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Connectors – Reading comprehension

NAME: Mariana Jaime Bernal DATE: 12/06/2020

A. Check if the connector in each sentence is right or wrong. If it is right put a check (✔) and if it is
wrong, put and X and write an appropriate connector. Follow the examples.

Examples: I was studying while my parents were sleeping. ✔

He woke up late this morning but he arrived late to class. X so

1. The girls were picking some flowers because I saw them this afternoon. X When
2. It was really dark when I could see everything. X That´s why
3. I finished my homework before I went out to play. ✔
4. We had to stay home but it was raining really hard. X Because
5. Everybody told me it was a very good movie. However, I didn’t like it.✔

B. Fill in the blanks with one of the given connectors.

although however so due to

1. We had to cancel the trip Due to my daughter’s illness.

2. Lorena seems to be quite clever. However, she often gets low grades.
3. Although Jordi is a careful driver, he’s had several accidents.
4. Janice got home late, So she missed her favorite TV program.

C. Match and join with the given connector. You only have to write 4 sentences. Follow the example.

Carlos took a nap. Patrick missed English class yesterday. (because)

We felt optimistic. The bad weather. (because of)
My dad was having lunch. Carlos had lunch. (after)
Patrick was ill. I saw Susan. (when)
We played really well. The difficulties. (despite)
The service at this restaurant is excellent. I was helping mom. (while)
We had to cancel the game. We lost the game. (but)
Susan was coming. The food is not good. (yet)

0. Carlos took a nap after he had lunch.

1.I saw Sussan when she was coming.
2.Patrick missed English class yesterday because he was ill.
3.We play really well but we lost the game.
4.We felt optimistic despite the difficulties.

D. Read and answer or write the question.


Bob Marley was born on February 6 th, 1945, to a white father and a black mother in Jamaica. He
grew up with his mother. His father supported them financially, but didn’t live with them. When Bob
was a teenager, he moved to Kingston with his mother. There he became interested in music.

He met Leslie Kong, who recorded his first record for him. The next year, he formed the group The
Wailing Wailers with two of his friends. The group first became famous in Jamaica and the Caribbean.
The group broke up and later reformed as The Wailers. In the early 70’s, they signed with Island
Records and recorded the reggae album Catch a Fire. This led to a tour of London and then of

By the mid 70’s, the group was internationally known. In 1980 Marley began a battle with cancer.
Although it seemed that he would get better, he didn’t. He died on May 11 th, 1981. He was given an
official funeral in Jamaica, and the day was declared a day of national mourning. Only the month
before he had been awarded the Order of Merit by the Jamaican government.

1. Q:
A: On February 6th, 1945

2. One of the following is not true

a. Marley was a singer. b. Marley’s parents were black. c. Marley wasn’t born in Kingston.

3. His father
a. prayed for them. b. moved to Kingston with them. c. gave them money.

4. Marley became interested in music

a. when he was 21. b. from Jamaica and the Caribbean. c. in Kingston.

5. “Catch a Fire” is a Reggae album that they recorded with Island Records

6. How old was Marley when he died?

Marley was 36 years old when he died

7. When was he awarded the Order of Merit?

One month before he died, has been awarded the Order of Merit.

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