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‫‪Friction force‬‬

‫د‪.‬المشرف‪ :‬د‪ .‬بشارعبيد حمزة‬ ‫اعداد الطالب ‪ :‬احمد عباس فاخر‬

What is friction?
Until now in physics, you've probably been ignoring friction to make things simpler. Now, it's time to include this
very real force and see what happens.


1. What are the factors that affect the friction force?
2. How do the concepts of kinetic and static friction?
3. How do determine the coefficients of static and kinetic friction?


1. Find out the factors that affect the style of the friction.
2. Understand the concept of static and kinetic friction.
3. Determine the coefficients of static and kinetic friction.

Unless the surface of a body rub against other objects with a surface, then each object will do the style of
friction of one against the other. The style of the friction on the respective objects of opposite direction with its
relative motion against other objects. Friction style automatically against the motion, he never support it. Even if
there is no relative motion, just maybe there is friction between the surface of the style.
A beam that is driven on the table will move when a block of mass m, we release with initial speed vo on a
plane horizontal, then beam it will eventually stop. This means in the beam movement experienced a slowdown or
some force holding beams, that style is called style with friction. The magnitude of the coefficient of friction is
determined by the style of the friction between the two surfaces and normal style. The magnitude of the coefficient
of friction is determined by the roughness divided into two, namely: static friction (fs) and the kinetic friction (fk).
A block weighing W, are on a horizontal plane of the rough, then pulled by a force F as in Figure 4.1 below.

Figure 4.1: the forces that work on the system
The direction opposite the direction of friction f style with the style of cause is F, and apply:
1. For the price F > fs then the beams in the rest.
2. For the price F = fs then the exact moment beam will move.
3. When the enlarged phase again so F > fs then moving objects and static friction fs style will change to kinetic
friction style fk.
The style of friction between two surfaces that are silent one against the other is called static friction style. The
maximum static friction style similar in style to the smallest needed in order to start moving objects. Once motion
has started, the force of friction between the two surfaces are usually reduced so that a smaller force is required to
keep the bend abergerak. The forces acting between two surfaces that are moving relative to each other is called
kinetic friction style (fk). If fs declared large static friction maximum style, then:
s  s (4.1)
With is static friction coefficient N is the normal style is great. If fk big kinetic friction style States, then:
k  k (4.2)
With is kinetic friction coefficient.
When an object is in a State of silence on a flat field, and kemuadian field place the object is tilted slowly forming
an θ to the right will move objects, the coefficient of static friction between the object and the field is given by the
S = tan c (4.3)
with c is the angle at a time when objects tapat will move, called the critical angle. The coefficient of static friction
is the value of the tangent angle of slope of the field, with proper objects will move/slide. At angles greater than c, 
beam slid straight into the lower end of irregular change the incline with the acceleration:
a x  g (sin    k cos  ) (4.4)
Where θ is the angel of the slope of the field and is the coefficient the kinetic friction between objects with
fields. By measuring acceleration ax, then coefficient can be calculated.

Tools and materials
a. spring Balance 0-5 N 1 piece
b. Pulley table 1 unit
c. rough Beams 1 piece
d. Beam slick 1 piece
e. Burden NAE 50 grams 1 piece
f. Rope/twine 1 piece
g. square Beams (with stecker connector) 1 piece
h. Board Foundation 1 unit
i. the incline 1 unit
j. Stopwatch 1 piece
k. Meter
Identification of variables
Activities 1. The relationship between the normal force in the friction force
a. Manipulation Variables: normal force (N)
b. Control Variables: type of surface
c. Response Variable: pull force (N)
Activity 2. The relationship between the State of the surface friction with force
a. manipulation Variables: type of surface
b. Control Variables: normal force (N)
c. response Variable: pull force (N)
Activity 3. Determine the coefficient of static friction on an inclined plane
a. Manipulation Variables: weight (g)
b. Control variables : type of surface
c. Response variables : critical angel
Activities 4. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction on an inclined plane
a. manipulation Variables: distance (m)
b. Control Variables: the critical angel
c. Response Variables: travel time (s)
Operational definitions of variables
Activities 1. The relationship between the normal style in the style of friction
a. Manipulation variable
Normal force (N) is the force acting on the object that is in contact, in which the normal style is perpendicular to the
direction of the trackpad. Coat of arms of the normal style is the international system of units and N is kgm/s2 or

b. Control variable
This type of surface is one of the factors that affect the style of type in which the friction surface is a smooth surface
to determine the relationship between the normal style and friction.
c. Response Variable
Pull Force (F) is a pull by using balance spring to find out how the pull force is given on the right of the beam will
move and move straight. The unit used is N.
Activity 2. The relationship between the State of the surface friction with style
a. Manipulation variable
This type of surface is a factor that influences the type of surface friction, the style that is used in activities to 2 i.e.
fine, medium and coarse.
b. Control Variable
Normal force (N) is the force acting on the object that is in contact, in which the normal style is perpendicular to the
direction of the trackpad. Coat of arms of the normal force is the international system of units and N is kgm/s2 or
c. Resonse Variable
Pull force (F) is a pull by using balance spring to find out how the force pull is given on the right of the beam will
move and move straight. The unit used is N.
Activity 3. Determine the coefficient of static friction on an inclined plane
a. Manipulation Variable
weight (w) is the force towards the center of the Earth where the right objects will move and move straight regularity
have gravity to move the incline.
b. Control Variable
This type of surface is one of the factors that affect the style of type in which the friction surface is a smooth surface
to determine the relationship between the normal style and friction.
c. Response Variable
Critical angle (θc) is the required beam angle when exactly will move, the critical angle is used to determine the
coefficient of static friction.
Activities 4. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction on an inclined plane
a. Manipulation variable
The distance (x) is the distance it takes to do a straight motion of the beam.
b. Control Variable
The critical angle (θ) is the angle fields defined on the inclined plane to measure the time spent on a regular straight
motion of the beam with different mileage.
c. Response Variable
Travel time (t) is the time required by the beams to arrive at the final point with a different mileage.

Activities 1. The relationship between the normal style and style of friction
First of all drew beams using the balance spring as in Figure 4.2 below.

Figure 4.2: sets the activity 1

Then observed the designation of the balance beam right at the moment the spring will move and when the beam is
moving straight. Then add weights on top of the beams, and observed the designation of the balance beam right at
the moment the spring will move and when the beam is moving straight. The experiment was performed several
times with the addition of varying weights on top of the beams. Noting the observations in the table of observations.
Activity 2. The relationship between the State of the surface friction with force
Replaced the surface table or leaning more rough/smooth. Observe the designation of a spring at the time of the
right beam will move and when the beam is moving straight. This activity is performed several times by changing
the surface of the table or the beam more rough/smooth. Then take note of the observations in the table of
Activity 3. Determine the coefficient of static friction on an inclined plane
Prepared the tools and materials needed, and then dropped the field in the table with the horizontal position is θ
= 0. Next put the square beam at one end of the field. Lift slowly the Tip field of square beam spot located so that
the angle of the slope of the field increases. Took note of the angle of tilt of the field at the time the right objects
will move. Repeat the experiment with activities add to the load on the beam to square up to gained at least 5 data
measurement of angles.

Activities 4. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction on an inclined plane

Set the slope of the field with an angle greater than the critical angle (θc) that have been obtained in part 1
above for the additional load without square beams. Then take note of the angle of the slope as the angle θ1. Put a
beam on the top of the area that has been known in length. Then release the beams together yet run a stopwatch to
time square beams megukur moves straight to the regular end of the field. Noted travel time as t. Repeat the activity
with different mileage of at least 6 data. Then take note of the observations in the table of results of observations.


Activity 1
Type of surface is rough

Table.1 The relationship between normal force with friction force

Normal Force Condition of ̅
No. Tensile Force (N)
(N) Objects
| |
Right Moves | | 1.13
| | | |
| |
Move Straight
| | 0.80
| |
| |
Right Moves | | 1.67
| | | |
| |
Move Straight
| | 1.30
| |
| |
Right Moves | | 2.37
3 | | | |
| |
Move Straight
| | 1.60
| |
Activity 2
Normal force = | |N
Table.2 The relationship between type of surface with tensile force
The Type of Tensile Force
Condition of Objects ̅
Surface (N)
| |
Right Moves | | 2.30
| |
| |
Move Straight
| | 0.87
| |
| |
Right Moves | | 2.40
| |
| |
Move Straight
| | 1.40
| |
| |
Right Moves | | 1.77
| |
| |
Move Straight
| | 1.27
| |

Activity 3
Table 3.force of static friction on inclined plane
NO Gravity (N) Critical angle (˚) Average Critical angle (˚)
| |
1. | | | | 23.3
| |
| |
2. | | | | 23.3
| |
| |
3. | | | | 23.7
| |
| |
4. | | | | 24
| |
Activity 4
Mass load = 115 grams
Field tilt angle = 26°

Table 4.force of kinetic friction on inclined plane

NO Distance (cm) Time (s)
| |
1. | | | |
| |
| |
2. | | | |
| |
| |
3. | | | |
| |

Data Analysis
Activity 1 (The relationship between normal force with friction force)
a. Right Moves (Static)
No. Normal Force (N) Friction Force static (N) ̅
| |
1 | | | | 1.13
| |
| |
2 | | | | 1.67
| |
| |
3 | | 2.37
| |
| |

y = 1.24x - 0.3227
R² = 0.9945
Friction Force static



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Normal Force

Graph 1. relationship between normal force with static friction force.

y = mx + c = 1.24x-0.3227
= 1.24
DE = × 100% = × 100% = 99.45 %
RE = 100% -99.45 = 0.55 (3 SF)
RE = × 100%
= = = 0.00682
SF = | |=| |

b. Move Straight Uniform (kinetic)

No. Normal Force (N) Friction Force Kinetic (N) ̅
| |
1 | | | | 0.80
| |
| |
2 | | | | 1.30
| |
| |
3 | | 1.60
| |
| |

1.6 y = 0.8x - 0.0867
R² = 0.9796
Friction Force Kinetic

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Normal Force

Graph 2. Relationship between normal force with kinetic friction force

y =mx + c = 0.8x - 0.0867

= 0.8
DE = × 100% = 0.9796 × 100% = 97.96 %
RE = 100% - 97.96 = 2.04 (3 SF)
RE = × 100%
= = = 0.016
SF = | |=| |
Activity 2 (The relationship between the state of the surface with friction force)
Normal force (N) = 1.15 N
a. Right Moves (Static)
1. = = = 2.00
2. = = = 2.09
3. = = = 1.54
b. Move Straight Uniform (kinetic)
1. = = = 0.76
2. = = = 1.22
3. = = = 0.67

Surface Right Moves( ) Move Straight Static Friction Kinetic

Uniform( ) Force Friction
( ) Force
( )
I 2.00 0.76 2.30 N 0.87 N

II 2.09 1.22 2.40 N 1,40 N

III 1.54 0.67 1,77 N 1,27 N

Activity 3 (Static friction force on the incline)
=| ̅| = | |=0
=| ̅| = | |=1
=| ̅| = | |=0
= =1
= tan = tan 23 = 0.424
= tan = tan 1 = 0.0174
RE = × 100% = × 100% = 4.103 (3 SF)
SF = | |=| |

2. =| ̅| = | |=0
=| ̅| = | |=1
=| ̅ |=| |=0
= =1
= tan = tan 23 = 0.424
= tan = tan 1 = 0.0174
RE = × 100% = × 100% = 4.103 (3 SF)
SF = | |=| |

3. =| ̅| = | |=1
=| ̅ |=| |=0
=| ̅ |=| |=1
= =1
= tan = tan 23 = 0.424
= tan = tan 1 = 0.0174
RE = × 100% = × 100% = 4.103 (3 SF)
SF = | |=| |

4. =| ̅| = | |=0
=| ̅| = | |=0
=| ̅| = | |=0
= = 0.05
= tan = tan 24 = 0.445
= tan = tan 0.05 = 0.00087
RE = × 100% = × 100% = 0.195 (4 SF)
SF = | |=| |
Table 3. The relationship between mass load with coefficient of static friction
NO Mass Load ( gr ) The coefficient of static friction ( )
1. 50
2. 100
3. 150
4. 200

Activity 4. Kinetic friction force on the incline

Table 4. The relationship between distance with time

No Distance(cm) Time(t) Time(t2)
1 100 2.03 4.12
2 90 1.86 3.45
3 80 1.66 2.75

4 y = 0.081x - 3.9333
R² = 0.9901
time t2 (s2)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance (cm)

Graph 3. Relationship between time with distance.

y = mx + c = 0.081x – 3.9333
R2 = 0.9901
a = 2 × m = 2 × 0.081 = 0.162
DC = R2 × 100% = 0.9901 × 100% = 99.01%
RE = 100% - 99.01 = 0.99 % (2 SF)
= = = 0.061
PR = | |=| |

Measurement of kinetic coefficient

( )

Uncertainty analysis
| | | |

( )

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

KR = = ×100% =13,9 (2 ap )

DK = 100% - KR = =
PF = | |
| |
| | | |

( )

| | | |

| | | |
| | | |

KR = = ×100% =11,2 (2 AP )

DK = 100% - KR = =
PF = | |

| | | | |

( )

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

KR = = ×100% =13,9 (2 ap )

DK = 100% - KR = =
PF = | |
| |
At the first event conducted practical-about the relationship between tensile style with the style normal, normal
style is one of the factors affecting the magnitude of friction style. Experiment on activity 1 is measuring the pull
force on objects that have a normal force, which used of | 1.15 ± 0.05 | N. | 1.65 ± 0.05|N |2.15 ± 0.05|N
|2.65 ± 0.05|N measurement of the third pull on style these objects using the spring balance 0-5 n. from the
results of experiments conducted diperleh data to be used for determining the coefficient of static friction when the
object is in a State of right will move and the coefficient of kinetic friction at a time when objects in a straight
In the second activity carried out an experiment to find out the relationship between the type of surface where
friction style with 3 types of surfaces that is fine, medium and coarse. The third type of the retrieved a huge
difference coefficient of friction in each object. The State of the objects observed in these activities was the right
move and bergera straight. Some of the data obtained from the second activity is on the kind of surfaces smooth
static friction of 2.16 N and kinetiknya friction of 0.97 N, for the types of surfaces smooth friction statiknya of 1.90
N and kinetiknya friction of 1.57 N, on objects that have a rougher surface friction statiknya of 2.10 N whereas
kinetic friction 1.37 N.
On the activities of the third experiment to determine the coefficient of static friction on the incline, the
determination of the coefficient of static friction on the incline angle of the object so that it requires in the
circumstances just right will move. The data to be obtained on this activity is the critical angle of an inclined plane
so that objects can move if given the style a bit. Performed 3 times the experiments on objects that have different
normal style. Of activity 3 is done it can be concluded that the greater the normal style is an object then the smaller
the critical angle.
The fourth activity conducted experiments to determine the coefficient of kinetic friction on objects moving on
inclined plane, in this experiment observed an object moving straight at the time. As well as on the activities
activities activities there must be an angle so that the objects can move down with constant speed. Observed in
these activities is a big time it takes an object to move down a different path with the post.

From the lab about the style of friction, we can conclude the four activities that are great friction style 2 style in
the direction opposite to the motion of the tendency of a body where friction occurs in three countries namely,
move, movement, and moves straight uniform and each country happens if F < beams f will move, the right moves
F = f, F beam > f beams will move. Factors that affect the friction among others; the weight of the heavier object is
an object, the greater the friction work style, the type of surface where the rough surface will make more small
friction so that the speed of the beam much faster and smoother surface will create greater friction so that the speed
of the beam angle of slope is slow and a bit of contact with the object field where the larger the angle more.

Hanaor, D.; Gan, Y.; Einav, I. (2016). "Static friction at fractal interfaces". Tribology
International. 93: 229–238. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2015.09.016.
 ^ "friction". Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
 ^ Jump up to: Beer, Ferdinand P.; Johnston, E. Russel, Jr. (1996). Vector Mechanics for
a b

Engineers (Sixth ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 397. ISBN 978-0-07-297688-5.

 ^ Jump up to: Meriam, J. L.; Kraige, L. G. (2002). Engineering Mechanics (fifth ed.). John
a b

Wiley & Sons. p. 328. ISBN 978-0-471-60293-4.

 ^ Ruina, Andy; Pratap, Rudra (2002). Introduction to Statics and Dynamics (PDF). Oxford
University Press. p. 713.
 ^ Hibbeler, R. C. (2007). Engineering Mechanics (Eleventh ed.). Pearson, Prentice Hall.
p. 393. ISBN 978-0-13-127146-3.
 ^ Soutas-Little, Robert W.; Inman, Balint (2008). Engineering Mechanics. Thomson.
p. 329. ISBN 978-0-495-29610-2.
 ^ Jump up to: Chatterjee, Sudipta (2008). Tribological Properties of Pseudo-elastic Nickel-
a b

titanium (Thesis). University of California. pp. 11–12. ISBN 9780549844372 – via

ProQuest. Classical Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Pliny the Elder and Vitruvius wrote about
the existence of friction, the effect of lubricants and the advantages of metal bearings around
350 B.C.
 ^ Fishbane, Paul M.; Gasiorowicz, Stephen; Thornton, Stephen T. (1993). Physics for
Scientists and Engineers. I (Extended ed.). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
p. 135. ISBN 978-0-13-663246-7. Themistius first stated around 350 B.C. [SIC] that kinetic friction
is weaker than the maximum value of static friction.
 ^ Hecht, Eugene (2003). Physics: Algebra/Trig (3rd ed.). Cengage
Learning. ISBN 9780534377298.
 ^ Sambursky, Samuel (2014). The Physical World of Late Antiquity. Princeton University
Press. pp. 65–66. ISBN 9781400858989.

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