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Ni Test cope 01229010 FORM TP 2019015] Bagi : JANUARY 2019 cya CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Paper 01 — General Proficiency I hour 30 miniaes 18 JANUARY 2019 (am. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 0 items. You will have 1 hour nd 30 minutes to answer them. 2. Inadition o this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet 3. Fach item inthis test has four suggested answers ktlered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you fre about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. Onyouranswer sheet find the number which corresponds fo your item and shade the space having the same ltter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below. sample. Which of the following pairs represents general purpose software tools? Sample Answer (A) Skint dasha ste € (B) Word processor and accounting software e800 eer stom ed de ction SG eenrpeecRi al spenthe see “The best answer to this item is “spreadsheet and database software", so (A) has been shaded 5. Ifyou wantto change your anewer, erase it completely before you Ail in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as youcan. Ifyou ccennot answer an fmm, go on tothe next one, You may retuim to thet item later. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council Allights reserved. 1. Which of the following sequences shows aninerease in computer memory eapacty? (A) Terabyte» Gigabyte—> Megabyte (@), Gigabyte Kilobyte— Megabyte (©) Megabyte Terabyte (D) Megabyte Gigabyte» Terabyte 2, Which of the folowing operations displays results? (A) Input B)- Output (©) Storage (©) Processing 3. Which of the fallong statements rue about the arithmetic nd lope unit(ALU)? (A) Stores data permanently * + (B)___Peeformsmathemetical calculation (©) Ie also ealled memory or mai memory (©) Cequerially aeossses ond dooodes Program instructions 4. Which of te following types of drives has the SLOWEST tranefer rts? “ @ © o lash Hard disk. DvD disk Ploppy disk 5. Whichofthe following isan example ofthe type of datathatvisually reeordsrnectings? “ ® © o Tex Video Audio Graphics 012250105 ANUARY 2019 tem 6 refers to the following diagram Whioh shows the basie operations of _zeneral-purpose computer system. oe fees o. ‘Whichof the Following funetions is earried cout inbox 2? (A) Inpur (B) Output (©) Stomge (©) Processing Which part of the central processing unit (CPU) cooninates is setvities? (A) Kegister ©) Control unit © Main memory (D) Arithmetic end logie unit Which ofthe following is «hardware user interrace? our @) leon ©) Sensor (O) Touchscreen Which ofthe followingchips ean be erased and reprogrammed repeatedly? RAM @ ROM © PROM ©) EPROM GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 10. a. n 13. 3° Which of the following devicescanbe used for bath input and output? (A) Touchssreen (B) Barcode reader {G) Flatbed scanner () Document reader ‘Telecommuting means using information and communiestion technology sthome 0 (A) hold conferences (B) sell and buy products (©) send and receive e-mails (D) work away from the office What is the funetion of « network of computers? (A) Organizes data among computers {@)_Receives data from one computer (©)__Bnables two or more computers to (D) Allows users to obtain data from & central computer “The activity which involves conducting a meeting electronically with participants in ‘ifferent geographical locations is called teleworking (@) telemarketing (©) teleprocessing (D) teleconferencing 01229010/7ANUARY 2019 4 1s. 16 em 14 refers to the following diagram. ve ‘Open Print ait EE Sendo > Cat ‘Copy ‘The diagram above represents (A) datton ®) window (©) pop-up menu (©) pulldown menu “Theillegal copying andsellingofprograms is refered to as (A) propaga (B) software piracy (©) computer feud {D) industria espionage ‘Before purchasing a computer, James was faiven a sheet wit the following hardware specifications. Tol Pentiom IV 64 bi 3.6GHz 21GB 533 Miz SDRAM 160GB SATA HD 7200 ya. “The wou sizeof the computer is “ww 268 B) 64 bie (©) 7200 rpm (D) 533 MHz G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 17 18. 49, 20. 24, The pact of a private network which uses Internet technology and public telecommunications and ean be aceossed by business suppliers, vendors, customers and parinersis called an (A) intranet @B) —Intemet (©) extranet (©) ethemet Which device is essential for computer controlled systems to function with precision fn an assembly line? (A) Sensor ®) Camera (©) Spoaker (D) Microphone What is the decimal equivalent for the wo @ 4 © 5 © 8 ‘A socket which is provided ina computer tw allow for additional components is known 2 A) afro wire ®) system bus (©) anexparsion slot (©) anexpansion esrd ‘Which ofthe following isthe hexadecimal representation ofthedecimalnumber300,,? @ are @) FF © 1c2 ©) La 01229010/7ANUARY 2019 2. 23, Pa 2s, 26, Which of the followingtypesot hardware Js MOST suitable for printing building: plans? (a) Plotter (B) Laser printer (©) Dot-matex printer (D) Thermal transfer printer Whichof the followingtypesof technology iseommonly used by banks to read data on cheques? Pos @) ocr © OMR ©) MICR CAD is MAINLY used by “ @ © ©) Records on magnetic tape are stored (A) indexed sequentially (@) sequentially (©) randomly ) directly Which of the following devices uses a duplex communication mode? (A) Baby monitor B)—Walkicralkie (©) Telephone (©) Ratio GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2. 28, 28, asi lem 27 refers to the following (pes of memory L ROM RAM. MI EPROM Which of the above types of memory are non-volatile? @) Tend only @) Land ll only (© Mand i only ©) hitandu Which of the following transmission media uses fbee-optios? A) Cable @ wi 3 (©) Satellite “@) —_Blustooth To got to record number 50 from the Begining of © tape of 100 roses, you would have to (A) convert isk (B) _godirectiy 9 record 50 (©) firstread records | through 49 (D) _fastforward orecard 100 and then read backward Which of the following types of connection provides the SLOWEST Tnteret access? w @ © (D) Digital subseriter line (DSL) (0122901 0/ANUARY 2019 34 22. 33, 34, What wil be displayed when the following algorithm is executed? yrs x=y y = 10 za x= xty y= xe z= xtytz Aisplay x.y. (A) 5,10,3 ®) 15,123 © 1512320 © 15,1230 ‘The MOST appropriate data ype for storing the amount of interest eared on a sum of money is Areal 8) char ©) sing ©) integer Which Paseal format is used to declare an amray? (A) Lee Macks = [8] (B) Army = Marks); (©) VarMarks: Array (©) Dim Marks (8) as 8] oF fateger; ve John fnas written a program to secept student {es Some students arcexemptdftompaying fees while other students pay fees fiom $1 to $50. Which ofthe following velues may be “used to test the program? a 10 2 (A) Lonly. ®) Land only (©) Wand il only ©) Mand GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35. What docs the symbol > represent in information technology? (A) Starvsiop (B) Decision O) Process ©) Input 36. _ A programmer writes the following pseudo- ‘oe tet will accept THREE numbers from ‘the user and find and display their average. Step 1: Start ‘Step 2: read ny tM, Step 3: ‘Step 4: write average ‘Step 5:stop Which ofthe following statements should bbe placed in Step 37 . (A) Setaverage —(n, *m, 0) (B) —Setaverage (0, #1, +) (© Setaverage (n,n, t,¥3 (D) — Setaverage + (@, Fn, + yz 2000 1229010ANUARY 2019 3 Which of the following is considered component ofa user manual? w @ {)_ Installation steps {D) Program flowchart GO.ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 010 38, 39, 40: @) Write (Enter the name af country tems 38-39 refer to the following fragment of Pascal code. Fore =2T0 15 BO Begin Write (“Enter the name of county: ” Read (Country) nd; ow many times will the program above te executed? a 2 @ 14 © 6 © 16 Which fragment of code would be the CORRECT option to output the prompt and enter he name’of ‘the country on two lines? (A) Read (Enter the name of 8 counsy: "); Write Country Read Country (©) Readn “Enter the name of a country: ”) Readln (Country); (D) Wateln (Enter the name ofa country: Reedin(Country): Assigning *P* to GRADE means that 41. Which of the following statements ist GRADE should be declared as declaration of an integer data type ina a Psat pean? ad (A) VaR meget ® @ “D) VAR number; /!imteger GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0122801 JANUARY 2019 000 38 39, 40 Items 38-39 refer tothe following fragment of Pascal code. For =270 1s DO Begin Write (ater the name ofa county: "5 Read (Country) End ‘How many times will the program above be executed? “2 ® 14 © 1 oO 6 Which fragment of code would be the CORRECT option to output the prompt and enter the name’ of the country on two lines? (A) Read (“Enter the name of a country: *); Waite Country (B) Write (Enter the name of s country: ") Read Countey (©) Readin (“Entor the name of @ country: *) Readin (Countey); (D) —Writeln (Enter the name ofa country: "); Readin(Countsy); eee ee suelenlar do oes ary nse setae acini gear Assigning “P* to GRADE means that 41. Which ofthe following statements is the GRADE should be declared as declaration of an integer data type in @ Pate! progam? (A) real ee ® car (A) VAR integer umber (© sting @) VaRineger= number, ©) integer (© VaR ounber tegen “@) VAR numbe integer GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 01229010/ANUARY 2019 2, 4. 4 4s, 46, Which ofthe following numbers is oftype “ @) © ©) 37 laa7s Is 315 ‘The decision box of « program flowchart shows the (A) tink to another page (B) test tobe carried out (©) calculations to be done (©) inputand output operators Into which ofthe following generations is machine language categorized?” w Oy © o iret ‘Second Third Fourth Program testing can be desorbed as 1 u, i hocking that all documentation is Included in the program executing the program manually with input valvestoscethe results ‘running the progeam using sample ata to identify errors in the program, and I only and lil only Wand It only 1 Mand it Extracting information fom a database coin be achieved through the use of w @ © @) files objects ‘queries reports 0122901 0UANUARY 2019 a, 48. 49, ‘A single row of data in database is called (A) record ©) table © field ©) file What isthe comestorder ofthe steps uses | tochange the fontaftertonastiée? | 1. Select the text. | Il Selectthestideyouwant tocbange IM, Select the font you want ta use TV. Ontheformattingtoolbarcliseth arrow next tothe font box. Sit sere Boning =| i _| = = 3 | Rusa deisea | Coes (A) =suMCR2:B5) (B) ~SUM(E2.B6) (©) =ADD(e2.B5) (PD) =COUNTEI:Rg) G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a 50. _ Which of the following is used for ‘executing HTML code? A parser ‘A.brovirer ‘An assembler ‘An interpreter Mem 51 refers to the fllowing graphic. “Gic to atite | 51. At which stage of presentation will the Above side appear asthe defaule? Second Fourth Last 52. Aside show can be immediately stopped by w © © o) [eR clicking ght clicking pressing the FS key pressing the Ese key 53. Whattype of coll addressing must be used to keep the eell address in # formula the same when itis copied to another eel? (A) Fixed ®) Direct (Q Relative (D) Absolute 01229010ANUARY 2019 54 ss 56, Which oft folowing fetus allows the ert insrcindv ial ames ina prima document? ine (A) Footer @) Header (©) Mail merge (D) Search and replace Which of the following PowerPoint presentation feons represents the slide sorter? wo & ® 88 In order to perform a block operation ina Word processing aplication, the equied text must first be. mi cut ©) copied (©) aligned (D) selected GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31 “Which of the following is nomnally use: Which of the following types of software 59 vould be the MOST appropriate for for website-to-websiteconneetions? | Rowing information intables and reports? (A) Modem (A) Database {) Monitor | {B)Spreadshest ©) Hypertext | (© Presentation () Hyperlink | {D) Word processing | 60. Which of the following activities 1 Anwhat form is data stored ina database? LEAST likely to require a PowerPoin presentation? A) Table 6G) Chae (A) Data collection © Swing (®) Public spesking {D) Numeric (©) Lecture delivery (5) Sales or marketing ides presectation END OPTEST JF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHE! JCK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (0122801 JANUARY 20 '@00@ e00 20600 10008 10800 +90e0 70000 +0008 50008 ©o9 10080 20080 1@008 "©06@ 59@00 "@@00 10080 "@000 »@0e0 20000 1@000 20 20000 e00 50000 2008 70080 200 20000 »@000 le THERE ARE ORE THAN #0 QUESTIONS TURN OVER AND CONTINUE ON 7 GENERAL SHSSSIISST [SSCOTSOS: 10000 2@000 2O0@O 10006 sOe00 «0000 y@0e® 4OeO0 u900e #2800 [SSSTSTISSS |SOSSTTOOSS "ANSWER SHEET BETWEEN THE IDLE 7 PPRGES OF THE QUESTION PAPER BOOKLET THEN SEAL THE TOP, BOTIOM AKD FORE EDGE (OF THE BOOKLET USING THE THREE SEALS PROVIDED, EEX wank your answers aeLow [SSSTSTOTOT Cartacan exanioNs coUNE 10000 2000 2@e00 «@000 «0000 «0060 7@000 40000 »@000 =@e00 pon 1@000 20@00 =@00e #0000 s0e@00 «0008 y@Ooo #0000 »@00e@ #@000

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