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Student´s name

Descripción general de la empresa

good afternoon my name is richard pineda

the company we are studying is called Airbnb

is a company that offers a cheap
accommodation service that is carried out
through a virtual application and that is not
offered for a stay in a hotel but in a home
having the possibility of renting a room, an
apartment, a tree house, a dome between
others, with coverage of more than 190

the problem facing the company is to idealize

the concept of belonging to any place, with this
what is sought is that people feel comfortable,
satisfied, happy and safe as if they were at
home since demonstrating humanity has
become rare due to disconnected world we live
The causes of this problem are: racial
discrimination, living costs, aesthetic taste and
local legislation.

racial discrimination because there are still

people and countries that do not accept that
people of certain races have rights like any
other and are not accepted.

costs of living this occurs because many places

to which one moves handle a higher value of
their goods and services.

aesthetic taste arises from the need to feel

comfortable in the space in which you are
going to be in accordance with your tastes,
whether they are rare or unusual.

the legislation of the place since the laws

regulate the activities that can be carried out.

the effects are: they promote and diversify

tourism, an authentic experience is achieved
and the economic and social benefits are

las causas de esta problematica son: la discriminación racial, los costos de vida, el gusto estetico y
la legislacion del lugar.

la discriminacion racial por que aun existen personas y paises los cuales no aceptan que personas
de ciertas razas tienen derechos como cualquier otra y no son aceptadas.

costos de vida esto se da debido a que muchos lugares a los cuales uno se desplaza manejan un
valor mas elevado de sus bienes y servicios.

el gusto estetico nace de la necesidad de sentirse conforme en el espacio en el que vayas a estar
conforme a tus gustos asi sean raros o poco usuales.

la legislacion del lugar ya que las leyes regulan las actividades que se puedan realizar.

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