Brian Rey L. Abing GE 101-IE 11 8/23/2019

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Brian Rey L.

Abing GE 101- IE 11 8/23/2019

1. What was the problem of the main character in the movie? Why did it lead that to
The main character Rebecca Bloom wood she always tries to satisfy her needs for
esteem through purchasing luxurious items. When she looks into the mirror wearing the thing,
she desires she is half fulfilled with satisfaction. She thinks that her self-esteem will be satisfied
if she possesses it. Thus, she purchases everything despite her diminishing fund. For her
buying things brings her relaxation and self-confidence.

2. What were the actions she took to solve her problem?

Rebecca realizes all her mistakes and she feel happier with her decision of abandoning her
shopaholic habit. She realizes that at first, she thinks she can get happiness from shopping, but
finally she realizes that what she really needs is love, acceptance, and how she can be useful
for people around her. And manages to solve her problem by making an auction of all her
shopping items.

3. List 3 important insights you learned from the movie?

- One should possess self-control when buying things
- One should be contented
- One should stop being self-absorbed

4. Personally, what are the steps you can take in order for you to be a better
consumer or in order for you to have a better buying behavior?
Know what are our needs and wants, our priorities. Appreciate what’s yours, be
contented. If you really need to buy that thing, check its quality and price, is the product is really
worth it? Also learn to say “No” to yourself. We’re often most tempted when we resist. When we
try to stop a behavior too abruptly, when we resist a desire, we’re constantly dwelling on that
exact thing.

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