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Chapter 6 Examples of tools and methods

Assessment Center
Learning Psychological Test
Performance Appraisal
Argyris (1976)- “The detection and correction of
errors, and error as any feature of knowledge or of
knowing that makes action ineffective.”
8. Job Experience
MacKeracher (2007)- “Learning is an interactive, -Individuals largely learn from their OJT
constructive & transformative process.” experiences.
Starkey, Tempest & McKinley (2004)- “Learning
9. Blended Learning
isn’t simply about what information people acquire
-combination of different learning methods to
but also how they understand, process and apply
achieve the learning objectives.
this information that makes something learned.”
Learning Methods
these are used for amplifying Learning Styles. Chapter 7
1. Classroom Training Motivation
-refers to the traditional method of learning that is -a force that drives a person to satisfy a need
often associated with being lecture-base and face-
to-face Work Motivation
2. Lecture/Lecturette -a “willingness to exert a high level of effort to
-involve focused content being presented to reach organizational goals” (Corpuz 2000)
participants in an orderly manner
Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory
3. Structured Learning Experiences five levels of needs: physiological, safety,
-Use the power of groupings affiliation, self-esteem, and self-actualization
Ex. Small Group Discussions
Case Studies Understanding Filipino Work Motivation
Role Plays Familism (pagkakamag-anak)
Games Work

4. Professional Conference Categories of Filipino Needs Theory of

-a scheduled, large and formal meeting of people Motivation
from a particular profession or expertise. 1.job-related needs
2.organization-related needs
5. Computer-based Training needs
--relies on the elements of learning control, pre- needs
designed materials and required responses.
Job Analysis and Evaluation
6. Online Learning Methods by which Jobs can be Evaluated
- act of learning online and making use of 1. Ranking method
electronically networked technology as a medium to 2. Classification method
connect the learners to the content. 3. Point method
4. Factor comparison method (Milkovich, Newman,
7. Assessment and Gerhart 2014)
- based on feedbacks learn given to them about their
Utilizing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators Chapter 8
Intrinsically-motivated People PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS
-those who work “for the love of it” 1.Leniency/Severity Errors
Extrinsically-motivated People 2.Central Tendency Bias
-those who rely on factors outside of themselves 3.Halo Effects
4.Recency Effects
Total Rewards for Filipino Employees 5.Personal Biases

Total Rewards
all the rewards that the employer gives to the
1.) Financial Remuneration or Cash
includes a person’s base pay, merit pay, and
individual incentives
powerful motivator and the top choice of reward in
an organization (Yao, Franco and Hechanova 2005)
1.1) Base Pay
cash compensation that an employer pays for the
work performed
1.2) Merit Pay
a performance-based increment to the base pay
which can substantially increase it in the long run
1.3) Individual Incentives
given on the achievement of objective, pre-
established performance standards such as

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