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Nucleic acids:  Nucleotides are components of many

- macromolecules made out of units called important enzymatic cofactors.

nucleotides,  They serve in activating intermediates in
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic metabolic reactions for example, by
acid (RNA): activating glucose in sugar metabolism.
- Are large polymers made up of monomers  They often function as metabolic regulators
known as nucleotides. When these monomers or signaling agents; for example, cyclic
combine, the resulting chain is called a adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) serves as
polynucleotide a "second messenger" in hormonal
- signaling.
- Is the central repository of genetic information,
storing and transmitting it from generation to
- helps in the expression of this genetic
- functioning as an intermediary between DNA
and the synthesis of proteins
Roles of RNA molecules:
 As a messenger (mRNA) in conveying genetic
- Stored genetic information is transcribed from
DNA into RNA as messages (messenger RNA
- Each nucleotide is made up of three parts: or mRNA).
a) a nitrogen-containing ring structure called a - The information from the mRNA is, in turn,
nitrogenous base, translated to direct the synthesis of polypeptide
b) a five-carbon sugar, chain(proteins)
c) and at least one phosphate group.  It forms part of the protein synthesis machinery
The sugar molecule has a central position in the of the cell, the ribosome.
nucleotide, with the base attached to one of its  It helps to organize the structure of the
carbons and the phosphate group (or groups) ribosome.
attached to another.  It participates directly in the ribosome's catalytic
process of forming polypeptides.
 Transfer RNA (tRNA): convey amino acids to
the ribosome for assembly into polypeptides.
 small RNA molecules: involved in base
modification reactions of ribosomal RNA
 Small interfering RNAs (siRNA): involved in
suppressing gene expression.
 Some RNA molecules possess catalytic activity
and are important in processing mRNA
Major Roles of Nucleotides: (ribozymes)
- It serves as precursors for RNA and DNA. Genes:
- Are ubiquitous in cellular processes: - Are segments of DNA that specify particular
 (ATP) is used as a free energy carrier for proteins or particular species of RNA that are
reactions, transport, work, and other used in structural or catalytic roles by the cell.
Bases, Nucleosides, and Nucleotides
- Four Bases in DNA responsible for encoding
genetic information:
1. thymine
- A single gene may be divided into several: 2. cytosine
Exons (coding region): expressed regions 3. adenine belong to the family of
and Introns (non-coding region): intervening 4. Guanine Purines (6 Carbons with
regions attached 5 Carbons)
 Some other notable members of purine family
 Caffeine
 Theobromine- found in chocolates
 6-mercaptopurine – anticancer agent
- In RNA, the thymine base is replaced by uracil,
which lacks the methyl group of thymine. The
- Many genes encode protein products, meaning
bases thymine, uracil and cystosine belong to
that they specify the sequence of amino acids
the pyrimidine family(6 Carbons).
used to build a particular protein. However, an
Purines and pyrimidines:
RNA copy (transcript) of the gene must first be
- are weakly basic because they have –NH2
made. This type of RNA is called a messenger
RNA (mRNA), as it serves as a messenger
- Uracil and other pyrimidine bases are not very
between DNA and the ribosomes. water soluble.
Genome: - Purine is water soluble, but the derivatives
- Is the complete genetic complement of a cell. adenine and guanine are much less so.
- One whole set of all your genes plus all the - Addition of a polar sugar moiety and ionic
DNA between your genes. phosphoryl groups, significantly improves the
- A simple organism might have a genome of aqueous solubility of both purines and
4000 genes; pyrimidines.
- humans are approximately 30,000 distinct genes
- Is a single DNA molecule carrying a set of

James Watson and Francis Crick:

- Centromeres: are complexes of DNA and
- Discovered the DNA double helix, in which
proteins that, during mitosis, help to direct the
Adenine pairs with Thymine and guanine pairs
segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells.
with cystosine.
- Telomeres: are DNA regions at the ends of the - However, in an aqueous solution of free single
chromosomes that stabilize and protect the nucleotides there is very little Watson-Crick
chromosome from degredation. pairing; instead, the bases associate by stacking
- Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. and by alternative hydrogen-bonding patterns.
Two important pentose sugars:
- 2-deoxyribose and Ribose

- Single-letter abbreviations are used for the bases

and the lowercase “d” indicates that the sugar is
The sugars may be phosphorylated, - The lowercase ‘’p’’ represents the 5’-phosphate
and in the polymers of DNA and RNA, the sites group.
of phosphorylation are the 3’ and 5’ positions
on the sugar.
- combination of sugar and base
- When a nucleoside is phosphorylated, the result
is a nucleotide.
Secondary Structure:
- It carry a negative electrical charge, due to
- Refers to the stable, repeating conformational
ionization of the phosphates.
pattern in a polymer.
Nomenclature for Nucleic acids Bases, Nucleosides,
- DNA and RNA both have highly distinctive
and Nucleotides.
secondary structures, deriving from the
Base Deoxyribonucleoside Deoxyribonucleotide properties of their constituent nucleotides
Base Ribonucleoside Ribonucleotide (5’-
Thymine Deoxythymidine Deoxythymidylic acid
Uracil Uridine Uridylic acid (uridylate) DNA Secondary Structures:
(Deoxythymidylate) or
or UMP
Cytosine Cytidine
Cytidylic Acid
The DNA “double helix”:
Cytosine Deoxycytidine Deoxycytidylic acid - Is the stable solution confirmation of DNA.
(cytidylate) or CMP
(deoxycytidylate) or
Adenine Adenosine Adenylic Acid (adenylate) - Two polynucleotides chains wound around each
or AMP
Deoxyadenylic acid
Guanylic Acid (guanylate) other, with complementary pairing of the bases
(deoxyadenylate) or
or GMP
in a scheme proposed by James Watson and
Guanine Deoxyguanosine Deoxyguanylic acid Francis Crick.
(deoxyguanylate) or

Primary Structure of DNA and RNA

 Notable features of the double helix include
Primary structure of the polynucleotide:
the following:
- Is the sequence of nucleotide residues, when
covalently linked together in a linear chain in a
- The covalent linkage between the nucleotide
units is through phosphodiesters, with one
phosphate group bonded to two successive
sugars, using the 3’ - OH group of one sugar and
the 5’ – OH group of another.
 The differences of Z-form helix and the A-form
helix from the B-form helix
B-form helix (Right RNA Double helix
handed twist)
 diameter 2.00nm  diameter of helix is
 10 base pairs per turn thicker at 2.6 nm
 one turn covers a  11 base pairs per turn,
length of about 3.4 with a length of 2.9 nm.
nm base pairs are tilted at
 Major groove: wide to the axis of the helix
& deep at 20 degree).
 Minor groove:  major groove is
narrow & less deep narrower and deeper,
 phosphodiester  minor groove wide and
backbone: smooth shallower,
 Rise per base pair is
 The bases lie to the interior of the helix, where only 0.24nm
their planar faces are hidden from solvent. Z-form helix(Left A-form helix (Right
 The bases are stacked on top of one another, handed twist) handed twist)
such that the plane of each base is nearly  12 base pairs per turn  Major groove deeper.
perpendicular to the long axis of the helix.  one turn covers a  Minor groove becomes
 The sugar-phosphate backbone is largely length of about 4.4 shallower,
exposed to solvent. nm  Rise per base pair is
 Phosphodiester only 0.26nm
 The helix has a right-handed twist. It makes a
backbone: zig-zag  The sugar ring has a
complete turn every 3.4 nm, or about 10.5 course different puckering.
residues. The overall diameter of the helix is  slimmer with a  not important in the
approximately 2.0 nm. diameter of ~ 1.8 nm functioning of the cell
 The strands are antiparallel; one strand runs 3`  Major groove is
5` while the other runs 5`  3’. much shallower, and
 There are two grooves (major and minor) in the the Minor groove is
helix, where the edges of the bases exposed to much deeper and
solvent. narrower.
 Overall, the double helix behaves mechanically  important for
like a semi-flexible rod. regulating gene
 Another highly important feature is the joining expression.
of the two strands by Watson-Crick
complementary base pairing:
 Adenine is paired with thymine; guanine is
paired with cytosine.
 The base pairs are joined by hydrogen Unusual DNA Structures
bonds, with two hydrogen bonds joining Inverted repeated sequences (inverted repeats):
- Occurs throughout genomic DNA.
adenine and thymine, and three hydrogen
- have a two-fold symmetry such that the sequence
bonds joining guanine and cytosine.
along a given strand is self-complementary and
 DNA Can Also Form a Left-Handed Helix
can be paired to form a double hairpin or
(Z-form helix) cruciform structure.
- Under certain unusual solution conditions (high - In duplex DNA, the inverted repeats are
concentrations of certain salts or organic palindromes, DNA sequences that read the same
cosolvents) on both strands when read in the same direction.
A. Palindromic inverted repeated sequence
B. Cruciform structure folded from inverted
repeated sequence
 A complete turn of the helix requires 11 base
pairs, and occurs over a helical run of the length
2.9 nm.
 The major groove is narrower and deeper, and
the minor groove wider and shallower, than in
the B-form helix.
 The extra - OH group on ribose, versus
deoxyribose, changes the puckering of the sugar
and the overall hydration of the residues, leading
to these differences from the B-form helix.
Nucleic acids can also form triple helices or triplexes  The secondary structures of tRNA molecules
- Structures with three strands held together by resemble a cloverleaf. Notable features hare include
stacking of the bases and extra hydrogen bonds to the following characteristics:
accommodate the third strand.  Several (4 - 5) short helical runs of 4 - 6 base
- Such structures are limited by pH, however, and pairs each
are not stable outside of acidic conditions  Several single-stranded regions, some forming
Certain unusual DNA sequences have the ability to loops at the ends of runs of helix (called stem-
fold back on themselves repeatedly to form a loop structures)
quadruplex structure:
 Several modified bases and sugars, often
- These sequences are enriched in guanine bases.
involving modification by methylation.
- Guanine residues hydrogen-bond to each other to
 A short stretch of single-stranded RNA- a
form the four-base structure, known as a G-
bulge- that is not involved in a stem-loop
quartet, which contains a monovalent ion
structure, in the middle of the molecule.
coordinated to the four bases.
 An exposed single-stranded region at the 3’ end
- G-quartets and quadruplex structures are
of the RNA molecule.
important structural features of telomeres.
 Messenger RNA(mRNA) can also fold back on itself
RNA secondary structure
to form stem-loop structures, which may play a role
in controlling gene expression.
- Is generally found as single chains, whereas
DNA naturally occurs as a duplex of two
 Ribosomal RNA molecules (rRNA) fold back on
separate chains.
themselves forming:
- The base uracil replaces thymine in RNA.
 Multiple short runs of helix,
- Because of complementary base pairing the
 Stem-loop structures,
chain can frequently be folded back on itself,
 and Bulges.
forming right-handed double helical regions in
- are often modified to carry unusual bases.
which the strands are arranged in antiparallel
Tertiary and Quaternary Structure
fashion. As in the B-form helix of DNA,
Tertiary structure of a biopolymer:
- the bases are paired in complementary fashion,
- Refers to a characteristic repeating structure in
- and the planar base pairs are stacked on one
three, dimensions for a single molecule.
The quaternary level of structure:
- The phosphodiester backbone remains on the
- Refers to the characteristic spatial arrangement
exterior of the helix while the paired bases are
of two or more different polymer chains.
located to the interior.
Tertiary Structure of tRNA:
- The RNA double helix differs from the B-form
- For nucleic acids, the tertiary level of structure
helix of DNA in several ways:
includes the packing of helices, bulges, and
 The diameter of RNA helix is thicker at 2.6 nm
single-stranded coils into a stable and more or
 The base pairs are tilted at an appreciable angle
less compact body. For example, the Tertiary
to the axis of the helix (approximately 20
Structure of tRNA:
- Resembles a tubular coil,
- as found in the wiring of electric
- apparatus such as electromagnets.

- Are basic proteins that bind strongly to DNA.
- They help to organize and compact DNA in the
cell nucleus, forming regular units of
approximately 200 base pairs of DNA wound
around an octameric core of different histone
proteins (a nucleosome).
DNA Supercoiling:
DNA Denaturation and Renaturation:
- DNA can fold up on itself to form tertiary
DNA double helix:
structures by supercoiling. - Is stable under physiological condition of
- Refers to the over- or under-winding of a DNA temperature, salt concentration and pH.
strand. - Raising the temperature or immersing the helix
in a solution with very low amount of salt or
with acidic alkaline pH, will cause the bases to
unpair and unstack, and the strands to separate.
 Helix-coil transition or "melting" of the DNA
double helix.:
- Is the conversion from a double-stranded helical
conformation to separated, highly flexible
conformations of the single strands.
- The temperature at which this occur is donated
as Tm, called the melting temperature or more
formally the transition midpoint temperature.
- Because DNA is flexible, however, long
 Major thermodynamic factors affecting helix
molecules can bend enough so that their ends stability include the following phenomena:
may be covalently joined to form a continuous,  Coulomb repulsion along backbone, from the
circular double-stranded molecule charged phosphate, and the attraction of counter
- DNA in this form is described as relaxed and ions to those phosphates.
the molecule so produced is a covalently closed,  Hydrogen bonds between the base pairs.
circular DNA (ccc DNA)  The entropically favorable release of waters
solvating individual nucleotides as the helix
- We could twist the DNA before joining it
covalently, the twist could go in either direction,  The relative entropic favorability of a less
to overwind or underwind the helix. organized, "melted" state for the polynucleotide
1. Negative supercoiling strands
- Is the left-handed coiling of DNA thus  Stacking interaction between neighboring bases
winding occurs in the counterclockwise and base pairs.
direction.  It is possible to reduce the unfavorable Coulomb
- It is also known as the "underwinding" repulsions along the phosphodiester backbone by
of DNA. adding more salt to solution which helps stabilize
2. Positive supercoiling the helix, Solution pH can also affect helix stability.
- Is the right-handed, coiling of DNA thus  Adding alcohols to the solution tends to destabilize
winding occurs in the clockwise direction. the helix by reducing the amount of stabilizing
- This process is also known as the interactions with water ;
"overwinding" of DNA. - at high enough concentration , alcohols and
3. Plectonemic supercoiling: similar organic compounds may denature or
- Resembles a twisted thread even precipitate DNA.
- (derived from Greek words for Thus bases sequence--- not just base percentage
- "twisted" and "thread") composition---- affect stability and melting
4. Solenoidal supercoiling: temperature.
 It is possible to form a double helix of
complementary base pairs with one strand made
entirely of DNA and the other made entirely of
 It is also possible to accommodate non-Watson-
Crick base pairs in either a DNA or RNA double

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