Do People Get More Creative During Lockdown

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Do people get more creative during lockdown

Problem statement

According WHO, Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to perceived or real threats,
and at times when we face uncertainty or the unknown. It is therefore normal and
understandable that people are experiencing fear in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Added to the fear of contracting the virus in a pandemic such as COVID-19 are significant
changes in our daily lives, as our movements are limited in support of efforts to contain and
slow down the spread of the virus. Faced with the new realities of working from home,
temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with
other family members, friends and colleagues, it is important that we look after our mental
and physical health (WHO,2020).


The primary objective of this study is to find out whether Malaysian are being more
creative during RMO period. This study is to find what Malaysian doing and what causes
their creativity increased during lockdown period. This is the main objective for this
research. How to know the way Malaysian get in touch with creativity.


During we do this study, we using two methods to collecting all data related to what we
study. Among method that we use is research through internet and google form.

First method that we use is research through internet. We had used research method
through internet to complete this study. We had surfing internet to obtain some
information like covid-19 background, covid-19 existence factors and covid-19 effects
towards society. Among website that we surfing is WWW.WHO.INT . All information which
appeared in the website is very useful and extremely relevant with our study topic.

Apart from that, we've also made a form google and spread to many respondents.
Existence and technological progress that are sophisticated nowadays somewhat help us in
conducting this study. We had made some question associated with covid-19 in google form
and find many respondents for the survey. Even though we face some problem to find
respondent, but we think our effort tremendously successful because we get tons of data by
this method.

WHO (2020). Mental health & COVID-19. Retrieved from

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