Module 3 of 3 Pe and Health 12 Week 1 Creative Rhythm

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Session: WEEKS 1 TO 10 FIRST SEM

Name: ___________________________________Grade/Section:_________________Date
 Discusses the nature of the different dances PEH12FH-Ia-19
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the
week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school PEH12FH-Ia-t-8
 Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this module, students should be able to;
a. discuss the creative rhythm and its elements
b. appreciate the value creative rhythm as the basic movement
c. perform varied physical activities that develops creative rhythm
II. DEVELOPMENT: Introduction of concepts.
Creative rhythms provide a special area in the rhythmic program where creativity is the goal and functional
movement is secondary. The goal is to communicate feelings through movement guided by rhythm.

Creative movement is a wonderful way to get active with your child at home. You may feel that you do not
have the expertise to do so but have no fear, it is not that difficult! You can add creative movement, drama and
dance elements into your everyday routine. 
For example, you can get your child to mimic the movement of animals when moving from the living room to
the toilet. - “Let’s pretend to be kangaroos. How will a kangaroo move?” “The floor is now filled with thick
oozy mud. How can we get across to the other side of the room?”

A. Fundamental Motor Rhythms

B. Expressive Movement – where children express moods & feelings and show their reactions to colours and
sounds by improvising dances. Movements that demonstrate different aspects of force, gestures that depict
different feelings.
b.1 Identification
 Animal
 People
 Play objects
 Make-believe world
b.2 Dramatization – many rhythmic movements are fine vehicles for group
 Building a house, a garage, or another project.
 Flying a kite, going camping.
 Acting out stories about firefighters, fairies, cowboys.
 Interpreting familiar stories _ “Sleeping Beauty.” “Little Red Riding Hood,”
 Household tasks – washing clothes, picking fruits, ironing clothes, etc.
 Machines
 Circus
 Nature
 Celebrating holidays - Christmas, “Flores de Mayo,” Independence Day: Sports Activities
– basketball, swimming, softball ets.
C. Singing Movement Songs include action songs and singing games. In these rhythmic activities, the children
usually sing verses, and the verses tell the children how to move.
 London Bridge
 Mulberry Bush
 Jack and Jilll
1. Body awareness. To work on their coordination, body control, balance, stamina, and overall strength.
2. Spatial awareness. To move in their own personal space, be aware of other children’s personal space and
respect others as everyone move together in a shared space.
3. Self-confidence. Taking risks in activities, performing for an audience and to trust their ideas and abilities.
4. Concentration. Develop a sustained focus of mind and body.
5. Cooperation and Collaboration. Working in groups, listening and responding, offering suggestions,
exploring others’ ideas. 
6. Problem-solving. Look at problems in new ways and practice their critical thinking skills.
7. Imagination. Making creative choices, thinking of new ideas, and interpreting familiar materials in new
8. Fun! Learning through play and at the same time improves motivation and reduces stress.
Try to search example of tiktok compilation. You can watch an example of creative dance steps. Everyone
reacts to music or rhythm in one form or another. A head swaying, a foot tapping, fingers snapping, shoulders
and body moving while a musical piece is played are physical reactions.

Dance refers to movement set to music where there emerges organization, structure and pattern. It is a
composition that implies arrangement of parts into a form. 

Dancing is a means of expressing one’s emotions through movement disciplined by rhythm. It is an act of
moving rhythmically and expressively to an accompaniment. The word dancing came from an old German word
“ danson” which means to “ stretch”. Essentially, all dancing is made up of stretching and relaxing.


1. Do the following activities.
1. Imitate the movement of a snake.
2. A witch who wants to poison Sleeping Beauty.
3. Try to dance “passing goreng in tiktok”.
1. Draw your feelings and emotions using facial expressions in the following situation.
1. Your almost three month lockdown at home.
2. When you heard that NCR is now under GCQ everything is new normal.
3. Your family is included in the Social Amelioration program of the government.
4. Your neighbour is tested positive for Covid.
5. Your parents is now back to work with new bicycle as mode of transportation.

2. Here are another 3 activities for you to try at home. Let your family involve in this activity.
1. Freeze Dance
This is a very popular activity for children of all ages. Play music and have them move around the room
however they wish. When the music stops, they freeze right where they are. Once they have
accomplished this, have them move like different animals, in different heights and pathways, etc.
2. Dancing with Scarves
Play music of different beat and tempo that might provoke a certain emotion. Give your child some
scarves, or even just scraps of fabric. Let them dance to the music. Encourage them to explore the
material and use it to dance in as many ways as they can.
3. Pass the ball
Pretend to hold on to a ball of your choice and describe it. Using your imagination, you are going to pass
the ball around. Increase the challenge by giving more unique features to your ball. For example, “It is
made out of glass. How will we then pass the ball? How is it different from the basketball?”

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