My Writing Journal - Week 2

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It is sometimes said that borrowing money from or lending money to a member of

your family or a close friend can harm or damage the relationship or friendship.
I agree because on many occasions these people do not want to pay the money they have
borrowed and when the person who has lent them begins to charge them, these people get upset,
and this leads to the damage of the friendship relationships that exist with another person.

Write a narrative essay describing the most exciting, the happiest, or the saddest day of your
life. Do not forget to include:

a catchy introduction, an interesting plot, characters, setting, climax, and

a conclusion with the moral of your story.

Four years ago I went to Baños a beautiful city in where you can find great waterfalls, a lot of
biodiversity, and enjoy the night life. I decided to do canopy, it is a extreme sport in which you go
from a point to other.

In this case, the canopy went from a hill to another hill, so when I saw that I realize that there was
a great distance to the floor, and if I decided to do this, I had to take in consideration all the
dangers that it involves. So I went to a hill to begin this sport, the instructor gave me all the
indications and also put me the security cables, and I was already to launch to the other hill, I was
too scared, but when I send off I began to feel so good due to have a sensation of fly, when I came
to the end I wanted to repeat, but I did not have enough time.

I think if I did not faced my fear I would never had done this extreme sport, and after this I can
realize that also in my life can deal with my fears, it does not matter how big they are.

How can be make our city a better place to live?

Describe how Guayaquil can become a better place to live.

Analyze problems in the city and propose possible solutions to the problems.
I live in Guayaquil, a beautiful and big city that has a lot of places to visit and very kind people.
Because of the fact that it is a big city, it makes a lot of problems, there are a serious problems
with the buses system, there is a lot of delinquency and there is a lot of unemployment.

First, the problems with the buses system can be solved increasing the number of buses to offer a
better services, due that now there are few buses and this cause that buses transport people over
it capacity.

Second, the problem of delinquency is too high, daily there is a high number of robberies in the
city, this situation can be change if government put more policeman in the city to avoid the
delicuency, also it has to implement stricter laws.

Third, the problem of a lot of unemployment, is too difficult to solve, but government could
reduce taxes and this could promote the creation of business and this originate more workplaces.

All the problems that our city has could be resolve, the problem of the buses system could be
resolved implementing more unites, the problem of delicuency could be solve enforce more
policeman in the city, and the problem of unemployment could be solve removing taxes. All this
solution will improve the quality of life of people of Guayaquil, if these are applied correctly.

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