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Visual Basic Coding Convention


Version 1/1

Effective date 10/Jun/2013

Standard_Visual Basic Coding Convention V1/1


*A - Added M - Modified D – Deleted

Effective Changed Items A* Change Description New

Date M, D Version

10/06/13 3.1.1 Modules M Updated name and filename of V1/1

"MDI form ", "MDI child form",
"Modal dialog box"

10/06/13 3.1.2 Suggested M Update Prefix and Example of "MS V1/1

Prefixes for Flex grid, Vertical scroll bar"

10/06/13 3.1.3 Suggested A added new "File Send Fax, Format V1/1
Prefixes for Menus Character, Help Contents"

10/06/13 3.1.5 Creation M Update Example of "Global, V1/1

Variable Names Module-level"

10/06/13 3.1.7 Constant A,M Added new ". Although standard V1/1
Visual Basic constants do not
include Hungarian information,
prefixes like int, str,g and m can be
very useful in understanding the
value and scope of a constant. For
constant names, follow the same
rules as variables"; Updates
Example "Public Const
gstrDATE_FORMAT as String =

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Standard_Visual Basic Coding Convention V1/1


Record of change ................................................................................................................... 2

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 5

1.1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 5

1.2. Application scope .......................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Related documents ....................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Definition ....................................................................................................................... 5
2. GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 6

2.1. Source for the Coding Convention ................................................................................. 6

2.2. Structure of the Coding Convention ............................................................................... 6
3. DETAIL ......................................................................................................................... 7

3.1. Naming Convention ....................................................................................................... 7

3.1.1. Modules ........................................................................................................................ 7

3.1.2. Suggested Prefixes for Controls .................................................................................... 7

3.1.3. Suggested Prefixes for Menus ..................................................................................... 11

3.1.4. Choosing Prefixes for Other Controls........................................................................... 11

3.1.5. Creation Variable Names............................................................................................. 12

3.1.6. User-Defined Types .................................................................................................... 14

3.1.7. Constant ..................................................................................................................... 14

3.2. Code Commenting Conventions .................................................................................. 14

3.2.1. Procedure and function header comment .................................................................... 14

3.2.2. Inline comment ............................................................................................................ 15

3.3. Spacing, formatting, and indenting............................................................................... 16

3.3.1. Indenting ..................................................................................................................... 16

3.3.2. Grouping Constants .................................................................................................... 16

3.3.3. & and + Operators ....................................................................................................... 17

3.4. Form Layout ................................................................................................................ 17

3.5. Report Layout ............................................................................................................. 18
3.5.1. Common conventions in report design ......................................................................... 18

3.5.2. Report objects appearance conventions ...................................................................... 18

4. DATABASE ................................................................................................................ 21

5. ERROR HANDLING ................................................................................................... 22

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6. TIP .............................................................................................................................. 23

6.1. Enum Types and type checking ................................................................................... 23

6.2. Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 23
6.3. Conversion strings into decimal (Single of Double) ...................................................... 24
6.3.1. Val() function .............................................................................................................. 24

6.3.2. CSng() and CDbl() functions ........................................................................................ 24

6.4. Multital……………………………………………………………………………………………25
6.5. DLL’s and OCX’s ......................................................................................................... 25

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Standard: Visual Basic Coding Convention V1/1


1.1. Purpose

Purpose of this document is to provide Coding Convention for all developers in all Visual Basic
projects for our group.

The main reason for using a consistent set of coding conventions is to standardize the
structure and coding style of an application so that you and others can easily read and
understand the code.

Good coding conventions result in precise, readable, and unambiguous source code that is
consistent with other language conventions and as intuitive as possible.

1.2. Application scope

Fsoft projects

1.3. Related documents

No. Code Name of documents

1 04e-QT/PM/HDCV/FSOFT Process_Coding

1.4. Definition

Terminology Explanation

VB Visual Basic

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2.1. Source for the Coding Convention

This document is made from Coding Convention of Microsoft Visual Basic

2.2. Structure of the Coding Convention

- Naming conventions for objects, variables, and procedures.

- Standardized formats for labeling and commenting code.

- Guidelines for spacing, formatting, and indenting.

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3.1. Naming Convention

3.1.1. Modules

Type module Name Filename

Project SSTNNXX <root>\SSTNN.vbp

MDI form frmMain <root>\frmMain.frm

MDI child form mdiXxxYyy <root>\mdiXxxYyy.frm

Modal dialog box dlgXxxYyy <root>\dlgXxxYyy.frm

Class CXxxYyy <root>\CXxxYyy.cls

Interface IXxxYyy <root>\IxxxYyy

Code module XxxYyy <root>\XxxYyy.bas

Package IDX_xxxx

Where XxxYyy = a functional describing name

<root> = the root directory for source code

SSTNN = application name, module code...

3.1.2. Suggested Prefixes for Controls

Control type Prefix Example

3D Panel pnl pnlGroup

ADO Data ado adoBiblio

Animated button ani aniMailBox

Check box chk chkReadOnly

Combo box, drop-down list cbo cboEnglish


Command button cmd cmdExit

Common dialog dlg dlgFileOpen

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Control type Prefix Example

Communications com comFax

Control (used within ctr ctrCurrent

procedures when the
specific type is unknown)

Data dat datBiblio

Data-bound combo box dbcbo dbcboLanguage

Data-bound grid dbgrd dbgrdQueryResult

Data-bound list box dblst dblstJobType

Data combo dbc dbcAuthor

Data grid dgd dgdTitles

Data list dbl dblPublisher

Data repeater drp drpLocation

Date picker dtp dtpPublished

Directory list box dir dirSource

Drive list box drv drvTarget

File list box fil filSource

Flat scroll bar fsb fsbMove

Form frm frmEntry

Frame fra fraLanguage

Gauge gau gauStatus

Graph gra graRevenue

Grid grd grdPrices

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Control type Prefix Example

Hierarchical flexgrid flex flexOrders

Horizontal scroll bar hsb hsbVolume

Image img imgIcon

Image combo imgcbo imgcboProduct

ImageList ils ilsAllIcons

Label lbl lblHelpMessage

Lightweight check box lwchk lwchkArchive

Lightweight combo box lwcbo lwcboGerman

Lightweight command lwcmd lwcmdRemove


Lightweight frame lwfra lwfraSaveOptions

Lightweight horizontal scroll lwhsb lwhsbVolume


Lightweight list box lwlst lwlstCostCenters

Lightweight option button lwopt lwoptIncomeLevel

Lightweight text box lwtxt lwoptStreet

Lightweight vertical scroll lwvsb lwvsbYear


Line lin linVertical

List box lst lstPolicyCodes

ListView lvw lvwHeadings

MAPI message mpm mpmSentMessage

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Control type Prefix Example

MAPI session mps mpsSession

MCI mci mciVideo

Menu mnu mnuFileOpen

Month view mvw mvwPeriod

MS Chart ch chSalesbyRegion

MS Flex grid msg msgClients

MS Tab mst mstFirst

OLE container ole oleWorksheet

Option button opt optGender

Picture box pic picVGA

Picture clip clp clpToolbar

ProgressBar prg prgLoadFile

Remote Data rd rdTitles

RichTextBox rtf rtfReport

Shape shp shpCircle

Slider sld sldScale

Spin spn spnPages

StatusBar sta staDateTime

SysInfo sys sysMonitor

TabStrip tab tabOptions

Text box txt txtLastName

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Control type Prefix Example

Timer tmr tmrAlarm

Toolbar tlb tlbActions

TreeView tre treOrganization

UpDown upd updDirection

Vertical scroll bar vsb vsbRate

3.1.3. Suggested Prefixes for Menus

Applications frequently use many menu controls, making it useful to have a unique set of
naming conventions for these controls. Menu control prefixes should be extended beyond the
initial "mnu" label by adding an additional prefix for each level of nesting, with the final menu
caption at the end of the name string. The following table lists some examples.

Menu caption sequence Menu handler name

File Open mnuFileOpen

File Send Email mnuFileSendEmail

File Send Fax mnuFileSendFax

Format Character mnuFormatCharacter

Help Contents mnuHelpContents

3.1.4. Choosing Prefixes for Other Controls

For controls not listed above, you should try to standardize on a unique two or three character
prefix for consistency. Use more than three characters only if needed for clarity.

For derived or modified controls, for example, extend the prefixes above so that there is no
confusion over which control is really being used. For third-party controls, a lower-case
abbreviation for the manufacturer could be added to the prefix. For example, a control instance
created from the Visual Basic Professional 3D frame could uses a prefix of fra3d to avoid
confusion over which control is really being used.

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3.1.5. Creation Variable Names

Variables are conceived as follows : s_dddXxxYyy

where s = profix according scope

ddd = prefix according datatype
XxxYyy = functional designation

Prefixes that are added by Visual basic are not changed( although possible) f.i. when one uses
the class wizard to add a property blnIsBezig a private variable is generated with the name

a. Variable Scope Prefixes

Scope Prefix Example

Global g gstrUserName

Module-level m mblnCalcInProgress

Local to procedure None dblVelocity

Argument a (an) a_strUserName


(*) “an” is used when the next character is a vowel, in order to avoid that the two vowels are
used together. Also with wordt consonants such as “m” and “n”, which are pronounced as if
the would start with a vowel.

b. Variable Data Types

Data type Prefix Example

Boolean Bln blnFound

Byte Byt bytRasterData

Collection object Col colWidgets

Currency Cur curRevenue

Date (Time) Dtm dtmStart

Double Dbl dblTolerance

Error Err errOrderNum

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Data type Prefix Example

Integer Int intQuantity

Long Lng lngDistance

Object Obj objCurrent

Single Sng sngAverage

String Str strFName

User-defined type Udt udtEmployee

Variant Vnt vntCheckSum

ADO Command C cCustomers

ADO Connection Conn connActive

ADO RecordSet Rs rsCustomers

ADO Field Fld fldAmount

ADO Parameter Par parAmount

Remark : for user-defined class it is better to use an instance variable with a name
corresponding with the class. f.i.:

Dim objTarief as CTarief

Dim objKasbonPlus as CKasbonPlus

c. Descriptive Functions, procedures, methods… Names

format : WwwXxxYyy

where Www = a verb

XxxYyy = one or more describing terms

Examples :

- OphalenBoekingen or OhlBk

- OpvullenScherm or OvlSrm

Verbs are always written in the infinitive

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The body of procedure or function name should use mixed case and should be as long as
necessary to describe its purpose. In addition, function names should begin with a verb, such
as InitNameArray or CloseDialog.

For frequently used or long terms, standard abbreviations are recommended to help keep
name lengths reasonable. In general, variable names greater than 32 characters can be
difficult to read on VGA displays.

When using abbreviations, make sure they are consistent throughout the entire application.
Randomly switching between Cnt and Count within a project will lead to unnecessary

Calling up a procedure or function from another module results into an indication in the

Dim strPerNr as String

strPerNr = CXFunc.FmtPerNr(39868, 1);

Dim strPersoneelsNummer as String

strPersoneelsNummer = CXFunc.FormatterenPersoneelsNummer(39868, 1);

3.1.6. User-Defined Types

In a large project with many user-defined types, it is often useful to give each such type a
three-character prefix of its own. If these prefixes begin with "u," they will still be easy to
recognize quickly when you are working with a user-defined type. For example, “ucli” could be
used as the prefix for variables of a user-defined Client type.

3.1.7. Constant

Must be UPPER CASE and has a underscore (_) between each word. Although standard
Visual Basic constants do not include Hungarian information, prefixes like int, str,g and m can
be very useful in understanding the value and scope of a constant. For constant names, follow
the same rules as variables.

For Example: Public Const gstrDATE_FORMAT as String = “DD/MM/YYYY”

3.2. Code Commenting Conventions

3.2.1. Procedure and function header comment

All procedures and functions should begin with a brief comment describing the functional
characteristics of the procedure (what it does). This description should not describe the
implementation details (how it does it) because these often change over time, resulting in
unnecessary comment maintenance work, or worse yet, erroneous comments. The code itself
and any necessary inline comments will describe the implementation.

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Arguments passed to a procedure should be described when their functions are not obvious
and when the procedure expects the arguments to be in a specific range. Function return
values and global variables that are changed by the procedure, especially through reference
arguments, must also be described at the beginning of each procedure.

Procedure header comment blocks should include the following section headings.

Section heading Comment description

Purpose What the procedure does (not how).

Inputs Each argument that may not be obvious. Arguments are on a

separate line with inline comments.

Returns Explanation of the values returned by functions.

Author Name and Office

For example:

' Purpose: Adds a new user into the database
' Inputs:
' strLoginName : LoginName of User to identify another user
' strPassword: Password of user to use
' blnFlagFirstLogin: The value for identify user login into
system in the first time
' Returns:
' True value if insert into database completed success
' False value if insert into database not completed
' Author: Nguyen Van A – Developer, Group X, FPT-SOFT
3.2.2. Inline comment

Code has to be below its comment.

Remember the following points:

- Every important variable declaration should include an inline comment describing the
use of the variable being declared.

- Variables, controls, and procedures should be named clearly enough that inline
commenting is only needed for complex implementation details.

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- At the start of the .bas module that contains the project's Visual Basic generic constant
declarations, you should include an overview that describes the application, enumerating
primary data objects, procedures, algorithms, dialogs, databases, and system
dependencies. Sometimes a piece of pseudocode describing the algorithm can be helpful.


’ Variable is used to keep status of program

Dim intStatus as Integer

3.3. Spacing, formatting, and indenting

3.3.1. Indenting

Standard, tab-based, nested blocks should be indented, and converted to four spaces

The functional overview comment of a procedure should be indented one space. The highest
level statements that follow the overview comment should be indented one tab, with each
nested block indented an additional tab.


Function FindUser (strUserList() As String, _

strTargetUser As String)As Integer
' Loop counter.
Dim i As Integer
' Target found flag.
Dim blnFound As Boolean
FindUser = -1
i = 0
While i <= Ubound(strUserList) and Not blnFound
If strUserList(i) = strTargetUser Then
blnFound = True
intFindUser = i
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
3.3.2. Grouping Constants

Variables and defined constants should be grouped by function rather than split into isolated
areas or special files. Visual Basic generic constants should be grouped in a single module to
separate them from application-specific declarations.

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3.3.3. & and + Operators

Always use the & operator when linking strings and the + operator when working with
numerical values. Using the + operator to concatenate may cause problems when operating
on two variants. For example:

vntVar1 = "10.01"

vntVar2 = 11

vntResult = vntVar1 + vntVar2 'vntResult = 21.01

vntResult = vntVar1 & vntVar2 'vntResult = 10.0111

3.4. Form Layout

Item Value Example

Button height 375

Button width Normally should be: 1095

Order of buttons on screen Left

Font style on screen (Apply Tahoma

to all controls)

Font size on screen (Apply to 8

all controls)

Form Controls alignment left

Font color for buttons Black (default)

Background color for button &H8000000F (Default)

Default button Must be set

Cancel button Must be set

Button alignment on a form Left

Tab order Must be set

Alignment on fields Date: Centered

Numeric: Right

String: Left

Shortcut for controls on form Must be defined

The distance between 1 column (in design mode)


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Item Value Example

The width of buttons on 1 Should be the same


Height of text box 315

Height of Combo box 315

Colon sign after label

Bottom margin?

Labels Should have name


Grid units 60 x 60 twips

3.5. Report Layout

3.5.1. Common conventions in report design

Items Conventions Note

Above of each total row must be a line,

called Grouping line

Report border None

Color of all objects in report (line, Black


3.5.2. Report objects appearance conventions

Object Property Setting Note

Report title

Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for


Font style Bold

Justify Left

Size 16


Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for

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Object Property Setting Note


Font style Bold

Font size 10

Justify Column left

Before row spacing 6 Points

After row spacing 6 Points

Report body

Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for


Font style Regular

Font size 9

Justify Depend on column

data type
(Number: right,
string: right, date:

Row spacing 0

Total row

Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for


Font style Bold

Font size 9

Justify Right

Position Under data block

that summarized

Grouping line

Width 1 Point

Report border None

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Object Property Setting Note

Page number

Font name Time News MS P ゴシック for

Roman Japanese

Font size 9

Font style Normal

Position Right, bottom of

page (Report


Left sub title

Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for


Font size 10

Font style Normal

Justify Margin left

Right sub title

Font name Arial MS P ゴシック for


Font size 10

Font style Normal

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Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library as middleware.

Use ADODB.Command Objects for SQL statements (see also examples).

Use Parameters for variables in the SQL – never compose a SQL statement by concatenating
the variable values in the SQL string.

To complete a recordset, use Recordset.Open method. Don’t use Connection.Execute .

Use Bookmarks to keep track of a selection a user previously made in e.g. a grid.

Restrict Recordsets to a number of rows .

Use as much as possible read-only for Recordsets. If you have many records in a list, and
you need to edite, you can always open a separate Recordset with only one Record.

After an action on a selected row in a grid (f.i. by using a Bookmark), you can maintain the
same selection Create Recordsets with a minimum of locking.

Use Excel and Word 2000.

For Access, Use “recordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient” Explicitly.


Recordset cursors are client-side unless the performable profit of server-side cursors is
considerable. Problems arise with Jet4.0 oledb driver when server-side cursors are used (see
msdn “PRB: DataGrid Not Populated Using Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Provider and ADO Server Side

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All event handlers have an error handler. If this isn’t provided and a error appears, the
application will be closed by VB (!).

Good programming practice: only one error handler in all procedures. In some cases this will
be superfluous.

Error will be raised and sent to form. Error will be logged at the class level.

Err.Description messages for unexpected errors are hard coded ;

Err.Description messages for functional errors (i.e. the errors we expect to get, e.g. invalid
input by user) are generated at runtime by using the message manager. These messages can
be parameterized to pass context sensitive information and can be shown directly by the
presentation layer.

Unexpected errors should be written to the application’s log file;

Be careful when using message boxes:

Only forms can contain message boxes

Never use them in class modules

Never use them in any kind of loops

Put as few code into the class_Initialize event as possible. The object isn’t really created yet at
that point which makes error handling less evident.

Create an extra “Initialize” method which can be called after creating the logger and other
utility classes.

Do not use On Error Resume Next.

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6. TIP

6.1. Enum Types and type checking

By using variables of the type enumeration it isn’t guaranted that the variables of this type are
limited to the values defined by the enrum type.

Public Enum eAlignment

Left = 1
Center = 2
Right = 4
Full = 8
End Enum
Public Property Alignment(an_Alignment As eAlignment)
m_Alignment = an_Alignment
End Property
Object.Alignment = 456

Above-metioned line is executed, without causing an error. The value is accorded to the
variable m_Alignment, unless the programmer himself examines if the mentioned value is
found within the means.

In other words Enum types verify the datatype, but not if the value belongs to the defined
values within the enum type.

6.2. Checklist

1 ByVal Explicitly indicate Parameters. ByRef avoid Parameters

2 ByRef Parameters are not advised d for input/output. If it seems necessary, a class
is probably a better solution.

3 Use Option Explicit in all modules

4 Use Option Base 0 in all modules

5 Install Auto-increment version numbers in Project Properties

6 Use blank lines to organize a code in logical matching blocs.

7 Use enumerations (enum) for possible values of function and sub parameters.

8 If you open sub procedures, never use brackes for argument(s)

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9 Never use default properties.

f.i., strNaam = txtNaam.text i.p.o. strNaam = txtNaam

10 Methods and classes are saved in the “Attributes – Description” panel in the
classbuilder. This description can be found in the Object browser.

11 Don’t use broad variables. (OK, perhaps one or two).

12 Use Module level variables only when necessary (property values, …). Don’t use it
for communication between subroutines.

13 Always use IF


End If

6.3. Conversion strings into decimal (Single of Double)

6.3.1. Val() function

Problem : System operates independent from Regional settings Windows.

Example :

Dim sngBedrag as Single

sngBedrag = Val(txtBedrag.Text)

Result :

Decimal separator in String in Waarde sngBedrag

Windows textBedrag.Text

Comma 123.45 123,45 

Comma 123,45 123,0 x

Period 123.45 123,45 

Period 123,45 123,0 x

Conclusion :

Don’t use this function with amounts, except in exceptional circumstances where the operation
can’t cause problemes.

6.3.2. CSng() and CDbl() functions

Problem : These functions depent on the Regional settings Windows, but operate incorrect if
the string, that needs to be converted, has a different format than the international settings.

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If the decimal and thousand separator are switched (f.i. English into Dutch), no fault is raised.
The symbol that the user applies as decimal, is considered and ignored as thousand

Example :

Dim sngBedrag as Single

sngBedrag = CSng(txtBedrag.Text)

Result :

Decimal separator in Waarde textBedrag.Text Waarde sngBedrag


Comma 123.45 12345,0 x

Comma 123,45 123,45 

Period 123.45 123,45 

Period 123,45 12345,0 x

Conclusion :

The developer needs to know for sure that the correct decimal separator is used in the
convertable string. f.i. don’t use wrong symbols in the textbox.

6.4. Multital

To do this… Do this..

Multitaal form.caption Install an invisible label on the form and add it in the

In the label change event, put form.caption = label.caption

6.5. DLL’s and OCX’s

- Most of the applications won’t require separate DLL’s.

- OCX’s are not evident and need to be used carefully.

You always unregister all un-used DLL’s before deleting the DDL of the developing PC.

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Approver Reviewer Creator

Nguyen Quang Hoa Vu Tuan Manh Le Kha Tuan

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