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The life in London

The end of the Romantic period in Britain was in 1830, thus make a convenient

starting date for Victorianism. The Victorian age formally begins in 1837 (the year Princess

Victoria became Queen). During this period the British Empire extensively expanded its

colonial presence in many parts of Africa, in India, in the middle east and in the others parts

of Asia. The reign of Queen Victoria brought with it an age of prosperity and national pride

in Britain however, we must also remember the vast divides in lifestyle and gender a class

equality. This can be seen in the rigid class division of the time four main classes existed

the nobility and gentry at the top of the ladder, trailed by the middle class. For example in

the novel "Great Expectation written by Charles Dickens" we encounter with a typical low-

class family and we see the first signals of the existence of social classes in the society. In

the novel Great Expectations some characters moved to London for different reasons.

It was a symbol of prosperity, high class and middle class and entertainment.

The Victorian age experienced a lot of changes such industrial development and

unceasing scientific and technological progress. The factories in Victorian times were set

up in towns which have augmented into modern day cities. The use of steam-powered

machinery further led to the expansion of factories. There was prosperity, and much of it

was due to the increasing industrialization which caused people moved to London

from their towns. The industrial revolution indeed led to the emergence of factories

especially of textiles bringing prosperity, as well as to the worldwide network of trade and

engineering that produced profits for British merchants. Also, the Britain´s status was the

financial capital of the world and in the novel Great Expectations reflected the prosperity of

the people believing that their life could change if they moved to London, helping them to
become in new people that could have a good social status with expectations. “Therefore,

this person wishes you to be educated and brought you as a gentleman, with great

expectations of wealth” (Page 82). Although, there was a spirit of liberalism and prosperity

society was still ruled by the aristocracy and the gentry, who controlled high government

offices, both houses of Parliament, the church, and the military. Becoming a rich

businessman was not as prestigious as inheriting a title and owning a landed estate.

(…) I also received a birthday gift of five hundred pounds from my benefactor.

Secretly, with Mr. Wemmick´s help, I used half that sum to buy a position for

Herbert in a newly established shipping business. An honest and clever young man

named Clarriker owned the firm, and he needed additional money and intelligent

help. I contracted to make further payments in time, so that Herbert would one day

become a full partner” (pg 122)

During the Victorian Age there were two important and remarkable classes: the high

class and the middle class. The high class was also called aristocracy and many of them did

no work for centuries, because their families had been gathering enough money for each

generation to live a luxurious life. Throughout the novel Great Expectations there is a

clear representation of the common Victorian Age elements and the factors why

people moved to London, people was looking for changes in their life but mostly

economically and so to have a high social status. But games were an essential ingredient of

the education provided by the public schools that multiplied during this period, to make

gentleman out of the middle classes. “Miss Havisham and Estella, their riches and

refinement, had changed me permanently” (pg 66). However, middle class people owned
and managed vast business. The middle class population at the very start of the Victorian

Age was limited to a few as well.

(…) When I tried to thank him, he held up his hand. “No, no thanks. I am being very

well paid for my services. No, listen closely to my suggestions: You are to come to

London immediately after purchasing some suitable clothes. There, you will lodge

with one Herbert Pocket, a young gentleman of your own age. Perhaps you will be

able to pick up some of the habits and manners of a gentleman from him” (pg 86)

The class consciousness of the Victorians, which manifested itself in the high class

and in the middle class, also interfered in the entertainment. There were many barriers

between males and females during the Victorian Era. However, leisure activities broke

down these barriers, for men and women often took part in them together. Since many

people have moved to London to change their life, new opportunities for traveling arose

as the railways were built, new sports were invented and new games became more popular.

Before this time, natural history was a hobby of interest, especially for collectors, but as

leisure activities came about, natural history was left for the specialists. The range of

exciting activities attracted tourists to London, which caused travel to grow in popularity.

This family was well – bred and had many society connections. Because of this, Estella

began to call on me constantly to escort her to balls and parties and shopping (pg 122, 124).

(…) Now play cards with this boy as I watch. Estella was indignant. “Play with this

boy! He is only a common laboring boy!”. I overheard Miss Havisham whisper,

“Even so, you can break his heart, can´t you?” Estella obeyed, and we sat down to a

game of Beggar My Neighbor. But I could not concentrate on the cards. Estella kept
up a stream of remarks to Miss Havisham: “What coarse hands he has! And what

thick boots!” Soon she laughed with disdain. “See how he calls the knaves by the

wrong name. He calls them ‘jacks.’” (pg 52, 54)

Despite the different social statues, there were many activities in which all classes could be

in the same place, sharing the activities together children, woman and men.

In conclusion, the 1850s and 1860s were a time of great prosperity in England, and

even the lower classes enjoyed higher wages and improving social conditions.  English

trading ships dominated the seas, rapid development of railroads improved mercantile

transport on land, and English imperialism spread England's economic dominion all over

the globe.  England had been first to industrialize, and since the major European powers

were preoccupied with nationalistic wars in Europe during the 1850s and 1860s, England

remained the world's leading economic power through most of the 19th century. Dickens´

Great Expectations novel is one of several reflective books of Victorian age. It is a very

successful representative of its own time. Written in 1860 and following the story of Pip

from childhood to adulthood, the book represents the common Victorian elements like

social class difference, industrialization, Victorian values and women. Pip´s early

impressions about London remind us the effects of Industrial Revolution and immigration.

When he comes to London, he is amazed and displeased with the unbelievable crowd and

awful smell. I made the journey to London in a four-horse stagecoach in about five hours. I

would have been frightened at being in such a big city except that I found it dirty and full of

ugly, narrow, crooked streets” (pg 95). Pip was also amazed because of the buildings and

their inside.
(…) He led me to Barnard´s Inn, a collection of buildings around a courtyard. We

passed through a gate, entered one of the buildings, and walked upstairs to rooms on the top

floor. I looked around the rooms that were to be my new home. They were large enough

and seemed even larger, for they had little furniture in them” (pg 96)

In the novel some characters moved to London for different reasons. It was a symbol

of prosperity, high class and middle class and entertainment. The Victorian Age was

remarked by social and economic changes. In the towns was work for everyone because the

Industrial Revolution had started. The social classes were reforming. The difference

between rich and poor people became very large.  The conditions of life of the working

class were not satisfactory. The upper class was chancing from aristocracy to nobility and

an emerging commercial class. So, changes were really remarkable and important during

this period.

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