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The health care provider has ordered a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study to be
done on a pregnant patient to evaluate fetal structure and growth. The nurse should include
which instructions when preparing the patient for this test? (Select all that apply.)

A. A lead apron must be worn during the test.

B. A full bladder is required prior to the test.
C. An intravenous line must be inserted before the test.
D. Jewelry must be removed before the test.
E. Remain still throughout the test

(6). A nonstress test (NST) is ordered on a pregnant women at 37 weeks gestation. What are the
most appropriate teaching points to include when explaining the procedure to the patient? (Select all
that apply)

A. After 20 minutes, a nonreactive reading indicates the test is complete.

B. Vibroacoustic stimulation may be used during the test.
C. Drinking orange juice before the test is appropriate.
D. A needle biopsy may be needed to stimulate contractions.
E. Two sensors are placed on the abdomen to measure contractions and fetal heart tones.

(13). Diagnostic tests that should be done in pregnancy-induced hypertension include these. Select
all that apply.
A. ultrasound of the fetus
B. 24 hour urine sample for protein
C. protime
E. antiphospholipid antibody testing
F. liver function testing

(15). Risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy include the following. Select all that apply. a. Taking oral
contraceptives during conception
A. Having a history of PID.
B. Having an IUD in place.
C. Advanced maternal age.
E. Having previous tubal surgery
F. Having one fallopian tube

(17). A 32 week gestation client has suffered a motor vehicle trauma but is minimally injured. Even
so, what test( s) should be done to assess the pregnancy? Select all that apply.

A. Kleinhauer-Betke test
C. Liver function tests
D. Non-stress test
E. C-reactive protein
F D –dimer test

(21). The nurse is performing a neurologic assessment on a 1-day-old neonate. Which of the
following findings would indicate possible asphyxia in utero?
Select all that apply:
A. The neonate grasps the nurse's finger when she puts it in the palm of his hand.
B. The neonate does stepping movements when held upright with his sole touching a surface.
C. The neonate's toes don't curl downward when his soles are stroked.
D. The neonate doesn't respond when the nurse claps her hands above him.
E. The neonate turns toward an object when the nurse touches his cheek with it.
F. The neonate displays weak, ineffective sucking.

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