certain con- least 1,000 feet of obstacle clearance for
ditions, non-MNPS aircraft can operate in emergency use within a specified distance
Minimum Performance Specifications Air- from the navigation facility upon which a pro-
space (MNPSA). However, standard oceanic cedure is predicated. These altitudes will be
separation minima are provided between the identified as Minimum Sector Altitudes or
non-MNPS aircraft and other traffic. Cur- Emergency Safe Altitudes and are established
rently, the only designated MNPSA is de- as follows: a) Minimum Sector Altitudes.
scribed as follows: a) between Flight Levels Altitudes depicted on approach charts which
275 and 400; b) between latitudes 27-N. and provide at least 1,000 feet of obstacle clear-
the North Pole; c) in the east, the eastern ance within a 25-mile radius of the navigation
boundaries of the Control Areas (CTA) Santa facility upon which the procedure is predi-
Maria Oceanic, Shanwick Oceanic, and cated. Sectors depicted on approach charts
Reykjavik; d) in the west, the western must be at least 90 degrees in scope. These
boundaries of CTA's Reykjavik and Gander altitudes are for emergency use only and do
Oceanic and New York Oceanic excluding the not necessarily assure acceptable navigational
area west of 60-W and south of 38-30'N. signal coverage; b) Emergency Safe Altitudes.
minimum obstruction clearance altitude Altitudes depicted on approach charts which
The lowest published altitude in effect be- provide at least 1,000 feet of obstacle clear-
tween radio fixes on very high frequency ance in non-mountainous areas and 2,000 feet
(VHF) omnidirectional range (VOR) airways, of obstacle clearance in designated mountain-
off-airway routes or route segments which ous areas within a 100-mile radius of the
meets obstacle clearance requirements for the navigation facility upon which the procedure
entire route segment and which assures ac- is predicated and normally used only in mili-
ceptable navigational signal coverage only tary procedures. These altitudes are identified
within 25 statute (22 nautical) miles of a on published procedures as "Emergency Safe
VOR. Altitudes."

minimum pool elevation minimum safe altitude warning (MSAW)

Maritime. The least depth to which a pool is A function of the Automated Radar Terminal
permitted to go and still maintain project System (ARTS) III computer that aids the
channel depth. controller by alerting him when a tracked
Mode C equipped aircraft is below or is pre-
minimum population estimate dicted by the computer to go below a prede-
An estimate of the number of animals in a termined minimum safe altitude.
stock that is based on the best available scien-
tific information on abundance, incorporating minimum sector altitude
the precision and variability associated with The lowest altitude which may be used under
such information and provides reasonable as- emergency conditions which will provide a
minimum clearance of 300 m (1,000 feet)

©2000 CRC Press LLC

above all obstacles located in an area con- minometer
tained within a sector of a circle of 46 km (25 An instrument for measuring stray radiation
nautical miles) radius centered on a radio aid from radioactive sources.
to navigation. minor
minimum transport velocity An individual less than 18 years of age.
The minimum velocity necessary to transport minor arterial
particulates through a ventilation system Transit. Streets and highways linking cities
without their settling out. See also transport and larger towns in rural areas in distributing
velocity. trips to small geographic areas in urban areas
minimum vectoring altitude (MVA) (not penetrating identifiable neighborhoods).
The lowest mean sea level (MSL) altitude at See also arterial highway and principal arte-
which an instrument flight rule (IFR) aircraft rial.
will be vectored by a radar controller, except minor axis
as otherwise authorized for radar approaches, The shorter axis defining an ellipse.
departures, and missed approaches.
minor defect
minimum wage A defect which may affect appearance,
The minimum hourly rate of compensation for slightly reduce functionality, or other charac-
labor, as established by federal statute and re- teristics, but which causes no serious mal-
quired of employers engaged in businesses function.
which affect interstate commerce.
minor injury
minimums An occupational or other injury in which no
Aviation. Term used to describe the weather significant amount of time from work is lost
condition requirements established for a par- and no major medical costs are incurred.
ticular operation or type of operation, e.g., in-
strument flight rules (IFR) takeoff or landing, Minor's sweat test
alternate airport for IFR flight plans, visual An examination to measure possible damage
flight rules (VFR) flights, etc. to the sympathetic nervous system by deter-
mining which dermatomes of the body do not
mining perspire.
The process or business of extracting from the
earth the precious or valuable metals, either in minute respiratory volume
their native state or in their ores. The total volume of air moved into and out of
the respiratory system per minute.
mining danger area
An area identified as a danger to maritime minutes in trail
navigation due to unexploded ordinances. Aviation. A specified interval between air-
craft expressed in time. This method would
mining waste more likely be utilized regardless of altitude.
Residues which result from the extraction of
raw materials from the earth. miosis
Contraction of the pupil of the eye.
A type of small van that first appeared with mirage
that designation in 1984. Any of the smaller A refraction phenomenon that makes an ob-
vans built on an automobile-type frame. Ear- ject appear to be displaced from its true posi-
lier models such as the Volkswagen van are tion. When an object appears higher than it
now included in this category. See also actually is, it is called a superior mirage.
automobile, bus, car, and motor vehicle. When an object appears lower than it actually
is, it is an inferior mirage.
Transit (slang). Less than 100 pound ship- mirek
ment. See microreciprocal Kelvin.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mirror ment; or (8) in the case of a pesticide not
(1) A highly specularly reflecting surface. (2) registered in accordance with Title 7 and in-
To create a mirror image in computer model- tended for export, the label does not contain,
ing or graphics. in words prominently placed thereon with
mirror image such conspicuousness (as compared with
A structure which would correspond at least other words, statements, designs, or graphic
in part to the reflection of another part of an matter in the labeling) as to render it likely to
original object about some plane. be noted by the ordinary individual under
customary conditions of purchase and use, the
mirror stereoscope following: “Not Registered for Use in the
A laboratory device used to present separate United States of America”.
images of a scene to each of the eyes by a A pesticide is also misbranded if the label
system of mirrors. Also referred to as Wheat- does not bear an ingredient statement on that
stone stereoscope. part of the immediate container (and on the
misbehavior outside container or wrapper of the retail
Ill conduct; improper or unlawful behavior. package, if there is one, through which the
ingredient statement on the immediate con-
misbranded tainer cannot be clearly read) which is
According to the Federal Insecticide, Fung- presented or displayed under customary con-
icide, and Rodenticide Act: A pesticide is ditions or purchase, except that a pesticide is
misbranded if (1) its labeling bears any not misbranded under this subparagraph if (1)
statement, design, graphic representation rela- the size or form of the immediate container,
tive thereto or to its ingredients which is false or the outside container or wrapper of the
or misleading in any particular; (2) it is retail package, makes it impracticable to place
contained in a package or other container or the ingredient statement on the part which is
wrapping which does not conform to the presented or displayed under customary
standards established by the Administrator of conditions of purchase; and (2) the ingredient
the EPA pursuant to Title 7 Agriculture (En- statement appears prominently on another part
vironmental Pesticide Control); (3) it is an of the immediate container, or outside con-
imitation of, or is offered for sale under the tainer or wrapper, permitted by the EPA
name of, another pesticide; (4) its label does Administrator.
not bear the registration number assigned A pesticide is also misbranded if the
under Title 7 to each establishment in which it labeling does not contain a statement of the
was produced; (5) any word, statement, or use classification under which the product is
other information required by or under au- registered.
thority of Title 7 to appear on the label or A pesticide is also misbranded if there is
labeling is not prominently placed thereon not affixed to its container, and to the outside
with such conspicuousness (as compared with container or wrapper of the retail package, if
other words, statements, designs, or graphic there is one, through which the required in-
matter in the labeling) and in such terms as to formation on the immediate container cannot
render it likely to be read and understood by be clearly read, a label bearing (1) the name
the ordinary individual under customary and address of the producer, registrant, or
conditions of purchase and use; (6) the person for whom produced; (2) the name,
labeling accompanying it does not contain brand, or trademark under which the pesticide
directions for use which are necessary for is sold; (3) the net weight or measure of the
effecting the purpose for which the product is content, except that the EPA Administrator
intended and if complied with, together with may permit reasonable variations; and (4)
any requirements imposed under Title 7, are when required by regulation of the EPA
adequate to protect health and the environ- Administrator to effectuate the purposes of
ment; (7) the label does not contain a warning Title 7, the registration number assigned to
or caution statement which may be necessary the pesticide under Title 7 and the use
and if complied with, together with any classification.
requirements imposed under Title 7, is
adequate to protect health and the environ-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

The pesticide is also misbranded if it approach prior to the missed approach point
contains any substance or substances in (MAP) must continue along the final ap-
quantities highly toxic to man, unless the label proach to the MAP. The pilot may climb im-
shall bear, in addition to any other matter mediately to the altitude specified in the
required by Title 7 (1) the skull and cross- missed approach procedure. (2) A term used
bones; (2) the word “poison” prominently in by the pilot to inform Air Traffic Control
red on a background of distinctly contrasting (ATC) that he is executing the missed ap-
color; (3) and a statement of a practical proach. (3) At locations where ATC radar
treatment (first aid or otherwise) in case of service is provided, the pilot should conform
poisoning by the pesticide. to radar vectors when provided by ATC in
miscellaneous transport revenue lieu of the published missed approach proce-
Aviation. Other revenues associated with air dure. See also go around.
transportation performed by air carriers, such as missed approach point
transportation fees collected from those Aviation. A point prescribed in each instru-
traveling on free or reduced transportation and ment approach procedure at which a missed
processing service charges such as lost approach procedure shall be executed if the
tickets. required visual reference does not exist.
miscible missed approach procedure
Capable of being mixed in any concentration Aviation. The procedure to be followed if the
without separation of phrases. approach cannot be continued.
misconduct missed executed approach
A transgression of some established and Aviation. Instructions issued to a pilot mak-
definite rule of action; a forbidden act; a ing an instrument approach which means
dereliction from duty; unlawful behavior; continue inbound to the missed approach
willful in character; improper or wrong behav- point and execute the missed approach proce-
ior; delinquency; impropriety; mismanage- dure as described on the Instrument Approach
ment; offense; but not negligence or care- Procedure Chart or as previously assigned by
lessness. Air Traffic Control (ATC). The pilot may
misdemeanor climb immediately to the altitude specified in
Offenses lower than felonies and generally the missed approach procedure upon making a
those punishable by fine, penalty, forfeiture, missed approach. No turns should be initiated
or imprisonment. prior to reaching the missed approach point.
When conducting an airport surveillance radar
misfeasance (ASR) or precision approach radar (PAR) ap-
The improper performance of some act which proach, execute the assigned missed approach
a person may lawfully do. procedure immediately upon receiving in-
mishap structions to "execute missed approach."
An occurrence that results in some degree of missile
injury, property damage, or both. Sometimes applied to space launch vehicles,
misrepresentation but more properly connotes automated weap-
Any manifestation by words or other conduct ons of warfare, i.e., a weapon which has an
by one person to another that, under the cir- integral system of guidance, as opposed to the
cumstances, amounts to an assertion not in unguided rocket.
accordance with the facts. An untrue state- mission
ment of fact. That designated activity at a particular loca-
missed approach tion which a system is intended to accom-
Aviation. (1) A maneuver conducted by a pilot plish.
when an instrument approach cannot be com- mission reliability
pleted to a landing. The route of flight and The probability that a given product or system
altitude are shown on instrument approach will complete a specified mission.
procedure charts. A pilot executing a missed

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Mississippi River System penalties may be reduced if an organization a)
Includes the Mississippi River from the head has an effective compliance program to pre-
of navigation to its mouth, and navigable vent and detect criminal conduct, and b) is
tributaries including the Illinois Waterway, willing to self-report violations and is coop-
Missouri River, Ohio River, Tennessee River, erative and accepting of responsibility for any
Allegheny River, Cumberland River, Green violations. See also Federal Sentencing
River, Kanawha River, Monongahela River, Guidelines.
and such others to which barge operations mitigation
extend. Measures taken to reduce adverse impacts on
mist the environment, the workplace, or both.
Liquid particles, measuring 40 to 50 microns, mitigation of damages
that are generated by condensation from the Although the law of damages contemplates
gaseous state to the liquid state, or by the full and just compensation for negligently in-
break up of a liquid into a dispersed state flicting injuries, the law also prescribes, as a
(splashing, foaming, or atomizing). In con- reciprocal principle, that a tort feasor should
trast, fog particles are smaller than 40 mi- not sustain liability for those damages not at-
crons. tributable to the injury producing event. Con-
mistake sequently, a plaintiff may not recover dam-
Some unintentional act, omission, or error ages for the effects of an injury which rea-
arising from ignorance, surprise, imposition, sonably could have been avoided or substan-
or misplaced confidence. A state of mind not tially ameliorated. This limitation on recov-
in accord with reality. ery is generally referred to as mitigation of
mistrial damages or avoidance of consequences. Mit-
An erroneous, invalid, or nugatory trial. A igation of damages or avoidance of conse-
trial of an action which cannot stand in law quences arises only after the injury-producing
because of want of jurisdiction, or a wrong event has occurred.
drawing of jurors, or disregard of some other mitosis
fundamental that expenditure of further time Nuclear cell division in which the resulting
and expense would be wasteful if not futile. It nuclei have the same number and kind of
is a trial which has been terminated prior to its chromosomes as the original cell. The first
normal conclusion. The judge may declare a step in mitosis is duplication of all genes and
mistrial because of some extraordinary event chromosomes. To accomplish this, the cell
(e.g., death of a juror or attorney), for prejudi- must double its content of DNA. Chromo-
cial error that cannot be corrected at trial, or somes are composed of the DNA molecule
because of a deadlocked jury. loosely bound with protein; genes are seg-
miter gates ments of the DNA molecule. Since the DNA
Maritime Navigation. Vertical gates which molecule has the ability to duplicate itself
form the openings of navigation locks; these (replication), it is possible for the cell to form
gates consist of two swinging leaves and close two identical sets of chromosomes and genes.
at the center. After they are duplicated, they divide between
the two separate nuclei that have formed. The
miter sill final step in mitosis is the splitting of the par-
Maritime Navigation. The underwater con- ent cell into two identical daughter cells, each
crete sill across the openings in the upper and with a full complement of genes and chromo-
lower lock chamber that the movable lock somes. Most cells of the body are continually
gates close on. The depth over these cells ex- growing and reproducing, so that when the
ceeds project depth and is registered on the old cells die the new ones take their place.
several gauges within the lock chamber. Thus, mitosis is a continuous process. It is
mitigating factors obvious that this reproduction must take place
Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in an orderly manner, but the exact way in
(FSGs): A reduction in the amount of dam- which cell growth and reproduction are regu-
ages or penalties. According to the FSGs, lated is not completely understood. Although

©2000 CRC Press LLC

certain cells such as blood-forming cells of permitted for mixing of the discharge with the
the skin grow and reproduce continually, receiving water.
other cells such as neurons (nerve cells) do mixture
not reproduce during a person's lifetime. (1) General. A heterogeneous association of
Neoplastic disorders such as cancer are a re- substances which cannot be represented by a
sult of the abnormal and unrestricted growth chemical formula. (2) Federal Toxic Sub-
and reproduction of certain body cells. stances Control Act (TSCA). Any combin-
mitten ation of two or more chemical substances if
A type of fitted hand wear for covering the the combination does not occur in nature and
hand which has a slot for the thumb, but does is not, in whole or in part, the result of a
contain separate finger slots. chemical reaction. Such term does include
mixed cargo any combination which occurs, in whole or in
Indicates that a vessel carries any combination part, as a result of a chemical reaction if none
of grains, government aid, containers, general of the chemical substances comprising the
or bulk cargoes. combination is a new chemical substance and
if the combination could have been manu-
mixed cloud factured for commercial purposes without a
A cloud containing both water drops and ice chemical reaction at the time the chemical
crystals. substances comprising the combination were
mixed liquor combined.
A mixture of activated sludge and water con- mixture rule
taining organic matter undergoing activated Used to determine the hazardous nature of a
sludge treatment in an aeration tank. waste product. Although the EPA has spe-
mixed radioactive and other hazardous sub- cifically excluded numerous chemical mix-
stances tures from this rule, it is still generally true
Material containing both radioactive hazard- that any mixture of a listed hazardous waste
ous substances and non-radioactive hazardous with another non-hazardous waste will render
substances, regardless of whether these types the entire volume of the waste product haz-
of substances are physically separated, com- ardous and subjected to regulation.
bined chemically, or simply mixed together. MK-I, II
mixed trains A small commercial exercise device flown in
Mixed trains are passenger-carrying trains earth orbit on Skylab for exercising arm and
consisting of both passenger and freight cars. back muscles. Also called mini-Gym.
Freight cars, such as baggage cars, that are MKS System
equipped with passenger-type braking and See meters, kilograms and seconds system.
suspension systems, are considered to be pas- See also basic units.
senger cars when utilized in passenger serv-
ice. mL
Milliliter (0.001 liter or 1000 microliters (L).
mixed waste
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: ML
Waste that contains both hazardous waste and See local magnitude.
source, special nuclear, or byproduct material MLD
subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. See minimum lethal dose.
mixing depth MLS
The unstable atmospheric layer that extends See microwave landing system.
from the surface up to the base of an inver- mm
sion. Millimeter(s).
mixing zone mm2
A term used to represent the volume of re- Square millimeters.
ceiving water (e.g., river, stream) which is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mm3 move about from one location to another
Cubic millimeters. through relatively independent means.
mm Hg mobile home
See millimeter of mercury. A housing unit built on a movable chassis and
MM moved to the site. It may be placed on a per-
See middle marker. manent or temporary foundation and may
contain one room or more. If rooms are
MMA welding added to the structure, it is considered a sin-
Manual metal arc welding. gle-family housing unit. A manufactured
mmad house assembled on site is a single-family
See mass median aerodynamic diameter. housing unit, not a mobile home.
mmcf mobile home park
Million cubic feet. An area maintained for the parking of inhab-
ited mobile homes.
See manual materials handling. mobile source
A moving producer of air pollution, mainly
MMMF forms of transportation such as cars, trucks,
See manmade mineral fibers. motorcycles, airplanes, etc.
mmol mobile x-ray
Millimole. X-ray equipment mounted on a permanent
MMPA base with wheels and/or casters for moving
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. while completely assembled.
MMVF mobility aid
See manmade vitreous fiber. Any physical device which enhances one's
mobility, especially with regard to the handi-
See multimedia extension.
mobility analysis
M'Naghten rule
A determination of which employees have the
Rule of law that states: "To establish a de-
skills, training, experience, or other capability
fense on the ground of insanity, it must be
to move to other jobs if it becomes necessary.
clearly proved that at the time of committing
the act the party accused was laboring under mockup
such a defect of reason from disease of the A full-scale, representative physical layout of
mind as not to know the nature or quality of a workstation, equipment, or situation used
the act he was doing, or, if he did know it, that for training or as a design tool.
he did not know he was doing what was modal
wrong." See mode.
mnemonic modal share
Any formal technique for aiding in memory The percentage of total freight moved by a
storage or recall. particular type of transportation.
MNPS modal split
See minimum navigation performance speci- (1) The proportion of total person trips that
fications. uses each of various specified modes of trans-
MOA portation. (2) The process of separating total
Memorandum of agreement. See memoran- person trips into the modes of travel used. (3)
dum of understanding. See also military op- A term that describes how many people use
erations area. alternative forms of transportation. It is fre-
quently used to describe the percentage of
people who use private automobiles, as op-
Having the freedom or ability to physically

©2000 CRC Press LLC

posed to the percentage who user public which interrelationships can be identified,
transportation. analyzed, synthesized, and altered without
modal time disturbing real world processes.
That element time which occurs with the Model Accreditation Plan (MAP)
highest frequency during a time study. Related to the accreditation of persons who
modality inspect for the presence of asbestos, develop
Any sense, such as vision or hearing. asbestos management programs, etc. under
AHERA and ASHARA as they relate to pub-
mode lic buildings.
(1) Statistical Analysis. The most common or
most frequent value that appears during model bow
evaluation or observation of a sample popula- Maritime. A shaped, pointed bow.
tion of values. (2) Transportation. Any of model plant
the following transportation methods: rail, A description of a typical but theoretical plant
highway, air, or water. Also, transportation used for developing economic, environmental
planners, analysts, and decision makers refer impact, and energy impact analyses as support
to the means of transportation as a mode. (3) for regulations or regulatory guidelines. It is
Transit. Service operated in a particular for- an imaginary plant, with features of existing
mat. There are two types: fixed-route and or future plants used to estimate the first step
non-fixed route. (4) Aviation. The letter or in exploring the economic impact of a poten-
number assigned to a specific pulse spacing of tial NSPS.
radio signals transmitted or received by Model Rules of Professional Conduct
ground interrogator or airborne transponder Rules that were adopted by the American Bar
components of the Air Traffic Control Radar Association in 1983, with technical amend-
Beacon System (ATCRBS) Mode A (military ments adopted in 1987, which provide com-
Mode 3) and Mode C (altitude reporting) are prehensive treatment of professional conduct
used in air traffic control. in the form of rules as to what an attorney
mode C intruder alert may and may not do in dealing with the court,
Aviation. A function of certain air traffic opposing counsel, his/her client, and third
control automated systems designed to alert persons. These Rules, which replace the for-
radar controllers to existing or pending situa- mer American Bar Association (ABA) Code
tions between a tracked target (known instru- of Professional Responsibility, have been
ment flight rules (IFR) or visual flight rules adopted by many states (usually by the state
(VFR) aircraft) and an untracked target (un- supreme court) to govern the conduct of attor-
known IFR or VFR aircraft) that require im- neys admitted to practice in the state.
mediate attention/action. See also conflict model year
alert. The year in which the particular style or de-
mode S sign of vehicle was introduced or manufac-
Aviation. A secondary surveillance radar and tured.
communication system in which each aircraft modeling
is assigned a unique address code. Using this An investigative technique using a mathe-
unique code, interrogations and other mes- matical or physical representation of a system
sages can be directed to a particular aircraft, or theory that accounts for all or some of its
and replies can be unambiguously identified. known properties. Models are often used to
model test the effect of changes of system compo-
A mathematical representation of real phe- nents on the overall performance of the sys-
nomena. It serves as a pattern from which tem.
interrelationships can be identified, analyzed, modem
altered, or synthesized without distributing the Modulator/demodulator. A device employed
real world situation. A mathematical and/or to transform signals for transmission of in-
physical representation of real world phenom- formation and data by telephone lines. A
ena which serves as a plan or pattern from

©2000 CRC Press LLC

communication device that allows informa- modular workstation
tion to be exchanged between computers via A workstation which may be assembled from
telephone lines. modular components in a variety of different
moderate work configurations. See also cluster workstations.
That level of work activity which has a gross modulation
metabolic cost of 180–280 calories per square The variation in value of some parameter
meter of skin surface per hour. characterizing a periodic oscillation.
moderator module
(1) General. In arbitration, or during formal A standard unit which may serve as a building
proceedings of any nature, an unbiased person block for larger structures.
responsible for ensuring the proceedings ad- modulus
here to a pre-established schedule or agenda. The numerical value assigned to a standard
(2) Nuclear. A material, such as beryllium, stimulus, against which other stimuli are
graphite (carbon), or water, which is capable judged and assigned relative values.
of reducing the speed of neutrons, thereby in-
creasing the likelihood for them to produce modus operandi
fission in the nuclear reactor. Method of operating or doing things (M.O.).
The term used by the police and criminal in-
modification vestigators to describe the particular method
According to the Federal Clean Air Act: Any of a criminal's activity. It refers to the pattern
physical change in, or change in the method of criminal behavior so distinct that separate
of operation of, a stationary source which in- crimes or wrongful conduct are recognized as
creases the amount of any air pollutant emit- the work of the same person.
ted by such source or which results in the
emission of any air pollutant not previously moist adiabatic rate
emitted. Any change in, or change in the The rate of change of temperature in a rising
method of operation of, a major source which or descending saturated air parcel. The rate of
increases the actual emissions of any hazard- cooling or warming varies but a common
ous air pollutant emitted by such source by value of 6°C per 100 meters (3.3°F per 1000
more than a de minimis amount or which re- feet) is used.
sults in the emission of any hazardous air moisture vapor transmission rate
pollutant not previously emitted by more than The mass of water vapor passing through a
a de minimis amount. specified area of one or more fabrics per unit
modified Cooper-Harper Scale time.
See Cooper-Harper Scale, modified. Mojave Block
Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale The tectonic region located between the Gar-
An earthquake intensity scale adopted in 1931 lock fault and the San Andreas fault, and ex-
that divides the effects of an earthquake into tending eastward roughly to the California-
twelve categories, from I (not felt by people) Arizona (and California-Nevada) border.
to XII (damage total). mol
Modified Rhyme Test Molecular weight expressed in grams.
A multiple choice test in which an individual molal
is to select the word he/she believes he/she A solution containing one mole of solute per
heard spoken from a selection of rhyming al- liter of solution.
molar volume
modular The volume occupied by a gram mole of a
See module. substance in its gaseous state. This is equal to
modular design 22.414 liters at standard conditions (tempera-
Consisting of modules. ture of 0°C and 760 mm Hg pressure) and to
24.465 liters at normal temperature and pres-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sure (25°C and 760 mm Hg) in industrial hy- moment concept
giene work. The idea that lifting stress is also a function of
mold the bending moments at the spine, not just of
See fungus. the weight lifted.

mole moment magnitude (MW)

The basic measure of the amount of any sub- The seismic moment of an earthquake, con-
stance. The mole has been defined to be the verted to a magnitude scale that roughly par-
precise number of elementary entities, as there allels the original Richter magnitude scale.
are atoms in exactly 0.012 kilograms (12.0 However, since it is not based on the same
grams) of 6C12 . When the mole is used, the measurement as Richter (local or surface-
specific elementary entities must be specified; wave) magnitudes, the different magnitudes
however, they may be atoms, molecules, ions, do not always agree, particularly for very
electrons, protons, neutrons, other particles, or large quakes. Because it relates directly to the
any specified groupings of such particles. In energy released by an earthquake, it has be-
general, one mole of any substance will con- come the standard in modern seismology. See
tain Avogadro's Number, NA, of atoms, mole- also local magnitude, surface-wave magni-
cules, or particles of some sort. Avogadro's tude, seismic moment, and Richter scale.
Number is 6.022 x 1023. See also gram-mole moment of force
or gram molecular weight. See torque.
mole percent moment of inertia
The ratio of the number of moles of one sub- The tendency of an object to retain its current
stance to the total number of moles in a mix- rotational motion about an axis.
ture of substances, multiplied by 100.
I = ∑miri2 = ∫ r2dm
molecular viscosity
The small-scale internal fluid friction that is where:
due to the random motion of the molecules m = mass element
within a smooth-flowing fluid, such as air. r = distance from the axis of rotation
molecular weight momentary hold
The relative weight of a molecule of any sub- The maintenance of some position for a brief
stance as compared to the weight of an atom period of time (may be planned or un-
of carbon-12 (12.00000). planned).
molecule momentum
Ultimate unit of quantity of a chemical com- The product of the mass of a body and its ve-
pound that can exist by itself and retain all the locity, expressed in units of g-cm/s.
properties of the original substance. monaural
moment Indicating sound reception by only one ear.
(1) A statistic measure, represented by the Monday morning heart attack
sum of the deviations from the mean, raised to Term used to describe heart attacks observed
some power, and divided by the number of among dynamite workers. The effect is be-
terms used in accumulating the sum. (2) The lieved to be the result of the vasodilatory ef-
tendency of a force to generate rotation in a fect of ethylene glycol dinitrate and nitrogly-
body or torsion about an origin. cerine which are used in dynamite manufac-
moment arm ture.
That component of the vector representing the monel
distance from a point of rotation which is per- Term for a large group of corrosion-resistant
pendicular to the line of action of a force cre- alloys of predominantly nickel and copper
ating a torque. with very small percentages of carbon, man-
ganese, sulfur, and silicon. Some may contain
aluminum, titanium, and cobalt.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

groundwater samples for the purpose of
Monge's disease physical, chemical, or biological analysis to
See altitude sickness. determine the amounts, types, and distribution
of contaminants in the groundwater beneath
mongolism the site.
A congenital condition involving some degree
of mental retardation and various physical monkey line
malformations. The name is based on char- Maritime (slang). Small hand line used by a
acteristic facial traits resembling somewhat lockman to throw down or bring up the lock-
those of persons of the Mongolian race. The line.
term mongolism is now considered to be in- mono
accurate and undesirable and has been re- Prefix denoting one, or single.
placed by the term Down's syndrome, or tri- monochromasia
somy 21. The latter name refers to the pres- Total color blindness, in which all the red,
ence of three twenty-first chromosomes, green, and blue cones are missing or non-
found in those with Down's syndrome, instead functional. The individual sees only shades of
of the usual pair. See also Down's syndrome. gray, lightness. Also known as monochro-
monitor masy.
(1) General. To observe, listen to keep track, monochromat
or exercise surveillance of ongoing progress, An individual having monochromasia.
events, or situations by any appropriate
means. (2) Computing. A peripheral device monochromatic
that allows the user of a CPU to directly view Having only one color, or producing light of
information and processing data. (3) Avia- only one wavelength.
tion. When used with communication trans- monochromatic radiation
fer, "monitor" means to listen on a specific Electromagnetic radiation of a single wave
frequency and stand by for instructions. Un- length, or in which all the photons have the
der normal circumstances, communications same energy (e.g., lasers).
are not to be established.
monitor circuit Pertaining to a screen display or hardcopy
A circuit used to verify the status of a system, having a single color image against a back-
such as an inhibit directly; control circuits can ground.
be monitored but they cannot serve as a
monoclonal antibodies
monitor circuit.
Molecules of living organisms that selectively
monitoring find and attach to other molecules to which
(1) General. Periodic or continuous surveil- their structure conforms exactly. This could
lance or testing to determine the level of com- also apply to equivalent activity by chemical
pliance with statutory requirements and/or molecules.
pollutant levels in various media or in hu- monocular
mans, animals, and other living things. (2) Pertaining to only one eye, or vision using
Health Physics. Periodic or continuous deter- one eye.
mination of the amount of ionizing radiation
or radioactive contamination present in an oc- monocular visual field
cupied space. That part of the visual environment which can
be seen by a single eye at any given instant
monitoring strategy with the head and eye stationary. See also
The plan for implementing and carrying out a binocular visual field.
monitoring campaign to determine worker ex-
posure to a contaminant, physical agent, etc. monodisperse aerosol
A uniform aerosol with a standard deviation
monitoring wells of 1.0. That is, the aerosol is all of one size.
Wells drilled at a hazardous waste manage-
ment facility or Superfund site to collect

©2000 CRC Press LLC

monoenergetic radiation
Particulate radiation of a given type (alpha, such that each point for either function
beta, neutrons, etc.) in which all particles have uniquely defines one point for the other.
the same energy.
A compound of relatively low molecular
weight which, under certain conditions, either monotonic-decreasing
alone or with another monomer, forms vari- Pertaining to a function in which the depend-
ous types and lengths of molecular chains ent variable continuously decreases in mag-
called polymers or copolymers of high mo- nitude with an increase in the independent
lecular weight. For example, styrene is a variable.
monomer that polymerizes readily to form monotonic-increasing
polystyrene. Pertaining to a function in which the depend-
mononucleosis ent variable continuously increases in magni-
Excess of mononuclear leukocytes in the tude with an increase in the independent vari-
blood. Infectious mononucleosis is an acute able.
disease that causes changes in the leukocytes. monotony
The exact cause is not clearly understood, but The psychological state created by the lack of
it is widely considered to be a viral infection. variety due to the repeated performance of a
Transmission of the disease is also not clearly non-challenging task or long-duration task.
understood. It occurs more frequently in the
spring and affects primarily children and monsoon depression
young adults. Generally, after an incubation A weak low-pressure area that tends to form
period of uncertain duration (1 week to sev- in response to divergence in an upper-level jet
eral weeks), headache, sore throat, mental and stream. The circulation around the low
physical fatigue, severe weakness, and symp- strengthens the monsoon wind system and en-
toms typical of influenza develop. Skin hances precipitation during summer.
rashes may also occur. monsoon wind system
monoplegia A wind system that reverses direction be-
The paralysis of a single limb, or a single tween winter and summer. Usually the wind
muscle group. blows from land to sea in winter and from sea
to land in summer.
(1) An electrical railway in which a rail car or Monte Carlo Method
train of cars is suspended from or straddles a A probabilistic technique for obtaining solu-
guideway formed by a single beam or rail. tions to problems by statistical sampling
Most monorails are either heavy rail or auto- methods.
mated guideway systems. (2) A single rail on Montreal Protocol
which a vehicle or train of cars travels. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that
monorail vehicles Deplete the Ozone Layer, a protocol to the
Guided transit passenger vehicles operating Vienna Convention for the Protection of the
on or suspended from a single rail, beam, or Ozone Layer, including adjustments adopted
tube. by Parties thereto and amendments that have
entered into force.
See monotonic. moonlight
(1) The nighttime luminance created as a re-
monotonic sult of the sun's reflection on the lunar sur-
Pertaining to a function in which the depend- face. (2) To work a second job.
ent variable either continuously increases or
continuously decreases in magnitude with an mooring
increase in the independent variable through- (1) A floating ball, can, or other structure,
out the range of values under consideration, which is permanently secured to the harbor
bottom by means of a heavy chain and anchor
system and to which vessels are made fast,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mortality rate
but able to swing in the wind and/or current. The number of deaths occurring per 1000
(2) The place where a craft may be secured to population in a specified time period. Also
the ground, wharf, pier, post, or buoy. referred to as death rate.

mooring cell mortality tables

A river-front structure generally composed of A means of ascertaining the probable number
steel piling or a cluster of wooden piles used of years any man or women of a given age
for securing barges along the bank at loading and of ordinary health will live. A mortality
facilities. See also dolphin. table expresses, on the basis of the group
MOP studied, the probability that, of a number of
See maximum operating pressure. persons of equal expectations of life who are
living at the beginning of any year, a certain
moped number of deaths will occur within that year.
Includes motorized bicycles equipped with a These tables are used by insurance companies
small engine, typically 2 horsepower or less. to determined the premium to be charged for
Mini-bikes, dirt bikes, and trail bikes are ex- those in the respective age groups.
cluded. Note that a motorized bicycle may or
may not be licensed for highway use. See MOST
also motorcycle and motor-driven cycle. See Maynard Operation Sequence Tech-
A measure of the level of confidence and en- most harmful event
thusiasm of an individual or group. Transportation. The event during a crash for
a particular vehicle that is judged to have pro-
morbid duced the greatest personal injury or property
Diseased. damage.
morbidity most restrictive state
The condition of being sick or morbid. The Rail Operations. The mode of an electric or
ratio of sick to well persons in a population.
electronic device that is equivalent to a track
morbidity rate relay in its deenergized position.
The number of cases of a specific disease oc-
mother-of-pearl clouds
curring in a population within a specified time
See nacreous clouds.
mordant motile
A substance that is capable of binding a dye Moving or having the power to move sponta-
to a textile fiber. neously.

morning person motion aftereffect

(slang) An individual who typically wakes up Any illusion of continuing motion which be-
easily in the morning, ready for the day, and gins on cessation or change of a particular
has trouble staying up late at night. motion.
morphine motion analysis
An opium alkaloid, a narcotic analgesic and The acquisition, processing, organization, and
respiratory depressant, usually used as mor- use of data obtained from human physical ac-
phine sulfate. tivity, whether of certain specific joints, body
segments, or the body as a whole.
Structural configuration. The science of the motion cycle
forms and structure of organized beings and The entire set of physical activities required to
other materials (e.g., objects). perform a given work cycle one time.
mortal motion efficiency
Subject to death. The concept that body motions in performing
a task should be reduced to the minimal, sim-
plest, least fatiguing possible set.

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motion efficiency principles motor
A set of some common sense or empirically Pertaining to the activation of muscles by ef-
determined concepts dealing with human ferent neurons or nerves.
movements for the industrial/manufacturing motor activity
workplace to simplify and improve the effec- Any pattern of muscular activity concerned
tiveness of manual work and minimize fa- with locomotion or the moving of a limb or
tigue. General principles include body part.
a) use natural, rhythmic, easy move- motor bus
ments (1) A rubber-tired, self-propelled, manually
b) establish habitual movements steered vehicle with fuel supply carried on
c) use both hands simultaneously in board the vehicle. (2) Rubber-tired passenger
parallel motions, not sequential vehicles that operate on roadways. Motor bus
d) minimize movements service implies fixed routes and schedules.
e) involve the fewest body segments See also intercity bus and motorbus.
possible in performing the work
f) distribute actions among the various motor bus, class A (>35 seats)
muscles of the body Rubber-tired passenger vehicles powered by
g) use ballistic movements rather than diesel, gasoline, battery, or alternative fuel
slower, controlled movements engines contained within the vehicle. Class A
h) use momentum to aid performance motor buses are equipped with more than 35
i) minimize momentum when muscular seats.
effort must be used to overcome it motor bus, class B (25-35 seats)
j) use continuous, curved movements, Rubber-tired passenger vehicles powered by
not straight lines involving rapid diesel, gasoline, battery, or alternative fuel
changes in direction engines contained within the vehicle. Class B
Also referred to as principles of motion econ- motor buses are equipped with 25 to 35 seats.
omy, principles for motion improvement, and motor carrier
characteristics of easy movement. See also (1) A for-hire motor carrier or a private motor
workplace design and display-control layout. carrier of property. The term "motor carrier"
motion sickness includes a motor carrier's agents, officers, and
A condition in which the signs or symptoms representatives as well as employees respon-
of nausea, vomiting, and/or physiological ef- sible for hiring, supervising, training, assign-
fects are produced by either real or perceived ing, or dispatching of drivers and employees
motion of the body or its surroundings. The concerned with the installation, inspection,
discomfort is caused by irregular and abnor- and maintenance of motor vehicle equipment
mal motion that disturbs the organs of balance and/or accessories. (2) An employer firm that
located in the inner ear. is primarily engaged in providing commercial
motor freight or long distance trucking or
motion study transfer services.
See motion analysis.
motor carrier of passengers
Motion Time Analysis (MTA) A common, contract, or private carrier using a
A predetermined motion time system bus to provide commercial transportation of
motions inventory passengers.
The nature and quality of possible motions motor-circuit switch
within the capabilities of an individual under See switch (4).
specified circumstances.
motor-driven cycle
motivation A motorcycle with a motor that produces 5
A psychophysiological construct which is brake horsepower or less. See also moped
involved in the initiation, direction, and suste- and motorcycle.
nance of behavior by an individual or group
toward accomplishing some goal. motor end plate
See end plate (1).

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motor point
A location on the skin at which electrical
stimulation will cause contraction of the un-
derlying muscle.
motor fitness motor skill
A measure of an individual's physical suit- The ability to move some or all parts of the
ability for a particular task. body in a coordinated fashion toward the per-
motor freight transportation warehousing and formance of some task.
stockyards motor unit
Includes establishments that provide local or The combination of a motor neuron, its axon,
long-distance trucking or transfer services, the neuronal terminal branches, and the mus-
warehousing and storage of farm products, cle fibers they innervate.
furniture or other household goods, and com-
mercial goods of a general nature. The op- motor vehicle
eration of terminal facilities for handling (1) Any self-propelled vehicle, truck, tractor,
freight, with or without maintenance facilities semitrailer, or truck-full trailers used for the
is also included. Stockyards, establishments transportation of freight over public high-
that provide holding pens for livestock in ways. (2) A vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer,
transit, are included in this major group. or semitrailer, or any combination thereof,
These stock yards do not sell or auction live- propelled or drawn by mechanical power and
stock. used upon the highways in the transportation
of passengers or property. It does not include
motor gasoline a vehicle, locomotive, or car operated exclu-
A complex mixture of relatively volatile hy- sively on a rail or rails, or a trolley bus oper-
drocarbons, with or without small quantities ated by electric power derived from a fixed
of additives, obtained by blending appropriate overhead wire, furnishing local passenger
refinery streams to form a fuel suitable for use transportation similar to street-railway serv-
in spark ignition engines. Motor gasoline in- ice. (3) Any mechanically or electrically
cludes both leaded and unleaded grades of powered device not operated on rails, upon
finished motor gasoline, blending compo- which or by which any person or property
nents, and gasohol. See also fuel and gaso- may be transported upon a land highway. The
hol. load on a motor vehicle or trailer attached to it
motor home is considered part of the vehicle. See also
Includes self-powered recreational vehicles automobile, bus, car, minivan, semitrailer, taxi,
(RV) that are operated as a unit without being tractor (or truck tractor), tractor-semitrailer,
towed by another vehicle (e.g., a Winnebago truck, van, and vehicle.
motor home). motor vehicle accident
motor homunculus An unstable situation that includes at least one
A representation of the human body on the harmful event (injury or property damage) in-
surface of the motor cortex, whose distribu- volving a motor vehicle in transport (in mo-
tion is proportional to the density of innerva- tion, in readiness for motion or on a roadway,
tion in various parts of the body. but not parked in a designated parking area)
that does not result from discharge of a fire-
motor learning arm or explosive device and does not directly
Any form of learning involving the coordi- result from a cataclysm.
nated activities of muscles.
motor vehicle chassis
motor nerve The basic operative motor vehicle, including
An efferent nerve which provides motor in- engine, frame, and other essential structures
nervation to a muscle. and mechanical parts, but excluding body and
motor neuron all accessories and auxiliary equipment.
An efferent neuron which sends or carries
information toward a neuromuscular junction.

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motor vehicle in transport
A motor vehicle in motion on the trafficway MOU
or any other motor vehicle on the roadway, See memorandum of understanding.
including stalled, disabled, or abandoned ve- mountain and valley breeze
hicles. A local wind system of a mountain valley that
blows downhill (mountain breeze) at night
motor vehicle incidence rate and uphill (valley breeze) during the day.
A factor for rating the number of deaths from mountain sickness
motor vehicular accidents by miles of ve- See altitude sickness.
hicular travel. mounting height
motor vehicle traffic accident That vertical height above the floor, table,
An accident involving a motor vehicle in use ground, or other surface at which an illumina-
within the right-of-way or other boundaries of tion source is located.
a trafficway open for the use of the public. mouse
motor vessel A computer input device having one or more
Any vessel equipped with propulsion machin- buttons and capable of two-dimensional roll-
ery (other than steam) more than sixty-five ing motion which can drive a cursor on the
feet long. display and perform a variety of selection op-
motorboat tions or commands.
Any vessel equipped with propulsion machin-
ery, not more than sixty-five feet in length.
(1) Rubber-tired, self-propelled, manually
steered bus with fuel supply on board the ve-
hicle. Motor bus types include intercity,
school, and transit. (2) Rubber-tired passen-
ger vehicles which operate on roadways.
Motorbus service implies fixed routes and
schedules. See also intercity bus, motor bus,
school and other nonrevenue buses, and
transit bus.
The typical (two-button) computer mouse
(1) All two- or three-wheeled motorized vehi- mouse keys
cles. Typical vehicles in this category have An interactive feature for handicapped indi-
saddle type seats and are steered by handle viduals which will allow them to use certain
bars rather than a wheel. This category in- keys on a computer keyboard to control a cur-
cludes motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, sor normally operated by a mouse.
motor powered bicycles, and three-wheeled
motorcycles. (2) A two- or three-wheeled mouth
motor vehicle designed to transport one or (1) Anatomy. An opening, especially the oral
two people, including motor scooters, mini- cavity, forming the beginning of the digestive
bikes, and mopeds. See also moped and mo- system in which the chewing of food takes
tor-driven cycle. place. The mouth is also the site of the organs
of taste and the teeth, tongue and lips. Not
motorized vehicle only is the mouth the entrance to the body for
Includes all vehicles that are licensed for food and sometimes air, but it is a major or-
highway driving. Specifically excluded are gan of speech and emotional expression. (2)
snow mobiles and mini-bikes. Geography. The exit or point of discharge of
mottled a stream into another stream, lake, or sea.
Covered with spots or streaks of different
shades or colors.

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mouth stick
A rod for allowing a quadriplegic or other movement disorder
handicapped individual to operate various Any pathological condition which results in
forms of equipment by holding the device in an abnormal deviation from an intended
his/her mouth and using pressure to operate movement, an inability to execute a desired
the equipment. movement, or an undesired involuntary
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation movement.
A method of artificial respiration in which the
rescuer covers the victim's mouth with his/her
own and breaths out vigorously in an attempt
to resuscitate the person. moving average
An arithmetic mean based on a fixed number
movable bridge of samples over time, in which as each new
That section of a structure bridging a naviga- sample is added, the oldest sample is dropped.
ble waterway so designed that it may be dis-
placed to permit passage of traffic on the wa- moving target indicator
terway. Aviation. An electronic device which will
permit radar scope presentation only from tar-
movable bridge locking gets which are in motion. A partial remedy
The rail locks, bridge locks, bolt locks, circuit for ground clutter.
controllers, and electric locks used in provid-
ing interlocking protection at a movable mp
bridge. See melting point.
movable dam MPC
A dam that is predominantly constructed of a See maximum permissible concentration.
series of wickets which may be raised or low- MPD
ered as water stages dictate for passing water See maximum permissible dose.
through the dam. These wickets may all be
lowered at the bed of the river and vessels MPE
may pass over the dam during periods of high See maximum permissible exposure.
water. The dam and/or river is then said to be MPG
"open." See miles per gallon.
move MPI
(1) To execute one or more isotonic muscular See mass psychogenic illness.
contractions, resulting in a change in position
of one or more parts of the body. (2) To
See maximum permissible lift.
transfer (cut and paste) a segment of text,
graphics, or other material in a computer sys- MPO
tem from one location to another. (3) A See Metropolitan Planning Organization.
physical basic work element involving motion mppcf
of the hand carrying one or more objects. Millions of particles per cubic foot (of air)
movement area (mppcf x 35.3 = million particles per cubic
Aviation. (1) The runways, taxiways, and meter = particles per cubic centimeter).
other areas of an airport/heliport which are MPRSA
utilized for taxiing/hover taxiing, air taxiing, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries
takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of Act of 1972 (Federal).
loading ramps and parking areas. At those
airports/heliports with a tower, specific ap- mps
proval for entry onto the movement area must Meter(s) per second.
be obtained from ATC. (2) That part of an mR
aerodrome to be used for the takeoff, landing Milliroentgen(s).
and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the ma-
neuvering area and the apron(s).

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mu locomotive
mrem A multiple-operated electric locomotive de-
Millirem(s). scribed in 49 CFR 229.4 paragraph (i)(2) or
Millirem(s) per hour. MUC
See maximum use concentration.
See Magnetic Resonance Imaging. muck soils
Earth made from decaying plant materials.
mucociliary clearance
MRP Removal of materials from the respiratory
See material requirements planning. tract via cilia action.
MS mucosa
See surface-wave magnitude. See mucous membrane.
MS mucous membrane
Mass spectrometer. See also multiple sclero- Membrane lining all channels in the body that
sis. communicate with the air, such as the respi-
MSA ratory tract, stomach, urinary tract, intestines,
See Metropolitan Statistical Area. See also and the alimentary canal (digestive tract), the
minimum safe altitude. glands of which secrete mucus. Also referred
to as mucosa. See also mucus.
See minimum safe altitude warning. mucus
The viscous suspension of mucin, water, cells,
and inorganic salts secreted as a protective lu-
Musculoskeletal disorder. See also Master
bricant coating by glands in the mucous
Standard Data.
membranes. See also mucous membrane.
See material safety data sheet.
In acoustics, a device for reducing noise emis-
MSHA sions from engine exhausts, vents, etc. Two
See Mine Safety and Health Administration. types of mufflers, namely, the dissipative and
mSv reactive, are available.
Millisievert(s). mulch
mT A layer of material (wood chips, straw,
Millitesla. leaves, etc.) placed around plants to hold
moisture, prevent weed growth, protect the
MT plants, and enrich the soil.
See metric ton.
MTA Small tractor used in warehouse to pull two-
See Motion Time Analysis. axle dollies, also yard tractor.
MTBF mule train
See mean time between failures. The maneuver of towboats in ice-choked
MTD channels whereby the tow is strung out single
Maximum tolerated dose. file, the barges fitted with loose couplings or
lashings, and the tow pulled behind the tow-
boat. Also known as string out.
See Methods Time Measurement.
MTTF multicell storm
See mean time to failure. Thunderstorms in a line, each of which may
be in a different stage of development.

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multicom multiple chemical sensitivity
Aviation. A mobile service not open to public Term used by some people to refer to a con-
correspondence used to provide communica- dition in which a person is considered to be
tions essential to conduct the activities being sensitive to a number of chemicals at very low
performed by or directed from private aircraft. concentrations. There are a number of views
multi-factor plan about the existence, potential causes, and pos-
An incentive plan in which employee awards sible remedial actions regarding this phe-
are based on more than one factor.
multiple correlation
multilevel sampling
The degree of relationship between a criterion
The selection of a primary, large or high level
variable and two or more predictor variables.
unit, followed by secondary, tertiary, et cetera
units, each selected from within the next multiple correlation coefficient (R)
higher level unit. A numerical value representing the correlation
between a set of two or more predictor vari-
multilimb coordination ables and one criterion variable. Synonymous
The ability to meaningfully integrate the with coefficient of multiple correlation and
movements of two or more limbs to fulfill multiple R.
some purpose such as manipulating a control,
an object, or locomotion. multiple machine work
A work assignment which has a worker at-
tending to two or more machines.
Two or more elements, such as sound and
animation, or video in a computer program. multiple myeloma
multimedia extension (mmx) A malignant neoplasm of plasma cells usually
In computing, advanced processor functional- arising in the bone marrow and manifested by
ity for running multimedia programs. skeletal destruction, pathologic fractures, and
bone pain.
multimedia inspection
Environmental. Inspection strategy some- multiple R
times employed by the Federal Environmental See multiple correlation coefficient.
Protection Agency (EPA), as well as many multiple receptacle
state agencies, whereby a number of inspec- See receptacle (3).
tors each with an expertise in a given envi-
multiple regression
ronmental subject area (e.g., CAA, CWA,
The analysis or use of the combined and indi-
RCRA, etc.) conduct an inspection simultane-
vidual contributions from more than one pre-
ously at the same location, thereby effectively
dictor variable for predicting the value of a
covering all applicable aspects of environ-
single criterion variable.
mental compliance during a single inspection.
multimodal transportation multiple runway
Often used as a synonym for intermodalism. The utilization of a dedicated arrival run-
way(s) for departures and a dedicated depar-
Congress and others frequently use the term
intermodalism in its broadest interpretation as ture runway(s) for arrivals when feasible to
a synonym for multimodal transportation. reduce delays and enhance capacity.
Most precisely, multimodal transportation multiple sclerosis (MS)
covers all modes without necessarily includ- A disease resulting in demyelination within
ing a holistic or integrated approach. See also the CNS and the corresponding movement,
intermodal. speech, and other difficulties.
multiple activity process chart multiple use
A process chart showing the chronological Under the Federal Land Policy and
activities involving a work system, with each Management Act of 1976: The management
component of the system allocated a separate of the public lands and their various resource
vertical column to show relative or coordi- values so that they are utilized in the
nated activities. combination that will best meet the present
and future needs of the American people.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

multi-trailer seven or more axles truck
Making the most judicious use of the land for All vehicles with seven or more axles consisting
some or all of these resources or related of three or more units, one of which is a tractor
services over areas large enough to provide or straight truck power.
sufficient latitude for periodic adjustments in multi-trailer six axle truck
use to conform to changing needs and All six-axle vehicles consisting of three or more
conditions. The use of some land for less than units, one of which is a tractor or straight
all of the resources. A combination of truck power-unit.
balanced and diverse resource uses that takes
into account the long-term needs of future multivariate
generations for renewable and nonrenewable (1) Having more than one dependent variable.
resources, including, but not limited to, (2) Pertaining to more than one variable.
recreation, range, timber, minerals, watershed, multivariate analysis
wildlife and fish, and natural scenic, scientific Any statistical analysis involving more than
and historical values, and harmonious and one independent variable and/or more than
coordinated management of the various one dependent variable.
resources without permanent impairment of
the productivity of the land and the quality of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
the environment with consideration being An analysis involving two or more of both
given to the relative values of the resources independent and dependent variables.
and not necessarily to the combination of uses mumps
that will give the greatest economic return or A communicable viral disease that attacks one
the greatest unit output. or both of the parotid glands, the largest of the
multipurpose dry chemical three pairs of salivary glands. Occasionally,
A dry chemical which is approved for use on the submaxillary glands are also affected.
Class A, Class B and Class C fires. Although older people may contract the
disease, mumps usually strikes children
multipurpose passenger vehicle between the ages of 5 and 15. Mumps is
A motor vehicle with motive power, except a spread by droplet infection. The disease is
trailer, designed to carry 10 persons or less contagious in the infected person from 1 to 2
which is constructed either on a truck chassis days before symptoms appear until 1 or 2
or with special features for occasional off- days after they disappear. The incubation
road operation. period is usually 18 days, although it may
multisensory vary from 12 to 26 days. One attack usually
Combining or related to more than one gives immunity. Often, the first noticeable
sensory modality. symptoms of mumps is a swelling of one of
the parotid glands. The swelling is frequently
multistop body accompanied by pain and tenderness.
Fully enclosed truck body with driver's Occasionally, acid foods and beverages may
compartment designed for quick, easy cause an increase in the pain. In the first
entrance and exit. stage of mumps, the person may have a fever
multitasking of 100º to 104ºF. Other common symptoms
(1) The processing of more than one dataset include loss of appetite, headache, and back
or application at a time, usually with the pain. Also called epidemic parotitis.
operator working directly only on one appli- municipality
cation. (2) The assignment of a worker to A legally incorporated or duly authorized as-
more than one task or job. sociation of inhabitants of a limited area for
multi-trailer five or less axles truck local governmental or other public purposes.
All vehicles with five or less axles consisting Munsell chromas
of three or more units, one of which is a Saturation in the Munsell color system.
tractor or straight truck power unit.
Munsell color system
A color ordering system for surfaces which
divides colors into perceptually uniform seg-

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ments for ordering and specifying with regard the internal organs. They power the digestive
to hue, chroma (saturation), and value (light- tract, the pupils of the eyes, and all other in-
ness). voluntary mechanisms. The muscles con-
Munsell value trolled by the conscious part of the brain are
A measure of lightness in the Munsell color called voluntary muscles, and are striated.
system, on a scale ranging from 1 (black) to These are skeletal muscles that enable the
10 (white). body to move, and there are more than 600 of
them in the human body. The fibers of vol-
murder untary muscles are grouped together in a
The unlawful killing of a human being by sheath of muscle cells. Groups of fibers are
another with malice aforethought, whether bundled together into fascicles and the bun-
express or implied (the crime is defined by dles are surrounded by a tough sheet of con-
statute in most states). nective tissue to form a muscle group like the
muscle biceps. Unlike the voluntary muscles, which
(1) A structure composed of a mass of muscle can remain in a state of contraction for long
tissue, usually enclosed by some type of periods without tiring and are capable of sus-
sheath, and forming a distinct unit. Muscles tained rhythmic contractions, the voluntary
are responsible for locomotion and play an muscles are readily subject to fatigue. They
important part in performing vital body func- also differ from the involuntary muscles in
tions. They also protect the contents of the their need for regular and proper exercise.
abdomen against injury and help support the The third kind of muscle, cardiac muscle, or
body. Muscle fibers range in length from a the muscle of the heart, is involuntary and
few hundred thousandths of an inch to several consists of striated fibers different from vol-
inches. They also vary in shape, and in color untary muscle fibers. The contraction and
from white to deep red. Each muscle fiber re- relaxation of cardiac muscle continue at a
ceives its own nerve impulses, so that fine and rhythmic pace until death, unless the muscle
varied motions are possible. Each has its is injured in some way. No muscle stays
small stored supply of glycogen which it uses completely relaxed, and as long as a person is
as fuel for energy. Muscles, especially the conscious, it remains slightly contracted. This
heart, also use free fatty acids as fuel. At the condition is called tonus, or tone. It keeps
signal of an impulse travelling down a nerve, bones in place and enables a posture to be
the muscle fiber changes chemical energy into maintained. It allows a person to remain
mechanical energy, and the result is muscle standing, sitting up straight, kneeling, or in
contraction. Some muscles are attached to any other natural position. Muscles also have
bone by tendons. Other are attached to other elasticity. They are capable of being stretched
muscles, and to the skin – producing the and of performing reflex actions. This is
smile, the wink, and other facial expressions, made possible by the motor and sensory
for example. All or part of the walls of hol- nerves which serve the muscles. (2) See mus-
low internal organs, such as the heart, stom- cle tissue.
ach, intestines, and blood vessels, are com- muscle action
posed of muscles. The last stages of swal- Any muscle activity which results in a change
lowing and of peristalsis are actually series of in length or in an increase in tension in the
contractions by the muscles in the walls of the muscle.
organ involved. There are three types of
muscle: involuntary, voluntary, and cardiac. muscle capacity
They are composed, respectively, of smooth, See muscular endurance.
striated (or striped), and mixed smooth and muscle fatigue
striated. Muscles that are not under the con- See muscular fatigue.
trol of the conscious part of the brain are
called involuntary muscles. They respond to muscle fiber
nerve impulses of the autonomic nervous A muscle cell. See also intrafusal fiber and
system. These involuntary muscles are extrafusal fiber.
countless short-fibered, or smooth, muscles of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

muscle group mutagenic
A collection of individual skeletal muscles An agent that induces genetic mutation.
which have similar innervation and perform a mutagenicity
similar/common/related function. The property of being able to induce genetic
muscle hemoglobin mutation.
See myoglobin. mutant
muscle testing An individual who has been altered as a result
Any procedure intended to measure the per- of mutation (i.e., from a change in the char-
formance of a restricted number of muscles acter of a gene that is perpetuated in the sub-
on some graded basis. sequent division of the cell in which it oc-
muscle tissue curs).
An irritable, contractile, extensible elastic mutate
tissue composed of long tubular or spindle- To bring about a change in the genetic con-
shaped cells. stitution of a cell by altering its DNA. In turn,
"mutageneis" is any process by which cells
are mutated.
muscle tone
A state of continuous mild muscle contrac- mutation
tion. A change in the characteristics of an organism
produced by an alteration of the DNA of liv-
muscular endurance ing cells.
The maximum time under stated conditions
which a muscle or muscle group can maintain mutism
a given measure of external force. Inability or refusal to speak. In almost all
cases, mutes are unable to speak because their
muscular fatigue deafness has prevented them from hearing the
The buildup of lactic acid in muscle tissue due spoken word.
to prolonged heavy exertion.
mutuality of obligation
musculoskeletal system Mutuality of obligation requires that unless
Pertaining to or comprising the skeleton and both parties to a contract are bound, neither is
the muscles. bound.
musculospiral nerve mV
See radial nerve. Millivolt(s).
mustache MVA
That long-term accumulation of hair growth See minimum vectoring altitude.
which originates on the face generally above
the upper lip, medial to the lip margins, and MVC
beneath the nasal septum base. See maximal voluntary contraction.
Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 Molecular weight.
(Federal). MW
mutagen See moment magnitude.
A chemical substance that has the ability to MWE
produce a change (mutation) in the genetic
composition of the DNA in a cell. The See megawatt electric.
change is capable of being passed on to suc- myalgia
ceeding generations. Mutations can also be Pain in a muscle or muscles.
brought about by radiation exposures. myasthenia
mutagenesis Muscular debility or weakness.
The process in which normal cells are con- mycetoma
verted into genetically abnormal cells. See maduromycosis.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

mycotoxin An isolated involuntary contraction of one or
A toxin produced by a mold growing on a more muscles.
specific substrate, many of which are known myoelectric limb
to be potent carcinogens. A limb prosthesis which senses muscle elec-
myelin trical activity in the proximal remaining por-
The white, fatty substance that forms a sheath tion of the limb or the trunk region and uses
around certain nerve fibers. those signals to drive one or more motors to
myelin sheath operate the prosthesis.
The collective concentric wrapping of the myofibril
membranes of many neural support cells The basic unit of contractile structure in
around an axon at intervals along its length. skeletal muscle cells.
Each support cell forms one internode and
permits saltatory conduction.
Produced in the bone marrow. myoglobin
A protein in muscle which may function as an
myelogenous leukemia oxygen carrier. Also called muscle hemoglo-
Leukemia arising from myeloid tissue. bin.
myeloid tissue myography
Tissue pertaining to, derived from, or resem- See electromyography.
bling bone marrow.
myeloma A tumor formed of muscular tissue. Myomas
A tumor composed of cells of the type nor- are often multiple, although a single tumor
mally found in the bone marrow. may occur They are usually small but may
myelotoxicity grow quite large and occupy most of the
Deterioration of the bone marrow structure uterine wall.
that results in dangerous changes in blood myoneural junction
composition. See neuromuscular junction.
myocarditis myopia
Inflammation of the muscular walls of the A refraction error in which parallel light rays
heart. The condition may result from bacte- from a distant object are focused anterior to
rial or viral infections or it may be a toxic in- the retina under relaxed accommodation. The
flammation caused by drugs or toxins from error of refraction is caused by rays of light
infectious agents. Other systemic diseases entering the eye parallel to the optic axis and
that may be accompanied by myocarditis are brought to a focus in front of the retina as a
trichinosis, serum sickness, rheumatic fever, result of the eyeball being too long from front
and collagen diseases. In many cases the eti- to back. Hence, vision for near objects is
ology is unknown. The most common symp- better than for far. Also know as nearsight-
toms of acute myocarditis are pain in the epi- edness for this reason.
gastric region or under the sternum, dyspnea,
and cardiac arrhythmia. If the condition per- myositis
sists and becomes chronic, there is pain in the Inflammation of a voluntary muscle.
right upper quadrant of the abdomen, owing
to hepatic congestion. The latter symptom is
a sign of left ventricular failure and often is
accompanied by edema and other signs of
congestive heart failure.
The muscular substance of the heart.

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disturbances may affect the nails. Most in-
N fections involving the nails originate in the
folds of tissue around them. Inflammation of
this area is called paronychia. It is a fairly
N common infection by staphylococci, strepto-
(1) See Newton. (2) Normal (solution). cocci, or other bacteria or fungi, and causes
painful swelling around the nail, with red,
shiny skin. If untreated, paronychia may
A classical acoustics modeling software pack-
spread to the nail bed and cause inflammation
there. This condition is known as onychia,
NAAQS and is more serious. The bacteria grow under
See National Ambient Air Quality Standards. the nail and can cause severe inflammation
NACE and pain. Onychia may also arise when the
National Association of Corrosion Engineers. nail is injured and bacteria or fungi gain en-
trance to the tissue underneath. If the organ-
NACOSH isms that penetrate the nail produce pigments,
See National Advisory Committee on Occu- the nail may change color as a result. In ex-
pational Safety and Health. treme cases onychia may also cause the nail to
nacreous clouds separate from its bed. Among the diseases
Clouds of unknown composition that have a from which paronychia and onychia may re-
soft, pearly luster and that form at latitudes sult are tuberculosis, diphtheria, and syphilis,
about 25 to 30 km above the earth's surface. and also skin diseases such as psoriasis, fun-
They are also called mother-of-pearl clouds. gus diseases, and contact dermatitis. Derma-
titis is the most common disorder to involve
nail the nails and often leads to the complete loss
(1) A slender piece of metal, usually pointed of the nail. After treatment the nail will gen-
at one end and broadened at the other, used erally grow back, but if the matrix is severely
for driving into or through wood or other ma- damaged a new nail may be deformed or may
terials so as to hold or fasten one piece to an- fail to grow. See also finger nail and toe
other or to project a peg. (2) A rod of metal, nail.
bone, or other material used for fixation of the
ends of fractured bones. (3) The elastic pro- nail body
tein tissue covering the dorsal portion of the The exposed portion of the nail.
terminal phalanges of the hand and foot. The nail fold
nails are part of the outer layers of the skin. The rounded skin at the lateral and proximal
They are composed of keratin, the substance portions of a nail.
that gives the skin its toughness. The appear-
ance of the nails can sometimes indicate gen- nail groove
eral physical health. For example, any change The depressed region between the nail and the
in the basic structure, shape, or appearance of nail fold.
the nails (such as softness, brittleness, fur- nail matrix
rowing, or speckling) may be a symptom of a That structure beneath the skin from which
disease affecting the whole body. Marked nail tissue is formed.
pallor of the nails may suggest anemia. In
nail root
certain cases of hemiplegia and poliomyelitis
That portion of the nail which lies beneath the
the nails cease to grow. Curing the disease
skin between the lunula and the nail matrix.
will cure the condition. Certain disorders af-
fect the nails themselves. They are readily NAM
exposed to outside sources of infection and National Association of Manufacturers.
are particularly vulnerable to injury in the named insured
course of daily life. Many of the diseases that In insurance, the person specifically desig-
afflict the skin may also affect the nail bed nated in the policy as the one protected and,
and be aggravated by the confining presence
of the nail. Congenital defects and metabolic

©2000 CRC Press LLC

commonly, it is the person with whom the narcosis
contract of insurance has been made. A reversible stupor or state of unconscious-
NAMS ness that may be produced by some chemical
National Air Monitoring Station. substances.

nano- narcotic
Prefix indicating one-billionth or 10-9 of the Compound that produces stupor. Many
basic unit. opium derivatives are examples of strong nar-
cotics. Narcotics can affect the central nerv-
nanogram ous system (CNS) and the gastrointestinal
One billionth of a gram. tract. The CNS effects include analgesia,
nanometer euphoria, sedation, respiratory depression, and
The billionth part of a meter. antitussive action. Chronic use of narcotics
NANPCA develops tolerance to the compounds and
Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention physical dependence. Medically, the term
and Control Act of 1990 (Federal). narcotic includes any drug that has this effect.
By legal definition, however, the term refers
nap to habit-forming drugs, for example, opiates
(1) A brief period of sleep. (2) The short, such as morphine and heroine and synthetic
small fibers on a fabric surface. drugs such as mepredine (Demerol). Narcot-
nape ics can be legally obtained only with a doc-
The back of the neck. Technically referred to tor's prescription. The sale or possession of
as the nucha. narcotics for other than medical purposes is
napestrap strictly prohibited by federal, state, and local
A strap-like device extending from a piece of laws.
headgear over the nape of the neck to assist in naris
headgear retention. (1) The passage at either the anterior or poste-
naphtha rior nasal cavity. (2) An opening into the na-
A generic term applied to a petroleum fraction sal cavity on the exterior of the body (anterior
with an approximate boiling range between or external naris) or into the nasopharynx
122 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit. (posterior naris).
naphtha-type jet fuel narrative evidence
American Petroleum Institute (API). A fuel in Testimony from a witness which he/she is
the heavy naphtha boiling range with an aver- permitted to give without the customary
age gravity of 52.8 degrees and 20 to 90 per- questions and answers (e.g., when a witness
cent distillation temperatures of 290 degrees explains in detail what happened without in-
to 470 degrees Fahrenheit, meeting Military terruption).
Specification MIL-T-5624L (Grade JP-4). narrow band
JP-4 is used for turbojet and turboprop aircraft Pertaining to a frequency band consisting of a
engines, primarily by the military. Excludes few hertz on either side of a center frequency.
ram-jet and petroleum rocket fuels.
narrow band analysis
napier A type of frequency analysis in which sound
See néper. intensity level measurements are restricted to
narcoanalysis a few hertz on either side of a center fre-
Process whereby a subject is put to sleep, or quency.
into a semisomnolent state by means of
narrow channel
chemical injections and then interrogated A channel with very little room to spare.
while in this dreamlike state.
narrow railway gauge
Distance between the rails of a track less than
A disorder in which an individual experiences
4 ft 8.5 inches.
numerous severe occasions of sleepiness
during the day.

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NAS nasion
National Academy of Sciences. See also Na- The horizontal and vertical midpoint of the
tional Airspace System. nasofrontal suture on the skull.
NASA nasogastric tube
National Aeronautics and Space Administra- A tube of soft rubber or plastic that is inserted
tion. through a nostril and into the stomach. The
nasal tube may be inserted for the purpose of in-
(1) See nose. (2) Pertaining to the sound pro- stilling liquid foods or other substances, or as
duced when the velum is lowered to allow air a means of withdrawing gastric contents.
passage through the nasal cavity. nasolacrimal
nasal bone Pertaining to the nose and lacrimal apparatus.
The bone forming part of the bridge of the nasolacrimal duct
nose and extending in an anterior-inferior di- The tubular structure interconnecting the me-
rection to form the base for the protruding dial portion of the eye to the nasal cavity for
portion of the nose. drainage of tears.
nasal breadth nasopharyngitis
See nose breadth. Inflammation of the nasopharynx which is
nasal cavity situated above the soft palate at the roof of the
The region between the external nares and the mouth.
nasopharynx. nasopharynx
nasal field The uppermost cavity of the pharynx, lying
The medial portion of the eye's field of view. behind the internal nasal cavity and the soft
nasal height
See nose height. National Advisory Committee on Occupa-
tional Safety and Health (NACOSH)
nasal reflex Committee established to advise, consult, and
The induction of sneezing due to stimulation make recommendations to the Secretary of
of the nasal mucous membranes. Health and Human Services on matters re-
nasal root garding administration of the Department of
The junction of the nasal bone with the frontal Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Act.
bone. National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
nasal root breadth tion Standard (NASA-STD)
The minimum horizontal linear distance A document containing standards published
across the base of the nose between the eyes. by NASA for use in the U.S. space program
Measured with the facial muscles relaxed. and related aerospace or medical work.
nasal root depression National Airspace System (NAS)
The concave region where the bridge of the The common network of U.S. airspace; air
nose meets the forehead between the eyes. navigation facilities, equipment, and services;
nasal septum airports or landing areas; aeronautical charts,
The collective tissues separating the right information, and services; rules, regulations,
nostril from the left. and procedures; technical information, man-
power, and material. Included are system
components shared jointly with the military.
To produce a sound with the nasal portion of
the vocal tract open. National Airspace System (NAS) Stage A
The en route Air Traffic Control (ATC) sys-
tem's radar, computers and computer pro-
National Aeronautics and Space Council.
grams, controller plain view displays (Plain
nascent View Displays (PVD)/Radar Scopes), in-
Coming into existence or in the process of put/output devices, and the related communi-

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cations equipment which are integrated to National Cancer Institute (NCI)
form the heart of the automated instrument Supports research and the dissemination of
flight rules (IFR) air traffic control system. information related to occupational cancer
This equipment performs flight data process- hazards, as well as for other causes of cancer.
ing (FDP) and radar data processing (RDP). National Carrier Group
It interfaces with automated terminal system Air carrier groups with annual operating reve-
and is used in the control of en route IFR air- nues between one hundred million and one
craft. billion dollars.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards National Contingency Plan
(NAAQS) See National Oil and Hazardous Substances
Air quality criteria established by the EPA Contingency Plan.
that apply to outside air. Established under
the Clean Air Act of 1970, NAAQS set the National Cooperative Highway Research Pro-
maximum concentration levels for various gram (NCHRP)
pollutants. NAAQS are promulgated on a The cooperative research, development, and
pollutant-by-pollutant basis. Originally, the technology transfer (RD&T) program directed
EPA applied NAAQS to seven specific pol- toward solving problems of national or re-
lutants, which became known as criteria pol- gional significance identified by states and the
lutants. These pollutants are carbon monox- FHWA, and administered by the Transporta-
ide, hydrocarbons, lead, nitrogen dioxide, sul- tion Research Board, National Academy of
fur dioxide, ozone, and suspended particu- Sciences.
lates. See also criteria pollutants. National Cooperative Transit Research and
National Beacon Code Allocation Plan Air- Development Program
space A program established under Section 6a) of
Airspace over United States territory located the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964,
within the North American continent between as amended, to provide a mechanism by
Canada and Mexico, including adjacent terri- which the principal client groups of the Urban
torial waters outward to about boundaries of Mass Transportation Administration can join
oceanic control areas (CTA)/flight informa- cooperatively in an attempt to resolve near-
tion regions (FIR). term public transportation problems through
applied research, development, testing, and
National Boating Safety Advisory Council evaluation. NCTRP is administered by the
(NBSAC) Transportation Research Board.
A 21-member council, equally represented by
industry, the public, and State Boating Law National Council on Radiation Protection
Administrators, with expertise, knowledge, (NCRP)
and experience in boating safety. The Coun- An advisory group, chartered by the U.S.
cil acts in an advisory or consulting capacity government to develop and make recommen-
to the Commandant – U.S. Coast Guard. dations on ionizing radiation protection in the
United States.
National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS)
Federal regulations establishing requirements national emergency
for inspection procedures, frequency of in- A state of national crisis; a situation demand-
spections, qualifications of personnel, inspec- ing immediate and extraordinary national or
tion reports, and preparation and maintenance federal action. Congress has made little or no
of a state's bridge inventory. distinction between a "state of national emer-
gency" and a "state of war."
National Bridge Inventory (NBI)
The aggregation of structure inventory and National Emission Standards for Hazardous
appraisal data collected to fulfill the require- Air Pollutants (NESHAPS)
ments of the National Bridge Inspection Stan- These emission standards are set by the EPA
dards that each state shall prepare and main- for an air pollutant not covered by NAAQS
tain an inventory of all bridges subject to the that may cause an increase in deaths, or irre-
National Bridge Inspection Standards. versible or incapacitating illness. Primary

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standards are designed to protect human National Highway System (NHS)
health, secondary standards to protect public This system of highways designated and ap-
welfare. See also National Ambient Air proved in accordance with the provisions of
Quality Standards. 23 U.S.C. 103b).
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of National Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
1969 tion (NHTSA)
The Act emphasizes the need for a national The Administration was established by the
environmental policy for public awareness Highway Safety Act of 1970 (23 U.S.C. 401
and national response. note). The NHTSA was established to carry
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) out a congressional mandate to reduce the
A voluntary, nonprofit association committed mounting number of deaths, injuries, and eco-
to making both the home and the workplace nomic losses resulting from motor vehicle
more fire-safe. Members promote scientific crashes on the nation's highways and to pro-
research into the development and updating of vide motor vehicle damage susceptibility and
fire safety awareness and produce information ease of repair information, motor vehicle in-
and practical publications on fire safety that spection demonstrations and protection of
are of interest to all concerned with the pres- purchasers of motor vehicles having altered
ervation of life and property from fire. The odometers, and to provide average standards
NFPA is a non-regulatory agency (i.e., carries for greater vehicle mileage per gallon of fuel
no force of law). However, many of its codes for vehicles under 10,000 pounds (gross vehi-
have been adopted by regulatory agencies cle weight).
and, therefore, compliance is mandatory. Ex- National Income
amples include NFPA 70E (National Electri- The aggregate earnings of labor and property
cal Code ® ) and NFPA 101 (Life Safety which arise in the current production of goods
Code®), which have been adopted by OSHA. and services by the nation's economy.
National Flight Data Center National Inland Waterways Transport
A facility in Washington DC, established by Inland waterways transport between two
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to places (a place of IWT loading/embarkment
operate a central aeronautical information and a place of unloading/disembarking) lo-
service for the collection, validation, and dis- cated in the same country irrespective of the
semination of aeronautical data in support of country in which the IWT vessel is registered.
the activities of government, industry, and the It may involve transit through a second coun-
aviation community. The information is pub- try.
lished in the National Flight Data Digest. National Inland Waterways Transport Vessel
National Flight Data Digest Inland waterways transport (IWT) vessel
A daily (except weekends and federal holi- which is registered at a given date in the re-
days) publication of flight information appro- porting country.
priate to aeronautical charts, aeronautical National Institute for Occupational Safety and
publications, Notices to Airmen, or other me- Health (NIOSH)
dia serving the purpose of providing opera- That part of the U.S. Department of Health
tional flight data essential to safe and efficient and Human Services that is responsible for
aircraft operations. investigating the occurrence and causes of oc-
National Health Interview Survey cupational diseases and for recommending
A survey conducted by the National Center appropriate standards to the Occupational
for Health Statistics via interviews of household Safety and Health Administration.
samples of the U.S. civilian, non-institution- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
alized population on various health and health A section of the Public Health Service that
status issues. conducts research related to diseases and body
injuries and helps establish burn treatment

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National Labor Relations Act National Pollution Discharge Elimination Sys-
A federal statute known as the Wagner Act of tem (NPDES)
1935 and amended by the Taft-Hartley Act of A provision of the Clean Water Act which
1947. It is a comprehensive legislation regu- prohibits discharge of pollutants into waters
lating the relations between employers and of the United States without a special permit
employees, including supervised elections, issued by the EPA, a state, or (where dele-
and establishing the National Labor Relations gated) a tribal government on an Indian Res-
Board. ervation.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) National Priorities List (NPL)
The NLRB is an independent agency created The EPA's list of the most serious uncon-
by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 trolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites
(Wagner Act), as amended by the acts of 1947 identified for possible long-term remedial ac-
(Taft-Hartley Act) and 1959 (Landrum- tion under Superfund. A site must be on the
Griffin Act). The Board has two principal NPL to receive money from the Trust Fund
functions under the Act: preventing and for remedial actions. The list is based pri-
remedying unfair labor practices by employ- marily on the score a site receives from the
ers and labor organizations or their agents, Hazard Ranking System (HRS). The EPA is
and conducting secret ballot elections among required to update the NPL at least annually.
employees in appropriate collective bargain- National Response Center (NRC)
ing units to determine whether or not they de- The federal operations center that receives
sire to be represented by a labor organization. notifications of all releases of oil and hazard-
The Board also conducts secret ballot elec- ous substances into the environment. The
tions among employees who have been cov- NRC is operated 24 hours per day by the
ered by a union-shop agreement to determine United States Coast Guard, which evaluates
whether or not they wish to revoke their un- all reports and notifies the appropriate agen-
ion's authority to make such agreements. In cies.
jurisdictional disputes, the NLRB decides and
determines which competing group of work- National Response Team (NRT)
ers is entitled to perform the work involved. Representatives of thirteen federal agencies
The Board also conducts secrete ballot elec- that, as a team, coordinate federal responses to
tions among employees concerning the em- nationally significant incidents of pollution
ployers' final settlement offers in national and provide advice and technical assistance to
emergency labor disputes. the responding agencies before and during a
response action.
National Mediation Board
Created on June 21, 1934 by an Act of Con- National Safety Council (NSC)
gress amending the Railway Labor Act, the Independent nonprofit organization that pro-
Board's major responsibilities are a) the me- vides information, literature, training, and
diation of disputes over wages, hours, and support for occupational safety and health re-
working conditions which arise between rail lated programs and issues with the goal of re-
and air carriers and organizations representing ducing the number and severity of acci-
their employees; and b) the investigation of dents/occupational diseases in the U.S. and
representation disputes and certification of finding ways to prevent their occurrence.
employee organizations as representatives of National Search and Rescue Plan
crafts or classes of carrier employees. An interagency agreement which provides for
National Oil and Hazardous Substances Con- the effective utilization of all available facili-
tingency Plan ties in all types of search and rescue missions.
The federal regulation that guides determina- National Toxicology Program (NTP)
tion of the sites to be corrected under the Su- Established to determine the toxic effects of
perfund program and the program to prevent chemicals and to develop more effective and
or control spills into surface waters or other less expensive toxicity test methods.
portions of the environment. Also known as
the National Contingency Plan or NCP.

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National Transit Database Transportation (DOT). The 1990 NPTS was
(Formerly Section 15) A reporting system, by sponsored by a group of DOT agencies, spe-
uniform categories, to accumulate mass trans- cifically the Federal Highway Administration
portation financial and operating information (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration
and a uniform system of accounts and records. (FRA), National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-
The reporting and uniform systems shall con- ministration (NHTSA), Office of the Secre-
tain appropriate information to help any level tary (OST), and the Federal Transit Admini-
of government make a public sector invest- stration (FTA). The survey was conducted for
ment decision. The Secretary [of Transporta- DOT by Research Triangle Institute. Infor-
tion] may request and receive appropriate in- mation was collected on all trips taken by
formation from any source. each household member age 5 and older dur-
National Transportation System (NTS) ing a designated 24-hour period, known as a
An intermodal system consisting of all forms "travel day," and on trips of 75 miles or more
of transportation in a unified, interconnected taken during the preceding 14-day period,
manner to reduce energy consumption and air known as the "travel period." The trip infor-
pollution while promoting economic devel- mation was expanded to annual estimates of
opment and supporting the nation's preemi- trips and travel. The survey encompassed
nent position in international commerce. The trips on all modes of transportation for all trip
NTS includes the National Highway System purposes and all lengths.
(NHS), public transportation, and access to natural and probable consequences
ports and airports. Those consequences that a person, by prudent
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory human foresight, can anticipate as likely to re-
(NRTL) sult from an act because they happen so fre-
A laboratory that has been accredited (for a quently from the commission of such an act
minimum of five years) by OSHA to test and that in the field of human experience they
certify products that require certification un- may be expected to happen again.
der OSHA's safety and health standards. Natural Color System
nation's freight bill See color ordering system.
The amount spent annually on freight trans- natural draft
portation by the nation's shippers; also repre- The negative pressure created by the height of
sents the total revenue of all carriers operating a stack or chimney and the temperature dif-
in the nation. ference between the flue gas and the outside.
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey natural environment
(NPTS) That environment relatively unaffected by
(1) A nationwide home interview survey of man.
households that provides information on the natural fiber
characteristics and personal travel patterns of Any fiber having a plant or animal origin.
the U.S. population. Surveys were conducted
in 1969, 1977, 1983, and 1990 by the U.S. natural flood channel
Bureau of Census for the U.S. Department of A channel beginning at some point on the
Transportation. (2) A periodic national sur- banks of a stream and ending at some other
vey that provides comprehensive information point lower downstream, through which flood
on travel by the U.S. population, along with waters naturally flow at times of high water.
related socioeconomic characteristics of the natural frequency
trip maker. The NPTS is designed to allow an As pertains to vibration, the frequency at
analysis of travel by characteristics of the trip which an undamped system will oscillate
(e.g., length, purpose, mode), the trip maker when momentarily displaced from its rest po-
(e.g., age, sex, household income), and the sition.
vehicle used (e.g., model year, vehicle type,
make, and model). NPTS surveys were con- natural gas
ducted in 1969, 1977 and 1983 by the Bureau A mixture of naturally occurring gases of hy-
of Census (BOC) for the Department of drocarbon and nonhydrocarbon components

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(the main component is methane) usually as- as doors or windows, as well as by infiltra-
sociated with petroleum deposits. tion.
natural gas marketed production natural wet-bulb temperature
Gross withdrawals of natural gas from production The temperature indicated by a wetted ther-
reservoirs, less gas used for reservoir repres- mometer bulb that is exposed to and cooled
suring; nonhydrocarbon gases removed in by the movement of the surrounding air. See
treating and processing operations; and quan- also wet-bulb temperature.
tities vented and flared. naturally occurring background levels
Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA) of 1978 Ambient concentrations of chemicals that are
Section 311, Construction, allows an inter- present in the environment and have not been
state pipeline company to transport gas "on influenced by humans (e.g., aluminum, mag-
behalf of" any intrastate pipeline or local dis- nesium).
tribution company. Pipeline companies may naturally occurring radioactive material
expand or construct facilities used solely to (NORM)
enable this transportation service, subject to Any nuclide which is radioactive in its natural
certain conditions and reporting requirements. physical state but does not include source
natural gas transmission material or special nuclear material (i.e., plu-
Establishments engaged in the transmission tonium, uranium-233, or uranium enriched in
and/or storage of natural gas for sale. the isotopes uranium-233 or uranium-235).
natural gas transmission and distribution naturopathy
Establishments engaged in both the transmis- A drugless system of healing by the use of
sion and distribution of natural gas for sale. physical methods, such as light, air, water,
natural language etc.
A computer language in which the rules ap- nausea
proximate those of the user's normally written An unpleasant physical sensation, often cul-
language. minating in vomiting. Nausea may be a
natural radioactivity symptom of a variety of disorders, some mi-
The property of radioactivity exhibited by nor and some more serious. Nausea is usually
more than fifty naturally occurring radionu- felt when nerve endings in the stomach and
clides. other parts of the body are irritated. The irri-
tated nerves send messages to the center of
natural resources the brain that controls the vomiting reflex.
Land, fish, wildlife, biota, air, water, ground- When the nerve irritation becomes intense,
water, drinking water supplies, and other such vomiting results. Nausea and vomiting may
resources belonging to, managed by, held in be set off by nerve signals from many other
trust by, appertaining to, or otherwise con- parts of the body besides the stomach. For
trolled by the United States, any state or local example, intense pain in almost any part of
government, any foreign government, any In- the body can produce nausea. The reason is
dian tribe, or, if such resources are subject to a that the nausea-vomiting mechanism is part of
trust restriction on alienation, any member of the involuntary autonomic nervous system.
an Indian tribe. Nausea can also be precipitated by strong
natural selection emotions.
The process of survival of the fittest, by NAVAID
which organisms that adapt to their environ- See navigation aid.
ment survive and those that do not disappear.
natural ventilation See umbilicus.
Air movement created by wind, a temperature
difference, or other non-mechanical means. navicular bone
The movement of outdoor air into a space (1) Foot. A bone in the posterior portion of
through intentionally provided openings, such the foot. (2) Wrist. The largest bone in the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

wrist, located in the proximal row of bones on navigation
the thumb side. Also called scaphiod bone. Those activities involved in directing the
navigable airspace movement of a vehicle toward its intended
Airspace at and above the minimum flight destination.
altitudes prescribed in the Federal Aviation navigation aid (NAVAID)
Regulations (FARs) including airspace Includes electrical and visual air navigation
needed for safe takeoff and landing. aids, lights, signs, and their supporting
navigable canal equipment.
Waterway built primarily for navigation. navigation aid classes
navigable inland waterway Very high frequency omnidirectional radio
A stretch of water, not part of the sea, over range (VOR), combined very high frequency
which vessels of a carrying capacity of not omnidirectional radio range (VOR) and tacti-
less than 50 tons can navigate when normally cal aircraft control and navigation (TACAN)
loaded. This term covers both navigable riv- navigational facility (VORTAC), and TA-
ers and lakes and navigable canals. CAN aids are classed according to their op-
erational use. The three classes of NAVAIDs
navigable lake are T-Terminal, L-Low altitude, H-High alti-
Natural expanse of water open for navigation. tude.
navigable pass navigation bulletin
The water pass through which vessels may See public notice.
pass over a movable dam during periods of
high water. The wickets of the dam are low- navigational aid
ered to the riverbed and the water flows with Any visual or electronic device airborne or on
little or no obstruction. Navigable passes are the surface which provides point-to-point
usually from 600 feet to 900 feet in width guidance information or position data to air-
when the dam is lowered. These are found craft in flight. See also air navigation facil-
only in the Ohio and Illinois rivers. ity.

navigable river NBI

Natural waterway open for navigation irre- See National Bridge Inventory.
spective of whether it has been improved for NBIS
that purpose. See National Bridge Inspection Standards.
navigable waters NBS
(1) Traditionally, waters sufficiently deep and National Bureau of Standards.
wide for navigation by all, or specified sizes NBSAC
of vessels; such waters in the United States See National Boating Safety Advisory Coun-
come under federal jurisdiction and are in- cil.
cluded in certain provisions of the Clean Wa-
ter Act. (2) The waters of the United States, NCC
including the territorial sea and such waters as See noise criterion curve.
lakes, rivers, streams; waters which are used NCHRP
for recreation; and waters from which fish or See National Cooperative Highway Research
shellfish are taken and sold in interstate or Program.
foreign commerce.
navigable waters of the U.S. See National Cancer Institute.
Waters of the United States that are subject to
the ebb and flow of the tide, and/or are pres- NCP
ently used, or have been used in the past, or National Contingency Plan. See National Oil
may be susceptible to use to transport inter- and Hazardous Substances Contingency
state or foreign commerce. Plan.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

NCRP proximity of less than 500 feet would usually
See National Council on Radiation Protec- be required in this case.
tion. No Hazard: A situation in which direction
NDE and altitude would have made a midair colli-
See non-destructive evaluation. sion improbable regardless of evasive action
Nondestructive inspection. See discussion of near-miss
nondestructive evaluation (NDE). An occurrence or happening that had the po-
tential to result in some degree of injury,
NDIR property damage, or both, but did not. Also
See nondispersive infrared. referred to as a near-accident.
NDT near ultraviolet
Nondestructive testing. See discussion of Pertaining to that portion of the ultraviolet
nondestructive evaluation (NDE). radiation spectrum having wavelengths rang-
near-accident ing from about 300 to 380 nm.
See near-miss. near vision
near field The ability to see the close physical environ-
(1). Acoustics. The area close to a sound ment.
source within which the sound pressure level near vision chart
does not obey the inverse square law concept Any of a number of cards with letters, words,
(i.e., reduction of 6 dBA for each doubling of or paragraphs for determining the smallest
distance from the noise source). (2). Electro- font size which can be easily read under given
magnetic Radiation. Region near a radiating conditions.
electromagnetic source or structure in which
the electric and magnetic fields do not have a nearsightedness
substantially planewave character, but vary A condition in which vision for near objects is
considerably from point to point. Typically better than for distant ones. See myopia.
the near field extends out to at least five nebula
wavelengths from the radiating device. (1) Slight corneal opacity. (2) Cloudiness in
near infrared urine. (3) A liquid substance prepared for use
That portion of the infrared radiation spec- as a spray. (4) A cloud of interstellar gas and
trum just beyond the visual range, from about dust.
750 nm to 1400 nm. NEC
near midair collision National Electrical Code.
An incident associated with the operation of necessary damages
an aircraft in which a possibility of collision A term said to be much wider in scope in the
occurs as a result of proximity of less than law of damages than pecuniary. It embraces
500 feet to another aircraft, or a report is re- all those consequences of an injury usually re-
ceived from a pilot or flight crew member ferred to as general damages, as distinguished
stating that a collision hazard existed between from special damages; whereas the phrase pe-
two or more aircraft. Near midair collisions cuniary damages covers a smaller class of
are categorized based upon the degree of haz- damages within the larger class of general
ard, as follows: damages.
Critical: A situation in which collision neck
avoidance was due to chance rather than an The region of the body comprised of those
act on the part of the pilot. Less than 100 feet tissues which connect the trunk with the head,
of aircraft separation would be considered including the cervical vertebrae.
Potential: An incident which would proba- neck breadth
bly have resulted in a collision if no action The horizontal linear distance from one side
had been taken by either pilot. Closest of the neck to the other at the vertical mid-

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point between otobasion inferior and the necrosis
shoulder. Measured with the individual The death of one or more cells or a portion of
standing erect, the facial and neck muscula- a tissue or organ, usually resulting from irre-
ture relaxed, and without flesh compression. versible damage to the affected area.
neck – bustpoint length needle
The surface distance from the neck-shoulder Maritime. A long stick of timber placed be-
junction to the tip of the bra. Measured with tween the wickets of a movable dam to stop
the individual standing erect, the facial, neck, the leakage of water between the gates. A
and torso musculature relaxed. needle flat is a small barge used in transport-
neck – cervical length ing these timbers.
The surface distance from the cervicale to the needle beam scaffold
point at which the neck-shoulder junction be- A light duty scaffold consisting of needle
comes the vertical portion of the neck. Meas- beams supporting a platform.
ured with the individual standing erect, the needs analysis
neck and scalp musculature relaxed. The breakdown of identified needs into their
neck circumference, maximum component parts to determine the causes or
The maximum surface distance around the reasons for the needs.
neck, including the thyroid cartilage in the needs assessment
male. Measured without flesh compression, The determination and identification of the
with the individual standing erect, looking knowledge, skills, abilities, or other charac-
straight ahead, and the neck musculature re- teristics that are required for a task, job, or
laxed. operation.
neck circumference, minimum negative
The minimum surface distance around the neck Having a value of less than zero; including
inferior to the laryngeal prominence. Meas- lack or absence. Characterized by denial or
ured without flesh compression, with the in- opposition.
dividual standing erect, looking straight
ahead, and the neck musculature relaxed. negative acceleration
See deceleration.
neck depth
The horizontal linear distance from the ante- negative afterimage
rior protrusion of the neck to the nape of the An image seen on a bright background fol-
neck. Measured with the individual standing lowing the removal of a stimulus, and which
erect, the facial and neck musculature relaxed, is approximately the complementary color of
and without flesh compression. the original stimulus.
neck – shoulder junction negative air machine
The level of the lateral point at which the A device consisting of a fan and ductwork and
shoulder and neck meet and the angle of the often a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
surface arc is 45º above horizontal. filter. It is used to move air from one area to
another to maintain a state of negative air
neck – waist length pressure inside a contaminated area and thus
The surface distance from the superior point prevent leakage of the contaminants into other
of the neck-shoulder junction over the front areas.
midline of the body to the midsagittal waist
level. negative air pressure
(1) Air pressure in a room or duct that is less
neckrest than the pressure in adjacent areas. (2) Con-
Any padded structure which provides support dition that exists when less air is supplied to a
to the neck, especially when sitting. space than is exhausted from the space, so the
necropsy air pressure within that space is less than that
Examination of the body after death. in surrounding areas.

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negative contact care or attention in the doing or omission of a
Aviation. Term used by pilots to inform Air given act.
Traffic Control (ATC) that a) previously is- negligence
sued traffic is not in sight. It may be followed Failure to take reasonable care to avoid caus-
by the pilot's request for the controller to pro- ing foreseeable harm to another and which
vide assistance in avoiding the traffic; b) they failure caused the harm.
were unable to contact ATC on a particular
frequency. negligible event
An occurrence, subsequent to the introduction
negative feedback of a hazard or set of hazards into a system,
A signal which tends to decrease the output of that results in a level of injury, damage, or
a system. loss of such insignificant consequence that
negative feedback mechanism quick or total recovery would be highly prob-
See feedback mechanism. able and possible. The parameters for this
negative g categorization are usually established by man-
An acceleration acting along the body's lon- agement in the System Safety Program Plan,
gitudinal axis in a superior direction. or other policy-making documentation.

negative pressure negotiation

Condition that exists when less air is supplied Discussion among the interested parties in a
to a space than is exhausted from the space so dispute to seek a resolution.
the air pressure within that space is less than NEI
that in the surrounding area. Non-explosive initiator.
negative pressure respirator nem
A respirator in which the pressure inside the A nutrition unit, based on the caloric content
respirator is negative during inspiration rela- of one gram of standard composition breast
tive to the pressure outside, and positive in- milk. Equal to about 0.6 calorie.
side the respirator relative to the pressure out- NEMA
side during exhalation. National Electrical Manufacturers Associa-
negative reinforcement tion.
That which causes a weakening or a decrease nematocide
in the frequency or size of a response as a re- A chemical agent which is destructive to
sult of contingent reinforcement. nematodes (roundworms or threadworms).
negative skew See also nematode.
Having a distribution curve with the mean nematode
less than the mode. Invertebrate animals of the phylum nema-
negative transfer thelminthes and class nematoda, that is, un-
A condition in which previous experience segmented round worms with elongated, fusi-
causes interference with the learning of a new form, or sac-like bodies covered with cuticle,
task, usually due to conflicting stimuli or re- and inhabiting soil, water, plants, or plant
sponse requirements. parts; may also be called nemas or eelworms.
negative work neonate
That dynamic work done by a person using A newborn infant.
external forces and eccentric muscle contrac- neoplasia
tions. A condition characterized by the presence of
negatron new growths (tumors).
A negatively charged electron. neoplasm
neglect (1) Term commonly used to describe a cancer,
May mean to omit, fail, or forbear to do a but technically means any new growth of cells
thing that can be done, or that is required to be that is more or less unrestrained and not gov-
done, but it may also import an absence of erned by the usual limitations of normal

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growth. The growth is benign if there is some An attack of acute nephritis may produce no
degree of growth restraint and no spread to symptoms. More often, however, there are
distant parts. It is malignant if it invades headaches, a malaise, back pain, and perhaps
other tissues of the host, spreads to distant slight fever. The urine may look smoky,
parts, or both. (2) A mass of new, abnormal bloody, or wine colored. Analysis of the
tissue; a new growth or tumor. See also tu- urine shows the presence of erythrocytes, al-
mor. bumin, and casts. Another symptom is
neoplastic edema. If this occurs, the face or ankles are
Of or pertaining to a neoplasm or a cancer. swollen, more so in the morning than in the
evening. The blood pressure usually rises
NEPA during acute nephritis and, in severe cases,
See National Environmental Policy Act. hypertension may be accompanied by convul-
néper (Np) sions. Chronic nephritis may follow a case of
A unit of absorption/attenuation for sound acute nephritis immediately or it may develop
waves, based on the natural logarithm of the after a long interval during which no symp-
ratio of two quantities. Also napier. toms have been present. Many cases of
chronic nephritis occur in people who have
nephelometer never had the acute form of the disease. The
An instrument which measures the scattering symptoms of chronic nephritis are often un-
of light due to particles suspended in a me- predictable, with great variations in different
dium, such as water. cases. But in almost every case of the disease
nephelometry there is steady, progressive, permanent dam-
Photometric analytical technique for measur- age to the kidneys. Chronic nephritis gener-
ing the light scattered by finely divided parti- ally moves through three stages. In the first
cles of a substance in suspension. stage, the latent stage, there are few outward
symptoms. There may be slight malaise, but
often the only indication of the disease is the
Surgical removal of a kidney. The procedure
presence of albumin and other abnormal sub-
is indicated when chronic disease or severe
stances in the urine. If a blood count is per-
injury produces irreparable damage to the re-
formed during this stage, anemia may be
nal cells. Tumors, multiple cysts, and con-
found. There is no special treatment during
genital anomalies may also necessitate re-
the latent stage of chronic nephritis. The per-
moval of a kidney. A single kidney can carry
son can lead a perfectly normal life but should
on function formerly done by both kidneys,
avoid extremes of fatigue and exposure, and
and thus a patient can survive nephrectomy in
should eat a well-balanced diet. There may be
good health.
a second stage of chronic nephritis in which
nephritis edema occurs. Excess body fluids collect in
Inflammation of the kidneys. The most usual the face, legs, or arms. It is particularly im-
form is glomerulonephritis, that is, inflamma- portant, at any stage of chronic nephritis to
tion of the glomeruli (clusters of renal capil- avoid other infections, which will aggravate
laries). Damage to the membranes of the the condition. The final stage of chronic ne-
glomeruli results in impairment of the filter- phritis is uremia. At this point, damage to the
ing process, so that blood and proteins such as kidneys is so extensive that they begin to fail.
albumin pass out into the urine. Depending Also call Bright's disease. See also nephro-
on the symptoms it produces, nephritis is clas- sis.
sified as acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, or
nephrosis. Acute nephritis occurs most fre-
Downward displacement of a kidney, also
quently in children and young people. The
called floating or dropped kidney. Displace-
disease seems to strike those who have re-
ment can occur when the kidney supports are
cently suffered from sore throat, scarlet fever,
weakened by a sudden strain or blow, or are
and other infections that are caused by strep-
congenitally defective.
tococci, and it is believed to originate as an
immune response on the part of the kidney.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nephrosclerosis up the autonomic nervous system serve the
Hardening of the kidney associated with hy- glands, heart, blood vessels and involuntary
pertension and disease of the renal arterioles. muscles of the internal organs.
It is characterized as benign or malignant de- nerve cell
pending on the severity and rapidity of the The basic unit of the nervous system. The
hypertension and arteriolar changes. highly specialized cell has many fibers ex-
nephrosis tending from it which carry messages in the
A disease of the kidneys in which there is form of electrical charges and chemical
malformation of the kidney tissue without in- changes. The fibers of some cells are only a
flammation. It probably represents one stage fraction of an inch long, but those of others
of nephritis and is marked by excessive accu- (for example, the sciatic nerve) extend for 2 or
mulation of fluid in the body, apparently due 3 feet. These fibers reach into muscles and
to the inability of the kidneys to regulate the organs throughout the body, to the ends of the
body's water content properly. It is further fibers and toes, and cluster by the thousands
characterized by a great loss of protein in the in areas of the skin no larger than the head of
urine and decreased serum albumin. The ex- a pin. See neuron.
act cause is unknown but the disease may nerve deafness
follow acute nephritis. A hearing impairment due to some abnormal-
nephrotoxic agent ity in the auditory nerve.
See nephrotoxin. nervous breakdown
nephrotoxin A popular term for any type of mental illness
A toxin known to have deleterious effects on that interferes with a person's normal activi-
the kidney tissue. Also referred to as a neph- ties. The term does not refer to a specific
rotoxic agent. disturbance. The so-called "nervous break-
nerve down" can include any of the mental disor-
(1) A collection of one or more axons bound ders, including neurosis, psychosis, or depres-
together by connective tissue and having a de-
fined origin and termination. (2) A cordlike nervous system
structure of the body, composed of highly A system comprised of neural and various
specialized tissue, by which impulses are supporting tissues which is capable of taking
conveyed from one region of the body to an- input, integrating that input, and providing
other. Depending on their function, nerves motor output.
are known as sensory, motor, or mixed. Sen- nervousness
sory nerves, sometimes called afferent nerves, Morbid or undue excitability.
carry information from the outside world to
the brain and spinal cord. Sensation of heat, NESHAPS
cold, and pain are conveyed by the sensory See National Emission Standards for Haz-
ardous Air Pollutants.
nerves. Motor nerves, or efferent nerves,
transmit impulses from the brain and spinal nested
cord to the muscles. Mixed nerves are com- Located within some larger structure.
posed of both motor and sensory fibers, and net energy
transmit messages in both directions at once. See delivered energy.
Together, the nerves make up the peripheral
net horsepower
nervous system, as distinguished from the
central nervous system, which consists of the The usable power output of an engine "as in-
stalled." Net horsepower is the gross horse-
brain and spinal cord. There are twelve pairs
power minus the horsepower used to drive the
of cranial nerves, which carry messages to
and from the brain. Spinal nerves arise from alternator, water pump, fan, etc. at a specified
the spinal cord and pass out between the ver-
tebrae. There are 31 pairs: 8 cervical, 12 tho- net income or loss before income taxes
racic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. The operating profit (or loss) which is operat-
The various nerve fibers and cells that make ing revenues less operating expenses less non-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

operating income and expenses produces the the contents of a tin can without the weight of
net income, but before "nonrecurring items." the can). See also gross weight.
net instrument response network
The gross instrument response for the sample, (1) General. To meet or otherwise corre-
minus the sample blank. spond with a select group of individuals who
net maximum dependable capacity have something in common with one another.
The gross electrical output measured at the (2) Computing. The purposeful grouping of
output terminals of the turbine generator(s) computer terminals for the purpose of sharing
during the most restrictive seasonal condi- resources (peripherals, software, files, appli-
tions, less the station service load. cations, etc.), usually in a business environ-
net metabolic cost
That metabolic activity incurred only from a network interface card (NIC)
particular activity, with the basal metabolic A device for transferring data over a network.
rate subtracted from the gross metabolic cost. See also network (2).

net module shipments network navigable inland waterway

Represents the difference between module All navigable inland waterways open to pub-
shipments and module purchases. When ex- lic navigation in a given area.
ported, incomplete modules and unencapsu- neural
lated cells are also included. Pertaining to a nerve, the nerves, or the nerv-
net productivity rate ous system.
The annual per capita rate of increase in a neural loss
stock resulting from additions due to repro- Hearing loss due to nerve damage.
duction, less losses due to mortality. neuralgia
net receipts Sudden pain in a nerve or along the course of
Shipping. The difference between total one or more nerves. Neuralgia is usually a
movements into and total movements out of sharp, spasm-like pain that may recur at inter-
each PAD District by pipeline, tanker, and vals. It is caused by inflammation of or injury
barge. to a nerve or group of nerves. Inflammation
net tare weight of a nerve (neuritis) may affect different parts
The weight of an empty cargo-carrying piece of the body, depending upon the location of
of equipment plus any fixtures permanently the nerve. A commonly encountered form of
attached. neuralgia is sciatica, or pain occurring along
the sciatic nerve. This pain is felt in the back
net ton mile and down the thigh to the ankle. It may result
Rail Operations. The movement of revenue from inflammation of or injury to the sciatic
and/or nonrevenue freight a distance of one nerve, and is often associated with conditions
mile. Includes a reasonable portion of the such as arthritis of the spine, slipped in-
weight of exclusive work equipment and mo- tervertebral disk, diabetes mellitus, and gout.
torcar trains moved one mile. See also neuritis.
net tonnage neurasthenia
The net or register tonnage of a vessel is the Neuroses marked by a lack of energy, depres-
remainder after deducting from the gross ton- sion, loss of appetite, insomnia, and inability
nage of the vessel the tonnage of crew spaces, to concentrate resulting from a functional dis-
master's accommodations, navigation spaces, order of the nervous system, due usually to
allowance for propelling power, etc. It is ex- prolonged and excessive expenditure of en-
pressed in tons of 100 cubic feet. ergy. Commonly referred to as nervous pros-
net weight tration.
Shipping. Weight of the goods alone without neuritis
any immediate wrappings, (e.g., the weight of Inflammation of a nerve. There are many
forms with different effects. Some increase or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

decrease the sensitivity of the body part neurology
served by the nerve; others produce paralysis; Branch of medicine dealing with the nervous
some cause pain and inflammation. The cases system and its disorders.
in which pain is the chief symptom are gener- neuromuscular
ally called neuralgia. Neuritis and neuralgia Pertaining to all or part of both the motor as-
attack the peripheral nervous system (i.e., the pects of the nervous system, the muscular
nerves that link the brain and spinal cord with system, or the interaction between them.
the muscles, skin, organs, and all other parts
of the body). These nerves usually carry both neuromuscular junction
sensory and motor fibers; hence both pain and That point of interface between the motor
some paralysis may result. Certain toxic sub- neuron and muscle tissue at which the syn-
stances such as lead, arsenic, and mercury apse occurs. Also called myoneural junction.
may produce a generalized poisoning of the neuromuscular spindle
peripheral nerves, with tenderness, pain, and A capsular proprioceptive sensory structure
paralysis of the limbs. Other causes of gener- located within skeletal muscles which con-
alized neuritis include alcoholism, vitamin- tains several intrafusal fibers and is respon-
deficiency diseases (such as beriberi and dia- sive to stretch for providing nervous system
betes mellitus), thallium poisoning, some feedback to prevent damage by over-
types of allergy, and some viral and bacteria stretching.
infections (such as diphtheria, syphilis, and
mumps). Some attacks of generalized neuritis neuromuscular stimulation
begin with fever and other symptoms of an The stimulation of nervous and/or muscle
acute illness. However, neuritis caused by tissue(s) via electrical, chemical, or other
lead or alcohol poisoning comes on very means.
slowly over the course of weeks or months. neuron
Usually an attack of generalized neuritis will A nerve cell, with its processes, collaterals,
subside by itself when the toxic substance is and terminations, regarded as the basic struc-
eliminated. Frequently, instead of a general- tural unit of the nervous system. Neurons are
ized irritation of the nerves, only one nerve is highly specialized cells having two charac-
affected. For example, Bell's palsy (or facial teristic properties: irritability, which means
paralysis) results when the facial nerve is af- they are capable of being stimulated; and
fected. It usually lasts only a few days or conductivity, which means they are able to
weeks. Sometimes, however, the cause is a conduct impulses. They are composed of a
tumor pressing on the nerve, or injury to the nerve cell body (neurosome), one or more
nerve by a blow, cut, or even a bullet. In that processes (nerve fibers) extending from the
event, recovery depends on the success in body, dendrites, and an axon.
treating the tumor or the injury. The processes or nerve fibers are actually
neuroanatomy extensions of the cytoplasm surrounding the
The study of nervous system structure. nucleus of the neuron. A nerve cell may have
only one such slender fiber extending from its
neuroceptor body, in which case it is classified as unipolar.
One of the terminal elements of a dendrite A neuron having two processes is bipolar, and
that receives a stimulus from the neuromittor one with three or more processes is consid-
of the adjoining neuron. ered multipolar. Most neurons are multipolar,
neurochemistry this type of neuron being widely distributed
The scientific study of the chemical processes throughout the central nervous system and
taking place in the nervous system. autonomic ganglia. The multipolar neurons
have a single process called an axon and sev-
neurocirculatory eral branched extensions which are the den-
Pertaining to all or part of both the nervous drites. The dendrites receive stimuli from
and circulatory systems or the intersection other nerves or from a receptor organ, such as
between them. the skin or ear, and transmit them through the
neuron to the axon. The axon conducts the

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impulses to the dendrite of another neuron or transmit "muscle sense," by which one is
to an effector organ that is thereby stimulated aware of the position of his/her body in space.
to action. Many process are covered with a The axons of motor neurons form synapses
layer of lipid material called myelin. Periph- with skeletal muscle fibers to produce motion.
eral nerve fibers have a thin outer covering These junctions are called motor end-plates or
called neurolemma. myoneural junctions. The axon of a motor
Neurons that receive stimuli from the out- neuron divides just before it enters the muscle
side environment and transmit them toward fibers. These motor neurons are called so-
the brain are called afferent or sensory neu- matic efferent neurons. Visceral efferent neu-
rons. Neurons that carry impulses in the op- rons form synapses with smooth muscle, car-
posite direction, away from the brain and diac muscle, and glands.
other nerve center muscles, are called efferent neuropathy
or motor neurons. Another type of nerve cell, A general term denoting functional distur-
the association of internuncial neuron, or in- bances and/or pathological changes in the pe-
terneuron, is found in the brain and spinal ripheral nervous system.
cord. These neurons conduct impulses from
afferent to efferent neurons. The point at neurophysiology
which an impulse is transmitted from one The basic physiology of neurons and the
neuron to another is called a synapse. The nervous system in general, from simple me-
transmission is chemical in nature (i.e., there tabolism to the generation and conduction of
is no direct contact between the axon of one impulses.
neuron and the dendrites of another). The neurosis
cholinergic nerves (parasympathetic nervous An emotional disorder that can interfere with
system) liberate at their axon endings a sub- a person's ability to lead a normal, useful life,
stance called acetylcholine, which acts as a or can impair his/her physical health. A neu-
stimulant to the dendrites of adjacent neurons. rosis is generally a milder form of mental ill-
In a similar manner, the adrenergic nerves ness than a psychosis. Those persons with
(sympathetic nervous system) liberate sym- neurotic symptoms are usually in contact with
pathin, a substance that closely resembles reality; they are able to function in society
epinephrine and probably is identical to nore- even though they may feel uncomfortable or
pinephrine. their efficiency may be impaired. By contrast,
The synapse may involve one neuron in psychotic persons tend to withdraw from the
chemical contact with many adjacent neurons, real world into one of their own, or to act in
or it may involve the axon terminals of one strange, even bizarre, ways, and are often not
neuron and the dendrites of a succeeding neu- aware of their illness. Sometimes referred to
ron in a nerve pathway. There are many dif- as psychoneurosis.
ferent patterns of synapses.
The dendrites of the sensory neurons are neurotendinous spindle
designed to receive stimuli from various parts See Golgi tendon organ.
of the body. These dendrites are called re- neurotic
ceptor end-organs and are of three general (1) Pertaining to or affected with a neurosis.
types: exteroceptors, interoceptors, and pro- (2) Pertaining to the nerves. (3) A nervous
prioceptors. Their names give a clue to their person in whom emotions predominate over
specific function. The exteroceptors are lo- reason.
cated near the external surface of the body
neurotoxic agent
and receive impulses from the skin. They
See neurotoxin.
transmit information about the senses of
touch, heat, cold, and other factors in the ex- neurotoxicity
ternal environment. The interoceptors are lo- Toxic effects on the central or peripheral
cated in the internal organs and receive in- nervous system causing behavioral or neuro-
formation from the viscera (e.g., pressure, logical abnormalities.
tension, and pain). The proprioceptors are
found in muscles, tendons, and joints and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

neurotoxicology neutron
The study of the effects of toxins on nerve A neutral particle (i.e., one without an electri-
tissue. cal charge) of approximate unit mass present
neurotoxin in all atomic nuclei, except those of ordinary
A substance that is poisonous or destructive to (or light) hydrogen. Neutrons are used to ini-
nerve tissue. Also referred to as a neurotoxic tiate the fission and fusion process.
agent. neutron chain reaction
neurotransmitter A process in which some of the neutrons re-
A chemical which is released from one neuron leased in one fission event cause other fis-
at a chemical synapse and for which a recep- sions to occur.
tor is located nearby on the same or another nevus
neuron. A small, flat, elevated or pedunculated lesion
neutral body posture of the skin, pigmented or nonpigmented, and
That posture which the body tends to assume with or without hair growth, characterized by
when relaxed with the eyes closed or covered a specific type of cell. More commonly re-
in a microgravity environment; the arms lie in ferred to as a mole. Most moles are either
front of the body with the elbows, the neck, brown, black, or flesh-colored. They may ap-
the hips, and knees all somewhat flexed pear on any part of the skin. They vary in size
(given sufficient volume/space to assume this and thickness, and occur in groups or singly.
position under microgravity conditions). Usually they are not disfiguring. A nevus is
usually not troublesome unless it is unsightly
neutral body posture stature or unless it becomes inflamed or cancerous.
The maximum perpendicular linear distance Fortunately, nevi seldom become cancerous
from a plane at the most distal part of the feet and, if they do, the cause is often constant ir-
to a plane at the highest point on the head ritation. Any change in size, color, or texture
when the subject is in the neutral body pos- of a mole, or any excessive itching or any
ture. bleeding, should be reported to a physician.
neutral density filter Moles can be removed by surgery or by one
An optical filter which reduces the intensity of of several other methods, such as the applica-
light without appreciably changing the rela- tion of solid carbon dioxide, injections, and
tive spectral distribution. radium treatment.
neutral stability new animal drug
An atmospheric condition that exists in dry air Any drug intended for use for animals other
when the environmental lapse rate equals the than man, including any drug intended for use
dry adiabatic rate. In saturated air the envi- in animal feed but not including such animal
ronmental lapse rate equals the moist adiabatic feed. The composition is a) such that such
rate. Also referred to neutrally stable air. drug is not generally recognized, among
experts qualified by scientific training and ex-
neutralization perience to evaluate the safety and effective-
Decreasing the acidity or alkalinity of a sub- ness of animal drugs, as safe and effective for
stance by adding to it alkaline or acidic mate- use under the conditions prescribed, recom-
rials, respectively, as required. mended, or suggested in the labeling thereof;
neutralizer except that such a drug not so recognized
A muscle which functions to prevent some shall not be deemed to be a “new animal
undesired action of another muscle. drug” if at any time prior to June 25, 1938, it
was subject to the Food and Drug Act of June
neutrally stable air
30, 1906, as amended, and if at such time its
See neutral stability.
labeling contained the same representations
neutrino concerning the conditions of its use; or b) the
A particle resulting from a nuclear reaction composition is such that the drug, as a result
which carries energy away from the system of investigations to determine its safety and
but has no mass or charge. effectiveness for use under such conditions,

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has become so recognized but which has not, new underground storage tanks
otherwise than in such investigations, been Tanks used to contain regulated substances
used to a material extent or for a material time and installed after December 22, 1988.
under such conditions. new vehicle
new candle A vehicle which is offered for sale or lease
See candela. after manufacture without any prior use.
new drug new vehicle storage
According to the Federal Food, Drug, and A Fleet Management System (FMS) inven-
Cosmetic Act: Any drug (except a new animal tory status indicating vehicles that are placed
drug or an animal feed bearing or containing a in storage when first received and are await-
new animal drug) the composition of which is ing assignment.
such that such drug is not generally recognized, Newton (N)
among experts qualified by scientific training A unit of force which, when applied to a mass
and experience to evaluate the safety and of one kilogram, will give it an acceleration of
effectiveness of drugs, as safe and effective for one meter per second.
use under the conditions prescribed, recom-
mended, or suggested in the labeling thereof, newton-meter
except that such a drug not so recognized shall A unit of torque in the SI/MKS system, equal
not be deemed to be a “new drug” if at any to a 1 N force acting perpendicularly at 1 me-
time prior to the enactment of the Federal ter from a point of rotation.
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act it was subject to Newton's first law of motion
the Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906, as Every mass maintains its current state of mo-
amended, and if at such time its labeling tion unless acted on by one or more non-
contained the same representations concerning equilibrating forces. Also called law of iner-
the conditions of its use. tia.
A new drug is also any drug (except a new
animal drug or an animal feed bearing or Newton's laws of motion
containing a new animal drug) the composition Three physical laws which govern the basic
of which is such that such drug, as a result of interactions of physical objects and forces.
investigations to determine its safety and See Newton's first law of motion, Newton's
effectiveness for use under such conditions, second law of motion, and Newton's third
has become so recognized, but which has not, law of motion.
otherwise than in such investigations, been Newton's second law of motion
used to a material extent or for a material time The force required to impart a given accelera-
under such conditions. tion to an object is proportional to the mass of
new look bus that object.
A bus with the predominant styling and Newton's third law of motion
mechanical equipment common to buses For every action, there is an equal and op-
manufactured between 1959 and 1978. posing reaction.
new source NFPA
Any stationary source which is built or modi- See National Fire Protection Association.
fied after publication of final or proposed
regulations that prescribe a standard of per-
Nanogram [0.001 g or 1000 picograms (pg)].
formance which is intended to apply to that
type of emission source. NGPA
See Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978.
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
Uniform national EPA air emissions and wa- NGT
ter effluent standards which limit the amount See nominal group technique.
of pollution allowed from new sources, or NHS
from existing sources that have been modi- See National Highway System.

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NHTSA night vision goggles (NVG)
See National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- A light image intensifying device for enabling
ministration. an individual to see terrain, objects, or other
NIBS items of interest at very low light levels.
National Institute of Business Sciences. NIH
NIC See National Institutes of Health.
See network interface card. NIHL
nickel itch See noise-induced hearing loss.
A type of dermatitis seen in some workers nimbostratus
who are exposed to nickel. A dark, gray cloud characterized by more or
nicotine less continuously falling precipitation. It is
An alkaloid that in its pure state is a colorless, not accompanied by lightning, thunder, or
pungent, oily, and highly poisonous liquid, hail.
having an acrid burning taste. It is a constitu- nine-foot contour line
ent of tobacco. In water solution, it is some- A meandering line not necessarily on the
times used as an insecticide and plant spray channel edge at which a depth of 9 feet is ob-
and is generally highly effective because of its tained at river stage low water reference
systemic poisoning properties. Although plane.
nicotine is highly toxic, the amount inhaled Nineteenth Amendment
while smoking tobacco is too small to cause Known as the women's suffrage amendment
immediate death. The nicotine in tobacco to the U.S. Constitution, it provides that the
can, however, cause indigestion and increase right of citizens of the U.S. to vote shall not
blood pressure, and dull the appetite. It also be denied or abridged by the U.S. or by any
acts as a vasoconstrictor. state on account of sex. The 19th Amend-
NIEHS ment was ratified in 1920.
National Institute of Environmental Health Ninth Amendment
Sciences. This amendment to the U.S. Constitution pro-
night vides that the enumeration in the Constitution
(1) The hours between the end of evening of certain rights, shall not be construed to
civil twilight and the beginning of morning deny or disparage others retained by the peo-
civil twilight or such other period between ple.
sunset and sunrise as may be specified by the NIOSH
appropriate authority. (Note: Civil twilight See National Institute for Occupational
ends in the evening when the center of the Safety and Health.
sun's disk is 6 degrees below the horizon and
begins in the morning when the center of the nip point
sun's disk is 6 degrees below the horizon). (2) The nearest point of intersection or near con-
The hours from 6:00 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. tact of two oppositely rotating circular sur-
faces or a rotating circular surface and a pla-
night blindness nar surface.
The inability of the eyes to quickly adjust to
changes in light intensity. For example, peo- nipple
ple whose eyes cannot quickly adjust to the (1) A projection from the proximal center of
darkness of a movie theater or are temporarily the breast, usually of different hue and texture
blinded by the glare of headlights at night than normal flesh and which, in the female,
probably have night blindness. provides the terminal milk duct outlets. (2)
Any structure resembling or serving a func-
night shift tion similar to the human nipple.
See third shift.
night vision See noise-induced permanent threshold shift.
See scotopic vision.

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NIST ness and weakness, to unconsciousness and
National Institute of Standards and Technol- death, depending on the pressure and duration
ogy (formerly the National Bureau of Stan- of exposure. Sometimes referred to as rapture
dards). of the deep/depths. See also inert gas narcosis.
nit nitrogen oxide (NOx)
A unit of luminance, equal to 1 candela/m2. Product of combustion from transportation
nitrate and stationary sources and a major contributor
A compound containing nitrogen which can to the formation of ozone in the troposphere
exist in the atmosphere or as a dissolved gas and acid rain deposition.
in water and which can have harmful effects nitrogenous wastes
on humans and animals. Nitrates in water can Animal or vegetable residues that contain sig-
cause severe illness in infants and cows. nificant amounts of nitrogen.
nitric oxide (NO) NITTS
A gas formed by combustion under high tem- See noise-induced temporary threshold shift.
perature and high pressure in an internal com-
bustion engine. It changes to nitrogen dioxide
See National Labor Relations Board.
(NO2) in the ambient air and contributes to
photochemical smog. nm
Nanometer (common unit for absorbance used
in spectroscopy).
The process whereby ammonia in wastewater
is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by N/m2
bacterial or chemical reactions. Newtons per square meter.
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) NMOG
A compound being used to replace phosphates See nonmethane organic gas.
in detergents. NMR
nitrite Nuclear magnetic resonance.
(1) An intermediate in the process of nitrifi- NNI
cation. (2) Nitrous oxide salts used in food See noise and number index.
nitrogen (N2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admini-
A chemical element, atomic number 7, atomic stration.
weight 14.007, symbol N. A colorless, odor-
less, and chemically reactively inert gas. NOAEL
Makes up approximately 78-79% of the See nonobserved-adverse-effect-level.
earth's atmosphere. Also, gaseous nitrogen or no brain rule
GN2. (slang) A task design guideline that the
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) workplace should prevent the worker from
The result of nitric oxide combining with getting hurt even if he/she doesn't think before
oxygen in the atmosphere. A major compo- acting.
nent of photochemical smog. no eyewitness rule
nitrogen fixation The principle by which one who is charged
The utilization of atmospheric nitrogen to with the burden of showing freedom from
form chemical compounds. In nature this is contributory negligence is assumed to have
accomplished by bacteria resulting in the acted with due care for his/her own safety in
ability of plants to synthesize proteins. the absence of eyewitnesses or of any obtain-
able evidence to the contrary.
nitrogen narcosis
A condition, due to breathing of nitrogen gas no-fault auto insurance
under high pressures, whose symptoms range Type of insurance in which claims for per-
from joviality and lack of concern, to drowsi- sonal injury (and sometimes property dam-

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age) are made against the claimant's own in- nodal point (of the eye)
surance company (no matter who was at fault) An imaginary midpoint in the eyeball at
rather than against the insurer of the party at which light rays from any point in the visual
fault. Under such state "no-fault" statutes field will intersect the visual axis.
only in cases of serious personal injuries and node
high medical costs may the injured bring an (1) A junction. (2) A point or region of
action against the other party of his/her in- minimum or zero amplitude in a periodic
surer. No-fault statutes vary from state to system.
state in terms of scope of coverage, threshold
amounts, threshold types (e.g., monetary or node of Ranvier
verbal), etc. A gap in the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber in
which the axon membrane is exposed. En-
no-fire level ables the neural impulse to jump from node to
The maximum direct current or RF energy at node, providing for faster transmission.
which an electroexplosive initiator shall not
fire with a reliability of 0.999 at a confidence NOEL
level of 95 percent as determined by a No-observable-effect level.
Bruceton test method and shall be capable of noise
subsequent firing within the requirements of (1) Acoustics. Commonly defined as un-
performance specifications. See also Bruce- wanted sound and is usually expressed in
ton test method. decibels on the A scale (dBA), which is the
no gyro approach scale thought to most approximate human
Aviation. A radar approach vector provided in hearing. Noise is characterized by both fre-
case of a malfunctioning gyro-compass or di- quency (pitch) and pressure (intensity). (2)
rectional gyro. Instead of providing the pilot Instrument. Any unwanted electrical distur-
with headings to be flown, the controller ob- bance or spurious signal which modifies the
serves the radar track and issues control in- transmission, measurement, or recording of
structions "turn right/left" or "stop turn" as desired data. An output signal of an instru-
appropriate. ment that does not represent the variable be-
ing measured or the variation in the signal
no-observed-effect level from an instrument that is not caused by
In dose-response experiments, the experi- variations in the concentration of the material
mental exposure level representing the highest being measured.
level tested at which no effects at all were
demonstrated. noise and number index (NNI)
An index used for rating the noise environ-
noble gas ment near airports and the noise associated
A gas that is either completely nonreactive or with aircraft flyby.
reacts only to a very limited extent with other
elements. The noble gases are helium, argon, noise cancellation
neon, krypton, xenon, and radon. An active noise reduction technique using a
device which monitors an incoming signal
NOC with noise and produces an opposing signal
See not otherwise classified. prior to passing the signal to the observer.
noctilucent cloud noise contour
A wavy, thin, blue-to-white cloud that is best A continuous line on a plot plan or map which
seen at twilight in polar latitudes. It forms at connects all points of a specified noise level
altitudes about 80 to 90 kilometers above the (such as 85 dBA).
noise control
nocturnal The process of achieving a more nearly ac-
Pertaining to a species or individual who pre- ceptable environment through the use of any
fers to be active at night. noise reducing techniques.
nocturnal inversion
See radiation inversion.

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noise criterion curve (NCC) noise pollution
Any of several sets of criteria for providing a An amount of noise in the environment con-
single number rating the acceptability of con- sidered to be excessive by the majority of the
tinuous environmental noise, based on curves population.
of noise intensity or sound pressure level vs. noise rating number
frequency. Ratings are given for the noise The perceived noise level of specified acous-
criterion curve which is not exceeded. Each tic conditions that is tolerable.
curve is named for the dB level where the
curve crosses the 2-kHz point. noise reduction
The reduction in the sound pressure level of a
noise exposure noise, or the attenuation of unwanted sound
(1) The cumulative amount of acoustic by any means.
stimulation which reaches the ear of an indi-
vidual over some specified period of time. (2) noise reduction coefficient (NRC)
Exposure to any unwanted sound. Overexpo- The average sound absorption coefficient for
sure to occupational noise in the United States a material over the logarithm of frequency in
is considered to be 90 dBA over an 8-hour the range from 256 to 2048Hz.
time-weighted average (TWA). noise reduction rating (NRR)
noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) (1) A measure of the effectiveness of a given
A progressive hearing loss that is the result of hearing protector, usually expressed in deci-
exposure to noise, generally of the continuous bels. Assuming a complete and perfect fit, the
type over a long period of time, as opposed to NRR is the difference between the sound
acoustic trauma, which results in immediate pressure levels outside the ear and those in-
hearing loss. side the ear. (2) A single number noise re-
duction factor in decibels, determined by an
noise-induced permanent threshold shift empirically derived technique which takes
(NIPTS) into account performance variation of pro-
A permanent hearing loss due to extremely tectors in noise reducing effectiveness due to
high noise exposure levels. differing noise spectra, fit variability, and the
noise-induced temporary threshold shift (NITTS) mean attenuation of test stimuli at the one-
A temporary hearing loss due to high noise third octave band test frequencies.
exposure levels. noise suppressor
noise level An electronic circuit which is capable of
For airborne sound, unless otherwise specified automatically inhibiting the amplifier of a ra-
to the contrary, noise level is the weighted dio receiver to eliminate background noise
sound pressure level, called sound level, the when no signal is being received.
weighting of which must be indicated (e.g., A, noisy shoulder
B, or C weighting). See also sound level. (slang) Emitting a grating noise on elevation
noise margin or depression of the shoulder. Often due to a
The margin between the worst case noise snapping tendon over the scapula.
level and logic circuitry threshold. nolo contendere
noise meter Latin phrase meaning "I will not contest it."
See sound level meter. A plea in a criminal case which has a similar
noise nuisance legal effect as pleading guilty.
An environmental problem consisting of hu- Nomex®
man activities that arise from unreasonable or A fire-resistant material used for clothing and
unlawful use by a person of his/her own prop- other industrial applications.
erty, obstructing or injuring others' rights, and nominal bandwidth
producing material nuisance or discomfort The range between the specified upper and
presumed by the law to result in damage. lower cutoff frequencies of a system.

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nominal damages Clean Air Act. See also NAAQS and criteria
A trifling sum awarded to a plaintiff in an pollutants.
action, where there is no substantial loss or nonauditory effects of noise
injury to be compensated, but still the law (1) Effects from exposure to noise, such as
recognizes a technical invasion of his/her stress, fatigue, reduction in work efficiency,
rights or a breach of the defendant's duty, or etc. (2) Any physiological or psychological
in cases where there has been a real injury, the effect of noise other than via the auditory
plaintiff's evidence entirely fails to show its system.
nonballistic movement
nominal group technique (NGT) See controlled movement.
A method for generating innovative product
ideas in which the individuals within the non-blackbody
group communicate verbally with each other Any surface which reflects at least some of
only at specified periods of time, using their the radiation impinging upon it.
individual creativity the remainder of the non-bulk packaging
time. A packaging which has a) a maximum capac-
nominal scale ity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a recepta-
A basic measurement scale in which items are cle for a liquid; b) a maximum net mass of
categorized or classified using only labeling 400 kg (882 pounds) or less and a maximum
methods. capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a
receptacle for a solid; or c) a water capacity
nomograph of 454 kg (1000 pounds) or less as a recepta-
A chart in the form of linear scales which rep- cle for a gas as defined in 49 CFR 173.115.
resents an equation containing a number of
variables so that a straight line can be placed non-causal association
across them, cutting the scales at values of the A statistical association in which no cause-
variables satisfying the equation and yielding and-effect relationship is apparent between
an answer to that for which one is solving. two variables.
nomological validity noncertified color additive
An aspect of construct validity concerned Any of a category of substances which are
with the fit between theoretical postulates and approved by the FDA for cosmetic use with-
empirical data. out special safety testing.
NON noncoincidental peak-day flow
Notice of noncompliance. See violation no- Gas Industry. The largest volume of gas de-
tice. livered to a particular customer by a pipeline
company in a single day during the year.
nonaccidental injury
Any injury which cannot be traced to a spe- noncollision accident
cific accident. A motor vehicle accident which does not in-
volve a collision. Non-collision accidents in-
nonadaptive response clude jackknifes, overturns, fires, cargo shifts
A reaction to a situation which does not sup- and spills, and incidents in which trucks run
port continued survival. off the road.
nonasbestiform fiber noncollision crash
A fibrous material which contains no asbes- A class of crash in which the first harmful
tos. event does not involve a collision with a fixed
nonattainment area object, non-fixed object, or a motor vehicle.
Geographic area which does not meet one or This includes overturn, fire/explosion, falls
more of the National Ambient Air Quality from a vehicle, and injuries in a vehicle.
Standards (NAAQS) for the any of the EPA's noncombustible
listed criteria pollutants designated under the Pertaining to a substance which is essentially
incapable of burning or supporting a fire.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

noncommunity water system it is possible to detect and estimate concen-
A public water system that is not a commu- trations of chemicals below the quantitation
nity water system, such as the water supply at limit but above the detection limit.)
a camp site or national park. nondeterministic
noncompliance Pertaining to any event or condition which
(1) General. Not in compliance with a spe- cannot be reliably predicted given certain
cific or given requirement; or, to be found not prior events and currently known laws.
in compliance with a specific or given re- nondisabling injury
quirement. Noncompliance may lead to fines Any injury not resulting in death, permanent
and penalties under certain circumstances. (2) disability, or temporary total disability.
U.S. Coast Guard. Failure to comply with a
nondispersive infrared (NDIR)
standard or regulation issued under 46 U.S.C.
Chapter 43, or with a section of the statutes. A measurement principal that can be em-
ployed to measure the airborne concentration
nonconventional pollutant of some materials (e.g., CO, CO2, etc.) using
Any pollutant that is not statutorily listed or an infrared source and photocell to determine
which is poorly understood by the scientific the absorption of the IR radiation, which is
community. dependent on contaminant concentration in
noncurrent liabilities the sample.
Noncurrent portion of long-term debt and of nondisruptive
capital leases, advances to associated compa- Pertaining to an activity which does not inter-
nies and other liabilities not due during the fere with any other ongoing activity.
normal business cycle. nonearthen shore
noncyclic element A structure built of stone, brick, concrete, or
A segment or step of a process or operation other building materials, that borders a body
which doesn't occur within each cycle. of water and that is not otherwise classified.
nondestructive evaluation (NDE) nonfatal accident
Any testing, inspection, or evaluation that A motor vehicle traffic accident that results in
does not cause harm or impair the usefulness one or more injuries, but no fatal injuries.
of the object being tested. Nondestructive nonfatal alcohol involvement crash
testing (NDT) often refers just to the test Alcohol-related or alcohol-involved if police
methods and test equipment with only a gen- indicate on the police accident report that
eral reference to materials and/or parts. Non- there is evidence of alcohol present. The code
destructive inspection (NDI) relates to specific does not necessarily mean that a driver, pas-
written requirements, procedures, personnel, senger, or nonoccupant was tested for alcohol.
standards, and controls for the testing of a
particular material of a specific part. Nonde- nonfatal casualty
Rail Operations. Injuries and occupational
structive evaluation (NDE) is concerned with
the decision-making process, the determina- illnesses incurred during railroad operations
and maintenance procedures.
tion of the meanings of the results, of the final
acceptance or rejection of the material or part, nonfatal injury
and may be qualitative or quantitative. A nonfatal injury is any traffic accident injury
other than a fatal injury.
nondestructive inspection (NDI)
See nondestructive evaluation. nonfatal injury accident
(1) A nonfatal injury accident is a traffic acci-
nondestructive testing (NDT) dent that results in nonfatal injuries. (2) Ac-
See nondestructive evaluation. cident in which at least one person is injured,
nondetects and no injury results in death.
Chemicals that are not detected in a particular nonfatal injury accident rate
sample above a certain limit. This limit usu- The nonfatal injury accident rate is the num-
ally will be the quantitation limit for the ber of nonfatal injury accidents per 100 mil-
chemical in that sample. (Note, however, that lion vehicle miles of travel.

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nonfatal (most serious) injured nonincendive
Nonfatally injured persons whose injuries are A device that will not ignite the group of
classified as incapacitating (as defined in the gases or vapors for which it is rated. It is
"Manual On Classification of Motor Vehicle similar to intrinsically safe, but does not in-
Traffic Accidents," American National Stan- clude failure tolerance ratings. It is typically
dards Institute (ANSI) D16.1-1989). States used in rating electrical products for use in
may receive information about these injuries Class I, Division 2 locations only. See also
on the accident report forms as incapacitating, intrinsically safe and Class I, Division 2 lo-
incapacitating injury, incapacitated, disabled, cation.
carried from scene, severe injury, critical non- nonindigenous species
fatal, major injury, or other similar terms. Any species or other viable biological mate-
nonfatally injured person rial that enters an ecosystem beyond its his-
A nonfatally injured person is one who suffers toric range, including any such organism
a nonfatal injury in either a fatal or nonfatal transferred from one country into another.
injury traffic accident. noninteractive window
nonfatally injured persons rate An active window which is not receptive to
The nonfatally injured persons rate is the user input.
number of nonfatally injured persons per 100 noninterlaced display
million vehicle miles of travel. A visual display in which the entire display is
nonfeasance not receptive to user input.
Nonperformance of some act which a person noninvasive
is obligated or has the responsibility to per- Pertaining to those clinical or experimental
form. procedures which do not require breaking the
non-fixed guideway directional route miles skin, insertion into any body cavity except the
Rail Operations. The mileage operated by mouth, and which do not cause extreme dis-
non-rail modes on fixed routes and schedules comfort.
in mixed traffic rights-of-way. nonionic detergent
non-fixed route Any detergent with molecules which don't
Service not provided on a repetitive, fixed- ionize in water.
schedule basis along a specific route to spe- nonionizing radiation
cific locations. Demand response is the only Electromagnetic radiation, such as ultra-
non-fixed route mode. violet, laser, infrared, microwave, and radio-
nonflammable frequency radiation, that does not cause ioni-
A material or substance that will not burn zation.
readily or quickly. nonisolated intermediates
nonfriable TSCA. (1) Chemicals that are both manufac-
With regard to asbestos, a material which tured and partially or totally consumed in the
contains more than 1% asbestos (by weight) chemical reaction process. (2) Chemicals in-
and which cannot be crumbled by hand pres- tentionally present in order to affect the rate
sure when dry. of chemical reactions by which other chemi-
nonhub cal substances or mixtures are being manu-
Aviation. A community enplaning less than factured.
0.05 percent of the total enplaned passengers nonlinear correlation
in all services and all operations in all com- A correlation which does not follow the linear
munities within the 50 States, and District of relationship Y = a + bX. Also referred to as
Columbia, and other U.S. areas designated by curvilinear correlation.
the Federal Aviation Administration. nonlinear damping
Damping due to a force that is not propor-
tional to velocity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nonlinear function nonmonotonic
Any function which can't be expressed in the Pertaining to a function which contains cyclic
form y = a1x1 + a2x2 + …. + anxn. or both increasing and decreasing aspects
nonlinear regression within the region of interest.
Any type of regression involving a function or nonmotorist
curve which has other than a directly or in- Any person who is not an occupant of a motor
versely proportional relationship between vehicle in transport and includes the follow-
variables. Also referred to as curvilinear re- ing: a) pedestrians, b) pedal cyclists, c) occu-
gression. pants of parked motor vehicles, d) others such
nonloading secondary task as joggers, skateboard riders, people riding on
A secondary task which may be attended to animals, and persons riding in animal-drawn
when the operator's primary task does not re- conveyances.
quire attention. nonmotorist location
nonmetallic sheathed cable The location of nonmotorists at time of im-
A factory assembly of two or more insulated pact. Intersection locations are coded only if
conductors having an outer sheath of moisture- nonmotorists were struck in the area formed
resistant, flame-retardant, nonmetallic material. by a junction of two or more traffic ways.
Nonmetallic sheathed cable is manufactured in Nonintersection location may include non-
the following types: a) Type NM. The overall motorists struck on a junction of a drive-
covering has a flame-retardant and moisture- way/alley access and a named traffic way.
resistant finish. b) Type NMC. The overall Nonmotorists who are occupants of motor ve-
covering is flame-retardant, moisture-resistant, hicles not in transport are coded with respect
fungus-resistance, and corrosion-resistant. to the location of the vehicle.

nonmethane organic gas (NMOG) nonobserved-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL)

According to the Clean Air Act: The sum of In dose-response experiments, the experimental
nonoxygenated and oxygenated hydrocarbons exposure level representing the highest level
contained in a gas sample, including at a tested at which no adverse effects were
minimum, all oxygenated organic gases demonstrated.
containing 5 or fewer carbon atoms (i.e., nonoccupant
aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, ethers, etc.) and Any person who is not an occupant of a motor
all known alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and vehicle (e.g., pedestrian or pedal cyclist), or
aromatics containing 12 or fewer carbon who is an occupant of a motor vehicle which
atoms. To demonstrate compliance with a is not in transport.
NMOG standard, NMOG emissions shall be nonoperating income and expense
measured in accordance with the “California Interest income and expense, unusual foreign
Non-Methane Organic Gas Test Procedures”. exchange gains or losses, and capital gains or
In the case of vehicles using fuels other than losses in disposition of property and equip-
base gasoline, the level of NMOG emissions ment.
shall be adjusted based on the reactivity of the
emissions relative to vehicles using base nonparametric
gasoline. Statistical methods that do not assume a
particular distribution for the population under
nonmetropolitan consideration.
Households not located within Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (MSA) as defined by the nonperformance
U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Neglect, failure, or refusal to do or perform an
act stipulated or contracted to be done.
nonmonetary incentive
Any incentive plan not involving monetary nonpermit confined space
compensation, such as improved working A confined space that does not contain or,
conditions and social benefits. with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the
potential to contain any hazard capable of
causing death or serious physical harm.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nonpilot personnel nonradar approach control tower
May include any of the following personnel: An airport traffic control tower (ATCT) pro-
maintenance, servicing, inspection, rules, viding approach control service without the
regulations, standards, weather service, airport use of radar. In other words, an ATCT at
management, production design, ground sig- which air traffic control specialists are per-
nalman, passenger, driver of vehicle, flight mitted to provide manual approach control
engineer, radio operator, flight instructor on service, as well as to handle takeoffs and
ground, operational supervisor, air traffic landings.
control, airway facilities, pilot of another air- nonrandom sample
craft, ground crewman, spectator, third pilot, Any sample taken in such a manner that some
navigator, flight attendant, dispatching and members of the defined population are more
other flight personnel. likely to be sampled than others.
nonpoint source nonrapid eye movement sleep
Pollution sources which are diffuse and do not Any phase of sleep in which rapid eye move-
have a single point of origin or are not intro- ments are not present. Also called non-REM
duced into a receiving stream from a specific sleep.
outlet. The pollutants are generally carried
off the land by stormwater runoff. The com- nonrecoverable light loss factor
monly used categories for nonpoint sources Any light loss factor due to equipment or other
are agriculture, forestry, urban, mining, con- conditions which cannot be remedied through
struction, dams and channels, land disposal, normal maintenance, specifically including
and salt water intrusion. temperature, lamp position/tilt, equipment op-
eration, luminaire surface deterioration, line
nonpolar compound voltage, and ballast characteristics.
A compound for which the positive and nega-
tive electrical charges coincide and the mole- nonrecurring items
cules do not ionize in solution and impart Discontinued operations, extraordinary items,
electrical conductivity. and accounting changes in income or loss.
nonpolar solvents nonregulated trucking
The aromatic and petroleum hydrocarbon A carrier which is exempt from economic
group of compounds. regulation, e.g., exempt agricultural shipments
and private trucking operations.
nonport terminal
Waterfront terminals individually located nonrepetitive
along navigable rivers, having place identity Pertaining to an operation, process, or job
but not otherwise classifiable as a regional which is frequently changed or altered in
distribution or subregional port. some way.
nonprecision approach procedure nonresident commercial driver's license
A standard instrument approach procedure in A CDL (commercial driver's license) issued by
which no electronic glideslope is provided. a state to an individual domiciled in a foreign
nonprecision instrument runway
A runway with an approved or planned nonrevenue freight
straight-in instrument approach procedure Company materials and supplies transported
which has no existing or planned precision in- without charge in freight trains of a particular
strument approach procedure. railroad for its own use.
nonpriority U.S. mail nonroad engine
Mail bearing postage for surface transporta- Under the Clean Air Act: An internal com-
tion that goes by air on a space available basis bustion engine (including the fuel system) that
at rates lower than those fixed for priority is not used in a motor vehicle or a vehicle
(i.e., air) mail. used solely for competition.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

nonroad vehicle threshold, and results in a death, a reportable
Under the Clean Air Act: A vehicle that is injury, or a reportable occupational illness.
powered by a nonroad engine and that is not a nontrespassers
motor vehicle or a vehicle used solely for Rail Operations. A person who is lawfully on
any part of railroad property which is used in
nonroutine respirator use railroad operations or a person who is adja-
The wearing of a respirator when carrying out cent to railroad premises when injured as a re-
a special task that occurs infrequently. sult of railroad operations.
nonscheduled air transportation nontrespassers (Class D)
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- Rail Operations. Persons lawfully on that
ing nonscheduled air transportation. Also in- part of railroad property that is used in rail-
cluded in this industry are establishments road operation (other than those herein de-
primarily engaged in furnishing airplane fined as employees, passengers, trespassers,
sightseeing services, air taxi services and or contractor employees) and persons adjacent
helicopter passenger transportation services to railroad premises when they are injured as
to, from, or between local airports, whether or the result of the operation of a railroad. This
not scheduled. class also includes other persons on vessels or
nonscheduled service buses, whose use arises from the operation of
Revenue flights, such as charter flights, that are a railroad.
not operated in regular scheduled service, and nonutility unit
all nonrevenue flights incident to such flights. Under the Clean Air Act, a unit other than a
non-self-propelled utility unit.
Vessels not containing within themselves the nonvehicle maintenance
means for their own propulsion. All activities associated with facility mainte-
nonserious violation citation nance, including administration; repair of
Under OSHA citation criteria, a category of buildings, grounds, and equipment as a result
citation issued when a situation would affect of accidents or vandalism; operation of elec-
worker safety or health but would not cause tric power facilities; and maintenance of vehi-
death or serious physical harm. cle movement control systems; fare collection
nonstandard and counting equipment; structures, tunnels,
Differing from established specifications, and subways; roadway and track; passenger
conditions, or requirements. stations, operating station buildings, grounds
and equipment; communication systems; gen-
nonstationary eral administration buildings, grounds, and
Pertaining to a condition or function where equipment; and electric power facilities.
the mean, spectral density, and probability
distribution vary with time. nonvessel operating common carrier (NVOCC)
(1) A company operating as a freight for-
nonstationary time series warder involved in ocean-going vessel freight
A stochastic time series whose characteristics only. (2) A form of freight consolidation for
change with an integral increase in the time the selling of space on ocean-going vessels.
nonvessel owning carrier (NVOC)
nontoxic A firm which consolidates and disperses in-
A material is nontoxic when experience ternational containers that originate at, or are
and/or experiments have failed to cause bound for, inland ports.
physiological, morphological, or functional
changes which adversely affect the health of nonvolatile
man or animal. Material that does not evaporate at ordinary
non-train incident
An event arising from railroad operations but nonwoven fabric
not from the movement of on-track equip- Any type of cloth produced by a semirandom
ment, which does not exceed the reporting arrangement of fibers, whether synthetic or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

natural, held together by adhesives or need- normal event
ling. As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or
NOPPA the Management Oversight and Risk Tree
National Ocean Pollution Planning Act of (MORT), an event which occurs as a normal
1978. function in system operation that may or may
not present a risk of hazard to that system.
noradrenalin Represented graphically by a house shape in
See norepinephrine. FTA and a scroll shape in MORT.
nordo normal fault
See lost communications. Seismology. A fault characterized by pre-
norepinephrine dominantly vertical displacement in which the
A catecholamine which serves both as a hor- hanging wall is moved downward with re-
mone and a neurotransmitter. Also referred to spect to the footwall of the fault. Generally,
as noradrenalin and arterenol. See also this kind of fault is a sign of tectonic exten-
catecholamine. sion.

NORM normal humidity

A range of 40 to 80% relative humidity.
See naturally occurring radioactive material.
normal line of sight
normal (N)
That line of sight which is assumed by an in-
(1) That which conforms to some standard;
dividual in a relaxed posture and is typically
typical or commonplace. (2) A solution con-
directed approximately 10º to 15º below the
taining one gram-equivalent weight per liter
horizontal plane.
of solution. (3) Perpendicular to a vector,
plane, or other entity. (4) Pertaining to or normal operator
having a Gaussian (normal) distribution. (5) An operator who is adapted to his/her position
The moving average of temperature which is and attains normal performance when using
recognized as a standard for a given location. prescribed methods and working at a normal
normal distribution
(1) In statistical analysis, that distribution of normal pace
events which occurs most often and is typi- The manual productivity level required or
cally represented graphically as a bell-shaped achieved by a normal effort.
curve. (2) If the mean, median, and mode are normal performance
the same in a set of data, the data assume a That output expected from an average quali-
completely symmetrical, bell-shaped distribu- fied operator working with prescribed meth-
tion which is called a normal distribution. ods at an average pace.
This distribution is characterized by a maxi- normal pool
mum number of occurrences at the center or The stage of an artificially impounded water
mean point, a progressive decrease in the fre- body that prevails for the greater part of the
quency of occurrences with distance from the year.
center, and a symmetry of distribution on ei-
ther side of the center. Also called the Gaus- normal pool elevation
sian distribution. Height in feet above sea level at which a sec-
tion of the river is to be maintained behind the
normal effort dam.
That amount of effort required or expended in
manual work by an average operator with av- normal pool stage
erage skill and attention to the task. That level of the river maintained by the de-
sired dam operations.
normal element time
A statistically determined element time based on normal range
the expected or required performance by an In biological testing, the range of values of a
average qualified worker working at a normal biological analyte that would be expected
pace. without exposure to the environmental con-
taminant in the workplace.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

normal saline or a desired range, or to have the sum of the
A solution of 0.9 g of sodium chloride in 100 parts equal 1.0.
ml of water, which is isotonic with body flu- normalized exposure rate
ids. See intake.
normal temperature and pressure normative
In the practice of industrial hygiene, normal Pertaining to or the establishment of a norm
conditions are considered to be 25°C (77°F) or standard for evaluation.
and 760 mm pressure.
normal time Having normal muscle tone.
That temporal period required for a qualified
worker to perform some task or operation normoxic
while working at a normal pace without per- Having a normal oxygen level.
sonal, fatigue, or other allowances. Also re- northeaster
ferred to as base time or leveled time. A name given to a strong, steady wind from
normal working area the northeast that is accompanied by rain and
The approximately planar region of a work inclement weather. It often develops when a
surface which is bounded distally by the arc storm system moves northeastward along the
swept out by a worker's extended fingertips coast of North America.
and proximally by the body while pivoting the northern lights
shoulder laterally (lateral rotation) in the nor- The aurora borealis. See aurora.
mal working position. See also normal
working area, one-handed; normal working nose
area, two-handed; normal working volume; (1) The fleshy protuberance in the center of
and normal working posture. the face which contains the nostrils and asso-
ciated airway passages through which
normal working area, one-handed breathing occurs. Air breathed in through the
The normal working area for only the right or nose is warmed and filtered, as opposed to
only the left arm. that breathed in through the mouth. The nos-
normal working area, two-handed trils, which form the external entrance of the
The normal working area for that overlapping nose, lead into two nasal cavities, which are
area between the two individual one-handed separated from each other by a partition (the
working areas. nasal septum) formed of cartilage and bone.
Three bony ridges project from the outer wall
normal working position of each nasal cavity and partially divide the
See normal working posture. cavity into three air passages. At the back of
normal working posture the nose these passages lead into the pharynx.
The typical posture assumed by a worker for a The passages also are connected by openings
given task, generally taken as a standing or with the paranasal sinuses. One of the func-
sitting position, with the upper arm hanging in tions of the nose is to drain fluids discharged
a relatively stationary position close to the from the sinuses. The nasal cavities also have
body and the elbow flexed at about 90º. a connection with the ears by the eustachian
normal working volume tubes, and with the region of the eyes by the
The three-dimensional region bounded proxi- nasolacrimal ducts. The interior of the nose is
mally by a worker's body and distally by the lined with mucous membrane. Most of this
arc swept by the fingertips of one or both membrane is covered with minute hairlike
hands with a range of elbow flexion and/or projections called cilia. Moving in waves,
body rotation about its vertical axis. these cilia sweep out from the nasal passages
the nasal mucus, which may contain pollen,
normalize dust, and bacteria from the air. The mucous
To carry out a transformation on a variable to membrane also acts to warm and moisten the
obtain a linear function, a normal distribution, inhaled air. High in the interior of each nasal
cavity is a small area of mucous membrane

©2000 CRC Press LLC

that is not covered with cilia. In this pea-
sized area are located the endings of the
nerves of smell, commonly called the olfac-
tory receptors. These receptors sort out odors.
Unlike the taste buds of the tongue, which
distinguish only between four different tastes
(sweet, sour, salt, and bitter), the olfactory re-
ceptors can detect innumerable different
odors. This ability to smell contributes
greatly to what we usually think of as taste
because much of what we consider flavor is
really odor. (2) That portion of a tread of a
stairway projecting beyond the face of the
riser immediately below. (3) The front or be-
ginning of an air frame.

The nose section of a Boeing 747 aircraft

nose height
The linear vertical distance from subnasale to
nose height – breadth index
The percentage value of the ratio between the
nose height and the nasal breadth.
nose length
The linear distance from sellion to pronasale.
Measured parallel to the ridge of the nose.
nose protrusion
The linear horizontal distance from subnasale
to pronasale. Measured with the individual
The nose not only allows us to breath cleaned and warmed air, it standing or sitting erect, with the facial mus-
also provides us with the ability to sense an infinite number of
differing odors. cles relaxed.
nose breadth nosebleed
The maximum horizontal linear distance Bleeding from the nose for any number of
across the nose, at whatever level it occurs. reasons (e.g., injury, irritation, etc.). Also
Measured with the facial muscles relaxed and called epistaxis.
without compressing tissue. nose'er in
nose clip Maritime Navigation (slang). To land by
Any spring device which pinches off the nos- putting the bow of the boat into the bank.
trils to prevent entry of water or air. nosocomial disease
nose dive A disease with its source in a hospital and
Transit (slang). Trailer tipped forward on its which is contracted as a result of being there.
nose. nostril
See external naris.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

not otherwise classified (NOC) ments and scheduling of public hearings. See
A category of items including relatively infre- also advanced notice of proposed rulemak-
quent dissimilar items. ing.
not paved surface notice of violation (NOV)
All surfaces other than asphalt or concrete. A formal document completed by regulatory
NOTAM agencies as a result of established violations at
See notice to airmen. or by a hazardous waste facility, transporter,
or generator. This official notification is a le-
notary public gal document directing the violator to correct
(1) A public officer whose function is to ad- violations of existing environmental law(s)
minister oaths; to attest and certify, by his/her and may include or be followed by fines. See
hand and official seal, certain classes of also violation notice.
documents, in order to give them credit and
authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to take notice to airmen (NOTAM)
acknowledgements of deeds and other con- Aviation. A notice containing information
veyances, and certify the same; and to per- (not known sufficiently in advance to publi-
form certain official acts, chiefly in commer- cize by other means) concerning the estab-
cial matters, such as the protesting of notes lishment, condition, or change in any compo-
and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and ma- nent (facility, service, or procedure of, or haz-
rine protests in cases of loss or damage. (2) ard to the national airspace system), the
One who is authorized by the state or federal timely knowledge of which is essential to per-
government to administer oaths, and to attest sonnel concerned with flight operations.
to the authenticity of signatures. notice to mariners
notch A bulletin or information to mariners issued
Maritime Navigation. A void or opening or by the Coast Guard. See also public notice.
any place where barge head logs do not meet, notices to airmen publication (NTAP)
where they are not even with each other, or A publication issued every 14 days, designed
where no other barge is faced to a barge. primarily for the pilot, which contains current
notes and accounts receivable notice to airmen (NOTAM) information con-
Aviation. Current notes and accounts receiv- sidered essential to the safety of flight as well
able which are reasonably expected to be am- as supplemental data to other aeronautical
ortized within one year. These receivables in- publications. The contraction NTAP is used
clude passenger receivables for air travel to be in NOTAM text.
performed both by the selling carrier and NOV
other airlines, for which the related liabilities See notice of violation.
(to passenger or to the performing air carrier) nox
are included in the "air traffic liabilities" ac- A unit for measuring levels of illumination.
count. Equals 10-3 lux.
notice and comment rulemaking NOx
See informal rulemaking. Oxides of nitrogen.
notice letter noxious
The EPA's formal notice to potentially re- Pertaining to that which is harmful or poison-
sponsible parties (PRPs) that CERCLA- ous.
related action will be taken at a site for which
the PRP is considered responsible. noy
A unit used in the calculation of perceived
notice of noncompliance (NON) noise level relative to the perceived noise
See violation notice. level of random noise of bandwidth 1000 ± 90
notice of proposed rulemaking Hz at a sound pressure level of 40 dB, refer-
A public notice of proposed regulations re- enced to 2 x 10-4 microbar.
quired by law, which allows for public com-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

See néper. See nitrilotriacetic acid.
np chart NTAP
A graph or display, tracking over time, the See notices to airmen publication.
number of nonconforming units in samples NTIS
when the number of items in each sample is National Technical Information Service.
NPA See National Toxicology Program. See also
National Particleboard Association. normal temperature and pressure.
Nonbinding Preliminary Allocation of Re- See National Transportation System.
NPDES See National Transportation Safety Board.
See National Pollution Discharge Elimina-
tion System. nub
An intentional knot or tangle in a fabric which
NPL gives it an irregular texture.
See National Priorities List.
NPRM See nape.
Noticed of proposed rulemaking. See ad-
vanced notice of proposed rulemaking. nuchale
The lowest point in the midsagittal plane of
NPT the occiput that can be palpated among the
National pipe thread. muscles in the posterior-superior part of the
NPTS neck.
See Nationwide Personal Transportation nuchale tubercle
Survey. See cervicale.
NRC nuclear disintegration
See National Response Center. See also Nu- A process resulting in the change of a radio-
clear Regulatory Commission. See also active nucleus through the emission of alpha
noise reduction coefficient. Also, acronym or beta particles.
for National Research Council.
nuclear energy
NRDC The energy released as the result of a nuclear
Natural Resources Defense Council. reaction. The processes of fission or fusion
NRR are employed to create a nuclear reaction.
See noise reduction rating. nuclear fission
NRT A type of nuclear transformation character-
See National Response Team. ized by the splitting of a nucleus into at least
NRTL two other nuclei and the release of a relatively
See Nationally Recognized Testing Labora- large amount of energy. See also fission.
tory. nuclear fuel cycle
NSC The operations defined to be associated with
See National Safety Council. the production of electrical power for public
use by any fuel cycle through utilization of
NSF nuclear energy.
National Science Foundation.
nuclear fusion
NSPS The joining of a hydrogen nucleus with an-
See New Source Performance Standard. other hydrogen or heavier nucleus in a ther-
monuclear reaction to form heavier nuclei,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

with the release of energy. More commonly sugar and phosphoric acid. (2) Nucleic acids
referred to simply as fusion. See also fission. are found in the cells of all living tissue.
nuclear incident They are extremely complex and of high mo-
According to the Federal Atomic Energy Act lecular weight, containing phosphoric acid,
of 1954: Any occurrence, including an sugars, and purine and pyrimidine bases.
extraordinary nuclear occurrence, within the Two pentose sugars are involved as constitu-
United States causing, within or outside the ents of nucleic acids: ribose and deoxyribose.
United States, bodily injury, sickness, disease, Thus are derived from the names of the nu-
or death, or loss of or damage to property, or cleic acids ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxy-
loss of use of property, arising out of or ribonucleic acid (DNA). The nucleic acids
resulting from the radioactive, toxic, explo- and their derivatives are of great importance
sive, or other hazardous properties of source, in metabolism, and though all of their func-
special nuclear, or byproduct material. tions are not completely understood, they ap-
pear to be concerned with controlling the gen-
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) eral pattern of metabolism and acting as cata-
See magnetic resonance imaging. lysts in many chemical reactions within the
nuclear power plant cell. The synthesis of proteins by the nucleic
A facility that converts atomic energy into acids are the intermediate steps in the me-
usable power; heat produced by a reactor tabolism of other foodstuffs. The nucleic ac-
makes steam to drive turbines which produce ids are also of great biologic significance. For
electricity. example, DNA and RNA are the chemical re-
positories of genetic information and therefore
nuclear radiation spectrum affect the transmission of individual charac-
The frequency distribution of nuclear or ion- teristics and functions from cell to cell and
izing radiation with respect to energy. also from individual persons to their off-
nuclear reaction spring. See also deoxyribonucleic acid
A reaction which alters the energy, composi- (DNA).
tion, or structure of an atomic nucleus. nucleon
nuclear reactor Common name for a constituent particle of
A device in which a chain reaction is initiated the nucleus. It is applied to protons, neutrons,
and controlled, with the consequent produc- and any other particle found to exist in the
tion of heat. Typically utilized for power nucleus.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) One of a group of compounds obtained by
A U.S. federal agency which regulates all hydrolysis of nucleic acids consisting of
commercial uses of nuclear energy, including purine or pyrimidine bases linked to sugars,
the construction and operation of nuclear which in turn are esterified with phosphoric
power plants, nuclear fuel reprocessing, re- acid.
search applications of radioactive materials,
(1) Radiation. The atomic nucleus; the small,
nuclear winter centrally located, positively charged region of
Prediction by some scientists that smoke de- the atom that carries essentially all the mass.
bris rising from massive fires resulting from Except for the nucleus of ordinary (or light)
nuclear war could enter the atmosphere and hydrogen, which is a single proton, all atomic
block out sunlight for weeks or months. The nuclei contain both protons and neutrons. (2)
scientists making this prediction project a Biology. The structure within cells that con-
cooling of the earth's surface, and changes in tains chromosomes and one or more nucleoli.
climate which could, for example, negatively The nucleus contains large quantities of de-
affect world agricultural and weather patterns. oxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a nucleic acid
nucleic acids that controls the synthesis of protein enzymes
(1) A polymer of purine and pyrimidine bases, of the cytoplasm and also cellular reproduc-
each chemically combined with a five-carbon tion. Because of its DNA content, the nucleus

©2000 CRC Press LLC

is considered to be the control center of the respect to one or more given variables be-
cell. (3) Anatomy. A mass of gray matter in tween two or more groups.
the central nervous system, especially such a
mass marking the central termination of a
Having an impaired ability or no ability to
cranial nerve.
feel tactile sensations.
nucleus pulposus
The viscous fluid in the center of an interver-
A symbol, as a figure or word, expressive of a
tebral disk.
certain value or a specified quantity.
number facility
A general term referring to any nuclear spe-
The ability to perform basic arithmetic proc-
cies, either stable (of which there are about
essing correctly within a reasonable time limit
270 in number) and unstable (of which there
(e.g., add, subtract, multiply, and di-
are about 500), of the chemical elements.
vide—individually or in combination).
numbered vessel
(1) Having a minimal amount of clothing
An undocumented vessel numbered by a state
(e.g., underwear), in which many anthro-
with an approved numbering system or by the
pometric measurements are taken. (2) With-
Coast Guard under Chapter 123 of title 46,
out clothing. Synonymous with naked.
nude body dimensions
numbering system
Anthropometric measures which have been
Any plan for the assignment of numeric val-
taken with a nude subject.
ues to items, cases, or events as a means for
nuisance classification.
(1) That activity which arises from the unrea-
sonable, unwarranted, or unlawful use by a
A paresthesia of touch insensibility in a part.
person of his/her own property, working ob-
struction or injury to the right of another, or to numerical analysis
the public, and producing such material an- The use of mathematical approximation tech-
noyance, inconvenience, and discomfort that niques to solve problems.
the law will presume resulting damage. (2)
numerical control
Engaging in an unreasonable use of land so as
A method for precisely controlling the mo-
to materially and substantially interfere with
tions of a mechanical device, usually some
the use and enjoyment of the land of another.
type of machine tool, via a mathematical de-
nuisance dust scription of the object being manufactured.
Airborne particulates which neither alter the
numerical display
architecture of the airspaces of the lungs nor
Any electrical display involving numbers, as
produce scar tissue to a significant extent, and
on a panel or instrumentation. Also known as
the tissue reaction they do produce is reversi-
digital display.
ble. They are not recognized as the direct
cause of a serious pathological condition. See numerical weather prediction (NWP)
also inert dust. Forecasting the weather based upon the solu-
tions of mathematical equations by high-
null speed computers.
Having a quantity of zero; a nonexistent en-
tity. numerous targets vicinity (location)
Aviation. A traffic advisory issued by Air
null gravity Traffic Control (ATC) to advise pilots that
See microgravity. targets on the radar scope are too numerous to
null hypothesis issue individually.
The hypothesis about a population parameter nurse
to be tested. A statement proposing that there (1) A person who makes a profession of car-
is no statistically significant difference with

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ing for the sick, disabled, or enfeebled. (2) To easily provided by iodized table salt. The
care for a sick or disabled person or one un- minute amounts of magnesium, manganese,
able to provide for his/her own needs. (3) To and copper that are necessary are found in any
nourish at the breast. balanced diet. For quick energy, the body
should have sugars (carbohydrates) and
starches, which the body converts into sugars.
A substance which nourishes.
Fats and proteins can also provide energy and
nutrient can be stored for future use, whereas sugars
Any substance assimilated by living things and starches cannot. Since the body can
that promotes growth. The term is generally manufacture most of its own fat, fats are of
applied to nitrogen and phosphorus in waste- secondary importance in a balanced diet.
water, but is also applied to other essential
elements found in foodstuffs and soils.
The status of the body in relation to nutrition.
(1) The requirements and processes of the
See night vision goggles.
living body involved with activity, growth,
maintenance, and repair. (2) The nourishment NVLAP
of the body by food. It includes all the proc- National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
esses by which the body uses food for energy, Program (part of the National Institute of
maintenance, and growth. Nutrition is par- Standards and Technology, NIST).
ticularly concerned with those properties of
food that build sound bodies and promote
See nonvessel owning carrier.
health. In this sense, good nutrition means a
balanced diet containing adequate amounts of NVOCC
the essential nutritional elements that the body See nonvessel operating common carrier.
must have to function normally. The essential
ingredients of a balanced diet are proteins,
See numerical weather prediction.
vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates.
The body can manufacture sugars from fats, NWPA
and fats from sugars and protein, depending Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (Federal).
on the need. But it cannot manufacture pro-
teins from sugars and fats. The most impor-
Pain that occurs only in sleep.
tant constituents of proteins are the amino
acids. These complex organic compounds of nyctalopia
nitrogen play a vital role in nutrition. The See nightblindness.
best sources of complex proteins (e.g., pro-
teins containing all the essential amino acids)
Any of a set of long-chained amide polymers
are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The
used in fabrics.
amount of protein that the average person ac-
tually needs, however, is much smaller than nystagmogram
that of popular opinion. Vitamins are special A recording or display of nystagmus.
substances that are present, in varying
amounts, in all food. Their absence from the
An instrument for recording the movements
diet can cause such diseases as beriberi (lack
of the eyeball in nystagmus.
of vitamin B, or thiamine), pellagra (lack of
the B vitamin niacin), and scurvy (lack of vi- nystagmus
tamin C, or ascorbic acid). The principal Involuntary movement of the eyeballs often
minerals needed by the body are calcium and experienced by workers who continuously
phosphorus (to build bones and teeth) and subject their eyes to abnormal or unaccus-
iron (to assure a sufficient supply of erythro- tomed movements. The condition is often ac-
cytes). All three are plentiful in eggs, dairy companied by headaches, dizziness, and fa-
products, lean meat, and enriched flour. The tigue. The most prevalent form of occupa-
trace of iodine needed to prevent goiter is tional nystagmus occurs in miners.

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A preference for darkness or for night.

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object class
O Transit. As the term is used in expense classi-
fication, an object is an article or service ob-
tained. An object class is a grouping of ex-
OA penses on the basis of goods or services pur-
See outdoor air. chased. The object classes include salaries
and wages, fringe benefits, services, materials
OA sound pressure level
and supplies, and other expenses as defined in
See overall noise.
Section 7.2, Volume II of the Uniform System
oakie blower of Accounts (USOA).
An air scoop on the air intake used to increase
power. object free area (OFA)
Aviation. A two-dimensional ground area
OALT surrounding runways, taxiways, and taxi lanes
See operational acceptable level of traffic. which is clear of objects except for Naviga-
OAPCA tion Aids (NAVAIDs) and objects whose lo-
Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act of cation is fixed by function.
1988 (Federal). objection
OBA Act of objecting. That which is, or may be
See octave band analyzer. presented in opposition. An adverse reason or
argument. A reason for objecting or oppos-
ing. A feeling of disapproval.
That condition resulting from a prolonged
condition in which caloric energy intake ex- objective
ceeds output, the excess being converted to fat Pertaining to a measure or aspect which can
and deposited within the body. This exces- be observed or evaluated by more than one
sive accumulation of fat in the body leads to person independently.
an increase in weight beyond that considered objective basic element
desirable with regard to age, height, and bone Any of a set of work elements which involve
structure. Being "overweight" can affect an observable element.
physical and mental health. Too many extra
pounds are a strain on the body, and can objective rating
eventually shorten the span of life. Obesity is A type of performance rating which has an
also unattractive, and this may create psy- objective, as opposed to subjective, basis.
chological problems. The overweight person objective symptom
is susceptible to a number of normally unnec- Those which a surgeon or physician discovers
essary complications. These include an from an examination of a patient (subjective
overworked heart, shortness of breath, a ten- symptoms being those which the surgeon
dency to arteriosclerosis and high blood pres- learns from what a patient tells him/her).
sure or to diabetes mellitus, chronic back and
objective tree
joint pains (from increased strain on joints
A qualitative form of relevance tree which
and ligaments), a greater tendency to contract
may be used simply to place variables in per-
infectious diseases, and a reduced ability to
exercise or enjoy sports. spective.

object objects not fixed

(1) General. Any physical entity which can Transit. Objects that are movable or moving
be viewed or manipulated. (2) Aviation. In- but are not motor vehicles. Includes pedestri-
cludes, but is not limited to aboveground ans, pedal cyclists, animals, or trains (e.g.,
structures, people, equipment, vehicles, natu- spilled cargo in roadway).
ral growth, terrain, and parked aircraft. (3) obligate anaerobes
Computing. Any structure which can be dis- Microorganisms that are strictly intolerant of
played or manipulated by a computer system. oxygen in their environment.

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obligate parasites neurosis in which there is the intrusion of in-
Organisms which can only survive in living sistent, repetitious, and unwanted ideas or im-
cells. pulses to perform certain acts.
obligation obstacle
A very broad term but generally meaning that Aviation. An existing object, object of natural
which a person is bound to do or forbear; any growth, or terrain at a fixed geographical lo-
duty imposed by law, promise, contract, rela- cation or which may be expected at a fixed lo-
tions of society, courtesy, kindness, etc. cation within a prescribed area with reference
obligations under capital leases (current and to which vertical clearance is or must be pro-
noncurrent) vided during flight operation.
Liability applicable to property obtained un- obstacle free zone (OFZ)
der capital leases. Aviation. The obstacle free zone is a three-
oblique fault dimensional volume of airspace which pro-
Seismology. Describing motion that is a com- tects the transition of aircraft to and from the
bination of movement both perpendicular and runway. The OFZ clearing standard precludes
parallel to the strike of a fault. A combination taxiing and parked airplanes and object pene-
of strike-slip and dip-slip (whether normal or trations, except for frangible navigation aid
reverse). Also referred to as an oblique slip. (NAVAID) locations that are fixed by func-
tion. Additionally, vehicles, equipment, and
observation board personnel may be authorized by air traffic
A clipboard or similar tool used to support the control to enter the area using the provisions
timing device and hold any forms in gathering of Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control, para-
time and motion data. graph 3-5. The runway OFZ and when appli-
observation form cable, the inner-approach OFZ, and the inner-
Any generic or specially designed form for transitional OFZ, comprise the OFZ. See also
recording the different work elements in a inner-approach obstacle free zone, inner-
particular time study. transitional obstacle free zone, and runway
obstacle free zone.
View to acquire data for documentation or obstructing justice
study. The act of impeding or obstructing those who
seek justice in a court, or those who have du-
observed rating ties or powers of administering justice therein.
That rating applied to a worker's pace by the The term also applies to obstructing the ad-
time and motion study individual relative to ministration of justice in any way (as by hin-
that individual's judgement of what the stan- dering witnesses from appearing, assaulting
dard pace should be. an officer of the court, influencing jurors, ob-
observer structing court orders or criminal investiga-
An individual who makes the observations in tions).
a study. obstruction
2° observer Aviation. Any object/obstacle exceeding the
See CIE Standard Observer. obstruction standards specified by Federal
Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77, Subpart
10° observer
See CIE Supplementary Standard Observer.
obstruction accident
observer error
Rail Operations. An accident/incident con-
Any error due to intra- or interobserver unre-
sisting of striking: a) a bumping post or a for-
liability or differences in judgement.
eign object on the track right-of-way; b) a
obsessive-compulsive highway vehicle at a location other than a
Marked by a compulsion to repeatedly per- highway-rail crossing site; derailed equip-
form certain acts or carry out certain rituals. ment; or c) a track motorcar or similar work
Obsessive-compulsive reaction is a type of equipment not equipped with Association of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

American Railroad couplers, and not operat- occiput
ing under train rules. The posterior portion of the head.
obstruction light occluded
Aviation. A light or one of a group of lights, Closed, shut, or blocked.
usually red or white, frequently mounted on a occluded front
surface structure or natural terrain to warn A complex system that ideally forms when a
pilots of the presence of an obstruction. cold front overtakes a warm front. When the
obstruction to air navigation air behind the front is colder than the air
Aviation. An object of greater height than any ahead of it, the front is called a cold occlu-
of the heights or surfaces presented in Subpart sion. When the air behind the front is milder
C of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part than the air ahead of it, it is called a warm oc-
77. clusion.
obvious danger occluded gases
Danger or dangerous conditions that are ap- Those gases forced into a closed space or tun-
parent in the exercise of ordinary observation nel with blowers.
and disclosed by the use of the eyes and other occlusion
senses. Danger that is plain and apparent to a (1) The act of closure or state of being closed.
reasonably observant person. (2) The contact of the teeth of both jaws when
obvious risk closed or during the movements of the man-
Risk so plain that it would be instantly recog- dible in mastication.
nized by a person of ordinary intelligence (it occupancy
does not mean unnecessary risk). (1) Life Safety. The number of people per-
Occam's razor mitted to occupy a building or region within a
A rule that, given two theories which explain building. (2) Transportation. The number of
a phenomenon, the simpler is preferred. persons, including driver and passenger(s) in
occasional a vehicle. Nationwide Personal Transporta-
In terms of probability of hazard or mishap tion Survey (NPTS) occupancy rates are gen-
occurrence, a hazard or event likely to occur erally calculated as person miles divided by
sometime during the life of an item. vehicle miles.

occasional element occupant

A job element which occurs at irregular inter- Any person who is in or upon a motor vehicle
vals, less than once in a given work cycle or in transport. Includes the driver, passengers,
operation. and persons riding on the exterior of a motor
vehicle (e.g., a skateboard rider who is set in
occipital bone motion by holding onto a vehicle).
A curved, flat bone forming a portion of the
posterior and inferior skull. occupation
That trade, profession, or other activity which
occipital condyle occupies one's time for compensation.
One of a pair of bilaterally distributed con-
dyles at the base of the skull which articulate occupational acne
with the atlas bone. An occupational skin disorder involving acne
resulting from regular exposure to acne-
occipital lobe causing material(s) such as tar, wax, and chlo-
A pyramid-shaped structure at the posterior rinated hydrocarbons, and which disappears
portion of the cerebrum whose primary func- on removal from those material(s). See also
tion is visual processing. occupational dermatosis.
occipital pole occupational biomechanics
The posterior tip of the occipital lobe of the The study of the volitional acts of the individ-
brain. ual in loading the musculoskeletal system in
the working environment.

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occupational contact dermatitis mental and physical well-being, including
See industrial dermatitis. means of disease prevention.
occupational dermatosis occupational illness
Any of a class of occupational skin disorders (1) OSHA. Any abnormal condition or disor-
involving one or more regions of the skin, der, other than one resulting from an occupa-
such as contact dermatitis, eczema, or rash. tional injury, caused by exposure to environ-
See also occupational acne. mental factors associated with employment.
occupational disease This includes any acute or chronic illnesses or
(1) General. A disease which is a result of diseases that may be caused by inhalation, ab-
exposure to a hazardous material, physical sorption, ingestion, or direct contact. (2) Fed-
agent, biological organism, or ergonomic eral Railroad Administration. Any abnormal
stress in the course of one's work. (2) Law. A condition or disorder of a railroad employee,
disease resulting from an exposure during other than one resulting from injury, caused
employment to conditions or substances det- by environmental factors associated with his
rimental to health. Impairment of health not or her railroad employment, including, but not
cause by accident but by exposure to condi- limited to, acute or chronic illnesses or dis-
tions incidental to and arising out of or in the eases which may be caused by inhalation, ab-
course of one's employment. sorption, ingestion, or direct contact. Also,
any abnormal condition or disorder caused by
occupational dose environmental factors associated with a
As pertains to ionizing radiation, the dose worker's employment, but not the result of an
received by an individual in a restricted area injury.
or in the course of employment in which the
individual's assigned duties involve exposure occupational injury
to radiation or to radioactive materials from Any injury that results from a work accident
licensed and unlicensed sources of radiation, or from a single instantaneous exposure in the
whether in the possession of the licensee or work environment.
other person. occupational medicine
occupational ecology A branch of medicine dedicated to the ap-
The study of the worker, the working envi- praisal, maintenance, restoration, and im-
ronment, and the interaction between the two. provement of the health of workers through
the scientific application of preventive medi-
occupational ergonomics cine, emergency medical care, rehabilitation,
The study and/or practice of human factors in epidemiology, and environmental medicine.
the workplace.
occupational neurosis
occupational exposure Any neuropsychological disorder, not caused
Exposure to a health hazard such as a chemi- directly by an individual's occupation, but
cal, physical, or biologic agent, or an ergo- which is characterized by symptoms such as
nomic factor while carrying out work within pain or fatigue involving those parts of the
the workplace. body normally in his/her occupation.
occupational exposure limit (OEL) occupational noise
A term indicating the concentration of an air- That noise found in the workplace.
borne contaminant or physical stress that is
acceptable for exposure to it for a specified occupational nystagmus
period of time. An ocular nystagmus resulting from pro-
longed exposure to poor lighting conditions or
occupational hazard retinal fatigue.
A risk of accident or disease which is peculiar
to a particular calling or occupation. occupational paralysis
A muscular weakness or atrophy due to nerve
occupational health compression resulting from the working envi-
A subset of occupational medicine dealing ronment.
with promoting the maintenance of worker

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occupational physiology occupational strain
See work physiology. The reaction of one or more parts of the body
occupational psychiatry to occupational stressors.
A specialty within psychiatry concerned in occupational stress
business and industry with a) the promotion An internal condition resulting from any
of mental health; b) diagnosis and treatment forces exerted on the individual as a result of
of mental illness; and c) dealing with the performing some task in the work environ-
psychological aspects of personnel problems ment. Also called work stress.
such as hiring, absenteeism, vocational ad- occupational stressor
justments, and retirement. Any stressor present in the workplace. Also
occupational safety called work stressor.
The study and/or implementation of principals occupational therapist
intended to recognize hazards and prevent ac- One who is licensed or otherwise qualified to
cidents in work-related situations. practice occupational therapy.
Occupational Safety and Health Act occupational therapy
Federal law (1970) administered by the Occu- The training or use of certain occupational
pational Safety and Health Administration skills for therapeutic or rehabilitation pur-
(OSHA) enacted to reduce the incidence of poses.
injuries, illnesses, and deaths among working
men and women in the United States which occupied caboose
result from their employment. A rail car being used to transport non-
passenger personnel.
Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
tion (OSHA) occupied zone
A federal agency within the U.S. Department In the study of indoor air quality, those loca-
of Labor responsible for establishing and en- tions/positions where the people work or oc-
forcing standards for the exposure of workers cupy space within a building.
to safety hazards or harmful materials that occurrence
they may encounter in the work environment, An incident.
as well as other matters that may affect the
safety and health of workers. The agency was ocean
established under the Occupational Safety and Any portion of the high seas beyond the
Health Act of 1970 along with the National contiguous zone.
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ocean bill of lading
(NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety and A receipt for the cargo and a contract for
Health Review Commission (OSHRC). transportation between a shipper and the
Occupational Safety and Health Review ocean carrier. It may also be used as an
Commission (OSHRC) instrument of ownership which can be bought,
A commission that is independent of OSHA sold, or traded while the goods are in transit.
and has been established to review and rule on ocean freight differential (OFD)
contested OSHA cases. It was created under The amount by which the cost of the ocean
the Occupational Safety and Health Act of freight bill for the portion of commodities
1970 along with the National Institute for Oc- required to be carried on U.S. flag vessels
cupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and exceeds the cost of carrying the same amount
the Occupational Safety and Health Admini- on foreign flag vessels. When applied to
stration (OSHA). agricultural commodities shipped under Food
occupational skin disease for Peace, OFD is the amount paid by the
Any occupational disease involving the skin. Commodity Credit Corporation.
Also referred to as occupational skin disor- ocean going container
der. See also occupational dermatosis and Usually made of steel, it is a large rectangular
occupational acne. box designed for easy lift on/off by cranes.

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ocean waters octane number
Those waters of the open seas lying seaward A numerical rating used to grade the relative
of the base line from which the territorial sea antiknock properties of gasoline. A high oc-
is measured, as provided for in the Conven- tane fuel (e.g., octane rating of 89 or more)
tion on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous has better antiknock properties than one with
Zone. a lower number.
oceanic airspace octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow)
Airspace over the oceans of the world, con- Measure of the extent of partitioning of a
sidered international airspace, where oceanic substance between water and octanol at equi-
separation and procedures per the Interna- librium. The Kow is determined by the ratio
tional Civil Aviation Organization are ap- between concentration in octanol divided by
plied. Responsibility for the provisions of air the concentration in water at equilibrium
traffic control service in this airspace is dele- (unitless).
gated to various countries, based generally octave
upon geographic proximity and the availabil- The interval between two sounds having a
ity of the required resources. frequency ratio of two to one.
oceanic display and planning system octave band
Aviation. An automated digital display system As applied to noise, a bandwidth that has an
which provides flight data processing, conflict upper band frequency that is twice its lower
probe, and situation display for oceanic air band frequency. The term is used to describe
traffic control. the separation of noise energy into frequency
oceanic front bands which cover a 2 to 1 range of frequen-
A boundary that separates masses of water cies. The center frequencies of these bands
with different temperatures and densities. are 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000,
oceanic navigational error report (ONER) 8000, and 16,000 Hz. This separation is used
Aviation. A report filed when an aircraft ex- to analyze noise. One-third-octave band and
iting oceanic airspace has been observed by one-tenth-octave band analyses are also used
radar to be off course. ONER-reporting pa- to obtain a more detailed analysis of noise.
rameters and procedures are contained in Or- octave band analyzer (OBA)
der 7110.82, Monitoring of Navigational Per- A portable instrument used for characterizing
formance in Oceanic Areas. the frequency and amplitude characteristics of
oceanic published route a sound.
Aviation. A route established in international ocular
airspace and charted or described in flight in- Pertaining to the eye.
formation publications, such as Route Charts, ocular dominance
Department of Defense (DOD) En Route A condition in which one eye is subcon-
Charts, Chart Supplements, NOTAMs, and sciously relied upon more than the other.
Track Messages. Also referred to as eye dominance.
oceanic transition route oculogram
Aviation. Route established for the purpose of A surface electrical recording of activity adja-
transitioning aircraft to/from an organized cent to the eye which indicates eye movement
track system. patterns.
OCL oculogravic illusion
See outer compass locator. An illusion indicating a tilting of the visual
OCMI field produced when a change in vertical
See Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection. gravity occurs, as in a centrifuge or other lin-
OCR ear acceleration. Also referred to as agravic
See optical character recognition. illusion.

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oculogyral illusion Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
A visual illusion involving a sense of rotation (OPPT)
in the opposite direction produced when an A section of the U.S. Environmental Protec-
abrupt change in rotational velocity occurs. tion Agency.
oculomotor off course
Pertaining to eye movements. Aviation. A term used to describe a situation
oculomotor nerve where an aircraft has reported a position fix or
The third cranial nerve, which provides motor is observed on radar at a point not on the air
input to the intrinsic and some extrinsic eye traffic control (ATC) approved route of flight.
muscles. See also on course and on-course indication.

o.d. off-line
Outside diameter. Pertaining to a terminal or other hardware not
ready for access to a computer or network.
See optical density. off peak period
See base period.
(1) Other direct costs. (2) Ozone depleting off-road vehicular area
chemical. See ozone level depleting sub- An area for the testing of, or use by, vehicles
stances (OLDS). that are designed to travel across the terrain.

odontoma off route vector

A tumor derived from tissues involved in Aviation. A vector by Air Traffic Control
tooth formation. (ATC) which takes an aircraft off a previously
assigned route. Altitudes assigned by ATC
odor during such vectors provide required obstacle
The characteristic of a substance that makes it clearance.
perceptible to the sense of smell.
off-site facility
odor threshold A hazardous waste treatment, storage, or dis-
The minimum concentration of a substance posal (TSD) area that is located at a place
that can be detected and identified by a ma- away from the generating site.
jority of the exposed population.
off time
odorant That period within a given day when an indi-
Any relatively volatile substance which is vidual is not scheduled to be at work.
added to an odorless or offensive material to
give the latter a distinctive odor for safety, at- offense
tractant, or other purposes. See also malo- A felony or misdemeanor. A breach of the
dorant. criminal laws; a violation of the law for which
a penalty is prescribed.
Having an odor. offgassing
The release of adsorbed or occluded sub-
odorimetry stances from a solid or liquid material, often
The study or measurement of the effects of by exposure to heat. Synonymous with out-
odors on the olfactory sensory structures. gassing.
odorize office
Add an odorant to another substance. Any location in which management, supervi-
OEL sion, and administrative support personnel are
See occupational exposure limit. housed and their respective functions are per-
See object free area. office automation
The use of implementation of computers or
OFD electromechanical devices for communica-
See ocean freight differential.

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tions or manipulating, storing, or sending offset parallel runway
documents. Runways that are staggered but have center-
office layout lines which are parallel to one another.
The arrangement of desks, filing cabinets, offshore
photocopiers, other associated equipment, and That geographic area that lies seaward of the
the personnel who occupy an office. coastline. In general, the coastline is the line
Office of the Secretary of Transportation of ordinary low water along with that portion
(OST) of the coast that is in direct contact with the
The Department of Transportation is admin- open sea or the line marking the seaward limit
istered by the Secretary of Transportation, of inland water.
who is the principal adviser to the President in offshore breeze
all matters relating to federal transportation A breeze that blows from the land out over the
programs. The Secretary is assisted in the water. Opposite of onshore breeze.
administration of the Department by a Deputy offshore control area
Secretary of Transportation, a Associate Dep- Aviation. That portion of airspace between
uty Secretary, the Assistant Secretaries, a the U.S. 12-mile limit and the Oceanic Con-
General Counsel, the Inspector General, and trol Area/Flight Information Region
several Directors and Chairpersons. (CTA/FIR) boundary within which air traffic
Office on Environmental Policy (OEP) control is exercised. These areas are estab-
Created by President Clinton in 1993 to re- lished to permit the application of domestic
place the Council on Environmental Quality procedures in the provision of air traffic con-
(CEQ). The OEP is responsible for coordi- trol services. Offshore control area is gener-
nating environmental policy within the federal ally synonymous with Federal Aviation
government. The level of OEP participation Regulations, Part 71, Subpart E, "Control Ar-
in the major governmental policy councils eas and Control Area Extensions."
(the National Security Council, the National offshore facility
Economic Council, and the Domestic Policy According to the Comprehensive Environ-
Council) clearly establishes the OEP on a mental Response, Compensation, and Liabili-
much higher, visible plane than the old CEQ. ties Act: Any facility of any kind located in,
See Council on Environmental Quality. on, or under, any of the navigable waters of
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) the United States, and any facility of any kind
A person from the civilian or military branch which is subject to the jurisdiction of the
of the Coast Guard designated as such by the United States and is located in, on, or under
Commandant and who under the supervision any other waters, other than a vessel or a pub-
and direction of the Coast Guard District lic vessel.
Commander is in charge of a designated in- offshore supply vessel
spection zone for the performance of duties A cargo vessel of less than 500 gross tons that
with respect to the enforcement and admini- regularly transports goods, supplies, or
stration of Title 52, Revised Statutes, acts equipment in support of exploration or pro-
amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, duction of offshore mineral or energy re-
rules and regulations thereunder, and the in- sources.
spection required thereby.
official immunity doctrine See obstacle free zone.
Doctrine of official immunity provides that
government officials enjoy an absolute privi- OGC
lege from civil liability should the activity in Office of General Counsel.
question fall within the scope of their author- ogive
ity and if the action undertaken requires the A cumulative distribution curve, generally
exercise of discretion, and this rule of immu- resembling an "S" shape, depending on the
nity is not limited to the highest executive of- distribution.
ficers of the government.

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OHA support and its fuse link or disconnecting
Operational hazard analysis. See operating blade are mounted in oil with complete im-
and support hazard analysis. mersion of the contacts and the fusible portion
OH&S of the conducting element (fuse link). Any
Occupational Health and Safety. arc interruption, caused by severing of the
fuse link or by opening of the contacts, will
ohm (Ω occur under oil.
A unit of electrical resistance equal to the oil fingerprinting
electrical resistance between two points of a A method that identifies sources of oil and
conductor when a constant potential of 1 volt allows spills to be traced back to their source.
is applied between the two points and pro-
duces a current of one ampere. oil folliculitis
Acne-like lesions resulting from repeated skin
Ohm's law contact with some oil products, such as in-
A law that is applied to the flow of electricity soluble cutting oils.
through a conductor. It states that the current
flow in amperes is proportional to the voltage oil mist
divided by the resistance in ohms. Aerosol produced when oil is forced through
a small orifice, splashed or spun into the air
oil during operations, or vaporized and then con-
(1) Oil of any kind or in any form, including, densed in the atmosphere.
but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge,
oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other oil pipeline mode
than dredged spoil. (2) A mixture of hydro- Covers crude oil, petroleum product and gas
carbons usually existing in the liquid state in trunk lines. The pipeline industry, which
natural underground pools or reservoirs. Gas transports oil and petroleum products, is an
is often found in association with oil. important if specialized freight mode. See
also pipeline.
oil acne
Acneform dermatitis resulting from the skin's oil spill
allergic reaction to oil or oil products. Ap- An accidental or intentional discharge of oil
pears as red bumps, usually with pustules which reaches bodies of water. Can be con-
which progress to sores. See also industrial trolled by chemical dispersion, combustion,
dermatitis. mechanical containment, and/or adsorption.

oil and gas production oil spill removal organization

The lifting of oil and gas to the surface and An entity that provides response resources.
gathering, treating, field processing (as in the oilless compressor
case of processing gas to extract liquid hydro- An air compressor that is not lubricated with
carbons), and field storage. The production oil. Also referred to as a breathing air com-
function shall normally be regarded as termi- pressor. Thus, it does not generate carbon
nating at the outlet valve on the lease or field monoxide or oil mist when in operation.
production storage tank. If unusual physical
or operational circumstances exist, it may be
A semisolid preparation for external applica-
more appropriate to regard the production
tion to the body. Official ointments consist of
function as terminating at the first point at
medicinal substances incorporated in suitable
which oil, gas, or gas liquids are delivered to
a main pipeline, a common carrier, a refinery,
or a marine terminal. OJT
See on-the-job training.
oil field body
Heavily constructed platform-type truck body OKN
equipped with instruments for oil drilling. See optokinetic nystagmus.
oil (filled) cutout OLDS
As pertains to systems over 600 volts (nomi- See ozone level depleting substances.
nal), a cutout in which all or part of the fuse

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olecranon spected by employees, agents, and manage-
The proximal end of the ulna which forms the ment of an organization and knows the orga-
elbow prominence. More accurately called nization’s corporate culture. The ombudsman
the olecranon process. may be someone within the organization or
olecranon fossa knowledgeable individuals outside of the
A depression in the posterior distal end of the company.
humerus, into which the olecranon process of omega
the ulna fits when the elbow is extended. Aviation. An Area Navigation (RNAV) sys-
olecranon height tem designed for long-range navigation based
The vertical distance from the floor or other upon ground-based electronic navigational aid
reference surface to the underside of the el- signals.
bow. Measured with the individual standing omega high
erect, the elbow flexed 90°, and the upper arm A ridge in the middle or upper troposphere
vertical. that has the shape of the Greek letter omega.

OLF omission
A perceived air quality term which attempts to Neglecting to perform what the law requires.
quantify the level of odorous pollutants in The intentional or unintentional failure to act
OLFs. which may or may not impose criminal liabil-
ity depending upon the existence of a duty to
olfaction act under the circumstances.
The sense of smell.
omphalion height
olfactometer The linear vertical distance from the floor or
Any device for measuring the sensitivity of other reference surface to omphalion. Meas-
smell. ured with the individual standing erect, with
olfactory his/her body weight equally distributed on
Pertaining to the sense of smell. both feet.
olfactory fatigue on course
Condition in which the sense of smell has Aviation. (1) Used to indicate that an aircraft
been diminished to the extent that an odor is established on the route centerline. (2)
cannot be detected. Used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to advise
a pilot making a radar approach that his air-
olfactory nerve
craft is lined up on the final approach course.
The first cranial nerve, which conveys sensory
See also off-course and on-course indication.
information regarding smell to the brain.
on-course indication
oligotrophic lakes
An indication on an instrument, which pro-
Deep clear lakes with low nutrient supplies.
vides the pilot a visual means of determining
They contain little organic matter and have a
that the aircraft is located on the centerline of
high dissolved-oxygen level.
a given navigational track, or an indication on
OM a radar scope that an aircraft is on a given
See outer marker. track. See also off course and on course.
OMB on-demand
Office of Management and Budget. Supplied as a result of a user-initiated re-
ombudsman sponse.
An individual with whom an employee or on-flight passenger trip length
agent can discuss confidential, work-related Aviation. The average length of a passenger
concerns and receive a quick, neutral re- trip, calculated by dividing the number of
sponse. The employee or agent may also re- revenue passenger-miles in scheduled service
port violations of law or corporate policies to by the number of revenue passenger enplane-
this individual without fear of retribution. ments in scheduled service.
The ombudsman is usually trusted and re-

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online neoplastic. More than 30 oncogenes have
Pertaining to a fully connected, powered, and been identified in humans.
ready for operation terminal or other hardware oncogenesis
access to a computer or network. The production or causation of tumors.
on-off control oncogenic
Any simple control mechanism which has A substance that causes tumors, whether be-
only two possible discrete outcomes, either nign or malignant.
full on or full off, with no intermediate state
possible. oncogenicity
The quality or property of being able to cause
on-off switch tumor formation.
A type of on-off control which consists of a
manual, remote, or automatic switch. oncology
The study of tumors, including the study of
on-road mile per gallon (mpg) causes, development, characteristics, and the
A composite miles per gallon (mpg) that was treatment of the tumor.
adjusted to account for the difference between
the test value and the fuel efficiency actually one-hole test
obtained on the road. A psychomotor skill test in which an individ-
ual is required to grasp, move, and position a
on-scene coordinator (OSC) small cylindrical object in a hole with close
The predesignated EPA, Coast Guard, or De- tolerances.
partment of Defense Official who coordinates
and directs Superfund removal actions or one-inch rule
Clean Water Act oil (or hazardous) spill cor- See residue rule.
rective actions. one-point discrimination
on-site facility The ability to localize a point on the body
A hazardous waste treatment, storage, or dis- surface where pressure is being applied.
posal (TSD) area that is located on the gener- one-tailed test
ating site. A test of statistical significance in which a
on-system directional hypothesis is used, stating that a
Any point on or directly interconnected with a sample value will be exclusively either less
transportation, storage, or distribution system than or greater than some value.
operated by a natural gas company. one-tenth-octave band
on-the-job training (OJT) A band-width equal to one-tenth of an octave.
The training of an employee by doing the See also octave band.
tasks or job he/she will be expected to per- one-third-octave band
form when training is completed, rather than A band-width equal to one-third of an octave.
by classroom or other training techniques. See also octave band.
on-time performance ONER
The proportion of the time that a transit sys- See oceanic navigational error report.
tem adheres to its published schedule times
onshore breeze
within state tolerances.
A breeze that blows from the water onto the
on-track equipment land. Opposite of an offshore breeze.
Railroad rolling stock used to transport freight onshore facility
or passengers; includes locomotives, railroad According to the Comprehensive Environ-
cars, maintenance equipment, and one or mental Response, Compensation, and Liabili-
more locomotives coupled to one or more ties Act: Any facility (including, but not lim-
cars. ited to, motor vehicles and rolling stock) of
oncogene any kind located in, on, or under any land or
A viral gene, found in some retroviruses, that nonnavigable waters within the United States.
may transform the host cell from normal to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

onshore oil pipeline facilities open court
New and existing pipe, rights-of-way and any Common law requires a trial in open court,
equipment, facility, or building used in the meaning a court to which the public will have
transportation of oil located in, on, or under a right to be admitted.
any land within the United States other than open cut
submerged land.
Rail transit way below surface in an excavated
ontogeny cut that has not had a covering constructed
The study of the origin and development of an over it. Transition segments to open cut or
individual organism, from the zygote to adult. subway-tunnel/tube segments are included.
oocytes open dump
Developing egg cell. An uncovered site used for disposal of waste
opacity without environmental controls. See also
The amount of light obscured by particulate dump.
pollution in the air; clear window glass has a open-face filter cassette
zero opacity, a brick wall has 100 percent A cassette holding a filter that collects air-
opacity. Opacity is used as an indicator of borne particulate matter (usually fibers) on
changes in performance of particulate matter removal of the entire lid and not just the small
pollution control systems. inlet plug of the cassette.
opalescence open fracture
The clouded, iridescent appearance of a trans- See compound fracture.
lucent substance or material when illuminated
open insurance policy
by more than one frequency of visible light.
A marine insurance policy that applies on all
open-access transportation shipments over a period of time rather than on
The contract carriage delivery of nonsystem a single shipment.
supply gas on a nondiscriminatory basis for a
open loop system
fee generally subject to transportation tariffs
Any system in which its own output provides
which are usually on an interruptible service
insignificant or no input back to the system,
basis on a first-come, first-serve capacity us-
with all or the remainder of the input coming
from another source.
open-body type vehicle
open motorboat
A vehicle having no occupant compartment
Craft of open construction specifically built
top or an occupant compartment top that can
for operating with a motor, including boats
be installed or removed by the user at his
canopied or fitted with temporary partial
open burning
open path detectors
(1) Uncontrolled fires in an open dump. (2)
Line of sight contaminant detection systems
In solid waste, the combustion of waste with-
that can cover a wide area. Detection is de-
out the control of combustion air to maintain
pendent on the contaminant crossing or
adequate temperature for efficient combus-
breaking the detector line of sight measure-
tion, containment of the combustion reaction
ment beam, such as an IR or UV source. Re-
in an enclosed device to provide sufficient
sults are typically expressed in ppm-meters.
residence time and mixing for complete com-
bustion, or control of the emission of the open riser
combustion products. The airspace between the treads of stairways
without upright members (risers).
open channel
That portion of the river above pool water. open river
(1) Any river having no obstructions such as
open-circuit SCBA
dams. (2) When the stage of a pooled river
A type of self-contained respiratory protection
running through movable dams is high
device which exhausts exhaled air to the at-
mosphere rather than recirculating it.

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enough for traffic to clear the dams, the river A typical operable unit would be removing
is said to be "open." drums and tanks from the surface of a site.
open shop operant conditioning
A facility in which employment is available to A form of learning/training in which an or-
both labor union members and nonunion ganism provides a certain response to obtain a
workers. reward, which reinforces the occurrence of
open stope that response in the future.
Pertaining to an underground workplace operate
which is either unsupported or supported only With respect to aircraft, means use, cause to
by occasional timbers or rock pillars. use, or authorize to use aircraft, for the pur-
open system pose (except as provided in 14 CFR 91.13) of
A system in which the handling or transfer of air navigation including the piloting of air-
a material occurs in a manner such that there craft, with or without the right of legal control
is contact of the material with the atmosphere. (as owner, lessee, or otherwise).

open timbering Operating and Support Hazard Analysis

A technique for supporting the soil or rock in (O&SHA)
a shaft or tunnel in which vertical supports are A system safety analytical technique (also
located some distance apart, with overhead know as the operational hazard analysis or
horizontal struts between them. OHA) which focuses primarily on the hazards
associated with or caused or enhanced by the
open to public travel road human/task interface of system operations.
A road must be available, except during
scheduled periods, extreme weather or other operating assistance
emergency conditions, and open to the general Financial assistance for transit operations (not
public for use by four-wheel, standard pas- capital expenditures). Such aid may originate
senger cars without restrictive gates, prohibi- with federal, local, or state governments.
tive signs, or regulation other than restrictions operating cost
based on size, weight, or class of registration. Transit. (1) Fixed operating cost, in reference
Toll plazas of public toll facilities are not con- to passenger car operating cost, refers to those
sidered restrictive gates. expenditures that are independent of the
open top amount of use of the car, such as insurance
A trailer with sides but without a permanent costs, fees for license and registration, depre-
top; often used for heavy equipment that must ciation and finance charges. (2) Variable op-
be lowered into place by crane. erating cost, in reference to passenger car op-
erating cost, expenditures which are depend-
open union ent on the amount of use of the car, such as
A labor union without restrictive membership the cost of gas and oil, tires, and other main-
provisions. tenance.
open window operating employee
A display window which is perceptually and Transit. An employee involved with opera-
functionally available to the user. tion, maintenance, or administration of the
open wiring on insulators transit system, excluding those involved in
An exposed wiring method using cleats, construction and capital procurement.
knobs, tubes, and flexible tubing for the pro- operating expenses
tection and support of single insulated con- (1) Expenses of furnishing transportation
ductors run in or on buildings, and not con- service including the expense of maintenance
cealed by the building structure. and depreciation of the plant used in the
operable unit service. (2) The costs of handling traffic, in-
Term for each of the separate activities un- cluding both direct costs, (such as driver
dertaken as part of a Superfund site cleanup. wages and fuel) and indirect costs (e.g., com-
puter expenses and advertising) but excluding

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interest expense. (3) Expenses incurred in the operation
performance of air transportation, based on The act of performing any planned job or task
overall operating revenues and overall oper- by one or more humans with or without ma-
ating expenses. Does not include nonoperat- chines/equipment in which value added to a
ing income and expenses, nonrecurring items product or information is input, processed, or
or income taxes. output.
operating life operation analysis
The period of time in which prime power is A systematic review and study of the purpose,
applied to electrical or electronic components procedures, time, and motions required, tools
without maintenance or rework. and equipment used, materials used, stan-
operating practice dards, workplace design, and working condi-
Railroad employment performance and adher- tions for any operation.
ence to the established operating rules of a operation analysis chart
railroad company. A form which lists all relevant variables in-
operating profit or loss volved in an operation.
Aviation. Profit or loss from performance of operation and maintenance
air transportation, based on overall operating (1) Activities conducted at a site after a Su-
revenues and overall operating expenses. perfund site action is completed to ensure that
Does not include nonoperating income and the action is effective and operating properly.
expenses, nonrecurring items, or income (2) Actions taken after construction to assure
taxes. that facilities constructed to treat wastewater
operating property and equipment will be properly operated, maintained, and
Aviation. Owned assets including capital leases managed to achieve efficiency levels and pre-
and leaseholds which are used and useful to scribed effluent limitations in an optimum
the air carrier's central business activity, ex- manner.
cluding those assets held for resale, or inop- operation of a railroad
erative or redundant to the air carrier's current Inclusive term used to describe all activities of
operations. These assets include loans and a railroad related to the performance of its rail
units of tangible property and equipment that transportation business.
are used in air transportation services and operation process chart
services incidental thereto. An abbreviated flow process chart consisting
operating ratio of a graphic/symbolic description providing a
The ratio of operating expenses to operating top-level view of the sequence for an entire
revenues. operation, specifying such information as the
operating revenue actions and inspections involved, materials
Transit. (1) The amount of money which a used, and pints of introduction, etc. Also
carrier receives from transportation opera- called outline process chart.
tions. (2) Revenues from the performance of operational
air transportation and related incidental serv- Ready for immediate use, or in the process of
ices. Includes a) transport revenues from the being used.
carriage of all classes of traffic in scheduled operational acceptable level of traffic (OALT)
and nonscheduled services and b) nontrans- An air traffic activity level associated with the
port revenues consisting of federal subsidy designed capacity for a sector or airport. The
(where applicable) and revenues for services OALT considers dynamic changes in staffing,
related to air transportation. personnel experience levels, equipment out-
operating system (OS) ages, operational configurations, weather,
A collection of computer programs that con- traffic complexity, aircraft performance mix-
trol how a computer works. tures, transitioning flights, adjacent airspace,
handoff/point-out responsibilities, and other
factors that may affect an air traffic opera-

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tional position or system element. The OALT operational maintenance
is normally considered to be the total number Any minor inspection, cleaning, servicing,
of aircraft that any air traffic functional posi- adjustment, or parts replacement in equipment
tion can accommodate for a defined period of which can normally be performed by an op-
time under a given set of circumstances. erator without any specialized training or
operational containment high-level technical skills.
An active process for preventing an interface operational readiness
between entities which should be kept sepa- A state or condition in which a system is not
rate. functioning due to scheduling or other rea-
operational control sons, but will perform its intended function
With respect to a flight, means the exercise of when called upon to do so.
authority over initiating, conducting, or ter- operational road
minating a flight. A usable road and intended for use roadway.
operational deviation operational runway
Aviation. An occurrence where applicable A usable and intended for use runway.
separation minima were maintained (as de-
fined under operational error), but a) less operational suitability
than the applicable separation minima existed A measure of the ease of use or usability of a
between an aircraft and protected airspace manufactured product.
without prior approval; b) an aircraft pene- operations
trated airspace that was delegated to another The sum of all activities of an organization.
position of operation or another facility with-
out prior consideration and approval; c) an operations research
aircraft penetrated airspace that was delegated The application of scientific, statistical, and/or
to another position of operation or another fa- modeling methodology toward obtaining in-
cility at an altitude or route contrary to the al- formation for management to make objective,
titude or route requested and approved in di- quantitatively based decisions using specified
rect coordination or as specified in a Letter of criteria regarding the men, machines, materi-
Agreement, pre-coordination, or internal pro- als, and money under their control.
cedure; d) an aircraft, vehicle, equipment, or operative temperature
personnel encroached upon landing area was A measure of heat stress.
delegated to another position of operation
without prior coordination and approval. See operator
also operational error. (1) An individual or robot whose functions
may include manipulating, supporting, and
operational effectiveness operational maintenance of a system or piece
A measure of satisfaction of the work accom- of equipment. (2) A person who controls the
plished or the rate at which work is being use of an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle. (3) A per-
done within a given total system environment. son who owns or operates a liquefied natural
operational error gas (LNG) facility. (4) A person who owns or
Aviation. An occurrence attributable to an operates onshore oil pipeline facilities. (5) The
element of the air traffic control system which company responsible for the management and
a) results in less than applicable separation day-to-day operations of natural gas produc-
minima between two or more aircraft, or be- tion, gathering, treating, processing, transpor-
tween an aircraft and terrain or obstacles and tation, storage, and/or distribution facilities,
obstructions. Obstacles include vehicles, and/or a synthetic natural gas plant.
equipment, personnel on runways; or b) air- operator error
craft lands or departs on a runway closed to See human error.
aircraft operations after receiving air traffic
authorization. See also operational deviation. operator input
That information or data presented to/received
by an operator via instructions, displays, ob-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

serving equipment/system operation, or the opinion
general working environment. (1) General. A view or belief based on a
judgement about what is believed to be true
operator instruction sheet
regarding some issue, object, or event, but
Any form of written instructions for providing
without absolute certainty or knowledge. (2)
the operator with details for performing a
Law. A document prepared by an attorney for
given task or job.
his/her client, embodying his/her understand-
operator output ing of the law as applicable to a state of facts
Any physical or verbal action taken by an submitted to him/her for that purpose (e.g., an
operator. opinion of an attorney as to the marketability
operator overload of a land title as determined from a review of
A condition in which an operator is expected the abstract of title and other public records.
to do more than he/she is capable of per- opinion evidence
forming effectively within the given work- Evidence (testimony) of what the witness
place, environment, or other constraints. thinks, believes, or infers in regard to the facts
operator performance in dispute, as distinguished from his/her per-
Any measure of the work output of an opera- sonal knowledge of the facts themselves.
tor. Opinions are not generally considered with
the same regard as actual facts. An exception
operator process chart to this rule exists with regard to expert wit-
An operation process chart describing the ac- nesses. These are witnesses who, by educa-
tivities of a single worker without differentia- tion and experience, have become an expert in
tion between the two hands. some art, science, profession, or calling and,
operator training as such, may state their opinions as to relevant
Instruction which is intended to enable or en- and material matter, in which they profess to
hance an individual's performance on a job or be expert, and may also state their reasons for
task. the opinion. In general, expert witness opin-
ions shall be considered with the same regard
operator utilization
as the actual facts of the case.
The ratio of actual working time to total clock
time. opisthocranion
That point on the occipital bone in the mid-
operator workload assessment
sagittal plane which marks the posterior ex-
The use of any relevant physiological, cogni-
tremity of the largest skull diameter measure.
tive, or other measure to determine operator
workload. opponent color
One of a set of pairs of opposing colors. See
operators also opponent process theory.
Maritime. The personnel (other than security
agents) scheduled to be aboard vehicles in opponent colors system
revenue operations including vehicle opera- A color ordering system in which specified
tors, conductors, and ticket collectors. color pairs are considered to be a t the ends of
a single dimension: red vs. green, blue vs.
yellow, and white vs. black.
Pertaining to the eye.
opponent process theory
ophthalmologist A theory that there are receptors in the eye for
A physician who specializes in the structure,
red or green for blue or yellow, and for white
function, and diseases of the eye.
or black. Synonymous with Hering's oppo-
opiate nent process theory.
Any substance having an addiction-forming opportunistic infection
or addiction-sustaining capability similar to
An infection caused by a microorganism that
morphine or being capable of conversion into
does not ordinarily cause disease but can be-
a drug having addiction-forming or addiction- come pathogenic under some circumstances.
sustaining capabilities.

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opposing signals nutritional disorders that can lead to damage
Rail Operations. Roadway signals which to the optic nerve and produce serious loss of
govern movements in opposite directions on vision.
the same track. optical axis
opposing train An imaginary straight line extending along a
A train, the movement of which is in a direc- horizontal plane of the eye through the mid-
tion opposite to and toward another train on point of the cornea, the pupil, and the retina.
the same track. The optical axis is separated from the visual
opposite direction aircraft axis by about 4°.
Aircraft are operating in opposite directions optical brightener
when a) they are following the same track in See brightener.
reciprocal directions; or b) their tracks are
parallel and the aircraft are flying in recipro- optical cavity
cal directions; or c) their tracks intersect at an A system of using mirrors to pass a light
angle of more than 136 degrees. beam through a lasing medium several times,
thereby amplifying the number of photons
OPPT emitted.
See Office of Pollution Prevention and
Toxics. optical character reader
A device having the capability to scan a single
optic or limited type of standardized text.
Pertaining to the eye.
optical character recognition (OCR)
optic chiasm The study or use of photoelectric methods to
The point at which some of the neural fibers identify printed or handwritten characters.
from the retina cross to the opposite side of
the brain. optical density (OD)
A measure of the total luminous transmittance
optic nerve of an optical material. A logarithmic expres-
The third cranial nerve. It is purely sensory sion of the attenuation provided by a filter.
and is concerned with carrying visual infor- The logarithmic value of the ratio between the
mation to the brain. The rods and cones of intensity of transmitted light through a clean
the retina are connected with the optic nerve filter and a sample.
which leaves the eye slightly to the nasal side
of the center of the retina. The point at which optical element
the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the Any structure within an optical device in-
blind spot because there are no rods and cones volved in shaping or directing light passage
in this area. The optic nerve passes through through that device.
the optic foramen of the skull and into the optical glass
cranial cavity. It then passes backward and A glass which meets certain standards in be-
undergoes a division; those nerve fibers lead- ing free from imperfections which would ad-
ing from the nasal side of the retina cross to versely affect its light transmission (bubbles,
the opposite side while those from the tempo- seeds, haze, etc.).
ral side continue to the thalamus uncrossed.
After synapsing in the thalamus, the neurons
A person who measures and grinds eyeglasses
convey visual impulses to the occipital lobe of
to prescription.
the brain. Degenerative and inflammatory le-
sions of the optic nerve occur as a result of in- optics
fections, toxic damage to the nerve, metabolic The study of the generation, transmission,
or nutritional disorders or trauma. Syphilis is refraction, reflection, and detection of elec-
the most frequent cause of infectious disor- tromagnetic radiation between x-rays and ra-
ders of the optic nerve. Methanol (methyl al- dio waves.
cohol) is highly toxic to the optic nerve and optimal
can cause total blindness. Diabetes mellitus The most desirable.
and anemia are examples of metabolic and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

optimal menu hierarchy oral cavity
That hierarchy of menu structures which See mouth.
yields either the lowest average access times oral fissure
or fewest number of steps in getting to a That approximately elliptical opening formed
specified point or in the most common uses. by the separation of the facial lips.
optimistic time oral ingestion
The shortest possible time in which a given The swallowing of a material.
operation, task, or other activity could be
completed. oral verbal comprehension
The ability to understand spoken language.
optimum location principal
The concept in designing a man-machine in- oral verbal expression
terface that each display and control should be The ability to use spoken language to com-
placed at the best site according to one or municate with others.
more criteria for its intended use. orbit
optimum replacement interval (1) Anatomy. Referring to the eye socket.
See economic life. More specifically, the bony cavity containing
the eyeball and its associated muscles, ves-
optimum sustainable population sels, and nerves. The ethmoid, frontal, lacri-
With respect to any population stock, the mal, nasal, palatine, sphenoid, and zygomatic
number of animals which will result in the bones and the maxilla contribute to its forma-
maximum productivity of the population or tion. (2) Astronautics. To maintain a roughly
the species, keeping in mind the carrying ca- elliptical position in the space around a sta-
pacity of the habitat and the health of the eco- tionary body. (3) Science. The path of an
system of which they form a constituent ele- electron around the nucleus of an atom.
orchard heater
option approach An oil heater placed in orchards that generates
See cleared for the option. heat and promotes convective circulation to
optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) protect fruit trees from damaging low tem-
That nystagmus in a normal individual caused peratures.
by a succession of objects moving across the order
visual field. The movement is relative. It (1) A written or verbal direction or command
may be achieved with the individual station- from someone in authority. (2) Having some
ary and moving objects or a moving individ- systematic structure or pattern (e.g., a lack of
ual passing a number of stationary objects. chaos). (3) A request for a specific number
optometer and type of goods or services. Also called a
An instrument for determining the visual ca- purchase order. (4) See order of magnitude.
pacities of the eyes. order entry
optometrist The process of inputting the information per-
A professional person trained to examine the taining to a purchase order into a computer for
eyes and prescribe eyeglasses to correct ir- processing.
regularities in the vision. The optometrist is order of magnitude
not a physician and is not qualified to diag- An integer value representing an exponent of
nose or treat diseases or injuries of the eye, or some number or expression.
perform surgery.
ordered metric scale
optometry A basic measurement scale in which items can
The study and/or measurement of the human be classified by rank using some magnitude
eye's capabilities. measure, but with no specification about the
oral absolute magnitudes or magnitudes of differ-
(1) Pertaining to the mouth. (2) Spoken. ences between items.

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ordinal scale organic
A basic measurement scale in which items can Of, pertaining to, or derived from living or-
be classified by rank, using some magnitude ganisms. Also, in chemistry, refers to sub-
measure, but with no specification about the stances containing carbon compounds.
absolute magnitudes or magnitudes of differ- organic carbon partition coefficient (Koc)
ences between items. Measure of the content of partitioning of a
ordinance substance, at equilibrium, between organic
A municipal statute or regulation. carbon in geologic materials and water. The
ordinary care higher the Koc, the more likely a substance is
Law. That degree of care which persons of to bind to geologic materials than to remain in
ordinary care and prudence are accustomed to water.
using and employing, under the same or organic chemicals/compounds
similar circumstances. Or, it is that degree of Animal- or plant-produced substances con-
care which may reasonably be expected from a taining mainly carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
person in the party's situation, that is, reason- organic matter
able care. See also care and reasonable care. Carbonaceous waste contained in plant or
ordinary hazard contents animal matter and originating from domestic
Those contents which are liable to burn with or industrial sources.
moderate rapidity and to give off a consider- organic peroxide
able volume of smoke but from which neither An organic compound containing the bivalent
poisonous fumes nor explosions are to be -O-O- structure and which may be considered
feared in the case of fire. a derivative of hydrogen peroxide where one
ordinary high water line or more of the hydrogen atoms have been re-
In nature, that water elevation below which placed by organic radicals.
aquatic vegetation will not grow. In practice, organism
a water surface elevation arbitrarily fixed Any living biological entity composed of one
from past experience or the establishment of or more cells.
navigation pools.
ordinate That structure of people, concepts, or other
(1) The vertical or dependent axis on a two- entities which exist or are created to carry out
dimensional graph, typically labeled the y or assist in one or more specific objectives.
axis. (2) A particular value on a graph, repre-
sented by the perpendicular distance from the organization chart
abscissa. A graphic representation of the interrelation-
ships within an organization, which may indi-
ordnance cate lines of authority and areas of responsi-
All ammunition, demolition material, solid bility.
rocket motors, liquid propellants, pyrotech-
nics, and explosives. organizational climate
Those properties of the working environment
ordnance component which may have effects on employee produc-
A component such as a squib, detonator, ini- tivity.
tiator, ignitor, or linear-shaped charge, in an
ordnance system. organizational psychology
That field of study and practice involving the
organ structure and function of organizations.
Organized group of tissues that perform one
or more definite functions in an organism. organized track system
Aviation. A movable system of oceanic tracks
organ of Corti that traverses the North Atlantic between
An organ, lying against the basilar membrane Europe and North America the physical posi-
in the cochlear duct of the ear, which contains tion of which is determined twice daily taking
special sensory receptors for hearing. the best advantage of the winds aloft.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

organo- from which skeletal muscle originates (oppo-
Having a carbon base. site of insertion). (4) Mathematics. The null
organogenesis reference point for a coordinate system, at
The period in the development of a fetus dur- which all axes meet and are usually assigned
ing which the organs are developing. values of zero.

organometallic compound original document rule

A chemical compound in which a metal is The best evidence of the contents of a document
chemically bonded to an organic compound. is the original of that document. The party
Examples include organophosphate com- bearing the burden of proving the contents of a
pounds, tetraethyl lead, manganese cyclopen- document is required to introduce the original
tadienyl tricarbonyl, etc. unless he/she is excused from its production be-
cause of its non-availability and in this instance,
organophosphates secondary evidence is admissible.
Pesticide chemicals containing phosphorous
that are used to control insects. They are usu- originality
ally short-lived, but some can be toxic when The ability to produce new, unusual, or clever
first applied. In sufficient quantities of expo- thoughts on a given topic.
sure, there can be systemic poisoning effects. originated carload
organotin An originated carload is one which is loaded
As defined by the Federal Organotin Anti- and begins its journey on a particular railroad.
fouling Paint Control Act of 1988: Any com- originating statute
pound of tin used as a biocide in an antifoul- See statutory mandate.
ing paint. ORM
orientation See other regulated material.
The process of providing a new employee ORNL
with some background information on the or- Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
ganization, its policies, and its procedures.
orographic uplift
orientation reflex The lifting of air over a topographic barrier.
See orienting response. Clouds that form in this uplifting process are
orienting response called orographic clouds.
A mild psychophysiological response involv- oropharynx
ing a sudden shift of attention to process in- The middle region of the pharynx, from the
formation, associated with some sudden level of the soft palate to the level of the hy-
event. Also referred to as orientation reflex. oid bone, and from the posterior pharyngeal
See also startle response. wall to the fauces.
orifice Orsat apparatus
An opening or hole of controlled size that can A device for measuring the percentage of car-
be used for the measurement of liquid or gas bon dioxide, oxygen, and carbon monoxide in
flow. flue gas.
orifice meter orthoaxis
A device for determining flow rate. A flow The true anatomical axis of rotation for a
meter employing, as the measure of flow, the limb.
pressure difference as measured on the up-
stream side of a specific type of restriction orthocenter
within a pipe or duct. The instantaneous anatomical center of rota-
tion for a joint.
(1) Transportation. Starting point of a trip. orthogonal
(2) Transit. The country in which the cargo (1) Being perpendicular or at right angles. (2)
was loaded and/or the transit originated. (3) Completely independent or separable.
Anatomy. The point or bone surface location

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orthograde os cuboideum
Standing or walking in an upright position. See cuboid bone.
orthonormal osazone
Pertaining to orthogonal vectors or functions Any one of a series of compounds obtained by
whose lengths or products are 1, respectively. heating sugars with phenylhydrazine and ace-
tic acid.
That medical field concerned with the treat- OSC
ment or correction of deformities or diseases See on-scene coordinator.
of the structures involved in human move- oscillate
ment. Also spelled orthopaedics. To execute repeated reversals in velocity,
orthoptics generally between a range of values.
The study of visual responses and reactions, oscillating conveyor
and many corrections required to effect nor- A trough-like mechanism which moves loose
mal binocular vision. materials along by vibrating the bed.
orthosis oscillation
Any device for aiding the strength and/or (1) General. A backward and forward mo-
dexterity of a weakened, damaged, or atro- tion, like a pendulum. Also, vibration, fluc-
phied body part or for preventing bone or tuation, or variation. (2) Acoustics. Varia-
other deformity. tion, usually with time, of the magnitude of a
orthostatic quantity with respect to a specified reference
Pertaining to an upright stance. when the magnitude is alternately greater and
smaller than the reference. Back-and-forth
orthostatic hypotension variation of a steady uninterrupted sound.
A fall in blood pressure on standing. See also
orthostatic intolerance. oscillator
Any device which produces oscillations.
orthostatic intolerance
The inability of the cardiovascular system to oscillogram
supply adequate blood pressure and flow to A printed, hardcopy record of electrical wave-
forms, typically biological in origin.
the brain on standing. See also orthostatic
hypotension. oscillograph
An instrument used for obtaining an oscil-
See orthosis.
An instrument that visually displays the shape
See operating and support hazard analysis.
of electrical waves on a fluorescent screen.
See operating system.
See Occupational Safety and Health Admini-
OSA color scale stration.
A color ordering system which attempts to
OSHA Form 101
relate the distance between points on a color A form for recording information on occupa-
diagram to the perceptual difference between tional illnesses and injuries to supplement that
any two colors, and is based on specifications which is recorded on the OSHA Form 200.
of lightness (L), yellowness (j), and greenness
(g). OSHA Form 200
A form for recording occupational injuries,
illnesses, and deaths for submission to the
A system for estimating the degree of obesity
U.S. Department of Labor.
using transformed, geometrically adjusted
skinfold values with body weight. OSHA General Industry Standard (GIS)
os calcis Part 1910 of Chapter XVII of Title 29 of the
See calcaneus. Code of Federal Regulations dealing with

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OSHA occupational safety and health stan- osteochondritis
dards. An inflammation of both bone and cartilagi-
OSHRC nous tissues.
See Occupational Safety and Health Review osteochondritis dissecans
Commission. A joint condition in which a fragment of ar-
osmium ticular cartilage and the underlying bone have
A chemical element, atomic number 76, partially or completely separated.
atomic weight 190.2, symbol Os. osteodystrophy
osmolality A reduced capacity to support the body
The concentration of the solute in a solution weight due to osteoporosis.
per unit of solvent. osteoma
osmophore A tumor, benign or malignant, composed of
The group of atoms in a molecule of a com- bone.
pound that is responsible for its odor. osteomyelitis
osmosis Inflammation of bone caused by a pyrogenic
Diffusion that proceeds through a semi- microorganism. It may result in bone de-
permeable membrane separating two miscible struction, in stiffening of joints if the infection
solutions and that tends to equalize concen- spreads to the joints and, in extreme cases oc-
trations. curring before the end of the growth period, in
the shortening of a leg if the growth center is
osseous labyrinth destroyed. Acute osteomyelitis is caused by
An interconnected series of cavities within the bacteria that enter the body through a wound,
temporal bone which comprise the inner ear, spread from an infection near the bone, or
including the vestibule, semicircular canals, come from a skin or throat infection. The in-
and cochlea. fection usually affects the long bones of the
ossicle arms and legs and causes acute pain and fever.
A small bone. The auditory ossicles are the It most often occurs in children and adoles-
malleus, incus, and stapes of the middle ear. cents, particularly boys. The onset may be
quite sudden, with chills, high fever, and se-
OST vere pain. Signs and symptoms include a
See Office of the Secretary of Transporta- marked increase in leukocytes, tenderness,
tion. swelling, and redness of the skin over the
osteitis bone involved and bacteremia. About 10 to
A general term for inflammation of bone tis- 14 days after the onset of symptoms, x-rays
sue. It is used to describe a number of condi- show signs of the bone infection.
tions. For example, advanced cases of syphi- osteonecrosis
lis can lead to syphilitic osteitis. The death of regions of bone tissue due to the
osteo- loss of blood vessels which supply the bone,
A prefix denoting a relationship to a bone or usually at joints. Synonymous with avascular
to the bones. necrosis.
osteoarthritis osteopath
Hypertrophic degeneration of joints that is One who treats diseases by manipulation of
part of the normal aging process. It is most the bones. Also, a practitioner of osteopathy.
likely to strike the joints that receive the most osteopathy
use or stress over the years. These include the A system of complete medical practice based
knees, the joints of the big toes, and those of on the maintenance of proper relationships
the lower part of the spine. Another common among various parts of the body. Osteopathic
form of osteoarthritis affects the distal joints physicians, licensed in all 50 states, employ
of the fingers. manipulative therapy, drugs, surgery, x-ray,
and all other accepted therapeutic methods in

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the treatment of disease and injury. Osteo- other interest expense
pathic medicine focuses special attention on Interest expense other than that on long-term
the biological mechanisms by which the mus- debt and capital leases. This includes interest
culoskeletal system, through the nervous and expense on short-term debt, interest capital-
circulatory systems, interacts with all body ized, and amortization of premium on all
organs and systems in both health and disease. classes of debt.
Doctors of Osteopathy (DOS) diagnose and other nonoperating income & expenses, net
treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system Transportation. Income from all investor-
through palpation and appropriately applied controlled companies and nontransport ven-
manipulative procedures. tures, equipment, and investments in securi-
osteoporosis ties of others, interest income, gains or losses
A bone disorder characterized by an overall resulting from nonroutine abnormal changes
loss of mineral mass through resorption, re- in the rates of foreign exchange, and other
sulting in larger marrow spaces, decreased nonoperating items except capital gains or
cortical bone, and decreased structural losses and interest expense.
strength. Associated with an increased risk of other regulated material (ORM)
fractures. The principal causes are lack of Any material that does not meet the definition
physical activity, lack of estrogens or andro- of a hazardous material, other than combusti-
gens, and possibly a chronic low intake of ble liquid in packaging having a capacity of
calcium. There is almost always some degree 110 gallons or less, and is specifically listed
of osteoporosis in senility. The condition may in the Table of Hazardous Materials as an
accompany endocrine disorders, bone marrow ORM. A material not listed in the Table may
disorders, and nutritional disturbances. Symp- also be considered an ORM if it meets certain
toms include pathologic fractures and collapse characteristics specified in 49 CFR 173.
of the vertebrae without compression of the
spinal cord. The latter is often discovered "ac- other single-unit truck
cidentally" on x-ray examination made for A motor vehicle consisting primarily of a sin-
some other reason. gle motorized device with more than two ax-
les or more than four tires.
The hardening or abnormal density of bones. other tanker vessel
A crude oil-carrying ship of between 25,000
Ostwald color system and 160,000 deadweight tons.
A color ordering system which specifies col-
ors by hue, a white-to-black dimension, and a other-than-serious violation (OTS)
depth-vividness dimension. The classification of other-than-serious or
“non-serious” violation applies when the po-
other assets tential consequences of the violation might be
Debit balances in general clearing accounts a minor illness or injury (i.e., an illness or in-
including prepayments chargeable against op- jury which does not rise to the level of serious
erations over a period of years, capitalized physical harm).
expenditures of an organization or develop-
mental character, long-term prepayments, and other transport-related revenue
property acquisition adjustments. Those revenues from services such as in-flight
sales, rentals and sales of services, supplies
other deferred credits and parts.
Credit balances in general clearing accounts
including credits for which the final disposi- other truck
tion cannot be effected until additional infor- All trucks other than pickups, (i.e., dump
mation has been received. trucks, trailer trucks, etc.).
other freeways and expressways other vehicle
All urban principal arterials with limited con- Consists of the following types of vehicles: a)
trol of access not on the Interstate system. large limousines (more than four side doors or
stretched chassis), b) three-wheel automo-
biles or automobile derivatives, c) van-based

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motor homes, d) light-truck-based motor cles to become fixed and less able to pass on
homes (chassis mounted), e) large-truck-based vibrations when sound enters the ear. The os-
motor homes, f) ATVs (all terrain vehicle, in- sicle chiefly involved in the condition is the
cluding dune/swamp buggy) and ATC (all ter- stirrup or stapes, which becomes fixed to the
rain cycle), g) snowmobiles, h) farm equip- oval window. The cause of otosclerosis is not
ment other than trucks, i) construction equip- clearly understood. It may be hereditary, or
ment other than trucks (includes graders), j) perhaps related to vitamin deficiency, or to oti-
other type vehicles (includes go-cart, fork lift, tis media. An early symptom is ringing in the
city street sweeper). ears, but the most noticeable symptom is pro-
gressive loss of hearing.
otitis externa
Any inflammation of the external auditory otoscope
canal. An instrument for examination or auscultation
(examine by listening) of the ear.
otitis interna
An inflammation of the inner ear.
otitis media
An inflammation of the middle ear.
The region of attachment of the anterior portion
of the auricle to the skin of the face. See also
otobasion inferior and otobasion superior.
otobasion inferior
The lowest point of attachment of the auricle
to the skin of the face.
otobasion superior
The highest point of attachment of the auricle
to the skin of the face. ototoxic
Having a deleterious effect upon the eighth
cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear) or on the or-
A calcium-based particle within the utricle
gans of hearing and balance.
and saccule of the inner ear used for sensing
head position. OTS
See other-than-serious violation.
Pertaining to otology. ounce
A unit of mass in the English system of meas-
A physician who specializes in surgery and
diseases of the ear. ouncedal
A unit of force equal to that which imparts an
otology acceleration of 1 ft/sec2 to a 1 ounce mass.
Branch of medicine which deals with the ear,
its anatomy, physiology, and pathology. out
Aviation. Communication Protocol: Means
otomycosis the conversation is ended and no response is
A fungal infection of the outer ear. The in- expected.
fection thrives in warm, moist climates and is
encouraged by poor local hygiene and swim- out draft
ming. Symptoms include itching, which may Maritime Navigation. Current moving across
be intense, pain and a stinging sensation in the the lock entrance toward the river or toward
external acoustic meatus. the dam.
out of phase
Pertaining to waveforms having the same fre-
The formation of bony tissue in the cavities of
quency but which are not at the same point in
the inner ear, often causing the auditory ossi-
their respective cycles at the same time.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

out of shape outer area
Maritime Navigation. Term used when a tow Aviation. Nonregulatory airspace surrounding
is not in the proper position to negotiate the designated Class C airspace airports wherein
channel or to shove into, or come out of, a Air Traffic Control (ATC) provides radar
lock (conversely, "in shape"). vectoring and sequencing on a full-time basis
out riggers for all Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and par-
Device used for increasing width of trailers. ticipating Visual Flight Rules (VFR) aircraft.
The service provided in the outer area is called
out wide, just below Class C service which includes IFR/IFR-
Maritime Navigation. Channel report term standard Instrument Flight Rules separation;
meaning after passing the mark, swing out IFR/VFR-traffic advisories and conflict reso-
wide away from the bank. lution; and VFR/VFR-traffic advisories and,
outage as appropriate, safety alerts. The normal ra-
(1) The period during which a generating unit, dius will be 20 nautical miles with some
transmission line, or other facility is out of variations based on site-specific requirements.
service. (2) The loss of a facility/service for The outer area extends outward from the pri-
one minute or more. (3) The amount by mary Class C airspace airport and extends
which a packaging falls short of being liquid from the lower limits of radar/radio coverage
full, usually expressed in percent by volume. up to the ceiling of the approach control's
Also referred to as ullage. delegated airspace excluding the Class C
charted area and other airspace as appropriate.
An engine not permanently affixed to the outer compass locator (OCL)
structure of the craft, regardless of the method Aviation. A compass locator installed at the
or location used to mount the engine (e.g., site of the outer marker of an instrument
motor wells, "kicker pits", motor pockets, landing system.
etc). outer continental shelf
outboard designated seating position The offshore limits of federal domain.
A designated seating position where a longitu- outer ear
dinal vertical plane tangent to the outboard See external ear.
side of the seat cushion is less than 12 inches
from the innermost point on the inside surface outer fix
of the vehicle at a height between the design Aviation. A general term used within Air
H-point and the shoulder reference point and Traffic Control (ATC) to describe fixes in the
longitudinally between the front and rear terminal area, other than the final approach
edges of the seat cushion. fix. Aircraft are normally cleared to these
fixes by an Air Route Traffic Control Center
outcome or an Approach Control Facility. Aircraft are
That projected or actual result due to the im- normally cleared from these fixes to the final
plementation of certain decisions. approach fix or final approach course.
outdoor air (OA) outer fix time
Fresh air from the outdoors mixed with return Aviation. A calculated time to depart the
air to dilute contaminants in the supply air. outer fix to cross the vertex at the actual cal-
Outdoor air is usually obtained from outside culated landing time. The time reflects de-
the building, but exceptions exist (e.g., from scent speed adjustments and any applicable
an acceptable hallway) in some cases. See delay time that must be absorbed prior to
also return air and supply air. crossing the meter fix.
outdoor air pollution outer lock wall
That pollution found outside living, working, The wall of the lock on the river or channel
or other structures, generally consisting of side away from the shore.
airborne hazardous or offensive substances
such as dust, ozone, hydrocarbons, and

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outer marker (OM) for treatment and/or diagnosis, but who does
Aviation Navigation. A marker beacon at or not occupy a bed overnight.
near the glideslope intercept altitude of an In- output
strument Landing System (ILS) approach. It (1) The amount of power or energy produced
is keyed to transmit two dashes per second on by a generating unit, station, or system. (2)
a 400 Hz tone, which is received aurally and Any data, information, display, or other re-
visually by compatible airborne equipment. sults provided by a computer system.
The OM is normally located four to seven
miles from the runway threshold on the ex- output device
tended centerline of the runway. See also Any means through which output from a
compass locator, glideslope, instrument land- computer is provided.
ing system, localizer, and middle marker. output standard
outer packaging That number of products or services which is
The outermost enclosure of composite or expected within a specified period of time
combination packaging together with any ab- from a worker or unit using a specified
sorbent materials, cushioning, and any other method.
components necessary to contain and protect outrigger scaffold
inner receptacles or inner packagings. A scaffold supported by outriggers or thrust-
outer shell outs projecting beyond the wall or face of the
The exterior layer of material on the fire coat building or structure, the inboard ends of
and protective trousers which forms the out- which are secured inside of such a building or
ermost barrier between the fire fighter and the structure.
environment. It is attached to the vapor barrier outside air
and liner and is usually constructed with a That air drawn in from a source external to a
storm flap, suitable closures, and pockets. ventilation system.
outerwear outside-in display
Any type of clothing typically worn outside or A display using the outside world as a frame
over other clothing. of reference, such that the display reflects the
outfall way an external operator would see an object
The place where effluent is discharged into react.
receiving waters. outside of a bend
outgassing The side of the river channel with the largest
See offgassing. projected circumference.
outlet outside work
A point on the wiring system at which current (1) That work done outside of some building
is taken to supply utilization equipment. or structure where the worker is exposed to
the atmospheric elements. (2) See external
outlier work.
A value within a dataset which is located at
such an extreme point from the remainder of outsource
the distribution that its presence cannot be To hire an outside firm to perform some spe-
reasonably attributed to any known cause. cific function, especially with respect to per-
Also referred to as wild value. forming computerized information services.
outline lighting oval window
An arrangement of incandescent lamps or That junction between the middle ear and the
electric discharge tubing to outline or call at- inner ear at which the base of the stapes and
tention to certain features such as the shape of its ligaments join the temporal bone, and
a building or the decoration of a window. through which sound is conducted to the
cochlea. See also round window.
An individual who enters a hospital or clinic

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ovary (passenger and nonpassenger) carried on that
That female organ which releases certain hop.
hormones and the eggs for reproduction. overall sound pressure level
oven, wall mounted The summation of all acoustic energy in the
An oven for cooking purposes designed for frequency bands from 22.4 Hz to 11.2 kHz.
mounting in or on a wall or other surface and overall study
consisting of one or more heating elements, The measurement and recording of the cycle
internal wiring, and built-in or separately time to verify a time study standard.
mountable controls. See also cooking unit,
counter mounted. overall ton miles (load factor, available capac-
ity, etc.)
over The total of passenger plus nonpassenger traf-
Aviation. Communication Protocol: Means fic, i.e., the sum of passenger and baggage
my transmission is ended; I expect a response. freight, express, U.S. mail, and foreign mail.
over-the-road bus overall vehicle width
A bus characterized by an elevated passenger The nominal design dimension of the widest
deck located over a baggage compartment. part of the vehicle, exclusive of signal lamps,
over-the-road trip marker lamps, outside rearview mirrors, flexi-
An intercity movement by commercial motor ble fender extensions, and mud flaps, deter-
vehicle. mined with doors and windows closed and the
over-the-top wheels in the straight-ahead position.
Above the layer of clouds or other obscuring overarching weight
phenomena forming the ceiling. That force from the overhead ground or rock
overachiever in a tunnel or shaft.
(1) An individual whose performance is better overbite
than would be expected from known charac- Extension of incisal ridges of the upper ante-
teristics or previous performance. (2) An in- rior teeth below the incisal ridges of the ante-
dividual who feels a need to exceed and does rior teeth in the lower jaw when the jaws are
more work than is required. closed normally.
overall available ton mile overbreadth doctrine
The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport This doctrine, which derives from the First
hop multiplied by the capacity available (in Amendment, serves to invalidate legislation
tons) for that hop for revenue traffic use. so sweeping that, along with its allowable
overall flight stage length proscriptions, it also restricts the constitution-
The average distance covered per aircraft hop ally protected rights of free speech, press, or
in revenue services, from takeoff to landing. assembly.
Derived by dividing the total aircraft miles overburden
flown in revenue service by the number of The rock and soil cleared away before mining.
aircraft revenue departures performed. overcast
overall noise Pertaining to a sky with complete cloud cover,
The overall sound pressure level in decibels, and no visible disk of the sun.
as determined by a microphone and meter overcurrent
without the weighting of the frequency com- Any current in excess of the rated current of
ponents of the noise to attenuate part of the equipment or the ampacity of a conductor. It
sound spectrum. Also referred to as OA may result from overload, short circuit, or
sound pressure level. ground fault. A current in excess of rating
overall revenue ton mile may be accommodated by certain equipment
The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport and conductors for a given set of conditions.
hop multiplied by the tons of revenue traffic Hence, the rules for overcurrent protection are
specific for particular situations.

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overexposure overhydration
With regard to occupational exposure, it is an A state of excess fluids in the body.
exposure to an airborne contaminant, or overland flow
physical stress at a level that is above an es- A land application technique that cleanses
tablished limit, such as an OSHA PEL, an wastewater by allowing it to flow over a
ACGIH TLV, or other recognized exposure sloped surface. As the water flows over the
limit. surface, the contaminants are removed and the
overfalls water is collected at the bottom of the slope
Short breaking waves occurring when a cur- for reuse.
rent passes over a shoal or other submarine overlap
obstruction or meets a contrary current or To partially obscure another display entity.
overfire air To completely or partially obscure one dis-
Air forced into the top of an incinerator or play entity by another.
boiler to fan the flames.
overhaul That learning or practice beyond the point of a
The process of disassembling, inspecting, re- single correct response.
finishing, replacing part(s), adjusting, reas-
sembling, and/or testing as required to return overload
hardware or equipment to service. Operation of equipment in excess of normal,
full-load rating, or of a conductor in excess of
overhead rated ampacity which, when it persists for a
(1) Pertaining to the region above the head. sufficient length of time, would cause damage
(2) That portion of the cost of doing business or dangerous overheating. A fault, such as a
which cannot be allocated to a particular op- short circuit or ground fault, is not an over-
eration, project, system, or product. load. See also overcurrent.
overhead maneuver overload principle
Aviation. A series of predetermined maneu- (1) The concept that a system will fail to
vers prescribed for aircraft (often in forma- function properly or not function at all when
tion) for entry into the visual flight rules saturated by the task requirements. (2) A rule
(VFR) traffic pattern and to proceed to a that the strength, endurance, and hypertrophy
landing. An overhead maneuver is not an in- of a muscle will increase only as a result of
strument flight rules (IFR) approach proce- the muscle working against loads greater than
dure. An aircraft executing an overhead ma- those normally encountered for a period of
neuver is considered VFR and the IFR flight time.
plan is cancelled when the aircraft reaches the
"initial point" on the initial approach portion overloading
of the maneuver. The pattern usually speci- Maritime Navigation. Excessive loading of
fies the following: a) the radio contact re- the vessel causing instability, limited maneu-
quired of the pilot. b) the speed to be main- verability, dangerously reduced freeboard, etc.
tained. c) an initial approach 3 to 6 miles in overlook access
length. d) an elliptical pattern consisting of A road that provides access to a pull-off area,
two 180 degree turns. e) a break point at having definite entrance and exit points. See
which the first 180 degree turn is started. f) also public use Class II road.
the direction of turns. g) altitude (at least 600
feet above the conventional pattern). h) a overlying center
"Roll-out" on final approach not less than 1/4 The Air Route Traffic Control Center
mile from the landing threshold and not less (ARTCC) facility that is responsible for arri-
than 300 feet above the ground. val/departure operations at a specific terminal.

overhead work overpack

That work performed with the arms raised Shipping. An enclosure that is used by a sin-
above the head and/or shoulders. gle consignor to provide protection or con-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

venience in handling of a package or to con- overtime
solidate two or more packages. Overpack Those hours worked by an hourly worker be-
does not include a freight container. yond the standard workday or workweek for
override that worker.
To take over the operation of a control system overtone
which has been controlling one or more sys- A constituent of a complex tone whose fre-
tems by a human or another control system. quency is an integral (greater than unity) mul-
overrun/stopway tiple of the fundamental frequency.
An area beyond the takeoff runway able to overturn
support an airplane during an aborted takeoff. The period of mixing (turnover), by top to
overseas bottom circulation, of previously stratified
Transit to or from foreign ports beyond the water masses. This phenomenon may occur
Coast of Canada and the United States. in spring and/or fall, or after storms. It results
in a uniformity of chemical and physical
overseas air commerce properties of the water at all depths.
The carriage by aircraft of persons or property
for compensation or hire, or the carriage of overuse syndrome
mail by aircraft, or the operation or navigation See repetitive motion injury.
of aircraft in the conduct or furtherance of a overutilization hypoxia
business or vocation, in commerce between a A tissue oxygen deficiency due to a greater
place in any state of the United States, or the demand for oxygen than can be supplied.
District of Columbia and any place in a terri- Usually encountered during prolonged heavy
tory or possession of the United States; or muscular activity.
between a place in a territory or possession of own source revenue
the United States, and a place in any other ter- All amounts of money received by a govern-
ritory or possession of the United States. ment from external sources, net of refunds
overseas air transportation and other correcting transactions, other than
The carriage by aircraft of persons or property from the issuance of debt, liquidation of in-
as a common carrier for compensation or hire, vestments, and as agency and private trust
or the carriage of mail by aircraft, in com- transactions. The federal government's reve-
merce: a) between a place in a state or the nues are generally referred to as receipts.
District of Columbia and a place in a posses- owner/operator
sion of the United States; or b) between a Independent trucker who drives the vehicle
place in a possession of the United States and for him/herself or on lease to a company.
a place in another possession of the United
States whether that commerce moves wholly owning agency
by aircraft or partly by aircraft and partly by A federal agency having accountability for
other forms of transportation. government-owned motor vehicles. This term
applies when a federal agency has authority to
overshoot take possession of, assign, or reassign the ve-
A motor response which goes beyond the in- hicle regardless of which agency is using the
tended target point or value. vehicle.
overstrike oxalic acid
A computer operating mode in which the key- A poisonous, crystalline, dibasic acid found in
strokes entered by the user replace those on various fruits and vegetables, and formed in
the display, with the originals being lost. the metabolism of ascorbic acid in the body.
overt behavior It is highly toxic and, if ingested, should be
Any objective behavioral act. neutralized by the administration of lime wa-
overt lifting task ter (calcium hydroxide solution) or another
The lifting and/or manipulation of significant convenient source of calcium, which reacts
loads. with the acid to form insoluble calcium ox-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

oxbow lake less gas at normal temperature and pressure
A lake resulting from the cutting off of sharp which serves as the primary oxidizing agent
river bends during realignment of a river for biological systems. It makes up approxi-
channel. mately 20% of the earth's atmosphere. In
oxidant combination with hydrogen, it forms water.
A substance that contains oxygen and that By weight, 90 percent of water is oxygen. It
may react chemically in air to produce a new is the most abundant of all elements of nature.
substance. Large quantities are distributed throughout the
solid matter of the earth, because the gas
oxidation combines readily with many other elements.
In chemistry, the combination of oxygen with With carbon and hydrogen, oxygen forms the
a substance (or the removal of hydrogen from chemical basis of much organic material.
a substance) which causes a loss of electrons
from the atom of a substance. oxygen capacity
The maximal amount of oxygen which can be
oxidation pond absorbed by a specified amount of blood
A manmade lake or body of water in which when equilibrated with an excessive amount
waste is consumed by bacteria. It is used of oxygen.
most frequently with other waste treatment
processes. An oxidation pond is basically the oxygen consumption rate (Vo2)
same as a sewage lagoon. The amount of oxygen used by the body
within a specified unit time.
oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
The sum of the concentrations of nitric oxide oxygen debt
and nitrogen dioxide present in the ambient That additional amount of oxygen above nor-
air as determined employing an acceptable mal resting requirements which is required
gas sampling procedure. during the recovery phase following strenuous
exercise to reconvert the anaerobic byproducts
oxidizer of metabolism generated during overutiliza-
A gas, liquid, or solid material that may ac- tion hypoxia.
celerate the combustion of other materials,
primarily organic. oxygen deficiency
A condition in which the concentration of
oxidizing agent oxygen by volume is insufficient to maintain
Any substance which contains an excess of normal respiration. It exists in atmospheres in
oxygen or certain other substances which are which the percentage of oxygen by volume,
readily available for chemical combination which is 21% under normal conditions, drops
with other substances and release energy on below 19.5%.
doing so. See also oxidizer and oxidizing
material. oxygen deficiency - immediately dangerous to
life and health
oxidizing material An atmosphere which causes the partial pres-
Chemicals or chemical combinations that sure of oxygen in the inspired air to be equal
spontaneously evolve oxygen at room tem- to or less than 100 mm of mercury in the up-
perature or with slight heating. See also oxi- per portion of the lungs. The partial pressure
dizer and oxidizing agent. of oxygen in the atmosphere is typically 158
oximeter mm of mercury.
An instrument for measuring the oxygen oxygen deficient atmosphere
content in a given environment. An atmosphere which contains less than the
oximetry approximately 20 – 21% of oxygen found in
The measurement of the amount of oxygen in normal air; or, an atmosphere containing less
a given environment. than 19.5% oxygen by volume. It is that con-
centration of oxygen by volume below which
oxygen (O2) atmosphere-supplying respiratory protection
A chemical element, atomic number 8, atomic must be provided.
weight 15.999, symbol O. A tasteless, odor-

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oxygen-enriched atmosphere sphere. In the stratosphere (the atmospheric
An atmosphere containing more than 23.5% layer beginning 7-10 miles above the Earth's
oxygen by volume. surface), ozone is found naturally and pro-
oxygen mask vides a protective layer shielding the Earth
Any mask covering at least the nose and from the harmful effects of the sun's ultravio-
mouth and used for oxygen inhalation. let radiation. In the troposphere (the layer
extending from the Earth's surface up to 7-10
oxygen saturation miles), ozone is a chemical oxidant and a
The value of the ratio of actual oxygen con- major component of photochemical smog.
tent of hemoglobin to its oxygen capacity. Ozone can seriously affect the human respi-
oxygen tolerance curve ratory system and is one of the most prevalent
A graphic representation of the amount of and widespread of all the criteria pollutants
time an average individual can be expected to identified in the Clean Air Act. Ozone in the
breathe pure oxygen at different water depths troposphere is produced through complex
or at higher barometric pressures without chemical reactions of nitrogen oxides, which
harmful effects. are among the primary pollutants emitted by
combustion sources; hydrocarbons, released
oxygenate into the atmosphere through the combustion,
A substance which, when added to gasoline, handling and processing of petroleum prod-
increases the amount of oxygen in that gaso- ucts; and sunlight.
line blend. Includes fuel ethanol, methanol,
and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). ozone-depleted potential
A factor established by the EPA Administra-
oxygenated motor gasoline tor to reflect the ozone-depletion potential of
Motor gasoline, formulated for use in motor a substance, on a mass per kilogram basis, as
vehicles, that has an oxygen content of 1.8 compared to chlorofluorocarbon-11 (CFC-
percent or higher by weight. See also fuel, 11). Such factor shall be based upon the sub-
gasohol, gasoline, motor gasoline, and kero- stance’s atmospheric lifetime, the molecular
sene. weight of bromine and chlorine, and the sub-
oxygenated solvent stance’s ability to be photolytically disassoci-
An organic solvent containing oxygen as part ated, and upon other factors determined to be
of the molecular structure. Alcohols and ke- an accurate measure of relative ozone-
tones are oxygenated compounds often used depletion potential.
as paint solvents. ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs)
oxygenation See ozone level depleting substances
To saturate with oxygen. (OLDS).
oxygenator ozone depletion
An apparatus used to introduce oxygen into Destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer
the blood during circulation outside the body, which shields the Earth from the sun's ultra-
as during open-heart surgery. violet radiation which is harmful to biological
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)
Hemoglobin that has absorbed oxygen, (i.e., ozone layer
has been oxygenated). Segments of the stratosphere (7 to 10 miles
above the earth's surface) in which ozone is
found in abundance and provides a natural
protection against the sun's ultraviolet radia-
ozonator tion.
A device that adds ozone to water.
ozone level depleting substances (OLDS)
ozone (O3) Substances which lead to the destruction of
An unstable allotropic form of oxygen exist- ozone by the breaking down of certain chlo-
ing in two different layers of the Earth's at- rine and bromine containing compounds, such
mosphere, the stratosphere and the tropo- as CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) or halons,

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which break down when they reach the strato-
sphere and catalitically destroy ozone mole-

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Pacinian corpuscle
P A layered sensory receptor for kinesthetic
P & Ds To place a container in some specified pattern
Pick ups and deliveries of freight. or sequence.
P&ID package freight
Piping and instrumentation drawing. In the historical tables, designates cargo con-
p chart sisting of miscellaneous packages generally
A graph or display, tracking over time, the unidentifiable as to commodity and carried
fraction of non-conforming units within sam- only on vessels licensed by the respective
ples. authorities in Canada and the United States.
This commodity classification is no longer
An apparently endogenous brain event-related
potential which occurs about 300 msec fol- packaged laboratory chemical (PLC)
lowing an unexpected stimulus. However, a Also called Pack-Lab Chemicals or Lab-Pack
large onset time variance can be expected. Chemicals), the term used to describe reagent
chemicals packaged in sizes of one gallon or
smaller into DOT-specification shipping con-
See Pascal.
tainers for ultimate shipment to a TSD facility
pace for landfill disposal or incineration.
To regulate the rate at which some task or
function is performed.
A receptacle and any other components or
pace rating materials necessary for the receptacle to per-
See performance rating. form its containment function in conformance
paced work with the minimum packing requirements of 49
Any repetitive job or task which is to be car- CFR, Chapter I, Subchapter C. See also
ried out at a specified pace. packing and crating and packing group.

pacemaker packaging inefficiency

(1) General. Any device which has a direct That amount of volume which cannot be used
influence on the rate at which some process is in packaging due to factors such as drawer
carried out or the duration of the cycle of a frame volume, drawer slides, shelves, or ob-
process. (2) Medical. A center or a substance ject structure.
that controls the rhythm of a body process. packed tower
The term usually refers to the cardiac pace- A pollution control device that forces dirty air
maker. The so-called "normal pacemaker" of through a tower packed with crushed rock or
the heart is the sinotrial node, a small mass of wood chips while liquid is sprayed over the
specialized muscle tissue in the heart near the packing material. The pollutants in the air
junction with the superior vena cava. It sets a stream either dissolve or chemically react
rhythm of contraction and relaxation that is with the liquid.
followed by the other portions of the heart.
Thus, the heartbeat is established. The normal
One whose job is to place items into contain-
rhythm of 60 to 100 contractions per minute is
ers for shipment, sale, storage, or other func-
increased by physical or emotional stress, and
decrease during rest. See also circadian
pacemaker and cardiac pacemaker. packet
A boat, usually a coastal or river steamer, that
Pacific high
plies a regular route, carrying passengers,
See subtropical high.
freight, and mail.

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packing and crating distress, suffering, or agony, caused by
Establishments primarily engaged in packing, stimulation of specialized nerve endings. Its
crating, and otherwise preparing goods for purpose is chiefly protective (i.e., it acts as a
shipping. warning that early tissue damage is taking
packing group place somewhere in the body. The receptors
A grouping according to the degree of danger for the stimulus of pain are specific groups of
presented by hazardous materials. Packing myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers
Group I indicates great danger; Packing abundantly distributed near the surface of the
Group II, medium danger; Packing Group III, body, and to a lesser degree in the internal or-
minor danger. gans. Some of the internal organs such as the
lungs and uterus have comparatively few re-
packing house ceptors, and therefore are relatively insensi-
A food processing plant in which animals are tive to painful stimuli. The distribution of
slaughtered, processed, and placed in cold pain receptors in the mucosa of the intestinal
storage. tract apparently is similar to that in the skin,
PACM and the mucosa is quite sensitive to irritation
See presumptive asbestos-containing mate- or other painful stimuli. Superficial pain is
rial. felt when a stimulus reaches the cutaneous re-
ceptors near the surface of the body. It is felt
PADS as a sudden, sharp pain at the site of the
See PCB Activity Database. stimulation. Deep pain arises from stimula-
pad tion of receptors in the internal structures such
(1) Any small fatty tissue mass, such as on the as the longer duration and less localized.
terminal phalanges for the fingers, thumb, or When the receptors are stimulated, the im-
toes. (2) One or more layers of soft materials pulses are transmitted along nerve fibers that
which act to protect a part of the body from feed into the spinal ganglia. They then travel
impacts or hard surface. upward along nerve fibers to the thalamus.
Here the pain impulses are integrated to the
paddle-wheel fan
sensory portion of the cerebral cortex where
Centrifugal fan with radial blades.
the pain is analyzed and its location and inten-
page sity are determined. There are two types of
(1) To move through a displayed file one page reaction to pain: physical and psychological.
at a time. (2) That amount of text, graphics, The physical reaction is usually an automatic
or other material which comprises a printed response to superficial pain resulting from
page in hardcopy. (3) That segment of a file stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
which may be displayed on a screen at one and producing an outpouring of epinephrine.
time. There is a shift of blood from the skin, brain,
PAH and intestinal tract toward the muscles; the
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. See blood pressure increases, and the pulse rate
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon. rises. This reaction soon subsides if the pain
persists and remains intense. The individual
paid-in capital then becomes weak, shows signs of shock,
Invested capital from stock subscribed or is- and may become nauseated and vomit.
sued at a par or stated value (or the subscrip- He/she most often seeks rest and quiet and
tion value in the case of stock without par becomes withdrawn. The psychologic aspects
value) for preferred stock and common stock. of pain are more complex and difficult to de-
paid storage termine. An individual's reaction to pain de-
A vehicle on assignment to a customer agency pends on many factors, such as previous expe-
but temporarily out of service (usually a sea- rience with pain, training in regard to proper
sonally used vehicle). and acceptable responses to pain and discom-
fort, state of health, and the presence or ab-
sence of fatigue. Because of their lack of ex-
An unpleasant sensation which causes stress,
perience in dealing with pain, a child's psy-
discomfort, and/or suffering. It is a feeling of

©2000 CRC Press LLC

chological reactions to pain can be much more pajama wagon
severe than that which would normally be en- Transit (slang). Sleeper tractor.
countered by an adult under the same injuri- palatal
ous circumstances. See also pain and dis- Articulated with the tongue on or near the
comfort. hard palate.
The upper boundary of the mouth. The front
portion, braced by the upper jaw bones (max-
illae), is known as the hard palate and forms
the partition between the mouth and the nose.
The fleshy part arching downward from the
hard palate to the throat is called the soft pal-
ate and separates the mouth and the upper
throat cavity, or pharynx. When one swal-
lows, the rear of the soft palate swings up
against the back of the pharynx and blocks the
passage of food and air to the nose. A fleshy
lobe called the uvula hangs from the middle
of the soft palate.
palatine bone
A skull bone forming part of the hard palate,
the nasal cavity, and lower orbit.
palatine velum
The posterior portion of the soft palate which
partially separates the mouth from the phar-
A platform with or without sides, on which a
number of packages or pieces may be loaded
to facilitate handling by a lift truck.
A child is not accustomed to dealing with pain and, therefore,
their psychological reactions may be far more severe than with palletize
an adult under the same injurious conditions To place on a pallet.
pain and discomfort pallette
Term used to describe not only physical dis- A list of possible selections, especially on a
comfort and distress but also mental and computer display.
emotional trauma which are recoverable as
elements of damage in torts. Recovery for
Pale or absence of skin color.
pain and suffering is restricted by statute in
certain states. palm
The generally soft, frontal aspect of the hand
pain threshold
in the region of the metacarpals, over which
The minimum level at which one perceives
the phalanges may flex.
pain. Also called threshold of pain.
palm length
pair production
The linear distance from the base of the hand
A process by which radiation loses energy to
to the furrow where the middle finger joins
matter. It involves the creation of a positron-
the palm. Measured with the hand and fingers
electron pair from a photon of at least 1.02
palmar arch
paired comparisons
An arterial loop within the palm.
See method of paired comparisons.

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palmar reflex endocrine and exocrine tissue. The islands of
A tendency for the fingers to flex when the Langerhans, being endocrine in nature, secrete
palm is stimulated. two hormones: insulin, which plays a major
palpate role in carbohydrate metabolism, and gluca-
To examine or locate by touch and/or pres- gon, which has an effect opposite to that of
sure. insulin. The exocrine cells of the pancreas se-
crete pancreatic juice, which contains en-
palpebral fissure zymes essential to the digestive processes. A
The approximately elliptical region between system of ducts within the organ collects
the upper and lower eyelids when separated. these secretions and empties them into the
palpitation duodenum.
Rapid action of the heart that is noted by the pancytopenia
individual. It may be regular or irregular. A deficiency of all cell elements of the blood.
However, a true palpitation is a heartbeat that
is unusually rapid, strong, or irregular enough pandemic
to make a person aware of it (usually over 120 A disease affecting the population of a wide-
per minute), as opposed to the normal 60 to spread region, a nation, or the world (exam-
100 per minute. In most cases, palpitation is ple: AIDS).
the result of excitement or nervousness, of panel body
strong exertion, or of the failure to take cer- Small, fully enclosed truck body often used
tain prescribed medications. There are also for small package delivery.
palpitations that result from various types of Panel Layout And Integrated Design (PLAID)
heart disorders such as paroxysmal tachycar- An interactive, three-dimensional computer
dia and flutter, abnormal rhythms in which the modeling program used for designing aero-
heart executes runs of rapid beats. Another is space crew stations and integrating crew an-
atrial fibrillation, in which the beats are rapid thropometry, lighting, and other aspects.
but irregular, seeming to occur at random.
These palpitations may be caused by organic panelboard
heart disease, but they also can result from A single panel or group of panel units de-
other factors. Similarly, emotional pressures signed for assembly in the form of a single
rather than organic changes may cause the so- panel, including buses, automatic overcurrent
called "nervous heart," or functional heart dis- devices, with or without switches for the con-
ease. trol of light, heat, or power circuits. It is de-
signed to be placed in a cabinet or outlet box
PAMS placed in or against a wall or partition and ac-
Photochemical assessment monitoring station. cessible only from the front. See also switch-
pan board.
(1) To scan horizontally across the surround- pant
ing visual environment such that the center of To breath deeply and rapidly after prolonged
the field of view changes. (2) To shift the heavy physical exertion.
center of the field of view across a modeled
image on a display. pantothenic acid
A vitamin of the B complex present in all
Pan Pan living tissues, almost entirely in the form of a
The international radio-telephony urgency coenzyme A (CoA). This coenzyme has
signal. When repeated three times, indicates many metabolic roles in the cell and a lack of
uncertainty or alert followed by the nature of pantothenic acid can lead to depressed me-
the urgency. See also May Day. tabolism of both carbohydrates and fats.
pancake pants
Transit (slang). Brake diaphragm housing. An article of clothing consisting of a single
pancreas oval or tubular structure to cover the lower
A large gland located below and behind the torso, which bifurcates into two smaller tu-
stomach and the liver, It is composed of both bular-shaped structures for covering at least

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part of the legs, often having some type of into remote areas (e.g., to support troops,
fastener at the waist for holding in place. stranded persons, etc.). In aerospace applica-
Panum's area tions, multiple parachute systems are used to
A small region within the retina in which im- slow the fall or returning spaceflight hardware
ages from the two eyes are fused, even though (e.g., space shuttle solid rocket boosters, Rus-
they may not fall precisely on corresponding sian space craft, etc.).
A small growth or benign tumor of the skin or
mucous membrane.
See powered air purifying respirator.
Characterized by a papule, which is a small,
superficial, solid elevation of the skin. See
also papule.
A circumscribed, solid, elevated lesion of the
skin, up to 5 mm in diameter.
See Position Analysis Questionnaire.
See precision approach radar.
para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
A derivative of benzoic acid, classified as a
vitamin of the B complex group but not yet
proved essential in the diet of human beings.
It depresses the activity of certain rickettsial
infections and therefore is used in their treat- Sport skydiving has become an extremely popular pastime
parachute opening shock
parabiosis The combination of forces and torques acting
The cooperative association of two distinct on the body or other attached mass as a para-
organisms, or the anatomic and physiologic chute canopy fills with air and decelerates the
union of two animals created surgically for system.
experimental purposes or as occurs naturally
in Siamese twins.
Any hearing impairment. Also referred to as
parabola paracusis.
A concave or convex planar curve having an
equation as follows:
A model or schematic representation.
y = ax2 + bx + c
parainfluenza virus
paracentesis One of a group of viruses isolated from pa-
Surgical puncture and drainage of a cavity. tients with upper respiratory tract disease of
parachute varying severity.
A device used or intended to be used to retard parakeratosis
the fall of a body or object through the air. (1) Any disorder of the stratum corneum of
Parachutes are used primarily by people (e.g., the skin. (2) Retention of the nuclei in the
in sport skydiving, the military, in demonstra- cells of the keratin or stratum corneum, nor-
tions, etc.), but are also used to drop supplies mally seen in true mucous membrane.

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paralexia whole of one side of the body, including the
A reading disability in which words or sylla- face, arm, and leg, is affected, and paraplegia,
bles are transposed or substituted. in which both legs and possibly the trunk are
parallax affected. In central paralysis the tone of the
A difference in the apparent relative positions muscles is increased (spasticity). If the pe-
of objects when viewed from different points. ripheral nervous system is damaged, individ-
ual muscles or groups of muscles in a par-
parallax error ticular part of the body, rather than a whole
That observational error which may occur limb, are more likely to be affected. The
when reading an instrument with a dial and muscles are flaccid, and there is often im-
pointer meter due to the observer's eye not pairment of sensation. See also paraplegia.
being aligned perpendicularly to the dial face.
parallel A substance is paramagnetic if it is attracted
(1) Pertaining to more than one operation or into a magnetic field. Oxygen is paramag-
process ongoing at the same time. (2) Having netic at normal temperatures and this property
extent or traveling in the same direction, but is a basis for measuring oxygen concentration.
separated by some constant distance.
parallel ILS approaches (1) A characteristic of a population, such as
Aviation. Approaches to parallel runways by the mean, standard deviation or the variance.
instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft which, A variable quantity or arbitrary constant ap-
when established inbound toward the airport pearing in a mathematical expression, each
on the adjacent final approach courses, are ra- value of which restricts or determines the
dar separated by at least 2 miles. form of the expression. (2) An arbitrarily de-
parallel offset route fined constant value under a given set of cir-
Aviation. A parallel track to the left or right cumstances and from which other values or
of the designated or established airway/route. functions may be defined.
Normally associated with Area Navigation parametric modeling
(RNAV) operations. Varying the size and/or orientation of one or
parallel runway more entities in a computer model without
Two or more runways at the same airport altering the basic geometry.
whose centerlines are parallel. In addition to paranoia
runway numbers, parallel runways are desig- A mental disorder characterized by delusions
nated as L (left) and R (right) or, if three par- of persecution, illusions of grandeur, or a
allel runways exist, L (left), C (center), and R combination of both. It is a chronic disease
(right). that develops over months and years and for
parallelism which there is usually no cure.
The state of being parallel. paraoccupational exposure
paralysis Such an exposure occurs when workers are
Loss or impairment of the ability to move exposed to contaminants in the workplace and
parts of the body. Paralysis is a symptom of a carry them outside the worksite on their
wide variety of physical and emotional disor- clothing, body, or by other means. As a re-
ders rather than a disease in itself. Paralysis sult, non-workers such as family members can
results from damage to parts of the nervous receive an exposure to the contaminant.
system. The kind of paralysis resulting, and paraplegia
the degree, depend on whether the damage is Paralysis of the legs and, in some cases, the
to the central nervous system or the peripheral lower part of the body. Paraplegia is a form
nervous system. If the central nervous system of central nervous system paralysis in which
is damaged, paralysis frequently affects the the paralysis affects all the muscles of the
movement of a limb as a whole, not the indi- parts involved. In the majority of cases, para-
vidual muscles. The more common forms of plegia results from disease or injury of the
central paralysis are hemiplegia, in which the spinal cord that causes interference with nerve

©2000 CRC Press LLC

paths connecting the brain and the muscles. parenchyma
Conditions that may result in such interfer- The essential or functional elements of an
ence include physical injuries, hemorrhage, organ.
tuberculosis, tumor, and syphilis. In paraple- parent
gia, the loss of ability to use the legs may be (1) General. One who has produced an off-
accompanied by a loss of sensation in them spring. (2) Radiation. A radionuclide which,
and, in some cases, by loss of control over the upon disintegration, yields a specified nuclide
bowels and bladder. See also paralysis.
either directly, or as a later member of the ra-
paraquat dioactive series.
A standard herbicide used to kill various types
parent menu
of crops, including marijuana.
The initial menu displayed on entry into an
parasite application.
An organism (often microbial) that lives at the
expense of the host in or on which the organ- parenteral
ism resides. Parasites are not necessarily Substance introduced into the body by a route
harmful to their host. Among the many para- other than by way of the intestines, such as
through the skin.
sites in nature, a few feed upon human hosts,
causing diseases ranging from the mildly an- paresis
noying to the severe and even fatal. Parasites A weakness or incomplete form of paralysis
include multicelled and single-celled animals, in a limb.
fungi and bacteria. Viruses are sometimes paresthesia
considered to be parasites.
(1) A morbid, abnormal, or perverted sensa-
parasthenia tion. (2) A form of decompression sickness
A condition of organic tissue causing it to resulting in an itching, tingling, crawling, or
function at abnormal intervals. burning sensation associated with the skin.
parasympathetic nervous system Believed to be caused by evolved subdermal
Pertaining to that division of the autonomic gas bubbles.
nervous system originating from the brain paretic gait
stem and sacral sections of the spinal cord, A type of gait comprised of short steps, usu-
has its ganglia generally placed near the in- ally with the feet dragging and the legs later-
nervated organs, and which generally opposes ally separated.
the sympathetic division by performing re-
Pareto analysis
storative, digestive functions. Synonymous
with craniosacral. The arrangement of data by priority and using
that information to solve problems.
An insecticide compound, which may cause Pareto diagram
fatal poisoning in man. A graphical plot of a Pareto distribution,
whether in curve or histogram form.
The resistance to passive movements of a Pareto distribution
limb. A numerical listing or graphical plot compar-
ing value and percentages of items represent-
paratransit ing that value.
Comparable transportation service required by
the American Disabilities Act (ADA) for in- Pareto's Law
dividuals with disabilities who are unable to The concept that a majority (approximately
use fixed route transportation systems. 80%) of a given problem or other situation
can often be explained by a minority (about
parcel of air
20%) of the cases. Also referred to as the rule
An imaginary small body of air a few meters
of 80-20.
wide that is used to explain the behavior of air.
Pertaining to that which is situated on or
forms a dividing structure, such as a wall.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

parietal bone the disease is caused by damage to several
A large, flat skull bone forming much of the small areas of the brain: the substantia nigra,
lateral and superior part of the cranial cavity. the globus pallidus, and the thalamus. In
park some cases, the damage may be the result of a
(1) A place or area set aside for recreation or viral infection or of carbon monoxide poi-
preservation of a cultural or natural resource. soning. In later life, the cause may be cere-
See also parkway. (2) The act of placing a bral arteriosclerosis. When the cause is
vehicle into a designated place and/or posi- known, the condition is usually called parkin-
tion. sonism. However, in a large number of pa-
tients the cause is not apparent and in these
park and ride patients the condition is called Parkinson's
An access mode to transit in which patrons disease.
drive private automobiles or ride bicycles to a
transit station, stop, or carpool/vanpool wait- parkway
ing area and park the vehicle in the area pro- A highway that has full or partial access con-
vided for the purpose. They then ride the trol, is usually located within a park or a rib-
transit system or take a car- or vanpool to bon of park-like developments, and prohibits
their destinations. commercial vehicles. Buses are not consid-
ered commercial vehicles in this case. See
park and ride lot also park.
Designated parking area for automobile driv-
ers who then board transit vehicles from these parol evidence
locations. Oral or verbal evidence; that which is given
by word of mouth; the ordinary kind of evi-
parking area dence given by a witness in court.
An area set aside for the parking of motor
vehicles. paronychia
Infection involving the folds of tissue sur-
parking brake rounding the fingernail. The causative or-
A mechanism designed to prevent the move- ganisms may be bacteria of fungi, which usu-
ment of a stationary motor vehicle. ally gain entrance through a hangnail or break
parking brake system in the skin due to improper manicuring.
A brake system used to hold a vehicle station- parotid
ary. Near the ear.
Parkinson's disease paroxysm
A progressive disease of the brain occurring A sudden appearance, reappearance, or inten-
in later life, characterized by stiffness of mus- sification of symptoms.
cles and tremors. Parkinson's disease usually
appears gradually and progresses slowly. At Part 572 dummy
first the victim may be troubled by mild trem- See Hybrid III.
ors of the hands and nodding of the head. part family
He/she may also notice that movements are A set of parts having some specifiable simi-
somewhat slower and more difficult than larities.
usual. Then, loss of mobility in the face pro- part learning
duces the characteristic mask-like expres- A learning situation in which the entire set of
sions. As the disease advances, the tremors material to be learned is divided into seg-
increase and may involve the whole body, al- ments where each segment is learned sepa-
though gradually they are not apparent with rately, with eventual learning of all segments.
intentional movements. The muscles become See also whole learning.
stiffer, making movement increasingly diffi-
cult. The gait becomes shuffling and festi- part-task simulation
nating. The back tends to become bent for- That type of simulation which provides an
ward in a stooped position. Parkinson's dis- individual or group the ability to learn only
ease does not affect mental capacity; however, selected portions of a total task.

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part-task trainer (PTT) the mass concentration within that size-
A training device which provides an individ- fraction which should represent the TLV.
ual or group with the ability to learn only particulate
portions of the total task. (1) A fine liquid or solid particle such as dust,
part-time employment smoke, mist, fumes, or smog, found in air or
That working arrangement involving an em- emissions. Settled particulates, such as dust
ployee having a set or variable number of and fumes, can be re-suspended in the air. (2)
hours less than the standard work week, or Carbon particles formed by partial oxidation
less than about 35 hours per week. and reduction of the hydrocarbon fuel. Also
partial body irradiation included are trace quantities of metal oxides
Pertains to the case in which part of the body and nitrides, originating from engine wear,
is exposed to the incident electromagnetic ra- component degradation, and inorganic fuel
diation. additives. In the transportation sector, par-
ticulates are emitted mainly from diesel en-
partial disability gines.
Any disability other than death or total dis-
ability resulting in some loss of the use of a particulate matter (PM)
bodily member or function. A suspension of solid or liquid particles in air.
Also referred to as an aerosol.
partial pressure
The part of the total pressure of a mixture of partition
gases that is contributed by one of the con- Any dividing structure which has relatively
stituents. In any gas mixture the total pres- small thickness compared to height and length
sure is equal to the sum of the pressures each such as a wall or cardboard which serves to
gas would exert if it were alone in the volume isolate individuals or objects from each other
occupied by the mixture. for sound attenuation, protection, privacy, or
other purposes.
partial tone
A simple tone which is a component of a partition coefficient
complex tone. See distribution coefficient.

participating agency partly cloudy

A federal department or agency which trans- Pertaining to a sky which has about 30-70%
ferred (consolidated) vehicles to the Inter- cloud cover.
agency Fleet Management System (IFMS). parts per billion (ppm)
particle Unit of concentration, such that one part of a
A small, distinct masses of solid or liquid contaminant is present in one billion parts of
matter such as dust, fume, mist, or smoke. air or other media by volume.

particle size parts per million (ppm)

The measured dimension of liquid or solid An expression of concentration as the number
particles, usually expressed as the diameter in of parts of a contaminant in a million parts of
microns. air or other media by volume.

particle size distribution parts per trillion (ppt)

The statistical distribution of the size or mass An expression of concentration, such that one
of an aerosol. It is typically described by the part of a contaminant is present in one trillion
geometric mean and standard deviation of the parts of air or other media.
distribution. The data are useful in estimating party
aerosol exposure to various regions of the (1) OSHA. A person admitted to participate
respiratory tract. in a hearing conducted under the authority of
Particle Size-Selective TLVs the OSHAct. An applicant for relief and any
Exposure limits that recognize the size frac- affected employee shall be entitled to be par-
tion most closely associated for each sub- ties. The Department of Labor, represented
stance with the health effect of concern, and by the Office of the Solicitor, shall be deemed

©2000 CRC Press LLC

to be a party without the necessity of being passenger automobile
named. A passenger automobile is any automobile
Pascal (Pa) (other than an automobile capable of off-
The metric unit of pressure measurement highway operation) manufactured primarily
equal to a force of one Newton acting on an for use in the transportation of not more than
area of one square meter. 10 individuals.

Pascal's Law passenger car

A rule that a confined fluid transmits any ex- (1) Rail Operations. A unit of rolling equip-
ternally imposed pressure equally in all direc- ment intended to provide transportation for
tions. members of the general public, including self-
propelled cars designed to carry baggage mail,
pass express, and passengers. (2) Transit. Any
Any one of several distributary channels near motor vehicle that is a convertible; 2-door se-
the mouth of a river. dan, hardtop, or coupe; a 4-door sedan or
pass cells hardtop; a 3- or 5-door hatchback coupe; an
Piers on each side of the navigable pass of a automobile with pickup body; or station
dam. wagon. Also, any motor vehicle that is an
automobile, auto-based pickup, large limou-
pass sill gauge sine, or three-wheel automobile or automobile
Gauge indicating depth through navigable derivative. Also, motor vehicles used primar-
pass. ily for carrying passengers, including con-
pass-through funds vertibles, sedans, and station wagons.
Transit. Operating financial assistance passed passenger car equivalence
through to other transit agencies that have no The representation of larger vehicles, such as
relationship to the directly operated and/or buses, as equal to a quantity of automobiles
purchased transportation services provided by (passenger cars) for use in level of service and
the designated recipient. capacity analyses.
passageway passenger-carrying aircraft
A corridor which is of sufficient height and An aircraft that carries any person other than a
width to permit movement between two crew member, company employee, an au-
points. thorized representative of the United States, or
passenger a person accompanying the shipment.
(1) General. A person who gives compensa- passenger-carrying volume
tion to another for transportation. (2) Mari- The sum of the front seat volume and, if any,
time. With respect to vessels and for the pur- rear seat volume, as defined in 40 CFR
poses of 49 CFR 176, only means a person 600.315, in the case of automobiles to which
being carried on a vessel other than the owner that term applies. With respect to automo-
or his/her representative; the operator; a bona biles to which that term does not apply, "pas-
fide member of the crew engaged in the busi- senger-carrying volume" means the sum in
ness of the vessel who has contributed no cubic feet, rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic
consideration for his/her carriage and who is feet, of the volume of a vehicle's front seat
paid for his/her services; or a guest who has and seats to the rear of the front seat, as appli-
not contributed any consideration directly or cable, calculated in 49 CFR 523.2 with the
indirectly for his/her carriage. (3) Rail Op- head room, shoulder room, and leg room di-
erations. A person who is on, boarding, or mensions determined in accordance with the
alighting from a railroad car for the purpose procedures outlined in Society of Automotive
of travel, without participating in its opera- Engineers (SAE) Recommended Practice
tion. (4) Transportation. Any occupant of a J1100a, Motor Vehicle Dimensions (Report of
motor vehicle who is not a driver. Human Factors Engineering Committee, So-
ciety of Automotive Engineers, approved
September 1973 and last revised September

©2000 CRC Press LLC

passenger count passenger per aircraft mile
A count of the passengers on a vehicle or who The average number of passengers carried per
use a particular facility. aircraft in revenue passenger services, derived
passenger enplanements by dividing the total revenue passenger-miles
The total number of passengers boarding an by the total aircraft miles flown in revenue
aircraft. passenger services.

passenger facility charge (PFC) passenger revenue

Public agencies controlling a commercial Money, including fares and transfer, zone, and
service airport can charge enplaning passen- park-and-ride parking charges, paid by transit
gers using the airport a $1, $2, or $3 facility passengers; also known as "farebox revenue."
charge. Public agencies must apply to the passenger revenue ton mile
FAA and meet certain requirements to impose One ton of revenue passenger weight (in-
a PFC. See also apportionment. cluding all baggage transported one mile. The
passenger flow passenger weight standard for both domestic
The number of passengers who pass a given and international operations is 200 pounds.
location in a specified direction during a given passenger service
period. Rail Operations. Both intercity rail passenger
passenger load factor service and commuter rail passenger service.
The percent that revenue passenger miles are passenger service expenses
of available seat-miles in revenue passenger Aviation. Costs of activities contributing to
services, representing the proportion of air- comfort, safety, and convenience of passen-
craft seating capacity that is actually sold and gers while in flight and when flights are inter-
utilized. rupted. Includes salaries and expenses of
passenger mile flight attendants and passenger food expenses.
(1) Aviation. One passenger transported one passenger vehicle
mile. Total passenger miles are computed by A vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-
summation of the products of the aircraft ing (GVWR) of 10,000 pounds or less which
miles flown on each inter-airport flight stage includes passenger cars, light pickup trucks,
multiplied by the number of passengers car- light vans, and utility vehicles.
ried on that flight stage. Also, one passenger passenger vehicle crash
transported 1 mile. Passenger miles are com- A motor vehicle crash involving at least one
puted by the summation of the products of the passenger vehicle.
aircraft-miles flown on each inter-airport
flight multiplied by the number of passengers passenger vessel
carried on the flight. (2) Rail Operations. The (1) A vessel subject to any of the require-
movement of a passenger for one mile. (3) ments of the International Convention for the
Transit. The total number of miles traveled by Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, which carries
passengers on transit vehicles; determined by more than 12 passengers. (2) A cargo vessel
multiplying the number of unlinked passenger documented under the laws of the United
trips times the average length of their trips. States and not subject to that Convention,
Also, the cumulative sum of the distances rid- which carries more than 16 passengers. (3) A
den by each passenger. Also, the total num- cargo vessel of any foreign nation that extends
ber of miles traveled by transit passengers reciprocal privileges and is not subject to that
(e.g., a bus that carries 5 passengers for a dis- Convention and which carries more than 16
tance of 3 miles incurs 15 passenger miles). passengers. (4) A vessel engaged in a ferry
operation and which carries passengers.
passenger-miles traveled (PMT)
One person traveling the distance of one mile. passengers on trains (Class C)
Total passenger-miles traveled by all persons. Persons who are on, boarding, or alighting
from railroad cars for the purpose of travel.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

passing daymark paste
A rectangular or triangular daymark used on To place a section of previously cut text, data,
lights which are intended for position refer- or graphics into a document or computer file.
ence only and are not to be steered upon. pastel
passive Pertaining to an unsaturated color or color
Resulting from external causes and without with low saturation.
volitional effort by the entity being acted pasteurization
upon. (1) General. A process of arresting or pre-
passive device venting fermentation in liquids, as beer, milk,
A device that permits signals to transmit wine, etc., by heating so as to destroy the vi-
through it without modifying the signals. tality of the ferment. (2) Sludge. A process to
passive institutional control reduce pathogens in solid waste by maintain-
With regard to radiation protection programs, ing the sludge for at least 30 minutes at a
permanent markers placed at a disposal site; minimum temperature of 158°F (70°C).
public records and archives; government PAT sample
ownership and regulations regarding land or A Proficiency Analytical Testing sample from
resource use; and other methods of preserving NIOSH for assessing performance of those
knowledge about the location, design, and laboratories involved in the analysis of work-
contents of a disposal system. place air samples and who want to be accred-
passive isolation ited, or to maintain accreditation by the
That energy attenuation through the use of a American Industrial Hygiene Association.
system or mechanism not requiring energy to patella
operate and acting near or within another A sesamoid bone anterior to the knee joint.
system which is generating some undesired More commonly referred to as knee cap.
energy output. patella bottom height
passive movement The vertical distance from the floor or other
The movement of some limb or more of the reference surface to the lowest point on the in-
body by another person or device without ferior border of the patella. Measured with
conscious active participation by the individ- the individual standing erect, his/her weight
ual being moved. equally distributed, and the leg/hip muscles
passive restraint not tensed.
Any type of restraint in which an individual patella top height
must make a conscious effort to remain in The vertical distance from the floor or other
place. reference surface to the highest point on the
passive safety measure superior border of the patella. Measured with
Any means of implementing safety precau- the individual standing erect, his/her weight
tions which does not require any action on the equally distributed, and the leg/hip muscles
part of the individual for operation or utiliza- not tensed.
tion of the mechanism or device. patent
passive sampler (1) Open or accessible. (2) A grant by some
See diffusion detector. governing body having the appropriate
authority to permit the exclusive right to
passive sampling manufacture or sell an invention for a speci-
A sampling methodology in which air, con- fied period of time.
taining a contaminant, penetrates through a
semipermeable membrane, where it is either patent ambiguity
adsorbed on a solid sorbent, absorbed in a liq- That uncertainty due to wording which can be
uid sorbent, or detected by a passive type de- interpreted in more than one way.
tector (e.g., electrochemical, catalytic, etc.).
See also diffusion detector.

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pathogen eral government (e.g., Developmentally Dis-
Any viral, rickettsial, bacterial, fungal, or abled Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of
parasitic microorganism capable of causing 1975, 42 U.S.C.A. § 6010).
disease in humans, animals, or plants. patron
pathogenesis A person who intends to use or has used the
The cellular events, reactions, and other transit system and is on property affiliated
pathologic mechanisms that occur in the de- with the transit system. An employee is not a
velopment of disease. patron.
pathogenic patten
An agent, usually infectious, that is capable of A structural support which provides a high
causing disease. sole on one shoe which reduces the weight-
pathogenic bacteria bearing requirement on the other leg.
Bacteria which may cause disease or morbid pattern
symptoms in the host organism by their para- (1) A form or mold used in the manufacturing
sitic growth. of an item. (2) An integration of many ele-
pathogenicity ments which is perceived as a larger unit.
The capacity of an agent to cause disease in a pattern coding
susceptible host. Any set of perceptual indicator(s) which may
pathological be used to differentiate areas of interest to an
Abnormal or diseased. observer or reduce operator search time.

pathological reflex pattern recognition

Any reflex which differs in strength, type, or An automated, electronic process for identi-
reaction time from the norm. fying a canned or other input image consisting
of a predetermined set of alphanumeric char-
pathology acters, symbols, or other shapes.
The branch of medicine concerned with all
aspects of disease, but having special refer- Paul-Bunnell test
ence to the causes and development of ab- A method of testing for the presence of het-
normal conditions and any structural or func- erophil antibodies in the blood.
tional changes that occur as a result of dis- pause
ease. A temporary cessation of an ongoing activity.
patient paved road surface
A person under medical or psychiatric treat- Bituminous, concrete, brick, block, and other
ment and care. special surfaces.
patient-physician privilege paved surface
The right of a patient to refuse to divulge, or Surface of asphalt or concrete.
to have his/her physician divulge, the com- pay differential
munications made between them. This privi- That difference in pay to workers for working
lege is provided for by statute in most states, under certain conditions, such as shift work.
and, where recognized, it belongs to the pa-
tient and not to the physician and hence, it payload
may be waived only by the patient. (1) Transit (general). The maximum load that
a unit of equipment may carry within its total
patient's bill of rights rated capacity. The payload is the Gross Ve-
A general statement of patient rights, volun- hicle Weight Rating (GVWR) less the tare
tarily adopted by most health care providers, weight or actual weight of the unloaded vehi-
covering matters such as access to care, pa- cle. (2) Transit (shipping). Weight of com-
tient dignity and confidentiality, personal modity being hauled. Includes packaging,
safety, consent to treatment, and explanation pallets, banding, etc. but does not include the
of charges. Similar rights have been statuto- truck, truck body, etc. (3) Aerospace. Term
rily adopted in several states and by the fed- used to describe the items that are launched

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aboard a space flight vehicle, such as satellites peak concentration
and/or scientific experiments. The concentration of an airborne contaminant
payout time that may be much higher than the average and
That temporal period required to recover an typically occurs for only short periods of time.
original investment. peak exposure
PB The highest concentration that occurs or has
See phonetically balanced. occurred during a sampling period.
PBB peak height velocity
Polybrominated biphenyl. That point during physical maturation at
which stature increases at its fastest rate.
See polychlorinated biphenyl. peak kilowatt
One thousand peak watts.
PCB Activity Database (PADS)
According to the Toxic Substances Control peak megawatt
Act (TSCA): The EPA regulates the storage One million peak watts.
and disposal of PCBs. Those who handle peak noise level
PCBs are required to notify the EPA of their The maximum instantaneous sound pressure
PCB waste activities. PADS contains this list level that occurs for a short duration or in a
of notifiers. specified time interval.
PCB article peak period surcharge
Any manufactured article that contains PCBs Transit. An extra fee required during peak
and whose surfaces have been in direct con- periods (rush hours).
tact with PCBs (excludes PCB containers).
peak sound pressure level
PCB-contaminated transformer The maximum instantaneous level that occurs
A transformer containing 50 ppm or greater of over any specified time period and is usually
PCBs but less than 500 ppm. measured in decibels.
PCB transformer peak-to-peak amplitude (p-p)
A transformer that contains 500 ppm PCBs or That algebraic difference between the maxi-
greater. mum and minimum quantities within a cycle
PCE of a waveform.
See personal consumption expenditure. peak-to-peak value
pcf See peak-to-peak amplitude.
Pound(s) per cubic foot.
peanut wagon
PCM Transit (slang). Small tractor pulling a large
Phase contrast microscopy. See also pulse trailer.
code modulation.
Pearson product-moment correlation coeffi-
PDF cient (r)
See probability distribution function. A numerical value, ranging from a low of -1.0
PE to +1.0, which indicates the degree of linear
(1) See professional engineer. (2) See poten- correlation between two normally distributed
tial evapotranspiration. variables, as follows:
P/E index N Σ XY ΣXΣY
rxy =
See precipitation-evaporation index. N Σ X 2 - (Σ X)2 N Σ Y 2 - (Σ Y)2
P/E ratio
See precipitation-evaporation ratio. (computational)
peak Σ xy
rxy =
(1) A maximum value or highest point. (2) A N sd x sd y
maximum positive or maximum negative (theoretical)
value in a waveform.

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where: muscles relaxed. May be referred to more
X, Y = raw score values of X and commonly as chest skinfold.
Y variables, respectively pectus
x,y = deviation scores from the The breast, chest, or thorax.
mean for X and Y, respec-
tively pecuniary
sdx,sdy = respective standard devia- Monetary; relating to money. Consisting of
tions money or that which can be valued in money.
N = number of total cases in pecuniary damages
the sample Damages that can be estimated in and com-
Note: 0.0 represents no correlation, with cor- pensated for by money; not merely the loss of
relation increasing as the value approaches money or salable property or rights, but all
±1.0. such loss, deprivation, or injury as can be
made the subject of calculation and recom-
peat pense in money. Those damages (either gen-
Peat consists of partially decomposed plant eral or specific) which can be accurately cal-
debris. It is considered an early stage in the culated in monetary terms.
development of coal. Peat is distinguished
from lignite by the presence of free cellulose pedal
and a high moisture content (exceeding 70 A control, normally operated by the foot,
percent). The heat content of air-dried peat which involves some type of motion for op-
(about 50 percent moisture) is about 9 million eration.
Btu per ton. Most U.S. peat is used as a soil pedal cycle
conditioner. The first U.S. electric power Vehicle propelled by human power and oper-
plant fueled by peat began operating in Maine ated solely by pedals; excludes mopeds.
in 1990.
pedal cyclist
pectoral muscle A person on a vehicle that is powered solely
A large skeletal muscle overlying the ribs in by pedals.
the region between the sternum and the
shoulder. Also known as the pectoralis ma- pedestrian
jor. The underlying pectoralis minor muscle Any person not in or upon a motor vehicle or
is not normally of significance in human fac- other vehicle.
tors engineering. pedestrian accident
Is any person injured or killed in a highway
motor vehicle accident who is not a vehicle
pedestrian fatality
Are the number of pedestrians fatally injured
in motor vehicle accidents.
pedestrian walkway
A continuous way designated for pedestrians
and separated from the through lanes for mo-
tor vehicles by space or barrier.
Well-developed pectoralis major muscles showing striation of
the muscle fibers under the skin peduncle
A stem-like part; applied to collections of
pectoral skinfold nerve fibers coursing between different re-
The thickness of a skinfold taken over the gions in the central nervous system.
pectoral muscle beginning at the anterior ax-
illary fold and with its length directed toward peg-leg
the nipple. Measured with the individual Transit (slang). Tandem tractor with only one
standing erect, the neck, shoulder, and torso power axle.

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peg line pelvic girdle
A line used in locks to prevent barge move- The right and left coxal bones joined to form
ment. the complete bilateral hip structure.
pegs pelvic impact area
Small, bent metal bars countersunk in lock That area of the door or body side panel adja-
walls and arranged in a vertical line for cent to any outboard designated seating posi-
hooking mooring lines on. Care must be tion which is bounded by horizontal planes 7
taken that lines do not get hung up on these inches above and 4 inches below the seating
pegs as the vessel rises or drops in the lock. reference point and vertical transverse planes
8 inches forward and 2 inches rearward of the
seating reference point.
See permissible exposure limit.
PEL-C The measurement of the inlet and outlet
See permissible exposure limit-ceiling. size(s) of the birth canal.
PEL-STEL pelvis
See permissible exposure limit-short term The combination of the pelvic girdle, sacrum,
exposure limit. and coccyx bones.
See permissible exposure limit-time weighted Punishable. Inflicting a punishment; con-
average. taining a penalty, or relating to a penalty.
pellagra penal action
A disease caused by a diet seriously deficient
In its broadest sense, refers to criminal prose-
in niacin, or nicotinic acid. Most persons with cution. More particularly, it refers to a civil
pellagra also suffer from deficiencies of vita- action in which a wrongdoer is subject to a
min B2 (riboflavin) and other essential vita-
fine or penalty payable to the aggrieved party
mins and minerals. Chief symptoms of pel- (e.g., punitive damages).
lagra are various skin, digestive, and mental
disturbances. The mouth becomes inflamed penal code
and the tongue red and sore. Cracks and sores The bringing together and codification of sub-
appear in the skin around the mouth. The skin stantive criminal laws of the state or federal
on the back of the hands may become red, government.
thick, and scaly. This might also occur to the penal laws
neck and chest (all areas exposed to sunlight This term, in general, refers to state and fed-
and/or the chafing of clothing). Vomiting and eral statutes that define criminal offenses and
loss of appetite occur. Diarrhea often occurs specify corresponding fines and punishment.
early and becomes worse as the disease pro- Statutes imposing a penalty, fine, or punish-
gresses, thus hampering treatment by pre- ment for certain offenses of a public nature or
venting effective absorption of essential vita- wrongs committed against the state.
mins. Mental symptoms may be variable. In
some cases, there may be only insomnia and penale height
minor depression. In other cases, the sufferer The vertical distance from the floor or other
may become stuporous or on the contrary be- reference surface to the upper edge of the
come violent and irrational. Headache, irritabil- junction of the penis with the abdomen.
ity, and general anxiety may also be present. Measured with the individual standing erect,
his weight equally distributed between both
pelvic feet, and the penis flaccid.
Pertaining to the pelvis.
pelvic bone An elastic term with many different shades of
See coxal bone.
meaning. It involves an idea of punishment,
pelvic breadth corporeal or pecuniary, civil or criminal, al-
See biiliocristale breadth. though its meaning is generally confined to
pecuniary punishment. The law requires

©2000 CRC Press LLC

payment of a penalty (a sum of money) as per occurrence financial ability
punishment for doing some prohibited act or Refers to the amount of money that must be
for not doing some act which is required to be available to pay the cost of one accidental
done. release.
penetrating encapsulant perceived noise level
A liquid material that is applied to asbestos- The noise level, in decibels, assigned to a
containing material to control the release of noise by means of a calculation procedure that
asbestos fibers by bonding the material to- is based on an approximation to subjective
gether. evaluations of noisiness.
penetration percent of enplanement
A mechanism by which a substance enters The percent that a community's enplaned
through a barrier via an imperfection such as a passengers is of the total enplaned passengers
rip or a tear. in all services and all operations for all
penicillin communities within the 50 States, the District
An antibiotic substance extracted from cul- Columbia, and other U.S. areas designated by
tures of certain molds of the genus Penicil- the Federal Aviation Administration.
lium that have been grown on special media. percent scheduled aircraft miles completed
peninsula Scheduled aircraft miles completed (exclud-
A body of land jutting out into and nearly sur- ing extra sections) as a percent of total aircraft
rounded by water. miles scheduled.

penis percentage depth dose

The sensitive male erectile organ involved in Amount of radiation delivered at a specified
urination and copulation. depth in tissue, expressed as a percentage of
the amount delivered at the skin.
That region of an ionization track within a percentile
tissue or other material beyond the umbra, and A value or score representing the percentage
which is due to recoiling electrons. of people at or below a certain measurement
on a given dimension within a specified cu-
people mover mulative distribution. See also centile.
An automated transportation system (e.g.,
continuous belt system or automated guide- perception
way transit) that provides short-haul collec- The conscious mental awareness of a sensory
tion distribution service, usually in a major stimulus.
activity center. perception deafness
pepsin Auditory nerve of cochlear deafness.
A proteolytic enzyme that is the principal di- perceptual adaptation
gestive component of gastric juice. It acts as A semi-permanent change in perception or
a catalyst in the chemical breakdown of pro- perceptual-motor coordination which serves
tein. Pepsin also has a milk-clotting action to effectively reduce or eliminate an apparent
similar to that of rennin and thereby facilitates discrepancy between or within sensory mo-
the digestion of milk protein. dalities or the errors introduced by this dis-
peptic crepancy.
Pertaining to pepsin or to digestion. perceptual load
peptic ulcer A measure of the amount of information an
A sore on the inner wall of the digestive tract individual is expected to acquire and process
in or near the stomach. There are two kinds within a given period of time.
of peptic ulcers: gastric ulcers occur in the perceptual-motor performance
stomach and duodenal ulcers which occur in A measure of the ability to conduct any activ-
the duodenum, the part of the small intestine ity which involves a combination of the indi-
nearest the stomach.

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vidual's sensory, cognitive, and motor func- performance analysis
tions. An examination of performance indices,
perceptual-motor task measures, and standards for their relevance,
Any activity involving an overt movement to appropriateness, and correctness.
a non-verbal stimulus. performance assessment
perceptual overload With regard to radiation protection programs,
A condition in which more information is an analysis that identifies the processes and
being received by the senses than can be events that might affect the disposal system;
processed or understood. examines the effects of these processes and
events on the performance of the disposal
perceptual skill system; and estimates the cumulative releases
The relative proficiency in detecting and in- of radionuclides, considering the associated
terpreting information received from sensory uncertainties, caused by all significant proc-
inputs. esses and events. These estimates shall be in-
perceptual speed corporated into the overall probability distri-
The rate at which one can accurately compare bution of cumulative release to the extent
presented objects, either simultaneously or practicable.
sequentially. performance curve
perceptual work A graphical curve illustrating quantitative
Any activity which requires the senses for accomplishments plotted against some refer-
information gathering and involves any nec- ence variable such as time.
essary integration of that information. performance decrement
percolation A decline in human or machine output quality
The movement of water downward and ra- or quantity for whatever reason.
dially through the subsurface soil layers, usu- performance index
ally continuing downward to the ground. The value of the ratio of some standard work
percutaneous output to actual operator work output. Also
Administered or absorbed through the unbro- referred to as performance ratio and operator
ken skin, such as the absorption of a hazard- productivity. See also performance rating.
ous material (e.g., phenol, hydrazine, etc.). performance measure
percutaneous absorption Any objective or subjective instrument devel-
The absorption of materials through the skin oped to evaluate personnel or equipment ef-
or other exposed body surfaces. fectiveness.
perforation performance measurement
A hole or break in the containing walls or The process of accumulating or assessing
membranes of an organ or structure of the worker, group, or equipment accomplishments
body. Perforation occurs when erosion, in- with respect to a performance standard.
fection, or other factors create a weak spot in performance operating characteristics
the organ and internal pressure causes a rup- A performance tradeoff curve or function in-
ture. It also may result from a deep penetrat- dicating how performance on one task is af-
ing wound caused by trauma. fected by concurrent performance on a second
performance task.
(1) A measure of the output or capability of performance rating
some system. (2) See human performance. (1) A quantitative value representative of
performance aid worker performance with respect to what is
Any job aid, training, or other device or sys- considered normal performance. Also called
tem which is intended for or capable of im- pace rating, operator productivity, or effort
proving human performance. rating. See also performance index. (2) The
process of using any system or method for

©2000 CRC Press LLC

evaluating or setting employee performance thrombosis, or it may be the aftermath of a
standards. See also leveling. chest wound in which the pericardium is
performance sampling pierced. Acute pericarditis may be dry, or fi-
The use of any technique for observing one or brinous, in which a fibrinous exudate forms
more workers during the execution of a given on the serous membrane, or it may occur with
task as part of a performance evaluation. effusion, that is, with accumulation of fluid in
the pericardial cavity. Occasionally, the peri-
performance shaping factor cardium is affected directly by what appears
Any aspect of the individual and environment to be a virus in a condition called acute non-
which predisposes humans toward a certain specific pericarditis. Symptoms vary with the
performance level. cause but usually include chest pain and
performance standard dyspnea, an increase in the pulse rate, and a
(1) General. Any criterion or benchmark rise in temperature.
measure of performance, against which actual pericardium
performance may be compared. (2) OSHA. The fibroserous sac enclosing the heart, com-
An OSHA standard that essentially tells the posed of external (fibrous) and internal (se-
employer what safety or health goal is to be rous) layers.
obtained. It provides details on minimally ac-
ceptable program requirements in areas such perils of the sea
as safety training, recordkeeping, or commu- Those causes of loss of goods for which the
nicating hazards to workers. A performance carrier is not legally liable. The elemental
standard outlines the level of performance that risks of ocean transport.
must be demonstrated. It provides flexibility perilymph
to the employer to develop a compliance A clear fluid within the osseous labyrinth of
strategy that is reflective of the needs of the the inner ear, and within which the membra-
facility. That is, it allows the employer to nous labyrinth is located.
choose the most appropriate pathways to perineum
achieve compliance. Examples include the The region at the base of the torso in the pubic
Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR crotch near the midsagittal plane, extending
1910.134) and the Hazard Communication anterior-posterior from the pubic arch to the
Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). coccyx, and laterally between the ischial tube-
performance technologist rosities.
One who is qualified by experience, educa- period
tion, and training to practice performance In the study of vibration, the time required for
technology. a complete oscillation or for a single cycle of
performance technology events.
That acquired knowledge which provides for periodic data
the conceptualization, design, development, That form of deterministic data which has a
implementation, and analysis of systems in- clearly established repeating cycle.
tended to optimize performance.
periodic table
perfusional change A systematic classification and arrangement
A change in the blood flow rate. of the chemical elements according to their
pericarditis atomic numbers and their physical and chemi-
Inflammation of the pericardium, the fibrose- cal properties.
rous sac that encloses the heart. There are periodontitis
many forms of pericarditis. Acute pericarditis Inflammation of the tissues around a tooth.
is usually secondary to some other bacterial The condition is caused by residual food,
infection, for example, osteomyelitis, lung ab- bacteria, and calcium deposits (tartar) that
scess, or pneumonia. It may also occur with- collect in the spaces between the gum and
out bacterial infection, resulting from a tumor, lower part of the tooth crown. If it continues
rheumatic heart disease, uremia, or coronary unchecked, the infection will spread to the

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bone in which the teeth are rooted. The bone esophagus. Muscular contractions in the wall
then resorbs and the teeth are slowly detached of the esophagus work the food downward,
from their supporting tissues. pushing it into the stomach. Here peristaltic
periosteum contractions not only move the food in small
A specialized connective tissue covering all amounts into the intestine but also aid in the
bones of the body, and possessing bone- disintegration of the food and help mix it with
forming potentialities. Periosteum also serves gastric juice. Peristalsis forces the food
as a point of attachment for certain muscles. through the intestine for further digestion until
The connective tissues of the muscles fuse the food waste finally reaches the rectum,
with the fibrous layers of periosteum. from which it is periodically discharged from
the body. The waves of peristalsis are ir-
peripheral regular; they are stronger at some times than
Situated away from a center or central struc- others. They are also weaker in some people,
ture. notably the elderly. Although the normal
peripheral nervous system (PNS) peristaltic wave action is downward, it is
That portion of the nervous system outside the sometimes reversed. Reverse peristaltic ac-
brain and spinal cord. See also autonomic tion may be triggered by mild digestive upsets
nervous system and central nervous system. or more serious disorders, such as obstruction
in the stomach or intestines.
peripheral neuropathy
Any disease involving the peripheral nervous peritoneal
system. See also peripheral polyneuropathy. Pertaining to the peritoneum.
peripheral polyneuropathy peritoneum
A progressive and potentially irreversible dis- The membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
order of the peripheral nervous system. Also and the pelvic region.
referred to as peripheral neuropathy. N- peritonitis
hexane is one substance that has caused this Inflammation of the peritoneum. Acute peri-
disease. tonitis may be produced by inflammation of
peripheral vision abdominal organs; by irritating substances
The ability to see or sense objects, motion, or from a perforated gallbladder or gastric ulcer;
light due to stimulation of the portions of the by rupture of a cyst; or by irritation from
retina away from the fovea centralis while the blood, as in cases of internal bleeding.
gaze is directed straight ahead at a fixed point. perjury
See also foveal vision. In criminal law, the willful assertion as to a
peripheral visual field matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge,
That portion of the visual field which lies be- made by a witness in a judicial proceeding as
yond that which impinges on the foveal re- part of his/her evidence, either upon oath or in
gion of the retina. any form allowed by the law to be substituted
for an oath, whether such evidence is given in
periscope liberty open court, or in an affidavit, or otherwise,
The permission to observe outside a sub- such assertion being material to the issue or
merged submarine through the periscope. point of inquiry and known to the witness to
perishable goods be false.
Goods which quickly decay and lose their permafrost
value if not put to their intended use within a A layer of soil beneath the Earth's surface that
short period of time. remains frozen throughout the year.
peristalsis permanent disability
A wavelike progression of alternate contrac- Permanent impairment, including any degree
tion and relaxation of the muscle fibers of the of impairment such as an amputation of a fin-
esophagus and intestines, by which contents ger, permanent impairment of vision, or other
are propelled along the alimentary tract. permanent crippling nonfatal injury.
When food is swallowed, it passes into the

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permanent employment sitivity to stimuli in one or more sensory
As provided for by contract, means only that modes due to any condition.
employment is to continue indefinitely and permanent variance
until either party wishes to sever the relation- A variance from OSHA compliance granted
ship for some good reason. for an indefinite period of time. A permanent
permanent echo variance will be issued only if and when
Radar signals reflected from fixed objects on OSHA determines that the workplace is as
the Earth's surface; e.g., buildings, towers, ter- safe and healthful as it would be had the em-
rain. Permanent echoes are distinguished ployer complied with the subject standard.
from "ground clutter" by being definable lo- permanently installed decorative fountains
cations rather than large areas. Under certain and reflection pools
conditions they may be used to check radar Those that are constructed in the ground, on
alignment. the ground, or in a building in such a manner
permanent gas that the pools cannot be readily disassembled
Term used to describe a gas that cannot be for storage and are served by electrical cir-
liquefied at normal ambient temperatures. cuits of any nature. These units are primarily
permanent injury constructed for their aesthetic value and are
One where the situation has stabilized and not intended for swimming or wading.
permanent damage is reasonably certain. permanently installed swimming, wading, and
Physical or mental impairment or disability therapeutic pools
which will last throughout life, or injury rea- Those that are constructed in the ground, on
sonably certain to be followed by permanent the ground, or in a building in such a manner
impairment of earning capacity or one pro- that the pool cannot be readily disassembled
ducing permanent irremediable pain. for storage, whether or not served by electri-
permanent menu cal circuits of any nature.
A menu which is constantly and inseparably permeability
part of a display. The ability of a liquid or gas to pass through;
permanent night shift in this case, defined as the ability of a rock
A non-rotating shift in which workers remain formation to transmit water.
assigned to the third shift indefinitely. permeability index (im)
permanent swap file A unit for describing the efficiency of fabrics
Computing. Windows creates this type of in transferring moisture and associated latent
swap file only once, and the space it occupies heat away from the body. Numerically equal
on the hard disk is not available for any other to the ratio between actual evaporative heat
purpose, even when Windows is not running. transfer of a clothing system to the ideal
This is the only drawback to a permanent evaporative heat transfer of a wet-bulb sys-
swap file; however, if the user works primar- tem.
ily in Windows, the cost in hard-disk space is permeable
well worth the benefit of enhanced Windows Refers to a substance or barrier that affords
performance. Unlike a temporary swap file, a passage or penetration despite the absence of
permanent swap file does not change size as any damage (tear, rip) in the barrier.
the free disk space on the hard disk decreases. permeation
The user cannot place a permanent swap file Movement, on a molecular level, of a sub-
on a drive that has been compressed using a stance through a barrier.
disk-compression utility. See also swap file
and temporary swap file. permeation rate
The rate at which a chemical substance moves
permanent threshold shift (PTS) through a material, such as gloves, clothing,
A permanent lessening of an individual's abil- etc.
ity to hear. An irreversible reduction in sen-

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permissible dose authorization prior to entry and usually has
Radiation. The amount of radiation that may one or more of the following characteristics:
be received by an individual within a speci- (1) it contains or has a known potential to
fied period with expectation of no harmful ef- contain a hazardous atmosphere; (2) it con-
fects. tains a material that has the potential for en-
permissible exposure limit (PEL) gulfing an entrant; (3) its internal configura-
An OSHA-mandated value that represents the tion presents a trapping or asphyxiating haz-
level of air concentrations of chemical sub- ard; (4) it contains other recognized serious
stances to which it is believed that workers safety or health hazards. See also confined
may be exposed on a daily basis without suf- space-permit required.
fering adverse effects. PELs are enforceable permit shield
by law under the Occupational Safety and Under the Clean Air Act, a provision that will
Health Act of 1970. See also Threshold allow protection against enforcement actions
Limit Value. for operating without a permit for existing
permissible exposure limit-ceiling (PEL-C) sources that submit completed applications in
Under OSHA-established criteria, the con- a timely manner.
centration of a substance to which a worker permit system
may be exposed that at no time shall be ex- The employer's written procedure for prepar-
ceeded. ing and issuing permits for entry and for re-
permissible exposure limit-short-term expo- turning the permit space to service following
sure limit (PEL-STEL) termination of entry.
Under OSHA criteria, a fifteen-minute time permutation
weighted average concentration of a substance Any of the possible combinations or changes
which must not be exceeded in the workday. in position within a group.
permissible exposure limit-time-weighted av- perseveration
erage (PEL-TWA) A movement disorder characterized by re-
Under OSHA criteria, an 8-hour time- peated motions after the task which required
weighted average concentration of a substance the motions has been completed.
which must not be exceeded in the 8-hour
persistence forecast
work shift.
A forecast that the future weather condition
permit will be the same as the present condition.
An authorization, license, or equivalent con-
trol document issued by an authority having
(1) OSHA. With regard to OSHA compli-
jurisdiction, such as the EPA or an approved
ance, an individual, partnership, association,
state agency, to implement the requirements
corporation, business trust, legal representa-
of an environmental regulation. For example,
tive, and organized group of individuals, or
a permit to operate as a wastewater treatment
agency, authority, or instrumentality of the
plant or to operate a facility that may generate
United States or of a state. (2) Clean Water
harmful emissions.
Act. Any individual, corporation, partnership,
permit line association, state, municipality, commission,
An imaginary line, or plane, approximately political subdivision or interstate body. (3)
parallel to a riverbank, or shore, shoreward of RCRA. An individual, trust, firm, joint stock
which any marine structure may be erected company, federal agency, corporation, part-
without the authority of a formal federal navi- nership, association, state, municipality, po-
gation permit. Established by act of Con- litical subdivision of a state, or an interstate
gress. Also called harbor line. body.
permit required confined space (PRCS) person miles of travel (PMT)
An enclosed space that is large enough and so A measure of person travel. When one person
configured that a person can enter it and per- travels one mile, one person mile of travel re-
form work. This space requires written sults. Where 2 or more persons travel to-

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gether in the same vehicle, each person makes personal casualty on vehicle
the same number of person miles as the vehi- An incident in which a person is injured on a
cle miles. Therefore, four persons traveling 5 transit vehicle, but not as a result of a colli-
miles in the same vehicle, make 4 times 5 or sion, derailment/left roadway, or fire.
20 person miles. personal consumption expenditure (PCE)
person trip As used in the national accounts, the market
A person trip is a trip by one or more persons value of purchases of goods and services by
in any mode of transportation. Each person is individuals and nonprofit institutions and the
considered as making one person trip. For value of food, clothing, housing, and financial
example, four persons traveling together in services by them as income in kind. It in-
one auto make four person trips. cludes the rental value of owner-occupied
personal allowance houses but excludes purchase of dwellings,
The provision of time during the workday for which are classified as capital goods (invest-
the employee to take care of personal needs. ment).
Same as personal time. personal decontamination
personal casualties (boarding and alighting The removal of biological, chemical, or radio-
vehicle) active material from the body of clothing by
A non-collision incident boarding or alighting appropriate mechanical and/or chemical
a transit agency vehicle (slips, falls, door means.
closings, lifts) in which one or more persons personal eyewash
are injured or die. A boarding or alighting in- A supplementary eyewash that supports
cident must involve physical contact between plumbed units, self-contained units, or both
the passenger and the vehicle. by delivering immediate flushing of the eyes
personal casualties (in stations/bus stops) for less than 15 minutes.
(1) A non-collision incident (involving stairs, personal flotation device (PFD)
escalators, elevators, passageways, platforms) A lifesaving device approved by the Com-
at a station or bus stop in which one or more mandant of the U.S. Coast Guard under 46
persons are injured or die. (2) An incident in CFR 160 (i.e., life jackets).
which a person is hurt while using a transit personal flying
facility. This includes anyone on transit prop- (1) Any use of an aircraft for personal pur-
erty (e.g., patrons, employees, trespassers) but poses not associated with a business or pro-
does not include incidents resulting from ill- fession, and not for hire. This includes main-
ness or criminal activity. tenance of pilot proficiency. (2) Flying by in-
personal casualties (inside vehicle) dividuals in their own or rented aircraft for
A non-collision incident (sudden braking, pleasure, or personal transportation not in
unexpected swerving) in which one or more furtherance of their occupation or company
persons within the transit vehicle are injured business. This category includes practice
or die. flying (for the purpose of increasing or main-
personal casualty associated with escalator taining proficiency) not performed under su-
An incident in which a person is hurt while pervision of an accredited instructor, and not
using an escalator in a transit facility. Any part of an approved flight training program.
incident in this category is included in per- personal leave
sonal casualty in stations/bus stops. That period of time which an individual may
personal casualty associated with lifts be gone from work without penalty and which
An incident in which a person is hurt while is separate from vacation time, holidays, and
using a lift to get on or off a transit vehicle. sick leave.

personal casualty entering/exiting a vehicle personal liability

An incident in which a person is hurt while A kind of responsibility for the payment or
getting on or off a transit vehicle (e.g., falls or performance of an obligation which exposes
door incidents).

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the personal assets of the responsible person validating one or more tests to give to candi-
to payment of the obligation. dates; c) evaluating candidate performance
personal monitoring on the test(s); and d) deciding which candi-
(1) Radiation. The determination, using stan- dates to hire.
dard survey meters, of the degree of radioac- persons otherwise assisted
tive contamination on individuals, and the Number of persons on an assisted unit who
determination, using dosimetry devices, of benefited directly from the assistance ren-
dosages received. (2) Industrial Hygiene. dered by the Coast Guard.
The practice of having an individual wear perspective
monitoring or sampling devices during their The compensation of relative positions in
workday to measure exposures to various space for a model displayed on a CRT.
hazardous substances or agents.
personal protective equipment (PPE) (1) The excretion of moisture through the
Any of a number of devices or types of pores of the skin. (2) The salty fluid, con-
equipment (hard-hats, gloves, goggles, etc.) sisting largely of water, excreted by the sweat
worn to provide protection against various glands in the skin. See also sweat.
personal sample See Program Evaluation and Review Tech-
A sample taken in the breathing zone or other nique.
area of a person (i.e., at the ear, body, etc.) to
determine the potential for an adverse health perverse verdict
effect on the individual as the result of expo- A verdict whereby the jury refuses to follow
sure to an airborne contaminant, physical the direction of the judge on a point of law.
agent, etc. pest
personal space Any insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed,
A region surrounding an individual, the size or any other form of terrestrial or aquatic
of which he/she prefers to regulate. plant or animal life or virus, bacteria, or other
microorganism (except viruses, bacteria, or
personal time other microorganisms on or in living man or
See personal allowance. other living animals) which the EPA Admin-
personal watercraft istrator declares to be a pest under the Federal
Craft less than 13 feet in length designed to be Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act,
operated by a person or persons sitting, Title 7 (Environmental Pesticide Control).
standing, or kneeling on the craft rather than pesticide
within confines of a hull. Any substance or mixture of substances in-
personnel audit tended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate
An aspect of organizational analysis involving pests. Any substance or mixture of sub-
a comprehensive examination of all personnel stances intended for use as a plant regulator,
functions, including selection, training, reten- defoliant, or desiccant.
tion, and needs. pesticide chemical
personnel monitoring device Any substance which, alone, in chemical
Device designed to be worn or carried by an combination or in formulation with one or
individual for the purpose of measuring the more other substances, is “a pesticide” within
dose of radiation received, or the amount of the meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungi-
physical agent or airborne contaminant to cide, and Rodenticide Act (Title 7) as now in
which a person is exposed. force or as hereafter amended, and which is
personnel selection used in the production, storage, or transporta-
The process which includes some or all of the tion of raw agricultural commodities.
following steps: a) performing job/task PET
analysis; b) selecting, administering, and See project evaluation tree.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

petit mal countries and from Puerto Rico, the Virgin
A relatively mild epileptic attack occurring in Islands, and other U.S. territories and posses-
children, contrasting with grand mal, a major sions. Included are imports for the Strategic
attack. In petit mal, the affected person loses Petroleum Reserve and withdrawals from
consciousness only momentarily. Often the bonded warehouses for onshore consumption,
only outward signs of the attack are twitching offshore bunker use, and military use. Ex-
of the eyes and mouth and a brief lapse of at- cluded are receipts of foreign petroleum into
tention. The facial expression is blank and bonded warehouses and into U.S. territories
empty. and U.S. Foreign Trade Zones. (2) All im-
petrochemical ports of crude petroleum, natural gas liquids,
An organic compound, such as gasoline, kero- and petroleum products from foreign coun-
sene, or petroleum, that has been obtained tries and receipts from Guam, Puerto Rico,
from petroleum or natural gas. the Virgin Islands, and the Hawaiian Trade
Zone. The commodities included are crude
petroleum oil, unfinished oils, plant condensate, and re-
(1) Crude oil, condensate, gasoline, natural fined petroleum products.
gasoline, natural gas liquids, and liquefied
petroleum gas. (2) A generic term applied to petroleum inventories
oil and oil products in all forms, such as crude The amounts of crude oil, unfinished oil, pe-
oil, lease condensate, unfinished oils, petro- troleum products, and natural gas liquids held
leum products, natural gas plant liquids, and at refineries, at natural gas processing plants,
nonhydrocarbon compounds blended into in pipelines, at bulk terminals operated by re-
finished petroleum products. fining and pipeline companies, and at inde-
pendent bulk terminals. Crude oil held in
petroleum coke storage on leases is also included.
A residue that is the final product of the con-
densation process in cracking. This product is petroleum product
reported as marketable coke or catalyst coke. (1) Flammable, toxic, or corrosive products
The conversion factor is 5 barrels per short obtained from distilling and processing of
ton. crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas liquids,
blend stocks, and other miscellaneous hydro-
petroleum consumption carbon compounds. (2) Petroleum products
(1) The sum of all refined petroleum products are obtained from the processing of crude oil
supplied. For each refined petroleum product, (including lease condensate), natural gas, and
the amount supplied is calculated by adding other hydrocarbon compounds. Petroleum
production and imports, then subtracting products include unfinished oils, liquefied
changes in primary stocks (net withdrawals petroleum gases, pentanes plus, aviation gaso-
are a plus quantity and net additions are a mi- line, motor gasoline, naphtha-type jet fuel,
nus quantity) and exports. (2) A calculated kerosene-type jet fuel, kerosene, distillate fuel
demand for petroleum products obtained by oil, residual fuel oil, petrochemical feed-
summing domestic production, imports of stocks, special naphthas, lubricants, waxes,
crude petroleum and natural gas liquids, im- petroleum coke, asphalt, road oil, still gas,
ports of petroleum products, and the primary and miscellaneous products.
stocks at the beginning of the period and then
subtracting the exports and the primary stocks petroleum refinery
at the end of the period. An installation that manufactures finished
petroleum products from crude oil, unfinished
petroleum exports oils, natural gas liquids, other hydrocarbons,
Shipments of petroleum products from the 50 and alcohol.
States and the District of Columbia to foreign
countries, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and petty offense
other U.S. possessions and territories. A minor crime, the maximum punishment for
which is generally a fine or short term in jail
petroleum imports or house of correction. In some states, it is a
(1) Imports of petroleum into the 50 States classification in addition to a misdemeanor
and the District of Columbia from foreign and felony.

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PF more severe in children, are dry, sore throat,
See protection factor. fatigue, and mild fever. Often, swallowing is
PFC painful, the head aches, and there is a harsh
See passenger facility charge. cough and a persistent desire to clear the
throat. The throat frequently becomes swol-
PFD len and covered with a thick mucous material.
See personal floatation device. See also pri- Sometimes there is pain in the ears, or
mary flight display. hoarseness. Chronic pharyngitis is the result
PFT of continuous reinfection or chronic irritation
See pulmonary function test. of exposed parts of the throat. It is similar to
acute pharyngitis, but less severe. The simple
pg catarrhal form can be caused by smoking,
Picogram. dust, smog, or constant breathing through the
pH mouth.
A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a pharynx
liquid or solid material. The negative loga- A tube-like structure, about 5 inches long,
rithm of the hydrogen ion concentration [H+]. which extends from the posterior nasal cavity
A measure of the degree to which a substance to the esophagus and larynx. The pharynx in-
is acidic or basic. The pH values are indi- cludes many individual structures and may be
cated on a scale of 1-14, with those above the divided into three areas: the nasopharynx
neutral 7 considered "basic" and those below (top), oropharynx (center, behind the mouth),
7 considered "acidic." and laryngopharynx (bottom). The nasophar-
PHA ynx, connected with the nasal cavities, pro-
See preliminary hazard analysis. See also vides a passage for air during breathing. It
process hazard analysis. also contains the openings of the eustachian
tubes through which air enters the middle ear.
The oropharynx and laryngopharynx provide
A cell that engulfs and destroys foreign parti-
passageways for both air and food. The phar-
cles or microorganisms by digestion. Fixed
ynx also functions as a resonating organ in
phagocytes are potentially phagocytic, and
free phagocytes are intensely phagocytic.
(1) A temporal or physical subset of a project
The envelopment and digestion of bacteria
which is in existence for some portion of the
and other foreign bodies by phagocytes.
total time. (2) That fraction of a complete pe-
phalanx riod through which a periodic entity has
Any of the bones in the fingers or toes. Plural passed, relative to some origin or reference
is phalanges. point. Expressed in angular terms, with a
phantom limb complete period being 360° or 2π radians. (3)
The kinesthetic sensations which amputees In physical chemistry, a component that is
occasionally experience and cause them to homogeneous of itself, bounded by an inter-
believe they still have the amputated member. face, and mechanically separable from other
pharmacokinetics phases of the system.
The study of the action of a substance on the phase angle
body over a period of time, including the The difference in phase between two periodic
processes of absorption, distribution, local- waveforms.
ization in tissues, biotransformation, and ex- phase contrast microscope
cretion. An optical microscopic technique for deter-
pharyngitis mining the concentration of fibers in an air
Inflammation of the pharynx. Acute pharyn- sample. The method cannot distinguish the
gitis usually appears suddenly and runs its types of fibers that are present. This tech-
course in a few days or a week. Symptoms, nique enables the microscope to transfer dif-

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ferences in the phases of light waves into in- since these veins are numerous enough to
tensity variations which increase specimen permit the flow of blood to be rechanneled, so
contrast, thereby enabling one to see a speci- that the inflamed vein is bypassed. When a
men that would otherwise be essentially in- deep vein is involved, however, phlebitis is
visible by light field microscopic techniques. potentially more dangerous. It can also have
phase of operation serious consequences if it occurs in certain ar-
Aviation (NTSB). The phase of the flight or eas such as the veins of the cranium, where it
operation is the particular phase of flight in may lead to cerebral abscesses. The causes of
which the first occurrence or circumstance phlebitis are uncertain. The disease some-
occurred. In the event that there was more times occurs for no apparent reason. At other
than one occurrence in one operational phase, times, it seems to follow a variety of other
the same phase is recorded for each of those disorders  for example, circulatory difficul-
occurrences. ties, blood disorders, and obesity. Phlebitis
may also be a complication of pneumonia, ty-
phase shift
phoid fever, or other general infections. It
That change in time, either advancing or de-
may result from an injury to a vein, an acci-
laying, of a periodic waveform from a known
dent, or occasionally as an aftermath of sur-
or standard position to a new position, usually
gery. When it occurs in a superficial vein,
represented by an angle in sinusoidal wave-
there is usually pain and tenderness. This
may be so slight at first that the tenderness is
phenols felt only when pressure is applied to the pain-
(1) Organic compounds containing one or ful area. As the inflammation increases, the
more hydroxyl groups attached to an aromatic pain becomes more acute, especially during
or carbon ring that are byproducts of petro- walking or other exercise. The inflamed area
leum refining, tanning, and textile, dye, and swells and becomes red and warm. A tender
resin manufacturing. Low concentrations cord-like mass may form under the skin; it
cause taste and odor problems in water; higher may grow smaller as the condition subsides,
concentrations can kill aquatic life and hu- but occasionally lasts for some time. When
mans. (2) An extremely poisonous antiseptic, the inflammation occurs in a deep vein and af-
germicide, and disinfectant. fects the vein's inner lining, there may be
phenomenal zero formation of the thrombus on the vein wall.
That physical level or intensity of some This condition is known as thrombophlebitis.
stimulus along a given dimension at which an When clots in the veins interfere with the
individual judges it to be nonexistent or have normal flow of blood, fluid accumulates and
no value. causes edema.

philtrum phlegm
The vertical depression which extends from Stringy, thick mucus secreted by the respira-
the base of the nasal septum to the superior tory mucosa.
margin of the upper lip. phon
philtrum length Unit of loudness level. A unit of subjective
The vertical linear distance from the superior loudness that is based on decibel scale.
margin of the upper lip to the base of the nasal phonation
septum. Measured with the facial muscles The production of speech sounds using the
relaxed. vocal cords to interrupt air flow from the
PHL lungs.
See preliminary hazard list. phoneme
phlebitis The smallest unit or sound of speech which
Inflammation of a vein. It is relatively com- can have meaning or result in a change of
mon, especially in the veins of the lower meaning in a word.
limbs. Phlebitis is not serious when the in-
flammation is located in a superficial vein

©2000 CRC Press LLC

phonetic alphabet
A standardized word list used to enhance ritation or allergic contact dermatitis. An al-
voice communication over radio or telephone. lergic reaction that is a heightened, delayed,
phonetically balanced (PB) contact-type sensitivity to light.
A type of test used in measuring speech intel- photochemical oxidants
ligibility, in which a monosyllabic word list is Air pollutants, such as aldehydes, acids, and
used as a standard. nitrates, formed by the action of sunlight on
phosphor oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons.
A liquid or crystalline, organic, or inorganic photochemical reaction
substance that is capable of absorbing energy The chemical changes that are induced as a
(e.g., X-rays, UV radiation, etc.) and emitting result of the absorption of radiant energy (e.g.,
a portion of the energy in the visible, infrared, light) by various substances.
or ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic photochemical smog
spectrum. Air pollution caused by chemical reactions in
phosphorescence the atmosphere with various pollutants, in-
The emission by a substance as a result of cluding the oxides of nitrogen and hydrocar-
previous absorption of radiation of a shorter bons. See also smog.
wavelength. In contrast to fluorescence, the photochromatic interval
emission may continue for a considerable A range of luminance between the absolute
time after cessation of the exiting radiation. rod threshold and the cone color identification
phosphorus threshold within which no perception of color
A chemical element, atomic number 15, can be made.
atomic weight 30.974, symbol P. Phosphorus, photochromic effect
in combination with calcium, oxygen, and hy- Exhibiting a color change on light exposure.
drogen, forms the substance of bones. It also
plays an important role in cell metabolism. It photodissociation
is obtained by the body from milk products, The splitting of a molecule by a photon. See
cereals, meat, and fish, and its use by the body also photon and Plank's constant.
is controlled by vitamin D and calcium. photoelectric effect
Phosphorus is very flammable and exceed- A process by which radiation loses energy to
ingly poisonous. Inhalation of its vapors by matter. All the energy of a photon is absorbed
workers in chemical industries may cause ne- in ejecting an electron from the mate-
crosis of the mandible. Free phosphorus rial/substance and imparting kinetic energy to
causes fatty degeneration of the liver and the electron.
other viscera.
phot The use of photographs to track motion or
A unit of illumination with the centimeter as determine center of mass (and/or) gravity of a
the unit of length rather than the meter. Equal body.
to a one lumen flux on a one centimeter area.
photographic dosimetry
photo reconnaissance See film badge.
Military activity that requires locating indi-
vidual photo targets and navigating to the tar- photoionization detector
gets at a preplanned angle and altitude. The Photons of light energy from a UV lamp in an
activity normally requires a lateral route width instrument are absorbed by some mole-
of 16 nautical miles and altitude range of cules/species and dissociation results, pro-
1,500 feet to 10,000 feet above ground level ducing ions and electrons. The amount of
(AGL). dissociation that occurs is proportional to the
contaminant concentration in the sampled air.
Exposure to a chemical that is absorbed into photokeratitis
the body and subsequently is activated by ul- Inflammation of the cornea as a result of ex-
traviolet radiation with resulting effects of ir- posure to ultraviolet light. A feeling of sand
in the eyes. Often experienced by welders.

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photokeratoconjunctivitis Pertaining to relatively high levels of illumi-
An inflammation of the corneal conjunctiva nation.
from exposure to UV light. photopic spectral luminous efficiency function
photolysis (V(λλ))
The decomposition of a compound as a result A mathematical representation or graph de-
of the absorption of radiant energy. Also re- scribing the relative sensitivity of the retina to
ferred to as photochemical decomposition. wavelengths of light under moderate to high
photometer illumination.
An instrument for measuring aspects of radi- photopic vision
ant energy in the visible portion of the elec- That aspect of visual perception due to
tromagnetic spectrum, such as luminance, il- stimulation of normally functioning retinal
luminance, luminous intensity, and luminous cones under moderate to high illumination
flux. levels resulting in the sensation of color.
photometric brightness Synonymous with color vision and chromatic
See luminance. vision.
photometric unit photoreceptor
A unit of measurement for radiant energy in Any sensory mechanism or physical device
relation to its effect on visual receptors. which is capable of detecting radiation within
and/or near the visible region of the electro-
magnetic spectrum.
Analytical method based on the determination
of the relative radiant power of a beam of ra- photosensitization
diant energy, in the visible, infrared, or ultra- Dermatitis due to exposure to a sensitizer
violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, followed by exposure to light, with resulting
which has been attenuated as a result of its photocontact dermatitis. The development of
passing through a solution or gas-air mixture abnormally heightened reactivity of the skin
containing a material which can absorb the to sunlight.
radiant energy. Also referred to as colorime- photosphere
try. The visible surface of the sun from which
photomultiplier tube most of its energy is emitted.
A vacuum tube capable of increasing (multi- photosynthesis
plying) the electron input to the tube. The utilization of sunlight by plants as well as
photon bacteria to convert two inorganic substances
The quantum of energy emitted or absorbed in (carbon dioxide and water) into carbohy-
the form of electromagnetic radiation whose drates. This is an example of a photochemical
energy value is the product of its frequency reaction.
and Plank's constant (E-hv). It is a discrete phototoxic
quantity of energy that can be thought of as a Erythema followed by hyperpigmentation of
packet of electromagnetic radiation traveling sun-exposed areas of the skin, resulting from
at the speed of light. See also Plank's con- exposure to agents containing photosensitiz-
stant. ing substances, such as coal tar and some
photonics drugs, then to sunlight.
The study and/or technology of generating, phototropism
containing, transmitting, processing, detect- (1) Tendency of an organism to turn or move
ing, and using light and other forms of elec- toward (positive phototropism) or away from
tromagnetic energy whose basic unit of meas- (negative phototropism) light. (2) Change of
ure can be treated as a photon. color produced in a substance by the action of
photophobia light.
Abnormal visual intolerance to light. PHS
See Public Health Service.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

physical harm
physiatrics Physical impairment of the human body, or of
The practice of physical or rehabilitation land, or chattels.
physiatrist physical health
One who practices physical medicine. A state in which one's bodily structure,
physical strength, and joint motion capabilities are
Pertaining to nature or to the body. within normal limits. See also health.
physical age physical injury
See chronological age. Bodily harm or hurt, excluding mental dis-
physical anthropology tress, fright, or emotional disturbance.
A sub-discipline of anthropology which spe- physical medicine
cializes in the study of human biological The use of electrotherapy and other physical
variation and evolution. techniques to effect the rehabilitation of in-
physical basic element jured patients.
One of a set of basic elements of work char- physical photometer
acterized by the ASME as involving some An instrument which uses light sensitive
form of physical activity. transducers to measure luminance.
physical constant physical therapist
A physical quantity which does not vary in One who practices physical therapy.
numerical value. physical therapy
physical containment The use of physical stimuli and/or exercise to
A passive isolation, once established, involv- treat injury or disease. This usually includes
ing solid structure between two substances the use of heat, water, exercise, massage, and
which are to be kept separate. See also op- electric current. Physical therapy attempts to
erational containment. relieve pain and to improve or restore muscu-
physical deconditioning lar function. Its ultimate goal is to train the
The loss of muscular, cardiovascular, or other disabled individual in the safest and most ef-
body tone due to lack of physical activity, as fective means of performing essential activi-
might occur in extended periods of inactivity, ties.
bed rest, or microgravity. physical work capacity (PWC)
physical disability The maximum rate of oxygen consumption or
Any disability involving a structural or motor rate of work output for an individual per-
aspect. forming a very strenuous physical task, corre-
sponding to a specified heart rate. The meas-
physical effort ured heart rate is often stated as a subscript,
The use of biomechanics, physiology, and generally 150, 170, or 180 beats per minute,
body structures in carrying out some function. abbreviated as BPM.
physical examination physical workload
Examination of the bodily state of a patient by Any measure of the physical labor or effort
ordinary physical means, as inspection, pal- involved in some activity.
pation, percussion, and auscultation.
physical handicap A practitioner of medicine. A person duly
A physical disability which requires the use of authorized or licensed to treat diseases. One
one or more physical devices to enable the in- lawfully engaged in the practice of medicine.
dividual to have a significant degree of inde-
pendence and function in the normal envi- physiological response
ronment. Any of the body's reactions to an internal or
external stimulus.

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physiological work measurement PID
The application of work physiology tech- Photoionization detector.
niques to determine the physiological task PIDP
load/severity on the worker. Also referred to See Programmable Indicator Data Proces-
as ergonometrics and work measurement. sor.
physiologically inert pie chart
Having no functional or chemical effect on A circular graphic which may be subdivided
the body. radially and used for representing proportions
physiology of a whole, by analogy with a pie.
The science concerned with the normal vital piece rate
processes of organisms, especially as to their An incentive plan provides a constant mone-
normal functioning rather than to their ana- tary compensation per production unit com-
tomical structure. pleted. See also wage rate.
phytotoxic pier
Something that harms plants. The structure perpendicular to the shoreline to
pi (π which a vessel is secured for the purpose of
A physical constant, equal to about 3.14159. loading and unloading cargo. See also dock,
marina, and wharf.
pia meter
A membrane lying adjacent to and closely piezoelectric
following the contours of neural tissue in the A material that provides a polarization be-
brain and spinal cord. tween mechanical and electric energy.

picketing piezoelectric effect

Term refers to the presence at an employer's A property exhibited by some dielectric crys-
business by one or more employees and/or tals in which the application of a mechanical
other persons to publicize a labor dispute, in- force results in polarization of electric charge;
fluence employees or customers to withhold or inversely, the application of a voltage be-
their work or business, respectively, or show tween some faces produces a mechanical de-
the union's desire to represent employees. formation.
Picketing is usually accompanied by patrol- piezoelectric touchscreen
ling with signs. A display with an overlying glass pane sepa-
pickup truck rated from the display by a set of pressure-
A motorized vehicle, privately owned and/or sensitive crystals which are capable of locat-
operated, with an enclosed cab that usually ing the touch point.
accommodates 2-3 passengers and an open pig
cargo area in the rear. Pickup trucks usually (1) Radiation. A container, typically con-
have about the same wheel base as a full-size structed of lead, that is used to ship or store a
station wagon. Includes compact and full-size radioactive material. (2) Petroleum Industry.
pickup trucks. A jointed metal device which can be forced
pico- through a pipeline by hydraulic pressure to
(prefix) One-trillionth or 10-12 of the basic scrape off rust and scale or to mark the inter-
unit. face between two products being transferred
through the pipe line. (3) Transit (slang). A
picocurie (pCi) trailer transported on flat car.
A measurement of radioactivity equal to one
million-millionth (or trillionth) of a curie and piggyback
represents about 2.2 radioactive particle dis- (1) A transportation concept whereby truck
integrations per minute. trailers are hauled on railroad flatcars. (2)
The transportation of highway trailers or re-
picogram movable trailer bodies on rail cars specifically
One-trillionth of a gram. equipped for the service. It is essentially a
joint carrier movement in which the motor

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carrier forms a pickup and delivery operation (1) Aviation. One who is trained to operate an
to a rail terminal, as well as a delivery opera- aircraft. (2) Maritime. The helmsman on a
tion at the terminating rail head. See also in- riverboat. Also one who, though not belong-
termodal. ing to a ship's company, is licensed to guide a
vessel into and out of a port or through dan-
gerous waters. (3) To maneuver or control a
vehicle which is not normally limited to mo-
tion on a relatively hard, fixed surface.
pilot briefing
A service provided by a Flight Service Station
(FSS) or International Flight Service Station
(IFSS) to assist pilots in flight planning.
Briefing items may include weather informa-
tion, Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), military
activities, flow control information, and other
items as requested.
In piggyback operations, fully loaded containers can be trans-
ported by rail to a predetermined location and then transferred pilot deviation
to trucks for final delivery to the desired destination The actions of a pilot that result in the viola-
tion of a Federal Aviation Regulation or a
piggyback trailers North American Aerospace Defense Com-
Trailers which are designed for quick loading mand (NORAD) Air Defense Identification
on railcars. Zone (ADIZ) tolerance.
pigtail pilot in command
Transit (slang). A cable used to transmit The pilot responsible for the operation and
electrical power to a trailer. safety of an aircraft during flight time.
pike pole pilot study
Maritime Navigation. A long pole with a A preliminary, small research effort under-
hook on one end used for pulling in a line or taken prior to a full research experiment. May
wire that is out of reach. It may also be be to gather preliminary data, test procedures,
painted with red and white markings to denote or some other function.
a scale of measuring water depth or barge
draft. See also sounding pole. pilot waters
Areas in which the services of a marine pilot
pileus cloud are essential.
A smooth cloud in the form of a cap. Occurs
above, or is attached to, the top of a cumuli- pilot weather report
form cloud. Sometimes called a cap cloud. A report of meteorological phenomena en-
countered by aircraft in flight.
The act of broaching and stealing part or all of pilotage
the content of cargo. Navigation by visual reference to landmarks.

piling pilot's automatic telephone weather answering

A set of posts forced into the earth to serve as service
a support, as for a pier, or to resist lateral A continuous telephone recording containing
pressure. current and forecast weather information for
piling area
An area identified as a danger to maritime pilot's discretion
navigation containing one or more structures When used in conjunction with altitude as-
consisting of piles (long heavy timbers or signments, means that Air Traffic Control
sections of steel, concrete, etc. forced into the (ATC) has offered the pilot the option of
earth to serve as a support, as for a pier). starting a climb or descent whenever he/she
wishes and conducting the climb or descent at

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any rate he wishes. He/she may temporarily (1) Discharge line from a hydraulic dredge.
level off at any intermediate altitude. How- (2) All parts of an onshore pipeline facility
ever, once he/she has vacated an altitude, through which oil moves including, but not
he/she may not return to that altitude. limited to, line pipe, valves, and other appur-
pin-up tenances connected to line pipe, pumping
Transit (slang). To hook a tractor to a semi- units, fabricated assemblies associated with
trailer. pumping units, metering and delivery stations
and fabricated assemblies therein, and break-
pinch out tanks. (3) All parts of a pipeline facility
To bring two structures together and apply through which a hazardous liquid or carbon
pressure to an object between them. dioxide moves including, but not limited to,
pinch grasp line pipe, valves, and other appurtenances
A position in which the thumb pad and the connected to line pipe, pumping units, fabri-
anterior-lateral side of the index finger are to- cated assemblies associated with pumping
gether with the intent to generate forces ade- units, metering and delivery stations and fab-
quate to hold some relatively thin object be- ricated assemblies therein, and breakout tanks.
tween them. (4) A continuous pipe conduit, complete with
such equipment as valves, compressor sta-
pinch point tions, communications systems, and meters
Any location where it is possible to be caught for transporting natural and/or supplemental
between a) moving parts of a machine, b) gas from one point to another, usually from a
moving and stationary parts of a machine, or point in or beyond the producing field or
c) material and parts of a machine. processing plant to another pipeline or to
pineal gland points of utilization. Also refers to a com-
A small, cone-shaped structure, attached to pany operating such facilities. (5) A closed
the midline of the upper brainstem, which is conduit, with pumps, valves, and control de-
the source of the hormone melatonin, and is vices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely
believed to be involved in physical develop- divided solids.
ment and biological rhythms. pipeline facility
pink noise New and existing piping, rights-of-way, and
Noise whose noise-power per unit frequency any equipment, facility, or building used in
is inversely proportional to frequency over a the transportation of gas, hazardous liquids, or
specified range. Noise that decreases with in- carbon dioxide, or in the treatment of gas
creasing frequency, to yield constant energy during the course of transportation.
per octave band. pipeline fuel
pinkeye Gas consumed in the operation of pipelines,
See conjunctivitis. primarily in compressors.
pinna pipelines except natural gas
See auricle. Includes establishments engaged in the pipeline
transportation of petroleum and other com-
modities, except natural gas. Also included
A tall, slender, spire-shaped rock projecting
are coal and slurry pipeline operations.
from a level or gently sloping surface.
(1) A heavy-walled glass tube of small bore,
A tube, usually cylindrical, through which a
with a slightly beveled end, used to draw up
hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide flows from
by suction small quantities of liquid. (2) To
one point to another.
draw into and discharge from a pipet.
pipe lagging
The insulation or wrapping around pipe.
Pipe, tubing, hoses, fittings, valves, pumps,
connections, safety devices, or related com-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ponents for containing the flow of hazardous measures total or impact pressure, and the
fluids. other measures static pressure. The difference
piroque in pressure indicated on the U-tube connected
A boat or canoe made from a hollowed tree between the total pressure and static pressure
trunk. tubes represents the velocity pressure at the
position in the duct.

pistol grip
That structure on a tool or other device which pits
resembles the grasping structure on a pistol, is Floor drains which may be used to discharge
used for holding the tool/device during car- hazardous wastes; also called trenches.
rying or operation, and may have a trigger- pituitary gland
like mechanism for operation. The master gland of the endocrine system, so
pitch called because it controls hormone production
(1) Acoustics. The attribute of auditory sen- of other endocrine glands. This pea-sized
sation in terms of which sounds may be or- gland lies in a small recess (the sella turcica)
dered on a scale extending from low to high. at the base of the brain and is connected to the
Pitch depends primarily on the frequency of hypothalamus by the hypophyseal (pituitary)
the sound stimulus, but also on the sound stalk. The hypothalamus controls many of the
pressure and wave form of the sound. (2) secretory functions of the pituitary hormones.
Ladders. The included angle between the Information concerned with the well-being of
horizontal and the ladder, measured on the an individual and gathered by the nervous
opposite side of the ladder from the climbing system is transmitted to the hypothalamus
side. which then regulates the secretion of pituitary
hormones. The activities of the nervous sys-
pitch and bark pocket tem and the endocrine system are thereby cor-
An opening extending parallel to the annual related.
growth rings in a tree containing, or that has
contained, pitch, either solid or liquid. A bark pivot joint
pocket is an opening between annual growth A joint in which motion is limited to rotation
rings that contains bark. about an axis perpendicular to the contact sur-
pitch discrimination
The ability to distinguish frequency differ- pivot point
ences in pure sounds. An approximation of the center of rotation for
various types of hinge joints.
pitch setting
The propeller blade setting as determined by pixels
the blade angle measured in a manner, and at The dots that form the picture on a CRT
a radius specified by the instruction manual screen.
for the propeller. placarded car
pitot traverse A rail car which is placarded in accordance
A series of measurements at predetermined with the requirements of 49 CFR 172 except
positions across a section of ductwork or those cars displaying only the FUMIGATION
piping, employing a pitot tube for determining placards as required by 49 CFR 172.510.
total, static, and velocity pressures for subse- placards
quent use in determining air velocity in the With regard to vehicles transporting
duct/pipe and the amount of air passing the hazardous materials: DOT-required signs that
point at which the pitot traverse was made. are affixed to the front, rear, and sides of all
pitot tube vehicles transporting hazardous materials and
A device used to measure pressures in an air- hazardous wastes. These signs must meet
stream or ventilation system. It consists of DOT specifications for size, color and
two concentric tubes arranged such that one location on the vehicle and must be used
according to predesigned hazard classification

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criteria based on the weight or volume of the plane
particular materials being transported. (1) A flat surface. (2) A specified level, as the
place of employment plane of anesthesia.
Within the safe place statutes, a place where plane angle
active work, either temporary or permanent, is A figure composed, in the simplest sense, of
being conducted in connection with a business two different rays having a common endpoint.
for profit. That is, where some process or By definition, these rays will always lie in a
operation related to such industry, trade, or single plane. The basic unit of measure for a
business is carried on and where any person is plane angle is the radian. 1.0 radian is the
directly or indirectly employed by another. plane angle formed when the tip, or end, of a
place-holding cursor rotating vector (the generator) of unit length,
A cursor which indicates the location of the moving in a plane, has traveled a circular path
last entry or at which the next text or other of length equal to the length of the unit vector.
data entry will occur. Plane angles are dimensionless quantities,
since they are defined as length/length.
placebo Clearly, by this definition, there will be a total
(1) A null treatment given to a control group. of 2 radians in one complete circle. In most
(2) An inactive substance resembling a medi- Systems of Units, plane angles are measured
cation that may be given experimentally or for in radians and also frequently in degrees.
its psychologic effects. Note that a plane angle of 360 degrees (writ-
PLAID ten 360) = 2 radians, or 1.0 radian = 57.296.
See Panel Layout And Integrated Design. See also length.
plain plane wave
A region of generally uniform slope, com- A waveform composed of parallel planes per-
paratively level, and of considerable extent. pendicular to the direction of propagation in
which all points in a given plane are at the
plain view doctrine same phase.
(1) General Law. In search and seizure con-
text, objects falling in plain view of an officer planetary scale
who has the right to be in a position to have The largest scale of atmospheric motion.
that view are subject to seizure without a war- Sometimes called the global scale.
rant and may be introduced in evidence. (2) planimeter
General Compliance. Allows for the citation A device used for determining the area of a
of employers for violative conditions that are planar surface by determining and working
visible to someone (including an OSHA com- with the area boundary.
pliance officer) who is observing from a pub-
lic place. Plank's constant
A natural constant (v) of proportionality (h)
plaintiff relating the frequency of a quantum of energy
The party commencing a claim in civil litiga- to the total energy of the quantum, expressed
tion. In a criminal prosecution, such a party is as h = E/v = 6.6 x 10-27 erg-s.
the Prosecution or the State.
planning process
plan The foundation of a successful accident in-
A therblig which consists of the cogni- vestigation and loss control program. A de-
tive/mental process of determining what ac- tailed and highly comprehensive effort to pre-
tion must be taken next. pare for the investigation of all possible or
Planckian locus potential accident events which could likely
See blackbody locus. occur during the daily operation of a given
business enterprise.
Planckian radiator
See blackbody. plant
(1) Any member of the plant kingdom, in-
cluding seeds, roots, or other parts thereof.

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(2) Interchangeable term often used to de- plastic surgery
scribe a factory or manufacturing facility. Surgery performed to improve the appearance
plant layout or function of exposed parts of the body that
The arrangement of the physical facilities, are defective, deformed, or damaged.
machinery, and equipment within a given plate tectonics
production/manufacturing location. The theory that the earth's surface down to
plant regulator approximately 100 kilometers is divided into
Any substance or mixture of substances a number of plates that move relative to one
intended, through physiological action, for another across the surface of the earth. Once
accelerating or retarding the rate of growth or referred to as continental drift. When one of
rate of maturation, or for otherwise altering two tectonic plates that are in contact with
the behavior of plants or the produce thereof, each other begins to move, the resultant re-
but shall not include substances to the extent lease of energy is experienced on the surface
that they are intended as plant nutrients, trace as an earthquake.
elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoc- platelet
ulants, and soil amendments. Also, the term Disk-shaped structures found in the blood of
“plant regulator” shall not be required to all mammals and chiefly known for their role
include any of such of those nutrient mixtures in blood coagulation. Blood platelets (also
or soil amendments as are commonly known called thrombocytes) are non-nucleated blood
as vitamin-hormone horticultural products, elements with a very fragile membrane. They
intended for improvement, maintenance, tend to adhere to uneven or damaged surfaces.
survival, health, and propagation of plants, They average about 250,000 per cubic milli-
and as are not for pest destruction and are meter of blood and are principally concerned
nontoxic, nonpoisonous in the undiluted with coagulation of blood and the contraction
packaged concentration. of a blood clot. They are formed in red bone
plantar marrow and the rate of their formation seems
Pertaining to the sole of the foot. to be governed by the amount of oxygen in
the blood and the presence of nucleic acid de-
plantar flexion rivatives from injured tissue.
A rotation about the ankle joint which results
in a relative downward motion of the anterior platform
portion of the foot. Also referred to as (1) An extended step or landing, or a landing
plantarflexion. breaking a continuous run of stairs. (2) A
working space for persons, elevated above the
plantar flexor surrounding floor or ground; such as a bal-
Any muscle which depresses the anterior foot cony or platform for the operation of machin-
about the ankle joint. Synonymous with ery and equipment.
platform area
plaque An area identified as a danger to maritime
A patch or flat area. navigation containing one or more platforms
plasma (horizontal surfaces raised above the level of
(1) Medical. The fluid (non-cellular portion) the surrounding area for the purpose of sup-
of the circulating blood, as distinguished from porting equipment used in the drilling).
the serum obtained after coagulation. (2) As- platform body
tronomy. An outflow of charged particles A truck or trailer body with a floor, but no
from the sun that escapes the sun's outer at- sides or roof.
mosphere at high speed. Commonly referred
to as solar wind. platform ladder
A self-supporting ladder of fixed size with a
plastic platform provided at the working level. The
(1) Tending to build up tissue. (2) Capable of size is determined by the distance along the
being molded. (3) A substance produced by front rail from the platform to the base of the
chemical condensation or by polymerization. ladder.

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platinum The pleura reduces the friction of the move-
A chemical element, atomic number 78, ments of the lungs, chest, etc. during respira-
atomic weight 195.09, symbol Pt. tion.
platybasia pleural plaques
Malformation of the base of the skull, with Plaques observed in the pleura of some of the
upward displacement of the upper cervical persons who have been exposed to asbestos.
vertebrae and bony impingement on the brain
stem. It is accompanied by neurologic signs
referable to the medulla oblongata, cervical pleurisy
spinal cord, and cranial nerves. Irritation and pain of the outer lung lining and
the chest cavity's inner lining.
Pertaining to a normal distribution that is Plimsoll mark
more flattened than peaked. A marking placed on the side of a ship de-
noting the maximum depth to which it may be
play loaded or ballasted.
Any free movement of components.
playa See polarized light microscopy. See also pri-
The Spanish word for beach, a word used vate label merchandiser.
primarily in the southwestern United States to
describe a dry, vegetation-free, flat area at the plosive
lowest part of an undrained desert basin, un- Pertaining to a sound produced by turbulent
derlain by stratified clay, silt, or sand, and air flow when the oral tract is opened to re-
commonly by soluble salts. They are occa- lease pressure.
sionally covered by shallow lakes in the wet- plumbism
test parts of the year. A chronic poisoning of humans caused by the
PLC absorption of lead or lead salts.
See packaged laboratory chemical. plume
pleadings (1) A visible or measurable discharge of a
The statements that set forth, to the court, the contaminant from a given point of origin.
claims of OSHA (the plaintiff) and the an- Can be visible or thermal in water, or visible
swers of the employer (the defendant). in the air. (2) The area of measurable and
potentially harmful radiation leaking from a
Pleistocene epoch damaged reactor. (3) The distance from a
The most recent period of extensive conti- toxic release considered dangerous for those
nental glaciation that saw large portions of exposed to the leaking fumes.
North America and Europe covered with ice.
It began about 2 million years ago and ended plutonium
approximately 10,000 years ago. More com- A radioactive metallic element similar chemi-
monly referred to as the Ice Age. cally to uranium.
plenum ply rating
Air compartment connected to a duct or ducts. A measure of the strength of tires based on the
It is a low-velocity air chamber used to dis- strength of a single ply of designated con-
tribute static pressure throughout its interior. struction. A 12-ply rating does not necessar-
ily mean that 12 plies are present, only that
plenum velocity the tire has the strength of 12 standard plies.
The air velocity within a plenum.
plethysmograph (1) See particulate matter. (2) See preventive
An instrument used to detect changes in the maintenance.
volume of some body part.
PM 10
pleura Particulate matter with an aerodynamic di-
A thin membrane surrounding the lungs and ameter less than or equal to 10 micrometers.
lining the internal surface of the chest cavity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

P.M. peak period tract. They cause no harm unless resistance is
Federal Transit Association. The period in severely lowered by some other factor, such
the afternoon or evening when additional as a severe cold, disease, alcoholism, or gen-
services are provided to handle higher pas- eral poor health. Age is also a factor. When
senger volumes. The period begins when resistance is lowered or the conditions are fa-
normal headways are reduced and ends when vorable, the pneumococci invade the lungs.
headways are returned to normal. See also pneumonitis
A.M. peak period. Inflammation of the lungs.
PMN pneumotachograph
See premanufacture notification. An instrument used to record the breath-
PMT ing/pulmonary ventilation rate.
See passenger-miles traveled. See also p er- pneumothorax
son miles of travel. An accumulation of air or gas in the pleural
PMTS cavity, resulting in collapse of the lung on the
See predetermined motion time system. affected side. The condition may occur
PNAs spontaneously, as in the course of a pulmo-
Polynuclear aromatic compounds. See also nary disease, or it may follow trauma to, and
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. perforation of, the chest wall.

pneumatic PNOC
Operated by air pressure. Particulates not otherwise classified.

pneumoconiosis PNS
Inflammation often leading to fibrosis of the See peripheral nervous system.
lungs and caused by the inhalation of dust as- pocket dosimeter
sociated with various occupations (e.g., min- A direct reading portable unit, usually shaped
ing). The disease is characterized by perma- like a pen with a pocket clip, generally used to
nent deposition of substantial amounts of par- measure exposures to gamma- and x-
ticulate matter in the lungs, usually of occu- radiation.
pational or environmental origin, and by tis- podiatrist
sue reaction to its presence. It may be a rela- A specialist in treating the feet for minor ail-
tively harmless form, such as siderosis, to a ments, such as corns, bunions, calluses, and
serious form, such as silicosis. Symptoms can fungal infections. Podiatrists are not graduate
include chest pains, cough, cyanosis, and fa- physicians, and their treatments should be
tigue. confined to minor foot conditions. Such
pneumoconiosis-producing dust treatments may include minor surgical proce-
Dust which, when inhaled, deposited, and dures and prescriptions of corrective shoes or
retained in the lungs, produces signs, symp- special exercises.
toms, and findings of pulmonary disease. point
pneumonia (1) To move a cursor on a display to a certain
Acute inflammation or infection of the lung. item using a direct manipulation computer in-
Pneumonia once was a common cause of put device. (2) A measure of type size (1
death and killed one out of four victims. It is point is 1/72 in.). (3) An output measure in
still a serious disease, especially in infants and the Bedaux system consisting of that produc-
the elderly, who are most vulnerable. Infec- tion by one standard operator in one minute's
tious pneumonia may be caused by either time. (4) To extend a finger (usually the in-
bacteria or viruses. It may be primary or sec- dex finger) at an object to draw attention to
ondary (a complication of another disease) that object.
and may involve one or both lungs. It is most point and click
frequently caused by the pneumococcus. The A method of operation with a graphical user
microorganisms that give rise to pneumonia interface in which a mouse or other computer
are always present in the upper respiratory

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input device is used to drag a pointing cursor, observation, are significant for practical pur-
often an arrow, to a certain display location poses in any calculations. For visual work,
and execute a command by clicking when the anything less than about 10′ of arc is consid-
cursor overlies a certain block or region. ered a point source. (2) Environmental Pol-
point biserial r (rpb) lution. A stationary location or fixed facility
The correlation coefficient between a con- from which pollutants are discharged or
tinuous variable and a dichotomous variable. emitted. Also, any single identifiable source
of pollution such as a pipe, ditch, ship, ore pit,
factory smokestack, etc.
point detector
point source detector
Rail Operations. A circuit controller which is
Single-point detection device that responds to
part of the switch operating mechanism and
a contaminant as it is transported by air cur-
operated by a rod connected to a switch, de-
rents from a source to the detector location.
rail, or movable point frog to indicate that the
point is within a specified distance of the point source discharges
stock rail. Any discernible, confined and discrete
conveyance including but not limited to any
point holding
pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well,
Aviation. A specified location, identified by
discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, con-
visual or other means, in the vicinity of which
centrated animal feed operation, vessel or
the position of an aircraft in flight is main-
other floating craft from which pollutants are
tained in accordance with air traffic control
or may be discharged into waters.
point of fixation
A highlighting technique which uses some
See fixation point.
directional device or indicator to locate that
point of inflection portion of a display toward which attention is
See inflection point. desired or required.
point of observation pointing cursor
The midpoint of an imaginary line connecting A position-indicating cursor which shows the
the pupil centers of the two eyes. user's relative location among display struc-
point of operation tures.
The zone in which the primary functional pointmark
parts of a machine or tools perform their A specific point of interest on a body land-
function(s). With regard to machine guard- mark.
ing, it is the point of operation that must prop-
pointway channel
erly guarded.
A cutoff channel which lies across the point
point-of-rent of a bend and usually leads deep into another
Area on a terminal facility which is assigned bend. Conversely, bendway channel.
for the receipt of inbound cargo from the ship
and from which inbound cargo may be deliv-
The unit of viscosity of a liquid, defined as
ered to the consignee, and that area which is
the force in dynes required to move a surface
assigned for the receipt of outbound cargo
one square centimeter in area past a parallel
from shippers for vessel loading.
surface at a speed of one centimeter per sec-
point of subjective equality (PSE) ond, with the surfaces separated by a fluid
The value of some variable or stimulus in film one centimeter thick. The commonly
psychophysical work at which the observer used unit is the centipoise, which is one one-
cannot tell a difference between a reference hundredth of a poise.
value and the variable value.
point source Any substance that, when administered to a
(1) General. An energy source whose dimen- living organism, causes a harmful effect.
sions, relative to its distance from the point of Most substances are harmful at some dose and

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may be harmless at very low doses. Corro- polar compound
sives are poisons that destroy tissues directly. Descriptive of a molecule in which the posi-
They include the mineral acids, such as nitric tive and negative electrical charges are per-
acid, sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid; the manently separated, as opposed to nonpolar
caustic alkalis, such as ammonia, sodium hy- molecules in which the charges coincide.
droxide (lye), sodium carbonate, and sodium Polar molecules ionize in solution and impart
hypochlorite; and carbolic acid (phenol). Ir- electrical conductivity. Examples of polar
ritants are poisons that inflame the mucous compounds are alcohol, water, sulfuric acid,
membranes by direct action. These include etc.
arsenic, copper sulfate, salts of lead, zinc, and polar easterlies
phosphorus, and many others. Nerve toxins A shallow body of easterly winds located at
act on the nerves or affect some of the basic high latitudes poleward of the subpolar low.
cell processes. This large group includes the
narcotics, such as opium, heroin, and cocaine, polar front
and the barbiturates, anesthetics, and alcohols. A semipermanent, semicontinuous front that
Blood toxins act on the blood and deprive it separates tropical air masses from polar air
of oxygen. They include carbon monoxide, masses.
carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, and the polar front jet stream
gases used in chemical warfare. Some blood The jet stream that is associated with the polar
toxins destroy the blood cells or the platelets. front in middle and high latitudes. It is usu-
poison gas in bulk ally located at altitudes between 9 and 12
The transportation, as cargo, of any poison kilometers.
gas in any quantity. polar front theory
poisoning A theory developed by a group of Scandina-
The morbid condition produced by a poison. vian meteorologists that explains the forma-
The symptoms of poisoning vary greatly ac- tion, development, and overall life history of
cording to the poison taken and the time that cyclonic storms that form along the polar
has elapsed. Some poisons cause no immedi- front.
ate symptoms. In general, poisoning should polar orbiting satellite
be suspected in the following instances: a) a A satellite whose orbit closely parallels the
revealing odor such as alcohol on the breath; earth's meridian lines and thus crosses the
b) discoloration of the mouth or lips; c) evi- polar regions on each orbit. This is an excel-
dence of eating leaves or wild berries; d) se- lent vantage point for observing and studying
vere pain or a burning sensation in the mouth a great portion of the earth's surface without
and throat; e) nausea or vomiting; f) convul- having to continuously adjust the satellite's
sions; g) confusion or disturbance of sight; h) attitude and position. For the military this is
unconsciousness or deep sleep; i) sudden ill- an exceptional advantage since, in the North-
ness; or j) an open bottle or container of ern Hemisphere, a satellite orbiting over the
medication or poisonous chemicals is found north pole would have an excellent view of
nearby. the United States, Asia (China), and the
Poisson distribution Commonwealth of Independent States (the
A discrete distribution having a probability former Soviet Union) all from the same orbit.
distribution function of polar solvent
Solvents which contain oxygen.
p(n) ≅
n! polar track structure
Aviation. A system of organized routes be-
where: tween Iceland and Alaska which overlie Ca-
p(n) = probability of n in N nadian airspace.
m = Np = mean = variance polarize
n = the number of occurrences desired To orient light waves in a specific plane.
N = the number of possible occurrences

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polarized light ease has become far less common. Usually
Light waves whose vibrations occur in one referred to simply as polio and, at one time,
direction only. infantile paralysis.
polarized light microscopy (PLM) pollen
An op t ical microscopic technique to distin- (1) A fine, powder-like dust material pro-
guish different types of fibrous materials by duced by plants. (2) The fertilizing element
their unique optical properties when exposed of flowering plants. (3) A natural or back-
to polarized light. ground air pollutant.

An analytical method, based on the electroly-
sis of a sample solution, for determining the
amount of specific contaminants, which are
electro-reducible or electro-oxidizable.
pole trailer
A motor vehicle without motive power de-
signed to be drawn by another motor vehicle
and attached to the towing vehicle by means
of a reach or pole, or by being boomed or oth-
erwise secured to the towing vehicle, for Pollen is released as part of the natural life cycle of most plants
transporting long or irregularly shaped loads pollutant
such as poles, pipes, or structural members (1) Generally, any substance introduced into
capable generally of sustaining themselves as the environment that adversely affects the
beams between the supporting connections. usefulness of a resource. (2) Any element,
police power substance, compound, or mixture, including
The legal authority of the states to enact leg- disease-causing agents, which after release
islation and implement programs to protect into the environment and upon exposure, in-
the public health, safety, welfare, and morals. gestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any
The police power is a reserved power of the organism, either directly from the environ-
states not given to the federal government in ment or indirectly by ingestion through food
the Constitution. The analogous authority of chains, will or may reasonably be anticipated
the federal government (with a very different to cause death, disease, behavioral abnormali-
legal foundation) is commerce power to ties, cancer, genetic mutation, physiological
regulate interstate commerce and prevent the malfunctions (including malfunctions in re-
states putting undue burdens on interstate production) or physical deformations, in such
commerce. organisms or their offspring.
policy allowance pollutant standard index (PSI)
A non-bonus time allowance added to the Measure of adverse health effects of air pol-
standard time to maintain or provide a satis- lution levels in major cities.
factory earning level under unusual circum- pollution
stances. Generally, the presence of matter or energy
poliomyelitis whose nature, location, or quantity produces
A contagious viral disease that attacks the undesirable effects. Under the Clean Water
central nervous system, injuring or destroying Act, for example, the term is defined as the
the nerve cells that control the muscles and manmade or man-induced alteration of the
sometimes causing paralysis. Paralysis most physical, biological, and radiological integrity
often affects the legs but can involve any of water.
muscles, including those that control breath- polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)
ing and swallowing. Since development and A group of highly toxic, persistent chemicals
use of vaccines against poliomyelitis, the dis- used in transformers and capacitors for insu-

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lating purposes and in gas pipeline systems as polyethylene
a lubricant. Further sale of new use PCBs A synthetic plastic material formed by polym-
was banned by law in 1979. erization of ethylene.
polycythemia polygraph
A condition marked by an excess of red blood A multi-channel chart recorder for recording
cells in the blood (i.e., an abnormal increase several physiological measures simultane-
in the erythrocyte count or in hemoglobin ously.
concentration). There are two distinct forms
of the disease. In primary polycythemia (also
called polycythemia vera), the cause for the polymer
red cell increase is not understood. There is A high-molecular-weight material formed by
hyperplasia of the cell-forming tissues of the the joining together of many simple molecules
bone marrow, with resultant elevation of the (monomers). There may be hundreds or even
erythrocyte count and hemoglobin level, and thousands of the original molecules linked
an increase in the number of leukocytes and end to end and others cross-linked. Rubber
platelets. The condition has been compared to and cellulose are naturally occurring poly-
leukemia and regarded as a malignant neo- mers. Most resins are chemically produced
plastic disease. Secondary polycythemia is a polymers. See also polymerization.
physiologic condition resulting from a de- polymer fume fever
creased oxygen supply to the tissue. The An occupational disease, characterized by
body attempts to compensate for the oxygen chills, dry cough, and tightness of the chest,
deficiency by manufacturing more hemoglo- as a result of exposure to the breakdown
bin and red blood cells. Living at high alti- products (due to heating) of fluorocarbons
tudes can produce polycythemia, as can se- such as polytetrafluoroethylene.
vere chronic lung and heart disorders, espe-
cially congenital heart defects. Symptoms of polymerization
both types of polycythemia are much the A chemical reaction in which a high-
same. The increased erythrocyte production molecular-weight material is reduced by the
results in thickening of the blood and an in- addition to or condensation of a simpler com-
creased tendency toward clotting. The vis- pound, for example, the production of poly-
cosity of the blood limits its ability to flow styrene from styrene.
properly, diminishing the supply of blood to polynuclear aromatic compounds
the brain and to other vital tissues. This may See polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.
cause mental sluggishness, irritability, head-
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
ache, dizziness, fainting, disturbances of sen-
Aromatic compounds containing 3 or more
sation in the hands and feet, and a feeling of
closed rings, usually of the benzene type.
fullness in the head. There may be episodes
Also referred to as PNAs.
of acute pain as spontaneous clots occur in the
blood vessels. The spleen becomes enlarged. polyp
The smaller veins become prominent, so that A growth extending outward from a mucous
the skin has a bluish tint. The secondary form membrane. Polyps may be attached to a
is often accompanied by enlargement of the membrane by a thin stalk, in which case they
tips of the fingers (clubbing). are known as pedunculated polyps, or may
have a broad base (sessile polyps). They are
polydisperse aerosol
usually an overgrowth of normal tissue, but
An aerosol with a geometric standard devia-
sometimes polyps are true tumors (i.e.,
tion greater than one. As the geometric stan-
masses of new tissue separate from the sup-
dard deviation increases, the aerosol becomes
porting membrane). Usually benign, they
more polydisperse.
may lead to complications or eventually be-
polyelectrolytes come malignant. Polyps may occur wherever
Synthetic chemicals that help solids to clump there is mucous membrane: in the nose, ears,
during sewage treatment. mouth, lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, uri-
nary bladder, uterus, and cervix.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

pop rise
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) A fast rise (usually not a great one) in the
A tough, environmentally indestructible plas- river generally caused by a flash flood.
tic that releases hydrochloric acid when pop-up menu
burned. A menu which is displayed overlaying other
pons screen entities, generally in the center of the
(1) That part of the hind brain lying above the screen, following an appropriate keystroke,
medulla oblongata and below the mid-brain or mouse click, or other form of operator input
mesencephalon, with the cerebellum and mid- and which remains displayed until a selection
dle part of the fourth ventricle constituting the is made or the menu is closed or exited.
metencephalon. (2) A slip of tissue connect- popliteal
ing two parts of an organ. Pertaining to the tendons, fossa, and other
Pontiac fever tissues posterior to the knee.
A short febrile illness without pneumonia and popliteal crease
characterized by headache, chills, cough, The junction of the biceps femoris and gas-
tiredness, muscle pain, and nausea. It is trocnemius muscles or their tendons posterior
caused by Legionella bacteria.
to the knee when the knee is flexed about 90°.
That area of a river impounded behind a dam. popliteal crease clearance, horizontal
A pool may extend for many miles between The horizontal linear distance between the
one dam and the next. See also field area. most anterior part of the seat pan and the pop-
liteal crease. Measured with the individual
pool boat sitting erect, the knee flexed about 90°, and
A towboat with the pilothouse built on the
forward end of the cabin rather than on top of the feet flat on the floor or other reference sur-
the roof. So called because this type is used face.
in areas where low bridges dictate low super- popliteal fossa
structure. The natural depression in the posterior portion
pool line of the leg at the knee.
Normal pool water line along the bank. popliteal height
pool river The vertical distance from the footrest surface
A river comprised of various pools or revels to the biceps femoris tendon at the underside
formed by dams and having generally a of the thigh immediately behind the popliteal
minimum of current, in contrast to an open crease. Measured with the individual sitting
river where currents often become fierce. upright with the knee flexed 90°.

pool site popliteus

One or more spent fuel storage pools that has A flat skeletal muscle underlying the distal
a single cask loading area. Each dry cask portion of the popliteal fossa.
storage area is considered a separate site. population
pool stage (1) A group of interbreeding organisms of the
The stage of water that is maintained between same kind occupying a particular space. Gen-
two successive dams and is usually the mini- erically, the number of humans or other living
mum depth that can be maintained and yet creatures in a designated area. (2) The total
have the project depth in the channel. group of individual persons, objects, or items
from which samples may be taken to estimate
poor condition classification
characteristics of that population by statistical
Major repairs or modifications are required to
make the facility operational or to prevent
failure. Facility is only partially operational, population parameter
and is not adequately serving the purpose for In epidemiology, the true parameters that are
which it was constructed. determined by including the entire population
in an epidemiology study.

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population stereotype With regard to instruments, a self-contained,
A common behavioral expectation in a per- battery-operated instrument that weighs less
ceptual-motor situation. than 10 pounds and can be carried and used
population stock by an individual.
A group of animals of the same species or portable direct-reading instrument
smaller taxa in a common spatial arrangement A portable instrument that can measure the
that interbreed when mature. concentration of gases, vapors, or other
porphyrin contaminants, or the level of physical stress
Any of a group of iron-free or magnesium- (i.e., noise, ionizing radiation, etc.) directly
free cyclic tetrapyrrole derivatives which occur (i.e., provides an instantaneous readout at the
universally in protoplasm. Protoporphyrin test site).
(zinc protoporphyrin is a test in determining portable lighting
inorganic lead absorption) is among them. Any type of lighting designed to be easily
port transported manually from one location to
(1) A harbor area in which are located marine another.
terminal facilities for transferring cargo be- portable organic vapor analyzer
tween ships and land transportation. (2) A An instrument used to screen volatile organic
harbor with piers or docks. (3) The left side compounds.
of a ship when facing forward. 3) An opening portable tank
in a ship's side for handling freight. A bulk packaging (except a cylinder having a
port authority water capacity of 1000 pounds or less)
(1) An entity of a state or local government that designed primarily to be loaded onto, or on, or
owns, operates, or otherwise provides wharf, temporarily attached to a transport vehicle or
dock and other marine terminal investments at ship and equipped with skids, mountings, or
ports. (2) Body established by law to have accessories to facilitate handling of the tank
specified powers including the right to act with by mechanical means. It does not include a
respect to a defined area of responsibility. cargo tank, tank car, multi-unit tank car tank, or
Often used to apply to any quasi-autonomous trailer carrying 3AX, 3AAX, or 3T cylinders.
or quasi-independent agency which has ad- portable x-ray
equate authority over an effective management X-ray equipment designed to be hand carried.
of a port.
port marks An overland passage connecting two bodies
An identifying set of letters, numbers, and/or of water.
geometric symbols followed by the name of
the port of destination, placed on export portal of entry
shipments. Foreign government requirements Avenue (e.g., via inhalation, skin absorption,
may be exceedingly strict in the matter of port ingestion, injection, etc.) by which an agent
marks. (e.g., parasite, chemical, etc.) enters the body.
Also referred to more commonly as the route
port of call of entry.
Port where a ship discharges or receives
traffic. Porton reticle
A transparent grid that is mounted in the eye-
port of entry piece of a microscope at the exact focal plane
A port at which foreign goods are admitted of the specimen and is thus superimposed on
into the receiving country. the field being viewed, thereby facilitating the
port tariff sizing of particles collected on a filter or other
A set of rules and regulations governing a collecting media.
port, along with the published fees and position
charges for using a port's facilities. Placing an object in a predetermined location
for future use/operations.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

positive feedback
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) A signal which tends to enhance or prolong
A structured questionnaire used in an attempt the output of a system.
to quantify job descriptions based on a set of positive feedback mechanism
job elements. See feedback mechanism.
position control positive g
A type of control mechanism in which a dis- An acceleration vector directed inferior along
placement of an input device leads to a pro- the body longitudinal axis, usually referring to
portional displacement of an output device. a magnitude greater than that of normal earth
Also called zero-order control. See also rate gravity, as in an aircraft maneuver which re-
control. sults in blood pooling in the lower extremi-
position index ties. See also negative g.
A factor for the relative average luminance of positive incentives
a source located within the visual field which The approach to compliance in which the or-
produces a sensation at the comfort- ganization establishes voluntary compliance
discomfort boundary. programs to police themselves or even turn
position report themselves into prosecutors. The organiza-
A report over a known location as transmitted tion strives to adopt what the government re-
by an aircraft to Air Traffic Control (ATC). gards as the best, most reasonable, and effec-
position sensitivity tive means of self-regulation as appropriate to
With instrumentation, the effect on an instru- the industry. Some government agencies
ment's response due to deviations in attitude have set standards for corporate conduct
from the normal operating position. within the regulated area in order to compose
a list of companies whose programs and poli-
position symbol cies are sufficient to earn a higher level of
A computer-generated symbol shown on a trust. Such companies may then receive pref-
radar display to indicate the mode of tracking. erential treatment by such agencies. See also
positioning movement carrot and stick approach and environmental
Relocating one or more body segments rela- leadership program.
tive to other object(s) or a reference point. positive pressure
positive afterimage Condition that exists when more air is sup-
That color image of an object which continues plied to a space than is exhausted so the air
to be seen after ceasing to look at the object. pressure within that space is greater than that
in surrounding areas.
positive click
The incorporation of momentary stops with an positive-pressure breathing apparatus
audible click or tactile sensation in such mo- A self-contained breathing apparatus in which
tions as turning a dial or pushing a button to the pressure in the breathing zone is positive
provide sensorimotor feedback to the opera- in relation to the immediate environment
tor. during inhalation and exhalation.
positive control positive-pressure respirator
Aviation. (1) Control of all air traffic, within A respiratory protective device in which the
designated airspace, by air traffic control. (2) air pressure inside the respirator air inlet is
The separation of all air traffic within desig- positive in relation to the air pressure of the
nated airspace by air traffic control. outside atmosphere during exhalation and in-
positive data
Analytical results for which measurable con- positive reinforcement
centrations (i.e., above a quantitation limit) The cause of strengthening or increasing the
are reported. May have data qualifiers at- frequency of a response as a result of contin-
tached. gent reinforcement.

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positive skew
Having a distribution curve with the mean posterior neck length
greater than the mode. The surface distance from nuchale to cervi-
positive transfer cale. Measured with the individual standing
A condition in which an individual's previous erect, the head, neck, and shoulder muscles
experience aids learning of a new task. relaxed.

positive vorticity advection (PVA) post-flight earblock

A region of positive vorticity usually several The pressure differential generated due to the
hundred kilometers wide on an upper-level absorption of oxygen by tissues within the
weather chart that moves with the general middle ear after breathing pure oxygen on a
wind flow. It aids in weather prediction by high-altitude flight.
showing where regions of rising air, clouds, postprandial
and storms are likely to form. Following a meal.
positive work postural movement
The application of a force through some verti- Any bodily movement resulting from the neu-
cal distance in opposing gravity. romuscular coordination of the postural mus-
positron cles and nervous system to maintain or at-
Particle equal in mass but opposite in charge tempt to maintain postural stability.
to the electron. Also referred to a positive postural muscles
electron. Those muscles normally involved in main-
possum taining an erect posture, usually the slow
Maritime Navigation. Colloquial term for a muscles of the legs, back, and abdomen.
portable fender or hand fender used to prevent postural sway
damage to lock walls or vessels when moor- Any non-volitional pendulum-type move-
ing. Should always be used wet. See also ments of the head, trunk, or entire body which
bumpers. occur while standing or sitting at rest. Also
possum belly called postural tremor.
Transit (slang). Livestock trailer with a drop posture
frame to haul small animals (chickens, etc.) (1) A set of anatomical coordinate frames at
underneath heavy cattle. various body points whose origins are defined
post quantitatively relative to a comprehensive
(1) An upright piece of timber or other mate- three-dimensional coordinate system. (2) A
rial, in or adjacent to a body, used for moor- qualitative description of the general position
ing ships or supporting other structures. (2) A of the body (i.e., standing, sitting).
long, relatively slender and generally round potable water
piece of wood or other material. (1) General. Water that is safe for drinking
post-closure and cooking. (2) OSHA. Water which meets
The time period following the shutdown of a the quality standards prescribed in the U.S.
waste management or manufacturing facility. Public Health Service Drinking Water Stan-
For monitoring purposes, this is often consid- dards, or water which is approved for drinking
ered to be thirty years. water purposes by the state or local authority
having jurisdiction.
post-rotary nystagmus
That nystagmus caused by deceleration of the potency
vestibular system as head rotation is stopped. The ability of a contaminant or physical agent
to produce an adverse health effect.
Referring to a location behind or toward the potential biological removal level
back of the body. According to the Federal Marine Mammal
Protection Act of 1972: The maximum
posterior cricoarytenoid number of animals, not including natural
A skeletal muscle in the larynx which causes mortalities, that may be removed from a
the glottis to open on contraction.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

marine mammal stock while allowing that
stock to reach or maintain its optimum sus-
tainable population. The potential biological
removal level is the product of the following
factors: a) the minimum population estimate
of the stock, one-half the maximum theor-
etical or estimated net productivity rate of the
stock at a small population size; b) and a
recovery factor of between 0.1 and 1.0.
potential energy
The energy that a body possesses by virtue of
its position with respect to other bodies in the Infectious medical waste must be strictly controlled
field of gravity.
potentially responsible party (PRP)
potential evapotranspiration (PE) Under the Federal Comprehensive Environ-
That amount of moisture that, if it were mental Response, Compensation and Liabili-
available, would be removed from a given ties Act (CERCLA), any individual or com-
land area by evaporation and transpiration. pany, including owners, operators, transport-
potential for improving performance ers or generators, potentially responsible for,
The value of the ratio of outputs of a master or contributing to the contamination problems
performer to an average performer. at a Superfund site. Whenever possible, the
EPA requires PRPs, through administrative
potential hazard
and legal actions, to cleanup waste sites they
A situation which possesses characteristics
have contaminated.
conducive to the occurrence of an exposure to
a hazardous agent, physical stress, ergonomic potentiation
stressor, or other hazard. An increased toxicologic effect by one agent
or another resulting in a combined effect that
potential temperature
is greater than the simple sum of those of the
The temperature that a parcel of dry air would
individual agents.
have if it were brought dry adiabatically from
its original position of 1000 mb. potentiator
A chemical that has little adverse effect itself;
potential to emit
however, when given or received in conjunc-
Calculated using the major stationary source's
tion with another chemical, it enhances the ef-
maximum design capacity following appli-
fect of that chemical.
cation of pollution controls.
potentially infectious medical waste
A continuously variable electrical resistor.
Under the United States Public Vessel
Medical Waste Anti-Dumping Act of 1988: pots
Includes isolation wastes, infectious agents, Flares placed on highway to warn traffic of an
human blood and blood products, pathological obstruction or hazard.
wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated potter's asthma
bedding, surgical wastes, and other disposable Asthmatic symptoms associated with the
medical equipment and material that may pneumoconiosis observed among workers in
pose a risk to the public health, welfare, or the the ceramic industry.
marine environment.
Pott's disease
Tuberculous spondylitis, usually beginning as
a tuberculous osteomyelitis of the vertebrae
and progressing to damage of the interverte-
bral disks. If erosion continues unchecked,
there is complete destruction of the affected
vertebrae. Symptoms include stiffness of the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

power grip
back, pain on motion, prominence of the A type of grip in which the fingers and palm
spinous process of certain vertebrae and occa- are partially flexed around an object, with an
sionally abscess formation, paralysis, and ab- opposing thumb crotch.
dominal pain. power level
POTW In acoustics, ten times the logarithm to the
See publicly owned treatment works. base 10 of the ratio of a given power to a ref-
pound force erence power. The reference power is typi-
A unit of force in the English system. cally taken as 1 E-12 watts.

pound mass power-limited tray cable

A unit of mass in the English System A factory assembly of two or more insulated
conductor under a nonmetallic jacket.
pound mole
The amount of a substance, in pounds, that is power of attorney
equivalent to the molecular weight of the sub- An instrument in writing whereby one person,
stance. For example, a pound mole of sodium as principal, appoints another as his/her agent
hydroxide is equal to 40 pounds. and confers authority to perform certain speci-
fied acts or kinds of acts on behalf of the prin-
power cipal. An instrument authorizing another to
(1) The statistical probability of rejecting a act as one's agent or attorney. The agent is
hypothesis when it is not true. Equal to 1 - β, "attorney in fact" and his/her power is re-
where β = the probability of making a type II voked on the death of the principal by opera-
tion of the law. Such power may be either
error. (2) The rate at which work is per-
general (full) or special (limited).
formed or energy transferred with respect to
time. power-operated switch
A switch operated by an electrically, hydrauli-
power and control tray cable
cally, or pneumatically driven switch-and-lock
A factory assembly of two or more insulated
conductors, with or without associated bare or
covered grounding conductors under a non- power outlet
metallic sheath, approved for installation in An enclosed assembly which may include
cable trays, in raceways, or where supported receptacles, circuit breakers, fuse holders,
by a messenger wire. fused switches, buses, and watt-hour meter
mounting means. Intended to supply and
power brake
control power to mobile homes, recreational
Open throttle while applying brakes.
vehicles or boats, or to serve as a means for
power density distributing power required to operate mobile
The rate of energy transported into a small or temporarily installed equipment.
sphere divided by the cross-sectional area of
power spectral density
that sphere. It is expressed in units of watts
The mean square value of that portion of the
per meter squared (W/m2), or more commonly
energy within a narrow frequency band of a
as milliwatts per square centimeter (expressed
power spectrum. Also known as autospectral
as mW/cm2). See also power spectral den-
density, spectrum level, and power density.
power takeoff
power function
A device usually mounted on the side of the
Any relationship in which one variable is de-
transmission or transfer case, or off the front
scribed by a constant multiplied by another vari-
of the crankshaft, and used to transmit engine
able raised to some exponent (e.g., A = kBn).
power to auxiliary equipment such as pumps,
power fuse winches, etc.
See fuse.
power train
The group of components used to transmit
engine power to the wheels. The power train

©2000 CRC Press LLC

includes the engine, clutch, transmission uni- ppbv
versal joints, drive shafts, and rear axle gears. Parts per billion by volume.
power units ppcf
The control and pulling vehicle for trailers or Particles per cubic foot.
powered-air purifying respirator (PAPR) See personal protective equipment.
A respiratory protective device that has air un-
der pressure provided to the wearer by a ppm
fan/pump after it has been cleaned by drawing Parts per million (1 ppm = 0.0001% or 1000
it through a filter or chemical cartridge. ppb). Used to express tiny concentrations of
pollutants in air, water, soil, human tissue,
powered axle food, or other products.
An axle equipped with a traction device.
powered industrial truck Part per million-hours.
A material handling device powered by some
means (electricity, liquefied petroleum gas, ppmv
diesel fuel, gasoline, etc.) used primarily to Parts per million by volume.
move, locate, place, and/or retrieve palletized ppt
or otherwise contained materials and stock Parts per trillion.
that are too heavy for manual handling. In-
dustrial trucks may also be used for other spe-
cial purposes, as designated by the responsi- pptv
ble manufacturer. Parts per trillion by volume.
The repetition of some activity in an attempt
to become more proficient in that activity.
practice effect
That improvement in performance observed
over time due to learning prior to that point at
which an individual achieves stable and/or as-
ymptotic performance.
See permit required confined space.
See progressive resistance exercises.
The introductory information published with
any new standard which provides great detail
on the development of the final rule as well as
explains the intent of the regulatory agency
(such as OSHA) in promulgating the rule. It
carries no force of law.
The forklift or fork truck, a common powered industrial truck An electrical device for amplifying very low
amplitude electrical signals prior to input to a
ppb standard amplifier.
Parts per billion (1 ppb = 0.001 ppm). Used
to express tiny concentrations of pollutants in prearranged coordination
air, water, soil, human tissue, food, or other Aviation. A standardized procedure which
products. permits an air traffic controller to enter the
airspace assigned to another air traffic con-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

troller without verbal coordination. The pro- An adjudged case or decision of a court,
cedures are defined in a facility directive considered as furnishing an example or
which ensures standard separation between authority for an identical or similar case
aircraft. afterward arising or a similar question of law.
preassigned probability Courts attempt to decide cases on the basis of
When the likelihood of all possible outcomes principles established in prior cases. Hence,
of a given event is known or can be deter- prior cases which are close in facts or legal
mined, the probability of such outcomes is principles to the case under consideration are
said to be preassigned (rolling dice, tossing a called precedents.
coin, etc.). precipitate
preauricular point A collection or deposit of solid particles that
That location anterior to the opening of the have settled out of solution.
external auditory canal representing the most precipitation
posterior aspect of the zygomatic arch. (1) Meteorology. All forms of water particles,
precarious right liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere
The right which the owner of a thing transfers and reach the earth. (2) Waste Treatment.
to another, to enjoy the same until it shall Removal of solids from liquid waste so that
please the owner to revoke it. the hazardous solid portion can be disposed of
safely; removal of particles from airborne
(1) Any action taken to reduce the probability
of an accident. (2) Measures taken to reduce precipitation-evaporation index
the likelihood for an excessive exposure to a An index that gives the long-range effective-
health hazard. ness of precipitation in promoting plant
growth. Also referred to as the P/E index.
precautionary evacuation
According to the Federal Atomic Energy Act precipitation ratio
of 1954: An evacuation of the public within a An expression devised for the purpose of
specified area near a nuclear facility, or the classifying climates; based on monthly totals
transportation route in the case of an accident of precipitation and evaporation. Also re-
involving transportation of source material, ferred to as P/E ratio.
special nuclear material, byproduct material, precipitators
high-level radioactive waste, spent nuclear Air pollution control devices that collect par-
fuel, or transuranic waste to or from a ticles from an emission.
production or utilization facility if the precision
evacuation is (1) the result of any event that The agreement among repeated measurements
is not classified as a nuclear incident but that of the same parameter under the same condi-
poses imminent danger of bodily injury or tions.
property damage from the radiological pro-
perties of source material, special nuclear precision approach procedure
material, byproduct material, high-level radio- A standard instrument approach procedure in
active waste, spent nuclear fuel, or transuranic which an electronic glide slope is provided,
waste, and causes an evacuation; and (2) such as instrument landing system (ILS) and
initiated by an official of the state or political precision approach radar (PAR).
subdivision of a state, who is authorized by precision approach radar (PAR)
state law to initiate such an evacuation and Radar equipment in some Air Traffic Control
who reasonably determined that such an (ATC) facilities operated by the Federal
evacuation was necessary to protect the public Aviation Administration (FAA) and/or the
health and safety. military services at joint-use civil/military lo-
cations and separate military installations to
detect and display azimuth, elevation, and

©2000 CRC Press LLC

range of aircraft on the final approach course workload via the amount of water perspired
to a runway. This equipment may be used to with consideration for the clothing worn, the
monitor certain non-radar approaches, but is metabolic rate, and the environmental condi-
primarily used to conduct a precision instru- tions.
ment approach wherein the controller issues predictive display
guidance instructions to the pilot based on the A display which shows an operator, through
aircraft's position in relation to the final ap- the use of extrapolation from current data, an
proach course (azimuth), the glide path (ele- estimate of the position of a point or object at
vation), and the distance (range) from the a later time.
touchdown point on the runway as displayed
on the radar scope. See also airport surveil- predictive maintenance
lance radar and ground controlled approach. That type of maintenance performed when
one or more sensors or other indicators pre-
precision grip sent information that a system or piece of
That type of grip utilizing only the more distal equipment is about to fail.
phalanges of the hand, and which is intended
for optimum control rather than strength. predictive validity
Having a high correlation between applicant
precision instrument runway test results and later performance on the job.
A runway with an existing or planned preci-
sion instrument approach procedure. pre-discharge employee alarm
An alarm which will sound at a set time prior
precision runway monitor to actual discharge of an extinguishing system
Provides air traffic controllers with high pre- so that employees may evacuate the discharge
cision secondary surveillance data for aircraft area prior to system discharge.
on final approach to closely spaced parallel
runways. High-resolution color monitoring predisposing factors
displays are required to present surveillance Factors such as age, sex, weight, skin color,
track data to controllers along with detailed health status, etc. which may increase an indi-
maps depicting approaches and no transgres- vidual's susceptibility to a potential hazard.
sion zone. pre-employment physical examination
precursor A physical examination of a job applicant
In photochemical terminology, a compound prior to employment.
such as a volatile organic compound (VOC) pre-employment screening
that “recedes" an oxidant. Precursors react in The use of information from pre-employment
sunlight to form ozone or other photochemical examinations and/or background checks to
oxidants. verify that an individual passes certain criteria
predetermined motion time system (PMTS) prior to employment.
Any of a number of work measurement tech- pre-employment test
niques which use some combination of the Any physical skill/ability or mental function
following practices and synthesize the times test given to job applicants prior to employ-
required to perform a job or task: a) a meth- ment.
odology for determining the basic human mo-
tions (and possibly strengthen a job or task); preemption
b) obtaining the times required for those mo- The legal doctrine providing that a higher
tions; c) determining what performance level level of government can promulgate legisla-
for that job or task ought to be; d) the organi- tion (or implication in legislation) to prevent a
zation and storage of this information in a lower level of government from regulating the
database or other format for prediction of fu- same area or certain subject matter, as for in-
ture similar jobs or tasks. stance, national security, transportation in inter-
state commerce, nuclear energy, taxation, pesti-
predicted four-hour sweat rate (P4SR) cide registration, worker safety, and the like.
A measure of heat stress based on empirically
determined values using physically fit, accli-
matized males for estimating the maximum

©2000 CRC Press LLC

preferential assignment
An agreement whereby one company is given lated with standard instrument departures
first choice in the use of a particular facility in (SID) and standard terminal arrival routes
the port. Also called first call on berth privi- (STAR) and may be defined by airways, jet
lege. routes, direct routes between NAVAIDs,
preferential route Waypoints, NAVAID radials/distance meas-
Preferential routes, preferential departure uring equipment (DME), or any combinations
route (PDR), preferential arrival route (PAR), thereof.
and preferential departure arrival route preferred limb
(PDAR)) are adapted in Air Route Traffic A preference in the use of one limb over the
Control Center (ARTCC) computers to ac- other.
complish inter/intrafacility controller coordi-
preferred line of sight
nation and to assure that flight data are posted
at the proper control positions. Locations That deviation from the horizontal plane at
having a need for these specific inbound and which an individual aligns his/her line of sight
outbound routes normally publish such routes for the task at hand. Typically about 10° to
in local facility bulletins, and their use by pi- 15° below the horizontal plane for VDT tasks.
lots minimizes flight plan route amendments.
When the workload or traffic situation per- preferred route
mits, controllers normally provide radar vec- A highway for shipment of highway route-
tors or assign requested routes to minimize controlled quantities of radioactive materials
circuitous routing. so designated by a state routing agency, and
any Interstate System highway for which an
alternative highway has not been designated
preferential shop by such state agency as provided by 49 CFR
(1) A place of employment in which union 177.826(b).
members are given preference over nonunion preferred speech in terf eren ce lev el (PS IL )
members in matters of employment by The average sound pressure levels of noise (in
agreement with the employer. (2) A labor dB) in three octave bands with 500 Hz, 1kHz,
situation in a business in which preference is and 2 kHz center frequencies.
given to union persons in hiring and layoff,
but nonunion persons may be hired when prehensile
members of the union are not available. Adapted for grasping.
preferred highway prejudicial error
See preferred route. An error substantially affecting an appellant's
legal rights and obligations.
preferred in stru ment fli g ht rule s ro ute
R o u tes est ab li sh ed between busier airports to preliminary assessment
increase system efficiency and capacity. They The process of collecting and receiving avail-
normally extend through one or more Air able information about a known or suspected
Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) areas waste site or release.
and are designed to achieve balanced traffic
preliminary evidence
flows among high density terminals. Instru-
Such evidence as is necessary to commence a
ment flight rules (IFR) clearances are issued
hearing or trial and which may be received
on the basis of these routes except when se-
conditionally in anticipation of other evidence
vere weather avoidance procedures or other
linking it to issues in the case.
factors dictate otherwise. Preferred IFR
routes are listed in the Airport/Facility Direc- preliminary hazard analysis (PHA)
tory. If a flight is planned to or from an area System safety analysis method used to for-
having such routes but the departure or arrival mally evaluate and document the hazard risks
point is not listed in the Directory, pilots may associated with a new or modified system.
use that part of a Preferred IFR route which is
preliminary hazard list (PHL)
appropriate for the departure or arrival point
A first-look method of identifying potential or
that is listed. Preferred IFR routes are corre-
existing hazards associated with system de-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

premium unleaded gasoline
sign. The PHL can be used to assist in the Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2)
development of a preliminary hazard analysis greater than 90 and containing not more than
or other type of analyses. 0.05 grams of lead or 0.005 grams of phos-
phorus per gallon. See also fuel, gasohol,
gasoline, and kerosene.
Having an individual carry out a fatiguing
task prior to engaging in a task which meas- prenatal
ures performance. Referring to the time prior to birth.
premanufacture notification (PMN) preponderance of evidence
A notice must be made to the EPA when a A point of law defined as that quantum of
company intends to manufacture or import a evidence which is sufficient to convince the
new chemical or when a company intends to judge that the facts asserted by a proponent
develop a significant new use for a chemical are more likely to be true than false.
substance. pre-position
premises wiring system Placing an object in a specified location so
That interior and exterior wiring, including that it may be grasped for another operation
power, lighting, control, and signal circuit when needed.
wiring together with all of its associated pre-program
hardware, fittings, and wiring devices, both To place into memory a software or firmware
permanently and temporarily installed, which set of instructions and data into a device prior
extends from the load end of the service drop, to its undertaking the activity that will use that
or load end of the service lateral conductors to instruction set.
the outlet(s). Such wiring does not include
wiring internal to appliances, fixtures, motors,
controllers, motor control centers, and similar preprogrammed movement
equipment. See ballistic movement.
premium bonus pre-prototype
An incentive plan in which the worker's A model constructed from commercially
award is based on the amount of time saved available materials or components to demon-
from the allotted time for a task. strate form, fit, and/or general function.
premium gasoline Pre-Quaternary
Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2) See Quaternary.
greater than 90. Includes both leaded pre-
prerequisites of biomechanical work tolerance
mium gasoline as well as unleaded premium
A set of recommendations covering postural,
gasoline. See also gasoline.
engineering, and movement considerations for
premium grade gasoline improving performance, reducing stress, and
A grade of unleaded gasoline with a high oc- possibly preventing occupational injuries.
tane rating (approximately 92) designed to
minimize pre-ignition or engine "knocking"
by slowing combustion rates. See also gaso- Hearing loss due to normal aging, as opposed
line. to hearing loss due to environmental or occu-
pational exposure to noise.
premium leaded gasoline
Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2)
greater than 90 and containing more than 0.05 A refractive disability of the eye caused by
the loss of lens elasticity with age, resulting in
grams of lead or 0.005 grams of phosphorus
a focal point posterior to the retina and the
per gallon. See also gasoline.
subsequent inability to see near objects clearly
premium time or read small print.
See overtime.
prescriptive zone
That environmental temperature above which
the body cannot maintain thermal equilibrium

©2000 CRC Press LLC

for the working conditions and in which pre- measured in inches of water. See also pres-
cautions for heat stress should be imple- sure drop.
mented. pressure sewers
presentation human factors A system of pipes in which water, wastewa-
That field dealing with the study or use of oral ter, or other liquid is transported to a higher
or written presentations and those variables elevation by use of pumping force.
involved in the communication of informa- pressure system
tion. Any system above 0 psig that is classified as
pressure follows: low pressure, 0 to 500 psi; medium
(1) Force applied or distributed over an area pressure, 501 to 3000 psi; high pressure, 3001
and measured as force per unit area. (2) The to 10,000 psi; ultrahigh pressure, above
normal force exerted by a fluid or gas per unit 10,000 psi. NOTE: The degree of hazard of a
area on the walls of its containment. It is ex- pressure system is proportional to the amount
pressed as the force per unit area, such as of energy stored, not the amount of pressure it
pounds per square inch. contains; therefore, low pressure, high volume
pressure component systems can be as hazardous to personnel as
A component such as lines, fittings, valves, high pressure systems.
regulators, and transducers in a pressurized pressure tendency
system. Normally, pressure vessels or pres- The rate of change of atmospheric pressure
surized structures are excluded, because of the within a specified period of time, most often
potential energy contained, they generally re- three hours. Same as barometric tendency.
quire additional analysis, test, and inspection. pressure vessel
A container that stores pressurized fluids and
pressure-demand respirator a) contains stored energy of 14.240 foot
A type of respirator that provides a positive pounds (19,130 joules) or greater based on
pressure during both inhalation and exhalation adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas; or b)
and delivers an air flow of about 115 L/min (4 contains gas or liquid which will create a mis-
cfm) before a negative pressure is measurable hap (accident) if released; or c) will experi-
at the face mask. ence a MEOP greater than 100 psia. Ex-
cluded are special equipment including bat-
pressure drop teries, cryostats (or dewars), heat pipes, and
The loss of static pressure across a point; for sealed containers; or d) per ASME definition,
example, in a ventilation system the pressure summarized briefly as those pressure contain-
drop across an elbow is 0.40 inch w.g. (water ers that are integral pumps or compressors,
gauge). hot water heaters and boilers, vessels pres-
pressure gradient surized in excess of 15 psi (regardless of size),
The rate of decrease of pressure per unit of and vessels with a cross-sectional dimension
distance. On the same chart, when the isobars greater than 6 inches (regardless of length of
are close together, the pressure gradient is the vessel or the pressure). See also MEOP.
steep. When the isobars are far apart, the pressurized structure
pressure gradient is weak. A structure designed to carry both internal
pressure gradient force pressure and vehicle structural loads. The
The force due to differences in pressure main propellant tank of a launch vehicle is a
within the atmosphere that causes air to move typical example.
and, hence, the wind to blow. It is directly pressurized system
proportional to the pressure gradient. A system that consists of pressure vessels or
pressure loss pressurized structures, or both, and other pres-
The energy loss associated with the move- sure components such as lines, fittings,
ment of air through a ventilation system as a valves, and bellows that are exposed to (and
result of friction and turbulence. It typically structurally designed largely by) the acting
pressure. Electrical or other control devices

©2000 CRC Press LLC

required for system operation are not included pre-trial discovery
in the definition. A pressurized system is of- Those devices which may be used by the par-
ten referred to as a pressure system, which is ties to an action prior to trial to discover evi-
not a completely accurate reference. See also dence and otherwise prepare for trial. These
pressure system. include interrogatories, depositions, requests
presumption for admission of fact, etc., and are provided
An assumption made by law which estab- for under rules of procedure as well as certain
lishes a fact without the need to prove it. statutes.

presumption of innocence prevailing wind

A hallowed principle of criminal law to the The wind direction most frequently observed
effect that the government has the burden of during a given period.
proving every element of a crime beyond a prevalence rate
reasonable doubt and that the defendant has The ratio of the number of cases of some con-
no burden to prove his/her innocence. It dition at one point in time to the total popula-
arises at the first stage of the criminal process tion at risk at that time. The prevalence rate is
but it is not a true presumption because the often expressed as a percentage.
defendant is not required to come forward prevention
with proof of his/her innocence once evidence Measures taken to minimize the release of
of guilt is introduced to avoid a directed ver- wastes to the environment.
dict of guilty. Presumption of innocence suc-
cinctly conveys the principle that no person prevention of significant deterioration (PSD)
may be convicted of a crime unless the gov- program
ernment carries the burden of proving his/her (1) Under the Clean Air Act, before one can
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but it does construct a "major" new source in an area ad-
not mean that no significance at all may be dressed by a NAAQS, one must obtain a per-
attached to the indictment. mit under the PSD program, showing that the
source will comply with ambient air quality
p r e s u m p ti v e a s b e s t o s - c o n t a i n i n g m a te r i a l levels and will employ best available control
( PA C M ) technology (BACT). (2) The EPA program in
Material that is assumed to be asbestos- which state and/or federal permits are required
containing without testing it to determine the that are intended to restrict emissions for new
presence of asbestos at 1% by weight. or modified sources in locations where air
presumptive damages quality is already better than required to meet
A term occasionally used as the equivalent of primary and secondary ambient air quality
exemplary or punitive damages. standards. See also ambient air quality stan-
dards and best available control technology.
Processes used to reduce, eliminate, or alter the preventive maintenance (PM)
nature of wastewater pollutants from nondo- (1) The systematic servicing and inspection of
mestic sources before they are discharged into motor vehicles on a predetermined time,
a publicly owned treatment works (POTW). mileage or engine-hour basis. The period
varies with the type of equipment and the
pretreatment processes
purpose for which it is assigned. (2) Sched-
Used to reduce, eliminate, or alter the nature
uled overhaul or repair. See also mainte-
of wastewater pollutants from nondomestic
nance and maintenance control center.
sources before they are discharged into pub-
licly owned treatment works. preview control
Having the use of predictive displays for a
pre-trial conference teleoperator.
A procedural device used prior to trial to nar-
row issues to be tried, to secure stipulations as prickly heat
to matters of evidence to be heard, and to take A condition due to obstruction of the ducts of
all other steps necessary to aid in the disposi- the sweat glands, probably as the result of ir-
tion of the case. ritation of the skin surface. Characterized by

©2000 CRC Press LLC

skin reddening, itching, and swelling. Also primary event
called heat rash. See also miliaria. See top event.
prima facia primary evidence
Term of law used to describe a case that has Original or first-hand evidence.
been established without the need for further
primary flight display (PFD)
development or investigation. The "first proof"
A display from any of the primary flight in-
which the plaintiff or other party in an adjudi-
catory proceeding must adduce to establish the
elements of the claim or cause of action, with- primary flight instrument
out which a case can be dismissed or lost. It is Any of the following types of instruments in
sometimes said that there is a "burden of going an aircraft cockpit: attitude indicator, air-
forward" or a "burden to produce" what is speed indicator, vertical speed indicator, al-
called a prima facie case. timeter, turn and bank indicator, and heading
prima facie evidence
Evidence good and sufficient on its face. primary irritant
A substance that produces a recognized irri-
prima facie tort tating effect at the location of skin contact.
The infliction of intentional harm, resulting in Primary irritants affect everyone but all pri-
damage, without excuse or jurisdiction, by an mary irritants do not produce the same degree
act or series of acts which would otherwise be of irritation.
primary motor vehicle controls
primacord Those controls involved in moving, directing,
A detonating fuse used in destruction or sepa- and stopping a motor vehicle, including the
ration functions associated with launch vehi- throttle, steering mechanism, and brake pedal.
cle operations.
primary pollutant
primary calibration A pollutant emitted directly from a polluting
With instruments, a calibration procedure in source. Primary pollutants can be those
which the instrument output is observed and emitted to the air, water, soil, or other me-
recorded while the input stimulus (sample) is dium. Primary pollutants are closely regu-
applied under precise conditions, usually from lated under various environmental regulatory
a primary standard traceable to the National schemes.
Institute of Standards and Technology.
primary calibration method
With regard to flow rates, primary calibration
methods for determining sample pump flow
rate are generally direct measurements of vol-
ume on the basis of the physical dimensions
of an enclosed space. The use of a spirome-
ter, Mariotti bottle, or a soap bubble meter are
primary calibration methods for pumps.
primary color
Any of the colors red, green, or blue.
primary drinking water regulation
Applies to public water systems and specifies
a contaminant level, which, in the judgment
of the EPA Administrator, will have no ad-
verse effect on human health.
primary electron
The electron ejected from an atom by an ini-
tial ionizing event, as caused by a photon or
beta particle.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sions of an enclosed space, such as by use of a
spirometer, Mariotti bottle, or soap bubble
meter. Such devices have no working parts
and are not subject to corrosion or friction to
any extent.
primary task
That task to which an individual should pay
the greatest attention and which is of the most
importance or highest criticality.
primary transportation
Conveyance of large shipments of petroleum
raw materials and refined products usually by
pipeline, barge, or ocean-going vessel. All
crude oil transportation is primary, including
the small amounts moved by truck. All re-
fined product transportation by pipeline,
barge, or ocean-going vessel is primary trans-
primary treatment
A first stage in water treatment in which
floating or settleable solids are removed.
primary use
Aviation. The use category in which an air-
Primary pollutants are closely regulated sources of emissions craft flew the most hours. The ten use catego-
ries are aerial application, aerial observation,
primary positioning movement
commuter air carrier, demand air taxi, busi-
The first movement an operator makes in po-
ness transportation, executive/corporate trans-
sitioning a control device.
portation, instructional flying, personal flying,
primary radiation other work, and other.
That which arises directly from the target of primary viewing area
an x-ray tube or from a radioactive source. That portion of a display, screen, or window
primary railway on which are presented the data and/or text
Tracks providing a direct route through an generated by the operator or by a computer in
area. response to a query or computation.
primary skin irritant primary waste treatment
A material that acts directly on the skin, dis- First steps in wastewater treatment; screens
turbing membrane structure and affecting the and sedimentation tanks are used to remove
osmotic pressure of skin cells. most material that floats or will settle. Pri-
mary treatment results in the removal of about
primary standard
30 percent of carbonaceous biochemical oxy-
(1) General. An original standard, typically gen demand from domestic sewage.
found only in national or international labo-
ratories, and from which other standards are
derived. (2) Air Pollution. The EPA's stan-
dards which are designed to protect human
health with an adequate margin of safety. A
An individual belonging to the order Pri-
national (U.S.) primary ambient air quality
mates, which includes man, apes, monkeys,
standard promulgated under the Clean Air and lemurs.
Act. It is a level or air quality that will protect
public health. (3) Flow Rate. A device which
enables the direct measurement of the volume
of air flow on the basis of the physical dimen-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

prime mover
Any muscle which produces or maintains a priority U.S. mail
specific motion or posture. Also referred to as Mail bearing postage for air transportation
agonist. that goes by air on a priority basis at air mail
primitive solid service rates.
In computer modeling, a basic three-dimen- pristine sites
sional form which may be used to build more Property free of damage or decay.
complex forms. privacy laws
principal arterial Those federal and state statutes which prohibit
Major streets or highways, many with multi- an invasion of a person's right to be left alone,
lane or freeway design, serving high-volume and also restrict access to personal informa-
traffic corridor movements that connect major tion, and overhearing of private communica-
generators of travel. See also arterial high- tions.
way and minor arterial. private carrier
principal impact point (1) Those who transport only in particular
The impact that is judged to have produced instances and only with whom they choose to
the greatest personal injury or property dam- contract. (2) A commercial motor carrier
age for a particular vehicle. whose highway transportation activities are
principal place of business incidental to, and in furtherance of, its pri-
A single location designated by the motor car- mary business activity. See also carrier and
rier, normally its headquarters, where records common carrier.
required by 49 CFR 387, 390, 391, 395, and private entity
396 will be maintained. Provisions are made Any entity other than a public entity. See also
for maintaining certain records at locations public entity.
other than the principal place of business.
private fleet vehicle
principle or major uses Ideally, a vehicle could be classified as a
Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage- member of a fleet if it is a) operated in mass
ment Act of 1976: Includes, and is limited to, by a corporation or institution, b) operated
domestic livestock grazing, fish and wildlife under unified control, or c) used for non-
development and utilization, mineral explora- personal activities. However, the definition of
tion and production, rights-of-way, outdoor a fleet is not consistent throughout the fleet
recreation, and timber production. industry. Some companies make a distinction
principle of equivalence between cars that were bought in bulk rather
A rule which states that forces imposed by than singularly, or whether they are operated
acceleration on a body, whether due to motion in bulk, as well as the minimum number of
or gravity, are equivalent. vehicles that constitute a fleet (i.e., 4 or 10).
principles of agency private label merchandiser (PLM)
Term of law that holds that a principal (the Any person engaged in the business of selling
employer) is responsible for the acts of any of or distributing, under his/her own trade name,
its agents (employees) that are within the boats or items of associated equipment manu-
scope of the agency relationship (employ- factured by another.
ment). private motor carrier (of passengers)
principles of motion economy A person who is engaged in an enterprise and
See motion efficiency principles. provides transportation of passengers by mo-
principles for motion improvement tor vehicle, that is within the scope of, and in
See motion efficiency principals. the furtherance of that enterprise.

To put text, graphics, or other form of com- private motor carrier (of property)
puter output into a form for display, especially A person who provides transportation of
for hardcopy. property by motor vehicle, and is not a for-
hire motor carrier.

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private nuisance provisions in the constitutions of states. It re-
A private nuisance is generally anything that, quires the government to prove a criminal
by its continuous use or existence, causes an- case against the defendant without the aid of
noyance, harm, unreasonable interference, in- the defendant as a witness against himself or
convenience, or damage to another landowner herself, though it protects only communica-
in the enjoyment of his/her property. tions, not physical evidence such as hand-
private pilot writing and fingerprints.
A private pilot may not act as a pilot-in- privileged communications
command of aircraft that is carrying passen- Those statements made by certain persons
gers for compensation or hire nor act as pilot- within a protected relationship such as hus-
in-command in an aircraft that is being oper- band-wife, attorney-client, priest-penitent, and
ated for compensation or hire (e.g., one that the like which the law protects from forced
has been hired to do pipeline patrol but carries disclosure on the witness stand at the option
no passengers). of the witness, client, penitent, spouse.
private road pro forma invoice
Private road with restricted public use. An abbreviated invoice, sent in advance of the
private track or siding regular invoice for the customs clearance of
A track located outside of a carrier's right-of- the goods, the purpose being to acquaint the
way, yard, or terminals where the carrier does importer and/or government authorities of the
not own the rails, ties, roadbed, or right-of- importing country with the main details of a
way and includes track or portion of track shipment to be made and showing reasonably
which is devoted to the purpose of its user close approximations of the actual weights,
either by lease or written agreement, in which quantities, and values.
case the lease or written agreement is consid- proactive inhibition
ered equivalent to ownership. That reduced efficiency in retention of a set of
private transportation information caused by previous learning.
(1) Any transport service that is restricted to probabilistic process
certain people and is, therefore, not open to A mathematically described phenomenon for
the public at large. (2) Owned or operated by which the instantaneous amplitude values can
an individual or group, not a governmental not be specified uniquely at any given instant
entity, for his/her or its own purposes or bene- of time.
private-use airport (1) An event that can reasonably be expected
An airport which is not open for the use of the to occur on the basis of available evidence.
general public.
(2) The value of the ratio of the number of
privately owned airport ways one or more specified events can occur
An airport which is owned by a private indi- to the total number of events which may oc-
vidual or corporation. cur. Expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
privately owned vehicle (POV) (3) The likelihood of observing a particular
Employee's own vehicle used on official busi- result or event, especially within a specified
ness for which the employee is reimbursed by time or a given set of circumstances.
the government on the basis of mileage. probability density
privilege The ordinal value for a point corresponding to
A particular and peculiar benefit or advantage a certain deviation measure on a probability
enjoyed by a person, company, or class, be- distribution function.
yond the common advantages of other citi- probability distribution function (PDF)
zens. A non-monotonic graphical, mathematical, or
privilege against self-incrimination tabular representation of a function whose
The privilege derived from the Fifth Amend- peak is the mode and whose ordinal values
ment of the U.S. Constitution, and similar represent the probability density function.

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Represents the bell-shaped curve for the nor- procedural mandate
mal and "t" distributions, varying curve Provides guidance to federal agencies on how
shapes for other distributions. certain decisions are to be made. Procedural
mandates are basically rules governing the
probability forecast
operation of an agency's decision-making
A forecast of the probability of occurrences of
process. The most prevalent of the procedural
one or more of a mutually exclusive set of
mandates is the Administrative Procedures
weather conditions.
Act (APA) of 1946 (5 U.S.C. Section 551).
probability theory
In failure analysis, the examination of the Any instruction set or sequence of actions
likelihood of a specific failure or fault event, used to accomplish a given task.
given a single opportunity for occurrence of
that event. procedure turn
The maneuver prescribed when it is necessary
probable to reverse direction to establish an aircraft on
In terms of probability of hazard or mishap the intermediate approach segment or final
occurrence, a hazard or event likely to occur approach course. The outbound course, di-
several times during the life of an item. rection of turn, distance within which the turn
probable cause must be completed, and minimum altitude are
Reasonable cause. Having more evidence for specified in the procedure. However, unless
than against. A reasonable ground for belief otherwise restricted, the point at which the
in certain alleged facts. turn may be commenced and the type and rate
of turn are left to the discretion of the pilot.
problem analysis
The identification and study of the cause(s) of proceeding
a problem. In a general sense, the form and manner of
conducting juridical business before a court or
problem sensitivity judicial officer. Regular and orderly progress
The ability to notice when something is faulty in the form of law, including all possible steps
or likely to become so. in an action from its commencement to the
procarcinogen execution of judgment.
A substance that is converted into a carcino- process
gen as a result of its activation through the (1) General. Any predetermined or planned
metabolic process. series of continuous or repetitive steps or op-
procedural analysis erations, usually involving the movement of
The use of flow charts, decision tables, etc. to people, materials, forms, or other entities
develop and/or represent the sequence in from one location to another, with the intent
which a task is to be performed. to bring about some desired product or result.
(2) TSCA. The preparation of a chemical sub-
procedural defense stance or mixture, after its manufacture, for
Focuses on the validity of OSHA’s enforce- distribution in commerce. (3) OSHA. Any
ment procedures and the procedures used by activity or combination of activities including
the OSHRC in contested cases. use, storage, manufacturing, handling, the on-
procedural due process site movement of highly hazardous chemicals
The guarantee of procedural fairness which (HHC), or any group of vessels which is in-
flows from both the Fifth and Fourteenth terconnected and separate vessels which are
Amendments' due process clauses of the Con- located such that a HHC could be involved in
stitution. For the guarantees of procedural a potential release (with some exceptions).
due process to apply, it must first be shown (4) Anatomy. A prominent projection from a
that a deprivation of a significant life, liberty, bone.
or property interest has occurred. This is nec-
essary to bring the due process clause into

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process chart process safety information (PSI)
A graphic/symbolic, diagrammatic, and tex- Written information on the highly hazardous
tual description of the events occurring in chemicals, technology, and equipment associ-
some activity. ated with a process.
process chart symbol process sheet
One of a standard set of five graphical objects A sequential listing, sketch, or diagram of a
for representing actions or events to be used process.
on a variety of process charts: operation,
process time
transportation, inspection, delay, and storage.
The time expected, allowed, or required to
process control complete a process.
The manual or automatic direction of proc-
essing or operating conditions to effect a de- process weight
sired output by maintaining certain standard Total weight of all materials, including fuel
or specified operating tolerance conditions. used in a manufacturing process. It is used to
calculate the allowable particulate emission
process control chart rate from the process.
A chronologically organized graphical or sym-
bolic tabular presentation of a process, in- processing site
cluding pertinent data from each sub-process. Under the Federal Uranium Mill Tailings
Radiation Control Act of 1978: Any site,
process control engineering including the mill, containing residual radioactive
That engineering field involving developing materials at which all or substantially all of the
and implementing the techniques used in uranium was produced for sale to any federal
process control. agency prior to January 1, 1971 under a
process costing contract with any federal agency, except in
A cost determination in which manufacturing the case of a site at or near Slick Rock,
costs are spread over the units produced by Colorado, unless such site was owned or
department. controlled as of January 1, 1978, or is
process engineering thereafter owned or controlled by any federal
The selection and designation of the proc- agency or a licensee for the production at such
esses, operational sequences, and tools to be site of any uranium or thorium product
used in making a product. derived from ores is in effect on January 1,
1978, or is issued or renewed after such date.
process fuel Also any other real property or improvement
All energy consumed in the acquisition, proc- thereon which is in the vicinity of such site
essing, and transportation of energy. Quanti- and is determined by the Secretary of Energy
fiable process fuel includes three categories: to be contaminated with residual radioactive
natural gas lease and plant operations, natural materials derived from such site.
gas pipeline operations, and oil refinery op-
erations. processor
The primary chip that operates a computer.
process hazard analysis (PHA)
A thorough, orderly, and systematic approach product
to identify, evaluate and control highly haz- Any single entity resulting from an integrated
ardous chemical processes. It involves a re- effort consisting of one or more steps. May
view of what could go wrong, and what steps be a physical item or a service.
may be taken to safeguard against highly haz- product layout
ardous chemical releases. A type of plant layout in which all machinery
process layout and tools involved in the manufacturing of a
A type of plant layout in which machinery particular product or product line are located
performing similar functions is placed in the together.
same area. product liability
The liability of a manufacturer, processor, or
nonmanufacturing seller arising from personal

©2000 CRC Press LLC

injury or property damage caused by a production time
defective or dangerous product. The total time required for facility prepara-
tion, manufacturing, and testing of a product.
product liability insurance
Type of liability coverage which protects productive labor
manufacturers and suppliers from claims for See direct labor.
accidents arising out of the use of their prod- productive time
ucts. See also insurance. That time during which useful work is per-
product line formed.
A class of products manufactured or sold by a productivity
single company. (1) The value of the ratio of actual output to
production capacity standard output. Also referred to as operator
The maximum potential output of a facility productivity. (2) Any measure of the rate of
for a given set of conditions, including time, output relative to the personnel and financial
personnel, and cost. cost supporting that output. (3) A measure of
efficiency of resource utilization; defined as
production economics the sum of the outputs divided by the sum of
The analysis or practice of attempting to op- the inputs.
timize input and output costs to make a profit.
productivity improvement
production facility Having an individual or group produce more
Piping or equipment used in the production, goods or services within a given time, com-
extraction, recovery, lifting, stabilization, pared to some previous measure.
separation or treatment of petroleum or car-
bon dioxide, or associated storage or meas- productivity index
urement. To be a production facility under The value of the ratio of objective production
this definition, piping or equipment must be output to employee hours and other resources
used in the process of extracting petroleum or used.
carbon dioxide from the ground or from fa- professional eczema
cilities where CO2 is produced, and preparing See industrial dermatitis.
it for transportation by pipeline. This includes
piping between treatment plants which extract professional engineer (PE)
carbon dioxide, and facilities utilized for the An individual who has satisfactorily demon-
injection of carbon dioxide for recovery op- strated, through examination and experience,
erations. that he/she has met all the requirements estab-
lished by a specific state or states to practice as a
production flow analysis professional engineer and is so designated.
The study of the routing of a part, component,
or system through the various machines and proficiency
workplaces and the operations it undergoes in The level of an individual's acquired knowl-
a manufacturing or integration facility. edge or skill in a particular field or task.
production item Proficiency Analytical Testing Program
A finished product intended for full and com- A program administered by the American
plete use, with the production line operational. Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) for
evaluating the performance of industrial hy-
production standard giene analytical laboratories and accrediting
Any performance or quality standard estab- them if they meet specific requirements. See
lished for a manufacturing or service facility, also PAT Program.
such as standard time or number rejects.
proficiency testing
production study
An interlaboratory testing program in which
An extensive, continuous analysis of the
samples are sent to participating laboratories
components of production-related activities.
for analysis. The laboratory results are com-
Normally, to check a standard or determine
pared for the purpose of improving laboratory
the variables and their effects on output.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

profile analysis program manager
The study of groupings of persons or objects. In military and/or other government agencies,
profile descent as well as their contracting organizations, the
Aviation. An uninterrupted descent (except term used to identify that person responsible
where level flight is required for speed ad- for total contract management and admini-
justment (e.g., 260 knots at 10,000 feet mean stration, including the system safety effort.
sea level) from cruising altitude/level to inter- Likened to the vice president or general man-
ception of a glide slope or to a minimum alti- ager in the private sector.
tude specified for the initial or intermediate programmable function key
approach segment of a nonprecision instru- A function key whose action may be altered
ment approach. The profile descent normally within an application or between applications.
terminates at the approach gate or where the
Programmable Indicator Data Processor (PIDP)
glide slope or other appropriate minimum al-
Aviation. A modification to the AN/TPX-42
titude is intercepted.
interrogator system currently installed in fixed
profit sharing Radar Approach Controls (RAPCON). The
An incentive plan through which a company PIDP detects, tracks, and predicts secondary
pays its employees based on company profits radar aircraft targets. These are displayed by
in addition to the employee's regular pay. means of computer-generated symbols and
progesterone alphanumeric characters depicting flight
A steroid with progestational activity, isolated identification, aircraft altitude, ground speed,
from human ovaries, adrenal cortex, and pla- and flight plan data. Although primary radar
centa. Progesterone plays a major part in the targets are not tracked, they are displayed co-
menstrual cycle. incident with the secondary radar targets as
well as with the other symbols and alphanu-
merics. The system has the capability of in-
A forecast or outlook with regard to the prob-
terfacing with Air Route Traffic Control
able outcome of an illness or injury, such as
Centers (ARTCC).
complete recovery, partial recovery, or death.
prognostic chart programmed inspections
A chart showing expected or forecast condi- Those OSHA inspections conducted as part of
tions, such as pressure patterns, frontal posi- OSHA's regularly scheduled inspection proc-
tions, contour height patterns, and so on. ess.

program progress chart

An organized effort involving several groups An graphical representation of the status of
or people toward accomplishing some goal. the work underway. See also Gantt chart.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique progression

(PERT) Hypothesized stage in cancer development in
which cells become malignant.
A sophisticated management technique for
defining and interrelating the various tasks progressive resistance exercises (PRE)
which must be performed to complete a job A system for increasing the amount of loads
on time, then tracking the work as the job lifted, both within a session and across ses-
progresses. sions. Also referred to as DeLorme exercises.
Program for European Traffic with Highest Ef- progressive taxi
ficiency and Unprecedented Safety (PROME- Aviation. Precise taxi instructions given to a
THEUS) pilot unfamiliar with the airport or issued in
A project involving the European Community stages as the aircraft proceeds along the taxi
with automotive and electronic manufacturing route.
companies to develop future highway vehicle prohibited area
systems. Designated airspace within which the flight of
aircraft is prohibited.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

prohibited condition proliferation
Any condition in a permit space that is not (1) To reproduce or produce new growth or
allowed by the permit during the period when parts rapidly and repeatedly. (2) The repro-
entry is authorized. duction or multiplication of similar forms, es-
project pecially of cells and morbid cysts.
Rail Operations. A locally sponsored, coor- PROMETHEUS
dinated, and administered program, or any See Program for European Traffic with High-
part thereof, to plan, finance, construct, est Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety.
maintain, or improve an intermodal passenger prominence
terminal, which may incorporate civic or cul- See solar flare.
tural activities where feasible in an architec-
turally or historically distinctive railroad pas- promotion
senger terminal. Process in the development of cancer in
which initiated cells multiply.
project cargo
Large shipments of varied cargo destined for promotion and sales expenses
one location and one specific project. Costs incurred in promoting the use of air
transportation generally and creating a public
project depth preference for the services of particular air
The minimum depth of the river channel in a carriers. Includes the functions of selling, ad-
given area prescribed in the channel mainte- vertising and publicity, space reservations,
nance and construction program; normally 9 and developing tariffs and flight schedules for
feet throughout the western rivers. Buoys are publication.
set in reference to project depth.
project evaluation tree (PET) A visually displayed message or other cue
A system safety analytical technique which which either requests some action of an op-
was developed from the more extensive man- erator or user or indicates that the system is
agement oversight and risk tree (MORT) ready for input.
method of analysis. A simplified and efficient
method to evaluate a project or operation. promulgate
Especially useful in the analysis of accidents Putting a new law or ruling into effect by
and hazards. making its terms known to the public.
projected anthropometric measurement pronasale
(1) An estimate of the future value of an an- The most anterior point on the nose (the tip of
thropometric measure from a current measure, the nose).
either of the same individual or the population pronasale to back of head
as a whole. (2) An estimate of an unknown The horizontal linear distance from inion to
anthropometric measure on an individual the tip of the nose. Measured with the indi-
from two or more other known anthropomet- vidual standing or sitting erect, and looking
ric measures, whether from the same or other straight ahead.
pronasale to top of head
projection The vertical distance from the tip of the nose
(1) A throwing forward, especially the refer- to the level of the top of the head. Measured
ence of impressions made on the sense organs with the individual standing or sitting erect
to their proper source. The act of extending and looking straight ahead.
or jutting out, or a part that juts out. (3) A
mental mechanism whereby emotionally un- pronasale to wall
acceptable traits are denied by a person as The horizontal linear distance from a wall or
his/her own and attributed (projected) to an- other vertical surface to the tip of the nose.
other. This type of projection is commonly Measured with the individual standing or sit-
referred to as blaming. ting erect, his/her back against the wall and
looking straight ahead.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

pronate when rotated, produces by its action on the
Rotate the hand, wrist, and forearm counter- air, a thrust approximately perpendicular to its
clockwise as viewed along the arm axis from plane of rotation. It includes control compo-
the shoulder. nents normally supplied by its manufacturer,
pronator but does not include main and auxiliary rotors
Any muscle which causes a pronating motion. or rotating airfoils of engines. (2) The device
used for propelling watercraft.
(1) Pertaining to a posture having the frontal propeller fan
portion of the body downward, with the torso A fan with airfoil blades and which moves air
parallel to the reference surface, and generally in the general direction of the axis of the fan.
with the hips and knees extended. (2) Having propensity to engage in illegal activities
a tendency to behave in a certain way. Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
proof (FSGs): A tendency or inclination by an em-
(1) To read a final copy of a written document ployee or agent to violate the law or corporate
to verify the absence of errors in spelling, policy. Such employees may have prior
grammar, syntax, etc. (2) The effect of evi- criminal conviction records or other past vio-
dence. The establishment of a fact by evi- lations of corporate policy. Using due care
dence. Any fact or circumstance which leads not to delegate substantial discretionary
the mind to the affirmative or negative of any authority to an individual with such tenden-
proposition. cies is one of the seven due diligence steps in
having an Effective Compliance Program.
proof factor See also Federal Sentencing Guidelines and
A multiplying factor applied to the limit load effective compliance program.
or MEOP to obtain proof load or proof pres-
sure for use in the acceptance testing. proper evidence
Such evidence as may be presented under the
proof pressure rules established by the law and recognized by
(1) The product of MEOP and a proof factor the courts (i.e., admissible evidence, material,
accounting for the difference in material relevant evidence, etc.).
properties between test and service environ-
ment (such as temperature). It is used to give properties
evidence of satisfactory workmanship and Characteristics such as the physical and
material quality. For example, demonstrating chemical properties by which a substance can
that the component and/or system will not de- be identified.
form, leak, or fail. (2) May be used to estab- property damage
lish maximum initial flaw sizes for safe-life (1) A type of harm involving injury to real
demonstration. estate or personal property, as distinguished
propellant from personal injury, which is harm to natural
(1) The pressurized gas in a spray can. (2) persons. (2) Damage to or loss of use of tan-
The chemically formulated material(s) used to gible property. (3) The actual or estimated
propel rockets, missiles, and most space flight dollar value of vehicle, cargo, and other prop-
vehicles. Can be a solid, a liquid, and in some erty damage incurred in motor vehicle acci-
cases, a gas. dents.

propellant-actuated power devices property damage accident

Any tool or special mechanized device or gas Federal Highway Administration. An acci-
generator system which is actuated by a dent for which property damage of $4,400 or
smokeless propellant or which releases and more, but no fatalities or injuries, was re-
directs work through a smokeless propellant ported.
charge. property-damage-only crash
propeller Transportation. A police-reported crash in-
(1) A device for propelling an aircraft that has volving a motor vehicle in transport on a traf-
blades on an engine-driven shaft and that,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ficway in which no injuries of any severity, proprioceptor
including fatal injuries, are reported. Any mechanoreceptor sensitive to position
property damage rate and movement of the body or its parts, in-
The average amount of property damage per cluding joints, muscles, and tendons.
accident or per one hundred accidents. prosecuting attorney
property damage threshold The name of the public officer who is ap-
The amount of property damage used to de- pointed or elected in each judicial district, cir-
termine whether an accident not involving cuit, or county, to conduct criminal prosecu-
fatalities or injuries is reportable under the tions on behalf of the State or the people.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations prospecting
(FMCSR). In 1994, the property damage Any activity, including logistic support, the
threshold was $4,400. purpose of which is the identification of
property loss prevented mineral resource potential for possible
U.S. Coast Guard. Calculated estimate of the exploration and development.
amount of property loss that would have oc- prospective cohort study
curred had the Coast Guard not rendered as- Identifies a group, or "cohort," that is known
sistance. It is based upon value of property to have been exposed to a condition/substance
assisted in cases where severity of the incident in the past or at present, and the outcome of
was evaluated as severe or moderate in nature. interest (morbidity, mortality) is followed into
prophylactic the future. The results are compared to the
A preventive treatment for the protection expected result as determined from a cohort
against a disease. of unexposed individuals.

prophylaxis prospective damages

Preventive measure against disease such as Damages which are expected to follow from
the immunization against hepatitis B virus. the act or state of facts made as the basis of a
plaintiff's suit; damages which have not yet
proportional allocation method accrued, at the time of the trial, but which in
Involves allocating liability according to the the nature of things, must necessarily or most
percentage of total wastes found at the site probably result from the acts or facts under
that is clearly attributable to each potentially complaint.
responsible person (PRP).
proportional control An accessory reproductive organ in the male,
Any graded activity between all and none located next to and under the bladder and
which exercises a controlling function. completely surrounding the urethra. It is
proportional counter about the size of a walnut and consists of a
An instrument in which a gas-filled radiation median and two lateral lobes. The prostate
detection tube or chamber receives pulses that secretes a thin, slightly alkaline fluid that
are proportional to the number of ions formed flows through ducts into the urethra. This
in the gas by the primary ionizing particles. fluid is secreted continuously, and the excess
passes from the body in the urine. The rate of
proprietary medicine secretion increases greatly during sexual
Any chemical, drug, or similar preparation stimulation and the fluid contributes to the
used in the treatment of diseases, if such arti- bulk of the semen.
cle is protected against free competition as to
name, product, composition, or process of prosthesis
manufacture by secrecy, patent, trademark or An artificial replacement for an organ or limb
copyright, or by other means. whose appearance may or may not resemble
the original structure, and which may have
proprioception some of the functionality attributed to the
The sense of posture or the physical posi- original structure.
tion/movement of the limbs in relation to
one's environment.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

prosthetics protocol
The study of the design, manufacture, and use Computing. Rules and standards for transfer-
of prostheses. ring information between computers.
protanomaly proton
A color vision deficiency in the ability to dis- An elementary nuclear particle with a positive
criminate the red content of colors due to electric charge equal numerically to the
weak red cones. charge of the electron and having a rest mass
protanope of 1.007575 atomic mass units.
One having protanopia or protanomaly. protoplasm
protanopia A complex, colloidal substance conceived of
A color blindness involving an inability to as constituting the living matter of plant and
discriminate the red content of colors due to animal cells, and performing the basic life
the absence of red cones. There is often some functions.
effect on green discrimination as well. Also protoplast
referred to as red-blindness. A membrane bound cell from which the outer
protection factor (PF) cell wall has been partially or completely re-
As pertains to respiratory protection, the ratio moved. The term often is applied to plant
of the concentration of a contaminant in the cells.
ambient air to that inside a respirator. prototype
protective clothing A model or preliminary version of a product
Special clothing that is worn to protect a which is produced prior to fabrication of the
worker from exposure to or contact with haz- production item and is representative of the
ardous materials. final system for testing and evaluation.
protective cream protozoan
Any substance designed to protect skin areas Microscopic, single-function cell units of ag-
during exposure to harmful materials or con- gregations of non-differentiated cells loosely
ditions. held together and not forming tissues. Some
are pathogenic in humans and other may in-
protective custody vade tissues and cause other diseases to de-
The condition of one who is held under velop.
authority of the law for his/her own protection
as in the case of a material witness whose protuberance
safety is in jeopardy. Any local region on the body or body tissue
which projects above the background.
protective hand cream
A product designed to protect the hands from prover tank
the harmful effects of some hazardous sub- A tank which is used to check the calibration
stances. of liquid flowmeters.
protein provisional rate-density relationship
(1) Any of a set of complex organic molecules The relationship between fatality rates and
consisting of specific sequences of amino ac- average daily traffic. It is based on data for
ids. (2) Complex nitrogenous organic com- the 4-year period preceding the calendar year
pounds of high molecular weight that contain for which detailed data are reported. It is la-
amino acids as their basic unit and are essen- beled "provisional" to make it clear that it is
tial for growth and repair of animal tissue. to be used as a guide rather than a standard.
Many proteins are enzymes. A provisional rate-density relationship may be
described graphically or mathematically by a
proteinuria rate-density curve.
The presence of an excess of serum proteins
in the urine. proximate cause
(1) The cause factor which directly produces
the effect without the intervention of any

©2000 CRC Press LLC

other cause. The cause nearest to the effect in proximal
time and space. (2) That which, in a natural Referring to a portion of the body or a body
and continuous sequence, unbroken by any ef- segment which is closer to the central longi-
ficient intervening cause, produces injury, and tudinal axis than another part.
without which the result would not have oc- proximics
curred. That which is nearest in the order of The study of the nature and effect of the pre-
responsible causation. That which stands next ferred separation distance by individuals in
in causation to the effect, not necessarily in interpersonal situations as a function of cul-
time or space but in causal relation. The ture, psychology, and environmental factors.
proximate cause of an injury is the primary or
moving cause, or that which, in a natural and proximity measure
continuous sequence, unbroken by any effi- An indication of the distance between some
cient intervening cause, produces the injury detector and a surface.
and without which the accident could not have proximity operations
happened, if the injury is one which might be Activity by one entity within a specified dis-
reasonably anticipated or foreseen as a natural tance or volume of another entity.
consequence of the wrongful act. An injury
or damage is proximately caused by an act, or PRP
a failure to act, whenever it appears from the See potentially responsible party.
evidence in the case, that the act or omission prudent
played a substantial part in bringing about or Attentive, careful, and sensible in one's con-
actually causing the injury or damage; and duct.
that the injury or damage was either a direct pruritis
or a reasonably probable consequence of the Severe itching, usually of undamaged skin.
act or omission. The last negligent act con-
tributory to an injury, without which such in- PSD
jury would not have resulted. The dominant, See prevention of significant deterioration.
moving, or producing cause. The efficient PSE
cause; the one that necessarily sets the other See point of subjective equality.
causes in operation. The causes that are psi
merely incidental or instruments of a superior Pounds per square inch.
or controlling agency are not the proximate
causes and the responsible ones, though they psia
may be nearer in time to the result. It is only Pounds per square inch absolute.
when the causes are independent of each other psig
that the nearest is, of course, to be charged Pounds per square inch gauge.
with the disaster. Act or omission immedi- PSI
ately causing or failing to prevent injury; act See pollutant standard index. See also proc-
or omission occurring or concurring with an- ess safety information.
other, which, had it not happened, injury
would not have been inflicted. See also con- PSIL
current causes, efficient cause, immediate See preferred speech interference level.
cause, and legal cause. psittacosis
proximate damages A pneumonia-like viral disease which occurs
The immediate and direct damages and natu- in parrots and fowl that can be transmitted to
ral results of the act under complaint, and man.
such as are usual and might have been ex- PSM
pected. Remote damages are those attribut- Process safety management.
able immediately to an intervening cause, psoriasis
though it forms a link in an unbroken chain of A chronic, recurrent skin disease marked by
causation so that the remote damage would bright red patches covered with silvery scales.
not have occurred if its elements had not been The lesions appear most often on the knees,
set in motion by the original act or event.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

elbows, and scalp, and sometimes in the form psychomotor skill
of dot-shaped marks on the fingernails. The Any acquired muscular action in response to
chest, abdomen, backs or arms and legs, sensory stimuli and/or mental processes.
palms of hands and soles of feet are other lo- psychomotor task
cations frequently affected. The cause of pso- Any task involving coordination of sen-
riasis is not completely understood, although sory/cognitive processes and some related
the fact that is seems to occur in families with motor activity.
a previous history of the disease suggests a
hereditary factor. It may also occur with psychophysical measurement
rheumatoid arthritis, although the connection The process of obtaining data about any of an
is not clear. individual's psychophysical characteristics, or
the resulting data from such a process.
A technique for diagnosing and treating men- psychophysical method
tal illness originally developed by Dr. Sig- Any of a set of standardized procedures for
mund Freud. presenting stimuli ranging from fully quanti-
psychogenic deafness fiable physical stimuli to presently unquanti-
fiable stimuli based on opinions or emotional
Hearing loss due to a reaction to a physical or
social environment. Also referred to as func- feelings for an individual's response and ap-
tional deafness. plying numerical data to that response.

psychological refractory period psychophysical quantity

The human perceived value corresponding to
That phenomenon observed when an individ-
ual is attending to two or more stimuli such some presented stimulus.
that the reaction time to each stimulus in- psychophysical scale
creases when the inter-stimulus interval be- Any range of values which describes a func-
tween the stimuli decreases. tion of human sensitivity or other capability,
psychological shock and which has some type of dimensional unit
A sudden disturbance of mental equilibrium. associated with it.

psychology psychophysics
The study of human behavior and its percep- That area of experimental psychology which
tual/cognitive bases. attempts to quantify relationships between
stimuli and their psychological or psychobi-
psychometric function ological responses.
A mathematical or graphical function showing
the relationship between a set of stimuli psychosocial
varying quantitatively along a given dimen- Pertaining to any combination or the interac-
sion and the relative frequency with which an tion of psychological and sociological vari-
ables, conditions, or effects.
observer will give a certain category of re-
sponse regarding some property of the stimu- psychosocial factors
lus. Psychological, organizational, and personal
stressors that could produce symptoms similar
The measurement of psychological processes to poor indoor air quality.
using experimental design and statistical psychosomatic
techniques. Pertaining to mind and body interrelation-
Pertaining to both motor and mental processes psychosomatic medicine
or activity. That medical field dealing with health and
psychomotor performance disease involving both the mental/emotional
A measure of the achievement level displayed and physical components and their interac-
by an individual in executing a psychomotor tions.

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psychosomatic reaction pternion
A bodily response resulting from a stimulus The fleshy tip of the most anterior-projecting
which evokes emotion. toe with all the foot phalanges fully extended.
psychotherapy PTFE
A method or system of alleviating or curing Polytetrafluoroethylene.
certain forms of disease, particularly diseases ptosis
of the nervous system or such as are traceable The slippage or drooping of a structure below
to nervous disorders, by suggestion, persua- its normal position.
sion, encouragement, the inspiration of hope
or confidence, the discouragement of morbid PTS
memories, associations, or beliefs, and other Passive tobacco smoke. See also permanent
similar means addressed to the mental state of threshold shift.
the patient, without (or sometimes in con- PTT
junction with) the administration of drugs or See part-task trainer.
other physical remedies.
pubic crotch height
psychrometer The vertical distance from the floor to most
An instrument used to measure the water va- superior portion of the crotch in the midsag-
por content of the air. It consists of two ther- ittal plane. Measured with the individual
mometers (dry bulb and wet bulb). After standing erect and his/her weight balanced
whirling the instrument, the dew point and equally on both feet.
relative humidity can be obtained with the aid
of tables. pubic crotch length
The surface distance from the anterior waist
psychrometric calculator midpoint through the crotch and over the
Any simple device for determining the dew maximum protrusion of the buttock to the
point or relative humidity values from dry- posterior waist level above the buttock.
and wet-bulb temperature readings and the
barometric pressure. pubic symphysis
The fibrocartilaginous joint in the midline
psychrometric chart between the two coxal bones.
A graph showing the properties of moist air
mixtures such as relative humidity, dew point, public aircraft
etc., and which can be used in air condition- Aircraft used only in the service of a govern-
ing, ventilation, indoor air studies, and other ment, or a political subdivision. It does not
applications. include any government-owned aircraft en-
gaged in carrying persons or property for
psychrometric formula commercial purposes.
An empirical formula for determining water
vapor pressure based on the barometric pres- public authority
sure and psychrometer readings. Transportation. Means a federal, state,
county, town or township, Indian tribe, mu-
psychrometric table nicipal or other local government or instru-
A table of values for determining water vapor mentality thereof, with authority to finance,
pressure, relative humidity, and dew point build, operate, or maintain highway facilities,
from psychrometer readings. either as toll or toll-free highway facilities.
psychrophiles public crossing
An instrument for the measurement of dry- A location open to public travel where rail-
and wet-bulb temperature. road tracks intersect a roadway that is under
psychrotrophic the jurisdiction and maintenance of a public
Refers to microorganisms that are cold- authority.
temperature tolerant (capable of surviving in public defender
temperatures between 0ºC and 20ºC). An attorney appointed by a court or employed
by a government agency whose work consists

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primarily of defending indigent defendants in nental Shelf; and lands held for the benefit of
criminal cases. Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos.
public domain public liability
Land and water in possession and owned by Liability for bodily injury or property damage
the United States and the states individually, and includes liability for environmental resto-
as distinguished from lands privately owned ration.
by individuals or corporations. public liability insurance
public drainage way Insurance liability protection against claims
The land reserved or dedicated for the instal- arising out of the insured person's property,
lation of stormwater sewers or drainage conduct, or the conduct of his/her agent(s).
ditches, or required along a natural stream or See also insurance.
watercourse for preserving the channel and public notice
providing for the flow of water to safeguard The counterpart of Notice to Mariners prom-
the public against flood damage, sedimenta- ulgated by the Corps of Engineers. Also
tion, and erosion. called navigation bulletin. See also Notice to
public entity Mariners.
(1) Any state or local government. (2) Any public road
department, agency, special purpose district, Any road under the jurisdiction of and main-
or other instrumentality of one or more state tained by a public authority and open to pub-
or local governments. (3) The National Rail- lic travel.
road Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) and any
commuter authority. See also private entity. public school transportation
Transportation by school bus vehicles of
Public Health Service (PHS) school children, personnel, and equipment to
An arm of the Department of Health and Hu- and from a public elementary or secondary
man Services. It provides grants and loans for school and school-related activities. See also
health care facilities, assists in the establish- school bus.
ment and operation of emergency medical
centers, addresses the occupational risks of public st reet and hig hwa y lig htin g
federal employees, and is concerned with Includes electricity supplied and services ren-
public health issues. dered for the purpose of lighting streets,
highways, parks, and other public places or
Public Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) for traffic or other signal system service, for
Enterprise municipalities or other divisions or agencies
Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) enterprise of state or federal governments.
which is principally owned (more than 50
percent of the capital) by the state or public public transit
authorities and their enterprises. Passenger transportation services, usually
local in scope, that are available to any person
public interest who pays a prescribed fare. It operates on
Something in which the public, the commu- established schedules along designated routes
nity at large, has some pecuniary interest, or or lines with specific stops and is designed to
some interest by which their legal rights or li- move relatively large numbers of people at
abilities are affected. one time.
public lands public transit agencies
Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage- A public entity responsible for administering
ment Act of 1976: Any land and interest in and managing transit activities and services.
land owned by the United States within the Public transit agencies can directly operate
several States and administered by the Secre- transit service or contract out for all or part of
tary of the Interior through the Bureau of the total transit service provided.
Land Management, without regard to how the public transit system
United States acquired ownership. Excep- An organization that provides transportation
tions are lands located on the Outer Conti- services owned, operated, or subsidized by

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any municipality, county, regional authority, County, state, and U.S. numbered highways
state, or other governmental agency, including maintained by the National Park Service are
those operated or managed by a private man- included in this category for purposes of
agement firm under contract to the govern- functional classification.
ment agency owner. public vessel
public transportation A vessel owned and operated by a govern-
Transportation by bus, rail, or other convey- ment and not regularly employed in merchant
ance, either publicly or privately owned, service.
which provides to the public general or spe- public water system
cial service on a regular and continuing basis. A system that provides piped water for human
Also known as mass transportation, mass consumption to at least fifteen service con-
transit, and transit. nections or regularly serves twenty-five indi-
public trust viduals.
A legal doctrine at common law or in state public way
constitutions imposing a duty on the govern- Any public street, road, boulevard, alley, lane,
ment to manage a resource (usually water or or highway, including those portions of any
waterfront but possibly park land) for the public place that have been designated for use
greater good of the public, much like a trustee by pedestrians, bicycles, and motor vehicles.
of a trust.
publicly owned airport
public use airport An airport which is publicly owned and under
An airport open to and for public use without control of a public agency.
prior permission, and without restrictions publicly owned treatment works (POTW)
within the physical capacities of available fa- A waste treatment works owned by a state,
cilities. May or may not be publicly owned. unit of local government, or Indian tribe, usu-
public use Class I road ally designed to treat domestic wastewater.
A principal road/rural parkway which consti- publico
tute the main access route, circulatory tour, or Passenger vans or Class C motor buses oper-
thoroughfare for visitors. ating with fixed routes but no fixed schedules.
public use Class II road Publicos are privately owned and operated
A connector road which provides access mass transit services which are market ori-
within an area of scenic, scientific, recrea- ented and unsubsidized, but regulated through
tional or cultural interest, such as overlooks, a public service commission, state or local
campgrounds, etc. See also overlook access. government. Publicos are operated under
franchise agreements; fares are regulated by
public use Class III road
route; and there are special insurance re-
A special purpose road which provides circu-
quirements. Vehicle capacity varies from
lation within public use areas, such as camp-
eight to thirty or more, and the vehicles may
grounds, picnic areas, visitor center com-
be owned or leased by the operator.
plexes, concessionaire facilities, etc. These
roads generally serve low-speed traffic and Pulfrich effect
are often designed for one-way circulation. A binocular visual phenomenon occurring
when differing amounts of light are admitted
public use Class IV road
to the two eyes and a pendulum swung in a
A primitive road. plane perpendicular to the line of sight ap-
public use road pears to move in an elliptical path having
All roads that are intended principally for the depth.
use of visitors for access into and within the pull-down menu
public use area included. This includes all A vertical menu which is displayed from the
roads that provide vehicular passage for visi- top of the display following the pressing of an
tors, or access to such representative park ar- appropriate key or selection button and which
eas as point of scenic or historic interest, disappears on a selection being made, the
campgrounds, picnic areas, lodge areas, etc.

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pressing of another key, or the release of the
selection button.
pull down on
Maritime Navigation. Channel report term
used in crossings and meaning that when tow
is well over, i.e., two-thirds of the way across,
swing the vessel's head down on a new desig-
nated mark.
pull down shape of bend
Maritime Navigation. Channel report term
meaning to steer into and around the shape of
the bend at an easy distance off. A pulp wood trailer being prepared for over-the-road transport
pull on down
Maritime Navigation. To change the vessel's
course to a point further downstream. (1) A brief, large deviation from a signal
baseline. (2) A detectable peripheral measure
pull the pin of a heart beat, as felt through the walls of the
Transit. To release the fifth wheel lock. arteries. What is usually meant by "pulse" is
pulmonary the pulsation felt in the radial artery at the
Pertaining to the lungs. wrist. Other sites of pulsation include the side
of the neck (carotid artery), the elbow (bra-
pulmonary edema chial artery), the temple (temporal artery), the
Abnormal, diffuse, extravascular accumula- anterior side of the hip bone (femoral artery),
tion of fluid in the pulmonary tissues and air the back of the knee (popliteal artery) and the
spaces of the lungs. instep (dorsalis pedis artery). Contrary to
pulmonary emphysema common supposition, what is felt is not the
See emphysema. blood pulsing though the arteries but a shock
wave that travels along the fibers of the arter-
pulmonary fibrosis
ies as the heart contracts. This shock wave is
Progressive fibrosis of the pulmonary alveolar
generated by the pounding of the blood as it is
walls with steadily progressive difficult or la-
ejected from the heart under pressure. It is
bored breathing.
analogous to the hammering sound heard in
pulmonary function test (PFT) steam pipes as the steam is admitted into the
Test carried out to determine the capacity and pipes under pressure. A pulse in the veins is
health status of a person's lungs. too weak to be felt, although sometimes it is
pulmonary hyperinflation syndrome measured by sphygmograph and the tracing
An overdistension and rupture of the lung by obtained is called a phlebogram. See also
expanding gases during a decrease in environ- blood pressure, diastolic, and systolic.
mental air pressure. Also known as burst lung.
pulmonary ventilation
The volume of gases which move into and out
of the lungs per unit time.
pulpwood trailer
A trailer that is designed exclusively for har-
vesting logs or pulpwood and constructed
with a skeletal frame with no means for at-
tachment of a solid bed, body, or container,
and with an arrangement of air control lines
and reservoirs designed to minimize damage
in off-road operations.
The arterial pulse pressures (diastolic and systolic) are most
commonly measured at the brachial artery

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pulse code modulation (PCM) punitive damage
A type of waveform encoding for communi- That compensation awarded to a victim by a
cations in which an analog signal is electroni- court as a means of punishing an entity for
cally sampled at a certain rate, quantified to a wrongdoing or negligence. See also damage
specified level, then binary encoded. and compensatory damage. Also referred to
as exemplary damages.
pulse duration
That period of time from the onset of a pulse pup
to the signal return to baseline or within some Transit (slang). A short semitrailer used in
percentage of the pulse height from the base- combination with a dolly and another semi-
line. trailer to create a twin trailer.
pulse pressure pupil
The difference between the systolic and dia- The variable opening in the iris of the eye
stolic blood pressure readings. through which light travels into the interior of
the eye.
pulse shape
The waveform exhibited by a pulse pupillary muscles
Those smooth circular and radial muscles of
pump out facility the iris which determine pupil diameter, the
A holding place where a ship's bilge and pupillary sphincter, and pupillary dilator mus-
cargo are pumped. cles, respectively.
pumped sample pupillometry
See active sampling. The measurement of the eye pupil size.
pumping station purchase
Mechanical devices installed in sewer or wa- To buy goods, materials, services as well as
ter systems or other liquid-carrying pipelines maintain the necessary recordkeeping to sup-
that move the liquids to a higher level. Also port that activity.
referred to as lifting station.
purchase or lease
pumping system With respect to vehicles, means the time at
Lasers. Method which is employed to raise which an entity is legally obligated to obtain
the energy level of electrons in the lasing me- the vehicles, such as the time of contract exe-
dium. Includes optical, electrical, chemical, cution.
and others.
purchased transportation
puncture Transportation service purchased by a public
(1) The piercing of an organ or other body agency from a public or private provider on
structure with a hollow needle for the with- the basis of a written contract.
drawal of fluid or the removal of tissue for
microscopic study. (2) A wound made by a purchasing
pointed instrument. The organization or department responsible
for buying goods, materials, and services.
Any fine, penalty, or confinement inflicted pure accident
upon a person by the authority of the law and Law. Implies that an accident was caused by
the judgment and sentence of a court, for some unforeseen and unavoidable event over
some crime or offense committed by him/her, which neither party to the action had control,
or for his/her omission of a duty required by and excludes the idea that it was caused by
law. carelessness or negligence of the defendant.
Synonymous with unavoidable accident.
Relating to punishment. Having the character pure research
of punishment or penalty or inflicting pun- See basic research.
ishment or penalty. pure tone
Sound characterized by a single frequency. A
sound wave, the instantaneous sound pressure

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of which is a simple sinusoidal function of pursuitmeter
time. A sound wave characterized by its sin- Any equipment designed to involve tracking a
gle frequency and whose waveform is that of moving point or region for measuring eye-
a sine-wave. hand coordination.
purging pus
(1) The displacement of one material with A thick fluid composed of viable and necrotic
another in process or other equipment. (2) polymorphonuclear leukocytes, with necrotic
The initial step in adjusting the atmosphere of tissue debris partially liquefied by enzymes
a confined space to acceptable standards ei- liberated from the dead leukocytes, and other
ther by displacing the air in the space with a tissue breakdown products, characteristically
fluid or vapor (inert gas, water, steam), or by produced in infections due to certain bacteria.
carrying out forced-air ventilation. push-pull hood
purity A hood consisting of an air supply system on
A measure or indication of the lack of con- one side of the contaminant source blowing
tamination in a signal or substance. across the source and into a mechanical ex-
Purkinje effect haust ventilation hood positioned on the op-
A decreased sensitivity of the human eye to posite side.
light of longer wavelengths as illumination pushbutton
decreases proportionately across the spectrum. A small control device which operates using
Also called the Purkinje shift and Purkinje short-travel, in-and-out linear movement, usu-
phenomenon. ally intended for operation by a finger.
purple boundary pushed barge inland waterways transport
That straight line interconnecting the termini Freight vessel which is designed to be pushed
of the spectrum locus in a chromaticity dia- and does not have its own means of mechani-
gram. cal propulsion.
purpura pushed tanker barge
Disorders characterized by purplish or Pushed barge for the bulk transport of liquids
brownish red discoloration of the skin, re- or gases.
sulting from hemorrhage into the tissue. The pushed-towed barge inland waterways trans-
hemorrhage is under the skin and through the port
mucous membranes, and produces spontane- Freight vessel which is designed to be either
ous ecchymoses (bruises) and petechiae pushed or towed and does not have its own
(small red patches) on the skin. The disorder means of mechanical propulsion.
is accompanied by a marked decrease in cir-
culating platelets and hence is sometimes push-towed tanker barge
called thrombocytopenic purpura. There are Pushed-towed barge for the bulk transport of
two general types of purpura: primary or idio- liquids or gases.
pathic purpura, in which the cause is un- pusher tug
known, and secondary or symptomatic pur- Powered vessel developing not less than 37
pura, which may be associated with exposure kilowatt (kW) and designed or fitted for the
to drugs or other chemical agents, systemic towing of dumb barges, pushed-towed barges,
diseases such as anemia and leukemia, dis- or rafts, and for the pushing of pushed and
eases affecting the bone marrow or spleen, pushed-towed barges, but not for the carriage
and infectious diseases such as rubella (Ger- of goods.
man measles).
pusher vessel
pursuit tracking Powered vessel developing not less than 37
A task in which the subject is required to kW and designed or fitted for the pushing or
maintain the position of some object on or pushed or pushed-towed barges but not for the
within certain limits of a moving target. carriage of goods.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

pustule pyramid
A circumscribed, pus-containing lesion of the (1) General. An ancient structure of precise
skin. geometric proportions, generally used to en-
put away tomb royalty. (2) Anatomy. One of two large,
Any activity which involves removing a work bilateral efferent neural fiber tracts on the
item, tools, or other materials from the work- posterior brain stem which innervates many of
place. the skeletal muscles.

put away time pyramidal system

That time required to perform a put away That motor system comprised largely of neu-
function. rons originating in the cerebral cortex, with
their axons passing along the posterior brain-
put on the air stem without an intervening synapse to the
Transit (slang). To apply the brakes. spinal cord, and which is involved in rapid
put on the iron voluntary body movements. Also referred to
Transit (slang). To put on tire chains. as the corticospinal system.
putlog pyrheliometer
A scaffold member upon which the platform Instrument for measuring the intensity of solar
rests. radiation.
putrescible pyridine
Able to rot quickly enough to cause odors and A coal tar compound used chiefly as a sol-
attract flies. vent. It is the parent of many naturally occur-
ring organic compounds.
psychrometric wet-bulb temperature
See wet-bulb temperature. pyrolysis
Decomposition of a chemical by extreme heat.
See positive vorticity advection. pyrometer
An instrument for measuring or recording
PVC temperature above the range of a mercury
See polyvinyl chloride. thermometer.
P-wave pyrophoric
Seismology. The fastest of seismic waves, (1) Refers to materials that ignite spontane-
and thus the first to arrive at a location fol- ously in the presence of sufficient oxygen. (2)
lowing an earthquake (the P stands for pri- Capable of igniting spontaneously on contact
mary). This is a compression body wave with air at or below 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
(particle movement is parallel to the direction
of propagation of the wave). Its speed is 5.5 pyrotechnics
to 7.2 km/sec in the crust and 7.8 to 8.5 (1) An explosive deive. (2) Any combustible
km/sec in the upper mantle. or explosive compositions or manufactured
articles designed and prepared for the purpose
PWC of producing audible or visible effects which
See physical work capacity. are commonly referred to as fireworks.
Sound pressure level.
Pressurized water reactor.
A Kretschmer somatotype having the charac-
teristics of rounded contours, large body
cavities, and a large amount of body fat. See
also Kretschmer somatotype.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Vincoli, Jeffrey W. "Q-Z"
Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
Edited by Jeffrey W. Vincoli
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
quadriceps femoris muscle
Q A muscle group on the anterior thigh consist-
ing of four muscles which flex the hip and
extend the knee: rectus femoris, vastus later-
Q alis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius.
Quantity or volume of air.
Q factor
See quality factor.
Q fever
An rickettsial infection often seen among
meat and livestock handlers. Can be con-
tracted by inhalation of dust particles that are
infected with the infectious organism. The
organisms are found in the hides of sheep and
cattle. It is contagious between humans and
its symptoms include sudden hay fever, chills,
headache, muscle pain, and coughing.
See quality assurance.
Well-defined quadriceps femoris muscles of the anterior thigh
See quality control program and quality cir- quadriplegia
cle. A condition in which all four limbs are af-
fected by paralysis.
Qualitative fit test. qualification
The possession by an individual of the quali-
ties, properties, circumstances, natural or ad-
Quantitative fit test.
ventitious, which are inherently or legally
quack necessary to perform a task, fill an office, or
A pretender to medical skill which he/she perform a duty or function.
does not possess. One who practices as a
qualification tests
physician or surgeon without adequate experi-
The required tests used to demonstrate that the
ence or due qualification.
design, manufacture, and assembly have re-
quad map sulted in hardware conforming to specifica-
A topographic map with an approximate scale tion requirements.
of one inch to 2,000 feet; shows physical
features such as wetlands, water bodies,
Adapted; fitted; entitled; susceptible; compe-
roadways, mines, and buildings.
tent; fitting; possessing legal power or capac-
quadrant ity; eligible. Applied to one who has taken
(1) One-fourth of the circumference of a cir- the steps to prepare himself/herself for an ap-
cle. (2) An angular dissection of ninety de- pointment of office. One who is adequately
grees. (3) One of the quarters created by two and satisfactorily trained and/or experienced
intersecting lines, roads, streets, vectors, etc. to perform a function or task.
(4) One of four corresponding parts, or quar-
qualified handicapped individual
ters, as of the surface of the abdomen or of the
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
field of vision.
(ADA): A handicapped individual who is ca-
quadrantanopia pable of performing a specific job with rea-
Loss of vision in one fourth of the visual field. sonable accommodation.
Having four heads.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

qualified operator on the frequency and duration of exposure,
A worker having the adequate physical/mental the control measures in effect (engineering,
attributes, training, education, and experience administrative, and personal protection), the
who has demonstrated that he/she is capable properties of the stressor, and the manner in
of safely performing a given task involving which it is being used/handled.
the operation of machinery or equipment with qualitative risk assessment
acceptable quality and quantity. An examination of system risk based upon
qualified person established criteria that allows the analyst to
One familiar with the construction and opera- evaluate risk levels in relation to other risks or
tion of the equipment and the hazards in- total system risk.
volved. Note 1: Whether an employee is con- quality
sidered to be a "qualified person" will depend A condition in which a product satisfies a set
upon various circumstances in the workplace. of requirements involving such aspects as
It is possible and, in fact, likely for an indi- strength, durability, function, appearance, and
vidual to be considered "qualified" with re- user-satisfaction.
gard to certain equipment in the workplace,
but "unqualified" as to other equipment. Note quality analysis
2: An employee who is undergoing on-the- An examination or study of product quality
job training and who, in the course of such goals.
training, has demonstrated an ability to per- quality assurance (QA)
form duties safely at his/her level of training (1) A company-wide program that establishes
and who is under the direct supervision of a project policies, procedures, standards, and
qualified person is considered to be a quali- guidelines designed to produce an acceptable
fied person for the performance of those du- level of professional quality. (2) A system of
ties. practices, procedures, and activities that are
qualified worker taken to provide assurance that the work be-
A worker having the adequate physical/mental ing carried out will meet defined standards of
attributes, training, education, and experience quality. The assessment of the potential for a
who has demonstrated that he/she is capable procedure to produce sampling results of ade-
of performing a given task using basic tools quate quality to satisfy the defined objectives.
with acceptable quality and quantity. The primary purpose of a quality assurance
program is to provide the necessary safe-
qualifying phase I technology guards to minimize erroneous sample analy-
Under the Clean Air Act (CAA): A techno- ses and to provide a means of detecting errors
logical system of continuous emission reduc- when they occur.
tion which achieves a 90 percent reduction in
emissions of sulfur dioxide from the emis- quality assurance project plan
sions that would have resulted from the use of As per the Environmental Protection Agency
fuels which were not subject to treatment (EPA): A plan that describes the policy, or-
prior to combustion. ganization, functional activities, and quality
assurance and quality control protocols neces-
qualimeter sary to achieve DQOs dictated by the in-
An instrument for measuring the quantity of tended use of the data (RI/FS Guidance).
roentgen rays generated by a Coolidge tube.
quality assurance/quality control
qualitative According to the U.S. Environmental Protec-
The characteristic attributes or qualities per- tion Agency (EPA): A system of procedures,
taining to an exposure based on subjective in- checks, audits, and corrective actions to en-
formation, nonrigorous quantitative data, and sure that all EPA research design and per-
judgment. formance, environmental monitoring and
qualitative exposure assessment sampling, and other technical and reporting
The identification of contaminants and physi- activities are of the highest achievable quality.
cal agents an individual may be exposed to,
and a judgment of the associated hazard based

©2000 CRC Press LLC

quality circle (QC) quantitative
A small group of people involved in a similar The property of anything which can be deter-
type of work who voluntarily meet on a pre- mined by measurement and expressed as a
determined schedule (e.g., weekly) on paid quantity.
time in an attempt to identify, analyze, and quantitative exposure assessment
solve some of the problems in their work en- The procedure of quantitatively determining
vironment. Also referred to as quality con- an individual's exposure to a health hazard,
trol circles and employee participation team. employing accepted sampling and analytical
quality control chart procedures, and assessing the likelihood that
A chart used for recording data regarding an adverse health effect may occur based on
product quality. the sample results.
quality control (QC) programs quantitative risk assessment
Establish project activities that apply the poli- An application of statistical techniques to
cies, procedures, standards, training, guide- mathematically identify the level of probable
lines, and systems developed in the QA pro- risk associated with a given hazard, as it re-
gram. QC programs aim to maintain an ac- lates to total system operation.
ceptable level of project quality through ap- quantum
plication of sound project management prin- The smallest quantity of energy, responding
ciples and practices. to the energy of electromagnetic radiation,
quality factor that can be associated with a given phenome-
(1) General. A measure for expressing the non.
rate of attenuation (sharpness) of time-varying quantum theory
energy as a function of frequency. Also re- A theory based on the concept that energy is
ferred to as Q factor. (2) Ionizing Radiation. radiated intermittently in units of definite
A modifying factor that is used to derive the magnitude called quanta and absorbed in like
radiation dose equivalent from absorbed dose. manner.
It is a factor by which the absorbed radiation
dose in rad is multiplied to obtain a quantity
that expresses the biological effectiveness of (1) A place or period of detention of ships
the absorbed dose in rem. The factor for beta, coming from infected or suspected ports. (2)
Restrictions placed on entering or leaving
gamma, and X-radiation is 1. For alpha parti-
cles and fast neutrons it is 10. Other values premises where a case of communicable dis-
are used for neutrons of other energies and ease exists. (3) The application of measures
heavy recoil nuclei. (3) Ionizing Radiation. to prevent contact between persons who are
The number intended to represent the effec- not infected and persons suspected of being
tiveness of various types of ionizing radiation infected.
based on relative biological effectiveness or quarrel
linear energy transfer, based on the following An altercation, angry dispute, or an exchange
values: of recriminations, taunts, threats, or accusa-
X-ray, beta 1 tions between two persons.
protons, fast neutrons 10 quart
alpha particles 20 One-fourth of a gallon (946 cc).
quantitation limit quartan
The lowest level at which a chemical may be (1) Recurring in 4-day cycles (every third
accurately and reliably quantified. Usually days). 2) A variety of intermittent fever of
equal to the detection limit multiplied by a which the paroxysms recur on every third day.
factor of 3 to 5, but varies between chemicals See also malaria.
and between samples. quarter
The fourth part of anything, especially a year.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

quarter line questioning technique
A line used to set a boat out where maneuver- A method for analyzing and attempting to
ability is limited. improve work processes, generally by asking
quarter section questions such as: a) what is the purpose for
The quarter of a section of land according to some activity, b) why is a particular sequence
the divisions of a government survey, deter- followed, c) why does a particular person
mined by dividing the section into four equal perform that job, and d) is the method being
parts by north and south and east and west, used to accomplish the task the best possible.
and containing 160 acres (a quarter of a questionnaire
square mile of land). A written set of questions intended to obtain
quartile an individual's responses on his/her attitudes,
The value of the boundary at the 25th, 50th, issues, etc.
or 75th percentile of a frequency distribution queue
divided into four parts, each containing a (1) Place a discrete unit in position for se-
quarter of the population. quential flow in a single processing channel.
quartz (2) A location from which units may be se-
One of the forms of crystalline silicon diox- lected for processing when processing time or
ide. Also referred to as one of the forms of other requisite conditions permit.
free silica. queuing theory
Quaternary A quantitative rule describing the patterns
The period of geologic time starting 1.6 mil- pertaining to arrivals, service times, and the
lion years ago and continuing to the present sequence in which arrivals are handled.
day. It is divided into two epochs: the Pleis- quick disconnect valve
tocene and the Holocene, with the division (1) Breathing Apparatus. A device which
between these two falling approximately starts the flow of air by inserting of the hose
10,000 years before the present. Late Qua- (which leads from the facepiece) into the
ternary refers to time between 700,000 years regulator of self-contained breathing appara-
ago and the present day. Pre-Quaternary re- tus, and stops the flow of air by disconnection
fers to any time before 1.6 million years ago. of the hose from the regulator. (2) Servicing
quaternary and Maintenance. A mechanical device, usu-
(1) Fourth in a series. (2) Made up of four ally spring-loaded or under some type of me-
elements or radicals. chanical tension, that allows for the quick
connection and/or disconnection of two
Queckenstedt's test structures. Common in many industries, such
When the veins in the neck are compressed on as refining, aerospace, the military, etc.
one or both sides there is a rapid rise in the
pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid of healthy
persons, and this rise quickly disappears when
pressure is taken off the neck. But when there
is a block in the spinal canal the pressure of
the cerebrospinal fluid is affected little or not
at all by the maneuver.
quench tank
A water-filled tank used to cool incinerator
residues or hot materials during industrial
Quervain's disease
Inflammation of the long abductor and short Quick disconnect valves used in the fueling of aircraft allow for
quick and safe connection/disconnection of fuel hose lines
extensor tendons of the thumb, with swelling
and tenderness.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

(1) A display technique involving the use of
time derivatives for aiding an operator in
tracking or control operations involving mo-
tion. (2) The first perceptible movement of
the fetus in the uterus, appearing usually in
the sixteenth to eighteenth week of pregnancy.
A white, bitter alkaloid usually obtained from
cinchona. An analgesic, antipyretic, bitter
tonic, and effective antimalarial.
Pentavalent; having a valence of five.
Acute suppurative inflammation of the tonsil
and the surrounding tissue.
Recurring every 5 days (every fourth day).
A majority of the entire body. The number of
members who must be present in a delibera-
tive body before business may be transacted.
(1) Recurring every day. (2) A form of inter-
mittent malarial fever with daily recurrent
A number obtained by division.
quotient verdict
A verdict resulting from an agreement
whereby each juror writes down the amount
of damages to which he/she thinks a party is
entitled and each amount is then added to-
gether and divided by the number of jurors.
QWERTY keyboard
A keyboard with a letter distribution pattern
of QWERTY on the left side of the top row.
See also Dvorak keyboard.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

R A channel designed expressly for holding
wires, cables, or bus bars, with additional
functions (as permitted in applicable codes
R and standards). Raceways may be of metal or
(1) Degrees Rankine. (2) See electrical re- insulating material, and the term includes
sistance. rigid metal conduit, rigid nonmetallic conduit,
intermediate metal conduit, liquid-tight flexi-
ble metal conduit, flexible metal conduit,
See research and development.
electrical metallic tubing, under floor race-
R meter ways, cellular concrete floor raceways, cellu-
An instrument for measuring and displaying lar metal floor raceways, surface raceways,
the intensity of ionizing radiation in roent- wire ways, and bus ways.
R value See reasonably achievable control technol-
See thermal resistance value. ogy.
RA rad
See remedial action. See also return air. See radiation absorbed dose.
rabbit fever radappertize
See tularemia. To radiate food with ionizing radiation to
rabies sterilize it.
An acute infectious viral disease communi- radar
cated to man by the bite of an infected animal An acronym derived from Radio Detection
and affecting the brain and the nervous sys- and Ranging. A system using emitted and re-
tem. Rabies is transmitted by warm-blooded flected electromagnetic energy, principally
animals, especially dogs and foxes. The virus radio frequency and microwaves, to detect
is often present in the saliva of affected animals and track objects or weather.
and is transmitted chiefly through bite wounds
radar air traffic control facility (RATCF)
and occasionally through open wounds or
An air traffic control facility, located at a U.S.
sores. After the virus enters the body it travels
Naval or Marine Corps Air Station, utilizing
along the nerve trunk to the brain. The farther
surveillance, and normally, precision ap-
the bite is from the head, the longer it takes to
proach radar and air/ground communication
reach the brain. The incubation period varies
equipment to provide approach control serv-
from 2 weeks to as long as 6 months. The
ices to aircraft arriving, departing, or transit-
bitten person must start treatment with antira-
ing the airspace controlled by the facility.
bies vaccine and serum before the virus
The facility may be operated by the Federal
reaches the brain. The disease must be pre-
Aviation Administration (FAA), the United
vented because it is always fatal in man. Also
Sates Navy (USN), the United States Marine
called hydrophobia.
Corp (USMC), or the FAA & USN and serv-
RAC ice may be provided for both civil and mili-
See risk assessment code. tary airports.
race radar air traffic control tower
(1) A breakdown of the human species by An airport traffic control tower that uses radar
certain genetically determined characteristics and nonradar capabilities to provide approach
such as skin color, bodily proportions, hair control services to aircraft arriving, departing,
type, and stature. (2) A form of competition or transiting airspace controlled by the facil-
where the purpose is to complete a prescribed ity. It provides radar air traffic control serv-
path or function with a minimal time or ahead ices to aircraft operating in the vicinity of one
of others in the competition. or more civil and/or military airports in the
terminal area.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

radar dome
A dome-shaped structure used to protect the
antenna of a radar installation.
radar reflector
A device capable of or intended for reflecting
radar signals.
The CRT or other device used to project the
scan of a radar beam for operator viewing.
(1) Pertaining to the radius bone. (2) On a
Radar air traffic control operations
line directed outward from the center of a cir-
radar altimeter cle. (3) A type of tire usually constructed
Aircraft instrument that makes use of the re- with steel belts for added puncture protection
flection of radio waves from the ground to and durability.
determine the height of the aircraft above the radial deviation
surface. A movement of the wrist such that the longi-
radar approach control (RAPCON) tudinal axis of the hand is directed toward the
An air traffic control facility, located at a U.S. lateral/radial/thumb side of the forearm.
Air Force (USAF) base, utilizing surveillance radial keratotomy
and, normally, precision approach radar and A surgical procedure in which radial incisions
air/ground communication equipment to pro- are made in the cornea to improve myopic vi-
vide approach control services to aircraft ar- sion.
riving, departing, and transiting the airspace
radial nerve
controlled by the facility. The facility may be
A spinal nerve innervating the upper arm,
operated by the Federal Aviation Administra-
forearm, and the dorsal-thumb side of the
tion (FAA), or the United States Air Force
hand. Also called musculospiral nerve.
(USAF). Service may be provided to both
civil and military airports. radiale
The uppermost point on the lateral margin of
radar approach control tower
the leading end of the radius bone.
An airport traffic control tower (ATCT) that
uses radar and nonradar capabilities to pro- radiale height
vide approach control services to aircraft ar- See elbow height.
riving, departing, or transiting airspace con- radiale – stylion length
trolled by the facility. It provides radar Air The linear distance from radiale to stylion
Traffic Control (ATC) services to aircraft op- parallel to the long axis of the freely hanging
erating in the vicinity of one or more civil lower arm. Measured with the individual
and/or military airports in the terminal area In standing, the arm hanging naturally at the
other words, a radar approach control tower is side, and the palm facing the thigh. Also re-
an ATCT at which airport traffic control spe- ferred to as forearm length and lower arm
cialists are permitted to provide radar ap- length.
proach control service, including extensive
vectoring, as well as to handle takeoffs and radian
landings. Radar acts can be separated into a A planar angular measure in which the arc
control tower and a radar room. length of the subtended angle at the center of
a circle equals the radius (approximately 57.3
radar display degrees). See also plane angle.
The graphic presentation of a radar scan on a
radarscope. radiance (L)
The value of the ratio of the radian flux to the
solid angle and the perpendicular surface

©2000 CRC Press LLC

radiant energy cially produced nuclear reactions in stable
The energy of electromagnetic waves from elements which are then changed to radioac-
sources such as radiowaves, visible light, in- tive substances. Radiations are particulate
frared, x-rays, and gamma rays. These waves and nonparticulate; that is, that may be made
do not need molecules to propagate them, and up of particles such as neutrons and protons
in a vacuum they travel at nearly 300,000 which are fragments of the nuclei of disinte-
kilometers per second. grating atoms, or they may consist of electro-
radiant exitance (M) magnetic waves, which have no mass. Par-
The radiant flux density leaving a specified ticulate radiations may consist of alpha parti-
surface. cles or beta particles. Most radioactive iso-
topes (radioisotopes) emit particulate radia-
radiant flux tions and at the same time also release elec-
The rate of flow of radiant power which flows tromagnetic rays (gamma rays). Both par-
onto or through a unit area. ticulate and nonparticulate radiations are ca-
radiant flux density pable of penetrating and being absorbed into
That amount of radiant power which flows matter. Alpha particles are the least pene-
onto or through a unit area. trating; beta particles slightly more penetrat-
ing; and the gamma rays, like x-rays, are ca-
radiant heat pable of completely penetrating the body.
A form of electromagnetic energy. Harmful effects of uncontrolled radiation ex-
radiant heat load posure include serious disturbances of bone
Energy that is transformed into heat when it marrow and other blood-forming organs,
strikes an object. The human body can both burns, and sterility. There may be permanent
emit and receive radiant energy. damage to the germ plasm or genes, which re-
sults in genetic mutations. The mutations can
radiant heat temperature
be transmitted to future generations. Radia-
The temperature of an object as a result of it
tion also may produce harmful effects on the
having absorbed radiant energy.
embryo or fetus, bringing about fetal death or
radiant heat transfer malformations. Radiation also apparently
Radiant heat transfer occurs when there is a shortens the life span of those exposed to it
large difference between the temperatures of over a period of time, and predisposes persons
two surfaces that are exposed to each other to the development of cataracts. Exposure to
but are not touching. large doses of radiation over a short period of
radiant heating time produces a group of symptoms known as
That heating which occurs solely by radiation. the acute radiation syndrome. These symp-
toms include general malaise, nausea, and
radiation vomiting, followed by a period of remission
(1) Divergence from a common center. (2) A of symptoms. Later, the patient develops
structure made up of diverging elements, es- more severe symptoms such as fever, hemor-
pecially a tract of the central nervous system rhage, fluid loss, anemia, and central nervous
made up of diverging fibers. (3) Electromag- system involvement. The symptoms then
netic waves. The emission and propagation of gradually subside or become more severe, and
energy in the form of waves or corpuscular may lead to death.
emissions of particles through space or
through a material medium; for instance, the radiation absorbed dose (rad)
emission and propagation of electromagnetic The unit of absorbed dose which is equal to
waves, electric waves, or other forms of elec- 100 ergs/g. It is a measure of the energy im-
tromagnetic radiation, as well as ionizing ra- parted to matter by ionizing particles per unit
diation. Sources of radiation include natural mass of irradiated material at the point of ex-
or "background" radiation, such as cosmic posure.
rays from outer space, and the naturally oc- radiation accident
curring radioactive substances found in the Any accident exposing humans to excessive
earth. Manmade radiations result from artifi- radiation or involving the spread of radioac-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tive materials beyond their intended contain- radiation protection guide (RPG)
ment. The total amount of ionizing radiation dose
radiation area over certain periods of time that may be per-
An area accessible to individuals, in which mitted to persons whose occupation involves
ionizing radiation levels could result in a per- exposure to such radiation. It is equivalent to
son receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 5 what was formerly called the maximum per-
millirem (equivalent to 0.05 mSv) in 1 hour at missible exposure (MPE).
12 inches (30 centimeters) from the source or radiation protection officer (RPO)
from any surface that the radiation penetrates. The person who has been selected and trained
radiation dosimetry to be responsible for overseeing the ionizing
A measurement of the amount of ionizing radiation protection program in a facility.
radiation exposure by individuals, materials, Also referred to as the radiation safety officer
or equipment at a specific location. or RSO.

radiation effect radiation safety

Any of the documented effects from high lev- The study and/or implementation of equip-
els of ionizing radiation exposure, such as hair ment and procedures to prevent excessive ra-
loss, cancer, nausea, cataracts, or death. See diation exposure to personnel or radiation re-
also radiation sickness. lease to the environment.

radiation fluence radiation safety officer (RSO)

See fluence. See radiation protection officer.

radiation fog radiation sickness

Fog produced over land when radiation cool- A self-limiting syndrome characterized by
ing reduces the air temperature to or below its nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and psychic de-
dew point. It is also referred to as ground fog pression, following exposure to appreciable
and valley fog. doses of ionizing radiation, particularly to the
abdominal region. Also called radiation syn-
radiation hazard drome.
A situation in which persons might receive
ionizing radiation in excess of the applicable radiation source
maximum permissible dose or in which radia- Materials, equipment, or devices that generate
tion damage might be done to materials. or are capable of generating ionizing radiation
including naturally occurring radioactive ma-
radiation inversion terials, byproduct materials, source materials,
An increase in temperature with height due to special nuclear materials, fission products,
radiation cooling of the earth's surface. Also materials containing induced or deposited ra-
called nocturnal inversion. dioactivity, nuclear reactors, radiographic and
radiation length fluoroscopic equipment, particle generators
The mean distance required to reduce the en- and accelerators, radio frequency generators
ergy of charged particles by 1/e in passing such as certain klystrons and magnetrons that
through a material. produce x-rays, and high voltage devices that
produce x-rays.
radiation monitoring
A form of environmental monitoring in which radiation standards
periodic or continuous measurements are Regulations that set maximum exposure limits
taken to determine the radiation levels present for protection of the public from radioactive
in a specific environment. materials.
radiation protection radiation survey
Any measure to reduce the exposure of hu- An evaluation of the radiation hazard incident
mans and/or equipment to radiation, whether to the production, use, release, disposal, or
through legislation, regulations, policies, or presence of a radioactive material or other
physical measures. sources of ionizing radiation under a specific
set of conditions. Includes surveys necessary

©2000 CRC Press LLC

to evaluate external exposures to personnel, ment, particle generators and accelerators, ra-
surface contamination, and the concentration dio frequency generators such as certain
of airborne radioactive materials in the facility klystrons and magnetrons that produce x-rays,
and in effluents from the facility, as appropri- and high voltage devices that produce x-rays.
ate. radioactive half-life
radiation syndrome That time required for one-half the original
See radiation sickness. amount of unstable nuclei in a radioactive
radiation therapy sample to decay.
The use of radiation to treat disease. radioactive material
radiator Materials that generate, or are capable of gen-
Any device which radiates energy. erating, ionizing radiation including naturally
occurring radioactive materials, byproduct
radical materials, source materials, special nuclear
An ionic group having one or more charges, materials, fission products, materials con-
either positive or negative. A group of at- taining induced or deposited radioactivity, and
oms which can enter into a chemical reaction nuclear reactors.
but which is incapable of existing separately.
See also free radical. radioactive series
A succession of nuclides, each of which trans-
Ra dio Auto mo bi le Co mmu nica tio n Sy ste m forms by radioactive disintegration into the
A Japanese government/private industry pro- next nuclide until a stable one results.
ject to develop future street/highway vehicle
systems. radioactive substances
Those substances that emit radiation.
radio contact
Aviation. The initial radio call-up to a flight radioactive waste
service station by en route aircraft, which in- Waste which contains materials that are ra-
cludes a complete interchange of information dioactive and which must be disposed ac-
and a termination of the contact. cording to regulatory requirements.

radio frequency (Rf) radioactivity

Electromagnetic energy from 30 kHz to 300 The spontaneous emission of radiation, gener-
GHz. ally alpha or beta particles often accompanied
by gamma rays, from the nucleus of an unsta-
radioactive ble isotope. As a result, the radioactive iso-
A property of some materials or elements that tope is converted (or "decays") into the iso-
is characterized by their spontaneous emission tope of a different element, which may or may
of radiation. not be radioactive. Ultimately, as a result of
radioactive contamination one or more stages of radioactive decay, a
Contamination with radioactive material(s). stable (non-radioactive) end product is
formed. The property of radioactivity occurs
radioactive decay naturally in a number of elements. In general,
The disintegration of the nucleus of an unsta- the chemical elements of atomic number
ble nuclide by the spontaneous emission of above 83 are radioactive. Stable elements that
charged particles and/or photons. are not naturally radioactive can be made so
radioactive decontamination by bombarding isotopes of the element with
The removal of contaminating radioactive high-velocity particles. When an element is
materials from a given location. unstable, whether naturally or artificially, the
ratio of protons to neutrons in its atoms is un-
radioactive device
even. Each atom attempts to achieve stability
See radioactive equipment.
by giving off particles from its nucleus and
radioactive equipment thus it begins to disintegrate, releasing both
Equipment or devices that generate, or are nuclear particles and electromagnetic radia-
capable of generating, ionizing radiation in- tions. Since these radiations interact with
cluding radiographic and fluoroscopic equip- matter, including the cells of the body, they

©2000 CRC Press LLC

can be extremely harmful or, under proper and promoting better health through beneficial
control, extremely useful (in medical therapy, applications of sources of ionizing radiation.
for example). radiology
radioactivity concentration guide (RCG) The branch of medicine that deals with the
The maximum permissible amount of any diagnostic and therapeutic applications of ra-
specified radioisotope that may be allowed to diant energy.
accumulate in the body. radioluminescence
radiobiology The emission of visible light from ionizing
The study of radiation effects on living things. radiation or the decay of radioactive isotopes
More specifically, the branch of science con- causing the excitation of crystals or phos-
cerned with effects of light and of ultraviolet phors.
and ionizing radiations on living tissue or or- radiometer
ganisms. An instrument used to demonstrate the trans-
radiocarbon formation of radiant energy into mechanical
A radioactive isotope of carbon. The isotope energy.
of mass 14 (14C) is used in many diagnostic radiometric unit
procedures and physiologic investigations. A unit of measurement for radiant electro-
With a half-life of 5568 years, it has provided magnetic energy in terms of energy or power,
a means of determining the age of many an- without regard to biological effects.
cient substances and articles.
radiograph The study or measurement of radiant energy.
A picture of an object that is made by passing
ionizing radiation through the object and radionuclide
photographic film positioned on the opposite Radioactive element that is characterized in
side of the object from the radiation source. terms of its atomic mass and atomic number
that can be made artificially or can be natu-
radiographer rally occurring. They have potentially
The individual who is in attendance at a site mutagenic effects on the human body.
where ionizing radiation sources are being
used and is the user or supervises their use in radiosensitive
industrial radiographic operations. This indi- Term used in describing tissues that are more
vidual is responsible for complying with easily damaged as the result of exposure to
regulations and adherence with good practice ionizing radiation.
during the procedure. radiosonde
radiography A balloon-borne instrument that measures and
The use of penetrating radiation such as x- transmits pressure, temperature, and humidity
rays, gamma rays, or neutrons, to make visual to a ground-based receiving station.
images of the insides of objects. An exami- radiotherapy
nation of humans or animals, or of the struc- Treatment of ailments by the application of
ture of materials by non-destructive methods, doses of ionizing radiation from various
utilizing sealed sources of ionizing radiation sources. The purpose of radiotherapy is to
or ionizing radiation-producing machines. deliver a definite amount of radiation to a
radioisotope specific location. The prescribed dosage
An unstable isotope of an element that disin- should be sufficient to treat a lesion, but not
tegrates spontaneously, emitting ionizing ra- great enough to damage permanently the
diation, and yielding a different isotope. normal tissue surrounding the lesion. Radio-
therapy is often used in conjunction with sur-
radiological health gical treatment or with drugs and/or a combi-
The art and science of protecting humans, nation of both, especially in the treatment of
animals, and the environment from injury or cancer.
damage from sources of ionizing radiation

©2000 CRC Press LLC

radium representative of the airborne dust to which
A chemical element, atomic number 88, personnel are exposed.
atomic weight, 226, symbol Ra. Radium is rag top
highly radioactive and is found in uranium Transit (slang). Open top trailer covered with
minerals. Radium salts emit, in addition to a tarpaulin.
heat and light, three distinct kinds of radiation
(alpha, beta, and gamma rays) and also a ra- rags
dioactive gas called radon. Transit (slang). Bad tires.
radius rail
(1) The linear distance from the center of a A rolled steel shape laid in two parallel lines
circle to its edge. (2) The lateral forearm to form a track for carrying vehicles with
bone. flanged steel wheels. See also locomotive,
railway, railroad, and train.
radius of curvature
The radius of a circle whose arc matches a rail car
curve or surface at a given point. A car designed to carry freight or non-
passenger personnel by rail, and includes a
radius of vulnerable zone box car, flat car, gondola car, hopper car, tank
The maximum distance from the point of re- car, and occupied caboose. See also railway
lease of a hazardous substance in which the car.
airborne concentration could reach the level
of concern under specified weather condi-
(1) A chemical element formed by the disin-
tegration of radium 226 or radium 224; a
heavy, colorless, odorless and radioactive gas.
(2) An inert gaseous element formed by ra-
dioactive decay of radium atoms in soil or
radon daughters
See radon progeny.
radon decay products Typical rail car used for hauling freight
A term used to refer collectively to the imme-
diate products of the radon decay chain. These rail-highway grade crossing
include Po 218, Pb 214, Bi 214, and Po 214, A location where one or more railroad tracks
which have an average combined half-life of cross a public highway, road, or street or a
about thirty minutes. private roadway, and includes sidewalks and
pathways at or associated with the crossing.
radon progeny See also grade crossings and highway-rail
A term referring collectively to the intermedi- crossing.
ate products produced in the radon decay
chain. Also called radon daughters. rail joint bond
Railroad. A metallic connection attached to
raffinate adjoining rails to insure electrical conductiv-
In solvent extraction, it is that portion of the ity.
mixture which remains undissolved and not
removed by the solvent. rail ladder
A fixed ladder consisting of side rails joined
rafter sample at regular intervals by rungs or cleats and
A sample of settled dust that is obtained from fastened in full length or in sections to a
a rafter or other undisturbed surface that will building, structure, or equipment.
contain representative particulates that have
settled out of the air. The sample must be

©2000 CRC Press LLC

rail mode striction of work or motion for one or more
Consists of freight and passenger (including days, or one or more lost work days, transfer
commuter) railroads. See also rapid rail, to another job, termination of employment,
rapid transit rail, transit mode, transit rail- loss of consciousness or any occupational ill-
road, and transit railway. ness of a railroad employee as diagnosed by a
railbus physician.
A relatively light, diesel-powered, two-axle rail railroad and railway electric service
vehicle with a body resembling that of a bus. Electricity supplied to railroads and interurban
railing and street railways, for general railroad use,
A vertical barrier erected along exposed sides including the propulsion of cars or locomo-
of stairways and platforms to prevent falls of tives, where such electricity is supplied under
persons. The top member of a railing usually separate and distinct rate schedules.
serves as a handrail. railroad car mile
railroad A single railroad car moved a distance of one
(1) A person engaged in transportation by rail. mile.
(2) All forms of non-highway ground trans- railroad crossing collision
portation that run on rails or electro-magnetic A collision between on-track railroad equip-
guide ways, including a) commuter or other ment at a point where tracks intersect.
short-haul rail passenger service in a metro- railroad switching and terminal
politan or suburban area, and b) high speed A company primarily performing switching
ground transportation systems that connect service, furnishing terminal trackage, bridges,
metropolitan areas, without regard to whether or other facilities such as union freight sta-
or not they use new technologies not associ- tions, operating ferries, or performing any one
ated with traditional railroads. Such term or a combination of these functions. It may
does not include rapid transit operations coincidentally conduct a regular freight or
within an urban area that are not connected to passenger service.
the general railroad system of transportation.
(3) Any surface transportation system that railroad switching and terminal establish-
carries passengers, goods, materials, or prop- ments
erty over rails. See also locomotive, rail, Establishments primarily engaged in the fur-
railway, and train. nishing of terminal facilities for rail passenger
or freight traffic for line-haul service, and in
railroad accident the movement of railroad cars between termi-
An event arising from the operation of a rail- nal yards, industrial sidings, etc. Terminal
road which, with minor exceptions results in companies do not necessarily operate any ve-
one or more of the following circumstances: hicles themselves, but may operate the sta-
a) Any impact between railroad on-track tions and terminals.
equipment and an automobile, bus, truck,
motorcycle, bicycle, farm vehicle, pedestrian, railway
or other highway user at a highway-rail A permanent way having one or more rails
crossing. b) Any collision, derailment, fire, which provides a track for trains. See also lo-
explosion, act of God, or other event involv- comotive, rail, railroad, and train.
ing the operation of railroad on-track equip- railway car
ment, standing or moving, which results in A railway car designed to carry freight, rail-
more than $6,300 in damages to railroad on- road personnel, or passengers. This includes
track equipment, signals, track, track struc- boxcars, covered hopper cars, flatcars, refrig-
tures, and roadbeds. c) Any event arising erator cars, gondola cars, hopper cars, tanker
from the operation of a railroad which results cars, cabooses, stock cars, ventilation cars,
in the death of one or more persons; an injury and special cars. It also includes on-track
to one or more persons (other than railroad maintenance equipment. See also rail car.
employees) requiring medical treatment. d)
An injury to one or more employees which railway gauge
requires medical treatment; or results in re- Distance between the rails of a track.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

passing through and refracted by the airborne
water molecules.
rainbow passage
A paragraph of text, which when read, results
in the reader making a wide range of facial
movements. This reading can be used for the
talking phase of the respirator fit test protocol.
raking collision
Rail Operations. A collision between parts or
a consist on an adjacent track, or with a
structure such as a bridge.
Abnormal sounds in the respiratory system
indicating some type of pathological condi-
See random access memory.
(1) An inclined roadway connecting roads of
differing levels. (2) A lightly sloped surface
which serves as a mobility aid for handi-
capped individuals or movement of goods to a
different height or level, usually adjacent to a
set of steps or stairs.
ramp metering
railway yard (1) The process of facilitating traffic flow on
An area provided with a system of tracks and freeways by regulating the amount of traffic
associated structures, where railway trains are entering the freeway through the use of con-
assembled, and railway cars are switched, trol devices on entrance ramps. (2) The pro-
stored, or serviced. cedure of equipping a freeway approach ramp
rain with a metering device and traffic signal that
Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops allow the vehicles to enter the freeway at a
that have diameters greater than that of driz- predetermined rate.
zle. ramus
rain cap (1) The posterior, vertical portion of the man-
A sheet-metal fixture which is placed on the dible. (2) A branch, as of a nerve, vein, or
outlet of a stack/vent for preventing rain from artery.
entering. Also called a weather cap. rancid
rain shadow Refers to a musty, rank taste or smell that is
The region on the leeside of a mountain where usually associated with fats that have under-
the precipitation is noticeably less than on the gone decomposition.
windward side. Rand formula
rainbow An agreement under which employees pay
An arc of concentric colored bands that spans dues to a union without being required to join
a section of the sky when rain, fog, or water the union.
spray is present and the sun is positioned at random
the observer's back. The colors are those of Not deterministic. A variable whose value at
the spectrum and are visible due to sunlight a particular future instant cannot be predicted

©2000 CRC Press LLC

random access memory (RAM) randomize
Computing. High-speed memory that holds a To select or assign randomly.
copy of the operating system, any programs randomized design
that are currently running on a computer, and An experimental design in which the subjects
any information that is being processed. are assigned randomly to groups representing
RAM is temporary memory; all information different conditions or levels of the independ-
in RAM is lost when the user turns off the ent variable.
computer. RAM is resident memory, meas-
ured in bytes or megabytes, of a computer range
system that enables and facilitates most of the (1) General. The distance between two ex-
system's base functions as well as some tremes (e.g., the high point and the low point).
higher level operating functions. It is memory (2) Instrumentation. The upper and lower
located in the semiconductor chips in the limits between which an instrument responds
computer, not on the hard disk. The more and over which the instrument is calibrated.
RAM, the more programs can be run at the The interval between the upper and lower
same time and the faster the programs will measuring limits of an instrument.
run. range-bearing display
random errors See B display.
Errors which are the result of uncontrollable range of motion (ROM)
or unknown sources. They are the result of The spatial extent through which a combination
variation, due to chance, that occurs in moni- of joints, limbs, or links can be normally
toring despite the effort to control all vari- moved.
ables. They are characterized by the random
occurrence of both positive and negative de- rank
viations from the mean, and these tend to can- (1) To place a set of scores or other numeric
cel out if the sample size is sufficient. variables in rank order. (2) The location of a
score in a set of rank-ordered scores. (3) The
random noise maximum number of linearly independent
An oscillation whose magnitude is not speci- rows in a matrix.
fied and cannot be predicted with certainty for
any given instance of time. rank order
A sequence in which objects are organized
random process sequentially by their quantitative score on
A collection of all possible sample functions some descriptor, variable, or parameter.
which might be produced by random phe-
nomena. rank order correlation
Any non-parametric correlation test for sig-
random sample nificance between at least ordinal-level paired
A sample that has been collected in such a observations in a random sample.
manner that each individual in the population
represented by the sampled individual had an Rankine (R)
equal probability of being sampled. This con- A temperature scale with zero F at 460º
cept can be applied to personnel, work areas, Rankine. The freezing point of water on this
work shifts, dates, etc. The objective in col- scale is 491.6ºR and the boiling point is
lecting a random sample is to obtain a sample 671.7ºR.
which is free of bias. ranking crew member
random signal Rail Operations. An individual in whom the
See random process. general charge of the train or yard crew is
vested in accordance with the railroad's oper-
random variable ating rules. Unless otherwise designated by
A real function whose value is determined the railroad, the ranking crew member will be
randomly. Also referred to as chance vari- the assigned locomotive engineer.
able and stochastic variable.
See radar approach control.

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RAPF ratbite fever
Recommended assigned protection factor. Either of two distinct diseases (Haverhill fe-
rapid eye movement (REM) ver and sodoku) that may be transmitted to
Any short, quick movement of the eyes, espe- man by the bite of an infected rat and, less
cially that occurring during the rapid eye commonly, by the bite of an infected squirrel,
movement phase of sleep. weasel, dog, cat, or pig.

rapid eye movement sleep RATCF

That phase of sleep during which the eyeballs See radar air traffic control facility.
can be observed to move rapidly and the EEG ratchet
resembles an awake, alert state. Typically Marine Operations. A heavy turnbuckle with
thought to be involved with dreaming. cork-screw threads and midships handle,
rapid rail equipped with pelican hooks on both ends for
A subway-type transit vehicle railway oper- the purpose of rapidly tightening up wire
ated on exclusive private rights-of-way with lashings holding the barges of a tow together.
high-level platform stations. Rapid rail also It is widely used on the rivers.
may operate on elevated or at grade-level rate
track separated from other traffic. See also (1) The frequency at which a certain event or
rail mode, rapid transit rail, transit mode, circumstance occurs within a specified or
transit railroad, and transit railway. commonly understood time period. (2) The
rapid transit quantity of output produced, expressed as ei-
Rail or motorbus transit service operating ther per unit time or percent of capac-
completely separate from all modes of trans- ity/normal. (3) See speed. (4) See wage rate
portation on an exclusive right-of-way. and piece rate. (5) To judge the relative or
absolute amount of some quality of an entity
rapid transit rail or process, using some scale or other basis.
Transit service using rail cars driven by elec-
tricity usually drawn from a third rail, config- rate change
ured for passenger traffic and usually operated (1) Any alteration in a production time or out-
on exclusive rights-of-way. It generally uses put standard. (2) Any alteration in worker
longer trains and has longer station spacing compensation, whether time based or output
than light rail. See also rail mode, rapid rail, based.
transit mode, transit railroad, and transit rate control
railway. The ability to adjust a controlling device as a
rapids function of changes in the velocity of a con-
An area of broken, fast flowing water in a tinuously moving object or pattern. Also re-
stream, where the slope of the bed increases ferred to as first-order control and velocity
(but without a prominent break of slope which control.
might result in a waterfall), or where a gently rate cutting
dipping bar of harder rock outcrops. An arbitrary reduction in the incentive pay
rapture of the deep/depths rate or scale.
See nitrogen narcosis. rate of decay
rarefaction Acoustics. The time rate at which the sound
The momentary reduction in pressure during pressure level decreases at a given point and
the trough in a sound wave. at a given time after the source is turned off.
rasp rate determination
A machine that grinds waste into a manage- The study and analysis to decide what a stan-
able material and helps prevent odor. dard time or incentive pay rate should be.
raster display rate of closure
A video- or CRT-type display in which the The rapidity with which different pieces of
screen is written in a standard, prepro- information can be integrated into a meaning-
grammed sequence. ful pattern. The pattern is initially unknown.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

rate-regulated pipelines Part 33 of the Federal Aviation Regulations,
The pipelines included in these segments are and approved for unrestricted periods of use.
all federally or state rate-regulated pipeline rated takeoff augmented thrust
operations, which are included in the report- With respect to turbojet engine type certifica-
ing company's consolidated financial state- tion, means the approved jet thrust that is de-
ments. However, at the reporting company's veloped statically under standard sea level
option, intrastate pipeline operations may be conditions, with fluid injection or with the
included in the U.S. Refining/Marketing burning of fuel in a separate combustion
Segment if a) they would comprise less than chamber, within the engine operating limita-
5 percent of U.S. Refining/Marketing Seg- tions established under Part 33 of Federal
ment net property plant & equipment (PP&E), Aviation Regulations, and limited in use to
revenues, and earnings in the aggregate; and periods of not over 5 minutes for takeoff op-
b) if the inclusion of such pipelines in the eration.
consolidated financial statements adds less
than $100 million to the net PP&E reported rated takeoff thrust
for the U.S. Refining/Marketing Segment. With respect to turbojet engine type certifica-
tion, means the approved jet thrust that is de-
rate setting veloped statically under standard sea level
The establishment of standard time values or conditions, without fluid injection and without
any monetary pay scale for a given operation, the burning of fuel in a separate combustion
based on a rate determination. chamber within the engine operating limita-
rated activity sampling tions established under Part 33 of the Federal
A more detailed activity sampling in which a Aviation Regulations, and limited in use to
rating is determined for each work element to periods of not over 5 minutes for takeoff op-
establish the work content in addition to that eration.
time occupied by delays and other activities. rating
rated average element time (1) A statement that, as a part of a certificate,
See normal element time. sets forth special conditions, privileges, or
rated load limitations. (2) That class or level at which an
The maximum static load or force that can be operator is qualified. (3) That assessment of a
imposed on the part or structure at any time worker's pace or output relative to the stan-
during its intended operation and expected dard pace or output.
environment. rating factor
rated maximum continuous augmented thrust That level of skill and effort displayed by an
With respect to turbojet engine type certifica- operator during the period of study, based on
tion, means the approved jet thrust that is de- 100% as normal skill and effort.
veloped statically or in flight, in standard at- rating of perceived effort (RPE)
mosphere at a specified altitude, with fluid An individual's estimate of how hard a task is,
injection or with the burning of fuel in a sepa- in terms of very, very light to very, very hard.
rate combustion chamber, within the engine Also known as rate of perceived exertion,
operating limitations established under Part rated perceived exertion, and rating of per-
33 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and ceived exertion. See also rating of perceived
approved for unrestricted periods of use. exertion scale.
rated maximum continuous thrust rating of perceived effort scale
With respect to turbojet engine type certifica- A 15-point scale ranging from 6 to 20 which
tion, means the approved jet thrust that is de- is used by an individual to report the amount
veloped statically or in flight, in standard at- of effort/exertion he/she is putting forth. Also
mosphere at a specified altitude, without fluid referred to as the Borg scale and perceived
injection and without the burning of fuel in a exertion scale. See also rating of perceived
separate combustion chamber, within the en- effort.
gine operating limitations established under

©2000 CRC Press LLC

rating scale rattening
Any rank ordering scale for recording worker An offense on the part of the members of a
performance. trade union involving the taking away and/or
ratio hiding of the tools, clothes, or other property
A mathematical relationship between two of a worker in an attempt to compel him/her
numerical variables or values in which they to join the union or cease working. In Eng-
are expressed as a fraction (as A/B) and may land, it is an offense punishable by fine or im-
be evaluated as a quotient. prisonment.

ratio-delay study Raub scale

A study in which a large number of instanta- See computer anxiety scale.
neous work samples are taken randomly. ravine
ratio estimate (1) A long, deep, and narrow hollow in the
The ratio of two population aggregates (to- earth, worn by a stream or torrent of water.
tals). For example, "average miles traveled (2) A long, deep, and narrow hollow or pass
per vehicle" is the ratio of total miles driven through the mountains.
by all vehicles, over the total number of vehi- raw agricultural commodity
cles. See also estimate ratio and mean. According to the Federal Food, Drug, and
ratio scale Cosmetic Act: Any food in its raw or natural
A basic measurement scale meeting the crite- state, including all fruits that are washed, col-
ria of an equal-interval scale and in which a ored, or otherwise treated in their unpeeled
known valid zero exists such that the ratio of natural form prior to marketing.
numerical measures can be interpreted as a raw material
ratio of their magnitudes. An unprocessed material or material which
rational basis test has undergone some preliminary processing
Under this test, an appellate court will not elsewhere which is used as input to a proc-
second-guess the legislature as to the wisdom essing operation.
or rationality of a particular statute if there is a raw sewage
rational basis for enactment, and if the chal- Untreated wastewater.
lenged law bears a reasonable relationship to rawinsonde observation
the attainment of some legitimate govern- A radiosonde observation that includes wind
mental objective. data.
rationalization ray tracing
A defense mechanism in which a person finds The calculation of a light ray path through an
logical reasons (justification) for his/her be- optical system.
havior while ignoring the real reasons. It is a
form of self-deception and is unconsciously Rayleigh disk
employed to make tolerable certain feelings, A thin, lightweight, circular disk made of
behaviors, and motives that would otherwise sound-reflective material which is mounted at
be intolerable. Everyone employs rationali- 45° to the incident sound and used to deter-
zation at some time or other and in most in- mine sound wave particle velocity from the
stances it is a relatively harmless behavior torque induced on the disk.
pattern. The danger lies in deceiving oneself
Raynaud's syndrome
habitually so that eventually harmful or de-
A vascular disorder resulting in the constric-
structive behavior can be justified in one's
tion of the blood vessels of the hands due to
mind. Also, when investigating an accident
cold temperature, emotions, vibration, or un-
or incident, witnesses may tend to rationalize
known cause. The hands become a bluish-
as time passes. Therefore, the earlier a wit-
white color due to lack of blood circulation
ness interview can take place following an ac-
and become painful upon exposure to cold. It
cident event, the better the chance of obtain-
is associated with the operation of hand-held
ing more usable testimony.
or manually supported or guided machines

©2000 CRC Press LLC

that produce intense vibration in the fre- reach
quency range of 10 to 1000 Hz. Symptoms (1) A straight-line anthropometric measure
include pain in the fingers, loss of manual taken along the longitudinal axis of a body
dexterity, stiffness in the joints, radiographi- extremity. (2) The capability of achieving a
cally observable changes in the bones and certain point in space through any self-
joints, whitening and numbness in one or directed orientation of limbs. (3) A work
more fingers of either hand, skin atrophy, and element involving the use of any combination
occasionally gangrene. Also referred to as of flexion, extension, or other joint move-
Raynaud's disease, dead hands, and vibration ments to attain a point in space for some op-
white-hands disease. eration. (4) A certain area of a river, usually a
straight section.
Red blood cell. reach envelope
The volume or solid bounded proximally by
the body, clothing surface, or proximal reach
See relative biological effectiveness.
and by the distal boundary in any direction
RC which an individual or robotic device can at-
See room criterion curve. tain by any combination or postures, rotations,
RCC flexion, and/or extension movements under
See rescue coordination center. specified conditions.

RCF reach from wall, maximum

Refractory ceramic fiber. The distance from a wall to the tip of the mid-
dle finger. Measured with the individual's
RCG back and the contralateral shoulder pressed
See radiation concentration guide. against the wall, the shoulder of the arm being
RCO measured held as far forward as possible, with
See remote communications outlet. the arm and hand extended horizontally.
RCRA reaction time
See Resource Conservation and Recovery The time required for a person to react to a
Act. stimulus.

RCRA/HWDMS reaction time delay

RCRA Hazardous Waste Data Management A time factor used in the modeling of man-
System; includes selective information on machine systems to simulate the human reac-
over 324,000 sites which generate, transport, tion to an event.
store, treat, and/or dispose of hazardous waste reactionless tool
as defined by RCRA. Records available in Any tool which compensates internally for
HWDMS will eventually be transferred to the forces or torques induced as a result of its ac-
RCRIS database. tions such that there is essentially no external
force or torque applied to the user.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Infor- reactive
mation System. Materials which by themselves or in contact
with water or other non-compatible materials
are readily capable of detonation, explosive
See rutherford.
decomposition or explosive reaction at normal
RD temperatures and pressures, as well as those
See remedial design. materials that are sensitive to mechanical or
RDA localized shock at normal temperatures and
See recommended daily allowance. pressures.
reactive muffler
Re number
Acoustics. A type of muffler used to reduce
See Reynold's number.
noise emissions from an engine, such as that
from an automobile exhaust system.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

reactivity real ear attenuation at threshold (REAT)
A measure of the tendency to undergo a A methodology for determining the attenua-
chemical change or reaction with the release tion provided by a hearing protection device
of energy. It is the susceptibility of materials fitted in a prescribed manner on a group of
to release energy. normal wearers.
read-out real-ear protection at threshold
A meter reading or other form for displaying The mean value in decibels of the occluded
visual information to an individual. See also threshold of audibility (hearing protector in
call-out. place) minus the open threshold of audibility
read the water (ears open and uncovered) for all listeners on
To navigate by visual observation of the water all trials under otherwise identical test condi-
surface; not recommended for newcomers. tions.

readability real time

A quality of text or numbers which allows (1) General. Having essentially no percepti-
groups of related alphanumeric characters to ble delay between the occurrence of an event
be easily discerned and recognized as words and the knowledge of the event at another lo-
or number sequences. cation. Also, having a control system which
delivers the necessary inputs to the system
readily accessible being controlled at or prior to the times they
Capable of being reached quickly for opera- are required. (2) Instrumentation. An in-
tion, renewal, or inspections, without requir- strument that responds to and indicates a
ing those to whom ready access is required to contaminant concentration or level of a physi-
climb over or remove obstacles or to resort to cal agent as changes are occurring.
portable ladders, chairs, etc. See also acces-
sible. realistic job preview (RJP)
A pre-employment description or new-
readiness potential employee orientation in which accurate and
A change in cortical potential in the motor precise information about the job is related to
cortex just prior to a planned, volitional the individual.
readiness time Pertaining to a component or system which is
That period of time necessary for a system to physically manufactured, not merely theoreti-
be prepared from a specified, inactive state to cal.
a state in which it is stabilized and can per-
form its intended function. realization rate
That proportion or percentage of actual annual
reading point hours worked by all employees in a workplace
See breakpoint. or company compared to the planned or ex-
reading radius pected normal annual hours to be worked.
The distance from the front of the eyeball to rear axle capacity
the object or display to be read. The factor and/or Society of Automotive En-
reading speed gineers (SAE) recommended maximum load
The number of words of text read per minute that a rear axle assembly is designed to carry
by an individual. as rated at the ground and expressed in
A substance that produces a chemical reaction rear end collision
that can be used to detect, measure, or pro- (1) A collision in which one vehicle collides
duce another substance. with the rear of another vehicle. (2) A colli-
sion in which the trains or locomotives in-
reagent blank volved are traveling in the same direction on
Materials used in sample analysis are evalu- the same track. (3) A collision of the front of
ated as reagent blanks to determine their con-
tribution, if any, to the analytical result.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

one vehicle with the rear of another vehicle. would exercise under the same or similar cir-
Also called rear-end. cumstances; a degree of care commensurate
rear extremity with the risk of danger. See also ordinary
Transit. The rearmost point on a vehicle care.
when the vehicle's cargo doors, tailgate, or reasonable cause
other permanent structure are positioned as A basis for arrest without warrant exists when
they normally are when the vehicle is being the facts would lead a person of ordinary care
driven. Non-structural protrusions such as tail and prudence to believe and conscientiously
lights, hinges, and latches are deleted from the entertain an honest and strong suspicion that
determination of the rearmost point. the person subject to the arrest is guilty of
rear overhang committing a crime. See also reasonable and
Transit. The distance from the center of the probable cause.
rear axle to the end of the frame. reasonable compensation
rear projection The sum which would reasonably compensate
Pertaining to a display which is presented to a person for injuries, for pain and suffering,
one side of a translucent screen for viewing and for past, present, and future expenses rea-
from the other side. sonably necessary or incidental to his/her ef-
forts to alleviate injuries and all pecuniary
rearrange tow losses suffered, or to be suffered, as a result of
Maritime. To shift barges in tow. an inability to engage in his/her usual occu-
reasonable accommodation pation.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act reasonable diligence
(ADA), that modification to the workplace or OSHA’s expectation that an employer is li-
other environment which enables a qualified able for conditions or practices which should
handicapped individual to work in a given reasonably have been known of and/or taking
situation and does not impose an undue hard- preventive actions. OSHA believes employ-
ship on an employer. ers have an affirmative duty to monitor its
reasonable act workplace safety and become knowledgeable
Such as may fairly, justly, and reasonably be of all hazards that may be present there.
required of a party. reasonable doubt
reasonable and probable cause The standard used to determine the guilt or
Such grounds as to justify anyone suspecting innocence of a person criminally charged. To
another person of a crime, and placing him or be guilty of a crime, one must be proved
her in custody based on those grounds. It is a guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt." Reason-
suspicion founded upon circumstances suffi- able doubt which will justify acquittal is
ciently strong to cause a reasonable person to doubt based on reason and arising from evi-
believe that a charge is true. dence or lack of evidence, and it is doubt
which a reasonable man or woman might en-
reasonable care tertain, and it is not fanciful doubt, is not
Law. Such a degree of care, precaution, or imagined doubt, and it is not doubt that a juror
diligence as may fairly and properly be ex- might conjure up to avoid performing an un-
pected or required, having regard to the nature pleasant task or duty. Reasonable doubt is
of the action, or of the subject matter, and the such doubt as would cause a prudent person to
circumstances surrounding the transaction. It hesitate before acting in matters of importance
is such care as an ordinary prudent person to themselves. It is doubt based on reason
would exercise under the conditions existing which arises from evidence or lack of evi-
at the time he/she is called upon to act. Sub- dence.
stantially synonymous with ordinary care or
due care. It should be noted that a "high de- reasonable force
gree of care" is not the legal equivalent of rea- That degree of force which is not excessive
sonable care. It is that degree of care which a and is appropriate in protecting oneself and/or
very cautious, careful, and prudent person one's property. When such force is used, a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

person is justified and is not criminally liable, rebuilt passenger car
nor is he/she liable in tort. A passenger car that has undergone overhaul
reasonable grounds which has been identified by the railroad as a
Reasonable grounds within a statute author- capital expense under Interstate Commerce
izing an arrest without a warrant by an officer Commission accounting standards.
who has reasonable grounds for believing that rebuttable presumption against registration
a person to be arrested has committed a (RPAR)
criminal offense means substantially probable See special review.
cause. recall
reasonable man doctrine (1) A statement by a manufacturer or dis-
The standard which one must observe to tributor of some item that it may have one or
avoid liability for negligence is the standard more defects and should be returned for re-
of the reasonable man under all circum- placement or repair. (2) To access informa-
stances, including the foreseeability of harm tion stored in memory and output that infor-
to another person (such as a plaintiff). mation.
reasonably available control technology (RACT) receiver
The lowest emissions limit that a particular A device on a locomotive, so placed that it is
source is capable of meeting by the applica- in position to be influenced inductively or
tion of control technology that is both rea- actuated by an automatic train stop, train con-
sonably available, as well as technologically trol, or cab signal roadway element.
and economically feasible. RACT is usually receiver coil
applied to existing sources in nonattainment Concentric layers of insulated wire wound
areas and in most cases is less stringent than around the core of a receiver of an automatic
new source performance standards. train stop, train control, or cab signal device
REAT on a locomotive.
See real ear attenuation at threshold. receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
reboot A graphical presentation of detector perform-
Computing. The act of restarting a computer ance in signal detection theory, including the
by reloading the operating system. You can combined effects of sensitivity and response
reboot some computers by pressing the RESET bias on operator performance. See also signal
button. On all personal computers, the user detection theory.
can reboot or "warm boot" by pressing the receiving
CTRL + ALT + DEL keys on the keyboard (press
That organization or those activities involved
all keys at the same time). in the receipt and distribution within the plant
rebuild of raw materials, equipment, and supplies
A complete repair of a component with the from external sources.
objective of returning it as nearly as possible receiving waters
to its original and/or performance characteris- A river, lake, ocean, stream, or other water-
tics. course into which wastewater or treated efflu-
rebuilt caboose ent is discharged.
A caboose that has undergone overhaul which recency error
has been identified by the railroad as a capital An error due to recent events which bias a
expense under Interstate Commerce Commis- rating or other measure. Also called recency
sion accounting standards. of events error.
rebuilt locomotive receptacle
A locomotive that has undergone overhaul (1) General, Electrical. A contact device in-
which has been identified by the railroad as a stalled at the outlet for the connection of a
capital expense under Interstate Commerce single attachment plug. (2) Single Receptacle.
Commission accounting standards. A single contact device with no other contact

©2000 CRC Press LLC

device on the same yoke. (3) Multiple Re- reckless endangerment
ceptacle. A single device containing two or A statutory offense committed by creating a
more receptacles. (4) Transit – Freight. A substantial risk of death or serious injury to
containment vessel for receiving and holding another.
materials, including any means of closing. reckless homicide
receptacle outlet A species of statutory homicide in some states
An outlet where one or more receptacles are characterized by a willful and wanton disre-
installed. gard of consequences and resulting in death.
reception minimum altitude In some states, it may amount to manslaugh-
The lowest altitude at which an intersection ter.
can be determined. reckless misconduct
receptive field A person is guilty of reckless misconduct
A region of the skin, retina, or other structure when he/she intentionally does an act, or fails
having an extended sensory apparatus within to do an act in violation of his/her duty, with
which appropriate stimulation affects the re- knowledge of the serious danger to others in-
sponse of a given sensory neuron. volved in it or of facts which would disclose
such danger to a reasonable person.
Binding site that has a high affinity for a par- reclamation
ticular ligand. Receptors interact with bio- The restoration of land, water, or waste mate-
logically endogenous ligands, facilitating in- rials to usefulness through methods such as
tracellular communication. Many chemicals sanitary landfill, wastewater treatment, or
interact with receptors, producing a variety of material recovery.
toxic effects. Reclamation Act
recessed The Reclamation Act of 1902 authorized the
Pertaining to any device or object which is Secretary of the Interior to locate, construct,
embedded, either entirely or in part, within operate, and maintain works for the storage,
another structure such that the device or ob- diversion, and development of waters for the
ject is still visible. reclamation of arid and semiarid lands in the
Western States.
The process by which water is added to a zone reclining
of saturation, usually by percolation from the Pertaining to a posture involving an interme-
soil surface, e.g., the recharge of an aquifer. diate position between sitting and lying in
which the posterior aspect of the body is
recharge area against some reference surface, with the torso
A land area in which water reaches to the approximately between 45° and horizontal,
zone of saturation from surface infiltration,
and some degree of flexion of the hips and
e.g., an area where rainwater soaks through
the earth to reach an aquifer.
reciprocal color temperature
The process in which an observer interprets or
A chromaticity measure which more nearly
computer process matches with data in mem-
provides equal perceptible divisions of color
ory the information available from a stimulus
or object to arrive at a conclusion about the
reciprocating pedal stimulus or object.
A foot-operated device which operates as a
recognition time
member of a pair of pedals by moving in op-
That temporal interval required for a particu-
posing directions about a common shaft with
lar stimulus to be recognized.
a rotational capability limited by the pedal ra-
dial motion. recognized hazard
Any hazard declared by OSHA to be such, as
well as any hazard known or suspected to ex-
ist within a workplace by management. This

©2000 CRC Press LLC

concept of "recognized hazard" is a critical ordinances and conditions. Reconciling items
element in the OSHA compliance process, es- include depreciation and amortization, interest
pecially with regard to the employer's General payments, leases and rentals. They are called
Duty under Section 5(a)(1) of the OSHAct. reconciling items because they are needed to
The contention is that a hazard must first be provide an overall total that is consistent with
"recognized" as such before any attempts can local published reports.
be made to remove or control it. However, it reconstructed source
must be clearly understood that ignorance of a An existing facility in which components are
hazard or hazardous condition does not ele- replaced to such an extent that the fixed capi-
vate the responsibility to eliminate or control tal cost of the new components exceeds 50
it. OSHA has clearly established a position percent of the capital cost that would be re-
that places this burden of knowledge directly quired to construct a comparable entirely new
on the employer. If the employer should have facility. New source performance standards
known or, with the practice of reasonable may be applied to sources which are recon-
diligence, could have known about the hazard, structed after the proposal of the standard if it
then the employer is still required to and obli- is technologically and economically feasible
gated to control or remove the hazard. See to meet the standard.
also General Duty Clause.
record of decision (ROD)
recombinant bacterium A public document that explains which
A type of microorganism whose genetic cleanup alternative(s) will be used at National
makeup has been deliberately altered by in- Priorities List sites where, under CERCLA,
troduction of new genetic elements. Trust Funds pay for the cleanup.
recombinant DNA (rDNA) recordable occupational injuries and illnesses
The new DNA that is formed by combining Under OSHA 29 CFR 1904.12(c), any occu-
pieces of DNA from different organisms or pational injuries or illnesses which result in:
a) fatalities, regardless of the time be-
recommended daily allowance (RDA) tween the injury and death, or the
That amount of a specified mineral, vitamin, or length of the illness; or
other substance which is recommended for b) lost workday cases, other than fatalities,
normal health. that result in lost workdays; or
recommended exposure limit (REL) c) nonfatal cases without lost workdays
An occupational exposure limit recommended which result in transfer to another job
by NIOSH as being protective of worker or termination of employment, or re-
health over a working lifetime. quire medical treatment (other than first
recommended maximum contaminant level aid) or involve loss of consciousness or
(RMCL) restriction of work or motion. This
The maximum level of a contaminant in category also includes any diagnosed
drinking water at which no known or antici- occupational illnesses which are re-
pated adverse affect on human health would ported to the employer but are not clas-
occur, and which includes an adequate margin sified as fatalities or lost workday
of safety. Recommended levels are non- cases.
enforceable health goals. See maximum con- recording thermometer
taminant level. A thermometer with a recording device used
recompression therapy to obtain a permanent record of temperature.
The treatment for decompression sickness records retention policy
using a hyperbaric chamber to increase the A systematic procedure for the retention and
ambient pressure. destruction of an organization’s documents.
reconciling items Retention periods may be driven by business
Items where accounting practices vary for considerations and not requirements of law.
handling these expenses as a result of local Failure to retain documents in the face of dis-
covery in litigation can result in evidentiary

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implications as well as creating a risk of tive integer value. Also referred to as Carte-
criminal penalties. The policy is also part of sian coordinate system.
the compliance program as government in- rectilinear
vestigators will also check an organization’s Pertaining to a straight line.
records to determine compliance with regula-
tory document retention requirements. Also rectilinear motion
referred to as document retention policy. That type of motion in which every point on a
body moves in a straight line.
recoverable light loss factor
Any light loss factor due to conditions which rectilinear teleoperator
can be remedied through activities such as A teleoperator having the capability for recti-
maintenance, normal servicing, or cleaning, linear motion, and which is usually restricted
specifically including lamp burnout, lumen to that motion.
depreciation, luminaire dirt depreciation, and rectum
room surface dirt depreciation. A segment of the large intestine just proximal
recoverable resources to the anal canal.
Materials that still have useful physical, rectus abdominis muscle
chemical, or biological properties after serv- A voluntary skeletal muscle which has a verti-
ing their original purpose and can, therefore, cal extent and is located over the abdomen
be reused or recycled for the same or other just lateral to the midline of the body.
recumbent anthropometry
recoverable solid waste The taking or study of anthropometric meas-
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: urements taken from the very young, disabled,
The capability and likelihood of being recov- or person in a lying, supine, or reclining pos-
ered from solid waste for a commercial or in- ture, with the variations necessary to obtain or
dustrial use. use the anthropometric measures.
recovered resources recumbent length
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: The length of the body from the top of the
Material or energy recovered from solid head to the bottom of the heels. Measured
waste. with the individual lying on a flat, hard sur-
recovered solid waste material face (e.g., a recumbent-length table), the head
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: positioned such that the line of sight is verti-
Waste material and byproducts which have cal, the hips and knees fully extended, and the
been recovered or diverted from solid waste. longitudinal axis of the feet vertical.
recovery efficiency recumbent-length table
The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the A hard, flat surface, which is wider than the
amount of a material recovered from a sam- shoulders, and which has a fixed headboard
pling media to the amount placed on/in the and a sliding/removable baseboard for meas-
media. uring lengths while the subject is lying down.
recreational boat recycle/reuse
(1) Any vessel manufactured or used primar- The process of minimizing the generation of
ily for noncommercial use; leased, rented or waste by recovering usable products that
chartered to another for the latter's noncom- might otherwise become waste.
mercial use. (2) Any vessel engaged in the recycled air
carrying of six or fewer passengers. That portion of the atmospheric gases retained
recruit in a ventilation system for recirculation.
To search for possible new employees. recycled material
rectangular coordinate system A material that is utilized in place of a pri-
A dimensional coordinate system composed mary, raw, or virgin material in manufactur-
of n perpendicular axes, where n is any posi- ing a product. They consist of consumer

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waste, industrial scrap, materials from agri- reduced comfort boundary
cultural product waste, and others. A set of limits representing the maximum ex-
recycled oil posure time for whole-body vibration in dif-
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: ferent frequency ranges.
Any used oil which is reused, following its reduction
original use, for any purpose (including the Used to indicate the slower output speed re-
purpose for which the oil was originally sulting from a ratio proportion (faster on re-
used). Such term includes oil which is re- ductions of less than 1). a) Single Reduction.
fined, reclaimed, burned, or reprocessed. A single set of reducing gears in the rear axle.
recycling b) Double Reduction. An additional gear-set
The reuse of materials ordinarily considered in the rear axle to reduce output speed further.
waste, whether hazardous or nonhazardous. May or may not be used as a 2-speed rear
A primary color, corresponding to that hue redundancy
apparent to the normal eye when stimulated Providing devices to duplicate each other's
with electromagnetic radiation approximately functions in the event that one fails.
between wavelengths of 650 nm to 725 nm. redundant
red-blindness A situation in which two or more independent
See protanopia. means exist to perform a function.

red blood cell (RBC) reef

See erythrocyte. A ridge of rocks lying near the surface of the
sea, which may be visible at low tide, but is
red border usually covered by water.
An EPA document that is undergoing final
review before being submitted for final man- reef area
agement decision. An area identified as a danger to maritime
navigation containing one or more chains of
red marrow rocks or coral, at or near the surface of the
That type of marrow which produces certain water.
types of blood cells, including erythrocytes.
reef pool
red muscle Pocket of sea/ocean completely surrounded by
A skeletal muscle which appears in the fresh a coral reef.
or living state, probably due to muscle hemo-
globin and cytochrome, and which has a reefer
longer latency than white muscle. Transit (slang). Refrigerated truck or trailer
designed for hauling perishables.
A condition in which vision appears blurred reefing current
by a red mist due to centripetal (negative g) Current where the swift water reaches the
accelerations. slack water and creates boils or continues
boils or turbulent water. It is considered the
red tide edge of the reef or what would be a reef were
A proliferation of a marine plankton that is one there.
toxic and often fatal to fish. This natural phe-
nomenon may be stimulated by the addition re-entrainment
of nutrients. A tide can be called red, green or A situation that occurs when the air being
brown, depending on the coloration of the exhausted from a building is immediately
plankton. brought back into the system through the air
intake and other openings in the building en-
redirect examination velope.
An examination of a witness by the direct
examiner subsequent to the cross-examination reentry
of the witness. A return to the work force or other aspect of
society following a period of absence.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

reentry interval reflected glare
The period of time immediately following the That glare due to specular reflections from
application of a pesticide during which un- glossy or semi-glossy surface within the field
protected workers should not enter a field. of view.
referee fluid reflected light
A compatible fluid, other than that used dur- That light which leaves an object or surface
ing normal system operations, that is used for from the illuminated side.
test purposes because it is safer due to char- reflection
acteristics such as less (or non-) explosive, The process whereby a surface turns back a
flammable, or toxic, and/or it is easier to de- portion of the radiation that strikes it.
reflection coefficient (α
reference dose (RfD)
Toxicity value used most often in evaluating The ratio of the amplitude of a wave reflected
noncarcinogenic effects resulting from expo- from a surface or boundary to the amplitude
sures at Superfund sites. See specific entries of the wave incident on that surface or bound-
for chronic RfDs, subchronic RfDs, and de- ary. Also referred to as coefficient of reflec-
velopmental RfDs. tion.
reference lot reflective material
A lot consisting of selected components and A material conforming to Federal Specifica-
used as a standard. tion L-S300, "Sheeting and Tape, Reflective;
Non-exposed Lens, Adhesive Backing,"
reference man (September 7, 1965) meeting the performance
A hypothetical aggregation of human physical standard in either Table 1 or Table 1A of So-
and physiological characteristics arrived at by ciety of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Stan-
international consensus. For example, the dard J594f, "Reflex Reflectors" (January,
weight, height, and other physical dimensions 1977). See also left bank, reflex reflector,
are presented for what has been agreed to as retro-reflective material, and right bank.
the reference man. Also referred to as the
standard man. reflectometer
A photometer for measuring the reflectance of
referent power surface or materials.
The ability of management to gain support for
a project because personnel are personally at- reflex
tracted to the manager or interested in the (1) An innate biological stimulus-response
project. mechanism. An automatic response to a
given stimulus, depending only on the anat-
referred pain omic relations of the neurons involved. (2) A
A pain which is felt at one location, but which reflection. (3) Directed backward; produced
represents a disorder at another location. by deflection of a nerve impulse that does not
refined petroleum pipelines penetrate the level of consciousness.
Establishments primarily engaged in the reflex angle
pipeline transportation of refined products of An angle between 180° and 360°.
petroleum, such as gasoline and fuel oil.
refined petroleum products reflex arc
Refined petroleum products include but are A neural chain consisting of a sensory recep-
not limited to gasoline, kerosene, distillates tor, an afferent neuron, an inter-neuron, a
(including No. 2 fuel oil), liquefied petroleum motor neuron, and an effector.
gas, asphalt, lubricating oils, diesel fuels, and reflex reflector
residual fuels. A device which is used on a vehicle to give an
reflectance indication to an approaching driver by re-
A measure of the ratio of the luminance of a flected light from the lamps on the approach-
surface to the illumination on the surface. ing vehicle. See also reflective material.

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soil conditioners or separating aluminum and
reflexograph other metals for melting and recycling.
A chart recorder for displaying graphically the regeneration
magnitude of a musculoskeletal reflex. Manipulation of individual cells or masses of
reflexometer cells to cause them to develop into whole
An instrument used to measure the force re- plants.
quired to elicit a reflex. regional administrator
reflux esophagitis A person appointed by the Administrator of
A burning sensation in the thorax, generally the EPA for one of its several geographic re-
due to stomach acid refluxing through the gions.
lower esophageal sphincter. Commonly re- regional distribution port
ferred to as heartburn. Waterfront area which a) is identifiable with
reformulated gasoline a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
(1) Gasoline whose composition has been (SMSA) as defined by the U.S. Bureau of
altered in order to reduce evaporation and ex- Census, b) has 10 or more commercial termi-
haust emissions that contribute to ozone for- nal facilities located within a reasonable dis-
mation. (2) Motor gasoline, formulated for tance of the general area, c) is served by at
use in motor vehicles, the composition and least two Class I railroads, and d) is served by
properties of which are certified as reformu- at least five interstate or U.S. highways.
lated motor gasoline by the Environmental regional response team (RRT)
Protection Agency. Representatives of federal, local, and state
refract agencies who may assist in coordination of
Change the direction of an energy wave on activities at the request of the On-Scene Co-
passing from one medium to another in which ordinator before and during a Superfund re-
the wave has a different velocity. sponse action.

refraction register
(1) Illumination. The bending of light as it A fixture through which air is returned to a
passes from one medium to another. (2) ventilation system. Also referred to as a re-
Acoustics. The bending of a sound wave from turn air register.
its original path due to its passing from one register breadth
medium to another, or due to a temperature or Maritime. The breadth of a vessel at its wid-
wind gradient. (3) Anatomy. Determination est part measured from the outer side of the
of the refractive errors of the eye and their planking or plating on one side to the corre-
correction by glasses. sponding point on the opposite side.
refractory period register depth
See cellular refractory period. Maritime. The depth of a vessel measured
refrigerant from the underside of the tonnage deck, amid-
A substance that will absorb heat while va- ship, to the bottom of the hold. The depth is
porizing and whose boiling point and other not the draft of a vessel.
properties make it useful as a medium for re- registered active general aviation aircraft
frigeration. A civil aircraft registered with the FAA that
refueling track has been flown one or more hours during the
Aviation. Airspace designated for conducting previous calendar year. Excluded are aircraft
aerial refueling. owned and operated in regularly scheduled,
non-scheduled, or charter service by commer-
refuse cial air carriers and aircraft in excess of
See solid waste. 12,500 pounds maximum gross takeoff
refuse reclamation weight, and owned and operated by a com-
Conversion of solid waste into useful prod- mercial operator certificated by the FAA to
ucts, e.g., composting organic wastes to make engage in intrastate common carriage.

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registered aircraft regression coefficient
Aircraft registered with the Federal Aviation The weight or coefficient preceding each pre-
Administration. dictor variable in a regression equation.
registered inspector regression curve
A person registered with the Department [of A graphic curve or an equation for a nonlinear
Transportation (DOT)] in accordance with 49 function which may be used for predicting the
CFR 107 Subpart F who has the knowledge value of an unknown variable from the known
and ability to determine if a cargo tank con- value of another.
forms with the applicable DOT specification regression equation
and has, at a minimum, any of the combina- An equation in which the value of a criterion
tions of education and work experience in variable may be predicted from one or more
cargo tank design, construction, inspection, or known predictor variable values.
repair set out in 49 CFR 171.8.
regression line
registrant A graphic line or a linear equation represent-
Any manufacturer or formulator who obtains ing a linear or approximately linear function
registration for a pesticide active ingredient or which may be used for predicting the value of
product. one variable from a set of known values.
registration regression model
Formal listing with EPA of a new pesticide The use of regression techniques to explain
before it can be sold or distributed in intra- or projections.
interstate commerce. The product must be
registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fun- regular course of business
gicide, and Rodenticide Act. EPA is responsi- Worker's Compensation. The habitual or
ble for registration (pre-market licensing) of regular occupation that a party is engaged in,
pesticides on the basis of data demonstrating with the intent of winning livelihood or some
that they will not cause unreasonable adverse gain, excluding incidental or occasional op-
effects on human health or the environment erations arising out of the transaction of the
when used according to approved label direc- business.
tions. regular element
registration standards A job element which is performed at least
Published reviews of all the data available on once in each work cycle or operation.
pesticide active ingredients. regular grade gasoline
Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Sub- A grade of unleaded gasoline with a lower
stances (RTECS) octane rating (approximately 87) than other
A five-volume NIOSH compilation listing the grades. Octane boosters are added to gasoline
toxicity data of over 80,000 compounds. to control engine preignition or "knocking" by
slowing combustion rates. See also gasoline.
(1) General. Return to an earlier or primitive regular leaded gasoline
state. (2) Statistics. A statistical procedure Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2)
which is employed to establish a relationship greater than or equal to 87 and less than or
between two variables to enable the prediction equal to 90 and containing more than 0.05
of the values of one variable, Y (dependent grams of lead or 0.005 grams of phosphorus
variable), to those which correspond to given per gallon. See also gasoline.
values of the other variable, X (independent regular sampling
variable). (3) Medicine. Subsidence of The continuous or intermittent (at a relatively
symptoms or of a disease process. (4) Biol- fixed frequency) taking of a representative
ogy. The tendency in successive generations portion of the material being sampled.
toward mediocrity. (5) Psychology. A mental
mechanism utilized to resolve conflict or regular unleaded gasoline
frustration by returning to a behavior that was Gasoline having an antiknock index (R+M/2)
successful in earlier years. greater than or equal to 85 and less than 88,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and containing not more than 0.05 grams of chologic readjustment. Rehabilitation is an
lead or 0.005 grams of phosphorus per gallon. integral part of convalescence.
See also gasoline. rehearsal
regularly employed driver The process of recycling information in
A driver who, in any period of 7 consecutive working memory to maintain it within work-
days, is employed or used as a driver solely ing memory or to store it in long-term mem-
by a single motor carrier. ory.
regulated area rehydration
Under many OSHA criteria, an area where The restoration of water or fluid content to a
exposure to a regulated airborne contaminant body or to a substance that has become dehy-
or physical stress agent is, or can be expected drated.
to be in excess of an OSHA permissible expo- Reid vapor pressure (RVP)
sure limit. The vapor pressure of a liquid at 200ºF, as
regulated motor carrier determined by a standard laboratory proce-
A carrier subject to economic regulation by dure (ASTM Test D-23) and expressed in
the Interstate Commerce Commission. pounds per square inch absolute.
regulation Reid's base line
(1) A rule of general application and future An imaginary line defined by the location of
effect promulgated by an agency with juris- the auricular point and the lowest point of the
diction. Distinguished from a legislation orbit on the same side of the head, with an
which is a statute or act of a legislature made anterior-posterior extent.
up of elected representatives of the public. REIL
Federal regulations are codified in the Code of See airport runway end identifier lighting.
Federal Regulations (CFR). (2) Any agency
statement of general or particular applicability reinforcement
designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe A meaningful reward or punishment after a
policy in order to carry out the purpose of a response which results in a strengthening or
law. Synonymous with rule, it has the force weakening, respectively, of that response. See
of law. positive reinforcement and negative rein-
Abnormal backward progression of fluids or Reissner's membrane
other vessel contents, as the return of undi- See vestibular membrane.
gested food from the stomach to the oral cav- Reiter's disease
ity, or of blood through valves of the heart. A disease of males marked by initial diarrhea
rehabilitate followed by urethritis, conjunctivitis, and mi-
Use one or more forms of treatment in an at- gratory polyarthritis and frequently accompa-
tempt to restore some or all loss of capacity or nied by keratotic lesions of the skin.
develop residual capabilities to give an indi- reject allowance
vidual a maximal state of independence. A special time allowance provided a worker
rehabilitation for processing rejects from a process or for
The process of restoring a person's ability to rework.
live and work as normally as possible after a reject staging
disabling injury or illness. It aims to help the Reverse osmosis process configuration where
patient achieve maximum possible physical the overflow water from one stage is used as
and psychologic fitness and regain the ability feed water on subsequent stage to increase
to care for himself/herself. It offers assistance water recovery. Also called brine staging.
with the learning or relearning of skills
needed in everyday activities, with occupa- rejection
tional training and guidance and with psy- The immune reaction of the recipient to for-
eign tissue cells (antigens) after homograft
transplantation, with the production of anti-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

bodies and ultimate destruction of the trans- relative humidity (RH)
planted organ. The amount of moisture in the air as com-
REL pared with the maximum amount that the air
See recommended exposure limit. could contain at the same temperature, ex-
pressed as a percentage. A relative humidity
relapsing fever of 100% is about 2.5% total water vapor in
Any one of a group of similar infectious dis- air, by volume.
eases transmitted to man by the bites of lice
and ticks, and marked by alternating periods relative luminosity
of normal temperature and periods of fever See spectral luminous efficiency.
relapse. The diseases in the group are caused relative maximum
by several different species of spirochetes The highest value within a restricted region of
belonging to the genus Borrelia. Generally, a curve.
relapsing fever starts with a sudden high fever relative minimum
of 104 to 105ºF, accompanied by chills, head- The highest value within a restricted region of
ache, muscle aches, nausea, and vomiting. a curve.
There may also be jaundice and a rash. The
attack lasts 2 or 3 days, after which the relative mode
symptoms disappear by crisis, with profuse An operational state in which cursor move-
sweating accompanying the rapid drop in ment is a function of its original position.
temperature. In elderly people, this may be relative standard deviation
accompanied by collapse, in which the heart See coefficient of variation.
and respiratory system function poorly. After
3 or 4 days, there is a relapse and the symp- relative vorticity
toms return to their former severity. The cy- See vorticity.
cle continues through four or more attacks be- relaxation allowance
fore the disease has run its course. Relapsing See rest allowance.
fevers are rarely fatal, but they can be serious.
relaxed reach
relationship A reach which can be attained without having
An interdependence between individuals, ac- to strain or requiring maximal flexion and/or
tivities, or entities. extension of limbs.
relationship chart relayed cut-section
A table which details what the response for Rail Operations. A cut-section where the
carrying out some task should be for several energy for one track circuit is supplied
possible situations. through front contacts or through front and
relationship diagramming polar contacts of the track relay for the ad-
The process of examining various plant lay- joining track circuit.
outs with the intent to optimize according to relearning time
the closeness of relationships within an orga- The time required for a previous user to re-
nization. achieve a previous level of competence fol-
relative biological effectiveness (RBE) lowing a period of non-use of skill or training.
The ratio of the number of rads of gamma release
radiation or x-radiation of a certain energy (1) General. To let go; to no longer hold or
that will produce a specified biological effect contend a claim of ownership over a particu-
to the number of rads of another radiation re- lar thing. (2) CERCLA. Any spilling, leak-
quired to produce the same effect. Typically, ing, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying,
these are discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching,
1 X-rays, gamma rays, beta particles dumping, or disposing of hazardous sub-
2 thermal neutrons stances into the environment. SARA included
10 fast neutrons, protons in this definition the abandonment or dis-
20 alpha particles carding of barrels, containers, and other
closed receptacles containing any hazardous

©2000 CRC Press LLC

substances or pollutant contaminant. It ex- reliability coefficient
cludes any release which results in exposure The correlation coefficient between two suc-
to persons solely within a workplace, with re- cessive performance samples. Also called co-
spect to a claim which such persons may as- efficient or reliability.
sert against the employer of such persons; reliability curve
emissions from the engine exhaust of a motor See bathtub curve.
vehicle, rolling stock, aircraft, vessel, or pipe-
line pumping station engine; or release of reliever airport
source, byproduct, or special nuclear material An airport designated by the Secretary of
from a nuclear incident as those terms are de- Transportation as having the function of re-
fined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 if lieving current or forecast congestion at a
such release is subject to requirements with commercial service airport and providing
respect to financial protection established by more general aviation access to the overall
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. community.
release load relocated threshold
A work element in which an object is re- Aviation. A threshold located at a point on
leased. the runway other than the beginning of the
runway pavement. The portion of pavement
release rate behind a relocated threshold that is not avail-
Under the Federal Organotin Antifouling able for takeoff.
Paint Control Act of 1988: The rate at which
organotin is released from an antifouling paint rem
over the long term, as determined by the EPA See roentgen equivalent man.
Administrator using a) the American Society REM
for Testing Materials (ASTM) standard test See rapid eye movement.
method which the EPA required in its July 29,
1986, data call-in notice on tributyltin com- remand
pounds used in antifouling paints; or b) any The result or remedy in court litigation or an
similar test method specified by the Adminis- agency adjudicatory proceeding where the de-
trator. cision-maker sends the matter back to the
agency or within the agency for the original
relevance tree decision to be reconsidered or reissued fol-
A means of organizing and presenting inter- lowing proper procedures or standards.
related variables or problems in graphic form
for better visualization through the use of remanufactured vehicle
nodes and branches. A vehicle which has been structurally restored
and has had new or rebuilt major components
relevant evidence installed to extend its service life. See also
Evidence tending to prove or disprove an al- rebuild.
leged fact.
remedial action (RA)
reliability (1) The actual construction or implementation
(1) General. An expression of the level of phase of a Superfund site cleanup that follows
confidence that a given system or product will remedial design. (2) Those actions consistent
function, and continue to function, as intended with permanent remedy taken instead of or in
throughout the life cycle. (2) Instrumentation. addition to removal actions in the event of a
The ability of an instrument and its compo- release or threatened release of a hazardous
nents to retain their operating performance substance into the environment, to prevent or
characteristics over a reasonable period of minimize the release of hazardous substances
use. A statistical term having to do with the so that they do not migrate to cause substan-
probability that an instrument's repeatability tial danger to present or future public health
and accuracy will continue to fall within or welfare or to the environment. (3) The ac-
specified limits. This is a very important tual construction or implementation phase of a
characteristic for instruments which are to be Superfund site cleanup that follows remedial
used in field applications. design.

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remedial design (RD) remote communications outlet (RCO)
A phase of environmental remedial action that Aviation. Unmanned communications facility
follows the remedial investigation/feasibility remotely controlled by air traffic personnel.
study (RI/FS) and includes development of remote control
engineering drawings and specifications for Control of a system from a remote and safe
site cleanup. location.
remedial investigation (RI) remote-control circuit
An in-depth study designed to gather the data Any electric circuit that controls any other
necessary to determine the nature and extent circuit through a relay or an equivalent de-
of contamination at a Superfund site; establish vice.
criteria for cleaning up the site; identify pre-
liminary alternatives for remedial actions; and remote damages
support the technical and cost analyses of the The unusual and unexpected result, not rea-
alternatives. The remedial investigation is sonably to be anticipated from an accidental
usually performed in tandem with the feasi- or unusual combination of circumstances. A
bility study, hence the acronym "RI/FS." See result beyond which the negligent party has
also feasibility study. no control.
remedial maintenance remote handling
See corrective maintenance. The transference of manipulative skills from
the human operator to a more distant region
remedial project manager (RPM) via some electromechanical linkage.
The EPA or state official responsible for over-
seeing remedial action at a site. remote indicator
An instrument or display for showing condi-
remedial response tions at a point some distance away from the
A long-term action that stops or substantially sensing device.
reduces a release or threat of a release of haz-
ardous substances that is serious but not an remote monitoring
immediate threat to public health. See telemetry.
remnant remote operation
(1) That portion of raw material, part, or com- The monitoring and/or control of a system
ponent remaining after some process. (2) performing some function at a distance from
That portion of an actual system output which an operator or control center.
is unaccounted for or unexplained by the sys- removal action
tem model. Usually refers to linear models. Short-term immediate actions taken to address
remote releases of hazardous substances that require
In terms of probability of hazard or mishap expedited response.
occurrence, a hazard or event whose occur- removal costs
rence during the life of an item is considered Under the Federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990:
unlikely, but still possible. The costs of removal that are incurred after a
remote areas discharge of oil has occurred or, in any case in
Sparsely populated areas such as mountains, which there is a substantial threat of a dis-
swamps, and large bodies of water. charge of oil, the costs to prevent, minimize,
or mitigate oil pollution from such an inci-
remote cause dent.
In the law of negligence with respect to an
injury or an accident, a cause which would remove
not, according to experience of mankind, lead (1) Under CERCLA: The cleanup or removal
to the event which happened. One where the of released hazardous substances from the en-
effect is uncertain, vague, or indeterminate, vironment, such actions as may be necessary
and where the effect does not necessarily fol- to take in the event of the threat of release of
low. hazardous substances into the environment,
such as actions as may be necessary to moni-

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tor, assess, and evaluate the release or threat aged tissues, especially the replacement of
of release of hazardous substances, the dis- dead or damaged cells in a body tissue or or-
posal of removed material, or the taking of gan by healthy new cells.
such other actions as may be necessary to repeat
prevent, minimize, or mitigate damage to the To perform again.
public health or welfare or to the environ-
ment, which may otherwise result from a re- repeat rate
lease or threat of release. (2) Under the Fed- The number of times a function is performed
eral Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Containment within a specified period of time. As with a
or removal of oil or a hazardous substance keyboard key when continuously depressed
from water and shorelines or the taking of and the number of characters which are input
other actions as may be necessary to minimize per second.
or mitigate damage to the public health or repeat violation
welfare, including, but not limited to, fish, OSHA. As defined in case law, if the same
shellfish, wildlife, and public and private standard has been violated more than once by
property, shorelines and beaches. (3) Under the same employer and there is a substantial
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act: similarity of violative elements between cur-
Containment and removal of the oil or haz- rent and prior violations, the violation will be
ardous substances from the water and shore- consider “repeated.”
lines or the taking of such other actions as
may be necessary to minimize or mitigate repeatability
damage to the public health or welfare, in- (1) Instrumentation. The ability of an instru-
cluding, but not limited to, fish, shellfish, ment to reproduce readings repeatedly when
wildlife, and public and private property, sampling the same concentration. (2) Sam-
shorelines and beaches. pling. The closeness of agreement between
samples that are collected simultaneously.
Related to or associated with the kidney. repeated measures design
An analysis of variance technique in which
renege each subject is exposed to more than one con-
That customer or user behavior in which an dition.
individual leaves the queue or line after wait-
ing for some period of time. repetitive element
See regular element.
renewable energy
Energy obtained from sources that are essen-
tially inexhaustible (unlike, for example, the
fossil fuels, of which there is a finite supply).
Renewable sources of energy include wood,
waste, photovoltaic, and solar thermal energy.
rental of railroad cars
Establishments primarily engaged in renting
or leasing railroad cars, whether or not also
performing services connected with the use
thereof, or in performing services connected
with the rental of railroad cars.
Repetitive motions, especially those which place the joints in
rep awkward positions can lead to serious injuries
See roentgen equivalent physical.
repair repetitive motion injury (RMI)
(1) Systems. To restore that which is inoper- Any of a class of pathologies created through
able or operable only at reduced capability to excessively frequent use of a particular joint
full capability by replacement of components, or tissue, especially in combination with
assemblies, or subsystems. (2) Medical. The awkward positioning, inadequate or no rest
physical or mechanical restoration of dam- periods, or excessive loads. Also referred to

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as cumulative trauma disorder, repetitive replicate
strain injury, repetitive trauma disorder, re- To conduct an experiment which uses the
petitive stress injury, and overuse syndrome. same methodology but is independent of a
repetitive strain injury previously conducted experiment.
See repetitive motion injury. replicate samples
repetitive stress injury More than one sample collected at the same
See repetitive motion injury. time and place for the purpose of determining
their reproducibility.
repetitive time method
See repetitive timing. report writer
Software which can transform database,
repetitive timing spreadsheet, or other information into a hard-
A work measurement time study technique in copy format which is understandable by
which the duration of each work element is someone not familiar with the software. May
measured and recorded in sequence as it is also be referred to as report generator.
performed, then the timing device is immedi-
ately reset to zero to begin timing the duration reportable accident
of the next element. Also referred to as re- (1) Safety. Any accident that meets the crite-
petitive time method, discontinuous timing, ria established under 29 CFR 1904 and must
flyback timing, snapback method, and snap- be reported on the OSHA 200 Log (an annual
back timing. report summarizing occupational injuries and
illnesses). (2) Transit. A motor vehicle acci-
repetitive trauma disorder dent involving a carrier subject to the De-
See repetitive motion injury. partment of Transportation Act, which results
repetitive work in a fatality, injury, or property damage of
A work activity in which the work or task $4,400 or more.
elements are continuously repeated over a reportable damage
prolonged period of time. Rail Operations. Includes labor costs and all
replace other costs to repair or replace in kind dam-
To substitute one unit for another or to return aged on-track equipment, signals, track, track
something to its original position. structures, or roadbed. Reportable damage
does not include the cost of clearing a wreck;
replacement air however, additional damage to the above
Air supplied to a space to replace exhausted listed items caused while clearing the wreck is
air. See also make-up air (the two terms are to be included in your damage estimate. Ex-
synonymous). amples of other costs included in reportable
replacement standard damage are a) rental and/or operation of ma-
The estimated useful life of a motor vehicle chinery such as cranes, bulldozers, etc. in-
expressed in time (months or years) and/or cluding the services of contractors, to replace
utilization (miles). or repair the track right-of-way and associated
structures; and b) costs associated with the
replacement therapy
repair or replacement of roller bearings on
The use of synthetic substances or substances
units that were derailed or submerged in water
recovered from natural sources to substitute
(replacement costs mean the labor costs re-
for an organ, gland, or other body structure
sulting from a wheel set change out).
which is no longer present or has ceased
functioning. reportable death, injury or illness
Railroad. Any event arising from the operation
replacement vehicle
of a railroad which results in a) death to one
A vehicle acquired to replace a vehicle in in-
or more persons; b) injury to one or more
ventory that meets the replacement standard
persons, other than railroad employees, that
or becomes uneconomical to retain in service.
requires medical treatment; c) injury to one
or more employees that requires medical
treatment or results in restriction of work or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

motion for one or more days, one or more lost operation, of any materials placed in such
workdays, transfer to another job, termination system. Such term includes both surface and
of employment, or loss of consciousness; or subsurface areas at which high-level radioac-
d) any occupational illness of a railroad em- tive waste and spent nuclear fuel handling ac-
ployee, as diagnosed by a physician. tivities are conducted.
reportable quantity (RQ) repowering
The quantity of a hazardous substance that According to the Clean Air Act: Replacement
triggers reports under CERCLA. If a sub- of an existing coal-fired boiler with one of the
stance is released in amounts exceeding its following clean coal technologies: atmospheric
RQ, the release must be reported to the Na- or pressurized fluidized bed combustion, in-
tional Response Center, the SERC, and the tegrated gasification combined cycle, magneto-
community emergency coordinators for areas hydrodynamics, direct and indirect coal-fired
likely to be affected. turbines, integrated gasification fuel cells, or as
reportable vehicle determined by the EPA Administrator, in
All sedans, station wagons, ambulances, consultation with the Secretary of Energy, a
buses, carryalls, trucks and truck tractors. derivative of one or more of these tech-
Excluded are semitrailers, trailers, and other nologies, and any other technology capable of
trailing equipment such as pole trailers, dol- controlling multiple combustion emissions
lies, cable reels, trailer coaches and bodies, simultaneously with improved boiler or gen-
portable wheeled compressors, trucks with eration efficiency and with significantly
permanently mounted equipment (e.g. gen- greater waste reduction relative to the
erators, air compressors, etc.), fire trucks, performance of technology in widespread
motorcycles, electric and hybrid powered commercial use as of November 15, 1990.
electric vehicles and military design motor representative sample
vehicles. A sample which is obtained as being
reporting point representative of the exposure of an individual
A geographical location in relation to which to a hazardous substance or physical agent
the position of an aircraft is reported. during the work activity which is being
reporting threshold
Rail Operations. The level of railroad prop- representative vehicle
erty damage, resulting from a train accident A motor vehicle which represents the type of
involving on-track equipment, over which a motor vehicle that a driver applicant operates
railroad company must report the accident to or expects to operate.
the Federal Railroad Administration. Report- representative worker
able damages include the cost of labor and the An average worker in terms of skill and
cost of repairing (or replacing in kind) dam- performance for the group under consideration.
aged on-track equipment, track, track struc- repression
ture, or roadbed. A defense mechanism whereby a person
reporting unit unconsciously banishes unacceptable ideas,
Any Coast Guard Command having its own feelings, or impulses from consciousness. A
OPFAC (Operating Facility) code (and, there- person using repression to obtain relief from
fore, an individual accountability). mental conflict is unaware that he/she is
repository "forgetting" unpleasant situations as a way of
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act avoiding them.
of 1982: Any system designed by the Nuclear reproducibility
Regulatory Commission that is intended to be Instrumentation. The precision of a single
used for, or may be used for, the permanent measurement on the same sample made by
deep geological disposal of high-level radio- different operators, using different instruments.
active waste and spent nuclear fuel, whether
or not such system is designed to permit the
recovery, for a limited period during initial

©2000 CRC Press LLC

reproduction rescissory damages
The process by which a living entity or Such damages contemplate a return of the
organism produces a new individual of the injured party to the position he/she occupied
same kind. before he/she was induced by wrongful con-
reproduction rate duct to enter into the transaction. When re-
The ratio of the total number of births from turn of the specific right, property, etc. is not
women of reproductive age to the number of possible (e.g., in a stock fraud transaction, the
women within that age group in the stock is no longer available), the rescissory
population. damages would be the monetary equivalent
(e.g., the value of the stock).
reproductive toxicity
A harmful effect to the adult reproductive rescue coordination center (RCC)
system. The ability of a substance or physical A search and rescue (SAR) facility equipped
agent to adversely affect the reproductive and manned to coordinate and control SAR
system. operations in an area designated by the SAR
plan. The U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Air
reproductive toxin Force have responsibility for the operation of
A substance that has the capability to RCCs.
adversely affect the adult reproductive
system. rescue doctrine
Under this doctrine, one who has, through
required evaporation rate his/her negligence, endangered the safety of
The amount of water from sweat or other another may be held liable for injuries sus-
sources which must evaporate from the body tained by a third person who attempts to save
surface into the atmosphere per unit time to the other from injury.
maintain the body's heat balance.
rescue service
required sweat rate The personnel designated to rescue employees
The volume of sweat per unit time which from permit spaces.
must be secreted to assure adequate body research
cooling. Investigation or experimentation aimed at the
requirements contract discovery of new theories or laws and the dis-
A legal agreement for a supplier to provide covery and interpretation of facts or revision
and for a buyer to purchase one or more types of accepted theories or laws in the light of
of products or materials for a specified period new facts.
of time, usually at a specified price and research and development (R & D)
delivery terms. The process of attempting to find new knowl-
re-refined oil edge for commercial use in creating a new
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: product or improving current products.
Used oil from which the physical and chemi- Research and Special Programs Administra-
cal contaminants acquired through previous tion (RSPA)
use have been removed through a refining The Administration was established formally
process. on September 23, 1977. It is responsible for
reregistration hazardous materials transportation and pipe-
The reevaluation and relicensing of existing line safety, transportation emergency prepar-
pesticides originally registered prior to current edness, safety training, multimodal transpor-
scientific and regulatory standards. EPA re- tation research and development activities,
registers pesticides through its Registration and collection and dissemination of air carrier
Standards Program. economic data. It includes the Office of Haz-
ardous Materials Safety; the Office of Pipe-
res judicata line Safety; the Office of Research Technol-
Latin. A legal doctrine, meaning "the thing is ogy, and Analysis; the Office of University
decided," preventing new litigation by the
Research and Education; the Office of Auto-
same parties on the same matter after it has
mated Tariffs; the Office of Research Policy
been fully adjudicated.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and Technology Transfer; the Volpe National after initial wastewater treatment, or particu-
Transportation Systems Center; and the lates remaining in air after the air passes
Transportation Safety Institute. through a scrubbing or process.
reserve residual air
That amount of energy, strength, heart rate, or See residual volume.
other quantity which is available to an indi- residual fuel
vidual but which is not being used in the cur- A heavy oil product that is used by utilities
rent activity. and other industry as a fuel.
reservoir residual fuel oils
Any natural or artificial holding area used to (1) The topped crude of refinery operations,
store, regulate, or control water. which includes No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils, as
reset device defined in ASTM Specification D 396 and
Rail Operations. A device whereby the Federal Specification, VV-F-815C; Navy
brakes may be released after an automatic Special Fuel oil as defined in Military Speci-
train control brake application. fication MIL-F-859E including Amendment 2
residential district (NATO symbol F-77); and Bunker C fuel oil.
The territory adjacent to and including a Residual fuel oil is used for the production of
highway which is not a business district and electric power, space heating, vessel bunker-
for a distance of 300 feet or more along the ing, and various industrial purposes. (2) The
highway is primarily improved with resi- heavier oils that remain after the distillate fuel
dences. oils and lighter hydrocarbons are distilled
away in refinery operations and that conform
residential solid waste to American Society for Testing and Materials
The wastes generated by the normal activities (ASTM) Specifications D396 and 975. In-
of households including, but not limited to, cluded are No. 5, a residual fuel oil of me-
food wastes, rubbish, ashes, and bulky wastes. dium viscosity; Navy Special, for use in
Residential Transportation Energy Consump- steam-powered vessels in government service
tion Survey (RTECS) and in shore power plants; and No. 6, which
This survey was designed by the Energy In- includes Bunker C fuel oil and is used for
formation Administration of the Department commercial and industrial heating, electricity
of Energy to provide information on how en- generation, and to power ships. Imports of re-
ergy is used by households for personal vehi- sidual fuel oil include imported crude oil
cles. It has been conducted five times since burned as fuel.
1979, the most recent being 1991. residual hearing
residential vehicle That capability for hearing retained by an in-
Motorized vehicles used by U.S. households dividual with hearing loss.
for personal transportation. Excluded are residual radioactive material
motorcycles, mopeds, large trucks, and buses. Under the Federal Uranium Mill Tailings Ra-
Included are automobiles, station wagons, diation Control Act of 1978: Waste (which
passenger vans, cargo vans, motor homes, the Secretary of Energy determines to be ra-
pickup trucks, and jeeps or similar vehicles. dioactive) in the form of tailings resulting
To be included, vehicles must be a) owned by from the processing of ores for the extraction
members of the household, or b) company of uranium and other valuable constituents of
cars not owned by household members but the ores and other radioactive waste at a proc-
regularly available to household members for essing site which relates to such processing,
their personal use and ordinarily kept at home, including any residual stock of unprocessed
or c) rented or leased for 1 month or more. ores or low-grade materials.
residual residual risk
Amount of a pollutant remaining in the envi- That risk that remains after the application or
ronment after a natural or technological proc- implementation of controls, barriers, or other
ess has taken place, e.g., the sludge remaining risk-reducing methods or techniques.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

residual strength attacks by chemicals or disease. The ability
The maximum value of nominal stress that a may be inborn or developed. (3) In studies of
cracked body is capable of sustaining, ne- respiration, an expression of the opposition to
glecting the area of the crack itself. flow of air produced by the tissues of the air
residual stress passages, in terms of pressure per amount of
The stress that remains in a structure after air per unit of time. (4) In psychoanalysis,
processing, fabrication, assembly, testing, or opposition to the coming into consciousness
operation (for example, welding-induced re- of repressed material.
sidual stress). resistance arm
residual volume That portion of a lever arm from the fulcrum
The volume of air remaining in the lungs after to the point at which the resistance is applied.
a maximal expiration. Also called residual resistance heating
air. The use of electrical resistance to provide
residue heat, normally within a relatively confined or
(1) With regard to solid wastes, all solids that localized volume.
remain after completion of thermal process- resistance strain gauge
ing, including bottom ash, fly ash, and grate A transducer constructed of a material which
siftings. (2) The hazardous material remain- changes electrical resistance under stress or
ing in a packaging, including a tank car, after deformation.
its contents have been unloaded to the maxi- resistance thermometer
mum extent practicable and before the pack- A device containing a sensing element whose
aging is either refilled or cleaned of hazardous electrical resistance varies as a known func-
material and purged to remove any hazardous tion of temperature and thus can provide a
vapors. temperature measurement.
residue rule resolution
States that any residue left in empty contain- (1) Instrumentation. The smallest change in
ers will not be regulated under RCRA pro- concentration of a contaminant that will pro-
vided that all hazardous wastes are removed duce a detectable change in instrument output.
from the container using the practice com- (2) Electronics. The number of horizontal
monly employed to remove materials from and vertical pixels which are available for
that type of container and that no more than display on a screen at any given time.
one inch of residue remains. Also referred to
as the one inch rule. resolution acuity
The ability to distinguish small separation
resilience distances of separate stimuli as two or more
The ratio of energy given up on a recovery stimuli, rather than one. See also two-point
from deformation to the energy required to threshold and minimum resolution angle.
produce the deformation in an elastic struc-
ture. resolution angle
See minimum resolution angle.
A textile coloring technique in which a sub- resolve
stance which prevents dyeing is applied to To detect two distinct sensory entities within
certain threads before dyeing to produce col- the same modality as being separate.
oring patterns. resonance
resistance (1) General. A phenomenon in which an ex-
(1) Opposition of a conductor to passage of ternally forced oscillation imposed on a
electricity or other energy or substance. See physical-mechanical system causes a maximal
also electrical resistance. (2) The ability of oscillatory response amplitude in that system.
an organism to withstand a noxious influence. (2) Acoustics. Exists when any changes,
For plants and animals, the ability to with- however small, in the frequency of excitation
stand poor environmental conditions and/or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cause a decrease in the response of the sys- energy, or otherwise separating and preparing
tem. solid waste for reuse.
resonance capture resource recovery system
An inelastic nuclear collision occurring when Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act:
the nucleus exhibits a strong tendency to A solid waste management system which pro-
capture incident particles, photons, or par- vides for collection, separation, recycling, and
ticular energies. recovery of solid wastes, including disposal of
resonant frequency non-recoverable waste residues.
Acoustics. A frequency at which resonance respirable
exists. See also resonance. Aerosols of a size small enough to be inhaled
resonate into the deep lung space (i.e., particulate
To cause to be in a state of resonance. matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10
micrometers or less). See also respirable
resource dust.
(1) General. A person, thing, or action
needed for living or to improve the quality of respirable dust
life. (2) U.S. Coast Guard. Any personnel or Airborne particulate matter capable of passing
property used in rendering assistance. through the upper respiratory system and be-
ing deposited in the lungs. Such particles are
resource conservation typically less than 10 microns in diameter.
According to the Federal Solid Waste Dis- See also respirable.
posal Act: Reduction of the amounts of solid
waste that are generated, reduction of overall respirable fraction
resource consumption, and utilization of re- The mass fraction of inhaled particulate mat-
covered resources. ter which penetrates to the unciliated airways
of the lungs.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) of 1976 respirable particulate
As amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste The fraction of inspired particulates which are
Amendments of 1984 (or HSWA): the federal capable of penetrating into the lung after
statute regulating management of hazardous larger particles are removed in the upper res-
waste to assure "cradle-to-grave" responsibility piratory tract. Respirable particulates are
and tracking. The statute was enacted in 1976 those in the size range which permits them to
as a result of the realization that the improper penetrate to the lungs upon inhalation. See
disposal of hazardous wastes posed a also respirable.
significant threat to human health and the Respirable Particulate Mass (RPM)
environment. RCRA authorizes the EPA to list Sampling. Those particles which penetrate a
hazardous materials being disposed of as separator whose size collection efficiency is
hazardous wastes and to develop record- described by a cumulative lognormal function
keeping, labeling, and handling requirements with a median aerodynamic diameter of 3.5
for hazardous waste. Most of the regulations micrometers and with a geometric standard
developed under RCRA concern the control of deviation of 1.5.
hazardous waste generators, transporters and Respirable Particulate Mass TLV (RPM-
treatment, storage and disposal facilities TLV)
(TSDFs). Those materials that are hazardous when de-
resource recovery posited in the gas-exchange region of the res-
According to the Federal Solid Waste piratory system.
Disposal Act: The recovery of material or respiration
energy from solid waste. (1) Process that involves the oxidation of in-
resource recovery facility organic or organic molecules. (2) The physi-
Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act: cal-chemical exchange of gases across tissues.
Any facility at which solid waste is processed (3) The exchange of oxygen and carbon di-
for the purpose of extracting, converting to oxide in the body (a) in the lungs, (b) between

©2000 CRC Press LLC

the cell and its environment, and (c) in the respiratory capacity
metabolism of the cell. The sequence of the A measure of the ability of oxygen to com-
respiration process begins as air enters the bine with blood in the lungs and carbon di-
corridors of the nose or mouth, where it is oxide with blood in the tissues for return to
warmed and moistened. The air then passes the lungs. See also vital capacity.
through the pharynx, larynx, and trachea and respiratory coefficient
into the bronchi. The bronchi branch in the See respiratory quotient.
lungs into smaller and smaller bronchioles,
ending in clusters of tiny air sacs called alve- respiratory diseases
oli. There are 750 million of these alveoli in Diseases which result from the effects of
the lungs. The blood flows through the lungs harmful substances on the respiratory tract
in the pulmonary circulation. Through the (e.g., pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, pulmonary
thin membrane of the network of capillaries irritation, lung cancer, etc.).
around the alveoli, the air and the blood ex- respiratory frequency
change oxygen and carbon dioxide. The car- The number of respiratory cycles per unit of
bon dioxide molecules migrate from the time; the inverse of the respiratory period.
erythrocytes in the capillaries through the po-
rous membrane into the air in the alveoli, respiratory hazard
while the oxygen molecules cross from the air Any airborne entity which may result in some
into the red blood cells. The erythrocytes form or respiratory disability either immedi-
proceed through the circulatory system, car- ately or over time.
rying the oxygen in loose combination with respiratory irritants
hemoglobin and giving it up to the body cells Substances which irritate the respiratory tract
that need it. In cellular respiration the blood (e.g., the nasal passages, larynx, trachea,
cells release oxygen and pick up carbon di- bronchi, alveoli, etc.).
oxide. The lungs dispose of the carbon diox-
respiratory period
ide, left there by the red blood cells, in the
The time interval between the beginning of
process of breathing. With each breath, about
two successive inspirations (the inverse of the
one-sixth of the air in the lungs is exchanged
respiratory frequency).
for new air. (4) See respire.
respiratory protection
An apparatus, such as a respirator, used to
(1) Industrial Health. A personal protective
reduce the individual's intake of a substance
device that is designed to protect the wearer
by the inhalation route.
from inhaling a harmful atmosphere. There
are two basic types of respirators: one which respiratory protection program
removes the contaminant from inspired air Typically, a written program addressing the
(air purifying) and one which supplies clean procedures for the selection, training, inspec-
air from another source, such as a cylinder or tion, maintenance, storage, use, etc. necessary
compressor (atmosphere supplying). (2) to have an effective respirator program for
Medical. A mechanical device for helping an protecting personnel from inhalation hazards
individual breathe who cannot adequately per- when engineering or administrative controls
form that function unassisted due to disease or are not adequate, are being implemented, or
injury. for tasks which are intermittent and when en-
gineering controls are not feasible.
respirator fit test
A procedure that is followed to determine if a respiratory quotient (RQ)
respirator wearer obtains a proper fit, either The value of the ratio of carbon dioxide vol-
by a qualitative, quantitative, or workplace ume excreted to the volume of oxygen con-
test. The results of the test indicate if the sumed by an organism within a specified time
wearer is getting the protection that is to be interval.
afforded by the respiratory protection device respiratory system
and whether the user puts the device on prop- The group of organs concerned with the ex-
erly to get a good fit. change of oxygen and carbon dioxide in or-

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ganisms. In higher animals, it consists suc- ers who are or may be engaged in activities
cessively of the air passage through the related to hazardous waste removal, contain-
mouth, nose, and throat; the trachea; the bron- ment, or emergency response under CER-
chi; the bronchioles; and the alveoli of the CLA. Also any person who is retained or
lungs. hired by a person described in a, b, or c above
to provide any services relating to a response
respiratory tract
action. Also any surety who after October 16,
That part of the respiratory system through
1990, and before January 1, 1996, provided a
which air normally passes, the nasal cavities,
bid, performance or payment bond to a re-
the pharynx, the larynx, and the lungs.
sponse action contractor, and began activities
respire to meet its obligations under such bond, but
Breathe, inhale/inspire, and exhale/expire at- only in connection with such activities or ob-
mospheric gases. ligations.
respirometer response activities
An instrument for measuring such respiration The containment and removal of oil from the
parameters as breathing rate and the force in- water and shorelines, the temporary storage
volved in breathing. and disposal of recovered oil, or the taking of
other actions as necessary to minimize or
respondeat superior
mitigate damage to the environment.
Term of law which holds an employer respon-
sible for the acts of employees during the response area
course of their employment. The inland zone or coastal zone, as defined in
the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR 300),
in which the response activity is occurring.
(1) General. An action or output of a system,
usually occurring as a result of some stimulus response check
or input. (2) Instrumentation. The quantity of Instrumentation. A procedure to determine
output signal that results from a challenge by that the instrument is working properly and
a given amount of sample (i.e., the material of responding to the contaminant it was designed
interest). to detect and measure. Typically, no adjust-
ment is made to the instrument when a re-
response action
sponse check is made.
A CERCLA-authorized action involving ei-
ther a short-term removal action or a long- response costs
term removal response that may include but is Under CERCLA, those costs associated with
not limits to removing hazardous materials the cleanup, removal (including costs associ-
from a site to an EPA-approved hazardous ated with emergency response), remedial ac-
waste facility for treatment, containment, or tion (costs associated with permanent reme-
destruction; containing the waste safely on- dies), and related enforcement activities.
site; destroying or treating the waste on-site;
response flatness
and identifying and removing the source of
Having a constant output for a given input
groundwater contamination and halting fur-
over a range of frequencies.
ther migration of contaminants.
response inventory
response action contractor
That entire set of kinesiological, physiologi-
Under CERCLA, any a) person who enters
cal, and psychological responses available to
into a response action contract with respect to
an individual when presented with one or
any release or threatened release of a hazard-
more stimuli. Also called reactions inventory.
ous substance or pollutant or contaminant
from a facility and is carrying out such con- response orientation
tract; and b) person, public or nonprofit pri- The ability to discriminate between two or
vate entity, conducting a field demonstration more different stimuli and rapidly initiate the
pursuant to CERCLA; and c) recipients of appropriate physical response.
grants (including sub-grantees) under CER-
CLA for the training and education of work-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

response plan requirements. Also called relaxation allow-
The operator's core plan and the response ance.
zone appendices for responding, to the maxi- rest for overcoming fatigue
mum extent practicable, to a worse case dis- A work element in which the worker is al-
charge of oil, or the substantial threat of such lowed to rest to overcome fatigue effects.
a discharge.
rest pause
response resources
See rest period.
The personnel, equipment, supplies, and other
resources necessary to conduct response ac- rest period
tivities. A short interval of time, generally 5-15 min-
response time utes, during a work shift which is allocated to
(1) Human Behavior. The temporal interval reducing or preventing fatigue and for which
between a stimulus and the completion of that the worker is paid. Other common related
motor activity required for the response. (2) terms include rest pause, coffee break, and
Instrumentation. The time required for an in- break time.
strument to indicate a designated percentage rest site
(usually 90%) of a step change in the variable A roadside area usually having facilities for
being measured. The time required for an in- people and/or vehicles.
strument to indicate a change in concentration resting potential
or level after being challenged by the agent That voltage difference across a cell mem-
being measured. (3) The period of time re- brane under normal conditions without any
quired for an individual or organization to re- exciting stimulus. Generally a standard value
ceive a service request, dispatch a worker, and for a given type of cell.
arrive at the servicing location.
response zone
Measures taken to return a site to pre-
A geographic area either along a length of
violation conditions.
pipeline or including multiple pipelines, con-
taining one or more adjacent line sections, for restoring feature
which the operator must plan for the deploy- An arrangement on an electro-pneumatic
ment of, and provide, spill response capabili- switch by means of which power is applied to
ties. The size of the zone is determined by the restore the switch movement to full normal or
operator after considering available capabil- to full reverse position, before the driving bar
ity, resources, and geographic characteristics. creeps sufficiently to unlock the switch with
responsibility the control lever in normal or reverse position.
(1) Having to answer for activities and results. restraint
(2) An obligation incurred by or assigned to Any harness or other mechanical device in-
an individual or organization to perform at a tended to prevent or restrict unintended
certain level and/or within a certain time. (3) movement of some object, body part, or the
The state of being answerable for an obliga- body as a whole, usually in response to vibra-
tion, and includes judgement, skill, ability, tion, or rapid acceleration or deceleration. See
and capacity. also active restraint and passive restraint.
responsibility analysis restraint usage
A determination of who is responsible for Manually operated restraint systems include
making certain decisions regarding perform- shoulder belts, lap belts, lap and shoulder belt
ance, use of resources, and other aspects. combinations, or child safety seats. Auto-
rest allowance matic restraint systems include passive belts
That amount of time added to the basic time and air bag systems. See also mandatory use
for completion of a task to permit the worker seat belt law, and manual restraint system.
to recover from fatigue due to the task or restricted area
working conditions and to attend to personal (1) Ionizing Radiation. An area, access to
which is limited by the licensee for the pur-

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pose of protecting individuals against undue retail gasoline (motor) prices
risks from exposure to ionizing radiation and Motor gasoline prices calculated each month by
radioactive materials. (2) Aviation. Airspace the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in con-
designated under Federal Aviation Regula- junction with the construction of the Consumer
tions (FAR), Part 73, within which the flight Price Index (CPI). Those prices are collected
of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is in 85 urban areas selected to represent all ur-
subject to restriction. Most restricted areas ban consumers about 80 percent of the total
are designated joint use and Intermediate U.S. population. The service stations are se-
Fix/Visual Flight Rules IF/VFR operations in lected initially, and on a replacement basis, in
the area may be authorized by the controlling such a way that they represent the purchasing
Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility when it is habits of the CPI population. Service stations
not being utilized by the using agency. Re- in the current sample include those providing
stricted areas are depicted on en route charts. all types of service (i.e., full-, mini-, and self-
Where joint use is authorized, the name of the service). See also gasoline.
ATC controlling facility is also shown. retain
restricted element To maintain information placed in memory.
See externally paced element. retained earnings
restricted road Net income or loss from all operations of the
Public road with restricted public use. corporate entity less dividends and net unre-
restricted speed alized loss on noncurrent marketable equity
Transit. A speed that will permit stopping securities.
within one-half the range of vision, but not retaliation
exceeding 20 miles per hour. Any act by an employer against an employee
restricted use in response to some undesired action outside
When a pesticide is registered, some or all of the workplace by the employer.
its uses may be classified (under FIFRA retarding basin
regulations) for restricted use if the pesticide Basin or embarked area for retarding the flow
requires special handling because of its toxic- of flood waters.
ity. Restricted-use pesticides may be applied reticle
only by trained, certified applicators or those A glass disc with a scale inscribed on its sur-
under their direct supervision. face that is placed in the eyepiece of a micro-
restricted-use pesticides scope to define an area and determine the size
Pesticides that must be applied under the su- of particles.
pervision of a certified applicator. retina
restricted work The delicate multi-layer, light-sensitive mem-
See externally paced work. brane lining the inner eyeball and connected
restriction enzymes by the optic nerve to the brain. The retina is
Enzymes that recognize certain specific re- composed of light-sensitive neurons arranged
gions of a long DNA molecule and then cut in three layers. The first layer is made up of
the DNA into smaller pieces. rods and cones and the other two transmit im-
pulses from the rods and cones to the optic
restriction of work or motion nerve. The rods are sensitive in dim light, and
Rail Operations. The inability of a railroad the cones are sensitive in bright light and are
employee to perform all normally assigned responsible for color vision.
duties because of injury or occupational ill-
ness, and includes the assignment of a railroad retinal illuminance
employee to another job or to less than full The luminous flux incident on the retina per
time work at a temporary or permanent job. unit area.
retinal image
That portion of the field of view which is fo-
cused on the retina.

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retinal image disparity navigation, both unlighted and lighted, afloat
Any difference existing between the images and ashore. See also reflective material.
formed in the two eyes when an object is retrospective cohort study
viewed with both eyes. Also called retina A group (cohort) that is known to have been
disparity. exposed to a condition or substance in the past
retinal image size is selected and followed to disease or death at
That length and/or width of an external object some point also in the past. The results are
as represented on the retina. compared to the expected number of occur-
retinal rivalry rences found in an unexposed cohort from the
See binocular rivalry. same time period.

retinitis pigmentosa retro-torsion

A disease in which the retina slowly deterio- Twisting backward.
rates. It is believed to be hereditary. The first return air (RA)
sign is night blindness. Later, the visual field Air which is returned to the fan from the oc-
narrows as if looking through the barrel of a cupied space for recirculation.
gun. return stroke
retrieval buffer The luminous lightning stroke that propagates
A temporary storage location from which the upward from the earth to the base of a cloud.
user may retrieve information after some ac- See also lightning.
tion which would normally have deleted it. revenue
retrieval system (1) General. Funds received for services ren-
The equipment (including a retrieval line, dered and/or products delivered. (2) Transit.
chest or full-body harness, wristlets, if appro- Pertaining to transport activities for which
priate, and a lifting device or anchor) used for remuneration is received by the carrier.
non-entry rescue of persons from permit revenue bonds
spaces. The most common form of financing for port
retroactive authorities. The bonds usually name a spe-
Having the character of applying to past ac- cific facility whose income is pledged as secu-
tions, as in retroactive liability. Most civil rity. The power to issue revenue bonds, as
laws are prospective rather than retroactive, well as any other fiscal power, must come
and no criminal statutes are retroactive. from the authority's charter or legislative acts
retroactive inhibition authorizing the creation of such an authority.
That disruptive effect on the ability to recall revenue load factor
information from a task by the imposition of Transit. The percent that revenue ton miles
an additional learning activity between the (passenger and nonpassenger) are of available
end of the primary learning task and the test ton miles in revenue services, representing the
for recall. See also proactive inhibition. proportion of the overall capacity that is actu-
retroflex ally sold and utilized.
A consonant sound represented by the "r" as revenue load per aircraft mile
in read or beer. Aviation. The average total tonnage carried
retrograde amnesia per aircraft in revenue services derived by di-
The loss of memory for events preceding viding overall revenue ton miles by the air-
some event which caused the present condi- craft miles flown in revenue services.
tion. revenue passenger
retro-reflective material Aviation. Person receiving air transportation
Maritime Safety. A type of material applied from the air carrier for which remuneration is
either in strips or sheets which reflects received by the carrier. Air carrier employees
searchlight illumination; used on all aids to or others receiving air transportation against
whom token service charges are levied are

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considered nonrevenue passengers. Infants revenue ton mile
for whom a token fare is charged are not Rail Operations. The movement of a ton of
counted as passengers. freight one mile for revenue.
revenue passenger enplanements revenue vehicle mile
Aviation. (1) The total number of passengers The distance in miles that a revenue vehicle is
boarding aircraft. Includes both originating operated while it is available for passenger
and connecting passengers. (2) Total number service.
of revenue passengers boarding aircraft in revenue vehicle operation
scheduled service including origination, All activities associated with revenue vehicle
stopover, or connecting passengers. See also operation including moving revenue vehicles
enplanement. along routes while boarding and discharging
revenue passenger load factor passengers, deadheading, laying-over, moving
Aviation. The percent that revenue passenger- operators to relief points, and assisting pas-
miles are of available seat-miles in revenue senger loading.
passenger services, representing the propor- revenue vehicles
tion of aircraft seating capacity that is actually The floating and rolling stock used in pro-
sold and utilized. viding transit service for passengers. The
revenue passenger mile (RPM) term revenue vehicles includes the body and
Aviation. One revenue passenger transported chassis and all fixtures and appliances inside
one mile in revenue service. Revenue pas- or attached to the body or chassis, except fare
senger miles are computed by summation of collection equipment and revenue vehicle
the products of the revenue aircraft miles movement control equipment (radios).
flown on each inter-airport hop multiplied by reverberant field
the number of revenue passengers carried on Acoustics. Location where reflected sound
that hop. dominates as opposed to that near the source
revenue passenger trips where direct sound from the source domi-
The number of fare-paying transit passengers nates.
with each person counted once per trip; ex- reverberant room
cludes transfer and nonrevenue trips. A room with hard walls, floors, and ceiling,
revenue plane-miles such that sound is scattered and reflected and
The total plane miles flown in revenue serv- persists for a short period after a noise source
ice. within the room is turned off. Also referred to
as a reverberation chamber.
revenue seat mile
The movement of one transit passenger seat reverberation
over 1 mile. In other words, the total number The persistence of sound after direct reception
of revenue seat miles for a vehicle is obtained of the sound has ceased.
by multiplying the number of revenue seats in reverberation time
the vehicle by the number of revenue miles The time that would be required for the mean-
traveled. square sound pressure level, originally in a
revenue service steady state, to fall 60 decibels after the
Transit. The time when a vehicle is available source is stopped.
to the general public and there is a reasonable reverse commuting
expectation of carrying passengers that either Movement in a direction opposite the main
directly pay fares, are subsidized by public flow of traffic, such as from the central city to
policy, or provide payment through some a suburb during the morning peak period.
contractual arrangement. Vehicles operated
in fare free service are considered in revenue reverse fault
Seismology. A fault in which the displace-
service. Revenue service excludes deadhead,
school bus, and charter service. ment is predominantly vertical, and the
hanging wall is moved upward with respect to
the footwall. Some amount of reverse slip is

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often seen in predominantly lateral faults. If a blood cells, he/she is said to be Rh positive; if
reverse fault has a dip angle of less than 45 the factor is absent, he/she is said to be Rh
degrees, it is called a thrust fault. negative. Approximately 85 percent of all
reverse osmosis Caucasoids are Rh positive, and 15 percent
A water treatment process used in small water are Rh negative. Other races, such as Indians
systems by adding pressure to force water of North America, Negroes, Japanese, and
through a semipermeable membrane. Reverse Chinese, are 99 to 100 percent Rh positive.
osmosis removes most drinking water con- The presence or absence of an Rh factor is es-
taminants. Also used in wastewater treatment. pecially important in blood transfusions and
large-scale reverse osmosis plants are now in pregnancy because mixing of two types of
being developed. blood may result in the agglutination (clump-
ing together) of red blood cells, with plugging
reverse video of the capillaries and destruction of the red
A highlighting technique in which the fore- blood cells. This agglutination is an immune
ground and background colors are reversed reaction and depends on the formation of an-
for a segment of text or other portion of a dis- tibodies against the specific agglutinogen (Rh
play. factor) present in the erythrocytes. It should
rework be pointed out that this immune reaction does
To reprocess to correct a defect or deficiency not occur immediately, but depends on the
in a product, either before or after inspection. gradual formation of antibodies; the response
also is more severe in some persons than in
Reynold's number (Re number) others. Thus, there may be no difficulty in the
A dimensionless ratio, applicable to the first transfusion of Rh-incompatible blood,
movement of fluid through a pipe/duct, that is but on repeated exposure to the Rh factor, the
proportional to pipe or duct diameter, veloc- Rh-negative individual becomes "sensitized"
ity, and density of the fluid, and inversely to the agglutinogens in Rh-positive blood and
proportional to its viscosity. The Reynold's builds up a greater quantity of antibodies.
number is used to predict whether fluid flow
is turbulent or laminar. rheumatic
Pertaining to or affected with rheumatism.
See radio frequency. rheumatic fever
A disease associated with the presence of
Rf radiation hemolytic streptococci in the body. It is
Radio frequency radiation. called rheumatic fever because two of the
RFG most common symptoms are fever and pain in
Reformulated gasoline. the joints similar to that of rheumatism.
Rheumatic fever is relatively uncommon to-
day, but occurs at times among young chil-
Request for information. Also, radio fre-
dren between 5 and 15 years of age. Young
quency interference.
adults in the early twenties are also potentially
RFR susceptible.
Radio frequency radiation.
RH Any disease with pain referred to the muscu-
See relative humidity. loskeletal system, most commonly in the area
Rh factor of a joint, accompanied by stiffness.
One of many types of substances called ag- rhinitis
glutinogens that may be present in the eryth- Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining
rocytes (red blood cells). There are at least of the nasal passages. It may be mild and
eight different variation of these agglutino- chronic, or acute and of short duration. Vi-
gens, and each of the agglutinogens is called ruses, bacteria, and allergens are responsible
an Rh factor (named for the rhesus monkey for the varied manifestations of rhinitis. Of-
used in early experiments). If any one of ten a viral rhinitis is complicated by a bacte-
these factors is present in an individual's red rial infection caused by streptococci, staphy-

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lococci, and pneumococci, or other bacteria. logarithmic, very small earthquakes (micro-
Hat fever, an acute type of allergic rhinitis, is earthquakes) can have negative magnitudes.
also subject to bacterial complications. While the scale has no theoretical upper limit,
the practical upper limit, given the strength of
rho (ρ
materials in the Earth's crust, is just below 9.0
The correlation coefficient in the Spearman for local or surface magnitudes and just below
rank-order correlation test. 10.0 for moment magnitudes. See also local
6 D2
magnitude, surface-wave magnitude, mo-
ρ = 1– ment magnitude, and seismic moment.
N(N2 – 1)
where: A nutritional disease caused by a deficiency
D = the difference between the scores within a of Vitamin D in the diet. A major symptom
pair of rickets is softening (decalcification) of the
N = number of pairs of scores bones. In children, this can produce various
degrees of deformity, including nodules on
the ribs and flexibility and bending of bones.
A red photosensitive protein pigment in the
rods of the eye and involved in light trans- rickettsia
duction under low light level conditions. A class of microbial agents resembling small
bacteria that multiply by simple fission, but
rhyme test
only within a living cell. The rod-shaped to
Any test, usually multiple choice, in which an
round microorganisms are found in the cyto-
individual's task is to select from a list of pos-
plasm of tissue cells of lice, fleas, ticks, and
sibilities the word he/she believes they heard.
mites, and transmitted to man by their bites.
ride quality
One of a set of bones which connects the ver-
A measure of the comfort level experienced
tebrae and the sternum, and which collectively
by a passenger in a moving vehicle, including
encloses the thorax.
the vibration intensity and frequency, accel-
riboflavin erations (longitudinal, transverse, and verti-
Vitamin B2, a yellow crystalline powder, ap- cal), jerk, pitch, yaw, and roll.
parently concerned in the metabolism of all
rider's bone
living cells. Also called lactoflavin.
A calcium deposit in the adductor muscles of
ribonucleic acid (RNA) the leg in horse riders due to prolonged pres-
A molecule that carries the genetic message sure of the thigh against the saddle.
from DNA to a cell's protein-producing
mechanisms; similar to, but chemically differ-
The number of rides taken by people using a
ent from, DNA.
public transportation system in a given time
Ricco's law period.
A rule that, for small targets, the threshold
intensity for detecting a target varies inversely
A form of transportation, other than public
with the size of the target.
transit, in which more than one person shares
Richter Scale the use of the vehicle, such as a van or car, to
Seismology. Introduced in 1935 by Charles F. make a trip. Also known as carpooling or
Richter, the Richter Scale is a numerical scale vanpooling.
for quantifying earthquake magnitude. Typi-
cally it refers to local magnitude, but for
An elongated area of high atmospheric pres-
larger quakes, it often refers to surface-wave
magnitude. Currently, large quakes are gen-
erally assigned a moment magnitude, which is ridge line
scaled to be similar, but is based on seismic The line separating drainage basins.
moment, and a better measure of the energy of
an earthquake. Since the Richter Scale is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

RI/FS place to ensure the worker's safety during the
Remedial investigation/feasibility study. See performance of this work (see blue signal).
also remedial investigation and feasibility
Transit (slang). A truck, tractor-semitrailer,
truck and full trailer, or other combination.
(1) Material Handling. General term used to
describe the equipment and associated hard-
ware used with cranes and other lifting de-
vices. These may include wire ropes, slings,
hooks, turnbuckles, lifting beams/bars,
clamps, etc. (2) Maritime. A collective term
describing wire cables, chain length, ratchet
turnbuckles, and other miscellaneous associ-
ated gear used for securing barges in a tow.
right and wrong test
Under this test of criminal responsibility, if, at
the time of committing an act, the party was
laboring under such a defect of reason from
disease of the mind as not to know the nature
and quality thereof, that the person did not
know that an act or action was wrong, the per-
son should not be held criminally responsible
for his/her act.
right bank Railway (or "roadway") worker performing repairs on the right-
of-way of a railway system
The right descending bank of a river on which
side are maintained black buoys, green or
white lights, and white or silver reflective
See Hazard Communication Standard.
material. See also left bank and reflective
material. right-to-work
Pertaining to any designation, law, or legisla-
right-hand draft
tion permitting employment by other than la-
Current which pulls a tow to the right.
bor union members.
right of action
rigid body
The right to bring suit; a legal right to main-
A modeling structure which is not capable of
tain an action, growing out of a given trans-
deformation on the application of forces.
action or state of facts and based thereon.
right-of-way rime ice
(1) The legal priority of one vehicle, pedes- A white, granular deposit of ice formed by the
trian, or other object to proceed before an- freezing of water drops when they come in
other in the event of possible conflict. (2) The contact with an object.
land (usually a strip) acquired for or devoted riming
to highway or railway transportation pur- See accretion.
poses. See also exclusive rights-of-way.
ring badge
right-of-way worker A film badge or TLD that is worn on the fin-
A railroad employee who, by virtue of his/her ger to determine the wearer's exposure to
job assignment/duties, must access and per- ionizing radiation.
form work on the designated right-of-way of a
railway system. Specific protocols are in

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ring finger ripeness doctrine
Digit IV, adjacent to the little finger, often The principle that the federal courts require an
referring specifically to the left hand. actual, present controversy, and therefore will
Ringlemann chart not act when the issue is only hypothetical or
(1) A series of shaded illustrations used to the existence of a controversy merely specu-
measure the opacity of air pollution emis- lative. The constitutional mandate of case or
sions. The chart ranges from light gray controversy (U.S. Constitution, Article III)
through black and is used to set and enforce required an appellate court to consider
emissions standards. (2) Chart, numbered whether a case has matured or ripened into a
from one to five, to simulate various smoke controversy worthy of adjudication before it
will determine the same.
densities by presenting different percentages
of black. Used to evaluate the emission of riprap
smoke from a stack. A group of concrete slabs or stones used in
ringworm bank improvement and around other types of
The popular name of a fungus infection of the marine construction to protect against erosion
skin, even though it is not caused by a worm from the swift water.
and is not always ring-shaped in appearance. rise
Ringworm is caused by a group of related The vertical distance from the top of a stair
fungi of different types. These parasites feed tread to the top of the next higher tread.
on the body's waste products of dead skin and rise angle
perspiration. They attack the skin in various The angle which a stair makes with the
areas, especially in body folds, such as the ground or reference level. Determined by the
armpit and crotch. One type found between ratio of rise height to tread depth.
the toes is commonly referred to as athlete's
foot; another affects the soles and toenails. θ = tan -1 ( riser height
riser depth
Rinne test
A method for detecting conductive hearing rise time
loss in which a vibrating tuning fork is Instrumentation. The time required for an
brought into contact with the skin over the instrument to indicate a designated percentage
temporal bone behind the ear; then, when the (e.g., usually 90%) of the full response that
sound can no longer be heard via bone con- will result with an increase in the concentra-
duction, the tuning fork is moved just anterior tion of the material being measured.
to the external auditory canal. An individual
with middle ear conductive hearing loss will
(1) The upright member of a step situated at
not hear the tone after the change in position,
the back of a lower stair tread and near the
while an individual with normal hearing will.
leading edge of the next higher tread. (2) A
See also tuning fork test.
reservoir of a molten metal connected to the
Riparian casting to provide an additional metal to the
Pertaining to land adjacent to the water line. casting. An additional metal is required as the
Riparian Habitat result of shrinkage that occurs before and
Areas adjacent to rivers and streams that have during solidification.
a high density, diversity, and productivity of riser compounds
plant and animal species relative to nearby Extra-strength binders used to reduce the ex-
uplands. tent of riser erosion. Such material generally
Riparian Rights contains lignin, furfuryl alcohol, and phos-
Entitlement of a land owner to the water on or phoric acid.
bordering his property, including the right to rising river
prevent diversion or misuse of upstream wa- The river condition when gauge readings are
ters. Generally, a matter of state law. increasing day by day.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

risk chemical, physical, and biological influences
(1) That uncertainty of attaining a desired goal (ecological). (4) A method developed by the
or potential for experiencing some loss in un- National Academy of Sciences in 1983 fo-
dertaking some action. (2) The likelihood or cusing on accident potential and hazard iden-
possibility of hazard consequences in terms of tification, exposure and toxicity assessment,
severity and probability of occurrence. The and risk characterization. (5) The analytical
probability of occurrence of a loss-producing process used to determine the level of risk.
event, the chance of loss. (3) The probability risk assessment code (RAC)
or a range of probabilities that a specific ad- An alphanumeric rating of hazard risk based
verse effect may occur under the conditions of upon its anticipated frequency of occurrence
human exposure. It may be expressed in and the resultant severity of exposure to such
quantitative terms, taking values from zero risk. May also be referred to as hazard risk
(certainty that harm will not occur) to one index or HRI.
(certainty that it will). In many cases, risk can
only be described qualitatively (i.e., as high, risk characterization
low, or trivial). (4) Quantitative measure of Combines information on the potential mag-
the consequences and probability of harm im- nitude of exposure to chemicals from the site
posed by a hazard. (5) A measure of the with dose-response information derived from
probability and severity of an adverse health the hazard assessment. The result is a de-
effect occurring as a result of an exposure to a scription of the potential nature and magni-
contaminant, physical stress, or other health tude of the health or environment risk associ-
hazard (e.g., ergonomic factor, biological or- ated with each chemical on site.
ganism, bloodborne pathogen, etc.). (6) In in- risk communication
surance law, the danger or hazard of a loss of The exchange of information about health or
property insured; the casualty contemplated in environmental risks between risk assessors,
a contract of insurance; the degree of hazard; risk managers, the general public, news me-
a specified contingency of peril; and, collo- dia, interest groups, etc.
quially, the specific house, factory, ship, etc.
covered by the policy. risk cost-benefit analysis
A combination of cost-benefit analysis and
risk analysis risk assessment. It is intended to assess the
A detailed examination of any activity or costs and benefits associated with prevention
functioning system in which potential adverse or reduction of risks to human health and the
effects and their probabilities are calculated, environment.
and the various risks are quantified or meas-
ured. risk evaluation
An appraisal of the degree of undesirability of
risk analysis of incineration emissions the various risks after they have been quanti-
An estimate of potential impact on human fied. Consideration is given to the various
health and the environment from the emission factors and tradeoffs influencing risk accept-
of incinerator(s). Major factors in making the ability.
analysis include carcinogenic potency and
threshold toxicity values for organic or heavy risk event
metal compounds. An occurrence with the potential to lead to an
unwanted event such as an accident or inci-
risk assessment dent.
(1) The qualitative and quantitative evalua-
tion performed in an effort to define the risk risk factor
posed to human health and/or the environment A correlation of characteristics (e.g., sex, age,
by the presence or potential presence and/or race, obesity, etc.) or variables (e.g., smoking,
use of specific pollutants. (2) A process for occupational exposure level, etc.) with in-
estimating risks to human health from expo- creased probability of a toxic effect.
sure to chemical or radiochemical substances. risk level
(3) Estimating impacts to species, popula- The population size on which it is estimated
tions, and communities from a variety of that one additional case of cancer will be re-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ported due to the daily consumption of water river basin
and edible aquatic organisms. The land area drained by a river and its tribu-
risk management
(1) The process of evaluating alternative river basin concept
regulatory and non-regulatory responses to The notion that each river system, from its
risk and selecting among them. The selection headwaters to its mouth, is a single unit and
process necessarily requires the consideration should be treated as such. This concept rec-
of legal, economic, and social factors. (2) ognizes the interrelationship of resource ele-
The process whereby management decisions ments in a single basin, and assumes that
are made concerning control and minimiza- multiple-purpose development can take this
tion of hazards and acceptance of residual interrelationship into account. It extends the
risk. This includes the identification, analy- principle of ecological balance to the whole of
sis, and evaluation of risk and the selection of the area and its occupants.
the most advantageous method of treating it. river gauge
(3) The process, derived through the applica- A gauge measuring height of water located
tion of system safety principles, whereby farther along the river than just above and
management decisions are made concerning below a dam.
control and minimization of hazards and ac-
ceptance of residual risks. (4) Process by river mileage
which risk assessment is incorporated into so- Designated mileage from the mouth of the
cial and political policy. river used for identifying locations along the
riverbanks. An exception is the Ohio River,
risk regulating agencies on which mileage commences from the head
The agencies that have been given primary of the river in lieu of the mouth.
authority to regulate activities and substances
that pose chronic health risks. These include river stage
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The height of the water at a certain location
on a given day.
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the
Occupational Safety and Health Administra- river towboat
tion (OSHA), and the Consumer Product A shallow draft, low freeboard, self-propelled
Safety Commission (CPSC). vessel designed to tow river barges by push-
ing ahead.
risk retention group
Under CERCLA, any corporation or other river wall
limited liability association taxable as a cor- The lock wall on the river side.
poration, or as an insurance company, formed riveting hammer
under the laws of any state. A mechanical pounding device used for driv-
risk specific dose (RSD) ing rivets.
An ambient concentration corresponding to a RJP
specified risk. In risk analysis, EPA recom- See realistic job preview.
mends the health-based levels (known as RMCL
RSDs) for carcinogens and reference air con- See recommended maximum contaminant
centrations (RACs) for non-carcinogens. Risk level.
from carcinogens is additive.
Risley prism See repetitive motion injury.
A serial mounting of two thin, equivalent
prisms with opposing faces which can be ro- RMP
tated individually about their common longi- Risk management program. Also, Radon
tudinal axis. Used for testing ocular conver- Measurement Proficiency.
gence. RMP Program
Radon Measurement Proficiency Program.
A set of stereotyped actions that is believed to rms
bring about some desired results. See root mean square.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

RNA cycles; E-no equestrians; M-no motorized ve-
See ribonucleic acid. hicle; P-permit required for use.
road roadbed
An open way for the passage of vehicles, per- (1) In railroad construction, the foundation on
sons, or animals on land. which the ballast and track rest. (2) In high-
road call way construction, the graded portion of a
Unscheduled maintenance requiring either the highway within top and side slopes, prepared
emergency repair or service of a piece of as a foundation for the pavement structure and
equipment in the field or the towing of the shoulder.
unit to the garage or shop. See also roadcalls roadcalls for mechanical failure
for mechanical failure and roadcalls for Transit. A revenue service interruption caused
other reasons. by failure of some mechanical element of the
road class revenue vehicle. Mechanical failures include
The category of roads based on design, breakdowns of air equipment, brakes, body
weatherability, their governmental designa- parts, doors, cooling system, heating system,
tion, and the Department of Transportation electrical units, fuel system, engine, steering
functional classification system. and front axle, rear axle and suspension, and
torque converters. See also road call.
road functional classification
The classification of a road in accordance roadcalls for other reasons
with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Transit. A revenue service interruption
9113.16. Code as follows: C-collector, L- caused by tire failure, farebox failure, wheel
local, R-resource. chair lift failure, air conditioning system, out
of fuel-coolant-lubricant, and other causes not
road gate included as mechanical failures. See also
Gate blocking entrance to a road. road call.
road hog roadway
Transit (slang). Motorist who takes more (1) The portion of a highway, including
than his share of the highway. shoulders, for vehicular use. (2) That part of a
road miles trafficway used for motor vehicle travel.
The length in miles of the single or first main roadway element
track measured by the distance between ter- Rail Operations. That portion of the roadway
minals or stations, or both. Road miles do not apparatus of an automatic train stop, train
include industrial and yard tracks, sidings, and control, or cab signal system, such as electric
all other tracks not regularly used by road circuit, inductor, or trip arm to which the lo-
trains operated in such specific service, and comotive apparatus of such system is directly
lines operated under a trackage rights agree- responsive.
roadway function class
road oil The classification describing the character of
Any heavy petroleum oil, including residual service the street or highway is intended to
asphaltic oil used as a dust palliative and sur- provide.
face treatment on roads and highways. It is
generally produced in six grades, from 0, the roast
most liquid, to 5, the most viscous. To heat to a point somewhat short of fusing in
order to expel volatile matter or affect oxida-
road or trail restrictions tion, e.g., the use of a furnace to heat arsenic
Limitations placed on the use of a road or plant-feed material for the purpose of elimi-
trail. Code as follows: S-seasonal closure; Y- nating a significant portion of the volatile
closed yearlong to motorized vehicles; R- materials contained in the feed.
restriction on types of traffic allowed on road;
L-limitations on vehicle dimensions, weight, robot
or speed; N-no restrictions applied; B-no bi- An electromechanical device which may be
equipped with sensing and reacting instru-

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mentation and/or equipment, some calculating rocker switch
ability with a set of preprogrammed responses A manually activated two-position toggle
determined by the calculation results, some form switch in which two faces are separated by an
of mobility, and the ability to operate autono- obtuse angle, and where one of the faces is
mously, at least for short periods of time. normally depressed.
An aircraft propelled by ejected expanding
gases generated in the engine from self-
contained propellants and not dependent on
the intake of outside substances. It includes
any part which becomes separated during the
Rocky Mountain double
Transit (Slang). A combination vehicle con-
sisting of a tractor, a 45 to 48-foot semitrailer
and a shorted 28-foot semitrailer.
Robot performing assembly function Rocky Mountain spotted fever
An infectious disease marked by fever, head-
robotics ache, muscle pain, rash, and mental symp-
The study, design, manufacturing, develop- toms. Rocky Mountain spotted fever belongs
ment, and/or the use of robots. to a group of insect-borne fevers caused by
ROC microscopic parasites known as rickettsiae,
Reactive organic compound. See also re- which attack the cells lining small blood ves-
ceiver operating characteristic. sels. Also called tick fever.
rock ROD
To a hydrologist, both hard consolidated for- See record of decision.
mations (such as sandstone, limestone, gran- rod
ite, or lava rocks), and loose unconsolidated (1) A tubular or rod-shaped photosensitive
sediments (such as gravel, sand, and clay). cell which predominates in the peripheral
rock area retina and is used in scotopic vision. (2) An
An area identified as a danger to maritime ideal long, flat, thin structure which forms
navigation containing one or more rocks. part of a lever system.
rock berm rodenticide
A mound or strip of stone placed against the A chemical or agent used to destroy rats or
side of a structure near the base to act as a other rodent pests, or to prevent them from
buttress. damaging food, crops, etc.
rock cut roentgen (R)
A dredged channel cut through rocky bottom. A unit of exposure dose of gamma- or x-
Requires particularly careful marking with radiation. It is defined as the quantity of
aids to navigation and is generally narrow, re- gamma- or x-radiation that will produce (in
quiring extreme caution on the part of the 0.001293 gram of air [1 cc] at 0ºC and 760
navigator. mm of Hg pressure) ions carrying one electro-
rock it static unit quantity of electricity of either sign.
Transit (slang). To free vehicle from mud or It is a measure of external exposures to ion-
snow by alternately driving forward and re- izing radiation. One roentgen equals that
verse. amount of x-ray or gamma radiation required
to produce ions carrying a charge of 1 electro-
rocker link
static unit (esu) in 1 cubic centimeter of dry
That portion of an interlocking machine
air under standard conditions.
which transmits motion between the latch and
the universal link.

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roentgen equivalent man (or mammal) (rem) roller dam
A unit of biological dose of radiation in which A dam constructed of a series of concrete
the number expressing the relative biological piers across the river with a series of steel cy-
effectiveness (RBE) of radiation is equal to lindrical drums between each pier. These
the number of rads absorbed, multiplied by drums are rolled up and down an inclined gear
the RBE of the given radiation (for a specified track in the piers, thus controlling the flow of
effect). It is the quantity of ionizing radiation water through the dam. Water passes under
of any type that, when absorbed by a human the rollers rather than over the top as in a
(or other mammal), produces a physiological fixed or wicket dam.
effect equivalent to that produced by the ab- roller gate
sorption of 1 roentgen of gamma- or x- A gate designed to control the flow of water
radiation. through a roller dam.
roentgen equivalent physical (rep) rolling equipment
A unit of ionizing radiation corresponding to Includes locomotives, railroad cars, and one
that amount which results in soft tissue ab- or more locomotives coupled to one or more
sorption of 93 ergs per gram. cars.
roentgenography rolling stock
See radiography. The vehicles used in a transit system, includ-
roll ing buses and rail cars.
To have or cause rotation about a longitudinal rollover
or fore-aft axis of a vehicle. Rollover is defined as any vehicle rotation of
roll and rest 90 degrees or more about any true longitudi-
Transit (slang). When a long-haul driver nal or lateral axis. See also accident and
drives and stops at regular intervals to sleep. jackknife.
roll bar rolltop
A heavy metal tube formed to approximate A trailer with a sliding roof to permit crane
the cabin boundary of a vehicle to prevent loading.
crushing of the cabin for occupant protection ROM
in the event of the vehicle rolling over. (1) Read only memory. The resident memory
roll cloud residing in a computer system that cannot be
A turbulent cumuliform type of cloud that altered or adjusted. It holds the basic initia-
forms on the leeward side of large mountain tion routines and commands that are neces-
ranges. The air in the cloud rotates about an sary for basic system performance. (2) See
axis parallel to the range. Also referred to as range of motion.
an arcus cloud. roofing bracket
roll on/roll off A bracket used in sloped roof construction,
(1) A method of ocean cargo service using a having provisions for fastening to the roof or
vessel with ramps which allows wheeled ve- supported by ropes fastened over the ridge
hicles to be loaded and discharged without and secured to some suitable object.
cranes. (2) Ships which are especially de- room criterion curve (RC)
signed to carry wheeled containers trailers, or A sound pressure level guide for heating,
other wheeled cargo, and use the roll-on/roll- ventilation, and air conditioning systems de-
off method for loading and unloading. signed to produce a bland, non-disturbing
roll vessel sound.
A vessel designed to permit rail cars or high- room surface dirt depreciation
way trailers to move from the terminal to the The reduction of reflected light from room
vessel over a ramp, with a switch engine as surface walls, ceilings, and floors due to ac-
motor power to move the containers. cumulated dirt; a recoverable light loss factor.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

root-cause analysis green, but are differentiated from civil bea-
With regard to compliance: An analysis cons by dual peaked (two quick) white flashes
which looks beyond superficial symptoms or between the green flashes.
underlying factors contributing to or causing rotating shift
shortcomings or failures in the system. It A work schedule that has one or more indi-
looks at something that occurred and asks viduals who work one shift for a period of
what could have been done to have prevented time, then another shift, etc. in a cyclic manner.
it from happening in the first place.
root mean square (rms) The reassignment of vehicles either within or
Square root of the arithmetic mean of the between agencies to equalize mileage.
squares of a set of values of a function of time
or other variable. rotational acceleration
See angular acceleration.
root mean square sound pressure
rotational axis
See effective sound pressure.
A defined line about which instantaneous an-
root of a dike gular motion takes place.
The portion of the dike that abuts the adjacent rotational dynamics
shore. The study of the causes of rotation.
Rossby waves rotational kinematics
See long waves in the westerlies. The description motion, without regard to
rot cause.
See decay (4). rotational velocity
rotameter See angular velocity.
A flow metering device, consisting of a preci- rotator
sion bored, tapered, transparent tube with a Any muscle which moves a bone around its
solid float inside. With air flowing through longitudinal axis.
the device, the float rises inside the tube until
rotator cuff
the pressure drop across the annular area be-
A combination of the three muscles involved
tween the float and tube wall is just sufficient
in rotating the arm and shoulder, the sub-
to support the float. A rotameter is consid-
capularis, supraspinatus, and teres minor.
ered a secondary calibration standard and
must be calibrated against a primary standard rotor
to obtain accurate results. See brush aerator.
rotary pedal rotor cloud
A foot-operated device which operates with a A turbulent cumuliform type of cloud that
pair of pedals moving in a common direction forms on the leeward side of large mountain
about a shaft capable of continuous rotation. ranges. The air in the cloud rotates about an
axis parallel to the range.
rotary switch
A switch which operates by being turned
about a central shaft.
To cause or experience an angular change in
position of a non-axial point about one or
more axes of an object.
rotating airport beacon
Aviation. A visual navigation aid (NAVAID)
operated at many airports. At civil airports,
alternating white and green flashes indicate
the location of the airport. At military air-
A rotorcraft (in this case, a helicopter) prepares to land
ports, the beacons flash alternately white and

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rotorcraft roundabout
A heavier-than-air aircraft that depends prin- Area of water subject to a routing measure
cipally for its support in flight on the lift gen- restricting ship movement to a counterclock-
erated by one or more rotors. wise direction.
rotorcraft load combination roundworm
The combination of a rotorcraft and an exter- One of various types of parasitic nematode
nal load, including the external load attaching worms, somewhat resembling the common
means. earthworm, which sometimes invade the hu-
rotorcraft load combination Class A man intestinal tract and multiply there. Very
A rotorcraft load combination means one in common among them is the pinworm, or
which the external load cannot move freely, seatworm, which infects 10 percent of the
cannot be jettisoned, and does not extend be- population of North America. Others include
low the landing gear. the ascarids, the hookworm, and the trichina,
which causes trichinosis. These worms can
rotorcraft load combination Class B impair health to varying degrees, but proper
A rotorcraft load combination means one in treatment will generally eliminate them.
which the external load is jettisonable and is
lifted free of land or water during the rotor-
(1) The course or way which is, or is to be,
craft operation.
traveled. (2) A designated path through a
rotorcraft load combination Class C road network. (3) A defined path, consisting
A rotorcraft load combination means one in of one or more courses in a horizontal plane,
which the external load is jettisonable and re- which aircraft traverse over the surface of the
mains in contact with land or water during the earth.
rotorcraft operation.
route locking
rotorcraft load combination Class D Rail Operations. Electric locking, effective
A rotorcraft load combination means one in when a train passes a signal displaying an as-
which the external load is other than a Class pect for it to proceed, which prevents the
A, B, or C and has been specifically approved movement of any switch, movable-point frog,
by the [Federal Aviation Administration or derail in advance of the train within the
(FAA)] Administrator for that operation. route entered. It may be so arranged that as a
rotors train clears a track section of the route, the
locking affecting that section is released.
Turbulent eddies that form downward of a
mountain chain, creating hazardous flying route miles
conditions. The total number of miles included in a fixed
route transit system network.
rough fish
Those fish, not prized for eating, such as gar route of entry
and suckers. Most are more tolerant of There are a number of routes by which a
changing environmental conditions than game chemical or infectious substance can enter the
species. body. The three primary routes are inhalation
or breathing (the most common since every-
round shoulders one has to breath), ingestion (eating or drink-
A posture in which the shoulders are drooped ing), and absorption through the skin. In ad-
forward and the thoracic spine has increased
dition, a less common route is through injec-
tion (a sharp object such as a needle, metal
round window corner, or piece of glass that has been con-
A round-shaped osseous opening in the tem- taminated with a chemical or infectious sub-
poral bone which is covered by the secondary stance pierces the skin and injects the material
tympanic membrane, forming the terminus of directly into the bloodstream). Other routes,
the scala tympani of the cochlea at the junc- commonly used in animal studies, are intrape-
tion with the middle ear. See also oval win- ritoneal, intravenous, intramuscular, gastric

©2000 CRC Press LLC

lavage, and ocular. See also portal of entry. RPO
Also known as routes of exposure. See radiation protection officer.
route segment RPZ
A part of a route. Each end of that part is See runway protection zone.
identified by a continental or insular geo-
graphical location; or a point at which a defi-
See reportable quantity. See also respiratory
nite radio fix can be established.
routes of exposure
See route of entry. RRT
See regional response team.
routine analytical services
The set of Contract Laboratory Program RSA
(CLP) analytical protocols that are used to See runway safety area.
analyze most Superfund site samples. These RSD
protocols are provided in the EPA Statements See risk specific dose.
of Work for the CLP (SOW for Inorganics; RSO
SOW for Organics) and must be followed by Radiation safety officer. See also radiation
every CLP laboratory. protection officer.
routine maintenance RSPA
The performance of one or more maintenance See Research and Special Programs Admini-
functions after a certain period of time or after stration.
a certain amount of use. Also called sched-
uled maintenance or planned maintenance. RTECS
See Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
routine monitoring Substances. See also Residential Transpor-
Involves the frequent and regular industrial tation Energy Consumption Survey.
hygiene sampling for determining employees'
rubber itch
exposure to a substance to which personnel
An allergic reaction causing itching and red-
are somewhat routinely exposed or with
ness of the skin resulting from exposure to
which they work frequently.
rubber or rubber products. See industrial
row dermatitis.
The horizontal set of numbers in a matrix. rubbing stake (or timber)
Also, the horizontal alphanumeric characters A timber, or timbers, usually parallel to the
in a table. water surface, used as fenders along which
RPAR boats or barges may slide, or rub, without
Rebuttable presumption against registration. damage to the craft or permanent structure.
See special review. rubbish
RPE A general term for solid waste, excluding
See rating of perceived effort. food waste and ashes, from homes, commer-
cial establishment, institutions, and work-
See radiation protection guide.
rpm A mild systemic disease caused by a virus and
Revolutions per minute. characterized by fever and a transient rash.
RPM Also called German measles and 3-day mea-
See remedial project manager. See also sles. Rubella begins with a slight cold, some
Respirable Particulate Mass and revenue fever, and a sore throat. The lymph nodes just
passenger miles. behind the ears and at the back of the neck
RPM-TLV may swell, causing some soreness or pain
See Respirable Particulate Mass TLV. when the head is moved. The rash appears
first on the face and scalp, and spreads to the
body and arms the same day. Rubella rash is

©2000 CRC Press LLC

similar to that of measles, although the spots Rules of Criminal Procedure
usually do not run together. The rubella rash Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure govern
fades after 2 or 3 days, although in a few the procedure in all criminal proceedings in
cases the disease may last as long as a week. the U.S. District Courts, including prelimi-
ruby nary, supplementary, and special proceedings
A gemstone consisting of a high quality red before the U.S. magistrates.
corundum. Rules of Evidence
ructus Rules of court which govern the admissibility
A condition in which gas is belched from the of evidence at trials and hearings.
stomach. rules of the road
ruggedized Statutory and regulatory rules governing the
(slang). Capable of withstanding a certain operations of vehicles, including the naviga-
level of mechanical shock or vibration with- tion of vessels.
out damage to the unit or its components. rump
rugitis (slang). The region of the body near the bot-
A condition in which the intestines make a tom of the spine, including the buttocks.
rumbling sound. run
rule A type of gait in which both feet may be off
An established guide or procedure for action. the ground simultaneously within a stride cy-
cle, generally consisting of the following
rule-based behavior phases: a) support phase (foot strike, mid-
A cognitive operating mode in which the indi- support, takeoff); b) recovery phase (follow-
vidual consciously attempts to perform some through, forward swing, foot descent. See
task in a situation for which clearly pre- also gait.
established rules exist.
run-in phase
rule of 80-20 That time in which a machine or system is
See Pareto's Law. operated either when new or after a period of
rule of reasonable certainty maintenance and in which the probability of
This rule permits recovery of damages only failure is highest.
for such future pain and suffering as is rea- run-off
sonably certain to result from an injury. (1) That part of precipitation, snow melt, or
rulemaking irrigation water that runs off the land into
Regulations. The authority delegated to ad- streams or other surface water. It can carry
ministrative agencies by Congress or state pollutants from the air and land into receiving
legislative bodies to make rules that have the waters. (2) That portion of the precipitation
force of law. Frequently, statutory laws that that flows over the land surface and ultimately
express broad terms of a policy are imple- reaches streams to complete the water cycle.
mented more specifically by administrative Melting snow is an important source of this
rules, regulations, and practices. water as well as all amounts of surface water
that move to streams or rivers through any
Rules Enabling Act of 1934
given area of a drainage basin. See also run-
Federal statute that delegated comprehensive
procedural rulemaking power to the Supreme
Court and resulted in the Federal Rules of run-out time
Civil Procedure. The time period required by machine tools
between the point at which cutting completion
Rules of Civil Procedure
occurs and the point at which the tool and
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure govern pro-
materials are free of interference so the next
cedures in the U.S. District Courts in all suits
operational sequence can begin.
of a civil nature whether cognizable as cases
at law or in equity or in admiralty with some

©2000 CRC Press LLC

runaway truck ramp intending to land. Note: Runway incursions
A short inclined roadway constructed of sand result from one of the following four types of
or other unconsolidated material that exits airport surface occurrences: pilot deviations,
gradually from and generally runs adjacent to operational errors, vehicle operator/pedestrian
the right lane of a descending highway, ex- deviations, and pilot/vehicle operator/pedes-
pressly for the purpose of stopping runaway trian judgmental errors). See also operational
trucks. deviation, operational error, pilot deviation,
rungs and vehicle/pedestrian deviation.
With regard to ladders, the cross-pieces of runway obstacle free zone
circular or oval cross-sections on which a per- The runway obstacle free zone (OFZ) is a
son may step in ascending or descending the defined volume of airspace centered above the
ladder. runway. The runway OFZ is the airspace
runner above a surface whose elevation at any point
The lengthwise horizontal bracing or bearing is the same as the elevation of the nearest
members (or both) on a scaffold. point on the runway centerline. The runway
OFZ extends 200 feet beyond each end of the
running clearance runway. The width is as follows: 1) for run-
The distance from the surface on which an ways serving large airplanes, the greater of a)
automobile is standing to the lowest point on 400 feet, or b) 180 feet, plus the wingspan of
the automobile, excluding unsprung weight. the most demanding airplane plus 20 feet per
running track 1,000 feet of airport elevation; 2) for runways
Rail Operations. A track providing end-to- serving only small airplanes, a) 300 feet for
end line continuity and used for working precision instrument runways, b) 260 feet for
regular trains between stations or places indi- other runways serving small airplanes with
cated in tariffs as independent points of de- approach speeds of 50 knots or more; c) 120
parture or arrival for the conveyance of pas- feet for other runways serving small airplanes
sengers or goods. with approach speeds of less than 50 knots.
See also inner-approach obstacle free zone,
runoff inner-transitional obstacle free zone, and ob-
The water from all tributaries that enters into stacle free zone.
a river. See also run-off.
runway protection zone (RPZ)
runway An area off the runway end (formerly the
(1) General. A passageway for persons, ele- clear zone) used to enhance the protection of
vated above the surrounding floor or ground people and property on the ground.
level, such as a foot walk along shafting or a
walkway between buildings. (2) Aviation. a) runway safety area (RSA)
A designated area for the movement of air A defined surface surrounding the runway
traffic (takeoff and landing). b) A straight prepared or suitable for reducing the risk of
path on land, used for the landing and takeoff damage to airplanes in the event of an under-
of aircraft. c) A defined rectangular area on shoot, overshoot, or excursion from the run-
an airport prepared for the landing or takeoff way.
of airplanes. runway transgression
runway blast pad Any erroneous occupation of a runway at a
A surface adjacent to the ends of runways controlled airport by an aircraft or other con-
provided to reduce the erosive effect of jet trolled vehicle.
blast and propeller wash. runway type
runway incursion A runway use classification related to its as-
Any occurrence at an airport that involves an sociated aircraft approach procedure.
aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the rupture disk
ground that creates a collision hazard or re- The operating part of a pressure relief device
sults in loss of separation with an aircraft which, when installed in the device, is de-
taking off, intending to takeoff, landing, or

©2000 CRC Press LLC

signed to rupture at a predetermined pressure
and permit discharge of the contents.
ruptured disk
A condition in which the nucleus pulposus of
the intervertebral disk protrudes through the
surrounding fibrous tissue.
Usually refers to areas with population less
than 5,000.
rural area
(1) Outside the limits of any incorporated or
unincorporated city, town, village, or any
other designated residential or commercial
area such as a subdivision, a business or
shopping center, or community development.
(2) Includes all areas of a state outside of the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
approved adjusted census boundaries of small
urban and urbanized areas.
rural arterial routes
Those public roads that are functionally clas-
sified as a part of the rural principal arterial
system or the rural minor arterial system as
described in volume 20, appendix 12, High-
way Planning Program Manual.
rural highway
Rural highway is any highway, road, or street
that is not an urban highway.
rural major collector routes
Those public roads that are functionally clas-
sified as a part of the major collector subclas-
sification of the rural collector system as de-
scribed in volume 20, appendix 12, Highway
Planning Program Manual.
rutherford (rd)
A unit for radioactive decay equal to 106 dis-
integrations per second.
See Reid vapor pressure.

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S See seasonal affective disorder.
Transit. A device, designed and constructed
s as to be readily demountable, used in drive-
Second. away-towaway operations to perform the
sabin functions of a conventional fifth wheel.
A unit of measure of sound absorption. saddle tank
saccade Fuel storage area on a tractor.
A rapid movement of the eyes from one fixa- SADT
tion point to another. Also referred to as sac- See Self-accelerating decomposition tem-
cadic eye movement. perature.
saccharin SAE
A white, crystalline compound several hun- Society of Automotive Engineers.
dred times sweeter than sucrose. Used as a
non-caloric sweetening agent. safe
(1) A condition or situation that is free from
saccule hazards to health. (2) Relatively free from the
An expanded chamber within the vestibular risk of danger, injury, or damage. (3) A metal
apparatus. receptacle for the preservation of valuables.
sacral spine safe & arm (S&A) device
See sacrum. A device that provides mechanical interrup-
sacroiliac tion (safe) or alignment (arm) of the explosive
Pertaining to the sacrum and the ilium, and train and electrical interruption (safe) or con-
the joint formed by these two bones, or the tinuity (arm) of the firing circuit.
lower part of the back where these bones meet safe/arm plug
on both sides of the back. The ilium is the Normally two plugs: the ARM plug is in-
upper part of the hip bone. The sacrum, near serted in the firing circuit to provide continu-
the end of the spine, forms a wedge-shaped ity. The ARM plug is removed and the SAFE
joint within the open portion of the ilium. plug inserted that shorts the electroexplosive
The tight joint allows little motion and is device (EED) leads and provides static bleed
subject to great stress, as the body's weight capability, although some circuits have this
pushes downward and the legs and pelvis protection inherent in their design. Shorting
push upward against the joint. The sacroiliac plugs and connectors that are placed on EED
joint must also bear the leverage demands leads after disconnecting the cable are not the
made by the trunk of the body as it turns, same as safing plugs, although they may per-
twists, pulls, and pushes. When these mo- form similar functions.
tions, especially during weight lifting, place
an excess of stress on the ligaments that bind safe day
the joint and on the connecting muscles, strain A work day in which there were no lost time
may result. injuries.
sacrospinalis safe limit of speed
A collection of muscle groups located in the As regards limitation on speed of automobiles
back and aligned parallel to the spine. It is at crossings, the limit at which one may dis-
necessary for maintaining erect posture, ex- cern an approaching train and stop before
tending the spine, and bending the spine to the he/she is in the danger zone.
side. Also referred to as spinal erector. safe place to work
sacrum In the law of master and servant (employer
The triangular bone near the base of the spine and employee), a place in which the master
formed by the fusion of the five sacral verte- has eliminated all danger which in the exer-
brae. Also referred to as sacral spine. cise of reasonable care the master should re-

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move or guard against. The master's duty to or may not be in compliance with that stan-
provide a "safe place" to work includes places dard.
to and from which the employee might be re- safety education
quired or expected to go. The transmission of information, skills, and
safety attitudes dealing with environmental safety
(1) A measure of the degree of freedom from requirements to interested parties with the in-
risk or conditions that can cause death, physi- tent of producing favorable behavior changes.
cal harm, or equipment or property damage. safety engineering
(2) The development of systems and tech- Discipline concerned with the planning, de-
niques to ensure that individuals in occupa- velopment, implementation, maintenance, and
tional settings and their environment are rela- evaluation of the safety aspects of equipment,
tively free from conditions that could cause the environment, procedures, operations, and
death or serious physical harm. (3) The systems to achieve effective protection of
proper handling of a substance or conduct of a people and property.
task to eliminate its capacity to cause injury or
do harm. (4) The practice of eliminating or safety factor
minimizing and/or the freedom from condi- The ratio of design burst pressure over the
tions which may cause injury, illness, or death maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP)
to personnel, damage to or loss of equipment or design pressure; it can also be expressed as
or property, and/or loss of time. the ratio of tensile or yield strength over the
maximum allowable stress of the material. See
safety alert also design safety factor.
Aviation. A safety alert issued by Air Traffic
Control (ATC) to aircraft under their control. safety glass
Any glass which is shatterproof or which
Safety Appliance Act breaks into granules rather than sharp strands.
Federal act regulating the safety of equipment
used by common carriers engaged in interstate safety harbor
commerce. An area which has been cleared of tree stumps
before impoundment of the pool and in which
safety belt a safe project depth is guaranteed for the
Any strap-like object worn about the waist mooring of vessels. First-class safety harbors
region which attaches an individual to a se- are marked with orange boards. A second-
cure structure and is intended to reduce or class harbor has project depth only at pool
prevent injury in the event of an accident. stage, whereas the first-class harbor maintains
safety coupling project depth even at drawn down winter lev-
A friction coupling set to slip at a controlled els of the pool. The term is peculiar to the
torque, thereby protecting the remainder of a Tennessee River.
system from overload. safety harbor landing markers
safety critical White arrow-shaped boards pointing in the di-
Any condition, event, operation, process, rection of cleared areas safe for mooring in
equipment, or system with a potential for demand reservoirs (used only on the Tennes-
major injury or damage. see River). They indicate that the site has
safety cut-out been cleared of tree stumps to a specified
A device to protect from overload in an elec- depth.
trical circuit. safety helmet
safety defect A hard, rigid headgear designed to protect the
U.S. Coast Guard. A defect in a product wearer's head from impact, electric shock,
subject to the provisions of the 46 U.S.C. and/or flying particles. Also commonly re-
Chapter 43, which creates a substantial risk of ferred to as a safety hat. See also hard hat.
personal injury to the public. The defective safety kernel
part or area may be under the provisions of 46 An independent computer program that moni-
(U.S.C.) Chapter 43, and if so regulated, may tors the state of a system to determine when po-

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tentially hazardous system states occur or when plishments, has achieved professional status
transitions to potentially hazardous system states in the safety field.
occur. The safety kernel is designed to prevent safety relief valve
the system from entering the hazardous state and A valve fitted on a pressure vessel, or other
return it to a known safe state.
containment under pressure, to relieve over-
safety landing pressure.
Similar to safety harbor except that it consists
safety rule
of a small cleared area along the bank. Found
A written requirement stating personal pro-
only on the Tennessee River at present.
tective gear to be worn, safe behavior, or
safety lock other safeguards to be taken in certain activi-
Any lock which can only be opened by using ties.
its own key.
safety shoe
safety margin Any of a variety of shoe types with safety
See margin of safety. features specific to certain environments, such
safety needle as steel-toes, steel-soles, or spark-preventing
Medical. A hypodermic syringe with an af- design.
fixed needle that is totally contained in a safety standard
plastic sheath until it is pressed against the Those standards designed to protect employ-
patient's skin at the time of injection. After ees from hazards such as slips, trips and falls,
use, the self-retracting needle returns to the lacerations and amputation from using ma-
protective sheath. This device virtually elim- chinery, fire hazards, and so on.
inates the possibility of a needle-stick injury
to the health care professional before, during, safety stock
or after use. This "safety device" is an excel- That inventory comprised of reserves in the
lent example of an engineering control ap- case of unanticipated events which can pre-
proach to hazard risk reduction and risk man- vent re-supply.
agement. safety tongs
A gripping device with an extended arm/reach
for placing objects into or removing them
from a hazardous area.
safety training
Any training associated with the safety as-
pects of the home, job, workplace, or other
aspects of living or working, possibly specifi-
cally including any potential hazards and their
relationships to a particular individual or
Saffir/Simpson Scale
See hurricane.
Pertaining to any plane parallel and lateral to
the midsagittal plane.
sagittal arc
The surface distance over the top of the head
from glabella to nuchale. Measured over the
Safety needles. Top syringe shows needle in extended position; hair with compression and with the scalp
bottom syringe shows needle in retracted (safe) position.
muscles relaxed.
safety professional
An individual who, by virtue of specialized sailboat
knowledge, skill, and educational accom- Craft intended to be propelled primarily by
sail, regardless of size or type.

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sailing line salivary gland
A printed course line appearing on river charts One of the glands in the mouth that secrete
showing the recommended general course at saliva. The major ones are the three pairs of
the time the chart was issued. Usually out of glands known as the parotid, submaxillary,
date for open rivers; the navigator should con- and sublingual glands. There are other
sult the latest channel reports. smaller salivary glands within the cheeks and
sailor's skin tongue. The saliva is needed to moisten the
That skin, especially on the back of the hands mouth, to lubricate food for easier swallowing
which has extensive pigmentation and may and to provide the enzymes necessary to begin
lead to squamous cell carcinoma. Also re- food breakdown in the preliminary stage of
ferred to as farmer's skin. digestion. The salivary glands produce about
3 pints of saliva daily. The salivary glands
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corpo- are controlled by the nervous system. Nor-
ration (SLSDC) mally they respond by producing saliva within
Established by act of May 13, 1954 (33 2 or 3 seconds after being stimulated by the
U.S.C. 981-990) as an operating administra- sight, smell, or taste of food. This quick re-
tion of the Department of Transportation. The sponse is a reflex action.
Corporation, a wholly Government-owned
enterprise, is responsible for the development, Salmonella
operation, and maintenance of that part of the A genus of Schizomycetes including the ty-
St. Lawrence Seaway between the port of phoid-paratyphoid bacilli and bacteria usually
Montreal and Lake Erie, within the territorial pathogenic for lower animals which are often
limits of the United States. The function of transmitted to man.
the Seaway Corporation is to provide a safe, Salmonella test
efficient, and effective water artery for mari- See Ames test.
time commerce, both in peacetime and in time salt
of national emergency. (1) Sodium chloride. (2) Any reaction prod-
sales-weighted miles per gallon uct in the neutralization between an chemical
Calculation of a composite vehicle fuel econ- acid and base.
omy based on the distribution of vehicle sales.
salt water intrusion
salicylic acid The invasion of fresh surface or groundwater
A hydroxyl derivative of benzoic acid. In its by salt water. If the salt water comes from the
pure form, it is used as a keratolytic agent to ocean it may be called sea water intrusion.
induce peeling of skin or skin lesions. It is
prepared in ointments, creams, and collodions
The bounding movement of sand and small
containing from 3 to 20 percent salicylic acid,
particles along the surface due to the wind.
depending on the effect desired. The sodium
salt of salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, is saltatory conduction
used mainly as an antirheumatic and antipy- The jumping of the neural impulse along a
retic. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is a myelinated axon from one node of Renvier to
widely used analgesic, antipyretic, and antir- the next. Greatly increases the speed of neu-
heumatic. Since salicylic acid is an irritant to ral impulse conduction.
skin and mucous membranes, preparations salts
taken internally may produce gastrointestinal Minerals that water picks up as it passes
upsets with prolonged use or overdosage. through the air, over and under the ground,
saline and as it is used by households and industry.
A solution of salt (sodium chloride) in water.
salinity Having a taste resembling salt or sodium
The degree of salt in water. chloride.
saliva salutary
A secretion of various glands in the mouth Pertaining to health or a state of well-being.
which aids in the digestion of food.

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salvage sample quantitation limit (SQL)
The utilization of waste materials. Quantity of a substance that can be reasonably
same evidence test quantified given the limits of detection of the
The "same evidence test" used in determining methods of analysis and sample characteris-
an issue of double jeopardy is whether the tics that may affect quantitation (for example,
facts alleged in a second indictment, if intro- dilution, concentration).
duced in evidence, would have sustained a sample size
conviction under the first indictment or The number of cases required or used within a
whether the same evidence would support a sample.
conviction in each case. sample storage stability
SAMMIE It is the period of time, in days, over which
See System for Aiding Man-Machine Inter- storage losses of analytes are generally less
action Evaluation. than 10%, provided that storage and shipment
sample precautions are observed. It is determined by
(1) Industrial Hygiene. A process consisting collecting a number of samples at the level of
of the withdrawal, isolation, or concentration concern (e.g., the TLV) at room temperature
of a fractional part of a whole as related to and about 80% relative humidity and subse-
environmental media such as air, water, soil, quently analyzing sets of these samples (e.g.,
or other liquid, solid, or gas, for analysis by about six in each set) over a 2-week or longer
acceptable procedures. Samples can be either period to determine losses that may occur
cumulative (i.e., collected over time), in during storage. See also storage loss.
which the resulting gas is expressed as a time- sampling
weighted average, or instantaneous. The (1) Transit. A statistical technique for the
sample must be random, and representative of collection of passenger mile data. The sam-
the exposure of the individual sampled, as pling technique may be one of the FTA ap-
well as collected in an acceptable manner so proved procedures or an alternative method-
that it can be compared to an established ex- ology which meets FTA's requirements for the
posure standard. (2) Statistics. The part or statistical reliability (95% confidence and
subset of a population that is selected for sta- 10% precision). (2) See environmental sam-
tistical analysis. pling.
sample blank sampling and analysis plan
The gross instrument response attributable to Consists of a Quality Assurance Project Plan
reagents, solvents, and the sample media used (QAPP) and a Field Sampling Plan (FSP).
in air sampling and subsequent analysis of sampling and analytical method bias
samples. See also blank sample. An estimate of accuracy for the sampling and
sample draw analytical method as determined by sampling
Sampling. Refers to the procedure and a test atmosphere and analyzing the sampling
method used to cause the deliberate flow of media. The net bias for a given concentration
the atmosphere being monitored to a sensing is the difference level and the sampling
element. See also active sampling. method concentration, expressed as a percent-
sample management office age of the true test atmosphere concentration.
EPA contractor providing management, op- sampling error
erational, and administrative support to the The difference between the mean of a popula-
CLP to facilitate optimal use of the program. tion and a sample mean.
sample parameters sampling frequency
Estimators of population parameters such as The time interval between the collection of
the mean, standard deviation, etc., and are successful samples.
based on observations of a subset of the sampling media
population. See media (3).

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sampling period sanitary wastewater
The length of time over which a sample is See domestic wastewater.
collected. sanitation
sampling train The formulation and application of measures
Generic term used to describe the combina- designed to protect the public health. The
tion of collection media, sampling pump, control of those factors in the environment
tubing, and a flow rate measuring device. that can harmfully affect the development,
San Joaquin Valley fever health, or survival of humans.
See desert fever. sanitize
sand digger To reduce the level of microbial contaminants
Maritime (slang). A dredge engaged in ob- below some level.
taining sand and gravel from the riverbed. sanitizer
sand dune One of three groups of antimicrobials regis-
A hill or ridge of loose sand shaped by the tered by the EPA for public health uses. The
winds. EPA considers an antimicrobial to be a sani-
tizer when it reduces but does not necessarily
sand filters eliminate all the microorganisms on a treated
Devices that remove some suspended solids surface. To be a registered sanitizer the test
from sewage. Air and bacteria decompose ad- results for a product must show a reduction of
ditional wastes filtering through the sand so at least 99.9% in the number of each test mi-
that cleaner water drains from the bed. croorganism over the parallel control.
sand ripple Santa Ana wind
Wavelike patterns on sand that form perpen- A warm, dry wind that blows into southern
dicular to the average wind flow. California from the east off the elevated desert
sandblasting plateau. Its warmth is derived from compres-
A method for cleaning surfaces employing sion heating.
sand as the abrasive material. This term is sap
also used in a generic sense for abrasive The natural fluid substance of animal or
cleaning operations vegetable tissue.
sandfly saprophyte
Various two-winged flies, especially those of A plant that lives on and derives its nourish-
the genus Phlebotomus, which are important ment from dead or decaying organic matter.
vectors in the transmission of leishmaniasis A saprophytic organism is one that can obtain
and phlebotomus fever, which is known also nourishment from nonliving organic materi-
as sandfly fever. als.
sanitary landfill SAR
A facility for the disposal of solid waste Specific absorption rate. See also search and
which meets the criteria of the Federal Solid rescue.
Waste Disposal Act.
SAR facility
sanitary sewers A regular Reserve operated or augmented, or
Underground pipes that carry off only domes- Auxiliary operated Coast Guard unit, such as
tic or industrial waste, not storm water. an air station, small boat station, base (or sup-
sanitary survey port center), group/section, or other shore unit
An on-site review of the water sources, facili- which has search and rescue as a primary mis-
ties, equipment, operation, and maintenance sion. See also search and rescue.
of a public water system to evaluate the ade- SARA
quacy of those elements for producing and See Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriz-
distributing safe drinking water. ation Act.

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sarcolemma saturated air
The cell membrane of a muscle fiber. Air containing saturated water vapor with
sarcoma both the air and water vapor at the same dry
Malignant neoplasm composed of cells imi- bulb temperature.
tating the appearance of supportive and lym- saturated steam
phatic tissues. Steam at the boiling temperature correspond-
sarcomere ing to the pressure at which it exits.
The basic longitudinal structural unit of a saturated zone
muscle cell. A subsurface area in which all pores and
sarcoplasm cracks are filled with water under pressure
The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle cell. equal to or greater than that of the atmos-
See space adaptation syndrome. saturation
The point at which the maximum amount of
sash material can be held in solution at a given
A movable panel or door set in a ventilation temperature.
hood entrance to form a protective shield and
to control the face velocity of air into the saturation of air
hood. An atmospheric condition whereby the level
of water vapor is the maximum possible at the
satellite existing temperature and pressure.
(1) Genetics. A knob of chromatin connected
by a stalk to the short arm of certain chromo- saturation vapor pressure
somes. (2) Medical. A minor, or attendant, The maximum amount of water necessary to
lesion situated near a large one. (3) Aero- keep moist air in equilibrium with a surface of
space. A body that revolves around a larger pure water or ice. It represents the maximum
body, such as the moon revolving around the amount of water vapor that the air can hold at
earth, or a manmade object revolving about any given temperature and pressure. See also
any body such as the sun, earth, or moon. equilibrium vapor pressure.
A tropical or subtropical region of grassland
and drought-resistant vegetation.
Saybolt universal seconds (SUS)
Unit for measuring the viscosity of light petro-
leum products and lubricating oils. The term
Saybolt seconds universal or SSU is also used.
See Small Business Administration.
See sick building syndrome.

A communication satellite in orbit around the Earth

Contagious skin disease caused by a mite and
satisfactory evidence characterized by intense itching. Sometimes
Such evidence as is sufficient to produce a called "the itch," scabies is most likely to
belief that the thing is true; credible evidence. erupt in folds of the skin, as in the groin, be-
neath the breasts, or between the toes or fin-
saturated gers.
The point at which the maximum amount of
matter can be held in solution at a given tem- scaffold
perature. Any temporary elevated platform and its sup-
porting structure used for supporting workers
or materials or both.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

scala tympani scaphoid bone
The inferior portion of the osseous spiral of See navicular bone.
the cochlea. scaphoid tubercle
scala vestibuli A lateral protuberance on the scaphoid bone
The superior portion of the osseous spiral of which serves as an anatomical reference point
the cochlea. in locating the wrist joint.
scalar scapula
A quantity which has only a magnitude. A large, triangular-shaped flat bone, the supe-
scale rior-lateral portion of which forms part of the
(1) Some proportion of size with respect to shoulder joint.
full or normal size. (2) A device for measur- scar
ing weight. (3) A set of marks at measured (1) To set up or engineer/design a sys-
distances. (4) A thin flake or compacted tem/component for the installation of addi-
plate-like body, as of epithelial cells. (5) To tional items in the future. (2) A residual mark
remove incrustations or other material from a in the tissue after an injury or other invasive
surface, as from the enamel of teeth. event.
scalenus anterior syndrome scarp
A sensation of weakness, numbness, or pain Geology/Seismology. A roughly linear, cliff-
in the arm, due to compression of nerves and like slope or face that breaks the continuity of
blood vessels supplying the arm by the scale- a surface into distinct levels. Scarps are often
nus anterior muscle. produced by faulting, especially that which
scales of motion involves a significant amount of dip slip. See
The hierarchy of atmospheric circulation from also dip slip.
tiny gusts to giant storms. scatermia
scan The type of toxemia wherein chemical toxins
(1) To convert text and/or graphics from hard- are absorbed through the intestines.
copy form to electronic form. (2) To search a scatter diagram
region of something for one or more particular A plot showing the locations of the individual
details. data points within a coordinate system.
Scanlon Plan scattered radiation
A system for encouraging productivity im- Term used to describe radiation that, during
provement as measured by the increase in the its passage through a substance, has been de-
ratio of the total sales value of the items being viated in direction. It may also have been
produced and redistributing the gains in some modified by a decrease in energy.
proportion to the employees and the company. scattering
scanning electron microscope (SEM) The process by which small particles in the
A microscope which utilizes an electron beam atmosphere deflect radiation from its path into
that is directed at a sample to produce a re- different directions.
flected image of the sample material onto a scavenging
screen from which fibers can be identified and Uncontrolled removal of solid waste materi-
counted. Also called scalenus anticus syn- als.
SCAP See self-contained breathing apparatus.
See Superfund Comprehensive Accomplish-
ment Plan. SCE
Sister chromatid exchange.
See self-contained atmospheric protective scf
ensemble. Standard cubic foot (feet).

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scf/d made readily available to the general public or
Standard cubic feet per day. pursuant to mail contracts with U.S. postal
scfm services. (4) A scheduled commercial pas-
Cubic feet of air per minute at standard con- senger vehicle trip. The scheduled trip is gen-
ditions. erally offered at preestablished times between
designated locations. (5) Total service sched-
schedule of compliance uled computed from schedules. Scheduled
Under the Clean Air Act: A schedule of re- service excludes service interruptions and
medial measures, including an enforceable special additional services.
sequence of actions or operations, leading to
compliance with an applicable implementa- schistosomiasis
tion plan, emission standard, emission limita- A waterborne disease. Infection with flukes
tion, or emission prohibition. of the genus Schistosoma; called also bilhar-
zia or bilharziasis. The disease is rare in
scheduled air transportation North America, but is a significant health
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- problem in many parts of the world, including
ing air transportation over regular routes and the Near East, Africa, the Far East, South
on regular schedules. This industry includes America, and the West Indies, and Puerto
Alaskan carriers operating over regular or ir- Rico. The various species cause different
regular routes. forms of the disease. Symptoms may include
scheduled aircraft miles completed intestinal symptoms, hematuria, and other
The aircraft miles completed on scheduled urinary symptoms. Treatment includes cor-
flights, computed between only those sched- rection of anemia and other nutritional disor-
uled points actually served. ders caused by the parasites, and destruction
of adult worms by administration of antimony
scheduled airlines, U.S. and stibophen. Improvement in sanitation and
Carriers certificated by the federal govern- snail control are the chief preventive meas-
ment under Section 401 of the Federal Avia- ures.
tion Act permitting the operation of large air-
craft with more than 60 seats. schizophrenia
A chronic mental disorder characterized by
scheduled maintenance inability to distinguish between fantasy and
See routine maintenance. reality, and often accompanied by hallucina-
scheduled revenue service tions and delusions.
The total service scheduled to be provided for school and other nonrevenue buses
picking up and discharging passengers. Bus services for which passengers are not
Scheduled revenue service is computed from directly charged for transportation, either on a
internal transit agency planning documents per passenger or per vehicle basis. See also
(e.g., run paddles, trip tickets, and public intercity bus, motor bus and transit bus.
timetables), and includes the whole trip (e.g.,
deadhead, layover/recovery, and actual pick- school bus
ing up and discharging of passengers). (1) A passenger motor vehicle which is de-
Schedule service excludes service interrup- signed or used to carry more than 10 passen-
tions and special additional services. gers in addition to the driver, and which the
Secretary [of Transportation] determines is
scheduled service likely to be significantly used for the purpose
(1) Transport service operated pursuant to of transporting preprimary, primary, or secon-
published flight schedules, including extra dary school students to such schools from
sections and related nonrevenue flights. (2) home or from such schools to home. (2) In-
Transport service operated over an air carrier's cludes county school buses, private school
routes, based on published flight schedules, buses, and buses chartered from private com-
including extra sections. (3) Transport service panies for the express purposes of carrying
operated over routes pursuant to published students to or from school and/or school-
flight schedules which are openly advertised related activities.
with dates or times (or both) or otherwise

©2000 CRC Press LLC

school bus hours scintilla of evidence rule
The vehicle hours of travel by a revenue vehi- A spark of evidence. A metaphorical expres-
cle while serving as a school bus. School bus sion to describe a very insignificant or trifling
hours are only hours where a bus is primarily item or particle of evidence.
or solely dedicated to carrying school passen- scintillation
gers. The apparent twinkling of a star due to its
school bus operation light passing through regions of differing air
The use of a school bus to transport only densities in the atmosphere.
school children and/or school personnel from scintillation counter
home to school and from school to home. The combination of a phosphor (which con-
school bus-related crash verts ionizing particle energy into a light
Any crash in which a vehicle, regardless of pulse), a photomultiplier (which converts the
body design, used as a school bus is directly light pulse to many electric pulses), and asso-
or indirectly involved, such as a crash in- ciated circuitry for counting electric pulse. It
volving school children alighting from a vehi- is used primarily for the routine detection of
cle. radioactive material in various media.
school bus service scintiscan
The operation of buses exclusively to carry A film or hardcopy output resulting from the
school passengers to and from their schools. scanning of intact internal tissues or organs
school buses for radioactive tracer.
(1) Establishments primarily engaged in oper- sclera
ating buses to transport pupils to and from The tough, white, outer coat of the eyeball.
school. School bus establishments operated scleroderma
by educational institutions should be treated An insidious chronic disorder characterized
as auxiliaries. (2) Type I and Type II school by progressive collagenous fibrosis of many
vehicles as defined in Highway Safety Pro- organs and systems, usually beginning with
gram Standard No. 17, used exclusively to the skin.
transport school students, personnel, and
equipment. s/cm3
Structures per cubic centimeter of air.
sciatic nerve
A large spinal nerve innervating the thigh, scoliosis
lower leg, and foot. Lateral curvature of the vertebral column.
Scoliosis may begin during infancy, and the
sciatica curvature usually occurs in the upper part of
Neuralgia (pain) of the sciatic nerve. The the infant's spine and grows progressively
term is popularly used to describe a number of more marked.
disorders directly or indirectly affecting the
sciatic nerve. Because of its length, the nerve scope of employment
is exposed to many different kinds of injury, The activities in which an employee engages
and inflammation of the nerve or injury to it in the carrying out of the employer's business
causes pain that travels down from the back or which are reasonably foreseeable by the em-
thigh along its course in the leg and into the ployer. Under the doctrine of respondeat su-
foot and toes. Certain muscles of the legs perior, a principal is liable for the torts of
may be partly or completely paralyzed by his/her agent committed within the scope
such a disorder. True sciatic neuritis is com- (actual or apparent) of his/her employment.
paratively rare. It can be caused by certain score
toxic substances, such as lead and alcohol, A quantitative indication of performance on
and occasionally by various other factors. some test or other measurement technique.
scieropia SCOT
A defect of vision in which objects appear in a See Standard Colors of Textiles.

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scotoma Ranking System for comparison with the con-
A totally or partially blind region in the visual centration of that hazardous substance in a
field surrounded by a region of normal vision. sample from that media. The screening con-
scotopic adaptation centration for a specific hazardous substance
See dark adaptation. corresponds to its reference dose for inhala-
tion exposures, as appropriate, and, if the sub-
scotopic spectral luminous efficiency (V'(λλ),Vλ') stance is a human carcinogen with a weight-
A mathematical representation or curve de- of-evidence classification of A, B, or C to that
scribing the relative sensitivity of the eye to concentration that corresponds to its 10-6 indi-
the wavelengths of light at low light levels. vidual lifetime excess cancer risk for inhala-
tion exposures or for oral exposures, as ap-
scotopic vision propriate.
That vision which occurs in low light levels or
after dark adaptation using the retinal rods. scroll
Also called night vision and low light level vi- To advance vertically line-by-line or hori-
sion. zontally column-by-column under operator
control to view text, alphanumeric informa-
SCP tion, or graphics on a screen. See also verti-
See Standards Completion Project. cal scroll and horizontal scroll.
SCR scrotale
See skin conductance response. The junction point of the posterior scrotum
scrap and the perineum.
Materials discarded from manufacturing op- scrotale – cervical, rear, sitting
erations that may be suitable for reprocessing. The surface distance from the scrotale up the
scrappage rate back to the cervicale. Measured with the in-
As applied to motor vehicles, it is usually ex- dividual sitting erect.
pressed as the percentage of vehicles of a scrotale – cervical, rear, standing
certain type in a given age class that are re- The surface distance from the scrotale up the
tired from use (lacking registration) in a given back to cervicale. Measured with the individ-
year. ual standing erect.
scratch file scrotale – midshoulder, frontal, sitting
Computing. A file that an application creates The surface distance from scrotale up the
to store work in progress. It is maintained by front of the torso to midshoulder. Measured
the application, usually without the user's with the individual sitting erect.
knowledge. The application typically deletes scrotale – midshoulder, frontal, standing
the scratch file at the end of the session. The surface distance from scrotale up the front
screen of the torso to midshoulder. Measured with
(1) The face of a visual display monitor. (2) the individual standing erect.
To give one or more tests to an individual to scrotale – midshoulder over buttock, sitting
determine whether he/she meets certain The surface distance from scrotale over the
evaluation criteria. (3) A framework used as a buttock and up the back to midshoulder.
shield or protector. (4) To examine. Measured with the individual sitting erect.
screen dump scrotale – midshoulder over buttock, standing
Direct the contents of the screen to a printer or The surface distance from scrotale over the
file. buttock and up the back to midshoulder.
screening Measured with the individual standing erect.
Use of screens to remove coarse floating and scrotale – midshoulder, rear, sitting
suspended solids from sewage. The surface distance from scrotale up the
screening concentration back to midshoulder. Measured with the in-
Media-specific benchmark concentration for a dividual sitting erect.
hazardous substance that is used in the Hazard

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scrotale – midshoulder, rear, standing height. Measured with the individual sitting
The surface distance from scrotale up the erect.
back to midshoulder. Measured with the in- scrotale – waist level, rear, standing
dividual standing erect.
The surface distance from scrotale up the back
scrotale – scye level, frontal, sitting to the standing waist height. Measured with
The surface distance from scrotale up the the individual standing erect.
front of the torso to the scye height. Meas-
ured with the individual sitting erect.
The pouch in the male genitalia containing the
scrotale – scye level, frontal, standing testes and other tissues.
The surface distance from scrotale up the
front of the torso to the scye height. Meas-
An air pollution reduction device that uses a
ured with the individual standing erect.
spray of water or reactant, or a dry process, to
scrotale – scye level, rear, sitting trap pollutants in emissions.
The surface distance from scrotale up the back
to the scye height. Measured with the indi-
Self-contained underwater breathing appara-
vidual sitting erect.
tus. The SCUBA ensemble provides users
scrotale – scye level, rear, standing with a continuous supply of breathing air for a
The surface distance from scrotale up the back limited period of time (e.g., 30 minutes) while
to the scye height. Measured with the indi- the user performs activities underwater. Use
vidual standing erect. may be for recreational purposes as well as
scrotale – suprasternale, sitting for certain occupations that require underwa-
The surface distance from scrotale up the ter work. See also self-contained breathing
front of the torso to suprasternale. Measured apparatus.
with the individual sitting erect.
scrotale – suprasternale, standing
The surface distance from scrotale up the
front of the torso to suprasternale. Measured
with the individual standing erect.
scrotale – waist level, frontal, sitting
The surface distance from scrotale up the front
of the torso to the seated waist height. Meas-
ured with the individual sitting erect.
scrotale – waist level, frontal, standing
The surface distance from scrotale up the front
of the torso to the standing waist height. SCUBA equipment provides uninterrupted breathing air for a
Measured with the individual standing erect. limited time so the user can operate unencumbered underwater

scrotale – waist level over buttock, sitting scurvy

The surface distance from scrotale over the A disease caused by a lack of ascorbic acid
buttock and up the back to the sitting waist (Vitamin C) in the diet. It is characterized by
height. Measured with the individual sitting the presence of anemia, edema, ulceration of
erect. gums, and hemorrhages into the skin and from
scrotale – waist level over buttock, standing the mucous membranes. Symptoms include
The surface distance from scrotale over the poor appetite, digestive disturbances, failure
buttock and up the back to the standing waist to gain weight, and increasing irritability.
height. Measured with the individual stand- Black and blue spots are scattered over the
ing erect. skin. Severe deficiency of vitamin C may
cause changes in bone structure. In the
scrotale – waist level, rear, sitting United States, adult scurvy is rare. It may af-
The surface distance from scrotale up the back
in the midsagittal plane to the seated waist

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fect the elderly who live alone and neglect seabee vessels
their diet. (1) Ocean vessels constructed with heavy-
scye duty submersible hydraulic lift or elevator
(1) The lower level of the axilla, represented system at the stern of the vessel. The sea-bee
by the highest point of the axillary fold. (2) system facilitates forward transfer and posi-
The armhole of a garment. tioning of barges. (2) A type of barge carry-
ing ship, similar to the LASH vessel except it
scye circumference employs a heavy-lift elevator at the stern-end
The surface distance around the shoulder over of the ship to lift barges on and off.
acromion and through the scye. Measured
sealable equipment
with the individual standing or sitting erect
Equipment enclosed in a case or cabinet that
and the arms hanging naturally at the sides.
is provided with a means of sealing or locking
SDO so that live parts cannot be made accessible
See Standard Deviate Observer. without opening the enclosure. The equip-
SEA ment may or may not be operable without
See selective enforcement auditing. opening the enclosure.

sea breeze sealed source

A coastal local wind that blows from the A radioactive substance sealed in an impervi-
ocean onto the land. The leading edge of the ous containment, such as a metal capsule, and
breeze is termed a sea breeze front. It is most which has sufficient mechanical strength to
common at night as a result of the water being prevent direct contact with the radiation
warmer than the surrounding land. It is a lo- source, or release of the radioactive substance
cal wind caused by uneven heating of land from the containment, under normal condi-
and ocean surfaces. tions of use and wear. The NRC defines a
sealed source as any byproduct material that is
sea breeze convergence zone encased in a capsule designed to prevent leak-
A region where sea breezes, having started in age or escape of the byproduct material.
different regions, flow together and converge.
seaplane base
sea-land barge Facility used primarily by seaplanes.
Barge designed as a container that can be
seaplane landingtakeoff
moved directly from the inland waterway to a
Water area used for seaplanes landing and
truck or train and then moved to a destination.
sea level engine
Aviation. A reciprocating aircraft engine The effort expended to locate a distressed unit
having a rated takeoff power that is produc- by a reporting unit in terms of time and distance.
ible only at sea level.
search and rescue (SAR)
sea level pressure A service which seeks missing aircraft and
The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level. assists those found to be in need of assistance.
seabee system It is a cooperative effort using the facilities
Designed by Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., the and services of available federal, state, and
system requires a SEABEE lighter or barge local agencies. See also SAR facility.
and a SEABEE carrier vessel or mother ship. search and seizure
The barges are 97.5 feet long and 35 feet wide The area of law dealing with authority of gov-
and have a hatch opening of 85 by 35 feet. ernment to enter private property or search
The barges are moved down the inland wa- natural persons for evidence or otherwise
terway to the mother ship and brought on gather information that is private.
board by a 2,000-ton immersible elevator
which is an integral part of the mother ship. search warrant
Wheel dollies then transport the barges from An order in writing, issued by a justice or
the elevator to the point of rest on the ship. other magistrate, in the name of the state, di-
rected to a sheriff, constable, or other officer,

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authorizing him/her to search for and seize to the front-most edge of the seatpan of a
any property that constitutes evidence of the chair.
commission of a crime, contraband, the fruits seat-miles
of crime, or things otherwise criminally pos- The aircraft miles flown in each inter-airport
sessed; or, property designed or intended for hop multiplied by the number of seats avail-
use or which is or has been used as the means able on that hop for revenue passenger use.
of committing a crime.
seat offered kilometer
seashore Unit of measure representing the movement
That portion of land adjacent to the sea which over one kilometer or one seat available in an
is alternately covered and left dry by the ordi- inland waterways transport (IWT) passenger
nary flux and reflux of the tides. vessel when performing the services for
seasickness which it is primarily intended over one kilo-
Discomfort caused by the motion of a boat meter.
under way, a form of motion sickness. The seat reference point (SRP)
unusual motion disturbs the organs of balance The midpoint of the line formed by the inter-
located in the inner ear. The symptoms are section of the seatpan and the seatback.
nausea and vomiting, dizziness, headache,
pallor, and cold perspiration. seatback
The back of a seat structure, for accommo-
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) dating the human back.
A disorder in which an individual suffers
symptoms such as depression, lethargy, sleep seatback angle
disturbances, and weight gain during the The angle between the seatpan and the seat-
winter months when daytime hours are re- back. Also referred to as backrest-to-seat an-
duced. gle.
seasonal employment seatback plane
As used in compensation laws, as a basis for That geometrical plane established by the
determining the right to an amount of com- seatback.
pensation, refers to occupations which can be seating capacity
carried on only at certain seasons or fairly The number of seats that is actually installed
definite portions of the year, and does not in- in the vehicle.
clude such occupations as may be carried on
throughout the entire year. seating position
The location of the occupants in the vehicle.
seat More than one can be assigned the same seat
Any structure for assuming a sitting or re- position; however, this is allowed only when a
clining posture which consists of a seatpan person is sitting on someone's lap.
and a seatback which has a seatback angle of
approximately 90° or more and is elevated off seating reference point (SGRP)
The unique design H-point, as defined in So-
the floor or local other reference surface. ciety of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1100
seat angle (June 1984), which: a) establishes the rear-
The angle of the seatpan plane above a hori- most normal design driving or riding position
zontal reference with the origin at the seat ref- of each designated seating position, which in-
erence point. cludes consideration of all modes of adjust-
ment, horizontal, vertical, and tilt in a vehicle;
seat belt
b) has X, Y, and Z coordinates, as defined in
A strap or similar restraint about waist level
SAE J1100 (June 1984), established relative
for restraining a person at or below the waist
to the designed vehicle structure; c) simulates
in a seat. Also called lap belt.
the position of the pivot center of the human
seat depth torso and thigh; and d) is the reference point
The linear distance in the plane of a seatpan employed to position the two-dimensional
from its intersection with the seatback plane drafting template with the 95th percentile leg

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described in SAE J826 (May 1987), or, if the the two ground-state hyperfine levels. (2)
drafting template with the 95th percentile leg Quality. An item not up to all specifications,
cannot be positioned in the seating position, is but which may satisfy most uses.
located with the seat in its most rearward ad- Second Amendment
justment position. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Consti-
seatpan tution provides that a well-regulated militia,
That portion of a seat on which the buttocks being necessary to the security of a free state,
and thighs rest when sitting. the right of the people to keep and bear arms
seaworthy shall not be infringed. State and federal laws,
The ability to withstand ordinary stress of however, regulate the sale, transportation, and
wind, waves, and other weather which the possession of firearms.
vessel might normally be expected to en- second-class lever
counter. A seaworthy vessel must, in general, A lever system in which the fulcrum is at or
be sufficiently strong and staunch, and near one end, the effort near the other end,
equipped with appropriate appurtenances to and the resistance is located between them.
allow it to safely engage in trade for which it second degree murder
was intended. The unlawful taking of human life with mal-
sebaceous ice, but without the other aggravating ele-
(1) Pertaining to sebum or suet. (2) Secreting ments of first degree murder (i.e., without de-
a greasy lubricating substance. liberation or premeditation).
sebaceous cyst second-hand evidence
A benign retention cyst of a sebaceous gland Evidence which has passed through one or
containing the fatty secretion of the gland. more media before reaching the witness (e.g.,
sebaceous glands hearsay evidence).
Glands which secrete sebum, a greasy lubri- second in command
cating substance. A pilot who is designated to be second in
seborrhea command of an aircraft during flight time.
An oily skin condition caused by an excess second shift
output of sebum from the sebaceous glands of A late afternoon-evening work shift of ap-
the skin. proximately 8 hours duration, typically ex-
seborrheic dermatitis tending between the hours of 3:00 pm and
See dandruff. 1:00 am. Also referred to as B shift and eve-
ning shift.
The oily secretion of the sebaceous glands, secondary airport
whose ducts open into the hair follicles. It is An airport receiving approach control service
composed of fat and epithelial debris from the as a satellite to a primary approach control fa-
cells of the malpighian layer, and it lubricates cility, or one at which control is exercised by
the skin. See also sebaceous, sebaceous cyst, the approach control facility under tower en
and sebaceous gland. route control procedure.

sec secondary calibration method

Second. Methods which employ a device that must be
calibrated against a primary standard method
SECALS and are not as accurate as the primary method.
See Separate Engineering Control Airborne A wet-test meter, dry-gas meter, and a ro-
Limits. tometer are examples of secondary standard
second methods that must be calibrated against a
(1) General. A unit of time equal to 1/60 of a primary standard. See also secondary stan-
minute. (2) Radiation. The time required for dard (2).
9,192,631,770 radiation periods correspond-
ing to the cesium-133 atom transition between

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secondary combustion air ronmental. Pertaining to airborne pollutants:
The air which is introduced above or below a The EPA's standards designed to protect
fuel by natural, induced, or forced draft. against environmental damage, such as dam-
secondary drinking water regulations age to soils, crops, wildlife, weather, climate,
Unenforceable regulations which apply to and personal comfort. It establishes an ambi-
public water systems and which specify the ent concentration of a pollutant with a margin
maximum contamination levels which, in the of safety that will protect the environment
judgment of EPA, are required to protect the from adverse effect. (3) Instrumentation. Air
public welfare. These regulations apply to any flow measuring device that traces its calibra-
contaminants that may adversely affect the tion to a primary standard and which must be
odor or appearance of such water and conse- periodically recalibrated. See also secondary
quently may cause people served by the sys- calibration method.
tem to discontinue its use. secondary task
secondary event A task which must be performed in addition
See contributory event. to an individual's primary task.
secondary evidence secondary treatment
That which is inferior to the primary or best The second step in most publicly owned
evidence. waste treatment systems in which bacteria
consume the organic parts of the waste. It is
secondary motor vehicle controls
accomplished by bringing together waste,
Those controls not critical to moving or stop-
bacteria, and oxygen in trickling filters or in
ping a motor vehicle (e.g., radio, turn signals,
the activated sludge process. This treatment
removes floating and settling solids and about
secondary pollutant 90 percent of the oxygen demanding sub-
A pollutant formed in the atmosphere by stances and suspended solids. Disinfection is
chemical changes taking place between pri- the final stage of secondary treatment. See
mary pollutants and other substances present primary, tertiary treatment.
in the air.
secondary tympanic membrane
secondary positioning movement That membrane which covers the round win-
That part of a positioning movement which dow of the cochlea. See also round window
brings the body member into an exact rela- membrane.
tionship with the point of aim. Also called
corrective positioning movement and fine ad- secondary viewing area
justment. That portion of a computer display, screen, or
window which contains information such as
secondary radiation system function status or messages.
That which originates as the result of absorp-
tion of other radioactivity in matter. It may be secondary work
either electromagnetic or particulate in nature. Any activity which is not directly related to
on-the-job productivity, but which must be
secondary radon measurement services performed by direct labor personnel to sup-
Radon measurement services that do not in- port the primary job.
clude the reading or the ability to analyze the
results of the measurement devices used. secretion
These services may include placement and (1) The process of elaborating a specific
retrieval of devices, reporting results, and/or product as a result of the activity of a gland.
consultation with consumers. This activity may range from separating a
specific substance of the blood to the elabora-
secondary separation assurance
tion of a new chemical substance. (2) Any
A backup to the primary means for maintain-
substance produced by secretion. One exam-
ing aircraft separation.
ple is the fatty substance produced by the se-
secondary standard baceous glands to lubricate the skin. Saliva,
(1) General. Any standard prepared by direct produced by the salivary glands, and gastric
comparison to a primary standard. (2) Envi- juice, secreted by specialized glands of the

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stomach, are both used in digestion. The se- Aeronautical information includes visual and
cretions of the endocrine glands include vari- radio aids to navigation, airports, controlled
ous hormones and are important in the overall airspace, restricted areas, obstructions, and
regulation of body processes. related data.
Section 6(a) standards sectional ladder
Also known as 1917 Base Standards. These A non-self-supporting portable ladder, no-
are the standards that OSHA adopted within nadjustable in length, consisting of two or
the first two years after the passing of the more sections of ladder so constructed that the
OSHAct and are, essentially, those national sections may be combined to function as a
consensus standards related to occupational single ladder. Its size is designated by the
safety and health that existed at that time. See overall length of the assembled sections.
also consensus standard. sectionalizing switch
Section 6(b) standards A switch for disconnecting a section of a
Those standards promulgated by OSHA under power line from the source of energy.
the normal rulemaking procedures of the sector suite (S/S)
agency. Aviation. Refers to the composition of func-
Section 6(c) standards tions which directly comprise either the con-
Also known as emergency temporary stan- troller or sector suite console/support proc-
dards (ETS). This section of the OSHAct essing elements.
authorizes the adoption of a standard without sector suite workstation
using the notice and comment rulemaking Aviation. A group of consoles containing
procedures. The authority to issue an ETS displays and input devices whereby air traffic
can be exercised any time OSHA determines control (ATC) specialists, controllers or su-
that employees are being subjected to extreme pervisors interface with the ACF.
danger from exposure to substances or agents
known to be toxic or physically harmful, and secular equilibrium
that an emergency standard is necessary to Ionizing radiation. The condition that exists
protect employees from that danger. when the ratio of parent nuclei to daughter
nuclei remains constant with time. Thus, both
Section 15 parent and daughter decay at the same rate
See National Transit Database. (i.e., that of the parent).
section modulus secular trend
Automotive Design. A measure of the A change in some parameter of a population
strength of frame side rails, determined by the that occurs gradually over long periods of
cross-section area and shape of the side rails. time.
Section modulus is not affected by the mate-
rial from which the side rail is made, only by secure chemical
the shape and position of the rail. See landfills (2).
section of land secure maximum contaminant level
A division or parcel of land, on the govern- Maximum permissible level of a contaminant
ment survey, comprising one square mile or in water which is delivered to the free flowing
640 acres. Each "township" (six miles outlet of the ultimate user of a water supply,
square) is divided by straight lines into thirty- the consumer, or of contamination resulting
six sections, and these are again divided into from corrosion of piping and plumbing caused
half-sections and quarter-sections. by water quality.
sectional aeronautical charts sedative
Designed for visual navigation of slow or me- (1) Allaying activity and excitement. (2) An
dium speed aircraft. Topographic information agent that calms nervousness, irritability, and
on these charts features the portrayal of relief excitement. In general, sedatives depress the
and a judicious selection of visual check central nervous system and tend to cause las-
points for Visual Flight Rules (VFR) flight. situde and reduced mental activity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sedentary occupation seed
An occupation involving a great deal of sit- An inclusion impurity which resembles a tiny
ting and/or having a gross metabolic cost of embedded pebble in glass.
not more than 64 calories per square meter of segmentation method
body surface per hour. A technique for finding the center of gravity
of the body by subdividing the body into
segments/links and using their weight,
lengths, and relative locations in space.
seismic belt
See seismic zone.
seismic creep
See creep.
seismic gap
A segment of an active fault zone that has not
experienced a major earthquake during a time
interval when most other segments of the
The most commonly encountered sedentary occupation in today's
zone have. Seismologists commonly consider
workplace is computer operator seismic gaps to have a high future-earthquake
sedentary work
seismic moment
That work which is normally accomplished in
A measure of the strength of an earthquake,
a sitting posture.
equal to the product of the force and the mo-
Sedgwick rafter cell ment arm of the double-couple system of
A glass slide/cell, formerly used to contain an forces that produces ground displacements
aliquot of the collection media in which air- equivalent to that produced by the actual
borne particulate was collected. The cell was earthquake slip. It is also equal to the product
used to count the particulates microscopically of the rigidity modulus of earth material, the
so that a determination of dust concentration fault surface area, and the average slip along
could be made. the fault. Therefore, both seismological and
sedimentation geological observations can produce the same
(1) The process of letting solids settle out of result.
wastewater by gravity during wastewater seismic zone
treatment. (2) The process by which solids A region of the Earth's crust, generally linear,
settle out of a fluid (e.g., air, water). associated with active seismicity. It may not
necessarily be connected with a particular
sedimentation tanks
fault or surface fault trace. Also called seis-
Holding areas for wastewater where floating
mic belt.
wastes are skimmed off and settled solids are
removed for disposal. select
To choose from a set of possible options.
Soil, sand, and minerals washed from the land selected time
into water usually after a rain. They pile up in That time value chosen as representative or
reservoirs, rivers and harbors, destroying fish- expected for a set of work elements. Also
nesting areas and holes used by water ani- called selected element time.
mals, and clouding the water so that needed selective absorbers
sunlight might not reach aquatic plants. Substances such as water vapor, carbon di-
Careless farming, mining, and building ac- oxide, clouds, and snow that absorb radiation
tivities will expose sediment materials, al- only at particular wavelengths.
lowing them to be washed off the land after
selective attention
The ability to consciously or willfully focus
on a restricted set of desired inputs, to the ex-

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clusion of the remaining concurrently im- breathing air to a pressurized mask through a
pinging sets. Also referred to as focused at- regulator. Normally used in atmospheres con-
tention. taining extremely high levels of air contami-
selective enforcement auditing (SEA) nants, unknown concentrations of hazardous
Procedures and testing requirements to be met substances, or, in some instances, in oxygen
under EPA regulations. deficient atmospheres. A self-contained un-
derwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) is
selective localization used by divers for working or participating in
As applies to radioisotopes, the accumulation recreational activities underwater.
of a particular isotope to a significantly
greater degree in certain cells or tissues. self-contained ensemble
A fully protective suit, completely self-
selective pesticide contained with its own breathing air supply
A chemical designed to affect only certain (either air hose or portable tank) that provides
types of pests, leaving other plants and ani- whole-body protection for the wearer during
mals unharmed. hazardous materials spill cleanup operations
selective transmittance or other situations that require such protec-
The transmission of certain wavelengths of tion.
electromagnetic energy through a transparent
or translucent medium.
Self-accelerating decomposition temperature
The temperature at which a material (particu-
larly organic peroxides) begins to become
chemically active, generally releasing the en-
ergy of reaction in the form of heat, often
producing enough heat to ignite combustible
components of nearby materials, as direct re-
sult of this thermochemical reaction. Some of
these reactions may be instantaneous and ex-
tremely violent.
self-contained atmospheric protective ensem-
ble (SCAPE)
A protective suit providing fully encapsulated
protection to the wearer against exposure to
toxic and/or corrosive chemical substances.
The suit protects against the common routes
of exposure (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, ab-
sorption). Depending upon the configuration
of the suit, the user can either wear a SCBA
for breathing air, or the suit can be fitted with
a supplied-air-hose line. While the latter of-
fers greatly extended working time over the Self-contained ensemble provides whole body protection and
SCBA configuration, the user must sacrifice breathing air for the user
range of working area since movement will be
restricted to the length of the breathing air self-contained eyewash
line. This apparatus is most commonly used An eyewash that is not permanently installed
in the aerospace industry during space launch and must be refilled or replaced after use.
vehicle processing. self-contained respirator
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) A respiratory protective device that is de-
A device, worn by an individual, that provides signed to provide breathing air to the wearer,
a containerized source of high-pressure independent of the surrounding atmosphere.

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They are of three types: open-circuit systems, self-paced job
closed-circuit systems with oxygen self- A job which is under complete control of the
generating capability, and compressed air or worker.
oxygen closed-circuit devices. They are also self-paced work
classified as demand and pressure-demand That work which is performed manually by a
units. worker using simple tools or machines which
self-critical privilege are controlled by him/her such that the output
See self-evaluative privilege. rate/performance level is solely determined by
self-defense the worker. Also referred to as internally
The protection of one's person or property paced work, man-paced work, effort-controlled
against some injury attempted by another. cycle, and unrestricted work. Opposite of ex-
The right of such protection. An excuse for ternal pacing.
the use of force in resisting an attack on the self-pacing
person. Pertaining to self-paced work.
self-evaluative privilege self-propelled barge
A privilege recognized by a few courts which A freight vessel having its own means of me-
protects evaluative portions of an organiza- chanical propulsion.
tion’s investigations and resulting recommen- self-propelled pusher barge
dations. The protected material must be sub- Self-propelled barge designed or fitted to push
jective and evaluative, not factual informa- towed barges.
tion, and prepared with the expectation that
such material would be kept confidential and self-propelled pusher tanker barge
have, in fact, been kept confidential. The Self-propelled pusher barge for the bulk trans-
privilege is available regardless of whether port of liquids or gases.
the investigation was prepared in anticipation self-propelled river-sea navigation vessel
of litigation. Also known as self-critical Inland waterways transport (IWT) freight ves-
privilege. sel having a carrying capacity of at least 20
self-incrimination tons also designed for the transport of goods
Acts or declarations, either as testimony at by sea and equipped with their own means of
trial or prior to trial, by which one implicates propulsion developing at least 37 kilowatts
himself/herself in a crime. The Fifth (kW).
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as well self-propelled tanker barge
as provisions in many state constitutions and A self-propelled barge intended for the bulk
laws, prohibits the government from requiring transport of liquids or gases.
a person to be a witness against him-
self/herself involuntarily or to furnish evi- self-protective
dence against himself/herself. It is the burden The capacity of a robotic or telerobotic system
of the government to accuse and to carry the to protect itself from damage caused by its
burden of proof of guilt. The defendant can- own activities.
not be compelled to aid the government in this self-reporting system
regard. A mechanism or set of procedures in an orga-
self-insurance nization that assures that problems and viola-
Plan in which the insured (e.g., a business) tions of laws or corporate policy are promptly
places aside in a fund sufficient sums to cover and decisively addressed and corrected. Re-
liability losses that may be sustained. Com- porting of suspected wrongdoing may be ex-
monly, under such a plan the business will ternal, such as reporting to regulatory
self-insure up to a certain amount and then authorities, or internal, such as reporting to
carry regular liability insurance to cover any upper-level management. Willingness of an
excesses. organization to deal promptly and decisively
with an employee or agent who has commit-
ted a crime while in the service of the organi-

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zation is a mitigating factor of the Federal semi
Sentencing Guidelines (FSGs). (1) General. Prefix meaning not complete,
sellion usually referring to half of a whole entity. (2)
The point of greatest surface indentation at Transit (slang). Semitrailer, used loosely in
the base of the nose between the eyes. reference to a tractor and semitrailer unit. See
also semitrailer, tractor-semitrailer and
sellion height truck.
The vertical distance from the floor to sellion.
Measured with the individual standing erect, semicircular canals
looking straight ahead, and the scalp and fa- (1) Special organs within the labyrinth of the
cial muscles relaxed. Also called nasal root inner ear that serve to maintain the sense of
height. balance and orientation. (2) Any of three
bony tubular structures making up part of the
sellion to back of head inner ear which are filled with perilymph and
The horizontal linear distance from inion to oriented at approximately right angles to each
sellion. other.
sellion to top of head semicircular duct
The vertical distance from sellion to the ver- Any of three tubular structures lying within
tex level. Measured with the individual the semicircular canals which are filled with
standing erect. endolymph and form part of the membranous
sellion to wall labyrinth of the inner ear.
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to semiconductive hose
sellion. Measured with the individual stand- A hose with an electrical resistance high
ing or sitting erect with his/her head against enough to limit the flow of stray electric cur-
the wall and scalp muscles relaxed. rents to safe levels, yet not so high as to pre-
Selspot vent drainage to ground; a hose of not more
An active motion tracking system which uses than 2 megohms resistance over its entire
flashing infrared LEDs and optoelectronic length and not less than 5,000 ohms per foot
sensors. meets the requirement.

SEM semiconductor
See scanning electron microscope. See also Any of various solid crystalline substances,
standard error of the mean. such as silicon, having electrical conductivity
greater than insulators but less than metals.
An apparatus for making signals, as with semiconductor sensor
movable arms, disks, flags, or lanterns. Com- A sensor that responds to a contaminant that
mon to rail operations but may also be en- is present in the air as a result of its being ad-
countered in other modes of transportation sorbed on the surface of the semiconductor
such as marine. type sensor and producing a change in its
conductivity in proportion to the concentra-
semaphore arm tion of the contaminant present in the sampled
The part of a semaphore signal displaying an air.
aspect. It consists of a blade fastened to a
spectacle. semiconfined aquifer
An aquifer that is partially confined by a soil
semaphore arm spectacle layer (or layers) of low permeability through
That part of a semaphore arm which holds the which recharge and discharge can occur.
roundels and to which the blade is fastened.
semi-interquartile range (Q)
semaphore blade That range represented by one-half the range
The extended part of a semaphore arm which from the first quartile to the third quartile.
shows the position of the arm.
Q3 – Q1
Q =

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semimental basic element sensitivity
Any of a set of work elements which involves (1) General. The ability to detect a specific
a mental activity component as well as a condition/stimulus, or distinguish differences
physical component. between conditions/stimuli. (2) Instrumenta-
semipermeable membrane tion. The minimum amount of contaminant
A barrier which permits the passage of some that can be repeatedly detected by the device
materials in a mixture but not all. and the minimum input signal strength re-
quired to produce a desired value of output
semitrailer signal.
(1) Any motor vehicle, other than a pole
trailer, which is designed to be drawn by an- sensitivity analysis
other motor vehicle and so constructed so that (1) A systematic study of those changes in
some part of its weight rests upon or is carried results or output when one or more inputs are
by the self-propelled towing vehicle. (2) changed. (2) Under ISO 14000, systematic
Truck trailer equipped with one or more axles procedure for estimating the effects on the
and constructed so that the front end rests outcome of a study of the chosen methods and
upon a truck tractor. data and uncertainty therein.

senescence sensitivity training

Term for the aging process. Sometimes used That training to improve an individual's ap-
to describe lakes or other bodies of water in preciation for and consideration of his/her en-
advanced stages of eutrophication. vironment, especially with regard to the peo-
ple in it and their feelings.
The detection of some stimulus by one or sensitization
more sensory receptors. An allergic-like reaction. A process occurring
in some individuals, over a non-specific time
sense period, in which the induction of acquired
Any system through which information is sensitivity or of allergic symptoms is mani-
acquired about the environment, normally re- fested without any associated infection or dis-
ferring to human or robotic abilities. ease. Sensitization can occur with chemicals,
sense of slip drugs, or other substances of exposure. Once
Seismology. The sense with which one side sensitization has occurred, the individual will
of a fault slips relative to the other side, in a display allergic reactions whenever in contact
reference frame defined by a horizontal with the substance.
(level) plane oriented with the pull of Earth's sensitize
gravity pointed "down" (perpendicular to the Promote a greater response to succeeding
planet). stimuli than was exhibited by the original
sensible stimulus.
Capable of being perceived by one of the sensitizer
sense organs. A foreign agent or substance that is capable of
sensible heat causing a state of abnormal responsiveness in
That heat which, when added or removed, an individual. Following repeated or ex-
results in a change of temperature. tended exposure to a substance, some people
develop an allergic type of skin irritation re-
sensible temperature
ferred to as sensitization dermatitis, while
The sensation of temperature that the human others may have a more serious response.
body feels in contrast to the actual tempera-
ture of the environment as measured with a sensor
thermometer. That part of a transducer, including a human
sensory receptor, which responds to incoming
sensing time excitation.
The temporal interval required for a human
operator or other controller to become aware sensorimotor
of a signal. Pertaining to both sensory and motor capa-
bilities, activities, or other interactions.

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sensorimotor integration sensory receptor
That central nervous system processing of Any neuron or specialized portion of a neuron
sensory information and the resulting direc- which is capable of detecting some particular
tion to motor regions which culminate in a aspect of the environment.
motor response for the given input. sentence
sensorineural hearing loss Law. The judgement formally pronounced by
Usually an irreversible hearing loss involving the court or judge upon the defendant after
the auditory nerve and the loss of hair cells in his/her conviction in a criminal prosecution,
the organ of Corti in the ear, caused by expo- imposing the punishment to be inflicted, usu-
sure to excessive noise levels, viruses, con- ally in the form of a fine, incarceration, or
genital defects, or drug toxicity. probation.
sensory adaptation Separate Engineering Control Airborne Lim-
An adjustment in the sensitivity of a sensory its (SECALS)
structure to compensate for the intensity or Separate exposure limits set by OSHA for
quality of a stimulus and attempt to maintain industries where it is not feasible to achieve
sensory effectiveness. the permissible exposure limit (PEL) through
sensory deprivation engineering controls and work practices
The reduction in intensity or elimination of alone. Engineering and work practice con-
stimuli which an organism would normally trols must be used to reach the specified limit
receive, usually from the external environ- and then the employer must provide respira-
ment. tory protection to achieve the TWA-PELs.

sensory disability separately derived system

Any disability involving the visual, auditory, A premise's wiring system whose power is
olfactory, tactile, gustatory, proprioceptive, derived from generator, transformer, or con-
kinesthetic, or other bodily receptor apparatus. verter winding and has no direct electrical
connection, including a solidly connected
sensory feedback grounded circuit conductor, to supply con-
Any information received by a sensory system ductors originating in another system.
which may be used to indicate the quality of
performance of a voluntary act and enable separation of jury
adjustments if desired or necessary. After a case has been given to the jury for
deliberation, they are not permitted to separate
sensory homunculus until a verdict is reached except under the
A representation of the human body on the control of the court through officers and sher-
surface of the cerebral somatosensory cortex iffs. In civil cases in some jurisdictions this
whose distribution is proportional to the den- rule is relaxed, generally with admonition
sity of innervation in various parts of the from the judge not to discuss the case with
body. anybody. See also sequester.
sensory load separation of powers
A measure of the number, rate, and variety of The area of law dealing with the distinctions
stimuli which must be perceived.
and relationships between the three levels of
sensory memory government in the United States: the Execu-
A brief form of memory resulting directly tive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.
from sensory input, and typically having a du-
separation of witnesses
ration of a few seconds but which depends on
An order of the court requiring all witnesses,
the modality.
except the plaintiff and defendant, to remain
sensory nerve outside the courtroom until each is called to
See afferent nerve. testify.
sensory overload sepsis
A condition in which the sensory load is too The presence of pathogenic microorganisms
great for a human to process it effectively. or their toxins in the blood or other tissue.
See also load stress and speed stress.

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septic serial behavior
Material that can cause sepsis, which is the An integrated sequence of acts, usually lead-
presence of pathogenic organisms, or their ing to some goal or conclusion.
toxins in the blood or tissues. serial connector
septic tank Used to connect a variety of external optional
An underground storage tank for wastes from devices (e.g., scanners, keyboards, printers,
homes having no sewer line to a treatment etc.). Also used to transfer data between
plant. The waste goes directly from the home computers.
to the tank, where the organic waste is de- serious
composed by bacteria and the sludge settles to Important; weighty; momentous, grave, great.
the bottom. The effluent flows out of the tank
into the ground through drains; the sludge is serious and willful misconduct
pumped out periodically. In workers' compensation law, the intentional
doing of something with the knowledge that it
septicemia is likely to result in a serious injury, or with a
Blood poisoning, with actual growth of infec- wanton and reckless disregard of its probable
tious organisms in the blood. consequences.
septum serious bodily injury
A dividing wall between two bodily cavities. (1) OSHA. According to OSHA, an injury
Some septa are membranous, some are com- that involves a substantial risk of death, pro-
posed of bone and some of cartilage, and each tracted unconsciousness, protracted and obvi-
is named according to its location. The wall ous physical disfigurement, or protracted loss
separating the atria (upper chambers) of the or impairment of the function of a bodily
heart, for instance, is called the septum atri- member, organ, or mental facility. See also
orum, or interatrial septum. Usually, how- serious harm. (2) Law. For the purpose of
ever, the term septum is used to refer to the first-degree assault prosecution, serious bod-
nasal septum, a plate of bone and cartilage ily injury is defined as any bodily injury
covered with mucous membrane that divides which involves a substantial risk of death.
the nasal cavity.
serious crime
sequela For the purpose of determining the right to a
Condition, lesion, or any affection following jury trial, crimes carrying more than six-
or resulting from a disease. A pathological month sentences are considered "serious
condition resulting from a disease. crimes" and those carrying less are "petty
sequence of use principle crimes."
A concept in equipment design that controls serious harm
and displays should be placed such that their As defined by the OSHA Field Operations
physical locations correspond with the order Manual (FOM), either the permanent or tem-
in which they are used. porary impairment of the body in which part
sequencing of the body is rendered functionally useless or
The process of specifying or performing a is substantially reduced in efficiency, or ill-
series of tasks in a certain order. ness that could shorten life or significantly re-
sequester duce physical or mental efficiency. See also
To separate or isolate (e.g., to sequester jurors serious bodily injury.
is to isolate them from contact with the public serious hazard
during the course of a sensational trial). According to OSHA, any condition or prac-
SERC tice which could be classified as a serious
See State Emergency Response Commission. violation of applicable federal or state stat-
utes, regulations or standards, based on crite-
SERDS ria contained in the current Field Operations
See Standard Ergonomic Reference Data Manual or an approved state counterpart, ex-

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cept that the element of employer knowledge ous physical harm could result from a condi-
shall not be considered. tion which exists, or, from one or more prac-
serious illness tices, means, methods, operations, or proc-
esses which have been adopted or are in use.
An illness that permanently or materially im-
pairs, or is likely to permanently or materially serious violation citation
impair, the health of a person. Not every ill- Under Federal OSHA, a citation that is issued
ness is serious. when there is a substantial probability that
death or serious physical harm could result
serious injury
from a condition that exists and the employer
(1) Federal Railroad Administration. An in-
knows or, with the exercise of reasonable
jury that results in the amputation of any ap-
diligence, could have known of the presence
pendage, the loss of sight in an eye, the fracture
of the violation.
of a bone, or the confinement in a hospital for a
period of more than 24 consecutive hours. (2) serology
Federal Aviation Administration and National The branch of medicine concerned with the
Transportation Safety Board. Any injury analysis of blood serum.
which a) requires hospitalization for more than serpentine
48 hours, commencing within 7 days from the One of the two major groups of minerals from
date the injury was received; b) results in a which the asbestiform minerals are derived.
fracture of any bone except simple fractures of
fingers, toes, or nose; c) involves lacerations serum
which cause severe hemorrhages, nerve, mus- That fluid remaining when the cells and fi-
cle, or tendon damage; d) involves injury to brinogen are removed from blood plasma.
any internal organ; e) involves second- or Blood serum, a clear, straw-colored liquid,
third-degree burns, or any burns affecting more from persons or animals whose bodies have
than 5 percent of the body surface. built up antibodies is called antiserum or im-
mune serum. Inoculations with such an an-
serious mishap tiserum provide temporary, or passive, immu-
An event or incident that has the potential of nity against the disease, and are used when a
resulting in injury to personnel and/or damage person has already been exposed to or has
to high value property, or that might require contracted the disease, and are used when a
the use of contingency or emergency proce- person has already been exposed to or has
dures. contracted the disease. Diseases in which
serious traffic violation passive immunization is sometimes used in-
Conviction, when operating a commercial clude diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, and gas
motor vehicle, of: a) excessive speeding, in- gangrene.
volving any single offense for any speed of 15 service
miles per hour or more above the posted The conductors and equipment for delivering
speed limit; b) reckless driving, as defined by energy from the electricity supply system to
state or local law or regulation, including but the wiring system of the premises served.
not limited to offenses of driving a commer-
cial motor vehicle in willful or wanton disre- service brake
gard for the safety of persons or property; c) The primary mechanism designed to stop a
improper or erratic traffic lane changes; d) motor vehicle.
following the vehicle ahead too closely; or e) service brake system
a violation, arising in connection with a fatal A primary brake system used for slowing and
accident, of state or local law relating to mo- stopping a vehicle.
tor vehicle traffic control other than a parking
service cable
violation. (Serious traffic violations exclude
vehicle weight and defect violations.) Service conductors made up in the form of a
serious violation
As defined in the OSHAct, exists when there
is a substantial probability that death or seri-

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service conductors their accessories, located near the point of en-
The supply conductors that extend from the trance of supply conductors to a building or
street main or from transformers to the service other structure, or an otherwise defined area,
equipment of the premises supplied. and intended to constitute the main control
service connector and means of cutoff of the supply.
The pipe that carries tap water from the public service life
water main to a building. (1) General. The total life expectancy of a
service consumed part or structure; service life starts with the
Transit. The amount of service actually used manufacture of the structure and continues
by passengers which is measured by unlinked through all acceptance testing, handling, storage,
passenger trips and passenger miles. transportation, operations, refurbishment, retest-
ing, and retirement. (2) Ordnance. The period
service drop of time between the initial lot acceptance
The overhead service conductors from the last testing and the subsequent age surveillance
pole or other aerial support to and including testing.
the splices, if any, connecting to the service-
entrance conductors at the building or other service raceway
structure. The raceway that encloses the service-
entrance conductors.
service-entrance cable
A single conductor or multi-conductor assem- service supplied
bly provided with or without an overall cov- Transit. The amount of service actually made
ering, primarily used for services and of the available to prospective passengers. Service
following types: Type SE. Having a flame- supplied is measured in vehicles, miles,
retardant, moisture-resistance covering, but and/or hours that were operated.
not required to have inherent protection service time
against mechanical abuse. Type USE. Rec- That period of time actually required for cus-
ognized for underground use, having a mois- tomer/user service.
ture-resistance covering, but not required to service vehicles
have a flame-retardant covering or inherent The floating and rolling stock used in con-
protection against mechanical abuse. Single- nection with keeping the revenue vehicles in
conductor cables having an insulation specifi- operation.
cally approved for the purpose do not require
an outer covering. serviceability
A measure of the ease with which a machine
service entrance conductors, overhead system or system can be serviced.
The service conductors between the terminals
of the service equipment and a point usually servomechanism
outside the building, clear of building walls, Any device which senses the difference be-
where joined by tap or splice to the service tween a true state and some desired state and
drop. operates to bring a system toward the desired
service entrance conductors, underground
system sesamoid bone
The service conductors between the terminals Any class of bones which are small, have a
of the service equipment and the point of con- generally rounded appearance, and are en-
nection to the service lateral. Where service closed by tendons or other tissues at joints.
equipment is located outside the building May not be consistent across individuals. See
walls, there may be no service-entrance con- also patella.
ductors, or they may be entirely outside the set
building. (1) General. Any defined collection of ob-
service equipment jects or data. (2) Maritime Navigation. Cur-
The necessary equipment, usually consisting rent or eddies that are not flowing in the natu-
of a circuit breaker or switch and fuses, and ral direction. An opposite current or eddy that

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tends to counteract the forward movement of settling tank
a tow or vessel. (3) Human Behavior. The A holding area for wastewater, where heavier
predisposition or readiness to receive and/or particles sink to the bottom for removal and
respond only to certain situations or in certain disposal.
ways to a given stimulus. settling velocity
set (of current) The velocity at which particles of specific
Maritime Navigation. Deviation from normal sizes will settle out of the atmosphere due to
current flow, caused by some obstruction such the effect of gravity. Also referred to as the
as pier, wall, sandbar, etc. For example, cur- terminal velocity.
rent set above some lock approaches due to setup allowance
flow of water through dam gates. A special time allowance to cover a worker
set over for the time required to prepare equipment of
Maritime Navigation. Movement of a dredge machinery for some process. Also referred to
to allow vessels clear passage in a channel. as make-ready allowance. See also change-
Also, the arrangement of a tow in a lock over allowance.
whereby one barge is moved up abreast of the SEU
main body of a tow. See speech enhancement unit.
set temp Seventeenth Amendment
Computing. A command in the A U TO- Amendment of 1913 to the U.S. Constitution
EXEC.BAT file that tells programs where tem-
which transferred the election of U.S. Sena-
porary files should be stored. tors from the state legislature to the voters of
set (tow) the state, but provided that the legislature may
Maritime Navigation. A sideway movement empower the governor to make a temporary
of the tow caused by the current or wind. The appointment to fill a vacancy until an election
set of the tow can be very important when the can be held.
tow meets another tow in close quarters. Seventh Amendment
set up In Suits at common law, where the value in
Prepare a workstation, facility, or work item controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the
for carrying out a specific job or task. right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no
settleable solids fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-
Material heavy enough to sink to the bottom examined in any Court of the United States,
of a wastewater treatment tank. than according to the rules of the common law.

settlement policy severable

Settlement encouraged by the EPA of a pro- Admitting of severance or separation. Capa-
ceeding at any time after the issuance of a ble of being divided or severed from other
complaint if settlement is consistent with the things to which it was joined, and yet main-
provisions and the objectives of an act and the taining a complete and independent existence.
regulations. Whether or not the respondent several liability
requests a hearing, he/she may confer with the Liability separate and distinct from liability of
complainant concerning the facts stated in the another to the extent that an independent ac-
complaint or concerning the appropriateness tion may be brought without joinder of others.
of the proposed remedial order. The terms of It exists where each of the parties specifically
any settlement agreement shall be expressed promises to be individually bound.
in a written consent agreement. severance damages
settling chamber In condemnation, where the property con-
A series of screens placed in the way of flue demned constitutes only a part of the owner's
gases to slow the stream of air, thus helping interest, the owner is entitled to just compen-
gravity to pull particles out of the emission sation, not only for fair market value of the
into a collection area. interest actually taken, but also such addi-
tional amount as will be equivalent to the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

diminution or lowering, if any, of the fair sex
market value of the owner's interest in the A classification category for the male and
land which was taken. female of a species.
severe thunderstorm sex ratio
Intense thunderstorm capable of producing The number of males per 100 females in the
heavy showers, flash floods, hail, strong and population.
gusty surface winds, and tornadoes. SGRP
severity See seating reference point.
In accident analysis, a measure of the degree SHA
of loss incurred, such as time away from See system/subsystem hazard analysis.
work, resulting from an accident.
Severity Index (SI) (1) To place in a shadow or shield from light.
A guideline for estimating the likelihood of (2) To apply color in order to darken. (3) An
injury from sudden accelerations. Equal to area or region shielded from direct light, es-
the integral over time of the acceleration pecially sunlight. (4) Any color which ap-
curve duration (impulse). pears darker than a medium gray.
severity rate shadow
A formula applied to OSHA-recordable inju- (1) A literal copy of something, as a database.
ries that result in lost time from the workplace (2) That dark image of an object created by
and expressed as the days-lost time x 200,000 placing the object between a source of direct
number of hours of worked. or specularly reflected light and a background.
sewage (3) A font in which the appearance of shading
The waste and wastewater produced by resi- is present.
dential and commercial establishments and shadow controller
discharged into sewers. A human operator who views the same dis-
sewage lagoon play and uses the same type of hand controls
See lagoon. as the real controller, but who has no connec-
sewage sludge tion to the active controls.
Sludge produced at a publicly owned treat- shag
ment works, the disposal of which is regulated Transit (slang). A small, city trailer.
under the Clean Water Act. shake
sewage treatment works (1) A worker term for metal fume fever. (2)
Municipal or domestic waste treatment facili- A separation along the grain of a piece of
ties of any type which are publicly owned or wood, most of which occurs between the rings
regulated to the extent that feasible compli- of annual growth.
ance schedules are determined by the avail- shake the lights
ability of funding provided by federal, state, Transit (slang). The practice of blinking head-
or local governments. lights as a warning signal.
sewer shake up a reef
A channel or conduit that carries wastewater Maritime Navigation. To drive the tow at a
and stormwater runoff from the source to a sufficient speed to create a wake which, when
treatment plant or receiving stream. Sanitary it reaches a suspicious area, will cause the ap-
sewers carry household, industrial, and com- pearance of the reef to be shown by the tur-
mercial waste. Storm sewers carry runoff bulence.
from rain or snow. Combined sewers are used
for both purposes. shale oil
The hydrocarbon substance produced from the
sewerage decomposition of kerogen when oil shale is
The entire system of sewage collection, treat- heated in an oxygen-free environment. Raw
ment, and disposal.

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shale oil resembles a heavy, viscous, low- vessel. Usually found at bridges that are lift,
sulfur crude oil. swing, or bascule types.
shall sheet lightning
With regard to regulatory requirements, A fairly bright lightning flash from distant
"shall" means a mandatory action. thunderstorms that illuminates a portion of the
shape coding cloud.
The use of different shapes on control sur- Sheldon somatotype
faces for distinguishing both visually and A body type classification system in which
tactually between control devices. humans are divided into three basic groups:
shaping out reef or shore endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.
Channel report term meaning steering tow so shelf life
as to follow the contour of shore or reef. (1) Battery. The specified period of time a
shaping up battery may be stored in a logistical environ-
Getting tow in position to run crossing or ment and still perform to all required specifi-
bridge. cations when placed into service. (2) Explo-
sive. The period of time between explosive
shared roadway loading and end use.
Any roadway upon which a bicycle lane is not
designated and which may be legally used by shelterbelt
bicycles regardless of whether such facility is A belt of trees or shrubs arranged as a protec-
specifically designated as a bikeway. tion against strong winds.

Shaver's disease SHF

A disease of the lungs found in workers ex- See superhigh frequency.
posed to fumes containing aluminum oxide shield
and silica in the process of smelting bauxite in (1) Ionizing Radiation. A material used to
the manufacture of corundum (a form of alu- prevent or reduce the passage of ionizing ra-
minum oxide). A type of pneumoconiosis, diation. Shielding is used to reduce exposures
this disease is marked by opacities on x-ray (worker, patient, etc.) to radiation emitted
film and is sometimes accompanied by de- from sources. (2) Nonionizing Radiation.
creased lung function. See also bauxite fume With regard to Rf energy, a metallic barrier
pneumoconiosis. that completely encloses a device for the pur-
shear pose of preventing or reducing induced en-
See wind shear. ergy. See also radio frequency (Rf).

sheathing shielded nonmetallic-sheathed cable

A covering consisting of a smooth layer of A factory assembly of two or more insulated
wood placed over metal and secured to pre- conductors in an extruded core of moisture-
vent any movement. resistant, flame-resistant nonmetallic material,
covered with an overlapping spiral metal tape
sheep herder and wire shield and jacketed with an extruded
Transit (slang). A driver with questionable moisture, flame, oil, corrosion, fungus, and
ability. sunlight-resistant nonmetallic material.
sheer boom shielding
Same purpose as sheer fence, but a floating Any material or obstruction that absorbs ra-
structure. See also sheer fence. diation and thus tends to protect personnel or
sheer fence materials from the effects of nuclear radiation
A series of pilings with tinted latticework at- exposure.
tached, extending from bridge piers upstream shift
and downstream to assist the navigator in (1) The period of the day during which a per-
passing through the narrow bridge spans son works. (2) To change from one location,
without damage to the bridge or piers or the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

position, level, or posture to another, often ship's cargo handling gear
with respect to some fixed or reference point. That gear which is a permanent part of the
shift maladaptation syndrome vessel's equipment and which is used for the
Any one or a combination of physical com- handling of cargo other than bulk liquids, but
plaints of illness, injury, or fatigue resulting does not include gear which is used only for
from an inability to adjust to a particular shift. handling or holding hoses, handling ship's
stores, handling the gangway, or boom con-
shift work veyor belt systems for the self-unloading of
That work performed primarily by other than bulk cargo vessels.
those working first shift, generally between
the hours of 5 P.M. and 8 A.M., or that work ship's manifest
performed by those working a rotating or A list, signed by the captain of a ship, of the
other shift schedule. individual shipments constituting the ship's
shifting bar
A sandbar which moves under the influence ship's tackle
of current, usually gradually down river. It All rigging, etc. utilized on a ship to load or
may also shift from one side of the river to the discharge cargo.
other. A sunken log or tree or deep hole in shipyard
the channel can cause current changes which A yard or area where ships are built or re-
will build up a bar even above or below the paired.
area. SHM
shin See simple harmonic motion.
The anterior portion of the lower leg. shoal
shin splint (1) An area identified as a danger to maritime
A repetitive motion injury, typically from navigation containing an underwater offshore
running or jogging, which results in pain in ridge, bank, or bar. (2) Shallow. (3) To grind
the anterior lower leg. a boat on the bottom. (4) A sandbank or
shinbone sandbar formed by river currents.
See tibia. shock
ship scaffold (1) See cardiovascular shock. (2) A physiol-
See float scaffold. ogic response to bodily trauma, usually char-
acterized by a rapid fall in blood pressure
shipper's export declaration following an injury, operation, contact with
A form required by the United States gov- electrical current, or other insult on the body.
ernment for the compilation of statistics on See also electrical shock.
trade both with foreign countries and with
United States territories and possessions. It is shoe
necessary on practically every commercial A form of footwear which has a hard sole,
shipment leaving the United States with the covers the majority of the foot surface, and
exception of mail shipments of small value. whose uppermost portion is generally lower
than the lateral malleolus height.
Those activities involved in distributing fin- shop rule
ished products to the markets. Any of a set of regulations established either
by an employer, by collective bargaining, or
shipping paper by a union constitution.
A shipping order, bill of lading, manifest, or
other shipping document serving a similar shore
purpose and containing the information re- That part of the land in immediate contact
quired by 49 CFR 172.202, 172.203, and with a body of water including the area be-
172.204. tween high and low water lines.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

shoreline shoulder
The line of contact between a body of water (1) Anatomy. The joint which connects the
and the land. arm to the trunk/body and all local tissues as-
short-circuiting sociated with that region. (2) Aviation. An
A situation that occurs when the supply air area adjacent to the edge of paved runways,
flows to exhaust registers before entering the taxiways, or aprons providing a transition
breathing zone. To avoid short-circuiting, the between the pavement and the adjacent sur-
supply air must be delivered at a temperature face; support for aircraft running off the
and velocity that result in mixing throughout pavement; enhanced drainage; and blast pro-
the space. tection.

short cut shoulder breadth

Aviation. A course different from the cus- See biachromial breadth.
tomary one taken by a pilot. shoulder circumference
short-interval scheduling The surface distance around the torso and
See batching. shoulders at the level of the greatest lateral
protrusions of the deltoid muscles. Measured
short-term with the individual standing or sitting erect
A brief period of time, which may range from and the upper arms hanging naturally at
seconds to minutes to days, depending on the his/her sides.
magnitude of the referenced time scale.
shoulder – elbow length
short-term exposure limit (STEL) The vertical distance from acromiale to the
The concentration to which workers may be bottom of the elbow. Measured with the indi-
exposed continuously for a short period of vidual sitting or standing erect, the upper arm
time (usually 15-minutes) without suffering vertical, and the elbow bent 90° so the fore-
adverse health effects.
arm is horizontal.
short-term memory
shoulder – grip length
See working memory.
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to a
short ton pointer held in a clenched fist. Measured with
A unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds. See the individual standing or sitting against the
also ton. wall, with the elbow fully extended forward
shortwave and the arm horizontal.
In the atmosphere, a small wave that moves shoulder harness
around longwaves in the same direction as the A strap, belt, or other means of restraint
air flow in the middle and upper troposphere. which crosses the shoulder region, usually for
Shortwaves are also called shortwave troughs. the purpose of holding the torso, shoulders,
shortwave radiation and/or back against a rigid object to prevent
A term most often used to describe the radiant or minimize injury in the event of impact.
energy emitted from the sun, in the visible Also referred to as shoulder strap and shoul-
and near ultraviolet wavelengths. der belt.

shotblasting shoulder length

A method for cleaning surfaces employing The surface distance laterally from acromiale
steel shot. A generic term for the cleaning of in a medial direction to the junction of the
surfaces using abrasive cleaning agents. shoulder and the neck at which the tissue an-
gle between the two is 45°.
Nonscientific term for the process of breaking shoveling
up the DNA derived from an organism and Improper loading of freight.
then moving each separate and unidentified show window
DNA fragment into a bacterium. Any window used or designed to be used for
the display of goods or advertising material,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

whether it is fully or partly enclosed or en- way. The orbiter is then serviced and pre-
tirely open at the rear and whether or not it pared for its next mission.
has a platform raised higher than the street
floor level.
(1) To turn to one side; to divert. (2) An
anomalous or artificially created passage con-
necting two main channels, and diverting
(blood) flow from one to the other. (3) A
conductor connecting two points in an electric
circuit, so as to receive a portion of the cur-
rent of the main circuit. A bypath in an elec-
trical circuit. See also switch shunting cir-
Space shuttle (orbiter) landing at Edward's Air Force Base, CA
shunt fouling circuit
The track circuit in the fouling section of a SHWS
turnout, in multiple connections with the track See state hazardous waste sites.
circuit in the main track. See also switch
shunting circuit. SI
Systeme International. See also Severity
shunt wire Index.
A wire forming part of a shunt circuit.
Siamese twins
shut in An outdated term for conjoined twins.
Closed temporarily; wells and mines capable Identical (monozygotic) twins joined together
of production may be shut in for repair, at birth. The connection may be slight or
cleaning, inaccessibility to a market, etc. extensive. It involves skin and usually mus-
shutdown allowance cles or cartilage of a limited region, such as
A special-case time allowance in those situa- the head, chest, hip, or buttock. The twins
tions where a worker has to turn off or other- may share a single organ, such as an intestine,
wise shut down equipment or machines at the or occasionally may have parts of the spine in
end of a work period. common. If joined superficially, the con-
joined twins are easily separated by surgery
soon after birth.
(1) Transportation. A public or private vehi-
cle that travels back and forth over a particu- Siberian high
lar route, especially a short route or one that A strong, shallow area of high pressure that
provides connections between transportation forms over Siberia in winter.
systems, employment centers, etc. (2) Aero-
SIC Codes
space. A manned space flight vehicle used to
A system that assigns a four-digit code set
transport astronauts and various specialized
forth in the Standard Industry Classification
payloads to and from low earth orbit. A ma-
(SIC) Manual which describes the products
jor component of the U.S. Space Transporta-
made by a particular facility. These codes
tion System (STS), which includes an orbiter
describe industries only and not occupations
vehicle (commonly referred to as the shuttle),
within those industries. Also, the table of SIC
the twin solid rocket boosters (SRBs), and the
Codes strongly emphasizes heavy industry
external tank (ET) which carries the propel-
and manufacturing and does not adequately
lant fuel and oxidizer that power the orbiter's
address society's move to a more service
main engines during the liftoff and orbit in-
industry economy. Upper level codes (two
sertion phase of an STS mission. Upon com-
digits) and their descriptions are as follows.
pletion of its mission, the orbiter vehicle, or
Note that each upper level code is further
shuttle, returns to earth as a powerless glider
divided into lower level codes within the re-
and lands like an airplane on a special run-
spective category which break down the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

specific industry to separate sectors within 73 Business Services
75 Auto Repair, Services, and Parking
that industry code. 76 Miscellaneous Repair Services
78 Motion Pictures
79 Amusement and Recreation Services
01 Agricultural Products – Crops
80 Health Services
02 Agricultural Products - Livestock
81 Legal Services
07 Agricultural Services
82 Educational Services
08 Forestry
83 Social Services
09 Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping
84 Museums, Botanical, Zoological Gardens
10 Metal Mining
86 Membership Organizations
12 Coal Mining
87 Engineering and Management Services
13 Oil and Gas Extraction
88 Private Households
14 Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels
89 Services, Nec
15 General Building Contractors
91 Executive, Legislative, and General
16 Heavy Construction, Excluding Building
92 Justice, Public Order, and Safety
17 Special Trade Contractors
93 Finance, Taxation, and Monetary Policy
20 Food and Kindred Products
94 Administration of Human Resources
21 Tobacco Products
95 Environmental Quality and Housing
22 Textile Mill Products
96 Administration of Economic Programs
23 Apparel and Other Textile Products
97 National Security & International Affairs
24 Lumber and Wood Products
98 U.S. Government, Nec
25 Furniture and Fixtures
99 Nonclassifiable Establishments
26 Paper and Allied Products
27 Printing and Publishing
28 Chemicals and Allied Products sick building syndrome (SBS)
29 Petroleum and Coal Products Term sometimes used to describe situations in
30 Rubber & Miscellaneous Plastic Products which building occupants experience acute
31 Leather and Leather Products
health and/or comfort effects that appear to be
32 Stone, Clay, and Glass Products
33 Primary Metal Industries
linked to time spent in a particular building
34 Fabricated Metal Products but where no specific illness or cause can be
35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment identified. The complaints may be localized
36 Electronic and Other Electric Equipment in a particular room or zone or may be spread
37 Transportation Equipment
throughout the building. See also tight
38 Instruments and Related Products
39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
building syndrome (TBS).
40 Railroad Transportation sick horse
41 Local and Interurban Passenger Transit
Transit (slang). A tractor in poor mechanical
42 Trucking and Warehousing
43 U.S. Postal Service
condition, especially with low power.
44 Water Transportation
sick leave
45 Transportation by Air
46 Pipelines, Except Natural Gas
An employee benefit providing a certain
47 Transportation Services amount of time in which a worker is permitted
49 Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services to be absent due to illness or accident without
50 Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods loss of job, seniority, and usually pay.
51 Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods
52 Building Materials and Garden Supplies sickle cell
53 General Merchandise Stores A crescentic or sickle-shaped erythrocyte, the
54 Food Stores abnormal shape caused by the presence of
55 Automotive Dealers and Service Stations
varying proportions of hemoglobin.
56 Apparel and Accessory Stores
57 Furniture and Home Furnishing Stores SID
58 Eating and Drinking Places
See standard instrument department.
59 Miscellaneous Retail
60 Depository Institutions side collision
61 Nondepository Institutions Rail Operation. A collision at a turnout
62 Security and Commodity Brokers
where one consist strikes the side of another
63 Insurance Carriers
64 Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service consist.
65 Real Estate
side extremities
67 Holding and Other Investment Offices
70 Hotels and Other Lodging Places
The outermost point on the sides of the vehi-
72 Personal Services cle. Nonstructural protrusions such as tail

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siding/spur railway
lights, hinges, and latches are excluded from Track connected with the primary track,
the determination of the outermost point. sometimes leading to a production or storage
side facing glazing location site, and used for passing, temporary storage,
Rail Operations. Any location where a line or loading and unloading of railway cars.
perpendicular to the plane of the glazing ma- sievert (Sv)
terial makes an angle of more than 50 degrees SI unit of any of the quantities expressed as
with the centerline of the locomotive, caboose dose equivalent. The dose equivalent in
or passenger car. sieverts is equal to the absorbed dose in grays
side line multiplied by the quality factor. One sievert
Lashing used to hold two barges side by side. is equal to 100 rems.

side marker lamp (intermediate) sight

Transit. A lamp shown to the side of a trailer See vision.
to indicate the approximate middle of a trailer sight time
30 feet or more in length. The temporal interval from the point at which
side marker lamps a visual stimulus is recognized to that point at
Transit. Lamps used on each side of a trailer which a response must be made.
to indicate its overall length. sightseeing operations
side-rolling ladder Special service involving the transportation of
A semi-fixed ladder, nonadjustable in length, passengers assembled into a travel group by
supported by attachments to a guide rail, the carrier and specifically designed to service
which is generally fastened to shelving, the some special purpose beyond mere public
plane of the ladder being also its plane of mo- transportation. Such special service is to be
tion. distinguished from service which solely con-
templates expeditious service between fixed
side shield points on a fixed route according to a prede-
A device of metal or other material hinged or termined schedule.
fixed firmly to a spectacle to protect the eye
from side exposure. SIGMET
See Significant Meteorological Convective.
side-step ladder
A ladder from which a person getting off at sign
the top must step sideway from the ladder in (1) A placard or posting that provides some
order to reach the landing. type of information, warning, caution, advi-
sory, etc. (2) A roadway-associated feature
siderosis which provides information to people passing.
A pneumoconiosis resulting from the inhala-
tion of iron particulate. See also arc-welder's sign test
disease. A non-parametric statistical test involving the
use of only plus and minus signs for analysis.
sideswipe collision
A collision of two vehicles in which the sides signal
of both vehicles sustain minimal engage- That information conveyed via audible, elec-
ments. tromagnetic, mechanical, or other means.

sidetone signal detection

The feedback signal from a speaker's micro- The observation and/or reporting of a signal.
phone which is returned to the speaker signal detection theory
through his/her earphones. A psychophysical model in which decisions
siding as to whether a signal is judged to be present
An auxiliary track for meeting or passing against a background are based on an individ-
trains. ual's evaluation of the risks involved and the
signal-to-noise ratio. See also d' and signal-
to-noise ratio.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) significant violation
The magnitude of a signal relative to that of Violations by point source dischargers of suf-
any accompanying and/or background noise. ficient magnitude and/or duration to be con-
Also referred to as signal-noise ratio and S/N sidered a regulatory priority.
ratio. signpost
signal words Any highway signage conveying information
The words used on a pesticide label (Danger, to drivers.
Warning, Caution) to indicate the level of SIL
toxicity of the chemicals. See speech interference level.
signaling circuit silent witness theory
Any electric circuit that energizes signaling This theory permits admission of photo-
equipment. graphic evidence at trial as substantive, rather
signature than merely demonstrative, evidence where
Any characteristic pattern or information gen- there is proof that photographs have not been
erated by an individual or system which is re- altered, and no witness is required to testify
peatable under similar circumstances and can that a photograph accurately represents what
be used to recognize that individual or system. he or she observed.
significant deterioration silica
Pollution resulting from a new source in pre- Crystalline silicon dioxide, occurring as
viously "clean" areas. See also prevention of quartz, tridymite, or cristobalite.
significant deterioration. silica gel
Significant Meteorological Convective (SIG- A regenerative adsorbent material consisting
MET) Information of amorphous silica which can be used as a
Aviation. A weather advisory concerning solid sorbent for sampling airborne contami-
convective weather significant to the safety of nants.
all aircraft. Convective SIGMETs are issued silicosis
for tornadoes, lines of thunderstorms, embed- A lung disease caused by long-term exposure
ded thunderstorms of any intensity level, ar- to silica dusts and crystals. It is marked by a
eas of thunderstorms greater than or equal to loss of elasticity of the lung tissue and devel-
level 4 with an area coverage of 4/10 (40%) or opment of silica-containing nodules in the
more, and hail 3/4 inch or greater. lungs, resulting in decreased lung function,
significant municipal facilities shortness of breadth, enlargement of the heart,
Those publicly owned sewage treatment and often lung cancer. Silicosis takes about
plants that discharge a million gallons per day ten years of fairly constant exposure to de-
or more and are therefore considered by states velop. It may give few warning symptoms.
to have the potential for substantial effect on As time passes, an affected person experi-
the quality of receiving waters. ences progressive shortness of breath, along
significant new use notice (SNUN) with steady coughing which in the early
See significant new use rule. stages is dry and unproductive of mucus.
Later there may be mucus tinged with blood,
significant new use rule (SNUR) loss of appetite, pain in the chest, and general
Under the Toxic Substances Control Act weakness. The silica produces a reaction that
(TSCA), a SNUR requires anyone who wants scars the lungs and makes them receptive to
to manufacture or process a chemical sub- the further complications of bronchitis and
stance for a use that EPA has determined is a emphysema. Persons with silicosis are also
"significant new use" to give EPA 90 calendar more susceptible to tuberculosis. Also known
days prior notice. This "notice" is referred to as miner's asthma, grinder's consumption,
as a significant new use notice, or SNUN. miner's phthisis, potter's rot, and stonema-
son's disease.
A tuberculous infection of the silicotic lung.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sill simple reaction time
A horizontal beam forming the bottom of an The temporal interval required to initiate a
entrance to a lock. single predetermined response to a single pre-
silo-filler's disease determined stimulus.
Pulmonary inflammation, often with acute
pulmonary edema, resulting from the inhala-
tion of irritant gases, particularly nitrogen di-
oxide, which collect in recently filled silos simple reflex
(i.e., from fresh green silage). A motor reaction to an external stimulus
where the neural signal is sent directly to the
silt effector by a spinal motor neuron without in-
Fine particles of sand or rock that can be put from the brain.
picked up by the air or water and deposited as
sediment. simple sound source
A source that radiates sound uniformly in all
silver directions under free-field conditions.
A chemical element, atomic number 47,
atomic weight 107.870, symbol Ag. simple sugars
Carbohydrates with a relatively simple mo-
silver solder lecular structure. Known also as monosac-
A brazing material which may contain cad- charides and disaccharides. Fruits and table
mium. Exposure to cadmium fumes may oc- sugar are examples of simple sugars.
cur if this filler metal contains cadmium.
silviculture Carry out certain test conditions in an attempt
Management of forest land for timber. Some- to duplicate as much as possible actual field
times contributes to water pollution, as in operations or conditions as a model for train-
clear-cutting. ing or experimental purposes.
similarity estimate simulator
A judgement as to which two of three given Any device or apparatus used to simulate one
items are more similar along one or more di- or more conditions.
simulator fidelity
similitude effect A measure of the degree of representation
See color assimilation. accuracy which a simulator has for the real-
simo chart world system.
See simultaneous motion chart. simultaneous color contrast
simple asphyxiant See chromatic contrast.
Physiological inert gases which act when they simultaneous contrast
are present in the atmosphere in sufficient An apparent change in the intensity or other
quantity to exclude an adequate supply of quality of one stimulus due to the presence of
oxygen in the atmosphere being breathed. an adjacent stimulus which differs from the
simple harmonic motion (SHM) reference along some dimension such that the
That motion with reference to an axis in differences appear to be magnified. See also
which the perpendicular displacement of an chromatic contrast.
object from a given point on the line is pro- simultaneous lightness contrast
portional to its acceleration toward that point An alteration in the apparent lightness or
and a sinusoidal function of time. brightness of one stimulus due to the presence
simple negligence of a different lightness stimulus.
Consists of failure to exercise for protection simultaneous masking
of others that degree of care and caution that The masking of an auditory stimulus provided
would, under prevailing circumstances, be ex- by a stronger signal at a different frequency.
ercised by an ordinarily prudent person.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

simultaneous motion single packaging
The performance of two or more elemental A non-bulk packaging other than a combina-
motions concurrently by different body mem- tion packaging.
bers. single point adjustable suspension scaffold
simultaneous motion chart A manually or power-operated unit designed
A chart for recording work involving simulta- for light duty use, supported by a single wire
neous motion, and containing a minimum of rope from an overhead support so arranged
columns for a therblig or motion symbol ab- and operated as to permit the raising or low-
breviation, time value, and the body member ering of the platform to desired working posi-
involved. May also be referred to as a simo tions.
chart, simultaneous motion cycle chart, and single pole scaffold
micromotion data. Platforms resting on putlogs or crossbeams,
simultaneous motion cycle chart the outside ends of which are supported on
See simultaneous motion chart. ledgers secured to a single row of posts or up-
sine rights and the inner ends of which are sup-
A trigonometric function, represented by the ported on or in a wall. See also putlog and
value of the ratio between the side opposite an ledger.
acute angle of a right triangle to the hypote- single receptacle
nuse of that triangle. See receptacle (2).
single single set over
Maritime. A particular lockage of a tow, used See knockout single.
when the tow is too long to enter the lock single shift
chamber and must be uncoupled. The tow- An operating mode in which all workers are
boat, and possibly one other barge, must working the same shift, usually the first shift.
move up alongside the forward part of the tow
to lock through the entire tow at one time or single trailer five-axle truck
in one lockage. All five-axle vehicles consisting of two units,
one of which is a tractor or straight truck
single axle weight power unit.
The total weight transmitted to the road by all
wheels whose centers may be included be- single underline
tween two parallel transverse vertical planes A highlighting technique in which one line is
40 inches apart, extending across the full drawn below a set of text.
width of the vehicle. The federal single axle single-unit truck
weight limit on the Interstate System is A medium or heavy truck in which the en-
20,000 pounds. gine, cab, drive train, and cargo area are all
single failure point analysis one chassis. Includes two-axle, four-tire
(1) General. An analysis to identify single trucks and other single unit trucks.
failure points. (2) Mechanical Systems. A sinistral
load path analysis. A stress analysis of the re- Having a left-handed preference in motor ac-
sultant system after first load path failure (of a tivity.
single failure point). Twice the resultant dead
weight is used in the analysis for the sudden sink/rise
redistribution of the load, and an allowable The place at which a stream disappears un-
stress of 90 percent of the ultimate materials derground or reappears at the surface in a
stress is used. karst area.

single ladder sinking

A non-self-supporting portable ladder, no- (1) Controlling oil spills by using an agent to
nadjustable in length, consisting of only one trap the oil and sink it to the bottom of the
section. Its size is designated by the overall body of water where the agent and the oil are
length of the side rail. biodegraded. (2) Losing enough buoyancy to
settle below the surface of the water. See also

©2000 CRC Press LLC

sinoatrial node surface excavations, excavations of explor-
A small strip of specialized muscle tissue in atory shafts, limited subsurface lateral exca-
the heart which generates the normal heart vations and borings, and in situ testing needed
rhythm. Also called the sino-atrial node. to evaluate the suitability of a candidate site
May be abbreviated S-A node or simply re- for the location of a repository, but not
ferred to as sinus, sinuatrial node, and/or car- including preliminary borings and geo-
diac pacemaker. physical testing needed to assess whether site
characterization should be undertaken.
(1) Any cavity in the frontal portion of the site inspection
skull. (2) See sinoatrial node. As pertains to CERCLA, the collection of
information from a Superfund site to deter-
sinus arrhythmia
mine the extent and severity of hazards posed
An irregular heart stimulation rhythm by the
by the site. It follows and is more extensive
sinoatrial node.
than a preliminary assessment. The site in-
sinus block spection gathers the information required to
The failure of one or more sinus cavities to score the site, using the Hazard Ranking Sys-
equalize pressure due to blockage of the duct tem (HRS), and to determine if the site pre-
leading to the sinus cavity. sents an immediate threat that requires prompt
sinusitis removal actions.
Inflammation of one or more of the paranasal siting
sinuses, often occurring during an upper res- The process of choosing a location for a facil-
piratory infection, when infection in the nose ity.
spreads to the sinuses (sometimes encouraged
siting research
by excessively strong blowing of the nose).
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy of
sinusoidal 1982: Activities, including borings, surface
Varying over time with approximation to a excavations, shaft excavations, subsurface lat-
sine wave. eral excavations and borings, and in situ test-
SIP ing, to determine the suitability of a site for a
See state implementation plan. test and evaluation facility.

siphon sitting
(1) Designed to convey water by gravitational Pertaining to a posture in which the torso is
force over, or under, an obstruction. (2) a approximately vertical, the hips are flexed
bent tube with arms of unequal length, for about 90°, and the knees are flexed between
drawing liquid from one receptacle to another. approximately 45° and maximum flexion.
(3) To draw liquid from one receptacle to
another by means of a siphon. sitting height
The vertical linear distance from the sitting
site surface to the vertex plane. Measured with
Area(s) where a hazardous substance has been hair compression, the individual sitting erect,
deposited, stored, disposed, or placed, or has looking straight ahead, the knees flexed about
otherwise come to be located. Such areas 90º, and with a non-compressible seat at ap-
include multiple sources and may include the proximately the politeal height.
area between sources.
sitting height, relaxed
site characterization
The vertical distance from the sitting surface
Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy of
to the vertex plane. Measured with the indi-
1982: Siting research activities with respect
vidual sitting relaxed, looking straight ahead
to a test and evaluation facility at a candidate
with a non-compressible seat at approxi-
site. Also activities, whether in the laboratory
mately the politeal height, and the knees
or in the field, undertaken to establish the
flexed about 90°.
geologic condition and the ranges of the
parameters of a candidate site relevant to the
location of a repository, including borings,

©2000 CRC Press LLC

situational error
A human error attributable primarily to a skewed
faulty design of the working environment. A property of a statistical distribution indi-
situational factor cating a lack of symmetry around the mean
Any job characteristic which is not directly a such that the observations are concentrated to
part of a job performance itself, but is associ- the left or right of the mean.
ated with the job, through management pres-
sures, personalities, or other variables. skewness
six banger The tendency of a distribution to depart from
Transit (slang). A six-cylinder engine. symmetry around the mean.
Sixteenth Amendment skiff
An Amendment of 1913 to the U.S. Constitu- A small, hand-propelled rowboat. Sometimes
tion, which permits Congress to tax incomes, called a yawl.
"from whatever source derived, without ap- skill
portionment among the several states, and An organized or coordinated activity pattern
without regard to any census or enumeration." comprising a task at which some training or
Sixth Amendment practice is normally required to become profi-
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution includes cient.
such rights as the right to a speedy and public skill-based behavior
trial by an impartial jury, the right to be in- An operating mode in which the individual
formed of the nature of the accusation, the performs some highly practiced task without
right to confront witnesses, and the right to the need for conscious intervention following
assistance of counsel and compulsory process. initiation of the activity.
sixty-day notice skilled witness
Under the Taft-Hartley Act, notice which One possessing knowledge and experience
must be given by either party to a collective regarding a particular subject which are not
bargaining agreement for the reopening or the acquired by ordinary persons. Such witnesses
terminating of the contract. During this pe- are allowed to give evidence on matters of
riod, strikes and lockouts are prohibited. opinion and abstract fact. See also expert
size coding witness.
The use of different sized controls to indicate skimming
different functions. Using a machine to remove oil or scum from
skeletal link the surface of the water.
The straight-line distance between any two skin
joint centers of rotation. The organ covering the surface of the body.
skeletal muscle The skin is the largest organ of the body, and
That muscle type having a heavily striated it performs a number of vital functions. It
appearance and which is generally voluntary serves as a protective barrier against microor-
and attached to or involved in moving bone or ganisms. It helps shield the delicate, sensitive
cartilage. tissues underneath from mechanical and other
skeletal system injuries. It acts as a insulator against heat and
The body's framework of bones, also called cold, and helps eliminate body wastes in the
the skeleton. The skeleton of an average adult form of perspiration. It guards against exces-
consists of 206 distinct bones. sive exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun
by producing a protective pigmentation, and
skeleton helps produce the body's supply of vitamin D.
The bones of the body configured in their Its sense receptors enable the body to feel
normal relationships. pain, cold, heat, touch, and pressure. The skin
skelic index consists of two main parts: an outer layer, the
The value of the ratio of leg length to torso epidermis; and an inner layer, the corium
length. (dermis, true skin). The epidermis is thinner

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than the corium, and is made up of several skin carcinogen
layers of different kinds of cells. The number A substance or physical agent which can pro-
of cells varies in different parts of the body; duce skin cancer.
the greatest number is in the palms of the skin conductance response (SCR)
hands and soles of the feet, where the skin is A rise in skin surface conductance following
the thickest. The cells in the outer or horny some triggering event. See also skin resis-
layer of the epidermis are constantly being tance response.
shed and replaced from its bottom layers in
the lower epidermis. The cells of the protec- skin contamination
tive horny layer are nonliving and require no The presence of a hazardous substance on the
supply of blood for nourishment. As long as skin, presenting the potential for initiation,
the horny outer layer remains intact, microor- corrosive action, sensitization, skin absorp-
ganisms cannot enter. Underneath the epi- tion, etc.
dermis is the thicker part of the skin, the co- skin dose
rium, or dermis, which is made up of connec- (1) General. The dose applied to the surface
tive tissue that contains blood vessels and of the skin or the dose received as a result of
nerves. The corium projects into the epider- skin absorption. (2) Radiology. The dose at
mis in ridges called papillae of the corium. the center of an irradiation field on skin.
The nerves that extend through the corium
end in the papillae. The various skin sensa- skin graft
tions, such as touch, pain, pressure, heat, and A bit of skin implanted to replace a lost part
of the integument.
cold, are felt through these nerves. The reac-
tion to heat and cold causes the expansion and skin notation
contraction of the blood capillaries of the co- TLVs having a "skin" notation refers to the
rium. This, in turn, causes more or less blood potential contribution to the overall exposure
to flow through the skin, resulting in greater to the substance by absorption through the
or smaller loss of body heat. The sweat skin, mucous membranes, or the eye upon
glands are situated deep in the corium. They contact with the material or its vapor.
collect fluid containing water, salt, and waste skin resistance response (SRR)
products from the blood and carry it away in A decrease in the electrical resistance meas-
canals that end in pores on the skin surface, ured between two points on the skin surface
where it is deposited as sweat. Perspiration within seconds after some triggering event.
helps regulate body temperature as well, be- Also referred to as galvanic skin response and
cause cooling of the skin occurs when sweat galvanic skin reflex. See also skin conduc-
evaporates. The sebaceous glands are also in tance response.
the corium. They secrete the oil that keeps
the skin surface lubricated. Beneath the co- skin rule
rium is a layer of subcutaneous tissue. This A task design guideline that pressure from
tissue helps insulate the body against heat and objects should not be concentrated on small
cold, and cushions it against shock. The hair areas of the skin.
and nails are outgrowths of the skin. The skin wetness
roots of the hair lie in follicles, or pockets of A measure of heat stress, based on the amount
epidermal cells situated in the corium. Hair of sweating.
grows from the roots, but the hair cells die
while still in the follicles, and the closely skinfold
packed remains that are pushed upward form A pinch of surface body tissue consisting of a
the hair shaft that is seen on the surface of the double fold of skin and its associated subcu-
skin. The nails grow in much the same way taneous fatty tissue for determining the
as the hair. The nail bed, like the hair root, is amount and distribution of body fat. Usually
situated in the corium. The pink color of the selected from standardized sites. Also re-
nails is due to their translucent quality which ferred to as fatfold.
allows the blood capillaries of the corium to
show through.

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skinfold caliper
A spring-loaded caliper which exerts a stan- certification by trained and qualified instruc-
dardized pressure per unit area and is de- tors before being permitted to perform a solo
signed to provide an estimate of skinfold sky dive (i.e., by themselves). Prior to
thickness for body fat determinations. achieving this certification, jumps are usually
skinfold measurement made in tandem, meaning the instructor and
The process of obtaining or that data obtained student jump together with the instructor on
from the use of a skinfold caliper in meas- top and the student underneath the instructor.
urement of the thickness of a pinch of skin in The tandem jumpers are usually connected
specified body areas for estimating the per- and the instructor is the only one who releases
centage of body fat. a parachute when the timing is proper. In this
manner, the instructor can talk to and advise
skull the student throughout the jump. Sky diving
The collection of bones making up the head, is an extremely risky practice but it can be
enclosing and protecting the brain. The skull done safely under the proper controls and ob-
consists of two parts, the cranium and the fa- servance of specific safety protocols.
cial section. The cranium is the domed top,
back, and sides of the skull. It is formed by
comparatively large, smooth, and gently
curved bones connected to each other by
dovetailed joints called sutures, which permit
no movement and make the mature skull
rigid. The facial bones are smaller and more
complex than the cranial bones. None of
them are movable, except the mandible,
which is hinged to the rest of the skull. The
skull protects the brain, the curve of the cra-
nium serving to deflect blows, and it also
protects the eyes, ears, and nose, which are
surrounded by bone and recessed in the skull.
The skull is supported by the highest vertebra,
called the atlas. This joint permits a back-
and-forth, nodding motion. The atlas turns on
the vertebra below it, the axis, allowing the
skull to turn from side to side.

Sky divers must understand the risks and safety measures re-
quired to ensure a safe and successful jump

The fused and vitrified matter separated dur-
The human skull ing the conversion of an ore to the metal
sky diving slag wool
The practice of voluntarily jumping out of an Fibrous material made from the slag residue
undamaged and still flying aircraft for the of the steel-making process. Similar to rock
purpose of personal enjoyment or professional wool.
occupation (i.e., not for the purpose of
evacuation). Sky diving requires extensive
training and jumpers must receive specific

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slander sleeping pills
The speaking of base and defamatory words See barbiturate.
tending to prejudice another in his/her reputa- sleeping sawyer
tion, community standing, office, trade, busi- A submerged heavy timber hazardous to the
ness, or means of livelihood. vessel.
sleep sleeping sickness
A periodically occurring behavior in which The popular name for encephalitis, an in-
the eyelids are closed and inactive, con- flammation of the brain and its coverings, the
sciousness appears reduced, and the EEG meninges.
produces a distinctive waveform cycle. Dur-
ing sleep, the body processes slow down so sleet
that tissues and organs can recuperate from A type of precipitation consisting of transpar-
previous activity. For the brain, sleep is even ent pellets of ice 5 mm or less in diameter.
more vital. Experiments and actual practice Same as ice pellets.
have shown that lack of sleep, which actually sleeve
has little physical effect on the body if there That portion of an article of clothing normally
has been adequate rest, seriously disturbs the intended to cover all or part of the arm.
mental processes. After 30 to 60 hours of
continuous sleeplessness, such reactions as ir- sleeve inseam
ritation, loss of memory, hallucinations, and The linear distance from scye past the elbow
even symptoms of schizophrenia may begin to to the level of the base of the thumb. Meas-
appear. ured with the elbow fully extended.

sleep debt sleeve inseam – posterior

That amount of additional sleep which is re- The surface distance along the lateral edge of
quired to feel properly rested or not fatigued the arm over the olecranon from a point on the
due to sleep deprivation. shoulder in the scye circumference plane to
the distal end of the ulna. Measured with the
sleep deprivation individual standing erect and the proximal
A condition in which an inadequate amount of phalanges of the fist placed on the hip.
sleep is obtained.
sleeve length segment – spine to elbow
sleep disturbance The surface distance from the midline of the
Any interference with normal sleeping habits, spine to the tip of the elbow. Measured with
regardless of cause. the individual standing erect, the arms held in
sleep mode a horizontal plane at shoulder level, the el-
With regard to computers, a feature which bows flexed as required, and the proximal
allows the user to reduce the amount of power phalanges of the fists from each hand touch-
consumed by a computer while it is not in use. ing.
Particularly applicable to laptop computers. sleeve length segment – spine to scye
sleep period shifting The surface distance from the midline of the
The process of advancing or delaying the spine to scye. Measured with the individual
sleep period for some length of time to ac- standing erect, the arms held in a horizontal
commodate a work schedule or other activi- plane at shoulder level, the elbows flexed as
ties. required, and the proximal phalanges of the
fists from each hand touching.
sleep-wake cycle
A circadian rhythm in which normally about sleeve length segment – spine to wrist
two-thirds of the cycle is spent awake and The surface distance from the midline of the
about one-third of the cycle asleep. spine to the ulnar styloid process. Measured
with the individual standing erect, the arms
sleepiness held in a horizontal plane at shoulder level,
A state of fatigue in which an individual tends the elbows flexed as required, and the proxi-
to fall asleep easily. mal phalanges of the fists from each hand

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slip resistant material
slide Any material designed to minimize the accu-
A waterborne skid of a tow to momentum and mulation of grease, ice, mud, or other debris
current (encountered downbound only). and afford protection from accidental slip-
slider bar ping.
A computer display graphic for use in direct slip-seat
manipulation to select a value from a continu- Relay operation where drivers are changed
ous range of values for some parameter. periodically, but the truck continues from ori-
gin to destination.

Uncontrolled sideway movement of vessel. slipped disk
sliding caliper The popular name for rupture of an interver-
A caliper which has a vernier mechanism in tebral disk. The condition occurs most com-
which one portion slides with respect to an- monly in the lower back, occasionally in the
other, fixed portion to provide the measure- neck, and rarely in the upper portion of the
ment desired. spine. Pads of cartilage and fiber enclosing a
rubbery tissue known as the nucleus pulposus
slight care lie between the vertebrae. They act as cush-
Law. Care such as persons of ordinary pru- ions between the vertebrae, absorbing ordi-
dence usually exercise about their own affairs nary shocks and strains and shifting positions
of slight importance. Or, it is that degree of to accommodate the various movements of
care which a person exercises about his/her the spine. Excessive strain may weaken the
own concerns, though he/she may be a person cartilage to the extent that the nucleus pulpo-
of less than common prudence or of careless sus protrudes through it and forms a bulge.
and inattentive disposition. See also care and This bulge may push against the nerve roots
reasonable care. in the spinal canal, causing pain. Rupture or
slimicide herniation of the disks may be caused by in-
A product used for the prevention or inhibi- jury or by sudden straining with the spine in
tion of the formation of biological slimes in an unnatural position (as in improper lifting).
industrial water-cooling systems and other The condition can also come on gradually as a
applications. result of a progressive deterioration of the
disks. Symptoms depend on the location and
sling the extent to which the disk material has been
A lifting assembly and associated hardware pushed out. Most cases involve the disks
used between the load and the hoisting device between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae
hook. or between the fifth lumbar vertebrae and the
sling psychrometer sacrum. There is severe pain in the lower
A device used to determine the properties of back and difficulty in walking. The sciatic
moist air by measuring the dry and wet bulb nerve, which originates in the lower part of
temperatures on thermometers fitted to a han- the spinal cord, is affected, with resulting pain
dle that enables their rapid rotation and the at the back of the thigh and lower leg. A
consequent evaporation of water from a wick cough, sneeze, or strain will send the pain
placed over the bulb of the wet bulb ther- along the course of the sciatic nerve to the calf
mometer. The resulting temperatures (dry and or ankle. When the disks of the cervical ver-
wet bulb) are aligned on a psychrometric chart tebrae are affected, severe pain in the back of
to determine the properties of the air. the neck radiates down the arms to the fingers.
Neck movements are restricted. Any neck
slip line
motion, coughing, sneezing, or straining will
A line around timberhead so arranged that one
accentuate the pain. See also herniated disk.
end may be released while boat is backing
away from dock. SLM
Sound level meter.

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Sloan letter chart slough
A chart containing capital letters graded by Generally non-navigable parts of the river
size in equal logarithmic steps chosen to be of where it runs behind islands and away from
equal difficulty to each other and to the Lan- the channel (pronounced "slew").
dolt ring for use at specified distances from slow meter response
the observer for testing visual acuity. The slow response of the sound level meter.
slop of grain The slow dynamic response of the meter must
See cross grain. comply with the meter dynamic characteris-
tics specified in the American National Stan-
dard Institute (ANSI) Specification for Sound
Level Meters.
The tangent to a line or curve at a given point.
(Note: Slope is undefined if the tangent to the slow sand filtration
line is vertical.) Treatment process involving passage of raw
water through a bed of sand at low velocity
slope factor which results in the substantial removal of
A plausible upper-bound estimate of the prob- chemical and biological contaminants.
ability of a response per unit intake of a
chemical over a lifetime. The slope factor is slow speed
used to estimate an upper-bound probability Rail Operations. A speed not exceeding 20
of an individual developing cancer as a result miles per hour.
of a lifetime of exposure to a particular level slow wave sleep
of a potential carcinogen. That sleep phase during which delta fre-
slope intercept form quency EEG waves predominate, with little
An equation for a straight line in which the muscle activity and eye movements and
slope and ordinate intercept are variables: regular, slightly lower than the normal awake
heart and respiration rates.
y = mx + b
where: See Saint Lawrence Seaway Development
m = slope Corporation.
b = intercept
slot hood A semisolid residue from any number of air or
A hood provided with a narrow slot(s) leading water treatment processes. Sludge can be a
into a plenum chamber that is under suction to hazardous waste under certain conditions.
distribute the intake of air along the length of Also any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste
the slot(s). See also lateral exhaust hood. generated from a municipal, commercial, or
slot velocity industrial wastewater treatment plant, water
Linear flow rate of air through an opening in a supply treatment plant, or air pollution control
slot-type hood. facility or any other such waste having similar
characteristics and effects.
slotted mechanical signal
A mechanically operated signal with an elec- slug
tromagnetic device inserted in its operating (1) A unit of mass in the English system,
connection to provide a means of controlling equal to that mass whose acceleration by a
the signal electrically, as well as mechani- force of one pound is one foot/sec. (2) A
cally. bullet or shot of irregular or oblong shape. (3)
A strip of type metal used as a compositor's
slouched mark. (4) Any often counterfeited small
Pertaining to a variant standing posture in chunk of metal. (5) Any of various mollusks
which the shoulders and upper back are ro- related to the snail, having an elongated body
tated forward, with the neck slightly flexed. and a rudimentary shell. (6) The larva of a
sawfly or other insect. (7) A heavy blow, as

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with the fist or a blunt object. (8) A drink of
undiluted liquor.
Pertaining to a near sitting posture in which
the shoulders and back are rotated forward,
with the neck slightly flexed.
A watery mixture of insoluble matter that re-
sults from some pollution control techniques.
slurry oil
The name applied to the heavy liquid stream
obtained from the bottoms of the fluid cata-
lytic cracking process employed in petroleum
processing operations. This material has
demonstrated carcinogenic effects to the skin
in animal tests.
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contrac-
tor's National Association.
small air traffic hub
A community enplaning from 0.05 to 0.24
percent of the total enplaned passengers in all
services and all operations for all communi-
ties within the 50 states, the District of Co- A "small aircraft" per FAA definition
lumbia, and other U.S. areas designated by the
small arms ammunition
Federal Aviation Administration.
Any shotgun, rifle, pistol, or revolver car-
small aircraft tridge, and cartridges for propellant-actuated
An aircraft of 12,500 pounds or less maxi- power devices and industrial guns. Military-
mum certificated takeoff weight. type ammunition containing explosive-bursting
charges, incendiary, tracer, spotting, or pyro-
technic projectiles are excluded from this
small arms ammunition primers
Small percussion-sensitive explosive charges,
encased in a cup, used to ignite propellant
Small Business Administration (SBA)
The fundamental purposes of the federal SBA
are to aid, counsel, assist, and protect the in-
terests of small business; ensure that small
business concerns receive a fair proportion of
government purchases, contracts, and sub-
contracts, as well as of the sales of govern-
ment property; make loans to small business
concerns, state and local development compa-
nies, and the victims of floods or other catas-
trophes, or of certain types of economic in-
jury; license, regulate, and make loans to
small business investment companies; im-
prove the management skills of small business

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owners, potential owners, and managers; con- most industrialized countries because of
duct studies of the economic environment; widespread vaccination against the disease.
and guarantee leases entered into by small Smallpox is one of the most contagious dis-
business concerns as well as surety bonds is- eases known. The virus that causes the dis-
sued to them. ease is present in the nose and throat of the in-
small certified air carrier fected person, in blisters on his/her skin, and
Air carrier holding a certificate issued under in any excretions throughout the course of the
section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of disease. The incubation period is generally 12
1958 and operating aircraft designed to have a days, although it may vary from 7 to 21 days.
maximum seating capacity of 60 or less seats Persons travelling to lesser developed coun-
or a maximum payload of 18,000 pounds or tries should ensure that they have been prop-
less. erly vaccinated against this disease prior to
departure. The symptoms of smallpox are se-
small hose system vere headache, chills, and high fever. Within
A system of hose ranging in diameter from 3 or 4 days, a rash of small, red pustules ap-
5/8 inch (1.6 cm) up to 1 1/2 inch (3.8 cm) pears, first on the face, then the arms, wrists,
which is for the use of employees and which hands, and legs. A small number of spots ap-
provides a means for the control and extin- pear on the trunk. In a day or two, the spots
guishing of incipient stage fires. become blisters and fill with clear fluid. Over
small quantity generators (SQG) the next week, the fluid turns into a yellowish,
Defined as those facilities producing less than pus-like substance and begins to dry up,
1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste per leaving a crust or scab on the skin. These
calendar month (kilogram per month), which scabs fall off after 3 or 4 weeks, leaving dis-
is the equivalent of 300 gallons or about five figuring pits in the skin, particularly on the
55-gallon drums; note, however, some states face.
define SQGs more narrowly. SMCRA
small saphenous vein Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
A superficial leg vein extending from the of 1977.
ankle to the popliteal region in the posterior smear
leg. A preparation for microscopic study, the ma-
terial being spread thinly and unevenly across
the slide with a swab or loop, or with the edge
small trimming hatch of another slide.
A small hatch or opening, pierced in the
'tween-deck or other intermediate deck of a Smedley hand dynamometer
vessel and intended for the trimming of dry A hand-operated mechanical dynamometer with
bulk cargoes. It does not refer to the large a rotary read-out dial for measuring grip
hatchway through which cargo is normally strength.
handled. smell
small urban area The sense that enables one to perceive odors.
Places of 5,000 to 49,999 urban population The sense of smell depends on the stimulation
(except in the case of Maine and New Hamp- of sense organs in the nose by small particles
shire) outside of urbanized areas. As a mini- carried in inhaled air. It is important not only
mum the small urban area includes any place for the detection of odors, but also for the en-
containing an urban population of 5,000 or joyment of food. Flavor is a blend of taste
more as designated by the U.S. Bureau of the and smell. Taste registers only four qualities:
Census. salt, sour, bitter, and sweet. Other qualities of
flavor depend on smell. The organs of smell
smallpox are small patches (olfactory) cells in the nasal
A highly contagious, often fatal viral disease. mucosa. One patch is located in each of the
Its most noticeable symptom is the appear- two main compartments of the back of the
ance of blisters and pustules on the skin. nose. The olfactory cells are connected to the
Smallpox has become rare to non-existent in brain by the first cranial (olfactory) nerve.

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Air currents do not flow directly over the
patches in breathing; this is why one must
sniff to detect a faint odor or to enjoy a fra-
grance to the fullest. When one sniffs, air cur-
rents carrying molecules of odorous chemicals
enter special compartments, called olfactory
chambers, where the chemicals are dissolved
in mucus. There they can act on the organs of
smell in much the same way that solutions act
on the taste buds of the tongue. The endings
of the sensory nerves that detect odors, the ol-
factory receptors, quickly adapt to an odor
and cease to be stimulated by it after a few
minutes of full exposure (referred to as a fa-
tigued sense of smell).
A facility that melts or fuses ore, often with
an accompanying chemical change, to sepa-
rate the metal. Emissions are known to cause
pollution. Smelting is the process involved.
Structures per square millimeter.
Air pollution associated with oxidants present
in the atmosphere which, as a result of a tem-
perature inversion under no-wind conditions, Ceiling-mounted smoke detector (can battery operated or wired
to a permanent power source)
is brought extremely close to the Earth's sur-
face. Smog has lead to air pollution episodes smoke front
resulting in serious human illness and death. See smog front.
smoke tube
smog front A glass tube containing a chemical adsorbed
The leading edge of a sea breeze that is con- on a solid medium and which emits a smoke-
taminated with smoke or pollutants. Some- like cloud when air is blown through the tube.
times called smoke front. It is often used to determine air flow direc-
tion/speed and/or to test the facial seal of
some respiratory detection devices.
Small gas-borne particles that consist mainly
of carbon and other combustible materials re-
sulting from incomplete combustion.
smoke detector smokeless propellants
A device that senses visible or invisible parti- Solid propellants, commonly caused smoke-
cles of combustion. less powders in the trade, used in small arms
ammunition, cannon, rockets, propellant-
actuated devices, etc.
(1) General. The vertical structure through
which industrial or municipal emissions are
vented to atmosphere. (2) Transit. Vertical
exhaust pipe on side of cab.

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smoking Sneezing is usually caused by the irritation of
The act of drawing into the mouth and puffing sensitive nerve endings in the mucous mem-
out the smoke of tobacco contained in a ciga- brane that lines the nose. Allergies, drafts of
rette, cigar, or pipe. For centuries, tobacco cold air, and even bright light can produce
smoking has been suspected of being a health sneezing. Sneezing and coughing are similar
hazard. It is now well-known and firmly es- in that both are reflex actions and are preceded
tablished that a close relationship exists be- by quick inhalations. However, a cough may
tween smoking and lung cancer and heart dis- also be deliberate, to clear the throat or bron-
ease. Tobacco smoke contains a number of chi. Sneezing and coughing both involve the
harmful substances, including poisons such as glottis. The power for a cough is achieved by
nicotine, various irritants, and carcinogenic closing the glottis and holding the air under
compounds. pressure for a moment, then suddenly forcing it
smooth muscle out by action of the diaphragm and of the mus-
A normally involuntary, non-striated muscle cles of the chest wall and abdomen. In a
tissue which is involved in visceral and other sneeze, the glottis is momentarily closed after
internal bodily movements. air is inhaled and the tongue is pressed against
the roof of the mouth. When the glottis is sud-
SMR denly opened, part of the air goes through the
See standardized mortality ratio. nose and, when the tongue is released, part
smudge pot goes through the mouth. In this way, mucus
See orchard heater. and other irritants are expelled from the nose.
snag Snellen acuity
A stem or trunk of a tree above the surface of A measure of visual acuity, referenced to a
the water. Snellen chart at 20 feet, expressed either as a
decimal number or as the distance at which a
snag/stump area given row of letters capable of being read by
An area, identified as a danger to maritime the individual being tested subtends 1 minute
navigation, containing one or more trunks or of arc.
stems near the surface of the water.
Snellen chart
snapback method A standardized chart containing rows of let-
See repetitive timing. ters or numbers of the same size within a row,
snapback timing but of different sizes across rows for measur-
See repetitive timing. ing visual acuity.
snapping finger syndrome Snellen test
A stenosing tenosynovitis of a finger. A test using a Snellen chart to determine vis-
ual acuity.
sneak analysis
See sneak circuit analysis. snoring
Breathing during sleep accompanied by harsh
sneak circuit analysis
sounds. It occurs when inhaled air causes the
A system safety analytical technique used to
soft palate to vibrate. Snoring is common
identify and evaluate the different possible
among persons who sleep with their mouths
ways in which inherent system design char-
acteristics can either permit an undesired
function to occur, prevent a desired function snow
from occurring, or adversely affect critical A freezing or frozen mixture consisting of
operational timing. Typically associated with discrete particles or crystals.
analysis of electrical or electronic systems and snow blindness
other energy transfer systems (pneumatic, hy- A normally temporary visual impairment,
draulic, etc.). Also known as sneak analysis. possibly accompanied by actinic keratocon-
sneeze junctivitis, due to reflection of sunlight from
An involuntary, sudden, violent, and audible surrounding snow. Also referred to as solar
expulsion of air through the mouth and nose. photopthalmia.

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snow flurries See significant new use rule.
Light showers of snow that fall intermittently. soap
snow grains A fatty acid salt, usually with a hydrocarbon
Precipitation in the form of very small, chain of about 12 units.
opaque grains of ice. The solid equivalent of SOCs
drizzle. See synthetic organic chemicals.
snow pellets Society of Toxicology (SOT)
White, opaque, approximately round ice parti- A professional association of toxicologists
cles between 2 and 5 mm in diameter that who have carried out original toxicity investi-
form in a cloud either from the sticking to- gations, published findings, and have a con-
gether of ice crystals or from the process of tinuing professional interest in the field.
accretion. Also know as graupel.
snow ripples Increase in hearing-threshold level resulting
A series of wavelike formations on a snow from noise exposures in the social environ-
surface, at right angles to the direction of the ment, exclusive of occupational-noise expo-
wind. sure, physiologic changes with age, or
snow rollers otologic disease.
A cylindrical spiral of snow shaped somewhat sociology
like a child's muff and produced by the wind. The study of interpersonal and group behav-
snow squall ior, and the influences of society and culture
An intermittent heavy shower of snow that on such behavior.
greatly reduces visibility. SOCMA
snowball survey Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers
The gathering of initial response on some is- Association.
sue from a selected sample of people, fol- sodium
lowed by a presentation of those responses to A chemical element, atomic number 11,
a second, different sample for revision, then a atomic weight 22.990, symbol Na.
review by the first group, and finally a revi-
sion by the entire group. sodoku
A relapsing type of infection due to Spirillum
snowflake minus, an organism transmitted by the bite of
An aggregate of ice crystals that falls from a an infected rat.
soft detergents
snowmobile Cleaning agents that break down in nature.
A motorized vehicle solely designed to oper-
ate on snow or ice. soft goods
The nonmetal materials in a pressure system
SNR that are used to form a seal for metal-to-metal
See signal-to-noise ratio. contact or between other hard surfaces.
snub nose soft light
See cab over. Any type of luminaire of the diffuse illumina-
snubber tion from a luminaire which gives shadows
A mechanical device for increasing the stiff- without sharp definition.
ness of an elastic system when the displace- soft palate
ment becomes larger than some specified The posterior extension from the hard palate,
value. consisting of muscles and a covering mucous
SNUN membrane. See also palatine velum.
Significant new use notice. See significant soft tree
new use rule. A system safety technique used to evaluate a
single loss event and/or the effect of simulta-

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neous failures with a software system on that mer involves injecting a solvent into the soil
single loss, or "top" event. Also known as to absorb the volatiles, and the latter involves
software fault tree analysis. the withdrawal of air vapors through a probe.
soft water Analysis of samples is by gas chromatography
Any water that is not "hard," i.e., does not or with a total gas analyzer.
contain a significant amount of dissolved soil vapor surveys
minerals such as salts containing calcium or Surveys using gas chromatography equipment
magnesium. to map potential soil and groundwater con-
software tamination.
The set of computer programs (instructions) solar constant
that tell the hardware which tasks to perform. The rate at which solar energy is received on a
software fault tree analysis surface at the outer edge of the atmosphere
See soft tree. perpendicular to the sun's rays when the earth
is at a mean distance from the sun. The value
software hazard analysis of the solar constant is about two calories per
A system safety analytical technique whose square centimeter per minute.
function is to evaluate potential faults in both
operating system and applications software solar corona
requirements, codes, and programs as they The thin, ionized gas of the outermost region
may affect overall system operation. of the sun's atmosphere.

soil adsorption field solar eclipse

A subsurface area containing a trench or bed The apparent dimming or elimination of the
with clean stones and a system of distribution sun's light caused by the passage of the moon
piping through which treated sewage may between the sun and the observer.
seep into the surrounding soil for further
treatment and disposal.
soil and groundwater analysis
Tests used to determine the presence of super-
ficial or subsurface contamination and con-
centration levels; may involve soil borings
and installations of test pits and/or observa-
tion wells.
soil conditioner
An organic material like humus or compost that
helps soil absorb water, build a bacterial com-
munity, and distribute nutrients and minerals. A full solar eclipse
solar energy
soil gas
The radiant energy of the sun, which can be
(1) Gaseous elements and compounds that
converted into other forms of energy, such as
occur in the small spaces between particles of
heat or electricity.
the earth and soil. Such gases can move
through or leave the soil or rock, depending solar flare
on changes in pressure. (2) Gases that enter a A rapid eruption from the sun's surface that
building from the surrounding ground (e.g., emits high energy radiation and energized
radon, volatile organics, pesticides). charged particles. Sometimes referred to as
soil gas sampling
A procedure used to locate oil and gas depos- solar particle event (SPE)
its and which has been adapted for use in the The eruption of a large flare on the sun which
hazardous waste field where volatile fuels or results in radiation consisting of a large num-
solvents are a concern. Passive and grab ber of high energy protons and alpha particles.
sampling techniques are employed. The for-

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solar photopthalmia
See snow blindness. of a unit sphere as its vertex and producing
solar plexus plane angle (in any plane through this vertex)
A network of ganglia and nerves in the center of 1.0 radian (i.e., the "cone" with its vertex
of the abdomen. It is part of the autonomic angle = 1.0 radian. Solid angles are dimen-
nervous system and is important in the control sionless quantities. See also plane angle and
of the function of the liver, stomach, kidneys, length. They are defined as
and adrenal glands. A blow to it may knock a AREA [(LENGTH)2]
person out or cause great pain because the or- =
gans are momentarily disturbed. Although
the plexus recovers quickly, the effects on the solid bluff reef
body as a whole may last longer. A shallow reach with deep water below it, not
too much current, and in which the sand is
solar retinopathy
fairly well-packed.
Damage to eye retinal tissue from looking
directly at the sun without eye protection. solid model
A three-dimensional model in which the
solar wind
edges, surfaces, and volume of an object are
An outflow of charged particles from the sun
that escapes the sun's outer atmosphere at
high speed. Also referred to as plasma. solid sorbent
A solid-type sorbent material, such as acti-
vated charcoal, silica gel, porous polymer, etc.
A metallic compound used to seal the joints
that is used to collect contaminants in air
between pipes. Until recently, most solder
drawn through a tube containing the sorbent.
contained 50 percent lead.
solid waste
sole proprietorship
As defined by RCRA, any liquid, container-
A form of business in which one person owns
ized gas, non-liquid, or nonsoluble materials
all the assets of the business in contrast to a
ranging from municipal garbage to industrial
partnership, trust, or corporation. The sole
wastes that contain simple or complex, some-
proprietor is solely liable for all the debts of
times hazardous substances.
the business.
solid waste disposal
sole source aquifer
The final placement of refuse that is not sal-
An aquifer that supplies 50 percent or more of
vaged or recycled.
the drinking water of an area.
solid waste facilities/landfill sites (SWF/LS)
Type of records that typically contain an in-
A material which has a vertical flow of two
ventory of solid waste disposal facilities or
inches (50 mm) or less within a three-minute
landfills in a particular state. Depending on
period, or a separation of less than one gram
the state, these may be active or inactive fa-
(18) of liquid. This determination is usually
cilities or open dumps.
made in accordance with the procedures
specified in American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) D 4359, "Standard Test solid waste management
Method for Determining Whether a Material Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act:
is a Liquid or Solid." The systematic administration of activities
solid angle which provide for the collection, source sepa-
That part of the space bounded by a moving ration, storage, transportation, transfer, proc-
straight line (the generator) issuing from a essing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste.
single point (the vertex) and moving to all solid waste management facility
points on an arbitrary closed curve. It char- According to the Federal Solid Waste Dis-
acterizes the angle of "seeing" from which posal Act: a) any resource recovery system or
this curve is "seen." The basic unit of meas- component thereof; b) any system, pro-gram,
ure for solid angles is the steradian. 1.0 ste- or facility for resource conservation; and c)
radian is the solid angle (i.e., the area) cut out

©2000 CRC Press LLC

any facility for the collection, source separ- somatogram
ation, storage, transportation, transfer, pro- A graphed profile consisting of girths at sev-
cessing, treatment or disposal of solid wastes, eral body locations for classifying fat pat-
including hazardous wastes, whether such terning, muscular distribution, or other body
facility is associated with facilities generating proportions.
such wastes or otherwise. somatotype
solidification and stabilization (1) To classify individuals into particular
Removal of wastewater from a waste or categories by body characteristics. (2) Any
changing it chemically to make the waste less classification within a system describing indi-
permeable and susceptible to transport by viduals according to body characteristics.
water. Used historically as an attempt to correlate
solubility body type or structure with human character
The ability of a substance to blend uniformly or personality traits. See also Heath-Carter
(i.e., dissolve) with another substance. somatotype, Sheldon somatotype, a n d
Kretschmer somatotype.
Capable of being dissolved. somnolence
Unnatural drowsiness.
A substance dissolved in another substance or sonar
the substance that is dissolved in a solvent. A sound system, most commonly used under
water, for detecting, locating, or communi-
solute effect cating with other objects. Originally an acro-
The dissolving of hygroscopic particles, such nym for sound navigation and ranging.
as salt, in pure water thus reducing the
relative humidity required for the onset of sone
condensation. A subjective unit of loudness equal to the
loudness of a pure tone having a frequency of
solution 1000 Hz at 40 dB above the listener's hearing
(1) A mixture in which components lose their threshold.
identity and are uniformly dispersed. All
solutions are composed of a solvent (water or sonics
other fluid) and the substance dissolved, The use of sound in measurement, control, or
called the "solute." (2) Any homogeneous processing.
liquid mixture of two or more chemical sonogram
compounds or elements that will not undergo An image resulting from sonography.
any segregation under conditions normal to sonography
transportation. The use of sound energy and its reflections to
solvent image structures. Also referred to as echo-
Substance (usually liquid) capable of dis- graphy.
solving or dispersing one or more other sub-
solvent-reagent blank response An instrument for measuring hearing acuity
The gross instrument response attributable to (an outdated term).
reagents and solvents used in preparing
working standards for use in analytical proce- sonorant
dures. A class of consonants produced by narrowing
the vocal tract slightly, but not enough to
somatic cause turbulence.
Pertaining to or characteristic of body tissue
other than reproductive cells. sooging
(slang). River term used when scrubbing any
somatic cell part of the boat.
A body cell usually with two sets of chromo-

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(1) Carbon dust formed by incomplete com- dynes per square centimeter, microbars, or
bustion. (2) Particulate formed from the in- pascals.
complete combustion of carbonaceous matter sound absorption
and consisting of carbon combined with air. The change of sound energy into some other
SOP form of energy, such as heat, in passing
Standard operating procedure. through a material or striking a surface.
sophisticated surface water sampling program sound analyzer
Consists of numerous samples taken at several A device for measuring sound pressure level
different depths and the testing of such physi- as a function of frequency.
cal parameters as pH, conductivity, presence sound energy flux density
of dissolved oxygen, and temperature. See sound intensity.
sorbent sound field
A general term for the solid or liquid materi- A region containing sound waves.
als that are employed to adsorb or absorb
chemicals from air being passed through a bed sound intensity
or column of the material. Sorbents are used The average rate at which sound energy is
in respiratory protective equipment, as well as transmitted through a unit area normal to the
in sampling devices (e.g., activated charcoal direction of sound propagation, measured in
sampling tubes). joules per square meter per second (J/m2/sec)
or in decibels referenced to 10-12 watts/m2.
sorbent tube
A glass tube containing a sorbent material. sound level
Used in air monitoring to determine workers' The level, in decibels, measured by instru-
exposure to vapors or gases. mentation which satisfies the requirements of
the American National Standard Institute
sorption (ANSI) Specification for Sound Level Meters.
The action of soaking up or attracting sub- See also noise level.
stances. A process used in many pollution
control systems. sound level contour
Lines drawn on a plot plan of a facility at po-
sortie sitions of equal noise level.
U.S. Coast Guard. Action of a unit's resource
in rendering assistance, or use of personnel on sound level meter
Communication/Harbor checks. Each action An instrument used for measuring sound pres-
comprises one sortie. sure levels in decibels, referenced to 0.0002
microbars. Readings can also be made in
SOT specific octave bands ranging from 75 Hz to
See Society of Toxicology. 10,000 Hz.
sound sound localization
(1) Any pressure variation in air, water, or The ability to identify the direction from
other media that the human ear can detect. which a sound source is emitting relative to
Sound is characterized by both frequency the observer.
(pitch) and pressure (intensity). (2) Any me-
chanical vibration which normally results in sound power
an auditory sensation. (3) A mechanical os- The total sound energy radiated by the source
cillation in pressure, stress, particle displace- per unit time, measured in decibels and refer-
ment, or other similar characteristics within a enced to 10-12 watt.
medium allowing internal forces such as elas- sound pressure
ticity or viscosity. (4) The root-mean-square See effective sound pressure.
value of the pressure changes above and be-
low atmospheric pressure, normally described sound pressure level (SPL)
in decibels referenced to 2 x 10-5 newtons/m2. The level, in decibels, of a sound calculated as
Sound pressure level can be measured in 20 times the common logarithm of the ratio of
a sound pressure to the reference sound pres-

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sure of 20 micropascals. The reference pres- that have become contaminated from migra-
sure is 2 E-4 microbar which is equivalent to tion of a hazardous substance. Sources do not
20 micronewtons per meter squared. include those volumes of air, groundwater,
sound protective helmet surface water, or surface water sediments that
Any piece of headgear which both cushions have become contaminated by migration. Ex-
against impact and attenuates noise. ception: In the case of either groundwater
plume with no identified source or contami-
sound radiation nated surface water sediments with no identi-
The conduction of acoustic energy through a fied source, the plume or contaminated sedi-
solid, liquid, or gaseous medium. ments may be considered a source.
sound transmission class source material
A single number rating representing a meas- Uranium, thorium, or any other material
ure of the ability of a material to absorb sound which is determined by the Atomic Energy
or block sound transmission from one region Commission under the Atomic Energy Act of
to another. 1954 to be source material. Also, ores con-
sound velocity taining one or more of the foregoing materi-
The speed of propagation of a sound wave als, in such concentration as the Commission
through a medium. The velocity of sound is may by regulation determine from time to
1130 ft/s in air, 4700 ft/s in water, 13,000 ft/s time.
in wood, and 16,500 ft/s in steel. source reduction
sounding Under the Federal Pollution Prevention Act of
An upper-air observation, such as a radios- 1990: The practice of reducing the amount of
onde observation. waste generated at its source of production.
In HSWA, any activity or treatment that
sounding pole reduces or eliminates the generation of a
Maritime Navigation. A pole generally 20 hazardous waste within a process. Also, any
feet long, lightweight, and painted with alter- practice which reduces the amount of any
nating red, white, and black colors at one foot hazardous substance, pollutant, or contam-
intervals to permit easy reading of water inant entering any waste stream or otherwise
depths. See also pike pole. released into the environment (including fugi-
soundproof room tive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment,
A room or chamber which insulates to some or disposal; and reduces the hazards to public
stated level against external noise penetration. health and the environment associated with
the release of such substances, pollutants, or
sour crude oil
Crude oil that contains an appreciable quan-
tity of hydrogen sulfide or other acid gas. source region
A region where air masses originate and
sour gas
acquire their properties of temperature and
A natural gas or other combustible gas which
contains odor-causing sulfur compounds, such
as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, etc.
source South Atlantic Anomaly
(1) Radiation. A discrete amount of radioac- A region over the south Atlantic Ocean where
tive material or radiation-producing equip- high radiation levels are encountered at lower
ment. The term usually refers to radioactive altitude than elsewhere for earth-orbiting
material specifically packaged for scientific or vehicles.
industrial use. (2) Environmental. The origi- southern lights
nating point, location, chemical, element, sub- The aurora australis. See aurora.
stance, etc. of some type of pollution or con-
taminating agent(s). Also, any area where a SP
hazardous substance has been deposited, See static pressure.
stored, disposed, or placed, plus those soils

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(1) The region surrounding a specified point plement within the first 120 seconds after
or individual on earth. (2) The universe liftoff. They are the jettisoned from the STS
outside the earth's atmosphere. (3) A delimited and fall back to earth. The ET is nearly
area. (4) An actual or potential cavity of the empty after approximately eight minutes of
body. flight. By this time the orbiter is practically in
space adaptation syndrome (SAS) orbit configuration. The ET is also jettisoned
A temporary disability encountered early in a from the STS. Following the space mission
spaceflight by some astronauts/cosmonauts the orbiter vehicle returns to earth, landing
which resembles motion sickness on earth, like an aircraft (a powerless glider) to be
having symptoms including nausea, dizziness, refurbished and used again for another
and headache. Also referred to commonly as mission. Both the solid rocket boosters are also
space sickness or space motion sickness. retrieved from the Atlantic Ocean, returned to
the manufacturer, and refurbished for reuse
space planning during a subsequent mission. The external tank
The development and/or use of information falls into the Indian Ocean and is not retrieved.
regarding operations for a specific location in See also shuttle (2).
determining a better or optimum use of the
area or volume available for those functions.
Space Transportation System (STS)
The Space Transportation System is the
primary vehicle of the United States' manned
spaceflight program used to transport
astronauts to low earth orbit for the purpose of
scientific and medical experimentation. It is
also used to transport payloads (satellites,
experiments, etc.), as well as supplies to the
orbiting space station. First launch of this
system was April 12, 1981 from the Kennedy
Space Center in Florida. Launches have
continued since then with a frequency
between two and ten per year. A hold on all
STS launches was instituted following the
explosion of the shuttle Challenger during
launch in January 1986 which resulted in the
loss of the seven crew members. After an
extensive investigation by a Presidential
Commission and subsequent improvements to
the STS as well as program and procedure
operations, launches resumed on September
29, 1988. Missions typically average seven or
more days, depending upon the specific An STS launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida
objectives for a given launch. The STS
consists of three major or primary components: space vehicle
the orbiter vehicle (commonly referred to as An artificial body operating in outer space
the shuttle), the twin solid rocket boosters (beyond the Earth's atmosphere.)
(SRBs) which provide the majority of the
propulsion and break-away thrust required spacecraft maximum allowable concentration
during liftoff, and the external tank (ET) (SMAC)
which supplies the propellants (liquid oxygen A maximum concentration level of certain
as oxidizer and liquid hydrogen as fuel) which substances permitted by NASA in manned
power the orbiter's main engines during liftoff spacecraft.
off only. During launch, the solid rocket spaced practice
boosters expend nearly all their fuel com- See distributed practice.

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span spare vehicles
(1) Instrumentation. The algebraic difference Transit. The revenue vehicles available to the
between the upper and lower values of the transit agency to accommodate routine and
range over which an instrument produces reli- heavy maintenance requirements, as well as
able results. It is also expressed as the maxi- unexpected vehicle breakdowns or accidents,
mum value observable if the minimum is while preserving scheduled service opera-
zero. See also gain. (2) Anthropometry. The tions.
horizontal linear distance between the fleshy spark
tips of the right and left middle (or longest) The rapid release of electrical or impact en-
fingers. Measured with the individual’s arms ergy that is visible in the form of light.
maximally extended laterally while standing
erect and the body weight equally distributed spasm
on both feet. (1) A sudden, involuntary contraction of a
muscle or group of muscles. (2) A sudden but
span akimbo transitory constriction of a passage, canal, or
The horizontal linear distance between the orifice. Spasms usually occur when the
most lateral points of the two elbows. Meas- nerve-supplying muscles are irritated, and are
ured with the individual standing erect and the commonly accompanied by pain. Occasion-
elbows flexed sufficiently to permit the fol- ally a spasm may occur in a blood vessel, and
lowing position: the forearms held horizontal then it is called vasospasm.
at chest level with the palms down, the fingers
extended and adducted, the tips of the middle spasmodic dysphonia
fingers of each hand touching, and thumbs A spasm disorder of the laryngeal muscles
touching the chest. Also referred to as akimbo which results in an inability to produce speech
span. sounds.
span drift spasticity
Instrumentation. The change in the indicated A movement disorder originating in the cen-
response of an instrument over a specific time tral nervous system characterized by muscle
period of continuous operation due to causes hypertonia and a sudden increased muscle re-
other than a change in the concentration of the sistance to passive stretching, usually fol-
span gas. This drift can be positive or nega- lowed by relaxation.
tive and may vary in magnitude between cali- spatial correspondence
bration periods. A condition in which the actuator(s) on a ro-
span gas botic device mimic the motion of the opera-
A gas of known concentration that is used to tor’s controls.
calibrate or check the response of an instru- spatial frequency
ment or analyzer. The reciprocal of the spacing between equally
spar her out spaced elements of a repeating visual pattern.
Maritime Operations. Usually to hold a boat spatial orientation
off bank using a heavy timber. An awareness and ability to express one’s
position and location in relation to other ob-
spare parts, supplies and other-net
Flight equipment replacement parts of a type spatial perception
recurrently expended and replaced rather than The ability to acquire information about the
repaired or reused, supplies such as unissued direction, distance, form, and size of physical
fuel inventories and unissued materials and objects in the visual environment.
supplies held in stock, prepaid items, net in- spatial summation
vestments in direct financing and sales type The additive effect of signals from different
leases and other current assets. Spare parts neurons acting to cause a greater effect than
may be reduced by an allowance for obsoles- would be achievable by a single neuron.
cence to provide for losses in value.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

spatio-temporal anthropometry
special emphasis inspection
The changing of mass distribution, surface An OSHA inspection with focus on a par-
area, and other measures over time, within an ticular industry (such as construction) or a
individual. particular type of work common to that in-
SPCC dustry (such as working at heights) where
See spill prevention control and countermea- hazards are known to be common.
sures plan. special fuels
SPE Consist primarily of diesel fuel with a small
See solar particle event. amount of liquefied petroleum gas, as defined
by the Federal Highway Administration.
speaker identification
The ability of a system or individual to distin- special industrial explosive materials
guish a particular person’s voice, whether Specifically shaped materials and sheet forms
spoken directly or synthesized. and various other extrusions, pellets, and
packages of high explosives, which include
speaker verification dynamite, trinitrotoluene (TNT), pen-
The ability of a system to correctly decide taerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), hexahydro-
through word or speech recognition tech- 1,2,5-trinitro-s-triazine (RDX), and other
niques whether or not a speaker is who he/she similar compounds used for high energy-rate
claims to be; the process of making such a de- forming, expanding, and shaping in metal fab-
cision. rication, and for dismemberment and quick
Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient reduction of scrap metal.
See rho. special nuclear material
Spearman rank-order verification Refers to plutonium, uranium-233, uranium
A significance test for the correlation of two containing more than the natural abundance of
variables based on differences in rank-ordered U-235, or any material that has been enriched
data. with any of the foregoing substances.
special analytical services special permission
Nonstandardized analyses conducted under The written consent of the authority having
the CLP to meet user requirements that cannot jurisdiction (an OSHA term).
be met using RAS, such as shorter analytical special permit
turnaround time, lower detection limits, and An approval granted by a local board under
analysis of nonstandard matrices or non-TCL zoning to engage in a land use on written
compounds. conditions or terms.
special damages special purpose ladder
Those which are the actual, but not the neces- A portable ladder which represents either a
sary, result of the injury complained of, and modification of a combination of design or
which, in fact, follow it as a natural and construction features in one of the general-
proximate consequence in the particular case, purpose types of ladders to adapt the ladder to
that is, by reason of special circumstances or special of specific uses.
conditions. These are damages that do not
arise as a result of the wrongful act itself, but special purpose terminal
depend on the circumstance peculiar to the in- A specialized terminal designed to handle one
fliction of each respective injury. In contract type of commodity. It is a transfer facility
law, these are damages not contemplated at with little or no manufacturing, although it
the time of the making of the contract. To be might include lending, separating, and similar
recoverable, they most flow directly and im- processing activities.
mediately from the breach of contract, and special purpose vehicle
must be reasonably foreseeable. Special dam- A motor vehicle commercially designed for
ages must be specially pleaded and proved. some purpose other than the transportation of
personnel, supplies, or equipment. This defi-
nition excludes any motor vehicle designed
for transport and modified locally as an expe-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

special visual flight rules operations
dient for meeting special needs, e.g., a pickup Aircraft operating in accordance with clear-
with a snowplow blade attached. ances within controlled airspace in meteoro-
special review logical conditions less than the basic visual
Formerly known as rebuttable presumption flight rules (VFR) weather minimum. Such
against registration (RPAR), this is the regu- operations must be requested by the pilot and
latory process through which existing pesti- approved by ATC.
cides suspected of posing unreasonable risks special warehousing and storage
to human health, non-target organisms, or the Establishments primarily engaged in the ware-
environment are referred for review by EPA. housing and storage of special products, not
The review requires an intensive risk/benefit elsewhere classified, such as household goods,
analysis with opportunity for public comment. automobiles (dead storage only), furs (for the
If the risk of any use of a pesticide is found to trade), textiles, whiskey, and goods at foreign
outweigh social and economic benefits, regu- trade zones.
latory actions ranging from label revisions specialist
and use restriction to cancellation or sus- (1) General. One who is particularly skilled.
pended registration can be initiated. (2) Aviation. The internal individual or group
special use airspace who provides service through the National Air
Airspace of defined dimension identified by Space (NAS) (e.g., controllers, engineers,
an area on the surface of the earth wherein maintenance and management personnel). (3)
activities must be confined because of their Medicine. A physician who has studied ex-
nature and/or where limitations may be im- tensively and limits his/her practice to a cer-
posed on aircraft operations that are not a part tain branch of medicine.
of those activities. specialization
special use permit The concentration of effort, skills, and/or re-
A permitted exception to a zoning ordinance sources within a narrow scope of activity.
(e.g., church, hospital, etc.). A special use specialized carrier
permit allows a property owner to use his/her A trucking company franchised to transport
property in a way which the zoning regula- articles which, because size, shape, weight, or
tions expressly permit under the conditions other inherent characteristics, require special
specified in the regulations themselves. equipment for loading, unloading or trans-
special use zone porting.
An area where distinctive types of shipping specialty ship (liquefied petroleum gas and/or
activities occur. liquefied natural gas)
special vehicle A ship designed specifically to carry liquefied
Consists of the following types of vehicles: gases.
snowmobile, farm equipment other than species
trucks, dune buggy or swamp buggy, con- (1) Any subspecies of fish or wildlife or
struction equipment other than trucks, ambu- plants, and any distinct population segment of
lance, large limousine, self-propelled camper any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife
and motor home, fire truck, other special ve- which interbreeds when mature. (2) A repro-
hicles. ductively isolated aggregate of interbreeding
populations of organisms.
special visual flight rules conditions
Meteorological conditions that are less than specific absorption rate
those required for basic visual flight rules The absorption of radio frequency or micro-
(VFR), flight in controlled airspace, and in wave radiation in watts per kilogram (W/kg)
which some aircraft are permitted flight under at specific frequencies. Specific Acceleration
visual flight rules. Power: Measured in watts per kilogram. Ac-
celeration power is divided by the battery

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system weight. Weight must include the total A clear and accurate description of the re-
battery system. quirements for materials, products, services,
specific acceleration power etc. specifying the minimums of performance
Measured in watts per kilogram. Acceleration necessary for acceptability.
power is divided by the battery system specification standard
weight. Weight must include the total battery An OSHA standard that essentially tells the
system. employer how compliance is to be achieved.
specific activity It may establish levels of exposure or par-
Ionizing Radiation. Activity of a given radi- ticulars on operating certain types of equip-
onuclide per unit mass (e.g., curies per gram) ment.
of the specific material. specificity
specific energy (1) General. The percentage of variance ac-
Measured in watt hours per kilogram. The counted for by other than the independent
rated energy capacity of the battery divided by variable being considered. (2) Instrumenta-
the total battery system weight. tion. The ability of an instrument to accu-
rately detect a substance in the presence of
specific gravity others.
The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a
substance to the mass of the same volume of a specified minimum yield strength
standard substance at a standard temperature. The minimum yield strength, expressed in
Water at 39.2ºF is the standard substance usu- pounds per square inch, prescribed by the
ally referred to. specification under which the material is pur-
chased from the manufacturer. See also stress
specific heat level.
The amount of heat required to raise a unit
weight of a substance one degree of tempera- spectra
ture at constant pressure. (1) Acoustics. The distribution of noise en-
ergy according to frequency. Also referred to
specific humidity as an audio-frequency spectrum. (2) Electro-
The ratio of the mass of water vapor in a magnetic Radiation. The distribution of en-
given parcel to the total mass of air in the par- ergy from a radiant source (e.g., visible light)
cel. according to its wavelength or frequency.
specific intent spectral analysis
The mental purpose to accomplish a specific The breakdown or decomposition of a series
act prohibited by law. into frequency bands. Also called spectrum
specific license analyses.
Ionizing Radiation. A license that is issued spectral density
by the NRC or Agreement State to a com- See power spectral density.
pany/organization to possess and use a radio-
active material(s) after an application has spectral fluorescent radiance facto (ββ F)
been submitted and approved and specific re- The ratio of the radiance from a fluorescent
quirements have been met. sample to that produced by an identically irra-
diated perfect reflecting diffuser for a speci-
specific public transportation
fied wavelength.
Transportation by bus, rail, or any other con-
veyance (other than aircraft) provided by a
private entity to the general public, with gen-
eral or special service (including charter
service) on a regular and continuing basis. spectral luminous efficiency
The value of the ratio of the relative effec-
specific volume tiveness of the conversion of light in the retina
The volume occupied by a unit of air, such as of a second wavelength of light to that of a
cubic feet per pound. reference wavelength which yields the great-

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est effectiveness. Also referred to as relative spectrophotometer
luminosity and relative luminosity factor. Instrument used to determine the distribution
spectral luminous efficiency function of energy within the spectrum of luminous ra-
A mathematical function or graphical curve diation.
describing the relative sensitivity of the eye to spectrophotometric curve
various wavelengths of light. Also known as A graphical plot or mathematical function of
eye sensitivity curve, spectral sensitivity, CIE the amount of light emitted, reflected, or
Standard Observer response curve, luminous transmitted by an object at all wavelengths
efficiency function, and luminosity function. within the visible spectrum.
See also photopic spectral luminous effi- spectrophotometry
ciency function, scotopic spectral luminous The selective absorption, by aqueous and
efficiency function. other solutions, of definite wavelengths of
spectral reflected radiance factor (ββR) light in the ultraviolet and visible regions of
The ratio of the radiance produced by the re- the electromagnetic spectrum as a means of
flection from a sample to that produced by an determining the concentration of a substance
identically irradiated perfect reflecting dif- present in the solution.
fuser for a specified wavelength. spectroscope
spectral sensitivity Instrument employed for observing, resolving,
See spectral luminous efficiency function. and recording the distribution of energy
emitted by a source exposed to radiant energy.
spectral tristimulus value
See tristimulus value. spectrum
(1) Electromagnetic Radiation. The series of
spectral uncertainty images resulting from the refraction of elec-
As pertains to noise abatement programs, the tromagnetic radiation (e.g., light, x-rays) and
possible variation in exposure to the noise their arrangement according to frequency or
spectra in the workplace. wavelength. (2) Medicine. Range of activity,
spectrogram as an antibiotic, or of manifestations, as of a
A graphic record of the power spectral den- disease. (3) Acoustics. A continuous range of
sity. sound components, within which waves have
some specified common characteristic, such
as frequency, amplitude, or phase.
(1) Voice print analysis is a method of identi-
fication based on the comparison of graphic spectrum analysis
representations or spectrograms made of hu- See spectral analysis.
man voices. This method utilizes the spectro- spectrum colors
graph which separates the sound of the human Those colors normally produced from the de-
voice into the three component elements of composition of white light by a prism, gener-
time, frequency, and intensity. Using a series ally red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and vio-
of lines or bars, the machine plots the vari- let.
ables across electronically sensitive paper and
the result is a spectrogram of the acoustical spectrum level
signal of the speaker, with the horizontal axis See power spectral density.
representing the time lapse, the vertical axis spectrum locus
indicating frequency, and the thickness of the That slanted, inverted-U-shaped boundary line
lines disclosing the intensity of the voice. (2) on a chromaticity diagram on which all the
An analytical instrument used to photograph colors within the visible region of the elec-
light spectra. tromagnetic spectrum are located.
spectrometer specular
An optical instrument for measurement of the Having a highly reflective finish for light or
wavelengths of a light or for measurement of sound.
the radiant intensities of light at selected

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specular angle
The planar angle between a specular reflected forced over a thin reed to produce sound. The
ray of light and the perpendicular to a surface vocal cords, two reed-like bands, are attached
from which the reflection originates. at one end to the wall of the larynx behind the
specular reflectance Adam's apple; the other ends are attached to
The value of the ratio of the departing flux movable cartilages. When the voice is not
from a surface due to specular reflection to being used, muscles move these cartilages
the incident flux. outward and hold the vocal cords against the
sides of the larynx so that breathing is not ob-
specular reflection structed. When one starts to speak, sing,
A reflection in which electromagnetic or other grunt, or shout, the ends of the vocal cords
radiation travels in a specific direction and the connected to the cartilages are brought across
specular angle is numerically equal to the an- the larynx, so that they partly obstruct it. As
gle of incidence. air is forced through, the cords vibrate, pro-
specular surface ducing sound waves, the voice.
A surface providing primarily specular reflec- speech articulation index (AI)
tions. A quantitative measure of speech intelligibility
specular transmission in the presence of background noise, ranging
The passing of an incident energy flux from 0 to 1 for impossible voice communica-
through a medium without diffusion. Also tion to excellent voice communication, re-
called regular transmission. spectively. More commonly referred to as
articulation index.
specular transmittance
The value of the ratio of that specularly speech clarity
transmitted flux having passed through a me- The ability to convey spoken verbal informa-
dium to the incident flux. tion clearly such that an average listener will
understand what is being said.
specularly reflected light excluded (SPEX)
A light and/or color measurement condition speech compression
involving the use of gloss traps to eliminate Any form of reduction in the time of band-
specularly reflected light. width required to convey essentially the same
amount of information in speech. May in-
specularly reflected light included (SPINC) clude a modulation technique for transmitting
A light and/or color measurement condition in over a narrower frequency band, reduction in
which specularly reflected light is not elimi- redundancy, or reduction in the interval be-
nated. tween words.
speculative damages speech enhancement unit (SEU)
Prospective or anticipated damages from the A real-time unit for eliminating commonly
same acts or facts constituting the present found communication channel interference
cause of action, but which depend upon future with only minor degrading of the speech sig-
developments which are contingent, conjec- nal itself.
tural, or improbable.
speech frequency band
speech Those frequencies generally between 200 Hz
A series of meaningful sounds produced by and 4000 Hz, which are predominant in hu-
air flow through various structures either a) man speech.
in the head, neck, and upper torso for human-
generated speech, or b) through various phys- speech hearing
ical cavities for artificial speech. The voice The ability to perceive and comprehend hu-
originates in the larynx, which is in the upper man speech.
end of the air passage to the lungs and is lo- speech intelligibility
cated behind the thyroid cartilage. The lar- Those characteristics or combinations of
ynx, in cooperation with the mouth, throat, emitted speech sounds which enable the nor-
trachea, and lungs, works on the same princi- mal listener to comprehend what is being
ple as an organ or an oboe, in which air is spoken.

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speech intelligibility score speed attainable in 1 mile
The percentage of spoken material which is The speed attainable by accelerating at maxi-
understood by the listener. mum rate from a standing start for 1 mile, on
speech interference level (SIL) a level surface.
The average, in decibels, of the sound pres- speed attainable in 2 miles
sure levels of a noise in the three octave bands The speed attainable by accelerating at maxi-
of center frequency 500, 1000, and 2000 mum rate from a standing start for 2 miles, on
hertz. a level surface.
speech perception test speed of closure
An examination which measures hearing acu- See rate of closure.
ity by the administration of a standard list of speed of sound
words with performance evaluated against the The speed that sound travels in air, equal to
average performance of persons with normal 1178 feet per second at 78ºF (25.5ºC).
speed rating
speech quality See performance rating.
A subjective judgement regarding the overall
naturalness or acceptability of spoken words speed stress
and the ability to recognize the speaker from A form of sensory overload in which the rate
the voice cues alone. of information presentation is too high for
adequate human processing.
speech quality scale
A 5-point Likert scale used for rating the speeding
quality of speech, ranging from 1 (unsatis- Operating at a speed, possibly below the
factory) to 5 (excellent). posted limit, above that which a reasonable
and prudent person would operate under the
speech reception threshold (SRT) circumstances.
The masking noise level which results in 50%
correct responses of presented words or sen- spent nuclear fuel
tences. According to the Federal Nuclear Policy
Waste Act of 1982: Fuel that has been with-
speech recognition drawn from a nuclear reactor following irra-
The use of a computer or other device to diation, the constituent elements of which
compare the syntax, semantics, and spectra of have not been separated by reprocessing.
more than just a few spoken words, from
more than one person, with those algorithms spent shale
and spectra of speech sounds in memory to Shale that remains after the kerogen present in
perform a match. Also referred to as continu- oil shale has been converted to shale oil and
ous speech recognition. removed.
speech synthesis spent solvent
The generation of meaningful speech sounds Under RCRA, a solvent which no longer
through the use of a computer or other equip- meets the specifications for which it was
ment using previously coded data. originally intended.
speech transmission index (STI) SPEX
A number ranging from 0 to 1 which repre- See specularly reflected light included.
sents the quality of a speech communication
channel, based on dynamically determined
measures of the signal-to-noise ratio for sphenoid bone
speech in a number of frequency bands. A highly irregular-shaped bone comprising a
portion of the central base of the skull.
(1) The rate at which something is accom- spherical aberration
plished or an object or control moved. (2) That image degradation occurring in an opti-
The magnitude aspect of the velocity vector. cal system when electromagnetic rays at dif-
ferent distances from the optical axis are re-

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fracted through a lens or reflected from a spiked sample
spherical mirror and cross the axis at different A sample to which a known amount of sub-
points. stance has been added for the purpose of de-
spherical wave termining recovery or for quality control.
A wave which radiates outward equally in all Also called a spike.
directions from a central point source. spill
sphincter An unplanned release of a hazardous sub-
A muscle that surrounds an orifice and func- stance, such as a liquid, solid, gas, vapor,
tions to close it. When relaxed, a sphincter mist, or other form which could result in
allows materials to pass through the opening. workers' exposure to it or result in an adverse
When contracted, it closes the opening. effect to the environment.

sphygmomanometer spill prevention control and countermeasures

A device for measuring arterial blood pres- plan (SPCC)
sure. Commonly referred to in lay terms as a Plan covering the release of hazardous sub-
blood pressure cuff. stances as defined in the Clean Water Act.
A constructed passage for surplus water to run
over or around a dam.
spillway elevation
The stage of an artificially impounded water
body as determined by the spillway.
spillway section of a dam
That portion of a dam through which water
flows; does not permit navigation.
spin out
Transit (slang). To lose traction on slippery
The sphygmomanometer or "blood pressure cuff"
spin table
sphyrion A platform on which organisms, objects, or
The most distal point on the medial tibia at equipment can be oriented in various posi-
the ankle. tions for rotation testing.
sphyrion height spinal column
The vertical distance from the floor or other See spine.
reference surface to sphyrion. Measured with
the individual standing erect and his/her spinal cord
weight balanced equally between both feet. The elongated portion of the central nervous
system enclosed by the vertebral canal of the
spice spine, and from which spinal nerves leave and
An aromatic vegetable product for flavoring enter to innervate the body.
spinal erector
spike See sacrospinalis.
(1) General. A type of electrophysiological
event generally characterized by a rapid,
large, short-duration change in amplitude, spinal nerve
followed by a return toward the baseline. (2) Any of the 31 pairs of nerves containing sen-
Sampling Methods. Samples that have been sory and/or motor components which exit
fixed with a preservative. See also spiked from/enter the spinal cord between vertebrae.
sample. (3) Maritime Operations. One barge
that is wired to head of tow that is 2 or 3
See specularly reflected light included.
barges wide.

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(1) A thorn-like process or projection, also
called spina. (2) The sequence of the verte- Cervical
bral bones in the neck and back. The spine is
the axis of the skeleton; the skull and limbs
Intervertebral disk
are in a sense appendages. An intricate
structure, the spine is composed of the verte-
brae. These bones can move to a certain ex- Thoracic
tent and so give flexibility to the spine, al-
lowing it to bend forward, sideways, and, to a
lesser extent, backward. In the areas of the
neck and lower back, the spine also can pivot,
which permits the turning of the head and
torso. Each vertebra consists of two main
parts: the body and behind it, the vertebral
arch. The body is a cylinder of bone, sepa-
rated from the cylinders of neighboring verte-
brae by intervertebral disks, layers of cartilage
that act as cushions and allow some move-
ment. Projecting backward from each body
are two short, thick, bony processes (projec-
tions) called pedicles. From the end of these
pedicles project two bony plates (laminae),
which join together to form the hollow verte-
bral arch. Through this arch, and protected by Lumbar
it, passes the spinal cord, which is further Sacrum
protected by the meninges and bathed by the
cerebrospinal fluid, which serves as a shock
Spinal cord
absorber. There are usually 24 movable ver-
tebrae and nine that are fused together. The
topmost are the seven cervical vertebrae,
which form the back of the neck, supporting spine car
the skull and allowing the head to turn from An articulated five-platform railcar.
side to side by means of a pivotal motion spinous process
between the two highest vertebrae. Below The primary posterior prominence of a verte-
these are the 12 thoracic vertebrae, the sup- bra.
ports on which the ribs are hinged, and then
the five lumbar vertebrae, the largest movable spiral organ of Corti
vertebrae (the cervical being the smallest). See organ of Corti.
Below the lumbar vertebrae the spine termi- spirant
nates with the two groups of vertebrae fused See fricative.
into single bones: the sacrum, composed of
five vertebrae; and the coccyx, composed of
(1) Lung Function Test. An instrument used
four vertebrae. Viewed from the side of the
to measure the volume of air taken into and
body, the spine as a whole has the shape of a
exhaled from the lungs. (2) Flow Calibration.
double S curve. The spin is more commonly
A primary standard for determining the flow
referred to simply as the backbone.
rate of industrial hygiene sampling equipment
and for calibrating secondary standards.
See sound pressure level.
A large gland-like organ situated under the

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spongy bone
ribs in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. See cancellous bone.
Oblong and flattened in shape, it is dark red in sponsor
color and weighs about 6 ounces. The spleen (1) The administrating body for the airport,
helps keep the blood free from unwanted sub- such as a state or local government or munici-
stances, including wastes and infecting or- pal authority. (2) Any private owner of a
ganisms. The blood is delivered to the spleen public-use airport or any public agency (either
by the splenic artery, and passes through individually or jointly with other public agen-
smaller branch arteries into a network of cies) who submit to the Secretary of Trans-
channels lined with leukocytes known as portation, in accordance with the Airport &
phagocytes. These clear the blood of old Airway Improvement Act of 1982, an appli-
erythrocytes, damaged cells, parasites, and cation for financial assistance.
other toxic of foreign substances. Hemoglo-
bin from the removed red cells is temporarily spontaneous combustion
stored. The ignition of a material as a result of a heat-
producing chemical reaction (exothermic)
splint within the material itself and without expo-
A rigid or flexible appliance for fixation of sure to an external source of ignition. See
displaced or movable parts. Splints are most also spontaneous combustion.
commonly used to immobilize broken bones
or dislocated joints. spontaneous ignition
Ignition resulting from a chemical reaction in
split-half reliability method which there is a slow generation of heat from
A testing reliability measurement technique in the oxidation of a compound until the ignition
which a correlation coefficient is computed temperature is reached. See also spontaneous
between performance on a test which has been combustion.
divided into two equivalent groups of ques-
tions. spontaneous ignition temperature
The temperature at which a material ignites of
split shift its own accord in the presence of air at stan-
A work shift in which one or more individuals dard conditions.
work less than approximately 7 hours, are re-
leased for more than an hour for other than a spontaneous nucleation
meal break, then return for a regularly sched- The freezing of pure water without the benefit
uled additional work period. May be referred of any nuclei.
to as broken shift. spoonbill barge
splitting on the heads A 50-foot wide barge with a very long rake,
Maritime. Term describing the situation usually about 60 feet.
when a towboat is faced up to the center of spore
two strings of barges. A microorganism, such as a bacterium, in a
spoil dormant or resting state.
Dirt or rock that has been removed from its sporicide
original location, destroying the composition See sterilizer.
of the soil in the process, as with strip mining
or dredging. sport-utility vehicle (SUV)
Includes light trucks that are similar to jeeps.
spondylosis Other common terms for these vehicles are
A stiffness in a portion of the spine. sport-utility, special purpose, utility, or off-
sponginess the-road vehicles. They may have a four- or
The inexact response of a teleoperator to con- two-wheel drive. Previously called jeep-like
trols due to the use of a compressible fluid as vehicle.
a transmission medium. spot cooling
Body cooling maintained within a restricted

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spot heating
Body heating within a restricted area. spring element
spot market A modeling in which the values of certain
Buying and selling of fuel for immediate or cells may be determined/computed from the
very near-term delivery by contracts to meet values of other cells.
peak demands. spring line
spot zoning A line to hold a boat from running upstream.
The granting of a zoning classification to a Used in mooring, crossing one another. Also
piece of land that differs from that of the other called backing line.
land in the immediate area. spring-loaded control
spotted fever A switch or lever which remains in the active
A febrile disease characterized by a skin position only as long as force is maintained
eruption, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fe- due to resistance by some type of spring
ver, boutonneuse fever, and other infections mechanism.
due to tick-borne rickettsiae. spring switch
spotter Rail Operations. A switch equipped with a
Transit. Terminal yard driver who parks ve- spring device which forces the points to their
hicles brought in by regular drivers, also a su- original position after being trailed through
pervisor who observes the activities of drivers and holds them under spring compression.
on the road. See also yardbird. sprinkler alarm
SPR An approved device installed so that any wa-
See strategic petroleum reserve. ter flow from a sprinkler system equal to or
greater than that from a single automatic
sprain sprinkler will result in an audible alarm signal
An injury, typically occurring at a joint, in on the premises.
which the ligaments are stretched and/or torn.
There may also be damage to the associated sprinkler system
blood vessels, muscles, tendons, and nerves. A system of piping designed in accordance
A sprain is more serious than a strain, which with fire protection engineering standards and
is simply the over-stretching of a muscle, installed to control or extinguish fires. The
without swelling. Severe strains may be so system includes an adequate and reliable wa-
painful that the joint cannot be used. There is ter supply, and a network of specially sized
much swelling, with reddish to blue discol- piping and sprinklers which are intercon-
oration owing to hemorrhage from ruptured nected. The system also includes a control
blood vessels. valve and a device for actuating an alarm
when the system is in operation.
Unplanned development of open land. sprue
A chronic disease, affecting the digestive
spreading caliper system, that is marked by imperfect absorp-
A caliper which has two tips on curved rods tion of food elements, especially fats but also
which are separable and a scale which is used certain vitamins, from the small intestine.
to measure the separation distance between Symptoms are loss of appetite, flatulence,
those tips. anemia, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and ex-
spreadsheet treme loss of weight.
A matrix in which the values of certain cells spud
may be determined/computed from the values Maritime Operations. The heavy timber or
of other cells. pipe extending vertically through a well in the
spring bottom of the boat used for mooring in lieu of
(1) A mechanical mechanism that can store a anchors on riverboats.
set amount of energy under tension. (2) A
place where water issues from the ground

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spud barge squirrel cage fan
A barge utilizing spuds for mooring. Used as A centrifugal blower with forward-curved
a work barge or loading and unloading plat- blades.
spur See seat reference point.
A growth projecting from a bone.
sputum See skin resistance response.
Material that is ejected from the lungs, bron-
chi, and trachea through the mouth. SRT
See speech reception threshold.
sq. ft.
Square foot (feet). S/S
See sector suite.
See small quantity generators. SSHA
See system/subsystem hazard analysis.
See sample quantitation limit. SSPP
See system safety program plan.
squall line
Any non-frontal line or band of active thun- SSU
derstorms. Saybolt seconds universal. See Saybolt uni-
squamous versal seconds.
Covered with, or formed of, scales. St. Elmo's fire
squamous cell A bright electric discharge that is projected
Flat or scale-like epithelial cells. from objects (usually pointed) when they are
in a high electric field, such as during a thun-
squamous cell carcinoma derstorm.
A rapidly growing and readily metastasizing
carcinoma originating in the epidermis, par- stabilimeter
ticularly the prickly cell layer. See also car- A device for measuring body sway.
cinoma. stability
squatting height (1) General. That condition in which a posi-
The vertical distance from the floor or other tion is maintainable, tends to be maintained,
reference surface to the highest point on the or is returned to after some movement. (2)
head. Measured with the individual in the Atmospheric. The tendency of the atmosphere
squatting position, with the trunk, neck, and to resist vertical motion, or alternately to sup-
head erect and balanced on the toes of both press existing turbulence. It is related to both
feet. wind shear and temperature structure verti-
cally, but it is generally the latter which is
used as an indicator of atmospheric stability.
Transit (slang). Colloquial term for a device
(3) Employment. The tendency of an individ-
whose proper name is tachograph. A device
ual or workforce to remain in the same geo-
used in a cab to automatically record miles
graphical region or in the same employment.
driven, number of stops, speed, and other
factors during a trip. Also known as tattle- stabilization
tale. Conversion of the active organic matter in
sludge into inert, harmless material.
The failure or inability to equalize pressure in stabilization ponds
gas-filled spaces within the body during See lagoon.
changes in environmental pressure.
squelch (1) To ensure that an individual will not be
See noise suppressor. adversely affected by external forces while
performing some function. (2) To treat a sub-
stance such that it is not itself or in combina-
tion with other substances capable of ad-

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versely affecting the general environment. (3) mechanical system and disrupt ventilation and
To reduce undesirable vehicle motion either circulation in a building.
through active or passive mechanisms or de- stack gas
vices. See flue gas.
stabilized channel stack sampling
Maritime. A channel which remains in one The collection of representative samples of
location permanently with no maintenance. gaseous or particulate matter that is flowing
stabilized retinal image through a stack or duct to the environment.
That type of vision in which, through artificial stacktrain
means, the target image does not move on the A rail service whereby rail cars carry contain-
retina when the eye moves, thus exposing the ers stacked two high on specially operated
retina to fixed stimulation. unit trains.
stabilizer stadiometer
(1) Anatomy. See fixator. (2) Aerodynamics. A device for measuring height, consisting of a
Any horizontal or vertical surface of an air- vertical rod with an attached rule and an ad-
frame whose purpose is to provide for stable justable horizontal headboard that can be
flight through the use of specific design sur- moved vertically.
faces which facilitate (or stabilize) air flow
over the surface. stage 2 aircraft
An aircraft that has been shown to comply
stable air with the stage 2 noise requirements under
A mass of air that is not moving normally, so Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36.
that it holds rather than disperses pollutants. Examples include the B-727-200, DC-9, and
Also referred to as absolutely stable air. BAC-111.
stable detonation velocity stage 3 aircraft
See detonation. An aircraft that has been shown to comply
stable isotope with the quieter Stage 3 noise requirements
A non-radioactive isotope of an element. under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR)
stable materials Part 36. Examples include the B-737-300, B-
Chemicals that have the ability to resist 757, MD-80, and A- 310.
changes in their composition despite exposure staggered shift
to water, air, pressure, temperature extremes, A work schedule established by management
or shock. which involves work hours displaced in time
stable wave by some portion of the workday.
See frontal wave. staggers
stack A CNS-involved form of decompression
(1) A chimney or smokestack; a vertical pipe sickness in which motor function is adversely
that discharges used air. It is the device on affected, giving the appearance of staggering
the exhaust end of a ventilation system which movements when walking.
disperses contaminants for dilution by the at- stagnation
mosphere. (2) An exhaust pipe on diesel. Lack of motion in a mass of air or water that
stack car tends to hold pollutants.
An articulated five-platform rail car that al- stair railing
lows containers to be double stacked. A vertical barrier erected along exposed sides
stack effect of a stairway to prevent falls or persons.
Pressure-driven airflow produced by convec- staircase procedure
tion as heated air rises, creating a positive A method of limits technique in which the
pressure area at the top of a building and a value of a stimulus is increased or decreased
negative pressure area at the bottom of a on a given trial based on the result of the ob-
building. The stack effect can overpower the

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server's response on the previous trial or tions leading to the accomplishment of a goal
group of trials. or objective. (3) Any established value for
stairs comparison purposes or accepted procedure
A series of steps leading from one level or for measurement or testing. (4) U.S. Coast
floor to another, or leading to platforms, pits, Guard. Prescribes design constraints or per-
boiler rooms, crossovers, or around machin- formance requirements for boats and/or asso-
ery, tanks, and other equipment that are used ciated equipment. May be either a regulation
more or less continuously or routinely by em- or may be voluntary.
ployees, or only occasionally by specific indi- standard air
viduals. A series of steps and landings having (1) Ventilation. Dry air at 70ºF, 29.92 inch
three or more risers constitutes stairs. Also Hg (mercury); or, air at 50% relative humid-
referred to as stairway. ity, 68ºF, and 29.92 inch Hg. In either case,
stairway the air density is equal to 0.075 lbs./cu.ft.
A stair and the region immediately surround- (pounds per cubic feet). Also referred to as
ing it. See also stairs. standard conditions. (2) Industrial Hygiene.
Air at 25ºC (77ºF) and 760 mm mercury pres-
stairwell sure.
A stairway which is enclosed on at least two
sides. standard air density
Ventilation. The density of air at standard
stake body conditions is 0.075 pounds per cubic foot.
Truck or trailer platform body with readily
removable stakes, which may be joined by standard allowance
chains, slats, or panels. Any allowance established in advance by cal-
culation, arbitrary setting, or negotiation to
stamina provide for specified working conditions.
The ability of the various bodily systems be-
ing utilized in a given task to sustain efficient standard atmosphere
performance for long periods of time. An atmospheric pressure of 1.01325 N/m2
with a density of 13.5951 gm/cc.
A computer model for predicting the level of standard barge
highway noise to determine whether or not A barge which is approximately 26 feet wide
acoustic barriers are needed. and 175 feet long and either open or covered.

stammer standard body

A speech impairment in which an individual Transit. A body type normally furnished as a
involuntarily speaks hesitatingly, usually standard option by the original equipment
making multiple attempts to say a speech (chassis) manufacturer (e.g., pick-up, panel,
element or transposing speech elements. and flat bed).

stamping gait Standard Colors of Textiles (SCOT)

A type of gait in which the individual stamps A variant of the Munsell color-ordering sys-
one or both of his/her feet. tem for the textile industry.

stance standard conditions

(1) That phase of a gait cycle where at least See standard air.
one foot is in constant contact with the standard cost
ground. (2) Any static body position or pos- The estimation of the cost of a system, prod-
ture where at least one foot is in constant uct, or activity based on standard times for
contact with the ground or other base of sup- similar work.
port. standard coverage
standard The number of jobs, personnel, or total hours
(1) Regulated levels or concentration of a which are covered by standards during the re-
substance. (2) A consensus approach to the porting period.
conduct of an action or a specific set of ac-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

standard cubic foot standard error of the mean (SEM)
A volume unit of measurement at a specified A measure of the variability of the distribu-
temperature and pressure. The temperature tion of sample arithmetic means with respect
and/or pressure vary based on the discipline. to the theoretical population standard devia-
For example, the specified temperature em- tion.
ployed in industrial hygiene determinations is standard hour
25ºC (77ºF). The production quantity required from an op-
standard data erator to meet a one hour quota.
A structured collection of normal time values standard hour plan
for work elements arranged in some readily An incentive plan in which a worker is paid
accessible form. Also known as standard for standard hours instead of the actual work
time data. See also analytical standard data. hours.
standard daylight standard illuminant
Any of a variety of standard illuminants Any of a set of specified, but not necessarily
which define the spectra for different types of physically realizable, radiant light sources
daylight. having a defined spectrum. See also daylight
standard design vehicle lamp.
A vehicle procurable from regular production Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
lines. Included in this category are commer- Code for classifying all types of commercial
cially designed vehicles modified for special businesses (including industry) based on their
purpose use, if the modifications have not al- primary product or service rendered. See SIC
tered the basic design characteristics of the Code for a table of the classification codes.
standard instrument department (SID) charts
Standard Deviate Observer (SDO) Aviation. Designed to expedite clearance de-
A derived value which is typical of those livery and to facilitate transition between
color differences which occur on metameric takeoff and en route operations. Each SID
matches made by real observers with normal procedure is presented as a separate chart and
color vision. may serve a single airport or more than one
standard deviation airport in a given geographical location.
(1) In statistical analysis, a value equal to the standard labor rate
square of the variance. (2) A unitless number A rate calculated to approximate the total per
which indicates the scatter of data from the hour cost of salaries and related fringe bene-
mean. (3) A measure of the variability or dis- fits for application against labor hours in
persion of a set of results. (4) The square root pricing job orders.
of the sample variance.
standard man
standard element time A theoretical, physically fit man of standard
The standard time for a given work element. height, weight, and other parameters including
Standard Ergonomic Reference Data System blood, tissue, composition, percent water,
(SERDS) weight or organs, etc. that can be used in
A proposed standardized reference system for studies of man's response to various stimuli
ergonomic/human factors data. and for designing equipment relative to ergo-
standard error nomic considerations. Also called standard
An estimate of the magnitude by which an worker. See also reference man.
obtained value differs from the true value. standard method
standard error of estimate See standard practice.
A measure of the deviation of the measured standard metropolitan statistical area
values from the predicted value over repeated Aviation. A county that contains at least one
samples. city of 50,000 population, or twin cities with a
combined population of at least 50,000, plus

©2000 CRC Press LLC

any contiguous counties that are metropolitan standard railing
in character and have similar economic and A vertical barrier erected along exposed edges
social relationships. See also central city, and of a floor opening, wall opening, ramp, plat-
metropolitan statistical area. form, or runway to prevent falls of persons.
standard nine scale (stanine) standard railway gauge
An older term for the measure of dispersion Distance between the rails of a track of 4 ft
scale having a range of nine, a mean of 5.0, 8.5 inches.
and a standard deviation of 1.96.
standard rating
standard observer That rating which corresponds to a motivated,
See CIE Standard Observer. qualified worker, adhering to a specified
standard of care method, and working at an average pace.
In the law of negligence, that degree of care standard score
which a reasonably prudent person should ex- The expression of a point within a sample
ercise in the same or similar circumstances. If distribution as some multiple of the unit stan-
a person's conduct falls below such standard, dard deviation to indicate its direction and
he/she may be liable for injuries or damages distance from the mean.
resulting from such conduct.
standard size bus
standard of living A bus from 35 to 41 feet in length.
The ability to provide oneself and his/her im-
mediate family with those necessary and de- standard stimulus
sirable things in life. A stimulus whose value is fixed in a given
dimension, and which is used in experiments
standard of performance to determine difference thresholds.
Under the Clean Air Act: Any standard for
emissions of air pollutants which reflects the standard system
degree of emission limitation achievable A coded time-and-motion dataset which is
through the application of the best system of regarded as authoritative for a given plant or
emission reduction which (taking into account location.
the cost of achieving such reduction and any standard temperature and pressure (STP)
non-air quality health and environmental im- The condition of a volume of gases at 0°C and
pact and energy requirements) the EPA Ad-
a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
ministrator determines has been adequately
demonstrated. standard temperature and pressure, dry
standard output
The condition of having a water-vapor-free
That quantity of work completed by a stan-
dard worker or group of standard workers volume of atmospheric gases at 0°C and 1 at-
using a specified method or standard practice mosphere pressure.
over a given work period. Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) route
standard performance charts
That performance of a qualified individual Aviation. Designed to expedite air traffic
worker or group of workers which meets a control arrival procedures and to facilitate
standard output. transition between en route and instrument
standard practice approach operations. Each STAR procedure
A standardized work method, whether re- is presented as a separate chart and may serve
corded or not, for the various steps involved a single airport or more than one airport in a
in some operation. given geographical location.
standard practice sheet standard threshold shift
A form which is used to provide the written OSHA. A change in hearing threshold relative
standard practice information for an operator. to the baseline audiogram of an average of 10
decibels or more at the 2000, 3000, and 4000
standard radiator Hz frequencies in either ear.
See blackbody.

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standard time standards audit
(1) The total expected time, as determined by One or more work measurement studies de-
work measurement techniques, to complete a signed to examine whether existing standard
given task when working at a standard rating. times and methods are still proper.
(2) The mean solar clock time during the Standards Completion Project
winter months. A NIOSH-supported project that was carried
standard time data out to develop sampling and analytical meth-
See standard data. ods for application in the field of industrial
Standard Time System hygiene.
An incentive plan in which worker awards are standby
determined by the number of units produced An operational mode in which a worker, crew,
per unit time. or set of equipment is not actively engaged in
standard worker generating work output, but is prepared for
See standard man. whatever action may be required.

standard workweek standby time

The 5-day, approximately 40-hour work A time interval or the total amount of time
schedule within one calendar week (typically spent in a standby mode.
on the first shift). standing
standardize A concept utilized to determine if a party has
Establish a common set of terms, procedures, a sufficient stake in a controversy to be a
criteria, or other appropriate aspects for a par- plaintiff in a lawsuit.
ticular item or activity. standing capacity
standardized death rate The number of standing passengers that can
That number of deaths per 1000 population be accommodated aboard the revenue vehicle
which would normally occur in a given group during a normal full load (non-crush) in ac-
having a known age-specific death rate. cordance with established loading policy or,
in absence of a policy, the manufacturer's
standardized mortality ratio (SMR) rated standing capacity figures.
The ratio of the number of deaths observed in
the study group (cohort) to the number of standing wave
deaths expected in the study group based on Acoustics. A periodic wave having a fixed
the rate as determined for an unexposed con- distribution in space which is the result of in-
trol population. If the ratio of these results is terference of progressive waves of the same
greater than one, it indicates an increased risk frequency and kind. In such situations sound
for the exposed population. The greater the does not decrease as the distance from the
SMR is above 1, the greater the risk. source is increased. Marked variations in
sound pressure are observed. The measured
Standardized Tests for Research with Envi- sound pressure decreases to a minimum, rises
ronmental Stressors (STRES) again to a maximum, decreases to a mini-
A test battery selected by AGARD as having mum, increases to a maximum, etc. Such
evidence for a good psychometric basis for patterns are referred to as standing waves.
standardization in the evaluation of human
performance. standout
Maritime Navigation. Term used when the
standards channel runs down the shape of the shore and
Prescriptive norms which govern action and there is an obstruction along the set of marks
actual limits on the amount of pollutants or running out into the middle of the river, thus re-
emissions produced. EPA, under most of its quiring a temporary change of course to clear.
responsibilities, establishes minimum stan-
dards. States are allowed to be stricter. standpipe systems
(1) Class I standpipe system. A 2 1/2 inch (6.3
cm) hose connection for use by fire depart-
ments and those trained in handling heavy fire

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streams. (2) Class II standpipe system. A 1 the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
1/2 inch (3.8 cm) hose system which provides Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
a means for the control or extinguishing of in- Guam, or any other territory or possession of
cipient stage fires. (3) Class III standpipe sys- the United States designated by the Secretary
tem. A combined system of hose which is for of Transportation.
the use of employees trained in the use of hose state audit immunity statutes
operations and which is capable of furnishing Legislation enacted by many states encour-
effective water discharge during the more ad- aging businesses to conduct environmental
vanced stages of fire (beyond the incipient audits and promptly correct noncompliance
stage) in the interior of workplaces. Hose out- without fear of punishment from state author-
lets are available for both 1 _ inch (3.8 cm) and ities. Also known as Environmental Audit
2 _ inch (6.3 cm) hose. Privilege Statutes.
stanine state-designated route
See standard nine scale. Transportation. A preferred route selected in
stannosis accordance with U.S. DOT "Guidelines for
A form of a pneumoconiosis resulting from Selecting Preferred Highway Routes for
the inhalation of tin-bearing dust. Highway Route Controlled Quantities of Ra-
stapedius dioactive Materials" or an equivalent routing
That muscle in the middle ear which inserts analysis which adequately considers overall
into the stapes. risk to the public.
STAR State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
See Standard Terminal Arrival route chart. Commission appointed by each state governor
according to the requirements of SARA Title
starboard III. The SERC's designated emergency plan-
The right side of a ship or vessel when facing ning districts appoint local emergency plan-
the bow or front. ning committees, and supervise and coordi-
startle response nate their activities.
A strong psychophysiological response, trig- state hazardous waste sites (SHWS)
gered by a sudden and intense stimulus, which Site records are the states' equivalent to
prepares the body for possible physical action. CERCLIS. These sites may or may not al-
Also known as defensive response. See also ready be listed on the federal CERCLIS list.
orienting response. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state
startup allowance funds are identified along with sites where
A special-case time allowance for any waiting clean up will be paid for by potentially re-
or time involved where a worker has to turn sponsible parties. Available information var-
on or otherwise check out equipment or ma- ies by state.
chinery at the beginning of a work period. state implementation plan (SIP)
startup curve Clean Air Act. EPA-approved state plans for
The learning curve applied to a new job, the establishment, regulation, and enforce-
process, individual, or group to allow for the ment of air pollution standards. Establishes
longer than standard initial work times. source-specific requirements under the Clean
stasis Air Act that address the primary and secon-
The stoppage or lessening of the flow of dary air quality standards within a state's bor-
blood or other body fluid in any part of the ders to assure consistency with the National
body. Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
state state of domicile
The condition of matter (solid, liquid, gas, or That state where a person has his/her true,
plasma). fixed, and permanent home and principal
residence and to which he/she has the inten-
State tion of returning whenever he/she is absent.
A state of the United States, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

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state routing agency of an automobile and whose radius is the dis-
An entity (including a common agency of tance from that center to the level surface on
more than one state such as one established by which the automobile is standing, measured
interstate compact) which is authorized to use with the automobile at curb weight, the wheel
state legal process pursuant to 49 CFR parallel to the vehicle's longitudinal center-
177.825 to impose routing requirements, en- line, and the tire inflated to the manufacturer's
forceable by state agencies, on carriers of ra- recommended pressure.
dioactive materials without regard to intra- static muscle work
state jurisdictional boundaries. This term also See static work.
includes Indian tribal authorities which have
police powers to regulate and enforce high- static pressure (SP)
way routing requirements within their lands. (1) General. The potential pressure exerted in
all directions by a fluid at rest. (2) Ventila-
state transportation agency tion. The pressure developed by a fan: static
The state highway department, transportation pressure exerts influence in all directions; the
department, or other state transportation force in inches of water measured perpen-
agency to which federal-aid highway funds dicular to floe at the wall of the duct; the dif-
are apportioned. ference in pressure between atmospheric pres-
state's attorney sure and the absolute pressure inside a duct,
See district attorney. cleaner, or other equipment.
static static strength
Motionless or unchanging. The force generated by a maximal voluntary
static anthropometry isometric muscular exertion in a brief period
The study of the bodily dimensions of an in- of time. Also called static ultimate strength.
dividual in a given fixed posture. static work
static contraction That manual work performed when muscles
See isometric action. are isometrically contracted, but no readily
observable motion occurs. Also called static
static display muscle work, isometric work, and isometric
A display containing one or more screen muscle work.
structures that remain the same for long peri-
ods of time. statics
The study or use of forces resulting in equilib-
static electricity rium, causing body parts or the body as a
Literally, electricity at rest. It consists of op- whole to be at rest.
posite electrical charges that are usually kept
apart by insulation. It is the result of the ac- station
cumulation of electric charge on an insulated With respect to intercity and commuter rail
body and its potential for discharge as a result transportation, the portion of a property located
of such an accumulation of electric charge. appurtenant to a right-of-way on which inter-
city or commuter rail transportation is oper-
static equilibrium ated, where such portion is used by the general
The ability to maintain body posture or bal- public and is related to the provision of such
ance through a sense of position or motion of transportation, including passenger platforms,
the head with respect to gravity from the inte- designated waiting areas, rest rooms and,
grated involvement of the utricular macula, where a public entity providing rail transporta-
vision, and the cerebellum and muscle. See tion owns the property, concession areas, to the
also dynamic equilibrium. extent that such public entity exercises control
static friction over the selection, design, construction, or al-
That friction acting between surfaces with no teration of the property, but this term does not
relative motion between them. include flag stops (i.e., stations which are not
static loaded radius arc regularly scheduled stops but at which trains
Transit. A portion of a circle whose center is will stop to board or detrain passengers only on
the center of a standard tire-rim combination signal or advance notice).

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station pressure stationary time series
The actual air pressure computed at the ob- A stochastic time series whose characteristics
serving station. are unchanged by an integral increase in the
stationarity time axis.
A condition in which time-series data are sta- statistic
tionary. A characteristic of a population or a sample of
stationary it, such as the mean, variance, etc.
(1) See static. (2) Pertaining to a condition or statistical analysis
function where the mean, spectral density, and A mathematical evaluation of past perform-
probability distribution are independent of ance. In failure analysis, a focus on the total
time. possible number of times a failure or fault
stationary compactor event will occur given many opportunities for
As pertains to solid wastes, a powered ma- that occurrence.
chine which is designed to compact solid statistical significance
waste or recyclable materials, and which re- An inference that the probability is low that
mains stationary when in operation. the observed difference in quantities being
stationary front evaluated could be due to variability in the
A front that is nearly stationary with winds data rather than an actual difference in the
blowing almost parallel and from opposite di- quantities. The inference that an observed
rections on each side of the front. difference is statistically significant is typi-
cally based on a test to reject one hypothesis
stationary source and accept another.
(1) General. A fixed, non-moving producer of
pollution, mainly power plants and other statistical sound level
facilities using industrial combustion process- The level in decibels that is exceeded in a
es. (2) Clean Air Act. Any building, struc- stated percentage (x) of the duration of the
ture, facility, or installation which emits or measurement period. It is abbreviated as Lx.
may emit any air pollutant. statistical standard time
A standard time derived from the statistical
analysis of past time data.
The field of applied mathematics which is
concerned with the analysis, presentation, and
derivation of conclusions from data.
A lever system for determining the body's
center of mass/gravity.
Pertaining to the body's posture and balance
during standing and locomotion.
The vertical distance from the floor or other
reference surface to the top of the head. Syn-
onymous with standing height. Measured
with the individual standing erect, the lower
limbs vertical, and looking straight ahead.
See also stature, maximum.
stature as reported
The individual's stated value for his/her stat-
Stationary sources of air pollution are very closely regulated

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stature, maximum steady state
The greatest vertical distance attainable from (1) The condition of a system when the inflow
the floor or other reference surface to the top of materials or energy equals the output. (2)
of the head. Measured with the individual Pertaining to a condition that overall is un-
having taken a deep breadth maximally ex- changing with time, as being in equilibrium.
tending himself/herself vertically while (3) That physiological condition in which
keeping both feet flat on the floor, and having oxygen uptake by the lungs and delivery to
his/her weight equally balanced on both feet. bodily tissues by the circulatory system is
statute equal to the oxygen requirement of the tissues
An enforceable provision of law enacted by a for a particular activity.
legislature by passage of an act, with general steady-state forecast
application and future effect. Distinguished A weather prediction based on the past
from a resolve or other action of a legislation movement of surface weather systems. It as-
which does not have some general force of sumes that the systems will move in the same
law. Also, distinguished from a regulation direction and at approximately the same speed
promulgated by an agency. Note that in some as they have been moving. Also called trend
states, a statute may be enacted by referendum forecasting.
or other ballot measure. Federal statutes are steady-state noise
codified in the United States Code. Sounds that remain constant with time, such
statute of limitations as an air conditioner when in operation.
A type of statute imposing a time deadline on steam
commencing certain types of civil litigation or Water in its gaseous state.
criminal prosecution which, if not met, is fatal
to the claim or cause of action. steam fog
See evaporation fog.
statutory damages
Damages resulting from statutorily created steamboat gothic
causes of actions, as opposed to actions at An elaborately ornamental architectural style
common law, e.g., wrongful death and sur- that is an imitation of river steamboats of the
vival actions, actions under tort claims acts; middle 19th century on the Ohio and Missis-
under § 504 of the federal Copyright Act, a sippi rivers.
copyright owner has the right to collect steamboat jack
statutory damages in lieu of actual damages Colloquial term for an oversized turnbuckle
for copyright infringement. with large pelican hooks on each end and a
statutory exception ratchet (handle) around the body used for
A provision in a statute exempting certain tightening wire lashings and making up tows.
conduct or persons from the thrust of the law Used to connect barges in tow.
enacted. steamship agent
statutory mandate A duly appointed and authorized representa-
A formal directive from Congress granting a tive in a specified territory acting in behalf of
particular agency the authority to act in a a steamship line or lines and attending to all
given area of concern, such as occupational matters relating to the vessels owned by his
safety and health. Also referred to as the principals.
originating statute. steamship conference
std Maritime. Collective rate-making bodies for
Standard. liner water carriers that serve the same trade
Sexually transmitted disease. steel hull
Hulls of sheet steel or steel alloy, not those
steadiness with steel ribs and wood, canvas or plastic
A measure of the ability to maintain a fixed hull coverings.
posture with a minimum of tremor.

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steel tower stepping gait with a flopping of the foot which
A skeleton steel tower type of structure used tends to drag.
for lighted shore aids; used in multiples of 10- steppe
foot sections. An area of grass-covered, treeless plains that
steel wheel has a semiarid climate.
In rail systems, the specially designed cast or stepped leader
forged steel, essentially cylindrical element See lightning.
that rolls on the rail, carries the weight, and
provides guidance for rail vehicles. The steradian (sr)
wheels are semi-permanently mounted in A unit of measure for solid angles, with one
pairs on steel axles and are designed with steradian equal to that solid angle of a sphere
flanges and a tapered treat to provide for op- which has vertex at the center and intersects
eration on a track of a specific gauge. The an area on the surface of that sphere with four
wheel also serves as a brake drum on cars equal length sides, each equal to the radius in
with on-tread brakes. arc length. See also solid angle.
steer it stereoacuity
Maritime Navigation (slang). To navigate a See stereoscopic acuity.
portion of the river without flanking maneuvers. stereogram
steering wheel (1) A two-dimensional graphic which gives
A circular control device which is connected the impression of depth using contour lines or
to a guiding mechanism and may be turned by shading. (2) A pair of separate two-dimen-
hand to control the course and/or direction of sional views which, when positioned properly
a vehicle. and presented separately to the right and left
eyes using a stereoscope, cause the visual
steering wheel lash system to integrate them into a single view
The condition in which the steering wheel appearing to be three-dimensional or to have
may be turned through some part of a revolu- depth.
tion without associated movement of the front
wheels. Commonly referred to as play in the stereometric anthropometry
steering wheel. A form of non-contact anthropometric meas-
urement using stereophotogrammetric tech-
STEL niques to determine surface distances, angles,
See short-term exposure limit. areas, and other appropriate measures.
stenosing tenosynovitis stereophotogrammetry
A partial reduction in the flexion or extension The determination of positions in space from
of a joint due to an inflammation and thick- video or film involving either two cameras
ening or swelling of the tendons (or their aligned along different axes in the same plane
sheaths) of the muscles providing action about or a single camera and mirrors.
that joint.
stenosis A photographic technique which simulates
Narrowing or contraction of a body passage or stereoscopic vision by using two different
opening. cameras separated by some distance in space
stepladder or a stereoscopic camera.
A self-supporting portable ladder, nonadjust- stereopsis
able in length, having flat steps and a hinged See stereoscopic vision. See also binocular
back. Its size is designated by the overall vision.
length of the ladder measured along the front
edge of the side rails. stereoscope
An optical device capable of giving an im-
steppage gait pression of depth when presenting an appro-
A type of locomotion with an exaggerated priate visual display to each eye.
flexion of the hip and knee resulting in a high-

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stereoscopic acuity a lockman chatting with deck crew handling
The ability to perceive the three-dimensional lines during lockage.
aspect of physical space, or depth, by the use sternocleidomastoid
of two eyes or vision sensors separated in A bilateral, voluntary muscle located ap-
space. Also referred to as stereoacuity. proximately vertical from the sternum and
stereoscopic photography clavicle to the lower part of the posterior tem-
See stereophotography. poral bone.
stereoscopic vision sternum
The capability of perceiving depth and dis- The bone articulating with the ribs and clavi-
tance in the region near the fixation point by cle bones in the midline of the anterior torso,
the use of two eyes or video sensors slightly and consisting of three segments: the xiphoid
separated in space. process, body, and manubrium. Also com-
stereoscopy monly referred to as the breastbone.
The study or use of three-dimensional or steroid
depth aspects, effects, or techniques. A complex molecule containing carbon atoms
sterilant in four interlocking rings, three of which
A chemical or physical agent used to destroy contain six carbon atoms each and the fourth
microorganisms. of which contains five.

sterile stethoscope
(1) Free from microorganisms. (2) Unable to An instrument used to hear and amplify the
produce offspring. sounds produced by the heart, lungs, and
other internal organs. As first introduced by
sterilize the 19th century French physician, Rene
To reduce living microbial life forms to below Laennec, the stethoscope was a simple
some specified quantity or to render them in- wooden tube with a bell-shaped opening at
capable of reproduction. one end. The modern stethoscope is binaural,
sterilization with two ear pieces and flexible rubber tubing
(1) General. The destruction of all microor- leading to them from the two-branched open-
ganisms in or on an object using heat, steam, ing of the bell or cone. In this way, sound
chemical agents, ultraviolet radiation, or a travels simultaneously through both of the
combination of these. (2) Pest Control. The branches to the ear piece.
use of radiation and chemicals to damage
body cells needed for reproduction.
One of three groups of anti-microbials regis-
tered by the EPA for public health uses. The
EPA considers an anti-microbial to be a ster-
ilizer when it destroys or eliminates all forms
of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their spores.
Because spores are considered the most diffi-
cult form of a microorganism to destroy, the
EPA considers the term sporicide to be syn-
onymous with sterilizer.
The end of a vessel, opposite of bow.
stern line
A long quartering line.
stern line talk
Supposedly factual information about any- The modern stethoscope
thing, passed between river people, usually by

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stevedore the periphery of the pupil compared to that
A person or firm that contracts with a vessel's light entering at or near the center of the pu-
owner, agent, or charter operator, or with the pil.
owner of the cargo, to load or unload a ship or stilling basin
barge in port. A structure at the outlet end of a spillway to
Stevens' power law help dissipate the energy of flowing water
A psychophysical relationship between sen- into the downstream channel in such a manner
sation and stimulus physical intensity, con- as to prevent damage to the dam or scour of
sisting of a power function of the form: the bed or banks of the channel.
S = k(Is)n Stilling test
where: A color vision test involving the use of a set
S = sensation strength of plates, each containing a colored digit em-
Is = stimulus intensity bedded within a set of colors easily confused
by those with color vision deficiencies.
k = a constant depending on the units of
measurement stimulus
n = an exponential value which varies de- Any type of cue presented to an organism,
pending on the subject and type of whether internal or external. Typically refer-
stimulus/sensory modality. ring to a cue strong enough to be consciously
See speech transmission index. stimulus generalization
The production of a response due to the pres-
stickman entation of a similar, but not identical, stimu-
A simple figure for modeling human posture lus to that which originally produced the re-
or motion in which straight lines are used to sponse.
approximate the various body links or seg-
ments. stinger-steered combination
A truck tractor semitrailer wherein the fifth
sticky keys wheel is located on a drop frame located be-
A feature which enables sequential use of hind and below the rear-most axle of the
keyboard keys rather than simultaneous use in power unit.
certain multikey operations for allowing dis-
abled individuals to operate the computer. stipple cell
A red blood cell containing granules of vary-
stiction ing size and shape.
That friction which tends to prevent relative
motion between two movable objects at a stochastic effects
neutral position. Health effects that occur randomly and for
which the probability of the effect occurring,
stiffness rather than its severity, is assumed to be a lin-
(1) The rigidity of a teleoperated system. (2) ear function of dose without threshold. He-
The ratio of the force/torque applied to the reditary effects and cancer incidence are ex-
corresponding change in translational/rota- amples of stochastic effects.
tional displacement of an elastic element.
stochastic variable
stigmatism See random variable.
A condition in which the refractive system of stock solution
the eye causes light rays to be accurately fo-
Solution consisting of an accurately measured
cused on the retina. weight of a substance of known purity dis-
stilb (sb) solved in a known volume of suitable solvent.
A CGS unit of luminance equal to 1 cd/cm2 The concentration of this solution is traceable
(an older term). to a primary weight standard.
Stiles-Crawford effect stockholder's equity
The reduced effectiveness in stimulation of The aggregate interest of holders of the entity
the retina by a light ray entering the eye near stock in assets owned by the entity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

stockyard merable gastric glands. Their secretion, gas-
An enclosed area in which livestock are tem- tric juice, contains enzymes, mucin, and hy-
porarily kept. drochloric acid. Enzymes help to split the
stoker's cramp food molecules into smaller parts during di-
See heat cramp. gestion. Mucin acts on certain sugars and
also protects the mucous lining of the stomach
Stoke's law from coarse particles and from the corrosive
The fall of a liquid or solid body through any hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid aids in
fluid media is expressed by Stoke's law, dissolving the food before enzymes begin
which states that the settling velocity is a working on it. See also digestion.
function of gravity, the diameter and density of
the falling body, as well as the viscosity, coeffi-
cient of viscosity, and density of the media.
An airport specifically designed for Short
Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, sepa-
rate from conventional airport facilities.
A curved, muscular, saclike structure that is
an enlargement of the alimentary canal be-
tween the esophagus and the small intestine. Liver
The wall of the stomach consists of four
coats: an outer serous coat; a muscular coat,
made up of longitudinal, circular, and oblique
muscle fibers; a submucous coat; and a mu-
cous coat or membrane forming the inner lin-
ing. The muscles account for the stomach's
ability to expand when food enters it. The Stomach
muscle fibers slide over one another, reducing
the thickness of the stomach wall while in- Large Intestine
creasing its area. When empty, the stomach
has practically no cavity at all, since its walls Small Intestine
are pressed tightly together. When full, the
average stomach holds about 1_ quarts. The
stomach muscles perform another function.
When food enters the stomach, the muscles
The stomach and its relationship in the digestive system
contract in rhythm. Their combined action
sends a series of wavelike contractions from stomatitis
the upper end of the stomach to the lower end. Inflammation of the oral mucosa (mucous
These contractions, known as peristalsis, mix lining), due to local or systemic factors. It
the partially digested liquid until it has the may be caused by one of many diseases of the
consistency of a thick soup; the contractions mouth or it may accompany another disease.
then push it into the small intestine. The
stomach is emptied of its digested contents in stomion
1 to 4 hours, or longer, depending upon the The point of contact between the upper and
amount and type of food eaten. Foods rich in lower lip of the mouth in the midsagittal
carbohydrates leave the stomach more rapidly plane.
than proteins, and proteins more rapidly than stomion to top of head
fats. The stomach may continue to contract The vertical distance from stomion to vertex
after it is empty. The contraction of the plane. Measured with the individual sitting or
empty stomach stimulates nerves in its wall standing erect and facing straight ahead.
and may cause hunger pangs. The mucous
membrane lining the stomach contains innu-

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stone setter's adjustable multiple-point suspen- stopway
sion scaffold Aviation. A defined rectangular surface be-
A swinging-type scaffold having a platform yond the end of a runway prepared or suitable
supported by hangers suspended at four points for use in lieu of runway to support an air-
so as to permit the raising or lowering of the plane, without causing structural damage to
platform to the desired working position by the airplane, during an aborted takeoff.
the use of hoisting machines. storable swimming or wading pool
stop A pool with a maximum dimension of 15 feet
(1) As applied to mechanical locking, a device and a maximum wall height of 3 feet and is so
secured to a locking bar to limit its move- constructed that it may be readily disassem-
ment. (2) A point which should not be passed bled for storage and reassembled to its origi-
prior to performing some type of operation. nal integrity.
(3) A consonant sound whose production re- storage
quires a brief, complete cessation of air flow (1) General. Temporary holding of waste
through the closing off of one or more of the pending treatment or disposal. Storage meth-
cavities in the vocal tract, followed by open- ods include containers, tanks, waste piles, and
ing and the release of pressure. surface impoundments. (2) Federal Solid
stop indication point Waste Disposal Act. The containment of haz-
As applied to an automatic train stop or train ardous waste, either on a temporary basis or
control system without the use of roadway for a period of years, in such a manner as not
signals, a point where a signal displaying an to constitute disposal of such hazardous
aspect requiring a stop would be located. waste. (3) Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act
stop lamps of 1982. Retention of high-level radioactive
Lamps shown to the rear of a motor vehicle to waste, spent nuclear fuel, or transuranic waste
indicate that the service brake system is en- with the intent to recover such waste or fuel
gaged. for subsequent use, processing, or disposal.

stopclock storage facility

An electric or electromechanical timing de- Under the Resource Conservation and Recov-
vice for measuring time intervals. ery Act (RCRA), a facility which engages in
the holding of hazardous waste for a tempo-
stopping distance rary period, at the end of which the hazardous
(1) Rail Operations. The maximum distance waste is disposed of, or stored elsewhere.
on any portion of any railroad which any train
operating on such portion of railroad at its storage loss
maximum authorized speed will travel during An estimate of the typical losses which could
a full service application of the brakes, be- occur due to the storage of samples for pro-
tween the point where such application is ini- longed time periods (e.g., 10, 15, 20, etc.
tiated and the point where the train comes to a days) as determined using samples obtained
stop. (2) See braking distance. from the same test atmosphere. See also
sample storage stability.
stopping power
A measure of the ability of a substance or storage tank
material to reduce the velocity or energy of an A container for storing a hazardous fluid, in-
entity. cluding any underground cavern.

stopwatch storm sewer

A portable electrical, mechanical, or electro- A system of pipes (separate from sanitary
mechanical timing device. sewers) that carries only water runoff from
building and land surfaces.
stopwatch time study
The measurement of short time intervals in storm surge
repetitive operations using a stopwatch or An abnormal rise of the sea along a shore,
stopclock. primarily due to winds of a storm, especially a

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storm water discharge strain gauge
Any discharge from any conveyance used for An electrical device which uses a change in
collecting and conveying storm water and resistance on deformation to measure the
which is directly related to the manufacturing, amount of force applied.
processing, or raw material storage areas at an strain propagation
industrial plant. See stress transmission.
story strain synthesis
That portion of a building structure included A simulation of work strain by a combination
between the upper surface of a floor and the of work stressors.
upper surface of the floor or roof above.
strained reach
stowage The reach capability under conditions of
The act of placing hazardous materials on maximal joint extension; applying pressure to
board a vessel. any restraints.
STP strap length
See standard temperature and pressure. The distance from one bra tip, over the back
STPD of the neck to the other bra tip. Measured
See standard temperature and pressure, dry. with the individual standing or sitting erect,
strabismus without following the body contour.
A disorder in which the eyeballs are uncoor- strategic communications
dinated due to the lack of control over the ex- Aviation. Air Traffic Management (ATM)
trinsic eye muscles, resulting in the visual communications that are planned as much as a
axes not intersecting at the desired point. See day or more in advance of delivery.
also crossed eyes. strategic petroleum reserve (SPR)
straight back rule Petroleum stocks maintained by the federal gov-
A task design guideline that the back and neck ernment for use during periods of major sup-
should remain straight at all times during per- ply interruption.
formance of a task. strategy
straight truck A plan of action to accomplish a stated goal.
Vehicle with the cargo body and tractor stratification
mounted on the same chassis. Separating into layers.
straight wrist rule stratified sampling
A task design guideline that a flexed or ex- A subject selection procedure in which the
tended wrist be avoided when grasping, population is divided into different strata,
squeezing, or otherwise executing hand move- each having one or more common character-
ments requiring any significant strength ap- istics, then randomly drawing samples from
plication. each strata in proportion to that group's repre-
strain sentation in the population.
(1) To effect a change as a result of the appli- stratocumulus
cation of a stress. Physiological, psychologi- A low cloud, predominantly stratiform with
cal, or behavioral manifestation of stress on low, lumpy, rounded masses, often with blue
the body. (2) An injury or disability involv- sky between them.
ing the overuse, overextension, compression,
or twisting of a muscle, ligament, or joint. (3) stratosphere
The biomechanical, physiological, and/or psy- That portion of the atmosphere that is ten to
chological effects from one or more stressors twenty-five miles above the Earth's surface.
on an individual. (4) A change in one or more stratus
dimensions of some object due to elongation, A low, gray cloud layer with a rather uniform
contraction, or shear stressors. base whose precipitation is most commonly

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stray strength
A buoy adrift from its proper station. Strays (1) The maximum capability of an individual
may often be lodged in and amongst dikes, to exert a brief force using only his/her mus-
etc. Stray buoys can be particularly confusing cles and body segments under specified con-
in the rays of a searchlight at night. ditions. (2) See breaking strength and yield
stray light strength.
Any undesired scattered or reflected light within strength assessment
a specified volume. Also called stray luminance. Any determination of an individual's strength
stream/river under a given set of conditions.
A body of flowing water. strength-duration curve
streamline A curve indicating the relationship between
A line that shows the wind flow pattern. the time duration of stimulation and current
flow in artificially exciting a muscle or nerve.
streamline flow
Exists when fluid (e.g., air) and particles are streptococci
moving in a straight line parallel to the axis of A non-motile, non-spore-forming, aerobic-to-
a pipe or duct. See also laminar flow. facultatively anaerobic bacteria that occur
streetcar regularly in the mouth and intestines of hu-
An electrically powered rail car that is oper- mans and animals and in food and dairy prod-
ated singly or in short trains in mixed traffic ucts. Some species are pathogenic for hu-
on track in city streets. Another name for mans.
light rail. STRES
See Standardized Tests for Research with
Environmental Stressors.
(1) General. Exceeding operable or design
tolerances. (2) Anatomical. A physical, chemi-
cal, or emotional factor that causes bodily or
mental tension and may be a factor in disease
causation, fatigue, or strain. The response of
the body to a demand made on it. (3) Struc-
tural Mechanics. The resistance by an object
to application of an external mechanical force
which tends to produce a deformation. Usu-
ally quantified as the force per unit area.
stress-corrosion cracking
A mechanical- and/or environmental-induced
failure process in which sustained tensile
stress and chemical attack combine to initiate
and propagate a crack or a crack-like flow in a
metal part.
stress equivalent
A quantitative biomechanical relationship
between physiological outputs and physical
stress incontinence
The most well-known streetcars in the United States are used in An involuntary urination due to shock or a
San Francisco, California
startle response.
streetcar/trolley stress intensity factor
Includes trolleys, streetcars, and cable cars. A parameter that characterizes the stress-
strain behavior at the tip of a crack contained

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in a linear elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic dangerous to user or consumer for harm
body. caused to the ultimate user or consumer if the
stress level seller is engaged in the business of selling
The level of tangential or hoop stress, usually such product, and the product is expected to
expressed as a percentage of specified mini- and does reach the user or consumer without
mum yield strength. See also specified mini- substantial change in the condition in which it
mum yield strength. was sold. (3) Environmental Law (Property
Transfer). Indicates that fault is not prerequi-
stress reduction site to determining responsibility under the
The use of any of several techniques, such as statute. The purchaser may be liable for
deep muscle relaxation, meditation, cognitive cleanup costs even if the property was con-
restructuring, and biofeedback, in an attempt taminated prior to his or her purchase. The
to reduce stress levels. original owner may also be held accountable
stress transmission for all or part of a property's cleanup costs de-
The transfer of physical or psychological spite compliance with all regulations in effect
stress a) from the environment to the individ- at the time of property transfer.
ual, b) from the individual to the environ- strike
ment, or c) from one part of the body to an- (1) Labor. A demonstration of solidarity by a
other. collective bargaining unit characterized pri-
stressful work conditions marily by a refusal to work during labor
Having an excessive amount of one or more agreement negotiations. (2) Seismology. The
stressors in the workplace. direction, or trend, of the line marking the in-
tersection of a fault plane (or another planar
stressor geologic feature) with the horizontal. Strike
Agent, condition, or thing that causes stress is always at a right angle to dip. See also dip.
on the body.
strike-slip fault
stretch Seismology. A fault along which the slip mo-
To draw out or elongate an elastic entity. tion is parallel to the strike of the fault. See
stretch out also strike.
A reduction in the delivery rate or increase in string diagram
the length of time to deliver a product, with- A model of a plant or facility on which a
out any decrease in the total number of prod- thread or string has been used to track the
ucts delivered. flow path of employees, materials, or equip-
stretch reflex ment during some operational sequence.
The contraction of a muscle following a sud- string out
den longitudinal stretching of that muscle. See mule train.
stria stringer
A visible line inherent in certain materials or See ledger.
tissues such as skeletal muscle or imperfect
glass. strip cropping
Growing crops in a systematic arrangement of
strict liability strips or bands which serve as barriers to wind
(1) General Law. Liability without fault. The and water erosion.
common law imposes strict liability for dam-
ages caused by ultrahazardous activity. (2) strip mining
Product Liability Law. A concept applied by A process that uses machines to scrape soil or
the courts in product liability cases in which rock away from mineral deposits just under
the seller is liable for any and all defective or the earth's surface.
hazardous products which unduly threaten a strobe light
consumer's personal safety. This doctrine A flash tube which may be capable of adjust-
poses strict liability on one who sells a prod- able frequency, rapid flashing, rates over an
uct in a defective condition unreasonably extended period of time.

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stroboscope structure-borne noise
A device which flashes a bright light or opens That noise transmitted vibroacoustically
a shutter intermittently to make moving ob- through some structure.
jects visible. structure-borne sound
stroboscopic effect Sound that travels over at least part of its path
Illumination. Rapidly moving objects, when by means of the vibration of a solid structure.
observed under fluorescent or mercury lighting structures
systems, appear to be blurred or not moving. Asbestos. A microscopic bundle, cluster, or
stroke matrix made up of asbestos fibers or which
(1) The distance traveled by a piston in a cyl- may contain asbestos fibers.
inder during 1/2 revolution of the crankshaft. structures per cubic centimeters of air (s/cm3)
(2) The motion which depresses one key The number of asbestos structures determined
when using a keyboard or keypad. (3) A sin- to be present in 1 cubic centimeter of air.
gle motion of a pen or cathode ray tube gun. Typically, there are more asbestos structures
(4) A condition in which blood flow to some per cc of air seen on a filter sample than there
portion or all of the brain is severely reduced are fibers per cc of air because the analytical
or eliminated. method of counting structures (TEM) sees
stroke volume more countable shapes than are seen by the
The amount of blood ejected from the left phase contrast method of counting fibers.
ventricle of the heart into the arterial system STS
from one cardiac contraction cycle. See Space Transportation System.
stroke width student pilot
The width of a drawn or displayed line. A pilot in training who may not operate an
strong interest inventory aircraft that is carrying a passenger or that is
A commonly used self-assessment test for aid carrying property for compensation or hire.
in job seeking. study session
strong outside container An interaction between interested participants
The outermost enclosure which provides pro- to obtain or learn new information and evalu-
tection against the unintentional release of its ate current information.
contents under conditions normally incident stutter
to transportation. A speech impairment in which an individual
strongback speaks hesitatingly due to difficulty in saying
See beam (3). certain syllables. See also stammer.
Stroop color-word test stylion
The presentation of conflicting color and The most distal point on the lateral margin of
word stimuli. the radius styloid process at the wrist.
strophosphere styloid process
A reach envelope for the hand/arm combina- A long, spine-like projection from a bone.
tion or the leg/foot combination in which any stylus
translational or rotational motion of the limb A pen- or pencil-shaped computer input de-
or its terminal segment is permitted. See also vice, usually used in conjunction with a dig-
kinetosphere. itizing tablet for drawing or marking input lo-
struck by boat or propeller cations.
Striking of a victim who is outside of the boat, subarachnoid space
but not necessarily a swimmer. A region between the arachnoid layer and the
structural component pia mater surrounding the brain, which is
A component such as a bolt, lug, hook, filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
shackle, pin, rivet, or weld in a piece of mate-
rial handling equipment.

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subassembly subjective brightness
The combination of two or more parts form- See brightness.
ing a unit which is a component of a larger subjective report
product or system. Any appropriate form of expression by an
subchronic RfD individual regarding some effect, experience,
An estimate (with an uncertainty spanning or other phenomenon which cannot be inde-
perhaps an order of magnitude or greater) of a pendently verified or quantified.
daily exposure level for the human popula- subjective vertical
tion, including sensitive subpopulations, that That direction which an individual perceives
is likely to be without an appreciable risk of as vertical.
deleterious effects if the exposure were to oc-
cur for a period of less than seven years. Subjective Workload Assessment Technique
subcontract A method for determining mental workload,
An agreement with a party other than the in which ratings on three scales (time, mental
prime contractor or the original contracting effort, and psychological stress) are combined
customer to perform services and/or provide or examined separately to provide the work-
one or more products. load measure.
subcontractor sublimation
See contractor. The process whereby ice changes directly into
subcutaneous water vapor without melting. In meteorology,
Beneath the skin. sublimation can also mean the transformation
of water vapor into ice. See also deposition
subcutaneous emphysema (2).
An accumulation of gas beneath the skin sur-
face. sublimation nuclei
See deposition nuclei.
Division of real estate into new parcels not subliminal
presently served by road utilities. Pertaining to a stimulus having an intensity
below the perceptual or responsive threshold.
subdural hematoma
An accumulation of blood between the dura sublingual
mater and arachnoid layer covering the brain. Pertaining to or a structure which lies beneath
the tongue.
subischial height
The vertical linear distance from the floor or submandibular
other reference surface to the height of the Below the mandible.
lowest point of the ischial tuberosity. Gener- submarine
ally assumed to represent the length of the (1) General. A marine vessel capable of pro-
lower extremities; estimated by subtracting longed and extensive operation either totally
sitting height from stature. or partially submerged underwater. (2) Tran-
subject sit (slang). To slide under a lap safety belt or
A member of a specified population or sample other object intended for restraint.
who is selected according to some specified submerged stream
methodology and from whom a researcher An old river course inundated by an im-
intends to obtain data. pounded water body.
subjective subnasale
Pertaining to some internal measure, state, or The junction of the base of the nasal septum
aspect which is not directly observable or and the philtrum.
verifiable by more than one person except as
the product of an individual's verbal or other subnasale to back of head
reporting means. The horizontal linear distance from the base
of the nasal septum to inion. Measured with

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the individual standing erect and facing subsidence
straight ahead. The slow sinking of air, usually associated
with high-pressure areas.
subnasale to top of head
The vertical distance from the base of the na- subsidence inversion
sal septum to the horizontal vertex plane. A temperature inversion produced by the
Measured with the individual standing or sit- adiabatic warming of a layer of sinking air.
ting erect. subsonic
subnasale to wall Traveling at a velocity less than that of sound
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to in a given medium (an outdated term).
the base of the nasal septum. Measured with subsonic sound
the individual standing erect with his/her back Sound energy in the frequency range below
against the wall. 20 Hz.
subregional port substantial damages
Waterfront area which a) has place identity, (1) General. A sum, assessed by way of
by reason of association with an adjacent or damages, which is worth having; opposed to
nearby town or city; b) has at least three nominal damages, which are assessed to sat-
commercial terminals located within a reason- isfy a bare legal right. Considerable in
able distance of the general area; and c) is amount and intended as a real compensation
served by a major railroad and at least one for a real injury. (2) Aviation – NTSB. As
major interstate or U.S. highway. stated in 49 CFR 830.2, damage or structural
subrogation failure which adversely affects the structural
The legal process in which one party attempts strength, performance, or flight characteristics
to recover the amount paid under a policy to of the aircraft, and which would normally re-
an insured from a third party when the latter quire major repair or replacement of the af-
may have been responsible for the situation fected component. This does not include en-
causing the loss. gine failure, damage limited to an engine, bent
fairings or cowling, dented skin, small punc-
subscapular skinfold tured holes in the skin of the fabric, ground
The thickness of a skinfold taken at an angle damage to rotor or propeller blades, damage
about 45° to horizontal just below the inferior to landing gear, wheels, tires, flaps, engine
angle of the scapula. Measured with the indi- accessories, brakes, or wingtips.
vidual standing comfortably erect and the
substantial discretionary authority
arms hanging naturally at the sides.
Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
subscapular skinfold, recumbent (FSGs): Individuals who, within the scope of
The subscapular skinfold measure, but using a their authority, exercise a substantial measure
skinfold from the inferior angle of the scapula of discretion in acting on behalf of the organi-
pointing toward the elbow. Measured with zation. Includes high-level personnel with
the individual lying on one side, the acromial substantial discretionary authority and any
processes of the shoulders aligned vertically, other individuals who although not a part of
and the arm positioned along the side of the the organization’s management nevertheless
body with the palm against the thigh. exercise substantial discretion when acting
subscript within the scope of their authority. See also
An alphanumeric character or symbol placed effective compliance program.
just to the right and below another character substantial evidence rule
or symbol, often of smaller point size. Such evidence that a reasonable mind might
subscription bus accept as adequate to support a conclusion. It
A commuter bus express service operated for is that quality of evidence necessary for a
a guaranteed number of patrons from a given court to affirm a decision of an administrative
area on a prepaid, reserved basis. board. Substantial evidence is evidence pos-
sessing something of substance and relevant
consequences and which furnishes substantial

©2000 CRC Press LLC

basis of fact from which issues tendered can subtropical jet stream
be reasonably resolved. The jet stream typically found between 20º
substantive defense and 30º latitude at altitudes between 12 and
Deals with the validity and applicability of a 14 kilometers.
particular standard to the facts of the case, the suburban bus
nature of the employer’s conduct, and its ef- A bus with front doors only, normally with
fect on the safety and health of employees. high-backed seats, and without luggage com-
substernale partments or restroom facilities for use in
The most inferior point on the xiphoid process longer-distance service with relatively few
in the midsagittal plane. stops.

substernale height suburban railroad

The vertical distance from the floor or other See commuter railroad.
reference surface to substernale in the mid- subway
sagittal plane. Measured with the individual (1) That portion of a transportation system
standing erect and his/her weight balanced that is constructed beneath the ground surface,
equally on both feet. regardless of its method of construction. (2)
substitution An underground rail rapid transit system or
The replacement of a hazardous material or the tunnel through which it runs. (3) In local
source of physical stress with a less hazardous usage, sometimes used for the entire rail rapid
one. transit system, even if it is not all beneath the
ground surface. (4) A pedestrian underpass.
substitution analysis
An examination of the rate at which new
equipment or technology is projected to re-
place that existing in the present economy.
An element of a system that, in and of itself,
may constitute a system.
A set of task elements which comprise a logi-
cal, describable unit within a task.
subtracted time
The time representing the period required for
completion of one or a group of work ele- Subway systems provide extremely efficient mass transit
ments obtained from the difference between
successive stopwatch or stopclock readings subway tunnel/tube
when using a continuous timing technique. Rail transit way below surface with a cover
over the tunnel. Cut and cover, bored tunnel,
subtractive color mixing underwater tubes, etc. are included.
The addition and integration of one or more
colored substances or materials to an existing suction
set. The admission of fresh air into an interior
space by lowering the pressure outside of the
subtropical high space, thereby drawing the contaminated air
A semipermanent high in the subtropical inward. See also ventilation.
high-pressure belt centered near 30º latitude.
The Bermuda high is located over the Atlantic suction piping
Ocean off the east coast of North America. Piping which does not require leak detection
The Pacific high is located off the west coast if it has the following two main characteris-
of North America. tics: a) below-grade piping is sloped so that
the contents will drain back into the storage
tank if the suction is released; b) each suction

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line has only one check valve which is located sulfur dioxide (SO2)
directly below the suction pump. A heavy, pungent, colorless, gaseous air pol-
suction pressure lutant formed primarily by the combustion of
An outdated term that refers to static pressure fossil plants.
on the upstream side of a fan in a ventilation SUMMA canister
system. See static pressure. An evacuated stainless steel canister used for
suction vortices collecting samples of ambient air.
Small, rapidly rotating whirls perhaps 10 me- summary judgment
ters in diameter that are found within large A stage in civil litigation where a party seeks
tornadoes. to win on the law as applied to facts shown by
sudden injury the pleadings and affidavits to be uncontested.
An injury occurring unexpectedly and not In other words, the court decides on a motion
naturally or in the ordinary course of events. for summary judgment that there are no mate-
Sometimes called violent injury. rial facts in dispute warranting a trial, and that
a party should win on the law.
sudoriferous gland
See sweat gland. summation
The additive effects in neural, muscular, or
sufficient evidence mental activities.
Adequate evidence. Such evidence in char-
acter, weight, or amount as will legally justify Summer solstice
the judicial or official action demanded. Approximately June 22 in the Northern Hemi-
sphere when the sun is highest in the sky and
suffocation directly overhead at latitude 23.5°N, the
The stoppage of breathing or the asphyxia that Tropic of Cancer.
results from it. If suffocation is complete
(i.e., no air at all reaches the lungs), the lack Summerstock
of oxygen and excess of carbon dioxide in the U.S. Coast Guard. Operation Summerstock
blood will cause almost immediate loss of has been a major program over the past fifteen
consciousness. Though the heart continues to years where Search and Rescue (SAR) sta-
beat briefly, death will follow in a matter of tions in the Ninth District are augmented by
minutes unless emergency measures are taken Reserve personnel during the busy summer
to get breathing started again. Suffocation SAR season.
can be caused by drowning, electric shock, sump
gas or smoke poisoning, strangulation, or A well, pit, tank, or reservoir usually located
choking on a foreign body in the trachea. indoors for catching liquid runoff for drainage
suffusion or disposal.
The spreading or flow of any bodily fluid sump pump
through interstitial spaces into surrounding A mechanism for removing water or waste-
tissue. water from a sump or wet well.
sugar sunburn
Any of a class of carbohydrates having a A discoloration or inflammation of the skin
chemical formula of the type Cn H2nOn or due to excessive exposure to the ultraviolet
CnH2n+2On-1, and generally having a sweet light from the sun.
A colored luminous spot produced by refrac-
A person ending his or her own life intention-
tion of light through ice crystals that appears
on either side of the sun.
The term given a civil action filed in court. sunlight
Also known as a lawsuit. That radiation from the sun within or near the
visible spectrum.

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sunspots Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments
Relatively cooler areas on the sun's surface. Plan (SCAP)
They represent regions of extremely high An EPA document which provides details on
magnetic field. each hazardous waste site and those clean-up
Super Lien Law activities that are expected to occur during
Provides states the authority to impose a lien each fiscal quarter.
on any property requiring clean up that in- superheated steam
volves state expense. The super lien law takes Steam at a temperature higher than the boiling
precedence over all other encumbrances in- temperature corresponding to the pressure at
cluding first mortgages. which it exists.
supercell storm superhigh frequency (SHF)
An enormous severe thunderstorm whose up- That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
drafts and downdrafts are nearly in balance, consisting of radiation frequencies between 3
allowing it to maintain itself for several hours. GHz and 30 GHz.
It can produce large hail and tornadoes. superhighway
Supercockpit A multi-lane, limited access highway for
A USAF program for developing a virtual high-speed surface vehicular traffic, such as a
workspace having many advanced dis- turnpike, freeway, or expressway.
play/control technologies for pilot/crew inter- superior
action. Located above relative to another structure.
supercooled cloud superior levator
A cloud composed of liquid droplets at tem- A flat extraocular muscle which raises the
peratures below 0ºC (32ºF). When the cloud upper eyelid.
is on the ground, it is called supercooled fog
or cold fog. superior mirage
See mirage.
Popular name of the Comprehensive Envi- superior oblique muscle
ronmental Response, Compensation, and Li- A voluntary extraocular muscle principally for
ability Act (CERCLA) of 1980. The program rotating the upper part of the eyeball medially
operated under the legislative authority of about the optical axis.
CERCLA and SARA that funds and carries superior rectus muscle
out the EPA solid waste emergency and long- A voluntary extraocular muscle parallel to the
term removal remedial activities. These ac- optical axis along the upper eyeball for look-
tivities include establishing the National Pri- ing/pitching the eyeball upward
orities List (NPL), investigating sites for in-
clusion on the list, determining their priority superiority of trains
level on the list, and coordinating and/or su- The precedence conferred upon one train over
pervising the ultimately determined clean-up other trains by train order or by reason of its
and other remedial actions. See also Com- class or the direction of its movement.
prehensive Environmental Response, Com- supernova
pensation, and Liabilities Act of 1980. A tremendous explosion of a massive star.
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization supersaturated air
Act (SARA) A condition that occurs in the atmosphere
Enacted in 1986 to ensure that communities when the relative humidity is greater than 100
throughout the country would be prepared to percent.
respond to chemical accidents and to provide
the public with information on hazardous and
An alphanumeric character or symbol nor-
toxic chemicals used and released in their own
mally placed just above and to the right of an-
communities (SARA, Title III). Also known
other character or symbol, and which may be
as the Emergency Planning and Community
smaller in point size.
Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA).

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supersonic riage of passengers or cargo, or both, in air
(1) Faster than the velocity of sound. (2) See transportation. Also referred to as nonsched-
ultrasonic. uled or charter air carriers.
superstition Supplemental Data System
An unsubstantiated belief that a cause-effect A Bureau of Labor Standards program in-
relationship exists between two or more volving the national collection and distribu-
events. tion of workers' compensation data for the
supervisor purpose of aiding in the determination of ac-
One who oversees and directs the work ac- cident causes.
tivities and is involved in any personnel ac- supplementary lighting
tions of a subordinate. Any lighting supplied in addition to that gen-
supervisory control eral lighting which is normally available at a
Having computer hardware and software at given location to provide a certain quality or
either or both ends of an operator–teleoperator quantity.
loop to aid decision making. supplied-air respirators
supinate A device that supplies breathing air to the
To rotate the forearm clockwise about its wearer through hoses carrying a continuous
proximal-to-distal longitudinal axis, as flow of air, usually from a breathing-air com-
viewed from the shoulder. pressor or from a bank air supply under pres-
sure. A series of regulators and valves is of-
supinator ten employed to ensure proper air flow. Often
Any muscle which is involved in a supinating used in highly contaminated atmospheres or
motion. oxygen deficient atmospheres.
supine supplied-air suit
Pertaining to a posture in which the anterior A closed suit which is impermeable to most
portion of the body faces upward, the torso is particulate and gaseous contaminants and
aligned parallel to a reference surface, and the which provides the wearer with an adequate
hips and knees are extended. supply of breathable air.
supplemental air carrier supplies and other net spare parts
(1) An air carrier holding a certificate issued Aviation. Flight equipment replacement parts
under section 401(d)(3) of the Federal Avia- of a type recurrently expended and replaced
tion Act, or a special operating authorization rather than repaired or reused, supplies such
issued under section 417 of the Act. (2) One as unissued fuel inventories and unissued
of a class of air carriers now holding Certifi- materials and supplies held in stock, prepaid
cates of Public Convenience and Necessity is- items, net investments in direct financing and
sued by the Department of Transportation sales type leases, and other current assets.
authorizing them to perform passenger and Spare parts may be reduced by an allowance
cargo charter services supplementing the for obsolescence to provide for losses in
scheduled service of the certificated route air value.
carriers. Both international and domestic
charter operations are for a temporary period. supply air (SA)
The authority of supplemental air carriers to In a ventilation system, the air supplied to a
engage in military charters is of an indefinite space from the air handling system.
period. In addition, they can perform on an supply air diffuser
emergency basis, as may be authorized by the A fixture and opening through which air is
Department of Transportation, scheduled op- supplied to a space.
erations including the transportation of indi- suppression of evidence
vidually ticketed passengers and individually The ruling of a trial judge to the effect that
waybilled cargo. (3) An air carrier certifi- evidence sought to be admitted should be ex-
cated in accordance with FAR Part 121, and cluded because it was illegally acquired.
providing nonscheduled or supplemental car-

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suppuration surface acoustic wave touchscreen
The formation of pus, or the act of becoming A display having a surface layer which emits
converted into and discharging pus. ultrasonic energy and which indicates a touch
suprachiasmatic nucleus location through absorption of the energy by
A group of cells above the optic chiasm in the the water content of the finger.
hypothalamus which receives input directly surface active agent
from the retina and is believed to be involved Surfactant. Any of a class of chemicals used
as a pacemaker in biological rhythms. in cleaning which act to emulsify oils, grease,
supracondylar and attached dirt by reducing the interface
A structure located superior to a condyle. tension of the substances involved.

suprailiac skinfold surface distance

The thickness of a skinfold directed antero- A measurement representing the distance
when following the general surface contour of
medially and downward at an angle of 45° on
some structure.
the midaxillary line just superior to the level
of the iliac crest. Measured with the individ- surface impoundment
ual standing comfortably erect, the body Treatment, storage, or disposal of liquid haz-
weight distributed equally on both feet, and ardous waste in ponds.
the abdominal muscles relaxed. surface inspection
supraliminal A nondestructive examination method, other
Pertaining to a stimulus intensity above the than visual, used for detection of surface and
perceptual threshold. near surface discontinuities.

suprapatellar skinfold surface inversion

The thickness of a vertical skinfold on the See radiation inversion.
lower thigh, 2 cm above the patella. Meas- surface model
ured with the individual standing comfortably An image in which only the edges and sur-
erect, the weight equally distributed on both faces of objects are displayed.
feet, and the leg muscles relaxed.
surface rights
suprasternal notch Fee ownership in surface areas of land. Also
The depression on the superior surface of the used to describe a lessee's right to use as
manubrium. Also called jugular notch. much of the surface of the land as may be rea-
suprasternale sonably necessary for the conduct of opera-
The lowest point in the suprasternal notch on tions under the lease.
the superior edge of the manubrium. surface rupture
suprasternale height The breakage of ground along the surface
The vertical distance from the floor or other trace of a fault caused by the intersection of
reference surface to suprasternale. Measured the fault surface area ruptured in an earth-
with the individual standing erect and his/her quake with the Earth's surface.
weight equally balanced on both feet. surface tension
suprasternale height, sitting That force acting on the surface of a liquid
The vertical linear distance from the upper substance which tends to minimize the surface
seat surface to suprasternale. Measured with area.
the individual sitting erect, on a non- surface trace
compressible seat; used to provide a measure The intersection of a fault plane with the sur-
of trunk length. face of the Earth. It is sometimes, but not al-
surface ways, expressed at the surface by geomorphic
The exterior of an object; the most superficial evidence (ridges, valleys, saddles, etc.).
layer or part of a structure. surface water
All water naturally open to the atmosphere
(rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, impound-

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ment areas, seas, estuaries, etc.) and all space for the purposes of control, separation,
springs, wells, or other collectors which are and identification. Surveillance systems are
directly influenced by surface water. electronic in nature; visual methods are pur-
surface-wave magnitude (MS) posely excluded. In the case of dependent
A magnitude determined at teleseismic dis- surveillance, the aircraft provides all flight in-
tances using the logarithm of the amplitude of formation. Surveillance systems are differen-
20-second period surface waves generated by tiated as independent, independent coopera-
tive, and dependent.
an earthquake.
surveillance system
A series of monitoring devices designed to
A surface-active agent used in detergents to
determine environmental quality.
cause lathering. See also surface active
agent. survey
(1) General. A general or specific assessment
surge of the conditions currently existing at a given
A sudden, short-lived increase in energy out- location or with a given process, usually with
put. reference to some known standard or ap-
surge pressure proved criteria or protocol. (2) Industrial Hy-
Pressure produced by a change in velocity of giene. The determination of the exposure of
the moving stream that results from shutting workers to health hazards based on the concen-
down a pump station or pumping unit, closure tration, frequency, and duration of exposure, as
of a valve, or any other blockage of the mov- well as the exposure controls and work practices
ing stream. associated with an individual's exposure to an
surplus airborne contaminant, physical stress, ergo-
Any excess personal property not required for nomic factor, or biologic agent. (3) Ionizing
the needs and the discharge of the responsi- Radiation. An evaluation of the radiological
bilities of any federal agency, as determined conditions and potential hazards associated with
by the Administrator of General Services. the production, use, transfer, release, disposal, or
presence of a radioactive material or other
surplus energy source of exposure to ionizing radiation.
Energy generated that is beyond the immedi-
survey meter
ate needs of the producing system. This en-
A portable instrument that measures ionizing
ergy may be supplied by spinning reserve and
radiation dose rate.
sold on an interruptible basis.
survival ratio
surrogate The ratio of the number of individuals sur-
In sampling, the measurement of one com- viving a situation to the number present prior
pound in place of determining the presence of to that situation.
many others. For example, the determination
of an oxygenate component of gasoline as a SUS
surrogate or marker for that product rather See Saybolt universal seconds.
than determining the presence of all compo- susceptible
nents in it. Describes a person or animal lacking suffi-
surround brightness cient resistance to prevent disease if or when
The brightness of the immediate background exposed to a particular pathogenic agent.
near the work area. susceptor
surveillance One or more aluminum strips within a micro-
(1) General Safety. To physically monitor, on wave cooking dish which help cook the en-
a continuous or random schedule, a work op- closed food.
eration, task, procedure, or process to ensure suspended solids
or verify compliance with general or specific Small particles of solid pollutants that float on
safety requirements. (2) Aviation. The de- the surface of, or are suspended in sewage or
tection, location, and tracking of aircraft other liquids. They resist removal by con-
within National Airspace System (NAS) air- ventional means.

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suspension SUV
(1) A temporary dismissal from work for im- See sports utility vehicle.
proper activities in the workplace, which may Sv
be with or without pay. (2) That mechanism See sievert.
used to improve ride quality by isolating a
land vehicle from the shock and vibration ex- SVOC
perienced by movement on a surface. (3) The Semi-volatile organic compound.
act of suspending the use of a pesticide when swab test
EPA deems it necessary to do so to prevent an A surface contact method of microbiological
imminent hazard resulting from continued use examination of surfaces, usually used to as-
of the pesticide. An emergency suspension sess the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitiz-
takes effect immediately; under an ordinary ing procedures.
suspension a registrant can request a hearing swallowing
before the suspension goes into effect. Such a The taking in of a substance through the
hearing process might take six months. mouth and pharynx and into the esophagus. It
suspension culture is a combination of a voluntary act and a se-
Individual cells or small clumps of cells ries of reflex actions. Once begun, the proc-
growing in a liquid nutrient medium. ess operates automatically
sustainability swamp
A recent trend in environmental management A type of wetland that is dominated by woody
to create opportunity for continuous im- vegetation and does not accumulate apprecia-
provement and job growth in dealing with ble peat deposits. Swamps may be fresh or
contaminated properties and development. salt water and tidal or non-tidal. See also
sustained hold wetlands.
The maintenance of a position for an indefi- swamp and overflowed lands
nite or long period of time. Lands unfit for cultivation by reason of their
sustained yield swampy character and requiring drainage or
Under the Federal Land Policy and Manage- reclamation to render them available for bene-
ment Act of 1976: The achievement and ficial use.
maintenance in perpetuity of a high-level an- swamping
nual or regular periodic output of the various Filling with water, particularly over the side,
renewable resources of the public lands con- but retaining sufficient buoyancy to remain on
sistent with multiple use. the surface. See also sinking.
suture swap file
(1) A type of skeletal joint in which adjacent Computing. A file Windows creates on a
bone surfaces are essentially fused together. computer's hard disk that it uses to swap in-
(2) To close a wound using sewing tech- formation into and out of memory. Windows
niques. uses the swap file to create virtual memory.
There are two types of swap files: permanent
and temporary. See permanent swap file and
temporary swap file.
Seismology. A series of minor earthquakes,
none of which may be identified as the main-
shock, occurring in a limited area and time.
The mass of broken foaming water which
rushes bodily up a beach as a wave breaks.
Sutures used to close a wound just over the eye See Subjective Workload Assessment Tech-

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swatch swing
A piece of cloth for comparing color or pat- The phase of a gait cycle during which the
tern in the textile industry. foot is not in contact with the ground.
S-wave swing dog
A seismic body wave which propagates by a Rail Operations. A locking dog mounted in
shearing motion in which particles vibrate in a such a manner that it is free to rotate on a
direction perpendicular to that of the propa- trunnion which is riveted to a locking bar.
gation of the wave. Slower than the P-wave, swing shift
the S-wave always arrives after the P-wave (1) A work shift which overlaps two other
(the "S" stands for secondary). Its speed is shifts, usually on an around-the-clock opera-
roughly 3 to 4 km/sec in the crust and 4.4 to tion. (2) That work shift which a crew works
4.6 km/sec in the upper mantle. Because of following and in addition to its regular shift to
its shearing motion, it cannot propagate rotate shifts by eight hours in an around-the-
through liquids. The S-wave is responsible clock operation. This crew works two shifts
for the determination that the Earth's outer (about 16 hours) on the day of the shift. (3)
core is liquid, since S-waves cannot travel That work shift which is manned by a crew
through the outer core. See also P-wave. which rotates to work all three shifts within a
swayback week on a 7-day, around-the-clock operation
(slang). A greater than normal lordosis of the to provide days off to workers on each of the
lumbar spine. May be accompanied by in- other shifts.
creased compensatory kyphosis of the tho- swinging-arm rule
racic spine. A task design guideline that any movements
SWDA of the arms should follow a natural arc, and
Solid Waste Disposal Act (federal). that a barrier or stop should bring the motion
sweat to a halt rather than muscular activity.
(1) To secrete sweat from the pores of the swinging platform
skin. (2) The transparent, colorless, water- See two-point suspension scaffold.
based fluid consisting of fats, salts, carbohy- swinging-vane anemometer
drates, and other materials secreted from the Device that measures air velocity and static
sweat glands. During periods of maximal pressure by utilizing the compression of a
sweating, as in extremely hot weather, the calibrated spring by the moving air stream.
amount of water eliminated can account for a Also known as a velometer.
loss of as much as 8 pounds of body weight
per day. Excessive sweating is called diapho- switch
resis. (1) General. Any mechanical or electrical de-
vice which may close or open a path, or change
sweat gland the direction of an entity traveling along a path.
A coiled tube-shaped gland in the skin which (2) General-use Switch. A switch intended for
secretes sweat. Also called sudoriferous gland.
use in general distribution and branch circuits.
sweating It is rated in amperes and is capable of inter-
The excretion of perspiration through the rupting its rated current at its rated voltage. (3)
pores of the skin. See also sweat. General-use Snap Switch. A form of general-
sweet crude oil use switch so constructed that it can be in-
Crude oil that is low in sulfur, especially little stalled in flush device boxes or on outlet box
or no hydrogen sulfide. covers, or otherwise used in conjunction with
wiring systems recognized by applicable stan-
SWF/LS dards. (4) Isolating Switch. A switch intended
See Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. for isolating an electric circuit from the source
swimmer's ear of power. It has no interrupting rating, and it is
See otitis media. intended to be operated only after the circuit
has been opened by some other means. See
also disconnecting switch. (5) Motor-circuit

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Switch. A switch, rated in horsepower, capable switching devices
of interrupting the maximum operating over- As pertains to systems over 600 volts (nomi-
load current of a motor of the same horsepower nal), devices designed to close and/or open
rating as the switch at the rated voltage. one or more electric circuits. Included in this
switch-and-lock movement category are circuit breakers, cutouts, discon-
Rail Operations. A device, the complete op- necting (or isolating) switches, disconnecting
eration of which performs the three functions means, interrupter switches, and oil (filled)
of unlocking, operating, and locking a switch, cutouts.
movable-point frog or derail. switching service
switch circuit controller A railway service performed under yard rules
Rail Operations. A device for opening and and regulations. It may involve the classifi-
closing electric circuits, operated by a rod con- cation of cars according to commodity and
nected to a switch, derail, or movable-point destination; the assembling of cars for train
frog. movement; changing the position of cars for
purposes of loading, unloading, and weighing;
switch in the placing of locomotives and cars for repair
To remove barges from the main tow and and storage; and the moving of equipment in
move them into an unloading or fleeting area. connection with the carrier's work service not
The switching is done by the switching tug.
constituting a road movement.
switch out
To move barges from the unloading or fleet-
The ability of a chair or other object to rotate
ing area to the main tow.
in either direction about a central vertical axis.
switch providing access
A switch which if traversed by rolling equip- SWRCA
ment could permit that rolling equipment to Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act
couple to the equipment being protected. of 1977 (federal).

switch shunting circuit sycosis

A shunting circuit which is closed through A pustular inflammation of the hair follicles,
contacts of a switch circuit controller. See usually of the beard.
also shunt and shunt fouling circuit. sycosis barbae
switchboard A staphylococcal infection and irritation of
A large single panel, frame, or assembly of the hair follicles in the beard region. It may
panels which have switches, buses, instru- be associated with other superficial bacterial
ments, overcurrent and other protective de- infections, such as impetigo or furunculosis.
vices mounted on the face or back or both. Sydenham's chorea
Switchboards are generally accessible from A usually temporary form of chorea associ-
the rear as well as from the front and are not ated with rheumatic heart disease in children.
intended to be installed in cabinets. See also The disease is characterized by purposeless,
panelboard. irregular movements of the voluntary muscles
switching and terminal railroad that cannot be controlled by the afflicted per-
A company primarily performing switching son. The spasmodic jerking movements may
service, furnishing terminal trackage, bridges, be mild or severe and frequently begin as
or other facilities such as union freight sta- awkwardness and facial grimaces. See also
tions, operating ferries, or performing any one Huntington's chorea.
or combination of these functions. It may symbiosis
coincidentally conduct a regular freight or A mutually beneficial cohabitation of dis-
passenger service. similar organisms.
switching boat symbol
Tug used to move barges between the loading Any graphical character or other representa-
or fleeting area and the main tow. Usually tion which is intended to: a) stand for some-
has about 1350 horsepower. thing else, b) communicate a use for an ob-

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ject/structure, or c) communicate what should shifted without clashing, eliminating need for
or should not be done at a given time or loca- double clutching.
tion. synchronization allowance
symbolic control See interference allowance.
The use of symbols/graphics as input to exer- synchronizer
cise a controlling function. See entraining agent.
symbology syncope
The study or use of a set of symbols for com- A temporary loss of consciousness due to hy-
munication. poxia of the brain. Commonly referred to as
symmetry fainting. See also faint.
Having corresponding similar components or syndrome
appearance on either side of an imaginary The combined set of signs and symptoms that
point, axis, or plane. typifies a particular disease.
sympathetic synergism
Pertaining to the division of the autonomic The cooperative interaction of two or more
nervous system originating from the thoracic chemicals or other substances or phenomena
and lumbar sections of the spinal cord, its that produces a total effect greater than that of
ganglia are located near the spinal column, the sum of the individual effects. See also
and it generally opposes the parasympathetic synergy.
division by actively responding in stressful
conditions. Synonymous with thoracolum- synergist
bar. An entity which acts to assist another entity
when their efforts are combined, referring es-
sympathy pecially to a muscle aiding another muscle in
A shared feeling or identification with another performing its action.
synergistic effect
symphyseal height The added effect produced by two processes
The vertical distance from the floor or other working together in combination, the result of
reference surface to symphysion. Measured which is greater than the sum of the individual
with the individual standing erect and weight effects.
equally distributed on both feet.
symphysion The effect when two or more substances, con-
The lowest point of the pubic symphysis. ditions, organisms, etc. achieve a result which
symphysis each is individually incapable of achieving.
A normally non-movable skeletal joint in synesthesia
which bones are tightly joined by a cartilagi- Experiencing a sensation in another sensory
nous plate. modality which accompanies a primary sen-
symptom sation evoked by a stimulus in the primary
Subjective evidence of disease or illness, as modality.
indicated by a departure from the normal in synkinesia
structure, function, or sensation, as experi- The involuntary motion of limbs which coin-
enced by an individual. cides with voluntary movement of another
synapse part of the body. Also called accessory
The electrical and/or chemical junction be- movement.
tween two or more neurons at which informa- synonym
tion can be passed from one cell to another. Refers to another name by which a specific
synchromesh transmission chemical may be known. For example, a
synonym for toluene is toluol.
A transmission with mechanisms for match-
ing up the gear speeds so that they can be

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synoptic scale
The typical weather map scale that shows
features such as high- and low-pressure areas
and fronts over a distance spanning a conti-
nent. Also referred to as the cyclonic scale.
synovial fluid
A clear, viscous fluid contained within certain
joints, bursa, and tendons which provides lu-
brication for movement of those structures.
synovial membrane
That tissue which encloses a synovial cavity
at a synovial joint. The common hypodermic syringe

synovitis system
The reaction or series of reactions by which a (1) General. An organized set of principals or
complex compound is obtained from simpler ideas. (2) System Safety. A combination of
compounds or elements. people, procedures, facility, and/or equipment
synthesis all functioning within a given or specified
The reaction or series of reactions by which a working environment to accomplish a specific
complex compound is obtained from simpler task or set of tasks. (3) Transportation. Total
compounds or elements. operations of a carrier or carrier grouping in-
cluding both domestic and international op-
synthetic basic motion times
erations. (4) Medical. A set or series of in-
A set of standard times assigned to individual
terconnected or interdependent parts or enti-
motions and groups of such motions via syn-
ties (objects, organs, or organisms) that acts
together in a common purpose or produces re-
synthetic data sults impossible by action of one alone.
Any value(s) obtained from established tables system anthropometry
or formulas, not empirically from the actual A representation of the human body in three-
situation(s) to which they are relevant. See dimensional coordinate space, describing all
also synthesis. body links and joint angles.
synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) system critical
Manmade organic chemicals. Some SOCs are A single-point failure item or component in a
volatile, others tend to stay dissolved in water system the loss or failure of which would re-
rather than evaporate out of it. sult in a loss or failure of the entire system.
synthetic standard data system dynamics
Standard times obtained from synthetic data. The interactions within a functioning system.
synthetic vision system engineering
The use of millimeter radar waves to see The application of engineering principles to
through clouds, haze, or certain other non- concept formation, requirements and specifi-
visually transparent media to create images of cations development, hardware/software de-
what lies within or beyond that media. sign and development, testing, and verifica-
syringe tion of a system, including all supporting
An instrument for introducing fluids into the documentation for development and use.
body or a body cavity. A common example is System for Aiding Man-Machine Interaction
the hypodermic syringe which is used for the Evaluation (SAMMIE)
introduction of liquids through a hollow nee- An interactive, three-dimensional computer
dle into subcutaneous tissue. modeling software package for designing the
physical aspects of man and workplaces.

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system loss complishment of system safety tasks and ac-
Damage to an extent that renders repair imprac- tivities consistent with the overall organiza-
tical. Requires salvage or system replacement. tional requirements.
system planning system safety precedence
Aviation. Also known as integrated airport An ordered listing of preferred methods of
system planning, it is the initial as well as eliminating or controlling hazards. Typically,
continuing development for planning pur- it is listed as:
poses of information and guidance to deter- 1. Design for no or low hazard risk
mine the extent, type, nature, location, and 2. Implement engineering control
timing of airport development needed in a 3. Enforce administrative controls
specific area to establish a viable, balanced, 4. Install barriers or warnings
and integrated system of public-use airports. 5. Require personal protective equipment
system response time 6. Accept or reject risk
The elapsed time from the signal to begin a system safety program
command to the notification that the com- The combination of tasks and activities of
mand has been executed. system safety management and system safety
system safety engineering that enhances operational effec-
(1) A sub-discipline of system engineering tiveness by satisfying the system safety re-
that applies scientific, engineering, and man- quirements in a timely, cost-effective manner
agement principles to ensure adequate safety, throughout all phases of the system life cycle.
the timely identification of hazard risk, and system safety program objective
initiation of actions to prevent or control those To reduce the risk of a given hazard or set of
hazards throughout the life cycle and within hazards to its lowest possible level of accep-
the constraints of operational effectiveness, tance (as determined by management) without
time, and cost. (2) The use of system engi- significant sacrifice of system effectiveness,
neering principles to provide a specified level operating schedules, or cost.
of safety given the tradeoffs involving cost,
time, and the operations involved. system safety program plan (SSPP)
A written description of the planned method
system safety analysis of implementing a system safety program in a
A detailed, systematic method of evaluating given organization. It identifies responsibili-
the risk of hazard associated with a given ties, objectives, system safety tasks to be per-
system, product, or program. It utilizes a va- formed, and the method of integrating the
riety of techniques and approaches to accu- program into the organization's overall activi-
rately identify, resolve, or control exposure to ties.
those hazards.
system safety tasks
system safety engineer Those activities, such as hazard analysis, as-
An engineer who is qualified by training, cer- sociated with the system safety engineering
tification, and/or experience to perform sys- discipline that are performed to accomplish
tem safety engineering tasks. the system safety program's objective.
system safety engineering system security
An engineering discipline requiring special- (1) Transit. All activities associated with
ized professional knowledge and skills in ap- providing security to transit patrons and se-
plying scientific and engineering principles, curing transit property, including supervision
criteria, and techniques to identify and elimi- and clerical support. Includes patrolling reve-
nate hazards, or reduce the risk associated nue vehicles and passenger facilities during
with hazards. revenue operations; patrolling and controlling
system safety management access to yards, buildings and structures;
An element of management that defines the monitoring security devices; and, reporting
system safety program requirements and en- security breaches. (2) Protection Assurance.
sures the planning, implementation, and ac- The security force, including personnel,

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equipment, and all other associated services systemic pesticide
required to ensure the protection of resources A chemical that is taken up from the ground
and property. or absorbed through the surface and carried
through the system of the organism being
system status information
protected, making the organism toxic to pests.
That information about a system's operating
condition which is presented to the user. systemic toxicity
The toxic effect of a chemical exposure at one
system/subsystem hazard analysis (SHA or area in the body, the chemical having entered
the body at another point. Also referred to as
A system safety analytical technique used to systemic effect.
evaluate hazards occurring on the subsystem
or component level and the effect of their oc- systole
currence on overall system operations. The contraction, or period of contraction, of
the heart, especially of the ventricles, during
systematic errors which blood is forced into the aorta and pul-
Errors introduced by an individual, the result monary artery.
of a poor method/technique, improper read-
ing/recording of data, or from a consistent er- systolic blood pressure
ror in the instrument itself. These do not can- The maximum arterial blood pressure during
cel out if more samples are collected and the cardiac cycle, obtained during the heart
analyzed and they always cause bias. contraction portion of the cycle.

systematic observation systremma

A non-random, representative, organized pro- A cramp in the muscles of the calf of the leg.
gram for observing and recording the activi-
ties of individuals, systems, or events.
systematic sampling
A subject selection procedure in which an
ordered population exists and the units sam-
pled are located at fixed or otherwise pre-
defined intervals after a random starting point.
Système International d'Units (SI)
A metric-based system of weights and meas-
ures adopted by many countries, including the
Relating to the body as a whole.
systemic circulation
The flow of blood from the left ventricle
through the aorta, carrying oxygen and nutri-
ent material to all the tissues of the body, and
returning through the superior and inferior
venae cavae to the right atrium.
systemic effect
A toxic effect which is remote from the point
of contact or site at which the material entered
the body. For example, vinyl chloride enters
the body by inhalation but affects the liver if a
sufficient dose is absorbed by this route. See
also systemic toxicity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

T An instrument for presenting time-controlled
exposures of visual stimuli.
t A device for determining rotational speed.
(1) Temperature. (2) Tonne.
t1/2 Excessive rapidity in the action of the heart
Physical or radiological half-life. (i.e., a rapid heart rate).
t distribution tachypnea
A distribution of sampling means obtained An abnormally high respiration rate.
from a normally distributed population and tack
having the probability distribution function Short for tachograph or tachometer.
(note: approaches the normal distribution as
sample size increases) Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
A relatively short-range radio frequency aerial
(v + 1)
2 navigation system.
f(t) = G(v) 1 + tactical communications
Aviation. Communications that are developed
where: and delivered as part of the real-time ATM
v = number of degrees of freedom process.
Gv = constant for a given n
t ratio Pertaining to the sense of touch, mediated by
The ratio of the quantity of the obtained mean sensors located in the skin.
in a sample minus the expected mean, divided
by the estimated standard error of the mean. tactile coding
The use of vibratory mechanical stimuli for
t test communicating purposes.
A statistical test using the t distribution and t
ratio with small sample sizes for determining tactile control
the significance of differences between means Having the possibility of control through
a) of a sample and the population, b) of two some type of tactile feedback, usually via a
independent samples, or c) of two related distinctive surface texture, vibration, or a
samples. Usually used for small sample sizes stop.
and when the variances are unknown. tactile stimulus
table Any mechanical stimulus which activates the
(1) A flat-topped furniture piece having small touch/pressure receptors.
leg-like structures for support and on which tactual
one or more functions (such as dining, games, Causing a touch sensation.
or work) are carried out. (2) A structure gen-
erally containing rows and columns of infor- Taft-Hartley Act
mation or data which are related and uniquely The Wagner Act was amended in 1947 by the
identified. Taft-Hartley Act to balance some of the ad-
vantages given to unions under the Wagner
tablespoon (tbsp.) Act by imposing corresponding duties on un-
A measure of volume used primarily in ions. Principal changes imposed by the Act
cooking, corresponding to the level by vol- included the following: abolishment of the
ume held in a large spoon or about 14.8 ml. closed shop (but permitting the union shop
tabular display under conditions specified in the Act); ex-
A display consisting of alphanumeric data, empting supervisors from coverage of the
words, and/or other symbols in a table format. Act; requiring the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB) to accord equal treatment to
both independent and affiliated unions; per-
See Tactical Air Navigation.

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mitting the employer to file a representation downstream of a lock in the tailwater of a
petition even though only one union seeks to dam. Also called lower lock gate. (3) Auto-
represent the employees; granting employees motive Design. The horizontal hinged door or
the right not only to organize and bargain "gate" located at the rear of the bed of a pick-
collectively but also to refrain from such ac- up truck.
tivities; permitting employees to file decertifi- tailgating
cation petitions for elections to determine The act of driving too closely behind the ve-
whether or not employees desire to revoke a hicle ahead.
union's designation as their bargaining agent;
declaring certain activities engaged in by the tailings
unions to be unfair labor practices; giving to (1) Under the Federal Uranium Mill Tailings
employers, employees, and unions new guar- Radiation Control Act of 1978: The remain-
antees of the right of free speech; providing for ing portion of a metal-bearing ore after some
settlement by the NLRB of certain jurisdic- or all of such material, such as uranium, has
tional disputes; vested in the General Counsel, been extracted. (2) Residue of raw materials
rather than in the Board, the authority to in- or waste separated out during the processing
vestigate and prosecute unfair labor practices. of crops or mineral ores.
tag tailings closure plan
The official U.S. Government motor vehicle As pertains to radon: The Nuclear Regulatory
license plate, District of Columbia license Commission (NRC) or state-approved agree-
plate, or license plate of any State, Territory, ment plan detailing activities to accomplish
or possession of the United States. timely emplacement of a permanent radon
barrier. A tailings closure plan shall include a
tag axle schedule for key radon closure milestone ac-
A nonpowered vehicle axle that helps distrib- tivities such as wind-blown tailings, retrieval
ute the load. and placement on the pile, interim stabiliza-
tagout device tion (including dehydration or removal of
A prominent warning device that is capable of freestanding liquids and recontouring), and
being securely attached to equipment start-up emplacement of a permanent radon barrier
devices and that, for the purpose of protecting constructed to achieve compliance with the 20
personnel, forbids the operation of an energy- pCi/m2-s flux standard as expeditiously as
isolating device and identifies the person who practicable considering technological feasi-
has applied the tag or the authority who has bility.
control of the procedure. tailor's ankle
taiga A growth over the lateral malleolus com-
The open northern part of the coniferous for- monly found in tailors. Generally caused by
est. Taiga also refers to the subarctic climate. pressure from sitting on hard surfaces with
Also referred to as the boreal forest. crossed legs.
tail lamps tailwater
Lamps used to designate the rear of a motor A term to indicate the depth of water above
vehicle. pool stage immediately below a dam when
tailboard artist that dam is passing water in a nonsufficient
Transit (slang). One who thinks he/she is a amount to raise the stage of the water imme-
perfect driver. diately below the dam. A term used primarily
in the Upper Mississippi River area.
(slang). The sacral vertebrae of the spine. tainter gate
A large gate used to control the flow of water
tailgate through or over a dam; such gates have a cy-
(1) Refining. The outlet of a natural gas proc- lindrical surface with the convex side facing
essing plant where dry residue gas is delivered upstream.
or redelivered for sale or transportation. (2)
Maritime Operations. A gate located at the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

takeoff distance available (TODA) talc
The runway length available for takeoff plus A hydrated magnesium silicate material simi-
the length of any remaining runway and/or lar in chemical composition to asbestos. It is
clearway beyond the far end. generally a flaky mineral material but may
takeoff power also be fibrous. Some talc products contain
(1) With respect to reciprocating engines, asbestos in small amounts.
means the brake horsepower that is developed talcosis
under standard sea level conditions, and under A pneumoconiosis resulting from the pro-
the maximum conditions of crankshaft rota- longed inhalation of talc dust.
tional speed and engine manifold pressure ap- talent
proved for the normal takeoff, and limited in A greater than normal ability, especially per-
continuous use to the period of time shown in taining to the arts or sports.
the approved engine specification. (2) With
respect to turbine engines, means the brake talus
horsepower that is developed under static (1) Anatomy. The most superior bone of the
conditions at a specified altitude and atmos- foot, which articulates with the bones of the
pheric temperature, and under the maximum lower leg to form the primary aspect of the
conditions of rotor shaft rotational speed and ankle joint. Commonly referred to as the an-
gas temperature approved for the normal kle bone. (2) Geology. Slopes of broken rock
takeoff, and limited in continuous use to the debris on a mountainside.
period of time shown in the approved engine tandem
specification. Semitrailer or tractor with two rear axles. See
takeoff run available (TORA) also dual drive tandem.
The runway length declared available and tandem axle
suitable for the ground run of an airplane Two axles operated from a single suspension.
taking off.
tandem axle weight
takeoff safety The total weight transmitted to the road by
A referenced airspeed obtained after liftoff at two or more consecutive axles whose centers
which the required one-engine-inoperative may be included between parallel transverse
climb performance can be achieved. vertical planes spaced more than 40 inches
takeoff thrust and not more than 96 inches apart, extending
With respect to turbine engines, means the jet across the full width of the vehicle. The fed-
thrust that is developed under static conditions eral tandem axle weight limit on the interstate
at a specific altitude and atmospheric tem- system is 34,000 pounds.
perature under the maximum conditions of tandem gait
rotor shaft rotational speed and gas tempera- A type of gait in which the individual places
ture approved for the normal takeoff, and the heel of the advancing foot in line with and
limited in continuous use to the period of time directly in front of the toes of the stationary
shown in the approved engine specification. foot.
taking the fifth tandem wing
The practice of witnesses or suspects in re- A configuration having two wings of similar
fusing to answer a question because of the span, mounted in tandem.
Fifth Amendment right in the U.S. Constitu-
tion to refuse to furnish information impli- tangent
cating one's self in a crime. Synonymous A trigonometric function; equal to the value
with pleading the fifth. See also Fifth of the ratio of the opposite side of a right tri-
Amendment and self-incrimination. angle to the adjacent side.

Talbot tangible evidence

An SI unit for that amount of light delivered Evidence which consists of something which
by a luminous flux in one second. can be seen or touched (e.g., a gun in a homi-

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cide trial). In contrast to testimonial evidence, the intestine, where they grow and release
tangible evidence is real evidence. eggs. Although a large number of adult tape-
tank worms are considered human parasites, only a
A structure used for the storage of fluids. few infect man to a great degree.

tank barge tapotement

Maritime Operations. A large, flat-bottomed, The use of percussion movements in the ad-
non-self-propelled, compartmented, decked- ministration of massage.
over barge used for all types of liquid cargo tar
(petroleum, molasses, chemicals, etc.). A dark, viscid substance obtained from wood
tank car of different trees or from bituminous coal.
A railroad car consisting of a large cylindrical tar sand
container attached to the railcar truck and Sandstone that contains very heavy, tar-like
used to transport liquids in bulk. hydrocarbons.
tank farm tar warts
An installation used by gathering and trunk A type of industrial dermatitis caused by ex-
pipeline companies, crude oil producers, and posure to tar or products containing tar or its
terminal operators (except refineries) to store constituents. See also industrial dermatitis.
crude oil. tare weight
tank vehicle The weight of a container, liner, wrapper, or
Any commercial motor vehicle that is de- sampling media (e.g., a filter) before sampling
signed to transport any liquid or gaseous ma- through it, which is deducted from the final
terials within a tank that is either permanently weight to determine the net weight of a col-
or temporarily attached to the vehicle or the lected material (e.g., particulates collected on
chassis. Such vehicles include, but are not a filter during sampling).
limited to, cargo tanks and portable tanks, as target
defined in 49 CFR 171. However, this defi- (1) Any object which is capable of reflecting a
nition does not include portable tanks having sufficient amount of a transmitted sonar or ra-
a rated capacity under 1,000 gallons. dar signal to produce a blip on detec-
tanker tion/display equipment. (2) Any object, point,
(1) Transportation. Truck, semitrailer, or or other entity toward which an object, activ-
trailer with a tank body for hauling liquids. ity, or energy is directed.
(2) Maritime Operations. An oceangoing target acquisition
ship specially designed to haul liquid bulk The first appearance of an echo on a radar or
cargo in world trade. See also barge. sonar tracking system.
tanker man target compound list (TCL)
Person trained, qualified, and certified to su- Developed by EPA for Superfund site sample
pervise transfer of liquid cargo (fuels) from analysis. The TCL is a list of analytes (thirty-
shore to the barge. four volatile organic chemicals, sixty-five
tannic acid semi-volatile organic chemicals, nineteen pes-
A substance obtained from bark and fruit of ticides, seven polychlorinated biphenyls,
many plants; used as an astringent. twenty-three metals, and total cyanide) for
tapeworms which every Superfund sample must be ana-
Any of a number of parasites of the phylum lyzed.
Platyhelminthes (flatworms) that lodge in the target discrimination
intestines of animals and human beings. They The ability of a system to distinguish one or
are transmitted to man in larval form, embed- more targets within a noisy background.
ded cysts, or in meat or fish that is not prop- target distance limit
erly cooked. In the human, they develop to The maximum distance over which targets for
maturity and attach themselves to the wall of the site are evaluated. The target distance

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task allocation
limit varies by Hazard Ranking System path- The distribution of task elements between
way. workers and machines.
target gland task analysis
Any gland affected directly by a hormone An expansion of the job safety analysis (JSA)
released from another gland or tissue. method of identifying hazards associated with
target organ a given job or task. Differs from the JSA in
Part of the body. A specific organ, such as its level of specific detail and consideration of
the eyes, lung, central nervous system, liver, the human interface in all aspects of the job
or kidney, invaded by a chemical, affecting performance. See also job safety analysis.
the organ or causing injury. For example, task assumption
ethanol, when ingested, affects the brain and Any of a set of background or unstated ideas
liver. or concepts which underlie the performance
target scintillation of a task.
See wander. task complexity
target witness A measure of or statement about the number,
A person whose testimony an investigating variety, and difficulty of the separate task
body is principally seeking as in the case of a elements making up a task.
grand jury which has, as its objective, ob- task description
taining the information which such a person A written statement providing an overall label
may give. and a label for each of the task elements which
tariff must be performed to carry out a given task.
(1) A published volume of rate schedules and task element
general terms and conditions under which a The smallest work unit into which a task may
product or service will be supplied. (2) The be logically divided, typically comprised of
charges, rates, and rules of transportation several therbligs.
companies usually set forth in an industry task element time
publication. The time interval required to complete a task
tarp element.
Tarpaulin cover for open top trailers. task frequency
tarsus The number of times a task is/must be per-
(1) The group of bones in the posterior foot, formed within a given time period.
consisting of the talus, calcaneus, cuboid, task hierarchy
navicular, and the three cuneiform bones. (2) A description of the manner in which lower
A plate of dense connective tissue which level tasks are organized to form more com-
gives form and some rigidity to each of the plex tasks.
task inventory
tartar A listing of the tasks performed or required
(1) The recrystallized sediment of wine casks; for a given occupation.
crude potassium bitartrate. (2) A yellowish
film formed of calcium phosphate and car- task lighting
bonate, food particles, and other organic mat- That illumination which is directed onto a
ter, deposited on the teeth by the saliva. Also localized workplace for a specific visual task.
called dental calculus. Task Load Index (TLX)
task A subjective rating technique developed by
A logical, describable group of related sub- NASA for determining overall workload, and
tasks which comprise a discrete component of consisting of six dimensions (mental, physi-
a job and which are performed within a job cal, and temporal demands, effort, perceived
classification. performance, and frustration level), which are
rated on the basis of low to high.

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task needs analysis
A determination of those tasks forming part of whether drivers are hired or rent their cabs or
some function which an individual or group are otherwise compensated.
wishes to perform.
task rating taxilane (TL)
A subjective rating of tasks using a relevant The portion of the aircraft parking area used
set of work habitability criteria. for access between taxiways and aircraft
task time parking positions.
The time interval allowed or required to com- taximeter
plete a given task. Synonymous with task du- A mechanical or electrical device in a taxicab
ration. that records and indicates a charge or fare cal-
taste culated according to distance traveled, waiting
A chemical sense involving the stimulation of time, initial charge, number of passengers,
sensory receptors located in the tongue and and other charges authorized by ordinance or
oropharynx for the four basic sensations of by rule. Some taximeters are part of elec-
sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and bitterness. tronic dispatching systems.
The organs of taste are the taste buds, bundles taxiway (TW)
of slender cells with hair-like branches that A defined path established for the taxiing of
are packed together in groups that form the aircraft from one part of an airport to another.
projections called papillae at various places
on the tongue. When a substance is intro- taxiway safety area (TSA)
duced into the mouth, its molecules enter the The surface alongside the taxiway prepared or
pores of the papillae and stimulate the taste suitable for reducing the risk of damage to an
buds directly. In order to do this, the sub- airplane unintentionally departing the taxi-
stance has to be dissolved in liquid. If it is not way.
liquid when it enters the mouth, then it melts taxon
or is chewed and becomes mixed with saliva. A classification within a taxonomy. A par-
taste blindness ticular category into which living organisms
See ageusia. are classified on the basis of certain common
features, as species, genus, family, order, or
taste bud class.
An ovoid-shaped structure embedded just
below the surface of the tongue which con- taxonomy
tains the sensory receptors for taste. An organizational structure for classification
and description purposes.
A characteristic of a substance in which it tb
does not stimulate buds above threshold lev- Biological half-life.
els. TBF
taxi See total body fat.
(1) Transit. The use of a taxicab by a driver TBS
for hire or by a passenger for fare. Also in- See tight building syndrome.
cludes airport limousines. Does not include
rental cars if they are privately operated and tbsp.
not picking up passengers in return for fare. See tablespoon.
(2) Aviation. The act of driving an aircraft to TBT
or from the runway or takeoff/landing area. See total bottom time.
taxicabs TBT paint
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- See organotin.
ing passenger transportation by automobiles
not operated on a regular schedule or between
Thermal conductivity.
fixed terminals. Taxicab fleet owners and or-
ganizations are included, regardless of

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TC detector
See thermal conductivity detector. technical mel scale
A scale of subjective auditory perceptual sen-
sitivity, which is an approximately linear
function to 1 kHz, and logarithmic above 1
See traffic alert and collision avoidance, type technician
I system. A person skilled in the performance of techni-
TCD cal procedures.
Thermal conductivity detector. Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction
See trichloroethylene. A procedure for applying tables consisting of
human reliability estimates for certain steps in
Tcf the analysis of tasks to determine the probable
Trillion cubic feet. overall likelihood of a successful outcome.
TCL technological forecasting
See target compound list. The process of gathering and analyzing data
TCLP in an attempt to predict the types and charac-
See toxic characteristic leaching procedure. teristics of future equipment and technologies.
teach technological system of continuous emission
To provide knowledge, information, and/or reduction
concepts. Clean Air Act: A technological process for
production or operation by any source which
tear strength
is inherently low-polluting or nonpolluting or
That force required to initiate a tear in a fabric
a technological system for continuous re-
or sheet of material.
duction of the pollution generated by a source
teardown before such pollution is emitted into the
The process of partial or total dismantling of a ambient air, including pre-combustion clean-
facility or workplace to prepare for another ing or treatment of fuels.
job which uses the same facility or workplace.
technology-based limits
teardown allowance As pertains to water pollution control: The
The teardown time applied as a special time minimum level of water pollution control
allowance for a worker who performs a tear- technology that a discharger must apply re-
down operation. Also referred to as disman- gardless of which water body receives the ef-
tling allowance. See also changeover allow- fluent discharges.
technology-based standards
teaspoon Effluent limitations applicable to direct and
A volume of approximately 5 cc or 1/3 table- indirect sources which are developed on a
spoon. category-by-category basis using statutory
technical factors, not including water-quality effects.
Belonging or peculiar to an art or profession. technology transfer
technical errors Those activities that lead to the adoption of a
Errors committed in the course of a trial new technique or product by users and in-
which have not prejudiced the party and hence volve dissemination, demonstration, training,
are not grounds for reversal. and other activities that lead to eventual inno-
technical factory visit
U.S. Coast Guard. A visit of officer in charge TECP suit
of marine inspection (OCMI) personnel to a Totally encapsulated chemical protective suit.
manufacturing facility to check for compli- See also SCAPE.
ance with standards and regulations, examine
products, and answer technical questions.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tectorial membrane teleseismic
That gelatinous membrane overlying the hair An adjective to refer to earthquakes, and any
cells of the organ of Corti in the cochlea. properties thereof, that occur more than 100
km from a particular site. In this age of mod-
ern seismic data-recording networks, this
TEKTITE translates to more than 100 km from the near-
A program conducted in the early 1970s in- est operational station in that network.
volving two studies (I and II) in which people
lived for up to 30 days in an underwater telestereoscope
chamber. An instrument which effectively increases the
interpupillary distance to produce the appear-
tele- ance of exaggerated depth.
(prefix). At a distance.
teleceptor See transmission electron microscope.
Any sensory receptor sensitive to stimuli of
distant or remote origin. temper
A disposition toward a sudden display of an-
telemetry ger or hostility.
The transmission of data collected at a loca-
tion over communication channels to a central temperature
station. A measure of the relative "hotness" or "cold-
ness" of any object or system. In the Interna-
teleoperation tional System of Units, the basic unit of tem-
The use and control of a teleoperator or tel- perature is the degree Kelvin which, as the
erobot, usually involving either a hardwired unit of thermodynamic temperature, is a frac-
connection or communication using the elec- tion (specifically, 1/273.16) of the thermody-
tromagnetic spectrum, with a video display namic temperature of the triple point of water.
for the operator. Quantification of this parameter commonly
teleoperator occurs using either an absolute or a relative
A general-purpose, dexterous device capable system of measurement. In both the MKS
of sensing its environment and of direct, es- and the CGS Systems, the basic unit of tem-
sentially real-time control by a human opera- perature is the degree Kelvin or the degree
tor to perform tasks like grasping, moving, Celsius. The magnitudes of these two units
and other operations using its appendages. are identical, i.e., a temperature difference
between two states or conditions would have
teleopsia the identical numerical magnitude, whether
A visual perception disorder in which depth is expressed in degrees Kelvin or degrees Cel-
not judged correctly. sius. A temperature of 0° Kelvin, or 0°K, has
telepresence been defined to be Absolute Zero; thus the
A condition in which the operator of a remote Kelvin Scale is the absolute scale for these
system is provided with sensory information two systems. A temperature of 0° Celsius, or
and/or feedback regarding the operation of 0°C, is the temperature at which water
that remote system. freezes; thus the Celsius Scale is the relative
scale for these two Systems of Units. Note
that 273.16°K = 0°C. In the English System,
An older term. See telerobot.
the basic unit of temperature is the degree
telerobot Fahrenheit or the degree Rankine; as was the
A remote, dexterous manipulator device ca- case with relative and absolute units of meas-
pable of self-locomotion and preprogramming ure in the MKS & CGS Systems, the magni-
for periods of autonomous operation. tudes of these two English System units are
telescience also identical; i.e., a temperature difference
The direction of an individual using teleop- between two states or conditions would have
eration to perform scientific research remotely the identical numerical magnitude, whether
via video or other telecommunication means. expressed in degrees Fahrenheit or degrees
Rankine. A temperature of 0° Rankine, or
0°R, has been defined to be Absolute Zero;

©2000 CRC Press LLC

thus the Rankine Scale is the absolute scale temporal muscle
for the English System. A temperature of 32° That muscle located over the temporal bone
Fahrenheit, or 32°F, is the temperature at region of the skull.
which water freezes; thus the Fahrenheit Scale
is the relative temperature scale for the Eng-
lish System. Note that 459.67°R = 32°F. temporal pole
The inferior and anterior projecting portion of
temperature color scale the temporal lobe.
See color temperature scale.
temporal summation
temperature effect The additive effect over time of multiple sub-
In sampling, the effect of air temperature on threshold neural inputs, with each subsequent
the response of an instrument to a contami- input occurring before the previous potential
nant/stress factor being measured, or the ef- has returned to baseline.
fect of temperature on the absorption or ad-
sorption of a contaminant by a collecting me- temporary damages
dia. Typically, effects are greatest at tem- Damages allowed for intermittent and occa-
perature extremes, such as below 0ºC and sional wrongs, such as injuries to real estate,
above about 40ºC. where cause thereof is removable or abatable.
temperature gradient temporary disability
The rate of change of temperature with dis- A healing period during which the claimant is
placement in a given direction. totally or partially unable to work due to in-
jury, and continues as long as recovery or
temperature inversion lasting improvement of the injured person's
Vertical temperature distribution such that condition can reasonably be expected.
temperature increases with height above the
ground. temporary editing buffer
See clipboard.
temperature sense
The ability to detect relative heat and cold. temporary rate
A production output rate or incentive wage
tempered air rate based on a temporary standard.
See conditioned air.
temporary standard
temple A standard time or output measure to be used
That portion of the head anterior to the pinna for a limited period, generally to allow for an
and superior to the zygomatic arch. unusual job situation, revising a task, or de-
temporal veloping a new task.
(1) Pertaining to the lateral direction of the temporary swap file
head or skull, as opposed to nasal or medial Computing. Windows creates this type of
(i.e., toward the temporal or the temporal swap file each time the user starts Windows
bone). (2) Pertaining to time. and deletes it each time the user quits Win-
temporal bone dows. The advantage of a temporary swap
A flat bone located on the inferior lateral por- file is that the user has more free disk space
tion of the skull. when Windows is not running. The drawback
temporal crest is that a temporary swap file is not as fast as a
A narrow bony ridge comprising the posterior permanent swap file, and its size shrinks as
extension of the zygomatic arch as part of the the free space on the hard drive decreases. A
temporal bone on the side of the head above temporary swap file is the only type that can
the ear. be place on a compressed drive. See also
swap file and permanent swap file.
temporal lobe
That portion of the cerebrum which is located temporary threshold shift
on the lower lateral region of the cerebral Acoustics. A temporary impairment of hearing
hemisphere. ability as indicated by an increase in the
threshold of audibility.

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Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
temporary total disability A government-owned corporation that con-
An injury classification in which, for some ducts a unified program of resource develop-
limited period of time subsequent to an injury, ment for the advancement of economic
an individual cannot perform the normal du- growth in the Tennessee Valley region. The
ties of one's job. Authority's program of activities includes
temporary variance flood control, navigation development, elec-
Essentially, permission is granted for an em- tric power production, fertilizer development,
ployer to operate under limited conditions of recreation improvement, and forestry and
noncompliance with a specific standard for a wildlife development. While its power pro-
limited period of time. gram is financially self-supporting, other pro-
grams are financed primarily by appropria-
temporary work tions from Congress.
That work performed for a short term, without
any agreement by the parties involved of tennis elbow
long-term or permanent employment. An inflammatory condition in the lateral el-
bow region, especially at the origin of the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder wrist extensor muscles on the humerus. See
A condition involving the joint between the also epicondylitis.
temporal and mandibular bones in the jaw
which may cause symptoms of tooth, jaw, ear tenosynovitis
pain, or headache. Also called temporoman- A cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) of the
dibular joint syndrome. tendon produced by a swelling of the synovial
sheath which surrounds it. The surfaces of
temporo-parietal the tendon become irritated, rough, and
Pertaining to or toward the side of the skull or bumpy, and movement is impeded. Often re-
head, or the junction between the temporal lated to long-term exposure to repetitive mo-
and parietal bones. tion, inappropriate posture, or positioning of
tendon machinery, or exposure to vibration from
A tough connective tissue, often in the shape equipment. Tenosynovitis occurs most fre-
of a cord, which provides a junction between quently in the hands and wrists or feet and
muscle and bone. When the muscle contracts, ankles, and is often the result of intense and
or shortens, it pulls on the tendon, which continued use. It can be quite painful and
moves the bone. Tendons are so tough, they may temporarily disable the affected part.
are seldom torn, even when an injury is severe TENS
enough to break a bone or tear a muscle. One See transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula-
of the most prominent tendons is the Achilles tion.
tendon, which can be felt at the back of the
ankle just above the heel; it attaches the tri- tensile strength
ceps surae muscle to the calcaneus. That maximum stress to which a material can
be exposed prior to breaking or tearing.
tendon reflex
The contraction of a muscle due to the tapping
A mechanical spring-type device for measur-
of its tendon.
ing static strength.
tendonitis tension
An inflammation of a tendon. It is one of the
Internal stress created in a material by forces
most common causes of acute pain in the acting outward in opposite directions, pulling
shoulder. Tendonitits is frequently associated in a manner to cause extension or stretching
with a calcium deposit (calcific tendonitis),
of the material, expanding its molecular
which may also involve the bursa around the structure.
tendon or near the joint, causing bursitis.
Sometimes spelled tendinitis. See also teno- tension headache
synovitis. A headache caused primarily by prolonged
contraction of the scalp muscles.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tension movement
See controlled movement. (2) Maritime. Any facility on the inland sys-
tensor tem designed for on-loading or off-loading of
Any muscle which makes a portion of the barges. (3) Aviation. An ending point for air-
body more rigid. craft operations. Also, a location where pas-
sengers can access aircraft through a secure,
Tenth Amendment orderly, and controlled process.
An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
(1791) which provides that the powers not
delegated to the federal government are re-
served to the states or to the people.
That portion of the dura mater which sepa-
rates the cerebral hemispheres from the cere-
Prefix designating 1 E+12.
See TSCA Experimental Release Applica-
tion. Most modern airport terminal facilities offer more than just safe
access to aircraft. Many are equipped with restaurants, shop-
teratogen ping facilities, even hotels.
Substance that causes malformation or serious
deviation from the normal development of an terminal and joint terminal maintenance for
motor freight transport facility
embryo or fetus. The result may include fetal
Establishments primarily engaged in the op-
or embryonic mortality or in the birth of off-
spring with defects. eration of terminal facilities used by highway-
type property-carrying vehicles. Also in-
teratogenesis cluded are terminals which provide mainte-
The process whereby abnormalities of the nance and service for motor vehicles.
offspring are generated, usually as the result
terminal and service for motor vehicle passen-
of damage to the embryo structure during the
ger transportation facility
first trimester of pregnancy, producing de-
Establishments primarily engaged in the op-
formity of the fetus.
eration of motor vehicle passenger terminals
teratogenicity and of maintenance and service facilities, not
The ability of a chemical to cause a change in operated by companies that also furnish motor
the normal development processes of an un- vehicle passenger transportation.
born organism, resulting in permanent altera- terminal area
tions in the biochemical, physiological, or A general term used to describe airspace in
anatomical functions of the organism. which approach control service or airport traf-
teratoma fic control service is provided.
A tumor made up of a number of different terminal area facility
types of tissue, none of which is native to the A facility providing air traffic control service
area in which it occurs. A growth containing for arriving and departing instrument flight
cellular elements derived from more than one rule (IFR), visual flight rule (VFR), special
primary germ layer. visual flight rules (VFR), special instrument
terawatt hour (TWH) flight rules (IFR) aircraft and, on occasion, en
One trillion watt hours. route aircraft.
terminal terminal facility activity
(1) Transit. Any location where freight either The sum of total airport operations + total
originates, terminates, or is handled in the instrument operations which equals local op-
transportation process; or where commercial erations + itinerant operations + primary in-
motor carriers maintain operating facilities.

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strument operations + secondary instrument each territory (Guam, Northern Marianas Is-
operations + instrument overflights. lands, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands).
terminal radar approach control (TRACON) territorial seas
A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air The belt of the seas measured from the line of
traffic control facility using radar and ordinary low water along that portion of the
air/ground communications to provide ap- coast which is in direct contact with the open
proach control services to aircraft arriving, sea and the line marking the seaward limit of
departing, or transiting the airspace controlled inland waters and extending seaward a dis-
by the facility. Service may be provided to tance of three miles.
both civil and military airports. territorial waters
terminal storage That part of the sea adjacent to the coast of a
Service of providing warehouse or other ter- given country which is by international law
minal facilities for the storage of inbound or deemed to be within the sovereignty of that
outbound cargo after the expiration of free country, so that its courts have jurisdiction
time, including wharf storage, shipside stor- over offenses committed on those waters,
age, closed or covered storage, open or even by a person on board a foreign ship. See
ground storage, bonded storage, and refriger- also three-mile limit.
ated storage. territoriality
terminal threshold The concept that an individual has a physical
See upper threshold. location or personal space that belongs to
terminal velocity him/her, and resists or resents the entry of an-
The constant speed obtained by a falling ob- other person into that space.
ject when the upward drag on the object bal- tertiary treatment
ances the downward force of gravity. See Advanced cleaning of wastewater that goes
also settling velocity. beyond the secondary or biological stage. It
terminated carload removes nutrients such as phosphorus and ni-
Rail Operations. A carload which ends its trogen and most BOD and suspended solids.
journey and is unloaded on a particular rail- tesla
road. The unit of magnetic flux density in the Inter-
terrace national System equal to 1 weber per square
A step-like feature between higher and lower meter.
ground; a relatively flat or gently inclined test
shelf of earth, backed and fronted by steep To carry out a technique or procedure for de-
slopes or manmade retaining walls. termining a quantity or performance measure
terracing on one or more dimensions for an individual
Dikes, built along the contour of sloping agri- or product.
cultural land, to hold runoff and sediment to test and evaluation facility
reduce erosion. Under the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Act
terrestrial life cycle safe concentration (TLSC) of 1982: An at-depth, prototypic, under-
A value representing the concentration of a ground cavity with subsurface lateral excava-
substance which does not cause a significant tions extending from a central shaft that is
decrease in growth, reproduction, survival, or used for research and development purposes,
usefulness of a terrestrial animal (i.e., living including the development of data and experi-
on land). ence for the safe handling and disposal of so-
lidified high-level radioactive waste, trans-
territorial highway system (THS)
uranic waste, or spent nuclear fuel.
The full name is Federal-aid Territorial High-
way System. A system of arterial and col- test battery
lector highways, plus inter-island connectors A group of tests administered to one or more
that are established under 23 U.S.C. 215 by individuals to obtain a total or composite

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score for evaluation with regard to some fit- a wound. The disease is characterized by ri-
ness or aptitude. gidity and spasmodic contractions of volun-
test conditions tary muscles.
The total circumstances or environment under tex
which an individual, part, or system is tested. A unit of measure for the fineness of a fiber,
represented by the weight of 100 meters of
thread in grams.
test gas
A gaseous contaminant that has been diluted Texas norther
with clean air (or nitrogen in some cases) to a A strong, cold wind from between the north-
known concentration. east and northwest associated with a cold out-
break of polar air that brings a sudden drop in
test procedures temperature.
Specifies the methods and equipment the U.S.
Coast Guard uses in determining whether text
boats comply with applicable standards. Any combination of alphanumeric character
strings, usually having a structure comprised
test-retest reliability of words, sentences, and paragraphs.
A measure of the consistency obtained in re-
peated administrations of the same test to the text entry
same group, separated by some time interval. The process of inputting text to a computer
Represented by the correlation coefficient through whatever method.
between performances on the test. text processing
testify One or more of the following acts: text entry,
To bear witness or to give evidence as a wit- text retrieval or storage, text editing, printing,
ness. To make a solemn declaration, under or similar actions performed in the production
oath or affirmation, in a judicial inquiry, for of text materials.
the purpose of establishing or proving some text-to-speech system
fact. A speech synthesis device in which text and
testimony small speech units are processed to yield
Evidence given by a competent witness under sounds approximating human speech.
oath or affirmation; as distinguished from textile
evidence derived from writings, and other Any material made from either manmade or
sources. synthetic fibers and intended for use in cloth-
testing ing, furniture coverings, or carpets.
As pertains to confined space entry, the proc- textile softener
ess by which the hazards that may confront See fabric softener.
entrants of a permit space are identified and thalamus
evaluated. Testing includes specifying the Either of two large ovoid structures composed
tests that are to be performed in the permit of gray matter and situated at the base of the
space. Testing enables employers to devise cerebrum. The thalamus functions as a relay
and implement adequate control measures for station in which sensory pathways of the spi-
the protection of authorized entrants and to nal cord and brain stem form synapses on
determine if acceptable entry conditions are their way to the cerebral cortex. Specific lo-
present immediately prior to and during entry. cations in the thalamus are related to specific
testis areas on the body surface and in the cerebral
The ovoid-shaped male gland in the scrotum cortex. A sensory impulse from the body
which produces sperm. Commonly referred surface travels upward to the thalamus, where
to as testicle. it is received as a primitive sensation and then
tetanus is sent on to the cerebral cortex for interpreta-
An acute, often fatal infection, caused by a tion as to location, character, and duration.
bacillus that generally enters the body through The thalamus has numerous connections to

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other areas of the brain as well, and these are under the right conditions, as provided by
thought to be important in the integration of management.
cerebral, cerebellar, and brain stem activity. therapeutic index
thalweg The value of the ratio of the median lethal
The deepest water at any point in the river. dose of a drug to its therapeutic dose.
The longitudinal line of greatest continuous therapist
depth in the river channel. One who practices a therapeutic technique.
Thanksgiving rise therapy
An annual event on the Ohio River when the A technique intended to produce a cure or
river swells to a crest around Thanksgiving assist in managing a disability or disease.
then on down A specific fundamental division of mental,
Channel report term written as proceeding to a sensory-motor activity, or the lack of activity,
designated mile or designated bank, then on within a larger task. Named by Frank B. and
down to the end of another designated loca- Lillian Gilbreth. Therbligs are
tion, such as "fourth dike below this light."
thenar avoidable delay
Pertaining to the thenar eminence. disassemble
thenar eminence grasp
The protrusion on the radial/lateral side of the hold
palm near the base of the thumb due to the inspect
underlying mass of muscle tissue. plan
theodolite position
An instrument used to track the movements of pre-position
a pilot balloon. release load
theoretical biomechanics search
The use of knowledge from classical me- select
chanics and the life sciences to generate mod- transport empty
els which predict the relationship of man, his transport loaded
body segments, or tissues to a particular unavoidable delay
biomechanical environment. use
theoretical air Also referred to as basic division of work,
The quantity of air, calculated from the basic division of accomplishment, Gilbreth
chemical composition of the material to be basic element, elemental motion, fundamental
combusted, that is required to burn it com- motion, basic motion, basic element, and work
pletely. element.
theory therblig chart
A concept based generally on accepted prin- An operation chart subdivided into therbligs,
ciples and which uses standard rules to predict with each therblig designated by its appropri-
or otherwise explain certain phenomena. ate symbol or abbreviation. See also simulta-
Theory X neous motion chart and therblig.
A belief that workers are naturally passive, self- therm
centered, require constant motivation, lack am- A measure of heat content equal to 100,000
bition, resist change, and that management Btu.
must operate by active intervention.
Theory Y A small, rising parcel of warm air produced
A belief that motivation, responsibility, and a when the earth's surface is heated unevenly.
willingness to work as a team member are
human characteristics which would surface

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thermal adaptation
The physiological adjustment of the body within the same closed thermal environment
over time to cold or heat. have the same temperature.
thermal analysis thermal high
The measurement of changes in properties Area of high pressure that is shallow in verti-
(physical or chemical) of materials as a func- cal extent and is produced primarily by sur-
tion of temperature change, usually brought face temperatures. See also thermal low.
about by heating or cooling at a uniform rate.
thermal belts
Horizontal zones of vegetation found in
mountainous regions that are primarily the re- thermal indifference zone
sult of vertical temperature variations. That range of thermal environments within
which some specified percentage of active
thermal circulation people are not expected to complain.
Air flow resulting primarily from the heating
and cooling of air. thermal insulation
Any material resistant to the flow of heat.
thermal comfort
Satisfaction with the thermal environment. thermal insulation value of air
The resistance to heat transmission through
thermal comfort zone the atmosphere immediately surrounding an
That range of dry bulb air temperature, mean individual.
radiant temperature, air velocity, and humidity
within which some specified percentage of thermal insulation value of clothing
people are expected to be satisfied indefinitely That amount of thermal insulation provided
when in a sedentary posture with suitable by a clothing system as worn. Also referred
clothing. to as insulation value of clothing.
thermal conductivity detector thermal limit
A detector that measures the specific heat of The maximum amount of power a transmis-
conductance as a quantitative means to deter- sion line can carry without suffering heat-
mine the concentration of a substance (TC related deterioration of line equipment, par-
detector). ticularly conductors.
thermal decomposition thermal low
A chemical breakdown of a material as a re- Area of low pressure that is shallow in verti-
sult of exposure to heat. The decomposition cal extent and is produced primarily by sur-
products are often more toxic than the parent face temperatures. See also thermal high.
material. thermal photograph
thermal discomfort See thermogram.
That sensation of being outside the thermal thermal pollution
comfort zone, but not to the extent at which Discharge of heated water from industrial
the body would encounter significant thermal processes that can affect the life processes of
stress. aquatic organisms.
thermal environment thermal radiation
The total combination of dry-bulb tempera- See heat radiation.
ture, radiant temperature, air velocity, humid-
ity, physical activity, and clothing effects for thermal resistance
an individual or group. A material's ability to prevent heat flow.

thermal equilibrium thermal resistance value (R)

(1) A condition in which the rate of excess A measure of the resistance to heat flow pro-
body heat production equals the rate of heat vided by clothing or other thermal barrier.
loss to the environment. (2) A condition in thermal resistivity
which all objects in contact with each other or The inverse of thermal conductivity.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

thermal storage thermography
Storing heat for use at a later time. For exam- The study or use of measuring surface tem-
ple, ceramic bricks can be charged up to 1,200 peratures of objects via emitted or reflected
degrees Fahrenheit in an 8-hour period and electromagnetic radiation.
the heat released over the next 16 hours. thermoluminescence
thermal stress Any emission of electromagnetic radiation
Any type of stress caused solely by deviations within or near the visible range due to the
from comfortable temperatures or thermal en- heating of an object.
vironments for a given clothing system. See
also heat stress and cold stress.
thermal tides
Atmospheric pressure variations due to the thermoluminescent dosimeter
uneven heating of the upper atmosphere by A radiation badge worn by a person to meas-
the sun. ure radiation exposure dose. It contains a ra-
diation sensitive crystalline material that
thermal turbulence emits light on exposure to a heat source in
Turbulent vertical motions that result from proportion to the amount of radiation ab-
surface heating and the subsequent rising and sorbed.
sinking of air.
thermistor An instrument for measuring temperature. In
A semiconductor which exhibits rapid and principal, a thermometer makes use of a sub-
large changes in resistance for relatively small stance (such as alcohol or mercury) with a
changes in temperature and is used to measure physical property that varies with temperature
temperature. and is susceptible to measurement on some
thermoanemometer defined scale.
Device for measuring air velocity. Also re- thermophilic aerobic digestion
ferred to as a heated wire anemometer or A process to reduce pathogens in solid waste
heated thermocouple anemometer. by agitating liquid sludge with air or oxygen
thermochromic effect to maintain aerobic conditions at residence
Exhibiting a color change on exposure to heat. times of 10 days at 55-60°C, (131-140°F)
thermocouple with a volatile solids reduction of at least 38
A thermoelectric device, consisting of two percent.
dissimilar metals, which can be used to meas- thermoplastic
ure temperature, or the effect of a change in A plastic material that is capable of being re-
temperature, as a result of a difference in peatedly softened by heat and hardened when
electrical potential between the metals when cooled.
exposed to heat. thermoreceptor
thermodynamics A sensor responding to or capable of sensing
The science concerned with heat and work temperature or temperature difference.
and the relationship between them. thermoregulation
thermogenesis Any or all of the processes used by living or-
Heat production by the body or other means. ganisms to balance heat production, gain, and
thermogram loss in an attempt to maintain a suitable body
A graphic representation of the temperature temperature.
distribution on the surface of the body or thermosetting plastic
other object. Plastics that harden when first heated under
thermograph pressure, but whose original characteristics
An instrument that measures and records air are destroyed when remelted or remolded.
temperature. thermosiphon system
A solar collector system for water heating in
which circulation of the collection fluid

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through the storage loop is provided solely by thigh circumference, sitting
the temperature and density differences be- The surface distance around the upper leg in a
tween the hot and cold fluids. plane perpendicular to the thigh longitudinal
thermosphere axis and as high in the pubic crotch as possi-
The atmospheric layer above the mesosphere ble. Measured without significant tissue
where the temperature increases rapidly with compression and with the individual sitting
height. erect, having no unnecessary muscular con-

thigh clearance height, sitting

THERP The vertical distance from the upper seat sur-
See Technique for Human Error Rate Pre- face to the highest point of the thigh above the
diction. sitting surface. Measured with the individual
theta rhythm sitting erect in a seat whose height is at ap-
An EEG frequency band consisting of fre- proximately the popliteal height, the thigh
quencies from about 4 to 8 Hz. longitudinal axis horizontal, the lower leg
vertical, and without unnecessary muscle
thief contractions.
A device that is lowered into a tank to take a
sample of the stored material from any desired thigh length
depth. The linear distance from the horizontal mid-
point of the inguinal crease to the proximal
thigh border of the patella. Measured with both the
The upper portion of the leg, generally from hip and knee flexed 90°.
the hip to the knee, consisting of the femur
and the surrounding tissues. thigh skinfold
thigh circumference, distal The thickness of a vertical skinfold taken
The surface distance in the horizontal plane along the midline of the thigh at the midthigh
around the upper leg just proximal to the point. Measured with the individual standing
femoral epicondyles. Measured without tis- comfortably erect, the weight distributed
sue compression with the individual standing equally on both feet, and the leg musculature
erect, his/her weight equally distributed on relaxed.
both feet, and no unnecessary muscular con- thigh – thigh breadth, sitting
tractions. The maximum horizontal linear distance from
thigh circumference, midthigh the most left lateral point of the thigh spread
The surface distance around the upper leg in a across the thighs to the most right lateral point
horizontal plane at the vertical midpoint be- of thigh spread. Measured with the individual
tween the lowest point in the pubic crotch and seated erect and thigh longitudinal axes par-
tibiale. Measured without significant tissue allel or as nearly parallel as possible.
compression with the individual standing third-class lever
erect, his/her body weight distributed equally A lever system in which the force or effort is
on both feet, and no unnecessary muscular located between the fulcrum and resistance.
third rail
thigh circumference, proximal An electric conductor, located alongside the
The surface distance around the upper leg in running rail, from which power is collected by
the horizontal plane at a level as high in the means of a sliding shoe attached to the truck
pubic crotch as possible and at a level of the of electric rail cars or locomotives.
gluteal furrow. Measured without significant
third shift
tissue compression with the individual stand-
A night work shift of about 8 hours duration,
ing erect, his/her weight balanced on both
between approximately 11 P.M. and 7 A.M.
feet, and no unnecessary muscular contrac-
Also called C-shift, graveyard shift, night

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thorium series
third structure tax Isotopes which belong to a chain of successful
Any tax on road users other than registration decays which begins with thorium-232 and
fees or fuel taxes. ends with lead-206.
thirst threatened species
A desire for water due to a sensation of dry- Under the Federal Endangered Species Act of
ness in the mouth and/or throat or a general 1973: Any species which is likely to become
bodily need for water. an endangered species within the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant portion
of its range.
The property exhibited by a fluid that is in a
liquid state when flowing and in a semisolid three-dimensional
gel state when at rest. Having extent in length, width, and depth;
THM giving the impression of depth.
See trihalomethane. three-dimensional anthropometry
thoracic The measurement of points on the human
See thorax. body with reference to a well-defined three-
dimensional space.
thoracic cavity
That bodily cavity which contains the heart three-mile limit
and lungs, with their supporting tissues. The distance of one marine league or three
miles offshore normally recognized as the
thoracic fraction limit of territorial jurisdiction. See also ter-
The mass fraction of inhaled particles that ritorial waters.
penetrate beyond the larynx.
thresher's lung disease
thoracic outlet syndrome An acute pneumonia which may be found in
See scalenus anterior syndrome. agricultural workers exposed to moldy grain
thoracic particulate mass or hay. See also farmer's lung disease.
Those particles that penetrate a separator threshold
whose size collection efficiency is described (1) General. The level at which effects are
by a cumulative lognormal function with a observed. (2) Aviation. The beginning of that
medium aerodynamic diameter of 10 mi- portion of the runway available for landing.
crometers and with a geometric standard de- When the threshold is located at a point other
viation of 1.5. than at the beginning of the pavement, it is re-
thoracic particulate mass TLVs (TPM-TLVs) ferred to as either a displaced or relocated
Those materials that are hazardous when de- threshold.
posited anywhere within the lung airways and threshold contrast
the gas-exchange region of the lungs. See contrast threshold.
thoracic spine threshold dose
That portion of the spine associated with the The dose of a chemical below which an ad-
level of the thorax, vertebrae T1-T12. verse effect does not occur.
thoracolumbar threshold limit value (TLV)
See sympathetic. An exposure value representing the level of
thorax air concentrations of chemical substances to
That portion of the trunk from the neck to the which it is believed that workers may be ex-
diaphragm, containing the chest and its or- posed on a daily basis without suffering ad-
gans. verse effects. TLVs are developed by the
American Conference of Governmental In-
dustrial Hygienists (ACGIH), which is a non-
regulatory agency. TLVs are, therefore, not
enforceable by law unless adopted by the

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authority having jurisdiction. See also Per- threshold planning quantity (TPQ)
missible Exposure Limit, or PEL. A quantity designated for each chemical on
threshold limit value – ceiling (TLV–C) the EPA's list of extremely hazardous sub-
The concentration that should not be exceeded stances that triggers notification by facilities
during any part of the working exposure. to their SERC that such facilities are subject
to emergency planning provisions under
threshold limit value – short-term exposure SARA Title III.
limit (TLV–STEL)
threshold potential
The concentration of a substance to which
That membrane potential in an excitable cell
workers can be exposed continuously for a
at which the potential becomes unstable,
short period of time without suffering irrita-
leading to an action potential.
tion, chronic or irreversible tissue damage, or
narcosis of sufficient degree to increase the threshold shift
likelihood of accidental injury, impair self- Acoustics. An increase in the hearing thresh-
rescue or materially reduce work efficiency, old level that results from exposure to noise.
and provided the TLV-TWA is not exceeded. Threshold shifts can be either temporary or
threshold limit value – time-weighted average
(TLV-TWA) throat
The values of toxic materials in air, which are The fauces, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx
to be used as guides for the control of health with their enclosing tissues that link the nose
hazards in the work environment. They rep- and mouth with the respiratory and digestive
resent time-weighted average concentrations systems of the body.
to which nearly all workers can be exposed thromboangitis obliterans
for a normal 8-hour workday and 40-hour See Buerger's disease.
workweek, day after day, without adverse
health effect. thrombocytopenia
A decrease in the number of platelets in the
threshold of audibility blood.
The minimum effective sound intensity or
pressure level at a specified frequency that thrombosis
will evoke an auditory sensation in a specified Formation of blood clots, or thrombi, inside a
proportion of trials or in a specified propor- blood vessel or in one of the chambers of the
tion of people. Also referred to as auditory heart. A thrombus may form whenever the
absolute threshold, threshold of detectability, flow of blood in the arteries or the veins is
threshold of hearing, and zero level. impeded. Many factors can interfere with the
normal flow of the blood. Sometimes heart
threshold of detectability failure or physical inactivity retards circula-
See threshold of audibility. tion generally, or a change in the shape or in-
threshold of discomfort ner surface of a vessel wall impeded the flow
See discomfort threshold. of blood, as in atherosclerosis. Any mass that
has grown inside the body can exert pressure
threshold of feeling
on a vessel, or the vessel wall can be injured
That acoustic stimulation level at which sound
and roughened by an accident, surgery, a
begins to be perceived as pain.
burn, cold, inflammation, or infection. The
threshold of hearing blood may thicken in a reaction to the pres-
See threshold of audibility. ence of a foreign serum or snake venom. If
threshold of pain the thrombus detaches itself from the wall and
Heat Exposure. Contact with surfaces that are is carried along by the bloodstream, the clot is
hot enough to cause pain or exposure to radi- called an embolus. This condition is known
ant heat sources that are intense enough to re- as embolism. A thrombus may form in the
sult in skin/surface temperatures that cause heart chambers. This sometimes occurs after
pain. Temperatures of 215ºF (101.6ºC) and coronary thrombosis at the place where the
above cause pain on contact. wall of the heart is weakened or in the dilated
atria in some cases of mitral stenosis. Be-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

cause blood normally flows more slowly thumb crotch length
through the veins than through the arteries, The linear distance from the level of the base
thrombosis is more common in the veins than of the crotch between the thumb and index
in the arteries. finger to the level of the crotch between the
thrombus first and second fingers (digits II and III).
A solid mass formed in the living heart or in Measured parallel to the long axis of the hand.
vessels from constituents of the blood. thumb-tip reach
through bill of lading The distance from a wall to the tip of the
Bill of lading covering transportation through thumb. Measured with the individual stand-
more than one mode in the chain of transport ing erect against the wall, his/her elbow/arm
from shipper to consignee. extended forward, and his/her thumb aligned
with the index finger.
through ladder
A ladder from which a person getting off at thumb-tip reach, extended
the top must step through the ladder in order The thumb-tip reach except that the measured
to reach the landing. shoulder is extended as far as possible while
keeping the non-measured scapula firmly
throughput against the wall. Also referred to as extended
(1) Actual or estimated volume of natural gas functional reach.
that may be carried on a pipeline over a period
of time. (2) A measure of productivity for thumbwheel
cargo (i.e., containers per day, month, year) A manual rotary control device, only a portion
processed and handled through a port facility. of which extends above a panel surface, usu-
ally having the numbers 0 through 9 displayed
throughput capacity spaced at equal distances around the circum-
The estimated potential tonnage of cargo that ference. May have individual, discrete de-
can be processed and handled through a port tents for each number or a continuous rotary
terminal or berthing facility during a given motion.
time period, determined by the design specifi-
cations of the terminal. thunder
The sound due to rapidly expanding gases
throughput charge along the channel of a lightning discharge.
The charge for moving a container through a See also lightning.
container yard off or onto a ship.
thunder head
thrust See cumulonimbus.
A rapid forward motion, especially of an up-
per limb. thunderstorm cloud
See cumulonimbus.
thrust fault
Seismology. A specific kind of reverse fault thyroarytenoid
in which the dip of the fault is less than 45 A skeletal muscle in the larynx which is in-
degrees over much if not all of its length. It is volved in shortening and relaxing the vocal
characterized not so much by vertical dis- cords.
placement, but by horizontal compression. thyroid
Thrust faults are an obvious sign of compres- A bi-lobed endocrine gland located in the
sional tectonics. neck attached to the thyroid cartilage which is
THS involved in regulating body metabolism.
See territorial highway system. thyroid cartilage
thumb The large, most superior cartilage of the lar-
The first digit of the hand (has only two pha- ynx. The anterior prominence of this cartilage
langes instead of three). is larger in the male than the female and
commonly referred to as the Adam's apple.
thumb crotch
That region of tissue between the thumb and
the first finger (digit II).

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tibia tidal gauge
The larger, medial bone of the lower leg. An instrument for measuring the height of the
Bears most of the body weight when standing. tide.
Commonly referred to as the shinbone. tidal marsh
tibiale Low, flat marshlands traversed by channels
The most superior point on the medial border and tidal hollows and subject to tidal inunda-
of the tibia's medial condyle. tion. Normally, the only vegetation present is
tibiale height salt-tolerant bushes and grasses. See also
The vertical distance from the floor to the wetlands.
proximal medial margin of the tibia. Meas- tidal volume
ured with the individual standing erect and The volume of air that is inspired or expired
his/her weight balanced between both feet. in a single breath during breathing.
tic tidegate
Any movement disorder involving involun- Gate with a free-swinging barrier that is
tary, brief, rapid contractions of related placed near or at the outlet of a conduit flow-
groups of muscles. ing into a body of water subject to high water
tick from tides to separate fresh from salt water.
A blood-sucking arachnid parasite. There are See also gate and floodgate.
two types, hard and soft. Hard ticks have a tie
smooth, hard cover that shields the entire back (1) A condition in which two individuals, ob-
of the male but only the anterior portion of the jects, or other entities have the same value or
back of the female. Soft ticks lack this shell. score. (2) An article of clothing, usually long
Ticks are visible to the human eye. A hard and narrow, for tying around the neck.
tick can be seen on the skin, where it burrows tie line
into the outer layer with its knife-like tongue. A transmission line connecting two or more
It must be removed from the skin with care. power systems.
Soft ticks do not bore into the skin. The two
varieties carry different diseases but both tie off to bank
thrive in the spring and early summer and in- To moor one or more barges to the bank of
habit wooded areas, brush, and grass. Ticks the river, utilizing trees or any other structure
serve as vectors for viruses causing Colorado available for securing the mooring wires.
tick fever, Lyme disease, and some forms of TIG welding
encephalitis and for rickettsiae that causes A method of welding using tungsten inert gas.
such diseases as Rocky Mountain spotted fe-
ver and boutonneuse fever. tight building syndrome (TBS)
A condition associated with buildings de-
ticketing and fare collection signed and operated at minimum outdoor air
All activities associated with fare collection supply which, as a result, often leads to com-
and counting activities including supervision plaints of adverse health effects and/or dis-
and clerical support. Includes printing, dis- comfort by the occupants. Also referred to as
tributing, selling, and controlling of tickets, sick building syndrome or SBS.
tokens and passes; pulling and transporting
vaults to counting facilities; counting and tight standard
auditing of fare collection; and, providing se- A time standard which allows less than the
curity for the fare collection process. normal time for a given task to be done by a
normal operator working at the normal pace.
Flat foreshore area that is submerged at high tile
tide, exposed or a wash at low tide, and gen- To place two or more windows on a display
erally devoid of vegetation. such that they abut one another, but do not
tidal air
See tidal volume. till
Channel report term meaning to steer toward a
certain mark in a direct line until the occur-

©2000 CRC Press LLC

rence or existence of another named fact has time balancing
taken place. The redistribution of those work elements or
tilt cab assignments performed by workers having the
Vehicle designed with engine beneath cab and greatest workloads among workers who have
having provision for tilting the cab forward on less time-consuming workloads in an attempt
a pivot near the front bumper to provide easy to reduce the total job time.
access to the engine. time constant
timberhead The time required for a physical signal to rise
One or two upright pins or steel bollards on to or fall from a specified percentage of its
the heads and stems of barges whereby the normal operating level. Typically an expo-
barges are coupled together for towing end to nential relationship: = 1-1/e (63.2%).
end. The term originated from the wooden time delay
timbers mounted on early wooden barges that That time required for a signal to be trans-
were prevalent for transporting coal many mitted from one point and received at another
years ago. point, separated by some physical distance.
timbre time domain
That auditory attribute by which a listener can The expression of a function in terms of
discriminate between two sounds having the times.
same loudness and pitch, but different tonal time in service
quality. Aviation. With respect to maintenance time
time records, means the time from the moment an
The interval that occurs or exists between any aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it
two clearly identified events. In contrast to touches it at the next point of landing.
the situation with respect to length and mass, time-lapse photography
the basic unit of time is the same (for all Sys- The use of one or more still, motion picture
tems of Units). Until recently, the basic unit film, or video cameras operating at less than
of time was defined to be the length of a mean normal frame rates to record long-duration
solar day. Now, however, the basic unit of operations or processes for viewing later at
time is the second, which had been previously normal frame rates to determine times.
defined to be 1/86,400 of one mean solar day,
but is now more precisely defined and quanti- time locking
fied, according to the International System of Rail Operations. A method of locking, either
Units, the MKS System, the CGS System, and mechanical or electrical, which, after a signal
the English System as the duration of has been caused to display a permission to
9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corre- proceed, prevents, until after the expiration of
sponding to the transition between the two a predetermined time interval after such signal
hyperfine levels of the ground state of the has been caused to display its most restrictive
133 aspect, the operation of any interlocked or
ssCs atom.
electrically locked switch, movable-point frog,
time allowance or derail in the route governed by that signal,
See allowance. and which prevents a permission-to-proceed
time and materials contract signal from being displayed for any conflict-
A legal agreement providing for materials at ing route.
the contractor's cost and labor hours at a time-loss analysis
specified rate, including both direct and indi- A specialized system safety analytical tech-
rect costs, overhead, and profit. nique used to evaluate responses to accidents
time and motion study in consideration of the actual moment in time
The observation, measurement, and analysis the response occurred following the accident.
of the operations involved in the performance An evaluation is made of these responses and
of a job or task to determine standard times. a determination of their effectiveness is made
See also time study and work measurement.

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based upon losses that occurred up to the limit values or permissible exposure limits are
moment of intervention. often based on 8-hour time-weighted aver-
time magnification ages.
The ratio of film/video camera sampling fre- time zone
quency over film/video projection frequency, A geographic region within which the same
both normally in units of frames/sec. standard time is used.
time measurement unit (TMU) timed transfer system
An MTM time interval equal to 10-5 hour. A transit network consisting of one or more
time on sortie nodes (transit centers) and routes or lines ra-
U.S. Coast Guard Operations. Total time on diating from them. The system is designed so
sortie from homeport/station or diversion that transit vehicles on all or most of the
from another mission until return to home- routes or lines are scheduled to arrive at a
port/station or return for replenishment. transit center simultaneously and depart a few
minutes later; thus transfers among all the
time perception routes and lines involve virtually no waiting.
The ability to accurately judge the duration of TTS is typically used in suburban areas and
time intervals without the use or benefit of for night service; in other words, for those
any timing queues. cases in which headways are long.
time release timeline
A device used to prevent the operation of an A schedule of expected or projected events,
operative unit until after the expiration of a with the dates and/or times at which each is to
predetermined time interval after the device occur and its duration.
has been actuated.
timeline chart
time series A graphical or symbolic representation of a
A set of time domain data which has been timeline.
sampled over some period of time, usually at
regular intervals. timeshare
To integrate performance on two or more
time service begins tasks using divided attention, parts of which
Transit. Start of morning transit service, i.e., are performed either in parallel or sequen-
the time when a revenue service vehicle tially, all within a given period of time.
leaves the garage or point of dispatch.
timing relay
time service ends A relay which will not close its front contacts
Transit. End of night transit service, i.e., the or open its back contacts, or both, until the
time when a revenue service vehicle returns to expiration of a definite time interval after the
the garage or point of dispatch. relay has been energized.
time standards maintenance tinnitus
The periodic verification and updating of A ringing, buzzing, or other similar subjective
standard times to keep pace with technology, or pathological sensation in the ears.
methodology, and other changes.
time study Any color lighter than medium gray.
The use of appropriate sampling, measure-
ment, and analysis techniques to determine a tintometer
standard time, including time allowances, for An instrument using a combination of colored
an operator to perform a given task or job us- glass filters to estimate the intensity of colors.
ing specified methods and under the pre- tipple
scribed working conditions. See also work A central facility used in loading coal for
measurement (1). transportation by rail or truck.
time-weighted average (TWA)
An exposure averaged over a given time pe-
riod, often an 8-hour work day. Threshold

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tire capacity TLV-STEL
The rated capacity in pounds that the tire is See threshold limit value - short-term expo-
designed to support, as established by the cur- sure limit.
rent Tire and Rim Association ratings. TLV-TWA
TIRES See threshold limit value - time-weighted
See transportation interface and reporting average.
system. TLX
tissue See Task Load Index.
A group of cells with similar structure and TMA
function. There are four basic tissues in the See transportation management area.
body: muscle, nerve, epithelium, and con-
nective tissues (including blood, bone, and TMJ
cartilage). See temporomandibular joint disorder.
tissue rheology
The study of the deformation and flow of tis- TMU
sue under external stress. See time measurement unit.
titanium toad skin
A chemical element, atomic number 22, (slang) A dry, rough skin texture associated
atomic weight 47.90, symbol Ti. with a deficiency of vitamin A.
title TOBEC
An identifier which names a display and is See total body electrical conductivity.
distinguishable from other display structures.
title search See total organic carbon.
A process used to confirm legal ownership of
property. TODA
See takeoff distance available.
The determination of a constituent in a known toe
volume of a solution by the measured addition Any of the digits of the foot.
of a second solution of known strength to the toeboard
completion of its reaction with the component A vertical barrier at floor level erected along
in the first solution, as indicated, typically, by exposed edges of a floor opening, wall open-
the formation of a colored endpoint. ing, platform, runway, or ramp to prevent falls
TKA line of materials.
See trochanter – knee – ankle line. toenail
TL The elastic tissue covering the dorsal portion
See taxilane. of any of the terminal phalanges of the foot.
See also fingernail.
Thin-layer chromatography. toggle switch
A two- or three-position switch, either electro-
TLD mechanical or a graphic display image, which
Thermoluminescent dosimeter. can be flipped either from side to side or from
TLSC a central position to either side for control op-
See terrestrial life cycle safe concentration. eration.
TLV tolerance
See threshold limit value. (1) General. The ability to endure an unusual
amount of stress or dose of a substance that
TLV-C would typically adversely affect others. (2)
See threshold limit value - ceiling. Environmental. The permissible residue lev-
els for pesticides in raw agricultural produce
and processed foods. Whenever a pesticide is

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registered for use on a food or a feed crop, a ton-registered
tolerance (or exemption from the tolerance The cubical contents or burden of a vessel in
requirement) must be established. EPA es- tons of 100 cubic feet. The space within a
tablishes the tolerance levels, which are en- vessel in units of 100 cubic feet.
forced by the Food and Drug Administration tonal discrimination
and the Department of Agriculture. (3) Engi- See pitch discrimination.
neering. See engineering tolerance.
tonal gap
toll road A sound frequency band in which an individ-
Travel fee is collected at entry or exit. ual has low or non-existent auditory sensitiv-
tomography ity and has normal or better sensitivity on
The study or practice of sectional radiogra- both sides of that band.

ton The unit of force which will accelerate a long
A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary Sys- ton 1 foot per sec2.
tem equal to 2,000 pounds. Also referred to tone
as a short ton. (1) Acoustics. A sound sensation having a
ton-deadweight pitch. (2) Colorimetric. A shade or variation
The carrying capacity of a ship in terms of the in shade or color. (3) Anatomy. Normal de-
weight in tons of the cargo, fuel, provisions, gree of vigor and tension; in muscle, the re-
and passengers which a vessel can carry. sistance to passive elongation or stretch. See
ton-displacement tonus.
The weight of the volume of water which the tone deaf
fully loaded ship displaces. The inability to discriminate between tones
ton-kilometer by inland waterways that are close together in pitch.
Unit of measure of goods transport which rep- tongue
resents the transport of one ton by inland wa- The muscular structure attached to the poste-
terways over one kilometer. rior floor of the mouth and which is involved
ton mile in mastication, speech, swallowing, and taste.
One ton (2,000 pounds) transported one stat- tonicity
ute mile (5,280). Ton miles are computed by The level of tension or contraction in a static
multiplying the aircraft miles flown on each muscle or group of muscles.
inter-airport hop by the number of tons carried tonne
on that hop. See also average length of haul. A mass in the metric system equal to 1,000
ton miles tax kilograms. Also referred to as a long ton.
A tax calculated by measuring the weight of tonus
each truck for each trip. The gross weight is That degree of tension in a static muscle.
assigned a tax rate which is multiplied by the More commonly referred to simply as tone or
miles of travel. muscle tone.
ton of refrigeration tool
The extraction of 12,000 Btu per hour or Any device, piece of instrumentation, or ma-
288,000 Btu per day of 24 hours. The latter is chine intended to perform an operation or aid
referred to as a ton-day of refrigeration. Also in the performance of an operation.
referred to as a ton of air conditioning.
tool allowance
ton offered kilometer A time allowance for a worker to adjust
Unit of measure representing the movement and/or maintain his/her tools.
of one ton available in a freight vessel when
performing the services for which it is pri-
marily intended over one kilometer.

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tool design tornado vortex signature (TVS)
The part of engineering involved with the de- An image of a tornado on the Doppler radar
sign of tools, especially of hand tools. screen that shows up as a small region of
tooth rapidly changing wind speeds inside a meso-
One of the small, bone-like structures of the cyclone.
jaws for the biting and mastication of food; tornado warning
the teeth also assist in shaping sounds and A warning issued when a tornado has actually
forming words in speech. been observed either visually or on a radar
toothpick screen.
Steel bar about 3 feet long placed in ratchet tornado watch
ends to keep wire from turning when tighten- A forecast issued to alert the public that tor-
ing ratchet. nadoes may develop in a specified area.
(1) The effective perpendicular component of
a force (or the effective sum of forces) applied
top around to an object at some distance from a point rep-
Maritime Navigation. The turning of a tow resenting an axis about which rotation can oc-
from up-bound to down-bound, either inten- cur, inducing or tending to induce an angular
tionally or unintentionally. acceleration. (2) The amount of twisting ef-
top event fort exerted at the crankshaft by an engine.
As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or The unit of measure is a pound-foot which
management oversight and risk tree (MORT), represents a force of one pound acting at right
the primary fault event under analysis. Rep- angles at the end of an arm one foot long.
resented graphically as a rectangle. Gross torque. The maximum torque devel-
oped by an engine without allowing for the
top light power absorbed by accessory units. N e t
To illuminate one or more individuals or a torque. The torque available at the flywheel
scene from directly above. after the power required by engine accessories
top plate has been provided.
Rail Operations. A metal plate secured to a torr
locking bracket to prevent the cross-locking A unit of pressure equal to 1.316 E-3 atmos-
from being forced out of the bracket. pheres. Seven hundred sixty (760) torr is
top shell equal to one atmosphere of pressure.
The tank car tank surface, excluding the head torsion
ends and bottom shell of the tank car tank. The twisting of a rigid structure about an in-
topography ternal axis due to an applied torque.
The physical characteristics of a surface area torso
including relative elevations and the position Anatomy. Refers to the central portions of the
of natural and manmade features. body excluding the limbs and head, typically
topping off the upper and lower chest, back, abdomen and
The operation of completing the loading of a pelvic regions.
tank to a required ullage. torso line
TORA The line connecting the "H" point and the
See takeoff run available. shoulder reference point as defined in Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Recom-
mended Practice J787g, "Motor Vehicle Seat
An intense, rotating column of air that pro-
Belt Anchorage," September 1966.
trudes from a cumulonimbus cloud in the
shape of a funnel or a rope and touches the tort
ground. See also funnel cloud. A type of legal wrong of a personal nature.
Some torts are nuisance, negligence, trespass,
waste, violation of riparian rights, strict li-

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ability for ultrahazardous activities, negligent or foot; c) any two members (hand, arm, foot,
misrepresentation, liable, slander, false im- or leg) not on the same limb.
prisonment, and negligent or intentional in- total energy
fliction of emotional distress. All energy consumed by end-users, including
tort-feasor electricity but excluding the energy consumed
A wrong-doer; an individual or business that at electric utilities to generate electricity. In
commits or is guilty of a tort. estimating energy expenditures, there are no
total airborne particulate fuel-associated expenditures for hydroelectric
See total particulate. power, geothermal energy, solar power, or
wind energy, and the quantifiable expendi-
total aircraft revenue mile tures for process fuel and intermediate prod-
The distance flown by aircraft in revenue pas- ucts are excluded.
senger and/or nonpassenger service, including
extra sections.
total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC)
A technique for estimating/measuring total total energy consumption
body fat and lean body mass by placing the The sum of fossil fuel consumption by the
body in an electromagnetic field and observ- five sectors (residential, commercial, indus-
ing the change in the coil's impedance. trial, transportation, and electric utility) plus
total body fat (TBF) hydroelectric power, nuclear electric power,
The sum of all the fat deposited in the body. net imports of coal coke, and electricity gen-
See also body fat. erated for distribution from wood, waste,
geothermal, wind, photovoltaic, and solar
total body water (TBW) thermal energy.
An estimated value for all the water resident
in the body; the sum of both the intracellular total exposure point
and extracellular water. See also extracellu- A point of potential exposure to substances
lar water. from more than one exposure pathway.

total bottom time (TBT) total facility activity

The length of time an individual was or has Aviation. The sum of en route facility activity
been working at depth underwater; the total + terminal facility activity.
time an individual has been rehabilitated at total flight service
the maximum working pressure in a hyper- The sum of flight plans originated and pilot
baric chamber. briefs multiplied by two, plus the number of
total departures performed in all services aircraft contacted. No credit is allowed for
The total number of aircraft takeoffs made in airport advisories or radio contacts.
scheduled and nonscheduled service. total float
total departures performed in nonscheduled The additional time available for performing
services an activity beyond its actual duration.
The total number of aircraft takeoffs made in total flooding system
nonscheduled service. A fixed suppression system which is arranged
total departures performed in scheduled to automatically discharge a predetermined
service concentration of agent into an enclosed space
The total number of aircraft takeoffs made in for the purpose of extinguishing or controlling
scheduled service including extra sections. fire.

total disability total light loss factor

Any disability short of death which prevents The mathematical product of all recoverable
an individual from following any gainful em- and non-recoverable light loss factors.
ployment, or which includes the loss of use of total lung capacity
a) both eyes; b) one eye plus a hand, arm, leg, The volume contained within the lungs after a
maximal inspiration.

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total metabolic cost total revenue load factor
See gross metabolic cost. The percent that revenue ton miles (passenger
total operations and nonpassenger) are of available ton miles
Aviation. All arrivals and departures per- in revenue services, representing the propor-
formed by military, general aviation, com- tion of the overall capacity that is actually
muter/air taxi, and air carrier aircraft. sold and utilized.

total organic carbon (TOC) total solids

A measure of the amount of carbon existing in The sum of all dissolved and suspended solids
organic molecular form within a water sam- in water.
ple. total stopping distance
total particulate That distance required for a vehicle to come
The concentration of particulates in air with- to rest from the moment at which the neces-
out respect for the size of the particles col- sity for braking is required. It is equal to the
lected. The concentration is expressed in sum of the total reaction distance, brake reac-
milligrams per cubic meter of air. Also re- tion distance, and braking distance.
ferred to as total airborne particulate. total suspended particulate (TSP)
total pressure A weight determination of the particulate mat-
The algebraic sum of static pressure and ve- ter in the ambient air as determined from a
locity pressure of a fluid with due regard for filter sample obtained using a high volume air
sign. sampler.

Total Quality total suspended solids (TSS)

A technique intended to generate a culture A measure of the suspended solids in waste-
which is quality oriented and provides for water, effluent, or water bodies, determined
continual improvement through developing an by using tests for "total suspended nonfilter-
environment in which employees gain a better able solids."
understanding of work processes, employee- total thermal insulation value of clothing (It)
management communication is encouraged, The overall thermal insulation value of a
and employees are empowered to aid in en- clothing system, represented by the sum of the
hancements. thermal insulation value of clothing and a
Total Quality Environmental Management factor for the insulation value of air divided
(TQEM) by a factor for the surface area of the clothing.
Philosophy developed by the Global Envi- Also referred to as effective thermal insula-
ronment Management Institute (GEMI) ap- tion value of clothing. Represented by the
plying the principles of Total Quality Man- formula:
agement (TQM) to environmental manage- Ia
ment. See also GEMI and TQM. It = Icl +
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Management philosophy developed in the where:
1980s which uses statistical theory to improve Icl = thermal insulation value of clothing
production quality and corporate performance. Ia = thermal insulation value of air
fcl = clothing area factor
total reaction distance
That distance traveled by a vehicle during the total ton miles
operator's total reaction time. The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport
hop multiplied by the tons of revenue traffic
total reaction time (passenger and nonpassenger) carrier on that
That time required for the operator of a vehi- hop.
cle to make contact with the brake pedal or
other stopping mechanism or to begin an eva- totally encapsulated chemical protective suite
sive maneuver once it is recognized that such A full body garment constructed of chemical
an action is necessary. protective materials which covers the wearer's
torso, head, arms, legs, respirator, and may

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cover the hands and feet with tightly attached One or more barges or other floating vessels
gloves and boots. It completely encloses the in the charge of a self-propelled vessel which
wearer and respirator by itself or in combina- has undertaken to transport such responsibil-
tion with the wearer's gloves and boots. ity elsewhere. A tow is made up when it has
touch been hitched together and made ready for
The sensation arising from light to moderate moving. A barge moored to the front of a
stimulation of the pressure receptors in the towing vessel is the tow barge and the ones
skin. Touch is not a single sense, but several. out in front are the lead barges. When a barge
There are separate nerves in the skin to regis- is towed alongside a towboat, it is "slung un-
ter heat, cold, pressure, pain, and touch. der her arm" or "on the hip." When pulled
These thousands of nerves are distributed un- behind, the barges are said to be "railroaded."
evenly over the body, so that some areas are When loosely coupled behind, it is called the
more responsive to cold, others to pain, and "mule train."
others to heat or pressure. tow line
touch-sensitive display A holding up line; normally a lashing from
See touchscreen. the forward head of one barge to the after
head of a barge alongside.
touch tablet
A pressure-sensitive computer input device towboat
consisting of a flat surface which is capable of A self-propelled, compact, shallow-draft boat
converting local position to a position on a with a squared bow and towing "knees" for
display for cursor or other control. pushing tows of barges on inland waterways.
In early river transportation, the freight-
touch-tone carrying vessels were pulled or "towed." The
Pertaining to a numeric keypad on which each contemporary method is to push barges but
key, when depressed, outputs a pair of tones the traditional term "towboat" is still used for
unique to that key. For use with telecommu- the modern barge pushers instead of the more
nications equipment or as a computer input accurate term "pushboat." See also boat,
device. motorboat, and tug.
touch zone tower
That area within a display on a touch screen A tall framework or structure, the elevation of
which can respond to activation by pressure. which is functional.
touchscreen towering cumulus
A display, at least some portion of which is See cumulus.
sensitive to pressure or the position of an ob-
ject on the face of the screen for input or di- towhead
rect manipulation. Also called touch-sensitive A small island or spit of land extending above
display. or below the main or larger island. It may or
may not be recently formed.
tour operators
Establishments primarily engaged in arrang- towing
ing and assembling tours for sale through Engaged in towing any vessel or object, other
travel agents. Tour operators primarily en- than a person.
gaged in selling their own tours directly to towing and tugboat service
travelers are also included in this industry. Establishments primarily engaged in furnishing
tourniquet marine towing and tugboat services in the per-
A device for compression of an artery or vein. formance of auxiliary or terminal services in
It is used to stop excessive bleeding, to pre- harbor areas. The vessels used in performing
vent the spread of snake venom, and to fa- these services do not carry cargo or passen-
cilitate obtaining blood samples or giving in- gers.
travenous injections. towing knees
The heavily constructed steel angles mounted
in a fixed position on the bow of all western

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river towboats to enable them to push against toxic effects
the stern of barges. The effects of exposure to toxic substances
Town Counsel that may be acute or chronic, systemic or lo-
An attorney duly appointed and authorized to cal.
represent and advise a municipality. For a toxic material
city this would be the City Solicitor. A substance which may produce an injurious
toxemia or lethal effect through ingestion, inhalation,
A condition in which toxins produced by or absorption through the body surface. See
body cells at a local site of infection are con- also toxic substance.
tained in the blood. This condition is also re- toxic pollutants
ferred to as blood poisoning. (1) General. Materials contaminating the
environment that cause death, disease, birth
defects, or organisms that ingest or absorb
toxic them. The quantities and length of exposure
(1) General. Term used to describe a chemical necessary to cause these effects can vary
that has the ability to cause harmful or fatal ef- widely. (2) Federal Water Pollution Control
fects upon exposure to humans, animals, or Act. Those pollutants, or combinations of
plants. The level of toxicity is normally based pollutants, including disease-causing agents,
upon a scientific evaluation of the dose/response which after discharge and upon exposure,
relationship. Basically, the evaluation of the re- ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any
sults of varying degrees of exposure to toxic organism, either directly from the environ-
agents determines the level of their respective ment or indirectly by ingestion through food
toxicity. (2) EPA. One of four characteristics chains, will cause death, disease, behavioral
which, if displayed by a waste product, renders abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, phy-
that waste hazardous under RCRA. (3) Law. siological malfunctions (including mal-
Poisonous; having the character or producing functions in reproduction) or physical deform-
the effects of a poison; referable to a poison; ations, in such organisms or their offspring.
produced by or resulting from a poison.
Toxic Release Inventory System (TRIS)
toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) Includes all facilities which use toxic
Testing method established by the EPA used chemicals in reportable quantities under
to determine the toxicity of a solid waste. SARA, Title III, Section 313 and their
Under specific testing parameters, the waste releases of such chemicals to the air, water,
will be determined toxic and therefore haz- and land. Reporting covers approximately
ardous if certain listed commodities will 20,000 sites and is required each July 1st for
"leach" out of the waste at levels considered the previous year.
threatening to health or the environment.
toxic substance
toxic chemical release form (1) General. A chemical or mixture that may
Information form required to be submitted by present an unreasonable risk of injury to
facilities that manufacture, process, or use (in health or the environment. (2) OSHA. A sub-
quantities above a specific amount) a chemi- stance that demonstrates a potential to pro-
cal listed under SARA Title III. duce cancer, to produce short- and long-term
toxic cloud disease or bodily injury, to affect health ad-
An airborne mass of gases, vapors, fumes, versely, to produce acute discomfort, or to en-
and/or aerosols containing toxic materials. danger the life of man or animal as a result of
exposure via the respiratory tract, skin, eye,
toxic dose mouth, or other route, in quantities which are
The dose required to produce a toxic effect. reasonable for experimental animals or which
toxic dust have been reported to have produced toxic ef-
Dust that may be harmful to the respiratory fects in man.
system or other part of the body if inhaled
and/or absorbed into the blood stream.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) toxicology
Federal statute enacted in 1976 designed to The science and study of chemicals and their
provide control over toxic chemicals before adverse systemic effects, including source,
they reach commerce and industry. The Act chemical composition, action, tests, and anti-
requires pre-notification to the EPA of all new dotes.
chemicals prior to manufacturing including all toxin
existing data on toxicity and other environ- Proteins or conjugated protein substances that
mental data, so that the EPA can limit or are lethal to other organisms. They are pro-
prohibit the use of the chemical if it is found duced by some higher plants, certain animals,
to pose an unreasonable risk to human health and pathogenic bacteria.
and/or the environment. The Act also author-
izes the EPA to develop a comprehensive TOXLINE
inventory of existing chemicals and to require Toxicology Information Online
testing for all that appear to have the potential TP
for risk to health and the environment. Total pressure.
toxic tort See thoracic particulate mass TLV.
A type of personal legal injury arising out of TPQ
chemical releases and exposure. See threshold planning quantity.
toxic unit TQEM
Any established unit of toxic activity, often See Total Quality Environmental Manage-
expressed in terms of the minimal dose which ment.
will be lethal.
toxic waste See Total Quality Management.
Hazardous, poisonous substances such as
PCBs, and DDT. Several federal laws regu- trace element
late the use, transportation, and disposal of Any chemical element present in small quan-
toxic material. tities in living organisms, but essential to
normal health, growth, and development.
A poisonous agent that kills or injures hu- trace minerals
mans, animals, or plants. Those essential inorganic chemicals found or
required in small quantities in living organ-
toxicate isms, generally providing the trace elements.
To poison. Not used to describe the act of See also trace elements.
one who administers a poison, but the action
of the drug or poison itself. traceability
Having the capability to verify the original
toxicity requirement, measurement, standard, calibra-
The state of being poisonous; the capacity of a tion, or other statement/process by suitable
substance to induce damage to living tissue. reference or demonstration.
Toxicity can be acute (immediately harmful),
chronic (harmful over time), local (effects tracer
only the site of exposure), or systemic (dis- (1) Radiation. An isotope, or non-natural
tributed throughout the body). mixture of isotopes of an element, which may
be incorporated into a substance for deter-
toxicity assessment mining metabolic pathways, mode of action,
For each chemical identified in hazard identi- site of action, rates of excretion, etc. (2) Gas.
fication, the toxicological database is re- Compounds, such as sulfur hexafluoride,
viewed to determine what kinds of adverse ef- which are used to identify suspected pollutant
fects might occur from exposure and how pathways and to quantify ventilation rates.
much exposure is required to produce such ef- Tracer gases may be detected qualitatively by
fects. See also hazardous identification. their odor or quantitatively by air monitoring

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trachea An agreement through which a railroad obtains
The windpipe that conducts air to and from access and provides service over tracks owned
the lungs. This tube, about three-fifths of an by another railroad where the owning railroad
inch wide and 4 inches long, is reinforced at retains the responsibility for operating and
the front and sides by a series of C-shaped maintaining the tracks.
rings of cartilage that keep the passage uni- trackball
formly open. The gaps between the rings are A computer input device consisting of an up-
bridged by strong fibroelastic membranes. ward-facing sphere enclosed in a housing with
The trachea is lined with a mucous membrane transducers for converting rotational motion
covered with small hair-like processes called caused by the hand or fingers into transla-
cilia. These continuously sweep foreign ma- tional motion of a cursor or other object on a
terial out of the breathing passages toward the display.
mouth. The process is retarded by cold but
speeded by heat. Although the trachea is tracked air cushion vehicle
closed off during swallowing by the epiglot- A laterally guided vehicle that is suspended
tis, a sort of lid, a foreign body, such as a above the track by an air cushion system.
piece of meat, occasionally becomes lodged in tracked levitated vehicle
it and causes choking. Surgical incision of A laterally guided vehicle that is suspended
the trachea, called tracheotomy, may be nec- above the track by magnetic levitation.
essary for removal of the foreign body.
trackless trolley
tracheitis Another name for trolleybus.
Inflammation of the trachea.
track See Terminal Radar Approach Control.
(1) A pair of rails over which railway vehicles
can run. (2) To attempt to or to follow a tractor
moving target, while minimizing the error, on (1) A vehicle designed for pulling loads
a performance test. (3) To assign to a group greater than the weight actually applied to the
according to perceived abilities for educa- vehicle. The trailer on which the load is car-
tional performance. (4) The trace left by a ried is connected to the tractor via the fifth
moving target on a display or hardcopy. (5) wheel. (2) The non-cargo-carrying power unit
The tendency of individuals to retain their that operates in combination with a semitrailer
rank order within a population on a given or trailer, except that a truck tractor and semi-
variable over time. trailer engaged in the transportation of auto-
mobiles may transport motor vehicles on part
track circuit of the power unit. Also called truck tractor.
An electrical circuit of which the rails of the
track form a part. tractor-semitrailer
A combination vehicle consisting of a power
track damage unit (tractor) and a semitrailer.
All costs, including labor and material, asso-
ciated with the repair or replacement in kind
of signals, track, track structures (including
bridges or tunnels) or roadbeds that were
damaged in a collision, derailment, or other
reportable event. When track, signals, struc-
tures, etc. are damaged beyond repair, the cur-
rent cost of new materials is to be used.
However, replacement of second-hand rail
with second-hand rail, may be charged at the
current cost of such rail.
track mile
One mile of single track.
trackage rights agreement

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conditions regarding wages, hours of labor,
etc. for its members.
trade wind
The wind that occupies most of the tropics
and blows from the subtropical highs to the
equatorial low.
trade wind inversion
A temperature inversion frequently found in
the subtropics over the eastern portions of the
tropical oceans.
The giving up of some desired characteristics
or parts of those characteristics for other de-
sired characteristics when not all desires can
be available due to cost or other considera-
tradeoff study
Any study intended to determine which char-
acteristics of a product should be sacrificed in
order to include or retain other characteristics.
traditional anthropometry
See classical anthropometry.
Typical tractor with semitrailer attached traffic
The flow of people and/or vehicles along a
trade association defined route.
An association of business organizations hav-
ing similar problems and engaged in similar traffic accident
fields formed for mutual protection, inter- An accident that involved a motor vehicle that
change of ideas and statistics, and for mainte- occurred on a public highway or road in the
nance of standards within their industry. United States and that resulted in property
damage or personal injury. Does not include
trade name accidents that happened in a parking lot, in a
A name by which a product is known in nor- driveway, on a private road, or in a foreign
mal industry or commerce. country.
trade secret traffic alert and collision avoidance, type I
(1) OSHA. As defined in the OSHA Field system (TCAS)
Operations Manual (FOM), any confidential Utilizes interrogations of, and replies from,
business device or process which gives an airborne radar beacon transponders and pro-
employer an advantage over its competitors. vides traffic advisories to the pilot.
(2) Law. A trade secret, as protected from
misappropriation, may consist of any formula, traffic alert and collision avoidance, type II
pattern, or device of compilation of informa- system (TCAS)
tion which is used in one's business, and Utilizes interrogations of, and replies from
which gives a person an opportunity to obtain airborne radar beacon transponders and pro-
an advantage over competitors who do not vides traffic advisories and resolution adviso-
know or use it. ries in the vertical plane.
trade union traffic alert and collision avoidance, type III
A combination of workers of the same trade system (TCAS)
or of several allied trades, for the purpose of Utilizes interrogation of, and replies from,
securing by united action the most favorable airborne radar beacon transponders and pro-
vides traffic advisories and resolution adviso-

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ries in the vertical and horizontal planes to the traffic flow management
pilot. The process that ensures optimum flow of air
traffic assignment zone traffic to and through areas during times when
In planning, a division of a study area that is demand exceeds, or is expected to exceed, the
represented by a centroid and used for traffic available capacity of the system; an element
assignment purposes. of the air traffic management process.

traffic circle traffic inspection facility

A junction of roads that form a circle around An area having facilities to examine pedes-
which traffic normally moves in one direction. trian and vehicular traffic and/or cargo.

traffic control device traffic known

A sign, signal, marking, or other device With respect to Air Traffic Control (ATC)
placed on or adjacent to a street or highway, clearances, means aircraft whose altitude, po-
by authority of a public body or official that sition, and intentions are known to ATC.
has jurisdiction, to regulate, warn, or guide traffic locking
traffic. Rail Operations. Electric locking which pre-
traffic control system vents the manipulation of levers or other de-
A block signal system under which train vices for changing the direction of traffic on a
movements are authorized by block signals section of track while that section is occupied
whose indications supersede the superiority of or while a signal displays an aspect for a
trains for both opposing and following movement to proceed into that section.
movements on the same track. traffic management coordinator
traffic count A traffic management specialist resident at the
A record of the number of vehicles, people Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
aboard vehicles, or both, that pass a given Traffic Management Unit (TMU) providing
checkpoint during a given time period. coordination between the national level cen-
tral flow control function of the ATCCC and
traffic density local (ARTCC) controllers.
The average number of vehicles occupying a
specified length of road.
traffic management specialist
Specialist resident at the Air Traffic Control
Command Center (ATCCC) who coordinates
between local traffic management specialists
at ARTCCs and manages flow control opera-
traffic management unit (TMU)
A non-control, coordination position at the
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)
connected to the central flow-control function
at the ATCCC and responsible for dissemina-
tion of flow control information at the local
Traffic density can change with time of day, weather conditions, level.
or roadway anomalies (accidents, construction, etc.)
traffic pattern
traffic diagram Aviation. The traffic flow that is prescribed
A chart or figure to illustrate the traffic flow for aircraft landing at, taxiing on, or taking off
within a certain region. from an airport.

traffic flow traffic regulations

A measure of the quantity of people or vehi- Prescribed rules of conduct to promote the
cles passing a specified point in a given pe- orderly and safe flow of traffic.
riod of time.

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traffic separation scheme trail dike
Area of water with lanes designated to sepa- A dike of wooden pile construction or rock
rate opposing streams of vessel traffic. that extends usually from the riverbank out-
traffic violation ward toward the channel and trails down-
See serious traffic violation. stream so as to direct the flow of water into
the channel. Trail dikes help maintain the
trafficway channel by keeping it swept by the directional
That part of a thruway designed, improved, currents.
and ordinarily used for motor vehicle travel.
trafficway class (1) A motor vehicle with or without motive
A classification of highways based on a route power, designed for carrying persons or prop-
sign. erty and for being drawn by another motor
tragion vehicle. (2) See trailing hand.
The deepest point at the notch just above tra- trailer converter dolly
gus. Trailer chassis equipped with one or more
tragion height, sitting axles, a lower half of a fifth wheel and a
The vertical distance from the seat surface to drawbar.
the level of tragion. Measured with the indi- trailer on a flat car/container on a flat car
vidual sitting erect, looking straight ahead. (TOFC/COFC)
tragion height, standing Transportation of containers on the chassis of
The vertical distance from the floor to tragion. railroad flatcars. Often referred to as inter-
Measured with the individual standing erect modal service. See also intermodal.
and the body weight distributed equally on trailership
both feet. A vessel, other than a carfloat, specifically
tragion to back of head equipped to carry motor transport vehicles
The horizontal linear distance from tragion to and fitted with installed securing devices to
inion. Measured with the individual standing tie down each vehicle. The term trailership
erect, looking straight ahead. includes roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) vessels.

tragion to top of head trailing hand

The vertical distance from tragion to the hori- That hand which tends to lag the leading hand
zontal vertex plane. Measured with the indi- when using both hands in a synchronized op-
vidual sitting or standing erect, looking eration because it is not the center of focus.
straight ahead. May also be referred to as trailer.
tragion to wall trailing movement
The horizontal linear distance from a wall to Rail Operations. The movement of a train over
tragion. Measured with the individual stand- the points of a switch which face in the direc-
ing erect, looking straight ahead, and with tion in which the train is moving.
his/her back and head against the wall. trailing point switch
tragus Rail Operations. A switch, the points of which
The piece of cartilaginous tissue just anterior face away from traffic approaching in the di-
to the entrance to the external auditory mea- rection for which the track is signaled.
tus. train
trail (1) To impart one or more particular skills to
A cleared path, beaten track, or improved sur- an individual via some combination of infor-
face, as through woods or wilderness, not mation, instructions, demonstration, and di-
usually trafficked by vehicles because of rected activity under controlled conditions
width, seasonal conditions, or access restric- with the intent of leading directly to the prac-
tions. tical use of those skills. (2) One or more en-
gines coupled with one or more rail cars, ex-

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train mile
cept during switching operations or where the (1) A unit of comparative measure equal to
operation is that of classifying and assembling the movement of one train for a distance of
rail cars within a railroad yard for the purpose one mile. (2) The movement of a train a dis-
of making or breaking up trains. (3) A loco- tance of one mile measured by the distance
motive unit or locomotive units coupled, with between terminals and/or stations and in-
or without cars, involved in a railroad opera- cludes yard switching miles, train switching
tion conducted on a main track. It does not in- miles, and work train miles. Yard switching
clude yard movements. (4) A unit of equip- miles may be computed on any reasonable,
ment or a combination of units of equipment supportable, and verifiable basis. In the event
(including light locomotives) in condition for actual mileage is not computable by other
movement over tracks by self-contained mo- means, yard switching miles may be com-
tor equipment. (5) A locomotive unit or lo- puted at the rate of 6 mph for the time actually
comotive units coupled, with or without cars engaged in yard switching service.
and with or without markers displayed. In- train or yard crew
cluded in this definition are those trains con- One or more railroad employees assigned a
sisting entirely of self-propelled units de- controlling locomotive, under the charge and
signed to carry passengers and/or freight traf- control of one crew member; called to per-
fic. See also locomotive, rail, railway, and form service covered by Section 2 of the
railroad. Hours of Service Act; involved with the train
train accident or yard movement of railroad rolling equip-
Any collision, derailment, fire, explosion, act ment they are to work with as an operating
of God, or other event involving the operation crew; reporting and working together as a unit
of on-track equipment and resulting in report- that remains in close contact if more than one
able damage to track or on-track equipment employee; and subject to the railroad operat-
above an established dollar threshold. ing rules and program of operational tests and
train berth inspections required in 49 CFR 217.9 and
In rail operations, the space designated for a 217.11.
train of given length to occupy when it is
stopped at a station platform, in a terminal, on train order
a transfer track, or at some other designated Mandatory directives issued as authority for
place. the conduct of a railroad operation outside of
train density yard limits.
(1) The number of trains that can be operated trainability
safely over a segment of railroad in each di- The capacity for being trained on a given task
rection during a 24-hr. period. (2) The aver- within a reasonable period of time.
age number of trains that pass over a specified
section of railroad in a specified period. training
The act of providing or receiving instruction
train hour on certain tasks, requirements, specifications,
The elapsed time of a road freight train be- or any combination of these to ensure ade-
tween the time of leaving the initial terminal quate, safe, and/or proper performance.
and the time of arrival at the final terminal,
including train switching at the time of arrival training aid
at the final terminal, including train switching Any device or item developed, acquired, or
at waystations and delays on road. used primarily for assistance in training.

train incident training allowance

Any event involving the movement of railroad A compensation in time allowance, perform-
on-track equipment that results in a death, a ance expectations, or rate of pay due to an ex-
reportable injury, or a reportable illness, but in perienced employee taking time to train an in-
experienced or new worker.
which railroad property damage does not ex-
ceed the reporting threshold.

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training time transducer
That total amount of time involved in training A device, such as a photocell or piezoelectric
a new worker or a worker being taught a new crystal, that converts input energy of one form
task. into output energy of another form.
trainmen transfer capability
Persons (men or women) employed as engi- The overall capacity of interregional or inter-
neers and motormen, fire fighters and helpers, national power lines, together with the associ-
conductors, brakemen and flagmen engaged ated electrical system facilities, to transfer
in passenger, freight, yard, or work service power and energy from one electrical system
and train baggage men. Prior to 1984 this to another.
category did not include hostlers. The Inter-
transfer center
state Commerce Commission revised the oc-
Transit. A fixed location where passengers
cupational groupings in 1984 and now in-
interchange from one route or vehicle to an-
cludes hostlers in the train and engine cate-
trainship transfer charge
A vessel other than a rail car ferry or carfloat, Transit. An extra fee charged for a transfer to
use when boarding another transit vehicle to
specially equipped to transport railroad vehi-
cles, and fitted with installed securing devices continue a trip.
to tie down each vehicle. transfer function
trait A mathematical relationship between the in-
Any psychological or physical characteristic put and output of a system. Usually a func-
of an individual or group. tion of frequency.
trajectory transfer of control
The ballistic path taken by the body as a Aviation. The action whereby control responsi-
whole, by a point on the body, or of an object bility for an aircraft is transferred from one
released from the body. controller to another.
tramp transfer of training
An oceangoing vessel that does not operate The phenomenon in which the training,
along a definite route or on a fixed schedule, knowledge, and/or information acquired pre-
but rather calls at any port where cargo is viously on one task affects an individual's
available. ability to be trained later on another task.
tramp line transfer piping
An ocean carrier company operating tramp A system of permanent and temporary piping
steamers not on regular runs or schedules. used for transferring hazardous fluids between
any of the following: liquefaction process fa-
tramway cilities, storage tanks, vaporizers, compres-
Another name for light rail. sors, cargo transfer systems, and facilities
tranquilizer other than pipeline facilities.
Any of a group of compounds that calm or transfer station
quiet an anxious person without causing the As pertains to solid wastes: A site at which
drowsiness produced by sedatives or the solid wastes are concentrated for transport to a
stimulation produced by antidepressants. processing facility or land disposal site. A
transarthral transfer station may be fixed or mobile.
Meaning across a joint. transfer system
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Includes transfer piping and cargo transfer
(TENS) system.
The electrical stimulation of nerves and mus- transference
cles from electrodes placed on the skin. (1) The passage of a symptom or affection
from one part to another. (2) In psychiatry,
the shifting of an affect from one person to

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another or from one idea to another; espe- rest room facilities. Includes motor bus and
cially the transfer by the patient to the analyst trolley coach. See also intercity bus, motor
of emotional tones, of either affection or hos- bus, motorbus, school and other nonrevenue
tility, based on unconscious identification. bus.
transform transit mall
To systematically modify a set of values or an A type of exclusive right-of-way reserved for
equation to change the form of the relation- transit vehicles in revenue service and pedes-
ship. Often used to convert power or loga- trian traffic.
rithmic functions to linear functions. transit mode
transformation Generally defined as urban and rural public
The process of placing new genes into a host transportation services including commuter
cell, thereby inducing the host cell to exhibit trains, ferry service, heavy rail (rapid rail) and
functions encoded by the DNA. light rail (streetcar) transit systems, and local
transformer transit buses and taxis. See also rail mode,
An electrical device for changing the voltage rapid rail, rapid transit rail, transit railroad,
of alternating current. and transit railway.

transfusion transit of an inland waterways transport

Introduction into the body circulation of blood (IWT) vessel
or other fluid. Among the solutions employed Any laden or unladen IWT vessel which has
are whole blood, plasma, serum, and various entered and left the country at different points
artificial blood substitutes. Blood transfu- by whatever means of transport provided the
sions are used to replenish the depleted blood total journey within the country was by inland
supply of the body in cases of hemorrhage, waterway and that there has been no loading
burns, injuries to blood vessels, shock during or unloading operation in the country.
surgery, and certain blood dyscrasias such as transit property
anemia and leukemia. All facilities which are directly controlled by
transient a transit agency (agency is responsible for
Something lasting only a short period of time. cleaning or maintaining) or provided to a tran-
sit agency for its use by another public or pri-
transient response vate entity (formal/informal agreement with
A brief phenomenon caused by a sudden the owner wherein services or facilities are
change in system conditions. provided to benefit the transit agency). This
transient sounds includes stations, exclusive right-of-ways, bus
Sounds whose average level does not remain stops, and maintenance facilities.
constant with time. transit property damage
transillumination Any damage to transit property that requires
The indirect illumination of an object or the repair or replacement of transit agency ve-
structure via light transmitted through a hicles or facilities (track, signals, buildings) to
translucent object. a state equivalent to that which existed prior
to the incident.
(1) General. Another name for public trans- transit railroad
portation. (2) Maritime Navigation. A partial Includes heavy and light transit rail. Heavy
or complete up-bound or down-bound passage transit rail is characterized by exclusive
of a vessel through one or more locks of a rights-of-way, multi-car trains, high speed
Seaway canal. rapid acceleration, sophisticated signaling,
and high platform loading. Also known as
transit bus subway, elevated railway, or metropolitan
A bus designed for frequent stop service with railway (metro). Light transit rail may be on
front and center doors, normally with a rear- exclusive or shared rights-of-way, high or low
mounted diesel engine, low-back seating, and platform loading, multi-car trains or single
without lug_____ storage compartments or cars, automated or manually operated. In ge-

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neric usage, light rail includes streetcars, Allowing a portion of the light incident on a
trolley cars, and tramways. See also rail material to pass through as diffused light.
mode, rapid rail, rapid transit rail, transit transmissibility
mode, and transit railway. The ratio of the response amplitude to the
transit railway excitation amplitude in a steady-state, forced
Suburban and urban railway (including light vibration system.
rail such as trolleys, cable cars, and car lines) transmission
used only for transporting people. See also (1) Physiology. The direct (contact or drop-
rail mode, rapid rail, rapid transit rail, tran- let-spread) or indirect (vectorborne, vehicle-
sit mode, and transit railroad. borne, or airborne) transfer of an infectious
transit system agent from a source to a susceptible host. (2)
An organization (public or private) providing Physics. The process of passing through a
local or regional multi-occupancy-vehicle medium without a change in frequency and/or
passenger service. Organizations that provide wavelength.
service under contract to another agency are transmission coefficient
generally not counted as separate systems. The ratio of the transmitted wave intensity to
transit trip the incident wave intensity at a boundary or
A one-way trip by a transit vehicle in revenue discontinuity.
service starting at one terminal point of a transmission electron microscope (TEM)
route and ending at another terminal point. A A microscope which utilizes an electron beam
round trip is counted as two separate trips. In that is focused on a sample to produce an im-
the case where the route is a pure loop in- age showing differences in density of the
volving entirely different streets and pick-up sample material on a fluorescent screen from
points, and where there is no logical way to which the sample can be identified, and
identify the terminal points, then traversing of counted when fibrous.
the loop can be regarded as a single trip.
transmission gas company
transit zones A company which obtains at least 90 percent
A form of free trade zone. They are ports of of its gas operating revenues from sales for
entry in coastal countries that are established resale and/or transportation of gas for others
as storage and distribution centers for the and/or main line sales to industrial customers
convenience of a neighboring country lacking and classifies at least 90 percent of mains
adequate port facilities or access to the sea. A (other than service pipe) as field and gather-
transit zone is administered so that goods in ing, storage and/or transmission.
transit to or from the neighboring country are
not subject to the customs duties, import con- transmission lag
trols, or many of the entry and exit formalities A temporal delay due to processing in which
of the host country. the output signal emerges identical to the in-
put except for the time shift.
A dedicated right-of-way, most commonly in transmission loss
a mall, that is used by transit units (vehicles or (1) General. The decrease in amplitude, in-
trains), usually mixed with pedestrian traffic. tensity, or other measure of energy as that
Also called high-occupancy vehicle lane. form of energy passes through some structure
or medium. (2) Acoustics. The reduction in
translate noise when a diffuse noise field is generated
(1) To move from point to point along some on one side of a test panel (e.g., a side of a
path. (2) To convert some text/language, en- room) and the noise determined on the oppo-
tity, or format from one type into another. site side of the panel. The transmission loss
translatory pedal of the panel material can be calculated from
A foot-operated device which operates by this data and the measurement of the sound
simple linear motion in an in-and-out pattern. absorption of the room.

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transmission network
A system of transmission or distribution lines transpiration
so cross-connected and operated as to permit The process by which water vapor is lost to
multiple power supply to any principal point. the atmosphere from living plants. The term
transmission pipeline can also be applied to the quantity of water
thus dissipated.
Pipelines (mains) installed for the purpose of
transmitting gas from a source or sources of transponder
supply to one or more distribution centers, or (1) General. A piece of equipment which,
to one or more large volume customers, or a when set upon a specific radio frequency,
pipeline installed to interconnect sources of emits a directional signal of its own and en-
supply. In typical cases, transmission lines ables the receiver to track or monitor a vehi-
differ from gas mains in that they operate at cle's location. (2) Aviation. The airborne ra-
higher pressures, are longer, and the distance dar beacon receiver/transmitter portion of the
between connections is greater. Air Traffic Control Beacon System that auto-
matically receives radio signals from interro-
transmission time
gators on the ground and selectively replaces
The length of that temporal interval from the
with specific reply pulse-on-pulse group only
transmission of a signal to reception of that
those interrogations being received on the
mode to which it is set to respond. Each air-
transmission type craft transponder is capable of replying to
The transmission is the part of a vehicle that 4,096 codes as selected by the pilot. Provides
transmits motive force from the engine to the the air traffic controller positive location and,
wheels, usually by means of gears for differ- in some cases, altitude information.
ent speeds using either a hydraulic "torque-
converter" (automatic) or clutch assembly
Movement of natural, synthetic, and/or sup-
(manual). On front-wheel drive cars, the
plemental gas between points beyond the im-
transmission is often called a transaxle. Fuel
mediate vicinity of the field or plant from
efficiency is usually higher with manual
which it was produced except a) for move-
rather than automatic transmissions, although
ments through well or field lines to a central
modern, computer-controlled automatic trans-
point for delivery to a pipeline or processing
missions can be efficient.
plant within the same state or b) movements
transmit from a city gate point of receipt to consumers
To send a message or other information via through distribution mains.
some communication system.
transport airport
transmittance An airport designed, constructed, and main-
The fraction of incident light that is transmit- tained to serve airplanes in Aircraft Approach
ted through a medium of interest. Categories C and D.
transmitted light transport empty
That light emerging from the surface of an A work element in which a hand or container
object on a non-illuminated side. is moved without contents.
transmitter transport loaded
See neurotransmitter. A work element in which a hand or container
transonic is moved with some contents.
Pertaining to those velocities/speeds near that transport-related expenses
of sound. All expense items applicable to the generation
transparent of transport-related revenues.
(1) Permitting the passage of most incident transport revenue
light though an object without significant dif- Revenues from the transportation by air of all
fusion. (2) An operation or processing se- classes of traffic in scheduled and nonsched-
quence which the user doesn't observe when uled services.
using a system.

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transport vehicle
A cargo-carrying vehicle such as an automo- transportation improvement program
bile, van, tractor, truck, semitrailer, tank car, As stated in FHWA-UMTA joint regulations
or rail car used for the transportation of cargo that govern transportation programming, a
by any mode. Each cargo-carrying body prioritized program of transportation projects
(trailer, rail car, etc.) is a separate transport to be implemented in appropriate stages over
vehicle. several years (i.e., 3-5 yr.). The projects are
transport velocity recommended from those in the transportation
The velocity needed to prevent the settling of systems management element and the long-
airborne dusts or other particulates in the range element of the planning process. This
ductwork of a ventilation system. Also re- program is required as a condition for a local-
ferred to as minimum design duct velocity. ity to receive federal transit and highway
transportable x-ray
X-ray equipment installed in a vehicle or that transportation industry
may readily be disassembled for transport in a Those establishments or parts of establish-
vehicle. ments that build transportation facilities and
equipment; operate transportation facilities;
transportation provide for-hire transportation services for in-
The movement of goods and/or people. dividuals, households, businesses, or govern-
transportation administration and support ment agencies; provide supporting in-house
All activities associated with transportation transportation for a business or government
administration, revenue vehicle movement agency; arrange transportation services for in-
control and scheduling including supervision dividuals, households, businesses, or govern-
and clerical support. ment agencies; provide supporting services
necessary to the provision of transportation
transportation agreement services; or administer transportation pro-
Any contractual agreement for the transporta- grams. This definition includes a diverse
tion of natural and/or supplemental gas be- cross-section of the economy, such as auto-
tween points for a fee. mobile manufacturers, railroads, travel agents,
school district bus operators, port authorities,
gas stations, and the trucking fleets of major
grocery chains.
transportation bill
transportation interface and reporting system
The bill refers to the market value of all pur-
chases of transportation services and facilities;
Processes all income earned and expenses
it includes all domestic expenditures made by
incurred in operating the Interagency Fleet
an economy for transportation purposes. Al-
Management System. TIRES produces profit
though the transportation bill does not reflect
and loss reports as well as other detail reports
several significant non-market costs, it is a
for output to FSS. Sales transactions are gen-
useful indicator of a country's transportation
erated for input into the Automotive Billing
expenditures, and transportation analysts
(AUTOBILL) module.
closely follow changes in the bill and its com-
ponents. transportation management area (TMA)
An urbanized area with a population over
transportation brokerage
200,000 (as determined by the latest decennial
(1) Coordination of transportation services in
census) or other area when TMA designation
a defined area. The transportation broker may
is requested by the Governor and the Metro-
centralize vehicle dispatch, record keeping,
politan Planning Organization (MPO), or af-
vehicle maintenance, and other functions un-
fected local officials, and officially designated
der contractual arrangement with agencies,
by the administrators of the FHWA and the
municipalities, and other organizations. (2) A
FTA. The TMA designation applies to the
method of matching travelers with a variety of
entire metropolitan planning area(s).
transportation providers through use of central
dispatching and administrative facilities.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

transportation-related release
A release of a hazardous substance during transuranium elements
transportation or storage if the stored sub- Nuclides having an atomic number greater
stance is moved under manifest and has not than that of uranium (i.e., 92) and which are
reached its designated destination. not found naturally and are produced by nu-
transportation research information services clear bombardment. Also referred to as tran-
(TRIS) suranic elements.
The Transportation Research Board (TRB)- transverse
maintained computerized storage and retrieval (1) Perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
system for abstracts of ongoing and com- the body or of a body segment. Horizontal if
pleted research, development, and technology the body is standing erect or the body segment
transfer (RD&T) activities, including abstracts is vertical. (2) Perpendicular to the ground or
of RD&T reports and articles. reference surface (i.e., horizontal).
transportation sector transverse dorsal ligament
The transportation sector consists of private See extensor retinaculum.
and public vehicles that move people and transverse g
commodities. Included are automobiles, An acceleration vector directed perpendicular
trucks, buses, motorcycles, railroads and rail- to the frontal plane of the body in a reclining
ways (including streetcars), aircraft, ships, or lying posture.
barges, and natural gas pipelines. Consists of
both private and public passenger and freight transverse pelvic breadth
transportation, as well as government trans- See biiliocristale breadth.
portation, including military operations. transverse plane
transporter (1) A plane perpendicular to the longitudinal
(1) Under the Comprehensive Environmental axis of the body or body segment. Horizontal
Response, Compensation, and Liabilities Act plane if the body is erect or the body segment
(CERCLA): One who accepts or accepted vertical. (2) A plane parallel to the ground or
any hazardous substances for transport to dis- reference surface.
posal or treatment facilities or sites selected Transverse Ranges
by such person. (2) The party or parties, other Seismology. The mountains formed by com-
than buyer or seller, owning the facilities by pression associated with the Big Bend of the
which gas or liquefied natural gas (LNG) is San Andreas fault zone, primarily the San
physically transferred between buyer and Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains. They
seller. are called transverse because they stretch
trans-shipment east-west, unlike the north-south trending Si-
(1) The transfer of goods from one carrier to erra Nevada, Peninsular Ranges, and the
another. (2) A method of ocean transportation mountains of the Basin and Range provinces.
whereby ships off-load their oil cargo to a Thus, they are transverse to most other Cali-
deepwater terminal, floating storage facility, fornia mountains and to the overall tectonic
temporary storage, or to one or more smaller motion at this plate boundary.
tankers from which or in which the oil is then trap circuit
transported to a market destination. A term applied to a circuit used where it is
transuranic waste desirable to provide a track circuit but where
Under the Federal Atomic Energy Act of it is impracticable to maintain a track circuit.
1954: Material contaminated with elements trapezium
that have an atomic number greater than 92, One of the distal bones in the wrist, also re-
including neptunium, plutonium, americium, ferred to as the greater multiangular bone.
and curium, and that are in concentrations
greater than 10 nanocuries per gram, or in trapezius
such other concentrations as the Nuclear A broad, flat muscle in the upper back and
Regulatory Commission may prescribe to posterior neck.
protect the public health and safety.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

trapezoid bone
One of the distal bones in the wrist, also one or both of the following criteria is satis-
called the lesser multiangular bone. fied: the travel time between two destinations
trapezoidal approximation exceeds 5 minutes, and/or the purpose for
The use of the trapezoid area formula for travel to one destination is different from the
computing the area under a small portion of a purpose for travel to another. The one excep-
curve in integration. tion is travel within a shopping center or mall.
It is to be considered travel to one destination,
trash-to-energy plan regardless of the number of stores visited.
A plan for putting waste back to work by
burning trash to produce energy. travel density
The average number of vehicle miles driven
trauma on a section of highway each day divided by
A wound or injury. Any physical or mental the length of the section in miles. It is ex-
injury induced by an external force or agent. pressed as a number of vehicles and may be
travel advisory program referred to as average daily traffic (ADT).
The Department of State manages a travel travel period
advisory program which publicizes a) travel The 13 days immediately preceding the travel
warnings which are issued when State decides day and the designated travel day for a sam-
to recommend that Americans avoid travel to pled household, for a total of 14 days.
a certain country and b) consular information
sheets, issued for every country, which advise travel period trip
travelers of health concerns, immigration and A travel period trip is one-way to a destina-
currency regulations, crime and security con- tion which is 75 miles or more from home
ditions, areas of unrest or instability, and the with a return home trip during the 14-day
location of U.S. embassies or consulates. travel period. Travel to the destination is
counted as one trip and travel to return home
travel agencies is counted as another trip. For example, a
Establishments primarily engaged in furnish- person living in Denver flies to San Francisco,
ing travel information and acting as agents in stays one week, and returns to Denver during
arranging tours, transportation, rental of cars, the 14-day travel period. This would be
and lodging for travelers. counted as two travel period trips (one out-
going and one return). The only time a travel
period trip would not have a return trip col-
travel blanks lected is when the respondent moves his/her
Container filled with deionized (DI) water residence.
that should accompany each container or
sample. travel surface
The type of material which forms the travel
travel chart surface. Codes as follows: AG-aggregate, B-
A set of quantitative data, arranged in tabular bituminous, C-concrete, CA-caliche, N-natural
form, on the movements of workers, materi- (graded and drained), NU-natural unimproved
als, and/or equipment between workplaces. (wheel tracks, O.R.V.).
travel day travel time
A 24-hour period from 4:00 a.m. to 3:59 a.m. That time required for personnel, materials,
designated as the reference period for study- equipment, or hardcopy to move or be moved
ing trips and travel by members of a sampled from one location to another.
travel day trip A person who stays for a period of less than 1
A travel day trip is defined as any one-way year in a country of which he or she is not a
travel from one address (place) to another by resident. Military and other government per-
any means of transportation (e.g., private sonnel and their dependents stationed outside
motor vehicle, public transportation, bicycle, their country of residence are not considered
or walking). When travel is to more than one travelers, regardless of the length of their stay
destination, a separate trip exists each time abroad; they are considered to have remained

©2000 CRC Press LLC

within the economy of their home country.
The definition of travelers also excludes own-
ers or employees of business enterprises who
temporarily work abroad to further the enter-
prise's business, but intend to return to their
country of residence within a reasonable pe-
riod of time.
traveling water screen (TWS)
An automatically cleaned screening device
employing chain-mounted wire mesh panels
to remove floating or suspended solids from a
channel of water. Also referred to as band-
(1) The horizontal member of a step. (2)
Distance between the centers of tires at the
points where they contact the road surface.
Duals are measured from the center of dual
tread depth
The depth of an individual step on a stair, in-
cluding the overhang.
tread run
The horizontal distance from the front to the Treadmills are a very popular exercise device primarily im-
back of tread, including nosing when used. proving cardiovascular health and increasing stamina (when
used properly)
tread width
The horizontal distance from front to back of treasury stock
tread, including nosing when used. Aviation. The cost of reacquired capital stock
issued by the air carrier and not retired or can-
A device consisting of a motor- or human-
A broad term covering all the steps taken to
driven belt on which an individual walks,
effect a cure of an injury or disease; including
jogs, or runs at certain velocities and/or incli-
examination and diagnosis as well as applica-
nation angles.
tion of remedies.
treatment facility
Under the Resource Conservation and Recov-
ery Act (RCRA): A facility will be consid-
ered a "treatment facility" if the operator util-
izes any method, technique, process designed
to change the physical, chemical, or biological
character or composition of any hazardous
waste so as to neutralize such waste, to re-
cover energy or material resources from the
waste, to render the waste nonhazardous or
less hazardous, safer to transport, store or dis-
pose of, or amenable for recovery, amenable
for storage, or reduced in volume.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

treatment of hazardous waste
(1) The process of reducing the volume and/or wastewater in land treatment systems prior to
toxicity of a hazardous waste or material. land application) or is used for ultimate
Treatment may include detoxification or disposal of residues resulting from such
reductions in toxicity below maximum treatment.
discharge limits thus allowing release directly treaty
into the environment. (2) Any method, A type of international agreement between
technique, or process, including neutral- sovereign nations with both Executive and
ization, designed to change the physical, Legislative approval. Lesser agreements
chemical, or biological character or com- include conventions. An agreement between
position of any hazardous waste so as to states of the United States might be a
neutralize such waste or so as to render such compact.
waste nonhazardous, safer for transport,
amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, treble
or reduced in volume. Such term includes Pertaining to or enhancing the higher auditory
any activity or processing design to change frequencies in a sound system.
the physical form or chemical composition of treble damages
hazardous waste so as to render it non- Damages given by statute in certain types of
hazardous. cases, consisting of the single damages found
treatment, storage and disposal facility by the jury, actually tripled in amount.
(TSDF) tremor
The name the EPA assigns to facilities that (1) Seismology. A shaking sensation in the
are licensed to transfer, treat, store, or dispose earth's crust that can be either dramatic (vio-
of regulated hazardous wastes. A TSD permit lent) or subtle. It is usually associated with an
is the document assigned by regulators for earthquake event and can occur either before
specific locations allowing the TSDF to per- or after the event. (2) Physiology. An invol-
form the function permitted on the form. untary movement in which continuous rhyth-
Holders of TSDF permits do not necessarily mic oscillations, usually of a smaller ampli-
perform actual final treatment or disposal tude and higher frequency than volitional
services but may also store wastes for even- movements, occur between opposing, nor-
tual shipment to other facilities. TSDFs are mally voluntary muscles at one or more points
regulated by the EPA and the states under of the body.
trench foot
treatment works Effect on the feet, resembling frostbite, as a
According to the Federal Water Pollution result of prolonged standing, relatively inac-
Control Act: Any devices and systems used tively, with wet feet in a cold environment.
in the storage, treatment, recycling, and
reclamation of municipal sewage or industrial trenches
wastes of a liquid nature to implement the Floor drains which may be used to discharge
Federal Water Pollution Control Act or hazardous waste; also called pits.
necessary to recycle or reuse water at the most trend
economical cost over the estimated life of the A directional tendency for a dataset relative to
works, including intercepting sewers, outfall time or other variable.
sewers, sewage collection systems, pumping,
trend analysis
power, and other equipment and their
The use of statistical techniques in the
appurtenances; extensions, improvements,
evaluation of historical or other data for the
remodeling, additions, and alterations thereof;
determination and/or quantification of any pe-
elements essential to provide a reliable
riodicity, correlation, or predictor.
recycled supply such as standby treatment
units and clear well facilities; and any works, trend forecasting
including site acquisition of the land that will See steady-state forecast.
be an integral part of the treatment process
(including land used for the storage of treated

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Intentional, unprivileged entry onto the land but rather the unallotted or common lands of
of another. the nation.
trespasser triceps
Rail Operations. Any person whose presence A large, three-headed, voluntary muscle on
on railroad property, used in railroad opera- the lateral posterior upper arm.
tion, is prohibited or unlawful.
Trespassers (Class E)
Rail Operations. Persons who are on that part
of railroad property used in railroad operation
and whose presence is prohibited, forbidden,
or unlawful.
trestle ladder
A self-supporting portable ladder, nonadjust-
able in length, consisting of two sections
hinged at the top to form equal angles with
the base. The size is designated by the length
of the side rails measured along the front
(1) The stage of civil litigation or criminal
prosecution where evidence is presented in
court for the tribunal to decide the case "on
the merits." A trial occurs if the matter has
not previously been resolved by negotiation,
motion for summary judgment, or motion to Extremely well-developed triceps muscle (at arrow)
dismiss about various defenses. (2) A single
event during an experimental session in which triceps skinfold
one or more subjects are presented with a The thickness of a vertical skinfold on the
stimulus set and the response set is recorded. midline of the posterior arm halfway between
(3) A temporary period of testing or evalua- acromion and the lower tip of olecranon, the
tion of an individual or product prior to a point determined as for the arm circumference
formal commitment. measure. Measured with the individual
standing erect and the arms hanging naturally
trial and error at the sides.
Pertaining to a blind, initially random, unin-
formed search for the correct solution or a triceps skinfold, recumbent
path to that solution. The reclining triceps skinfold measure.
Measured with the individual lying on his/her
trial and error learning side such that the right and left acromial proc-
The process of narrowing a wide range of esses are perpendicular to the bed/table sur-
possible responses through feedback to the face and the arm is lying against the side of
one response or the set of responses which is the body.
most appropriate for a given situation.
trichloroethylene (TCE)
triangular bone A stable, low boiling, colorless liquid, toxic
One of the proximal row of bones in the wrist, by inhalation. TCE is used as a solvent, metal
also called the triquetral bone. degreasing agent, and in other industrial ap-
triaxle plications.
A three-axle tractor or trailer. trichromat
tribal lands An individual with normal color vision.
Lands of Indian reservation which are not trichromatic coefficients
allotted to or occupied by individual Indians See chromaticity coordinate.

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trichromatic theory trill
A color vision theory based on the concept A consonant produced by the rapid vibration
that any hue may be derived from an appro- of one or more articulators.
priate mixture of three primary colors. trim
trichromatopsia To remove some proportion of the values at
The condition or state of having normal color the extremes in a dataset before processing the
vision. See also trichromat. data.
trickling filter trip
A coarse, biological treatment system in (1) General. The process of falling forward
which wastewater is trickled over a bed of after the toe or some other portion of the foot
stones or other material covered with bacterial strikes an object above the normal surface
growth. elevation which impedes the foot's forward
tridymite motion. (2) Transit. That travel from one
A form of free silica formed when quartz is point to another. (3) Rail Operations. A
heated to 1598°F (870°C). movement of a locomotive over all or any
portion of automatic train stop, train control,
trigeminal nerve or cab signal territory between the terminals
The fifth cranial nerve, containing motor fi- for that locomotive; a movement in one di-
bers, which are involved in hearing and mas- rection. See also transport, transportation,
tication, and sensory fibers, which convey and travel.
touch, pain, and temperature from the facial
region. trip assignment
In planning, a process by which trips, de-
trigger finger scribed by mode, purpose, origin, destination,
An occupational cumulative trauma disorder and time of day, are allocated among the paths
(CTD) in which a tendon in the index finger is or routes in a network by one of a number of
compressed from exterior swelling. The con- models.
dition can be produced by repeatedly pulling a
trigger or by using hand tools that have sharp trip distribution
edges that press into the tissue or whose han- In planning, the process of estimating move-
dles are so far apart that only the end seg- ment of trips between zones by using surveys
ments of the user's hand grasp them, while the or models.
middle segments remain straight. trip frequency
triggered fault The number of instances in which a trip is
Seismology. A somewhat poorly understood made from one point to another within a unit
process; involves the slipping of a fault lo- time.
cated in the same region as, but not directly trip hazard
associated with, a fault which ruptures in a Any object projecting above the typical level
major earthquake. Most likely, the shaking of surface over which an individual may trip
the ground during an earthquake causes minor when walking.
slippage along temporarily "loosened" faults. tripodal grasp
triglyceride A type of grasp where an object is held by the
A chemical combination of three fatty acids combination of the index finger, middle fin-
and a glycerol molecule. ger, and the thumb, with the object possibly
trigonometry extending toward or touching the palm.
The study and measurement of triangles and triquetral bone
the relationships of their components. See triangular bone.
trihalomethane (THM) TRIS
One of a family of organic compounds named See Toxic Release Inventory System. See also
as a derivative of methane. THMs are gener- transportation research information services.
ally the byproduct from the chlorination of
trisomy 21
drinking water that contains organic materials.
See Down's syndrome.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tristimulus colorimeter A long, recessed lighting unit, typically
A colorimeter which provides tristimulus val- placed so the opening is flush with the ceiling
ues on measuring a color. surface.
tristimulus value troland
The amount of each of the three primary col- A unit of retinal illuminance; equal to the
ors, represented by magnitudes of X, Y, and value of the ratio of the luminance of a sur-
Z, which are used by a CIE Standard Observer face or light source in cd/m2 to the area of the
to match a given color. Also referred to as pupil in mm2 (originally called a photon –
spectral tristmulus value and color matching now obsolete usage since photon has another
function. meaning).
tritanomaly trolley brake
A form of color vision deficiency involving a A hand valve used to operate the trailer brakes
reduced ability to discriminate blue colors independently of tractor brakes.
within stimuli. trolley car
tritanopia Another name for light rail.
A form of color blindness involving an in- trolley coach
ability to discriminate blue colors due to the Rubber-tired electric transit vehicle, manually
absence or nonfunction of the blue cone in the steered, propelled by a motor drawing current,
retina. Also referred to more commonly as normally through overhead wires, from a
blue blindness. central power source not on board the vehicle.
trochanter – knee – ankle line (TKA line) trolley ladder
An imaginary straight line from the tro- A semi-fixed ladder, nonadjustable in length,
chanter, through the knee, to the ankle, which supported by attachments to an overhead
approximates the body weight support axis track, the plane of the ladder being at right
when standing erect. angles to the plane of motion.
trochanteric height trolley replica
The vertical linear distance from the floor or A type of vehicle having the appearance of a
other reference surface to trochanterion. trolley or streetcar but has rubber tires and is
Measured with the individual standing erect powered by a diesel, gasoline, propane, or al-
and his/her body weight distributed equally on ternative fuel engine contained within the ve-
both feet. hicle. Trolley replicas are classified as motor
trochanterion bus mode in the NTD system.
The most superior lateral point on the greater trolleybus
trochanter of the femur. Rubber-tired passenger vehicles operating
trochlea singly on city streets. Trolleybuses are driven
A bone structure, rounded and depressed in electrically with the power being drawn from
the middle and high on both sides, at the ante- an overhead electric line via trolleys.
rior distal end of the humerus for articulating tropical climate
with the ulna at the elbow. A climate having generally high temperatures
trochlear nerve and humidity through much of the year, with
The fourth cranial nerve, containing both motor high rainfall amounts during at least part of
fibers, which innervate the superior oblique the year.
muscle of the eye, and sensory fibers, which tropical depression
convey proprioception from that eye muscle. A mass of thunderstorms and clouds generally
trochlear notch with a cyclonic wind circulation of between
A large, crescent-shaped depression in the 20 and 34 knots.
proximal ulna for articulation with the humerus.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tropical disturbance truck size classification
An organized mass of thunderstorms with a U.S. Bureau of the Census has categorized
slight cyclonic wind circulation of less than trucks by gross vehicle weight (GVW) as fol-
20 knots. lows: a) Light – Less than 10,000 pounds
tropical rain forest GVW. b) Medium – 10,001 to 20,000 pounds
A type of forest consisting mainly of lofty GVW. c) Light-heavy – 20,001 to 26,000
trees and a dense undergrowth near the pounds GVW. d) Heavy-heavy – 26,001
ground. pounds GVW or more.

tropical storm truck tractor

Organized thunderstorms with a cyclonic A truck or self-propelled motor vehicle de-
wind circulation between 35 and 64 knots. signed and/or used primarily for drawing
other motor vehicles and not so constructed as
tropopause to carry a load other than a part of the weight
The boundary between the troposphere and of the vehicle and the load so drawn.
the stratosphere.
truck-tractor semitrailer-semitrailer
tropopause jets The two trailing units are connected with a
Jet streams found near the tropopause, such as "B-train" assembly. The B-train assembly is a
the polar front and subtropical jet streams. rigid frame extension attached to the rear
troposphere frame of a first semitrailer which allows for a
The lower atmosphere, the portion of the at- fifth wheel connection point for the second
mosphere between seven and ten miles above semitrailer. This combination has one less
the Earth's surface where clouds are formed. articulation point than the conventional "A
dolly" connected truck-tractor semitrailer-
trough semitrailer combination.
An elongated area of low atmospheric pres-
sure. truck-trailer boat transporter
A boat transporter combination consisting of a
truck straight truck towing a trailer typically using a
(1) Any self-propelled motor vehicle except a ball and socket connection. The trailer axle(s)
truck tractor, designed and/or used for the is substantially located at the trailer center of
transportation of property. (2) A motor vehi- gravity (rather than the rear of the trailer) but
cle with motive power, except a trailer, de- so as to maintain a downward force on the
signed primarily for the transportation of trailer tongue.
property or special purpose equipment. (3) A
motor vehicle designed to carry an entire load. trucking (except local)
It may consist of a chassis and body; a chas- Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
sis, cab and body; or it may be of integral ing "over-the-road" trucking services or
construction so that the body and chassis form trucking services and storage services, in-
a single unit. cluding household goods either as common
carriers or under special or individual con-
truck crash tracts or agreements, for freight generally
A motor vehicle crash in which at least one weighing more than 100 pounds. Such op-
medium or heavy truck is involved. See also erations are principally outside a single mu-
accident, crash, collision, and incident. nicipality, outside one group of contiguous
truck inventory and use survey municipalities, or outside a single municipal-
Survey designed to collect data on the char- ity and its suburban areas.
acteristics and operational use of the nation's truckload
truck population. It is conducted every five Quantity of freight required to fill a truck.
years by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Sur- When used in connection with freight rates,
veys were conducted in 1963, 1967, 1972, the quantity of freight necessary to qualify a
1977, 1982, 1987, and 1992. shipment for a truckload rate. Usually in ex-
cess of 10,000 pounds.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

true airspeed that do not qualify under exemptions of the
The airspeed of an aircraft relative to undis- act.
turbed air. See also airspeed. TSCA inventory
true color Under the Toxic Substances Control Act
The color in water caused by the presence of (TSCA), the EPA must compile, keep current,
humic or fulvic acids that result from the de- and publish a list of chemical substances
composition of organic matter. manufactured or processed for commercial
true value purposes in the United States.
That theoretically correct measurement of TSDF
some characteristics of a system. See treatment, storage, and disposal facility.
trunk TSP
See torso. See total suspended particulate. Also, acro-
trunking nym for tri-sodium phosphate.
A casing used to protect electrical conductors. TSS
trunnion See total suspended solids.
A cylindrical projection supporting a revolv- TTS
ing part. Temporary threshold shift. See threshold
trust fund shift.
(1) Trust funds are funds that are designated tube and coupler scaffold
by law as trust funds. They are usually fi- An assembly consisting of tubing which
nanced by earmarked collections. A trust serves as posts, bearers, braces, ties, and run-
fund must use its income for the purposes ners, a base supporting the posts, and special
designated by law, but it is not required to couplers which serve to connect the uprights
spend them all in the same period they are and to join the various members.
collected. For example, the five transporta- tuberosity
tion-related federal trust funds are highways, A relatively large protuberance on a bone.
which includes highway and transit accounts;
airports and airways; aquatic resource, which tubular bone
is of interest because of the boat safety ac- See long bone.
count; harbor maintenance; and inland water- tubular welded frame scaffold
ways. There is also a pipeline safety fund; A sectional, panel, or frame metal scaffold
however, it is not a trust fund. (2) See Super- substantially built up of prefabricated welded
fund. sections which consist of posts and a hori-
truth zontal bearer with intermediate members.
Law. There are three concepts as to what Panels or frames shall be braced with diagonal
constitutes truth: agreement of thought and or cross braces.
reality; eventual verification; and consistency tug
of thought with itself. A small but powerful vessel designed for
trybutilin moving larger vessels or for towing barges.
See organotin. Also referred to as TBT paint. Also called towboat or pushboat. See also
See taxiway safety area. tug and barge combinations
The assessment of tolls requires tugs and
TSCA barges in common transit to be considered as
See Toxic Substances Control Act. one unit. In this report the number of transits
TSCA Experimental Release Application (TERA) shown under this category represents the
Application required under the Toxic Sub- number of combined passages plus the num-
stances Control Act (TSCA) for persons en- ber of individual tugs transiting the seaway.
gaged in research and development activities

©2000 CRC Press LLC

tularemia turboclair
An infectious diseased caused by a bacterium A fog-clearing technique that uses hot gases
that is transmitted to man by insects or by the from jet engines to heat the air and evaporate
handling of infected animals. Also called warm fog.
rabbit fever. turbulence
tumor Any irregular or disturbed flow in the atmos-
A swelling or abnormal mass of tissue that phere that produces gusts and eddies.
may or may not be malignant. A new growth turbulence loss
of tissue in which the multiplication of cells is These losses occur in a ventilation system
uncontrolled and progressive. Tumors grow whenever airflow changes direction or veloc-
faster than normal tissue, continuing after ces- ity and results in a pressure drop as the air
sation of the stimuli that evoked the growth flows through the ventilation system. Also re-
and serving no useful physiologic purpose. ferred to as dynamic loss.
Also called a neoplasm.
turbulent flow
tumorigenic agent Exists when the fluid particles are moving in
A substance which produces tumors. directions other than a straight line parallel to
tundra the axis of the pipe or duct.
A type of ecosystem dominated by lichens, turbulent noise
mosses, grasses, and woody plants. Tundra is Noise caused by air or gas moving through
found at high latitudes (arctic tundra) and the fan and the transport (duct/pipe) system.
high altitudes (alpine tundra). Arctic tundra
is underlain by permafrost and is usually very turn a tow
wet. See also wetlands. To exchange tows, as when a towboat meets
another towboat belonging to the same com-
tuning fork test pany proceeding in the opposite direction and
Any of several simple hearing tests performed they exchange their entire tows and return in
with a tuning fork. the same direction from whence they came.
tunnel turn key contract
(1) An enclosed passageway, as for trains, Term used in building trade to designate those
automobiles, and so on, through or under an contracts in which a builder agrees to com-
obstruction, such as a city, mountain, river, or plete the work of building and installation to
harbor. (2) An underground or underwater the point of readiness for occupancy.
turn signals
tunnel entrance Lamps used to indicate a change in direction
An opening that affords entry to an under- by emitting a flashing light on the side of a
ground or underwater passage. motor vehicle toward which a turn will be
tunnel vision made.
Having a narrow field of vision. The term is turnaround time
also often used in a figurative sense to de- The period of time required to check out an
scribe a person who only sees what he/she item, service it if necessary, and return it to
wishes to see in a given situation. operating status.
turbidimeter turning basin
A device that measures the amount of sus- An area of water or enlargement of a channel
pended solids in a liquid. used for the turning around of vessels.
turbidity turning roadway
The presence of suspended material, such as A connecting roadway between two intersec-
clay, silt, finely divided organic material, tion legs that are at the same grade.
plankton, and other inorganic material, in
water. turning shipping lane
Area designated as a place for ships to turn.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

turning vane Twelfth Amendment
Curved strips of short radii placed in a sharp Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1804)
bend in a duct or at a fan entry to direct air which altered the method of voting in presi-
around the bend in streamlined flow and dential elections by requiring each elector to
thereby reduce turbulence losses. See also vote for President and Vice President on sepa-
turbulence loss. rate ballots instead of voting for two persons
turnkey for President on a single ballot as before.
Pertaining to a system which is delivered and Twentieth Amendment
installed to be fully operational, such that the The so-called lame duck Amendment to the
user has only to turn on the system to operate it. U.S. Constitution (1933) which changed the
turnout beginning of Presidential and Vice-Presi-
(1) Rail Operations. The assembly of a dential terms from March 4 to January 20, and
switch and a frog with closure rails by which of Congressional terms from March 4 to
rolling stock or trains can travel from a track January 3, thereby eliminating the short ses-
onto either one of two diverging tracks; also sion of Congress which had formerly con-
known as a track switch. Also, a short side vened early in December in even-numbered
track or passage that enables trains, automo- years, and in which a number of Congressmen
biles, and similar vehicles to pass one another. sat who had not been re-elected to office. The
(2) Transit. A short passing lane on a high- Amendment also provides for Presidential
way. succession under certain circumstances.
turnover Twenty-fifth Amendment
The process of having one or more employees Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1967)
leave of their own free will and having to re- which provides for filling a vacancy of the of-
place them to maintain the desired operational fices of President and Vice-President on the
performance level. death, removal, or resignation of the office
turnpike double
A combination vehicle consisting of a tractor Twenty-fourth Amendment
and two trailers of 45 to 48 feet. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1964)
turntable which prohibits federal or state denial of the
Rail Operations. A circular, horizontal, ro- right to vote in any primary or other election
tating platform equipped with a railway track, for federal elective officers because if the pro-
used for turning locomotives, as in a round- spective voter's failure to pay any poll tax or
house. other tax.

TVA Twenty-second Amendment

See Tennessee Valley Authority. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1951)
which prevents any person from being elected
TVOCs President more than twice, or, if he/she has
Total volatile organic compounds. succeeded to the Presidency before the mid-
TVS point of his/her predecessor's term, from be-
See tornado vortex signature. ing elected more than once.
TW Twenty-sixth Amendment
See taxiway. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1971)
TWA which established voting age at 18.
See time-weighted average. Twenty-third Amendment
tweeter Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1961)
A loudspeaker designed for reproducing the which allots to the District of Columbia presi-
higher audible sound frequencies, generally dential electors, to be appointed as Congress
above 3 kHz. directs, equal in number to those of a state
with equivalent population but never more
than the number of electors allotted to the
least populous state.

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TWH hands will not be in the operational area while
See terawatt hour. the machine is functioning.
twilight two-handed process chart
(1) That intermediate lighting level between A special case of a multiple activity process
daylight and dark during the period of each chart detailing by symbols, text, and/or
day before sunrise and after sunset. (2) The graphics the individual and relative motions
time immediately before sunrise and after of the two hands or limbs in a workplace op-
sunset when the sky remains illuminated. eration, generally for a repetitive task.
twilight vision two-interval, forced choice paradigm
See mesopic vision. An experimental design in which a stimulus is
twill weave presented to the subject in only one of two se-
A weave pattern in which lines run diagonally quential time periods, and the subject must
to the length of the fabric. indicate which period he/she believes con-
tained the stimulus.
twin screw
A truck or tractor with two rear axles, both two-man rule
driven by the engine. A policy or procedure used in certain highly
critical or hazardous situations in which two
twin trailer authorized individuals must be present at all
A short semitrailer (under 29 feet) designed to times to ensure use of the correct procedures,
be operated as part of a combination vehicle to help each other, or to enable one to remove
with a tandem trailer of similar length. the other from the situation in the event of
twist some accident.
To rotate a body segment about its longitudi- two-point suspension scaffold
nal axis or some portion of the entire body A scaffold, the platform of which is supported
about its (normally vertical) longitudinal axis. by hangers (stirrups) at two points, suspended
twist moment from overhead supports so as to permit the
That combination of torques produced by raising or lowering of the platform to the de-
contraction of various muscle groups and sired working position by tackle or hoisting
ground reaction forces to yield a twisting mo- machines. Also referred to as a swinging
tion of some portion or all of the body. platform.
two-alternate, forced choice paradigm two-point threshold
An experimental design in which a subject is That minimal tactile separation distance on a
presented with one of two stimulus alterna- given region of the skin which can be distin-
tives on each trial of an experiment, and guished as two stimuli instead of one when
he/she must indicate which stimulus he/she two distinct stimuli are applied. Synonymous
believes was present. with resolution acuity.
two-and-a-half D model two-speed axle
The stacking of several two-dimensional A rear axle with two ratios and a mechanism
components, each of which is composed of a for selecting one or the other ratio, usually
cross-section of a three-dimensional object, to available with a standard type transmission.
give a semblance of depth in the image. A double reduction axle which does not have
a mechanism for selecting ratios is not a 2-
two-axle four-tire truck speed axle.
A motor vehicle consisting primarily of a sin-
gle motorized device with two axles and four two-tailed test
tires. A non-directional statistical test of signifi-
cance in which the null hypothesis should be
two-hand controls rejected if the sample value is either greater or
A safety interlock control technique which less than pre-established critical values.
requires the operator to have both hands on
the control system, thus ensuring that the

©2000 CRC Press LLC

two-witness rule type of drive
This rule requires that the falsity element of a Refers to which wheels the engine power is
perjury conviction be supported either by di- delivered to, the so-called "drive wheels."
rect testimony of two witnesses or by the di- Rear-wheel drive has drive wheels on the rear
rect testimony of one witness plus independ- of the vehicle. Front-wheel drive, a newer
ent corroborating evidence. technology, has drive wheels on the front of
TWS the vehicle. Four-wheel drive uses all four
See traveling water screen. wheels as drive wheels, and is found mostly
on Jeep-like vehicles and trucks, though it is
tympanic cavity becoming increasingly more common on sta-
The chamber of the middle ear. tion wagons and vans.
tympanic membrane type of occurrence
A thin, semitransparent tissue layer separating The highest level of an accident classification
the outer ear from the middle ear and is in- mechanism known as the sequence of events.
volved in the transduction of airborne sound See also accident.
in hearing. See also eardrum.
type of primary service
type The dominant type of service the respondent
(1) General. A block-bearing raised letter, or uses at the service station. Response catego-
the impression of such a letter registered on a ries include Full-Service Pumps, Self-or Mini-
flat surface. (2) Aviation. a) As used with re- Service Pumps, or Both Equally. Mini-
spect to the certification, ratings, privileges, Service is provided when attendants pump the
and limitations of airmen, means a specific vehicle fuel but do not provide any other
make and basic model of aircraft, including service, such as checking the tire pressure or
modifications thereto that do not change its washing windshields.
handling or flight characteristics. Examples
include DC-7, 1049, and F-27; and b) as used typeface
with respect to the certification of aircraft, A particular style or size of letter in printing
means those aircraft which are similar in de- or displays.
sign. Examples include DC-7 and DC-7C; types of goods carried by inland waterways
1049G and 1049H; and F-27 and F27F; and The categories of goods carried by inland
c) as used with respect to the certification of waterways are those defined by the NST/R
aircraft engines, means those engines which (Standard Goods Nomenclature for Transport
are similar in design. For example, JT8D and Statistics/revised EUROSTAT) or CSTE
JT8D7 are engines of the same type, and (UN-ECE Commodity Classification for
JT9D-3A and JT9D-7 are engines of the same Transport Statistics in Europe) nomenclatures.
type. (3) Medical. The general prevailing typhoid
character, as of an individual or a particular (1) Resembling typhus. (2) See typhoid fever.
case of disease.
typhoid fever
type I error A bacterial infection transmitted by contami-
An error in statistical judgment in which a nated water, milk, or other foods, especially
true hypothesis is falsely rejected. See also shellfish. The causative organism is Salmo-
false alarm. nella typhi, harbored in human excreta. En-
type II error tering the body through the intestinal tract, the
An error in statistical judgment in which a typhoid bacillus starts multiplying in the
false hypothesis is not rejected. bloodstream, causing fever and diarrhea. The
type C respirator usual incubation period is 7 to 14 days. Later,
A respiratory protective device which is de- the bacilli localize in the intestinal tract or the
signed to provide protection to the wearer by gallbladder. The first symptoms of typhoid
providing clean air from a source outside the are headache, perhaps sore throat, and a fever
contaminated area. that may reach 105°F. The temperature rises
daily, reaching a peak in 7 to 10 days, main-

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taining this level for about another week and
then subsiding by the end of the fourth week. tyrosinosis
Periods of chills and sweating may occur, A condition characterized by a faulty metabo-
with loss of appetite. A watery, grayish or lism of tyrosine in which an intermediate
greenish diarrhea is common, but constipation product, parahydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid, ap-
sometimes occurs instead. After 2 weeks, red pears in the urine and gives it an abnormal re-
spots begin to appear on the chest and abdo- ducing power.
men. If the case is severe, the victim may
lapse into states of delirious muttering and tyrotoxin
staring into space. About the third to fourth A toxin sometimes developed in cheese and
week an improvement is noticeable, and milk by the action of bacilli.
steady recovery follows. The disease is seri- tyrotoxism
ous and sometimes fatal. A person who has Poisoning due to the presence of a toxin in
had typhoid fever gains immunity from it but milk, cheese, or other dairy products.
may become a carrier. Although perfectly
well, he/she harbors the bacteria and passes
them out in feces and urine. The typhoid ba-
cillus often lodges in the gallbladder of carri-
ers, and when the gallbladder is removed the
person may cease to be a carrier. Contamina-
tion is likely to occur if human feces are used
to fertilize the crops (referred to as "night
soil"), as they are in many lesser developed
countries. See also typhus.
A hurricane that forms in the western Pacific
An acute infectious disease caused by species
of the parasitic microorganism rickettsia. The
organisms are usually transmitted from in-
fected rats and other rodents to man by lice,
fleas, ticks, and mites. Rickettsiae enter the
human body through cuts or breaks in the skin
made by the bites of the lice or other pests.
Determination of the type of something, such
as blood type.
typing stick
See mouth stick.
A decarboxylation product of tyrosine with a
similar (but weaker) action to that of epineph-
rine and norepinephrine, and capable of re-
leasing stored norepinephrine.
A naturally occurring amino acid produced in
the body in the metabolism of phenylalanine
to melanin, epinephrine, and thyroxine.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

ulnar nerve
U A spinal nerve innervating generally the me-
dial part of the forearm and hand.
ULPA filter
U function See ultra low penetration air filter.
See convex function.
ultimate BOD (BODu)
ubiquitous background levels The amount of oxygen required to completely
Concentrations of chemicals that are present satisfy the carbonaceous and nitrogenous
in the environment due to anthropogenic biological oxygen demand. See also biologi-
sources (e.g., industry, automobiles). cal oxygen demand.
UCC ultimate factor of safety
See ultraclean coal. See also Uniform That number by which the load limit is multi-
Commercial Code. plied to yield the ultimate load.
UEL ultimate issue
Upper explosive limit. See upper flammabil- That question which must finally be answered
ity limit. as, for example, the defendant's negligence is
UFL the ultimate issue in a personal injury action.
See upper flammability limit. ultimate load
UHF The product of the limit load and the design
See ultrahigh frequency. ultimate load factor. It is the load that the
structure must withstand without rupture or
collapse in the expected operating environ-
See user interface development system.
ultimate pressure factor
See user interface management system.
See burst factor.
ultimate strength
See Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
The stress at which a material exhibits failure.
A defect, on the body surface or the lining of
Subjection of material to centrifugal force
a mucous surface, produced by sloughing of
200,000 to 400,000 times the force of gravity.
necrotic inflammatory tissue. As commonly
used, the term often refers to a peptic ulcer of ultraclean coal (UCC)
the inner wall, or lining, of the stomach (gas- Coal that has been washed, ground into fine
tric ulcer) or of the duodenum (duodenal ul- particles, then chemically treated to remove
cer). sulfur, ash, silicone, and other substances.
Usually in briquette form and coated with a
sealant made from coal.
(1) The depth of the free space in a cargo tank
above the liquid level. (2) See outage. ultradian
Pertaining to periods of less than 24 hours.
The medial bone in the forearm, on the side ultradian rhythm
opposite the thumb. It articulates with the A biological rhythm having more than one
humerus and with the head of the radius and cycle per day, or a period less than a day in
its proximal end; with the radius and bones of length.
the carpus at the distal end. ultrahigh frequency (UHF)
ulnar deviation That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
A movement or position of the longitudinal consisting of radiation frequencies between
axis of the hand toward the ulnar/little finger 300 mHz and 3 GHz.
side of the forearm.

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ultralow emission vehicle ultrawide band radar
A lean fuel vehicle meeting the more stringent A radar system emitting a broad range of fre-
ultralow emission standards. quencies, from megahertz to gigahertz.
ultralow penetration air filter umbilicus
A filter with a collection efficiency of The residual scar on the inferior, anterior ab-
99.99995%. domen from the removal of the umbilical
ultrasonic cord. Commonly referred to as navel.
High frequency sound waves that are beyond umbilicus height
the range of human hearing, which is gener- See omphalion height.
ally considered to be 20,000 Hertz. See also umbra
ultrasound. The small central core of the greatest ioniza-
ultrasonic noise tion within an ionization track of tissue or
Noise characterized by frequency greater than other material.
audible noise, typically greater than 20,000 UMTRCA
Hz. Also called ultrasonic sound. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act
ultrasonics of 1978.
The use or study of ultrasonic sound energy. unauthorized use
ultrasonography The criminal offense of using a motor vehicle
The use of pulsed ultrasound and echo re- without the authority of the owner with full
cording for diagnostic purpose in the human knowledge that such use is without his/her
body or elsewhere. permission. It differs from larceny to the ex-
ultrasound tent that in the crime of unauthorized use, the
That acoustic energy with frequencies higher government need not prove the intent to de-
than those the human ear can normally hear, prive permanently the owner of the vehicle.
above about 20 kHz. unavoidable accident
ultraviolet (UV) rays A legal term. An inevitable accident; one
Radiation from the sun or other sources that which could not have been prevented by exer-
can be useful or potentially harmful. UV rays cise of due care by both parties under circum-
from one part of the spectrum enhance life stance prevailing. Not necessarily an accident
and are useful in some medical and dental which was physically impossible, in the na-
procedures. UV rays from other parts of the ture of things for the person to have pre-
spectrum to which humans are exposed can vented, but one not occasioned in any degree
cause skin cancer or other tissue damage. The either remotely or directly by the want of such
ozone layer in the atmosphere provides a care or skill as the law holds every person
protective shield that limits the amount of ul- bound to exercise. Such type of accident is
traviolet rays that reach the Earth's surface. present when an event occurs which was not
proximately caused by the negligence of any
ultraviolet A (UV-A) party to the event.
That portion of the ultraviolet spectrum be-
tween about 315 nm and 400 nm. Also called unavoidable casualty
near ultraviolet. An event or accident which human prudence,
foresight, and sagacity cannot prevent; a hap-
ultraviolet B (UV-B) pening against will and without negligence.
That portion of the ultraviolet spectrum be-
tween about 280 and 315 nm. Also called ac- unavoidable cause
tinic ultraviolet. A cause which reasonably prudent and careful
persons under like circumstances do not and
ultraviolet C (UV-C) would not ordinarily anticipate, and whose ef-
That portion of the ultraviolet spectrum be- fects, under similar circumstances, they do not
tween about 100 and 280 nm. Also called far and would not ordinarily avoid.

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unavoidable dangers of intoxication, but any abnormal mental or
Maritime Insurance. This term in a marine physical conditions which are the result of in-
policy covering unavoidable dangers of the dulging to any degree in intoxicating liquors
river includes those unpreventable by persons or drugs, and which tend to deprive one of
operating the vessel, and, like the term perils that clearness of intellect and control of him-
of the sea, includes all kinds of marine casu- self/herself which he/she would otherwise
alties (even accidents in which there is human possess. (2) Any condition where intoxicat-
intervention). ing liquor or drugs have so greatly affected
unavoidable delay the nervous system, brain, or muscles of the
Any delay in an ongoing process or operation driver as to impair, to an appreciable degree,
which is beyond the control or responsibility his/her ability to operate a motor vehicle in
of a worker. the manner that an ordinary, prudent, and
cautious person, in full possession of all fac-
unavoidable delay allowance ulties, using reasonable care, would operate or
See delay allowance. drive under like conditions. (3) A condition
unburden that makes a person less able, either mentally
To ease the human physical or mental work- or physically, or both, to exercise clear
load through automation, computerization, judgement, and with steady hands and nerves,
mechanization, or some other means. to operate an automobile with safety to him-
self/herself and to the public.
(1) Not aware of surrounding environment. undercurrent (or underflow) of surface stream
Not responding to sensory stimulation. (2) Those waters which slowly find their way
The area or activity of the mind in which through the sand and gravel constituting the
primitive or unacceptable ideas and impulses bed of a stream, or lands under or immedi-
are concealed from awareness by the psychic ately adjacent to the stream, and are them-
censor. selves part of a surface stream.
unconsciousness undergarment
An abnormal state of lack of response to sen- A single piece of underwear.
sory stimuli, resulting from injury, illness, underground injection
shock, or some other bodily disorder. A brief The placement of fluids underground through
loss of consciousness from which the person a bored, drilled, or driven well.
recovers spontaneously or with slight aid is
called fainting. Deep, prolonged unconscious- underground sources of drinking water
ness is known as coma. Aquifers that are currently being used as a
source of drinking water and those that are
undependability capable of supplying a public water system.
That measurement error due to physiological
variation over time. See also unreliability. underground storage tank (UST)
A tank located all or partially under ground
under construction road that is designed to hold gasoline or other pe-
Road construction has begun but is not com- troleum products or chemical solutions.
under construction runway A highlighting technique in which one or
Runway construction has begun but is not more straight lines are drawn below a line or
completed. character of text.
under the influence of intoxicating liquor (or underneath the point
drugs) Directly below and downstream from the
(1) Phrase used in statutes or ordinances pro- point of land.
hibiting the operation of a motor vehicle by a
party under the influence of intoxicating liq- underpass
uor or drugs covers not only all well-known The grade separation where part or all of one
and easily recognized conditions and degrees feature instance is directly above part or all of
another feature instance.

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underwear undulant fever
That minimal clothing worn adjacent to the Brucellosis. A persistent and recurring fever
body and which one does not normally wear caused by a bacteria that is transmitted to man
exposed when in public. Usually referring to as a result of contact with infected animals, or
pants and bra for women, shorts and t-shirt for consuming infected meat or milk. See also
men. brucellosis.
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) unemployment insurance
An independent, nonprofit organization that A form of taxation collected from businesses
operates laboratories for examining and test- to fund unemployment payments and benefits.
ing systems, devices, and materials of interest unfair labor practice
to the public safety. Within the National Labor Relations Act, it is
undeveloped event an unfair labor practice for an employer: A)
As pertains to fault tree analysis (FTA) and/or To interfere with, restrain, or coerce employ-
the management oversight and risk tree ees in the exercise of their rights to self-
(MORT), an identified fault event that will organization, to form, join, or assist labor or-
not be developed further because its occur- ganizations, to bargain collectively through
rence has been determined insignificant with representatives of their own choosing, and to
regard to its effect on the top event, or be- engage in concerted activities, for the purpose
cause insufficient data exist to further evalu- of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or
ate the event, or because the event is too com- protection. B) To dominate or interfere with
plex for the purpose of a specific evaluation. the formation or administration of any labor
Represented graphically by a diamond shape. organization or contribute financial or other
undisputed fact support to it. C) By discrimination in regard
An admitted fact, which the court has not to hire or tenure of employment or any term
deemed sufficiently material to add to the or condition of employment to encourage or
finding, or has inadvertently omitted from it. discourage membership in any labor organi-
zation. D) To discharge or otherwise dis-
undisturbed performance criminate against an employee because he/she
As pertains to radiation protection programs, has filed charges or given testimony under the
the predicted behavior of a disposal system, Act. E) To refuse to bargain collectively
including consideration of the uncertainties in with the representatives of his/her employees.
predicted behavior, if the disposal system is The following "acts" have been held to be un-
not disrupted by human intrusion or the oc- fair labor practices under the National Labor
currence of unlikely natural events. Relations Act:
undo 1). Failure to re-employ striking employees.
To re-establish the condition on a display
prior to the execution of the last command. 2). Refusal of employer to reinstate union
Many software products allow users to "undo" members who were evicted from the plant
several generations of commands. unless members would withdraw from the
undredged shipping lane
Lane has not been dug out. 3). Refusal of the employer to bargain col-
lectively in good faith.
undue influence
Persuasion, pressure, or influence short of 4). Threats by the employer to close if a un-
actual force, but stronger than mere advice, ion gains a foothold in their plant.
that so overpowers the dominated party's free 5). Anti-union statements made by the em-
will or judgement that he or she cannot act ployer's supervisory employees during and
intelligently and voluntarily, but acts, instead, after a strike.
subject to the will or purposes or the domi- 6). Refusal of employer to permit the posting
nating party. of a notice that the employer would not dis-
criminate against employees who wish to join
the union.

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7). Discharge of an employee because of uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
membership in or activity on behalf of a labor A device that provides surge protection and
organization. short-term backup power supply for comput-
8). Refusal of employer who had refused to ers (or other systems).
bargain with a union which had been certified uniocular
as the exclusive bargaining agent. See monocular.
9). Assault by persons employed by a manu- union
facturer upon union organizers or sympathizers. (1) General. A coming together. (2) Labor.
10). Discharge of an employee because he/she An organization of workers, formed for the
would not become a member of a union in ac- purpose of negotiating with employers on
cordance with a closed shop agreement. matters of wages, seniority, working condi-
tions, fringe benefits, and the like. (3) Medi-
unfinished oil cal. The growing together of tissues sepa-
Includes all oils requiring further processing, rated by injury, as the ends of a fractured
except those requiring only mechanical bone, or the edges of an incision.
blending. In most cases, these are produced
by partial refining or purchased in an unfin- union certification
ished state for conversion to finished products The process by which an official governmen-
by further refining. tal body such as the National Labor Relations
Board declares that a particular union has
qualified as the bargaining representative of
Unsuitable; incompetent; not adapted or
the employees of a company or industry by
qualified for a particular use or service.
reason of a majority vote of the workers.
Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC)
One of the Uniform Laws drafted by the Na- union contract
tional Conference of Commissioners on Uni- A written agreement between the union and
form State Laws and the American Law In- employer covering such matters as wages,
stitute governing commercial transactions (in- seniority rights, and working conditions.
cluding sales and leasing of goods, transfer of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)
funds, commercial paper, bank deposits and Consisted of 15 constituent republics: Arme-
collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, nia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia,
warehouse receipts, bills of lading, investment Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lithuania,
securities, and secured transactions). The Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
UCC has been adopted in whole or substan- Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. As a political en-
tially by all states. tity, the U.S.S.R. ceased to exist as of De-
uniform resource locator (URL) cember 31, 1991.
An Internet address for web pages. union rate
unilateral The wage scale set by a union as a minimum
Pertaining to only one side of a body or wage to be paid and generally expressed as an
structure. hourly rate or piece-work rate.
unilateral teleoperator unit
A type of teleoperator system capable only of Under the Clean Air Act: A fossil fuel-fired
one-way force and motion transmission (from combustion device.
the operator to the teleoperator). unit load
unintentional introduction of a species Packages loaded on a pallet, in a crate, or any
Under the Federal Nonindigenous Aquatic other way that enables them to be handled at
Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990: one time as a unit.
An introduction of nonindigenous species that unit load device
occurs as the result of activities other than the Any type of freight container, aircraft con-
purposeful or intentional introduction of the tainer, aircraft pallet with a net, or aircraft
species involved. pallet with a net over an igloo.

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unit strain aids to navigation, bridge administration, ice
The change in length due to stress divided by operations, deepwater ports, boating safety,
working length. Coast Guard auxiliary, military readiness, re-
unit tow serve training, and Marine Safety Council.
An integrated tow consisting of bow, center, United States Code
and stem sections. Found generally in the Contains a consolidation and codification of
liquid cargo trade. all general and permanent laws of the U.S.
unit train Prior to 1926, the positive law for federal
A train of a specified number of railcars, per- legislation was contained in the one volume
haps 100, which remain as a unit for a desig- of the Revised Statutes of 1875 and then in
nated destination or until a change in routing each subsequent volume of the Statutes at
is made. Large. In 1925, Congress authorized the
preparation of the United States Code. This
United Nations was prepared by a Reviser of Statutes ap-
An organization started by the Allied Powers pointed by Congress, who extracted all sec-
in World War II for the stated purposes of tions of the Revised Statutes of 1875 that had
preventing war, providing justice, and pro- not been repealed and then all of the public
moting welfare and human rights of peoples. and general laws for the Statutes at Large
Its membership is made up of nearly all na- since 1873 that were still in force. These
tions of the world. New members may be were then rearranged into fifty titles and pub-
admitted by a two-thirds vote of the General lished as the United States Code (1926 edi-
Assembly. It consists of a Security Council tion) in four volumes. Each year thereafter a
and a General Assembly and subordinate cumulative supplement containing the laws
agencies. passed since 1926 was published. In 1932, a
United States air carrier new edition was issued which incorporated
A citizen of the United States who undertakes the cumulated supplements to the 1926 edi-
directly by lease, or other arrangement, to en- tion, and this became the United States Code
gage in air transportation. (1932 edition). Every six years a new edition
of the U.S. Code is published with cumulative
United States Attorney supplement volumes being issued during the
A chief prosecutor for the federal government intervening years.
(and defense counsel in civil matters) for one
of the regions into which the Justice Depart- United States Federal Sentencing Commission
ment and the Federal Judiciary are organized. Seven commissioners organized in 1985 and
supported by a core staff of attorneys, re-
United States Coast Guard (USCG) searchers, and administrative personnel. The
Established by act of January 28, 1915 (14 Commission’s purpose is to gather informa-
U.S.C. 1), became a component of the De- tion to develop more fairness and certainty,
partment of Transportation on April 1, 1967, and generally promote more effectiveness, in
pursuant to the Department of Transportation the federal sentencing system under the Sen-
Act of October 15, 1966 (49 U.S.C. app. 1651 tencing Reform Act. Guidelines have been
note). The Coast Guard is a branch of the developed for both individual as well as orga-
Armed Forces of the United States at all times nizational defendants. See also Federal Sen-
and is a service within the Department of tencing Guidelines.
Transportation except when operating as part
of the Navy in time of war or when the Presi- United States Flag Carrier (or American Flag
dent directs. The predecessor of the Coast Carrier)
Guard, the Revenue Marine was established in One of a class of air carriers holding a Certifi-
1790 as a federal maritime law enforcement cate of Public Convenience and Necessity is-
agency. Other responsibilities include search sued by the DOT, approved by the President,
and rescue, maritime law enforcement, marine authorizing scheduled operations over speci-
inspection, marine licensing, Great Lakes pi- fied routes between the United States (and/or
lotage, marine environmental response, port its territories) and one or more foreign coun-
safety and security, waterways management, tries.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

United States Territories unleaded gasoline
Include American Samoa, Guam, the North- Contains not more than 0.05 gram of lead per
ern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands. gallon and not more than 0.005 gram of phos-
United States Travel and Tourism Admini- phorus per gallon. Premium, regular, and in-
stration (USTTA) termediate grades are included, depending on
An agency in the Commerce Department; it's the octane rating. See also gasoline.
principal mission is to implement broad tour- unlinked passenger trips
ism policy initiatives for the development of The number of passengers who board public
international travel to the U.S. as a stimulus transportation vehicles. A passenger is
for economic stability. counted each time he/she boards a vehicle
universal precautions even though he/she may be on the same jour-
An approach to infection control which is ney from origin to destination.
based upon the premise that all human blood unliquidated damages
and certain human body fluids are to be Damages that are not yet reduced to a cer-
treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, tainty with respect to amount, nothing more
HBV, and/or other bloodborne pathogens being established than the plaintiff's right to
(whether or not actual infection is indeed the recover; or such as cannot be fixed by a mere
case). mathematical calculation from ascertained
data in the case.
unloaded vehicle weight
The weight of a vehicle with maximum ca-
pacity of all fluids necessary for operation of
the vehicle, but without cargo, occupants, or
accessories that are ordinarily removed from
the vehicle when they are not in use.
unlooked for mishap
One occurring unexpectedly and not naturally
or in the ordinary course of events.
unnecessary cost
The use of latex gloves is a major element in the practice of
Any cost in money, time, materials, energy, or
universal precautions other asset which does not contribute to the
quality, usefulness, life, appearance, or fea-
universal serial bus (USB) tures of a product.
Computing. A high-speed serial port technol-
unoccupied time
ogy that allows a variety of input and output
That time which may result from a worker
devices to be easily attached to a personal
doing neither internal work nor taking a rest
computer (PC). A USB device can be plugged
allowance due to machine-controlled time or a
in or unplugged without having to turn off the
team effort in which his/her immediate par-
PC, and is automatically recognized and con-
ticipation is not required.
figured upon plug in.
unoccupied time allowance
unladen inland waterways traffic
That allowance made for unoccupied time.
Any movement of an Inland Waterways
Transport (IWT) freight vessel for which the unpaved road surface
gross weight of goods carried, including that Gravel/soil and unimproved roads and streets
of equipment such as containers, swap-bodies, (Surface/Pavement Type Codes 20, 30 and 40).
and pallets, is nil, as well as any movement of unprogrammed inspections
an IWT passenger vessel without passengers. Those OSHA inspections performed in re-
unlatch sponse to particular events that occur during
To release lock on fifth wheel to drop trailer. the inspection year, such as catastrophes, fatal
accidents, and employee complaints.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

unrestricted area unstable air
Ionizing Radiation. An area in which the ra- See absolutely unstable air.
diation dose to a person would be less than 2 unstable material
millirem in any 1 hour or 100 millirem per A chemical substance that will vigorously
week. polymerize, decompose, condense, or become
unrestricted work self-reactive upon exposure to air, water,
See self-paced work. shock, pressure, or temperature fluctuation.
unsafe act unstable wave
(1) Any act or action, either planned or un- See frontal wave.
planned, which has the potential to result in unvoiced sound
an undesired outcome or loss (injury, property A sound produced by air turbulence under
damage, lost production time, etc.). (2) Con- pressure at a constriction point in the vocal
duct that causes an unnecessary exposure to a tract.
hazard or a violation of a commonly accepted
procedure which directly permitted or resulted up-and-down methodology
in a near miss or the occurrence of an acci- See staircase procedure.
dent. up-and-down rod
unsafe condition Rail Operations. A rod used for connecting
(1) Any existing or possible condition which, the semaphore arm to the operating mecha-
if allowed to continue, could result in an un- nism of a signal.
desired outcome or loss (injury, property up the hill
damage, lost production time, etc.). (2) Any Anything away from the towboat and on
physical state that deviates from the accepted, shore. When a river man has "gone up the
normal, or correct practice and that has the hill," he has gone ashore, whether it be in a
potential to produce injury, excessive expo- city or on a mountainside or across a prairie.
sure to a health hazard, or property damage.
upper arm circumference
unsatisfactory condition classification The surface distance around the upper arm at
Facility is not operational and is not serving level of the midpoint between the lateral pro-
the purpose for which it was constructed. jection of acromiale and the inferior aspect of
unsaturated the olecranon process of the ulna. Measured
(1) Not having all affinities of its elements with the individual standing erect and the up-
satisfied (unsaturated compound). (2) Not per arms hanging naturally at the sides with
holding all of a solute which can be held in the elbow flexed 90°.
solution by the solvent (unsaturated solution).
upper arm circumference, recumbent
unsaturated zone The upper arm circumference in a reclining
The area above the water table where the soil position. Measured with the arm lying beside
pores are not fully saturated, although some the body and the elbow raised slightly by a
water may be present. small pillow or other pad.
unscheduled maintenance upper coupler assembly
See corrective maintenance. A structure consisting of an upper coupler
unscheduled repair plate, king-pin, and supporting framework
Maintenance requiring the emergency repair which interfaces with and couples to a fifth
of a piece of equipment as distinguished from wheel.
those repairs performed during a scheduled upper coupler plate
cycle. A plate structure through which the king-pin
unstable neck and collar extend. The bottom surface of
Ionizing Radiation. All radioactive elements the plate contacts the fifth wheel when cou-
are unstable since they emit particles and de- pled.
cay to form other elements.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

upper explosive limit (UEL)
See upper flammability limit (UFL).
upper extremity uranium
The hand, wrist, and arm, with its junction to A radioactive heavy metal element used in
the shoulder. nuclear reactors and the production of nuclear
upper flammability limit (UFL) weapons. Term refers usually to U238, the
The concentration of a substance in air, usu- most abundant radium isotope, although a
ally expressed as a volume percent, above small percentage of naturally occurring ura-
which combustion cannot be supported at nium is U235.
normal room temperature because the mixture uranium byproduct material
of air and fuel is too "rich" (i.e., too much The tailings or wastes produced by the ex-
fuel) and therefore, has insufficient oxygen. traction or concentration of uranium from any
Combustion in air of a flammable material ore processed primarily for its source material
can occur only at concentrations between the content. Ore bodies depleted by uranium so-
lower and upper flammability limits. This lution extraction operations and which remain
area is referred to as the flammability range. underground do not constitute "byproduct
upper gauge material."
A water level gauge located at the upper end uranium series
of the lock. Isotopes which belong to a chain of succes-
upper-half of saddle-mount sive decays which begins with uranium-238
That part of the device which is securely at- and ends with lead-206.
tached to the towed vehicle and maintains a urban
fixed position relative thereto, but does not Usually refers to areas with a population of
include the king-pin. See also king-pin sad- 5,000 or greater.
dle-mount, lower-half of saddle-mount, and urban area
saddle-mount. Any area that includes a municipality or other
upper respiratory tract built-up place which is appropriate, in the
The mouth, nose, sinuses, and throat. judgement of the Secretary of Transportation,
upper threshold for a public transportation system to serve
The maximum stimulus intensity which will commuters or others in the locality taking into
produce a specific type of sensory experience consideration the local patterns and trends of
or elicit a specific response. Also called ter- urban growth.
minal threshold. urban arterial routes
UPS Those public roads that are functionally clas-
See uninteruptable power supply. sified as a part of the urban principal arterial
system or the urban minor arterial system as
upset described in volume 20, appendix 12, High-
The unanticipated malfunction of a process way Planning Program Manual.
urban collector routes
upslope fog Those public roads that are functionally clas-
Fog formed as moist, stable air flows upward sified as a part of the urban collector system
over a topographic barrier. as described in volume 20, appendix 12,
uptime Highway Planning Program Manual.
The period of time during which a system urban ferryboat
element is either performing or capable of A boat providing fixed-route service across a
performing. body of water with one or more terminals
upwelling within an urbanized area, excluding interna-
The rising water (usually cold) toward the tional and urban park ferries.
surface from the deeper regions of a body of

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urban heat island
The increased air temperatures in urban areas transit capital and operating block grant ap-
as contrasted to the cooler surrounding rural propriations by urbanized area. For this pro-
areas. gram, it is the Federal capital assistance
urban highway granted to public transit agency providers to
Any highway, road, or street within the designated recipients on behalf of transit pro-
boundaries of an urban area. An urban area is viders.
an area including and adjacent to a munici- urea
pality or urban place with 5,000 or more A white, crystalline substance, the diamide of
population. The boundaries of urban areas are carbonic acid. It is one of the chief nitroge-
fixed by the states, subject to the approval of nous constituents of urine and is the chief end
the Federal Highway Administration, for pur- product of protein metabolism, being the form
poses of the Federal-Aid highway program. under which the nitrogen from the body is
urban inland waterways transport given off. The amount of urea in the urine in-
A transport carried out on inland waterways creases with the quantity of protein in the diet.
located within the boundaries of a built-up This is because urea is an endogenous and ex-
area. ogenous waste product: endogenous because
some of it is derived from the breakdown of
urban place body protein as the tissues undergo disinte-
A U.S. Bureau of Census-designated area gration and repair, and exogenous because
consisting of incorporated political units or some of it is derived from the amino acids ab-
closely settled unincorporated areas outside an sorbed from the intestinal tract but not utilized
urbanized area. by the body. In severe nephritis or other dis-
urban runoff orders leading to renal failure, the concentra-
Stormwater from city streets and adjacent tion of urea in the blood may be greatly in-
domestic or commercial properties that may creased, as revealed by measurement of the
carry pollutants of various kinds into the blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
sewer systems and/or receiving waters. uremia
urbanized area Accumulation in the blood of substances or-
(1) Areas with a population of 50,000 or dinarily eliminated in the urine. The condi-
more, at a minimum, that encompass an entire tion develops when the kidneys lose most of
urbanized area in a state, as designated by the their ability to filter out waste products from
U.S. Bureau of the Census. The Federal the blood, because of damage by disease or by
Highway Administration (FHWA) approved, severe trauma. It may be the result of a tem-
adjusted urbanized area boundaries include porary poisoning or obstruction of the kid-
the census-defined urbanized areas plus trans- neys, or it may occur in the final stage of a
portation centers, shopping centers, major severe kidney disease. The first and most im-
places of employment, satellite communities, portant symptom of acute uremia is always a
and other major trip generators near the edge sudden drop in the volume of urine. In severe
of the urbanized area, including those ex- cases, the production of urine may stop en-
pected to be in place shortly. (2) An ap- tirely. For the first several days, there may be
proximate classification of sample households few symptoms, and in general, no feelings of
as belonging to an urbanized area or not. discomfort. Soon, however, loss of appetite,
Those classified as belonging to an urbanized headache, nausea, and vomiting appear. In
area were either in a central city of a Metro- severe cases, the breath has an ammonia-like
politan Statistical Area (MSA), or in a MSA odor of urine. There may be drowsiness, and
but outside the central city, and within a zip perhaps convulsions. Chronic uremia may
code area with a population density of at least result from chronic nephritis or an advanced,
500 people per square mile in 1990. chronic stage of pyelitis, or it may be caused
by hypertensive kidney disease. Many other
Urbanized Area Formula Program Funds disorders such as diabetes mellitus, collagen
Financial assistance from the Urbanized Area diseases, polycystic kidneys, and untreated
Formula Program (formerly Section 9). This enlargement of the prostate, kidney stones,
program governs the distribution of the public

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and other obstructions in the urinary system rounding skin and often attended by severe
may cause uremia. The symptoms of chronic itching. It may result from various causes
uremia, unlike those of acute uremia, usually (e.g., allergens, exercise, excitement). Also
make their appearance gradually. Instead of a called, more commonly, hives.
sudden decrease in the volume of urine, it is urobilinogen
undiminished or may even be increased. But A colorless compound formed in the intes-
as the kidneys continue to fail, the person be- tines by the reduction of bilirubin. Normally
comes greatly fatigued. Anemia develops and about 1 percent of the bilirubin produced in
the blood pressure may increase. The vision the body by the breakdown of hemoglobin is
often becomes dim. Nausea, vomiting, and excreted in the urine as urobilinogen. In-
diarrhea occur. The skin is pallid and appears creased amounts of urobilinogen in the urine
waxy. Frequently there may be periods of indicate an excessive amount of bilirubin in
hiccuping. The breath and sweat smell of the blood. Determination of the amount of
urine; urea frost (a layer of urea crystals) may urobilinogen excreted in a given period makes
appear on the face and chest. The patient be- it possible to evaluate certain types of hemo-
comes increasingly drowsy. Finally, he/she lytic anemia and also is of help diagnosing
lapses into a coma from which he/she does liver dysfunction.
not awaken.
urethra The branch of medicine dealing with the uri-
The tubular structure which extends from the nary system in the female and the genitouri-
bladder to the body surface for excretion of nary system in the male.
urinal A measure of the ease with which one may
A receptacle into which urine may be directed use a product or learn how to use a new prod-
and which is normally connected to appropri- uct.
ate plumbing.
urinate See universal serial bus.
To eliminate urine from the body via the ure-
thra. USCG
See United States Coast Guard.
The liquid excretion from the kidneys (nor- USDA
mally containing various salts, urea, bodily United States Department of Agriculture.
metabolites, and some solids) which is passed use
to the exterior through the bladder and ure- The implementation of some device's in-
thra. In addition to waste materials, urine also tended function under the control of one or
contains surpluses of products that are neces- both hands.
sary for bodily functioning. The kidneys re- used oil
move not only excess water, but also excess According to the Federal Solid Waste Dis-
sodium chloride and other chemicals. Thus, posal Act: Any oil which has been a) refined
in the typical specimen of urine there will be from crude oil, b) used, and c) as a result of
sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, such use, contaminated by physical or chemi-
chloride, phosphate, and sulfate. cal impurities.
URL useful life
See uniform resource locator. That period of time in the existence of a ma-
URT chine or system following any run-in phase
Upper respiratory tract. and prior to the wear-out phase in which it is
generally functionally stable in its operation.
urticaria See also life cycle characteristic curve.
A vascular reaction of the skin marked by
transient appearance of slightly elevated useful thermal output
patches that are redder or paler than the sur- The thermal energy made available for use in
any industrial or commercial process or used

©2000 CRC Press LLC

in any heating or cooling application, i.e., to- See United States Travel and Tourism Ad-
tal thermal energy made available for proc- ministration.
esses and applications other than electrical uterus
A hollow muscular organ in the female pelvis.
user charge It holds and nourishes the growing fetus. The
(1) A fee charged to users for goods and uterus, or womb, is normally about the size
services provided by the federal, state, and lo- and shape of a pear. The upper part, or fun-
cal governments. User charges, either directly dus, is broad and flattened; the middle portion
or indirectly, are paid on a periodic or occa- is the body, or corpus; the lower part, or cer-
sional basis with license fees and excises. vix, is narrow and tubular. The cervix opens
User charges are also paid at the time infra- downward into the vagina.
structure services are consumed with the
utility aircraft
payment of fuel taxes and tolls. (2) A charge
An aircraft designed for general purpose fly-
or fee for use of an improved waterway. Pos-
sible types of charges include fuel taxes, lock-
age fees, segment tolls, and licensing of utility airport
floating equipment. An airport designed, constructed, and main-
user-computer interaction tained to serve airplanes in Aircraft Approach
See human-computer interaction. Categories A and B.

user-computer interface utility employee

See human-computer interface. A railroad employee assigned to and func-
tioning as a temporary member of a train or
user-friendly yard crew whose primary function is to assist
Designed according to human fac- the train or yard crew in the assembly, disas-
tors/ergonomic principles with claimed or sembly or classification of rail cars, or opera-
demonstrated ease of use. tion of trains (subject to the conditions set
user guidance forth in 49 CFR 218.22.
Any prompt or feedback which assists the utilization equipment
user in performing a computerized task. Equipment which utilizes electric energy for
user interface development system (UIDS) mechanical, chemical, heating, lighting, or
Any set of software tools which may be used similar useful purpose.
for developing user interfaces. utilization system
user interface management system (UIMS) A system which provides electric power and
Any set of software tools which may be used light for employee workplaces, and includes
for managing the user interface. the premise's wiring system and utilization
user-preferred trajectory
The route, altitude profile, speed, and times of utmost care
departure and arrival that the user prefers. See great care and care.
user response time utricle
The period required for or taken by a user to An expanded region in the membranous laby-
enter a command or reply to a display prompt. rinth of the vestibular apparatus which con-
tains endolymph and utricular macula.
United States Public Health Service. utricular macula
The mechanoreceptor of the utricle, composed
of sensory hair cells and a gelatinous mass
See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
with embedded otoliths.
See underground storage tank.
See ultra-violet rays.

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UV detector
A detection system in which ultraviolet radia-
tion is passed through a cell containing a
sampled material. The absorption of ultra-
violet energy at a wavelength which coincides
with the absorption band of the analyte (con-
taminant) is proportional to the amount of
contaminant in the sample. This can be used
to determine the concentration of the con-
Long-wave ultraviolet radiation.
Short-wave ultraviolet radiation.
Ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
A muscular tissue descending from the mid-
line of the soft palate.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

vagueness doctrine
V Under this principle, a law (e.g., a criminal
statute) which does not fairly inform a person
of what is commanded or prohibited is uncon-
v stitutional as violative of due process. The
Velocity. doctrine originates in the due process clauses
of the Fourteenth Amendment, and is the ba-
sis for striking down legislation which con-
tains insufficient warning of what conduct is
vacation unlawful.
An employee benefit in which a given number
vagus nerve
of days off from work per year are provided
The tenth cranial nerve, having a wide distri-
with pay for the employee. There may be
bution and having motor functions including
certain restrictions as to when the time off
speech production and swallowing, with sen-
may be taken.
sory functions including pressure/touch in the
vacation of judgement pharyngeal region, abdominal distention, and
The setting aside of a judgement on the nausea.
grounds that it was issued by mistake, inad-
Valdez Principles
vertence, surprise, excusable neglect, or fraud.
Environmental principles named after the Exxon
vaccination Valdez tanker that ran aground on March 24,
Inoculation with weakened or dead microor- 1989, spilling eleven million gallons of crude
ganisms to develop immunity to a specific oil into Alaska's Prince William Sound.
disease. The term "vaccination" comes from These principles developed into the Coalition
the Latin vacca, or cow, and was coined when for Environmentally Responsible Economies
the first inoculations were given with organ- (CERES). See also Coalition for Environ-
isms that caused the mild disease cowpox to mentally Responsible Economies (CERES).
produce immunity against smallpox. Today,
the word has the same meaning as inoculation
A whole number representing or denoting the
and immunization.
chemical combining power of one element
vaccine with another. It is the number of electrons
A preparation containing killed or living that can be lost, gained, or shared by an atom
whole or parts of microorganisms with anti- when combining with another element.
genic properties that are used to induce spe-
cific immunity in the recipient against an in-
Having legal strength or force, executed with
fectious agent.
proper formalities, incapable of being right-
vacuum fully overthrown or set aside.
A condition in which air pressure approaches
To demonstrate that a test, standard, or other
vacuum assist power brakes device has validity.
Standard type hydraulic brakes with a pressure
validated method
assist cylinder having a vacuum chamber
A sampling/analytical method that has been
which when atmospheric pressure is allowed
evaluated and determined to be effective for
to one side of the piston or diaphragm, drives
assessing worker's exposure to a contaminant.
a plunger in the hydraulic system thereby in-
A method should have an efficiency of 75% at
creasing the effect of pedal pressure.
the 95% confidence level to be considered ac-
vagina ceptable.
A tubular structure associated with the female
genitalia and located between the bladder and
The degree to which a test or other measure-
ment device really measures what it was de-
signed to measure.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

valley breeze value of property assisted
See mountain and valley breeze. Monetary value of the distressed unit (in-
valley fog cluding cargo) at the time assistance was ren-
dered by the Coast Guard.
See radiation fog.
value of property lost
valsalva maneuver
Monetary value of actual property lost as a
A procedure in which the nostrils are pinched
result of the incident.
off, the mouth kept closed, and pressure vol-
untarily increased in the nasopharyngeal re- value set
gion to aid in equalizing pressures within the Those social standards commonly accepted by
nasopharynx and middle ear. an individual, group, or society.
value van
(1) The estimated, appraised, or actual market A 20-foot long or shorter vehicle, usually with
worth of a product or service. (2) The ratio of an automotive-type engine and limited seating
the cumulative benefits of an item to the cu- normally entered directly through side or rear
mulative costs of that item. (3) The numerical doors rather than from a central aisle, used for
magnitude of some measurable quantity. (4) demand response, vanpool, and lightly pa-
The utility of an object in satisfying, directly tronized motorbus service. Includes large
or indirectly, the needs or desires of human vans. Exceptions are a) Volkswagen vans are
beings. (5) See Munsell value. categorized as minivans, and b) all other pre-
1983 vans are categorized as vans. Privately
value added
owned and/or operated vans and minivans de-
That difference between the sales income signed to carry from 5 to 13 passengers or to
from goods and the costs of materials, sup- haul cargo. See also motor vehicle and vehi-
plies, and any outside services used in their cle.
production and delivery.
van den Bergh test
value adding time
A laboratory test done to determine the con-
That portion of the time in the work sequence
centration of bilirubin in the blood. Blood is
which increases a product's value by work
obtained by finger prick or venipuncture. See
performed on the product.
value analysis
van der Hoeve's syndrome
A systematic study to determine costs in each
A genetically determined condition charac-
production phase for manufacturing an item,
terized by blue scleras, deafness, and abnor-
either during the engineering phase of product
mal brittleness of bones.
development or on an already existing prod-
uct. Generally with the intent to reduce costs vandalism
by eliminating unnecessary steps. Such willful or malicious acts as are intended
to damage or destroy property.
value engineering
The application of engineering techniques vanning
toward providing a functional product or A term for stowing cargo in a container.
service at the lowest cost. Sometimes referred vanpool
to as value control. (1) A voluntary commuter ride-sharing ar-
value index rangement, using vans with a seating capacity
A dimensionless number which represents the greater than 7 persons (including the driver)
ratio of worth to cost. or buses, which provides transportation to a
group of individuals traveling directly from
value of human capital
their homes to their regular places of work
The present economic worth of an individual's
within the same geographical area, and in
expected future earnings from a given age due
which the commuter/driver does not receive
to employment.
compensation beyond reimbursement for his
or her costs of providing the service. (2) An
arrangement in which a group of passengers

©2000 CRC Press LLC

share the use and cost of a van in traveling to on sampling media effectiveness, analyte
and from prearranged destinations together. losses during sampling, sampling stability, and
(3) Vans and/or Class C motor buses operat- other factors. A recovery of greater than or
ing as a voluntary commuter ride-sharing ar- equal to 75% should be realized for the method
rangement, which provides transportation to a to be considered acceptable.
group of individuals traveling directly be- vapor/hazard ratio
tween their homes and their regular places of The ratio of the equilibrium vapor concentra-
work within the same geographical area. The tion at 77°F (25°C) to the 8-hour time-
vans should have a seating capacity greater weighted average TLV.
than seven persons, including the driver. (4)
Publicly sponsored commuter service operat- vapor phase
ing under prearranged schedules for previ- The existence of a substance in the gaseous
ously formed groups of riders in 8- to 18-seat state.
vehicles. Drivers are also commuters who re- vapor plumes
ceive little or no compensation other than free Flue gases that are visible because they con-
transportation and use of the vehicle during tain water droplets.
off hours.
vapor pressure
van't Hoff's law The pressure exerted when a solid or liquid is
The velocity of chemical reactions is in- in equilibrium with its own vapor. Usually
creased twofold or more for each rise of 10°C expressed in millimeters of mercury or
in temperature. pounds per square inch, vapor pressure is a
function of the substance and the temperature,
and is often used as a measure of how rapidly
See Vibroacoustic Payload Environment
a liquid will evaporate. Also called actual
Prediction System.
vapor pressure.
vapor recovery
A term used for a substance that, although
A system or method by which vapors are re-
present in the gaseous phase, usually exists as
tained and conserved.
a liquid or solid at room temperature and
pressure. vapor spike
A sorbent media sampling device to which a
vapor barrier
known amount of a substance, in the form of a
(1) General. Any material used to prevent
vapor, has been added.
moisture (primarily atmospheric moisture)
from passing through or contacting a pro- vaporization
tected body or area. (2) Wearing Apparel. (1) Conversion of a solid or liquid into a va-
That material used to prevent or substantially por without change in the chemical composi-
inhibit the transfer of water, corrosive liquids, tion of the material involved. (2) An addition
and steam or other hot vapors from the out- of thermal energy changing a liquid or semi-
side of a garment to the wearer's body. solid to a vapor or gaseous state.
vapor-capture system vaporizer
Any combination of hoods and ventilation A heat transfer facility designed to introduce
systems that captures or contains organic va- thermal energy in a controlled manner for
pors in order that they may be directed to an changing a liquid or semisolid to a vapor or
abatement or recovery device. gaseous state.
vapor dispersion variability
The movement of vapor clouds in air due to That quality which leads to obtaining different
wind, gravity spreading, and mixing. results under the same or different conditions.
See also dispersion.
vapor/gas spiking
Sampling air through a media to which an variable
analyte of interest has been added. Subsequent An entity, often represented by a symbol,
desorption and analysis provides information which is capable of having any value within a

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specified set or range. May also be referred to VASI
as factor. See airport visual approach slope indicator
variable air volume (VAV) system lighting.
Air handling system that conditions the air to a vasoconstriction
constant temperature and varies the outside A decrease in the cross-sectional area of a
airflow to ensure thermal comfort. blood vessel.
variable cost vasodilatation
A manufacturing or service cost which An increase in the cross-sectional area of a
changes with the quantity produced or the blood vessel. Also referred to as vasodilation.
level of services.
variable element Pertaining to neural control of the arterial
A work element whose time for completion smooth muscles in regulating blood flow.
varies due to one or more changes in charac-
teristics of the product or service, either VAT
See vinyl asbestos tile.
across jobs or from one work cycle to another.
variable error VAV
A deviation from an obtained value on repli- See variable air volume system.
cation of a psychophysical experiment due to VCP
random or unknowingly altered conditions See visual comfort probability.
between the measurements. VDT
variable operating cost See video display terminal.
In reference to passenger car operating cost, VDU
expenditures which are dependent on the See video display unit.
amount of use of the car, such as the cost of
gas and oil, tires, and other maintenance. vector
(1). Biology. An organism, often an insect or
variance rodent, that carries disease. (2) Medicine. An
(1) Government permission for a delay or object that is used to transport genes into a
exception in the application of a given law, host cell (vectors can be plasma, viruses, or
ordinance, or regulation. (2) Permission to do other bacteria). A gene is placed in a vector,
an otherwise illegal act. In land use control, the vector "infects" the bacterium. (3) Medi-
approval by a local board to relax the other- cine. A carrier, usually an anthropod, that is
wise applicable zoning. Distinguished from a capable of transmitting a pathogen from one
special permit. (3) A mathematical measure organism to another. (4) Mathematics. A
of the variation in the observed values of a physical quantity that has a magnitude and di-
sample population.
rection in space, as velocity and acceleration.
variance ratio test (5) A matrix composed of a single row or col-
See F test. umn; a column or row within a matrix.
varicose vein veering wind
An enlarged vein, especially in the leg and The wind that changes direction in a clock-
visible as blue streaks beneath the skin, gen- wise sense, north to northeast to east, and so
erally due to over-stretching by excessive ve- on.
nous pressure for an extended period of time,
resulting in valve damage.
A psychophysical scale for heaviness.
Infection by the virus of smallpox producing
A vegetarian who excludes for his/her diet all
no or slight symptoms in a previously vacci-
protein of animal origin.
nated person, which is capable of transmitting
infection that may be fatal to a susceptible vehicle
person. (1) Medical. A transporting agent, especially
the component of a medication (prescription)

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serving as a solvent or to increase the bulk or moved out of the household. The average
decrease the concentration of the mixture. (2) number of vehicles in the stock is computed
Transit. As the term is applied to private en- using these data. See also vehicle acquisi-
tities, does not include a rail passenger car, tion.
railroad locomotive, railroad freight car, or vehicle fuel
railroad caboose, or other rail rolling stock The predominant type of fuel purchased dur-
described in Section 242 of Title III of the ing 1991. Data categories are leaded and un-
Federal Transit Act. (3) Transit. Motorized leaded gasoline, diesel motor fuel, and "other"
vehicles used by U.S. households for personal which includes propane and gasohol. See also
transportation. Excluded are motorcycles, fuel, gasohol, gasoline, and kerosene.
mopeds, large trucks, and buses. Included are
automobiles, station wagons, passenger vans, vehicle fuel consumption
cargo vans, motor homes, pickup trucks, and Vehicle fuel consumption is computed as the
jeeps or similar vehicles. To be included, ve- vehicle miles traveled divided by the fuel effi-
hicles must be a) owned by members of the ciency reported in MPGs. Vehicle fuel con-
household, or b) company cars not owned by sumption is derived from the actual vehicle
household members but regularly available to mileage collected and the assigned MPGs
household members for their personal use and obtained from Environmental Protection
ordinarily kept at home, or c) rented or leased Agency (EPA) certification files adjusted for
for 1 month or more. See also automobile, on-road driving. The quantity of fuel used by
bus, car, minivan, moped, motorcycle, motor vehicles.
vehicle, semi, semitrailer, taxi, tractor trailer, vehicle fuel expenditures
tractor-semitrailer, truck, truck tractor, and The cost, including taxes, of the gasoline,
van. gasohol, or diesel fuel added to the vehicle's
vehicle acquisition tank. Expenditures do not include the cost of
The number of vehicles a household acquires oil or other items that may have been pur-
or obtains during the year. The average num- chased at the same time as the vehicle fuel.
ber of vehicles in the stock is computed using vehicle fuel tank capacity
these data. See also vehicle disposition. The tank's unusable capacity (i.e., the volume
vehicle class of fuel left at the bottom of the tank when the
(1) A term that includes sedans, station wag- vehicle's fuel pump can no longer draw fuel
ons, ambulances, buses and trucks, or differ- from the tank) plus its usable capacity (i.e.,
ent categories of vehicles according to Federal the volume of fuel that can be pumped into
Standards for fiscal year 1992. (2) The first the tank through the filler pipe with the vehi-
three characters of the vehicle license number cle on a level surface and with the unusable
on a government vehicle. The first character capacity already in the tank). The term does
will always be "G." not include the vapor volume of the tank (i.e.,
vehicle configuration the space above the fuel tank filler neck) nor
The combination of vehicular units compris- the volume of the fuel tank filler neck.
ing a commercial motor vehicle. vehicle identification number (VIN)
vehicle curb weight A set of about 17 codes, combining letters and
Under the Clean Air Act: “Gross vehicle numbers, assigned to a vehicle at the factory
weight rating” (GVWR), “light-duty truck” and inscribed on a small metal label attached
(LDT), “light-duty vehicle”, and “loaded ve- to the dashboard and visible through the
hicle weight” (LVW) have the meaning pro- windshield. The vehicle identification num-
vided in regulations promulgated by the EPA ber (VIN) is a unique identifier for the vehicle
Administrator and in effect as of the enact- and therefore is often found on insurance
ment of the CAA amendments of 1990. cards, vehicle registrations, vehicle titles,
safety or emission certificates, insurance poli-
vehicle disposition cies, and bills of sale. The coded information
The number of vehicles a household disposes in the VIN describes characteristics of the ve-
of during the survey year. Disposed vehicles hicle such as engine size and weight.
include those sold, traded, or the owner

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vehicle in use lated as person miles divided by vehicle
All vehicles in the inventory that are perma- miles. (2) The number of people aboard a ve-
nently assigned to an agency or in paid sea- hicle at a given time; also known as auto or
sonal storage. automobile occupancy when the reference is
vehicle kilometer to automobile travel only.
Unit of measurement of traffic representing vehicle on hand
the movement of an individual Inland Water- All vehicles for which General Services Ad-
ways Transport (IWT) vessel or convoy over ministration (GSA) has accountability.
one kilometer. vehicle operations
vehicle maintenance All activities associated with the subcatego-
All activities associated with revenue and ries of the vehicle operations function: trans-
nonrevenue (service) vehicle maintenance, in- portation administration and support; revenue
cluding administration, inspection and main- vehicle operation; ticketing and fare collec-
tenance, and servicing (cleaning, fueling, etc.) tion; and system security.
vehicles. In addition, it includes repairs due vehicle/pedestrian deviation
to vandalism, and accident repairs of revenue Aviation. An entry or movement on an airport
vehicles. movement area by a vehicle operator or pe-
vehicle maneuver destrian that has not been authorized by air
Last action (maneuver) this vehicle's driver traffic control (includes aircraft operated by a
engaged in either just prior to the impact or non-pilot).
just before the driver realized the impending vehicle revenue miles/hours
danger. See also crash, and vehicle role. The miles/hours a vehicle travels while in
vehicle mile of travel (VMT) revenue service. A transit vehicle is in reve-
A unit to measure vehicle travel made by a nue service only when the vehicle is available
private vehicle, such as an automobile, van, to the public and there is a reasonable expec-
pickup truck, or motorcycle. Each mile trav- tation of carrying passengers that either di-
eled is counted as one vehicle mile regardless rectly pay fares, are subsidized by public pol-
of the number of persons in the vehicle. icy, or provide payment through some con-
vehicle miles tractual arrangement. This does not imply
(1) Vehicle miles are the miles of travel by all that a cash fare must be paid. Vehicles oper-
types of motor vehicles as determined by the ated in free fare service are considered in
states on the basis of actual traffic counts and revenue service. Vehicle revenue miles/hours
established estimating procedures. (2) The exclude travel to and from storage facilities,
total number of miles traveled by transit vehi- training operators prior to revenue service,
cles. Commuter rail, heavy rail, and light rail road tests and deadhead travel, as well as
report individual car miles rather than train school bus and charter services.
miles for vehicle miles. vehicle stock
vehicle miles operated The number of vehicles owned or used by a
Sum of all miles operated by passenger vehi- household for personal transportation. A vehi-
cles, including mileage when no passengers cle is defined in terms of a "Vehicle Year." If
are carried. When vehicles are operated in a vehicle is present in a household for the en-
trains, each vehicle is counted separately, e.g., tire year, it is counted as one vehicle. If a ve-
an eight-vehicle train operating for one mile hicle is present in a household for one-half of
equals eight vehicle miles. the year, it is counted as only one-half of a
vehicle. Therefore, the number of vehicles a
vehicle occupancy sample household was considered as having
(1) The number of persons, including driver during the year was computed as the days of
and passenger(s) in a vehicle; also includes possession summed over all vehicles in the
persons who did not complete a whole trip. household, divided by days in a year.
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
(NPTS) occupancy rates are generally calcu-

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vehicle type velar
A series of motor vehicle body types that have Articulated with the tongue on or near the
been grouped together because of their design velum.
similarities. velocity
vehicle used on the job In a ventilation system, the time rate of
A vehicle used by anyone in the household for movement of air measured in feet per minute.
job-related activities, excluding commuting to velocity control
and from work. See rate control.
vehicles available for maximum service velocity pressure
The number of revenue vehicles available to The kinetic pressure in the direction of flow
meet the annual maximum service require- necessary to cause a fluid at rest to flow at a
ments. This includes spares, out-of-service given velocity. Usually expressed in inches
vehicles, and vehicles in or awaiting mainte- of water when the fluid is air.
nance, but excludes vehicles awaiting sale and
emergency contingency vehicles.
A device for measuring air velocity. See
vehicular crimes swinging vane anemometer.
Criminal acts committed while operating a velum
motor vehicle (e.g., vehicular manslaughter, See palatine velum.
vehicular assault, etc.).
vehicular homicide A fabric having a short pile of silk, cotton, or
Homicide caused by the unlawful and negli- other material on a closely woven backing.
gent operation of a motor vehicle. Both in-
tentional conduct and negligence may be the velveteen
basis for such a charge though statutes vary A fabric resembling velvet which has a short
from state to state as to the elements of the pile and cotton filling.
crime. vena contracta
veiling luminance The narrowing in the diameter of an air
A luminance added to an object or display stream as it enters a duct, hood, or other part
which reduces the contrast and may result in of a ventilation system.
disability glare. Venn diagram
veiling reflection A graphical means of illustrating the relation-
A diffusion of the external lighting impinging ship between sets in set theory, usually using
on a surface or display which tends to result a square or circle to represent a set.
in disability glare. venom
vein Poison, especially a toxic substance normally
(1) Anatomy. A vessel in the cardiovascular secreted by a serpent, insect, or other animal.
system which carries blood back toward the venous valve
heart. Veins, like arteries, have three coats: A structure within the veins of the legs which
an inner coat, a middle coat, and an outer permits only unidirectional flow of blood
coat; but the coats are not thick and they col- back toward the heart.
lapse when the vessel is cut. Many veins, es-
pecially the superficial, have valves formed ventifact
A rock that has been cut, shaped, or faceted
from reduplication of their lining membrane.
by wind-driven particles.
(2) Mining. A continuous body of mineral or
mineralized rock, filling a seam or fissure in ventilate
the earth's crust, within defined boundaries in To circulate fresh air and remove stale and/or
the general mass of the mountain (which contaminated air within a closed space. See
boundaries clearly separate it from the neigh- also ventilation.
boring rock), and having a general character
of continuity in the direction of its length.

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ventilated normal, regular contractions. See also fibril-
Provided with a means to permit circulation lation and defibrillation.
of air sufficient to remove an excess of heat, venturi
fumes, or vapors. A constriction in a section of pipe or duct to
ventilation accelerate the fluid and lower its static pres-
(1) One of the principle methods of control- sure. A venturi can be used to determine fluid
ling health hazards, it can be described gener- flow by determining the pressure difference
ally as the causing of fresh air to circulate and between the pressure in the upstream
replace contaminated air that is simultane- pipe/duct and that in the constriction.
ously removed. See also suction. (2) The venturi meter
process of supplying fresh air, especially the Typically a section of piping or duct with a
constant supplying of oxygen through the contraction (25 degrees) to a throat with a re-
lungs. (3) Free discussion, as of one's prob- expansion (7 degrees) to the original diame-
lems or grievances. ter/size. This device is used to measure mass
ventilation air flow rate based on an empirical formula.
Defined as the total air, which is a combina- venturi-type collectors
tion of the air brought into the system from A technology used to remove dust from ex-
the outdoors and the air that is being recircu- haust air by employing a high-velocity air
lated within the building; sometimes, how- stream that is used to break up water fed into
ever, used in reference only to the air brought a venturi throat.
into the system from the outdoors.
ventilation effectiveness Pertaining to words, often referring to spoken
Indoor Air Quality. The fraction of outdoor words.
air delivered to a space that reaches the occu-
pied zone. verification by analysis
The use of techniques such as interpolation or
ventilation rate extrapolation of pre-existing data, references,
The amount of gases and water vapor ex- simulation, or modeling to illustrate that a
changed between the atmosphere and the system or subsystem complies with require-
lungs per unit time. ments or specifications.
ventilometer verification by demonstration
An instrument used for measuring the various The use of more qualitative techniques such
lung capacities and volumes as a function of as observing performance, maintainability or
time. servicing, or other appropriate aspects to ver-
ventral ify that a system complies with requirements
Pertaining to the underside of an object, or the or specifications.
side opposite the back of an organism. verification by inspection
ventricle A technique for confirming that a product
A small cavity or chamber in the brain or meets design specifications and requirements
heart. through the use of vision or simple measuring
ventricular fibrillation devices and reviewing supporting documen-
A cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid, tation.
irregular, and ineffective twitching of the verification by similarity
ventricles. Ventricular fibrillation is a fre- The use of techniques such as a comparison
quent cause of cardiac arrest. An apparatus with the design, manufacturing, and quality
called a defibrillator sometimes is used to al- control standards of a previously existing
leviate fibrillation. The defibrillator delivers product that has met the same or greater crite-
an electric shock to the heart muscle, depo- ria to indicate that the item under considera-
larizing the muscle and ending the irregular tion will likely meet the necessary require-
contractions. The heart is then able to resume ments and specifications.

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verification by test vertex
A technique for confirming that a product The highest point on the top of the head with
meets specifications/requirements through the the head oriented in the Frankfort plane.
use of measurements taken during and/or fol- Commonly referred to as crown.
lowing the controlled application of appropri- vertex plane
ate functional and environmental stimuli, of- That horizontal plane which intersects the top
ten with the use of sophisticated lab test of the head and is parallel to the floor or other
equipment, recorded data, and some analysis reference surface when in an erect posture.
of that test data.
vertical grip reach, sitting
vermiculite The vertical distance above the sitting surface
A mineral with a platelet-like crystalline which an individual can reach while gripping
structure that is lightweight and highly water a pointer held in a clenched fist perpendicular
absorbent. to the longitudinal axis of the arm. Measured
vernal equinox with the individual sitting erect with the
The equinox at which the sun approaches the shoulder rotated upward 180° or as close to
Northern Hemisphere and passes directly over that as possible, and the elbow and wrist fully
the equator. Occurs around March 20. extended.
vernier vertical grip reach, standing
A smaller scale, in association with a larger The vertical distance above the floor which an
one, which is divided to permit interpolation individual can reach while gripping a pointer
between the divisions of the larger scale. held in a clenched fist perpendicular to the
vernier acuity longitudinal axis of the arm. Measured with
A measure of the alignment judging ability of the individual standing erect with the shoulder
the eyes, determined by the reported existence rotated upward 180° or as close to that as pos-
or degree of any lack of alignment or co- sible, and the elbow and wrist fully extended.
linearity of two parallel lines, with one placed
vertically above the other in a plane. vertical reach
The vertical distance from the floor or other
verruca reference surface to the tip of the middle fin-
(1) A lesion of the skin of viral origin, com- ger (digit III) when one arm, wrist, the hand,
monly small, round and raised, with a rough, and the fingers are extended vertically.
dry surface. More commonly referred to as a Measured with the individual standing erect.
wart. (2) A wart-like growth on any surface,
as on the endocardium. vertical scroll
To view text or alphanumeric information on
vertebra a screen by advancing vertically line-by-line
One of the bones which form part of the under operator control to examine the infor-
spine. The vertebrae support the body and mation in a file above or below that currently
provide the protective bony corridor through visible.
which the spinal cord passes. The 33 bones
that make up the spine differ considerably in vertical standard
size and structure according to location. An OSHA standard that essentially has appli-
There are seven cervical (neck) vertebrae, 12 cation in only one industry, such as construc-
thoracic (high back), five lumbar (low back), tion.
five sacral (near the base of the spine), and vertical trunk circumference, sitting
four coccygeal (at the base). The five sacral An off-vertical surface loop distance around
vertebrae are fused to form the sacrum, and the torso, from the crotch, passing diagonally
the four coccygeal vertebrae are fused to form up and over the midshoulder, down through
the coccyx. See spine. the small of the back, to return to the crotch
vertebral column passing over the posterior protuberance of the
See spine. buttock. Measured with the individual sitting

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including special purpose floating structures
vertical trunk circumference, standing not primarily designed for or used as a means
An off-vertical surface loop distance around of transportation on water. (2) Every descrip-
the torso, from the crotch, passing diagonally tion of watercraft, used or capable of being
up and over the midshoulder, down through used as a means of transportation on the wa-
the small of the back, to return to the crotch ter. (3) Tankers used to transport crude oil
passing over the posterior protuberance of the and petroleum products. Vessel categories are
buttock. Measured with the individual as follows: Ultra Large Crude Carrier
standing erect with the body weight equally (ULCC), Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC),
distributed on both feet. Other Tanker, and Specialty Ships Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (LPG)/Liquefied Natural Gas
vertigo (LNG). (4) A ship, brig, sloop, or other craft
Dizziness or the sensation that the environ- used, or capable of being used, in navigation
ment is revolving around us. on water. (5) With regard to anatomy, a
veruca channel for carrying fluid, such as blood
Wart. (blood vessel) or lymph (lymphatic vessel).
(6) A receptacle used in laboratory work, usu-
very high frequency (VHF) ally constructed of glass, porcelain, or other
That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum material.
consisting of radiation frequencies between 30
mHz and 300 mHz. vessel bunkering
Includes sales for the fueling of commercial
very high frequency (VHF) communications or private boats, such as pleasure craft, fishing
Provides radio voice communications be- boats, tugboats, and ocean-going vessels, in-
tween aircraft and ground stations, also be- cluding vessels operated by oil companies.
tween aircraft. Very high frequency (VHF) is Excluded are volumes sold to the U.S. Armed
limited in angle (line of sight) and usually Forces.
used for air traffic communications.
vessel kilometer
very high frequency omnidirectional radio Unit of measurement representing the move-
range (VOR) ment of an inland waterway transport (IWT)
Used as the basis for navigation in the Na- vessel over one kilometer.
tional Airspace System.
very large crude carrier (VLCC) See vestibule.
A crude oil carrying ship of between 160,001
and 320,000 deadweight tons. vestibular apparatus
That portion of the vestibular system physi-
very low frequency (VLF) cally located within the inner ear for trans-
That portion of the electromagnetic spectrum duction of mechanical stimuli.
consisting of radiation frequencies between 10
kHz and 30 kHz. vestibular membrane
A delicate membrane separating the cochlear
vesicant duct from the scala vestibuli in the cochlea.
An agent capable of producing small circum- Also called Reissner's membrane.
scribed elevations of the skin that contain
fluid. Some vesicant gases (such as mustard vestibular nerve
gas) have been used as chemical warfare That branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
agents. which carries equilibrium information from
the inner ear to the brain.
A small blister on the skin. vestibular nystagmus
That nystagmus produced either from stimu-
vessel lation of the labyrinth or a diseased/damaged
(1) According to OSHA, the term vessel in- vestibular system.
cludes every description of watercraft or other
artificial contrivance used or capable of being
used as a means of transportation on water,

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vestibular system
Those structures consisting of the otoliths,
semicircular canals, vestibular nerve, and re- vibration isolator
lated sensory structures of the inner ear which A resilient support that tends to isolate a sys-
transduce head motion, orientation, and equi- tem from steady-state excitation.
librium/balance and convey that information
to the brain. vibration sense
The sensing of vibration via repeated activa-
vestibule tion of the touch/pressure receptors in the
A cavity within the osseous labyrinth of the skin.
inner ear which interconnects the cochlea and
the semicircular canals. vibration syndrome
Any sign or symptom associated with the use
vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) of vibrating tools or equipment, ranging from
Those reflex eye movements during a head numbness, blanching, or tingling to a recog-
movement which are intended to maintain a nized disease. See also Raynaud's syndrome.
stationary image on the retina.
vibration white-hands disease
vestibulocochlear nerve A vascular disorder. See Raynaud's syn-
The eighth cranial nerve, having a sensory drome.
function and which combines the vestibular
and auditory branches. Vibroacoustic Payload Environment Predic-
tion System (VAPEPS)
Veterans Administration A computer modeling program and database
An independent federal agency that adminis- for predicting vibroacoustic levels within ve-
ters a system of benefit programs for veterans hicles.
and their dependents These benefits include
compensation payments for disabilities or vibroacoustics
death related to military service; pensions; The field of study dealing with the combined
education and rehabilitation; home loan guar- or interrelated effects of sound and vibration
anty programs; burial, including cemeteries, on systems and/or people.
markers, flags, etc.; and a comprehensive vibrotactile stimulation
medical program involving a widespread That application of a mechanical vibration by
system of nursing homes, clinics, and hospi- any means to cause displacement of the
tals. Effective in 1989, the former Veterans touch/pressure receptors in the skin.
Administration became the Department of
Veterans Affairs, and was elevated to cabinet vicarious liability
level status. The imposition of liability on one person for
the actionable conduct of another, based
veto power solely on a relationship between the two per-
Executive's power to conditionally prevent sons.
acts passed by legislature, which have not yet
become law, from becoming law. victim
The person who is the object of a crime or
VFR tort, as the victim of a robbery is the person
See visual flight rules. robbed.
viability video display terminal (VDT)
Ability to remain alive in a free state. (1) A computer workstation having a monitor
viable capable of processing one or more types of
Living. television signals or other displays, and hav-
ing one or more computer input devices for
vibrating conveyor interaction. (2) Computer screen-based termi-
See oscillating conveyor. nal.
vibration video display unit (VDU)
The act of vibrating. A rapid linear motion of A monitor capable of processing one or more
a particle or an elastic solid about an equilib- types of television format signals for viewing,
rium position. with no interactive controls available other than

©2000 CRC Press LLC

simple channel selection, picture adjustments, diation with wavelengths between approxi-
volume, etc. mately 390 nm to 450 nm.
videography virga
The use of video electronic media for the acqui- Precipitation that falls from a cloud but
sition, presentation, and/or study of moving vis- evaporates before reaching the ground. See
ual images. also fall streaks.
view virgin material
To focus one's visual attention on something. Under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act:
vigilance A raw material, including previously unused
A state in which an individual sustains a high copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, iron, or other
level of attention in an attempt to detect a signal, metal or metal ore, any undeveloped resource
a change in signal, or a particular activity. that is, or with new technology will become, a
source of raw materials.
Minute, worm-like vascular processes on virgin wool
certain membranes (singular: villus). That wool fresh from clipping of sheep and
used for the first time.
See vehicle identification number. virtual environment
A computer-generated, three-dimensional envi-
vindictive damages ronmental simulation in which the user is able
See exemplary damages. to sense and interact with that environment
vinyl asbestos tile (VAT) via some set of transducers or computer input
A floor-covering material which contains as- devices. Also referred to as virtual presence,
bestos. artificial reality, virtual reality, and virtual
image display.
vinyl chloride
A chemical compound, used in producing virtual image
some plastics, that is believed to be carcino- An image in which light appears to emanate
genic. from one or more points, as behind a mirror or
as presented in a computer-driven image gen-
violation erator, but in reality does not.
Injury; infringement; breach of right, duty, or
law; ravishment; seduction. The act of virtual image display
breaking, infringing, or transgressing the law. See virtual environment.
violation notice virtual memory
Written notification issued by a government Computing. Virtual memory is not in the
agency and served on the party alleged to be RAM chips. It is space on the hard drive disk
in violation. Sometimes called a notice of that the computer uses as if it were RAM.
violation (NOV) or notice of noncompliance With virtual memory, the applications can edit
(NON). files that would otherwise be too large to fit in
physical RAM. Windows uses temporary
Unjust or unwarranted exercise of force, usu- or permanent swap files to create memory.
ally with the accompaniment of vehemence, Also called disk memory. See also swap file,
outrage, or fury. temporary swap file and permanent swap
violent death
Death caused by violent external means, as virtual presence
distinguished from natural death as caused by See virtual environment.
disease or the wasting of the vital forces. virtual reality
violet See virtual environment.
That hue typically perceived when a normal virtual workplace
retina is stimulated with electromagnetic ra- A type of virtual environment which provides
an analog to an individual's actual workspace.

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virulent (2) Computing. A set of software code in-
Extremely poisonous or venomous. Capable structions that damages or erases the informa-
of overcoming bodily defensive mechanisms. tion, work files, or programs on a computer.
virus viscera
(1) A submicroscopic, non-cellular particle, See viscus.
composed of a nucleic acid core and a protein viscosity
shell that reproduces only within host cells The resistance of fluid flow. A measure of
and is the cause of many diseases. It is the that resistance which a liquid substance ex-
smallest form of microorganisms capable of hibits to flow over itself. See also molecular
causing disease. A virus requires susceptible viscosity and eddy viscosity.
host cells for multiplication and activity. Vi-
ruses are so elusive that in most instances they viscous
cannot be identified and observed by the con- Having a high viscosity.
ventional methods of microbiology. The viscus
electron microscope makes it possible to "see" An organ within one of the bodily cavities.
viruses through the minuscule pores of special Plural is viscera.
filters. Viruses thrive only within the cells of
living hosts, so tissue cultures are used to visibility
grow viruses for use in vaccines. A virus has (1) The greatest distance an observer can see
no metabolic activity of its own, but it has a and identify prominent objects. (2) A meas-
very orderly structure, so uniform that some ure of the capability of being seen through a
viruses can be crystallized much like common combination of factors such as luminous in-
salt. The most important substance in viruses tensity, contrasts, intervening conditions be-
is nucleoprotein, a compound of protein and tween the observer and object(s), object size,
nucleic acid, which is a substance common to and distance from the observer. (3) The rec-
all living matter. The nucleic acid, either de- ognition of an individual or group by another
oxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic individual, group, or the public at large
acid (RNA), contains the "instructions" and through repeated appearances, media cover-
mechanisms that allow the virus to control the age, or other means.
metabolic activity of the cells it infects. The visibility limit
nucleoprotein of the virus may be surrounded See visibility range.
by one or more protein membranes. Viruses
visibility meter
are parasitic. They attach themselves to a
A photometer which measures the amount of
living cell of a plant, animal, or human body,
reduction in light intensity required to bring
inject nucleoprotein into the cell and control
the visibility of objects to their threshold
the cell's normal metabolic mechanisms. The
cell proceeds to make vital structures and as-
sembles the units into complete viruses. The visibility reference function
cell bursts, dies, and releases countless viruses A graphical curve or mathematical equation
which can then invade other cells. In some providing the relationship between an indi-
cases, the virus may remain inactive or dor- vidual's ability to detect an object against a
mant for long periods before taking over con- background and the background luminance.
trol of cellular metabolism. In other cases, the visible
virus may force the cell to make new cells as Pertaining to radiant energy in the electro-
well as new viruses. In addition to damaging magnetic spectral range that is visible to the
the host by destroying cells, viruses may pro- human eye.
duce toxins. Viruses also act as antigens, sub-
stances the body recognizes as being foreign visible emissions
and combats by producing antibodies. Vi- An emission from a source which is visually
ruses are causative organisms of a variety of detectable without the aid of instruments.
infectious diseases, including the common visible light
cold, yellow fever, childhood diseases, and Electromagnetic energy having wavelengths
certain types of pneumonia and encephalitis. within the range of 380 to 770 nanometers.

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visible spectrum visual color discrimination
That range of wavelengths and/or frequencies See color discrimination.
of the electromagnetic spectrum which the visual colorimetry
eye is capable of normally detecting, approx- The use of human eyes to judge relative
imately 380 nm to 750 nm. similarities and differences in hues. See also
vision visual photometry.
The capacity for seeing; the act of seeing. visual comfort
The basic components of vision are the eye it- Having an adequately lighted visual environ-
self, the visual center in the brain, and the op- ment, without glare and with pleasing hue(s).
tic nerve, which connects the two. See also
eyeball. visual comfort probability (VCP)
An estimate of the probability that a given
vision test observer will rate a given lighting system as
Any eye test for measuring visual acuity or equal to or more comfortable than the visual
color sensitivity. See Snellen test, Ishihara comfort-discomfort boundary under given
test, and Stilling test. conditions.
visor visual correspondence
Any device which may be placed over or in The use of a visual display which is adjusted
front of the eyes to shield or protect them to the position of the operator's head.
from intense light radiation or glare, blast ef-
fects, wind, blown grit or dust, or any other visual environment
noxious physical agent. That external physical and psychological vol-
ume having characteristics generated by all of
visual acuity the following: a) the luminous environment,
A measure of the ability to resolve distinct b) the structure of the space, and c) any ob-
objects or fine detail with the eye. See also jects within that space.
Snellen acuity, vernier acuity, stereoscopic
acuity, and resolution acuity. visual field
That part of the visual environment which can
visual adaptation be seen by the eye(s) at any given instant with
A change in visual sensitivity over prolonged the head and eyes stationary.
viewing of a particular intensity, color, or
other aspect of light. visual field defect
Any impairment where an individual cannot
visual angle see one or more regions within the visual
The angle subtended at the nodal point of the field.
eye by the height or width of an object in the
visual field. visual flight rules (VFR)
Rules that govern the procedures for con-
visual axis ducting flight under visual conditions. The
An imaginary line, internal to the eye, pro- term VFR is also used in the U.S. to indicate
jected from the point being fixated, through weather conditions that are equal to or greater
the lens, to the center of the fovea. The visual than minimum visual flight rules (VFR) re-
axis is separated from the optical axis by quirements. In addition, it is used by pilots
about 4°. and controllers to indicate the type of flight
visual clutter plan.
Having too much distortion of the detail in the visual flight rules (VFR) conditions
visual field or on a display such that a sensory Weather conditions equal to or better than the
overload condition exists. See also visual minimum for flight under visual flight rules.
visual flight rules (VFR) flight
visual coding Flight conducted in accordance with visual
Any type of coding which relies wholly or flight rules.
primarily on visual modality.

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visual flight rules (VFR) over-the-top visual purple
With respect to the operation of aircraft, means See rhodopsin.
the operation of an aircraft over-the-top under visual range
visual flight rules when it is not being operated The maximum distance at which the contrast
on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan.
between one or more distinct objects and their
visual flight rules (VFR) terminal area charts background enables them to be distinguished
Depict Class B airspace which provides for by an observer under given environmental
the control of segregation of all the aircraft conditions. Also referred to as visibility limit.
within Class B airspace. The chart depicts to-
visual runway
pographic information and aeronautical in-
A runway without an existing or planned
formation which include visual and radio aids
straight-in instrument approach procedure.
to navigation, airports, controlled airspace, re-
stricted areas, obstructed and related data. visual space
visual flight rules (VFR) tower The integrated sum of all possible visual
An airport traffic control tower providing fields from a given body location, given only
takeoff and landing services only. It does not for those bodily movements which would
provide approach control services. normally be available to an individual under
specified conditions.
visual line
See visual axis. visual strain
See eyestrain.
visual meteorological conditions (VMC)
Meteorological conditions expressed in terms visual surround
of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling All portions of the visual space except that
equal to or better than the specified minima. pertaining to the task at hand.
visual noise visual task
An array of elements or images on a display Any task or portion of a task which requires
or in the visual field which appear to or are vision and the perception/integration of visual
intended to have no pattern. See also visual stimuli for its performance.
clutter. visualization
visual perception The ability to create a mental visual image,
The process of, or the product from, inter- either of some original object or an imagined
preting visual stimuli. object.
visual persistence vital capacity
See afterimage. The maximum volume of air which can be
visual photometer expelled from the lungs after a maximal inspi-
Any device for judging the equality of bright- ration. May also be referred to as lung vital
ness of two surfaces using the eyes, rather capacity and/or respiratory capacity.
than instrumentation hardware. See also vital statistics
physical photometer. Data that record significant events and dates
visual photometry in human life, such as births, deaths, mar-
The study or process of using the eye instead riages, etc.
of a photoelectric device as the sensing ele- vitamin
ment for brightness differences. See also vis- One of a group of organic compounds not
ual colorimetry. normally produced by the body but which is
visual pigment required in small quantities for normal body
Any of the chemicals involved in transduction health and metabolism. Vitamins help trans-
of light energy to chemical energy in the retina. form other food substances into bones, skin,
glands, nerves, brain tissues, and blood. The
visual position constancy
major vitamins are designated by the letters
The tendency for the visual field to appear
A, C, D, E, K, and P, and the term B Com-
stable as the observer moves his/her head or
plex. Some of these, the B vitamins and Vi-
eyes, due to the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

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tamin C, can be dissolved in water; the rest vocational aptitude test
are soluble in fat. Vitamins do not resemble Any examination used to determine for which
each other chemically except for their solu- occupation an individual is best suited.
bility. This quality of solubility is important vocational guidance
in absorption of vitamins from the intestinal The use of results from one or more voca-
tract and in certain deficiency diseases. tional aptitude tests, interviews, trend fore-
vitreous humor casts, or other measures to counsel an indi-
The transparent, gelatinous substance which vidual in job selection.
fills the posterior cavity of the eyeball. Also vocoder
called vitreum and vitrina. A device which produces voice-like sounds,
vitrification and which, through the appropriate combina-
The process in which high temperatures are tions of sounds, can synthesize speech.
employed to form glass from ceramic and vog
some mineral materials. Term used to describe airborne particulate
VLCC matter consisting primarily of volcanic ash
See very large crude carrier. and other volcano-originated micro- and mac-
roscopic debris, water vapor (from steam),
V/m smoke, volcanic gases, and, depending upon
Volts per meter. the location of the erupting or venting vol-
VMC cano, saltwater vapor from ocean contact with
See visual meteorological conditions. lava flows. In high concentrations, vog can
be an extremely irritating inhalation hazard
for some individuals.
See vehicle mile of travel.
See volatile organic compound.
The number of words or terms readily avail-
able to an individual or computer for online
Pertaining to certain speech organs or struc-
tures; conveyed using the voice.
vocal cord
One of two ligaments within the larynx
which, on movement, are involved in speech Vog being created by the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. Below,
or other sound production. Also vocal chord lava flowing into the ocean further contributes to the vog prob-
lem. If trade winds are right, the vog can blow over populated
and vocal ligament.
areas and potentially affect thousands of people.
vocal fold
A thin mucous membranes covering the vocal
vocal ligament
See vocal cord.
vocal tract
The combination of passageways and enclos-
ing structures which is involved in the me-
chanical production of speech sounds.
A medial portion of the thyroarytenoid muscle
which attaches to the vocal cord.

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voice except those designated by the EPA as having
To carry out the purposeful vibration of the negligible photochemical reactivity. (2)
vocal cords to produce a phoneme. Compounds that evaporate from the many
voice-activated (VOX) housekeeping, maintenance, and building pro-
Pertaining to a piece of equipment having the ducts made with organic chemicals. These
capability to initiate certain operations in re- compounds are released from products that are
sponse to sounds in the frequency range of the being used and that are in storage. In sufficient
human voice. Synonymous with voice oper- quantities, VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat
ated. irritations, headaches, dizziness, visual disor-
ders, memory impairment; some are known to
voice recognition cause cancer in animals; some are suspected of
(1) The ability to determine that vocal sounds causing, or are known to cause, cancer in hu-
are being produced by a specific individual. mans. At present, not much is known about
(2) The use of a computer to compare the what health effects occur at the levels of
spectra of selected spoken words by one or VOCs typically found in public and com-
more specified individuals with those spectra mercial buildings.
of words previously established in memory to
perform a match. volatile synthetic organic chemicals
Chemicals that tend to volatilize or evaporate
voiced sound from water.
Any sound occurring as quantities of sub-
glottal air are forced against tightened vocal volatility
cords, causing them to open and close at cer- The measure of the tendency of a chemical to
tain intervals, and air to resonate in vocal vaporize or evaporate at ambient conditions.
cavities. volatilization
voiceprint Physical transfer process through which a
A selected spectral density function of an in- substance undergoes a change of state from a
dividual's speech. solid or liquid to a gas.
voir dire volitional movement
Law (French). To speak the truth. This See active movement.
phrase denotes the preliminary examination volt (V)
which the court and attorneys make of pro- (1) The unit of electromotive force. (2) A unit
spective jurors to determine their qualification of electrical potential or electromotive force;
and suitability to serve as jurors. Preemptory that potential difference between two points
challenges or challenges for cause may result of a conductor carrying a constant current of
from such examination.
one amp when the power dissipated between
vol. those two points is one watt.
volt-ampere (VA)
vola The SI unit of apparent electrical power; the
The palm of the hand or the sole of the foot. mathematical product of voltage and amper-
Also called volar surface. age, either available to or used by a system.
volatile voltage
Describes chemicals that tend to evaporate (1) Nominal. A nominal value assigned to a
rapidly (such as ether, chloroform, and ben- circuit or system for the purpose of conven-
zene). iently designating its voltage class (as
volatile flammable liquid 120/240, 480Y/277, 600, etc.). The actual
A flammable liquid having a flash point be- voltage at which a circuit operates can vary
low 100°F (38°C) or whose temperature is from the nominal within a range that permits
above its flash point. satisfactory operation of equipment. (2) Cir-
cuit. The greatest root-mean-square (effec-
volatile organic compound (VOC) tive) difference of potential between any two
(1) Any organic compound which participates conductors of the circuit concerned. (3) To
in atmospheric photochemical reactions

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Ground. For grounded circuits, the voltage reporting.” Such disclosures should be care-
between the given conductor and that point or fully drafted and reviewed according the facts
conductor of the circuit that is grounded. For discovered. See also self-reporting systems,
ungrounded circuits, the greatest voltage be- mitigating factors, and effective compliance
tween the given conductor and any other con- program.
ductor of the circuit. voluntary exposure to unnecessary danger
volume An intentional act which reasonable and ordi-
(1) The amount of three-dimensional space nary prudence would pronounce dangerous.
which an object occupies. (2) The loudness Intentional exposure to unnecessary danger,
of an audio output. implying a conscious knowledge of the dan-
volume control ger.
A potentiometer or other device which voluntary informed consent
changes the loudness of an audio output from A voluntary agreement by a potential experi-
an amplifier. mental subject to allow himself to be exposed
volume display to the conditions of a test. Also called in-
Any display which indicates relative volume formed consent.
of an audio output or input. Also referred to voluntary muscle
as volume indicator. A muscle which is normally controllable by
volume flow rate the individual without any highly specialized
The quantity of air flowing in a ventilation training.
system measured as cubic feet per minute. voluntary standard
volume indicator Any standard which is complied with on a
See volume display. voluntary basis, without any legal requirement
or consensual agreement to do so.
volume velocity (Uv)
The flow rate of a medium due to a sound vomer
wave through a cross-sectional or surface A facial/skull bone in the midsagittal plane
area. which forms part of the nasal septum.

volumetric analysis vomit

The measurement of the volume of a liquid (1) Matter expelled from the stomach by the
reagent of known concentration that is re- mouth. (2) To forcibly eject swallowed mate-
quired to react completely with a substance rial from the stomach.
whose concentration is being determined. vomitus
Titration of acids with a base, or vice versa, is That material ejected from the gastrointestinal
an example of this type of analysis. tract during the process of vomiting.
volumetric inspection Von Frey filament
A nondestructive testing (NDT) method to Any of a set of fibers of various lengths and
determine the presence of discontinuities thicknesses which is calibrated to exert a
throughout the volume of a material. See also given force when pressed on the skin. Some-
nondestructive evaluation (NDE). times called Von Frey hair.
voluntary VOR
Being under willful control. (1) Very high frequency omni-direction range.
voluntary disclosure (2) See vestibulo-ocular reflex.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSGs) vortex
provide incentives for disclosing suspected A pattern of curving lines radiating from a
misconduct, offering a mitigation credit for common center.
companies that make voluntary disclosures. vorticity
The Guidelines also threaten to bar any com- A measure of the spin of a fluid, usually small
pliance program credit otherwise available if air parcels. Absolute vorticity is the combined
there is an “unreasonable delay in self- vorticity due to the earth's rotation and the

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vorticity due to the air's circulation relative to
the earth. Relative vorticity is due to the
curving of the air flow and wind shear.
See voice-activated.
The peculiar suppressed voice of true cholera.
Vapor pressure.
Velocity pressure.
OSHA. Voluntary Protection Program.
Visible spectrophotometry.
vulnerability analysis
Assessment of elements in the community
that are susceptible to damage should a re-
lease of hazardous materials occur.
vulnerable zone
An area over which the airborne concentration
of a chemical involved in an accidental re-
lease could reach the level of concern.
Volume to volume.
Vibration-induced white fingers. See also
Raynaud's syndrome.

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waist circumference
W The surface distance around the torso at waist
height. Measured without tissue compression
with the individual standing erect, the weight
W equally balanced on both feet, and the waist
Watt(s). muscles relaxed.
WAC waist circumference, sitting
See world aeronautical charts. The surface distance around the torso at that
wage level represented by the waist height. Meas-
The monetary compensation for services pro- ured without tissue compression, with the in-
vided to an employer. dividual sitting erect.
Wage and Hour Law waist depth
See Fair Labor Standards Act. The horizontal linear distance from the back
to the front of the torso at the waist. Meas-
wage incentive ured with the individual standing erect, the
A financial reward reflected in a worker's weight evenly distributed on both feet, and the
wages for greater than normal performance. torso muscles relaxed.
wage incentive plan
waist depth, sitting
An incentive plan for determining additional
The waist depth in a sitting individual. Meas-
wages to be paid an individual or group based
ured with the individual sitting erect and the
on exceeding standard or normal perform-
torso muscles relaxed.
ance, and having the intent to increase output.
waist front from cervicale
wage rate
The surface distance from cervicale to the
The hourly or other time-based wage de-
waist level, passing along the base of the neck
scribed in monetary terms. See also piece
rate. to the neck-shoulder intersection and follow-
ing the contour of the anterior body to the
Wagner Act waist level in the midsagittal plane. Measured
A federal law, passed in 1935, that established with the individual standing erect and the
the most basic union rights. It prohibited sev- torso muscles relaxed.
eral employer actions (such as attempting to
force employees to stay out of a union) and waist front length
labeled these actions "unfair labor practices." The surface distance in the midsagittal plane
It also set up the National Labor Relations from the waist level to suprasternale. Meas-
Board to help enforce the new labor laws. See ured with the individual standing erect and the
also Taft-Harley Act. torso muscles relaxed.
waist waist height
(1) That level above the hip and below the The vertical distance from the floor or other
thorax at which the torso has a minimum reference surface to the waist. Measured with
breadth when viewed from the front. If such a the individual standing erect.
level is not apparent, as in pregnant or obese waist height, sitting
individuals, use the level at which the belt is The vertical distance from the upper sitting
worn. (2) The level of omphalion. surface to the waist level. Measured with the
waist back length individual sitting erect.
The surface distance, along the spine, from waiting line
the waist level to cervicale. Measured with See queue.
the individual standing erect and the weight
balanced equally between both feet. waiting time
See delay time or idle time.
waist breadth
The horizontal linear distance across the torso walk
at the waist. Measured with the individual (1) General. Includes jogging, walking, etc.,
standing erect. provided the origin and destination are not the

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same. (2) Maritime Navigation. To use the years of age or male under 16 years of age,
rudders opposite to the screws so as to cause and allow no hazardous or unsanitary working
the tow to move sideways in close maneu- conditions in their plants.
vering. wander
walk-around An apparent rapid shift of the target position
An OSHA term for becoming familiar with from its mean on a radar screen. Also called
the worksite and its employees by simply target glint and target scintillation.
strolling through the places where employees wane
are at work and obtaining a mental "snap- Bark, or the lack of wood from any cause, on
shot" view of what they are doing and the the corner of a piece of wood.
processes used by the employer.
walking Reckless, heedless, malicious. Characterized
A colloquial term for a flanking maneuver. by extreme recklessness or foolhardiness.
walking ventilation Reckless disregard of the rights or safety of
A measure of the amount and content of air others or of the consequences.
expired while performing a mild exercise, wanton act
usually consisting of walking on a level One done in malicious or reckless disregard of
treadmill. Measured after a few minutes of the rights of others, evincing a reckless indif-
walking at a slow-to-moderate pace. ference to consequences to the life, or limb, or
wall cloud health, or reputation, or property rights of an-
An area of rotating clouds that extends be- other, and is more than negligence, more than
neath a severe thunderstorm and from which a gross negligence, and is such conduct as indi-
funnel cloud may appear. Also called a collar cates a reckless disregard of the just rights or
cloud. safety of others or of the consequences of the
action (equivalent in its results to willful mis-
wall hole
An opening less than 30 inches but more than
1 inch high, of unrestricted width, in any wall wanton and reckless misconduct
or partition; such as a ventilation hole or Occurs when a person, with no intent to cause
drainage scupper. harm, intentionally performs an act so unrea-
wall opening sonable and dangerous that he/she knows, or
An opening at least 30 inches high and 18 should know, that it is highly probable that
inches wide, in any wall or partition, through harm will result.
which persons may fall; such as a yard-arm wanton injury
doorway or chute opening. Injury produced by conscious and intentional
walleye wrongful act, or omission of known duty with
(1) Leukoma, a white opacity of the cornea. reckless indifference to consequences. It must
A common cause is degeneration of the cor- be predicated upon actual knowledge of an-
nea from longstanding, untreated syphilis. other's peril and a failure to take available
Other possible causes include inflammation of preventative action knowing that such failure
the cornea, corneal ulcer, and trachoma. (2) will probably result in injury.
Extropia, a congenital defect similar to wanton misconduct
crossed eyes except that the visual axes di- Act or failure to act, when there is a duty to
verge outward rather than inward. Also called act, in reckless disregard of the rights of an-
divergent strabismus. other person, coupled with a consciousness
Walsh-Healey Act that injury is a probable consequence of the
Federal Act (1936) which provides that gov- act or omission.
ernment contractors should pay not less than wanton negligence
the prevailing minimum wage, observe the Heedless and reckless disregard for another's
eight-hour day and the forty-hour week, em- rights with consciousness that the act or omis-
ploy no convict labor, and no female under 18 sion to act may result in injury to another.

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war risk warm-up time
The possible aggressive actions against a ship Instrument. The period of time from when an
and its cargo by a belligerent government. instrument is turned on to the time when it
This risk can be insured by a marine policy will perform to its specifications.
with a war risk clause. warning
warehouse (1) A method of notification of a potential
A place for the reception, delivery, consolida- hazard and the recommended actions to take
tion, distribution, and storage of goods/cargo. to reduce risk. (2) A statement either attached
warfarin to or otherwise accompanying some product
A compound used as an anticoagulant. which provides information about the safe use
of the product. See also warning label. (3) A
warm blooded signal that a hazardous situation exists and
See homeothermy. that immediate corrective action is required to
warm boot avert possible loss of life and property. Usu-
Term describing the act of restarting computer ally annunciated via some audible and/or visi-
equipment without actually turning it off. ble means. (4) A statement issued by local
This is usually accomplished by pressing a re- authorities, or weather/other authorized offi-
start button on the processing unit frame or, cials indicating that a specified threat is highly
more commonly, simultaneously pressing a probable in a certain region within a specified
combination of keys on the keyboard (i.e., period of time. See also watch.
CTL-ALT-DEL). warning area
warm cloud Airspace which may contain hazards to non-
Cloud that forms at temperatures above participating aircraft in international airspace.
freezing. warning label
warm color A label containing text, iconic, and/or graphic
A red or yellow color; a color which seems to information attached to some product indi-
be brighter than another for a given intensity. cating some type of potential hazard. See also
warm-core low
A low-pressure area that is warmer at its cen- warning property
ter than its periphery. Topical cyclones ex- (1) General. That property of a substance that
hibit this temperature pattern. enables a worker to identify a potential exces-
sive exposure situation while wearing a respi-
warm front rator or while in the work environment. If the
A front that moves in such a way that warm odor threshold of a material is below the ac-
air replaces cold air. ceptable exposure limit it can serve to alert a
warm occlusion worker of the presence of a substance at an
See occluded front. excessive level and to take appropriate meas-
ures to prevent an excessive exposure. (2)
warm sector
Respiratory Protection. A contaminant with
The region of warm air within a wave cyclone
an odor threshold above its permissible expo-
that lies between a retreating warm front and
sure limit does not provide adequate warning
an advancing cold front.
to wearers of air purifying respirators if
warm-up breakthrough occurs. Thus, air purifying res-
(1) The brief process of an individual stretch- piratory protection is not recommended for
ing muscles, doing practice problems, or other substances with poor warning properties.
activity as appropriate to the situation prior to Some substances (e.g., hydrogen sulfide) can
participating in some form of exertion or per- cause olfactory fatigue and even though they
formance test. (2) The process of the func- have a low odor threshold (i.e., below their
tioning parts of an electrical or electrome- exposure limit), the use of air purifying respi-
chanical system becoming operational after rators is not recommended for protection
the application of power. against them.

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warp nostril or an external acoustic meatus. A wart
A twisting effect due to uneven stresses. develops between 1 and 8 months after the vi-
warrant rus becomes lodged in the skin. The virus is
A document issued by a court with jurisdic- often spread by scratching, rubbing, and slight
tion to approve search and seizure of evidence razor cuts. In more than half the cases, warts
of crimes according to criminal procedure. A disappear without treatment, but some remain
civil warrant would authorize an administra- for many years.
tive inspection with civil consequences like wash
enforcement orders or permit revocation. The usually dry portion of a bed of a stream
warrantless arrest that contains water only during or after a local
An arrest of a person without a warrant. It is rainstorm or heavy snowmelt.
generally permissible if the arresting officer washerwoman's itch
has reasonable grounds to believe that the per- A form of dermatitis appearing on the hands,
son has committed a felony or if the person generally consisting of various skin eruptions
has committed a misdemeanor amounting to a from fungal infections or contact dermatitis,
breach of the peace in the officer's presence. and due to having one's hands in water a great
If probable cause exists, no warrant is re- deal of the time.
quired to apprehend a suspected felon in a Wassermann test
public place. A complement-fixation test in the diagnosis of
warranty syphilis.
(1) A pledge that a certain matter is true. For waste
example, a seller may warrant that the facility (1) Unwanted materials left over from a
has obtained all federal and state environ- manufacturing process. (2) Refuse from
mental permits required for continued opera- places of human or animal habitation. (3)
tion. (2) The written guarantee issued with Any material determined by the user to no
new motor vehicles or related equipment. It longer serve a useful purpose and will there-
defines the manufacturer's responsibility for fore be discarded. (4) Any spent nuclear fuel
the repair or replacement of defective parts or radioactive waste isolated in a disposal
and other services provided as part of the pur- system. (5) Material subjected to waste
chase price. A warranty can be nullified if the treatment or pollution control, or is directly
user does not follow certain stipulations of the imposed on the environment. (6) The gradual
manufacturer, such as preventive mainte- loss, decay, or diminution of bulk. (7) To
nance. pine away or dwindle.
wart waste and tar oils
A veruca. A small, hard, abnormal growth on Petroleum-based materials that are worthless
the skin or adjoining mucous membrane, for any purpose other than fuel use.
caused by a virus. Warts are generally more
common among children and young adults waste column
than among older persons. Most warts are less A term used to express pressure, (e.g., inches
than a quarter of an inch in diameter. They of water column or inches water gauge).
may be flat or raised, dry or moist. Usually waste disposal
they have a rough and pitted surface, either The process or means for getting rid of waste
flesh-colored or darker than the surrounding material, such as in an approved landfill.
skin. Warts usually develop on the exposed
parts of the fingers and hands, but also on the waste form
elbows, face, scalp, and other areas. When on The materials comprising the radioactive
an especially vulnerable part of the body, such components of waste and any encapsulating
as the knee or elbow, they are subject to irrita- or stabilizing matrix.
tion and may become quite tender. Plantar waste load allocation
warts, which occur on the soles of the feet, be- The maximum load of pollutants each dis-
come very sensitive because of pressure. Anal charger of waste is allowed to release into a
warts cause itching. Warts can also block a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

particular waterway. Discharge limits are water course
usually required for each specific water qual- A running stream of water. A natural stream
ity criterion being, or expected to be, violated. fed from permanent or natural sources, in-
waste treatment plant cluding rivers, creeks, runs, and rivulets.
A facility containing a series of tanks, screens, water curtain
filters, and other processes by which pollut- A means for reducing or preventing the emis-
ants are removed from water. sion of paint during spray painting operations
waste treatment stream by providing a water flow over a wall located
The continuous movement of waste from its at the rear of a paint spray booth to collect
generation to treatment to disposal. paint overspray.

waste stream water equivalent

Expected wastes resulting from a specific The depth of water that would result from the
process. melting of a snow sample. Typically about 10
inches of snow will melt to 1 inch of water,
wastewater producing a water equivalent of 10 to 1.
The spent or used water from individual
homes, a community, a farm, or an industry water gauge
that contains dissolved or suspended matter. See water column.
wastewater operations and maintenance water intake/outflow
Actions taken after construction to assure that A structure through which water enters or
facilities constructed to treat wastewater will exits a conduit.
be properly operated, maintained, and man- water mode
aged to achieve efficiency levels and pre- Consists of navigable rivers, canals, the Great
scribed effluent levels in an optimum manner. Lakes, the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Inter-
watch coastal Waterway, ocean shipping channels;
(1) A period of duty consisting of vigilance ports; commercial ships and barges, fishing
and monitoring for possible hazards, normally vessels, urban ferries, and recreational boats.
performed by a qualified individual or group
water pollution
at some location. (2) A statement issued by
The presence in water of enough harmful or
local authorities, weather/other authorized of-
objectionable material to damage the water's
ficials indicating that a specific threat is pos-
sible in a certain region within a specified pe-
riod of time. See also warning. water pollution abatement equipment
watch keeping Equipment used to reduce or eliminate water-
The process of maintaining a watch. borne pollutants, including chlorine, phos-
phates, acids, bases, hydrocarbons, sewage,
watchmaker's cramp and other pollutants. Examples of water pol-
(1) An occupational disease consisting of lution abatement structures and equipment in-
painful contractions of the muscles in the clude those used to treat thermal pollution;
hand. (2) A spasm of the extra-ocular skeletal cooling, boiler, and cooling tower blowdown
muscles in or near the orbit due to the con- water; coal pile runoff; and fly ash waste wa-
tainment of a jeweler's lens over the eye util- ter. Water pollution abatement excludes ex-
izing those muscles. penditures for treatment of water prior to use
water at the plant.
(1) A clear, colorless, odorless, tasteless liq- water pollution episode
uid, H2O. (2) An aqueous solution of a me- A pollution discharge event which has caused
dicinal substance. (3) Amniotic fluid. an abnormally high concentration of pollutants
water balance to enter a navigable waterway to a degree suffi-
See fluid balance. cient enough to interfere with or cause harm to
the normal ecology of the affected area(s).

©2000 CRC Press LLC

that may be flammable and/or may present a
health hazard because of the toxic properties
of the end product.
water repellent
Any chemical or other substance applied to
clothing or other materials to resist water
water solubility
(1) The maximum concentration of a chemical
compound which can result when it is dis-
solved in water. If a substance is water solu-
ble it can very readily disperse through the
environment. (2) Maximum concentration of
a substance in pure water at a given tempera-
ture. For Hazard Ranking System purposes,
use the value reported at or near 25°C (77°F).
water supplier
A person who owns or operates a public water
water supply system
The collection, treatment, storage, and distri-
bution of potable water from source to con-
Water pollution episodes can significantly affect the ecology of
the local area for many years water table
The upper level of a body of groundwater.
water purification
water transportation
The use of a variety of processes to remove or
Includes establishments engaged in freight or
neutralize one or more impurities in water.
passenger transportation on the open seas or
water quality criteria inland waters, and establishments that provide
Specific levels of water quality which, if incidental services such as lighterage, towing,
reached, are expected to render a body of and canal operation. Also includes excursion,
water suitable for its designated use. The sightseeing, water taxis, and cargo handling.
criteria are based on specific levels of pollut- water transportation of freight (not elsewhere
ants that would make the water harmful if classified)
used for drinking, swimming, farming, fish Establishments primarily engaged in trans-
production, or industrial processes. porting freight on all inland waterways, in-
water quality-limited requirements cluding the intracoastal waterways on the At-
The pollution controls the discharger in se- lantic and Gulf coasts.
lected location must apply to ensure their dis- water transportation of passengers (not else-
charges do not cause violation of the water where classified)
quality standard set for that receiving body. Establishments primarily engaged in furnish-
water quality standards ing water transportation of passengers, not
State-adopted and EPA-approved ambient elsewhere classified, such as airboats (swamp
standards for water bodies. The standards buggy rides), excursion boat operations, and
cover the use of the water body and the water sightseeing boats.
quality criteria which must be met to protect water treatment
the designated use or uses. Any type of processing of water to enable it to
water-reactive meet certain standards or desired characteris-
Describes chemicals, such as sodium or po- tics, especially including purification for
tassium, that react with water to release a gas drinking purposes.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

watercourse includes a) coastal and inland waters, lakes,
A way or course through which water may or rivers and streams that are navigable to the
does flow. oceans; b) tributaries of navigable waters;
waterfall illusion and, c) wetlands, including those adjacent to
A motion aftereffect in which a stationary waters of the United States.
background or horizontal lines of graphics or waters under the jurisdiction of the United
text appear to move in the opposite direction States
after the individual has viewed scrolling lines The territorial sea of the United States, and
on a display. the waters included within a zone, contiguous
waterfront liquid natural gas (LNG) plant to the territorial sea of the United States, of
An LNG plant with docks, wharves, piers, or which the inner boundary is a line cotermin-
other structures in, on, or immediately adja- ous with the seaward boundary of each
cent to the navigable waters of the United coastal state, and the outer boundary is a line
States or Puerto Rico and any shore area im- drawn in such a manner that each point on it
mediately adjacent to those waters to which is 200 nautical miles from the baseline from
vessels may be secured and at which LNG which the territorial sea is measured.
cargo operations may be conducted. watershed
watering place (1) The area from which a stream or other
A place other than a spring or well where ves- body of water receives its make-up water. (2)
sels and vehicles replenish their water supply. The land area that drains into a stream.

waterproof waterspout
(1) Impermeable to water. (2) So constructed A column of rotating wind over water that has
or protected that exposure to the weather will characteristics of a dust devil or tornado.
not interfere with successful operation. Rain- watertight
proof, raintight, or watertight equipment can So constructed that moisture will not enter the
fulfill the requirements for weatherproof enclosure.
where varying weather conditions other than waterway
wetness, such as snow, ice, dust, or tempera- River, canal, lake, or other stretch of water
ture extremes, are not a factor. that by natural or manmade features is suit-
waters of the United States able for navigation.
(1) Navigable waters or waterways; waters of watt (W, w)
the U.S. including those subject to tidal action A unit of power in the SI/MKS system; equal
shoreward to the mean high water mark and to the production of energy at the rate of one
are presently used or may be used to transport joule per second.
interstate or foreign transport. (2) The
territorial seas; coastal and inland waters, watt-second
lakes, rivers, and streams that are navigable See joule.
waters of the United States, including adjacent wave
wetlands; tributaries to navigable waters of the (1) A disturbance propagated through a me-
United States, including adjacent wetlands dium such that the value of the disturbance is
manmade non-tidal drainage and irrigation a function of time and/or position. (2) A
ditches excavated on dry land are not con- gradual increase and subsidence, as a pro-
sidered to be tributaries); interstate waters and gressing disturbance on the surface of a liq-
their tributaries, including adjacent wetlands; uid, the rhythmic variation occurring in the
all other waters of the United States such as transmission of electromagnetic energy, or the
isolated wetlands and lakes, intermittent sensation of nausea.
streams, prairie potholes, and other waters that
are not part of a tributary system to interstate wave cyclone
waters or to navigable waters of the United An extratropical cyclone that forms and
States, the degradation or destruction of which moves along a front. The circulation of winds
could affect interstate commerce. The term

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wear-out phase
about the cyclone tends to produce a wavelike That period of time occurring after a system
deformation on the front. has performed much of its useful life and com-
wave length ponents begin to fail due to aging or other fac-
The distance in the line of an advancing wave tors. See also life cycle characteristic curve.
from any point to a like point on the next weather
wave. The condition of the atmosphere at any par-
wave number ticular time and place.
The reciprocal of the wavelength. weather cap
waveform See rain cap.
A pictorial or graphical representation of a weather radar
wave. Provides the flight crew with visual display of
wavefront weather that could contain turbulence. The
A locus of points which act as a continuous system's primary function is to assist in tur-
surface having the same phase. bulence avoidance, although most airborne
radar systems are also capable of terrain map-
wavelength (λλ) ping.
The distance between one point on a cycle of weather types
a periodic waveform and the corresponding Certain weather patterns categorized into
point at the same phase of an adjacent cycle of similar groups. Used as an aid in weather
the same wave parallel to the direction of prediction.
waybill Instrument. So constructed or protected that
The document covering a shipment and exposure to the weather will not interfere with
showing the forwarding and receiving sta- the instrument's operation.
tions, the name of consignor and consignee,
the car initials and number, the routing, the weaver's cough
description and weight of the commodity, in- Acute respiratory illness that occurs among
structions for special services, the rate, total weaving mill employees as a result of their
charges, advances and waybill reference for exposure to cotton dust.
previous services, and the amount prepaid. weber (Wb)
Wb The metric unit of flux. The International
See weber. System unit of magnetic flux.

WBGT Weber-Fechner law

See wet bulb globe temperature index. A psychophysical rule which attempts to de-
scribe the relationship between the degree of
WBT response or sensation strength of a sense or-
See wet bulb temperature. gan to the intensity of the stimulus as a loga-
weak color rithmic function.
See pastel. A = k log B where B = Is ÷I0
wear where:
That deterioration of a surface due to relative A = the magnitude of the sensation
motion between it and another surface. k = Weber ratio
wearing apparel Is = the stimulus intensity presented
As generally used in statutes, refers not I0 = absolute threshold for that stimulus
merely to a person's outer clothing, but covers
Weber fraction
all articles usually worn, and includes under-
See Weber ratio.
Weber ratio
A measure of the relative discrimination be-
tween the just noticeable difference in a

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stimulus and the original or another stimulus change the outcome of results. (2) See body
intensity, equal to the constant in Weber's weight. (3) The force with which the mass of
Law. a person or object is attracted to the earth or
k = ∆Is ÷ Is other body, according to Newton's second
weight as reported
k = Weber ratio
An individual's body weight as stated by the
∆Is = just noticeable difference change in individual himself/herself, without instru-
stimulus intensity mental confirmation.
Is = original stimulus intensity
weight density
Weber test See air density.
A method for determining unilateral hearing
weight-distance tax
loss in which the handle of a vibrating tuning
A tax basing the fee per mile on the registered
fork is placed against the forehead. A person
gross weight of the vehicle. Total tax liability
with normal hearing hears the sound from the
is calculated by multiplying this rate times
midline (equally in both ears); a conductive
miles traveled.
hearing impaired individual hears the sound
coming from the side with the affected ear; a weight-height tables
central hearing loss impaired individual hears A data matrix providing the average weight
the sound better in the normal ear. and height of individuals in a population at
various ages.
Weber's law
A rule which states that the Weber ratio re- weight/measurement ton
mains constant for a given sensory parameter Shipping. In many cases, a rate is shown per
over the normal sensory range. weight/measurement ton, at the carrier's op-
tion. This means that the rate will be assessed
on either a weight ton or measurement ton ba-
Any plant which grows where not wanted.
sis, whichever will yield the carrier the greater
week revenue. For example, the rate may be quoted
A period of seven consecutive days (the on the basis of 2,240 pounds or 40 cubic feet
starting and ending days may vary according or 1 metric ton or 1 cubic meter.
to religious, legal, or other criteria).
weight of evidence
weekday (1) Law-General. The balance or preponder-
From 6 a.m. Monday to 5:59 p.m. Friday. ance of evidence. The inclination of the
weekend greater amount of credible evidence, offered
(1) From 6 p.m. Friday to 5:59 a.m. Monday. in a trial, to support one side of the issue
(2) The consecutive days within a week dur- rather than the other. (2) EPA. An EPA clas-
ing which most workers normally do not sification system for characterizing the extent
work, typically Saturday and Sunday in a to which the available data indicate that an
standard workweek. agent is a human carcinogen.
WEEL weight of lift
See workplace environmental exposure level. A guideline for the maximum number of
pounds which an individual could be expected
Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process to lift under given circumstances.
A meteorological phenomenon. See ice crys-
tal process. weight ton
There are three types of weight tons: a) the
weigh facility short ton, weighing 2,000 pounds; b) the long
An area having facilities for weighing of ton, weighing 2,240 pounds; and c) the metric
trucks by state highway authority. ton, weighing 2,204.68 pounds. The last is
weight frequently quoted for cargo being exported
(1) A value, based on previous information, from Europe.
which is assigned to some score or variable to

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reach undergroundwater supplies or oil, or to
weight velocity store or bury fluids below ground. (2) With
The rate at which body weight increases dur- regard to ladders, a permanent complete en-
ing physical maturation. closure around a fixed ladder, which is at-
tached to the walls of the well. Proper clear-
weighted mean skin temperature ances for a well will give the person who
A weighted measure using the proportions of must climb the ladder the same protection as a
the body surface represented by the various cage. See also cage.
body segments such as the arms, trunk, head,
etc. which is intended to represent the average well area
temperature of the skin over its total body sur- An area identified as a danger to maritime
face. navigation containing one or more wells.

weighting well injection

Acoustics. The prescribed frequency response The subsurface emplacement of fluids in a
provided for in a sound-level meter. well.
weighting network well plug
Electrical networks (A, B, C) that are incorpo- A water-tight, gas-tight seal installed in a bore
rated into sound-level meters. The C network hole or well to prevent movement of fluids.
provides a flat response over the frequency wellhead unit value
range of 20 to 10,000 Hz while the B and A The wellhead sales price, including charges
networks selectively discriminate against for natural gas plant liquids subsequently re-
lower frequency sounds. moved from the gas; gathering and compres-
weightlessness sion charges; and state production, severance,
A condition in which no gravitational or other and/or similar charges.
accelerating force can be consciously detected
Western Rivers
by the observer, and in which an individual or
Generally, the Mississippi River system but
object may remain suspended indefinitely in
technically the Mississippi River system
air, subject only to air movement and other
above the Huey P. Long Bridge, the Red
River to the north, the Port Allen-Morgan
weir City Waterway, and that part of the Atchafa-
A dam in a waterway over which water flows laya River above its junction with the Port
and that serves to raise the water level or to Allen-Morgan City Waterway.
direct or regulate flow. See also low water
dam. wet-bulb depression
The difference between the temperature of the
welder's flash dry-bulb and the wet-bulb thermometers of a
Eye effect (i.e., inflammation of the cornea) psychrometer.
resulting from exposure to the UV radiation
associated with arc welding. Also referred to wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
as flashburn. A measure of heat stress represented by the
synthesis of three weighted variable: the dry
welding fumes
bulb temperature, the wet bulb temperature,
Fumes generated during metal arc welding,
and the radiant temperature according to the
oxyacetylene welding, or other welding pro-
following relationship. See heat stress index.
cedures where iron, mild steel, or aluminum
are joined. It is measured as total particulate WBGT = 0.7 WBT x 0.1 DBT x 0.2 GT
in the breathing zone of the welder. OSHA
recommends determining welding fume expo- where:
sure by sampling inside the welding mask. WBT = wet-bulb temperature
DBT = dry-bulb temperature
well GT = globe temperature
(1) A bored, drilled, or driven shaft, or a dug
hole, whose depth is greater than the largest
surface dimension and whose purpose is to

©2000 CRC Press LLC

wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index
An index of the heat stress in humans when
work is performed in hot environments.
wet-bulb temperature (WBT)
That temperature obtained with an air current
passing a calibrated liquid thermometer
whose bulb is enclosed by a wet gauze; that
temperature obtained from the instrumenta-
tion equivalent. May also be referred to as
psychrometric wet-bulb temperature or natu-
ral wet-bulb temperature.
wet-bulb temperature index
A measure of heat stress based on the wet-bulb
temperature and the precautions which should Recreational diver in wet suit
be taken for various ranges of readings.
wet-test meter
wet gas
A secondary calibration device that can be
A gas that contains water vapor or a gas that
used to determine the flow rate of a sampling
has not been dehydrated.
wet-globe temperature (WGT)
The temperature determined using a wetted
An area that is regularly saturated by surface
black globe thermometer, such as the Botsball
or groundwater and subsequently is charac-
terized by a prevalence of vegetation that is
wet ice adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Frozen water. Examples include swamps, bogs, fens, marshes,
wet Kata thermometer and estuaries.
A measure of heat stress obtained by a device wetting agent
similar to a wet-bulb thermometer, having a A surface-active agent which, when added to
silk sleeve along the length of an alcohol- water, causes it to penetrate more easily into,
filled tube and graduations marked only at 95° or to spread over the surface of another mate-
and 100°F, which is used to measure the rate rial by reducing the surface tension of the
of cooling in hot environments and determin-
ing the relaxation allowance required under wg
those conditions. Water gauge.
wet location WGT
See location. See wet-globe temperature.
wet scrubber wharf
An air pollution control device used to re- (1) A general term for any structure at which
move particulates and fumes from air by en- vessels berth or tie-up. The term is also used
training the pollutants in a water spray. specifically for a berthing structure of open
piling construction, aligned parallel with the
wet steam
shoreline, and referred to as a marginal wharf.
Steam containing water droplets.
(2) A landing place where vessels may tie up
wet strength for loading and unloading of cargo.
A measure of the tensile strength of a material
wharf demurrage
when saturated with water.
Charge assessed against cargo remaining in or
wet suit on terminal facilities after the expiration of
A diving suit, usually made of neoprene mate- free time, unless arrangements have been
rial, designed to provide thermal insulation made for storage.
for a diver's body.

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wharfage and air can be forced only with difficulty in
Charge assessed by a pier or dock owner breathing, and frequently the lips have a blu-
against freight handled over the pier or dock ish color and the veins in the neck are dis-
or against a steamship company using the pier tended. When wheezing is persistent and is
or dock. See also berth and dockage. not asthmatic, the cause may be an obstruc-
what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) tion, such as a foreign body or tumor, some-
A display in which the hardcopy is expected where in the breathing passages.
to be as the display appears. when halfway over
Wheatstone stereoscope Maritime Navigation. Communication Proto-
See mirror stereoscope. col. Channel report term used in crossings
meaning when halfway across the river, put
wheelbase head of tow on the next mark listed in the
The distance from the centerline of the front channel report.
axle to the centerline of the rear axle.
when well over
wheelchair Maritime Navigation. Communication Proto-
A mobility aid belonging to any class of three col. Channel report term used in describing
or four wheeled devices, usable indoors, de- courses steered in crossings when more than
signed for and used by individuals with mo- halfway across or halfway over the reach.
bility impairments, whether operated manu-
ally or powered. A common wheelchair is whiplash
such a device which does not exceed 30 A rapid, severe neck hyperextension followed
inches in width and 48 inches in length meas- by a rapid hyperflexion from a posterior im-
ured two inches above the ground, and does pulse imparted to the body below the neck
not weigh more than 600 pounds when occu- level (can result in spine, spinal cord, neck,
pied. jaw, or brain injury).
Whipple disc
A microscopic eyepiece with an inscribed grid
that defines a specific area. Used in counting
dust samples to determine the particle con-
See dust devil.
A short-term growth of facial hair on the sides
of the face and/or near the chin.
Common wheelchair
A manner of speaking very softly, involving
the transmission of speech sounds produced
wheelchair accessible vehicle by the passage of air through the glottis with-
A vehicle that a wheelchair-bound person out vibrating the vocal cords.
may enter either a) via an on-board retractable whistle blower
lift or ramp or b) directly from a station plat- Usually employees or agents of an organiza-
form reached by an elevator or a ramp that is tion who report suspected criminal conduct by
either level with the vehicle floor or can be others within the organization to an outside
raised to floor level. regulatory agency (external) or to upper level
wheezing management within an organization (internal).
Breathing with a rasp or whistling sound. It One of the seven due diligence steps of an ef-
results from constriction or obstruction of the fective compliance program includes refer-
throat, pharynx, trachea, or bronchi. Wheez- ence to a reporting system to which employ-
ing is commonly a symptom of asthma. In an ees and other agents can report suspected
asthmatic attack, spasm of the bronchi occurs, criminal conduct by others within the organi-

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zation “without fear of retribution.” See also is non-discernable, objects do not cast shad-
effective compliance program and methods ows, and only nearby dark objects are visible.
of self-reporting. WHO
white World Health Organization.
(1) Pertaining to a broad spectrum of some whole body
energy form, consisting of approximately Pertaining to the entire body as a unit, usually
equal intensity levels across the frequency in terms of some effects on the body.
band or spectrum. See also white noise. (2)
An appropriate mixture of frequencies and/or whole body irradiation
wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum Pertains to the case in which the entire body is
within the visual range which is perceived by exposed to the incident electromagnetic en-
the eye as the achromatic color white. ergy or in which the cross-section of the body
is smaller than the cross-section of the inci-
white blood cell dent radiation beam.
See leukocyte.
whole learning
white collar A learning situation in which all of the mate-
Pertaining to that type of work usually done rial to be learned is presented and processed
by management or office personnel, as op- as a single unit. See also part learning.
posed to factory or production line work.
whooping cough
white damp An infectious disease characterized by coryza,
Carbon monoxide. bronchitis, and violent attacks of coughing.
white finger Although it may attack at any age, most cases
See Raynaud's syndrome. Also called vibra- occur in children under 10, and half of these
tion white finger. are in children under 5. Also called Pertussis.
white lung wicket
Term used to indicate the effect of asbestos on A rectangular heavily constructed slab of
the lungs. wood and steel hinged in a counterbalanced
white muscle way so as to be lying flat on the riverbed
Skeletal (striated) muscle tissue having a pale when down, and held upright by the pressure
appearance in the fresh or living state, with of the water when raised. Wickets are placed
more myofibrils and less sarcoplasm and my- in a parallel line across a river. When all are
oglobin than red muscle, and which exhibits in raised position, they form a wall or dam,
short latency and rapid response to stimula- thus backing up the water and raising it to the
tion. Also called white muscle. pool level.

white noise wide band

A noise that is uniform in power-per-hertz- Containing a broad spectrum of frequencies.
bandwidth over a very wide frequency range. wide band analysis
See also broadband noise. A type of frequency analysis in which inten-
white point sity level measurements are made over an oc-
See achromatic point. tave or third octave.

white sound wide out

See white noise. Maritime Navigation. Communication Proto-
col. A channel report term meaning not quite
whitener as far as the middle but well out in the chan-
See brightener. nel.
whitening agent wide reef
See brightener. An illusion caused by the wind blowing up-
whiteout stream against the current. There is generally
An atmospheric condition, found most fre- a deep trench under the ripples caused by the
quently in the arctic region, where the horizon wind.

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wide spread reckless disregard of its probable conse-
Trailer axles which are more than 8 feet apart. quences.
width willful tort
That distance representing the side-to-side Implies intent or purpose to injure.
dimension of an object. willful violation
Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test A violation of an OSHA requirement that is
A non-parametric statistical test using the known to exist by the employer and is al-
rankings of different magnitudes between re- lowed to continue without regard to employee
lated samples. safety and/or health. As defined by case law,
it is a violation resulting from intentional dis-
wild value regard or plain indifference to the Act and its
See outlier. regulations. Specifically, it is the employer’s
wildlife refuge intent to disregard a regulation, rather than
An area designated for the protection of wild their rationalization or motive, which is rele-
animals, within which hunting and fishing are vant in determining willfulness. Employer
either prohibited or strictly controlled. knowledge of a standard which is being vio-
willful lated, rather than mere knowledge of a haz-
Proceeding from a conscious motion of the ardous condition, is the essential difference
will; voluntary; knowingly; deliberate. between a willful violation and a serious vio-
lation. In essence, a willful violation is an
willful and malicious injury intentional, deliberate, and knowing violation
For such to exist, there must be an intent to of the law.
commit a wrong either through actual malice
willful violation citation
or from which malice will be implied. Such
A citation issued if an employer committed an
an injury does not necessarily involve hatred
intentional and knowing violation of the
or ill will as a state of mind, but arises from
OSHAct or when the employer was aware
intentional wrong committed without just
that a hazardous condition existed and did not
cause or excuse.
make a reasonable effort to eliminate the con-
willful and wanton misconduct dition. See also willful violation.
Conduct which is committed with an inten-
winch rig
tional or reckless disregard for the safety of Straight truck or tractor with a hoist.
others or with an intentional disregard of a
duty necessary to the safety of another's prop- wind
erty. Failure to exercise ordinary care to pre- Air in motion relative to the earth's surface.
vent injury to a person who is actually known wind blast
to be or reasonably expected to be within the The effect of the exposure of a person or ob-
range of a dangerous act being done. ject to air when either the air or the per-
willful and wanton negligence son/object is moving.
Failure to exercise ordinary care to prevent wind chill
injury to a person who is actually known to The sensation of an effective reduction in air
be, or reasonably is expected to be, within the temperature due to wind velocity and water
range of a known danger. vaporization.
willful misconduct wind chill factor
The deliberate non-compliance with rules or The cooling effect of any combination of
regulations. temperature and wind, expressed as the loss of
body heat. Also called wind-chill index.
willful misconduct of employee
Under workers' compensation acts, precluding wind chill temperature (WCT)
compensation, means more than mere negli- An equivalent ambient temperature value for
gence, and contemplates the intentional doing body cooling which would be experienced if
of something with the knowledge that it is there were no wind.
likely to result in serious injuries, or with

©2000 CRC Press LLC

wind cone window
See wind sock. (1) A rectangular, or approximately rectan-
wind direction gular, independent display structure or parti-
The direction from which the wind is blow- tion serving a specific function. (2) A re-
ing. stricted or selected portion of a dataset or time
period. (3) Any structure containing a trans-
wind indicator parent material through which light may enter
A visual device used to provide wind infor- a structure or an observer may see outside a
mation. structure.
wind machines window jack scaffold
Fans placed in orchards for the purpose of A scaffold, the platform of which is supported
mixing cold surface air with warmer air by a bracket or jack which projects through a
above. window opening.
wind noise windpipe
That noise due to airflow around, through, or See trachea.
otherwise in relation to a vehicle or other ob-
ject. windward
wind rose
A diagram that shows the percent of time that wingboard
the wind blows from different directions at a A 12-by 36-inch daymark formerly used with
given location over a given time. type 46 wooden structures. Wingboards are
now being replaced by passing daymarks.
wind shear
The rate of change of wind speed or wind wingdam
direction over a given distance. A rock and sand dike extending from the right
or left bank of the river outward toward the
wind sock channel. Often lies just below the surface of
A tapered fabric shaped like a cone that indi- the water at pool stage. Wingdams are used
cates wind direction by pointing away from to direct the flow of water into the main chan-
the wind. Also called a wind cone. nel to assist in its maintenance.
wind vane winglet (tip fin)
An instrument used to indicate wind direction. An out-of-plane surface extending from a
wind waves lifting surface. The surface may or may not
Water waves that form due to the flow of air have control surfaces.
over the water's surface. wink
windbox (1) A time division equal to 1/200 or 0.0005
A chamber below a furnace grate or burner, minute or about 0.03 second. (2) The brief
through which air is supplied for combusting conscious closing of one eyelid.
the fuel. wink counter
windbreak A clock which is designed to have a face with
A shelter, either natural (e.g., a line of trees or 100 graduations and two hands, the small one
a thick hedge) or artificial (a screen), which of which revolves twice each minute, the
breaks or interrupts the force of the wind. large 20 times per minute.
windbreaker winter solstice
A light garment for covering the torso to Approximately December 22 in the Northern
maintain body heat by protecting the body Hemisphere when the sun is lowest in the sky
from minor wind chill effects or other envi- and directly overhead at latitude 23_°S, the
ronmental conditions which cause only a Tropic of Capricorn.
slight degree of thermal discomfort due to wipe test
cold. The collection of chemical, mineralogical, or
radiological stressors from a surface onto a

©2000 CRC Press LLC

media, such as filter paper. A typical wipe wood-burning stove pollution
area is 100 square centimeters. Wipe test re- Air pollution caused by emissions of particu-
sults are useful indices of contamination, but late matter, carbon monoxide, total suspended
not direct estimators of exposure risk. particulates, and polycyclic organic matter
wire-frame from wood-burning stoves.
A model or image which displays only the wood characteristics
edges, corners, and connecting structures of Distinguishing features which, by their extent
an object. and number, determine the quality of a piece
wires of wood.
Maritime. Short lengths of wire rope of wood hull
varying sizes used to couple up the many Hulls of plywood, molded plywood, molded
barges within a tow. They are usually of planking, or any other wood fiber in its natu-
standard length to span the distance from one ral consistency including those of wooden
timberhead to another on the barges and are construction that have been "sheathed" with
used with ratchets. Named as follows: tow fiberglass or sheet metal.
wire, backing wire, face wire, stem wire, scis- wood irregularities
sor wire, lashing. Natural characteristics in or on wood that may
wireways lower its durability, strength, or utility.
A sheet-metal structure with hinged or re- wood residues
movable covers for housing and protecting Includes, but is not limited to, logging slash,
electric wires and cable and in which con- down timber material, woody plants, and
ductors are laid in place after the wireway has standing live or dead trees which do not meet
been installed as a complete system. utilization standards because of size, species,
with average merchantable volume, or economic selection
A marine insurance term meaning that a criteria and which, in the case of live trees, are
shipment is protected for partial damage surplus to growing stock needs.
whenever the damage exceeds a stated per- wooden barrel
centage. A packaging made of natural wood, of round
witness cross-section, having convex walls, consisting
Any person who has first-hand knowledge of of staves and heads and fitted with hoops.
some fact related, directly or indirectly, to an wool
accident or incident. A natural fiber, normally obtained from
Witness Protection Act sheep.
Federal law which establishes the manner in woolsorter's disease
which the Attorney General may provide for Pulmonary anthrax.
the relocation and other protection of a wit-
ness or a potential witness for the federal gov- word processing
ernment or for a state government in an offi- The use of a computer for text processing, and
cial proceeding concerning an organized possibly including some simple graphics,
criminal activity or other serious offense. within a range of user-specified formats.
wk word processor
Week. Any software application which performs
word processing functions.
Watts per kilogram. word recognition
A capability in which an artificial system can
WL compare the auditory signal generated by
See working level. certain words and respond if a particular
WLM match is found. Also known as discrete word
See working level month. recognition and isolated word recognition.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

word wrap work cycle time
The automated displacement of a word at the That period of time required or used to com-
end of a line of text to begin the following plete one work cycle.
line of text when that word would extend the work design
original line beyond set margins. The structuring of the complete working envi-
work ronment, including personnel, workstation,
(1) The scalar product of the force and dis- and workplace layouts, equipment, supplies,
tance through which an object is moved. (2) procedures, and all their interrelationships.
The physical, physiological, and/or mental ef- See also job design.
fort expended in performing a task. (3) Any work distribution chart
task or activity which is considered occupa- A chart illustrating all indirect worker activi-
tional, not recreational or activities of daily ties to be carried out by a work unit and the
living, which occurs at an appropriate work- individuals responsible for carrying out those
place, has at least a somewhat structured envi- activities.
ronment, and for which one hopes to be or is
typically compensated, either monetarily or work efficiency
through trade. The relative work output for a given amount
of energy used.
work aid
Any device, system, data, and/or information work element
which enables or enhances worker perform- See therblig.
ance in the work environment. work environment
work area The physical location, equipment, materials
A specified area within a workplace where an processed or used, and the kinds of operations
individual or individuals perform assigned performed in the course of an employee's
work. work, whether on or off the employer's prem-
ise, comprise the employee's work environ-
work barge ment.
A barge equipped with aids-to-navigation
material pushed ahead of the tender and con- work equipment
taining storage space for lumber, sinkers, (1) General. The complete set of tools, ma-
buoys, an aids-to-navigation workshop, and a chinery, jigs, and other devices available for
boom for hoisting buoys on board. use by a worker in a given work environment.
(2) Rail Operations. Equipment which can be
work content coupled in a train for movement over the car-
That physical labor performed in carrying out rier's tracks, and which is used in the carrier's
tasks, plus the rest and relaxation permitted to work service. Includes such equipment as
recover from fatigue. ballast cars, business cars, company cars, der-
WC = basic time + relaxation allowance + rick cars, ditching cars, outfit cars, pile driv-
additional work allowance ers, snow dozers, tool cars, wrecking cars, and
work curve others.
A graphical, longitudinal record of the mental Work Factor®
and/or physical work output of an individual A predetermined motion time system.
or group within a series of specified units of work flow chart
time. Any symbolic flow chart illustrating how
work cycle work is to be performed.
One complete period, including all work ele- work history
ments used within that period, of any repeti- A historical representation of the various jobs
tive pattern process, or operation required to and locations/areas where an individual
complete a job or task. worked over a working lifetime.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

work humanization work product privilege
The process of making jobs more easily per- This privilege protects documents and tangi-
formed, ideally with greater efficiency and ble things prepared in anticipation of litigation
less effort. Usually by the application of hu- by or for another party or by or for that
man factors techniques. party’s representative.
work injury work psychology
See occupational injury. The study or consideration of the cognitive or
work level mental aspects of the work environment.
The elevated platform of a scaffold, used for work related
supporting workers and their materials, com- Any event, exposure, activity, etc. occurring
prising the necessary vertical, horizontal, and within the work environment resulting in
diagonal braces, guardrails, and ladder for ac- death, injury, or illness to an employee is gen-
cess to work platform. erally considered to be work related, regard-
work measurement less who was responsible or at fault.
(1) The use of any of a variety of methodolo- work-related occurrence
gies to determine how much time is required If the injury or illness occurs on the em-
by a qualified worker to produce a certain ployer's premises, OSHA will deem the event
output in a specified job. See also time study, work related. This means that OSHA will
time and motion study, and activity sampling. presume the injury or illness is work related,
(2) See physiological work measurement. thereby placing the burden of proving the
work metabolism contrary on the employer.
The physiological energy consumption in ex- work-rest cycle
cess of resting metabolism attributed to the A single sequence of a repetitive set involving
performance of a specific task. activity followed by rest; a single sequence of
work pace a repetitive set involving heavy physical ac-
The rate at which a task or activity is done, tivity followed by lighter activity and/or rest.
whether externally or self-paced. work-rest ratio
work permit The ratio of activity time to non-activity time
A document issued by an authorized person in a work-rest cycle; the ratio of heavy physi-
permitting specific work to be done during a cal activity to lighter activity and rest in a
specified period of time in a defined manner. work-rest cycle.

work physiology work simplification

A sub-discipline of ergonomics which ad- The planned improvement of the work envi-
dresses the effects of work on physiologic ronment with the goal of enabling workers to
function, such as the assessment of the capac- produce more with greater efficiency and less
ity to perform physical work, as well as the effort.
effects of fatigue on work performance. work specification
work practice controls Some form of written documentation which
Methods used to prevent the release of a sub- provides details of job procedures, the duties
stance or physical agent in order to reduce the and responsibilities of the person executing
likelihood for exposure to it or contact with it. the job, the workplace layout, and the tools
They prohibit certain actions by identifying and equipment to be used.
specific ways to carry out a task and to follow work standardization
good personal hygiene practices. These can The process of setting up uniform working
be applied to situations where there is poten- environments across workers or groups in
tial exposure via inhalation, skin contact, or terms of tools and equipment used, proce-
skin absorption, as well as for exposures to dures, and any other factors affecting per-
physical agents (e.g., ionizing radiation, noise, formance.
heat stress, etc.).

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work standards method and upkeep trains run in connection with
The use of standard times, output, and related maintenance and improvement work; and
measures in management's evaluation of a material and supply trains run in connection
worker. with operations.
work strain work unit
The physiological response reaction of the (1) A group of workers who function as a
body to the application of work stress. Not team or group. (2) Any unitary amount of
always harmful or traumatic, it can be marked quantifiable work output.
by an increased heart rate and localized strain workability
on body parts, such as the wrists. A test battery for measuring quantitatively the
work stress residual capabilities of individuals with phys-
In biomechanics, the action of any external ical disabilities.
force acting on a body during the performance workday
of work. Its end product is work strain. The distribution and/or number of hours at
work study work during a single 24-hour period.
The use of any motion and time study tech- worker
niques to systematically analyze work meth- (1) General. One who performs work. Usu-
ods and procedures dealing with those factors ally an employed person, but not necessarily.
involving efficiency and economy. Normally (2) Rail Operations. Any railroad employee
used with the intent of optimizing the use of assigned to inspect, test, repair, or service rail-
all resources in a given task. road rolling equipment, or their components,
work surface including brake systems. Members of train
Any surface or plane which represents the and yard crews are excluded except when as-
principle area within which motion occurs at signed such work on railroad rolling equip-
the workplace, which supports the tools re- ment that is not part of the train or yard
quired for a worker to perform his/her job, movement they have been called to operate
and for which illumination intensity and other (or been assigned to as "utility employees").
environmental variables are generally speci- Utility employees assigned to and functioning
fied. as temporary members of a specific train or
work system yard crew (subject to the conditions set forth
An integrated group of one or more machines in 49 CFR 218.22) are excluded only when so
and/or workers for coordinated activities in assigned and functioning.
the output of some product or service. worker accommodation
work task A job design aspect which considers the capa-
A specific job function or set of responsibili- bilities of the worker and the demands on
ties assigned to one or more workers. him/her in a given job (may include job aids,
platforms, chairs, tools).
work tolerance
Ergonomics. Condition in which a worker worker right-to-know
performs at an acceptable rate ergonomically, See Hazard Communication Standard.
experiencing both physiological and emo- worker-type flow process chart
tional well-being. A flow process chart which indicates what an
work train employee normally does or is expected to do
Work trains are nonrevenue trains used for the during some process.
administration and upkeep service of the rail- Workers' Compensation Acts
road. Examples are official trains; inspection State and federal statutes which provide for
trains; special trains running with company fixed awards to employees or their dependents
fire apparatus to save the railroad's property in case of employment-related accidents and
from destruction; trains that transport the rail- diseases, dispensing with the need by the em-
road's employees to and from work when no ployee to bring legal action and prove negli-
transportation charge is made; construction gence on the part of the employer. Some of

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the statutes go beyond the simple determina- working load
tion of the right to compensation, and provide The load imposed by workers, materials, and
insurance systems, either under state supervi- equipment on scaffold platforms.
sion or otherwise. The various state acts vary working memory
as to the extent of workers and employment An intermediate duration, generally of sec-
covered, amount and duration of benefits, etc. onds to minutes, form of memory which is
The effect of most workers' compensation acts transferred or encoded from sensory memory
is to make the employer strictly liable to an and capable of manipulation. Also called
employee for injuries sustained by the em- short-term memory.
ployee which arise out of and in the course of
employment, without regard to the negligence working standard
of the employer or that of the employee. A solution prepared by volumetric dilution of
Where the statute applies, it has been uni- a stock or intermediate solution and used di-
formly held that this remedy is exclusive and rectly to calibrate an instrument or to deter-
bars any common-law remedy which the em- mine instrument response.
ployee may have had, the compensation working triangle
scheduled under the act being the sole meas- The concept that the stove, refrigerator, and
ure of damage. sink make up three corners of a triangle in the
workers' compensation insurance kitchen and that the sum of the triangle legs
A type of protection purchased by employers should be within certain limits for the greatest
to cover payments to employees who are in- efficiency/productivity.
jured in accidents arising out of and in the workload
course of their employment. This insurance An indicator of the level of total mental
system is required by state law and is financed and/or physical effort required to carry out
by employers. one or more tasks at a specific performance
working alone level.
The performance of any work by an individ- workpiece hazards
ual who is out of audio or visual range of an- The capacity for injury to occur from handling
other individual for more than a few minutes the item being worked or from incidental
at a time. processing of that piece such as flying chips,
working area sparks, hot metal, etc.
That region of the workplace within which a workplace
worker moves about in the course of per- An establishment or worksite at a fixed loca-
forming his/her normal tasks. tion that has within its bounds one or more
working face work areas.
As pertains to solid waste: That portion of the workplace design
land disposal site where solid wastes are dis- The process of developing a workplace, in-
charged and are spread and compacted prior cluding accommodations and locations for
to the placement of cover material. machines, worker(s), tools, and other devices.
working level (WL) See also workplace layout, motion efficiency
A unit of measure for documenting exposure principals, and prerequisites of biomechani-
to radon decay products (daughters) in one li- cal work tolerances.
ter of air that will result in the ultimate emis- workplace environmental exposure level (WEEL)
sion of alpha particles with a total energy of Exposure guides developed by the WEEL
1.3 E+5MeV. One working level is equal to Committee of the AIHA for agents which
approximately 200 picocuries per liter. have no current exposure guidelines by other
working level month (WLM) organizations. The WEELs represent time-
A unit of measure used to determine cumula- weighted average workplace exposure levels
tive exposure to radon. An exposure to one to which, it is believed, nearly all employees
working level for 170 hours. could be repeatedly exposed without adverse

©2000 CRC Press LLC

workplace fit test roads, railroads, distinctive landmarks, drain-
A respirator fit test procedure which is con- age, and relief. Aeronautical information in-
ducted at the workplace of the individual be- cludes visual and radio aids to navigation, air-
ing provided the respiratory protective device. ports, airways, restricted areas, obstructions,
and other pertinent data.
workplace health hazard
Any material, physical agent, biological or- world wide web (www)
ganism, or ergonomic stress for which there is Part of the Internet. Computers are set up as
evidence that acute or chronic health effects Web servers, and Web pages (and their re-
may result from exposure to it. lated files) are stored on the servers.
workplace layout worm
The description and/or physical arrangement A small, slender, elongated, soft-bodied ani-
of the workplace, including provisions for mal, often found as a parasite in man and
worker(s), materials, furniture, tools, equip- other animals. The most common parasitic
ment, movement, maintenance, the external worms in North America are roundworms and
environment, and any necessary interactions tapeworms. (Note: Ringworm is not caused by
for performing a certain task or job. See also a worm, it is a fungus infection of the skin.)
workplace design. worry
workplace protection factor (WPF) A state of anxiety due to a feared or expected
A measure of the actual protection provided outcome from some anticipated event.
by a respirator in a given workplace under the worst case discharge
actual conditions present by a properly func- Under the Federal Water Pollution Control
tioning respirator when correctly worn and Act: (1) In the case of a vessel, a discharge
used. It is the ratio of the measured time- in adverse weather conditions of its entire
weighted average concentration of the con- cargo. (2) In the case of an offshore facility
taminant taken simultaneously inside and out- or onshore facility, the largest foreseeable
side the respirator facepiece. discharge in adverse weather conditions. This
worksample test volume will be determined by each pipeline
A brief examination given to a prospective operator for each response zone and is calcu-
employee to determine his/her mastery of the lated according to 49 CFR 194.105.
skill(s) required for a particular job. worsted
A fabric made from long combed wool fibers.
A single physical location where business is worth
conducted or operations are performed by the The lowest product cost which will consis-
employees of an employer. tently perform the required function.
workstation wound
A single location within a workplace at which A loss of tissue or the interruption of normal
instrumentation or equipment is located and at anatomical relationships due to mechanical
which a worker might remain for extended pe- injury. Typically due to weapons as opposed
riods of time to perform control, monitoring, to machinery or tools.
processing, or other functions. WPF
workweek See workplace protection factor.
The number of days or the pattern of days a wraparound grasp
worker is expected to perform at the work- A technique for gripping where an object is
place within a calendar week. held against the palm with all four fingers
world aeronautical charts (WAC) wrapped around it and the thumb overlays the
Provide a standard series of aeronautical index finger.
charts covering land areas of the world at a wreck
size and scale convenient for navigation by A wrecked vessel, either submerged or visi-
moderate speed aircraft. Topographic infor- ble, which is attached to or foul of the bottom
mation includes cities and towns, principal or cast up on the shore.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

wreckage wrist height
An area identified as a danger to maritime The vertical distance from the floor or other
navigation containing the ruined remains of reference surface to stylion. Measured with
one or more vessels. the individual standing erect and the arm
wrecker hanging naturally at the side.
A truck designed for hoisting and towing dis- wristdrop
abled vehicles. Paralysis of the extensor muscles of the hand
wrist and fingers, mainly due to metallic poisoning.
(1) The collection of carpal bones and other wristwatch study
tissues which form the junction of the forearm A cumulative timing study using a standard
and the hand. There are eight carpal bones in wristwatch.
the wrist, arranged in two rows. The joint written standard practice
surfaces of these bones glide upon each other An outline of the methods for a worker to use
in four directions. The carpals join the bones in some operation, often also including the
of the forearm, the radius and ulna, and the tools and equipment used and a workplace
bones of the hands, the metacarpals. The layout diagram. May be in hardcopy or digi-
bones are bound together and protected by tal form.
tough ligaments and capsules, the enveloping
structures. The major arteries, nerves, veins, written verbal comprehension
and tendons that serve the hand and fingers The ability to understand written language.
run across the wrist. Both tendons and the written verbal expression
joint are lined with synovial membrane. (2) The ability to put words or concepts into
That structure on a robotic or teleoperator arm written language for communication pur-
which serves as analogous function to the poses.
human wrist, permitting flexion, extension,
and rotation. wrong
A violation of the legal rights of another.
wrist breadth
The linear distance perpendicular to the fore- wrongdoer
arm longitudinal axis between the radial and One who commits an injury; a tort feasor.
ulnar styloid prominence of the wrist. Meas- The term ordinarily imports an invasion of the
ured with the flesh compressed and hand dig- right to the damage of the party who suffers
its extended. such an invasion.

wrist circumference, distal wrongful

The surface distance around the wrist just Injurious, heedless, unjust, reckless, unfair. It
distal to the styloid processes of the radius implies the infringement of some right, and
and ulna and proximal to the hand. Measured may result from disobedience to lawful
with minimal tissue compression and the authority.
musculature of the arm and hand relaxed. wrongful death action
wrist circumference, styloid level A type of lawsuit brought on behalf of a de-
The surface distance around the wrist at the ceased person's beneficiaries that alleges that
level of the tip of the styloid process of the death was attributable to the willful or negli-
radius. Measured with minimal tissue com- gent act of another.
pression and the arm and hand musculature wrongful discharge
relaxed. An at-will employee's cause of action against
wrist-finger speed his/her employer, alleging that the discharge
The ability to make rapid, simple, repetitive was in violation of state or federal anti-
movements of the fingers, hand(s), and discrimination statutes, public policy, an im-
wrist(s), with little concern for accuracy and plied employment contract, or an implied
eye-hand coordination aspects. covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Federal Wood Residue Utilization Act of
Weight per volume.
Wastewater treatment.
See world wide web.
As applied to street railway, a track with two
branches, one joining the main track from one
direction and the other joining the main track
from the other direction

©2000 CRC Press LLC

and other organs. The formation of xantho-
X mas may indicate an underlying disease, usu-
ally related to abnormal metabolism of lipids,
including cholesterol. Abnormally high levels
x axis of blood lipids may be found in diabetes mel-
(1) The horizontal axis having a left-to-right litus (xanthoma diabeticorum), in diseases of
extent on a two- or three-dimensional graph in the liver, kidney, and thyroid gland, and in
the rectangular coordinate system. (2) The several hereditary metabolic diseases. The
horizontal axis having a forward-to-back ex- excessive lipids carried in the blood may then
tent in a vehicular coordiante system. See be deposited as xanthomas.
also y axis and x axis. xanthomatosis
x-radiation An accumulation of excess lipids in the body
Highly penetrating radiation similar to due to disturbance of lipid metabolism and
gamma-radiation. However, unlike gamma marked by the formation of fatty tumors in
rays, x-rays are not generated from the nu- various parts and sometimes by profound ef-
cleus of the atom but from the surrounding fects on bodily health.
electrons. They are produced by electron xanthosis
bombardment of a metal target in a vacuum Yellowish discoloration.
tube. X-rays are electromagnetic radiation at
wavelengths shorter than those of visible light XDIF
(usually 0.05 to 5 angstroms). See x-ray diffraction. Also referred to as
x-ray diffraction (XDIF or XDF)
An analytical method for identifying and xenobiotic
quantifying crystalline materials by deter- Term for non-naturally occurring manmade
mining the diffraction pattern (diffraction substances found in the environment (i.e.,
beams and intensity) emitted by a material synthetic material solvents, plastics).
when exposed to x-rays. xenon
x-ray fluorescence (XF or XRF) A chemical element, atomic number 54,
An analytical method for identifying and atomic weight 131.30, symbol Xe.
quantifying the elements present in solids and xeroderma
liquids by examining the x-rays emitted (pat- Dry and often rough skin.
tern and intensity) as a result of the absorption
of radiation from some source (x-ray, iso-
Drought-resistant vegetation.
tope). This methodology is rarely used for
analysis of gases. XF
See x-ray fluorescence. Also referred to as
x-ray tube
An electron tube which is designed for the
conversion of electrical energy into x-ray en- xiphoid process
ergy. The most inferior segment of the sternum.
xanthoma xiphoiditis
A tumor-like deposit of fatty substances in the Inflammation of the xiphoid process.
skin. The color of a xanthoma is usually yel- XRD
low, but may be brown, reddish, or cream. See x-ray diffraction. Also referred to as
Xanthomas are usually harmless. They range XDIF.
in size from tiny pinheads to large nodules,
and the shape may be round, flat, or irregular. XRF
They are often found around the eyes, the See x-ray fluorescence. Also referred to as
joints, the neck or the palms, or over the ten- XF.
dons. Often, these fatty deposits are not lim- X-Y controller
ited to the skin, but are found throughout the Any device having the ability to control a cur-
body in bones, the heart, blood vessels, liver, sor in the screen X and Y dimensions.

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A compound used as a cleaning solvent.
Any of a series of colorless crystalline sub-
stances resembling phenol.
X-Y plotter
A computer-driven graphics printing device
which plots two-dimensional figures.
X-Y-Z controller
Any device having the ability to control a cur-
sor in the screen X and Y dimensions while
also producing apparent movement in the Z

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yard track
Y A system of tracks within defined limits used
for the making up or breaking up of trains, for
the storing of cars, and for other related pur-
y poses, over which movements not authorized
Year. by timetable, or by train order may be made
subject to prescribed signals, rules, or other
y axis
special instructions. Sidings used exclusively
(1) The vertical axis on a two- or three- di-
as passing track and main line track within
mensional graph in the rectangular coordinate
yard limits are not included in the term yard
system. (2) The horizontal axis having a left-
to-right extent in a vehicular coordinate sys-
tem. See also x axis and z axis. yard tractor
A truck tractor used exclusively to move trail-
ers around a motor or trailer yard. It is not
(1) Measurement. A space occupying 36
used for over the road travel.
inches. (2) Rail Operations. a) A system of
auxiliary tracks used exclusively for the clas- yardbird
sification of passenger or freight cars accord- Transit (slang). A driver who connects and
ing to commodity or destination; assembling disconnects tractor and semitrailer combina-
of cars for train movement; storage of cars; or tions and moves vehicles around the terminal
repair of equipment. b) A system of tracks yard. See also spotter.
within defined limits, whether or not part of a yaw
terminal, designed for switching services, (1) A rotation or oscillation about the vertical
over which movements not authorized by time (z) axis. (2) The raspberry-like excrescence
table or by train order may be made, subject of yaws. See also yaws.
to prescribed signals, rules, and requirements.
yaw axis
yard caboose The vertical axis through an aircraft, space-
A caboose that is used exclusively in a single craft, ship, or other vehicle capable of motion
yard area. in three dimensions about which it may yaw.
yard crew Also called z axis and yawing axis.
See train or yard crew. yawing moment
yard locomotive A torque or force which tends to cause yaw.
A locomotive that is operated only to perform yawl
switching functions within a single yard area. A small oar-propelled open boat or skiff car-
yard mule ried aboard a towboat for use as a utility boat.
Small tractor used to move semitrailers See also skiff.
around the terminal yard. yawl play
yard switching train mile The use of a yawl to row lines or personnel
Computed at the rate of 6 mph for the time between boat and bank.
actually engaged in yard switching service if yaws
actual mileage is not known. A highly infectious disease caused by the spi-
yard switching trains rochete Treponema pertenue. Although prac-
Those trains operated primarily within yards tically non-existent in the United States and
for the purpose of switching other equipment. other developed countries, yaws may be
Examples include the making up or breaking common among people who live under primi-
up of trains, service industrial tracks within tive conditions in equatorial Africa, South
yard limits, storing or classifying cars, and America, and the East and West Indies. Yaws
other similar operations. Switching performed is transmitted by direct contact. The first
by a road crew that is incidental to the road symptom, appearing usually about a month
operation is not included. after exposure, is a single papule, an inflam-
matory but painless elevation of the skin. The

©2000 CRC Press LLC

papule soon ulcerates. Open, oozing sores an incubation period of 3 to 6 days. It then
appear a few weeks later on the hands, feet, manifests itself suddenly and intensely with
face, scalp, and trunk. Eventually, after sev- fever, headache, muscular aches, and prostra-
eral years, the disease causes tissue destruc- tion. A few days later, the temperature sud-
tion, bone changes, and shortening of the fin- denly falls, only to rise again. The pulse is
gers or toes, in a cycle that has a resemblance originally very rapid, but then slows gradually
to leprosy and is sometimes mistaken for it. to less than 50 beats per minute. In addition
yd to the characteristic yellowing of the skin, the
Yard urine becomes darker. There may be frequent
vomiting, and blood may become noticeable
yd in the vomitus (so-called black vomit). There
Square yard. may also be bleeding from the mucous mem-
yd 3 branes. The disease runs its course in a little
Cubic yard. more than a week. Those who survive (and
the great majority do) suffer no permanent
year of construction damage. The jaundice completely disappears.
The year the structure was originally com- Furthermore, these persons are immune from
pleted or the year any part of the structure was a second attack. In fatal cases, death is usu-
first occupied. For mobile homes, year of ally due to liver or kidney failure.
construction is the model year.
yellow marrow
year of construction of vessel A yellowish-colored marrow consisting of fat
The year of original construction of the hull. cells and a small amount of blood cells.
yeast yellow spot
Term applied to the unicellular, nucleated mi- See macula lutea.
croorganisms that reproduce by budding and
to other organisms that exist usually or pre- yes-no design
dominantly in similar form. Some are used in An experimental design, used for testing
production of various foodstuffs and bever- thresholds, in which a subject is required to
ages, and some are pathogenic for man. state whether (yes) or not(no) he/she believes
a stimulus was presented during a given trial.
(1) The color produced by stimulation by light yield
waves of wavelengths of 571.5 to 578.5 mµ. To give up something, or to let something
pass before another.
(2) A dye or stain that produces a yellow
color. yield strength
The stress at which a material exhibits a
yellow fever
specified permanent deformation or set.
An acute, dangerous, often fatal infectious
disease of warm climates, transmitted by the yogurt
bite of a mosquito of the genus Aedes. Char- A cheese-like preparation from milk, used as
acterized by jaundice, vomiting, hemorrhages, a food.
and, of course, fever. Yellow fever is less yoke
rampant today largely because of vaccination (1) General. A connecting structure. A de-
and better control of the mosquito menace, pression or ridge connecting two structures.
but it is still a danger in most tropical coun- (2) Aviation. The term used to describe the
tries and those travelling to such locations primary device the pilot uses to control the
must take proper precautions. Among native movements of an aircraft during flight. Also
inhabitants who contract the disease, there is a called the "stick," and although somewhat in-
mortality rate of less than 5 percent. In visi- accurate, the "wheel."
tors from other climates, fatalities once ran as
high as 40 percent, but they are now much yolk
lower. With proper immunization precau- The material of an egg or ovum that serves as
tions, a visitor from a temperate country today food for the developing organism until it ob-
takes only a minimal risk. Yellow fever has tains nourishment in some other way.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

Young-Helmholtz theory
A theory of vision which proposed that the
eye contains three types of receptors: one
sensitive primarily to red, one primarily to
green, and one primarily to blue-violet. Also
called the three-component theory.
Young's modulus
The ratio of tension to strain in a material
within the elastic range for that material.
Young's rule
The dose of a drug for a child is obtained by
multiplying the adult dose by the child's age
in years and dividing the result by the sum of
the child's age plus 12.
Year (also y).
A chemical element, atomic number 70,
atomic weight 173.04, symbol Yb.
A chemical element, atomic number 39,
atomic weight 88.905, symbol Y.

©2000 CRC Press LLC

zero crossing
Z The transition of a time-varying signal
through the baseline level, or zero amplitude.
zero defects
z The concept of perfect product quality, with-
Symbol for atomic number. out any flaws.
Z zero discharge (ZD)
See electrical impedance. A facility that discharges no material to the
z axis environment.
(1) The horizontal axis having the extent of zero drift
depth and perpendicular to the x and y axes in Instrument. The change in instrument output
the rectangular coordinate system. See also x over a stated period of unadjusted continuous
axis and y axis. (2) The vertical axis in a ve- operation when the input concentration is
hicular system. See also yaw axis. zero. Drift in the zero indication of an in-
z score strument without any change in the input
See standard score. variable (i.e., contaminant).
ZD zero-emission vehicle
See zero discharge. A clean fuel vehicle meeting even more strin-
gent zero-emission vehicle standards.
zebra mussel
Freshwater mollusk that can foul water intake zero fault tolerant
screens and piping by attaching itself to a Having no redundancy. Pertaining to a con-
solid structure, eventually restricting flow. dition in which a single fault in a system will
cause that system or the function performed
zein by it to fail.
A soft yellow protein from maize.
zero gravity
zeismus See microgravity.
A skin disease, said to be due to excessive
zero level
diet of maize.
See threshold of audibility.
zero liquid discharge (ZLD)
See entraining agent.
A facility that discharges no liquid effluent to
zeolite the environment.
Minerals or synthetic resins that have ion ex- zero ODP
change capabilities. Zero ozone depletion potential.
zeolite softening zero-order control
Water softening process using a zeolite resin See position control.
bed to accomplish ion exchange.
zero-order reaction
zephyr haul A reaction in which the rate of change is in-
A shipment of light weight cargo. dependent of the concentration of the reactant.
zero zeta potential
The point on a thermometer scale from which The voltage differential between the surface
the degrees are numbered. The zero of the of the diffuse layer surrounding a colloidal
Celsius (centigrade) and Réaumur ther- particle and the bulk liquid beyond.
mometers is the freezing point of water; on
the Fahrenheit thermometer zero it is 32 de-
See zone of initial dilution.
grees below the freezing point of water.
zero air A chemical element, atomic number 30,
Air containing no components other than atomic weight 65.37, symbol Zn.
those present in pure air.

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zinc chills zone of saturation
See metal fume fever. The portion of the earth's crust below the wa-
zinc oxide ter table where the pores are filled with water
A fine, amorphous, white or yellowish white at greater than atmospheric pressure.
powder, used as an astringent and protectant. zoning
zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) The designation of certain sections of land for
See porphyrin. specific types of uses, usually within a city
having a land use plan.
zip drive
Computing. A drive that stores up to 100MB zooglea
of data on a single Zip diskette. A gelatinous matrix developed by growing
bacteria associated with trickling filter beds
zipper and activated sludge floc.
A fastener for clothing that interlaces two
separated strips of material. zoology
The study of animals.
A chemical element. atomic number 40, zoom
atomic weight 91.22, symbol Zr. To transform a portion of the field of view
into a close-up image, either on a display or
ZLD with a camera lens system.
See zero liquid discharge.
zonal analysis An infection or infectious disease transmissi-
A relatively new system safety analysis tech-
ble under natural conditions between verte-
nique concerned with evaluating the geo- brate animals and humans. In many cases,
graphic arrangement of installed systems, and transmission of foodborne pathogens occurs
its interconnections, as well as the influence
indirectly from food animals or animal prod-
of external events on those systems.
zonal wind
A wind that has a predominate west-to-east
Tiny aquatic animals eaten by fish. They pos-
sess little or no means of propulsion.
(1) A partitioned area of a display used for zootoxin
some specific purpose or function. (2) A gir- A toxin produced by higher animals, espe-
dle or belt. (3) A restricted area. cially snakes, scorpions, and spiders, which is
usually a mixture of hemotoxin and neuro-
zone charge toxin.
An extra fee charged for crossing a predeter-
mined boundary. ZPG
Zero population growth.
zone of employment
Area within which injuries to employees are zygoma
compensable under workers' compensation See zygomatic bone.
acts; it is the place of employment and the zygomatic arch
area thereabout (including the means of in- The projecting bony arch forming the most
gress and egress) under the control of the em- lateral portion of the face which extends hori-
ployer. It implies reasonable proximity to the zontally along the side of the head, from be-
place of employment. neath the eye orbit to near otobasion superior,
zone of incorporation and generally including parts of both the zy-
The depth to which soil on a land farm is gomatic bone and the temporal bone.
lowed or tilled to receive wastes. zygomatic bone
zone of initial dilution (ZID) A lateral facial bone forming part of the orbit.
The part of a lake or river where a discharge Synonymous with cheekbone and zygoma.
from an outfall first mixes with the receiving

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A cell that is produced by the joining of two
sex or germ cells (gametes).
Any poison from decaying tissue.
A mixture of the lips, polysaccharides, pro-
teins, and ash derived from the cell walls of
the entire cell of yeast.

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