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' i

- 2 -

(D) Fetches\ exe.t:utes.andldecbdesr /: "" ~ '" "- ~ .,

Item 2 ,i:efey_s_tp;tJifl:JP1kl~Ji'ilJt11~!_!'_~~-?'..'.:'.~~Whichof'thefoIIo;vingis easy to remember

. -,- · - --- ---- --- -- ,.-,on #-Ye H-l'J f'. -and makes Graphical User Interfaces user-
') 1; 1l'h l /0 ~ II .frirp.qly?,

Rii':U ~_._:.c:'·:·~--- -~A):::.--Tcon

~ -- - ---- - (B) Menu
::.o;'l~:-.c c'o'! (C) Mouse
. ,. ~ ' \ '
': ~
.q). ···•·-····-··
)l_._._~· -:-_·--~-
··---. c.'""""''·,,.__,~,"~·--=··~---

2. P!e ab.<:>\'.e d!a~~~<:P.res~I!ts a data capt11re .: 8 · An extranet is a network that is

" .,_.,, called , . , . . , . . . , , ._- ... ·---. -. , ••
.--- -- ... ----'"!""-. ·""" ." ' .. ,.' - .• ", •' ..' •
.......... ~'!'-:::-;-·-:-··------
(A) private
(A) MICR ,, ,, , . (B) public
(B} OCR '"' """ ·. '' ·: " " (C) private with selected access from
(C) >eMR / ,, ,, , , " J?J:1blic network users
===@~)=~f.!i~lil=-:=====-=='"""==,-------'C..,D'"')__p"'u':'.b'.;'.:li":c::-w~ith selected access from
--- . ? ·-;-:~li__ ,, .,_ .-. privatenetworkusers
d '' . ·.. ,,.
3. Which of the following is MOST suitable
- • ·•-.~ -~$1.tittg-'!ll~litfif~m"~!Je,e.ts:('~f,: · ,:\ '.' '',' , , · .-!: 19: · ''•Which,of.the following is an advantage of
I ',.
· · debit cards?
(A) lnk·Jet
.. _.(Ji) _____ Dot-matrix_____ :.....
(A) The card can be stolen.
.(C) · Laser
(D) Plotter
'''II ,,]_·,,.• ~). The ow1wr can carry less cash.
(C) The owner can spend more money.
'" , , . (D) , The magnetic strip can be damaged.
· Th~ decim.JJeqy!v~llQ?.:t.(qrthe binary ao<to<ili- ;,1;:. ·~ ~:I.:,

. I
________ deoimaLnumbe»·OO.iil
____________ 0'1:0.J is
,, ·
·'"'" ·' ....... ".,_:,.
,,_' ·• lllrwr
....... ,•.. , ..,.,.,io.,...., -·-How can•repetitive strain injury be avoided
' (A) 10 ·when·using a computer?
(B) 31
@D; ;; (A)
Use a foot rest.
Use an ergonomic keyboard.
(C) _ Ensw;e that there Is no screenflicl<er.
5. The four-bit binary representation of the (D) Use an anti-glare screen.
deci_i;pal.».1.1.mb;LS Js, .......... .
Hl.•1#'·1J•:•,~ '",1;· t•t.' ·!?!~ -~~~··•t1•1 :'• 'r•1t)y·~t.i :'ltt.t"i'." "~::~! .i:..:r;!1 :~:"1: \'; ;;1'

' '·':"CA)''' 1000· , ... I " ;,

(B) oioo
(C.)-.. -Oo+O- . - ··-· ...... ·- . . .. ---- ·-----...... .
,.,.,,, ......(D)
, -~·-· ,, - -..
.~· trOQ(N1 ' ..
... .... '
......... .
Ht ' ; •, - ,., ...~ ......... ~.,......
............ .......... -·,•· .. ,,. ..'"t"'"·""
,.•, •' .
' '
' .

- 3 -

11.··- ,·.Awe<;lge,st\ape<;l,s,l;ce,gµ.a,disl>•i.&iwfet):eP. 16... Which type. of cable is used for telephone

to as a cables?
----------- ----·- ····-------
(A) b.u; . (A) Aluminium-alloy
{B1 · ·G)llinder;. ·' .. , , , (B) Coaxial
---~eJ;-- ,s~.WU:"' -_ 1.;:FP:r•.;¥,-r. ! ' ; ' eC1 Fibct•optic
· {l,f}_ -~<Tkr ..--...;c;--•"'' - · (D} Twisted-pair

'Mllich11).fcfue rfall,%Vi!lg; unit~. ~erfonns 17. When a file is removed completely from a
mathemati11aJ,;c~1rni11i<i>Ws? disk, the data is

--(A):----G9ntwl-_-.--~-~-·-- ··:::: .• (.Ah .,,dc:lc:ted from· the disk

"'"" '.(~)••...f.i:;\c;p: ,,,,;;,., _,,,;·;,, .• •. :' .: (:i;l) read from the disk
,o) · . Aifiliiiie#.J;:~a.~!iiP..-~,.,,.,. · ~G).. sa.-..ed..tu..the...clisk
. - ..... ··----(0} . Central processing --~--(DJ ' ' snared onlhe disk
·----~~- ..• ·-···· ... ~ • .;.\ •. : •. ,.. ' i-1 l
.,...,,,.,.,,..• -'"--"~,..,_.:w..u.=="'"'"--'-'-=~-----"'-.-..·--__,-~--f1"fi~f_'t-···---rT.f~-
13. Which of .the. follPl!!ii;i;g;,acticu;lsi.niust .he .18..... A:.type ofutility program used to reduce
"' taken to get-to-recou~Jil!JJmbet,5,.0. of I 00
records on a fi.oppy.disk?' ,
(A) a file compression program
(A} · Convei:t;tq,ta,pe. · ... · · ,. cB) a troubleshooting program
il (B)
an anti-virus program
rururr-instaU-program· -·
(C) Fjrstread.r~w-i;l~,1 thrpµgh 49.
(D) Uo dire9f1y.~q.r~i.:11rd 50••
1-9. Which of the following CANNOT be used
! '
to represent positive and negative numbers?
14. Which of \he following,.is NO']; true of
s.ei:oo~torage..m~a7__ - _(A) .Binary coded decimal
~ . i1" : , i' >'. t,,i : '' '1 . - i. I\;,_/..,' , ., -. (B) Hexadecimal conversion
(A) PictQ,r!)s1 im9,tq?lt'\tl\IP~@l!!\Qrecj .. (C) Sign and magnitude
(Jil) St0r~ge,aa.~~oity,.js,cypipaJlo/ iir;;i,µnd .(D) 1'w9 's complement
••·-~·: . .14'~.~~H~~,..i,_... 1.~· . ,.,
(C) ~fllrµi11tton;,9!lf:ll\l!f!llP11~aapd more
_____ _ ;,gyi9.l<l>1·W.iip1$!g!1etj~"i:iis~~· _ 20. What is the corresponding decimal value
(D) , , .,,C,1U11o11tpi;e.,\~p,~unj:s:.p,f..da.ta.- ... - of.Lil (base 2)? .
. ··~ ~-·~- .. ..;...~ ........ u:i,. ·-

(A) 5
(B) 6
f•1 I ,.,' \ L : ,'l" (C) 7
(A) trapslatio~ (D) 8
(B) en~tiOA·
(.C)... ..coi:rneliiiqn • · .. .. ~ ........
(D) compilation ' "

··-·--··-···-···--r·--· ~----·------·--········"'
ii.,, ' .
I •
t-------2Lc_::__ ~~'."li11l~er ~ l 4in 8"bit tw~1~~~~~.f~~lll~llt 25!' 'Whichofthe following is an example ofa
data type check?
'i (A) 0000111Q ----- --------.
:1 •
•i - -----~}+l-)il.q.O©:I· ' ~·-'- · : ! •• Ensuring that numbers are posiuve (A)
·· (0) 11110011 :;i; '.: , in a quantity ordered field
(D) l !l100'10 :; 11 1· · • " (B) Examining whether or not a field is
· · · q 100 '... ' •• : the required type in a date field
~'i . ---------------------- . . . ------ -·--ccr·-
Reqiifriiig-iluser to enter his or her
i 22. W,hichofthe TRUEforparity? e-mail address twice
'' 'l' ') '; c;;:F~~Vt··- ·"-:"."~----- ·c:::-;;:;;·,2m:G;;-:-s-Tesfi'iig~iff oiilyTettefs are entered
·:;tr .. ~·· , .. " \'"-"I-
''1I 1\l~O/IJ:Je/llfor
•.,; ..
each "·
in a· name field
4" . ---·
'I : 26.

_ _.·:. ·- --·· -- ?·i$1j•l'l\\4Z:'·if~lei["ffi'i'~

.·. . .,
'Whichofthefollowing is detected by using

t~ -;:;-ess:~;i~:r?
I! ..... ········. ---:·.····· - ----- (B) Light
~-· ..... .,. ·23'/l'ifPi:R~Git]$f~Wrfil\tcit'C\!h~~fo~~hln.giJ1s~t~ ~ :l 1 "" (C~ • ·'Warmth
:I aboun:-patttlttml:al.'~are·prograrn; an.ct·· 1"'i ,.. ·~oy· · Weight
' -- .. """''"' .shaWi"":""'""' ""'lup· s.
--- ..._............:h.o".·;
··M;tl,\ltt~'toloonstder•a career:as •
i 1;·.,:·;·1~.·.'1':j_.;:~f!)i1_,._..1r~~.-,kL1 ~ -
27. Wireless transmission media do NOT
..(A). .. ·•.J•~Mmpnter .. :c.:,. ,,.," ·· irt~foiie·

---·-..- -· ______i(.::;:Sz.)_._.._."lllil=··'El::.:l::.e"::.:.~::.:·l;;;c::.:al_.e;;;n"'g::.:in::.:e,;:;er'-----------------·---·...
· -- {CJ an:·end;,-usefsupport specialist· '.. ''{A:) 11 1 coaxial ·
i! .• .• .. (~~I·.• ,~ ~y~tem,s! ~~gi~~7.~ '. .-1
(B)' · ''1ine-of-sight
(C) satellite

1,1 24. -·;:~:·~:'~:~-~~=~~:l~erth~t~ontalns ·(D) infrared

I I' j, :, ' ~ '

the ireb• p11g1Hfro the fictitious URL given "1,
I -b~~~·-~-'-· ·' · ... 28;· Which of the following represents the
I .:u 11.lfutotion1of a modem?
i Index.him
i , •'t \. 1' ' ~ 1L · ~ ) ·

Ana!Og and download
• ·•··-·· ............

>- ...................... ' '

lihttpu• "!" ,.,.,, · ·

.. _.,,. .. ,, '
''(B''' ···
/malog an.d digital
•ti •.!. (C)'' 'Digital and upload
-------'(1.1::B1-1-)--~d1-----':.. -····~' ' .·..· •
:. .1•.uiL ·(D}'"' ·Download and upload
((4. 'w.WW; . '"""-··-·· .~ ....... ·····--- ·~··· ... •······
(D) index;htm ' ,. .
,.,, .,, ..•. ~p 1;1i · · Ih•Whlcm of''the following file fonnatscan
' , I
'mu1io files be compressed?

(A) gif
,, .. I\ .• L • (B) jpeg
(C) mp3
(D) mpeg

"., -
... ....·~--·----·· ...............

\. ' . ' •' ', nn nN Tn TW'FI N'Fl>ll'T PAllP.

- 5 -

30:- Which of the following is Items 35-36 are based upon the following
alone computer? declarations in Pascal.

- (A) -- Orgiillise·s -data>among computers. Var Count:Integer;

(B) Allows users tmobtain data from a Price; Real;
Qj5co11nt ·jnteger_·
(C) Re_ceiveadata:fromone\liomp_Uru:·_
- -(DJ- ·-cnablestWcrormore computers to 35. The following is a fragment of code.
· communicate.
Count:= 3;
'' . Discount := O;
--3-1~--.-.'.fhe-fil'St-g@n<1rati0n-progr.a=ing4anguage----­ .™bile (Di&caunt < Count) Do
iualle.d ~-:--~~ ~ -~~~SL .:_ •_ · -·· -· .. -. --- -Begin
(.A.):'· . Assembly1 •· ·· Count := Count - I;
·-· -- -tBJ---'-B*SIC-- ------------------ - - ·End
( C) Machine
· -~=-==~(~}o-- - -Noa~p110c:.edu11aJ>;••; . , •Wrll!lt is the ·output of the above fragment
of code?
-·-· ------·- --·--------
32: Errors that result from NOTfollowingf\\les (!}) **
of the programming language are caned- ·ZBY ***
-.',-..J,... (C) ****
(A) execution errors · There will be no output, because (D)
·· .. · · ·· ··· ---,----,(B~)--ilceeggiKle-Ee!l'rrFEe~rss--,--------------...J!IJlhee.i:.rl);aaisui;an.error. _
( C) run-time 'errors
(D) syntax errors
3..6. · The following is a fragment of code.

33. An example of a nm-time error is For Discount:= 10 to 12 Do


(AJ rr (Answer~i:ii"b~1tli,c~.writc1n cYc:~-0 Write('&&')

(B} While(Answer-!2}Do.1wri\e('Yes')
(C) Rc:pc;p.t(writeC'Yes~\~.}witiil(A.nswer What i.s the output of the above frag:uient
<10) ',, ofcode? ·
(D)- - · ·Anewcr:-•aJlS>.\/cr/.(1~-1.0~
(A) &&
._ . __ :...••. ,, ---·-·'·':'~--· --·-- ..... CB) &&&
34. At which stage .of pr.osram deJ,~;19].m~t_. __ :~ __.:.: __ (._(_:)~ ' &&&&&&
should desk checking.bei!.ncludci!lll (D) -Nothing will be printed.
•#li:i#v.lf'.•l. )• I I\-~ H

(A) After the debuialns pha~~

(B) During the design ~hase' · , 37. In.Pascal, the symbol <>means
(C}·. •D\11\ingt'Ji.~·~o•ti~~hiis=ii:'. · Sf .
(p) At ev.ery .P.l\M~ ...'. •: · · ... ;. (A) than and greater than
(B} less than or greater than
.••.. ;.! . _..,..
(C). equal to
(D) not equal ta
···-··-• ... ".... --··Mlo•~, ...... _.~'~t-···--,---~-··M--M<•-...--··••• - 00
·•'::! I· ~~~·;w ! • i. I

- 6 ~

38i · · --In!Pitsftl;•whaHloes OOtJNTrepresent? 43. · The Pascal term used to see results on the
1 ·-·,·.-~--:-:- printer or computer monitot is called
-·----·-------·- ---- -(h'A.l<')'l---'---,At&.....1~as=s"'i~gm~n~e"nt--·- ·
-{B) _ ~new:··· , ('A;) · input
(C) ' . ./WleoJ.~n:;i·,,ri ''"" {D) · · ·read
(D)J' ·Mll!!J!l!h!J!!Hi•'"";'.! (Cl write

Item44is:based on the Pascal code below.

(A) ,.qt~~" 1111 :11:• .. )''' ""';:-''. _ _ .. · .:· · ." · ·Fi:111pe::= 1-10 5 Do
@r. l!elll.'! - ., .n. <hp& ·,--'-----------------------ITEM[x] := O;
(et.--·- ·~··' \t . _:::..:::;::.:::·-~: .... ·- -··-·--- "···--~.

•-~r···--~:;:~~~:?=-;:~,?~.-:-: . . ,.....c:F-;=::--.;H<~:~.:.~-~~~~~C!of••to
(A) Place x in ITEM
·lQlWTIWfi13i~e·'J!tml!U5*-!i!r~ilW!tigJoop (B) Place 0 in ITEM
lbeo.-u.ted2 •·.' ._., '\.•. (C) Place 1 to 5 in x
I' ' (0) Place the numbers 1 to 5 in ITEM
,_ ---------~'-------
... '
· fu1 rh'li!f.; :"" 0-to-"-2 ·do•;
. ·: .. --
-~---~M; ·--·----~~:~-~ . ·t--······· ---:'7""' -·~::·-;-···--··

___ .~.S.__ . Wbi.!;_hoftbefollowing sta'tements includes

- ,. loops'/

(<.:) 3 (A) Sequencing

rr:n 4 · (R) Repetition
. -~i·}l7f'ft. ;·r1•lfo&~ : ~- -:r :..'.·i.., ·.• _,ii· "I '.1 (C) Si.>l1:eliu11
. -·····--·-·····-··-~--:._-~--. '

(b) ·Ordering
..... 1.i;.~.J ...;:,,;,1 ....... , ~ ...a11;;~,,..: •••.... ,,;.., • . ,,.,.. , ,,
41. Thei'w:lction".a.compiler
• ·.•r c.· . " ' ·.;'
is to• 0onvert
-· 46;..· --, Forithe .submission of your SBA report,
(A) pr,girw.~w!~JiQ~ by line ',.,..,~. ::y~d'required-toindude your nallle and
-._._._.(.a)..;co·'l~grlijfl.:,., •11'\" ,,,._._. • •·' th~name.Ofyour school at the top of every
(C) a-progral'Acef.'lici~tly,
, ·, p~geofyourreport. Whichofthefollowina
.(01-..-the~iige4(UQ.w:Ge code ~d yowuse to achieve this?
.I·:. l'

iill!t1_Jj>~4l..•1.u.. .....L:.JiJ _-:_.·_~·~

--.. 7-:~-1ttiftt--ES=J.t~;:;e~=~;;·: ~-
~-1' ~- I
. " ..,... - ··-
:.1_J J.~·»l':_~ \ t) ....(A)_ .blook
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._
an 111
-4" • on
-,~ ',·.~~-~_i:,_,,,r
. ..........._ _ _u,(,Q.,._,.......•. ___:: ..
· ~(J·i

·.. t·. • t4.\ ·1 ', · • ~- '•·t.l • •,I : •.· ..
- 7 ,

Given (3y* 4) th¥ symbol* example · 53. Wl;iich of th~ following is NOT associated
of ... ..r,- ' ...... ,_,d, -·· .. , 1• , .•
with the filtering or extraction of records
in spreadsheet?
··· · ·- --tA)-- -multiplication
(B) power (A) . Copy to range
(C) ~µbscript ·' · " (B)' · Li&t ran2e
· (D) _ s~eerscri pt .:~' ~-=''
' ' ·
,,;,' __:(<;;/
Criteria range _
Value range

The& thatis usually displayed in ··· · · ·-·

l_______ . 49. a webbrowse.ris called'a' '· '·· ' .:: 54." Th~ functi~~ that produces the position of
· a number or item in a sorted list is
. ·--------·--·· _______. --·-···

~------'"'!O'.'""'"""°""WluclCof"ttie'·fonbW.fng· activities! is '.WO!Ii 1'',:

.. ,

involved--in-publishing•awebsiteq ·• '· ··)5 :''" ~(i'ducing information from queries and

............ -- ······ ------~--....-~~~-t-a... le,-_s~in-a""'s_p_e~cific formafihai
b... be printed can
(A) Uploading files fro~a database is called .
(B) · Uploading images
. ,·-;
(C) Ci:.e!!fil!g11w.e!Jpa,ge (A).· a file
(D) Using a web browser
(a) • ap object
(C)' a query
51. Which of the following is NOT a use for (D) a report
hyper links?

(A) Linking to an em11il address 56: . 'To' ]~in two' 'database tables, EACH table
.... .. (B) .Wnkini..10..Jl..W;bsite ..
(C) Linking to another location within
the web page (A) at least two keys in the table
(D) Copying.a.file-to a web server (B) the same data in both tables
(C) composite keys
(D) at least one common field name
5:2, What type -of chart is NOT suitable for
· ·--------~PiW.niiw11\!LQY~r t.wR..Y~.1.\1'.t.~.ihQ'filL .._._ __ ____ . __ ........... .
in the table.Ji1elow7 . . _. __.____5.7..:. _____>.-~~~at r~presents Boolean values
· 01 u-ue or raise is called
' ,,.-Qounft"'""" · 1009 20J::()
(A) number
A 300 600 (B) text
B 500 800 (C) date
c'. 500 600 (D) logical
........ . . . . ." -~··· .. '

(AL. --~Ylfma ___ _

.~. L
tE ----- ·--- -------~-
.. J.!:sti!tL ..... .
!, ' .... . . (,

J ____ _
•'-·';,I j,:.~;;,·,~·;.i/-·•
.... f ...• - '' -
. 58..
.,,, .• ._ •;.,-,,.,
- 8 -

·._-th~ symbol·II in ~ pr~sentation is used

(A) slide show view

'"·( .. ;, .. (13} notes view

... - .. -----------~ .....:;:.: ....

I -·------·-·-·-·-·····-- ----~---·
'i - ·'-
. --"' . !j.9. Slides
"' rearranged by using .the

'!. I

j_____ _ - (A)_ slig!<J!!<L

~--·· __ _., ____ ·- ·- (B) slide view
I .ccf . slide m~ter
1- en>-~ . . new_s!lde-
---······-···-- --··-··-· •...., ., ..

! -·
::_...;-. ~--:" • ·- · Which of the following1effeats is a special
I I ~','" .. :c--:rm ~1'.":·'r·-- , , _ _ .
_anill).ation .. effect where.1hednformation
i _____:______________ _fades after jt has been presented?
+- --., ~-- .i" . ;.._.-~~~CIJ.J.i~~JAlU.:. .t'i': :..
·---.......!'l:'.l'..i ::. ·•· ..~! -- '. ;... •, ;....•
·,· 1 ·•:

. (A)'-
I (B)
(C) Entrance
(t;>) E1npl1asis

t _IF,~9°Y !~.~-~ll:!':~>IU; .Tll\{E IS CA1t1,ED, CHECK_ YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

'' ,tt'.W,l• ·.~)t itz .;.~'1,.1 ,.l,,',,: ,,., 1 ~ ...
,, i.

• ! I• •

l ' '
......... ..
....·- _........ ''

,.,.,_ .....
~ ~ "1 ' : '
- "

1 ....... ~.'' " 'f"'• .. l-.1·····

I•, ;'I,

' '. ,.·


f .......... ·····-- . ·-··--····· •··
'---------~· .

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