CSEC Georaphy P1 2019 PDF

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ETL Letesaoranmrace racotens| TESTCODE 01225010 FORM TP 2019075 MAYATUNE2019 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION GEOGRAPHY ‘Paper 01 ~ General Proficieney 1 hour 15 minutes UGHUNE 2019 (am) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: hos and 15 minutes to answer them, 1. ‘This est consists oF 60 items. You wil have 2, Tnaidition to tia (est boot, you should have an anewer sheet, 3, Each tem inthis test ha four suggested answers lettered (A), (B) (C),(D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. Onyouranswer shee, find the number which corresponds a you item and shade the space beving the same letras the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. ‘Sample Hem Hunicanes in the Caribbean aea are MOST Likely o occur during Sample Answer (4) Apritsone 7 rs (B) February-March ©©@8 (hiv Sepember {B) Olober December ‘The corzeet answer to this tem is “July-September”, so (C) has been shade. 5. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fil in your new choice, 6. When younae told to begin, tum the pege and work as quickly and ss carefully a3 youesn, Ifyou fannot answer a items, go on (9 the ext one. You may relum to that tem Ia. 7. Youmay usa silent, non programmable caleslator to answer items 8. These of eometrical instruments is permed. DO NOT-TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ur Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council All ights reserved, fer to the following map extract at a scale of 1:50 000. stems 14 re a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE oi22so1muesec 2019 Whatisthe directionof te trigonometrical station at Shotover (729463) from Robertsons Hale (711471)? (A) Nowtbeas (8) Southoas (©) Nonthwes @) Southwest ‘What she contour interval, in feet, n rid square 7045 (labeled TYP a) 50 () 100 © 1 ©) 250 3 “Thebeightinfeetofthehighestpointingié @ ®) © © ‘Whatisthe rid be (711471) from thet Ned) i approxinstely 2250 2500 2750 3000 at Shotover (729463)? a) 63° ®) 1s (©) 208 D355" [ems 5-7 refer to the following table showing annual reinfail and temperature certain loeation, Motte [3 LE [MLA MTS aT STOTSyy] FFempCG)——[26.| 26] 26 [27] ae [7 | 2s | os | os [6 [26 | 27] Rainfall mi) [755° 160" | 305 | Srs f aio [72s | Too | v30 | Teo [360 [250 [a0 ‘The annual temperate range for this location is 2c B® 30 © 5c @) 27°C “The rainfell pattern indicetes (A) rain throughout the year (B) tain only inthe cooler season (C)__ tain only in the warmer season (D) We variation inthe rainfall from ‘month to month 7 The type of climate experienced st this locetion may be described as “ ® © © savannah equatorial ‘wopieal marine ‘tropical continental GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE tern 8 refers to the following diagram of In what general dizection is the river flowing? (A) East to west @) North w south (©) Southwest to northwest (D) Southwest to northeast 01225010M/CSEC 2089 8. ‘Which ofthe following phrases refers to (A) Vertical tines that decressin valve castwards (@) Vertical lines that incrstein valve castwards (©) Hovizontal ines that inorease in ‘alte northwards (©) Morizontal ines thet decrease in ‘vale northwards G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Heme 10-11 refer tothe following, graph that shows variations ia the number of crise ship ppascengers Visiting a Caribbean island in 2017 o : CATT crise ran 4 ce 7 RF MAMI SAS OND Months 10, The LOWEST number of vistors in say 1M. The HIGHEST numberof visitors aived oath was uring (3000 sng 35 ) winter (©) 30000 (© awumy (©) 30500 ©) summer GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE orz2soroucsEC 2019, seatein omntres |__—} Key EB serup 2 vinage — River sq Contour ines (eit in mete) state Boundaries 12, Whichofthe following ypesofsetlements ‘will MOST likely develop between ¥ and 2 Lins B) Isolated © Dispe D) Nucleted 1225010 MsICSEC 2019 13. What ype of frming ystems most likely to cxist aX? “ @ ©) ©) Pouluy eating Shifting euluvation Subsistence faming Commercial auble fanning GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 14, The seltionship between longitude and lume is that he time changes by “ ® © @) 1 our for 20° 1 nina ford? “4 minutes for 1° 24 hours for 180° 48. The MAIN factor which explains che aisfoe “ B) © o 16, Anvavellermadethe following observations. Te was fot and es the vndengrowt reinfal temperature efiveen weather and climate is al heavily every days row very tl and there was ile ‘Which ofthe following forest vegetation types was the traveller desenbing? @ ®) © o Montane Deciduous Equator! ‘Semi-everpreen 1225010(MIICSEC 2019 18. [sens 178 rote the ‘nd temperature graph co 2s OT RAAMIsA5ON Which ofthe following statements is ue based on heinformason given thegriph? (A) Taehottest months oft eo the dees (©) Taehottest months ofthe: aso the wetes. (©) There ig Hite variation in inf throughout the year (0) Theres file variation in tenpera- Ture theouhout the year, ‘The annual range of temperature is APPROXIMATELY a 6 © is O 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a Items 19-20 refer tothe following maps 19. Mostofthe tea offorestvegeationshown, of Tobagp. Jn Map is found in areas with (A) cocoa eutvation (B) 1500 mm of rainfall (©) tow annual ninall (©) the highest elevation 28 Dlamabngrentrenpienes miss: ict Sct aon SSE i Scan on mor coal tan only {snd I on Wand i only land It Wowessovmm One 700m = Stone ae ESjiow: ise iets ESjineetineme Undertow om BAPE LAND TSE | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, on22so10/May BC 2019 ns 21.23 refer to the following map. Kev Contours 1,50 000 ‘Seales em ie 21 Acont would Took ike Heine a a. oe Height @ @ 28, ur profile fiom Point Rt to Pole X a _/ a 4 Se Heit, oOo © 1. ‘o- 4. Heit, o x Z 0. rs 40 ° O1225010IMNICSEC 2019 2. Which of he ftlowing fearares are found at Ton the map? w ® © @) w Bay and beach Hreedland and bay Beach and headland CCifs and coral reefs h of the following words BEST describes the slope represented fy the ‘contour fines betwean T end V? a @) © my Stoop Gentle GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ~10- tein 24 is based on the following. graph which shows the relative value of exports for primary ‘and manufectared products from four Caribbean territories in one ye evcentage exports by value ° 5 0 6 100% Guyane Jamaica “Trinidad and Tobago Ce Ph intent yoene 24. Forwhich ofthe following teritoris was the value of manufactured produets exported GREATER, ‘than 75% ofthe total exports? (a) Barbados ©) Guyana () Jamaica (D) Trinidad and Tobago Hess 25-26 refor tothe following diagea of te movement atm plate margin 25, Which of the following plate margins is 26. Which ofthe following features are shown shown? aR? (A) Divergent (A) Voleans (B) Transform (B) Lava plateaux (©) Convergent (©) Fold mountains (©) Conservative (©) Block mountains GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE orzasoioniest fue tem 27 refers to the following diagram of a cros-secton ofthe earth's crust Retrieved on 6 December 2017 rom Source: ftp: tgeolegy sdsu eduthow volcanoes, workffeatne 27. ‘Te section which starts at 2800 km ftom the sure is called the (A) core (8) sme (©) cra {D) —manile GOON TO PHE NEXT PAGE, ‘1225010MY/CSEC 2019 ss ‘ems 28-29 refer othe following table which gives population information on sore Caribbean ‘countries. ‘oun ‘area. cana Density Country (Gn.sq. mites) ieee (per sq.m) Tamnaica 4400) 2771 026 630 Barbados 166 278580 = ‘Tinidad and Tobago 1864 1144249) ou Guyana 83 000 722.000 8 28 Barbados has © population density of 29. approximately @ 10 ®) 166 () 1678 @) 7788 ‘A comparison of the population densities ‘of the our countries shows tat wo @ © o Guyana bas a higher density than Tamaiea ‘Barbados has & lower density than Jamaica [Barbados has higher density than ‘Guyana Goysna hasapproximstelytheseme ‘deity #9 Trini sa Tobago SSF 30. Asoneclimbsa mountsin,thesortounding 32 Aempersture (A) decreases (B) increases ©) Aetates (D) remains constant 31, How docs vegetation contribute to the development of sils? 33. (A) increases the depth of sot (B) _Iedeconpases to form hums. (©) Heprovides the parent material, (D) _Itéocomposesto produce inorganic matter o1225mi0My/CSEC 2019 ‘The slow downhill movement of debris and sol under the influence of gravity may [BEST be deseribed as (A) landslide (B) soil ereep| (© sailerosion ‘mass wasting ‘What processes cause the formation of an jgneous rock? (A) Magniaandtava econ form crystals (B) Sediments ace compacted and cemented. (©) Rocks are hardened due 10 hile temperatures {D) Rocks are changed de to intense ‘et and pressure 60 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -B- 34, With what type of plate margins are volcanoes inthe Caribbean associated? (A) Divergent B)—Tensform (©) Convergent (©) Constructive Hom 35 refers to the following profile of iver, 00m, ana 38. Which of the following processes is dominant inthe fist stage? (®) Erosion (B) —Deftaion (©) Deposition @D) Transportation Nem 36 refers to the following contour map ofan area. 36. Thetype of slope shown in the landform may be deseribad ax (8) gentle B) convex (©) uniform (D) concave otz2s01mMicsEC 2019 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 3. 8 x. ou. "Which ofthe following features exerts the GREATEST influence on tourism inthe Ceribbean? (a) Climate @ Camval (©) Coralreet (D) Tepical & stage of total population employed ‘eoms 38-40 refer tothe following graph which shows the pere in agrcuture in 1991 ond 2017 in Some Certsan tet rercetage of population emplyed in agree Tinided and Tobago ] i Paerto Rico Jmaten Bartador | \ heBsianas | oe we we Sw came Which ofthe following countries ad the 40. In which of the folowing counties did LARGEST perezatage ofpeopleemployed employment in agriculture experience the in agetalt prestest decline? (a) Ha (A) ait, Tho Bahamas, Puctio Riso (8) Jamsice (B)_Darbadoe, Maiti, The Bahernes (©) Barbados (©) Dominican Republic, Jamaica, (D) Puerto Rico Flat (©) Dominican Republic, Cubs, “Trinidad and Totago fn 2017, the country with the LOWEST percentage of people employed in agricul (A) Jamaica (B) Barbados (©) Puetio Rico (D) The Babamas G0 ON TO THENEXT PAGE o122s010MNCSEC 2019 4 Whi ich of the fotlowing features is an example of intrusive volesnicity? “ @) © ©) sil Crater Caldesa Tava platen Hem 42 refers othe following diagram of a cousial are. 42. Whichofthe following processes is MOST Ike tovesultin the forzation ofthe feature Wheled X? 1 , a w @ © o) 43, Whichofthe following responsi Longshore drift Wave erosion ‘Wave deposition and I only and HT only Wand [2 only 1 and IT tors is MAINLY for high temperatges in the Caribbean? « @ © © Altitude Latwude Reinga Humidiy OMINCSEC 2019 “4 45, 46 ems 44-45 referto the following diazam ‘of mountain wih wibuuries lending 2 river that Hows into the ce8, What do the doted fines in the diagram (A) Aplatess (B)Thohilltop (©) The watershed (D) The dminnge basin ‘Which ofthe following terms deseribeshe drainage patern ofthe anee? (a) Tots @) Radiat (©) Pacaltet (©) Dendritic Which ofthe following sources of energy is LEAST likely harm the environment? oi B) Solar (©) Nuclear (D) New gas GOON 10 THF NEXT PAGE a, 48 eo 50 -16- Which of the following is an effest of 1 preservingmangrove wetlandsonthecoust? (A) Base in balling ports (B) Smoothness of the coastline (©) tnereasod erosion ofthe coastline (D) Reduced erosion of the coastline “The process by which beach material is moved along the coast by wave action is called 2 (a) solution (5) refiaetion (©) ougshore avift (D) hydraulic action ‘Which ofthe following resources is MOST important when considering the location of primary inductees? 8. (a) Power () Labour (C) Transportation @) Rewmaterats Which of the following is a MAJOR problem of urban aress in Caribbean territories? (A) Shortage of labour (B) Poor shopping facilves (©) Absence of paved roads (D) Poor housing conditions 122s010/MVICSEC 2039 Which of the following situations contributes MOST to the pollution of the environmentofeapitalcitesin CARICOM? (8) Discharge ofchemicalsintothe sea (B) Discharge offish wasteinothe sea (©) Exhaust fumes Gommtor vehicles (BD) Accutmulation of garbsge from factories Harmat gases, liquids and soids which affect the earth and its inhabitants are examples of (A) poolluants B) Sediments (©) solid waste (D) contaminants Which of the following statements about soil is generally rue? (A) The dept increases as moisture Contant increases (B)—Thetentlity inereasesesthebunmus (©) Theseiity increases asthe buns ‘ontent decreases (D) Theacidityinewase: tcantent decreases. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE hem $4 refers tthe following sketch map of coastal area, x, oS” ~ ‘Ale ow ak ale ae ale ale ac sk oe os Ker | ale samp a 54. Which of the following areas on the map would early settlers MOST likely have chosen to bid town? ww @ x © ¥ © Z 55. Which ofthe following fenture indicates an UNHEALTHY coral reef? “ @) © @ Brightly coloured coral Large number of parot fish Large variety of species of coral Exteosivearea ofbright whitecoral 56, Which ofthe following conditions is NOT likely to esull om the seting up of sec- ondary (manufacturing) industries in the Caribbean? (A) Increased export (B) Reduced cost of living (©) Inereasedetnplovmentopportniies (D) _Redeced importation of consumer ‘goods (01225010MU/CSEC 2019 57 ss Which ofthe following practices may tip to reduce problems of pollution created by household waste? (A) Depositing inthe sea (8) Piling up im secluded spois (C) Dumping afong water courses (D) Burying and covering with so “The bate industry inthe Caribbean has ‘declined MAINLY because (A) the cost of production has became extremely igh (8) the quality ofthe region's bauxite thas became substandard (©) thereisashortage of skilled abour to work ia the industry (D) the domand for banxito hus fallen ‘on the inteaational market GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0 -18- Which ofthe folowing conditions is NOT 60. aptoblem aifecingindustiial development inthe Ca “ @) oO ®) bean’? Size of market Size of labour force Availabilty of capital ‘Quantity ofr materials END OF TEST Which of the following ations can help to rede the emission of greenhouse gases? 1 1 1 wo @) © © Increased use of chlovatuoroose- bons (CFCS) Increased use of solar power Reduction nthe use of fossil fuels and Uoaly {ond Ut enly Hand HL only Llfend I IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST oiz2so1onwicsec 2019

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