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FORM TP 2018056 | Test cone 01251010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATES: EXAMINATION ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND MANAGEMENT Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency J howe 30 minutes 1 JUNE 2018 (um) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This test consists of 60 jtems, You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them, 2. Imadditiow to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet 3. Each item in this teat has four suggested answers letcred (A) (B),(C), (D}, Read cach item’ ‘youare about to answer and decide which choice is best, 4. On youranswer sheet, find the number which cotresponds to your item and shade the space hhaving the same letter us the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below Sample fem ‘The MOS' approprinte salutation fora business Teter is Sample Answer (A) Hi lemes (B) Dear Mist @O0 (©) My Dear Solomon (D) To All Staff Members “The best answer to this item is “Deae Mus Ali, so (B) has been shaded. 3, If you want to change your answer, erase it completely hefore you fill in your new choiee 6. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as vou can, If ‘you cannot answer an iter, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO, 4 ‘opytight © 2017 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. | 01281010 2018 tems 1-3 Some of the following sentences cousin exrors of punctuation or capitalization. Some of them are correct. Select the letter (A), (B) or (C) to identify the error. Select (D) if there is no error. 1. “Lam going to live with my fether in Jamaica: Kasia whispered, “and | won't come back “™ a) hors." NO ERROR m 2, The final siop on the itinerary is poxt of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. NO ERROR @ — B © o 3. The Principal of Queen's College explained, “If you study hard you'll pass your exams. “wy @ o NO ERROR @) 10 refer yo the following incomplete sentences, Choos the word to BEST complete RACH sentence. 4. The principal ....... the students to walk with their own water. (A) advive (B) advise (©) advised @) advices 5. Last week, Samud and I ssessees Our birthdays with 2 visit to the museum, (A) celebrate (B) celebrated (C) celebrates (D) celebrating 6. After the concert, the students could not remember ............e.++ the schoo! bus was parked. (A) ware (B) wear (C)— whare (D) where GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE G1251010F 2018 10, ah 2 23s She stayed at home .. 1 she was feeling unwell (Ay and (B) whereas KC) because (D) even though Since the students ..... ‘themselves, they were rewarded. (A) behave B) behaves (©) behaved D) behaving “The restaurant Mexican food. (A) sell ® sells (C) cell P) cells “At recess the childten ... in the school yard until the bell rang, (play (8) played © plays ©) playing Which of the following words is represented by the abbreviation ‘pl’ in a manuscript? fA) Place B) Please (C) Plead (D) Plant Which of the following words is represented by the abbreviation ‘para’ in a manscript? (A) Paralegal (B) Paragraph (C) Paradigm (@)— Paraphrase GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE O12SLO1OF 2018, bei] 13 A visual display unit is BEST categorized as (A) input ®B) output (C) backup D) stomge 14, Which of the following devices are a tsackball and mouse examples of? (A) Drawing (B) Pointing (©) Inserting (D) Scanning 15, Which of the following is the MOST suitable device for the ouiput of an architectural drawing? fA) Plotter (B) Light pen (©) Laser printer (D) Graphics tablet VG Which of the following is NOT an extemal storage media? (A) Hard disk (B) Flash drive (©) Compact dise (D) Cloud storage Wher the computer is working on given Instructions this Function is referred to (Ay inpat (B) —owtput (©) storing (D) processing 12510104" 2018, 18, 19. 20. oe Which of the following storage media normally requires a USB connector? (A) Flash drive (B) Cloud drive (©) Compact disk (D) Memory card ‘Which of the following software is used to boot a computer? (A) Usiliyy (B) System (©) Firmware (D) Application Mary is producing an electronic presentation for the CEO who will be travelling shortly end wishes to take the ‘presentation with him, What is the MOST appropriate media for Mary to store the presentation on? (A) Compact disk {B) Floppy disk (C) Hard drive D) Flash drive Not overloading electrical ° outlets, ‘would be considered (A) ahealth pretice (B)—_asafety practice (©) energonomie factor (D} a general care of handiwane G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -5- 22, The MATN purpose for adopting correct posture while sitting atthe computer is to prevent (A) inaccurate ideas . @) computer vision syndrome (©) pain and injury to the spine : (D) errors or typos in documents ‘ems 23.24 refer to the following screenshot, 2 Tremgauealratars tach pilpblac. j (Sis sapere rae Cue so pene sigue *]—Siloonh id atoge peepee ins os propre {Koso 0 Oporew seni sul a om soc preterm Secinmodure’ cum, Quo qn vives " : Farum il Setacet Aun bot i : : ‘yokes oo mis par gern, Debs consae epee : Be tu swans et ia noc conse i used an Sle ea fees ase eis i : ‘sr, ebis teporbasan ae robo ee elite q ‘eel equ an oe Min ers run pees. : Ee pest met th ne sar oven, ha aia inc 23. The vertival line at the end of paragraph 1 indicates (A) the last character that was typed (B) the end of the first paragraph typed. ; (C) the paragraph that has becn selected, (D) where tho noxt charactor 10 be typed will 20 24, Which paragraph alignment tras been applied? i A) Left @®) Right © Centre (B) _ Sustified GO ONTO TITE NEXT PAGE 01251010 2018 25. The correct formula to subtract the value 29. in.cell Git from the value in cell C2 is -@2-G1 @®) =Gi-c2 (©) -SUB(GIC2) (D) =DIFFGI:C2) Which of the following data iypes is MOST appropriate for storing the price of an item? A) Text B) Number (C) Currency (D) —_AutoNumber 27. Which of the following is the: MOST officient input device that can be used ro capture data clectronically? 3. (A) Barcode reader (B) Trackball (C) Keyboard (}. Mouse 28. Which of the following features-is used to create a presentation with a consistent ‘appearance on all slides? (A) Animation 32. (B) Slide master (©) Design template (D) Auto correct wizard O125101OVF 2018 Which of the tollowing tasks dows @ spreadsheet allow users to-do? 1. Sorvend extract data from a list U, Store numeric data TH, Peeform automatic eslewlations (A) only (B) Cand iLonly (©) Wand only @) Liang Which of the following groups contains editing techniques? (A) Copy, eut, paste, move (B) Copy. cat, hide. colour (©) Underline, colour, inser, find (D) Underline, shade, search, omit Which of the following-fields would b= the BEST choice for the key field of a student's performance record system in school? (A) Sumame (B) Date of birth (©) Telephone mumber (BD) Admission number The minutes of x meeting (A) give notice of a upcoming miveting: (B) list the decisions taken at the ‘mooting (©) list items to be discussed at the meeting (D) summarize what has taken place at the meeting GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE oA 33. The document. stating what is to be 38... Telecommuting cau be BEST described as accomplished during a meeting is the (A) using telephones to maricet tA) agenda products (B) —mimutes (B) travelling between home and (©) schedule ‘he traditional office (PD) memorsadum (© establishing a: communication Tink between companies (®) working trom a remote location 34. Activities incinding uploading or outside ofa traditional office dovwoloading data to or fiom 2 remote computer are done using 39. An clectronie mail (e-mail) was sent (A) blogging ‘with the addresses of Joe and Paula in (B) inter relay chat the CC field and Matia in the BCC field, (©) instant messaging ‘The individual receiving the e-mail (D) file transfer protocol knows that it was sent to (A) Joe, Paula and Maria 35, The abbreviation WWW represents (B) Joe bat mot Paula and Maria (©) Joe and Paula but not Maria (A) Word Wild web i (D) Maria but not foe and Paula (B) Word Wide Web (©) World Wita Wen @D) World Wide Web 40, Which of the folowing, are advantages of using electronic mail (e-mail) instead of postal mail? 36, Which of the fallowing programs allows the userto access the Internet? 1 Speed of delivery I. Access from any focation (A) Index HL Receipt of bulk mail ®) Protocol ©) Web browser (Land Itonly (D) Search engine ®) Land I only (C) Wend Mt only @) 1ianem 37, Electronic mail may be transmitted using (A) printer {B) telephone ©) computer (D) fax machine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1251010 2018 41. Which of the following is NOT a 46, current and common form of electronic communication? L. Social media 1. Emait TH. Pager (A) only (B) Land ILonly (©) Uhonly a (D) only 42, Document management isan administrative role that involves which of the following items? (A) Saving and deleting, (B) Creating and storing (©) Referencing and mailing (D) Inserting and reviewing 48. 43. A dosument that is used for the initial recording of data relating to business transactions is called (A) source document (B) template document (C) turnaround document (D) _ wchine-readable document 8. 44, Which of the following is used to protect the integrity of files? (A) Passwords (8) Firewalls {©) Destruction dates 50. (D)—_ Ovenvsite protection 45. The extension with which a letter would MOST likely be saved is ip 8) pee «ce docx, D> at 0} 251010/F 2088, ‘The BEST mechanism to. secure files against corruption and. uncoctrotled access is fA) a virus (B) a password. (©) cneryption (D) restricted access Which of the following would BEST ‘guard computers against viruses? (A) Installing ansi-virus programs (B)— Iastalling computer security devices (© Servicing the computer devices regularly (D} Biting an expert to search for ‘viruses om the system Which of the following can be considered a file retention method? (A) Archive (B) Version contsot (©) Version number {D} Backup systems Which of the following is an example of ‘a tumaround document? (A) Letters {B) Cheques (©) Utility bills (D) Survey forms Which of the followin is lovated at the LOWEST level of the file structare in ‘an electronic filing system? A Fite (B) Drive (C) Folder (D) — Sub-folder GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “oe 1. ‘The in-text citution for the APAstyle is? $8, Which of she following lists is placed at the end oF @ research paper and includes information on the titles of sources and (A) dyttle 75) a OD their authors, and publication data? (©) Gytte 2015) @D) (tle 2000 75) aiaeas @) Quoiatian (©) Summary 52. Which ofthe following isan example ofa ioe a erary work? a 56. What log principle is heingviolatd ifa (© Movie aon genuine copy of Microsoft Office i (D)Paioting installed on w computer? (A) Moral See aioe aera Rint i - (©) Plagiarism illegal under the Copyright Act Dh coeat (A) Asking the owner permission to use one of his photographs in a book you are writing 57. Toprevent plagiarism sesearchers should (B) _Citinga quotation inan assignment {C} Purchasing an original movie and 1. obtain epproval for using another tanking copy fora fend person's we (D) Preparing @ bibliography of 1. copy arid paste-information from books that you used in an “ie Kemet assignment 1H, ote the workin a bibliography ) Tonly 54, A student was given a numberof tasks to (@B) Land Tony complete, Hishner ability to complete the (©) Landi only tasks efficiently is MOST dependent on (D) Wand lt onty (A) the frequency of interruptions wii doing ets 58, Tatellectual property is BEST defined as (8) enjoying te tasks i be done the (©) timemagementtechnigues wed (D) the proofreading that must be (A) protection of the rights.ofs person, done who produces a new invention (B) rights of a person to own his ‘creative work (©) se of another person's work without acknowledging the source (D) rights of a person to express how he/she feels in documentation GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE O1251010/F 2018 - 10- Whichofthe followingareNOTprowected 60, by copyright? «a B © ©) Films Books Inyeations Broadcasts END OF TEST Which ofthe following symbols indicates that @ Tkerary work is proteoted by copyright? wa) ® oA © © IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. OL2S1O10/F 2018

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