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Power Associations With

Running Speed
N. Travis Triplett, PhD, FNSCA, CSCS*D, Travis M. Erickson, MS, CSCS,
and Jeffrey M. McBride, PhD, FNSCA, CSCS
Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina

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SUMMARY long as possible for the remainder of not be the most effective method for
the distance. With shorter distances, improving running speed. It is possible
this is not a problem; however, decel- to overstride or to have a stride rate that
eration can occur if the distance is long does not result in a faster movement
ITY TO MOVE THE BODY OVER A velocity because stride length may be
enough, usually with distances greater
SET DISTANCE IN THE SHORTEST shortened as a result. Therefore, the best
than 60 m. The actual length of these
POSSIBLE TIME. RUNNING SPEED approach to maximizing speed is to
stages can vary depending on total dis-
IS A COMMON BASE SKILL FOR determine the optimal stride length
tance covered and the athlete’s level of
MANY SPORTS. THERE ARE SEV- and stride rate based on an individual’s
ability and training. For example, the
ERAL COMPONENTS TO SPEED physical dimensions and force/power
acceleration distance for a 40 m sprint
THAT ARE RELATED TO POWER is approximately 10 m and the acceler- capabilities. Because force capabilities
PRODUCTION, INCLUDING THE ation distance for a 100 m sprint is are related to maximum strength,
AMOUNT OF TIME SPENT ACCEL- approximately 30–40 m. However, strength is a major factor that should
ERATING, MAXIMUM FORCE a novice runner will only accelerate also be considered when attempting to
CAPABILITY, STRIDE LENGTH AND for 20–30 m, whereas an elite runner improve maximum speed (14).
RATE, AND RUNNING MECHANICS may accelerate for 40–50 m in the
IN GENERAL. TRAINING TO 100 m sprint (8), which would typically FORCE, POWER, AND IMPULSE
IMPROVE SPEED SHOULD result in a greater maximum speed and Strength is a physical quantity that is
ADDRESS EACH OF THESE COM- potentially less deceleration. defined in physics terms as force (F),
PONENTS. and in the case of athletic perfor-
All sports, even endurance sports, rely
on some type of speed for the perfor- mance, peak force. Power is the
mance of selected movements or in amount of force exerted through a cer-
specific situations. The most common tain distance (or displacement) per
he basic definition of speed

T states that it is the shortest time

that is required to move along
a set distance, which is basically the
movement in sport where speed is
important is running. The body reaches
top running speed through the combi-
unit of time (t), which is really the rate
at which one can perform work. Power
is also often described using the rate
of force development (RFD) (5,6).
same as velocity without any indica- nation of force and power production in
the lower body, which translates into In addition, these variables can be
tion of direction (2). With the human expressed as a function of impulse
body, speed is not constant over the stride length and stride rate. Although
these components of the stride can (F 3 t), or the average force exerted
entire distance and is divided into over a given unit of time, which is
stages (8) once the body is in motion. be influenced by an individual’s body
equal to the change in momentum
These stages include acceleration and dimensions, they can also be trained
(mv2 2 mv1) (Figure 1). Momentum
maximum speed. Acceleration can be to be optimized for a particular individ-
is calculated as the product of the mass
defined as the rate of change in speed ual. Faster runners typically have higher
of an object and its velocity, so changes
up to the point where maximum speed stride rates and stride lengths (14); so,
is reached. Acceleration will be cov- training to improve running speed often
ered more extensively in another arti- involves trying to improve one or both
speed; power; force; strength; stride
cle in this issue. In the maximum speed of these components. However, simply
length; stride rate; sprint
stage, the top speed is maintained as increasing stride length and/or rate may

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 29
Power Associations With Running Speed

in terms of vertical (dV) and horizontal

(dH) displacement can be defined (4).
Impulse, which is thought to be of great
importance when determining sprint-
ing performance, is related to trajectory
because impulse defines the velocity
change of an object (via momentum).
It has been observed that elite sprinters
generate an impulse of approximately
276 N-s in comparison with well-
trained sprinters with an impulse of
215 N-s (12). Figure 2 depicts how aver-
age force applied to the ground at
a given angle (78) determines the flight
path of the runner’s center of mass. This
is important because the largest per-
centage of a runner’s stride length/step
Figure 1. Force-time curve for a foot strike in running identifying peak force, rate of length (DSL) is determined by force
force development (RFD), and impulse. application to the ground; DSL is calcu-
lated as shown in Figure 2a. If the force
applied is increased, then a correspond-
in momentum are most often the result 9.81 m/s2 for vertical motion and the ing increase in dF and thus stride
of changes in velocity because the mass horizontal acceleration rate (for a slow length/step length would be observed.
of an object (i.e., a runner) is not chang- moving object) is 0 m/s2. Using the Salo et al. (10) clearly showed that aver-
ing. These concepts in physics are the equations for trajectory, the flight path age stride length/step length quite
basic tenants that determine athletic
performance, including activities such
as running. If the body is treated as an
object with some mass, then the force
applied to it determines its acceleration
rate and then this body reacts as a pro-
jectile with a trajectory defined by
Newton’s laws of motion. The impulse
and change in momentum relationship
is simply a reorganized equation based
on Newton’s second law (F 5 ma).
Athletic performance must fall under
these relationships, which do not
change because the object happens to
be a human body. Peak force, power,
and impulse, in particular, thus define
the essence of sprinting capabilities in
that the function of these abilities is to
move the body as fast as possible in the
horizontal direction (5,15,17).
Unlike walking, running involves put-
ting the body into flight where it loses
contact with the ground, which falls
under the definition of a projectile.
Projectile motion involves an object
with some trajectory or flight path
based on its velocity and angle of pro-
jection when it leaves the ground. Figure 2. (A) Calculation of horizontal displacement of a projectile (runner) using the
According to Newton’s laws, accelera- impulse-momentum relationship and Newton’s laws regarding accelera-
tion as a result of gravity is constant at tion. (B) Relationship between step (stride) length and 100 m sprint time.


effectively determines 100 m time and hip as the landing is cushioned, recovery phase begins with the knee
(Figure 2b). In practical terms, if then extension of both joints and pro- flexing fully and the hip extending fully.
strength is increased, there would be pulsion of the body up and forward as Although these movements are not
an increase in force for a given time the foot leaves the ground surface (sup- active (i.e., they are in reality eccentric
period, and running velocity would port phase). In the recovery phase, the knee extension and eccentric hip flex-
show a corresponding increase. Studies knee flexes first, followed by the hip. ion), the end result is the heel nearly
consistently show that force, RFD, The toe is also dorsiflexed throughout touching the buttocks. This shortens
power, and impulse determine sprinting in preparation for another footstrike. the lever so that rotation of the leg back
capabilities (Table 1) (1,3,6,7,13,15,16). At the beginning of the support phase, via hip flexion to the position required
the body is nearly vertical and only the for the support phase can be accom-
RUNNING TECHNIQUE forefoot is touching the ground. This plished more quickly. The hip is rapidly
To optimize stride length and rate, it is contact should be brief; elite sprinters flexed and then extended, and the knee
essential that proper running technique can generate peak ground reaction extended and foot positioned to touch
is used. Proper running mechanics can forces in approximately 0.4 seconds the ground in a “pawing” motion. This
be described as a sequence of body po- (11). The end of the support phase is contact should ideally occur directly
sitions for optimal force and power where the body moves forward, and under the center of gravity (8).
output. These are often split into the the hip, knee, and ankle extend and Although most sprinting descriptions
support and recovery phases (9). If propel the body off the ground (triple are focused on the lower body, the
a stride begins with the footstrike, there extension). This push-off angle is typi- position of the upper body is also vital
is rapid but slight flexion of the knee cally in the 50–558 range (11). The for optimizing running speed (9). The
shoulders should be firmly positioned,
so that the elbows can remain flexed at
Table 1 a 908 angle and kept close to the sides
Studies examining relationship between force (1RM), power (RFD), impulse, during the running motion. The arms
and sprinting ability should be moving explosively, and arm
Investigation Variables Correlation drive ranges from a position where the
hand is close to the ear with the upper
Wisloff et al. (15) 1RM squat arm perpendicular to the body to
10 m sprint 0.94 where the hand is close to the hip
and the upper arm is about 458 behind
30 m sprint 0.71 the body. The neck and facial muscles
Nimphius et al. (6) 1RM/BM squat should remain as relaxed as possible
1 base sprint 0.84
Parchmann and McBride (7) 1RM/BM squat Aside from a general repetitive sprint
regimen that serves to condition the
10 m sprint 0.81
body, there are technique drills and
20 m sprint 0.87 strengthening and power exercises that
Young et al. (16) CMJ power/BM are also necessary to improving speed.
The drills focus on improving and
Maximum sprinting velocity 0.65 maintaining running mechanics and
Bissas and Havenetidis (1) Leg extension RFD include the following: A-march,
A-skip, B-march, B-skip, fast leg-left
Maximum sprinting velocity 0.73 every third step, fast leg-right every
Kawamori et al. (3) Foot strike impulse third step, fast leg-left every step,
fast leg-right every step, fast leg-each
10 m sprint 0.66 foot into a sprint, claw/paw-right,
Sleivert and Taingahue (13) Jump squat peak power claw/paw-left. Proper form for these
drills is depicted in the videos labeled
5 m sprint 0.68 Supplemental Digital Content. The
All correlations are significant at p # 0.05. A-march and A-skip drills can be
seen in Supplemental Digital Content
BM 5 body mass; CMJ 5 countermovement jump; RFD 5 rate of force development; RM 5 1 (;
repetition maximum.
B-march and B-skip drills can be seen

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 31

Power Associations With Running Speed

Table 2
Generalized program design for improving running speed

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

General warm-up (3–5 min) General warm-up (3–5 min) General warm-up (3–5 min)
Dynamic warm-up (4–5 drills) Dynamic warm-up (4–5 drills) Dynamic warm-up (4–5 drills)
Claw/paw, 1 3 5 each leg Claw/paw, 1 3 5 each leg Claw/paw, 1 3 5 each leg
A-march, 2 3 10–20 m B-march, 2 3 10–20 m A-march, 2 3 10–20 m
A-skip, 2 3 10–20 m B-skip, 2 3 10–20 m A-skip, 2 3 10–20 m
Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m each leg Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m each leg 3rd step; Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m each leg 3rd step;
3rd step; 1 each leg 1 each leg 1 each leg
Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m every step; Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m every step; Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m every step;
1 each leg 1 each leg 1 each leg
Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m to sprint Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m to sprint Fast leg, 2 3 10–20 m to sprint
Sprints, 6 3 20 m; 2 sets of 3 Flying sprints, 10 3 10 m Sprints 5 3 40 m
Cool down Cool down Cool down
Power clean Jump squat Power clean
Back squat Leg press Front squat

in Supplemental Digital Content 2 more heavily are best for increasing Training programs can be designed to
(; the lower-body strength, such as the address all these characteristics.
fast leg every third step and fast squat and leg press. Power output
leg every step drills can be seen in should also be addressed directly
Supplemental Digital Content 3 through the use of explosive exercises N. Travis
(; the across a spectrum of loads. These Triplett is a pro-
fast leg into a sprint and claw/paw drills exercises include jump squats and fessor and pro-
can be seen in Supplemental Digital power cleans or power snatches. gram director of
Content 4 ( Power training is important because the Exercise Sci-
A75). These drills are typically performed it more specifically addresses the tri- ence program in
in the workout after the dynamic ple extension of the running tech- the Department
warm-up, but before conditioning or nique and the velocity components of Health, Lei-
resistance training, and the rest peri- of power and impulse. All these exer- sure and Exer-
ods are similar to those in the cises should be periodized based on cise Science at
dynamic warm-up. Because the main sport training and competitive sea- Appalachian
purpose of the drills is for running sons, and serve as an adjunct to State University.
technique, these drills do not have the primary sport training. A sample
to be periodized like the conditioning program design for general speed
or resistance training and are typi- improvements is provided in Table 2. Travis M.
cally performed daily for track ath- Erickson is
letes and 1–3 times per week for a lecturer in the
other sports. SUMMARY Exercise Science
The other main component of sprint Speed is an important component of program in the
speed is force output that contributes most sports and running speed is vital Department of
to both power and impulse. Improv- in both team and individual sports. Health, Leisure
ing force output during running is Maximal running speed is dependent and Exercise
done via increasing peak strength, on running technique, stride length Science at
especially in the lower body. Multiple and rate, force capabilities, and Appalachian
joint exercises that can be loaded production of power and impulse. State University.


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