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Server: Good afternoon, what is your order?

Customer: Good afternoon, I would like a ceviche please.

Server: Ok, do you want it spicy?

Customer: I would like it very spicy.

Server: We also have drinks, do you want to order some?

Customer: What drinks are there?

Server: We have lemonade, chicha morada, and soda.

Customer: I will have chicha morada.

Server: Do you want it frozen or at the same time?

Customer: I would like the frozen chicha.

WALDIR: Did you go to a restaurant recently?

WALDIR: What is the name of the Restaurant?
DENIS: His name is Batán de Oro
WALDIR: And would you recommend that restaurant?
DENIS: Yes, it is very good and the food is very delicious
WALDIR: When was the last time you went?
DENIS: I went in February, on my brother's birthday.
WALDIR: What food do you recommend?
DENIS: The tripe, they prepare it very rich.
WALDIR: Thank you.
1. I recommend you go to Machu Picchu, it is one of the 7 wonders of the
World, it has archaeological zones and it is beautiful.
2. The typical dishes of the jungle are delicious.
3. The central jungle has many attractions, as well as its waterfalls and
4. I recommend eating ceviche, it is one of the most delicious foods in Peru.
5. Pisco Sour is an emblematic drink of Peru, it is very delicious.

La Merced

La Merced is located in the Central Forest of the country, within the province
of Chanchamayo, in Junín.

As for the tourist places of La Merced, in this city ecological tourist sites
predominate. An unforgettable place to know if you are going to the city of La
Merced is the Pampa Michi Native Community, which is made up of a human
group belonging to the Asháninka ethnic group, who still lives in traditional
houses and wears typical costumes of His people.

In La Merced there is also a zoo called Gallito de las Rocas and where
Peruvian birds, among other animals, are bred in captivity, as well as an
important variety of plants from the Amazon.

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