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Tarikh : 8 july

Kelas : 1 p

Theme / title : 3.1

Learning Standard Main: 1.2.5

Complementary: 1.2.2

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1) listen and find the hidden animals.

2) guess the hidden place of the animals using fixed phrases.


1) Pupils recall previous lesson by answering teacher's questions.
2) Pupils learn about preposition phrases.
3) Tr puts the real classroom objects on the table and the pictures on the board.
4) Tr tells the class, the spider hide at one of the pictures.
5) One pupil come in front and writes the hiding place of the spider on a piece of paper.
6) Other pupils guess by asking questions. (preposition phrases)
7) The pupils guess until someone guesses correctly and continue with other animals and hiding place.
8) Pupils continue this game in group.
9) Tr put the spider at the classroom pictures and ask the questions.
10) Pupils answer yes/ no.  

Bbm : picture, model, flash cards

Tarikh : 9 july

Kelas : 1 p

Theme / title : 3.1

Learning Standard Main: 2.1.5

Complementary: 1.2.4

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1) name the missing items.

2) follow teacher’s simple instruction.

1) Pupils recall previous lesson by answering teacher's questions.
2) Tr prepare a desk or table with a number of classroom objects.
3) Pupils look at the items for few minutes and close their eyes.
4) Tr moves some items and pupils find the differents.

5) Pupils(some) come in front and follow teacher’s instruction.
6) Pupils continue the game in group.
7) Tr draws a grid on the board and explains.
8) Pupils look at the classroom objects and tick the correct box in group.

9) Pupils do exercise.   
Bbm : picture, model, flash cards
Tarikh : 10 july

Kelas : 1 p

Theme / title : 3.1

Learning Standard Main: 2.1.3

Complementary: 1.2.2

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1) draw a happy mouth or sad mouth.

2) match the pictures with the sentences.

1) Pupils recall previous lesson by answering teacher's questions.
2) Tr pre teach likes and dislikes by showing happy mouth and sad mouth.

3) Pupils listen to the recording.
4) Pupils circle what the spider says in group.
5) Pupils check their answers.
6) Pupils listen and repeat the sentences.

7) Pupils listen to the recording and draw a happy mouth or a sad mouth.
8) Pupils match the pictures with the sentences.

Bbm : picture, model, flash cards

Tarikh : 11 july

Kelas : 1 p

Theme / title : 3.1

Learning Standard Main: 1.3.1

Complementary: 1.2.3

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1) match pictures with sentences.

2) tick the correct picture.

1) Pupils recall previous lesson by answering teacher's questions.
2) Tr pre teach tree and brave.

3) Pupils listen to the recording.
4) Pupils listen to tr's explanation.
5) Pupils read the conversation with tr.
6) Pupils listen to the recording and tick the correct box.
7) Pupils look at the story, find the correct pictures and write numbers.

8) Pupils match the pictures with the sentences.

Bbm : picture, flash cards, cd,

Tarikh : 12 july

Kelas : 1 p

Theme / title : 3.1

Learning Standard Main: 3.1.3

Complementary: 3.1.4

Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1) read, draw and colour correctly.

2) circle yes/no correctly.

1) Pupils recall previous lesson by answering teacher's questions.
2) Tr write Whisper and Flash on the board and draw a spider.
3) Tr say the phrase from SB and pupils call out the name.

4) Pupils read the sentences after the tr.
5) Pupils listen to tr's explanation.
6) Pupils read the sentences again and circle yes/no in group.
7) Pupils listen and say the sentences.
8) Pupils read the sentences.
9) Pupils draw and colour the pictures they draw.

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