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Global Divides: The North and the South

BSA 1Y1-1



1ST SEMESTER, AY 2018-2019


 Who is Rohingya?

Rohingya people are a stateless Indo-Argan speaking (Indo-Argan language is the

dominant language family of the Indian Subcontinent.

 What is ‘Ethnic Cleansing’?

A massive killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in society.

UN’s Human Rights Chief just went there on Myanmar

‘Seems like a textbook example of ethnic cleansing’

In recent weeks of September 2017, more than 310,000 people had fled to Bangladesh

that trapped on the borders that have reports of a burning village and extrajudicial killings. “I call

on the government to end its current cruel military operation, with accountability for all

violations that have occurred, and to reverse the pattern of severe and widespread discrimination

against the Rohingya population. The situation seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing",

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said, a UN Human Rights council in Geneva. Aung San Suu Kyi,

country’s foreign affairs ministry stated that it shared global concerns at the displacement and

suffering of “all communities” in the latest violence. But this statement failed to mention

Rohingya, while other affected communities in Rakhine state, including other Muslim groups are

listed. Rohingya said that they “sadly overlooked by the world”. Suu Kyi added “to exercise all

due restraint and to take full measures to avoid collateral damage and the harming of innocent

civilians”. He also addressed human rights violations and other crimes “in accordance with the

strict norms of justice”, it said. In Washington, Donald Trump’s administration broke its silence
on the crisis on Monday, but White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not

mention the Rohingya by name and appeared to blame the violence on both sides. Sanders said:

“The United States is deeply troubled by the ongoing crisis in Burma where at least 300,000

people have fled their homes in the wake of attacks on Burmese security posts on 25 August. We

reiterate our condemnation of those attacks and the ensuing violence.” The International

Organisation for Migration estimated about 313,000 Rohingya had crossed into Bangladesh by

Monday, noting that the influx appeared to be slowing. Many new arrivals were on the move

inside Bangladesh and could not be counted, it said. Sheikh Hasina, Bangladeshi Prime Minister

visited refugees in makeshift camp and implored Myanmar to allow them to return safety. She

said “Hundreds of years they are staying there, how they can deny that they are not their

citizens?”. Myanmar got an important note that they had a support from China. Meanwhile, more

thyan 400,000 people have signed a petition seeking to have Suu Kyi’s Nobel Peace Prize



1. Why do you think the UN Human Rights chief considers what happened to Myanmar an

‘ethnic cleansing’?

UN Human Rights chief considered an “ethnic cleansing” on happenings in Myanmar

because lots of people were died because of the bloody crackdown, between Muslim Rohingya

and government of Burmese.

2. Why had the members of Rohingya community crossed the borders of Bangladesh?

Rohingya Community crossed on the borders of Bangladesh because  local security forces

and the Burmese army have forced refugees into Bangladesh,  Myanmar not allow them because

of condemn the terrorist attack.

3. What is your stand regarding the issue presented in the article?

Our group agrees on what Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Sanders did, Myanmar’s

government should not evict the thousands of Rohingya to their country because many civilians

will die.

4. Why do you think China is backing up the Burmese government?

We think that China is backing up the Burmese government because they advice that to

condemned the terrorist attack.


Earth Divides according to Hemisphere

The Earth has seven continents, these are North America, South America, Africa, Europe,

Asia, Australia and Antartica.70% of Earth surface are oceans. First is the Pacific Ocean, it is the

largest and deepest ocean. The second to the largest ocean is the Atlantic Ocean, located in the

west of Africa, most of North Hemisphere. Third is the Indian Ocean and lastly the Arctic

Ocean. The Earth is split along two lines - the Eqautor running east - west and the Prime

Meridian running north-south into hemisphere. Equator is comes from the latin word which

means 'even maker', line of 0 degress latitude toward (longitude). North Hemisphere is located to

the north of equator. The South Hemisphere is located to the south of equator. Hemisphere

means equal half of the globe. The north and south hemisphere has seasonal differences because

of the earth's seasonal tilt away from the sun. Summer and winter seasons is differ between the 2

hemisphere. In northern hemisphere, summer is usually start in June 21, autumn is typically on

Sept 21, and winter is usually Dec 22 until usually March 20. While in southern hemisphere,

summer is typically December 22 up to March 20, winter is on between June 21 to September

21. North Hemisphere is composed of North America, Europe, partially in Africa, Asia, and

South America, while South Hemisphere is composed of the continents of most of South

America, part of Africa and all of Australia and Antartica.

Global Divides: The North and the South

The North-South Divide (or Rich-Poor Divide) is socio-economic and political division

that exists between the wealthy developed countries, known collectively as "The North", and the

poorer, or "The South". Although most nation comprising the "North" are in fact located in the

northern hemisphere, the divide is not primarily defined by geography. As nations become

economically developed, they may become part of the "North" regardless of geographical

location, while any other nations which do not qualify for "developed" status are in effect

deemed to be part of the "South".


It is composed of:

 United States, Canada, Western  Africa, Latin America

Europe, Outermost Regions of the  Developing Asia, Including Middle

European Union (territories forming East (Western Asia, Turkey and Egypt)

part of a member state of the European

Union but situated a significant

distance from mainland Europe. Due to

this situation, they have derogation

from some EU policies despite being

part of the European Union.)

 Developed parts of Asia (The four

Asian Tigers: Hongkong, Singapore,

South Korea & Taiwan because of

rapid industrialization & maintained

exceptionally high growth rates),

Australia and New Zealand

 Home to all the members of G8 (G7 on

2014 because of suspension of Russia.

It was an inter-governmental political

forum from 1997 until 2014. It

composed of countries of Canada,

France, Germany, Italy, Japan,

United Kingdom, United States and

European Union)) and to four of the

five permanent members of UN

Security Council (one of the Six

Principal organs of the UN to

international peace and security. These

are: China, France, Russia, United

Kingdom and United States)

 Known as “First world” (outdated  "Third World", "developing countries,"

model of the geopolitical world from "less developed countries," and "less

the time of the cold war) developed regions"

 Richer and developed region  Poor and less developed region

 95% has enough food and shelter and  5% has enough food and shelter.

functioning education system as well  It serves as a source for raw material of

the north.
 Economy was based on industries and  Economy was based on cotton
major businesses, commerce and production which depended on slave

finance. labor.

 North had many manufacturing that  Southern economy was weak because it

deals with textiles, lumber, clothing, depended entirely on cotton but was

machinery, leather, and wooden goods. still very profitable

 The biggest business of the north was  The period of cotton growing was

in railroad construction. Transportation called King Cotton

was easier because of railroads

Major Differences
 Less population
 Large population
 High Wealth
 Low Wealth
 High standard of living
 Low standard of living
 High industrial development
 Low industrial development
 Industry
 Agriculture

Global North Column1

29% 28% 8%
25% 32% 15%
71% 72% 92%
75% 68% 85% 84%
n 16%
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The comparison between North and South is not of only one aspect, it can be seen

through 5 different angles that is:

North South

Political External threat – widespread of terrorist The internal affairs of the nations – reasons

activity in the worldwide (political struggles and corruptions, lack of

respect for a rule of law, and violations of

human rights)

Economy Manufacturing – cheap labor Agriculture – Cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane

Social Determined by life in the cities. Determined by the upper class

- Plantation owners and their families

- Both religion and education were
- Only children of plantation owners received
any education
-There were schools and churches in
- Small farmers had little or no education
most towns
- The culture of the South revolved around
- College was reserved for the wealthy
plantation life

During Cold War - Primary Global Division was between East and West, and predicted upon

security and power balance

After Cold War - Many see Primary Global Division as being between North and South, and

predicted upon economic inequality.

Worlds within the World

The term "First World" refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries,

roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after World War II, with more or less

common political and economic interests: North America, Western Europe, Japan and Australia. 

"Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, (formerly the

Eastern bloc, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic)

today: Russia, Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) and some of the Turk States (e.g., Kazakhstan) as

well as China.

"Third World" are all the other countries, today often used to roughly describe the

developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The term Third World includes as well

capitalist (e.g., Venezuela) and communist (e.g., North Korea) countries, as very rich (e.g., Saudi

Arabia and very poor (e.g., Mali) countries.

The outdated three worlds model

Development Gap
The North-South divide has more recently been named the development gap. This places

greater emphasis on closing the evident gap between rich (more economically developed)

countries and poor (less economically developed) countries.

Closing the Gap

The United Nations has developed a program dedicated to narrowing divide through its

Millenial Development Goals. This includes developing education, health care, promoting

gender equality, and ensuring environmental sustainability.


Major Premise

 The underdevelopment of certain states/ peoples and their lack of representations

in global political process is a reality


 Imbalances of Aggregate economics and political power between states Interstates


1. Petron Corporation 5. Philippine Long Distance Telephone

2. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation

6. TI (Philippines), Incorporated
3. Manila Electric Company

7. Chevron Holdings Incorporated

4. San Miguel Corporation and Subsidiaries

8.Nestle Philippines Incorporated

9. Philippine Associated Smelting and 10. Mercury Drug Corporation

Refining Corporation

World's Top 10 TNC's Ranked by Foreign Assets (2012)

Locating the Global South

By Lisandro Claudio

The Starbucks and the Shanty

 There are markers of global interconnectedness, even global modernity

 There are Starbucks branches in Melbourne and Manila, New York and New Delhi

 All these branches look more or less the same

 The sameness represents the cultural homogenization that many critics have associated

with globalization

 In Manila and New Delhi, there is a good chance that upon leaving the coffee shop, you

will meet a child beggar in tattered clothes or walk a block or two, with your latte still

hot, you will find a shanty town

 Spaces of affluence in the developing world may mirror the Global North •Spaces of

underdevelopment in developed countries may mirror the poverty of the Global South

 There is something more confusing about poverty in the global south, and the north/south

divide is as visible as the processes of globalization that engender it

 The divide reminds us that globalization creates undersides.

Major Lenses: International Relations

North VS South

A school of thought in international Liberalism/Constructivism

relations theory, theoretically formalizing A school of thought within international

the Realpolitik statesmanship of early modern relations theory which can be thought to

Europe. Although a highly diverse body of revolve around three interrelated principles:

thought, it can be thought of as unified by the  Rejection of power politics as the only
belief that world politics ultimately is always possible outcome of international

and necessarily a field of conflict among actors relations; it questions security/warfare

pursuing power. principles of realism

 It accentuates mutual benefits

and international cooperation

 It implements international

organizations and nongovernmental

actors for shaping state preferences and

policy choices.

Marxism Post Modernism

Are paradigms which reject An approach that has been part

the realist/liberal view of state conflict or of international relations scholarship since the

cooperation, instead focusing on the economic 1980s. Although there are various strands of

and material aspects. It purports to reveal how thinking, a key element

the economy trumps other concerns, which to postmodernist theories is a distrust of any

allows for the elevation of class as the focus of account of human life which claims to have

the study. direct access to the truth.

Postmodern international relations

theory critiques theories like Marxism that

provide an overarching metanarrative to

history. Key postmodern thinkers include Jean-

François Lyotard, Michel Foucault,

and Jacques Derrida.
Globalism (Steger):

Global economic integration is not only inevitable given the rise of new technologies: it

is, more importantly, a normative international goal. To not partake to globality backwards.

Civilization Discourse:

Dominant ideology of colonialism and the logic that shaped the birth of international


Modernization theory (Rostow):

Outlined the historical progression terms of a society's capacity to produce and consume

material goods.

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