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Rusangu University

School of Education

Department of Curriculum and Teaching


A Paper Submitted to the School of Education In Partial Fulfilment of the Course EDFN 118

Philosophy of Christian Education


Isalino Edmundo Victor


Ba Theology

Lecturer: Ms Moyi

Due Date: 24th June, 2020

Daniel chapter 2


In this chapter tell how Daniel interpreted a dream of Nebuchadnezzar 2 King of Babylon. The
king saw a gigantic stutue of metals from gold Head to its feet of mingled iron and Clay; as he
watched a stone not cut by human being destroyed the statue.

Foreign land

Deported to Babylon at the age of sixteen the good news is God was with Daniel

Daniel 2

In this chapter the king had a dream that could not able to remember he decided to call some
wise man to help him with the interpretation but it's happened even they did manage to interpret
the dream and he decided kill all magicians, astrologers and sorcerers (Daniel 2; 9) but Daniel
the foreign man by God's grace managed to give the in interpretation.


The king saw stutue a great image! This great image whose splendor its form was awesome. This
image's head of fine gold its chest arms silver its belly and legs of iron its feet partly of iron and
partly clay watched while stone was cut out without hands struck the image on its feet of iron
and Clay and broken them in pieces and image became a great mountain and filled the whole


Daniel noticed to the king the dream that after you will come kingdom in cause first Babylon,
Medians, Persians, Greece and Rome.


This episode happened long time ago almost four thousand years deserve belief because the
way the described the some its occurred if we read the books of store of world we understand
that actually the some


When something it’s true we need take serious as we see, the prophet described happens until
now we must praise God to reveal the future to his servant.

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