Unit Learning Plan: Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc

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Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.

Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat

Government Recognition No. 018, s. 1993
TIN: 000-578-187 (Non VAT)
“Service for the love of God through Mary”

Subject/Grade Level: English 10 Quarter: 1st Month: June-August


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers
in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
Standard: variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
(For A) A.1.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Blocks that Block (Individual)
A.1 Determine the (Explore)
effect of textual aids PROCEDURES:
like advance  Explain to the students that each block represents a saying or
organizers, titles, well-known phrase.
non-linear  Have them identify what is being asked by each block.
illustrations, etc. on  Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase. Identify
the understanding of the phrase or idiom graphically presented in each square.
a text
(Textual Aids, )

 Tell them to write their answers on their notebooks.

 Process the activity using the following questions:
1. What is your overall impression about the phrases above?
2. How do they reflect realities in life?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.7)

A.1.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: You’ve got a friend

 Ask the students to remember the time when they were weak and
low. Allow them to fill out the balloons with their experiences in
life that have to do with their responses in Task 1.
 Let them share their work with their classmates.
Belittled: Late:
______________ _____________
____________ _____________

Lost: Trouble:
______________ _______________
____________ ___________

‘here we go again’:
_______________ Forgotten:
___________ _______________

Process the activity using the following questions:

1. What can you say about the activity?
2. How did you feel when you have to recall all those experiences?
3. Did you have fear in sharing your experiences with the class? Why?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.7)

A.1.3 ACTIVITY TITLE: Watch and Learn!

 Allow the students to watch the video carefully and answer the
following questions for processing:
1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. What is the story all about?
3. What are the personal challenges of the character are highlighted in
the video?
4. How would you compare yourself to the character in the video?
5. What insights have you gained from the video?


A.2 Differentiate A.2.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Schema and Schema

formal from informal (Firm Up)
definitions of words PROCEDURES:
(Formal and Informal  Group the students into triad group.
Definition)  Let them students answer the questions in each balloons.
EN10V-Ia13.9  Ask them to take note of their answers and be able to relate all of
them to the selection they are about to read.

What are usually made What are the benefits

of wax? of wax?

What is wax In what way can be

susceptible? harmful?
A.2.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Vocabulary Spinner (Individual)
(Firm Up)
 Ask the students to play the vocabulary spinner by spinning the
wheel and give the synonym, antonym, and function of each
word use in a sentence or give the definition of the following
Give the Definition Use in a sentence

Give a synonym Give an antonym

1. comfortable
2. overlapping
3. plunged
4. hurtled
5. vengeful


A.3 Identify features A.3 ACTIVITY TITLE: Minute paper

of persuasive texts (Firm Up)
(features of PROCEDURES:
persuasive text)  The teacher will give a minute test to the students to test their
EN10WC-Ia12.1 knowledge about the topic.


(For M)
A.4 Explain how the A.4.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Facts and Details
elements specific to a (Deepen)
genre contribute to PROCEDURES:
the theme of a  The teacher will divide the class into 5-6 members per group.
particular literary After reading the story of Daedalus and Icarus they will be
selection having a brainstorming.
(Myth, Daedalus and  Ask the students to answer the following comprehension
Icarus) questions on their notebooks.
EN10LT-Ib-2.2 1. Who hired Daedalus?
2. What did Daedalus design to hold the Minotaur?
3. What did Daedalus invent to help them escape from the Labyrinth?
4. What did he warn Icarus not to do?
5. What happened to Icarus?

A.4.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: What’s Going on?

 With the same group, ask the students to answer the following
interpretation questions on their notebooks.
1. Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the Labyrinth?
2. Why did Minos think that if Daedalus can’t find his way out, “so
much the better”?
3. Minos tells Icarus the plan is dangerous. Why does he want them
to take this risk?
4. Why did Daedalus leave his wings on the altar of Apollo? Why
wouldn’t he want to fly anymore

A.4.3 ACTIVITY TITLE: Digging Deeper

 With the same group, ask the students to answer the following
evaluation questions on their notebooks:
1. In a short paragraph, describe how Daedalus planned to escape from
the island prison of Crete.
2. Do you think Daedalus’s plan to escape will or will not work? Explain
your answer.
3. Could the events of Daedalus’s and Icarus’s escape, from the island
prison of Crete, happen in real life?
4. Which events of the myth could have happened in real-life?
5. If you had access to building resources and materials, how would you
design a flying machine to help you escape from the island prison of

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

(For A) A.5.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Timeline

A.5 Determine how (Firm-Up)
connected events PROCEDURES:
contribute to the  The teacher will divide the class into 4-5 members per group.
totality of material Each group must prepare a manila paper, pentel pen and scotch
viewed tape.
(Icarus and Deadalus)  Ask the students to create a timeline of what happened in each of
EN10VC-1a-1.4/2.4 the following:
1. The palace of Minos
2. In prison
3. Icarus in the sea
4. Sicily

A.5.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Character Portrait

 Have the students extract actions, dialogues and thoughts of
Athene from the text and create an impression about the
character. Check their answers.
 Allow the students to interact with each other.

Daedalu’s action:
What it tells about him?
Daedalu’s dialogue:
What it tells about him?
_______________________ Daedalu’s thoughts:
What it tells about him?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(English-LM-pg.17-18), manila paper, pentel pen, scotch paper

A.6 ACTIVITY TITLE: Grammarian for a day

A.6 Identify the (Firm-Up)
pronouns in the PROCEDURES:
paragraph  With the same group, allow the students to do the following
(Pronoun) activities:
 Scan the paragraphs below. Underline all the pronouns used by
the author.
He was then tried at the Areiopagus, which was the ancient
Greek court, and banished from his home city of Athens. He fled to
the island of Crete, where he began to work at the court of King
Minos and Queen Pasiphae, in the magnificent palace of Knossos.
It is said that Daedalus was the first to conceive masts and
sails for ships for the navy of Minos, helping Crete become a naval
power. The statues he carved were so exquisite, they looked as if they
were alive. It is said that they would have escaped were it not for the
chain that bound them to the palace wall.
Daedelus also constructed a wooden cow for the queen to hide
and to satisfy her amorous longings for a white bull sent by Poseidon,
and by which she became pregnant with the Minotaur.
When the dreadful Minotaur was born, Daedalus built the Labyrinth
to contain the monstrous half-man, halfbull. For years Minos
demanded a tribute of youths from Athens to feed the creature as
punishment for the accidental killing of his son while he was visiting
Eventually, the Athenian hero Theseus came to Crete to
attempt to slay the Minotaur. Princess Ariadne, daughter of king
Minos and queen Pasiphae, fell in love with Theseus and asked
Daedalus to help him.
Daedalus gave her a flaxen thread for Theseus to tie to the
door of the Labyrinth as he entered, and by which he could find his
way out after killing the monster, simply by following the thread
back. Theseus succeeded, and escaped Crete with Ariadne
 From the identified pronouns above, ask them to pick at least
five (5) of them and paraphrase the statement by making the
pronouns reflexive.
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
 Using the following pronouns, ask the students to construct their
own sentences by converting the assigned pronouns into
reflexive pronouns.
1. (Him) ____________________________________________
2. (her) ____________________________________________
3. (Them) ____________________________________________
4. (it) ____________________________________________

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

(For M) A.7 ACTIVITY TITLE: Men under the lens

A.7 Formulate a (Deepen)
statement of opinion PROCEDURES:
or assertion  The teacher will divide the class into 4-5 members per group.
(Icarus and Deadalus)  Ask the students to do the following:
A. Make a list of all the personal challenges Icarus and Daedalus needed
to overcome in the text.
B. Pick out the personal challenges of the two characters the students
have also undergone in their lives

Processing the activity using the following questions:

1. What do the similarities of your personal challenges in life and those
of Daedalus and Icarus tell? What new discoveries did you find?
2. How do you compare the similarities of your personal challenges in
life and these of Daedalus and Icarus?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.8 ACTIVITY TITLE: Imprint in Print

A.8 Get information (Deepen)
that can be used in PROCEDURES:
everyday life from  Allow the students to look in today’s paper for a story about an
news reports, engineering solution to a problem by group. This could be
speeches, informative anything from coordinating traffic lights to avoiding local
talks, panel flooding problems to developing a new type of space craft.
discussions, etc.  This is integrated in Science and Technology by asking the
EN10LC-Ia-11.1 students to create a chart showing the problem, the solution and
what basic tools and forces are involved.
 Process the activity. Emphasize the value of careful planning.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.9.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Dealing with Personal Challenges

A.9 Express insights (Deepen)
based on the ideas PROCEDURES:
presented in the  Introduce the personal challenges the class have discovered from
material viewed Icarus and Daedalus.
(Icarus and Deadalus  Ask them how they would deal with these challenges if they are
Challenges) to encounter them by group. Every must have 5 members only.
EN10VC-Id25 1. Abuse of power
2. Self Destruction
3. Foolishness
4. Lack of contentment
5. Aggressiveness
6. Hard headedness
7. Impetuousness
8. Hostility
9. Addiction
10. Boastfulness
11. Egocentricity
12. Procrastination
13. Compulsiveness
14. Envy Accept varied responses.
 Allow the students to interact with the group.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.9.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Stress Tabs (Individual)

 Tell the students that stress is a personal challenge. It drags them
from their studies and slows them down in accomplishing a lot of
What causes your stress? How does it affect you?

 Check their answers. Allow the students to interact with each

other. Process the activity.
 Emphasize the value of stress management.

A.9.3 ACTIVITY TITLE: Peer Pressure

 Tell the students that peer pressure is another personal challenge
to overcome.
 Peer pressure is another personal challenge to overcome. How
would you respond to a friend who pressures you to do the things
described below?

Let’s go and see this much

talked about movie on the
internet. Let’s cut classes! It’s
my treat! Don’t worry!

1. _________________________________________________
My brothers are asking me to
join their fraternity. Tonight’s
going to be the initiation rites.
Would you like to join us?

2. _________________________________________________

Cecil is keeping a cheat sheet

of the examination in her bag.
She wants us to see it.

3. _________________________________________________

Khris broke into his dad’s

room and took adult materials
with him. Let’s check them

4. _________________________________________________

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.10.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: The Great Eight

A.10 Formulate a PROCEDURES:
statement of opinion  The students will be grouped according to their
or assertion intelligences/abilities.
(Daedalus and Icarus)  Ask each group to do any of the following:
A. Across Thy Mind (ATM) [LogicalMathematical]
• Make a survey within the group on how disciplined the
members are using the following scale: Well Disciplined,
Moderate Disciplined, Not Disciplined.
• Make a tally of your data according to the scale
• Construct a graph of the data.
• Interpret your graph and make a conclusion.
B. Youth Power [Verbal-Linguistic]
• Imagine that you are SK officers and your task is to write a
barangay ordinance that requires the youth to participate in
community service activities
C. A Tree for a Day [Naturalistic]
• Picture yourself as a tree and you would like to express how
you feel about the residents of your
D. Goal Setting [Intrapersonal]
• Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.
• Set a plan of action on how you would transform your
weaknesses into strengths and how you would further improve
your strengths
E. Water Proof!
• Draw an interpretation of the line “The Filipino Spirit Is Water
Proof!” This should show how Filipinos face calamities.
F. Strong U [Bodily-Kinesthetic]
• Make a dance interpretation of the song “Stronger” by Kelly
G. Sing [Musical]
• Sing a song that is in line with any of the following themes:
• Nature
• Discipline
• Patriotism
H. Ma’am May I? [Interpersonal]
• Interview your teacher about the challenges he/she has to deal
with in his/her job and how personal discipline helps him/her
make his/her work better

A.10.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: My Purpose (Individual)

 Ask the students to create their Personal Mission Statement for
them to discover their purpose.
1. What do I value most in life? (List those things.)

2. What is my life’s purpose?

3. What legacy do I want to leave my school?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.11. ACTIVITY TITLE: Persuasive text

(For T) (Transfer)
A.11 Compose a PROCEDURES:
persuasive text of  The teacher will divide the class into 4-5 members per group.
three paragraphs  They will write a short but persuasive text.
expressing one’s  They will be guided by the rubrics in the LM.
stand on an issue
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.12.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: What am I? (Individual)

(For A) (Firm-Up)
A.12 Determine the PROCEDURES:
effect of textual aids  Ask the students to read each statement closely, and identify
on the understanding what is suggested by each statement:
of a text 1. I am a vitamin you need if you have colds. What am I?
(Discrimination) 2. I am what you use when it’s raining. What am I?
EN10RC-Ib-2.15.2 3. I am what you wear when the sun is at its peak. What am I?
4. I once protected China from invaders, now I am a wonder for
visitors. What am I?

Make sense of all your answers together to come up with the answer to
this riddle.
1. What “D” is built for protection?

A.12.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Discrimination Check

 Ask the students if they have already experienced discrimination
at home, in school, among your peers etc.
 List down the different forms of discrimination in the table

Family School Peers

 Share and compare their lists with a partner.

 Add items from others’ lists to one’s own list.
 Use this activity to elicit prior knowledge

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.13 ACTIVITY TITLE: Video Analysis

(For M) (Deepen)
generalizations and  Let the students watch the video or listen to the song “reflection”
conclusions based on and answer the questions that follow.
the materials viewed  After listening, process the activity by using the following
(Discrimination) questions:
EN10VC-Ig1.5/2.5 1. What is the song all about?
2. What type of discrimination has been underscored in the song?
3. How is this discrimination related to your life (if there’s any)?
4. Pick out your favorite lines from the song and explain why.
 Let them share their answers with a partner.
 Then ask them to sing the song aloud.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.33)

A.14 ACTIVITY TITLE: Mystery Word

(For A) (Firm-Up)
A.14 Determine how PROCEDURES:
connected events  Ask the students to unscramble the letters to form the correct
contribute to the word. Then ask them to write the word in the box.
totality of a material  Before reading the text, ask them to reflect on the question,
viewed “How do I build the best defenses against challenges to acquire
(Gorgon’s Head) the best quality of life possible for me?”
EN10VC-Ib1.4/2.4 1. to escape or avoid (verb) eveda -__________
2. dangerous (adjective) . erpisulo - ________
3. poisonous (adjective) vsmuoneo ________
4. ashamed (verb) aeadhbs _________
5. satisfy, gratify (verb) peeapsa – ________
6. brave (adjective) vorlsaou –________

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.35-36)
A.15 ACTIVITY TITLE: Makes sense to me
A.15 Express  Have them pick out at least ten (10) sentences from the myth
appreciation for “The Gorgon’s Head” that shows sensory images.
sensory images used  Let them identify the senses to which these statements appeal.
(Gorgon’s Head)  Process the activity
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.16.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Minute Paper

A.16 Identify  The teacher will give a minute test to the students to test their
reflexive and knowledge about the topic.
intensive pronouns
EN10G-Ia-27 A.16.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Triple Treat (Individual)
 Below are paragraphs lifted from “The Gorgon’s Head.”
Task A. Circle all the pronouns from the paragraph

That was the last time Perseus ever used the horrible head. (1-2)
He gave it most willingly to Athene, who kept it ever after.
(3) Now that Polydectes was dead, Danae yearned to go home
again and be reconciled to her father. (4) So Perseus made the fisherman
Dictys King of island and sailed with his mother and Andromeda to
(5-6) But it happened that when they came to Argos, King
Acrisius was away from home. (7) Games were being held in Larissa,
and Perseus, hearing of them, decided to go there and take part. (8) And
there at the game it was that the oracle which Acrisius had received at
Delphi was strangely fulfilled. (9) For when it came to Perseus’ turn to
throw the discus, (10-11) he threw it so that it swerved to one side. (12)
It landed among the spectators and killed an old man. That old man was
King Acrisius, who had gone to such cruel lengths to avoid the fate
which the gods had ordained.

Task B. Paraphrase at least five sentences by transforming the circled

pronouns into reflexive or intensive pronouns IF APPLICABLE. Write
R on the blank before each item if the pronoun is Reflexive or I if
____ 1. ___________________________________________________
____ 2. ___________________________________________________
____ 3. ___________________________________________________
____ 4. ___________________________________________________
____ 5. ___________________________________________________
Task C. Using the previous examples of reflexive and intensive
pronouns, compare and contrast the two kinds of pronouns.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
A.17.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: Award in the Ward
A.17 Express insights  Examine the editorial cartoon below and answer the questions
based on the ideas that follow by group. Each group must have at least 5-4 member.
presented in the Processing Questions:
material viewed 1. What is the cartoon all about?
(Discrimination) 2. What kind of discrimination is shown in the cartoon?
EN10VC-Ie25 3. What would you do if you were in the shoes of the one
discriminated against?

A.17.2 ACTIVITY TITLE: Different and Singled out

 The teacher will divide the class into 5-6 members per group.
 As a group, they will identify specific scenarios where
discrimination is happening.
Discrimination Examples How do we build
a defense
Marital Status

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.47-48)

A.18 ACTIVITY TITLE: Travel Brochure

 The teacher will divide the class into 5-6 members per group.
 As a group, they will make their own travel brochure.

A.18 Compose a
Travel Brochure that
would feature their
own defences against
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (English-LM-pg.50)

(For A)
A.19 Determine the A.19.1 ACTIVITY TITLE: BOY-GIRL Power
implicit and explicit (Firm-Up)
signals, verbal, as PROCEDURES:
well as non-verbal,  Make them visualize the strengths of a boy and a girl and how
used by the speaker can they make use of these strengths to solve the problem which
to highlight is to successfully come out of the box.
significant points  Relate it to the theme capitalizing on one’s strengths and
EN10LC-Ib-4 weaknesses. Ask the following processing questions.
 Joaquin and Cristina are trapped in a magic box. They want to be
free! Using the chart below, list down the individual strengths
that Joaquin and Cristina could use to free themselves from the

Processing Questions:
1. What qualities of Joaquin have you identified? How about Cristina?
2. In what way could these qualities help them escape from the box?
3. Does the chart help you sort boys’ and girls’ characteristics? Could
you think of other organizers that would best fit the purpose?
4. Do you think we could interchange the qualities of Joaquin and
Cristina? What would interchanging their qualities imply?


 Ask the students to view or listen to the song entitled “Let it Go”
from the movie FROZEN.
 Before listening to the song, present a concept map of the words
Implicit and explicit on the board to clarify them of what they are
expected to do in the activity.
 Ask them to determine implicit and explicit signals from the
lyrics that are used by the singer to highlight significant points.
Ask the following questions:
1. What is the song all about?
2. What explicit and implicit signals used by the singer to highlight
significant points have you indentified?
3. How do these signals help add value to the lyrics and over all
meaning of the song?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(For M)
A.20 Explain how the
elements specific to a
genre contribute to
the theme of a A.20 ACTIVITY TITLE: Element-Array
particular literary (Deepen)
selection PROCEDURES:
(Myth- Orpheus)  Ask the students to form five (5) groups. Each group will draw
EN10LT-Ie-2.2 their own bulb puzzle and answer the field required by each
piece of the puzzle.
 Give them about five or ten minutes to do the task. Ask a
representative from each group to report the group’s output. It is
also important that you give the other groups to comment on the
output presented by the other groups to make the discussion
 After all the group representatives are done with the presentation,
ask them the following questions:

Processing Questions:
1. How do the elements help you understand the flow of the story?
2. What is the theme of the story?
3. In what way do the elements contribute to your understanding of the
selection’s over-all theme?

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(For A)
A.21 Determine tone,
mood, technique, and
purpose of the author
(Myth- Orpheus) A.21 ACTIVITY TITLE: Frayer Model
EN10LT-Ie-2.2.3 (Firm-Up)
 Provide inputs or recall previous discussions on tone, mood,
technique, and purpose of the author in writing a text
 After your short discussion, ask them to recall the story of
Orpheus. Present to them the chart found in task 6 of this lesson
and ask them to fill out the bubbles with the corresponding
 Ask someone to present the output in class and allow everyone to
have a free discussion about each other’s responses.
 Read the story Orpheus once again. Determine the tone, mood,
technique, and purpose of the author in writing the text.
Tone of my story… Mood of my story…

Technique of my My purpose in
story… writing is….

Alice Low

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.22 Give meaning

of words through
using dictionary and/ A.22 ACTIVITY TITLE: Small group differentiated activities
or context clues (SGDA)- The Golden Door
(Arachne) (Firm-Up)
 Instruct them to form small groups of eight, and to read
“ARACHNE” a myth from Ancient Greece, as translated by
Olivia Coolidge.
 Remind them to work on their assigned task and to share their
ideas, thoughts, and experiences with the class.

Group 1: Word Finders

 Ask the learners to look for difficult/unfamiliar words in the
selection, and clarify the meaning of each through using a
dictionary or context clues.
Group 2: Image Makers
Discuss the answers to these questions:
1. What caused Arachne’s fears and failures?
2. How did Arachne try to fight her fear and carry out the
conditions of the challenge?
3. How does she feel about her weaving skill?
4. What prevailing mood is conveyed in “Arachne”? Find
words/phrases in the selection that convey that mood clearly.
5. What tone is used in the selection? Cite paragraph/s that
support your contention?
6. Describe how the mood and the tone contribute to the total
effect of the story.

Group 3 Justifiers
Discuss the answers to these questions:
1. What is the nature of the conflict in Arachne?
2. What does Arachne do that makes it difficult for her to solve
her problem?
3. What happens to her as she lives through her experience?
4. What character trait is clearly shown by Arachne?
5. What are some details in the story that will prove that
Arachne’s pride is the reason for her downfall?
6. What is your opinion on the characteristics of the following
based on their words and actions, especially in dealing with
a. Arachne
b. the old woman (Athene)

Group 4 Theme Builders

Discuss your answers to these questions:
1. Is the use of poetic justice (a happy ending where a virtue is
rewarded and the vice/wrong doing is punished) as a literary
device effective in “Arachne”? Explain.
2. Had Arachne changed her attitude, do you think the old
woman would have punished her? Explain.
3. Does the story help you understand the value of dealing with
challenges? Explain.
4. What generalization or statement about human experience
(theme) does the story make?
5. Ponder on the title “Arachne.” In what way does it relate to the
theme (general truth or observation about human
experience/message) of the selection?
6. Is it used as a symbol to clarify the theme? Explain.

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.23 Determine the

roles of discourse
markers (e.g. A.23 ACTIVITY TITLE: Language Watch (Individual)
conjunctions, (Firm-Up)
gambits, adverbs) in PROCEDURES:
signaling the A. Which Is Which
functions of  Ask the students to classify each of the words inside the box
statements made  Classify the words inside the box, and tell which of them is a
EN10LC-If-14.2 conjunction, parenthetical expression, adverb/conjunctive
exactly apparently however still to illustrate
most importantly on the contrary in most cases
in like manner in my opinion to reiterate
supposing provided that on the condition that differently
as long as as such provided that such that
 Lead them to revisit/review how to use conjunctions,
parenthetical expressions, or adverb/conjunctive adverbs.

B. Giving Emphasis
1. Let the students read the sentences lifted from “Arachne”, and ask
them to focus on the italicized words/ phrases. Let them find out how
each expression is used.
2. Let them work in small groups of five, and answer the questions
3. Process the learners’ answers and review with them other examples of
these special expressions that signal emphasis
4. Make them revisit the box entries in Task 6A, and check the
words/expressions in their list against the special words and expressions
(that emphasize points) inside the box.

Here are some commonly used expressions emphasizing points

persuasively: In my opinion, in most cases, I believe, I suppose, As far
as I’m concerned, Speaking for myself, etc

C. Blissful
• Pair up and take turns in answering these questions:
1. Are you confident about your ability to deal with trials and obstacles
to your personal goals?
2. How do you overcome your fear when dealing with a difficult
3. Have you discovered or realized something or felt blissful after you
dealt with the challenge?
• Prove your point by citing examples.
• Use special expressions to emphasize your point and to clarify your

D. Comfort Zone
• Think about this question: Do you believe that sticking to your comfort
zone instead of taking risks when you face a challenge is a better
decision all the time?
• For five minutes, think and jot down the reasons why you say so.
Include examples to prove your point.
• Use special expressions to emphasize your point and to clarify your
1. Invite them to reflect on this question: Do you believe in sticking to
your comfort zone instead of taking yourself out of it when you face a
2. Let them write the reasons why they say so.
3. Request them to give examples to prove their point and to use
special expressions to emphasize and to clarify their stand. (Responses
may vary.)
4. Process the students’ output and give comments as well as
Invite the students to reinforce, prove, extend, enriched and enhance
their understanding of the target language communication and literary
skills and of dealing with personal challenges by getting involved in
meaningful, challenging and real - life tasks.

(For M)
A.24. Explain how
tone and mood
contribute to the A.24 ACTIVITY TITLE: For VIP (Very Impressive Photo)
theme of the myth (Deepen)
 Let them form small groups of five and do the following tasks:
Use factual and
opinion based A. Connect and Decide
statements as 1. Instruct the learners to think about and list the five most important
supports in things they would want to do in facing or dealing with personal
persuasive writing challenges.
EN10WC-Id-12.2 2. Make them tell whether they are based on fact or opinion.
3. Discuss the choices and decide on the top three.
Select, organize, 4. Help them come up with the photo essay’s main idea by letting them
produce visuals and choose one literary selection (from those they have explored in
graphics to class/read) that presents ways of dealing with challenges and make
complement and them consider these points as well:
extended the meaning • Which is most liked?
of photo essay • Which do you feel a close connection with?
EN10WC-Ie-12.3 • Which do you want to read more in public?
5. Guide them to come up with an introduction by using a surprising
incident, interesting question, and characters from their chosen

B. Scout for Remarkable / Influential Figures

1. Lead them to come up with supports and evidences by choosing at
least three characters (e.g., Athena, Orpheus) who have made a great
impression on them in dealing/resolving personal conflicts. Choose also
the characters who have influenced their outlook in life.
2. Ask them to rank these characters according to their preference and
do a character inventory by considering their qualities, attitudes, or
Remarkable/Influential Character Inventory
Rank Rank Qualities Attitude

3. Make them highlight three outstanding or dominant character traits

that help them resolve personal conflict and let them consider their
differences and similarities.
Outstanding/Dominant Character Traits
Character Simi Similarities Differences

C. Unlimited
1. Invite them to take a closer look at the samples of photo essay using
this link—http://education. nationalgeographic.com/media/
file/GAW_photo_912edited922. pdf and find out how each establishes
the tone, mood and theme of the essay through visuals and text.
2. Help your students to establish the tone, mood, and theme of the
essay through visuals and text. Require them to collect photos, pictures,
drawings, and video segment (if possible) illustrations that show and
relate to the theme or the message of your chosen literary selections.
Use them as supports and evidences to support their stand.
3. Remind them to provide a catchy and meaningful title to the photo
essay, explain its significance. Make the text serious and
straightforward, and express opinion (personal feelings or beliefs) about
the characters and the incidents that support them.
4. Organize the visuals and text. Establish the connection between and
among the visuals the texts, and the main idea.
5. Let them edit, refine, and polish their work as they use the following
rubrics as guide.
5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL Legend:
(presents original or unique style to make it
Rating – Description
interesting) 5 -
Visual, Graphics (uses sound color, content of Excellent
photos and graphics represent the argument and 4 - Very
convey persuasive messages) Impressive
Text Representation Captions (uses words and
3 -
phrases that call up strong feeling; uses logical
and emotional appeal; examples, statistics to Impressive
prove one’s stand; has convincing tone) 2 - Needs
Organization (presents reasons, arguments, facts Revision
that are logically organized around a particular 1 -
point) Inadequate
Impact (convinces the audience to accept the
ideas and moves them to action)
Total C+VG+TC+O+I= Total
6. Evaluate their output and check it against the criteria set in rubrics

Celebrating Diversity through World Literature

A.25 ACTIVITY TITLE: Minute Paper

 The teacher will discuss the factors of publics speaking.
Afterwards, he/she will give a minute paper to the students to test
their knowledge about the topic. This test is good for 5 minutes.
(For A) https://magneticspeaking.com/the-top-9-characteristics-of-effective-
A.25 Identify factors public-speakers/
of public speaking

Describe and
interpret the ethics of
public Speaking A.26 ACTIVITY TITLE: Delivering Persuasive Essay
EN10OL-Ib-3.15 (Transfer)
The Local Government of Pigcawayan thru the office of the Municiapl
Planning and Development Council (MPDC) is organizing a symposium in preparation
for the upcoming 2019 National Election. The MPDO is inviting government or non-
(For T) government agencies such as Commission on Elections (COMELEC) and Parish
A.26 Compose a Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) in educating the public on their
short but powerful rights and duties as responsible voters and citizens to give them a guide on choosing
leaders whom they are going to elect.
persuasive text using
GOAL: To educate the public on their rights and duties as responsible voters and
a variety of citizens
persuasive techniques ROLE: COMELEC and PPCRV Represenatives as speakers
and devices. AUDIENCE: Registered voters of the Municipality of Pigcawayan
SITUATION: The LGU is doing a symposium on the 2019 National Election
Information Drive
PRODUCTS: Persuasive Speech
STANDARD: Content and Delivery
Content 5 4 3 2 1
Stats the purpose
Organizes the content
Supports ideas
Prepared By: Check By:
Incorporates stories and examples
Summarizes the main ideas
Demonstrates awareness of listeners’ needs
Speaks clearlyA.with
DIAZappropriate vocabulary ROSALIE E. CARMELO
and Teacher/Dept. Head
information Academic Coordinator
Uses tone, speed, and volumes as tools
Demonstrates complexity of vocabulary and
Appears comfortable with audience
Noted By:



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