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This Issue
Parent Action Groups
Parent Action Groups
for Education for Education
Pep Rally for Education
The Young Developers Educate, Empower, Engage!


The goal of PAGE is two fold: 1) to equip West

Dallas parents with the tools to become their
children’s best advocates in education, and 2) to
Provide West Dallas students with develop a fully parent-led PAGE movement across
basic clothing needs. See below West Dallas. PAGE groups are neighborhood-
for more information. specific, addressing the particular schools, parents,
teachers, and needs in each sub-community of West
La Posada
We began the school year with one functioning
December 14
PAGE group already underway in Lakewest, and
Anita Martenez Recreational
since the start of school have grown into five PAGE
Center groups in four neighborhoods: Lakewest,
Contact: Tara Powell Westmoreland Heights, Across Hampton, and Los
Altos/La Bajada. Being the first group started (with
Tutors needed for several pre-existing relationships through Mercy
reading and math. Street), the Lakewest group is our most consistently
Contact: Trinity River Mission attended so far. Each meeting we are averaging
Deisy Martinez at 214-744-6774 around twenty parents and have over seventy
parents who have at some point attended or signed
Sponsor Spotlight up for the group. We have easily over 100 parents
DFCC is grateful to many signed up or interested across West Dallas – our
sponsors for their dedication in
challenge remains to build consistency and capacity.
West Dallas. This season we
The other groups are gradually growing, with
would like to give a special thank
some meetings better attended than others. The
you to The Jordan Family
Family Fun Night PAGE kick-off party at Amelia
Foundation, The Boone Family Earhart brought out around 125 people. We have
Foundation and Texas Capital

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Bank for helping sponsor DFCC excellent support from the principals and community
and its programs this year. liaisons at Amelia Earhart, Carver Creative Arts
Thank you! Center, and C.F. Carr and are working on
relationships with other schools.
Connect with us!
Our greatest measure of success will be our
level of informed, engaged parent leadership. The
Lakewest and Los Altos PAGE groups are now
co-led by parent leaders and our goal is to achieve
complete parent leadership across the board. To
develop an effective parent leadership team we must
ensure that our parents are both equipped and
committed to their children's education.

Pep Rally for Education

The School Zone - West Dallas

On Saturday, September 18, 2010, DFCC

sponsored The School Zone – West Dallas Pep
Rally for Education. This festive gathering of the
West Dallas community was held in support of
educational excellence for West Dallas children.

The School Zone - West Dallas was informed

by the Harlem Children’s Zone and incubated at
DFCC. The School Zone is a collaborative effort of
17 not-for-profit organizations and 13 K-12 public,
private, and charter schools in West Dallas to make
quality education a focus in West Dallas.

The Pep Rally event allowed these organizations

to share information about resources available to
parents and children during the school year while
also highlighting the importance of education and
fostering school and community pride.

Special guest appearances included Mavericks'

point guard Rodrigue Beaubois, Champ (the
Mavericks mascot), Cowboys’ Rhythm and Blues
Dancers, and national radio celebrities Psycho

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Shannon and Big Al Mack from the Kidd Kraddick in

the Morning show on 106.1, KISSFM. Ivonne
Durant, DISD Academic Chief Officer and
Councilman Dave Neumann also attended and
answered questions and greeted guests.

Many thanks to DISD, Texas Capital Bank, SMU,

Watermark Church and The Shelton School for
donating time and resources. Their help allowed
DFCC to offer food, fun activities, and "In the Zone"
T-shirts for all of the students in West Dallas, as well
as transportation and tickets for families attending
the post Pep Rally football game on the SMU

The Young Developers

Teens Plan Improvements
DFCC's 2010 Summer Young Developers
Internship included eight students from Pinkston
High School, seven weeks of an intensive, hands-on
experience to explore redevelopment plans for
the Dallas Housing Authority
owned Lakewest shopping center that backs up to
their school. The Housing Authority served as their
“client” and when they presented their ideas to Tim
Lott, he commented that they “listened as well as or
better than an consultants he had ever hired.”

The internship allowed the teens to work with

several groups including the Dallas Housing
Authority who is the owner and future redeveloper of
the shopping center, Dallas City Design, Bernbaum
Magadini Architects, The Retail Connection, and
UTA graduate students.

Throughout the program the interns experienced

practical applications that connected their education
and their ideas with real possibilities for future
improvements in the world around them. The Young
Developers shopping center redevelopment project
involved researching the most comprehensive and
holistic community development approach for their
target area, compiling asset maps from that area,
and creating, through a charrette process, a
land-use and social resources plan based on
community assets and innovative ideas.

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According to the interns, the internship was

described as follows:

“This high school internship has been a wonderful

experience for me, being able to work with Tim Lott,
Vice President of Capital Projects at the Dallas
Housing Authority, and partner with a group of UTA
graduate students to help us plan out the design of
the shopping center. “ - Soloman (YDP Intern)

“My experience with the Young Developers so far

has been a major learning and motivating
experience. The Young Developers' has motivated
me to become a more caring person in the
community which has kind of inspired me to become
more caring in the world.”- Daniel (YDP Intern)

Building upon the success of this project, DFCC

submitted a proposal to The Real Estate Council for
funding to expand the program in the summer of
2011. We hope to hear good news from that request
in a few weeks.

Learn more about the Young Developers Project


Help One Pair at a Time

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DFCC is sponsoring an UNDERWEARNESS

drive to help provide West Dallas students with basic
clothing needs.

All too often we take the simple things in life for

granted. For example, have you ever gone to your
sock drawer and not had a clean pair of socks or
underwear to wear that day? Now imagine not even
having dirty socks or underwear to wear.

You can help solve this problem.


One new package of underwear or socks for

children Kindergarten - 5th grade
All donations must be new and in original
Monetary donations accepted: Cash, Check
(payable to DFCC), or Online at
Deliver to DFCC, 4514 Travis Street, Suite
350 or for more information contact Tara
Powell at

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Dallas Faith Communities Coalition
4514 Travis Street, Suite 350
Dallas, Texas 75205

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Copyright (C) *2010* *Dallas Faith Communities Coalition* All rights reserved.

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