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Trabajo de inglés


Nicole González Mora

Jose Gregorio Romero Madera
Julissa Salcedo Madera


Lic. Edgar Muskus

Escuela: Normal Superior Lacides Iriarte

Sahagún - Córdoba

I. Previous Knowledge
1. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.

A- B. C. D.

Write their names.

A. Madre Teresa de Calcutta
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Georgette Elias
D. Nelson Mandela

A. Do you know them? I know three of them

B. Who of them promoted education in your town? Georgette Elias
C. Were they good citizens? Yes, very good citizens


How to be a good citizen? Cross (x) the sentences (s).

“ It you can´t feed a a. Help people
hundred people then feed
just one” (Mother Teresa) b. Feed someone
c. Promote education
d. Respect to each other.

Study the poster and math the verbs with the gaps. Then complete the poster.
 POSTER: Cartelera / MATCH: Relacionar / GAPS: Espacios en blanco
READ: Leer BE: Ser / estar RESPECT: Respetar DO: Hacer
FOLLOW: Seguir LEARN: Aprender PROTECT: Proteger BE: Ser / estar
Completar con los verbos
How to be a good citizen.
1. Do some volunteer work in your community.
2. Follow the rules and laws.
3. Be a good neighbor.
4. Protect the environment.
5. Be sympathetic to other people´s problem.
6. Read about the world around you.
7. Learn about and respect other people´s beliefs and cultures.
8. Respect other people´s property.

Which of the things on the poster do you do?
(¿Cuál de las cosas en el poster haces?)
Example: I think i am a good neighbor. I help my neighbor do her shopping.
(Pienso que soy un buen ciudadano. Ayudo a mi vecina a hacer sus compras)
Your answer:
Be a good neighbor, Respect other people´s beliets and cultures.

Read a student´s essay about how to be a good citizen. The choose true (T) or false (F).
How to be a good citizen hello. My name is James. In my opinion, to be a good citizen, you a need yo look
after your environment. This sounds boring, but it can be enjoyable. Picking up rubbish in the park can be
fun if you do it with your friends. Another thing you can do to protect the environment is to recycle your
drink cans and your plastic bottles. It´s easy to forget and throw them away. Finally, I think we need to be
good neighbours. Always be nice and smile at your neighbours when you see them. If you have elderly
neighbours you can offer to help them out with their household chores.

Look after: Cuidar Throw: Arrojar
Boring: Aburrido Neighbours: Vecinos
Enjoyable: Placentero Elderly: Ancianos
Rubbish: Basura Offer: Ofrecer
Environment: Medio ambiente Chores: Quehacer
Pick up: Recoger Cans: Latas

Read the student´s essay and write true (T) or false (F) for each sentence.
1. To be a good citizen you need to take care of the environment. T
2. This is Helen’s essay. F
3. Protect the environment can be boring. F
4.We can clean and pick up the trash with our parents. T
5. You protect the environment when you recycle materials such as plastic bottles and cans. T
6. It’s important to help elderly people. T
7. If you want to be a good citizen, don’t smile at your neighbours. F


Se denominan PHRASAL VERBS “Verbos frases” a aquellos que van acompañados de una preposición y
cambian su significado original. Ejemplo:

Pick up: recoger Look after: cuidar
Clean off: limpiar Help out: ayudar a (alguien)
Leam about: aprender acerca de Throw away: tirar a la basura

Complete the sentences with the correct verb phrases from exercise.
1. Don´t Throw away your old clothes. Give them to a charity shop.
2. I´ve spilled orange juice on my shirt. How can I Clean off it Pick up ?
3. I Look after my younger sister when my parents go out.
4. We often Help put my dad Clean off in the garden.
5. We´re Learn about the Russian Revolution in our history lessons.
6. I can´t see the floor in your bedroom. Please Pick up your clothes.

Choose the correct words to complete the rules (Seleccione las palabras correctas para completer las
1. Do We use need to express (possibility / necessity)
2. Do We use the (ing form / infinitive) after need to.


Read and answer the questions.

In my opinion, a good
Prakash From my experience,
citizen is someone who Caro
knows what´s going on in being a good citizen is
From india From Mexico about getting involved
the world

I think it´s all about Personally, i think it

Abeke Lan starts with your local
making the world
From Nigeria better, more equal community,
From China even your
and humane. home.

I think it´s about For me, it means being

Nakaji accepting people as Amira able to put yourself in
equals. From Iraq someone else´s shoes.
From Burma
Answer True (T) or False (F)
1. F Caro thinks to be a good citizen; you need to take action globally.
2. T Abeke thinks that it is important to support people who don´t have basic Human Rights.
3. F Nakaji believes that it is good that we are all different.
4. T Prakash thinks the most important thing is to know about what is going on globally.
5. T Lan thinks the most important thing is caring about your local community.
6. T Amira says we need to think about things from other people´s points of view.

Give your opinion about what being a good citizen means.
(Da tu opinión sobre qué significa ser un buen ciudadano)
R/ For us, being a good citizen is helping everyone who needs us, caring for the well- being of our
community and the world, respecting others, caring for our environment, being tolerant of the differences
of those around us and trying to provide solutions to problems that affect us or affect others.

Find words for basic human needs in the word cloud.
(Encuentra palabras para las necesidades básicas de los derechos humanos).

Have the right to = Tener derecho a…

Se usa HAVE + Verbo o Sustantivo…

“We have the right to food and water” (Nosotros tenemos derecho a comida y agua)
“We have the right to go to work” (Nosotros tenemos derecho de ir a trabajar)
Rank the words in order of importance. (English and Spanish)
1. Air- Aire 7. Family- Familia
2. Water- Agua 8. Work- Trabajo
3. Food- Alimentos 9. Sleep- Dormir
4. Medicine- Medicina 10. Love- Amor
5. Education- Educación 11. Friendship- Amistad
6. Clothing- Ropa 12. Freedom-Libertad

1. As humans, do you think we all have the right to these basic human needs?
yes, we are entitled to those basic human needs.
2. What rights do you have?

Exercise. Match the columns.

Match the two halves of the statements. My answer.

1. We all have the right to believe in a. our own decisions. 1. b

2. We have the right to good b. what we want to believe in. 2. c
3. We have the right to vote in c. healthcare. 3. f
4. We have the right to make d. work and to relax. 4. a
5. Nobody has the right to make e. us a slave. 5. e
6. We all have the right to rest from f. public elections. 6. d

Reading. Read and choose the correct answers.

Maria, a journalist for El Barrio newspaper, is still missing seven days after she mysteriously disappeared.
Maria disappeared from her home last Thursday, the day after one of her news stories appeared in El
Barrio. It seems that someone broke into her flat that evening and kidnapped her. Police think that she is
being held against her will. Her family have not heard from her since last Wednesday afternoon, and are
very frightened for her safety. It is estimated that at least nine journalists are abducted every year, some
are later freed, many aren’t found.
My name is Khaliif and live in Somalia. I have a brother and a sister. There is a small school in my town,
but I don’t go there. I live in a small hut with my father and mother. In the morning I make porridge for my
brother, who is five, and my sister who is ten. Then my brother is looked after by my sister while I go to
work. She isn’t given any help by my mother or father as they have to look after the animals. I work as a
shoe shiner. I need to work to help my family, but I want to go to school. I know life will be better if I can
get an education.
I´m Ben. I lost my job and couldn’t afford to pay the rent for my flat so I had to move out. Now I have
nowhere to go. I sleep on the streets or in the park. I try to find other homeless people to sleep whit
because it is less dangerous. Sometimes we are shouted at by passers-by, but some people are kind and
bring us clothes and blankets.

 Abduct: secuestrar
 Break into: entrar en
 Hold someone against their will: tener preso a alguien
 Hut: cabaña
 Shoe shiner: limpiabotas

Read and choose the correct answer A-B or C

1.Which one is about the violation of a person’s right to express their views and opinion?
a. Right to education
b. Right to shelter and a bed to sleep in
c. Right to express their views and opinion

2.Maria disappeared a week ago

a. A week ago
b. Yesterday
c. A month ago

3.Why doesn’t Khaliif go to school because he has to work to help his family?
a. Because he doesn’t want to
b. Because he has to work to help his family
c. Because there isn’t a school in this village

4.Khaliif’s sister looks after his brother

a. sister
b. father
c. Step-mother

5.She has contacted nobody

a. Her family
b. The police
c. Nobody

6.Why doesn’t Ben have anywhere to live?

a. He doesn’t have enough money to play the rent.
b. There aren’t enough houses
c. He left his family and move out of his home

7.Sometimes they are given clothes and blankets by passers-by.

a. Clothes and blankets
b. Food and drink
c. Money

Self- assessment (Autoevaluación)

Please, reflect on your performance and tick according to each indicator.
(Por favor reflexione sobre su quehacer y marque de acuerdo a cada indicador)
5. Excellent to very good 4. Very good 3. Good 2. Fair 1. Unsatisfactory

Criteria(criterios) 5 4 3 2 1
1 I can identify “phrasal verbs” en un texto x
2 I can give opinions about how to be a good citizen x
3 I can infer information from a short text x
4 I can use expressions and words about human rights x
5 I am responsible whit the activities guided by my English teacher x

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