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Physics 40A - Final Exam Solutions - Summer 2012

Problem 1 [25 points]

A box of mass 1.0 kg on a 30° frictionless incline is connected to a box of mass 3.0 kg on a
horizontal frictionless surface as shown in the diagram below. The pulley is frictionless and
massless. (a) If the magnitude of F  is 2.3 N, what is the tension in the connecting cord? (b)
What is the largest value that the magnitude of F  may have without the connecting cord
becoming slack?

(a) We apply Newton's second law along the x-axis to the block of mass m1 = 3.0 kg, with the
x-axis pointing horizontally to the right:
F  T = m1 a
Next we apply Netwon's second law along the x-axis to the block on the incline of mass m2
= 1.0 kg, with the x-axis pointing down the incline:
m2 g sin  − T = m 2 a
Adding the two equations above gives:
m2 g sin   F =  m1  m 2 a
m2 g sin   F 1.0 kg 9.8 m/s2 sin 30°  2.3 N
⇒ a = =
 m1m2  3.0 kg  1.0 kg
⇒ a = 1.8 m/s 2
From the first equation above, we find
T = m1 a − F = 3.0 kg 1.8 m/s 2  − 2.3 N
T = 3.1 N

(b) At the point that F  reaches is maximum value causing the cord to become slack, the tension
becomes zero. Therefore, Newton's second law for each block now gives:
F = m1 a
m2 g sin  = m2 a
From the second equation we get
a = g sin  = 9.8 m/s 2  sin 30° = 4.9 m/s 2
Substituting into the first equation gives:
F = m1 a = 3.0 kg 4.9 m/s 2
F = 14.7 N
Physics 40A - Final Exam Solutions - Summer 2012

Problem 2 [25 points]

A 20 g ball of clay traveling east at 2.0 m/s collides with a 30 g ball of clay traveling 30º south of
west at 1.0 m/s. The two balls of clay stick together to form a single blob of clay. What is the
speed and direction of the resulting blob of clay?

Conservation of momentum along the x-direction gives
m1 v ix 1  m 2 v ix 2 = m 1  m2 v fx
v ix 1 = 2.0 m/s
v ix 2 = −1.0 m/scos 30° = −0.866 m/s
m 1 v ix 1  m2 v ix 2 0.02 kg 2 m/s   0.03 kg −0.866 m/s
v fx = ⇒ v fx =
m1  m 2 0.02 kg  0.03 kg 
⇒ v fx = 0.28 m/s
Conservation of momentum along the x-direction gives
m1 v iy 1  m 2 v iy 2 = m 1  m2 v fy
v iy 1 = 0
v iy 2 = −1.0 m/ssin 30° = −0.5 m/s
m 1 v iy 1  m2 v iy 2 0  0.03 kg −0.5 m/s
v fy = ⇒ v fy =
m1  m 2  0.02 kg  0.03 kg 
⇒ v fy = −0.3 m/s
Therefore, the speed of the blob of clay is
f 
v = v 2  v2 =  0.28 m/s2  −0.3 m/s2
fx fy
v f = 0.410 m/s
The direction is given by

 
v fx −0.3 m/s
 = tan−1 = tan−1  = −47.0°
v fx 0.28 m/s
i.e. 47º south of east.
Physics 40A - Final Exam Solutions - Summer 2012

Problem 3 [25 points]

A pulley has a mass of 2.0 kg and a radius of 6 cm. It is not known whether the pulley is uniform
or whether its mass is concentrated more towards the center or towards the rim. The pulley is
fixed to the ceiling. A rope is wrapped around it several times and a block of mass 1.0 kg is
suspended from the rope. The block is released from rest when it is 1.0 m above the floor and it
takes 0.71 s for it to reach the floor. (a) What is the tension in the rope? (b) What is the moment
of inertia of the pulley? (c) Is the pulley (i) uniform, or is its mass concentrated (ii) near the
center or (iii) near the rim? Explain your answer clearly.


(a) Newton's second law for the block is

T − m1 g = m1 a
We can obtain the acceleration from
y1 − y0 = v 0 t  ½ a t 2
Since v0 = 0, we obtain
2 y 1 − y 0  2 −1 m
a = 2
= 2 ⇒ a = −3.967 m/s 2
t 0.71 s
Therefore, the tension in the rope is
T = m1 a  g  = 1.0 kg −3.967 m/s2  9.8 m/s2  T = 5.833 N

(b) The net torque acting on the pulley (about an axis perpendicular to it and passing through its
center) is
 net = −TR
Therefore, the rotational form of Newton's second law  net = I  gives
−TR = I 
and the moment of inertia of the pulley is
I = −

Physics 40A - Final Exam Solutions - Summer 2012

a = R ⇒  =
T R2
I = −
5.833 N0.06 m 2
I = − I = 5.3×10−3 kg m 2
−3.967 m/s2 

(c) If the pulley is a uniform disk, the moment of inertia would be:
1 1
I disk = M R2 = 2 kg  0.06 m 2 = 3.6×10−3 kg m 2
2 2
Since I  I disk , the pulley's mass must be concentrated nearer the rim (iii).
Physics 40A - Final Exam Solutions - Summer 2012

Problem 4 [25 points]

Two mountain peaks are 850 m and 750 m above the valley between them. A ski run extends
down from the top of the higher peak and then back up to the top of the lower one, with a total
length of 3.2 km and an average slope of 30º (see the figure below). A skier starts at the top of the
higher peak and coasts without using ski poles. What coefficient of kinetic friction between snow
and skis would make the skier stop just at the top of the lower peak?


(a) We take the gravitational potential energy of the skier-Earth system to be zero when the skier
is at the bottom of the peaks. The change in potential energy is
 U = U f − U i = mg h f − mg hi = mg h f − h i 
where m is the mass of the skier, hi is the height of the higher peak and hf is the height of the
lower peak. The change in kinetic energy of the skier is
 K = K f − Ki = 0 − 0 = 0
The friction force on the skier is directed in the opposite direction to the skier's motion and has
f k = k N
where the normal force acting on the skier is obtained from Newton's second law applied to the
skier in the direction normal to the inclined plane:
N − mg cos = 0 ⇒ N = mg cos
where θ is the angle of the is the angle of the slope from the horizontal, 30º for each
of the slopes shown. Therefore,
f k = k m g cos 
Applying conservation of energy,  E mec   E th = 0 gives
U   K  f k d = 0
where d is the total distance along the skier's path.
mg h f − hi   0  f k d = 0 ⇒  k m g cos  d = −mg h f − hi 
h f − hi 
⇒ k = −
d cos
⇒ k = −
 750 m  − 850 m 
3.2×103 m  cos 30°  ⇒  k = 0.036
Physics 40A -- Final Exam -- Summer 2012 
Each multiple choice question is worth 2 points. 
MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 
1) Three cars, car X, car Y, and car Z, begin accelerating from rest, at the same time. Car X is more massive than car Y, 
which is more massive than car Z. The net force exerted on each car is identical. After 10 seconds, which car has the most 
A) They all have the same momentum  B) Car Y 
C) Car X        D) Car Z 
2) An object is moving with a constant velocity. Which statement(s) MUST be true?   
A) The net force on the object is zero. 
B) A small net force is acting on the object, in the direction of motion. 
C) No forces are acting on the object. 
D) Two of the above statements are true. 
3) Suppose the force of wind resistance is proportional to the speed of the object and in the direction opposite the objectʹs 
velocity. If you throw an object upward, when is the magnitude of the acceleration the highest?   
A) It is highest right after the object is released. 
B) The acceleration of the object is the same throughout the entire trajectory. 
C) It is highest at the top of its trajectory. 
D) It is highest when the object is exactly half way between the top and bottom. 
4) The plot below shows the potential energy of a particle, due to the force exerted on it by another particle, as a function 
of distance. For which region(s) is the force exerted on the particle zero?  

A) Region X  B) Region Z   
C) Region Y  D) Region Y and Z 
5) A tire is rolling along a road, without slipping, with a velocity v. A piece of tape is attached to the tire. When the tape is 
opposite the road (at the top of the tire), its velocity with respect to the road is   
A) v 
B) 1.5 v 
C) 2v 
D) The velocity depends on the radius of the tire. 
6) A large spring is used to stop the cars after they come down the last hill of a roller coaster. The cars
start at rest at the top of the hill and are caught by a mechanism at the instant their velocities at the
bottom are zero. Compare the compression of the spring, xA, for a fully loaded car with that, xB, for a
lightly loaded car when mA= 2mB.

a. xA = xB.
b. xA = 2 xB.
c. xA = xB.
d. xA = 2 xB.
e. xA = 4 xB.

7) A pendulum bob has potential energy U0 when held taut in a horizontal position. The bob falls until it
is 30° away from the horizontal position, when it has potential energy UA. It continues to fall until the
string is vertical, when it has potential energy UB. Compare its potential energies at O, A, and B.

a. U0 = UA = UB.
b. UA – UB = 2U0.
c. U0 = UB = 2UA.
d. UA – UB = U0– UA.
e. U0 – UA = 2(UA – UB).
8) Cubical blocks of mass m and side  are piled up in a vertical column. The total gravitational potential
energy of a column of three blocks is (assume y = 0 at the bottom of the lowest block)
a. mg.
b. 3mg.
c. mg.
d. 6mg.
e. 9mg.

9) Two cars start at the same point, but travel in opposite directions on a circular path of radius R , each at

speed v. While each car travels a distance less than R , one quarter circle, the center of mass of the two
a. remains at the initial point.
b. travels along a diameter of the circle at speed v  v .
c. travels along a diameter of the circle at speed v  v .
d. travels along a diameter of the circle at speed v  v .
e. remains at the center of the circle.

10) Two birds of prey hurtling after the same mouse collide in mid-air and grab each other with their
talons. If each 250 g bird is flying at 30 m/s at a 60° angle to the ground, what is their total momentum,
kg  m
in s , immediately after the collision?

60° 60°
 
v1 v2

a. 0
b. 6.5
c. 7.5
d. 13
e. 15
11)  Two birds of prey hurtling after the same mouse collide in mid-air and grab each other with their
talons. If each 250 g bird is flying at 30 m/s at a 60° angle to the ground, what is the magnitude of their
velocity, in m/s, immediately after the collision?

60° 60°
 
v1 v2

a. 15
b. 13
c. 30
d. 0
e. 26
12) When a car goes around a circular curve on a level road,
a. no frictional force is needed because the car simply follows the road.
b. the frictional force of the road on the car increases when the car’s speed decreases.
c. the frictional force of the road on the car increases when the car’s speed increases.
d. the frictional force of the road on the car increases when the car moves to the outside of the curve.
e. there is no net frictional force because the road and the car exert equal and opposite forces on each

13) A rock attached to a string swings in a vertical circle. Which free body diagram could correctly describe
the force(s) on the rock when the string is in one possible horizontal position?

14) The first of two identical boxes of mass m is sitting on level ground. The second box is sitting on a ramp
that makes a 20° angle with the ground. The normal force of the level ground on the first box is N L ; the
normal force of the ramp on the second box is N R . Which statement is correct?

a. N R  N L  mg .
b. N L  mg ; N R  mg sin 20 .
c. N L  mg ; N R  mg cos 20 .
d. NR  NL  mg .
e. N L  mg ; N R  mg cos 20 .
15) A heavy weight is supported by two cables that exert tensions of magnitude T1 and T2 . Which
statement is correct?

a. T1  T2 .
b. T1 y  T2 y .
c. T1  T2 .
d. T1  T2 .
e. We need the mass of the box in order to determine the correct answer.

16) Two people, each of 70 kg mass, are riding in an elevator. One is standing on the floor. The other is
hanging on a rope suspended from the ceiling. Compare the force FF the floor exerts on the first person
to the force FR the rope exerts on the second person. Which statement is correct?
a. FR is greater than FF , but they have the same direction.
b. FR is greater than FF , but they have opposite directions.
c. FR is less than FF , but they have the same direction.
d. They are equal and opposite in direction.
e. They are equal and have the same direction.

17) A car travels around an oval racetrack at constant speed. The car is accelerating


a. everywhere, including points A, B, C, and D.
b. nowhere, because it is traveling at constant speed.
c. at all points except B and D.
d. at all points except A and C.
e. at all points except A, B, C, and D.

18) Two balls, projected at different times so they don’t collide, have trajectories A and B, as shown below.

Which statement is correct?

a. Ball A is in the air for a longer time than ball B.
b. Ball B is in the air for a longer time than ball A.
c. Ball B has a greater acceleration than ball A.
d. Ball A has a greater acceleration than ball B.
e. v 0B must be greater than v 0A .

19) A small sphere attached to a light rigid rod rotates about an axis perpendicular to and fixed to the other
end of the rod. Relative to the positive direction of the axis of rotation, the angular positions of the
sphere are positive, its angular velocity is positive, and its angular acceleration is negative. The sphere
a. first rotating clockwise and then counterclockwise.
b. rotating clockwise and speeding up.
c. rotating counterclockwise and speeding up.
d. rotating clockwise and slowing down.
e. rotating counterclockwise and slowing down.

20)  rotates about an axis perpendicular to the rod, with one end of the rod fixed to
A rigid rod of length 
the axis. Which of the following are equal at all points on the rod?
I. the angular position
II. the angular velocity
III. the angular acceleration
IV. the centripetal acceleration
V. the tangential acceleration
a. I and II
b. I, II, and III
c. I, II, III and IV
d. I, II, III, IV and V
e. I, II and IV.
Answer Key: 
1) A 
2) A 
3) A 
4) D 
5) C 
6) B 
7) D 
8) C 
9) B 
10) D 
11) E 
12) C 
13) C 
14) E 
15) D 
16) E 
17) A 
18) B 
19) E  
20) B 

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