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Level of Online Shopping at Time Management

Table 1.1 Respondents’ Profile

Profile Frequency Percent

 Male 42 25.45%
 Female 123 74.55%
 * 2

Total 167 100%

 ABM 28 16.77%
 GAS 12 7.19%
 HUMMS 40 23.95%
 PRE-BACC 30 17.96%
 STEM 57 34.13%

Total 167 100%

Year Level
 11 95 57.23%
 12 71 42.77%
 * 1

Total 167 100%

Table 1.2

Profile Mean St. Dev.

Age 16.758 1.235

Table 2 Variable 1 (Online Shopping)

Statement Mean St. Dev. Interpretation

1. I shop on internet because it saves time. 2.627 0.856 High
2. I prefer traditional/conventional way of 1.855 0.718 Low
shopping than online shopping.
3. I prefer cash on delivery than payment via 3.299 0.772 Very High
credit/debit card.
4. I hesitate to give my credit card number while 2.078 0.898 Low
shopping online.
5. I have to wait for a long time for the delivery 2.152 0.816 Low
of product and services.
6. I shop online because it is as secure as 2.355 0.763 Low
traditional shopping.
7. I will purchase only if there is provision of 2.018 0.698 Low
home delivery.
8. When I shop online, the description of 2.729 0.742 High
products shown on the websites are very
9. I shop online because the internet reduces the 2.658 0.767 High
monetary cost of traditional shopping.
10. When I shop online, the information given 2.758 0.636 High
about the product on the site is sufficient.
11. I have a difficulty in having a bank account or 2.399 0.821 Low
credit card needed when I shop online.
12. I prefer traditional shopping because online 2.146 0.871 Low
shopping is risky.
13. When I shop online, the selection of goods 2.782 0.654 High
available on the internet is very broad.
14. I prefer online shopping because it is a great 2.778 0.764 High
advantage to be able to shop at any time of
the day.
15. I have experienced receiving products in a 2.168 0.910 Low
poor or bad condition.
Average 2.441 0.774 Low

Table 3 Variable 2 (Time Management)

Statement Mean St. Dev. Interpretation

1. I take a positive attitude towards frustration 3.049 0.705 High
and failure.
2. I prioritize task so that I do the most 3.168 0.655 High
important and urgent task first.
3. I try to complete one task before going on to 3.337 0.609 Very High
the next task.
4. I write things down rather than trying to 3.265 0.715 Very High
remember everything in my head.
5. I plan out a revision timetable for 3.048 0.640 High
6. I organize my work to meet deadlines in good 3.234 0.620 High
7. I say “no” to others when I am short of time. 3.115 0.766 High
8. I have a daily “to do” list that I update 3.018 0.748 High
9. I don’t allow constant interruptions to my 3.067 0.657 High
10. I share task or problems with others if 3.012 0.739 High
11. I use list to remind me of what I need to do 3.211 0.761 High
and when to complete it.
12. I don’t put off making decisions. 2.934 0.624 High
13. When studying, I take a few minute break 3.347 0.613 Very High
every hour to refresh my mind.
14. I use a highlighter pen or underlining to 3.199 0.840 High
emphasize key facts in my lecture notes or
15. I agree with the principle that the best time to 3.289 0.714 Very High
do something is usually now.
Average 3.160 0.693 High

Interpretation: n
4−1 3
¿ =¿ 0.75
4 4
1.00-1.74 – Very Low – Strongly Disagree

1.75-2.49 – Low - Disagree

2.50-3.24 – High - Agree

3.25-4.0 – Very High – Strongly Agree

Responses Interval Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree 1.00-1.74 Very Low
2 Disagree 1.75-2.49 Low
3 Agree 2.50-3.24 High
4 Strongly Agree 3.25-4.0 Very High

Table 4 Variable 1 (Online Shopping)

Profile Mean Standard Deviation Interpretation
 Male 2.510 0.204 High
 Female 2.433 0.252 Low
Year Level
 11 2.466 0.241 Low
 12 2.436 0.243 Low
 ABM 2.458 0.252 Low
 GAS 2.426 0.307 Low
 HUMMS 2.431 0.257 Low
 PREBACC 2.507 0.187 High
 STEM 2.419 0.248 Low

Table 5 Variable 2 (Time Management)

Profile Mean Standard Deviation Interpretation
 Male 3.086 0.367 High
 Female 3.176 0.353 High
Year Level
 11 3.121 0.352 High
 12 3.199 0.361 High
 ABM 3.091 0.346 High
 GAS 3.133 0.420 High
 HUMMS 3.055 0.343 High
 PREBACC 3.083 0.289 High
 STEM 3.291 0.359 Very High

Table 6.Test of Significant Difference between Online Shopping and Respondents’ Profile
Test Statistics
Variable Profile Computed Value p value Remarks
Online Sex T= -1.98 0.050 Significant
Shopping Year Level T= 0.79 0.431 Not Significant
Strand F= 1.19 0.316 Not Significant
Note: Significant if the P value is ≤ 0.05, Highly significant if the P value ≤ 0.01.

Table 7.Test of Significant Difference between Time Management and Respondents’ Profile
Test Statistics
Variable Profile Computed Value p value Remarks
Time Sex T= 1.39 0.170 Not Significant
Management Year Level T= -1.40 0.164 Not Significant
Strand F= 3.62 0.007 Highly Significant
Note: Significant if P value is ≤ 0.05; Highly significant if P value ≤ 0.01.

Table 8. Test of Significant Relationship between Online Shopping and Time Management

Test Statistics
Variables r value Strength p value Remarks
Online Shopping and Time Management 0.174 Slight 0.025 Significant
Note: Significant if P value is ≤ 0.05; Highly significant if P value ≤ 0.01.

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