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Internship Report

“Practices of Human Resource Management’’:

A Case Study on Multimode group

Supervised By:
Mr. Md. Mohiuddin
Assistant professor
Department of Management Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Prepared by:
ID No: 085709, Session: 2007-2008
MBA program, 2nd Batch
Department of Management Studies
Letter of transmittal

December 15, 2011

Mr. Md. Mohiuddin
Assistant professor
Department of Management Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Subject: Submission of the Internship Report.

Dear Sir,

I have the pleasure to submit my report on “Practices of Human Resource Management”:

A case Srudy on Multimode Group. I feel myself delighted to get the opportunity to work
with HR Department of Multimode Group. For completion of MBA I have been advised to
submit a report on my internship to you. I am very glad to announce here that I have able to
complete the internship report as per your advice time. I have completed my internship in the
HR Department of Multimode Group.

I have given my full concentration into the work with the hope to prepare a precise report
from the arena I have experienced and from your kind direction.

I would be very delighted if you accept my report and oblige me to reach extreme
satisfactory. Any kind of suggestion or reference related to report would be taken my best.

Sincerely yours,

ID No: 085709, Session: 2007-2008
MBA program, 2nd Batch
Department of Management Studies
Jagannath University

At the very beginning I acknowledge the immeasurable blessings & profound Kindness of
Almighty Allah-the supreme authority of the universe.

I am grateful to many individuals for the completion of the report successfully. They are both
from JNU and HR Department of Multimode who provided me with guidance and
information for this study.

I would like to take to express my sincere feelings and gratitude to my course Supervisor,
MD. Mohiuddin, assistant professor, Jagannath University. I am also grateful juliet gomes
DGM, Md. Hanif mia Manager, and other officer and staff of HR Department whose expert
supervision, continuous guidance and instructions have contributed greatly in the preparation
of this report.

Also I expressed my thanks to our MBA coordinator Prof. Md. Mosharraf Hossian Ph.d. For
his excellence and invaluable advice.

Finally, a special acknowledgement is gratefully and loving offered my friends and family
who had been always with me and offered selfless support to me.


ID No: 085709, Session: 2007-2008
MBA program, 2nd Batch
Department of Management Studies
Jagannath University
Letter of acceptance

15th December 2011

This is to certify that Md. Ahlash uddin masum bearing ID no-085709 , Session: 2007-
2008, is a student of MBA program 2nd batch in Jagannath University, Dhaka is done his
internship report under me according to the university Schedule. He submitted his internship
report on 15th December 2011.

I hereby certify that his report has been accepted.


Mr. Md. Mohiuddin

Assistant professor
Department of Management Studies
Jagannath University, Dhaka
Executive Summary

This report is prepared to make a thorough Analysis of human resource Management of

multimode Group. The goal of this report is to find out the Practices of Human resource
management of multimode group. Human resource management is the part of Management
function which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an
enterprise. It also that phase of management which effective control and use of manpower
distinguished from other sources of power. Human resource management consists of those
management functions and activities related to the acquisition, development and maintenance
of human resource in a working organization and maintaining a competent work force in
such a manner as to accomplish with maximum efficiency and economy the functions and
objectives of the Organization. It is concerned with the optimum utilization of human
resource within the Organization and creation of conditions in which each employee is
encouraged to make his best possible contribution to the effective working of the
Organization. Human resource management concerned with the individual/group
development within an Organization, by offering opportunities for advancement through
training or by effecting transfers or by offering retraining facilities and the development of a
sense of mutual respect and trust between management and workers through sound relations.
The scope of human resource management not only related to the personal management but
also related to they plan their human resource for recruiting and selecting the most talented
and dynamic professionals from the available candidates. Taking constructive steps they are
trying to develop the skills of the human resource pool.

Human resource department is important part of human resource management, to implement

various rules and regulations provided by the corporate management. The main goal of HR
department of multimode group is the continuous development of the human resources (HR)
through appropriate training and motivation. Their human resource department (HRD)
trusts in team work and respect each other.
Main text

Chapter :1


Introduction :

Internship is an important and unavoidable pert of completing post graduation in business

studies .Internship can help the student to acquire practical knowledge about his or her
particulars learning .For the 4th semester of MBA program , Internship is a major
requirement for sharing knowledge .As a Requirement for the MBA program , I need to do
the internship any Business organization that is well reputed in its filed . The internship
carries good grade, which shows the practical knowledge and skill that the internee carries.
On the other hand every student carried his or her internship of their study area. As my post
graduation major is in management so this organization is the right place for me to gather the
practical knowledge. I work with only the human resource department of multimode group.
So I got the experience of working with all the people within the particular department .it
was really an unarguable experience


Background of the study:

Human Resource Management plays a very much significant role for every business
organization. It helps the organization to run perfectly & to achieve the organizational goals.
Naturally employees develop themselves day by day. They make any work broken down &
divide it into small & small job, which helps to do the work more effectively; When we hear
this word of Human Resources Management” naturally we think that it is related to human

As part of the internship program of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) course

requirement, I was assigned for doing my internship in for the period of 90 days starting
from 10 September,2011 to 11 December, 2011 .During My internship period in human
Resource Department of Multimode group 107 Bir Uttam CR Datta road , kawran bazer
,Dhaka. I learn many things of human resource department how to handle various activities
of the organization.

Objective of the study:
Objective of the study as a business expectative in future, I should have to gather experience
beside my survey. I should not concern my lesson only in classroom but to apply it in
practical life that will help me in our future life .A clear objective help in preparation of well
decorated report in which other take the right type of decision .So, I identifying Objective is
very much important. My purpose of preparing the report is:

 To know the human resource management (HRM) practice of multimode group.

 To identify the various avenues for improving the HRM policies of multimode
 To know about the corporate management ability of multimode group.
 To acquire in-depth knowledge over the human resource department of the
multimode group.
 To develop work flow & their inter divisional dependencies.
 To learn about recruitment & selection procedure of department of the multimode
 To know about appointment, placement, compensation, transfer procedure, leave
rules etc.
 To identify training & development methods applied in the department of the
multimode group.
 To learn how to identify performance appraisal.
 To know how to implement corporate management strategy.
 To learn how to job analysis and job description.
Methodology of the study:
This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of 90
days internship starting from 10 September,2011 to 11 December, 2011 For preparing this
report, I have undertaken group discussion, collected data and sent some questionnaire to the
selected officers and other employees. During I have collected my information & data from
the following sources, which helped me to make the report. The source has been divided by
two parts. Such as:
primary source:
 Oral interview of the responsible officers of the HR department of Multimode Group.
 Personal experience gained by visiting different desks during internship period.
 Official records of HR department of multimode group.
 Practical experience gained by different task of recruitment procedure during
internship period.
Secondary source:
 Written document of the HR department of the multimode group
 Website of the multimode Group.
 MIS and Master file of the HR department of Multimode Group

CEO = Chief Executive officer
DCEO = Deputy Chief Executive officer
ED =Executive director
GM = General Manager
DGM = Deputy General Manager
HRD = Human Resource Department
HRIS = Human Resource Information software
HRM = Human resource management
Limitation of the study:

Therefore, the views expressed in this report are likely to be restricted by limitations. Many
things were so confidential that I was not entitled to access there. Beside this I have faced the
following hindrances in preparing this report:

So, lack of experience in preparing the report it also a limitation.

 The Officers are very co-operative but they are too much busy to give time to get
knowledge about practical activities.

 Lack of knowledge and experience.

 Lack of computer facilities.

 The officials had been unable to provide me with information due to their huge
routine work.

 The report has to be prepared within a short time that’s why I had to work in hurry.If
I would get enough time , the report would be more practical.

 Lack of sufficient privileges.

Scenario regarding the main topic of the report in Bangladesh:
Human resources formulate the most important component of the modern organization. The
accomplishment of organizational missions and objectives depends, to a large extent, on
having right persons in right positions as well as the commitment and contributions of those
involved. This is why human resource management has acquired a growing significance in
current organization theory and practice. As a matter of fact, a sound and effective human
resource management is seen as the most significant variable that determines the
performance of an enterprise.

The area of Human resource practice is not so develop in the context of Bangladesh .Lack of
trained and qualified manpower in various organizations. So we need to emphasize
moderate Human resource practice to the potential field for achieving organizational

Bangladesh provides a typical case where the objective of developing a sound and rational
system of human resource management remains illusory. A recent World Bank study has
focused, inter alias, on human resource management and diagnosed some of its major
ailments that require urgent treatment, if the country's administrative system has to be vibrant
and effective in order to be able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The study calls
for improving human resource management especially in areas of recruitment, training,
promotion, performance appraisal, and employee compensation. The proposals are hardly
revolutionary in that they are fundamentals to a sound human resource management system
and earlier studies also underscored the need for such changes. Minimum though, the nation's
failure to achieve these represents a formidable challenge. This paper examines and analyzes
the current approach.
Chapter :3
An overview of the organization:


The Multimode Group was founded by two time Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industries President, Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo on September 21, 1981. He is
the current CEO of the diversified business conglomerate. Because of the hard work of
countless creative and dedicated staff members, the tireless efforts of a world-class support
team, and for the undying customer loyalty, the company has become one of the most
prominent and experienced industrial conglomerates in present Bangladesh.

The Group initially started off in the shipping industry, but has since diversified its portfolio
to include a host of other business ventures. Multimode's business strategy has always been
the continual progress of existing operations and a steady search for new ventures.

Today, Multimode Group has presence in: Agriculture, Automobiles, Chemicals, Energy,
Entertainment, FMCG, Hospitality, Information Technology, Investments, Real Estate
and is continuing its diversification and consolidation in different industries.
Chapter : 3
Multimode Group Corporate Profile
The Multimode Group was founded by two time Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industries President, Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo on September 21, 1981. He is
the current CEO of the diversified business conglomerate. Because of the hard work of
countless creative and dedicated staff members, the tireless efforts of a world-class support
team, and for the undying customer loyalty, the company has become one of the most
prominent and experienced industrial conglomerates in present Bangladesh. The Group
initially started off in the shipping industry, but has since diversified its portfolio to include a
host of other business ventures. Multimode’s business strategy has always been the continual
progress of existing operations and a steady search for new ventures.
Today, Multimode Group has presence in: Agriculture, Automobiles, Chemicals, Energy,
Entertainment, FMCG, Hospitality, Information Technology, Investments, Real Estate and is
continuing its diversification and consolidation in different industries.

2010 Multimode Group Corporate Profile

Agriculture :
LalTeer Seed Ltd.
Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo and Mr. Simon Groot of the Netherlands started LalTeer Seed Ltd
in 1995 to pro-duce a small array of seed varieties. Bangladesh, being geographically located
at agriculturally fostered basin, still suffers from a large deficit of vegetable prerequisites.
Economic and technological constraints continue to play the major determinants in fostering
this ongoing problem. LalTeer Seed Ltd was founded with the vision to mitigate this specific
point. Keeping the need for research in mind and how it can help Bangladeshis understand
more about seed yielding and seed variety, LalTeer Seed Ltd was started. With extensive
research and collaboration with local communities across 64 districts of Bangladesh, LalTeer
Seed has become the largest biotechnology and seed Production Company in the country.
Recently, LalTeer has been expanding its operations to open up new markets internationally
in South Asia and beyond. As an extension of its seed distribution efforts, in September,
2008 LalTeer started a joint venture with United Phosphorus Limited, India, and entered into
pesticide distribution.
North South Seed Limited is Multimode group’s second seed venture. It started as a
vegetable seed producing company with production facilities of about 1000 tons of vegetable
seeds in four northern districts under close supervision of experienced agriculturists. It has
now entered into production and breeding of rice, potato, and maize.
Lalteer Livestock Ltd. - was founded with a vision to become the pioneer in the livestock
industry by promoting sustainable means of livestock production for the maximum
productivity. With a skilled management team with over thirty years of experience, Lalteer
Livestock Ltd. was founded in 2009. The company will focus on sustainability as improved
productivity through a dedicated research facility.
Chens Crop-Science Bangladesh Limited, Tinpata Quality Seeds Limited is also part of
Multimode Group engaged in scientific research and distribution of high quality seeds and
pesticides to promote in-creased productivity and sustainability.
Automobiles :

Multimode Transport Consultants Limited (MTCL) .

Multimode Transport Consultants Limited (MTCL) was one of the first companies of
Multimode Group. The primary business focus of the company was in Shipping. Within a
few years it became the leader in the shipping industry in Bangladesh and one of the most
prominent shipping companies in Asia.
In 1986, MTCL diversified its operations by becoming the exclusive distributor of Proton
cars in Bangladesh. Currently, MTCL markets five brands of proton exclusively in
Bangladesh. Proton has recently won several competitive tenders and provided its cars to
major Government institutions- including Ministries and the Judiciary.
Proton Service Center Limited (PSCL) .
Proton Service Center Limited (PSCL) provides after sales and maintenance support for
automobiles. It provides a range of services for cars of all brands using the latest
technological machinery for maintenance, repair and automobile customization services.


Joongboo Multimode Chemicals Ltd.

Joongbo Multimode Chemicals Ltd is a market leader in the production of best quality PE
Foam products in Bangladesh. The materials are prepared under reliable quality control
using international standards. Joongbo is one of the few companies to manufacturing PE
Foam in Bangladesh. Its trademarked brand is JUMBOLENE and started its commercial
productions in 2007.

Kay & Que.

With nearly 20 years of experience, Kay & Que is a pioneer in manufacturing of carbon rods
for dry cell batteries. Recently the company has diversified its business to CNG refueling
stations, processing and packaging of chemicals such as sulfur, mencozeb, and metasystrox,
alongside the distribution of tar and pitch for the local markets. As a publicly listed company,
Kay & Que shares are traded in the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges.

Energy :

NFM Energy Limited. NFM Energy Limited is one of the industry leaders in gas drilling
exploration sharing interests and investments in Chevron Bangladesh Ltd. It is engaged in
Gas Exploration of blocks 12, 13 and 14. Entertainment BETTS R&H
BETTS R&H expanded into the areas of co-operation and social event management through
BETSS R&H. BETSSR&H was established in 2004 as an Event Management and
Entertainment company. BETSS organizes all types of events, including fund-raising
dinners, product-launch receptions, and private parties.
Recently, it has launched a fine-dining Asian-Fusion restaurant called the ‘8’.

Financial Services :
National Bank Limited (NBL).
Established as one of the first private sector bank, fully owned by Bangladeshi entrepreneurs,
National Bank Limited (NBL) has now become the largest private sector bank in Bangladesh.
Mr. Abdul Awal Min-too, CEO Multimode Group is the founding Chairman of NBL. At
present, NBL has been carrying on business through its 106 branches spread all over the
country. NBL wants to continue its high standard of clientele services and contribution to the
national economy and by establishing themselves firmly as the front ranking bank of the
country .The bank is publicly listed in the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods(FMCG):

MF Consumers Limited (MFCL) .
MF Consumers Limited (MFCL) has a distribution network of over 200,000 outlets
throughout Bangladesh and is the sole distributor of Johnson & Johnson products of USA,
and Cavinkare consumer products of India in Bangladesh. The company was founded in
1998 with a focus on distribution of Johnson & Johnson products and Cavinkare products
were added to its range in 2006.


Jamuna Resort Limited.

Jumuna Resort Limited is an associate of Multimode Group. JRL is situated along the banks
of the legendary Jamuna River on the eastern approach of Jamuna Bridge. Traditionally-built
and beautifully decorated lodges provide air-conditioned accommodation for the
visitors, with a further dining room cottage offering a full range of traditional and continental
food items. A swimming pool set in its own walled garden, adds to the pleasures of the
Jamuna Resort. The Resort also has sports equipment, which visitors can rent for to use on
the vast playgrounds of the Resort. In addition, visitors can spend time in the local museum,
located inside the Resort, which displays local fauna, floral and animal life. Boat tours on the
Jamuna River are also offered. In April, 2010 it has opened its amusement park and the
expansion continues with the development of Jamuna Water Park, construction of Holiday
Homes and a Four Star Hotel.

Insurance :
Established in 1986, Pragati Insurance Limited has been in the financial sector operating
services such as underwriting, trusteeship to the debenture issues, trading of shares and other
securities at both primary and secondary markets. The shares of the Company are listed in the
Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges. It is one of the leading General Insurance companies
in Bangladesh. Multimode Group, CEO, Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo, currently is the chairmen
of Pragati Insurance Limited.
Pragati Life Insurance Limited
A public limited company registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Company and licensed
by the Controller of Insurance, Government of Bangladesh to transact life insurance business
in Bangladesh was founded in 2000. The Multimode Group has four Sponsor Directors in
Pragati Life Insurance Ltd. In addition, Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo is the Advisor of Pragati
Life Insurance Ltd. The shares of the Company are listed in the Dhaka and Chittagong stock
Information Technology :
MultiSourcing Ltd. was founded in 2007 with a vision to become a leader in providing turn
key information technology solutions to its clients. It is engaged in business process
outsourcing, software development, and marketing of its range of proprietary software
including complex ERP solutions for different verticals including banking, insurance, non-
financial institutions and manufacturing.
Communication-2 (C-2).Communication-2 is the second oldest value added telecom service
provider in Bangladesh. Its commercial operations started in the first quarter of 2004.
Currently C-2 is providing various SMS and IVR based applications to different segments of
telecom subscribers ranging from corporate to individual subscribers. The company hopes to
introduce new and innovative solutions to its subscribers as the industry gets ready to
introduce 3G.
Multimode Ltd.
Multimode Ltd is credited for bringing western union to Bangladesh, which has become one
of the leaders in remittance into Bangladesh. Through its association with different banks
Multimode Ltd has provided western union services to end clients in Bangladesh.
Additionally, in 2004 Multimode Ltd. started distribution of software by becoming
distributors of Microsoft products. Since then, it has expanded its distribution portfolio to
include Red Hat/Linux and G-Data Antivirus software.

Real Estate :
A & A Investment Ltd.
A & A Investment Ltd. was established in 1986 as a holding company. A & A holds prime
residential and commercial properties throughout Bangladesh. Its most notable venture was
establishment of the first glass commercial complex in Bangladesh, Anchor Tower in 1995. It
currently serves as the head quarters for HSBC as well as other prominent international
institutions such as Marubeni Corporation. Additionally, A & A Investment Ltd has shares in
different publicly listed companies
NFM Ltd. is another real estate company of Multimode group. NFM owns prime residential
cum commer-cial areas in the most prestigious and lucrative areas of Dhaka including
Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Ut-tara, and Savar. Additionally, it has holdings in Block-7 of
Chevron Bangladesh Ltd.

Textiles :
Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd (DCSML).
Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd. (DCSML), located in Feni, has more than 30 years of
experience in the textile business, is one of the pioneer spinning mills in the private sector of
Bangladesh. DCSMLpro-duces yarn which can be directly used in garmenting.Although
DMCSML produces solely for the domestic markets currently, its raw materials come from
Sudan, Tanzania, USA, Cameroon, Uzbekistan, Kazakhtan, India ,and Pakistan. As part of its
Social responsibilities , DCSML has pioneered in providing employment opportunity to
women workers. Its also participates in Social activities in community. As a publicly listed
company, DCSML shares are traded on the Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges.
Corporate management:

Abdul Awal Mintoo

Abdul Awal Mintoo was born in 1949 in Aleyarpur, a small and remote village in the Feni
district of Bangladesh. He belongs to a family of landowners who initiated his primary
education in the village school. Abdul Awal Mintoo began his career aspiring to be a ship
captain. However, in the 1980s, after completing his bachelors and masters degrees he turned
to business. Since the very start, he has achieved outstanding success as a leading
entrepreneur of Bangladesh

Mr. Mintoo completed his BSc in 1973 with a degree in Marine Transportation Science from
the State University of New York. He followed that with a Master's degree in Transportation
Management and Advance Chartering Problems and Arbitration. He returned to Bangladesh
in 1981, and since then has involved himself with various businesses and industrial

Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo is involved in various businesses including manufacturing,
information technology, energy, agriculture and biotechnology, finance, insurance, FMCG,
hotel/resorts and various other enterprises

 Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo is the CEO of Multimode Group and also sits on the board of
various enterprises, social associations and institutions. Below is a table of some of the
positions he holds.

Name of Organization Nature of Business Position
Multimode Limited Distribution of Microsoft, Red Hat/Linux Chairman
Products. Involved in remittance via Western
A & A Investment Limited Investment in real estate, land development, Managing
shares. Director
NFM Limited Investment in mineral resources, power generation, Managing
land procurement and development. Director

Multimode Transport Automobiles Distributorship / Shipping Managing

Consultants Limited /Chartering Director
M F Consumers Limited Marketing and sole distribution of (i) Johnson & Chairman
Johnson Products in Bangladesh
(ii) CavinKare Bangladesh Pvt. Ltd.
Heidelberg Cement Cement clinker grinding and quality cement Director
Bangladesh Ltd. manufacturing
Dulamia Cotton Spinning Manufacturing of quality yarn Advisor
Mills Ltd.
Kay & Que (Bangladesh) Manufacturing of carbon rods for drycell battery, Advisor
Ltd. CNG Station, chemicals
East West Seed OP and Hybrid Vegetable seeds production, Chairman
(Bangladesh) Limited processing and research
North South Seed Ltd. OP and Hybrid seed production, processing and Director
Pragati Insurance Ltd. General Insurance (one of the largest private Chairman
general insurance company in the Bangladesh)
Pragati Life Insurance Ltd. Life Insurance Director
National Bank Ltd. One of the largest private banks in Bangladesh. Past Chairman
Jamuna Resort Limited An unique and modern resort and recreation Chairman
 In addition to his business ventures and positions, Mr. Mintoo, has been active in the
following organizations:
 The Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)-
Vice President (2005-2006).
 SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
 European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry (EEIG).
 The Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)-
President (2003-2005) (1998-2000).
 Bangladesh Association of Banks (BAB) –Chairman (1997-1999).
 Bangladesh Ocean Going Ship Owners Association- Chairman (1988-2000).
 Bangladesh India Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BICCI) Chairman.
 Bangladesh Seed Merchants Association Adviser
 Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Association EC Member (1992-1995).

Major business achievement:

Mintoo has been credited for playing a significant role in the development of Bangladesh.
Starting with encouraging remittances through formal channels, which contributes
significantly to the development of the country by bringing Western Union to Bangladesh, to
promoting agricultural sustainability and increased productivity through Lal Teer Seeds Ltd.
and its pioneering efforts and development of seeds that now are the chosen product of
majority of farmers throughout the country. Additionally, he helped introduce one of the first
privately held banks, National Bank Ltd. in Bangladesh which encouraged private sector
investments and helped meet the daily needs of people. His career and activities, each step of
the way, is exemplified as one that has and continues to help towards the greater growth and
development of the nation.
For his leadership, he was elected twice as the President of Federation of Bangladesh
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has been recognized through numerous awards.

Nasreen Fatema Awal

Mrs. Nasreen Fatema Awal, wife of Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo, is a Director of Multimode
Group. Among various other achievements, she is the Founding President of the Women
Entrepreuners Association of Bangladesh (WEAB) for which she was recognized as a CIP.

Mrs. Awal graduated from Herbert Lehman High School, Bronx, New York in 1976. She
completed an Associate course under Manhattan University, New York. Later in 2003, she
attended a program in ‘Strategic Perspectives in Non-Profit Management’ at Harvard
Business School.

Ms. Nasreen Awal has been associated with business and entrepreneurship for over 12 years.
The positions she has held have been listed in the table below.


Name of Organization Nature of Business Position
Multimode Limited Information Technology, Remittance. Director
M F Consumers Ltd. Distribution of Johnson & Johnson, Cavinkare Managing
products. Director
Joongbo Multimode Manufacturers of P.E. Foam Managing
Chemicals Ltd. Director
East West Seed (BD) OP and Hybrid Seed production, processing and Director
Ltd. research
Kay & Que (BD) Ltd. Manufacturers of Carbon Rods for Dry cells, Tar, Director
CNG Station, Chemical distribution
A & A Investment Ltd. Investment in Real Estate and shares Director
NFM Limited Real Estate, investment in the energy sector Director
Pragati Insurance Ltd. General Insurance Sponsor
She has also been active in the following organizaitons:
 Women Entrepreneurs Association of Bangladesh (WEAB)- President (Founder
 Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry.
 SAARC Chamber Women Entrepreneurs Council.
 Mintoo Nasreen Trust.
 Dhaka American Women's Club.
 National Association for Resource Improvement (NARI).
 Dagonbhuiyan Girls High School.
 Shahjahan Bhuiyan Memorial School – Chairman.
 United Nations Women’s Club.

Tabith Mohammed Awal\

Tabith Mohammed Awal currently serves as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO)
of Multimode Group. The eldest son of Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo, he holds a Bachelor of
Business Administration and Masters of Science from George Washington University, USA.
It is under his active leadership that Multimode Group has achieved a 100% increase in
profitability over the past three years alone. He sits on the board of all Multimode Group and
associate concerns.

Tafsir Mohammed Awal

Tafsir Mohammed Awal currently serves as the Director of Multimode Group, and is
actively involved in operational aspects of the Groups concerns. He has a Bachelor of
Science in Telecommunications and a Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Management
from the European School of Business, London, UK. He sits on the board of majority of
Multimode Group concerns, and under his leadership the Automobile and IT division have
experienced a 200% growth in the last three years alone. For his achievement, he has won the
Young Entrepreneurs Award of Bangladesh in 2006.

Tajwer Mohammed awal

Tajwar Mohammed Awal is the youngest son of Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo and is a Director
of Multimode Group. Currently, he is completing his Bachelor’s degree at Suffolk
University, USA. Having completed his Masters degree, he will join the corporate
management team of Multimode Group in an active manner and plans to be involved in
various business development and expansion aspects of the Group’s operations.

3. 3 Organization Structure :
3. 4
Number of companies:

 A & A Investment Ltd.

 BETTS R & H .
 Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd .
 Joongbo Multimode Chemicals Ltd .
 Kay & Que (Bangladesh) Ltd .
 Lal Teer .
 M F Consumers Ltd .
 Multimode Ltd .
 Multimode Transport Consultants Ltd .
 NFM Ltd .
 NFM Energy Ltd .
 Jamuna Resort Limited .
 National Bank Limited .
 Pragati Insurance Ltd .
 Pragati Life Insurance Ltd .

3. 6
Vision statement:

The world is changing all around them. They must look ahead, understand the trends and
forces that They will shape business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to
come. Their vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of their
business by describing what they need to accomplish in order to continue achieving
sustainable, quality growth. The gist of the vision is multimode group believes in
togetherness with its customer, in its march on the road to growth and progress with services.
To achieve the desired goal, there will be pursuit of excellent all stages with a climate of
continuous improvement, because in multimode group they believe, the line of excellent is
never ending. multimode group strategic plans and networking will strengthen competitive
edge over others in rapidly changing competitive environments. Its personalized quality
services to the customer with the trend of constant improvement will be corners tone to
achieve their operational success.

Mission statement:

The mission is started the following bullets:

Their Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a
company and serves as the standard against which they consider their actions and decisions.


 To become a trusted responsibility of customer money & their financial advisor.

 To make them stock superior & rewording to the customers / share holders.
 To display team sprit & professionalism
 To have a sound capital base.
 To gather high quality personnel to achieve organizational success
 To provide excellent quality customer service.
 To create value and make a difference.
 To inspire. Moments of optimism and happiness
 To achieve profit maximization.

Service Scheme or Service rules of Multimode Group:

Session - II Rules & Regulations of Company

(2 hours) 11:30 – 12:30

 Office Time-Table
 Service Rules
 Leave Application
 Employee Benefits
 Local/International Tour Proposal
 Traveling Expenses Bill/Tour Report
 Orientation on writing Memo/Note/Office Order/Office Circular etc.
 Various Reporting
 Disciplinary Action

Office Time-Table

The following office timings shall be observed in all offices of Multimode Group and its
associates with effect from 18th October 2009.

a) From Saturday to Thursday - From 10:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs. with

hour break for lunch and Zahr prayer
from 14:00 hrs. to 15:00 hrs.
b) Friday - Closed
c) *2nd and 4th Saturday in every month - Closed

(Office Circular No. Multimode/HRD/Sl-611/09 dated 17th October 2009)

Service Rules

The Service Rules of Multimode Group contains 37 contents.

1. Preliminary
2. Introduction
3. Preamble
4. General Rules of Conduct
5. Definitions
6. Creation of Post
7. Recruitment
8. Condition of Appointment
9. Probation period & Confirmation in the Service
10. Promotion and enhancement of salary & yearly increments
11. Resignation
12. Termination
13. Retirement/Superannuation
14. Classification of post and pay scale
15. Record of service
16. Seniority
17. Discipline and general conduct
18. Punishment and Appeals
19. Application and Appeals
20. Pay and Allowance
21. Pay Scale
22. Increment
23. Special Increment
24. Gratuity
25. Bonus
26. Benefits under the Group terms insurance, telephone and transport facilities
27. Contributory Provident Fund
28. Travelling Allowance
29. Efficiency Bar
30. Charge Allowance
31. Advance to Officer
32. Leave
33. Entitlement to Leave facilities
34. Availing of Leave and unauthorized absence
35. Leave Salary
36. Orientation and Job Training
37. Appendix - 1) Recruitment Procedures
2) Retirement Procedures
3) Gratuity
4) Travelling Allowance
5) Employee Welfare & Benevolent Fund
Principle Activities:
SWOT Analysis of the Organization:
SWOT analysis is a basic, straightforward model that provides direction and serves as a basis
for the development of marketing plans. It accomplishes this by assessing an organizations
strengths (what an organization can do) and weaknesses (what an organization cannot
do) in addition to opportunities (potential favorable conditions for an organization) and
threats (potential unfavorable conditions for an organization). SWOT analysis is an
important step in planning and its value is often underestimated despite the simplicity in
creation. The role of SWOT analysis is to take the information from the environmental
analysis and separate it into internal issues (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues
(opportunities and threats).

SWOT provides an opinion and judgment whether an organization’s business condition is

healthy or unhealthy.


Identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the


strength: This is the study of company’s internal strength and causes to achieve the goal
of the company .every individual business has some internal strength to run successfully.

Strength of Multimode group :

 CEO of the multimode group is a famous & successful entrepreneur of

Bangladesh who was selected two time Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of
Commerce and Industries ( FBCCI ) President.
 Business strategy has always been the continual progress of existing operations and a
steady search for new ventures.
 Hard working of countless creative and dedicated staff members.

 The tireless efforts of a world-class support team, and for the undying customer

 The company has become one of the most prominent and experienced industrial
conglomerates in present Bangladesh.

 Multimode Group has presence in: Agriculture, Automobiles, Chemicals, Energy,

Entertainment, FMCG, Hospitality, Information Technology, Investments, Real
Estate and is continuing its diversification and consolidation in different industries.

 Provide high quality product to the customer (such as: Johnson & Johnson products
of USA).

 Adequate financial resource.

 Well-defined strategic planning.

 Competitive edge

 High qualified professional service in the organization

Weakness: Companies internal weakness can bring any harm in any moment; in fact it is a
big obstacle in the way of goal .The Company should concern weakness .Other wise it ruins
the company.

Weakness of multimode group:

 Missing some key skills.

 No specific policy following by the employees.
 Product price is high.

 Lack of MIS software in the human resource department.

 HRD personnel were less evaluated/ neglected by the corporate management.

 Lack of initiative for product development.

 Lack of employment in the HR department of Multimode group.

 There is no post of computer operator or Data entry operator in the HR department of

Multimode group.

Opportunities: It is the way of obtaining to get competitive advantage from market place.
Those competitive can utility these option; they can successfully operate the business.

Opportunities of Multimode group:

 The company has huge lot of capital fund so the company should invest or introduce
new product line or services.
 Ability to serve additional customer groups or expand into new markets or segments.
 The company has some trusted and corporate buyers.

 HRIS Software for computerized information.

 HRD cell established.

 Multimode group is well known to the corporate business house.

 Assistance from local business chamber to get information about different potential

Threat: Every company face some external threat which affect the business ,and these are
very much uncontrollable .the various identified threats should be assessed according to their
seriousness and probability occurrence .
Threat of multimode group:

 Not stable in political environment.

 Huge numbers of competitors.
 Changes in the Sociocultural Environment
 Changes in the Internal Organizational Environment
 Competitor price is low


Draw conclusion:

It is not basically enough to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of
the company. In applying the SWOT analysis it is necessary to minimize or avoid both
weaknesses and threats. Weaknesses should be looked at in order to convert them into
strengths. Similarly, threats should be converted into opportunities. Finally, strengths and
opportunities should be matched to optimize the potential of a firm. Applying SWOT in this
trend can obtain leverage for the company.


Prepare action plan:

The effectiveness of SWOT analysis is not limited to profit-seeking organizations. SWOT

analysis may be used in any decision-making situation when a desired end-state (objective)
has been defined. Examples include: non-profit organizations, governmental units, and
individuals. SWOT analysis may also be used in pre-crisis planning and preventive crisis
 Company may improve some policy which will be favorable for employee of the
 Company should have to maintain positive relation with the ruling government.
 Company should provide sufficient HRIS software to the HR department.
 Company should be considered placement of right person to the right place .
 Company should create data entry operator or computer operator post to facilitate the
HR department.
 The corporate management should be looked at to remove the weakness of the
 The company should take competitive advantage to market.
 Company should take adequate steps how to face the external threat.

Chapter :4


Practical experience gathered through doing internship or doing job and

/or doing research works in an organization:

I have followed various activities of the HR department of the Multimode Group, which are
described in briefly. HR department implement various policy provided by the corporate
management of the Multimode Group. The main functions of the HRD are of human
Resource planning and Development, Recruitment of qualified and experienced Human
Resource for the organization. HRD also facilitate to provide various information to the
corporate Management. HRD implement the corporate Rules and Regulation to overall
organizations. I have followed How to evaluate is the performance of existing employees of
the organization. I have followed in writing showcase letter, Explanation letter, Deduction
salary, promotion letter, Additional increment letter & Confirmation letter.
I also have learned some rules and regulation of the HR Department organization which are
mainly related to:

 File management
 Advertising procedure

 CV sorting and CV analysis.

 Recruitment of human resource procedure.

 Leave rules and regulations.

 How to write office circular & order

 How to write joining letter.

Chapter: 5


Findings and analysis regarding the objectives of the study including

problem identified :
a) Human resource department of multimode group follows the proper rules and
regulations guided by corporate management or as per organization's own policy.
b) multimode group beliefs, in present competitive and dynamic environment Human
resource department are the most valuable department than the others.
c) They consider their skilled people as asserts for their organization.
d) Multimode Group committed to draw the most talented and dynamic professionals
from the available candidates.
e) HR department of multimode Group follows both the internal (Reference) and
external sources of recruitment.

f) HR department of multimode Group ensure Training and development programs

include orientations, and socializations activities to inform employees about company
policies and procedures.

g) Multimode Group try to develop their employee with future advancement and educate
them in job skills.

h) For job analysis Multimode Group consider several common uses such as- job
definition, job re-design, orientation, socialization, carrier counseling, employee
safety, performance appraisal and compensation.

i) HR department of Multimode Group design their job in such way, which is the right
person at the right place at the right time to achieve their objectives and goals.

j) HR department of Multimode Group follows the Ranking and the Classification

method for evaluating the job and performance appraisal

k) For evaluating the performance appraisal HR department mostly follows the rating
scale method.

l) Taking constructive steps they are trying to develop the skills of Human resource
m) Their HR department (HRD) trusts in team work and respect each other.

n) High educated personnel are in the management.

o) As per policy, bonus, house rent, medical and launch are the additional offerings
except salary.

p) Lack of updated and accurate information from the HRM.

q) Lack of MIS.

r) Lack of co-ordination in exchange of transferring HRM information among various

companies of the multimode Group.

s) HRD personnel were less evaluated/ neglected by the corporate management.

t) Lack of employment in the HR department of Multimode group.

u) Lack of computer operator or Data entry operator in the HR department of Multimode


v) Lack of HRIS software in the HR Department.

Chapter :6

6.0 conclusion and recommendations:


In present competitive and dynamic environment human resource are now being viewed as
the most valuable mean for gaining advantages over other. Competitive advantages can only
be achieved by building up highly motivated and skilled employees. To fulfill the vision,
mission, and core objective of a company the management has needed to established a
effective and efficient human resource department and hired the confident and most
promising professionals. Human resources constitute the most important component of
modern organizations. The accomplishment of organizational missions and objectives
depends, to a large extent, on having right persons in right positions as well as the
commitment and contributions of those involved.

Recommendations and / or Suggestions for further researchers:

 Multimode Group should provide adequate employ for the HR department.

 They should supply sufficient computer to the HR department.

 They should update their HR Department office infrastructure

 They should collect human resources from the proper sources.

 HR department should follow the effective steps of recruitment.

 HR Department should follow the proper rules and regulations guided by

organization's own policy.

 HR department should take proper steps in exchange of transferring HRM

information among various companies of the multimode Group.
 They should use updated and accurate information from the HRM.

 Experience and interview should be considered as the main importance in selecting a


 Multimode Group should be considered use of latest HRIS software to their HR


 They should create sufficient computer operator or Data entry operator in the HR

 They should completely obey the national law and order of the Government.

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