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The atmosphere was crazy. The constant changing lights were blinding my eyes as the cold breeze forces
me to shiver, good thing I wore a jacket tonight. It was a crazy place, so many people, so many
personalities, so many stories.

I looked up the sky seeing no stars at all, it was all pitch black. I feel something, just looking up, having
the cold breeze in this windy night I just feel something. Like my heart pumped faster for no reason, I
felt happy.

And as I look back again to that massive stage, I felt something in my back, it was getting wet and sticky.
As I look back, someone was vomiting in my jacket! Yet, I remained speechless. I should be angry, I have
all the reasons to be upset and mad, but I can’t. It felt like I know her. It all seems familiar.


I woke up from my sleep as a strong knock from the door destroys my wonderous mood. I don’t who it
is, trying to break my door from that slamming that is for sure can be heard of all my neighbors living in
this building.

I gazed at my alarm clock as I asked myself, who would be destroying my front door 5 AM in the
morning? I didn’t bother to wear my shirt, took my glasses only wearing my shorts and head off towards
the door. As I opened it, I knew that this woman would be the one bothering me this early in the
morning; Sam.

She was a childhood friend; we both grew up in the same town in and decided to both move here for
our Senior Year. Since we were little, we were inseparable, we always loved the same thing, from our
taste in music to our love for dancing, we even want to take the same course in college which is
Journalism as we also both loves to write. Sometimes I think we are the same person just reincarnated
twice in a different body.

To be honest, for quite a while, I had feelings for her, but never got the chance to say it. More than
being one of the most beautiful persons I know, she is also kind-hearted and very caring, when I was in
my darkest times, she was there for me. She always told me that people have different timelines, and in
those timelines, we may suffer different things but feel eternal happiness in others.

On that moment, I realized I liked my best friend, I liked Sam, cause she would made me feel this things,
that I do have worth, which other people lacks, all they see in me is how good I look, how good I dance
and how good I write, not how good I am as person.

But that was a long time ago, I know that I will never be perfect for her, I know that she is not the right
person for me, I know that we are better off as friends. I font have feelings for her anymore, it just faded
away one day, and I’m much happy that she is still my best friend.

“Hey, the school weirdo is being weird again?” Sam said in a sarcastic yet serious way.

“is that a joke? Should I laugh?” the audacity of this person is just…..

“its up to you if you find it funny or not”

I just rolled my eyes on her, she knows that I am not in a mood for joking around today, and it seems like
she noticed it.

“Anything bothering you?” she asked in a more serious tone.

“Nothing, just worried about our school performance”

“School performance? That old thing, you’ve been dancing your whole life, and your still worried? I
mean, almost every single woman here in this schools drools over you every time you perform even that
shitty one you did last year, and now your telling me your worried?” she said it in a somehow shocked
voice. I agree, I have never been worried about a performance before, dancing is my whole life, but this
time it’s different, I don’t know why, but I just have this feeling that it will be different.

“This time, its different”

“Different? How is it different? You will perform on our school’s Welcoming Party something; all the girls
would take your photo and post in their Instagram and twitter basically asking you for sex. You will be
proud of it but still looks like a weirdo and go on with the school year! Aside from less girls drooling
about you this year for sure because they’ll be tired of your weirdo face, nothings different” she

I do know that, I do agree with everything she says, except for the last part of her sentence, that’s false.
But I just have this feeling. Or is it just me?

“By the way, what the hell are you doing here this early?” I asked her to change the topic.

She gave me a strange gaze before answering.

“Oh nothing, just visiting my best friend….”

“What do you want?” Sam never really ‘visits’ me, she only comes to my room, especially this early
when I overslept and often late or that one time his boyfriend dump him real hard and cried all morning,
I mean who breaks up with their girlfriend at 3 in the morning?

“No, I’m just visiting….”

I gave her a look saying that I am not buying her dumb excuse

“Okay, fine, I need your help, this cute guy is like hitting on me, but like I think he likes another girl, so
just to be sure, I want you to go asked the girl if he really likes the guy….”

To be honest, I’ve experienced so may weird mornings, but this will go down my list as a standout.

“Wait, what? First of all, you like a guy? Second, you like a guy? I thought you would never date before
finishing your studied, after what happened to that 3 AM break-up?”

“I know, okay, but this guy is really sweet, he likes talks to me about stuff, he really cares for me, he
always gives me this wonderous stares that could literary be the reason of my death. And aside from
that, he is genuinely a good person.” She explained trying to convince me.

“Wait do I even know this guy?” I asked. Never saw her with some other guy in school, she never talked
about a guy that stares her deeply that can be the reason of her death.
“Kind of.”

I raised my brows.

“Okay, okay its Bryan, the captain of the basketball team?”

“What the hell, that guy? You do know that he’s the reason for my very first detention because his
girlfriend liked me!”

“That why I’m asking help from you, I know that when you at least talk to that one he likes, it’ll show if
he’s really interested in her, or me”

I stayed quiet, hoping that I don’t say anything she will stop. But I was wrong.

“And also, it will not be hard for you to ask her for a conversation since the he reportedly likes is Kath,
remember, that girl that is super obsessed in you?

“Oh, come ‘on, how could I forget that one” I rolled my eyes on her.

“Please just this once, do this for me, please” she really tried to convince me.

“Okay I’ll do it, just this once okay?”

“Really? You are really a good friend Vince! I will make it up to you for sure!”

You can really see the happiness in her face that made me smile a bit.

“Now can you please leave me and have a peaceful morning?” I asked.

“Okay, okay. Thank you so much Vince, like really much!” she said it so happily.

“By the way, we have rehearsals today, don’t be late!” she shouted as she walks towards the door.

“Yes, I’ll be there”.


10:07 A.M

I’m running a little bit late from rehearsals. I slept a bit after that 5 AM fiasco with my friend Sam earlier.
that’s the reason I must literary be flash and run from my apartment towards school, luckily, I live just a
few blocks away from school. I really don’t want to stay in a dorm at school, I just want my own space.

Our rehearsals today are for the Back-to-School Party that happens every year in our school. Mostly
prepared by Seniors and all Club Leaders, this is like the welcoming ceremony for the school, especially
for the Freshmen. Its like a music festival but less the drinking, but god this is High School, even though
this is a private school, the students here still consume a lot of drinks, especially in this time of the year.

I slammed through the door of our Club’s room only to find our no one was there. I at once took my
phone out of my pockets, but no one dared to message me, even Sam, where they are rehearsing. I
texted my fellow club members and performers where they are rehearsing bur no one responded.
Maybe there were really no rehearsals for today, maybe they were too busy setting up the stage for
tomorrow night.
I walked through the halls, hoping to find someone but no one was here. I decided to just listen to some
music and sit on of the benches here, maybe I am just too early?

As I sat down and rest for a while, I heard a running sound from a not so far distance. I looked who is in
this same hallway this time of the day, and I realized it was one of my closest friends aside from Sam,

Damon is considered as the heartthrob in our school, although admittedly I am popular, he is in another
level of popularity. Everyone and I say, every single student in this campus wants to take a picture of
him. Aside from being almost as handsome as me, I can say that he is talented, but I am way more
talented. He likes to Sing and is the lead singer of our school band that is quite famous in the area. Their
band performances always dominate the music ground of our school, which is most notably during
school events and especially big musical ones like this.

But on the side note, he is very quiet even when me and Sam are around, he doesn’t talk much and
definitely doesn’t like the idea of being around so many people. Although he loves to perform, he
doesn’t really like the idea of being showered with love and being adored by many people, he only does
this for his love for music, the club and his grades.

I still remember the first time he performed on our yearly Music Fest. He was still new to the club and
not very often seen by many students as he likes to be ‘hidden in the shadows’, almost every single girl
on that field chanted, asking him to tell his name in front of everyone. As being the dark demeanor guy
like him, he just walked out the stage without telling anything.

He was literary trending after that performance and everyone in our school was talking about him,
finding out who he really is. Eventually, his name got leaked and also his schedule and basically his
whole personal life. I still remember how annoyed he is when almost every single woman in this school
wanted to take a picture with him and gave him so many stuffs; from foods to cards, just everything.
Some even went overboard and beg him to date her.

Good thing the school settled with this as it was really invasion of privacy, but still many students wants
to be his girlfriend, it was like the ultimate goal aside from graduating. Sadly, Damon has never been in a
relationship, which is really weird, I mean he is next to me as the most handsome person in school but
still many hot girls fall for his knees, he’s just really weird, Sam should call him the weird one, not me.

“Hey hey hey, where are you going?” I called him as he run past by me.

He stopped and look at me.

“Why you still here?” he asked in a monotone yet surprised voice.

“For practice for the event tomorrow, you?”

“Going to the field, the rehearsals are being held there, not here”

“Wait what? Really? Why did no one bothered to tell me?

“Sam didn’t tell you? I though she already told you, so I didn’t bother texting you anymore”

Wait what? After agreeing to her silly plan, she did this to me?
“So, you are coming or what?”

“Yes, I am, let me take my bag first”.

We at once ran towards the field where the Concert for tomorrow night will be happening. Our school
field is quite big and spacious that’s why most major event, aside from prom is held here.

The people assign for the stage is already setting up the last few touches for the lights in the massive
stage that has a roof in case it rains tomorrow night. The running tracks are now filled with different
booths mostly for clubs that are finding new members and some food stalls and games.

I saw my fellow club members o the side of the stage, doing some final counting and choreography
practice. I wave goodbye to Damon as he helps to set up their ban equipment. I ran as fast as I can and
was greeted by laughing stares by my fellow performers. Our club leader and also resident
choreographer, Christian, a senior also doesn’t really like his members to be late especially when the
performance is near approaching.

“Why are you late?” Christian asked me with a stare that could literary cut you in half.

“Oh, I just overslept, as someone over here forgot to mention there were rehearsals today” I said it
while rolling my eyes towards Sam who is almost enjoying the situation too much, oh she was.

“You know that whenever the performance is near, we always rehearse…. Just go to your place so we
could finish this”.

We mostly do different styles of dance, but our specialty is street style and hip-hop type of dance which
really draws the crowds especially this type of events. But sometimes we also do other demographic of
dance such as interpretative and ball room depending on the occasion since our club is pretty big and it
has many talented members. We are often cut to groups in which type of dancing we are most
comfortable in doing.

We did our final rehearsals and as expected I did great. Well someone like me always do the best and
gives the best.

After our rehearsals, Sam and I waited for Damon to finish his. He took a little bit longer to rehearse
since they were performing a lot of songs, mostly Pop and RnB type of music that would hype up the
crowd in the event.

While seating at the bleachers, I couldn’t help but notice that Sam was smiling a lot on her phone.

“let me take that for a second” I said as I took her phone away from her hands to check what she was
smiling about.

“Hey, give it back” she said as I look at her phone and saw that she and Bryan was basically flirting with
through text.

“Oh, so its Bryan” I said in a little bit sarcastic way.

“So?” she was still giggling. “He was just telling me about tomorrow night and meet up after our
performance” she added.
“Oh, so she’s not coming with Kath? Good so I will not be dating her tomorrow night? what a relief” it
was truly a relief; I am just really annoyed with her.

“What? No, you agree to do it. Besides even if Bryan don’t go out with Kath tomorrow night, at least I
am sure that Kath will be busy and not mess up our date”

I just rolled my eyes and saw that Damon was on his way towards us.

“Hey, come here!” Sam shouted, waving at Damon.

Damon gave a small grin and sat on the bleachers beside us.

“So, why was Vince harassing you earlier?’

I looked at him as he laughs a little, he is also enjoying himself. Looks like I’m the only ne not enjoying
this situation.

“Nothing, he’s just being weird again” Sam replied.

Honestly am I still their friend? Looks like their teaming up against me.

“Hey, I’m still here you know” I said. “By the way, Sam has this crazy plan for tomorrow night”

Damon looked at Sam kind of asking her what it was.

“Well, Bryan is actually hitting on me, so I want some alone time with him tomorrow night” she

Damon looked at her strangely.

“If you’re thinking we are going to have sex, your totally wrong. Look at it as we are trying to know each
other even more” she added which gave Damon a sigh of relief.

“And how does Vince involve in this?

“Well some rumors are saying that Bryan actually likes Kath, so to be sure, my good friend Vince over
here is going to be my wingman and let’s say ‘remove’ Kath from our relationship”

“Wait, so Vince is going to kill Kath?

Wait what? we were both in shock!

“No, no, no, no… What kind of movies have you been watching to think about that? Vince is just going
out with Kath tomorrow night and talk, that’s all. I bet he would listen to Vince since she was fairly
obsessed with him on Junior Year”

“Well that makes it clear”

After that Sam, Damon and I parted our ways and went home after a tiring day of rehearsals. Well I just
hope that tomorrow will be good.

Today is Move-in Day, that means today is also the day of our event. Seniors and some Juniors are
usually assigned to help students today most notably the Freshmen Students. We tend to give them
information about their dorm, or where they could find their building or just some random facts.

The Student Body also plays a big part today as they usually lead most of today’s event from morning
until the Evening Extravaganza of partying. Although some teachers are also roaming around, mostly
students do the heavy lifting on today’s workload.

As usual I was running a little late, not a shock anymore. It’s 8:00 AM which is pretty early but pretty late
on our part. We have so many rehearsals today and also get ready which means wardrobe, make-up and
hair needs to be done for all the performers to make them look presentable. Almost all the
entertainment-based clubs are full of work today.

I ran as fast as I could, I can feel the old air rushing towards me, and leaves fall down from the dying
trees. It was a little bit far from where I park my car as usually the parking lot in the school is often full. I
can see many students go inside and out this huge gate which is in front of me that loudly says the name
of our school.

I got my I.D checked and finally was inside the campus. Today the once empty paved pathways were full
of luggage and ranting students about how crowded and loud the school was. I can see some that were
truly excited for the start of the school year. Some were eager to see their friends. Some were angry
about how hot it was. And some were just there, giving no care about anything. I can also clearly see the
stress that all the higher students were facing as they battle through the crowd. You can say that it was a
pretty normal ‘start of the year’ type of situation, except for most students wears Luis Vuitton bags,
Gucci Shoes, and arrives in Lamborghini with a personal Chaperon, I say it’s a pretty normal sight for any

My feet hurt so much from all the running I did. The Club Building is situated quite far from the Main
Entrance of the school which is clearly a pain in the back for me and all my fellow performers for
tonight’s event. Not only that, the Dance Club’s Room and Studio is on the Fourth Floor of the building
and as expected all the Elevators were full of students carrying musical equipment, booth materials and
just crazy stuff that is needed for the concert. It was really a sight to see to be honest; organized chaos if
I should say.

As I was heading to the stairs which is my only choice, my phone rang. I checked who it was, Sam was

(through the phone)

“Hey weirdo, where are you? Why are you late again?”

“I’m here downstairs, all the elevators are full, so I need to take the stairs”
“Oh, what a bummer, well hurry up, Christian is already piss, we need to change some of the

“Okay, I’ll be there”

A long beep was heard showing the end of the phone call. I think I’m in trouble again.


The journey towards the Fourth Floor was quite interesting. Various sounds could be heard, smells could
be snitch and sights could be seen. It was really interesting to see how chaotic these students are today,
which really shows passion in their work which to be honest a little bit peculiar to some.

Clubs are really a big thing here in our school, if for some, it is just a past time or an excuse to be with
your friends, here it is more than just a social thing. From the start of the school year, all freshmen need
to be a part of an organization, group or club that they would call family for their duration of studying
here. Although it may look like the school is forcing us to be a part of it, as your performance in the
organization chosen affects your grades, if you take that side away, its really an important part for you
to ‘survive’ High School.

Not only being in a group of people who shares the same ideals, talents and interests is amazing, it is
also very helpful in socializing and not feeling alone. As High School students tends to go through the
deepest changes not only physically but also in the way we talk or behave in front of other people. So
being in this kind of group definitely helps you to go through these things and that is what our school
promotes, a comfortable and socialize learning environment.

And lastly, every year on Graduation, the school awards the Best Organization Trophy to the org, club or
group that showed the best performance and contribution in the whole school year. That’s why today is
such a big thing because today we will find a new member for our family that will help us rise.

“Hey Vince, your late again.” Christian said in a serious voice, its clear that he’s getting pissed.

“I’m sorry, the elevators were full.”

“Fine, just go to your place and lest start over.”

I immediately went to my place and Dance my body off.


“Okay guys its time to get ready, lunch will be brought here soon as I already requested the faculty to
bring us some here so all of you wouldn’t bother to go back down” Christian said.

I was quite satisfied with our rehearsals today, even tough we were in a rough state a while ago as we
needed to change some choreography, I say we did a job well done considering the shortage of time we
have left to rehearse.

I went outside the room to get some breeze. As our club room which is also our studio is located in the
fourth floor, it can get really breezy here and the view is one of the best in the campus. You see, the
building where all the club rooms are in, is situated almost right in front of the Field where the concert
will be held. You can clearly see all the stalls that are being put, the huge stage where we will perform
later on and all the students that are busy and running like ants in the middle of the day.

“Hey, remember you owe me this evening” a familiar voice said that to my ears.

“Wait, how did I owe you? You owe me Sam”

“Well technically yes, but still don’t forget my favor”

“How could I forget? You kept ranting about it since yesterday, it is now haunting my mind to be honest”
I replied. She gave me a weird look.

“Well that’s good, so you would not forget”

“Why don’t you just talk to him like a normal person and don’t let me get involve? That sounds kind of
right” I am still trying to convince her to stop, it’s not that I don’t want to help her, it’s just kind of weird
to be a part of that ‘conversation’.

“You know that I couldn’t do that just that”

“You literary said he was making a move on you yesterday!”

“Well yes but I want to be clear, I want to prove to myself that he is really making a move without asking
him. I just don’t have the confidence to ask him”

I didn’t say a word.

“You know what, its fine, it was a dumb idea, let’s just forget that and move on. Who would like me

I felt bad.

“Hey, don’t say it that way. Of course, I want to help you”

“No, I know you don’t want to”

“Of course, I do, you are my friend, my best friend and you know that I will help you every time you
need me even if it’s the dumbest and weirdest request. That is what friends are for right? Being there
when you need them the most?”

She gave a little smile.

“Oh see, your smiling. Just forget what I’ve said okay?”

She nodded her head.

“Guys, lunch is here” Christian said to gather everyone inside so they could all eat lunch. The faculty
provided us a buffet of food filled from Appetizers, Entre and Dessert which is part of what we pay to
study here.


“Damon, good luck on our performance later!”

“I love you Damon I know that you will do well!”

“Damon please say my name during your performance, it’ll be a dream!”

“Damon! Please marry me! Now!”

I gave the girls a big look to tell them to go away, even I was getting uncomfortable on what Damon’s
‘Fans’ are saying.

“Looks like someone is getting married” Sam teased Damon.

Damon just gave Sam a look that loudly says, ‘I don’t care’.

The girls just left with various words that they silently murmur but still, we could hear them.

“I mean, Damon, how can you handle this? All of this?” I asked him out. Even I was getting
uncomfortable with all of this.

“Handle what?” he silently replies.

“All of the following, stalking, taking pictures, everything”

“I don’t want to talk about it” Damon said in the coldest reply possible.

“Okay we get it”

He just nodded.

“Well we three need to hurry up, final stage rehearsals are coming up” Sam said to break the silence.

“You two go ahead, I need to stop by the Music Room to get my guitar, I left it there” Damon replied.

“Well, we’ll just see you there later?” I said. Damon nodded and wave goodbye, wearing his hoodie and
tried to hide from the crowd as much as possible.

Until now, I can’t help but question why Damon is like this. He’s just too quiet, too dark, too mysterious
and I think that is not right at all. Yes, maybe that’s his preferred personality but I think it’s really more
than that, there is always more that lies beneath what our eyes could see. Everyone may admire his dark
personality, but I find it sad that a person is like this.

I could still remember the time when we first saw him. He was just in his Sophomore year and was a
transferee in the middle of the year. Everyone in class was talking about him, how good-looking he was,
but he was not as popular, people just though of him as another depressed good-looking guy with no
talent at all.

He was asked to introduce himself in class as any new student would do, but he refused. He was wearing
a dark hoodie and some black pants with a black backpack; his eyes were red, and his face was full of
bruises. Sam and I quickly notice him and said to ourselves, this guy is hiding something. Eventually, his
mother came to talk with our teacher that time and kind of explained everything, we don’t know,
Damon really doesn’t mention that time anymore.

We really tried to be friends with him first out of curiosity what was going on with him. He was really
annoyed with the both of us and being seated besides our seats since it was the only one available,
didn’t really help. But time had passed, and we became the friends we are today. But the thing with his
past, why he is like this was never answered, we just let go of it, he does not like it when we ask him
something personal which was off putting at first, but we just let it go. Eventually, we had lots of things
in common such us love in music and in writing, that’s why we got along.

“Let’s hurry up, Christian is probably waiting for us right now” Sam complained.

“Well I don’t know, if you did not stop by the coffee shop and wait in line for literally half an hour, we’ll
be there for now”

“Don’t blame me, their Fraps are good. And I need it”

I just rolled my eyes and told her to hurry up.


“Okay guys that’s it. I would just like to say good luck to all of your performances tonight and have fun.
Let’s make the crowd go crazy, okay?” Christian said. We have just finished our final stage rehearsals, so
he usually gives us some advice after our final preparations.

We nodded.

“So, let’s all head up back to the studio and get ready. All your wardrobe will be there and girls, some
make-up artist were provided to help you look good. Now let’s all go, I’ll just check on our booth if its
finished setting up, Sam, pleas lead them all upstairs, thank you” he added.

All of us once again swum to the crowd of people that are everywhere on school grounds today. It was
just crazy. Good thing we can use the elevators on the building today as it was not as crowded in the
building itself, probably most of the people here are on the filed setting-up their booths and games for

As we were all walking towards the studio, a rumbling sound was heard on the speakers scattered
around the school, a 3-second beat was played indicating that the School’s dean is about to announce

“Good Afternoon students. Welcome back to another school year. First of all, I hope you all had a good
vacation! I want to call out all Freshmen to please proceed to the Hall for your orientation. Have a good
day and welcome back to all!”

After the Dean’s announcement, all Freshmen rushed to the Hall, which was not far from the Club
Building, in which we had a good view of them rushing towards the massive auditorium.

“Remember our Orientation?” I asked Sam as she was staring on the sea of students heading towards
the Hall.

“Oh, how could I forget? You embarrassed yourself big time”

“I remember it differently; I could clearly reminisce that moment when you fall off the stairs” I said. Yes,
she did fell off the stairs that really made everyone stare at us.
“Don’t say it like that, it was my first-time wearing heels back then, my mom forced me to wear it” she is
clearly defending herself.

“Oh really” I said with a little laugh.

“By the way I’m still curious where you went after that”

“Oh, I can’t remember, it was years ago. But still, you, falling of the stairs was just a sight to see”

“Ha, ha, ha” she said sarcastically.

“You should get ready, clearly your face needs a lot of work”

“Wow, look who said it”

“I don’t need my face to be fix, I mean everyone is admiring rare beauty, which by the way is your face” I
said confidently.

“I’m so sorry for you, you keep believing to yourself that your good-looking, just sad”

I rolled my eyes.

“Hey, everyone is calling us, let’s go inside”


7:30 PM

The crowd was loud, the lights were crazy, the beat of the music just pumped my heart giving me all the
feels for our performance. I could say that it was a very successful routine despite being
rechoreographed a couple of hours ago. The crowd was also crazy, up from that massive stage, you
could clearly see how they all enjoyed themselves on our almost 15-minute routine. They jumped all-
around, nodded to the beat of our very energetic music and just let themselves loose in the duration we
were on stage. It was truly an experience.

“Everybody put your hands up for our Dance Club! Choreographed by their leader itself, Christian!” The
host said it in a very energetic way that would hype the crowd up.

“Thank you. Thank you to all of you who enjoyed our performance, we really did our best to bring joy to
this opening night of another wonderful year. I would also like to thank all my cub members who
worked really hard for this performance. Quick announcement, if anyone is wondering to be a part of
our team and perform with this talented group of individuals, our booth is open, everyone who wants to
join could sign up. Thank you again and have fun tonight”

“Thank you Christian, once again the Dance Club everybody!”

The crowd cheered very loudly.

We got off the stage and immediately find my bag, I badly need some water. I saw my bag near two
Asian girls looking for someone.

“Excuse me, can you grab my bag?” I asked politely.

“OMG! Are you Vince? We saw you perform, and we are just a fan of your moves” one of the girls said

“Wow, ah, thank you”

“Can we get a picture with you?”

“Of course, no problem”

I took a photo with as Sam approached us.

“Hey Weirdo, who are they?” Sam asked.

“Oh, is she your girlfriend? We totally ship you two!” the other Asian girl said.

“Oh, this girl? She’s just a friend” I explained to them, I don’t want them to think I have a girlfriend as it
may reduce my popularity.

“Sam” Sam introduced herself to the girls.

“Hi, thank you so much for the photo Vince, and nice to meet you both. We still ship you two” The two
girls left giggling and gossiping probably about me and Sam.

“Well I still have my charm” I said confidently.

Sam rolled her eyes. “You think?”

“Yes, I do”

“Sad” she said.

“Hey by the way, Bryan texted me his by the Photo booth, have you seen Kath?” she said. Ugh I think I
can’t really run away now.

“I think I need to go home”

“Vince. You promised”

Ugh I can’t escape. “Fine I’ll find her”

“Good, come with me first on the Photo Booth then let’s separate there”

I just nodded my head.

The field was full of people, but the energy was great! Everybody was enjoying and having the time of
their lives. It was a tight fit from the tent backstage towards the back were the booths were located. On
the way there I could clearly see the excitement in Sam’s eye, even though Bryan is not the best person,
somehow Sam saw something that I didn’t see, which I need to see tonight.

“Hey, Kath is with Bryan” she looked at me.

“Yah, fine I’ll go first”

I went towards the Photo Booth where Kath and Bryan were talking. To be honest I don’t know what to
do, so I looked back at Sam and signed her that I don’t know what to do. Then she gave me the vaguest
answer in the world with her signing just keep walking, like what? Well, here goes nothing.

“Bryan, Kath. Good Evening” They were in shock.

“Um, what are you doing here?” Bryan asked.

“I am…. exploring the area” and gave the most awkward smile in the world.

“Exploring?” Kath said, she was nit convinced with my alibi. Where the hell is Sam?

“Yes, Kath exploring, you know looking around”

She nodded her head.

“So, I didn’t know you two were dating?” By this time, I just said what came out of my head and go with
it. Why did I agree to this?

“Oh, no we’re not dating” Kath said in a rather suspicious way.

“Yes, I’m actually waiting for someone” Bryan said.

“Waiting for someone Bryan?”

“Yes, your friend Sam, I’ve told her we’ll meet here” he explained.

“You two are hanging out? She never told me that” At this point I’m just trying to pull out if this guy is
serious over here.

“Uh, yeah, we’ve been kind of seeing each other lately”

“Well okay, so Kath you alone?” Now, I really need to get the hell out of here.

“Yes actually” she said. I could tell that she was kind of surprised from what I’ve said.

“Want to come with me? Go around?”

She looked at me and looked at Bryan first. “Okay?”

“So, let’s go” I said and led her hand.

We walked away a little bit and I saw Sam went to Bryan already.

“So, where do you want to go?” I asked.

“I don’t know, you’re the one who asked me to walk around”

Think Vince, think.

“Do you want to go there?” I pointed out an area where Carnival Games were played.

“Yeah, okay”
I could sense that she was very awkward with the situation. To be honest, I feel the same way. I mean,
who would not be feeling this cringe when a guy who never talks to you suddenly approaches a girl who
had feelings for you?

“So, what do you want to play?” she did not answer me directly, instead gave me a sudden look.

“Okay, Vince, can you please be honest with me? Why are you suddenly doing this?”

I don’t know what to say.

“Do what?”

“This, all of this. Just last year you were ignoring me and now you are doing this?”

I really don’t know what to say. “Um”

“You know what, never mind. I just want to enjoy this night”

What should I do?

“Hey, let’s just forget last year” that’s the only thing that came out of my mouth. She didn’t say

“How about this, let’s just have fun and you know, play some games, get the stress out of the situation”
I know I am not the best in this kind of situations, but to be honest I just want to really have fun tonight
cause the week after this, we’ll be in hell.

She had a long pause. “Okay then. Now where shall we go?”

I still have no idea. “I mean, we’re here anyways, want to play some games?”

She gave a little smile; I don’t know why? Maybe because she’s really annoyed or just laughing on how
ridiculous I look, it can be both, right?

We played games, we joked around, honestly, we had fun. I was not really looking forward for this, but I
genuinely enjoyed all of this. Kath is a really good person, even though she could be annoying
sometimes but for the most part, she’s not bad at all. Aside from being beautiful and rich, many actually
admire her of how good of a person she is. First of all, she has a foundation of her own, which helps
unfortunate kids go to school and have a chance to be educated. She also helps their local community
back in Mexico and funds small schools there.

Maybe at that time, I cannot like her back because I still had feelings for Sam. It was truly a bummer
when our friendship ended because of her liking me, it’s my fault, I guess?

“You had fun? You know it’s good for us to be like this again” I said after giving her the price when I
successfully crashed three stacks of can in a row.

“Well you know what, I actually had fun” she said.


“Vince, look, Damon’s band is about to play, want to come to the field? Dance a little?”
I gave her a look first. “Yeah, come ‘on let’s go before everyone is chanting y friend’s name”

We rushed towards the field, running as fast as we can so we can get a nice view of the stage. As the
host announces Damon’s Band name, everyone was like in a marathon just to be as closest as possible
to my friend.

“Damon, Damon, Damon!” the crowd chants.

“Damon! Damon!” Kath also shouted as loudly as she can.

“You’re a fan of Damon now?” I asked.

“Uhm, duh, who’s not?”

The band plays some energetic songs, some covers and some of their original composition. If to count, I
think they performed around 7 songs for the crowd. All of us were enjoying ourselves, bopping to the
music and just having a great time. Some were also holding their drinks high up, which means some of
them are already drunk and I still didn’t have a single sip.

The atmosphere was crazy. The constant changing lights were blinding my eyes as the cold breeze forces
me to shiver, good thing I wore a jacket tonight. It was a crazy place, so many people, so many
personalities, so many stories.

I looked up the sky seeing no stars at all, it was all pitch black. I felt something, just looking up, having
the cold breeze in this windy night I just felt something. Like my heart pumped faster for no reason, I felt

And as I look back again to that massive stage again, I felt something in my back, it was getting wet and
as I look someone was vomiting in my back.

“OMG, Ashia you need to stop… Vince? Is that you, OMG, I’m so sorry”

I remained speechless. I should be angry, I have all the reasons to be upset and mad, but I can’t. It felt
like I know her. It all seems familiar.

My alarm clock screams beside my bed. I opened my eyes, gazed around the surroundings, it feels like
the world is spinning, I tried to get up, but my legs were noodles. I took a look at my alarm clock to know
what time it is. And I dare to say that I ran as fast as I could when I realized that it’s only 30 minutes
before my first class starts.

I lift myself up, my body is still not cooperating with me, it keeps telling me to lie down and sleep, but
my mind is saying no. I rushed towards the bathroom, took a shower, didn’t mind the cold water
crashing through my body. Brushed my teeth. Didn’t even bother to get some food. Good thing that I
had my uniforms washed the other day, at least my clothes are not in its worst state unlike the one who
is wearing it.

I opened the door, rushed towards the elevator, realized I forgot my car keys. I went back up again, get
my keys and rushed towards the elevator once more, run towards my car. I start the engine and drove
as fast as I could. It’s a good thing that my condo is not as far from the school, but the early morning
traffic is killing me. I take a look at my watch and realized it was 5 minutes before my class starts. I
parked my car, get off, rushed towards my building which is gladly near the gate. My first class for today
is in the ground floor near the lobby.

The wind crashes through my hair as I run through these almost empty hallways, indicating some classes
are already starting. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I turned the knob slowly and opened
the door, only seeing that I wasn’t late at all. “Thank God” I told to myself as I let out a big sigh.

Looking around the classroom, not so many people were there, only a few familiar faces sitting at the
back giggling.

“Thank God I wasn’t late, or everyone else is late” I said as I walk towards Sam and Damon.

They laughed, they laughed really hard.

“What’s the matter?”

“I can’t believe you come in so early” Sam said.

“Early? I was almost late; classes start at 8 like you said”

Sam and Damon laughed more. What are they playing at?

“Bro, I hate to bring this up for you, but our classes starts at an hour from now, 9:00 AM to be exact”
Damon said while Sam continued laughing.

“We fooled you last night, we gave you a made-up class schedule” Sam spitted out.

“So, you’re telling me that I rushed towards school, didn’t ate any breakfast, almost killed myself
because of you?

They both laughed hard.

“Well Vince in our defense, it was your fault since you ‘trusted’ the schedule we gave you” Sam said.
To be honest, I don’t know if I’m pissed off, sleepy, tired or just all of them, probably all of them. I juts
rolled my eyes and slam my head on the table to catch some badly needed sleep.

“Hey, Vince, we’ll make it up to you. There’s a popular coffee shop nearby, they got some good French
Toast, my treat” Damon said, but Sam was still giggling.

I looked at them and nodded my head.

“By the way can we just use your car?” Sam asked.

I don’t want to argue with them, my eyes are just shutting down. So, I just nodded. I gave Damon my
keys and we walked through the hallways where I ran like an athlete literally a few minutes ago. The car
ride was mostly Sam joking around, Damon listening to some music and me constantly being annoyed by
my abnormal friends.

The car stopped by this old Parisian style building, with its Baroque windows and steel gates. The
outside patio was also filled with flowers, vines and greenery, something you would not usually see in
the city. It has wood accent outside, and walls painted in a tortoise color. It was a calming and relaxing
environment which is quite hard to find this area of the city.

We went inside and it amazed me even more the place was filled with ornate moldings and more
flowers. It was like going inside a garden. Vines gave life to the place without overwhelming it and a
huge skyline in the middle gave more natural light to the building. But the centerpiece of the place was a
huge brewery that will get your attention once you come inside.

“How did you know this place? I’ve never seen this in the list of cafes near the campus” Sam asked.

“Actually, this is not open yet” Damon said. Well that explains the empty name sign outside.

“So why are we here?” I asked, I still badly need some food.

“We’re going to eat here” Damon said.

“But you said this was not open yet” Sam asked.

Damon gave some a look.

“Oh, so you own this place” Sam said.

“Well Technically not yet. My mom still runs this place, and this is just the start of our Café Business here
in the city since many people prefer small, cozy and intimate spaces to get some work done and just
relax. That’s why it’s situated near the school. And also, we’re here to test some food” Damon replied.

I didn’t say anything, I was just silent, admiring the place and also trying to keep awake.

“Well since Vince here is clearly in need of some food, here is the menu, and you just pick anything”

“Wait so you’re not spending money anyway since you technically own this place and its not open yet?”
Sam asked.

“Well yes” Damon said as he wink.

“Ahm, I’ll just get the French Toast like you said, and an Expresso shot” I said.
“I’ll get the same”

“Okay then” Damon said as he took the menu and gave it to the waiter.

“Why did you have not yet named this place? I mean that is kind of the first thing you do when you start
a business right? Especially in the food industry?” Sam asked. I was also curious why the menu still had
no name as well as the sign on the front.

“Actually, I don’t know it either” He replied.

The food was brought to us and it was really good.


8:45 AM

We were walking back to our first class. Sam is as loud as always, Damon is as quiet as always, and me?
No different still trying to be call, ah wait, I am cool. The hallways are full of Seniors getting to their first
class, some are taking tons of selfies, some are showing off their new cars, bags and clothes, and some
are quietly sitting in the corner with their phones and airpods, just chilling.

“Pretty sure my Instagram feed will be filled with their selfies” Sam said.

“Well I’m sure most of them are yours” I said sarcastically.

She gave me a look almost telling me to shut up, well I’m quite sure she wants me to shut up.

We entered the classroom and now the room is finally filled with students. Some familiar faces and
some were new. We sat on our seats which are usually in the back.

“Good Morning. Welcome to your Literacy Class, my name is Mr. Flinn and I’ll be your teacher for this

Mr. Flinn just entered the room with no notice at all. He slammed his stacks of book and stare at all of

“I don’t want any shenanigans in this class. I don’t want any silly pranks or games, just remember what
happened last year” he said in a serious tone.

“What happened last year?” A girl in front of me asked the Asian girl sitting beside her.

“A student got expelled last year because he put cockroaches in Mr. Flinn’s bag. Some also say that the
family also filed for bankruptcy” the Asian girl replied.

“I also don’t want anyone talking in my class until I ask them too” Mr. Flinn says as he stares at the two
girls talking in front of me.

“I think we all have come to an agreement about the rules, let us all start. Open your-“

“Good Morning Mr. Flinn, she is your new student” A staff said.

“Oh, is she the transferee? Well okay, come in”

A girl entered the classroom, she was quite small, and had tanned skin but not too dark. She had long
sleek black hair being tied in a ponytail. You can tell that she is shy and not likes to talk.

“You may introduce yourself” Mr. Flinn said.

She was hesitant but eventually she said her name.

“Go-od Morning” she said. “My name is Ashia August Lyn”

“Ashia, quite a nice name you have, you may take your seat besides Ms. Xing over there”

The girl went to her seat without looking at everyone else. Her name sounds familiar, it’s like I’ve heard
it before, I just cannot point out where.

Sam tapped me in the back, it was a wake-up call, I was staring at her all the time. Vince what the hell
are you doing? I gave my focus on Mr. Flinn, he was giving us instructions that were interrupted just a
few minutes ago. But even though I want to be focused, I can’t, there’s something about this girl that is
so familiar.

“It’s good that we have the same classes” the Asian girl in front of me said.

“I know, I was a bit nervous when the staff picked me out. I thought she was goanna change my

Her voice, her voice also sounds familiar. Her smell, her fragrance is something I know. Her black hair,
her long black hair is something I feel like I’ve touched before.

Suddenly I dropped my pen. My pen rolled towards that girl seated in front of me. The girl that I was
stopping me from focusing in this lesson.

She picked up my pen, turned around and the moment she saw me, her head turned around so fast,
probably faster than the speed of light, dropped my pen at my table. But at that split second that I saw
her face without her hair covering it. I remember why she seemed familiar.


(1 week ago)

The band plays some energetic songs, some covers and some of their original composition. If to count, I
think they performed around 7 songs for the crowd. All of us were enjoying ourselves, bopping to the
music and just having a great time. Some were also holding their drinks high up, which means some of
them are already drunk and I still didn’t have a single sip.

The atmosphere was crazy. The constant changing lights were blinding my eyes as the cold breeze forces
me to shiver, good thing I wore a jacket tonight. It was a crazy place, so many people, so many
personalities, so many stories.

I looked up the sky seeing no stars at all, it was all pitch black. I felt something, just looking up, having
the cold breeze in this windy night I just felt something. Like my heart pumped faster for no reason, I felt
And as I look back again to that massive stage again, I felt something in my back, it was getting wet and
as I look someone was vomiting in my back.

“OMG, Ashia you need to stop… Vince? Is that you, OMG, I’m so sorry”

“Oh My God Vince!” Kath reacted, the half of the crowd in that field turned their heads towards us. But
me? I stayed quiet not saying anything.

“Lara, tell me, why is the world so cruel? Like bakit na lang ganon ang mundo sakin?” the girl said, she
had tears, she was crying.

“Ashia, I can’t understand what you’re saying! But please stop!” her friend pleaded; they were quiet
attracting a crowd.

“Who is she and what the hell is she saying?” Kath said.

I want to be angry, I have all the reasons, but I can’t. I don’t know why.

“I mean Lara hear me out, hear, me ou-“

The girl passed out. Her friend, Kath and everyone surrounding me panicked. The band stopped playing
music, the lights stopped flickering, all I could hear is the murmur of people surrounding the field. But I
stand still, did not say anything. I don’t know why? I tried to say something, but my mouth can’t just
open, I tried to move but my body is not cooperating. I just feel something, it’s not anger, it’s something

A medical team went on our way, they carried her towards the medical tent nearby, her friend follow.
The moment she was gone that’s when all of the things happened sink in. The band started playing
some music again, the lights started flickering once more and the crowd started partying again. But I
couldn’t keep up with their energy. I feel, weird. Peculiar.

I said goodbye to Kath as I need to head to the bathroom, she insisted to go with me, but I denied. I
looked at the mirror questioning myself what just happened, why did I not react? That is something new
for a guy that always have an opinion on everything, but this time is juts stand still. For God’s sake
someone vomited at my $2,000.00 Gucci Jacket. But at that moment I didn’t care.

I called Sam telling her that I will not be going with her home nor Damon. They asked me why but
eventually she agreed and told me to get home safe.


“Vince, are you even paying attention!” Mr. Flinn said, shouting, as he slams one of his books on my
table. His eyes were furious, it looks like I’m staring into hell with fire and a demon getting ready to take

“Yes, Sir, I-I am pa-paying attention” I said nervously.

Everyone looked at us, more so on Mr. Flinn. The classroom became quiet with only the sound of
footsteps far away could be heard. All of them were all eagerly waiting for a response, for his response.
“I’ll let this slip through” a sigh of relief from everyone could be felt especially for me. They knew that
once one of us is in trouble, the whole class could be affected.

“But! Always pay attention to my class!” he said as he slams once more his book unto the top of my

I nodded my head nervously hoping to not hear any more words from him pointing at me. He walked
back to the front continuing his lesson but still looks at me a couple of times during his lecture.

I heard some giggling in the back and it was Sam almost dying from my situation. No, not dying because
she cares but dying due to laughter. I gave her a stare and that juts made her giggle more. Ugh, I have
really great friends.

“Mr. Flinn got you there earlier” Sam said still laughing, she has been like this since the start of the class.

“I’m wondering why you haven’t got shouted at, I mean you were the loudest in class” I said.

“Well I have my ways, right Damon?”

Damon nodded.

“You’re doing something I guess”

“Wait, let me just ask you this, why were you daydreaming earlier? I mean in Mr. Flinn’s class? Really
Vince?” Sam asked.

Damon nodded once more.

“You know, I was just thinking about staff, and something” I said

“You’re being suspicious, too suspicious perhaps” Sam said while directly looking at my eyes.

“And by the way, why were you suddenly gone last week? At the event? I mean yeah I get it that you
were vomited but you always have extra clothes, I saw it in your bag?” she added.

Damon nodded again.

“Uhm” I couldn’t tell them that I felt something weird, they would tease me, they would make fun of
me. I don’t want that.

“You know what, I’ll go buy a drink, it’s quite hot here” I said.

“But our second class is about to start”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there”

“Okay?” Sam said in confusion.

I ran out of the situation because I don’t know what to say, and I’m also quite thirsty, it is hot in this

As I was nowhere near them, I picked out my phone so I could be distracted as I walk in this crowded
school. Most first class had just finished, and we are allotted around 5 minutes after every class to go
from one classroom to another and some are noticeably far from each other, so that couple of minutes
really helped.

I didn’t really care about everyone here, I was nervous, I mean what would I tell them if they keep on
asking? They are both really sneaky persons, they are like Sherlock Holmes or they try to be Sherlock
Holmes but most of the time, they could be right.

I bumped unto someone, I don’t know who and I guess he fell on the floor, but I didn’t really care until
something hit my head, I looked around and it was a pen? Whose pen is this?

“Do you think its just okay to leave someone on the floor?” someone shouted, it was a girl. I looked back
and I didn’t expect it, she’s the same girl who vomited at me last week, she’s the same girl who made
Mr. Flinn shout at me. I think it is payback time.

After she knew who I was, she turned back to her locker and tried to hide her face.

“OMG its Vince, damn, uhh” one of her Asian friends said nervously and tried to hide her from me by
literary squishing her together.

“Ah, Hi Vince, Um, I’m so sorry for what happened. My friend is just new here, and-“

I didn’t let her finished, I pushed her aside.

“Vince, please don’t murder my friend!”

She was still facing her locker and act like I wasn’t there. I forced her to turn around and looked at me.
The second our eyes meet I felt this weird feeling again, that feeling that I can’t put out. My heart is
beating fast, I can feel the sweat running through my forehead as I continued to look at her eyes, her
brown eyes that is so deep it could drown me. She made me feel something, something I don’t know,
something that I want to know. As we look at each other the world seem to only focus at both of us,
only the two of us.

“I’m sorry, please let me go, I’ll never do it again”. She said in a shivering voice, which makes me feel
calm, relaxed.

I kept looking at her, I don’t know why, I froze as I uttered these words.

“Pay me back, or I’ll kiss you”

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