Water Management System

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June 2020



Water Management

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construction and infrastructure www.constrofacilitator.com
Water Management System

Water, once an abundant natural resource, is becoming a more valuable commodity due to droughts and
overuse so the need for a Water Management System. It is the activity of planning, developing, distributing
and managing the optimum use of water resources. It is a sub-set of water cycle management.

In this edition of eMag-Lounge we have focused on various aspects of the water management system,
such as challenges and potential of water management systems, different methods for water management
systems, the adoption of water management systems across states and water technology for green

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 2

Different types of water management

Water Resource Management in the

State of Jharkhand

Water Management potential and


18 Water Technologies For Green Building

4 9
13 18

3 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


Different types of water management


ater scarcity is pressure on neighbouring water resources. already have a negotiated agreement on
being driven by the water use of the Ganges.
two converging At the global level 31 countries are already
phenomena: short of water and by 2025 there will be 48 Water management therefore is the need of
growing fresh- countries facing serious water shortages. time. Water management is the manage-
water use and The UN has estimated that by the year 2050, ment of water resources for the coming gen-
depletion of 4 billion people will be seriously affected by erations. It involves the activity of planning,
usable freshwa- water shortages. This will lead to multiple developing, distributing and managing the
ter resources. Water use has been growing conflicts between countries over the shar- optimum use of water resources. There are
globally at more than twice the rate of popu- ing of water. Around 20 major cities in India different methods through which water man-
lation increase in the last century, and an face chronic or interrupted water shortages. agement preservation can be, some of
increasing number of regions are reaching There are 100 countries that share the them are explained below.
the limit at which water services can be waters of 13 large rivers and lakes. Interna-
sustainably delivered, especially in arid tional accords that will look at a fair distribu- Rainwater harvesting
regions. Water scarcity will be exacerbated tion of water in such areas will become criti-
as rapidly growing urban areas place heavy cal to world peace. India and Bangladesh Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collec-

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 04


tion and storage of rain, rather than allowing

it to run off. Rainwater is collected from a
roof-like surface and redirected to a tank,
cistern, deep pit (well, shaft, or borehole),
aquifer or a reservoir with percolation. Dew
and fog can also be collected with nets or
other tools. Rainwater harvesting differs
from stormwater harvesting as the runoff is
collected from roofs, rather than creeks,
drains, roads or any other land surfaces. Its
uses include watering gardens, livestock,
irrigation, domestic use with proper treat-
ment, and domestic heating. The harvested
water can also be committed to longer-term
storage or groundwater recharge.

Tamil Nadu was the first state to make rain-

water harvesting compulsory for every
building to avoid groundwater depletion.
The scheme was launched in 2001 and has
been implemented in all rural areas of Tamil
Nadu. Posters all over Tamil Nadu including
rural areas create awareness about har-
vesting rainwater. It gave excellent results
within five years, and slowly every state took
it as a role model. Since its implementation,
Chennai had a 50% rise in water level in five
years and the water quality significantly Groundwater recharge
improved. In Rajasthan, rainwater harvest- Groundwater recharge type of groundwater recharge practiced
ing has traditionally been practiced by the with the purpose of both augmenting
people of the Thar Desert. Many ancient Groundwater recharge is the enhancement groundwater resources and recovering the
water harvesting systems in Rajasthan have of natural groundwater supplies using man- water in the future for various uses.
now been revived. At present, in Pune, rain- made conveyances such as infiltration bas-
water harvesting is compulsory for any new ins, trenches, dams, or injection wells. Aqui- Groundwater is recharged naturally by rain
housing society to be registered. fer storage and recovery (ASR) is a specific and snow melt and to a smaller extent by sur-
face water (rivers and lakes). Recharge may
be impeded somewhat by human activities
including paving, development, or logging.
These activities can result in loss of topsoil
resulting in reduced water infiltration,
enhanced surface runoff and reduction in
recharge. Use of groundwaters, especially
for irrigation, may also lower the water
tables. Groundwater recharge is an impor-
tant process for sustainable groundwater
management, since the volume-rate
abstracted from an aquifer in the long term
should be less than or equal to the volume-
rate that is recharged. Recharge can help
move excess salts that accumulate in the
root zone to deeper soil layers, or into the
groundwater system. Tree roots increase
water saturation into groundwater reducing
wa t e r r u n o f f. F l o o d i n g t e m p o r a r i l y
increases river bed permeability by moving
clay soils downstream, and this increases
aquifer recharge.

Artificial groundwater recharge

Groundwater levels are declining across

Rainwater Harvesting the country as our withdrawals exceed the

05 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


rate of aquifers to naturally replenish them-

selves, called recharge. One method of con-
trolling declining water levels is by using arti-
ficial groundwater recharge. Artificial
recharge is the practice of increasing the
amount of water that enters an aquifer
through human-controlled means. For
example, groundwater can be artificially
recharged by redirecting water across the
land surface through canals, infiltration bas-
ins, or ponds; adding irrigation furrows or
sprinkler systems; or simply injecting water
directly into the subsurface through injec-
tion wells. Artificial groundwater recharge is
becoming increasingly important in India,
where over-pumping of groundwater by
farmers has led to underground resources
becoming depleted. In 2007, on the recom-
mendations of the International Water Man-
agement Institute, the Indian government
allocated `1,800 crore (equivalent to `44 bil-
lion or US$610 million in 2019) to fund dug-
well recharge projects (a dug-well is a wide,
shallow well, often lined with concrete) in
100 districts within seven states where
water stored in hard-rock aquifers had been
over-exploited. Another environmental
issue is the disposal of waste through the Drip Irrigation to Conserve Water
water flux such as dairy farms, industrial,
and urban runoff. above the soil surface or buried below the more efficient than other types of irrigation
surface. The goal is to place water directly systems, such as surface irrigation or sprin-
Drip irrigation into the root zone and minimize evapora- kler irrigation.
tion. Drip irrigation systems distribute water
Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, In the drip irrigation process, water and
system that has the potential to save water and emitters. Depending on how well nutrients are delivered across the field in
and nutrients by allowing water to drip designed, installed, maintained, and oper- pipes called 'dripperlines' featuring smaller
slowly to the roots of plants, either from ated it is, a drip irrigation system can be units known as 'drippers'. Each dripper
emits drops containing water and fertilizers,
resulting in the uniform application of water
and nutrients direct to each plant's root
zone, across an entire field. Drip irrigation
system delivers water to the crop using a
network of mainlines, sub-mains and lateral
lines with emission points spaced along
their lengths. Each dripper/emitter orifice
supplies a measured, precisely controlled
uniform application of water, nutrients, and
other required growth substances directly
into the root zone of the plant.


Greywater is gently used water from your

bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and wash-
ing machines. It is not water that has come
into contact with feces, either from the toilet
or from washing diapers. Greywater may
contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and
certain household cleaning products. While
greywater may look “dirty,” it is a safe and
even beneficial source of irrigation water in
Artificial groundwater recharge

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 06


Greywater Systems
a yard.

Greywater is water from basins, baths and

showers that is piped to a surge tank. The
greywater is held briefly in the tank before
being discharged to an irrigation or treat-
ment system. The greywater can be
diverted either by gravity or by using a
pump. The surge tank can be any type of
container that is suitable for holding (but not
storing) the initial surge of water. The surge
tank must be emptied completely each time
greywater is dispersed to the irrigation or
treatment system – greywater must not sit
for extended periods of time in the tank. A
gravity system can only be used when there
Evaluating Conjunctive Use through Regional Water Planning
is sufficient fall from the laundry/bathroom
drain to the surge tank. carry a proportion of industrial effluent to the dinated use of surface water and ground-
sewage treatment plant which has usually water- literally going with the flow to maxi-
Sewage water treatment received pretreatment at the factories them- mize sufficient yield. Conjunctive use of
selves to reduce the pollutant load. If the groundwater and surface water in an irriga-
Sewage treatment is the process of remov- sewer system is a combined sewer then it tion setting is the process of using water
ing contaminants from municipal will also carry urban runoff (stormwater) to from the two different sources for consump-
wastewater, containing mainly household the sewage treatment plant. Sewage water tive purposes. Conjunctive use can refer to
sewage plus some industrial wastewater. can travel towards treatment plants via pip- the practice at the farm level of sourcing
Physical, chemical, and biological pro- ing and in a flow aided by gravity and water from both a well and from an irrigation
cesses are used to remove contaminants pumps. The first part of filtration of sewage delivery canal, or can refer to a strategic
and produce treated wastewater (or treated typically includes a bar screen to filter solids approach at the irrigation command level
effluent) that is safe enough for release into and large objects which are then collected where surface water and groundwater
the environment. A by-product of sewage in dumpsters and disposed of in landfills. inputs are centrally managed as an input to
treatment is a semi-solid waste or slurry, Fat and grease is also removed before the irrigation systems.
called sewage sludge. The sludge has to primary treatment of sewage.
undergo further treatment before being suit- The planned conjunctive use of groundwa-
able for disposal or application to land. Conjunctive use ter and surface water has the potential to
offer benefits in terms of economic and
For most cities, the sewer system will also Conjunctive use is a catch-phrase for coor- social outcomes through significantly
increased water use efficiency. It supports
greater food and fibre yield per unit of water
use, an important consideration within the
international policy arena given the critical
concerns for food security that prevail in
many parts of the world. At the resource
level, groundwater pumping for irrigation
used in conjunction with surface water pro-
vides benefits that increase the water sup-
ply or mitigate undesirable fluctuations in
the supply (Tsur, 1990) and control shallow
water table levels and consequent soil
Sewage Treatment Plant in Pune

07 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


Aquifer storage and recovery

Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is the

direct injection of surface water supplies
such as potable water, reclaimed water (i.e.
rainwater), or river water into an aquifer for
later recovery and use. The injection and
extraction is often done by means of a well.
In areas where the rainwater cannot perco-
late the soil or where it is not capable of per-
colating it fast enough (i.e. urban areas) and
where the rainwater is thus diverted to
rivers, rainwater ASR could help to keep the
rainwater within an area. ASR is used for
municipal, industrial and agricultural pur-

The objective of AR is to replenish water in

an aquifer. Injecting water into AR wells can
prevent saltwater intrusion into freshwater
aquifers and control land subsidence. In
contrast, ASR wells are used to store water
Desalination Plant
in the ground and recover the stored water
for drinking water supplies, irrigation, indus- an issue for agriculture. Saltwater is desali- desalination processes separate dissolved
trial needs, or ecosystem restoration pro- nated to produce water suitable for human salts and other minerals from water.
jects. The stored water may be recovered consumption or irrigation. The by-product Feedwater sources may include brackish,
from the same well used for injection or from of the desalination process is brine. Desali- seawater, wells, surface (rivers and
nearby injection or recovery wells. nation is used on many seagoing ships and streams), wastewater, and industrial feed
submarines. Most of the modern interest in and process waters. Membrane separation
Desalination desalination is focused on cost-effective requires driving forces including pressure
provision of fresh water for human use. (applied and vapor), electric potential, and
Desalination is a process that takes away Along with recycled wastewater, it is one of concentration to overcome natural osmotic
mineral components from saline water. the few rainfall-independent water sources. pressures and effectively force water
More generally, desalination refers to the through membrane processes. As such,
removal of salts and minerals from a target The process may be used for municipal, the technology is energy intensive and
substance, as in soil desalination, which is industrial or any commercial uses. Water research is continually evolving to improve
efficiency and reduce energy consumption.


Water management methods should be

adopted strategically, keeping in mind the
need of the work to be implemented. Plan-
ning groups must address the needs of all
water users, if feasible. After the water
demand and supply comparisons and
needs analyses were completed, planning
groups evaluated potentially feasible water
management strategies to meet the needs
for water within their regions.


usgs.gov, researchgate.net, grac.org,

netafimindia.com, fresnofloodcontrol.org,
greywateraction.org, watereducation.org,
Level.org.nz, groundwatergovernance.org,
dharawater.com, cityofpasadena.net,
wbcsd.org, chaitanyaproducts.com,
t e x a s l i v i n g w a t e r s . o r g , p o w e r-
technology.com, heritagelandbank.com
Aquifer storage & recovery

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 08


Water Resource
Management in
the State of

Dr. Siddhartha Sengupta

Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering,
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215, Jharkhand

ater ment of water resources as it is a water tives of water resource management in
reso starved/deficient state and managing Jharkhand are:
urce /utilizing the available water resources
man- is of prime importance for the state. Ÿ Increasing irrigation coverage
age The State Water Resources Depart- Ÿ Making existing irrigation network
ment ment is primarily involved in develop- more efficient.
is the ment of all kinds of water resources in Ÿ Moving towards effective Partici-
activ- the state. Jharkhand has a total agricul- patory Irrigation Management.
ity of tural land of 29.74 lakh ha. Against the Ÿ Emphasis on minor and lift irriga-
plan- total cultivable area, 24.25 lakh ha Irri- tion projects as they are more suit-
ning, developing, distributing and man- gation Potential can be created. able and economical and have low
aging the optimum use of water. Water 12.765 lakh hectare irrigation Potential gestation period.
is essential for our survival. The field of has to be created though Major and Ÿ Recharge and replenish the
water resources management deals Medium Irrigation Projects and 11.485 decreasing Ground Water Table.
with the current and future issues fac- lakh ha Irrigation potential has to be cre- Ÿ Providing Industrial water to pro-
ing the allocation of water. State of ated through Minor Irrigation Schemes spective Industries.
Jharkhand is in great need of develop- and other sources. The principal objec- Ÿ Inter River basin transfer of water.

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 9


Land Pattern in Jharkhand as proposed for South Koel Basin

S. No. Category Areas in Lakh hectare Areas in percentage water into Subernarekha Basin.
1 Cultivable Area 29.74 37.30
Interstate Issues
2 Forest Area 23.92 30.00
3 Waterbodies 1.59 2.00 There are a few schemes in Jharkhand
which have interstate issues relating to
4 Waste Land 7.17 9.00
the management, construction, opera-
5 Scrub forest 4.38 5.50 tion & maintenance and sharing of
6 Builtup Area 3.99 5.00 costs and benefits with other state
7 Other 8.93 11.20 mainly Bihar. Presently, there are three
interstate issues on which MOU
Total 79.72 100.00 regarding management, construction,
operation & maintenance has been
Major Thrust Areas of Water Resource Damodar – Barakar river Basin to done are listed below:
Management in Jharkhand Subernarekha Basin
1. North Koel Reservoir Project
Ÿ Irrigation Sector The additional unused surplus water
Ÿ Flood Control Sector from Barakar river through the pro- It is agreed by both the Governments of
Ÿ Command Area Development posed Balpahari Dam, (available water Bihar & Jharkhand that the remaining
Ÿ Inter River Basin Transfer of Water of 4.0 Lakh Acre ft or 493.4 MCM) lying works of the common components of
Ÿ Industrial Water under Jharkhand share in Damodar North Koel Reservoir Project i.e. a dam
Basin has been proposed to transfer across River North Koel near Kutku and
Interlinking of Rivers into Subernarekha Basin by establish- a Pick-up Barrage near
ing proposed link connecting Mohammadganj in Palamu district,
1.Inter Basin Transfer of Water from Balpahari site of barakar river near Jharkhand, shall be constructed, oper-
South Koel Basin to Subernarekha Tundi to Subernarekha river at Muri& ated and maintained under the overall
Basin also connecting Damodar river near guidance of a two tier Committee con-
Bermo. stituted for the purpose and the benefit
It has been proposed to transfer addi- derived thereupon to be shared
tional and unused 1281 MCM of water 3.Inter Basin Transfer of water from between the States of Bihar and
available at Manoharpur Block of Sankh Basin to South Koel Basin. Jharkhand. North Koel Reservoir pro-
SouthKoel Basin into Subernarekha ject has CCA in Jharkhand 12470 Ha
Basin through Tajna river to Chandil It has been proposed to transfer but in Bihar it has CCA 111800 Ha.
Dam via Kharkai river. The second iden- around 403 MCM of water available The 75% dependable water availability
tified site for transfer of water from from the proposed hydel Power sites in of the river system at the North Koel
South Koel Basin has been proposed Sankh Basin to South Koel Basin near Reservoir is 987 MCM which will be
through Tajna River at d/s of Murmu site Gumla. The water may in turn be col- shared between the States of Bihar &
into Kharkairiver via river Sanjay. lected in the main stream of South Koel Jharkhand in proportion to the
river. This water may also be trans- Irrigatioin and Muncipal& Industrial ben-
2.Inter Basin Transfer of Water from ferred through the same inter river links efits derived.

Intra-Linking of River South Koel with River Subarnarekha 2. Batane Reservoir Project

Both the Government of Bihar as well

as Jharkhand agrees that remaining
works of the common components of
Batane Reservoir project shall be con-
structed, operated and maintained
under the overall guidance of a two tier
Committees constituted for the pur-
pose and the benefits derived there-
upon to be shared between the State of
Bihar & Jharkhand. The common com-
ponents of the project shall be con-

10 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


structed by the concerned department Water Level of Reservoirs

of the Govt of Jharkhand as a deposit
S. No. Name of Reservoir DSL (m) FRL (m)
work and its cost will be shared
between the two States in proportion to 1 Paras Reservoir Scheme 664.329 674.390
the irrigation benefits as per DPR (De- 2 Nandani Reservoir Scheme 667.682 674.695
tailed Project Report) to be derived by 3 Buchaopa Reservoir Scheme 663.410 668.902
them for this project. 4 Latratu Reservoir Scheme 609.756 626.905
5 Dhansingtoli Reservoir Scheme 525.300 535.975
Batane Reservoir Project has CCA 6 Getalsud Reservoir Scheme 579.268 590.243
1660 ha in Jharkhand and In Bihar it
7 Surangi Reservoir Scheme 286.190 297.170
has CCA 10466 ha. 64.14 MCM avail-
able water has to be shared between 8 Masaria Reservoir Scheme 615.243 624.390
the two States in proportion to the irri- 9 Jaipur Reservoir Scheme 733.231 742.988
gation benefits derived. The Govt of 10 Katari Reservoir Scheme 637.195 647.256
Jharkhand has also have the right for 11 Tapkara Reservoir Scheme 571.951 580.793
development of aquaculture, lift irriga- 12 Chinda Reservoir Scheme 403.658 409.390
tion from the reservoir without affecting 13 Larwa Reservoir Scheme 548.780 587.195
the regulation and life of the dam and
14 Kansjor Reservoir Scheme 420.229 428.482
a l s o t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t o u r-
15 Upper sankh Reservoir Scheme 749.430 767.680
ism/recreational activities in the reser-
voir. 16 Torlo Reservoir Scheme 301.829 308.537
17 Jainasai Reservoir Scheme 240.548 250.305
3. Bateshwarsthan Pump Canal 18 Baranadi Reservoir Scheme 121.950 128.050
19 Diggalpahari Reservoir Scheme 125.000
Both the Governments of Bihar & 20 Kairabani Reservoir Scheme 128.050 138.110
Jharkhand agree that remaining works 21 Suryodi Reservoir Scheme 76.220 80.790
of the common components of
22 Masanjor Dam (Mayurakshi Left Bank Canal) 109.750 121.340
Bateshswarstha Pump Canal Scheme
i.e. a pumping station in Bihar on the 23 Tanughat Dam Project 249.085 268.902
Right bank of River Ganga and a high 24 Gonda Reservoire Scheme 614.787 619.817
level main canal, which enters into the 25 Ghagara Reservoir Scheme 510.061 522.256
Jharkhand's territory at 47.10 RD and 26 Jamuniya Reservoir Scheme 439.558 445.732
leaves Jharkhand's territory at 27 Boudha Reservoir Scheme 555.183 561.890
150.00RD and re-enters into Bihar terri- 28 Lotiya Reservoir Scheme 478.963 487.805
tory hasto be constructed, operated 29 450.762 458.537
Hiru Reservoir Scheme
and maintained under the two tier Com-
30 Dhulki Reservoir Scheme 185.061 189.939
mittees constituted for the purpose and
the benefits derived thereupon to be 31 Baksa Reservoir Scheme 406.098 413.262
shared between the State of Bihar & 32 Anjanwa Reservoir Scheme 406.860 412.119
Jharkhand. This scheme has CCA in 33 Barhi Reservoir Scheme 395.427 400.150
Bihar 22328 ha and 4887 ha in 34 Anraj Reservoir Scheme 239.940 252.440
Jharkhand. 978 cusec water pumped 35 Dhankai Reservoir Scheme 220.440 225.300
from River Ganga through this scheme 36 Chirka Reservoir Scheme 406.400 415.630
has to be shared between the States of
37 Danro Reservoir Scheme 286.500 294.510
Bihar &jharkhand in proportion to the
irrigation benefits derived. 38 Left Banki Reservoir Scheme 271.180 278.960
39 Pandrwa Reservoir Scheme 288.110 298.000
River Basins/ Sub-River Basins of 40 Babhanikhar Reservoir Scheme 248.780 256.700
Jharkhand 41 Chataniyaghat Reservoir Scheme 183.230 192.070
42 Malay Reservoir Scheme 280.030 293.440
Ÿ Subernarekha River Basin 43 Butanduba Reservoir Scheme 246.340 257.310
Ÿ Kharkai River Sub- Basin 44 249.080 256.090
Temarain Reservoir Scheme
Ÿ South Koel River Basin
45 Batare Reservoir Scheme 204.570 214.330
Ÿ Barakar River Sub-Basin
Ÿ Damodar River Basin 46 Batane Dam 219.140 232.850

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 11

Bateshwarsthan Pump Canal

Ÿ Sankh River Basin

Ÿ North Koel River basin
Ÿ Punpun River Basin
Ÿ Sone(Stem)- Kanhar and Kao-
Gangi River Composite Basin
Ÿ Mayurakshi River Basin
Ÿ Ajay River Basin
Ÿ Ganga Stem Basin
Ÿ Gumani and Koa- Bhena basin
Ÿ BelsaiChandanChir River basin
Ÿ Harohar River Basin

Ground Water Resources

The importance of groundwater for the

existence of human society cannot be
overemphasized. Groundwater is the
major source of drinking water in both
urban and rural Jharkhand. Besides, it which 23800 MCM comes as Surface Present scenario of ground water and
is an important source of water for the water and 500 MCM as ground water. surface water in Jharkhand is as fol-
agricultural and the industrial sector. It But due to Geographical setup about lows:-
is a renewable resource. Being an 80% Surface water and 74% ground
important and integral part of the water goes outside state which is Ÿ Ground Water Reserve of
hydrological cycle, its availability responsible for 38% of drought of Jharkhand - 4292 M.C.M.
depends on the rainfall and recharge Jharkhand. After creation of Ÿ Surface Water - 25876.98 M.C.M.
conditions. Till recently it had been con- Jharkhand, all the towns as well as capi- Ÿ Allocation for irrigation required by
sidered a dependable source of tal Ranchi has shown declining trend of fields - 3813.17 M.C.M.
uncontaminated water. However, now ground water level. Consequently, in Ÿ Industry Requirement - 4338
its quantity quality is going down due to the peak summer, wells and tube wells M.C.M.
overexploitation and its contamination go dry. This has necessitated need for Ÿ Urban area requirement - 1616.35
through various sources, including artificial recharge to cater to the need of lakh gallons
industrial waste. Jharkhand receives ground water demand, particularly in Ÿ Availability in urban area - 734.35
1100 mm to 1442mm rainfall, out of the urban areas. lakh gallons

One of the biggest concerns for the

North Koel Reservoir Project
water-based resources in the future is
the viability of the current and future
water resource allocation. As water
becomes scarcer, the importance of
how it is managed grows vastly. Find-
ing a balance between what is needed
by humans and what is needed in the
environment is an important step in the
sustainability of water resources.


Department of Water Resources, Gov-

ernment of Jharkhand http://

Image Source:

www.watergovernance.org, tathya.in,

12 Constrofacilitator • June2020

Water Management potential and challenges

ater is essential for regard to all the competing demands for system
our survival. The water and seeks to allocate water on an
field of water equitable basis to satisfy all uses and Water management continues to progress
resources manage- demands. over time as our understanding of the
ment will have to water cycle evolves, new issues emerge,
continue to adapt There are a variety of strategies for and societal priorities change. Inclusion
to the current and future issues facing the addressing water challenges, from water- of multiple benefits into water manage-
allocation of water. With the growing shed restoration and efficiency improve- ment is a necessary continuation in water
uncertainties of global climate change and ments to vegetated swales and green management that allows for a more holis-
the long-term impacts of management roofs. Because water is deeply linked with tic systems approach to achieving more
actions, the decision-making will be even economic, environmental, and commu- sustainable water systems.
more difficult. It is likely that ongoing cli- nity wellbeing, many of these strategies
mate change will lead to situations that can also provide other benefits, such as The current paradigm includes integrated
have not been encountered. As a result, reducing energy use and greenhouse gas water resources management (IWRM),
alternative management strategies are emissions, providing wildlife habitat, and millennium development goals and the
sought for in order to avoid setbacks in the enhancing community livability. UN's sustainable development goals, and
allocation of water resources. Ideally, a greater focus on efficiency, or the “soft
water resource management planning has Advancement of water management path” to water management. There are

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 13


additional efforts to address water chal- Various groups have developed tools and conservation measures invariably have a
lenges through corporate water steward- resources to assist in identifying and quan- positive effect on water quality and the
ship, in which companies are identifying tifying benefits of water management environment, if only by minimizing the
and managing water-related business strategies; however, the tools often focus impacts on freshwater resources and the
risks and working to mitigate adverse on a single strategy (e.g., stormwater man- volumes of wastewater generated by
impacts on the environment and commu- agement or watershed restoration) or a spe- human activities. In urban and rural-
nities. There are a growing number of cific geographic region. For this reason, it domestic sectors.
frameworks and resources for integrated is difficult to apply insights from the tools
planning and consideration of the multi- to a new project without significant Successful management of any resources
ple benefits of water management strate- investment of time and resources. requires accurate knowledge of the
gies. resource available, the uses to which it
Balancing of water demand may be put, the competing demands for
Water supply, water quality, and flood the resource, measures to and processes to
management improvements are often the Much effort in water resource manage- evaluate the significance and worth of
primary objectives of water management ment is directed at optimizing the use of competing demands and mechanisms to
decisions. Government agencies, busi- water and in minimizing the environmen- translate policy decisions into actions on
nesses, and others have acknowledged the tal impact of water use on the natural envi- the ground.
importance of multiple benefits and the ronment. The observation of water as an
potential for multi-benefit approaches to integral part of the ecosystem is based on Addressing the challenges of water
help build partnerships, leverage integrated water resource management, management
resources, optimize the value of invest- where the quantity and quality of the eco-
ments, and garner public support. Com- system help to determine the nature of the Throughout the world, demographic, eco-
munities throughout the globe are exam- natural resources. nomic, and technological trends have
ining and advancing water management accelerated our ability to knowingly and
strategies that achieve multiple benefits, Conservation measures to reduce water unknowingly modify the environment we
from complete street projects that create demand are generally well established, live in and that sustains us. We humans
safe transportation options for all users but they often require societal or eco- have become the principal driver of envi-
and reduce pollutant runoff to water effi- nomic incentives to implement. Although ronmental change. Our actions are
ciency programs that reduce water and some conservation measures are costly, impacting our global environment,
energy demand while increasing in- most compare favorably with measures to including our climate. This in turn
stream flows. increase water supplies. Moreover, water impacts the amounts and spatial and tem-

Project Kaleshwaram, world's largest multi-stage lift irrigation project

14 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


poral distributions of precipitation that tinue. These challenges to effective plane- the current restricted rates of water use
falls on watersheds and the timing of its tary stewardship must be addressed and and consumption, let alone the desired
runoff. Coupled with changes in land- soon. The various parts of the Earth sys- rates, are unsustainable. Water demands
scapes, due to growth in food and energy tem – rock, water, and atmosphere – are and supplies are changing. What they will
production and from the movement of peo- all involved in interrelated cycles where be in the future is uncertain, but it is cer-
ple into urban centers, we are altering the matter is continually in motion and is used tain that they will change. Demands are
quantity and quality of our freshwater and reused in the various planetary pro- driven in part by population growth and
resources on which we depend to survive, cesses. Without interlocked cycles and higher per capita water consumption in
both physically and economically. We recycling, the components of our Earth growing urban, domestic, and industrial
depend on water not only for life itself, but could not function as an integrated sys- water sectors.
indeed for our economic wellbeing as tem.
well. Water plays a role in the creation of By 2050, the world will have to feed and
everything we produce. There are no sub- Today everyone is concerned about the provide energy for an additional 2–2.5 bil-
stitutes and while it is renewable there is potential water scarcity in the face of lion people as well as meet the current
only a finite amount of it. increasing, mainly population‐driven, unsatisfied power needs of a billion. To
water demands, and its consequences on meet the nutritional needs of this addi-
Our planet no longer functions in the way our energy and food production. The tional population, we should consider the
it once did. Earth is currently confronted Global Risk Perception Survey conducted amount of water that is consumed in the
with a relatively new situation, the ability among 900 recognized experts by the production of different goods and, in par-
of humans to transform the atmosphere, World Economic Forum reports that the ticular, energy and food. Energy and food
degrade the biosphere, and alter the litho- highest level of societal impact over the security are demands that are particularly
sphere and hydrosphere. The challenges next 10 years will be from water crises. In critical to water managers. Energy pro-
of our current decade-resource con- recent decades the percentage increase in duction, water, food security, and climate
straints, financial instability, religious con- water use on a global scale has exceeded change are all connected through interac-
flict, inequalities within and between twice that of population growth. This has tions and feedback. For example, the
countries, environmental degradation-all led to more, and larger, regions in the growing, transportation, processing, and
suggest that business‐as‐usual cannot con- world being subject to water stress where trading of food products require large

Water treatment

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 15


amounts of water and energy. tainable water practices and reducing eratively together to identify and develop
local availability of adequate water strategies to sustain largely ignored eco-
International projects involving water resources. system values. A fundamental scientific
transfer often raise concern and contro- challenge is to be able to specify the spa-
versy. However, one form of “trade,” Trade policies and practices need to be tial and temporal scales needed to under-
which is generally accepted without rais- aligned with the goal of sustainable water stand and manage for ecosystem resil-
ing special problems, is the natural flow of at global, regional and national levels and ience and sustainability.
water among countries sharing a river to support overall gains in water‐use effi-
basin or aquifer. This transaction is nor- ciency and providing incentives to coun- We have the knowledge, the technology,
mally ruled by political agreements, tries to produce and trade goods in line and the economic resources to manage
rather than trade agreements. In practice, with their specific water circumstances, our water resources much more effi-
only a comparatively small number of while fully participating in fair, equitable ciently and effectively than we do today.
agreements for the long distance trade of and sustainable trade. Scientific research through systematic
raw water have been concluded. study of the structure and behavior of the
Addressing the challenges of water physical and natural world is continu-
Trade in high water consumptive goods management ously adding to our knowledge and tools.
from water scarce regions may be eco-
nomically profitable in the short term but Decision makers want to know what Through research we are learning more
it is not viable in the long term and is a options are available to them that will be about how to preserve ecosystems and
threat to meeting other water related robust under any scenario of the future. their need for water. We know that
goals. Pollution and environmental degra- Our improved understanding of physical changes in our behavior and our diets can
dation are not transferred along with the and social processes and trends, possible also have a substantial impact on our
products to the consumer. They are left future changes, technologies, and man- water consumption. We know we can
behind for the producing country to deal agement options and our ability to model reduce the waste of water used to produce
with. Countries will need to revise poli- them as systems can help us find solutions food that is discarded in various stages
cies to avoid incentivizing high water use that can be effective now and adaptable within the entire supply chain, from field
for low value purposes and unsustainable across a wide range of feasible future to fork, before it reaches our dining room
export promotion. This is a very complex states. tables. We know how to use less energy,
issue and requires much more research to and hence less water needed to create that
find real water‐trade links and to find pos- Scientists, engineers, managers, policy energy. We have options. We need to
sible solutions if trade is causing unsus- makers and stakeholders must work coop- make choices. Continued research is

Popular Systems of Irrigation in Assam

16 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


Traditional Water Conservation Systems

needed to help us to identify these contin- encing political decisions and concrete homeowners which of their appliances are
ually evolving options and to inform us on action. using the most water, and which behav-
their effectiveness. iour or habits of the households are not
Adoption of Urban Decision Support encouraged in order to reduce the water
Societies are responding by implement- System (UDSS) usage, rather than simply giving a total
ing mitigation and adaptation measures. usage figure for the whole property,
Some of these are slow, others are fast; We have technology to our advantage and which will allow people to manage their
some are leading us in one direction we must use it fully. Urban Decision Sup- consumption more economically. The
whereas others in another. One of the most port System (UDSS) – is a wireless device focus should be on these types of techno-
dramatic changes that has ever affected with a mobile app that uses sensors logical developments.
society-global warming-and the close attached to water appliances in urban resi-
link to water-has not yet resulted in an ade- dences to collect data about water usage There are many challenges but we need to
quate concerted effort to cope with the and is an example of data-driven urban address them through planning and full
threats. The result, in terms of climate and water management. The system was grown responsibility.
water changes, is likely to have a degrad- developed with a European Commission
ing or damaging effect on agricultural sys- investment of 2.46 Million Euros to Source
tems, natural habitats, and economic sys- improve the water consumption behav-
tems, in addition to the hydrological cycle iour of households. Information about pacinst.org, nap.edu, Wiley.com, Fao.org,
itself. Scientific arguments about the seri- every mechanism – dishwashers, show- oecd.org, indiatoday.in,
ousness of the consequences of our ers, washing machines, taps – is irrigation.assam.gov.in,
increased greenhouse gas emissions wirelessly recorded and sent to the UDSS economictimes.indiatimes.com,
expressed at international climate meet- App on the user's mobile device. The thebetterindia.com
ings are only marginally and slowly influ- UDSS is then able to analyse and show

June 2020 • Constrofacilitator 17


Water Technologies
For Green Building

Shamanth Kumar M
Project Engineer and
Manager of Design Services
Salarpuria Sattva Group

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 18


ABSTRACT earth. Water has been exploited the means reducing usage of water and
most because of its relative abundance minimizing waste water. Although
Conservation of water is the basic prin- and inefficient usage in industry. This so water efficiency and conservation are
ciples of green building. The efforts called 'abundance' is illusion and often anonymously used, they differ in
should be made to ensure that the encourages sheer wastage of water ulti- their meaning. Water efficiency implies
material and system that are used help mately this has led our nation to be using improved technologies and prac-
in reduction of water consumption in water stressed. tices that deliver equal or better service
buildings and landscaping the areas. with reduced water consumption. For
The principle of sustainable water man- Water as such covers significant part of example, the use of low flow faucet
agement is achievable by using alter- the earth, much of the part is not suit- could be more effective than conven-
nate sources pf water that can be sup- able at all for human use as much of the tional faucets. Water conservation on
plied to meet the water demand where freshwater is not accessible for human the other hand implies curtailment of
the quality of water need not be pota- consumption - either the freshwater is water usage. Water conservation also
ble. In the residential zones potable trapped in the glaciers or snow in moun- includes day -to-day demand manage-
water can be supplied and in large com- tainous region or un- reachable depth ment to better the water usage
mercial zones partly potable and a large in the ground water. Only 0.3& of the (GRIHA).
portion of non- potable water can be water is available for human consump-
supplied and this is a wise step and tion. Though the water is renewable Green buildings are sustainable build-
should be considered in urban areas of source, there is a shortage of water and ings demanding the water conserva-
Ind All the fixtures such as taps, toilets, with the time it may aggravate and tion as well as preventing pollution and
shower heads, urinals etc. should be threaten the future. use reuse of Grey water and recycle
water efficient. Green buildings are sus- treated water ensuring potable water
tainable buildings demanding the Fresh water is scarce and industries use for potable purpose only.
water conservation as well as prevent- today face increased competition for
ing pollution and use reuse of Grey water from both agriculture as well as Water efficiency means responsible use
water and recycle treated water ensur- domestic sectors because of the swell- of freshwater. Responsible use of water
ing potable water use for potable pur- ing population. Water is absolutely crit- is using the water cautiously and con-
pose only. ical for survival on earth and it must be serving for our grandchildren. For exam-
conserved to ensure that they will have ple, all the fixtures in public area are
INTRODUCTION enough water in the days to come. This checked periodically for leakage and
thus demands sustainable water are in good operating conditions. Pre-
Water is most critical resource and all resource management. venting leakage of water is saving the
the human activities are dependent water.
upon water. We use water to drink, pro- CONCEPT OF WATER EFFICIENCY AND
cess in industries, support wild life, gen- GREEN BUILDINGS LOW FLOW PLUMBING FIXTURES
erate power and cultivate crops. Water AND TECHNOLOGY EMPLOYED IN
is therefore said to be 'elixir' on the In a simple language, water efficiency LOW-FLOWFAUCETS

Land-space needs to be promoted

around the building. The water efficient
fixture & right flow plug, Low-flow
plumbing fixtures should be used for
conservation of water. Such equipment
moderates the flow of water. Low-flow
technology is normally applicable in fau-
cets, aerators, urinals, shower heads
and toilets. Self-closing or electronic
faucets for lavatories help reducing
water usage.

Te c h n o l o g y e m p l o y e d i n L o w -
flowfaucets use aerator. The aerator
has a tendency of breaking down the
stream of water into many tiny streams
Water efficiency system and the air will get mixed with each tiny

19 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


stream. When the faucet is operated

this reduces the space for water and ulti-
mately flow of water gets reduced. This
can significantly reduce tap water in
hand basins and kitchen sinks. The
reduction in flow rangesfrom50-
75$with typical flow rates.

It has been observed that we use water

lavishly particularly when the water
flows in fixtures for more time and
thereby providing more quantity. Water
sensed fixtures bathroom sink and fau-
cets and accessories use 30a less water
than standard flow and by reducing Save water save life

water flow and minimizing the water tem. cial buildings Most of these urinals use
bill. an oil barrier between the urine and the
Waterless toilets is dry sanitation sys- atmosphere preventing odour escaping
WATER EFFICIENT TOILETS tem and does not use water at all to out the atmosphere.
transport human excreta. They are
Toilets account for a significant portion called composting toilets. Such toilets WATER EFFICIENT APPLIANCES
of total water demand in residential as require some space below the floor -
well as commercial buildings. Flush toi- either a pit or elevated platform. Such Washing machines and dish washers
lets which operate between 2 to 3L per toilets can produce fertilizers if suffi- have been used in India also. High
flush can be employed. There are differ- cient time is given to treat the excreta water efficient cloth- washers and dish
ent types of water efficient toilets in the correctly. Decomposition occurs in the washers of different sizes are available
market. holding tank at correct pH, tempera- in the market which use 33a less water
ture through a biochemical reaction and also save 40aenergy.Many new
Vacuum toilets normally used in aircraft over an extended period. Such types of models of dish washers do not need
more becoming common in public rest toilets are not used in India. pre- rinsing which saves quite a lot
areas and commercial buildings. The amount of water.
waste is evacuated from the toilet bowl WATER EFFICIENT URINALS
through a vacuum created by a vacuum ICGBhas desired that the efficiency of
pump. The average amount of water Water efficient urinals use less than 2.8 plumbing fixtures can be enhanced and
used is 1L / flush. The waste is dis- L /flush. Waterless urinals can be used thereby the potable water use can be
charged to the sewers or treatment sys- in office, hotels, theaters and commer- minimized.

In LEBD Railing system, the weight age

of the component of water efficiency is
7&. Out of 70 points, 5 points are ear-
marked for water efficiency having con-
siderations given to reducing water use
in landscaping, waste water treatment
and water use reduction. Use of items
like Waterloo bio filter, waterless urinals
and composting toilets are entitled for
points in the category of water effi-
ciency. Reclaiming water .for both vehi-
cle washing and landscape watering is
considered important aspects under
LEED water efficiency category.


Use minimum water It is suggested that water audit should

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 20


be made in all existing buildings for con- efficiencyurinals use little water per relatively less expensive than soil mois-
servation of water. Let us tract the use flush, Waterless urinals use a typical for- ture sensors. Soil moisture sensors little
of eater by the occupants. Identify the mulated liquid to maintain the trap complicated to install can detect exact
key use areas. Install sub meters and seal. Ultra- low-flow shower heads typi- moisture at the level of the root system
monitor all such water use areas. This cally use less water Install or replace and offer greater water savings.
will also help the occupants understand existing lavatory and sink aerators with
where most of the water is used and more restrictive aerators. Significant EFFICIENT USE OF WATER DURING
how it can be reduced. savings can be achieved by replacing CONSTRUCTION
high flow aerators with smaller flow aer-
Following measures can be suggested ators. Construction industry needs huge
based on the above discussion: water and almost 20a of its require-
Use wherever possible Grey water (con- ment can be reduced by effective build-
There are many ways to increase water sidered non- potable, but is suitable for ing design construction and manage-
efficiency in buildings, primarily use in water closets and urinals) distri- ment.
through plumbing-fixture replacement bution systems. Use of Grey water can
and implementing new technologies: significantly reduce consumption of The simple ways to reduce water con-
domestic water and qualify off score sumption during construction are given
Ø Cleaning of pipeline must be done under the water efficiency category of as under:
installing new fixtures if required Green rating system.
during water audit and ensure Ø Using buckets of water to clean
proper drainage flow. EFFICIENT IRRIGATION the tools rather than running
Ø Replace ancient high-flow water water. Water needed using the
closets and flush valves with the India faces severe water scarcity due to buckets manually will require sig-
lower flow rate new fixtures, exist- highly uneven distribution of monsoon nificantly less water compared
ing buildings often have older, with time and space unlike western with running water. Sometimes
high-flow flushvalves. countries. We have long dry periods in high pressure hoses instead of run-
Ø Utilize dual-flush valves on water the year. A large percentage of popula- ning water will also reduce water
closets. Dual-flush valves have pro- tion is dependent on agriculture for its as cleaning becomes faster with
vision of a full flush and an half survival. In the dry period, the agricul- less use of water.
flush to be used if required. ture sector requires large quantities of Ø Concrete mixers containing fly ash
Ø Replace existing plumbing fixtures water. We consume more than 80a of generally requires less water (1-
with high- efficiency fixtures. our water for agriculture. In order to l0&) for a given slump than con-
High-efficiency fixtures include feed our growing population, we need crete containing Portland cement.
high efficiency water closets, high to promote effective irrigation. Ø There are various methods of cur-
efficiency urinals and waterless uri- ing. Curing by ponding method is
nals and ultra-low flow shower- By installing rain or soil moisture sen- suitable for curing horizontal sur-
head. sors, over watering can be prevented. A faces such as roof slabs or floors or
rain sensor senses rainfall for a desig- pavements of highways.
High efficiency water closets use less nated amount of water. Rain sensors Ø Sports Halls (Indoor and Out-
water than conventional. High- are smaller devices, easier to install and door).

Water conservation is key for human survical

21 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


Ø This type of curing can reduce the admixtures such as High Range Water istry has expressed the desire that citi-
demand for curing water. After Reducers (HRWR) or super plasticizes as zens should come forward and volun-
placing the concrete the Surface is they act as indirect accelerators. Simi- tarily install rain water harvesting sys-
covered with moist canvass. After larly wax and resin-based compounds tem.
24 hrs, these covers are removed are also suggested.
and small ponds of sand are GRIHA has suggested that rainwater
formed around the concrete slab. WATER HARVESTING runoff from following catchments
The area is divided into no. of rect- should be avoided:
angles. The water is filled up In its simple terms, water harvesting
between the ponds. means collection and storing of rain Ø Tar felted roofs as they are a source
Ø Membrane curing is an important water falling on the earth (Rain water of biological and heavy metal con-
method of curing as it is water effi- harvesting). Water so collected can be tamination.
cient. The concrete surface is cov- used for the purpose of drinking water Ø Asbestos sheets as the fibers of it
ered by a layer of water proof treatment. The rain water can safely be are toxic.
material. The layer of water proof used for irrigation, toilet flushing wash- Ø Roofs chemically treated for water
material is known as membrane. ing laundry, operating mechanical heat- proofing or reflective coating as
The membrane could be either in ing and cooling equipment that use there is possibilities of contamina-
solid form or in liquid form. Thus it water etc. It will lessen the municipal tion with heavy metals and other
is a moist curing of concrete. The water supplies and considerable water harmful chemicals.
moist curing needs less water. can be saved. Ø Water from bathroom and kitchen
Moist curing maintains the satis- should not be harvested.
factory temperature by preventing Water harvesting in Green Rating is con-
evaporation of the water. The seal- sidered important aspect of water effi- The delivery system from the rooftop
ing compounds used as mem- ciency. catchment usually consists of PVC con-
brane are wax emulsions, bitumen duits taken from the sides of the roof
emulsions and plastic films. This The Indian Urban Ministry has already sloping towards a down pipe entering
method is employed at places issued “Model Building Bye-laws 2016” the tank. PVC pipes are thus used to
where water is scarcely available. The bye law has made provisions man- transport rainwater collected from the
In India most of the contractors dating rain water harvesting. Municipal roof to the storage reservoir. The stor-
use dumps gunny bags for this pur- corporations have been assigned age reservoir could be any storage con-
pose. responsibility to undertake and main- tainer like RCC, masonry or plastic
tain water harvesting projects at all pub- water tanks. They need to be regularly
GRIHA recommends use of chemical lic spaces and public buildings. The min- maintained for cleaning and disinfec-

Water maintenance system

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 22


tion. toilets, land-space and external wash- Selection of plants having less need of
ing etc. This is therefore required to be water should be made plantation will
GRIHA considers rain water harvesting separated from plumbing system sup- increase the aesthetics and yield cool-
as green rating and recharge of surplus plying water for potable use such as ing and pollution control. It can reduce
rainwater into aquifer has maximum 2 drinking, cooking, bathing etc. carbon foot print.
points core.
Criterion 20 of CiRIHA very clearly speci- MULCH FOR CONSERVING MOISTURE
WASTE WATER TREATMENT- WATER fies the use of dual plumbing system
COLLECTION AND REUSE and encourages decentralized waste Mulch is nothing but a layer of material
water treatment. which is applied on the soil with a
According to GRIHA, Grey water is broad purpose of conserving moisture,
waste water generated from baths, LANDSCAPE DESIGN reducing the growth of weed and
showers, hand basins, washing improves the general health of the soil.
machines and dishwashers, laundries Black water is the discharge from the toi- The process of applying mulch on the
and kitchen sinks. The Grey water con- lets and may contain nutrients and soil is called 'Mulching' Bark chips
stitutes about70a of the waste water microbial population. Black water can mulching is popular. This is normally
generated. Thus there is a huge poten- be treated with utmost care using applied to bare soil or around existing
tial to treat this water and reuse for vari- higher dose of disinfection. Treated plants. This also gives aesthetic appeal.
ous applications. Grey water recycling black water is most suited for sub sur- Mulches with manure can also be
in all new construction will help conser- face irrigation for land- space. applied to improve the crop production
vation of water to a great extent. The and land- space as it helps in enhancing
water used for bathing can be recycled Even combined waste water containing soil productivity. Mulches help soil
for toilet flushing through ultra-low Grey as well as black water can be ade- retain moisture in summer, prevent
flush toilets. quately treated to a very high quality by weeds from growing and protect the
adding micro filtration followed by roots of plant in winter.
Grey water from the residential as well high dose disinfection and activated car-
as commercial zone can be collected bon treatment. The treated combined Organic or biodegradable mulches
from indoor sources other than toilets waste water can be safely used both for such as conifer bark, pine needle, spent
and treated. The plant may include toilet flushing as well as irrigation pur- mushroom compost, compost, bark,
screening, oil & grease removal from poses. wood chippings, leaves, newspaper or
the kitchen waste water, filtration and cardboard straw, grass clippings, nut
finally disinfection. Treated Grey water The landscape should be designed in shells add nutrients to the soil as they
can be used for cooling tower- make up such a way that it ensures minimum decompose. This type of mulch needs
water, landscape irrigation, green roof water consumption. It includes only pre- to be periodically reapplied.
top and toilet flushing. vious vegetation. ICGB compliance
option suggests limiting use on the site Inorganic mulches (Non-
Thus 'Dual plumbing system' employs to conserve the water and / or ensure biodegradable) such as gravel, slate,
separate piping systems for recycled that landscaped area is planted with pebbles, stone chippings, black. plastic,
water (non- potable quality) and pota- drought tolerant / native / adaptive spe- or fabric, crushed CD's, tumbled glass,
ble water. The recycled water system cies. sea shells etc. cannot improve soil struc-
serves non potable use such as flushing ture but help suppress the growth of
the weeds and also conserve moisture.

The layer of mulches is normally 5cmto

7.5 cm. Mulch stabilizes the soil tem-
perature and moisture, and prevents
the growing of weeds from seeds.
Mulch actually creates a layer between
the soil and environment preventing
sunlight reaching the soil surface and
thus evaporation is reduced. Similarly
munch also prevent water from reach-
ing the soil by absorbing water from
light rains. Ruth Stout, father of mulch
Wastewater treatment recommends a thick mulch of any vege-

23 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


table matter in flower garden all the PERVIOUS CONCRETE concrete are typically either single sized
year as it enriches soil. coarse aggregate or grading between
The conventional concrete as is known 19 and 9.5 mm. Pervious concrete uses
Mulches should be applied when the is a mixture of cement paste and aggre- the same materials as conventional con-
soil is moist and warm not in winter gates. Cement paste is composed of crete. With the exception that the fine
when the soil is very cold and not in sum- cement and water and aggregates are aggregate is eliminated entirely and the
mer when soil is very hot. composed of fine and coarse aggre- size distribution of the coarse aggre-
gates. The cement paste actually coal gate is kept narrow, allowing for rela-
Plastic mulch is commercially used for on the aggregates and forms a coher- tively little particle packing. This not
commercial production. The plastic is ent mass known as Concrete. This con- only provides the useful hardened prop-
rolled out on top and seedlings are crete can be moulded into any shape erties but also results in a mix that
transplanted through the plastic mulch when freshly mixed, It is therefore requires different considerations in mix-
as the plastic mulch is impermeable to called as plastic and it becomes strong ing, placing, compaction and curing.
water. In Drip irrigation plastic mulch and durable when it gains strength and
isused. is known as hardened concrete. Thus It is possible to use the Eco-friendly
the careful proportioning and mixing of material in INDIA. For the smart cities
ENSURING WATER QUALITY the ingredients place very important the use of pervious concrete will be suit-
role to get the desired work ability for able, specifically for parking lots,
Potable water quality standards must the fresh concrete and the required pedestrian ways in the green spaces,
be maintained irrespective of any type durability and strength of hardened morning walks in rural areas. The roads
of source of supply. If the municipal concrete. around the houses in rural and even in
water supply is not meeting with the urban areas could be successfully con-
desired standard of the potable water, Pervious concrete is different from the structed in pervious concrete and sur-
it is recommended by GRIHA (Criterion conventional concrete. It is defined as facing inside the compound can be
2fi) that additional relevant treatment “no fines concrete”. The pervious con- made with pervious concrete. The
must be given and desired quality of crete mix contains very little or practi- objective however should be to
potable water must be supplied to the cally no fine aggregate. It is a mixture of improve the ground table. There are sys-
end users. cement paste which forms a thick coat- tems where un-compacted gravel
ing on coarse aggregates. crushed stone porous paving blocks or
The standard to be followed are BIS 10 pervious concrete block are used to con-
500-1991 standards. This standard is Compared with the conventional con- struct walk ways or parking lots where
applicable in India and is based on crete proportions, proportioning pervi- the traffic is light. This helps in allowing
World Health Organization (WHO) stan- ous concrete mixture must have better storm water runoff recharging the
dard and has been a mended subse- control on batching all the ingredients ground water table.
quently to take care of Total Dissolved necessary to produce the desired
Solids (TDS), hardness and chlorides. results. CONCLUSION

PERVIOUS PAVING SYSTEM USING Aggregate grading used in pervious The prime objective of this article is to
stress the need for conservation of
water especially on the World Water
Day, highlight the various technologies
available for implementing water effi-
ciency. This article also empathize on
construction of green building and
adopting practices of water efficient,
energy efficient, material efficient and
indoor environment. The several tech-
nologies discussed in the present article
have been successfully put into practice
for saving water. Many nations have
adopted policies of green building to
conserve water and reducing the use of
natural resources. Protecting the exist-
ing sources of freshwater is most essen-
System for storm water run-off tial for avoiding crisis of water in future.

Constrofacilitator • June 2020 24

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