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FORM TP 2018072 Fratyr eawein ie ape booklet hth your nase hee. aye te. test cove 01225010 MAY/JUNE 2018 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION GEOGRAPHY Paper 01 — General Proficiency I hour 15 minutes 07 JUNE 2018 (a. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them, In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (D). Read each item you (On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having, the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item Hurricanes in the Caribbean area are MOST likely to occur during Sample Answer (A) February-April e20@® (B) April-June (©) _Iuly-September (D) — October-February The correct answer to this item is “July-September”, so (C) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, g0 on to the next one. You may return to that item later. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. The use of geometrical instruments is permitted, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Counci All hts reserved [tems 1=3 refer to the following map. map? (A) (B) © «D) KEY ] Marsh Sand [= ) Building {4} Trigonometrical Point [EJ Road [=x] Bridge fou) Cliffs [A] tiabthouse [200 |Contour Miles Scale 50 ft 100 ft 200 ft 300 fe Boot River flow? (A) (By © co) Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast ALI ASME 7HIR What is the contour interval used on the In which of the following directions does What settlement pattern is shown in the grid square labelled A? A @B) © (D) Linear Nuclear Isolated Dispersed GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE em 4 refers to the following diagram. é 1 Sea 4. Inthe diagram above, the feature labelled 1 is a (A) mouth (B) tributary (C) confluence (D) — distributary em § refers to the following diagram. On the diagram above, the landforms shown at X and Y, respectively, are a (A) plateau and ridge (B) coastal plain and plateau (C) ridge and round-topped hill (D) coastal plain and round-topped hill GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01225010/F 2018 -4- ins 6-1 refer to the following graph which shows long-term changes in global temperatures over the last two centuries. 150 14s 140 BS ‘Annual mean global surface temperature (°C) 130 i i 7880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year 6. What degree of change in global temperatures was recorded between 1910 and 1940? (A) 02 (B) 03 © 04 () 05 7, The LARGEST change in the annual mean global temperatures occurred over the period (A) 1890-1910 (B) 1920-1940 (©) 1970-1990 (D) 1980-2000 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE perremiare 2018 a -Lrt—S—=—CC N un + | ‘P we al S 30 » i o | 5 fon Ponrletinen Bf é _ | see Rattway oF 35 96 Railway Station “Swamp 1 Q 2 = fond Seale in Kilometres _ The feature labelled S is situated in grid square (A) 2728 (B) 2793 © 9327 (D) 9394 9. The feature passing through Q is a (A) road ®) river (©) canal (O) railway GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0122S010/F 2018 Ge Items 10-12 refer to the following world map. 120°W _90°W_6orW 30° OPE 120°. as | bas 7 |e 7 B | Sal Tbs St Petetsburg 0° od ean g 7 | | | [Ne lad 1 oN 30°. i : i | i) | j \s | aa \ | : ow 1 — 4 i a it 10. What is the location of St Petersburg? (A) 30°. N 90° W (B) 30° N 60° W (c) 60° N 30° E (D) 60° N 30° W AL. ‘The direction of the prime meridian from New Orleans is (A) east (B) west (C) north (D) south 12. What time is it in New Orleans when it is 10:00 p.m. on Monday in St Petersburg? (A) 2:00 p.m. Monday (BY 2:00 a.m. Monday (C) 2:00pm. Sunday (D) 2:00 a.m. Sunday GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1172S010/F 2018 1B. 14, Lem 13 refers to the following diagram which shows a coastline. Which of the following features is NOT shown on the diagram? (A) Clift (B) Headland (C) _Bay-head beach (D) — Wave-cut platform Item 14 refers to the following contour sketch map (contours in metres) showing Points X and W and Area Y, 2 ie REET Dt a a a ‘The bearing of X from W is approximately (A) 04s? @) 138° © 25° (D) 315° GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01225010/F 2018 eae tem 15 refers to the following diagram which shows air rising and clouds forming over highland. Metres | "00 | 00 | soo 18. Atwhat height, in metres, above sea level does condensation begin? (A) 200 (B) 400 (C) 600 (D) 1200 Items 16-17 refer to the following diagram of a river valley 16. The feature labelled M is @ 17. Which of the following features forms in the ‘area marked N? (A) levee (B) terrace (A) Aleveé (C) waterfall (B) A plateau (PD) loodplain (©) A floodplain (D) — Analluvial fan GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 9 18. Which of the following conditions is needed for the growth of coral? a) (B) «) (0) Cloudy (turbid) water Very gentle wave action Fresh (low salinity) water ‘Warm water temperatures jems 19-20 refer to the following rainfall and temperature graph for Country P. Rainfall (mm) ‘Months of the year 19, Which month had the highest temperature? 20. PS temp eo) 28 21 14 Which of the following types of climates is represented by the information in the graph? (a) (B) «© (Dd) Hot desert Equatorial ‘Tropical marine Tropical continental — (A) June (B) July (©) August (D) September 21. Avoleanie spine develops when (A) the lava is viscous (B) —acaldera is present (C) the explosion is violent (D) ash and cinder are ejected 17 9sa1ale 7018 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE —10- [tem 2 refers to the following diagram. 22, The diagram above represents a (A) caldera (B) lava plateau (©) volcanic plug (D) _ voleanic dome ttem 23 refers to the following diagram. Persons per sq km over 300 201-300 101-200 0-100 23, The diagram above shows population (A) change (B) density (C)__ movement (D) distribution GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE [tems 24-25 refer to the data in the following table which shows world production of aluminium (million tonnes) in selected countries for 2003. Aluminium Country Production Country (million tonnes) (million tonnes) Australia 18 Mozambique 04 Argentina 03 Norway 12 Brazil 14 Spain 04 Canada 28 Russia 3.5 China 34 UK 04 France 05 USA | 27 West Germany 08 j Venezula 0.6 | Italy 02 World Total 207 24. Which country produced just over one- 28. Thenumberoftonnesofaluminium produced tenth of the aluminium in the world in by Norway was 2003? A) 1200 (A) USA @) 12.000 (B) Russia (C) 120000 (C) Canada (D) 1200000 (D) Argentina 26. Which of the following features is formed 28. The ‘processof exfoliation’ may be defined by vertical erosion in the upper course of a as the (A) peeling off of the outer layers of (A) Potholes rocks (B) River cliff (B) splitting of rocks into rectangular (©) Flood plain blocks (D) Interlocking spur (C) movement ofrocks due tothe action of rivers 27. The point where a river begins is referred to (Dy integration of rocks by root as penetration into crevices (A) level (B) mouth (©) source (D) gradient 01225010/F 2018 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 29. 30. 31. -12- ‘A river that is wide, shallow and has bars and islands around which the river flows is described as (A) flooded (B) braided (C) turbulent (D) meandering Which of the following statements explains how vegetation contributestothedevelopment of soils? (A) Decaying vegetation produces @ habitat for earthworms. (B) Vegetation decomposes to produce the organic matter in the soil (©) Roots, twigsand leavesare washed downwards to increase the depth of soil. (D) Vegetation provides the parent material which helps in the formation of soil structure. fem_31 refers to the following diagram which shows a coastline ll m “The feature labelled X inthe diagram above is MOST likely the result of the (A) longshore drift (B) changes in sea level (C)__ weathering of rocks (D) strength of the waves 2. 33. M. Which of the following factors is the MOST important contributor to the growth of cities in the Caribbean? (A) Rural-Urban migration (B) _Urban-Rural migration (©) _ International migration (O) Changes in the urban boundaries Which ofthe followingcorreetly describes the relationship between weather and climate? (A) Climate refers to the conditions of the atmosphere whereas weather mainly refers to the seasons. (B) Weather includes atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover and winds, while climate refers to temperature and rainfall. (C)_ Climate is a changeable and everyday occurrence, while ‘weather refers to changes in the atmosphere over a longer time. (D) Weather is the day-to-day changes in the atmosphere, while climate is the average condition of the atmosphere over many years. Which of the following is the MOST serious problem hindering rapidagricultural development in the Caribbean? (A) Lack of capital (B) Rapid soil erosion (C) The lack of erop variety (D) _ Ahigh incidence of crop disease GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3S. Which ofthe following factors may increase 36. The method of crop cultivation that uses the rate of soil erosion? extensive practices and results in high yields per worker is called 1. Afforestation I. Very intense rainfall (A) mixed farming IIL. Poor cultivation techniques (B) market gardening (©) subsistence farming (A) Lonly (D) commercial arable farming (B) Land IM only (©) Hand Ill only (D) Mand Il tems 37-38 are based on the following graph which shows the relative value for exports of primary and manufactured products from four Caribbean territories in one year Percentage of exports by value : 1s * * recs | ea — Sit ara | 37. For which of the following territories was the value of manufactured products ‘exported GREATER than 75% of the total exports? (a) Guyana | (B) Jamaica (C) Barbados (D) Trinidad and Tobago 38. In which of the following territories was there the GREATEST difference in value between primary products and manufactured products? (A) Jamaica (B) Guyana 5 (©) Barbados (D) Trinidad and Tobago GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE an arsaiale 2018 39. 40. = 1b Item 39 refers to the following diagram. 41. 2. In the diagram, X represents (A) percolation (B) evaporation (C)__ precipitation (D) transpiration Which of the following factors causes temperatures to be high in the Caribbean? (A) Rainfall (B) Altitude (C) Latitude (D) Wind direction Which of the following is classified as a tertiary industry? (A) Fishing (B) Tourism (C)__ Oilrefining (D) Food processing Which of the following situations have resulted from the setting up of secondary industries in the Caribbean? 1. Reduced cost of living Il, Increased external markets III, Increased employment opportuni- ties (A) Land only (B) Land Il only (C) Mand Il only (D) LMland Ut GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -15 tem 43 refers to the following table which shows sugar production (millions of tonnes) in the Caribbean and Latin America, 1961-2001 Country 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Antigua and Barbuda 183820] 134 100 2801) 0 0 Barbados 1400117] 1233500] 966000] 587.000] 520000 Cuba 55.885 920| $4700.000| 66 678.496] 79 700.000] 35 000.000 Grenada 10.400 10535 9300 6500 6750 St Kits and Nevis ai9s9s| 276352 337500| 200000| 188373 Trinidad and Tobago | 2517954| 2349221] 1289521| 1300900] 1 500 000 Adapted from R.B, Potter et al. The Comemporary Caribbean, Routledge 2004, p.116. 43. Based on the data in the table above, which of the following statements are TRUE about sugar production between 1961 and 2001? 1, Sugar production in St Kitts declined. Il. Sugar production in Cuba remained above 30 000 000. IIL Sugar production in Barbados decreased by over 50%, (A) Land Ionly (B) — Tand I only ee (C) Mand tit only (D) Le fand iit 44, Most capital cities in the Caribbean have 45, coastal locations MAINLY because they (A) began as major ports (B) were important fishing towns (C)___ began as important tourist resorts (D) were sites for international airports 01225010/F 2018 Which of the following are problems associated with urbanization in the Caribbean? 1, Decentralization ofshopping facili- ties Il, Unemployment and underemploy- ment II, Poor public transport (A) Land Itonly (B) Land Il only (C) Wand 111 only (D) 1, Mand It GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 46. 47. 48. =16- Which of the following conditions is @ problem in urban areas of the Caribbean? (A) Shortage of labour (B) Inadequate housing (©) _ Absence of paved roads {D) Inadequate shopping facilities Atatransform plate margin, crustal plates are (A) being pulled apart (B) __ sliding past each other {C) colliding with each other {D) _ being reabsorbed into the mantle em_48 refers to the following diagram which shows how a farmer used his plot of land. Which statement BEST describes the farm depicted above? (A)__Itpractises monoculture. (B) _Caulifloweristhemain crop grown. (C)__ More than half of the farm is used for crops, (D) More than half of the farm is used to rear animals. 49. 50. si. 82. Changes in global trade policies impact Caribbean traditional export crops because they (A) stimulate policies (B) encourage competition (C) encourage climate change {D) __ increase preferential markets ‘The rate of natural increase of a population is determined by (A) birth and death rates (B) birth rates and migration (©) death rates and emigration (D) birth rates and immigration When magma emerges on the surface it may lead to the formation of (A) sills (B) dykes (C) __laccoliths (D)__ lava flows Which of the following is considered a poor farming practice? (A) Crop rotation (B) — Overgrazing (©) Strip cropping (D) Contour ploughing Which of the following activities poses the MOST serious threat to water quality in the rivers of the Caribbean? (A) Dumping of waste (B) ing by tourists (©) Flooding from hurricanes (D)__ Improper fishing practice GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -17- lems $4-S5 are based on the following sketch map of an area. @) SL Wind airection S< te We Le Gently rolling KEY Port Albert ® A Settlement —~ River QO woostana 54. Which of the areas, I, IL, IIT or LV, would be atypical location for commercial arable farming (plantation agriculture) in the Caribbean? (A) 1 (B) u © wo) ow 55. Which of the following would be the BEST area to locate a new factory in order to minimize the effects of air pollution? “a ot (B) I (Cc) ut @) Vv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01225010/F 2018 57. 58. “Algae, nourished by watersenriched with $9. nutrients, grow in abundance over the corals causing them to die.” The situation described above can come about through (A) oil pollution (B) sewage discharge (C) dredging and mining (D) _ fishing and dynamite Which of the following substances is NOT expected to pollute the underground water supply? (A) Mulch (B) Gasoline 60. (C) Pesticide (D) Fertilizer Which of the following is a form of air pollution? (A) Smog (B) Oil spill (©) Raw sewage (D) Mercury poisoning END OF TEST Which of the following sequences USUALLY occurs where soil erosion is a problem? (A) Increased runoff — decreased infiltration — deforestation — soil erosion (B) Increased runoff —r deforestation + decreased infiltration —> soil erosion (©) Deforestation — increased infiltration — increased runoff = soil erosion (D) Deforestation + decreased infiltration — increased runoff = soil erosion Which combination of factors would MOST likely result in flooding? 1. Soil conservation methods in use Il, Deforestation III, Dumping of garbage in rivers (A) Land I only (B) — fand IIT only (©) Mand Il only (D) I, Mand Ill IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01225010/F 2018

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